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1525 FARADAY AVE; 320; CB080949; Permit
City of Carlsbad 05-22-2008 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Commercial/Industrial Permit. Permit No: CB080949 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-~?.725 Job Address: 1525 FARADAY AV CBAD St: 320 Permit Type: Tl Sub Type: Parcel No: 2121302700 Lot #: Valuation: $50,000.00 Construction Type: Occupancy Group: Reference #: Project Title: WILINX-412 SF OFFICE TO OFFICE INDUST 0 2A Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Appre;,;,ed: lss!.ied: Inspect ~rea: Plan Check#: ISSUED 05/20/2008 RMA 05/22/2008 05/22/2008 Applicant: Owner: PACIFIC BUILDING GROUP STE 150 9752 ASPEN CREEK CT SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 858-552-0600 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD#2 Fee BTD#3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee $386.25 $0.00 $251.06 $0.00 $0.00 $10.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.ciO $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 NEWPORT NATIONAL/CORNERSTONE LL C C/O SCOTT BRUSSEAU NEWPORT NATL 1525 FARADAY AVE #100 CARLSBAD CA 92008 Meter Size - Add'I Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWA Fee CFO Payoff Fee PFF (3105540) PFF (4305540) License Tax (3104193) License Tax (4304193) Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) PLUMBING TOTAL .. ELECTRICAL TOTAL .. ·· MECHANICAL TOTAL -:· Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Redev Parking Fee Additional Fees HMP Fee TOTAL PERMIT FEES ····· •,; I. Total Fees: $831.81 Total Payments To Date: $831.81 Balance Due: Inspector: l;J.~NS -ATTACHED ~(\e.l) Clearance: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $160.00 $24.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ?? $831.81 $0.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE at a roval of your project includes the "Imposition" f fees, dedications, reservations, ~r other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions.' You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020{a), and file the protest and any other required \~formation with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will barony subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water nnd sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which ou have reviousl been iven a NOTICE similar to this or as to whi h the statute of limitations-has reviousl otherwise ex ired. Cits, of ·Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 060-602-2717 / 2718 / 2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Building Permit Application JOB ADDRESS /.S.25 Fc;{YLA-V''V'-IY' CT/PROJECT# -00 # OF UNITS # BEDROOMS OCC. GROUP EXISTING USE PATIOS (SF) y DECKS (SF) ,e, FIREPLACE YES D #_ NO,E:(' AIR CONDITIONING YES ti NOD FIRE SPRINKLERS YESA NOD CONTACT NAME (If Different Fom Applicant) ADDRESS CITY STATE PHONE FAX EMAIL fSec. 7031.5 Business and Profession Code: Any City or Countx which requires a permit icensed _P.11rsuant to the provisions of the Contractor's license law {Chapter 9, co Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil ZIP Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penally of perjury one of the following declarations: ZIP qa...075 e.. Go ZIP D I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. J>?f. I have and will maintain workers' comp_ensation,, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Co. o<v( Rep C--1.b Iii::.-eievt.e\rlil-l 111~ a,,.,..rovi:..'t~ Policy No. Al Cg: ?;bMQSoZ-Expiration Date g,( ( ( 0 ~ This section r ~ad not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less. D Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Fai!ure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, dama es as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. _g CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE ~-.>,-7 _ (b;ifr-.,.._e;T°,::>r DATE :!!f,. Zc::J-0 &' I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's License Law for the following reason: O I, as owner of the properly or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply lo an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). O I, as owner of the properly, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors lo construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contraclor(s) licensed pursuant lo the Contractor's License Law). O I am exempt under Section ____ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan lo provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed properly improvement. 0 Yes O No 2. I (have/ have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) lo provide the proposed construction (include name address/ phone/ contractors' license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name/ address/ phone/ coplractors' license number): 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have conlracled (hired) the following persons lo provide the work indicated (include name/ address /phone/ type of work): _g PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Aci? 0 Yes O No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 Yes O No Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feel of the outer boundary of a school site? D Yes O No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. Lender's Name Lender's Address I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree t6 comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. l,l1ereby authorize representative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA pennit is required for excavations over 5'0' deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or worl< authorized by such pemiit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such pennil or if the building or worl< authorized by such pennil is suspended or abandoned at any time after the wail< is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Unifonn Building Coae). _g APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ~-DATE 5. 2.,0. c>b _ City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 06/03/2008 Permit# CB080949 Title: WILINX-412 SF OFFICE TO OFFICE Description: Type:TI Job Address: Sub Type: INDUST 1525 FARADAY AV Suite: 320 Lot: 0 Location: APPLICANT PACIFIC BUILDING GROUP Owner: EMERALD LAKE CORPORATE CENTRE LL C Remarks: final at the 3rd floor c:::::::: :::? Total Time: CD Description Act Comments 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Com merits/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# lns12ection Histo[Y Date Description Act lnsp Comments 05/30/2008 84 Rough Combo AP PY T-BAR 05/28/2008 17 Interior Lath/Drywall AP PY 05/27/2008 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding AP PY 05/27/2008 24 Roughrropout AP PY 05/27/2008 34 Rough Electric AP PY Inspector Assignment: PY --- Phone: 8589670862 Inspector: ---- Requested By: MARK Entered By: CHRISTINE CIIV Of Carlsbad · Final B1lldln1 1ns1ec111n Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite ~ Plan Check#: Permit#: CB080949 Project Name: WILINX-412 SF OFFICE TO OFFICE Address: 1525 FARADAY AV #320 Contact Person: MARK Phone: 8589670862 Water Dist: CA Sewer Dist: CA Date: 06/03/2008 Permit Type: Tl Sub Type: IN DUST Lot: 0 .......................................................................................................................................................... ~;pected}) p Date { · J 0 1nspected:l,tS' Oo Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Comments: ______________________________ _ jc,=RTIFJCATE OF COM,PLIANCE (Part 1 of 2) MECH-1-C f PROJECT .N"AME DATE Suite 300 Emerald Lake T.l 5/16/2008 PROJ,ECT APPRE$S 1525 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad PRJNClP Al DESIGNER,. MECHANICAL . TEI.EPHONE Greater San Di~go Air Conditioning Co+ Inc (619) 469~7818 I,. l DOCUMENTATJON AUTHOR Greater San Diego Air Conditioning Co. Inc. TELEPHONE (619) 469-7818 . Ch~/iib)'.IOattr . ', ~1]fqrcerri~ntA@n2i'. · L GENERAL IN ORMATION DA TE OF PLANS BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA 04/23/08 CLIMATE ZONE 78sq.Ft 7 BUILDING TYPE IX] NONRESIDENTIAL D HIGH RISf RESIDENTIAL D HOTEI-IMOrnt.. GU~ST ROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION D NEW CONSTRUCTION D ADDlilON [Z] ALTERATION D UNCONPm0NED {File Affid:iivtt) METHOD OF MECHANICAL COMPLLA.NCE [ZJ PRESCRIPTIVE 0 PERFORMANCE PROOF OF ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE PREVIOUS ENVEL.OPE PERMIT O ENVELOPE COMPLIANC.E ATTACHED STATEM.ENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specmcations needed to comply with Title :24, Parts 1 and 6 ofthe California Code of Regulations, This certfficate applies only to building mecoanical requirements, The docurn·entat1on preparer hereby certifies that the documentation is accura OOCUMENTATJON AUTHOR SIGNATURE V The Principal Mechanical Deslglief hereby certifies that the propo u ing desfgn represented in this set of construction documents Is consistent with the other compllance forms and workshee s1 with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. The propose-cl building has been designed to meet the mechanical requirements contained in the applicable parts of Sections 100, 101, 102, 110 througM 15, 120 through 125, 142, 144, and 145. 0 The plans & speclllcatlons meet tile requirements of Part 1 (Sec1!ons 10--10la). 0 The installallon cerlfficates meet the requirements of Part 1 {10-103a 3), D The operation & maintenance information meets the requirements of Part 1 {10-1030). Please check one: (These se,cUonsoflhE!' Business and PtofM;slons Code are printed In full In the Nonresldential Manual,) D l hereby affirm,1ha[ l arn eligible u~or the provisions .or Dlvl~n 3 of the Busln~s a~ Prof~slons 9°de to sign this _doou~l as the person responsible for Its preparaoon; and that I am licensed 1n the state of Cslrfomt$ a5' a CfYi! engineer, or rnechani~l engmeer or t am a licensed architect. rr/ I affirm Iha! I am eligible undat the c,ixemp1ion 10 Dilllskm 3 of1he Business and Professions Code by Section 5537 .2 or 6737 .3 to ~n L)l this document as the person Jesponslble for Its preparation: and that I am a licensed contractor performing this work, 0 I affirm that I am eligible underthE exempoon lo Division 3 oftne Business El!ld Fn:if~s · ni;. Coo~ to sign th.is d«:umen, be.bausa It pertams to a ~ructi.rre or type Qf WP~ deserib~ pursuanl lo Business and Profes~o~s Coda sectl 553 S . and 6737 .1. INSTRUCTIONS 'TO APPUCANT l:&l MECH-1-C: Certificate of Comptiance. Part 1, 2, 3 of 3 are required on plans for all s-ubmittals. [gJ MECH~2-c. A1r/Water/Service/Water Pools Requirements. Part i of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3 are required for all submittals, but may be on • plans. IB! MECH-3-C: Mechanical Ventifallon and Reheat ls required for all submittals With mechanical ventilation, but may be on plans. rZ< MECH-4-0: HVAC Misc. Prescriptive Requirements Is required for an presc;:tiptlve submfttals, but may be on plans. 0 MECH-5-O: Mechanical Equipment Details are required for all performance submittals. EnergyPre; 4.3 by EnergySolt User Number; 6272 Job Number, Page:1 of 5 JcERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 2 of 2) MECH-1-C l PROJECT NAME · Suite 300 Emerald Lake T.J Designer: DATE 5/16/2008 This form is lo be use<l by the da$igner and attached to the plans. Listed belO'IV are all the a,zcepfance tests for mechanical systems. The designer is required to check the boxes by :all aceeptanee tests that apply and Dst all equipment that re,qulras an acceptance test. If a!I equipment of a certain type requires a test. list the equipment QeSCription .iru;l the nurn~r qf syst!alms lo ba tested ln p.iranthesas. The NJ number deslgnates the Section In the Appendfx of the Nonresidential ACM Manual that des¢ribes the l.e$t. A1$0 indicale !he person responsibla for parformlng the !ecsts (I.e. lhe Installing contractor, design professional 01 an agent selected by tha owoer). Sll'lce lh!s form will be part of the plaris, comple!ion ofthls section will allow the responsible party to budget for the so;;>pe of work approprialely. Building Departments: SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE. B~fore an occupancy permit is granted for a newly constructed bui[ding or spare, or a new space-conditioning system serving a bu~d~ or space is opera_te<! fur normal use, all control devices ~rvlng the building or space shall be certiiied as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compflance, In addition a Certiicate of Acceptance, MECH-1-A Fl)rrn $hall be $Ubmluad to ~ building department that certifies plans, specifications, installation certificates. and ooarallno and maintenance informa!lon meet the-reouirements of Section 10-103(b) arid Tille 24 Part 6. STATEMENT o·F COMPLIANCE I~ MECH-2-k Ventilation System Acceptance Documont -Variab~ Air Volume Systems Outdoor Alr Acceptance -Conslant Air VolL!me Systams Outdoor Air Adtance Ce~ Equipment requiring acceptance testing __.F~~ -.<:))-\ - Test ~d tlll ttl/ />le-w sys.\!lms-bot/JN&lil Consvuctron arl/1 lieJroi'll ~ECH-3-A: Pae'liaged HVAC Systems Acceptance Document qulpment requiring accepfanoe tesling F:?p --cup GwfU(&?~ Tesr raqv/r9<i on a» Newsys/91t!8 bol!I New ~r:i MdJl.>lrofir. OMECH-4-A;Air-Side Economizer Acceptanoe 00¢Vmerit Equlpment requiring acceptance testrng TestroQllired-011aQN611fsyslemsWlhN6WCMstnlcJJonflflflfl1Jtrofit, UnJh; wllll s~~ r/1;;1/M.>/r.JstiJffeJd ;itfrxi f?,;w:ylJil(f m'iml'!iwith Iha com,r:l'S;SiM © /lo.! f8Ql!Ve fi'!lvlPm!!f!l 18St/nl;) bu/. W 18QJl/r9-00/ISll"l,IC/,\:m /mp,;,r,P'M, ---- 0 MECH·5-A: Air Distribution Acceptance Oo~ment Equipment ~uirlng acceptance trtsllng r T/:/1:;/Q,;t~ Jf/h!, um? -$',5,000 f/2.bl /;patiH11'~ttit11tf 25% Of lYIClf, o!t/J&,1/JX;l~e,,e fnf/OllCOfldiff00&/10l'S!illlit:oo~spt,C6ii'if~ BG e/Jk;_ New sy.su,ms that mellt lhe .aboVB ~l'IIB. Ravo/It sysl!1ms th8t me&.! 1'/.1!1 aoove ro~rs eoo e,1!1;,sr exklnd dLl;,ls, rop,'"""' <l't.lt:!s i;;- fBP,'ace l'1e J>8C/W,..J9r/ Uri/t. 0 MECH-6-A: Demand Contror Ventilation Acceptance Document ~ Equipment requiring acoeptance testing _ .All new DCV ro11vols.l!?slat\9ff oo 001r ore'Xistmg pec/1.sgad 8j8/Bmr, musl./Je /&&'ad: 0 MECH-7-A: Supply Fan Variable Flow Control Accep~nee POC!iment f;quipment raqui1fag a¢eaptanoo mstlng A/( Dllll" VAV fj11) ~ wtir,,;is /r)~'(,/J o,:, npw~ w:i!<lih_; ~.t/i!m!;l'lll/Sll» l~s.¼lo' D MECH--8-A: ~Hydronfo System Conlrol A<:oeptMoe Doc1.1rrwnt -Variable Flow Conlrols Ap{J»bt. !'1 chil1¢d ilrld.l!OI J/¥l!!IN' ,$'fs/em1< -Automatic Isolation Controls Appi/es/lJ Q9WboJ/ersemJClliJJ9fSend11'18.P(/m&,")'/lt»l'lPS f1f8 coooecmdtoecomrr,:mhoooor. -SupplyWaterTemperature Re$el Controls .llp,r,,\'f<S IQ mw,r-00srMr f,'Ow c1/l,Yrxf 1200 !xx w,;,rt:Y ~~ vi..1f /)JJ\ll/, ~ fi%'gri -r-."1'fll1o~ygr;,,1t<;,,• lh,im or PP Isl $W.()OQ .erti,t,-. -Wafer-loop Heat Pump Conlrols .App/ir,~ lb~/( r>(lw Wll!l/,r}(,ap /lt>lltpwr,r, sy,'/e.rr,s,.11ere /Ju> romb.½f>o' Jr,op p!>11¥J~ ltl'e p,&&l9t I/JIM 5 hp. -Variable Frequency Controls Applies la tiD ,.,.,,,. .,i;sW!nJ!i:I~ pr.ur~tctt "~· $.,,~ r.cw dxl(;;a, 1~'*' 11w.. {X)ll';P w cooolllm<ll\'llM~ms wnero t/Ja /J~/00/.ors we !;1"31'1Wfbail 5 /!P, EQui;:.iment requirioo· .acceplai!lC$ !as.tinig Enersy?ro 4,3 b~' EnergySott UE>er N1,1mber: v272 Job Number. PSg(l2 of 5 ' ! ~JR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS P~OJl:CT NAME · Suite 300 Emerald _Lak:e T.l }sYSTEM FEATURES ITEM OR SYSTEM TAG(S) Number of Systems MANDATORY MEASURES Heating Equipment Efficiency Cooiing Equipment Efficiency He,at P1.m1p Ttierm~tat Furnace Controfs Natural Ventllatlon Minimum Ventilation VAV Minim!Jm Po$itir;m Control Dem1m<I Co:rrtrr:>l V~nti!ruJon Time Control :Setback arid Sotup Control Outdoor Damper Control Isolation Zones Pipe Insulation Di.Jc;t Insulation PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Heating Capi!city -,. 1.43 2 ?roposed Heating Capacity Z Ca!~Jate4 S!a!nsible Cooling Cap.ic1ty x 1.21:i ?roposed Sansible Cooling Capaclty 2 Fan Control DP S~!T!sor CLo~tiort Suppl_y Pressure Reset {DOC only) SimuJtaneovs H~at/Cool Economlzer He;itlng Alr $upply Reset Cooling Air Supply Resat Duct Sealing for Proscrlptlve Complfancl T-24 Section 112(a) 112fa) 112(b) 112(ci, 115<a) 121(b) 1;21(b) 121{c) 121(c) 121(c), :!66(§.) 122fo) 122lfl ~) 123 ' 124-I 144 fa &b\ 144 (a &b) 144 (a &b) 144{a &b~ 144 (c) 144(c) 1.dd re) 144 (d} 144 (e) 1.44tfl 144 (fJ 144 {'k.) Part 1 of 2 MECH·2·CI .. !DATE, 5/16/2008 AIR SYSTEMS, Central or Single Zoo~ ClJ.1 1 •.. Raferanca on Plans or Spe,clflcatlon 1 n/a 1 0.0 SEER / 9.1 'EER n/~ nfa Y~s .. . 12cfm No No Pm..-irammable Switch No Selback Required Auto nra R-4.2 578 btuh Obtuh 25 881 bt-uh ' 25202btuh Constant Volume I Yes I No No Economizer Constant Temp Consiant Temp No 1: For. each ~ntral and $Ing¾, :zooe 11!:raystemt> {org:oupof aimllar unifs) flll In the refa=to soost Pl.Imber aoo/or spaclfica6on ,se:::tioo and paragraph 001nbarwhere lbs raqulra(I features are documenled. If e reqoiramenf is no!. applicable. pol "NIA•· in the 6olumn. .2: Not requ,;red for Jlydronlc heal!ng ;:md CQOII~. Either enler a \'Blue hare, or pl.Ii In re~ ot plans and ~tons p.irfootnote 1. 3: Enter Ya6 ff System is: Constant Volume, Single Zona; Serves< 5,000 sqlt Has > 25% duct in ur'IGtJooilioned space, Duct SM ling is requiroo fOI:' P:rescripliwi COrnpiiance, :see PERF-1 for performance method duct ~ling requirements. iNOTES10 FIELD ft For §yilding,Deeactmeot,.Use Only; ,i':' t . EnergyPro 4.3 by Ern;.,rgySoft Us.er Number: 6272 Job Number: Pags:3of5 !MECHANICAL VENTILATION MECH-3-CI ?ROJECT NAME Suite 300 Emerald lake T.l MECHANICAL VENTILATION {Section 121fbl21 AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS A 6 C 0 _e F G ~ fl) n ,Q -r:r l!: z -:t>g C "'O C: "'O ,......o~ I» "c C') itrl-< s· CJ) 3 C!J"t:I C? fnn : 0 ... ~ io"'rl :x ~C') 0-i;r ;,a CJ) ,, >< n 0 'Tl C --=~ "Ill .. ;: "l:111) 0 ., 3: -nl: "II og 'Tl -... ZONEISYSTEM 0 0 -:= CJ) a :, ._,"fil i5: ::s 0 ::s ... ,... .. Zone 1 SERVER n {), 15 12 .. cu~1 Total I l I I .. I I I I I I I I 'i . I . . I -I ., - - C lMlnl!Ulm 'l!ln111Blion. m111 DW Sllction \21. i9~e 121-A . H I ::0 < B:e2J Cl CJ) C '"11 a~ 0 i:,, • .. x 0 s: ;.IQ ss.:c:: _:, ., > 12 121 12 12 I I l DATE 5/16/2008 PRESCRIPTIVE REHEAT LIMITATION (Section 144{d)) VAVMINIMUM j K L M N~ ;,_O 0 ~ g~ 0 0 2. .,,tc ., ES: Ch~ 011> 0 == II> IQ c..o::s l);I -;::, .,, Cl) .... iii'>< O::, X 'g ~ :Ct: C J:I 0 01110 "t:111> -~ 5"5' "1:1 Ill 0 ::t .... ~ ..... ><t "Tl• :i,. s:.c.... ::;' l I I E lBa~d oo ffKEod s-e~ -orlh11 graate, cf lh~ ilX""""'d 11t1mb..-Qf ,x,:;vp.ilf1W i,,ii;! a!!O¼-Qf 1h11 CSC:=ip;rn looli:flll: Qarl'A'. ourcll"\1~ far s~'"""wnhcut :fixed saa6ng. IR&euirM Voolilalionl\lr fREQ'.D V .Ai i:s 1lle larl)!lr or lhs venUlallon r.a!Bs ,caf~ood on .and AREA or O""'...CUPANCY BASIB icoluIM Dor $), -Ji I h,iust b9' or111l1er llloo or eous11o H. VI.ISB' in>r!ITT8r A)[foolum~ lfl to m,~11 oo ih~ !llfro~r,;,o. J joeisil:n ran.wl)ll{y crm lF-&n CFMl x 30%: er. I( jcooomon 2tea (P. s~.):,: 04 elm/Its~..: oc .. -L IMa;,:1mOmcrco1L"'1ns H,J, K. orsoo ~ M t11>1s 1mmt b& less IJlao or llQUal k> Coll>'lll' L ;,r,d ar1ml8' ltl,I or ~11;,ill to JI>(, $\ltn <:I CQlumns H + N. N Tri.Ul~fw ;iiri!1"1;1$lbQpre',ir;!O(lwl>llre liJi, Rl.lquiredVenlillUcnAir{OQlooin I) i!:i)reater Illar.the Design Minimum Alr{ooh,,r.n M}. ¼here rJ!quired, ll'oo!!lar elf musi ba 9re1m,r 11\sn c.-ec,uel to ih~,difk.>rcl)l;c l11;,wcQO !hi,c Ri,qui,,,d¼nliJ~;n Aif (eQlumn I) ~n~ 111.1: D~t,t, Minim!Jln Air (ttil..mn M}, oollltlll'I H • M. ... -· --EoorgyPro 4.3 by EnergySofi Us~ Number: ·6272 JDbNomber. Pa29:4 of 5 N fl ~ Cb' .... ~ .. I ! I l .c jM,EC~ANI_CAL ~lZING AND FAN POWER . MECH .. 4-C I PROJ~CT NAME Suite 300. Emerald l,.ake T.l SYSTEM NAME CU-1 !FAN POWER CONSUMPTION A C D E 1DATf I s11s12oos !FLOOR AREA 78 F I FAN DESCRIPTION B DESIGN I aRAKE HP I EFFICIENCY NUMBER OF FANS PEAKWATTS I Bx E .x 746 f (C X D)1 MOTOR DRIVE Supply Fan I o.12sl 55.0% 100.0% 1.0 .. H § .. Total Adjustmonts . -. --' --·---. . . FILTER PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT EQUATION '1} TOTAL ,FAN SYSTEM POWER (Watts, Sum Column F) 144-A A} If !liter pr$ssllre drop ls 9realer than 1 Inch W .C. enter 2) SUPPLY Ol;SlQN AIRFl-OW (CFM) 3) TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER INDEX (Row 1/Row 2)1 fitter pressure drop. SPa on line 4 and Total Fan pressure SPf on Line 5. 41SPa B} Calculate Fan Adjustment and enter on Line 6. SISPf IC) Calculate Adjusted Fan Power Jndex :and enter on Line 7. 6) fan Adjustment;;;:: 1-!SPa • 1)/SPf l 7) .ADJUSTED FAN POWER INDEX (Line 3 x Line ,J>1 1. TOTALF.AN SYSTEM POWi:R INDEX-c< A'DJUS.TED FAN POWER INDEX must net lll(0300 0,8 W.lcf.m tor Oonslant Volume ~ems or 1.1li Wkifm fwVAV ~mis, ITEM or SYSTEM TAG(S) • r .. 24 PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Section Capacity Exception Notes Electric Resistance Heatfng 1 144 (a) Heat Rejection System ~ 144 (h) Air Cooled Chlller Limltation $ 144 (i} 1. 'rota! Inst.ailed c.ipactty(Ml!tultx) of ahlBCbi~ hB!>t oo lhli: !)!$cl ,;i~chr.,l'l'O ¢ ,;!,;iciri:; ;,u~lli~ry hoirtf9r 1to;,t plJl'IJp;. I! cl~rK! l'lo;,i. i$ u,;{'!!, -,,xp'l:Jin Y.tli;:h cx.c.o6cn(,;) lo S,;,::lion[g) ~pply. 2, m oormllvi;ial f,m ~oollng tower.i; used PO lhls pn;j9:;l? {S~'YlW iir'Ni;i"J If ~1><1lT!fvg.11 f.(i CQO!lng '9w\l1" ;,,ro l1$9¢, IJ:!Pl~in wni¢h 11•,;o~ia) l;o $,;,::lien 1441N oppl~·- ·170 170 1,000 0.170 :i. rood lntlall&I Cfll)acil)' (1009) Df ah1a!f,; and eirrollloo ~le~ 11ndar1his pemntt. If !he.re are m~ 1rnln. ioo tons or alr-rooioo ct!lller 03Pil¢;)' lleJqg Installed, !Wll~ln wl!lr;h a-..wP11on!s} 11>:SE);ll:ln H~l)appty. Energy?10 4.3 b~· En;;rgySofi i i ·i I I I OFFICE USE ONLY H# _______ _ SAN DIEGO REGIONAL BP DATE -----''---'---SA/M ______ _ APCO ______ _ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS QUESTIONNAIRE Business Name Contact Person Telephone T i~X State Plan File# Site Address State Plan File#/PermltK 113.z.1? v. oA f'ABT I; FIRE DEPARTMENT· HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ;MANAGEMENT DIVISION; OCCUPANC~ CLASSIFICATION Indicate by circling the item, whether your business wlll use, process, or store any of the followlng hazardous materials. circled, applicant must contact the Fire Protection Agency witt, /urlsdlction prior to pla·n submittal, · If any of the items are 1. Explosive o,;Blasting Agents 4. Flammable Solids 7. Pyrophorics 1 o. Cryogenics 13. ·corrosives 2. Compressed Gases 5. Organic Peroxides B. Unstable Reactives 11. Hlgt,ly Toxic or Toxic Materials 14. Other Health Hazards 3. Flammable or Combustible Liquidl5 6. Oxidizers 9. Water Reectlves 12. Radioectlves PART 11; SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT Of ENVIRONMENTAL Hl;ALIH • HAZARDOUS MATI;B(ALS MANAGEMENT DIVISION lHMMO!; II the answer to any of the questions is ye_s, applicant must contact the County of S~n Diego Hazardous Materlals Management Division, t 265 lmperi11I Avenue, 3rd Floor, San Diego, CA 92101. Telephone (6191 338-2222 prior to the iss1:111nca of a butlding O CalARP Exempt department permit. · Date lnitiels FEES MAY SE REQUIRED Yes No 0 CalARP Required Date Initials 1. § i Is your business listed on the reverse side of this form? 2. WIii your business dispose of Hazardous Substences or Medical Wasta In eny emount7 3. Will your business store or handle Hazari:ious Substances In quantities equal to or greater than 56 gallons, (J CalARP Complete 500 pounds, 200 cubic feet or carcinogens/reproductive toxins In any quantity? Will your business use an existing or Install an underground storage tenk7 WIii your business store or handle Regulated Substences (CalARPI 7 Date Initials Will your. business use or Install e Hazardous Waste Tank S stem (Title 22, Article 101 Q If the answer to any of the questions Is yes, applicant must contact the Air Pollution Control District, 9160 Chesapeake Drive, San Diego, CA 92123. Telephone r (858) 650-4550 prior to the Issuance of a building department permit. YES ,W .... . . : 1. 0 IXJ WIil the Intended occupant lnatall or use any of the equipment listed on the Listing of Air-Pollution Control District Permit Categories, on the reverse side of this form? 2. 0 0 (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 1 IS YES.I WIii the subject raclllty be located wlthln-1;000 feet of the outer boundary of a school lK through 121 as listed In the current Directory of School and Community College Districts, published by the San Oiligo County Office of Education and the current California Private Sctiool Directory, compiled in accordance with provisions of Education Code Section 331907 3, Does the buildin or structure for which this ermlt ii; re uested contain an friable 11sbestos7 Briefly describe business activity and proposed pro/ect: :•, Name of Owner or Authorized Agent . ~v J;:b~ Signature of Owner or Authorized Agent Date ~ 'rpenaiy~f perjury that to the best of my knowledge and belief the responses made he FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION:,~ ___ ..._ _______________________ _ BY:, _________________ ..-________ __;;._ _____ Date:, ______________ _ EXEMPT OR NO FVRTHEA INFORMATION REQUIRED REI.EASED FOR 8Ull.OJN(j PERMIT eUT NOT FOR OCCUPANCY COUNT'r'-HMMO APCO COUNTY-HM MO Af>CO f'.ELEAScO FOR OCCU~ANCY COUNTY-HM MO APCO . County ol ~n Diego Department of-Environmentil Heallh I-