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1550 Jeanne Pl; ; 87-602; Permit
.. z 0 f,i "' :l " .. Q 0: ![ 8 0: .. Q ~ 3 ~ .. z 3 0 z 0 ~ z w .. ,. 0 " .. ir w " "' 0 3 D I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of DIYls!on 3 ot the Business 1 and Proleaalons Code, and my license 1s 111 lull force and effect 1 hereoy atl,rm that I am exemp! tram lhe Co,t·dc ior's License Law for IM lollow,rg reasoo 1Sec 7CJJ~ ~ Business and Profess,ons Code Ary c1t1· or cou~ty wn,ch re qJ•res a .ierm1t to construct alter. ,morove dernol,sh or repair any struclure prior to its issuance also requires !heap pl,cant for such perm,t to file a s,~ned ~tatement 1na1 he ,s 1,censed pursuant to the prov1s1ons of lhe (,o0troc1or s 1_,cense Law !Chapter 9 commenc,ng w1lh se, ion 7000 ol o,v,s,on 3 of the Bus,ness and Proless1ons Coae, o· that.sex er'1pl :nere1rom and IM basis for the al!eged e,emplion Any ·;iola11on ol Sect1on 7031 ~ by an applicant !or a perm,t suh 1ec!s the applicant to a c1v,I penally ol not more tr.an f,.,e run dred dollars 1:$~00' I as owne, of The property or my employee, 1,Ilh wages as the·r sole cornpens~t,on. w11I do the wor< a0 (1 The ;Tr Jc ture Is rcr nrenaed or offered lor saic (Ser, 7044 Bus ne,, and Proless1ons Code The Contractors l Icense Law Ooes not app•y to an owne• ol property who nuIIds or improves thereon and who does suer. work h1""sell or t~rough his o;in emoloyees. provided lhat such Irnprovemenrs are not intend ed or offered for sale If. however. lhe bu,ldIng or improve r-ienl Is sold w,th1n one year of comple1,on. lhe owner-builder v,1II have the burden of provrng that he did not build or Im prove for the ourpose of saleJ ' as owner of lhe propeny_ am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to cons1ruc1 !he proiec1 !Sec 7044 Business and Pro1essmns Code The Contractor's License Law does ~at apoly to an owner of property who builds or im-proves thereon and who contracls lor each p,oiecrs w,th a contractor1sl license pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) As a home~wner I am ImprovIng my home. and the to low :ng condItIons ernt 1 The work Is being performed prior to sale 2 I ~ave lived ,n my home far :welve mcn:hs prior to completron 01 this work I have nol cla,med this exemot,on during The I last three years I am e~empt under Sec ______ , B & PC for this reason ____________ _ _ I hereby a!f1r<n that I have a cert1!1cate or consent to self insure. or a cer\1f1cate ot Workers Cornoe%a\1on In scrance O' a cen>f,ed copy thereo' :Sec 3800 Labor Ccde1 POLICY NO COMPANY --Copy IS l:led with the city Cert1!1ed copy ,s hereby furnished CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 1Th1s section need not be completed 1f \he permit Is 'or one hundred dollars 1S100I or less! , certify lhal In the pertormance ol the work for wh1d', t~Is permit Is issued I shall not employ any pe,son In an, manner so as to become sub1ect lo lhe Worke,s Com pen sat on Laws of Ca11tom1a NOTICE TO APPLICANT If, after making this Certificate I o' Exemption. you should become sub1ec1 to the Worke,s Cor'1pensat1on pro,is1ons or !he Labo, Code, you must 1 L forthwith co'llply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoKed ![ I hereby affirm that there Is a cor.struct•on end,ng agency for the perlmmance of the work lor ·;;h1ch tt-1s per I mIt ,s issued (Sec 3097 C,v1I Codei Lender s Name Lender s Address_ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 (619) 438-1161 ws /SS~ J e,~~ ~E: f /. •v ST RO. j~•:::RODTr, I~= o; ,::u87aN sus,Ness uceNse • / 2fq'ofo ~ l';"M,TNUMBER LOT BLOCK I SUBOI VISION I ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. 0 }A,-CTOR CONTRACTORS PHONE. ZONE 1 0 : 2. 0"'7 I 5 o I ct O ([ l _. _a_ \.o - OWNER'S NAME I OWNER'S PHONE l-c::::-J.,.,.,,.. .... 4~•~'ccJ0',,,,,t_J:;,,,:t=:===:,,,,~-h==~==,,--;cc--~f----------+--::,c;;;=c-a:;c:;:;--;-;,;---j /( 0 Y\ • Id AJ . c /p ,-, Q..·..,. 0 -, 2. q-5 o'i '-f coNTRACTaR·s ADDRESS sTATE ucENSE No. eu1LDING sa. FOOTAGE OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS 1 ~ so "J'e.a..n Y\..e. f'I. DESIGNER DESIGNER'S PHONE DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1-------------------------------------" DESIGNER'S ADDRESS STATE LICENSE NO. CoY\C-'r-._,.\-e_ t'o,,..,{\o $3 1 X 11 1 avut ---~-;,(jd Q-11 C<!:>ve-r-. --¾? ,11---· ',~ 'Gecaccev ST~~,ES occce EDU 0006 07/14 0101 02P.ldPmt 54.0, I I PARK•NCSPAC~ I RES UNITS GRADINGPERMITISSUED IREDEV~LOPMENT TYPE OCCLOAD FIRE SPF> AREA CONST , O ~ D "C .,__[j vO r-.O Not Valid Unlers Machine Certified I 50 1,, -¢~ QTY PLUMBING PERMIT_ ISSUE 1 1 ~ QTY MECHANICAL PERMIT. ISSUE 1 0 . SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACHflXTURE TRAP ,----------------INSTALL FURN OUCTSdPTOlOOOOOBTU BU!I_DINGPERMIT 001-810-CO-COS~~ 1-__ '?,___2_ __ EACH BUlllllNG Sf.WEA ' -[ 1 OVER 1()0 000 BTU s;G"J PERMIT ~,o'-810-00-::J0-82?1 ~ EACH WATfR~~A~~NU OR viNT ---~ -~ ~--· ---_:-~ BQILER,(lJMPRE~SOR UP-TO 3--~~ __________ ~~-, --j__PL~N CHE~~ __ ~0_1-810~0-00-8821_ _ ___ y~ \_ _ _j__E __ ACHGASSYSTEMl lU4iJUTLETS • _ . _ t\OILER. [QMPRESSOR:11'.JHP _______ TQTALPLUMBIN'~-----CC,1-810-00-00-8222 j___ ___ EA_~GAS_~SYSH~:ion_M_O_~r_ ---T --· __ --~-.ff-.A!_:_!Rt_e:1_~~~ _ ------_ L_ __ E--LE __ C--T __ R--IC __ Ac_L --001-810·00-00-8223 -l-------~ EACH INSrA~. ALTER, REPAIR \,','ATER PIPE f VENT ~AN SINGLE UUCT _ 1 MECHA~ICAL_ _OIJ1-8Jl:0G-00-8224 __ EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST HOOD DUCTS __ _._ __ --~--" \108 LEHOME 'J07-81C OU-O_C_S_2_2_5--+---------- WATER SOFTNEf-l RELOCATION 0~ EA FURNACE HEATER __ _,____ . SOLAR 0:J1-810-00-00-8226 ___ LF\U' Rr_:1-JF ·11:i.\ :°' -;.s_, ·:,r --:F-: --1 DRYER vENT___ ------s~rin1;G r._iwIDN ss:-::19-92-33 -'-__ -= -- TOTH MECHANICAL FIRE SPl'.11\'\LERS O01·810-CO-•JO-8227 ------ TO I Al P\ ll'vHJINL i PUBLIC FACILITIES ;;EE 320-8'0-00-G0-3/C:.,J ---------'--l-------------j __., ~ BRIDGE FEE 36O-81O-OD-OO-874O QTY. ELECTRICAL PE~MIT -ISSUE ~ : QTY. MOBILE HOME SETUP PARK-'J-LIEU i:,'.i,REA --, ----_-_-___ _j_::::_:__:_-_-_-_---:_:__:_-' r..FW CONSf EA AMP SW! lJKK CAR PORT -·F 134-810-00-G0-8835 C. ----1l---+------------------If----------------------- C---+--I_PH \ PH ------1 i !_IVN __ I_N __ G_______ _ ------+--_ ---'---''-LA COS_TA_!IF ----133-8_10_-_oo_-_00-8835 ----_ HIST bLOG E/-1 AMP SWT 8KR I GARAGE FMF ------------+--------------------------- l PH l PH ----+----~ ---------+--------<! LICENSE TAX :01-s~c, o:---:1:•-6b' __ 1 ;~::;)-~~~/l;(~]\\;:/ [IR~~~ --_ _ _ _:___. -t .: _________ -=---__ (___ ___ ~ ---= ~9-92-57--_______ _ -------'----"------------------------· c------1-...'.'.ll~V-"'l R_)_UU_A_M_P~---· ______ ____ _ ___ __j_ _________ _ lE';iP(ICCLJPANCY ]OlJAYS:1 i ___ JI----+----------------------+------J(-------__ _ -----· _ ·--__ CREDIT DEPOSIT TiJIAL FLlLlHILA'. T T-~~~ ------; --TOTAL FEES PAYABLE --k '-.rJ---- 1 HAVE CAREFULLY EX.AMINE□ THE COMPLETED ··APPLICATION AND PERMIT' AND DO HEREBY Expiration. Everyperm,t issued bythe8u1ldtngOtl1c,al undertheprov1s1onsolth1s **~~PE , 1$ REQUIRED FOR E.XCA\IAT,ONS OVER CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall el(pore by limita!ion and become null and void lf the buolding or work 'O" DEEP: 0 DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION Of T FY A G EE IF A PERM authorized by such permit 1s not commenced w1!htn 180 days from ttle date ut such DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND COfiRECT AND! FURTHER CER I ~DA R IT~: permit. or ,1 the building or work au!tlomed by such permit ,s suspended 0, STRUC ES 01/ER 3 STORIES IN HEKiHT • ISSUED. TO COM PL y WITH ALL CITY, COUNl Y AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CO . .-L~•~bo;o~do~o~od!'f."~'~°';:,!'~•m~•~•~"~••~'l<h~•~•!!'.9-0,~k~•~• £CO~m""m~•~oc~•~d~•~o~, ~•-"!; n,c~,o~d!.£o•~'~60!Q..fd~•~ '''----;~f":~~~'1!-::lll~----------:~r;,1--;--,'-1 STRUCTION WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND PUCANT' M APPROV :~ ooo/ '/¾/ KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND /4AP S SIGNATURE ,,_ ,., OWNER 'P CONTRACTO.R [J cc;_, /. / $ EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE ,__ _ 11 ,./) 1A /? _ ~ -_, .,_ [J , - GRANTINGOFTH1SPERM1T ~ /"/~~ av PH~_:~--r ./ [ · Of ~ U:: i':' ro 0 0. E w f-- D 0 l'.J C ro 0 0. 0. '" I ~ C n_ 0 ~ ~ w if, if, '" I 5 .2 © >- w 0 C ro C IL C w ~ l'.J 0 0 w 0. if, C w .c ;;: TYPE I DATE INSPECTOR ----- BUILDING ' ',• 1/7-&0d- FOUNDATION ' 70-~ /l' -I ~- FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REINFORCED STEEL ' REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTORS NOTES MASONRY I GUNITE OR GROUT I I - INSPECTION RED IF INSPECTORS DATE CHECKED APPROVAL .. --SUB FRAME □ FLOOR □ CEILING SOILS CU/l,'P!_l/1,NCE SHEATHING D ROOF □ SHEAR FRAME I I EXTERIOR LATH I PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP I -----------------l---. S1 PUCT UP.AL U)NCRE l E OVER 2000 r'SI --------- INSULATION I PRfSTHfSSED CCNcrlETE INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I ' PLUMBING I □ SEWER AND BUCO ,~ flLiCO UNDERGROUND □ WASTE □ WATER TOP OUT □ WASTE □ WATER TUB AND SHOWER PAN I ; --~-POST Tt.N~.IONl'D I CUl'.CRETE ------+ l'"IE'._D 1/1/ELOlr-.,G ' i ------------:-----------tJ;(;H S'REN(3TH 80L TS I + -- ~~-fC:1,"IL MA:-~()NPY ______ ___,_ GAS TEST I □ WATER HEATER □ SOLAR WATER I ELECTRICAL I ~ • I f"',c_ES CAISSON:- ~------------+ .--t--' - I ---------- □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND Gl UFFER ------t--------- ROUGH ELECTRIC I I ----~----~-----·------- □ ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMP!QRARY □ BONDING □ POOL I t---------------------------~-----··--------I I ------ ' MECHANICAL I ·----· ---·-i------- □ DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIRING . . ' . HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS : . . . -.... -· ----,j--. --~ i_;l t-. ·. ':' ·:;,-,.,.J ;. ~' · .. . - VENTILATING SYSTEMS I . . I CALL FOR FINAL INSPEC(ION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABQVE HA.VE BEEN AePROVED' • · . FINAL ' PLUMBING I . '. . '.\ "' . . .. . ' • . ELECTRICAL I l J. ~ "l'(J MECHANICAL . I ,, ' i . ' GAS I . \J' . ~ ... - I . . . .-. -- BUILDING I , ,, . SPECIAL CONDITIONS I \v - I I . I I I I I I I ' '~ \' v V ' I I '-II I I I I t ~-----,----,~, I I I '~ I I I I I ' · JUL 111987 City of CARLSBAD -BUILDING D.P:0 ~ -} ...J ·-, ---),I \ I . I . 1/ \ \ I '1/ ---- I ' 1 5 1 -------t---------<->- C