HomeMy WebLinkAbout1545 FARADAY AVE; ; CB081165; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 ' 07-11-2008 Commercial/Industrial Permit.:·, Permit No: CB081165 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: 1545 FARADAY AV CBAD Tl Sub Type: Lot#: Status: Valuation: 2121302900 $25,000.00 Construction Type: INDUST 0 NEW App.lied: Occupancy Group: Reference #: Entered By: Project Title: CAPSONE ADVISORS-RELOCATE INTERIOR STRUCTURAL COLUMN Applicant: CAPSTONE ADVISORS STE 300 11682 EL CAMINO REAL 92130 858 794 7000 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD#3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee $234.75 $0.00 $152.59 $0.00 $0.00 $5.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: Plan Check#: Owner: ASHBROOK HEMET L P 1545 FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 Meter Size Add'I Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWAFee CFO Payoff Fee PFF (3105540) PFF (4305540) License Tax (3104193) License Tax (4304193) Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Redev Parking Fee Additional Fees HMP Fee TOTAL PERMIT FEES ISSUED 06/18/2008 LSM 07/11/2008 07/11/2008 Total Fees: $392.59 Total Payments To Date: $392.59 Balance Due: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ?? $392.59 $0.00 Inspector: Date: Clearance: ------ NOTLCE: Please take NOTI E that proval of your project includes the "lmposi 10n" of fees, dedications, reservations, Of other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." Yo ave 90 days from the date this permit was issued to prot~t imposition of these fees.'exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required'fnformation with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exa ions of which ou have reviousl been iven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has reviousl otherwise ex ired. -CJty rof _Carisbcid Plan Ch·eck ~o. (]j,o-i \ l ~ b 1635 Farad.ay Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 , 760-6Q2-2717 / 2718/ 2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Building Permit-Application JOB ADDRESS . ~. _ 1 c~ itorJ'6 . su1TE##/SPACEH/U_NIT# &ll,v'l, LO,J,~hl,l,-Ql, , · C /PROJECT/I LOTH Pf.lASE# ## Of UNITS II BEDROOMS l#llATMROOMS Dl;SCRIPTION OF WORK: (Please describe present use and prop'?sed 11se) Ve. Est. Val(Je && Plan Ck. Deposit ·Date ·1:J/l&,/Oi 1r ,z., -l'x> - lYP.E OF CONSl'. OCC.C,ROl,IP l-C) er,G-r sµtLDING. AREA (SI:) ADDITION ARI;:A (SF) GARAGE (SF) PATIOS-(SF) DEC::KS (SF) FIREPLACE . YESO #_ NOCJ AIR CONOIT10NIN . YES Cl NO Cl Fl E SPRINKL RS YES Cl N0 CJ CONTACT NAME (If Dlffere·nt Fo!JI Appl/cant) APPLICANT NAMf , , t ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ZIP 't'l,[ ~ i) PHONE FAX q~,, ':M4-00 LD EMAIL OWNE!i NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE EMAIL /Sec. 7031.5 Business and,P.rofessions C9de:. ficensed JJUrtuant to the pi:qviiionnf tJ(e l Section 703-1.5 by any appllc;mJ.for a EMAIL STATE ZIP FAX Workers' Compensation lile~laratlon: j hpf$byllffi; ;nd~rpe~~/;ot-pirfur/bne ~fth; fQJ/o~ln;d~cl~r~tio~;: _ 0 I have and will malntaln a certificate of c0nsent to self-Insure for workers' c9mpensafon as provided. by 8-ectioh 3700 ofthe tabor Code, -fo, the performance of the work for which.lhis.permitis Issued. ';Ji!< I have and·wlllmalntain w-0*ers' c0mpensaUon,' as required by Section :mio of th~ ~bor Code, fortlie.,peffermance 9f the-work for which this permit Is issue~ My workers' compensation Insurance carrier and policy number are: ._1_.... · -. , \ · · · . zzr--,-Zci:3'• · / -I ~ ·1nsuranceGo. , ~~ 6--L,._~ · )~ · · . PolioyN@. I J · Explrati0nDat11--+---~~-~0'------ This section need n0t be·com,pleted If.the-permit· ls "fer-one hunclred·dolia ($100)·oi-le,s$. · . - CJ Certiflcate·of Exe[!!Ptl.on: l:sertlfy that in-the p,erformance of the werk for whlsh this permit ls Issued, -I shall-net employ any person In any manner so as io become.subject to the Workers' Compen11ati6n Laws of California. .WARNING: Failure-to s.~aure workeni' compensation cov.erage is unlawful, and shall-subject an-employer to crtmlnaJ penaltle~ and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollani (&100,000), In addition to-the cost of compensatlon,-damages as provided for Jn~ectlon 370 of the Lalior code, Interest and attorney's fees. · ,R$ CONT.RACT0R SIG,N/1TU , , _/4 , • I hereby affirm th~tl·am exempt frem G0ntri/at01:'s-4iwnse-l;aw for the follow/ng re~son: . CJ I, as ewn~J ef the P,Foperty or-my employees with w~ges a§"!helr sele compensation, will do the work and !be-structure Is not Intended-or offered for sa[e (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor.s Llcense-t:aw.does not apply le an owner of property who builds or impr_ov~s thereon, and _who does sucnwork himself or through his own employees, provided that sDch lmptOYaments are not intended or offered·tor sale. If, hbwever, the building or imp(ovementls-sold within one ye~r of completion, the owner-builder will h\)ve the:burden of provi~g that he did not bu!ld or improve for the purpose of sale). . CJ I, as.owner of the propertY,, am-.excluslvely contracting with llcensed·contractors-t9 opnstruct the-project-(.Sec. 7044,Buslness and Professions Code: Th~ Contractor's License Law does_ not apply to an owner:llf property who·builds-or-improves·there0n, and c0nt,aets.for suah projects with contractor(s)'iicensed-pur_suant 10 the Contractor's License Law). · . CJ t am exempt-under Section . Buslnes~ 1md Profe~slons Code fer this reason: 1. 1.P.ersonally plan ·10 pravide the majer labor and materials-for construction of the proposed property lmpr0vemenl CJ Yes ·. Cl No 2. I (have /"have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work, 3. I have contracted. with-thci-.followiAg person (firm) to ~rovide the proposed construcUon(include name address/ phone/ contractors' license number): 4.1 P.lan lo provide portions of the work, bull have hired· th~ follow)ng person lo coordinate, supervise a~d provide the major work (include name/ ~ddress / phene / contr~tors' license number,): 5. l·will provide some of the work, but I hav,e-contr~cted (hired) the followlng_,persons to provide the work . .indlc,ited (Include name/ address_/,pbone I ty.p,e.of.warkJ;:-, :.es'PROP~_RrY OWNER SlGNAl'.URE OA1'E ~ APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE G-/1-0° City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 07/27/2009 Permit# CB081165 Title: CAPSONE ADVISORS-RELOCATE Description: INTERIOR STRUCTURAL COLUMN Type:TI Job Address: Suite: Sub Type: IN DUST 1545 FARADAY AV Lot 0 Inspector Assignment: PY Phone: Location: Inspector: ----- OyYNER ASHBROOK HEMET l. P Owner: C W H Q CARLSBAD L L C Remarks: Can you final? No response to Exp Ltr. Total Time: Requested By: CHRISTINE B: C !STINE CD Description Act Comment 92 Compliance Investigation ~ --~-_,_ ____ _ Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# CV051078 UNFOUND O-NO BIZ LICENSE; PCR04099 ISSUED ASHBROOK-STRUCT CHANGES & ; REV CONFERENCE ROOM PCR08084 ISSUED CAPSTONE: STRUCTURAL CHANGES; Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments 08/13/2008 84 Rough Combo WC PY 07/28/2008 21 Underground/Under Floor AP PY 07/28/2008 24 Rough/Topout AP PY 07/17/2008 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PY post ftg www.mtglinc.com Corporate: 0 2992 E. La Palma Ave. Ste. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 0 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Rd. Ste. G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Dispatch: 888.844.5060 Inland Empire: 14467 Meridian Pkwy., Bldg. 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 DAILY INSPECTION REPORT DSA/CITY File#: ________ _ DSA/OSHPD APPL#: _______ _ Report# __ PG __ OF ___ _ DSA/ LEA#: _________ _ Special Inspection Reports must be distributed to the parties listed below within 14 days of the inspection. Reports of non-compliant conditions must be distributed immediately. Separate reports shall be prepared for each type of special inspection, on a daily basis. Each report shall be completed and signed by the special inspector conducting the inspection. PROJECT NAME t.. CJ. DATE ARCHITECT TIME ARRIVED TIME DEPARTED ENGINEER TRAVEL TIME LUNCHTIME CONTRACTOR SUB CONTRACTOR INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJE\ ~Ac; "C: D MASONRY D CEILING WIRE TYPE OF INSPECTION D E~IJ\!EERED FILL [ij,,FOUNDATION D BATCH PLANT D PT CONCRETE D SHOTCRETE D CONCRETE D HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING D WELDING D FIREPROOFING D ANCHOR/DOWEL D NDE FIELD 0 _______ 11 o ______ _ D BACK FILL D SHOPWELD D NDESHOP Q DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT: AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT YD ND SPECS: YD NO APPROVED DOCUMENTS: APPROVED PLANS YO N 0 MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR {INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED: AREA.~ THE WORK WAS WAS NOTO Inspected in accordance with the requirements of the 0,8-Ai@~/PROJECT approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING WAS O WAS NOT ~/A 0 Performed in accordance with DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. cc Project Architect Structural Engineer DSA Regional Office School District Contractor Building Department Owner APPROVED SHOP DRAWING YD ND THE WORK INSPECTED MET Qf1JID NOT MEET D THE requirements of the DSAIG~PROJECT approved documents. Samples taken: _________________ _ Weather: ________ Temp: _________ _ . f \ Signatu{e of SPf1\al Inspector ,,.f=.,C½,~ .... ~ it1 \ ~('-- Print Name Certification#: 9 -~' 1 -/J L Ii l !( :1,. ,.., ]/J, .IA Verified by: /') £1 'fl _ ....,... V ..-u 11o. r DA TE: July 2, 2008 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 08-1165 EsGil Corporation In Cl'artnersli.ip witli. qovernment for (}3ui!aing Safety SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS#545 Faraday Avenue PROJECT NAME: Capstone Advisor's Struct TI ~T D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE [8J The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: [8J Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person COQ!?cted: Telephone#: Date contacted: Mail Telephone D REMARKS: By: Bryan Zuppiger Esgil Corporation (by: ) Fax In Person Enclosures: D GA D MB D EJ D PC 06/23/2008 Fax#: trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsb~d 08-1165 July 2: ,200~ VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 08-1165 PREPARED BY: Bryan Zuppiger DATE: July 2, 2008 BUILDING ADDRESS: 545 Faraday Avenue BUILDING AREA Valuation Reg. VALUE PORTION ( Sq. Ft.) Multiplier Mod. Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance 1..-1 Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only D Other D Repetitive Fee I 1..-1 Repeats 0 Hourly 1 j Hour* • Based on hourly rate Comments: Esgil Plan Review Fee ($) $120.ooj $96.001 macvalue.doc PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB081165 DATE 6/18/08 ADDRESS 1545 FARADAY AV RESIDENTIAL ADDITION- MINOR (<17,000.00) RETAINING WALL VILLAGE FAIRE OTHER INTERIOR COLUMN PLANNER GINA RUIZ ENGINEE~a-~.Q:, 11:\ADMIN\COUNTER/PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPllOVALS POOL/SPA TENANT IMPROVEMENT COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING DATE 6/19/08 DATE f/4if#'1J • • DCI·E I EERS D'AMATO CONVERSANO INC. J. Mark D 'Amato • Guy A. Conver.10no Elizabeth A. Jense11 • Roger L. Heermga • Mark D. Aden Harry Jones II • Troy E. Bea11 • Tom C. Xia, l'h.D. Richard L. Hemmen • Gram C. Buckingham Wade Younie • .Joh11 Tessem • Damon Smith CALCULATIONS REPORT CAPSTONE ADVISORS T.I. PHASE I 1545 FARADAY AVENUE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PREPARED FOR CAPSTONE ADVISORS INC. DESIGN IS BASED ON THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2007 ~ ' .. "', ,t i ~· f' MAY 18, 2008 DCI Job# 08-51-034 .525 B STREET, SUITE 750. SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 • PHONE (619) 234-es~ , 1 0 ~ • • • BASIS OF DESIGN GRAVITY DESIGN ANALYSIS MODEL BEAM DESIGN COLUMN DESIGN FOOTING DESIGN BASE PLATE DESIGN TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................... 3 .......................................... 4 .......................................... 5 .......................................... 8 .......................................... 10 .......................................... 11 2 • • • Code used: CBC 2007 Loadings Table: Roof Dead Load lbs Roofing Material 4.00 3/4" Plywood 2.50 2x6 at 24" o.c. 2.20 Ceiling 0.00 Insulation 1.50 Miscellaneous 5.80 12.00 Live Load 20.00 Analysis uses beam self weight Materials: Concrete: Basis for Design TABLE OF MIX DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Member Type/Location Foundations • Foundations-spread footings Slabs-on-Grade and Sidewalks • Exterior • Interior Beams and Slabs • Slabs on Metal Deck Walls • Shotcrete Walls Steel Reinforcing -Fy = 60 ksi Strength (psi) 3000 3000 3000 3000 4000 Test Age (days) 28 28 28 28 28 Maximum Maximum Aggregate W/C Ratio 1" 1" 1" 1" ¾" 0.45 0.50 0.40 Air Content 5% 5% 3 • • • Steel: Structural WF Shapes .......................................... ASTM A992 Fy = 50 ksi Other Structural Shapes ...................................... ASTM A36, Fy.= 36 ksi Bars & Plates ....................................................... ASTM A36, Fy = 36 ksi Structural Tubing -Square/Rect HSS ................. ASTM A500, Grade B Fy = 46 ksi High-Strength Bolts .............................................. ASTM A325 or ASTM F1852, Type 1, Plain Wood: Member Use Studs Sill Plate Posts Joists Beams Beams Posts & Timbers Location Thickness Roof 15/32" Size 2x4, 3x4, 2x6, 3x6 2x4, 3x4, 2x6, 3x6 4x4,4x6, 4x8 2x6-2x12 4x8-4x12 6x8-6x12 6x6, 8x8 Species OF P.T. OF DF OF OF DF Doug-Fir Larch Minimum APA Rating Grade No.2 No. 2 No.2 No. 2 No. 2 No. 1 No. 1 Span Rating Plywood Grade Exposure .. 32/16 C-D 1 Analysis Model and Applied Loads 4 • • • Wood Design Design code: 1997 NDS ASD Notes.-Plane 1-2: Design for bending moment about axis 3 and shear force parallel to axis 2 Plane 1-3: Design for bending moment about axis 2 and shear force parallel to axis 3 Only the strength ratios over 5% are printed GLOSSARY Area : Area of cross section b : Section width CD : Load duration factor CF : Size factor Cfu : Flat use factor CH : Shear stress factor Ci : Incising factor CL : Lateral stability factor for beams CM : Wet service factor CN : Notch factor CP : Column stability factor Cr : Repetitive factor Ct : Temperature factor Cv : Volume factor (only for glulam timber) d : Section depth E : Elasticity modulus E22 : Elasticity modulus about 22 E33 : Elasticity modulus about 33 f : Required stress F : Allowable stress f/F : Strength ratio (iff/F=NPC, it is not possible to calculate) Fb22 : Allowable bending stress about 22 Fb33 : Allowable bending stress about 33 Fb33c : Allowable bending stress in the compression zone about 33 Fb33t : Allowable bending stress in the tension zone about 33 Fe : Allowable compression stress FcE : Buckling stress in compression members FbE : buckling design value for bending members Fcp : Allowable compression design value perpendicular to grain Ft : Allowable tension stress Fv : Allowable shear stress Fv2 : Allowable shear stress along 2-axis Fv3 : Allowable shear stress along 3-axis 122 : Moment of inertia about 22 133 : Moment of inertia about 33 NPC : Not Possible to Calculate. The denominator of the second and/or third terms ofEq. 3.9-3 (NDS 1997) takes a negative or zero value -Axial load exceeding Euler buckling capacity of member is a probable cause S22 : Section modulus about 22 S33 : Section modulus about 33 Report type : Detailed for all load conditions Load conditions to be included in design : 5 • • • lcl=dl+llp MEMBER: 26 DESCRIPTION ; Member 26-BEAM_CONF _ROOM In "'~' ~""'~·--·· .. ·-· ', 1 ,{II ,is-· I l L',.,,,,,.,, Section d ~) : G·1.3''ifC5.!25x26,75 -26.75 [in] Material ; DF 20F-V4 Species : Douglas Fir-Larch b 5.13 [in] Combination : 20F-V4 (Glulam) A 137.09 [in2] Service Conditions 133 8174.93 [in4] Temperature : t<=IOOf 122 300.07 [in4] Moisture cond. : Dry S33 S22 611.21 [in3] Wood : Unincised 117.10 [in3] Repetitive member : No DESIGN PARAMETERS Plane 1-2 Plane 1-3 Physical length, L [ft] 27.00 Maximum suggested length, Lmax [ft] 41.00 Effective length (beroing), Le [ft] 4.12 Unbraced length (bending), Lu [ft] 2.00 Unsupported length (comp.) L33, L22 [ft] 27.00 27.00 Effective Length Factor, K 1.00 1.00 Lateral bracing Yes Yes Euler buckling coef. (bending), Kbe 0.61 Slenderness ratio (bending), Rb 7,10 Bending buckling design value, FbE [Kip/in2] 19.352 Compression buckling stress, FcE [Kip/in2] 4,559 0.167 Min. sup. length (bearing) [in] 4.00 ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Considering the governing station Parameter [Kip/in2) Case CD Ct CM CF!Cv E33 1600.000 1.00 1.00 E22 1600.000 1.00 1.00 Fb33t 2.000 lei @10.8 ft 1.25 1.00 Fb33c 1.000 lei@ 10.8 ft 1.25 1.00 Fb22 1.450 le! @ 0 ft 1.25 1.00 1.00 Fv2 0.190 lei @Oft 1.25 1.00 1.00 Fv3 0.165 lei @Oft 1.25 1.00 1.00 Ft 1.000 !cl @ 12.15 ft 1.25 1.00 Fe 1.550 lei @Oft 1.25 1.00 1.00 Fcp 0.560 1.00 1.00 CODE Checks Cfu 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Cr!CH Ci 0.90 0.90 1.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 CL!CplCN 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.09 Description f F [Kip/in2] [Kip/in2] f/F Case [Lb] Axial [Lb] ShearV2 M33 [Lb*ft] [Lb] Shear V3 M22 Torsion [Lb*ft] [Lb*ft] Shear-2 0.126 Bending3-3 0.238 2.124 Overall capacity ratio:0.94 Status OK 0.53 2.250 le! @Oft -3.23 -11493.20 0.00 0.94 lei @ 10.8 ft -3.23 (Axial-Bending) 0.00 0.00 0.00 -8538.98 108174.30 0.00 0.00 0.99 1.00 0.00 6 • • • Steel Code Check Design code: AISC ASD Note.-Plane 1-2: Design for bending moment about axis 3 and shear force parallel to axis2 Plane 1-3: Design for bending moment about axis 2 and shear force parallel to axis3 Load conditions included in the design: -dl=Dead load -llp=Live load Plus -Jcl=dl+llp MEMBER 44 DESCRIPTION : pipe_6 Section : P 6.00 Material : A53 GrB Rigid Floor : 0 -0 Fy : 35.00 [Kip/in2] Frame type Plane 1-2 Plane 1-3 DESIGN PARAMETERS L [ft] 20.00 20.00 Lb pos [ft] 20.00 Lb neg [ft] 20.00 K 1.00 1.00 Lateral bracing Yes CONTROLLING FORCES -SHEAR Load condition : dl=Dead load Distance [ft] 0.00 (0%) Shear forces [Lb] 0.00 Torsion [Lb*ft] 0.00 CALCULATED PARAMETERS fv [Kip/in2] 0.00 0.04 Fv [Kip/in2] 14.00 14.00 ftor [Kip/in2] 0.00 Ftor [Kip/in2] 14.00 SHEAR CHECK fv/Fv ftor/Ftor 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTROLLING FORCES -BENDING Load condition : lcl=dl+llp Distance [ft] 0.00 Moments [Lb*ft] 0.00 (0%) -1238.39 Yes 99.94 Axial force [Lb] -41086.74 -- CALCULATED PARAMETERS fa [Kip/in2] 7.29 Fa [Kip/in2] 11.90 fb [Kip/in2] 0.00 1.78 Fb [Kip/in2] 23.10 23.10 DESIGN PARAMETERS KL/R 107.20 107.20 Cm 0.60 0.81 Fe [Kip/in2] 13.00 13.00 Curvature Single Single INTERACTION EQUATION fa/Fa = 0.61 (compression) Controlling equation : HI-I = 0. 75 Status : OK 8 • • • MEMBER 45 DESCRIPTION : PIPE_6 Section : P 6.00 Material : A53 GrB Rigid Floor : 0 -0 Fy : 35.00 [Kip/in2] Frame type Plane 1-2 Plane 1-3 DESIGN PARAMETERS L [ft] 20.00 20.00 Lb pos [ft] 20.00 Lb neg [ft] 20.00 K 1.00 1.00 Lateral bracing Yes CONTROLLING FORCES -SHEAR Load condition : lcl=dl+llp Distance [ft] 0.00 (0%) Yes Shear forces [Lb] 436.95 0.00 Torsion [Lb*ft] 0.00 CALCULATED PARAMETERS f:v [Kip/in2] 0.16 0.00 Fv (Kip/in2] 14.00 14.00 ftor [Kip/in2] 0.00 Ftor [Kip/in2] 14.00 SHEAR CHECK f:v/Fv ftor/Ftor 0.01 0.00 0.00 CONTROLLING FORCES -BENDING Load condition : lcl=dl+llp Distance [ft] 20.00 (100%) Moments [Lb*ft] -8738.93 0.00 Axial force [Lb] -24387.28 -- CALCULATED PARAMETERS fa [Kip/in2] 4.33 Fa [Kip/in2] 11.90 fb (Kip/in2] 12.53 0.00 Fb [Kip/in2] 23.10 23.10 DESIGN PARAMETERS KL/R 107.20 Cm 0.60 Fe (Kip/in2] 13.00 Curvature Single INTERACTION EQUATION 107.20 0.60 13.00 Single fa/Fa = 0.36 (compression) Controlling equation : HI-I= 0.85 Status : OK 9 • • RAM Found&tion v 12.0.1 D.'ltiBase: Capstone Building Code: IBC S11r~ad Footjn11 Desi@ D.'lt.e: 0&18108 10: 19:50 Design Code: ACI3 I 8-02 F0011NG DES'JGN Ji'o,ofin;g # :2 Footing Orientation (cbg): __ 90.00 Footing Column Location: __ (28.00-20.70) Column Orientation (ckg): __ 0.00 Length (ft):______ 4.00 Width (ft):_______ 4.00 Thici"lle,$S (ft);______ 1.00 Bottom Rei nf. Par.illcl to l.e'1'!gth: 6 -#5 Width: 6-#-5 Concre.te f' c (klli): 3.00 fot (ks:i): CODE Th,nsity ({Xf): I 50. 00 Re.inf. fy (ksi): 60.00 Ee (ksi): 3320.56 INPUT DATA 0:,]umn Size, Pipe.6Std B.rusc Plate Dimensions (in) 12.00 x J.2..00 PeC1::-ent of o .. ·erha:ng to assume Rigjd: 50. 00 LO.ADS -Surcha:rge-(ksf'.) ~ad Load: 0.000 Live Load: 0.000 A:dal (kip) ~ad Load: 9.93 Pos. Liv~,: 6.98 Neg. Live: Pos. Roof: NIA Neg. Roof: CONCRET:E CAPACITY M:aJor Ld rucoctfr Rl!if. Rei1ui1ed Shear (kip) 5. J6 2 Provided Shear: (kip) 34.01 Sec. 11.5.5. l a)b) c) Required 1v1o1m.·nt: (kip-ft) Pro..-1ded M,:,ruent: (kip-ft) Required Punc,hing S1:iear: (kip) Provided Punching Shear. (kip) REJNJi~ORCDIENT BarQ:uantity/Bar Size: 7.50 2 40.81 19.98 2 96.29 Bottom B:llil'S P.ftroH~l fo lAmgth Width 6415 P..eq,uire.d Stee-l<'Provided Stcd (jn1) Reguired Stoel Code Ref Bnr Spadn,g (la) 1.14! 1.86 Sec. 7.12 8.27 1.74/ 1.86 Sec.7.12 8.27 Bar Depth (in) C'.over (in) SOIL CAPAClTY Top NIA 8.63 Bottom: 3.00 8.00 Sioo: Allowable SoH Bearing Capacity (bf) _______ _ !vfax Unfactrned Soil Rearing (ksf) __________ _ Max Avera~ Untkto,ro Soil Bei1ring (bi) _____ _ Max Soil Bead:ng for Fw~tored. Design (ksf) _____ _ Max Avera~-Soi.I Be,'lrin.g for Facto,ied Design (ksf) __ _ 3.00 l.50 J.21 1.21 1.44 1..44 NlA NIA Mfnor Ld Co/Cod-e, R,a.t: 5.46 2 31.55 Se,:,. Jl.5.5.1 a) b.)c) 7.50 2 37.68 Top Bars J:>;;troHe,i to Llmgth '\,\'1dtb None None Norn:. None None Nooo None, None None None LdCo 4 4 2 2 10 • • • Base Plate Design RAM Steel v12.0. l DataBare: Capstone Building Code: IBC Base Plate Je,•eJ roof, Column Line 28.00ft -20.70ft BASEPLATE DIMENSIONS: N (parallel to 'iNeb) (in) _______ _ B (J::ierpancUcular to v,eh) (in) ______ _ Plate Thickness (in) ________ _ Plate (ksi) COLU1\.1N DATA Column 811.,e __________ _ De&l Load (kips) _________ _ LJve Load (kips) _________ _ Ullimare Load {kips) ________ _ .BIURING~ Concrete f'c (ksi) 12.75 12,75 0.50D 36.0 Pipe6Std 9.93 6.98 16.91 Size of concrete support (ft x ft) __________ _ Area of concrete support (sq in) __________ _ Eff Area of support (A2) (sq in) __________ _ Are-a Required for Bearing {sq in) _________ _ Area of Plate {Al) (sq in) -----------~- Square Root of (A.'J./A 1) ____________ _ Pp/2.5 (kips) ________________ _ CALCULATED DIMENSIONS: m [N-0.80d]/2.0 (in) ________ _ n [B-0.80b]t2.0 (in) ________ _ Thickness Required (in) _______ _ Checked for cantilever'portion only 3. 72.5 3.72..5 0.366 06/ 18/08 10:40:0 Steel Cede: AISC 360-05 ASJ 3.00 • 4.00 X 4.00 2304.00 2304.00 553 16256 3.76 Use 2.0 33L63 11 CB081165 1545 FARADAY AV CAPSONE ADVISORS-RELOC'ATE INTERIOR.STRUCTURAL ~OLUMN ,·· 0' ._I f-(JJ?" (/k/1/A-, 7, &j/ {tdf!s -JO/ .,_ 'j .vJ!_ ~ 1.:24 )O'b °4 @, r C.,, olz;;-/orf .-fe,;r Ll'rvd.y UJ. -NO f0f5E.o fur h'RE Keu,'ew, 1-J-tJY -#-,,ti.--/..-., (} ¥<: . cs~ A00roved Date Bv , Building r-:z-olf --M/ Planning Engineering Fire Health HazMat/Air Quality Comments Date Building Planning Engineering Fire Forms/Fees Sent Rec:"d Due? Sy School y N CFD y N PFF y N PE&M y N Special Insp. y N Fire y N Sewer y N Fees Complete -~""/.,~~"'-------,7"/,;.,,__ Application & Relate:£.,. Complete £,@.,, /