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155 JUNIPER AVE; ; CB033174; Permit
02-20-2004 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Miscellaneous Permit Permit No: CB033174 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: Project Title: 155 JUNIPER AVCBAD MISC 2042511500 $0.00 Subtype: OTHER Lot #: 0 DUERST RES ADD ROOF MOUNTED P.V. SYSTEM Status: ISSUED Applied: 11/18/2003 Entered By: SB Plan Approved: 02/20/2004 Issued: 02/20/2004 Inspect Area: Applicant: KETCH ENERGY INC STEE 40935 COUNTRY CENTER 92591 909719-3138 Owner: DUERST GARY M&SUSAN L 155 JUNIPER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 Miscelaneous Fee #1 PERMIT FEE Miscelaneous Fee #2 Additional Fees $120.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $120.00 Total Fees: $120.00 Total Payments To Date:$0.00 Balance Due:$120.00 5720 02/20/04 0002 01 CGP 120-00 FINAL APPROVAL SIGNATURE PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad CA 92008 1. PROJECT INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK EST. VAL. Plan Ck. Deposit Validated Address (include_Bldg/Suite #) , Legal Description Assessor's Parcel # Description of Wotk tc^bi^CA^Business Name (at this address) \ Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. Existing Use SQ. FT.# of Stories Phase No. Proposed Use # of Bedrooms Total # of units # of Bathrooms 2. CONTACT PERSON (If different from applicant) Name Address :3&*;iU?l^ ..TSJ.AgiSflt for Contractor City O Owner State/Zip D Telephone #Fax# Name 4. PROPERTY OWNER Address City State/Zip Telephone # Name City State/Zip Telephone #Address 5. CONTRACTOR - COMPANY NAME (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than fivejiundred dollars [$500]). Name State License # » / / 6 *\ 3 Designer Name State License # ___ 'ii!|iisi'!S!IK|Kiii|iiitji|lii^ipH Address License Class *— - <*-•' Address City City State/Zip City Business License # £ State/Zip . Telephone ** Telephone # Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: D I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ^ET 1 have and will maintain worker's compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: ,. , Insurance Company 5jr°vW ..__Cyy> S )/oi^VvCa. fitS . ___ Policy No.__^:J_'__^__^J_^__ ____ Expiration Date __ l^__ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) D CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars($1 00,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages are provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE _______________________ __ __ _ _____________________ DATE __________ 7. OVTOER-BUtUSER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: D I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will d the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). D I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). D I am exempt under Section _ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1 . I personally plan to provide Vie major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. D YES D NO 2. I (have/have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / /ontractors license number): _ __ _ 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work): PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad CA 92008 Page 2 of 2 •• - Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration for or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? D YES D NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? D YES D NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? D YES D NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec, 3097{l) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME ___ LENDER'S ADDRESS _ __ I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGEMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANYWAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations of 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the building Official under trie provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180days (Secflon 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE /^ I I !&*•— DATE City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 02/23/2004 Permittf CB033174 Title: DUERST RES ADD ROOF MOUNTED Description: P.V. SYSTEM Inspector Assignment: Sub Type: OTHER 155 JUNIPER AV Lot Type:MISC Job Address: Suite: Location: APPLICANT KETCH ENERGY INC Owner: DUERST GARY M&SUSAN L Remarks: ON PHOTOVOITAIC Phone: 9097579698 Inspector: Total Time: CD Description 39 Final Electrical Act Comment Requested By: TERRY Entered By: ROBIN Associated PCRs/CVs Inspection History Date Description Act Insp Comments EsGil Corporation In <Partnersnip witR government for (Buifafing Safety DATE: 2/11/2004 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 03-3174 SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: 155 Juniper Street PROJECT NAME: Durst Solar Photovoltaic System The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. X The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: X Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. \J Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan onecjt has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: ) Mail Telephone Fax In Person / / \y*-^ #: /REMARKS: Applicant to add (2) yellowed Notes to remaining plan sets and verify that the Unisolar application criteria sheet is included with all sets/Note: These solar modulesftare being applied to "new" roofing, City to verify if the permit for tne new roofing is current. By: Eric Jensen Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 2/4/faX tmsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 * San Diego, California 92 123 + (858)560-1468 * Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In (Partnership witH government for <Buififing Safety DATE: 11/26/2003 Q APPLICANT CKJURIS.) JURISDICTION: Carlsbad aSn*wt*EViEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 03-3174 SET:! PROJECT ADDRESS: 155 Juniper Street PROJECT NAME: Durst Solar Photovoltaic System The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. X The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. X The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: KETCH ENERGY 40935 COUNTY CENTER #E TEMECULA, CA 92591 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. X Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Ketch Energy/Tom Bowers Telephone #: 909 719-3138 Date contacted: n \t(* fo? (by: \^ ) Fax #: 909 719-3123 Mail c-"Tele phone-" Fax-"' In Person REMARKS: By: Eric Jensen Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB Q EJ D PC 11/20 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 4 (858)560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad O3-3174 11/26/2003 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 03-3174 PROJECT ADDRESS: 155 Juniper Street DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY DATE REVIEW COMPLETED: ESGIL CORPORATION: 11/20 11/26/2003 REVIEWED BY: Eric Jensen FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform.Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. • Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new complete sets of prints to: ESGIL CORPORATION. • To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? Q Yes Q No Carlsbad O3-3174 11/26/2003 ELECTRICAL CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen 1. The licensed designer must sign the approved set of the plans. 2. Include all of the information as concerns the roofing surface: New or existing, and the surface and material type. Note: If new, more corrections may be necessary. ELECTRICAL (1999 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) 3. Include a roofing layout showing the solar photovoltaic shingle locations and the normal roof locations. Provide a complete description of what is to be installed under this permit: New roofing VS old, shingles, metal roofing, etc. Identify if the solar shingles are considered "roofing" or if the roofing is the metal panel below the shingles. If the metal panel, and newly installed, provide the appropriate listing information demonstrating that the metal panel is indeed a roofing material. 4. Include the length and layout area for the solar photovoltaic shingles. Include the electrical connection layout: What lengths (modules) are the shingles combined (panels) into, and the number of source circuits. 5. The grounding electrode conductor from the existing electrode to the inverter must be a No. 8 minimum size. 6. The OC device on the load side of the inverter (Service Location) will need to comply with NEC 384-16(g). The deadfront does not meet this standard. Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. Carlsbad 03-3174 11/26/2003 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK NO.: 03-3174 DATE: 11/26/2003 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Eric Jensen BUILDING ADDRESS: 155 Juniper Street BUILDING OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BUILDING PORTION Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code AREA ( Sq. Ft.) cb Valuation Multiplier By Ordinance Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) - 1994 UBC Plan Check Fee $120.00 Type of Review: [H Repetitive Fee Repeats Complete Review D Other m Hourly Structural Only Hour* Esgll Plan Review Fee $96.00 * Based on hourly rate Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB CR DATE ADDRESS RESIDENTIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR « $10,000.00) PLAZA CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLAGE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING OTHER PLANNER DATE ENGINEER DATE Docs/MUformsAHanning Engineering Approvals UNI-SOLAR© SECTION #1 1.1 introduction 3 1.2 Safety Warnings 4 1.3 General installation Notes 5 1.4 Field Applied Laminate (PVL) Specifications 6 1.5 Application of the Field Applied PV Laminate 8 Transport and Handling of PVL Product Supplied Equipment and Required Tools SECTION #2 2.1 Detailed PVL Application Instructions - With Top Mounted J-Box 9 Laminate Installation Quick Connect Terminal Use and Connection Top Mounted J-Box Installation SECTION #3 3.1 PVL with Quick Connects 16 SECTION #4 4.1 Wiring Solar Electric PV Panels 18 4.2 Maintenance 21 43 Designing a Solar Electric Steel Roof System 22 4.4 Addendum #1: Wiring UNS-SOLAR PVL Modules with Quick Connect Terminals 25 AA4-3659-01 2 (02/03) UNI-SOLAR® Field Applied PV Laminates PVL~58T/PVL-64T/PVL-87T/PVL-116T/PVL-128T INSTALLATION GUIDE SECTION #1 1.1. Introduction Bekaert ECD Solar Systems LLC,, the leader in thin-film amorphous-silicon photovoltaics (PV) offers a revolutionary new line of PV modules. Unlike other photovoltaic technologies that use glass to protect their modules, Bekaert ECD Soiar Systems modules are flexible, lightweight and architecturally attractive. These rooftop solar systems, where UNl-SOLAR® PVL modules are bonded to conventional steel pans, emulate conventional roofing solutions in design, construction, function and installation. UNl-SQLAFt® Field Applied PV laminates (PVL) are designed to provide many years of reliable roofing protection and independent electric power. They wiii perform at their maximum with the proper power system design, installation, use and maintenance. This manual is designed to assist product owners, roofers, and electricians in the proper use and installation of this product, ??7e UNl-SOLAR PVL Series modules are lightweight and flexible. These laminates are field applied {i.e. cold bonded) to Zn-AI coated stee! pan (Galvalume® and Zincalume® only) pre-painted with Kynar 500© or Hylar 5000® based (70% or more) PVDF coating using a "peel and apply" application process. Certified installers do the appSication of these laminates to stee! pans. Bekaert ECD certifies installers during 1-day seminars that cover UNi-SOLAR products, applications and a hands-on demonstration of bonding the laminates to steel pans. Installation of the pans (with laminates) requires only a few, but important, modifications of the conventional installation procedures (location of fasteners, clip modification, Z-closure height). Roofers should be thoroughly familiar with the standard procedures prior to installation. Only qualified, licensed electricians should undertake wiring of the panels to the building's electrical system. UNI-SOLAR PV laminates are designed for use with other specialized equipment, including DC combiner boxes, charge controllers, DC/AC inverters, and ground fault protection and interruption equipment. System design and component selections must comply with the National Electric Code (NEC) and all state and local codes DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY The information contained in this manual is based on Bekaert ECD Solar System's knowledge and experience, but such information and suggestions do not constitute a warranty expressed or implied. The methods of installation, use and maintenance of steel panels are beyond the control of Bekaert ECD. Bekaert ECD assumes no responsibility and expressly disclaims fiabllity for any loss, damage or expense associated with the use, installation or operation of the metal roofing system. Any liability of Bekaert ECD is strictly limited to the Limited Warranty. Bekaert ECD reserves the right to make changes to product specifications or to this manual without notice. AA4-3659-01 3 (02/03) JNI-SOLAR® 1.2. Safety Warnings » The UNi-SOLAR Field Applied PV laminates produce DC electricity.when exposed to the sun or other fight sources- The power from one individual panel is not considered hazardous. However, if connected in series and/or connected in parallel, the potential shock hazard increases The UNI-SOLAR PV lanflnatBS corttain IIv^ ^ components enclosed arid ^protected within. Do riot cut or trim the photovoltaic lammate (bonded to ;th6 metal pan) in any way. Dp not drive Screws into any f>art of the photovoltaic laminate except at designated areas near the junction box. Doing so cani cause electric shock, may result in tire and will void the warranty. Roofing Contractors Responsibilities: « Only licensed roofers should install UNI-SOLAR PVL products. » UNI-SOLAR PV laminates are slippery, especially when wet. Use extreme caution and proper safety harness when working on or near the panels. • Do not place equipment on solar iaminates- » Contact appropriate local authorities prior to installation to determine if permits and inspections are required for your particular area. • Avoid dropping any sharp objects on the solar laminates. Licensed Electricians Responsibilities: • Observe safe electrical practices at all times. Use insulated tools when wiring solar PV laminates. • Cover solar panels with an opaque material before making wiring connections to reduce the risk of electric shock or sparks. • Observe proper polarity when connecting the solar PV laminates into an electrical circuit (see section on wiring). Reverse connection will damage the PV laminates, may result in fire and will void the warranty. • Avoid dropping any sharp objects on solar PV laminates. AA4-3659-G1 4 (02/03) UNI-SOLAR® 1.3. General Installation Notes • UNI-SOLAR field applied PV material are to be installed on a new roof while the pan are still on the ground. Any existing roof has to be qualified by UNI-SOLAR engineering before the warranty can be validated. • Laminates are to be bonded to Zinc-Aluminum galvanized steel panef (Galvaiume® AZ5Q, A255, AZ60 or Zincafume® AZ150) coated with PVDF (mixture containing 70% or more of Kynar 500® or Hylar 5000®). Ail other rnetals and/or coatings will automatically void the warranty, • UNI-SOLAR field applied PV laminates are bonded to steel pans and secured in place the same as traditional metal roofing panels using anchor panel clips and fasteners (available from the metal roofing panel manufacturer)- • The PVL laminates are bonded to the steel pans following procedures detailed in this manual. • The PVL laminates come in a wide variety of lengths. To fit an individual roof length, the appropriate PVL laminate is bonded to a steel pan that fits the length of the roof. • Water tightness is a function of the metal erector. For best results, a minimum layer of 30# felt paper should be applied between a structural steel pan and a deck substructure. Felt paper is unnecessary if the stee! pans are mounted on purlins. • Polyethylene closures or meta) top closures shall not be attached unless the proper sealant is placed under or around those closures. Sealant shai! be field applied on dry clean surfaces. • Roof clips, as required, shall allow for thermal movement and should be installed at each pane! joint To control thermal expansion in one direction, the pane! will be fastened to the substructure below at the top of the panel onty. This applies when the module junction box is mounted on top of the pan. • Some field cutting and fitting of panels and flashing is to be expected by the erector and minor field corrections are a part of normal erection work. • Additional help can be found in the steel pans supplier's installation instructions. AA4^3659-G1 5 {02/03} UN1-SOLAR® 1.4. Field Applied Solar PV laminates (PVL) Specifications Physical Specification: PVL-58T PVL-64T PVL-87T PVL-116T PVL-128T Laminate Length 8 n. 63/4 in. 9 ft. 4% in. 12 ft. 614 in 16ft. 5*4 in 18ft. Laminate Width 15% in. 15% in. 15% in. 15% in. 15% in. Laminate Thickness 0.1 2 in. 0.12 in. 0.12 in. 0.12 in. 0.12 in. Weight .. 8.2 Ib. 9ib. 12.3 Ib. 16. Sib. 17lb. EJectrica! Specification; Rated Power (Watts) Nominal Operatrng Voltage Operating Voltage (Volts) Operating Current (Amps) Open-Circuit Voltage (Volts) Open-Circuit Voltage (Volts) at~10"Cand 125QW/m2 Short-Circuit Current (Amps) Short-Circuit Current (Amps) At75°Cand 1250W/m2 Series Fuse Rating (Amps)* Min. Blocking Diode (Amps) PVL- 58T 58 12 15 3.88 21.6 24.6 4.8 ~16.3 8 8 PVL-64T 64 12 16.5 3.88 23.8 27.1 4.8 6.3 8 8 PVL-87T 87 18 22.5 3.88 PVL-116T 116 24 30,0 3.88 32.4 43.2 36,9 4.8 6.3 _ e 49.2 4^_ 6.3 e 8 PVL^128T 128 24 33.0 3,88 47.6 54.2 4.8 8.3 8 8 NOTES: During the first 8-10 weeks of operation, electrical output exceeds specified ratings. Power output may be higher by 15%, operating voltage may be higher by 11% and operating current may be higher by 4%. Electrical specifications (±10%) are based on measurements performed at standard test conditions of 1000 W/m2 irradiance, Air Mass 1.5, and Cell Temperature of 25aC after iong-term stabilization. Actual performance may vary up to tO% from rated power due to low temperature operation, spectral and other related effects. Maximum system open-circuit voltage not to exceed 600 VDC. Specifications subject to change without notice * Refer to section 690.8 of the National Electric Code for an additional factor of 125%, which may be applicable. AA4-3659-Q1 (02/03) UN!-SOLAR® Slope >60" <60° 520° <3,5" Barrels min_ radius (50ft) | Roof temperature at the S " £70DC Not allowed**±Screws recommended* bonding interface between laminate >70°C Not allowed" Screws needed* Screws ! Screws recommended* recommended* 4 ' Not allowed** I Screws I recommended* Not aHowed" Screws recommended* metal substrate and >85°C Not aiiowed** Not allowed** Not allowed** Not allowed** Not allowed** "Under this condition, two penetration screws are recommended (or required) in designated area to hold the laminate. ** Under this condition cannot be instated. PVL Models and Part Numbers Description 58 W, Top termination, 4"" wires, ready for J-Box 58 W, Top termination, potted terminal housing with Quick Connect 58 W, Top termination, ready for J-Box With Quick Connects 64 W, Top termination, 4n" wires, ready for J-Box 64 W, Top termination , potted terminal housing with Quick Connect Made! PVL-58T PVL-58T-QC PVL-58T-JQC PVL-64T PVL-64T-QC Part Number A20-5834-G1 ' A20-6101-01 A2Q-6602-01 A20-5828-Q1 A2D-61 00-01 64 W, Top termination, ready for J-Box with Quick Connects 87 W, Top termination, 4"" wires, ready for J-Box PVL-64T-JQC 1 A20-66Q4-01 A20-5836-01 87 W, Top termination, potted terminal housing with Quick Connect PVL-87T-QC 87 W, Top termination, ready for J-Box with Quick Connect 116 W, Top termination, 4"" wires, ready for J:Box 16 W, Top termination, potted terminal housing with Quick Connect PVL-116T-QC 116 W, Top termination, ready for J-Box with Quick Connects 128 W, Top termination, 4"" wires, ready for J-Box PVL-116T-JQC 1 PVL-12ST A20-5845-Q1 128 W, Top termination, potted terminal housing with Quick Connect PVL-128T-QC 128 W, Top termination, ready for J-Box with Quick Connects PVL-128T-JQC A20-6808-Q1 A20-5827-01 A2G-6109-01 A20-6610-Q1 AA4-3659-01 (02/03) UNI-SOLAR® 1.8. Application of Field Applied PV laminates Transportation and Handling ofPVL Products • UNI-SOLAR field applied PV laminates are shipped coiled in a 4'x4'x17" or 2'x2'x17" transport boxes. • UNI-SOLAR field applied PV laminates are to be stored in a ambient temperature of 15°C to 30°C (50°F to 85°F) • UNi-SOLAR PV laminates must be handled so as to not crease or bend the solar ceils. Celts are interconnected with copper bus bars and these bus bars must not be stretched beyond their tolerances by coiling the laminate any tighter than 20 inches in diameter. • Avoid standing on the PV laminates whenever possible. If unavoidable, wear clean, soft-soled shoes and wa!k in the center of the panel. CAUTION!! Laminates are very slippery when wet Supplied Equipment and Required Tools • A!! boxes of PV Laminates contain 1 junction box and/or quick connect terminals, 1 wiring terminal block, 2 jumpers, 2 screws (#12-1, Self Drilling, 5/16th hex washer head with sealing washer), 4 Phillips head J-Box Sid screws and 1 junction box lid for each of the contained PVL laminates. The caulk required for bonding the junction boxes to the laminates is also included. « All shipments of PVL product can be accompanied by a factory supplied lamination roller (Contact UNi-SOLAR Sales office). This roiier is called a J-roiler because of its shape. Other roliers can be used but we recommend that the roiier itself be made of a soft rubber material, economically shaped for effective pressing and the handle of the roller attached to only one side of the roller axle. This will allow you to use the roller up against the edge of the standing seam and not scratch the paint. « Cleaning solutions will need to be acquired for the steel pans. If the pans are new, use isopropyl Alcohol. The alcohol should be diluted to 90% alcohol / 10% water to improve cleaning. If the steel pans have been stored outside or have been installed on the roof for more than a few weeks, another cleaning solvent made up of Trisodium phosphate, laundry detergent and water can be put through a power washer prior to cleaning with the alcohoi solution. The recipe for this cleaning solution is detailed later in this manual. • Other tools required include a ruler, a marker (ex. a Carpenters pencil), cleaning towels and a caulk gun. A Hat, rigid working surface will be required for the laminate bonding (rolling) procedure. It is recommended that the laminate be applied before the steel pan is installed on the roof. In the event that laminate must be installed after the installation of the steel pan, please consult an expert roofer for appropriate advice and equipment for installation. AA4-3659-Q1 8 (02/03) UNi-SOLAR@ SECTION #2 2.1- Detailed PVL Application instructions - With Top Mounted Junction Box Laminate Installation 1. Remove any protective film from the face of the steel pan. Clean the steel pan with iSOPROPYL ALCOHOL (90% Alcohol -10% Water) where the double stick and the laminate will be placed. If the pan is very dirty (part of an existing roof or material has been stored outside), the pan should be washed using a low pressure water spray (i.e. garden hose) and a cleaning solution (1/4 Cup Trisodium Phosphate, !4 cup liquid detergent and 5 gallons water) and then rinsed before cleaning with aicohoi solution. 2. PVL should be bonded while still on the ground on a fiat and rigid surface with temperature between 10° and 40° (50°F and 100°). Unroll and align the laminate and double stick assembly in the center of the steel pan. The laminate assembly should be positioned ~25mm (1 inch) from the end of the steel panel (see View -Center watch ±1.0 m the !ominute assembly with the mslot pane/ #1) Lift up the laminate and double stick assembly about 300 mm (12") off of the steef pan, peel the release paper off of the double stick material approximately 150 mm (6") off the meta! and fold it under. Ensure that the laminate is centered on the metai panel, and that the laminate assembly does not move on the meta! panel during the process (see View 2), This is critical as the laminate's position will be fixed after the first six inches is bonded to the steel pan, Stick the peeled end of the laminate assembly onto the stee! pan. Roll up the rest of the laminate assembly up to the stuck portion of the laminate. After the AA4-3G59-01 (02/03) UNi-SOLAR® 5. laminate assembly is rolled up on the steel pan, one person should peel the release paper from the bottom of the laminate assembly as another person unrolls the laminate onto the steel pan. Stick the remaining laminate against the pan, making sure the laminate is aligned properly on the steel pan. After the laminate has been applied completely to the steel pan, use a roller to press the center of the laminate against the steel pan (See View 3). Then use a roller to press the laminate onto the steei pan, starting from the center of the laminate, and rolling out to the edges of the laminate (See View 4). Start rolling from the J—Box end of the laminate View 3 Stop rolling the laminate here Start roiling from center of laminate to edge of laminate here •Laminate on the roofing pane/ Stop roiling laminate here View 4 PVL Modules supplied with Factory "Quick Connect" Wires and Terminals 6. The PVL Modules can also be supplied with J-Boxes with factory-installed Quick Connect wires and terminals. The J-Box is bonded to the laminate/steel pan assembly using the Top Mounted J-Box Instructions found in this manual. After the J-Box is mounted to the laminate J steel pan assembly, the modules are wired together using the Quick Connect wires and terminals, (see View 5a). See Addendum #1: wiring UNI-SOLAR PVL Modules with Quick Connect Terminals NOTE: The Quick connect terminals are meant to be used as interconnection devices only. They are not to be used as a means of disconnecting the solar array. AA4-3659-01 10 (02/03) UNt-SOLAR® Top Mounted Junction Box Installation 7. Make sure there is a piece of double-sided tape on the bottom of the J-Box (See View 5). if you have ordered the J-Box with Quick Connects, your J-Box will look like View 5a. Double 'sided tape with release paper— t J-Box body (bottom sho wn) 8. Place the J-Box on the laminate with the two (2) wires protruding through the opening on the bottom of the J-Box (see V;ew 6} terminal block -fermtnof wires with /urnpers 9. Center the two (2) termination wires on the laminate in the center of the opening on the bottom of the J-Box (See Enlarged View and View 7). AA4-3659-01 11 (02/03) UNi-SOLAR® 10. Make an outline of the box with a felt tip marker. After you have made the outline of the J-Box, set the J-Box aside {See View 8). i aminate Use the -J-Box to make on outline laminate, 11. Fill in the two openings on the bottom of the J-Box with siticone sealant (see View 5) 12. Apply the silicone sealant caulking just inside the marked position on the laminate and steel pan as shown in View 9 and the Enlarged View B. Apply a generous bead (1/4" x 1/4") of siiicone sealant. Apply a small bead (1/4" x 1/8") of silicone sealant on the inside perimeter of the rectangular marking around the two {2} terminal wires (See Enlarged View B), Ln!arged_ Y/e^ 8 &.jbmm (1/4") high 13. Make sure the seaiant bead is continuous and uniform. 14. Remove the release paper from the double-sided tape on the bottom of the J- Box. 15. Align the J-Box case on the siiicone sealant on the laminate and steel pan. Make sure the edges of the bottom of the J-Box are aligned properly with the siiicone sealant on the stee! pan. AA4-3659-01 12 (02/03) UNI-SOLAR® 16- Make sure that the two terminal wires are properly aligned with the opening on the bottom of the J-Box. The J-Box should be center matched, and edge matched with the steel pan (See View 10} standing seam panel - Edge match ±1.0 mm J -tfox assembly with standing seam panel Roofing panel assembly View W 17 Check to make sure that the two terminal wires are not trapped or pinched between the J-Box case and the laminate. 18, Press the J-Box against the steel pan so that the double-sided tape on the bottom of the J-Box sticks to the PV laminate (the double-sided tape will hold the J-Box in place untif the sificone sealant has fuHy cured or screw fasteners have been installed). 19. Note the two holes in the J-Box indicating where the J-Box Quick Fastening Screws will be located (See View 11). Screw in the two screws provided (#12-1, Self Drilling, 5/16ths hex washer head with sealing washer). The screws will penetrate the J-Box, the solar laminate and the steel pan. The recommended torque range for the J-Box Quick Fastening Screws is 20 ± 1.0 in-lb. After the screws are in, the box should appear level on the laminate. AA4-3659-01 13 (02/03) UNi-SOLAR© 20. After you have fastened the screws in the J-Box, fiil in the opening in the bottom of the J-Box completely with the silicons sealant up to the inside edge of the opening, None of the laminate should be exposed in the J-Box opening. Do not over-fill the opening with sealant (see View 12 and 13). The sealant should come up and over the edge slightly. IT/-'ill the opening in then -----.,,-- ^ n bottom of the J-Bo, \vith si'/cone sealant uo to the edge of the opening - HI! in soldered areas, and opening of J—Box aqoinst lamination with sJticone seolor/i. None of the laminaiion moierial in the J--Kox opening should be exposed ^--Roofing panel ossemoly 21. Place the J-Box lid on the top of the J-Box after allowing the silicone sealant to set up ("cure"}. This will take approximately 8 hours. 22. Make sure the direction of the UNI-SOLAR logo on the J-Box lid is properly placed with respect to the steel pan (See View 14). AA4-3659-Q1 15 (02/03) UNI-SOLAR® 23. Screw down the four screws at the four corners of the J-Box lid. The recommended torque range for the J-Box cover screws is 14 ± 1 in-!b. SECTION #3 3.1 PVL with Quick Connects 24. Most PVL modules can suppJied with factory-installed module interconnect wires with MC Quick Connect terminals- These terminals are marked "-*-" and "-" and will only fit into each other one way (See Addendum 1: Wiring UNl-SOLAR PVL Modules with Quick Connect Terminals), 25. In order to provide additional strain relief for the wires, a mounting pad with cable tie is supplied with the laminates. The mounting pad comes with an adhesive that is used to bond the mounting pad to the steel pan just above the laminate. The plastic cable tie is then tightened around the wire to help to secure the connection from being puiled loose (See View 5). NOTE: The Quick Connect terminals are to be used as interconnection devices only. They are not to be used as a means of disconnecting the solar array. 26. PVL modules are wired together into strings of modules by plugging in a number of modules together (in "series", positive to negative), to form a higher voltage string of modules. (600V max) 27. The two penetrating screws provided (#12-1, self tapping, 5/16m inch, hex head with sealing washer) can only be put in the shaded area (See p.17) AA4-3659-01 i6 (02/03) COo 5o CO tDro UNI-SOLAR® SECTION #4 4.1. Wiring Solar Electric Steel Panels Wire Selection • 90°C, wet rated conductors are necessary. If module interconnect wires are exposed under the ridge cap, use conductor type USE-2, or USE. If module interconnect wires and/or cables going from the modules to the combiner box are to be run inside of a wire chase, you can use RHW-2, THWN or XHHW-2 conductors. • Temperature-derated ampacity calculations should be based on 156% of the short-circuit current (Isc), and the derated ampacity must also be greater than the rating of the overcurrent device. DC Wiring Configurations (48 Volt and High Voltage) NOTE: If your solar modules come with "Quick Connect Wires and Terminals, see the Quick Connect Wiring Addendum at the end of this manual • The UNI-SOLAR module junction box contains five terminal screws. The first screw on the left (as you iook into the box) is the positive terminal. The last screw on the right (as you look into the box) is the negative terminal. • The second, third and fourth terminals are not wired to the active material in the module and can be used as extra spaces for wiring after installation of "jumpers" included with the hardware of every module. Terminal #1 is the Positive Terminal Knockouts on the sides of the J-Box Terminal #5 is the Negative Terminal AA4-3659-01 18 (02/03) UN1-SOLAR® Modules can be configured using series wiring, parallel wiring, or combination of series and parallel wiring Two Modules wired in Parallel using an external Junction Box and Terminal Strip When modules are wired in series, the volts will add up while the amps will not. When modules are wired in parallel, the amps will add up while the volts will not. Two Modules wired in Series. This configuration is commonly used when module interconnect wiring is in conduit Four Modules wired in Series. After the series wiring is complete, paraf/ef wiring can begin. Parallel wiring is accomplished by connecting the positive of one module to the AA4-3659-01 19 (02/03) UNI-SOLAR® Fuse holders and terminals for Positive wires corning from solar module groups (i.e. "strings") positive of another module, then connecting the negative of the first module to the negative of the second module. Commonly, a combiner box is used to accomplish parallel wiring, Bus Bars for Negative wires coming from solar module groups (i.e. "strinas") Large Positive and Negative wires carrying ail the amps coming from ail the groups of solar modules The Combiner box collects the series strings and contains the fuses and blocking diodes. Commonly, the combiner box is mounted in the attic (close to the array) or by the inverter. With outdoor installations, combiner boxes are often mounted directly under the array but care must be taken to ensure that rain cannot run directly into the boxes (via the cable glands or box cover). Mount at least 20 inches (1/2 meter) off the ground and out of direct sun (if possible). 12 Vo(t Systems that indude a charge controller with integrated blocking diode: Blocking diodes within the array are not used, it is recommended that series fuses be used on every string of modules. Utility Line-Tie Systems 48 Volts and Above: Blocking diodes are recommended for every string of modules. Series fuses must be used with every parallel string of modules. Grounding Section 690.5 of the NEC requires that systems with PV modules on the roof of a dwelling have ground fauit protection equipment. An equipment-grounding conductor wii! need to be attached to a ground rod. The conductor can be bare or insulated with green colored insulation. Either can UNI-SOLAR® be run inside conduit. The conductor should be sized according ID Table 250- 122 in the 1999 NEC, 4.2 Maintenance PV Laminated Steel Panels • Periodically check panel wiring connections for tightness and corrosion. The best time to check is just before and/or just after the winter (or rainy) season. • Generally, a good rain is sufficient to clean the PV panels. However, in dusty arid locations the PV panels can be cleaned with mild soap and water Do not use abrasive soaps or solvents. • Do not spray water directly at leading edge of the PV panel Use caution when cleaning PV panels, as the combination of water and electricity may present a shock hazard. Avoid cleaning the panels in the middle of the day. • When working on the soiar panels, always wear electrical gloves, disconnect all energy sources (i.e. battery and/or utility) and short-circuit the output of the PV panels. System Commissioning and Troubleshooting • With disconnect switches dosed, record all system meters and status indicators • With the multi-meter, check array and battery voltage (check current between controller and battery if you have a clamp-on amp meter) • Check for open circuit breakers or blown fuses. • Open disconnect switches and use your multi-meter to confirm that the power is actually cut off, • Check for loose wires or connections at the soiar system controller (voltage regulator). • Remove cabinet covers and visually inspect all equipment wiring. • Close ail disconnect switches and make sure loads are operating as designed. • Clean system and loads once a year or as required. • Confirm that no new loads have been added to the system and that loads are operating for the specified number of hours per day AA4-3G59-01 21 (02/03) UN1-SOLAR® 4.3 Designing a Solar Electric Steel Panel System UNI-SOLAR PV products are the key components of a tota! solar electric system. There are many ways in which these systems can be designed and they include many other components, collectively known as the "balance of system" (BOS). This section is provided as background to assist owners and solar system installers in understanding the total system and the principles upon which it was designed. It is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to designing a solar system BOS (Balance of System) Components BOS components vary depending upon the size and purpose of the power system. A solar power system used for water pumping may include only the solar modules, a combiner box and a pump. A small system used for lighting will include the modules, a charge controller, batteries and some small DC lights. Larger solar energy systems may include an inverter, combiner boxes, disconnect switches, metering, and various fuses as well as the modules, charge controller and batteries. Components common to most systems include the following: • Battery storage - Stand-alone systems usually require energy storage capability for nighttime or other off-peak use of electric power. Most energy storage systems today consist of lead acid batteries. • Combiner boxes - Outdoor rated (NEMA 3R or 4X) electrical boxes that will contain different combinations of compression terminals, module fuses and diodes. Combiner boxes provide a location for fuses and diodes and a place where wires from paralleled strings of modules can be terminated. They come in three sizes: 4-input, 8-input( and 12-input models. • Charge controller - Used in systems with battery storage to prevent solar PV panels from overcharging the battery. The charge controller must be large enough to handle the solar array's open circuit voltage and tota! short circuit current. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for installation of the charge controller. The sequence of connections made at the controller can be very important. Check manufacturers instructions • Inverter - Used to convert DC power to AC power, and to control the power distribution in complex systems. Inverters can be configured to match the common AC supply in any country. Today, there are two main types of inverters; sine wave and modified sine wave. Sine wave inverters produce a cleaner waveform and the harmonic distortion is reduced. Modified sine waves are more efficient than sine- wave inverters and can be lower in cost. The most important factors to consider when using a grid connected inverter for power point tracking of a solar array is to match the array peak power with the inverter's efficiency curves. Different inverters reach their peak efficiency at different levels of capacity. By matching the array to the inverter, you wilf be operating the inverter at its peak efficiency, thereby reducing power loss and total harmonic distortion. See inverter literature to find efficiency curves. AA4-3653-01 22 (02/031 UNI-SOLAR® • Bypass diodes - Every UNI-SOLAR^ PV panel includes bypass diodes across each celi, resulting in superior shadow tolerance (i.e. reduced power loss under partial shadow conditions). When two or more panels are connected in series, a bypass diode can be installed in the module junction box providing further shadow tolerance. Types of Systems 1. Stand Alone Systems - Stand atone systems are totally independent of utility supplied electricity. They are most commonly used in remote locations away from the grid. There are two basic types: * Low Voltage DC Systems - UNf-SQLAFt® PV modules produce fow voltage direct current, which can be used to charge batteries and operate low voltage (12V or 24V) DC appliances directly. This system is ideally suited for vacation homes, small cabins, or to operate pumps and other compatible appliances or equipment. Battery storage is usually required. • High Voltage AC Systems - The UNI-SQLAR® PVL system, in conjunction with an inverter, can provide high voltage AC and the same level of comfort and convenience available from the utility grid. For completely independent operation a battery pack and backup generator or other renewable energy sources are required. 2. Line-Tie Systems - Many states have net metering laws that require utilities to purchase power produced from renewable sources, such as solar systems. Line tie systems take advantage of these laws by selling unused power to the grid, thereby avoiding the expense and maintenance of a battery pack. When the PV system produces more energy than is used, the utility meter runs backwards. Line-tie systems use an inverter that synchronizes with the utility grid to make a direct connection with the sotar roof. Line-tie systems do not provide backup power if the utility goes down, 3. Utility-Interactive Systems - This system uses a multifunctional inverter that keeps a battery pack charged to provide uninterrupted power. The inverter can use the power produced by the solar modules or power from the utility. The inverter can also be programmed to automatically turn on a generator, if available, when there is an extended utility outage and the battery pack is depleted. True sine wave multi- functional inverters can also direct {sell} excess power to the utility. Selecting the "Right" System and Sizing Selecting a solar system requires a detailed analysis of the site's power needs, the amount of insolation (usable sunlight) in the area, the availability of other power sources {utility, other renewable energy sources, a generator) and cost. In utility serviced areas, an inquiry into the utility's policy with respect to buying back excess power will be necessary. High summer peak power requirements and costs in an area may make selling all the produced power to the utility more economical than using the power on site, particularly if the site does not require much power during peak sunlight hours, However, the customer's desire to use solar energy and/or desire for energy independence will also be determining factors in selecting and sizing a solar system. AA4-3659-01 23 (02/03) UNI-SOLAR® PVL panels are suitable for use tn systems where system voltages do not exceed 600 volts. The panels can be wired in series, paraiie! or a combination of both to meet system load requirements. When modules are wired in series, the voits wilt add up whiie the amps remain the same. When modules are wired in parallel, the amps wii! add up while the volts remain the same. By combining series and parallel wiring, any requirement can be met. Do not use UNI-SOLAR^ PVL panels in systems having a maximum open circuit voltage greater than 600 volts DC. Roof Requirements The modules should be mounted on an area of roof deck with maximum exposure to sunlight that is devoid of vents, air conditioners or any other obstructions that may shade the sotar modules during the day or complicate the installation, ideally the roof will face south in the Northern Hemisphere and north in the Southern Hemisphere, ff the roof face ts within 15 degrees of true south (in the Northern Hemisphere), there will be no substantial loss of power. If, however, the roof face is more than 15 degrees away from true south, the array will not perform at peak efficiency. For example, if the roof is facing due east, power output wil! be reduced by -30%. The slope of the roof will also affect soiar array output. For the best year-round performance, the angle of the roof slope should be at the area's latitude -10 degrees, Aesthetics UNi-SOLAR® PV Laminates consist of a flexible, ETFE encapsulated solar cells bonded to a UL Listed flat steel panel. The color of the solar cell is a deep blue. The color of the steel panels can be chosen from a wide variety of colors, either to blend or contrast with the soiar modules. The panels can also be integrated with other types of roofs, Placement of BOS Components The two most important factors to consider when mounting soiar array combiner boxes and BOS components are environmental conditions and distance from the solar modules and batteries (when used.) The system designer must consider whether the components will be mounted outdoors or indoors. Factors such as proximity to a dirt road (large amounts of dust) or the sea (salt-water corrosion) must be considered. If conditions are especially harsh, more expensive enclosures must be used. If components will be mounted indoors, less expensive enclosures can be used. The distance between the solar modules, the combiner boxes and the BOS wil! affect wire size and layout. Wire costs increase as the length and size of the wire increase so it is best if the soiar modules are as close as possible to the BOS components. If it is not possible to decrease the distance from the modules to the BOS, system voltage is usually increased (e.g. to 48 VDC or more) to decrease the amps and consequently Deduce the wire size and costs. Combiner boxes are usually mounted close to the array, commonly in the attic or by the inverter. With outdoor installations, they are often mounted directly under the array. AA4-3659-01 24 (02/03) UNi-SOLAR® 4.4 Addendum #1: Wiring UNt-SOLAR PVL Modules with Quick Connect Terminals Subject Proper use of the UNI-SOLAR Quick Connect Kit, for use with modules that have factory-installed "Quick Connect" terminals on UNt-SOLAR PVL and Power Module interconnect wires, Introduction IINI-SQLAR Power Modufes and PVL products can be supplied with "Quick Connect" terminals on factory-installed moduie interconnect wires, "Quick Connect" terminals are designed for exterior use and are UV resistant. By eliminating the need for conduit and by utilizing latching-type, male / female style terminals, UNI-SOLAR Power Modules and PVL products supplied with "Quick Connects" offer increased installation speed and installer productivity. Although "Quick Connects" are well designed for fast connection of modules into groups (i.e. "strings") of modules, :'Quick Connects" are not designed to foe used as module disconnects. For this reason, installers should procure and use the UNt-SQLAR Quick Connect Kit for use with each series string of modules that utiiize "Quick Connects". Installation instructions Using the UNI-SOLAR Quick Connect Kit and the instructions below, PV system installers are prepared for safely connecting PV module strings to balance of system components. The UN!-SQLAR Quick Connect Kit contains 2 pieces: a Male Cable Coupler Assembly and a Female Cable Coupler Assembly, After series connecting (positive to negative) individual Power Modules or PVL's together into a group ("string") of Modules, there will be a male "Quick Connect" on one end of the string and a female "Quick Connect" on the other end of the string of modules. 1. Determine that the group ('string") of sofar modules has the correct number of modules connected together. 2. Find the male "Quick Connect" on one end of the string and the female "Quick Connect" on the other end of the string. 3. Attach appropriate outdoor-rated conductors to the ends of the UNi-SOLAR Cable Coupler Assemblies using standard wire terminals designed for exterior use. 4. Route positive and negative PV conductors to appropriate balance-of-system (BOS) components 5. Attach the UNI-SOLAR Male Cable Coupler Assembly on one end of the string. AA4-3659-01 25 (02/03) UNI-SOLAR® 6. Attach the UNI-SOLAR Female Cable Coupler Assembly on the other end of the string Technical Information: 1} Withdrawal and Piug-ln Force; For new Cable Couplers, the withdrawal force is >50 N and the insertion force is <50N. The values may vary after a number of plugging cycles. 2) Rated Current: Maximum rated current is 8 amps for the UNI-SOLAR Male and Female Cable Coupler Assemblies. 3) Maximum System Voitage Maximum voitacre for a UNI-SOLAR PV system and the UNI-SOLAH Male and Female Cable Couoier Assemblies is 600 VDC AA4-3659-01 26 (02/03) UNI-SOLAR© Quick Connect Kit: Drawings and Bill of Materials AA4-3659-01 27 (02/03; UN1-SOLAR© Contacts: Bekaerl ECD Solar Systems LLC Corporate Office 3800 Lapeer Rd. Auburn Hills, Ml 48326 Telephone: (248) 475-0100 Toll Free: {800) 843-3892 Fax: (248)364-0510 Website: www.uni-sotar.com Email: info®uni-solar.com Bekaert ECD Solar Systems LLC Sales Office: 4520 Viewridge Ave. San Diego, CA 92123 Telephone. (858)614-1435 Toll Free: (800) 397-2083 Fax: (858)514-8694 Email; sandiego@uni-soiar.com NY. Bekaert ECD Solar Systems Europe Karreweg 13 8-9870 Zulte, Belgium Telephone: (32) (9) (338 59 25) Fax: (32) (9) (338 59 11) Email: infosolar@bekaeft.com McEiroy Metal Inc. Corporate Office PO Box 1148 Shreveport, LA 71163 Telephone: (318)747-8045 Toll Free: (800)950-6531 Fax:(318)747-8029 Website: www.mceiroymetal.com BMP Steel Level 11, 120 Collins St. Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia PH: +61 396664000 Fax: +61 396664111 AA4-3659-01 28 (02/03: Year 2002 The following is a technical brief that includes a number of specifications, charts, oubltshed articles and papers referencing UNl-SQLAff products. Before each piece of information is a paragraph or two written by Bekaert BCD commenting on the relevance of the article, chart or specification. IV Curves and Power Output for UNi-SOLAR Power Modules The IV curves for amorphous silicon (a-Si) modules are different in shape than IV curves for crystalline modules. We encourage you to overlay an IV curve from a mono-crystalline or poiycrystailine on the UNl-SOLAH IV curve. You wil! notice that the a-Si open circuit voltage and short circuit current is higher than a comparatively rated crystalline module. This used to be a problem for some voltage regulator (charge controller) manufacturers but this is no longer the case as they ail have increased their DC input windows to ensure that their controllers can be used with all thin film products. You wiii also notice that the "knee" of the curve is not as sharp as the knee on a crystalline !V curve. What we would like you to notice is that the current output of the module between 10 and 15 VDC is greater than the current output from a crystalline module in this same voltage range. This gives the a-Si module an advantage in battery charging. This advantage can also be seen in the Power Output curves. The top of the a-Si Power Output Curve is much flatter than the Power Output Curve from a crystalline moduie. Thermal Annealing: Another subject that can be explained using the IV curve is thermal annealing. Thermal annealing occurs when the UNf-SOLAH module is exposed to ambient temperatures above 15 degrees Celsius (-59 F) for more than 8 weeks. The !V curve for a thermally annealed module will appear to be "pushed out". The knee of the curve becomes sharper. The fill factor of the module is increased. You can expect thermal annealing to increase power output by approximately 4% over the annualaverage output of the module. When the module is exposed to temperatures below 15 degrees Celeius for more than 8 weeks, module output will degrade by approximately 4% (back to the annual average output). Electrical Characteristics of US-64, US-42 & US-32 Klodules at Test Conditions of 1000 W/m2of AM1.5 Inradiance & GeS3 Temp» of 2SC IV Curves 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 voltage (volts) Power Output 10 12 1-4 16 18 20 22 voltage (volts) Electrical Characteristics of US-64 Modules at Various Levels of Irradiance in Units of W/m2of AM1.5 Spectral Distribution and Ceil Temperature of 25C US-64 IV Curves at Various Levels of Irradiance current 1.6 (amps) 8 10 12 14 16 voltage (volts) 18 20 22 2A Triple Junction Amorphous Silicon PV Manufacturing Plant AH UNI-SQLAR photovoltaic modules and roofing products utilize United Solar's proprietary Triple-Junction amorphous silicon alloy solar ceils. These cells are made in a roil-to-rol! deposition process on a continuous ro!i of stainless steei. The result is a unique, flexible, lightweight solar cell. The heart of all UNl-SOLAR photovoltaic products is the Triple Junction amorphous silicon aifoy solar cetf. Each solar cell is composed of three semiconductor junctions stacked on top of each other. The bottom cell absorbs the red light; the middle ceil absorbs the green light and the top cell absorbs the blue light. This spectrum splitting capability results in the highest active area efficiency (13.0% stable) for any commercially available thin-film technology. Every UNf-SOLAR photovoltaic product is qualified under our extensive in-house Quality Assurance Program. All products have qualified under the ISPRA guidelines and have been qualified by Underwriters Laboratory. Active layers Are less than 1 micron* thick United Solar Systems Triple-Junction Spectrum Splitting Amorphous Silicon Alloy Solar Cell Sunlight Top conductive oxide Amorphous Silicon alloy sub-cell Amorphous Silicon-Germanium alloy sub-cell Amorphous Silicon-Germanium | alloy sub-cell Back Reflector Stainless steel substrate (125 microns* thick) (cross-section) Layer absorbs blue Layer absorbs green Layer absorbs red * 1/LOOO inch = 25 microns Bekaert BCD Solar Systems LLC 3800 Lapeer Road Auburn HiJIs, Michigan 48326 USA Tel: 1-248-475-0100 Fax: 1-248-364-0510 Date: August 1,2001 To; Whom It May Concern From: Bekaert BCD Solar Systems, LLC ("Bekaert ECD") Re; Bekaert ECD Corporate QA Program and Certifications. Dear Sir/Madam, Bekaert ECD Solar Systems LLC has an extensive in-house Quality Assurance program that is formatted similarly to an ISO 9000 system. The Level 1 Quality Manual comes under annual review. We would welcome a QA Evaluator to visit the 5-Megawatt Deposition System at our Troy, Michigan facility and our 5-Megawatt solar module manufacturing facility in Tijuana, Mexico to review the Quality Program we have in place. Bekaert ECD has received the PowerMark Certification. We were the first solar eel] manufacturing facility to receive this certification. The PowerMark Certification assures our customers that Bekaert ECD will produce a quality product over time. Bekaert ECD photovoltaic products, such as our line of flexible modules, rigid frame modules and roofing products, have qualified under the fSPRA guidelines (CEC-701) and all products have been qualified by Underwriters Laboratories (UL-1703, File # E182242). All products meet IEEE-1262 and IEC-I646 qualifications standards. Additionally, Bekaert ECD solar electric products have been qualified by Factory Mutual (FM ) for use under hazardous conditions (non-incendive Class I3 Division 2, Group A, B, C, and D hazardous locations). Both UL and FM conduct quarterly audits of our facility to ensure that we remain qualified. Regards, Jon Call Director of Quality 272-6800 271-5200 Saute Ciars, California-(408} 985-2406 Research Tnangte PafX. North Carolina* (913} 549-14CQ* ai7-55GG UNITED SOLAR SYSTEMS CORP HiS P "Ftf&TRUK r nain , „ mtr -«. M941100 W MAPLE HO TROY MI 48084 Your most recent listing is shown below. Please review this jnfojrmation and report any inaccuracies to the UL Engineering staff member who handled your XJL project TfWZ April IS, 199BPrepared Roof Covering Materials UNH£D SOLAR SYSTEMS CORP . E182242 (N) 1100 W MAPLE RD. TROY Ml 4S084 PhotovoltaJc {solar} raodulas/shingls.-fer instalfation as Class C pnepared roof coverings. Suitable for installation over 15/32 in. thick plywood decks when shingles are applied over one layer of 7yj>5 30 asphalt saturated organic fslt. These products ara also lisisc as Photovoltaic Modules and Panels (Q1GU). See the Electrical Construction Equipment Directory. LOOK FOR USTftJG MARK OH PROfiUCT 8S1773DOZ Underwriters Laboratotles Inc.® 011/034357«• 372 . For irtforniation on placing an order for UL Listing Cards in a 3 x 6 inch card format, please refer to the enclosed ordering information. S LABORATORIES INC, A not-for-profit organi;aitor. Melvii!e,.NewYorK-{631) 271-6200 SanfaCiara, California-(408) 985-24C Beseech Triangle Partc, North Carolina''{919} 549-1400 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® UNITED SOLAR SYSTEMS CORPDR P NATO 1100 W MAPLE RD TROY MI 48084 RE: Project Huinber(s) - GONK34822 Your most recent listing is shown below. Please review this -information and report any inaccuracies to the UL Engineering staff member who handled your project. For information on placing an order for UL Listing Cards in a 3 x 5 inch format, please refer to the enclosed ordering information. QIGU August 31, 2000 Photovoltaic Modules And Panels UNITED SOLAR SYSTEMS CORP E182242 1100 W MAPLE RD, TROY MI 48084 Framed photovoltaic modules. Roof parse! modules, SoUr electric roofing shingles. Field-assembled modules. Modules P.VL-64, -128 Framed photovoltaic modules, US Series Models US-3, -5, -II. -21, -30, -32, -3), -42, -60, -64, USF-5, -II, -32. Roof panel modules, ASR Series Models ASR-6G, -64, -120, -128. SSR Series Models SSR-60, -60], -64, -64j. -120, -120J, -123, -128). SaEar eJeciric roofing shingles. Models SHR-I5, -17. These products are also Listed as prepared Roof Covering Nfeieriajs (TBVZ), See the Roofing Materials and System Directory. LOOK FOR LISTING MARK ON PRODUCT Organization 861778002 Page 1 of 1 dedicated to public satetv and commuted to quality service fsorthbrook Divisionuiiuerwrtters • 333?^,*^ r- _ 5, ~ & - _.- _ e Noilfibrook, JL (iOC!02-209S USA www.ui.com UNITED SOLAR SYSTEMS CORP DR P NATH 3800 LAPEER KD AUBUKN HILLS MI 48326 UB: Project Niunber(s) - 02NK32393 Your most recent Certification is shown below. You may also view this information, or a portion of this -information (depending on the product category), on UL's Online Certifications Directory at www.Lii.com/database. Please review the text and contact the Conformity Assessment Services staff member who handled your project. if revisions are required- For instructions on placing an order for this information m a 3 x 5 -inch format, you may refer to the enclosed order form for UL Card Servirr. XGFU November 27, 2002 Roofing Systems UNITED SOLAR SYSTEMS CORF ElS^Z3800 -LAPEER KD, AUBURN HILLS Ml 48326 OTHEKS SYSTEMS Class A1- Deck:C-15/32 Incline: 2 Slip Shed: One layer Elk "VersaShiekJ F1MS", mechanically altached. Piy Shed: One layer Type 30 /ell, mechanically attached. Building Unit: "Clamping Balu-n and Scam PV Root Assembly", consisting of photovoltaic laminate assemblies, mechanically atlached with battens and clips 2. D«k:NC Incline- 1 Slip Sheet (Optional): Elk "VcreaShieitr, mechanic-ally attached. Base Sheet (Oplional): Type 15, 3(1, Cl or G2, mechanicaUv attached or hot mopped- Mcmbranc: S*mxl\\"&27-\''S$'U/}:tif,"<327-W'/'S?l77~\2/te\l",~$3^^ Building Unil: Field -Assembled Photovoltaic (Solar) Moduie Systems, "PVL-29, -S3, -60, -(A, -87, -116, -120 cr -128", self -adhered . 3. Deck: NC incline: 1 Slip Shee! (Optional}, Cik "VersaShJeki", mechanically aftached- Basc Sheet (OplionnS): 'type !'->, 30, G! or G2, mcchanicaHy aflachec! or hoi mopped. Membrane: Tremco "7remP!y HP- 45 10" (CSPE). Building Unit: Kefcl-Assembk-d PhoiovoHaic (Soiar) Module Systems, "PVL-2^J, -58, -60 -W -87, -116 -120 or -12S", self-adhered 4. Deck:NC Jnciine: i Slip Sheet (Optional): Elk "VcrsaSliield", mechanic,-* ity attached. Base Sheet (Optional}: Type J5, 30, Gl or G2, mechanically attached or hot mopped. Membrane: Johns MaavIHe "SR-5Q~, "SR-60, ^R-«5 Pttmier" or "SR-ffiT (PVQ. Building Ujiit: Fie Id -Ass em bled Photovoltaic (Soiar) Module Systems, "WL-79, -55, -60, -64, -87, -116, -120 or -128", self-adhered . 5. Deck: NC Incline:? Panels (Option.it): Any UL Classified standing seam roar' pnnei ..... _____ ______ Bimcr Board (Oplionni): Gypsum watiboard, 1/2 ii: Ihick mtn., or G-P Gypsum Oens-Deck®, 1/4 in. thick mm. Slip Sheet (Option.il): Elk "VersaShieJd", mechanicaiiy aEtached. Building Unil: Fie Id -Assembled PhotovoUalc (Soiar) Module Syslems, 'TVL-29, -58, -60, -64, -87, -116, -120 or -128", seEf-adhered . Class V, . Dcck:C-15/32 Incline: 3 Slip Slu-et: One layer Elk "Versa Shield FD-'JS", itiechanlcaily jiKacl.cd. I'ly Shea!: One layer Type 30 felt, mechar,icaUy atlachcd, An indepSiicleni o r o a n i z a { i o n w o r s i n 9 fo,- a s^igr want! wiHi inlegfiiy. precision and knowledge. J3 inkling "Unit: "Clamping Batten and Seam PV Roof Assembly", consisting of photovoltaic laminate assemblies, mcd laruca] iy attached willi ba Herts and clips. 2. Deck: NC Incline: 1 Slip Sheet (Optional): Elk "VersaShield", mechanically attached Base Sheet (Optional): Type '15, 30, Gl c?r G2, mechaiucaliy attached or ho! mopped. Membrane: Sarnafil "G410", "G4lO/Feil", "G410-12", "G^JO-12/Fe!r, G410-35*, "G41(M5/FeIl, "GiIO-16", "G4KMB/JW, "G410-20", "G-nO-20/I-eir or "G410-24" (PVC). Buiiding Unit: Field Assembled PhotovoHaic (Solar) Module Sysiena. TVL-29, -58, -60, -64, -87, -116, -120 or ~1?.S", self-adhered . 3. Deck: NC Incline: 3 Panels (Optional): Any UL Classified standing seam roof panel. Harrier Board (Optional): Gypsum tvaliboard, 1 /?. in. thick min., or G-P Gypsum Dens-Deck®, 1/4 in. (Kick min. Slip Sheet (Optional): Elk "VersaStueM". mecnanjcaily aiiached. liuilding Unit: Be Id-Assembled Photovoltaic (Solar) Module Systems, TVL-29, -58, -60, -64, -S7, -116, -120 or -128", sett-adhered . Class C 1. Deck: G-15/32 Incline: Unlimited Slip Sheet: One layer Elk "Vets a Shield HMS", mechanically attached- Ply Sheet: One layer Type 30, i'eJf mechanically attached. Cuiicling Unit: "Clamping Batten and Seam PV Roof Assembly", tonsisring oS photovoltaic laminate asaemblias, mechanically attached wish battens and clipr. The photovoltaic {PV} roof aisemblii": are also I.ised as FlwlovoSlair Mcsdule and Panels (Q3GU). See (he Electrical Equipment Directory. 2. Deck: NC Incline: UnJimited Panels (Optional): Any UL Classified standing seam roof panel. Barrier Hoard (Optional): Gypsum wallboard, 1/2 in. thick min., or G-P Gypsum Dens-Deck®, 1/4 in. thick inLT:, Slip Sheet (Optional): Elk "VersaShield". nwc'nanicatly attached. Building Unit: Field-Assembled PhotovoJiasc (Solar) Module Systems, "TVL-29, -58, -60, -64, -87, -1J6, -320 or -128", self-adhered , LOOK FOR CLASSIFICATION MARK ON PRODUCT 861778002 Page 2 of 2 TGFU/ November 27.. 2002 Module Specifications We have included our UNi-SQLAR Module Specifications Sheet in this technical brief. This spreadsheet gives all the specifications for all of our modules. Besides all of the current and voltage specifications, measurements, fuse ratings and termination types, the spreadsheet includes our UNI~SOLAFt a-Si qualifier for power output seen in the first eight weeks after installation. It is interesting to note that the initial light soaking of the modules wiii occur more slowly in hot climates. You can expect that the module will become fully light soaked after 8 weeks in ambient temperatures below ~15 degrees C. Another very interesting thing to note on the Module Specification spreadsheet is the temperature coefficients at the bottom of the page. The most important temperature coefficients will be the temperature coefficients for Power and Voltage at max power. Our temperature coefficient for Power is -0.21% per degree Celsius (ceil operating temperature). This can be compared to the crystalline temperature coefficient for Power, which is -0.45 to -0.55 % per degree Celsius. To calculate power loss for a particular module at some site, you would need to know the temperature that the modules were rated at, the ceil temperature on site and the temperature coefficient for the module you are testing. For example, if we had a UNI-SQLAR module that had a cell operating temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, this would be 35 degrees above 25 degrees Celsius (UNI- SOLAR modules are rated at 25C). We then multiply 35 and -0.21 and we arrive at -7,35. This is the percentage ioss we can expect for a module with a ceil operating temperature of SO degrees Celsius. A US-64 operating at this temperature will put out 64 watts minus 7.35%, or -59,3 watts, this number does not take into account array output losses due to dirt and dust on the modules (typically 2%) and wire ioss (typically 3%), The same sort of calculation can be used for voltage (using the Vmp temperature coefficient) to determine if the array wiil stay within a certain DC voltage input window on an inverter under site conditions. License Detail Contractor License # 671693 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD DISCLAIMER A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license data base. Before relying on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations: • CSLB complaint disclosure is restricted by law (B&P 7124.6). If this entity is subject to public complaint disclosure, a link for complaint disclosure will appear below. Click on the link or button to obtain complaint and/or legal action information. • Per B&P 7071.17, only construction related civil judgments known to the CSLB are disclosed. * Arbitrations are not listed unless the contractor fails to comply with the terms of the arbitration. * Due to workload, there may be relevant information that has not yet been entered onto the Board's license data base. * * * Extract Date: 01/13/2004 Business Information * * * KETCH ENERGY INC PO BOX 890185 TEMECULA, CA 92589-0185 Business Phone Number: (909) 303-0530 Entity: Corporation Issue Date: 05/20/1993 Expire Date: 05/31/2005 * * * License Status * * * lis license is current and active. AH information below should be reviewed. *** Classifications*** Class C10 Description ELECTRICAL * * *Bonding Information * * * CONTRACTOR'S BOND: This license filed Contractor's Bond number 68988611 in the amount of $10,000 with the bonding company WESTERN SURETY COMPANY. Effective Date: 01/01/2004 Contractor's Bonding History http://www2.cslb.ca.gov/CSLB^LIBRARY/License+Detail.asp 01/13/2004 BOND OF QUALIFYING INDIVIDUAL(I): The RAYMOND DZIKONSKI certified that he/she the corporator,. A bond of qualitying7nd|vidua| is not Effective Date; 05/20/1992 Workers Compensation Information * * * This lice nse has workers comto,, jnsurance with u*& Poiicy Nu.be. ^^ Workers Compehsation History Personnel Urt U«n»e Number Requet Contactor N, «•«* Request Nam€ 02003 State of CaWbmte. PrjvacyPdfcy http://www2.csIb.ca.gov/CSLB_LIBRARY/License+Detail.aSp