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1551 CORMORANT DR; ; CB930891; Permit
r •« BUILD 12/23/93 13 17 Page 1 of 1 Job Address 1551 CORMORANT DR Permit Type RESIDENTAL ADD/ALT Parcel No 215-650-08-00 Valuation 10,941 Construction Type VN Occupancy Group B-2 ING PERMIT Suite Permit No Project No Development No CB930891 A9301268 Lot* Reference* Description 521 SF CABANA FOR ALDEA 93-860 Status Applied Apr/Issue Appl/Ownr COMFORT CONSTRUCTION 4990 WILLIAMS AVENUE LA MESA, CA 91941 - 619 452-3700 ISSUED 08/26/93 12/23/93 DC *** Fees Required *** *** Pe«s Collected & Credits *** Fees 338,00 Adjustments ,00 Total Fees 398 00 Fee description total Credit** Total Payments* Balance Due; Units oo 82 00 316 00 Ext fee Data Building Permit Plan Check Strong Motion Fee * BUILDING TOTAL Enter "Y" for PI Each Plumbing Fixt Each Building Sewer Each Install/Repair Each Water Heater and Each Vacuum Breaker * PLUMBING TOTAL Enter "Y" for Electric Issu Single Phase Per AMP * ELECTRICAL TOTAL Enter 'Y' for Mechanical Issue Fee> Each Exhaust Fan > * MECHANICAL TOTAL 6 50 126 82 1 209 20 63 15 7 7 14 126 10 25 35 15 13 28 00 00 00 00 00 Y 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Y 00 00 00 Y 00 00 MSP CLEARANCE PROVAL DATE t/7/rt -/ CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr , Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Pal«as Or , Carlsbad. CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 I PERMIT 1TPE "~A"LJ Commercial /CNJew Building U Tenant Improvement B D Industrial D New Building D Tenant Improvement C ^Residential O Apartment DCondo D Single Family Dwelling D Addition/Alteration D Duplex D Demolition D Relocation D Mobile Home D Electrical D Plumbing D Mechanical DPool D Spa D Retaining Wall D Solar D Other 2. PROJECT INFORMATION PLAN CHECK NO EST VAL PLAN CK DEPOSIT VALID BY DATE 3t63 08/26/^3 OCQ1 03 02 C-PrvMT 62 00 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Nearest Cross Street K» LEGAL DESRTION Subdivision Name/Numer CHECK BfclAJW IF SUBMJ£4-EL) D 2 Energy Calcs Bl2 Structural Calcs ^~0"2 SSoils Report D1 Addressed Envelope ASSFSSOR S PARCEL - d?C>EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE DESCRIPTION OF WORK SQ FT # OF STORIES 3uuNiAL.l PKKaLiN (it airierent trom applicant.) NAME STATE ADDRESS ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE 4 APPLICANT D CuN 1 MAC, 1UK LJAGhNl rUK IAJN 1 HAL, 1UK LJUWNCK NAME ADDRESS 1 rUK UWNtK CITY STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE 5 PROPER 11 OWNtK NAME CITY 5ft*J STATE ADDRESS ZIP CODE "72-12.1 DAY TELEPHONE 6 GONTRAGIUK NAME CITY STATE STATE LIC ADDRESS ZIP CODE LICENSE CLASS DAY TELEPHONE CITY BUSINESS LIC # UKMtiNEK NAME.Cv/JA STATED AUJJKtba ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHON STATE LIC # Workers Compensation Declaration I hereby affirm that 1 have a certificate of consent to self insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations, or a certificate of Workers Compensation Insurance by an admitted insurer, or an exact copy or duplicate thereof certified by the Director of the insurer thereof filed with the Building Inspection Department: (Section 3800, Lab C) INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY EXPIRATION DATE iI Certificate of Exemption 1 certify that in the performance of tne work tor which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California SIGNATURE DATC 8 OWNEH-BUlLUtK UKUAKA11UN Owner Builder Declaration I hereby attirm that I am exempt from the Contractors License Law for the following reason O I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale ) D I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor^) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) D I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]) SIGNATURE DATE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR NON RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or nsk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? D YES D NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? D YES D NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? D YES D NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED AFTER JULY 1,1989 UNLESS THE APPLICANT 9 UJNb'l RUCTION LENDINfj AGENCY I hereby attirm that there is a construction lending agency tor the performance of the work tor which this permit is issued (Sec soy/to Civil Codej LENDERS NAME __________________ _ LENDER S ADDRESS _ C APPLICANT LJiKllflLAlUJIM I certify that I have read the application and state that the aDove information is correct I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction I hereby authonze representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABIUTIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CTTY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA. An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5 0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stones in height Expiration Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit i^susneijded or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 303(d) Uniform Building Code) APP1 DATE WHITE File YELLOW Applicant PINK. Finance OjS/01/94 DATE INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT* CB930891 INSP ACT COMMENTS 05/03/94 Final Combo 05/03/94 Final Combo 04/06/94 Final Combo 04/04/94 Final Combo 04/01/94 Final Combo 04/01/94 Final Combo 03/15/94 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel 03/15/94 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel 03/15/94 Interior Lath/Drywall 03/14/94 Retaining Walls 03/14/94 Grout 03/10/94 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel 03/10/94 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel 03/10/94 Rough/Topout 03/10/94 Rough/Topout 02/18/94 Roof/Reroof 02/16/94 Roof/Reroof 02/16/94 Roof/Reroof 12/27/93 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 12/27/93 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 12/27/93 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 12/27/93 Underground/Under Floor 12/27/93 Underground/Conduit-Wir RI TP TP TP RI TP RI TP TP RI RI RI TP RI TP RI RI PD RI TP TP TP TP RI AP CO NR RI CO RI WC AP RI RI RI AP RI AP RI RI CO RI AP CO AP CO MH/ALAN/431-8545 DRNK FTN CLRN MIN 27" @ BTM NOT COMPLETE MH/ALAN/431-8545 MH/ALAN BJN/ALAN BJN/ALAN MH/ALAN/559-5973 MH/ALAN/559-5973 MH/DICK/431-2287 MH/DICK/431-2287 MH/DICK/431-2287 P.T SLAB,ND REPORTS 6"STEMWALLS REQ MIN SHRT TIES UFFER GROUND SHORT HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE.. CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT! CB930891 FOR 05/03/94 DESCRIPTION: 521 SF CABANA FOR ALDEA 93-860 TYPE- RAD JOB ADDRESS; APPLICANT: CONTRACTOR. OWNER: 1551 CORMORANT DR COMFORT CONSTRUCTION REMARKS: MH/ALAN/431-8545 SPECIAL INSTRUCT: PHONE PHONE: PHONE: INSPECTOR AREA TP PLANCK* CB930891 OCC GRP B-2 CONSTR. TYPE VN STE: LOT: 619 452-3700/ INSPECTOR TOTAL TIME: —RELATED PERMITS— CD LVL DESCRIPTION 19 29 39 49 PERMIT! TYPE CB940007 POOL STATUS ISSUED ACT COMMENTS ST Final Structural PL Final Plumbing EL Final Electrical ME Final Mechanical ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION 040694 Final Combo 040494 Final Combo 040194 Final Combo 031594 Interior Lath/Drywall 031094 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 031094 Rough/Topout 021694 Roof/Reroof 122793 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 122793 Underground/Conduit-Wiring 122793 Underground/Under Floor 122793 Ftg/Foundation/Piers ACT CO NR CO AP AP AP CO AP CO AP CO INSP TP TP TP TP TP TP PD TP TP TP TP COMMENTS NOT COMPLETE P T.SLAB,ND REPORTS UFFER GROUND SHORT 6"STEMWALLS REQ MIN SHRT TIES jj DATE j*L PERMIT I JOB ADDRESS UNSCHEflflTiBP jNSPEgTTQI* INSPECTOR PLANCK # TIME ARRIVE; CD LVL DESCRIPTION TIME LEAVE: ACT COMMENTS PERMITS 6/15/19 ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR , SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 56O-1468 DATE JURISDICTION PLAN CHECK NO PROJECT ADDRESS PROJECT NAME j< SET CPLAN CIECKER QFILE COPY 1551 dsrrtYie>r&Li\-- Ui~~, QDESIGNER S>lcjgL g,-f- The plans transmitted herewitn nave been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes , — , The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply I _ I with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified _ are resolved and checked by building department staff D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. rarri The cneck list transmitted herewith* is for your information. C2J Tne plans are being held at Esgil Corp until corrected plans are submitted for recheck D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the }unsdiction to return to the applicant contact person The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to. j j~~| Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. B|p3 Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has ^ been completed. Person contacted _ A- fe x Date contacted; REMARKS ; Telephone f ESGIL CORPORATION DGA DCM DPC ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR , SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619)560-1468 DATE \e>. JURISDICTION _ PL&N CnECK NO PROJECT ADDRESS PROJECT N£MS T3-S"?/SET CHECKER S COPY QUPS QDESIGNER D The plans transmitted herewith nave been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewitn will substantially comply with tne jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified _ are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck GJ& The cneck list transmitted herewith is for your information. &P Tne plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the 3urisdiction to return to the applicant contact person P The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to & 100 j | Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted _ Date contacted- REMARKS: Telephone sy._ ESGIL CORPORATION /./<5- DGA DCM DPC Enclosures: JURISDICTION PLAN CHECK NO PROJECT ADDRESS TO / 5 5" / Date plans received by plan checker III 15/4 * ?3-'g?/ H~~ _Date plan recheck completed U/fS'/'KS By RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION SHEET FOREWORD PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments The items shown below need clarification, modification or change All items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 303(c), of the Uniform Building Code, the approval county or city law of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, PLANS ©Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to ll Co /3 j \ __ / The following items have not been resolved from previous plan reviews The original correction number has been given for your reference In eaaa you did not keep — a copy ei — the — prior — correction - l*st, — wo have enclosed — these — pagea outstanding eagrcetiona ©To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this check sheet with the revised plans 0 if you items have containing th* still Please contact me any questions regarding these Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list' Please check Yes No All 5 -to _ d? - All a i>£~r~*z> ns Form No RPCS 41290 rrsf This i*j PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB DATE ADDRESS Co ft fiwote^KJ t' RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR « $10,000 00) TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLAZA CAMINO REAL VILLAGE FAIRE OTHER COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING PLANNER DATE ENGINEER DATE C \WP5 1 \FILES\BLDG FRM R«v 1 1 /1 5/90 CROSBY MEAD BENTON & ASSOCIATES Engineers • Planners • Surveyors October 5, 1993 City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Dnve Carlsbad, CA 92009 Job No 187-004 File 3 Attention Mr Lloyd Hubbs City Engineer Subject ALDEA (AVIARA PA 16 ct 90-14) - PAD GRADING CONFORMANCE Dear Mr Hubbs The recreation building pad for Aldea (Aviara PA 16) has been graded in substantial conformance with the grading plans (City Drawings 322-3A) approved by the City on July 27, 1992 Based upon field surveyed elevations of August 18,1993, the recreation building pad has been graded within 0 1 feet of the City approved grading plans 0 Very truly yours, INTON & ASSOCIATES Exec GLBflac aldeapad rec Attachment Reduced Print of City Drawing 322-3A Sheet 5 5650 El Camino Real Suite 200 • Carlsbad California 92008 • 619/438 1210 • Fax 619/438-2765 Plan Check No 93- PLANNING CHECKLIST Address / Tf / Planner VAN LYNCH Phone 438-1161 ext «325 (Name) V 41 <* ana ooa 7 * 2 3 u y o u u u i i i G>n APN Type of Proiect and Use Zone Pr/) Facilities Management Zone Legend Item Complete Item Incomplete - Needs your action 1,2,3 Number in circle indicates plancheck number where deficiency was identified Environmental Review Required YES/K" NO TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action Conditions of Approval D D Discretionary Action Required. YES PC NO TYPE DATEAPPROVAL/RESO NO. __ PROJECT NO PU ft ^ OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval *—tX- ^" 7 ( ft *—" ' "-^ • W I **^— \~-~~f * **^ / Q California Coastal Commission Permit Required: YES JK NO DATE OF APPROVAL. San Diego Coast District, 3111 Caxnino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego, CA. 92108-1725 (619) 521-8036 Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval ^ nn E'DI izra 0D n nn */r,(3 n n ET] era Landscape Plan Required YES NO See attached submittal requirements for landscape plans Site Plan. Zoning- >*n~MT Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale Show North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, nght-of-way width and dimensioned setbacks Show on Site Plan Finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes and driveway Provide legal description of property Provide assessor's parcel number Setbacks I 40~(<V< Front /OlAjP Int Side F Street Side Rear £3 ^c 2 Lot coverage D 3 Height D 4 Parking / n Additional Comments' i^rt/fofT — r* Required Required Required Required Required Required Spaces Required Guest Spaces Required ^-OAJ t=?t&' C^fo-tV Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown t*J r^*> A ^>i-r T,/ 1 OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER DATE PLNCK FRM SENT BVCITY OF C^RLSBfiD . 9-16-93 10 49ftM , 6194380894-J 2963783 tt CITY OF CARLSBAD » CONKDNZTY FACILITIES DISTRICT SPECIAL TAX CALCULATION WORKSHEET FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY •ulUHni InltfaUi . •. Data Paxod for Calculation! y/6 / ? tnltliUi l/*L»< Data Calculation Caaplatai _______ lno,lnaoMm Inlttalai ... Data luUdlm Fw-.lt laauadi HMMO inltlolat g'^arT"" Drafti ft^ Final* _ A) I) Proparty Ounar(a)i PJANAUA CAUPOUIU INC C) Aaaataor Paraalft tll-UO-M-M Lotfi |^~-—-^liddraaai 1H1 eOMMANT N r ^ tultof If A* not oaolffjwf, provfdt paront AMI and lotf frm ranirdad Final Napt rUNNllNa D) tota af initial Participation In CPOi I) Qanaral Plan QMfgnatf«Xa>i K.IY1 _ n Nat DowalapaMo Aaraapo that Hill roMln by tonaral Flan uaa aftor unlta bu fl) unlta par Aerai (Choek Ona) q.0 t« 4.0 D.U./AC __ 4.1 and Braatar D.U./AC N) Nuaftor of unltai A uniNUkiiiit I) lapravaMnt ATM (Choak ona)i vttMn ITO • t^ro»M»nt Araa I (ri flutalda ITD- lapfiwaaant Araa if ( ) J> laoal Poaorlptlon (Attaah If Rao^ilrad, Ghaak Ona)i Attaehad < ) Not laqulrad ( ) kopil rovlrod If total hot raMlnlm davalopabla aaraaaa (P abova) la xorofO). WtLOIMOl FAX TO MMAM HAU IM-S1VS FtNANCi: n Ipaalal ftawalopMnt Tax- Qna Tlaa lato Par Owalllni unit (Proa Tax TaMo loaod upon Land Uaa aa iavalapad). §_ L> opaalal Tax- ftv-TlM (N x K)t *_, Puwra obllaatlom Proparty uKfoh la laauad a pamlt aftor iioreh 1 of any f local yoar baa oroatod an oMliatlan far tka Mptoplni ftaoal yaar* ThU and all outatandlm obllpatlana xwat ba paid by too davolopar (net tha hqaaaitiir) baforo tbo opoelol tax lion Hill ba ralaaaad. Oblliatloit araatad for tbo Mpewlni f local yoart < ) Vaa ( ) No •UIWIMi N) Kanatura of Proparty OHMT an tha ioaUfontlal Carttf Itata. ajouiMO. TOTAl MVOPP <L)l AOOOtaif NO. 4M-MO-1MO>WSI » _ <"oto 1) GAiCUUTIaH VAl» tanrit.i NQTKDi Tha Uwofat Tax lion «YtMa proporty will nat ba rolaaaod until all outatondtm tpaalal Tax obllptlara ora paid In full. DtmtauTiWi MIOINAL riML CAUUUndN IHlir, UOAL, HONED C«TI>ICAT| AMO OiOJOC - YNMMtN CAftNIM TO PINANd A OWT Of TM CALCUUTIOK IPJIT AND IIOND CDTIFlttTI IUIUINI WNIT FIU A COPY OF TNI CALCUUTIQN INUT AND tlQNB CUT I M CAT | MOFMTY OUNIR D. J. ENGINEERING 17690 San Vicente Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714)962-5425 POST-TENSIONED SLAB-ON-GRADE DESIGN CALCULATIONS FOR ALDEA, CARLSBAD D R HORTON HOMES PLAN NO P T FOUNDATION PTAN CABANA BLDG. Vj PREPARED FOR J L DAVIDSON CO , INC JOB NO 93728 1 DESIGN CRITERIA PAGE 1 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 1991 ACI 318-89 PTI DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF P/T SLAB-ON-GROUND f'c = 2,500 PSI EC = 2,600,000 PSI fc = 0 45 f'c = 1,125 PSI ft = 6 x SQRT(f'c)= 300 PSI vc = 4 x SQRT(f'c)= 200 PSI *********ALLOW *********ALLOW *********ALLOW COUP STRESS TEN STRESS SHEAR STRESS (PUNCHING SHEAR) 2 POST-TENSIONING 1/2" DIA 270 KSI 0 153 SQUARE INCHES ASTM 416 STRANDS E= Pjack= Panchor= Pef f = Peff = 28,500,000 PSI (P/T STRANDS PLACED AT MID-DEPTH OF SLAB) 0 80 x 0 70 x 0 65 x 0 60 x 270 x 0 153 » 33 0 KIPS/STRAND 270 x 0 153 = 28 9 KIPS/STRAND 270 x 0163= 26 9 KIPS/STRAND (LOW-RELAXATION) 270 x 0153= 24 8 KIPS/STRAND (STRESS-RELIEVED) ****** USED IN DESIGN ****** 3 PERIMETER BEAMS (FOOTINGS)PAGE 2 JV i I ^Ai T* 1 L fcl-fct.*r , hi A £ # •J « ii t ^- ^ -& V i *?**•*' I f &4-I2* . M T. & i b = 12 INCHES t = 5 INCHES Bl = 6 x t = 30 INCHES B2 = 9 INCHES B3 = 3 INCHES B4 = 12 INCHES HI = 14 INCHES H2 = 4 INCHES HI + H2 = 18 INCHES SLAB AREA PER FOOT IN WIDTH MOMENT OF INERTIA I=(b x t*3)/12 SECTION PROPERTIES SECT A v x t = 60 INCHES "2/FT 125 INCHES "4/FT SLAB STEM (Bl x t) 150 <Hl+H2-t/2> 16 B2(H1+H2) (Hl+H2)/2 162 9 (H2/2)BOT LEDGE(B3xH2) 12 TOTAL 324 Yb = «SUM(Ay)/ ftSUM(A) Yt = (Hl+H2)-Yb= 6 3 INCHES leg - «SUM(Io) + •SUM(Axy"2) - 9,178 INCHES" 4 A ES x y 2,325 1,458 24 3,807 11 75 Axy"2 lo <B1 X t"3)/12 36,038 312 5 B2x(Hl+H2)"3/12 13,122 4,3740 (B3xH2"3)/12 48 16 49,208 INCHES d = Yb = 4 703 11 75 INCH DESIGN LOADING 2 STORY LOADING USE W= 1,500 LBS/FT x*********xLINE LOAD SLAB DEAD LOAD =(t/12)x!5 = 63 LBS/FTA2 40 LBS/FT"2 (U B C )LIVE LOAD = 5 POST-TENSIONING SLAB COMP STRESS' BEAM COMP STRESS- 103 LBS/FT"2 TENDONS SPACED AT 5'-0" (MAX) ON CENTERS 24,800 / 60 x t= 83 PSI 24,800 / ftSUM(A) = 77 PSI 8 ALLOWABLE STRUCTURAL SPANS WITH NO SUPPORT BY SOIL PAGE 3 PERIMETER FOOTINGS P/A = 77 PSI SIZE = 12" x 18" - M= WL*2/12 = 1,500 X L"2/12 = 125 LA2 ALLOW TENSION STRESS = ft = 300 PSI £t= <M x Yt/I) - (Pe x e x Yt/I) - P/A e=Yt-t/2= 3 75 INCHES ft= ( 125 L"2 X12 x 6 / 9,178 ) -( 24,800 x 4 x 6 / 9,178 ) - 77 = 300 L(»ax)= 21 FEET + 11= WL*2/24 « 1,500 X L*2/24 - 62 5 L*2 ALLOW TENSION STRESS = ft = 300 PSI ft= (M x Yb/I) + (Pe x e x Yb/I) - P/A e=Yt-t/2= 375 INCHES ft= ( 63 xL*2 x!2 x 12 / 9,178 ) +< 24,800 x 4 x 12 / 9,178 ) 77 = 300 L(aax)= 16 FEET ***************************BOTTOM FIBER CONTROLS DEFLECTION = W x LM/384EI = 0 020 INCHES< L/360 0 546 INCHES SLAB P/A = 83 PSI -M = (2/3)WLA2/12= 68 LA2/12= 569 LA2 ft= Mc/I 83 =( 5 69 L~2xl2x 3 / 125 )- 83 = 30 L(MAX)= 17 FEET DEFLECTION= W x LM/384EI = 0111 INCHES < L/360 0558 INCHES 7 ALLOWABLE POINT LOADING ON SLAB THIS IS CONTROLLED BY PUNCHING SHEAR CAPACITY OF SLAB ASSUME 4X4' LOADING AREA d - t/2 = 3 INCHES b=4+d =65 INCHES /-' •M4- vu = Vu/0 85x4bd 200 = Vu/(0 85x4x 7 x 3 ) Vu = 11 0 KIPS ******** ALLOWABLE ULTIMATE POINT LOAD 7 6 KIPS ******** ALLOWABLE WORKING POINT LOAD PROVIDE CONCRETE PAD (SPREAD FOOTING) TO CARRY POINT LOAD IN EXCESS OF 5 KIPS PER DESIGN LOADS FROM ORIGINAL STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS, INTERIOR SLAB SHOVEL FOOTING W/ EMBEDDED ANCHOR BOLT CONNECTIONS PAGE 4 • MMl Bl = B2 = B3 = t+Hl = 5 6 x 19 12 12 SECTION PROPERTIES SECT A SLAB STEM TOTAL Yb = Yt = leg = <2Bl+B2)xt 395 (B2+B3)Hl/2 108 5 504 INCHES t INCHES INCHES HI INCHES A x y Hl+t/2 10 3,753 35,649 30 INCHES 7 INCHES AxyA2 lo (2B1+B2) X tA3/12 823 H1(2B2+B3)/3(B2+B3) (B2+B3)H1* 3/2/12 376 408 1,537 4430 4,161 37,185 1,266 •SUM(Axy)/ •SUM(A) (t+Hl)-Yb = 3 74 INCHES d •SUM(Io) + •SUM(Axy"2) -•SUM(A)xcT2 4,067 INCHES *4 8 26 INCHES Yb = 8 26 INCHES ALLOWABLE STRUCTURAL SPANS WITH NO SUPPORT BY SOIL INTERIOR SHOVEL FOOTING P/A= 24,800 /«SUM(A) = SIZE = 12" x 12 49 2 PSI - M= WL"2/12 = 125 X L* ALLOW TENSION STRESS = ft = *t= (M x Yt/I) - (Pe x e x Yt/I) - P/A e=Yt-t/2= 1 24 INCHES ft= ( 125 xL*2 x!2 x 3 74 / 3 74 / 4,067 )- 49 2 = 300 300 PSI 4,067 )24,800 x 1 24 x L(«ax 17 FEET + M= WL*2/24 = 62 5 X LA2 PAGE 5 ALLOW TENSION STRESS = ft = 300 PSI ft= (M x Yb/I) + (Pe x e x Yb/I) -P/A £t= ( 63 LA2 x!2 x 8 26 / 4,067 ) +( 24,800 x 1 24 x 8 26 / 4,067 )- 49 2 - 300 L(«ax)= 14 FEET ***x******************BOTTOM FIBER CONTROLS DEFLECTION = W XLM/384EI = 0 023 INCHES < L/360 = 0 46 INCHES 8 1 INTERIOR SLAB AT BEARING WALLS W/ SHOT PIN CONECTIONS OR SHEARWALLS W/ 6" LONG AB AND 4" LONG EMBEDMENT ASSUMING WALL LOADING DISTRIBUTED OVER 5'-0' WIDE SLAB SLAB - M= WL~2/12 =< 103 x5 + 1,500 >L*2/12 168 L*2 ALLOW TENSION STRESS = ft = 300 PSI ft= (M x Yt/I) - P/A ft= ( 168 x 12 x 2 50 xL*2)/(5x 125 )- 83 300 L(«ax )= 69 FEET DEFLECTION = W xL"4/384EI= 0 013 INCHES < L/360 = 0 23 " 8 2 ALLOWABLE CANTILEVER SPAN WITH NO SUPPORT BY SOIL SUBJECT TO GRAVITY LOAD* PERIMETER FOOTINGS P/A = 77 PSI SIZE = 12" X 18" - M= WL-2/2 = 1,500 X LA2/2 = 750 L*2 ALLOW TENSION STRESS = ft = 300 PSI ft= (M x Yt/I) - (Pe x e x Yt/I) - P/A e=Yt-t/2= 3 75 INCHES ft= ( 750 LA2 x!2 x 6 / 9,178 ) -( 24,800 x 4 x 6 / 9,178 )- 77 = 300 L(nax)= 8 FEET DEFLECTION = W x L"4/8EI = 0 070 INCHES < L/360= 0 282 INCHES INTERIOR FOOTING P/A= 77 PSI SIZE = 12' X 12" - M= WL*2/2 = 750 X L"2 ALLOW TENSION STRESS = ft = 300 PSI ft= (M x Yt/I) - (Pe x e x Yt/I) - P/A e=Yt-t/2= 1 24 INCHES ft^= ( 750 xL*2 x!2 x 3 74 / 4,067 ) -( 24,800 x 24 x 3 74 / 4,067 )- 49 2 « 300 L(aax)= 7 FEET DEFLECTION = W x LM/8EI = 0 064 INCHES < L/360= 0 225 INCHES PAGE 6 9 CHECK IF MIN SLAB RESIDUAL COMPRESSIVE STRESS MAINTAINS ABOVE 50 PSI ^ ^ M^ ^ j- ^ ^ .» ^ ^ ^ «. «> ^ •— «•• ^ ^ ^ K « ^ — ^ "• ^ ™» ^ ^ •" «• ••• ^-«»^^ — ^^^^^—•—'^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ "™ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •• ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ AFTER SLAB SUBGRADE FRICTION LOSS IS TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT a) SUBGRADE FRICTION COEFF =05 FOR SOLID SLAB CAST ON SAND UNDERLAIN BY POLYETHYLENE SHEETING (VISQUEEN VAPOR BARRIER) 1) TO MAINTAIN 50 PSI RESIDUAL COMPRESSIVE STRESS EFFECTIVE PRESTRESS MAX TENDON SPA = 50PSIxA(slab>+ WT (slab)x(Ls/2)xO 5 FOR 5' THICK SLAB Fe MAX TENDON SPA = (50x 5 Xl2)+ ( 5 xlSOxO 25Ls/12) Fe ( 3,000 + 15 63 Ls ) 1) TO MAINTAIN 5'-0" MAX TENDON SPACING Fe - ( 5 xl50x5x0 25xLs/12) MIN RESIDUAL COMPRESSIVE STRESS = 5 x5x!2 Fe = 24 8 KIPS/STRAND FOR 1/2" DIA 270 KSI STRESS-RELIEVED STRAND MIN RESIDUAL Ls (FT ) MAX. TENDON SPACING STRESS BASED ON SLAB LENGTH 3,000 + 1563 Ls BASED ON 50 PSKMIN) 5'-0" SPA 20 FT 3,313 75 77 4 40 FT 3,625 68 722 60 FT 3,938 63 67 0 — ^ ^ ^ -~ — — ^ — «B ^ » • •_ •» • «. «. _ .B _ «. ^ ^^^«B«B^«V^^.V^^ ^ ^ «. ^ «• ^ m~ «. _ ^.^— .^— — i^^-i»--».^-r^^ ••.•••. 80 FT 4,250 58 61 8 100 FT 4,563 54 56 6 120 FT 4,875 51 514 NOTE PERFORM TWO-WAY STRESSING FOR SLAB LENGTHS GREATER THAN 100 FEET (BOUBLE STRESSING) PROVIDED MAX. TENDON SPACING = 5 FEET ADEQUATE PAGE 7 MAXIMUM ALLOW POINT LOAD (P) COUPLED WITH UNIFORM WALL WT (q) ON CONTINUOUS PERIMETER FOOTING W/0 PROVIDING SQUARE PADS ft = 6 x SQRT(fc') = 300 PSI St = Icg/Yt = 9,178 / 63 = Sb = Icg/Yb = 9,178 / 12 = 1,457 IN*3 781 IN"3 NOW MAXIMUM MOMENT DUE TO SHORT LENGTH OF CONTINUOUS FOOTING ACTING A AS CANTILEVER BEAM SUBJECTED TO MAX SOIL PRESSURE LESS FOOTING WT ASSUMING LOSS OF SOIL SUPPORT P/2 = wl Ma ax = (P/2) x 1 Mmax = w x 1*2 1 = (Mmax/w)~l/2 K = 150 x 324 / 144 = 338 PLF WHERE M= 781 x 300 712 = 17,444 FT-KIPS w = fa(ALLOW SOIL BEARING PRESSURE) x (Bl+B2 + 3)xO 5/12- 0 5 x KCFOOTING SELF W T ) fa (PSF) 1,000 1 500 2,000 2,500 w (PLF) 1,581 2 100 2,800 3,500 1 (FT) 3 3 2 9 2 5 2 2 a a P = 21(w-q) q(WALL WT ) = 16 fa (PSF) 1 (FT) w (PLF) w-q (PLF) 1 000 33 1 581 1 293 1 500 2 9 2,100 1,812 2,000 25 2 800 2,512 2,500 2 2 3,500 3,212 PSF x 18 (2 STORIES) 288 PLF P (LBS) 85<>1 10,445 12,540 14,342 ALLOW SOIL BEARING PRESSURE ******** MAX POINT LOADS W/O PADS PROVIDE CONCRETE PAD (SPREAD FOOTING) TO CARRY POINT LOAD ON EDGE FOOTINGS IN EXCESS OF 8 5 KIPS PER DESIGN LOADS FROM ORIGINAL STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS 10 INVESTIGATION OF UPLIFT REACTION AT HOLDOWNS FOUNDED IN 5" SLAB PAGE 8 SHEAR CONE DEVELOPMENT FOR ANCHORAGE EMBEDMENT IN CONCRETE (SEE FIG A) 0 85Pc = 0 85C4AO x SHEAR COEFF x fc'"(l/2) SHEAR COEFF =1 0 FOR NORMAL WT CONCRETE = 0 85x4x3 14x2A(l/2)x(LeA2)xl Ox(fc'*(l/2)) 151 x(Le"2)x(£ctA(l/2)) A. rv »!• *^ •2 *« ^ 4 1 9hi v. r II >1« r T PI * i •14 r \- i* * L I4W j » ^ ,x \s> 1 (1' it tc1 = 2,600 PSI Le = 12 INCHES 0 85Pc = 161x 12 *2 x 2,500 "(l/2)/1000 1087 KIPS > 438 KIPS (SIMPSON HD12) OK NOTE 15 55 x (F S ) 2 82 = 43 9 KIPS PROVIDE 18"xl8"xl8" DEEP CONC PAD AT ALL SIMPSON HOLDOWNS WHERE FOUNDED IN 5" SLAB CHECK PUNCHING SHEAR CAPACITY AROUND PERIMETER A-A IN 5" SLAB (SEE FIGB) d= 0 75 x 5 = 375 INCHES vc= 200 PSI 085 Vc= 0 85(bd)xvc = 0 85x4x(18+d)xdxvc/1000 555 KIPS > 438 KIPS(SIMPSON HD12) OK CHECK MAX UPLIFT LOAD AT HOLDOWNS BASED ON 5" SLAB BENDING CAPACITY ( SLAB BEHAVES STRUCTURALLY IN TWO-WAY ACTION ) (SEE FIGC) MAX ALLOW WORKING LOAD = 156 KIPS (SIMPSON HD12) Sb = St = 12x( 5 "2)/6 = 50 INA3/FT I = 125 IN~4/FT M(«ax) =( 6fc'*(l/2) * P/A ) Sb =( 0 300 + 0 083 )x a 50 /12 = 1 59 FT-KIPS/FT W( SLAB WEIGHT ) = 5 xO 16/12 = 0063 PAGE 9 P = W x <2L)*2 EQ 1 (0 5P/2LX2LV4 -0 5W(2L)-2/8 =M(»ax) = 159 FT-KIPS EQ 2 L = <4xM»ax/Wr<i/2) * 10 1 FT P(upli£t)= Wx(2xLr2 = 26 KIPS > 1555 KIPS (HD12) OK DEFLECTION=(0 5P<2L)A 3/48EI)-(2 5W(2L)A4/384EI) 0 56 INCHES < L/360 = 0 65 INCHES SLAB ADEQUATE FOR ALL INTERIOR HOLDOWNS CHECK MAX UPLIFT LOAD ON EDGE FOOTING BASED ON FOOTING BENDING CAPACITY (APPORX METHOD) rwr\*l *uff**T Sb = 9,178 / 12 = 781 IN*3 St = 9,178 / 63= 1,468 INA3 -M(«ax) = ( 6fc""<l/2) + P/A ) St =( 0300 + 0077 )x 1,468 /12 = - 46 1 FT-KIPS **********TOP FIBER CONTROLS +M(nax) =( 0 300 •*• 0 077 )x 781 /12 = + 24 5 FT-KIPS **********BOT FIBER CONTROLS W(BM WT ^SUPERIMPOSED DL) = 324 xO 15/144+0 30= 064 KIPS/FT P=W x 2L EQ 1 P(2L)/4 -W<2L)*2/8 = -M(aax) = 46 FT-KIPS EQ 2 L » <2xM«ax/Wr<l/2) = 12 0 FT P(uplift) = Wx2L = 15 KIPS =155 KIPS (HD12) OK DEFLECTION=(P(2L)A3/48EI)-(5W(2L)"4/384EI) 0 028 INCHES < L/360 = 0 40 INCHES MORE EXACT METHOD DISTRIBUTION OF OVERTURNING MOMENT FROM SHEAR PANEL TO GRADE BEAM PAGE 10 v = SHEAR/FT Mo t = vLh AREA OF A PARABOLA A = (2/3XBASEXHEIGHT) Q = (2/3)<Y/2)(3/4xDL) = (DL/4XY) Mo t = Q(Y/2) = (DL/4XYXY/2) Mo t = DLxY"2/8 Y = (8Mo t/DLri/2 THUS Y = 2 83<Mo t/DLn/2 NOW M(design) = (Mo t/2X(Y-L)/2)(Y/2) = (Mot/2XY-L/Y) THUS M(deai?n) = (Mo t/2Xl-(L/Y)) Ymax = 8 tiaes of shear panel length M(design) = (Mo t/2)(i-(l/8)) = 0 44 Mo t SAY = 05 Mo t ***«xx******* = 8xL 12 x 18" EDGE FOOTING MAX M(over turning) = 2 x M(design) PAGE 11 = 2 x (BEAM MOMENT CAPACITY) = 2 x 46 08 = 92 18 FT-KIPS TABLE VALUES « MAXIMUM ALLOW OVERTURNING MOMENT (FT-KIPS) = (SHEAR PANEL LENGTH) x (MAX ALLOW HOLDOWN UPLIFT LOADS) SHEAR PANEL HD2 HD5 HD6 HD7 HD9 HD12 PAHD42 PA 18, PA 2 3 HPAHD22 LENGTHS (FT) HD2A HD5A HD7A HD1CA MPAHD PA28.PA35 HPA28 FTF28/ HPA35 FTS21 FTF28/ FTS21 MAX. HOLDOWN ALLOW UPLIFT LOADS (LBS) X XXXXXXXXXXXJ 3 4 5 7 7 9 9 10 11 12 14 14 15 16 18 18 22 26 28 35 3,315 txxxxx: 10 13 17 22 23 28 30 33 36 40 45 46 50 53 58 60 73 85 4,770 6,080 9,555 12,170 15,550 2,760 **X****XX*XXX*»XXXXXXX»X»*XXXXXXX***** 14 18 29 37 47 19 24 38 49 62 24 30 48 61 78 31 40 62 79 33 43 67 41 52 81 43 55 48 61 52 67 57 73 64 82 67 72 76 83 **** 8 11 14 18 19 23 25 28 30 33 37 39 41 44 48 50 61 70 77 97 3,575 5,220 :XXXX********** 11 14 18 23 25 30 32 36 39 43 48 50 54 57 63 64 79 91 100 * 16 21 26 34 37 44 47 52 57 63 70 73 78 84 91 94 115 CHECK ANCHOR BEARING STRESSES W/O BACK-UP BARS PAGE 12 5' SLAB W/ DSI BEARING PLATES OR EQUAL H _ IL •A* STRESS ALLOWABLES BY CODE (ACI18 13) ft STRESSING fcp = 0 8xfci'((Ab'/Ab)-0 2)*<l/2) < or = 1 25fci' ft SERVICE STRESS fcp = 0 6xfc'<Ab'/Abr<l/2) < or = 1 Ofc' Ab fc' 5 x 11 = 56 MT2 2 25 x 5 -(0 75/2)A2x<3 14) = 10 81 IN"2 2,500 PSI ft 28 DAYS fci' =2,000 PSI ft STRESSING*********** ft STRESSING fcp = 0 8 x 2,000 x (( 56 / = 3,556 PSI - 1 25 x 2,000 = 2,500 PSI < 3,556 PSI 10 81 ) - 0 2)A<l/2) ft SERVICE STRESS fcp = 0 6 x = 3,401 PSI = 1 0 x 2,500 = ACTUAL BEARING STRESSES GOVERNS ft STRESSING 2,500 x ( 56 / 10 81 )"<l/2) 2,500 PSI < 3,401 PSI GOVERNS ft SERVICE STRESS ft INITIAL STRESS TRANSFER ( 0 70Fpu ) 0 7 x 270 x 0 153 = 28 9 KIPS fbi = 2,675 PSI CLOSE TO 2500 PSI OK ft SERVICE LOAD CONDITION ( 0 60Fpu ) 0 6 x 270 xO 153 = 24 8 KIPS fbi = 2,293 PSI < 2,500 PSI OK General v Outside . Local General Outside Local I- Narrow Section Wide Section Fig 2a Subdivision of anchorage zone Single Anchor Va1 m /...®<-'mi a 2 - spacing Anchor Group Modeled as Separate Anchors K •H t Anchors Modeled as a Group Fig 2b Notation PAGE 14 7VALUATE ALLOWABLE ..SOIL DIFFERENTIAL 8BTTUCMKMT tN TERMS OF SLAB STIFFNESS TENSILE STRESS TRIMETER FOOTING SIZE 12-X18" lab = Mba = (2K)x(-3R) = 6EIxDELTA/L~2 R = -DELTA/L K « EI/L i LEFT END ft = +(Mab x Yt/I) - (Pe x e x Yt/I) - P/A = 300 (TOP) a = -(Mab x Yb/I) + (Pe x e x Yb/I) - P/A = 300 (BOTTOM) d RIGHT END ft = -(Mba x Yt/I) - (Pe x e x Yt/I) - P/A = 300 (TOP) ft = +(Mba x Yb/I) «• (Pe x e x Yb/I) - P/A = 300 (BOTTOM) DELTA 1 (MAX) )ELTA 2 (MAX) 3ELTA 3 (MAX) )ELTA 4 (MAX) (+300+(P/A)+(PexexYt/I))(144xLA2xI)/(6EIxYt) (LEFT END TOP) (-300-(P/A)+(PexexYb/I))(144xL~2xI)/(6EIxYb) (LEFT END BOT) (-300-(P/A)-(PexexYt/I))(144xLA2xI)/(6EIxYt> (RIGHT END TOP) (+300+(P/A)-(PexexYb/I))(144xLA2xI)/(6EIxYb) (RIGHT END BOT) TRIMETER MAXIMUM ALLOW SOIL ?OOTING LENGTHS DELTA 1 DELTA 2 DELTA 3 DELTA 4 DIFFERENTIAL SETTLEMENT (INCHES) ************ 30 35 40 45 50 55 FT FT FT FT FT FT 0 0 0 1 1 1 54 74 96 22 51 82 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 16 22 28 36 44 54 -0 -0 -0 -1 -1 -1 54 74 96 22 51 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 22 28 36 44 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 22 28 36 44 54 INTERIOR FOOTING SIZE 12"X12" INTERIOR MAXIMUM ALLOW SOIL HOOTING LENGTHS DELTA 1 DELTA 2 DELTA 3 DELTA 4 DIFFERENTIAL SETTLEMENT (INCHES) ************ 30 35 40 45 50 55 FT FT FT FT FT FT 0 1 1 1 2 2 77 05 37 73 13 58 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 26 35 46 58 71 86 -0 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 77 05 37 73 13 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 43 46 58 71 86 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 43 46 58 71 86 >LAB SIZE 5" THICK (REFER TO FIG E LOADING DIAGRAM ON PAGE 14) PAGE 15 lab = llba = (2K)x(-3R) = 6EIxDELTA/LA2 R = -DELTA/L K = EI/L * LEFT END t = -KMab x Yt/I) - P/A = 300 (TOP) 't = -(Mab x Yb/I) - P/A = 300 (BOTTOM) ) RIGHT END 't - -(Mba x Yt/I) - P/A = 300 (TOP) 't = +(Mba x Yb/I) - P/A = 300 (BOTTOM) 3ELTA 1 (MAX.) = (+300+(P/A))(144xL*2xI)/(6EIxYt) (LEFT END TOP) 3ELTA 2 (MAX) = (-300-(P/A))(144xL*2xI)/(6EIxYb) (LEFT END BOTTOM) DELTA 3 (MAX) = (-300-(P/A))(144xL*2xI)/(6EIxYt) (RIGHT END TOP) DELTA 4 (MAX) = (+300+(P/A))(144xL*2xI)/(6EIxYb) (RIGHT END BOTTOM) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLAB LENGTHS DELTA 1 DELTA 2 DELTA 3 DELTA 4 DIFFERENTIAL SETTLEMENT (INCHES) ************ 30 35 40 45 50 55 FT FT FT FT FT FT 1 1 2 2 3 3 17 59 07 62 24 92 — ^ -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 17 59 07 62 24 92 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 17 59 07 62 24 92 1 1 2 2 3 3 17 59 07 62 24 92 1 1 2 2 3 3 17 59 07 62 24 92 PAGE 16 NVESTIGATION OF TENSILE STRESS IN EXTERIOR FTG , INTERIOR FTG AND SLABS Y USING BEAM-ON-ELASTIC OUNDATION THEORY (1991 UBC STANDARD 29-4) [(max> = -(PxBETA)/4 BETA =(4EcxI/KxB)A(l/4) [(max) in-lb BETA RELATIVE STIFFNESS LENGTH IN INCHES c(CREEP MODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF CONCRETE)=(l/2)Ec=l,300,000 psi (MODULUS OF SUBGRADE REACTION , ASSUMED IF NOT PROVIDED>= 50 pel $ ASSUMED BEAM (SLAB) WIDTH 'ERIMETER FOOTING 12 XI 8" JETA= (4x1,300,000 x 9,178 / 50 x!2)'vl/4 = 94 in ^M(max) = ( 1,500 x 94 /4) = 35,414 in-lb/ft tt = ( (M(max)xYt/!) + (PexexYt/I))-P/A ( 35,414 x 637 9,178 ) + ( 24,800 x 3 75 x 63/ 9,178 ) - 77 11 psi « 300 psi NTERIOR FOORINGS 12 XI 2 $ETA= (4x1 300 000 x 4,067 / 50 xl2)"l/4 = 77 in M(max) = ( 1,500 x 77 74) = 28 894 in-lb/ft t = ( (M(max)xYt/!) + (PexexYt/I))-P/A ( 28,894 x 377 4,067 ) + ( 24,800 x 1 24 x 377 4,067 ) - 49 2 5 psi « 300 psi > SLAB ASSUME 5 FEET WIDE SLAB CARRYING WALL LOADING JETA= (4x1 300,000 x 625 / 50 x60n/4 = 32 in M(max) = ( 1,500 x 32 74) = 12,098 in-lb/ft t = ( (M(max)xYt/I) -P/A ( 12,098 x 257 625 ) - 83 -34 psi (COMPRESSION) SUBJECT 05?.gfeTnt<oi/o&PAGE / OF PROJECT f JOB NO ten-or? CLIENT LOCATION AI G.DATE IT.ri or CROSBY MHAD BHNTON Engineers Plemners • Surveyors 6660 El Cnmlno RIB! Sulba 200 C«rlibftd, California 0EOOB S-'r/ SUBJECT Atzea OABANJA.PAGE OF PROJECT (F& -JOB NO CLIENT BY LOCATION DATE a /4 5P ICBO CRO8BT Engineers Planners • Surveyors M1BAD 6860 Bt Camino H«aJ SulU 200 BBITTON Corlitad, Calllornia B200B ItAMKMRATBI (019) 490 - 1210 SUBJECT Ae£A PAGE 3 OF PROJECT CT^O-14 JOB NO 1QTl-Ot7 CUENT BY LOCATION DATE /Z/3/93 DESIGN PARAMETERS MASONRY- GRADE "N* UNITS, GROUTED SOLID No Special Inspection n REINFORCING STEEL 1500 psi 250 psi 160 psi 25 psi 25 77 use half values for walls no shear reinforcement GRADE 40 DEFORMED BARS fy = 40,000 psi F, =* 20,000 psi Fu =t 100 psi allowable bond stress REINFQRCED CONCRETE, V - 2000 psi minimum EARTH MATERIALS BEARING SOILS AND BACKFILL Density of backfill = 120 pcf, unless otherwise stated allowable soil bearing pressure" * 2500 p$f „ ,^_, ., coefficient of friction, soil to concrete footing = 0 ((ZeF*2N Active earth pressure against an unrestrained, cantilever wall is assumed to be equal td that eXeft^d by 4 fluid of densityequal to 30 pcf for level backfill <, 40 ppf for a backfill sloping at 2 1j Allowable passive earth pressure against a walj (Jr" fofctina 91* key is assumed to be equal to that exerted by a fluid of , \ density equal to 400 pcf (0EP*2) REFERENCES Letter from Eberhart & Stone. Inc , Geotechnical Consultants, to Bramalea California, Inc , E&S W 0 # 158600 24. dated September 11, 1991, Subject Preliminary geotechnical parameters for proposedretaining walls, ALDEA CT 90 14, Carlsbad, California, Letter from Geotechnics, Incorporated, to D R Morton Company, Project No, 0120 001 00. Doc #3-0270, dated August 3. 1993 Subject Retaining Wall Design Para;met0r$;, ALPEA at AViara PA 16,Carlsbad, California Karl Terzaghi and Ralph Peck, Soils Mechanics in EngineeringPractice, 2nd Edition CROSBY Engineers Planners Surveyors MEAD 5660 El Camlno Etal Suite 200 mONTON* Carlsbad California 92008 &ABBOOZAT1B (619) 438 - 1210 SUBJECT I2ec.0?na*(0i/o<& WALL PAGE 4- OF PROJECT (PA - Jlfl JOB NO ien-or7 CLIENT BY * LOCATION s/* EToAO Caiz.Li.fi Ar->DATE -31 93 CONSTRUCTION NOTES INSPECTIONS Inspections are a requirement of most permit issuing agencies and must be performed during several phases of construction Failure to qajl for inspections irt accordancejvith pKXetiprefc may result In lost time or Increased costs BLOCK. All block must be Type N* grouted soUd with f m 1,500 psi MIX REQUIREMENTS' The concrete mix for footings must meet a compressive strength of f „ = 2,000 psi The mortar mix must have a compressive strength -equal to 1,800 psi minimum "Girput mijst h£ve A compressive strength «qual to 2,000 psi minimum The mixes described in the "Standard Specification pf Public Wpfks Construction" are acceptable M\ cells must be filled solid with grout Add water until pouring consistency is achieved! without segregation of ihe grout constituents. Rod or Vibrate immediately Rerod or revibrate grout about 10 rn'huteS after pouring to ensure sohd consolidation Stop grout 2 inches from top of masonry units when grouting of second Irft is to be continued at another time MORTAR KEY To insure proper bonding between the footing and the first course of block, a mortar key must be formed by embedding a flat 2" X 4* boaW flush With and at the top of the freshly placed, footing The1 board should be removed after the concrete has started to harden (approximately 1 hour) A mortar key may be omitted If the first course of block Is sat Into the fresh concrete when the footing Is placed and a good bond. Is obtained WALL DRAINS Wall drains must be placed at 6 foot Intervals along the length of the wail and located just above the level of the soil or paving on the front face of the wa.Hi The drains may be formed by placlrtjj * block bh Its side at 6 foot Intervals, by leaving out the mortar in the vertical spaces between all the blocks In ihe first course above the soil or pavkig (head joint) on the front face of the wall or by any other acceptable equivalent method Backfill behind wall drains or open head joints must be loose rubble or gravel 12 inches Wide and extending from the top of the wall tt> the* top off the footing SOIL. All footings must extend at least 12 Inches Into undisturbed natural soli or compacted fill WHICH ha> betefi compacted to at least 90 percent density Soil should be dampened prior to placing concrete In footings A soil report, compiled by a licensed geotechnical engineer, may be required Unless superseded by a more restrictive local policy or ordinance, a minimum of 5 feet must be provided horizontally from the toe ot the footing to daylight where the ground slopes away frprp the base pf the wall REINFORCING STEEL Reinforcing steel must be deformed and comply With ASTM specification A615 85, Gradp 40 or BQ W.h,eh one continuous bar cannot toe used, a lap or splice of 40 bar diameters is required ^fr\ OROSB7 Engineers Planners • Surveyors MDAD fiaeo n camino tuai Buita 200 BBNTON Carlibftd, California 98006 SUBJECT /I eg A CABAOA. PROJECT CLIENT LOCATION ^/a goAO. PAGE OF JOB NO BY DATE TOAIZ&A Foe of= Poucv OROSB7 MH1AD BBINTON KAJI000IATBI Engineers • Planners • Surveyors 6660 Kt Camino Haal BuiU 200 Corlvbad California OBOOB (010) 430 - 1B10 SUBJECT gee.0*nanoi/o& PROJECT ( CLIENT LOCATION EoAO PAGE OF JOB NO i en -or? BY DATE Tne CRO8BT Engineers Planners • Surveyors MHAD 6660 Bl Caming R*a) Butl> 200 BBINTON Carlftad California 02006 (01B) 490 - 1810 SUBJECT gee.PAGE 7 OF PROJECT (JOB NO CLIENT BY LOCATION DATE IT. "3 93W CROSBT MBAD BONTON Engineers Planners • Surveyors GB60 II frmlno H««l Suit* 800 Cnrlibad, Calllornla 02008 (019) 430 - 1810 SUBJECT geg. /jggfl gfcrat<OiAO& VJALl PAGE OF PROJECT C JOB NO ien-or? CLIENT BY LOCATION A i/s. A EToAO.DATE -3 // ,-p<\J (3. , IZ^ A*« .332, ^/Lf- ^ - ;.-7</7 — AP \AjALC \\E " (2 OROSB7 Engineers Planners • Surveyors MHAD 6860 II CBmlno R«al Butbi 200 BBNTON Carlibad, CoUIornia 52008 (01B) 430 - 1810 CRO8BT Engln MBIAD 661 BHNTON SUBJECT 0*7 /Jeefl 0?rAuoiM<=> WALL.PAGE IQ OF PROJECT JOB NO ien-or? CLIENT LOCATION PI /<? U* Mel* 44^1 4±i*&•£ 4bt A&H di-kL LzLi^j GRO8B7 Engineers Planners • Surveyors MB AD 6660 El Gambia Rul Suit. 200 BUNION Cftrlsbad, Cnlltornltt 92006 AAMOOtAtM (019) 490 - 1B10 SUBJECT PAGE // OF PROJECT (_JOB NO ier7-or7 CLIENT LOCATION DATE 1?. ' 24 A-v OROBBT Engineers Planners • Surveyors MIOAD 6660 II C.mlno R«al BulU BOO BUN TON Carlitwd, Cnlllornla BE008 ItAMOOIAVM (019) 49B - 1810 SUBJECT xlee/i CABALA.PAGE /Z. OF PROJECT ( AviABA JOB NO ien-or7 CLIENT BY LOCATION s;A EToAD DATE ^ O -V IOQ 4- ease 01s5 - 0 ^32,003074- CROBBT MBIAD BBNTON Engineers Planners Surveyors 6660 XI Camlno R«al Suifca 200 Cftrlitxkd, California BZOOB (019) 490 - 1810 SUBJECT /lee A OAB/QIOA. 0sr/aiioi*o& WALL PAGE OF PROJECT JOB NO lPf7-OL"7 CLIENT BY LOCATION Ai/l/i EToAO.DATE •J-a , -JU-^ 0 - CROSBY MIflAD B1DNTON Engineers Planners Surveyors 6860 El Cnmlno Rial Smb. 800 Carlibad, California 08008 (019) 438 - 1810 SUBJECT gjgr/aiiouo& \JALI PAGE OF PROJECT ( A\JlA&4 JOB CLIENT LOCATION /S/i EToAD.DATE \-7 aiu -m?/v\ 3 004*' H P' I**pio o OROBB7 Engineers Planners • Surveyors MDAD 6660 El Cumino Raal Su.bi 200 BBNTON Carlibad California PEOOB ItAJiBOOIATM (019) 430 - 1810 SUBJECT £*Q.B AKJ A gfern / /o i o<g.PAGE OF PROJECT /JOB NO ten-Ql"7 CLIENT BY LOCATION SA E?oAO.DATE 4- U- = 2320 O-C ) CRO8B7 Engineers Planners * Surveyors MBAD 6660 II Casnlno R«ml BuiU 200 BBINTON Carlibad, California 9EOOB SUBJECT gee. 4 eg A PAGE OP PROJECT (JOB NO Ipr7-Ol"7 CLIENT ^ 6"A- / d , OROSB7 Engineers Planners Surveyors MBAD 6660 El Ckunino Real Suit. 200 BBNTON Cflirlibad, CnUfornla 9E008 ftAMNMBATMl (BIB) 430 - IBID SUBJECT /lee A «0 1 AOG> VJAU-PAGE /~7 OF PROJECT (PX\-!to JOB NO ien-or7 CLIENT BY LOCATION DATE CROSBY MDAD BBNTON Engineers Plannera • Surveyors 6660 Et Cainlna Rial SuiU 200 Cttrlibad, CaUJornJa 9200B - tain MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR Retaining Wall/Sloping Backfill San Diego Area Chapter International Conference of Building Officials Carhbad Chula Vista, Coronado M Mar El Capri El Cwiiro Encnw Escondixx Imowial &»acn U M«a. l«rnon Gtmt National Cty Ocaaraid*. Poway San Dago Cay San O*flo County San Marco*. SantM. Solana BaaoX Terrwcula. V*ta CHAPTER POLICY 222 November 1992 Construction of retaining walls except those less than three feet high and not supporting surcharge requires a permit and is regulated by local building codes This chapter policy outlines requirements for re taming walls with sloping backfill Chapter Policy 221 covers retaining walls with level backfill Contact your local building department for mfor mation on how to obtain a permit for a retaining wall I INSPECTIONS Inspections must be performed during several phases of construction Please call for inspections at the following times A When the footing has been dug with the steel tied securely in its final position and the site is ready for the concrete to be placed, a footing inspection is needed B Amasonrypregroutmspection is required when the block has been laid and the steel is in place, but before the grout has been placed 1 If cleanout holes are used, block may be laid to the full height at the grout pour before calling for the pregrout i nspection Grout shall be placed in a continuous pour in grout lifts not exceeding 6 feet 2 If cleanout holes are not used a masonry pregrout inspection is required pnor to each grout pour Block cannot be laidhigher than the grout pour Note that cleanouts are required for all grout pours over 5 feet m height C After grouting is completed and rock or rubble wall drains are in place but before earth backfill is placed, call for a backfill/drainage inspection D When all work has been completed call for a final inspection H WALL HEIGHT Wall height is measured from the top of the footing to the top of the wall Walls not shown in Tables A and B on page 2 must be designed specifically for the existing condition The walls shown here are designed to retain earth banks from level to a slope of 1 horizontal to 1 vertical (sloping surcharge) No building foundation dnveway or other loading on the upper level is allowed within a distance equal to the height of the wall m BLOCK All block must be type "N" grouted solid with fa 1,500 psi IV MIX REQUIREMENTS Note that use of plastic cement is not permitted in retaining walla located in Seismic Zone No. 3 or 4 A. The concrete mix for footings must meet a compressive strength of f e = 2 000 psi minimum or the following proportions by volume 1 part Portland cement 2'/a parts sand 3V2 parts V4 inch maximum size gravel 7 gallons of water maximum per sack of cement B The mortar mix must have a compressive strength equal to 1 800 psi minimum One possible mix contains the following proportions by volume 1 part Portland cement 3V2 parts sand V4 part hydrated lime or lime putty C Grout must have a compressive strength equal to 2,000 psi minimum One possible mix contains the following proportions by volume 1 part Portland cement 3 parts sand 2 parts pea gravel ('/, inch aggregate) Add water until pounng consistency is achieved without segregation of the grout constituents Rod or vibrate immediately Rerod or revibrate grout about 10 minutes after pounng to ensure solid consohda tion Stop grout 2 inches from top of masonry units when grouting of second lift is to be continued at another time Note All cells must be filled solid with grout V MORTAR KEY To insure proper bonding between the footing and the first course of block a mortar key must be formed by embedding a flat 2x4 flush with and at the top of the freshly poured footing It should be removed after the concrete has started to harden (about 1 hour) A mortar key may be omitted if the first course of block is set into the fresh concrete when the footing is poured and a good bond is obtained VI WALL DRAINS Wall drains (four inch diameter) must be placed at 6 foot intervals along the length of the wall and located just above the level of the soil or paving on the front face of the wall The drains may be formed by .placing a block on its side at 6 foot intervals, by leaving out the mortar in the vertical spaces between all the blocks (head joint) in the first course above the soil or paving on the front face of the wall or by any Page 2 of 4 San Diego Area Chapter ICBO Chapter Policy 222 November 1992 other acceptable equivalent method Backfill behind wall drains or open head joints must be loose rubble or gravel 12 inches wide and extending from the top of the wall to the top of the footing VII SOIL Wall design footing sizes andremforcing steel are all based on an active earth pressure with an equiva lent fluid weight of 30 pounds per cubic foot All footings must extend at least 12 inches into undis turbed natural soil or compacted fill which has been compacted to at least 90 percent density Soil should be dampened pnor to placing concrete in footings A soilsreport compiled by a licensed civil engineer may be required A minimum of 7 feet must be provided horizontally from the toe of the footing to daylight where the ground slopes away from the base of the wall Footing sizes given in Table A are based on a 1 000 psf maximum soil bearing value use of a larger bearing value will require design by a licensed archi tect or civil engineer specifically for the existing conditions A soils report compiled by a licensed civil engineer may be required. VIII REINFORCING STEEL Reinforcing steel must be deformed and comply with ASTM specification A615 85, Grade 40 or 60 When one continuous bar cannot be used a lap or splice of 40 bar diameters is required Two #3 bars must be placed longitudinally in the footing as shown in Figures 1 and 2 For 6 inch or 8 inch blocks one #3 reinforcing bar must be placedlongitudinallym the center of the wall in a mortar joint every 16 inches as the blocks are lai d up For 12 inch blocks one #4 reinforcing bar must be placed longitudinally in the center of the wall in a mortar joint every 16 inches as the blocks are laid up DC USE OF TABLES Determine height of wall to be constructed as described above and the slope of retained earth Using Table A with the appropriate wall height and slope of retained earth read T R K and W designations Then proceed to Table B Table A / Requirements for Various Slopes of Retained Earth (Horizontal Run to Vertical Rise) "WalT Ht [evil R K W Stol R K W 4io1 T R K W 3lo1 T R K W 2to1 T R K W 1i/2 tot T R K W 1to1 T R K W 1 6 2 0 2 6 3 0 3 6 4 0 4 6 5 0 5 6 6 0 TO 8 0 N N N N N N N D D E E 5 G 1 4 1 4 1 7 2 0 2 1 2 4 2 6 2 9 3 0 3 3 3 9 4 6 A 1 A 1 B 1 B 2 B 4 B 6 C 5 C 5 N N N N N N D 0 D E F 1 4 1 4 1 7 2'0 2 1 ?4 2 6 2 9 3 0 3 3 3 10 A 1 A 1 N N N N N N A 1 B 1 B 2 D BSE B 6 E C 5 E C 6 F 1 4 1 4 1 7 ?0 2-1 2 4 2 6 2 9 3 0 3 4 3 10 A 1 N A 1 N A 1 N A 1 N A 3 D B 1 D B 2 D BSE B 6 E C 5 E C 6 G 1 4 1 4 1 7 2-0 2 1 2 4 3-0 3-4 3 11 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 3 B 1 B 4 B 6 F C 5 F C 5 F 1 4 1 4 1 7 2 0 2 1 2 4 2 6 2 9 3 2" 3 6 N D D E B 1 E B 4 F B 6 F C 5 G C 5 G C 6 G 1 6 1 8 1 10 2 2 2 4 2-5 3 1 3 5 3 9 4 2 0 D E F B 4 F B 6 G C 5 G C 7 G 4 1 Table B1AJ«/ Values for T R and K 1 7 1 10 2 2 2 5 2 4 3 4 3 9 Wall Type and Thlckn*** T Reinforcing Steel R Key size K (Width by depth) A —Type I 6 block B —Type I 8 Week C3— Type II 8 and ir block 1 — #3 bars @ 24 o c 2 —#4 bars @ 32 oc 3 —#3bars@ 16 oc 4 — #4 bars® 24 oc 5 —#4bars@ 16 oc 6 —OS bars® 16 oc 7 — ff6bars@16'o7; D —6 x6 E —8 x8 F— 12"x12 ~G — 12 X 18~] N —None Footnotes Footing sizes are based*n 1 000 psf maximum soil bearing value The resultant is within the middle third of the footing Walls not shown in the tables above must be designed specifically for the actual condition All construction must comply with the specifications shown in this information bulletin All blocks must be grade N grouted solid with an f m - 1 500 psi For Wall Type II the first 32 inches of block regardless of wall height, must be 12 inch wide masonry units November 1992 San Diego Area Chapter ICBO Chapter Policy 222 Page 3 of 4 Figure 1/Type I retaining wall with sloping backfill Concrete block 2 - #3 bars typical 3" clear typical Slope of retained earth (given as horizontal run to vertical rise) Horizontal steel (See Section VIII for applications) il*S&H$&?; wa» thicknessi%L^*M.~.$.. .^> g wnenT=A 8 whenT=B Reinforcing steel R 2" minimum 6" maximum V Lap splice (See Section VIII)Gravel backfill Mortar key (see section V) «o<»yN«»/.jtt o&h 12 minimum concrete depth 12" minimum into natural ground or approved compacted fill Note A minimum of 7 feet must be provided horizontally from the toe of the footing to daylight where the ground slopes away from the base of the wall Page 4 of 4 San Diego Area Chapter ICBO Chapter Policy 222 November 1992 Figure 2/Type II retaining wall with sloping backfill A2 minimum to^ 6 maximum #4 bars @ 16 oc 8" block Wall dram 2 #3 bars ^ typical 3" clear typical Slope of retained earth 12" block Concrete block Horizontal steel (See Section VIII for applications) 5 maximum Reinforcing steel R 21/2 clear Gravel backfill 12 wide Mortar key (See Section V) Not less than 32" See Table B, Footnote 5 minimum concrete depth 12" minimum into natural ground or approved compacted fill Note A minimum of 7 feet must be provided horizontally from the toe of the footing to daylight where the ground slopes away from the base of the wall DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSUL! ING &DCSIGN ) 7« West Kaidia Avenue Su»e208 OttOge CA 92667 714 997 IMS December 3, 1993 Richardson, Nagy, Martin4611 Teller AvenueNewport Beach, CA 92660 Attn« Ron Ritner Re. Aldea T/H DSR, Horton Homes Our Job No 93127 Dear Ron. Pursuant to your request, the loads listed below may be used for analysis of an existing retaining wall and footing upon which the rear wall of a Pool Cabafla for the above referenced project 1s to be constructed: If hes you Itate have any to call Roof L L 16 Roof D L. 18 wall D L 15 further questions regarding psf psf psf this matter,please do not Very Truly Yours, ~ ( W. D Mlsche. RCE 47623 (exp 12/31/95) Associate / Operations Manager DESIGN PARAilETERS UASONRY GRADE 'N UNITS, GROUTED SOLID n REINFORCING STEEL F 1500 psi 250 psi 150 psj. 25 psi 25 77 No Special Inspection - use half values for walls no shear reinforcement GRADE 40 DEFORMED BARS 40,000 psi 20,000 psi 100 psi l j allowable bond stress REINFORCED CONCRETE, fe j - 2000 psi minimum EARTH MATERIALS BEARING SOILS AND BACKFILL Density of backfill = 120 pcf, unless otherwise stated allowable soil bearing pressure = 2500 psf coefficient of friction, soil to concrete footing = 0 Active earth pressure against an unrestrained, cantilever wall is assumed to be equal to that exerted by a fluid of density equal to -. 30 pcf for level backfill \ 40 pcf for a backfill slopiag at 2 1J Allowable passive earth pressure against a Wall of footing or key is assumed to ba equal to that exerted by a fluid of , jL.n\ density equal to 400 pcf n , (EEP*2) »\ REFERENCES Letter from Eberhart & Stone, Inc , Geotechnical Consultants, to Bramalea California, Inc , E&S WO # 158600 24; dated September 11, 1991 Subject Preliminary geotechnical parameters for proposed retaining walls, ALDEA CT 90 14, Carlsbad, California Letter from Geotechnics, Incorporated, to D R Horton Company, Project No 0120 001 00, Doc #3-0270, dated August 3, 1593 Subject Retaining Wall Design Parameters, ALDEA at Aviara PA-16, Carlsbad, California Karl Terzaghi and Ralph Peck, Soils Mechanics in Engineering Practice. 2nd Edition CHO8BT Engineers Planners Surveyors MEAD 6660 El Camlno RmJ. Suite 200 BEINTON Carlsbad California 9200B &ABBOOULTBS (619) 438 - 1210 CROSBY Engineers Planners Surveyors MHIAD 6860 El Camino Rml Suibi 200 B3BNTON Carlsbad, CoUIornla 92008 KJJWOOXATM (019) 430 - 1210 SUBJECT <£> VJAU.PAGE OF PROJECT JOB NO CLIENT U. LOCATION IZo/fik.0 DATE ^"3 H H R CROSBY* Engineers Planners Surveyors M2QAD 6BEQ V. Camino Rul Suit* 200 B2DNTON Carlibttd, CdUfonUa 9BOOB &JUWOOIATVM (019) 49B - 1210 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS (with Building Department Correction Responses) for ' ALDEA TOWNHOMES ' POOL CABANA I I • Developer ™ D R Morton Homes | Architect _ Richardson, Nagy, Martin Architects Prepared By I Dale Christian / Structural Engineer, Inc | 1748 West Katella Avenue Suite 208 I Orange, California 92667 - 5 Nov 93 • I c°/• S^ No 47623• I cc\ ^ „ , v\ r^r^ x ^- ——-" \ / /i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 West Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 7)4 997 1145 FAX 714 997 3857 /U JOB NO BY DATE SH tH>3 OF Responses to Building Department Corrections List: Agency Esgil Corporation for City of Carlsbad Plan Check No Not Available Project Aldea T/H Cabana Builder D R Horton Homes Item 218. Sheet S-14, Foundation note #6 provides information requested regarding holddowns tied in place prior to inspection Item 231 Note regarding prism testing for masonry subject to special inspection added to general notes, sheet S-15 Item 233- See sheet S-15, which provides general notes and only those details which pertain to Cabana Item 254 Truss identification is to be provided by truss designer, layout plans must accompany calculations Plans may not include identification of trusses as manufacturer is unknown I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 VW?stKatella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 FAX 714 997 3857 JOB NO BY * DATE 1 SH 4*1 OF £40? 0 WW& n frflMNfr \00 *>\0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 West Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 f*X 714 997 3857 '" \frtf n-H* JOB NO BY DATE A /Mr? It'll" A/ifr?UCW&N) ir-i A/lft? HV 6 "H-1 DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 West Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 FAX 714 997 3857 JOBNO BY DATE SH 4 MfrHT f b fb WO 44 * t>\0\0 11*740 ffiyio DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 West Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 MX 714 997 3857 JOBNO ?»l>t BY »^T DATE */1> SH 4-40F \r 4*4- 4*12- 4*14- 471 1&0 \ttoo WflJD woo Wo KIN*) (flfrt) f v No I (V f.) 1W I* 4- p t>*\0 544" N 77? WbO Woo (fft&O Wo* v\oo 1\10 two KIN*) t*-rfiecop<T DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 West Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 F*X 714 997 3857 JOB NO 1^>1 BY *t DATE S>/1J SH <?^OF NMHN<b "5)\ 47- N V ^UATH , I6» 6^ X N -* N AM,AT Al-U I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 West Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 f*X 714 997 3857 JOB NO BY DATE SH 1 OF flT£H - <* « CJ) ptCJt * / \e>0 -ftLfc AAfc 9 JO '\C* W*-DE -k- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 Vtest Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 (AX 714 997 3857 M- Q M- JOBNO *!*'*t BY 9"\ DATE VA> SH > OF t if. 4*& I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 West Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 (AX 714 997 3857 JOB NO BY Pf DATE * SH * OF fs 01 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN l748WfestKatellaAvenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 F*X 714 997 3857 , I -j ot- JOB NO BY f DATE SH - OF 'T f* >1 I *;••*Lui'l *.'i' f_x*^_ ^ ^^*» 73 I : i"1 K ;> ?4)* 1 fr flf Tf|V *'^ DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 VW?st Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 I*X 714 997 3857 JOB NO BY DATE SH fr OF I I I DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN ,748U*stKatel*Avenue Suite 206 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 f*X 714 997 3857 JOB NO BY DATE SH ^ OF DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 West Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 FAX 714 997 3857 JOB NO BY DATE SH 1 OF DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 West Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 f*X 714 997 3857 JOB NO BY l? DATE SH fc OF 00 N V* Z 14 1*00 9 ^00 111 4 t 1' i/ . , f *? I- DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 Wist Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 FAX 714 997 3857 JOB NO BY DATE SH <\ OF I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 West Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 fftX 714 997 3857 A K?e ^ JOB NO BY * DATE SH \0 OF GENERAL FOOTING ANALYSIS & DESIGN Page DESCRIPTION DESIGN DATA ALLOW SOIL PRESSURE SHORT TERM INCREASE BASE PEDESTAL HEIGHT SEISMIC ZONE (0=Wind) AXIAL LOADS DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD SHORT TERM 'X' LOAD ECC FROM CL = '¥' LOAD ECC FROM CL = y_y AXIS ROTATION FORCES Pressures 6 Left/Right 2,500 psf 1 33 in 1 301 kips 0 679 kips kips in in OVERBURDEN DL WT = 110 psf COMBINE LL & ST ? N y/n CONCRETE WT = 145 pcf BIAXIAL ANALYSIS "> N y/n DIMENSIONS WIDTH ALONG X-X = 3 ft LENGTH ALONG Y-Y = 3 ft THICKNESS = 12 in COLUMN X-X DIM = 4 in " Y-Y DIM = 4 in X-X AXIS ROTATION FORCES • Pressures € Top/Bot MOMENT DL - LL = Short Term = SHEAR DL = LL = Short Term = Soil Pressure D+L Max Pressure = 475 Allow " = 2,500 'X' Ecc 'Y' ECC Service Load Pressures DL + LL DL + ST + LL (if LL & Factored Load Pressures ACI Eq 9-1 Eq 9-2 Eq 9-3 ft-k MOMENT ft-k 1 912 ft-k Short k SHEAR k 0 364 k Short Moments D+L+ST 922 psf Mu/Phl 3,325 psf Vu 1 Way= 7 60 in Vu 2 Way= in OTM Ratio= Left Right 475 475 ST= Yes) 922 Left Right 688 688 968 829 DL - LL - Term = DL - LL « Term ** & Shea Max 0 5 3 4 6 1 2 37 Top 475 400 Top 688 420 360 ft-k ft-k ft-k k k k rs Allow k-ft 85 0 psi 170 0 psi 1 50 Bottom 475 psf 400 psf Bottom 688 psf 420 psf 360 psf FOOTING DESIGN DATA f'C Fy REBAR CL TO SOIL MINIMUM STEEL % 2,500 psi 60,000 psi 3 5 in 0 0014 Vn Vn i'ss Fy 1 2 85f'c) 2(f'c)A 4(f'c)A 5 5 28 24 100 0 psi 200 0 FACTORED SHEARS 9-1 — 9-2 TWO-WAY ONE-WAY Vu § Left = Vu § Right = Vu @ Top = Vu § Bottom= 6 1 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 2 8 -1 6 3 4 0 8 0 8 9-3 Vn * Phi 2 4 psi 170 0 psi -1 4 psi 85 0 psi 3 0 psi 85 0 psi 0 7 psi 85 0 psi 0 7 psi 85 0 psi I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 West Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 FAX 714 997 3857 JOBNO BY 0 DATE SH || OF GENERAL FOOTING ANALYSIS & DESIGN MOMENTS 9-1 Mu/Phi e Left - 0 33 11 @ Right - 0 33 11 @ Top = 0 33 " § Bottom= 0 33 SERVICE LOAD OTM STABILITY Factor of Safety Y - Y AXIS Factor of Safety g_2 9-3 -0 21 -0 18 k-ft 0 54 0 46 k-ft 0 15 0 13 k-ft 0 15 0 13 k-ft Static - 999 00 999 00X - X AXIS — Ru As Reqd 45 0 14 inA2 74 0 14 /ft 45 0 14 45 0 14 Short Term 2 37 999 00 DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 West Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 f*X 714 997 3857 JOB NO BY DATE SH OF I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ y /\ DALE CHRISTIAN/ tM'V STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC NIP/^ CONSULTING & DESIGN /JL\ 1 748 West Katella Avenue ^HVj Suite 208 r • ^F Orange CA 92667 V 714 997 1145 FAX 714 997 3857 ••••••••••1 DESCRIPTION/S » AXIAL LOAD kips X-X AXIS MOMENT ft-k AISC SECTION NAME » TENSION CAPACITY/BOLT k # BOLTS PER SIDE BOLT AREA in DIST FROM PL EDGE in BASEPLATE HEIGHT in " WIDTH in SUPPORT PIER HEIGHT in n ii WIDTH in f'c psi Fy ksi LOAD DURATION FACTOR AISC SECTION DEPTH in FLANGE WIDTH in FLANGE THICKNESS in WEB THICKNESS in ____ _ DT ATI? r\l?OTr'M ______ MIN REQ'D THICKNESS in Plate Analysis Type j Anchor Bolt Tension k (per bolt) Actual Bearing psi Allowable Per ACI 10 15 Per AISC 155 Max Plate Capacity for Allowable Bearing k _____ OT ATI? AMAT VCTC __ — _^v-- ACTUAL PLATE THICKNESS in Max Allow Plate Fb ksi Actual fb ksi /^*fe> I**'*-1 WMVS, JOB NO *|>>| BY pf DATE Vl^ SH |$ OF AISC BASE PLATE DESIGN Page __ I_ _ | 0 95 1 91 TS4x4x3/l None None None None 4 4 2 0 75 1 5 10 10 20 20 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 36 36 36 36 36 1 33 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 4 00 4 000 0 188 0 188 0 32 ( I 1 38 175 2,975 2,328 232 8 0 5 35 91 14 42 DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 \Atest Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 FAX 714 997 3857 JOB NO BY DATE SH OF,f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 West Katella Avenue Suite 206 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 FAX 714 997 3857 JOB NO BY Vf DATE SH OF RETAINING WALL DESIGN Page DESCRIPTION » » SOIL DATA ALLOWABLE BEARING ACTIVE LATERAL MAX PRESS SLOPE PRESS BACKFILL SLOPE (horiz vert,o PASSIVE PRESS SOIL DENSITY SOIL HT OVER TOE 2,500 psf 30 0 pcf pcf pcf 1 vel) 266 67 pcf 110 pcf 6 in LATERAL LOADS LATERAL LOAD ACTING ON STEM ABOVE SOIL = \ psf ADD'L LATERAL LOAD = TOP OF FTG TO START = TOP OF FTG TO END Y y/n Y y/n RETAINED HEIGHT WALL HT ABOVE SOIL = • WALL & FX 8 ft 0 5 ft VERTI/AL LOADS AXIAL DL ON STEM - 91 7 plf AXIAL LL ON STEM - 73 36 plf ECC(Toward Toe=' + ')=» in SURCHARGE/OVER TOE SURCHARGE/OVER HEEL RESISTS OVERTURNING "> Doe Heel ADJACENT FOOTING VERTICAL LOAD )AD ECCENTRICITY TOOTING WIDTH FTG CL TO WALL VERT POSITION OF FTG Above/Below [+/-]= SPREAD FOOTING ? JING DATA )E WIl HEEL WID1 KEY DEPTH = 12 ij KEY WIDTH = 3 KEY DIST TO TOE = 3 C TotalXWidth :KNESJ Pressure @ Toe Pressure 6 Heel Allowable Press Ecc of resultant Max Shear @ Toe Max Shear @ Heel 82 337 2,5^00 psf 18 in t TH} SUMMARY -r psf \Factbrs of Safety psf \ ^Overturning Sliding .6 01 psi •1 74 psi Allow Ftg Shear \= 85 00 psi SLIDING CHECI FTG/SOIL FRICTION SOIL TO NEGLECT Factor of Safety Soil Press Mult By ACI Eq 9-1 psf= Mu - Upward ft-#= Mu - Downward ft-#= Mu - Design ft-#= 1,215 Ibs 833 Ibs 1,129 Ibs Ibs Lateral Pressure = 0 40 - Passive Pressure = in - Friction = 1 62 Add'l Force Required = FOOTING DESIGN —Toe Heel— f'c = 2,500 psi 1,156 475 Fy = 60,000 psi 4,588 Min As Percent = 0 0014 1,292 721 OMIT SP UNDER HEEL' Y y/n 3,297 (721) Rebar Choices I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 West Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 FAX 714 997 3857 JOB NO BY DATE SH |^ OF RETAINING WALL DESIGN One-Way Shear Actual psi' Allowable psi Cover over Rebar in 'd' in Ru = Mu/bdA2 psi — Toe — #46 16 81 in o 156 26 05 ~ Heel 15 04 23 31 33 08 45 11 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 WALL TYPE 1 Mas,2 Cone,3 Not Used DESIGN HEIGHT ABOVE FTG REBAR 0 Cntr,l Edge 'd' FOR DESIGN DESIGN DATA THICKNESS (nominal) REBAR SIZE REBAR SPACING Lateral Load 6 Section Moment Actual Moment Allow Shear Actual Shear Allow Interaction Result Wall Weight n Modular Ratio Rebar Embed Length MASONRY STEM DATA f ' m Fs ALL CELLS GROUTED USE SPECIAL INSP Load Duration Factc CONCRETE STEM DAT/ f'c Fy #66 #76 #86 #96 #10 6 #11 6 36 97 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 48/00 STEM DESIGN Top = 1,500 1,500 = 24,000 24,000 7 y yY N 1 00 Y N 00 psf in 1,500 1,500 1,500 psi 24,000 24,000 24,000 psi Y N N y/n N N y/n 1 00 1 00 in Y 1 00 - 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 psi = 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 psi SUMMARY OF FORCES & MOMENTS <-Overturning Moments-><- Resisting Moments -> Origin of Force # ft ft-# # ft ft-# Active Soil Press Soil over Heel Soil over Toe 1215 0 3 00 3645 880 0 -33 8 0 50 -16 87 165 0 _— __ 4 50 3960 1 50 247 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DALE CHRISTIAN/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER INC CONSULTING & DESIGN 1748 West Katella Avenue Suite 208 Orange CA 92667 714 997 1145 FAX 714 997 3857 JOB NO BY DATE SH H OF RETAINING WALL DESIGN Sloped Soil @ Heel Adjacent Ftg Load Surcharge Over Heel Surcharge over Toe Axial Load on Wall Load e Pro] Wall Averaged Stem Added Lateral Footing Weight Key Weight Vertical Component of Active Pressure Totals Resisting Totals Used For Soil (Vert Component of Active STEM VALUE To 'N' Multiplier Center 'd' Modifier = Edge 'd' Modifier Wall Wt Multiplier = Type l=LtWt, 2=MedWt, 3=NrmWt, 3 50 320 95 3 40 2674 2 50 1874 9 3 50 524 99 362B 1 2822 4 ire = 2822 4 •e Removed) 9602 4 9602 4 Bottom 750 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 O . \ \*i * C "- flUG 24 '93 09 19 HflNSON TRUSS P 1 PUG 24 93 09 19 HRNSON TRUSS P 2 PlUG 24 93 09 20 HflNSON TRUSS P 3 flUG 24 '93 09 21 HflNSON TRUSS P 4 CDrrh* | *»o II CV>C7 2C I 33 W Q) a o H C5 M H O F M s MAX UNBRACED STUD HEIGHT 8 I328 H 5'-9M MAX 1 S u> N> 3»-»i G -» W ffi N N U H O DO 2 00 o ^ o w GABLE END & FILL TRUSS DETAIL 1H)ANSON TRUSS itfC TRUSS CLIP OR (1)16d .TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD. NON-BEARING PARTITION PERPENDICULAR TO TRUSSES TRUSS CLIPOR (1)16d SECTION A-A 2X4 BLK g 24' o c 'TYPICAL B *1 TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD, EF3 JSL B NON-BEARING WALL PARELLEL TO TRUSSES 0)l«d 24 BLK -ATTACH w/(2)16d NAILS § £A END SECTION B-B TRUSSES SPACED (3) KUL TRUSS ^ AS REQUIRED f^ TO BLOO\ , I (3)1« TYP- hjNAIL SPACER TO (5) SET NEXT TRUSSW t TOE-WUL TO FUTE BACK NAIL AFTER ALL TRUSSES ARE ERECTED TRUSS AT EXTERIOR WALL BLOCK PER ARCH PLANS EXTERIOR WALL SECTIONXT-C X-BRACING EVERY THIRD BAY AT 10'-0* O C ALL BRACING MATERIAL & HARDWARE BY OTHERS FOR FLAT TRUSSES W/ SPANS GREATER THAN 20"-0" REFER TO INSIDE COVERS OP TRUSS BOOKLET FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION & RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BRACING WOOD TRUSSES BRACING & BLOCKING DETAIL 1H)ANSON IRUSS INC CALIFORNIA "FILL" DETAIL ANSON TRUSS INC G C G V) V) V)www %%%N> -»K> O O O*fl *fl 'flr r r N) N) W XXXCo O^ CTi *fl *fl *flo o o50 50 50 ?8 r28r^§ " H ft-g W§g °S,S ^^53 A CD U> W •0 M M W U ^33"" CO 03 CO» > 000 « « X oooHj tq hq -J -d «O I I I <*UJ W O'-tt^^sg§^ "^H * £ i* CALIFORNIA HIP DETAIL HANSON TRUSS INC fell i •! us ?';?s ii ;i!«ijj *WhJt*»M*lfi?»»i?11 s?3t?'£•6? g s fa u &•?••§{ «»&arc*£ t»3«&>w *m Hih1*i * S ?pJ!.jl? si *l«;Jf»irrt Jrhuti ?S3ii S» sfSXi??*-? I???-**J? ° s i" ^?ix »• 4s * r iilli^il^PiffUf! Geotechnics Incorporated Principals. Anthony F Belfast Michael P Imbngbo August 16 1993 W LeeVanderhur* D R Morton Project No 0120-001-00 10170 Huennekens Street Suite 100 Doc #3-0293 San Diego California 92121 Attention Mr Jay Kerr SUBJECT INTERIM COMPACTION REPORT Aldea at Aviara, Lot 8 Aviara PA 16, Carlsbad Tract 90 14 Carlsbad California Gentlemen This letter confirms that our testing and observation for the subject lot have been completed Lot 8 will be developed as a recreation area with a swimming pool associated concrete deck and a changing room/pump room building The lot is located in the northeastern portion of PA 16, just southwest of Cormorant Drive Our field compaction testing was performed dunng the fine grading of the entire Aldea site Lot 8 is entirely underlain by fill The compaction testing met the minimum recommendations of 90 percent of ASTM D1557 for fill operations observed between July 12 and August 4 1993 as set forth in the referenced geotechnical reports A complete report of our testing and observations will be prepared for the Aldea at Aviara site when the remaining grading have been completed Foundation Recommendations The following recommendations are based on our testing and observation of grading and laboratory testing of soil near finish grade for expansion potential in accordance with ASTM 4829 The tests indicated that the soil is not detrimentally expansive The following recommendations are considered generally consistent with methods typically used in southern California Other alternatives may be available The foundation recommendations herein should not be considered to preclude more restrictive criteria of governing agencies or by the structural engineer The design of the foundation system should be performed by the project structural engineer, incorporating the geotechnical parameters described in the following sections Conventional shallow foundations are considered suitable to support the proposed structure The following recommendations assume that all foundations bear in the compacted fill prepared as previously descnbed PO Box 26500 224 • San Diego California • 92196 Phone (619) 536-1000 • Fax (619) 536-8311 0 R Horton Project No 0120-001-90 August 16 1993 Doc #3X5293 Page 2 Conventional Footings Allowable Soil Bearing 2 500 psf fallow a one-third increase lor shori-term wind or seismic loads) Minimum Footing Width 12 inches Minimum Footing Depth 12 inches below lowest adjacent soil grade for single story structures Minimum Reinforcement Two no 4 bars at both top and bottom in continuous footings Post-Tenstoned Foundations Allowable Soil Beanng 2 500 psf (allow a one-third increase for short-term wind or seismic loads) Depth of Constant Suction 5 feet em Edge Lift Condition 1 foot ym Based on Differential Settlement 0 5 inch Lateral loads against structures may be resisted by friction between trie bottoms of footings or slabs and the supporting soil A coefficient of friction of 0 35 is recommended Alternatively, a passive pressure of 350 pcf is recommended for the portion of vertical foundation members embedded into formational soil If friction and passive pressure are combined the passive pressure value should be reduced by one-third Footings on slopes should be founded at a depth such that at the distance between the lower outside edge of the footing and the face of any slope is at least eight feet Settlement resulting from the bearing loads recommended are not expected to exceed three- quarters inch and one half inch respectively for total and differential settlements across the length of the structure Inco)penciled D R Norton Project No 0120-001-00 August 16 1993 Doc #3-0293 Page 3 Conventional On-Grade Slabs Slabs should be designed for the anticipated loading If an elastic design is used 8 modulus of subgrade reaction of 250 kips/ft3 should be suitable As a minimum, slabs should be at least 5 inches in thickness and be reinforced with at least #3 bars on 24-inch centers each way Moisture Protection for Slabs To decrease the likelihood of problems related to damp slabs suitable moisture protection measures should be used where moisture sensitive floor coverings or other factors warrant A commonly used moisture protection consists of about four inches of clean sand covered by 'visqueen' plastic sheeting In addition two inches of sand are placed over the plastic to decrease concrete cunng problems associated with placing concrete directly on an impermeable membrane It has been our expenence that such systems will transmit from approximately 6 to 12 pounds of moisture per 1000 square feet per day This may be excessive for some applications If more protection is needed, we recommend that the stab be underlain by at least 6-mches of minus 3/4-inch crushed rock with no plastic membrane in addition, it is recommended that a 5 inch slab with low water-cement ratio concrete (0 5 maximum) be used and that the slab be moist-cured for five in accordance with recommendations of the American Concrete Institute On-site quality control should be used to confirm the design conditions Earth Retaining Structures Based on strength testing of the prevailing on-site soil we recommend the following design parameters for earth retaining structures Equivalent Fluid Pressure level backfill 30 Ibs/ft3 Equivalent Fluid Pressure 2 1 sloping backfill 40 tos/ft3 Passive Pressure 400 Ibs/ft3 Coeff of Fnction soi! to concrete 0 4 The equivalent fluid pressures are based on the active soil state assuming the walls are free to rotate at least 1% of the wall height The pressures do not include surcharge loads hydrostatic pressure or seepage forces Walls should be fully drained to prevent hydrostatic or seepage deolechmcs Irxoipoictlecl D R Horton August 16 1993 Project No 0120-001-00 Doc 43-0293 Page 4 pressures When combining passive pressure and friction for passive resistance the passive pressure should be reduced by one-third On-site soil, or nonexpansive import with similar strength characteristics should be used for retaining wall backfill Retaining wall backfill should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction, based on ASTM D15S7 Backfill should not be placed until walls have achieved adequate structural strength Heavy compaction equipment which could cause distress to walls should not be used Please call at your convenience if you should have any questions or comments GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED Anthony F Belfast P E 40333 Pnncipal Attached References IIKOIpointed D R Morton ~ Project No 0120-001-00 August 16 1993 Doc #3-0293 REFERENCES Geotechnics Incorporated August 3 1993 Retaining Wall Design Parameters, Aldea at Aviara PA 16 Carlsbad California Job No 0120-001-00 Doc #3-0270 Eberhart & Stone Jnc April 13 1990 GeotechnicalReview of 40-Scate Plans Aviara Planning Area 16 Lot 90 Carlsbad California W O 158600 24 March 25 1991 Geotechnical Review of 20-Scate Model Site -Grading Plans, ALDEA-CT 90 14 Carlsbad California WO 15860024 November 6 1991 -Geotechnical Report on Regradmg Model Site (Units 4-7), Building Pad Only Aldea - Ct 90 14 Carlsbad California W O 158600 25, (.polecbmo IIKOIpointed Ic c *~ o o O tr < o L J lotloo o CO Ul I O ou in