HomeMy WebLinkAbout1533 MARTINGALE CT; ; CB992624; PermitCity of Carlsbad 01/31/2000 Residential Permit Permit No:CB992624 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: 1533 MARTINGALE CT CBAD Permit Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: Parcel No: 2150721700 Lot#: Valuation: $205,821.00 Construction Type: Occupancy Group: 6 08/09/1999 Reference #: SFD 32 YN CT93-09 # Dwelling Units: 1 Structure Type: SFD Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Project Title: OCEAN BLUFF PHASE 6 PLAN 1, 2342SF W/599SF GARAGE Applicant: Owner: CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP STE400 5 PARK PLAZA IRVINE CA 92614 949 251-6122 Status: Applied: Entered By: Issued: Inspect Area: Orig PC#: Plan Check#: ISSUED 06/16/1999 DT Plan Approved: 01/31/2000 PD CB982263 PC990094 Total Fees: $17,330.68 ce Due: $17,330.68 £,t'\y," :0'J) ' "+ ,,. " & ' ,,.'?l'krlft ... "t •• , .. + .. ;! **'tt-0. Building Permit •• •• , ·.: • $992.08 Meter Size , • ... ' <+ Add'I Building Permit Fee-~:.;.•:;!, $0.00, :A\ldlRecl. w~~ Cati:; e~~t:: Plan Check •• • .,;;•, ~44.85 ·1\11eter Fee • ' •••••••:' Add'I Plan Check Fee '. :••·•• ,,: ~ :$).dCL SDCWA Fee+ -~" ""•· .. :!!,,•.· ••• ($"" -~ . -0 .. ... Plan Check Discount • • •• •• Oij~. ·'<!',~ PSV'"'"I. ee •• .. ,... ,,,,,,, $ "' • StrongMotionFee .~.-.,.:-!*-u 20.,,8 :.?,FIL,' •" Park in Lieu Fee ~::!;::'"Sf~75.00 P_FF (CFD Fun4f.!! • •• Park Fee • ..... f • 0 018M)0 License Ta» :!ft ~<lj,.. . lRJt+ Atilt ~ .... ., fiflilt' LFM Fee • • • • · w ' li .:--· ' 0''7 ... ,. Bridge Fee ½:;:·: ; :.!"•.-.... Other Bridge Fee • .,.;;. • :;· .. ... .-. ·•· BTD #2 Fee •• ·• .... L ........ ,. BTD #3 Fee $0. '!'•::• ~e Fund) ion Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'l Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee $0.00 PLUMBING TOTAL $0.00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $0.00 MECHANICAL TOTAL $2,400.00 Housing Impact Fee D5/8 Housing lnlieu Fee $0.00 Master Drainage Fee: $0.00 Sewer Fee: TOTAL PERMIT FEES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,254.32 $3,745.94 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $550.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $168.00 $60.00 $72.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,799.00 $17,330.68 FINAL APPROVAL Date: 7-1,l-:J,1) Clearance: ______ _ NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that apprOval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES ff APPLY to any fees/exactions of which ou have reviousl been iven a NOTICE · tatute of limitations has reviousl otherwise ex ired. 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 • City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 7/28/2000 Permit# CB992624 Title: OCEAN BLUFF PHASE 6 Description: PLAN 1, 2342SF W/599SF GARAGE Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Job Address: 1533 MARTINGALE CT Suite: Lot 32 Location: APPLICANT CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP Owner: CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP INC Remarks: Total Time: CD Description Act Comments 19 Final Structural 1112 29 Final Plumbing ± 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Associated PCRs lns11ection Hisle[)! Date Description Act lnsp Comments 7/1212000 39 Final Electrical AP JL EMR 5/17/2000 23 Gas/Test/Repairs Af' PD 5/15/2000 17 lnlerior Lath/Drywall Af' PD 5/15/2000 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall AP PD 5/15/2000 23 Gas/Test/Repairs NR PD 5/1212000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall NR PD 5/9/2000 16 Insulation Af' PD 5/4/2000 84 Rough Combo AP PD 4/4/2000 83 Roof Sheathing/Ext Shear co PD 3/212000 81 Underground Combo AP PD 1/11/2000 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers NR PD 1/11/2000 12 Steel/Bond Beam NR PD 1/11/2000 21 Underground/Under Floor AP PD 1/11/2000 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring NR PD Inspector Assignment: JL --- Phone: 7604381731 Inspector: vL Requested By: STEVE Entered By: ROBIN Permit#: CB992624 Project Name: OCEAN BLUFF PHASE 6 PLAN 1, 2342SF W/599SF GARAGE Address: 1533 MARTINGALE CT Contact Person: STEVE Phone: 7604381731 Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA Inspected Date 7/z?:/60 By: j)fr:7 Inspected: r1 Inspected Date By: Inspected: Inspected Date By: Inspected: Lot: J ? 8 ?Ofl(l 7/28/2000 Permit Type: RE SD NTL Sub Type: SFD 32 'P~ Approved:~ Disapproved:W Approved: Disapproved: __ Approved: Disapproved: __ Comments: ____________________________ _ ·w CHRISTIAN WI IEELER FNC1NEFRINC COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Job Name: Job Address: Contractor: Subcontractor: Test Location: Req. Strength: Date Sampled: Date Received: Sampled by: Tested by: Sample Type: Sample# 5628 5629 5630 Cantamar 1533 Martingale Ct. Catellus Silverado Lot 32, Slab-on-grade Northeast Comer 2500 psi 3-3-00 3-6-00 PC! JC Concrete, 6" x 12" Date Tested Age (days) 3-13-00 10 3-31-00 28 3-31-00 28 Job#: Pemiit#: Architect: Engineer: Supplier: Mix#: Admixture(s): Truck#: Mix Temp: Slump: Min in Mixer: Area (sq. inches) 28.27 28.27 28.27 198.090 992624 JBZ Beat Arnet Superior 3475P 664 4¼" Maximum Load (lbs) 65,570 100,540 102,300 Plan File#: Ticket#: 174055 Air Temp: %Air: Unit Wt: Comp. Strength Failure Type (psi) 2,320 3,560 3,620 The sampling, handling, cunng and compressive strength testing were performed by Christian Wheeler Engineering In accordance with the apphcable ASTM standards. No other warranties express or implied. Distribution: (2) Catellus (1) City of Carlsbad Reviewed by: Michael B. Wheeler, RCE #45358 4925 Mercury Street+ San Diego, CA 92111 + 619-496-9760 + FAX 619-496-9758 ---------------·-··---· BANKFR INSUlATlON OF CAI.IFORNIA, INC 2357 VINEYARD AVE. ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 Thi::::; l.~;; tn Ce:rL5 fy that Ir"i~.:.ulation hd':'; bef'~n ··i n·:.;tal 1 Hd in cunfo,··mrJ.nce 1A1·i Lh (·:t1t"rf~nt ener--qy r·eqt1l;:-i.t:lnn".:"...1 Ci3.1 j fornf.a Administrative Ccidf~, T.1 tl.e '?4 r:t::;.,,t·.e of Cali'for·n·•ia, in tht~ bl1ildins.1 lr)c:aLEid :::tt: CP,TFI I ll'.'1 PP,TDFNTifil INC Manuf;;cturu1 CFl,T/-\lNTFHl He:\ Lt·.,_;· Manufacturur CERTAINTEED B.lown In:. SquarR F<1ot:age (nvsred Lotti :'\2 City C!~fU .. SFlAD Minimum Tt1ickness NLJmber o·f Rags Used P.·Value ba9-:3 per l.000 i,qu,,re leent (Fuarn sealant pet "Ti tl.e '.?4" Air infi 1 tr--a.tiun r·equir·ement~7·,") ManufEJ.CLurer Width nf Insulation Foundation Walls Thick nu·::;•::, /Type Thichne:ss/Tvpe Thichllb'3S/Tvpe R--Value ( ,; (-) n fi\ r a 1 C () n t r· a c to r -· ,,_,,, __ ,., __ ~---·~"-'""• _ o«•~-----------·"~"-""•~--•m-.. ,-,, ~-·-·-·-•-',"______ ··~,_,..,_,, ____ ,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (~a1ifor·ni.a (:11ntr·actor··s License tt Si9na.Lu, .. e lnsu]ation Contractor c:a I j fCHTti,a (Contra,or·s Bank.er Incsulation of California, Inc::. License 55260l Date: 05/04/?000 Contract Secretary