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1530 FARADAY AVE; 110; CB131420; Permit
' .\ City of Carlsbad 06-10-2013 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No: CB131420 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: 1530 FARADAY AV CBADSt: 110 Permit Type: Tl Sub Type: IN DUST Status: ISSUED Applied: 06/10/2013 Entered By: JMA Parcel No: 2121302600 Lot#: 0 Valuation: $0.00 Construction Type: 5B Occupancy Group: Reference# CB131080 Plan Approved: 06/10/2013 Issued: 06/10/2013 Inspect Area Plan Check #: Project Title: DOT.COM: INTERIOR DEMO IN PREP FOR Tl (CB131080) Applicant: THDC LLC 1530 FARADAY AVE #100 CARLSBAD CA 92008 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee Fire Expedidted Plan Review $0.00 $63.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 Owner: THDC LLC 1530 FARADAY AVE#100 CARLSBAD CA 92008 Meter Size Add'I Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWAFee CFO Payoff Fee PFF (3105540) PFF (4305540) License Tax (3104193) License Tax (4304193) Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Redev Parking Fee Additional Fees HMP Fee Green Bldg Standards Plan Chk TOTAL PERMIT FEES Total Fees: $65.00 Total Payments To Date: $65.00 Balance Due: FINAL APPROVAL Date: f-ZZ -t3 Clearance: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ?? ?? $65.00 $0.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in conn!)ction with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which ou have reviousl been iven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has reviousl otherwise ex ired. I I ITHE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE: OPL:ANNING OENGINEERING OBUILDING OFIR5 OHEALTH OHAZMATIAPCD «~~) Building Permit Application Plan Check No. {:l°?) / ~ • /l{--7 __ i) 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Est. Value ~-CITY OF Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 CARLSBAD email: building@carlsbadca.gov Plan Ck. D~posit www.carlsbadca.gov Date fb { l O / I ~ ISWPPP JOB ADDRESS SUITEI/SPACEI/UNIT;t IAPN 1530 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 110 212 -130 -260 -0 cr/PROJEcr # rOT #-r~~ rOF~:S rBEO;;s It BATHROOMS I TENANT BUSINESS NAME rON;NlYPE I occ. ;OUP Tony Garza NA NA Dot.com DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Include Square Feet of Affected Area(s) Interior demolition work for future dot.com Tenant Improvement. Demo work includes Interior Partitions, Doors and Hardware, Sidelights, Ceiling Tiles, Light Fixtures, Millwork and Sinks EXISTING USE FIREPLACE Business (office) rROPOSED USE I GARAGE (SF) Business (office) NA PATIOS (SF) I DECKS (SF) NA NA YESO rlR CONDITl0NING rlRESPRINKLERS ·No(ZJ YEs[l)NoO YES[l)NoO APPLICANT NAME (Primary Contact) BRR Architecture APPLICANT NAME (SeCOf!dary Contact) ADDRESS ADDRESS 250 Sutter Street Suite 350 CITY STATE ZIP CJTY STATE .. ZIP San Francisco CA 94108 PHONE (AX PHONE IFAX 415-782-4100 415-782-4118 EMAIL EMAIL tony.garza@brrarch.com PROPERlY OWNER NAME THDC LLC CONTRACTOR BUS, NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS 1530 Faraday Ave. Suite 100. CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP Carlsbad CA 92008 PHONE IFAX PHONE IFAX 760-931-0780 NA EMAIL EMAIL thageman@planningsystems.net ARCH/DESIGNER NAME & ADDRESS ISTATELIC.11 . STATE UC.# iclASS I CITY BUS. UC.II James Hailev Merriam. KS C-30870 (Sec. 7031,5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct. alter, improve, demolish or repair an~ structure, prior to Its Issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to Ille a signed statement t~at he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law !Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code} or that he is exempt thereflom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($5001). ,-,, 1.,,.,, • ,~ ·"' ,l, - Workers' Compensation Declaration: f hereby affirm under penalty of perfury one of the following dec/araUons: D I have and will maintain a certificate of consentto self-Insure for workers'compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the perfo1T11ance of lhe work for which lhls pe1T11it Is issued. D I have and wlll maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the perfo1T11ance of the WPrk fo·r which this Pe1T11itis Issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Co.~ _________________ Policy No. ____________ Expiration Date ________ _ This seclion need not be completed if the permit Is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less. 0 Certificate of Exemption: I certify lhatin the performance of the work for which lhis permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the labor code, Interest and attorney's fees. £5 C0NTRACTORSIGNATURE. OAGENT DATE I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractors license Law for the fol/owing reason: O I, as owner of the property or my employees wilh wages as lheir sole compensation, will do Ille work and Ille slructure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Conlractol's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or lhrough his own employees, provided lhat such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold wilhin one year of completion, Ille owner-builder will have the buiden of proving lhat he did not build or improve for Ille purpose of sale). as owner of Ille property, am exclusively contracting wilh licensed conlractors to construct Ille project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Conlractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of roperty who builds or improves lhereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuantto !he Contractors License Law). m exempt under Section ___ ~usiness and Professions Code for lhis reason: 1. I personally plan to provide Ille major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement 0Yes 0No 2. I {have/ have not) signed an appllcatlon for a building permlt for Ille proposed work. 3. I have contracted wiil1 the following person (finn) to pr ide the proposed construction (include name address/ phone I contractors' license number); 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but J have h following person to cooidlnate, supervise and provide Ille major work Qnclude name / address / phone f contractors' license number): 5. I will provide some of Ille work, but I have ted ired) Ille followi rsons to provide Ille work indicated ~nc!ude name/ address I phone I type of work): OAGENT' DATE l , • \.' • • •, J ., }~~~~~~~J;~:\;~vct;~~~;¥~~~~~t,~t~~t~~if,~i;'"i~ff~~w~}r:~I.'; . , . .~~,~~-~#~\~~~'r-,ll,.,...:,¼-. .,.,,.,.,.:-1-~; .. .,.~ ·c1· ,~: .. '\,·--;1.,,~ ... ~:·,1'.'XliY~ ~1--:,f•· ;r, ... rw,; 'I!<'! .. ~.;I:.(;~~aJ~~ .. ~,.,\tJ~n,, Q;.!tb.if;,-::(.,,.Wj,~:;:9.t -~~,:.·~... ,.., ...... ~. : :I teJtilf thati h~rei.d the appl°iiiayori ;i~'sta,lli_thattha ab~~lnform~Uon ~ co~tand iii~tthe lnfo~l!on ori th'e plan; lsaectimte. I agree tocomplywtth alf ci~oitllnances and Sta~law,i relatfii~ to building cons~~"· ·. 1. hereby ay!horize iepresentat~ of file C[tyof Carfsliacl to entetupon the above m11Dtioned prop~rty for inspection purpos~, I Al.S.9 AQREP9 SAVE, IND~NIF'i' AND KEEP liARMLE.SSTH~CITY OF, CARLSBAD · AGAINST~ ~l~ITl~S, JU~MEf'.f(S,·COSTSAND.EXl?,ENS~SWHICH MAY IN ANYWAY:ACCRUEAGAINSTSAID G!lY.!N CONS~QUENCE OF THE GRANT!NG OF·THIS'l'EBMlT, QSHA: AA 0_8HA p(nnit Is Jll(!Uifed forexcavations over 5'0' deep and doojoliticin or colisl(uction'of structures qver 3 stories in height. · EXP[RATION: Every ~imit issued by th~ j3ulkt' Olticia! under tf\e provisions iii this Co9e s~alf expi(e by Ull)ita.tiori and bepJme n~II ll!ld.void if the building or.\',Ork authorized by such pennit is no/ comf!1en(;\ld v.ithln jfl()daysfiomthedateofsuch~nnitor.ifjlieb41 .. ·or llui~~ynpe . is ~n ed,o{abando .. anytlme-afterthe;l'.\:lrklscommer~foraperiodof180days(Sect(on106.4.4UnlRiimBuiidi1gCode), ~ APPL]CANT;SStGNATURE · DATE ~ -/&c:9&/3 . . ·STOP: THIS S~CTION NOT REQUIRE_D. FORBl;ll~DING.-'PERMIT ISSUANCE,. . Complete the 'following 0NL Y'ifa Certificate of.Occupjlncy will be requested at finaHnspection. CER r IF IC A r E OF OCCUPANCY fCommerci.11 Pro1ect~ 0 n IV I Fax.(7p0) eo2:a5eo, .Email building_@carlsbadcagov or-ti,alttti~ conf~l~ted :fOflll Ip City:~r C~rls-bad: Buildf~g·Division 1635 i=araday Avenue, C~rlsbiicl, Ca!l(tirnia. 92008. '. I CO#: .(Offloo'Us!i only)' .. . . -· -. C!)NTAIIT~AME ·,ocCUPANT NAME' .. I , . . . ADl>RES::; · . ' , .. .. : BUILDING·ADDflESS . ., , . .. CITY ,_ STATE ZIP CITY STl:\TE iZIP ' l ·c£!r)slnid ' CA: ... . .. ·-.. PHONE· .. rAA:: . . ... ... ' ····" EMA.IL .. . f OCCUPJ\NT'S BUS, LIC. No • - -. . , .. . .. .. ' . :DELIVERY. OPTIONS . _, -, . 'PiCK up:~ . CONTACT(Lfst11d i:1bpve) CONTRACTOR (Orf Pg; 1)·· OGCUPANT (Ll~te\l above)'. MAll,.TO: CONTACT'(Llsted above)· , OCCOP~NT (L)s\ed libpv11) I· ASSOCIATED P:Btt · .. C:ONTRAGTQR (Oil Pg. 1) N(J CHAN.GE IN USE/ NO CONSTRUCTION IIIIAIL/FAX TO O'f!'IEFI:. --,, .. , .. CHANGE OF USE/ NO CONSTRUCTION .. ·--.. ·' ... . .. -' ... .., .-es' APP~tCANT!S SIGNATURE DATE I ·. •. Inspection List Permit#: CB131420 Date Inspection Item 08/21/2013 19 Final Structural Thursday, August 22, 2013 Type: Tl INDUST Inspector Act PB AP DOT.COM: INTERIOR DEMO IN PREP FOR Tl (C8131080) Comments Page 1 of 1 ' City of Carlsbad Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Permission of Demolition Work To whom it may concern 1530 Faraday Ave, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 June 10, 2013 As the Property Owner, I, Tom Hageman, give permission for the portions of the building to be demolished at 1530 Faraday Ave., for future Tenant Improvement of Dot.com office. Tom Hageman THDC LLC DEMOLITION ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION ADDRess: I.S-'?o FAflAPAY ~ve., CAfl.LSel-\P cA ct?.ooS USE OF BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHED: TI fO fl. °Ff I GE SQUARE FEET q 1 '?, ,, S'f X NUMBER OF STORIES I -------- PROPER TY OWNER: it\ I> C Ll-C. --------------------ADDRESS: 1r;;o FAF-AfJA'( AVt:,.Jd\T~ too PHONE 11,0 .. 'ti,_ 0160 APPLICANT: 1' o tJ '( <i, A f1 f\ ADDRESS: ic;o SVT1"t;(l. rr, fvlT~ 3~0 PHONE &\-lf'-18? .. 'f fo5 JAfJ FflA-N cU c..o, c.p, 11(-loS Section 19827.5 of California Health and Safety Code states in part: "A demolition permit shall not be issued by any city ... as to any building or other structure except upon receipt from the permit applicant of a copy of each written asbestos · notification regarding the building that has been required to be submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency or to a designated state agency, or both, pursuant to Part 61 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, or the successor to that part. The permit may be issued without the applicant submitting a copy of the written notification if the applicant declares that the notification is not applicable to the scheduled demolition project." As applicant for a demolition permit in the City of Carlsbad, I certify that; I have read the excerpt from Section 19827.5 of the Health and Safety Code provided above; the information I have provided on this form is true and correct; and I further certify the following: ( ) On the attached __1j_ pages are copies of all written asbestos notifications regarding the above referenced building that are required to be submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency or to Part 61 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, or successor to. that part. I declare that the written asbestos notification is not applicable to the scheduled demolition project. · • -1 { )11~ ~,-:, ..,., Date ". Prepared For: Bart Brown BRR Architecture, Inc. 0 OMEGA ENVIRONMENTAL Limited Asbestos and Lead Survey Report 1530 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Project Number 2013-1147BRR May3,2013 Prepared By: Navid Salari 700 SE 5th Street, Suite 4 Bentonville, Arizona 72712 Omega Environmental Services, Inc. 4570 Campus Drive, Ste. 30 Newport Beach, California 92660 < Navid Salari ------------Sr. Project Manager, CAC #94-1597 TA:SLE OF CONTENT l. Executive Stimmary ... , ............ _ ....... : .............................. -...................................................... -.... 1 2. Scope of Work .............. ; .......... ~._. ..... , ......... , ............. -...... ~ ........................................... -........ , ...... 1. 3. M~thod&,and Sampling Strategy .. , .......... ~., ............................................................. : ........ -....... 2 4. .Resu_lts-..... _ ............................ : ... ,.-........ -.......................... ;, ..................................... -....... -, .............. _.3 5. Regulatory Requjre;rn,ents.,-.. : .............. -..... '. ... ···:·· .......... :, ............................................ '. .... , ....... 4 6. Recommendations .. , ................. , .... _ .. _.-.. -.: .... _ .............. -....................................... -.................. : ....... 6 7. Limitations .......... -................. , ........... , ................. : .............. _ ............................ -.............. , .. , ...... , .. 7 APPENDICES App-endix 1 -Asbestos Table Results .. ru;id S~mple Locations ' . Appendix2 -Lead Table Resuts and Sample Locations- Appendix 3 -:_ Asl?estos J;,,aboratory: Results :and Cll.~:in,-of-Custody Appendix 4 -Lead Laboratory Result$ arid Chain-of-Custody Appendix 5 -Site lnspeetots' Certifications Appendix 6 -Laboratory C~rtifications ' ' ' 1. Executive Summary The following is a report of the limited asbestos and lead survey conducted by Omega Environmental Services Inc., (Omega). The survey was performed on April 25, 2013 at 1530 Faraday Avenue in Carlsbad, California. Omega's inspectors, certified by the State of California, performed the limited survey. See Appendix 5 for copies of inspectors' certifications. Asbestos Thirty-three (33) bulk samples of suspect asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) were collected throughout Suite 140. Asbestos was not detected in any of the collected samples. See Appendix 1 for the asbestos table results and sample locations. Lead Six (6) confirmatory paint chips and bulk samples were collected for lead analysis. Samples were collected from select interior building components. Laboratory results indicate that the collected samples contain lead below the laboratory detection limit. See Appendix 2 for lead sample results and locations. Inaccessible suspect building materials such as pipe insulation; mastic, flooring and surfacing materials may exist within walls, pipe chases, ceiling cavities and sub-floors. During renovation and/or demolition operations, materials may be uncovered that are different from those accessible for sampling during this limited survey. If suspect material is found, additional sampling should be performed to determine if the materials contain asbestos and/or lead. The survey was limited to Suite 140 and the men's restroom. Occupied suites in the building, roof and the building exterior were excluded from this survey. 2. Scope of Work The scope of work for the limited survey was as follows: • Conduct asbestos and lead survey at 1530 Faraday Avenue in Carlsbad, California. The survey was limited to Suite 140 and the men's restroom. Occupied suites, roof and the building exterior were excluded from this scope of work. • Collect a representative number of samples of suspect ACMs. National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) protocol was used as a guideline. Asbestos bulk samples were analyzed using Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) in accordance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) July 1993 method for the determination of asbestos in bulk building materials - EPA 600/R-93/116. Omega Project Number 2013-1 I 47BRR May3,2013 Limited Asbestos and Lead Survey Report BRR Architecture, Inc. 1530 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 0 OMEGA l!NYlltONMl!NfAL ,,,, -... When None Detected (ND) appears in this report, it should be interpreted as meaning no asbestos was observed in the sample material above the reliable limit of detection for the PLMmethod. Note: under EPA assessment criteria, if a single sample of homogeneous material tests positive for asbestos, then the entire homogeneous material is considered to be asbestos containing. Lead-Containing Materials Sampling of Lead-Containing Materials Confirmatory lead bulk and paint chips samples were collected using hand tools and were placed into individual sampling containers. Each sample was provided a discreet sample number and was recorded on a chain-of-custody form. Lead Sample Analysis The collected samples were analyzed for lead content using the Flame Atomic Absorption spectroscopy, in accordance with EPA Method SW846-7420. When "<" appears in the lead sample report, it should be interpreted as meaning below the analytical detection limit and no lead w_as detected in the paint sample. The, collected samples for asbestos and lead were transported under chain-of-custody procedures to L.A. Testing laboratory located at 11652 Knott Avenue in Garden Grove, California (Telephone number 714-828-4999). L.A Testing is accredited laboratory by the National Institute of Standards and Technology's National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) and by the American Industrial Hygiene Association's (AIHA's) Environmental Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELLAP) for the analysis of lead in paint chips, dust wipes, and/or soil. See Appendix 6 for the laboratory certifications. 4. Results Asbestos During the limited survey, thirty-three (33) bulk samples of suspect ACMs were collected from Suite 140 and the men's restroom. Based on the laboratory results, asbestos was not detected in any of the collected samples. The following table provides a summary of the collected materials: Table I b B k As estos ul Samo e Material Description Material Location Results 12"x12" dark gray floor tile & vellow mastic Suite 140, Kitchen None Detected White base cove mastic Throughout None Detected - Drvwall & ioint compound Throughout None Detected Ceiling tile Throughout None Detected Yellow caroet mastic Throughout None Detected I 2"x 12" gray floor tile/yellow mastic Electrical room None Detected Grav grout Men's restroom None Detected Omega ProjectNumber2013-1147BRR May3,2013 3 ( Limited Asbe,sto~ _and Lead.Survey R<;p9rt· BRR¾chitecture, Inc. , 1530.far;iday~".en4e Carlsbad,-Califomia .See. Appendix 3 f(>r copie~ of the laboratory results and chain-of-custody. Lead-Con~g Material$ 0 OMEGA INVlltONMINtAL 'i;n'I.JY.'li-!WUU'df _.,r.,-....... • Six (6) coufihnatory paint ¢hips and bulk samples were collected during this survey; The bulk aµd paint chips· samples· were collected usiµg hand tools and .placed into an individual sampling container. The i,amples ·were given a discreet sample number and were recor9ed on a chain-of-custoqy fol'IQ., The ~amples were analyzed for lead conte1_1t using the flai;ne Atomic A;bsorptiori. Spectroscopy (AAS) in a~cordance with EPA Method SW846-30SOB. . . . , The following table _provides a ~ummary ofthe sample results. Table.2 · Asbestos.Bulk Sample_ White . Drvwall Suite 140 BDL Dark blue . ·Dmvall Suite 1'40 BDL Brown:. ,. Drvwall Suite mo BDL .Black ·Metal Door frame, suite 140· BDL -Grav., ,Concrete Ceramic·,tilc, ·floor .BDL . White , Concrete Ceramic file, wall BDL BDI., ;=, Below'Bctc<ition:Limit Inacces·sible suspect building b;laterials such ·as, pipe fasulation; mastic, flobring an:d , , surfacing materials may ex:fst withjn walis, pipe ·chases, ceiling cavities and sub-floors. During teuovation and demoUtion operations, materials may be uncovered that are different from those accessible for sampling during this survey. If suspect material is found, additional sampling · should be performed to determine if the materials .contain asbestos .and or -lead. 5. Re~atory Requirements Asb'e~tos-Containing. Materfals Asbestos-Containing Materials ineaJ}s any materials containing more thah 1% asbestos by wei~ht. ' Impacting materials containing greater than :than 0.1 % asbestos either through repa~, maintenance, renovation ·or ·demolition activities triggers regulations enforced by 'California Occupatfonal Safety and He~lth Adininistratioµ (Cal-(?SHA). · Listed belqw are the .regulatio!ls. that apply if: the. materials are removed or managed fa,. ~~= ' . ,. Any individual who· contracts to provjde heaith and safety services relating to a~he~to~..:cpnti!,ining construction in~terials must ,pe certified by Cal-OSHA as either-a Certified Asbestos Consultant or a Site ·Surveillance Technician. The , e;1.9tj:viti~s they ate certifieq to provide in.9lud.e: conducti~g a;b.estos ·surveys; Omega Project Numbcr,2013° I! 471;3).lR May3;2013 4 ' \ . Limited Asbestos and Lead Survey Report BRR Architecture, Inc. 0 OMEGA 1530 Faraday Avenue lNVIIONMl!NfAL Carlsbad, California Lead writing work plans or specifications for abatement; monitoring the work of abatement contractors; collecting air samples; and determining if the work area is safe for re-occupancy by non-asbestos workers. Regulation: Cal-OSHA 8 CCR 1529 (q) (1). • Notify employees, tenants and contractors who perform work in the building of the presence, locations and quantities of asbestos in accordance with California Health and Safety Code Section 25915 and Proposition 65, California (8 CCR 1529 (k)) and Federal OSHA (1926.1101) regulations. • To ensure that all hidden materials are identified, additional destructive sampling may be conducted prior to renovation or demolition of the building. Regulation: National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants {NESHAPS -40 CFR Part 61} as authorized by the Clean Air Act. • If more than 100 square feet of materials that contain greater than 0.1 % asbestos will be removed, the materials must be removed by a registered asbestos abatement contractor. Regulation: Cal-OSHA 8 CCR 1529 (R). • Class III asbestos work includes the repair and maintenance operations where ACMs, including TSI and surfacing materials, are disturbed. This work should be conducted and supervised by personnel who have a minimum of 16-hour Asbestos Operations and Maintenance (O&M) training. Work practices and engineering controls for Class III work are specified in Cal-OSHA 8 CCR 1529 (g) (9). • Class IV asbestos work includes maintenance and custodial activities where personnel contact but do not disturb ACMs (i.e., buffing of asbestos- containing floor tile, changing a battery in a smoke detector attached to an acoustical plaster ceiling). This work should be conducted by personnel with a minimum of 2-hour asbestos awareness training and supervised by personnel who have a minimum of 16-hour Asbestos O&M training. Work practices and engineering controls for Class IV work are specified in Cal-OSHA 8 CCR 1529 (g) (10). Impacting lead-based paint or lead-containing materials either through repair, maintenance, renovation or demolition activities triggers numerous regulations enforced by such agencies as the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), worker protection, State of California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal-OSHA), Construction Safety Orders (Section 1532.1 ), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), environmental exposure, transportation and disposal, and California Department of Public Health (DPH). Omega Project Number 2013-1147BRR May3,2013 5 I;,imitcc\ Asbcs\os and;Lcad Survey-Report 0 BRRA.rchitccturc, -Inc. · OMEGA )530:faraday Avctiuc· INVlltONMl!NTAL Ja11\lll~\.1Wl.1.1J¥f l",'ri"t-;"t\_ Carlsbad, Ca)ifoniia Listed-1:>efo:ware the lead paint regulations that apply ifthe paint is removed: ·6. • There are presently no-Federal,. State or Local regulations limiting the ·concentration of lead: iri public. sectqt bui1dings, however several regulations established for the private .sector as Well as for government subsidized.housing are u_sed indu$try wide. i:is guidelines for assessing. exposure to lead, • The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has set a maximum amount oflead in. paint ·that may be sold for consumer use is 0.06% of the dry -weight of the. paipt Tb,e. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HIJD) requires abatemenf .of lead hazards involving paint in concentrations .. exceedip.g 0.5% by weight. • The Contractor shall create· waste streams and perform all appropriate waste stream testing as requited by tlus Work plan, by the regulations and the selected _ :lartdfills. The. Contractor sha.il collect composite and representative samples pet· . waste strean:;t. Testing .is considered part of the work and shall be included in the. · Contractorbid. Testing shall include, but is :pot limited to, Total Threshold Limit Conce:ptration (TILC), Soluble 'Threshold'. Limit Concentrations-(STLC), Toxicity ·Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP), and any test deemed . necessary by the disposal facility (s). Waste steam testing shall be· completed for each identified waste stream and, additionally identified waste streams that may be discovered dµring the work. · • Federal OSHA as well as 'California OSHA regulates all worker exposure during construction activities that impact lead-containing paint. California OSHA enforces t_he Lead .in Construction .Standard in Title 8 CCR 1532.1 .. The scope covers cpnstructiOlJ. Work where employees may be exposed to lead during such activities as demolition, removal, surface preparatiop for re- painti:pg, .renovation, cleanup and -routine maintenance. The OSHA specified method of compliance inciudes respiratory protection, protective clothing and .,equipment, housekeeping; hygiene facilities, medical surveillance, and training, among, oth,errequitemen.ts. • California DPH has developed regulations for accreditation, certification, and Work practices for lead'..based paint and lead hazards (Title 8 CCR, Division 1 Chapter 8), Recomme"ndations During renovation · and de_molition operations, materials· may be uncovered that are · differe11.t from thosi.:, crccessible '(or sampling during this assessment. Personnel in charge of renovation or demolitjon .should 'ht~ alert¥d to note materials uncovered during these operations, which differ ·substantially from those included in this assessment.. If ~uspect asbestos and or lead are found, additional ·sampling should be performed to determine if the materials contain asbestos and or lead. Qmcga Project Numlicr 2013-I 147B_RR May3,2013 . '\' ,j t ' t Limited Asbestos and Lead Survey Report BRR Architecture, Inc. 1530 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 7. Limitations 0 OMEGA !NYIIONM!NTAL This report is not intended to identify all hazards or unsafe conditions or to imply that others do not exist. Omega warrants that the findings contained herein have been prepared in general accordance with accepted professional practices as applied by similar professionals in the community at the time of its preparation. Changes in the state of the art or in applicable regulations cannot be anticipated and have not been addressed in this report. Note: Destructive testing was not conducted during this limited survey. Consequently, unidentified asbestos and lead containing materials may be present such as pipe insulation between walls and other hidden or non-accessible suspect materials. Omega does not warrant the presence of asbestos and/or lead-containing materials under the above condition. Omega Project Number 2013-1147BRR May3,2013 7 r- 0 OM-E-GA ENViRONMENTAL _ ElllAHlOJ'IWEm'<lr .~_ ... ,lt"t'f't"'"'J ~~ .. r: -App~ndix 1 Asbe_stos Table results. and Sample Locations FieldI.D. 1530-lA 1530-IB 1530-2A 1530-2B 1530-2C 1530-3A 1530-3B 1530-3C 1530-4A 1530-4B 1530-4C 1530-SA 1530-SB 1530-SC 1530-6A 1530-6B 1530-6C 1530-7A 1530-7B 1530-7C ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS BRR Architecture, Inc. Material Description 12"x 12" dark gray floor tile with streaks & yellow mastic l 2"x 12" dark gray floor tile with streaks & yellow mastic White base cove. mastic White base cove mastic White base cove mastic Drywall & joint compound Drywall & joint compound Drywall & joint compound 2 'x2' ceiling tile 2'x2' ceiling tile 2'x2' ·ceiling tile 2 'x4' ceiling tile 2 'x4' ceiling tile 2'x4' ceiling tile Drywall & joint compound Drywail & joint compound Drywall & joint compound Yellow carpet mastic Yellow carpet mastic Yellpw carpet mastic 1530 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California Sampling Dates: April 25, 2013 Omega Project Number: 2013-l 147BRR Assessment C A F Amount 0 C R Sample Location SF/LF N C I NQ G M N Suite 140, kitchen G M N Suite 140, kitchen NQ G M N Suite 140, kitchen G M N Suite 140, center area G M N Suite 140, south side NQ G E N Suite 140, kitchen, interior G E N Suite 140, center area, interior G E N Suite 140 by exit, interior NQ G M F Suite 140, north side G M F Suite 140, center area G M F Suite 140, south side NQ G M F Suite 140 G M F Suite 140 G M F Suite 140 NQ G M F Suite 140, NW section, perimeter wall G M F Suite 140, NE section, perimeter· wall G M F Suite 140, SW section, perimeter wall NQ G M N Suite 140, north side G M N Suite 140, center area G M N Suite 140, south section 0 OMEGA !NVIIONM!NtAL Estimated % Asbestos (<=Less than) A C A N M H N A 0 R T D s y H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Analysis pcrfonned in accordance with EPA Protocol for asbestos using polarized light microscopy (PLM). Analytical detection limit= I% by volume NAD No Asbestos Detected Assmt Assessment Ace Accessibility Fri Friability Amos = Amositc NQ Not Quantified Con Condition S Staff Only F Friable Chrys Chrysotile SF Square Feet G Good M Moderate N = Non Friable Croc Crocidolite LF Linear Feet F Fair E Easy Anth= Anthophyllite P Poor 1~30-8B 1530-9A Al{BE_81'.0S BULI{ SAMPLE AN At YTICAL RESULTS BRR Architecture, Inc. Material bescriptfon 12"x12" gray floor tile ,w/white streaks~yellow mastic 12"kl2''. gray floor tile w/whit¢ streaks &. yellow _ mastic ,Gray grout J530 ·Faraday Avenue, Car.lsbad, California Sampling Dates: April 25,.2013 Omega.Project Number: 2013-1147J3RR Assessiricht C A f Ainomit. · 0 c:; R SF/UF N .. C J Sample Location NQ G M N . Suite 140, electrical room G M .N Suite 140, electrical roc_im NQ G M N Men's restroom ,·2 •. J• Esti~atcd % Asbestos· ( < =Less than) · A C A N M .J;I N A 0 R t D. .s y H X X X A,nalysispc!'forrncfin accordii:ncc'wi.th EPA Protocol for asbcsto~ using-p~lari;,;cd light micro~copy (P.LM). Analytical dctcctioi;i liinit =e I% by volume NAO' No Asllcstos.Dctcctep· Assmt Assessment ' Ace = Accessibility Fri = Friability Amos = Amosit9 NQ Not Qµantified· Con Condition, S -Staff Only F Friable Chrys <;:hrysotilc SF Square Feet G·. Good M· -Modcriiic N Non Friable · Ctoc ~rocid61itc 1F Linear Feet F Fair .E -Easy Ailth=-A,nt)Jophylljtc ·: P Poor · 6C 7 5 F 1------t-----------------------------~ 8A, 8B 3C @)r---- 5C PLANNING svsm,s SUITE 100 ~ 2B 3B 7B A 1------+-------Ll'I · f 7 '.'-=== c'ED \, 1l1j 9A 7 l Asbestos Sample Locations 1530 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA Omega Project Number 2013-114 7BRR ~ NORTH 6A 5A _, 1B JA,2A, 3A 7A 6B 0 OM.EGA · ENVIRONMENTAL . . l'ilih\l!!OJ.1WE11P,tr .-~ !' {, ;:; ~ .. , ,...,-. I""' "' Appendix 2 Lead Tagle n;lsults and Sample Locations ' t Field I.D. Ll L2 L3 L4 Field I.D. LS L6 Lead Sample Analytical Results BRR Architecture, Inc. 1530 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California Sampling Dates: April 25, 2013 Omega Project Number: 2013-1147BRR Lead Paint Chips EPA Method SW846 3050B/7000B Estimated C Paint color Amount: 0 Sample Location SF/LF N White NQ G Suite 140, interior Dark blue NQ G Suite 140, interior Brown NQ G Suite 140, interior Black NQ G Suite 140, interior Lead Bulk Sample Total Threshold Limit Concentration (TTLC) Description 6"x6" gray ceramic tile 4"x4" white ceramic tile Estimated Amount: SF/LF NQ NQ C 0 N G G Sample Location Men's restroom, floor Men's restroom, wall NA = Not analyzed G = Good SF =Square Feet ND = None Detected F =Fair= Good LF =Linear Feet NQ = Not Quantified P = Poor mg/kg = milligrams per kilograms CON= Condition %wt = Percent by weight ppm=parts per million Result Substrate %wt Drywall <0.010 Drywall <0.013 Drywall <0.010 Door frame <0.083 Result Substrate mg/kg Concrete <40 Concrete <40 When "<" appears in the lead sample report, it should be interpreted as meaning below the analytical detection limit and no lead was detected in the paint sample. 7 5 i:-1-----r----~-~~----r--~-~-----~-~----- E }--'----+-----------.:5,-;:I:;6--IF, =====t~a1====;;,,=1=~;;;;,=s~~· . @>--~~ ' '"> ' :,a,'! jjii ,r=== .( . ©>--'-·-- _®1----:;,..JI A 7) PWBIING SYSTEMS SUITE100. ·.~ F.S ~ l LOBBY l ]Q[==]Q[ l Lead Sample Loc~tions 1~30 Farad~y Avenu~, Carlsbad, CA OqiegaProject Number 2013-1147BRR _;. L3 L2 L4 NORTH ., _, A-,-, _·, ' LA T~sting ' ' -. ,1:' , '1 11652~nottStreetU11itf5,Gaitlen_Grove,•CA92841-. LA testing Order: 331305828 CustomerJD: OMEG34 , • J"hone/F111<: (7:14). 828-4999 t (714)0828-4944 CL)stomerPO: ~--: · i' ·r~ST:ING . qardeqacoYrlab@latesuna.c:om ProjectlD: ' Ann: Navicf$aJ~ri Omega Environmental ·Service~; ·inc. - _ 4570 Campus Drive Suite 30 Newport -Be~ch, CA 926$0' . . Project: 2013-1147KIIV! Phone: · (949) 252-2145 Fax: Received: 04/25/13 3:40 PM · Analysis,Date: 4/26/2013 Collected: 4/25/2013 Test Report: A~bestos An~lysis .of ·Bulk. Materials via EPA 600/R-93/116 and/orEPA 600/1\114.:82-020 Method'.(s) using Pol~rized Light Microscopy Sample· 1530-1A°Floot'Tile '331305828-0001 -1530-1A-rvtastic 331305_828-0001A 1530'-1 B-Floor Tile 331305~2~-00_02 15ao-ls-Masuc ;33130fi828-0002A 1530-?._A 331305848-0003 1530-28° 331305828-0004 1530-2C 331305828-0005 j 530~:)A-Drywalr 331305828-0006 Arialyst(s) . chnstppfier Kim (12J ,O/ivia·Santiago (21)· Description Suite 140.Kitc;he_ri Suite 140 Kitchen _, Suite'140'Kitcheri Suite 140-Khch~n · Suit~ 140-Kitchen N.Sjde ~uite 140:Kitch_en Center Area Suite 140 Kitchen SSide .. Suite 140kitchen ·Nside · · Appearance. % 'Gray Non-Fibrous H2mogeneous Yello"'! Non°Fibrous Homogen!)ous Gray Non~Fibrous. HC>mogeneous Yellow Non-Fiprous Hompgeneous · White Non°Fibrous Heterogeneous Whit~ Non-Fibrqus HeterO!leneC>u_s W~ite Non-Fibrous . Heterogeneous Brown/fleige 10% . Fibf0\JS. 2% Heterqgerieq!JS· · Non>Asbestos-Asbestos Flbroiis Cellulose 'Glass % _ Non-Fibrous 100% Non-fibrous (other) 100% Non-fibrous (other) 100% Non-fibrous (other) 100% Non-fibrous (other) 100% Non-fibrous (other) 100% Non-fibrous ( oth~r) · 100% Non-fibrous (other) 88% Non-fibrous (other) % Type None.Dete.cted None Detected- None-D!)tected · -None .Detected None-Detected None Detected ·None De!ected ,Noile:betected' - Derrick.Tanner, Laboratory.Manager or other approved·signator:y EMSl'rnalotaln~ liability liipited to co~t pf an~lysl~. Thl~-f'\IP()rt relat_e~ only lo .\he.~ap,ples ~ported apd m}1y not be rE1prod.49ed, except in full, without written approval by EM~_L.· _EMSL tie~rs no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytlcaLmethod limitations. ·Interpretation and·use of test results are th-e responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by.NVLAP, ·NI St or ariy agency,of the,federal government. Non-friable organically bound matenals present a problem matrix and therefora,EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prioricfanalysls, Samples.received In good-coridillon unless otherwlse·noted. ·Estimated. accuracy;preclsion and uncertainty data available upon request. Re'portlng llmlt , is1% · --· · · · Samples analyzed by LA Testing G~rde_n Grove; CkNVi::AP Lab Code 101384-0, CA-ELAP 1406 -l [! lnitial:n~poitfrom 04/26/2013 19:~5:2~ Test Rep·oi:t Pl,.Ma7,28. 7 Printed: 4/26{2013 10:55:22 AM A LA Testing ~ 11652 Knott Street Unit F5, Garden Grove, CA 92841 • Phone/Fax: (714) 828-4999 / (714) 828-4944 'TESTING gardengrovelab@latestinq.com LA Testing Order: 331305828 CustomerlD: OMEG34 CustomerPO: ProjectlD: Attn: Navid Salari Phone: Fax: Received: Omega Environmental Services, Inc. 4570 Campus Drive Suite 30 Analysis Date: (949) 252-2145 04/25/13 3:40 PM 4/26/2013 4/25/2013 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Collected: Project: 2013-1147KIM Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-93/116 and/or EPA 600/M4-82-020 Method(s) using Polarized Light Microscopy Sample 1530-3A-Joint Compound 331305828.0005A 1530-38-Drywall 331305828-0007 1530-38-Joint Compound 331305828-0007 A 1530-3C-Drywall 331305828-0008 1530-3C-Joint Compound 331305828.0008A 1530-4A 331305828-0009 1530-48 331305828-0010 Analyst(s) Christopher Kim (12) Olivia Santiago (21) Description Suite 140 Kitchen NSide Suite 140 Middle Area Center Suite 140 Middle Area Center Suite 140 by Exit SinkSSide Suite 140 by Exit SinkSSide Throughout Throughout Appearance White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous Brown/White Fibrous Heterogeneous White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous Brown/White Fibrous Heterogeneous White Non-Fibrous Homogeneous Tan/White Fibrous Heterogeneous Tan/White Fibrous Heterogeneous % 5% 2% 8% <1% 40% 25% 40% 25% Non-Asbestos Asbestos Fibrous % Non-Fibrous % Type Cellulose Glass Cellulose Glass Cellulose Min. Wool Cellulose Min. Wool 100% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 93% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 100% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 92% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 100% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 25% Perlita None Detected 10% Non-fibrous (other) 25% Perlita None Detected 10% Non-fibrous (other) Derrick Tanner, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government Non-friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request Reporting limit is1% Samples analyzed by LA Tesbng Garden Grove, CA NVLAP Lab Code 101384-0, CA ELAP 1406 Initial report from 04/26/2013 10:55:22 Test Report PLM-7.28.7 Printed: 4/26/2013 10:55:22 AM 2 Attn:. Navid Salari Omega Environmental, S~rvices, inc. 4570 Campus Drive Suite 30 · Newport B~~ch, CA,92660 , Project: 2013-1.147KIIYI ,I, LA Testing Order: 331305828 CustomerlD: OMEG34 CustomerPO: ProjectlD: Phone: (949) 252-2145 Fax: _ 'Received: 04/25/13 3:40 PM Analysis Date: 4/26/2013 Collected: 4/25/2013 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis.·Qf::Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-93/116 ~ndlor.EPA 600/M4-·a2~020 Method(~): using poJarized 'Light Microscopy Sam_ple 15304C 331305828-0011 1530-5A 331305828-0012 1530-58 331305828-00P 1530-SC ;331305828-0014 1530-pA-Dl'Y','lali . 331305828-0015 1530-6A-Joiht Compound ' 331305828-001.SA 1530-68-Drywall 331305828-0016 1530-68-Joint -Cqmpou_nd 331305828-0q16A Anal~t{s) ChristopherKim (12) Olivia Santiago "(21 )· Descrietlon Thrpugtiotit Tliroughout-su,tes Throughout Suites Throughout Suit~ Suite·140; NW Section· Sui!El 140; NW. Section Suite.14;0,-NE: Sectioi'J Suite 140;.NE · Section App_earance · Gray Fibrous Homogeneous Tan/White Filirous Heteroi;ieneous Tan/White 'Fibrous _ Hetero~e~eous· Tan/Whit~ Fibrous -Homogeneous ·Brown/White · Fibrous Heterogeneous White Non•Fibrcius H~mogeneo1,1s Brown/White .Fibrous Heterogent:lous White Non°Fibrous . -Homogen~ous Non-Asbestos Asbestos % Fibrous. % Non-Fibrous % Type 55%, ·celluiose 35% Min.Wool 40% Cell_uiose 20% f',,1in.Wool 40% Cellulose 20% Min. Wool 65% Cellulose '25o/o Min. VVool 10%! Cellulose 2% Glass 10% Cellulos~ ·2% Glass 10% Non-fibrous {other) ·Nohe Detecteg. 30% Perlita None Detected 10% Non-fibrous {other) 30% Perlite None Detec;ted 10% Non-fibrous {other) 1.0% Non-fibrous { other) None Detected 88% Non-fibrous {other) None. Detected· 100% Non-fibrous {other) None-Detected 88% Non-fibrous {other) None'Detected 100% Non-fibrous {other) None Detected· Derrick'Tariner, Laboratory Manager or other approved-signatory EMSL·niaintalnS liability.llinitei:I to_.cost of analysis. ·Tols report relates-only.to the samples reJJOrte_d and may not be reproc;!uced; except fn full, withourwrltten approval by EMSL, EMSL bears no, ra~ponslbilliy for sample <;0ilection ~ctillitles·.or i:inalytlcal method lim!tatio_ns, lnt~rpre\ation ari/r~se of tE1st resu(ts-~\'8. the (esponsib[llty_ of the client ToJs. report.must no_t:be u~ed by the. client t.o claim product certification, approval; or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency.of the federal government :Non-friable organically bound materials presenfa problem matrix and therefore EMSL reconim~nds grallimelric ie~µ~on prior tci analysis, Samples received In good conditioi) unll!~S.otherwlse-nbtecl. Estimated accura~y, precision and uncertainty data available, upon request.-Reporting limit is1% · -· Samples analyze'd,by LA Tesbpg'.G~rden Groll!!.-CA NVLAP-Lab Code 101384-0, CA El,AP 1406 .[, lniti!;ll reportJrom Q4/26i2013 °10:~5:22 -.. · Test Report PL:.M-7:28.7 Printed: 4/26/201310:55:22 A]VI I 3 /j. A LA Testing 11652 Knott Street Unit FS, Garden Grove, CA 92841 Phone/Fax: (714) 828-4999 / (714) 828-4944 TESTING gardengrovelab@latesting.com Attn: Navid Salari Phone: Fax: Received: LA Testing Order: CustomerlD: CustomerPO: Projec!ID: (949) 252-2145 331305828 OMEG34 Omega Environmental Services, Inc. 4570 Campus Drive Suite 30 Analysis Date: 04/25/13 3:40 PM 4/26/2013 4/25/2013 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Collected: Project: 2013-1147KIM Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-93/116 and/or EPA 600/M4-82-020 Method(s) using Polarized Light Microscopy Sample 1530-6C-Drywall 331305828-0017 1530-6C-Joint Compound 331305828.0017A 1530-?A 331305828-0018 1530-7B 331305828-0019 1530-7C 331305828-0020 1530-8A-Floor Tile 331305828-0021 1530-8A-Mastic 331305828.0021A 1530-8B-Floor Tile 331305828-0022 Analyst(s) Christopher Kim (12) Olivia Santiago (21) Description Appearance Suite 140, Sw Brown/White Comer Fibrous Heterogeneous Suite 140, Sw White Comer Non-Fibrous Homogeneous Suite 140 N Side Yellow Non-Fibrous Homogeneous Suite 140 Center Yellow Area Non-Fibrous Homogeneous Suite 140 S Section Yellow Non-Fibrous Homogeneous SW Corner Gray/White Electrical Storage Non-Fibrous Room Homogeneous SW Corner Yellow Electrical Storage Non-Fibrous Room Homogeneous SW Comer Gray Electrical Storage Non-Fibrous Room Homogeneous Non-Asbestos Asbestos % Fibrous % Non-Fibrous % Type 10% Cellulose 2% Glass 88% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 100% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 100% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 100% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 100% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 100% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 100% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 100% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected Derrick Tanner, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. Tois report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approwl by EMSL EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. Tois report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approwl, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government Non-fiiable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data awilable upon request. Reporting limit 1s1% Samples analyzed by LA Testing Garden Grove, CA NVLAP Lab Code 101384-0, CA ELAP .1406 Initial report from 04/26/2013 10:55:22 Test Report PLM-7.28.7 Printed: 4/26/201310:55:22 AM 4 . . · LA Testing · · . LA'restlng brder: 331305828 Customerlb: OMEG34' , , . ·Phone/F~: (714) 828-4999 /:(714) 828-49.<14 . CustomerPO: A .. ,~-11652 Knott.~treet Unit F.5, Garden Grove, C/1!92841 . · . . , '·TESTJNG . . qardengro_ve!ab@latestiiiq,com, ProjectlD: ·, Attn: Navid Salari Omega EnvironmentcJ! Servi~es, Inc. · 45.70 Campust>rive Suite a·o Newport Beach, ·CA 92660 Project: 201~-1147KIM· Phone: (949) 252°2145 :Fax_: Received: 04/25/13 3:40 PM Analysis· Date: 4/26/2013 Collected: 4/25/2013 T_est R~port:-Asbesfos Analysis o(Bu!k Mater.ials via:EPA 6.00/R-93/1'16 and/9r:EPA 60Q(M4-82-020, Method(s) usin·g Polarized Light MJcroscopy sample 1530-88-Mastic . 331305828.0022A 331305828-0023 .Analyst(s) · Chr[stopherKim (12) . -Olivia Safltiago.(21) Description . SW Comer Electiical St9rage Room Appearance Y'illlOW Non-Fibrous Homogeneous Grciut:R~strgbms Gr~y Non-Fibrous 'Heterogeneous % Non-Asbestos Fibrous %. Non-Fibrous Asbestos % Type 100% Non-fibrous (other) · None .Oetected 100% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected Derrick Tanne~, La~oratoi:y Manager or other approved·si9.natofy EMSL maintains hablilty llmlteci to cost o(an~Jysls. Th.ls repo~ relates only.to ihe.sarilp!es reported-an.d may.not be repfQdiiced; except in:ru11; without written approyal by EMSL. EMl;)L bears no . responsibility for sample collection·al:ti'ljties or analytical method.limitations. ·Jnterpr~tatlon and use of.test resuJts·are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used.by the client to 'claim pro.duct' certification; appioval,-orendorseinent tiy NVLAP, NISTo~·ariy agency of ihe·federal'govemmenl Non-:friable oiganlcally bound materials present a protiiem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends grav1metric.reiluction prior,.to.a.~alysis. S,ampl~~.recelve_d.in g?o"d,condillon,unless otherwise noted, ·Estimated accu~cy, p~islon and uncertajnty, data available upon requesi. 'Reporting !lmlt. 1s1% · · · · .samples analyzed-by l:A·Testing G9.rden Grove,-CA:NVLAP Lab Code· 101384--0; CA El.AP 1406 ·[ __ 1n_ii_i~_1 r_ep_o_rt_f_ro_m_o_4_t2_61_2_0·_13-,-10_:_55_:2_2_. --------,---------~---,---,.-,---,----------'-'-----------,,-----'r Test-Report P~M-7.28.;7 Print«?d, 4/26/2013 10:55:2~ AM "THIS-IS THE LAST PAGE.OFtHEREPORT. 5, ; ' .. cl . , omi:>anv :. ,rJYJ'l/.~ I ' -v· Street: ' :Citv: ,' j Reaort To 1(Namel: . TJlephone #: ----·-·--· ·----·-·-----------------,-------~ . Asbestos Cha·fo. of 'Custody LATESTJNG 11652 KNOTT STREET LA Testing Order ,Number (Lab Use Only): '' 1. * 3 3 t 3 :o 5 a 2 .al . . UNITFS . ' . ' ,r..,v-: .. . ' _, · 'I State/Province: I . . - GARDEN·GROVf;, 0A9284.1 . PHONE: (714) 828-49~9 FAX: (714) 82.8-4944 LA Testing-Bill to: U Same LJ Different Ir Bill to is Dlfferent·note lnstructlons•ln·Comments" · ThirrJ:Partv. Blllina reauires·written authorization from-third oartv • ZiPIPostal'<:ode: I Countrv: Fax#: .... _,. Email Address: rl~Yic:L ti 1'11U)lr7(&JY-.·Co m · ·Proiect Name/Number: z,v o . -J/'17 . JC-/M -V Please Provide Results: D Fax t .Rmall I Purchase Order: Al • .): I .U.S. State'.Samoles Taken: .. : . Tumaround'.Tlme (TAT)Optlons* -·Please:Check ·nu 3Hour · 11 +6Hour r r 24Hour 11 r48Hour .. 11 I 72Hour I' I I 96Hour 1,1 11 Week 11 I 2Week · *t-pr TEM:Air3 hours·t11rough·6:hours, ptaasfi'Cf!/1 aheadto·schadule. *There.is a premium charge for 3 Hour TEM AHERA of/EPA Level/I TAT. · You will be asked to sian.an' authorization forrn-foNhfs saNice. · Anelvsls comoletsdin accordance with I.A Testlng's. Terms.and Conditions located'Jri the,AnaMfcal Pnce Guide. · PCM-Air TEM -Air Q44.5hrTAT (AHERAonly) , .·reM-Dust . " 0. •f'.JIOSH 7400 . D AHERA 40 CFR, Part 763 0 Microvac -ASTM D 5755 · 0 w/ O~HA 8hr. TWA 0 NIOSH7402 ;. 0 Wipe -ASTM D6480 . PLM -·Bulk (reeortlng limit} · 0 EPA Level II · D Cc1.rpet Sonicatioli·(EPA 600/J-93/16n, ~l.M EPA 600/R-93/116 (<1 %) . D 1~0.10312 _ · ,Soil/RocklV'ermiculite • . PLM.EPA NOB (<:1%) TEM·-.Bulk 0 PLM CARB 435-A (0.25% sensitivity) ' Point Count . tJTEMEPANOB. 0 PLM CARB435-·B (0.1% sensitivity) .· 0400 {~0.25%)0 1000 (<0.1%) 0 NYS'NOB 198.4 (non~fiiable-NY). 0 TEM CARB 435-.B (0 .. 1%sensitivity) . Point Count w/Gravimetric 0 Chatfield SOP 0 TEM CARS 435-C (0:01%$~0sitivlty) ·,0,400 (<0;25%).0 1000·(<0.1%) . 0 TEMMass:Analysl~EPA6QO $8C. 2:5 0 EPA Protocol (Semi-QuantitaUve)' '·o NYS 198.f(friable in-NY) Tl:M -Water: EPA 100.2 D EPA Proto~! (Clu.aoti~tiv~) CJ NYS 1'9,8.6 NOB (non-friable-NY) _ ·c . Fibers->1 Oµm OWaste O.Drinking Other: , '' · O'' NIOSH'9002 (<1'%) . ' All Fiber-Sizes .D Waste D·Drinkirig D O Check. For Positive Stop-Cl13arly ld"ntify .Homogenous Group , · . Samplers Name: . -· , Samplers Signature: Volume/Area(Air) · Date/Time SaRJple# · · Sample Description ,. HA#(Bulk) Sampled· ,f _ ,;. I ~,.,, ~ ; 1"'1-- c;;..,, '' ; i ..,. II lx. _ _.,,,,, ' j ,1·~ - i ; '. '· i ' I t .i i _t ! · Client Sample# (sk i:f-3 -Total # of'Samales: ~.'\ · Relinqulshed·(Clierit'· _[ 'lJ t//?..S-//~ -,, \ Date: Time: .. ,, ,,,.. F\ . Recelv~d. (~b): (,,_ ~· vi .r-,, V\.. (Lt\ll 1 Date: l{/2S'f{~ ,Time:2~ .. · · Commen~SpeciafJnstlt ctions: '-• I I . '' l ' Page 1 of +pages .. . . 1· _l,i'. .ACM -Bulk Sample Data:Sheet . ,A:iJaJysis: ;x. 'PLM TEtvl . : ·: Samo le. Date:·:04/2'5/13 .. ·TA,J':-. · )Rusli (3hr).. Rush·(6hr)'.X(Rush:(24hrLStd:.(3-S.day)' . r . · .Sam'!>ler/s:Name/s:-.NS. KG . ' . .,., _.J, ,• ·3u3osa2s.. I , , ' . ' 0 OMEGA #331305828 !NVIIONM!NTAL Omega Environmenqd Services, Inc. 4570 Campus Drive, Suite 30 Newport Beach, Ca1ifomia92660 Phone: (949) 252-2145, Fax: (949) 252-2148 ! Email: navidla)omegaenv.com \ I I PrQicctNumber: 2013-1147KIM Proiect Name: Proiect Address: 1530 Faradav Ave. Carlsbad CA i · sam 1,1:10. , . · .sam le Locatton-&-.Matflrla/.Locatlon, · · ACM Bulle Sample Data Sheet Analysis: X. PLM TEM Page# __ 'Z... __ Samole.Date: 04/25/13 TAT: Rush (3hr) Rush (6hr) X Rush (24hr) .. Std. (3-S day) Samoler/s Name/s: NS, KG _ Quan .. . Relinquished By: ____ _JNt.:· ~,_)~----====~patlrf!~dt:::::::±:=--.-Datetrime: _-?-~~:...._- Rec,1ved By: _4-£:J~N-·Uf.--.&.,...,_{/l__,==_ -~...-.:i~-¥--Y-~--Dateftime: /'? ·sll£pl" 0 o.M-E.GA 'ENVIRONMENTAL · ' , El1/\llW11WSl1.l'l!'f 1-_.,"' r, rr-_;"~ ~~,,,·-~ . .i:r Appendix 4 . Lead Laboratory Results and Chain-of-Custody ,, ,i ,), A '· LA Testing Phone/Fax: (714) 828-4999 / (714) 828-4944 ~ 11652 Knott Street Unit FS, Garden Grove, CA 92841 TESTING qardengrovelab@latesting.com Attn: Navid Salari Omega Environmental Services, Inc. .. 4570 Campus Drive Suite 30 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Project: 2013-1147KIM Phone: Fax: Received: Collected: (949) 252-2145 04/25/13 3:40 PM 4/25/2013 LA Testing Order: 331305826 CustomerlD: OMEG34 CustomerPO: ProjectlD: Test Report: Lead in Paint Chips by Flame AAS (SW 846 3050B*/7000B) Lab ID: Analyzed RDL 0001 4/25/2013 0.010 %wt Client S«mf!..le L 1 0002 4/25/2013 0.013 % wt Client Samf!..le L2 0003 4/25/2013 0.010 % wt Client Samf!..le L3 0004 4/25/2013 0.083 %wt Client Samf!..le L4 Lead Concentration Notes <0.010 % wt Site: White Drywall lnteiror Collected: 4/25/2013 <0.013 % wt Site: Dark Blue Drywall Interior Collected: 4/25/2013 <0.010 % wt Site: Brown Drywall Interior Collected: 4/25/2013 <0.083 %wt Site: Black Door Frames Interior Collected: 4/25/2013 Michael Chapman, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory Reporting limit is 0.010 % wt based on the minimum sample weight per our SOP. The QC data associated with these results included in this report meet the method QC requirements, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Unless noted, results in this report are not blank corrected. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. • slight modifications to methods applied."<" (less than) result signifies that the analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit Measurement of uncertainty is available upon request Samples analyzed by LA Testing Garden Grove, CAAIHA-LAP, LLC-ELLAP Accredited #101650, CA ELAP 1406 Initial report from 04/26/2013 08:58:23 Test Reoort PB w/RDL-7.26.0 Printed: 4/26/2013 8:58:23 AM Page 1 of 1 ; -·• ·A· · LATesting · · ·. · , ·11652 Knott Street i)rilt FS;Garden Grove, Ck92841 .. f'l . . ,..,-~ ~"'"""'"'~",.,"'·-. _;-1 T~STI.Nl; · gaidengrovelab@latestinq:i:omc • Attn: Navid' Salari• O_mega Environmental Services, Inc .. 4570 Campus ·Drive · Suite 3Q Newport Beach,. CA 926.60 Project: 2013-1147KIM· Phone: Fax:. Received: Collected: .(949) 252-2145 04/25/13 3:40 PM 4/25/2013 'f -\ ,.,, )~ LA Testing Qrd!:!P 3~1305827 Custonietib~ OMEG34 Custc;>iTierPO: ProjectlD: Test Report;.: Total th res.hold Limit Concentration Lab.JD: A11alyzed RDf- 0001 4/26/2013 . Client Sample l:.!i . ,0002 4/26/2013 ClientSample L6 This report relate·s only to lt\ose )terns !estei Sample received In ·~cceptable condition unless citherwl~e no)ed. Samples analyzed by tA'TEisting Garden Grove; 'CA Initial report from 04/26/2!)13 :13:16:36 Test Reo·ort. RB w/RDL-7.26.0 Printed: 4/26/2013 1 :16:36-PM 40,mg/Kg 40 mg/Kg Lead Co11ce11tratio11 <40 mg/Kg <40 mg/Kg Site: Gray -Cone/Ceramic - 0F1oor Tile, 6x6 .Collected: 4/25/2013 Site: White -Cone/Ceramic 0 WaUTile,4x4 Colle~ted: . 4/25/2013. ~ ./ ,f . ·~ ,,~ ., _, Michael Chapman, Labqratory Manager or other approved signatory Page-~ of 1 :•, ',1 ,· r~ '-A ' ' ' ,L,f2, '._J • -•• ii, 1 ~··:. i.__'-Yf~~~;; ., .. , .Color.·:.... . . . ... · ; . ;s,mf ISiLbciiddn: · . . ;;qb~i«~~~~PQ~t. ,,. ' .. ti -; ,:"'' ~ . • .. : · '.'.Color;._:-..... · ... : __ ..._ _____ _ . · :sampii~atfon:, . : • :~q~i!I!>JJ{~~~r.:~~CSJ . C9Jo_r;.-;' ·..,· .,.;· ·---...... ---a.,----. s~pt~}~ati,Qn;, , . . :¢.QQ~~j~tj[qtlj~r n~~~: s·utiSitatc:: ---------.-... -.-, -.--- ·PAGE . J· -OF~ : :-.-,:.:,,: ~~Tr_,..', · ..... :-.-_ _,. ., . -.. ·.;~ ·co~~sitc SampJ~:,y:· ~Q!µ/ ' ' .. ~; . - 0 . ·~ellnqiabbed;~y: _,,...~~~~;:::--,.....,.~~-z~'.!~~-:tr~i~}~t~s;_;::_. .. · .. Datef,fim,:._ ... --,-+-:.,.,...;;.a;------ ~/' t L ,,;'-: ; ,Received.iBy:...,.... _ _,,_..,,.,.,,..._..,..._~,:F,-1',~_..,;::....,_ ___ _,_ li;,f;c~ • . -·~; -:: (I C:.:~ __. . . .. t\J. ·.:J ','.,•, •·,.i \ . -.... •"'' . • . 1Sta.t~17df11Ca1iforraia· · .;01vi$.iod: :gf\Q~~-~PE1-tf~i:i:~kSil'.f~tY,r1~~·a,~1:-1e:i:1'.tth. · :· ;~-~~it!~-~,:~~fi~~!~,~-~~gn~91.t~nr · · · ,--.,., __ --·-..... ,,-,- .... , '• State of California Department of Public Health Lead~Related certificate Expiration construction ~ Date 11/0512013 certificate 1~tor/Assessor Pft>ject'Monitor 11/05/2013 . ST:AJ:EOF ,C:::ALIFQ~IA-Edt\lund,Q. Bro)Vn, Ji: .. 'Governor . DEPARTMENT Of,-J:NL)USTR,IAJ.c,).~EI:.ATIONS Pivi~i9µ Q( Q~cupatfoha!,Safefy,and::m:illth' AsbesfQs,Unit · 2424 Ai:den Way, SuHe 485 ,Sacramento; CA 95825~24'.1:7' · .(9,16) $74;299,3,.bffice (916);4:81-'0S:7Z:Fax . ,http:i/viww,dir.ca:gov/dircfatab::ises,blm( actuf@cfir.ca.gov_ '-~;._.. .. ...,.). 100 :10~. Omeg.a Erwh:-cmrnental· $~:rv.ice$, Inc: Febru.ary 2l,. 2()13 Navicj ,S-al~ri 4S70 Oamp·~s::Orive, ·#3.0 · .Newport·.Beac.h,· ' CA ·92660 De.ar Ce.rtified Asbestosi:consultant:o'r Technician: • ; • .• ' -' • ' -C • ------~ .... ,...,..... Enclbs.ed :is yol:lr certific~tion ·card.· TQ rna·intaJn ·yout .cerl:ification, you: mus,t a.bi~e. t:,y the rules .p·rinfed on the bat:I< e,>f the:,certificati<>n,.card, Your,t:~ertificatio.n.Js yaJidfor ~: p~tjqd of'one:ye.at If youwi$h to renewyotir certifitatio.n, yo1,.1 mU$t, apply· fqt renewal at least 60 days ·before, the expiration da:te ,:shown, 'Oi1 your ,card. [~f c·cff34t. 1'5(h)(1ff --. ,. :Pler;tse hold and. :do not ,send ·copi$$ ,of your .required AH ERA ·refresher renewal certificate"s1cf'-~-- our office until.you Eipply·. tor renew~, :oty9ur: certification.. , · ,Gectific~tes rnust he kept Qurrenfif you are ·actlve.ly working, .as .a CAC. ,or .cssr:. The grace perfOO j~ pnly Jpr thbse, who are ilof ,actively Working as an asbestos. ·COrlSUltaht or site surveiJla'i19e t$chnicjan: · · · Pleas~;',contact our·:offim~. ·at the above.,iadc;lres:s:" f;axJ11;m1ber or em?til; of ,ariy d1ange& in y,our-" co'hfoctlr'n~:d.lii1g,jn.fon11atiori within t5· day~: ,of the· cHa.nge.. . · · ·· · · SinR8rely, --\r l~ ---- Jeff F~rr~H ' $.enior S.afety, 'En_gineer. Attachment: ,certific~tion Card cp: File Renewal :-carc,J Attached;(Revl~ed:01/03/fO.l?) ' ' .w ,- '· I --~-"!iii Dt1ff1M:t-th di Yt¥tsi?FSW i, Unite~ .st~te$·Depijrtment of CQtnmerce . NatiQoal lns.titute .. Qf $:tandards, a.od Technology ' . ' ~ ® ~.· .. · C.e:rtifi.c·ate of Ac·credltation to 1S0/IE·C ·11·025.::2005. . ., . ' -· ' -.. . -.. --~ ----. ----. -:-' -. -~ ' _, ---~ . . ' . " ... . ' . . NVLAP LAB: CODE· 101384:..0' . 7' -------,·----· --, __ ,_ .,! ., ----.• - LA l'esting~Garden Grove· :G~den Grove, CA 'is accredited !Jy.the Nat,on,al .Vo.tuntary•Labotatory Accteditation Program for specific:services, listed on the Scope.af'Ac;cretlft~@n: fo.t; AIRD.ORNE AS·B·EsTos FIBER ANALYSIS . 'Tl]is l~b.9r~to.w1s.aqc;.r.ec!itedJiJ ~ccord~J1.Q¢ Wif/:i tlje,t~tognited lhter:nationalS.tandard ISOl{EC 170:25:2005: . Thi$ a.cc~#iff!figh d~lhQ11st~tets tec.hnical ¢,!Jmpe(~nce for?. i!JJfi.ned .s.cop(!~and .the .operation ofa lE#l:Jo.ratory quality rtianayf)men,t $i~t~m ·(!rif'#r (o Joint 1S()-JLACqAF Cqf!Jrouf1iqu& t1at~c;J.,!}:1n@fY' 2Q09J, 2Ql l-07-01 thr01)gh.20i2-0(i-3.0 Effet;tiVEJ .dates ~ ·,~ * ~ . . d '\,_ . ', ,l 6'r4n:~. 0~ ... NVlAP:,0~ C (REV. 2Q0~1-28) .. ~ f) ~ " .? ,,, ·, ', i I '• ' '' rNl"'O~ ~. Cot National Voluntary lN. V!/ l!i~'lf-Laboratory Accreditation Program SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION TO 1SO/IEC 17025:200S LA Testing .. Gardcn Grove 11652 Knott Avenue, Unit FS Garden Grove, CA 9284.t Ms. Minh-Nguyet Hong Phone:714-828-4999 Fax:714-828-4944 E-Mail: mhong@emsl.com URL: http://www.latesting.com AIRBORNE ASBESTOS FIBER ANALYSIS (TEM) NVLAP LAB CODE 101384-0 NVLAP Code Designation I Description 18/A02 U.S. EPA's "Interim Transmission Electron Microscopy Analytical Methods-Mandatory and Nonmandatory-and Mandatory Section to Determine Completion of Response Actions'' as found in 40 CF~ Part 763, Subpart E, Appendix A. 2011-~7 .. 0l -through-2012-06-30 P--age l·of I, lifiite of-Standards and Technology· NVLAP-01S (REV. 2005-05"19) · U.nited States p~partment·:of"Oommerce Nati.goal Institute of $1anda.rds 'and technplogy ·C:e:rtlficate. of A·cc.red.itati·on to ISOllEC.0 17:.02·5:;t2005 , --. ' -. -. ----~-.---· -.,... ' _ .. ,_ . ----~ -· ' -·--·------~ -. -. NVLAPLAJlC.OD.E:: 1.013~+.o · LA T.esfingi,iGatden ·Grove Garden Grove CA . . . '· i$ acttedltecj· IWth.e .Natio.nal :Volu.11taty'L.abota.tbiy Atcteaif~tJi;>fi Progt~m .for: $/ie.c:;Jliq:$e,v/ce_s: · listed o.n the Scope, of Acc.r;e<Jitatlon, for: · · J;JULK ASBESTOS .FIBER ANALYSIS This: tat,oratory is accredited in accordance with '(he.te¢(;Jghi??'d l11tern§t.ipn.al Stana.a/d;J$QI/EC 17Qg$:~005; Thi~ accr:eJ:litatfon .demon~trate$ fechriicai ¢,(impetf#tJ¢e,fot.a detine<J ~c¢pe·E1nd th,¢·ofif#r~{iQn-qf<J.J~botat9ty. q@tJiY · · management.syslem .(refer, tcfjoint·tSO-!LAC-IAF Gomm11nlgt1e dated January 2009). · • -' • t , .. 201 l-()7-0l tl:rrougq.2012-,06-3O E;,ffer,;tfve d?J?s . ~~·91;' .• -~.,-,. $. . ·--~. ·-i! . . . ~- ~ ~ s .~' ~ -~ ~-~ . . ... ~,,,,. ~~TE~O't· · · f6i tne Ncl'i~( 1os.au1$qi·s'fiiaj'i::irff.:C[t~gtm91agf N\/LAP-01'C (REV, 2()99-.6ja28) · .. , _, ,, ,'I' .., t) I ;- J' . . ' National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION TO ISO/IEC 17025:2005 LA Testing-Garden Grove 11652 Knott Avenue, Unit FS Garden Grove, CA 92841 · Ms. Minh-Nguyet Hong Phone: 714-828-4999 Fax: 714-828-4944 E-Mail: mhong@emsl.com URL: http://www.latesting.com BULK ASBESTOS FIBER ANALYSIS (PLM) NVLAP LAB CODE 101384-0· NVLAP Code Designation I Description 18/ AO I EPA-600/M4-82-020: Interim Method for the Detennination of Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples 201 t.07.;0l through 2012-06-30 ~tfecllve:dates' NVLAP-01S·(REV.·200~05-19)