HomeMy WebLinkAbout1535 FARADAY AVE; ; CB993795; Permit12/10/1999 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: Project Title: Applicant: City of Carlsbad Retaining Wall Permit Permit No:CB993795 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 438-3101 1535 FARADAY AV CBAD RETAIN Lot#: 0 $12,000.00 Construction Type: NEW SPEC BUILDING 1000 SF RETAINING WALL Status: ISSUED Applied: 10/15/1999 Entered By: MDP Plan Approved: 12/10/1999 lnspe~f~~8 JWi1J)}ij9 &01 01 C-PRMT RENO CONTRACTING Total Fees: $14~.48 Clearance: _____ _ NOTICE: ease take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which ou have reviousl been iven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has reviousl otherwise ex ired. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 02 142-48 ) PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUllDfNG DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 MSftlfJl'I I'~# '212 • (?.O · 2. 111,me FAX NO. 000 0000 P.02/02 P. 02 ---·--·--------i,..._ __ l'OR OFACE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO. C/Cf->rt~ /1.. ~ o v ES'T. VAL.--...... --------'--Plan Ck. Depoait ___ 1-,,1111;.__ __ -'-_ Vaffdated By ________ -+-D111e. ____________ ~_ !\-~::.~----';~ 6) Stitt llc:anff 11 _______ _ ~-si~~~~~~ ... ~-.l~~~i'.)t~~~~.~~·wr~'· _.. C"11!e,eMittion Oei:l.,.tial; t '*9hy lffirlfl llfflfet penaftv Df ~ 11M af the following dc=-:atioM. I htV• Inf will ll\1itlr.in. ~ rtf C!Onnll'C M fflf-inM• for w--' G0""9l1HIIIIII -~ 11v Slctiort '.4100 of ..... Lll>ar eo., fOr ffll pffiaffl\lm:e WOIII fe, which thfa PlfflM ls lnuwd. 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Contt~• UelnM Law 11-not "'" to 1111 0wnet et~ ..,t,o b,,,llda • ~ lll«HI!, Ind~ fOf lllldl projlet1 with -*"-*'1•1 n-i.td --to"'• c--r'• uc_. 1..9w). Cl I am 111-,,,t "11W hClion _____ •~ ltlfl Ptofwel-Cvdlt ,.,, thltl ,.....,.t 1. I !lfflonall-, .,_,, ~ p,0111• the melor IBllar w,........ fOI' ~ Of Vie DretHISff Pl'ONl't'I mi,,.,.,_,i_ C vu C)No 2. 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Uniform •IJlll!lnt Cede). ..J: Am.lC~N't'8St<5NA"t1Jfll! -====¾-~ l-k<.-<.----DATE 10(\~S 7 WHIT'E: I'll, YaLOW~ AODIIAl!t fl!HIC, "'-- City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 6/6/2000 Permit# CB993795 Inspector Assignment: TP --- Title: SPEC BUILDING Description: 1000 SF RETAINING WALL Type: RETAIN Sub Type: Job Address: Suite: Location: 1535 FARADAY AV Lot APPLICANT RENO CONTRACTING Owner: Remarks: Total Time: CD Description 69 Final Masonry Associated PCRs Inspection History Date Description 5/31/2000 69 Final Masonry 5/30/2000 69 Final Masonry 0 Act Comments Phone: 7604382633 Inspector: L Requested By: BILL Entered By: CHRISTINE ff ________ _ Act lnsp Comments NR . TP WAITING FOR REPORTS, KEEP PERM OPEN NR TP NEED REPORTS ... EsGil Corporation 'ln Partnersliip witli (jovernment for '13uiftfing Safety DATE: 12/6/99 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-3795 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1535 Faraday Ave. PROJECT NAME: Keystone Retaining Wall SET: II D APPLICANT ~~ _____ _.., D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. ~ The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list /d should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D ·· The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil , Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person [8J REMARKS: 1. Please see 99-3794 for the required plans and calculation. 2. City to approve the special inspection program. '¥Jc~ By: David Yao Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC log trnsmU.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 .. Geotechnical O Geologic O Environmental 5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 ,1 ;-7 r r,t;;>J'l.CP"'J: The Blackmore Company 1530 Faraday Avenue, Suite 170 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Ms. Colleen Blackmore June 2, 2000 W.O. 2472-C/D/E/F-SC Subject: FinaL Compaction Report for Backfill of Water Line Trench, Storm Drain Trench, Sewer Trench, Retaining Wall, and Subgrade and Base Testing, Lot 103 of Carlsbad Research Center, San Diego County, California Reference: "Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation, Lot 103 of Carlsbad Research Center," W.O. 2472-A-SC, dated August 17, 1998, by GeoSoils, Inc. Dear Ms. Blackmore: This report presents a summary of the geotechnical engineering observation and testing services provided by GeoSoils, Inc. (GSI) for the water line trench backfill, storm drain trench backfill, sewer trench backfill, retaining wall footing and backfill, and subgrade and base testing for the subject site. This report covers only the water line trench, storm drain trench, sewer trench, retaining wall footing and backfill, subgrade, and base tested by GSI from October 8, 1999, through March 2, 2000. UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL Native onsite soils were used as backfill for the water, storm drain, and sewer line trenches, The required compaction was achieved by mechanical means. The minimum compaction required was 90 percent of the laboratory standard (ASTM D-1557). · . RETAINING WALLS Native onsite soils were used as backfill for the retaining walls. The required compaction was achieved by mechanical means. The minimum compaction required was 90 percent of the laboratory standard (ASTM D-1557). Retaining Wall Footing Observations Footing excavations for the retaining wall were observed by a representative of GSI, upon request of the contractor. All observed excavations appear to be in conformance with our recommendations. Wall construction, in general, appeared to be in conformance with the approved construction plans. SUBGRADE TESTING The exposed subgrade was tested to a depth of 12 inches. Our tests indicate that the subgrade materials meet or exceed the minimum requirement of 95 percent relative compaction of the laboratory staridard {ASTM D 1557) for streets and parking lots. BASE TESTING The exposed base was tested per recommendations of GSI report dated August 17, 1998. Our tests. indicate that the subgrade materials meet or exceed the minimum requirement of 95 percent relative compaction of the laboratory standard {ASTM D 1557) for streets and drive approaches. FIELD TESTING 1 . Field density tests were performed using nuclear densometer ASTM test methods D-2922 and D-3017 and sand-cone A$TM test method ASTM D-1556. The test .results are presented in the attached Table 1. 2. Field density tests were taken at periodic intervals and random locations to check the compactive efforts provided by the contractor. Where test results ·indicated a less than the·required minimum compaction, the contractor was notified and the area was reworked until the required minimum relative cqmpaction was achieved for ~ach respective are~. · 3. Visual classification of the soil in the field was the basis for determining the maximum density value to use for a given density test. LABORATORY TESTING The laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for each of the major soil types were determined according to test method ASTM D-1557. The following table presents the results: The Blackmore Company Lot 103, Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2472cef.fcr GeoSoils, Ine. W.O. 2472-C/D/E/F-SC June 2, 2000 Page2 Soil Type Maximum Dry Density Optimum Moisture (pcf) Content (percent) A -Sandy Clay, Brown 117.0 14.5 B -Class II Base 138.0 7.5 C -Class II Base 139.5 6.5 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE Placement of compacted backfills under the purview of this report have been completed using the observation and selective testing services provided by representatives of GeoSoils, Inc. Earthwork was performed in general compliance with the Grading Code of City of Carlsbad, California. Our findings were made in conformance with generally accepted professional engineering practices, and no further warranty is implied or rnade. GSI assumes no responsibility or liability for work, testing, or recommendations performed or provided by others: This report js subject to review by the controlling authorities for this project. CLOSURE We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. If you have any questi_ons pertaining to this report, please contact us at (760) 438-3155. · Respectfully submitted, GeoSoils, Inc. Attachment:-Table 1 -Field Density Test Results Distribution: (4) Addressee The Blackmore Company Lot 103, Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2472cef.fcr GeoSoils, Ine. W.O. 2472-C/D/E/F-SC June 2, 2000 Page3 • Table 1 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS S-1 10/08/99 EAST END E-W TRENDING SEWER FG S-2 10/08/99 NORTH END N-S TRENDING SEWER FG · S-3 10/08/99 SOUTH END N-S TRENDING SEWER FG 10/08/99 MIDDLE OF NW-SE TRENDING LINE FG RW-1 10/28/99 MIDDLE OF N'.S TRENDING WALL 154.0 RW-1 10/26/99 MIDDLE OF N-S TRENDING WALL 154.0 RW-2 10/28/99 MIDDLE OF N-S TRENDING WALL 156.0 RW-3 11/03/99 1+40 TOP 1' OF COVER RW-4 11/03/99 1+15 TOP 1' OF COVER RW-5 11/03/99 2+15 TOP 2' OF COVER RW-6 11/03/99 1+70 TOP 2' OF COVER RW-7 11/03/99 o+ao TOP 1' OF COVER RW-8 11/08/99 FINISHED SLOPE E-W TRENDING WALL, WEST END FG RW-9 11/08/99 FINISHED SLOPE E-W TRENDING WALL, EAST END FG ,o,ccxn-,. 1= ,. __ -'''" iti~~i1t)i\~~~~l(~Slt9RMiP~ltt~~£';~f~-,~~1~ cMJ: . ~--!;;'.'~ii,'£~' SD-1 11/05/99. WEST END 1 +55 -2.5 SD-2 11/05/99 WEST END 1 +50 -2.5 SD-3 11/05/99 WEST END 1 +40 -2.5 SD-4 11/08/99 WESTERN END 1 +00 -3.5 SD-5 11/08/99 WESTERN END 0+50 -2.5 SD-6 11/08/99 STORM DRAIN BOX NORTHERN END OF LOT -3.0 SD-7 11/08/99 STORM DRAIN BOX SOUTHERN END OF LOT -3.0 SD-8 11/08/99 1+70 -4.0 SD-9 11/08/99 1+70 -2.0 SD-10 11/16/99 STORM DRAIN BOX EAST -1 .. 5 SD-11 11/16/99 STORM DRAIN BOX WEST -1.5 ~~ t~~~f ti!~\~~~~i~\tz~1;tt:1l\vlAt~i~~tZ~31:tlit~~~~·f ~~~~i,~~i W-1 11/16/99 1 +48 SOUTH LOT -1.0 W-2 11/16/99 1 +68 SOUTH LOT -2.0 W-3 11/16/99 SOUTH LATERAL LOT -1.5 ~i"hi :,nf}.,, .. , :}t~1~~~]%fft~±m~i~i$uif$FJAOJa;tr:t~1~ttit:nitt~-~t ~tffd~~,i~~~i~ SG-1 02/02/00 CONCRETE APPROACH, NORTH SIDE OF LOT SG SG-2 02/02/00 CONCRETE APPROACH, SOUTH SIDE OF LOT SG SG-3 02/10/00 NORTH PER KING SG SG-4 02/10/00 NORTH PER KING SG SG-5 02/10/00 EAST PER KING SG SG-6 02/10/00 EAST PER KING SG SG-7 02/10/00 SOUTH PER KING SG ;fitt ~~~,i t~~~lrf~¼~~~~ti~JiAtft .. ~~$~{:Z~1}~Glt~t{i!i~f~_;ft ;~i!~~'-5:~~t~ B-1 02/01/00 SWALE ·(NORTH SIDE OF Lon BG B-2 02/01/00 SWALE (NORTH SIDE OF LOn BG B-3 02/01/00 SWALE (EAST SIDE OF LOl) BG B-4 02/01/00 · SWALE (EAST SIDE OF LOn BG B-5 02/02/00 CONCRETE APPROACH; NORTH SIDE OF LOT BG B-6 02/02/00 CONCRETE APPROACH, SOUTH SIDE OF LOT -0.5 B-7 02/02/00 CONCRETE APPROACH, SOUTH SIDE OF LOT BG Blackmore File:e:\excel\tables\2400\2472cdef GeoSoils, Ine. 14.5 14.7 14.6 14.6 14.7 11.7 14.5 15.3 14.5 14.7 14.5 14.9 14.8 14.6 e 14.5 14.5 14.5 16.3 15.4 14.8 15.2 14.5 15.7 14.5 14.5 ?t~:t.ftfitlef~~ 14.5 14.5 14.5 ~~11?~~11 16.2 15.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 1~ :•,. 8.0 7.5 7.5 7.7 7.8 7.5 8.0 105.5 105.9 106:5 105.9 106.1 100.4 105.8 108.0 106.1 107.5 105.8 105.9 105.3 105.5 · ,.·:.:c-.,:•:,. 109.8 107.6 108.0 105.3 105.8 106.6 106.5 107.3 107.1 105.4 105.6 :ft,tdf;;s·~~; 105.5 105.8 106.2 ~®~li~?X 115.2 115.1 111.6 112.1 111.3 112.2 112.1 '"'" 131.1 131.7 131.4 131.7 132.3 132.1 132.5 90.2 ND A 90.5 ND A 91.0 ND A 90.5 ND A 90.7 ND A 85.8 SC A 90.4 ND A 92.3 ND A 90.7 SC A 91.9 ND A 90.4 ND A 90.5 SC A 90.0 ND A 90.2 ND A r1:~~~-~t~Y--wi :,~i~~~~~ 93.8 ND A 91.9 SC A 92.3 SC A 90.0 SC A 90.4. ND A 91.1 ND A 91.0 ND A 91.7 ND A 91.5 SC A 90.0 ND A 90.2 ND A -v~,?.)~01);1;. I },tli.1¼,, ),j,.,f:t-i:0'< 1~ ,"'< ·,:rt::: ~r:¥::;,'.\t~i ~te~~~ ~MAt'.:,.,"'7,,~ 90.1 ND A 90.4 SC A 90.7 ND A ~?fgtiit~i!~l].¥{.: ~~~~!i;fi "~ ~ '>~ ..... 95.2 ND A 95.1 ND A 95.4 ND A 95.8 ND A 95.1 ND A 95.9 ND A 95.8 ND A f~lf~?~~~if~~ r;;,. 95.0 ND B 95.4 ND B 95.2 ND B 95.4 ND B 95.9 ND B 95.7 ND B 96.0 ND B W.O. 2472-C/D/E/F-SC Page 1 ,,. .. Table 1 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS ~1~1~-~--~~~i~ffi!~~~~i~~~~ B-1 02/18/00 NORTH DRIVEWAY BG 6.5 135.2 96.9 ND C B-2 02/18/00 NORTH PARKING B-3 02/18/00 EAST PARKING B-4 ·02/18/00 EAST DRIVEWAY B-5 02/18/00 SOUTH DRIVEWAY B-6 02/18/00 SOUTH PARKING B-12 03/02/00 APPROACH @ ENTRANCE TO LOT B-13 03/02/00 APPROACH @ ENTRANCE TO LOT LEGEND ND -NUCLEAR DENSOMETER SC -SAND CONE Blackmore Flle:e:\excel\tables\2400\2472cdef BG BG BG BG BG BG BG GeoSoils, lne. 6.5 134.6 6.5 134.1 6.5 135.0 6.5 133.8 6.5 134.2 7.5 132.8 7.9 131.2 96.4 ND C 96.1 ND C 96.7 ND C 95.9 ND C 96.2 ND C 96.2 ND C 95.1 ND C W.O. 2472-C/D/E/F-SC Page2 EsGil Corporation 1.n Partnersli.ip Witli. {jovemment for '.BuiUing Safety DATE: 10/26/99 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-3795 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1535 Faraday Ave. PROJECT NAME: Retaining Wall SET:I CJ~CANT ~ CJ PLAN REVIEWER CJ FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. IZJ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. IZJ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Bob Thomson 1650 Hotel Circle North San Diego CA IZJ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: David Yao Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 10/18 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 99-3795 10/26/99 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1535 Faraday Ave. DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 10/18 REVIEWED BY: David Yao FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-3795 DATE REVIEW COMPLETED: 10/26/99 This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints to: ESGIL CORPORATION. 2. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. 3. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? D Yes D No 4. The keystone retaining wall detail shall be signed and sealed by the engineer. 5. Provide a copy of the project soil report prepared by a California licensed architect or civil engineer. The report shall include foundation design recommendations based on the engineer's findings and shall comply with UBC Section 1804. Carlsbad 99-3795 10/26/99 6. Note on the plan the soils classification, wheth_er or not the soil is expansive and note the allowable bearing value. Section 106.3.3. 7. The soils engineer recommended that he/she review the foundation excavations. Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that: The foundation excavations, the soils expansive characteristics and bearing capacity · conform to the soils report." 8. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the retaining wall plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents (when required by the soil report). 9. Note on the plan to provide special inspection for foundation condition, reinforced backfill placement and structural geogrid installation. 10. Provide special inspection program to the building official prior to issuance the building permit. 11. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad 99-3795 10/26/99 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS: 1535 Faraday Ave. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA (ft. 2) Retaining wall Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-3795 DATE: 10/26/99 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER ($) 12000 (per city) D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance:$ 131.08 D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 85.2 Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 68.16 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST RETAINING WALL BUILDING PLANCHECK NUMBER: BUILDING ADDRESS: l535 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: _R_e_ta_in_in~g~W_al_l _____ _ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: ,9.,, L,R -I 'bo ,.... c:t-8 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore, any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this · office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. ~~ Date:~ ATTACHMENTS Right-of-Way Permit Application DENIAL Please see the attached report of deficiencies marked with D. Make necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. By: Date: -------- By: Date: -------- By: Date: ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON NAME: JOANNE JU.CHNIEWICZ City of Carlsbad ADDRESS: 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 PHONE: (760) 438-1161, ext. 4510 \\LASPALMAS\SYS\LIBRARY\ENG\WORO\OOCS\CHKLSnRetaining Wall Building Plancheck Cklst Form JJ.doc Rev. 6/26/98 2075 Las Palmas Dr. "' Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 ° (760) 438-1161 ., FAX (760) 431-5769 Cl Cl Cl Cl a Cl BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST RETAINING WALLS 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: A. North Arrow D. Easements f O Cz1 Ooo6 Dwc.... i7~-5L ft:Jf1 lf150S i;>W( '377-7 B. Existing & Proposed Structures (dimensioned from street) E. Retaining Wall (location and height) C. Property Lines 2. Show on site plan: A. Drainage Patterns B. Existing & Proposed Slopes C. Existing Topography 3. Include on title sheet: A. Site Address B. Assessor's Parcel Number C. Legal Description D. Grading Quantities Cut___ Fill ___ Import/Export __ _ (Grading Permit and Haul Route Permit may be required) 4. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No. ________________ _ Conditions were complied with by: _______ Date: ____ _ MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 5. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way. A separate Right-of-Way issued by the Engineering Department is required for the following: Please obtain an application for Right-of-Way permit from the Engineering Department. Page 1 I\LASPALMAS\SYSILIBRARYIENGIWORDIDOCSICHKLSnRetainingWall Building Plancheck Cklst Form JJ,doc Rev. 6/26/98 PLANNINC/ENCINEERINC APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB q q $ '} Cf':) DATE / {) . l-&:,.-9'9 ADDRESS __ J.-=-S-_3~:S----~--~_V__,;_l -"=B-4. :+----A-v_·. _L.=,__ -RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR < < $10,000.00) PLAZA CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLACE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDINC OTHER . ~ e_k,'v,.,,»-= ~ PLANNER ~ DATE /O-'Z-6-P7 ENCINEER DATE --------------- oocs/Mlsform5/Planning Engineering Approvals SE?. 30 '99 (7HU) 15:35 RENO CON7RAC7:NG B~?-30-BB lS,00 FROM, GSJ CARLSBAD •-•.a.•~ ,lll'U ~• • • •••~• "• • ...,'"' .~..,••w --··•·-•-• .. ,•- ··· • · 'SEP-28-99 1w. 1J :itJ 'J ~28.J!9W Mr. BobLaVj_ane WMt CoutOeosral Ccqxntion l22-f3 ffiahway 67 LakNide. CA. 9'»10 Suluect: Lot 103 CcJlbad RclllrCb c.e, Oeu-Mr. I.a Vigne, !D• ?908:310816 FAX t«). 000 0000 ?AGE. 5/5 PAGE 4 P.02/03 Llltfld helow -.ns the *P"ffio soil paQnmln J)l'Orid4'd by Geosona. Inc as tho buts fbf K~U>ni: waJl~ia0012'brmancewftbrbcabtOODdi1:klnl: )1;,.1e_ ,/4.:r /OJ \ . .._, -. .._,, Design Calculations for Keystone Retaining Wall Carlsbad Research Center Lots 98 and 103 Carlsbad, California Prepared for Reno Contracting 1650 Hotel Circle N., Ste. 201 Attn.: Rob Thomson References Prepared by AB International 6 Ocean Mist Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656 October 4, 1999 Project No. D1004-99 1. Site Plan for Carlsbad Research Center, Fax Copies of Lot 98 and Lot 103 Proposed Keystone Wall Locations 2. Site Specific Soil Parameters for the design of Keystone Walls at Carlsbad Research Center, Geosoils, Inc. 3. "Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls", First Edition, National Concrete Masonry Association, 1993 4. Keystone Retaining Wall Systems, Inc. "Keywall Software for Retaining Wall Designs." Design and Operation Manual, Robert J. Race, P.E., 10/15/95 5. ICBO No. 4599 for Keystone walls, June 1997 or latest revision. Project Description Site Plan (Reference 1) shows proposed Keystone walls at following locations with conditions as described below: • Lot 98: Wall along eastern side of parking spaces. This wall is maximum 4' high and has a maximum 10' high 2:1 slope surcharge. The wall is designed with 1:32 (horizontal: vertical) batter and Keystone Standard units (21.5" depth). • Lot 103 A and 103 B: Two separate walls maximum 6' high with 2: 1 slope surcharge. The wall is designed with 1:32 batter Keystone Standard units (21.5" depth). This submittal provides the design calculations and geogrid reinforcement schedule, as needed for the above walls. -! \) Subsurface and Backfill Soils Based on the following soils parameters provided by the Soils Engineer (Reference 2), values equal to less than these were used in the design. Lot 98 -Northern Friction angle, Cohesion, psf Unit Weight, Half degrees pcf Reinforced zone backfill 27 375 125 pcf Retained Zone 27 375 125 pcf Foundation subgrade 27 375 125 pcf Lot 98 -Southern Half Reinforced zone backfill 20 355 125 pcf Retained Zone 20 355 125 pcf Foundation subgrade 20 355 125 pcf Lots 103A & 103B Reinforced zone backfill 30 300 125 pcf Retained Zone 30 300 125 pcf Foundation subgrade 20 355 125 pcf Keystone Wall Design Keywall computer program specifically prepared for the Keystone Wall units was used for the analysis of internal and external stability of the retaining wall. The ICBO number for Keystone wall is 4599. Rankine Earth Pressure theory was used for calculating the earth pressures on the wall. The target Factors of safety (FS) used for the retaining wall design are FS sliding = 1.5; FS overtmning = 2.0(reinforced walls), FS overturning = 1.5(unreinforced walls), FS bearing =2.0, FS pullout= 1.5, and FS llllcertainties = 1.5. These are the standard modes of failures analyzed in the design of retaining walls. The Keywall Program Manual describes the methodology and details of the calculations performed by the program, and provides examples with hand calculations. The summary results of the calculations are attached to this report. Keystone Compac precast cement masonry units, 18" width x 12" depth x 8" high, weighing 85 pounds each is used. For geogrid reinforcement, Miragrid 3:Xt geogrids . manufactured .. · by Mirafi, Inc. are used. Based on the · calculated results the schedule of geogrid reinforcement for different heights of the Keystone walls is presente~ in Table 1. This schedule applies for all three walls in the project. Table 1 Geogrid Reinforcement Schedule for Keystone Wall Total Wall Minimum Geogrid Geogrid Location* Hei2ht (ft) Embedment (ft.) Lemrth, (Mira2rid 3XT) 4.67 or less 0.67 NOGEOGRID 5.67 0.67 5.5 2 3.33 6.67 0.67 5.5 2. 4 * The geogrid layer(s) shall be placed on the Keystone course at this height(s) measured from the top of the leveling pad. Recommendations • The wall shall be constructed per the details and geogrid reinforcement schedule based on the design calculations provided in this report, and typical sections shown on Drawings. • The backfill materials shall have the shear strength properties as used for design in this report and as specified on the plans. All backfill shall be compacted to minimum 90% of the maximum dry density detennined per Modified Proctor Compaction test (ASTM D1557). • The Keystone wall should be constructed per the manufacturer recommended procedures for installation of Keystone blocks, fiberglass pins, and geogrid reinforcement. • The temporary excavation back cut, subdrain, and surface drainage system for the Keystone walls shall be properly constructed per Project Soils and Civil Engineer's recommendations. • Reinforced fill zone shall be free draining granular fill soils. • Soils Engineer shall review the design parameters used herein for conformance with their recommendations. Limitations The calculations and recommendations provided herein are based on the assumption that site preparation, foundation preparation, installation of base course, keystone segmental wall blocks, interlocking pins, geogrids, backfill and caps are in conformance with the recommendations of the manufacturer/supplier, recommendations in this report. The calculations have considered site specific soil and loading conditions. If conditions vary from those assumed, the designer shall be notified in writing. By accepting the design calculations and results in this report, the Client agrees to limit the liability of AB International, from Client and all other parties for claims arising out of the use of these designs, to the amount paid for the preparation of this report. No other warranty is expressed or implied. ' --~F~-,;;-ta-.'! KEYSTONE RETAINING WALL DESIGN Based on Rankine (modified) Methodology, 16 Jul 99 Project: Carlsbad Research Center Proj. No.: Project No Design Parameters Soil Parameters _L Reinforced Fill: 30 Retained Fill: 27 Foundation Fill: 20 _ug 0 200 200 Reinforce Fill Type: Silts & sands Unit Fill: Crushed Stone, l inch minus Factors of Safety Sliding: 1.50 Overturning: y__m 125 125 125 Date: 10/3/99 By: abi Pullout: 1.50 Uncertainties: 2.00 1.50 1.50 Bearing: 2.00 Connection Peak: Serviceability: 1. 00 Reinforcing Parameters: Mirafi XT Geogrids Tult RFcr RFd RFid LTDS ~ Tai .£L Cds Miragrid 3XT 2738 1.67 1.10 1.30 1146 1.50 764 0.90 0.95 Analysis: Lot 103 and 103A Case: Case 1 Unit Type: Standard (21.5 in) Wall Batter: 0.00 deg. Leveling Pad: Crushed Stone Wall Ht: 6.67 ft embedment: 0.67 ft BackSlope Geometry: 26.67 deg. slope, 15.00 ft long Surcharge: LL-100 psfuniform surcharge DL-100 psfuniform surcharge Offset= 15.00 ft; Load Width= 100.00 ft Results: Sliding Overturning Factors of Safety: 2.54 5.09 Calculated Bearing Pressure: 1087 psf Bearing 4.81 Shear 11.53 Bending 2.69 Eccentricity at base: 0.19 ft Allow. Peale Seniceablity Reinforcing: (ft & lbs/ft) Calculated Layer Height Length Tension 2 4.00 5.5 406 1 2.00 5.5 563 Reinforcing Quantities (no waste included): Miragrid 3XT: 1.22 sy/ft Tension Connection Connection Reinf. Type Tai Tel Tse Miragrid 3XT 764 ok 892 ok 941 ok Miragrid 3XT 764 ok 897 ok 948 ok ( Efficiency= 87 % ) FoSPO= -1 -AB International Pullout FS 1.87 ok 3.47 ok 2.33 page __ of_ KEYSTONE RETAINING WALL DESIGN Based on Rankine (modified) Methodology, 16 Jul 99 Project: Carlsbad Research Center Proj. No.: Project No Design Parameters Soil Parameters Retained Fill: Foundation Fill: _j_ 27 27 ..LQ§f 200 200 Unit Fill: Crushed Stone, 1 inch minus Factors of Safety Sliding: 1. 50 Overturning: Pullout: 1. 50 Uncertainties: Connection Peale Analysis: Lot 98 Unit Type: Standard (21.5 in) Leveling Pad: Crushed Stone Wall Ht: 4.67 ft BackSlope Geometry: 26.67 deg. slope, 15.00 ft long y_j!g 125 125 2.00 1.50 1.50 Case: Case 1 Wall Batter: 0.00 deg. embedment: 0.67 ft Date: 1013199 Bv: abi Bearing: 2.00 Serviceability: 1.00 Surcharge: LL --100 psfuniform surcharge DL-100 psfuniform surcharge Offset= 15.00 ft; Load Width= 100.00 ft Results: Factors of Safety: Calculated Bearing Pressure: 655 psf Eccentricity at base: 0.29 ft Sliding Overturning 5.33 3.65 Bearing 12.58 -1 -AB International Shear NIA Bending NIA page __ of_ ~:KEYSIO~;i Rf!f/ill'•UNCi WALL S'(SU:MS I -.. --· -·-· -· ... ' '~f~-,;;--(~ Project: Carlsbad Research Center Proj. No.: Project No Design Parameters Soil Parameters Retained Fill: Foundation Fill: KEYSTONE RETAJNING WALL DESIGN Based on Rankine (modified) Methodology, 16 Jul 99 _!_ 20 20 £.l?§f 200 200 y___;ogJ 125 125 Date: 10/3/99 Unit Fill: Crushed Stone, 1 inch minus Factors of Safety ~m;; I/ 1.-----+----i t / Sliding: 1.50 Overturning: Pullout: 1.50 Uncertainties: Connection Peak: Analysis: Lot 98 Unit Type: Standard (21.5 in) Leveling Pad: Crushed Stone Wall Ht: 4.67 ft BackSlope Geometry: 20.00 deg. slope, 15.00 ft long 2.00 1.50 1.50 Case: Case 1 Wall Batter: 0.00 deg. embedment: 0.67 ft Bearing: 2.00 Serviceability: 1. 00 Surcharge: LL -100 psfuniform surcharge DL --500 psfuniform surcharge Offset= 15.00 ft; Load Width= 100.00 ft Results: Factors of Safety: Calculated Bearing Pressure: 744 psf Eccentricity at base: 0.40 ft Sliding Overturning 3.61 2.47 Bearing 5.91 -1 -AB International Shear NIA Bending NIA page_of_ KEYSTONE RETAINING WALL DESIGN Based on Rankine (modified) Methodology, 16 Jul 99 Project: Carlsbad Research Center Proj. No.: Project No Design Parameters Soil Parameters Retained Fill: Foundation Fill: j_ 27 20 ~ 200 200 Unit Fill: Crushed Stone, 1 inch minus Factors of Safety Sliding: 1.50 Overturning: Pullout: 1.50 Uncertainties: Connection Peak: Analysis: Lot 103 and 103A Unit Type: Standard (21.5 in) Leveling Pad: Crushed Stone Wall Ht: 4.67 ft Back:Slope Geometry: 26.67 deg. slope, 15.00 ft long y__Jg 125 125 2.00 1.50 1.50 Case: Case 1 Wall Batter: 0.00 deg. embedment: 0.67 ft Date: 1013/99 Bv: abi / Bearing: 2.00 Serviceability: 1.00 / Surcharge: LL --100 psfuniform surcharge DL -100 psfuniform surcharge Offset= 15.00 ft; Load Width= 100.00 ft Results: Factors of Safety: Calculated Bearing Pressure: 655 psf Eccentricity at base: 0.29 ft Sliding Overturning 5.33 3.65 Bearing 6.82 -1 -AB International Shear NIA Bending NIA page __ of_ " "t ~ Cl w :r: z Cl ~ CAP UNIT GRID LENGTH REINFORCED BACKFI APPROX. EXCAVATION LINE 4"l2l(MIN.) PERF. DRAIN PIPE Wii;..~1~i~J;g~J%!wovEN FILTER FABRICOl/TLET AT END OF WALL Ofi!>T 40' CENTERS (MAX,). TYPICAL REINFORCED SECTION SCALE: NONE ~ETAINED BACKFILL EXCAVATION LIMIT -. NOTES: 1. KEYSTONE STANDARD UNITS MEASURE 8" H X \ {:) 1/2 " W X 21" D. KEYSTONE CAP UNITS MEASURE 4"HX18 1/2 "WX10.5" D. KEYSTONE BLOCKS, PINS, AND GEOGRID CONNECTIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED CONSISTENT WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 2. GEOGRID REINFORCEMENT SCHEDULE AND WALL EMBEDMENT DEPTHS SHALL BE PER TABLE 1. GEOGRID LENGTHS ARE MEASURED FROM THE FACE OF THE WALL. 3. ALL BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO MINIMUM 90% RELATIVE DENSITY PER MODIFIED PROCTOR COMPACTION TEST (ASTM D1557), 4. EXCAVATION OF THE SLOPE AND FOUNDATION TRENCHES SHALL PROVIDE SAFE ACCESS FOR CONSTRUCTION, STABLE TEMPORARY SLOPE AND AS REQUIRED TO PROPERLY CONSTRUCT THE KEYSTONE WALL AND ITS REINFORCEMENT. 5. INSTALL SUBDRAIN PIPE TO DRAIN MOISTURE BEHIND THE WALL AND AS RECOMMENDED BY SOILS ENGINEER. 6. THE SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE SHALL BE EFFECTIVELY DIVERTED AROUND THE WALL. . 7. INSTALLATION OF 24'' RCP STORM DRAIN BEHIND THE WALL SHALL BE SUCH THAT THE KEYSTONE WALL IS NOT SUBJECT UNDUE CONSTRUCTION LOADS. HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL WORK NO CLOSER THAN 3' BEHIND THE WALL. THE STORM DRAIN SHALL BE FREE FROM LEAKS AND BREAKAGE SO STORM WATER IS DOES NOT LEAD TO MOISTURE BEHIND THE WALL. 8. FOR ALL WALLS PROVIDE MINIMUM 1-FOOT OF GRAVEL FILL BEHIND THE BACK OF THE UNITS FOR DRAINING MOISTURE. FOR SOUTHERN HALF OF WALL AT LOT 98 PROVIDE MINIMUM 2-FOOT OF GRAVEL FILL BEHIN·OTHE BACK OF THE UNITS. THIS FILL SHALL BE IN ADDITION TO UNIT FILL. t" 'I fi • Ir 1 i !,,/ ReiV\.-jO'f"c.e.4 .":,)Sil\ ,;;c.(...,{.?-,.,,.[ ti> ~ 30° Ult l03 4> ~ ~ft Lo\-q~ Table 1 Geogrid Reinforcement Schedule for Keystone Wall Total Wall Minimum Geogrid Geogrid Location* i Height (ft) Embedment (ft.) Len!!th, (Mira2rid 3XT) 4.67 or less 0.67 NOGEOGRID 5.67 0.67 5.5 2, 3.33 6.67 0.67 5.5 2.4 .* The geogrid layer(s) shall be placed on the Keystone course at this height(s) measured fn1- the top of the leveling pad DRAWING 1 KEYSTONE WALL TYPICAL SECTJON CARLSABD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 98 AND 103 CARLSBAD,CA SCALE: NOT TO SCALE AB INTERNATIONAL PROJECT: D1"Cl04-99 DATE: 10/5/99 , ~ f CRUSHED ROCK (3/4" MAX.) STANDARD KEYSTONE UNIT (TYPICAL) GEOGRID AS REQUIRED CAP UNIT 'y PIN (TYPICAL) GEOGRID TO BE INSTALLED OVER PINS AND PULLED TIGHT BEFORE BACKFILL -4" GEOGRID INSET FROM UNIT FACE BLOCK DETAIL 3" OF SOIL FILL REQUIRED BETWEEN OVERLAPPING GEOGRIDS FOR PROPER ANCHORAGE --6" ~ _, ' <] 1~ 3'-0"~ LEVELING PAD FIBERGLASS PIN CONNECTION GEOGRID PLACEMENT ON CURVES ~ SPECIFICATIONS FOR KEYSTONE WALLS 1. MASONRY UNITS SHALL BE KEYSTONE BLOCKS OF THE SIZES SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ALL BLOCKS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C-9O, WITH 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI. UNITS SHALL BE INTERLOCKED WITH NON-CORROSIVE FIBERGLASS PINS, AND SHALL BE SETBACK 1" FROM THE UNIT BELOW. 2. BASE LEVELING PAD SHALL BE CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE CONFORMING TO "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS" CONSTRUCTION STANDARD ALL CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN LIFTS NO GREATER THAN 8" THICK & AND COMPACTED WITH A HAND HELD VIBRATING PLATE. 3. UNIT FILL FOR DRAINAGE BEHIND THE WALL SHALL BE UNIFORMLY GRADED GRAVEL. UNIT FILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO MINIMUM 90 % RELATIVE DENSITY PER MODIFIED .PROCTOR COMPACTION TEST (ASTMD1557). 4. BACKFILL MATERIAL IN THE REINFORCEMENT ZONE SHALL BE AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS OR AS RECOMMENDED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. THE BACKFILL SOIL SHALL BE PLACED IN LIFTS NO GREATER THAN 8" THICK AND COMPACTED TO MINIMUM 90% OF MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY DETERMINED PER MODIFIED PROCTOR COMPACTION TEST. 5. GRIDS ARE TO BE ORIENTED WITH THE STRONG FIBERS RUNNING PERPENDICULAR TO THE LINE OF THE WALL. 6. CONNECT THE SUBDRAIN TO STORM DRAIN FOR PROPER DRAINAGE AND INDICATE FINAL LOCATIONS ON CONSTRUCTION RECORD PLANS. 7. THE GEOGRID SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE CONCRETE WALL UNITS BY HOOKING THE GEOGRID OVER THE FIBERGLASS PINS. PULL TAUT AND ANCHOR BEFORE BACKFILL IS PLACED ON GEOGRID. BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED, SPREAD AND COMPACTED IN SUCH A MANNER THAT MINIMIZES THE DEVELOPMENT OF SLACK OR LOSS OF PRETENSION OF THE GEOGRID. BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED FROM THE WALL REARWARD INTO THE EMBANKMENT TO ENSURE THAT THE GEOGRID REMAINS TAUT. 8. CAP UNITS SHALL BE FASTENED TO THE UNITS BELOW WITH KEYSTONE "KAPSEAL" CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE. 4" SLOTTED PVC DRAIN PIPE 6" MINIMUM COMPACTED CRUSHED STONE OR 6" UNREINFORCED CONCRETE LEVELING PAD I r KEYSTONE UNIT NEEDLE PUNCHED NONWOVE GEOTEXTILE WRAP FREE DRAINING STONE SUBDRAIN DETAIL FIBERGLASS PIN CONNECTION DRAWING 2 KEYSTONE WALL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER CARLSBAD, CA SCALE: NOT TO SCALE ~- AB INTERNATIONAL PROJECT: D1004-99 DATE: 10/5/99 l .; SEP. '. 7 '99 (FR: J '. 2: 38 RENO CON':'RAC':':NG PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION LOT 103 OF CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER CARLSBAD, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FOR THE BLACKMORE COMPANY 12626 HIGH BLUFF DRIVE, SUITE 440 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92130 W.O. 2472-A-SC AUGUST 17, 1998 PAGE. 2/20 SEP. 1 7 ' 99 (FR!) i 2: 38 RENO CONTRACT I NG PAGE. 3/20 Geotechnical • Geologic • Environmental 5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 August 17, 1998 W.O. 2472-A-SC The Blackmore Company 12626 High Bluff Drive, Suite 440 San Diego, California 92130 Attention: Subject: Dear Sir: Mr. Allen Blackmore Preliminary Geotechnlcal Evaluation, Lot 103 of Carlsbad Research Center, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California. In accordance with your request, GeoSoils, Inc. (GSI) has performed a preliminary gedtechnical evaluation regarding proposed construction on Lot 103 within the Carlsbad Research Center. Zhe purpose of our study was to provide a site specific evaluation of earth materials underlying the site and to provide preliminary recommendations for site preparation, earthwork construction, and foundation design/construction, based on our findings. ~XECUTIVE SUMMABY Based on our review of the available data (Appendix A), field exploration, laboratory testing, and geologic and engineering analysis, the proposed development appears to be feasible from a geotechnical viewpoint, provided the recommendations presented In the text of this report are properly incorporated into 1he design and construction of the project. The most significant elements of this study are summarized below: • Due to the desiccated and relatively soft/loose condition of the soils within 1 to 2 feet of existing grade, within the proposed building footprint and parking/driveway areas, ·these materials should be removed, moisture conditioned to at least optimum moisture content, and recompacted and/or processed in place. • If transition conditions (either cut fill and/or nonuniform expansion) are encountered, mitigation consisting of overexcavation of bedrock materials is recommended to a minimum depth of 5 feet below pad grade, within areas proposed for settlement- sensitive improvements. I ·r SEF. '. 7 ' 99 (FR'.) 12: 39 RENO CON':'RACT!NG PAGE. 4/20 • • • • .. Soils with a medium expansion potential exist onsite. Soils with a high expansion potential also may be encountered during grading. The site materials have a moderate sulfate exposure for corrosion to concrete. This should be further evaluated at the completion of grading, as should the potential for corrosion to exposed steel. Subsurface and surface water are not anticipated to affect site development, provided that the recommendations contained in this report are incorporated into final design and construc~ion and that prudent surface and subsurface drainage practices are incorporated into the construction plans. Perched groundwater conditions along fill/bedrock contacts and along zones of contrasting permeabilities should not be precluded from occurring in the Mure due to site irrigation, poor drainage conditions, or damaged utilities. The seismlcity acceleration values provided herein should be considered during the design of the proposed development. The geotechnical design parameters provided herein should be considered during project planning design and construction by the project structural engineer and/or architects. · The opportunity to be of service is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions concern, ng thfs rel?ort or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact any of the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, GeoSolls, Inc. SLE/RGC/DWS/ JPF/mo The Blackmore Company File:e:\wp~400\2472a.pge ,() ¼I ~ikelly Civil Engineer, RC GeoSoils, Inc. W.O 2472-A-SC Page Two SEP. !7 '99 (FRi) 12:39 RENO CONTRACT!NG PAGE. 5/20 Seismic Shaklng.J?arnmeters Based on the site conditions, Chapter 16 of the Uniform Building Code (International C~nfe.rence of Building Officials, 1997) and Peterson and others (1996), the following se1sm1c parameters are provided. Seismic zone (per Figure 16-2*) 4 Soll Profile Type (per Table 16-J*) Sa, Sc, So** Joyner and Boore Subgrade Type Class A, B, C"• Seismic Source Type (per Table 16-U*) B - Distance to Seismic Source 6 ml. (10 km) Upper Bound Earthquake M...,6.9 "" Figure and table references from Chapter 16 of the Uniform Building Code (i 997). ** Multiple classiflcatrons due to varying earth material types in the upper 100 feet underlying the site. GROUNDWATER Subsurface water was not encountered within the property during field work performed in preparation of this report nor In a.ny test excavations completed during the previous study (Geotechnlcs Incorporated, 1994). However, seepage may occur locally (due to heavy precipitation or Irrigation) in areas where fill soils overlie silty or clayey soils. Such a condition would likely occur where more permeable materials overlie less permeable materials. Should such a condition occur, recommendations for mitigation would be provided during future grading. LlOUEfACIION SeismicallyMinduced liquefaction Is a phenomenon in which cyclic stresses, produced by earthquake~induced ground motion, create excess pore pressures In soils. The soils may thereby acquire a high degree of mobility, and lead to lateral movement, sliding, sand boils, consolidation and settlement of loose sediments, and other damaging deformations. This phenomenon occurs only below the water table; but after liquefaction has developed, it can propagate upward into overlying, non~saturated soil as excess pore water dissipates. Typically, liquefaction has a relatively low potential at depths greater than 45 feet and is virtually unknown below a depth of 60 feet. The Blackmore Company Lot 103 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2472a.pge GeoSoils, Ine. W.O 2472-A-SC August 17, 1998 Page 6 I I l I SEP. 17 '99 (FR!) 12:40 RENO CONTRACT!NG PAGE. 6/20 Liquefaction susceptibility Is related to numerous factors and the following conditions should be present for liquefaction to occur: 1) sediments must be relatively young in age and not have developed a large amount of cementation; 2) sediments generally consist of medium to fine grained relatively cohesionless sands; 3) the sediments must have low relative density; 4) free groundwater must be present In the sediment; and 5) the site must experience a seismic event of a sufficient duration and magnitude, to induce straining of soil particles. Inasmuch as three or four of these five conditions do not have the potential to affect the site and the entire site is underlain by dense bedrock materials and compacted fill materials, our evaluation indicates that the potential for liquefaction and associated adverse effects within the site is very low, even with a future rise In groundwater levels. LABORATORY TESTI~ Laboratory tests were performed on representative samples of representative site earth materials in order to evaluate their physical characteristics. Test procedures used and results obtained are presented below. Classlffcallon Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soils Classification System. The soil classifications are shown on the boring logs In App.endix B . .... Atterberg Limit~ Atterberg 'limits testing was conducted on selected samples in general accordance with ASTM test method D-4318. Test results and classifications of the fine-grained materials per ASTM D-2487 are presented in Appendix C. Laboratory Standard The maximum density and optimum moisture content was determined for the major soil type encountered in the excavations. The laboratory standard used was ASTM DJ1557. The moisture-density relationship obtained for this soil is shown below: . .-~-. ··' . ·.···: .. , . . , ·:.~.-: . LOCAJ"ION SOIL TYPE B-1 @0-3' SANDY CLAY, Brown (Artificial Fill) The Blackmore Company Lot 103 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2472a.pge .. -··· -····:,MAXIMUM-:· DENSITY (PCF) 117.0 GeoSoils, Jnc., OPTIMUM:}):J. ;· MOISTURE ·;_-: CONTENT(%), . 14.5 W.O 2472-A·SC August 17, 1998 Pagel .I I, I I ... I SEP. 17 '99 (FR!) 12:40 RENO CONTRACTING PAGE. 7/20 l:XRiD!5iQo Joc!ex Testing Expansion Index testing was performed on a representative soil sample, according to Standard No. 18-2 of the Uniform Building Code (1997}. The test results are presented below as well as the expansion classification according to UBC (1997). ·. --.:·EXPANSION .. : .. -'.-'·. _· EXPAN~ION:._._·=-. . ·:-.. ·INDEX·_. . _., : Poi:ENTIAl· '.· .. EH @0-3' Shear Testing SANDY CLAY, Brown (Artificial Fill) 75 Medium Shear tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM test method D-3080 in a Direct Shear Machine of the strain control type. The shear test results are presented below: 9-1 @ 0-3' 355 20 Soluble SulfiJtes A typical sample of the site materials was analyzed for soluble sulfate content. The results indicate 180 ppm. Based upon the soluble sulfate test results (USC range for moderate is 150 to 1,500 ppm soluble [SO4] in water), the site soils have a moderate sulfate exposure for corrosion to concrete. The laboratory test results for corrosivity testing are presented in Appendix C. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION$ 9.!oerat Based on our field exploration, laboratory testing and geotechnical engineering analysis, it is our opinion that the subject site appears suitable for the proposed industrial development from a geotechnical engineering and geologic viewpoint, provided that the recommendations presented in the following sections are incorporated into the design and The Blackmore Company Lot 103 of Carlsbad Research Center FIia: e:\wp7\2400\2472a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O 2472-A-SC August 17, 1998 Page8 SEP. 17 ' 99 (FR!) 12: 4! RENO CON':'RAC':':NG PAGE. 8/20 • construction phases of site development. The primary geotechnical concerns with respect to the proposed development are: • • Depth to competent bearing material, including cut/fill transitions . Expansion potential of site soils . • Corrosion potential for exposed concrete . • Subsurface water and potential for perched water . • Regional seismic activity . The recommendations presented herein consider these as well as other aspects of the site. The .~ngineerlng analyses performed, concerning site preparation and the recommendations presented herein, have been completed using the information provided and obtained during our field work, as well as information provided to this office with regard to grading (Appendix A). In the event that any significant changes are made to proposed site development, the conclusions and recommendations contained in 1hfs report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the recommendations of this report verlfled or modified in writing by this office. Foundation design parameters are considered preliminary until the foundation design, layout, and structural loads are provided to this office for review. Earth Materials/Depth to Competent Bearing Materl.m The existing non~unlform fill materials that exist within 1 to 2 feet of existing pad grade are generally loose/soft and/or do not meet the current industry minimum ~tandard of 90 percent (or greater)-relative compaction. FIii materials below this surficial layer appear to be relatively compact and suitable for their intended use. Recommendations for the treatment of existing fills are presented in the earthwork section of this report. If exposed during grading, additional evaluations may be performed as deemed appropriate. It is unlikely that bedrock materials will be encountered during site earthwork. However, if encountered, these materials are considered competent to support settlement-sensitive structures in their existing state. ' Should future plans indicate a cut/fill transition, recommendations for overexcavatlon to mitigate cut/fill transitions are presented In the earthwork section of this report, if they occur. Expansion Potent(al Our laboratory test results indicate that soils with a medium expansion potential underlie the site; however, our experience in the site area indicates soils with a high expansion potential also may exist onsite. This should be considered during. project design. The Blackmore Company Lot 103 of Carl$bad Research Canter rile: e:\wp7\2400\2472ii.pge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O 2472-A-SC August 17. 1998 Page9 SEP. 17 '99 (FR:) i2:4i RENO CONTRACTING PAGE. 9/20 Foundation design and construction recommendations are provided herein for medium expansion potential. These recommendations should be considered preliminary and used for general project planning. Corrosion Potential Our laboratory test results indicate that the site materials have a moderate sulfate exposure for corrosion to concrete. Recommendations for conc~ete are presented herein. Subsurface ang Surface Water Subsurface and surface water, as discussed previously, are not anticipated to affect site development, provided that the recommendations contained in this report are Incorporated into final design and construction and that prudent surface and subsurface drainage practices are incorporated into the construction plans. Perched groundwater conditions along fill/bedrock contacts and along zones of contrasting permeabilities should not be precluded from occurring in the future due to site irrigation, poor drainage conditions, or damaged utilities. Should perched groundwater condftions develop, this office could assess the affected area(s) and provide the appropriate recommendations to mitigate the observed groundwater conditions. The groundwater conditions observed and opinions generated were those at the time of our investigation. Conditions may change with the introduction of irrigation, rainfall, or other factors that were not obvious at the time of our investigation. Beglonal SeJsmle; Activity The seismicity acceleration values provided herein should be considered during 1he design of the proposed development. EARTHWORK QONSTAUCIJON BECOMMENQATIONS General All grading should conform to the guidelines presented in Appendix Chapter A33 of the Uniform Building Code (adopted and curren1 edition), the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, and the Grading Guidelines presented in this report as Appendix D, except where specifically superseded iri the text of this report. Prior to grading GSl's representative should be present at the preconstruction meeting to provide additional grading guidelines, if needed, and review the earthwork schedule. Earthwork beyond the limits of the surficial, remedial overexcavations or those indicated on the grading plan should be reviewed by the geologist and/or geotechnical consultant prior 1o and following these additional removals. The Blackmore Company Lot 103 of ca,lsbad Research Center File: e;\wp7\2400\2472a,pge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O 2472-A-SC August 17, 1998 Page 10 SEF. :7 '99 (FR:) 12:42 RENO CON,RACT!NG PAGE. : 0/20 During earthwork construction all site preparation and the general grading procedures of the contractor should be observed and the fill selectively tested by a representative(s) of GSI. If unusual or unexpected conditions are exposed in the field or if modifications are proposed to the rough grade or precise grading plan, they should be reviewed by this office and if warranted, modified and/or additional recommendations will be offered. All applicable requirements of local and national construction and general indu~try safety orders, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and the Construction Safety Act should be met. GSI does not consult In the area of safety engineering. Excavations in1o the granular material on this site may be unstable. Site Pr§!parnUQD Debris, vegetation, and other deleterious material should be removed from the improvement(s) area prior to the start of construction. Following removals, areas approved to receive additional fill should first be scarified in two perpendicular directions and moisture conditioned (at or above the soils optimum moisture content) to a depth of 12 Inches and compacted to a minimum 90 percent relative compaction. Bemovars (Un~urtabfe Surflcial Materials) Due to the desiccated and relatively soft/loose condition of near surface soils across the lot, removals should consist of fill soils within 1 to 2 feet of existing grades within the building footprint and parking/driveway areas. Once these materials are removed, the bottom of the excavations should be observed and tested. At that time, the removed existing earth materials may be re-used as fill, provided the materials are moisture conditioned at or above the soils optimum moisture and compacted in accordance with the recommendations of this report. When removals are completed, the exposed surface should be scarified In two perpendicular directions (cross ripped), moisture conditioned and recompacted prior to fill placement. · overexcavatl2n If a transition condrtlon is created during grading, a uniform structural support should be provided. Areas underlain by bedrock materials withJn-5 fe~t of proposed grade, should be overexcavated to provide a minimum 5~foot layer of compacted fill and at least 5 feet outside the limits of the outer-most foundation eleme·nts. The limits of any bedrock overexcavatlon should be determined once a grading plan for the site Is made available. This 5-foot overexcavation is considered a minimum and within the limits of the building assumes a 2-foot footing embedment (from lowest adjacent soil grade). If embedments are greater than 2 feet, the overexcavation should be increased to a minimum of 3 feet The Blackmore Company Lot 103 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2472a.pge GeoSoiJs, Inc. W.O 2472-A-SC August 17, 1998 Page 11 SEP. 17 ' 99 (FR:) 12: 42 RENO CON:'RACTiNG PAGE. l :/20 beyond the bottom of the footing and the lateral extent should be increased the same amount beyond 1he width of the footing. Exposed subgrades for cut areas greater than 2 feet below existing grade should be well scarified (cross-ripped), moisture conditioned as necessary, and compacted to a minimum 90 percent rela1ive compaction (ASTM test method D-1557). EIII elacement Subsequent to ground preparation, onsite soils may be placed in thin (±6 inch) lifts, cleaned of vegetation and debris, brought to a least optimum moisture content, and compacted to achieve a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent. Oversized cobbles and boulders (8 to 24 Inches), generated as the result of the earthwork should be placed outside of the limits of the building in landscape areas or a pre-designated disposal area. If fill materials are imported to the site, the proposed import fill should be submitted to GSI, so laboratory 1esting can be performed to verify that the intended import material is compatible with onsite material. At least three business days of lead time should be allowed by builders or contractors for proposed import submittals. This lead time will allow for particle size analysis, specific gravity, relative compaction, expansion testing, and blended Import/native characteristics as deemed necessary. Erosion Control Ons!te soils materials have a moderate erosion potentlal. Use of hay bales, silt fences, and/or sandbags should be considered, as appropriate during construction. Temporary grades should be constructed to drain at a minimum of 1 to 2 percent to a suitable temporary or permanent outlet. Precise grades should be evaluated by the design civil engineer to reduce concentrated flows to less than 6 feet per second (Amimoto, 1981) and Into lined or landscaped swales. Evaluation of cuts during grading will be necessary in order to identify any areas of loose or non-cohesive materials. Should any sign)ficant zones be encountered during earthwork construction, additional remedial grading may be recommended; however, only the remedial measures discussed herein are anticipated at this time. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATION~ In the event that the information concerning the proposed development plan Is not correct or any changes In the design, location, or loading conditions of the proposed structure are made, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are for Lot 103 only and shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and conclusions of this report are modified or approved in writing by this office. The Blackmore Company Lot 103 of Carlsbad Research Center Fila: e:\wp7'2'!00'2472a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O 2472-A-SC August 17, 1998 Page 12 SEP. : 7 '99 (FR!) 12: 43 RENO CON:'RAC:'!NG PAGE. 12/20 The information and recommendations presented In this section are considered minimums and are not meant to supersede design(s) by the project structural engineer or civil engineer specializing in structural design. Upon request, GS! could provide additional consultation regarding soil parameters, as related to foundation design. They are considered preliminary recommendations for proposed construction, In consideration of our field investigation, laboratory testing, and engineering analysis. Recommendations tor Concrete "TIit-up" Structures For preliminary planning purposes, the following is presented. It is our understanding that the str.ucture will be erected utilizing a tilt-up type of construction. We assume that column loads are not anticipated to exceed 100 kips for dead plus live loading conditions while wall loads are not expected to exceed 3 to 5 kips per lineal foot. The engineering analysis performed, concerning the foundation system and the recommendations offered below, have been prepared using these anticipated loads and assuming the recommended earthwork is. performed. In the event that the information concerning the proposed development is not correct, or any changes in the design, location, or loading conditions of the proposed structure are made, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and conclusions of this report are modified or approved in writing by this office. Our review, field work, and laboratory testing Indicates that onsite soils have a medium expansion potentiat Preliminary recommendations for foundation design and construction are presented below. Final foundation recommendations should be provided at the conclusion of grading based on laboratory testing of fill materials exposed at finish grade. Bearing Value An allowable vertical bearing value of 2000 pounds per square foot (psf) should b~ used for design of continuous footings a minimum 15 inches wide and 18 inches deep (below lowest adjacent exterior grade) and for design of square footings 24 inches wide and 24 inches deep (below lowest adjacent grade, not including sand layer), bearing In properly compacted fill material. Per UBC code, this value may be increased by 20 percent for each additional 12 inches in depth of embedment or width, to a maximum value of 2500 pounds per square foot. The above values may be increased by one-third when considering short duration seismic or wind loads. Exterior square footings should be tied back to the main foundation with a grade beam or tie beam as described in the "construction" section of this report. In addition, foundation depths and widths should be constructed per the USC guidelines. The Blackmore Company lot 103 of Carlsbad Research Center File; e;\wp7'240012472a.pgo GeoSoils, Inc. W.O 2472-A-SC August 17, 1998 Page 13 SEP. 17 '99 (FR:) 12:43 RENO CONTRACTING PAGE. ! 3/20 Lateral Pressure Passive earth pressure of compacted fill may be computed as an equivalent fluid having a density of 225 pounds per cubic foot per foot of depth, to a maximum earth pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot. An allowable coefficient of friction between compacted fill soil and concrete of 0.35 may be used with the dead load forces. When combining passive pressure and frictional resistance, the passive pressure component should be requced by one-third. · All footings should maintain a minimum 7-foot horizontal setback from the base of the footing to any descending slope. This distance is measured from the footing face at the bearing elevation. footings should maintain a minimum horizontal setback of H/3 (H == slope height) from the base of the footing to the descending slope face and no less than 7 feet nor need be greater than 40 feet. Footings adjacent to unlined drainage swales should be deepened to a minimum of 6 Inches below the fnvert of the adjacent unlined swale. Footings for structures adjacent to retaining walls should be deepened so as to extend below a 1 :1 projection from the heel of the wall. Alternatively, walls may be designed to accommodate structural loads from buildings or appurtenances as described In the retaf nlng wall section of this report. Due to anticipated disturbances in areas adjacent to landscaping, the upper 6 inches of passive pressure should be neglected if not confined by slabs or pavement. Construction All footings should be embedded a minimum 18 inches Into properly compacted fill or bedrock. Foundation footings should be minimally reinforced with four No. 5 bars, two top and two bottom (in the cross-sections). Footings should be: a} tied with a grade beam or tie beams, or b) have continuous footings across large openings, (i.e., garages or entrances). All exterior isolated footings should be tied in at least two perpendicular directions by grade beams or tie beams to reduce the potential for lateral drift or diffe~entlal distortion. The base of the grade beams should enter the adjoining footings at the same depth as the footings (i.e., in profile view). The grade beam steel should be continuous at the footing connection. Grade beams and footings should be minimally reinforced and sized per the structural engineers recommendations. Foundation Settlement -Structural Loads Provided that the recommendations contained in this report are Incorporated into final design and construction phase of development, a majority (50 percent or more) of the anticipated foundation settlement is expected to occur during construction. Maximum settlement is not expected to exceed approximately¾ to 1 inch and should occur below the heaviest loaded columns. Differential settlement is not expected to exceed approximately ¼ to ½ inch between similar elements, in a 20-foot span. The Blackmore Company Lot 103 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2472a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. W,O 2472-A·SC August 17, 1998 Page 14 SEP. : 7 ' 99 (FR:) : 2: 44 RENO CON:'RACTING PAGE. , 4/20 E.l,.OOR SLAB DESIGN RECOMMENDAIION_§ C~~crete slab:on·grade floor construction is anticipated. The following are presented as minimum design parameters for the slab, but they are fn no way intended to supersede design by the structural engineer. Design parameters do not account for concentrated loads (e.g., fork lifts, other machinery, etc,) and/or the use of freezers or heating boxes. Light Load Floor Slabs The slabs In areas that will receive relatively light live loads (i.e., less than 50 psf) should be a minimum of 5 inches thick and be reinforced with No. 3 reinforcing bar on 18 inches centers In two horizontally perpendlcular directions. Reinforcing should be properly supported to ensure placement near the vertical midpoint of the slab. "Hooking" of the reinforcement Is not considered an acceptable method of positioning the steel. The recommended minimum compressive strength of concrete Is 2,500 pounds per square Inch {ASTM 520-C-2500). A minimum 4 inch layer of clean select sand should be provided beneath the concrete slab. The project structural engineer should consider the use of transverse and longitudinal control Joints to help control slab cracking due to concrete shrinkage or expansion. Two of the best ways to control this movement are: 1) add a sufficient amount of reinforcing steel to increase the tensile strength of the slab; and 2) provide an adequate amount of control and/or expansion joints to accommodate anticipated concrete shrinkage and expansion. Transverse and longitudinal crack control joints should be spaced no more than 12 feet on center and constructed to a minimum depth of T/4, where ''T" equals the slab thickness In lnches. Heavy Load Flgor Slabs The project structural engineer should design the slabs in areas subject to high loads (machinery, forklifts, storage racks, ate. or above standard office loading). The M(!dulus of subgrade reaction (k-value) may be used in the design of the floor slab supporting heavy truck traffic, fork lifts, machine foundations and heavy storage areas. A k-value (modulus of subgrade reaction) of 75 pounds per square inch per inch (pci) would be prudent to utilize for preliminary slab design. An A-value test and/or plate load test may be used to verify the k-value on near surface fill soils. Concrete slabs should be at least 5½ Inches thick and reinforced with at least No. 3 reinforcing bars placed 18 Inches on center In two directions. Selection of slab thickness compatibility with anticipated loads should be provided by the structural engineer. Heavily loaded concrete slabs should be underlain with a minimum of 4 inches of %-inch crushed rock (vibrated Into place), or 4 inches of aggregate base materials (Class 2 aggregate base or equivalent) compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent. Transverse and longitudinal crack control joints should be spaced no more than 14 feet The Blackmore Company Lot 103 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2472a.pge GeoSoils, lnc. W.O 2472-A-SC August 17, 1998 Page 15 SEF. : 7 ' 99 (FRl) i 2: 44 RENO CONTRACT:NG FAGE. : S/20 on center and constructed to a minimum depth of T/4, where "P equals the slab thickness !n Inches. The use of expansion joints in the slab should be considered. Concrete used 1n slab construction should be of minimum compressive strength 3250 pounds per square Inch (ASTM 560-C-3250}. Spacing of expansion or crack control joints should be modified based on the footprint of the area to be heavily loaded. These recommendations are meant as minimums. The project architect and/or ~tructural engineer should review and verify that the minimum recommendations presented herein are considered adequate with respect to anticipated uses. The subgrade material should be compacted to a minimum 90 percent of the maximum_ laboratory dry density. Prior to placement of concrete, the medium expansive subgrade soils should be presaturated to 18 inches below grade to 120 percent optimum moisture content and verified by our field representative prior to visqueen placement and prior to ·:··,,${ltd Within 72 hours of the concrete pour. · •' !! l·I ·-.. ;·· Moisture Protection In areas where moisture condensation is undesirable (e.g., areas to have moisture- sensitive floor coverings}, a minimum 6-rnil plastic membrane should be placed with all laps/openings sealed. The· membrane should be sandwiched between two 2-lnch (mtni~wm) sand layers for a toi"a.l of 4 Inches of sand. These areas should be separate from areas not similarly protected. This separation could be provided with a concrete cut- off wall (minimum 6 Inches thick) extending at least 18 inches into the subgrade soil, below the sand fayer. C088QSJON AND CONCRETE MIX • GSI conducted preliminary sampling of near-surface materials for soluble sulfates on the subject site. Laboratory test results indicate that the site materials have a moderate potential for corrosion to concrete. The design criteria presented in Table 19-A-2 and 19~A~ 3 of the UBC {1997 edition) should be followed. Based on the corrosion potential for exposed concrete·. Type V concrete is not required, and foundations may be constructed using Type If, IP (MS), or IS (MS) concrete. Upon completion of grading, additional testing of soils (Including Import materials) should be considered prior to the construction of utilities and foundations. Alternative methods and additional comments may be obtained from a qualified corrosion engineer. The Blackmore Company Loi 103 of Carlsbad Research Center FIia: e;\wµ7\2400\2472a.pgti GeoSoils, lne. W.O 2472-A-SC August 17, 1998 Page 16 SEP. 17 ' 99 (FR!) : 2: 45 RENO CONTRAC':":NG RETAINING WALL RECOMMENDATIONS 9eoeral PAGE. '. 6/20 The equivalent fluid pressure parameters provide for either the use of native or low expansive select granular backfill to be utilized behind the proposed walls. The low expansive granular backfill should be provided behind the wall at a 1 :1 (h:v) projection from the heel of the foundation system. Low expansive fill ls Class 3 aggregate baserock or Class 2 permeable rock. Wall backfilling should be performed with relatively fight equipment within the same 1 :1 projection (i.e., hand tampers, walk behind compactors). Highly expansive soils should not be used to backfill any proposed walls. During construction, materials should not be stockpiled behind nor in front of walls for a distance of 2H where H Is the height of the wall. Foundation systems for any proposed retaining walls should be designed in accordance with the recommendations presented in the Foundation Design section of this report. Building walls, below grade, should be water-proofed or damp-proofed, depending on the degree of moisture protection desired. All walls should be properly designed in accordance with the recommendations presented below. Some movement of the walls constructed should be anticipated as soil strength parameters are mobilized. This movement could cause some cracking depending upon the materials used to construct the wall. To reduce the potential for wall cracking, walls should be Internally grouted and reinforced with steel. To mitigate this effect, the use of vertical crack control joints and expansion joints, spaced at 20 feet or less along the walls should be employed. Vertical expansion control Joints should be infilled with a flexible grout. Wall footings should be keyed or doweled across vertical expansion Joints. Bestralned Walls Loading Dock Wall It Is recommended that loading dock walls be designed for restrained conditions (indicated below), where adjacent to the proposed site building. Loading dock walls should be designed to resist lateral earth pressure and any additional lateral pressures caused by surcharge loads on the anticipated adjoining slab surface. Approximately up to ½ of surcharge loads on the truck loading dock slab may be added a.s a uniform load In the back of the loading dock wall. However, the structural engineer or civil engineering specializing in structural design should review and evaluate the type of wall connection(s) and the condition of the wall (restrained or cantilever). The Blackmore Company Lot 103 or Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2472a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O 2472·A-SC August 17, 1998 Page 17 SEP. :7 '99 (FR:) :2:45 RENO CONTRACTING PAGE. : 7/20 Other Walls Any retaining walls that will be restrained prior to placing and compacting backfill material or that have re-entrant or male comers, should be designed for an at-rest equivalent fluid pressures (EFP) of 65 pcf, plus any applicable surcharge loading. This restrained-wall, earth pressure value Is for select backfill material onfy. For areas of male or re-entrant corners, the restrained wall design should extend a minimum distance of twice the height of the wall laterally from 1he corner. Building walls below grade or greater than 2 feet in height should be water·proofed or damp~proofed, depending on the degree of moisture protection desired. The wall should be drained as Indicated In the following section. A seismic increment of 1 OH (uniform pressure) should be considered on walls for level backfill, and 20H for sloping backfill of 2:1, where H is defined as the height of retained material behind the wall. For structural footing loads within the 1 :1 zone of influence behind wall backfill, refer to the following section. Qantfleyered WE!l1$ These recommendations are for cantilevered retaining walls up to 1 O feet high. Active earth pressure may be used for retaining wall design, provided the top of the wall· is not restrained from minor deflections. An empirical equivalent fluid pressure approach may be used to compute the horizontal pressure against the wall. Appropriate fluid unit weights are provided for specific slope gradients of the retained material. These do not include other superimpos~d loading conditions such as traffic, structures, seismic events, • expansive soils, or adverse geologic conditions. • , •• , • ,w ·,~" f•r·=: , ; •. ·. '"' . ·1 • • ,.;-, ·: • • • • ·• ·:·1 \SURF.ACE SLOPE-OF,RETAINEDi. · .. : .·: . · ·. ·,,.MAfERIAi/cttortzonta1·to'verticai} ....=. :-;::-:· Level** 2 to 1 eauivAi.eNr FLu10 werGHri.oii}~i . : ··:· ':'.:SELECT SOJL* .. ··.::·-.:?(/"t:' 33 45 *To be increased by traffic, structural surcharge and seismic loading as needed. **Level walls are those where arades behind the wall are level for a distance of 2H. Wall Backfm and Qrninage All retaining walls should be provided with an adequate backdrain and outlet system (a minimum two outlets per wall and no greater than 1 OD feet apart), to prevent buildup of hydrostatic pressures and be designed in accordance with minimum standards presented herein. See site wall drain options {Figure 3, Figure 4, and Figure 5). Drain pipe should consist of 4-inch diameter perforated schedule 40 PVC pipe embedded in gravel. Gravel The Blackmore Company Loi 103 of Carlsbad Research Center FIie: e:\wp7\~400\2472a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O 2472-A-SC August 17. 1998 Page 18 D IDE SEP. 17 '99 (FR!) i~:49 RENO CONTRAC':'!NG / , . / / / / ( I .. /_..',.·· __ .. / ..-· .-· I / (( /// l j-t-r / -- I 1' d_ '.2. ! ' \\j'-.r () i ~ I 'b"' ,. .~o "· I '° 1 I I I l I I ' • TOP OF WALL 18'' TC ELEV PAGE. 18/20 _., RETAINING WALL PER SDRSO C-6 AND PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION A·A NOT TO SCALE -N a2· Jo'oo• w ---.:.:....:__--.!_459,82' -.__ ---