HomeMy WebLinkAbout1540 JEANNE PL; ; CB880899; Permit.. z 0 ;: .. "' .. -' 0 "' 0 0: il 0 .. ~ -' 5 ~ "' z ~ 0 z 0 ;: .. .. z "' .. ,. 0 0 .. ir "' " "' 0 ~ ![ D I hereby affirm that I am licensed under PfOYialon1 of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Olvtslon 3 of the Business and Profe■alons Code, and my l!cense is m luU force and effect 1 nereby alf,rm That I am exempt from The Contrac •or's L,cense Law lor lhe follow,ng reason !Sec 7031 S Bus1nes, and Proless,ons Code Any c,ty or county wh,c~ re-qu.res a permit to construct a11er improve. demo11sn oc repa1r .iny slruc1ure pr,or 10 ,1s issuance a,so requ1<es !he ao p,,can1 lor such perm,1 to !,le a s,qned s1a1ernent t~at re rs 1,censed pursuant to lhe prov,s,ons ol lhe Lonrracior s License Law (Chapter 9 commenc,ng wrth Section 7000 of o,v,s,on 3 of the Business and Professions Code1 ~r that ,se, empt iherefrom and lhe bas,s for lhe allegea e,emp1,on Any ,iolalIon 01 Section 7031 5 by an appl,canr 'or a permit sutt 1ects 'he applicant to a cIvII penalty of no1 more than •1•,e h•Jr dred dollars ISSOOI I as owner of tne property. or my emnloyees w,t'" wages as lheu SO•e compensahon will do the work and The slruc ture Is nol intended or ot!ered tor sale 1Se~ 7044 Business and Protess1ono Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply :o an owner o1 properly wM ttuilds or Imwoves thereon and who does such work h,rr,sell or through his own emoloyees. provided that such improvements are not In1end-eo or 011e,ea for sale If however. lhe bulld1ng or ,mprove '!lenl Is sold w1th1n one year of completion_ lhe owner-ttu1lde, w,II have lhe burden ol proving Thal he did not build or im- prove 1or lhe pu'pose ol sale1 , as owner of The property am exclusively contrac11ng w1lh licensed contractors to construe! !he pro1ecl 1Sec 7044 Bu,1ness and Professions Code The Conrraclor s Lrcense I aw does nol aoply to an ow~er of p<ooerty who bwlds or Im proves !hereon. and who conrracrs for each pr□IecTs with a wntractor(s! I,cense pursuant lo lhe Con1rac10, s License Law) As a homeowner I am 1mprovIng rry h0"1e. and lhe lotlow Ing cond1t1ons exist I The work 1s being per1ormed prior lo sale 2 1 hdve I,ved In my name 1or TWelve 'T'on:ns ~r,or to comolet,on ot this work I have nol claimed this exemolion durong me last lh•ee years lor i'h~: r:~~~il under Sec _____ _ B & PC --1 t>ereby altirm that I have a ce,t1!1cate ot consent to self insure a• a certd,cate of Workers Compensation In surance o• a cer•1!Ied copy Thereof !Sec 3800. Labor Code\ POuCY i'.0 COMPANY Copy s f,led w1lh the city Ce,t1!1ed cooy Is hereby furn,shed CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 1Th1s section need nol be comoleted If the permII Is fo, one hundred dol'acs r$100I or 1ess1 I cer!dy that In the oerformance 01 the work Jo, which this permI1 ,s issued, I shall not emp,oy any person In any ,-,anner so as to become subIect to the Wor~e,s Compen sat,on Laws ol CaI1lorn1a NOTICE TO APPLICANT If after making this Cert,hcate 01 Exemption. you should become sub1ect to the Workers Compensation pro.is1ons of the Labor Code you must forthwith comply with such provIsIons or \his permit shall :,e deemed revoked I hereby affirm that there Is a constructIon lending agency for the performance of the work for whIc~ this per f'11t Is issued (Sec 3097. C1v,I Code) Lenders Name Lender's Address USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS JOB ADDRESS CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-1915 (619) 438-1161 AV. ST. RD. THOMAS BROS NO. APPLICATION & PERMIT DATE OF APPLICATION BUSINESS LICENSE # PERMIT NUMBER ., ~--,.o J,..,...._,._....,£ 'PL.. 7-✓.,_-.SJ T SUBDIVISION iA~N LOT j BLOCK I ~~ARC~'/';D -"U) -a:: OWNE A'S NAME f-7-"'iY OWNER'S PHONE DO;JA.:fu CONTRACTORS PHONE # zoNE ~110 '6 "\ q MA-"-«' J99.2.-1,~_7 CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS STATE LICENSE NO. BUtLDtNG SO. FOOTAGE ,,.._,~$..._K,+<,,.J,._ OWNER"S MAILING ADDRESS / -S-4-t) .,:;r~,.,,._, ,£ ?t.. OESJGNER DESCRIPTION OF WORK t----------------------------------------1 DESIGNER'S ADDRESS PA-r✓o <:.,_c:, ,,. .,.,,..,,., e e FLA ELEV v[J ._O GRADING PERMIT ISSUED NO STORIES TYPE CONST DESIGNER'S PHONE StAfi: LICENSE NO. DCC GP EDU -;;_-:..; OCC LOAD FIRE SPF> I CENSUS TRACT r·""NG seAn aes uN>TS I ~ 0 N 0 I REDEVELOPMENT AREA ·C ._o vO r-.0 Not Vil/id Unleu M~chine Certd,l!d QTY PLUMBING PERMIT· ISSUE 75"'--II QTY MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE /j-z'!,,, SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE" TRAP I II I INSTALL FURN llUCTS UP TO 100,000 BTU ( JI c!UILUING PERMIT 001 810-0U-00-8/20 -z_/ EACH BUILOING SEWER j II I OVER 100 000 BTU I II SIGN PERM!T fJ01-8'G-0G-0'.l 82r , EACH WATER HEATER ANlJ OR Vf:Nl I II I BOILER,COMPHESSOR UP TO 3 H~ I II PLAN CHECK 001'810·00-00-8891 ;,:L: EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 ru 4 ouTt.ETS I II I so1LER-COMPRESSOR J 1!:i HP,<i).., I II TOTAL PLU~BING oo:-s1~1-oo-oo-s222 EACH GAS SYSTEM J OR MORE ELECTR'CAL 001-o·o-oo-oo-s22J EACH INST AL ALTE.H. REPAIR \",'ATER PIPE MECHANICAL 001-810-00-00-8224 EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST MOBILEHOME oo~-810-00-00-8225 WATER SOFTNER SOLM 001-81:J-00-00-8226 - F,\[f-1 1=nr:i: ["\R/4 'J \S "H-DRYER VENT STRONG MOTION 880-':119-92-33 / - TUIA! Pl IJMHINi, I TOT/;[ MECHANIC""<-~ !I. -1 I fIRESPR1'1'LERS OCl810-COC08227 -\ O(J::. _ PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 320-810 .. :·0-,JQ-87--l0 QTY. I ELECTRICAL PERMIT. ISSUE SW BRIDGE FEE 360·810-00-00·87--l0 QTY. I MOBILE H0~1°;~p A;_ PARK-IN-LEU ,:AREA N~WCONST lAAMPSWl 8KR CAR PORT a.~ [If 312·81 0·00-00-8835 I PH l PH AWNING LA COSTA TIF 311 ·810·00-00-8835 rx1ST liLUG EA AMP SWT BKR GARAGE FMF 1 PH 1 PH LICENSE TAX CO 1.31 0 C0-D:J-81 :::2 REMODEL ALltR PtR CIRCUIT MFF 880-519-92-5( TE MP PU IF /1)0 AMPS OVlR /[JU AMPS It.MP [)C[LJPANCY 130 lJAYSi CREDIT DEPOSIT / 7 Tll!Al f.l~(THl(Al l TOT Al TOTAL FEES PAYA~ /'I 3-l,- I HAVE CAAEFULL Y EXAMINED THE COMPLETED ""APPLICATION AND PERMIT" AND DO HEREBY Ellptratton E¥ery permit issued by the Bu1ldmgOff1c1al under theprov1s1ons ofthts * .... :T IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATK)NS OVER CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall expire by llm1tat1on and become null and void !I the building or work ANO DEMOLITION QA CONSTRUCTION OF authonz&d by such permit 1s not commenced wtlhm 180 days from the date oJ such DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT lb permit. or ,1 the bulldmg Ol" work authonzed by such permit ,s suspended 0, OVER 3 STORIES IN HEKiHT ISSUED TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNTY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON ~•·•~•~o~do!!!!!"!°"!!..!'S'S'C"l..!''Cmeec•e•ftsoe,Jtehe!..!•~o~,!•c•s!,_£0Qom~m,en!!!!C!ed9-..!foQ,C!•.Q!e"SOSdoo~IJl~80Q..sd~•ll• __ --i.., ____ ~_ ... ____________ ,.. __ _,,__ ... STRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND ~UCANT·S SIGN~Kl.. 0 1"'7E KEEP HARMLESS THE C!TY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL UABIL1TJES. JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND URE OWNER ?J CONTRACTOR f if EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE B O [] t ad GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT y PH NE I /'JI\ ~ u._ >-~ 0 o_ E m f-- 'O 0 C) C rn u o_ o_ "' I ~ C Q_ 0 ,, ,, 0 ,, ,, "' ~ .Q m >- 0 u C rn C U: ,:: C m ~ C) a u 0 o_ ,, C ~ ~ s TYPE DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING FOUNDATION REINFORCED STEEL MASONRY GUNITE OR GROUT SUB FRAME □ FLOOR □ CEILING SHEATHING □ ROOF □ SHEAR FRAME EXTERIOR LATH INSULATION INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL PLUMBING D SEWER AND BUCO D PL/CO a UNDERGROUND D WASTE □ WATER TOP OUT □ WASTE □ WATER TUB AND SHOWER PAN GAS TEST D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER ELECTRICAL D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND □ UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC D ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMPORARY □ BONDING □ POOL MECHANICAL □ DUCT & PLEM., □ REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS VENTILATING SYSTEMS CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED FINAL I PLUMBING '\, ' ELECTRICAL u. - MECHANICAL • L) -GAS ... -) BUILDING .i,\_'-~ N SPECIAL CONDITIONS 'O "'- o.e,~ ~qs, FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES INSPECTION REQ IF INSPECTORS DATE CHECKED APPROVAL SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI PRESTRESSED CONCRETE POST TENSIONED CONCRETE ., FIELD WELDING ·, .. -. HIGH STRENGTH BOL Ts ,. SPECIAL MASONRY , -·· -·--' ;, ·• PILES CAISSON;:' ! ' +, -·,:, ~-.._<',, ' ---_,. .. .,. ✓ .. -- -- cd~ " ~. -c ► ~ ma. (X) !I~ (X) \1 I 0, ~ me, 7 ~ ?-i 3! ~i ~ -' :::, '19 -a. -, ~ t5 Cg r-<) U ID ~ ~ _J t rA J ~ j (/J r---, 0 I I ' I . \u 1 ~ --- v1 t c/1 ,,. - :S ~ j ~ "~ 0 ")(,_ =t "~ --J... '~ 0 ~ - , ~ ~ ~ -....r- (t , 7J ,..::: 0 ~~ /4 -,--I () ~~--' I --