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1525 Faraday Ave; 350; CBC2017-0441; Recycle
^ NONRESIDENTIAL GREEN Development Services nf BUILDING CODE STANDARDS Building DivisionJ Ui MANDATORY MEASURES 1635 Faraday Avenue cKo r\ certification checklist 700-602-2719V^CliibUClU. B-52 www.carlsbadca.gov iTh/s form, sierted and completed, and all receipts for the recycled materials shall bd Submitted to the Building Inspector prior to Final Inspection. Site Development Mandatory 5.106.1 Storm water pollution prevention plan. For projects of one acre or less, develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that has been designed specific to its site, conforming to the State Storm water NPDES Construction Permit or local ordinance, whichever Is stricter, as is required for projects over one acre. The plan should cover prevention of soil loss by storm water run-off and/or wind erosion, of sedimentation and/or of dust/partlculate matter air pollution. (X) 5.106.4 Bicycie parking and changing rooms. Comply with Sections and; or meet local ordinance, whichever is stricter. Short-Term bicycle parking. If the project Is expected to generate visitor traffic, provide permanently anchored bicycle racks within 200 feet of the visitor's entrance, readily visible to passers-by, for 5 percent of visitor motorized vehicle parking capacity, with a minimum of one two- bike capacity rack. Long Term bicycle parking. For buildings with over 10 tenant-occupants, provide secure bicycle parking for 5 percent of tenant-occupied motorized vehicle parking capacity, with a minimum of one space. (X) (X) (X) Designated parking. Provide designated parking for any combination of low emitting, fuel-efficient and carpool/van pool vehicles as shown in Table 5.106.8 Light pollution reduction. Comply with lighting power requirements In the Califomia Energy Code and design interior lighting such that zero direct-beam illumination leaves the building site. Meet or exceed exterior light levels and uniformity ratios for lighting zones 1-4 as defined In Chapter 10 of the California Administrative Code, using the following strategies; (X) 1. Shield all exterior luminaries or use cutoff luminaries 2. Contain Interior lighting within each source 3. Allow no more than .01 horizontal foot candle 15ft. beyond the site 4. Contain all exterior lighting within property boundaries Exception: See part 2, Chapter 12, Section 1205.6 for campus lighting requirements for parking facilities and walkways. (X) (X) (X) (X) 5.106.10 Grading and paving. The site shall be planned and developed to keep surface water away from buildings. Construction plans shall Indicate how site grading or drainage system will manage all surface water flows. (X) Water Efficiency and Conservation Indoor Water Use 5.303.1 Meters. Separate meters shall be installed for the uses described In Sections 503.1.1 through 503.1.3. 5303.1.1 Buildings in excess of 50,000 square feet. Separate sub-meters shall be installed as follows: 1. For each individual leased, rented, or other tenant space within the building projected to consume more than 100 gal/day. 2. For spaces used for laundry or cleaners, restaurant or food service, medical or dental office, laboratory or beauty salon or barber shop projected to consume more than 100 qal/day. (X) (X) B-52 Page 1 of 5 Rev. 5/17 associated vegetation and soils resulting primarily from land clearing shall be reused or recycled. Building Maintenance and Operation 5.410.1 Recycling by occupants. Provide readily accessible areas that serve the entire building and are Identified for the depositing, storage and collection of nonhazardous materials (X) for recycling. 6.410.2 Commissioning. For new buildings 10,000 square feet and over, building (X) commissioning for all building systems covered by T24, Part 6, process systems and renewable energy systems shall be Included in the design and construction processes of the building project. Commissioning requirements shall Include items listed in Section 5.410.2. - 5.410.2.6 (X) 5.410.2.1 Owner's Project Requirements (DPR). Documented before the design phase of the project t)egins the OPR shall Include items listed in Section 5.410.4. (X) 5.410.2.2 Basis of Design (BOD). A written explanation of how the design of the building systems meets the OPR shall be completed at the design phase of the building project and updated periodically to cover the systems listed In Section 5.410.2.2. (X) 5.410.2.3 Commissioning plan. A commissioning plan describing how the project will be commissioned shall be started during the design phase of the building project and shall include items listed In Section 5.410.2.3. (X) 5.410.2.4 Functional performance testing shall demonstrate the correct Installation and operation of each component, system and system-to-system Interface in accordance with the (x) approved plans and specifications. 5.410.2.5 Documentation and training. A Systems manual and systems operations training are required. (X) 5.410.2.5.1 Systems manual. The systems manual shall be delivered to the building owner or representative and facilities operator and shall include the items listed in Section 5.410.2.5.1. (X) 5.410.2.5.2 Systems operations training. The training of the appropriate maintenance staff for each equipment type and/or system shall include items listed in Section 5.410.2.5.2. (x) 5.410.2.6 Commissioning report A complete report of commissioning process activities undertaken through the design, construction and reporting recommendations for post construction phases of the building project shall be completed and provided to the owner or representative. 5.410.4 Testing and adjusting. Testing and adjusting of systems shall be required for (x) buildings less - than 10,000 square feet 5.410.4.2 Systems. Develop a written plan of procedures for testing and adjusting systfems. (x) Systems to be included for testing and adjusting shall Include, as applicable to the project the systems listed in Section 5.410.3.2. (X) 5.410.4.3 Procedures. Perform testing and adjusting procedures in accordance with industry best practices and applicable national standards on each system. (X) 5.410.4.3 HVAC balancing. Before a new space-conditioned system serving a building or space is operated for normal use, the system should be balanced In accordance with the procedures defined by national standards listed in Section 5.410.3.3.1. (X) 5.410.4.4 Reporting. After completion of testing, adjusting and balancing, provide a final report (X) of testing signed by the individual responsible for performing those services, maintenance instructions and copies of guaranties/warranties for each system prior to final Inspection. 5.410 A5 Operation and maintenance manual. Provide the building owner with detailed operating and maintenance manual 5.410.4.5,1 inspection and reports. Include a copy of all inspection verifications and reports required by the enforcing agency. B-52 Page 3 of 5 Rev. 5/17 Indoor Moisture and Radon Control 5.505.1 Indoor moisture control. Buildings shall meet or exceed the provisions of the California Building Code, Title 24 Part 2, Sections 1203 (Ventilation) Chapter 14.1. Air quality and Exhaust m 5.506.1 Outside air delivery. For mechanically or naturally ventilated spaces In buildings, meet the minimum requirements of Section 121 of the Callfomia Energy Code, COR, Title 24, Part 6 and Chapter 4 of CCR, Title 8 or the applicable local code, whichever Is more stringent, 5.506.2 Carbon DIOXIDE (002) monitoring. For buildings equipped with demand control ventilation, C02 sensors and ventilation controls shall be specified and Installed in accordance with the requirements of the latest edition of the California Energy Code, Title 24, Fart 6, Section 120.1.(C) (4). (X) (X) Outdoor Air Quality 5.508.1 Ozone depletion and global warming reductions. Installations of HVAC, refrigeration and fire suppression equipment shall comply vdth Sections 5.508.1.1 and 5.508.1.2. 5.508.1 CFCs. Install HVAC and refrigeration equipment that does not contain CFCs. 5.508.1.2 Melons. Install fire suppression equipment that does not contain Halons. As applicable (X) (X) I, as the professional responsible for this project, certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the mandatory items listed on this form have t>een Incorporated Into the project In order to comply with Title 24, Part 11 of the 2016 Callfomia Green Building Standards. All receipts for recycled materials have been attached to this form. Project Address: ^ ^ (A pian Check Signed:Print Name: Number: License Number Date:ZPf7 B-52 Page 5 of 5 Rev. 5/17 WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN B-59 Development Services Building Division. 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 'www.carlsbadca.gov Owner: Job Address; Permit#; K/gnJpor^- KlaAinnal Contractor Incnr Cm^mxrJn.nn n Avf.-%mh»n.M„n.h.r Estimated Cost ot ProJect $_ ^qg-.mn Type of Project □ New construction ^^H'^emodel or T.I. □ Residentlai. □Commercial □Demolition (check all that apply) □ Other Non-hazardous construction waste generated during the course of this project shali 'be recycled and/or salvaged for revise at a minimum of 65% per CALQreen Sec. 5.408.1. Failure to comply may result In a penalty fee up to $1,000. For projects which consist of mainly equipment and/or racking, that have a combined weight of new construction disposal that does not exceed 2 lbs per square foot of building area affected by this permit may be deemed to meet the 65% minimum requirement upon approval of Building Department ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF COMPLIANCE: (if selected, do not complete Tables 1 & 2 below) M Construction waste shall not exceed 2 lbs. per sf. of area. All receipts shall be provided to the Building Official prior tofinal. (This option not applicable for mt^cpns^ction projects.) i y,^uare feet of construction area I rV X' 2 lbs. = I uP ) O lbs. of allowable waste. □ I plan on using a WASTE MANAGEMENT roll-off bin; All receipts shall be provided to the Building Official prior to final. TablG 1 - EstimatGCl Wast© (To be fined out prior to permit issuance-refer to example on Page 2.) MATERIALS lbs. of waste to be taken to LANDFILL lbs. of waste to be ' RE-USED or RECYCLED Waste Hauling Company or Re-Use Method Asphalt / Concrete Brick / Masonry Cardboard Drywall -pat/V^A) Landscape Debris Lumber/Wood 1 'OX? ryO/V Metals- Mixed Waste, Trash / Gaitiage Other TOTAL lbs:^ •'7 .3 Estimate Percentage to be Re-Used or Recycled. I certify th^ie Informationrmatlbnyproyided herein, to the best of m _% y kn^ledge. Is tore anc tnamaKy / 7 ^ and correct. Contractor or Owner (signature) Official Use Only □ Plan Approved □ Plan Denied □ Project Valuation Approved Reviewed / Approved by: Date /<9/7oA9- Page 1 of 2 REV.01-2017 TabiG 2 - Actual WaStG (To be completed after construction.) MATERIALS lbs. of waste taken to LANDRLL lbs. of waste RE-USED or RECYCLED Waste Hauling Company or Re4Jse Method (complete only if different than Table 1), Asphalt / Concrete Brick / Masonry Cardboard Drywall P-''7 ^ TWJ Landscape Debris Lumber/Wood Metals Mixed Waste fa Trash / Garbage Other: TOTAL lbs.: Actual Percentage Re-Used or Recycled.% Use Only 1^65% Goal Achieved □65% Goal Not Achieved □ Alternative Compliance Achieved Penalty Paid $. Reviewed / Approved by;_ EXAMPLE: Use the following example as a guide to completing this form. /vtATERIALS lbs. of waste to be taken to LANDFILL lbs. of waste to be RE-USED or RECYCLED Waste Hauling Company or Re-Use /vLothod Asphalt / Concrete 0 3000 AB.C Hau.\iviC\ Co. Brick / Masonry ±00 °l50 WM / R«-Ksec( B-yacfe Okv-sLtfi. Cardboard 0^±50 A^C-Haulii^a CU). Drywall 0 ■ ' 50 A'S'C-'Haulivu?! Co.' Landscape Debris 0 ■ ■ 120 MuUked Sf Ri-LLSfid OA-site Lumber / Wood 500 '0 waste Maktar^ieki/tevd: Metals 300 0.00 ■WM / ABC t-fauLLiA.0 Mixed Waste ±500 0 WM Trash / Garbage 300 0 WM" Othcn Pool 0 °)00 ■lAsed as crushed Base cro-slte TOTAL lbs.:Q.yoo s,3yo Percentage to be Re-Used or Recycled 6 7 % Formula:Total Re-used or Recycled X 100 = % Re-Used or Recycled (Total Combined Waste) 5370 X 100 "; 67% Re-Used or Recycled (2700+ 5370) Since 67% exceeds the minimum requirement of 65%, this plan compiles. Page 2 of 2 SANCO Resource Recovery 6750 Federal, Blvd. Lemon "S-injve, CA 91S45 (619) 287-7555 CustODier: 0000 C,S,.E, Tlctosfc: 6755 Date: 10/17/17 In: 10:27 Out: 10:42 IHVt?3CE Triicfe; 0000 Container: - Route: 02034 Origin: 020 SAN DIEGO Coramodl-ty lini-ts Sa,te •34 CONSTRfi«:;TION / EfSMOL 4-.77 S4),00 per TON IGross(In): 38,245^?. lbs HSan Wt Tare 28,660. lbs Man ^ Net: ConatruJCs'tlon This ceriillM! thki, with LEEB teqsli Extended i;Siarge 286.20 9,540. Ibsl PAID CREDIT CARD 286.20 1 Dsnolition Dtversixin Certi-Eicate — Diversion Percentage 713i wiEfMj listed abo^e has tttlllaed an ISCO facllHj to divert courtrntion deMlltion naterialB la accordsfioe tsloa lomass is based oa aa mttll topage tstoeaiage ol the respective lacil ERICK MEWDOZA rive .-.■'v.. PALOMAR TRANSFER 5960-EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, OA 92008 (760)603-0153 000999 - CASH AND CHECK CUSTOMER ADDRESS Carlsbad, CA 92008 Contract: RESI GROSS TARE NET Tracking Qty: GATE Yr. 2 13,520 10,060 3, 460 0.00 scale In Tare Out Qty Unit Description 1.73 TN MSW Origin: CARLSBAD 54 Ticket #: 1659436 Weighmaster: RAMOSAL In: September 27, 2017 Out: Vehicle: Ref: BOL: INBOUND CASH Rate Extension $67.30 $116.43 September 27, 2017 A44498 Tax $0.00 2:23 pm 2:23 pm Total $116.43 100% Signature: Total Paid Change CHECK-SCALE $116.43 $116.43 $0.00 2968