HomeMy WebLinkAbout1550 Jeanne Pl; ; 84-390; Permit"' z 0 !i ~ u w 0 IC I[ 0 u IC w 0 ... 3 ~ w z ~ z 0 ~ z w .. ,. 0 u "' " w " IC ~ ![ 0 I hereby atftrm that I am licensed under provtsions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect. Lie No __ Class I hereby affirm that I am exempt from 1he Contrac· tor's License Law for the following reason {Sec 7031 5 Business and Proless1ons Code: Any city or county which re-quires a permit to construct. _alter. improve demolrsh, or repair any structure. p_nor to its 1ss_uance also requires the ap- plicant for such permit to file a s,gned s!atement that he 1s licensed pursuant lo the provisions of the Contractor's License LJw {Chapter 9 c□mmencrng with Sec1ion 7000 of o,vIsmn 3 ol lhe Business and Pro1ess1ons Code) or that Is ex- empt therelrom and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031-5 by an applicant for a permit sub- Iects the appl,cant to a civil penalty of not more than five hun- dred dollars ($500\ C I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the struc- ture ,snot intended or otfered 1or sale {Sec 7044, Business and ProlessIon& Code: The Contractor's License Law does no! apply to an owner o! property who builds or imprO'les thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intend- ed or ottered 1or _sale. If. however, the building or improve- ment Is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or im- prove for the purpose of sale) □ I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting wi1h licensed contr~ctors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does no1 apply to an owner of property who builds or im- proves thereon, and who contracts !or each proIects with a contractor{s) license pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) □ As a homeowner I am impr011Ing my home, and the follow- ing conditions exist 1 The work is being performed prior to sale 2 I have lived in my home !or twelve months prior to completion o! this work. I have not claimed this exemption during the last three years □ I am exempt under Sec ______ , B & PC !Of this reason 0 I hereby affirm !hat I ha•e a cert1f1cate ot consen! to self-insure, or a cer1,t,cate ot Workers Col'l"lpensat1on Insurance, or a cert,t1ed copy thereof :,c".':oa_fcr~ci5ci3_b3i·f » COMPANY f~--f flCt .C~cJLf D Copy ,s foled w,th the c,ty D Certified copy ,s hereby fum,she<I CEFITIFICATE. OF EXEMPTION FROM WOFIKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed ,f the perm,1 Is !or one hundred dollars ($100) or less) D t cert,ty that In the pertormance of the wor1< tor which this perm,t Is ,ssue<l, I shall not employ any person ,n any manner so as to become subIect !O the Won<ers· Compensation Laws ot CaI,torn1a NOTICE TO APPLICANT If. after makin;i this Cert, hcate of Exemp11on. you should become subJect l'J the Won<ers· Compensa1,on pmvIs,ons of the Labor Code. you mus! torihw,th comply with such prov,s,ons or th,s permII shall be deemed re,oked D I hereby affirm That the,e ,s a consIruct,on ,ending agency lor the per1ormance of he wor1< for which this perm,t Is ,ssued I c 7 c;:,u.,Coctel Lenders Name Lenders Address USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARO APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND iip.,NS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 JOB AO,oR1;sS ---··-----;: AV. ST. DATE F' AP'f" !CATION I -ectitie . "Y'·' 1 \'I :i4 Ci'PRLANO, Rc;Nftl() '7.l9':f;o'q'~ ~;;8A1" can:c· OWNER'S M'°AI UNG ADDRESS [550 . 'Ieanoe pL . ____ r;;~;·c;;~ll) Jtp ~:Pn1 LICENSE NO. 3qo64..5 PLAN I.O. # BLDG use CODE LOT I BLOCK Tsueo,v,s,oN I ASS~O~:f!'.: Nr, 0-l 9 DESIGNER LICENSE# STANDARD PLAN# BUil.DiNG SQ. FOOTAGE IOESCA!PT!;~n, L.JoJ~ t\ecJ ...-{ l·OESJGNEA'S AOOFttSS CENSUS TRACT I GP LAND USE I PARKING SPACE RES UN,TS f GRADING f'.ERMIT ISSUED r □ N 0 '" FLA ELEV . YO NO r REDEVELOPMENT AREA YO NO NO STORIES TYPE CONST · DESIGNER'S PHONE ace GP EOU OCC LOAD FIRE SPR YO NO f I Not Valid Unless Mlchine Certified QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT· ISSUE 7 ..50 _IIOTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE 3-SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP EACH BUILDING SEWER EACH WATER HEATER AND/OR VENT EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO '1 OUTLETS EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE , --r----___ -- 1 INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TO 100.000 BTU BUILDING PERMIT OVER 100,000 BTU SIGN PERMIT --,!----+----------- BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP PLAN CHECK ---------------------+------lt------------ IU IAL PLUMBING 80ILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP ---· METAL FIREPLACE ELECTRICAL ----· EACH INSTA~ .. ALTER. REPAIR WATER PIPE --+--- EACH VACUUM BREAKER WATER SOFTNER j EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE) VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT MH':HANlr.AI -------t-----+--------M EC H EXHAUST -HOOD/DUCTS MOBILEHOME RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER MOBILEHOME PARK INSP SOLAR TOT.l.l MECHANICAL STRONG MOTION ~_J --=--c---------- TOTAL PLUMBING FIRE SPRINKLERS QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT· ISSUE _;-=-QTY. SOLAR · ISSUE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE BRIDGE FEE NEW CONST EA AMP:'SWT BK R COLLECTORS SCHOOL FEE · DISTRICT 1 PH 3 PH STORAGE TANKS Carlsbad ____ ROCK STORAGE f---· --+--R_E_M_O_OE_L_'."LTE_R PER CIRCUIT t -±1~~:_CHECK~E_E__________ I I ----,-· ~ TEMP PO LE 200 AMPS EXIST BLDG EA AMP/SWT/BKR IPH 3 PH OVE A 200 AMPS -+ ---~-----!--+-------------+--------¼------ f-- i::ncinitas S;:in ni11ni1itn San Marcos TEMP OCCUPANCY 130 DAYSI ------,-----t-- _____L --------it -------t-- TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL SOLAR TOTAL FEES PAYABLE 01-00-00-B220 01-00-00-B221 01-00·00-8806 01-00-00-8222 01-00-00-8223 01-00-00-8224 01-00-00-8225 01 OO,Q0-8226:t_·_-_/.., ,( ./ 80-92-33-0519 01-00-00-8227 32-00-00-8923 80-92-21-0519 80-92· 22-0519 -,--. - 80-92-23-0519 80-92-24-0519 I /S, - - ... I HAVE CAAl:ftJLL-¥',,EXAMiNEO THE COMPLETED "APPLICATION ANO PERMIT" ANO DO HERESY :,Ex~-~E~ptr_mlt!SNMf.byJheBufk;!ingOfficijtt~nde(th.ep,-~i~ionsQfthfs * .MlaM, P£NilfT 1$REQUIREO.FOA,EXCAVATI0NS OVER CERTlFY UNDER "PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON lNCLUDING THE ~ ~aft expif"e: by tim_l~ion and become ~ll ~nd VOid. If the t,ulldmg or work .5.· 0''. DEEP ANDoaitoLf110N OR CONSTAUCTI0N OF OECLAMTI0NS A1lE TIWE· AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY ANO AGREE ff A PERMIT IS authotized ~ such ~i_nit 18 not commence_d within 180 dayafrom the dale.of SUCh STftUClUBtS OVEft 3 STIRES IN HEIGHT permit, ot ,t th& building or work authotiud qy ,such permit iS sus ded Of lSSl,JED: TO 'COMP\.Y WITH ALL CITY, COUNTY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON· L~-~!!;"!!"°'~19d~at~'"'!!J. [!tiin!!!""!!!•~afm!!!!!.J!""'~W!£°"'~1!!.•.£tom£!!!_!!!!!_ !fced!!.!!.J!kK!!.!•~•e,·od~o~I.J1!!1.,wL-;;:.P'!'!i:::~o::,:~~---~,:-~---~~------1 STRUCTION. MiETHE~ SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND ~ KEEP HARMLE$S_ THE.ciTY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUOGMENiS, COSTS AND ~-ICA.NT'S SIGNATURE Jf. • OWNER□ CONtRACT0. · DATE EXPENSES WHICH MAY tN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAltiIBT SAID CITY lN CONSEQUENCE OF THE " , l' , . ·~ BY'PHO O 7 )'j GRANTINGOFTHISPERMlT. C'\-Stvi,l...~!I NE , I -)~-- ~ LL >, <ii 0 0. E w f- l "C 0 '" c "' 0 0. 0. "' I ~ C a: 0 00 00 w 00 00 "' I 3 £ ,; >- .,; 00 w g a: "' -,. 0 ~ w 0 C "' C LL C w w ~ i5 0 w 0. 00 C ~ "' ;: INSPECTION TYPE DATE BUILDING. INSPECTOR ~ ~</-'3'£.) FIELD INSPECTION RECORD FOUNDATION REINFORCED STEEL REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES INSPECTION AEQ IF INSPECTOR'S DATE MASONRY CHECKED APPROVAL ··-- GUNITE OR GROUT SOILS COMPLIANCE FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME PRIOR TO F-OUNOATION INSP SHEATHING STRUCTURAL CONCRETE FRAME OVER 2000 PSI EXTERIOR LATH lNSULATION PRESTRESSED CONCRETE -- INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL POST TENSIONED CONCRETE PLUMBING FIELD WELDING --- SEWER AND BL/CO HIGH STRENGTH PLUMBING UNDERGROUND BOLTS -- PLUMBING TOP OUT SPECIAL MASONRY TUB AND ~HOWER PAN I GAS TEST j PILES CAISSONS ELECTRICAL I ' TEMPORARY POWER ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ROUGH ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE I -----BONDING G. F. I, -SMOKE DETECTOR MECHANICAL DUCT & PLEM,, REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. -SOLAR SYSTEMS VENTILATING SYSTEMS CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HA VE BEEN APPROVED. --~----~- JOB SITE FINAL ,, PLUMBING _/ ,-.../ ELECTRICAL / -:--;r-t::- MECHANICAL 'I V . . GAS • BUILDING ,.. r7 -~ /? \ -C SPECIAL CONDITIONS (/ /,/ /_/ I CERT OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED -/ IA ---,