HomeMy WebLinkAbout1553 MARTINGALE CT; ; CB160759; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plumbing/Mechanical/Electrical (PME) Permit 02-25-2016 Permit No: CB160759 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Reference #: PC#: 1553 MARTINGALE CT CBAD PME 2150723700 Status: Lot#: 0 Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: Project Title: FU RES-REPLACE WATER HEATER Applicant: CALIFORNIA DEL TA MECHANICAL STE 155 6056 E BASELINE RD MESA AZ 85206 480-898-000 7 /866-6925273 Plumbing Fees Electrical Fees Mechanical Fees Other PME Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Owner: SAM FU 1553 MARTINGALE CT CARLSBAD CA 92011 760 889-3626 ISSUED 02/25/2016 RMA 02/25/2016 02/25/2016 $38.00 $0.00 $0.00 $60.00 $98.00 Total Fees: $98.00 Total Payments To Date: $98.00 Balance Due: Inspector: FINAL.A:P~OY.AL Date: r, r 7 I e,, Clearance: $0.00 I\OTICE Please la<e l\OTICE Iha w,:,,a d )OJf pnjed irdudes the ""ln-µisition" ct fees, d!rlcations. reservaicn; a dher exa:1ions -cdlooively rdem,d toas "fees'exa:1ions." Yoo rave oocn,,; franthe-tlis pemit v.es issued to pretest irrµ,sitia, dtresefees'exactions. If ye,; prctest ttan ye,; rrust fdlCM1the pretest J'OO'l(l.res set faith in GcMmrert Olde Secti0160020(a), ard file the pretest ard anyctherreq.ired infooralia, wth the Qty ~fa procassirg in acxrnl;m,wth Qrtslm Mridpa Olde Sectia, 3.32.IID. Falu-etc tirrelyfdlCMltral procecirewll bar anysubse<µrt lega ,.;tia, toatt1d<, rl:Mew, set aside, vtid, a cl'TU ttar irrpcsition. Yoo"" heretJ; FlRT1-ER I\OTIFIED lh!I yo..r ngt to prctest the specified fees'exa:1ions cx:ES NOr !'PPL Y tov.eter ard se,ver cxm,cjja, fees ard ~ c:hrges, na !Jannrg, mrg, galrg a dher smla-'lJPlicatioo procassirg a Sffiioe leas in cxm,cjja, wth tlis pnject. NCR cx:ES IT !'PPL Y to any f W"ic:h "rrilc:T v.Ji d linita:i • THE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PR:OR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE; ::]PLANNING 0 ENGINEERING (City of Carlsbad JOB ADDRESS Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad. CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax 760-602-8558 email: building@carlsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov 1553 Martingale Ct SUITU/SPACEI/UNfT• □aulLO!NG :)FIRE 1 Plan Check No. i Est. Value r~r-# -r~ASt"• rOFUh-rrs . DES(:"R'IPi'iO;fQ"FWORK: Include Square Feet of Affected Area(s) I TENANT BUSINESS NAME Replace water heater like for like same location SWPPP EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE G . .I.RA(;E · SF I PATiOS (SF 0 DECI-\S ;Sfi FlrtEPlACE YES[} /\IR CONDlilONING s<O YES □No □ CiRE SPRlt-;f\LERS YESQsoO APPLICANT NAME .P~MI-.~~~ ADDRESS Mesa John Santos 6056 E Baseline Rd #155 STATE :z,r--· Az {AX 85206 8666925273 8666925275 EMAIL OESIGN PROF£SStoNAL A.ODRESS --______ ,, Capermits@deltamechanical.com STATE ZIP FAX PROPERTY OWNER NAME A00Rr5S CITY PfiONE EMAIL Carlsbad 7608893626 CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME ADDRESS Sam Fu 1553 Martin11ale Ct STATE ···-. ""i1P Ca Ca Delta Mechanical --·--·-·-·-·-- 6056 E Baseline Rd #155 CITY STA.TE Z:!P Az PHONE 92011 85206 Mesa 8666925273 8666925275 fMA!~ STATE L-C. 11 STATE llC.11 Capermits@detlamechanical.com CJSS CJ"N 8l;$. llC,ll 811114 C36 1214281 -Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any Cit) ur Cou~tywh1ch req1.1res a perrr:.t to construct. alter ,mprove. demolish or repa,r any!.1ructurn. p_r,or to its 1ssuanc,;,, also requires the applicant for such penrnt to file a s1gnet1 statement tt1at r1e as licensed pursuant ta !11e prov1s,or1s of tt1e Contractors License Law )'Chapter 9. com111e11d1ng witl'. Section 7000 ol 01V1',;1on 3 of tne Business and Professions Code; v• t•1ilt tie IS ,:1xempt therefrom, and the basis !orthe alleged exemo:1on. /\nv vicl;it,on of Section 031.5 bv any app1,cant for a l)<!-'<!111 sut)Jects ~he ap:.:llcant to a c!'vll penalty cf not more than five h.mfir-'d dollars ($500}), -- Worto.ers' Compensation Declaration: I ;~ereby affirm undN penc,'ty of peffury one of/he loflow;,19 declaratiofls 0 I nave and will maintain a certificate of consent to salf-insure IN NCf!(ers ccrnt,er'>at1or as ~rO'iided t,y Secti,Jn J7()0 Qf 1~,e Latl<)r Cede. for the per'.orMar\Ce ;i lne l';Ork for wnic. ·n !t'is permit 1s ;-;suec 0 I !iaVfl and will maintain workers' compensation as rem;1red by Sedon 370() :A '.Ile Labor Code. for the pe'1ormaf'\CE' of ine wor~ for wnicn ttus oerrrit ,s ,ssueit \ly v.or~e~ comoensatJon ,nsurance carrier and pol:cy 11Um~ra1e Insurance Co____ hrn1CrtyFirePort11et --~--po1,cyNo l4WEON120 Exp,rat:onOate --· --····· 4121!1& ~section nee<: not Ile completed if ~e pem1it is for cce hund•ed dollars \$'00J ,.,, less LJ Certificate of Exemption: \ certify t~al ;n lhe perfOJ'mar, e ot the work foc ·fitich ;h,s :mm,l ,& ss0;ed ! shall not employ any µerw~ In any manner :;o as ro beco!T'e subJec: to the WOfkers Compensa:,or, Laws cf Califom1a WARNING: Failure to secure workers' co nsalion coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to eriminat penalties and civil fiMs up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100 000), in addition to the cost of compensation. damage &d for !n Se !Ion 3706 of the Labor code, interest arid attorney's fees. ~ CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE i r:ereb1 ;;ffirm /hat i 3m exempt from Cor.tr;,c/c.''S L!C<!i•Se Law for ihe toi/ow,ng reilson 0 I. as owrer of the property O' 'ny e•·1Dk>yees w1lh wages as ttleir sole compensation. wI~ do the 'NOrk and '.ne structwe .s rot 1~tended or offered t0< saie ;sa.: 7044. B~s1n.%s ar,d Profess,cn~ Code The Co~t:a::or'5 L,r,ense Lav. ooes not apply 10 an ;'JWnlll of pmp.irty •Nho builds or improves tfiereon, af\CI 11ho ooes sucl1 wor~ brnself or 1rro;;gh his own ef'lployees. prov,t1ot1 tiiat sJCh 1mprm·ements am not -nle'ldec or ,;'fored for sale. !f. however. t~e tiuild1ng or -mpmve111ent is sokl witl':i'l ;'Jrte year ol oorrplebon. tM owrw-DU•lder ·.viii iave tne bulsle11 or prov,ng that re did ~ot bu•ki ,J, improve for the ;iuroose of sale) □ □ I as owner or t'le property. ~m e~::bsivety wr!rading w1m lice%ed oontract0rs to constn.1·~! :ne ;:,roject ,:Sec. 7044. 8us;ness a~a Professions Cc di,: TN, Contractors License Law doas no1 apply 10 an awner ot property who builds or 1rnprovas i>iereon, and CO!'tracts for suci1 projects with ccnlracion)) 1ic.1nse,j ours~ant to t~e Cocrtr:;ctor s L1rnr>Se Law,. I ,n exempt (mder Section Bu5iness anc ;J,ofess.ons Code for th·s reason 1 I pers,J~aHy plan to pr0vi·1e the 11a10r 1a!J(y and materials for construc1'on of the prop0~ orooer1y im:-;rovef'ler! 0Y<1s On 2 i ihave ! ~a~e rot; signed an appl1cauon for a bu1k1111g permit for tt!e proposed work. 3 I have contracted with the ~!Owing person (f!rrni to provide the orooosed constrJClion ,mci;de name address! p~,1e I cootractors" license number: 4 I olan to provide portions o' ~'le w0<k but I na,-e h;rBc the fol!Gw1ng perso~ 10 C<">erdin,1te supc%se arid prcv,de t~-e ma;or >'!Ofk w1cli.1.-:1e name· address phcrie · cc-11tractors· license numneri 5 I will prov~ scme or tne work. tltrt i h,,v~ ;;ontrncted ,hi:ed; !he blowing pN5ons \D r,-0,!cte the work .Mi(a:eJ , nc!u:e r:ame a<ldress · pho11e · ty::;e :1f ·1,•o,t.1 NS PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE □AGENT DATE ~~-------·-· i hereby affrm that there is a construction lending agercyfor t'le performance of the work this oerm.t is issued (Sec. 3097 {i) Civil Codei Lender's Name I certify that I have read the appHcation and state that the above infonnation is correct and that the infonnation Ol1 the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with alt City Ofdinances and State litw$ relating to building construction. I nereoy author12e-epresenta!Ne of 111e City cf Cartsbad to enter upon the above mentiored property fer il"spedioo purposes, I N..$0 AGREE TO SAVE. INDEM!lilfY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL L!ABLITIES JUDGME~S COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY N ANYWAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY lfll CONSEQUENCE OF THE GR..\NT!NGOFTHIS PERMIT OSHA MOSHA pemm 1s requred for excavaoons s·o· deep and demolition or coristri.JC!ion of structures over 3stcries in hefght. EXPIRATlON: E•,ery permit issued by the Buil:ling I under ltle provisoos of tns C.ode shall expire by im,tioon ar.d become nul and voe d :he bwkl1ng or work authaized by such permit is not commenced ~lt'in 180 days from t'le date of such pem,•tor if tl1e o ; or'N0!1<. auttiorized by sucn pernrt 1s susoonded or abar.dooed at any time after t-e WOO is cornrnef1ced fol" a penod of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Bu,k:ing Code:, ..i!APPLJCANT'SSIGNATUR DATE -z/z</,t. ' . Inspection List Permit#: CB160759 Type: PME Date Inspection Item 06/17/2016 25 Water HeaterNents 06/17/2016 25 Water HeaterNents 06/17/2016 29 Final Plumbing 06/17/2016 29 Final Plumbing 05/27/2016 25 Water HeaterNents Monday, June 20, 2016 Inspector PD PD PB FU RES-REPLACE WATER HEATER Act Comments RI LAST PM APPT PLEASE AP RI LAST PM APPT PLEASE AP NR Page 1 of 1