HomeMy WebLinkAbout1545 FARADAY AVE; ; CB962395; Permit3 u I L ~ ~ N G r E R M I T Pe£~it ~0: C~?62?9S :.1 3 I l 2 / '3 7 l(: : :, l ~j:C<.1 i ·~Ct {•}1-1: l-\. 'j 6 C! ;: {~ ~~ t..- Sui CE': l'()O Per-mi t Type: Ll!DiJS'_c•;.:: tJ.1,: 'TEi1T 1\UT :i::·-IPRO'\JEr,·;:ES': Parcel N0: 212-lJ0-29-Gn Lot#: V.:1luation: .~67, S9-:: (0!:1.:.::t.cuci:ic,n ':.'yp,~: \i:: (ICCIJ.j;>,.:lncy GL"oUp: f: :· f ,:-renc,?#: ':, t z: t L,::: : .:: ·; s r :f.'[> I:1,:>scr :q:,t i,:,n: I TI-6 0 5 ':/: t)FF ICE, 1:: n 7 Of F NE1.-2 1-c.Dpli ,:-d: j ::: : .;.. S ':! ::, : l.:":H: SF 1·-.11:i..:.~EHS,l'i,'PLUH,ELEC ~. l·~ECH-!-II,J}{ Apr:I.:::::ue: o::ll2/): En"f7t=r:=(:3 '3y: :::~>1il-\ Appl /C•\J!H : li·.'H I 'IE C'Oi'!S TRUCT. I (Ji:-'. 6351 COR~E DEL ABETO # A-100 '?,::: 1) (I 9 ,·. l, ·"· ,l -!, ~----------------~.------------------------- ' ' ' " ,;,,,:,,1.16,1)(] Adjuztrn,:!nts:: '~ /:~ i. .. \t ,,:l~ ; ~ ':::.1J i t ?;, : ,. f, t (1 *'t\)i: r:.:-~ ~:;.::,r.n.,:~i;~: :' 691" 1:n . . :::.:;1,_lin:t~·~~= :~W.::: \ 1 :, , f:3S. 011 ---~~:-~~~~:~~~~~~------·~---~--~-~~-~.-~ ·-~·, .. ~~~~~=~:.. _r.(~;<,,~r.'. i'~;. -·--=~~-~~~--:)~:~ Suilding Permit 1228.UO .Pl-clfl C'h1.?cl: 1 ·;,/ 7'):':\. ()(i ( Li c T>: l :::' . ,;:· .', ~~' . ,. ,.., (1·\, f > r ·. ,_ F ·,... uq:,:;jj 1 , ,, J. BUILDHJG TOTAL .('r:,_r:-·:=-::·~r.r.,_ffi.',:f[~.'-,~~:'di',~. Enti2:c "'J" f.:,r Plumbiri~, :C::-.. .:.l1 =' ·iz_e:?, ,; 1 E-=tCh Plumb1:n.·~ F.i:-:tur,? 1 ~: ~~r.:i~-· ,: ·, ··:··1CC1R,=·:·1\·rs:o E:tr::h In.::t.::1lL'R,?pai:c Wat'\:":c _:!,,:.r:i:". Each Wa te.c Heat,;•r -::m,J/ o:c. V~·r:tt~ , Ga:::: Pipin9 :3yst•:-m .1. PLt.:;-1::iING TOTAL Ent'l;'.c ''Y'' for El•:::'Ctri•:: Issu,2 F0-,;.,. R~m0del/Altec Per AMP El-E<:· ~.::.:~I r:P"L ~: t:1~( i-'~L Ente.1. ·~:· fc•:L' .. 2ch,,mic,:1l Is::::UE.' Inzt,:111 Furn/Duct.s/l-1•=-at Pump a: £,:'IC(! E:<rtdUS.::: Fdn 1 :)1 ' i" t '\ ' ' . '-..,:., ' ;j (1 () ·~ . no 5 ::, • t) :.J f :::: 7 o . u o Y· ~496.UO 12-17.no .;.:1.'51.00 1 j84(,. OU -:: (l • 0 t1 \' 56,Ul_l 7 .. I!() 7. :I (J 7.uu 97.UU ,io,. (10 .. / lSO.OU 160. r: 'J 15. O ll :/ 45,Ci() 1~:.nn 7 :; (; ,I APPROVAL _,,,~--0ATE/z-1t -rz. -CLEARANCE ____ _ CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERMIT APPUCATION City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 1. PERMI'r TYPE From Llst 1 (see back) give code of Permit-Type: ___________ _ t. For Residential Projects Only: From Llst 2 (see back) give ·-·:..: '• c:;ode of Structure-Type: _____________________ _ Net Loss/Gain of Dwelling Units _________________ _ 2. PROJECI" INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Address 154 s"" FAAAt>A-'{ 4V, Building or Suite No. Nearest Cross Street CO l-L.EG ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot No. / 4"4 Umt No. Phase No. NAME (last name first) CI1Y STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE s. PROPER1Y oWN£1l NAME (last name first) ADDRESS 2 Z(po ~0 r'-4-Ell-FbP-P {2.1).. s-re /) 0 crTI CA-12-L5 t?A:o STATE c,+ ZIP coDE q 1..eo2> DAY TELEPHONE 'f ~, -/ 9 s ~ 6. mNIBACIOR NAME (last name first) Wlffr&;:'" Co'NS-r,2.rJ<..j/~RESS 4,;!>S'I ~11-re:-Oe~ )J..BE7"o # Al~ CI1Y CAIU.5~.0 STATE OA ,, ZIP CODE 9 '2.0c:)Cf DAY TELEPHONE ~ ~ I _ 1 t 3,c:> STATE LIC. # LICENSE CIASS CI1Y BUSINESS LIC. # DESIGNER NAME (last name hrst) <!::.~&.-4"72../ ~ ADDRESS /' 3G°' Z/~~ 'PfZ, ~O /771: C::::.. CI1Y CA-P-D ~·-STATE ZIP CODE e:r2.c~ AY TELEPHONE :3c:c... LIC. # C 'Z. :3,,3, I Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby afhrm that I have a certificate of consent to self-insure issued by the Director of Industnal Relations, or a certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance by an admitted insurer, or an exact copy or duplicate thereof certified by the Director of the insurer thereof filed with the Building Inspection Department (Section 3800, I.ab. C). INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY NO. EXPIRATION DATE Certificate of Exemption: I certify that m the performance of the work for which this permit 1s issued, I shall not employ any person m any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation laws of California. SIGNATURE DATE 8. oWNf:R.-BOilill.:ll DEC1ARAfIDN Owner-Builder Declaratlon: I hereby athrm that I am exempt from the Contractor's Llcense Law for the following reason: D I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's Llcense I.aw does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). D I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's Llcense I.aw does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's Llcense I.aw). 0 I am exempt under Section _______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's Llcense I.aw (Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]). SIGNATURE DATE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY: Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES ONO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 YES D NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? DYES D NO IF ANY OF nm ANSWERS ARE YFS, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY Nar BE~ AFfER JULY 1, 1989 UNLESS nm APPIJCANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING nm REQUIREMENTS OF nm OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND nm Am. POILUTION OON'IROL DISfRICT. 9. OONsl'R0CiiON LENDING AGRNCY I hereby afhrm iliat iliere 1s a construction lendmg agency for the performance of the work for which this permit 1s issued (Sec 3097(1J GIVJI Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS lo. .APPDCAN I Cllli.1WICA'I10N I certify that I have read the application and state that the above mformation 1s correct. I agree to comply with all City ordmances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE 10 SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS nm CI1Y OF CARISBAD AGAINST All LIABILITIFS, JUDGMENTS, COSIS AND EXPENSF.S WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CI1Y IN OONSEQUENCE OF nm GRANTING OF TIIlS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. sions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by k is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 303(d) Uniform Building Cod#. QL. DATE: /1. --J -1p J? £ l:'. " :c 'T' .:;1..>l:i }~.13.tjL-,?sS ~ 1 S4~, fA}:~1:~r,1-~:~ JA"7 ::-ult::-: ?::\~crn.i.: J'~r~1~_~-: :.:tE~·JEF~ -t)f'E'ICE 1~~t-~F~EI-fC1r_1432 !:=·~-..:r:i:~,=-.: :-J,_i: :.:. ~2-1 j'.~~--~9-(:fl 00script1<:,n: l:i.'I-,iUS,J; UF::·xcE.L;ll7 (!;:'f' ,iEZZ 1 ~~! 1 ::: SF \'JI~~! E l-lS , ~·: /f·I 1..f!""I, ELE(:: :: l :r C'!-i--1-1' J JY··: f',?rff1i t,?e: \i:EITE co;:.1s'C.8.UC~t'IO:~ 6351 COf.:1'2 [1.C::L 1-l.c.'E:TO ;; .ll.-lfJU CARLSE'.7--\L> 1".:A. 9.:: :·1 u ':: ' ·'· -\ ,I, J~ ~-,,. , .. 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CITY OF CARLSBAD •/ I / \; / 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 ( (;70, i_l (I .::2f5e. f_,(I ;:' 6';t ~!t;. Ott CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB962395 FOR 07/10/97 DESCRIPTION: ITI-6054 OFFICE,1207 OFF MEZZ 1218 SF WAREHS,W/PLUM,ELEC & MECH-HIJK TYPE: ITI INSPECTOR AREA PD PLANCK# CB962395 OCC GRP JOB ADDRESS: 1545 FARADAY AV APPLICANT: WHITE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: CONSTR. TYPE VN LOT: STE: A PHONE: 619 931-1130 OWNER: PHONE: PHONE: AL~ INSPECT~---b';....;;_ ______ _ REMARKS: B/931-1130 SPECIAL INSTRUCT: TOTAL TIME: --RELATED PERMITS-- CD LVL DESCRIPTION 19 ST Final structural 29 PL Final Plumbing 39 EL Final Electrical 49 ME Final Mechanical PERMIT# SE960155 FS970003 TYPE swow FIXSYS -------------------------------------------------------- STATUS ISSUED ISSUED ***** INSPECTION HISTORY***** DATE 070397 060997 060997 060497 050797 050797 050197 041197 041097 040397 DESCRIPTION Final Combo Ftg/Foundation/Piers Service Change/Upgrade Final Electrical Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough Electric Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Underground/Under Floor ACT INSP CO PD AP PD AP PD CO PD NR PD NR PD CA PK AP PD CO PD AP PD COMMENTS FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING ~-} PLANNING U/M WATER PLAN CHECK#: CB962395 PERMIT#: CB962395 PROJECT NAME: ITI-6054 OFFICE,1207 OFF MEZZ DATE: 07/03/97 PERMIT TYPE: ITI ADDRESS: 1218 SF WAREHS,W/PLUM,ELEC & MECH-HIJK D ~(F;f~~~f IE~ 1545 FARADAY AV SUITE# A ~ --n \! JUL 03 1997 LJ CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: B/931-1130 l SEWER DIST: WATER DIST: INSPEC'I'.;ED 1w._ BY : ( & • D d__GL, INSPECTED BY: INSPECTED BY: COMMENTS: DATE INSPECTED: Lo I q_ 7~ DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: APPROVED \,,..__ DISAPPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED I ; I ; , I ' I PREFERRED CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS, INC. :4888 Ronson Court "G" I • :San Diego, Ca. 92111 (619) 576-9110 Fax (619) 576-7028 l 1 ' l :i !.- 1 1 ! ~---=========l,.~-~--=· ==· ·=' =·=· "=--·==·•=··=· ·====· ·=· -=· -::::::::::·· ==---=···=·--=··-=··-=-·=--~-TE~S~..T.....~R~E~E.~Ds:1R~T:!:::-=-=· ==================-:l::!·J~.O~.BsNgO~-·=· ==·· 2;;2;;;;,;,3 ~3 ·==· ========'· I ,, l CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT #104 JOB ADDRESS 1545 FARADAY AVENUE PHONE OWNER CONTRACTOR H & K CONSTRUCTION CLIENT WHITE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER DELTA ENGINEERING ARCHITECT BLDG. AUTH. CITY OF CARLS'13AD INSPECTOR FERNANDO CARDENAS PERMIT NO. 962395 PLAN FILE FIELD LOCATION OF SPECIMEN MEZZANINE FOOTINGS LINES 6 SAMPLE OF: CONCRETE IN JOB OR STRUCTURE: TO 7, "A" TO "A. 5" MIX NO.· 26P MADE BY FERNANDO CARDENAS PROPORTIONS 6 SACK SLUMP 6" I " POZZ 4/14/97 ' ADMIXTURE DATE MADE ' .TYPE OF CEMENT DATE RECEIVED 4/15/97 ·-- CONC. SUPPLIER ESCONDIDO READ'¥ MIX SOURCE OF ROCK I .·. 213375 ' TICKET NO. ,! INSPECTOR SIGN I I I LABORATORY TEST DATA AGE TESTED DAYS 10=1 DAYS 28 DAYS 28 DAYS DAYS : SPECIMEN MARKINGS 22952 22953 22954 DATE TESTED 4/24 5/12 5/12 AREA -SO. IN. 28.28 28.28 28.28 j. I 1 ULTIMATE LOAD -LBS. 100000 132500 135000 ,I ' 4690 61 1/ ·. UNIT STRESS -PSI 3540 \ 4780 SPECIFIED STRENGTH 3000 f\T 28 DAYS -PSI DISTRIBUTION: WHITE CONSTRUCTION CITY OF CARLSBAD : TE ST METHODS -ASTM C39: Cl73: C231: C1231: 1i Cl 72: Cl43: Cl38: /'A~/L/ i ' ,_. ENGINEER /" II \ J · An·ELTA ~ ENGINEERING .. . • . ,. . . CONSULTING STltUCTUltAL ENGINEElts· Jl5 Llnrpool Dr. Suite C Cardiff.CA 92007 Tele: (619)942-1649 Fu: (619)9~2-~189 sq'E:A R.. Al.6hl q 1-!Jff: <l) . y l: 1D4 Pl-T. .t <' ' Proj~t .J1.9.X ...... ~V.!.Y?.l~.4. ....................... . . By .~:.f..1/.~ Date ~f/?,rsht. No. . .. Of .... . Subject ........... : ....................... ······· Jo? No.14e?I ,. ( s~ C4Lc::~ 'FE'K. $)-/T -1-1iJ. ol<. -· -~ .. - "' ,, . s¼-. , --:-,..:... . :-. --- '21 ~Ill-.'"(~1'0--t;~lfPG • ~: ,'t5"/';,"). l . . j --;;~-/ . / _,., . .... . __.._ _ ... -. --·••11 135 llverpool dr. ste •. c -cardiff by the sea, ca. 92007 (619,) 436-4951 fax (619) 436.-3108 l i---------7/e:'{?'ff'~ eiw~ : .. ~ .~. -· ----_L.,_~~ea.. ~o ~~Hf-------,,"5o/'e," )l. ~-~" Jv\F-.iAL. 4i$T'OP, @ ,~~~1t.-, i-----1~~~~-----~-... u-~T'i lN'$Ot...Ai'1 o~ =z:ftl-t~?t.,~ · · I 7__,C__ ~'---·-.·-v· .. . · o .. . . : D . . . -(> . {) .... I I 1 I l ', \ 1 l I ,; ' l I I I I Ii ' ' ,, I ( ;PREFERRED CONSTRUCTION 14888 Ronson Court "G" I • INSPECTIONS, INC. (619) 576-9110 Fax (619) 576-7028 l ! . ~ ~ 1 san Diego, Ca. 92111 . ~ ·l I I l 1 J j·-·. l l I } I I l l I ' : 17--,,,••,, ' I ______ .... ·········-----._T.ES.T. REE.ORT .. . __ ..... ,IOB ... NO .•. 2 2 3 ~ ____ ... ! CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT #104 JOB _____________________________________ -i ADDRESS __ 1 _5_4_5_F_A_R_A_D_A_Y_A_V_E_N_U_E ________ PHONE ---------------1 OWNER ____________________ CONTRACTOR H & K CONSTRUCTION CLIENT ___ w_H_I_T_E_c_o_N_S_T_R_U_C_T_I_O_N ________ ENGINEER __ D_E_L_T_A_E_N_G_I_N_E_E_R_I_N_G __ ARCHITECT __________________ BLDG. AUTH. _c_I_T_Y_O_F_C_A_R_L_S_B_A_D __ ---1, FERNANDO CARDENAS 962395 J INSPECTOR __________________ PERM!T NO. PLAN F!LE ----. FIELD SAMPLE OF: MIX NO.· PROPORTIONS ~·ADMIXTURE ·- CONCRETE 26P 6 SACK POZZ TYPE OF CEMENT LOCATION OF SPECIMEN MEZZANINE FOOTINGS LINES 6 IN JOB OR STRUCTURE: TO 7, 11 A" TO II A. 5 11 MADE BY FERNANDO CARDENAS SLUMP 6" DATE MADE 4/14/97 DATE RECEIVED 4/15/97 CONC SUPPLIER ESCONDIDO READY MIX SOURCE OF ROCK TICKET NO. 213375 AGE TESTED DAYS SPECIMEN MARKINGS DATE TESTED AREA -SO. IN. ULTIMATE LOAD -LBS. UNIT STRESS -PSI SPECIFIED STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS PSI DISTRIBUTION: WHITE CONSTRUCTION CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTOR SIGN LABORATORY TEST DATA 10=, DAYS 28 DAYS 22952 22953 4/24 5/12 28.28 28.28 100000 3540 .. 28 DAYS DAYS 22954 5/12 i 28.28 f 1 l ·. 3000 i l TEST METHODS -ASTM C39: Cl 73: C231: Cl231: Cl72: Cl43: Cl38: PROPOSED'CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV-3 page_ of_ ,• --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DE~L CO. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Sketch of Construction Assembly ASSEMBLY U·-VALUE Construction Components Outside Air Film 1 . Concrete, 140 1b, Not Dried 2. 3. 4. 5. 6" 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING [Date: 1/8/1997 I I lCOMPLY 24 User 1712 Assembly Name: 6" Concrete l,Ja 11 Assembly Type: Wall Assembly Tilt: 61 deg (Tilted Up) Framing Material: None Framing Spacing: "O.C. Framing Percent: 0.0 % Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles Fr Th (in) 6.000 Unadjusted R-Values R·-Value Cavity Frame 0 .17 0 .17 0.48 0.48 0.68 0.68 1.33 1.33 ( 1 / 1 . 33 ) X ( 1 . 00 ) + ( 1 / '.L • 33 ) X ( 0 . 00 ) 0.752 Weight: Heat Capacity: 70.0 lb/sqft 14.00 TOTAL U-VALUE = TOT Al_ R-VALUE = 0.752 ____ ,._ ----- 1 .33 ---------- ~ t ........_ 0 ,,- -'~: ::,:; :~ ii]fa, ••• a, •• .. CONSULTINO aTIIUCTUIIAL oas10N aNOINaa11• U5 Li\"&rf••I Dt. laitt. C car•ur.cA 9Z007 Tale: ('1')9 .. Z-16,t,-J'u; (UP)P42°41H / - /· I. l I . 12. -·-.-:-: .. ~ - ~i1:._:-·e4Le S ·\ ·· .. -I '-' ' pUtN ,. _ ... -: ( W-"\ ~~jf - t~.:;~~~;~; ~:,, ~ ... ' ~~.:-:~-~ • ,> --.... • • :;;>-', :· ;-' t .;::-: •• --~. ·....:. _:...· -..-.;:- • • ~-r .,:., • ~.;.'•/ -: I• .,. . ·~ ~ ' ' .-... ~ -\-~·\-.?;ti.~:"; ·.-:',,'\ ~- ·, .... , • __ .' ~-! ,. • ,. ···-.. : :: t' i· ·, ( . - -: .f . -~ i -~· .... · • .::: ';·'· .., .... :· I. I • .;_.? :.... .. . • .. = • ·:':." .:. .... ,. . ~-.. : ., .~ .. ''.·· .. ,.:. ··, '· · ... -·~."-' -_:';1-'~-);~r:~\~i ':·t,.:. :· ..:-~-~' • ./> : . ., -~--. :;: -~-. ·, ,; _ ;-~ 1· ... ' .~- .~ .... , DATE: ·February 24, 1997 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-2395 EsGil Corporation Professiona( Pfan !R.g.view 'Engineers SET: III PROJECT ADDRESS: 1545 Faraday Ave. PROJECT NAME: HIJK BUILDING TI & MEZZ. ADD. D APPLICANT (gJ~ D PLAN REVIEWER ./ D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's *********** codes. ~ The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ .Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the· plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: {by: Mail · Telephone Fax ~ REMARKS: Sheet A-2 is missin By: Sergio Azuela Esgil Corporation D GA D CM D EJ D PC Fax#: Architect signature. Enclosures: log trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 DATE: February 14, 1997 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-2395 EsGil Corporation Professional Plan !R._eview 'E.ngineers SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: 1545 Faraday Ave. PROJECT NAME: HIJK BUILDING TI & MEZZ. ADD D AP LICANT JURIS. D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's*********** codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's ********** codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. !ZI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected .plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. 1Z1 The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Grover Don 135 Liverpool Dr. Suite -C, Cardiff, CA 92007 !Z1 Esgil Corporation staff did not _advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Sergio Azuela Esgil Corporation [gj GA D CM D EJ D PC Enclosures: trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 96-2395 II February 14, 1997 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1545 Faraday Ave. DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 02/06 REVIEWED BY: Sergio Azuela FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-2395 SET: II DATE RECHECK COMPLETED: February 14, 1997 This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints to: ESGIL CORPORATION. 8. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. C. The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews. The original correction number has been given for your reference. In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items. D. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? DYes DNo . \. ;:~., :"':.:"' .... ,.,,.•-···~ .1 •. , l.,t,, .' ,: , ,.,• .. !'~····.'l ·•· ••. :~··., ... ,;:.:!•,-: ~ ... ~~.:·,1 ·-i"'i",·.--:.· --. ••. ,_ .. ,' .?• • • ,,.•I.'~t."',_.;.,, .. , ... ~.-i•·,,:!·,., :.-.:· .:.· •. ··:·.·:., :,·, .... J· ... ~ ... : .. :::·~·-·.·":~-~·!·,·.f: • . , .· .· .' Carlsbad 96-2395 II February 14, 1997 I. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the _correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92009, (619) 438-1161. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (619) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by ·EsGil Corporation is complete. 4. The soils engineer recommended that he/she review the foundation excavations. Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that: A. The building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report, B. The utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and C. The foundation excavations, the soils expansive characteristics and bearing capacity conform to the soils report." • PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 16. Correct the water line sizing and pipe sizes. A. On the plans clearly show the type of water closets. (Flush Valve or Tank Type?) B. If flush valve water closets the plans show 120 fixture units for just this tenant space. UPC, Tables 6-5 and 6-3. The water lines are undersized. C. If tank type water closets the plans show 45 fixture units for just this tenant space. The water lines are undersized. Please correct sheet P-1. 1. As per UPC, Table 6-3 a public use bar sink is 2 fixture units. 2. As per UPC, Table 6-3 a public use lavatory is 2 fixture units. 3. As per UPC, Table 6-3 a public use tank type water closet is 5 fixture units. 4. As per UPC, Table 6-3 a public use mop sink is 4 fixture units. 5. As per UPC, Table 6-5 one flush valve urinal is 20 fixture units. Carlsbad 96-2395 II February 14, 1997 19. Show P & T valve on water heater and detail drain line route from P & T valve to .the exterior or approved receptor. Not to work sink. in warehouse. UPC Section 608.5 20. On sheet A-3 show the required framing around the plumbing vent that run up through the roof. Provide pipe chase to protect the piping up through the roof. • MECHANICAL (1994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 22. If Class I, 11, or Ill-A liquids are used in the building, clearly show where and detail the required mechanical exhaust ventilation. UBC, Section 1207.5 23. On sheet A-3 show the required framing around the ducts that run up through the roof. Provide the required duct chases up through the Mezzanine level to the roof for the supply, return and exhaust ducts. If you have any questions, please contact Sergio Azuela of Esgil Corporation at (619) 560-1468. Thank you. DATE: January 3, 1997 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-2395 EsGil Corporation Professional Pfan !l(f.view 'Engineers SET:I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1545 Faraday Ave. PROJECT NAME: HIJK BUILDING TI & MEZZ. ADD. 0 APPLICANT ~ JURI~ a FIRE 0 PLAN REVIEWER a FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's *********** codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's ********** codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. • The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held· at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. • The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Grover Don 135 Liverpool Dr. Suite -C, Cardiff, CA 92007 • Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: D REMARKS: By: Sergio Azuela Esgil Corporation (by: [8,J GA D CM D EJ O PC ) Telephone#: Enclosures: 12/23 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fa." (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 96-2395 January 3, 1997 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-2395 OCCUPANCY: B -Sl JURISDICTION: Carlsbad USE: Office and Warehouse TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VN ACTUAL AREA: 13,199 SF Total Bldg. 8,479 SF Tl + Add. ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: 24,000 SF STORIES: 1 + Mezz. Add. SPRINKLERS?: Yes REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 12/19/96 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: January 3, 1997 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): HEIGHT: OCCUPANT LOAD: 76 DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 12/23 PLAN REVIEWER: Sergio Azuela This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fi.re Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 1994 UBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. LIST NO. 22, GENERAL COMMERCIAL WITHOUT ENERGY OR POLICY SUPPLEMENTS (1994 UBC) comforw.dot Carlsbad 96-2395 January 3, 1997 • GENERAL 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92009, (619) 438-1161. The City ~ill route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (619) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. • PLANS 2. Specify the uses of all rooms or areas. Clearly show it on plans for the mezzanine. • STAIRWAYS 3. Stairway width must be at least 44 inches when serving 50 or more occupants; 36 inches when less than 50. Section 1006.2. Clearly show dimensions on plans for the stairway to mezzanine. 4~ 5. 1 • FOUNDATION Provide a copy of the project soil report prepared by a California licensed architect or civil engineer. The report shall include foundation design recommendations based on the engineer's findings and shall comply with UBC Section 1804. Specify on the foundation plan or structural specifications sheet the soil classification, the soils expansion index and the design bearing capacity of the foundation. Section 1804.3. Carlsbad 96-2395 January 3, 1997 • FRAMING 6. On the cover sheet of the plans, specify any items that will have a deferred submittal (trusses, etc.). Additionally, provide the following note on the plans, per Sec. "Submittal documents for deferred submittal items shall be submitted to the architect or engineer of record, who shall review them and forward them to the building official with a notation indicating that the deferred submittal documents have been reviewed and that they have been found to be in general conformance with the design of the building. The deferred s1,.1bmittal · items shall NOT be installed until their design and submittal documents have been approved by the building official." 7. Provide minimum structural specifications on the plans to show that all structural materials will comply with the design calculations and building code requirements. 8. Note an A.I.T.C. Certificate of Compliance for glued laminated wood members shall be given to the building inspector prior to installation. Section 2305. 9. Show double top plate with minimum 48" lap splice. Section 2326.11.2. 10. Show nailing will be in compliance with Table 23-I-Q. 11. Detail all post to beam and post to footing connections and reference the detail to the plan. Section 2324. • MISCELLANEOUS 12. Guardrails (Section 509.1 ): a) Shall be detailed showing adequacy of connections to resist the horizontal force prescribed in Table 16-8. Clearly show connections for the vertical resistive elements (posts) and their spacing. 13. Note on the plans that new water closets and associated flushometer valves, if any, shall use no more than 1.6 gallons per flush and shall meet performance standards established by the American National Standards Institute Standard A 112.19.2. H & S Code, Section 17921.3(b ). 14. Urinals and associated flushometer valves, if any, shall use no more than one gallon per flush and shall meet performance standards established by the American National Standards Institute Standard A 112.19.2. H & S Code, Section 17921.3(b). Carlsbad 96-2395 January 3, 1997 • TITLE 24 DISABLED ACCESS 15. Provide notes and details on the plans to show compliance with the enclosed Disabled Access Review List. Disabled access.requirements may be more restrictive than the UBC. + PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS • PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 16. Correct the water line sizing and pipe sizes. a) Clearly show the type of water closets. (Flush Valve or Tank Type?) b) If flush valve water closets the plans show 120 fixture units for just this tenant space. UPC, Tables 6-5 and 6-3. The water lines are undersized. c) If tank type water closets the plans show 45 fixture units for just this tenant space. UPC, Tables 6-5 and 6-3 .. The water lines are undersized. · 17. Show water heater size, type and location on plans. UPC, Section 501.0 18. Show that water heater is adequately braced to resist seismic forces. Provide two straps. One strap at top 1 /3 of the tank and one strap at bottom 1 /3 of the tank. UPC, Section 510.0 19. Show P & T valve on water heater and detail drain line route from P & T valve to the exterior. UPC Section 608.5 20. On the plumbing plans and the Mezzanine floor plans show the plumbing vent and required vent pipe chase up through the roof. • MECHANICAL (1994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 21. Provide mechanical ventilation in all rooms capable of supplying outside air at a minimum rate of 15 cubic feet per minute per occupant UBC, Section 1202.2.1 Correct Note # 1 on sheet M-1 and show the required ventilation for the Storage room. 22. In Groups B, F, M, and S Occupancies, or portions thereof, where Class I, 11, or Ill-A liquids are used (in any amount), mechanical exhaust shall be provided sufficient to produce six air changes per hour. Such mechanical exhaust shall be taken from a point at or near the floor. UBC, Section 1207.5 23. On the mechanical plans and the Mezzanine floor plans show the ducts and required duct chases up through the Mezzanine level to the roof for the supply, return and exhaust ducts. ·' ,- Carlsbad 96-2395 January 3, 1997 24. Show the location of required access ladder to roof mounted HVAC equipment. UMC, Section 321.8 25. Detail disposal sites of main condensate drainage from air conditioning units. UMC Section 310 26. Detail disposal sites of main condensate drainage from air conditioning units. UMC Section 310 • ENERGY CONSERVATION 27. The Manual Dimming, lighting control credit shown on L TG-3 form is not allowed for this use as per Table No. 1-L of Title 24, Part 6. Please correct the energy design. 28. Clearly show in the Art DepartmenUBooks and Art Department the type on Precision Commercial and/or Industrial Work being done to allow the 2.0 watts per square foot lighting. Art Office work allows only 1.6 watts per square foot lighting power as per Area Category Method. Please correct. 29. On the plans clearly show the wall insulation locations, thickness, and R-values, as per the energy design. 30. Provide automatic shut-off controls for lighting as per Title 24, Part 6, Section 131(d). 31. Show the daylit areas and required daylit area lighting controls for lighting in daylit areas. Title 24, Part 6, Section 13'1(c). 32. Provide ENV-3 forms for the 6 inch thick concrete tilt-up walls. The values used in the energy design do not match the default valves of Table 8-5. 33. The corrected, completed and signed PERF-1, ENV-1, L TG-1, and MECH-1 forms must be imprinted on the plans. On sheet E-6 the Principal Mechanical Designer did not sign the PERF-1 form, and none of the numbers are circled by the Principal Designers. · 34. Complete energy plan check will be done when complete corrected energy designs are provided. Note: If you have any questions regarding this plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list ( or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. Carlsbad 96-2395 January 3, 1997 • ADDITIONAL 35. Note on plans that Mezzanine partitions shall comply with UBC Section 507 item # 4 Exception 1.1. 36. Provide complete construction details for Glass Block. Also clarify if Glass Block located in bearing wall between Office and Corridor is supporting any loads from the mezzanine. 37. Clearly show on Foundation and Framing detail connection between the new and the existing construction. 38. Cross reference the doors on the Door Schedule to the floor plan by showing the door number at their location on floor plans. 39. Provide seismic separation between the new mezzanine and the existing walls at grid lines "A", "B" and "6". See sheet A-3 to identify the grid lines. 40. A complete description of the activities and processes that will occur in this tenant space should be provided. A listing of all hazardous materials should be included. The materials listing should be stated in a form that would make classification in Tables 3-D and 3-E possible. The building official may require a technical report to identify and develop methods of protection from hazardous materials. Section 307.1.6. 41. The width of the required level area on the side into which doors swing shall extend 24 inches past the strike edge for exterior doors and 18 inches past the strike edge for interior doors. Section 2-3304, Title 24. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: O Yes O No Carlsbad 96-2395 January 3, 1997 The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Sergio Azuela at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. • DEPARTMENT OF STATE ARCHITECT NON RESIDENTIAL • TITLE 24 DISABLED ACCESS REQUIREMENTS The following disabled access items are taken from the 1995 edition of California Building Code, Title 24. Per Section 101.17.11, all publicly and privately funded public accommodations and commercial facilities shall be accessible to persons with disabilities as follows: (1) Any building, structure, facility, complex, or improved area, or portions thereof, which are used by the general public. (2) Any sanitary facilities which are made available for the public, clients, or ernployees in such accommodations or facilities. (3) Any curb or sidewalk intended for public use that is constructed with private funds. (4) All existing accommodations when alterations, structural repairs or additions are made to such accommodations. NOTE: All Figures and Tables referenced in this checklist are printed in the California Building Code, Title 24. • REMODELS, ADDITIONS AND REPAIRS 42. When alterations, structural repairs or modifications or additions are made to an existing building, that building, or portion of the building affected is required to comply with all of the requirements for new buildings, per Section 11348.2. These requirements apply only to the area of specific alteration, repair or addition and shall include: a) A primary entrance to the building and the primary path of travel to the area in question, and include the following items which serve the area in question: i) Sanitary facilities. Carlsbad 96-2395 January 3, 1997 • . SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS 43. Clearly show that the site development and grading are designed to provide access to all entrances and exterior ground floor exits, as well as access to normal paths of travel, per Section 1127B.1. Where necessary to provide access, shall incorporate pedestrian ramps, curb ramps, stairways and handrails, etc. • DISABLED ACCESS PARKING SPACES 44. Show or note on the plans that the accessible parking spaces are to be identified by a reflectorized sign, permanently posted immediately adjacent to and visible from each space, consisting of: a) A profile view of a wheelchair with occupant in white on dark blue background. b) The sign shall :2:70 in2 in area. c) When in the path of travel, they shall be posted ~80" from the bottom of the sign to parking space finished grade. d) Signs may also be centered on the wall of the interior end of the parking space :2:36" frorn the parking space finished grade, ground or sidewalk. e) Spaces complying with Section 1129B.4.2 shall have an additional sign "Van-Accessible" mounted below the symbol of accessibility per Section 1129B.5. f) In addition, each accessible space is required to be marked with the international symbol of accessibility. • CURB RAMPS 45. Revise plans to show that curb ramps shall be constructed at each corner of a street intersection or where a pedestrian way crosses a curb, per Section 1127B.5.1. 46. Plans shall show that curb ramps are :2:48" wide with a slope of ::;;;1 :12 (8.33%), per Sections 1127B.5.2 and 1127B.5.3. The lower end of each curb ramp shall have a½" lip beveled 45°, per Section 1127B.5.5. 4 7. Revise plans to show that the landing at the top of the curb shall be level and ~48" depth for the entire width of the curb ramp, or the slope of the fanned or flared sides is ::;;;1 :8 (12.5%), per Section 1127B.5.4. 48. Show or note that the surface of all curb ramps and the flared sides are to be slip resistant, and contrasting from the adjacent sidewalk finish, per Section 1127B.5.6. • DOORS 49. Revise plans to show that the minimum strike edge distances are provided at the level area on the side to which a door (or a gate) swings, per Section 1004.9.2.3a: a) :2:24" at exterior conditions. b) :2:18" at interior conditions. c) ~12" on the push side, if the door has both a latch and a closer. Carlsbad 96-2395 January 3, 1997 50. Provide a note on the plans that the maximum effort to operate doors, applied at right angles to hinged doors or at center plane at sliding doors, per Section 1004.5.1, will be: a) ::;;a½# at exterior doors. b) ::;;5# for interior doors. c) ::;;15# where fire doors are required. • SPECIAL HAZARDS 51. Note on the plans that if carpet, or carpet tile, is used in a common use area, per Section 11248.3, it will: 52. a) Have firm (or no) backing. b) Pile height shall be::;;½". c) The exposed edges of carpet are to be fastened to floor surfaces d) Have trim along the entire edge of the exposed edge. e) Trim shall comply with the requirements for changes in level. • STAIRWAYS AND HANDRAILS Show or note that interior stair treads are marked at the upper approach and the lower tread of each stair, by a strip of clearly contrasting color, per Section 1006.16.1, as follows: a) At least 2" wide. b) Placed parallel to and not more than 1" from the nose of the step or landing. c) The strip shall be as slip resistant as the other treads of the stair. 53. Note that all tread surfaces comply with Section 1006.16.2.1, as follows: a) Be slip resistant. b) Have smooth, rounded or chamfered exposed edges. c) Have no abrupt edges at the nosing. • SANITARY FACILITIES 54. Revise plans to show that passageways leading to sanitary facilities have required clear access widths, per Section 11158.4. Show that all doorways have: a) ~32" clear opening. b) A clear area: i) ~60" in the direction of the door swing. ii) ~44" away from the direction of door swing. c) All strike edge clearance dimensions are required to be met.(i.e. 18" strike edge distance). PROVIDE DIMENSIONS ON PLANS. Carlsbad 96-2395 January 3, 1997 • MULTIPLE ACCOMMODATION SANITARY FACILITIES 55. Show that the accessible rest room is to be provided with either: a) A 60" minimum diameter clear space measured from the floor to a height of 27" b) A clear space 56" x 63" in size. NOTE: Doors other than the door to the accessible toilet compartment in any position may encroach into this space by not more than 12 inches, per Section 11158. 7 .1.1. PROVIDE DIMENSIONS ON PLANS. 56. Show or note, per Section 11158.7.1.3 that the doors to the ~ccessible water closet compartment will be equipped with a self closing device with: a) ~32" clearance when located at the end of the compartment. b) ~34" clearance when located at the side of the compartment. 57. Note that if standard compartment doors are used, that the following will be provided, per Section 11158. 7.1.3: a) ~9" clearance for footrests underneath. b) A self closing device. If non-standard compartment doors are used, clearance at the strike edge as specified in Section 1004.9.2.2 is required. • SINGLE ACCOMMODATION FACILITIES 58. Revise plans to show a sufficient space in the toilet room for a wheelchair to enter the room and close the door, per Section 11158.7.2. The space is required to be: a) ~60" diameter. b) AT-shaped space as shown in Figure 118-12(a) and (b). c) Doors are not permitted to encroach into this space. 59. Show that the water closet is located in a space, per Section 111587.2, which provides: a) A minimum side clearance of either: i) ~28" from a fixture. ii) ~32" from a wall on one side. b) ~48" clear space in front of the water closet. • RESTROOM FIXTURES AND ACCESSORIES 60. Show, or note, on the plans that the accessible water closets meet the following requirements, California Plumbing Code: a) The controls are: i) Operable with one hand. ii) Does not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist. Carlsbad 96-2395 January 3, 1997 b) The controls for flush valves shall be: i) Mounted on the side of the toilet area. ii) Be ~44" above the floor. c) The force to activate the controls shall be ~5# of force. 61. Show, or note, on the plans that accessible urinals meet the following requirements, per Section 1115B.9.4 and California Plumbing Code: a) The rim of at least one urinal shall: i) Project 14" from the wall. b) The force to activate the flush valve shall be ~5# force. c) The control mechanism is be located ~44" above the floor. 62. Show that accessible lavatories comply with the following, per Sections 11158.9.1 and California Plumbing Code: a) :::::30" x 48" clear space is provided in front for forward approach. The clear space may include knee and toe space beneath the fixture. i) ~29" high x 30" wide x 8" deep at the top. ii) ~9" high x 30" wide and 17" deep at the bottom . . . Hi) The counter top is ~34" maximum above the floor. b) The -faucet controls, and operating mechanism are: i) The type which does not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist. ii) Has an operating force of ~5#. END OF DOCUMENT Carlsbad 96-2395 January 3, 1997 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Sergio Azuela BUILDING ADDRESS: 1545 Faraday Ave. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B -S1 BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA (ft. 2) Tl 7,272 Mezzanine 1,207 Air Conditionino 7,261 Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-2395 DATE: January 3, 1997 HIJK BLDG.·TI + MEZZ. ADD. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VN VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER ($) 26.00 189,072 55.00 X 0.80 = 44.00 53,108 3.50 25,413 267,593 r:gj 1991 USC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance:$ 1,227.50 r:gj 1991 USC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 797.88 Type of Review: r:gj Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 638.30 Comments: Fire Services Review: D FireAlarm D Complete Review D Suppression System D Other: Esgil Fire Services Review Fee: $ Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 City· of Carlsbad N ¥1 h· 11044 I 111• i •24 •ki 4 i; ,t4 ,ii BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE: jf?-3f-q[p . PLANCHECK NO.: CB 9'/4 dd 9-5 BUILDINGADDRESS: /51.S ~ §~ PROJECTDESCRIPTION: TT,=~ -i& ~, ftdtb/jz{ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: _________ EST. VALUE: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to·these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements: Please see the attached report of deficiencies marked with . Make necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. By: Date: By: Date: By: Date: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT: By: m~ Date: 1%1/7'~ ATTACHMENTS Dedication Application Dedication Checklist Improvement Application Improvement Checklist Future Improvement Agreement Grading Permit Application Grading Submittal Checklist Right-of-Way Permit Application Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet Sewer Fee Information Sheet ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON Name: Michele Masterson City of Carlsbad Address: 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 Phone: (619) 438-1161, ext. 4315 A-4 • 0 0 0 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE PLAN 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: A. North Arrow B. Existing & Proposed Structures C. Existing Street Improvements 2. · Show on site plan: A. Drainage Patterns 8. Existing & Proposed Slopes C. Existing Topography D. Property Lines E. Easements F. Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets G. Driveway widths 3. Include note: "Surface water to be directed away from the building foundation at a 2% gradient for no less than 5' or 2/3 the distance to the property line (whichever is less)." [Per 1985 USC 2907(d)5] On graded sites, the top of any exterior foundation shall extend above the elevation of the street gutter at point of discharge or the inlet of an approved drainage device a minimum of 12 inches plus two percent." [Per -1990 USC 2907(d)5] 4. Include on title sheet: A. Site address 8. Assessor's Parcel Number C. Legal Description For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION Page 1 of 4 H:IWORD\OOCS\CHKLST\Buildlng Plancheck Cklst BP0001 Fonn MM.doc Rev. 12/26/96 0 0 0 0 0 0 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE 5. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No. _______________________ _ 6. All conditions are in compliance. Date: __________ _ DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 7. Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ ______ , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. Dedication r~quired as follows: ________________ _ Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 ½" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process. Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person. Applications will not be accept by mail or fax. Dedication completed by:____________ Date: ____ _ IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 8a. All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $ _______ , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. Public improvements required as follows: _____________ _ Attac.hed please find an _application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements. A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process. The completed application form and the requirements on the checklist must be submitted in person. Applications by mail or fax are not accepted. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit. Improvement Plans signed by: _________ _ Date: ____ _ Page 2 of4 H:IWORDIDOCS\CHKLST\Bullding Plancheck Cklst BP0001 Form MM.doc Rev. 12/26/96 ·l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 8b. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $ _______ so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit. Future public improvements required as follows: 8c. Enclosed please find your Future Improvement Agreement. Please return agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department. Future Improvement Agreement completed by: Date: 8d. No Public Improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective improvements found adjacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11.06.030 of the Municipal Code. 9a. Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities (cut, fill import, export). 9b. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached. NOTE: The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Grading Inspector sign off by: 9c. No Grading Permit required. Page 3 of4 Date: H IWORD\OOCSICHKLST\Buildmg Planchecl< Cklst BP0001 Fonn MM.doc Rev. 12/26/96 ,, 0 0 0 0 0 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 10. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tieing into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. Right-of-Way permit required for: 11. A SEWER PERMIT is required concurrent with the building permit issuance. The fee is noted in the fees section on the following page. 12. INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT is required. Applicant must complete Industrial Waste Permit Application Form and submit for City approval prior to issuance of a Permit. Industrial Waste permit accepted by: Date: 13. NPDES PERMIT Complies with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas. Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first. 14. ~quired fees are attached V--- ~No fees required 15. Additional Comments: Page 4 of4 H:IWORD\OOCS\CHKLST\Bu,ldlng Plancheck Cklst BP0001 Fenn MM,doc Rev, 12126/96 ~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING REVIEW SECTION FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET D Estimate based on unconfirmed information from applicant. ~alculation based on building plancheck plan submittal. Address: /5 4-5 Farad q_jj ftpe, · Bldg. Permit No. cf3 9 ~3 9 5' Prepared by/n-1)./1\. Date/¼ I/ 9h Checked by: _____ Date: _______ _ u__,}~ ~ ~,h,;,n ~ EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and ~s for all uses. /tol.C, / j2f '?'-r-""",__,.___ . Types of Use: ~ 71!>~ 2) Sq. Ft./Units:______ EDU's: d.o 6 8 Total EDU's: _________ ~ ......... 0 _S-=--_r __ ADT CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of UseSe.R =ec::u:.A.... ~ Sq. Ft./Units: ____ _ ~ ADT's: /Q °I Total ADT's / 0 °! FEES REQUIRED: PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE REQUIRED O YES O NO {See Building Department for amount) WITHIN CFD: DYES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee, D NO reduced Traffic Impact Fee) l;IT])~-IN-LIEU FEE PARK AREA: __ _ FEE/UNIT:_____ X NO. UNITS: __ _ ~.TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE ~· ADT's/UNITS: j oq X FEE/ADT: c?( a ~DGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE ADT's/UNITS:_____ X FEE/ADT: ___ _ ~CILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE ZONE: ___ _ SQ.FT.:___ X FEE/SQ.FT.: ___ _ ~SEWER FEE PERMIT No0'E o/60 JS S X FEE/EDU: EDU's: d • 5 2{ BENEFIT AREA: E EDU's: d{)5~ DRAINAGE BASIN: X FEE/EDU: ~AINAGE FEES PLDA __ _ HIGH ___ /LOW __ _ ACRES:_____ X FEE/AC: __ _ ~EWER LATERAL ($2,500 DEPOSIT) FEE/EDU:__:::===::-::- =$_0~--- =$ ;), 3 q ~ =$ _ _,,O=-_-__ =$ =$ 4.1 lo 70 di d..h p =$ u =$ -e--- TOTAL OF ABOVE FEES*: $ 91 3 2lo *NOTE: This calculation sheet Is NOT a complete list of all fees which may be due. Dedications and Improvements may also be required with Building Permits. P:\DOCS\MISFORMS\BP0002.FRM REV 01/04/95 [=D~'-:::: ', ' . I 4o 0.3 ·(·• • -• ,. ,(__ J:. +s) cr·edrt-. ' ~ ;),o 5 8 ·pt-.OT'S I, d<o I J7{ · . (off,·c_e_) 7tdfo/ pf ~ooo Lua' d OJ S<2._ -+a e:,Hiue_ C 1)..)1.s) 7, J..b I .pf, '3//000 l .4-s ~.3-'9 > Cteclti- / 0 q >-., "' 'It "" " Q) .c t.) C: It! a: 2 It! Cl >-., "' 'It "" " Q) .c t.) C: It! a: ~DD PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check :Jo. CB ¢'6-2--3'1) Planner {/;a ly,Jd-. APN: z,cz.-{3o-Z-1 Address f51/5;::if2,IJ'i:>A(/ Phone (619) 438-1161(:xtension Lt3i..r Ty°pe of Project and Use: -'I.._N_1J_IA._l_l _ __,_rz;_ __ , =-------=----------- Zone: PM Facilities Management Zone: ___..~------------ CFD Cin~ .... .- Cir~--(If property in, complete SPECIAL TAX CALCULATION WORKSHEET provided by Building Department.) Legend cg) Item Complete D Item Incomplete -Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES __ NO ~ TYPE ___ _ DATE OF COMPLETION: ______ _ Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval Discretionary Action Required: YES NO K TYPE __ _ APPROVAL/RESO. NO. _____ DATE ___ _ PROJECT NO. _______ _ OTHER RELATED CASES: __________________ _ Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval Coastal Zo~e Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES NO~ If NO, proceed with checklist; if YES, proceed below. Determine status (Exempt or Coastal Permit Required): If Exempt, proceed with checklist; if Coastal Permit required, hold building permit until Coastal Permit issued. Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? YES NO If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). 2) Attach completed Coastal Permit Determination Form to this Checklist. 3) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES ___ NO ~ (Effec_:tive· dat!=) df lnc.lu~iprrary How~ing Ordinance -May 21, 1993.) Site Pl~n: .. ·-.... . ' ~ ' - ,;. r. Provide .c1 fµl,ly dimensional: site plan drawn. to ·sc-ale. Show: North arrow, property lihE!s, easements, existing ~md. pr:op'cised structures, streets, existing street improvements~ right-of-way_ Width, dimensional setbacks and existing topo~raphical lines. · ' · · · '2; Provipe ·legal, description of property and·,~ssessor's parcel number .. , _/_ .Zoning: · · 02[. O. d 1. Setbacks:. ·. P-. /N~ . -. JfAft f) r' J Front: Int. Side: Street Side: '1 ·• : 0,lt-i Recir: .~.uf6. D 'rJ· Lot Cove,age: ,[1Yl] . oD-3 •· Height:· :gy:o D 4. Parking: I • Reqwfred Shown ------Reqqired Shown ------'Reql:.iireq · · ·· Shown ,---,--~-_,,....., --'------'---- R~quired · Shown------'--- Required . Shown ------'-- Heq'uired Shown ------'-----",,- Space~ Req),Jired ·_. o/ i . Shown -~---_l-/_t.f-'--'-.. _..;;_ G (lest ·spc1ces Required --'-'-..-a--'---'--. Shown ___ ____. ______ ·o D --o. Additional Comme,nts ...... ----'--,--'---.......,.,.-,..;-a-..,......;-;;-,-----,-.,........---.;--'---------,---- ' ' l . -\• . -~ 9K Td I.SS(JE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER....,..·-(,~--·'----'-'-··-__ -. __ I ~ 7 May 7, 1997 TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM BUILDING FILE -CB96-2395 PLANNING TECHNICIAN 1545 FARADAY -HIJK BUILDING ROOF SCREEN A field inspection of the site was done to determine if roof screens were required as shown on the building plans. The building has adequate parapet walls to screen the mechanical equipment as proposed. The site is also situated such that the buildings roof is not readily visible from the street. Roof screens will not be required with the mechanical equipment proposed as of this date. Future screening may be required if there is warrant to do so. ~~ VAN VL City of Carlsbad 96391 Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check Date of Report: Friday, February 21, 1997 Reviewed by: C . na.__Q_cJ:_, Contact Name Donald Grover Address 135 Liverpool Dr Ste C City, State _C_a_rd_iff_C_A_9_2_0_07 ____________ _ Bldg. Dept. No. 96-2395 Planning No. Job Name HIJK-Ti ------------------ Job Address 1545 Faraday ----~--------------Ste. or Bldg. No. ____ _ ~ Approved -The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. D Disapproved -Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st~--2nd. __ _ 3rd __ _ Other Agency ID CFD Job#_--'--96c....:3:....c.9....:...1 __ File# ___ _ 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121 City of Carlsbad Fire Department General Comments: Date of Report: Monday, January 20, 1997 Contact Name Address City, State Donald Grover 135 Liverpool Dr Ste C Cardiff CA 92007 96391 • Bureau of Prevention Bldg. Dept. No. _9_6-_2_39_5 ___ _ Planning No. _____ _ Job Name HIJK-Ti ----------------- Job Address 1545 Faraday ___ __;;...__ ___________ _ Ste. or Bldg. No. ____ _ Disapproved Submit three sets of corrected plans to the building department for routing to the appropriate department. · 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • {619) 931-2121 , _, I City of Carlsbad · 96391 Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check Date of Report: Monday, January 20, 1997 Reviewed by: ~~ ffm-C. i/3rJ! ~ Contact Name Donald Grover Address 135 Liverpool Dr Ste C City, State _C_a_rd_iff_C_A_92_0_0_7 ____________ _ Bldg. Dept. No. 96-2395 Planning No. Job Name HIJK-Ti ------------------ Job Address 1545 Faraday ----~--------------Ste. or Bldg. No. ____ _ D Approved -The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. ~ Disapproved -Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st. __ _ 2nd. __ _ 3rd __ _ Other Agency ID CFD Job# __ 96--'3'--'-9_1 __ File# ___ _ 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619} 931-2121 ~ELTA JC;;.=JS.-. ENGINEERING CONSULTING ITIIUCTUIIAL DESIGN ENGJNEEIII 13·, Liwup••l DI'. 5•h• C C .,.irr. CA 9 200, Tch: (6l9)9'2•164P ru:: (6U)9.C2•6Jl9 ! . ')()x8- l\= --~ 9-o -LB .z . . -r~ l TS :--4)(-z" }(f' .sr~eL TU~ . . J:.,"' o. 6 ~-~ tJ._6 1('3 6:<-U. 6 kri f: · ..: "·16 " 1 2.. -=-o. I u/" · ~ ~H.J] -. 2:t-6 ))£S1G,.J Tl-\:£: f<i~1 ~ 'R~1U!'i6f, L =-3. s1 . f =-S;cw =. I 6-o IB . """'~X--=-. lbD-x~!,-:;. 56o FT-LE>- -R = IGo L~. T~3 . 1s.-2x2"'½<>'~ (r-j-::3(~<u i=i,;,,.o_(,-,( 36-2. I, b h.- . 'rl lJk bU/LJJJW(r ProJect" ................................................................ . By c .. su,J Date !?.!/2Zsht. No .... Of ; ... . Subject -.......................................... Job No. 9/..~?-J t -1 l l l J 1 r 1 F -_· -_~:.:;..-;·t-::-:.·,~·~:---_~:.::--·.--~---"' '.·_:;::~ -~~~---~·~:.::·.::~: .. :-;.:_., ... :_··,:·.::~':.-<rr:: :;:-·, ': ::_.,-,'.:; :y::_ ,_.,. ·.-_. · · :··. · -' ~··. '. " . ' ~"' ELTA .. /X=__..,ENGJNEERJNG CONIULTIIIO ITIIUCTUltAL DEIION SNOINEERS u, J..iwnpHI t>,. Sai•• C car,iff. CA 92007 Tdc: (6U)P•1·16't Fas: (U9)P•1•tiJl9 s :::. ~.S ( >& I 2. )( R.f&.p. 2/. (, ~ o-3/ 1w 1 • Project: .. tt1J K ........ 'BVJWJ.J4 .................. . By C,...J.1/. .. ~ Date ~.½.].Sht. No. . .. Of .... . Subject ....................................... ,... Job No. 7t._~?J ! ~'f<.. T.S-2)12x 71/. Sx =-o. 66't ,JJ i > S.,,. R,aP../:). o)::. QHl:U... ~f,E:6 I/~. ,6 0~/6x 3,5jX 1/2--f ,.J T-l-: 3 ,c 2]~-,el,668 : o. z. 1 . 4 /.\UJ>J ,::_ o. 00 s-,.c .. ?.s-:-: l ~ =--c) • 2 / / ,J. "> 0-(.,,. ~ . \)S~ 1S-2JCZ,l¾" ST~ TV13I=Q g'-(/ o~L. l)E-S l C,+J 1~ ~ Ga tJl.J"E;CJt r>'IJ • /v\"" S-6 o rT-L.a . 1=~ J.-1 5(o,,_ f2- o{ .., t VS:E· 2-%" </ &l:(S . "'"//W LB. } Au{}>./= II 3Q . J..IS . -4;,c12-. ~n ELTA L;;s, ENGINEERING CONSUl.'.TINO STIIUCTUIIAL DISIDN ENOINEEIIS US 1.i•np••l D1. S•itc C c.,•ur. CA 9200, Tai•: (UP)PA2•1649 J'as: (Uf)P-'2•6119 ' . Project: J:11Jl<..-.... .BUJL.DINGr .................... . ~Y ~:.§~.~-Da~ ~~/~-7--.. sht. No. . .. Of .... . Subject :......................................... Job No. ?f.~.2-,S . I _PI=R ___ u,2_c_7_4 __ R_~_u_1_,~_l--f_"0-J ____ T. t1/J.c/4-I} -z.. -2-6 . ~Hi~ /£sf. 2-. ,1, A.t := o. 2 5' IN· S1?f:: cA<-C.llJ.Tf P/ 'fo,~ H~J:k Jstl/Wlrltf ~11-1-7. h-~. A 1/ -g I ~.s .P=-~x 6x o, 25" 3 ' P= o. 56 IN. " . . ' \ ~nELTA ..t./3,==~ ENGINEERING CONSULTING STIIUCTUIIAL OESION ENOINElllS US l,.iwcrp••l Dr. 5aiH C Ca,,itr. CA P2007 T .. c: (151t)P•2•16CP F•t= (GlP)Ul-Ult .. • Project· .J:{1Jt<.; ..... BUJLJ)JN6r ..................... .. By C-. .$.f!.N Date ~.ft1.Sht. No. . .. Of .... . Subject .......................................... Job No .. i.f ~ '2.J D "1t-----4)(~ fo9" o/ S/'1f'!>b,j E.u._44 ,A..n ELTA _./X=. ............ ENGINEERING CONIULTINO ITIIUCTUIIAL DEIION ENOINIEIII 125 Li•&rP••l Dr. l•it• C C ... if{. CA P2007 Td•: (619)P4J•l64f 1u:: (G1P)P42•6llP .. ' l. • ~ ! , '4 .. .. ' . 4 ,. , . ', I .. CONC-PA f.ffi{_. --~ . . 4, ' .. ' A \ µ ,, --+' T Project" .+\1.Jl( _____ atll4?/lv9" ................... . By ~.:.~~.N Date ~!/f 7.sht No. . .. Of ·:· .. Subject .......................................... Job No. 9h.~ "/-e.N ¼~ Pt, w<roD· J.,c 12. D:f ~ l F.J. -@. 16"0 .(. . I /g4 .3/2 }CI\ g fA~LLA'i BfiV"\ " ~n ELTA .,,./X ______ .._ ENGINEERING . CONSULTING STIIUCTUIIAL D•SION ENOINEEIIS 13 S Li•up••1 Dr. £•itt C C ar4ilf. CA 92007 Tda: (G 19)9•«2°1649 Fu:: (61P)P42°6ll, . ; e.mJC. fAt-JE{:. ' . . HlJk. 'cUILO/t.Jq-ProJect. ................................................................ . By C.: .. 'f>..<).tJ Date ~-~{1.Z.sht. No. . .. Of .... . Subject .......................................... Job No9&.9.?J l , i. i" ,¼-" PL'f wo@. ( 4 ~ 11 \. 4 . b. ... ,. ~-: . : ;· .... ·, '~ELTA .&.==~ ENGINEERING CONSULTING ITlll:UCTURA&. DESIO N ENGINEEIU 135 Lh•np••I Dr. Sv11a C C u•itt. CA 92001 T•h: (619)P,t2•1649 1n: (619)9,2•6119 -I CorJC f4,J7;l_-__ __...., 4 ' ' [ Project" .. H1Jk ......... J3U.1LPl>iGr ................ . By C.-.. _S.@ Date ~.(/?}Sht. No. . .. Of .... . Subject .......................................... Job No/ f ?.~ · -B.N. ---"-2-,q :i. r 1 (!) , r/u. ,._ ~/ s,,w\ f ~o,J rlV2 l'L. ~ e '' "~ ELTA .._;;;;;;;;;a;..----. ENGINEERING CONSULTING STIIUCTUIIAL DESIGN !:NOINEEltl 13 5 Liwnp••l Dt. 51111c C cu.ire. CA 92007 Tele: (USl)P•U-1649 Fu: (619)942-CSJlt ' ... . ll.· ' .i .. ; Project: t1J,J.K .... J;~v.J.1=-:f>.J.('/(ir ...................... . By t.:,.~.~~ Date ~L/.t7. .. Sht. No. . .. Of .... . Subject ........................................... Job No. ~/9.2$ -N bl 2/C · 51"\JOS @ 16''0.c_ 2;< s,u_ PLAre-P.T IV/, ANC-lfr>~ aol('!a -------,~-77t4"::l &: ~-~---~---....___---'---1......_----rl{ (Jfl:IJ~ J.J4LC. f'LA ,J " ~ ... . .. , •.' ' -~ . ·-·· __ 4. __ - -18 ,, w IV&.--- )( .i4t .ve~r _~Tl~ q ~ iV' .2 ~ ~s--. ro? -9< 1'0TT o}\ . .A •• ..a • . , . .. , ' t ' • .. lv"E: vJ ) b // W\O& X 2q/' plGr f-o'O(i>IC,-vy 2., 1/5' 70)'> /4N'V BoTT0"1 · Job: _9~B~Q2~B,.._ ___ _ Date: ~t-V~19~9~B ____ _ Cales b y: __ c=--. -=su"""'"N ____ _ Sheet 1 of __ 2s ___ _ Structural Calculations HIJK TENANT IMPROVEMENT CONSULTING STRUCTURAL DESIGN ENGINEERS 135LiverpoolDr. Suite C Cardiff, CA 92007 Tele: (619)942-8649 Fax: (619)942-6189 ~ELTA s;;;.=~ ENGINEERING CONSULTING STRUCTURAL DESIGN ENOINliER.I 13 5 LivcrpHI Dr. Sui le C C uiliff, CA 9200'7 Tele: (619)942.86-19 Fu: (61Sl)P,'2•6189 ¾'' p L 't WO"V)) . r N SV}..ATIOIV ½'' G'f P ~ARO Project: H.:9.K ..... ~.Y.1.Y?..!~q························· By C .. $..Y..!Y Date 1.~/f.f .Sht. No.•-:~ Of ..... ~ubject .......................................... Job No. 9f?.~~ ! 3_gl fS'f- O.!i f>S'f-. 2, 5' f:'f. sv.S fl:1'/l).tP C,l::IL.lNq -- fv\:E:0-( ,& MISC . 2.'S" r.st.· /.44.Y.f · .. -. ...... _...:...:_...:. ·--. .. ..... . . .. . .. . P.l..;; r~. 0 P5t. PA,it'fl,,otJ. l.oAo = ?-O.o Y5f--. .Lil/ .E: .w~p == !5v IP f?'f. 8.o f>f· . . A.n ELTA ..._./3 ____ ENGINEERING Project: .1:1.J:J..l'S ..... 'P..V..(?:-.P.!.f!.qi, ................... . CONSULTING STRUCTURAL DESIGN ENGINEERS By C -. .SU,J Date .. !(/2.6.Sht. No:T-'.$. Of .... . 135 Livup .. J Dr. Suilc C C ullliff. CA S'l2001 Tele: (619)9.C2•8649 Fu:: (6151)9•2-6189 Subject .......................................... Job Nof /.f:-t ' ., l"'2S.5 .' of'&N r- {JJ = ..J..E.>c(1.5t 2.o t s-o)-:, «o4 PLf· (2. --....... lJJlJl(l)l till _~_1_·_2_,i_1_i_J)_f_~-=-·/_-_@_1_t""_0 ._<-"t,_, t RL ~" ~ _, 17"--~~ r'RJNf 01.JT. } ,5 r ·-·~-.' ~s..s' R, .... · ~I I l..~ r R2.=-! _i 1 4 La. )~3.= 7l? LB . T~ = )"1(0 "IC( ... O i<(,.O~t,(] XJ./l;;-xt~o.::;;. (/:,--:-(};a rs,· F./= 15";,(J ... Ox( ... 0'!<{,.D-=-f5 r~\- J, L 7' ~ -!2.8ta-;<11 = :29-4 ,1l A -:::,..-10/5on.s-=-,6.6 ,,-J--t.· ~~ f /51) -. ~ 9~ ]=oR '.2.l(f).. J). f#-J · ~x =:-3 I. 6 1t-J~ "> $.,..~P. A= /6, g 11./' > A1-E0V_ ~At/-,= \? ></2. -:,:o.&5 /IV /T'-UlhJ 24-o ----.> ,AT-L Ql<. --. U S'f; 2111~· .D ... "f, ~ / ~ 16 ,. 'l-t_ -. ~ . -~ . . ;,-:-':"f""';r-~~ ..... _ ..... --•,"-' ,..,....,__,_ ......,,,_ , -~ , ,-•. ----~ .... ., ·1 ' ... _ _...,.~-· .,,. _ ................. _., ... __ ..... ~.---.. ,.., .. ~ .......... - ~ELTA -=---a. ENGINEERING CONSULTING STRUCTURAL DESIGN ENGINEERS 135 Liverpool Dr. Suite C Cardiff. CA 92007 Tele: (619)942•8649 Fu: (61Sl)942-618SI MEZZANINE JOIST -1 (CONTINUE) Default Units: ft, lbs, deg, ° Fifa Complete Analysis Results y . . H1JK .Bu ILG>J>v/:. Pro3ect. ...................................... ~ ...................... . By c .... s.v..1) Date 1.~(2.( .. Sht. NoT ~tor .... . Subject .......................................... Job No.9~~'?-J 1 x ___________ 2_ -------------------------------------31 In N M N = .... NODAL DISPLACEMENTS Node 1 2 3 DX 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 NODAL REACTIONS DY 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 RZ 0.0386 -0.1542 0.3855 Node FX FY MZ ~ c:o .... ,.... ~~r=~~~~, MEMBER LOCAL DISPLACEMENTS Member Offset Dx 1 -Rect H 0.9375 W 0.125 0.0000 0.0000 2.1250 0.0000 4.2500 0.0000 6.3750 0.0000 8.5000 0.0000 2 -Rect H 0.9375 W 0.125 Dy 0.0000 0.0015 0.0029 0.0031 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4.2500 0.0000 -0.0182 . !?i!ihi)!!If&i@ft\Fl?III~W?.!§'.M}!i!@fi!tfftll&P@'..t);§f]tfi{!lt}fot:iisi'.5-=iwiMiJM\DEF:LECliioii):\jl)f)Jt@M=!tltill??)\:i:}f{T/ 12.7500 0.0000 -0.0247 17.0000 0.0000 0.0000 .A.n ELTA .,_/X==..., ENGINEERING CONSULTING STRUCTURAL DESIGN ENGINEERS 13!5 Liverpool Dr~ Suilc C Cardiff, CA 92007 Tele: (619)942•8649 Fu: (619)942-6189 MEZZANINE JOIST -1 (CONTINUE) Default Units: ft, lbs, deg, ° F/ft MEMBER INTERNAL FORCES Member Offset Fx 1 -Rect H 0.9375 W 0.125 0.0000 0.0000 2.1250 0.0000 4.2500 0.0000 6.3750 0.0000 8.5000 0.0000 2 -Rect H 0.9375 W 0.125 Fy 110.5000 -110.5000 -331.5000 -552.5000 -773.5000 Project: .. tl.!.-:.JK ..... ~~!.4?.f.~~r .................. .. By C..-:-AYJ::l Date l ~/1.,( .. Sht. No.T--:f. Of .... . Subject ..... ... ... ..: ... . . Job Noj f ~-z:l l Mz 0.0000 -0.3757 -469.6250 -1409.2507 -2817.7500 :.:::::::.::·:· •• ,:.:.:./.<:).:.::.::::fa:.:.:.::::·::{:.::::::·::::.c1:.:.:o-onp\:t::::.:.::·-:.:.::·::,:,:.:/ •• J:f: .. ::e::o:o.o::::/:.:::.:.: .... ··:>:iV4':£bll50..0.:(:V.'.aiaxJ.:.: .• ..::;:.:: .•. • .... i28I7: • .75.00.(MrilaxJ ....... ::.:: ..... : .. ·.:: ..... :.: •. • .•. )f: ... : 4.2500 0.0000 607.7500 702.9347 8.5000 0.0000 165.7500 2348.1250 12.7500 0.0000 -276.2500 2111.8097 17.0000 0.0000 -718.2500 0.0000 ~ELTA ...._ ______ ENGINEERING CONSULTING STIIUCTURAL DESIGN ENGINEERS 1:U Livcrpo•J Dr, Suite C Cu4ilf. CA 9200?' Tele: (619)942.•864$1 Fu: (619)9"la6J89 Project: . .tl.fl.K ..... ~.~'!::?...~.J!.o/. ....................... . By £.: .. ~5!!:/ Date !_l/'J.f .sht. No.T-.?. Of .... . Subject .......................................... Job No. f /q_U • 14EzlA"11'Nt: J"otSJ -2.. (A l3o~ 6ff1Cf: /oJ). L-;,.2.61 uJ:: /~ )( (7.5"f20 t &J = 1.03 f'L-f .. TR 1 · 2i<J2-. 0, \-:.11 1-. .. @ 16 ''o. c... rRDI--\ P~rWJ oo:r - '2 J--0 .!.lo . 7 ';l,. J,)2. ~,--~---~o __ R~=-_1._2~;-~_ ~ 2. ~ I 2-J). E ¥2-, Tb~ II so rs, ~ z x IL. )>.. J:• I · Di£CK P..E:Filq1 a>J · T-Roj P ~1 W'f oifT. 1 J ~\ k t -<l1:c = o_. o I i x t 2.= ~-22. nJ · U s-. ,r.: I iJ I [ I I I I r I ___&_ ~3. 1R~ Ill t / I !i' l' 26 ~ELTA .._==.,._ENGINEERING CONSULTING STRUCTURAL DESIGN ENGINEERS 135 Liverpool Dr. Suite C Cardiff. CA 92001 Tele: (619)942-8649 Fu:: (619)942·6189 MEZZANINE JOIST -2 (CONTINUE) Default Units: ft, lbs, deg, ° F/ft Complete Analysis Results y x ____ _lil __ 1 NODAL DISPLACEMENTS Node 1 2 3 DX 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 NODAL REACTIONS DY 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 RZ -0.0421 -0.0829 0.2533 Node FX FY MZ Project: ... ~~J..~ ....... ~Y!.~.e!.!f.4.................... . By C..~.~YtJ Date . .'.'~l?.isht. No. T~l Of ..... Subject .......................................... Job No. 'lf~ 2--8 =:=~==:~= MEMBER LOCAL DISPLACEMENTS Member Offset Dx 1 -Rect H 0.9375 W 0.125 0.0000 0.0000 2.7500 0.0000 5.5000 0.0000 8.2500 0.0000 11.0000 0.0000 2 -Rect H 0.9375 W 0.125 Dy 0.0000 -0.0015 -0.0010 0.0007 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.7500 0.0000 -0.0101 . :::::::·:·::· . .-:·:·::·:.:::::::·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:··:·:·:·:::·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:7r.:::·:~tg!f8(''.':·:·:···:·:::::::::::::::::::::·:·::::w:::·::qg'.§'.tr:::·:·:·:·:·::::::::::::::·:::·:::·:·=·····:z;;····B1tlffMAinWJfJ5kfftic¥.t6iJF'.''.":·:·:·:·:·:···:,--:·:····-:-:·:·:·:·:::::·':::::'::·:·:·:·:·::--.:·:·:·=·:·:::::::.:.:·:.-.:.-·:·:·-.:·::·:· 11.2500 0.0000 -0.0142 15.0000 0.0000 0.0000 .A._n ELTA .&./X==...._ ENGINEERING CONSULTINO STRUCTURAL DESIGN ENGINEERS 135 Liverpool Dr. Suite C Cardiff. CA 92007 Tele: (619)5142-8649 Fu:: (619)942•6189 MEZZANINE JOIST -2 (CONTINUE) Default Units: ft, lbs, deg, ° F/ft MEMBER INTERNAL FORCES Member Offset Fx 1 -Rect H 0.9375 W 0.125 0.0000 0.0000 2.7500 0.0000 5.5000 0.0000 8.2500 0.0000 11.0000 0.0000 2 -Rect H 0.9375 W 0.125 Fy 358.0909 72. 0909 -213.9091 -499.9091 -785.9091 Project: .. !1!.9J5 ........ ~.~.1.~!.t!~ ................... . By C..:.f()._/)_ Date ~~/ff Sht. No.T~.~ Of .... . Subject .......................................... Job No. J/~~ Mz 0.0000 590.8708 396.5000 -585.6292 -2353.0000 ;;;;;;;;;,,;,,,:,;,;;::;:,,,;,;:;:;,:;:z:;;;,:;,;,;,;;;;,,,,,,;,;,:;;;;;;;;;;;;,;,;,:,:g.,;JM!M',,,;,;,,,;,,,,;;;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;J?:,,;;;@:m,w;,;,,,,,:,:,:::,:,,,,,;,,;,;,,, . .9.s6.::.:s6t.1.tv1iiaxJ:,:,;,,,=,:,;;;,,,;,;.: ..... 2sss.::·oa0:nUmaxT;,;;;;;,:,;:;:;,:.;;;;::,;,;,:.:::.:::,,,;,;,:,::::;;,;,;.;,;:;.;.;~:;:;,;, 3.7500 0.0000 546.8667 427.8300 7.5000 0.0000 156.8667 1748.5000 11.2500 0.0000 -233.1333 1604.3300 15.0000 0.0000 -623.1333 0.0000 ~. ·= ~ELTA '% ENGINEERING CONSULTING STRUCTURAL DESICN ENGINEERS 13!1 Livcrpul Dr. Suitll: C Cardiff.CA 92007 Tele: (619)9.C2•8649 Fu: (619)9.C2•61BSI L= :24. 51 ·tv~ :i x(r:>t~-t~)=-11 l pi..1- 1~1 ~,q2., D.f * .L G 16 ,r O-C- r~11 'f'RINT ot.T[: r<2..'"' 1714 LS -"Fo~ :2,q.2. ~F 11-I· B =-_ 11 JiO rs 1 Cli i c.1<. 0 l:J L:E<.,-p o--J . ":l.14-.7 X/2. /150 7o·~ x/.S- 1 !f ~")c ~ 3/~ 6 )}/· c 1R04 PRINT cruJ . J Project: .tl.;J..~ ...... ~g!_:~L~.9: ................... . By C .. .$ ~tJ Date .~1/9..c?. .. Sht. No.T} Of .... . Subject .: ........................................ Job No. 9f~.U ! t,J ! J J ! I I L I l l 1 .h-~~ t3 t ~\ 13. o' / l· -,~ /I -r ;~ .:i-4;_ !5' :f -=-22-4 IN ~ . L::.r.1...::. 0,012.x,i=-O.I!;" /ti @ ,t 'o.(. A.n ELTA s.CX==~ ENGINEERING CONSULTING STRUCTURAL OESIGN ENOJNEERS 135 Liverpool Dr. Suite: C Cardiff.CA 92007 Tele: (619)942-8649 Fn: (619)942•6!89 MEZZANINE JOIST:_ 3 (CONTINUE) Default Units: ft, lbs, deg, ° F/ft Complete Analysis :Result y 1 NODAL DISPLACEMENTS Node 1 2 3 DX 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 NODAL REACTIONS DY 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 RZ -0.1897 0.0497 0.0643 Node FX FY MZ Project: J\JJ.K. ....... ~.'!\~P..{!Y.4-.................... . By C.: .. S..<J.N Date !1/.J..(sht. No.T~.oOf .... . Subject .......................................... Job No. ~f~if 3 -~Ylia- MEMBER LOCAL DISPLACEMENTS Member Offset Dx Dy 1 -Rect H 0.9375 W 0.125 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.3750 0.0000 -0.0096 ?='t,,~=::t=t:='lttft't::,:,{:H@=@Mq1:s=:at,t:::=::,,,:mt=:r,=::,:,,:,.l~''''''=q_hu'r.tt=t=ttttt'=Wo?=1i1i&::tMAitMilit-\imiiEd&±Wi.tfti,tt?f.@,tfH/ftftt::,ttittl 10.1250 0.0000 -0.0065 13.5000 0.0000 0.0000 2 -Rect H 0.9375 W 0.125 0.0000 0.0000 2.7500 0.0000 5.5000 0.0000 8.2500 0.0000 11.oboo 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0004 -0.0025 -0.0025 0.0000 "~l _. --··~ ~ ·~, ...... _ r~/" ,,t•,~, f "''')°')-. ._ •• -~ _, • l • • ,._,TH,' A.n ELTA .._/:,( __ .._ENGINEERING CONSULTING STRUCTURAL DESIGN ENGINEERS 13$ LivcrpooJ Dr. Suilc C Cardiff, CA 92007 Tele: (619)942•86'49 Fu: (619)942-6189 MEZZANINE JOIST -3 (CONTINUE) Default Units: ft, lbs, deg, ° F/ft MEMBER INTERNAL FORCES Member Offset Fx 1 -Rect H 0.9375 W 0.125 Project: H~.J..~ ........ ~~.!~P.!..tf q···················· By C...-.§.0.J Date ~.f (J.f ... Sht. No!-.1.1. Of ..... . 9to-it SubJect ..... ......... ... .... ..... .. .............. Job No. . ... . Mz 0.0000 0.0000 590.2014 0.0000 . 3.3750 0.0000 215.5764 1358.7385 6.7500 0.0000 -159.0486 1455.1406 10.1250 0.0000 -533.6736 285.1604 Mtt\fa=\t\tfi\:~fai\Mtht\:t~@:#~@§.pf::t\::i::=tt\:t~)jfa:P.P.:9.:P.it;t\:\::=t:'W~fr~pfi,§$.~iv~:ffttt\fii;:aii::ifaiiL~i::ft~£Qt:ttt\@it:=:Htii{\=:i: 2 -Rect H 0.9375 W 0.125 0.0000 0.0000 2.7500 0.0000 5.5000 0.0000 8.2500 0.0000 11.0000 0.0000 805.6960 500.4460 195.1960 -110.0540 -415.3040 -2147.1562 -351. 8825 605.2969 721. 6956 0.0000 . }' ~ .. .A..n ELTA .._/X _____ ENGINEERING Project: .. ~ .. ~.J.Js ....... f .'!..'!:: P.L'Y.0. .................. . CONSULTING STRUCTURAL DESION ENOINEERI By C: .. : .. S..t.!..t/ Date .i!/7--(sht. No!-!.~ .... . 135 Livcrpocd Dr. Suilc C C ar•iff. CA 92007 Tele: (619)9,C2•8649 Fu: (619)P42•61SP Subject ................. ......................... Job Noj lq.2:f L. ::=:-,o' (2,. 4 w= 3~-~ 16 + 50-= 3t, ref· J (J1::r-2, ~,) R ==-3 {-?,ctO :, I t1 !? 1-'3 , ~ ·. 1A = ;>{ J XIO~-= 2Q8K F -L.13 . . /V'""tv< -2 ~, T TP-J 4-x 12. D. f. :tt-2,_ . l=-p "'-& 7o r >\' T)/-==--'i? rG'x/"O?Ct ... Ox {,0-,c'tr{-= f 6'J., IF r7s ,· f/~ r!:i"x/.Ox/..,0 >f/_O= 7¥" f 5 •' _3 j8~ X ( ?_. "" .41.1 /!·/··. g',(~~=-1t2.5' Aiu&v = ,sf:~·" = 2r;_,.,,.f · Us~ 4i12... nF tt--. S a 3 y., 2... x--=-73,r:.IN -========= /.\ ::: 3f :5 I I'( '4. ... ... . .. . ~ . ~, ~-· -... I[ I LII L 111. -t=-~ , A=;__----=•_::_o ___ ---"71{ . t . ~ELTA ---ENGINEERING CONSULTING STIIUCTUIIAL DESIGN ENGINEERS 135 Livup1101 Dr. Sahe C Car4ir£, CA 92.001 Tele: (6U)9Cl•86"49 Fu: (6151)942•6189 · f,tE'i?~A1"JNf BE-AM -2. ( OFFtCJ: ,oV. 1 l =-£ i.l;:: . 17zj _g w .. X ,6 _f ( f-'\ J-.2) ~2-) }3_~-,( 6 R"° 2 =-4oJ.(; LB. 2. lA ~ 1J42x 6 ,1 q /v\ ""t.\lc -8 ~ Q O ~ (-Tf-lR.. • t},Sl-3,Y~ 11 V8''1 FARAuA 1'1. Project: .. ~+..J: ts ...... ~.<!.!.42{ !!. P.r. ........ ······· .... . By k:.§Y.!! Date .. !.½{sht. No:1"~!.:ot-.... . Subject .......................................... Job No. f{~.~ 1 I I I 1 l -I I · I-1 6' VALl.l);J,;::. t O 3 5" l. B . "? V 'M (\-.,1 . MA~;:., 7l ~ "ff ~L~ . > 1v1~ ~lZlAWlNE ~'-1-3. 6:: il.1 · drs LJ:::. · T ,,c( 7-st2.0-t o0) t so~ JoL ri:r, ~ -~ 3o"<-x6~ ~ CJ ~ .., Lg 1. Lia - ~ELTA ~ ENGINEERING CONSULTING STRUCTURAL DESICN ENGINEERS 135 Liverpool Dr. Suilc C Cardiff. CA 92007 Tele: (619)9"'2•8649 Fu: (619)942•6189 • . fv\-ilZ ttt..J1,lf. B-"dM -f. L~'.L . 16 /AJ= ·1 :i. X ( T-St~t!;O)t .!fO "'"" t£4 Pf- f:;:, fa 2. ~e.. I 54 XI 7 Y82,di.S . R ':. ~ + 17 =-I b2. 7 t-B. )Z l. =-I S-o/'17-,. 1· g2 -1627 == l r 7 => LB, "f\)R. MAX(MUlv{ M W\E-Nl. i\=-{627 // I 5°'f =-JiM_ ,v\N.x:. l6 2 7?<t0 .. 6-·1?°4'<-t0.~-== . 11\1 3)f ;OI ~., fA~AU.AI-'\ . Ct-1:EC-K p:FF )."ECT IO\,J Project: H.f.~.'5. ....... #..'!.{.~-P..!.'!..?:r. ................ . By C.: .. ~.'!.N. Date ~!./1..9..Sht. No!-~~ Of .... . Subject ................................ .' ........ : Job No. lJl.~2-f i ! l \':i. LI l l I I (1 1 1 ~I / 1/, G" ' _A_ i~ V 55 ;{" 1 -+,,v-·----'-4-7-/---~ FD F-,. po I tff }-Of\ p p. !{, -£".. ~ -0 32 /J --/. =>§ ~-•7 -. . <.... ;) 5x ~,4tx. 17 j~ I 72.B 6 ---=---------=-0, S I tJ. 3 84 ,x I 60-0--000,;c 4-tD AA~==-l? ;,ci2.. =-o. 85 J;J :>.d '1..40 --fl_.. v;~ 3½_ >c 11 ½ ~ F>A~AlLA~ ffi 1 2 4 Hl'J K. l?>VILP/t/0" 1(02-2-11/1 & 5 s1·i1-,T·IS IL.~-~~i!iiliimiiiiil!Ei!IE· Ill ! . r I ., 1r (-------·-----· -.. , "ir---~---=.::=-:: .., ·--··-Ill --·------=11--·-···-··-··-:·""""'== ,,,,, . ~ ~ 1~==='11. '.r= "'ti~==*'' ==¼=·I =-=·· J __ : ~--=-·-=~--=--~=c--c-~-.-... -Ill ~ ~" I! r ··-· --..... --- ,. I r"-\ ' \.'.v . I - .. I\ . -· I .. ~.$ .... ~:~:·: ....... , . ·.;,. -I . .J. 11 --· ·: .. ·; ~: .. ·:·~: . : a====fil====' ... :'i·a====ll?====::!I .. : •,:.-::. •; ,.·ll'."• . ·.· ; · :.a===4:l====cell ~ f ~--. II 11==4I. p· ====-lll © ,r-- B .a.ELTA ...,._=---.ENGINEERING CONSULTING STRUCTURAL DESIGN ENGINEERS ll5 LivupoelDr.Suiu C Cu•irf. CA 92007 Tele: (619)942°86,H) Fu:: (619)$1,42•6189 I J.AT~L 1 41'J4L1SI S:, A-A · P\~J=c; tC5>J · f'A~ITIC)"1 ...L M~l?4 N ltJJ:: · == 4 & x (13+20 )-= l/i8!/-F'Lf· I rJT1cR1 O"f<. WN-1..,S -== 3x 4-X j = I:>'-f l-f S ~ SJ.,\ I C. Z()lJJ:: "4-:, z :,.. 0,4 t. -=2.75. Rw::. 1_ V.=-?I4 . w Rw V:=. o.4>c.f,c2,zb-7l6 3" xj V=-1 ~ f flf · .. . . -. . . . . ~ --. ~ ~ . -. Project: JfQ°.~ .... :J?.~.!.~1_~4 ....................... . By 9..:.~Yt':J Date )~/2.f.sht. No.T-!.f;or .... . Subject .......................................... Job No. 9 f.~_U, f/.\RTI Tl() ,J I 'II\ f:-ZZAhil Ni= ~ 26.1sx (13tJ.fi= ~ 7 ~~ ft 1tJf.ER,,oF_. 'N~-::. 3X ~ X 3: /2 0 rq:-- ~ELTA ..._ _____ __. ENGINEERING CONSULTING STRUCTURAL DESICN ENCINEERI J3j Liverpool Dr. Suite C Cullliff,CA 9200? Tele: (619)$142•8649 Fax: (USl)Sl,U•6Ul9 SHJ'.AR,. l.[h/I:-1,&:2 .( t.\-A OIR.L--<:.ift<N). L O ' "I' I ::: 1--5., i 22, 5" = -3 2. v = ~:! =-51 ftf- . ()S'i; .Srl.E:AR. NAU... Type (j) Gr\J.-GK ov.E~ T0R.1'1frJGr ·rt~ J.'5' wAu....... 0-T-'1 = 51 '<. 9.5,xr_o. = 560 Ii' FT~t..e-· W-=-]I.I.-< 7:·x_~ =;,_!.fl-}· .. ( --1. ;,f:J-{ ,. 'R1). . -. R,iv\ --1 2q'/(< 1-5 2. 1-8-xiox._-U ]" ~ L I :1. 2 0 · . K-'1--321 J f1~~ . ~ 2 JG•r~.o272 = ,.4~ )JC,. NO NilD 6J:: }-fO)..J)Qh/l'J i i0S 21-!S ~ Jr/AU..... Col-1 F~Rc TO i 5' 1-JJJil(_. "' Project: .ft.!.J.~ ...... ~ 1/.!.~?.!.t:-!4.r: ...................... . By C.:.~<!~. Date ~/./7.:fsht. No"!'!l Of .... . Subject .......................................... Job No<f fq_~ · , l /0 .A..n ELTA .....,/3, __ ENGINEERING CONSULTING STIIUCTUIIAL DESIGN ENCINEl!RI l!IS Livcrpul Dr. Suit& C C u4itt. CA 9200? Tch: (6U)Sl•42•86-49 Fax: (619)942•6189 I Q _I . / / JJ"= 1,5 t2--0 -=2zs :i 6 b . ,., V= ~ ~ 2 ~-= 3 06~ L5 . ?O~j · c H 1:: c.. l\ ov-J;R. T U"R..rJ 11.J Cir 'fcD, 9. !i / rJAU-- 0. 7-14. = 1°4 '1( 70>< tO-= j&8f FT-LB- • · o 4 1-2. '-is ·8 ,_ w = r o ?-" -')( -· : 4 :;) riy~. ·' 16 ns .._< ___ _ __f_ (MJ-L 'R,) 23, J /N.5fG<-Tf61/. . HlJk BcJJL()INq ProJect: ................................................................ . By t:;-.: ... ~~t}_ Date {f./J.~ . .Sht. No)-:!.0or .... . Subject .......................................... Job Nof (~.-ii ! 0 J· N O /IJt;.!; 9 o f-HO LJ)oW N S · ~ELTA h ENGINEERING CONSULTING STRUCTURAL DESICN ENO IN EE RI U!I Livcrpul Dr. Suite C C ar~i(f, CA 92001 Tele: (619)9.tlll•86'P Fas: (619)P·42•6Ul9 L ()~ f 4 I = .2. ;-~ = G v= .}]_)' 23b = i~0& ~~-2 ;2.066 v=-4~ =-44 .. 6 fl-t- us1= S1-lAA\\ vJA((_ TffZ:' 0 1::: /!SI V = · ( 1/:-t 14')x , '6 = ~ 7 6 32'16 'V= ------:...,;;__._ = 2!;!4f!..'.1:.. /5' l UJ'J=. .H(~l\ rJAU.... rnn= Ci) . · C.HJ::C-K ~l~fU\tN /t\/or . . . c?. T-1 =.n;t4 >.: 15> ll -4:tp 3 6 ·fT4. (6 tJ~ ~;x(7.St2-0)= 3{1 \'Lr· 2.. . ~ :'-\-<·'1 :a l $!,(~ ~ t g-,:11" f Jx 3 R, 1-1\ =:. 7~ 5' 2--"'F1-l.8. ~;:,: 42-(3'-~~~2, = '.)ii q ).J3,. it -·~-~t-..:.... .! Project: .... .l:U.J. .~ ...... i:?..V.! Jd?.f.l!.?.r .................. . By .r:.~.J.(!.t:I. Date U.11.f.Sht. No!-!.Jor .... . Subject .......................................... Job No. ?.P.. 02.-¥' · 01<- · -· ll' - /JI -·---..... --........... - ~ELTA ~ ENGINEERING CONSULTING STRUCTURAL DESIGN ENO IN EE-RI 13 5 Liverpool D.-. Suiu C Cu4irt. CA 92001 Tele: (619)9•0•860 Fu: (619)942•6189 L~ J,s' t 3 1 = 11,s' - V=. !:J-,. 136 = tff7z J.S. -} =-f ? ?2-=-, 72 :>\]_. . V I/, S-· \ l vsE S>i:E-1\R.. wAu._ T'fff=(D -· o:r.~.-=:. ,7i.><::s"'I( = t61' 1-1-i~. t,J = 2~ ~ (7.5tzo) = ·=Ii }71..f- 32. 31. R,tv\.= L l!"-~ t ~ xJI 1( T ]"' 3z... 3 l $ 1-T-L&. !!f7/i-3·,~ ,------------.3 ,18-.~ l.~- Project: .H)J.~ ...... t?..v.J~P.l.~~······················ By C.~.~.Y.N. Date U./2.l.sht. No.T-.~ ..... Subject .................... : ..................... 1 Job No. Jf ~.?J ! V.fE->i D2,l\ -;:<r\\ J.{OLl?<JWN S . 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By ~.: .. ~.Y.tJ Date 11.,dJ ... Sht. No!-.~2af .... . Subject .......................................... Job No. 1.(~2' -r:-.:r.rf!?. u f. ~ ,,x ,,, t, P~'-13LDC.KhJCr .G t6 o.c.. <r~~=~f¥9;::::~:~;~;~t;~~~;~=~~~· ~W~'/~S:=I J.t=?r r/ 1Tf HA~q"<S, 1Jl,/45. )).f. X nlz ,, @/6'10.(. . . ~ ~~R 'ri/.v-..---..i <D ----)_')( ~--...!-.--.-.__.._·.,!.._...__.,,. ______ • _____ ~-- ~ELTA ~ ENGINEERING CONSULTING STRUCTURAL DESICN ENGINEERS 13, Liverpool Dr. Suite C Car,air£. CA 9200'7 Tele: (619)942-86-19 Fu: (619)942-6189 ' . 11r-JK sv1w:,1wtr ProJect: ...........................•..................................... By C.~}Y.1Y. Date !~/16...~ht. NoJ-:-?or ..... Subject ......................................... : Job No. 1{~U ---2-l' STUDS Q /6v()..c_ 4X.4 f4S.f @ 1..tx.lr{/o,J o F- . rtOLr>aWtv S.. ~ fU\N, 2 ~ s1<.L f''-4T~ l~T w/ ½ ~¢ A,1:3 @4f1'ac:.... ' . C,oN(.,R-E:f1:; (tA'> . fE~ pL.41". .__ 2. -· if-5 tmT(lN(}OrJS. ,2.-i S C-ONftNUOVS:. ~,, ! _._~ -----1 [511 /,f-~-----.1!.k. 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Cf ~0+-T. -....i ___ .,,,._ ____ ___.'--'--¾ ''x f ~ f o,, .51'Ef:-L t'l4Tk' :w/ 2 - ¾llf ~!ll..T~ ~/113'f:;J711~ 5// ¼., :ic:,.G I/ u Slj/.rf,&-ST~' f MT~ TO R~Cl:1~ 1~ :E-4x t z. B~A tv\ . • )-~· , .. , ' ' I •• •, .,,> •' • .,t •• ~eotechnics Incorporated --- May 21, 1996 Donald Grover Architect 135 Liverpool Drive, Suite C Cardiff, California 92007 SUBJECT: REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 104 Proposed HIJK Building Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: Principals: Anthony F. Belfast Michael P. lmbriglio W. Lee Vanderhurst Project No. 0303-001-00 Doc. #6-0276 The following report presents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations· of our geotechnical investigation of the subject site. It is our understanding that the development is to consist of the construction of a single commercial structure with surrounding parking. The subject site has been previously graded and is presently vacant. In general, our findings indicate that the subject site is underlain by Santiago Formation and fill materials that are considered suitable to support the proposed structure, providing that the recommended site preparation is performed. There were no unusual or special conditions apparent in our investigation which would preclude the construction as planned. 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of our investigation was to evaluate the existing geotechnical conditions at the site_ as they relate to the proposed improvements, and to make recommendations regarding site L: preparation and grading, design of the proposed foundations, retaining walls, and slabs, and the construction of pavements. The recommendations contained herein are based on a surface .-, I. reconnaissance, subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, and professional experience in the general site area. Design values may include. presumptive parameters based on professional judgement. Our scope of work was limited to: 1.1 Review of available literature related to general geologic conditions. 9951 Business Park Ave., Ste. B • San Diego California • 92131 · Phone (619) 536-1000 • Fax (619) 536-8311 I• ) . i l. Donald Grover AIA May 21, 1996 Project No. 0303-001-00 Doc. #6-0276 Page 2 2.0 1.2 A visual reconnaissance and subsurface exploration of the site consisting of the drilling of three borings with a truck mounted eight inch hollow stem flight auger. Bulk and disturbed samples were collected for laboratory testing. 1.3 Laboratory testing of selected samples collected during the subsurface exploration. Testing was intended to assist in characterizing soil properties and assessing pertinent engineering properties. 1.4 Development of recommendations for site preparation, earthwork construction, foundation design, on-grade slabs, and earth retaining structures, and pavements. 1.5 Assessment of general seismic conditions and geologic hazards affecting the area, and their likely impact on the project. 1.6 Preparation of this report. SITE DESCRIPTION The site consists of a roughly rectangular lot, which averages approximately 240 feet in width and 430 feet in length. The site is located east of Faraday Avenue in the Carlsbad Research Center in Carlsbad, California as shown in the Site Location Map, Figure 1. Elevations of the existing building pad are between approximately 157 and 163 feet above sea level. The site is bordered .t on the north by an approximately 10 foot high 2: 1 (horizontal:vertical) slope which ascends to Lot 105 of the ~arlsbad Research Center. An approximately 8 foot high, descending 2: 1 slope separates the site from Lot 103 to the south. The entire eastern half of the lot consists of an approximately 50 foot high natural slope with an average gradient of approximately 2.5: 1. A concrete lined ditch at the toe of the slope directs surface runoff to the south along the daylight c~t, and then to _the west alo~g the top of the descending fill slope. Drainage within the pad area is directed by sheet flow to the southwest. Minor erosion of the building pad area is evident along the southwest edge of the lot, leading to a desilting basin in the southwest corner of the site. Vegetation on site consists of scattered light weeds in the building pad area, chaparral in the natural slope area, and partially landscaped fill slopes. An approximately 30 foot wide, well irrigated lawn area exists between the building pad area and Faraday Avenue. Within the lawn area there are 20 trees which are approximately 15 feet tall on average. The property is currently Vacant. The approximate layout of the site is shown in the Site Plan, Figure 2. Geotechnics Incorporated , f I - I I ' I i I I -::z::: SCALE: 1" -40' G] 0 VARIABLE SLOPE ~8-3 0 EXISTING 15' ELM TREES 0 0 o D LEGEND: -$-e.3 Approximate Location of Exploratory Boring --i r-Approximate Location of CuUFill Transition . i:::=;>, Approximate Location of Existing Concrete Lined Drainage Ditch Geotechnics -.......Jncorporated SITE PLAN HIJK Building, Lot 104 Donald Grover AIA ---220 210,---- Ou I I EXISTING DESIL TING STORM DRAIN BASIN PROJECT NO. 0303~bQ1-00 DOCUMENT NO. 6-0276 FIGURE 2 AGUA I H£DIONOA 'GOON '--, ----- ~ / -,..--------., -~ .; __ .,,,---- .. .-~:·::·~· ·:::: ... / (_..,,. \ ' \ !;( =I ~ ~ '· ~ I \ I I I I=: 1g \~ ' I I CA~~9i'. .......... __ .. ,~Q ... _ J .. . :oaa ~ "-' / ' ' / ,_ ,..., --..... 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ - ADAPTED FROM THE 1996 THOMAS BROTHERS GUIDE Geotechnics Incorporated ::::i ~-~ ~~-·· 1 ,~-· i . .-.AD' t-rAn I _.\I :'---K.<....>.1 s VJ , i !-U L,.;J\l..J .,,,,,. -_~-: . .:, ----..... --) I I \ \< ------------- 0 \~ ':<'.l. s ,------t-v1.f, I ',,R~ I W, n.1-1~£ .25 21 .5 / / / / --= --~---------0 SITE LOCATION MAP HIJK Building, Lot 104 Donald Grover, AIA .5 1.0 \ \ \ .75 .. \(\() _: ,JJ 1··· ..,;rr·---:: . ~\---~ 0 :'.i c::, $: --~~-~ C 3! ---/--_ ( /. ~ ;;--__.,...---i,.'l·'-:,.jnl/lJ J fr ").\~ ifi .~ ·--:-~ ::: -----= ~ \ \ ' '-'- 1.0 Miles Kilometers ( I ,..-::?. ..... ,~V' ~\<~ \-\._,..-, I ' I,.., '---c:.2 I c5 PROJECT NO. 0303-00-011 DOCUMENT NO. 6-0276 FIGURE 1 .. :z: SCALE: 1" -40' · EXISTING 15' -c::::: - ELM TREES LEGEND: -~ O.'V Q 0 o D -$-e.3 Approximate Location of Exploratory Boring -, r-Approximate Location of CuUFill Transition ~ Approximate Location of Existing Concrete Lined Drainage Ditch Geotechnics ~ncorporated ---- SITE PLAN HIJK Building, Lot 104 Donald Grover AIA Oji , I I o,: @] 220 PROJECT NO. 0303-001-00 DOCUMENT NO. 6-0276 FIGURE 2 ,, • • .• ~-•l, ' -.• ~ •4-·•----~t •• ----•-'-", ...... ~ ~ Donald Grover AIA May 21, 1996 3.0 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Project No. 0303-001-00 Doc. #6-0276 Page 3 We understand that the proposed construction will include an office building in the eastern area of the lot with surrounding parking. The building is anticipated to consist of a single story, 13,000 square foot concrete tilt-up structure. The preliminary site plan indicates that only minor grading is planned, consisting of cuts and fills of less than two feet. Various retaining walls are proposed for the site in areas where the proposed building will cut into the natural slope. The proposed site layout is shown in the Site Plan, Figure 2. Note that the proposed building location as shown in Figure 2 is preliminary. It is our understanding that final building size and location may vary from that shown. 4.0 GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The Carlsbad Research Center is located within the coastal plain section of the "Peninsular Range Geomorphic Province, and consists of Mesozoic metavolcanic rock, with overlying Cenozoic sedimentary sandstone and claystone: Our subsurface investigation indicates that the subject site is underlain primarily by Santiago Peak Volcanics and compacted fill. Prior to mass grading of the site, the building area of the lot was underlain-by deep alluvium associated with a canyon. Grading operations included the removal and compaction of this material. A transition from cut to fill exists at the contact between the filled building pad and the natural slope, as shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. The fill placed on the site was derived from nearby cuts into the Santiago formational material, the Santiago Peak Volcanics, and the canyon alluvial soils. A maximum , of approximately 45 feet of fill was placed on the lot during the grading operations. Prior to placing fill, ~ subdrain was com~tru_cted in the invert of the canyon that traversed the site. The approximate locations of the borings made for our investigation are shown in Figure 2. Logs of the explorati~ns are given in Appendix B. A description of the specific units encountered during our investigation follows. 4.1 Santiago Peak Volcanics The Santiago Peak Volcanics were observed in exposures on the cut slope in the eastern half of the lot. The volcanic rock is believed to underlie the entire site at depth. Santiago Peak Volcanics, as observed on_ site, typically consist of a mildly metamorphosed, metavolcanic rock. The material exposed in the cut slope was highly jointed, with clay · filled joints. This material is dry to moist, very dense, and has a low to medium plasticity. Geoteclmics Incorporated :, .. Donald Grover AIA May 21, 1996 4.2 Fill j Project No. 0303-001-00 Doc. #6-0276 Page 4 Fill was encountered during our subsurface exploration in all of the borings to the maximum explored depth of 21 feet. Based on a review of records of Geotechnics Incorporated, including the As-Graded Geotechnical Report (Geotechnics lncororated, 1994), the depth of fill beneath the proposed building location appears to vary from zero feet along the toe of the cut slope, to a maximum of approximately 45 feet in the southern portion of the lot where the subdrain crosses the southern property line. The fill was derived from the Santiago Formation, the Santiago Peak Volcanics, and alluvium. Fill materials will vary considerably based on their source. However, the predominant fill observed in our subsurface investigation consisted of a clayey sand with gravel (SC). The sand was generally fine to medium grained, and had a medium plasticity. The fill was generally olive brown in color, moist, and medium dense to dense. The fill contained considerable amounts of hard, angular, metavolcanic rocks of up to 3 inches or more in diameter, which were clearly derived from the Santiago Peak Volcanics. In addition, the fill contained fragments of fat claystone (CH) of up to one inch in diameter. 4.3 Groundwater No seepage or groundwater was observed in our investigation. Changes in rainfall or site drainage could produce seepage or locally perched groundwater conditions within the soil ·" or bedrock underlying the site. It should be recognized that excessive irrigation on the proje_ct site could also caus~ perched groundwater conditions to develop at some future date. This typically occurs at underlying contacts with less permeable materials, such as the interface that exists betwe·en the fill and the underlying formational material. Since the prediction of the location of such conditions is not possible, they are typically mitigated if and when they occur. Geotechnics Incorporated Donald Grover AIA May 21, 1996 5.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS AND SEISMICITY 5.1 Geologic Hazards Project No. 0303-001-00 Doc. #6-0276 Page 5 The immediate subject site is not located within an area previously known for geologic hazards, nor was evidence of past soil failures or faulting noted in our investigation. Liquefaction of the underlying soils is not considered a hazard due to the lack of shallow groundwater and the relatively high density of the Santiago Formation materials. 5.2 Seismicity and Faulting The subject site is located approximately 5.0 miles northeast of the projected offshore trace-of the Rose Canyon fault zone. This fault zone is classified as active, and capable of generating a magnitude 6.4 earthquake (maximum probable event). The estimated peak site ground acceleration for such an event is 0.42g. Design of structures should comply with the requirements of the governing jurisdictions, building codes and standard practices of the Association of Structural Engineers of California. Ground-breaking due to active faulting is considered to have a low potential, due to the distance from known, active fault traces. Geotechnics Incorpornted Donald Grover AIA May 21, 1996 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 General Discussion Project No. 0303-001-00 Doc. #6-0276 Page 6 No geotechnical conditions were apparent during the investigation which would preclude construction of the proposed structures as planned. However, some geotechnical constraints exist which require special design consideration in order to decrease the likelihood of distress to the proposed structures. • The on-site soils include both medium dense fill, and very dense metavolcanic rock. The proposed building layout places the structure over both rock and fill materials. Transitions from rock to fill below foundations and slabs are not recommended due to the different settlement characteristics of the materials, and the resulting potential for differential movements. Consequently, we are recommending removal of the volcanic rock beneath the building area, and replacement as a compacted fill in order to provide more uniform settlement characteristics. • The on-site fill soils are moderately expansive. The use of the expansive soil under structures creates the risk of slab and foundation movement and cracking. We are providing recommendations to help reduce the potential of distress due to soil expansion. • The site contains deep fill. It has our experience that even well documented compacted fills may undergo hydrocompression on the order of 0.2 percent of the fill height. This may result in differential settlements across the length of the proposed structure. If moderate differential settlement is tolerable for the proposed structure, then conventional shallow foundations may be used. However, if the risk associated with moderate settlement is deemed unacceptable, then other options should be ·employed such as the use of deep foundations. The remainder of this report presents recommendations in detail. These recommendations are based on empirical and analytical methods typical of the standard of practice in southern California. If these recommendations appear not to cover any specific feature of the project, please contact our office for additions or revisions to the recommendations. Geotechnics Incorpomted Donald Grover AIA May 21, 1996 6.2 Site Preparation 'Project No. 0303-001-00 Doc. #6-0276 Page 7 6.2.1 General: Clearing of the existing site should include the removal of any pipes, vegetation, or general debris. Any deleterious material, including construction debris, rocks over 6 inches in greatest dimension, or soil containing vegetation should not be used in site fills, and should be disposed of off-site. 6.2.2 Debris Basin: A temporary debris basin was installed during rough grading of the subject site in the southeast corner of the lot. Soft sediments have accumulated within the basin since initial construction. All soft sediments within the basin should be removed to a depth where competent fill material is encountered. The entire excavation should then be brought up to finish sur-face grade with compacted fill as discussed in Section 6.4. In the event that the existing storm drain pipes within the debris basin are to be· abandoned, they should be removed and their excavations backfilled with compacted fill in accordance with Section 6.4. 6.2.3 Building Areas: In the building. area, including at least five feet outside the structural perimeters, all volcanic rock should be removed to a depth of ten feet below planned subgrade and stockpiled. The stockpiled soil that is free of deleterious material should then be replaced as a compacted fill in accordance with Section 6.4. The over-excavation envelope should be accurately staked prior l to commencement of the excavation operations. The bottom of the excavation should be observed by the geotechnical consultant to confirm that conditions are as anticipated. These recommendations should be considered subject to revision based on field conditions observed by the geotechnical consultant. In order to decrease the potential for differential heave due to the moderately expansive nature of the on-site fill soil, all material within the building pad area, as well as five feet outside of the building perimeter, should be removed to a depth of two feet below proposed grade, and stockpiled. The stockpiled soil that is free of deleterious material should then be replaced as a compacted fill at a moisture content that is at least five percentage points above optimum moisture, based on ASTM D1557. Because of the benefit of decreased expansion potential, the minimum compaction considered necessary is 87 percent of ASTM D1557 maximum density. Gcotcchnics Incmpomtcd Donald Grover AIA May 21, 1996 Project No. 0303-001-00 Doc. #6-0276 Page 8 6.2.4 Asphalt Concrete Parking and Drives: The soil within the upper one foot of pavement subgrade should be compacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction based on ASTM D1557. 6.3 Excavation and Grading Observation Foundation excavations and site grading excavations should be observed by Geotechnics Incorporated. During grading, Geotechnics Incorporated should provide observation and testing services continuously. Such observations are considered essential to identify field conditions that differ from those anticipated by the preliminary investigation, to adjust designs to actual field conditions, and to determine that the grading is accomplished in general accordance with the recommendations of this report. Recommendations presented in this report are contingent upon Geotechnics Incorporated performing such services. Our personnel should perform sufficient testing of fill during grading to support our professional opinion as to compliance with compaction recommendations. 6.4 Fill Compaction All fill and backfill to be placed in association with site development should be accom- plished at slightly over optimum moisture conditions and using equipment that is capable of producing a uniformly· compacted product. The minimum relative compaction recommended for fill is 90 percent of maximum density based on ASTM D1557, except ' as modified in previous paragraphs. Sufficient observation and testing should be perfqrmed by Geotechnics _Incorporated so that an opinion can be rendered as to the compaction achieved. Imported fill sources, if needed, should be observed prior to hauling onto the· site to determine the suitability for use. Representative samples of imported materials and on site soils should be tested by the geotechnical consultant in order to evaluate their appropriate engineering properties for the planned use. During grading operations, soil types other than those analyzed in the geotechnical reports may be encountered by the contractor. The geotechnical consultant should be notified to evaluate the suitability of these soils for use as fill and as finish grade soils. Geoteclmics Incorporated Donald Grover AIA May 21, 1996 6.5 Surface Drainage Project No. 0303-001-00 Doc. #6-0276 Page 9 Foundation and slab performance depends greatly on how well the runoff waters drain from the site. This is true both during construction and over the entire life of the structure. The ground surface around structures should be graded so that water flows rapidly away from the structures without ponding. The surface gradient needed to achieve this depends on the prevailing landscape. In general, we recommend that pavement and lawn areas within five feet of buildings slope away at gradients of at least two percent. Densely vegetated areas should have minimum gradients of at least five percent away from buildings in the first five feet. Densely vegetated areas are considered those in which the planting type and spacing is such that the flow of water is impeded. Planters should be built so that water from them will not seep into the foundation, slab, or pavement areas. Roof drainage should be channeled by pipe to storm drains, or discharge at least 5 feet from building lines. Site irrigation sho'uld be limited to the minimum necessary to sustain landscaping plants. Should excessive irrigation, surface water intrusion, water line breaks, or unusually high rainfall occur, saturated zones or "perched" groundwater may develop in the underlying soils. 6.6 Foundation Recommendations Because of the potential for differential movements due to the moderately expansive t nature of the on-site soil, we recommend that the planned structures be constructed on a de~pened and reinforced footing and slab system. However, shallow foundations will be susceptible to differential settlement as discussed below. If such settlement is deemed unacceptable, then other alternatives are available, such as the use of deep foundations. The design of shallow foundations should be conducted by the project structural engineer, using the following soil parameters. Geoteclmics Incoipornted : I •• Donald Grover AIA May 21, 1996 6.6.1 Shallow Foundations Allowable Soil Bearing: Minimum Footing Width: Minimum Footing Depth: Minimum Reinforcement: Project No. 0303-001-00 Doc. #6-0276 Page 10 2,000 lbs/ft2 (allow a one-third increase for short- term wind or seismic loads) 12 inches 24 inches below lowest adjacent soil grade Two no. 4 bars at both top and bottom in continuous footings. Lateral loads against structures may be resisted by friction between the bottoms .of footings or slabs and the supporting soil. A coefficient of friction of 0.2 is recommended. In addition, a passive pressure of 250 lbs/ft3 is recommended for the portion of vertical foundation members embedded into compacted fill. 6.6.2 Settlement: It, has our experience that compacted fills will experience hydrocompression settlement due to infiltration of rain or irrigation water into the fill. This, and the expected foundation loads, may result in a differential settlement of approximately 1 inch across the-length of the proposed structure. If this differential settlement is tolerable for the proposed structure, then conventional shallow foundations may be used. However, if the risk associated with moderate settlement is deemed unacceptable, then other options should be employed such as the use of deep foundations. This condition should be revieweq by the project structural engineer. If this is found to be unacceptable, please contact Geotechnics Incorporated for additional recommendations. 6. 7 On-Grade Slabs Building slabs should be supported by compacted fill prepared as recommended under Section 6.2. Slabs should be designed for the anticipated loading. If an elastic design is used, a modulus of subgrade reaction of 150 kips/ft3 should be suitable. As a minimum, slabs should be at least 6 inches in thickness and be reinforced with at least #3 bars on 18 inch centers, each way. Geotechnics Incorporated _,/·' Donald Grover AIA May 21, 1996 Project No. 0303-001-00 Doc. #6-0276 Page 11 6.7.1 Moisture Protection for Slabs: Concrete slabs constructed on soil ultimately cause the moisture content to rise in the underlying soil. This results from continued capillary rise and the termination of normal evapotranspiration. Because normal concrete is permeable, the moisture will eventually penetrate the slab unless some protection is provided. To decrease the likelihood of problems related to damp slabs, suitable moisture protection measures should be used where moisture sensitive floor coverings or other factors warrant. A commonly used moisture protection consists of about four inches of clean sand covered by 'visqueen' plastic sheeting. In addition, two inches of sand are placed over the plastic to decrease concrete curing problems associated with placing concrete directly on an impermeable membrane. However, ft has been our experience that such systems will transmit from approximately 6 to 12 pounds of moisture per 1000 square feet per day. This may be excessive for some applications. If more protection is needed, we recommend that the slab be underlain by at least 6-inches of minus 3/4-inch crushed rock, with no plastic membrane. In addition, it is recommended that a low water-cement ratio (0.5 maximum) be used for concrete, and that. the slab be moist-cured for at least five days in accordance with methods recommended by the American Concrete Institute. On-site quality control should be used to confirm the design conditions. 6.7.2 Exterior Slabs If exterior improvements such as slabs and sidewalks are constructed on the moderately expansive site soils, some movement and cracking should be expected. Reinforcement and control joints will reduce the cracking and movement potential. As a minimal recommendation, slabs should be at least 5 inches thick and should be reinforced with at least #3 rebars on 24 inch centers, each way (or alternatively 6" x 6"-W2.9 x W2.9 WWF). Crack control joints should be placed qn at least 10 foot centers, each way. Differential movement between buildings and exterior slabs, or between sidewalks and curbs may be decreased by dowelling the slab into the foundation or curb. Geotechnics Incoipornted Donald Grover AiA May 21, 1996 6.8 Expansive Soils Project No. 0303-001-00 Doc. #6-0276 Page 12 The soils observed during our investigation consisted primarily of low plasticity clayey sands (SC) with gravel. Laboratory testing of representative samples indicates that the site soils have a low to moderate expansion potential, based on Uniform Building Code criteria. Figure C-3 in the appendix summarizes the expansion test results. 6.9 Reactive Soils Because of the likelihood that the sulfate content of the on-site soil or groundwater is sufficient to react adversely with normal cement, we recommend that Type 11 cement be used in all concrete which will be in contact with soil. 6.10 Earth Retaining Structures Backfilling retaining wall with highly expansive soil can increase lateral pressures well beyond normal active or at-rest pressures. We recommend that retaining walls be backfilled with soil having and expansive index of 20 or less. The backfill area should include the zone defined by a 1: 1 sloping plane, back from the base of the wall. Cantilever retaining walls should be designed for an active earth pressure approximated by an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 lbs/ft3• The active pressure should be used for walls free to yield at the top at least 0.2 percent of the wall height. For walls restrained so that t such movement is not permitted, an equivalent fluid pressure of 55 lbs/ft3 should be used, baseq on at-rest soil conditions with level backfill. The above pressures do not consider any surcharge loads or hydrostatic pressures. If these are applicable, they will increase the lateral pressures on the wall and we should be contacted for additional recommendations. Walls should contain an adequate subdrain to eliminate any hydrostatic forces. Typical wall drain detains are given in Figure 3. Retaining wall backfill should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction, based on ASTM D1557. Backfill should not be placed until walls have achieved adequate structural strength. Heavy compaction equipment which could cause distress to walls should not be used. Geotechnics Incorporated , .. ,. PANEL DRAIN: MIRADRAIN 6000, MIRADRAIN 6200, TENSAR DC1100, JDRAIN 100, OR APPROVED SIMILAR. CONSTRUCTION SLOPE MINUS 3/4-INCH CRUSHED ROCK ENVELOPED IN FILTER FABRIC (MIFAFI 140N, SUPAC 4NP, OR APPROVED SIMILAR) 1 CUBIC FOOT PER LINEAR FOOT 4-INCH DIAM. ADS OR PVC PERFORATED PIPE NOTES DAMP-PROOFING OR WATER-PROOFING AS REQUIRED COMPACTED BACKFILL 1) Subdrain perforated pipe should have a fall of at least 1.5%. Perforated pipe should outlet to a solid pipe carrying the drainage to a free gravity outfall. Slope of outlet pipe should be at least 1 %. 2) P.anel drain should be glued or nailed to the wall and spliced in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. Fabric side of panel should face the backfill soil. 3) Drain installation should be observed by the geotechnical consultant prior to backfilling. Geotechnics Incorporated RETAINING WALL DRAIN HIJK Building, Lot 104 Donald Grover, AIA PROJECT NO. 0303-001-00 DOCUMENT NO. 6-0276 FIGURE3 Donald Grover AIA May 21, 1996 6.11 Pavements Project No. 0303-001-00 Doc. #6-0276 Page 13 Two traffic types are assumed: areas of light traffic and passenger car parking (Traffic Index = 4.5), and access drives and truck routes (Traffic Index = 6.0). The project civil engineer should review these values to determine if they are appropriate. Laboratory R- Value tests conducted on a representative sample of the on-site soils indicated that an R- Value of 5 should be used for pavement design. Based on the assumed Traffic Index, and the R-Value determined in the laboratory, the following pavement sections are recommended in accordance with the CAL TRANS design method. DESIGN SECTION ·. TRAFFIC INDEX ASPHALT CONCRETE AGGREGATE BASE 4.5 3 inches 8 inches 6.0 4 inches 12 inches Concentrated truck traffic areas, such as trash truck aprons, should consist of six inches of Portland cement concrete over native subgrade. Concrete should be reinforced with at least number 4 bars on 24-inch centers, each way. The upper 12 inches of the pavement subgrade should be scarified, brought to about optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 95% of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557. Aggregate base should conform to Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, crushed aggregate base, crushed miscellaneous base, or processed miscellaneous base. 7.0 LIMITATIONS OF INVESTIGATION This investigation was performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geotechnical consultants practicing in this or similar localities. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional opinions included in this report. The samples taken and used for testing and the observations made are believed representative of the project site; however, soil and geologic conditions can vary significantly between borings. As in most projects, conditions revealed by excavation may be at Geotechnics Incoiporated ,. l ·. r : . Donald Grover AJA May 21, 1996 Project No. 0303-001-00 Doc. #6-0276 Page 14 variance with preliminary findings. If this occurs, the changed conditions must be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant and additional recommendations made, if warranted. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the necessary design consultants for the project and incorporated into the plans, and the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractors carry out such recommenda- tions in the field. The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the condition of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether due to natural processes or the work of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards of practice may occur from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years. *** GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED 2 Anthony F. Belfast, P.E. 40333 Principal Engineer Geotechnics Incorporated KennethW. Shaw, C.E.G.1251 Project Geologist APPENDIX A REFERENCES American Society for Testing and Materials (1992). Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 4, Construction, Volume 04.08 Soil and Rock; Dimension Stone; Geosynthetics, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1296 p. Anderson, J. G. , Rockwell, T. K., Agnew, D. C. (1989). Past and Possible Future Earthquakes of Significance to the San Diego Region, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 5, No. 2. pp 299-335. Bowles, J. E. (1982). Foundation Analysis and Design, 3rd ed.: New York, McGraw Hill, 816 p. California Division of Mines and Geology (1975). Recommended Guidelines for Determining the Maximum Credible and the Maximum Probable Earthquakes, California Division of Mines and Geology Notes, Number 43. California Division of Mines and Geology (1982). Recent Slope Failures, Ancient Landslides, and Related Geology of the North-Central Coastal Area, San Diego County, California, California Division of Mines and Geology, Open File Report 82-12 LA. International Conference of Building Officials (1991 ). Uniform Building Code (with California Amendments) Title 23. Geotechnics Incorporated (1994). As-Graded Geotechnical Report, Unit 5, Carlsbad Research Center,Carlsbad, California, Project No. 0017-001-01, April 29, 1994. Geotechnics Incorporated (1996). Proposal For Geotechnical Services, Geotechnical Investigation for Commercial Construction, Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 104, Carlsbad, California, Proposal No. 6-038, February 16, 1996. Jennings, C. W. (1975). Fault Map of California, California Division of Mines and Geology, California, Geologic Data Map Series. ' Kennedy, M. P., and Peterson, G. L. (1975). Geology of San Diego Metropolitan Area, California: California Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin 200, 56 p. San Diego Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. (1984). As Graded Geotechnical Report, Carlsbad Research Center, Phase II and Ill, Carlsbad Tract No. 81-10, Carlsbad California, Job No. SD1162-10, September 10, 1984. San Diego Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. (1988). Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Carlsbad Research Center, Phase V, Carlsbad California, Job No. 05-2863-035-00-00, February 22, 1988. Trieman, J. A. (1984). The Rose Canyon Fault Zone --A Review and Analysis, California Division of Mines and Geology unpublished report, 106 p. Wesnousky, S. G. (1986). Earthquakes, Quaternary Faults, and Seismic Hazard in California: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 91, no. B12, p. 1.2587-12631. Geoteclmics Incorpomted APPENDIX B FIELD EXPLORATION Field exploration consisted of a visual reconnaissance of the site, and the drilling of three exploratory borings with a truck-mounted, hollow stem, continuous flight drill rig on April 23, 1995. The borings were 8 inches in diameter, and were drilled to a maximum depth of 21 feet. The approximate locations of the borings are shown on Figure 2. Logs describing the subsurface conditions encountered are presented on the following Figures B-1 through B-3. Disturbed samples were collected using a Standard Penetration Test sampler (2-inch outside diameter). Standard Penetrometer samples were sealed in plastic bags, labeled, and returned to the laboratory for testing. The drive weight for these samples was a 140-pound, down-hole hammer with a free fall of 30 inches. For each sample, we recorded the number of blows needed to drive the sampler 6, 12, and 18 inches. The number of blows needed to drive the final 12 inches is shown on the attached logs under "blows per ft." Bulk samples are indicated on the boring logs with shading, whereas Standard Pen samples are indicated with vertical lines. Boring locations were established in the field by pacing and by estimation using the plans ' provided. The locations shown should not be considered more accurate than is implied by the method of m~asurement used. The lines designating the interface between soil units on the test pit logs are determined by interpolation and are therefore approximations. The transition between the materials may be abrupt or gradual. Further, soil conditions at locations between the borings may be substantially different from those at the specific locations explored. It should be recognized that the passage of time can result in changes in the soil conditions reported in our logs. Geoteclmics Inco1pomted Logged by MAF Method of Drilling: i=-i-= w w u:-u. ..J ..J w a. (.) a: a. w :E :E e:. !:. w a. <( <( ~ :c ~ en en I-w ~ en a. > ..J z w 0 ~ ::::> w 0 ..J m 0 m 0 1 '- 2 19 3 4 5 27 6 7 8 9 10 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ~ 0 w a: ::::> I-en 0 :E LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 1 8 INCH HOLLOW STEM FLIGHT AUGER Date: 4/23/96 Elevation: 161 DESCRIPTION 1flLL: Clayey sand l;:,1,.;J, line to medium grained, low plast1c1ty, olive brown, mo1sf, medium dense to dense. Contains some angular gravel and cobbles, as well as green, white and red claystone fragments. Same. Contains a 4" layer of relatively clean sand (SP-SC). Same. Large cobble@ 13'. TOTAL DEPTH = 15 FEET REFUSAL @ 15 FEET NO GROUNDWATER BACKFILLED 4/23/96 LAB TESTS GRADATION R-VALUE SULFATE PROJECT NO. 0303-001-00 'GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE: B-1 Logged by MAF Method of Drilling: i=' ~ w w ii:' u. ..J ..J w 0:: a. a. 0 w :l: :l: e:. !:!:. w a. <( <( ~ J: ~ rn rn I-w ::r.::: en a. > ..J z w 0 ii: :::, w 0 ..J m 0 m 0 2 31 3 4 5 27 6 7 8 9 10 21 11 12 13 14 15 24 16 17 18 19 20 25 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ";!!. w 0:: :::, I-rn 0 ~ , ......... ,,. LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 2 8 INCH HOLLOW STEM FLIGHT AUGER DESCRIPTION Same. Same. Same. Contains considerable angular cobble size rock fragments. Same. TOTAL DEPTH= 21 FEET NO GROUNDWATER BACKFILLED 4/23/96 PROJECT NO. 0303-001-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED .I • • • •• • ' • • • .~ • -~ - Date: 4/23/96 Elevation: 160 LAB TESTS GRADATION HYDROMETER ATTERBERG EXPANSION pH & RESISTIVITY FIGURE: 8-2 APPENDIX C LABORATORY 'fESTING Selected representative samples of soils encountered were tested using test methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials, or other generally accepted standards. A brief description of the tests performed follows: Classification: Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Visual classification was supplemented by laboratory testing of selected samples and clas- sification in accordance with ASTM D2487. The soil classifications are shown on the Boring Logs. Particle Size Analysis: Particle size analyses were performed in accordance with ASTM D422. The grain size distribution was used to determine presumptive strength parameters used to develop foundation design criteria. The results are given in Figures C-1 through C-3. Atterberg Limits: ASTM D4318-84 was used to determine the liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index of a selected fine-grained sample. The results are summarized in Figures C-2. Expansion Index: The expansion potential of selected soils was characterized by using the test method ASTM D 4829. Figure C-4 provides the results of the tests. Sulfate Content To assess their potential for reactivity with concrete, a representative sample was tested for content of water-soluble sulfate minerals using CAL TRANS method 417 (Part I). The results are listed in Figure C-4. pH and Resistivity: To assess their potential for reactivity with metal pipe, a representative sample was tested for pH and resistivity, using CALTRANS method 643. The results are given in Figure C-4. R-Value: An R-Value test was performed on representative pavement area materials in accordance with ASTM D 2844-89. The results are given in the text. Geotechnics fucorporated 100 90 80 .... 70 .c Cl 'cij s 60 >, .Q li; 50 C u:: t: 40 a, f: a, . a. 30 20 10 0 1.00 ... 1-1/2" 3/4" 3/8" #4 --.... ~ ... 10 COARSE I FINE GRAVEL SAMPLE #8 U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 - 7111....i"- ~I',,. ''\ '\ I\ ) l \ \ I 1' '\ I I I ~I '\J,_ i j\,I!>! ! 1 G . s· M"II O' 1 ram 1ze in I imeters COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATIOt-.!: SC EXPLORATION NUMBER: B1 SAMPLE LOCATION: 1' -4' DESCRIPTION: CLAYEY SAND Geotechnics SOIL CLASSIFICATION Incorporated HIJK Building, Lot 104 Donald Grover, AIA Hydrometer ' . 0.01 0.001 SILT AND CLAY A TTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT: PLASTICITY INDEX: Project No. 0303-001-00 Document No. 6-0276 FIGURE C-1 :, ;. t .. ~- ;, r-• l (• r ~ ~ i- F I ~ r t f ; ~ ,. ~ ~ 100 90 80 .... 70 .c Cl Q) ~60 >-.Q t50 i:: . u:: c:40 Q) ~ Q) fl. 30 20 10 0 100 1-1/2° -3/4" -3/8" #4 -.... ~ -- 10 COARSE I FINE GRAVEL SAMPLE #8 #16 U.S. S~dard Sie155izes #100 #200 --m-.. --~ "'11-... I"-. "' '\. '\ "'- '""" '\. 'El! " ' " 1 G . s· . M"II" O. 1 ram 1ze m 1 ,meters COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SC EXPLORATION NUMBER: B3 SAMPLE LOCATION: 1' -4' DESCRIPTION: CLAYEY SAND Geotechnics SOIL CLASSIFICATION Incorporated HIJK Building, Lot 104 Donald Grover, AIA Hydrometer " I.._ ----m -~IL 0.01 SILT AND CLAY I I I I I I I ! i I I ! r -1 -, ------I -~ ! I l A TTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: 36 PLASTIC LIMIT: 17 PLASTICITY INDEX: 19 0.001 Project No. 0303-001-00 Document No. 6-0276 FIGURE C-2 < 100 90 80 l: 70 Cl ·cu 3: 60 >, .c ; 50 C . u:: t: 40 C1) f: C1) a. 30 20 10 0 100 ---~~~ ....----r'?. 1-1/2" 3/4" -3/8" ~---~- 10 COARSE I FINE GRAVEL SAMPLE -#4 ~ """ ,.........--..- 1 ~ :--~ ;--....,.., ,_ r-r--:-; #8 #16 U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes #30 #50 #100 -m------"",, 1, "-"' 1t \ \ \ \, #200 '\. '\ i\ -~ 1G . s· . M"II" 0 · 1 ram 1ze m 1 1meters COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SC ~---i EXPLORATION NUMBER: 83 SAMPLE LOCATION: 1' -4' DESCRIPtiON: CLAYEY SAND Geotechnics SOIL CLASSIFICATION Incorporated HIJK Building, Lot 104 Donald Grover, AIA ,...~--~\ ,--,.--.. -,, Hydrometer 0.01 SILT AND CLAY \ I ' -. --, ._ ~ -.a.J ,_""'.:·.-7 0.001 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT: PLASTICITY INDEX: Project No. 0303-001-00 Document No. a~o276 FIGURE C-3 , ' > r.i .. ,.. ~ .- ;-,_ ~· ( ,• _, "' ,. ~ !~ f ~- [ ~--I! r ! ~ t: ~ f, } t, l,., i' ~: t• ~ ~ ' t, E ;. r I pH & RESISTIVITY TEST RESULTS (ASTM D 2844) SAMPLE I pH I RESISTIVITY [OHM-CM] 82&3 @ 2' -3½' I 7.3 I 870 SULFATE TEST RESULTS (CAL TRANS 417) SAMPLE I SULFATE CONTENT I 81@ 2' -3½' < 800 P.P.M. EXPANSION TEST RESULTS (ASTM D 4829) SAMPLE I EXPANSION INDEX I 82@ 1' -4' 46 83@ 1' -4' 66 I · UBC TABLE NO. 29-C, CLASSIFICATION OF EXPANSIVE SOIL EXPANSION INDEX 0-20 21-50 51-90 91-130 Above 130 O· Geotechnics Incorporated POTENTIAL EXPANSION Very low Low Medium High Verv hiah Laboratory Test Results HIJK Building, Lot 104 Donald Grover, AIA Project No. 0303-001-00 Document No. 6-0276 Figure C-4 TITLE 24 REPORT FOR: HIJK Building Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 14 Carlsbad PROJECT DESIGNER: Donald Grover Architect 135 Liverpool Drive, Suite C Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007 (619) 436-4951 REPORT PREPARED BY: Michael Dell DELL CO. 1629 York Drive Vista, CA 92084 (619) 940-0064 Job Number: 121096gw Date: 1/9/1997 The COMPLY 24 computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program has approval and is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by Gabel Dodd Associates (510) 428-0803. ,, .. 1 Table Of Contents for Title 24 Report Cover Page . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Table of Contents ............•...................................... 2 Nonresidential Performance Title 24 Forms ........................... 3 HVAC System !_oacls Summar'Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Zone Loads Summary • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 HVAC equipment Spec Sheets . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 PERF-1 page 3 of 41 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 1 of 3) .~un Initiation Time: 11:59:16 Runcode: 1712-573071232 Project Name: HIJK Building Address: Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 14 Carlsbad Designer: Donald Grover Architect Documentation: DELL CO. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE :Date: 1/9/1997 I '----------: suilding Permit No I '----------: checked by I Date I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 This Certificate of Compliance lists the Building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6, of the State Building Code. This certificate applies only to a Building using the performance compliance approach. The Principal Designers hereby certify that the proposed building design represented in the construction documents and modelled for this permit application are consistent with all other forms and worksheets, specifi- cations, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building as designed meets the energy efficiency requirements of the State Building Code, Title 24, Part 6, Chapter 1. 1. I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed as a civil engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer or architect. 2. I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor preparing documents for work that I have contracted to perform. 3. I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section ____ of the _____ Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and for the following reason: ______________ _ SCOPE OF COMPLIANCE (Designers should circle applicable paragraph numbers) ENVELOPE.-Required Forms: ENV-1, ENV-2 Principal Designer Donald Grover Architect (619) 436-4951 LIGHTING - Principal Designer Progressive Electric Co. (619) 741-1593 MECHANICAL -- Principal Designer West Air Mechanical (619) 603-9549 Location of Mandatory Required Location Required Location Forms: LTG-1, LTG-2 of Mandat ry~ ( ::-ignature) (Signature) Plans 2 3 1 2 3 (Circle) I 21-1 2 3 (Date) (Circle) PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 2 of 3) PERF-1 page 4 of 41 _Run Initiation Time: 11:59:16 Runcode: 1712-573071232 Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. lDate: 1/9/1997 I I lCOMPLY 24 User 1712 ANNUAL SOURCE ENERGY USE SUMMARY (KBtu/sqft-yr) Energy Component Space Heating Space Cooling Indoor Fans Heat Rejection Pumps Domestic Hot Water Lighting Receptacle Process TOTALS GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area: Average Ceiling Height: Glass Area/ Wall Area: Average Glazing U-Value: Front Orientation: 270 deg Number of Stories: Number of Zones: Number of Occupancies: ZONE INFORMATION Floo, Area Zone Name (sqft) ------------------------------ HP 1 Art Dept 907 HP 2 Office 240 HP 1 Books 177 HP 2 Lobby 756 HP 3 Office 636 HP 3 l_ibrary 392 HP 4 Lobby 913 HP 4 Conference 361 HP 4 Restroom/Corrido, 467 HP 4 Lunch Room 173 HP 4 Office 164 HP 6 Mezzanine 1207 HP 5 Co,ridor 220 HP 5 Art Dept 648 7261 19.0 0.24 1.19 ( w) 2 14 6 Standard Proposed Compliance Design Design Margin ...... ,.._ .................................. ..._ ...... ......, .................... -...... ______ .. ..,. __ _. ........... 7.73 7.27 0.45 40.20 40.61 -·O. 41 42.06 39.87 2 .19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.29 9.21 1.07 51.85 52.27 -0.4'.L 16.77 16.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ...................... , ......................... -----------......... .. ......................................................... 168.90 166.01 2.89 Compliance Method: COMPLY 24 v5.00 Location: Carlsbad Climate Zone: 7 SERVICE WATER HEATING System Type: System Efficiency: Pipe Insulation: Electric Res 0.87 0 Display Inst Tailored Process Tailored Perim. LPD Lighting Loads Vent. (ft) ( w/sf) (watts) ( w/sf) (y/n) ---------------------------.......,........, ______ 0 2.21 0 0 N 0 0.83 0 0 N 0 1.13 0 0 N 0 1.53 0 0 N 0 2.29 0 0 I\J 0 0.77 0 0 N 0 1.43 0 0 N 0 2.49 0 0 N 0 1.54 0 0 N 0 3.75 0 0 N 0 1.52 0 0 N 0 1.33 0 0 N 0 1.36 0 0 N 0 2.85 0 0 I\J ,, .. 1 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 3 of 3) _Run Initiation Time: 11:59:16 Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. PERF-1 page 5 of 41 Runcode: 1712-573071232 :Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation is accurate and complete. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Michael Dell (619) 940-0064 (Signature) EXCEPTIONAL CONDITIONS COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST /·/c:9-f?? (Date) The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. Interior Airwall Absorptance Value Entered= 0.000 HP 1 Art Dept Occupancy type of Precision Industrial has been selected HP 5 Art Dept Occupancy type of Precision Industrial has been selected BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF EXCEPTIONAL FEATURES JUSTIFICATION: The exceptional features listed in this performance approach application have specifically been reviewed. Adequate written justification and documentation for their use have been provided by the applicant. authorized signature or stamp CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Envelope ~Run Initiation Time: 11:59:16 Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. OPAQUE SURFACES Const Assembly Name Type Location/Comments R-19 Metal Stud Wall R-19 Roof R-0 Floor (F.0.2x6.16) Interior Airwall Carpeted Slab On Grade 6" Concrete Wall Hollow Metal Door FENESTRATION Frame Orient Panes Type ------------------ Left ( N ) 1 Metal Back ( E ) 1 i"'lete.l Right ( s ) 1 Metal Front ( w) 1 Metal Skylight 1 Metal Metal Wood ~food None None None None Exterior Shade -----------------------None None None None None OH N N 1\1 N N ENV-1 page 6 of 41 Runcode: 1712-573071232 :oate: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 Glazing Type Note to Field -----------------------Greylite 14 Greylite 14 Greylite 14 Greylite 14 Single Clear Default( R) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Lighting ~Run Initiation Time: 11:59:16 Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. INSTALLED I_IGHTING SCHEDULE No of Name Lamp Type Lamps -------------............ .,...,,. ............. _.. ... .. .................................... A1 Fluorescent 2 A3 Fluorescent 1 A3 Fluorescent 1 A5 Incandescent 1 A6 Incandescent 1 A7 Incandescent 1 A8 Incandescent 1 A9 Incandescent. 1 MANDATORY AUTOMATIC CONTROLS Control Watts/ Lamp .................................... 13 36 36 100 45 45 75 100 Ballast Type -............. ,..,....._ .... ___ ...... _ Standard Standard Standard n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a LTG-1 page 7 of 41 Runcode: 1712-573071232 lDate: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 Ballasts/ No of Note to Luminaire Fi><t. Field ..... .. -....... --.. -.................. ..... ......................... _ _... ............................ 1.0 2 0.5 5 1.0 1 n/a 60 n/a 39 n/a 70 n/a 10 n/a 9 Control Location ID Control Type Zone Controlled Note to Field CONTROLS FOR CREDIT Control Control Location ID Control Type Zone Control.led Note to Field " - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Mechanical (part 1 of 3) MECH-1 page 8 of 41 _Run Initiation Time: 11:59:16 Runcode: 1712-573071232 Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL co. :oate: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 SYSTEM FEATURES Zone Name Time Control Setback Control #of Isolation Zones HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type Outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Zone Name Time Control Setback Control ~of Isolation Zones HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type Outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Code Tables Time Control S:Prog Switch O:Occ Sensor M:Man Timer HP 1 Sz None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Ternp C & No Economizer 163 Heat Pump HP 2 -=s None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp C z;:.... No Economizer 149 Heat Pump CARRIER 50HS-048---301- DX CARRIER 50HS-060---301- DX HP 3 ~ None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp c (p,-- No Economizer 154 HP 4 s None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp ~ 6- No Economizer 499 Heat Pump Heat Pump CARRIER SOHS-060---301-CARRIER 50HS-060---301- DX DX Ventilation 8:Air Balance c:oA Cert. M:OA Measure D:Demand Cont N:Natural OA Damper A=Auto G:Gravity Note to Field ,I - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Mechanical (part 2 of 3) MECH-1 page 9 of 41 _Run Initiation Time: 11:59:16 Runcode: 1712-573071232 Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. SYSTEM FEATURES Zone Name Time Control Setback Control #of Isolation Zones HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation HP 5 s None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp C. c,,,- No Economizer 130 Heat Pump HP 6 s None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant n/a n/a Constant Constant C G,... :oate: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 user 1712 Volume Temp Temp Note to Field No Economizer 181 Heat Pump OA Damper Control Economizer Type Outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model CARRIER SOHS-036---301- DX CARRIER SOHS-060---301- DX Code Tables Time Control S:Prog Switch o:occ Sensor M:Man Timer Ventilation 8:Air Balance c:oA cert. M:OA Measure D:Demand Cont N:Natural OA Damper A:Auto G:Gravity -' CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Mechanical (part 3 of 3) MECH-1 page 10 of 41 .Run Initiation Time: 11:59:16 Runcode: 1712-573071232 Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL co. :Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 DUCT INSULATION Duct Tape Insul Note to System Name Type Duct Location Allowed R-Val Field --------------------------------------------------___ .....__ ------------ CARRIER SOHS·-048----301 ·-Heating Ducts in Conditioned y I N 4 .. 2 Cooling Ducts in Conditioned y I ~~ 4.2 CARRIER 50HS···060-----··301-Heating Ducts in Conditioned y / N 4.2 Cooling Ducts in Conditioned y I N 4.2 CARRIER 50HS-060·--·-301-Heating Ducts in Conditioned y / N 4.2 Cooling Ducts in Conditioned y / N 4.2 CARRIER SOHS-060----301 ·-Heating Ducts in Conditioned y / N 4.2 Cooling Ducts in Conditioned y I N 4.2 CARRIER SOHS-036····--301 ·-Heating ·oucts in Conditioned y / N 4.2 Cooling Ducts i-n Conditioned y I N 4.2 CARRIER SOHS-060---301-Heating Ducts in Conditioned y I N 4,2 Cooling Ducts in Conditioned y I N 4.2 PIPE INSULATION Insul Note to System Name Pipe Type Required Field -----------------------..-............ .,._....,.......,._,. ...... _ ...... _ ...... ..-............................. ,.....,,. .. ,..,. .................................. Domes.tic Hot t,.Jater 6)1 N NOTES TO FIELD -For Building Department Use Only ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY -Performance (part 1 of 3)ENV-2 page 11 of 41 _Run Initiation Time: 11:59:16 Runcode: 1712-573071232 Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL co. GENERAL. INFORMATION BY ZONE Zone Name Occupancy --------------------------------------------- HP 1 Art Dept Precision Industrial HP 2 Office Office HP 1 Books Office HP 2 Lobby Lobby (Office) HP 3 Office Office HP 3 Library Office HP 4 Lobby Lobby (Office) HP 4 Conference Convention/Conference HP'4 Restroom/Corridor Corridor/Restroom HP 4 Lunch Room Dining Area HP 4 Office Office HP 6 Mezzanine Office HP 5 Corridor Corridor/Restroom HP 5 Art Dept Precision Industrial Total Flr No 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 :Date~ 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 Floor Display Area Volume Perirn. _ .. __... .................. ........... _... ___ ................. -.. ............ ,...... 907 19954 0 240 5280 0 177 3894 0 756 16632 0 636 13992 0 392 8624 0 913 20086 0 361 7942 0 467 4670 0 173 1730 0 164 1640 0 1207 14484 0 220 4840 0 648 14256 0 ----- 7261 .. - ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY -Performance (part 2 of 3)ENV-2 page 12 of 41 _Run Initiation Time: 11:59:16 Runcode: 1712-573071232 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL co. :Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPAQUE SURFACES Act Solar Type Area U-Val Azm Tilt Gains Form 3 Reference Location/Comments ------------------------------------------------ Wall Wall Wall Roof Slb Roof Slb t,Jal l Wall Roof Slb Wall Roof Slb Wall Wall Wall Roof Slb Wall l,Jall Roof Slb t,.Jall Wall Wall Roof Slb Roof Slb Roof Slb Slb Slb Roof Slb t,.Jal l Wall Wall Roof Slb Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Roof Flr 1287 0.145 0 1056 1.176 Int 440 0.752 90 907 0.049 270 907 0.134 0 177 0.049 270 177 0.134 0 280 0.752 270 264 0.145 0 240 0.049 270 240 0.134 0 28 0.752 270 724 0.049 270 756 0 .1~'34 0 220 0.145 0 24 0.752 0 312 0.752 90 453 0.049 270 636 0.134 0 220 0.145 0 28 0.752 90 368 0.049 270 392 0.134 0 616 1.176 Int 294 0 .145 0 616 1.176 Int 849 0.049 270 913 0.134 0 361 0.049 270 361 0.134 0 50 0.049 270 467 0.134 0 173 0.134 0 164 0.134 0 220 0.049 270 220 0.134 0 858 0.752 270 530 0.145 0 506 1.176. Int 648 0.049 270 648 0.134 0 312 1.176 Int 540 0.145 0 516 1.176 Int 72 0.752 0 312 0.752 90 1207 0.049 270 1207 0.253 Int 90 90 90 22 180 22 180 90 90 22 180 90 22 180 90 90 90 22 180 90 90 180 90 90 90 22 180 22 180 22 180 180 180 22 180 90 90 90 22 180 90 90 90 90 90 22 180 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No R-19 Metal Stud Wall Interior Airwall 6" Concrete Wall R-19 Roof Carpeted Slab On Grade R-19 Roof Carpeted Slab On Grade 6" Concrete l,.Jall R-19 Metal Stud Wall R-19 Roof Carpeted Slab On Grade 6" Concrete Wall R-19 Roof Carpeted Slab On Grade R-19 Metal Stud Wall 6" Concrete Wall 6" Concrete Wall R-19 Roof Carpeted Slab On Grade R-19 Metal Stud Wall 6" Concrete Wall R-19 Roof Carpeted Slab On Grade Interior Airwall R-19 Metal Stud Wall Interior Airwall R·-19 Roof Carpeted Slab On Grade R·-19 Roof Carpeted Slab On Grade R-19 Roof Carpeted Slab On Grade Carpeted Slab On Grade Carpeted Slab On Grade R·--19 Roof Carpeted Slab On Grade 6" Concrete t,..Jal l R-19 Metal Stud Wall Interior Airwall R-19 Roof Carpeted Slab On Grade Interior Ai n,.Jal l R-19 Metal Stud Wall Interior Airwall 6" Concrete Wall 6" Concrete Wall R·-19 Roof R-0 Floor (F.0.2x6.16) HP 1 Art Dept HP 1 Art Dept HP 1 Art Dept HP 1 Art Dept HP 1 Art D.ept HP 1 Books HP 1 Books HP 2 Office HP 2 Office HP 2 Office HP 2 Office HP 2 l..obby HP 2 Lobby HP 2 Lobby HP 3 Office HP 3 Office HP 3 Office HP 3 Office HP 3 Office HP 3 Library HP 3 Library HP 3 Library HP 3 Library HP 4 Lobby HP 4 Lobby HP 4 Lobby HP 4 Lobby HP 4 Lobby HP 4 Conference HP 4 Conference HP 4 Restroom/Corridor HP 4 Restroom/Corridor HP 4 Lunch Room HP 4 Office HP 5 Corridor HP 5 Corridor HP 5 Art Dept HP .5 Art Dept HP S Art Dept HP 5 Art Dept HP 5 A·,t Dept HP 6 l''lezza nine HP 6 Mezzanine HP 6 Mezzanine HP 6 Mezzanine HP 6 Mezzanine HP 6 Mezzanine HP 6 Mezzanine ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY -Performance (part 3 of 3)ENV-2 page 13 of 41 _Run Initiation Time: 11:59:16 Runcode: 1712-573071232 Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. FENESTRATION SURFACES # Type Area Frame ............. __ ................... .,._, .. ____ ............................... ........... _, ........ _ 1 Wdt>J Front ( w ) 160.0 Metal 2 Wdw Front ( w) 616.0 Metal 3 Wdw Right ($) 132.0 Metal 4 Sky Front ( w) 32.0 Metal 5 Wdw Left ( N) 36.0 Metal 6 Wdw Back ( E ) 256.0 Metal 7 Wdw Back ( E ) 616.0 Metal 8 Sky Front ( w ) 24.0 Metal 9 Sky Front ( w) 64.0 Metal OVERHANGS/SIDE FINS Div U-Val ...... ,..,,.. ................... No 1.19 No 1.19 No 1.19 No 1.26 No 1.19 No 1.19 No 1.19 No 1.26 No 1.26 --Window--------Overhang------ # Type Ht Wd Len Ht LExt RExt ......................... ---.... -----...... ............. _,,. SC Act Glass Azm Tilt Only .. .......................... 270 90 0.65 270 90 0.65 180 90 0.65 270 0 1.00 0 90 0.65 90 90 0.65 90 90 0.65 270 0 1.00 270 0 1.00 :Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 Location/Comments --------------------- HP 2 Office HP 2 Lobby HP 2 Lobby HP 2 Lobby HP 3 Office HP 3 Office HP 3 Library HP 3 Libran' HP 4 Lobby -----Left Fin-·---· ----Right Fin-- Dist Len Ht Dist . Len Ht .. _ .. ,,. ............ ----___ .,.,.. __ .......... __ ------...................... LIGHTING COMPLIANCE SUMMARY -Performance Run Initiation Time: 11:59:16 Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. ACTUAL LIGHTING POWER Name Description LTG-2 page 14 of 41 Runcode: 1712-573071232 No of Lurnin :Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 Watts per Default Total t,Jatts ----------------------------------------------__ .,. __ ... _ --.. ---_ ..................... -- Al 13w Twin Tube Compact /2 Lamp A3 36" Slimline /1 Lamp A3 36" Slimline /1 Lamp AS 100w Cord--hung Incandescent A6 45w Track Light 45 w per Foot A7 45w Track Light 45 w per Foot A8 75w t,Jall Mount Incandescent A9 100w Wall Mount Incandescent 2 (Tandem) 5 ( Not Tndm) 1 60 39 70 10 9 34.0 43.5 49.0 100.0 45.0 45.0 75.0 100.0 68 218 49 6000 1755 3150 750 900 SubTotal 12890 Lets Control Credits (LTG-3) o Total Proposed Watts 12890 * If not CEC Default value, please provide supporting documentation. MODELLED LIGHTING POWER BY ZONE Zone Name HP 1 A1·t Dept HP 2 Office HP 1 Books HP 2 Lobby HP 3 Office HP 3 Lib·rary HP 4 Lobby HP 4 Conference HP 4 Restroom/Corridor HP 4 Lunch Room HP 4 Office HP 6 Mezzanine HP 5 Corridor HP 5 Art Dept Occupancy Precision Industrial Office Office Lobby (Office) Office Office Lobby (Office) Convention/Conference Corridor/Restroom Dining Area Office Office Corridor/Restroom Precision Industrial TOTALS Modelled Floor LPD Total Tailored Area (w/sf) (watts) (watts) 907 240 177 756 636 392 913 361 467 173 164 1207 220 648 2.205 0.833 1.130 1.531 2.288 0.765 1.435 2.493 1.537 3.751 1.524 1.326 1.364 2.855 7261 1.775 2000 200 200 1158 1455 300 1310 900 718 649 250 1600 300 1850 12890 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Note: Tailored Allotment requires supporting documentation on form LTG-4. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ZONING SUMMARY -Performance .Run Initiation Time: 11:59:16 Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL co. SYSTEM/ZONING SUMMARY System/Zones Served Central/Zonal System MECH-2 page 15 of 41 Runcode: 1712-573071232 :oate: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 System Type No Sys HP 1 CARRIER SOHS-048---301-Packaged Heat Pump 1 HP 1 Art Dept HP 1 Books HP 2 CARRIER SOHS-060---301-Packaged Heat Pump 1 HP 2 Office HP 2 Lobby HP 3 CARRIER SOHS-060---301-Packaged Heat Pump 1 HP 3 Office HP 3 Library HP 4 CARRIER SOHS-060---301-Packaged Heat Pump 1 HP 4 Lobby HP 4 Conference HP 4 Restroom/Corridor HP 4 Lunch Room HP 4 Office HP 5 CARRIER SOHS-036---301-Packaged Heat Pump 1 HP 5 Corridor HP 5 Art Dept HP 6 CARRIER SOHS-060---301-Packaged Heat Pump 1 HP 6 Mezzanine MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY -Performance Run Initiation Time: 11:59:16 Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. CENTRAi_ SYSTEM SUMMARY Sys No System Name System Type No Sys MECH-3 page 16 of 41 Runcode: 1712-573071232 :Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 -----------------------_.,., ................... ._.. ..... ____ ._.. ................. Economizer Type No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer 1 CARRIER 50HS-036---301-Packaged Heat Pu 1 2 CARRIER SOHS·-048---301-· Pa.ckaged Heat Pu 1 3 CARRIER 50HS-060---301-Packaged Heat Pu 4 CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS Sys-------Heating---------------------------~------Cooling----------- No Type Output Aux KW EFF Type Output Sensible EER SEER ..... .._ ............................. ...-............................ ___ ..................... ........ ... ..., ......................... .. .......................................... -------...... ............. --... --- 1 Heat Pump 35400 0.0 6.80 2 Heat Pump 47500 0.0 7.00 3 Heat Pump 57000 0.0 7.00 CENTRAL FAN SUMMARY------------Supply Sys DX 35600 DX 47000 DX 57500 Fan ........................................ _.. ....... _ ..... _ Mt,· Drv 24920 32900 40250 8.80 10.10 8.90 10.10 8.60 10.00 Return Fan Mt)· Drv No Fan Type Motor Location CFM BHP Eff Eff CFM BHP Eff Eff ------ 1 Constant Volume Draw-Through 1250 2 Constant Volume Draw-Through 1600 3 Constant Volume Draw-Through 2000 ZONAL FAN SUMMARY Zone Name HP 4 Restroom/Corridor None BOILER SUMMARY System Name ----------------------- AO SMITH PEC-·066 ----------~ Zonal Fan Mtr No CFM BHP Eff None AFUE /Rec System Type Eff ............ -............... _ ............... ...-...... DomesticHW 0 .99.5 0.50 0.75 1.00 ----- Drv Eff Rated Input ........ ...... -.............. 15359 ---------- 70 100 None 72 100 None 79 100 None -------Exhaust Fan ----- Mtr Drv No CFM BHP Eff Eff _____ ,.. __ ................................. 2 100 0 .13 5-5 100 Stdby Volume Loss EF (gals) .. ................................ ..... ............................ ....,.. .. _..., ......................... 0.008 0.870 60 MECHANICAL VENTILATION -Performance _Run Initiation Time: 11:59:16 Project Name: HIJK Building ·Documentation: DELL CO. VENTILATION SUMMARY BY ZONE Zone Name T Occupancy -----------------------•W ...... .,_ .. "' _______ .. ___ HP 1 Art Dept Precision Inclu HP 2 Office Office HP 1 Books Office HP 2 Lobby Lobby (Office) HP 3 Office Office HP 3 Library Office HP 4 Lobby Lobby (Office) HP 4 Conference Convention/Con HP 4 Restroom/Corridor Corridor/Restr HP 4 Lunch Room Dining Area HP 4 Office Office HP 6 Mezzanine Office HP 5 Corridor Corridor/Restr HP 5 Art Dept Precision Indu Floor Area .................. -....... 907 240 177 756 636 392 913 361 467 173 164 1207 220 648 sqft 10cc 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 30 100 30 100 100 100 100 MECH-4 page 17 of 41 Runcode: 1712-573071232 :oate: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 Tran CFM Dsg Min sfer /Occ CFM CFM CFM __ .. ..,. __ .,. __ 15.0 136 136 15.0 36 36 0 15.0 27 27 0 15.0 113 113 0 15.0 95 95 0 15.0 59 59 0 15.0 137 137 0 15.0 181 181 15.0 70 70 15.0 87 87 15.0 25 25 0 15.0 181 181 0 15.0 33 -::,--::, -..)-• 0 15.0 97 97 0 ------ TOTALS 1276 1276 Tailored OA (T=*) requires supporting documentation on MECH-5, Tailored Ventilation and Process Loads Worksheet HVAC SYSTEM HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. HVAC SYSTEM DESCRIPTION HVAC System Name: Heating System Name: Cooling System Name: System Multiplier: Fan Schedule~ Peak Load Method: Relative Humidity: ZONES ON THIS SYSTEM HP 1 Art Dept HP 1 Books PEAK ( Jan 12am) ( Jan 12am) TOTAL ZONE LOAD Duct Gains & Losses: Ventilation: ( 163 CFM) Return Air Lighting Gain Supply/Return Fan Gain: TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD SYSTEM OUTPUT AT DESIGN CONDITIONS MAIN HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM TOTAL SYSTEM OUTPUT HEATING 26757 1397 28154 2815 5610 0 ------- 36580 38937 38937 page 18 of 41 :Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 HP 1 CARRIER SOHS-048---301- ( 1 All On Load Cales COINCIDENT 50 % COOLING PEAK SENSIBLE LATENT ( Jul (Jul 4pm) 4pm) 163 CFM) 13375 1236 14611 1461 824 0 0 16896 36753 36753 1406 274 1680 757 2437 11744 11744 NOTE: The TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD shown represents the m1111mum size equipment which will heat or cool this zone during the design conditions indicated. These numbers include no safety factor, and the HVAC contractor should oversize by a reasonable margin to account for variations in weather conditions and the pick-up capacity required to bring the zone to temper- ature as a result of a setback thermostat. Those responsible for final equipment selection should note that Sensible and Latent Cooling Loads are indicated to allow for accurate comparison with manufacturer"s output data. HVAC SYSTEM HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. HVAC SYSTEM DESCRIPTION HVAC System Name: Heating System Name: Cooling System Name: System Multiplier: Fan Schedule: Peak Load Method: Relative Humidity: ZONES ON THIS SYSTEM HP 2 Office HP 2 Lobby PEAK (Jan 12am) (Jan 12am) TOTAL ZONE LOAD Duct Gains & Losses: Ventilation: ( 149 CFM) Return Air Lighting Gain Supp 1 y /Retu ·r n Fan Gain: TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD SYSTEM OUTPUT AT DESIGN CONDITIONS MAIN HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM TOTAL SYSTEM OUTPUT HEATING 15949 38905 54854 5485 5155 0 ------- 65494 46724 46724 page 19 of 41 :Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 HP 2 CARRIER 50HS-060---301- ( 1 All On Load Cales COINCIDENT 50 % COOLING PEAK SENSIBLE LATENT ( Jul (Jul 5pm) 5pm) 149 CFM) 16936 42779 59715 5972 644 0 0 66331 45198 45198 372 1172 1544 700 2244 14261 14261 NOTE: The TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD shown represents the minimum size equipment which will heat or cool this zone during the design conditions indicated. These numbers include no safety factor, and the HVAC contractor should oversize by a reasonable margin to account for variations in weather conditions and the pick-up capacity required to bring the zone to temper- ature as a result of a setback thermostat. Those responsible for final equipment selection should note that Sensible and Latent Cooling Loads are indicated to allow for accurate comparison with manufacturer's output data. HVAC SYSTEM HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL co. HVAC SYSTEM DESCRIPTION HVAC System Name: Heating System Name: Cooling System Name: System Multiplier: Fan Schedule: Peak Load Method: Relative Humidity: ZONES ON THIS SYSTEM PEAK HEATING ------------------------------- HP 3 Office ( Jan 12am) 28615 HP 3 Library ( Jan 12am) 29176 ------- TOTAL ZONE LOAD 57791 Duct Gains & Losses: 5779 Ventilation: ( 154 CFM) 5321 Return Air Lighting Gain Supply/Return Fan Gain: 0 ------- TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD 68891 SYSTEM OUTPUT AT DESIGN CONDITIONS MAIN HEATING & COOLING SYSTEl'"l 46724 ------- TOTAL SYSTEM OUTPUT 46724 page 20 of 41 :Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 HP 3 CARRIER SOHS-060---301- ( 1 All On Load Cales COINCIDENT 50 % COOLING PEAK SENSIBLE LATENT __ , .... _____ .,. ... ... , .......... .,,,. ........ __ (Jul 10am) 21006 986 ( Jul 10am) 41935 608 -------------- 62941 1594 6294 154 CFM) ·-100 747 0 0 -------------- 69135 2341 45659 15178 --------------- 45659 15178 NOTE: The TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD shown represents the m1n1mum size equipment which will heat or cool this zone during the design conditions indicated. These numbers include no safety factor, and the HVAC contractor should oversize by a reasonable margin to account for variations in weather conditions and the pick-up capacity required to bring the zone to temper- ature as a result of a setback thermostat. Those responsible for final equipment selection should note that Sensible and Latent Cooling Loads are indicated to allow for accurate comparison with manufacturer's output data. HVAC SYSTEM HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. HVAC SYSTEM DESCRIPTION HVAC System Name: Heating System Name: Cooling System Name: System Multiplier: Fan Schedule: Peak Load Method: Relative Humidity: ZONES ON THIS SYSTEM ----------------------- HP 4 Lobby HP 4 Conference HP 4 Restroom/Corridor HP 4 Lunch Room HP 4 Office PEAK (Jan 12am) (Jan 12am) (Jan 12am) ( Jan 12am) ( Jan 12am) TOTAL_ ZONE LOAD Duct Gains & Losses: Ventilation: ( 499 CFM) Return Air Lighting Gain Supply/Return Fan Gain: TOTAL SYSTEM L.OAD SYSTEM OUTPUT AT DESIGN CONDITIO~~S MAIN HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM TOTAL SYSTEM OUTPUT HEATING --.-..... .,._. ................... 12539 2849 1421 497 472 ............. ..-....... -............... 17778 1778 17204 0 .......................................... 36760 46724 ------- 46724 page 21 of 41 lDate: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 HP 4 CARRIER 50HS-060---301- ( 1 All On Load Cales COINCIDENT 50 % COOLING PEAK SENSIBLE LATENT ................... ._.. ....... _... __ ........ --...... -- (Jul 4pm) 15826 1415 ( Jul 4pm) 5824 1865 ( Jul 4pm) 3060 724 ( Jul 4pm) 3072 894 ( Jul 4pm) 1041 254 _____ ................ .......,.._ ............................ 28823 5152 2882 499 CFM) 2527 2322 0 0 _____ ..,...., __ ............................ _ .. _ 3L~232 7474 44078 15697 .............................................. ...................................... 44078 15697 NOTE: The TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD shown represents the minimum size equipment which will heat or cool this zone during the design conditions indicated. These numbers include no safety factor, and the HVAC contractor should oversize by a reasonable margin to account for variations in weather conditions and the pick-up capacity required to bring the zone to temper- ature as a result of a setback thermostat. Those responsible for final equipment selection should note that Sensible and Latent Cooling Loads are indicated to allow for accurate comparison with manufacturer's output data. HVAC SYSTEM HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Proj~ct Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. HVAC SYSTEM DESCRIPTION HVAC System Name: Heating System Name: Cooling System Name: System Multiplier: Fan Schedule: Peak Load Method: Relative Humidity: ZONES ON THIS SYSTEM PEAK -----------------------HP 5 Con· idor ( Jan 12am) HP 5 Art Dept ( Jan 12am) TOTAL ZONE LOAD Duct Ga.ins & Losses: Ventilation: ( 130 CFM) Return Air Lighting Gain Supply/Return Fan Gain: TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD SYSTEM OUTPUT AT DESIGN CONDITIONS MAIN HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM TOTAL SYSTEM OUTPUT HEATING ........... .,....__,,,., .... .,,_....,.. 1736 30591 ------- 32327 3233 4492 0 ------- 40052 29018 ------- 29018 page 22 of 41 :Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 HP 5 CARRIER SOHS-036---301- ( 1 All On Load Cales COINCIDENT 50 % COOLING PEAK SENSIBLE LATENT __ .,. ________ -------- ( Jul 5pm) 1710 341 ( Jul 5pm) 16110 1004 -------------- 17820 1345 1782 130 CFM) 562 610 0 0 -------------- 20164 1955 27874 8993 -------------- 27874 8993 NOTE: The TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD shown represents the minimum size equipment which will heat or cool this zone during the design conditions .indicated. These numbers include no safety factor, and the HVAC contractor should oversize by a reasonable margin to account for variations in weather conditions and the pick-u0 capacity required to bring the zone to temper- ature as a result of a setback thermostat. Those responsible for final equipment selection should note that Sensible and Latent Cooling Loads are indicated to allow for accurate comparison with manufacturer's output data. HVAC SYSTEM HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. HVAC SYSTEM DESCRIPTION HVAC System Name: Heating System Name: Cooling System Name: System Multiplier: Fan Schedule: Peak Load Method: Relative Humidity: ZONES ON THIS SYSTEM HP 6 Mezzanine PEAK (Jan 12am) TOTAL ZONE LOAD Duct Gains & Losses: Ventilation: ( 181 CFM) Return Air Lighting Gain Supply/Return Fan Gain: TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD SYSTEM OUTPUT AT DESIGN CONDITIONS MAIN HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM TOTAL SYSTEM OUTPUT HEATING 17800 17800 1780 6247 0 ------- 25827 46724 46724 page 23 of 41 :Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 HP 6 CARRIER SOHS-060---301- ( 1 All On Load Cales COINCIDENT 50 % COOLING l PEAK (Jul 4pm) 181 CFM) SENSIBLE 13816 13816 1382 918 0 0 16115 45031 45031 LATENT 1871 1871 843 2714 14268 14268 NOTE: The TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD shown represents the minimum size equipment which will heat or cool this zone during the design conditions indicated. These numbers include no safety factor, and the HVAC contractor should oversize by a reasonable margin to account for variations in weather conditions and the pick-up capacity required to bring the zone to temper- ature as a result of a setback thermostat. Those responsible for final equipment selection should note that Sensible and Latent Cooling Loads are indicated to allow for accurate comparison with manufacturer's output data. ZONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. SUMMARY OF PEAK HOUR LOADS FOR ZONE ZONE Name: DESIGN CONDITIONS Peak Hour: Indoor Conditions: Outdoor Conditions: LOAD COMPONENT Wall Conduction Window Conduction Door Conduction Roof Conduction Skylight Conduction Floor Conduction Slab Conduction Inierior Conduction Infiltration Solar Gain Lighting Receptacle Process Occupants Quantity 1727.0 sqft o.o sqft 0.0 sqft 907.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 907.0 sqft o.o sqft 0.5 AC/hr 0.0 sqft 2000.0 watts 907.0 watts o.o watts 9.1 occs ZONE LOADS HEATING Jan 12am 70 F DB 38 F D8 Btu/hr 16557 0 0 1421 0 0 3042 0 5737 0 0 0 0 0 26757 page 24 of 41 :Date: 1/9/1997 l I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 HP 1 Art Dept COOLING SENSIBLE L.ATENT .................................................. .... -...... --.. -........ Jul 4pm 78 F DB 50 % RH 83 F DB 68 F WB Btu/hr Btu/hr -------------- 5677 0 0 1253 0 0 0 0 0 0 4223 0 0 2222 1406 ..,_ .. _ ... _______ ------- 13375 1406 Heating Airflow: Cooling AirFlovJ: 26757 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 13375 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 35 F Del taT )] ::::. 23 F DeltaT)] ::::. 709 cfm 539 cfm . ' ZONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY · ~reject Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. SUMMARY OF PEAK HOUR LOADS FOR ZONE ZONE Name: DESIGN CONDITIONS Peak Hour: Indoor Conditions: Outdoor Conditions: LOAD COMPONENT Wall Conduction Window Conduction Door Conduction Roof Conduction Skylight Conduction Floor Conduction SJ.ab Conduction Interior Conduction InfiJ.t·ration Solar Gain Lighting Receptacle Process Occupants Quantity ------------544.0 sqft 160.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 240 .. 0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 240.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.5 AC/hr 160.0 sqft 200.0 watts 240.0 watts 0.0 1tJatts 2.4 occs ZONE I_OADS HEATING ...... --.. ---- Jan 12am 70 F DB 38 C I DB Btu/hr ------- 7962 6093 0 376 0 0 0 0 1518 0 0 0 0 0 ................................................. 15949 page 25 of 41 :oate: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 HP 2 Office COOLING SENSIBLE LATENT Jul 5pm 78 F DB 50 :;-;, RH 82 F DB 67 F WB Btu/hr Btu/hr 4915 391 0 419 0 0 0 0 0 10124 499 0 0 588 372 16936 372 Heating AirFlow: Cooling AirFlow: 15949 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 16936 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 35 F Del taT )] -- 23 F DeltaT)] = 423 cfm 683 cfm ZONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL co. SUMMARY OF PEAK HOUR LOADS FOR ZONE ZONE Name: DESIGN CONDITIONS Peak Hour: Indoor Conditions: Outdoor Conditions: LOAD COMPONENT Wall Conduction Window Conduction Door Conduction Roof Conduction Skylight Conduction Floor Conduction Slab Conduction Interior Conduction Infiltration Solar Gain Lighting Receptacle Process Occupants Quantity ------------- 0.0 sqft o.o sqft 0.0 sqft 177.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 177.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.5 AC/hr 0.0 sqft 200.0 watts 177.0 watts 0.0 watts 1.8 occs ZONE LOADS HEATING ______ .................... Jan 12am 70 F DB 38 F DB Btu/hr ------- 0 0 0 277 0 0 0 0 1120 0 0 0 0 0 ....... .,_ ................................. 1397 page 26 of 41 /Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 HP 1 Books COOLII\IG SENSIBLE LATENT ................................................. _. ........................... __,,. Jul 4pm 78 F DB 50 9.:: ., RH 83 F DB 68 F i,,.JB Btu/hr Btu/hr -------------- 0 0 0 288 0 0 0 0 0 0 515 0 0 434 274 ----"--............... ...... .............. __. ................. 1236 274 Heat! ng Ai ·rF low: Cooling AirFlo1AJ: 1397 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 1236 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 35 F DeltaT)J = 23 F DeltaT)] = 37 cfm 50 cfm ZONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. SUMMARY OF PEAK HOUR LOADS FOR ZONE ZONE Name: DESIGN CONDITIONS --------------------Peak Hour: Indoor Conditions: Outdoor Conditions: LOAD COMPONENT Quantity ---------------------------------Wall Conduction 28.0 sqft Wi ndov-J Conduction 748.0 sqft Door Conduction 0.0 sqft Roof Conduction 724.0 sqft Skylight Conduction 32.0 sqft Floor Conduction 0.0 sqft Slab Conduction 756.0 sqft Interior Conduction 0.0 sqft Infiltration 0.5 AC/hr Solar Gain 780.0 sqft Lighting 1157.5 watts Receptacle 7S6.0 vJat ts Process 0.0 watts Occupants 7.6 occs ZONE LOADS HEATING _,,...,..,. ....... , .................... Jan 12am 70 F DB 38 F DB Btu/hr ------- 674 28484 0 1134 1290 0 2541 0 4782 0 0 0 0 0 ........................................... 38905 page 27 of 41 lDate: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 HP 2 Lobby COOLING SENSIBL_E LATENT _...,_._._ ............. ___ _... ..................... ___. ...... Jul 5pm 78 F DB 50 % RH 82 F DB 67 F t,JB Btu/hr Btu/hr ______ .....,,,. ------- 328 1369 0 905 ·-55 0 0 0 0 36279 2102 0 0 1852 1172 ....... ...... ......,. .......... __ ................................ _,,.. ...... 42779 1172 Heating AirFlow: Cooling AirFlovJ: 38905 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 35 F DeltaT)] = 1031 cfm 42779 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 23 F DeltaT)] = 1725 cfm ZONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. SUMMARY OF PEAK HOUR LOADS FOR ZONE ZONE Name: DESIGN CONDITIONS Peak Hour:: Indoor Conditions: Outdoor Conditions: LOAD COMPONENT Wall Conduction Window Conduction Door Conduction Roof Conduction Skylight Conduction Floor Conduction Slab Conduction Interior Conduction Infiltration Solar Gain Lighting Receptacle Process Occupants Quantity ------------ 556.0 sqft 292.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 453.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 636.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.5 AC/hr 292.0 sqft 1455.0 watts 636.0 watts 0.0 watts 6.4 occs ZONE LOADS HEATING ---------- Jan 12arn 70 F DB 38 F DB Btu/hr ------- 9105 11119 0 710 0 0 3658 0 4023 0 0 0 0 0 _____ ... ___ 2861.5 page 28 of 41 :Date: 1/9/1997 I I JCOMPLY 24 User 1712 HP 3 Office COOLING SENSIBLE LATENT Jul 10arn 78 F DB 50 % RH 77 F DB 66 F WB Btu/hr Btu/hr 3405 -249 0 95 0 0 0 0 -0 13584 2612 0 0 1558 986 21006 986 Heating Airflow: Cooling AirFlow: 28615 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 21006 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 35 F DeltaT )J =- 23 F DeltaT)] = 758 cfm 847 cfm ZONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. SUMMARY OF PEAK HOUR LOADS FOR ZONE ZONE Name: DESIGN CONDITIONS Peak Hour: Indoor Conditions: Outdoor Conditions: LOAD COMPONENT Wall Conduction Window Conduction Door Conduction Roof Conduction Skylight Conduction F 1001-Conduction Slab Conduction Interior Conduction Infiltration Sola1-Gain Lighting Receptacle Process Occupants Quantity ------------ 248.0 sqft 616.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 368.0 sqft 24.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 392.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.5 AC/hr 640.0 sqft 300.0 watts 392.0 watts 0.0 watts 3.9 occs ZONE LOADS page 29 of 41 :Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 HP 3 Lib·r a.n' COOLING HEATING SENSIBLE LATENT Jan 12am 70 F D8 38 F DB Btu/hr 1694 23457 0 577 968 0 0 0 2480 0 0 0 0 0 29176 Jul 10am 78 F D8 50 ::'6 RH 77 F DB 66 F WB Btu/h·r Btu/hr 334 -639 0 86 ·-150 0 0 0 ··-0 40718 624 0 0 960 608 41935 608 Heating Airflow: Cooling AirFlow: 29176 Btu/hr/ (1.08 x 41935 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 35 F DeltaT)] = 23 F Del ta.T )] = 773 cfm 1691 cfm ZONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. SUMMARY OF PEAi< HOUR LOADS FOR ZONE ZONE Name: DESIGN CONDITIONS --------------------Peak Hour: Indoor Conditions: Outdoor Conditions: LOAD COMPONENT Quantity ----------------------------------t,Jall Conduction 294.0 sqft Window Conduction 0.0 sqft Door Conduction 20.0 sqft Roof Conduction 849.0 sqft Skylight Conduction 64.0 sqft Floor Conduction 0.0 sqft Slab Conduction 913.0 sqft Interior Conduction 0.0 sqft Infiltration 0.5 AC/hr Solar Gain 64.0 sqft Lighting 1310.0 watts Receptacle 913.0 watts Process 0.0 t,,.Jatts Occupants 9.1 occs ZONE LOADS HEATING .. ..., ...................... __. ..... Jan 12am 70 F DB 38 F DB Btu/h·r ------- 1364 0 372 1330 2580 0 1117 0 5775 0 0 0 0 0 .............................................. 12539 page 30 of 41 :Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 HP 4 Lobb,, COOLING SENSIBLE LATENT ...... -................................... _ ...... ............. ___ Jul 4pm 78 F DB 50 % RH 83 F DB 68 F WB Btu/hr Btu/hr -------------- 306 0 106 1211 ·-120 0 0 0 0 9166 2918 0 0 2237 1415 .. .................. .., .................... __. ........... --... ----- 15826 1415 Heating Airflow: Cooling AirFlovJ: 12539 Btu/hr/ (1.08 x 15826 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 35 F Del taT )J :::: 23 F DeltaT)J :::: 332 cfm 638 cfm ZONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL co. SUMMARY OF PEAK HOUR LOADS FOR ZONE ZONE Name: DESIGN CONDITIONS Peak Hour: Indoor Conditions: Outdoor Conditions: LOAD COMPONENT Wall Conduction Window Conduction Door Conduction Roof Conduction Skylight Conduction Floor Conduction Slab Conduction Interior Conduction Infiltration Solar Gain Lighting Receptacle Process Occupants Quantity ------------ 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 361.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 361.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.5 AC/hr 0.0 sqft 900.0 watts 361.0 watts 0.0 watts 12.0 occs ZONE LOADS HEATING .......................................... _ Jan 12am 70 F DB 38 F DB Stu/hr ------- 0 0 0 566 0 0 0 0 2284 0 0 0 0 0 ................................... -...... 2849 page 31 of 41 :oate: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 user 1712 HP 4 Conference COOLING SENSIBLE LATENT Jul 4pm 78 F DB 50 % RH 83 F DB 68 F ~JB Btu/hr Btu/hr 0 0 0 587 0 0 0 0 0 0 2289 0 0 2948 1865 5824 1865 Heating Airflow: Cooling AirFlow: 2849 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 5824 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 35 F DeltaT)J ::::: 23 F DeltaT)] ::::: 75 cfm 235 cfm ZONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL co. SUMMARY OF PEAK HOUR LOADS FOR ZONE ZONE I\Jame: DESIGN CONDITIONS --------------------Peak Hour: Indoor Conditions: Outdoor Conditions: LOAD COMPONENT Quantity ---------------------------------Wall Conduction 0.0 sqft Window Conduction 0.0 sqft Door Conduction 0.0 sqft Roof Conduction 50.0 sqft Skylight Conduction 0.0 sqft Floor Conduction 0.0 sqft Slab Conduction 467.0 sqft Interior Conduction 0.0 sqft Infiltration 0.5 AC/h·r Solar Gain 0.0 sqft Lighting 718.0 watts Receptacle 467.0 watts Process 0.0 ~vat ts Occupants 4 • 7 occs ZONE LOADS page 32 of 41 :Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 HP 4 Restroom/Corridor COOLING HEATING SENSIBLE LATENT _____ ..., ______ _......,._,,. .. ,...___. ................... ............ ....,,.,. .................... Jan 12am .Jul 4pm 70 F DB 78 F DB 50 % RH 38 F DB 83 F DB 68 F t,JB Btu/h·r Btu/hr Btu/hr ---------------__ ......... ____ 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1343 0 0 0 0 1835 0 0 0 0 0 1144 724 ,.,_ .......................................... ......................................... ..,..,. ................................ - 1421 3060 724 Heating Ai rF lovJ: Coo.ling AirFlow: 1421 Btu/hr/ (1.08 x 3060 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 35 F DeltaT)] = 23 F DeltaT)] = 38 cfm 123 cfm ZONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. SUMMARY OF PEAK HOUR LOADS FOR ZONE ZONE Name: DESIGN CONDITIONS Peak Hour: Indoor Conditions: Outdoor Conditions: LOAD COMPONENT !,,.Jal l Conduction Window Conduction Door Conduction Roof Conduction Skylight Conduction Floor Conduction Slab Conduction Interior Conduction Infiltration Solar Gain Lighting Receptacle Process Occupants Quantity o.o sqft 0.0 sqft o.o sqft 0.0 sqft 0 .. 0 sqft 0.0 sqft 173.0 sqft o.o sqft 0.5 AC/hr 0.0 sqft 649.0 watts 173.0 watts 0.0 watts 5.8 occs ZONE LOADS page 33 of 41 :Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 HP 4 Lunch Room COOLING HEATING SENSIBLE LATENT Jan 12am Jul 4pm 70 F DB 78 F DB 50 % RH 38 F DB 83 F DB 68 F WB Btu/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 497 0 0 0 0 0 497 Btu/hr Btu/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1659 0 0 1413 894 3072 894 Heating Airflow: Cooling AirFlow: 497 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 3072 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 35 F DeltaT)] =- 23 F Del taT )] =- 13 cfm 124 cfm -1 ' -·zoNE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY page 34 of 41 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. SUMMARY OF PEAK HOUR LOADS FOR ZONE ZONE Name: DESIGN CONDITIONS Peak Hour: Indoor Conditions: Outdoor Conditions: LOAD COMPONENT Wall Conduction Window Conduction Door Conduction Roof Conduction Skylight Conduction Floor Conduction Slab Conduction Interior Conduction Infiltration Sola1· Gain Lighting Receptacle Process Occupants Quantity ------------0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 164.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.5 AC/hr 0.0 sqft 250.0 watts 164.0 watts 0.0 1;Jatts 1.6 occs ZONE LOADS HEATING ....................................... _ Jan 12am 70 F DB 38 F DB Btu/hr ------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 472 0 0 0 0 0 ______ .,..,.,..,, ......... 472 /Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 HP 4 Office COOl_ING SENSIBLE LATENT Jul 4pm 78 F DB 50 % RH 83 F DB 68 F ~JB Btu/hr Btu/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 639 0 0 402 254 1041 254 Heating AirFlow: Cooling AirFlow: 472 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 1041 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 35 F DeltaT)] = 23 F DeltaT)] = 13 cfm 42 cfm -, ~ONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. SUMMARY OF PEAK HOUR LOADS FOR ZONE ZONE Name: DESIGN CONDITIONS Peak Hour: Indoor Conditions: Outdoor Conditions: LOAD COMPONENT ~~all Conduction Window Conduction Door Conduction Roof Conduction Skylight Conduction Floor Conduction Slab Conduction Interior Conduction Infiltration Solar Gain Lighting Receptacle Process Occupants Quantity ------------ 924.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 1207.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.5 AC/hr 0.0 sqft 1600.0 watts 1207.0 watts 0.0 watts 12.1 C>CC:S ZONE LOADS HEATING .................... ..., ____ Jan 12am 70 F DB 38 F DB Btu/hr ------- 11744 0 0 1891 0 0 0 0 4165 0 0 0 0 0 _.,. _____ ..,_ 17800 HP 6 page 35 of 41 /Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 Mezzanine COOLING SENSIBI_E LATENT ................. -....................... ._ ........................... ....- Jul 4pm 78 F DB 50 % RH 83 F DB 68 F WB Btu/hr Btu/hr -------------- 4790 0 0 1968 0 0 0 0 0 0 4100 0 0 2957 1871 ........................................ ..... ............. -...... -..... 13816 1871 Heating AirFlow: Cooling AirFlow: 17800 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 13816 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 35 F Del taT )] ::::: 23 F Del taT )] ::::: 472 cfm 557 cfm -"ZONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. SUMMARY OF PEAK HOUR LOADS FOR ZONE ZONE Name: DESIGN CONDITIONS Peak Hour: Indoor Conditions: Outdoor Conditions: LOAD COMPONENT Wall Conduction Window Conduction Door Conduction Roof Conduction Skylight Conduction Floor Conduction Slab Conduction Interior Conduction Infiltration Solar Gain Lighting Receptacle Process Occupants Quantity 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 220.0 sqft o.o sqft 0.0 sqft 220.0 sqft o.o sqft 0.5 AC/hr o.o sqft 300 .o vJatts 220.0 watts 0.0 ~vatts 2.2 occs ZONE LOADS page 36 of 41 :oate: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 Use, 1712 HP 5 Corridor COOLING HEATING SENSIBLE LATENT Jan 12am 70 F DB 38 F DB Btu/hr 0 0 0 345 0 0 0 0 1392 0 0 0 0 0 1736 Jul 5pm 78 F DB 82 F DB 50 % RH 67 F WB Btu/hr Btu/hr 0 0 0 392 0 0 0 0 0 0 779 0 0 539 1710 341 341 Heating Ai ·rF low: Cooling AirFlow: 1736 Btu/hr/ (1.08 x 1710 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 35 F DeltaT)J = 23 F DeltaT)] = 46 cfm 69 cfrn \ -~ONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY -,, Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL co. SUMMARY OF PEAK HOUR LOADS FOR ZONE ZONE Name: DESIGN CONDITIONS Peak Hour: Indoor Conditions: Outdoor Conditions: LOAD COMPONENT Wall Conduction Window Conduction Door Conduction Roof Conduction Skylight Conduction Floor Conduction Slab Conduction Interior Conduction Infiltration Solar Gain Lighting Receptacle Process Occupants Quantity 1388.0 sqft o.o sqft 20.0 sqft 648.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 0.0 sqft 648.0 sqft o.o sqft 0.5 AC/hr o.o sqft 1850.0 watts 648.0 watts o.o watts 6.5 occs ZONE LOADS page 37 of 41 /Date: 1/9/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 HP 5 Art Dept COOLING HEATING SENSIBLE LATENT Jan 12am Jul 5pm 70 F DB 78 F DB 50 % RH 38 F DB 82 F DB 67 F WB Btu/hr 23102 0 372 1015 0 0 2002 0 4099 0 0 0 0 0 30591 Btu/hr Btu/hr 10429 0 98 797 0 0 0 0 0 0 3198 0 0 1588 16110 1004 1004 Heating Airflow: Cooling Airflow: 30591 Btu/hr/ (1.08 x 16110 Btu/hr/ [1.08 x 35 F DeltaT)] =- 23 F DeltaT )] =- 811 cfm 650 cfm SPECIFICATIONS Standard Element Maximum Element ApproJi; Wattage Recovery-GPH Wattage DIMENSIONS IN iShlp 240 V.A.C. (Interlocking) Degree Rise 240 V.A.C, (Interlocking) INCHES ,~~)'' Gal. Model Number Cap. Upper Lower 100• 90° so• Upper TALL MODELS PV-30-1ORT 30 -4500 18 20 30 - PV-30-2ORT 30 4500 4500 18 20 30 6000 FV-40-1ORT 40 -4500 18 20 30 - PV-40-2ORT '10 4500 4500 18 20 30 6000 ------· PV-52-1ORT b2 -4500 18 20 30 - PV-52-2ORT 52 4500 4500 18 20 30 6000 PV-66-1ORT 66 -4500 18 20 30 - PV-66-2ORT 66 4500 4500 18 20 30 6000 PV-82-1ORT 82 -4500 18 20 30 - PV-82-2ORT 82 4500 4500 18 20 30 6000 PV-120-1ORT 119 -4500 18 20 30 - PV-120-2ORT 119 4500 4500 18 20 30 6000 MEDIUM MODELS PV-30-1ORS 30 -4500 18 20 30 - PV-30-2ORS 30 4500 4500 18 20 30 6000 PV-40-1ORS 40 -4500 18 20 30 - PV-40-2ORS 40 4500 4500 18 20 30 6000 PV-52-1ORS 52 -4500 18 20 30 - PV-52-2ORS 52 4500 4500 18 20 30 6000 LOWBOY MODELS PV-20-1OLSK 19.9 -4500 18 7.5 30 - PV-30-1OLS 30 -4500 18 20 30 --.. . ~-------PV-30-2OLS 30 4500 4500 18 20 30 6000 PV-40-1OLS 40 -4500 18 20 30 - PV-40-2OLS 40 4500 4500 18 20 30 6000 PV-50-1OLS 47 -4500 18 20 30 - PV-50-2OLS 47 4500 4500 18 20 30 6000 f!ecoveries are rounded to nearest gallon. All models have ¾" inlet and outlet connections. Standard element wattages shown are supplied unless specified. Other element wattages (up to maximum shown) available when specified. For 10-year tank/1-year parts warranty, change "V" to "X" in model number prefix (PX-30-1ORT). AN~g5 HOT OLD CONNECTION ONNECTION r 1--c-·-1 T T&P i B "l' s.l Copyright State lnduslries. Inc. 1990 STE 16/494 Standard 240V element wattages shown are supplied unless specified. Other 240V element wattages (up to maximum shown) available when specified. Wattages must conform to local codes. Lifetime-warranty Sandhog heating ele- ments also available, in 240V wattages from 2508 to 5500 watts, and in 120V, 1500-watt size. Some job specifications may require a thermostat with a maximum setting of 140°F. This must be specified when ordering. All models meet or exceed Federal Minimum Energy Standards effective January 1, 1990, according to the NATIONAL APPLIANCE ENERGY CON- SERVATION ACT (NAECA) of 1987. Lower A B C ~~ -___ ! - " 6000 45½ 40¼ 17½ ; 88' 6000 45½ 40¼ 17½ 89 6000 59¼ 53¾ 17½ 111 6000 59¼ 53.¾ 17½ ·112 6000 , 59¼ 53½ 19½ 132 6000 59¼ 53½ 19½ 133 6000 53½ 46¼ 23½ 128 6000 53½ 46¼ 23½ 129 6000 63½ 56 23½ 146 6000 63½ .56 23½ 147 6000 :· ;~t64WN. ; : ··!'56½.-. '28 .t.311 6000 .64¼'·''•, '56¼-' 28 :312 6000 37¾ 32¼ 20 -102 6000 37¾ 32¼ 20 103 6000 48 42½ 20 . ..,.Jj4 6000 48 42½ 20 ~ ~llt~£frli 6000 50¾ 44¾ 23 153 6000 50¾ 44¾ 23 154 6000 31½ 25¼ 18 90 6000 29¾ 24 22 102 6000 29¾ 24 2a . . 103 ., 6000 31½ 25¼ 24 119 6000 31½ 25¼ 24 120 6000 31¾ 25¼ 26¼ .151 6000 31¾ 25¼ 26¼ 152 -~"'-· -~ As a general matter, these Federal stan- dards pre-empt state and local standards, ·,i:. and any other state and local require-:i: ments with respect to-energy efficiency or energy use of these 'water heaters. All models also comply with the late~t editions of the B.O.C.A. National Codes, U.B.C., S.B.C.C., C.A.B.O. and the 1 H.U.D. standards. Warranty details available at your nearest State sales office. · Specifications are subject to cnange without prior notice, .. ''I. j; '; _· ·': <' ·-, Copyright 1993 Carrier Corporation 50HS ... Single-P-ackage .····-,.:.\.:.Heat Pumps-· 1½ to 5 Nominal Tons Single-Package Heat Pump for Man- ufactured Housing/Residential and Light Commercial use. Features/Benefits One-piece heat pumps with optional electric heaters lower installation costs and provide dependable per- formance and easy maintenance Easy installation . Factory-assembled package is a compact, fully self-contained, heat pump unit that is prewired, prepiped, and precharged for minimum instal- lation expense. 50HS units are available in a variety of standard sizes with voltage options to meet residential and light commercial requirements. Unit is installed easily on a rooftop or a ground-level pad. Convertible duct configuration on the 50HS is designed for easy use in either downflow or horizontal dis- charge applications. Efficient operation High-efficiency design with SEERs (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratios) up to 10.1 and HSPFs (Heating Seasonal Performance Factors) of up to 7.0. 'Durable~ dependable components Compressors are designed for high efficiency. Each compressor is hermeti- cally sealed against contamination to help promote longer life and de- pendable operation. Vibration isolation provides quiet operation. Reciprocat- ing or scroll compressors are used. Compressors have internal high- pressure and overcurrent protection. Form 50HS-1 PD 1269 . •. ARI* capacities •+ID ® PRELIMINARY COOLING AND HEATING CAPACITIES AND EFFICIENCIES NET COOLINGt NET HEATINGt COPt NET HEATINGt COPt SOUND UNIT NOMINAL STANDARD CAPACITIES 50HS TONS CFM CAPACITIES SEERt CAPACITIES (at 47 F (at 17 F (at 17 F HSPF RATINGS** AT 95 F (Btuh) AT 47 F (Btuh) Btuh) -. Btuh) Btuh) (Bels) 018 1½ 675 19,000 10.0 17,800 2.9 9,300 1.7 6.6 7.6 024 2 750 24,000 10.0 23,600 -2.9 12,000 1.8 6.6 7.8 030 2½ 1000 29,000 10.0 29,400 3.0 15,000 1.8 6.8 8.0 036 3 1270 35,600 10.1 35,400 3.1 17,400 1.8 6.8 8.0 042 3½ 1390 40,500 10.0 40,500 3.1 21,000 1.9 7.0 8.0 048 4 1575 47,000 10.1 47,500 3.1 27,200 2.0 7.0 8.2 060 5 1995 57,500 10.0 57,000 3.2 32,000 2.0 7.0 8.2 LEGEND Bels COP DOE HSPF SEER Sound Levels (1 bel = 10 decibels) Coefficient of Performance Department of Energy *Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Institute. tRated in accordance with ARI Standard 210/240-89 and/or U.S. Heating Seasonal Performance Factor Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio Government DOE test procedures. **Rated in accordance with ARI Standard 270-84. OUTDOOR SOUND: ONE-THIRD OCTAVE BAND DATA -DECIBELS FREQ. HZ 018 024 63 40.1 45.2 125 57.0 66.2 250 64.0 72.0 500 63.9 69.7 1000 69.0 70.3 2000 66.5 69.6 4000 62.3 67.3 8000 57.0 62.9 Physical d_ata UNIT 50HS 018 REFRIGERANT Refrigerant Control* SHIPPING WEIGHT (lb) 300 COMPRESSOR TYPE Reciprocating INDOOR FAN Speeds 2 R~m (High Speed) 825 D ameter (In.) 10 Width (In.) 9 Nominal Airflow (Cfm) 675 Motor Hp ¼ INDOOR COIL Rows ... Flns/ln. 3 ... 15 Face Area (sq ft) 1.8 OUTDOOR FAN Cfm 1700 Rpm 850 - Diameter (In.) 18 Motor Hp 1/e OUTDOOR COIL Rows ... Fins/in. 2 ... 17 Face Area (sq ft) 5.7 FILTER SIZE (ln.)t Throwaway 20x20 *Operating charge listed on unit nameplate. tRecommended field-supplied filters are 1 in. thick. 030 45.7 58.1 68.7 64.7 73.0 70.2 68.8 66.6 024 308 Reciprocating 3 1025 10 9 800 1/s 3 ... 15 2.3 1900 1050 18 ¼ 2 ... 17 5.7 20 X 20 UNIT 50HS 036 042 048 47.8 50.5 56.0 59.3 60.4 65.6 67.4 68.6 71.5 68.8 68.6 71.4 73.1 72.4 74.2 69.5 69.5 73.3 68.2 69.1 69.6 65.8 65.9 67.1 030 036 042 048 R-22 Acutrol™ System 320 340 347 411 Reciprocating Reciprocating Reciproca_ting Scroll Centrifugal -Direct Drive 3 3 2 2 1025 1100 1100 1100 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 1000 1300 1400 1600 1/s ½ ¾ ¾ 3 ... 15 3 ... 15 3 ... 15 3 ... 15 3.0 2.7 3.6 4.5 Propeller -Direct Drive --· 1900 1900 1900 2400 850 1050 1050 1050 18 18 20 20 ¼ ¼ ¼ 1/s 2 ... 17 2 ... 17 2 ... 17 2 ... 17 5.7 6.7 6.7 8.2 20 X 24 24 x24 24x 24 24 X 30 3 060 54.3 65.1 71.5 72.7 73.9 73.4 71.7 66.3 060 425 Scroll 2 1100 11 9 1995 1 4 ... 15 4.5 2400 1050 20 1/s 2 ... 17 8.2 24 X 30 1271 • • ·oimensions (cont) Ca11ie1 ELECTRICAL UNIT WT UNIT CHARACTERISTICS Lb Kg ,..., 50HS048 208/230· 1-60, 208/230-3-60, 359 163 460-3-60 50HS060 208/230·1·60, 208/230-3-60, 373 170 460·3·60 UNIT CENTER OF GRAVITY In.Imm X y z 50HS048 19.70/500 20.54/522 15.00/381 50HS060 19.65/499 120.59/523 15.00/381 Dimensions ( ) are in mm. 14 118• fr (358.8) 1274 2 15/16" . t 34 115• (866.8l (74.5) 1 1/16" (27,0l DIA, K,O, POWER ENTRY 14 1,e· .------ll.::o (358.7) 11 13/16" (300.0J M~'.~; 6 112· (165.9 13 5/16" (338.4) 6 11/16" <169.Sl t._ 0 0 0 0 POWER AND VOLT AGE ENTRIES DIH. '5 SAHE AS 048 UN IT 1 3/8" (34.9) 3 51e· C92.5l CG REAR VIEW FOR 060 UNIT ONLY INDOOR COIL ACCESS PANEL LEFT SIDE VIEW UNIT SIZES 048,060 REQ'D CLEARANCES TO COMBUSTIBLE MATL. In. (mm) CORNER WT Lb/Kg Unit Top • • . • . • . • • • • • . • • • . . • • • . . . • . • • • • . . • . . . . •••. -. O Duct Side of Unit . . . . • • • . • • . • . . • . • . . . . • • • . . • • • • . • ••••• 0 A B 89/40 81/37 92/42 85/39 16 1/16" (408.0l C 113/51 116/53 D 76/35 80/36 8 3/16" (208.0J Side Opposite Ducts • • • • • • • • . • . . • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • . . . • . . 0 Bottom of Unit . . . . . . . . . • . • • . . . . . • • . . . • . • • • . • • • • . . ..• O Vertical Discharge Units, First 12 in. (304.8) of Supply Duct . . . • . •••. 1 (25) REQ'D CLEARANCES FOR SERVICING, In. (mm) Unit Top .......•.•••.••.••...•••..•.••..••.••• 36 (914) Side Opposite Ducts . • • . . . • . . • . . . • . . . . • • . . . . . • . . ••• 30 (762) Indoor Coil Access Side . . . . . . . . • . • . . . • • • • . . . . . . • . ••. 30 (762) Control Box Access Side . . . • • . • . • • • . . .••.••••••••••. 30 (762) (Except for NEC requirements) NEC REQ'D CLEARANCES, In. (mm) · Between Units, Control Box Side ....•..•...••.•.•.•••.. 42 (1066) Unit and Ungrounded Surfaces, Control Box Side ..•..•••...•.. 36 (914) Unit and Block or Concrete Walls and Other Grounded Surfaces, Control Box Side • • . . . . . • . . . . . • . • . . 42 (1066) NOTE: Clearances must be maintained to pre,•ent recirculation of air from outdoor fan discharge, with the exception of the outdoor coil as stated. A removable fence or barricade requires no clearance. NEC -National Electrical Code z 76 3/4" 171.4 0 0 0 0 16 1/16" (408.0l 14,0" DIA. (355.6) DUCT OPENINGS OUTDOOR COIL 25 11/16" (653.0l 13 5/16" (338.0l l_ 1 3/16" (29.9) "'J (93.5) / 1 11/16" (42.8) FRONT VIEW 6 •••• SUPPLY RE TURN 10 3/4:.J__ 1B 3/8" _J_11 1/16" (273.0) (466. 7l (261.0) 1 ll/16" (4~) D 1 11/16" (42.Bl f~g~gN2~JtOL BOX - CSEE NOTE> RIGHT SIDE VIEW -OPTIONAL RETURN AIR OPENING ® . PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV-3 page_ of_ l-~------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: HIJK Building Documentation: DELL CO. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Sketch of Construction Assembly ASSEMBLY U-VALUE Construction Components Outside Air Film 1. Concrete, 140 lb, Not Dried 2" 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING :Date: 1/8/1997 I I :coMPLY 24 User 1712 Assembly Name: 6" Concrete Wall Assembly Type: Wall Assembly Tilt: 61 deg (Tilted Up) Framing Material: None Framing Spacing: "O.C. Framing Percent: 0.0 % Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles Fr Th ( in) 6.000 Unadjusted R-Values R-Value Cavity Frame 0. 17 0.48 0.68 1.33 0 .17 0.48 0.68 1.33 ( 1 / 1 . 33 ) X ( 1 . 00 ) + ( 1 / 1 . 33 ) X ( 0 . 00 ) 0.752 Weight: Heat Capacity: 70.0 lb/sqft 14.00 TOTAL U-·VALUE ::::: TOTAL R-VALUE::::: 0.752 ____ .......... ----- 1.33 ----------.. Is'-/ 5, f/J1vrD1-y .TJV ~A_ o/b ~-1_s-\ J:tt:::..--!,.~Oi.4 ¢ 1/-rr..v I J,J7 t/Jj),,,.J!/.,!,c,_,, vvt ~l. z_ I :2.. /' ""-i ' 4 i' :r 1_1...,;,1 {; 1 , 7 \ l) ~ .. · 1 \, , .... .-11 I,.,' V <.-- r &( ,q( 1/b -To CSb 1(1 ~ ,,_ f-~ ,,.Jj Sf ,,ur,l-r~ ~ ' P C' I:):; ,1) . \ 1J -DD:-P,,P?ROVAlS · fl\VSr . {/(.,G v~L f!-<-Y'(Jti/\,,rr(qbf3(,3 )IJ~~<_-[k~te. \ s 5 u l ':J !fr (5 JJ r_Rll,q( ~ If 5 [f Ul) I I 1J/ Cj 1' . . J1 ~, ::~~:. f C,. - I~ _ Engmeermg 0(~ ( /J, (17 Cl . ,iu(Ga, . ,' Fire Al\ t -···· ··---Coastal \ (7.A (c r ~ / --Health v 7 J-z~ -Gl---t7l1 __ Assoc. ) J_)cr('i?-Gn !;.d--#-.IJ ~ ch, LSk> I L1 -ff ~l~ l~U /Stvuf,, f-I i.:hfS~-(~C:c, f;-1,J,1, .·· ~~ I I ~If ~111·--CJ-t~ 7{1, d q7 t J,j 'IJl ® fr~ ":;,J:;. 1,1'. • <::.¼ l( 1,{ic/ ff) . rJ.,f :t ~[!)( 1-r I r SJ' CJ[d) ,, \ -:S"' s I r.Jl~C,.v ~ "}o b,: "'i o~ (OJA-tQ(""' f J\f ~ . ,nee.el .\-,Qe._ .AfG> If • r , f~NAlED DATES To From Anolicant Applicant ' \ l Ufq, "1 1-{AZMATFORM IND WASTE APP SCHOOL FEE FORM PLAN CORR ENGRGCORR BUSLIC WCOMP FIRE PLANS ASSESSOR PLANS COFO City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA Building Permit 92008 06-02-2017 Building Inspection Request Line (760) Job Address: 1545 FARADAY AV CBAD Permit Type: PCR Sub Type: Parcel No: 2121302900 Lot#: Valuation·: $0.00 Const Type: OccGroup: Reference#: Project Title: REVISION 223 SF STORAGE ON MEZZANINE-ORIG CB961363 104 VN Applicant: Owner: En GROVER, DONALD HAYGEMAN/ISOBE 135 LIVERPOOL DR,STE C CARDIFF CA 92007 619-436-4951 Total Fees: $0.00 $0. 00 Payments To Date: $0.00 Permit No:PCR97049 EXPIRED 08/18/1997 JM Balance Due: DATE: 07/01/98 TO: GROVER, DONALD 135 LIVERPOOL DR,STE C CARDIFF CA 92007 PLAN CHECK EXPIRATION PC# PCR97049 DATE: 08/18/98 ADDRESS: 1545 FARADAY AV You have applied to have your plans checked on the date shown above, and you have not obtained your building permit. The provisions of Section 304(d) of the Uniform Building Code state: "Section 304(d) Expiration of Plan Review Applications for which no permit is issued within one year following the date of application shall expire by limitation, and plans and other data submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the Building Official. In order to :cenew action on an application after expiration, the applicant shall resubmit plans and.pay a new plan review fee." Please check the appropriate box indicating your choice and return this letter to the BUILDING DEPARTMENT. PROJECT ABANDONED. I WILL PICK UP PLANS WITHIN 10 DAYS. -A-PRO,JECT ABANDONED. PLANS MAY BE DESTROYED. If you have any questions, please contact the Building Department at (619) 4.38-1161 extension 4331. RAENETTE ABBEY Building Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive • Carlsbad, California 92009 • (619) 438-1161 ::>ERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN cHEcK No. 7?0-R.C/Zol.fy EST. VAL. ---~ --- Plan Ck. Deposit Jij .- Validated By ~~ Date _ 7 Address (include Bldg/Suite #) Business Name (at this address) L.o T /04-()1,1P Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units Z./2 -13 0 .. z. q 'S --z_ B-z.. I S(TO,P-866" Assessor's Parcel # Existing Use Proposed Use f)op f'A-g.T IT[c;')A.) To ff2..0l/tOe: 5'10'2-A-G.e /Al 6X/S7//I/G /JIGZZA.N /;..:J c:e Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# Name -Address City S.tate/Zip Telephone# (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to Its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he Is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not ~ore than five hundred dollars [$500)). Name Address City 'State/Zip Telephone# State License# ________ _ License Class ________ _ City Business License # _______ _ Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License # ________ _ -6: : ~-wORkERS~.coMPENSATIQN : · . -....... ,, ~ .. ~~~ : :_ ~ .:~~~~~: .. ~h :·:-:-~:..<:-~;~~·3 t~:;_ ~r: ·-,.~th'T_~f.7·~1~ ~'[-~':?~{~~ !:1~:h ~~~~ ~r~-:?.}~.~-:·~~--~~r ~-~-1:_-'\ ~~~--~ _· ·_. .. ~ \yt ~~----~, Workers' Compensetion Declaration: !_hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit Is Issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: lns)Jrance Company___________________ Policy No.____________ Expiration Date _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS l$100) OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I c_ertify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage Is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thor:isand dollars ($100,000), In addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, Interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE.______________________________ DATE _________ _ '7 .. : .-~ 6wNER:BuilDE~·~DEC~RATi0N ~::~~»~ ~'"1~r~-=-!! ;,:~;~+i~~,;"~~-..:~ ~~:;~~ .. ~:-::;~?-t~l'ff~~(~.f{.~ !'f..7?~~;~r~~:/? .. ~:*f1"f,;t: ?.;?:';.:.i-; .. ,.;_r~·/:-{i~':flt~:~~;~::::~ .. -~~~ .!I,:~ ~ft11:~~~;;·~~ '"'>:-.~~;;:;r~f.!;; ~ I hereby'affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself 'or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business end Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, end contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). D I am exempt under Section ______ Business end Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES' ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for e building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address I phone number I contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name I address I phone number/ contractors license number): ___________________________________________ _ 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name/ address/ phone number/ type of work): _____________________________________________________ _ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE ____________________ _ DATE ________ _ ;COMP.LETS:ftiis':sectioij'f:oifNON~i~lNff~l{B'QiE piijl31~~ti'$:d~\1;,~,ff;ff~'5ff'.:~ff;~~w.~~!t;?,~ffir~~tf~%'.f';:t;m"~~r"l7;!"~'':ff,;_ Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit e business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain e permit from the air pollution ·control district or air quality management district? 0 YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. ra~::-;T®N~r~ueiiQtf~olNG'1'G~cm!":~~w~~~~:~~t"?,t~?!:f.~sr,~~'.~~'.'t!;\:".0f~:~,:§'t:;;,?r~~~?·::·~'.~]~~:;'::'n'~=;r:"-'.=""!'J~'"-'.'~t:.7:r::_:;::· ~t~:"::s·:i':W"''"~-~::~t~::-: =: I hereby affirm that there is a corystruction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME ____________ _ I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Cltt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WA ACC AGAINST SAID Cltv IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued work authorized by such permit i ot c or abandoned at any time after demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. "'111cn~190"~.,;me provision!! of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null end void if the building or a s from the date of such permit or If the building or work'euthorized by such permit is suspended of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). DATE ~ -/cJ; -'-=J J H/UITC· Cilo VCI I ti\Af. Annlif"'~nt PINK· Financo 1(t~(tt1~ -r:; G,r ;/ If ( A/P'6kc} 0~~G"'.-b Gkf/Z}) c evf»; (_,.J / 4?iod 6 byfii ~v, i 1 I ~l'i 1-U-M 1 1lJ/11/17-Co-n. Yit_§ p ~)hf(._) ttr---X' ~7-~ . ~ 5)-d' ~ . {6 f 1 /4-1 "'{,?,tr., --,h/w Zf~ ~ ;&-df fv f' Jt/9 ff' ~/;{jr I 6Jiul md 2~ ~ fe rk--J;;y fXHW- z ~ ~ WYHf i1Iu '; '} J' APPROVALS Date • . ·--Building -Planning -E~ginecrina Fero .,, ---Coastal DATES Health Assoc. + To From Annlicant Annllcant t::;'<./-;_-:r/q7 7 ··--- HAZMATFORM INDWASTEAPP SCHOOL FEE FORM PLAN CORR ENGRGCORR BUSUC WCOMP FIRE PLANS ASSESSOR PLANS f'r,r-Q