HomeMy WebLinkAbout1545 FARADAY AVE; ; CB081184; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsb'ad; CA 92008 .. 07-11-2008 Commercial/Industrial Permif. Permit No: CB081184 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: 1545 FARADAY AV CBAD Tl Sub Type: Lot#: INDUST 0 Status: Valuation: 2121302900 $306,040.00 Construction Type: 58 Applied: Occupancy Group: Reference #: Entered By: Project Title: CAPSTONE: 8744SFTI/OFF TO OFF Applicant: TSIA CONTRACTING INC. 4350 EXECUTIVE DR SUITE 301 SAN DIEGO 92121 858-784-3650 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee $1,291.77 $0.00 $839.65 $0.00 $0.00 $64.27 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: Plan Check#: Owner: ASHBROOK HEMET L P 1545 FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 Meter Size Add'I Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWAFee CFO Payoff Fee PFF (3105540) PFF (4305540) License Tax (3104193) License Tax (4304193) Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Redev Parking Fee Additional Fees HMP Fee ISSUED 06/23/2008 JMA 07/11/2008 07/11/2008 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $125.00 $20.00 $30.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ?? TOTAL PERMIT FEES $2,371.19 Total Fees: $2,371.19 Total Payments To Date: $2,371.19 Bal~nce Due: BUlLUJ Nu PLf\J"~() VIN STORAGE ATTACHED FINAL A/l?PROVAL Date: 9 /c> I 08 Clearance: _____ _ $0.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition' of fees, dedications, reserv1:1tions, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fe!3~/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other requirelfr1formation with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this projact. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any f f w i vi sl T E imil r hi r · f Ii i i n h revi sl h rwi Plan Check No. C568' l \ City· of _Carlsbad 1635 Farad.ay Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-602-2717 / 2718/ 2719 Est •. Va~"'e ~6t> OLl:O. ·J Fax: 760-602-8558 Plan Ck. Deposit Building Permit-Application ·Date (o·(2-~ (o g-- JOB ADD 'ESS . \S/\'5 KlvtL !?-O' - CT/PROJECT II LOT II #BE(?ROOMS lYP.E Of CONSl'. OCC,GRO P t,. \ltS-. f>. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: (Please describe present use and prop'?sed I/Se) Bl:HLDING AREA (S . A~ ADDlrlON AReA (SF) -0 -. PATIO_S (SF) DE.CKS(SF) -., FIRES RINKL S YES'-¢' N0 CJ CONTACT NAME (If Different FOIJI Applicant) APPLICANT NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS. CITY STATE ZIP PHONE F:AX EMAIL OWNER NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL Workers' Compenaqtlon Bq~laratlon; i i,;f~by-~m;~ ~nd~;penafy~f.,~er]u~ d~;-~f th~ follow/fig declarations: _ CJ I have and wJlt maintain a.certificate of consent to self:lnsure for-wbrkers' compensation as provided by S.ecfio~ 37-00 of the Labor Code, far the performance of the work for which .this.permitis Issued. ~have and-will-maintain werkers' c0mpensaU1)n, as required by Section 370.0 of the Labor Code, for ttie,.peffermance·9f the-work for which this permit Is Issued. My workers' compensation Insurance carrier and policy ·1nsur~~:~~ are •. -. h &, (;;:;'i'--' . Dt,.,~ ~-Polioy-Ne:22"1 2~7xpirali~n Dali, \ ~ \ -0) This secti0n,need,not-be co111pleted If.the pe1mltis'tor-cine hvndred·dollars ($100) or les.s. · -, / £/4 /Q.lt'Jf'9-M /1 (} -J · · CJ Certificate of Exero11l!on: t.aertjfy that In-the performance of the wefldor whlilh-thls permit Is Issued, l shall-110! employ any Mfsdn In a:iiy,rrulrf"nef schfs to ~co~ull)ect to the Wetkers'. Compensation Laws-of California. WAR.NING: Failure-to secure worker$' oompenliatlon cov~ra11e Is unlawful, and shall·subject an·employer to criminal penaltlei and civil flnea up to one hundred thouaand dollars (&100;000), In addition to the cost of oompensaUo · amag~a as provided for ln Section 3· ofth Labor.code, intereat and attorney's feea. · I hereby affirm t/J~t-l·am exempt fr0m CorJtr4oter's LjGen$e·l.,aw for the follow/ng re.~son: . CJ I, as own11r of the properly er-my employees with w~ges as their sole compensation, will do the work and the-structure Is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: T-he Contractor'.s Llcense-t:'aw .does no{ apply to an owner of property Who builds or lmprov~s theieon, and who doos sucnw.ork himself or through his own employees, provided that snch lmptovamenls are notlntended or offered for sale. If, h'0wever, the building or Improvement.ls sold within-one year of'completlon, the owner-.bullder will h\lve the burden of prQving that he did not build. or improve for the purpose of sale). · CJ I,. as owner of the properfy, ani-.excluslvely contraoUng wllh llcensed·contractors-to construct the projecl·(Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner:'Of property who builds-or,lmproves there0n, and centracts,for such projects.with contract0r(s) licensed pursliant·to the Contractor's License Law). CJ I am exempt-under Section, ____ _., uslnes$ and Professions Code for this reason: 1. ! ,personally plan 'te previde the 111aJ0r labor and materials·fQr construction of the proposed property lmpr0vement. CJ Yes ·. CJ No 2. I (~aveJ'have not) sign~ an appllc.ation for a buildln9 permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the•.followi~g person:(firm) to provide tfie .proposed constructioll' (include name address I phone/ oo~tractors! license number): . . 4. l·P,lan t9 'provide portions ef the work, bull have hired the fellowing person to coordinat~, supervise and provide the major work (include name/ address/ ph0ne / contractors' license number.): 5. I-will provide some.of the work, bull hav.e-centracted.(hlred) the following persons to provide the work.lndlc.aled (lnclu~. name/ address./ phone/ \yp,e.ofwork}:: •. ;€$°PR0PERIT OWNER SLGNA-TUR!: DATE ..€S°APPLICAN:r'S SIGNATU 1 City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 08/28/2008 Permit# CB081184 Title: CAPSTONE: 8744SFTI/OFF TO OFF Description: Type:TI Job Address: Sub Type: INDUST 1545 FARADAY AV Suite: Lot: Location: APPLICANT TSIA CONTRACTING INC. Owner: C W H Q CARLSBAD L L C Remarks: Total Time: 0 CD Description Act 19 Final Structural ~ 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Comments Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# CV051078 UNFOUND O-NO BIZ LICENSE; Inspector Assignment: PY --- Phone: 8584371179 Inspector: ----- Requested By: BUTCH MILLER Entered By: CHRISTINE PCR04099 ISSUED ASHBROOK-STRUCT CHANGES & ; REV CONFERENCE ROOM (PCRmfCf84--pEKJl)Tl'JG CAP_sTONE: STRUCTURAL CHANGES;~ Inspection History Date Description 08/27/2008 84 Rough Combo 08/18/2008 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 08/18/2008 34 Rough Electric 08/18/2008 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 08/13/2008 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 08/07/2008 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 08/06/2008 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 08/06/2008 84 Rough Combo 08/04/2008 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 08/04/2008 24 Roughffopout Act lnsp Comments WC PY PA PY T-BAR PA PY PA PY PA PY HARD LID @ CORRIDOR PA MC DRYWALL ONLY, SOFFIT@EXT. OF RM 111-113, LID@RM 115 & WALLS & LID RM 117 AP PY AP PY PA PY SUBMIT PLAN CHANGES AP PY City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 08/01/2008 Permit# CB081184 Inspector Assignment: PY Title: CAPSTONE: 8744SFTI/OFF TO OFF Description: Type:TI Job Address: Sub Type: INDUST 1545 FARADAY AV Suite: Lot: Location: APPLICANT TSIA CONTRACTING INC. Owner: C W H Q CARLSBAD L L C Remarks: 0 --- Phone: 8584371179 Inspector: [vll- Total Time: Requested By: BUTCH MILLER Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description Act Comments 00 ~, ..... -iv?: 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding ~~ ~ 24 34 Rough/Topout Rough Electric + ___ _ Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# CV051078 UNFOUND O-NO BIZ LICENSE; PCR04099 ISSUED ASHBROOK-STRUCT CHANGES & ; REV CONFERENCE ROOM Date 07/29/2008 07/29/2008 07/17/2008.' ·,. Inspection History Description 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers 12 Steel/Bond Beam 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers Act lnsp Comments WC TP AP TP P.G. @ CLMN BASES AP PY POST FTG CIIV of Carlsbad · Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite (';lr.e::) Plan Check #: Permit#: CB081184 Project Name: CAPSTONE: 8744SFTI/OFF TO OFF Address: 1545 FARADAY AV Contact Person: BUTCH MILLER Sewer Dist: CA Phone: 8584371179 Water Dist: CA Date: 08/28/2008 Permit Type: Tl Sub Type: INDUST Lot: 0 .......................................................................................................................................................... Inspected C Vy Date j fa ~ Inspected: f 'JI? ~<t' Approved: Disapproved: __ By: • r1 Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ i., ··"'-:..., ... q (co(o1C EsGil Corppra~ion In (l'artnersliip witli qovernmentfor(}Juilaing Safety DATE: July 10, 2008 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 08-1184 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1545 Faraday Avenue PROJECT NAME: Capstone Advisors TI SET: II D APPLICANT D JURIS. D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. [g] The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: [g] Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person [g] REMARKS: OK to issue with the person responsible for their preparation signing all final sheets of plans. (California Business and Professions Code). Applicant is carrying perforated plans to the ~ \D~ By: Bryan Zuppiger Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC LOG trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporat.ion In <Partnersliip witli government for (J3uiUing Safety DATE: July 2, 2008 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 08-1184 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1545 Faraday Avenue PROJECT NAME: Capstone Advisors TI SET: I N REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. i:g] The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. i:gj The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Capstone Advisers 11682 El Camino Real, Suite #300 San Diego, CA 92130 D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. -·-- Person contacte~~ ~ Date contactei:J/~/o (by-,j.-/6 ) Mail Teleph~e V Fax /4 Person D REMARKS: lca.JM.. By: Bryan Zuppiger-lM) Esgil Corporation Telephone#: 858 794 7000 Fax#: 858 794 8010 Enclosures: D GA D MB D EJ D PC 06/24/2008 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 08-1184 July 2, 2008 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST TENANT IMPROVEMENTS PLAN CHECK NO.: 08-1184 OCCUPANCY: B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: unknown SPRINKLERS?: yes DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: July 2, 2008 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad USE: office ACTUAL AREA: ±1500 ft2 OCCUPANTLOAD:unknown DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 06/24/2008 PLAN REVIEWER: Bryan Zuppiger This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 2007 CBC that adopts the 2006 IBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per IBC Section 105.4 of the 2006 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the markecfup list when you submit the revised plans. Carlsbad 08-1184 July 2, 2008 • PLANS 1 . Please make all corrections on the originals and submit two new complete sets of prints to Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, (858) 560-1468. 2. Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans; "This project shall comply with the 2007 California Building Code that adopts the 2006 IBC, 2006 UMC, 2006 UPC and 2005 NEC." 3. In addition to the information shown on the plans, please revise the Project Data Legend, Section numbers and Notes on the Title Sheet on the plans to match the 2006 IBC, as adopted by the State of California. Include the following code information for each building proposed: + For Mixed Occupancy Buildings, state whether the "non-separated" or "separated" option was chosen from IBC Section 508.3, + Type of Construction , + Floor Area of Tl + Occupant Load of Tl 4. Indicate the use of all spaces adjacent to the area being remodeled or improved. 5. Provide a section view of all new interior partitions that is referenced to the floor plan. Show; a) Type, size and spacing of studs. Indicate gauge for metal studs. Specify manufacturer and approval number or indicate "to be ICBO approved". b) Method of attaching top and bottom plates to structure. (NOTE: Top of partition must be secured to roof or floor framing, unless suspended ceiling has been designed for partition lateral load). Please not that the diagonal wall brace spacing can not exceed 4' on center. c) Wall sheathing material and details of attachment (size and spacing of fasteners). d) Show height of partition and suspended ceiling, and height from floor to roof framing or floor framing. 6. Glazing in the following locations should be of safety glazing material in accordance with CBC Section 24-06:3-(see exceptions): a) Fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface. 7. Note on plan that suspended ceilings shall comply with ASTM C 635 & ASTM C 636. 8. Please note that suspended ceilings in Seismic Design Categories D, E & F per ASCE 7-05 Section shall have the following; a) A heavy duty T-bar system shall be used. b) The width of the perimeter supporting closure angle shall be no less than 2". In each orthogonal horizontal direction one end of the ceiling grid shall be attached to the closure angle. The other end in each horizontal direction shall have a ¾" clearance from the wall and shall rest upon and be free to slide on a closure angle. Carlsbad 08-1184 July 2, 2008 9. Please complete the lighting controls sheets, Sheet LTG-1-C; a) Complete the mandatory automatic controls form on the plans. Sheet LTG-1-C. Part 2 of 4. b) Complete the certificate of compliance state the equipment to be tested and the persons doing the testing on the plans. Sheet L TG-1-C. Part 4 of 4. c) Please detail the method of compliance on the plans. 10. When alterations, ~tructural repairs or modifications or additions are made to an existing building, that building, or portion of the building affected, is required to comply with all of the requirements for new buildings, per CBC Section 11348.2. These requirements apply as follows: a) The area of specific alteration, repair or addition must comply as "new" construction. b) Existing sanitary facilities that serve the remodeled area must be shown to comply with all accessibility features. 11. It is unclear from the plans if the restrooms servicing the tenant improvement are disabled accessible, please provide a dimensioned restroom plans showing the restroom to be accessible compliant. 12. Revise plans, or door schedules, to show that every required passage door has 232" clear width, per Section 1133B.2. Please see door N-1. 13. Doors in the room shall not swing into the clear floor space required for any fixture. Maintain the required clearances at the lavatory/water closet without the entry door swinging into those areas. CBC Section 1115B.3.2.2. Please see men's room. a) The clear space in front of the water closet measures 60" wide by 48" in front. CBC Section 1115B.4.1.2. 14. Please note that end opening water closet compartment doors shall be located diagonal to the water closet and maintain a maximum stile width of 4" on the hinge side. There shall be 48" between the water closet and door. The door shall swing out and have a clear 60" in the direction of swing. CBC Section 1115B. Please see the lady's room. Please see attached._ _ The person responsible for their preparation must sign all final sheets of plans. (California Business and Professions Code). Final structural plans, specifications and calculations must be signed and sealed by the engineer or architect licensed by the State of California who is responsible for their preparation. Please specify the expiration date of license. (California Business and Professions Code). To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Bryan Zuppiger at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. ' ,, Carlsbad 08-1184 July 2, 2008 CENTERUNE OF FfXTURE __......__ Fl USH 18" ACTIVATOR ON WIDE SIDE 0 . "'=3"' z ....... N ~ 60" M1N. 18 MtN. ., 32 11 MIN. TO EDGE ·OF WATER CLOSET Ct'.: ..::i.: w ...J (.'.) co -.::,-z -:2': 4~ MAX. ACCESSfBLE WATER CLOSET COMPARTMENT WfTHIN A MULTfPLE-ACCOMMODATlON TOILET FAClUTY .. Carlsbad 08-1184 July 2, 2008 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Bryan Zuppiger BUILDING ADDRESS: 1545 Faraday Avenue BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B BUILDING AREA Valuation PORTION ( Sq. Ft.) Multiplier ..... ti 1'5QO 34.37 (T]Lfl/ V . I Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance j ... / Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Fl Type of Review: 0 Complete Review 0 Other PLAN CHECK NO.: 08-1184 DATE: July 2, 2008 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: unknown Reg. VALUE ($) Mod . 51,555 -~ol.. 1 .... u ,1 .r: ~ .... -•-.:r-r,..,..,.., "" -I V $394.651 $256.521 0 Structural Only ti.Repetitive Fee __ _ [B Repeats D Hourly I Hour* $221.001 Esgil Plan Review Fee Comments: macvalue.doc PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB081184 DATE 6/23/08 ADDRESS 1545 FARADAY AV OTHER -- PLANNER DEBORAH MILAM ENGINEER { ~ ~L,(_ ~ ~C-e- H:\ADMIN\COUNTER/PI.ANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVAIS TENANT IMPROVEMENT DATE 7/3/08 DATE ___ ..._.l//,-=f; __ /'}_tJ_f3_ Carlsbad Fire Department Plan Review Requirements Category: TI , INDUST Date of Report: 07-03-2008 Name: Address: Permit #: CB0S 1184 TSIA CONTRACTING INC. 4350 EXECUTIVE DR SUITE 301 SAN DIEGO CA 92121 Job Name: CAPSTONE: 8744SFTI/OFF TO OFF Job Address: 1545 FARADAY AV CBAD Reviewed by: (1 A)°'-~ / 6 --1: n1:. DEPT COPY B,.-1.lL ,_J. . adequately conduct a revie comp eview carefull n s attached. Please resubmit the necessary plans and/or specifications, with changes "clouded", 1s office for review and approval. Conditions: Cond: CON0002898 [MET]· **APPROVED: THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSES OF ISSUEANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTIONS, ANY REQUIRED TESTS, FIRE DEPARTMENT -NOTATIONS, _ CONDITIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS. THIS APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR APPROVE ANY VIOLATION OF THE LAW. Entry: 07/03/2008 By: cwong Action: AP ,. ) DCI · E.f\tJGI.t~E E R.S D'AMATO CONVERSANO INC. J. Mark D 'Amato •Guy A. C:onver.mno Hlizabeth A. Jensen • Roger L. Heeringa • Mark D. Aden Hany.!ones fl• Troy Ji. Bean • Tom C. .\',a. l'h.D. Richard L. Hemmen • ( iram C. Buckmgham Wade Younie • John Tessem • /)amon S1111th CALCULATIONS REPORT CAPSTONE ADVISORS T.I. PHASE II 1545 FARADAY AVENUE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PREPARED FOR CAPSTONE ADVISORS INC. ~ DESIGN IS BASED ON THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 200~ i ' ,'r I 'if,,,., ''·-.. JULY 1, 2008 DCI Job# 08-51-034 '' 525 B STREET, SUITE 750 • SAN DIEGO, CA 9615f;)8': I cli iY ) BASIS OF DESIGN GRAVITY DESIGN KEY PLAN CONFERENCE ROOM FRAMING OFFICES FRAMING METAL STUD PROPERTIES LATERAL DESIGN BASE SHEAR CALCULATION FORCE DISTRUBITION LATERAL ELEMENT DESIGN BASE PLATE DESIGN FOUNDATION DESIGN SPREAD FOOTING DESIGN EXISTING SLAB CONNECTION TABLE.OF CONTENTS .......................................... 3 .......................................... 4 .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... 5 6 7 ·········································· 9 .......................................... 10 .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... 11 14 17· 18 2 ' ) ) ) Basis for Design Code used: CBC 2007 Loadings Table: Roof Dead Load lbs Light-gage Framing @ 16"oc 2.00 Plywood 2.00 Gypboard Ceiling 3.00 Miscellaneous 3.00 10.00 Live Load 20.00 Analysis uses beai:n self weight Materials: Steel: Structural WF Shapes .......................................... ASTM A992 Fy = 50 ksi Other Structural Shapes ...................................... ASTM A36, Fy = 36 ksi Bars & Plates ....................................................... ASTM A36, Fy = 36 ksi Structural Tubing -Square/Rect HSS ................. ASTM A500, Grade B Fy = 46 ksi High-Strength Bolts .............................................. ASTM A325 or ASTM F1852, Type 1, Plain MATERIALS: Studs and Track 54-mil and heavier shall be ASTM A653 Grade Dor ASTM A1011 Grade 50, Min Fy=50 KSI, 43-mil and lighter shall be ASTM A653 Grade A, or ASTM A 1011 Grade 33, Min Fy=33 KSI, . Grabber Wafer Self-Drilling, #10 x 1 /2 Hilti SOM 14 THP, Hilti ESD 16 P8T Sheet Metal Screws Track to Steel Track to Concrete Hilti Metal Hit Anchors, 1/4 x 1 -1/4", Hilti X-DNI Powder Actuated Fasteners@ 12" oc minimum, UNO in plan notes or shearwall schedule. Shearwall Track to Cone. Embeds per Shearwall Schedule. Wefd Materials E60XX electrodes and conform to AWS D1 .3 Shear wall Fasteners As indicated on the shearwall schedule. Floor Diaphragm Fasteners Screws as indicated on the floor plan notes. Floor Joists Dietrich cold-formed steel framing Roof Joists Dietrich cold formed steel framing Shear Wall Sheathing Sureboard (as defined below) 3 .) ) ,,•. EDCI·ENGINEERS i--4 D'AMATO CONVERSANO INC. Project Subject LAP;, TT>NE,. 'Pi-\A{:. E: 1L '\P=--1 pv.,.,.,-..) ~ I I I I I I -d.l u "'JOISf C."'SI Project No. 0 S -S--I -O'!> t...f l ___ =-.--------L..t -, ---- I ~' C, Sheet No. t..1 Date "/ -z...c..o /0<3 By f'M I ~ Y. t e:,12".6-,v\ 01:>J ($\:;.AM OB I I o '< -[,'J _ C-:J _.,. CJ !$~AM 01>\ -G:J -. -------fe ;:; ... .. \-1 0 ~ ...._, .... r ~ " I . '"" ) EDCI·ENGINEERS Project No. Sheet No. iA-D'AMATO CONVERSANO INC. OS r ':> l -D :!> t./ 5 Project Subject (...Af' $ -C-o NE:.. f'\·-\,:,..,;, ~ (.,,(¼..., \,'/ Ftt.A-"-'-1 rJv-. Ml$l.., -:S-01$~ (<.,:r I) w 1I { \C> @">-f t>t-J { '2..0 {""""{ 1..-L \ Date r.,,/ Z.<-1 { <>'6 By PM. ~~--------~ lf$,~1 ;;;;;. '2:'=IS'' w:::. 10("'-f (1t.''/1"L.}"" \~.3t>1fDl. '2.-0 ~ (It,,'' I I'?-) :a '2..&.-=i-t0-f LL fh-= 0,..CD (-=,3 ,.,.._.,')::. \q,~ V,..,,i.. p.., :: . )-/I :>jU:~ = \(..'io )\,-ft-(1i.) /, () (><.) ~ I, 03 •vr ':, ~ > (O\,~ -~ . I.AhE. 800~'2.,oo -'-1"3 (<'.:;,>'-.:. \.'71_$, ,r;;. .::-Lo3) ioEA.fv\~ ( C.~ \) w ~ ~'o (µl~n,.,. ::. \~.s'/z.+ '2..-:J'=>' 7 ~~5\DE:(l.. vtJG,,A-<At,..llE{) k;:, C,.(> l ,._) I,--, = \ 'Z,. I ,A;. '2.tz.' ~ ~,:; \0~ ( \,z.l) ~ 1'2.0 p.H Pt- !'A ,vv,,.'f"-:;. 0ft-'1.-/'6. Q....o~ ( \ 'L' ) -: '2.L.-\0 'f'-'1-f \,.(.. = ?Ce,O(t'l.)-i./e, ::: 'L I ;-lW 1'ri-f.r '7lPD ~.f i"L f ~ S 'l:J -=i-eoe>' ,..,_~ (1'1) /tooo \:, "' 5 > R.E:a.. .: \~, t> \;<,,l "'Jr ~os-r ~11.,1.. e,Ec P~tc..,.t-,3~ Po A CA.1-J,1'-11.;l":1..N::fl./ o t,C>t..ul'--'lrJ t;'o(t. l.AXE-Cu>,t,. (V:-) ( ~ ,,,_,..st.£ iD S~ !~AN C.. I.A.? P--0 S f,-,..._,._::. \'Z.O \>,lf t>1,,. ,c '2.:Z.' -::. 2.,l.>'-11,,. OL 2. '--\ 0 f-1t I..\. )<, 't 'Z. I '=._, ?• '2. '(, ..._ I.A.. -=/A 2. ~,~ } . . • Ii DCI · ENGINEERS --4 D'AMATO CONVERSANO INC. Project Subject Lf.\.P';;,10 NE. ?~A-?€-11 G-,(l..A\JI,'/ Ft2.A.M1r->l... \,0 {'t>') ~ -:. 8/ (I?..) --\'3,\.?... y-<>·°1"~'1.. F.,._:: -12 -r. -i, (1-c..ou<>) s. f-~ 1-3, (1'?\.'2..)~ (,A) ~ ~ ~ :/d;v l'Z.,S' }ffe 5' M.A!vJ....: ;;--=l-00, -=J. 4'-o-A- 1\ "' ~ r:_ -=!-oo, '";l l"'·A-fr,_) / I OoO t., ':] 1 7(!..eO,.;,. \"Vb\~, :: 0, t.-j~ '", w= s It-!.':(>. ::, '-I 'l'Z s ( , ... ) I I o,zy.j \ 9. -'r.> Project No. Sheet No. 0~ ~s-, -07:,'4 (ti Date & /1-r..1 Joe, By PM 0 ~ \'3. "3 ~ l>L 'l.CP:~-~( 1..-1.. <> ...... I IL '2.cG"" OU.. \ o F (I 1. ~s ') :: I \ ":> ~ ?,,.c> ~ (l\,"'VS') :: 'l..1-~ ~k ~?'6 ~ L _)) .Y :/d·:'_::· · · · : ··. ;: · ·. · · · · ·. ·seciia~·-.·Prop_EfttiE!~r:~\ .. 1 ' ' ' • ,. • i· ! ,1 r ,•\ ., ._..;.secll~.<. 250S137-33 250S137-43 250S137-54 250S137-68 0.0713 2()0$162,33 ·, '.6,b34fi.' . 0;2?3 250S162.:43 0.0451 · '. 0.289 · -2~.dsl~?-54. , q,ti9!lfL · · · 250S162-68 . 0:0713 Structural (S) Stud Section Properties 350 162-33 1.404 0.098 0.617 0.508 0.279 5.50 1046 0.103 0.273 -1.351 2.044 0.563 350S162-43 1.400 0.125 0.612 0.654Cozt2 8.08 1777 0.227 0.345 -1.339 2,031 0.565 350S162-54 1.392 0.152 0.606 0.804 o'.460 10.20 2403 0.443 0.418 -1.331 2.019 0.566 350S162· 1.383 0.184 0.597 0.985 0.563 12,83 2959 0.557 18.89 4483 1.758 0.872 0.503 -1.321 2.004 0.565 362S .o.236 ·u24 0.059 ,0;501·, '0.479 0.254 ·5 ·. ,o:1e2 .:;-,02s0-1:82s --o.684 · ss2s ·0.0451 . ·o:ilo6. 1;(14 · .•• 6·. o:340· · Mci9 .6;ots .. ll.4!l:(: ·.o.il1s· .jl;:l:34 · t _ .. :.fi.77 ils2a. -:' . :: · : · .. , ·. c.Q:201 0:264' -r:01s" h81'4 · o.687' s6'2sjsis4 · ·o.os66. M79: . 1;.i:?9' . ¢7lW. ·Q,<tii ·J41.1 ·. q.Q!JJ. ·Q.490 ,9:7~6 0J11::_ s.4p. ?4,~Z _· 1.a1.2 .. o:75§ o.4oq 1~_41,/q445 -1:$44'. :oAo!i, ,Q,?46 .t,oQ5: Mo1 M?s.1 .$92St$7-fill ·.·. Q,Q7]3 . . . Q.ft7.0· '.. J.&9 · , Q,~22 · ;0;5.99.'. JAQi _;·o. 1@.. .o,4/)o. :·.Q .• ~??.. .:MQ.9-f 1-§7 ~QlG' 1-812; -:o:922 : 0,5Q8 -17:5.ll 46µ1,.'i,814 ·.0,.797 :'.Q:29~ ,Q,996'1 1,J8,4 ·.0,$§9 362S162-33 0.0346 0.262 0.89 0.551 0.304 1.450 0.099 0.616 0.551 0.292 5.77 1039 1.843 0.105 0.293 -1.335 2.065 0.582 362S162-43 0.0451 0.340 1.16 0.710 0.392 1.445 0.127 0.611 0.710 0:389 8.46 1777 1.818 0.230 0.371 -1.323 2.052 0.585 362S162-54 0.0566 0.422 1.44 0.873 0.4°81 1.438 0.154 0.604 0.873 0.481 10.69 2497 1.812 0.873 0.468 14.00 3446 1.836 0.451 0.449 -1.314 2.040 0.585 362S162-68 0.0713 0.524 1.78 1.069 0.590 1.429 0.186 0.596 1.069 0.590 13.44 3076 1.B12 1.069 0.584 19.80 4661 1.820 0.8B7 0.540 -1.305 2.024 0.585 :?"6?$2,00-3 43 3 :0g_ .. 00~.-5-~ :. _or2$1.: · tor ·.o::$4s-o:~r;~ 1.411f M:fi · Q.71,?:' ;.o:a~.,.;o,s1l·s.2~ .· 1os~:tatis,.:: ·-.: ::,•··.: .. ·· ... :· ... : · · : .. Q·.11$··0:~1,4 · ,tno,g:4)}!" ·9:470·· •, o.as~ · 1.31,· o.~r·o:4e11A7f o,g,~1: Q_].67, .0:836: 'O,f\8. 8;85 JP! '.}·,~q4 ... , ... ; · .. •: _ .. ·; .. ,:Q,?61: Q.726 ;t75~·?AW:9,4Z?• 5.'¢ .:iJ:65tfo ·1.~-1.oao ·.0.968 _1;467 o:277,'0,761'..t,939 :9:§9~.12,?6 2497:. 1.s.12· '·1 .;15>,~5'.'3446·.1 8 o_.511 ·o.~?4 -.1,7,!iO. ?-49? q.471· . : ·-.6:0113 ,-· . 1.2.65 , . 1:265.'0.698' -:-1 ·4661, ·1· 1.008 ·1:070 .-t741' 2.393' .. 0.470· . 1 Web-height to thickness ratio exceeds 200. Web stiffeners are required at all support points and concentrated loads See Section Properties Table Notes on page 6. 7 ss~ :'..:/: $action Properties --. :. . : : . ·. -·-: ·-. . _· ·_ -.. ·-·:i< • • ' ' ' I ' , ; ~ Structural (S) Stud Section Properties 800S137-331 0.0346 0.388 1.32 3.198 0.799 2.873 0.073 0.435 3.198 0.663 13.10 455 4.335 0.155 0.948 -0.709 2.991 0.944 800S137-43 0.0451 0.503 1.71 4.134 1.033 2.866 0.093 0.430 4.134 1.033 20.42 1008 4.000 0.341 1.202 -0.700 2.981 0.945 800S137-54 0.0566 0.627 2.13 5.110 1.277 2.855 0.112 .Q_.423 5.110 1.277 28.89 2006 4.000 5.110 1.249 37.38 2006 4.032 0.670 1.460 -0.691 2.967 0.946 800S137-68 0.0713 o:782 2.66 6.303 1.576 2.839 0.134 0.414-,6.303 1.576 36.74 4048 4.000 6.303 1.573 54.40 4048 4.003 1.325 1.762 -0.680 2.948 0.947 800S137-97 0.1017 1.093 3.72 8.597 2.149 2.805 0.169 0.394 8.597 2.149 53.09 9037 4.000 8.5~7 2.149 78.22 11124 4.000 3.767 2.295 -0.658' 2.908 0.949 soos1s2::33• o.6341:l , 'o.41s 1.4\ :s.5~2 ·o.Ms 2.943 o.r2s o.!i5o s.ss2 Q,75_t _ 14,%-<11>s -,i;soil. o:1il1, 1:il1s: .:o.ss1 s:.r42 :o:eoa. 8008162'43 0 o_.04 0 _ 5 .S66J_ :/J.537 t83 4.633 1.1$8. 2.937 O.J90: Q.~46. 4.633 1.158 22,89' 1008 4,000' ·0:3M · 2:056 :0941 3132' ·o.~10 800S1f)2'54 :o.670 2.28 _5.736 1.434 g:9?? .0.1$:t Q;g39 .5.736 t.4.34 31.$3 200$ 4.000 5.736 -1:397 41,84 2006 4,fi39'. 0.715" 2.509 -o:ro2 3:119 0,91'1- 800S162'68 o:011s · o:836 2:84 1.oa9 1.m_ ?,91?, 0:23!,i' o,5so 1-os9 1'772 4041 4048 4000 :z ds9 .. 1.1~_7 5~-~7· .404iJ 4,ofa, i:416 -a,Mt-,o.9?,1 3.10(-0:912 so.os1_6?-97 o .. JQJi.'·1.1$9 ~:~8 9.m:.t,f!2~· 2:f,l83 o.3_05, o,sto, 9_:11:i. .2:42.a· ·s0~t __ gp37 -4:000/iz.13_ 2-428 :&6.14,.1;1:12.4' 4.ooQ 4.o3o 4.02.:i. -_o.ag~ s.0&2 P,9J;f 800S200-33' 0.0346 0.448 1.52 4.096 1.024 3.023 0.227 0.712 4.096 0.812 16.04 _ 455 4.410 0.179 2.945 -1.306 3.369 0.850 1800S200iA3..: 1>.045£:.0.582· -11.96;-i.5.'a02, L$25,_3aQ18'.&Z.~a".J!J'.Q§;l 5.302 1.293 25.54 1008 4.038 0.395 3.763 -1.295 3.359 0.851 800S200-54 0.0566 0.726 2.47 6.573 1.643 3.009 0.357 0.701 6.573 1.643 35.75 2006 4.000 6.573 1.475 44.15 2006 4.168 0.775 4.612 ·1.286 3.346 0.852 800S200-68 0.0713 0.907 3.09 8.140 2.035 2.996 0.435 0.692 8.140 2.035 45.29 4048 4.000 8.140 1.964 65.21 4048 4.055 1.537 5.631 -1.275 3.329 0.853 800S200-97 0.1017 1.271 4.32 11.203 2.801 2.969 0.576 0.673 11.203 2.801 65.12 9037 4.000 tt~~. ~.801 ,96,.63 __ .1,1)24 4.000 4.381 7.524 -1.253 3.292 0.855 soos2so:43 ~o:o;isr .o:a21 tl:l·' 5:01s "f!iM s.o97'tl.5ci'o· o.soo· il;Ms-··1.s_fa '2$':e~ :.1091f 4:219_ • . 0:42s·: ·s.s20 ,1.69!i s.641 o,1M·• soos250-54 oos66,':0783' -2·66 7465' fas5·aoss·o514 0886 7:465 1.112 ss:a2·:mos'4;134-7:378.,-1:525 46.66 '0'83~-1.169 1asiiail2s ot84 · · • · ·-· · ·--· · :· ·" · ··.. • · · · · .. · -.. --·.,.. · · :9:2a·1·. 2.,;,o·. 44· ·.2a· . 4'0·4&,_' .o·s·3:: .9· ·0a1·.· ·2·.00·3 59·_-9_""· .•.;.a5·0·.··9··.r,26·--·1·.·s74· ·-s· ·.·a .. 1·1-'o·.-1·3·5 · . llQOS259'6,8 ... o.ozr~ :o:~78·. 3.3~. '9,261 -~.31.5 '3,077 0,752. 0.8Tf. . "-~ " " .,_ " , " " ,soos250.97 . 0.1011 s,197 .. 12:1il9 3.190 72.06 so3i 4.004' 12:'fag .a:os:f 102:io ' : 12:a3,H.652 :l.!\1s· --o:1az' 1000 162-431 0.0451 0.627 2.13 8.025 1.605 3.577 0.168 0.518 8.025 JA14__ 27.94 802 5.292 _ -, :'· 0.425 3.404 -0.836 3.709 0.949 1000S162-54 0.0566 0.783 2.66 9.950 1.990 3.565 0.204 0.511 19.9[0 (),9,\),2_,39.32 1593 5.000! 9.950 1.'l.12. 51.26 1593 5.332 0.836 4.160 -0.827 3.696 0.950 1000S162-68 0.0713 0.978 3.33 12.325 2.465 3.550 0.246 0.502 l2:325 2~465. 56.20 3209 5.000 72,325 2.465 73.80 3209 5.000 1.658 5.060 -0.817 3.677 0.951 1000s162-97 0.1011 1.372 4.67 16.967 3.393 3.516 o.320 0.483 16.967 3.393 81.43 9037 5.ooo 16.967 3.393 120.37 ~461 _5.oo.o_ 4.731 6.708 -0.795 3.637 o.952 1q_qo~g90~..-:o.Oi\5Y. ii.612 . t29' ·e:oa5' "1,s1cs:tiJ6 ·o.so9· :o.6tt s.oss t580: 3'i:'2s :aof ·s,Bl9 . . . . . . . o:4M · 6.ta!i <us2 ·3,§14,· 0.012' 1000s200-54 o:os~.t· ii.sag -2:8~ -11':278 2:25e :i.666 o.:St!!' ·0.011 J-1.2z3 2.256, . 44.57 >f5§3: -5:000, · 11.2i& taos: .M.64 .1s9s -;Mts-o,as6 ' 7_5§5 · :1.1ss 3.soL oms: ,1099s21i6-Qll 0:0713-to5o · tfiir · 13:994.· 2.19s 3:652 -Mao -o:!iti2 13,~94, 21799 s2.28 ·, il209 . s.ooo; 01s:99f 2J4,i s2d5 3209. s.037, ·st:779. '. :9,291 .,J.1:42 3;as3 .os13. · 1000S200:97. ,6;{Q1j:: : ~.~7-4 ·. :#-,Og, J9.!Jj~ §;8.f)7 . 3"6~ . Q;6o~ • Q;~~ .. 1~-~6~ $.,Mt ; 8~.Q2, : ~03L [i;OQQ, 1~:.31l~:j,~6i -1il.M?. :~1~.t S,0,QQ !i.:Q~,2 i,2A~ -J,..j_g9 ~:_845,. 9~1.!i- 1000S250-431 0.0451 0.717 2.44 10.203 2.041 3.771 0.531 0.860 10.203 1.617 31.95 802 5.508 0.486 10.404 -1.535 4.161 0.864 1000S250-54 0.0566 0.896 3.05 12.677 2.535 3.762 0.653 0.854 12.677 2.277 44.99 1593 5.213 12.660 1.879 56.26 1593 5.635 0.957 12.805 -1.525 4.148 0.865 1000S250-68 0.0713 1.121 3.81 15.751 3.150 3.749 0.799 0.844 15.751 3.054 60.34 3209 5.060 15.751 2.670 79.94 3209 5.317 1.899 15.726 ·1.514 4.130 0.866 1000 -97 0.1017 1.576 5.36 21.827 4.365 3.722 1.072 0.825 21.827 98.40 9037 5.004 21.827 4.181 140.63 9461 5.082 5.433 21.268 ·1.491 4.093 0.867 ·12008162-54' . . . 5 15,730 ·g,6?2-.4:-,90· Q:212 . _ ; ~.730' .'2:3,34 · 6_. •: . 1321 · :.6,293 -0.74 4.283', 0,970'· . 1200S162-68. :o;0,?,1!3-· -• ~1 -~:81'-19:5.18· 3;l);ia. 4.m· 0:2!j5 _.OA7f '~~'.!iW-:3,2§3: 64.2~ 2fili8 6.0QO' J9.§1S 2,95f--ll~:4r,. ?65~ ..... , ... '1;6iltC:o:134 4;~e4 _ q.970,, .11.220Q 0 Q 8 t210fL 0 2:54fl7i·· ,OJQ1..7.. -1;i;1.s .. _q._3(l, .2_6;fili$. 4,194 _4;137..:0;.~3LQ.4.&9-. .._:2§;~~' 4,.4M 1Pi:;!Jti .7Jll4 c6lQQ9' .2!!-9.6.Lfl.:1~~ ,t5J/,42· 78H ,6;0J!O: p~3 .19:f8l.-o,7,1a· 4,~LO,J[-t · 0.0566 0.953 3.24 17.662 2.944 4.306 0.393 0.643 17.662 2.658 52.52 1321 6.281 17.662 2.143 64.17 1321 6.836 1.017 11.462 ·1.047 4.478 0.945 1200S200·68 0.0713 1.192 4.06 21.947 3.658 4.291 0.479 0.634 21.947 3.658 81.40 2658 6.000 21.947 3.265 97.75 2658 6.300 2.020 14.038 -1.036 4.459 0.946 1200S200-97 0.1017 1.677 5.71 30.417 5.069 4.258 0.635 0.615 30.417 5.069 117.87 7814 6.000 30.417 5.069 174.89 7814 6.000 5.783 18.876 -1.014 4.420 0.947 :1200$2~q-ey;ji 0;0~6f : 1.0~' 3,43·: }"!i:iji ·a·.2s9 ,4;4ff ,0.683 0.823'. 1 g;~j-·?,679 5~94. i iB{1 I~~ Jt:.· l~!l '~111 ' -Jl~t i~r : i:t!l ;!tl~~ ~11, :.~981 t.'67~46 :oo· ·.l11t 120q$2(i0,68 -. 'Q.0713--1;?63 4.30: 54.484. 4:p8)' tt40?, <rn36 o.~13. '.24,48,4 3-~~~: ,78:31'. 265(}, . _ . , .. _ . . J200S250;97, ·.0.1017-'1.7179 ·.e.os .-3il.Ol6 Kssg, .4.373 1.12-1-0,794: 34,0Hk5.658·J27:.80 7814 s:bil4' ·34,oiil' s.44s, 1as.15: .1s14·. 6.oos ,5;134-32,260 -f:ML4.&is: 0;914-· . 1 Web-height to thickness ratio exceeds 200. Web stiffeners are required at all support points and concentrated loads See Section Properties Table Notes on page 6. 8 SSl\<1'A ) ~DCI·ENGINEERS 44 D'AMATO CONVERSANO INC. Project No. 08-51-034 Sheet No: q Date: 6/30/08 10:37 AM I. Seismic Ground Motion Values: LAT = Site Latitude: = LONG = Site Longitude: = Ss = MCE Spectral Acee] @ 0.2 Sec: = s, = MCE Spectral Acee! @ 1.0 Sec: = SITE = Site Class: ( Default is D) = Fa = Spectral Acee! @ 0.2 Sec for Site = Fv = Spectral Acee! @ 1.0 Sec for Site = SMs = MCE Spectral Resp (Short Period) = SM, = MCE Spectral Resp (Long Period) = ISos = Design Spectral Accel @ 0.2 Sec = Ism = Design Spectral Acee) @ 1.0 Sec = II. Design Response Spectrum Periods: To = Period, 0.2*S0i/S0s Ts = Period, S0i/S0s = Long Period, Transition Period 33.165 -117.337 1.275 0.481 D 1.00 1.52 1.275 0.731 0.849 0.487 0.115 sec. 0.573 sec. 6.00 sec < Input to 3 DECIMALS, Not Minutes and Seconds> < Input to 3 DECIMALS, Not Minutes and Seconds> < Input> <Input> <Select> 2002 USGS Mapped Value for Default Site Class B 2002 USGS Mapped Value for Default Site Class B (per Geotech or Table 20.3-1 -ASCE 7, pg 205) = Table interpoloated (Table 11.4-1 -ASCE 7, pg 115) = Table interpoloated (Table 11 .4-2 -ASCE 7, pg 115) =FaSs =FvS 1 =2/3SMs =2/3SMI =0.2*S01/S0s =So,iSos < Input> Eqn 11.4-1 Eqn 11.4-2 Eqn 11.4-3 Eqn 11.4-4 Eqn I I .4-8 Eqn II .4-9 (Table 22-15 -ASCE 7, pg 228) BCS = Factor for Approximate Period, SEE ASCE 7-05 pg 129 0.028 <Select> (Table 12 8-2 · ASCE 7, pg 129:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> X = Exponent Parameter for Approximate Period 0.80 h = Height ofBuilding (approx to Mean Roof Ht) 20 ft < Input> ITa = Approximate Period: Ta= Ct*(hnl =· 0.308 sec. Cu = Coeff for Upper Limit on Calq'd Period = 1.400 T max = Max Fundamental Period: Tmax = Ta* Cu = 0.431 sec. Tcalc = Calculated Period (via. computer analysis) = <Input> III. Building Importance qBC 1604 & ASCE 7-05 Table 11.5.1 -pg 116): ICC = Importance Classification CATAGORY: = I II !<Select> Class = Building Classification = Typical Building IE = Seismic IMPORTANCE Factor: = 1 1.00 J IV. Structural Svstem (Table 12.2.1 -ASCE 7 pg 120): lsDc = Seismic Design Catagory: = D BBS = BASIC BUILDING SYSTEM : = G. Cantilevered Column System Eqn 12.8-7 (Table 12.8-1 -ASCE 7, pg 129) Eqn 12.8-7 Leave Blank to use Ta (IBC Section I 604) (Table 11.5.1 -ASCE 7, pg 116) (Tables & (2)-2006 IBC) SFRS = SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM: = 1. Special steel moment frames (SMF) R = Resp. Modification Coeff (DUCTILITY): = 2.50 no = System OVERSTRENGTH Factor: = 1.25 Cd = Deflection Amplification Factor: = 2.50 Height Limitations: (ft) = 35 V. Calculation of the Seismic Response Coeff ( ASCE 7 pg_129): _ Cs 1 = Sos I (RII) = 0.340 W Cs 2a = ifT::;TL, then SDI/T(R/I)= Cs2b = ifT > TL,then SwTL/T2(RII)= Cs 3 = 0.044*S0s *I 2:: 0.01 Cs 4 = if S1 > 0.6g then 0.50*S1 / (R/I) = 0.633 W -n/a - 0.037W -n/a- Eqn 12,8-2 (short period Cutoff) Eqn 12.8-3 (long period) Eqn 12.8-4 (very long period) Eqn 12.8-5 (minimum) Eqn 12.8-6 (soft site minimum) ~lv __ =_C_s_W_=....,(E_q .... n_l_2_.8_.1-'-) _______ =_.l_o_.3_4_0 _W~I-SEISMIC BASE SHEAR COEFFICIENT. File: J:\2008108-51~034 Capstone Advisers TI\Calculations\Lateral\Steel Frame Buildings\2008-06-24 -2006 IBC Base Shear Seismic -ELF Base Shear ASCE 7 <Select> <Select> ·I DCJ·ENGJNEERS ProjectNo. SheetNo. «-D 'AM AT o c o N v E R s A N o r N c. oi. -s, -o'3 .... 1 Io Project C AP$ io t-3E.. ?H~<E 1L Date&, I 2'*'1 I CJ 8 . ") i----------------------------4--------1 Subject ·LA~~ b~l\!>t-,) By ~$ L ll..,e RI><\-o~~\vrJ -r 1.1,'r ri,s' r r-4.c:ts# I I I\• -\\~- 14' c:,--tJ\ I ¢-1 ~ I • I I j__ · _ _) ~ 6(50-4 ,------ ' -----· -·------ ) -• \>L ::: lo -~---~ - CA-~ e.Jl.D > v,.., a.. W{.{tl:::: fo,fi-P 5l, :a. ---- S.1 : ---- w~ H " 7.-D 1 W e, f-1 T -G.~ s. W -r1t,g_ '-J, 1 ~ Jc. "' zYz. b, ~ {ol- -~,::.ia { __AJS V /t1 ff .t ~ K -:::..·z),,<-- ;;r;:C-6 -§ 1--r= 2-o' Gt; :::: ., Octf St-.e:e,/ r~J-- ~ r,,....,-£. Sfc '-. )TL /Vo-....,+-F#Ai (/JrAJ r-.co!- ;::p l-s::;:; ,1' 3ro il;iDCI·ENGINEERS Project No. Sheet No. i-4 D'AMATO CONVERSANO INC. o~-s,;-1-0-;\.-\ I I -~-'•. Project Date (_p..(? S,\h ~e.. f"f-\A-".7e ::0: <D/ v-\ J 6'8 ) Subject . By f'I"\ \..A'fE{u.,(_ O&-!:,lt.,,,..) -OPnoN '.1. -(....o.NTILE'-'t:=~~o l.ot..u/v'1...J (1-1.ss) fv'\N\/>.-?< -= qso 1'°' x )'Z-1 = \I-'--\ v--P+ F-"" ,::;. o, <,;, ('-ll.o ¼.~) ._ 1,..-:J. le V<,.: f-A ,::;. \ \ . ...\ w-1''" (t'l-) = F\o 2..."::1-,1.p w. (';,)( ::. 1--{ '-qq ~n '>) {)(/., l.).t;;>E., (-i.) F'G>a>T''& -...r; ?n9.:0.. ':.' 1-j,O{(p ~" 3 / ,z.. ::. '2..,L--\t:, ,',,:, -v.<;.'£ ('2..) HS~ Lj 1< I.-\ x ,._,,,,.,, (Ssc :: ;,. 3o ;,, 3 J s(l.J.;,G.,-.: s,-:::i-"--fi-/,z.--;i.~1µ.i, ,._ 'Z..'-1~.,..." . vJ 'o X. \ C _...., ':::, ,,;::: 1, 'i,. \ i I\? £. 2, • l-1 'o ~ n ~ .,,0 6 C,-{,L... 1-j ,. ) ,' ) ) 1'2- Print.~d· 30 JUN 2coa, 2 OOPM Description: Lateral HSS General Information Code Ref : 2006 IBC, AISC Manual 13th Edition Steel Section Name : HSS4X4X3/16 Overall Column Height 20.0 ft Analysis Method : 2006 IBC & ASCE 7-05 Top & Bottom Fixity Top & Bottom Pinned Steel Stress Grade Fy : Steel Yield 36.0 ksi 29,000.0 ksi Brace condition for deflection (buckling) along columns : E : Elastic Bending Modulus Load Combination : Allowable Stress X-X (width) axis : Fully braced against buckling along X-X Axis Y-Y (depth) axis :Fully braced against buckling along Y-Y Axis Applied Loads Column self weight included : 188.061 lbs * Dead Load Factor BENDING LOADS ... Lat. Point Load at 10.0 ft creating Mx-x, E = 1.40 k DESIGN SUMMARY Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calc~~!i.9_12_s. __ -------------------------------------·---·-------·· Bending & Shear Check Results PASS Max. Axial+Bending Stress Ratio = Load Combination Location of max.above base At maximum location values are ... Pu :Axial Pn / Omega : Allowable Mu-x : Applied Mn-x'/ Omega : Allowable Mu-y : Applied Mn-y / Omega : Allowable PASS Maximum Shear Stress Ratio= Load Combination Location of max.above base At maximum location values are ... Vu :.Applied Vn I Omega : Allowable Load Combination Results 0.73994 : 1 +D+0.70E+H 10.0671 ft 0.18806 k 55.6168 k -4.8671 k-ft 6.5928 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 6.5928 k-ft 0.03130 : 1 +D+0.70E+H 0.0 ft 0.490 k 15.6548 k Maximum SERVICE Load Reactions .. Top along Y-Y 0.0 k Bottom along Y-Y 0.0 k Top along X-X 0.70 k Bottom along X-X 0. 70 k Maximum SERVICE Load Deflections ... Along Y-Y -2.2615 in at 10.0671 ft above base for load combination : E Only Along X-X 0.0 in at 0.0ft above base for load combination : Maximum Axial + Bending Stress Ratios Maximum Shear Ratios Load Combination +D+L+H +D+Lr+H +D+0.70E+H +D+0.750Lr+0.750L +0.5250E+H +D+0.750L +0.750S+0.5250E+H +0.60D+0.70E+H Maximum Reactions -Unfactored Stress Ratio Status Location 0.003 PASS 0.00 ft 0.003 PASS 0.00 ft 0.740 PASS 10.07ft 0.555 PASS 10.07 ft 0.555 PASS 10.07ft 0.739 PASS 10.07ft X-X Axis Reaction @Base @Top Load Combination E Only . ------..... .. . ... ---.. -· ---- D +L +S +E/1.4 Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations -Unfactored Loads Stress Ratio Status Location 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft 0.031 PASS 0.00 ft 0.023 PASS 0.00 ft 0.023 PASS 0.00 ft 0.031 PASS 0.00 ft Note: Only non-zero reactions are listed. Y-Y Axis Reaction @Base @Top 0.700 -----~0.-70_0 _______ -------·-..... ·-------·- 0.500 -0.500 Load Combination Max. X-X Deflection Distance Max. Y-Y Deflection Distance EOnly D +L +S +E/1.4 0.0000 in 0.0000 in Steel Section Properties : HSS4X4X3/16 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 ft Printed· 3~ JUN 2008, 2:00PM ·--··~---------------------------------~~-----,-----,cc-,c--,----..,,.,...-=--~==-cc-c-cc-,-.,,,--,--'--...,.--, File: c:\Documenls and Setlings\pmurray\My Documenls\ENERCALC Data Flles\capstone.ec6 )Steel Column ·. , \ Description : Lateral HSS Steel Section Properties HSS4X4X3/16 Depth = 4.000 in Web Thick = 0.000 in Flange Width = 4.000 in Flange Thick = 0.174 in Area = 2.580 in"2 Weight = 9.403 plf Ycg 0.000 in n , ...... 1 ", 4.00ln "' I xx = Sxx Rxx = lyy = Syy = Ryy = ·, 6.21 in"4 J 3.10 in"3 1.550 in 6.210 in"4 3.100 in"3 1.550 in M-x Loads "' 0 fii 11.-140- E ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2008, Ver. 6.0.19 = 10.000 in"4 13 It..\ Prinled· 30 ,lt.:N 2008. I0·6SAM ---·,,--------------...,-----------------=------c:c-----:,-----c-::--::,---,---::-:,--::----:-c-:::-:==-::-=-,-=---:--:------::--, File: c:\Documerits and Sellings\pmurray\My Documents\ENERCALC Data Files\capstone.ec6 )Steel Base Plate Design ,.t. -~ ',! · ~ lAt t l! f i , ; (', : , ' > , ",,, ·<,',, ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2008, Ver. 6.0.19 Description : Cantilevered Column Base Plate i General Information · -· ··· 1 Ca!cu!atkms per i 3th AISC & A!SC Denign Gulde No. 1, 1990 by De Wolf & Ricker I ---·----------------------·------~---_1------------------------------ Material Properties AISC Design Method . Allowable Stress Design Steel Plate Fy = 36.0 ksi Concrete Support fc = 3.0 ksi ASIF : Allowable Stress Increase Factor ABIF: Allowable Bearing Increase Factor n c : ASD Safety Factor. Assumed Bearing Area : Full Bearing L_ Co/u"!n & Plate Column Properties Steel Section: W8X1O Depth Width Flange Thickness Web Thickness Plate Dimensions 7.89 in 3.94 in 0.205 in 0.17 in N: Length 14.0 in B: Width 7.0 in Thickness 0.50 in Column assumed welded to base plate. [ Applied Loads D : Dead Load ...... . L:Live ....... Lr : Roof Live ........ . S: Snow ............... . W:Wind ............... . E : Earthquake ............. . H : Lateral Earth ........ . p.y 2.640 k k 5.280 k k k k k 11 P 11 = Gravity load, 11+' sign is downward. "+" Moments create higher soil pressure at +Z edge. "+" Shears push plate towards +Z edge. Area lxx lyy Allowable Bearing Fp per J8 . 2.96 inA2 30.8 in"4 2.09 in"4 Support Dimensions Support width along 'X11 Length along 11Z' 48.0 in 48.O in V-Z k k k k k 0.70 k k M-X k-ft k-ft k'.ft k-ft k-ft 5.70 k-ft k-ft +P 1.330 1.330 2.50 6.783Oksi . . . _J 1 Anchor Bolts I Anchor Bolt or Rod Description 3/4 Max of Tension or Pullout Capacity .......... . 1.0 Shear Capacity ....................................... .. 1.0 Edge distance : bolt to plate .................. . 1.250 Number of Bolts in each Row .................. . 2.0 Number of Bolt Rows ....................... . 1.0 Row Spacing ................................ . 2.50 k k in in -•----•·-· Xu ........ , .... • • • • I -•t -'X ! .. . ' -----. --------------·--------------··-···---____ _, ----··· ·---·----.. ----··· . --GOVERNING DESIGN LOAD CASE SUMMARY Plate Design Summary Design Method Governing Load Combination Governing Load Case Type Design Plate Size Pa : Axial Load ... . Ma: Moment ....... . fv: Actual .............................. .. Allowable Stress DesiQn +D+0.750L +0.750S+0.5250E+H Axial+ Moment, U2 < Eccentricity, Tension on Be 1'-2" X 7" XO -1/2" 2.640 k 2.993 k-ft _) Fv: Allowable = 0.60 * Fy / 1.5 (per G2) Stress Ratio ............... .. 0.227 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.008 Shear Stress OK Mu : Max. Moment .................... . fb : Max. Bending Stress ............. .. Fb : Allowable : 0.75 * Fy *ASIF/ Omega Stress Ratio ............... .. fu : Max. Plate Bearing Stress .... Fp : Allowable: 0.913 k-in 21.917 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.764 Bending Stress OK 2.713 ksi 2.713 ksi min( 0.85*fc*sqrt(A2/A1), 1.7* fc)*Ome Stress Ratio ................. 0.000 Bearing Stress OK ) Description : Cantilevered Column Base Plate Load Comb. : +D Loading Pa : Axial Load .... Design Plate Height ....... .. Design Plate Width ........ . Wili be different from entry if partial bearing used. A 1 : Plate Area ....... .. A2: Support Area ................ .. .J A2/A1 ..................... . Distance for Moment Calculation Hml1,.,,..,,,.,.,,.,.,.,. 11 n II,.,,.,.,,.,.,,.,,.,., x ............................ .. Lambda ..................... . n' .... , .................................. . n' •Lambda ................................. . L = max(m, n, n") ........................ . Load Comb.: +D+L+H Loading Pa : Axial Load .... Design Plate Height ....... .. Design Plate Width ....... .. Will be different from entry if partial bearing used. A 1 : Plate Area ........ . A2: Support Area ................. . .J A2/A1 .................... .. Distance for Moment Calculation llmll,.,,.,.,.,,,.,.,.,.,, II n II,.,,.,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,, x ....................... , ..... . Lambda .................... .. n' .................... , .................. . n' • Lambda ... : ............................. . L = max(m, n, n") ........................ . Load Comb. : +D+Lr+H Loading Pa : Axial Load .... Design Plate Height ........ . Design Plate Width ....... .. Will be different from entry if partial bearing used. A 1 : Plate Area ........ . A2: Support Area ................ .. .J A2/A1 ..................... . Distance for Moment Calculation "mu ................... .. 11 n II"""'""""""" x ............................. . Lambda ..................... . n' ...................................... .. n' •Lambda ................................. . L = max(m, n, n") ....................... .. 2.640 k 14.000 in 7.000 in 98.000 inA2 2,304.000 inA2 2.000 3.252 in 1.924 in 0.009 inA2 0.094 1.971 in 0.186 in 3.252 in 2.640 k 14.000 in 7.000 in 98.000 inA2 2,304.000 inA2 2.000 3.252 in 1.924 in 0,009 inA2 0.094 1.971 In 0.186 in 3.252 in 7.920 k 14.000 in 7.000 in 98.000 inA2 2,304.000 inA2 2.000 3.252 in 1.924 in 0.026 inA2 0.164 1.971 in 0.323 in 3.252 in IS Printed. 30 ,JUN 2008. 10:55AM File: c:\Documents and Setlingslpmurray\My Documents\ENERCALC Data Flleslcapstone.ec6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2008, Ver. 6.0.19 Bearing Stresses Fp : Allowable .............................. . fa : Max. Bearing Pressu Stress Ratio ...................... . Plate Bending Stresses Mmax = Fu • L A2 / 2 .................. . fb: Actual ............................... . Fb : Allowable ............................ .. Stress Ratio .................... . Shear Stress fv: Actual ............................... . Fv : Allowable ............................ .. Stress Ratio ................... .. Bearing Stresses Fp : Allowable ............................. .. fa : Max, Bearing Pressu Stress Ratio ...................... . Plate Bending Stresses Mmax =Fu• L A2/ 2 .................. . fb: Actual ............................... . Fb : Allowable ............................. . Stress Ratio ................... .. Shear Stress fv: Actual ............................... . Fv : Allowable ............................ .. Stress Ratio ................... .. Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable ............................. .. fa : Max. Bearing Pressu Stress Ratio ..................... .. Plate Bending Stresses Mmax = Fu • L A2 / 2 .................. . fb: Actual ............................... . Fb : Allowable ............................. . Stress Ratio ................... .. Shear Stress fv: Actual .............................. .. Fv : Allowable ............................. . Stress Ratio .................... . Axial Load Only, No Moment 2.713 ksi 0.027 ksi 0.010 0.142 k-in 3.419 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.119 0.000 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.000 --------. ---Axial Load Only, No Moment 2.713 ksi 0.027 ksi 0.010 0.142 k-in 3.419 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.119 0.000 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.000 ----··--------Axial Load Only, No Moment 2.713 ksi 0.081 ksi 0.030 0.427 k-in 10.258 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.358 0.000 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.000 Steel Base Plate Design Description : (lo Pri~ted: 30 JUN 2COS. 10·65.111,l File: c:\Documents and Settings\pmurray\My Drn;uments\ENERCALC Data Files\capstone.ec6 ENERCALC, INC.1963-2006, Ver: 6.0.19 ' '. 0 ----------------------------------------~-·------------·-~--· Load Comb.: +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H Loading Pa : Axial Load .... Design Plate Height ........ . Design Plate Width ........ . Will be different from entry if partial bearing used. A 1 : Plate Area ........ . A2: Support Area ................ .. ,j A2/A1.= ......... .. Distance for Moment Calculation "m'' ................... .. Un II.,.,,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,. x ............................ .. Lambda .................... .. n' ....................................... . n' *Lambda ................................ .. L = max(m, n, n") ........................ . 6.600 k 14.000 in 7.000 in 98.000 in/12 2,304.000 in/12 2.000 3.252 in 1.924 in 0.022 inA2 0.149 1.971 in 0.294 in 3.252 in Load Comb.: +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H Loading Pa : Axial Load .. .. Ma: Moment ...... .. Eccentricity ................. : ..... . A 1 : Plate Area ........ . .) A2 : Support Area ................... .. y'A'iiAf .-:.= ......... . Calculate plate moment from bearing ... nm" ................... .. "A" : Bearing Length Mpl : Plate Moment Shear Stress 2.640 k 2.993 k-ft 13.602 in 98.000 inil2 2,304.000 in/12 2.000 3.252 in 0.212 iri 0.076 k-in fv : Actual ................................ 0.227 ksi Fv : Allowable .............................. 28.671 ksi Stress Ratio ...... ............... 0.008 Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable ............................. .. fa : Max. Bearing Pressu Stress Ratio ..................... .. Plate Bending Stresses Mmax = Fu * L i12 / 2 ................. .. fb :Actual .............................. .. Fb : Allowable ............................ .. Stress Ratio ................... .. Shear Stress fv: Actual ............................... . Fv : Allowable ............................. . Stress Ratio ................... .. Axial Load Only, No Moment 2.713 ksi 0.067 ksi 0.025 0.356 k-in 8.548 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.298 0.000 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.000 Axial Load+ Moment, Ecc. > U2 Calculate plate moment from bolt tension ... Tension in Bolts ........................ .. Dist. from Bolt to Col. Edge ........... .. Effective Bolt Width for Bending .... . Plate Moment from Bolt.Tension ..... .. Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable ............................. .. fa : Max. Bearing Pressu Stress Ratio .................. .. Plate Bending Stresses Mmax ......................................... . lb: Actual ............................... . Fb : Allowable ............................... . Stress Ratio .................. .. 0.631 k 2.002 in 7.000 in 0.180 k-in 2.713 ksi ( set equal to Fp) 0.000 0.913 k-in 21.917 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.764 ----------------------------------------------------·-··-·---Load Comb.: +D+0.750L+0.750S-0.5250E+H Loading Pa : Axial Load .. .. Ma: Moment ....... . Eccentricity ....................... . A 1 : Plate Area .......... .. A2 : Support Area ................... .. ,/ A2/('.1 ......... ~ .......... . Distance for Moment Calculation umn .................... . II n 11 ""''"'"'"""''' 2.640 k 2.993 k-ft 13.602 in 98.000 in112 2,304.000 in/12 2.000 3.252 in 1.924 in Bearing Stresses Fp : Allowable ............................. .. fa : Max. Bearing Pressu Stress Ratio ................... . Plate Bending Stresses Mmax1 = Fu * m/12 / 2 ..................... . Mmax2 = Fu * n/12 / 2 ....................... . Mmax ................................ . fb: Actual .............................. .. Fb : Allowable ............................... . Stress Ratio ................... . Shear Stress fv: Actual .............................. .. Fv : Allowable ............................ .. Stress Ratio ................... .. Axial Load+ Moment, Ecc. < U6 2.713 ksi 0.130 ksi 0.048 0.559 k-in 0.110 k-in 0.110 k-in 2.638 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.092 0.227 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.008 ) ·rl, RAM INTERNATK)NAl RAM Foundation v12.0.l DataBase: dci Building Code: IBC FOOTING DESIGN Spread Footin2 Desi2n ( ~0((2.. l.~ I-UM~ e:,_ f' 'l_ ') Date: 06/30/08 10:35:18 Design Code: ACB 18-02 Footing# 31 Footing Orientation (deg):__ 0.00 Footing Column Location: __ (F-5) Column Orientation (deg): __ 0.00 Length (ft):______ 4.00 Width (ft):______ 4.00 Thickness (ft):______ 1.00 Bottom Reinf. Parallel to Length: 6 -#5 Width: 6 -#5 Top Reinf. Parallel to Length: 5 -#5 Width: 0 -#3 Concrete fc (ksi): 3.00 · fct (ksi): CODE Density (pd): 150.00 Ee (ksi): 3320.56 Reinf. fy (ksi): 60.00 Safety Factor Overturning: Major __ 3.8 (15) INPUT DATA Column Size: W8Xl 0 Base Plate Dimensions (in) 14.00 X 14.00 LOADS Surcharge (ksf) Axial (kip) Dead Load: Dead Load: · Pos. Live: Pos. Roof: 0.000 2.89 5.28 NIA Minor __ NIA Percent of overhang to assume Rigid: 50.00 Live Load: Neg. Live: Neg. Roof: 0.000 NIA NIA _) CONCRETE CAPACITY Required Shear (kip) Major 2.46 34.01 Ld Co/Code Ref. 2 Minor Ld Co/Code Ref. 2.86 2 Provided Shear: (kip) Required Moment: (kip-ft) Provided Moment: (kip-ft) Required Punching Shear: (kip) Provided Punching Shear: (kip) 3.55 38.77 10.20 99.82 Sec. a) b) c) 2 2 REINFORCEMENT Bottom Bars Parallel to Length Width Bar Quantity/Bar Size: 6-#5 6-#5 Required Steel/Provided Steel (in2) Required Steel Code Ref. 0.16/ 1.86 1.72/ 1.86 Bar Spacing (in) Sec. 7.12 8.27 Sec. 7.12 8.27 Bar Depth (in) Cover (in) SOIL CAPACITY Top 3.00 8.63 Bottom: 8.00 3.00 Side: Allowable Soil Bearing Capacity (ksf) _______ _ Max Unfactored Soil Bearing (ksf) _______ ~_ Max Average Unfactored Soil Bearing (ksf) _____ _ Max Soil Bearing for Factored Design (ksf) _____ _ Max Average Soil Bearing for Factored Design (ksf) __ _ 3.00 1.50 0.73 0.66 0.74 0.74 31.55 Sec. a) b) c) 3.94 2 38.08 Top Bars Parallel to Length Width 5-#5 0-#3 0.03/ 1.55 0.00/ 0.00 Sec. 10.2 10.34 0.00 8.63 8.38 LdCo 13 10 2 2 .Connection Calculator illt -~ .. ) ' A/JS.,;\• Am~rtcan forest & Papor A-ssoclnllon American \Vood Council Connection Calculator • P.1;;m<t<·1:<d ,.,,,/ 1)<ai!1N;;11.ll tt,,..,d /'m.lu,:t~ I Design Methodll Allowable Stress Design (ASD) I Connection Typell Lateral loading I Fastener Typell Lag screw I Loading Scenario!! Single Shear I Main Member Typell Douglas Fir-Larch I Main Member I 5.5 In. Thickness Main Member: Angle )10 of Load to Grain I Side Member Typell Steel I Side t:1ember j 114 in. Thickness Side Member: Angl~llj(, of Load to Grain · I Washer Thicknessll o In. I Nominal Diameterll 3/4 In. I Lengthj 4 in. I Load Duration Factorll c_D = 1.33_ I I I Wet Service Factorll C_M = 1.0 End Grain Factorll c_eg = 1.0. Temperature Factor!! c_t = 1.0 I I I I I I Connection Yield Modes Im Is II IIIm ms IV Adjusted ASD Capacity 113504 lbs. 114187 lbs. 111635 lbs. 112031 lbs. 111405 lbs. 111751 lbs. I I I I I I l I I -·-1 I ,J I I .I I I I I I I I . . r~:s~ (-z.) 3/½ 1, qt \,A{,,~ • Lag Screw bending yield strength of 45000 psr1s-aSSttFl'lecl-:----.:"~ • The Adjusted ASD Capacity is only applicable for lag screws with (fl{)-:. '2x MO~:: "2.i\o'~ adequate end distance, edge distance and spacing per NDS - chapter 11. • ASTM A36 Steel is assumed for steel side members 1/4 in. thick, http://www.awc.org/calculators/connections/ccstyle.asp?design_method=ASD&connection_type=Lateral+l... 6/30/2008 CB081184 1545 FARADAY AV .. CAPSTONE: 87 44SFTI/OFF TO OFF 0 lz.o, / 0 g-_ /0 c,~ , h'tf<..E_ .f E.s,::o/i'c . · ff O (-5&.e.ib_ Sf,/, S' 2. J ,5<1. I 'f-~ c~ ~,:/t;il ~ ~, . ~ ~ B :tt«1/-,r>( 'i ff u~tMfl fOCl,//,PN ~ ffe ~ t\ r,:ff "'f!m1s 7/,;,for;. ~c,.,J f C1...m 7/6/08 ~ i)__ ~ · 1/10/tJP r{<t:t -I/) w/ (Mv/n.4f"-"I~ -~Al M - af1 fl~ ..--Dow.-1l<t1~r . ~ a/Fe__ 7S8~ 1 t 7/c<-/or; A roved Building . w//!Mi, Planning Engineering Fire Health HazMat/ Air Quality Comments Date Building ~ Planning Engineering Fire Forms/Fees Sent Rec'd Due? By School ---Yrfo/ CFD y N 'PFF y N PE&M 7/q{nS< Y) N Special Insp. y N Fire y N / Sewer y N I --- '"V Fees Complete __ ::--Jv}~"'-'M-=~_,_ ________ _ Application & Related Docs. Complete~ City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 09-09-2008 Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCR08084 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: PC#: Project Title: Applicant: BUTCH MILLER 858-437-1179 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 1545 FARADAY AV CBAD PCR Status: 2121302900 $0.00 CB081184 Lot#: 0 Applied: Construction Type: NEW Entered By: CAPSTONE:STRUCTURALCHANGES Owner: Plan Approved: ·Issued: Inspect Area: C W H Q CARLSBAD L L C 11682 EL CAMINO REAL #300 SAN DIEGO CA 92130 Plan Check Revision Fee Additional Fees Total Fees: $240.00 Total Payments To Date: $240.00 Balance Due: Inspector:··------ FINAL APPROVAL Date: Clearance: ISSUED 08/05/2008 JMA 09/09/2008 09/09/2008 $240.00 $0.00 \ $0.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition' of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar ;my subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have nreviouslv been aiven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has oreviouslv otherwise exoired. EsGil Corporation In <.Partners nip wit Ii. government for <Builifing Safety DATE:August27,2008 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 08-1184 REV PCR08-84 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1545 Faraday Avenue PROJECT NAME: Capstone Advisors TI SET: III D APPLICANT D JURIS. D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE IZI The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: IZI Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Bryan Zuppiger Esgil Corporation Enclosures: Original Approved Plans. D GA D MB .D EJ D PC August 25, 2008 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In <.Partnersliip witli government for <Buiufing Safety DATE:August22,2008 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 08-1184 REV PCR08-84 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1545 Faraday Avenue PROJECT NAME: Capstone Advisors TI SET: II Wf~ANT D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below .are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. [gl The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. [gj The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Butch Miller 11017 Singletree Lane Spring Valley, CA????? Cf [Cf"'/~ D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. [gl Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contactei:put9-hf ill er Telephone#: 858 437 1179 Date contacted:~..,.,,/O (by:..+t/3) Fax#: 858 784 3651 MaiV Telephone i=axv" In Person D REMARKS: By: Bryan Zuppiger Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC Enclosures: 08/19/2008 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 08-1184 REV PCR08-84 .• ' August 22, 2008 RECHECK CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 08-1184 REV PCR08-84 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1545 Faraday Avenue SET: II DAT!= PLAN RECEIVED BY DATE RECHECK COMPLETED: ESGIL CORPORATION: 08/19/2008 August 22, 2008 REVIEWED BY: Bryan Zuppiger FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Building Code, Plumbing Code, Mechanical Code, Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. The approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit new complete sets of prints to: See item #1 next sheet. B. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. C. The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews. The original correction number has been given for your reference. In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items. D. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this ·list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? DYes DNo C~rl~ba_d 08-1184 REV PCR08-84 August 22, 2008 • PLANS NOTE: The items listed below refer to the item numbers from previous list. These remaining items have not been adequately addressed. The notes in bold at the end of or contained within each item are to emphasize the remaining problem. 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: a) Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008, and (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. . b) Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, and (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. 3. Please size the members this beam is supporting on the plans. Unable to locate how this was addressed on the plans. 4. Please submit supporting calculations. Supporting calculations were not a part of this submittal. The person responsible for their preparation must sign all final sheets of plans. (California Business and Professions Code). Final structural plans, specifications and calculations must be signed and sealed by the engineer or architect licensed by the State of California who is responsible for their preparation. Please specify the expiration date of license. (California Business and Professions Code). To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Bryan Zuppiger at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. EsGil Corporation In rPartnersliip witli <]overnmentfor(}Juilifing Safety DATE:August13,2008 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 08-1184 REV PCR08-84 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1545 Faraday Avenue PROJECT NAME: Capstone Advisors TI SET: I N REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ~ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ~ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Butch Miller 11017 Singletree Lane Spring Valley, CA ????? q I Cf '1 '7 D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. ~ __ Esgil Corpor~tion staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacte~:P,~1,h Miller Telephone#: 858 437 1179 Date contacted:?//1";0{by:4M ) Fax#: 858 784 3651 Mail Telephone v"" Fax v'1n Person D REMARKS: By: Bryan Zuppiger Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC Enclosures: 08/07/2008 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 08-1184 REV PCR08-84 August 13, 2008 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST TENANT IMPROVEMENTS PLAN CHECK NO.: 08-1184 REV PCR08-84 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad OCCUPANCY: B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: unknown SPRINKLERS?: yes DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: August 13, 2008 USE: office ACTUAL AREA: ±1500 ft2 OCCUPANTLOAD:unknown DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 08/07/2008 PLAN REVIEWER: Bryan Zuppiger This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 2007 CBC that adopts the 2006 IBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per IBC Section 105.4 of the 2006 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. · Carlsbad 08-1184 REV PCR08-84 August 13, 2008 • PLANS 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: a) Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008, and (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. b) Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, and (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. 2. Provide the approved plans. 3. Please size the members this beam is supporting on the plans. 4. Please submit supporting calculations. The person responsible for their preparation must sign all final sheets of plans. (California Business and Professions Code). Final structural plans, specifications and calculations; must be signed and sealed by the engineer or architect licensed by the State of California who is responsible for their preparation. Please specify the expiration date of license. (California Business and Professions Code). To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., _plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Bryan Zuppiger at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. -Carlsbad 08-1184 REV PCR08-84 August 13, 2008 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Bryan Zuppiger PLAN CHECK NO.: 08-1184 REV PCR08-84 DATE:August13,2008 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1545 Faraday Avenue BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: unknown BUILDING AREA Valuation Reg. VALUE PORTION ( Sq. Ft.) Multiplier Mod. ti rev 16 lin ft wall removal . Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance I ..,. I Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only D Other D Repetitive Fee [E Repeats 0 Hourly . 2 I Hours * Esgil Plan Review Fee * Based on hourly rate Comments: ($) $240.001 $192.001 macvalue.doc ,. _, -.r ) ) DCl·El'J TNVER' s .ill. .L,."'1.'i';. D'AMATO CONVERSANO INC. J. Mark D 'Amato • Guy A. Convcr.wno Hlizabeth A . .Jensen • Roger L Heeringa • Mark D. Aden Hany .Jones fl • Troy H. Bea11 • Tom C. .\'ia, l'h.O. l/1chard L. Hemmen • Gram C. /311ckingham Wad~ Younie • Joh11 Tcssem • Damon S11111h CALCULATIONS REPORT CAPSTONE ADVISORS T.I. PHASE II 1545 FARADAY AVENUE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PREPARED FOR CAPSTONE ADVISORS INC. DESIGN IS BASED ON THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2007 \ JULY 1, 2008 DCI Job# 08-51-034 525 B STREET, SUITE 750 • SAN DIEGO, CA 9210 l • PHONE (619) 234-050~:82( i ,.; .. i • BASIS OF DESIGN GRAVITY DESIGN KEY PLAN CONFERENCE ROOM FRAMING OFFICES FRAMING METAL STUD PROPERTIES LATERAL DESIGN BASE SHEAR CALCULATION FORCE DISTRUBITION LATERAL ELEMENT DESIGN BASE PLATE DESIGN FOUNDATION DESIGN SPREAD FOOTING DESIGN ) EXISTING SLAB CONNECTION MISCELLANEOUS MEZZANINE FRAMING ) TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................... 3 .......................................... 4 5 6 7 .......................................... 9 10 11 14 .......................................... 17 18 .......................................... 19 2 ) ) ) Basis for Design Code used: CBC 2007 Loadings Table: Roof Dead Load lbs Light-gage Framing @ 16"oc 2.00 Plywood 2.00 Gypboard Ceiling 3.00 Miscellaneous 3.00 10.00 Live Load 20.00 Analysis uses beam self weight Materials: Steel: Structural WF Shapes .......................................... ASTM A992 Fy = 50 ksi Other Structural Shapes ...................................... ASTM A36, Fy = 36 ksi Bars & Plates ....................................................... ASTM A36, Fy = 36 ksi Structural Tubing -Square/Rect HSS ................. ASTM A500, Grade B Fy = 46 ksi High-Strength Bolts .............................................. ASTM A325 or ASTM F1852, Type 1, Plain MATERIALS: Studs and Track Sheet Metal Screws Track to Steel Track to Concrete 54-mil and heavier shall be ASTM A653 Grade Dor ASTM A1011 Grade 50, Min Fy=50 KSI, 43-mil and lighter shall be ASTM A653 Grade A, or ASTM A1011 Grade 33, Min Fy=33 KSI, Grabber Wafer Self-Drilling, #10 x 1/2 Hilti SDM 14 THP, Hilti ESD 16 P8T Hilti Metal Hit Anchors, 1/4 x 1 -1/4", Hilti X-DNI Powder Actuated Fasteners@ 12" oc minimum, UNO in plan notes or shearwall schedule. Shearwall Track to Cone. Embeds per Shearwall Schedule. Weld Materials E60XX electrodes and conform to AWS D1 .3 Shear wall Fasteners As indicated on the shearwall schedule. Floor Diaphragm Fasteners Screws as indicated on the floor plan notes. Floor Joists Dietrich cold-formed steel framing Roof Joists Dietrich cold formed steel framing Shear Wall Sheathing Sureboard (as defined below) ) ) Project No. Sheet No. EDCI·ENGINEERS -44 D'AMATO CONVERSANO INC. () 'B -~ I -0~ 1.-.I Lf Project Subject (AP;;,'CT.).N'E,. ?H~I: 1r. vL-'t:'/ I I I ,- I """'"" fv:,.,-...) ~ r--------------:----4 I L I I I I I I I I I I -rO 0 101sr c.-s-1 I __ --~--------->-,J ~ ' /· 01'2.a-M 061 E'">~AM Of>\ GJ-~-to,,, C'.1 -G'J r-- -b Q ~ ..,, ~ " Date "I '2.. I.D /O'o By f'M i;i.' C, l 1?1.,i e;,1::_i::,M OB\ 10 ~ ~ ) EDCI·ENGINEERS Project No. Sheet No. --P D'AMATO CONVERSANO INC. 0~ ~ ~ l -D :!> '-1 5 Project Subject (,.ft.I"'$ T<> r-J E.. \71-\f.>.".,, ~ (,4{t(,.-.J\"/ f="llA-,..,..1 ,..,-1.,,.. ?1..:-../weuo Mt$£.., -:S-01s,0 (<:..,:r I) t,.) 11 ~~-------/\.. 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"2,<5 I ) ::: ~ '2..S:-~k SftEo,.. ;:; '-I '2-Z S (1-t..) / I 0-W I "l -'6 ,'(tle> ~p; :: II, 1.. s-' x 11-1 1 / '2.. :c --=tq tt.,_ ~ 0 <-> i».,.e,_ \;)e,1.,. <,,oo ::, 1.c.o -t;i.\ L. ::\;::;!:.,.·,'::·:_:·: ·: .· ... ·: :_>-:..· ·:. ·. : . : ··:. -·-. · .·· :·<\ :Se.ct.jo'riJ?ig:·fle·tties{·f •• •• , • • • • • • ' ~ • • ' • ' ' • • ' l • ' , " _, ' " ' ' •1. ::.---'' ," ~ 't'-:.' ' -~: '':-. ·.:.sai:ijiii;:::.·; 250S137-33 0.0346 0.197 250S137-43 0.0451 0.255 250S137-54 0.0566 0.316 250S137-68 0.0713 0.390 2sos162-ss-o.os4fi:· · o:@. 250S162-43 . · 0.0451· · 0.289 :250S162-54 . O.Q566 .' 0 .. 35~ 2sos162-sa ·o.o a . ·G,443 Structural (S) Stud Section Properties 0.67 0.203 0.163 1.015 0:052 0.156 3.09 1040 1.272 0.079 0.87 0.261 0.208 1.010 0:667 0.205 4.53 1350 1.260 0.173 1.07 0.318 0.255 1.004 0.080 0.318 0.255 5.76 1656 1.250 0.318 0.244 8.22 2510 1.274 0.337 0.113 -1.150 1.608 0.488 1.33 0.386 0.309 0.994 0.095 0.386 0.309 7.19 2017 1.250 0.386 0.308 10.65 3057 1.251 0.661 0.134 -1.142 1.593 0.486 o.76 0:235: o;J~f-1.0?1 ·o.oa?.. o:2s5.·.o.1so s.s5 1040 . f214' ·· · · 0.089 o:t44 :1.so1 1.92:J o.s!lo .b.98 · o.ao2 0,242 .. 1:02~· _0.11-1 o.e20 o.~Qt ·9,,2<19 5.2?. 1~50, 1-.2~:i · . · .o.196 o.1s2 ,1:489 t909 o.392 1:22 0:370. 0.296 1:016 ·0.135' Q:91~ c0:370, p.2,96; .6.q7 1656 1:250.c 0:370' 0:288' 8:62 '?510 1.267 0,9?3, 0.21~ ,1.4,~2 ·1.~98 6.391 1.51· Asa o:a·so 1.001 o:f62 o.605,. o.360. · .1'.250 ,0.450· o.357"·12.1'· 3057' 1 752· 0262 -1.474 1.,885 o.389 ,. ~,A 7~S~~ 350S162-33 0.0346 0.258 0.88 0.508 0.290 1.404 0.098 1.779 0.1 3 0.273 -1.351 2.044 0.563 350S162-43 0.0451 0.334 1.14 0.654 0.374 1.400 0.125 0.227 0.345 -1.339 2.031 0.565 350S162-54 0.0566 0.415 1.41 0.804 0.460 1.392 0.152 0.804 0.447 13.37 3446 1.773 0.443 0.418 -1.331 2.019 0.566 350S162-68 0.0713 0.515 1.75 0,985 0.563 1.383 0.184 0.597 0.985 0.563 12.83 2959 1.750 0.985 0.557 18.89 4483 1.758 0.872 0.503 -1.321 2.004 0.565 "'%<t"<W'!r,1 ,,, ~~~~~~~..Jtr~-~£~~ ~ ,, , ;ey-~~e;~~~~4rfi!:~~m 362S137:.33 o.0!/4.6 . . o.236. · o:80 ·. o.47~ 0.264 • 1.424 o.059 o.501 0,479 0.254 s:02 10~9 -1',842 · . . · . : ' · · · 0:094".:o:162 · -1.026 · -1 :S26 o.684 3s2sJ31,43 _ 0 Q .. : 0 q 5 45 66 1 Q'.ao6 1.94 · Mts ·M,iq, _ ,1..419·. ~.ozs oA97. o.616 q.;3?4 7.38 mz. til25: · · . . . .6:201 0.264 ,1<.01ti f.ai4 ·o.687 362S137~54. · 0,379 · 1'.29 ·'0.756'. 0.417 . ·1.411 · 0.091 : '.0.490:, 0.7/i6. '0;417 9A3-2497· f:~fa ::o.756" 6.40Q 13,47. !34:W t?44 ·-o.iio~ :0.246 •1·,QQ(i' 1.8Q( .0;588, ;?,§_2$1.37-®. ;0:011.s Q.470. JJlQ. o;il2~ Q;96~ .1:{q1 0.100 (l.48o· ·.6.~?~ .o.~of J1.$7 s<\76 1.~1i;. o,9g_2' o:~011 11.sl! 4661 1,314: .QJW -0.2~ -0,996 r1s,i, o.689, 362S162-33 0.0346 0.262 0.89 0.551 0.304 1.450 0.099 0.616 0.551 0.292 5.77 1039 1.843 0.105 0.293 -1.335 2.065 0.582 362S162-43 0.0451 0.340 1.16 0.710 0,392 1.445 0.127 0.611 0.710 0.389 8.46 1777 1.818 0.230 0.371 -1.323 2.052 0.585 362S162-54 0.0566 0.422 1.44 0.873 0.4'81 1.438 0.154 0.604 0.873 0.481 10.69 2497 1.812 0.873 0.468 14.00 3446 1.836 0.451 0.449 -1.314 2.040 0.585 362S162-68 0.0713 0.524 1.78 1.069 0.590 1.429 0.186 0.596 1.069 0,590 13.44 3076 1.812 1.069 0.584 19.80 4661 1.820 0.887 0.540 -1.305 2.024 0.585 · ·o-sa o.0~45. o:2ll1 fo'1' .· o.~a,. ·o'.~5s .· Ui? .iJ.rtt -q:t'72 .9.§~·:(l:s1s 6.:10 1o:i~ 1.liss : · · ·· · --.. . -o.11r·o:iii1 .-1.no· 2.432. /J:410· -Aa -00451 o:ias 1.s1-o,~~ ·oA91 1.47,4· o,??7, 0..757 o:a:rg o.44? 8.,85 '1171 1.aa4... , ... , . . • .: .. Q.2\li· 0.12s -us? 2.41~ g.47~ _ 3 36 6 2 2 s 8 2 2 o 0 _ 0 o: 6 54 8 __ . o:osea . ·ci:479 1.q:} , 1.030' 0,_56? ,1.467, Q.277 0,7~.1 J.030 0.568 12,36 2497. 1:812· .. q~g· Q.~09 iq.25 :?446 1,898 0.511 0.§?4, -1,?!iO ?,407 o:jl.71. ,d.0713 0:595 : 2.02 · .h265· 0.698 .1.45B, . 0;337 0:753. 1:265 ·0.698· 1.Ef12' '1,265. ,0,673· l!6$f 'J.844 . .t008 1.070 ,1.741 ·2.393 0.470 400S137-33 0.0346 0.249 0.85 0.603 0.301 1.556 0.061 0.496 0.603 0.290 5.74 936 2.031 0.099 0.200 -0.987 1.908 0.732 400S137-43 0.0451 0.323 1.10 0.776 0.388 1.551 0.078 0.491 0.776 0.382 8.43 1777 2.014 0.219 0.253 -0.976 1.897 0.735 400S137-54 0.0566 0.401 1.36 0.953 0.477 1.542 0.094 0.484 0.953 0.477 10.78 2777 2.000 0.953 0.457 15.40 3446 2.034 0.428 0.305 -0.967 1.884 0.737 ~im~~.t-~-:i.~}I KiK · i:~ i.:i~~ .. ~;1-, .:.;~: .-g:}il l~i Ji!~f &:~l ts~ __ \4sW ~:~~g !.·15? a,,.5_si ~0 · 10 .s.1$5 ~:02~ i:~~ 01~~:~-~~9 ?~~ P~. 400s.1s .. ·2.43-. o:o.4of ··· 1:21 o.892 · · .. · · · ·· • · -· .. · · · · • · · · ·o_'._2_42_·. -~.i4!>3. :'.1·'.2_'ti· 2_:)_21.:_._;oo_ .. 6s33·. · 0,357, . , 0,146. 1.5?) 0.131< b.606-,''0.692'.·o.~ 9c63'.1]?t-2.Q'06_: ... : .. • ·,· ., _ ·4~0§162-54 · 9,0569. · ·0,#3 . 1.51 1:098• 0.549' '.1-.574 · 0:159. 0.600. '1,098, 0,549, 12,18 .. 27]7 2.QOO .:1'.09B 0.533 ·15]6· 3446 2]J26 0:478· ,0;550 ,1,~68' :?'.10?' Q,§3_8 4!)0~194-6/k, Q,,Ql,1,3. . Q,650 · .'i,~7 ; , 1,.~4§: ),673 t564 .. O.J!/2. ·.lJ:~iH, · 1./½$, 9~6JR WM .. $4?~ ~2:j)go . 1.346 ' .. o,6~6 .~:\i.o 51$.6· '2.Q9.~ _0;93~ o:6q3 -1.~q8' . .2M2, 1l:,6gf 400S200-33 0.0346 0.310 1.05 0.812 0.406 1.619 0.183 0.769 0.805 0.362 7.16 936 2.091 0.124 0.689 -1.715 2.481 0.522 400S200-43 0.0451 0.402 1.37 1.047 0.524 1.615 0.235 0.764 1.047 0.509 10.06 1777 2.023 0.272 0.876 -1.703 2.468 0.524 400S200-54 0.0566 D.500 1.70 1.292 0.646 1.608 0.287 0.758 1.292 0.646 14.06 2777 2.000 1.292 0.580 17.36 3446 2.091 0.534 1.068 -1.695 2.456 0.524 400S200-68 0.0713 0.622 2.12 1.589 0.795 1.599 .349 0.750 1.589 0.795 17.68 3429 2.000 1.589 0.766 25.41 5196 2.035 1.054 1.295 -1.686 2.441 0.523 ' ' .._ ,_, -~-.,_ : v',' ---~~~ 62-33 .u1 .use M:Jo. 2.u o,11~. g:5?9 we .o.~12 10.:11, $70 2'.787:... . . .. • . . . 9.1~q. Q;?Q4 -1 .. 134 2,4!>8 o.789 62-43 '1.44 . t?Ss ·q.ee~ _2,Hl7" .o.14!i o,~84. -tea~ o.aa1 14,79.14~7 2.757 ; , • : .. · . .. . o.?~8 M94 -1.12a-~:45,a .. o.79t :_~ 0 ~S 8 .. 1 1 f:!~:54 . J.so ?-~24 0.131(! 2.09a ·g,1.'i'6 q;~p .12:~24 o:~!i 1?i7\L~7~9 ·?,7/iO :~:324 o:a21 24;ey9,g95p,78?, 0;554· 1.0_81!· ,1,114. 2.44~ 9.1;12, "" 2:24, 2.861 · M40· 2.0.86· · 0.212 o.568, 2.861" 1-.040 23.72 .4442 .2:750 2,a6t 1,001 34,94 ·545s 2.761. ·1.-1-14 1'316 -1.103 2:427 o.793 600S137-33 0.0346 0.318 1.0;~ 1.582 0.5~r~:f§'"~g 0.464 1.582 0.5ip~1~.07 612 3.039 . ~~':;;~t 600S137-43 0.0451 0.413 1.41 2.042 0.681 2.223 0.087 0.459 2.042 0.670 14.80 1358 3.018 0.280 0.625 -0.813 2.411 0.886 600S137-54 0.0566 0.514 1.75 2.518 0.839 2.213 0.105 0.452 2.518 0.839 18.98 2708 3.000 2.518 0.809 27.23 2708 3.042 0.549 0.757 -0.804 2.398 0.888 600S137-68 0.0713 0.640 2.18 3.094 1.031 2.200 0.125 0.443 3.094 <L@J) 24.05 4442 3.000 3.094 1.029 35.60 5468 3.002 1.084 0.911 -0.793 2.380 0.889 600$137-97 0.1017 0.889 3.03 4.188 1.396 2.170 0.159 0.422 4.188 1.396 34.48 7372 3.000 4.188 1.396 50.80 11124 3.000 3.066 1.179 -0.770 2.341 0.892 -600816z;ijr d,0346 0.3.44 (h-17, 1.793 6.~98 2;282. o. np 0.5$f .f.793 9.,f,]7 11.4,1 612 3,039 p:)37 Q:851 '·1'.091 2.595. 0,8?3 600S162-43 ·0,045!. 0.447 Ui? .2.316 ·0.7-72 ··2,276 0.148 0.576 2,316 0.762'16.6~ l3q8 3.007 . 9,30;3 i,082 -1.081 ?.585 9:825 600S162·54 0.0566 'O,(i!i6 1,89 2.~60 0.953 2.267 0.180 0.5ZO 2,860 0.953 21.17 2708 3:0.00 2.860. 0.927 27.76 2708 3.034 0:594 1.318 -1..072 ·2:572 0.826 ~g~~~:i:~ g;m: -~ii~: :::i u~i ti~;; H~! g:~:· i:~~~ :::~:~ ;:l;: irn m:-~:i~g !:~~; rj~: .~tif1~~~ ~{ii· .J~;i i:~~r :t~~i· tif: ~;~~~- :.13ITOS200'.;t:33µ0103~E rn:S7.9Eiu::ti29'1#:2:07.&-:"!0:69~..:2.3il0£.'(['209.::ZO~~ > 2.059 0.617 12.20 612 3.135 0.151 1.577 -1.479 2.866 0. 734 600S200-43 0,0451 0.492 1.67 2.683 0.894 2.335 0,268 0.739 2.683 0.873 17.24 1358 3.028 0.334 2.012 -1.468 2.855 0.736 li,O_O~Q015A.,..,,0:056.C ::O..fil,3~i0.9~3.t9;....""t.';1;0.ll:E:2.3.az=0;328"'-o~~-3.319 1.106 24.07 2708 3.000 3.319 1.002 30.01 2708 3.117 0.655 2.461 -1.459 2.842 0.737 !.Q.Qos2.o.1Eea~;or1:3;.:;:~o:rol!,:.:J2c6~TI>~eur5@---t'oJ2s: 4.101 1,357 30.42 4442 3.ooo 4.101 1.317 43.71 5468 3.047 1.295 2.997 -1.448 2.826 o.737 600$200-97 0.1017 1.067 3.63 5.612 1.871 2.293 0.530 0.705 5.612 1.871 43.49 7372 3.000 5.612 1.871 §4.53 11124 3.000 3.679 3.981 -1.427 2.791 0.739 ·5oos2so-43 · 6.0451.. o.537. .1.83 3.082 1.027 2.396 o.i!58. o.923 3.b8l!' o.91.8 18.14 1358 3.134 . . . U.364 3.379 ,1,393 s.f93· ·0.641, 6iJos25o-(i4 0.9566 o.Qto 2.2~ s.s1?l 1.21~. · 2.$88 o.562 o.917 3.81.9 i.1$9.:;2.90 2708 J1i5 3.790 1,0fi~ ~2:qo 2708, 3:207 -0:715 4.t46 -1..~8.9 3,1so-.0.647 $0Q9?liO-~ 0.071~ 0.836 . 2.84 4'727 1.576' 2:378 0.688. 0.908 4.727 /.522 3Q.08 444~ 3:045 t,.727 1.342 40:19 546B :'l,.191 1.41? 5,97-1 ,1.~78 3.1~4 0.647, 600S250-97 0.1017 .1.169 ·3:98 6.496. 2.165 2.357. 0.923·. 0.889 .6.496-\ 3:003 6.496 2.063 69.38.11124.:$.062 A.030 6.798 .-J.857.3.130 0.648 , ' Web-height to thickness ratio exceeds 200. Web stiffeners are required at all support points and concentrated loads See Section Properties Table Notes on page 6. 7 SSMA: 7- ... \ ) ) ' Structural (S) Stud Section Properties -~ .;_/ · --:~!t::-~-d·;,:,grg'$1i!Qil.1':tr~;J;)~:-Y-!.: 1 ··rxx:. , · ' Rx ,, .'Jrr,: ·:.;J=iy , , fxx; · S;qc Ma . Va ·.Jn!,"_:; -in>:·.'in,':'-:: in'i(tn~.' -in-k,, <llr ·:i~::·· 800$137-331 0.0346 0.388 1.32 3.198 0.799 2.873 0.073 0.435 3.198 0.663 13.10 455 4.335 0.155 0.948 -0.709 2.991 0.944 800S137-43 0.0451 0.503 1.71 4.134 1.033 2.866 0.093 0.430 4.134 1.033 20.42 1008 4.000 0.341 1.202 -0.700 2.981 0.945 800S137-54 0.0566 0.627 2.13 5.110 1.277 2.855 0.112 0.423 5.110 1.277 28.89 2006 4.000 5.110 1.249 37.38 2006 4.032 0.670 1.460 -0.691 2.967 0.946 800S137-68 0.0713 0.782 2.66 6.303 1.576 2.839 0.134 0.414 6.303 1.576 36.74 4048 4.000 6.303 1.573 54.40 4048 4.003 1.325 1.762 -0.680 2.948 0.947 800S137-97 0.1017 1.093 3.72 8.597 2.149 2.805 0.169 0.394 8.597 2.149 53.09 9037 4.000 8.597 2.149 78.22 11124 4,000 3.767 2.295 -0.658'2.908 0.949 .aoos152,sa1• o.0346 0.4:13 1 1 _.4 83 __ , 3.582. o.896 2.943 0.12s 9,550 3.$il? o,757 14.96 ·455-4,306 0.,155 1.efli: :o.951 3°,14W. o:eos. 800S162-43• -O.o-451, !J,(i37 4,?33 1.1~8 2.~37 0.160 0,546 , 4.~33 1.158 22.89 ·1008 4:000 ·o:364· 2.056 -0.941 3.132 0.91o' aoos·1iJ2-M 00566 oa10 228 5736 1-434 2927 0194 o-539 5736 1434 3183 200& 4000 ~-73!> 1'397-41.~4 2006 4.039' o.7is 2.509 -0,932 3,1.19 o.911' soos152.fl&. ·o:tii13 o:8q6 ·2:84 fo99 1:712 ¢'.913· 02s~ d.s30 1:os!l_ 1:112 40:41 4048. 4:ooo 1.ose t1S7 59.57 <lbilB 4.013: i.416 a.047 -o.921 s.101 ·o.912 !l00~1!l?-97. 0.1017. 1,.199 3.98 9.713· 2,428 2,883. o:soq o.s10 e,713: 2,42A 58-?7 _90~7 4.QOO: 9.7is .2J2a :a6.14 11124 4.ooq 4.Q30 4:023 -0.899 1.Qfi2 0J14 800S200-33' 0.0346 0.448 1.52 4.096 1.024 3.023 0.227 0.712 4.096 0.812 16.04 . 455 4.410 0.179 2.945 -1.306 3.369 0.850 (aoos200,;,43,:_..,o:oiffi'.L., ,:.O,o.82:::1,98f.d5,3_i[2[JL:325Ul'."rft8.~cO.i'9'~ 5.302 1.293 25.54 1008 4.038 0.395 3.763 -1.295 3.359 0.851 800S200-54 0.0566 0.726 2.47 6.573 1.643 3.009 0.357 0.701 6.573 1.643 35.75 2006 4.000 6.573 1.475 44.15 2006 4.168 0.775 4.612 -1.286 3.346 0.852 800S200-68 0.0713 0.907 3.09 8.140 2.035 2.996 0.435 0.692 8.140 2.035 45.29 4048 4.000 8.140 1.964 65.21 4048 4.055 1.537 5.631 -1.275 3.329 0.853 800S200-97 0.1017 1.271 4.32 11.203 2.801 2.969 0.576 0.673 11.203 2.801 65.12 9037 4.000 .!1:29t 2.801 9,6.6.? 11124 4.000 4.381 7.524 -1.253 3.292 0.855 . ·soos2so:43 · o.o4!i1 o:e/lf: 2:ls. ·s:ots'-"f.s04' a.697 o:soo · o.893°' ·.G:01s 1.aia ·2s:9s · · 1'ooa 4.219' .. · · • : · · .0A2f. ~:$?9 -1".ros 3:541 .o.7ss 800$?5Q-94 Q.05® · Q.7~ . 2.66 7,~65 1:869 ~:g~$ 0.$14' 0.8~6. 7.~65 1·.712 33.82. 2006 · 4.134" 7.378 f.525 45i66 2006 ;4.32 0,836· 7..769 -1.686 3.628 Oi784 . ·8008250-68 JJ.07J:t, o.~?8 s:3?. -9.291 2.3J5· '¥077 0.752 o.877 .. 9.261 2:240· 44:26 .464a· 4:oss· 916,i 2:00:,-'fi9,9_6 ilo48 4,ii 1.$5~. 9,5?6-tf!14 s.611· ·o:?li~ 800$250-97 .0.1017 .. ;372 · 4;67 12:789' 3197,3.053. .190 ·72;05 ·9037 :102.10 11124:4;07 ,4:731 ·-1.652 3.575 ',0;787 1000S162-431 0.0451 . 0.627 2.13 8.025 1.605 3.577 0.168 0.518 8.025 1A.1i 27.94 802 5.292 .. 3.404 -0.836 3.709 0.949 1000s162-54 0.0566 o.783 2.66 9.950 1,990 3.565 0.204 o.511 :''§~o·(l.9~£39.32 1593 5.oooi · 9.950· · 1.m 51.26 1593 5.332 4.160 -0.827 3.696 o.95o 1000S162-68 0.0713 0.978 3.33 12.325 2.465 3.550 0.246 0.502 12::325 2.'165 56.20 3209 5.000 12'3'25 2.465 73.80 3209 5.000 5.060 -0.817 3.677 0.951 1000s152.97 0.1017 1 372 4 67 16.967 3.393 3.516 o.320 0.483 16.967 3.393 81.43 9037 5.ooo 16.967 3.393 120.37 9461 5.o_o_o 4.731 6.708 -0.795 3.637 o.952 .1000s~oo~1 :o.0Ji51 0:572 · £2s .-9.oss 1.s1cs:61a o .. s'()g o,ey77· ~:oa~ 1.s8~': afi,a ·al)2 s,s1e · •· . · -_·· ... ,.. • --: ri.4s6-·6.is~ -1,1rJn,914 o.e12 1ooos200.-54 1L6566 · 0.839 .2.86 J1.278 2.256 3,666··:o.378 0,671 H;278 .2.256 :44:57 .1593 .. 5:ooo. 11.278. 1.8o'5 54:04. 1593 5.478· ,0.896 7,595 -1.153 3;901 .o,913. · 110Q0o __ 0o_8s_2?_9q09:9sa __ 7'_· o:07j3: 1.050-: "3.57. ·i3:99'4' 2.799 3:6S2 0.460 0.662 13,994 2.799 62.2& !3209° 5,000 .13,994' 2,744, 8lM5 ·3269. 5.037. · J:779. 9.291 ·i,142 3:883 0.913 · _ .. Qdq1:z .. :.1:~z4 ,ll.92,., .. 1~.~&.s.ll.st ?.,~_2g~Q.60J1 .o(a~.J~.,~i a.~at a.9.~2 .. ~0~1,:$.ii.oP: .1~-~6. s:!'¥l1:.'·13p;'4'2 ()461. §:ooo. -s,08? 12~4q,o_-1.1,2_q.3.,&4$ ... 9~9l.S. 1000S250-43' 0.0451 0.717 2.44 10.203 2.041 3.771 0.531 0.860 10.203 1.617 31.95 802 5.508 0.486 10.404 -1.535 4.161 0.864 1000S250-54 0.0566 0.896 3.05 12.677 2.535 3.762 0.653 0.854 12.677 2.277 44.99 1593 5.213 1.879 56.26 1593 5.635 0.957 12.805 -1.525 4.148 0.865 10008250-68 0.0713 1.121 3.81 15.751 3.150 3.749 0.799 0.844 15.751 3.054 60.34 3209 5.060 2.670 79.94 3209 5.317 1.899 15.726 -1.514 4.130 0.866 1000$250-97 0.1 17 1.576 5.36 21.827 4.365 3.722 1.072 0.825 21.827 4.356 98.40 5.004 4.181 140.63 9461 5.082 5.433 21.268 -1.491 4.093 0.867 62-54' Q. . . ,3.05 1fi,730 ?.6?g 4.190 o.2_j2 0.4_86 15,730 ?:3$4-. 46, . . .6,311 1. . 2.0?4. 60,6Q .. 13?L g. . ~:2@3 -P-?44 4:283 ·o.970, 12oosi62-68 .0:01-13. 1.121 .. a:aJ. .1~.s1a·3,2p3 4.17$. 0.2,ss-Q.477. 19;51a 3:253 64.2s ·i9!ia -s,009 ·19,5w:2,953 $8_:4-!_ ?658 s:297 1. . 7.66_6 .-o.7~4 4.294 0,910 1?.QO$j62-~7. ~10F .. , 1;9?A: ' li,,3lj · g6,9~.~-4-4!l4. 1-1.~7 \q:33i' , Q.4~9., :ifl.$1\6. 4.5~4 107,Jl.5. WK §;0,QQ : ~6l6~ · 4-~94 .. ,1~9-4R 78.14 "§QOO.! . ~~3 1.Q.)BJ., -0.7-1,3' 4:~3 •. 0,97L; 1200S200-541 0.0566 0.953 3.24 17.662 2.944 4.306 0.393 0.643 17.662 2.658 52.52 1321 6.281 17.662 2.143 64.17 1321 6.836 1.017 11.462 -1.047 4.478 0.945 1200$200-68 0.0713 1.192 4.06 21.947 3.658 4.291 0.479 0.634 21.947 3.658 81.40 2658 6.000 21.947 3.265 97.75 2658 6.300 2.020 14.038 -1.036 4.459 0.946 1200S200-97 0.1017 1.677 5.71 30.417 5.069 4.258 0.635 0.615 30.417 5.069 117.87 7814 6.000 30.417 5.069 174.89 7814 6.000 5.783 18.876 -1.014 4.420 0.947 .12dos2so-!W . o·.0$66 · _1 1 ._0 2 · 09 63 · s 4 · __ A 3 ·s 0 ·., tii:6s1 ·1l.2ag 4.4)$ q.ail3 Oi>.a2a· 19.681. ~:fio/9 ·52:ll4 . 1:iir ~.$21: i9:(ia1 2.~~ 61.,91 _1s21: J:99$: vm1 tll.ss4 .1,395 ,t:764" o:s12 . 1200s2so:oo. -0.0713 24'..481L4.081 4.402 0.836. ·o.813::24.484 3.963 'ZB.31 265,8 6.065.24,484-·3.147, .94,22· 2658 '6.643,'2:141' 23.796 -1,384 4.686 0.913. 1200525@7. 0:1017. 1.779 . 6.0~ '34.0'16 5.669 4.373 1.121 0,794 34.016 5.658127:80. 7814 6.004 3,foja. 5.446. 183.15: 7814 6.088 6.134, 32.260 st.361 4.648 .6:iit4. 1 Web-height to thickness ratio exceeds 200. Web stiffeners are required at all support points and concentrated loads See Section Properties Table Notes on page 6. 8 ) ) ) I DCI-ENGINEERS --4 D 'AMATO CONVER SANO IN C. Project No. 08 -51-034 Sheet No: 0\ Capstone Date: 6/30/08 Printed: 10:37 AM I. Seismic Ground Motion Values: LAT = Site Latitude: = LONG = Site Longitude: = Ss = MCE Spectral Acee! @0.2 Sec: = S1 = MCE Spectral Acee! @ 1.0 Sec: = SITE = Site Class: ( Default is D) = Fa = Spectral Accel @ 0.2 Sec for Site = Fv = Spectral Acee! @ 1.0 Sec for Site = SMs = MCE Spectral Resp (Short Period) = SM! = MCE Spectral Resp (Long Period) = lsns = Design Spectral Accel @ 0.2 Sec = lsn1 = Design Spectral Accel @ 1.0 Sec = II. Design Response Spectrum Periods: To = Period, O.2*S0 /Sos Ts = Period, S0 i/S05 = Long Period, Transition Period 33.165 -117.337 1.275 0.481 D 1.00 1.52 1.275 0.731 0.849 0.487 --------- 0.115 sec. 0.573 sec. 6.00 sec By: < Input to 3 DECIMALS, Not Minutes and Seconds> < Input to 3 DECIMALS, Not Minutes and Seconds> <Input> <input> <Select> 2002 USGS Mapped Value for Default Site Class B 2002 USGS Mapped Value for Default Site Class B (per Geotech or Table 20.3-1 -ASCE 7, pg 205) = Table interpoloated (Table 11.4-1 -ASCE 7, pg 115) = Table interpoloated (Table 11.4-2 -ASCE 7, pg 115) =FaS5 =FvS1 =2/3SMs =2/3SMI =0.2*S01/S05 =So/Sos < Input> Eqn 11.4-1 Eqn 11.4-2 Eqn 11.4-3 Eqn I 1.4-4 Eqn 11.4-8 Eqn 11.4-9 (Table 22-15 -ASCE 7, pg 228) BCS = Factor for Approximate Period, SEE ASCE 7-05 pg 129 0.028 <Select> (Table 12 8-2 -ASCE 7, pg 129: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> X = Exponent Parameter for Approximate Period 0.80 h = Height of Building (approx to Mean Roof Ht) 20 ft <Input> !Ta = Approximate Period: Ta = Ct*(hn/ = 0.308 sec. Cu = Coefffor Upper Limit on Calc'd Period = 1.400 T max = Max Fundamental Period: Tmax = Ta* Cu = 0.431 sec. Tcalc = Calculated Period (via. computer analysis) = <Input> III. Building Importance (IBC 1604 & ASCE 7-05 Table 11.5.1 -pg 116): ICC = Importance Classification CATAGORY: = I II !<Select> Class = Building Classification = Typical Building IE = Seismic IMPORTANCE Factor: = L 1.00 ____ J IV Structural Svstem (Table 12 2 1 -ASCE 7 DI! 120)· .. lsnc = Seismic Design Catagory: = D BBS = BASIC BUILDING SYSTEM : = G. Cantilevered Column System Eqn 12.8-7 (Table 12.8-1 -ASCE 7, pg 129) Eqn 12.8-7 Leave Blank to use Ta (IBC Section 1604) (Table 11.5.1 · ASCE 7, pg 116) (Tables & (2)-2006 IBC) SFRS = SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM: = 1. Special steel moment frames (SMF) R = Resp. Modification Coeff (DUCTILITY): = 2.50 Qo = System OVERSTRENGTH Factor: = 1.25 Cd = Deflection Amplification Factor: = 2.50 Height Limitations: (ft) = 35 V. Calculation of the Seismic Response Coeff ( ASCE 7 p_g !2?.)_~ Cs 1 = Sos/ (R/1) = · 0.340 W Cs 2a = ifT ::ST L, then S01 / T(R/I) = Cs2b = ifT > TL,then SwTL/r(R/1)= Cs 3 = 0.O44*Sns *I ?: O.DI Cs 4 = if S1 > 0.6g then O.50*S1 / (R/1) = ---··--------- 0.633 W -n/a- O.O37W -n/a- Eqn 12,8-2 (short period Cutoff) Eqn 12.8-3 (long period) Eqn 12.8-4 (very long period) Eqn 12.8-5 (minimum) Eqn 12.8-6 (soft site minimum) .... lv __ =_C_s_W_=....,(~E_,,_qn_1_2_.8_.1_,_) _______ =_.l_o_.3_4_o_w~I-SEISMIC BASE SHEAR COEFFICIENT. File: J:\2008\08-51-034 Capstone Advisers TI\Calculations\Lateral\Steel Frame Buildings\2008-06-24 -2006 IBC Base Shear Seismic -ELF Base Shear ASCE 7 <Select> <Select> ) ) ) Ii DCI · ENGINEERS -44 D'AMATO CONVERSANO INC. Project Subject C. APS.ToJ-JE.. ?l-\f.V!,,€ 1L ·LA~1<-c...,__ bflb..bf\.!,t-,) -r-1.:i,'t ,-------------1 ,,(qi# I ,,. 14 1--+--------ffJ----- 1 • I I f __ -fjja __ ..... _____ __. \-------- 1 Project No. O'b · SI -0'3,_l Sheet No. lo Date (p /1. .... J / CJ 8 By 6$ l.>L ::-io tL ~{/-;;; lbf1-P ------------ -•---- ~::. ( ~a rf.l( z;z, S ?'-2f.7SJ -t top/-f(lx-22.?~ ~ 2-{, z[) v _AS~ V /ii ,0 t .t ,w,:!. (<_-:::.. 7..,Y,_ -Sp,-<-. 9" l /.,,o,,,;t-~ <rrAJ t .col-~ ~600~· V(P ::. & 34J C 5'(;,bO;::. /, o;L (1ops.£.-j(/'f:z1 ,x /1,5'J-1-Qof/fj{/Y.~3 + r2.5",>{'t'._);:: ?2,70-:// ?fl.. 7l>-lf: X t[),'$'1 ;:;. 2,8t.. - :f<C-0 -_JJ: 1--1---= 2-0/ Gt;== .,02-g ;:;p l-s ==,. 3to ) ) ) E DCI · ENGINEERS Project No. ..44 D'AMATO CONVERSANO INC. tn)~s.-1-o";?.I.-\ Project Subject (..p..<? 5>\b t-3-e.. f? H ~ e :u: \...A.'fF-ClA-1... 0&-!:,1.1.Pr-J -oPnor-J 1.. -CANTlLE--.Jt::=-(?...~D 0t..uMi0 (1-!ss) f-.A~ ~ qso ,..,. "" )-z..' = \!. '-"' v--P+- f':> ::. 0, CD (L-j (.., """'-~ ) -:. 1,,. -:}, le ~.; t-A ::. \\ . ...\ w-..i:~ fr,.) F'o 2-':/-,(pk (c;,i< = 1--1,-qq tn~) t,>(l.,,u.,;;,1;;_ (-i.) F~T"<o-.Jfl S::i=c,.."' '-l,O{ll:,~"3/1.,.:::. ,z_,1.-\t,,,,..~ -v,,;..~ (-;__) HS:'.> Lj x 1--\ x '°;,/(u (Ss,: -::c '3,. 30 1,, 3 ) Sheet No. I I Date {,;,/?A Jo-s By f'/"\ I '2- Lateral HSS General Information Code Ref : 2006 IBC, AISC Manual 13th Edition Steel Section Name : HSS4X4X3/16 Overall Column Height 20.0 ft Analysis Method : 2006 IBC & ASCE 7-05 Top & Bottom Fixity Top & Bottom Pinned Steel Stress Grade Fy : Steel Yield 36.0 ksi 29,000.0 ksi Allowable Stress Brace condition for deflection (buckling) along columns : E : Elastic Bending Modulus Load Combination : Applied Loads Column self weight included : 188.061 lbs • Dead Load Factor BENDING LOADS ... Lat. Point Load at 10.0 ft creating Mx-x, E = 1.40 k DESIGN SUMMARY Bending & Shear Check Results PASS Max. Axial+Bending Stress Ratio = Load Combination Location of max.above base At maximum location values are ... Pu :Axial Pn / Omega : Allowable Mu-x : Applied Mn-x / Omega : Allowable Mu-y : Applied 0.73994 : 1 +D+0.70E+H 10.0671 ft 0.18806 k 55.6168 k -4.8671 k-ft 6.5928 k-ft X-X (width) axis : Fully braced against buckling along X-X Axis Y-Y (depth) axis :Fully braced against buckling along Y-Y Axis Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for cal~ulatio1:'..s: Maximum SERVICE Load Reactions .. Top along Y-Y 0.0 k Bottom along Y-Y 0.0 k Top along X-X 0.70 k Bottom along X-X 0.70 k Maximum SERVICE Load Deflections ... Along Y-Y -2.2615 in at 10.0671 ft above base for load combination : E Only ') Mn-y / Omega : Allowable 0.0 k-ft 6.5928 k-ft Along X-X 0.0 in at 0.0ft above base for load combination : .' PASS Maximum Shear Stress Ratio= Load Combination Location of max.above base At maximum location values are ... Vu: Applied Vn / Omega : Allowable Load Combination Results Load Combination +D+L+H +D+Lr+H +D+0.70E+H +D+0.750Lr+0.750L +0.5250E+H +D+0.750L +0.750S+0.5250E+H +0.60D+0.70E+H Maximum Reactions -Unfactored 0.03130 : 1 +D+0.70E+H 0.0 ft 0.490 k 15.6548 k Maximum Axial + Bending Stress Ratios Stress Ratio Status Location 0.003 PASS 0.00 ft 0.003 PASS 0.00 ft 0.740 PASS 10.07 ft 0.555 PASS 10.07ft 0.555 PASS 10.07 ft 0.739 PASS 10.07 ft Maximum Shear Ratios Stress Ratio Status Location 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft 0.031 PASS 0.00 ft 0.023 PASS 0.00 ft 0.023 PASS 0.00 ft 0.031 PASS 0.00 ft Note: Only non-zero reactions are listed. . ------------------X,..,.-X.,....A_x_is-R-ea-ct-io_n _______ Y_-Y_A_x-is-R-ea-c-tio_n _______ _ ) Load Combination E Only @Base @Top @Base @Top 0.700 -0.700 D +L +S +E/1.4 0.500 -0.500 Maximum Deflections for ~oad Combinations -Unfactored Loads Load Combination Max. X-X Deflection Distance Max. Y-Y Deflection Distance --------------------------------------------·--·-··· E Only 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft D + L + S + E/1.4 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft Steel Section Properties : HSS4X4X3/16 ·)steel Column Description : Lateral HSS Steel Section Properties HSS4X4X3/16 Depth = 4.000 in Web Thick = 0.000 in Flange Width = 4.000 in Flange Thick = 0.174 in Area = 2,580 inA2 Weight = 9.403 plf Ycg 0.000 in i ';j I I I " 0 q ... •,! ) I xx s xx = R xx = I yy = Syy = R yy = \ 5·,21 inA4 3.10 jnA3 1.550 in 6.210 inA4 3.100 inA3 1.550 in Pri~ted. 30 JUN 2008, 2·00PM File: c:\Documents and Settingslpmurray\My Documents\ENERCALC Data Files\capstone.ec6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2008, Ver. 6.0.19 J M-xloads "' 0 ~ 11 -1~ :E = 10.000 inA4 ~--------------- 4 ·_ 00 _'"------------------~L""oa==d"-s=are=t=ot=•'-=-en""te"',e""d-'-va""lu""e"-.A"'-rro"'w'-"s-=-do""n""o'-'tre=fl=ec"-ta==b=soe.:lu::=te-=-de.:ir•=ct"'ion"'. _________ j ) 13 Prisled: 30 .JUN 2008. 10:55AM )steel Base Plate Design File: c:\Documents and Settings\pmurray\My Documents\ENERCALC Data Files\capstone.ec6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2008, Ver. 6.0.19 ,' :,~<: :> ,; V:' {~: ,j~--,:tl:~);~::' :•, q,,'/1 ~ :<< / ;;J.v~).'~ ,;,'<,~_;,,·,:,;-.:~-->-~:': Description : : General Information--·-·._·····-· ... _____ j __ ----_ ---__ Calc~a!)~ns pcr_~3th AISC & AISC De~ign~~~~~ No. 1, 1990 by DoWo!f &_~ck~~ Material Properties AISC Design Method Allowable Stress Design Steel Plate Fy = 36.0 ksi Concrete Support re = 3.0 ksi ASIF: Allowable Stress Increase Factor ABIF : Allowable Bearing Increase Factor n c : ASD Safety Factor. Assumed Bearing Area : Full Bearing Allowable Bearing Fp per J8 . ! Column & Plate I ____________________ J------------------ CO!Umn Properties Steel Section: W8X1O Depth Width Flange Thickness Web Thickness Plate Dimensions 7.89 in 3.94 in 0.205 in O.17in N: Length 14.0 in B: Width 7.0 in Thickness 0.50 in Column assumed welded to base plate. Area lxx lyy 2.96 inA2 30.8 inA4 2.09 inA4 Support Dimensions Support width along "X" Length along "Z' 48.0 in 48.0 in 1.330 1.330 2.50 6.783Oksi .: :: j::;~. i iji:::,~ ··1 ~ •._ •• • • • •,.•! "•, ' : ; • ~ • ~ •: • : • I i ·-.,·. • .. · .. • .. • ... • .. :· .. ·:··-··. l .. :-_:--,::_-: ___ >>> :· :-·,:· j • E···:··:7 [ Applied Loads ______________ L _________________________ _ P-Y V-2 • ) D : Dead Load ...... . L:Live ....... Lr : Roof Live ........ . S: Snow .............. .. W:Wind ............... . E : Earthquake ............ .. H : Lateral Earth ........ . 2.640 k k 5.280 k k k k k "P " = Gravity load, "+" sign is downward. "+" Moments create higher soil pressure at +Z edge. "+" Shears push plate towards +Z edge. k k k k k 0.70 k k M-X k-ft k-ft k-ft k-ft k-ft 5.70 k-ft k-ft 1 Anchor Bolts ·-1 I Anchor Bolt or Rod Description 3/4 Max ofT ension or Pullout Capacity .......... . Shear Capacity ....................................... .. Edge distance : bolt to plate .................. . Number of Bolts in each Row .................. . Number of Bolt Rows ....................... . Row Spacing ................................ . 1.0 k 1.0 k 1.250 in 2.0 1.0 2.50 in ? •·. ·--.. -~--.. , ........ -··t """ .· ·-·.t !;'~~l),;Ul,,~:e -• i , ~ ,..-,s;:.~---·:r.i • • • • • j . ; -----. ---·-· ---------··· -------------.. -··-------·--· ,. -·--···----···-···I.··--·--GOVERNING DESIGN LOAD CASE SUMMARY Plate Design Summary Design Method Governing Load Combination Governing Load Case Type Design Plate Size Pa : Axial Load ... . Ma: Moment ....... . Allowable Stress DesiQn +D+0.750L +0.750S+0.5250E+H Axial+ Moment, U2 < Eccentricity, Tension on Be 1'-2" X 7" XO -1/2" 2.640 k 2.993 k-ft 0.227 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.008 Shear Stress OK Mu : Max. Moment ................... .. fb : Max. Bending Stress .............. . Fb: Allowable: 0.75 * Fy *ASIF/ Omega Stress Ratio ................ . fu : Max. Plate Bearing Stress .... Fp : Allowable : 0.913 k-in 21.917 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.764 Bending Stress OK 2.713 ksi 2.713 ksi min( 0.85*fc*sqrt(A2/A1), 1.7* fc)*Ome Stress Ratio................. 0.000 Bearing Stress OK ' ' ·')st~-el Base Plate Design Description : Cantilevered Column Base Plate Load Comb. : +D Loading Pa : Axial Load .... Design Plate Height ........ . Design Plate Width ........ . Will be different from entry if parria/ bearing used. A 1 : Plate Area ........ . A2: Support Area ................ .. -,j' A2/A1 ..................... . Distance for Moment Calculation "m" ................... .. II n 11 ""'""""'"'"" x ............................ .. Lambda .................... .. nl ....................................... . n' *Lambda ................................ .. L = max(m, n, n") ....................... .. 2.640 k 14.000 in 7.000 in 98,000 inA2 2,304,000 inA2 2.000 3.252 in 1.924 in 0.009 inA2 0.094 1.971 in 0.186 in 3.252 in Printed: 30 JliN 2008. 10.55AM File: c:\Documents and Setlings\pmurray\My Documents\ENERCALC Data Flleslcapstone.ec6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2008, Ver. 6.0.19 I 'o Axial Load Only, No Moment Bearing Stresses Fp : Allowable .............................. . fa : Max. Bearing Pressu Stress Ratio ...................... . Plate Bending Stresses Mmax =Fu* LA2/2 .................. . fb: Actual .............................. .. Fb : Allowable ............................. . Stress Ratio .................... . Shear Stress fv: Actual ............................... . Fv : Allowable ............................ .. Stress Ratio ................... .. 2.713 ksi 0.027 ksi 0.010 0.142 k-in 3.419 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.119 0.000 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.000 -----·--·-------·--------··-. ·--------------------------Load Comb.: +D+L+H Loading Pa : Axial Load .... Design Plate Height ........ . Design Plate Width ........ . Will be differer! from entry if partial bearing useu. ) A 1 : Plate Area ........ . A2: Support Area ................ .. -,j' A2/A1 ..................... . Distance for Moment Calculation nm" ................... .. II n 11 "'"'"'"'"'''"'' x ............................. . Lambda .................... .. n' ....................................... . n' *Lambda ................................ .. L = max(m, n, n") ....................... .. Load Comb. : +D+Lr+H Loading Pa : Axial Load .... Design Plate Height ....... .. Design Plate Width ........ . Will be different from entry if partial bearing used. A 1 : Plate Area ........ . A2: Support Area ................ .. -,j' A2/A 1 ..................... . Distance for Moment Calculation nm" .................... . II n II""'"""'""""' x ............................. . Lambda ..................... . n' ....................................... . n' *Lambda ................................. . L = max(m, n, n") ........................ . ) 2.640 k 14.000 in 7.000 in 98.000 inA2 2,304.000 inA2 2.000 3.252 In 1.924 in 0.009 inA2 0.094 1.971 in 0.186 in 3.252 in 7.920 k 14.000 in 7.000 in 98,000 inA2 2,304,000 inA2 2.000 3.252 in 1.924 in 0.026 inA2 0.164 1.971 in 0.323 in 3.252 in Bearing Stresses Fp : Allowable .............................. . fa : Max. Bearing Pressu Stress Ratio ..................... .. Plate Bending Stresses Mmax = Fu *LA2/2 ................. .. fb: Actual .............................. .. Fb : Allowable ............................. . Stress Ratio .................... . Shear Stress fv: Actual ............................... . Fv : Allowable ............................ .. Stress Ratio ................... .. Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable .............................. . fa : Max. Beartng Pressu Stress Ratio ...................... . Plate Bending Stresses Mmax = Fu • L A2 / 2 ................. .. fb: Actual .............................. .. Fb : Allowable ............................ .. Stress Ratio .................... . Shear Stress fv: Actual .............................. .. Fv : Allowable ............................ .. Stress Ratio .................... . Axial Load Only, No Moment 2.713 ksi 0.027 ksi 0.010 0.142 k-in 3.419 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.119 0.000 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.000 -----·-·--··-·· -· -. Axial Load Only, No Moment 2.713 ksi 0.081 ksi 0.030 0.427 k-in 10.258 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.358 0.000 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.000 ·• Description : Cantilevered Column Base Plate Load Comb. : +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H Loading Pa : Axial Load .. ,. Design Plate Height ........ . Design Plate Width ........ . Will be different from entf'/ if partial beanng used. A 1 : Plate Area ........ . A2: Support Area ................. . -v-A2/A 1 :=············ Distance for Moment Calculation "mn ................... .. II n II,,,,.,,.,.,.,.,,.,.,, x ............................. . Lambda ..................... . n· ....................................... . n' *Lambda ................................. . L = max(m, n, n") ........................ . 6.600 k 14.000 in 7.000 in 98.000 inA2 2,304.000 inA2 2.000 3.252 in 1.924 in 0.022 inA2 0.149 1.971 in 0.294 in 3.252 in Printed. 30 ,l'.iN 2C08. 10.55AM File: c:\Docunients and Settingslpmurray\My Documents\ENERCALC Data Files\capstone.ec6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2008, Ver. 6.0.19 Bearing Stresses Fp : Allowable .............................. . fa : Max. Bearing Pressu Stress Ratio ...................... . Plate Bending Stresses Mmax = Fu * L A2 / 2 .................. . fb: Actual .............................. .. Fb : Allowable ............................. . Stress Ratio .................... . Shear Stress fv: Actual ............................... . Fv : Allowable ............................. . Stress Ratio .................... . ------·------Axial Load Only, No Moment 2.713 ksi 0.067 ksi 0.025 0.356 k-in 8.548 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.298 0.000 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.000 -----------------------------------. -------------. --------Load Comb.: +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H Loading Pa : Axial Load ... . Ma: Moment ....... . Eccentricity ...................... .. A 1 : Plate Area ........ . ), A2: Support Area ............ , ....... . ..jAi.ii.1..-:.~.=·········· Calculate plate moment from bearing ... trmu ................... .. "A" : Bearing Length Mp! : Plate Moment Shear Stress 2.640 k 2.993 k-ft 13.602 in 98.000 inA2 2,304.000 inA2 2.000 3.252 in 0.212 In 0.076 k-in fv : Actual ................................ 0.227 ksi Fv: Allowable .............................. 28.671 ksi Stress Ratio ..................... 0.008 Load Comb.: +D+0.750L+0.750S-0.5250E+H Loading Pa : Axial Load ... . Ma: Moment ....... . Eccentricity ....................... . A 1 : Plate Area ........... . A2 : Support Area .................... . -V A2/A 1 ........ :.-........... . Distance for Moment Calculation "m" .................... . 11 n II"""""''""'"'" 2.640 k 2.993 k-ft 13.602 in 98.000 inA2 2,304.000 inA2 2.000 3.252 in 1.924 in Axial Load+ Moment, Ecc. > U2 Calculate plate moment from bolt tension ... Tension in Bolts ......................... . Dist. from Bolt to Col. Edge ............ . Effective Bolt Width for Bending .... . Plate Moment from Bol!Tension ...... . Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable .............................. . fa : Max. Bearing Pressu Stress Ratio ................... . Plate Bending Stresses Mmax ......................................... . fb: Actual ............................... . Fb : Allowable ............................... . Stress Ratio ................... . Bearing Stresses Fp : Allowable .............................. . fa : Max. Bearing Pressu Stress Ratio ................... . Plate Bending Stresses Mmax1 = Fu * mA2 / 2 ..................... . Mmax2 = Fu * nA2 / 2 ....................... . Mmax ................................ . fb: Actual ............................... . Fb : Allowable ............................... . Stress Ratio ................... . Shear Stress fv : Actual ... : ........................... . Fv : Allowable ............................. . Stress Ratio .................... . 0.631 k 2.002 in 7.000 in 0.180 k-in 2.713 ksi ( set equal to Fp) 0.000 0.913 k-in 21.917 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.764 Axial Load+ Moment, Ecc. < U6 2.713 ksi 0.130 ksi 0.048 0.559 k-in 0.110 k-in 0.110 k-in 2.638 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.092 0.227 ksi 28.671 ksi 0.008 ,,, RAM NTERNATDNAL RAM Foundation vl2.0.1 DataBase: <lei Building Code: IBC FOOTING DESIGN Spread Footin2 Desii:n ( f-o(ll.. l£:>\..u/\l't-l l.f 1.} Date: 06/30/08 10:35: l'8 Design Code: ACI318-02 Footing# 31 Footing Orientation (deg):__ 0.00 Footing Column Location: __ (F -5) Column Orientation (deg): __ 0.00 Length (ft);_______ 4.00 Width (ft):______ 4.00 Thickness (ft):______ 1.00 Bottom Reinf. Parallel to Length: 6 -#5 Width: 6 -#5 Top Reinf. Parallel to Length: 5 -#5 Width: 0 -#3 Concrete fc (ksi): 3.00 fct (ksi): CODE Density (pcf): 150.00 Ee (ksi): 3320.56 Reinf. fy (ksi): 60.00 Safety Factor Overturning: Major __ 3.8 (15) Minor_ NIA INPUT DATA Column Size: W8Xl 0 Base Plate Dimensions (in) 14.00 X 14.00 LOADS Surcharge (ksf) Axial (kip) Dead Load: Dead Load: Pos. Live: Pos. Roof: 0.000 2.89 5.28 NIA Percent of overhang to assume Rigid: 50.00 Live Load: Neg. Live: Neg. Roof: 0.000 NIA NIA ) CONCRETE CAPACITY Required Shear (kip) Major Ld Co/Code Ref. 2.46 2 Minor Ld Co/Code Ref. 2.86 2 ) Provided Shear: (kip) 34.01 Sec. a)b)c) Required Moment: (kip-ft) Provided Moment: (kip-ft) Required Punching Shear: (kip) Provided Punching Shear: (kip) REINFORCEMENT Bar Quantity/Bar Size: 3.55 2 38.77 10.20 2 99.82 Bottom Bars Parallel to Length Width 6-#5 6-#5 Required Steel/Provided Steel (in2) Required Steel Code Ref. 0.16/ 1.86 1.72/ 1.86 Bar Spacing (in) Sec. 7.12 8.27 Sec. 7.12 8.27 Bar Depth (in) Cover (in) SOIL CAPACITY Top 3.00 8.63 8.00 Bottom: 3.00 Side: Allowable Soil Bearing Capacity (ksf) _______ _ Max Unfactored Soil Bearing (ksf) ________ _ Max Average Unfactored Soil Bearing (ksf) _____ _ Max Soil Bearing for Factored Design (ksf) _____ _ Max Average Soil Bearing for Factored Design (ksf) __ _ 3.00 1.50 0.73 0.66 0.74 0.74 31.55 Sec. a) b) c) 3.94 2 38.08 Top Bars Parallel to Length Width 5-#5 0-#3 0.03/ 1.55 0.00/ 0.00 Sec. 10.2 10.34 0.00 8.63 8.38 LdCo 13 10 2 2 . .. Connection Calculator MlltA• ) ··"' \ ) .American £'01est & t>apor As:.oclalton American ·wood Council Connection Calcu;ator I Design Methodll Allowable Stress Design (ASD) I Connection Typell Lateral loading I Fastener Typell Lag Screw I Loading Scenarioll Single Shear I Main Member Typell Douglas Fir-Larch Main Member I 5.5 In. Thickness Main Member: Angle 110 of Load to Grain I Side Member Typell Steel Side Member 11/4 in. Thickness Side Member: Angle Iv of Load to Grain I Washer Thickness! 0 In. I Nominal Diameterll 3/4 In. I Lengthj 4 In. j Load Duration Factorll C_D = 1.33 I I I Wet Service Factorll C_M = 1.0 End Grain Factorll c_eg = 1.0 Temperature Factorll c_t = 1.0 I I I I I I Connection Yield Modes Im Is II IIIm Ills IV Adjusted ASD Capacity 113504 lbs. 114187 lbs. !11635 lbs. 112031 lbs. 111405 lbs. JJ17s11bs. I I -1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0·$~ ( --z.) 3/½ l• qt \.AC,~ • Lag Screw bending yield strength of 45000 psHs-as--st1-Fl'leeh---~ • The Adjusted ASD Capacity is only applicable for lag screws with CA@-=-'2.x 1q 0~:: -z. %\(;;i1~ adequate end distance, edge distance and spacing per NDS - chapter 11. • ASTM A36 Steel is assumed for steel side members 1/4 in. thick, http://www.awc.org/calculators/connections/ccstyle.asp?design_method=ASD&connection_type=Lateral+I... 6/30/2008 . . , ' •• Printed 22 JU!. 2008. 8 20.~M --y· -----------·--· ------·-·------·. . . ------. -. ----------~-----·--· --• --~ ------.. ------,_ -------1 File: C:\Documents and Setlings\pmurray\My Documents\ENERCALC Data Files\capstone.ec6 1Wood Beam Design ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2008, Ver. 6.0.19 . • ,/•if<! ,,,7; ::::·~j:,! ,';<;::~, ',;',,,(,:/:-' '.; ,.,' ',,./, ,-< /If Description : Mezzanine Beam Mat~_rial Properties Analysis Method : Allowable Stress Design Load Combination 2006 IBC & ASCE 7-05 Wood Species Wood Grade : Douglas Fir -Larch : No.2 Fb-Compr Fb-Tension Fe -Prll Fe-Perp ·,=v · Ft Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced .ag9in_st'lateral-tor-siori buckling r I I I CalctJ!~tlons P<:f !BC 2006, C_B~ 2_007, 2005 NOS 900 psi E: Modulus of Elasticity 900 psi Ebend-xx 1 ~50 psi Eminbend -xx 62'5psi 180 psi 575 psi Density 1600ksi 580ksi 32.21 pcf t T ! L ---·--· ·-.. _ ..... --· ... ---__ .. _ I~ _. -·----·--------------------------.. -·. ---.. --·---·--·------·---·------~ ___ _J 6x12 6x12 5.50 fl 12.0 ft i ---. ------. . _,_._ ___ ... ...,.__,, -____ J Applied Loads Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 ) Uniform Load: D = 0.150, L = 0.50 k/ft, Tributary Width= 1.0 ft . , Load for Span Number 2 Uniform Load: D = 0.150, L = 0.50 k/ft, Extent= 0.0 --» 3.50 ft, Tributary Width= 1,0 ft Uniform Load : D = 0.090, L = 0.30 k/ft, Extent= 3.50 ~» 1-2.0 ft, Tributary Width= 1.0 ft ,DESLG.N..S.UMMAR~---__ _ ________ _ jMaximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.723: 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio . Section used for this span 6x12 Section used for this span fb: ·Actual = 650.77psi fv: Actual FB: Allowable = 900.00psi Fv: Allowable Load Combination +D+L +H Load Combination Location of maximum on span = 5.500ft Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Span # wher13 ,maximum ocm.irs Maximum Deflection Max Downward Live Load Deflection = Max Upward Live Load Deflection = Live Load Deflection Ratio = Max Downward Total Defiecti0n Max Upward Total Deflection Total Deflection Ratio = -0.074 in -0.006 in 1937· 0.100 in -0.008 in 1441 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations ---·-··-----· Max Stress Ratios Load Combination Segment Length Span# M V OveriilirJiAXimum Envelope-·-· -" ---- Length = 5.50 ft 1 0.723 0.417 Length= 12.0 ft 2 0.723 0.417 +D Length= 5.50 ft 1 0,183 0.105 Length = 12.0 ft 2 0.183 0.105 ,+D+L+H ) Length = 5.50 ft 1 0.723 0.417 Length= 12.0 ft 2 0.723 0.417 +D+Lr+H Length = 5.50 ft 0.183 0.105 S~!1]mary of M?ment V_alues Mactual lb-design Fb-allow ·--· ···-·· -·-----. --. -6,57 650.77 900.00 -6.57 650.77 900.00 -1,66 164.75 900.00 -1.66 164.75 900,00 -6.57 650.77 900.00 -6.57 650.77 900.00 -1.66 164.75 900.00 ___ £& •?m1UlTl•J:; I, = 0.417 : 1 i 6x12 = 74.98 psi = 180.00 psi +D+L+H 5;500ft = Span# 1 . _____ .. __ Summary of Shear Values Vactual fv-design Fv-allow 3.16 74,98 180.00 3.16 74.98 180.00 0.80 18.91 180.00 0.80 18.91 180.00 3.16 74.98 180,00 3.16 74.98 180.00 0.80 18.91 180.00 • .. ' Printed 22 JUL 2008, 9 20AM File: C:\Documents and Settings\pmurray\My Documents\ENERCALC Data Files\capstone.ec6 ENERCALC, INC.1983-2008, Ver: 6.0.19 Description : Mezzanine Beam Load Combination Segment Length Length; 12.0 ft +D+0.750Lr+0.750L +H Span# 2 Max Stress Ratios M V 0.105 Length "' 5.50 ft 0.588 0.339 Length = 12.0 ft 2 0,588 0.339 Overall Maximum Deflections -Unfactored Loads Summa_,y ..".f M?~ent Val~es _ Mactual fb-design Fb-allow -1.66 164.75 900.00 -5.35 -5.35 529.26 529.26 ·----· --·- 900.00 900.00 Load Combination Span Max. "-" Defl Location in Span Load Combination Vactual 0.80 2.57 2.57 Su~mary of_ Shear_ Values fv-design Fv-allow ---18.-91 180.00 60.96 180.00 60.96 180.00 Max. "+" Def! Location in Span 1 0.0000 0.000. -----· ---·· ----0.0084---. . 3.765 ·-· D +Lr+ L 2 0.0999 6.604 0.0000 3.765 Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations -Unfactored Loads --------------------,--,----,------,---,------------,----------. Span Max. Downward Defl Location in Span Max. Upward Deft Location in Span Load Combination DOnly L Only Lr+LOnly D +Lr+L 2 ---0-.02_5_6 --6.604 0.0000 0.000 2 0.0743 6.604 0.0000 . 0.000 2 0.0743 6.604 6.0000 0.000 2 0.0999 6.604 0.0000 '0.000 Maximum Vertical Reactions -Unfactored Stipport Mta:iM · Far left 1s J;.'; ----------------·---------···-----• --· --~ ------~ -----~---·- ) ) Load Combination Overall MAXimum DOnly LOnly Lr+L Only D +Lr+L Support 1 Support 2 -Support-:3 -·o.631------6.772---·· 2.010-·· · · 0.149 1.697 0.517 0.482 5.075 1.493 0.482 5.075 1.493 0.631 6.772 2.010 'Lo >' ' '' \--------------------------=--c--=----,---:--=--,,c-:---::-:---::---c-:==~=-:-=:-':-'--'-'-'--'-"-"-':"-, )Wood Column Description : Post supporting Mezzanine Beam General Information Analysis Method : Allowable Stress Design End Fixities Top & Bottom Pinned Overall Column Height 10.0 ft { Used for non-slenri(:r c:~h:ufatlons) Wood Species Wood Grade Douglas Fir -Larch No.2 . Fb-Compr 900.0 psi Fv Fb-Tension 900.0 psi Ft Fe-Prll 1,350.0 psi Density Fe -Perp 625.0 psi 180.0 psi 575.0 psi 32.210 pcf ______ ----~ode Ref: 2006 IBC, A~!~ AF&PA ~p~~~O-~~ Wood Section Name 4x6 Wood Grading/Manuf. Graded L.umbeF Wood Member Type Sawn Exact Width 3-.50 in Allowable Stress Modification Factors Exact 0epth 5.50 in Cf or Cv for Bending 1.30 Area 19.250 inA2 Cfor Cv for Compression 1.150 Ix 48.5260 inA4 CforCvforTension 1.30 ly 19.6510 inA4 Cm:WetUseFactor 1.0 Ct: Temperature Factor 1.0 Cfu : Flat Use Factor 1.0 E : Modulus of Elasticity . . . x-x Bending y-y Bending 1,600.0 580.0 Axial Kf: Built-up columns 1.0 "'~·:, ':,3? 1,600.0 ksi Use Cr.: Repetitive? No n:on-g:h.11"',: Basic 1,600.0 Minimum 580.0 Brace condition for deflection (buckling) along columns : Load Combination 2006 !BC & ASCE 7-05 X-X (width) axis : Unbraced Length for X-X Axis buckling = 1 Oft, K = 1.0 Y-Y (depth) axis :Fully braced against buckling along Y-Y Axis __ Applied_Loads ___ _ ________________________ --~E:_r\'.(~e_l~~~s __ e_~~~~:.1:-.~a-~_~ac~?~s w!II be_ai::_p!ie_d for cc1lcul~~ions. Column self welqhf included : 43.0585 lbs·* Dead load Factor AXIAL LOADS . . . . . Axial Load at 10.0 ft, D = 1.70, L = 5.10 k DESIGN SUMMARY ··13ending & Shear Check Results / PASS Max. Axial+Bending Stress Ratio = Load Combination Governing NDS Formla Location of max.above base At maximum loqation values are ... Applied Axial Applied Mx· Applied My Fe : Allowable PASS Maximum Shear Stress Ratio= Load Combination Location of max.above base Applied Design Shear Allowable Shear Load Combination Results Lo~d Combin__ation +D +D+L+H +D+Lr+H +D+0.750Lr+0.750L +H 0.92683: 1 +D+L+H Comp Only, fc/Fc' 0.0ft 6.8431 k 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 383.550 psi 0.0: 1 +D+O. 750Lr+0.750L +H 10.0 ft 0.0 psi psi Maximum SERVICE Lateral Load Reactions .. Top along Y-Y 0.0 k Bottom along Y-Y Top along X-X 0.0 k Bottom along X-X Maximum SERVICE Load Lateral Deflections ... Along Y-Y 0.0 in at 0.0 ft above base for load combination : n/a Along X-X 0.0 in at 0.0 ft above base for load combination : n/a Other Factors used to calculate allowable stresses ... Bending Compression Cf or Cv : Size based factors 1.300 1.150 Maximum Axial + Bending Stress Ratios Maximum Shear Ratios Stress Ratio Status Location . . . 0.23608 PASS 0.0 ft 0.92683 PASS 0.0 ft 0.23608 PASS 0.0 ft 0.75414 PASS 0.0 ft Stress Ratio 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Status PASS PASS PASS PASS Location 10.0 ft 10.0 ft 10.0 ft 10.0 ft 0.0 k 0.0 k _M..:..a_x..:..im..:..:..:.:.u..:..m:...:R..:..e:...ca:..::.c..::ti..:...on:..:..s_-_U_n..:..f..:..a..:..ct'-'o-'-re.:..:d;:__ _______ ...,...... _ __,--,-~------'------N_o_t_e: Only non-zero reactions are Hsted .... X-X.Axis Reacti6a Y-Y Axis Reaction Load Combination .@.Base : @Top @Base @Top DOnly Lr+Lf Only D +Lr+L ) Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations -Unfactored Loads Load Combination Max. X-X Deflection Distance -·-·--·-·--------------·-····· ··----,._, .... Max. Y-Y Deflection Distance D Only ·------------------0.0000 in 0.000 ft ----0.000 in 0.000 ft ' .. )Wood Column ) ) Description : Post supporting Mezzanine Beam Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations · Unfactored Loads Load Combination Lr+tTonly· - D +Lr+ L Sketches . 1 : : I r . i . '· 1 ' . L __ --- Max, X-X Deflection Distance 0,0000 in 0.000 ft 0.0000 in 0.000 ft ! ! ! --------.J Prirted 2?. JUL 2C03, 9 ?G.~M File: c:1bcicuments ·andseitingslpmurraylMy Documents\ENERCALC Data Filesicapstone.ec(i" . Max, Y-Y Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ENERCALC, INC, 1983-2008, Ver: 6.0.19 Distance 0.000 ft - 0.000 ft ------------------ I I t. -- PCR08084 1545 FARADAY AV CAPSTONE:STRUCTURALCHANGES <g(s-{68--.Tu lv&i''L_. w/ C1?D8' 1 \<f-~ Ct·Tlj ~raz f-{~-o~ {;~ CLm ~ /210'6 f2_. T .J: ;' tJ ~~4-~ ~ pc.,,e_, ~ 9 /4-bs---]:SSL!t£0 *-=~ilNG~ FIREAPPRIFORM _______ HEAl.,THOEPT __ ..._ ___ HAZM\T /AIRQUAl. _______ OTHERSE\\1:RDISTR TO FROM APPLICANT SCHOOLFORM >FORM &MWORKSHEE :ctNSP NCORR ,CORR ILCORR .FIRECORR