HomeMy WebLinkAbout1525 MARTINGALE CT; ; CB063411; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 ,. 12-01-2006 Plumbing Permit Permit No: CB063411 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: 1525 MARTINGALE CT CBAD PLUM 2150721900 Lot#: 0 Construction Type: NEW Status: Applied: Entered By: Reference #: Plan Approved: Issued: Project Title: SPAMPINATO RES-REPLACE WTR HT Inspect Area: Applicant: FAST WATER HEATER COMPANY 12601 132ND AV NE KIRKLAND WA 98034 425 814 3124 Plumbing Issue Fee Fixture or Trap Building Sewer Roof Drain Install/Repair Water Line Water Heater and/or Vent Gas Piping System Vacuum Breaker Other Plumbing Fees Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Owner: SPAMPINATO RICHARD&KAREN D 1525 MARTINGALE CT CARLSBAD CA 92011 ISSUED 12/01/2006 LSM 12/01/2006 12/01/2006 $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $27.00 Total Fees: $27.00 Total Payments To Date: $27.00 Balance Due: Inspector: Clearance: $0.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions: You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a}, and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance wllh Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any x in fwhich o h v i I Tl imil r hi r whi h h fli Fron: 12/D1/20DB 13:3D 13D3 P.002/DD5 rvn. vrrH.,ic; uos: un1., , : \ 3 S~Jlo5 PLANCHECKNO. C!l>D0SY'l I PERMIT APPLICATION EST. VAL. ________ _ CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad CA 92008 1525 MARTINGALE CT Addl'UI (lncluda Bldg/Suite #) LogaJ □- Asuslors Parcel' # DeecrtpClon of Work SQ.FT, Remove/Replace Gas Water Heater Name Add•• Cly BullnHt Nam, (at 0,f■ ICldlaa) UnllNo. l'tlueNo. Proposed UII #dlStnriH f;fl8'droom1 S1llllZlp Telephone# fAsT JeA}ER HEATER co9PANY 1%01 \§BAB AVE NE Name Addrffl City Sfabt/2lp Tolophono# SPAMPINAT~ RICHARD CARLSBAD, CA Mb\8 NIIITMt Addrue City SllillZlp Telephara# Fox# @Jjd,SGJ x"I i%bj!!o.aM\ MIL ./!iii! _..a Iii . . Rll 11& 17 (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Proluelonl eoda: Any Cly or County wnlCh require, a permit 1D COMCNc:t,, allw, lmpftNe, demolllm or 111s-;1r any atruature. pdor 10 Its 1uu1noe, 8190 requires tht applicant for N:h permn ID tlllll a signed a1atanent D11lt he ls birllNICI purtUll'lt to the pavllllon11 atlhe Conlr'acll0r'• LIC8n9II Law [Chll.pillr 9, commending .tth SecLlon 7000 af DMlion 3 ?f t,e Bualnus and Profee:alonl COdlJ or that ht la U9mpt tiereftom, n the bull for 1hl alleged axemptlan, Any vloiltlon al SecUon 7031.!i by eny appbnlfor a ~l sili}ects the appllcanl lo ■ cMI ~of not mcgthan tlv9 huncnd ~ l$1500]). FAST WATER HEATER COMPANY 12601 132ND AVE NE KIRKLAND, WA 98034 425 814-3124 Name Adckeu City State/Zip Telephone t s...,Llconlle# 877489 UcaruioCluo C36 Cttyllual..-UcanR#_1_2_2_2~30_2 ____ _ Ooolgnor Namo Add-City Sla1olZlp Telophono # Stlde LioenN# _____ _ 0 7 TNSS-@ I ill SJ I IL ll ll!llll!U WortceJ1' CDm~on Daclarallon: I he111by affirm -under penalt)' oi per.lury one ot the 1olltwting dedaralions: C I have and will malnllln • certillcat. of mnNnt ID 181'-lnaure for workara' c:am.penlllon u pravkl1d by SecUan 370D of the Labor Code, tor the parfonn..oe ot tie work l'or wnlch 1h11 permit II lsaued. I( I tava and MIi mmtaln worker's comperatlon, u raqulred by Secll0ft 3700 of the labor COde, for the performma of U. W0l'k tor whloh tie permit 11 INUad. My worker's coma-naatlon 1nllnnce Cln'llir and poll0y number are: 1111......,campany California State Fund Po11oyNo. 1761660 _,a.,.'--1~2/_1_/0_7 ____ _ (THIS tlECTION NE!D NOT IE COIIPIJ!Tl!D IP 1H■ PERMlr II FOR ONE HUNDR&D DOLLARt [$100) OR LUa) Cl CERTIPICATE OF EXEMPTION: l otnlfy that In Ute pe,fonnanca of .... work 11:,r wNch 1h11 permit la IIII.NKI, I ahall not lllflPloy any parlDII In any manntt ID as to beCOme IUbfBCt to the WDlker9' Componatton Lawa at Callftmla. WARNING: Falluni to ucur.-wol'QN' oom.,....allan cawrqe I• unlawful, and ahan subject 111 employtr to crlmlral penalllu and cMI nn• up to one hundrld Ulousand dolla'a($100,DIO}. In addition to lhl catofcomPIHIUflon, damaga .._ pnwldad for In Section 37DI oftlM Labor Code, lnlarut 1111d ~ ,..._ SIGNATURE ,~~~.........,:~_,,..,;.,,... DATE 12/1/06 1 hereby atrbm that I am 1Dtempt rsom the (:ontrllato(e UcanN LawfDr the following reuon: c I. • owner ot lhe propertv or my emplo)'N• with wa;a u lhtlr tol9 oompenutlon, wlll d the work end the atrucb.n Is not lranded or afferad tir ale (Ste. 7044. Bullnasl and Pl'Ofeselons COdr. The contnclOr'I Ucenae Law does not as:ii::tv to en owner or pn:,pwty who tnllldl or lfflpn:MII thweon, and who doN luct\ 'MIik hlrneoll' GI' thn,ugh hla awn empD)UII, pro't'ld9d lilat auch imPTO't'llmenbl are not lntanded or 0trmad fer 11le. It, howlMu', the buildlna or lmpnwement la sold within one yur of completion, the CJYmer-bUllder wll haVe ... burden of prow,g that he did not bulld OT fmpn,ve for 1he purpou d •le} C ~ u owner or the pJOPtrty, am u:lu....,_y contracting with lcanaed conbaClln 1CI conllNGt Iha PRIJIICl (SK 7044, Bualnea and Prafaalans Codi: the Conlnlclar's Ucenaa "-8w does not apply to an ownar of proper\¥' who ~Ida or lmpn>YH bnlOn, ll'ld conncts for IU0h proJects Yiflh oontrlCIOl'(I) IIGlnNd l)Ul'IUMt to the Contractor'• Ucemse Law). C I am •xampt under Section ______ BunoA and Pmfealona Code bf this ru1011: 1. I pers)nmt, plan lo provide Iha maser labor and malilrtala for conaCrudlon rt the propoaed property Improvement. C YES C NO 2. I (ha\181bave not) Blgned an appllclUon for a bulldlng permit for ht propoaed work. 3. I twve oontracted with the foUowlng peraon (firm) lo ~ the plOP0Md conatruatlon (Incllme name J addrM9 J pho111 m.rnber / contraclOra IJr:enM nurnb■r): 4. I plan to provide poriior-. of th■ work. but I have hired O,■ followlng peraon 1D ooonlln■ta, aupen,IN .,d pm(de the fflljOr wor1I: (lnDkld• nam■ I addreu I phon■ number/ /OntraCIOrlllcenu rwmbaf'l: --------,--------------,-----,--,--,----,---,--,-.,,--1. I wUI provide ■ome of fie work, but I hlMI contracled (hnd) the falfowlng pe11K1na lo pravlde thll WOfk lndlcltld (Include name / aachll J phone nt111ber / type d work): PROPERTYOWNERSIGNATURl1 ______________________ 0Aff-________ _ From: ~ L , PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad CA 92008 Page2of2 12/01/21Di 13: 32 1303 P.003/005 t 11 hi appDcant or futunt blJldlng occupant r9qW8d ta Umtt • busfnell plan, acutaly hmlrdoul mateJtu ragllbtfon for or rllk management MCI PAMHttlon Jll'Olill8ffl I.IDf" SectiCJna 25605. 25833 or26534 ofdle Pmley-Tanner HazardoUI Subllanm Accourtld1 C YES Cl NO ti ih■ appHcanl ar fulu:111 bulldlng ocoup"1I: l9Qllrad to oblilln a permit l'rom tha air paffullon conflQI dlltrfd: or Ill' ~ ffl81'11'11MMrt dlllrlol7 C YES C NO II the racnn;y to be conlll'Ueled within 1,000 fNt of the oW!K boundary of• llih0ol lilD1 D Yes c NO IF ANY OP THE AHSWE!RI ARI Yl!S, A PINAL Cl!RTIPICAT! Of OCCUPANCY MAY NOT Be l88Ul!D UNLUS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIRl!M!NT8 OFTHEOPl'lc&OF e-CY-AND-AIRPOLWTIDN CONTROL DISTRICT, I hlnby llfflnn that th8111 la a ccmllnlclon lendlna agency for the parft>rmance of It. WOik for Whlah '1h11 plfflll II IIIUld (Sec. 3087(1) Chll ~). LENDER'S NAME LENDE!R'S ADDRESS I oertlfy that I have read tie applcallan and ablla U'lal: the llbova lnfarmallon II c:armct and thlt a,a Warmattan en 1hl plllnl ta accurate. I ~ YI comply wllh all City on:lfnances and Sia~ laws ralaUng to buldlng construction. I hereby aulhodm ~ne of._ City af C.rtlbad to enter upon the above mentlonld pniperty1or Np11Gtlon PlWl)OHS. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE,, INDD1NIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE cnY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL UABILfflES, JUDGEIIENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES 'MICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSl!QUENCE o, THI ORANTING OF THI& P&RMIT. OSHA: Alt OSHA pa1rm1t la rwqurtd for u:avdona of scr deep and dlmollllon or QClnllNcllon or structuru over 3 m1ea In halgtt. l!XPlRATION: Evely permtt IAuod Ill' lhe bulling Offlolol undorlho provlllonsoftNe Code --l'f lmltaloll IIICI -• r'III and -fflhe bu11d1na orw<id< o\Jhor1,od by arch r;e,mlt ts not c:ommenc:ed wlttlln 180 days from the ddl of su:h permit or If Iha bdldlng or wark aulhortmd by sJCh pennlt s IUIP90dad or abandQMd at any time aflilr Iha work II aammenr;ed fora period of 180 days (SecO:ln 108.4,.,4 Unl'om BUlldnD COdl), APPLICANT'SSIGNATU~•--' .. '~ .. ' .. (_:: ... i"''.""'•.~ .. •· ... ':.-"':"'··.·•~"'i")"'······•'"'"'""'·,~=F,,,,,_·"''., .. ::~•·--------DATE __ 1_21_0_1_12_o_os _______ _ City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 01/05/2007 Permit# CB063411 Title: SPAMPINATO RES-REPLACE WTR HT Description: Type: PLUM Sub Type: Job Address: Suite: Location: 1525 MARTINGALE CT Lot 0 APPLICANT FAST WATER HEATER COMPANY Owner: SPAMPINATO RICHARD&KAREN D Remarks: Total Time: Description Act Comment Inspector Assignment: Phone: 8585353629 Inspector: ---- Requested By: RICHARD Entered By: JANEAN CD 25 29 Water Heater/Vents ~----- Final Pl~-~-b-i_n-~g_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_ /-----------~ Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments