HomeMy WebLinkAbout1505 GRADY PL; ; CB013003; PermitCity of Carlsbad •· 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 09-18-2001 Miscellaneous Permit Permit No:CB013003 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: 1505 GRADY PL CBAD MISC Subtype: REROOF Status: ISSUED 09/18/2001 JM 09/18/2001 09/18/2001 Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: Project Title: Applicant: 2070215100 $8,149.00 NELSON -REROOF 2900 SF LITE TILE ICBO#4660 SCHOTT ROOFING INC 225 E CARMEL STREET #1 SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 619-7 44-6450 Lot#: 0 Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: Owner: NELSON LARRY D&SANDRA D 1505 GRADY PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 0146 09/18/01 0002 01 02 CGP 153,D0 Total Fees: $153.00 Total Payments To Date: $0.00 Balance Due: $153.00 Miscelaneous Fee #1 Miscelaneous Fee #2 Additional Fees PERMIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES lnspector:;t,Af t.~ FINAL APPROVAL Date: fo/otf/t1/ • I $153.00 $0.00 $0.00 $153.00 Clearance: _____ _ NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "lmpositionn of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Ca~sbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which 11ou have nrevious111 been niven a NOTICE similar to this. or as to which the statute of limitations has nreviouslv otherwise exnired. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT APPLICATION PLAN CHECK No.6231/3::ri:5 ,CITY ,OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 EST. VAL. _________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit ________ _ Validated ev7fJA,q// • Date --=il-Y(61 8u1ln111 Name lat this 1ddre11) 51{)() Lot No. 8ubdfvl1lon N1m1/Numb11 Unit No. Phase No. Total I of unit• Exlotlng ;ft rv Ptopo,ed UH lof StorlH I of Bedroom, I of B1throom1 Nam• 3, N1m1 Addr111 D Agent for Contractor -) 4. PROYERTY OWNER I I ~v, d 1 f uQJ .SfY" Name I. CONTRACTOR • COMPANY NAME City State/Zip Telephone I FH II City Slate/Zip C-1 C/XX) State/Zip tSec. 7031.6 Bu•lnes• and Prof1•1lon1 Code: Any City or County which requlrH I permit to con•truct, alter, lmp,ove, demollah or repair any 1tructur1, prior to Ill l1w1nc1, •110 requlrH the eppllcant for such permit to file • algnff 1t1t1m1nt that he 11 licensed pur1u1nt to the provl1lon1 of ihe Contr1ctor'1 LlcenH Law IChtpter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Dlvl1lon 3 of the lualnHa tnd ProfeHlon1 Codel or thet he 11 ••empt therefrom, and the bHlt for th• aHeged exemptlo~A"iy viola ion. Se n 7031_.:!. by any applicant fo, a "'mlt subject, the a pllcant_ to I natty of not more than !L. va hundred dolle,a lt500U. _,;(f -I.,)~ " ,L, C1 • )() t/• •::£1 Name City State/Zip Telephone I State License I--~~~~~---UcanH CIH1 -'"'-'=-'-------City lualnH1 UcanH I cJ Lj-_j;5efc) · DHlgner Name AddraH City Stale/Zip Telephone State UcanH I _________ _ I. WORKIII•' COMPIN.ATION Workers' Compen11tion D1cl1r•tlon: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the fonowlno declar1tlon1: 0 I have and will malnteln • certificate of conHnt to aelf•ln1ure t« workers' compenHllon H provided by Section 3 700 of the labor Coda, for the performance of the work for which this permit It Issued. ~ I have and will m1tnt1ln workers' compen11tlon, 11 rtqulred by Sacllon 3 700 of the Labor Coda. for the performance of the work for which this permit Jt i11ued. My worker'a "._Of"pan11tlon Insurance c rler and po y numbtr are: , , / / lnou,onco Compony Vi. I , ) , Polley NoWC 4 · QC, 7:) 58'0 Expiration 0110 /; / /0 L ITHIS SECTION NEED NOT IE COMPLETED IF THI PERMIT IS FOR ONI HUNDRED OOLLARl 1•1001 DR lEBSI r• 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certily that In th• performance of th• work for which this permit 11 Issued, I 1hall not employ 1ny pe,aon In 1ny manner so 11 to become subject to th• Workers' Compenutlon lawa of California. WARNING: Falh#e to aeou,e worke,a' compantallon cov1r191 11 unlewful, and •hall 1ubJae1 an employtr to crimln1I penalties end civil ffnH up 10 one hundred thout•nd doNera r• 100,0001, In addition to the COit of compan11tlon, dam11•1 •• provided for In Section 3708 of the Labor code, lnte,111 and 1Hom1y's faH. SIGNATURE_____________________________ DATE ________ _ 7. OWNER•IUILOER Olct.ARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor'• llc1n1• Law for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employ1•1 with w1get II their Iola comp1n11tlon, will do the work and the 1tructu1a It not intended or offered for 1111 I Sec. 7044, Buslne11 and Profa11lon1 Coda: The Contractor'• Lfcense Law do•• not apply to an owner of property who bulld1. or lmprovaa th•reon, and who do11 such work hlmsltff or through hi• own amployeH, provided that such lmproyementl are not Intended or offered for Hie. If, however, the buildtng or Improvement 11 sold within one veer of completion, the ownar·bul1der wHI have the burden of proving that ha did not buHd or Improve for the purpoH of Hie). D I, 11 owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with tlcannd contractors to construct the proJact CSec. 7044, Bu1ln11I' and ProfHtlom Code: The Contractor's llcanH law do11 not apply to an owner of property who builds or improvH thereon, and contracts tor such projectl with contractorfsl llcanead pursuant to the Contractor'• llcen18 Law). 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Buslna11 and Prole11lon1 Code for this r•11on: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and m•tarl•I• for con1tructlon of the propotad property Improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I fhave I have notl tlgnid an 1ppllcatlon for• bulldlng p•rmll for the propotad work, 3. I have contracted with the following pa,aon Cflrml to provide the propotad conttructlon llncluda n1m1 I 1ddra11 / phone number / contractort llcanH numbart: 4. I plall to provide portions ol the wo,k. but I have hired the following p1r1on to coordinate, 1uparvlta and pro~d• the major work Uncluda neme / addr•II / phone number I contr•c1ora lic•nH number):. _____________________________________________ _ 6. I will provide eome of the work, but I have contracted lhlradJ the totlowlng person, to provide the work Indicated !include name/ 1ddrat1 / phone number/ type ol workl: ________________________________________________________ _ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE _____________________ _ DATE ________ _ CDMPLITI THI• IICTION FOR NON-RESIOENnAI. IIUILOING PIRMIT• OM. V I• th• •ppllcant or future bullcffng occupanl requlriad to submit • bu1lna .. plan, acucaly hHardou1 mat•rlala regf1t1•tlon fo,m or risk management and prevention program under Saetlons 26606, 26633 or 26634 of the Pr•1lay.T1nnar HaHrdous Sub1t1nca Account Act1 0 YES O NO 11 the applicant or future bulldlng occupant required 10 obtain • parmlt from the air pollution control dl1trfct or air QUllitv man•gament district 1 0 VES O NO 11 the faclllty to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer bound•ry of• 1chool 11ta1 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE'YES. A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAV Nor IE ISSUED UNLEII THI APPLfCANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING T~E REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ANO THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. S. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is I construction landing 191ncy for the performance of the work for which this permit It l11u1d ISac. 3097fil Civil Codel. LENDER'S NAME ______________ _ 9. APPLICANT CIRTIFICATION LENDER'S ADDRESS _______________________ _ I certify that • hav• r11d the appllcttlon •nd atata thet the above Information It correct ind thH th• lnform•tlon on the plans Is accurate .. I 1gr11 to comply with an City ordln1nc11 and State l1w1·ra11ting to building construction. I hereby authorize rapr11ent1tlv11 of the Cltt of C11l1b1d to enter upon the above mentioned property for Inspection purpo1•1. I ALSO AORII TO IAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLIII THI CITY OF CARLSBAD AOAINIT ALL LIABILITIEI, JUDGMENTS, COSTS ANO EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUI AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSIOUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT, OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for exc1vatlona over 1•0• dHp and damotftlon or construction of 1tructur•1 over 3 1torl11 In halght. EXPIRATION: Every permll ll1ued by the bulldln •I under the provkllona of this Codi ahllN expire by HmnaHon and become nun and void If the buHdlng or work aulhorfzed by such permit Is no, commenced day1 trom Iha dale of • mil or If lhe bulldfng or work authorized by such permll It suspended or abandoned at any time attar lhe work Is COfflmence r a p of 180 daya Ion 1 eJ. APPLICANT"& &IONATURE __ ..{..c:-~/2":.(~:;,c,~t:::-,::;.l,c::C,d!~,.,t~::::_ ______ _ DATE _r~-=_,_/-"'[j_-_0-+f--- PINK: Finance m //Ob &-& City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 10/03/2001 Permit# CB013003 Title: NELSON • REROOF 2900 SF Description: LITE TILE ICBO#4660 Type:MISC Sub Type: REROOF Job Address: 1505 GRADY PL Suite: Lot 0 Location: APPLICANT SCHOTT ROOFING INC Inspector Assignment: RCB Phone: 7607446450 Inspector: /? Cf!> Owner: NELSON LARRY D&SANDRA D REVOCABLE TRUST 03-09-01 Remarks: Total Time: CD Description 19 Final Structural Associated PCRs Inspection History Date Description 09/20/2001 13 Shear Panels/HD's 09/20/2001 15 Roof/Reroof Act Comments Ill Act lnsp Comments WC RC Requested By: TERRY Entered By: CHRISTINE AP RC OK TO COVER ,ti •. ,. . . ""!!'j ~ ~'-' .. . " . ··., •·.· .. ·· ... . CtlY OF CARLSBAD ... ~-·· ·}~:-.. ~ ~ SUPPLEMEITAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ·roR REROOFIHG ,JOB ADDRESS I 1)0 6 ~ p I . TYPE OF BUILDING: RESI~ COMRCIAL -- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ROOF SLOPE: RISE Lf inches in 12 inches TYPE OF EXISTING ROOF COVERING ?-,/TllrJ SHEATHING ~¼04.f . NtltBER OF,EXISTIIG ROOF COVERINGS (circle ione 1 -2· 3 NEW ROOF MA~RIAI. L~'\:,* \V:& ,p}v:UJ.ASS___ EIGKT PER SQUARE 53V *6. 7. 8. 9. NUMBER OF SQUARES clj _ liil A_ _ _· c"" 1 .,, TRADE NAME ZO(;Qg )1 Q; /.fa:}t ~~FA~R._£~cl.a"""V\....X.....-=-~--- ROOF SYSTEM APPROVAL · -~ Ko. ____ ·: of~-4 ~/t,;f 1D. IS THE EXISTING STRUCl\JRAL DESIGN SUFFICIENT TO,_SUSTAIN THE WEIGHT OF THE PROPOSED.,ROOF . YES ~ NO. . . , __ , . ·: •~,-;,,,. If the answer is no, a roof plan 11111st be provided with this application. 11. Fire rating of roof: Class A A Class B __ _ I understand the following inspections are required: 1. Tear Off/Pre-inspection prior to installing new roof covering. 2. Final Inspection ' . '· !, '. . , . ,, '. •,, '\'' ·. I agree to provide a ladder extending at least 2 ·rungs above.the·roof for inspection. ··_ .. i;, '· •r Co~~r~~tcir ~ Owner __ _ Contracto~;·N;~: ;~, Sttib:: t±_::: /&ofi,v:3.J4J::_ . . . . . . ·. ··.·•.,:;¼•··. *6 -· Rolled Roofing, Tile, Shake. Shingle, Asphalt/Comp Fibe1"9lass, Built up .. . ·.;.. -~·' . . '·,, ~:·.,. ,,: ·•. ) ·' ' .,,,fl.