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1535 FARADAY AVE; ; PCR00021; Permit
f J~ \-i--lY \ City of Carlsbad > ~ 03/17/2000 Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCR00021 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: 1535 FARADAY AV CBAD PCR Lot#: 0 Valuation: $0.00 Construction Type: NEW Reference #: Project Title: Applicant: DIFFERED SUBMITTAL FOR BAR JOIST SYSTEM THE BLACKMORE CO 1525 FARADAY AV CARLSBAD, CA 92009 760-804-9600 Total Fees: FINAL APPROVAL Inspector: Date: Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: Clearance: ISSUED 01/25/2000 GMF 03/10/2000 03/17/2000 0002 01 CGP $218.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Cartsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been !liven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has oreviously otherwise exoired. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 218-00 PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075'"Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO. ?c.,~0002-1 EST. VAL _________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit ________ _ Validated By_A_r _______ _ Date 1/2.c,,[o<' Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision Na'me(Nu'!J,her Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units rv'& 0 G-O.nJ sr arr/ C6 e 0/ '-OJ .IV'"- Name . Address City S.tate/Zip iE __ .,,.,.&"fm><nittt."i-mlTHiW-..-._'"!i'.4'SJ¥\"'-'"'~m,t<N'ff!ffi'l'!?'N'~~~~~Z3':~~'L'l"',~·-1'~'.i':.-~~'*~'F;~~if1>s1!~"~~t;,~~lh'l:J:'.'X-',::,!'\~~;:;~;~;-~~~4~.Yn,,.-J:Df\Y"1~'l',,,'e~'?...W~g-,~'i.~M~~nttl~11wt1,~'··~~~~~~-,,..,~~~'!i::.:t~o:.:~~-~~:»M'WRn:.T-. lm,,'-''1"' ,\~'l,' .,,;~ ;;;r.,, <:<_. .. '~.,,... ,;..f<¾1xY,i.11-..-,, ·-. {Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed st~tement that he is licensed pursuant ~o the provisions of the Contract~r·s License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he rs exempt therefrom, and the basrs for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031,5 by any applicant tor a permit subjects the applicant.to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]). Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License # _________ _ License Class _________ _ City Business License # _______ _ Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License# _________ _ ~~,i!'.fQ.~aK~~¢;QMf!iNf.~Q~Wal!'~!a."UE"'~.Ji~;~J/l':,'~~~~~!1!~t;}~l.1-t~J/!f£{-:r·~~r:\:?S'-~::;· ': · ':: -_.~ > .. «' •• • _,_; : :: Workers' Compensation Declaration: I herebY. affirm under penalty of perjury one of·the following declarations: O I have and will ma'intain a certificate of consent to self-insure tor workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is Issued. O J have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the Work for which this permit is issued, My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company____________________ Policy No. Expiration Date _______ _ {THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($1001 OR LESS) O ·cERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workere' compensation coverage is unlawful, end shell subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), In addition to the cost of compensation, damages es provided for In Section 3706 of the Labor code, Interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE. _____________________________ DATE ________ _ i"lJ;:m~illVt~~ffip~q~'lf~'t{qi~~~~··ti~:.irrim~~:,illi.flJ;:~:1gi1fi$~~~~H-;1it~i'i}J\7;,>Ll\~~h~~i~".".':;,:'Fi'/-~i:j.¾~~:,r;~,--'~:· ·, :::7:·,.,·. I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: · 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale {Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with conttactor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials tor construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I {have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work, 3. I have contracted with the following person {firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): 4, I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license number): _____________________________________________ _ 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired} the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work}: _____________________________________________________ _ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE _____________________ _ DATE _________ _ ~QM[~i!ir.EJ.t.r.oJ!ii:Q)if~Q~flf.EQB~11il1!J~ffi'G£!.([~~i{i,W'~-~.m]~~*ffi-fl3'.:{&1£fil~:::··1ct.~s~2=:~2f;s?\::L:;;~ · Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Su~stance Account Act? 0 YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. ~~~~t1;BW§Il~R!~'$l~W@1~l'~~~"tm~~~-D~lr~~!-~;r~~Ji{~~~".i".~~::,r~tiVtJ:f ,:-::x:.::;'::;:/ ::·: ,,~-· .:·; ,''. · -· I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(il Civil Code). LENDER'S ADDRESS ______________________ _ LENDER'S NAME ----------------i~tP.ki-9-4lf:r;ffii;lfil..q'A,JJ.PflUi:~f~~~~~.iif~'~J]~~~~tm1°'1£WJ:~~l~§t~;'.;;;r_2t''.·f::.11:1.2:-C,~" ·--· ,\:·: ,_.:· - I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information Is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes, I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under, the provisions of tt,is Code snail expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such·permit is not commenced within 365 days from the date of ch permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is comm!,nced for a period of 180 days { ct' n 106.4.4 Uniform Building Coc;le). ~ \ APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE -----S:~~~~~~~:::::'..___.~~::~~~==:::~:::._____ DATE /-.;:i..c--OU WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance EsGil Corporation 1n Partnersfiip witfi government for 'BuiMing Safety DATE: 2/4/00 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-520 rev PROJECT ADDRESS: 1535 Faraday Ave. SET:I ,...-CJ-A-PP-LI ANT '---.CJ JURIJ 0 PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE PROJECT NAME: The Blackmore Company Lot 103 Truss Calculation and Details D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. ~ The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person ~ REMARKS: 1. The first page of the truss calculation shall be signed and sealed by the engineer responsible for their preparation. 2. The truss layout and detail sheet (J2 of 2) shall be signed and sealed by the engineer responsible for their preparation. 3. The engineer record shall review the truss calculation and details. (PCR00021) By: David Yao Enclosures: original approved plan Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 1/27 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 99-520 rev 2/-4/00 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS: 1535 Faraday Ave. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA (ft. 2) truss 2hr Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-520 rev DATE: 2/4/00 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER ($) D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance:$ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 217.88 Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only cg] Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 174.3 Comments: Esgil Fee=87.15(2)=174.3 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 "alley ~ Joist, Inc. manufacturers of joist and metal deck January 7, 2000 asuba!dlaryof tl$COel• , ........ ... (775) 575-7337 Fa.-..: (775) 575-7222 P.O. Box 2170 255 Logan Road Logan Industrial Park Fernley, NV 89408 ENGINEERJNG REPORT COVER SHEET #Fl FOR FINAL CALCULATIONS FOR APPROVAL BY ENGINEER OF RECORD RE: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY, LOT# 103, CARLSBAD, CA VALLEY JOIST CONTRACT NO.: 9N01627 CUSTOMER: D.A. WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION //ATTENTION: 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 DAVEKAPALA PHONE: 619-444-4350 THIS ENGINEERING REPORT SIGNATURE PAGE SHEET NO. Fl OF 1 IS PROVIDED FOR JOIST AND JOIST GIRDER MARKS as shown on the calculation pages 1 through 156 and pages 1 through 71 and joist list sheets 5 through 11. THESE JOISTS ARE AS MARKED ON THE JOIST PLACEMENT PLANS. The work was prepared under the supervision of Valley Joist-west's KENT BICE, P.E. The bridging is to be in place and anchoi-ed as required by the SJI Specifications & Technical Digests. The joist designations and special loads were designed by the engineer-of-record, not by the joist manufacturer nor by RICHARD A. PHANEUF, P.E. MR. RICHARD A. PHANEUF, P. E. IS NOT THE engineer-of-record; Mr. Phaneuf is the steel joist component engineer whereby Mr. Phaneurs scope is limited to the steel joists. Mr. Phaneurs scope does not include the complete structure nor the coordination of the components within the structure as clarified by the May 1996 California Board of Registration Annual Report. THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL AFFIXED HERETO INDICATES THAT THE STEEL JOISTS WERE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STEEL JOIST INSTITUTE'S STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS TO SUPPORT THE LOADS furnished and approved by the owner's engineer of record. THE SEAL IS NOT INTENDED TO CERTIFY OR IMPLY THAT THE BUILDING DOES OR DOES NOT CONFORM TO ANY NATIONAL, STATE OR LOCAL BUILDING CODES. VALLEY JOIST IS A CERTIFIED, ACTIVE MEMBER OF THE STEEL JOIST INSTITUTE. THE STEEL ANGLE SHAPES AND ROUND BARS USED FOR THE CHORDS AND WEBS WAS 50-KSI MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH PER THE SJI SPECIFICATIONS. The joist·material sizes were designed to carry the loads as shown on the calculations. Valley Joist's ICBO Number is FA-363. ~ ft-r/J~/J~e. RICHARD A. PHANEUF, PE #24975 DIRECTOR of ENGINEERJNG VALLEY JOIST/ EBSCO INDUSTRIES, INC. CACALC VJ 9N0J627 CC/DARANN MCKEE-VJ-WEST KENT BICE, PE, V. JOIST \ "" -,' I I I ·), ,r ~- Valley Joist West Vl..64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised· 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:929~9~i ~e REVls~ ,,0 O RE;JECTED· 0 FURNISH AS CORRECTED Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 0 REVtse A!{ri RESUBMN' TJ13 1 -32LH870/470 X 31' 2.250 Special Crimpe corrections or comments made on th~ shop drawings during this revie"."' do no'. relieve con· tractor from compliance with requ1re:nents of_ the drawings and specifications. Ttv::, check ~s only tor review of the general conformance w1t11 the design concept of the project ~nd ~eneral comgth1ce with the information g1ve:1 in the . c'6i!JS~lmcc1:nents. The contractor 1s resp?~st- ble for. Conltrrning and correlating ;Ji eit1ant1t1es and dimensions; se!ewng fabrication pro~ess~s Parallel chord Longspan End Length De2th Slo2e Holes To:Q Chord Ext BCX d!IS.l%f'ci es qt,aoJ_lsJW_Ciion!iJl1::LIJ19 his or ne vah~~olhe'i'= Tag 6.000 5.000 Opp 6.000 5.000 y Uniform Live load 470 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 870 #/ft full length Uniform Dead 1·oad 400 #/ft full length performing all work in a safe a'4daat©!@.ijory manner. 48. 000 Date 2 ..-l ~ -0 v HOROWITZ TAYLOR ENGINEERING An additional SJI load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. ~ Top chord Bot chord 32.000 30.732 27.500 1251590 panel spacing: 1@ 34.56" panel spacing: Ep= 48.00" in Deep in Effective Depth in Clear Depth in-# Moment Total weight Loading combinations: SJI --o 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 Left TC axial load: 0.0 Right TC axial load: 0.0 Left end reactions: 13522 Right end reactions: 13522 1 @ 34 • 56 II Ep= 48.00" 1@ 32.56" 1@ 43.13" 370.250 766.151 L/ 858 1.000 19.044 in Design length in4 Ix NtU§ 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 Live Defl in Chord gap in Centroid Dead 1.00 1.00 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.0 0.0 6271 6271 Live --o 1.00 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.0 0.0 7251 7251 Equk 0 0 0 0 0.75 -0.75 0 0 3.0 3.0 0 0 To:12 bridging rows: 2 per SJI 3 if deck provides no lateral 10@ 24.00" 4@ 48.00" 1 @ 1 @ 32.56"~ 43 .13 II 3355 0.00 L/ 464 0.39"7 # Minimum Shear in4 Minimum Ix SJI Defl in Camber R~oConiractin~ Job no.: <t9toO Project: bar ,~3 Submittal No. o.o z...,-s-~c.~ "The c11closcd document(s) bas been rcviewcci by Reno Contracting Inc. for general conformance to the requircme.Qts of the Contract Pocuments. We did not discover any devia- tion from: the Contract Documents, but our Subcontractor and / or Supplier remains fully respm1~ible for compliance with all Contract D.ocumcnts~ for details and accuracy, for confirming and correcting all quantities and dimensions, for choice of fabrication processes and techniques of con.struc- tion, for coordinating bis work with all other trades, ·aQd for performing: his work i.n a safe and satisfactory ,manner." RENO CONTRACTING, INC. By: ShA.,.,N shA.1:./ Dato: .i/u/4000 .,_. , / "' l 1 ! ~'-'-',; · ·c .t ; J -• .• y. --:: ~: l f \' , •, r ·~ i • f ' -:f • •• • • • I l • • . . f .: -:-' .r .i $ ,. -• f ! f · ! { \ ' ,c ·~ -~ J j I:$ ! ~-. ,. ;'_: I ; h~ 1 ,. ~ : ·<:, 1 } i .£: J ;" , _ ." ;-; l -f I ~---. ,, -. --... . l ;:-; t ·~ : :~ r• -. ...._ ·-J' l~ ~ ::;, ~ ~ , .t ~-O ; t f~..JJ I ""* J f t , ,...,, -.: .. -t ii:~ --; :~ ! }!,~ C, { i ; .:.} .-•' 1 ! : • ' :.. ;" ,_. . . ! i 13 i , • • • .,-'-. ;·, j i i .3 i ; :-;. -~ ~ ~· -•:_, . ::, : : . ._: i l 1 .... i I . .. ... .. ' -.:, • -"· , _, i o !~: J . .f ~ ..: .. / ~ ;; --. --• . -:_, ·l ,: I ; J.._ !•..) :!i ~. ~ --._, ~ --r, ~ ' ' f 1-.... .. ~ ......... ~~~.~~,.,, ............. ..,~---,;~~~ '--~ ...... i \ ,, Valley Joist West -- Job #9N01627 ~ 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 -619 / 444-4350 DAVE KAPALA. PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 TJ13 1 -32LH870/470 X 31 1 2.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan TO:Q Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A = 2.030 y = 0.703 Fy 50000 Bridg < 243 11 Ix= 1. 219 Iy= 4.158 Rx = 0.775 Ry = 1.431 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 60903 Chord shear: V = 9893 p = -6157 fv = 9333 fc = -3033 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ~ __i_!!_ ~ lbs in-# ...£ti_ --E§..L Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 32.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 32.56 2250 20704 5385 66.0z 19033 84541 0.302 0.536 0.130 0.666 U-1 32.00 2250 20704 8448 27000 0.199 0.378 0.461 0.839 0.00 32.56 0 17725 3064 49.5z 23752 150296 0.151 0.368 0.063 0.431 U-2 32.00 0 29774 4643 30000 0.089 0 .489 0.228 0. 717 2.37 24.00 0 29774 1314 36.5z 25533 276668 0.065 0.574 0.027 0.601 U-3 32.00 0 29774 3168 30000 0.061 0.489 0.156 0.645 0.00 24.00 0 29774 1854 36.5z 25533 276668 0.091 0.574 0.038 0.613 U-4 32.00 0 37988 3564 30000 0.069 0.624 0.175 0.799 1. 66 24.00 0 37988 1709 36.5z 25533 276668 0.084 0.733 0.035 0.768 U-5 32.00 0 37988 3457 30000 0.067 0.624 0.170 0.794 0.00 24.00 0 37988 1748 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.733 0.036 0.769 U-6 32.00 0 40726 3486 30000 0.067 0.669 0 .171 0.840 1. 58 24.00 0 40726 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 0.786 0.036 0.822 U-7 31. ~ 40726 3477 30000 0.067 0.669 0.171 0 840 0.00 24.00 0 40726 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 0.786 0.036 0.822 U-8 32.00 0 40726 3486 30000 0.067 0.669 0.171 0.840 1. 58 24.00 0 37988 1748 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.733 0.036 0.769 U-9 32.00 J 37988 3457 30000 0.067 0.624 0.170 0.794 0.00 24.00 0 37988 1709 36.5z 25533 276668 0.084 0.733 0.035 0.768 U-10 32.00 0 37988 3564 30000 0.069 0.624 0.175 0.799 1. 66 24.00 0 29774 1854 36.Sz 25533 276668 0. 091 0.574 0.038 0.613 U-11 32 .... !' 29774 3168 30000 0.061 0.489 0.156 0.545 0. 0/J 24.00 :) 29774 1314 36.Sz 25533 276668 0.065 0.574 0.027 0.601 U-12 32.00 0 29774 4643 30000 0.089 0 .489 0.228 0. 717 2.37 32.56 0 17725 3064 49.5z 23752 150296 0.151 0.368 0.063 0.431 U-13 32.00 2250 20704 8448 27000 0.199 0.378 0.461 0.839 0.00 32.56 2250 20704 5385 66.0z 19033 84541 0.302 0.536 0.130 0.666 U-14 32.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q Rz f = = = Vl.64 1/05/00 0.967 0.493 9455 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRU~TION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#: 92999_ Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 TJ13 1 -32LH870/470 X 31' 2.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL2x2x.176 A = 1. 346 y = 0.565 Fy = 50000 IX= 0.516 Iy= 2.042 Rx = 0.619 Ry = 1.232 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 40381 Chord shear: V = 12329 p = 18454 fv = 17512 fc = 13710 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _lg_ _lg_ ~ ~ in-# ~ _£§i_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.97 43 .13 23614 0 0 109.3z 12490 30758 0.585 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0. ,)0 34566 0 0 30000 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 0~ 48.00 34566 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 40042 0 0 30000 o. 992 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 40042 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 0.992 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 40042 0 0 30000 0.992 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.00 40042 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 0.992 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 40042 0 0 30000 0.992 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 34566 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-ll 0.00 34566 0 0 30000 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 43.13 23614 0 0 109.3z 12490 30758 0.585 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .ooo 0.97 Q = 0.981 Rz 0.394 f = 18806 ... ~- Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N016.27 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 TJ13 1 32LH870/470 X 31' 2.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Comeressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Sloee -2!!.,_ Member in2 ---111-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length Toe£'.'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.25 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12329 22193 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Ul -Ll V 1 23.62 33.54 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2461 2774 3695 . llxO. 9 3.0/ 2.7 U2 -Ll C 1 31.89 36.20 l-LL2-l/2x.212 1.015 0.493z 0 0 30452 9893 11652 17345 . 2lxl. 9 4.4/ 4.1 U2 -L3 T 2 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 7906 10031 10781 0 0 10781 13x2 7 3.5/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1989 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 U4 -L3 C 2 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6114 7758 8461 .14xl.3 3.8/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl 7 3.3/ 3.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2030 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3355 4257 4605 llxl. 3 3.5/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3355 4257 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3.3/ 3.0 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2044 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 us -L7 T 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3355 4257 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3.3/ 3.0 us -L9 C 4 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3355 4257 4605 . llxl. 3 3.5/ 3. 3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2030 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 UlO -L9 T 6 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl 7 3.3/ 3.0 UlO -Lll C 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 O. 3'!6z 0 0 14402 6114 7758 8461 14xl. 8 3.8/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1989 4181 llxO 6 3. '.'/ 2.5 Ul2 -Lll T 7 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 O. 296z 7906 10031 10781 0 0 10781 13x2 7 3 5/ 3.3 U12 -Ll3 C 6 31. 89 36.20 1-LL2-1/2x.212 1. 015 0. 493z 0 0 30452 9893 11652 17345 . 2lxl. 9 4.4/ 4.1 Ul3 -L13 V 7 23.62 33.54 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2461 2774 3695 . llxO. 9 3.0/ 2.7 Ul4 -L13 T 8 56.25 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12329 22193 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Lor 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J14 3 -32LH870/470 x 31' 2.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 470 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 870 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 400 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. EP/#lL 48.000 48.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 34.56 11 Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 34.56 11 Ep= 48. 00'' 1@ 32.56 11 1@ 43.13 11 10@ 24.00 11 4@ 48.00 11 1@ 32.56 11 1@ 43.13" Ep= 48.00 11 32.000 in Deep 370.250 in Design length 3355 # Minimum Shear 30.732 in Effective Depth 766.151 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 27.500 in Clear Depth L/ 858 Live Defl L/ 464 SJI Defl 1251590 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0 . 3 g7 in Camber Total weight 19.044 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtU§ Dead Live Equk Wind --0 1.00 --o 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 ·O. 0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 13522 0 6271 7251 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 13522 0 6271 7251 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 2 per SJI 3 if deck provides no lateral support. ,.. Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD,. CA UBC 1994 J14 3 -32LH870/470 X 31' 2.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan TOQ Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A = 2.030 y = 0.703 Fy = 50000 Bridg < 243 11 Ix= 1.219 Iy= 4.158 Rx = 0.775 Ry = 1.431 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 60903 Chord shear: V = 9893 p = -6157 fv = 9333 fc = -3033 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Lengch Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction --!.Q_ --!.Q_ ~ ~ in-# ~ ----2.§..L Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 32.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 32.56 2250 20704 5385 66.0z 19033 84541 0.302 0.536 0 .130 0.666 U-1 32.00 2250 20704 8448 27000 0.199 0.378 0.461 0.839 0.00 32.56 0 17725 3064 49 .Sz 23752 150296 0.151 0.368 0.063 0.431 U-2 32.00 0 29774 4643 30000 0.089 0.489 0.228 0. 717 2.37 24.00 0 29774 1314 36.5z 25533 276668 0.065 0.574 0.027 0.601 U-3 32.00 0 29774 3168 30000 0.061 0.489 0.156 0.645 0.00 24.00 0 29774 1854 36.5z 25533 276668 0. 091 0.574 0.038 0.613 U-4 32.00 0 37988 3564 30000 0.069 0.624 0.175 0.799 1. 66 24 00 0 37988 1709 36.5z 25533 276668 0.084 0.733 0.035 0.768 U-5 32.00 0 37988 3457 30000 0.067 0.624 0.170 0.794 0.00 24.00 0 37988 1748 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.733 0.036 0.769 U-6 32.00 0 40726 3486 30000 0.067 0.669 0.171 0.84G 1. 58 24.00 0 40726 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 0.786 0.036 0.822 U-7 32.CO 0 40726 3477 30000 0.067 0.669 0.171 0.84C 0 00 24.00 0 40726 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 0.786 0.036 0.822 U-8 32.00 0 40726 3486 30000 0.067 0.669 0.171 0.840 1. 58 24.00 0 37988 1748 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.733 0.036 0.769 U-9 32.00 0 37988 3457 30000 0.067 0.624 0.170 0.79~ 0.00 24.00 0 37988 1709 36.5z 25533 276668 0.084 0.733 0.035 0.768 u-ro 32.00 0 37988 3564 30000 0.069 0.624 0.175 0.799 1. 66 24.00 0 29774 1854 36.5z 25533 276668 0.091 0.574 0.038 0.613 u-~, 3~ .. 1 29774 3168 30000 0.061 0 489 0.156 0.6~: 0. 1)1, 24.00 0 29774 1314 36.5z 25533 276668 0.065 0.574 0.027 0.60: U-12 32.00 0 29774 4643 30000 0.089 0.489 0.228 0. 717 2.37 32.56 0 17725 3064 49.5z 23752 150296 0.151 0.368 0.063 0.431 U-13 32.00 2250 20704 8448 27000 0.199 0.378 0 .461 0.839 0.00 32.56 2250 20704 5385 66.0z 19033 84541 0.302 0.536 0.130 0.666 U-14 32.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 / Q Rz f = = Vl.64 1/05/00 0.967 0.493 9455 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 J14 3 -32LH870/470 x 31' 2.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL2x2x.176 A= 1.346 Y = 0.565 Rx= 0.619 40381 Ix= 0.516 Iy= 2.042 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= Chord shear: V = 12329 P = 18454 fv = 17512 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Fy = 50000 Ry= 1.232 fc = 13710 Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _l_!L_ _l_!L_ ~ ~ in-# __Q§i__ ~ Unity Axial ~ Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.97 43.13 23614 C 0 109.3z 12490 30758 0.585 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 34566 0 0 30000 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 48.00 34566 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 40042 0 0 30000 0.992 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 40042 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 0.992 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 40042 0 0 30000 0.992 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.00 40042 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 0.992 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 40042 0 0 30000 0.992 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 34566 0 0 121. 7z 10082 24828 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 34566 0 0 30000 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.09 43.13 23614 0 0 109.3z 12490 30758 0.585 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.97 . Q = 0.981 Rz = 0.394 f = 18806 Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 J14 3 32LH870/470 X 31''2.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Com2ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slo2e _____ig_ Member ...l!lL _____!!!_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ____!f)§___ Length To2/Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.25 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0. 785 0.250 12329 22193 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Ul -Ll V 1 23.62 33.54 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2461 2774 3695 . llxO. 9 3.0/ 2.7 U2 -Ll C 1 31. 89 36.20 1-LL2-1/2x.212 1. 015 0.493z 0 0 30452 9893 11652 17345 .21xl.9 4.4/ 4.1 U2 -L3 T 2 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-1/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 7906 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2. 7 3 ", 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1989 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 U4 -L3 C 2 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 O. 346z 0 0 14402 6114 7758 8461 .14xl.8 3.8/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.7 3.3/ 3.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2030 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3355 4257 4605 . llxl. 3 3.5/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3355 4257 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3. 3,i 3.0 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2044 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 us -L7 T 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3355 4257 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3.3/ 3. 0 us -L9 C 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3355 4257 4605 .llxl.3 3.5/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2030 4181 llx0.6 3.C/ 2.5 UlO -L9 T 6 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3 3/ 3.0 UlO -Lll C 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0 .480 O. 346z 0 0 14402 6114 7758 8461 .14xl.8 3.8/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1989 4181 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 Ul2 -Lll T 7 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 7906 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 3.5/ 3.3 Ul2 -L13 C 6 31.89 36.20 1-LL2-l/2x.212 1.015 0.493z 0 0 30452 9893 11652 17345 . 2lxl. 9 4.4/ 4.1 Ul3 -L13 V 7 23.62 33.54 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2461 2774 3695 . llxO. 9 3.0/ 2.7 Ul4 -Ll3 T 8 56.25 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12329 22193 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 · Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 TJ14 1 -32LH870/470 x 30'10.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes y Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 470 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 870 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 400 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. EP/#lL 48.000 48.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 33.62" Bot chord panel spacing: 1 @ 33. 62 II Ep= 48.00" 1@ 31.62" 1@ 41.25" 10@ 24.00 11 4@ 48.00 11 1@ 31.62" Ep= 48.00" 32.000 in Deep 30.844 in Effective Depth 28.000 in Clear Depth 1226458 in-# Moment Total weight Loading combinations: SJI --0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 Left TC axial load: 0.0 Right TC axial load: 0.0 Left end reactions: 13386 Right end reactions: 13386 1 @ 41. 25 11 366.500 in Design length 3321 # Minimum Shear 744.300 in4 Ix L/ 860 Live Defl 1.000 in Chord gap 18.463 ln Centroid NtU§ Dead Live 1.00 --0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 6208 7177 0 6208 7177 Equk 0 0 0 0 0.75 -0.75 0 0 3.0 3.0 0 0 0.00 in4 Minimum L/ 464 SJI Defl 0. 38'9 in Camber Wind --0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 -0.75 0.0 Kips 0.0 Kips O Pounds O Pounds Ix Top bridging rows: 2 per SJI 4 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 . By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CAR,LSBAD, CA UBC 1994 TJ14 1 -32LH870/470 X 30'10.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan TOJ2 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.248 A = 1.861 y = 0.591 Fy = 50000 Bridg < 212 11 Ix= 0.691 Iy= 2.905 Rx = 0.609 Ry = 1.250 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 55830 Chord shear: V = 9859 p = -5514 fv = 9938 fc = -2963 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Pa!lel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction -1-.!l._ -1-.!l._ ~ ~ in-# ...J2§i_ ___Eg_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen u-o 32.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 31. 62 2250 20485 5088 80.8z 16959 55406 0.386 0.649 0.189 0.838 U-1 32.00 2250 20485 7951 27000 0.267 0.408 0.601 1. 009 0 00 31. 62 0 17457 2863 60. 6z 22610 98500 0.195 0.415 0.087 0.502 U-2 32.00 0 28850 4450 30000 0.127 0.517 0.303 0.819 2.12 24.00 0 28850 1385 46.0z 24960 171032 0.094 0.621 0.042 0.663 U-3 32.00 0 28850 3220 30000 0. 092 0. 517 0.219 0.736 0.00 24.00 0 28850 1835 46.0z 24960 171032 0.125 0.621 0.055 0.677 U-4 32.00 0 37035 3550 30000 0.101 0.663 0. 241 0.905 1.55 24.00 0 37035 1714 46.0z 24960 171032 0 .117 0.797 0.053 0.850 U-5 32.00 0 37035 3461 30000 0.099 0.663 0.235 0.899 0.00 24.00 0 37035 1747 46.0z 24960 171032 0 .119 0.797 0.054 0.851 U-6 32.00 0 39763 3485 30000 0.099 0. 712 0.237 0.949 1.47 24.00 0 39763 1739 46.0z 24960 171032 0.118 0.856 0.054 0~ 910 U-7 32.00 0 39763 3477 30000 0.099 0. 712 0.237 0.949 0.00 24.00 0 39763 1739 46.0z 24960 171032 0.118 0.856 0.054 0.910 U-8 32.00 0 39763 3485 30000 0.099 o. 712 0.237 0.949 1.47 24.00 0 37035 1747 46.0z 24960 171032 0 .119 0.797 0.054 0 851 U-9 32.00 0 37035 3461 30000 0.099 0.663 0.235 0.899 0.00 24.00 0 37035 1714 46.0z 24960 171032 0.117 0.797 0.053 0.850 U-1.0 32.00 0 37035 3550 30000 0.101 0.663 0.241 0.905 1. 55 24.00 0 28850 1835 46.0z 24960 171032 0.125 0.621 0.055 0.677 U-11 22. 1)0 0 28850 3220 30000 0.092 0.517 0.219 0.736 0 Oll · 24.00 0 28850 1385 46.0z 24960 171032 0.094 0.621 0.042 0.663 U-12 32.00 0 28850 4450 30000 0.127 0.517 0.303 0.819 2.12 31. 62 0 17457 2863 60.6z 22610 98500 0.195 0.415 0.087 0.502 U-13 32.00 2250 20485 7951 27000 0.267 0.408 0.601 1. 009 0.00 31. 62 2250 20485 5088 80.8z 1695"9 55406" 0.386 0.649 0.189 0.838 U-14 32.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 I '~ Q Rz f = = Vl. 64 1/05/00 1. 000 0.391 10048 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/D0 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 TJ14 1 -32LH870/470 X 30'10.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL2x2x.176 A = 1.346 y = 0.565 Fy 50000 Ix= 0.516 Iy= 2.042 Rx = 0.619 Ry = 1.232 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 40381 Chord shear: V = 12227 p = 18235 fv = 17367 fc = 13547 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction -2£_ -2£_ ~ lbs in-# ~ __l2g_ Unity Axial ~ Unity ~ L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30'000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 02 41. 25 22712 0 0 104. 6z 13600 33618 0.562 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 33625 0 0 30000 0.833 0.000 0.000 '). 000 1. 09 48.00 33625 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 0.833 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 39081 0 0 30000 0. 968 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 39081 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 0.968 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 39081 0 0 30000 0.968 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.00 39081 0 0 121. 7z 10082 24828 0. 968 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 39081 0 0 30000 0. 968 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 33625 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 0.833 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 33625 0 0 30000 0.833 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 41.25 22712 0 0 104.6z 13600 33618 0.562 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 1 02 Q = 0.981 Rz = 0.394 f = 18642 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO# :·92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE _CARLSBAD; CA Comments: UBC 1994 TJ14 1 32LH870/470 X 30 1 10.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Com12ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slope ----1.!L Member in2 ___!!L _1.£@_ _1.£@_ _1.£@_ _1.£@_ _1.£@_ _1.£@_ Length Toe£'.'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.16 55.38 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12227 21954 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Ul -Ll V 1 24.99 34.03 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2393 2727 3607 .llx0.8 2.5/ 2.7 U2 -Ll C 1 29.22 35.34 1-L L2x2x.248 0.930 0.391z 0 0 27915 9859 11296 11824 . 25xl. 5 3.3/ 3.5 U2 -L3 T 2 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-1/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 7906 10018 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 2.9/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30.84 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1984 4162 . llxO. 6 2.5/ 2.5 U4 -L3 C 2 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6114 7747 8443 .14xl 8 3.1/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5592 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.7 2.7/ 3.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 30.84 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2025 4162 . llxO. 6 2.5/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3321 4208 4592 .llxl.3 2.9/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3321 4208 7819 0 0 7819 .11;:l. 3 2.7/ 3.0 U7 -L7 V 4 J.00 3U. 84 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 U.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2039 .J lD~ . ~ -:•: 'J =. s' 2.5 U8 -L7 T 5 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3321 4208 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 2.7/ 3.0 us -L9 C 4 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3321 4208 4592 . 11;:l. 3 2.9/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30.84 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2025 4162 11:-:0. 6 2.5/ 2.5 UlO -L9 T 6 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5592 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.7 2.7/ 3.0 UlO -Lll C 5 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6114 7747 8443 .14xl.8 3.1/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 30.84 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1984 4162 .llx0.6 2.5/ 2.5 Ul2 -Lll T 7 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 7906 10018 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 2.9/ 3.3 Ul2 -L13 C 6 29.22 35.34 1-L L2x2x.248 0.930 0.39lz 0 0 27915 9859 11296 11824 . 2Sxl. 5 3.3/ 3.5 U13 -Ll3 V 7 24.99 34.03 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2393 2727 3607 .llx0.8 2.5/ 2.7 Ul4 -L13 T 8 56.16 55.38 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12227 21954 23562 0 0 23562 .23;:2.3 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments·: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 TJ14A 1 -32LH870/470 x 31' 2.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes y Top Chord Ext BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform Live load 470 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 870 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 400 #/ft full length An additional SJI load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 34.56 11 1 @ 32. 56 II 10 @ 24. 00 II 1 1 @ 34.56 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 48.00 11 1 @ 43 .13 11 4 @ 48. 00 II 1 Ep= 48. 00 II @ @ EP/#lL 48.000 48.000 32. 56 11 43 .13 II 32.000 in Deep 370.250 in Design length 3355 # Minimum Shear 30.732 in Effective Depth 766.151 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 27.500 in Clear Depth L/ 858 Live Defl L/ 464 SJI Defl 1251590 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0. 397 in Camber Total weight 19.044 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --o 1.00 --0 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 13522 0 6271 7251 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 13522 0 6271 7251 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 2 per SJI 3 if deck provides no lateral support. ... Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West · By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KA.PALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: TJ17B Parallel ·Bot Chord: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 1 -32LH870/470 X 31'11.500 chord Longspan 2-LL2x2x.187 A = 1.426 Special Crimped angle y = 0.569 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.544 Iy= 2.173 Rx = 0.617 Ry = 1.234 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 42782 Chord shear: V = 12581 p = 18833 fv = 16819 fc = 13207 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __iQ_ __iQ_ ~ ~ in-# ....l2§i_ --..E§.L Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.80 47.75 25673 0 0 121. 3z 10157 24964 0.600 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 J.00 36624 0 0 30000 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 48.00 36624 0 0 121. 9z 10052 24705 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 42100 0 0 30000 0.984 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.11 48.00 42100 0 0 121. 9z 10052 24705 0.984 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 42100 0 0 30000 0.984 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.00 42100 0 0 121. 9z 10052 24705 0.984 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 ~.00 42100 0 0 30000 0.984 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 l] 48.00 36624 0 0 121. 9z 10052 24705 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 36624 0 0 30000 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 l 09 47.75 25673 0 0 121.3z 10157 24964 0.600 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.80 I,. Q = 1.000 Rz 0.394 f = 18069 \. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 TJ17B 1 32LH870/470 X 31'11.500 Parallel chord Longspan Location Web SloQe uo -Ll T l 56.26 Ul -Ll V 1 19.90 U2 -Ll C 1 37.70 U2 -L3 T 2 37.99 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 U4 -L3 C 2 37.99 U4 -LS T 3 37.99 us -LS V 3 0.00 U6 -LS :: 3 37.99 U6 -L7 37 99 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 us -L7 T 5 37.99 U8 -L9 C 4 37.99 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 UlO -L9 T 6 37 99 UlO -Lll C 5 37.99 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 U12 -Lll T 7 37.99 U12 -Ll3 C 6 37.70 Ul3 -Ll3 V 7 19.90 Ul4 -L13 T 8 56.26 Length Area ___.!.!L Member in2 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0. 785 32.68 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 38.84 l-LL2-l/2x.212 1. 015 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 38.99 l-LL1-3/4x. l43 0.480 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 33 99 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 33.~9 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 38.99 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 38.99 l-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 30.73 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 38.99 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 38.99 l-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 30.73 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 38.99 1-LL1-1/2x.125 0.359 38.84 1-LL2-l/2x.212 1. 015 32.68 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 R _!!!_ 0.250 0.247z 0.493z 0. 296z 0.247z 0.346z 0.247z 0.247z 0.297z 0.247z 0.247z 0.247z 0. 297z 0.247z 0.247z 0.346z 0.247z 0.296z 0.493z 0.247z 0.250 , ,-, . , Shear -----1.!2.§_ 12581 0 0 7905 0 0 4413 0 0 3439 0 3439 0 0 4413 0 0 7905 0 0 12581 Special Crimped angle Tensile Com2ressive Weld Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X -----1.!2.§_ -----1.!2.§_ -----1.!2.§_ -----1.!2.§_ -----1.!2.§_ Length 22649 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 0 7819 2628 2887 3847 .llx0.9 0 30452 9976 12609 16014 .21x2.0 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .1'1x2.7 0 7819 1840 1999 4182 .llx0.6 0 14402 6115 7759 8461 . l-lxl 8 5599 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 0 7819 1840 2040 4182 .llx0.6 0 9454 3439 4364 46.!6 .llxl.3 4364 7819 0 0 78:9 .:.1:-:1.3 0 7819 1840 2054 4182 . llxO. 6 4364 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 0 9454 3439 4364 4606 . llxl. 3 0 7819 1840 2040 4182 .llx0.6 5599 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 0 14402 6115 7759 8461 .14xl. 8 0 7819 1840 1999 4182 .llx0.6 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2. 7 0 30452 9976 12609 16014 .21x2.0 0 7819 2628 2887 3847 . llxO. 9 22649 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Vl.64 1/05/00 Available Weld (in) To12/Bottm 3.0/ 2.6 4.5/ 4.2 3 -I .:, 3.3 3.0/ 2.5 3. S' 3.5 3.3/ 3.0 3.0/ 2.5 3.5/ 3.3 3 " ' 3. 0 3.0/ 2.5 3.3/ 3.0 3.5/ 3.3 3.0/ 2.5 3.3/ 3.0 3.8/ 3.5 3.0/ 2.5 3.5/ 3.3 4.5/ 4.2 3.0/ 2.6 Job #9N01627 ~ 103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 -619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 Jl8 2 -32LH870/470 x 31' 5.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6. 000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 470 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 870 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 400 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch EP/#lL 48.000 48.000 An additional SJI load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 35.31" Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 48.00" 1@ 35.31 11 Ep= 48.00" 1@ 33.31 11 1@ 44.63 11 10 @ 24. 00 II 4@ 48.00" 1@ 33.31" 1@ 44.63" 32.000 in Deep 373.250 in Design length 3383 # Minimum Shear 30.732 in Effective Depth 27.500 in Clear Depth 1271879 in-# Moment Total weight Loading combinations: SJI --0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 Left TC axial load: 0.0 Right TC axial load: 0.0 Left end reactions: 13630 Right end reactions: 13630 766.151 in4 Ix L/ 838 Live Defl 1.000 in Chord gap 19.044 in Centroid NtUE Dead Live 1.00 --0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 6321 7309 0 6321 7309 Equk 0 0 0 0 0.75 -0.75 0 0 3.0 3.0 0 0 Top bridging rows: 2 per SJI 0.00 in4 Minimum L/ 453 SJI Defl 0. 4 0·3 in Camber Wind --0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 -0.75 0.0 Kips 0.0 Kips 0 Pounds 0 Pounds 3 if deck provides no lateral support. I I ,I Ix Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 Jl8 2 -32LH870/470 x 31' 5.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Top Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A= 2.030 Y = 0.703 Bridg < 243" Ix= 1.219 Iy= 4.158 Rx= 0.775 Fy = 50000 Ry 1.431 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force 60903 Chord shear: V = 9920 P = -6658 fv = 9358 fc = -3279 O End fillers, O Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel No. U-0 U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 Lenger. Height ---.ir!_ ---.ir!_ 32.00 33. 3:;_ 33.31 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.0C 24.00 24.00 2-1.v. 33.31 33.31 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 Tension Comp. Local Bend in-# Allow Stress Euler Tens-Compression-Bending Force Force kl/r F'e Bend Unity 0.000 Interaction Axial Bend Unity 0 000 0.000 0.000 ~ ~ ....l2§i_ 27000 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 20826 5629 67.5z 18800 80777 0.314 0.546 0.137 0.683 20826 8856 21000 o.207 0.380 0.484 0.864 o.ov 17888 3227 50.6z 23584 143604 0.159 0.374 0.067 0.440 30435 4803 30000 0.092 0.500 0.236 0.736 2.25 30435 1256 36.5z 25533 276668 0.062 0.587 0.026 0.613 30435 3125 30000 0.060 0.500 0.154 0.653 0.00 30435 1870 36.5z 25533 276668 0.092 0.587 0.038 0.626 38649 3575 30000 0.069 0.635 0.176 0.810 1.66 38649 1705 36.5z 25533 276668 0.084 0.746 0.035 0.781 38649 3454 30000 0.066 0.635 0.170 0.804 0.00 38649 1749 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.746 0.036 0.782 41387 3487 30000 0.067 0.680 0.171 0.851 1.58 41387 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 0.798 0.036 0~835 41387 3476 30000 0.067 0.680 0.171 0.850 0.00 41387 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 0.798 0.036 0.835 41387 3487 30000 0.067 0.680 0.171 0.851 1.58 38649 1749 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.746 0.036 0.782 38649 3454 30000 0.066 0.635 0.170 0.804 0.00 38649 1705 36.5z 25533 276668 0.084 0.746 0.035 0.781 38649 3575 30000 0.069 0.635 0.176 0.810 1.66 30435 1870 36.5z 25533 276668 0.092 0.587 0.038 0.626 30435 3125 30000 0. 060 0. 500 0 .154 '• ~s-, ·:. 1: 30435 1256 36.5z 25533 275668 0.062 U.587 0.026 0.613 30435 4803 30000 0.092 0.500 0.236 0.736 2.25 17888 3227 50.6z 23584 143604 0.159 0.374 0.067 0.440 20826 8856 27000 0.207 0.380 0.484 0.864 0.00 20826 5629 67.5z 18800 80777 0.314 0.546 0.137 0.683 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q = 0.967 Rz 0.493 f 9501 Job #9N01627 -103 - Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1~08 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/~44-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments:-UBC 1994 J18 2 -32LH870/470 x 31' 5.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL2x2x.176 A = 1. 346 y = 0.565 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.516 Iy= 2.042 Rx = 0.619 Ry = 1.232 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 40381 Chord shear: V = 12410 p = 18576 fv = 17628 fc = 13801 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ---1:!!_ ---1:!!_ ~ ~ in-# ~ _E&_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.91 4--! . .:S3 24275 0 0 113.lz 11664 28725 0.601 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 3S226 0 0 30000 0.872 0.000 0.000 o.oou 1. u;;i 48.00 35226 0 0 121. 7z 10082 24828 0.872 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 40702 0 0 30000 1.008 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 40702 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 1.008 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 40702 0 0 30000 1.008 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.00 40702 0 0 121.7Z 10082 24828 1.008 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 40702 0 0 30000 1.008 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 35226 0 0 121. 7z 10082 24828 0.872 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 35226 0 0 30000 0.872 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 44.63 24275 0 0 113.lZ 11664 28725 0.601 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 .. -. 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 ... ooo 0.9:C , 'I -, Q = 0.981 Rz = 0.394 f = 18931 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 J18 2 32LH870/470 X 31' 5.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Com12ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slo12e _____lg_ Member in2 ____!!L ---1!2L ---1!2L ---1!2L ---1!2L ---1!2L ---1!2L Length To12/Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.25 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12410 22340 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Ul -Ll V 1 22.43 33.25 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2515 2811 3747 .llx0.9 3.0/ 2.7 U2 -Ll C 1 33.87 37.01 1-LL2-1/2x.212 1. 015 0.493z 0 0 30452 9920 11947 16940 . 2lxl. 9 4.4/ 4.1 U2 -L3 T 2 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-1/2x.125 0.359 0. 296z 7906 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2 7 3.5/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1992 4181 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U4 -L3 C 2 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6114 7758 8461 .14xl. 8 3.3/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3 3/ 3.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2033 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3383 4292 4605 .llxl.3 3.5/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3383 4292 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.3 -.. ' ·~. 0 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2047 4181 llx0.t5 0.,/ 2.5 us -L7 T 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3383 4292 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3 3/ 3.0 us -L9 C 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0. 315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3383 4292 4605 . llxl. 3 3.5/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2033 4181 . llxO. 6 3 0/ 2.5 UlO -L9 T 6 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.3/ 3.0 UlO -Lll C 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6114 7758 8461 . 14xl. 8 3.8/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0. 261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1992 4181 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U12 -Lll T 7 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-1/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 7906 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 3.5/ 3. 3 Ul2 -L13 C 6 33.87 37.01 l-LL2-l/2x.212 1. 015 0.493z 0 0 30452 9920 11947 16940 . 2lxl. 9 4.4/ 4.1 U13 -L13 V 7 22.43 33.25 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2515 2811 3747 . llxO. 9 3.0/ 2.7 Ul4 -L13 T 8 56.25 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12410 22340 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 ./---; Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4~50 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UB~ 1994 PO#:92999 TJ19 1 -32LH870/470 x 31' 2.000 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6. 000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes y Top Chord Ext BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform Live load 470 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 870 #'/ft full length Uniform Dead load 400 #/ft full length An additional SJI load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 34. 50 II 1 @ 32. 50 II 10 @ 24. 00 II 1 1 @ 34.50 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 48.00 11 1 @ 43.00" 4 @ 48. 00 II 1 Ep= 48.00 11 @ @ EP/#lL 48.000 48.000 32. 50 II 43. 00 II 32.000 in Deep 370.000 in Design length 3353 # Minimum Shear 30.732 in Effective Depth 766.151 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 27.500 in Clear Depth L/ 860 Live Defl L/ 465 SJI Defl 1249906 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.396 in Camber Total weight 19.044 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtU§ Dead Live Eguk Wind --o 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 13512 0 6267 7246 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 13512 0 6267 7246 0 0 Pounds To:12 bridging rows: 2 per SJI 3 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/ 05/ 0 o- Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 TJ19 1 -32LH870/470 x 31 1 2.000 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Top Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A= 2.030 Y = 0.703 Bridg < 243 11 Ix= 1.219 Iy= 4.158 Rx= 0.775 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= 60903 Chord shear: V = 9891 P = -6115 fv = 9331 Fy 50000 Ry 1. 431 fc = -3012 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint No. U-0 U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 Panel Length _i!:!_ 32.50 32.50 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 32.50 32.50 Height _i!:!_ 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32. :)·) 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 Tension Comp. Local Bend in-# Allow Stress Euler F'e Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 0.301 Compression-Bending Force Force kl/r Interaction Axial Bend Unity 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.535 0.130 0.665 ~~ ___£g_ ____£§_i_ 0 0 0 5365 27000 19052 2250 20694 65.9z 84867 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 20694 8415 27000 0.199 0.378 0.459 0.837 0.00 17711 3050 49.4z 23766 150874 0.150 0.367 0.063 0.430 29720 4630 30000 0.089 0.488 0.228 0.716 2.38 29720 1319 36.5z 25533 276668 0.065 0.573 0.027 0.600 29720 3172 30000 0.061 0.488 0.156 0.644 0.00 29720 1853 36.5z 25533 276668 0.091 0.573 0.038 0.611 37934 3563 30000 0.069 0.623 0.175 0.798 1.66 37934 1710 36.5z 25533 276668 0.084 0.732 0.035 0.767 37934 3458 30000 0.067 0.623 0.170 0.793 0.00 37934 1748 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.732 0.036 0.768 40672 3486 30000 0.067 0.668 0.171 0.839 1.58 40672 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 o.085 o.785 o.036 0:021 40672 3~77 30000 o.067 o.668 0.111 o.839 o.n~ 40672 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 0.785 0.036 0.821 40672 3486 30000 0.067 0.668 0.171 0.839 1.58 37934 1748 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.732 0.036 0.768 37934 3458 30000 0.067 0.623 0.170 0.793 0 0~ 37934 1710 36.5z 25533 276668 0.084 0.732 0.035 0.767 37934 3563 30000 0.069 0.623 0.175 0.798 1.66 29720 1853 36.5z 25533 276668 0.091 0.573 0.038 0.611 29720 3172 32JOO 0.061 0.488 0.156 0 644 O.J0 29720 1319 36.Sz 25533 276668 0.065 0.573 0.027 0.600 29720 4630 30000 0.089 0.488 0.228 0.716 2.38 17711 3050 49.4z 23766 150874 0.150 0.367 0.063 0.430 20694 8415 27000 0.199 0.378 0.459 0.837 0.00 20694 5365 65.9z 19052 84867 0.301 0.535 0.130 0.665 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q = 0.967 Rz = 0.493 f 9451 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#: 92999 · Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 TJ19 1 -32LH870/470 X 31' 2.000 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL2x2x.176 A = 1. 346 y = 0.565 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.516 Iy= 2.042 Rx = 0.619 Ry = 1.232 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 40381 Chord shear: V = 12322 p = 18444 fv = 17503 fc = 13702 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Pa::el Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _l..!:!_ _l..!:!_ ~ ~ in-# ....E&_ ___l2§i_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 ~ '~ 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.97 ..,_,_.., 43.00 23559 0 0 109.0z 12563 30938 0.583 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 34511 0 0 30000 0.855 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.09 48.00 34511 0 0 121. 7z 10082 24828 0.855 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 39987 0 0 30000 o·. 990 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 39987 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 0.990 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 39987 0 0 30000 0.990 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.00 39987 0 0 12L 7z 10082 24828 0.990 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 39987 0 0 30000 0.990 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 34511 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 0.855 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 34511 0 0 30000 0.855 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 43.00 23559 0 0 109.0z 12563 30938 0.583 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.97 . --~) Q = 0.981 Rz = 0.394 f = 18796 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 "619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 TJ19 1 32LH870/470 X 31' 2.000 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile ComEressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web SloEe ~ Member in2 __i!L. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length ToE/Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.25 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0. 785 0.250 12322 22181 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Ul -Ll V 1 23.72 33.57 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2456 2771 3690 . llxO. 9 3 0/ 2.7 U2 -Ll C 1 31.73 36 .13 l-LL2-l/2x.212 1.015 0.493z 0 0 30452 9891 11628 17377 .2lxl.8 4 4/ 4.1 U2 -L3 T 2 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 O. 296z 7906 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 3 ~, _, 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1989 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 U4 -L3 C 2 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6114 7758 8461 .14xl. 8 3.8/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.31 3.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2030 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3353 4254 4605 . llxl. 3 3.5/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3353 4254 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.3 3.3/ 3 0 U7 -L7 V 4 o.uo 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2043 41S1 . :::.xo. 6 3.: '.:!. s us -L7 T 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3353 4254 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3.3/ 3.0 us -L9 C 4 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3353 4254 4605 . llxl. 3 3.5/ 3 3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2030 4181 llxO. 6 3.C/ 2.5 UlO -L9 T 6 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0. 24 7z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3 3/ 3.0 UlO -Lll C 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6114 7758 8461 . 14.xl 8 3.8/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1989 4181 .llx0.6 3 0/ 2.5 Ul2 -Lll T 7 37.99 38.~9 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 O. 296z 7906 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 3.5/ 3.3 U12 -Ll3 C 6 31. 73 36 .13 1-LL2-1/2x.212 1. 015 0.493z 0 0 30452 9891 11628 17377 .21xl.8 4.4/ 4.1 Ul3 -Ll3 V 7 23. 72 33.57 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2456 2771 3690 . llxO. 9 3.0/ 2.7 Ul4 -L13 T 8 56.25 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12322 22181 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 ..C-I Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 61-9 / 444-43 50 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 J16 2 32LH870/470 X 28' 2.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Comeressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Sloee _lQ__ Member in2 -2lL ~ ----1.!2.L ----1.!2.L ~ ~ ~ Length Toe/Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.25 55.33 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 11007 19810 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.1 Ul -Ll V 1 18.55 32.42 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2687 2914 3892 .llx0.9 3 0/ 2.6 U2 -Ll C 1 39.54 39.86 1-LL2-1/2x.212 1. 015 0. 493z 0 0 30452 8347 10823 15481 . 21xl. 7 4.6/ 4.3 U2 -L3 T 2 37.98 39.00 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 6241 7918 9454 0 0 9454 .llx2.4 3.5/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30.74 1-LLl-1/4.x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1977 4180 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U4 -L3 C 2 37.98 39.00 1-LL1-3/4x.125 0.422 0.347z 0 0 12656 4458 5656 7206 13xl.5 3.8/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 37.98 39.00 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3059 3881 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.2 3.3/ 3.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 30.74 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2005 4180 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37.98 39.00 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3059 3881 4604 . llxl. 2 3.5/ 3.3 U6 -L7 C 4 37 98 39.00 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3059 3881 46l'4 l l:•:l. 2 } .. ::-/ J. 3 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 30.74 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2006 4180 .llx0.6 -. ,., . 2.5 us -L7 T 4 37.98 39.00 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3059 3881 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 3.2/ 3.0 us -LB V 5 23.51 33.52 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 200 218 7819 0 0 7819 .llx0.1 3.0/ 2.7 us -L9 C 5 37.98 39.00 l-LL1-3/4x.125 0.422 0.347z 0 0 12656 4499 5708 7206 .13xl. 5 3.7/ 3.5 U9 -L9 V 6 0.00 30.74 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1978 4180 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 UlO -L9 T 5 37.98 39.00 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 6282 7970 9454 0 0 9454 . llx2. 5 3.5/ 3. 3 UlO -Lll C 6 39. 54 39.86 l-LL2-1/2x.212 1.015 0.493z 0 0 30452 8388 10877 15481 .2lxl.7 4.6/ 4.3 Ull -Lll V 7 18.55 32.42 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2687 2914 3892 . llxO. 9 3.0/ 2.6 U12 -Lll T 6 56.25 55.33 1-R9 -1-IN. 0. 785 0.250 11048 19885 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.1 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/D5/00 Customer:. DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J17 4 -32LH870/470 x 31'11.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes Top Chord Ext 470 #/ft full length 870 #/ft full length 400 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform Live load Uniform SJI load Uniform Dead load An additional SJI An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. BC cone loads: Load Spacing Location Point ~ 21'0 200 10'11-1/2 21'0 Ll0 SJI, Dead EP/#lL 48.000 48.000 Top chord pane·l spacing: 1@ 36.88" Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 35.75" 1@ 36.88" Ep= 48.00" 1@ 47.75" 1@ 34.87" 1@ 47.75" Ep= 48.00" 10@ 24.00" 3@ 48.00" 1@ 34.87" 1@ 12.25" 32.000 in Deep 379.500 in Design length 34G4 # Minimum Shear 30.728 in Effective Depth 792.664 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 27.500 in Clear Depth L/ 825 Live Defl L/ 441 SJI Defl 1327621 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.417 in Camber f Total weight 18.618 in Centroid Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 . 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J17 4 -32LH870/470 x 31'11.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --0 1.00 --0 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 13925 0 6493 7432 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 13989 0 6557 7432 0 0 Pounds To12 bridging rows: 2 per SJI 3 if deck provides no lateral support. --:;1 C Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J17 4 -32LH870/470 x 31'11.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Top Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A= 2.030 Y = 0.703 Bridg < 243" Ix= 1.219 Iy= 4.158 Rx= 0.775 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= 60903 Chord shear: V = 10045 P = -7764 fv = 9476 Fy = 50000 Ry= 1.431 fc = -3824 O End fillers, O Interior top chord fillers required. Joint No. U-0 U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 Panel Length Height ~ ~ 32.00 34.87 32.00 34.87 32.00 24 uo 32.00 24.00 32.00 24.00 32.00 24.00 32.00 24.00 32.CJ 24.00 32.00 24.00 32.00 24.00 32.00 24 00 33.JO 24.00 32.00 34.87 32.00 34.87 32.00 Tension Comp. Local Bend in-# Allow Stress Euler F'e Force Force kl/r ~ ~ ~ 27000 18306 ----2§.L 0 0 0 6156 2250 21185 70.7z 73701 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 2250 21185 9733 27000 18332 3578 53.0z 23229 131025 32041 5157 30000 32041 1126 36.5z 25533 276668 32041 3031 30000 32041 1904 36.5z 25533 276668 40362 3600 30000 40362 1696 36.5z 25533 276668 40362 3448 30000 40362 1752 3~.5z 25533 276668 43206 3489 30000 43206 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 43206 3475 30000 43206 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 43206 3489 30000 40575 1752 36.5z 25533 276668 40575 3448 30000 40575 1696 36.5z 25533 276668 40575 3600 30000 32235 1904 36.5z 25533 276668 32235 3031 30000 32235 1126 36.5z 25533 276668 32235 5157 30000 18427 3578 53.0z 23229 131025 21281 9733 27000 Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 0.339 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial Bend Unity 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.570 0.152 0.722 0.224 0.387 0.531 0.918 0.176 0.389 0.074 0.463 0.099 0.526 0.253 0.780 0.055 0.618 0.023 0.641 0.058 0.526 0.149 0.675 0.094 0.618 0.039 0.657 0.069 0.663 0.177 0.840 0.083 0.779 0.035 0.814 0.066 0.663 0.169 0.832 0.086 0.779 0.036 0.815 0.067 0.709 0.171 0,881 0.085 0.834 0.036 0.870 0.067 0.709 0.171 0.880 0.085 0.834 0.036 0.870 o.ou 2.03 0.00 1. 66 0.00 1. 58 0. !\i' 0.067 0.709 0.171 0.881 1.58 0.086 0.783 0.036 0.819 0.066 0.666 0.169 0.836 O.)J 0.083 0.783 0.035 0.818 0.069 0.666 0.177 0.843 1.72 0.094 0.622 0.039 0.661 0.058 0.529 0.149 0.678 0.00 0.055 0.622 0.023 0.645 0.099 0.529 0.253 0.783 2.03 0.176 0.391 0.074 0.465 0.224 0.388 0.531 0.920 0.00 2250 0 21281 6156 70.7z 18306 73701 0.339 0.573 0.152 0.724 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q 0.967 Rz = 0.493 f 9667 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON,,CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 J17 4 -32LH870/470 X 31 I 11. 500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL2x2x.187 A = 1.426 y = 0.569 Fy = 50000 IX= 0.544 Iy= 2.173 Rx = 0.617 Ry = 1.234 Allowable tensile ·stress = 30000 Force = 42782 Chord shear: V = 12649 p = 18935 fv = 16910 fc = 13278 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _____!!L_ _____!!L_ ~ ~ in-# -2.§i_ ......E&. Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.80 47.75 25828 0 0 121. 3z 10157 24964 0.604 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 36886 0 0 30000 0.862 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 48.00 36886 0 0 121. 9z 10052 24705 0.862 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 42468 0 0 30000 0.993 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.11 48.00 42468 0 0 121.9z 10052 24705 0.993 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 42575 0 0 30000 0.995 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.00 42575 0 0 121.9z 10052 24705 0.995 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 42575 0 0 30000 0.995 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.13 12.25 37206 0 0 31.lz 27015 379310 0.870 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-10 0.00 37206 0 0 30000 0.870 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 35.75 37129 0 0 90.8z 16770 44536 0.868 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 37129 0 0 30000 0.868 0.000 0.000 o. ooo 1.12 47.75 25972 0 0 121.3z 10157 24964 0.607 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.80 -.~ Q = 1.000 Rz 0.394 f = 18167 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 J17 4 32LH870/470 X 31'11.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Corneressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Sloee ----2!!_ Member in2 --2:.!L -----1E.L -----1E.L -----1E.L -----1E.L -----1E.L -----1E.L Length ToQ/Bottrn uo -Ll T 1 56.26 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12649 22772 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.4 Ul -Ll V 1 19.90 32.68 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2628 2887 3847 .llx0.9 3.0/ 2.6 U2 -Ll C 1 37.70 38.84 l-LL2-l/2x.212 1.015 0.493z 0 0 30452 10045 12695 16014 .2lx2.0 4.5/ 4.2 U2 -L3 T 3 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 7974 10117 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2. 7 3 5/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2000 4182 . llx0. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U4 -L3 C 2 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6183 7845 8461 .14xl. 8 3.8/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4481 5686 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 8 3.3/ 3.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2042 4182 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3464 4396 4606 . llxl. 4 3.5/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3464 4396 7819 0 0 7819 llxl. 4 3.31 3 0 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0. 24 7z 0 0 7819 1840 2056 .Jb, .:::cO.G 3. '•. 2.S us -L7 T 5 37 99 38.99 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0. 24 7z 3464 4396 7819 0 0 7819 . ::.lxl. 4 3.3/ 3.0 us -L9 C 4 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0. 297z 0 0 9454 3464 4396 4606 .llxl.4 3.5/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2043 4182 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 010 -L9 T 6 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4344 5513 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.2/ 3.0 Ul0 -Ll0 V 6 20.93 32.90 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 200 214 7819 0 0 7819 .llx0.l 3.0/ 2.7 010 -Lll C 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6246 7926 8461 .14xl. 9 3.7/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 7 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2001 4182 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 Ul2 -Lll T 7 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 8037 10198 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 3.5/ 3.3 012 -Ll3 C 6 37.70 38.84 l-LL2-l/2x.212 1. 015 0.493z 0 0 30452 10108 12775 16014 .2lx2.0 4 5/ 4.2 Ul3 -Ll3 V 8 19.90 32.68 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2628 2888 3847 .llx0.9 3.0/ 2.6 . 014 -Ll3 T 8 56.26 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0 785 0.250 12712 22886 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.4 )o Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#: 92999 - TJ17 1 -32LH870/470 x 31 1 11.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes y y Top Chord Ext 470 #/ft full length 870 #/ft full length 400 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform Live load Uniform SJI load Uniform Dead load An additional SJI An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. BC cone loads: Load Spacing Location Point ~ 21'0 200 10'11-1/2 21'0 LlO SJI, Dead EP/#lL 47.750 47.750 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 36.88" Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 48.00" 1@ 36.88" 1@ 34.87" 4@ 48.00" 10@ 24.00" 1@ 12.25" 1@ 34.87" 32.000 in Deep 30.728 in Effective Depth 27.500 in Clear Depth 1327621 in-# Moment Total weight Ep= 47.75" Ep= 47.75" 379.500 792.664 L/ 825 1.000 18.618 in Design length in4 Ix Live Defl in Chord gap in Centroid -::· I 1@ 35.75" 346'4 # Minimum Shear 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix L/ 441 SJI Defl 0.417 in Camber Valley Joist West Vl.64 ·Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 6"19/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 TJl 7 1 -32LH870/470 x 31' 11. 500 · Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Equk Wind --o 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 13925 0 6493 7432 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 13989 0 6557 7432 0 0 Pounds ToJ2 bridging rows: 2 per SJI 3 if deck provides no lateral support. Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 TJ17 1 -32LH870/470 x 31'11.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Top Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A= 2.030 Y = 0.703 Bridg < 243" Ix= 1.219 Iy= 4.158 Rx= 0.775 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= 60903 Chord shear: V = 10045 P = -7845 fv = 9476 Fy = 50000 Ry= 1.431 fc = -3864 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint No. U-0 U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 Panel Length Height _____!!!_ _____!!!_ 32.00 34.87 32.00 34.87 32.00 24.00 32.00 24.00 32.00 24.00 32.00 24.00 32.00 24.00 32.00 24.00 32.00 24.00 32.00 24.00 32.00 24.00 ?: . ) 24.00 32.00 34.87 32.00 34.87 32. 00 Tension Force ~ 0 2250 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,l 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 Comp. Local Force Bend ~ in-# 0 0 21083 6156 21083 18246 32041 32041 32041 32041 40362 40362 40362 40362 43206 43206 43206 43206 43206 40575 40575 40575 40575 32235 32235 32235 32235 18340 21177 .21177 0 9733 3578 5157 1126 3031 1904 3600 1696 3448 1752 3489 1738 3475 1738 3489 1752 3448 1696 3600 1904 3)31 1126 5157 3578 9733 6156 0 kl/r 70.7z 53.0z 36.5z 36.5z 36.5z 36.5z 36.5z 36.5z 36.5z 36.5z 36.5z 36.5z 53.0z 70.7z Allow Stress ....EB- 27000 18306 27000 Euler F'e -----2§..L 73701 23229 131025 30000 25533 276668 30000 25533 276668 30000 25533 276668 30000 25533 276668 30000 25533 276668 30000 25533 276668 30000 25533 276668 30000 25533 276668 30000 25533 276668 32:JOO 25533 276668 30000 23229 131025 27000 18306 73701 27000 Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 0.339 0.224 0.176 0.099 0.055 0.058 0.094 0.069 0.083 0.066 0.086 0.067 0.085 0.067 0.085 0.067 0.086 0.066 0.083 0.069 0.094 0.058 0.055 0.099 0.176 0.224 0.339 0.000 Compression-Bending Interaction ~ Bend Unity 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.567 0.152 0.719 0.385 0.531 0.916 0.387 0.074 0.461 0.526 0.253 0.780 0.618 0.023 0.641 0.526 0.149 0.675 0.618 0.039 0.657 0.663 0.177 0.840 0.779 0.035 0.814 0.663 0.169 0.832 0.779 0.036 0.815 0.709 0.171 0.881 0.834 0.036 0~870 0.709 0.171 0.880 0.834 0.036 0.870 0.709 0.171 0.881 0.783 0.036 0.819 0.666 0.169 0.836 0.783 0.035 0.818 0.666 0.177 0.843 0.622 0.039 0.661 o.529 0.149 0.078 0.622 0.023 0.645 0.529 0.253 0.783 0.389 0.074 0.463 0.386 0.531 0.918 0.570 0.152 0.722 0.000 0.000 0.000 o.oc 2.01 0.00 1. 66 0.00 1. 58 0. 0[1 1. 58 0.'10 1. 72 u. ~): 2.01 0.00 f Q = 0.967 0.493 Rz = 9671 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/ 44-4-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 TJ17 1 -32LH870/470 x 31'11.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL2x2x.187 A= 1.426 Y = 0.569 Rx= 0.617 = 42782 Fy = Ry 50000 1. 234 Ix= 0.544 Iy= 2.173 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force Chord shear: V = 12649 P = 18833 fv = · 16910 fc = 13206 O Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __gi_ __gi_ ~ lbs in-# ~ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0.000 0,79 48.00 25828 0 0 121. 9z 10052 24705 0.604 0.000 0,000 0,000 L-3 .:. . :)0 36886 0 0 30000 0.862 0.000 0.000 0,000 1. 09 48.00 36886 0 0 121.9z 10052 24705 0.862 0.000 0,000 0.000 L-5 0.00 42468 0 0 30000 0.993 0.000 0.000 0,000 1.11 48.00 42468 0 0 121. 9z 10052 24705 0.993 0,000 0,000 0.000 L-7 0.00 42575 0 0 30000 0.995 0,000 0,000 0,000 1.12 48.00 42575 0 0 121.9z 10052 24705 0,995 0,000 0,000 0,000 L-9 0,00 42575 0 0 30000 0,995 0,000 0.000 0,000 1.13 12.25 37206 0 0 31.lz 27015 379310 0.870 0.000 0.000 0,000 L-10 0.00 37206 0 0 30000 0.870 0.000 0,000 0.000 1.10 35.75 37129 0 0 90.8z 16770 44536 0,868 0,000 0,000 0,000 L-11 0.00 37129 0 0 30000 0.868 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48,00 25972 0 0 121.9z 10052 24705 0,607 0.000 0,000 0~ 000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0,000 0 000 0.000 0,000 0 79 Q = 1. 000 Rz = 0.394 f = 18154 . Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 -Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 TJ17 1 32LH870/470 X 31'11.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Com12ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slo12e _____!!!...._ Member in2 ____!!L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length To12t'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56 .11 55.11 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12649 22686 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Ul -Ll V 1 19.49 32.60 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2628 2879 3862 .llx0.9 3.0/ 2.6 U2 -Ll C 1 37.99 38.99 1-LL2-1/2x.212 1. 015 0.493z 0 0 30452 10045 12745 15934 .21x2.0 4.5/ 4.2 U2 -L3 T 2 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0. 296z 7974 10117 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2. 7 3.5/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2000 4182 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U4 -L3 C 2 37.99 38 99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6183 7845 84 61 .14xl.8 3.8/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4481 5686 7819 0 0 7819 llxl. 8 3.3/ 3.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2042 4182 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3464 4396 4606 .llxl.4 3.5/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3464 4396 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.4 3.3/ 3.0 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2056 4182 .llx0.6 3.C/ 2.5 U8 -L7 T 5 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3464 4396 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.4 3.3/ 3.0 us -L9 C 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 O. 297z 0 0 9454 3464 4396 4606 . llxl. 4 3.5/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2043 4182 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 UlO -L9 T 6 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4344 5513 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.2/ 3.0 UlO -LlO V 6 20.93 32.90 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 200 214 7819 0 0 7819 .llxO.l 3.0/ 2.7 UlO -Lll C 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6246 7926 8461 .14xl. 9 3.7/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 7 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2001 4182 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U12 -Lll T 7 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 8037 10198 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 3.5/ 3.3 U12 -L13 C 6 37.99 38.99 1-LL2-l/2x.212 1. 015 0.493z 0 0 30452 10108 12826 15934 .21x2.0 4.5/ 4.2 U13 -L13 V 8 19.49 32.60 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2628 2880 3862 . llxO. 9 3.0/ 2.6 . U14 -L13 T 8 56 .11 55 .11 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12712 22800 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.4 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job-#9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 TJ17B 1 -32LH870/470 x 31'11.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes y y Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 470 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 870 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 400 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch EP/#lL 48.000 48.000 An additional SJI ioad of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 36.88" Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 48.00" 32.000 in Deep 30.728 in Effective Depth 27.500 in Clear Depth 1314671 in-# Moment Total weight combinations: SJI Loading --0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 Left TC axial load: 0.0 Right TC axial load: 0.0 Left end reactions: 13857 Right end reactions: 13857 1@ 36.88" Ep= 48.00" 1@ 34.87 11 1 @ 47. 75 '' 10@ 24.00 11 4@ 48.00 11 1@ 34.87" 1@ 47.75 11 379.500 in Design length 3439 # Minimum Shear 792.664 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix L/ 825 Live Defl L/-446 SJI Defl 1.000 in Chord gap 0. 41·7 in Camber 18.618 in Centroid NtU§ Dead Live Eguk Wind 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips 0 6425 7432 0 0 Pounds 0 6425 7432 0 0 Pounds To12 bridging rows: 2 per SJI 3 if deck provides no lateral support. Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#.:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 TJ17B 1 -32LH870/470 X 31'11.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan TOJ2 Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A = 2.030 y = 0.703 Fy = 50000 Bridg < 243" Ix= 1. 219 Iy= 4.158 Rx = 0.775 Ry = 1.431 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 60903 Chord shear: V = 9976 p = -7711 fv = 9412 fc = -3798 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Pane: '!'ension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Lengt:h Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ---1Q_ ---1Q_ ~ ~ in-# ...12§.L _12&_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen u-o 32.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 34.87 2250 21083 6156 70.7z 18306 73701 0.339 0.567 0.152 0. 719 U-1 32.00 2250 21083 9733 27000 0.224 0.385 0.531 0. 916 0.00 34.87 0 18230 3578 53.0z 23229 131025 0.176 0.387 0.074 0.461 U-2 32.00 0 31833 5157 30000 0.099 0.523 0.253 0. 776 2.03 24.00 0 31833 1126 36.5z 25533 276668 0.055 0.614 0.023 0.637 U-3 32.00 0 31833 3031 30000 0.058 0.523 0.149 0.672 0.00 24.00 0 31833 1904 36.5z 25533 276668 0.094 0.614 0.039 0.653 U-4 32.00 0 40047 3600 30000 0.069 0.658 0.177 0.834 1. 66 24.00 0 40047 1696 36.5z 25533 276668 0.083 0.773 0.035 0.808 U-5 32.00 0 40047 3448 30000 0.066 0.658 0.169 0.827 0.00 24.00 0 40047 1752 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.773 0.036 0.809 U-6 32.00 0 42785 3489 30000 0.067 0.702 0.171 o.874 1. 58 24.0i 0 42785 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 0.825 0.036 0.862 :J-7 3J. C, ~· 0 42785 3475 30000 0.067 0.702 0.171 0.873 o.::o 24.00 0 42785 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 0.825 0.036 p.862 U-8 32.00 0 42785 3489 30000 0.067 0.702 0.171 0.874 1. 58 24.o.: 0 40047 1752 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.773 0.036 0.809 U-9 32.00 0 40047 3448 30000 0.066 0.658 0.169 0.827 O.J0 24.00 0 40047 1696 36.5z 25533 276668 0.083 0.773 0.035 0.808 U-10 32.00 0 40047 3600 30000 0.069 0.658 0.177 0.834 1. 66 24.00 0 31833 1904 36.5z 25533 276668 0.094 0. 614 0.039 0.653 C-1: 3~. (.' I 31833 3~3: 30000 0.059 0.523 0.149 0.€72 ~'±. C .. 0 31833 1126 36.5z 25533 276668 0.055 0. 614 0.023 0.637 U-12 3.2. 0 ... 1 0 31833 5157 30000 0.099 0.523 0.253 0.776 2.03 34.87 0 18230 3578 53.0z 23229 131025 0.176 0.387 0.074 0.461 U-13 32.00 2250 21083 9733 27000 0.224 0.385 0.531 0.916 0.00 34.87 2250 21083 6156 70.7z 18306 73701 0.339 0.567 0.152 0. 719 U-14 32.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 , I I Q Rz f = Vl.64 1/05/00 0.967 0.493 9601 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 .CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 J16 2 -32LH870/470 X 28' 2.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-L L2x2x.156 A = 1.199 y = 0.558 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.464 Iy= 1.805 Rx = 0 .. 622 Ry = 1.227 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 35980 Chord shear: V = 11007 p = 16471 fv = 17639 fc = 13734 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ___lg_ ___lg_ ~ lbs in-# __E&_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.73 49. 38 22536 0 0 124. 8z 9583 23679 0.626 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 30878 0 0 30000 0.858 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.. - 48.00 30878 0 0 121. 4z 10140 25055 0.858 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0,00 33741 0 0 30000 0.938 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.09 48.00 33741 0 0 121. 4z 10140 25055 0.938 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 33741 0 0 30000 0.938 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 10.63 31125 0 0 26.9z 25834 511359 0.865 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-8 0.00 31125 0 0 30000 0.865 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 37.37 31038 0 0 94.5z 15559 4l326 0.863 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 31038 0 0 30000 0.863 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 49.38 22632 0 0 124.8z 9583 23679 0.629 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 o. 000 0.73 Q = 0.935 Rz = 0.396 f = 18928 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA ·po#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE . CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 TJ14A 1 -32LH870/470 X 31' 2.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan To12 Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A = 2.030 y = 0.703 Fy = 50000 Bridg < 243 11 • Ix= 1. 219 Iy= 4.158 Rx = 0.775 Ry = 1.431 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 60903 Chord shear: V = 9893 p = -6157 fv = 9333 fc = -3033 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __i!:!__ __i!:!__ ~ ~ in-# ...E§i_ ____E_§i__ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen u-o 32.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 32.56 2250 20704 5385 66.0z 19033 84541 0.302 0.536 0.130 0. Sc·: U-1 32.00 2250 20704 8448 27000 0.199 0. 378 0.461 0. 8.:;- 32.56 0 17725 3064 49. 5z 23752 150296 0.151 0.368 0.063 0.431 U-2 32.00 0 29774 4643 30000 0.089 0.489 0.228 0. 717 2.37 24.00 0 29774 1314 36.5z 25533 276668 0.065 0.574 0.027 0.601 U-3 32.00 0 29774 3168 30000 0.061 0.489 0.156 0.645 0.0G 24.00 0 29774 1854 36.5z 25533 276668 0.091 0.574 0.038 0.613 U-4 32.00 0 37988 3564 30000 0.069 0.624 0.175 0.799 1. 65 24.00 0 37988 1709 36.5z 25533 276668 0.084 0.733 0.035 0.768 U-5 32.00 0 37988 3457 30000 0.067 0.624 0.170 0. 794 0.00 24.00 0 37988 1748 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.733 0.036 0.769 U-6 32.00 0 40726 3486 30000 0.067 0.669 0.171 0.840 1. 55 24.00 0 40726 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 0.786 0.036 0~822 U-7 32.00 0 40726 3477 30000 0 067 0.669 0.171 0.840 o.c: 24.00 0 40726 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 0.786 0.036 0.822 U-8 32.00 0 40726 3486 30000 0.067 0.669 0.171 0.840 1. 5S 24.00 0 37988 1748 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.733 0.036 0.769 U-9 32.00 0 37988 3457 30000 0.067 0.624 0.170 0. 794 0 '. ... 24.00 0 37988 1709 36.5z 25533 276668 0.084 o. 733 0.035 0.768 U-10 32.00 0 37988 3564 30000 0.069 0.624 0.175 0.799 1. 66 24 00 0 29774 1854 36.5z 25533 276668 0.091 0.574 0.038 0.613 U-11 32.00 0 2977~ 3168 30000 0.061 0.489 0.156 0 6~5 ' ... 24.00 0 29774 1314 36.5z 25533 276668 0.065 0.574 0.027 0.6:0~ U-12 32.00 0 29774 4643 30000 0.089 0.489 0.228 0. 717 2.3' 32.56 0 17725 3064 49.5z 23752 150296 0.151 0.368 0.063 0.431 U-13 32.00 2250 20704 8448 27000 0.199 0.378 0.461 0.839 0.00 32.56 2250 20704 5385 66.0z 19033 84541 0.302 0.536 0.130 0.666 U-14 32.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 I/ I Q Rz f = = = Vl. 64 1/05/00 0.967 0.493 9455 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: TJ14A Parallel Bot Chord: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 1 -3'2LH870/470 X 31' 2.250 chord Longspan 2-LL2x2x.176 A = 1. 346 Special Crimped angle y = 0.565 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.516 Iy= 2.042 Rx = 0.619 Ry = 1.232 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 4038l Chord shear: V = 12329 p = 18454 fv = 17512 fc = 13710 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _g}_ _g}_ ____lli_ ____lli_ in-# ...E.§i__ ____!?.g__ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.97 43.13 23614 0 0 109.3z 12490 30758 0.585 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 34566 0 0 30000 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. Oc 48.00 34566 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 40042 0 0 30000 0. 992 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 40042 0 0 121. 7z 10082 24828 0.992 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 40042 0 0 30000 0.992 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.00 40042 0 0 121. 7z 10082 24828 0.992 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 40042 0 0 30000 0. 992 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 34566 0 0 121. 7z 10082 24828 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 34566 0 0 30000 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 43.13 23614 0 0 109.3z 12490 30758 0.585 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 o. o·oo 0.000 0 97 Q 0.981 Rz = 0.394 f = 18806 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 -619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD 1 CA Comments: UBC 1994 TJ14A 1 32LH870/470 X 31 1 2.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longsparr Tensile Comeressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Sloee _i!:!__ Member in2 --1.!!.._ ----1.!2.L ----1.!2.L ----1.!2.L ----1.!2.L ----1.!2.L ----1.!2.L Length Toe/Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.25 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12329 22193 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Ul -Ll v' 1 23.62 33.54 1-LL1-l/4x.J:09 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2461 2774 3695 . llxO. 9 3.0/ 2.7 U2 -Ll C 1 31.89 36.20 1-LL2-1/2x.212 1. 015 O. 493z 0 0 30452 9893 11652 17345 .2lxl.9 4.4/ 4.1 U2 -L3 T 2 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0. 296z 7906 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 3.5/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1989 4181 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U4 -L3 C 2 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0 .480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6114 7758 8461 . 14xl. 8 3.8/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 llxl.7 3.3/ 3.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2030 4181 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37 99 38 99 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3355 4257 4605 . llxl. 3 3.5/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T ~ 3""7. ?'? 38.99 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3355 4257 7819 0 0 7819 . ::.. :i.:-:1 . 3 3 3/ 3.0 U7 -L7 V 4 ,,. -J 3U.73 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0. 24 7z J 0 7819 1840 2 .;..;~1 4:!.el ., .. :: . 5 u8 -L7 T 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3355 4257 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3.3/ 3.0 U8 -L9 C 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3355 4257 4605 . llxl. 3 3.5/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 O. 24 7z 0 0 7819 1840 2030 4181 .llx0.6 3 0/ 2.5 UlO -L9 T 6 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.7 3.3/ 3.0 UlO -Lll C 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0 .480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6114 7758 8461 .14xl. 8 3.8/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 O. 24 7z 0 0 7819 1840 1989 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 Ul2 -Lll T 7 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-1/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 7906 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 3.5/ 3.3 Ul2 -L13 C 6 31. 89 36.20 1-LL2-1/2x.212 1.015 O. 493z 0 0 30452 9893 ll652 17345 . 21x1. 9 4.4/ 4.1 Ul3 -L13 V 7 23.62 33.54 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 o .. 247z 0 0 7819 2461 2774 3695 . llxO. 9 3.0/ 2.7 U14 -L13 T 8 So.25 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12329 22193 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 ,/ Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:9299..9 J15 1 -32LH870/470 x 3-0'11.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes Top Chord Ext BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform Live load 470 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 870 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 400 #/ft full length An additional SJI load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 33.81" 1 @ 31.81 11 10 @ 24. 00 II 1 1 @ 33. 81 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 48. 00 11 1 @ 41. 62 11 4 @ 48. 00 II 1 Ep= 48.00" @ @ EP/#lL 48.000 48.000 31. 81 11 41.62 11 32.000 in Deep 367.250 in Design length 3328 # Minimum Shear 30.732 in Effective Depth 766.151 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 27.500 in Clear Depth L/ 880 Live Defl L/ 475 SJI Defl 1231464 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0. 39'0 in Camber Total weight 19.044 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --0 1.00 --o 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 13413 0 6221 7192 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 13413 0 6221 7192 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 2 per SJI 3 if deck provides no lateral support. Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J15 1 -32LH870/470 X 30'11.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Top Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A= 2.030 Y = 0.703 Bridg < 243 11 Ix= 1.219 Iy= 4.158 Rx= 0.775 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= 60903 Chord shear: V = 9866 P = -5658 fv = 9307 Fy = 50000 Ry = 1.431 fc = -2787 O End fillers, O Interior top chord fillers required. Joint No. u-o U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 Pa:!el Tension Length Height Force __!!!.__i.!:!..___~ 32.00 0 31.Sl 2250 32.00 2250 31.81 0 32.00 0 24.00 0 32.00 0 24.)0 0 24.00 24.00 2~_;).J 24.00 2..; . ~ J 24.00 24.JO 31. 81 31. 81 32.00 32.00 32.00 3~.00 32.00 32.80 32.00 ,:: . ;0 32.00 32.00 32.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 Comp. Force ~ 0 20582 20582 17562 29119 291'19 29119 29119 Local Bend in-# 0 5147 8050 2903 4488 1371 3210 1839 kl/r 64.5z 48 .4z 36.5z 36.5z Allow Euler Stress F'e _£§i_ -12..@.i... 27000 19263 88575 27000 23918 157466 30000 25533 276668 30000 25533 276668 37333 3552 30000 37333 1713 36.5z 25533 276668 37333 3460 30000 37333 1747 36.5z 25533 276668 40071 3486 30000 40071 1739 36.5z 25533 276668 40071 3477 30000 40071 1739 36.5z 25533 276668 40071 3486 30000 37333 1747 36.5z 25533 276668 37333 3460 30000 37333 1713 36.5z 25533 276668 37333 3552 30000 29119 1839 36.5z 25533 276668 29119 3210 30000 29119 1371 36,5z 25533 276668 29119 4488 30000 17562 2903 48.4z 23918 157466 20582 8050 27000 20582 5147 64.5z 19263 88575 0 0 27000 Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 0.290 0.192 0 .143 0.086 0.067 0.062 0.090 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial Bend Unity 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.526 0.124 0.650 0.375 0.440 0.815 0.362 0.060 0.421 0.478 0.221 0.699 0.562 0.028 0.590 0.478 0.158 0.636 0.562 0.038 0.600 0.068 0.613 0.175 0.788 0.084 0.720 0.036 0.756 0.067 0.613 0.170 0.783 0.086 0.720 0.036 0.756 0.067 0.658 0.171 0.829 0.085 0.773 0.036 0.809 0.067 0.658 0.171 0.829 0.085 0.773 0.036 0,809 0.067 0.658 0.171 0.829 0.086 0.720 0.036 0.756 0.067 0.613 0.170 0.783 0.084 0.720 0.036 0.756 0.068 0.613 0.175 0.788 0.090 0.562 0.038 0.600 0.062 0.478 0.158 0.63h 0.067 0.562 0.028 0.590 0.086 0.478 0.221 0.699 0.143 0.362 0.060 0.421 0.192 0.375 0,440 0.815 0.290 0.526 0.124 0.650 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 2.20 0.00 1. 66 0.00 1 58 1. 58 O.J~ 1. 66 ') 2 20 0.00 Q = 0.967 Rz 0.493 f 9411 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 J15 1 -32LH870/470 X 30 I 11. 250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL2x2x.176 A = 1.346 y = 0.565 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.516 Iy= 2.042 Rx = 0.619 Ry = 1.232 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 40381 Chord shear: V = 12247 p = 18332 fv = 17396 fc = 13619 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ----1.!L ----1.!L ~ ~ in-# ___£§_i_ _]2g__ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.01 41. 62 22958 0 0 105.5z 13380 33015 0.569 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 33911 0 0 30000 0.840 0.000 0.000 0. G~'.J l 0::1 48.00 33911 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 0.840 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0,00 39387 0 0 30000 0.975 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 39387 0 0 121. 7z 10082 24828 0.975 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 39387 0 0 30000 0.975 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.00 39387 0 0 121. 7z 10082 24828 0.975 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0 00 39387 0 0 30000 0.975 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 33911 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 0. 840 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 33911 0 0 30000 0. 840 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 41.62 22958 0 0 105.5z 13380 33015 0.569 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 01 . Q = 0.981 Rz 0.394 f = 18682 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/ 05 / o,o Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 Jl5 1 32LH870/470 X 30'11.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Com12ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick x Weld (in) Location Web Slo12e ~ Member in2 _.i!!.__ ----112L ----112L ~ ----112L ----112L ----112L Length TOJ2/Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.25 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0. 7-85 0.250 12247 22046 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Ul -Ll V 1 24.78 33.85 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2406 2738 3640 .llx0.8 3.0/ 2.7 U2 -Ll C 1 29.83 35.43 1-L L2x2x.248 0.930 0.39lz 0 0 27915 9866 11373 11766 . 25xl. 5 3.8/ 3.5 U2 -L3 T 2 37 99 38.99 1-LL1-1/2x.125 0.359 0. 296z 7906 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 3.5/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1986 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 U4 -L3 C 2 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6114 7757 8461 .14xl. 8 3.8/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.7 3.3/ 3.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2027 4181 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0. 315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3328 4223 4605 .llxl.3 3.5/ 3.3 U6 -L7 ...,... 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3328 4223 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl 3 3 3/ -J U7 -L7 V 4 J 00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2v4v --:: :.. :I -. ::.L-: ..... 0 3. ·;1 -. -us -L7 T 5 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3328 4223 7819 0 0 7819 llxl. 3 3.3/ 3.0 us -L9 C 4 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 O. 297z 0 0 9454 3328 4223 4605 .llxl.3 3.5/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2027 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 UlO -L9 T 6 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.3/ 3.0 UlO -Lll C 5 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6114 7757 8461 .14xl.8 3.8/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1986 4181 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U12 -Lll T 7 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 7906 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 3.5/ 3.3 Ul2 -L13 C 6 29.83 35.43 1-L L2x2x.248 0.930 0.39lz 0 0 27915 9866 11373 11766 . 25xl. 5 3.8/ 3.5 U13 -L13 V 7 24.78 33.85 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2406 2738 3640 . llxO. 8 3.0/ 2.7 Ul4 -Ll3 T 8 56.25 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12247 22046 23562 0 0 23562 23x2.3 / Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl_.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 "619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 -PO#: 92999 Jl6 2 -32LH870/470 x 28' 2.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes Top Chord Ext 470 #/ft full length 870 #/ft full length 400 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform Live load Uniform SJI load Uniform Dead load An additional SJI An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. BC cone loads: Load Spacing Location Point '.I'_yp§_ 17'0 200 11 ,2 _314 17'0 LS SJI, Dead EP/#lL 48.000 48.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 37.69 11 Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 37.37 11 1@ 37.69 11 Ep= 48.00" 1@ 49.38 11 1@ 35.69" 1@ 49.38 11 Ep= 48.00" 8@ 24.00" 2@ 48.00" 1@ 35.69" 1@ 10.63" 32.000 in Deep 334.750 in Design length 3059 # Minimum Shear 30.739 in Effective Depth 714;.058 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 27.500 in Clear Depth L/1082 Live Defl L/ 578 SJI Defl 1037165 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.324 in Camber Total weight 19.881 in Centroid ' ' Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J16 2 -32LH870/470 x 28' 2.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Loading combinations: SJI NtU§ Dead Live Eguk Wind --o 1.00 --o 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 12314 0 5758 6556 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 12355 0 5800 6556 0 0 Pounds TOD bridging rows: 1 per SJI 2 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: J16 2 Parallel To}2 Chord: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY-AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 32LH870/470 X 28' 2.750 chord Longspan 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A = 2.030 Special y = Bridg < 243 II Ix= 1.219 Iy= 4.158 Rx = PO#:92999 Crimped angle 0.703 Fy 50000 0.775 Ry = 1.431 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 60903 Chord shear: V = 8347 p = -6890 fv = 7874 fc = -3394 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers. required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ~ ~ ___JE§_ ___JE§_ in-# ....£§.L ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 32.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 35.6;, 2250 18721 6440 72 .3z 18044 70384 0.353 0. 511 0.157 0.668 U-1 32.00 2250 18721 10204 27000 0.233 0.342 0.557 0.899 0.00 35.69 0 15912 3765 54.2z 23041 125127 0.185 0.340 0.078 0.418 U-2 32.00 0 27391 5351 30000 0.103 0.450 0.263 0. 713 1. 92 24.00 0 27391 1055 36.5z 25533 276668 0.052 0.528 0.022 0.550 U-3 32.00 0 27391 2979 30000 0.057 0.450 0.146 0. 596 0.00 24.00 0 27391 1923 36.5z 25533 276668 0.095 0.528 0.039 0.568 U-4 32.00 0 32994 3615 30000 0.070 0.542 0.178 0. 719 1. 67 24.00 0 32994 1692 36.5z 25533 276668 0.083 0.637 0.035 0. 671 U-5 32.00 0 32994 3441 30000 0.066 0.542 0.169 0. 711 0.00 24.00 0 32994 1750 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.637 0 036 0.673 U-6 32.00 0 33118 3499 30000 0.067 0.544 0.172 o. 716 1. 67 24.0c 0 33118 1750 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.639 0.036 0.675 U-7 32. u;· 0 33118 3441 30000 0 066 0.5-14 ·J .169 ~: . ..,: 3 0 •' 24.00 0 33118 1692 36.5z 25533 276668 0.083 0.639 0.035 0.674 U-8 32.00 0 33118 3615 30000 0.070 0.544 0.178 0. 721 1. 72 24.00 0 27520 1923 36.Sz 25533 276668 0.095 0.531 0.039 0.570 U-9 32.00 0 27520 2979 30000 0.057 0.452 0 .146 0.598 0.00 24.00 0 27520 1055 36.5z 25533 276668 0.052 0.531 0.022 0.553 U-10 32.00 0 27520 5351 30000 0.103 0.452 0.263 0. 715 1.92 35.'59 0 15974 3765 54.2z 23041 125127 0.185 0.341 0.078 0.419 U-11 32. v1J 2250 18783 10204 27000 0.233 0.343 0.557 0. 9')() 0. 0·: 35.69 2250 18783 6440 72. 3z 18044 70384 0.353 0. 513 0.157 0.670 U-12 32.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q Rz f = Vl. 64 1/05/00 0.967 0.493 8055 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: TJ17A Parallel Bot Chord: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 1 -32LH870/470 X 31' 4.000 chord Longspan 2-LL2x2x.176 A = 1.346 Special Crimped angle y = 0.565 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.516 Iy= 2.042 Rx = 0.619 Ry = 1.232 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 40381 Chord shear: V = 12376 p = 18525 fv = 17580 fc = 13763 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _____ig__ _____ig__ _!.£§_ _!.£§_ in-# ..E§.i_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.94 44.00 23999 0 0 111. 6z 11998 29547 0.594 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 34951 0 0 30000 0.866 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 48.00 34951 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 0.866 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 40426 0 0 30000 1. 001 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 40426 0 0 121. 7z 10082 24828 1.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 40426 0 0 30000 1.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.00 40426 0 0 121. 7z 10082 24828 1. 001 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 40426 0 0 30000 1.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 34951 0 0 121.7z 10082 24828 0.866 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 34951 0 0 30000 0.866 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 44.00 23999 0 0 111. 6z 11998 29547 0.594 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.94 Q = 0.981 Rz = 0.394 f = 18879 Valley.Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer_: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 TJ17A 1 32LH870/470 X 31' 4.000 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Comeressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slope _jJ:)_ Member in2 ____i!l._ ~ ~ ~ ~ _____1k_ ~ Length Top/Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.25 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12376 22279 23562. 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Ul -Ll V l 22.93 33.37 l-LLl-l/4x.l09 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2493 2795 3725 .llx0.9 3.0/ 2.7 U2 -Ll C l 33.06 36.67 l-LL2-l/2x. 212 l. 015 O. 493z 0 0 30452 9909 ll822 l 7ll2 . 2lxl. 9 4.4/ 4.1 U2 -L3 T 2 37.99 38.99 1-LLl-1/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 7906 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2. 7 3 5/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30.73 l-LLl-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1991 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 •,l4 <~"} 1..,. Q•j 3P.99 l-LL1-3/4x.'.!.43 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6114 7758 8·121 .l4xl.8 3.8/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/4x.l09 0.261 0.247z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl. 7 3.3/ 3.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 30.73 l-LLl-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2032 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-1/2x.l09 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3371 4277 4605 . llxl. 3 3.5/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3371 4277 7819 0 0 7819 llxl 3 3.3/ 3.0 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2046 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 us -L7 T 5 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3371 4277 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3.3/ 3.0 us -L9 C 4 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/2x.l09 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3371 4277 4605 .llxl.3 3.5/ 3. 3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2032 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 UlO -L9 T 6 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.3/ 3.0 UlO -Lll C 5 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6114 7758 8461 . 14xl. 8 3.8/ 3.5 U11 -Lll V 6 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1991 4181 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 Ul2 -Lll T 7 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 O. 296z 7906 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 3.5/ 3.3 U12 -Ll3 C 6 33.06 36.67 1-LL2-1/2x.212 1.015 0.493z 0 0 30452 9909 11822 17112 . 2lxl. 9 4.4/ 4.1 Ul3 -L13 V 7 22.93 33.37 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2493 2795 3725 .llx0.9 3.0/ 2.7 Ul4 -L13 T 8 56.25 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12376 22279 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 -.c,- Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 TJ17A 1 -32LH870/470 x 31' 4.000 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes y y Top Chord Ext BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform Live load 470 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 870 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 400 #/ft full length An additional SJI load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 35. 00 II 1 @ 33. 00 II 10 @ 24. 00 II 1 1 @ 35.00 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 48.00 11 1 @ 44. 00 II 4 @ 48.00 11 1 Ep= 48 • 00 II @ @ EP/#lL 48.000 48.000 33. 00 II 44. 00 II 32.000 in Deep 372.000 in Design length 3371 # Minimum Shear 30.732 in Effective Depth 766.151 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 27.500 in Clear Depth L/ 846 Live Defl L/ 457 SJI Defl 1263405 in-# Moment 1. 000 in Chord gap 0.400 in Camber Total weight 19.044 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --0 1.00 --o 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 ' 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 13585 0 6300 7285 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 13585 0 6300 7285 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 2 per SJI 3 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 TJ17A 1 ..! 32LH870/470 X 31' 4.000 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan To:g Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A = 2 .-030 y = 0.703 Fy = 50000 Bridg < 243" Ix= 1. 219 Iy= 4.158 Rx = 0.775 Ry = 1.431 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 60903 Chord shear: V = 9909' p = -6448 fv = 9348 fc = -3176 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _lg_ _i!2._ ~ ~ in-# ____Eg__ _illU... Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 32.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 33.00 2250 20775 5526 66.9z 18897 82315 0.309 0.542 0 .134 0.676 U-1 32.00 2250 20775 8685 27000 0.204 0.379 0.474 0.853 o.oc 33.00 0 17820 3159 50.2z 23654 146337 0.155 0 .371 0.065 0.436 U-2 32.00 0 30159 4736 30000 0.091 0.495 0.233 0. 728 2.30 24.00 0 30159 1280 36.5z 25533 276668 0.063 0.582 0.026 0.608 U-3 32.00 0 30159 3144 30000 0.060 0.495 0.154 0.650 0.00 24.00 0 30159 1863 36.5z 25533 276668 0.092 0.582 0.038 0.620 U-4 32.00 0 38373 3570 30000 0.069 0.630 0.175 0.806 1. 66 24.00 0 38373 1707 36.5z 25533 276668 0.084 0. 740 0.035 0.776 U-5 32.00 0 38373 3456 30000 0.066 0.630 0.170 0.800 0.00 2~.00 0 38373 1749 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.740 0.036 0.777 U-6 32.00 0 41111 3487 30000 0.067 0.675 0.171 0.846 1. 58 . 24.00 0 41111 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 0.793 0.036 0.829 U-7 32. 0-1 0 41111 3477 30000 0.067 0.675 0 .171 0. 8~ E 0. t;,- 24.00 0 41111 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 0.793 0.036 0.829 U-8 32.00 0 41111 3487 30000 0.067 0.675 0.171 0.846 1. 58 24.00 0 38373 1749 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.740 0.036 0.777 U-9 32.00 0 38373 3456 30000 0.066 0.630 0.170 0.800 O.Oc 24.00 0 38373 1707 36.5z 25533 276668 0.084 0.740 0.035 0. 776 U-10 32.00 0 38373 3570 30000 0.069 0.630 0.175 0.806 1. 66 -~: -,-0 30159 1863 36.5z 25533 276668 0. 092 0.582 0.038 0 620 :J-11 3~. ,_,1\ (' 30159 3144 30000 0.060 0.495 0.15<! (). 65'1 24.00 0 30159 1280 36.5z 25533 276668 0.063 0.582 0.026 0.608 U-12 32.00 0 30159 4736 30000 0. 091 0. 495 0.233 0.728 2.30 33.00 0 17820 3159 50.2z 23654 146337 0.155 0. 371 0.065 0.436 U-13 32.00 2250 20775 8685 27000 0.204 0.379 0.474 0.853 0.00 33.00 2250 20775 5526 66.9z 18897 82315 0.309 0.542 0.134 0.676 U-14 32.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q Rz f = = Vl.64 1/05/00 0.967 0.493 9482 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA -Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: .DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 _DAVE KAPALA Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 TJ20 Parallel End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 1 -32LH870/470 X 30'10.250 chord Longspan De2th 5.000 5.000 Slo2e Holes To2 y 470 #/ft full length 870 #/ft full length 400 #/ft full length Special Chord Ext PO#:92999 Crimped angle BCX Holdback Pitch 2 2' 0.000 Uniform Live load Uniform SJI load Uniform Dead load An additional SJI An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. BC .cone loads : Load S2acing Location Point ~ 120 28'0 2'10-1/4 28 1 0 Ll3 SJI, Dead EP[:/ilL 48.000 34.250 Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 31.25 11 Bot chord panel spacing: 1 @ 33. 56 11 Ep= 48.00 11 1@ 31.56 11 1@ 41.13 11 10@ 24.00 11 4@ 48.00 11 1@ 33.88 11 1@ 54.88 11 Ep= 34. 25 11 32.000 in Deep 366.250 in Design length 333'4 # Minimum Shear 30.844 in Effective Depth 744.300 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 28.000 in Clear Depth L/ 862 Live Defl L/ 465 SJI Defl 1226727 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.388 in Camber Total weight 18.463 in Centroid Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/44-4-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 PO#:92999 TJ20 1 -32LH870/470 X 30 1 10.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Equk Wind --0 1.00 --0 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3. 0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 13387 0 6215 7172 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 13486 0 6314 7172 0 0 Pounds TOJ2 bridging rows: 2 per SJI 4 if deck provides no lateral support. Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE .KAPALA THE BLACK.MORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 TJ20 1 -32LH870/470 x 30'10.250 "Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Top Chord: 2-L L2x2x.248 A= 1.861 Y = 0.591 Bridg < 212" Ix= 0.691 Iy= 2.905 Rx= 0.609 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= 55830 Chord shear: V = 9867 P = -5478 fv = 9947 Fy = 50000 Ry= 1.250 fc = -2944 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint No. U-0 U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 Panel Length ___lg_ 31.56 31. 56 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 33.88 29.25 Tension Comp. Local Height. Force Force Bend ___lg_ ~ ~ in-# kl/r Allow Euler Stress F'e ....l2&_ __Qg_ Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 0.385 32.00 0 0 0 27000 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 .?~. \! 32.00 32.00 32.00 2250 20490 5069 80.7z 16988 55626 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 20490 7918 27000 0.266 17460 2850 60.5z 22630 98891 0.194 28826 4438 30000 0.127 28826 1389 46.0z 24960 171032 0.094 28826 3223 30000 0.092 28826 1834 46.0z 24960 171032 0.125 37027 3549 30000 0.101 37027 1715 46.0z 24960 171032 0.117 37027 3461 30000 0.099 37027 1747 46.0z 24960 171032 0.119 39772 3486 30000 0.099 39772 1739 46.0z 24960 171032 0.118 39772 3476 30000 0.099 39772 1737 46.0z 24960 171032 0.118 39772 3490 30000 0.100 37060 1753 46.0z 24960 171032 0.119 37060 3444 30000 0.098 37060 1690 46.0z 24960 171032 0.115 37060 3616 30000 0.103 28892 1926 46.0z 24960 171032 0.131 28892 2973 30000 0.085 28892 1047 46.0z 24960 171032 0.071 28892 5372 30000 0.153 12869 3847 64.9z 21856 85850 0.262 15233 7732 27000 0.261 15233 3888 74.8z 18034 64769 0.305 0 0 27000 0.000 Compression-Bending Int.er action Axial Bend Unity 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.648 0.188 0.837 0.408 0.598 1.006 0.415 0.086 0.501 0.516 0.302 0.818 0.621 0.042 0.663 0.516 0.219 0.736 0.621 0.055 0.676 0.663 0.241 0.905 0.797 0.053 0.850 0.663 0.235 0.899 0.797 0.054 0.851 0.712 0.237 0.949 0.856 0.054 0~910 0.712 0.236 0.949 0.856 0.054 0.910 0.712 0.237 0.950 0.798 0.054 0.852 0.664 0.234 0.898 0.798 0.052 0.850 0.664 0.246 0.910 0.622 0.058 0.680 0.518 0.202 0.720 0.622 0.032 0.654 0.518 0.365 0.883 0.316 0.116 0.432 0.303 0.584 0.887 0.454 0.136 0.590 0.000 0.000 0.000 o.ou 2.13 0.00 1. 55 0.00 1.47 0.00 1. 47 o.ou 1. 55 n.uu 1. 49 0.00 Q = 1. 000 Rz 0.391 f = 10055 Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 TJ20 1 -32LH870/470 X 30'10.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL2x2x.176 A = 1. 346 y = 0.565 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.516 Iy= 2.042 Rx 0.619 Ry = 1.232 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 40381 Chord shear: V = 12230 p = 18240 fv = 17373 fc = 13551 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _!!L_ ~ ~ lbs in-# .J2§i_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 l. 02 41.13 22679 0 0 l04.3z 13673 33823 0.562 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 33609 0 0 30000 0.832 0.000 0.000 0.000 l. 09 48.00 33609 0 0 121. 7z 10082 24828 0.832 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 39082 0 0 30000 0. 968 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 39082 0 0 12l.7z 10082 24828 0. 968 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 39098 0 0 30000 0. 968 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.00 39098 0 0 l2l.7z 10082 24828 0. 968 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 39098 0 0 30000 0. 968 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 33658 0 0 l2l.7z 10082 24828 0.834 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 33658 0 0 30000 0.834 0.000 0.000 0.000 l. 09 54. 88 22762 0 0 139. lz 7714 18997 0.564 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.72 . Q = 0.981 Rz = 0.394 f = 18647 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 TJ20 1 32LH870/470 X 30 1 10.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile ComEressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web SloEe ____21l._ Member in2 _.i!L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length ToEi'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.16 55.38 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12230 21961 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Ul -Ll V 1 25.08 34.06 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2388 2724 3602 llx0.8 2 5/ 2.7 U2 -Ll C 1 29. 04 35.28 1-L L2x2x.248 0.930 0.391z 0 0 27915 9867 11286 11865 25xl 5 3 3/ 3.5 U2 -L3 T 2 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 O. 296z 7917 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 2.9/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30.84 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1984 4162 . llxO. 6 2.5/ 2.5 U4 -L3 C 2 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0. 346z C 0 14402 6124 7760 8443 . 14xl. 8 3.1/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4424 5605 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.7 2.7/ 3.0 us -LS V 3 0 00 30.84 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2025 4162 .llx0.6 2.5/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37.89 39.08 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3334 4225 4592 . llxl. 3 2.9/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3334 4225 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.3 2.7/ 3.0 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 30.84 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2039 '~ 102 llxO. 6 2.5/ 2 5 us -L7 T 5 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3334 4225 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 2 7/ 3.0 us -L9 C 4 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3334 4225 4592 . llxl. 3 2.9/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30.84 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2025 4162 .llx0.6 2.5/ 2.5 UlO -L9 T 6 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4403 5578 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 2.7/ 3.0 UlO -Lll C 5 37.89 39.08 l-LL1-3/4x.143 0 .480 0. 346z 0 0 14402 6103 7733 8443 .14xl. 8 3.1/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 30.84 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1984 4162 . llxO 6 2.5/ 2.5 Ul2 -Lll T 7 37.89 39.08 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0. 296z 7896 10004 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 2.9/ 3.3 U12 -Ll3 C 6 45.03 43.64 1-LL2-1/2x.230 1.097 0.492z 0 0 32913 9926 14045 14483 .23x2.1 4.1/ 4.6 Ul3 -Ll3 V 7 5.56 30.99 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2388 2464 4137 .llx0.8 2.5/ 2.5 Ul4 -Ll3 T 8 46.28 44.63 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 12417 17965 19340 0 0 19340 .22x2.0 I Job #9N01627 -·103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: QA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 ~19/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA . THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J21 5 -32LH870/470 x 31' 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes Top Chord Ext BCX Holdback ;2 2 1 0.000 Pitch 470 #/ft full length 870 #/ft full length 400 #/ft full length Uniform Live load Uniform SJI load Uniform Dead load An additional SJI An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top Bot BC cone loads: Load Spacing Location Point TYPE 120 chord panel spacing: 1 @ 35.88" chord panel spacing: Ep= 37.50" 1 28 1 6 3 1 1-1/2 @ 35. 88 II Ep= 48. 00 II 28 1 6 Ll3 SJI, Dead 1 @ 33. 88 II 10 @ 24. 00 II 1 @ 45.75" 4 @ 48. 00 II 1 1 @ @ EP/#lL 48.000 37.500 33. 88 II 56. 25 II 32.000 in Deep 375.500 in Design length 341'8 # Minimum Shear 30.728 in Effective Depth 792.664 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 27.500 in Clear Depth L/ 851 Live Defl L/ 459 SJI Defl 1289332 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.408 in Camber Total weight 18.618 in Centroid Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised ·1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 J21 5 -32LH870/470 X 31' 7.500 Parallel chord Longspan Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead --0 1.00 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 Left end reactions: 13723 0 6370 Right end reactions: 13821 0 6467 To2 bridging rows: 2 per SJI Special Crimped angle Live Eguk Wind --o 0 --0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 -0.75 0 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips 7354 0 0 Pound's 7354 0 0 Pounds 3 if deck provides no lateral support. Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/4-44-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J21 5 -32LH870/470 X 31 1 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Top Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A= 2.030 Y = 0.703 Bridg < 243 11 Ix= 1.219 Iy= 4.158 Rx= 0.775 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= 60903 Chord shear: V = 9952 P = -7044 fv = 9388 Fy = 50000 Ry= 1.431 fc = -3470 0 End fillers, O Interior top chord fillers required. Joint No. u-o U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 :_i-l l U-12 U-13 U-14 Panel Tension Length Height Force ____!!L. ____!!L. ~ 33.88 24.00 24.00 24.00 24. 00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 33.88 33.88 32.00 0 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.vO 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 2250 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 Comp. Local Force Bend ~ in-# 0 0 20937 20937 18029 30972 30972 30972 30972 39204 39204 39204 39204 41960 41960 41960 41960 41960 39240 39240 39240 39240 31043 31J43 31043 31043 14469 16787 16787 0 58:6 9167 3352 4928 121::l 3092 1882 3584 1702 3452 1750 3488 1738 3~ -" 1738 3488 175: 3452 1702 3584 133: 12~8 4928 3352 9167 5816 0 kl/r Allow Euler Stress F'e ---2§..L_ _____£&_ 27000 68.7z 18624 78117 27000 51.5z 23457 138875 30000 36.5z 25533 276668 30000 36.5z 25533 276668 30000 36.5z 25533 276668 30000 36.5z 25533 276668 30000 36.5z 25533 276668 30000 36.5z 25533 276668 30000 36.5z 25533 276668 30000 36.5z 25533 276668 30000 36.5z 25533 276668 3000·. 36.5z 25533 276668 30000 51.5z 23457 138875 27000 68.7z 18624 78117 27000 ---_ _,,, Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 0.323 0.213 0.165 0.095 0.059 0.059 0.092 0.069 0.084 0.066 0.086 0.067 0.085 0.067 0.085 0.067 0.086 0.066 0.084 0.069 0.092 0.059 0.059 0.095 0.165 0.213 0.323 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial Bend Unity Eccen 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.554 0.142 0.696 0.382 0.501 0.883 0.379 0.069 0.448 0.509 0.242 0.751 0.598 0.025 0.622 0.509 0.152 0.661 0.598 0.039 0.636 0.644 0.176 0.820 0.756 0.035 0.792 0.644 0.170 0.813 0.756 0.036 0.793 0.689 0.171 0,860 0.810 0.036 0.846 0.689 0.171 0 860 0.810 0.036 0.846 0.689 0.171 0.860 0.757 0.036 0.793 0.644 0.170 0.814 0.757 0.035 0.792 0.644 0.176 0.820 0.599 0.039 0.638 0.510 0.152 0.662 0.599 0.025 0.624 0.510 0.242 0.752 0.304 0.069 0.373 0.306 0.501 0.807 0.444 0.139 0.583 0.00 2 .17 0.00 1. 66 0.00 1. 58 ,,:i_.-,·1 1. 58 0.00 1. 66 1. 54 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 f Q Rz Vl.64 1/05/00 0.967 0.493 9547 Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/eo Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 J21 5 -32LH870/470 X 31' 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL2x2x.187 A = 1.426 y = 0.569 Fy = 50000 IX= 0.544 Iy= 2.173 Rx = 0.617 Ry = 1.234 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 42782 Chord shear: V = 12483 p = 18687 fv = 16689 fc = 13104 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint. Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height: Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _.i!:!__ _.i!:!__ ~ ~ in-# _J2.§.i__ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.87 45.75 24803 0 0 116. 2z 11065 27195 0.580 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 35773 0 0 30000 0.836 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. ,19 48.00 35773 0 0 121. 9z 10052 24705 0.836 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 41267 0 0 30000 0.965 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.11 48.00 41267 0 0 121.9z 10052 24705 0. 965 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 41284 0 0 30000 0. 965 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.00 41284 0 0 121.9z 10052 24705 0. 965 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 41284 0 0 30000 0. 965 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.11 48.00 35826 0 0 121.9z 10052 24705 0.837 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 35826 0 0 30000 0.837 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 56.25 24892 0 0 142. 8z 7320 17990 0.582 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.63 Q = 1.000 Rz = 0.394 f = 17929 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: .DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADA,Y AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 J21 5 32LH870/470 X 31' 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Compressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slope _i!:!.._ Member in2 _i!L ---1l2.§_ ----1£§_ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length Topl'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.26 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12483 22473 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Ul -Ll V 1 21. 53 33.03 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2556 2838 3785 .llx0.9 3.0/ 2.7 U2 -Ll C 1 35.29 37.65 l-LL2-l/2x.212 1. 015 0.493z 0 0 30452 9952 12192 16621 . 2lxl. 9 4.4/ 4.2 U2 -L3 T 2 37 99 38.99 l-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0. 296z 7917 10046 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2. 7 3.5/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1995 4182 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U4 -L3 C 2 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6126 7773 8461 .14xl 8 3.8/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4424 5614 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.7 3 3,' 3.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2036 4182 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3418 4337 4606 .llxl.3 3.5/ 3 3 ~6 -L7 T 4 37.99 38. :!9 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3418 4337 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3.: 3.IJ U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2050 4182 .l~x0.6 3.: -=: 5 us -L7 T 5 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3418 4337 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.3 3 3/ 3.0 us -L9 C 4 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0. 315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3418 4337 4606 . llxl. 3 3.'3/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2036 4182 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 UlO -L9 T 6 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4401 5585 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.7 3.3/ 3 0 UlO -Lll C 5 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6103 7744 8461 . 14xl. 8 3.8/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1995 4182 llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 Ul2 -Lll T 7 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0. 296z 7894 10017 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2. 7 3.5/ 3.3 Ul2 -Ll3 C 6 46.38 44.54 l-LL2-l/2x.250 1.188 0. 49lz 0 0 35625 9926 14390 14990 . 25xl. 9 4.8/ 4.6 Ul3 -Ll3 V 7 3.03 30.77 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2556 2632 4174 . llxO. 8 3.0/ 2.5 Ul4 -Ll3 T 8 49.12 -16.95 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 12583 19227 19340 0 0 19340 .22x2.l Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 TJ21 1 -32LH870/470 x 31' 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope ·Holes y y Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 470 #/ft full length Uniform pJI load 870 #/ft full length Uniform Dead 'lqad 400 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. EP/#lL 48.000 48.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 35. 88 '' Bot chord panel spacing: 1 @ 35. 88 11 Ep= 48.00 11 1 @ 33. 88 II 1@ 45.75 11 10@ 24.00 11 4@ 48.00 11 1@ 33.88 11 1 @ 45. 75 11 Ep= 48.00 11 32.000 in Deep 375.500 in Design length 3403 # Minimum Shear 30.728 in Effective Depth 27.500 in Clear Depth 1287202 in-# Moment Total weight Loading combinations: SJI --0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 Left TC axial load: 0.0 Right TC axial load: 0.0 Left end reactions: 13712 Right end reactions: 13712 792.664 in4 Ix L/ 851 Live Defl 1.000 in Chord gap 18.618 in Centroid NtUE Dead Live 1.00 --o 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 6358 7354 0 6358 7354 Eguk 0 0 0 0 0.75 -0.75 0 0 3.0 3.0 0 0 Top bridging rows: 2 per SJI 0.00 in4 Minimum L/ 460 SJI Defl 0. 4 0'8 in Camber Wind --0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 -0.75 0.0 Kips 0.0 Kips 0 Pounds 0 Pounds 3 if deck provides no lateral support. Ix ' - Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 TJ21 1 -32LH870/470 x 31' 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan 2.030 Y = 0.703 4.158 Rx= 0.775 Force 60903 Top Chord: 2-LL2-l/2x.212 A= Bridg < 243" Ix= 1.219 Iy= Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Chord shear: V = 9940 P = -7036 fv = 9378 chord fillers required. Fy = 50000 Ry= 1.431 fc = -3466 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top Joint No. u-o U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 u-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 Panel Length Height --1!l_ --1!l_ 32.00 ., 3. 88 32.00 33.88 32°. 00 24.00 32.00 24.00 32.00 24.00 32.00 24.00 32.00 24.00 24 00 2..!.00 24.00 :24. 00 ~..!.00 33.88 33.88 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 Tension Comp. Local Bend in-# Allow Stress Euler F'e Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial Bend Unity 0.000 0.000 0 000 Force Force kl/r ~~ ~ 27000 _I@_ 0 0 0 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 20920 5816 68.7z 18624 78117 0.323 0.553 0.142 0.696 20920 9167 27000 0.213 0.382 0.501 0.882 0.0C 18012 3352 51.5z 23457 138875 0.165 0.378 0.069 0.448 30938 4928 30000 0.095 0.508 0.242 0.750 2.17 30938 1210 36.5z 25533 276668 0.059 0.597 0.025 0.622 30938 3092 30000 0.059 0.508 0.152 0.660 0.00 30938 1882 36.5z 25533 276668 0.092 0.597 0.039 0.636 39153 3584 30000 0.069 0.643 0.176 0.819 1.66 39153 1702 36.5z 25533 276668 0.084 0.755 0.035 0.791 39153 3452 30000 39153 1750 36.5z 25533 276668 41891 3488 30000 41891 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 41891 3476 30000 41891 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 41891 3488 30000 39153 1750 36.Sz 25533 276668 39153 3452 30000 39153 1702 36.5z 25533 276668 39153 3584 30000 30938 1882 36.5z 25533 276668 30938 3092 30001 30938 1210 36.5z 25533 276668 30938 4928 30000 18012 3352 51.5z 23457 138875 20920 9167 27000 20920 5816 68.7z 18624 78117 0 0 27000 0.066 0.643 0.170 0.813 0.00 0.086 0.067 0.085 0.067 0.085 0.067 0.086 0.066 0.084 0.069 o. 092 'l.059 0.059 0.095 0.165 0.213 0.323 0.755 0.036 0.792 0.688 0.171 0.859 0.808 0.036 0~844 0.688 0.171 0.859 0.808 0.036 0.844 0.688 0.171 0.859 0.755 0.036 0.792 0.643 0.170 0.813 0.755 0.035 0.791 0.643 0.176 0.819 0.597 0.039 0.636 0.508 0.152 0.660 0.597 0.025 0.622 0.508 0.242 0.750 0.378 0.069 0.448 0.382 0.501 0.882 0.553 0.142 0.696 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 58 0.or 1. 58 0. Ov 1. 66 0. ii' 2 .17 0.00 Q = 0.967 Rz = 0.493 f 9536 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619)444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 TJ21 1 -32LH870/470 x 31' 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL2x2x.187 A= 1. 426 y = 0.569 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.544 Iy= 2.173 Rx = 0.617 Ry = 1.234 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 42782 Chord shear: V = 12472 p = 18670 fv = 16673 fc = 13092 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _i!!_ ~ _l&§_ _l&§_ in-# --12§..L_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity ~ L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.87 45.75 24778 0 0 116. 2z 11065 27195 0.579 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 35730 0 0 30000 0.835 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.0~ 48.00 35730 0 0 121.9z 10052 24705 0.835 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 41206 0 0 30000 0. 963 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.11 48.00 41206 0 0 121.9z 10052 24705 0. 963 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 41206 0 0 30000 0. 963 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.00 41206 0 0 121. 9z 10052 24705 0. 963 0.000 o .poo 0.000 L-9 0 00 41206 0 0 30000 o. 963 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.11 48.00 35730 0 0 121. 9z 10052 24705 0.835 0.000 r:r. 000 0.000 L-11 0.00 35730 0 0 30000 0.835 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 45.75 24778 0 0 116. 2z 11065 27195 0.579 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.87 Q 1.000 Rz = 0.394 f = 17912 ' . Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: -DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 -DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 TJ21 1 32LH870/470 X 31' 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Com12ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X _ Weld (in) Location Web Slope __i!!___ Member in2 ---2!L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length To:121'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.26 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12472 22453 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Ul -Ll V 1 21. 53 33.03 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2556 2838 3785 .llx0.9 3.0/ 2 7 U2 -Ll C 1 35.29 37.65 1-LL2-l/2x.212 1.015 0.493z 0 0 30452 9940 12178 16621 . 2lxl. 9 4 .4/ 4.2 U2 -L3 T 2 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 O. 296z 7906 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 3.5/ 3. 3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1995 4182 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 U4 -L3 C 2 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6114 7758 8461 .14xl.8 3.8/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 37.99 38.99 l-LLl-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.3/ 3.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2036 4182 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3403 4318 4606 . llxl. 3 3 5/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3403 4318 7819 0 0 7819 llxl.3 3 '' -I 3. r_· U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2049 4182 .llx0.6 3. : / 2.::. us -L7 T 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3403 4318 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.3 3.3/ 3.0 us -L9 C 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3403 4318 4606 .llxl.3 3.5/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2036 4182 . llxO. 6 3 (,/ 2.5 UlO -L9 T 6 37.99 38.99 l-LLl-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.3/ 3.0 UlO -Lll C 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6114 7758 8461 .14xl. 8 3.8/ 3.5 Ull -Lli V 5 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-1/4x.l09 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1995 4182 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 Ul2 -Lll T 7 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-1/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 7906 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 3.5/ 3.3 Ul2 -Ll3 C 6 35.29 37.65 l-LL2-1/2x.212 1. 015 0.493z 0 0 30452 9940 12178 16621 .21xl.9 4.4/ 4.2 Ul3 -L13 V 7 21. 53 33.03 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2556 2838 3785 . llxO. 9 3.0/ 2.7 Ul4 -L13 T 8 56.26 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12472 22453 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE. EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 Project: 6i9/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 PO#:92999 G15 1 -52G6N5.2/2.3 X 50' 8.000 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --o 1.00 --o 0 -----u 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 12640 0 6957 5683 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 14160 0 7943 6217 0 0 Pounds Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DA.VE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 G15 1 -52G6N5.2/2.3 X 50' 8.000 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder TO:Q Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.230 A = 2.194 y = 0.710 Fy 50000 Ix= 1. 309 Iy= 4.520 Rx = 0.772 Ry = 1.435 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 65826 Chord shear: V = 12640 p = -14955 fv = 10991 fc = -6816 1 End fillers, 10 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tensio~1 Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _____ig_ _l_!:!_ ~ ~ in-# ~ _Qg_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 52. :•:] 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 64.00 12 ~!'J: 29443 0 82.9x 16556 21743 0.182 0.811 0.000 0.811 U-1 52.00 :2oc~ 2944S 0 27000 0.182 0.497 0.000 0 .497 o.uo 66.00 0 25391 0 85.5x 17866 20445 0.000 0.648 0.000 0.648 U-2 52.00 0 41463 0 30000 0.000 0.630 0.000 0.630 1. 23 48.00 :; 41463 0 62.2x 22286 38654 0.000 0.848 0.000 0. 848 U-3 52.00 ~ 41463 0 30000 0.000 0.630 0.000 0.630 0.00 48.00 0 41463 0 62.2x 22286 38654 0.000 0.848 0.000 0.848 U-4 52.00 C 47482 0 30000 0.000 0. 721 0.000 0. 721 1 38 48.00 0 47482 0 62.2x 22286 38654 0.000 0. 971 0.000 0. 971 U-5 52.00 0 47482 0 30000 0.000 0. 721 0.000 0.721 0.00 48.00 0 47482 0 62.2x 22286 38654 0.000 0.971 0.000 0. 971 U-6 52.00 J 47482 0 30000 0.000 0. 721 0.000 0. 721 1. 68 48.00 0 46119 0 62.2x 22286 38654 0.000 0.943 0.000 0 _•943 U-7 52.: :· 46119 0 30000 0.000 0.701 0.000 0.701 o.oo 48.00 46119 0 62.2x 22286 38654 0.000 0.943 0.000 0.943 U-8 52.00 46119 0 30000 0.000 0.701 0.000 0.701 1. 38 ~8.00 37373 0 62.2x 22286 38654 0.000 0.764 0.000 0.764 U-9 52.GJ 373-;3 0 30000 0.000 0.568 6.000 o.5~g u. ll'.J 48.00 0 37373 0 62.2x 22286 38654 0.000 0.764 0.000 0.764 U-10 52.00 0 37373 0 30000 0.000 0.568 0.000 0.568 2.32 46.00 26965 0 59.6x 22728 42088 0.000 0.541 0.000 0.541 U-11 52. " ' 315~-0 27000 0.182 0.532 0.000 0.532 0.Dll -.. 44.00 120~: 31547 0 89.3z 15346 46001 0.182 0.937 0.000 0.937 U-12 52.CO 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tag end to12 chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A = 2.19 y = 0.71 Ix = 1. 31 St = 1.84 Sb = 0.73 Type ''E" 0' 1.500 long. M-= 281 fb-= 384 Q = 0.996 Rz = 0.492 f 11507 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444~4350 DAVE KAPALA Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 PO#:92999 G15 1 -52G6N5.2/2.3 x 50' 8.000 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Top Chord, continued .... Opp end top chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A= 2.19 Y = 0.71 Ix 1.31 St= 1.84 Sb= 0.73 Type 11 E11 O 1 1. 500 long. M-= 281 fb-= 384 / ' . Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 • Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE -~- CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 Gl5 1 -52G6N5.2/2.3 x 50' 8.000 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Bot Chord: 2-L L2x2x.216 A = 1. 635 y = 0.579 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.615 Iy= 2.520 Rx = 0.613 Ry = 1.242 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 49041 Chord shear: V = 12640 p = 17448 fv = 14629 fc = 10673 4 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __!!!_ __!!!_ ~ ~ in-# ...fil.L_ ~ Unity Axial ~ Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.43 :'.08.01) 32403 0 0 176.lx 4817 4817 0.661 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 ll. 0,) 45351 0 0 30000 0.925 0.000 0.000 0.0CC t:. 2r: 96.UU 45351 0 0 156.5x 6097 6097 0.925 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 48455 0 0 30000 0.988 0.000 0.000 o.oou U.57 96.00 48455 0 0 156.5x 6097 6097 0.988 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 48455 0 0 30000 0.988 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.57 96.00 41715 0 0 156.5x 6097 6097 ·O. 851 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 41715 0 0 30000 0.851 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.28 68.00 25131 0 0 173.3z 4974 12152 0.512 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.01 Q = 1.000 Rz = 0.392 f = 15572 > ' Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 G15 1 52G6N5.2/2.3 X 50' 8.000 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Tensile Com12ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slope _!Q_ Member in2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length To12/Bottm uo -Ll T 1 54.08 86.44 2-LL1-3/4x.143 0. 960 0.543x 12640 21545 28803 0 5386 28803 .14x5.1 6.8/ 5.2 Ul -Ll V 1 6.75 51.06 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 0 508 1593 .11x0.2 3.3/ 2.8 U2 -Ll C 1 49.80 78.56 2-LL2-1/2x.212 2.030 0.775x 0 4895 609~3 12640 19581 29004 .2lx3.l 6.4/ 4.9 U2 -L3 T 2 -! 3. -~ 3 69.S"J 1-L L2x2x.163 0.625 0.395z 6840 9418 187".3 0 2354 2991 .16xl.9 4.2/ 4.0 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 50. 71 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 0 829 1616 . llxO. 3 3.3/ 2.8 U4 -L3 C 2 43.43 ,;9. 83 2-L L2x2x.163 1. 251 0.62lx 0 2354 375'.;6 6840 9418 147'53 .l6xl.9 6.2/ 4.8 U4 -L5 T 3 '±3.43 69.83 1-LL1-3/4x.125 0.422 0.347z 3350 4613 12656 0 1153 155~ .13xl.2 4.0/ 3.8 us -LS V 3 0.00 50. 71 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 0 950 1616 . llxO. 3 3.3/ 2.8 U6 -LS C 3 43.43 69.83 1-LL2-1/2x.212 1. 015 0.493z 0 1153 30452 3350 4613 7570 .2lx0.7 4.7/ 4.5 U6 -L7 C 4 43.43 69.83 1-LL2-1/2x.212 1.015 0.493z 0 1226 30452 3560 4902 7570 .2lx0.8 4.7/ 4.5 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 50. 71 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 945~ 0 922 16i.6 .llx0.3 3.3/ 2.8 us -L7 T 4 43.43 69.83 1-LL1-3/4x.125 0 .422 0.347z 3560 4902 12656 0 1226 1554 .13Xl. 3 4.0/ 3.8 us -L9 C 5 43.43 69.83 2-L L2x2x.163 1.251 0.621x 0 3016 37526 8760 12062 14 763 .16x2.5 6.2/ 4.8 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 50.71 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 0 747 1616 .llx0.2 3.3/ 2.8 UlO -L9 T 5 43.43 69.83 1-L L2x2x.163 0.625 0.395z 8760 12062 18763 0 3016 2991 .16x2.5 4.2/ 4.0 UlO -Lll C 6 21. 52 54.51 2-L L2x2x.163 1.251 0.621x 0 3805 37526 14160 15222 21261 .16x3.1 6.0/ 4.9 011 -Lll V 6 27.14 56.99 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454' 0 539 1279 . llxO. 2 3.3/ 3.0 U12 -Lll T 6 54.08 86.44 2-L L2x2x.163 1.251 0.621x 14160 24137 37526 0 6034 37526 .16x5.0 6.7/ 5.1 • > Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444~4350 DAVE KA.PALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J22 1 -24LH870/470 x 23' 8.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes Top Chord Ext BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform Live load 470 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 870 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 400 #/ft full length An additional SJI load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 24 .19 11 1 @ 22.19 11 8 @ 24.00 11 1 1 @ 24.19 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 42. 00 II 1 @ 28.38 11 3 @ 48.00 11 1 Ep= 42.00 11 @ @ EP/#lL 42.000 42.000 22 .19 II 28. 38 II 24.000 in Deep 280.750 in Design length 2544 # Minimum Shear 22.868 in Effective Depth 20.000 in Clear Depth 721330 in-# Moment Total weight Loading combinations: SJI --o 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 Left TC axial load: 0.0 Right TC axial load: 0.0 Left end reactions: 10277 Right end reactions: 10277 345.466 in4 Ix L/ 888 Live Defl 1.000 in Chord gap 14.207 in Centroid NtU§ Dead Live 1.00 ---a 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 4779 5498 0 4779 5498 Eguk 0 0 0 0 0.75 -0.75 0 0 3.0 3.0 0 0 Top bridging rows: 1 per SJI 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix L/ 480 SJI Defl o. 22·3 in Camber Wind --0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 -0.75 0.0 Kips 0.0 Kips 0 Pounds 0 Pounds 2 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 By RA · Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE_K.APALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J22 1 -24LH870/470 X 23 1 8.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan TO}2 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.216 A = 1. 635 y = 0.579 Fy = 50000 Bridg < 211 11 Ix= 0.615 Iy= 2.520 Rx = 0.613 Ry 1. 242 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 49041 Chord shear: V = 7779 p = -1488 fv = 9003 fc = -910 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ~ ~ ---1J2§_ ---1J2§_ in-# ...£§.!_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 24.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22.19 2250 18795 2609 56.5z 20970 114142 0.247 0.548 0.098 0.646 U-1 24.00 2250 18795 3704 27000 0.162 0.426 0.317 0.743 0.00 22.19 0 15416 1094 42.4z 25490 202920 0.084 0.370 0.035 0.405 U-2 24.00 0 23245 3031 30000 0.095 0.474 0.233 0.707 2.19 24.00 0 23245 1904 45.9z 24982 173428 0.147 0.569 0.063 0.632 U-3 24.00 0 23245 3600 30000 0 .113 0.474 0.277 0 751 0.00 24.00 0 23245 1696 45.9z 24982 173428 0 .131 0.569 0.056 0 625 U-4 24.00 0 30622 3448 30000 0.108 0.624 0.265 0.890 1. OJ. 24.00 0 30622 1752 45.9z 24982 173428 0.135 0.750 0.059 0.809 U-5 24.00 0 30622 3489 30000 0.110 0.624 0,269 0.893 0.00 24.00 0 30622 1738 45.9z 24982 173428 0.134 0.750 0.059 0.808 U-6 24.00 0 30622 3475 30000 0.109 0.624 0.268 0.892 0.97 24.00 0 30622 1738 45.9z 24982 173428 0.134 0.750 0.059 0~808 :J-7 2>-±': I 0 30622 3-!89 30000 0.llO 0.624 0.269 ~ 893 0 00 24.00 0 30622 1752 45.9z 24982 173428 0.135 0.750 0.059 0.809 U-8 24.00 0 30622 3448 30000 0.108 0.624 0.265 0.890 1.01 2-l.OO 0 23245 1696 45.9z 24982 173-!28 0.131 0.569 0.056 0.625 U-9 24.00 0 23245 3600 30000 0 .113 0.474 0.277 0.751 ll,ll:1 24.00 0 23245 1904 45.9z 24982 173428 0.147 0.569 0.063 0.632 U-10 24.00 0 23245 3031 30000 0.095 0.474 0.233 0.707 2.19 22.19 0 15416 1094 42.4z 25490 202920 0.084 0.370 0.035 0.405 -~ -l 1 ~4. 22r;:J 18795 3704 27<)1)1) 0.162 0.426 0.317 ,) . 74 3 (). 11:1 2Z.19 2250 18795 2609 56.5z 20970 114142 0.247 0.548 0.098 u. 6'-±ci iJ-12 2,1. 00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q Rz f = = Vl.64 1/05/00 1.000 0.392 9014 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 . DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 J22 1 -24LH870/470 X 23' 8.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A = 1.103 y = 0.553 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx = 0.624 Ry 1.224 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 Chord shear: V = 9459 p = 16545 fv = 16536 fc = 14999 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Pan~:!. Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __i!l_ ~ ......112.§__ ......112.§__ in-# ..E§i__ ___Q§__!_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 ' 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.11 ~8.3S 16731 0 0 71. 6z 19157 72130 0.507 0.000 0.000 0 000 L-3 0.00 27856 0 0 30000 0.842 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.5~ 48.00 27856 0 0 121.lz 10182 25206 0.842 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 31544 0 0 30000 0.953 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.67 48.00 31544 0 0 121. lz 10182 25206 0.953 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 31544 0 0 30000 0.953 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.67 48.00 27856 0 0 121.lz 10182 25206 0.842 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0 00 27856 0 0 30000 0.842 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.59 28.38 16791 0 0 71. 6z 19157 72130 0.507 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.11 Q = 0.898 Rz = 0.396 f = 18157 .. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KA.PALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 Entered 1/05/00 Revised PO#:92999 J22 1 -24LH870/470 X 23 1 8.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Com12ressive Weld Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Location Web Slo12e _.iB_ Member in2 ---1dL .......1£§_ .......1£§_ .......1£§_ .......1£§_ .......1£§_ .......1£§_ Length uo -Ll T 1 60.24 46.08 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 9459 19058 19340 0 0 19340 .22x2.l Ul -Ll V 1 37.92 28.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1709 2243 4468 .llx0.7 U2 -Ll C 1 10.83 23.28 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 7779 7920 8800 14xl. 9 U2 -L3 T 2 46.38 33.15 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 6166 8938 9454 0 0 9454 . llx2. 8 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 22.87 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1956 5392 .llx0.6 U4 -L3 C 2 46.38 33.15 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0. 296z 0 0 10781 4374 6341 6406 . 13xl. 7 U4 -,.s T 3 10 38 33.15 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2669 3868 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 us -L5 V 3 0.00 22.87 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1993 5392 .llx0.6 J6 -_,:, C 3 46.38 33.15 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2544 3688 3764 . llxl .1 "J6 -:_ I C 4 46.38 33.15 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2544 3688 3764 .llxl.1 07 -I., 7 V 4 0.00 22.87 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 J.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1993 5392 :1xO.G us -L7 T 4 46.38 33.15 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2669 3868 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 U8 -L9 C 5 46.38 33.15 1-LL1-1/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 0 0 10781 4374 6341 6406 .13xl.7 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 22.87 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1956 5392 . llx0.6 UlO -L9 T 5 46.38 33.15 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 6166 8938 9454 0 0 9454 . llx2. 8 UlO -Lll C 6 10.83 23.28 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 7779 7920 8800 .14xl. 9 Ull -::..11 V 6 37. 92 28.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1709 2243 4468 . llxO. 7 Ul2 -Lll T 6 6•). 24 46.08 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 9459 19058 19340 0 0 193-lO .22x2.1 Vl.64 1/05/00 Available Weld (in) To12,:'.Bottm 2.7/ 3.0 3.0/ 3.0 3.1/ 3.6 2.5/ 2.5 3.1/ 3.6 2.9/ 3.4 2.5/ 2.5 2.9/ 3.4 2.9/ 3.4 2.5/ 2.5 2.9/ 3.4 3.1/ 3.6 2.5/ 2.5 3.1/ 3.6 3.0/ 3.0 2.7/ 3.0 ' ,, Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 . DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J23 4 -24LH870/470 x 15' 9.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5. 00·0 Slope Holes Top Chord Ext BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform Live load 470 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 870 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 400 #/ft full length An additional SJI load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 24. 31 11 1 @ 22.31 11 4 @ 24.00 11 1 1 @ 24.31 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 42. 00 11 1 @ 28. 62 11 1 @ 48. 00 II 1 Ep= 42. 00 11 @ @ EP/#lL 42.000 42.000 22. 31 11 28. 62 II 24.000 in Deep 185.250 in Design length 1679 # Minimum Shear 23.026 in Effective Depth 231.318 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 20.500 in Clear Depth L/2069 Live Defl L/1118 SJI Defl 315634 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0. 0 9·9 in Camber ·-rotal weight 14.363 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --0 1.00 --0 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 6815 0 3188 3628 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 6815 0 3188 3628 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 1 per SJI 1 if deck provides no lateral support. ' ' Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Entered l/05/00 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 .PO#:92999 J23 4 -24LH870/470 x 15' 9.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan To12 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A = 1.103 y = 0.553 Fy = 50000 Bridg < 208 II Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1. 652 Rx = 0.624 Ry 1.224 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 Chord shear: V = 4310 p = -866 fv = 7536 fc = -785 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ____i!!__ ~ ~ ~ in-# --12.§.L_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen u-o 24.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22.31 2250 12647 2636 56.3z 19251 116652 0.364 0. 596 0.151 0. 746 U-1 24.00 2250 12647 3752 27000 0.229 0.425 0.469 0.893 0. QC, 22.31 0 9307 1116 42.2z 23194 207381 0.125 0.364 0.055 0 .419 U-2 24.00 0 12788 3041 30000 0.131 0.386 0.342 0. 728 1. 89 2~.00 0 12788 1897 45.4z 22807 179243 0. 213 0.508 0.095 0.603 U-3 24.0U 0 12788 3605 30000 0.155 0.386 0. 405 0. 792 0. 0 , 24.00 0 12788 1709 45.4z 22807 179243 0.192 0.508 0.085 0.593 U-4 24.0U 0 12788 3417 30000 0.147 0.386 0.384 0. 771 r;. ~..; 24.00 0 12788 1709 45.4z 22807 179243 0.192 0.508 0.085 0.593 U-5 24.00 0 12788 3605 30000 0.155 0.386 0.405 0. 792 0. OC· 24.00 0 12788 1897 45.4z 22807 179243 0.213 0.508 0.095 0.603 U-6 24.00 0 12788 3041 30000 0.131 0.386 0.342 0. 728 1. 89 . 2:!.31 0 9307 1116 42.2z 23194 207381 0.125 0.364 0.055 0.419 U-7 :::~.00 "':25,J 12647 3752 27000 0.229 0 425 0.469 0.893 0. G,., 22.31 2250 1264 7 2636 56.3z 19251 116652 0.364 0. 596 0.151 0.746 U-8 24.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q Rz f = = = Vl.64 1/05/00 0.898 0.396 7546 ' . Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 J23 4 -24LH870/470 x 15' 9.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-1/2x.125 A= 0.719 IX= 0.156 Iy= 0.765 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force Chord shear: V = 5985 P = 10397 0 Bottom chord fillers required. .;:,int Pa:i-?l Tension Comp. Local Allow No. Lenyth :-!eight Fc1:cc Force Bend kl/r Stress Y = 0.421 Rx= 0.465 21563 fv = 15960 Fy = 50000 Ry= 1.032 fc = 14465 Euler Tens-Compression-Bending F'e Bend Interaction ___.i!!__ --1.r!_ _l£§__ ~ in-# ....E§.i_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unitv Eccen L-1 D 00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 o. or,,· 0.93 28. •52 : : ')27 0 0 96 .6z 15278 39436 0.465 0.000 0.000 0. 0, · L-3 0.00 13708 0 0 30000 0.636 0.000 0.000 0.0:: u. '.)-i 48.00 13708 0 0 162.lz 5686 14025 0.636 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 13708 0 0 30000 0.636 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.54 28.62 10027 0 0 96. 6z 15278 39436 0.465 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.93 Q = 0.961 Rz = 0.296 f = 17522 . ' Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 Entered 1/05/00 Revised P0#:92999 J23 4 -24LH870/470 X 15' 9.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Comf:!:ressive Weld Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force ·Allow Thick X Location Web Slope __1!!_ Member in2 __.i£_ --1.e!L --1.e!L --1.e!L --1.e!L --1.e!L --1.e!L Length uo -Ll T 1 60.07 46.15 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 5985 11996 19340 0 0 19340 . 22xl. 3 01 -Ll V 1 37.53 29. 04 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1718 2212 4460 .llx0.7 02 -Ll C 11. 36 23 .49 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 4310 4397 4817 .llxl.4 U2 -L3 T 2 46.19 33.26 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2673 3861 7819 0 0 7Bl9 .llxl.: 03 -L3 V 2 0.00 23.03 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1904 5369 .llx0.6 04 -L3 C 2 46.19 33.26 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1679 2425 3745 llxO. 7 04 -LS C 3 46.19 33.26 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1679 2425 3745 .llx0.7 us -LS V 3 0.00 23.03 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1904 5369 .llx0.6 '~~.,: -1:: ; q 3 ~. J,'5 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2673 3861 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 ~o -:...7 11. 36 23_.;9 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 4310 4397 48:7 . lb:l.~ 07 -L7 V 4 37.53 29.04 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1718 2212 'i4oU .llx:).7 U8 -L7 T 4 60.07 46.15 • 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 5985 11996 19340 0 0 19340 .22xl.3 Vl.64 1/05/00 Available Weld (in) Topl'Bottm 2.7/ 2.4 2 8/ 2.3 2. 9,' 2.7 2.5/ 2.0 2.S/ 2.7 2.9/ 2.7 2.5/ 2.0 2.9/ 2.7 2.8/ 2.3 2.7, -' . . Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 TJ24 1 -24LH870/470 x 15 1 4.000 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes Top Chord Ext BCX Holdback Pitch y Uniform Live load 470 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 870 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 400 #/ft full length An additional SJI load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 23.00" 1 @ 21. 00" 4 @ 24.00 11 1 1 @ 23.00 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 42.00" 1 @ 26.00" 1 @ 48. 00 II 1 Ep= 42.00" @ @ EP/#lL 42.000 42.000 21. 00 II 26. 00 II 24.000 in Deep 180.000 in Design length 1631 # Minimum Shear 23.032 in Effective Depth 219.425 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 20.500 in Clear Depth L/2139 Live Defl L/1156 SJI Defl 298125 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0. 0 9'4 in Camber Total weight 13.644 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --0 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 6625 0 3100 3525 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 6625 0 3100 3525 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 1 per SJI 1 if deck provides no lateral support. -'I . > ' Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999- TJ24 1 -24LH870/470 X 15 1 4.000 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan To2 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.125 A = 0.969 y = 0.546 Fy = 50000 Bridg < 207 11 Ix= 0.380 Iy= 1.441 Rx = 0.626 Ry = 1.219 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 29063 Chord shear: V = 4263 p = -370 fv = 8527 fc = -382 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ____l_!2_ ____l_!2_ ~ ~ in-# ....£§.i._ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 24.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 :::1. ,.;,.,_, 2250 12395 2363 52.8z 18487 132797 0.379 0.692 0.162 0.854 U-1 24.00 2250 12395 3268 27000 0.234 0.474 0.463 0.937 0.00 21. 00 0 9056 905 39.6z 21988 236083 0 .115 0.425 0.053 0.478 U-2 24.00 0 12023 2916 30000 0.140 0.414 0 .372 0.786 2.02 24.00 0 12023 1942 45.3z 21391 180751 0.248 0.580 0 .116 0.697 U-3 24.00 0 12023 3641 30000 0.175 0.414 0.464 0.878 0.00 24.00 0 12023 1700 45. 3z 21391 180751 0.217 0.580 0.102 0.682 U-4 24.00 0 12023 3399 30000 0.163 0 .414 0.434 0.847 U.93 24.00 0 12023 1700 45.3z 21391 180751 0.217 0.580 0.102 0.682 U-5 24.00 0 12023 3641 30000 0.175 0 .414 0.464 0.878 0.00 24 f11; 0 12023 1942 45.3z 21391 180751 0.248 0.580 0.116 0.697 U-6 24 00 0 12023 2916 30000 0.140 0 .414 0.372 0,786 2.02 21. 00 0 9056 905 39.6z 21988 236083 0.115 0.425 0.053 0.478 U-7 2-±. JI) 2:250 12395 3268 27000 0.234 0.474 0.463 0.937 O.Ofl 21.00 2250 12395 2363 52.8z 18487 132797 0.379 0.692 0.162 0.854 U-8 24.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q = 0.834 Rz = 0.398 f 8529 . ' Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 -619 / 4 4 4 -4 3 5 0 DAVE KAP ALA. PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 TJ24 1 -24LH870/470 x 15' 4.000 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-1/2x.125 A = 0.719 y = 0.421 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.156 Iy= 0.765 Rx = 0.465 Ry = 1.032 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 21563 Chord shear: V = 5842 p = 10145 fv = 15577 fc = 14115 0 Bottom chord fillers required. .Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. :.ength Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _l!!...._ _in_ ~ ~ in-# __:eg_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 .:'. 00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.97 26.00 9262 0 0 87.8z 17079 47801 0.430 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 U.00 12944 0 0 30000 0.600 0.000 o.ooc J.OuO \) 5-:. 48.00 12944 0 0 162.lz 5686 14025 0.600 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 12944 0 0 30000 0.600 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 54 26.00 9262 0 0 87.8z 17079 47801 0.430 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.97 Q = 0.961 Rz = 0.296 f = 17101 • > Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CE~TER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 Entered Vl.64 1/05/00 Revised· 1/05/00 PO#:92999 TJ24 1 -24LH870/470 X 15' 4.000 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Comeressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Sloee _1r!.._ Member in2 _2:_12_ _l£L _l£L _l£L _l£L _l£L _l£L Length Toe/Bottm uo -Ll T 1 60.~~ 46.16 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 5842 11706 19340 0 0 19340 .22xl.3 Ul -Ll V 1 39.52 29.86 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1622 2149 4326 . llxO. 7 2.7/ 2.5 U2 -Ll C 1 4 O' -• .10 23.12 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 4263 4280 4 903 .llx::.3 2.8/ 2.3 U2 -L3 T 2 46.13 33.26 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2673 3861 7819 0 0 7819 .llx~.2 2 :,/ ?.7 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 23.03 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1900 5368 . llxO. 6 2 5/ 2.0 U4 -L3 C 2 46.18 33.26 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1631 2356 3744 . J ~:-:C. 7 2. 9/ 2.7 U4 -LS C 3 46.18 33.26 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1631 2356 3744 .llx0.7 2 9/ 2.7 us -LS V 3 0.00 23.03 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1900 5368 .llx0.6 2.5/ 2.0 U6 -LS T 3 46.:S 33.26 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2673 3861 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.2 2.9/ 2.7 U6 -L7 C .; -! . ?": 23.12 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 4263 4280 ~ 903 . llxl. 3 2.8/ 2.3 U7 -L7 V ~ J~.::1 ::.~.8b 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1622 2149 432v .llxu.7 2.7/ 2.5 us -L7 T 4 60.07 46.16 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 5842 11706 19340 0 0 19340 . 22xl. 3 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J25 1 -32LH870/410 x 31' 2.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 470 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 870 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 400 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Uniform Dead load 17 #/ft full length on the Bottom chord. Pitch An additional SJI load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. EP/#lL 48.000 48.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 34.56" Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 34.56" Ep= 48.00" 1@ 32.56" 1@ 43.13 11 10@ 24.00 11 4@ 48.00" 1@ 32.56" 1@ 43.13" Ep= 48.00" 32.000 in Deep 370.250 in Design length 3355 # Minimum Shear 30.728 in Effective Depth 27.500 in Clear Depth 1275865 in-# Moment Total weight Loading combinations: SJI --o 0 1. 00 0 0 0 0 0 Left TC axial load: 0.0 Right TC axial load: 0.0 Left end reactions: 13522 Right end reactions: 13522 792.664 in4 Ix L/ 888 Live Defl 1.000 in Chord gap 18.618 in Centroid NtU§ Dead Live 1.00 --0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 6533 7251 0 6533 7251 Eguk 0 0 0 0 0.75 -0.75 0 0 3.0 3.0 0 0 Top bridging rows: 2 per SJI 0.00 in4 Minimum L/ 43'0 SJI Defl 0.397 in Camber Wind --o 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 -0.75 0.0 Kips 0.0 Kips O Pounds 0 Pounds 3 if deck provides no lateral support. -. Ix . . Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J25 1 -32LH870/470 x 31' 2.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Fy = Ry 50000 1. 431 Top Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A= 2.030 Y 0.703 Bridg < 243" Ix= 1.219 Iy= 4.158 Rx= 0.775 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= 60903 Chord shear: V = 10125 P = -6302 fv = 9551 fc = -3104 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required~ Joint Panel No. _Length Height __i!l_ __i!l_ u-o 32.~0 U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 32.56 32.56 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.ilO 24.00 24.00 32.56 32.56 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.0J 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32. J'J 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 Tension Comp. Allow Euler Compression-Bending Force Force kl/r Stress F'e Interaction ~~ 0 0 Local Bend in-# 0 __:eg_ __£.§l_ 27000 Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 Axial Bend Unity Eccen 0.000 0.000 0.000 2250 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,) ,) 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 21099 5385 21099 8448 18071 3064 30356 4643 30356 1314 30356 3168 30356 1854 38730 3564 38730 1709 38730 3457 38730 1748 41522 3486 41522 173S 41522 3-l77 41522 1738 41522 3486 38730 1743 38730 3457 38730 1709 38730 3564 66.0z 19033 84541 0.302 27000 0.199 49.5z 23752 150296 0.151 30000 0.089 36.5z 25533 276668 0.065 30000 0.061 36.5z 25533 276668 0.091 30000 0.069 36.5z 25533 276668 0.084 30000 0.067 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 30000 0.067 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 30000 0.067 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 30000 0.067 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 30000 0.067 36.5z 25533 276668 0.084 30000 0.069 0.546 0.131 0.677 0.385 0.461 0.846 0.375 0.063 0.438 0.498 0.228 0.727 0.586 0.027 0.613 0.498 0.156 0.654 0.586 0.038 0.624 0.636 0.175 0.811 0.747 0 036 0.783 0.636 0.170 0.806 0.747 0.036 0.784 0.682 0.171 0.853 0 801 0.036 0.837 0.682 0.171 0.853 0.801 0.036 0.837 0.682 0.171 0.853 0.747 0.036 0.784 0.636 0.170 0.806 0.747 0.036 0.783 0.636 0.175 0.811 30356 185~ 36.5~ 25533 276668 0.091 0 586 0 038 0.624 30356 3:·.': 3000,i O 061 'l.498 0 156 0.,55½ 30356 1314 36.5z 25533 276668 0.065 0.586 0.027 0.613 30356 18071 20914 20914 0 4643 3064 8448 5385 0 49.5z 66.0z 30000 23752 150296 27000 19033 84541 27000 -; 0.089 0.151 0.199 0.302 0.000 0.498 0.228 0.727 0.375 0.063 0.438 0.382 0.461 0.843 0.541 0.131 0.672 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 2.37 0.00 1. 66 0.00 1. 58 O.OC 1. 58 0.00 1. 66 2.37 0.00 Q = 0.967 Rz 0.493 f 9677 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-435~ DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 J25 1 -32LH870/470 X 31' 2.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL2x2x.187 A = 1.426 y = 0.569 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.544 Iy= 2.173 Rx = 0.617 Ry 1.234 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 42782 Chord shear: V = 12591 p = 18849 fv = 16833 fc = 13218 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __!!!_ ~ ~ ~ in-# --2.§.L ___.l2g__ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 .:.·:l1 () 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.97 43.11 24075 0 329 109.5z 12453 30606 0.574 0.000 0.029 0.029 L-3 J.00 35241 0 0 30000 0.824 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.09 48.00 35241 0 408 121.9z 10052 24705 0.838 0.000 0.036 0.036 L-5 0.00 40824 0 0 30000 0.954 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.11 48.00 40824 0 408 121.9z 10052 24705 0. 968 0.000 0.036 0.036 L-7 0.00 40824 0 0 30000 0.954 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.00 40824 0 408 121. 9z 10052 24705 0.968 0.000 0.036 0.036 L-9 0.00 40824 0 0 30000 0.954 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.11 48.00 35241 0 408 121.9z 10052 24705 0.838 0.000 0.036 0.036 L-11 0.00 35241 0 0 30000 0.824 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 43 .13 24075 0 329 109.5z 12453 30606 0.574 0.000 0.029 0.029 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 97 Q = 1.000 Rz = 0.394 f = 18084 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 J25 1 32LH870/470 X 31' 2.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Comeressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick x Weld (in) Location Web Sloee _in_ Member i!lL ___lg_ ----1.!2L ----1.!2L ----1.!2L ----1.!2L ----1.!2L ----1.!2L Length ToeLBottm uo -Ll T 1 56.26 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12591 22668 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Ul -L: V 1 23.52 33.54 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2461 2776 3695 .llx0.9 3.0/ 2.7 U2 -Ll C 1 31.90 36 19 1-LL2-l/2x.212 1.015 0.493z 0 0 30452 10125 11925 17346 . 2lxl. 9 4.4/ 4.1 U2 -L3 T 2 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0. 296z 8138 10326 10781 0 v 10781 . 13x2. 8 3.5/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1992 4182 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U4 -L3 C 2 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6281 7970 8461 14xl.9 3.8/ J.5 U4 -LS T 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4580 5812 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 8 3.3/ 3.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2034 4182 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3355 4258 4606 . llxl. 3 3.5/ 3.3 U6 -L' T 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3355 4258 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3 3/ 3.Q U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2048 4182 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 us -L7 T 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3355 4258 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3.3/ 3.0 us -L9 C 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3355 4258 4606 . llxl. 3 3.5/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2034 4182 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 UlO -L9 T 6 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4450 5646 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3 3/ 3.0 UlO -Lll C 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6151 7805 8461 .14xl.8 3.8/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1992 4183 llxO. 6 3.0/ ~.5 Ul2 -Lll T 7 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 O. 296z 8007 10160 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 3.5/ 3 3 Ul2 -Ll3 C 6 31.90 36.19 1-LL2-l/2x.212 1.015 0.493z 0 0 30452 9994 11772 17346 .21xl.9 4.4/ 4 1 Ul3 -L:3 V 7 23.62 33.54 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2461 2776 3695 .llx0.9 3.0/ 2 7 Ul4 -L2.3 T 8 So.26 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12467 22445 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J26 1 -32LH870/470 x 30'11.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes Top Chord Ext BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform Live load 470 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 870 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 400 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 17 #/ft full length on the Bottom chord. An additional SJI load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 33. 81 11 1 @ 31.81 11 10 @ 24.00 11 1 1 @ 33. 81" Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 48.00 11 1 @ 41. 62'' 4 @ 48. 00 II 1 Ep= 48. 00 II @ @ EP/#lL 48.000 48.000 31.81 11 41. 62 11 32.000 in Deep 367.250 in Design length 3328 # Minimum Shear 30.732 in Effective Depth 766.151 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 27.500 in Clear Depth L/ 880 Live Defl L/ 4 7·5 SJI Defl 1255348 in-# Moment 1. 000 in Chord gap 0.390 in Camber Total weight 19.044 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtU§ Dead Live Eguk Wind --0 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 13413 0 6481 7192 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 13413 o· 6481 7192 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 2 per SJI 3 if deck provides no lateral support. ~, . ; Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J26 1 -32LH870/470 x 30 '11. 250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Top Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A= 2.030 Y = 0.703 Bridg < 243" Ix= 1.219 Iy= 4.158 Rx= 0.775 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= 60903 Chord shear: V = 10096 P = -5790 fv = 9525 Fy = 50000 Ry= 1.431 fc = -2852 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _____lE_ _____lE_ ~ ~ in-# U-0 32.00 0 0 0 ~ -----12§..L 27000 Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 31.81 2250 20971 5147 0.290 0.536 0.124 0.661 U-1 32.00 2250 20971 8050 64 5z 19263 88575 27000 0.192 0.383 0.440 0.822 U.Uv 0.143 0.369 0.060 0.428 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 0-9 U-10 ·;-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 31.81 0 17903 2903 48.4z 23918 157466 24.00 24.00 2-!..0J 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 31.81 31. 81 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.UU 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 ') 0 0 ') 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 29684 4488 30000 0.086 0.487 0.221 0.708 2.20 29684 1371 36.5z 25533 276668 0.067 0.573 0.028 0.601 29684 3210 30000 0.062 0.487 0.158 0.645 0.00 29684 1839 36.5z 25533 276668 0.090 0.573 0.038 0.610 38057 3552 30000 0.068 0.625 0.175 0.799 1.65 38057 1713 36.Sz 25533 276668 0.084 0.734 0.036 0.770 38057 3460 30000 0.067 0.625 0.170 0.795 0 00 38057 1747 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.734 0.036 0.770 40849 3486 30000 40849 1739 36.5z 25533 276668 40849 3-!.77 300UU 40849 1739 36.5z 25533 276668 40849 3486 30000 38057 1747 36.5z 25533 276668 38057 346c 30000 38057 1713 36.5z 25533 276668 38057 3552 30000 29684 1839 36.5z 25533 276668 0.067 0.671 0.171 0 842 0.085 0.788 0.036 0.824 0.067 0.671 0.171 0 842 0.085 0.788 0.036 0.824 0.067 0.671 0.171 0.842 0.086 0.734 0.036 0.770 0.067 0.625 0.170 0.795 0.084 0.734 0.036 0.770 0.068 0.625 0.175 0.799 0.090 0.573 0.038 0.610 23684 3~-. 300CJ 0.062 0.487 D.159 '-~~= 29684 1371 36.5z 25533 276668 0.067 0.573 0.028 0.601 1 58 1. 58 0.00 1. 66 29684 448S 30000 0.086 0.487 0.221 0.708 2.20 17903 2903 48.4z 23918 157466 0.143 0.369 0.060 0.428 20789 8050 27000 0.192 0.379 0.440 0.819 0.00 20789 5147 64.5z 19263 88575 0.290 0.532 0.124 0.656 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q = 0.967 Rz 0.493 f 9631 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 J26 1 -32LH870/470 X 30'11.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL2x2x.176 A = 1.346 y = 0.565 Fy 50000 Ix= 0.516 Iy= 2.042 Rx = 0.619 Ry = 1.232 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 40381 Chord shear: V = 12507 p = 18721 fv = 17766 fc = 13908 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ~ ~ ~ ~ in-# ----2..§i_ _E§i_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 n.oo 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0 000 0.000 0.000 1.01 --!J.. o:2 23403 0 307 105.5z 1338:~ 33015 0.591 0.000 0.029 0.029 L-3 0. :JO 34568 0 0 30000 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 48.00 34568 0 408 121.7z 10082 24828 0. 871 0.000 0.039 0.039 L-5 0.00 40151 0 0 30000 0.994 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 40151 0 408 l21.7z 10082 24828 l. 009 0.000 0.039 0.039 L-7 0.00 40151 0 0 30000 0.994 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.00 40151 0 408 121.7z 10082 24828 1. 009 0.000 0.039 0.039 L-9 0.00 40151 0 0 30000 0.994 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 34568 0 408 121. 7z 10082 24828 0. 871 0.000 0.039 0.039 L-11 0.00 34568 0 0 30000 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 41. 62 23403 0 307 105.5z 13380 33015 0.591 0.000 0.029 0.029 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0~ 000 1. 01 Q = 0.981 Rz = 0.394 f = 19078 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619 / 4 4 4· -4 3 5 0 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 J26 1 32LH870/470 X 30'11.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Com2ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slo2e ---1.!l_ Member in2 ___ig__ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length To2{'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.25 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12507 22515 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Ul -Ll V 1 24.78 33.85 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2406 2740 3640 .llx0.8 3.0/ 2.7 U2 -L-C 1 29.83 35.43 1-L L2x2x.248 0.930 0.391z 0 0 27915 10096 ll639 ll 766 . 25xl. 6 3.8/ 3.5 U2 -L3 T 2 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 8137 10324 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.8 3.5/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1988 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 U4 -L3 C 2 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6281 7969 8~61 14;:l. 9 3.e/ a --:, U4 -LS T 3 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4580 58ll 7819 0 u 7819 .llxl.8 3.3/ 3.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2030 4181 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3328 4223 4605 . llxl. 3 3 5/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3328 4223 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3.3/ 3.0 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2044 4181 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U8 -L7 T 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0. 24 7z 3328 4223 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3.3/ 3.0 us -L9 C 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3328 4223 4605 . llxl. 3 3.5/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30.73 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2030 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 UlO -L9 T 6 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4450 5646 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.3/ 3.0 UlO -Lll C 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346Z 0 0 14402 6151 7804 8461 . 14xl. 8 3.8/ 3.5 Ull -L2.l V 6 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1988 4181 .11:-:D.6 3.~/ 2. 5. Ul2 -Lll T 7 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-1/2x.125 0.359 O. 296z 8006 10159 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 3 5/ 3.3 Ul2 -Ll3 C 6 29.83 35.43 1-L L2x2x.248 0.930 0.39lz 0 0 27915 9966 ll489 ll 766 . 25xl. 6 3.8/ 3.5 Ul3 -Ll3 V 7 24.78 33.85 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2406 2740 3640 . llxO. 8 3.0/ 2.7 U14 -Ll3 T 8 56.25 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12386 22296 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Eritered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J27 2 -32LH870/470 x 31'11.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes Top Chord Ext 470 #/ft full length 870 #/ft full length 400 #/ft full length BCX Holdback 17 #/ft full length on the Bottom chord. Pitch Uniform Live load Uniform SJI load Uniform Dead load Uniform Dead load An additional SJI An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. BC cone loads: Load Spacing Location Point ~ 21'0 200 10'11-1/2 21'0 Ll0 SJI, Dead EP/#lL 48.000 48.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 36.88" Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 35.75" 1@ 36.88" Ep= 48.00" 1@ 47.75" 1@ 34.87" 10@ 24.00" 1@ 34.87" 32.000 in Deep 379.500 30.717 in Effective Depth 856.248 27.500 in Clear Depth L/ 891 1353125 in-# Moment 1.000 Total weight 17.595 1@ 47.75" Ep= 48.00" in Design length in4 Ix Live Defl in Chord gap in Centroid 3@ 48.00" 1@ 12.25" 3464 # Minimum Shear 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix L/ 476 SJI Defl 0.417 ln Camber Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J27 2 -32LH870/470 x 31'11.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Top Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A= 2.030 Y = 0.703 Bridg < 243" Ix= 1.219 Iy= 4.158 Rx= 0.775 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= 60903 Chord shear: V = 10280 P = -7948 fv = 9698 Fy = 50000 Ry= 1.431 fc = -3915 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint No. U-0 U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-12 U-13 U-14 Panel Length Height _2!!..._ _2!!..._ 32.JO H .87 34.87 24.00 24.00 24.00 ·24. 00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 :-:l.:.':', 24.0() 34.87 34.87 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 'J 32.00 32.00 32.00 Tension Comp. Local Bend in-# Allow Stress Euler F'e Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial Bend Unity 0.000 0.000 0.000 Force Force kl/r ~~ ....12§.i_ ~ 0 0 0 27000 2250 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 21595 6156 70.7z 18306 73701 0.339 0.581 0.152 0.733 21595 9733 27000 0.224 0.394 0.531 0.925 0.0~ 18692 3578 53.0z 23229 131025 0.176 0.396 0.074 0.471 32670 5157 30000 0.099 0.536 0.253 0.790 2.03 32670 1126 36.5z 25533 276668 0.055 0.630 0.023 0.654 32670 3031 30000 0.058 0.536 0.149 0.685 0.00 32670 1904 36.5z 25533 276668 0.094 0.630 0.039 0.670 41152 3600 30000 0.069 0.676 0.177 0.853 1.6~ 41152 1696 36.5z 25533 276668 0.083 0.794 0.035 0.829 41152 3448 30000 0.066 0.676 0.169 0.845 0.00 41152 1752 36.5z 25533 276668 44051 3489 30000 44051 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 44051 3475 30000 44051 1738 36.5z 25533 276668 44051 3489 30000 41366 1752 36.5z 25533 276668 41366 3448 30000 41366 1696 36.5z 25533 276668 41366 3600 30000 32864 :904 36.5z 25533 27r,hG8 3.!~'.)..;_ '.: "31 ,3.J,)P(l 32864 l126 36.5z 25533 276668 32864 5157 30000 18787 3578 53.0z 23229 131025 21444 9733 27000 0.086 0.067 0.085 U.067 0.085 0.067 0.086 0.066 0 083 0.069 0.094 : . ·_,c o 0.055 0.099 0.176 0.224 0.794 0.036 0.830 0.723 0.171 0,895 0.850 0.036 0.886 0.7J3 0.171 0.8~4 0.850 0.036 0.886 0.723 0.171 0.895 0.798 0.036 0.835 0.679 0.169 0.849 0.798 0.035 0.833 0.679 0.177 0.856 0 634 0.039 0 673 --~-; ).1-!9 _•_:._, U.634 0.023 0 657 0.540 0.253 0.793 0.398 0.074 0.473 0.391 0.531 0.923 21444 6156 70.7z 18306 73701 0.339 0.577 0.152 0.729 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 58 o. 1. 58 0. ~-•.' 1. 72 2.03 0.00 f Q Rz Vl. 64 1/05/00 0.967 0.493 9893 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 J27 2 -32LH870/470 X 31 I 11. 500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-L L2x2x.216 A = 1.635 y = 0.579 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.615 Iy= 2.520 Rx = 0.613 Ry = 1.242 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 49041 Chord shear: V = 12918 p = 19345 fv = 14951 fc = 11834 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ___l_!}__ ~ ~ ~ in-# __E§_i__ _____E&_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 '.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.81 47.75 26335 0 404 121.7z 10087 24644 0.550 0.000 0.031 0.031 L-3 0.00 37609 0 0 30000 0.767 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.10 48.00 37609 0 408 122.3z 9982 24388 0.780 0.000 0.031 0.031 L-5 0.00 43300 0 0 30000 0.883 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.QO 43300 0 408 122.3z 9982 24388 0. 896 0.000 0.031 0.031 L-7 0.00 43406 0 0 30000 0.885 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.13 48.00 43406 0 408 122.3z 9982 24388 0.898 0.000 0.031 0.031 L-9 0.00 43406 0 0 30000 0.885 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.14 12.25 37929 0 27 31.2z 27001 374448 0.774 0.000 0.002 0.002 L-10 0.00 37929 0 0 30000 0. 773 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 35.75 37853 0 226 91.lz 16701 43965 0.779 0.000 0.017 0.017 L-11 0.00 37853 0 0 30000 0. 772 0.000 0.000 o. 000 1.13 47.75 26479 0 404 121.7z 10087 24644 0.553 0.000 0.031 0.031 :..-13 li 0 0 3~Jvv 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. IJ,)0 s:. Q = 1.000 Rz 0.392 f = 16079 Valley Joist West Vl.64 ·Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 J27 2 32LH870/470 X 31' 11. 500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Compressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slope ____ig_ Member in2 _i!:L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length Top/Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.27 55.31 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12918 23261 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.4 U1 -Ll V 1 19. 91 32.67 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2628 2889 3849 .llx0.9 3.0/ 2.6 U2 -Ll C 1 37. 71 38.83 1-LL2-1/2x.212 1. 015 0.493z 0 0 30452 10280 12994 16018 .21x2.1 4.5/ 4.2 U2 -L3 T 2 38.00 38.98 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 8209 10417 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2. 8 3 5/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30. 72 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0 .'261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2003 4183 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 U4 -L3 C 2 38.00 38.98 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z a 0 14402 6350 8059 84 6 3 .14xl. 9 3.8/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 3B Ou 38.98 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4648 5899 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.8 3.3/ 3.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 30. 72 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2046 4183 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 38.00 38 98 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3464 4396 4607 . llxl. 4 3.5/ 3.3 ']6 -L7 -~ 38. '. J 3S.98 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3464 4396 7819 0 (j 7Sl~ .l:!.xl.4 3.3/ i.U U7 -L7 ,. 1J. U1) 3U. 72 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2060 --1 ld3 . t.1:-:·. 3. ::; ~.5 us -L7 T 5 38.00 38.98 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3464 4396 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 4 3.3/ 3.0 us -L9 C 4 38.00 38.98 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3464 4396 4607 .llxl.4 3.5/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30. 72 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2047 4183 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 UlO -L9 T 6 38.00 38.98 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4356 5528 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl 7 3.2/ 3.0 UlO -LlO V 6 20.93 32.89 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 234 251 7819 0 0 7819 . llxO .1 3.0/ 2.7 UlO -Lll C 5 38.00 38.98 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6292 7985 8463 . 14xl. 9 3.7/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 7 0.00 30.72 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2004 4183 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 Ul2 -Lll T 7 38.00 38.98 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0. 296z 8142 10332 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.8 3.5/ 3.3 U12 -Ll3 C 6 37. 71 38.83 1-LL2-l/2x.212 1.015 0.493z 0 0 30452 10213 12909 16018 .2lx2.l 4.5/ 4.2 Ul3 -Ll3 V 8 19.91 32.67 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2628 2889 3849 . llxO. 9 3.0/ 2.6 . Ul4 -L13 T g 56.27 55.31 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12817 23080 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.4 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/~5/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION ll08 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 P0#:92999 J28 2 -32LH870/470 x 31' 5.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes Top Chord Ext 470 #/ft full length 870 #/ft full length 400 #/ft full length BCX Holdback 2 2' 0.000 17 #/ft full length on the Bottom chord. Pitch Uniform Live load Uniform SJI load Uniform Dead load Uniform Dead load An additional SJI An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. BC cone loads: Load Spacing Location Point ~ 120 28'5 3'0-l/4 28'5 L13 SJI, Dead EP/#lL 48.000 36.250 Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 35.31" 1@ 33.31" 10@ 24.00" 1@ 33.31" 1 @ 35.31" Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 48.00" 1@ 44.63" 4@ 48.00" 1@ 56.37" Ep= 36. 25" 32.000 in Deep 373.250 in Design length 3398 # Minimum Shear 30.728 in Effective Depth 792.664 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 27.500 in Clear Depth L/ 867 Live Defl L/ 467 SJI Defl 1298604 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.403 in Camber Total weight 18.618 in Centroid Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 .GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 PO#:92999 J28 2 -32LH870/470 x 31' 5.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --0 1.00 --o 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 13641 0 6596 7309 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 13739 0 6694 7309 0 0 Pounds To2 bridging rows: 2 per SJI 3 if deck provides no lateral support. Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#: 9299-9 J28 2 -32LH870/470 x 31' 5.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Top Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A= 2.030 Y = 0.703 Bridg < 243 11 Ix= 1.219 Iy= 4.158 Rx= 0.775 Fy 50000 Ry 1.431 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force 60903 Chord shear: V = 10164 P = -6822 fv = 9588 fc = -3360 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint No. U-0 U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 Panel Length Height ~~ 32.JO 33.3l 33.31 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.GU 2--! . )l' 24 00 24.00 33.31 33.31 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 3~.: ,J 32.CO 32.JO 32.00 L 32.00 32.00 32.00 Tension Comp. Local Bend in-# Force Force ~ ~ Q 0 0 225.:' 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;) 0 J 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 21241 5629 21241 8856 18254 3227 31062 4803 31062 1256 31062 3125 31062 1870 39453 3575 39453 1705 39453 3454 39453 1749 42262 3487 42262 1738 42262 3476 42262 1738 42262 3487 39488 1749 39488 3454 39488 1705 39488 3575 31131 1870 3113: 3125 31131 1256 31131 4803 14188 3227 16372 8856 16372 5629 0 0 kl/r Allow Stress ___E§_.L_ 27000 Euler F'e ____E&_ Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial Bend Unity 0.000 0.000 0.000 67.5z 18800 80777 0.314 0.557 0.137 0.694 27000 0.207 0.388 0.484 0.871 50.6z 23584 143604 0.159 0.381 0.067 0.448 30000 0.092 0.510 0.236 0.746 36.5z 25533 276668 0.062 0.599 0.026 0.625 30000 0.060 0.510 0.154 0.664 36.5z 25533 276668 0.092 0.599 0.038 0.638 30000 0.069 0.648 0.176 0.823 36.5z 25533 276668 0.084 0.761 0.035 0.797 30000 0.066 0.648 0.170 0.818 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.761 0.036 0.798 30000 o.067 o.694 0.171 o.a65 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 0.815 0.036 0.852 30000 0.067 0.694 0.171 0.865 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 0.815 0.036 0.852 30000 0.067 0.694 0.171 0.865 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0 762 0.036 0.798 30000 0.066 0.648 0.170 0.818 36.5z 25533 276668 0.084 0.762 0.035 0.797 30000 0.069 0.648 0.176 0.824 36.5z 25533 276668 0.092 0.601 0 038 O.G,q 30000 ~.060 0.511 J 154 ~.oc• 36.5z 25533 276668 0.062 0.601 0.026 0.626 30000 0.092 0.511 0.236 0.747 50.6z 23584 143604 0.159 0.296 0.066 0.362 27000 0.207 0.299 0.484 0.782 67.5z 18800 80777 0.314 0.429 0.134 0.563 2700Q 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 _,,. o.uu 2.25 0.00 1.06 0.00 1. 58 1. 58 C.JJ 1. 66 1. 53 0.00 Q = 0.967 Rz 0.493 f = 9734 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 J28 2 -32LH870/470 X 31' 5.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL2x2x.187 A = 1.426 y = 0.569 Fy 50000 Ix= 0.544 Iy= 2.173 Rx = 0.617 Ry = 1.234 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 42782 Chord shear: V = 12686 p = 18991 fv = 16960 fc = 13317 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ---21l_ -1:.!l_ ~ ~ in-# ---12.§i_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 ·i ··,o 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.92 -H.63 24773 0 353 113. 3z 11630 28583 0.591 0.000 0.031 0.031 L-3 J.00 35956 0 0 30000 0. 840 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 48.00 35956 0 408 121.9z 10052 24705 0.855 0.000 0.036 0.036 L-5 0.00 41555 0 0 30000 0.971 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.11 48.00 41555 0 408 121.9z 10052 24705 0.986 0.000 0.036 0.036 L-7 0.00 41572 0 0 30000 0.972 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.00 41572 0 408 121.9z 10052 24705 0.986 0.000 0.036 0.036 L-9 0.00 41572 0 0 30000 0. 972 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.11 48.00 36007 0 408 121. 9z 10052 24705 0.856 0.000 0.036 0.036 L-11 0.00 36007 0 0 30000 0.842 0.000 0.000 0.000 l.. 09 56.37 24859 0 563 143.2z 7287 17910 0.601 0.000 0.049 0. 049 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.64 Q 1.000 Rz = 0.394 f = 18220 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 J28 2 32LH870/470 X 31' 5.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile ComEressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web SloEe __j._!l__ Member in2 _in_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length TOE[Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.26 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0. 785 0.250 12686 22838 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.4 Ul -Ll V 1 22.44 33.24 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2515 2812 3747 . llxO. 9 3.0/ 2.7 U2 -Ll C 1 33.87 37.01 1-LL2-1/2x.212 1.015 0.493z 0 0 30452 10164 12241 16942 . 2lxl. 9 4.4/ 4.1 U2 -L3 T 2 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-1/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 8150 10341 10781 0 0 10781 .l~x2.8 3.5/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30 73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1995 4182 . llxO. 6 3 0/ 2.5 U4 -L3 C 2 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6292 7984 8461 1-!xl 9 3 S/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4591 5825 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 8 3.3/ 3.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2037 4182 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3398 4311 4606 . llxl. 3 3.5/ 3.3 U6 -L7 ~ 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3398 4311 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3.3/ 3.0 - U7 -L7 V 4 0. ,)U 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2051 4181 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 us -L7 T 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3398 4311 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3.3/ 3.0 us -L9 C 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3398 4311 4606 . llxl. 3 3.5/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2037 4182 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 UlO -L9 T 6 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4439 5632 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.3/ 3.0 UlO -Lll C 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6140 7791 8461 .14xl. 8 3.8/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1996 4182 .llx0.6 3 G/ 2.5 Ul2 -Lll T 7 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 8005 10158 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 3.5/ 3.3 Ul2 -Ll3 C 6 46.50 44.64 1-LL2-l/2x.250 1.188 0.49lz 0 0 35625 10017 14550 14929 .25x2.0 4.8/ 4.6 Ul3 -Ll3 V 7 1. 75 30. 74 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2515 2587 4179 .llx0.8 3.0/ 2.5 Ul4 -Ll3 T 8 48 .10 46.01 1-AU -29/32 0. 645 0.226 12669 18972 19340 0 0 19340 .22x2.l Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 -619/444-4350 DAVE K.APALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 J29 1 -24LH870/470 x 15 1 9.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Uniform Live Uniform SJI Uniform Dead Uniform Dead Depth 5.000 5.000 load load load load Slope 470 #/ft 870 #/ft 400 #/ft 9 #/ft Holes Top Chord Ext full length full length full length full length An additional SJI load of 100# may occur at any top An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top BCX Holdback Pitch chord panel point. chord panel point. EP/#lL 42.000 42.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 24. 31" Bot chord panel spacing: 1 @ 24.31" Ep= 42.00" 1@ 22.31" 1@ 28.62" 4@ 24.00" 1@ 48.00" 1@ 22.31" 1@ 28.62" Ep= 42.00" 24.000 in Deep 185.250 in ;Design length 1679 # Minimum Shear 23.026 in Effective Depth 231.318 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 20.500 in Clear Depth L/2069 Live Defl L/11i8 SJI Defl 318851 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.099 in Camber Total weight 14.363 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --0 1.00 --0 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 . 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 6815 0 3257 3628 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 6815 0 3257 3628 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 1 per SJI 1 if deck provides no lateral support. --:-1 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered Vl.64 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J29 1 -24LH870/470 X 15 1 9.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan TO:Q Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A == 1.103 y == 0.553 Fy == 50000 Bridg < 208 II Ix== 0.429 Iy== 1.652 Rx 0.624 Ry == 1.224 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 Chord shear: V = 4355 p == -875 fv = 7613 fc = -793 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joinl !"a11c1 Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction --1.!l.._ --1.!l.._ ~ ~ in-# .....E§i_ __l2g_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 24 00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22.31 2250 12753 2663 56.3z 19251 116652 0.367 0.601 0.152 0.753 U-1 24.00 2250 12753 3790 27000 0.231 0.428 0.474 0.902 o.uu 22.31 0 9378 1127 42.2z 23194 207381 0.127 0.367 0.055 0.422 U-2 24.00 0 12918 3072 30000 0.132 0.390 0.345 0.736 1. 89 24.00 0 12918 1916 45.4z 22807 179243 0.215 0.513 0. 096 0.609 U-3 24.00 0 12918 3643 30000 0.157 0.390 0.410 0.800 0.00 24.0ll 0 12918 1726 45.4z 22807 179243 0.194 0.513 0.086 0.600 U-4 2-l Ou 0 12918 3453 30000 0.148 0.390 0.388 0.779 0.9-l 24.00 0 12918 1726 45.4z 22807 179243 0.194 0. 513 0.086 0.600 U-5 24.00 0 12918 3643 30000 0.157 0.390 0.410 0.800 0.00 24.00 0 12918 1916 45.4z 22807 179243 0.215 0.513 0.096 0.609 U-6 24.00 0 12918 3072 30000 0.132 0.390 0.345 0.736 1. 89 22.31 0 9378 1127 42.2z 23194 207381 0.127 0.367 0.055 0.422 U-7 2-l 00 2250 12753 379u 27000 0.231 0.428 0.474 0.902 1·. ;:; 22.31 2250 12753 2663 56.3z 19251 116652 0.367 0.601 0.152 0.753 U-8 24.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ---· Q == 0.898 Rz == 0.396 f 7624 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 J29 1 -24LH870/470 x 15' 9.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-1/2x.125 A = 0.719 y = 0.421 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.156 Iy= 0.765 Rx = 0.465 Ry = 1.032 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 21563 Chord shear: V = 6046 p = 10503 fv = 16123 fc = 14613 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction -2!2_ -2!2_ ~ ~ in-# ---12.§i_ ----2§i_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 '.1. _,I 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 93 28 .. ,;2 10129 0 0 96 .5z 15278 39436 0.470 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 o.uu 13848 0 0 30000 0.642 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.5-l 48.00 13848 0 0 162.lz 5686 14025 0.642 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 13848 0 0 30000 0.642 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 54 28.62 10129 0 0 96. 6z 15278 39436 0.470 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.93 Q = 0.961 Rz = 0.296 f = 17701 Valley Joist West Job #;9N01627 103 By RA Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 Entered 1/05/00 Revised PO#:92999 J29 1 -24LH870/470 X 15 1 9.250 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Com12ressive Weld Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Location Web Slope ___ig_ Member in2 -2.!l.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length uo -Ll T 1 60.07 46.15 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 6046 12119 19340 0 0 19340 . 22xl. 3 Ul -Ll V l 37.53 29.04 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1734 2234 4460 . llxO. 7 U2 -Ll C l 11. 36 23.49 l-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 4355 4442 4817 . llxl. 4 U2 -L3 T 2 46.19 33.26 l-LL1-l/4x .109 0.261 0.247z 2700 3900 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl 2 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 23.03 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1858 1923 5369 . llxO. 6 U4 -L3 C 2 46.19 33.26 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1679 2425 37,;5 .llxf•.7 U4 -LS C 3 46.19 33.26 1-LLl-l / 4x. 109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1679 2425 3745 .llx0.7 us -LS V 3 0.00 23.03 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1858 1923 5369 .llx0.6 U6 -LS T 3 46.19 33.26 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2700 3900 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 U6 -L7 C 4 11. 36 23.49 l-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 4355 4442 4817 llxl. 4 U7 -L7 V 4 37.53 29. 04 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1734 2234 4460 .llxO 7 us -L7 T 4 60.07 46.15 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 6046 12119 19340 0 0 19340 .22xl.3 Vl.64 1/05/00 Available Weld (in) Top/Bottm 2.7/ 2.4 2.8/ 2.3 2.;. 2.7 2.5/ 2.0 2. ;-' 7... 7 2.~i 2.7 2.5/ 2.0 2 •~I 2.7 2.2 2.3 2.7/ 2.4 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl. 64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J17A 4 -32LH870/470 x 31'11.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6. 000 Depth 5.000 5.000 Slope Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 470 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 870 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 400 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 100# may occur at any top chord panel point. EP/#lL 48.000 48.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 3 6. 88 II Bot chord panel spacing: 1 @ 36. 88 11 Ep= 48. 00 II 1@ 34.87 11 1@ 47.75 11 10@ 24.00" 4@ 48.00" 1@ 34.87" 1@ 47.75" Ep= 48. 00 II 32.000 in Deep 379.500 in Design length 3439 # Minimum Shear 30.728 in Effective Depth 792.664 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 27.500 in Clear Depth L/ 825 Live Defl L/ 446 SJI Defl 1314671 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0. 41·7 in Camber Total weight 18.618 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --0 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 13857 0 6425 7432 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 13857 0 6425 7432 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 2 per SJI 3 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 J17A 4 -32LH870/470 x 31'11.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Fy = Ry 50000 1.431 Top Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A= Bridg < 243" Ix= 1.219 Iy= Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Chord shear: V = 9976 P = 2.030 Y = 0.703 4.158 Rx= 0.775 Force= 60903 -7711 fv = 9412 chord fillers required. fc = -3798 0 End fillers, O Interior top Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Lengch Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ........lB.._ ____ig_ ~ lbs in-# ~ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 32.80 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 34.87 34.87 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 34.87 34.87 32.J0 32.00 32.00 32. :v 32.00 32. :,u 32. · 32.00 32.00 ,: . : ' 32.CO 32.00 32.00 2250 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 21083 6156 21083 9733 18230 3578 31833 5157 31833 1126 31833 3031 31833 1904 40047 3600 40047 1696 40047 3448 40047 1752 42785 3489 42785 1738 42785 3475 42785 1738 42785 3489 40047 1752 4004 7 3448 40047 1696 40047 3600 31833 1904 70.7z 18306 73701 0.339 0.567 0.152 0.719 27000 0.224 0.385 0.531 0.916 53.0z 23229 131025 0.176 0.387 0.074 0.461 30000 0.099 0.523 0.253 0.776 36.5z 25533 276668 0.055 0.614 0.023 0.637 30000 0.058 0.523 0.149 0.672 36.5z 25533 276668 0.094 0.614 0.039 0.653 30000 0.069 0.658 0.177 0.834 36.5z 25533 276668 0.083 0.773 0.035 0.808 30000 0.066 0.658 0.169 0.827 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.773 0.036 0.809 30000 0.067 0.702 0.171 0,874 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 0.825 0.036 0.862 30000 0.067 O 702 0.171 0.873 36.5z 25533 276668 0.085 0.825 0.036 0.862 30000 0.067 0.702 0.171 0.874 36.5z 25533 276668 0.086 0.773 0.036 0.809 30000 0.066 0.658 0.169 0.827 36.5z 25533 276668 0.083 0 773 0.035 0.808 30000 0.069 0.658 0.177 0.834 36.5z 25533 276668 0.094 0.614 0.039 0.653 31833 3031 30000 0.058 0.523 0.149 '. 672 31833 1126 36.5z 25533 276668 0.055 0.614 0.023 C.637 0. -:::; 2.03 0.00 0.00 1. So 1.58 1.56 31833 5157 30000 0.099 0.523 0.253 0.776 2.,3 18230 3578 53.0z 23229 131025 0.176 0.387 0.074 0.461 21083 9733 27000 0.224 0.385 0.531 0.916 0.00 21083 6156 70.7z 18306 73701 0.339 0.567 0.152 0.719 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 f Q Rz Vl.64 1/05/00 0.967 0.493 9601 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By· RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised i/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 J17A 4 -32LH870/470 X 31'11.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Bot Chord: 2-LL2x2x.187 A = 1.426 y = 0.569 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.544 Iy= 2.173 Rx = 0.617 Ry = 1.234 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 42782 Chord shear: V = 12581 p = 18833 fv = 16819 fc = 13207 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ----1£_ ----1£_ ~ ~ in-# -12.§..L_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 t) 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.80 ~7.7':: 2S673 0 0 121.3z 10157 24964 0.600 0.000 0.000 0.0~0 L-3 ,.: .. ll Jo.,:,::..-¼ u 0 30000 0.856 0.000 0.000 O.OuJ l. ~s- 48.00 36624 0 0 121.9z 10052 24705 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 42100 0 0 30000 0.984 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.11 48.00 42100 0 0 121. 9z 10052 24705 0.984 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 42100 0 0 30000 0.984 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.12 48.00 42100 0 0 121. 9z 10052 24705 0.984 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 42100 0 0 30000 0.984 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.11 48.00 36624 0 0 121. 9z 10052 24705 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 36624 0 0 30000 0.856 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 09 47.75 25673 0 0 121. 3z 10157 24964 0.600 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 u.vv 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,080 0.80 Q 1.000 Rz = 0.394 f = 18069 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 6°19/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 J17A 4 32LH870/470 X 31'11.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Longspan Tensile Com12ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slo12e ____lg_ Member in2 --1.!l.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length To12i'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.26 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12581 22649 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Ul -Ll V 1 19.90 32.68 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2628 2887 3847 .llxO 9 3.0/ 2.6 U2 -Ll C 1 37.70 38.84 1-LL2-l/2x.212 1. 015 0.493z 0 0 30452 9976 12609 16014 2lx2.0 4.5/ 4 2 U2 -L3 T 2 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-1/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 7905 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .13x2.7 3.5/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1999 4182 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 U4 -L3 (' 2 3, 99 38.99 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6115 7759 8461 . 14xl. 8 "3 • .:. / 3 5 U4 -LS T 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.7 3.3/ 3 0 us -LS V 3 8.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2040 4182 .llx0.6 3.0/ 2.5 U6 -LS C 3 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3439 4364 4606 . llxl. 3 3. 3' 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3439 4364 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3 -3.0 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 O. 24 7z 0 0 7819 1840 2054 4182 .llx0.6 3 . .: i 2.5 us -L7 T 5 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3439 4364 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.3 3.3/ 3.0 us -L9 C 4 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3439 4364 4606 .llxl.3 3.5/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 30.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 2040 4182 llxO. 6 3.0/ 2.5 Ul0 -L9 T 6 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4413 5599 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.3/ 3.0 UlO -Lll C 5 37.99 38.99 l-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 6115 7759 8461 .14xl. 8 3.8/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 30 73 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1840 1999 4182 . llxO 6 3. ~ / 2.5 U12 -Lll T 7 37.99 38.99 1-LL1-1/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 7905 10031 10781 0 0 10781 .:3x2.7 3. I 3.3 U12 -L13 C 6 37.70 38.84 1-LL2-l/2x. 212 1.015 0.493z 0 0 30452 9976 12609 16014 .21x2.0 4. I 4. 2 U13 -L13 V 7 19.90 32.68 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2628 2887 3847 . llxO. 9 3. I 2.6 Ul4 -L13 T 8 56.26 55.32 1-R9 -1-IN. 0.785 0.250 12581 22649 23562 0 0 23562 .23x2.3 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 G6 1 -28G4N12.l/5.4 x 25' 1.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder End Length De:Qth Slo12e Holes TO:Q Chord Ext BCX Holdback Pitch EP{lflL Tag 6.000 6.000 y E 0' 2.000 2 0' 1.750 76.750 Opp 6.000 6.000 E 0' 1.500 2 -0' 1.000 67.000 TC cone loads: Load s12acing Location Point ~ 24100 6 1 4-3/4 6 1 4-3/4 U2 SJI 13400 0 1 0 6 1 4-3/4 U2 Dead 0 1 0 10700 6 1 7 6 1 4-3/4 U2 Live 30100 0 1 0 12 1 11-3/4 U4 SJI 20100 12 1 11-3/4 U4 Dead 10000 0 1 0 12 1 11-3/4 U4 Live 6 1 7 12100 0 1 0 19 1 6-3/4 U6 SJI 6700 0 1 0 19 1 6-3/4 U6 Dead 5400 5'7 19 1 6-3/4 U6 Live KNIFE PLATE 811 LE Top chord panel spacing: 2 @ 38. 38 11 4 @ 39.50 11 2 @ 33. 50 II. Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 48.00 11 1 @ 68. 25 11 1 @ 79. 00 II 1 @ 58. 50 II Ep= 48. 00 II 28.000 in Deep 297.750 in Design length 8287 # Minimum Shear 25 .. 882 in Effective Depth 1584.621 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 20.500 in Clear Depth L/1203 Live Defl L/ 460 SJI Defl 3515536 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.257 in Ca,mber rotal weight 14.264 in Centroid ' '-/ Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA "92021-0931 619/4.44-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 PO#:92999 G6 1 -28G4N12.1/5.4 x 25' 1.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --0 1.00 --o 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 35248 0 21219 14029 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 31052 0 18981 12071 0 0 Pounds Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 G6 1 -28G4Nl2.1/5.4 x 25' 1.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder TOJ2 Chord: 2-L L4x4x.313 A = 4.812 y = 1.116 Fy = 50000 Ix= 7.439 Iy= 20.002 Rx = 1.243 Ry = 2.039 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 144362 Chord shear: V = 35248 p = -39154 fv = 14077 fc = -8137 0 End fillers, 2 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _____ig__ _____ig__ ~ ~ in-# ~ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen u-o 28.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 36.38 10500 73146 0 46.0z 21218 17-1477 0.073 0. 716 0.000 0. 716 U-1 2B. ~1.) 105uO 73146 0 27000 0.073 0.563 0.000 0.563 d.OU 38.38 0 62646 0 48.5z 23234 156764 0.000 0.560 0.000 0.560 U-2 28.00 0 118813 0 30000 0.000 0.823 0.000 0.823 1. 32 39.50 0 118813 0 31. Bx 25331 147962 0.000 0.975 0.000 0. 975 U-3 28.00 0 118813 0 30000 0.000 0.823 0.000 0.823 0.00 39.50 0 118813 0 31. Bx 25331 147962 0.000 0.975 0.000 0.975 U-4 28.00 0. 118813 0 30000 0.000 0.823 0.000 0.823 o. 91 39.50 0 106904 0 49.9z 23038 147962 0.000 0. 964 0.000 0. 964 U-5 28.00 0 106904 0 30000 0.000 0.741 0.000 0. 741 0.00 39.50 0 106904 0 49.9z 23038 14 7962 0.000 0. 964 0.000 0. 964 U-6 28.00 0 106904 0 30000 0.000 0.741 0.000 0. 741 1. 56 . 33.50 0 55187 0 42.4z 24052 205710 0.000 0.477 0.000 0.477 U-7 28. :)0 1J500 65687 0 27000 0.073 0.506 0.000 0.506 0 00 31.50 10500 65687 0 39.Bz 21935 232661 0.073" 0.622 0.000 0.622 U-8 28.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tag end to12 chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A= 4.81 Y = 1.12 Ix= 7.44 St= 6.67 Sb= 2.58 Type "E 11 O 1 2. 000 long. M-= 367 fb-= 142 OJ2J2 end to12 chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A= 4.81 Y = 1.12 Ix= 7.44 St= 6.67 Sb= 2.58 Type "E" 0' 1.500 long. M-= 281 fb-= 109 Q = 0.936 Rz = 0.791 f = 14653 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: Comments: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 G6 1 -28G4N12.l/5.4 x 25' 1.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Bot Chord: 2-LL3-1/2x.344 A = 4.579 y = 1.002 Fy = 50000 Ix= 5.323 Iy= 15.651 Rx = 1.078 Ry = 1.849 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 137380 Chord shear: V = 35248 p = 62646 fv = 14638 fc = 13680 0 Bottom chord fillers required. .Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Suler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ~ ____2B_ ~ ~ in-# ....E§.i_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 I) 4:' 68.25 101799 0 0 99.2z 14902 37263 0.741 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 135827 0 0 30000 0.989 0.000 0.000 0.000 d c..; 79.00 135827 0 0 114.Sz 11337 27812 0.989 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 135827 0 0 30000 0.989 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 06 58.50 77982 0 0 85.0z 17997 50719 0.568 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.24 Q = 1.000 Rz = 0.688 f = 16157 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 Entered 1/05/00 Revised PO#:92999 G6 1 -28G4N12.1/5.4 X 25' 1. 750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Tensile Com2ressive Weld Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Location Web Slo2e ~ Member in2 _____.ill__ ____lli§_ ____lli§_ ____lli§_ ____lli§_ ____lli§_ ~ Length uo -Ll T 1 60.64 52.78 2-LL2-l/2x.250 2.375 0.769x 35248 71881 71250 0 17970 71250 .25x9.7 Ul -Ll V 1 20.40 27.61 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 1253 3102 .llx0.4 U2 -Ll C 1 48.00 38.68 2-LL2-1/2x.230 2.194 0. 772x 0 13171 65826 35248 52683 53239 .23x7 7 U2 -L3 T 2 56.77 47.22 1-LL2x2x.187 0. 713 0.394z 11148 20341 21391 0 5085 21391 .19x3.7 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 25.88 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 2376 3520 .llxO. 7 U4 -L~ C 2 Sb. 77 47.22 2-L L2x2x.163 1. 251 0.62lx 0 5085 37526 ll148 20341 23998 .:!.Gx4.2 U4 -LS C 3 56.77 47.22 2-L L2x2x.248 1. 861 0.609x 0 8645 55330 18952 3457S 362515 . ~S>:4. 7 us -LS V 3 0.00 25.88 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 2138 3520 llxO 7 U6 -LS T 3 56.77 47.22 1-LL2-l/2x.250 1.188 0.49lz 18952 34579 35525 0 8645 35625 25x4.7 U6 -L7 C 4 36.28 32 .11 2-L L2x2x.216 1. 635 O. 613x 0 9630 49C~l 31052 38521' 39:;c,2 . 22:-:6. 0 U7 -L7 V 4 29.26 29.67 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 78:9 0 ll04 2?o8 • ..L.:i.XJ. J us -L7 T 4 60.64 52.78 2-LL2-1/2x:230 2.194 O. 772x 31052 63323 65826 0 15831 65826 .23x9.3 Vl.64 1/05/00 Available Weld (in) To)2/Bottm 12.8/10.6 3.3/ 3.4 10.5/ 8.9 5.5/ 6.2 3.3/ 3.3 12.:2/10.3 12.2/10.3 3.3/ 3.3 6. :· I 6.7 3 a I 8.1 3.a/ 3 6 12.8/10.6 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL-.CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/~44-4350 DAVE KAPALA . PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 G7 1 -28G4N24/10.7 x 25' 8.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 6.000 6.000 TC cone loads: Slope Load 24600 13900 10700 24600 13900 10700 24100 13400 10700 Top chord panel spacing: Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 48.00 11 Holes y Top Chord Ext BCX Holdback 2 0' 0.500 2 0 1 0.500 y s12acing Location Point ~ 6 1 3 6'3 U2 SJI 0'0 6 1 3 U2 Dead 0'0 6 1 3 U2 Live 6'7 12'10 U4 SJI 0'0 12 1 10 U4 Dead 0 1 0 12 1 10 U4 Live 6'7 19'5 U6 SJI 0'0 19'5 U6 Dead 0'0 19'5 U6 Live 6'3-1/2 2 @ 37.50 11 4 @ 39. 50 II 2 @ 37. 75 11 Ep= 48. 00 II 1 @ 66. 50 II 1 @ 79. 00 II . Pitch 1 @ EP/#lL 75.000 75.500 67. 00 II 28.000 25.746 20.000 in Deep in Effective Depth in Clear Depth in-# Moment 304.500 1748.311 L/1052 1.000 15.097 in Design length in4 Ix Live.Defl 9163 0.00 L/ 460 0.268 # Minimum Shear in4 Minimum Ix SJI Defl 3656265 Total weight in Chord gap in Centroid in Camber Job ft9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DR+VE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 PO#:92999 G7 1 -28G4N24/10.7 x 25' 8.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --0 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 36840 0 20764 16076 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 36460 0 20436 16024 0 0 Pounds Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444~4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#": 92999 G7 1 -28G4N24/10.7 x 25' 8.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder TOJ2 Chord: 2-L L4x4x.375 A = 5.719 y 1.138 Fy = 50000 Ix= 8.717 Iy= 24.067 Rx = 1. 235 Ry = 2.051 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 171563 Chord shear: V = 36840 p = -38634 fv = 12280 fc = -6756 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _i!l_ _i!l_ ~ ~ in-# ~ ---12&_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 28.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0 000 0.000 0 000 35.50 10500 76322 0 -±5.lz 22590 180623 0.061 0 591 0.000 0. 591 U-1 28.JO 10500 76322 0 27000 0.061 0. 494 0.000 0 .49-l 0. U,.i 37.50 0 65822 0 47.6z 24718 161870 0.000 0.466 0.000 0.466 U-2 28.00 0 123235 0 30000 0.000 0. 718 0.000 0. 718 1. 37 39.50 0 123235 0 50.2z 24327 145893 0.000 0.886 0.000 0.886 U-3 28.00 0 123235 0 30000 0.000 0. 718 0.000 0. 718 0.00 39.50 0 123235 0 50.2z 24327 145893 0.000 0.886 0.000 0.886 U-4 28.00 0 123235 0 30000 0.000 0. 718 0.000 0. 718 0.89 39.50 0 123050 0 50.2z 24327 145893 0.000 0.885 0.000 0.885 U-5 28.00 0 123050 0 30000 0.000 0. 717 0.000 0. 717 0.00 39.50 0 123050 0 50.2z 24327 145893 0.000 0.885 0.000 0.885 U-6 2d. -.,J 0 123050 0 30000 0.000 0. 717 0.000 0 .717 l. _;;_; 37.75 0 65143 0 47 9z 24670 159733 0.000 0.462 0.000 0.462 U-7 2-:. ·:n 105°)0 75643 0 27000 0.061 0.490 0.000 0.490 35.75 10500 75643 0 45.4z 22547 178105 0.061 0.587 0.000 0.587 U-8 28.'JO 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q Rz f = = Vl.64 1/05/00 1.000 0.788 12736 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 G7 1 -28G4N24/10.7 x 25' 8.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Bot Chord: 2-L L4x4x.313 A= 4.812 Ix= 7.439 Iy= 20.002 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force Chord shear: V = 36840 P = 65822 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress Y = 1.116 Rx= 1.243 = 144362 fv = 14712 Fy = 50000 Ry= 2.039 fc = 13678 Euler Tens-Compression-Bending F'e Bend Interaction _J:!!_ _J:!!_ ~ ~ in-# ~ ----1e§i_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 :, . JO 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.45 i ':,. 51/ lU-4-156 0 0 8.J.. lz 17546 52204 0.724 o.:oo 0.000 0.000 L-3 v.JO H2Ul3 0 0 30000 0.9&-l J.~JO 0.000 0.000 0.1~ 79.00 142013 0 0 99.9z 14488 36991 0.984 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 142013 0 0 30000 0.984 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.18 67.00 104087 0 0 84.7z 17430 51427 0.721 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.46 Q = 0.936 Rz = 0.791 f = 16224 Job #9N01627 103 Valley Joist West . By RA Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-435Q DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 Entered 1/05/00 Revised PO#:92999 G7 1 -28G4N24/10.7 x 25' 8.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Tensile Corneressive Weld Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Location Web Slope __lg__. Member in2 --1.!l... ----1.12.L ----1.12.L ----1.12.L ----1.12.L ----1.12.L __1.£§._ Length uo -Ll T l 60.76 52. 71 2-L L3x3x.227 2.621 0.934x 36840 75430 78628 0 18857 78628 .23xll.2 Ul -Ll V l 22 19 27.80 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 1316 3060 . llxO .4 U2 -Ll C 1 46.36 37.31 2-LL2-l/2x.230 2.194 O. 772x 0 13346 65826 36840 53383 53840 .23x7.8 U2 -L3 T 2 56.90 47.15 1-L L2x2x.216 0.817 0.392z 12240 22416 24520 0 5604 24520 .22x3.5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 25.75 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 2465 3553 . llxO. 8 U4 -L3 C 2 56.90 47.15 2-L L2x2x.163 1.251 0.621x 0 5604 37526 12240 22416 24015 111:•>l. 5 U4 -LS C 3 56.90 47.15 2-L L2x2x.163 1.251 0.62lx 0 5659 37526 12360 22636 24015 .16x4.7 us -LS V 3 0.00 25.75 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 2461 3553 .llx0.8 U6 -LS T 3 56.90 47.15 1-L L2x2x.216 0.817 0.392z 12360 22636 24520 0 5659 24520 .22x3.5 U6 -L7 C 4 46.89 37.67 2-LL2-l/2x.230 2.194 0.772x 0 13337 65826 36460 53348 53682 J3x7 8 U7 -L7 V.; 2l. 71 27. 71 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 1303 3UB1 .llxC'.~ U8 -L7 T 4 60.76 52. 71 2-L L3x3x.227 2.621 0.934x 36460 74652 78628 0 18663 78628 . 23xll. l Vl.64 1/05/00 Available Weld (in) TopL'.Bottm 12.2/12.2 3.3/ 3.5 10.1/10.1 5.5/ 6.2 3.3/ 3.3 l~.c/12.C 12.0/12.0 3.3/ 3.3 5. S.' G.2 10. ~ / 1 {). 2 3.3/ 3 . .J 12.2/12.2 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 GS 1 -28G4N24/10.7 x 25' 9.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder End Length De:12th Slo:12e Holes To:12 Chord Ext BCX Holdback Tag 6.000 6.000 y 2 0' 0.500 Opp 6.000 6.000 y E 0' 2.000 2 0' 1.750 TC cone loads: Load s:12acing Location Point ~ 24600 6'3 6'3 U2 SJI 13900 0'0 6'3 U2 Dead 10700 0'0 6'3 U2 Live 24600 6 1 7 12'10 U4 SJI 13900 0'0 12'10 U4 Dead 10700 0'0 12'10 U4 Live 24100 6'7 19'5 U6 SJI 13400 0'0 19'5 U6 Dead 10700 0'0 19'5 U6 Live 6'4-3/4. KNIFE PLATE 8" RE Top chord panel spacing: 2@ 38.38" . Pitch EP[JilL 75.000 76.750 Bot chord panel spacing: 2@ 37.50" Ep= 48.00" 4@ 39.50" 1@ 66.50" 1@ 79.00" 1@ 68.25" Ep= 48.00" 28.000 in Deep 305.750 in Design length 9163 # Minimum Shear 25.746 lD Effective Depth 1748.311 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 20.000 in Clear Depth L/1041 Live Defl L/ 456 SJI Defl 3678922 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.270 in Ca.mber Total weight 15.097 in Centroid Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE ProjE;:ct: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 PO#:92999 GS 1 -28G4N24/10.7 x 25' 9.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind -----u 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 36989 0 20847 16142 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 36311 0 20353 15958 0 0 Pounds , .- Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 GS 1 -28G4N24/10.7 x 25' 9.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder To12 Chord: 2-L L4x4x.375 A = 5.719 y = 1.138 Fy = 50000 Ix= 8.717 Iy= 24.067 Rx = 1.235 Ry = 2.051 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 171563 Chord shear: V = 36989 p 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local No. Length Height Force Force Bend ~ ~ ~ ~ in-# U-0 28.00 0 0 0 35.51 lUSJO 76588 0 U-1 2t<. ,1,1 l lS )~ 76588 0 37.50 0 66088 0 U-2 28.00 0 123886 0 3~.52 J 123886 0 U-3 28.00 0 123886 0 = -38791 fv = 12330 fc = -6783 chord fillers required. Allow Euler Tens- kl/r Stress F'e Bend ~ ~ Unity 27000. 0.000 45.lz 22590 180623 0.061 27000 0.061 47.6z 24718 161870 0.000 30000 0.000 5C.2z 24327 145893 0.000 30000 0.000 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial Bend Unity Eccen 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.593 0.000 0 593 0.496 0.000 0.496 O.OG 0.468 0.000 0.468 0.722 0.000 0.722 1.37 0.891 0.000 0.891 0.722 0.000 0.722 0.00 39.50 0 123886 0 124159 0 124159 O 50.2z 24327 145893 0.000 0.891 0.000 0.891 U-4 28.00 0 30000 0.000 0.724 0.000 0.724 0 89 39.50 O 50.2z 24327 145893 0.000 0.892 0.000 0.892 U-5 28.00 0 124159 0 124159 0 124159 0 30000 0.000 0.724 0.000 0.724 0.00 39.50 38.38 0 50.2z 24327 145893 0.000 0.892 0.000 0.892 U-6 28.00 U-7 28.00 36.38 0 1050() 10500 64877 75377 75377 0 0 0 0 U-8 28.00 0 0 0 Opp end top chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 48.7z 46.2z 30000 24548 27000 22441 27000 154573 172038 0.000 0.724 0.000 0.061 0.061 0.000 0 .462 o.~88 0.587 0.000 Combined properties: A= 5.72 Y = 1.14 Ix= 8.72 St= 7.66 Type 11 E11 O' 2. 000 long. M-= 367 fb-= 120 0.000 0.000 0. :)00 0.000 0.000 Sb 0 .,724 0.462 J. 4 80 0.587 0.000 1. 31 1..:. J.J 3.05 Q = 1.000 Rz = 0.788 f = 12788 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 By RA DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 G8 1 -28G4N24/10.7 x 25' 9.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Bot Chord: 2-L L4x4x.313 A= 4.812 Ix= 7.439 Iy= 20.002 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force Chord shear: V = 36989 P = 66088 O Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress Y = 1.116 Rx= 1.243 = 144362 fv = 14772 Fy = 50000 Ry= 2.039 fc = 13734 Euler Tens-Compression-Bending F'e Bend Interaction ___i!!_ ~ ~ ~ in-# --12.&_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 45 66.50 104879 0 0 84.lz 17546 52204 0. 726 0.000 0 000 0.000 L-3 0.00 142894 0 0 30000 0.990 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.18 79.00 142894 0 0 99.9z 14488 36991 0.990 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 142894 0 0 30000 0.990 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.18 68.25 105425 0 0 86.3z 17138 49561 0.730 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.47 Q = 0.936 Rz 0.791 f = 16290 Valley Joist West Jop #9N01627 -103 By RA Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444~4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 Entered 1/05/00 Revised PO#:92999 GS 1 -28G4N24/10.7 X 25' 9.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Tensile Com2ressive Weld Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Location Web Slo2e ____!!!_ Member _ig_ _i!L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length uo -Ll T 1 60.76 52. 71 2-L L3x3x.227 2.621 0.934x 36989 75735 78628 0 18934 78628 .23xll.2 Ul -Ll V 1 22.19 27,80 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 1322 3060 . llxO .4 U2 -Ll C 1 46.36 37.31 2-LL2-l/2x.230 2.194 O. 772x 0 13400 65826 36989 53599 53840 .23x7.8 U2 -L3 T 2 56.90 47.15 1-L L2x2x.216 0.817 0. 392z 12389 22689 24520 0 5672 24520 .22x3.5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 25.75 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 2478 3553 . llxO. 8 U4 -L3 C 2 56.90 47.15 2-L L2x2x.163 1.251 0.62lx 0 5672 37526 12389 22689 24015 .16x4.7 U4 -LS C 3 56.90 47.15 2-L L2x2x.163 1. 251 0.62lx 0 5591 37526 12211 22363 24015 16x4.6 us -LS V 3 0.00 25.75 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 2483 35'53 . llxO. 8 U6 -LS T 3 56.90 47.15 1-L L2x2x.216 0.817 0.392z 12211 22363 24520 0 5591 24520 .7.2x3.5 U6 -L7 C .; 48.lh 38.59 2-LL2-l/2x.250 2.375 0.769x 0 13607 71250 36311 54.J 3 :• 57771) . :•s:-:7. 3 U7 -L7 V ~ 20.50 27.49 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 O. 24 7z 0 0 7819 0 1298 3131 llx0.4 U8 -L7 T 4 60.76 52.71 2-L L3x3x.227 2.621 0.934x 36311 74347 78628 0 18587 78628 .23xll.O Vl.64 1/05/00 Available Weld (in) To121'.Bottm 12.2/12.2 3.3/ 3.5 10.1/10.1 5.5/ 6,2 3.3/ 3.3 12.0/12.0 12.0/12.0 3.3/ 3.3 5.5/ 6.2 l ,J. '); = '). j 3.3/ c.4 12.2/12.2 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 G9 1 -28G4N24/10.7 X 25' 0.500 Special Parallel chord Girder End Length De:Qth Slo2e Holes TO:Q Chord Ext Tag 6.000 6.000 y Opp 6.000 6.000 y TC cone loads: Load s2acing Location 24000 6'1-1/2 6'1-1/2 13300 0'0 6'1-1/2 10700 0'0 6'1-1/2 6'5 24000 0'0 12'6-1/2 13300 0'0 12'6-1/2 10700 6'5 12'6-1/2 24000 0'0 18'11-1/2 13300 0'0 18'11-1/2 10700 6'1 18'11-1/2 Top chord panel spacing: PO#:92999 Crimped angle BCX Holdback Pitch EP {ttlL 2 0' 0.500 73.500 2 0' 0.500 73.000 Point ~ U2 SJI U2 Dead U2 Live U4 SJI U4 Dead U4 Live U6 SJI U6 Dead U6 Live Bot chord panel spacing: 2@ 36.75" Ep= 48.00" 4@ 38.50" 1@ 64.00" 2@ 36.50" 1 ~ 77.00" 1@ 63.50" Ep= 48.00" 28.000 in Deep 296.500 in Design length 9000 # Minimum Shear 25.996 in Effective Depth 1558.035 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 21.000 in Clear Depth L/ 989 Live Defl L/ 441 SJI Defl 3488985 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.254 in Camber Total weight 14.000 in Centroid J Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350-DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 PO#:92999 G9 1 -28G4N24/10.7 x 25 1 0.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --o 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 35939 0 19916 16023 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 36061 0 19984 16077 0 0 Pounds Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Entered Vl.64 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA - THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 G9 1 -28G4N24/10.7 X 25' ·o. 500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder To12 Chord: 2-LL3-1/2x.344 A == 4.579 y == 1.002 Fy 50000 Ix= 5.323 Iy= 15.651 Rx == 1.078 Ry == 1.849 Allowable tensile stress == 30000 Force == 137380 Chord shear: V == 35939 p == -35253 fv == 14925 fc == -7698 0 End fille.rs, 4 Interior top chord fillers required. ,Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ~ ___iQ_ ~ ~ in-# ...E.§i_ _:e§i._ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 28.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 34.75 10500 74094 0 50.5z 21847 143738 0.076 0.741 0.000 0.741 U-1 28.00 10500 74094 0 27000 0.076 0.599 0.000 0.599 0. 0,1 36.75 0 63594 0 53.4z 23814 128519 0.000 0.583 0.000 0.583 U-2 28.00 0 116528 0 30000 0.000 0.848 0.000 0.848 1. 33 38.50 0 116528 0 35.7x 26419 117101 0.000 0.963 0.000 0. 963 U-3 28.00 0 116528 0 30000 0.000 0.848 0.000 0.848 0.00 38.50 0 116528 0 35.7x 26419 117101 0.000 0. 963 0.000 0. 963 U-4 28.00 0 116528 0 30000 0.000 0.848 0.000 0.848 0 81 38.50 0 116349 0 35.7x 26419 117101 0.000 0. 962 0.000 0. 962 U-5 28.00 0 116349 0 30000 0.000 0.847 0.000 0.847 0.00 38.50 0 116349 0 35.7x 26419 117101 0.000 0.962 0.000 0.962 U-6 28.00 0 116349 0 30000 0.000 0.847 0.000 0 .847 1. 35 36.50 0 63808 0 53.0z 23872 130285 0.000 0.584 0.000 0.584 V-7 26. ::.u l ,..:_1U.J 74308 0 270CO 0.076 0.-5Cl 0.000 0.GOl \J \lll 34.50 10500 74308 0 50.lz 21899 145829 0.076 0. 741 0.000 0.741 U-8 28.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 000 Q == 1.000 Rz == 0.688 f == 15413 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 G9 1 -28G4N24/10.7 x 25' 0.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Bot Chord: 2-LL3-1/2x.344 A = 4.579 y = 1. 002 Fy = 50000 Ix= 5.323 Iy= 15.651 Rx = 1.078 Ry = 1.849 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 137380 Chord shear: V = 35939 p = 63594 fv = 14925 fc = 13887 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ___i£_ ___i£_ ~ ~ in-# ....l2§i_ ___E§i___ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.57 64.00 98847 0 0 93.0z 16290 42376 0.720 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 ll. Ji.I 134210 0 0 30000 J. 977 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.vl 77.00 134210 0 0 lll.9z 11933 29275 0.977 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 134210 0 0 30000 0. 977 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.07 63.50 98487 0 0 92. 3z · 16449 43046 0.717 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0 000 0.000 0.000 o sr, Q = 1.000 Rz 0.688 f = 16461 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 Entered 1/05/00 Revised PO#:92999 G9 1 -28G4N24/10.7 x 25' 0.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Tensile Compressive Weld Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Location Web Slope ~ Member in2 -1ll__ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length uo -Ll T 1 60.53 52.84 2-LL3X3x.250 2.875 0.930x 35939 73046 86250 0 18262 86250 .25x9.8 Ul -Ll V 1 23.40 28.33 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 1272 2948 . llxO. 4 U2 -Ll C 1 44.45 36.42 2-LL2-1/2x.230 2 .194 0. 772x 0 12586 65826 35939 50343 54224 23x7.4 U2 -L3 T 2 55.97 46.45 l-LL2x2x.187 0. 713 0.394z 11939 21335 21391 0 533,1 21391 .19x3.8 m -:..3 \' 2 0. r,n 16 00 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0 247z 0 0 7819 0 2331 3492 .llx0.7 U4 -L3 C ~ 55.97 -a:.:. .-!5 2-L L2x2x.163 1.251 0.62lx 0 5334 37526 :1939 21335 24262 .1Gx4.4 U4 -L5 C 3 55.97 46 45 2-L L2x2x.163 1. 251 0.62lx 0 5388 37526 12061 21552 24262 .16x4.5 us -LS V 3 0.00 26.00 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 2327 3492 .llx0.7 U6 -LS T 3 55.97 ~6.45 l-LL2x2x.187 0. 713 0.394z 12061 21552 21391 0 5388 21391 .19x3.9 D6 -L7 : 4 43.98 36 07 2-LL2-1/2x.230 2.194 O. 772x 0 12507 65826 36061 50030 54373 .:nx7 .3 U7 -L7 V 4 23.86 28.43 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 1276 2928 . llxO 4 us -L7 T 4 60.53 52.84 2-LL3X3x.250 2. 87·5 0.930x 36061 73293 86250 0 18323 86250 .25x9.9 Vl.64 1/05/00 Available Weld (in) Topi'.Bottm 10.3/10.3 3.3/ 3 5 8.7/ 8.7 5 4/ 6.1 3 3/ 3. 3 10 1/10.1 10.1/10.1 3.3/ 3.3 5. 4 / 6.1 8. 6 .' 8.6 3.3/ 3 5 10.3/10.3 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KA.PALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 Gl0 1 -28G4N24/10.7 x 25' 1.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder End Length De]2th SloJ2e Holes TO]2 Chord Ext BCX Holdback Tag 6.000 6.000 y E 0' 2.000 2 0' 1.750 Opp 6.000 6.000 y 2 0' 0.500 TC cone loads: Load SJ2acing Location Point ~ 24000 6'2-3/4 6'2-3/4 U2 SJI 13300 0'0 6'2-3/4 U2 Dead 0'0 10700 6'5 6'2-3/4 U2 Live 24000 0'0 12'7-3/4 U4 SJI 13300 0'0 12'7-3/4 U4 Dead 10700 6'5 12'7-3/4 U4 Live 24000 0'0 19'0-3/4 U6 SJI 13300 0'0 19'0-3/4 U6 Dead 10700 6'1 19'0-3/4 U6 Live KNIFE PLATE 8 II LE Top chord panel spacing: 2 @ 37.37 11 4 @ 38. 50 II 2 @.36.50 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 48. 00 II 1 @ 65.25 11 1 @ 77.00 11 Ep= 48. 00 II Pitch EP{/flL 74.750 73.000 1 @ 63. 50 II 28.000 in Deep 297.750 in Design length 9000 # Minimum Shear 25.996 in Effective Depth 1558.035 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 21.000 in Clear Depth L/ 979 Live Defl L/ 436 SJI Defl 3511315 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.257 in Camber Total weight 14.000 in Centroid ; ' ' Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE K.APALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 PO#: 92999 - Gl0 1 -28G4N24/10.7 X 25 1 1. 750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --o 1.00 --o 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 35788 0 19833 15956 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 36212 0 20067 16144 0 0 Pounds Job #9N01627 ~ 103 Valley Joist West By ·RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: Comments: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 _619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 Gl0 1 -28G4N24/10.7 x 25' 1.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder To:12 Chord: 2-LL3-1/2x.344 A = 4.579 y = 1.002 Fy = 50000 Ix= 5.323 Iy= 15.651 Rx = 1.078 Ry = 1.849 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 137380 Chord shear: V = 35788 p = -36826 fv = 14862 fc = -8042 0 End fillers 1 4 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Pane:!. Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Int:eraction ~ ~ ~ ~ in-# ...l?§.L_ ___Q§_i__ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 28.QO 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 35.37 10500 73827 0 51.4Z 21719 138704 0.076 0.742 0.000 0.742 U-1 28.00 10500 73827 0 27000 0.076 0.597 0.000 0.597 0.00 37.37 0 63327 0 54.3z 23667 124256 0.000 0.584 0.000 0.584 U-2 28.00 0 117611 0 30000 0.000 0.856 0.000 0.856 1. 28 38.50 0 117611 0 35.7x 26419 117101 0.000 0. 972 0.000 0. 972 U-3 28.00 0 117611 0 30000 0.000 0.856 0.000 0.856 0.00 38.50 0 117611 0 35.7x 26419 117101 0.000 0. 972 0.000 0.972 U-4 28.00 0 117611 0 30000 0.000 0.856 0.000 C.856 0.81 38.50 0 116984 0 35.7x 26419 117101 0.000 0.967 0.000 0. 967 U-5 28.00 0 116984 0 30000 0.000 0.852 0.000 0.852 0.00 38.50 0 116984 0 35.7x 26419 117101 0.000 0.967 0.000 0. 967 U-6 28.00 0 116984 0 30000 0.000 0.852 0.000 0 . .152 1. 34 36.50 0 64075 0 53.0z 23872 130285 0.000 0.586 0.000 0.586 U-7 28. :,') 1')500 7-1575 C• 27000 0.076 0.603 :) . 000 J.603 0.00 34.50 10500 74575 0 50.lz 21899 145829 0.076 0.744 0.000 0.744 U-8 28.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tag end top chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A= 4.58 Y = 1.00 Ix= 5.32 St= 5.31 Sb= 2.13 Type 11 E11 0 1 2. 000 long. M-= 367 fb-= 172 Q = 1.000 Rz 0.688 f = 15397 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised i/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 Gl0 1 -28G4N24/10.7 x 25' 1.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Bot Chord: 2-LL3-l/2x.344 A= 4.579 Ix= 5.323 Iy= 15.651 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force Chord shear: V = 35788 P = 63327 0 Bottom chord fill~rs required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress Y = 1. 002 Rx= 1.078 = 137380 fv = 14862 Fy = 50000 Ry= 1.849 fc = 13829 Euler Tens-Compression-Bending F'e Bend Interaction _!!!..._ _!!!..._ ~ lbs in-# _£§_i_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0. C'.J 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.58 -::: . 2:-1cin1s2 0 0 94.8z 15888 40768 0. 729 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 135069 J 0 30000 0.983 U.000 0.000 o.ouo 0.07 77.00 135069 0 0 lll.9z 11933 29275 0.983 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 135069 0 0 30000 0.983 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.08 53.50 98899 0 0 92.3z 16449 43046 0.720 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.56 Q = 1. 000 Rz 0.688 f = 16392 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021~0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 Entered 1/05/00 Revised PO#:92999 Gl0 1 -28G4N24/10.7 X 25 1 1. 750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Tensile Compressive Weld Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Location Web Slope ____i!l._ Member in2 in _1!2§_ _1!2§_ _1!2§_ _1!2§_ _1!2§_ _1!2§_ Length uo -Ll T 1 60.53 52.84 2-LL3X3x.250 2.875 0.930x 35788 72740 86250 0 18185 86250 .25x9.8 Ul -Ll V l 22.23 28.08 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 1267 3000 . llxO .4 U2 -Ll C 1 45.82 37.30 2-LL2-l/2x.230 2.194 O. 772x 0 12838 65826 35788 51351 53843 .23x7.5 U2 -L3 T 2 55.97 4;; .45 1-LL2x2x.187 0.713 O. 394z 11788 21066 21391 0 5266 11391 19x3.8 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 26.00 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 2352 3492 . llxO. 7 U4 -L3 C 2 55.97 -!6. 45 2-L L2x2x.163 1. 251 0.62lx 0 5266 37526 11788 21066 24262 .16x4.4 U4 -LS C 3 55.97 46.45 2-L L2x2x.163 1. 251 0.62lx 0 5455 37526 12212 21822 24262 .16x4.5 us -LS V 3 0.00 26.00 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 2340 3492 .llx0.7 U6 -LS T 3 55.97 .1'" ,, ... -0-'":.:::> 1-L L2x2x.216 0.817 0.392z 12212 21822 24520 0 5455 2452'::' .22x3.4 U6 -L7 C ~ 43 .88 3G.C7 2-LL2-l/2x.230 2.194 O. 772x 0 12560 65826 36212 5023~· 5437~ .23x7.4 U7 -L7 V ~ 23.86 28.43 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 1232 29~:: .llxU.4 U8 -L7 T 4 60.53 52.84 2-LL3X3x.250 2.875 0.930x 36212 73600 86250 0 18400 86250 .25x9.9 Vl.64 1/05/00 Available Weld (in) Topi'.'Bottm 10.3/10.3 3.3/ 3.5 8.7/ 8.7 5. 4/ ,5. 1 3.3/ 3.3 10.1/lO.l 10.1,::,.1 3.3/ 3.3 5. 4i (; .1 8 l•, :•. 6 3 ' • C 10.3/10.3 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/oo· Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 Gll 1 -28G4N18.5/8.5 x 24' 4.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder End Length De12th Slo12e Holes To:12 Chord Ext BCX Holdback Tag 6.000 6.000 y 2 0' 0.500 Opp 6.000 6.000 E 0' 1.500 2 -0' 1.000 TC cone loads: Load s12acing Location Point ~ 18500 6'1-1/2 6'1-1/2 U2 SJI 10000 0'0 6 1 1-1/2 U2 Dead 8500 0'0 6 1 1-1/2 U2 Live 6 1 5 18500 0'0 12'6-1/2 U4 SJI 10000 0'0 12'6-1/2 U4 Dead 8500 12'6-1/2 U4 Live 18700 6'5 18'11-1/2 U6 SJI · 0'0 10200 0'0 18'11-1/2 U6 Dead 8500 5'5 18'11-1/2 U6 Live Top chord panel spacing: Pitch EP[ftlL 73.500 65.000 Bot chord panel spacing: 2@ 36.75 11 Ep= 48.00 11 4@ 38.50 11 1@ 64.00 11 2@ 32.50 11 1@ 77.00 11 1@ 55.50 11 Ep= 48.00 11 28.000 in Deep 288.500 in Design length 6963 # Minimum Shear 26.270 in Effective Depth 1234.429 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 22.000 in Clear Depth L/1058 Live Defl L/ 485 SJI Defl 2581448 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.241 in Camber Total weight 14.000 in Centroid Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 -By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350_ DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 Gll 1 -28G4N18.5/8.5 X 24' 4.500 Parallel chord Girder Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead --0 1.00 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 Left end reactions: 26976 0 14602 Right end reactions: 28724 0 15598 Special Crimped angle Live Eguk Wind --o 0 --0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 -0.75 0 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 0.0 14.0 0.0 Kips 0.0 14.0 0.0 Kips 12374 0 0 Pounds 13126 0 0 Pounds Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: Comments: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 .619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 Gll 1 -28G4Nl8.5/8.5 x 24' 4.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder To:Q Chord: 2-L L3x3x.313 A = 3.560 y = 0.865 Fy = 50000 Ix= 3.024 Iy= 9.659 Rx = 0.922 Ry = 1.647 Allowable tensile. stress = 30000 Force = 106802 Chord shear: V = 26976 p = -26186 fv = 14364 fc = -7355 0 End fillers, 4 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __in_ __in_ ~ ~ in-# ....Efil_ ---12.§.L Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 28.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 34.75 10500 57737 0 59.0z 20601 105037 0.098 0.787 0.000 0.787 U-1 28.00 10500 57737 0 27000 0.098 0.601 0.000 0.601 0 ,JC' 36.75 0 47237 0 62.4z 22307 93916 0.000 0.595 0.000 0.595 U-2 28 00 0 85845 0 30000 0.000 0.804 0.000 0.804 1.13 36.50 0 85845 0 41.Sx 25581 85572 0.000 0.943 0.000 0.943 U-3 28.00 0 85845 0 30000 0.000 0.804 0.000 0. 804 0.00 38.50 0 85845 0 41.8x 25581 85572 0.000 0.943 0.000 0.943 U-4 28.00 0 85845 0 30000 0.000 0.804 0.000 0.804 0.98 38.50 0 83577 0 41.8x 25581 85572 0.000 0.918 0.000 0.918 U-5 28.00 0 83577 0 30000 0.000 0.783 0.000 0.783 0.00 38.50 0 835"77 0 41.8x 25581 85572 0.000 0.918 0.000 0. 918 U-6 28.00 0 83577 0 30000 0.000 0.783 0.000 0.783 1.44 32.50 0 50298 0 55.2z 23526 120084 0.000 0.601 0.000 0 .·6 01 ;J-7 2,. '":•l 10500 60798 0 27000 0.098 0.633 0.000 0.633 0.00 30.50 10500 60798 0 51.8z 21665 136349 0.098 0.788 0.000 0.788 U-8 28.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 01212 end to12 chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A = 3.56 y = 0.87 Ix = 3.02 St = 3.49 Sb 1.42 Type "E" 0' 1.500 long. M-= 281 fb-= 198 Q = 1.000 Rz = 0.589 f = 14828 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 Gll 1 -28G4N18.5/8.5 x 24' 4.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Bot Chord: 2-L L3x3x.313 A = 3.560 y = 0.865 Fy 50000 Ix= 3.024 Iy= 9.659 Rx = 0.922 Ry 1.647 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 106802 Chord shear: V = 26976 p = 47237 fv = 14364 fc = 13269 0 Bottom chord fillers required. C'oint Pane3.. Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __l:!!._ __l:!!._ --1l2L_ --1l2L_ in-# ....E§.i_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.22 64.02 73423 0 0 108.6z 12654 30966 0.687 o.oco 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 98268 0 0 30000 0. 920 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. l C: 77.00 98268 0 0 130.7z 8742 21393 0. 920 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 98268 0 0 30000 0.920 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.13 55.50 68886 0 0 94.2z 16019 41178 0.645 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.33 Q = 1.000 Rz = 0.589 f = 15822 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 Entered 1/05/00 Revised PO#:92999 Gll 1 -28G4N18.5/8.5 X 24' 4.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Tensile Compressive Weld Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Location Web Slope -1!:!.._ Member in2 ___lg_ __!£§_ __!£§_ __!£§_ __!£§_ __!£§_ __!£§_ Length uo -Ll T 1 60.27 52.97 2-L L2x2x.248 1. 861 0.609x 26976 54397 55830 0 13599 55830 .25x7.4 Ul -Ll V 1 23.18 28.58 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 945 2897 . llxO. 3 U2 -Ll C 1 44.15 36.61 2-L L2x2x.216 1. 635 O. 613x 0 9399 49041 26976 37595 37224 .22x5.9 U2 -L3 T 2 55.69 46.61 l-LL1-3/4x.155 0.518 0.345z 8476 15039 15554 0 3760 15554 .15x3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 26.27 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 1717 3425 .llx0.5 U4 -L3 C 2 55.69 46.61 l-LL2-l/2x.212 1.015 0.493z 0 3760 30452 8476 15039 16012 .21x2.4 U4 -LS C 3 55.69 46.61 1-LL2-l/2x.250 1.188 0.49lz 0 4446 35625 10024 17785 18856 .25x2.4 us -LS V 3 0.00 26.27 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 1672 3425 . llxO. 5 U6 -LS T 3 55 69 46.61 1-L L2x2x.163 0.625 0.395z 10024 17785 18763 0 4446 18763 .16x3.7 :JG -L7 C 4 32. ;•l 31.29 2-LL2x2x .187 1. 426 0.617x 0 8553 42782 28724 342!~ 3~573 .:9x6.2 U7 -L7 V 4 30.54 30.50 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z LI 0 7819 ) lJ :·c: '.:5~: 2. -~XU. 3 us -L7 T 4 60.27 52.97 2-LL2-1/2x.230 2.194 0.772x 28724 57922 65826 0 14480 65826 .23x8.5 Vl.64 1/05/00 Available Weld (in) Top{Bottm 9.1/ 9.1 3 3/ 3.5 7.3/ 7.3 5.1/ 5.9 3.3/ 3. 3 5 9/ 6.6 5.9/ 6. 6 3.3/ 3. 3 5.4/ 6.1 G. ~ / :; . 9 3 _..; 7 8.7/ F 7 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/q5/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 G12 1 -28G4N24/10.7 X 25' 1. 750 Special Parallel chord Girder End Length De:i;:1th Slo:i;:1e Holes To:i;:1 Chord Ext PO#:92999 Crimped angle BCX Holdback Tag 6.000 6.000 E 0' 1.500 2 -0' 1.000 Opp 6.000 6.000 y E 0' 2.000 2 0' 1.750 TC cone loads: Load S:i;:1acing Location Point ~ 24000 6 1 1 6'1 U2 SJI 13300 0'0 6'1 U2 Dead 10700 0'0 6'1 U2 Live 24000 6'5 12'6 U4 SJI 13300 0'0 12'6 U4 Dead 10700 0'0 12'6 U4 Live 24000 6'5 18'11 U6 SJI 13300 0'0 18'11 U6 Dead 10700 0'0 18'11 U6 Live 6'2-3/4 KNIFE PLATE 8 11 RE Top chord panel spacing: Pitch EP{/IlL 73.000 74.750 Bot chord panel spacing: 2@ 36.50" Ep= 48.00" 4@ 38.50" 1@ 63.50" 2@ 37.37" 1 @· 77.00" 1@ 65.25" Ep= 48.00" 28.000 in Deep 297.750 in Design length 9000 # Minimum Shear 25.996 in Effective Depth 1558.035 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 21.000 in Clear Depth L/ 979 Live Defl L/ 436 SJI Defl 3511315 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.257 in Camber Total weight 14.000 in Centroid Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 PO#:92999 · Gl2 1 -28G4N24/10.7 X 25' 1. 750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --o 1.00 --o 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 .. Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 36212 0 20067 16144 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 35788 0 19833 15956 0 0 Pounds Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KA.PALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 G12 1 -28G4N24/10.7 X 25' 1.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder To£ Chord: 2-LL3-1/2x.344 A = 4.579 y = 1.002 Fy = 50000 Ix= 5.323 Iy= 15.651 Rx = 1.078 Ry == 1.849 Allowable tensile stress == 30000 Force == 137380 Chord shear: V == 36212 p = -34824 fv == 15038 fc = -7605 0 End fillers, 4 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction --1:!.L. _____!,_Q_ ~ ~ in-# -E§i_ ____E§i._ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 28.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 34.50 10500 745·75 0 50.lz 21899 145829 0.076 0.744 0.000 0.744 U-1 2~.uv 10500 74575 0 27000 0.07~ 0.603 0.000 0.603 u. tJ,.l 36.50 0 64075 0 53.0z 23872 130285 0.000 0.586 0.000 0.586 U-2 28.00 0 116984 0 30000 0.000 0.852 0.000 0.852 1. 34 38.50 0 116984 0 35.7x 26419 117101 0.000 0. 967 0.000 0. 967 U-3 28.00 0 116984 0 30000 0.000 0.852 0.000 0.852 0.00 38.50 0 116984 0 35.7x 26419 117101 0.000 o. 967 0.000 0. 967 U-4 28.00 0 117611 0 30000 0.000 0.856 0.000 0.856 0.81 38.50 0 117611 0 35.7x 26419 117101 0.000 0. 972 0.000 0. 972 U-5 28.00 0 117611 0 30000 0.000 0.856 0.000 0.856 0.00 38.50 0 117611 0 35.7x 26419 117101 0.000 0. 972 0.000 0. 972 U-6 28 00 0 117611 0 30000 0.000 0.856 0.000 0.856 1 28 37 37 0 63327 0 54.3z 23667 124256 0.000 0.584 0.000 0 .·584 7J-7 2B., n 10500 73827 " 27JOO o cnr; 0.597 0 000 0.597 () ~II 35.37 10500 73827 0 51.4z 21719 138704 0.076 0.742 0.000 0.742 U-8 28.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tag end to12 chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A = 4.58 y == 1.00 Ix == 5.32 St == 5.31 Sb = 2.13 Type "E" 0' 1.500 long. M-== 281 fb-== 132 OJ2J2 end to12 chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A== 4.58 Y == 1.00 Ix== 5.32 St= 5.31 Sb= 2.13 Type "E" 0 1 2.000 long. M-= 367 fb-= 172 Q = 1.000 Rz = 0.688 f == 15511 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 ~ 103 By RA DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 G12 1 -28G4N24/10.7 x 25' 1.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Bot Chord: 2-LL3-1/2x.344 A = 4.579 y = 1. 002 Fy = 50000 Ix= 5.323 Iy= 15.651 Rx = 1. 078 Ry = 1.849 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 137380 Chord shear: V = 36212 p = 64075 fv = 15038 fc = 13992 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ~ ~ ~ ~ in-# ~ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen :..-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 o,5r, 03. 3 ·, 98899 0 0 92.3z 16449 430'16 0.720 0.000 0.000 : . o~o _-3 (l. ,. 13SU6S u 0 3000U 0.983 J.UUi..: U.000 , .)1,'.., .. n,. 77.00 135069 0 0 111. 9z 11933 29275 0.983 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 135069 0 0 30000 0.983 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.07 65.25 100152 0 0 94.8z 15888 40768 0. 729 0.000 0 000 J.000 L-7 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.58 Q = 1.000 Rz = 0.688 f = 16586 Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA_ THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 Entered 1/05/00 Revised PO#:92999 Gl2 1 -28G4N24/10.7 X 25' 1. 750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Tensile Com12ressive Weld Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Location Web Slope _!,!!_ Member in2 ----.i!L --112.§_ --112.§_ --112.§_ --112.§_ --112.§_ --112.§_ Length uo -Ll T 1 60.53 52.84 2-LL3X3x.250 2.875 0.930x 36212 73600 86250 0 18400 86250 .25x9.9 Ul -Ll V 1 23.86 28.43 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 1282 2928 .llx0.4 U2 -Ll C l 43.89 36.07 2-LL2-l/2x.230 2.194 0.772x 0 12560 65826 36212 50239 54373 .2::lx7.4 :J2 -L3 :-2 ss.~-46 .45 1-L L2x2x.216 0.817 0.3922 12212 21822 24520 0 5455 24520 .22x3.4 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 26.00 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 2340 3492 llx0. 7 04 -L3 C 2 55.97 46 .45 2-L L2x2x.163 1. 251 0.62lx 0 5455 37526 12212 21822 24262 .16x4.5 U4 -LS C 3 55.97 46 .45 2-L L2x2x.163 1. 251 0.62lx 0 5266 37526 11788 21066 24262 .10x4.4 us -LS V 3 0.00 26.00 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 2352 3492 .llx0.7 U6 -LS T 3 55 97 46.45 1-LL2x2x.187 0. 713 0.394z 11788 21066 21391 0 5266 21391 .l9x3.8 U6 -L7 C 4 45.82 37.30 2-LL2-l/2x.230 2.194 0.772x 0 12838 65826 35788 51351 53843 2,::7.5 U7 -L7 V 4 22.23 28.08 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 0 0 7819 0 1267 3C,~i0 ---·-., 4 us -L7 T 4 60.53 52.84 2-LL3X3x.250 2.875 0.930x 35788 72740 86250 0 18185 86250 .25x9.8 Vl.64 1/05/00 Available Weld (in) Topl'.'.Bottm 10.3/10.3 3.3/ 3.5 8.6/ 8.6 5.4/ 6 1 3 3/ 3.3 10.1/10.l 10.1/10.l 3.3/ 3.3 5. 4/ 6.1 8.7/ 8.7 3.3/ 3.5 10.3/10.3 ... Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 -DAVE KAPALA Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 G13 2 -52G6N6.9/3.1 X 51' 5.750 Parallel chord Girder Special PO#:92999 Crimped angle End Length De12th Slo12e Holes To12 Chord Ext BCX Holdback Pitch EP{!flL Tag 6.000 6.000 y E 0' 2.000 2 0' 2.250 93.750 Opp 6.000 6.000 E 0' 1.500 2 -0' 1. 00·0 44.000 TC cone loads: Load s12acing Location Point ~ 7500 7'9-3/4 7'9-3/4 U2 SJI 4400 0'0 7'9-3/4 U2 Dead 3100 0'0 7 1 9-3/4 U2 Live 7000 8 1 0 15'9-3/4 U4 SJI 3900 0'0 15'9-3/4 U4 Dead 3100 0'0 15'9-3/4 U4 Live 7000 8 1 0 23'9-3/4 U6 SJI 3900 0'0 23'9-3/4 U6 Dead 3100 0 1 0 23'9-3/4 U6 Live 7000 8'0 31'9-3/4 us SJI 3900 0 1 0 31'9-3/4 us Dead 3100 0'0 31'9-3/4 us Live 7000 8 1 0 39'9-3/4 Ul0 SJI. 3900 0'0 39'9-3/4 Ul0 Dead 3100 0'0 39'9-3/4 Ul0 Live 7000 8 1 0 47 1 9-3/4 UllA SJI 3900 0'0 47'9-3/4 UllA Dead 3100 0'0 47'9-3/4 UllA Live 3'8 KNIFE PLATE 8" LE Top chord panel spacing: 2 @ 46 .-88 11 8 @ 48.00 11 1 @ 68.00" 1 @ 28. 00 II 1 @ 44.00 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 72.00 11 1 @ 69.75 11 3 @ 96. 00 II 1 @116.00 11 Ep= 72.00 11 52.000 in Deep 613.750 in Design length 5313 # Minimum Shear 50.429 in Effective Depth 3477.482 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 46.500 in Clear Depth L/1040 Live Defl L/ 457 SJI Defl 3484405 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 1. 090 in Camber Total weight 29.717 in Centroid Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Customer: DA WHITACRE CONST-RUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 PD#:92999 G13 2 -52G6N6.9/3.1 x 51' 5.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Loading combinations: SJI NtU§ Dead Live Eguk Wind --o 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 19723 0 11177 8546 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 22777 0 12723 10054 0 0 Pounds , Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 G13 2 -52G6N6.9/3.1 X 51' 5.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder To2 Chord: 2-L L3x3x.281 A = 3.214 y = 0.854 Fy = 50000 Ix= 2.756 Iy= 8.645 Rx = 0.926 Ry = 1.640 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 96422 Chord shear: V = 19723 p = -8506 fv = 11698 fc = -2647 0 End fillers, 5 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compr~ssion-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ____in_ ____in_ ~ lbs in-# __Eg__ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen u-o 52.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 44 88 6750 34127 0 76.0z 17825 63588 0.070 0. 596 0.000 0.596 U-1 52. -· 6750 34127 0 27000 ~.070 ~.393 0.000 0.393 .1 .• , 46.88 0 27493 0 79.4z 19141 58278 0.000 0.447 0 000 0.447 U-2 52 00 0 47518 0 30000 0.000 0.493 0.000 0.493 2.33 48.00 0 47518 0 81. 3z 18759 55578 0.000 0.788 0.000 0.788 U-3 52.00 0 47518 0 30000 0.000 0. 493 0.000 0 493 0.00 48.00 0 47518 0 81.3z 18759 55578 0.000 0.788 0.000 0.788 U-4 52.00 0 64124 0 30000 0.000 0.665 0.000 0.665 1. 48 48.00 0 64124 0 51.8x 24062 55578 0.000 0.829 0.000 0.829 U-5 52.00 0 64124 0 30000 0.000 0.665 0.000 0.665 0.00 48.00 0 64124 0 51.8x 24062 55578 0.000 0.829 0.000 0.829 U-6 52 00 0 67404 0 30000 0.000 0.699 0.000 0.699 1 82 48.00 0 67404 0 51.8x 24062 55578 0.000 0. 872 0.000 0. 872 U-7 5~ .. Q 67-s04 0 30000 :J.000 '.l. 699 0 000 0.699 ').1J;· 48.00 0 67404 0 51.8x 24062 55578 0.000 :J.872 0.000 0.872 U-8 52.0) 0 67404 0 30000 0.000 0.699 0.000 0.699 1. 49 48.00 0 57358 0 81.3z 18759 55578 0.000 0.951 0.000 0.951 U-9 52.28 0 57358 0 30000 0.000 0.595 0.000 0.595 U.\JU 48.00 0 57358 0 81. 3z 18759 55578 0.000 0.951 0.000 0.951 U-10 52.00 0 57358 0 30000 0.000 0.595 0.000 0.595 1.18 68.00 0 27758 0 73 .4x 20293 27693 0.000 0.426 0.000 0.426 :J-11 32. 27758 0 30000 0.000 ·J. 288 0.000 0.288 0.'1U 28. D,; u 27758 0 47.4z 24750 163331 0.000 J. 34 9 0.000 0 3-l 9 U-11.l\ 52 '5750 38366 0 27000 0.070 0.442 0.000 0.442 '.!. Cl 42.00 6750 38366 0 71.lz 18659 72592 0.070 0.640 0.000 0.640 U-12 52.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tag end to2 chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A = 3.21 y = 0.85 Ix = 2.76 St = 3.23 Sb = 1.28 Type IIEII 0' 2.000 long. M-= 367 fb-= 286 Q Rz f = Vl.64 1/05/00 1.000 0.591 11773 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:929.99 G13 2 -52G6N6.9/3.l x 51' 5.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Top Chord, continued .... Opp end top chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A= 3.21 Y = 0.85 Ix= 2.76· St= 3.23 Sb -1.28 Type "E" 0 1 1.500 long. M-= 281 fb-= 219 .. Job #9N01627. -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 -619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 G13 2 -52G6N6.9/3.l x 51' 5.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Bot Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.250 A = 2.375 y = 0.717 Fy = 50000 Ix= 1.406 Iy= 4.924 Rx 0.769 Ry = 1.440 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 71250 Chord shear: V = 19723 p = 27377 fv = 15778 fc = 11527 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Lengch Height: Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _iD._ __i!L. ........lk._ ........lk._ in-# ~ ____Efil__ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.09 GS·. 7S 35884 0 0 Hl.9z 7414 18175 0.504 0.000 0.000 0. OGO L-3 u.OU 59152 0 0 30000 0.830 ;) . 000 ~I. '.iG ') J ()('(. L. 96 .00 59152 0 0 195.3z 3914 9594 0.830 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 69095 0 0 30000 0.970 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 71 96.00 69095 0 0 195.3z 3914 9594 0.970 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 69095 0 0 30000 0.970 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 71 96.00 65712 0 0 195.3z 3914 9594 0. 922 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 D.00 65712 0 0 30000 0. 922 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.39 116.0i.! 49004 0 0 236.0z 2680 6571 0.688 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.45 Q = 1.000 Rz = 0.491 f = 16798 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revis·ed 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 Gl3 2 52G6N6.9/3.l X 51' 5.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Tensile Comeressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web s:;.0pe ---1:.!l_ Member_ in2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length TopLBottm uo -Ll T 1 54.23 86.27 2-LL2x2x.187 1.426 0. 617x 19723 33742 42782 0 8435 42782 19x6.1 8.3/ 6.7 Ul -Ll V 1 26.48 56.34 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.2972 0 0 9454 0 550 1309 .llx0.2 3. 6,' 2.6 U2 -Ll C 1 23.33 54. 92 2-LL2x2x.187 1. 426 0.617x 0 5370 42782 19723 21479 24474 .19x3.9 G.~/ 5.9 U2 -L3 T 2 ,JJ. 5~ ·~ :' r)'.:! 1-L L2x2x.248 0.930 0.39lz 12223 16875 27915 0 4219 43B7 .25x2.3 4 , I ~ 7 U3 -L3 V 2 o.ou 50.43 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 0 950 1634 . llxU. 3 3. s, 3.3 U4 -L3 C 2 43.59 69.62 2-LL2x2x.187 1.426 0.617x 0 4219 42782 12223 16875 16746 .19x3.0 7. 'l/ C .1 U4 -LS T 3 43.59 69.62 1-LL1-3/4x.155 0.518 0.345z 5313 7334 15554 0 1834 1902 . lSxl. 6 4.3, .; . 4 us -LS V 3 0.00 50.43 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 0 1282 1634 .llx0.4 3.5/ 3.3 U6 -LS C 3 43.59 69.62 1-LL2-l/2x.212 1. 015 0.493z 0 1834 30452 5313 7334 76H .2lxl.2 5 1/ 5.2 U6 -L7 ·-4 ~ 3. 59 ,,9 62 l-LL2-l/2x.212 1.015 0.493z 0 1834 30452 5313 7334 76::.4 .21>:l.2 5 'I -2 U7 -L7 V 4 ~;. J J 5, .·U l-LL1-l/2x.:09 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 0 1348 163.; .11:-:C.4 , = 2 2 U8 -L7 T 4 43.59 69.62 l-LL1-3/4x.155 0.518 0.345z 5313 7334 15554 0 1834 1902 . 15xl. 6 4 3/ 4.4 U8 -L9 C 5 43.59 69.62 2-L L2x2x.163 1. 251 0.62lx 0 3029 37526 8777 12117 14850 .16x2.5 7.4/ 0.1 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 50.43 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 0 1147 1634 . llxO. 4 3.5/ 3.3 UlO -L9 T 5 43.59 69.62 1-L L2x2x.163 0.625 0.395z 8777 12117 18763 0 3029 3008 .16x2.5 4.6/ 4.7 UlO -Lll C 6 53.44 84.66 2-LL2-l/2x.230 2.194 0.772x 0 6621 65826 15777 26486 27265 .23x3.9 8.1/ 6.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 50.43 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 0 555 1634 .llx0.2 3.5/ 3.3 UllA-Lll V 7 29.04 57.68 l-LL2-l/2x.212 1.015 O. 493z 0 0 30452 7000 8007 11093 . 2lxl. 3 4.6/ 4.6 Ul2 -Lll T 6 54.23 86.27 2-L L2x2x.216 1. 635 0.613x 22777 38966 49041 0 9742 49041 .22x6.l 8.3/ 6.7 ,.. Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 Gl4 2 -52G6N6.9/3.l x 50' 9.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder End Length De12th Slo12e Holes TO]2 Chord Ext BCX Holdback Pitch EPLttlL Tag 6.000 6.000 Opp 6.000 6.000 TC cone loads: Load 7600 4000 3600 6900 3800 3100 6900 3800 3100 6900 3800 3100 6900 3800 3100 KNIFE PLATE 8 11 RE Top chord panel spacing: Bot chord panel spacing: _ Ep= 72.00 11 52.000 in Deep 50.448 in Effective Depth 46.500 in Clear Depth 3259189 in-# Moment Total weight y s12acing 11 1 0 0'0 0 1 0 8'0 0 1 0 0 1 0 8 1 0 0'0 0 1 0 8 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 8 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 7 1 9-3/4 2@ 66.00 11 Ep= 72.00 11 605.750 3170.871 L/1006 1.000 29.321 E 0' 1. 500 2 -0' 1. 000 132.00 E 0' 2.000 2 0' 2.250 93.750 Location Point ~ 11 1 0 U2 11 1 0 U2 11 1 0 U2 19 1 0 U4 19 1 0 U4 19'0 U4 27 1 0 U6 27 1 0 U6 27'0 U6 35 1 0 us 35'0 us 35 1 0 us 43'0 Ul0 43'0 Ul0 43'0 Ul0 8@ 48.00 11 1 @108.00 11 in Design length in4 Ix Live Defl in Chord gap in Centroid SJI Dead Live SJI Dead Live SJI Dead Live SJI Dead Live SJI. Dead Live 2 @ 46. 88 II 3@ 96.00 11 4400 # Minimum 1 @ 69. 75 11 Shear 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix L/ 456 SJI Defl 1.062 in Camber Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised l/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 G14 2 -52G6N6.9/3.1 X 50' 9.750 Parallel chord Girder Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead --0 1.00 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 Left end reactions: 16711 0 9057 Right end reactions: 18489 0 10143 Special Crimped angle Live Eguk Wind --0 0 --o 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 -0.75 0 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 0.0 9.0 0.0 Kips 0.0 9.0 0.0 Kips 7653 0 0 Pounds 8347 0 0 Pounds Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444~4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#·: 92999 G14 2 -52G6N6.9/3.1 x 50' 9.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder To12 Chord: 2-LL3X3x.250 A = 2.875 y = 0.842 Fy = 50000 Ix= 2.488 Iy= 7.669 Rx = 0.930 Ry = 1.633 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 86250 Chord shear: V = 16711 p = -19875 fv = 11140 fc = -6913 0 End fillers, 5 Inte:r;-ior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending Interaction No. Length r!eighi: Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend -1Jl_ _j,_Q_ ~ ~ in-# ...EB,_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen 0.000 0.000 0.000 U-0 ::2.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 E.;.oo 66.00 52.00 48.00 52.00 48.00 52.00 45. Ol.l 52.00 48.00 52.00 48.00 48.00 52.00 48.00 ::2.00 48.00 46.88 52.00 6750 6750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;;750 .:;750 0 29937 29937 24348 51730 51730 51730 51730 62502 62502 62502 62502 62502 60143 60143 60143 60143 44654 44654 44654 44654 26199 32406 32406 0 0 108.0z 11509 31556 0.078 0.905 0.CJO 0.9J5 0 27000 0.078 0.386 0.c:~ Q ]a: o 70.9x 20198 29673 0.000 o.419 a.coo 0.419 0 30000 0.000 0 81.0z 18376 56100 0.000 0 30000 0.000 O 81.0z 18376 56100 0.000 0 30000 0.000 O 51.6x 23308 56100 0.000 0 30000 0.000 O 51.6x 23308 56100 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 51.6x 23308 56100 0.000 0 30000 0.000 O 51.6x 23308 56100 0.000 0.600 0.000 0 600 0.979 0.000 0.979 0.600 0.000 0.600 0.979 0.000 0.979 0.725 0.000 0.725 0.933 0.000 0.933 0.725 0.000 0.725 0.933 0.000 0.933 0.725 0.000 0.725 0.898 0.000 0.898 0.697 0 000 0.697 0.898 0.000 0.898 1. 34 0.00 1. 50 0.00 1. 81 0 30000 0.000 0.697 0.000 0.697 1.49 O 81.0z 18376 56100 0.000 0.845 0.000 0.845 0 30000 0.000 0.518 0.000 0.518 0.00 O 81.0z 18376 56100 0.000 0.845 0.000 0.845 0 30000 0.000 0.518 0.000 0.518 2.34 O 79.lz 18730 58825 0.000 0.487 0.000 0.487 o 21000 0.01s o.417 o rJo o.4l7 c.JJ O 75.Sz 17411 64186 0.078 0.647 0.2J0 0.6~7 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 o.ooc Tag end to12 chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A= 2.88 Y = 0.84 Ix= 2.49 St= 2.95 Sb= 1.15 Type 11 E" o 1 1. 500 long. M-= 281 fb-= 243 Q Rz f = Vl.64 1/05/00 0.961 0.592 11664 ,. Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/bo PO#:92999 G14 2 -52G6N6.9/3.1 x 50' 9.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Top Chord, continued .... Opp end top chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A= 2.88 Y = 0.84 Ix= 2.49 St= 2.95 Sb= 1.15 · Type 11 E11 0' 2. 000 long. M-= ~67 fb-= 318 fl Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl. 64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 -DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 Gl4 2 -52G6N6.9/3.l X 50' 9.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Bot Chord: 2-LL2-l/2x.230 A = 2.194 y = 0.710 Fy 50000 Ix= 1. 309 Iy= 4.520 Rx = 0.772 Ry = 1.435 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 65826 Chord shear: V = 16711 p = 23187 fv = 14531 fc = 10567 0 Bottom chord fillers requ,ired. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction --1:.!l._ --1:.!l._ ~ ~ in-# _£§.L ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.31 108.00 43062 0 0 219.3z 3105 7635 0.654 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 60399 0 0 30000 0.918 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 40 96.00 60399 0 0 194. 9z 3930 9663 0.918 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 64605 0 0 30000 0.981 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.70 96. 00 64605 0 0 194.9z 3930 9663 0.981 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 64605 0 0 30000 0.981 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.70 96. 00 55681 0 0 194.9z 3930 9663 0.846 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 55681 0 . 0 30000 0. 846 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.43 69.75 33627 0 0 141.6z 7444 18306 0 .511 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.09 Q = 0.996 Rz = 0.492 f = 15462 fir Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 103 By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 G14 2 52G6N6.9/3.1 X 50' 9.750 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Tensile Com1eressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Tluck x Weld (in) Location Web Slo1ee ~ Member in2 __i!!_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length TOJe/Bottm uo -Ll T 1 54.22 86.28 2-LL1-3/4x.143 0. 960 0.543x 16711 28581 28803 0 7145 28803 .14x6 7 8.4/ 6.8 Ul -Ll V 1 6.78 50.80 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 0 487 1610 .llxU.2 3.5/ 3.3 U2 -Ll C 1 49.94 78.39 2-LL2-1/2x.212 2.030 0.775x 0 6492 60903 16711 25966 29101 .2lx4.l 7 9/ 6.4 U2 -L3 T 2 43.58 69.63 l-LL2x2x.187 o. 713 0. 3 94 z 9111 12576 21391 0 3144 3406 .19x2.3 4.. 6/ 4.7 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 50.45 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 0 1035 1633 .llx0.3 3.5/ 3.3 U4 ·L3 C 2 43. 58 69 .. )3 2-L L2x2x.163 1. 251 0.62lx 0 3144 37526 9111 12576 148~4 .16x2.6 7.5/ 6.2 U4 -LS T 3 43.58 69.63 l-LL1-3/4x.125 0.422 0. 34 7z 4400 6073 12656 0 1518 1563 .13xl. 6 4.3/ 4.4 us -LS V 3 0.00 50.45 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0. 315 0.297z 0 0 9454 0 1250 1633 .llx0.4 3.5/ 3.3 06 -LS C 3 43.58 69.63 l-LL2-l/2x.212 1. 015 0.493z 0 1518 30452 4400 6073 7611 . 2lxl. O 5.1/ 5.2 06 -L7 C 4 43.58 69.63 l-LL2-l/2x.212 1.015 O. 493z 0 1618 30452 4689 6473 7,51 l . 2lxl. O 5.1/ 5.;: 07 -L7 V 4 0.00 50.45 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 0 1203 16..)3 .llxU.-i 3 S/ 3. 3 us -L7 T 4 43.58 69.63 l-LL1-3/4x.143 0 .480 0.346z 4689 6473 14402 0 1618 1767 . 14xl. 5 4.3/ 4. 4 us -L9 C 5 43.58 69.63 2-LL2x2x.187 1.426 0. 617x 0 3999 42782 11589 15997 16740 .19x2.9 7.5/ 6.2 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 50.45 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 0 893 1633 . llxO. 3 3.5/ 3.3 UlO -L9 T 5 43.58 69.63 1-L L2x2x.248 0.930 0.39lz 11589 15997 27915 0 3999 4385 .25x2.2 4.6/ 4.7 UlO -Lll C 6 23.32 54.94 2-L L2x2x.163 1. 251 0. 62lx 0 5034 37526 18489 20135 2],095 .16x4.2 7.0/ 6.0 011 -Lll V 6 26.48 56.36 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 0 524 1308 .llx0.2 3.6/ 3.6 012 -Lll T 6 54.22 86.28 2-L L2x2x.163 1. 251 0.62lx 18489 31624 37526 0 7906 37526 .16x6.5 8.4/ 6.7 ,, Job #9N01627 -103 Valley Joist West By RA Vl.64 Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 G15 1 -52G6N5.2/2.3 x 50' 8.000 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 6.000 6.000 TC cone loads: Slope Load 5800 3100 2700 5200 2900 2300 5200 2900 2300 5200 2900 2300 5400 3100 2300 Top chord panel spacing: Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 72.00 11 2 Holes Spacing 11 1 0 0'0 0 1 0 8'0 0'0 0 1 0 8'0 0 1 0 0'0 8'0 0 1 0 0'0 8'0 0'0 0 1 0 7'8 Top Chord Ext E 0' 1.500 E 0' 1.500 BCX Holdback 2 -0 1 1.000 2 0 1 7.000 Location Point ~ 11 1 0 U2 SJI 11 1 0 U2 Dead 11 1 0 U2 Live 19'0 U4 SJI 19 1 0 U4 Dead 19'0 U4 Live 27 1 0 U6 SJI 27 1 0 U6 Dead 27'0 U6 Live 35'0 us SJI 35 1 0 us Dead 35'0 us Live 43 1 0 Ul0 SJI. 43 1 0 Ul0 Dead 43'0 Ul0 Live @ 66. 00 11 8 @ 48.00 11 2 @ 46. 00 11 Ep= 72.00 11 1 @108.00 11 3 @ 96. 00 II Pitch 1 @ EP/#lL 132.00 92.000 68. 00 II 52.000 in Deep 604.000 in Design length 3350 # Minimum Shear 50.711 in Effective Depth 47.500 in Clear Depth 2457195 in-# Moment Total weight 2410.926 L/1037 1.000 29.640 in4 Ix Live Defl in Chord gap in Centroid --f 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix L/ 461 SJI Defl 1.056 in Camber Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 -DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 103 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12 11 J30 1 -10K187/110 x 17' 5.375 Special p ~:-9j1-9-@ t:Q"'REV!EWED D REJECTED O REVISE AND O FURNISH AS RESUBMIT ~ORRECTED corrections or commeJ.ii'' i,;a~n th~ shop drawings during this r~~:'1,o no~ reheve con· tractor from compliance ~iih requue~ents of_ the drawings and specific~tions. Tt,1:: check !5 .Q,njy for review of the generai conformance w1tii G~~ign concept of the project ~nd ~eneral compliance with the information given in the . k:fi.~tfffjt doc,.irnents. The contr~ctor 1s resp~~s1- construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.380 -0.380 Holes y Top Chord Ext U ble lor: confirming and corrnbl!n'J all quantities and dimensions; selec11ng faoricatior, pro~ess~s and techniques of const1uciion; coordinating his ~ oB@M\'OJ11eY!i!.l'dl:51a'<!: R!l othp :r_reo~nd p 1 L pertprming all work in a shle ailCi .,., C{O 8 . 0 0 0 manner. 3 8 . 0 0 0 2 -!~-DO ~ Oate Uniform Live load 110 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 187 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 77 #/ft full length L!!HfO-;;-R:O::W::!._!l:l:::Z::T!!A;:;Y:;L=O:_R:,E:,N:_G::.:.,,.'N:,E:,E:,R:_lN::,G:_::,:_:,:.=-~ An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 23.34 11 1 @ 21. 34 11 5 @ 24.00 11 1 @ 1 @ 23. 34 11 ........::::. 21.340 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 38. 00 11 1 @ 18.69 11 4 @ 24. 00 II 1@ 18.69 11 Ep= 38.00 11 in Deep 10.000 9.101 6.750 133505 in Effective Depth in Clear Depth in-# Moment Total weight Loading combinations: Left TC axial load: Right TC axial load: ' Left end reactions: R~ght end reactions: SJI --0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 2600 2600 205.375 28.527 L/ 800 1.000 6.270 in Design length NtU§ 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 in4 Ix Live Defl in Chord gap in Centroid Dead 1.00 1.00 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.0 0.0 1659 1659 Live --o 1.00 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.0 0.0 941 941 Eguk 0 0 0 0 0.75 -0.75 0 0 3.0 3.0 Top bridging rows: 1 per SJI 1 if deck provides no lateral I I I Rene Contracting • .Job No.: ~i 100 Ptojeec: fg-r /o,1 Submi(W No. Oo z.-S-Io\:7 "The enclosed doc:umcnt(s) bas been rcvi.ewcd by Reno Contracting Inc. for general co~formancc to.thcrcquircme~ta of. the Contract Documents. ·We did not discover any devia- tiQn from the Contract Docu~ents, but oµr Subcontractor and / or Supplier .remains fuliy responsible for coinpli~cc with all Contract 'Documents, for details and accuracy. for confimiing and correcting all quantities and dimensions,for choice of fabrication processes and tec)migues of construc- tion, for coordinating.bis work.with all. other-tradc;s,andfQr performing his work in a saf c and satisfactory ~anner~" RENO CONTRACTING, INC. By: 5 ~rl ;..J . <. (,.,,.k . Duo:Jz;/40!!0 r---~-... ·~-------~~--~---, ... t: )( j 1 f .. .., ,.. { t i -; =~ L. :~· .:. • ~ ! !h! J>. ".\ ''.;,: ,_;,"·i t ! n )~ ':, -.,_ • ( I : f ' "-l-,., * 1:;~-t :: ,._ " :.·~f ·f 1~ 1 ~ :-· ~·-. f,. -', ! l t-::-1 ! :..7 ; ·~ ~: • ,-r , t t t...l ;: ._ -'.:, i J:~,t -· ·-f . ' 'f. -. f 1,: ~ ~-:...i ---... " , t t f ·~ • • • ·' •.: . f l .t ~~ f :: ;~ ~: ...... .. t .. t i ~+ 1 • ..-.., · • -:·: t; I F ; ~~ ! ' ..... Lt.' z ! ) , . ~ ~; g -~ -. ·. ,, i :~ -.-; : ·:~ :·i :~: ~ t l t .... " J ~ 3."'i ~ • .. " :; ':; .. t, I -("\T ~ ... • •• ',._ t I f ! -'· -•· • -· ' -. ~ . l · I i i !'; l •.; c: ;: :;, \,· '°J .,' :.-'w .. •;. ' ;· ~J •4 ;. l t ! t IC 3 li :: .:! / ; .. ;-; . · ::: ~-.::: ; r; ,.., r 1;<; 1 L-----·-.... -............ _____ , ....... J ; ,·} I t, t ,? A,~·;: .,ft"'-.;,. ' 4'i'§ . . ·-'!' • ,.:•';.J:i ... ) Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: ·DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 -DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: J31 1 THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA. UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED -20K240/128 X 30' 2.875 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span To:12 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.125 A = 0.969 y = 0.546 Bridg < 177" Ix= 0.380 Iy= 1.441 Rx = 0.626 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 29063 Fy Ry = 50000 1.219 Chord shear: V = 2803 p = -3157 fv = 5606 fc = -3259 0 End fillers, 6 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ~ __lQ_ ~ ~ in-# ~ ----2§..L Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 20.0J 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 29. 72 2250 10607 1245 74.Sz 15959 66308 0.236 0.686 0.090 0.777 U-1 20.00 2250 10607 1926 27000 0.170 0.406 0.273 0.678 0.00 29. 72 0 8508 681 74.8z 17732 66308 0.087 0.495 0.043 0.538 U-2 20.00 0 15440 0 30000 0.000 0. 531 0.000 0.531 0.86 24.00 0 15440 0 60 .4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.812 0.000 0 ._812 U-3 20.00 0 15440 0 30000 0.000 0.531 0.000 0.531 0.73 24.00 0 15440 0 60.4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.812 0.000 0.812 U-4 20.00 0 20083 0 30000 0.000 0.691 0.000 o. 691 0.77 24.00 0 20083 0 38.3x 22119 101673 0.000 0.937 0.000 0.937 U-5 20.00 0 20083 0 30000 0.000 0. 691 0.000 0.691 0.73 24.00 0 20083 0 38 .3x 22119 101673 0.000 0.937 0.000 o. 937 U-6 20.00 0 21631 0 30000 0.000 0.744 0.000 0.744 0. 77 24.00 0 21631 0 38.3x 22119 Ul673 0.000 1. 010 0.000 1.010 U-7 20.00 0 21631 0 30000 0.000 0.744 0.000 0.744 l 08 24.00 0 21631 0 38. 3x 22119 101673 0.000 1. 010 0.000 1.010 U-8 20.00 0 21631 0 30000 0.000 0.744 0.000 0.744 0.77 24.00 0 20083 0 38.3x 22119 101673 0.000 0.937 0.000 0.937 U-9 20.00 0 20083 0 30000 0.000 0. 691 0.000 0.691 0.00 24.00 0 20083 0 38.3x 22119 101673 0.000 0.937 0.000 0.937 U-L! r 20083 0 30000 0.000 0.691 0.000 0.691 0. 77 ~~. ,' / 1:3--1-! ~· u c::. -±:: :.. :163il -1073 o.uoo 0.812 0.000 0. 81'.! U-11 20.00 0 15440 0 30000 0.000 0.531 0.000 0.531 0.00 24.00 0 15440 0 60.4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.812 0.000 0.812 U-12 20.00 0 15440 0 30000 0.000 0.531 0.000 0.531 0.86 29. 72 0 8508 681 74.8z 17732 66308 0.087 0.495 0.043 0.538 U-13 20.00 2250 10607 1926 27000 0.170 0.406 0 .273 0.678 0.00 29. 72 2250 10607 1245 74.8z 15959 66308 0.236 0.686 0.090 0, 777 U-14 20.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q Rz f = Vl.64 1/05/00 = 0.834 0.398 5838 Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER '24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J31 1 -20K240/128 x 30' 2.875 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.380 -0.380 Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 128 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 240 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 112 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. EP/#lL 40.000 40.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 31.72" Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 31.72" Ep= 40.00" 1@ 29.72" 1@ 45.44" 10@ 24.00" 4@ 48.00" 1@ 29.72" 1@ 45.44" Ep= 40. 00 II 20.000 in Deep 358.875 in Design length 897 # Minimum Shear 19.032 in Effective Depth 149.999 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 16.500 in Clear Depth L/ 678 Live Defl L/ 36'1 SJI Defl 411697 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.373 in Camber Total weight 11.347 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --0 1.00 --o 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1 .. 00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right.TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4589 0 2675 1914 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4589 0 2675 1914 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 2 per SJI 7 if deck provide-s no lateral support. Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 x·wooD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J31 1 -20K240/128 x 30' 2.875 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-l/2x.125 A = 0.719 y = 0.421 Fy Ix= 0.156 Iy= 0.765 Rx = 0.465 Ry Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force 21563 = 50000 = 1.032 Chord shear: V = 4186 p = 8357 fv = 11162 fc = 11627 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _!.!!_ _!.!!_ ~ lbs in-# ~ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.38 45.44 11957 0 0 153.4z 6345 15652 0.555 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 18149 0 0 30000 0.842 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.35 48.00 18149 0 0 162.lz 5686 14025 0.842 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 21244 0 0 30000 0.985 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.35 48.00 21244 0 0 162.lz 5686 14025 0.985 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 21244 0 0 30000 0.985 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.35 48.00 21244 0 0 162.lz 5686 14025 0.985 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 21244 0 0 30000 0.985 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.35 48.00 18149 0 0 162.lz 5686 14025 0.842 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 18149 0 0 30000 0.842 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.35 45 .44 11957 0 0 153.4z 6345 15652 0.555 0.000 0.000 0 .ooo L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.38 Q = 0.961 Rz 0.296 f = 12585 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: J31 1 DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE K.APALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAJ), CA UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C W/ 12 11 20K240/128 X 30' 2.875 Special construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Length Area R Shear Force Location Web Slope ~ Member in2 ___lg_ -----1£L -----1£L uo -Ll T 1 63.40 36.84 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4186 9347 Ul -Ll V 1 23.51 17.99 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 02 -Ll C 1 48.40 24.85 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 02 -L3 ~ 2 51. 58 26.55 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2928 4711 03 -L3 2 0.00 16.50 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 04 -L3 C 2 51. 58 26.55 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 04 -LS T 3 51. 58 26.55 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1834 2951 us -LS V 3 0.00 16.50 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 06 -LS : 3 51. 58 26.55 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 231 372 06 -L7 T 4 51. 58 26.55 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 897 1444 07 -L7 V 4 0.00 16.50 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 us -L7 T 5 51. 58 26.55 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 897 1444 us -L9 C 4 51. 58 26.55 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 231 372 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 16.50 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 Ul0 -L9 T 6 51. 58 26.55 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1834 2951 Ul0 -Lll C 5 51. 58 26.55 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 16.50 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 012 -Lll T 7 51. 58 26.55 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2928 4711 U12 -Ll3 C 6 48.40 24.85 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 013 -Ll3 V 7 23.51 17.99 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 014 -L13 T 8 63.40 36.84 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4186 9347 PO#:92999 STAGGERED Unknown Compressive Weld Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X -----1£L ___ll2.L -----1£L ___ll2.L Length 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.0 7819 1594 1781 5231 . llx0. 6 9454 2803 4222 4488 .llxl.3 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 5 7819 1480 1557 5512 . 1 lx0. 5 7819 1912 3078 3355 .llxl.0 7819 0 0 7819 .llx0.9 7819 1480 1580 5512 .llx0.5 7819 1086 1748 3355 . llx0. 5 7819 321 517 7819 . llx0. 4 7819 1480 1588 5512 .llx0.5 7819 321 517 7819 . llx0 .4 7819 1086 1748 3355 .llx0.5 7819 1480 1580 5512 .llx0.5 7819 0 0 7819 . llx0. 9 7819 1912 3078 3355 . llxl. 0 7819 1480 1557 5512 . llx0. 5 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 5 9454 2803 4222 4488 .llxl.3 7819 1594 ..781 5231 . llx0. 6 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. 0 Vl.64 1/05/00 Available Weld (in) TOJ2/Bottm 2.5/ 2.1 3.2/ 3.0 3.0/ 2.9 2.5/ 2.0 3.0/ 2.9 3.0/ 2.9 2.5/ 2.0 3.0/ 2.9 3.0/ 2.9 2.5/ 2.0 3.0/ 2.9 3.0/ 2.9 2.5/ 2.0 3.0/ 2.9 3.0/ 2.9 2.5/ 2.0 3.0/ 2.9 3.2/ 3.0 2.5/ 2.1 ~'' .. Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER ~4 11 C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED J31A 1 -20K285/152 x 30' 2.875 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.380 -0.380 Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 152 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 285 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 133 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. EP/#lL 40.000 40.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 31.72 11 Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 31.72 11 Ep= 40.00 11 1@ 29.72 11 1@ 45.44 11 10@ 24.00" 4 @ 48. 00 II 1@ 29.72" 1@ 45.44" Ep= 40.00 11 20.000 in Deep 358.875 in. Design length 1065 # Minimum Shear 18.963 in Effective Depth 172.598 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 16.250 in Clear Depth L/ 657 Live Defl L/ 350 SJI Defl 472068 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.373 in Camber Total weight 11.229 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtU§ Dead Live Eguk Wind --o 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1. 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 5262 0 2989 2273 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 5262 0 2989 2273 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 2 per SJI 5 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: J31A DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 -DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARL_8BAD, CA - UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12 11 PO#:92999 STAGGERED 1 -20K285/152 X 30' 2.875 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span To}2 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A = 1.103 y = 0.553 Fy B~idg < 177'1 Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx = 0.624 Ry Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 = 50000 = 1. 224. Chord shear: V = 3309 p = -3741 fv = 5785 fc = -3391 0 End fillers, 2 Interior top Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local No. Length Height Force Force Bend ........!!l_ __ig_ ~ ~ in-# U-0 20.00 0 0 0 29.72 2250 11874 1478 U-1 20.00 2250 11874 2287 29. 72 0 9443 809 U-2 20.00 0 17768 0 24.00 0 17768 0 U-3 20.00 0 17768 0 24.00 0 17768 0 U-4 20.00 0 23112 0 24.00 0 23112 0 U-5 20.00 0 23112 0 24.00 0 23112 0 U-6 20.00 0 24894 0 24.00 u 24894 0 U-7 20.00 0 24894 0 24.00 0 24894 0 U-8 20.00 0 24894 0 24.00 0 23112 0 U-9 20.00 0 23112 0 24.00 0 23112 0 U-10 ~'I•: ["I d 23112 0 _-:. : 7768 •) U-11 2,::i. 'JO 0 17768 0 24.00 0 17768 0 U-12 20.00 0 17768 0 29. 72 0 9443 809 U-13 20.00 2250 11874 2287 29. 72 2250 11874 1478 U-14 20.00 0 0 0 chord fillers Allow kl/r Stress ~ 27000 75.0z 16763 27000 75.0z 18625 30000 60.6z 20796 30000 60.6z 20796 30000 60. 6z 20796 30000 60.6z 20796 30000 38.5x 23631 30000 38.5x 23631 30000 60.6z 20796 30000 60.6z 20796 30000 ':::. 6z 207~h 30000 60.6z 20796 30000 75.0z 18625 27000 75.0z 16763 27000 Euler F'e ~ 65755 65755 100824 100824 100824 100824 100824 100824 100824 100824 1•; iS1'i 100824 65755 65755 ! r, I •• required. Tens-Compression-Bending Bend Interaction Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.234 0.642 0.089 0.732 0.166 0.399 0.286 0.684 0.00 0.091 0.460 0.042 0.502 0.000 0.537 0.000 0.537 0.86 0.000 0.775 0.000 0-. 775 0.000 0.537 0.000 0.537 0.73 0.000 0.775 0.000 0.775 0.000 0.698 0.000 0.698 0.80 0.000 1.008 0.000 1.008 0.000 0.698 0.000 0.698 0.73 0.000 1.008 0.000 1. 008 0.000 0.752 0.000 0.752 0.77 0.000 0.955 0.000 0.955 0.000 0.752 0.000 0.752 1.08 0.000 0.955 0.000 0.955 0.000 0.752 0.000 0.752 0.77 0.000 1. 008 0.000 1.008 0.000 0.698 0.000 0.698 0.00 0.000 1.008 0.000 1.008 0.000 0.698 0.000 0.698 0.80 o.uoo 0.775 0.000 0. 7"?= 0.000 0.537 0.000 0.537 o.uu 0.000 0.775 0.000 0.775 0.000 0.537 0.000 0.537 0.86 0.091 0.460 0.042 0.502 0.166 0.399 0.286 0.684 0.00 0.234 0.642 0.089 0.732 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q Rz f Vl.64 1/05/00 = 0.898 = 0.396 6028 ' ,., Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIE~D DRIVE Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/ao Customer: Project: Comments: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED J31A 1 -20K285/152 x 30' 2.875 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A= 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy Ix= 0.251 Iy= 1.068 Rx = 0.546 Ry Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 = 50000 = 1.125 Chord shear: V = 4803 p = 9624 fv = 10978 fc = 11407 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _!Q_ _!Q_ ~ ~ in-# --E§i___ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.45 45.44 13760 0 0 131.0z 8700 21538 0.544 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 20886 0 0 30000 0.825 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 48.00 20886 0 0 138. 4Z 7796 19300 0.825 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0 00 24448 0 0 30000 0. 966 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 24448 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0. 966 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 24448 0 0 30000 0. 966 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .41 48.00 24448 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0. 966 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 24448 0 0 30000 0.966 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 20886 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.825 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 20886 0 0 30000 0.825 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 45.44 13760 0 0 131.0z 8700 21538 0.544 0.000 0.000 o. 000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.45 /' Q 0.897 Rz = 0.347 f = 12371 '.- Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444~4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#·: 92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED J31A 1 20K285/152 X 30' 2.875 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Comeressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick x Weld (in) Location Web Sloee ---1..!L. Member ~ _i!L _1.£§.._ _1.£§.._ _1.£§.._ _1.£§.._ _1.£§.._ _1.£§.._ Length Tof!/Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4803 10756 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. 2 Ul -Ll V 1 23.59 17.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1706 1909 5282 .llx0.6 2.5/ 2.4 U2 -Ll C 1 48.50 24.53 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 O. 296z 0 0 10781 3309 4994 5283 .13xl. 3 3.2/ 1.3 U2 -L3 T 2 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3333 5375 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.7 3.0/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 ., 10.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1570 1659 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 U4 -L3 C 2 5~.69 26.21 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2227 3593 5196 .llxl.l 3.3/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2059 3321 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 0 3.0/ 3 3 us -LS V 3 0 uo 16.25 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 O. 247z 0 0 7819 1570 1686 5558 .llx0.5 2 5/ 2.3 U6 -LS C 3 Sl.69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 168 271 7819 1221 1970 3439 . llxO 6 3 o/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1065 1719 7819 300 484 7819 . llxO. 5 3.0/ 3 3 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1570 1694 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 us -L7 T 5 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1065 1719 7819 300 484 7819 .llx0.5 3 0/ 3.3 us -L9 C 4 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 168 271 7819 1221 1970 3439 .llx0.6 3.0/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1570 1686 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 UlO -L9 T 6 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2059 3321 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 0 3.0/ 3.3 UlO -Lll C 5 s:.€9 26.21 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2227 3593 5196 . llxl.1 3.3/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1570 1659 5558 . llxO. 5 2 5/ 2.3 U12 -Lll T 7 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3333 5375 7819 0 0 7819 llxl. 7 3.0/ 3.3 Ul2 -Ll3 C 6 48.50 24.53 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0. 296Z 0 0 10781 3309 4994 5283 .13xl.3 3.2/ 3.3 Ul3 -L13 V 7 23.59 17.73 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1706 J.909 5282 . llxO. 6 2.5/ 2 4 Ul4 -Ll3 T 8 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4803 10756 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.2 I~, . _,., Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J32A 1 -20K240/128 x 31' 2.500 Special_ Unknown construction type Paral~el chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.380 -0.380 Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 128 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 240 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 112 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 17 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. EP/#lL 40.000 40.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 22.63 11 Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 22.63 11 Ep= 40.00 11 1@ 20.63 11 1 @ 27. 25 '' 12@ 24.00" 5@ 48.00" 1@ 20.63" 1@ 27.25" Ep= 40.00 11 20.000 in Deep 370.500 in Design length 926 # Minimum Shear 18.963 in Effective Depth 172.598 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 16.250 in Clear Depth L/ 709 Live Defl L/ 378 SJI Defl 460109 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.397 in Camber Total weight 11.229 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --0 1.00 --o 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0. 0 · 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4705 0 2991 1976 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4705 0 2991 1976 0 0 Pounds ToQ bridging rows: 2 per SJI 5 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments·: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 ·po#: 92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 1211 STAGGERED J32A 1 -20K240/128 x 31' 2.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Top Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A= 1.103 Y = 0.553 Bridg < 177" Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx= 0.624 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= 33093 Chord shear: V = 3407 P = -584 fv = 5957 Fy = 50000 Ry= 1.224 fc = -529 O End fillers, 4 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension No. Length Height Force --.i!L_ --.i!L_ ~ U-0 20.00 0 20.63 2250 U-1 20.00 2250 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 U-15 U-16 20.63 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 ::!4.VJ 24.00 24.00 24.00 2-!. ';' 24.00 24.00 20.63 20.63 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20. oo 20.00 ~0.00 20 00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 Comp. Local Force Bend Allow Euler kl/r Stress F'e Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 0.144 0.108 Compression-Bending Interaction lbs in-# __££___~ Axial Bend Unity Eccen 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 27000 11556 676 52.0z 19765 136521 27000 0.530 0.038 0.568 11556 926 0.388 0.116 0.504 0,00 9073 14082 14082 14082 14082 20598 20598 20598 20598 23856 23856 23856 23856 23856 23856 23856 23856 23856 '.:0598 20598 20598 20598 14082 14082 14082 14082 9073 11556 11556 0 0 52.0z 21961 136521 0.000 0.375 0.000 0.375 0 30000 0.000 0.426 0.000 0.426 1.48 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.614 0.000 0.614 0 30000 0.000 0.426 0.000 0.426 0.73 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.614 0.000 0.614 0 30000 0.000 0.622 0.000 0.622 0.80 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.898 0.000 0.898 0 30000 0.000 0.622 0.000 0.622 0.73 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.898 0.000 0~898 0 30000 0.000 0.721 0.000 0.721 0.77 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.915 0.000 0.915 0 30000 0.000 0.721 0.000 0.721 1.08 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.915 0.000 0.915 0 30000 0.000 0.721 0.000 0.721 0.77 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.915 0.000 0.915 0 30000 0.000 0.721 0.000 0.721 0.00 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.915 0.000 0.915 0 30000 0.000 0.721 0.000 0.721 0.77 0 60.6z 20796 10)824 O.OOJ 0.898 0.000 0.898 0 30000 0.000 0.622 0.000 0.622 U.U0 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.898 0.000 0.898 0 30000 0.000 0.622 0.000 0.622 0.80 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.614 0.000 0.614 0 30000 0.000 0.426 0.000 0.426 0.00 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.614 0.000 0.614 0 30000 0.000 0.426 0.000 0.426 1.48 0 52.0z 21961 136521 0.000 0.375 0.000 0.375 926 27000 0.108 0.388 0.116 0.504 0.00 676 52.0z 19765 136521 0.144 0.530 0.038 0.568 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 I ·_j Q = 0.898 Rz 0.396 f 5963 •· Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: J32A DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE K.APALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" PO#:92999 STAGGERED 1 -20K240/128 X 31' 2.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy Ix= 0.251 Iy= 1.068 Rx = 0.546 Ry Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 = 50000 = 1.125 Chord shear: V = 4644 p = 9306 fv = 10615 fc = 11029 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __i!}_ __i!}_ ~ ~ in-# _£§j_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.87 27.25 9602 0 0 78.6z 18041 59882 0.379 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 17747 0 0 30000 0.701 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 48.00 17747 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.701 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 22634 0 0 30000 0.894 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 41 48.00 22634 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.894 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 :J.00 24263 0 0 30000 0.959 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 24263 0 0 138. 4Z 7796 19300 0.959 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 24263 0 0 30000 0.959 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 22634 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.894 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 22634 0 0 30000 0. 894 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 17747 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.701 0.000 0.000 o .. 000 L-13 0.00 17747 0 0 30000 0.701 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 27.25 9602 0 0 78.6z 18041 59882 0.379 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-15 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.87 Q = 0.897 Rz 0.347 f = 11962 •· Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAB RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED J32A 1 20K240/128 X 31' 2.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Com12ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slo12e _____!!L Member in2 _in_ ........!!?L ........!!?L ........!!?L ........!!?L ........!!?L ........!!?L Length To12/Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4644 10400 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.l Ul -Ll V 1 42.50 22.04 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1442 2001 4403 .llx0.6 2.8/ 2.9 U2 -Ll C 1 9.73 16. 49 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3407 3457 4877 . llxl. l 2.5/ 2.3 U2 -L3 T 2 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3651 5889 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 8 3.0/ 3. 3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1514 1584 5558 llxO. 5 2 5/ 2.3 U4 -L3 C 2 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0. 315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2489 4015 5196 .llxl.2 3.3/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2493 4022 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.2 3.0/ 3.3 us -LS V 3 0. 1)0 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0 .261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1514 1617 5558 llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 U6 -LS C 3 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1591 2566 3439 l lxO. 8 3.0/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1336 2155 7819 0 0 7819 .llx0.7 3.0/ 3.3 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1514 1633 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 U8 -L7 C 4 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 371 598 7819 926 1494 3439 . llxO. 5 3.0/ 3.3 U8 -L9 C 5 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 371 598 7819 926 1494 3439 . llx0.5 3.0/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z o· 0 7819 1514 1633 5558 . llxO .5 2.5/ 2.3 UlO -L9 T 5 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1336 2155 7819 0 0 7819 .llx0.7 3.0/ 3.3 UlO -Lll C 6 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1591 2566 3439 .llx0.8 3.0/ 3. 3 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1514 1617 5558 . llxO. 5 2.5/ 2.3 Ul2 -Lll T 6 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2493 4022 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 3.0/ 3.3 012 -L13 C 7 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2489 4015 5196 . llxl. 2 3.3/ 3.5 013 -Ll3 V 7 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1514 i.584 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 014 -Ll3 T 7 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3651 5889 7819 0 0 7819 llxl. 8 3.0/ 3.3 Ul4 -Ll5 C 8 9.73 16 . .! 9 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3407 3457 4877 .llxi.l 2.5/ 2.3 015 -Ll5 V 8 42.50 22.04 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1442 2001 4403 . llx0.6 2.8/ 2.9 016 -Ll5 T 8 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4644 10400 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.l I ? Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J32 7 -20K240/128 x 31' 2.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.380 -0.380 Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 128 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 240 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 112 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch EP/#lL 40.000 40.000 An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 22.63" Bot chord panel spacing: Ep== 40.00" 20.000 in Deep 18.963 in Effective Depth 16.250 in Clear Depth 435801 in-# Moment Total weight Loading combinations: SJI --0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 Left TC axial load: 0.0 Right TC axial load: 0.0 Left end reactions: 4705 Right end reactions: 4705 1@ 22.63" Ep== 40.00" 1@ 20.63" 1@ 27.25" 12@ 24.00" 5@ 48.00" 1@ 20.63" 1 @ 27. 25 II 370.500 in Design length 926 # Minimum Shear 172.598 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix L/ 709 Live Defl L/ 378 SJI Defl 1.000 ln Chord gap 0.397 in Camber 11.229 in Centroid NtU§ Dead Live Eguk Wind 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips 0 2729 1976 0 0 Pounds 0 2729 1976 0 0 Pounds To]2 bridging rows: 2 per SJI 4 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 -619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12 II STAGGERED J32 7 20K240/128 X 31' 2.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span To12 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A = 1.103 y = 0.553 Fy = Bridg < 177 11 Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx = 0.624 Ry = Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 Chord shear: V = 3189 p = -547 fv = 5575 fc = 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction -1!}_ -1!}_ ~ ~ in-# ~ .......Q.§i__ Unity Axial Bend Unity U-0 2n. 'n '.) 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20.63 2250 11059 631 52.0z 19765 136521 0.139 0.507 0.035 0.543 U-1 20.00 2250 11059 864 27000 0.105 0. 371 0.108 0.479 20.63 0 8719 0 52.0z 21961 136521 0.000 0.360 0.000 0.360 U-2 20.00 0 13338 0 30000 0.000 0.403 0.000 0.403 24.00 0 13338 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.581 0.000 0.581 U-3 20.00 0 13338 0 30000 0.000 0.403 0.000 0.403 24.00 0 13338 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.581 0.000 0.581 U-4 20.00 0 19510 0 30000 0.000 0.590 0.000 0.590 24.00 0 19510 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.850 0.000 0.850 U-5 20.00 0 19510 0 30000 0.000 0.590 0.000 0.590 24.00 0 19510 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.850 0.000 o, 850 U-6 20.00 0 22596 0 30000 0.000 0.683 0.000 0.683 24.00 0 22596 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.985 0.000 0.985 U-7 20.00 0 22596 0 30000 0.000 0.683 0.000 0.683 24.00 0 22596 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.985 0.000 0.985 U-8 20. :~ J 22596 0 30000 0.000 0.683 0.000 0.683 24.00 0 22596 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.985 0.000 0.985 U-9 20.00 0 22596 0 30000 0.000 0.683 0.000 0.683 24.00 0 22596 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.985 0.000 0.985 U-10 .,, .. ,, 22596 0 30000 0.000 0.683 0.000 0. -'3 8~ 2~. ~o 19510 0 60.6z 20796 1(10824 O,COO 0.850 0. O•)O U-11 20.00 0 19510 0 30000 0.000 0,590 0.000 0.590 24.00 0 19510 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.850 0.000 0.850 U-12 20.00 0 19510 0 30000 0.000 0.590 0.000 0.590 24.00 0 13338 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.581 0.000 0.581 U-13 20.00 0 13338 0 30000 0.000 0.403 0.000 0 .403 24.00 0 13338 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.581 0.000 0.581 U-14 20.00 0 13338 0 30000 0.000 0.403 0.000 0.403 20.63 0 8719 0 52.0z 21961 136521 0.000 0.360 0.000 0.360 U-15 20.00 2250 11059 864 27000 0.105 0.371 0.108 0.479 20.63 2250 11059 631 52.0z 19765 136521 0.139 0.507 0.035 0.543 U-16 20.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 50000 Q 1.224 Rz -495 f Ec-cer:. 0.00 1. 48 0.73 0.80 0 73 0.77 1. 08 0. 77 0.00 11_r-i., u' ,_.,, 0.80 0.00 1. 48 0.00 Vl. 64 1/05/00 = 0.898 = 0.396 5580 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: J32 7 DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION- 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" -20K240/128 X 31' 2.500 Special PO#:92999 STAGGERED Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy Ix= 0.251 Iy= 1.068 Rx = 0.546 Ry Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 = 50000 = 1.125 Chord shear: V = 4396 p = 8809 fv = 10048 fc = 10441 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r _in_ _in_ ~ ~ in-# L-1 0.00 0 0 0 27.25 9095 0 0 78.6z L-3 0.00 16810 0 0 48.00 16810 0 0 138.4z L-5 0.00 21438 0 0 48.00 21438 0 0 138.4z L-7 0.00 22981 0 0 48.00 22981 0 0 138.4z L-9 0.00 22981 0 0 48.00 21438 0 0 138. 4z L-11 0.00 21~38 0 0 48.00 16810 0 0 138.4z L-13 0.00 16810 0 0 27 25 ,)U95 0 0 78.6z L-15 0.00 0 0 0 Allow Stress ~ 30000 18041 30000 7796 30000 7796 30000 7796 30000 7796 30000 7796 30000 18041 30000 ,.... ' __, i I Euler Tens- F'e Bend ~ Unity 0.000 59882 0.359 0.664 19300 0.664 o·. 847 19300 0.847 0.908 19300 0.908 0.908 19300 0.847 0.847 19300 0.664 0.664 59882 0 359 0.000 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial Bend Unity Eccen 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.87 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 41 0.000 0.000 o~ ooo 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 0.000 0.000 U.OCv 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.87 Q = 0.897 Rz = 0.347 f = 11324 ~- Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C W/ 12 II STAGGERED J32 7 20K240/128 X 31' 2.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile ComEressive Weld Available Length Area 'R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web SloEe ____lQ_ Member in2 -1:!L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length TO!,/Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4396 9845 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.l Ul -Ll V 1 42.50 22.04 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1413 1959 4403 .llx0.6 2.8/ 2.9 U2 -Ll C 1 9.73 16.49 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3189 3235 4877 . llxl. 0 2.5/ 2,3 U2 -L3 T 2 51.69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3464 5587 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.7 3.0/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 C. c:J 16.25 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 0 0 7819 1480 1547 5S5S . ~ ::-:'"·. 5 2 S/ 2.3 U4 -L3 C 2 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0. 315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2336 3768 51% .llxl.2 3.3/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 51.69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2374 3830 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 3 0/ 3.3 us -LS V 3 0.80 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1578 5558 .llx0.5 2.S/ 2.3 U6 -LS C ::.:. . ..:;: 2G.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 70 112 7819 1506 242~ 3439 .llx0.8 3.u/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 5~.69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 1285 2072 7819 34 56 7819 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 3.3 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 0 0 7819 1480 1593 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 us -L7 C 4 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 388 626 7819 926 1494 3439 llx0.5 3.0/ 3.3 us -L9 C 5 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 388 626 7819 926 1494 3439 . llxO. 5 3.0/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1593 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 UlO -L9 T 5 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1285 2072 7819 34 56 7819 .llx0.6 3.0/ 3.3 UlO -Lll C 6 51.69 26 21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 70 112 7819 1506 2429 3439 .llx0.8 3 0/ 3.3 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1578 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 U12 -Lll T 6 51.69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2374 3830 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 3.0/ 3. 3 Ul2 -L13 C 7 51 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2336 3768 5196 . llxl. 2 3.3/ 3.5 Ul3 -Ll3 V 7 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 s.547 5558 . llxO. 5 2.5/ 2.3 Ul4 -Ll3 T 7 s:.-:9 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3464 5587 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.0/ 3.3 U14 -L15 C 8 ;! . ·,3 16.49 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3189 3235 4877 . llxl. 0 2.5/ 2.3 UlS -LlS V 8 42.50 22.04 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1413 1959 4403 . llxO. 6 2.8/ 2.9 U16 -LlS T 8 63. 48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4396 9845 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.1 1') Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/oo· Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED TJ32 1 -20K240/128 x 31' 2.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.380 -0.380 Holes y Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 128 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 240 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 112 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. EP/#lL 40.000 40.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 22.63 11 Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 22.63 11 Ep= 40.00 11 1@ 20.63 11 1@ 27.25 11 12@ 24.00 11 5@ 48.00" 1@ 20.63 11 1@ 27.25" Ep= 40.00 11 20.000 in Deep 370.500 in Design length 926 # Minimum Shear 18.963 in Effective Depth 172.598 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 16.250 in Clear Depth L/ 709 Live Defl L/ 318 SJI Defl 435801 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.397 in Camber Total weight 11.229 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtU§ Dead Live Eguk Wind --0 1.00 --o 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1. 00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3. 0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4705 0 2729 1976 0 0 Pounds Right end :reactions: 4705 0 2729 1976 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 2 per SJI 4 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED TJ32 1 -20K240/128 x 31' 2.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Top Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A= 1.103 Y = 0.553 Bridg < 177" Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx= 0.624 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= 33093 Chord shear: V = 3189 P = -547 fv = 5575 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Fy = Ry= fc = Joint No. Panel Tension Comp. Force Allow Euler Compression-Bending Length Height Force kl/r Stress F'e Interaction 50000 1.224 -495 ~ __!.!:!...._ 11:s U-0 20. C•v 0 ~ 0 11059 11059 Local Bend in-# 0 631 ~_eg_ 27000 Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 0.139 Axial Bend Unity Eccen 0.000 0.000 0.000 U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-iO U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 U-15 U-16 20.63 2250 20.63 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24. 00 24.00 24.00 20.63 20.63 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 8719 13338 13338 13338 13338 19510 19510 19510 19510 22596 225% 22596 22596 22596 22596 22596 22596 22596 19510 19510 19510 19510 13338 13338 13338 13338 8719 11059 11059 0 52.0z 19765 136521 864 27000 0.105 O 52.0z 21961 136521 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 60.6z 20796 1UU824 v.UOO 0 30000 0.000 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0.507 0.035 0.543 0.371 0.108 0.479 0.360 0.000 0.360 0.403 0.000 0.403 0.581 0.000 0.581 0.403 0.000 0.403 0.581 0.000 0.581 0.590 0.000 0.590 0.850 0.000 0.850 0.590 0.000 0.590 0.850 0.000 0-.850 0.683 0.000 0.683 0.985 0.000 0.985 0.683 0.000 0.683 0.985 0.000 0.985 0.683 0.000 0.683 0.985 0.000 0.985 0.683 0.000 0.683 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.985 0.000 0.985 0.00 1. 48 0.73 0.80 0.73 0.77 1.08 0.77 0.00 C 30000 0.000 0.683 0.000 0.683 0.77. o 60 Gz 20796 1u0824 0.000 o.850 0.000 o esu 0 30000 0.000 0.590 0.000 0.590 0.00 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.850 0.000 0.850 0 30000 0.000 0.590 0.000 0.590 0.80 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.581 0.000 0.581 0 30000 0.000 0.403 0.000 0.403 0.00 o 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.581 0.000 0.581 0 30000 0.000 0.403 0.000 0.403 1.48 0 52.0z 21961 136521 0.000 0.360 0.000 0.360 864 27000 0.105 0.371 0.108 0.479 0.00 631 52.0z 19765 136521 0.139 0.507 0.035 0.543 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 f Q Rz Vl.64 1/05/00 = 0.898 0.396 5580 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: TJ32 DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" PO#:92999 STAGGERED 1 -20K240/128 X 31' 2.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy IX= 0.251 Iy= 1.068 Rx = 0.546 Ry Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 = 50000 = 1.125 Chord shear: V = 4396 p = 8809 fv = 10048 fc = 10441 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _lg__ _lg__ ---112.L.. ---112.L.. in-# ....E.§i_ _@i_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.87 27.25 9095 0 0 78.6z 18041 59882 0.359 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 16810 0 0 30000 0.664 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 48.00 16810 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.664 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 21438 0 0 30000 0. 847 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 21438 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.847 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 22981 0 0 30000 0.908 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 22981 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.908 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 22981 0 0 30000 0.908 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 21438 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.847 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 21438 0 0 30000 0.847 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 16810 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0. 664 0.000 0.000 o, 000 L-13 0,00 16810 0 0 30000 0.664 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 36 27.25 ~U95 0 0 78.oz 18041 59882 0.359 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-15 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.87 -, Q 0.897 Rz = 0.347 f = 11324 ... Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#: 92999- Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED TJ32 1 20K240/128 X 31' 2.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile ComEressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web SloEe ____j,n__ Member in2 _!!!_ ----1£L ----1£L ----1£L ----1£L ~ ~ Length ToE/Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4396 9845 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.l Ul -Ll V 1 42.50 22.04 1-LL1-l/4x.109· 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1413 1959 4403 .llx0.6 2.8/ 2.9 U2 -Ll C 1 9.73 16.49 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3189 3235 4877 . llxl. 0 2.5/ 2.3 U2 -L3 T 2 51, 69 26 21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3464 5587 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.0/ 3. 3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1547 5558 llx0.5 2 5/ 2.3 U4 -L3 C 2 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2336 3768 5196 . llxl. 2 3.3/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2374 3830 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 3.0/ 3.3 us -LS V 3 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1578 55:"~ -: : :-:-:: . 5 2:s1 2.3 U6 -LS C 3 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 70 112 7819 1506 2429 1,..;;,--,, 1 : .~:,, . S ' , I 3 . 3 U6 -L7 T 4 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1285 2072 7819 34 56 7819 .llx0.6 3.0/ 3.3 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1593 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 us -L7 C 4 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 O. 24 7z 3-88 626 7819 926 1494 3439 . llxO. 5 3.0/ 3.3 us -L9 C 5 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 388 626 7819 926 1494 3439 .llx0.5 3 0/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1593 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 UlO -L9 T 5 51.69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0. 24 7z 1285 2072 7819 34 56 7819 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 3.3 UlO -Lll C 6 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 70 112 7819 1506 2429 3439 . llxO. 8 3.0/ 3. 3 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1578 5558 llxO. 5 2.5/ 2.3 Ul2 -Lll T 6 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2374 3830 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 3.0/ 3.3 Ul2 -L13 C 7 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2336 3768 5196 .llxl.2 3.3/ 3.5 Ul3 -Ll3 V 7 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 ~547 5558 .llx0.5 2 5/ 2.3 Ul4 -Ll3 T 7 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3464 5587 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.0/ 3.3 Ul4 -L15 C 8 9.73 16.49 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0. 7819 3189 3235 4877 . llxl v 2.S/ 2 3 Ul5 -L15 V 8 42.50 22.04 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1413 1959 4403 .llx0.6 2.8/ 2.9 U16 -L15 T 8 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4396 9845 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.l Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/~0 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J33 9 -20K240/128 x 31'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.380 -0.380 Holes Top Chord Ext 128 #/ft full length 240 #/ft full length 112 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform Live load Uniform SJI load Uniform Dead load An additional SJI An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. TC cone loads: Load Spacing Location Point .'1'.YP§_ 11 1 0 250 20 ,11 _314 11'0 USA SJI, Dead Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 24.94" 1 @ 22.94 11 3 @ 24.00 11 1 @ 1 @ ll.88 11 8 @ 24.00" 1 @ 22. 94 '' 1 @ 24. 94 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 40.00 11 1 @ 31.88 11 5 @ 48.00 11 1 @ Ep= 40.00" EP/#lL 40.000 40.000 12.12 11 31.88 11 20.000 in Deep 379.750 in Design length 981 # Minimum Shear i8.963 in Effective Depth 172.598 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 16.250 in Clear Depth L/ 658 Live Defl L/ 336 SJI Defl 471713 in-# Moment 1. 000 in Chord gap 0.417 in Camber '. Total weight 11.229 in Centroid Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J33 9 -20K240/128 x 31'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan r / Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --o 1.00 --0 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0 .. 7_5 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Left end reactions: 4962 0 2937 2025 0 0 Right end reactions: 4883 0 2858 2025 0 0 To2 bridging rows: 2 per SJI Kips Kips Pounds Pounds 6 if deck provides no lateral support. -I Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J33 9 -20K240/128 x 31'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Top Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A= 1.103 Y = 0.553 Bridg < 177 11 Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx= 0.624 Fy = 50000 Ry= 1.224 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force 33093 Chord shear: V = 3374 P = -1401 fv = 5898 fc = -1270 0 End fillers, 4 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint No. u-o U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-5A U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 U-15 U-16 Panel Length Height -.i!!._ -.i!!._ 20.00 22. 94 20.00 22.94 20.00 24.00 20.00 24.00 20.00 24.00 20.00 12.12 20.00 11. 88 20.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.0U 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 22.94 22.94 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 Tension Force ~ 0 2250 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 Comp. Force ~ 0 11533 11533 9109 15031 15031 15031 15031 21587 21587 21587 21587 21746 21746 24600 24600 24600 24600 24600 24383 Local Bend in-# 0 765 kl/r 57.9z Allow Stress ~ 27000 19055 Euler F'e --12.ti_ 110381 Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 0.154 1100 27000 0.115 0 57.9z 21172 110381 0.000 0 30000 0.000 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 30.6z 24493 395024 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 30.0z 24558 411832 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial Bend Unicv 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.549 0.044 0.592 0.387 0.137 0.525 0.390 0.000 0.390 0.454 0.000 0.454 0.655 0.000 0.655 0.454 0.000 0.454 0.655 0.000 0.655 0.652 0.000 0.652 0.941 0.000 0.941 0.652 0.000 0.652 0.799 0.000 0~799 0.657 0.000 0.657 0.803 0,000 0.803 0.743 0.000 0.743 0.944 0.000 0.944 0.743 0.000 0.743 0.944 0.000 0.944 0.743 0.000 0.743 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.935 0.000 0.935 0.00 1.29 0.73 0.81 0.73 0.77 0.79 J.77 0. 77 24383 0 30000 24383 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.737 0.000 0.737 n.77. 0.000 0 935 0.000 0.935 24383 0 30000 21097 O 60.6z 20796 100824 21097 0 30000 21097 0 60.6z 20796 100824 21097 0 30000 14740 0 60.6z 20796 100824 14740 0 30000 14740 o 60.Gz 20796 100824 14740 0 30000 8990 O 57.9z 21172 110381 11375 1101 27000 11375 765 57.9z 19055 110381 0 0 27000 0.000 0.737 0.000 0.737 0.77 0.000 0.920 0.000 0.920 0.000 0.637 0.000 0.637 0.80 0.000 0.920 0,000 0.920 0.000 0.637 0.000 0.637 0.80 0.000 0.643 0.000 0.643 0.000 0.445 0.000 0.445 1.48 0.000 0.643 0.000 0.643 0.000 0.445 0.000 0.445 1.29 0.000 0.385 0.000 0.385 0.115 Q.382 0.138 0.519 0.00 0.154 0.541 0.044 0.585 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q = 0.898 Rz = 0.396 f 5932 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J33 9 -20K240/128 x 31'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = 0.844 y 0.484 Fy Ix= 0.251 Iy= 1.068 Rx = 0.546 Ry Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 = 50000 = 1.125 Chord shear: V = 4632 p = 9283 fv = 10589 fc = 11002 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __i!L_ __i!L_ ~ lbs in-# ...£§i_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 O.':J 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.79 31. 88 10602 0 0 91. 9z 15761 43765 0.419 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 18692 0 0 30000 0.738 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 48.00 18692 0 0 138. 4Z 7796 19300 0.738 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 23557 0 0 30000 0.931 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 4~ 48.00 23557 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.931 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 24875 0 0 30000 0.983 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 24875 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.983 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 24875 0 0 30000 0.983 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 23124 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0. 914 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 23124 0 0 30000 0. 914 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 18302 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0. 723 0.000 0.000 0~000 L-13 0.00 18302 0 0 30000 0. 723 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 31.88 lOHl 0 0 91. 9z 15761 43765 0.411 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-15 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.79 -r / 6 Q = 0.897 Rz 0.347 f = 11932 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED J33 9 20K240/128 X 31'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Com12ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slo12e --1!!_ Member in2 ~ -----1£L -----1£L -----1£L -----1£L -----1£L -----1£L Length ToQ/Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4632 10375 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.1 Ul -Ll V 1 38. 4G 22. 75 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1459 1908 4678 . llx0. 6 2 7/ 2.7 02 -Ll C 1 22.55 17.60 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0. 24 7z 0 0 7819 3374 3653 4602 . llxl .1 2.5/ 2.4 U2 -L3 T 2 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3620 5840 7819 0 0 7819 llxl. 8 3.0/ 3.3 03 -L3 V 2 0.011 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1555 5558 llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 U4 -L3 C 2 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2508 4046 5196 . llxl. 2 3.3/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2534 4087 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl 3 3.0/ 3.2 us -LS V 3 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1361 1469 5558 . llx0. 5 2.5/ 2.3 USA -LS V 4 32.59 19 29 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0 .,261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1490 1877 4977 . llx0. 6 2.6/ "2. 6 06 -LS C 3 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 209 336 7819 1304 2103 3439 .llx0.6 3.0/ 3.2 U6 -L7 T 4 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1198 1932 7819 123 199 7819 . llx0. 6 3.0/ 3.3 07 -L7 V 5 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1603 5558 llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 us -L7 C 4 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0. 24 7z 474 764 7819 981 1582 3439 llx0. 5 3.0/ 3.3 us -L9 C 5 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 302 488 7819 981 1582 3439 .llx0.5 3.0/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 6 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1602 5558 .llx0.5 2 5/ 2.3 UlO -L9 T 5 51. 69 26 21 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1369 2208 7819 0 0 7819 . llx0. 7 3.0/ 3.3 Ul0 -Lll C 6 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1596 2574 3439 .llx0.8 3.0/ 3.3 Ull -Lll V 7 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1585 5558 . llx0. 5 2.5/ 2.3 U12 -Lll T 6 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2455 3960 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 3.0/ 3.3 U12 -Ll3 C 7 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2430 3,19 5196 .llxl.2 3.3/ 3.5 Ul3 -Ll3 V 8 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1554 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 014 -Ll3 T 7 :3: . 69 :? ': .11 1-!:.c.>l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3542 5713 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 8 3.0/ 3.3 U14 -LlS C 8 22.55 17.ciU l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3295 3568 4602 . llxl. l 2.5/ 2.4 U15 -L15 V 9 38.46 20.75 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1459 1908 4678 llx0. 6 2.7/ 2.7 U16 -LlS T 8 63.48 35.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4554 10198 17406 0 0 1934 (• .22xJ.l Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 ·-WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 . Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 _ 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE -CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED J33B 1 -20K240/128 x 31 1 11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.380 -0.380 Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 128 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 240 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 112 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 17 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 24.94 11 1 @ 22. 94 11 12 @ 24. 00 II 1 @ 1 @ 24.94 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 40. 00 II 1 @ 31. 88 11 5 @ 48. 00 II 1 @ Ep= 40. 00 II EP/#lL 40.000 40.000 22.94 11 31.88 11 20.000 in Deep 379.750 in Design length 949 # Minimum Shear 18.963 in Effective Depth 172.598 in4 Ix O.QO in4 Minimum Ix 16.250 in Clear Depth L/ 658 Live Defl L/ 351 SJI Defl 481000 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.417 in Camber Total weight 11.229 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --o 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 ·o 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4798 0 3041 2025 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4798 0 3041 2025 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 2 per SJI 6 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHIT~CRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021~0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J33B 1 -20K240/128 x 31 1 11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Top Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A= 1.103 Y = 0.553 Bridg < 177" Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx= 0.624 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= 33093 Chord shear: V = 3430 P = -1424 fv = 5996 Fy = 50000 Ry= 1.224 fc = -1291 0 End fillers, 4 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint No. u-o U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 U-15 U-16 Panel Length Height --1.!L --1.!L 20.00 22.94 20.00 22.94 20.00 24.00 20.00 24.00 20.00 24.00 20.00 24.00 20.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 2--!.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 22.94 22.94 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 2.1. ;J(J 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 Tension Force ~ 0 2250 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 Comp. Force ~ 0 11710 11710 9226 15234 15234 15234 15234 21718 21718 21718 21718 24960 24960 24960 24960 24960 24960 24960 24960 24960 21718 21718 21718 21718 15234 15234 15234 15234 9226 11710 11710 0 Local Bend in-# 0 819 1179 kl/r 57.9z Allow Euler Stress F'e __m!L~ 27000 19055 110381 27000 Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 0.160 0 .119 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial Bend Unity 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.557 0.047 0.604 0.393 0.147 0.540 0 57.9z 21172 110381 0.000 0.395 0.000 0.395 0.00 0 30000 0.000 0.460 0.000 0.460 1.29 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.664 0.000 0.664 0 30000 0.000 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 o.ouo 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 O 57.9z 21172 110381 0.000 1179 27000 0.119 0.460 0.000 0.460 0.664 0.000 0.664 0.656 0.000 0.656 0.947 0.000 0.947 0.656 0.000 0.656 0.947 0.000 0.947 0.754 0.000 0~754 0.957 0.000 0.957 0.754 0.000 0.754 0.957 0.000 0.957 0.754 0.000 0.754 0.957 0.000 0.957 0.754 0.000 0.754 0.957 0.000 0.957 0.754 0.000 0.754 0.947 0.000 0.947 0.656 0.000 0.G56 0.947 0.000 0.947 0.656 0.000 0.656 0.664 0.000 0.664 0.460 0.000 0.460 0.664 0.000 0.664 0.460 0.000 0.460 0.395 0.000 0.395 0.393 0.147 0.540 819 57.9z 19055 110381 0.160 0.557 0.047 0.604 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.73 0.80 0.73 0. 77 0.79 0.77 0.77 0.77 U. 7 7 0.80 0.80 1.29 1. 29 Q 0.898 Rz = 0.396 f 6031 Valley· Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J33B 1 -20K240/128 x 31'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy IX= 0.251 Iy= 1.068 Rx = 0.546 Ry Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 = 50000 = 1.125 Chord shear: V = 4721 p = 9460 fv = 10790 fc = 11212 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ~ --2:,!l_ ~ lbs in-# ~ ___E§_i_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.79 31.8d 10776 0 0 91. 9z 15761 43765 0.426 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 18881 0 0 30000 0.746 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 48.00 18881 0 0 138. 4Z 7796 19300 0.746 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 23744 0 0 30000 0.938 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 23744 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.938 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 25365 0 0 30000 1. 002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 25365 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 1.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 25365 0 0 30000 1.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 41 48.00 23744 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.938 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 23744 0 0 30000 0.938 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.0U 18881 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.746 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 18881 0 0 30000 0.746 0.000 0.000 0~ 000 0.36 31. 88 10776 0 0 91. 9z 15761 43765 0.426 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-15 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.79 r Q = 0.897 Rz = 0.347 f = 12160 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CO:WSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12 II STAGGERED J33B 1 20K240/128 X 31'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile ComEressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web SloEe ~ Member in2 _.iQ._ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length ToELBottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4721 10572 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. 2 Ul -Ll V 1 38.46 20.75 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1491 1951 4678 .llx0.6 2.7/ 2. 7 02 -Ll C 1 22.55 17.60 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3430 3714 46:"\2 .llxl.1 2.5/ 2.4 U2 -L3 T 2 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3643 5876 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 8 3.0/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 a.oo 16.25 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1514 1590 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 U4 -L3 C 2 51.69 26.21 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2497 4028 5136 . llxl. 2 3.3/ 3.5 04 -LS T 3 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2489 4014 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 3.0/ 3.3 us -LS V 3 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1514 1623 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 06 -LS C 3 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1595 2573 3439 . llx0. 8 3.0/ 3 3 06 -L7 T 4 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1334 2152 7819 0 0 7819 . llx0. 7 3.0/ 3.3 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1514 1639 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 08 -L7 C 4 51.69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 371 598 7819 949 1531 3439 . llx0. 5 3.0/ 3.3 us -L9 C 5 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 371 598 7819 949 1531 3439 .llx0.5 3 0/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1514 1639 5558 . llx0. 5 2.5/ 2.3 010 -L9 T 5 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1334 2152 7819 0 0 7819 llx0.7 3.0/ 3.3 Ul0 -Lll C 6 51.69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1595 2573 3439 . llx0. 8 3.0/ 3.3 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1514 1623 5558 .llx0.5 2 5/ 2.3 012 -Lll T 6 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2489 4014 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 3.0/ 3.3 Ul2 -L13 C 7 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2497 4028 5196 . llxl. 2 3.3/ 3.5 Ul3 -Ll3 V 7 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1514 1590 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 Ul4 -Ll3 T 7 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3643 5876 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 8 3.0/ 3. 3 014 -L15 C 8 22.55 17.60 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3430 3714 4602 llxl. 1 2 5/ 2.4 015 -LlS V 8 38.46 20.75 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1491 1951 4678 . llx0. 6 2 7/ 2.7 016 -L15 T 8 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4721 10572 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. 2 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED J33A 1 -20K285/152 x 31'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.380 -0.380 Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 152 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 285 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 133 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# ~ay occur at any top chord panel point. Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 24.94 11 1 @ 22. 94 11 12 @ 24. 00 II 1 @ 1 @ 24.94 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 40.00 11 1 @ 31.88 11 5 @ 48. 00 II 1 @ Ep= 40. 00 II EP/#lL 40.000 40.000 22.94 11 31.88 11 20.000 in Deep 379.750 in Design length 1127 # Minimum Shear 18.952 in Effective Depth 192.271 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 16.250 in Clear Depth L/ 617 Live Defl L/ 3d9 SJI Defl 523061 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.417 in Camber Total weight 11.016 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --o 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 'O. 0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 5510 0 3104 2405 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 5510 0 3104 2405 0 0 Pounds TOJ:2 bridging rows: 2 per SJI 5 if deck provides no lateral support. -, r I Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Ent·ered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITA~RE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 19-94 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J33A 1 -20K285/152 x 31'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Top Chord: 2-L L2x2x.156 A= 1.199 Y 0.558 Bridg < 178" Ix= 0.464 Iy= 1.805 Rx= 0.622 Fy = 50000 Ry = 1. 227 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force 35980 Chord shear: V = 3792 P = -1576 fv = 6078 fc = -1314 0 End fillers, 4 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint No. U-0 U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 U-15 U-16 Panel Tension Length Height Force -1.!.:!_ -1.!.:!_ ~ 20.00 0 22.94 2250 20.00 2250 22.94 0 20.00 0 24.00 0 20.00 0 24.00 0 20.00 0 24.00 0 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 ..::--: '!) l 24.00 24.00 24.00 22. 94 22.94 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.UO 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 Comp. Force ~ 0 12550 12550 9942 16576 16576 16576 16576 23631 23631 23631 23631 27158 27158 27158 27158 27158 27158 27158 27158 27158 23631 23631 23631 23631 16576 Local Bend in-# 0 908 1307 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 kl/r 58.0z 58.0z 60.7z 60.7z 60.7z 60.7z 38. 6x 38.6x 38.6x 38.6x Allow Stress __E§_L_ 27000 19667 27000 21853 30000 21448 30000 21448 30000 21448 30000 Euler F'e ____Q§_L_ 109722 109722 100222 100222 100222 21448 100222 30000 24493 100222 30000 24493 100222 30000 24493 100222 30000 24493 100222 Tens- Bend Unity 0,000 0.157 0 .115 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 30000 0.000 C 60.7z 21448 100222 ~.000 0 30000 J.OUO O 60.7z 21448 100222 0.000 0 30000 0.000 O 60.7z 21448 100222 0.000 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial ~ Unity 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.532 0.046 0.579 0.388 0.151 0.538 0.379 0.000 0.379 0.461 0.000 0.461 0.644 0.000 0.644 0.461 0.000 0.461 0.644 0.000 0.644 0.657 0.000 0.657 0.919 0.000 0.919 0.657 0.000 0.919 0.000 0.755 0.000 0.925 0.000 0.755 0.000 0.925 0.000 0.755 0.000 0.925 0.000 0.755 0.000 0.925 0.000 0.657 0.919 0~ 755 0. 925 0.755 0.925 0.755 0. 925 0.755 0.925 0.755 0.000 0.755 0.919 0.000 ~-91S 0.557 0.000 0.657 0.919 0.000 0.919 o.657 ·o.ooo o.657 0.644 0.000 0.644 0.00 1. 29 0.73 0.80 0.73 0.78 0.79 0. 78 0.77 0.78 0.80 16576 0 30000 0.000 0.461 0.000 0.461 0.80 16576 O 60.7z 21448 100222 0.000 0.644 0.000 0.644 16576 0 30000 0.000 0.461 0.000 0.461 1.29 9942 O 58.0z 21853 109722 0.000 0.379 0.000 0.379 12550 1307 27000 0.115 0.388 0.151 0.538 1.29 12550 908 SB.Oz 19667 109722 0.157 0.532 0.046 0.579 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 - Q = 0.935 Rz 0.396 f = 6113 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: J33A DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 · DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C W/ 12" PO#:92999 STAGGERED 1 -20K285/152 X 31'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.143 A = 0.960 y = 0.490 Fy Ix= 0.283 Iy= 1.225 Rx = 0.543 Ry Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 28803 = 50000 1 .. 130 Chord shear: V = 5137 p = 10300 fv = 10264 fc = 10728 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _!!!_ ~ ~ ~ in-# _E.§.i__ -1?.§..L Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.79 31.88 11725 0 0 92. 2z 16142 43353 0 .407 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 20544 0 0 30000 0. 713 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 48.00 20544 0 0 138.8z 7747' 19118 0. 713 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 25836 0 0 30000 0.897 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.42 48.00 25836 0 0 138. 8z 7747 19118 0.897 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 27599 0 0 30000 0.958 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.42 48.00 27599 0 0 138.8z 7747 19118 0.958 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 27599 0 0 30000 0.958 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.42 48.00 25836 0 0 138. 8z 7747 19118 0.897 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 25836 0 0 30000 0.897 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.42 48.00 20544 0 0 138.8z 7747 19118 0.713 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 20544 0 0 30000 0. 713 0.000 0.000 0~000 0.36 31.88 11725 0 0 92.2z 16142 43353 0 .407 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-15 O.JO 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.79 Q = 0.953 Rz = 0.346 f = 11581 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE IsAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED J33A 1 20K285/152 X 31' 11. 750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Com12ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slo12e ---21L-Member in2 _in_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length To12£'.'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.49 36.41 1-AU -29/32 0. 645 0.226 5137 11510 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. 3 Ul -Ll V 1 38.48 20.76 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1545 2023 4677 .llx0.6 2.7/ 2.7 U2 -Ll C 1 22.56 17.60 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3792 4107 4601 .llxl.3 2.5/ 2.4 U2 -L3 T 2 51. 70 26.22 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3951 6375 7819 0 0 7819 . llx2. 0 3.0/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 16. 25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1570 1653 5558 . llxO. 5 2.5/ 2.3 U4 -L3 C 2 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2749 4436 5b4 . llxl. 4 3.3/ 3.5 U4 -L5 T 3 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2685 4332 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3.0/ 3.3 us -L5 V 3 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1570 1688 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 U6 -L5 C 3 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1735 2800 3437 . llxO. 9 3.0/ 1.3 U6 -L7 T 4 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1418 2288 7819 0 0 7819 .llx0.7 3.0/ 3.3 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1570 1706 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 us -L7 C 4 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 367 592 7819 1127 1819 3437 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 3.3 us -L9 C 5 51. 70 26.22 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 367 592 7819 1127 1819 3437 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1570 1706 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 UlO -L9 T 5 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 O. 247z 1418 2288 7819 0 0 7819 .llx0.7 3.0/ 3.3 UlO -Lll C 6 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1735 2800 3437 . llxO. 9 3.0/ 3.3 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1570 1688 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 U12 -Lll T 6 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2685 4332 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3.0/ 3.3 Ul2 -L13 C 7 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2749 4436 5194 . llxl. 4 3.3/ 3.5 U13 -L13 V 7 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1570 1653 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 Ul4 -L13 T 7 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3951 6375 7819 0 . 0 7819 . llx2. 0 3.0/ 3.3 Ul4 -Ll5 C 8 22.56 17.60 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3792 4107 4601 . llxl. 3 2.5/ 2.4 Ul5 -L15 V 8 38.48 20.76 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1545 2023 4677 . llxO. 6 2.7/ 2.7 Ul6 -LlS T 8 63.49 36.41 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 5137 11510 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. 3 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444~4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED TJ33 1 -20K240/128 x 31 1 11.750 Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.380 -0.380 Holes y y Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 128 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 240 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 112 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 24.94 11 1 @ 22.94 11 12 @ 24.00 11 1 @ 1 @ 24.94 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 40. 00 II 1 @ 31.88 11 5 @ 48. 00 II 1 @ Ep= 40.00 11 EP/#lL 40.000 40.000 22. 94 '' 31. 88 11 20.000 in Deep 379.750 in Design length 949 # Minimum Shear 18.963 in Effective Depth 172.598 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 16.250 in Clear Depth L/ 658 Live Defl L/ 351 SJI Defl 455463 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.417 in Camber Total weight 11.229 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --0 1.00 --u 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4798 0 2772 2025 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4798 0 2772 2025 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 2 per SJI 5 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DbVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED TJ33 1 -20K240/128 X 31 I 11. 750 Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Fy Ry= 50000 1.224 Top Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A= 1.103 Y = 0.553 Bridg < 177" Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx= 0.624 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= 33093 Chord shear: V = 3209 P = -1333 fv = 5611 fc = -1208 0 End fillers, 4 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension No. Length Height Force ~ ~ ~ U-0 20.00 0 U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 U-15 U-16 22.94 22.94 24.00 24.00 24.00 24. 00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24. 00 22.94 22.94 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 ')·.no 20.00 28. 00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 2250 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 'J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens- Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend lbs in-# 0 0 11203 11203 8862 14425 14425 14425 14425 20565 20565 20565 20565 23634 23634 23634 23634 23634 23634 23634 23634 23634 20565 20565 20565 20565 14425 14425 14425 14425 8862 765 1101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 __£§.i_ ~ Unity 27000 0.000 57.9z 19055 110381 27000 57.9z 21172 110381 30000 60.6z 20796 100824 30000 60.6z 20796 100824 30000 60.6z 20796 100824 30000 60.6z 20796 100824 30000 38.5x 23631 100824 30000 38.5x 23631 100824 30000 38.5x 23631 100824 30000 38.5x 23631 100824 30000 60.~= 20796 100824 30000 60.6z 20796 100824 30000 60.6z 20796 100824 30000 60.6z 20796 100824 30000 0.154 0 .115 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial ~ Unity Eccen 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.533 0.044 0.577 0.376 0.138 0.514 0.379 0.000 0.379 0.436 0.000 0.436 0.629 0.000 0.629 0.436 0.000 0.436 0.629 0.000 0.629 0.621 0.000 0.621 0.896 0.000 0.896 0.621 0.000 0.621 0.896 0.000 0.896 0.714 0.000 0~714 0.907 0.000 0.907 0.714 0.000 0.714 0.907 0.000 0.907 0.714 0.000 0.714 0.907 0.000 0.907 0.714 0.000 0.714 0.907 0.000 0.907 0.714 0.000 0.714 0.896 0.000 0.896 0.621 0.000 0.621 0.896 0.000 0.896 0.621 0.000 0.621 0.629 0.000 0.629 0.436 0.000 0.436 0.629 0.000 0.629 0.436 0.000 0.436 0.379 0.000 0.379 0.00 1.29 0.73 0.80 0.73 0.77 0.79 0. 77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.80 0.80 1.29 11203 1101 57.9z 21172 110381 27000 0.115 0.376 0.138 0.514 1.29 11203 0 765 57.9z 19055 110381 0.154 0.533 0.044 0.577 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q = 0.898 Rz = 0.396 f 5643 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: TJ33 Parallel Bot Chord: Allowable DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" PO#:92999 STAGGERED 1 -20K240/128 X 31'11.750 Unknown construction chord Short span 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy = Ix= 0.251 Iy= 1. 068 Rx = 0.546 Ry = tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 type 50000 1.125 Chord shear: V = 4468 p = 8953 fv = 10213 fc = 10611 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ~ ~ ~ ~ in-# __Qg_ __g§i__ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.79 31. 88 10204 0 0 91.9z 15761 43765 0.403 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 17878 0 0 30000 0.706 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 48.00 17878 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.706 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 22483 0 0 30000 0.888 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 22483 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.888 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 24018 0 0 30000 0.949 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 24018 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.949 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 24018 0 0 30000 0.949 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 22483 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.888 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 22483 0 0 30000 0.888 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 17878 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.706 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 17878 0 0 30000 0.706 0.000 0.000 0~ 000 0.36 31.88 18204 0 0 91. 9z 15761 43765 0.403 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-15 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 79 Q = 0.897 Rz = 0.347 f = 11509 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Custom~r: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C W/ 12 II STAGGERED TJ33 1 20K240/128 X 31 I 11. 750 Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Comeressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick x Weld (in) Location Web Sloee _____1!L_ Member --1IlL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length ToeL'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0. 645 0.226 4468 10006 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. l Ul -Ll V 1 38.46 20.75 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1459 1907 4678 . llxO. 6 2.7/ 2.7 U2 -Ll C 1 22.55 17.60 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3209 3475 4602 . l lxl .1 2.5/ 2.4 U2 -L3 T 2 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3456 5575 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.0/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1552 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 U4 -L3 C 2 51.69 26.21 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2344 3781 5196 llxl.2 3.3/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 51. 69 26 21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2370 3822 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 3.0/ 3.3 us -LS V 3 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1583 5558 llx0.5 2 5/ 2.3 U6 -LS C 3 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 66 107 7819 1510 2436 3439 . llxO. 8 3.0/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T .,J 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1283 2070 7819 38 61 7819 .llx0.6 3.0/ 3.3 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1598 5558 .llxO.S 2.5/ 2.3 us -L7 C 4 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 388 626 7819 949 1531 3439 . llxO. 5 3.0/ 3.3 U8 -L9 C 5 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 388 626 7819 949 1531 3439 .llx0.5 3.0/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1598 5558 .llxO 5 2.5/ 2.3 UlO -L9 T 5 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1283 2070 7819 38 61 7819 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 3. 3 UlO -Lll C 6 51.69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 66 107 7819 1510 2436 3439 .llx0.8 3.0/ 3.3 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1583 5558 .llxO.S 2.5/ 2.3 U12 -Lll T 6 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2370 3822 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.2 3.0/ 3.3 U12 -L13 C 7 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0. 315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2344 3781 5196 . llxl. 2 3.3/ 3.5 Ul3 -Ll3 V 7 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1552 5558 .llxO.S 2.5/ 2.3 U14 -L13 T 7 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3456 . 5575 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.0/ 3. 3 U14 -Ll5 C 8 22.55 17.60 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3209 3475 4602 . llxl.1 2.5/ 2.4 UlS -L15 V 8 38.46 20.75 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1459 1907 4678 .llx0.6 2.7/ 2.7 Ul6 -Ll5 T 8 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4468 10006 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.l Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J34 5 -20K240/128 x 31 1 5.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.380 -0.380 Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 128 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 240 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 112 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. EP/#lL 40.000 40.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 23.38" Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 23.38" Ep= 40.00" 1@ 21.38" 1@ 28.75" 12 @ 24. 00 II 5 @ 48. 00 11 1 @ 21. 38 11 1@ 28.75 11 Ep= 40.00" 20.000 in Deep 373.500 in Design length 934 # Minimum Shear 18.963 in Effective Depth 172.598 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 16.250 in Clear Depth L/ 692 Live Defl L/ 3 6.9 SJI Defl 442131 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.404 in Camber .. Total weight 11.229 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --o 1.00 --0 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4735 0 2743 1992 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4735 0 2743 1992 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 2 per SJI 4 if deck provides no lateral support. f I -·· -- Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 _ DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED J34 5 -20K240/128 x 31' 5.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel .chord Shortspan 1.103 Y = 0.553 i.652 Rx= 0.624 Force= 33093 Top Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A= Bridg < 177n Ix= 0.429 Iy= Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Chord shear: V = 3195 P = -800 fv = 5587 chord fillers required. Fy = 50000 Ry = 1.224 fc = -726 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top Joint No. U-0 U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 U-15 U-16 Panel Tension Length Height Force --1lL --1lL ~ 20.00 0 21.38 2250 20.00 2250 21.38 0 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 ?4.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24 01' 24.0v 24.00 24.00 21. 38 21. 38 20.00 0 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.no 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '] !J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 Comp. Loc:al Force Bend ~ in-# kl/r Allow Euler Stress F'e _Qg__E.§i_ Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 0.144 0.108 0.000 0.000 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial Bend Unity Eccen 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 27000 11106 673 53.9z 19539 127109 27000 0.515 0.038 0.553 11106 939 0.373 0.117 0.490 0.00 0.366 0.000 0.366 8765 0 53.9z 21710 127109 30000 13688 0 0.414 0.000 0.414 1.42 13688 13688 13688 19850 19850 19850 19850 22930 22930 22930 22930 22930 22930 22930 22930 22930 19850 19850 19850 19850 13688 13688 13688 13688 8765 11106 11106 0 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.597 0.000 0.597 0 30000 0.000 0.414 0.000 0.414 0.73 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.597 0.000 0.597 0 30000 0.000 0.600 0.000 0.600 0.80 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.865 0.000 0.865 0 30000 0.000 0.600 0.000 0.600 0.73 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.865 0.000 0.865 o 30000 0.000 o.693 0.000 o:693 o.77 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0 30000 0.000 0.693 0.000 0.693 0.79 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 1.000 0.000 1 000 0 30000 0.000 0.693 0.000 0.693 0.77 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0 30000 0.000 0.693 0.000 0.693 0.77 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0 30000 0.000 0.693 0.000 0.693 0.77 D 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.865 0.000 0.865 0 30000 0.000 0.600 0.000 U.6J~ 0 77 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.865 0.000 0.865 0 30000 0.000 0.600 0.000 0.600 0.80 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.597 0.000 0.597 0 30000 0.000 0.414 0.000 0.414 0.80 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.597 0.000 0.597 0 30000 0.000 0.414 0.000 0.414 1.42 o 53.9z 21710 127109 0.000 0.366 0.000 0.366 939 27000 0.108 0.373 0.117 0.490 1.29 673 53.9z 19539 127109 0.144 0.515 0.038 0.553 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q = 0.898 Rz 0.396 f = 5598 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: J34 5 DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE K.APALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C W/ 12 II -20K240/128 X 31' 5.500 Special PO#:92999 STAGGERED Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy Ix= 0.251 Iy= 1. 068 Rx = 0.546 Ry Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 = 50000 = 1.125 Chord shear: V = 4420 p = 8856 fv = 10102 fc = 10496 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _in_ _in_ ~ ~ in-# ~ ----2§..L Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.85 28.75 9453 0 0 82.9z 1732,5 53797 0.373 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 17154 0 0 30000 0.678 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 48.00 17154 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.678 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 21775 0 0 30000 0.860 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 21775 0 0 138. 4Z 7796 19300 0.860 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 23315 0 0 30000 0.921 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .41 48.00 23315 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0. 921 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 23315 0 0 30000 0. 921 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 21775 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.860 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 21775 0 0 30000 0.860 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 17154 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.678 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 17154 0 0 30000 0.678 0.000 0.000 o·. ooo 0.36 28.75 9453 0 0 82.9z 17325 53797 0.373 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-15 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.85 r, •_J Q = 0.897 Rz = 0.347 f = 11384 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4351) DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC -1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED J34 5 20K240/128 X 31' 5.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Com1:1ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web s101:1e _i!:!_ Member ..i!!L ___ill_ -----1£L ~ -----1£L -----1£L ~ ~ Length To1:1l'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4420 9898 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. l Ul -Ll V 1 41.24 21. 61 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 0 0 7819 1427 1942 4496 . llxO. 6 2.7/ 2.8 U2 -Ll C 1 14. 06 16. 75 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 0 0 7819 3195 3294 4812 . llxl. 0 2.5/ 2.3 U2 -L3 T 2 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 3461 5583 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.0/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 0 0 7819 1480 1548 5558 . llxO. 5 2.5/ 2.3 U4 -L3 C 2 51. 69 1r.; .22. 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.2972 0 0 9454 2339 3772 5196 . llxl 2 3 3/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 2373 3827 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 3.0/ 3.3 us -LS V 3 o.ou 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 0 0 7819 1480 1579 5558 . llxO. 5 2.5/ 2.3 U6 -LS C 3 51.69 26. 21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 69 111 7819 1507 2431 3439 .llx0.8 3. 0/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 1284 2072 7819 35 57 781;) .llx0.6 3.Gi 3.3 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 0 0 7819 1480 1595 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 us -L7 C 4 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 388 626 7819 934 1506 3439 .llx0.5 3.0/ 3.3 us -L9 C 5 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 38·8 626 7819 934 1506 3439 . llxO. 5 3.0/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1595 5558 . llxO. 5 2.5/ 2.3 UlO -L9 T 5 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1284 2072 7819 35 57 7819 .llx0.6 3.0/ 3. 3 UlO -Lll C 6 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 69 111 7819 1507 2431 3439 . llxO. 8 3.0/ 3.3 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1579 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 Ul2 -Lll T 6 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 2373 3827 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 3.0/ 3.3 Ul2 -Ll3 C 7 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0. 297z 0 0 9454 2339 3772 5196 .llxl.2 3.3/ 3.5 Ul3 -L13 V 7 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1548 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 Ul4 -L13 T 7 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3461 . 0 7819 3.0/ 3.3 5583 7819 0 .llXl.7 Ul4 -L15 C 8 14. 06 16.75 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3195 3294 4812 .11:<l.0 2 5/ 2.3 U15 -LlS V 8 41. 24 21. 61 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 0 0 7819 1427 1942 4496 .llX0.6 2.7/ 2.8 U16 -L15 T 8 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4420 9898 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. l Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED J34A 1 -20K240/128 x 31' 5.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.380 -0.380 Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 128 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 240 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 112 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 17 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. EP/#lL 40.000 40.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 23.38" Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 23.38 11 Ep= 40.00 11 1@ 21.38 11 1@ 28.75 11 12 @ 24. 00 II 5@ 48.00 11 1@ 21.38" 1@ 28.75" Ep= 40.00 11 20.000 in Deep 373.500 in Design length 934 # Minimum Shear 18.963 in Effective Depth 172.598 in4 Ix o. a.a in4 Minimum Ix 16.250 in Clear Depth L/ 692 Live Defl L/ 369 SJI Defl 466834 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.404 in Camber Total weight 11.229 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Equk Wind --0 1.00 --o 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4735 0 3008 1992 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4735 0 3008 1992 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 2 per SJI 5 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED J34A 1 -20K240/128 x 31' 5.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Top Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A= 1.103 Y = 0.553 Bridg < 177" Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx= 0.624 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= 33093 Chord shear: V = 3415 P = -855 fv = 5970 Fy = 50000 Ry = 1. 224 fc = -775 O End fillers, 4 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint No. U-0 U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 U-15 U-16 Panel Tension Comp. Length Height Force Force Local Bend in-# kl/r Allow Stress Euler F'e ____i!l_ ____i!l_ ~ ~ --2.tl._ __2.§.i_ 21. 38 21.38 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 2-!.00 24.00 24.00 2~.01) 24.00 24.00 21. 38 21. 38 20.00 0 0 0 27000 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 2250 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 11606 720 53.9z 19539 127109 11606 1005 27000 9122 0 53.9z 21710 127109 14453 0 30000 14453 O 60.6z 20796 100824 14453 0 30000 14453 0 60.6z 20796 100824 20959 0 30000 20959 O 60.6z 20796 100824 20959 0 30000 20959 0 60.6z 20796 100824 24211 0 30000 24211 0 38.5x 23631 100824 24211 0 30000 24211 0 38.Sx 23631 100824 24211 0 30000 24211 0 38.Sx 23631 100824 24211 0 30000 24211 0 38.5x 23631 100824 24211 0 30000 20959 0 60.Gz 20796 100824 20959 0 30000 20959 O 60.6z 20796 100824 20959 0 30000 14453 O 60.6z 20796 100824 14453 0 30000 14453 O 60.6z 20796 100824 14453 0 30000 9122 O 53.9z 21710 127109 11606 1005 27000 11606 720 53.9z 19539 127109 0 0 27000 Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial Bend Unity 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.149 0.538 0.041 0.579 0.111 0.390 0.126 0.515 0.00 0.000 0.381 0.000 0.381 0.000 0.437 0.000 0.437 1.42 0.000 0.630 0.000 0.630 0.000 0.437 0.000 0.437 0.73 0.000 0.630 0.000 0.630 0.000 0.633 0.000 0.633 0.80 0.000 0.914 0.000 0.914 0.000 0.633 0.000 0.633 0.73 0.000 0.914 0.000 0.914 0.000 0.732 0.000 0~732 0.77 0.000 0.929 0.000 0.929 0.000 0.732 0.000 0.732 0.79 0.000 0.929 0.000 0.929 0.000 0.732 0.000 0.732 0.77 0.000 0.929 0.000 0.929 0.000 0.732 0.000 0.732 0.71 0.000 0.929 0.000 0.929 0.000 0.732 0.000 0.732 0.77 0.000 0.914 0.000 0.914 0.000 0.633 0.000 0.633 U.77 0.000 0.914 0.000 0.914 0.000 0.633 0.000 0.633 0.80 0.000 0.630 0.000 0.630 0.000 0.437 0.000 0.437 0.80 0.000 0.630 0.000 0.630 0.000 0.437 0.000 0.437 1.42 0.000 0.381 0.000 0.381 0.111 0.390 0.126 0.515 . 1.29 0.149 0.538 0.041 0.579 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q = 0.898 Rz = 0.396 f 5982 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J34A 1 -20K240/128 x 31' 5.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy Ix= 0.251 Iy= 1. 068 Rx = 0.546 Ry Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 = 50000 = 1.125 Chord shear: V = 4669 p = 9356 fv = 10672 fc = 11089 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Benq kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __1J:!_ __1J:!_ ---1.!2§.__ ---1.!2§.__ in-# __£§i___ _e§i__ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.85 28.75 9981 0 0 82.9z 17325 53797 0.394 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 18112 0 0 30000 o. 716 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 48.00 18112 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0. 716 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 22992 0 0 30000 0.908 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 22992 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.908 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 24618 0 0 30000 0.973 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 2461S 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.973 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 24618 0 0 30000 0.973 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 22992 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.908 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 22992 0 0 30000 0.908 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 18112 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.716 0.000 0.000 0 000 . L-13 0.00 18112 0 0 30000 0. 716 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 28.75 9981 0 0 82.9z 17325 53797 0.394 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-15 0.00 0 0 0. 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.85 Q = 0.897 Rz = 0.347 f = 12026 Valley Joist West· Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 61-9 / 444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J34A 1 20K240/128 X 31' 5.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Comeressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick x Weld (in) Location Web Sloee ~ Member in2 _iJl._ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length ToeLBottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4669 10456 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.l Ul -Ll V 1 41. 24 21. 61 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1458 1984 4496 • J lxO. 6 2.7/ 2.8 U2 -Ll C 1 14.06 16.75 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3415 3520 4812 . llxl.1 2.5/ 2.3 U2 -L3 T 2 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3648 5885 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.8 3.0/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1514 1586 5558 . llxO. 5 2.5/ 2.3 U4 -L3 C 2 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2492 4019 5196 .llxl.2 3.3/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2492 4019 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 3.0/ 3.3 us -LS V 3 .: . 1.it) lG.25 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1514 1619 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 U6 -LS C 3 51.o9 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1592 2568 3439 . llxO. 8 3.ll/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 51.69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1335 2154 7819 0 0 7819 .llx0.7 3.0/ 3.3 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.l09 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1514 1635 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 us -L7 C 4 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 371 598 7819 934 1506 3439 . llxO. 5 3.0/ 3.3 us -L9 C 5 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 371 598 7819 934 1506 3439 . llxO. 5 3.0/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1514 1635 5558 . llxO. 5 2.5/ 2.3 UlO -L9 T 5 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1335 2154 7819 0 0 7819 . llxO. 7 3.0/ 3.3 UlO -Lll C 6 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1592 2568 3439 .llx0.8 3.0/ 3.3 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1514 1619 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 Ul2 -Lll T 6 51.69 26.21 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2492 4019 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 3.0/ 3.3 Ul2 -Ll3 C 7 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2492 4019 5196 llxl.2 3.3/ 3. 5 Ul3 -L13 V 7 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1514 1586 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 Ul4 -Ll3 T 7 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3648 . 5885 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.8 3.0/ 3.3 Ul4 -Ll5 C 8 14.06 16.75 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3415 3520 48]2 llxl l 2.5/ 2.3 UlS -LlS V 8 41. 24 21.61 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1458 1984 4496 .llx0.6 2.7/ 2.8 Ul6 -LlS T 8 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4669 10456 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. l Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised· 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENF!ELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED TJ34 1 -20K240/128 x 31' 5.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 bepth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.380 -0.380 Holes y Top Chord Ext 128 #/ft full length 240 #/ft full length 112 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform Live load Uniform SJI load Uniform Dead load An additional SJI An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top Bot TC cone loads: Load Spacing Location Point ~ chord panel 1 @ chord panel Ep= 140 spacing: 23. 38 11 spacing: 40.00 11 2 1 10-1/2 28 1 7 1 @ 34.50" Ep= 40.00 11 2 1 10-1/2 Ul SJI, Dead 1 @ 10.25 11 12 @ 24. 00 II 1 @ 28.75 11 5 @ 48.00" 1 @ 1 @ EP/#lL 40.000 40.000 21.38 11 28.75" 20.000 in Deep 373.500 in Design length 951 # Minimum Shear 18.963 in Effective Depth 172.598 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 16.250 in Clear Depth L/ 692 Live Defl L/ 366 SJI Defl 444406 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.404 in Camber Total weight 11.229 in Centroid Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 --WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 £19/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA· THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2. X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED TJ34 1 -20K240/128 x 31' 5.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Eguk Wind --o 1.00 --o 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Left end reactions: 4863 0 2871 1992 0 0 Right end reactions: 4747 0 2755 1992 0 0 ToJ2 bridging rows: 2 per SJI Kips Kips Pounds Pounds 4 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revise-d Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE K.APALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED TJ34 1 -20K240/128 x 31' 5.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord ~hortspan Top Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A= 1.103 Y = 0.553 Bridg < 177 11 Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx= 0.624 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= 33093 Chord shear: V = 3072 P = -770 fv = 5371 Fy = 50000 Ry= 1.224 fc = -698 0 End fillers, O Interior top chord fillers required. Joint No. U-0 U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 U-15 U-16 Panel Length Height _!!l_ _!!l_ 20.00 32.5U 20.00 10.25 20.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 2~.00 24.00 :.; . Q,1 24.00 24.00 24.00 21. 38 21. 38 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 2J.00 20.00 2J.OU 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 Tension Comp. Force Force ~~ 0 0 2250 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .; u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 11139 11139 8927 13885 13885 13885 13885 20016 20016 20016 20016 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23035 23035 23035 23035 19923 19923 19923 19923 13731 13731 13731 13731 8784 11131 11131 0 Local Bend in-# 0 kl/r Allow Stress _:eg_ 27000 Euler F'e _£§.L Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 1629 82.0z 15733 54982 0.251 2023 27000 0.155 O 25.9z 24967 552763 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 30000 0.000 O 53.9z 21710 127109 0.000 939 27000 0.108 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial Bend Unity 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.642 0.100 0.7½2 0.374 0.253 0.627 0.324 0.000 0.324 0.420 0.000 0.420 0.605 0.000 0.605 0.420 0.000 0.420 0.605 0.000 0.605 0.605 0.000 0.605 0.873 0.000 0.873 0.605 0.000 0.605 0.873 0.000 0.873 0.697 0.000 0~697 1.005 0.000 1.005 0.697 0.000 0.697 1.005 0.000 1.005 0.697 0.000 0.697 1.004 0.000 1.004 0.696 0.000 0.696 1.004 0.000 1.004 0.696 0.000 0.696 o.868 a.coo o.ss, 0.602 0.000 0.6v~ 0.868 0.000 0.868 0.602 0.000 0.602 0.599 0.000 0.599 0.415 0.000 0.415 0.599 0.000 0.599 0.415 0.000 0.415 0.367 0.000 0.367 0.374 0.117 0.491 673 53.9z 19539 127109 0.144 0.516 0.038 0.554 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 1.42 0.73 0.8C 0.73 0.77 0.79 0.77 0.77 0.77 U. 7 ' 0.80 0.80 1.42 1. 29 Q = 0.898 Rz = 0.396 f 5382 ,-I ., Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Reviseq 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: TJ34 DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12 II PO#:92999 STAGGERED 1 -20K240/128 X 31' 5.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy Ix= 0.251 Iy= 1.068 Rx = 0.546 Ry Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 = 50000 = 1.125 Chord shear: V = 4436 p = 8889 fv = 10140 fc = 10536 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _in_ _in_ ~ _lli__ in-# ~ _Eg_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 I ' ,, 0 0 30000 0 000 0.000 0 000 0,000 0.83 28.75 9665 0 0 82.9z 17325 53797 0.382 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 17336 0 0 30000 0.685 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 48.00 17336 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.685 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 21926 0 0 30000 0. 866 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 21926 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.866 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 23435 0 0 30000 0. 926 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 23435 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0:926 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 23435 0 0 30000 0.926 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 21864 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.864 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 21864 0 0 30000 0.864 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 41 48.00 17212 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.680 0.000 0.000 o. 000 L-13 0.00 17212 0 0 30000 0.680 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 28.75 9-190 0 0 82.9z 17325 53797 0.375 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-15 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.85 Q = 0.897 Rz = 0.347 f = 11426 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N0l627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised l/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 - Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12 n STAGGERED TJ34 1 20K240/128 X 31' 5.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Corn1eressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web SloQe __i!L_ Member in2 __!!!_.. _lJ2L _lJ2L ~ ~ ~ _lJ2L Length TOQ/Bottrn uo -Ll T 1 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4436 9935 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.l Ul -Ll V 1 16.17 15 92 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1567 1677 5435 .llxO·S 2.5/ 2.3 U2 -Ll C 1 14. 06 16.75 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3072 3167 4812 . llxl. 0 2.5/ 2.3 U2 -L3 T 2 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3449 5563 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.0/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1549 5558 . llxC'. 5 2.5/ 2.3 U4 -L3 C 2 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2327 3753 5196 . llxl. 2 3.3/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2361 3808 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 3 0/ 3.3 us -LS V 3 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1580 5558 . llxO. 5 2.5/ 2.3 U6 -LS C 3 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0. 24 7z 81 130 7819 1495 2412 3439 . llxO. 7 3.0/ 3. 3 U6 -L7 T 4 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1272 2052 7819 48 77 7819 . llxO. 6 3.0/ 3.3 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1595 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 U8 -L7 C 4 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 400 645 7819 951 1534 3439 . llxO. 5 3.0/ 3.3 U8 -L9 C 5 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 376 606 7819 951 1534 3439 llx0.5 3.0/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1595 5558 . llxO. 5 2.5/ 2.3 UlO -L9 T 5 51.69 26.21 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1296 2091 7819 23 38 7819 llxO. 6 3.0/ 3.3 UlO -Lll C 6 51.69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 56 91 7819 1519 2451 3~ .~9 .llx: 8 3.C/ 3.3 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1580 5558 .llxO 5 2.5/ 2.3 U12 -Lll T 6 51.69 26.21 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2385 3847 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 3.0/ 3.3 Ul2 -Ll3 C 7 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2351 3792 5196 .llxl.2 3.3/ 3.5 U13 -Ll3 V 7 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 }549 5558 . llxG. 5 2.5/ 2.3 U14 -L13 T 7 51.69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3473 5603 7819 0 0 7819 llxl. 7 3.0/ 3.3 Ul-1 -LJS C 2 ~~. O•~ lh.75 l-:,Ll-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3208 3307 -10:.2 . 11.-..:1. n 2 51 2.3 U15 -L15 V 8 41 24 21. 61 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1427 1942 4496 . llxO. 6 2.7/ 2.8 U16 -L15 T 8 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4432 9925 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. l -r I Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised l/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 P0#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J35 4 -20K240/128 x 31' 7.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.380 -0.380 Holes Top Chord Ext 128 #/ft full length 240 #/ft full length 112 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform Live load Uniform SJI load Uniform Dead load An additional SJI An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. TC cone loads: Load Spacing Location Point ~ 2'10-1/2 140 28 ,9 _114 2 1 10-1/2 Ul SJI, Dead Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 34.50 11 1 @ 11.38 11 12 @ 24.00 11 1 @ 1 @ 23.94 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 40.00 11 1 @ 29.87 11 5 @ 48.00 11 1 @ Ep= 40. 00 11 EP/#lL 40.000 40.000 21.94 11 29.87 11 20.000 in Deep 375.750 in Design length 957 # Minimum Shear 18.963 in Effective Depth 172.598 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 16.250 in Clear Depth L/ 679 Live Defl L/ 360 SJI Defl 449183 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.409 in Camber Total weight 11.229 in Centroid Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 ·Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#: 92_999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 2-4" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J35 4 -20K240/128 x 31' 7.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Egu~ Wind --0 1.00 --o --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Left end reactions: 4885 0 2881 2004 0 0 Right end reactions: 4770 0 2766 2004 0 0 TOD bridging rows: 2 per SJI Kips Kips Pounds Pounds 5 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED J35 4 -20K240/128 x 31' 7.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Top Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A= 1.103 Y = 0.553 Bridg < 177" Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx= 0.624 Fy = 50000 Ry = 1. 224 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force 33093 Chord shear: V = 3083 P = -955 fv = 5389. 0 End fillers, 4 Interior top chord fillers required. fc = -866 Joint Panel Tension No. Length Height Force .....--i!:!._ .....--i!:!._ ~ u-o 20.00 J 32.50 2250 U-1 20.00 2250 11.38 0 U-2 20.00 O U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 U-15 U-16 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.0U 24.00 24.00 24.00 2 J. /): 24.00 24.00 24.00 21. 94 21. 94 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 :.,:_._,,.1 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 Comp. Local Force Bend ~ in-# 0 0 11186 1645 11186 1990 8962 0 14149 0 kl/r 82.0z 28.7z Allow Euler Stress F'e __]2g_~ 27000 15733 5-1982 27000 24687 448832 30000 Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 0.253 0.154 0.000 0.000 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial Bend Unity Eccen 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.645 0.101 0.746 0.376 0.249 0.624 0.00 0.329 0.000 0.329 0.428 0.000 0.428 1.37 14149 14149 14149 20272 20272 20272 20272 23318 23318 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.617 0.000 0.617 23318 23318 23318 23287 23287 23287 23287 20180 20180 20180 20180 13996 13996 13996 13996 8818 11165 11165 0 0 30000 0.000 0.428 0.000 0.428 0.73 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.617 0.000 0.617 0 30000 0.000 0.613 0.000 0.613 0.80 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.884 0.000 0.884 0 30000 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0 30000 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0 30000 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0 30000 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0 30000 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0 30000 0 60.6z 2J796 !"'824 0 30000 0 60.6z 20796 1C0824 0 30000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0 30000 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0 30000 0 55.3z 21519 120674 996 27000 705 55.3z 19~67 120674 0 27000 .,:--// 0.000 0.613 0.000 0.613 0.73 0.000 0.884 0.000 0,884 0.000 0.705 0.000 0.705 0.77 0.000 0.895 0.000 0.895 0.000 0.705 0.000 0.705 0.79 0.000 0.895 0.000 0.895 0.000 0.705 0.000 0.705 0.77 0.000 0.893 0.000 0.893 0.000 0.704 0.000 0.704 0.77 0.000 0.893 0.000 0.893 0.000 0.704 0 000 0.704 0.77 n.c·J0 ·) SB0 0.000 •J.BY" o.~0u u.610 0.000 o.~1u u.~, 0.000 0.880 0.000 0.880 0.000 0.610 0.000 0.610 0.80 0.000 0.610 0.000 0.610 0.000 0.423 0.000 0.423 0.80 0.000 0.610 0.000 0.610 0.000 0.423 0.000 0.423 1.37 0.000 0.371 0.000 0.371 0.111 0.375 0.124 0.499 1.29 0.147 0.523 0.040 0.563 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q 0.898 Rz = 0.396 f = 5407 Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: J35 4 DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED -20K240/128 X 31' 7.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy IX= 0.251 Iy= 1.068 Rx = 0.546 Ry Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 = 50000 = 1.125 Chord shear: V = 4459 p = 8936 fv = 10193 fc = 10591 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _lQ_ _lQ_ ~ ~ in-# -.£.§i_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity ~ L-1 0 00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.81 29.87 9934 0 0 86.lz 16773 49821 0.392 0.000 0,000 0.000 L-3 0.00 17595 0 0 30000 0.695 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 48.00 17595 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.695 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 22179 0 0 30000 0.876 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 22179 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.876 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 23687 0 0 30000 0.936 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 23687 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.936 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 23687 0 0 30000 0.936 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 22118 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.874 0.000 0,000 0.000 L-11 0.00 22118 0 0 30000 0.874 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 48.00 17472 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.690 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 17472 0 0 30000 0.690 0.000 0.000 0~000 0.36 29.97 075'"' 0 0 86.lz 16773 49821 0.385 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-15 J.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.83 Q = 0.897 Rz 0.347 f = 11486 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED J35 4 20K240/128 X 31 1 7.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Com2ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slo2e ~ Member in2 --l!:!._ ----1J2§_ ----1J2§_ .........!k.. ----1J2§_ ----1J2§_ ----1J2§_ Length Too/Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4459 9987 17406 0 0 19340. . 22xl.1 Ul -Ll V 1 16.17 16.92 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 0 0 7819 1579 1689 5435 .llx0.5 2 5/ 2.3 U2 -Ll C 1 17.21 17.01 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 0 0 7819 3083 3227 4748 . llxl. 0 2.5/ 2.3 U2 -L3 T 2 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 3447 5560 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.0/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 () • (J ~I 1'5 . .JS 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 0 0 7819 1480 1551 5558 .llx0.5 2 5/ 2.3 U4 -L3 ..:: 2 51. ,5~ 26.21 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.2972 0 0 9454 2329 3756 5196 . llxl 2 3.3/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 2360 3806 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl.2 3 0/ 3.3 us -LS V 3 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1581 5558 . llxO. 5 2.5/ 2.3 U6 -LS C Sl. 6;? 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 80 129 7819 1496 2413 343~ . llxO. 7 3 U/ 3.3 U6 -L7 T 4 51. 69 26.21 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1272 2051 7819 48 78 7819 . llx0.6 3.U/ 3.3 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1597 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 U8 -L7 C 4 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 400 645 7819 957 1543 3439 . llxO. 5 3.0/ 3.3 us -L9 C 5 51. 69 26. 21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 376 606 7819 957 1543 3439 llx0.5 3.0/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1596 5558 . llxO. 5 2.5/ 2.3 UlO -L9 T 5 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.2472 1296 2090 7819 24 39 7819 .llx0.6 3.0/ 3.3 UlO -Lll C " 51. 6'~ 26 21 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 56 90 7819 1520 2453 3439 llx0.8 3.0/ 3.3 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 16.25 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 1581 5558 .llx0.5 2 5/ 2.3 U12 -Lll T 6 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2384 3845 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 2 3.0/ 3.3 Ul2 -L13 C 7 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2353 3795 5196 . llxl. 2 3.3/ 3.5 U13 -L13 V 7 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1480 J-550 5558 . llxO. 5 2 5/ 2.3 Ul4 -L13 T 7 51. 69 26.21 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3471 5599 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3 O/ 3.3 Ul4 -L15 C b 17 .2: 17.01 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3213 3363 4748 .llxl.O 2.5/ 2.3 Ul5 -L15 V 8 40.27 21. 30 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1439 1930 4563 .llx0.6 2.7/ 2.8 Ul6 -Ll5 T 8 63.48 36.39 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4449 9964 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. 1 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered· 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J35A 1 -20K285/152 x 31 1 7.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Depth Tag 4.000 3.000 Opp 4.000 3.000 Slope Holes 0.380 -0.380 Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 152 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 285 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 133 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch EP/#lL 40.000 40.000 An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 23.94 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 40.00 11 20.000 in Deep 1@ 23.94 11 Ep= 40.00 11 375.750 1@ 21.94 11 1@ 29.87 11 in Design length 12 @ 24. 00 II 5@ 48.00" 1116 # Minimum 1@ 21.94" 1@ 29.87" Shear 18.952 in Effective Depth 192.271 in4 Ix o.oo· in4 Minimum Ix 16.250 in Clear Depth L/ 637 Live Defl L/ 34•0 SJI Defl 513090 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.409 in Camber Total weight 11.016 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtU§ Dead Live Eguk Wind --0 1.00 --0 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 5462 0 3082 2380 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 5462 0 3082 2380 0 0 Pounds To:12 bridging rows: 2 per SJI 5 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Vl.64 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J35A 1 -20K285/152 x 31' 7.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Top Chord: 2-L L2x2x.156 A= 1.199 Y = 0.558 Bridg < 178" Ix= 0.464 Iy= 1.805 Rx= 0.622 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= 35980 Chord shear: V = 3782 P = -1172 fv = 6060 Fy = 50000 Ry = 1.227 fc = -977 0 End fillers, 4 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint No. u-o U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 U-15 U-16 Panel Tension Length Height Force ____!IL ____!IL ~ 20.00 0 21.94 2250 21. 94 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24. ()() 24.00 24.00 21. 94 21.94 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 2:. OU 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2250 2250 0 Comp. Force ~ 0 12477 Local Bend in-# 0 837 kl/r 55.5z Allow Stress _.12.§.i_ 27000 20003 12477 1183 27000 Euler F'e ~ 119953 9844 0 55.5z 22225 119953 16028 0 30000 16028 0 60.7z 21448 100222 16028 0 30000 16028 O 60.7z 21448 100222 23097 0 30000 23097 O 60.7z 21448 100222 23097 d 30000 23097 O 60.7z 21448 100222 26631 0 30000 26631 0 38.6x 24493 100222 26631 0 30000 26631 0 38.6x 24493 100222 26631 0 30000 26631 0 38.6x 24493 100222 26631 0 30000 26631 0 38.6x 24493 100222 26631 0 30000 23097 0 60.7z 21448 10U222 23097 0 30000 23097 O 60.7z 21448 100222 23097 0 30000 16028 0 60.7z 21448 100222 16028 0 30000 16028 0 60.7z 21448 100222 16028 0 30000 9844 0 55.5z 22225 119953 12477 118·3 27000 Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 0 .149 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial Bend Unity 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.520 0.043 0.563 0.110 0.385 0.136 0.522 0.00 0.000 0.369 0.000 0.369 0.000 0.445 0.000 0.445 1.38 0.000 0.623 0.000 0.623 0.000 0.445 0.000 0.445 0.73 0.000 0.623 0.000 0.623 0.0"00 0.642 0.000 0.642 0 80 0.000 0.898 0.000 0.898 0.000 0.642 0.000 0.642 0.73 0.000 0.898 0.000 0.898 0.000 0.740 0.000 0~740 0.78 0.000 0.907 0.000 0.907 0.000 0.740 0.000 0.740 0.79 0.000 0.907 0.000 0.907 0.000 0.740 0.000 0.740 0.78 0.000 0.907 0.000 0.907 0.000 0.740 0.000 0.740 0.77 0.000 0.907 0.000 0.907 0.000 0.740 0.000 0.740 0.78 0.000 0.898 0.000 0.898 o.uou 0.642 0.000 0.642 0.7; 0.000 0.898 0.000 0.898 0.000 0.642 0.000 0.642 0.80 0.000 0.623 0.000 0.623 0.000 0.445 0.000 0.445 0.80 0.000 0.623 0.000 0.623 0.000 0.445 0.000 0.445 1.38 0.000 0.369 0.000 0.369 0.110 0.385 0.136 0.522 1.29 12477 0 837 55.5z 20003 119953 0.149 0.520 0.043 0.563 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q = 0.935 Rz 0.396 f 6080 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: J35A DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C W/ 12 11 PO#:92999 STAGGERED 1 -20K285/152 X 31' 7.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.143 A = 0.960 y 0.490 Fy Ix= 0.283 Iy= 1. 225 Rx = 0.543 Ry Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 28803 = 50000 = 1.130 Chord shear: V = 5100 p = 10227 fv = 10191 fc = 10652 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction --1ll._ --1ll._ lbs ~ in-# ~ _£§i_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.83 29.87 11168 0 0 86 .4z 17277 49352 0.388 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 20004 0 0 30000 0.695 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 48.00 20004 0 0 138. 8z 7747 19118 0.695 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 25306 0 0 30000 0.879 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.42 48.00 25306 0 0 138.8z 7747 19118 0.879 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 27073 0 0 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.42 48.00 27073 0 0 138.8z 7747 19118 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 27073 0 0 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.42 48.00 25306 0 0 138.8z 7747 19118 0.879 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 25306 0 0 30000 0.879 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 42 48.00 20004 0 0 138.8z 7747 19118 0.695 0.000 0.000 0,000 L-13 0.00 20004 0 0 30000 0.695 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 29.87 ::.168 0 0 86 .4z 17277 49352 0.388 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-15 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.83 Q = 0.953 Rz = 0.346 f = 11498 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-43.50 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED J35A 1 20K285/152 X 31 1 7.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile ComQressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slope _!!!.._ Member in2 _____ill_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length To121'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.49 36.41 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 5100 11428 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. 2 Ul -Ll V 1 40.28 21.30 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1521 2043 4562 .llx0.6 2.7/ 2.8 U2 -Ll C 1 17.22 17.01 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3782 3959 4748 . llxl. 2 2.5/ 2.3 U2 -L3 T 2 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3954 6381 7819 0 0 7819 . llx2. 0 3.0/ 3.3 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1570 1650 5558 . uxo 5 2.5/ 2.3 U4 -L3 C 2 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2746 4430 5194 llxl. 4 3.3/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 s::... 70 26.22 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2687 4335 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3.0/ 3.3 us -LS V 3 (I• :)11 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z u 0 7819 1570 1685 5558 .llx0 5 2.5/ 2.3 U6 -LS C 3 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1733 2797 3-137 . llx0. 9 3.0/ 3.3 06 -L7 T 4 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1419 2289 7819 0 0 7819 .llx0.7 3.U/ 3.3 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1570 1703 5558 .llx0.5 2 5/ 2.3 us -L7 C 4 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 367 592 7819 1116 1800 3437 . llx0. 6 3.0/ 3.3 08 -L9 C 5 51. 70 26.22 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 367 592 7819 1116 1800 3437 .llx0.6 3.0/ 3.3 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1570 1703 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 010 -L9 T 5 51.70 26.22 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1419 2289 7819 0 0 7819 .llx0.7 3.0/ 3.3 UlO -Lll C 6 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1733 2797 3437 .llx0.9 3.0/ 3.3 011 -Lll V 6 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1570 1685 5558 .llx0.5 2.5/ 2.3 012 -Lll T 6 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2687 4335 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3.0/ 3.3 012 -L13 C 7 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2746 4430 5194 . llxl. 4 3.3/ 3.5 013 -L13 V 7 0.00 16.25 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1570 l-650 5558 .llX0.5 2.5/ 2.3 014 -L13 T 7 51.70 26.22 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3954 6381 7819 0 0 7819 . llx2. 0 3.0/ 3. 3 014 -L15 -:: 8 17.22 17.Ul 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3782 3959 4748 .llxl.2 2.5/ 2.3 015 -L15 V 8 40. 28 21. 30 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1521 2043 4562 .llx0.6 2.7/ 2.8 U16 -L15 T 8 63.49 36.41 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 5100 11428 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.2 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE-KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J36 4 -10K272/160 x 15' 9.250 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Depth Tag 4.000 3.000 Opp 4.000 3.000 Slope Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 160 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 272 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 112 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 9 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch EP/#lL 38.000 38.000 An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 24.31" Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 38.00 11 1@ 24.31 11 Ep= 38.00 11 1@ 22.31 11 1@ 20.63 11 4@ 24.00 11 3@ 24.00 11 1@ 22.31 11 1@ 20.63" 10.000 in Deep 185.250 in Design length 525 # Minimum Shear 9.038 in Effective Depth 31.710 in4 Ix 0 . O'O in4 Minimum Ix 6.500 in Clear Depth L/ 833 Live Defl L/ 490 SJI Defl 146763 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.099 in Camber .. Total weight 5.891 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtU§ Dead Live Eguk Wind --0 1.00 --o 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1. 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 .o -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 3100 0 1934 1235 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 3100 0 1934 1235 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 1 per SJI 1 if deck provides no lateral support. .. Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: J36 4 DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED -10K272/160 X 15 1 9.250 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span To:g Chord: 2-L L2x2x.125 A = 0.969 y = 0.546 Fy Bridg < 17711 Ix= 0.380 Iy= 1.441 Rx = 0.626 Ry Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 29063 50000 = 1.219 Chord shear: V = 1580 p = -1507 fv = 3159 fc = -1556 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __i!l__ __i!l__ ~ -1.£§.._ in-# J@:._ _e§i_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 10.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22.31 2250 13058 851 56.lz 18135 117633 0.186 0.743 0.059 0.803 U-1 10.00 2250 13058 1212 27000 0.136 0.499 0.172 0.671 0.00 22.31 0 10169 0 56.lz 20150 117633 0.000 0.521 0.000 0.521 U-2 10.00 0 13785 0 30000 0.000 0.474 0.000 0.474 0.94 24.00 0 13785 0 60.4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.725 0.000 0. 725 U-4 10.00 0 15965 0 30000 0.000 0.549 0.000 0. 549 0.73 24.00 0 15965 0 60.4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.840 0.000 0.840 U-6 10.00 0 15965 0 30000 0.000 o. 549 0.000 0.549 0.73 24.00 0 15965 0 60.4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.840 0.000 0. 840 U-8 10.00 0 15965 0 30000 0.000 0.549 0.000 0.549 0.73 24.00 0 13785 0 60.4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.725 0.000 0.725 U-10 10.00 0 13785 0 30000 0.000 0.474 0.000 0~474 0.94 22.31 0 10169 0 56.lz 20150 117633 0.000 0.521 0.000 0.521 U-11 :". 00 2250 13058 1212 27000 0.136 0.499 0 .172 0. 671 0.79 22.31 2250 13058 851 56.lz 18135 117633 0.186 0.743 0.059 0. 803 U-12 10.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q 0.834 Rz = 0.398 f 3254 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: -DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 -DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: J36 4 THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED -10K272/160 X 15' 9.250 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Bot Chord: 2-LL1-1/2x.109 A = 0.630 y = 0.415 Ix= 0.138 Iy= 0.666 Rx = 0.467 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 18907 Fy Ry = 50000 = 1.028 Chord shear: V = 2713 p = 10808 fv = 8298 fc = 17148 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __lE_ __lE_ ~ ~ in-# __E§.i_ -2.§..L Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 ,:; . J:) 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.2~ 20.63 11877 0 0 69.4z 19604 76710 0.628 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 15148 0 0 30000 0.801 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 24.00 15148 0 0 80.8z 17772 56652 0.801 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 16238 0 0 30000 0.859 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 24.00 16238 0 0 80.8z 17772 56652 0.859 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 16238 0 0 30000 0.859 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 2~.00 15148 0 0 80.8z 17772 56652 0.801 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 15148 0 0 30000 0.801 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 3:1 20.63 ll877 0 0 69.4z 19604 76710 0.628 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-ll 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.27 Q = 0.905 Rz = 0.297 f = 11932 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: J36 4 DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C W/ 12 11 -10K272/160 X 15' 9.250 Special construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Length Area R Shear Force Location Web Slo2e _in_ Member in2 ___in_ ----1l?.L ----1l?.L uo -Ll T 1 75.91 26.69 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 2713 11143 Ul -Ll V 1 56.56 11. 80 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 U2 -Ll C 1 43.66 8.98 J,-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1"63 225 U2 -L3 T 2 53.01 10.80 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1537 2555 U4 -L3 C 2 53.0l 10.80 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0 .261 0.247z 267 443 U4 -LS T 3 53.01 10.80 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 846 1406 U6 -LS C 3 53.01 10.80 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 379 630 U6 -L7 C 4 53.01 lC.90 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 379 630 us -L7 T 4 53 l,:. L.SJ 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 846 1406 us -L9 C 5 53.01 10.80 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 267 443 UlO -L9 T 5 53.01 10.80 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1537 2555 UlO -Lll C 6 43.66 8.98 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 163 225 Ull -Lll V 2 56.56 11. 80 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 U12 -Lll T 6 75.91 26.69 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 2713 11143 PO#:92999 STAGGERED Unknown Com2ressive Weld Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X ----1l?.L ----1l?.L ----1l?.L ----1l?.L Length 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.3 7819 1522 2814 6309 .llxO 9 7819 1580 2183 6463 .llx0.7 7819 0 0 7819 . llxO. 8 7819 1149 1909 6460 .llx0.6 7819 249 415 7819 .llx0.4 7819 716 1190 6460 . llxO. 4 7819 716 1190 6'-f ·SC .llx0.4 7819 249 415 n:? . llx0.4 7819 1149 1909 6"100 .llx0.6 7819 0 0 7819 . llxO. 8 7819 1580 2183 6463 . llxO. 7 7819 1522 2814 6309 .llx0.9 17406 0 0 193-.0 . 22xl. 3 Vl.64 1/05/00 Available Weld (in) To:e/Bottm 3.4/ 3.3 2 7/ 2.4 3.1/ 2.9 3.1/ 2.9 3.1/ 2.9 3.1/ 2.9 3.1/ 2.9 3.1/ 2.9 3.1/ 2.9 3.1/ 2.9 2.7/ 2.4 3 .4/ 3.3 Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -WN By· RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE Project: EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA Comments: UBC 1994. PO#:92999 · 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED J37 1 -10K323/190 x 15' 9.250 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 190 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 323 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 133 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. EP/#lL 38.000 38.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 24.31 11 Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 24.3111 Ep== 38.00 11 1@ 22.31 11 1@ 20.63 11 4@ 24.00 11 3@ 24.00 11 1@ 22.31 11 1@ 20.63 11 Ep== 38.00 11 10.000 in Deep 185.250 in Design length 623 # Minimum Shear 9.038 in Effective Depth 31.710 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 6.500 in Clear Depth L/ 702 Live Defl L/ 4 J.3 SJI Defl 161777 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.099 in Camber Total weight 5.891 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live Equk Wind --o 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 3493 0 2027 1467 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 3493 0 2027 1467 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 1 per SJI 2 if deck provides no lateral support. } -7 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: J37 1 DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ - 12" -10K323/190 X 15' 9.250 Special construction type Parallel chord Short span TOD Chord: 2-L L2x2x.125 A = 0.969 y = Bridg < 177'1 Ix= 0.380 Iy= 1.441 Rx = PO#:92999 STAGGERED Unknown 0.546 Fy 0.626 Ry Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 29063 = 50000 = 1.219 Chord shear: V = 1787 p = -1705 fv = 3573 fc = -1760 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ---1!L_ _i_n_ ~ ~ in-# ~ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 lC . .:U 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22.31 2250 14193 979 56.lz 18135 117633 0.202 0.808 0.069 0.877 U-1 10.00 2250 14193 1393 27000 0.144 0.543 0.197 0.740 0.00 22.31 0 11210 0 56.lz 20150 117633 0.000 0.574 0.000 0.574 U-2 10.00 0 15195 0 30000 0.000 0.523 0.000 0.523 0.94 24.00 0 15195 0 60.4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.799 0.000 0.799 U-4 10.00 0 17599 0 30000 0.000 0.606 0.000 0.606 0.73 24.00 0 17599 0 60.4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.925 0.000 0.925 U-6 10.00 0 17599 0 30000 0.000 0.606 0.000 0.606 0.73 24.00 0 17599 0 60.4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.925 0.000 o. 925 U-8 10.00 0 17599 0 30000 0.000 0.606 0.000 0.606 0.73 24.00 0 15195 0 60.4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.799 0.000 o.799 U-10 10.00 0 15195 0 30000 0.000 0.523 0.000 0.523 0.94 22.31 0 11210 0 56.lz 20150 117633 0.000 0.574 0.000 0.574 U-11 10.00 2250 14193 1393 27000 0.144 0.543 0.197 0. 740 0.79 22.31 2250 14193 979 56.lz 18135 117633 0.202 0.808 0.069 0.877 U-12 ll1.0U 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 I /' Q 0.834 Rz 0.398 f = 3680 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTJON 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON; CA ~2021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J37 1 -10K323/190 X 15' 9.250 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-l/2x.109 A = 0.630 y = 0.415 Ix= 0.138 Iy= 0.666 Rx = 0.467 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 18907 Fy Ry = 50000 = 1.028 Chord shear: V = 2999 p = 11943 fv = 9170 fc = 18951 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __i!}_ _i_n_ ~ ~ in-# _]2g_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 27 20.63 13092 0 0 69.4z 19604 76710 0.692 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 16697 0 0 30000 0.883 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 24.00 16697 0 0 80.8z 17772 56652 0.883 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 17899 0 0 30000 0.947 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 24.00 17899 0 0 80.8z 17772 56652 0.947 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 17899 0 0 30000 0.947 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 24.00 16697 0 0 80.8z 17772 56652 0.883 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 16697' 0 0 30000 0.883 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 20.63 13092 0 0 69 .4z 19604 76710 0.692 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.27 Q = 0.905 Rz = 0.297 f = 13186 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: J37 1 DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" -10K323/190 X 15' 9.250 Special construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Length Area R Shear Force Location Web Slope _ig_ Member ~ __ig_ ~ ~ uo -Ll T 1 75.91 26.69 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 2999 12314 Ul -Ia V 1 56.56 11. 80 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 U2 -Ll C 1 43.66 8.98 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 103 143 U2 -L3 T 2 53.01 10.80 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1663 2765 U4 -L3 C 2 53.01 10.80 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 231 383 U4 -LS T 3 53.01 10.80 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0. 261 0.247z 888 1476 U6 -LS C 3 53.01 10.80 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 367 610 U6 -L7 C -1 53.~l 10.80 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 367 610 us -L7 -;--~ 53.dl lJ.80 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0. 261 0.247z 888 1475 us -L9 C 5 53.Ul lU.80 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 231 383 UlO -L9 T 5 53.01 10.80 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1663 2765 UlO -Lll C 6 43.66 8.98 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 103 143 Ull -Lll V 2 56.56 11.80 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 Ul2 -Lll T 6 75.91 26.69 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 2999 12314 PO#:92999 STAGGERED Unknown Comeressive Weld Allow Shear Force Allow Thick x ~ ~ ~ ~ Length 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. 4 7819 1601 2961 6309 .llx0.9 7819 1787 2470 6463 .llx0.8 7819 0 0 7819 . llxO. 9 7819 1275 2119 6460 llXD.7 7819 237 395 7819 .llx0.5 7819 758 1260 6460 .llx0.4 7819 758 1260 6460 llxO 4 7819 237 395 7819 . llxO. 5 7819 1275 2119 6460 .llx0.7 7819 0 0 7819 . llxO. 9 7819 1787 2470 6463 .llx0.8 7819 1601 2961 6309 llxO. 9 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. 4 Vl.64 1/05/00 Available Weld (in) Top/Bottm 3.4/ 3.3 2.7/ 2.4 3.1/ 2.9 3.1/ 2 9 3.1/ 2.9 3.1/ 2.9 3.1/ 2.9 3.1/ 2.9 3.1/ 2.9 3.1/ 2.9 2.7/ 2.4 3. 4 / 3.3 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 PO#:92999 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C W/ 12 11 STAGGERED J30 1 -10K187/110 X 17' 5.375 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span To12 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.125 A = 0.969 y = 0.546 Fy = Bridg < 177 11 Ix= 0.380 Iy= 1.441 Rx = 0.626 Ry Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 29063 Chord shear: V = 1277 p = -938 fv = 2553 fc = 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction --2.:.D_ --2.:.D_ ~ ~ in-# ~ ____Qg_ Unity Axial Bend Unity U-0 10.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 21. 34 2250 11184 523 53.7z 18396 128554 0.144 0.628 0.036 0.663 U-1 10.00 2250 11184 729 27000 0.112 0.428 0.103 0.531 21. 34 0 8834 0 53.7z 20440 128554 0.000 0.446 0.000 0.446 U-2 10.00 0 11464 0 30000 0.000 0.394 0.000 0.394 24.00 0 11464 0 60 .4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.603 0.000 0.603 U-4 10.00 0 13868 0 30000 0.000 0.477 0.000 0.477 24.00 0 13868 0 60 .4z 19630 101673 0.000 0. 729 0.000 0. 729 U-6 10.00 0 14669 0 30000 0.000 0.505 0.000 0. sos 24.00 0 14669 0 60 .4z 19630 101673 0.000 0. 771 0.000 0. 771 U-8 10.00 0 14669 0 30000 0.000 a.sos 0.000 0.505 24.00 0 13868 0 60.4z 19630 101673 0.000 0. 729 0.000 0 .729 U-10 10.00 0 13868 0 30000 0.000 0. 477 0.000 0.477 24.00 0 11464 0 60 .4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.603 0.000 0.603 U-12 10.00 0 11464 0 30000 0.000 0. 394 0.000 0.394 21.34 0 8834 0 53.7z 20440 128554 0.000 0.446 0.000 0.446 U-13 10.00 2250 11184 729 27000 0 .112 0.428 0.103 0.531 21. 34 2250 11184 523 53.7z 18396 128554 0.144 0.628 0.036 0.663 U-14 10.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (· 50000 Q = 0.834 1.219 Rz = 0.398 -968 f 2599 Eccen 0.00 1.08 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 1. 08 1. 38 Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised 1/05/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA PO#:92999 Project: Comments: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C W/ 12" STAGGERED J30 1 -10K187/110 x 17 1 5.375 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-1/4x.109 A= 0.521 y = 0.353 Ix= 0.078 Iy= 0.457 Rx = 0.387 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 15637 Fy Ry = 50000 = 0.936 Chord shear: V = 2259 p = 8934 fv = 8289 fc = 17141 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction -2Q___ --2:.£_ ~ ~ in-# ...£.§i_ ____Eg_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.25 18.69 9661 0 0 75.8z 19556 64032 0.618 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 12866 0 0 30000 0.823 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.24 24.00 12866 0 0 97.3z 15214 38822 0.823 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 14469 0 0 30000 0.925 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.24 24.00 14469 0 0 97.3z 15214 38822 0. 925 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 14469 0 0 30000 0.925 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.24 24.00 14469 0 0 97.3z 15214 38822 0.925 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 14469 0 0 30000 0. 925 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.24 24.00 12866 0 0 97.3z 15214 38822 0.823 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 12866 0 0 30000 0.823 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.24 18.69 9661 0 0 75.8z 19556 64032 0.618 0.000 0.000 0 .ooo L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.25 Q = 0.978 Rz = 0.247 f = 11923 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -WN By RA Entered 1/05/00 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: J30 1 DA WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 619/444-4350 DAVE KAPALA THE BLACKMORE COMPANY LOT 103 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA_ UBC 1994 2 1/2 X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C W/ 12 II -10K187/110 X 17' 5.375 Special construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Length Area R Shear Force Location Web SloEe __!.£_ Member in2 _lg__ ---1l2L ---1l2L uo -Ll T 1 75-81 27_54 1-AU -29/32 0. 645 0.226 2259 9215 U1 -Ll V l 58.lG 12 8G 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 U2 -Ll C 1 36.31 8-38 1-LL1-l/4x-109 0.261 0.247z 339 420 U2 -L3 T 2 52.82 11.17 1-LL1-l/4x-109 0.261 0.247z 1482 2452 U4 -L3 C 2 52.82 11.17 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 367 608 U4 -LS T 3 52.82 11.17 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0_247z 991 1640 U6 -LS C 3 52.82 11.17 1-LL1-1/4x-109 0.261 0. 24 7z 404 669 U6 -L7 T 4 52-82 11_ 17 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 500 827 us -L7 C 4 52-82 11.17 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0_247z 500 827 us -L9 C 5 52.82 11.17 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 404 669 UlO -L9 T 5 52.82 11.n 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 991 1640 UlO -Lll C 6 52.82 11.17 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 367 608 U12 -Lll T 6 52.82 11.17 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0_247z 1482 2452 U12 -L13 C 7 36.31 8.38 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 339 420 U13 -L13 V 2 58.16 12.80 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 U14 -L13 T 7 75. 81 27_54 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 2259 9215 PO#:92999 STAGGERED Unknown ComEressive Weld Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X ---1l2L ---1l2L ---1l2L ---1l2L Length 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.1 7819 1333 2570 6151 -11X0_ 8 7819 1277 1584 657:) -llx0_5 7819 0 0 7819 . llxO. 8 7819 1014 1679 6405 -11XO. 5 7819 171 283 7819 . llxO. 5 7819 757 1253 6405 _llx0.4 7819 442 731 6405 . llxO. 3 7819 500 827 6405 _llx0.3 7819 757 1253 6405 .llx0.4 7819 171 283 7819 .llx0.5 7819 1014 1679 6405 _llx0.5 7819 0 0 7819 -llxO. 8 7819 1277 1584 6570 -11XO. 5 7819 1333 2570 6151 _llx0.8 17406 0 0 19340 _ 22xl. 1 Vl.64 1/05/00 Available Weld (in) Toe/Bottm 3.6/ 2_9 2.5/ l 9 3.1/ 2_5 3 1/ 2_5 3.1/ 2_5 3.1/ 2.5 3_1/ 2.5 3.1/ 2_5 3_1/ 2_5 3.1/ 2.5 3.1/ 2.5 3.1/ 2.5 2.5/ 1. 9 3.6/ 2.9 , ' 1 2 3 4 5 112'-0" 32'-0" 32'-o" 31 '-8" 16'-4" I 31 '-0" 4'-o" 28'-0" 31 '-6" li-------------+---+------------------1 6" MAIN 11 '-o" ~ <(1----r--~-W8x10 ~ -bt--_;.;.;;....._ E=:'::=~=~:=1===r=====t;==j==;=!==:====:====t--i--t------.::-r 1-_w_s_x_10 __ ,11w~1;::Nx ~6~6 Al I ;j: "' ,n 7 m ,---+- 'o I <O N ".,- 1 <O N .,. .J,(5'I • , ,ri w'Tix1'1 "'x W 12x 1 4 "'x W 12x 14 '° 0 o----u r--------------TS8x4 / 3: W1 8x35 -, I ~ I "' W x o:, <IJ ~ .,. c---'-'--o 11 _ 1 ~1 i W12x14 3 I ;;:: ~W10x12 f::J W14x22 J17; •1 s!~ W21x44 ~ t ~ ~ ',,j' I ! ", ~;-t --1 .. ~ ".:!V Jfl' 1 1 ~ l~\Ai:;'i-J1-87 ' I w21 x44 N l-'0·c I --r1 --:...:;;::a_i l ,1 eel h' I _TJ--,1,3~1--l-r--t--'---!-r-!~T,}i? j r~ TJ;-{ I I I I 4 "';?,\. I I' k"' r}. /) I Jl,.4 I ' ~ ~ \:!}' JVA .I ~ ~ \:!}' Jfi I I -+--+----;-+--.,._ / /' I I ~ / I ~ I I J2,6 I I ~ J2]/' I I ~ JZ51 I ""1---+1---1-+-1--~ ( I "oo.,. t :::; ~ 3'-5" (4" MAIN) z ~ a:: w ..J "' z Q'. ll. (/) ;, '<o I ' -I <O ..,. II I-- I lO @ (/) w ~ (/) r-- 0 ~~. ! .. ·:· 4[-'tj . ~; -;~~ .R. i • ~ TJ1/I ~..J I r~TJ17A ~ r,~TJ21Y1~ I , . r--:--' J. V '/'7"'\_ / ..J I A "' .,.1'"'\. ( r--l-....!.--J_f"!::1_~=dFd..,,"'4"•;...MA_I_N---t J14 7 I ~ci\:!}'J1'7A ~ ~;\:!}'J2,Y ~ I ~t,o:i -i£9 0 f---+- io I "1 N 'o I <O N °' . ' I I ~ r2) "'1 1--..:._...::. .____ ' r . I I ;j; I,'\. -.,. N I iii ""/ , - J15/ ~ '42.J J17A ~ J2 . -~ y I JN,,_-lt-~ I I -/-,,..~----+--'-I---; I I I g I ! R I & :II J14 / I N • J17A °: / JJ1 , I oo .,. I J~ Y -/7_"--.,j---11---'--j-.J'-ss-6~~t I /r, ~,,~& !.,. I ~' ;:io /r iJ23 1 T J 1p, (~ i] "f T J 1/'B , / r ~-T-,J ,-:,,--+-.-----! Cl '° , I O lw14x22 '--J1y'" / I, I & v 7" 1 I c+-o/ ~;-1-1----tt-7 I @ W14x22 ;!:I · 1 ~ :: -,-fl1y 1 ~ ~ \:!}' J~ 1 ~ ::t~'° I J13 re\ t:l , X X -----' ~~ L~ ~~r.'-,.I I "'-'~,.,( I I ~ I (/) = ;;:: W14x22 ;;:: ;:' '-.._''./ Jl'"' ..,.l+t.--1-N ,,;3 ";; ,:. > 'I' I I ~ '.:!;./ J2} I ;;:: .YL, r-- ~ ~ ~ W10x12 W1 Bx /ii'\. 1 I :"' 1 / 1 0_w_1_8_x3_5 ___ 0 I 1 w f----'--L-- f ~c_:W:8:T:=18=:=4=\ W10x1J~ ~ 'fi--;!-,J11fl,___.__-;ir-~~r:1!;-,2~--;,~..,_,r'._-;;-~J2:tl(l-:-H~8~tl-;;-0/'4-.,7;-;0,;-~61 ~ n12x14 ~ W12x14 _ ~ WBx 10 1> 3: I I ~ 'J,, 3: 3: 'o, I <O SEE SHEET Jl OF 2 FOR TYPICAL BRIOGING DETAILS FOR FLOOR 1 4'-0" 32'-0" 0 - 0 f---+- 'b I lO N ;, I "' N io I U1 N 2'-o" I 18'-Q" 29'-CO ,,-, ~ ., ±b-W12x14V tt"" /:/! 10K187 /110 X I ~"' J32/ '-' I -J32/ I KBl J3/ , 31 '-3" J32J( • IXl N -----7 -----0 ..,. N TJ3t "' 0 --;; N I 6 ~ I:},~ - J32/ { J32 I I ~ 'y J32 I j . KB1 J32 I 'bl :, . 28'-0" 23'-6" SECOND FLOOR JOIST FRAMING PLAN -DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH 1994 U.B.C. -DESIGN ALL JOIST FOR 3.0K T.C. SEISMIC AXIAL -DESIGN ALL GIRDERS FOR 14.0K T.C. SEISMIC AXIAL -ALL WALL PANELS ARE 6" THICK U.N.O. -ALL FLOOR JOIST: ADD'L 0. 1 K T,C, AD LOAD TO ACCOMMODATE SPRINKLER BRANCHUNES -SEE PLAN FOR FrRE SPRINKLER MAIN LINES 2 3 112'-0" 32'-o'' 31 '-8" ~ 0:, I 6" MAIN 11 '-0" 0, l'l.~ N ~ J)'.3 II " I / \:! / I J¥ / I "' Jj3~ -,.,-; I ( .,-; ----------"' "' "l _/23:;J lO I z z r--r--" KB1 KB'1 0 KB1 N I N "' U1 J;l'3 <I) I I 31 '-6" N _/_j iPh 3'-5" ( ,;• I L -----•ro I "' ( .-. / N fl': 0 .... ~ +I -~ N -----1 TJi3£12 -~"\ 0 -... -\ J2'__, '1,0; N f I "' "' ~ 0 N I '4-' J3,3 --, ~ JJ3 \: y "' "' --!'.!. ,..., /43~ "' a, <O <O z KBl KB1 z KB1 "' "' " 0 N J~3~ U1 ' 4 5 . ' . 16'-4" ~ I 0:, I 0, N ~ .;i4 ( '¼- I /4 ~ I ;,,. ( /44 ~ /34 'o z I <( I N :,; U1 a:: ~34 w ..J "' 'o z Q'. I ll. ro (/) 0:, AIN) 'st I II -, ~ 'o J 'IA N "' '<o I I TJt: r I 0 a:, ,..., a:, ~ @ (Js L.--::; A,. 4••' MAIN (/) w --'--:1¥ u ~ J~6 ~ (/) <( ( x ( -<( ~-Jt'2 0 U:5t <O -.::::. I "' I 0 N r--u:i N Jfs::: "' L:$ 0 "' -- Kgl T') KBl + { .f,s N Jj6 -----"' N U1 z 'o I <O N ~/ V %1 ~ ~ J3w ! ! _, lt-I !fl !fl~ /1>7 ;;:: q, 20K285/1~ 0 W12x14 :::\ t I JfeA ~ lt-I ff ff ' 9,'1/ -:; -:; -:; 2DK285/152--' ~v <o'+- t i35A~ IT !fl !fl ,~ il 1()K:23/190 io 20K285/152/4 ~~ -~i/ ~ ~ / Roof' JOIST FRAMING PLAN (V -DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH 1994 U.8.C. -ALL WALL PANELS ARE 6" THICK U.N.0. -ALL ROOF JOIST: ADD'L 1.0K T.C. ADLOAD -ALL ROOF JOIST: 3.0K T.C. SEISMIC AXIAL LOAD -ALL ROOF GIRDERS: 9.0K T.C. SIESMIC AXIAL LOAD U.N.0. -ELEVATIONS SHOWN (?'-?) ARE TOP OF SHEATHING -FIRE SPRINKLER BRANCHLINES ARE CONSIDERED AS PART OF THE 1 .OK AOLOAD NOTED ABOVE -SEE PLAN FOR FIRE SPRINKLER MAIN LINES ~ TYP. JOIST BRACING /4-\ ~ 1 l" X 1 l" X 8" '-$-1 SEE PLAN FOR MK #. TYP. ALL JOIST, ALL BAYS. - . I 1 t' 2-3/t;'0 BOLTS @ 5" Ftl"x3"x0'-8" lll"x3"x1'-0" @ 2A NOT BY VALLEY 2" 1/4" 2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1 / 4• t' TYP. MIN. GAGE (NOT BY VALLEY) TYP. MIN. ,-,.,l",....._t'.,,...... ,-..-,,++,,< TYP. MIN. 3/ 16" 2" EA. JOIST 1/4" 1/4" 2~"0 BOLTS @ 4" GAGE (NOT BY VALLEY) TYP. EA. SIDE l /4" 6" 7 /ll"x3"x1 '-4· KNIFE PLATE NOT BY VALLEY 2-3/4"• BOLTS @ 5 GAGE (NOT BY VALLEY) 5• I I I I I lt,!:::+==r3--,__,_ I 11--~ I I 6" I I -14.0K SEISMIC I I lf..--=s::::-----~ I I I DO NOT WELD 1· NO AXIAL TRANSFER MECHANISM SECTION 1 REF. 4/SD2A -3.0K SEISMIC 2-t ¢ BOLTS @ ,;• GAGE @ SECT. 2A ONLY (BY VALLEY) BEAM @ SIM AXIAL TRANSFER THROUGH MOMENT fl NOTE: BOTTOM CHORD BRACES ARE FURNISHED AS REQUIRED BY MANUFACTURER DESIGN ONLY . SEE PLANS FOR "KB'' MARK & LOC. 1£ REQUIRED. SECTION 2,2A REF. 5/SD3 & 13/sd3 5• 1 l" !---COLUMN SEE PLAN SECTION 2B TYP. --7 I ,.<'-l---1-+-_J TYP. -14.0K SEISMIC 1· 1· DO NOT WELD -TYP. AXIAL TRANSFER BY KNIFE PLATE -tt-+-- COL SEE PLAN SECTION 3 ---=======-REF. 7 /SD3 s' 1YP. 12" @ ..J w z <( ll. u Ji THICKENED PANEL T.C. PNL. PT. NO AXIAL TRANSFER MECHANISM SECTION 4 REF. 18/5D3, 7 /SD4 & 15/SD5 114• 3" 1YP. MIN. 2-3/4"¢ BOLTS @ 5" GAGE (NOT BY VALLEY) 114• t' TYP. MIN. 6" 14.0K SEISMIC TRUSS BEARING ~ NOT BY VALLEY '-!4,=;;:!::::;--;:-'-, s' 1YP. -3.0K SEISMIC ..J w z <( ll. u Ji T.C. PNL. PT. 1· DO NOT WELD NO AXIAL TRANSFER MECHANISM SECTION 5 REF. 4/SD3 . 11--+,..,..._-,5" I 11--~ I I I I I I I I I COLUMN SEE PLAN ..J w z if. u 0.. 3" 114• t' TYP. MIN. 3.0K SEISMIC NO AXIAL TRANSFER MECHANISM SECTION 6 REF. 14/SD3 3x WOOD NAILER SHOP INSTALLED TO T.C. WITH #14x2" SCREWS @ 24" O.C. ( 12" STAG. SIDES) 3/16" 3• TYP. MIN. -3.0K SEISMIC Ftl"x3"x0'-8" (NOT BY VALLEY) 14.0K SEISMIC 3" 6" 1" 6" 3" ff' DO NOT WELD 1· AXIAL TRANSFER BY MOMENT fl 1.,--COL. SEE PLAN l,,QI.AENT S,RAP NOT BY VALLEY TYP. MIN. 3/l 6" 1,. -3.0K SEISMIC SECTION 7 1/4" REF. 19/SD3 1 /4" 3x WOOD !JAILER SHOP INSTALLED TO T.C. WITH # 14x2" SCREWS @ 24" O.C. (12" STAG. SIDES) -. . . -.. -.. NOTE: ~" @ 4 LINE ..J w ~ u Ji MOMENT STRAP NOT BY VALLEY 2" 6" 8" ,. 5" DO NOT WELD -3.0K SEISMIC NO AXIAL TRANSFER MECHANISM SECTION 8 REF. 5/SD2A \ 2" r 3x WOOD NAILER SHOP INSTALLED TO T.C. WITH 1/4" 1/4" #14x2" SCREWS@ 24" ~_,_,.....,..._~-O.C. (12" STAG. SIDES) TY~. MIN, 3116• 3" -· -· --· -·-· --·· -3.0K SEISMIC 2-!" 0 BOLTS @ 3)" GAGE (BY VALLEY) I /111---GIROER --3.0K SEISMIC BM OR GIRDER SEE PLAN NO AXIAL TRANSFER MECHANISM SECTION 9 REF. 1/SD4 Si:::E SHEET J1 OF 2 F-CR--GENERA.L--~JOTE:.S L OF PANEL POINT MORE THAN 2" L OF POINT LOAD 1" 8 AXIAL TRANSFER THROUGH MOMENT Pl.A TE NO AXIAL TRANSFER MECHANISM AXIAL TRANSFER THROUGH MOMENT STRAP BOTTOM CHORD BRACES ARE FURNISHED AS REQUIRED BY MANUFACTURER DESIGN ONLY. SEE PLANS FOR "KB" MARK & LOC. l£ REQUIRED. AXIAL TRANSFER THROUGH MOMENT STRAP SECTION 9A IT' 3x WOOD NAILER SHOP 't.. INSTALLED TO T.C. WITH # 14x2" SCREWS @ 24" O.C. (12" STAG. SIDES) 1 /8" 1• 1YP.' MIN. -3.0K SEISMIC NO AXIAL TRANSFER MECHANISM SECTION 13 REF. 5/SD4 SECTION 10 REF. 18/SD4 114• 3" TYP. MIN. TRUSS BEARING~ NOT BY VALLEY 9K OR 16K SEISMIC SEE PlAN -t--+-1"_ DO NOT WELD NO AXIAL TRANSFER MECHANISM SECTION 14 REF. 4/SD4 SECTION 11 SECTION 12 REF. 9/SD4 REF. 19/SD4 FIELD INSTALLED ANGLE BRACE, EACH SIDE NOT BY VALLEY-MINIMUM LEG THICKNESS 13.". L OF PANEL POINT MORE THAN 2" L OF POINT LOAD TYPICAL JOIST REINFORCEMENT AT CONCENTRATED LOADS TRUSS BEARING ~ NOT BY VALLEY ff' 1YP. ..J w ~ u 0.. 114• 3" 1YP. MIN. TYP. EA. SIDE 1 / 4• 6• 1/4" 1/4" WOOD BLOCKING NOT SHOWN 7 /8"x3"x1 '-4" \ KNIFE PLATE NOT BY VALLEY 2N3/4"~ BOLTS Cl 5 GAGE I" NO AXIAL T 6" -9K OR 16K SEISMIC SEE PlAN PNL. PT. le ED Cl REVISE ANO N(lll;sw,JijT 0 FURNIS AS CORRECTED Corr~:?ns ~ ~men1s made on the !!h drawinp ... d1.mng :his review do not .,. op Ira" • • tr . r teve CAq· 1· 2 !" TYP. 1· (NOT BY VALLEY) 6" -9.0K SEISMIC DO NOT WELD -TYP. COL. SEE PLAN ·.·: om com/lliance wl1h r•qeil.l\lB,l,, 6fAN FER BY =~:'."'"9••ndspecifioa11""'· Ttt'•~fi p TE ReaoCoetnclillg, U....t;;o.c.: 11100 l'lojocl: µrr_103 ~w:.l rwtew ct the general conformantc,wU't N 1'<!,,ii',., • U~I!! Ille p,o;.o, and general Sabmittal No. 0 0 z-6 ~00 SECTIO ~f!?1 um~nts.Thec-o,u,ai::1or~resr,onsi-• 1 con tothcteqUilaDCDtl mpjmcc• w.1r. the ililorma1;on gJ,en., the ••• (,} b:tf;t m!c-S by Reno :~r~"' ' ,rm:.iv aiid corre1.3tifl2 en quantities We • cllacoftl' &DJ dcvia---=:::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::=,::ia:f.:=· ::;:cimg fab:icarioo P'CICeSsescc:ncrie fiui &it Subcontractor REF. 10/S , canstn,~lion· coorwoar his • Uanc:c 4 or her"'."" w,111 lhar ol ai •Ille; -a:l and / or Siliiffict18,Ji31M fully rcaponaiblc ,or eomp pe,lormmg aR WOif< in ... ,._...,_ with all Contract Documents, for ~c!ail• and_ accu~cy, for ...,,__ ""1 confirming and correcting all quantities and dimcn11000. for WOOD NAILER ATTACHED TO JOIST BY VALLEY JOIST DETAIL APPLIES TO ROOF JOIST ONLY SUBPURLIN .. .. JOIST BRACING BY VALLEY JOIST L 1 lx1 Ix! lYPICAL JOIST BRACING DETAIL FOR FIELD USE Date 2 -I .s,-_ 0 0· choice of fabrication proccascs and tccbniquc• of conatruc- tion, for coordiuling hia work with all o_thcr trades, and fo! performing bi• work in a ufc and satisfactory manner. HOROWITZ TAYI.OA ENGINfERmG RENO CONTRACTING, INC. ICBOREP~lf #FA-,363 By: ,;t,4...,-, 56,,,/,-Dato: (f) z 0 (f) c;j Ct'. ~ a.. (!) z -~ ~ LL. LL. 0 0 e:::: z 0 -1-(.) :::::, e:::: ln z 0 (.) L&J e:::: (.) .. I") ~o I- ~ -.. :::c ~3: I---L 0 • tri <( :::> • uO >-z < a.. ~ 0 0 w 0:: 0 ~ ~ 0 .. w ~ 0 w ~ 0 _J w ;; --~ 0 0) 0 0 ......... r--- 0 ......... Ct'. 0.. 0.. <( 0) 0 ......... _J ~ w 0 LL ......... I- ~ L&J 1--:::c (.) 0::: <( (!) z -~ :::::, (/) z 0 (.) ~ :::c 1-1- I -u~ ~(/) < -z 0:: 0 l.J_ -_J < 0 .. 0 < 0 (!) z -0::: LL.I w z -(!) z L&J 0::: g ~ i-,; m 0 0 0 N 0 ..;-m .. >->-Ct'. m <( :::) oz w <( :>:::' Uw ~~ 0) 0) 0) ~ 0 _J z r---~ N <( Ct'. Iw (f) m .. 0 >-I-m o ~w -, ~:c 0.. I- -0:: ~ u<{ so zO ~w Ct'. ~ 00