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1535 FARADAY AVE; ; CB990520; Permit
City of Carlsbad VQ/14-&o 09/30/1999 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No: CB990520 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 438-3101 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: 09/08/1999 Applicant: 1535 FARADAY AV CBAD COMMIND Sub Type: Lot#: $541,309.80 Construction Type: 22 Reference #: 20,981SF SHELL TILT UP & GLASS SMITH CONSUL TING ARCHITECTS STE 200 INDUST 0 VN Status: Applied: Entered By: ISSUED 02/09/1999 DT Plan Approved: 09/30/1999 12220 EL CAMINO REAL SAN DIEGO CA 92121 619 673 4777 4516 09/30/99 0001 01 Building Permit 1 f~ (J), f $2,146~·-<~~~,: Con{~/t:Je '(---·-, Add'I Building Permit Fee 1 '·-· \ ::::""$oJQ)1~,,,Wt~tffSi7e~; i Plan Check \ \$.:1_;395\q91, ~~dqJI RefFli-Ritf},9on. Fee APldadn'ICPhlaenckCDh~1scckouFnete \ \ ~0.00~ \ts'.JJD P~yo Pe / \ $0:q,0} ~ . ,fF;~-:.~;v· / ./ Strong Motion Fee · \ $t,_13.68 f817F~(CFD Fund) ; Park Fee \\ /,(-$8 336LOO INCO::l'.l:Sfcense Tax// c-"' ; r -' "'~ 11,¾2 / \ ~ \ / LFM Fee . \:.) /<~0.00---.... ...._ ____ ~~;~,Q~e:rax {9f'2f5u-rid)/ Bridge Fee ~ ~0 $q{90 , T~~ff~9J~R:act:.F\e~ · / BTD #2 Fee ",. '-$~<QO/J /T,ra1f\~ 'li"Qpa§qeFD .fond) BTD #3 Fee "..,,$0:00, ,µEMZ\l:ranspof!;:iti6n Fee Renewal Fee $0:0.Q_ PtOMBl~G..-TOTAL Add'I Renewal Fee $0.00 ---EI::ECTRICAL TOTAL Other Building Fee $0.00 MECHANICAL TOTAL Pot. Water Con. Fee $5,400.00 Master Drainage Fee: Meter Size D1 Sewer Fee: Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Redev Parking Fee: TOTAL PERMIT FEES C-PRMT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,851.84 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,288.00 $0.00 $0.00 $63.00 $2,010.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,193.08 $0.00 $43,796.90 Inspector:~ FINAL APPROVAL Date: ~bit-..---Clearance: _____ _ NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have oreviouslv been aiven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has oreviouslv otherwise exoired. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 02 41016,,90 v010to1Af PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT ''2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 I (760) 438-1161 '', '"' " V, ,",¥"~";' ~ ,,, 1: .,, , ,', .,,, ,.,,., ' '" " ~ <: '' ' FOR OFFICE USE ONLY / 0 3 PLAN CHECK NO. C)3 7912~ EST. VAL. /:) q 70f3 Plan Ck. Deposit _2,...._,_1_.1'-9...__._B~1'--- Validated By ___ D"'""""~-'----,,---,,--::-,::- Date _____ ,_2~~/__,:7;4-/--=-7'_,_o/ /0~ Busin~s Name (at this address) §202 Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. VAGA-tor S./-Jf#.L.l, Assessor's Parcel # Proposed Use SHEl:-4 Bt-t:;&. Description of Work SO. FT. #of Stories # of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms "·.~.::~-:~.-~: .. · ·--~-~::~ .. ~~a,~T14,f:..t1,,1":J;l '11J-'lla1 State/Zip., Telephone # Fax# };/· · ci .. : ':·1-tfb/ :~·.-· ·. ,· Telephone# Name Address City ;5;_· .·CQN.T,F,tACTQft;:6QWJp_~~Y;'!')l~fO.~• .... , · : · • , . ".:. ,:. -, ·, _:·".' . (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]). lc..6>-vo r.u't/l-::-/d<i-O lff4ToG 012c. ,../ SA~ .we&/J c4 f..t«o trfl-;;.)0·11~:z '-I Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License # 6_? ~ tJ 6 'J License Class -Z / City Business License # ~~-~--...,. ,a V 7 77 -~.-1 ru c_grJ; a~ c<.. G/1~"° tz:41.. .r,pvP~iJ 81). 9.:u t Sc.Jf· :;;!;]-r Designer Name Addres~O City State/Zip Telephone State License# _________ _ iq1., ,W9.!'t1Sc~~~'·CQ.M.l?_Ef\l.~ATI.QN·'.: ,. .. ·:·:_::,~·~:·:· .. -.,.. ... __ ;--_::. _-·_ ~-:·:.·:_:· · ... : ·.'..~-... , ,.,·. · Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company____________________ Policy No.____________ Expiration Date _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE~-----------------------------DATE _________ _ '1;_:L_qW~iJl"'.!i_Q.ikt?it.a.'peq_i.Jl.im'.fJP!'f . · .. _:~: .. _ ........... ::~:' ... · ...... · :~ ........ , "" : ·~·-,·.:..': :· ..... . I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's 'License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. D YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted _with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license number): _____________________________________________ _ 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name/ address / phone number/ type of work): _______________________________________________________ _ Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? D YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? D YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. /s';::C0:NS:Tf!!;ICTIOtH1;NPIN.4.:A<feNCY -.. ::> . ... .... . _ . , _ _ · . : _. . . . . . -...... ,,, ' ~,, ,-.-: ~ ,..,, '"o/' ';: , I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS ~-: .. A.!?.l'1!G~l\!.J:.-Q!:J!l1FJ(;'A.T(Cffl' :.: ... · .. " ' ... ~ :.. ... . . I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Cit\' of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of t s Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not comme . ed within 365 days from the da e permit or if the building or work authoriz by sue permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the ~s c per'od of 1 0 ction 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ---.f--:. /f~.A=:.....i.~-f-+7 +-,~:.v,.~__;'>r-Ji..._________ DATE ---"""'=---+-"'-",c_-1---lf---+---- WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance Inspection List Permit#: CB990520 Type: COMMIND INDUST 20,981 SF SHELL TILT UP & GLASS Date Inspection Item Inspector Act Comments 03/05/2001 89 Final Combo TP co 06/05/2000 89 Final Combo TP NR 04/25/2000 34 Rough Electric TP NR MTR SECT. FOR P.C.R. 04/25/2000 34 Rough Electric TP AP SUB PNL, TRANS 04/24/2000 34 Rough Electric TP NR 04/13/2000 34 Rough Electric TP PA FOR MTR SET 03/27/2000 34 Rough Electric TP AP UFFER GRN FIX, MAIN PULL SECT 03/17/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP AP LITE POLE BASES FTNS 03/17/2000 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP AP 03/17/2000 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin TP AP 03/16/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP co LOT LITES BASES 03/16/2000 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin TP co 03/15/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP NR LITE POLE BASES 03/15/2000 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP NR 03/09/2000· 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin TP AP CANOPY @ STR FRNTS 03/09/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin TP AP 03/08/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall TP AP STRWALLS 02/22/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin TP AP E. STR. ENCL. 02/18/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin TP AP W. STR ENCL. & ELECT & PH. RM 02/18/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin TP co E. STR ENCL. 02/11/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP WC 02/11/2000 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP AP MTLDECK 02/04/2000 66 Grout TP AP P.G. & CLMN BASES 01/28/2000 15 Roof/Reroof TP AP 01/26/2000 15 Roof/Reroof TP co 01/26/2000 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin TP WC 01/25/2000 15 Roof/Reroof TP NR RAIN 01/25/2000 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin TP AP SITE LITES 01/24/2000 15 Roof/Reroof TP NR 01/24/2000 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin TP AP SITE LITES 01/19/2000 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin TP PA FOR SITE LITES 12/30/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP AP P.S. N/INCL STR FRNT 12/30/1999 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP AP 12/16/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP WC 12/16/1999 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP AP PNLS COMP. 12/15/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP WC 12/15/1999 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP co PNLS 12/14/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP WC 12/14/1999 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP co PNLS 11/22/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP WC 11/22/1999 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP AP PNLS 1-8, 16-18 11/19/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP WC 11/19/199912 Steel/Bond Beam TP NR PNLS, CORR. NOT COMP. ~~ .. \f>O~ 11/18/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP WC ~,~ Thursday, March 14, 2002 • ~'t:¥-V'<:\ \~~ --c-~-~~ ~~t:M-n~- 11/18/1999 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP co 11/17/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP WC 11/17/1999 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP co PNLS 11/16/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP WC 11/16/1999 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP co T-UP PNLS 11/15/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP WC 11/15/199912 Steel/Bond Beam TP co PNLS 11/12/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers RB CA AT JOB SITE BY BILL 10/28/1999 63 Walls TP AP PIP @ ELEV PIT 10/28/1999 66 Grout TP WC 10/25/1999 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP AP S.O.G. 10/25/1999 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP co ELEV. PIT PIP WALLS 10/21/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP NR 10/20/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP AP ELEV PIT , SPRD FTN 10/20/1999 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP AP 10/19/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP NR 10/13/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers RB AP FOR EXT FTGS OF BLDG 10/12/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers RB PA SEE APPROVED JOB PLANS 10/06/1999 21 Underground/Under Floor TP AP Thursday, March 14, 2002 Page 2 of2 Citv of Carlsbad · Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite '£it~~ Plan Check#: Permit#: CB990520 Project Name: 20,981SF SHELL TILT UP & GLASS Address: 1535 FARADAY AV Contact Person: BILL Phone: 7604382633 Water Dist: Sewer Dist: Date: 6/5/2000 Permit Type: COM MIND Sub Type: INDUST Lot: 0 ···············································!·········································································································· Inspect~ 6aLcL Date Inspected: &L!t~Lm) Approved: /)(_ Disapproved: __ By: . lt Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ .......................................................................................................................................................... , Comments:_~----------------------------- -------- CilJ of Carlsbad · Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite Fire \......:-~--~ Plan Check #: Date: 6/9/2000 Permit#: CB990520 Permit Type: COMM IND Project Name: 20,981SF SHELL TILT UP & GLASS Sub Type: INDUST Address: 1535 FARADAY AV Lot: 0 Contact Person: Phone: Sewer Dist: Water Dist: .......................................................................................................................................................... Inspected Date tl!J&-e-By: {;h.v1d Dgft_s Inspected: Approved: Disapproved:..!!:::::_ Inspected Date 7/4,/4~ Approved:t/': By: .04v'rd tk-r£<;. Inspected: Disapproved: __ 7 Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,1 Comments: @ ,,f,J-tst-,f,f;_tv P./1. t:.!-l-lf:,t;t:?v T /Y---1< t? ;.::. S !cl If W ,,ez. '-I< cf[) P1t1A/L t-/Js .?U {/4-t.v/1 ffexE.5 [IJ/RSCH & COMPANY CONSUL TING ENGINEERS • Since 1965 • Planning • Civil Engineering • Surveying• Environmental September 30, 1999 Attn: Carlsbad City Engineer City of Carlsbad Engineering Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 Re: Subject: Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 103. Building Pad Over Excavation Certification. Based on our field survey on September 30, 1999, the grading of the pad for the referenced lot has been substantially completed in accordance with the approved grading plan to the approximate fmal elevation. The final elevation is certified to a tolerance of +/-0.1 foot, and the horizontal location is certified for approximate location. Sincerely, HIRSCH & COMP ANY 'IA:~'- e A. Taynor, PLS urvey Supervisor 3550 Camino del Rio North, Suite 305, San Diego, CA 92108-1740 • (619) 563-4545/FAX (619) 563-4548 Tucson • Phoenix Testing Engineers -SanDiego, Inc. · FINAL REPORT FOR SPECIAL INSPECTION AND MATERIAL TESTING DATE: May 24, 2000 · TO: City of Carlsbad Building Depaitment 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Established 1946 Job No. 99-441 b SUBJECT: SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF WORK REQUIRING SPECIAL INSPECTION AND MATERJAL TESTING PERMIT NO.: CB990520 PROJECT ADDRESS Blackmore Lot 103 1535 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA I declare unde1· penalty of perjury that, to the best of my know_ledge, the work requiring special inspection, material sampling and· testing, including the off-site fabricatiop. of building components for the structure/s constructed under the subject permits_ is in confonnance with the approved plans, the inspection and observation program and other construction documents, and the applicable workmanship provisions of the Uniform Building Code. Executed on this 24th day of May, 2000. The work which we provided Special Inspection consisted of: Reinforced Concrete, Structmal Steel-Field Welding, High Strength Bolting, Dowel/Bolt Anchorage. A. If the inspection services were provide~ by an approved material testing l~boratory_ or special inspection agency: TESTING LABO RA TORY OR SPECfAL INSPECTION AGENCY: Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. ADDRESS: 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18, San Diego, CA 92111 RESPONSIBLE MANAGING ENGINEER OFT~ TESTING LABORATORY OR SPE~lA~PECTION AGENCY: NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) R. Douglas Provins, g ~ / e,, ¥:::,v&., State of California Registration Number: C56018 Expiration Date: 12/31/00 B. If the inspection services were provided by an independent certified special inspector: SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S NAME (PRINT OR TYPE): REGISTRATION NUMBER: EXPIRATION DATE: SIGNATURE: Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc., 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, CA. 92111 (858] 715-5800 Fax (858] 715-581 0 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. FINAt,REPORT FOR ···-:.:.:1~~,. .. •: . .. . ' SPECIAL INSPEC'I'ION, AND MATERIAL TESTING DA TE: May 24, 2000' · TO: City of Carlsbad. Building Depa1tment 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, Calift?rnia 92008 _ :· 1-• ~ • • • ~-.. ';-, :., .... ~ . ~ Established 1946 Job No. _99-44lb SUBJECT: SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF WORK REQUIRING SPECIAL lNS.PECTION ,AND MATERIAL TESTING. . . . . .. .. ... -. . . --· .. PERMITNO.: CB990520 PROJECT ADDRESS Blackrno~eLod.03 .. , __ . . 153 5 Faraday Avenue , Carl'sbad,.CA · · · .. ,~ -· . . ,• .-. ·\ .. ' :~ ., ,, ,., .: . -: ', ,..: :, ·. :----"':' __ :, ,, : .... I declare undel' penalty of perjury that, to the best of my know_ledge,_ the work requiring special ~sp~ction, material sampling and. testing, including the off-site fabricatiop. of building_ components for the structure/s constructed under the subject permits_ is in conformance with the approved plans, the inspection and observation program and other· construction documents, arid the applicable· workmanship provisions of the Uniform Building Code. Executed on this 24th day of May, 2000. The work which we provided Special Inspection consisted of: Reinforced Concrete, Structural Steel-Field Welding, High Strength Bolting, Dowel/Bolt Anchorage. · A. 1f the i~spection· services were prov_ide~ by an approved material testing la_!:,o~ato!Y~ or special inspection agency: TESTING LABORATORY OR SPECIAL lNSPECTlON.AGENCY: TestingJ311gineers -Sat} Diego, Inc. ADDRESS:. 7895 Co1woy Court, Suite 18, San D_i~gP; fA 92111 . . . RESP-~NSIBLE MANAGfNG"ENGINEER OFT~ TESTING LABO RA TORY OR SPEC IA~ PEC!ION AGENCY: NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) R Douglas Provins, .g ~ ld ~VO, State of California Registration Number: C56018 Expiration Date: 12/31/00 8-. If the inspection services were provided by an independent certified special inspector: SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S NAME (PRINT OR TYPE): REGISTRATION NUMBER: EXPIRATION DATE: -S[GNATURE: Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc., 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, CA. 92111 [858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-581 o -...... .-' .~ •·'., ·- • '.;. I"". _, ;, •• • ~-._::. ,,. . -~. . ~ ... : ', ~~ .. -...:,:~~-·:: ., . Tes:ting 'E_n.girieers·-: S anJ)i-~,go~· f;nc·. ~ '· :,~ .: . . . ... .. ~:~J .. ·,:,:.,,:-::::·~!;:--... · .. .,t>~·t . .;;::.·. : .. , ... ·, . ' .. . . ,./. ... . ' •. . .-, . ,. ·:~~. :::~\J:~;!~~~'.~:!J~~f ::.:_~:-~;j-,{f E,,i~~j~+-- . ~s-ta;b!,i~l1ectt 946 . -~ , . . . ~-·~··'"' ,: :,~ 7 "f .";, ,,..:.. 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"· . . •. . . t~~ ··:· ·:·the·w.brfw.1-ii~n'. iie-proyfcl~sf Sgeciat Inspection. ~dnsi~t~d'cif:"":,Rew.Joi;c¢j:i~C.0Qt~et~i'&t~u¢.tiirfli, Ste,elif'.ield, Welqing, High Strength-Bolting, ' ~(.' ·~. ·, ' .. ,. . ,• _, ''," '' ' -··,~-~~J.· --.·,-. ::•_· .·~···";_ ::.,.,-""\.-... ~ · .. '--~ .~~ ': ~ . ;~~ ' . Dowel/Bolt Anchor.aae,., "·. · · ,. · ·· ;,.-, ,: , ·· · ·,·,·: . · · ,. ..= ... · '.; ';,,.~· ~,i~;_~ .. ,~ :· '. /;;.;:~, ;. -~.:,_: ' .::.-'.'.·:·:=i.-:>:i,' _.' .. ,;,'_:.j ' · ·. .-· . :.:.;.' _.;)// -~:.i,, .. ;.~:,/c.:: e z:~:,\;--~ :_:;_], ·_,:;:.~~ ,:,:,t\:i.:-4 · ... •'· · A. 1:fthe .irisp.edion, services:~ere provid~d':by~ ~pp roved .rn~t~i;i~i' t~.sting l#£>9(~tp~,pr-~p~¢Jirp .... ,. ·Fm)ltag_erfcy: ---. -. ----·---~-:-.t' :'.)? 'Jt"/'1':fo;;JtlH -i\f /:t.ht ··-, ... " ...... •·· .. '·.:.· .. .,;. ""· ·. NAME (PRINT OR iYPE) CS.6018. · 1'2/31/00 8,, ·1fthe inspection services-were provided by an independeqteertified:special inspector: SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S NAME (PRINT OR TYPE): R:EGISTRA TION NUMBER: EXPIRATION DATE~ -S[GNATURE: Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc., 78-95 Convoy Court,/Suit-e I 8 San D-i:ego, CA, 9211 I [858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-58 IO Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. Date: Job No: Job Name: Address: Report No: FIELD INSPECTION AND TEST REPORTS 11/23/99 99-441B BLACKMORE LOT 103 1620 Faraday Carlsbad, California 92040 Plan Number: Permit Number: 2501 NIA DWG3785 Field Supervisor: GREGORY SMITH, PE Established 1946 Enclosed are field inspection and/or test reports, for the above referenced project, for work performed on 11/17/99-11/19/99. These reports cover the locations of work inspected and/or tested following recognized standards and do not constitute engineering opinion or project control. These reports do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to build per the plans, specifications and all applicable codes. Should you have any questions regarding these reports, please contact our office at (619) 715- 5800. Reports enclosed (2) _ ' . :._-. .-. -_' Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc .• 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 ·san Diego, CA. 92111 [858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810 .,..:\ ,--,:7. Te:~·i./ng Engineers -San Dieg~-, ~n-c. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of_/ Proj~ct Name &llcfm<11<cE j~L/113 TESD Project# 99-!/I// B, Address /0 :lo &&9~1 C/J/2U/i.ic~, Cit General I Subcontractor h/;/10 ~CcJ Building Permit#,/) ll)G ~ 3'.'.7/?S-DSA # _______________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other-------------------~ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING, QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~oncrete __ soil" --__ cone: Mix #/psi --~ans kr.j lR/dE.c/!._ __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi /2ecificationstff ~/ __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi __ s,zes/J£:.k1. __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --~R'.nf: Rebar /t6/5J1<1/()t, h b __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rmf: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rinf: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation __ Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms ----Steel __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --__ H,S. Bolts __ Thickness __ Roofing __ Steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H,S. Bolts --__ Electrodes -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- __ OSHPD __ Roofing --~ Other /1ti/4:J_~-fj_ ]Q.~~' · Q __ Corrective action required __ Specialty __ Other __ Corrections completed -- d.L-?,~~'L.t,l.&~~~.J.L£,.~a.c......:.==--,?...~~~!S,._Lt.p,...l.&!..!~.L.L,t.>,,£-._!.LL..,!.L,C,.tl,L_,~L.L&,~L.I..K,~~~...e:.+-,{::- li A. peP1Jf./1r"tJ F 1t£JgA. Field Representative CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with t:·1e aanr ns ,, specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME S' $&A /1 /ZtJ~ES ~ (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~ ;cl ~k:: .S,,t). 8/lj/_.1c-# 6'57 CERT. No./C/?r?°</c./(),Q77/J-<if f? DATE //-/7~ 99 (;) t-9 Testing Engineers· -San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 - San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of _J_ Project Name 8/4ckmo£E La7 /c;3 . Address ltJ2o Ml</J~1 C1t/Us.Mc/4 Cit TESD Project # --L_o/_,_9_---1-'l-1-f--1-I-Z-S"""---- General / Subco~tractor /Jf:.llt> &17,,qT, CCJ , l Building Permit#,0WG 37f?S:_ f1lleLip_ ,57EEL /4!J&ic&7o,e ,;,. 112 c DSA# · Plan File# ------------~---OSHPD # _________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION r://' I 03 MAT'L SAMPLIN~ QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _Lconcrete/rE/;1)12-i~j) __ Soil --__ cone: Mix #/psi --:;;;,,ans //£.tt} £WM __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi Specifrs,.A"EW ELVA'../ __ Masonry __ Subgrade . --__ Cone: Mix #/psi ~Sizes V {.£ W 15 J __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --__e:_ Rinf: Rebar 1)61£. IJ 7o (, 7 __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving ____ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature --Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight --Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strand~) .--__ Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms ----Steel __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --__ H.S. Bolts __ Thickness __ Roofing __ Steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --__ Electrodes -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- __ OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed Field Representative# SZ"'~ ;?_a; CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the appr( specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME,>~~ 11-nz /JE2tJtt:5s (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~ ;Ii v~ S .. /). C1'§t Lie _.:ti ts--7 CERT. No_/C/36:f{/OQ 77/S-tf? DATE //-/9-9? Form#003 'I ., .,.. Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. Established 1946 FIELD INSPECTION AND TEST REPORTS Date: Job No: Job Name: Address: Report No: 12/2/99 99-441B BLACKMORE LOT 103 1620 Faraday Carlsbacl, California 92040 Plan Number: Permit Number: 2566 Field ·supervisor: GREGORY SMITH, PE NIA DWG3785 Enclosed are· field inspection and/or test reports, for the above referenced project, for work performed on 11/24/99. These reports cover the locations of work inspected and/or tested following recognized standards and do. not constitute engineering opinion or project control. These reports do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to build per the plans, specifications and all applicable codes. Should you have any questions regarding these reports, please contact our office at (858) 715- 5800. Reports enclosed (1). ;..-:,_-. ~ ·--:..- Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc., 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, CA. 92111 [858) 715-5800 Fax [858) 715-5810 _,,--.,.) ~-, r. ,-1 Testing Engineers -San Diego, ~.he. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 · Page_1_of_/_ San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name /f)l}c): ma&£ --Ltt I lo3 TESDP~ect#~9~9_-~f~W~B~---- Address /s:fJ:;HJ&IJd1J/: 1t:v4 {);.R!s/Jg~ Ctt General I Subcontractor ffe_/){) fbaSZ:co ;' Ii-ti< eoosz: Cd Building Permit# C/3 C/9 CJS:,:,ZC) DSA # ________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # _________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~ncrete __ Soil --Yconc: Mix #/~si .:s;-o<X2isi.. ~nslf~l.(1£.a}E,,/ · __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi ~ecil~tionsJ14WE/L)E,-j __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi __ Sizes l::._/llgJ_tJ.£d __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rini: Rebar __L_ i /I. -t-J. I II Slump : __ Fireproofing _J:::::::._ Concrete Cylinders _jQ_ __ Rini: W.W.F. __ · Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature --Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi ~!Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) ---.-Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation r --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block __ Electrode Stor~ --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms ----Steel __ Load (Pounds) __ f?olt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --__ H.S.Bolts __ Thickness __ Roofing __ Steel --. __ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S.Bolts --__ Electrodes -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- __ OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed RemarksCoacet:u-1a.yi -~O? bJ,5/>EcZt:c/7/2EjJUJc1-:mr11T oLlo?o Ot;/21e, faRd( a£ .:ft~oof2i C60C&STE: &am. £,;-o,n/d/da fl&1J-ma,, 1JE _M5T:3'!?/ds o_E&JoqE7E a;gs /JJ/r: /}d, laS4/J ll-TjJfJl2E/s-~6 -17 -I~ -zlzE Lf/u(" f1Jfr5 1211X 1/4, JS}'/!,, lfhx IJ<T, &s~S: l.J/?.k.J tyfJs/2 Id ffff;ef/lJ/X /k., 1s'/t didllcfh (;r/JCIPP:7£ vJlf,S {J/JlCEJ1Jm/J!oY2So.//;/4&:c/ # I 1t;1u:rmd'I---l-:;J-.3-J./.S:-G-7,R-I?-11-I f? i Field Representative~#: f>;tL I#~ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conforr.iance with the apnr-·ns o.i . ..: specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. S. /). C/{)1 )1c-# ?$ 7 . INSPECTOR'S NAME s..57¥.#.f:'4 f fio&ES ' (Print Clearly) CERT. NO_/Ci?ci~ /o::Z7713-8'.k INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~f,,r/ t ~ For--!-003 ---:-\ ,--'?"·' ~p,a,....:,i~'W4Mi¥#55f ¾@W¾%ffi\Wa&¾iSl#ttm 1¥iW 911¥/W lW@d&Sflb$ WiSMfii®i$@@k4WiM W 24 #&&w4dE?#--?iM4fo , Ai'SJ@M ¼¥MiMS&BMMit§ttalf¢MBWif.&S/M8S6\Sibi4€2 &&kW# t&M@ Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc'. Date: Job No: Job Name: Address: Report No: FIELD INSPECTION AND TEST REPORTS 12/21/99 99-441B BLACKMORE LOT 103 1620 Faraday Carlsbad, California 92040 Plan Number: Permit Number: 2728 NIA CB990520 Field Supervisor: GREGORY SMITH, PE Established 1946 Enclosed are field inspection atid/or test reports, for the above referenced project, for work performed on 12/14/99-12/17/99. These reports cover the locations of work inspected and/or tested following recognized standards and do not constitute engineering opinion or project control. These reports do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to build per the plans, specifications and all applicable codes. Should you have any questions regarding these reports, please contact our office at (858) 715- 5800. Reports enclosed ( 4) Testing Engineers -San Diego, I-nc., 7895 Convoy Court, Suite18 San Diego, CA. 92111 [858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810 -\ .~---.... Te, )ng Engineers -San Diego·, :1c. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page_1_of _]_ San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name &,,;c,t/J?(_'Jf< £ -/.~ Z: It> 3 Addr~ss /,£3£ Cltl?Adlij /}v&/:/t&S/2&c4 Cif TESD Project# ~f~f~--f'-~f,,_/....,/3 _____ _ General I Subcontractor &tJa. C'o11 'if CCJ1 1/nK Can.:Z:Co1.~,5?EEL ~,f/C,ttl&tf' <:. /41 a Building Permit# Cf( C/90.s-2 o DSA # __________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # _________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _Lconcretef?t!trtfo.11..~ St£E/... __ Soil --__ cone: Mix #/psi --/;,,ans d}-0,_1c1.£l_gci. 111.Sfi ~ 1'1/o:5 __ Cone: Mix #/psi ~Specification" &VtEU.,Ud_-tf __ Prestress Cone __ Base -- __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi __Lsizes JlEV {./:', ll..J:r,.e_ __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --__LRinf: Rebar ,l({t.,,r-al)t:o __ Slump ~(7 __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Reinf. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation __ Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block __ Electrode.Storage Mechanical __ Grout Samples ----Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms ----Steel __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block ----H.S. Bolts --Thickness __ Roofing __ Steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --__ Electrodes -- _. __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- --OSHPD __ Roofing --/ Other fM/~,41tJ __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --d]tJ~W2 __ Corrections completed Field Representative#~ ~ 2 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. ·..S, J) · (!,/ 1/ J.1c -#" GS 7 INSPECTOR'S NAME0.7¥,#U #nortES (Pnn\ Clearly) CERT. No/CAa.lt'.lu,Q 77/3-R'f" INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~~ti I' ~.l..4--DATE 12 -/If-'/ Cf Form#003 Te~ ,~,g Engineers -San Diego~ .-.c. 789_5 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of _j_ Project Name &ack/JJo&E-Latio3 TESD Project# _,C/_f_-~4 ....... ~<-L/...c/s..c.--___ _ Address /S:,f,'L ~ /l!IJ:1 CARi.-t¥>A_c4 Cir General I Subcontractor ~&CL..:LJa'-'"'~'-4C. ...... tz;~f1"'"',s7,-+-<-f'-''tJ""--,,I-' .r.-ltL..' -a"'-'l<'-"-..... (h'-'-'0....,,....,=;-z;<-#-'-a-+-· _//,fftl-,-A4-"-"~'--'l(J~.,_\, S'af..._j..F~L,__,_64'--ro~4'.R'-'l.,,._·e...,,.IJ.,_._7a.=j&.,.___<"'-"-,a .~117 ...... · ...... c:.__ __ _ Building Permit # ..... C'""'B..r-+9 .... C/~6~'5:=:.:2.-=....,Q....._ _______ DSA # _________________ _ Plan File# OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract # _____________ Other ____________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _t,L_ Concrete //'£/,J /b.Qcln(j.$'7£,d __ Soil --__ Cone: Mix #/psi --,/ Planstfe.lt.Le'l..ll£.c./ 41-/0'3 . _IL_specification,s lr£1/fftllEcf __ Prestress Cone --Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi __ Masonry __ Subgrade --Cone: Mix #/psi ...k:::::-sizes &fl..t.Pli. Jl:;c/ __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --~Rini: Rebar 116./5; It 7a G __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage --Mechanical __ Grout Samples ----Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms ----Steel __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block ----H.S. Bolts __ Thickness __ Roofing ___ steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --__ Electrodes -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- --OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ Specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed ~-. 0¥ Remark¢)£ #E ia,5JiUt&efj)&JJ:Ls -9-I0-11-1.2,, -IS-{&fue12c1:./}R¢1ffc/4zi:cl-ln2-JL1-9q) ;::;:1:;;~~~=~11;::::::-::~;;;:zJ ---,VX1Eic1-27hasp CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the w~rkmanship provisi~ns of the applicable code. ...5, /) 1 {J /jJ' J. Jc _ INSPECTOR'S NAME $;cJI/EtJ f E/,aR£5 (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ¥a fl~ DATE 12-/C-99 Form#003 Te.._ :}ng. Engineers -San Diegc. nc. 78!i)5 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of_ TESD Project# _________ _ General I Subcontractor &(J (;0/15'Z: Cd/ /1-tk",(}yz,:r Building Permit # ,<J£o,3 6 ,f,,;l. -C/9 DSA # ________________ _ Plan File# /)la tr2.f.? -29 OSHPD # _____________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~oncrete __ Soil --~one: Mix #/psi '¼-oao z21ans ~ILL£,/ __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi Specifi&.n~&.¥L.i_w.£ci_ __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi --tLsizes i'fl/lE1.111:cL __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rini: Rebar ~Slump __ Fireproofing t,_.,/ Concrete Cylinders .:2..Q._ __ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Reinf. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi ~it Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi Consolidation E___ __ Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block __ Electrode Storag --Mechanical __ Grout Samples ----Units: Bloc!< __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms ----Steel __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block ----H.S. Bolts --Thickness __ Roofing __ Steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing --. H.S. Bolts --__ Electrodes --.. __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- --OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed __ Field Representative# ~ ~ • ~ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. S. I),.{);, J/c-# 6S 7 INSPECTOR'S NAME~ffe'/27 MoA?E f (Pnnt Clearly) CERT. NO. /('8<2 #/CJ:2 7 7/J-<ff( INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~V/,f= DATE /;2-/h-c;</ Form#003 Te..Jng Engineers -San Diegi:-:·:~ nc. 78~5 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 . San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of_/_ Project Name fJi&dma&E -La r /() 3 TESD Project # 9 7-1/1/ IB Address /535 VJ/>~lfj IJ:11~ C~lk'/4 C'll General / Subcontractor JkJJfJ , f!u/1>0 lft:f· foa>"L Building Permit# C{j C/9 OS«'.' (2 DSA # ________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract# Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST. ~ Concrete 11-/0 I --Soil --3.5SP.__conc: Mix #/psi~ OOQ]is_i /Plans !£.JI I ELL.J£c/ __ Prestress Cone --Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi / Specil&~ons_/2',:-r//.c-' Ii' Jp;-) __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi /sizes l~l!.t.J.l~rL __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rini: Rebar ___L_s1ump ,£_II_ r/)(i_)C_ __ Fireproofing _L_ Concrete Cylinders £_ __ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature --Non-Destructive __ Reinl. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi ~Consolidation~ --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Bloc!< __ Electrode Storage --Mechanical __ Grout Samples ----Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms ----Steel __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block ----H.S. Bolts --Thickness __ Roofing __ Steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --__ Electrodes --__ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- __ OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed Remarks ilJ.c;fJJ::crGf@e: ,NN.t:f}11;1[TI/J2cf {];t1Soi/c/.nrjo11 oz= 8:2, eu6/c V#l-12.ofs or '3;000 )€,u. r I l ~cocRD!1 &12m Rc°'!:f do !0r'f /Jlh th 12C/20E -1/Jl"x_!~ ._'"trs:/; 1trfat2t:is -CJ-I 0-11-1~ ~ IS-ILJ-ls. ,&ool&T.,,5--itPos/2 cacle:,.,_~a191=; lJ!l-fld5 111;1<. ck11-11L-ty!Js:2.. · J ~ F Oat: .SEZ: CJ£,£-CorJC-&Et/t ry;J;tz~ s: {,()Ag /tJ#E 6·4 7issu1J-, ':U.ul?7j13/,;/1 -to/JC af/1~ 6 S: 0 -If/A. U[Jn A ,5 .2 ° -s ~ -zJ;k;1 t1ZjJlk7EL -*/2,_ I Field Representatjve ~ ~ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. .S~ /J. {!fl}' /.1c-<# 6S7 CERT. No/05'.c?~/Q,2 7·713-8'8 INSPECTOR'S NAME ·,.21--cjlllE!:Z Jl Elo!re.S ~ (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~d? '11~L1---DATE /:2-/7-99 Forrn#003 Te~~:;hg Engineers -San Diego-_ he. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 - San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of _L Project Name /3lsctma,e£-Lii7/tJ ... r Address~Lc;;~s--E'MIJ:d°# JJvtijC,MJ,shic/; CA- TESD Project # 9 CZ·-'-IL/IR General I Subcontractor tfMo 1 (bt1S7j '.,,.Sh) 5": t{);4/Jiu;, Building Permit #CIJ 99 a .. £,,;;z O ~# ________________ _ Plan File # I OSHPD # ------------------ Government Contract # ____________ Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ Cone: Mix #/psi ----LP1ans &ij~~ __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi _JL_specificatio:S:;.· lJU Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi ~Sizes ,-0,:-J(iFi.UW =z:struct Steel-1f /3 7 __ Asphalt Concrete --V Rini: Rebar I) 74 6 @to __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ . Concrete Cylinders --__ Rini: W.W.F. (/ __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation __ Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block _/.L.. Electrode Storage ·(j-<=,·'k=""" --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry _Prisms --_:_Lsteel E/, ?6 __ Load (Pounds) __ Bott Pull-Out __ Masonry Block ----H.S. Bolts __ Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing ' __ H.S. Bolts --__ Electrodes -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- __ OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed ~ ti1Eic/4-r/c11i1IL Ec.At-t.l-E7/T--?(/J/?El'3;:i) '¾f';!J~rr?:~ ldEcuadE & TIAH::-/JEVE,L COd...c4 lgtr1 CE:RTtEit:c/ tlJtida ~ FieldRepresentative# ~ /e-l1-f'j CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAMfa5z£yI#£n p ££;, le€, r (Pnnt Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~,&1 'f) u@'J.i..A--= S, 1-J , C 1% /.1c--1'r6S 7 CERT. No./Cno~>asQ 77/J-~S- DATE /ol---oJ9-fP Form#003 ... _ . .....,'l ;.,--;,-l '. ) . i ,...~ili:oll~Wflfrs, ·§§ "iA+i'&·-,-rrf?l3·¥-w@-~-ffetf.--:f5'.Rfi'4n~?;<:i'~WP';-"K'T,J~.·:n;.:r:~i~;r.,_,,i.'?r<;:;'7,;t.:'-!'f-'W~JF;4S?'1,'3$'.';'t~W:'{11'M,..t!)'{~TI2.t.,_1~ff%-·%·~·,p;pi,if, .. fjfu;'9:,"1';'1-"?,\i:i:£J/· }Y c~~-;;;r:,-qf"(,7~-·r• I .,..i>l! '·-""'"· .... £1 Date: Job No: Job Name: Address: Report No: Testing Engineers-San Diego, Inc. FIELD INSPECTION AND TEST REPORTS 2/4/00 99-441B BLACKMORE LOT 103 1535 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92040 Plan Number: Permit Number: 170 NIA CB990520 Field Supervisor: GREGORY SMITH, PE Established l 946 Enclosed are field inspection and/or test reports, for the above referenced project, for work performed on l/25/00-1/28/00. These reports cover the locations of work inspected and/or tested following recognized standards and do not constitute engineering opinion or project control. These reports do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to build per the plans, specifications and all applicable codes. Should you have any questions regarding these rep01ts, please contact our office at (858) 715- 5800. Reports enclosed (5) Testing Engineers· San Diego, Inc., 7895 Convoy Court. Suite 18 San Diego, CA. 92111 (858] 715-5800 Fax (858] 715-581 0 ... ---·-: . ) Testfng Engineers San Diego, ,nc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page_1_of _L San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name /lb;c/<./J?lf/21::-JoT/03 TESD Project# _,_qj_q .. _q..L· iJ...z...u/6:.J----- Address f£,JS,Ml&fc/4J-rf fJ/1~-CM! ~iJIJd; C4 General I Subcontractor &,1c.1 Caas~r: 0.11. !IJ/J; Ul-Ctf£. Ca4 e;r, //lC . l Building Permit# G/3 9</ 0~20 DSA # _______________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Masonry ~Struct Stee1-'1f/.J1 __ Fireproofing __ Pile Driving __ Non-Destructive __ Batch Plant __ Soils Technician __ Mechanical Electrical __ Bolt Pull-Out · __ ·Roofing __ Waterproofing __ DSA --OSHPD --Specialty MAT'L SAMPLING QTY --Soil __ Base __ Subgrade __ Asphalt Concrete __ Concrete Cylinders __ Cone Flex Beams __ Reinf. Steel __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Mortar Samples __ Grout Samples __ Masonry Prisms __ Masonry Block __ steel __ H.S. Bolts __ Fireproofing __ Roofing __ Other ___ _ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION __ Cone: Mix #/psi __ Cone: Mix #/psi ___ _ __ Cone: Mix #/psi ___ _ __ Rinf: Rebar ____ _ __ Rinf: W.W.F. ____ _ __ Rinf: Tendons ____ _ __ Grout: Mix #/psi ___ _ __ Mortar: Type/psi ___ _ Units: Block ____ _ Units: Block ____ _ =zstee1-A,,9sµ.-l..U;'-"'·---- __ H.S. Bolts _____ _ __ Metal Decking ___ _ // Electrodes E7olfc __ Fireproofing __ ..:__ __ __ Other ______ _ INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1-/4ans · ' · ' ; ~:~eciffc~ns: _. _: l __ Sizes t}j;.l/fr Z(/4:, / __ Slump _____ _ __ Air Content ____ _ __ Temperature ____ _ __ Unit Weight ____ _ __ Consolidation ____ _ ~lectrode Storage~ __ Torque Applied ___ _ __ Load (Pounds) ___ _ __Thickness ____ _ __ Corrective action required __ _ __Corrections completed __ _ Remarks. ~c-rJ;J Tfur IJ?.,57'1-Ji/...17µ;1 to fin J Wc/..c/ j'lf ~ £ ,,f--~ ti-:<: s)a,<(T)' t1nd / l/- ~~;1~'tf :i:/:::J:t:::9!.::1~~ !;~/;:~;::;~ 7Jm£ ""? 7. '(JO 1/m .:f:i I/ ·oo tufl -1jk,,ULA-- ...---::2. • _,,..,} Field Representative # c::----~ ~ 9' . ::::;__---- C ERTI FI CATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME --9"ft-J~ p f1"1:~ff..i INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~ '/J ?/ 4~{_,t..--- CERT. NO.---------- DATE l-2.S-ca Form#003 .. /..-... , ' .. ) Testfng Engineers -San Diego, inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page_1_of _j_ San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name /ib?ci:trZM£-/4dt /O, '? TESD Project# 99-L/'ii/j Address LS::s:s::: MM+ ;,l}-14t/ C1-112L.saA:c4 Cit General/ Subcontractor ,ffetJOe {!ol},i½ ,~, Ii r (i)d;Tftc&t:-C CatUT Building Permit #C/B qq o,s,:;z C2 DSA # _______________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract# Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ Cone: Mix #/psi --~Jans lfEriif.uM:t/ __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi Ls~::i/l:~2 __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi · ~true! Steef#'/37 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rinf: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --___ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature --Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight --Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi ~solidation --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage~ --Mechanical __ Grout Samples ----Units: Block __ Torque Applied Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --_/L...Steel E/:Sf:, __ Load (Pounds) -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block ----H.S. Bolts __ Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --__ Metal Decking -- _. __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --_LElectrodes £70/t' -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- --OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed Remark~ :t;:i~r:ert:c/;0/£ /4,51?if4nan oE k._S£A/5$ 0o(S/(S n-0d fjf-::fol~/49$4 < /ir/,;r2/:'. s; -1--;2 -3 -l/-¢J-vtM ~/1~ -~r-19/Sf)s-/2~LJ.?-~'I. 7/4r::mc;zlt}i- . ::::)Li~fl~~~~:,:;:~:r;;~_:1;-z:;1J:;<:a ,&Je:r: {IJE/£s ff /i CcQ2/ir~£kl/"/d M Field Representative#-~ A CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. S, /), 0 l"!Jt) IC~~_s-? . ~n ~ INSPECTOR'S NAME c. 9LEj)~1 ruo,££S CERT NO /Cl?() /(),;;J. 77/3-8'.S- (Pnnt Clearly) · · INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE htpe-,4 ~ U.14--DATE /-;2. '2-Q 0 Form#003 1 'I ' ' .' Tesung Engineers -San Diego, inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of_/_ Project Name 811tc kmou--lo-T /() 3 TESD Project # _g-1-9,_-_'(_,_ .. ij_,__· -I li""'----- Address L£3S: tiJ-IJ!4c'1f/ll:VE; Clftt/4s/J19cft Ct1 General I Subcontractor f?&10,{,}J1J,>7; ,.fJ. If £{),d11l;c1fJE, Cafll-51 Building Permit #C-8 790,,5",:;)Q DSA # ________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION IN~TIO~ C~E~KLIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ cone: Mix #/psi --~lans&~~L __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ cone: Mix #/psi 2ecification~~~%co/'/ ~asonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi zes ,dt:_li_ _/_ I - true! Steel -d /37 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rini: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Reinl. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar. Type/psi :;;{onsolidation __ Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block _· _Electrode StoragefkR-lti4/Jl --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --r"steel t1?C.,1 JJS:Z:2j}t -10 __ Load (Pounds) -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --__ H.S. Bolts __ Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ H.S. Bolts YElectrodes QtJ If' .. , __ Waterproofing ---- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- --OSHPD __ Roofing --/ OtherEir-~d£. -__ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --,a;_-;:.~.2_:;s_£)_ __ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, . specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. 0' .. I), O<f J1e-# ts7 i 1NsPEcToR's NAME S7i=)llt#;z jJ Elo II.Es • ~ (Print Clearly) CERT. No./Ct5C)-#;o,;z77 /3-f?_S- INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~ ;/J~,_,__ DATE /-,21·-oo Form#003 -:--, -\ ) f Tesuhg Engineers -San Diego, inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite "18 Page_1_of_2_ San Diego, CA 92"1 "1 "1 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name ,r/UAc/(maP.E -f.o7''/IJ .1 TESDP~ect#_9_9_--f-~-Z~----- Address /s:u:s Mtf4c!A;I /JIIE/ Ctil</4<,/;A~ CA- General I Subcontractor ,/iAflO, thQ_v; .r!J_I/, {i)/Ji&aR£. {WGL; c >c,t/t4111f CIJE/c/~ Building Permit #CB 996.S .-20 DSA # ________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract# Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ cone: Mix #/psi --/ Plans/JttJ'e:.;,eJ.~/ __ Prestress-Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi ~Specif&tio~~/2k-JI/Ettk;:c/ · Masonry __ subgrade __ Cone: Mix #/psi __ Sizes ---¥,.i[LQJ.LU ~ Struct Steel~/37 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rinf: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ concrete Cylinders --__ Rinf: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rinf: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Reinf. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight --Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi --;T Consolidation --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block -1,:__ Electrode StorageffeR~&a.5pO/ i --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --~ Steel &,:·i'.~ , /:i. 5:'Cl C) __ Load (Pounds) __jL_ l __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --H.S. Bolts /lt 5:->Ni" __ Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --ZElectrodes E7o(c~, £'7/Z:8' -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- __ QSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed . tf914~-\s-<.e-ll-/3-/t/-lS--/t.-flRa(74VYU. $J::l/1r'ulJLl1t:zian i3r Af~u/J;EL /1)1i;/l[rll91JL&°41#/$ &i<tc/,?J2,5:llf'Js7~/lol75 ,Ls· S-12/.L 1i.-1JJ!dqjt?EfS. e2,, Field Representative # ,~ (j CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME01?JA4 tfJME,5 (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE di[-~ t ·'lit~ ,5, /{). C,11j )1cf16S7 CERT. NO. /CA o4 (1)2 1713--85 DATE /-28:-oo Form#003 . .) Testing Engineers ~ ·san Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, California 92111 TO: /!J:;,e;(}, (}Ja5L Project: l?/Ac):1>1aAE-J'oz:JtJ3 .. ,: ........... , 0 Fll:LD RE!I--.:-.,,AT 13'1JOTICE TO COMPLY Page ,;2, of 2 Date Form#001 "/ o ll> -Jf 7?-L/ I( //3 ·-;JJ./4, .. dvn'LfYu__j_p;t Io 3 C/199oS,2.o-1535 -=/~ l}v..JL SET LO'f NO. W8091G . INSPECTION CERTIFICATE ~~en UNYTITE, INC. ~pecification Size ASTM A325 Type 1 -~3 · ASTM A 563 Grade DH: XX. -93 ASTM F436 Type 1, XX ·.:.a93 3/4-10 UNC X 3-3/4 BOLT LOT NO. Mecharii.caJ Property of Full Size Bolts Heat Treatment Tensile Strength Load Position or (lb() fracture Min. Spec. Part of Screw Proof load 28400ibr. {Length Method) Max. +/-0.0005 in. Hardness °F (°C) HRC 25 -34 Quench I Temper Min. 800 Quantity One Unytite Drive . Peru, Illinois 61354 815-224-2221 -FAX H 815-224-3434 i$ 9,589 pcs. Date: ,..__.i.. 16,, 98 -------- IDENTIFICATION Chemical Composition % ~ c Si Mn p S Cu I Ni I Cr I Mo I B ~ '100 , 100 '100 '1000 , 1000 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 ,10,000 \ 30 Min. Max. Max. 5 Heat No. 52 __ 60 40 50 _ __ ----30 Mean/3 Pcs. Part of Screw I GOOD 32., 1580 851 A61284 I 31 25 82 11 13 2 1 6 1 15 NUT LOT NO. I0482 .. Hardness. Heat Treatment IDENTIFICATION Chemical Composition % Thread Accuracy . · After 24 hr OF (OC) ~ Hardness X 1000° F Proof Load ~ C Si Mn (H~C) .. HRB (Lb() Quench Temper X 100 X 100 X 100 Min. Min. 20 Min. -Spec .. 24: 38 HRB 89 t;ALl.t;n --850 H~at No. 55· 60 . -~ -r n/Spcs 30. 1 c.ooo 1562 1220 S32056 44 21 69 I WASHER LOT NO. ,J649 ' Chemic~! Composition% IDENTIFICATION Hardness C Si Mn p s Cu Ni !HRC) © . X 100 X 100 X 100 X 1000 X 1000 X 100 X 100 .. . . Max • Max. . . Hea't No. . Spec. 35.-45 . ---40 50 --. . , Mean/5 Pcs. 40~4 ?i.75385 52 17 62 12 -1 -.. . . Material.Used for the Bolt, Nut ·and Washer were Melted & Manufactured in the U.SA. . We her~b'y·_cert.ify tl)at th~ material described ha; been manufactured and inspected Satisfactorily witli the reauiremP.nt of thP ::ihm,o cnar;f;r-.t-:n~ - - p s Cu Ni Cr (Bolt & Nut) X 1000 X 1000 X 100 X 100 X 100 Bolt . ANSI Bl.1 Max .• Max. Class 2A 40 50 -· .. -Nut ANSI Bl.1 Class 28 8 31 23 12 8 Fastener Tension Fastener Tension REMARKS Min. Cr Spec. X 100 (lbf.) ?.940(\ Mean / 5 sets. 33646 - ~ Standard -Deviation 1704 Chie}f of Quality Assu}ra7ce Section 11 )'\ ,I ( ~o as -7' '1'1-t-f/1/ ts. -/lV!b&inuYu-/_o=t Io 3 . SET LOT NO. X0021 G INSPECTION CERTIFICATE • UNYTITE, INC . " Specification Size Quantity • e, • ASTM A325 Type 1 ~,j ASTM A 563 Grade DH .XX -93 7/8-9 UNC X 5-1/2 ASTM F436 Type 1 -?(X. -;-93 2,000 pcs. One Unytite Drive Peru, Illinois 613 54 815-224-2221 -FAX# 815-224-3434 BOLT LOT No._·_·...>Cx ..... ·o ..... :o,....·2L...l.·3 ___ _ Date: Oct. 29. '9B . c- _·Mech_a·njcal Property of Full Size Bolts I Heat Treatment IOENTIFICATION Chemical Composition% Tens!le ?.trength Proof load I Hardness Load Position of 3 g 2 5 0lbf. µ·------~ (lbf) fracture °F <0c> Min. (length Method) HRC Quench Temper Max. Min. 0 C Si I Mn P S Cu I Ni I Cr I Mo I B X 100 X 1 00 X 1 00 -X 1 000 X 1000 X 1 00 X 1 00 X 100 X 100 X 10,000 I 30 I Min. Max. Max. 5 · Spee. I · i; c:; 4. i; 1'art of Screw +/-0.0005 in. 2s ·-34 800 Heat No. 52 __ &O 40 50 __ •• •• --30 Mean/3 Pcs. I 7 1 0 3 31Part of Screw GOOD 33.!: 1580 851 A62611 I 31-1 24 83 11 12 5 2 5 1 17 NUT LOT NO. I0371 · ·. Hardness Heat Treatment IDENTIFICATION Chemical Composition % Th read Accu~acy · After 24 hr °F <0c> (0 Hardness X 1000° F Proof Load C Si Mn (HRC) HRB (Lbf) Quench Temper X 100 X 100 X 100 Min. Min. ~ 20 Min .. -Spec. . ~4 -38 HRB 89 80850 --850 H~at No . 55 60 ~ean/Spcs. -CODD 1562 27 e 5 · 1058 B67357 44 21 74 WASHE~ LOT NO. J616 IDENTIFICATION ' Chemical Composition% Hardriess .C Si Mn p s Cu Ni · · (HRC) ©, X 100 X 100 X 100 X 1000 X 1000 X 100 X 100 Max. Max. . . . Sp_ec. · 38 -45 Heat No. · -----40 50 - . Mean/5 Pcis:i • ' •, 40.2 :B31722 51 20 71 15 15 - Material V:;f!d for. the Bolt, Nut and Washer were Melted & Manufactured in the U.SA ·we hereby ce"rtify that tlie material described has been manufactured and inspected sati"sfadbrily with 'the requirement of the above specification. • I • •. • , ,. • -- - p s Cu Ni Cr (Bolt & Nut) X 1000 X 1000 X 100 X 100 X 100 Bolt ANSI 81.1 Max. Max. ·--Class 2A 46 50 -----Nut ANSI 81.1 Class 28 8 18 1 1 6 Fastener Tension Fastener Tension REMARKS Min. Cr Spec. X 100 (lbf.) . 40950 Mean I 5 sets. 49646 -- Standard -Deviation 1640 'ef of Quality A surance Section L 7./ II ( ( s.J a D ·-...,.. 7 7-<f 'I/~ --: IJJJ...il-CfP..fllvuY{..K._ -,1.. o 1 1 u --> SET ,LOT NO. X4821 G INSPECTION CERTIFICATE $ UNYTITE, INC. Specification· ASTM A325 Type 1 --y;3 ASTM A 563 Grade DH _XX -93· ASTM F436 Ty.e_e 1 ·. XX -:-93 Size 7/8-9 UNC X 2-1/4 Quantity One Unytite Drive Peru, Illinois 61354 32,815 pcs. 815-224-2221 -: FAX# 815-224-3434 BOLT LOT NO. X~8i1 Date:.. Sep. 22' '99 Spec. Mean/3 Pcs. Mecli_an:ical Property of Full Size Bolts I Heat Treatment Tensile ·strength Proof Load I Hardness I °F (°C) Load Position of 3 9 2 5 qbf. (!bf) fracture (length Method) I H RC I Quench I Temper Min. • Max. 5 5 .4. 5 ti3art of Screw I +/-0.0005 In. I 2 5 • 3 4 Part of Screw( GOOD 32.,t, 1580 Min. 800 851 IDENTJFICATION Chemical Composition% 0 c Si Mn p S Cu I Ni I Cr I Mo I B . X 100 X 100 X 100 X 1000 X 1000 X 100 X 100 X 100 X 100 X10,000 30 Min. Max. Max. 5 Heat No. 52 _ 60 40 50 _ •• •• --30 B86811 31 · 26 86 11 1:i 2 1 5 8 19 NUT LOT NO. I.2131 . .. Hardt:1ess Heat Treatment IDENTIFICATION Chemical Composition% Thread Accur~cy After 24 hr OF (OC) ~ Hardness X 1000° F . Proof Load Q C Si Mn p s Cu Ni Cr (HRC) . HRB (Lbf) Quench Temper X 100 X 100 X 100 X 1000 X 1000 X 100 X 100 X 100 Min. Min. 20 ... Min. Max. Max. (Bolt & Nut) Bolt ANSI 81.1 ·Class 2A .• -Spec. 24 • 38 HRB 89 8085( -850 H~at No. 55 60 40 50 ---Nut ANSI B1.1 Class 2B \'\ean/5pcs. 28.6 -GOOD i562 -120; S37566 44 22 71 10 31 19 19 11 I WASHER LOT NO. J720 Fastener Tension ' IDENTIFICATION Chemical Composition% Fastener Tension REMARKS Hardness @,_. C Si Mn p s Cu Ni Cr (HRC) X 100 X 100 . x100 X 1000 X 10Q0 X 100 X 100 X 100 . Max. Max. Min. Spec. (lbf.) 40950 Mean / 5 sets. 50686 Spec. JS -45 ' Heat No. ---· 40 50 ---... , M1;an/S Pcs. 40.4 1 8-1 985 50 26 65 9 10 ,---Standard Deviation 1824 .. . Material Used. for the Bol!, Nut and Washer were Melted & Manufactured in the U.S.A. We h~ei'eby-certify that \he material described h~s been manufactured and inspected t • • • ~atisfactorily with't~e requirement of the above specification. . Chief of Quality Assurance Section ~~~ Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. Date: Job No: Job Name: Address: Rep01iNo: FIELD INSPECTION AND TEST REPORTS 2/4/00 99-441 BLACKMORE LOT 98 1620 Faraday Avenue. Carlsbad, California 92040 Plan N1m1ber: Permit Number: 169 NIA CB983162 Field Supervisor: GREGORY SMITH, PE Established 1946 Enclosed are field inspection and/or test rep01is, for the above referenced project, for work perfo1111ed on 1/24/00-1/27/00. These reports cover the locations of work inspected and/or tested fopowing recognized standards and do not constitute engineering opinion or project control. These reports do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to build per the plans, specifications and all applicable codes. Should you have any questions regarding these reports, please contact our office at (858) 715- 5800. Reports enclosed (2) Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc., 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, CA. 921 l I (858] 715-5800 Fax (858] 715-581 0 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of __L Project Name <ct'mo.£K-Lo-r 9P' TESD Project# -1-9+-f--i/,~· ¾-j,__ ____ _ Address l~.:zo &-t£1:Jc~ AVE:l ~5./2Ao/4 Cl/ General / Subcontractor tfi-M,Oat1.5Zf ~ tOlz if~ /J);;;{c/2ff/l Building Permit #C/ii£ 1,/" ;l DSA #_· _______________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract # ___________ Other-----'--------'--------- INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ cone: Mix #/psi --jf:ns~~ __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi ~ci&:.: ~ ~ :;;:// __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi es ----YLE,.tQ"F J __/L. Struct Steel 1f /37 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ . Rinf: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Reinf. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi ~solidation --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block ctrode Storage 4f£4=: --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --~nits:Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --teel 1£~,/i.f:Z::2_ __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --~.S. Bolts .i1:1:JS" __ Thickness __ Roofing __ steel __ Metal Deckina /J:,{4'0 , ---- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --Y Electrodes ~7tJ/R -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- --OSHPD __ Roofing --~Other B~cn>~ -__ Corrective action required --Specialty __ Other --E-'lL.-Z:!VJ.llQS;i)_ __ Corrections completed __ ::1r:Y$::;;~~7kf:i1:~1~::::::::::r;;~~:~=Z?. ~~~r;z:1;~~tz:::;t!!!:;Z~r' µ~~7!:;;J;:::;~t/XJ;f1!::::f::JJ;/' M Field Representative ~~ c::,:;~ --:::::::: CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME,57£/#M /J IZ~I-€ 5 nnt Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE .. >ltzM-t11 yJ 7~~ S, ;J. Of l.1c-if b-5"7 -If CERT. NO. ICJ]o /tJ/2 77/3-J'S DATE l-21./·-0Q " Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page_1_of _j_ San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name /iuJ.c/<mo&E-)o·r.z'f' TESD Project #--1--</1-9--1/+-:G+-~,_J ____ _ Address /tgo ~&t;Cfu/~{'d General/ Subcontractor /lcno ,Cat15Tj Cf/J & . CM-SL; {,)()1.'/IO·~/j)EJc;{, jfz Building Permit # ______________ DSA # __________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Governmer-it Contract# Other----------'-----------'-- INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION IN~TION ~HECKLIST --Concrete __ soil --__ Cone: Mix #/psi --~lan~J¾.v;~/ __ Prestress Cone --Base --__ cone: Mix #/psi ~;ecihjtion::// mr/ __ Masonry __ Subgrade --·-__ Cone: Mi,c #/psi __ Sizes ...!J:.l{f&tt/£,.r,/ //struct Steel 1/;,.J 7 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rinf: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rinf: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ cone Flex Beams --__ Rinf: Tendons __ Temperature --Non-Destructive __ Reinf. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight --Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi Consolidation Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block =z: Electrode Storagef¼/J-/}(b.'5/-/,J/ --• J 3 --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms ---LL.steel . .a ,::;-z ~ .a i~ __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --H.S. Bolts __ Thickness __ . _Roofing __ steel --~Metal Decking /)tj'/1& -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --~ectrodes c'C:.c;,.!::l :::2... -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- __ QSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed ;~~%::!:t:~=~=#:::;::~==-hiy /,,t:o f :=6: &..Z1J L2 ,.2A~c2?d11 t1Yt.£jJElc1oc&12 ?&; ?A~ tLJA£l 111 1</JtrFss lu'.rAc: Field Representative # ___ --,.,:~-:>"',l--"-=-::~,c..7""1-----/-------7 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME ,SyjJl/fJ/J f1Do(s£S • (Prin C early) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~(/ ;~LA=: DATE /-,27-oo ) Testing Engineers -SanDiego, Inc. Date: Job No: Job Name: Address: Report No: FIELD INSPECTION AND TEST REPORTS 2/4/00 99-441B BLACKMORE LOT 103 1535 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92040 Plan Number: Permit Number: 170 NIA CB990520 Field Supervisor: GREGORY SMITH, PE Established 1946 Enclosed are field inspection and/or test reports, for the above referenced project, for work performed on 1/25/00-1/28/00. These reports cover the locations of work inspected and/or tested following recognized standards and do not constitute engineering opinion or project control. These reports do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to build per the plans, specifications and all applicable codes. Should you have any questions regarding these reports, please contact our office at (858) 715- 5800. Reports enclosed (5) Testing Engine e r.s -San Diego, Inc., 7 8 9 5 Convoy Court, Suite I 8 San Diego, CA. 9 2 I I l [ 8 5 8] 7 I 5 -5 8 0 0 Fax [ 8 5 8] 7 I 5 -5 8 I O ---•. I • ... ' Testing Engineers San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of _f_ Project Name /j/i-;c,K/J7tJf2t: -lo T /03 TESD Project# _q_q~--1-LL ...... 1-6 ____ _ Address J£,Js-,EA&t-c/4rf iltt£i CML s:lilld; Cll- General I Subcontractor l'-lfij...,...2=,_11, ..... , ___ 1 ..... 1~:a ..... a ...... c;:....,-.,_I +· ....,,-iJ=· ....... -~IJ .......... d""""-"¼i"""'J--'-';-4-1;,,,_.c_..-ti..._....'E:,,_,.,--«C,.,..,d""-"""(l. .... >-.L._/,'""'~"-'·c_.._ __________ _ . 7 Building Permit #_._Cl4's~.,_,_9-+7--=o'-"1$:~2 .... 0"'--------DSA # ________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract # _____________ Other-----------'------------ INSPECTION Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Masonry _kstruct Steei-7f/.J1 __ Fireproofing __ Pile Driving __ Non-Destructive Batch Plant Soils Technician Mechanical Electrical __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Roofing __ Waterproofing __ DSA --OSHPD __ specialty MAT'L SAMPLING __ Soil __ Base __ Subgrade __ Asphalt Concrete __ Concrete Cylinders __ Cone Flex Beams __ Reinf. Steel __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Mortar Samples __ Grout Samples __ Masonry Prisms --Masonry Block __ steel __ H.S. Bolts __ Fireproofing __ Roofing __ Other ___ _ QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ Cone: Mix #/psi __ Cone: Mix #/psi ___ _ __ Cone: Mix #/psi ___ _ 9ans .· ~· >-:pecific~ons - __ Sizes /1£11/FZ(I,£ t/ __ Rlnf: Rebar ____ _ __Slump _____ _ __ Rinf: W.W.F. ____ _ __ Air Content ____ _ __ Rinf: Tendons ____ _ __Temperature ____ _ __ Grout: Mix #/psi ___ _ __Unit Weight ____ _ __ Mortar: Type/psi ___ _ Units: Block ____ _ Units: Block ____ _ ~Stee1 _,.;£--,..,_f..,.(2 ___ _ ~onsolidation __ Electrode Storage~ __ Torque Applied ___ _ __Load (Pounds) ___ _ __ H.S. Bolts _____ _ __Thickness ____ _ Metal Decking ___ _ // El~ctrodes E7olfc __ Fireproofing ____ _ __ Other ______ _ __ Corrective action required __ _ __Corrections completed __ _ Rem~rks. 7·0o/>Ec7facl ~E'. 1;15'.18~Ll'{/l~JfQ fin~ WE./cli@f c,£ ,/(--~J:ic::<>,To;«<;' ttnc/ /1/- ~::1:::::·tt~:J:t::!:;1~~~ e;::;:;/;:t=:a~:::-f=~ umli ---7.()011112;:i:i //·oo 1ut2 -~UU>- Field Representative#<'~ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME Slt/,1/1:(/ t f'iat.t.:,£ ' (Print C early) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE Jt:orAw 'f ~1J:A.c-: CERT. NO.---------- DATE /-.2.S-C 0 _) Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of _j_ Project Name ~f110,£E-/4[1 /O, 1 TESD Project# 99-L/L/i/j Address Ls:s:s: tMd~ i&11~,-Cat&l..s.6A:c4 f?ll General; Subcontractor &12ocOaa~ ,~.Ii, (i)AiTffGRt=:.. Cof!JJT Building Permit# C(/3 C/9 (At;.;; 0 DSA # _______________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract# Other_· __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ Concrete __ Soil --__ cone: Mix #/psi --~lans ~~U~ __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi . Ls:::f&~z __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi ~true! Steef#/37 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rini: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi ~Rsolidation --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage~ --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --_/Lsteel Elr.{e __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block ----H.S. Bolts __ Thickness __ Roofing __ Steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --~Electrodes: ifin:J/8". -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- __ OSHPD . __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other· --__ Corrections completed Remark~ ,--:;,,5J1ECTec/ 1/2.1€ l4SZ?iL4.T2<U4 C2 E tf··-SEA/e:...<. 0o is"Ks &0d ,Cli -;J'o /~14~ < /)T£Mli'.<; -I·-;2. -3 -l./·-1,t:;" -L1eA> cf,t.::ot;;Lcs -~-/9JS123-J81;'tl?-"J/sx}f. ZAr1a@Ji- f ~4i~~~~;;::;:;r::=-::::-;:11::z:2 /d.L/f'.Z: {//El& ff 19 C£((12"/l1:rhJa/EAJ. ~ Field Represeniative # ~ A CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. ,5, /J, G t'?Jt J ;c:&'~_!t? INSPECTOR'S NAMEc.. <J;'EjJ-ll!il-'t 11UatfES CERT NO IC/?cf /(2,Q 77/3-8'.S-(Pnnt Clearly) · · INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE .:l--tz7rl11_,,;1 >4 :::;(k.f. 4-DATE /-;2 '7-0 0 i=nrmHnn~ . ., . ) Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc . 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of_/_ Project Name /5/f}c tmon -lr/T jc) 3 TESDP~eci#_9_9_-_q_·y_·/~&-· ___ _ Address L£3S tiJ-d!4c.l1Jf IJv4. /J,WJ,slJ'!f1t Ct1 General t Subcontractor /?1;.110,{}oasz; :LL# t{))v'Z1;a&t:, Call7SI Building Permit #(1/3 Z90S:OG DSA # _______________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION IN~TIO~ C~E~~LIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ Cone: Mix #/psi --7.1ans&l/[~(($c{._ __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi =z:ecificationsf/;t%:}f/ i/2asonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi zes ,lk:.'f/i_ - Struct Steel 'fr /37 __ Asphalt-Concrete --__ Rinf: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rinf: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rinf: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Reinf. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi ~onsolidation __ Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage/k£.!}4K/f)/, --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --~Steel fl~ l:,, l}_S-~c. °'O __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --__ H.S. Bolts __ Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --YE1ectrodes QtJ If -- __ ._DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- --OSHPD __ Roofing --/ Other Efrct',fr,dE, -__ Corrective action required __ sp~cialty __ ._Other --.Fl/E~:2.:S.;i) __ ._Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, . specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. ..S/4/), C1jt J1e-# ts7 I 1NsPEcToR·s NAME S7ty1ffe;z l!Ea /!Es • • (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE .xlzt~4 /?~LL-- CERT. No.lG6c5#;0 :2 77 /3-1?5~ DATE /-,27·-oo } Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page_1_of _L San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name ,rtfJIJC/(/lJcJ££ -~ ,(/,? 10 .) TESD Project# ~9 ...... 9'----fl/-+~f-11/3 ____ _ Address 6<<35 MA'/tc~/l!IE/ CIJl</4')./iAc:4 Cit: General I Subcontractor £.r;a, tha.s?; ,IJ,/1. {i)/2i&Ct£E, Cb'&SL; c >0t1fd~Ct}Ek;J;,/J?t'. Building Permit #/JB 99a.5 c2 0 DSA # ___ · _____________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ $oil --__ cone: Mix #/psi --_LPlans/iiYI/JLM:./ __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi ~peci;&tio~~ffeJI/EttJ£/ · Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi __ Sizes --¥,.t}Ql.L£d!.. 7' Struct Steel~/37 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rinf: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rinf: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi --;7"" Consolidation --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block .../L_ Electrode Storage'fk&~d'JdS/£)/ I/ --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --Units: Block __ Torq_ue Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --=2:steel .a-i~ ,·as:-aa __ Load (Pounds) V I __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block ---k:..-H,S. Bolts /h.k2lS: __ Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --ZElectrodes E7tJ('¼, £7/{(r -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- __ QSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --· __ Corrections completed .. Rem.,gJ~-n;-d-ziv &t-u,LI /trlrluJ,.-~ 0C>1s2 /f/-J'ai:o:s 1111dEm ,,ud 7mjti,ff&- Y//:'~3 >< o' -.s/' o/1: /-a';;41;12 clmds -9j$!J;,s-J<l/.sl)S -,vsm -L.s/s/)01 1:zzL/12& 5:-r-2---3 -~-c6JJ.:1/k4. ,/1;:vd .~7M/Ecr;.dzf,,,_ U¥1.il1/2J£Y1t) oL [/~ 78 ;7/4; Mr~.,2 ~ :r;7!~~::;;t::::~4Z:t:s%~t=:::~ L {Ls.&J:? MjMl2f:"-ls-\ s-& ·-11-1:;;-J1;-1s-1, -~c,12 /r_ve:L. &Eth wfl1t:o'a ez a/' /if6-SZU:L MdlrFl&1fE:liEitv11$ &1//c/M2,c;:l/fjs7~Jbl:;5 /4 ,mLL !i//~cytfz:s:s. 64 Field Representative # ,£...s::z\J (J CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAMfaSzr1A£;4 'i!f/4AE 5 (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE J-ti:Mh,t ,tJ :lt.0./4-dc--: ,S, tJ. f311j /.1c-11ts7 cERT. No. ICAo# /o2't7i3--85 DATE /-,-2[{-00 c: ........... unn"l -~ ·i Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, California 92111 TO:~(}. OJASL ~LDREPORT NOTICE TO COMPLY Page d2 of 2 Date Job Number Plan File Number \../01-.:> . 77-7'/f /IS·· /.!J..}l(._~1'1..(_-..,u.___A.h--{_. tu ~J C,899oS.2.o-ls:55 -::.f~ l}UJL SET LOT NO. W8091G INSPECTION-CERTIFfCATE ~Clf * UNYTITE, INC. One Unytite Drive ll•..I Peru, Illinois 61354 ~pecification Size ASTM A325 Type 1 -Sl3 · ASTM A 563 Grade DH: XX. -93 -- ASTM F436 Type 1 _ XX :,..93 3/4-10 UNC X 3-3/4 BOLT LOT NO. · W8091 - Mecha!li.ca) Property of Full Size Bolts Heat Treatment Tensile Strength ( I Load Position of {lbf) fracture Min. Spec. Part of Screw Proof load 284001bf. (length Method) Max. +/-0.0005 in. Hardness °F ("Cl HRC 25 -34 Quench I Temper Min. 800 Quantity 9,589 pcs. ~ 815-224-2221 -FAX H 815-224-3434 Date: De t 1 6 , ' 9 8 IDENTIFICATION Chemical Composition % a C Si Mn p S Cu I Ni I Cr I Mo I B X 100 X 100 X 100 X 1000 X 1000 X 100 X 100 X 100 X 100 X10,000 30 Min. Max. Max. 5 Heat No. 52 __ 60 40 50 __ __ ---30 Mean/3 Pcs. Part of Screw I GOOD 32.7 1580 851 A61284 31 25 82 11 13 2 1 6 1 15 NUT LOT NO. I0482 . . .. Heat Treatment Chemical Composition % Hardness . IDENTIFICATION Thread Accuracy . · After 24 hr °F (°C) ~ Hardness x 1000° F Proof Load Q C Si Mn (HRC) HRB (Lbf) o,uench Temper X 100 X 100 X 100 Min. Min. 20 Min. -Spec .. 24 .-38 HRB 89 t:;ALl.t:;f1 --850 H~at No. 55· 60 ._, -- ( -l'v,~ .. n/5pcs. 30. 1 GOOD 1562 1220 S32056 44 21 69 WASHER LOT NO. ,1649 ' Chemical Composition % IDENTIFICATION Hardness C Si Mn p s Cu Ni ~HRC) © X 100 X 100 X 100 X 1000 xl000 X 100 X 100 .. . . Max. Max. . Hea·t No. . Spec. 38 .·45 . --' -40 50 --. _, . Mean/S Pcs. 40.4 .-A75385 52 17 62 12 -1 -. . .. Material,Usea for-the Bolt, Nut ·and Washer were Melted & Manufactured in the U.S.A. 'We· here6}.cert.ify tl;lat th~ material described has. been manufactured and inspected --a.!:.t..,,._a.--!I., •• .:a.t: a.L. .... ----•• : ...... _... __ .. -f t-h-""hn.,,n r-n.oriFir'3tinn -- . - p s Cu Ni Cr (Bolt & Nut) X 1000 X 1000 X 100 X 100 X 100 Bolt ANSI B1.1 Max •• Max. Class 2A 40 50 ---· -Nut ANSI B1.1 Class 28 8 31 23 12 8 Fastener Tension Fastener Tension REMARKS Min. Cr Spec. X 100 (lbf.) 7.g400 - Mean / 5 sets. 33646 - t Standard -Deviation 1704 _;a, :;ty m:tion ( --.Ju Gs,_,. 77·-'-f'll o. -l!Jftl-{1/U'Ju:J-'U-1-u=C /0/> , SET LOT NO. X0021 G INSPECTION CERTIFICATE UNYTITE, INC . .. Specification Size Quantity . .. ASTM A3'25 Type 1 ..:, ." ASTM A 563 Grade DH .XX -93 7/8-9 UNC X 5-1/2 ASTM f436 Type 1 .?{X. -;--93 2,000 pcs. • One Unytite Drive Peru, Illinois 61354 815-224-2221 -FAX# 815-224-3434 ..... BOLT LOT NO. .. .xo.o·:z-) Date: Oct.291 '98 _·Mech~njcal Property of Full Size Bolts Heat Treatment IDENTIFICATION I Chemical Composition% Tensile ?·trength Proof load Hardness °ೆF c·c> a I C I s; I Mn I p I s I Cu I N; I c, I Mo I ' Load Position of 3925O1bf. X 1 00 X 100 X 100 X 1000 X 1000 X 1 00 X 1 00 X 1 00 X 1 00 X 10,00( (lbf) fracture (length Method) HRC Quench Temper ~ Min. Max. Min. I 30 I I Min. I Max. I Max. I I I I I 5 S S 4 ~ nPart of Screw +!-0.0005 in. 25·-34 --800 Heat No. I 52 __ 60 40 50 __ •• •• 30 Spec. I Mean/3 Pcs: 71 0 3 tart of Screwl GOOD I 33.s 1580 I 851 I A62611· I 31. I 24 I 831 11 I 121 sl 2 I SI 1 I 17 NUT LOT NO. IO371 -Heat Treatment IDENTIFICATION Chemical Composition % · ·. Hardness Thread Accur_acy · After 2_4 hr "F ("C) e, Hardness X 1000° F Proof Load C Si Mn (HRC) HRB (Lbf) Quench Temper X 100 X 100 X 100 Min. Min. ~ 20 Min. -Spet. . ~4 -38 HRB 89 80850 .. 850 H~at No . 55 60 Mean/5pcs. -GOOD 1562 27. 5 · 1058 B67357 44 21 74 WASHE~ LOT NO. J616 IDENTIFICATION Chemical Composition% .. Hardness .c Si Mn p s Cu Ni · · (HRC) ©, X 100 X 100 X 100 X 1000 X 1000 X 100 X 100 Max. Max. . . . Spec. · 38 • 45 Heat No. · ----40 50 - Mean/5 Pcis:i , ·, :B31722 40.2 51 20 71 15 15 - Materia.1 U:;.!:!d for_ the Bolf, Nut and Washer were Melted & Manufactured in the U.S.A. ·we hereby ce·rtify that tlie material described has been manufactured and inspected -- ..,. p X 1000 Max. 4G 8 Cr X 100 -- - s Cu Ni Cr X 1000 X 100 X 100 X 100 Max. 50 ------ 18 1 1 6 Fastener Tension Fastener Tension Min. Spec. (lbf.) 40950 Mean I 5 sets. 49646 Standard Deviation 1640 (Bolt & Nut) Bolt ANSI B1.1 Class 2A Nut ANSI B1.1 Class 28 REMARKS 'ef of Quality A surance Section L . sathfadb:ily y..,ith 1_he requirement of the above specification. ' ,11 '. ' • • • ,, '. ( ( ....Jot:)--' 77-'{"f/f:l-.~VrL<Y<-<---.:1--ut ,...,._, SET ,LOT NO. X4821 G INSPECTION CERT-IFICATE UNYTITE, INC. Specification· ... Size ASTM A325 Type 1 -~i) ASTM A 563 Grade DH ?{X -93· ASTM F436 Type 1 ·. XX -:--93 7/8-9 UNC X 2-1/4 BOLT LOT NO.. X~82°1 Mecn_a~ical Property of Full Size Bolts Heat Treatment Tensile ·strength Proof Load Hardness °F (°C) Load Position of 3 9 2 S qbf. (lbf) fracture {length Method) I HRC I Quench I Temper Spec. Min. I I . Max. S S .4. :i; l\'art of Screw +/-0.0005 in. Mean/3 Pcs. Part of Screw! GOOD NUT-LOTNO. I.2131. 25 • 34 32. 1r 1580 Min. 800 851 Quantity 32,815 pcs . IDENTIFICATION oc X 100 -I 30 Heat No. 52 B86811 I 31 • One Unytite Drive Peru, Illinois 61354 815-224-2221 --: FAX# 81 5-224-3434 Date: .. SeQ. 22, '29 Chemical Composition% Si Mn p S Cu I Ni I Cr I Mo I B X 100 X 100 X 1000 X 1000 X 100 X 100 X 100 X 100 Xl0,000 Min. Max. Max. 5 -60 40 50 ------30 26 86 1 1 1; 2 1 5 8 19 .. Hardness Heat Treatment IDENTIFICATION Chemical Composition % Thread Accu~acy After 24 hr -°F <0c> ~, Hardness X 1000° F . Proof Load C Si Mn p 5 Cu Ni Cr {HRC) . HRB (Lbf) Quench Temper X 100 X 100 X 100 X 1000 X 1000 X 100 X 100 X 100 Min. Min. ~ 20 ., Min. Max. Max. {Bolt & Nut) Bolt ANSI 81.1 Class 2A Spet:". -· HE!at No. -... 24 -38 HRB 89 8085( -850 55 60 . 40 50 ---... Nut ANSI 81.1 Class 28 Mean/5pcs. 28.6 -GOOD i562 -120: S37566 44 22 71 10 31 19 19 11 WASHER LOT NO. J720 Fastener Tension ' IDENTIFICATION Chemical Composition% Fastener Tension REMARKS -Hardness @,_. C Si Mn p s Cu Ni Cr (HRC) X 100 X 100 X 100 X 1000 X 10Q0 X 100 X 100 X 100 Max. Max. Min. Spec. (lbf.) 40950 Mean / 5 sets. 50686 Spec. 38 -45 • Heat No. ---· 40 50 ---.. , M~an/5 Pcs: . 40.4 18·1985 50 26 65 9 10 ---Standard Deviation 1824 .. . Material Used for the Bol~, Nut and Washer were Melted & Manufactured in the U.S.A. .-. We h~e·reby-certify that· the material described h~s been manufactured and inspected • 1 • ~alisfact6rily.with't:he requirement of the above specification. . Chief of Quality Assurance Section -~c::;;~ -. . v o~--<tr 7'(--'I I// !B ·-IJ.JliJ..cii1Jrwri,€._--/-oT-IO-::. l SET LOT NO. X6701.G ·INSPECTION CERTIFICATE l . . • . -.;,. UNYTITE, INC. ( S pecificatigl] ·size ASTM A325 Type 1 --:J .:> A_STMA 563 Grade DH _xx .-93 ASTM F436 Ty_ee 1 )~X-.. -~3 · 7/8-9 UNC X 2 BOLT LOT NO. X6701. · Mechanical Property of F.ull Size Bolts Heat Treatment Tensile Strength Proof Load Hardness "F ("C) · Loac,f Position of 392~01bf. (lbf) fracture (Length Method) ·HRC Quench Temper Min. Max. /y\in. Spec. i:;5451 J'~rt of Sere~ +!-0.0005 in. 25 -34 .. 800 Mean/3 Pcs. -Part of Screw GOOD 31 • : 1580· 851 .. NUT LOT NO. I2841 Quantity. 18,025 pcs. IDENTIFICATION (:) C X 100 30 Heat No. 52 ·. · A81630 31 One ~nytite.Drive Peru, lllin~is 61354 815-224-2421 :_ F:-'.'X # 815-224-3434 Date:-.. Nov. 15, '99 Chemical Composition% Si Mn p s ·cu Ni · Cr Mo B X 100 X 100 X 1000 X 1000 X 100 X 100 X 100 X 100 X 10,000 Min. Max. Max. 5 . 60 40 50 ------30 - 24 84 8 13 8 1 7 9 17 ·Hard~ess Heat Treatment IDENTIFICATION Chemical Comppsition % Thread Accu~acy After 24.hr °୮F (0 c> ~-Hardness X 1000° F Proof Load 0 C Si Mn (HRC) HRB (LbO Quench Temper X 100 X 100 X 100 Min. Min. ~ 20 -Min. -'24 • 38 -~pee •. · HRB 89 80850 -850 H~at No. 55 60 ( :an/Spcs. -GOOD 1562 28. 1 · 1202 S37566 44 22 71 WASHER.LOT NO. J705 .. IDENTIFICATION Chemical Composition% H.arpness C Si Mn p s Cu Ni (HRC) (g, X 100 X 100 X 100• X 1000 X 1000 x100 X 100 • . Max. Max. Spec. 38.-45. Heat No. . ---40 50 -. . ... .. ·, .. . ···Mean/5 Pcs. 42.2 . 187-531 47 38 62 6 3 -', . fv\a_tervarused f~r the Bolt, .Nut and Washer were Melted & Manufactured in the U.SA We.heteby certify. that the material described has been manufactured and inspected , satisf;lct9ri.ly .with the requirement of the above specification. - _, 1 p Si Cu Ni Cr (Bolt & Nut) X 1000 X 1000 X 100 X 100 X 100 Bolt ANSI B1.1 Max. Max. Class 2A 40 50 ---Nut ANSI B1.1 Class 28 10 31 19 19 11 Fastener Tension Fastener Tension REMARKS Min. Cr Spec. X 100 (lbf.) 40950 Mean / 5 sets. 49992 - -Standard ,Deviation 2244 · Crief of Quality Assurance Section ~~d /-' . ' . ,.,,. , .. t · .. ·_ ·_ -__ ,_;;Jr? --;;,,-7 X6931G INSPECTION CERTIFICATE _/ . :··,-_:j·:·/ specification Size ' Quantity .;.i.STM A325 Type 1 -~.j J ASTM A 563 Grade DH XX -93 3/4-10 UNC X 2 ASTM F436 Type 1 -XX--93 . 32., 785 pcs. ~ . UNYTITE, INC. · '=' One Unytife Dri.v.e . Peru, Illinois 61354 · .. 815-224-2.221 -FAX H 815-224-3434 .. .- BOLT LOT NO.. X6931 Date: ... Nov. 22, '99 Mechanical Property of ~ull Size Bolts Heat Treatment IDENTIFICATION Chemical Composition% Load Position of 2a·4 oqbf. < Tensile Strength Proof Load· Hardness "F ("C) 0 (lbf) fracture (LengthMethod) HRC Quench Temper "-> C I Si I Mn I P I S I Cu. I Ni I Cr I Mei I B x 100 x 100 x 109 x 1000 x 1000 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x10,0"" . ,, ...l. Min. Max. Min. Spec. I 401 n-fartofScrew +/-0.000Sln. 25-34 __ 800 HeatNo. Mean/3 Pcs. I 4800 fartofScrewl GOOD I 31. 2 158_0 I 8421 B8721 B -J -, I ~ J-11 :3 30 I . · I Min. I Max. I Max. I · 52 -60 40 50 301 24 I 851 1 1 I 111 NUT LOT NO. _ __I_~L915 Hardness Heat Treatment IDENTI Fl CATION Chemical Composition % .. Thread Accu~acy After 24 hr °୶F c·c> 1a' Hardness X 1000° f Proof Load C Si Mn (HRC) HRS (Lbf) Quench Temper X 100 X 100 X 100 -~ Min. Min. 20 Min. -Spec. 24 -38 HRB 89 58450 -850 H~at No. 55 60 ' Mean/5pcs. 26.7 -GOOD 1562 126! S36687 44 22 70 WASHER LOT NO. J7 30 IDENTIFICATION Chemical Composition% Hardness C Si Mn p s Cu Ni (HRC) © X 100 X 100 X 100 X 1000 X 1000 X 100 X 100 Max. Max. Spec. 38 -45 · Heat No. ---40 50 - Mean/5 Pcs. 40.6 298632 49 44 62 11 5 -. Materia·l Used for the Bolt, Nut and Washer were Melted & Manufactured in the U.S.A. We hereby certify that the material de!icribed has been manufactured and inspected satisfactorily with the requirement of the above specification. - - p s Cu Ni Cr (Bolt & Nut) X 1000 X 1000 X 100 X 100 X 100 Max. Max. Bolt ANSI 81.1 Class 2A 40 50 ---Nut ANSI 81.1 Class 28 12 32 25 13 13 Fastener Tension Fastener Tension REMARKS Cr Spec. Min. •,' X 100 (lbf.) .. 29400 .. . Mean / 5 sets. 36158 - Standard -Deviation -'•629 Chief of Quality Assurance Sectioi:i ~~ 7 )' ··---- .. \fl ;• Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. Date: Job No: Job Name: Address: Report No: FIELD INSPECTION AND TEST REPORTS 2/18/00 99-441B BLACKMORE LOT 103 1535 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92040 Plan Number: Permit Number: 232 NIA CB990520 Field Supervisor: GREGORY SMITH, PE Established 1946 Enclosed are field inspection and/or test reports, for the above referenced project, for work performed on l/31/00-2/4/00 . These reports cover the locations of work inspected and/or tested following recognized standards and do not constitute engineering opinion or project control. These reports do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to build per the plans, specifications and all applicable codes. Should you have any questions regarding these reports, please contact our office at (858) 715- 5800. Reports enclosed (7) Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc., 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, CA. 92111 [858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810 ·-·~ Te.. _ .. ,ng Engineers -San Diego_ .nc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page_1_of_/_ San Diego, CA 921'11 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name .£/J;c,k:mt>R£-Lor/d3 TESD Project# _C)~CJ-_l.j_~~/-f?i~---- Address /Ss.s..S.tiJl?lld?J 11:/ll!l Ut&L5bfk4 Cit General I Subcontractor lh=:no f CtUJ..~ /),/). l)l/2iuze1a: .Cot1SZ: Building Permit #CB 9o/OS,;J O DSA # ________________ _ Plan File# _______________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ ·cone: Mix #/psi --~lans /Jr/[! £ti,}£/ " __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi -~-S~ecificationsf!:~Jj£L,:-J __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi -iLs,zes 1?1:..w l.:f . ~Struct Steei~JJ' 7 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rinf: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rinf: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands} --__ Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block ~ Electrode Storage 1/IJ.o/lU I --Mechanical __ Grout Samples ----Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --~Steel /t.:f. G,, /i., 5:'6 c2 __ Load (Pounds} I __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --V H.S. Bolts .6l z.,,z.1:,-__ Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --_/L_Electrodes£76/~ El{[:fl --.• .. __ , _DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- --OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed __ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. --5.il .01'1j ),;c-41 GS7 INSPECTOR'S NAME ~ f rfAzfL:.n /1 · Elot<4 S' (Print Cleariy) .:::If - CERT. No. lC.i o-/o 2 Z? /3-f'.S. INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~ /J~ .J!,rz.h1----: DATE /-<3/-()C) Formff003 ,-~ ./'""'\ Te ...... ng Engineers -San Diego> .'1c. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page_1_of _J_ San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name B//Jclcn1t1&£ :..,Lor /CJ 1 TESD Project # _..,_9 _,__o/-_Lf+-lf~)'-*B,,,_ ___ _ Address )c;-;?.S: EA1<1td;J-ll:i!~. CaBL\siu,~ Cit General/ Subcontractor &-AO, t'.l:VI-G7j '5a<'.£Z/2 &d {/JlrLdt( . IJ.1/ l/l/2ioiee£ (/ ; Building Permit #t;B 9'/ ('>.,S-;;z Ci DSA Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract# Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ cone: Mix #/psi --/Plans P£ Vi EI ,i) ~,:./ __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi 2ecifications_,f..C:://IEl.r,/ ~onry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi Sizes /l.£YI ,!5'{;,<./ff,:,,- __ Struct Stee1#'/J 7 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rinf: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rinf: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rinf: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi -Z.Consolidation __ Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples ----. Units: Block Electrode Storage flu.iS/tJ/, I' --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --V Steel 41.IA . Ii, S:Q 0 __ Load (Pounds) . 7 __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --__}L_H.S. Bolts IJ's]',;;2.S __ Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --~Metal Decking /J:,//f?e -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --~Electrodes: /!C;o&~, £7t2/ ! --" __ ._DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- --OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed __ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stateci, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME ,S7~M~:'!J t E/JJRES 7 ~ (Pnnt Clearly) CERT. No/C.Bc)~/Q.Q7'7/s-8S ! ·:JJ 'fa;f.A INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE 21,h1~Y f ~ DATE d. -I-00 Forrn#003 /·~ (\ Te~ _.ng Engineers -San Diego, .,1c. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suit~ 18 Page_1_of_/_ San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name t1Lflcktwt<E-Lor /() 3 TESD Project# ~9~9~·--1./~L/._.l..,,.A~---- Address /.s:x.s-&Md1j-/1(/e/ C.&&s &~ Ch General I Subcontractor&na. {J_;J(JS1) Soc/TIL/l!ptlkkl;_tfl tl zi: /J/J1~E:. azasr Building Permit # ______________ DSA# __________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract# Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ Cone: Mix #/p~i --~!ans &Jt;.i,a,J E-./ __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi __ · SpeciTns,f£whafu/ __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi · __ Sizes r;e'y'/£1.Ut;__ J -tL-struct Sleet# /3 J __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rinf: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Reinl. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation __ Soils Technician _· __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block ~lectrode StorageAIIJS/(JI,. / __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --~Steel /A"3..~i J:iS:<2.0 __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --~.s. Bolts ,&-3:2..S: __ Thickness __ Roofing __ Steel --~Metal Decking ll//.1/6 9/tl} --_L_ u: __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --ElectrodesE4a-'2,-=?E7alff -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- __ OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed __ fkoa_ '1d6'/J!>ilf'l!//]lf11P1 t'or;l'JE'cf7lo/J£ /s Field Representative# {)Oll)JJ/tle 111-dis 'J7m1; · -~'----:7'f-:;;,r--------- cERT1F1cATtoN OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. S, /J. CI !j-/.l c-ct!~ 7 INSPECTOR'S NAME 0'Jlj1/IE4 yJ /101c.£S (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~4' Jl ::;linb&----DATE 2-2.-oo Form#003 ·, ,,-~\ /·':A Te .... ..ing Engineers San Diegc, ·.nc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page_1_of __L San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name BLe C hnou -I.a 7/l'J 3 TESD Project# 9CZ-l./1f/B Address /S:.fS IS&M~4#t /)-W:l C/Jl-?.AdvJ~ Cfl General I Subcontractor &Ao, Ctft2S-Z::', 5aa1Atri,c1(l)t:k1~ 1 /21), /i)/2ir1tc-:1<E Building Permit# CB P9t1.S-,?(_? DSA # __ ~-_____________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ Cone: Mix #/psi --~fans /il;!L£tf.JC:,/_ __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi ~peci~s:~$P-tf/4/ __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi izes J%.ltJe. tL.) P'(:!._ _fL.struct Steei:lf /:J "7 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rini: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ concrete Cylinders --__ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --· __ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature --Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi --7,onsolidation Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage/ltlJ.fi/l)i J -- --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --jz_Steel &lr~,cQ __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --H.S. Bolts'?. __ Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --~Metal Decking /l-11/h Oe/1 -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --Electrodes: E'(, 6.;2 2 $7(1,/ff --I .. __ DSA __ Fireprooflng --____ Fireproofing -- --OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty . __ Other ----__ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. S .. JJ. C/~/1c:fl-b$7 CERT. NO. /C/fCJ 41 / (},:;) 7//3-3° -S-INSPECTOR'S NAME, S-zj;yJI/Ed /J/715££:S . (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE • t -jl,v1 LO= DATE vZ-3-00 Form#003 '!~ ,-i"·--...., ,~~, Te~ __ ...\g Engineers -San Diego, .ac. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page_1_of ~ San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name 6feei1220,t,E -l_(J T/IJ,? TESD Project# ~C/,_,f_-_f,_· f/,.....· (_..,,€....__ ___ _ Address /4-.J'; :C &&Jfc/1)' #YE-1 (/2'~ W&cl; Q9: General I Subcontracror /hJo ' rhasz;"< 5bfL@lif/ (!)Lt:/; if I a ,&. IIJ.diTltoU' C/uJSL Building Permit #C-8 99tJS""o2 O DSA # _______________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract# Other _________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY --Concrete __ Soil -- __ Prestress Cone __ Base -- __ Masonry __ Subgrade -- .-Lstruct Steel-# /J J __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders -- __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams -- __ Non-Destructive __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Batch Plant ~ Tendon (PT Strands) -- --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples -- --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block -- __ Roofing __ Steel -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing -- __ QSHPD __ Roofing -- --Specialty __ Other -- specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME 1 <;';tjtJ/l:IJ >4 Ilg£!=: ( ~ · (Print ear y) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION IN~TION c,HEC~LIST __ Cone: Mix #/psi --7:lans a'c"tl£.t(./£L · __ Cone: Mix #/psi ~pacifications k'r-w i:-i11;-::-,./ 77 ._, •/fl;';./ __ cone: Mix #/psi _·_sizes''"" 1/u,n . __ Rinf: Rebar __ Slump __ Rinf: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Rinf: Tendons __ Temperature __ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Mortar: Type/psi Consolidation __ Units: Block :/!i:i:._ Electrode Storage /1£05/(J/4 ;j __ Units: Block __ Torque Applied _L_steel /)3~~ __ Load (Pounds) J/ H.S. Bolts .:3. __ Thickness _/L_Metal Deckingt;;f;,ef:1 .JL_Electrode<: I! 11 J.. ---- __ Fireproofing .. Zeorrectiveactionrequirerl f19&:: ? __ Other __ Corrections completed ---5 ,/J, ?If )!c-#ti.57 CERT. NO. /c/3d'/[· /02 7'7/3-6'-.S- INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~) lif./1 R' A..--: DATE c:2~1-l-00 Form#003 ./~ Testing Engineer~---·San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, California 92111 TO: /i&Jo , &!1.5T Project: /Ju.JcktnoRe-Lo7la3 Date -oo Permit Number e Page cf<. of 2-. Job Number Plan File Number 0 Form#001 :J r_:MJ !:i 11:.t:.L lb,~ t::ltlbtlq':f /~:\ / • SfEELCONSJRUCTION tu Po~ To~ rr 1i/):13 fll!-tc/(/!JO~E-/_o; /0 3 Sreotion • Welding • Fabrication (760) 738-5582 1115 lndJ,Jstrial Avenu~ Escondido, CA 92029 f /535 M~IJcl?f /hi£ l WELOINGPR.OCEOURESPECIFICATION(WPS) ~ #R/..s/y;J Cit i by ConnieSue Dickinson I Welding Procedure Specification No. CMJ-6022 Rev _Q_ Date _ February 2, 2000 S1.1pporting Procedure a4atlfleation Tec;t Record No. Welding Process 1 _SM_A_W _________ Type . Mode of Transfer fol'. GMAW MANUAL (Automatic, Manual, etc.) -m ~Short Circuiting, Spray, etc.) JOINTS (Table 4.1) . Type of welded JointsM! ARC SPOT WELD Backing Yes 181 ! Not! Backing Material Type i ..,.A_3.,...,6 _____ _ one $ide yes ! both sides COATINGS(S) iype _G"'"'A_L __ V ________ _ Thickness Sketch of Joint DetaPs BASE METAL (1.2) , Material speelfication ty~e and grade: Sheet steel A446l to A.36 -----Thickness Range: Sheet Steel -22=-.-:1t::-~.-=G~U:T'A'::'GE=------- Support steel -"""1/~8_" --+--1.;.;;f'Z;._' ______ _ Ttilcli.ness 1 --,,.---!--.-,.,==------13ase Metal Preparation ! _N'"'"O~N-'I;:;.;._ ___ _ FILLER METAL (ta~le 1,1) Specification -=5.="1=-rl--------Classification E60.2Z ---------------., POSITIONS (Table 1.2) , Position OfGl'oove ~!.,;.F,;;:;l.A..;.T;_,.... ______ PREHEAT (1.1.1 AND 5.1) Position Of FHlet Preheat Temperature Min NIA Pro9ression Preheat Temperature Max NIA GAS (1,4.6.2) Shielding Gas ........ Nl_'A __________ Flow Rat~ Percent Mixture FLUX ( TECHNIQUE ' Welding Current ! Travel Speed (Or . ~ Weld Time For Melting Wire Feed Pass No. electrode sike Amoeres Volts Arc Soot Weld~) Rate Speed 1/8" ; 70 -130 20 see. 1 l N/A N/A i ±15% ! . i This procedure may vary due/to fabirication sauence, flt-up, pass size, ~c. Vv1thln the limitation of varieble& given in ANSVAWS01.3-98, ~/~ ..... -. . Autt,o,;zed by, · t · y Date 02/ll2100 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. Date: Job No: Job Name: Address: Report No: FIELD INSPECTION AND TEST REPORTS 2/18/00 99-441B BLACKMORE LOT 103 1535 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92040 Plan Number: Permit Number: 232 NIA CB990520 Field Supervisor: GREGORY SMITH, PE Established I 946 Enclosed are field inspection and/or test reports, for the above referenced project, for work perfom1ed on 1/31/00-2/4/00. These reports cover the locations of work inspected and/or tested following recognized standards ai1d do not constitute engineering opinion or project control. These reports do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to build per the plans, specifications and all applicable codes. Should you have any questions regarding these reports, please contact our office at (858) 715- 5800. Reports enclosed (7) Testing Engineers· San Diego, Inc., 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, CA. 92111 [858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810 ,.-,---..._ .--_ Te. )ng Engineers -San Diegc_ .nc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page_1_of _j_ San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name 'AU)cgmoM-i.oZ:/{13 TESD Project# __,_C/ ...... 9_-i/.._~ ...... · /'-"'g.L.-.. ___ _ Address 1£.rs=,£.;;1r,;;d?Jl 1/:J!f;l CM/ir;/Jflc'i; Cf/- General / Subcontractor /k.no, {!012,if; /), /). IJJ/;;u;c&:: . Ca11 S:Z: Building Permit #Cl? 9o/OSo2 0 DSA # ________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Concrete __ Soil __ cone: Mix #/psi __ Prestress Cone __ Base __ Cone: Mix #/psi ___ _ __ Masonry __ Subgrade V--struct Steelefr /-3? __ . _Asphalt Concrete __ Cone: Mix #/psi ___ _ __ Rini: Rebar ____ _ __Slump _____ _ __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders __ Rini: W.W.F. ____ _ __Air Content ____ _ __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams __ Rini: Tendons ___ _ __ Temperature ___ _ __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel __ Grout: Mix #/psi ___ _ __ Unit Weight ____ _ __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples __ Mortar: Type/psi ___ _ __ Units: Block ____ _ Consolidation ___ _ ~ Electrode Storage 1/IJ>-S/·IJ/. / Mechanical __ Grout Samples Units: Block ____ _ __ Torque Applied ___ _ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Solt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block _/L..Steel fl,3 4,. /h S:12 () l V H.S. Bolts A Z,i2. S- __ Load (Pounds) ___ _ __ Thickness ____ _ __ Roofing __ steel __ Metal Decking ___ _ __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts· ~ Electrodei,£76/ (, f:Z[{-f? __ DSA __ Fireproofing __ Fireproofing ____ _ --OSHPD __ Roofing __ Other _____ _ __ Corrective action required __ _ _ . __ specialty __ Other __ Corrections completed __ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME ~ f ~zf.t=JJ 'I! Hot<!! s: (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE 4,lz/4(/ t..:f k-1.= 0. /J. 0 I 'lj ),;c-41 fS7 CERT. No. lC/s o:'1/o 2 Zl /J-e.s.- DATE /-<3/-0C) Forrni/003 f -,,,.--,,,,, :-· Te~ .... hg Engineers -San Diego, J1c. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page_1_of_f_ San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name Bl;Jrl(a1aRE-/.oT lo 3 TESD Project# __,_C/_,__'f-_lf..,_!f.+-i"/4.8.,__ ___ _ Address ./is-:J;S: &1&11:dzf ll:ve;. CeBL,si>a~ CJ General/ Subcontractor /?;-.}1r?, i'.:'<U1G7; &vrlz ,89.d {l)!d,/;( . /J. IJ (///Jia;_c1U (j ) Building Permit #C/} c;t/C'>·.S-;z d DSA Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract# Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ Cone: Mix #/psi --/Plans /1£ViEt,£.J,fc.l - __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ cone: Mix #/psi =-!z:ecilications.f4ViEir/ ~sonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi Sizes /lQJ .. E't,.'1~ Q. __ Struct Stee(#/J 7 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Ainf: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Aini: W.W.F. __ Air Conterit __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Aini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands} --__ Mortar: Type/psi -Z..Consolidation __ Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block Electrode Storage f/{LJ.. C: / I}/, I l --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --V Steel ,&1'2, A S:O 0 __ Load (Pounds) . l __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --_}L_H.S. Bolts /1:,12,S° __ Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --~Metal Decking IJ/jl/&> -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --_µ:::::.Electrodes: EC;o&;i, .£741 t! -- __ ._DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- __ QSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed __ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise statecl, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME ,SZ~-Mi~·/7 f1 ElaRES l ' (Pnnt Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE J-j~ ~ € b-" DATE 2-/-00 Form#003 :~ -~ Te .. :_ .. 1ng Engineers -San Diego, .'1c. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suit~ 18 Page_1_of_/_ San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name /JLacktw~e:-icv:11) 3 TESD Project# _tJ ...... CJ ...... ·-_1/,_L/,_,!_f!>""------ Address /.5::3'.:__s--rl?McMr.f 11//iS, C.Afi.s ~ Crt General I Subcontractor d!o1a, {}:;dSZ) Souz;I; ~tl.kfd!_ff I K/4 d: alid:1/C&E:-Cha 9-: Building Permit# ______________ DSA# __________________ _ Plan File# _______________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ soil --__ cone: Mix #/psi --~lans&ffeia_~/ · __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi __ speci:jf ns~V/i:((}tfr/ __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi __ sizes ~1(//((.zJt;_/ ~ Struct Steer# /3 7 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ . _Rinf: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rinf: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rinf: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Reinf. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation __ Soils Technician _· __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block ~lectrode Storage,&~ .. / --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --~Steel /A1fa, /-J;,S:Q<J __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --~.s. Bolts J.,32,,s: __ Thickness __ Roofing __ steel -·-~Metal Decking ~rz~ -- __ Waterproofing __ H,S. Bolts ---LElectrodes t:i;; J!: --____ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing --.. --OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed __ Ikea. '!d~-llf-!~;/]g11m to114e67loA£ /s Oomj)/£7& 11td1s 1//m1; CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. S, /). C / ?}-/..; c _ --ti ?-5 7 I INSPECTOR'S NAME0J'¥#.e"'.i1 Y?. lialf!ES · (Print Ciea~y) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE -~ ,Y1 ~,,__.___, DATE 2-2.-00 Form#003 '") ,,___,..____ Te, .. _.,ng Engineers -San Diegc.., ·.nc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page_1_of _L San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name {3if} C kmORf: -/o 7/ /J 3 TESD Project # 99' -1./'f/ /3 Address IS:. f ...S-I;& &//:to/ I): /IL/ C/Jf?A r}JA~ Cl/ General I Subcontractor llMo, C4%2St;:: ... 5at.t1Adtytik-k//? 1 ~ IL l///2iT&c7t?E Building Permit# Cf? 19dS':2() DSA # ________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract# Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ $oil --__ cone: Mix #/psi --~lane, &wi:.t.LJc cl __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi :=z-:pecificatioris::li'('.J1/EI/,!!;,-/ __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi izes Ji.i(Je. tf.} r.<;/_, _IL. Struct Steel# /:J 7 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rini: Rebar _. __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving . __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature --Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi 7,onsolidation --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage//4fJ$/JJl/ --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --±Steel 4,,,~Q __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --H.S. Bolts J. __ Thickness __ Roofing __ Steel ---fr.Metal Decking /J:ff6£M -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --Electrode,; Et. 11.'.2 2 , 'f:'7()/,f --, __ 'DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- ---OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Correclive action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed __ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the ~orkmanship provisions of the applicable code. -s .. /J. c~~J..ic:fl-h.S 7 CERT. No. lC§a 41 / t/::? 7713-8' ::::--INSPECTOR'S NAME· Szj;yJIIEI/ /J/1![£.E:S (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE . ~MY' ';tk ,t_ /J---DATE «-3-00 Form#003 'I' (~ ,.-\ Te~_.ilg· E·ngineers -San Diego~ _Jc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page_1_of ,P....... San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name 6/&c!/J'JCJ# -La 7/().? TESD Project# __.q'-fz_-_f,__· '/,...,.· (-Lag...__ ___ _ Address /45\2' S: /iMIJ<ltY dvE..l C¼f/4~ C/t General / Subcontractor ffe Jl(), tbas-z;, 5b1Ldttqf/ {/);;fclt ff,/; .J IJ. {JJ/2/0te&E · Cu1$.L. Building Permit #(8 99tJ!:eo2 0 DSA # _______________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract# Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION IN~TION c,HECKLIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ cone: Mix #/psi --~lans a}:Vt£..t{J~/ A ,.. .::,... , _. __ Prestress Cone --Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi ~pecifications ~ -ur-I/lf:,,-/ __ Masonry __ subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi _·_sizeslliv1~111.e,.,I _LstructSteel# /JJ __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rinf: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rinf: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ cone Flex Beams --__ Rinf: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Reinf. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi Consolidation Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block :!Fi:. Electrode Storage /li.tis/tJ.L V -- Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied -- _Lsteel~~ --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Load (Pounds) __ Solt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --J/ H.S. B;t;=.? __ Thickness __ Roofing __ Steel --_LL_Metal Decking:~ -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --__L_ Electrode$> ,!Y)/ • ·Jl --.. __ Fireproofing __ DSA __ Fireproofing -- Zeorrectiveactionrequirerl f19~ 7 __ QSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other --Specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. 1NsPEcroR·s NAME i c;itJll!l:4 11 Ba&1=: ~ ~ (Print early) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~ /J :t.L::01/'A.c: '5,/J, Cl~ )1c-#ts7 CERT. NO. /C/Jr)</(_ /o;z 7 7/3-f/ J;~ DATE c2_~Jl-co Form#003 . , -~ I -\ Testing Engineer&---San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, California 92111 TO: Beno &JlST Project: til.AckmME Lo7ld3 0 Fll;LD R:"~'1)RT IB1\JOTICE TO COMPLY Page ,d?, of 2- Date Job Number -oo Plan File Number Form#001 .. _ ., lb,~ /:.:il::lbl::!4':I . !~ r..:MJ !::511::.1::.L /~ ' . \ . -I -STEELCONSTRUCTION tu Po-Jo f3# rr-111b fJ!J:;cf_moRE-/..oT/o 3 · erection • Welding • Fabrication (760) 738-5582 1115 lndr.i$trial Avenu& Escondido, CA 92029 ,-/53.S /l;~l}c/?J 1/-1/£ ; WELDINGPR.OCE0URESPECJFICATION(WPS) ::' #RJ.s/JIJd Cit I by ConnieSue Dickinson I Weld!ng Procedure Specification No. CMJ-6022 Rev _Q_ Date _ February 2, 2000 Supporting Procedure Q4allfleation Teot Record No. Welding Process j _S_M_lii._W....a..... _____ Type MANUAL Mode of Transfer for GMiw (Automatic, Manual, e;:tc.) n = ~Short Circuiting, sgay, etc.) JOINTS (Table 4.1) . Type ofwek1ed Joints(s)] ARC SPOT WELD BacKing Yes 181 i No t:l Sacking Material Type 1 A36 one $ide yes ! bot~h-s,...,id_es ____ _ COA.TINGS(S) iype _G ........ A_L_V ________ _ Thickness Sketch of Joint DetaUs BASE METAL (1.2) , Material speelfication type and grade: Sheet steel A446l to A36 _;,,,;,;;.;.... __ _ Thickness RanGf:!: : Sheet Steel ;.;..22=-.--:1+.,,~-,:G,e.,U,....A'=G=e----- Support steel 1/S" .J 1/2" Tl'Jlekness _ _,.,._1 ___ .,,==------ Sase Metal Preparation l _N_O_N_E"'------ FILLER METAL (table 1.1) Specification __ 5::'::'::1,::-t,.' _______ _ Classification __ E60..,.;;,;;;2~i _______ _ I '-,:. POSITIONS (Table 1.2) , Position Of Groove '""""!!..:..F-=LA~T'-----'----PREHEAT (1.1.1 AND 5.1) Position Of Ffflet Preheat Temperature Min NIA Progression Preheat Temperature Max NIA GAS ( . Shielding Gas ____ Nl ...... A....,. ________ Flow Rate Percent Mixture FLUX ( TECHNIQUE ' ! Welding Current ' ; I Travel Speed (Or ' l Weld Time For Melting Wire Feed Pass No. Electrode Si~e Amoeres Votti Arc Soot Welds) Rate Speed ' 1/8" i 20 see. 1 ! 10-130 N/A NIA ! ±15% ' I . t This procedure may vary due!to fabirication seuenee, flt-up, pass size, etc, within the limitation of variable& given in """'1AW$D1.3-98, stmot"'¥W~;-· Authorized by: i · f= Date 02/02/00 ! -1i1 ,J -f' Testing Engineers-San Diego, Inc. Date: Job No: Job Name: Address: Report No: FIELD INSPECTION AND TEST REPORTS 3/9/00 99-441 BLACKMORE LOT 98 1620 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, Califomia 92040 Plan Number: Pem1it Number: 288 NIA CB983162 Field Supervisor: GREGORY SMITH, PE Established I 946 Enclosed are field inspection and/or test reports, for the above referenced project, for work pe1formed on 2/8/00. These reports cover the locations of work inspected and/or tested following recognized standards and do not constitute engineering opinion or project control. These reports do not relieve· the contractor of his responsibility to build per the plans, specifications and all applicable codes. Should you have any questions regarqing these reports, please contact our office at (858) 715- 5800. Reports enclosed (1) Testing Engineers -San Diego, J.nc., 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, CA. 92111 [858] 715-5800 Fax (858] 715-5810 {~ • • r"?\ Tes,:.ng Engineers -San Dl'egortjlc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page_1_of _L San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name ,Bject:()?04€/;. -f.o T C/.f" TESD Project# _9,__9.__ .. _J/l-,i/f-+/ ____ _ Address 16/l.O 69&;.r/l}rf JJ.vgi C&RAsMc4 Ct!: General / Subcontractor &J'!a 'Co&<:r; -SuJz/2 lr1J C,/)£Ldt1f Building Permit #C/39f<-.2/4 .2 DSA # ________________ _ Plan File# _______________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract# Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ cone: Mix #/p~i ---G;lans~ __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi ~Specil~t$~JJrJ __ Masoniy _· __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi Sizes 1/1.e.(Or d-~ Struct Steef#/-S 7 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rini: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block _L_ Electrode Storage 91/,.l5fl)I.. / --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --_Lsteel ~z:;-7_?_ A'-?£. At:;tiL __ Load (Pounds) --, I __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --__ H.S. Bolts __ Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S.Bolts --~ Electrodes £1o!tf; E7r[--8" -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing --, --OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ Specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed __ Field Representative#~ ~ CERT.IFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specification_s and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code; 1NsPEc1OR's NAME Sr911-GJ /J fl.a~ c: s (Print Cl~arty) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE >1¥ t _Ffo&E S' .S. /J. e1y J.1cJl-tiS"7 CERT. No/Ce,c/11oc2.1713-E?'0J- DATE 2-8-60 Forrn#003 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. FIELD INSPECTION AND TEST REPORTS Date: Job No: Job Name: Address: Report No: 3/9/00 99-441B BLACKM:ORE LOT 103 1535 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92040 Plan Number: Permit Number: 289 Field Supervisor: GREGORY SMITH, PE NIA CB990520· Established 1946 Enclosed are field inspection and/or test reports, for the above referenced project, for work performed on 2/7/00-2/10/00. · These reports cover the locations of work inspected and/or tested following recognized standards and do not co,nstitute engineering opinion or project control. These reports do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to build per the plans, specifications and all applicable codes. Should you have any questions regarding these reports, please contact our office at (858) 715- 5800. Reports enclosed (3) Testing Engineers -San Diego,_ Inc .• 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego1 CA. 92111 [858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810 TeLJng Engineers -San Diegof{h C. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of _L Project Name 81.&ckmM;::::-fa L lo 3 TESD Project# 9 9-LJ'/18 Address Js-;:zs; 69/Js-cij IJ{14 fZA&tft1l}d, C-11: General, Subcontractor den o, Coosr; 0 .. Ii. t/)/2/TA-C/<E Building Permit# C/3990-.5':::? c? DSA # ________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # _________________ _ Government Contract # ___________ Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ cone: Mix #/psj --~ans &1t.L.£:..U.l/:' d __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ cone: Mix #/psi ~ecilicatiops (kvicUJec./ __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi. __ Sizes &vl.E. l.t2.U ~Struct StesFefi' )J 7 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rinf: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Ainf: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Aini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation __ Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block ~lectrode Storage$iJJS/lll. / --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applie_d --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms ---.:t.L. Steel 6'J'h __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out ___ Masonry Block --__ H.S. Bolts __ Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --~Metal Decking ~t~~~ -- __ Waterproofing ___ H.S. Bolts --_tL_Electrodei: $C = o:f -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing --- --. -OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed ,;;!~~~;:tt; 1::. =~tn~;::::/;::Ue::t:::::::tzM~ ::;;;:::;;;/:hf1_7:;37!;;:!:at!:~=;::~~~5::t::J:~~ : 8;;;':;;~!!::dz~;a;f/f):::Jr;:::J::?Jt;;!,~f} eoda1Ef£7J Field Representative # ~~ ~ _... CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME02Ej? /1.,tl(J fJ aa,&£ S ( rint Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~ t:;l/4-'U/J---- S ,d. d :Jf hc:fl 6'61 qi CERT. NO. /t:::,ecJ Jo;> 77/:J-[?'S" ' DATE ,,2-J.. CJ 0 Form#003 TeiJng Eng-in.eers -San Diego~nc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page_1_6f _L San Diego, CA 92111 .INSPECTION REPORT Project Name JJiEJ cbno.&£ -J a T /I} 3 TESD Project # _,,qi----,q,__-~L/_,_½_,,_'f,.,,_.f?t ___ _ Address /-£ ?£ mthc/ty /l-114 CIJM5b/Jc~ {JfJ- General I Subcontractor &/Jo, C'/'J/Jsrj cm ,T Building Permit #Q~'B...,·9~t!fi'"""·o=S:""""":J .... O"--_______ DSA # ________________ _ Plan File# OSHPD # _______________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ Concrete __ $oil --__ cone: Mix #/psi --~lans &tt1.i1.u~J __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi _ S:ecif~tionsf:;,rf{)J,e';-,7 Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi :2's1zes .f'4 ) ~Struct Stee14f /31 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rinf: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ concrete Cylinders --__ Rinf: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature --Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation __ Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block ~ Electrode Storage /Jt!JS/J.)L / t __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms -----IL,_ Steel ArG __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --__ H.S. Bolts _._Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --_LMetal Decking /}i/1/t JIJ.A -- __ Waterproofing --. _ H.S. Bolts --_LElectrodes £.tafJ:J -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- --OSHPD __ Roofing ----. _Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed __ Remarks..bJ-$jl£c?7:("/7A.£ lllS1'.1tLLtlZ20111 &nLIJJELdt1: or&/LI? ~IJ--:lo dtJ~ 111E!/lL =;f:-~-;t~':!i:7:~t;~~!;/4~1::::t;;:I!::;J!:; IMdsmM li1J .iA&J'V-t;, liJoe l &r/1/1)6 s ~ 0-=6 3 /u&R clnai/... -sJsM /4 s.Wl 111 Mrss / . Field Represenbtive ~~ . .i:P" CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME ,5:z?;0#/2J1 /J Nil ta:.> '{Prfnt Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE >fizflzf4t '/J~ 0~.l {3!1J' /ic--116S7 CERT. NQ. /CB<J 4116 ,;) 77/3 -8S DATE 2-8-~oo Formlt003 {~ . f7} Tes-,:-1ng Engineers San D1ego;,"nc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page 1 of ( ---- San Diego, CA 92111 iNSPECTION REPORT Project Name isJ.dmME-JtfT/tJ 3 TESD Project# 99-41£'(/4 Address /f;;3, C:/itl<itdty fJ-114. CM},> -/2 fJc4 CA General I Subcontractor /i}::4(), CtJtNi/:/$C; CllJ J~ \ 57'E:£L Building Permit #e/-?9CZ~ 0 DSA# ______________ _ JI~ Plan File# _______________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Masonry __ Struct Steel __ Fireproofing __ Pile Driving __ Non-Destructive __ Batch Plant Soils Technician Mechanical Electrical __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Roofing __ Waterproofing __ DSA --OSHPD --Specialty MAT'L SAMPLING __ Soil __ ease __ Subgrade __ Asphalt Concrete __ Concrete Cylinders __ Cone Flex Beams __ Reinf. Steel __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Mortar Samples __ Grout Samples __ Masonry Prisms __ Masonry Block __ steel __ H.S. Bolts __ Fireproofing __ Roofing __ Other ___ _ QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION __ Cone: Mix #/psi __ cone: Mix #/psi ___ _ ---,,..-Gone: Mix #/psi ___ _ ~Rinf: Rebar /l:61_$ {JP t,'t) g_ Rinf: W.W.F. ll5/i17 C/tt~.£ __ Rinf: Tendons ____ _ __ Grout: Mix #/psi ___ _ __ Mortar: Type/psi ___ _ __ Units: Block ____ _ __ Units: Block ____ _ __ Steel ______ _ H.S. Bolts _ __, ___ _ ~::~~::k£1!!M/)/t __ Fireproofing ____ _ __ Other ______ _ __ Slump _____ _ __ Air Content ____ _ __Temperature ____ _ __Unit Weight ____ _ Consolidation ____ _ :jfi:.Electrode Storage~/}/, __Torque Applied ___ _ __ Load (Pounds) ___ _ __Thickness ____ _ __ Corrective action required __ _ __Corrections completed __ _ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and speciffcations and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. $. /'). {3/?}1 );c-11-6S7 INSPECTOR'S NAM~_>A&12 y1 £l6/.2£5 CERT NO /C,8C) ~OJ 77/3-f!S: (Pnnt Clearly) • • INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~ >4~.t4,-,= DATE ::?_-/0-CJO Form#003 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. Date: Job No: Job Name: Address: Report No: FIELD INSPECTION AND TEST REPORTS 3/31/00 99-441B BLACKMORE LOT 103 1535 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92040 Plan Number: Permit Number: 419 NIA CB990520 Field Supervisor: GREGORY SMITH, PE Established 1946 Enclosed are field inspection and/or test reports, for the above referenced project, for work performed on 2/14/00. These reports cover the locations of work inspected and/or tested following recognized standards and do not constitute engineering opinion or project control. These reports do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to build per the plans, specifications and all applicable codes. Should you have any questions regarding these reports," please contact our office at (858) 715- 5800. Reports enclosed (1) Testing Engineers • San Diego, Inc .. 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, CA. 92111 [858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810 tW . . (0stin~8~n!~~~~ ;8,~~fo· ,a~. I Project Name THE BLACKMORE CO. L:~~: ;~;~~~RT Page Lof_l_ Project # 99-441 B Address 1535 Faraday Ave General/ Subcontractor Reno / H & K B "Id" P ·t # CB990520 UI mg erm1 an 1e Pl Fl # INSPECTION MA T'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST X Concrete Soil 3053000 Cone.: Mix #losi 3000 X Plans Prestress Cone Base Cone.: Mix #/psi Specifications Masomv Subnrade Cone.: Mix #/psi Sizes StructSteel Asphalt Concrete Rinf.: Rebar X Slump Fireproofina X Concrete Cvlinder 2(4) Rinf.:W.W.F. Air Content Pile Drivina Cone Flex Beams Rinf.: Tendons X Temoerature Non-Destructive Reinf. Steel Grout: Mix #/psi Unit Weight Batch Plant Tendon PT Strand Mortar: tvPelosi Consolidation Soils Technician Mortar Samoles Units: Block Electrode Storage Mechanical Grout Samoles Units: Block Torciue Applied Electrical Masonry Prisms · Steel Load {Pounds Bolt Pull-Out Masonry Block H.S. Bolts Thickness Roofina Steel Metal Deckina Wateroroofina H.S. Bolts Electrodes DSA Fireoroofina Fireoroofina OSHPO Roofing Other Corrective action reauired Soecialtv Other Corrections comoleted Remarks CONCRETE INSPECTION Inspected the placement and consolidation of 107.25 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 3053000 in the following locations: the second floor deck. One set of four test cylinders were cast from the second floor deck at line 4@E. Slump was 7". · Concrete was supplied by Hanson, ticket# 173160, truck# 364. One set of four test cylinders were cast from the second floor deck at line 4@8.3. Slump was 6". · Concrete was supplied by Hanson, ticket# 173239, truck# 364. TIME IN : TIME OUT: 11 :30 APPROVAL SIGNATURE:----'----- CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE:. To the,best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwis ed, is in conformance with the appr9'{~d0 plans and spe.cifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable ode. INSPECTOR'S NAME '''DANIEL E AN CERT.NO. 0884636-88 I 650 INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE DATE 02-14-2000 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. FINAL REPORT FOR SPECIAL INSPECTION AND MATERIAL TESTING DA TE: May 24, 2000 TO: City of Carlsbad Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Established 1946 Job No. 99-44lb SUBJECT: SATISFACTORY CO1\1PLETION OF WORK REQUIRING SPECIAL INSPECTION AND MATERIAL TESTING PERMIT NO.: CB990520 PROJECT ADDRESS Blackmore Lot 103 1535 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA declare under penalty of perjury that, to the best of my know)edge, the work requiring special inspection, material sampling and testing, including the off-site fabrication of building components for the structure/s constructed under the subject pennits is in confonnance with the approved plans, the inspection and observation program and other construction documents, and the applicable worlonanship provisions of the Uniform Building Code. Executed on this 24th day of May, 2000. The work which we provided Special Inspection consisted of: Reinforced Concrete, Structural Steel-Field Welding, High Strength Bolting, Dowel/Bolt Anchorage. A. Jfthe inspection services were provided by an approved material testing laboratory or special inspection agency: TESTING LABORATORY OR SPECIAL INSPECTION AGENCY: Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. ADDRESS: 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18, San Diego, CA 92111 RESPONSIBLE MANAGING ENGINEER OF THE TESTING LABORATORY OR SPECIAL INSPECTION AGENCY: NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) R. Douglas Provins, 1( ~ rfZ,,,1, State of California Registration Number: C56018 Expiration Date: 12/31/00 B. lfthe inspection services were provided by an independent certified special inspector: SPEClAL INSPECTOR'S NAME (PRINT OR TYPE): REGISTRATION NUMBER: EXPIRATION DATE: SIGNATURE: Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc., 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, CA. 92111 [858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810 +8587155800 TESTING ENGINEERS SD 792 P04 A '\ 1".SJ) w ,::; ,; ·J ' ' -·.->,h ·-.~...... ,-.\.~ 'r 'A•. 11 rnl IV Testing Engineers-San Diego, Inc. FINAL REPORT FOR SPECIAL INSPECTION AND MATERIAL TESTING DATE: May 24, 2000 TO: City of Carlsbad Building Department 1635 Fata.day Avenue Carlsbad, Cnlifomia 92008 MAY 31 '00 15:36 Established 1946 Job No. 99-441 b SUBJECT: SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF WORK REQUIRlNG SPECIAL INSPECTION ANO MATERIA:L TESTING PERMIT NO.: CB990520 PROJECT ADDRESS Blackmore Lot l 03 1535 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad~ CA I declare under penalty of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge, the work requiring special inspection, material sampling and testing, inc!udhtg the off"site fabrication of building components for the strucn1re/s con$tn.lcted. under the subject permits is in conformance with the approved plans, the inspection ai,.d observation program and other construction documents, and the applicable workmanship provisions of the Uniform Building Code. Executed on this :W11 day of May, 2000. Tl1e work which we provided Special Inspection consisted of: Reinforced Conc1·ete, Structural Steel-Field Welding, .High Strength Bolting, Dowel/Bolt Anchorage. , A. Jfthe inspection services were provided by an approved material testing laboratory or special inspection agency: iESTlNG LABORATORY OR SPECIAL INSPECTION AGENCY: Testing Engineers w San Diego, Inc. ADDRESS: 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18, San Diego, CA 921 l l RESPONSIBLE MANAGrNG ENGINEER OF 'fllE TESTING LABORfiY OR SPECIAL ~PECTION AGENCY: NAME (PRlNT OR TYPE) R. Douglas Provins, ~ fly!«> ~ _ Sta.teofCalifomta Regis1:ration Number: CS6018 Ex:piration Date; 12/31/00 B. If the inspection services were provided by an independent certified special inspector: SPEClAL INSPECTOR'S NAME (PRINT OR TYPE): REGISTRATION NUMBER: EXPIRATION DATE: SlGNATURE: Testing Engineus -San Oiego, Inc .. 7895 Convoy Court. Suite 18 Siln Oicgo, CA. 92111 [8!iSJ 715-5800 Fax (8S8J 715-S810 'I TestingEngineers-SanDiego, Inc. Date: Job No: Job Name: Address: Report No: FIELD INSPECTION AND TEST REPORTS 3/31/00 99-441B BLACKMORE LOT 103 1535 Faraday A venue Carlsbad, California 92040 Plan Number: Permit Number: 419 NIA CB990520 Field Supervisor: GREGORY SMITH, PE Established I 946 Enclosed are field inspection and/or test reports, for the above referenced project, for work performed on 2/14/00. These reports cover the locations of work inspected and/or tested following recognized standards and do not constitute engineering opinion or project control. These reports do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to build per the plans, specifications and all applicable codes. Should you have any questions regarding these reports, please contact our office at (858) 715- 5800. Reports enclosed (1) Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc .. 7895 Convoy Court, Suite l 8 San Diego, CA. 92111 [858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 7895 CONVOY CT., SUITE 18 SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name THE BLACKMORE CO. LOT 103 Address 1535 Faraday Ave General / Subcontractor Reno / H & K B Id" P ·t # CB990520 ui mg erm1 INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION X Concrete Soil 3053000 Cone.: Mix #losi 3000 Prestress Cone Base Cone.: Mix #/psi Masonrv Subarade Cone.: Mix #/psi Struct Steel Asohalt Concrete Rinf.: Rebar Fireproofina X Concrete Cylinder 2(4) Rinf.: W.W.F. Pile Drivina Cone Flex Beams Rinf.: Tendons Non-Destructive Reinf. Steel Grout: Mix #/osi Batch Plant Tendon PT Strand Mortar: type/psi Soils Technician Mortar Samples Units: Block Mechanical Grout Samples Units: Block Electrical Masonrv Prisms Steel Bolt Pull-Out Masonrv Block H.S. Bolts Roofing Steel Metal Decking Wateroroofina H.S. Bolts Electrodes DSA Fireproofing Fireproofing OSHPO Roofini:i Other Specialtv Other Remarks CONCRETE INSPECTION Page Lof_l_ Project # 99-441 B an 1e Pl Fl # INSPECTION CHECKLIST X Plans Specifications Sizes X Slumo Air Content X Temoerature UnitWeiaht Consolidation Electrode Storaqe Toraue Aoolied Load (Pounds Thickness Corrective action required Corrections completed Inspected the placement and consolidation of 107.25 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 3053000 in the following locations: the second floor deck. One set of four test cylinders were cast from the second floor deck at line 4@E. Slump was 7". · Concrete was supplied by Hanson, ticket# 173160, truck# 364. One set of four test cylinders were cast from the second floor deck at line 4@8.3. Slump was 6". Concrete was supplied by Hanson, ticket# 173239, truck # 364. TIME IN: TIME OUT: 11 :30 APPROVAL SIGNATURE: ---.'--7'F----"-"----- CERTIFICATION OF COMPL,IANCE: To the,best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwis conformance with the appr6ved· plans and spe.cifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable ode. INSPECTOR'S NAME ··-bANIEL E AN CERT.NO. 0884636-88 / 650 INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE DATE 02-14-2000 Testing Engineers-San Diego, Inc. Project Name Blackmore Lot 103 Project Address ,1-535 Faraday.~ve) Reno Contracting REPORT OF COMPRESSION TEST Project No 1999-441 B Sub-Contractor H&K Gen. Contractor Engineer ----------------Horowitz & Taylor Architect Smith Constulting Architects CB990520 Plan File No N/A Bldg Permit No Gov't Contract# ---------------N/A D SA/ 0 SH PD DSA# N/A --------------- Sample Group # Report of Concrete ---------Cylinders Placement Date 2/14/00 Supplier/Plant HANSON Mix Number 3053000 Mix Description 6SK Mix Design (psi) 3000 Specified Strength 3000 606 Slump Kelly Ball Air Temp Mix Temp Air Content Unit Weight (in.) (in.) (OF) (OF) (%) (pct) Measured Specified 6.00 N/A N/A N/A 68 N/A 65 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Truck No. 364 Ticket #: 173239 Load# NIA Time Batched Time Sampled Age: 55 Min. --------No. Of Samples 4 Sampled at ___ yards of ___ total yds. by: DW Sample Mark: 2-14-2 99-441B Precipitation NIA Wind NIA Stored at NIA --------------------Admixture WRDA64, AIR 1000 NIA Gallons of water added at ~N=IA-'----by N/A Aggregate size Reinforcement NIA NIA Cement Type II V Placement Method NIA Placement Location_N_IA ____ _ ----- Specific Location 2ND FLOOR DECK AT LINE 4@8. Special Instructions/Remarks Set# Delivered by FW Date Rec'd in Lab: 2115100 Logged in by: CL ----Standard Tests: __ cyls at 7 days; Special Tests: ____ o _cyls at _O_days; _o_cyls at 14 days; _o_cyls at _o_days; ------ _2_cyls at 28 days; _o_cyls at _o_days. __ cyls at 56 days. _o_cyls at _O_days. Compression Laboratory Data Sample Lab No. Date Tested Dimensions Test Area Max Load Compressive Age Strength 7 37221 2/21/00 6x12in 28.27in2 80,000 lbs 2830 psi 28 37222 3/13/00 6x12in 28.27in2 101,500 lbs 3590 psi 28 37223 3/13/00 6x12in 28.27in2 103,500 lbs 3660 psi 56 37224 4/10/00 6x12in 28.27in2 lbs DISC psi Comments: 28 day test complies with project specifications. All sampling and testing conducte ~cordance with ASTM Standard designations: C31-91, C39-86, C78-84, C617-87, C42-90 _ J _ / Checked by: J,\) Date: __ Reviewed by: __ '2-___:D_P=---------Date:~[P cc: Reno Contracting Horowitz & Taylor Smith Constulting R. Douglas Provins, PE Blackmore City of Carlsbad Signal Hill Lot Testing Engineers-San Diego, Inc. REPORT OF COMPRESSION TEST Blackmore Lot 103 Project No 1999-441 B 1535 Faraday Ave Reno Contracting Sub-Contractor N/A Project Name Project Address Gen. Contractor Engineer ----------------Horowitz & Taylor Architect Smith Constulting Architects CB990520 Plan File No N/A Bldg Permit No Gov't Contract# ---------------N/A D SA/OS HP D DSA# N/A --------------- Report of Concrete ---------PI ace men t Date Supplier/Plant Mix Number Mix Description Mix Design (psi) Specified Strength 2/14/00 HANSON 3053000 6 SK 3000 3000 Sample Group # Cylinders 766 Slump Kelly Ball Air Temp Mix Temp Air Content Unit Weight (in.) (in.) (OF) (OF) (%) (pcf) Measured Specified 7.00 N/A NIA N/A 55 N/A 60 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Truck No. 354 Ticket#: 163150 Load# NIA Time Batched Time Sampled Age: 45 Min. --------- No. Of Samples 4 Sampled at ___ yards of ___ total yds. by: DW Sample Mark: 2-141 99-441B Stored at N/A Precipitation N/A Wind N/A ------ Admixture WRDA64, AIR 1000 N/A Gallons of water added at N/A by..:.N.::.:/A-=------Aggregate size N/A Cement Type IIN Placement Method NIA Placement Location_N_/A ____ _ Reinforcement_N_/A ___ _ Specific Location 2ND FLOOR DECK AT LINE 4.E Special Instructions/Remarks CONTRACTOR WAS NOTIFIED OF-SUJMP. Set# ____ Delivered by N/A Date Rec'd in Lab: _2_I1_5_/o_o __ _ Logged in by: AJ Standard Tests: __ cyls at 7 days; Special Tests: _o __ cyls at _0_days; _o_cyls at 14 days; _o_cyls at _o_days; _2_cyls at 28 days; 0 cyls at _0_days. _1_cyls at 56 days. _o_cyls at 0 days. Compression Laboratory Data Sample Lab No. Date Tested Dimensions Age 7 37225 2/21/00 6x12in 28 28 56 37226 37227 37228 3/13/00 3/13/00 4/10/00 6x12in 6x12in 6x12in Test Area 28.27in~ 28.27in2 28.27in2 28.27in2 Comments: 28 day test complies with project specifications. Max Load 55,500 lbs 83,500 lbs 86,500 lbs lbs Compressive Strength 1960 psi 2950 psi 3060 psi DISC psi All sampling and testing conducted:?17!dance with ASTM Standard designations: C31-91, C39-86, C78-84, C617-87, C42-90 Checked by: rJ;i_ Date: __ Reviewed by: __ e._P_f ________ Date: 3 I lz loo cc: Reno Contracting Horowitz & Taylor Smith Constulting R. Douglas Provins, PE Blackmore City of Carlsbad Signal Hill Lot ,. Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. Date: Job No: Job Name: Address: Report No: FIELD INSPECTION AND TEST REPORTS 2/18/00 99-441B BLACKMORE LOT 103 '[535 Faraday Ave11~ Carlsbad, California 92040 Plan Number: Permit Number: 232 NIA CB990520 Field Supervisor: GREGORY SMITH, PE Established 1946 Enclosed are field inspection and/or test reports, for the above referenced project, for work performed on 1/31/00-2/4/00. These reports cover the locations of work inspected and/or tested following recognized standards and do not constitute engineering opinion or project control. These reports do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to build per the plans, specifications and all applicable codes. Should you have any questions regarding these reports, please contact our office at (858) 715- 5800. Rep011s enclosed (7) Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc., 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, CA. 92111 [858) 715-5800 Fax (858] 715-5810 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of_/_ Project Name ,6Ll}c/(()10Rt:-loZ:/{i3 TESD Project# _9,,__,_9-_l/~1 ..... J_.,,.g""----- Address /£,>S.l/JR.Acity /lJll!1 {A&/i5'2ftc:4 Cfr General I Subcontractor Ii@ 0 , {!012,if; -/), /1. IJJ/;j TftQfr; . Co/J. SL Building Permit #CR 9o/OS,;2 0 DSA # ________________ _ Plan File# __ ,--_____________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ Cone: Mix #/psi --~Jans IJE/li£ffJ.Et./ __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi __ Specifications /(J::)11£/l)f",. /, __ Masonry . __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi ~Sizes /tp J/ i £ I/ J E J ~Struct Steel-"// J-3 7 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rinf: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rinf: W.W.F, __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rinf: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi Consolidation --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block ~ Electrode Storage /Jllb<;/fU / --Mechanical __ Grout Samples ----Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --_IL.steel lt:f G,. th 5::'6 c) __ Load (Pounds) l __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --v H,S. Bolts It, 1&-s---Thickness __ Roofing __ Steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --~ Electrode,,.£76/ (, E7({--f? --__ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- --0SHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Correctiveaclion required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed __ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME ~ f ~zf.t:}1 y1 £lo,&,=, <;° {Print Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE iqJ/41 fl ::j kz1-== 0~. /.J . 0 I '{ft /41 C _# 6S7 CERT. No.lC/so~o;; 77 /3-~-!:,- DATE /-<3 /--0(} Form#003 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of _L Project Name Blacl(o1o&E-/JfT lo 1 TESD Project# --1-9-1-Z--+'f'f+--"l,__,_B,,,__ ___ _ Address /2'.>--; 5'.5: £4&&~ /J-il~. CaBL\s-/),9~ CIJ General / Subcontractor &.rw . (h11,e;z; -& (,{_zA /kd {f),d,./;1 , /J. 12 1/1 /2i Ole&£ (/ I Building Permit #l',B C/90..,S-2 d DSA Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # _________________ _ Government Contract# Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION IN~::~&~~~~~;iT --Concrete __ Soil --__ Cone: Mix #/psi -- __ Prestress Cone __ Base ---__ Cone: Mix #/psi ~ecifications_~~.7"/ ~sonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi Sizes tfEY/ E" (L/1; ,.-;; __ Struct Stee1'?9'°Ji.3" 7 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rini: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi Consolidation __ Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples ----Units: Block -Z.. Electrode Storage fill.Lt; /tJ,l I I __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples ----Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --V Steel /J. 'i,(at A 'i:_() 0 __ Load (Pounds) __ Solt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block -----iL.H.S. Bolts /1:S::l.S' --Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --~Metal Deckinp IJ:f//(,p -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts ---tL-Electrodes !!Go&~, ?1<2/S -- __ ._OSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- --OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required --Specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed __ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise statea, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME ,Sz9P·4 t EJ aRES l ~ (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ¥ /J::/J/v, € --DATE d.... -/-00 Form#003 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suit~ 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of_/_ Project Name tJl.11cl<J1201<£ ~Lot /tJ 3 TESD Project # --"9,__C/,__· -_i/,__L/,_,_!_A~---- Address ,Ah.5-..? &1<1-2d11-Av~, CAR/4,~C,& General/ Subcontractor#.e"'l?<'.2, Col1--57j Sou7); lifJ't/.kk/4/!Ji .Kl Ii t4{;7;;c&1::, Wu! <T Building Permit # _______________ DSA # ___________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # _________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ Cone: Mix #/psi --~Jans &i{JF// J..E,./ __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi __ speci;ication:s,fkv1hoec/ __ Masonry __ subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi __ Sizes/kt/fl~/ _,tL..struct Steei# /3 7 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rinf: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rinf: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation __ Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block ~lectrode StorageJI/.IS,JI}/,. / --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --~Steel /A"3..0, /-J1'SX2.o __ Load (Pounds} __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --~.s. Bolts $32.S: --Thickness __ Roofing __ Steel --~Metal Decking 1)//lj{, 91</t --_IL__ (/ __ Waterproofing __ H,S. Bolts --Electrodes E4o,'J::J,,E7()./fr' -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- --OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required --Specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed __ &o,Q 'idc!lf-!~/SL:11/?1 CoiJl1£'CJ7lO/J£ /..s Field Representative# {)(J/'/)J)/£7/3 f!f'dis 1tmc -~'---:ri?r--------- CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. S, J. CI 7JL/1 c --ti ?-5 7 INSPECTOR'S NAME072p/2"~4' ,0 flo£ES CERT. No/cdi'off/t?2 7713-8£ (Pnnt Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE .~ /J ;(,in,,__,_._ DATE 2-:2-<90 Form#003 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of _L Project Name {3/a C hnot;:: -lo 7//J 3 TESD Project# 99-1./1//8 Address IS:3-S" tiU?lfc-L.yf I) j/£/ C/}&AdJA~ Cl! General/ Subcontractor Ml1c), Cl/as-r._, 5at1tA&cLti)~£/hzcz . 12 I).. !JJ/2iT&clf£ I (7' 7 / Building Permit# CE 190.S:,?{1 DSA # ________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ cone: Mix #/psi --Rlans .&YLrtt.JC cl __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi Lspecilications1'!'-K?ell/47./ __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi izes .6%.&c a)E:,;;;!.. _/L_ struct Steel# /;J '7 __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Rini: Rebar __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rinf: Tendons __ Temperature --Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi ~onsolidation --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage/J@Sj;;Ji / --Mechanical __ Grout Samples ----Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --jzsteel ~'j'~O __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block --H.S. Bolts J, --Thickness __ Roofing __ Steel --~Metal Deckinq /J/P/h atfl -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --Electrodes E G l'.l:,2 2. ~ll'l/5 --I __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- --OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required --Specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed __ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. /J ;_.--# S ... C/;;Jic-'hS7 INSPECTOR'S NAME, S7liyV/Elf /JH1J,,££S (Print Clearly) CERT. No. IC/$() 411 rJ,::? 7713-8 _s- INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE .~ Y' ~ L ll---DATE d2_-,5-60 Form#003 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of JJ- Project Name &1tcimoM -L(J 7/(), '? TESD Project# _9'-l,9'--·-_f..,_V11-'. /_,_,Is,...__ ___ _ Address 6\.2\ ~ ./iM1Jd1;j /J-vE-; (/9.£6-~cl; & General / Subcontractor /j} J10, Cbasz;, >cJ1[ili><f1}' (!)£kit jf; xQ /t · (f)/71719m£ · {10.SL Building Permit #C./J 99tJ.S:o2 0 DSA # _________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY Concrete --__ Soil -- __ Prestress Cone __ Base -- __ Masonry __ Subgrade -- _Lstruct Steel·# /J 7 __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders -- __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams -- __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel -- __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples -- --Mechanical __ Grout Samples -- Electrical --__ Masonry Prisms -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block -- __ Roofing __ Steel -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S, Bolts -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing -- --OSHPD __ Roofing -- __ specialty __ Other -- specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME I c;;tji#Ed t IZ9e&I:: ( ...-.' (Print early) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION IN~TION c,HEC~LIST __ cone: Mix #/psi --~!ans /lc_w;_c1.1£.tL /J. ,I';,.,__. __ Cone: Mix #/psi ~pecifications ~ ,-u . r ·// h~· .,../ __ cone: Mix #/psi _'_ Sizes }?;;vl-;;i/ J L:" ,../ __ Rini: Rebar __ Slump __ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Mortar: Type/psi Consolidation __ Units: Block lI:i:_ Electrode Storage flt.ctsj(J/,. i/ __ Units: Block __ Torque Applied _L_steel /)3~~ __ Load (Pounds) J/ H.S. Bolts=.? __ Thickness ~Metal Decking t;;ff;t:1= --_/L._ Eiectrodes I! I'.!. , fl. -- __ Fireproofing Z Corrective action required f15'i:; 2 __ Other __ Corrections completed __ '5, /J, C-lffe )!c-i/~57 CERT. NO./CJJ()</(__/<1-2 7'7/3-8--S INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE J:iljAM jJ ::t..h i: d.= DATE c:Z-1/·-oo Formll003 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, California 92111 TO: &no , Wl1ST Project: lliAckaio12e-Lo7ld3 0 F~LD REPORT @1\JOTICE TO COMPLY Page ,,£, of .2.. Date -oo Permit Number Plan File Number e 0 Form#001 1_:MJ !::i 11::.t::.L • STEELCONSTRUCITON cu P-.S~ To~ rr-11):8 f3)1-tc/(.ma~E-tdT10 3 · Srection • Welding • Fabrication (760) 738-5582 1115 lnd1Jstrial Avenue l:scondido, CA 92029 ,-~S, /!;1<1Jc/1J /1-1/£ i WELDINGPROCEDURESPECIFICATION(WPS) I} #RLs/yJc/ C'/f. i by ConnieSue Dickinson I Welding Procedure Specification No. CMJ-6022 Rev o Date February 2, 2000 Supporting Procedure Qyallflcation Te5t Record No. MANUAL. Welding Proces$ 1 _s_M_A_W-"-------Type Mode of Transfer for GM~W (Automatic, Manual, ~c-) = -~Short Circuiting, spray, etc.} JOINTS (Table 4.1) . COATINGS(S) Typa of welded JoiotS(i}\ ARC SPOT WELD 'Type GALV Thickness-='---'---------~- Backing Yes 1:8:1 j No tJ Backing Material Type ,,..A;..;.3~6,--________ _ one side yes ! both sides Sketch of Joint Deta~s BASE METAL (1.2) , Material sp~lfication ty~e and grade: Sheet steel A446l to A36 ---'-----Thickness Ran~_:------~,,.,....,,-=------ Sheet Steel 22 • 1Jl GUAGE Support Steel 1/8" -1/2" Tlilekness ------i-------~-----Base Metal Preparation i -'-N_O_N.,:.;ce ____ _ FILLER METAL (table 1,1) Specification 5. 1 \ Classification -E:::60=272 _______ , I POSITIONS (Table 1.2) , Position OfGtoove : FLAT PREHEAT (1.1.1 AND 5.1) Position Of FHlet ---!~----------Preheat Temperature Min NIA Progression -----1----------Preheat Temperature Max NIA GAS ( ~~~~ -W~A~ ________ Fl~~ Percent Mixture FLUX ( TECHNIQUE ' Weldina Current ' Travel Speed (Or Weld Time For Melting Wire Feed Pass No. electrode Si~e Amoeres Volts Arc Soot Welds) Rate Speed 1/8" i 70-130 20 see. 1 ! N/A N/A i ±15% I ' • < This procedure may va"('J due!to fabiric11tion seuence, flt-up, pan si~, etc. ~fthln the limitation of varieble& given in ANSI/AW$ D1 .3-98, Strvctu'f/ W.ie~ldin ~ sheet $tee!. Authorized by: -t ~~ ;z:: Date --"-'02=/0..:..;2/;c..O .... o _____ _ : V I A& S&¼MWM+liiii-Mi?&M%MWidM9 E/94 OJi &Mfttillfi ?i M1¼i85¥4& #9S §5 451¥¥ 98&6¥ 41#£W4qnt Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. Established 1946 FIELD INSPECTION AND TEST REPORTS Date: Job No: Job Name: Address: Report No: 1/4/2000 99-441B BLACKMORE LOT 103 1535 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92040 Plan Number: Permit Number: 2793 Field Supervisor: GREGORY SMITH, PE NIA CB990520 Enclosed are field inspection and/or test reports, for the above referenced project, for work performed on 12/28/99-12/29/99. These rep01is cover the locations of work inspected and/or tested following recognized standards and do not constitute engineering opinion or project control. These reports do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to build per the plans, specifications and all applicable codes. Should you have any questions regarding these reports, please contact our office at (858) 715- 5800. Reports enclosed (2) Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc., 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, CA. 92111 (858] 715-5800 Fax (858] 715-5810 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 78~5 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of _J_ Project Na~e /Jl&f.ma&[: -LaT//13 TESD Project # _9,_9'...__-_f,..r,_:S,,:..,_.1/,.__.,'fs~---- Address /§.YS:~/JJ/1;,(?~. C-11: General I Subcontractor &no, f/6' t1½i \ X# S {!}£/A; LJ9 Building Permit #C5 99asi< 0 D$A # _______________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # _________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION IN~TION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ Soil --__ Cone: Mix #/psi --__ Plans &J!/..;c-.t..(_)F.ci_ __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi 2ecifications ./P;t:::///.i::-// u-.,1 __ Masonry __ Subgrade ~nc: Mix #/psi zes ,,f>,t::1//,c-'// ,r,-/ -- ~Struct Steel fldt/ tll£1d11J __ Asphalt Concrete --nl: Rebar !J.. tt'.2 t ct-62. GO __ Slump __ Fireproofing :tf /.57 __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rini: W.W.F.(/ __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi ~nsolidation --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples ----Units: Block Electrode Storage ·f c2 0=- --Mechanical __ Grout Samples ----Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --~Steel cl.,~~ __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block ----H.S. Bolts --Thickness __ Roofing __ Steel --Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S.Bolts --~ctrode~ £7/7--k -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- __ OSHPD __ Roofing ----Other __ Corrective acbon required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed ;z::;::;,1;:~~::1ft11~:1::~ ~~:-~;t~~:~ ltt";!JlflJE/.,5 -I-ta -c9-i3-·.,f-t11·-1/l:-£:-\s :t c:; -t 'i: 7 -81r: 9-9'1fl0-Iii tl/-1/t/c:J-I& ct !11 - /-.s±J¼ 1t-r'?k -QJJdELo@ &n<-l&~aE,/,Evd ~ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated. is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME Sz:i:.j}/1£11 /J4",r;tf £S • Print Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~ )§~1/?LsZ-= -5 /J. 617? )1c:::fr {S7 CERT. NO. lc~~~o2 7713-f?.S: DATE (2 ~,Q fr-C/f Form#003 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of _L Project Name /3Js ckma&£ -/t1·-z: /(},._3'. Address/4'.S::?1 bMIJ~ llVl£iC/Jds.bJ~, CA- TESD Project # 9 </-i./f/ ( B General f Subcontractor ffeAo 1 c~ (._Sh).("' IJ.)td.c/Jiw Building Permit #0(-/ 99 0S:e2 t? a&(# ________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # _________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST --Concrete __ soil --__ Cone: Mix #/psi --__x::;lans&~~ __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi -Lspecifications=·l 1d Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi ~ Sizes Ji}:-~ t,!.!£q' ~Struct Steel-'If /3 7 __ Asphalt Concrete --V Rini: Rebar /J 7tUi a<>? 0 __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --. (/ __ Air Content --__ Rml: W.W.F. __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein/. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples ----Units: Block ~Electrode Storage .-I/="'~ --Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__Lsteel ;J., 3'0 __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block ----H.S. Bolts --Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --__ Electrodes -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- __ OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ Specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed ~ {JJFL,/4,/11117/2 Ec'At1)-EZ/L-f?{l2/2,1:1::2) '¾,;;/}~ETTI< ldEc-z&ade & 1lAtf£-lleVEj {UE/...c/2 '2f a C£il r;'f/1; r/ aJELo/a «? Field Representative # ~ /l'-l •" r 'l CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. /\ --J' 'ff',· 0, /J, C tif ~IC .. -6S 7 INSPECTOR'S NAME( fu-Y,£Ln f> E/4) &£ f (Print Clearly) cERT. No. IC/So#" /0 £Z 7 7/J-&> s- INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~ '/) %ikz d -1=-= DATE /<fJ.. ---;>9-PP Form#003 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. Date: Job No: Job Name: Address: Report No: FIELD INSPECTION AND TEST REPORTS 12/21/99 99-441 BLACKMORE LOT 98 1535 Faraday Carlsbad, California 92040 Plan Number: Permit Number: 2727 NIA CB983162 Field Supervisor: GREGORY SMITH, PE Established 1946 Enclosed are field inspeGtion and/or test reports, for the above referenced project, for work performed on 12/14/99-12/17/99. These reports cover the locations of work inspected and/or tested following recognized standards and do not constitute engineering opinion or project control. These reports do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to build per the plans, specifications and all applicable codes. Should you have any questions regarding these reports, please contact our office at (858) 715- 5800. Reports enclosed (3) Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc., 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, CA. 92111 (858] 715-5800 Fax (858] 715-5810 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of__j_ Project Name IJLACJ-/llt1;?.E: -11179£: TESD Project# ~<l~CZ_-_,_o/'_,_i-+1----- Address /~ efd /M~ It VE, Ulf2/45MJ,. C/:4 General/ Subcontractor !JEii(), {!otA5T7, lf-trl< Ca,o,C:Z:ca1 f§11&.Li"91 ,JlEE/ G->Ji&ic,,1-t1atRS -I//G Building Permit #...,,C"-'8..,___,q'-"8""3"-.J./'-"6"-"'2=-=--------DSA # _________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # _________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST .-Lconcrete /lt£i°rl/2~c I'~ 6"1Ed. __ Soil --__ Cone: Mix #/psi --~Plans &wJ_:;£ /11-Sf)-'l'f--/03 __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi / Specification= : =U1;-. / __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi .,...-----Sizes lil£.V/E.t.t,,!,1~c/ __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --~inf: Rebar /JL/s µw __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rinf: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rinf: Tendons __ Temperature --Non-Destructive __ Reinf. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight --Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples ----Units: Block __ Electrode Storage --Mechanical __ Grout Samples ----Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms ----Steel __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block ----H.S. Bolts --Thickness __ Roofing __ Steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S.Bolts --__ Electrodes -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- --OSHPD __ Roofing -----LL-Other AL?' 0.-rJ,& fR. Q __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed __ with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. s.J. c1~ J._,c_-11657 CERT. No_lCIJ<l1>0 :1. 7713 -!?8' INSPECTOR'S NAME -5'1~/2".E 12 11 E/o &ES (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~ /J ---1._,i,_,,, ,t "'-== DATE /,Z-/l-/-9C/ Form#003 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 78~5 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page_1_of _J_ San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name /il&£jJ7tJ& E -b; 1 t/t: • TESDP~eci#_9_9_-_£_9_/ ____ _ Address lt.<20 ;'l-)l<Etcb:Jtf Av~ (ARj5/Jl)<4 C/t General I Subcontractor ;fkAo (h//6L Co 1 ,//if/( {h11i sz; &o&L°I, 9Zi:.EL /4McA74/2. ~ /12 c Building Permit #CB V/316;2. DSA # ________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD #---------------~~- Government Contract # ____________ Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ,/i J'£141iJ,o..c1;7 .slt1:t. __ Soil __ Cone: Mix #/psi t-01ansf~2rc/ __ Concrete #/d.3 .. ---- __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi _Lspecifications,tfeYff-'I / 1£ cl __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi __Lsizes &!i;r11.JiJ..- __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --~inf: Rebar /Jtei,§i A 7o ?'i __ Slump __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight --Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples ----Units: Block __ Electrode Storage --Mechanical __ Grout Samples ----Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms ----Steel __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block ----H.S. Bolts __ Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S.Bolts --__ Electrodes -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- __ QSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ Specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. ,5,1). C/frl1cP?.57 CERT. No.lCllo#;oe277/.:J-8e INSPECTOR'S NAME LS72¢IIE11 /J d41fES • (Pnnt Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~ t1 ~ A-=-l' 9 DATE /.5?-/S-lf Form#0Q3 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 78~5 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page 1 of / -- Project Name fJlacflYJrJlcE-Lo7"</6" TESD Project # --r-.9+9-_-_,_!/-_,_~~/ ____ _ Address /lr2o libeAdyt1t11£l C1Je,/s1Mcl; CIJ General I Subcontractor &a . C'tw,~ /hk f?tV/.V Building Permit# CB C/~3 / C: :2 DSA # ________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # ________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~oncrete 9r /o I __ soil --, 3:53:Pconc: Mix #/psi q. OO~ / Plans&l!/f:ll.)£.c/ __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi ~pecilgtion~. &-wn l!/!d __ Masonry __ subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi ~izes ..... ~.£J!/EtU£c/ __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Rini: Rebar /s;ump ~lf.mtt.'i. __ Fireproofing ~ Concrete Cylinders _£_ __ Rinf: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rini: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi .....L Consolidation. t:4--: Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples Units: Block ------__ Electrode Stora e --Mechanical __ Grout Samples ----Units: Block __ Torque Applied Electrical __ Masonry Prisms ----Steel __ Load (Pounds) -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block ----H.S. Bolts --Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --__ Electrodes -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- __ OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ Specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed __ Remarks M 7/' cCtD-I?iJ':;MKVn.Earo (!It Cfl/Jlc f/J&c/.s o E-s;-oao ~ri Coa~, Mam /is-eoac/lda likr:!Jllm tbaCfF!i::-/JJJx: lla,-3S"Cf>7 &rj}Al1Ei5-l-,;21--l&-ls:-1"1-IR-17-/a·-9~ /.. >'-J,2. ~ II,-&nchrr S-7;?~s/2 ErldtJSttA>E IMNts j'E/2 r/47&iL -If/A-SI., Field Representative~/~~ 6-.;;?7 <2.= CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME S7Ej211£1Ji!aMES~ ' (Print Clearly) CERT. NO. ICl3Q#/02 771-3-88' INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~i~ DATE [2-/7~99 Form#003 I. I I 'i ; J ' ; I ''. <,•.;:,· •• ', ~ .. -.... .. ... --------------,---.. _ _,,.,. ----::. ....... ~- ;' t-~ ; • I .£/ I' I THE CITY OF SAN flUEGO DEVELOPMENT SleRVIC~S DEPARTMl:NT INSPECTIQN SERVICES DIVl510N Tel. (619) 492-5070 Fax (619) 492-5098 SPECIAi,; INSPECTOR If> CARD Name: STEP.HEN P FLORES Signature~:~·-~.:~· ·P~',.../1..~~~~~~l' Explration:De mber31,20O1 . . ----·· . SEE REVERSE Sll!E FOR 'fYPEfS) OF WORK /\UTHDRIZED FOR SPECIAl:U'fSP'l(('(fON, , ./. AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE This is to certify that Stephen P Flores ID#962046 has demonsn:ated knowledge _and ~bility by successfully completmg !he ACI certification requirements and 1s hereby recognized as an ACI CONCRETE FIELD TESTING TECHNICIAN -GRADE I Examiner: Ed Bove Date: 05/17/1997 Expires: 05/17/2002 ~ Valid card bears ACI Hologram here 1nterna~iona1 e0nference o·f Q.!lildJnQ Qfflcials St.!il· .. ·P. l'llQl!~S GJJTIF.lli.D .#lL IW'SF!ECTOR ~-·p ,f:lfl'ctQfing 1994,e. on-'QUllding co.de The individwalnamed here0n is CERTIFIED in the categ0ry shown, having been so c;em:if.ied pum1antt0 successfulcompleti0n 0f the presc;ribed writltlen examin_~ti011 . . Expirati0n date: Janu : 1$, ; : oo Nc:>.102'771·3•86 ---~, \, I (· ,. (, l ,, i ' ' .. ; ; I' .. ,,, l THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION SERVICES DIVISION Tel. (619) 492-5070 Fax (619) 492-5098 SPECIAL INSPECTOR ID CARD Name: EARL R MATHES Signatur : --,;l""""-"'l--P""""-~-1-~=C!::..:... Expiration: December 31, 2001 SEE REVERSE SIDE FDRTYPE(S) OF WORK AUTHORIZED FDR SPECIAL INSPECTION. ···-i (I. . . . . . ce, qq o5d-G l 5?, 5 'fA:-t2.A-D A, {W6 ,~ si!C:CALIFORNIA~~ii-1 C) ~,.am:~:::,:: EXP I RES 04 • 01 • 00 doos not establish eliglbltity for<mploymont. voter reg1.,tratlon. or publJ(; bene1)ts. EARL RICHARfl·:JfBT.HES . ~HE AMERIC~~;e~;LDING SOCIETY V' WELDING INSPECTOR Earl R. Mathes has complied with the requirements of Section 6.1 of the AW,S s·tandard for Qualificatipn and Certification of Wl)l'ding Inspectors, QCl-88 with _:....L_, without_'_ eye correction, __ colorblind Signed .J---:J. ¼r PresidentAW.S ~- 79111771 Certlfrcale Number 1040 $-p. .. Sign~~!.,,• Expires November 2000 Certlficat1on Committ ainnan Date ; '' f ·I ./ • (619)-715-5800 ATLANTIC CITY• RAHWAY' FT. TESTING ENGINEERS SAN DIEGO FAX (619) J~1.5-58J 0,••ls:k¾.\/DERDIJLE;' ORLANDO• SAN DIEGO REPORT OF COMPRESSION TEST PROJECT BLACKMORE-LOT 103 PROJECT NO. 99-441 --------------- PROJECT ADDRESS 1535 FARADAY ------------------------------ CONTRACTOR RENO CONSTRUCTION ------------------------------ ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER SMITH CONSULTING/ HOROWITZ & TAYLOR BLDG. PERMIT NO. CB990520 PLAN FILE NO. NIA SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF IBJ CONCRETE D MORTAR D GROUT D HS GROUTO PRISMS D OTHER PLACEMENT DATE ____ 1_1_/2_4_/9_9 ____ DATE RECEIVED IN LAB SUPPLIER ESCONDIDO READY MIX MIX DESIGN PSI -------------- MIX NUMBER 8354P MIX DESCRIPTION TYPE OF CEMENT C-150, TYPE 11/V TICKET NO. ADMIXTURE POZZ 322N SLUMP SPECIFIED MIXING TIME 49 PERCENT AIR CONCRETE TEMP. DESIGN STRENGTH (f 'c) PSI LOCATION OF PLACEMENT 63 AIR TEMP. 3000 @ 28 DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY PANEL# 16 LABORATORY DATA 11/26/99 3000 3000 PSI, CONCRETE 262511 N/A SLUMP 3.75" NIA 55 S.P. FLORES AGE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA (sq. MAXIMUM LOAD COMPRESSIVE (DAYS) LAB NO. DATE TESTED (inches) inches) (lbs) STRENGTH (psi) 6 31565 11/30/99 6X12 28.27 90,500 3200 7 31566 12/1/99 6X12 28.27 91,500 3240 28 31567 12/22/99 6X12 28.27 112,000 3960 28 31568 12/22/99 6X12 28.27 114,000 4030 H 31569 1/19/00 DISC ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM TEST METHODS. *ACTUAL MEASURED AREA. REMARKS: TWO (2) 28-DAY TESTS COMPLY WITH PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS CHECKED BY: @ REVIEWED BY: R. DOUGLAS PROVINS, RCE 56018 r/9( DATE: ______ DATE: ,-i.,-\-i.J..--Y!' TESTING ENGINEERS SAN DIEGO (619)-715-5800 FAX (619) 715-5810 ATLANTIC CITY' RAHWAY' FT. LAUDERDALE ' ORLANDO 'SAN DIEGO REPORT OF COMPRESSION TEST PROJECT BLACKMORE-LOT 103 PROJECT NO. 99-441 PROJECT ADDRESS 1535 FARADAY, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR RENO. CONSTRUCTION ------------------------------ ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER SMITH CONSULTING/ HOROWITZ & TAYLOR BLDG. PERMIT NO. CB 990520 PLAN FILE NO. N/A SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF l8:I CONCRETE D MORTAR D GROUT D HS GROUTD PRISMS D OTHER PLACEMENT DATE 11/24/99 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB ----- SUPPLIER ESCONDIDO READY MIX MIX DESIGN PSI -------------- MIX NUMBER 354P MIX DESCRIPTION TYPE OF CEMENT C-150, TYPE 11/V TICKET NO. ADMIXTURE POZZ 322N SLUMP SPECIFIED MIXING TIME 37 PERCENT AIR CONCRETE TEMP. DESIGN STRENGTH (f 'c) PSI LOCATION OF PLACEMENT 75 AIR TEMP. 3000 @ 28 DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY PANEL# 7 LABORATORY DATA 11/26/99 3000 5.4 SK W/POZZ, 3000 PSI 331802 NIA SLUMP 4.00" N/A 67 S.P. FLORES AGE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA (sq. MAXIMUM LOAD COMPRESSIVE (DAYS) LAB NO. DATE TESTED (inches) inches) (lbs) STRENGTH (psi) 6 31570 11/30/99 6X12 28.27 70,000 2480 56 31571 1/19/00 6X12 28.27 DISC 28 31572 12/22/99 6X12 28.27 108,000 3820 28 31573 12/22/99 6X12 28.27 109,000 3860 H 31574 1/19/00 DISC ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM TEST METHODS. *ACTUAL MEASURED AREA. --~ REMARKS: TWO (2) 28-DAY TES COMPLY WITH PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. Date: Job No: Job Name: Address: Report No: FIELD INSPECTION AND TEST REPORTS 11/23/99 99-441 BLACKMORE LOT 98 1535 Faraday Carlsbad, California 92040 Plan Number: Permit Number: 2500 NIA DWG3716 Field Supervisor: GREGORY SMITH, PE Established 1946 Enclosed are field inspection and/or test reports, for the above referenced project, for work performed on 11/17 /99-11/19/99. These reports cover the locations of work inspected and/or tested following recognized standards and do not constitute engineering opinion or project control. These reports do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to build per the plans, specifications and all applicable codes. Should you have any questions regarding-these reports, please contact our office at (619) 715- 5800. Reports enclosed (2) Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc., 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, CA. 92111 [858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810 Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of_/_ Project Name liiAcKmM£ ,LtJ7 9£: TESD Project# _9~9~--f'--'~~/ ____ _ Address &JS°,~1f/ C&i .. ~bB~, /?fJ-- General I Subcontractor & l2C2 t?o/2 S:Z: CD Building Permit# IJI/J G' r 7'/(; DSA # _________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # _________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING ~ncrete __ Soil __ Prestress Cone __ Base __ Masonry __ Subgrade __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams __ Non-Destructive __ Rein!. Steel __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples Mechanical __ Grout Samples Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block __ Roofing __ Steel __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts __ DSA __ Fireproofing --OSHPD __ Roofing __ Specialty __ Other QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION __ Cone: Mix #/psi __ Cone: Mix #/psi ___ _ __ Cone: Mix #/psi ___ _ ...IL_ Rini: Rebar /)/415/~ 4'4 t (, __ Rini: W.W.F. ____ _ __ Rini: Tendons ___ _ __ Grout: Mix #/psi ___ _ __ Mortar: Type/psi ___ _ Units: Block ____ _ Units: Block ____ _ Steel ______ _ H.S. Bolts ____ _ __ Metal Decking ___ _ __ Electrodes ____ _ Fireproofing ____ _ -;;;r Other/t7126~/E(4 0 ~MIJ INSPECTION CHECKLIST --4ns=~-'·..,L.&<~'.,£_- ~y.pecitication;3 _V""'_ ~ Si17z•es P-+--11-1-~tL-L<-'4--- __ Slump _____ _ __ Air Content ____ _ __ Temperature ____ _ __ Unit Weight ____ _ __Consolidation ___ _ __ Electrode Storage __ _ __ Torque Applied ___ _ __Load (Pounds) ___ _ Thickness ____ _ __ Corrective action required __ _ __ Corrections completed __ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the apor· ns a -:.; specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. INSPECTOR'S NAME072j1ffe'd /://4,eE 5' (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~.621 t-1'~ 0/J. 01{j)lc-#6,s7 CERT. No.lC8oi56;2 77/3-B'"f: DATE//~/ 7-9CJ For-enos Testing Engineers -San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Ct., Suite 18 Page_1_of_/_ San Diego, CA 92111 INSPECTION REPORT Project Name .SltJcl< lllol<£ lo I -f ,f' TESD Project # ___,_C/_,_9_--,.1/-,.l/_,_f ____ _ Address /&JS -MtRBcl8j'l WfH'8 bit~ Cf)-- General I Subcontractor l?el/ 0 th/JSt, Co . d@L/rv, '37i'l::L WlclC&Ttia ~ /Ile // 7 Building Permit #"""{)"""'/.,...L,,,_Z ..... G='-"""'l'--7 ...... 1'-· c; ________ DSA # _________________ _ Plan File# ________________ OSHPD # _________________ _ Government Contract # ____________ Other ___________________ _ INSPECTION# I o3 MAT'L SAMPLIN~ QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST Lconcrete fkb1tl). inSJ __ soil --__ Cone: Mix #/psi --;:;Plans 1£.l!LE:LLJr J __ Prestress Cone __ Base --__ Cone: Mix #/psi Lspeci~orii,&wc:11)4/ __ Masonry __ Subgrade --__ Cone: Mix #/psi izes hf:'(1£.tL.V c/ __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --~Rinf: Rebar IJC/s. /1. JI) 6 __ Slump I • __ Fireproofing __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Rini: W.W.F. __ Air Content __ Pile Driving __ Cone Flex Beams --__ Rinf: Tendons __ Temperature __ Non-Destructive __ Reinf. Steel --__ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Unit Weight __ Batch Plant __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Mortar: Type/psi __ Consolidation --Soils Technician __ Mortar Samples --__ ._ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage --Mechanical __ Grout Samples ----Units: Block __ Torque Applied --Electrical __ Masonry Prisms ----Steel __ Load (Pounds) __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Masonry Block ----H.S. Bolts --Thickness __ Roofing __ steel --__ Metal Decking -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --__ Electrodes -- __ DSA __ Fireproofing --__ Fireproofing -- --OSHPD __ Roofing --__ Other __ Corrective action required __ specialty __ Other --__ Corrections completed I T I ~EC /bca M'.lt; C Bad 86'&. t2aW (!a l11f'b.£ TE /4e. &14 68.Ct ' >1£'£1 jJl;,cEm,oa & 112,,7/l/~Tiotz OCEm/ief> jW)ZEs /JJ /1-rrl< Ccuur /,<; S-W l_ lt2/J&f;Y12ESS ., Field Representative~~ ~= CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: All of the observed work, unless otherwise stated, is in conformance with the appr, ·ns ar. specifications and the workmanship provisions of the applicable code. 1NsPECTOR's NAME~/keJ /J Ho&E S' {Print Clearly) S. t'.l. e7 /;c--tl ts 7 CERT. No. lC/fo -~CJ ;z Z 7/3 ·-fl Y INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE ~ t .::t~/J DATE //-/9·-</C/ ForC'~IJO:: DATE: 7/27/99 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-520 EsGil Corporation 'l.n Partnersliip witli (jovemment for '.Buifaing Safety SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: 1535 Faraday Ave. PROJECT NAME: Tl\e Blackmore Company Lot 103 D APPLICANT e_c;rJu§ID D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE 0 The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. ~ The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. 0 The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. 0 The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. . . 0 The applicant's copy of the checkJist is el)closed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. 0 The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: -Date contacted: (by: ) Fctx ~ Mail Telephone Fax In Person ~ ~ REMARKS: City to approve the special inspection progr{i! on sheet T1. By: David Yao Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 7/1'9 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 _,, DATE: 2/22/99 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-520 EsGil Corporation 'J.n Partnersliip witli (jovernment for 'Buiufing Safety SET:I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1535 Faraday Ave. PROJECT NAME: The Blackmore Company Lot 103 ~ANT ~ D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. IZ! The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. IZl The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Smith Consulting Architects (Pete Bussett) 12220 El Camino Real San Diego CA 92130 [8J Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. f. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax .I. In Person D REMARKS: By: David Yao Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 2/11 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 '. Carlsbad 99-520 2/22/99 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-520 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad OCCUPANCY: B USE: office TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N ACTUAL AREA: 58232 sf ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: unlimited STORIES: 2 HEIGHT: -32 feet SPRINKLERS?: Y REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED:2/22/99 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): OCCUPANT LOAD: ? DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 2/11 PLAN REVIEWER: David Yao This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 1994 UBC . . .. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes·and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet ·number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. Carlsbad 99-520 2/22/99 • GENERAL 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, (619) 560-1468. • PLANS 2. Indicate on the Title Sheet whether or not a grading permit is required for this project. • SITE PLAN 3. Provide a statement on the site plan stating: "All property lines, easements and buildings, both existing and proposed, are sho~n on this site plan." 4. Clearly designate any side yards used to justify increases in allowable area based on Section 505. 5. Show on the site plan all proposed walls, retaining walls and fences. Specify their heights on the plans. Provide construction details if a part of this permit. 6. Clearly dimension building setbacks from property lines, street centerlines, and from all adjacent buildings and structures on the site plan. • LOCATION ON PROPERTY 7. Rooms with more than 10 occupants may have one exit through one adjoining room. Revise exits to comply. Section 1003.5. • FOUNDATION 8. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans. (See page 30 of the soil report). • FRAMING 9. What is the wall thickness for panel 6 and ?(along grid line 4)? Please identify on the wall elevation. 10. Provide calculation to show the wall panel 1,8 and 15 are adequate to resist the proper force. Carlsbad 99-520 2/22/99 11. Provide calculation to show no extra reinforcement needed for the tilt-up wall at the main girder support. 12. Provide calculation to show no hold down anchor to resist the uplift force at all 4 feet panels. 13. Some of the column and footing size are not specified on the foundation plan. Please check.(1,E. 1,D.7. 1.4, D.7 .. etc.) 14. Provide calculation to show detail 4/SD4 can transfer the proper force. 15. City to approve the special inspection program on sheet T1. • MISCELLANEOUS 16. Please refer to the following corrections for ele~trical items. • ADDITIONAL 17. No energy or mechanical design submitted or required with this shell permit. 18. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 19.. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, pleas~ briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: O Yes o· No 20. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. I• Carlsbad 99-520 2/22/99 + ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW + 1993 NEC + PLAN REVIEWER: MORTEZA BEHESHTI 1. Show the structural steel connection to the grounding system. NEC 250-), 81 (b). 2. The electrical engineer stamp is not signed. Note: If you have any questions regarding this electrical plan review list please contact Morteza Beheshti at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. ,\_. ... Carlsbad 99-520 2/22/99 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS: 1535 Faraday Ave. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA (ft.2) Office 58232 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers 58232 TOTAL VALUE .. PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-520 DATE: 2/22/99 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER ($) 1397568 (per city) D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee IZI Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance:$ 4274.73 D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee IZI Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 2778.57 Type of Review: IZI Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: ·'·· Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 2222.86 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 , City of Carlsbad M #i h· 1 i h44 Ai U• i •24 ·Si I I; ,i§ 0 I BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE: PLANCHECK NO.: BUILDING ADDRESS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: /S:3) • s~,, &0'7_ A~- ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: ;) J;;L-IJ a -2. 8' EST. VALUE: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements: DENIAL ,tR£~1.ttached report of deficiencies Mak necessary corrections to plans or specifi atio or compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. Date:~ By: Date: By: Date: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT: \__) Date: <?,/f Ji 7 ATTACHMENTS Dedication Application Dedication Checklist ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON Name: David Rick City of Carlsbad Improvement Application Improvement Checklist Address: 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 Future Improvement Agreement Grading Permit Application Grading Submittal Checklist Right-of-Way Permit Application Right-of-Way Permit-Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet Sewer Fee Information Sheet Phone: (619) 438-1161, ext. 4324 CFD INFORMATION Parcel Map No: /)_<//) Lots: Recordation: Carlsbad Tract: I\LASPALMASISYSILIBRARYIENGIWORD\OOCSICHKLSnBuildin Planchec Cklsl BP0001 Fo c A-4 Rev.9'3197 2075 Las Palmas Dr.• Carlsbad, CA 92009-576 • (619) 438-1161 • FAX (619) 438-0894 @ j 0 .a Cl '' . :_--:,-, ~ ~ ' ' · :BUiLDING 'f>LANCHECK CHECKLIST , . ' . . SITE PLAN. f · Prov.ide a fully dim.erisioneq sit!3 plan drawn to scale. Show: . . . I /, j£· , . . /n ·. /fly. North Arrow . . ·. / I)'. Property Lines ·~ E?<!st!ng & Pr:opcised Structut~s ~ Easements Nr;,Nf2 5t-tGi,;,tv' ;c,, Existing Street·lmprovements vy. Right-of~Way Width.& Adjacent Streets /G. Drlveway widths 2. Show .on site pl.~ri': · . . A. Drainage Patterns . 1, Building pad surface :drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one .percent towards an :adjoini'ng l?treet or .an· approved drainage course. 2. ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: "Finish grade will provide a·minimum positive dr1:1inage of.2% t01 swale .5' .c4way from building." -8. · E~i.sting &. Proposed Slopes and Topography 3. Include .on-title ·sheet: · A Sit$ address B. Assessor's. Parcel Number C. Legal Description · · '.for commercial/industrial. .buildings and tenant improvement projeQts, include: tot~I bulldirig squijte footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing. square footage of different .uses (manufacturing, waref.}puse,."office, etc.)..previously approved. EXISTING Pl;RMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION- ·DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE 4a. Project does. not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Prqject No.·' :.: . · :. .. . . . . : . . . . · 4b.:All·c·ondltions are in compliance. Date:-,.........-~----,.........--'--'- I\LASl'ALMASISYS\LIBRARY\ENGIWQRD\DOCS\CHKLST\Bulldlng Plancheck Cklst BP0001 Forni DR.doc 2 Rev, 913197 · , 0 0 0 0 0 0 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 5. Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ ______ , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. Dedication required as follows: ________________ _ Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 ½" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process. Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person. Applications will not be accept by mail or fax. Dedication completed by:____________ Date: ____ _ ·IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 6a. All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $. , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. Public improvements required as follows: _____________ _ Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements. A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with th~ requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process. The completed application form and the requirements on the checklist must be submitted in person. Applications by mail or fax are not accepted. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit. Improvement Plans signed by: ------'-------Date: ____ _ 6b. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $ _______ so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit. Future public improvements required as follows: \\l.ASPALMASISYSILIBRARY\ENG\WORD\DOCS\CHKLST\Buik!ing Plancheck Cklst BP0001 Form DR.doc Rev. 9/3/97 3 '! ., tst.l · 2nd.I Q 0 .Q b 0 ... Q 0/0 ~ Q, Q Q :Q l3UILDING .PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 3rd.I Q· · :6c; Enclosed please fincf your Future: Improvement Agreement.. .Plea~e return Q 0 Q agreement signed and r,otarizeq· to the Engineering Department. Future lmprc;rlierneritAgre.emenfcompleted by: Date: 6d. No P!Jblit:: Improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective improvements.found adjacent to building site must be repaired to the satlsfaction of the City .Inspector prior to,.occupancy. . -. . . 'GRADING PERMIT·REQUIREMENTS' . The· conditions th.at 'invoke the need -for a· grading permit are found'. in Section . 11 :06:.030.ot the Municipal Code. . 7a. Inadequate inform-ation avail~ble .on SiteCPlan to make a determination or;i graqing requirements,, include.aCGUrate grading quantities (cut, filUmport, export). 7b. <3radirig Permit required. A separate grading ·plan prepared by a regi'stered Civil Engineer · must ·be submitted together with the completed application form . attachEl!c.t · NcrfE:. The .Gradi'ng Permit' must be issued .. and rough grading .approval obtained pr'iotto·lssuanc~ of a·:Building Permit. Grading. lnspecto(sign off'by: ""',-'----------,------Date: 7c·. Graded Pad·.Certification required .. (Note: Pad certification may be required even if. a grading permit is not reqqired.) 7d.No Grading Pe·rmit required. 7e.lf grc;iding-is not:required, write 'jNo ·Grading" on plot plan. . ' . MISCELLANEOUS· PERMiTS 8. A RIGHT~Of\.\l\JAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way.and/or private wor~·-adja·ce_nt to the ·publi.c .Right:.of-Way. Types-of work ihciude, but are hot limited to: street improvements, tre$ trimming, driveway construction, ti<~ing into public storm·drain, l?6Wer, and-water-tit_ilities . . Rig,ht~o(-Way permit reqµired for: H:IWORDIDDCSICHKLST\Buljdlng Plancfiec]i CkisiB~Q001.Fonn MM,ijoc .. ,4·' Rev, 09/03/97: ' . 0 I 0 /o / o @cl 0 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 9. A SEWER PERMIT is required concurrent with the building permit issuance. The fee is noted in the fees section on the following page. 10. INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT If your facility is located in the City of Carlsbad sewer service area, you need to contact the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, located at 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008. District personnel can provide forms and assistance, and will check to see if your business enterprise is on the EWA Exempt List. You may telephone (760) 438-2722, extension 153, for assistance. Industrial Waste permit accepted by: Date: 11. NPDES PERMIT Complies with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas. Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first. 12. ~uired fees are attached 0 No fees required \ILASPALMAS\SYS\LIBRARY\ENGIWORDIDOCSICHKLST\Bulldlng Plancheck Cklsl BP0001 Fann DR.doc Rev. 9/3/97 5 . , ,.. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET D Estimate based on unconfirmed information from applicant. D Calculation br;1sed on building plancheck plan submittal. Address: /5"]) fin,.Jo/ h-6. Bldg. Permit No. {Bqq-S" ;;zo Prepared by: Y. f?-,'l l<...... Date: J .q.qq Checked by: ____ Date: ____ _ EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: l,Ju/'{V\u.JLa_ Sq. Ft./Units: ~o, S3.o/ 5~\~ Types of Use: -------Sq. Ft./Units: _____ _ ADT CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: \..;-)lA.("'e-"'-o...> 'ye_.. 5'1..,v\\ Types of Use: ------- FEES REOUIRE.12i/ Sq. Ft./Units: ---"'~_D_1_f5:....::;9-1-1- Sq. Ft./Units: ------ EDU's: Lf.) 7 EDU's: ----- ADT's: _.a,__/ 0__.,4 __ ADT's: ----- WITHIN CFO: if'vES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1, reduced Traffic Impact Fee) D NO 1Jk1. PARK-IN-LIEU FEE PARK AREA & #: ___ _ / FEE/UNIT: c::Y 2. TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE X NO. UNITS: =$ C1 I ~NITS: / O½ ~ BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE X FEE/ADT: ;).2 =$ 2K??Q (DIST.#1 _l.L, DIST. #2 --DIST. #3 /) ADT's/UNITS: ____ _ i;/"4, FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE X FEE/ADT: =$ 0' ; ZONE: s / UNIT/SQ.FT.: lO,, i)j o/5. SEWER FEE X FEE/SQ.FT./UNIT: ,40 =$ 83'36 PERMIT No. ____ _ EDU's: __ l\ ..... , ___ \ t ____ _ 1-;:: BENEFIT AREA: __ \ __ X FEE/EDU: \ {l'5Y DRAINAGE BASIN: __ _ =$ _____ _ EDU's: y,tl ~-SEWER LATERAL ($2,500) X FEE/EDU: __ _ =$ _____ _ =$ _____ _ r;:;t./YJ. DRAINAGE FEES PLDA ----HIGH ___ /LOW __ _ ACRES: _____ _ X FEE/AC: ___ _ =$ ____ _ TOTAL OF ABOVE FEES•: $ ------ *NOTE:· This calculation sheet is NOT a complete list of all fees which may be due. Dedications and Improvements may also be required with Building Permits. P:IDOCSIMISFORMS\FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET REV 7/13/98 May 7, 1999 Smith Consulting Architects Peter J. Bussert, AJA Ste 200 12220 El Camino Real San Diego, CA 92130 RE: CB 99-520 &521: Driveway locations for Lots 103 and 105 of Carlsbad Research Center Dear Mr. Bussett: Per our recent discussions and.my plan check comments, I had informed you that the driveway locations proposed on the aforementioned plan checks are not permissible since they are not in conformance with the approved locations shown on the substantial conformance exhibits for CT 85-24. Since then, you provided me with an exhibit showing the driveway locations as approved by the substantial conformance exhibit in relation to the proposed and existing driveway locations on-site. These locations were verified by myself in the field. It'is the City's intention to uniformly approve driveway locations in conformance with the approved substantial conformance exhibits. It appears that most of the driveways that have been installed on Faraday Avenue comply with the approved locations. However, one of the lots which does not comply with the approved driveway locations is Lot 100 which is located across from Lot 105. Since the driveways on Lot 100 are inconsistent with the approved locations and the placement of driveways on Lot 105 are effected by the driveway locations on Lot 100, we will allow the driveway locations on Lot 105 to be positioned as proposed.provided intersection site distance can be provided (I have not received any exhibits illustrating safe vehicular site distance line as of today). Once safe site distance can be proven, you will need to amend the substantial conformance mylar CT 85-24 on file with the City. No fee will be necessary to process this amendment. We ask that you make other changes as necessary to reflect actual field conditions. We cannot support the proposed driveway locations on Lot 103, however, since the Lot 103 driveway locations shown on the substantial conformance exhibit does not conflict 2075 Las Palmas Dr.• Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (760) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 431-5769 with the field location on Lot 101 across the street. Lot 103 should have one driveway directly across fr~m Lot 101. Please contact me at 438-1161 ext 4324 if you have any questions or need clarification. Sincerely, David Rick Engineering Technician c: Robert J. Wojcik, P.E. Principle Civil Engineer >->, >, .0 .0 .0 ~ N "' :it :it -"' -"' -"' (.) 0 0 Q) Q) Q) .c .c .c (.) (.) (.) C: C: C: t1l "' "' a: j:[ a: PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CB 1'10 52.0 Planner fur.bat~ ken t1e.dy: Address JS 3S n/11}..dtJt'f Phone (619) 438-1161, extension 432-S APN: ;2../ 2-/3 o-2-'? Type of Project & Use: -shd/ bldJ Net Project Density: ____ --=-D=-U ..... /A"""'C.._ Zoning: C-H General Plan:~P ......... ( __ Facilities Management Zone: ___ _ CFO lin/n11tl # __ Date of participation: Remaining net dev acres: Circle One ------- (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: ____________________ ) Legend: IX! Item Complete CidJ Item Incomplete -Needs your action lStl D D Environmental Review Require_~: YES __ NO ~ TYPE ___ _ DATE OF COMPLETION: ______ _ -Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: ~ D D Discretionary Action Required: YES __ NO .Y_ TYP~ ___ _ APPROVAL/RESO. NO. _____ DATE ___ _ PROJECT NO. _______ _ OTHER RELATED CASES: __________________ _ Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: ------------------------ 'IjZ1 D D Coastal Zone Assessment/CQmpliance Project site located in Coa?tal Zone?. YES __ ·:· NO _z_ CA Coastal Commissior:i Authoxtty? YES NO If California Coastal Commission Au1hority: Contact them at -3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego CA 92108-1725; (619) 521-8036 Determine status (C'oastal Permit Required or Exempt): Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? YES NO If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determin?ition bog, #: · . ' ' Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. ., .rh o· .. _,o·· .~-' ' ·:··2-( ( . lnc!usionar,y' Housing F~E!' required: · YES NO _){ (Effe9tive, date cif lnclusionar,y Rousij,g-drdihance -May 21 ,' 1993:l Data Entry Completed? YES .. · NO-. (AIF!_/Ds_; Actiyity: ·iyiairiterianc·e,., enter CB#, .toqlbaf, Screens, Housi~g Fees, Construct Housing Y /N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) Site. Plan,, -~ D. D 1. Pr.ovid.e a fully dimet1sional site pl,~p ~r~vvn to scale.·· Show:. North arrow, property lines,. easementsi ~?<i-~ting,.,9nd proposed st~qctures, streets, existing street _iniproven:ients-,· right-of-way• 1width, . dimensional setback.s . and·. existing--, topographical lii:ies.. , '· · · -· · . .- f7J: D D 2. Provide 'legal; de$cr.iption of property and a~se.ssor's: parcel number. -~-D-D _ ~D:D Zoning: 1.: S.etbacks: Front:· · lnteriqr Side: Street Side: · Rec:ir.: , .•' Requlred: ..;..· .....;..::· 3:..::;o_''_.· __ _ · -R:e·qwir.eq __ ,....,J=:o'"""'"-':..,...·_ ·..:;t,-1-/>=-· ______ _ . Required _____ ---'---'_..___ __ _ : Required·--'-'"""'""'-.:...-----=- 2. Accessory struc;:tqre setb~cks: . _fJ/A--, Front: Interior Side: Street·Side: Reqqired: _...;..;_-'--'---'----'- -RE3qruired ---------.:...- . Required _.;;;..:._ ___ _ .R.ean ·Requited-'-----'--------- Structure sep~ratioq: Requi.r.ed --'-. ---'----'----- 3 .. Lot Cpverage: S?Yo ~.s.s Required. -jzS:{'.o v'l.-t.--f 6~~ Shown .. ____,_--'-.-'--. 3_...· :..::o::....1 __ _,. Shown --. _...l'D..__'_ ...... L,..,_/.....,s:_~ Shown ----'------------ Shown ----'u~,.,L.!c.A::::.··---"- Shown -----,------,-- Shown ---,......-'--...:......... Shown ------,---Shown ------Sh o vv n ....,..-------'- \-=\ o/ o -~-SJ• . oK ro 1ssuE AND ENTERED ~PrnovAL 1NwcaMPUTER l?"f½Kk). DATE "lv~{4~ PLAN CHECK REVIEW (2/17/99) CB990520 -CRC Lot 103 (ADDITIONAL COMMENTS CONTINUED) Page 1 1. Sheet '.Tl -project data is incorrect The building is shown as 58,232 s.f. Please verify lot size also. Include the percentage oflandscape area (use the percentage of net developed area). 2. Show the location of the retaining wall (as shown on Engineer's plans) on the Site Plan ASL Indicate the type of finish or decorative block to be used for the retaining wall. 3. The minimum width for planting islands between parking spaces is 6 feet ( as measured from inside edges of curb). 4. Incorporate a landscaped berm or shrubs for screening the row of parking along the south· property line. 5. Please provide details/cross sections of the retaining wall and adjacent wheel stop. If planting is prop~sed between the retaining wall and wheel stop, please insure that adequate soil depth is provided to ensure plant viability. 6. Note on the plans "Aisles and spaces for compact car spaces shall be clearly marked with a permanent material denoting "COMP ACT CAR ONLY". 7. You are responsible for obtaining approval from the CRC Architectural Review Board. 8. Please submit a conceptual roof plan showing the sizes and locations for roof equipment. Roof equipment must not be visible from a height of 5 feet above any ground or groun~ floor elevation at a distance of 500 feet from the closest building wall. Please provide cross sections indicating lines of sight from off-site properties and indicate if roof equipment will be screened by the proposed parapet or if another method of screening will be utilized. The screening should be integrated into the architectural design of the building. It may be necessary to increase the height of the parapet to achieve the desired screening. 9. Exterior lighting shall be designed and constructed so as not to reflect light or glare on neighboring properties. Please include details which indicate the method of shielding all exterior light fixtures. 10. Landscape plans will require approval by the Planning Director prior to issuance of a building permit. In order to expedite the review of plan check correction, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, ie, plan sheet, note or detail number, etc. Carlsbad Fire Department 990051 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Fire Prevention (760) 931-2121 Plan Review Requirements Category: Building Plan Reviewed by: Date of Report: 02/16/1999 ------------ Name: SMITH CONSULT ARCH Address: 12220 EL CAMINO REAL STE 200 City, State: SAN DIEGO CA 92130 Plan Checker: Job #: 990051 Job Name: LOT 103 CB990520 ------------------Job Address: 1535 FARADAY AV Ste. or Bldg. No. ~ Approved D Approved Subject to D Incomplete Review FD Job# The item you have submitted for. review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and / or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes and standards. Please review carefully all comments attached as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. The item you have submitted for review has been approved subject to the attached conditions. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. Please resubmit to this office the necessary plans and / or specifications required to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. The item you have submitted for review is incomplete. At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and I or standards. Please review carefully all comments attached. Please resubmit the necessary plans and/ or specifications to this office for review and approval. 1st 990051 2nd FD File# 3rd Other Agency ID / HOR9WITZ 1;AYLOR ENGINEERING STROCTCJRAL & CIVIL CONSCJLTING STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS PRomcr: ___ L_c,_-r_,___l_o_~--~--------------- C.A-u~ 0P>-o. e.c?~,t..e-cH Ce NT~'2-- DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS: CONCRETE STRENGTII AT TWENTY EIGIIT DAYS: MASONRY: GRADE "N" CQ?':l'CRETE BLOCK F 'M = -,-------· ___ PSI MORTAR: TYPE S 1800 PSI GROUT: 2000 PSI REINFORCING SIBEL: A-615 STRUCTURAL SIBEL: A-36 LUMBER: DOUGLAS FIR:.LARCH JOISTS BEAMS AND POSTS STUDS SEISMIC FORCE: z_ -.:: (), 4 GRADE 40: GRADE 60: #2 #2 #5 AND LESS (U.O.N.) #6 AND LARGER STUD OR BETTER INv, ) WIND FORCE: 7 0 rn r 1-\,, l:=Y-f. £:;;, DESIGN LOADS: REPORT BY: GE:? :;,o I L..C:? 1 REPORT NO.: '2..4 72-A-?C. SOIL PRESSURE: 2ott>4 J •"1 ROOF DEAD LOAD SLOPING ROOFING PLYWOOD JOISTS INSUL. & CLG. MISC. TOTAL= ROOF LIVE LOAD SLOPING FLAT FLOOR DEAD LOAD FLOORING PLYWOOD JOISTS /' WALL DEAD LOAD INTERIOR EXTERIOR 10 PSF 16 PSF INSUL. & CLG. ....::::::> ~ \:: N EX r ft.t--} ~ MISC. TOTAL = ' FLOOR LIVE LOAD INTERIOR BALCONY EXIT WALKWAY 40 PSF 60 PSF (U.O.N.) 100 PSF V These calculations are limited only to the items included herein, selected by the client and do not imply approval of any other portion uf the structure by this office. These calculations are not valid if altered in any way, or not accompanied by a wet stamp and signatµre of the Engineer of Record. $~~~~~~1~~~~~ .~1?~1Ji~ra}~~i~~~J~~f~;i~ti~~t~1~~~r~r;~f~~1~~~~~1i:n~t¢·:._j~f~-=~::~~:;~;~ or<o2. i; rmF-I 1\ -3 -98 3910\,,phy Canyon Rd. • Suite AIOO • Son Diego, Cal[omia 92123 • (619) ~ ..0(6~ ~ -• -·---·---•• ____ _,., ••• , ••• ______ ., ___ ---··· --I i ~ <\. • ; _fh:,of : To ~t? ltc12J..1tJ~ ,o Pue.ut-t~ To gtw~e.. ~e10, ~rtt-ty 3.o 3,0 '3. 0 3,0 ::'.? ~ T f-1-'c 1 I.~ ,.~ I•~ \ ,_:;- 2 X 1 0 / t I I , I I· I \ I I IN. ~Ll LP. Tl o "'4. I. 0 / .. o /,O I, o 'Puf2Ltt--Jf> '2.. 0 2 ,..C) '.2.-o :3:>PrZ-t t--1 t.LL:: ~ I·~ l•S I.~ c71e.-o~rZ-l·S I·~ C. l:::L L t ,-J,l:::j 2 .. c) 2 .. 0 '2,o '2. I 0 rn1s.c. /r-i~c..1-L l, 4 1.9 1.4 ·1,4 ~o I 4-!~ IS rs:-? 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(7,,r X ( 4- 11 >_::::~;_._-V""----:- • t...., ~~io --~(; (y_¢. l -0 0 t 11 VA ~ e:.i f'l---vt7 4-& v, c;;, . t:-~ tlt? I ' :. Q. { 1 -- J.,_ f h-t l L , ~ 'I :, ' ,._; l.66t5 lA../ l &. ~ 3 ~ V'A-Mlv--~ I 14 ' ~ ,-=.-s I' l t~ J ~ ,. C, 's- r "::--~ {u 1\r-q_ BrvJ V L.-l,·N€: '( • I ~ I'). I _,.;f---1-., f-,. 1"3/,_ ( ?o + 6i)( I If,_) --. S', H "-• ?,--; ei.1ii,., y'V}-., \1, 7 'n '7,~ -; l 1· · 1 (J-v) ~ 7 I~} /~~(~) . ' J.. :. (4 I Vv~ & ( 2v f>,f t 2o fS..f) l ~) f2--:: )'2-~0 '"· fV'--:. 4-'4-t O +.,. I '-, -r 2-~-;:. t ~ (p 'A.. 4--4-,t , '· . -i • ()':>6°' L.v £, X r ~ fV\.vt,l.-4'--~ l .S ' .. _ :r --?J-,o, ~ .... ·' F-V1 . ' ,. e-= ~1 fr(P~) -=..' )4-p!.+(J½ )( ¥+-+)-_ ,707?i$ l,, r,.r~,,~J ""'"J<o f'!.~("'½)(~t4')"' 'p·h'2-11 '7,,,- '2 •.$ / '2, I -I Pr :F 'I-'! l+ ! ~ ,.,-,...; _ bl (,-;.-f (_ "'/2 ) ( ~ -t'I) -:: I ) ?./31 JJ, ~ ( ~, v<) -9> f S.,/ e k X ~ -f 4) --I ~ 85'} (l, --1-,r ..., ,..1 ~-_'.:) . II ,., I .:::, v'tM/ > ( ~ t t) (J_2--~-F-) ~ I r,,:s }7; · 6~s 0 '-~ TH-AT (:::"o~ ~N/.:li\-'( 0/ 0 r r' ,, vJ I ¼1,,1, . ' GNR Engineering, Inc. 2240 Vineyard Ave. Escondido, CA 92029 RISA-2D (R) Version 3.00 Job -----Page Date ____ _ ============================================================================ Units Option . us Standard . AISC Code Checks . 9th Edition ASD . Shear Deformation: No P-Delta Effects . No . Redesign . No . Edge Forces . No . A.S.I.F. 1.333 Node .Boundary Conditions No X-Coord Y-Coord X-dof Y-dof Rotation Temp. -----------(ft}--------(ft)-----(in,K/in)----(in,K/in)---(r,K-ft/r)~----(F)- 1 0.00 0.00 R R 0.00 2 o.oo 11.50 o.oo 3 0.00 14.00 R 0.00 4 0.00 26.00 0.00 5 0.00 28.50 R 0.00 6 0.00 30.50 0.00 Material Elastic Poisson's Thermal· Weight Yield Stress Label . Modulus Ratio Co'ef ficient Density ( Fy) ---------------(Ksi)-----------------------(F)--------(K/ft3)------(Ksi)---- ? 3122.00 0.30000 0.65000 0.490 36.000 Section Database Matl. Area Moment of As y/y Label Shape Set Inertia Coef -------------------------------------· (inA2)---· -----(inA4)----------------- ? . ? 1.00 1.000 1.20 ----------------------------------------------------------·------------------I J I Releases J End offsets No Node Node Section x y z x y z Sec Sway I J Length ------------------------------------------------------(in)----(in)------(ft) 1 1 -2 ? 11. 50 2 2 -3 ? 2. 50 3 3 -4 ? 12. 00 4 4 -5 ? 2. 50 5 5 -6 ? 2. 00 : . GNR Engineering, Inc. 2240 Vineyard Ave. Escondido, CA 92029 RISA-2D (R) Version 3.00 •. Job -----Page ____ _ Date ----- ' =========================================================================-=- I J Unbraced Lengths K Factors Bending Coefs No Node Node Lb-in Lb-out Le In Out Cm Cb --------------------(ft)-----(ft)-----(ft)---------------------------------- 1 1 -2 2 2 -3 3 3 -4 4 4 ·-5 5 5 -6 Nodal BLC No. 1 2 3 4 Loads, dead live seis live BLC 1 Basic Load Case Description roof floor . dead . . . Load Totals Nodal Point Dist. ") ~ 1 5 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Node Number Global X Global Y Moment ------------------------(K)------------------(K}------------------(K-ft)---- 3 0.000 13.230 0.000 5 0.000 3.030 1.500 Nodal Loads, BLC 2 : live roof Node Number Global X Global Y Moment ------------------------(K)------------------(K)------------------(K-ft)---- 5 0.000 3.470 1.740 Member Distributed Lo~ds,BLC 3: seis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Memb I J Start End Start End No Node Node Dir Magnitude Magnitude Location Location -------------------------(K/ft,F)-----(-K/ft,F)---------(ft)---------(ft)---- 1 1 -2 X 0.110 0.110 0.000 11.500 2 2 -3 X o·.110 0.110 0.000 2.500 3 3 -4 X 0.110 0.110 0.000 12.000 4 4 -5 X 0~110 0.110 0.000 2.500 5 5 -6 X 0.110 0.110 0.000 2.000 . ~ GNR Engineering, Inc. 2240 Vineyard-Ave. Escondido, CA 92029 RISA-2D (R) version 3.00 Job -----Page ____ _ Date ----- ============================================================================· Nodal Loads, BLC 4 : live floor Node Number Global X Global Y Moment ------------------------(K)------------------(K)------------------(K-ft)---- 3 0.000 . 10.850 5.425 Load Combination No. Description Self wt" BLC BLC BLC BLC BLC Dir Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae W E DYNA S V 1 dead:+-live 1 -1 2 -1 4 -1 2 ·dead+flrlive+Seis 1 -1 3 1 4 -1 3 D+Flr Live+Seis-1 -1 3 -1 4 -1 Dynamic Analysis Data Number of modes (frequencies) 3 Basic Load Case for masses : None Acceleration of Gravity 32.20 Load Combination is 1: dead+live Nodal Displacements . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Node Global X Global Y Rotation ---------------------(in)------------.----(in) ·---------------(rad)--------- 1 -0.00000 -0.00000 0.20835 2 -9.35163 -1.35171 -0.21339 3 -0.00000 -1.64556 -0.41669 4 -5~06634 -1.94537 -0.02667 5 0.00000 -2.00783 -0.33338 6 8.00122 -2.00783 -0.33338 Load Combination is 1 Spring Reactions dead+live --------------------------------------------------------·------------------- Node Global X Global Y Moment ----------------------(K)------------------(K)---------------(K-ft)--------- 1 0.13828 30.58000 0.00000 3 0.32580 0.00000 0.00000 5 -0.46408 0.00000 0.00000 Totals -0.00000 30.58000 0.00000 GNR Engineering, Inc. 2240 Vineyard Ave. Escondido, CA 92029 RISA-2D (R) Version 3.00 ' . Job -----Page ____ _ Date ----- ====================================================================--==---- Load Combination is 1 : dead+live Member End Forces Nodes ==========I-End========== ========== J-End ========== No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------(K-ftj-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 30.58 -0.14 -o;oo -30.58 0.14 -1.59 2 2-3 j0.58 -0.14 · 1~59 -30.58 0.14 -1.94 3 3-4 6.50 -0.46 -3.'49 -6.50 0.46 -2.08 4 4-5 6.50 -0.46 2.-08 -6.50 0.46 -3 Load Combination is 2: Dead+flrlive+Seis Member End Forces ,. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Nodes ==========I-End========== ========== J-End ========== No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 21.11 o.40 -o~oo -21.11 o.86 -2.62 2 2-3 27.11 -0.86 2~62 --27.11 1.14 -5.12 3 3-4 3.03 0.66 -0:31 -3.03 0.66 0.28 4 4-5 3.03 -0.66 -0.28 -3.03 0.94 -1.72 5 5-6 o.oo 0.22 0.22 o.oo -0.00 o.oo Load Combination is 2 Spring Reactions Dead+flrlive+S$iS ---------------------------------------. ------------------------------------ ·Node . Global X Global Y Moment ----------------------(K)---------------,. -(K)---------------(K-ft)--------- 1 . -0.40448 27.11000 0.00000 3 .-1.79317 0.00000 0.00000 5 -1.15735 0.00000 0.00000 Totals -3.35500 27.11000 0.00000 GNR Engineering, Inc. 2240 Vineyard Ave. Escondido, CA 92029 RISA-2D (R) Version 3.00 , , . Job -----Page Date ____ _ ============================================================================ Load Combination is 3 : D+Flr Live+Seis- Member End Forces Nodes ==========.I-End========== ========== J-End ========== No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---~-----------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 27.11 -0.74 0.00 -27.11 -0.52 -1.29 2 2-3 27.11 0.52 1.29 ·-21.11 -0.80 0.36 3 3-4 3.03 -1.28 -5.79 -3~03 -0.04 -1.71 4 4-5 3.0~ 0.04 1.71 -3.03 -0.31 -1.28 5 5-6 0.00 -0.22 -0.22 0.00 0.00 -0.00 Load Combination is 3 Spring Reactions. D+Flr Live+Seis- Node Global X qiob~l Y Moment ----------------------(K)---------------_--(K)-----------_--(K-ft)--------- 1 0.74427 27.11000 0.00000 3 2.08049 0.00000 0.00000 5 0.53024 0.00000 0.00000 Totals 3.35500 27.11000 0.00000 . . \ 1,,- ?,. 17- < -== 21. II k.. <I) 1<... L jl.. '\_p,L_ '"3,o4 t (!),2.17 -[b 19 f, ~ L. c... • --l O , BS 1 -- ~N' ~T(v[G ~~ [A f)~ ~P.t? Dv c fLJ ½_.;:,.. .... ._ '-"T, -;.. "j[ f'.S~ (l'-·5)(4) -t-7'(q Jfs..f)(,Z,,/2_).,, 1'2-. 4 "'· ~ -ETu,utv, 2 t:,· I . 14-' ~ --, lZ. -- pt t"12--.,,I ~ 9', ! I \ i m 9'4 Ttt~ ?,AN-a_ -:e:::, ,~T 1z-~oP- -Sb6=. CA,_~~ 1bfr-.r ~ r-dl,, ~-""L..., . _, HOROWITZ TAYLOR ENGINEERING ·3g14 MURPHY CANYON RD. #AlOO SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-4383 FAX (619) 560-8842 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANET, STRIP DESIGN Description: PANEL AT LINE 1 (4' WIDE) FIRST FLOOR WALL Wall Data Vertical = 14.00 ft Uniform Dead Load = 0.00 ft Uniform Live Load Loads = 7175.0 # = 2700.0 # Title: Scope: Job#: Designer: Misc: Date: 11/05/98 Page: Lateral Loads Point Lateral Load = 0.0 # ... Height from Base = 0.00 ft Wall Height Parapet Height Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Wall: ZICp Parapet: Z!Cp = 9.25 in ..... Ecc. = 2.00 in (this is a Wind Load) # 5 (this is a Wind Load) Uniform Lateral Load = 0.0 plf Min. Allow Defl Ratio Fixity% Used@ Base Seismic Zone = = = -= = = 18.00 in 0.300 0.300 150.000 0.0 % 4 Material Data Concentric Dead Load = Concentric Live Load = Concrete Weight = 0.0 # Distance to Bottom = 0.00 ft 0.0 # Distance to Top = 0.00 ft (this is a Wind Load) 150.000 pcf Wind Load = 42.00 psf Summary f I C = 3000 psi -----Using: UBC Sec. 2614(i) method ... Exact, Non-Iterated----- Fy = 60000 psi Phi = 0.90 Min. Vert Steel % = 0.0020 }~ Min. Vert Steel % = 0.0012 % Max. Vertical Spacing = 16.76 in Max. Horizontal = 18.00 in 'd' : Depth To Steel = 7.25 in M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu@ Mid-Height Mu@ Top of Wall Allow Axial Stress Actual Axial Stress Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal €1.0128 % Wall Weight = 115.63 psf Maximum Service Deflection Effective Strip Width = 48.00 in Ht/Service Defl Ratio Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic P.arapet Wt Used Space bars@ base of parapet at = = = = Seismic 670007. 0 in-# 163303.6 in-# '80356.8 in-# 120.0 psi 96.3 psi 0.0024 % 0.026 in 6360 :1 = 16.8 in Wind 597767. 1 in-:# 165167. 9 in-# 87806.5 in-# 120.0 psi 96.3 psi 0.0024 0.029 in 5803 :1 ·16.8 in Factored Load Stresses , Service Load Deflections Seismic Wind Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta = 0.03i in 0.035 in Basic Mu w/o P-Delta = 104350.7 in-#114521.3 in-# Moment in Excess of Mer = 163303.6 in-#165167.9 in-# Max. Iterated Deflection = 1.047 in 1.146 in Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta = Basic Moment w/o P-Delta = Moment in Excess of Mer = Max. Iterated Deflection= Seismic 0.026 in 89851.6 in-# 132528.2 in-# 0.026 in 132528.2 in-# Wind 0.029 in 96786.8 in-# 140763. 8 in-# 0.029 in 140763.8-in-# Max. Iterated Moment = 163303.6 in-#165167.9 in-# Max. Iterated Moment = --Load Factors Used - AC! 9-1 & 9-2 DL = 1.40 AC! 9-1 & 9-2 LL = 1 . 70 AC! 9-1 & 9-2 ST = 1.70 .... Seismic= ST = 1.10 AC! 9-2 Group Factor = 0.75 AC! 9-3 Dead Load Fact = 0.90 AC! 9-3 Short Term = 1.30 UBC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Fact<:R" 1.40 UBC 2625(c)4 110.911 FactC:R" 0.90 Analysis Values E :57,000*(f'cA.5) = 3122019 psi n : 29,000/Ec = 9.29 . Fr: 5 * (f'cA.5) = 273.86 psi Ht / Thk Ratio = ·]8.16 As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) J / Fy= 'a'= (As*Fy + Pu) /C.85*f'c*12) = 'c'= 'a' / .85 = Moment of Inertia Modification Facter !~gross = I-cracked = I-effective (AC!) = Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor = Mn= As(eff) * Fy * ( d -a/2) = S-gross Mer= S * Fr Rho balanced Seismic 1.824 in2 0.894 in 1.052 in 1.00 3165.8 inA4 669.5 inA4 0.0 inA4 0.90 744452 in-# Software (c) 1983-94 ENERCALC Engineering Softw~re = 684.5 inA3 = 187458.0 in-# 0.0214 Wind 1.615 in2 0. 792 in 0.931 in 1.00 3165.8 inA4 611.9 inA4 0.0 in-4 0.90 664186 in-# Licensed to: SRN: . . ~ L.-A-x t p.. ,._ LG,;) 'O t'o.,r-: 3'2.( I~ p~t-) u..' ..:_ 2. ~ .'-. t.4-"' ( V. t.--) 31, ( l t-p~~) ( U) _; 1----SI' l ~ · L--~ 1.v-_~_l,...._L-_~---'11~ --7( 7n.,,1)l "½)+ 4-(7s)(J1')-t 4(111o)u~~ 1(147/'-J FL-oofZ-: le. ~ 7.1, 4 l~. j>,. L ~ -) 1 ( G:.~ fs,:f) (. I;,) ~ 2.. "'~ I '-· °f ". L~ L_ ., 3 '2.. (_sv ~ ~ l! ,)-:--2-~ )4, S'=, 1£- ~o.-,~. ,bo, I . ) '2- ti ,, Fa f<!.. 4 ' ? i-e/2-) -/ 0 r 4 ? )( ¾ ~,k-t,c 11 =-\\.1g I rt L(S!;;" 11 l'{-~ Pf:-r---r c:7...-t;.::. ' fn l--{~i' ( ,sr,.-1) ( u') ] ~ -"I 4 i.- f L-.L.-,. C,,'f-(~) ,,.._ 7 .-li (__:;:. -• .)> /J -f I e/ ~ V,;.,e:«. ,. ?>~ <" (", ?, / o/ J = ~ /0, / ~ L-a N s L. t ...I'lc. I (__ ~ ' '-" l t/),£ p I>"" ,c;:_ "'\....) (2N() FL£-wA'-<-) · fr Da,.o a \4--p,~ (. .-,,/4) (? -t<l-}-.3•36 1' f;. L "" • l 0 f" + ( '? ½) (¥ t 4) ~ 3 4-1 '2. I b /,) fl ~-;..&-; HOROWITZ TAYLOR ENGINEERING Title: , > 3914 MURPHY CANYON RD. #AlOO Scope: SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 Job#: (619) 560-4383 Designer: FAX (619) 560-8842 Misc: Date: 11/05/98 Page: TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN Description : PANEL AT LINE 11 E·11 ( 4' WIDE PIER) SECOND FLOOR WALL Wall Data Wall Height Parapet Height Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Wall: ZICp Parapet: ZICp Min. Allow Defl Ratio Fixity% Used@ Base Seismic Zone = = = # = = = = = = 16.00 ft 0.00 ft 6.00 in 5 18.00 in 0.300 0.300 150.000 0.0 % 4 Material Data f I C = 3000 psi Fy = 60000 psi Phi = 0.90 Min. Vert Steel % = 0.0020 % Min. Vert Steel % = 0.0012 % Max. Vertical Spacing = 18.00 in Vertical Loads ----Lateral Loads Uniform Dead Load = 2350.0 # Point Lateral Load = 0.0 # Uniform Live Load = 1875.0 # ... Height from Base = 0.00 ft ..... Ecc. = 6.00 in (this is a Wind Load) (this is a Wind Load) Uniform Lateral Load = 56.3 P.l f Concentric Dead Load = o.o·u Distance to Bottom 12.00 ft Concentric Live Load = 0.0 # Distance to Top = 16.00 ft (this is a Wind Load) Concrete Weight = 1_50.000 pcf Wind Load = 42.00 psf Summary Using: UBC Sec. ,,2614(i) method ... Exact, Non-Iterated----- Seismic Wind M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu@ Mid-Height Mu@ Top of Wall Allow Axial Stress = = = = 277299. 4 in-# 260920. 3 in-# 144631.5 in-# 139426.2 in-# 78956.8 in-# 59217.6 in-# 120.0 psi 120.0 psi Max. Horizontal = 18.00 in Actual Axial Stress = 41.0 psi 41.0 psi 'd' : Depth To Steel = 4.93 in Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal !L0128 % 0.0035 ;; 0.0035 Wall Weight = 75.00 psf Maximum Service Deflection = 0.253 in 0.399 in Effective Strip Width = 48.00 in Ht/Service Defl Ratio = 759 :1 482 :1 Live Load Doesn't act w/Short Term Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars@ base of parapet at = 18.0 in 18.0 in Factored Load Stresses Service Load Deflections Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment Seismic Wind = 0.162 in 0.168 in = 118193.7 in-#114492.8 in-# = 144631.5 in-#139426.2 in-# = 1 . 965 in 2. 063 in = 144631.5 in-#139426.2 in-# Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta = Basic Moment w/o P-Dalta = Moment in Excess of Mer = Max. Iterated Deflection= Max. Iterated Moment = Seismic 0.116 in 84424. 0 in-# 96315.7 in-# 0.253 in 96315. 7 in-# \,Jind 0.140 in 95769.8 in-# 110287. 7 in-# 0.399 in 110287. 7 in-# -Load Factors ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL Used-Analysis Values ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST = .... Seismic= ST = ACI 9-2 Group Factor = ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact = ACI 9-3 Short Term = UBC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Facte:r UBC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Facte:r 1.40 1. 70 1. 70 1.10 0.75 0.90 1.30 1.40 0.90 E :57,000*(f1c·_5) = 3122019 psi S-gross n : 29,000/Ec = 9.29 Mer = S * Fr Fr: 5 * (f' c· .5) = 273.86 psi Rho balanced Ht / Thk Ratio = 32.00 Seismic As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) ,] / Fy= 1.102 in2 'a'= (As*Fy + Pu) /(.85*f'c*12) = 0.540 in 1 c·' = ' a ' / . 85 = 0. 636 in Moment of Inertia Modification Facter 1.00 I-gross = 864.0 in·4 I-cracked = 192.9 in·4 I-effective (ACI) = 0.0 in·4 Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor· = 0.90 Mn = As(eff) *. Fy * ( d -a/2 ) = 308110 in-# Software (c) 1983-94 ENERCALC Engineering Software = = 288.0 in·3 78872.0 in-# 0.0214 Wind 1.033 in2 0.506 in 0.596 in 1.00 864.0 in·4 183. 7 in·4 0.0 in·4 0.90 289911 in-# Licensed to: SRN: . . HOROWITZ TAYLOR ENGINEERING ·3~14 MURPHY CANYON RD. #AlOO SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-4383 FAX (619) 560-8842 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN Description: PANEL AT LINE 1 (4' WIDE) SECOND FLOOR WALL ----Wall Data Vertical = 16.00 ft Uniform Dead Load = 0.00 ft Uniform Live Load Loads = = Title: Scope: Job#: Designer: Misc: Date: 11/05/98 Page: Lateral Loads 759.5 # Point Lateral Load = 0.0 # 868.0 # ... Height from Base = 0.00 ft Wall Height Parapet Height Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Wall: ZICp Parapet: ZICp = 6.00 in ..... Ecc. = 6.00 in (this is a Wind Load) # 5 (this is a Wind Load) Uniform Lateral Load = 56.3plf = 18.00 in Concentric Dead Load = 0.0 # Distance to Bottom = 12.00ft Min. Allow Defl Ratio Fixity.% Used@ Base Seismic Zone = = = = = 0.300 0.300 150.000 0.0 % 4 -Material Data Concentric Live Load = Concrete Weight = 0.0 # Distance to Top = 16.00 ft (this is a Wind Load) 1_50.000 pcf Wind Load = 42.00 psf Summary f'c = 3000 psi -----Using: UBC Sec. 2614(i) method ... Exact, Non-Iterated----- Fy = 60000 psi Seismic Wind 234162.5 in-# 103283.0 in-# 19138.6 in-# 120. 0 psi 18. 9 psi 0.0035 0.133 in 1448 :1 Phi = 0.90 Min. Vert Steel % = 0.0020 % Min. Vert Steel % = 0.0012 % Max. Vertical Spacing = 18.00 in Max. Horizontal = 18.00 in 'd' : Depth To Steel = 4. 93 in M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu@ Mid-Height Mu@ Top of Wall · Allow Axial Stress Actual Axial Stress Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal €l.0128 % = = = = = Wall Weight = 75.00 psf Maximum Service Deflection 241819.9 in-# 93904. 9 in-# 25518.2 in-# 120.0 psi 18. 9 psi 0.0035 % 0.083 in Effective Strip Width = 48.00 in Ht/Service Defl Ratio = 2322 :1 Live Load Doesn't act w/Short Term Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at = 18.0 in 18.0 in Factored Load Stresses Service Load Deflections Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment = = = = = --Load Factors Used - ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL = 1.40 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL = 1. 70 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST = 1. 70 .... Seismic= ST = 1.10 ACI 9-2 Group Factor = 0.75 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact = 0. 90 ACI 9-3 Short Term = 1.30 UBC 2625(c)4 111.411 FactG'r 1.40 UBC 2625(c)4 110.911 FactG'r 0.90 Seismic Wind 0.116 in 0.133 in 80275. 8 in-# 92072. 8 in-# 93904. 9 i n-#103283. 0 in-# 1. 915 in 1.966in 93904. 9 i n-#103283. 0 in-# Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta = Basic Moment w/o P-Delta = Moment in Excess of ·Mer = Max. Iterated Deflection= Max. Iterated Moment = ------------Analysis Values E :57,000*(f1c·_5) = 3122019 psi S-gross n : 29,000/Ec = · 9.29 · Mer= S * Fr Fr: 5 * (f1c·.s) = 273.86 psi Rho balanced Ht / Thk Ratio = 32.00 Seismic As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) ·] / Fy= 0.954 in2 'a' = (As*Fy + Pu) /(.85*f'c*12) = 0.467 in 1c1= 1a 1 / .85 = 0.550 in Moment of Inertia Modification Facter 1.00 Seismic 0.083 in 57339. 9 in-# 63821. 7 in-# .0.083 in 63821. 7 in-# = = Wind 0.107 in 73941.4 in-# 80857. 4 in-# 0.133 in 80857. 4 in-# 288.0 in·3 78872. 0 in-# 0.0214 Wind 0.922 in2 0.452 in 0.532 in I-gross = 864.0 in·4 1.00 864.0 in·4 168.1 in·4 0.0 in·4 0.90 260181 in-# I-cracked = 172.6 in·4 I-effective CACI) = 0.0 in·4 Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor = 0.90 Mn = As(eff) * Fy * ( d -a/2 ) = 268689 in-# Software (c) 1983-94 ENERCALC Engineering Software Licensed to: SRN: ---;o 9G¼p C,. ~ 3, l 1',,')-,..-=:. 31. (1/4 )-. 83-'Z--·h. --i..----;;, Puz.,!. l,L_, 0,J..~--J}s. ]1.. {s-~) -.. {-'=,(.4--~<1: f) ~ :.. 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(l.. ) vu2 14-·.~1 -?... 4'7 {+). i. g l + -- t" L-2- L.-!1 • e ~~::J½ . [ s,,-,, -I. I (~]__;;s-'27o / ,/ ~~~'2--~ L---1...J~ £' s1,2-5"" ,, 1'7 -.: Cf o ~ '?~-12... '";::)ZO' Fi-?-~(_,.,)1,,,=917 7 / U ~le:: ~? J• ,>'T(i,vL ,r- , I ,y(oJ -:;:, Ce' V cA,Lo----.: ~21:) t-<--? f '' / ? (I?' \ I . "'?, ( I I ,X) -I,<> i ( 1 B) J .:_ h = o/¼ j I L-4- u.) C: '-?i, ,, S::tfl,,Jt.-..r '/( 0 ~ ~ 'ZZz._ > \r.~4r-----~· u)c. 15/~-,_ Ym~--.r /!oJ ~ 4'· V&Z4--~ 4~ J - IJ6t.-"-' tJ or=-£ J ~ P 1 ~1-i ~ 5' r ::-~ { ~ ~ ~ -=-O, 4-(_\,Q)(-1s) (r~r.s.-0 ~ 1/2. 5 /5.' ' Lat>-<) Tu ~~I ---;;:, t' --( IS/z_, +3) ~'1r·~ c~J--\ ?SJo L;, 1 ;-o l I~:,,~ -:;) r, I I? f-\"1>1.,C- ,b--r-.f'-1-{-.. L-oP.P -::::-2$_?;5 i~ cJJE:. fp,.._ "2-&-:::) t/-0•)4,,,., "1 · I th/ .?8 3,5 ( ~) +'2. .;.. ti -; 'j '61 ~ '2.-f1 ~_s-( 3) -_ 6 . ; "- __ j ~ 'bi-' "1 I , I ( I at,½ ) :: \ 4--t:, 1. •i./ ' . -... I s. 4, /C'" u S,E: 2-#S- C...7ov9 M-,'fl---JZ (. b11--I 9. 6 ~. t I P..t..l..<.M) !, ttc~ ~ '2.-2,.-,C,..,r-,.. ,.<..'2..., t'' TZ,)TP,1-j)ic'f,/-r) L-T~ v..1,, Cc y,J L. ·-::: l, ~/, > I.-~~~ C)., ~ ' 2 ,~ ~ CJ, /t--, 'Fza... ~ ~,rvr--. , j3:,, ..( ~MP~~ '-1.l In\ /Ze.,., F ~ • ( S~ ~ 'iU~t... Z,f'N? n_.oi:J(2-Fz--Y2--c.€,. -1,, ( L )C, 0 4) t (~ or ~ ~) J I z? "'7.-.8& ,,,__ f\ P2. - Geotechnical • Geologic O Environmental 5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 The Blackmore Company 1530 Faraday Avenue, Suite 170 Carlsbad, California 92008 September 30, 1999 Attention Ms. Colleen Blackmore W.O. 2472-S-SC Subject: Interim Compaction Report, Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 103, Carlsbad, California References: 1. "Grading and Foundation Plan Review, Lot 103, Carlsbad Research Center, Carlsbad, California," W.O. 2472-A-SC, dated March 11, 1999, by GeoSoils, Inc. Gentlemen, 2. "Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation, Lot 103 of Carlsbad Research Center, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California," W.O. 2472-A-SC, dated August 17, 1998, by GeoSoils, Inc. Grading and processing of original ground within the building pad area was observed and selectively tested by a representative of GeoSoils, Inc. during the earthwork phase of development for the subject property. The work performed to date is in general conformance with the recommendations contained in our referenced reports, and with the grading ordinance of the City of Carlsbad, California. Field testing indicates that fills placed under the purview of this report have been compacted to a minimum 90 percent relative compaction. A final compaction report of rough grading and improvements construction, including observations and testing results for rough grading, utilities and driveway/parking areas, is forthcoming. Since our study is based upon observations and selective testing, the conclusions presented herein are professional opinions. These opinions have been derived in accordance with current standards of practice and no warranty is expressed or implied. Standards of practice are subject to change with time. GeoSoils, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for work, testing or recommendations performed or provided by others. The ~pportunity to be of service is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions concerning this report or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact any of the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, GeoSoils, Inc. . Robert G. Crisman Project Geologist, CEG 19 RGC/DWS/mo Distribution: (2) Addressee (2) Reno Contracting, Mr. Bill Becket The Blackmore Company Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 103 File:e:\wp7\2400\2472b.icr GeoSoils,. Inc. W.O. 2472-B-SC September 30, 1999 Page2 • Geotechnical • Geologic • Environmental 5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 March 11 , 1999 W.O. 2472-A-SC The Blackmore Company 12626 High Bluff Drive, Suite 440 San Diego, California 92130 Attention: Mr. Allen Blackmore Subject: Grading and Foundation Plan Review, Lot_ 103, Carlsbad Research Center, Carlsbad, California References: 1) Preliminary geotechnical evaluation, Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 103 Carlsbad, California, W.O. 2472-A-SC, dated August 17, 1998, by GeoSoils, Inc. Dear Sir: 2) Foundation plans, notes and details, Carlsbad Research Center-Lot 103; sheets S-1 through S-7, sheets SD-1 through SD-5, dated January 13, 1999, by Smith Consulting Architects:- 3) Grading plans for lot 103, Carlsbad Research Center, 1" = 30' scale, sheet 1 and sheet 2, undated, by San Dieguito Engineering. In accordance with your request, GeoSoils, Inc., (GSI) has reviewed the 1" = 301 scale Grading Plans and Grading Plan Notes ($heets 1 and 2), prepared by San Dieguito Engineering (undated); and the Foundation Plans, Details and Notes (Sheets S-1 through S-7, and SD-1 through SD-5) prepared by Smith Consulting Architects. The following comments and/or additional recommendations are based on our review of the referenced plans and a review of our referenced geotechnical report. Grading Plans Based on our review of Sheet 1 and Sheet 2, it appears that the plans and notes have been derived in general accordance with recommendations provided by this office. Foundation Plans Based on our review it appears that the plans, notes and details have been derived in general, accordance with recommendations provided by this office. The opportunity to. be of service is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions concerning this report or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact any of the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, GeoSoils, Inc., ~ Robert G. Crisman Project Geologist, CEG 1 BV/RGC/mo Enclosure: Appendix- Distribution: (4) Addressee The Blackmore Company Lot 103, CRC File:e:\wp7\2400\2472a.gaf Reviewed by, GeoSoils, Ine. W.O. 2472-A-SC March 11, 1999 Page2 SEP-09-99 THU oa:21 P. 03 NON-RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE: Noo--Residential Land Owner, please read this option carefuly and be ue you throughly understand the options before sigring. The option you choose will affec.tycu-payment d the developed Spedal Tax assessed on your property. This option is available only at 1he time of the first bulcing permit issuance. Property owner signature is required before a building permit will be issued. Your signature is confirming the accuracy of all parcel and ownership information shown. Telephone Address \ b 5s=-£Ar-A04y Project Address £ypho StviJtt Te CA q~J Carlsbad CA 9200 City State Zip Code City S1ate Zip Code Assessor's Parcel Number, or APN and Lot Number if not yet subdivided. ::; B!Jfding Permit Number A:u:ited by Ordinance No. NS-155 and adopted by the City .Council of ttle City Qf Carl•d. California, the City , is auUaized to levy a special Tax in Community Facilities district No. 1. All non-residential property, upon the muance of the first blilcing permit, shall have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ONE- TIME or (2) assume the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX-DEVELOPED PROPERTY for a period not to exceed twenty. five (25) years_ Please indicate your choice by initialing the appropriate line below: OPTION (1): OPTION (2): I elect to pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX Of!E-TIME now. as a one-time payment Amount of One-Ttme Special Tax: $ ':( c:,, ZL.O . Owner's Initials ----- I elect to pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ANNUALLY fpr aJ>eriod not to exceed twenty-five years. Maximum Annual Special Tax: $ (b I CD <r9 . Owner lnitials--t:J~.,,,_.._.. · 100 HEREBY CERTIFY U DER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT'TliE UNDERSIGNED IS THE PROPERTY OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND THAT I UNDERSTAND AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS AS STATED ABOVE. . TtUe PrintN Date The City of Carlsbad has not independently verified the information shown above. Therefore. we accept no responsibility as to the accuracy or completeness-of this information. NON--RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE 'f 5{j-r(}f1't _ SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION .. (To be completed by the school district(s)) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AAAAAAAAA~AAAAA&AAA*A&AALL£AAAA~~~~~~a~Aa~*~···········•A***** SCHOOL*'DIST°RICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: Gov. Code 53080/65995 (AB 181) Gov. Code 65970 (SB 201) Project Approval Requirements Prior Existing Mitigation Agreement Note: Not Subject to fee requirements (Indicate Date and Number) Total amount of (new) area within the Building Footprint Fee Amount per Square Foot Amount Collected -Or if subject to Prior Existing Mitigation Agreement: For Detached Residential Dwelling Units or Attached Dwelling Units> 1600 Square Feet Total Number of Dwelling Units Amount per Dwelling Unit Amount Collected -and/or- For Attached and Detached Dwelling Units < 1600 square feet/ per dwelling Total Number of Dwelling Units Amount per Dwelling Unit Amount Collected SCHOOL DISTRICT: This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts determined by the information presented above and due to the School District. Payment of these amounts is a prerequisite to the issuance of a building permit. __ Ir" 1 J (1 I) Jl SIGNATURE OF SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL ~ l~arlsbad Unified School District DATE :Jo 9'7 801 Pina fl.venue TITLE • • a -· ,__-_::;. , f .a • a uorma l 3 PHONE NUMBER AssistantStt~ n/t) __ t:1-;:,11_A,-,,,.,, -S&R'ICH LU 7 J 7 · VtRo<v NOTICE OF 90 DAY PERIOD FOREST OF FEES The Carlsbad Unified School District has elected to imposed the fees and/or amounts herein upon a finding that those facilities described in the Schoo/ Impact Mitigation Fee Justification Study for Carlsbad Unified School District, prepared by David Taussig & Associates for the District. Section 66020 of the Government Code enacted as Assembly Bill 3081, set forth as Chapter 549, Statutes of the State of California, requires that this school district provide a written notice to the project applicant at the time of payment of the school fees, mitigation payments, or other exaction. This notice is to advise the project applicant that the protest period regard to such amounts or the validity thereof in accordance with Section 66020 of the Government Code and other applicable law, commences with such payment or performance of any other requirement as described in Section 66020 of the Government Code. Additionally, this notice advises that the protest thereof must occur within 90 calendar days thereafter. Revised 04/02/98 2 SEP-09-99 THU 08:22 P. 04 City of Carlsbad l;J!11 G1•1t~--Ji·ihiii,l§bl CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FEES OR OTHER MITIGATION This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project Name: n., Building Permit Plan Check Number: Project Address: A.P.N.: Project Applicant (Owner(s} Name(s)) Project Description: Building Type: Residential I "2...\2-.. \1~ · z...8 Number of New Dwelling Units Square Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling Second Dwelling Unit: Square Feet of Living Area in SOU Res. Additions: Net Square Feet New Area Comerc./ Ind.: _s_q_u_ar_e_F_ee_t-1F,,_lo_or_A_re_a __ iqqCf}J rjJ S~c_ l \. City Certification of A /\~ Date: { f Applicant's information: __.\.11-l:'.:\__.._ .. --\11,~__,.""-=;;.;;..::--..-=------~:l ...... ,,_, ~.,.,.___.\.,.....'i_,,_'\4-____ _ SCHOOL DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD * Carlsbad Unified School District 801 Pine Ave. Carlsbad CA 92009 (729-9291) Encinitas Union School District 101 South Ranch Santa Fe Rd Encinitas, CA 92024 (944-4300) San Marcos Unified School District 215 Mata Way San Marcos, CA 92069 (736-2200) San Dieguito Union High School District 710 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491) Certification of Applicant /Owners. The person executing this declaration ("Owner'') certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the informatlOn provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/ developer of the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign on behalf of the Owner. Signature: ~ J > ~/'1/91 7v (};d-71·£5/,// al F/i'"L v/ So;I.:'.> ~ sf-rv~.-(.. lc:Jc~ N./t~d . · ~<;;,hf sc;: b L/t:2~/ 7r cl!Y[ 3/11/CJCJ c.~ e, /J'Jfµ_;s · , 7 (r'-1( If -~J;,f #--:JT /4 CJ6 IL ,(uf I le/Liff. f~ ~ g/ 11 I qq (fa~E ~ Pc 1{Ylttq p LU,w? ~ f,c q11s1n-rr:r-lV -"-,; s~Nf,J1lr/J>1-se11-A ~l,Acq ~ ~~ t,J ,f 150.s-.~ ;~,J~:_;;_ ~A~ Cr ,9<:?r~<'"' \ ' ' 1 •• ', -, • ' . · · 1 • . ~ • ,~, ~-;; I ~~~b'.t"'..,'z::-.:::,r~,e,-Mr:....,~ .... , .. · __ ~ _ ,# ~ :t1..,4,-.~. ,\c .. f ' -~-...... --~.,. COMM IND INDUST Lot#: SMITH CONSUL TING ARCHITECTS 1::.P?ROWU.S Date ---·-Ccastal -- DATES 1o___ i Fronf Am:>Hcant I Applicant He~!th A~ ~ ·i , HAZ MAT FORM IND WASTE APP t;> / r r/J.o/ ~½('~7. --._ SQHOOLFE~F0RM · ~-__ -;,.,,._~'.Z'S""*" · ;-· -PLAN CORR -.--~--:---ENGRG CORR -7· ----3US UC ----;, ---·-\'!COM? ----i ·· -··---FIREPLANS = I = .. ---~~SESSOR PLANS ____ ...._ ______ C.FO 05-11-2000 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: Project Title: Applicant: PLATUS MIKE 858 793-4777 Total Fees: City of Carlsbad Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCR00069 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 1535 FARADAY AV CBAD PCR Lot#: 0 $0.00 Construction Type: NEW BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 ELECTRICAL REVISIONS Owner: $0.00 Total Payments To D~te: Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: APPROVED 04/25/2000 MDP 05/11/2000 $0.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Plan Check Revision Fee lot Ir $0.00 Inspector: ,. I, ~ ,,, ; \ t ·.; {' "I F.INAl APPROVAL Date: Clearance: _____ _ NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as 'fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previously been aiven a NOTICE similar.to this or as to which the statute of limitations has oreviouslv otherwise expired. ,,... -... DATE: 5/9/00 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad EsGil Corporation 2n Partnersliip witfi (jovernment for '13uiUing Safety PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-520 rev2 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1535 Faraday Ave. SET:I D APPLICANT ~ D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE 'PROJECT NAME: The Blackmore Company Lot 103 Electrical Revision cg] The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved .and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: ) Mail Telephone Fax In Person [Zj REMARKS: PCR00069 By: David Yao Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC Telephone #: Fax#: Enclosures: original approved plan 4/27 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 >· • • Carlsbad 99-520 rev2 5/9/00 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-520 rev2 PREPARED BY: David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS: 1535 Faraday Ave. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: BUILDING BUILDING AREA VALUATION PORTION (Sq.Ft.) MULTIPLIER electrical rev. / Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE DATE: 5/9/00 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: I VALUE ($) D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee O Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 108.94 I Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only ~ Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgi'I Plan Review Fee: $ 87.15 Comments: 1 hr Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5100 SEE M6RE REVISIONS SCANNED SEPARATELY PCR OOCb1.J