HomeMy WebLinkAbout1550 MARITIME DR; ; CB991285; PermitCity of Carlsbad Residential Permit Permit No:CB991285 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 438-3101 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: 04/02/1999 # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: Applicant: 1550 MARITIME DR CBAD RESDNTL Sub Type: 2150712400 Loi#: $205,821.00 Construction Type: 6 Reference #: Structure Type: 3 Bathrooms: OCEAN BLUFF PHASE 2B PLAN 1, 2342SF W/599SF GARAGE CARELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP STE400 5 PARK PLAZA IRVINE CA 92614 949 251-6122 SFD Status: 65 Applied: VN Entered By: CT93-09 SFD Issued: 2 Inspect Area: Orig PC#: Plan Check#: ISSUED 03/23/1999 DT Plan Approved: 04/06/1999 CB982263 PC990039 Total Fees: $17,230.68 e Due: $17,230.68 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park in Lieu Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee Other Bridge Fee BTD#2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee . ' ,, + « \, > ' ' ; " $992.08 Reel. Water Con, Fe~ " · '> > $ . ' .• ....., ' ,~1 0 0.00 tt,eterS1ze _ v tr•-t:;;,~;! . , '.,: $'44,~X Add' Recl.W~er C#~ .;-; , , . : . , . $0.w CF~ Pay9lt'Fee . ". ,!.!'' ··.: ··:::(~5(5!l}' PFF .. :·,. ;--',:;·,~~~•:.~ • : ;· •.: .~ •$20.~ PFF'(CFD Fun.dJ" ;• :;·,•• ~; • ~/,'' $1~~-QO License Tax~ -V:+:*⇒ ,~-::✓~· · · · • : ~ · $0,00. , ljcense:i;;ft{~F'~ ! : ; $b.'QQ: " • ; : ; Y~lll!lplfcl ., : ; : · · : ,; ,$).00 : ; :tiif;fie J"tmd) · • S<tllll, .. • , .;PL(!Jtw\ll $~.ro :: '! ·et.ii ~tOTAL $0.00 ••-~CH NICAL TOTAL $0.00 Housing Impact Fee $0.00 Housing lnlieu Fee $0.00 Master Drainage Fee: $2,400.00 Sewer Fee: D5/8 $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES FINAL PPROVAL $0.00 $0.00 $4,254.32 $3,745.94 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $550.00 $0.00 $168.00 $60.00 $72.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,799.00 $17,230.68 Date: .zf-1 Clearance: _____ _ NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition• of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which ou have reviousl been iven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has reviousl otherwise ex ired. 2075 Las Palmas Dr .• Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 City of Carlsbad Inspection Request For: 9/21/99 Permit# CB991285 Title: OCEAN BLUFF PHASE 2B Description: PLAN 1, 2342SF W/599SF GARAGE Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Job Address: Suite: Location: 1550 MARITIME DR Lot 65 APPLICANT CARELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP Owner: Remarks: PM PLEASE Total Time: Inspector Assignment: PD --- Phone: 7604381731 lnspectortl.L Requested By: KEITH Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description Act Comments 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments 9/2/99 39 Final Electrical AP PD PREVIOUSLY 8/30/99 39 Final Electrical AP DM EMR 7/14/99 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test AP PD 717/99 16 Insulation AP PD 7/6/99 16 Insulation AP PD 6/25/99 84 Rough Combo NR RB LA TH NOT CAULKED 6/28/99 84 Rough Combo AP RB 6/22/99 84 Rough Combo NR RB 5/25/99 83 Roof Sheathing/Ext Shear AP PD 4/20/99 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PD 417/99 21 Underground/Under Floor AP NF 4/7/99 22 Sewer/Water Service AP NF SEWER ONLY 09/28/1999 10:39 7604383065 CATELLUS PAGE 03 City of Carlsbad 2075 la, Palm•• Ori••, Calfsbad callfomla 92009 INSPECTION RECORD · • INSPECTION.RECORD CARD WITH APPROVED PLANS MUST BE KEPT ON.THE JOB . CALL PRIOR TO 2:00 P.M. FOR NEXT WORKDAY INSPECTION BUILDING INSPECTION: (760) 438-3101 _____ LOT NO./SUITE:_~::...06:~.,·:...-_-__ J ~ADDRESS:---·-··"~---~--~--~-•--- LNERS NAME C8991285 1550 MARITIME DR CBAO r ---: --• OCEAN BLUFF PHASE 28 J/9CCUPANCY PLAN 1, 2342SF W/599SF GARAGE l RESONTL SFD JUllDINC Lot#: 65 CARELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP CONST. CONTRACTOR PAJE _ :1 /(p/'1CJ PTHER APPROVED TO COVER ' Type of •~on Dalo ,....,.,ctot Notes l ' BUILDING ~ . OUNDATION -J ·-~,. ✓, I :£1Nf0RCED STE£L 1 Vt,, '1 I , 1·,, l,IASONRY. . ll.CROUT □ WALL DRAINS ILT P1'NELS !OUR STRIPS tOLUMN·FOOTINGS UBfRMIE'' □FlO_OR CJ CElllNC ,ooF ~HE_A THING / --. // ----XT. SHE#i_R PANl:-lS ., .. :, "I , ' ... ,- RAME . .,. ,. ., ir . .,.-.. INSULATION 141.'7.-J. '4 V•<l"L )(fER'IOR LA TH --.I ' . D/ N,lRll:IR:LATH & DRYWALL l~ I '1 i -, f }'I ~ iNAt ~ PLUMB/NC . L~i;WER AND BL/CO □ PL/CO 1,., _L ~L_ NDER<'lROUND .l!I WASTE CJ WATER . '-1. • OPO.UT □WASTE □WATER t .. J ,-<rT , ... ,,, ...... u~;AND"SHQWER PAN . . . , !Ci!IS TEST □CASPIPINC -I ,<If "'1'1 ' ri. "t7f WATfRHEATER □ ~OLAR WATER ijNAL A ' ELECTRICAL -I fl A . , p ELECTRIC UNDERdkOU_ND l,l'CIFER &I• 7#/. • ..,, ., ft Cl.UGH ELECTRIC WALLS ·r I . "--... ,. ., -,JO • OlJCH El.EC:TRIC CEILING .. ·v, ("""I I/ l '7 111. El.ECTRIC SERVICE -0 TEMPORARY b BIJNDll"IG □POOL INAL <'"l~-1'11 ~ -MECHANICAL • NDERCROUND DUCTS & PIPING . 1.0Uci" a, PlEM:□ REF. PIPING "· 11"1 ,£ . EAT-AIRCONO. SYSTEMS ,_ • 11· ~ " • ENTILATINC SY5TE"'1S ... INAL :,.,LL FORflW.L-IN<//ECTIONWHEN ALLAl'PRDPRIATE ITEMS ABOVf HAV' BEEN APPROVED . <l~t Sir,When ~ropriate -// .... uili'ting ll)~t (Inspections) 438,-3101 '7 • 1,./. f/'1 7~;f, ~,~_Depanment 931-2121 • 01a~nlngD~rtm•nt 438-1161 c... n,i:rc;; ~ En'11nl!\!ilnt1 D•~•· Un$P«!lons) 438-3891 . . ~ . Bollilin(i l~spOCIOF$ (7am-4!>m) 438-3550 --, !CMWD_ 438-2722 Ext 7153 I':?., r , ...... ,,, {Wa\~ tnSpection.s 438-3891 '"' ' SEE BACK FOR SP£CIAL NOTES --------....... " __________ ., ..... Cb II Carlsbad ~ ·: Final Buildlng 1ns1ect1on Dep::·~~ildi~lanning CMWD St Lite Fire Plan Check#: Permit#: PC990039 CB991285 Date: 9/15/99 2:42:41 PermilType: RESDNTL Project Name: OCEAN BLUFF PHASE 28 Sub Type: SFD Address: 1550 MARITIME DR Lot: 65 Contact Person: Phone: Sewer Dist: Water Dist: ·························································································································································· ~::pecte°1£2ff-i! Date / Inspected: ~-I 5' .Lj: q Approved: ---=-V-Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: ___________ Inspected: ______ Approved: ___ Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: ___________ Inspected: ______ Approved: ___ Disapproved: __ ·························································································································································"' Comments: _______________________________ _ ~ CIWDICarlsbad 1Ja Flnal Bulldlng lnspecllon~~ Dept: Building Engineering Planning C Plan Check#: Permit#: Project Name: Address: Contact Person: Sewer Dist: PC990039 CB991285 OCEAN BLUFF PHASE 2B 1550 MARITIME DR Phone: Water Dist: ' Fie Date: Permit Type: Sub Type: Lot: 65 9/14/99 1:10:31 RESDNTL SFD ································· ................................. , ...................................................................................... . lnspecteffi, r By: ~\\'-------- Date Inspected: 1:)-\h Approv~ Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: ___________ Inspected: ______ Approved: __ _ Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: ___________ Inspected: ______ Approved: __ _ Disapproved: __ ························································· .. ················ .. ······ ...................................................... , ................ , Comments: _______________________________ _ ~ CHY GI Carlsbad EJa Flnal BUIiding ln~an Dept: Building Engineering Plann~ St Lite Plan Check#: Permit#: Project Name: Address: PC990039 CB991285 OCEAN BLUFF PHASE 2B 1550 MARITIME DR Contact Person: Phone: Date: 9/14/99 1:10:31 Permit Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Lot: 65 [i~···· ..... ... ..... ..... .... . .. ~~::: ............ ·········:;~=·:7::::::: = Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ ........................................................................................................................................................... Comments: _____________________________ _ w C~IR.ISTIAN WHEELER ENGINEER.ING COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Job Name: Ocean Bluff Job#: 198.090 Job Address: 1550 Maritime Drive Permit#: 991285 Contractor: Catellus Architect: JBZ Subcontractor: Silverado Engineer: Specialty Steel Test Location: Slab-on-grade, Lot 65 Supplier: Hanson Req. Strength: 2500 psi Mix#: 515 Date Sampled: 4-22-99 Admixture(s): Date Received: 4-23-99 Truck#: 306 Sampled by: RM Mix Temp: 71° Tested by: SCC/AC Slump: 4 l/~" Sample Type: Concrete, 6" x 12" Min in Mixer: 61 Sample# Date Tested Age (days) Area (sq. inches) Maximum Load (lbs) 0819 5-3-99 II 28.27 80,600 0820 5-20-99 28 28.27 87,650 0821 5-20-99 28 28.27 91,240 Plan File#: Ticket#: 781198 Air Temp: 60' %Air: UnitWt: Comp. Strength Failure Type (psi) 2,850 3,100 3,230 The sampling, handhng, cunng and compressive strength testing were performed by Chnstian Wheeler Engmeering in accordance with the apphcable ASTM standards. No other warranties express or implied. Distribution: (2) Catellus (I) City of Carlsbad Reviewed by: Michael B. Wheeler, RCE #45358 4925 Mercury Street+ San Diego, CA 92111 + 619-496-9760 ♦ FAX 619-496-9758