HomeMy WebLinkAbout1555 FARADAY AVE; ; CB990521; Permitj \) 1..\\1\ '1 01/19/2000 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: City of Carlsbad Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No: CB990521 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 438-3101 1555 FARADAY AV CBAD COMMIND Sub Type: 2121303000 Lot#: $610,344.00 Construction Type: 22 Reference #: 25431 SHELL TILTUP & GLASS INDUST 0 VN Status: ISSUED Applied: 02/09/1999 Entered By: DT Plan Approved: 09/08/1999 Issued: 01/19/2000 Inspect Are~179 01/19/00 0001 01 02 Applicant: SMITH CONSUL TING ARCHITECTS STE 200 12220 EL CAMINO REAL SAN DIEGO CA 92121 619 673 4777 C-PRMT Total Fees: $45,210.16 // 1--T'btal P/rtients' ;fa:0ate: ,$:1~529:00 "-\~;.: OBalance Due: $43,681.16 .~:; .,, //Jilt\,'\~"" \\ . ,.Jr' \ /.._ \'\$\.\ '-.,/ \ ' ( I"':--..... / .. _, ----_, \ c::-:-::--, \ Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'! Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'! Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee / / ',~~;;,/ \ 21/ / r1 r, ;$2,351.86 'l'ql_ete,r,Si~/e /2}'; i';:=;; l ~__;,,; I $0.00n -~dfl'I Reel. Watevr;;.Con.\Fee~ I ~-"' ~$1;528.Tl~ ---'@~te(Fee"·~:: :' .__ \ \ ~$0~00,/ SDQWA f=ll;). v--j \ \ '-.,_ '\.• 'v, ! I ' • \ ' ,_,<_.;·,,. f \ , $0.00 Qfi0 PaY,dff F~ / \ $J 21t1-1;'· J;Fl\:-Y_j.-I , \ $10,1,z2.00 ~P.F.F (CFO Fundf ;1 \ (r-,) $0:QQ !NCO~i~nse T~ ,/ _ (~>-,, 1 "\ ~ /$~.qo----..__~j~~D§e--Tax (QfD\~tfild} / "'-. ~<'$0.00 r Traffic)mpact:f ~~ / "'-" "$(qol/ fc;· lfaffiilt!1~~9f<e'FDJtmd) "-~0.00 i F L_fM_? Transporty.tion Fee $0:00._ PL.:OMBl~J3.TOTAL $164.00 ---EtECTRICAL TOTAL $0.00 MECHANICAL TOTAL Master Drainage Fee: $0.00 Sewer Fee: $0.00 Redev Parking Fee: TOTAL PERMIT FEES Inspector: ~ FINAL APPROVAL Date: {/f/23 Clearance: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,108.26 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,794.00 $0.00 $0.00 $70.00 $2,010.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14,883.16 $0.00 $45,210.16 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have oreviouslv been oiven a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has oreviouslv otheiwise exoired. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 43681 .. 16 - ·I· Voto~ 'ERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 20_75 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 FOR OFFICE USE ONl D !:J PLAN CHECK NO. [u 9jfJV,./ EST. VAL (cJ/0.34+ Plan Ck. Deposit 7 l S::::2 6 . 11 ~:~:_at_e_d _B_v-=_-=_--:fz....,,1::-=-~~-=-/.-=-.... 9 .... -_,.f-=_-=_-=_-=_-=.-= Address (include Bldg/Suite#) d ,~a.,,, ,lrtJte Business Name (at this address) c..:.PRMT-T/2./rC;f<. 8"5',,.'Z i, MAP ;-c,-:, ,'VI,/ C/1..C. 5 Legal Description ' Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number ',3/'2, • (), 0 'ACAIV I- Assessor's Parcel # SJ.1.e1..~ 81.-0 &. 'TILT-v Jf' 2-Proposed Use Description of Work #of Stories # of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms ,, r*'"', ,, • .., ,. Name Address :$,, ~'.O.fil\l::MQ1J>B}¢QNIP,ANY ~!Vl,E , , . : , -~ · ·; · ·· " .. -~ (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$5001). J ~..-vo Cc;~ /i(s-0 f-{o Tel., Ct'/ZC-. ~ ,')',,<),,,; £>1tR,i) 6a. (}JJ-/Cl3' t</} ·8..,;l..O-t26-6l-7 Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License # 6? 1/ ll /;, <? License Class .:-cr City Business License # / ,;:J. 0,S~J.5<. J 5':£'1'I //-I C4;-v SV (, 7, Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License# _________ _ ~,::. W9!l!S.Ef3~_'-'QQM~l\l.$'ATI.Oij: : · ·. -. . :, · ·,;• --. , . · , . _, ' . .' .. , ---,, __ --,-:.. , .: .. : .. ._ ... "· --. --:,·:.:: ::· Wor_}l'rs' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: [J"' I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. D I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company____________________ Policy No.____________ Expiration Date _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensc1tion Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE______________________________ DATE _________ _ ~'i,'.S:::,'.Qw~.H~Q.tiJ.L.Pif!J'.l!icM!lAJ!'Q,rf· .. ;-_: ~ .·. -:-. __ ~ :._ .. ... . . . .. -.. : .. : . __ __ .. • -· --.~::·· .•. :-... ', .. ;,-,.::: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: D I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Bu~iness and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law .does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for. the purpose of sale). D I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed ·pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). D I am exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted _with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address I phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license number): _____________________________________________ _ 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name/ address / phone number/ type of work): _______________________________________________________ _ DATE _________ _ > ...... '", '"'=,~:,ff,:,:, .,_.,Av,, ,., , ', .«-.. ~·-"' ' ....... -~·~, ..... , ·.,,, ,·, .. , "'" Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? D YES D NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? D YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. f{;;.:,;.;&~.Nl"!Jttl(fl:IQ~.,~~~IN~8~£:.Y.:.L:... .. ,M~-<--.:.:.· • ..:..._,. __ .. "" ,; __ .... ::,.:-.'...,_ ·~,>-' · ', · .:_, '.:, · ... "::; :,·::,, -~ ,::'.,,: •. I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or con truction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Buil · g Official under the provisions of this ode shall expire by limitation and become null and oid if the building or work authorized by such permit is not comme d within 36 ays from the date o mit or if the building or work authoriz by su ~r~is suspended or abandoned at any time after the d on 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). ~ ....,1 -1 APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ----1...,e-=---~/---lo:,_,<"--'-----.,.,_+--------DATE ----+-"'"'--Ir------- WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance 1 \ Inspection List Permit#: CB990521 Type: COMMIND INDUST Date Inspection Item 01/08/2003 89 Final Combo 02/19/2002 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin 02/15/2002 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin 01/08/2002 34 Rough Electric 01/08/2002 39 Final Electrical 11/21/2001 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 11/21/2001 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 11/15/2001 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 11/15/2001 12 Steel/Bond Beam 11/14/2001 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin 11/14/2001 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin 11/14/2001 34 Rough Electric 11/13/2001 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin 11/13/2001 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin 11/13/2001 34 Rough Electric 11/07/2001 15 Roof/Reroof 11/07/2001 24 Rough!Topout 11/05/2001 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin 11/05/2001 24 Rough!Topout 11/05/2001 34 Rough Electric 11/02/2001 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin 11/02/2001 24 Rough!Topout 11/02/2001 34 Rough Electric 10/23/2001 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin 10/22/2001 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 10/22/2001 12 Steel/Bond Beam 10/19/2001 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 10/19/2001 12 Steel/Bond Beam 10/12/2001 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 10/12/2001 12 Steel/Bond Beam 10/11/2001 66 Grout 10/10/2001 12 Steel/Bond Beam 10/10/2001 15 Roof/Reroof 10/09/2001 15 Roof/Reroof 10/05/2001 15 Roof/Re roof 10/05/2001 15 Roof/Reroof 09/24/2001 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 09/24/2001 12 Steel/Bond Beam 09/13/2001 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 09/13/2001 12 Steel/Bond Beam 09/12/2001 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 09/12/2001 12 Steel/Bond Beam 09/12/2001 12 Steel/Bond Beam 08/27/2001 22 Sewer/Water Service Wednesday, January 08, 2003 Inspector Act TP AP TP AP TP NR. TP AP TP WC TP AP TP AP TP AP TP AP TP AP TP AP TP AP TP NR TP NR TP NR TP WC TP AP TP AP TP WC TP AP TP NR TP NR TP NR TP AP TP WC TP AP TP TP TP TP TP TP ~p TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP WC co WC AP co AP AP NR co PA WC AP PA AP WC WC PA AP 25431 SHELL TILTUP & GLASS Comments APPROVED FINAL PER TIM PHILLIPS ROOF & MEZ STRUCT. MAIN, SUB PNL, TRANS STR ENCL & ELECT RM LITE POLE BASE FTNS 1 HR STA ENCL., PH & ELECT RM U/G CONDUIT FOR SITE LITES 1 HR STR ENCL, PH & ELECT RM ROOF DRAINS EXT SOFFIT FRM. E.S.F. EXT SOFFIT FRM E.S.F. ROOF PARAPET FRM MEZ. MTL DECK P.G.@ CLMN BASES (INT) INT CLMN BASES P.G. AT EXT. CLMN BASES STRAPS B NAT PERM OK POUR STRIP P.S. AT INT PNLS AND PATIO AREA PNL2ND LIFT PNLS SEWER TO BLDG Page 1 of 2 08/23/2001 12 6teel/B0nd Beam TP AP PNLS 1,2,4, 11-17 08/22/2001 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP co PNLS 08/20/2001 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP WC 08/20/2001 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP co PNLS 08/03/2001 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP WC 08/03/2001 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP AP BLDG S.O.G. 07/31/2001 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP AP ELEV. PIT WALLS 07/31/2001 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP AP 07/27/2001 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP AP CONT. FTNS, G.B. & SPRDS 07/27/2001 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP AP 07/26/2001 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP PA CONT FTNS & CNTR G.B. 07/26/2001 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP PA 07/25/2001 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP PA CONT. FTN & SPRDS (SEE CARD) 07/25/2001 12 Steel/Bond Beam TP PA 07/11/2001 21 Underground/Under Floor TP AP 12/15/2000 21 Underground/Under Floor TP AP 10FT SECT AT SEWER PIPE Wednesday, January 08, 2003 Page 2 of 2 DATE: 7/27/99 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-521 EsGil Corporation 1-n Partnersliip witli (jovernment for '13uiuling Safetg SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: 1555 Faraday Ave. PROJECT NAME: The Blackmore Company Lot 105 D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. IX] The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed f~r the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: IX] Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) , 111 Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person .mlf IX] REMARKS: City to approve the special inspe~n program on sheet T1. By: David Yao Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA ·D MB D EJ D PC 7/19 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 DATE: 7/27/99 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-521 EsGil Corporation 1-n Partnersliip witli (jovernment for '13uiuling Safetg SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: 1555 Faraday Ave. PROJECT NAME: The Blackmore Company Lot 105 D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. IX] The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed f~r the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: IX] Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) , 111 Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person .mlf IX] REMARKS: City to approve the special inspe~n program on sheet T1. By: David Yao Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA ·D MB D EJ D PC 7/19 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation · 'l.n Partners/iip wit/i (jovernment for 'lJuiUing Safety DATE: 2/22/99 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-521 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1555 Faraday Ave. SET:I PROJECT NAME: The Blackmore Company Lot 105 D APPLICANT ~ ~REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. [:gl The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. [:gl The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Smith Consulting Architects (Pete Bussett) 12220 El Camino Real #200 San Diego CA 92130 [:gl Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. ' -Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax 1~-Person D REMARKS: By: David Yao Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 2/11 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 99-52 i 2/22/99 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-521 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad OCCUPANCY: B/F-1 USE: office/manufacture TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N ACTUAL AREA: 25431 sf ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: unlimited STORIES: 2 HEIGHT: -35 feet SPRINKLERS?: Y REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED:2/22/99 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): OCCUPANT LOAD: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 2/11 PLAN REVIEWER: David Yao This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances entorced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are basec;t __ on the 1994 USC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list. when you submit the revised plans. '. Carlsbad 99-521 2/22/99 • GENERAL 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, (619) 560-1468. • PLANS 2. Indicate on the Title Sheet whether or not a grading permit is required for this project. 3. All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed. Business and Professions Code. • SITE PLAN 4. Provide a statement on the site plan stating: "All property lines, easements and buildings, both existing and proposed, are shown on this site plan." 5. Clearly designate on the site plan existing buildings to remain, existing buildings to be demolished, buildings to be constructed under this permit and any proposed future buildings. 6. Clearly designate any side yards used to justify increases in allowable area based on Section 505. 7. Show on the site plan all proposed walls, retaining walls and fences. Specify their heights on the plans. Provide construction details if a part of this permit. 8. Clearly dimension building setbacks from property lines, street centerlines, and from all adjacent buildings and structures on the site plan. ., ... • EXITS 9. Rooms with more than 10 occupants may have one exit through one adjoining room. Revise exits-to comply. Section 1003.5. • FOUNDATION 10. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been Carlsbad 99-521 2/22/99 determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans. (See page 30 of the soil report). • FRAMING 11. City to approve the special inspection program on sheet T1. 1"2. Provide schematic to show the location of all roof and floor beams. 13. Page 20 of the calculation shows the roof+ floor will requires TS8x8x1 /2 column. The foundation plan did not show any column TS8x8x1 /2. Please check. 14. The base plate for all steel columns shall be clearly specified on the plan with calculation to justify it. 15. Sheet 31 of the calculation shows the wall at line A.7, floor: 2'-0" Leg is 11.25 thick. Sheet 42 of the calculation shows the thickness of the wall is 8 inches.(bar depth is 8.5 inches). Please check. · · 16. Are the 4'-8" and 5'-13/4" piers at floor of panel 1 need any additional reinforcement? Please check. 17. Are the 4'-2", 5'-0" and 9'-5" piers at roof and floor of panel 11 need any extra reinforcement? Please check. 18. Are there any extra reinforcement needed for the tilt-up wall at the main girder support? Please check. 19. Provide more detail calculation to show how the lateral force will be distributed to each line of shear wall. 20. Provide calculation to show the ledger and bolt are adequate to transfer the proper force.(detail 1/SD4,5/SD4,3/SD3,4/SD3) 21. Page 56 and 57 of the calculation shows the panel is 11.25 inches. The panel elevation on sheet S-9 shows panel 13-16 is 8 inch thick. Please check . . , ... 22. The reinforcement for panel along line A.7 on page 56 and 57 of the calculation is different from the panel elevation (S-9). Please check. 23. Provide more detail calculation to show how you get the loads (vertical and lateral ) in the computer run for the braced frame. 24. Provide calculation to show all the connection detail for the braced frame complies with UBC 2211.8.3. , . Carlsbad 99-521 2/22/99 25. Is the computer program considered the requirements in UBC 2211.8.2 & 2211.8.4? 26. Provide calculation to show the shear force can be properly transfer into the shear wall.(Detail 16/SD3, 13/SD3, 20/SD6, 14/SD2, .. etc.) 27. Provide calculation to show the stairway frame 9/SD6, 12/SD6 are adequate. • MISCELLANEOUS 28. Please refer to the following corrections for electrical items. • ADDITIONAL 29. No energy or mechanical design submitted or required with this shell permit. 30. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 31. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: D Yes D No 32. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. .,_.. + ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW + 1993 NEC + PLAN REVIEWER: MORTEZA BEHESHTI 1. Show the structural steel connection to the grounding system. NEC 250-81 (b). 2. The electrical engineer stamp is not signed. Note: If you have any questions regarding this electrical plan review list please contact Morteza Beheshti at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. Carlsbad 99-521 2/22/99 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS: 1555 Faraday Ave. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B/F-1 I BUILDING PORTION I BUILDING AREA (ft.2) Office/manufacture 25431 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-521 DATE: 2/22/99 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N I VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER ($) 610344 (per city) D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee IZ! Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 2351.3 D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee IZ! Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: .1 .• Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 1222.68 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 ( EsGil Corporation 'l.n Partnersliip Witli (jovemment for '13uifaing Safety DATE: 12/17/99 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-521 Rev PROJECT ADDRESS: 1555 Faraday SET:I PROJECT NAME: The Blackmore Company Lot 105 0 APP~NT Q JURLS 0 PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE IZ! The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitte-d herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: IZ! Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: David Yao Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 12/7 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 ~ " Carlsbad 99-521 Rev 12/17/99 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS: 1555 Faraday BUILDING OCCUPANCY: BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA (ft. 2) Revision(revise the 1.5 hr Retaining wall location Revise the trash enclo -sure location, revise Door location.etc) Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-521 Rev DATE: 12/17/99 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER ($) D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 163.41 Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only [ZI Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 130.73 Comments: Esgil Fee=87 .15x1 .5=130. 73 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 t- \, City of Carlsbad Mali· ii ,t44R i ,t•i•24·E• iii ,14 ii• BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE: 3~ I o-91 PLANCHECK NO.: CB q 9 -S°~/ BUILDING ADDRESS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: r t.1 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: ...e:;2;.;;:....l:...::..a.;;;;....-...i.....:;_ _ _;;__ ___ _ EST. VALUE: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements: PleaseE attached report of deficiencies marke h D. ake necessary corrections to plans or speci , ons for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. Date: 3/")'l1 Date: ~/F)1f / l Date: [2/q/11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY G AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUJLDIN:a:ERMIT, ~ /.'r/; O ATTACHMENTS Dedication Application Dedication Checklist Improvement Application Improvement Checklist Future Improvement Agreement Grading Permit Application Grading Submittal Checklist Right-of-Way Permit Application Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet Sewer Fee Information Sheet \\LASPALMASISYS\LIBRARYIENG\WORD\OOCS\CHKLST\Bulld1n Plancheck Cklsl BP0001 Fo ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON · Name: David Rick City of Carlsbad Address: 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 Phone: (619) 438-1161, ext. 4324 CFD INFORMATION Parcel Map No: Lots: Recordation: Carlsbad Tract: A-4 R••-913'97 2075 Las Palmas Dr.• Carlsbad, CA 92009-576 • (619) 438-1161 • FAX (619) 438-0894 @ :1)f-) ' I BU!LDIN(; PLANCHeCKCHECKLIST -~¼--~:-J~j , ~ :--t i -~1f .. )t\~~ ! ~ o. Q 0, 3RDJ' . ·o·- ··o- q Q ··SITE PLAN. A Drainage Patterns 1, Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards .an.adjorhing street or' a·n 'approved-drainage course. 2. ADD THE FQLLOWiNG_NO:'fl;:· ·"Finish grade wilJ provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale $' away froin: building·." 'B., Existin!;J & Prqppsed Slopes and Topography 3. lnGlude on title sheet: A Site address B. Assessor's:Parcel Number - C; Le~al ·Pescri'ption For comr:nerci$1/iodustrial buildings ~nc:I: tenant i1']1provement projects, include: totar building $quare footc;lge with :the square footage for each different use, existing-.sewer .permits ·$hawing; square footage qf :different uses· (manufacturing, war:ehou,se, ·office,. etc.) previously approved ... EXISTING PERMIT NUMBl=Ff Di;SCRIPTION ',',\·-'' DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE 4a. Project does not comply: witb the .following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No . .,,..;-------,------"--..,.....,.----;------..,,.,_-'---------'---........ - 4b. All conditions·.are: in compliance. Date: --,..,..,_---,---,-----.;..,- \\lASPALMASISYS\LIBRARY\ENGIWORD\OOCS\CHKLSTIBulldlng Plancheck,Ckisl BP0001 Fonn DR.doc,· 2 Rev,9/3/97 · · · ' · "' · ' -" ., . .,, ·-\1·•' t ,· 0 0 0 0 0 0 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 5. Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ ______ , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. Dedication required as follows: ________________ _ Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or" Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 ½" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process. Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person. Applications will not be accept by mail or fax. Dedication completed by:____________ Date: ____ _ IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 6a. All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds$ ______ _, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. Public improvements required as follows: _____________ _ Attc;1ched please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements. A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process. The completed application form and the requirements on the checklist must be submitted in person. Applications by mail or fax are not accepted. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit. Improvement Plans signed by: _________ _ Date: ----- 6b. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $ · so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit. Future public improvements required as follows: \ILASPALMASISYSII.IBRARY\ENGIWORD\OOCS\CHKLST1Bulld,ng Plancheck Cklst BP0001 Fonn DR.doc Rev. 9/3/97 3 1si.l: 2nd/ a! a Q ·Q 1:J tJ . ' Cl 0 -~ . ' a 0: . a ·a, · .. a BUILDING PL.ANCHEC::K CHECKLIST 3rd.I a. , 6c .. EficJoi;ied ,please • find, your Future. ltnprovement Agreement. Pleal;ie reflir'ri a o: Q a. q a ,Q agreement signed and notarized to the En~ineering Depqrtment. Future lhlprbvement Agreement c::ompleted py,, ---------.,..---,-- Date: .6d. No Public. Improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or. defective impr0\Zements found adjacent to building site .. niust.be repaired to the satisfaction · ·of the City Inspector pr.for .tC> occugar:icy. · · · · · . GRADING PERMIT'.REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading_ permit are found in Section 11.06.·030 of tt,e Municipal Code. 7a, . .Inadequate. information available on·Site:Plan to make.a determination on grading · requirements~ Include aQcUrate grading ·quantities, (cut, fill import, export). 1b. Grading Permit required.. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer: .mJJst-be submitted · together with the completed application form . attached.. :NOTE: . rhe Grading· Permit must be. issued and rough grading approval .obtained pri~r: fo issuance of a Buiiding Permit. Grading Inspector sign off by: Date: 7c. C3r:aded .Pad Certification· required, (N9te: Pad certification may be required even if a grading .permit is not required.) ?d,No Grad,ing Permit required .. 7eAf grading is not required, Write. "No GradJngi' oriplot plan . MISCELLANEOUS Pl:RIVIITS 8. A RI.GHT-OF-WAY :PERMl1 ·is required to do work in City Right-of-Way ~nd/or private work :adjacer;it: tci the, pyblic Rjght-of.,.Way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street ·improvements, tree· trimming·, driveway construction, tielng into:pUblic.storrn drain,. sewer and wafer'Litilities. · . . . -. '• ' .Right-of-Way permit requjred.for:· . H:iWORDIDDCSICHKLST\Sulkllng Plancheck Cklst BP0001 FDITl1 MM.doc·. . 4 Rev. 09/03/97 f C: -1 .~ f ":rO .-.:>· ' '~-,, ·N. ' ' , . ' . .-,.., ~-i,~~------------------------------------. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET 0 Estimate based on unconfirmed information from applicant. 0 Calculation b~sed on building plancheck plan submittal. Address: _/_s_s_i; __ hA.~-=-f'2A.-cl_7..,.__.M_' -=·'---Bldg. Permit No. __ 'l_C/_~?_t.._1 --- Date: Prepared by: D. r: C. VL-Date: Checked by: --------------- EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: Se 1-l n lt -ve Types -of Use: ------- 2 )fl?/ Sq. Ft./Units: 1 ------ Sq. Ft./Units: ------ ADT CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: ¾<>1> "( "25;4 '3 1 Sq. Ft./Units: 5u. \\ ~>,J.Jy Types of Use: ______ _ Sq. Ft./Units: _____ _ FEES REQUIRE..Q.;,/ EDU's: ). 09 EDU's: ----- ADT's: /2 7 ------ ADT's: ------ WITHIN CFO: 121 YES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1, reduced Traffic Impact Fee) D NO /'rflri. PARK-IN-LIEU FEE PARK AREA & #: ___ _ -/ FEE/UNIT: ____ _ ~ TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE ADT's/UNITS: / ). I o./2. BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE / ADT's/UNITS: {J...7 [1 4. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE D UNIT/SQ.FT.: 1.S L{; I I 5. SEWER FEE PERMIT No. EDU's: 5iOCf X NO. UNITS: __ _ =$--/Y---- X FEE/ADT: t2,_2._ =$ ?.71L/ (DIST. #1 DIST. #2 DIST. #3 __ ) X FEE/ADT:____ = $ ____ _ ZONE:_-_s __ x FEE/S0.FT./UNIT: .1f-1CJ = $ I o, I 12_ X FEE/EDU: (/ef5°'{ . =$ 9 4 J b I BENEFIT AREA: p ....___ D_RAINAGE BASIN: __ _ EDU's: 5 .01 X FEE/EDU: __ _ =$ _____ _ NJ6 6. SEWER LATERAL ($2,500) =$ _____ _ ~ 7. DRAINAGE FEES PLDA. ___ _ HIGH ___ /LOW __ _ ACRES: _____ _ X FEE/AC: ___ _ =$ ____ _ TOTAL OF ABOVE FEES*:$ ------ *NOTE:· This calculation sheet is NOT a complete list of all fees which may be due. Dedications and Improvements may also be required with Building Permits. P:\DOCSIMISFORMSIFEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET REV 7/13/98 Jt £ . .. City of Carlsbad •=ZftditM!ki·IIOO #ih••hi44ihi•i May 7, 1999 Smith Consulting Architects Peter J. Bussett, AIA Ste 200 12220 El Camino Real San Diego, CA 92130 RE: CB 99-520 &521: Driveway locations for Lots 103 and 105 of Carlsbad Research Center Dear Mr. Bussett: Per our recent discussions and.my plan check comments, I had informed you that the driveway locations proposed on the aforementioned plan checks are not permissible since they are not in conformance with the approved locations shown on the substantial conformance exhibits for CT 85-24. Since then, you provided me with an exhibit showing the driveway locations as approved by the substantial conformance exhibit in relation to the proposed and existing driveway locations on-site. These locations were verified by myself in the field. It is the City's intention to uniformly approve driveway locations in conformance with the approved substantial conformance exhibits. It appears that most of the driveways that have been installed on Faraday Avenue comply with the approved locations. However, one of the lots which does not comply with the approved driveway locations is Lot 100 which is located across from Lot 105. Since the driveways on Lot 100 are inconsistent with the approved locations and the placement of driveways on Lot 105 are effected by the driveway locations on Lot 100, we will allow the driveway locations on Lot 105 to be positioned as proposed.provided intersection site distance can be provided (I have not received any exhibits illustrating safe vehicular site distance line as of today). Once safe site distance can be proven, you will need to amend the substantial conformance mylar CT 85-24 on file with the City. No fee will be necessary to process this amendment. We ask that you make other changes as necessary to reflect actual field conditions. We cannot support the proposed driveway locations on Lot 103, however, since the Lot 103 driveway locations shown on the substantial conformance exhibit does not conflict 2075 Las Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (760) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 431-5769 II. with the field location on Lot 101 across the street. Lot 103 should have one driveway directly across from Lot 101. Please contact me at 438-1161 ext 4324 if you have any questions or need clarification. Sincerely, David Rick Engineering Technician c: Robert J. Wojcik, P.E. Principle Civil Engineer ;!. .. Ivan R. Fox, P.E. Barry L. Munson, P.E. SAN DIEGUITO ENGINEERING, INC. ir.JJ EN G I N E ER S • P LAN N ER S • S U RV E YO RS 0--&/v. flf4y '1:1.D <$i, I 2; . Gordon L. McElroy, P.L.S. Laurie Simon, Principal Planner 1-..-... •041~ '-<,·' '-;::,~ v,~ ., •-:.q-1'7')-~/;1,,G /,/.,.~ ... "•, .. :.-4,7' CIVIL ENGINEERING Engineering S1udies Site Development Analysis Grading Plans Improvement Plans Drainage Plans Sewer/Water Line Plans Hydrology/Hydraulics April 30, 1999 SOE 4523 City of Carlsbad, Engineering Department 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92009 Conslrllction Adminisiration s LI b j ect: lntersectional Sight Distance Pavement Rehabilitation Forensic Engineering LAND PLANNING Pre-Acquisition Analysis Land Use Consultation Environmental Analysis Government Relations Land Division Tentative Maps Major Use Permits Specific Plans Rezoning Variances Adminislralive Permits Annexations Boundary Adjustments LAND SURVEYING Property Surveys Topographical Surveys Conslrllclion Slaking Records of Survey Legal Descriptions Subdivision Maps Easements Heigh! Certifications Reference: Attention: Mr. Rick, Lot 105, Carlsbad Research Center Mr. David Rick San Dieguito Engineering, Inc. has checked the sight distance for the proposed driveways at the subject site. The Caltrans criteria (Index 405.1) was used for our study. This includes a 15 foot setback from the curb, 330 foot sight distance, a 3.5 foot eye height of the stopped vehicle and a 4.25 foot object height on the road. Sight distance was checked for both the right and left turning movements from the driveways. Based on our study, sight distance from the northerly driveway is clear with no obstructions. The required sight distance from southerly driveway looking left is provided, however a double check assembly system is within the sight line. The line of sight looking right is impeded by the existing landscaped slope within the limits of this project. It should be noted that there is a center turn lane which provides protection for left turn movements. Vehicles within this lane would be slowing down to make left turns so the required sight distance would be less than the 330 feet used. In addition, full sight distance could be provided by performing minor grading (cuts less than 1 foot) at the time the project is graded. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Cadastral Surveys Pho1ogramme1ric Surveys sin Ce rely, San Dieguito Engineering, Inc. ~ Barry L. Munson, PE Principal Engineer (760) 753-5525 • FAX (760) 943-8236 4407 Manchester Avenue • Suite 105 • Encinitas, California 92024 .. . " PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST er r u---~ Plan Check No. CB 44 /J 5 2l U-~ er P-.../'} \_,/-Address \ 55 S .fa(~~ d ~ ~ ~ Planner '·-\,,-Nl Jxl(tL f:-U\()e.~ rij~ ~T APN: ,21.l-13<) -:OD . Phone (619) 438-1161, extension 43'2-S:: ~ ~ ~ ' Type of Project & Use: 6h,,{( \?Id~-Net Project Density: ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ Zoning: C-t1 General Plan: _:e I Facilities Management Zone: DU/AC ~ CFD lin/nutl # __ Date of participation: Remaining net dev acres: Circle One ------- >, >, >, .0 .0 .0 ;jj; N 01 'It 'It -"' -"' .:,(. '-' " " Q) Ql Q) .,:; .c: .c: (.) CJ CJ (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: ____________________ ) C: C: C: "' "" "' a: 0::: 0::: Legend: IZ! Item Complete Cid] Item Incomplete -Needs your action ~ D D Environmental Review Required: YES __ NO y_ TYPE ___ _ DATE OF COMPLETION: _____ _ Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: [Xl D D Discretionary Action Required: YES __ NO _:j__ TYPE ___ _ APPROVAL/RESO. NO. _____ DATE ___ _ PROJECT NO. _______ _ OTHER RELATED CASES: __________________ _ Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: ------------------------ rzj D D Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? .YES __ . N<;)_y_ CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES NO If Caiifornia Coastal Com.mission Authority: Contact them at -3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite . . ' 200, San Diego CA 92108-1725; (619) 521-8036 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed?. YES NO If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. . ' ' . -~ Dl ·o ! lntlusi'o~ar,y Housing Fee r,eq~ired~ Yl;S ___ ·. NO~L · (Effective date· of 'lnclusionary How~ing· Ordinc!tide--May 2.l, 1993.) , · ~·o·o (ii OD Cpl[J D -, "'> ll' \ ·"'-;"°" < · Data Entry Gornpleted? YES; · _ NO. · - . ·(A/f?/D~.,.~9~\vity Mainte~a~ce, .enter CB#; toolbc!r,, Scr,~~hs; ,Hou's'\ng fee's; .Coristruct Housing YIN, Enter Fe_e; l.:JPDA 'f:EI) .,,, ! ... ; '' '. -~' _•:, ,.: , \. I , • ! Site Plan: I • . . 1. Provide ,a fully dimensional. sft_e: plan drf!Wn. to scale. Show: North arrow, - pr.Qp.erty line$, ,ec1s.ements, : exi$ttri{J and, :proposed strpctures, stree,ts, existing· . stre.et :improvements,. tight~of.:way width, tjimerisiona·1 setbacks a'bd, existing~· · topographical lln.es. · ·' ; · .2. Prqvide legal description -of :property and: assessor's parcel number. · Zoning: 1 . Setbacks: Front:. Interior Side, Street :Side: .. 'Rear: . \ :Required --=3 __ 0...,..a-_ ._. ---'---Shown ___._~.:;._-_o __ _ 'Required ·-10 1• -t {~ Shown __ ..... l_<>\ __ _ \ ReqWired Shown ---'----------Required _ Sl1own _______ _ z .. Accessory strucfur'e set~aclfa-: ~/Pr Frontr -Required· ---,--:..---1 n t er i or Side, Required · ------ Shown ------Sl1own ------. Street Side: Reql,lired -----,.-----· Shown --------'-Rea_r: · Required ~_,....,..--,-,------- Structure sep?)~ation: Required ______ ~--"-- Shown. -------Shovvn ---'------ . ' ! t:Do D 3. Lot Coverage: ~ ~~ui~ .. ·· SQ¼> .wss Shown _l.__~..:...:.~-=-6 --- p\.t"-~ ~~-. . . ~ti-\€: ) '$% V\-C-+ 1i]:D D 4. Height: o,Kro 1ssl)E AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER~~"'-~. DATE. 1?-f1~/1t. .. ,. v PLAN CHECK REVIEW (2/17/99) CB990521 -CRC Lot 105 (ADDITIONAL COMMENTS CONTINUED) Page 1 1. Sheet Tl -Include the percentage of landscape area (use the percentage of net developed area). Under the parking calculations, omit R&D from the manuf. parking requirement of 1/400 sf. R&D requires 1/250 sf. 2. It would be preferable to design the site plan so that the retaining wall along Faraday could be eliminated. Raising the building pad would also decrease the amount of export proposed. 3. The loading area and trash enclosure needs to be designed so that it is not visible from the street 4. Show the location of the retaining walls (as shown on Engineer's plans) on the Site Plan AS 1. Indicate the type of finish or decorative block to be used for the retaining wall. 5. The minimum width for planting islands between parking spaces is 6 feet ( as measured from inside edges of curb). Show the typical dimensions for parking stalls at the north parking lot. 6. Please provide details/cross sections of the retaining wall and adjacent wheel stop. If planting is proposed between the retaining wall and wheel stop, please insure that adequate soil depth is provided to ensure plant viability. 7. Note on the plans "Aisles and spaces for compact car spaces shall be clearly marked with a permanent material denoting "COMP ACT CAR ONLY". 8. You are responsible for obtaining approval from the CRC Architectural Review Board. 9. Please submit a conceptual roof plan showing the sizes and locations for roof equipment. Roof equipment must not be visible from a height of 5 feet above any ground or ground floor elevation at a distance of 500 feet from the closest building wall. Please provide cross sections indicating lines of sight from off-site properties and indicate if roof equipment will be screened by the proposed parapet or if another method of screening will be utilized. The screening should be integrated into the architectural design of the building. It may be necessary to increase the height of the parapet to achieve the desired screening. 10. Exterior lighting shall be designed and constructed so as not to reflect light or glare on neighboring properties. Please include details which indicate the method of shielding all exterior light fixtures. 11. Landscape plans will require approval by the Planning Director prior to issuance of a building permit. In order to expedite the review of plan check correction, please note on this list ( or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, ie, plan sheet, note or detail number, etc. .• .. .,...,_ ,__........,.. =,,-_ , fL,~1-ll~IP~ :n} ,\ , , PLAN ·CHECK REVIEW (2/17/99) CB990521 -CRC Lot 105. ~ .,, ' ..:,.-. ~ ~· I · • (ADDITIONAL COMMENTS CONTINUED) Page 1 ,(. \ i Sheet Tl -Include the percentage_ of landscape area (use the percentage_ of net developed area). 1!nder the parking calculations, omit R&D from the manuf. parking reqmrement of 1/400 sf. R&D requires 1/250 sf. ~ /2. It would be preferable to design the site pfan so that the retaining wall along Faraday could be eliminated. Raising the building pad would als~ decrease the amo!J,Ilt of export proposed. 1 __ ,_ ~ ~ ~~:> 'f:L..~~~Tovu fu dDo s?>f ~ kDA ~-~ Jv~~ 4':{~>~ :;;r;:~ ~'\_//§_The loadmg area and trash enc/osure needs to be designed so that 1t 1s not vts1ble from the '~---~-· 1: · street ~ 1H"~rz€ l5 '6 t\~ &=,~c.. "-"'"-v(.., )c~ ,r;E,u~~ ~ .I/J'rS-2., 5 ..-t ?eG O" tA:1yt..f J YI f/,f.12, ,fo scr~ ~Inf ~ ~ ~ ~, e1 A·"?.¢ ~ e1T.. -~ .... ~:~ 21-Show the location of the retaining walls (as shown on Engineer's plans) on the Site Plan _ ~~ AS 1. Indicate the type of finish or decorative block to be used for the retaining wall. ,spU fa-c.<_ • ~tit'~-\ // V'To.e minimum width for planting islands between parking spaces is 6 feet (as measured from · 'side edges of curb). Show the typical dimensions for parking stalls at the north parking lot. ~ lease pro~de details/cross sections of the retaining wall and adjacent wheel stop. If ?-1 tI> \.r/ anting is proposed between the retaining wall and wheel stop, please insure that adequate '7 soil depth is provided to ensure plant viability. wh.,d-, ~ (,J\~ ~eu-~ -f ucJ// • ~G· \...-=1{Note on the plans "Aisles and spaces for compact car spaces shall be clearly marked with a permanent material denoting "COMP ACT CAR ONLY". 1 (IJ}y ou are responsible for obtaining approval from the CRC Architectural Review Board. fSLJ ~ ~ Please submit a conceptual roof plan showing the sizes and locations for roof equipment. {)f' '?, Roof equipment must not be visible from a height of 5 feet above any ground or ground floor j>., f> elevation at a distance of 500 feet from the cl?sest building wall. Please provide cross ~ sections indicating lines of sight from off-site properties and indicate if roof equipment will be screened by the proposed parapet or if another method of screening will be utilized. The screening should be integrated into the architectural design of the building. It may be necess~ to increase the height of the parapet to achieve the desired screening. \J\~ ~~l9lt.1-~we) ~s/-M-~ fa. Exterior lighting shall be designed and constructed so as not to reflect light or glare on neighboring properties. Please incluqe1detai!s which indicate the method of shielding all exteriorlight fixtures. G£.e.. tl~ uv..J,-(_,; ~ ~- \,IA1)Landscape plans will require approval by the Planning Director prior to issuance of a ~~ building permit. In order to expedite the review of plan check correction, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, ie, plan sheet, note or detail number, etc. Total Cutoff ;··c:FLl:CTED UGH r '. c!'lTiC,\l. PLANE -l K M LIGHTING All reflector systems for the Wall Director are engineered to achieve cutoff in the vertical plane while spreading light away from the wall to generate a type II, Ill or IV d1stribut1on In the vertical plane. light is reflected at the highest possible angle for maximum fixture spacing. Excessive straight down illumination 1s avoided by the elimination of downward reflect- ing surfaces. In the horizontal plane, light is precisely directed away from the wall. All light striking the wall comes only from the lamp. This wall illumi- nation may be aesthetically de- sirable whether directed up or down. and may be substantially reduced by using tl,e optional houses1de shield if desired Non-cutoff wali fixtures are de- signed wit11out any consideration for architectural comoatibility by day, or human v1sibll1ty at night. The tremendous glare from these fixtures represents wasted energy, contributes to the envi- ronmental problems associated with sky glow, and causes light trespass onto adjacent property. LDT The term "total cutoff" as applied to a DOWN fixture, means that no portion of the luminaire's optical system is visible above horizontal In addition to this physical requirement, the fixture must also meet IES photometric requirements for classification as a cutoff lum1naire The Wall Director meets both requirements. While some wall lum1- naires claim to be cutoff, their visible optical systems create bright- ness that overwhelms the surrounding architecture Tt1e Wall Director utilizes a horizontal lamp orientation and a flat clear glass lens to achieve total cutoff. The distributJon of light 1s handled en- tirely by a precision reflector system engineered for maximum fix- ture spacing with outstanding uniformity. ·, goo, "'. 12/13/99 MON 14: 08 FAX 1 760 804 9607 -·-··· _THE BLACKMORE COMPANY October 5, 1999 Ms. Colleen M. Blackmore The Blackmore Company 1530 Faraday Avenue Suite 170 Carlsba~ ,Califomia 92008 LAND USE /COASTAL PI..ANN!NO . LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, W9011 POLICY AND PROCESSING ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION Re: Lot~ Building and Landscape Plan Design Review Dear Colleen: The Architectural Review Committee of the Carlsbad Research Cent.er has completed ifs review of the building and landscape plans for Lot 105 submitted by your company. The plaos were checked for compliance with the CRC Design Review Guidelines pertaining to building design, parking requirements, landscaping and irrigation. Attached to this letter is a checklist that identifies the specific areas reviewed and the committee's fib.dings. The plans were foµnd to be complete and in accordance with the CRC standards and are therefore deemed ''APPROVED." With this approval you are free to move on to the next step in the development , process. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Tom Ha.genwm Arclhitectural Review Committee cc: J. Ridge !41002 1530 FARADAY AVENUE • ·surrn 100 • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • (760) 93t.0780 • FAX (760) 931-5744 • planningsystems@nctimes.net I 12/13/99 MON 14:09 FAX 1 760 804 9607 THE BLACKMORE COMPANY ..... REVIEW C:RIIEJ.UA Site Area (Gross) Building Area (first floor) (second floor) Total Buildlng Area Site Covemge Building Height: Parking Reqtlirements -Building Type 15,000 sq ft. office space 10,431 sq. -A. mfg.lwarehouse Total parking spaces provided Standard spaces Compact spaces Banclicap1 spaces Setbaclc from Faraday Avenue Setback ftom,.im.erlor property line Sidewalks Loading dock Trash Enclosure CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 105 PLAN REVIEW ANALYSIS October 1999 PLANDATA CRC STANDARD 97,655 sq. ft. 12.,989 sq. ft. 12,442 sq. ft. :2.5,431 sq. ft. 13.3% Less than 50% of the gross area 35 ft. from Less than 35 £1:. floor 1 space/250 sq. ft. ( 60 req.) 1 space/1000 sq. ft. ( 11 req.) 83 58 21 Up to 25% of total spaces 4 30 :ft."' 30ft. O.K. 10 ft. Section 2.7 CRC Design Guidelines None Shown Section 2. 8 CRC Design Guidelines O.K. Durable 6 ft. lllgh enclosure Screening of exterior mechanical equipment None Shown Section 2.10 CRCDesign Guidelines Fences and 'Screening walls O.K Maximum height 8 ft. Screening of exterior electrical equipment None Shown Section 2.11 ·CRC Design Guidelines Building Mass and Form O.K.. Section 3.3 CRC Design Guidelines Landscape Area 24,637 sq. ft. PLANSHEET REFERENCE n Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl ll Tl Tl Ord. Pln. Sht. 2 Grd. Pin. Sht. l AS2 AS2 A4 Tl 14]oo3 _ ~/13/99 MON 14:09 F~ 1 760 804 ~607 THE BLACKMORE COMPANY "" REVlEW CRITElUA PLANDATA CRC STANDARD PLAN SHEET REFERENCE Landscape Coverage 25.2% No less than 15% of Gross Tl Plant Palette O.K. Section 4.2 CKC Design Guidelines L3.l Irrigation System O.K. Section 4.2.7 CRCDesign Guidelines Ll.l Installatiou & maintenance within setback O.K. Section 4.Z.l CRC Design Guidelines L3.l Streetscape design O.K. Section 4.2.4 CRC Design Guidelines L3.l Parking lot landscaping O.I<. Section 4.2.S CRC Design Guidelines L3.l Interior property line planting Q,I{. Section 4.2. 6 CRC Design Guidelines L3.I Reclaimed water irrigation system O.K. Section 4.2.8 CRC Design Guidelines LO.O 1. The retaining wall rumiing along the Faraday Frontage is within the 30 foot building setback but is considered an architectural; design feature and is permitted at the discretion of the D~gn Review Committee ~004 K" ... • City of .Ca.rlsbad 98394 Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check Ii) Reviewed by: ___ --l/14----=--'l#-L~/ __ Date of Report: Tuesday, February 16, 1999 Contact Name Smith Consulting Arc Address 12220 El Camino Real Ste 200 City, State San Diego CA 92130 Bldg. Dept. No. CB990521 Planning No. Job Name Lot 1 os ------------------ Job Address _1_5-'-55.;_F......;a"-ra......;d_ay.__ ____________ _ Ste. or Bldg. No. ____ _ ~ Approved -The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. D Disapproved -Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st~--2nd~--3rd. __ _ Other Agency ID CFD Job# __ 98_3_9_4 __ File# ___ _ 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121 ¥ City ~of Carlsbad Fire Department General Comments: Date of Report: Tuesday, February 16, 1999 Contact Name Smith Consulting Arc Address 12220 El Camino Real Ste 200 City, State San Diego CA 92130 • 98394 Bureau of Prevention Bldg. Dept. No. CB990521 Planning No. ____ _ Job Name Lot 1 as -------------------- Job Address 1555 Faraday -----------------Ste. or Bldg. No. ____ _ Water improvement drawings must be signed and access road in before combustibles are brought on site. 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121 /l (' '6 1/2-u G-TU (2.-pL. C-CJ fU,..l:='C...TI o ..JS Ii LoT ,, !03 3--4-7J er. p ,bN fl_ 'T'rtl C.,,l::..-N t~..S \ ~ I N DI (.,A Tb 7? C> N PAt-J€1-l=~Qtp11oN S • fL £A~ b~E; Pt.._p.r-J $ • '.! ll ' ( • ~) =-o, 2. 0 ,,/\..J ,s k~ 6.. \2. ,is (I~) i =---0,~ o\ ti I 'I ft-~----e.--u )-E: -:.. 08 ror'2--" ,--~ ~5 L--i Xl~7 ::= c; ( 2---7 · I'\·-::. -"} f:z:_ -J ,I 2,1 X. lO \'>~-(l.. u J>C-;7 4- ~ia, L 4 2,1 . j'' -z_ • I f ..... ;, . ~::: A,,-...;._"'· oo}p(-b)(ci), i.3S 1\.-..,_ If ~'- H I] / '· '{\h ::. I <a,;;~ l. t b ( ~s· ( b t -X) -:: 7 X 3 '/ l + /C::,,-'1-r X: -1112 -;:.~ =-~ F =-bJ."L - I 'l-4'""' v <.:.(bi)\_-:-z.,31 ( 2----~ .,I ..J h .. (1:;- t/ M "' -; l.:::.~ r=· '"1, ! ., ' -== 1 ls ( '2-, J 1 ) --z &:? ~ < Bb n v0 c_ .9-4-,. 2 €c_, l9'1..I , '3,, 4-, I ' ~ -:-I, 2.5 -I'.'! == 7> I<,, : / </ -=--/, u o,_ ;:_ A,!, l;, --:. I, 7 c. ( 7.s) g " , 85 ./: t::-"BS('?:.)((:.) -:: r ~ / I\ Ml"" '='-A +; ( J _ ~ ) = ueo ( 1s )(6t -~:/')-= 8 4£''.:, 7(j/..), 1 Ve, -::. Mp, ' .., 5?-V ""' . _Q<- \J c-.,. c) 12. (6) v~ ': ' 0 04 ~ ( bO) f-4-4- {f V :J :;. t:J r b ( { ( 4r 7) ~ l \ ( uJ,;;;: ~s~ l 2 ti) C-r-,..L..,C.' 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Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc. a structural analysis and design company STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS PROJECT NAME: DATE: ENGINEER OF RECORD: TABLE OF CONTENTS: 8" Thick Panel per Original Permitted set 12" Thick Panel per Revised Length BLACKMORE LOT 105 PANEL REDEISGN NOVEMBER 19, 1999 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Pages 1-2 Pages 3-4 Cl11f5ll 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201, San Diego, CA 92128 (619)485-6227 (619) 485-6201 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line G, Roof --------------- Panel Thickness (t) =.,._ __ 8 __ ~IN d= 12 Total Shearwall Length (L5) = 9.2 FT fc = 3000 Roof Seismic Load 0/rs) = 32000 LBS f, = y 60000 Floor Seismic Load 0/rs) = LBS ~= 0.85 6087 PLF < ~V0, OK By: --Page__!_ IN PSI PSI Panel Length (Lp) =1 25.2 · ···1FT Height of Panel (Hp)--= .... __ 1_7 __ · -__._ FT Area of Horiz. Bars (Avh) =68.31 IN2 Number of Layers (n) = 1 Horiz. Bar Spacing (s0 = 14 IN Horizontal Reinforcing: s2 = ~fyAvhnd/(vd-~Vc) = -66.5 IN Ph = Avhn/(tsh) = 0.0028 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (Aw) = .... I __ o_._31 _ ___.PN2 Number of Layers (n) = .... I __ 1_ ..... Verticai Reinforcing: Pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(ph-.0025) = S1 = Awnl(tpv) = 14.119 Height of Lateral 'Force (Hrps, Hrps) = Framing Length (Lrp, Lrp) = Height of Opening (Hp0) = Length of Opening (Lp0) = Framing Dead Load 0/Vr, Wr) = ROOF 16 4 7 f6' .. 11 Panel Length Available for Shear (Lps) = ..... I __ 9_.2 _ _.....IFT FLOOR 0 0 0 0 0 OT= RM= UPL= CVrsHrps + VrsHfps)Lp/Ls = [(145)(t/12)(HpLp-:EHp0Lp0)Lp+ :E(.5)rLrpLpLp]/2 = (OT -.85RM)/Lp = FT FT FT FT PSF 1209.6 IN2 362880 LB 0.0027 512000 392361 7083 Check Section 1921.6.5: A9 = Pua= Pu= tLpsf2 = .10Agfc = (OT +RM)/(.8Lp) = 44859 LB < Pua, OK Vua = 3/ wh(f c)·~--= 15774 PLF > vd, OK Summary: -Use #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & #5 (V) ·ai 14" O.C., MIN. -Use (1) #6 Bar for Holdown -No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line G, Roof & Floor Panel Thickness (t) = Total Shearwall Length (L5) = Roof Seismic Load 0/rs) = Floor Seismic Load 0/rs) = 8 IN 13.9 FT 32000 LBS 16700 LBS ,__ ___ ___, d= 12 fc = 3000 fy = 60000 ~= 0.85 6131 PLF < ~Ve, OK By: ---- - IN PSI PSI Panel Length (Lp) =1 25.2 IFT Height of Panel (Hp) = 1---3-1----FT Area of Horiz. Bars (Avh) =b§.44 IN2 Number of Layers (n) = 1 Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh)= 12 IN Horizontal Reinforcing: s2 = ~fyAvhnd/(vd-~V0) = -95.9 IN Ph= Avhn/(tsh) = 0.0046 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (Aw) =I ... __ 0_.4_4 _ ___,PN2 Number of Layers (n) =I .... __ 1 _ __, Vertical Reinforcing: Pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(ph-.0025) = S1 = Awnl(tpy) = 14.388 Height of Lateral Poree (Hrps, Hrps) = Framing Length (Lrp, Lrp) = Height of Opening (Hp0) = Length of Opening (Lp0) = Framing Dead Load 0/Vri Wr) = ROOF 30 4 7 16 ... 1-1 Panel Length Available for Shear (Lps) = ... I __ 1_3_.9 _ ___,IFT FLOOR 14 4 10 11.3 45 OT= RM= UPL= 0/rsHrps + VrsHrps)Lp/Ls = [(145)(t/12)(HpLp·I:HpoLp0)Lp + I:(.5)rLrpLpLp]/2 = (OT -.85RM)/Lp = FT FT FT FT PSF 0.0038 1193800 713014 23323 Check Section 1921.6.5: A9 = Pua= Pu= tLps/2 = .10Agf0 = (OT +RM)/(.8Lp) = 1209.6 IN2 362880 LB 94584 LB< Pua, OK Vua = 15774 PLF > vd, OK Summary: -Use #6 (H) at 12" O.C. & #6 01) at 12" O.C., MIN. -Use (1) #8 A706 Bar per Detail 5C/SD1 -No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: '~OV\ 1J __ SHEARWAfLS, continued Panel Designation: .;;L;.;.;in.;.;e;_G~,:..;R.;.;o;..;o;.;.f ______ _ Panel Thickness (t) =i--__ 1_2 _ ___.IN Total Sheaiwall Length (L5) = 9 FT Roof Seismic Load 0/rs) = 32000 LBS Floor Seismic Load 0/rs) = LBS d= re= f, = y ~= 12 3000 60000 0.85 6222 PLF < ~V0, OK IN PSI PSI By: ----Pagei Panel Length (Lp) =~ __ 2_5_.2_---1,FFTT Height of Panel (Hp) =,_ __ 1_7 _ __.._ Area of Horiz. Bars (Avh) =rn.31 IN2 Number of Layers (n) = 2 Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh)= 14 IN Horizontal Reinforcing: s2 = ~fyAvhnd/(v,t~V0) = -52.8 IN Ph = Avhn/(tsh) = 0.0037 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (Aw) = .... I __ o_._31 _ __,PN2 Number of Layers (n) =I .... __ 1 _ __, Vertical Reinforcing: Pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(ph-.0025) = 51 = Awn/(tpvf = 7.2028 Height of Laterai'Force (Hrps, Hrps) = Framing Length (Lrp, Lrp) = Height of Opening (Hp0) = Length of Opening (Lpo) = Framing Dead Load <VVn Wr) = Panel Length Available for Shear (LpsY =I ROOF 16 4 7 16 11 -· . 9 ... IFT FLOOR 0 0 0 0 0 OT= RM= UPL= 0/rsHrps + VrsHrps)Lp/Ls = [(145)(t/12)(HpLp·:EHpoLp0)Lp+ r(.5)rLrpLpLp]/2 = (OT -.85RM)/Lp = FT FT FT FT PSF 1814.4 IN2 544320 LB 0.0036 512000 585048 584 Check Section 1921.6.5: A9 = Pua= Pu= tLµs/2 = .10Agf0 = (OT +RM)/(.8Lp) = 54417 LB< Pua, OK 23662 PLF > vd, OK Summary: -Use #5 (H) at 14" o.c. & (2) #5 (V) at 14" O.C., MIN. -Use (1) #6 Bar for Holdown -No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS ' • FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC . 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: 'NOV I G\°l SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line G, Roof & Floor 12 Panel Thickness (t) = 1--------i IN d= 12 Total Shearwall Length (L8) = 9 FT fe = 3000 -------t Roof Seismic Load 0/rs) = -----32000 LBS f, = 60000 y Floor Seismic Load 0/rs) = 16700 LBS $= 0.85 '-----~ $Ve= $2(f 0)' 5dt = 13408 PLF Vd = 1.40/rs+Vr5)/(0.8L5) = 9469 PLF < $Ve, OK By: ----,-- Page~ IN PSI PSI Panel Length (Lp) =1 25.2 IFFTT Height of Panel (Hp) = i---3-1--l_ Area of Horiz. Bars (Avh) =rn.31 IN2 Number of Layers (n) = 2 Horiz. Bar Spacing (sJ = 14 IN Horizontal Reinforcing: s2 = $fyAvhnd/(Vci·$Ve) = -96.3 IN Ph.= Avhn/(tsJ. = 0.0037 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (Aw) = .... I __ 0_.4_4_~pN2 Number of Layers (n) =I,_ __ 1 _ _. Vertical Reinforcing: Pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(ph·-0025) = S1 = Awnl(tPv) = 11.262 ; Height of Lateral Force (Hrps, Hrps) = Framing Length (Lrp, Lrp) = Height of Opening (Hpo) = Length of Opening (Lpo) = Framing Dead Load 0/Vn Wr) = ROOF 30 4 7 16 11 Panel Length Available for Shear (Lps) =I .... __ 9 __ -_.···IFT FLOOR 14 4 10 11.3 45 FT FT FT FT PSF 0.0033 OT= RM= UPL= 0/rsHrps + VrsHrps)l.psfls = [(145)(t/12)(HpLp·EHpoLp0)Lp + E(.5)rLrpLpLp]/2 = (OT -.85RM)/Lp = 1193800 1051740 11898 Check Section 1921.6.5: A9 = Pua= Pu= tLps/2 = .10Agf0 = (OT+RM)/(.8Lp) = 1814.4 IN2 544320 LB 111386 LB< Pua, OK 23662 PLF > vd, OK Summary: -Use (2) #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & (2) #5 M at 14" 0.C., MIN. -Use (1) #8 A706 Bar per Detail 5B/SD1 -No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS r1 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc. a structural analysis and design company Answers to Plan Check Comments (Structural) PROJECT: DATE: The Blackmore Company Lot 105 March 8, 1999 PLAN FILE #: Carlsbad 99-521 PLAN CHECKER: David Yao ITEM 12. Please see attached calculation pages 12.1 & 16.1. 13. Please see revised Sheet S-3. 14. Please see attached calculation pages 21 -21.3 and Sheet S-3. 15. Please see attached calculation pages 42 & 43. 16. Please see revised Sheet S-7. 17. Please see attached calculation pages 31 & 43. I -43 .4. 18. Please see Detail 19/SD5. 19. Please see calculation pages 72-78 and 44-45. 20. Please see attached calculation pages 69 -71. 21. Please see revised Sheet S-9. Hl::CE/VED- MAR 151999 SMITH CONSULTJN H ARCHITECTS G 22. The reinforcing summarized on pages 56 and 57 are minimum requirements. The actual reinforcing used is greater than those requirements. 23. Please see attached calculation page 79 & 80 for a break down of the loads. Also see the revised braced frame calculation on pages 65-68. 24. Please see attached calculation page 81. 25. Please see attached calculation page 81 for Section Section is incorporated into the braced frame calculation. 26. Please see attached calculation pages 82-83. 27. Please see attached calculation page 84. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201, San Diego, CA 92128 (619)485-6227 (619) 485-6201 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 ROOF FRAMING .& f / .. ~ '4~ y r /-11 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 ----- i ., r- ? r- ? ,- 7 ---- I ,- ? ,- ? r- ? ----- f &,!?,·2 I I ,- i i ? ~it'?J .......................... i ~3·"1- 1--; ! ; -r······························r II I ?~ ! ! ! I I 'o/ . -~ i 1 t- ? ~ r- ? ----- """ ,- J ----- I I I ,- ? I I I ,- i ? (1 fl'~ '-= ~ \ I !! ----- - I I -l i tb @--- -ll,L ~ eg-5" t II I I r- ' -' -----I I I I I ' ' ' I . I I I I I . . ' I ' I I I I I ' ' I I . l ,...,,. 1 WO' I 1-4'-0' 1 ;i.t'•O" 1 By: ---Page /2./ --@ ~ --© 9 ~ ---© ~ ;--© ~ --© ~ --® ~ --0 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 FLOOR FRAMING, continued Beams FB-1) Span (ft) FB-2) FB-3) FB-4) FB-5) FB-6) FB-7) FB-8) Joists Dead Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) Point Load (lb) Span (ft) Dead Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) Span (ft) Dead Load (psf) Glass Height (ft) WoL (lb/ ft) Span (ft) Dead Load (psf) Glass Height (ft) WoL (lb/ ft) Span (ft) Dead Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) Span (ft) Dead Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) Span (ft) Dead Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) Point Load (lb) Span (ft) Dead Load (psf) Glass Height (ft) WoL (lb/ ft) Point Load (lb) FJ-1) Span (ft) Dead Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) 24 65 325 8700 16.5 65 357.5 EE 1080 EE 820 24 65 390 14 45 270 16.5 45 225 at 12' 1015 at 7' EE 525 9000 at 6' 6 45 60 Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) Glass DL (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) Glass DL (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) Glass DL (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) EE 400 ~ 440 §§ 960 rn 640 EE 480 ~ 600 EE 500 rn 500 ~ 133 By: ---Page JC, FlROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 FLOOR FRAMING A}. r I~ ·~~ I/ ;t r if I I I I I t I ~ri-1 . I I I I I rl-I I ,, l I I I I I I I I I I I I Ft-s I [ I xi-I ' 0--- : I I : I I I ~ FS-G l I I : I I : I I ..... • e II I L -------------------------r ------l I I I I I I I I I I l 1 2-4'•0" i Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 Revised: Mar '99 - i >-- ~ '-- ~ - 2 -- 2 - 2 ~ • < -2 I ~ ] I .....J. -I FS-6 I 7 ) ' ....!. I ~ - 2 - i 1-- ~ '--• < -ii i----..! ~ ....i • ' - ~ """ig -' -7] • l ~ ' ' - l I I I I ' 2·Nl' 1 By: ---Page/(,,/ --® --0 --© ~--® \> ~ --© '? ~ --@ ~ ll --0 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 105 Job# 98240 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 Dsgnr: Date: San Diego, California 92128 Description : Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope: New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 • I Multi-Span Steel Beam /7 [ General Information I Description Floor Beams Fy -Yield Stress 36.00 ksi Load Duration Factor 1.00 All Spans Considered as Individual Beams I Span Information Span ft 24.00 16.50 17.00 31.00 24.00 14.00 16.50 12.00 Steel Shape W21X44 W18X3S W18X3S W24XSS W16X31 W14X22 W!6X31 Wl6X3! End Fixity Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Loads Dead Load k/ft 0.33 0.36 1.08 0.82 0.39 0.27 0.23 0.53 Live Load k/ft 0.40 0.44 0.96 0.64 0.48 0.60 0.50 0.50 Point#1 DL k 8.70 6.10 9.00 LL k @X ft 12.000 7.000 6.500 I Results I Mmax@ Cntr k-ft 104.4 27.2 73.7 175.4 62.6 21.3 48.6 45.1 @X= ft 12.00 8.25 8.50 15.50 12.00 7.00 7.04 6.48 Max @ Left End k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Max @ Right End k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 fb: Actual psi 15,351.6 5,625.1 15,264.8 18,493.7 15,915.6 8,830.2 12,354.2 11,449.3 Fb : Allowable psi 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Reactions & Deflections Shear@ Left k 13.05 6.58 17.34 22.63 10.44 6.09 9.49 10.27 Shear @ Right k 13.05 6.58 17.34 22.63 10.44 6.09 8.57 11.02 Reactions ... DL@ Left k 8.25 2.95 9.18 12.71 4.68 1.89 5.37 7.27 LL@ Left k 4.80 .3.63 8.16 9.92 5.76 4.20 4.12 3.00 Total@ Left k 13.05 6.58 17.34 22.63 10.44 6.09 9.49 10.27 DL@Right k 8.25 2.95 9.18 12.71 4.68 1.89 4.44 8.02 LL@Right k 4.80 3.63 8.16 9.92 5.76 4.20 4.12 3.00 Total@ Right k 13.05 6.58 17.34 22.63 10.44 6.09 8.57 11.02 Max. Deflection in -0.398 -0.089 -0.258 -0.781 -0.597 -0.130 -0.199 -0.095 @X= ft 12.00 8.25 8.50 15.50 12.00 7.00 8.03 6.08 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 I 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 J General Information Description Roof + Floor (Along Line 3) Axial Load 134.00 k X-X Axis Moment 0.00 k-ft Plate Height 14.000 in Plate Width 14.000 in Pier Height 60.000 in Pier Width 60.000 in fc 3,000.0 psi Fy 36.00 ksi LDF 1.000 Summary I Plate Design Min. Req'd Plate Thick Analysis Type 1.047 in 3 0.000 k Tension Force per Bolt Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: New Building Steel Column Base Plate Steel Section Section Depth Section Width Flange Thick Web Thick Anchor Bolt Data Dist. from Plate Edge Bolt Count per Side Tension Capacity Bolt Area Allow Concrete Bearing Per ACI 10.15 Per AISC Jg Date: TS8x8x1/2 8.000 in 8.000 in 0.500 in 0.500 in 1.500 in 2 2.790 k 0.442 in2 3,570.0 psi 2,100.0 psi Plate Analysis for Specified Thickness Job# 98240 ZI I l Bearing Stress 683.67 psi Plate Thickness 1.2500 in Max Plate Capacity for Allow. Bearing (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC 411.60k Max Allow Plate Fb Actual fb C:\ENERCALC\LOT105.ECW 27,000.0 psi 18,954.7 psi KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 I General Information Description Floor Only I (Along Lines 2 & 4) Axial Load 97.50 k X-X Axis Moment 0.00 k-ft Plate Height 12.000 in Plate Width 12.000 in Pier Height 60.000 in Pier Width 60.000 in fc 3,000.0 psi Fy 36.00 ksi LDF 1.000 Summary I Plate Design Min. Req'd Plate Thick Analysis Type 0.987 in 3 0.000 k Tension Force per Bolt Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: New Building Steel Column Base Plate Steel Section Section Depth Section Width Flange Thick Web Thick Anchor Bolt Data Dist. from Plate Edge Bolt Count per Side Tension Capacity Bolt Area Allow Concrete Bearing PerACI 10.15 Per AISC Jg Date: TS6x6x1/2 6.000 in 6.000 in 0.500 in 0.500 in 1.500 in 2 2.790 k 0.442 in2 3,570.0 psi 2,100.0 psi Plate Analysis for Specified Thickness Job# 98240 2,.,, Bearing Stress 677.08 psi Plate Thickness 1.0000 in Max Plate Capacity for Allow. Bearing (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC 302.40k Max Allow Plate Fb Actual fb C:\ENERCALC\LOT105.ECW 27,000.0 psi 26,325.0 psi KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Date: New Building Steel Column Base Plate I J General Information Description Roof + Floor + Storefront (Along Curved Glass Line) Axial Load 75.70 k X-X Axis Moment 0.00 k-ft Plate Height 14.000 in Plate Width 14.000 in Pier Height 60.000 in Pier Width 60.000 in fc 3,000.0 psi Fy 36.00 ksi LDF 1.000 Summary I Plate Design Min. Req'd Plate Thick Analysis Type 0.735 in 3 0.000 k Tension Force per Bolt Bearing Stress Max Plate Capacity for Allow. Bearing 386.22 psi 411.60k Steel Section Section Depth Section Width Flange Thick Web Thick Anchor Bolt Data Dist. from Plate Edge Bolt Count per Side Tension Capacity Bolt Area Allow Concrete Bearing Per ACI 10.15 Per AISC J9 P8std 8.625 in 8.625 in 0.322 in 0.322 in 1.500 in 2 2.790 k 0.442 in2 3,570.0 psi 2,100.0 psi Plate Analysis for Specified Thickness Plate Thickness 1. 0000 in Max Allow Plate Fb Actual fb 27,000.0 psi 14,602.2 psi Job# 98240 2/,Z I l (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC C:\ENERCALC\LOT105.ECW KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Date: New Building Steel Column Base Plate I General Information Description Roof + Floor+ Storefront + Lateral (At Chevron Bracing) Axial Load X-X Axis Moment Plate Height Plate Width Pier Height Pier Width fc Fy LDF I Summary Plate Design I 127.20 k 0.00 k-ft 34.000 in 18.000 in 96.000 in 96.000 in 3,000.0 psi 36.00 ksi 1.330 Min. Req'd Plate Thick Analysis Type 1.700 in 3 0.000 k Tension Force per Bolt Bearing Stress 207.84 psi Max Plate Capacity for Allow. Bearing 1,709.32k Steel Section Section Depth Section Width Flange Thick Web Thick Anchor Bolt Data Dist. from Plate Edge Bolt Count per Side Tension Capacity Bolt Area Allow Concrete Bearing Per ACI 10.15 Per AISC J9 P8std 8.625 in 8.625 in 0.322 in 0.322 in 3.000 in 4 2.790 k 0.442 in2 3,570.0 psi 2,793.0 psi Plate Analysis for Specified Thickness Plate Thickness 1. 7500 in Max Allow Plate Fb Actual fb 35,910.0 psi 33,897.7 psi Job# 98240 2/.3 ' l (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC C:\ENERCALC\LOT105.ECW KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 FIROUZI Project: Lot 105 CONSULTING Job#: 98240 By: ENGINEERS, INC. Date: Sept '98 Page ..iL 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 PANEL DESIGN, continued Panel Designation: Line A.7, Floor: 2'-0" Leg Data Wall Height= 14 ft Wall Thickness = 11.25 in Parapet Height = 0 ft Distance to Rebar = 8.5 in Roof Framing Span = 10 ft Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Floor Framing Span = 7 ft Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Ledger Width = 3.5 in Roof Live Load = 16 psf Opening Width = 8 ft Floor Dead Load = 65 psf Opening Height = 10 ft Floor Live Load = 80 psf Leg Width= 2 ft Wall Dead Load = 136 psf Calculation e= 9.125 in Addt'I. Lateral = 81.6 psf PoL = 303 plf VoL = 1693 plf PLL = 360 plf VLL = 720 plf Panel Designation: Line 3, Floor: 4'-2" Leg Data Wall Height= 14 ft Wall Thickness = 8 in Parapet Height = 0 ft Distance to Rebar = 6.25 in Roof Framing Span = 48 ft Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Floor Framing Span = 24 ft Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Ledger Width = 3.5 in Roof Live Load = 16 psf Opening Width = 3.3 ft Floor Dead Load = 65 psf Opening Height = 7.2 ft Floor Live Load = 80 psf Leg Width= 4.2 ft Wall Dead Load = 97 psf Calculation e= 7.5 in Addt'I. Lateral = 11.4 psf PoL = 1140 plf VoL = 706 plf PLL = 1344 plf VLL = 528 plf Panel Designation: Line 3, Floor: 5'-0" Leg Data Wall Height= 14 ft Wall Thickness = 8 in Parapet Height = 0 ft Distance to Rebar = 6.5 in Roof Framing Span = 48 ft Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Floor Framing Span = 24 ft Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Ledger Width = 3.5 in Roof Live Load = 16 psf Opening Width = 9,2 ft Floor Dead Load = 65 psf Opening Height = 10 ft Floor Live Load = 80 psf Leg Width= 5 ft Wall Dead Load = 97 psf Calculation e= 7.5 in Addt'I. Lateral = 26.7 psf p~L: 1140 plf VoL = 1405 plf PLL = 1344 plf VLL = 1236-plf Firouzi Consulting Engineers Inc. Title: Lot 105 Dsgnr: Job# 98240 Date: 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, 201 San Diego, California 92128 Description : Scope: New Building (619) 485-6227 I Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design I General Information Description Line A.7, Floor: At 2'-0" Leg Clear Height Parapet Height Thickness Bar Size Bar Spacing Bar Depth Max Defl. Ratio Concrete Weight Loads Lateral Loads Wind Load Point Load ... height ... load type Lateral Load ... distance to top ... distance to bot ... load type I Wall Analysis 14.000 ft 0.000 ft 11.250 in 6 12.000 in 8.500 in 150.0 145.00 pcf 18.000 psf lbs ft Seismic 81.60 #/ft 10.000 ft ft Seismic fc 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone 4 Fy 60,000.0 psi Min Vert Steel % 0.0020 Phi 0.900 Min Horiz Steel% 0.0012 Width 12.000 in Base Fixity O % Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 LL & ST Together Using: USC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Vertical Loads Unifbrm DL 360.00 #/ft Uniform LL 384.00 #/ft ... eccentricity 9.125 in Concentric DL 1,693.00 #/ft Concentric LL 720.00 #/ft Seismic "I" Magnifier 1.000 Wind "I" Magnifier 1.000 For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Basic Def! w/o P-Delta Basic M w/o P-Delta Moment Excess of Mer Max. P-Delta Deflection Max P-Delta Moment Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing Seismic 0.031 47,234.8 0.0 0.836 52,035.8 18.000 in 18.000 in Wind 0.008 in 11,285.1 in-# 0.0 in-# 0.859 in 14,991.2 in-# Seismic 0.024 35,457.8 0.0 0.024 40,059.4 Wind 0.006 in 9,230.8 in-# 0.0 in-# 0.006 in 13,577.9 in-# Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: SEISMIC 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: WIND 18.000 in Summary Wall Design OK 14.00ft clear height, 0.00ft parapet, 11.25in thick with #6 bars at 12.00in on center, d= 8.50in, fc = 3,000.0p Using: USC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated I Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment: Mu 52,035.80 in-# Moment Capacity 215,877.22 in-# Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent= 0.5 * Rho Bal Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * fm Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Deflection 0.024 in Deflection Limit Seismic 215,877.22 in-# 52,035.80 in-# 9,504.60 in-# 0.02 in 7,137 : 1 0.0043 0.0128 30.43 psi 120.00 psi 1.120 in Wind 210,959.01 in-# 14,991.20 in-# 7,916.85 in-# 0.01 in 27,013 : 1 0.0043 0.0128 30.43 psi 120.00 psi l (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers Inc. Title: Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Job# 98240 Date: 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, 201 San Diego, California 92128 Scope: New Building (619) 485-6227 [ Analysis Data E Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design Sgross Mer= S * Fr 43 1 n =Es/ Ee Fr= 3,122,018.6 psi 9.29 273.86 psi 14.93 Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 253.125 in3 69,321.1 in-# 0.0214 Ht/ Thk Ratio Values for Mn Calculation ... As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFy]/Fy a: (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 re b) c=a/.85 !gross !cracked I-eff (ACI methods only) Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn= As:eff Fy (d -a/2) I Additional Values Seismic 0.536 in 1.051 in 1.236 in 1,423.828 in4 270.19 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 239,863.58 in-# Loads used for analysis Wall Weight 135.937 psf Wall Wt* Wall Seismic Factor 40. 781 psf Wall Wt* Parapet Seismic Factor 40.781 psf Service Applied Axial Load 3,157.00 #/ft Factored Loads Applied Axial Load Lateral Wall Weight Total Lateral Loads Service Wt@ Max Mom 951.56 #/ft Total Service Axial Loads 4,108.56 #/ft I ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1. 700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic= ST*: 1.100 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw 0.750 0.900 1.300 Wind 0.516 in 1.012 in 1.190 in 1,423.83 in4 262.86 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 234,398.90 in-# Seismic 4,419.80 1,332.19 5,751.99 Wind 3,563.25 #/ft 999.14 #/ft 4,562.39 #/ft USC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor use 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 l t KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619)485-6201 Title : Lot 1 05 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# 98240 Date: New Building Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 43.1 I I General Information Description Line 3, Floor: At 4'-2" Leg Clear Height Parapet Height Thickness Bar Size 14.000 ft 0.000 ft 8.000 in 6 fc Fy Phi Width * 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone 4 60,000.0 psi Min Vert Steel% 0.0020 0.900 Min Horiz Steel % 0.0012 12.000 in Base Fixity 0 % Bar Spacing Bar Depth 12.000 in Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 3.625 in 150.0 LL & ST Together Max Def!. Ratio Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Using: USC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated I Loads Lateral Loads Wind Load Point Load ... height ... load type Lateral Load ... distance to top ... distance to bot ... load type I Wall Analysis 18.000 psf lbs ft Seismic 11.40 #/ft 7.200 ft ft Seismic Vertical Loads Uniform DL 1,140.00 #/ft Uniform LL 1,344.00 #/ft ... eccentricity 7.500 in Concentric DL 708.00 #/ft Concentric LL 528.00 #/ft Seismic "I" Magnifier 1.000 Wind "I" Magnifier 1.000 For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Basic Defl w/o P-Delta Basic M w/o P-Delta Moment Excess of Mer Max. P-Delta Deflection Max P-Delta Moment Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing Seismic 0.040 20,659.9 1,193.6 2.557 36,247.9 18.000 in 18.000 in Wind 0.037 in 22,075.6 in-# 0.0 in-# 2.611 in 32,313.2 in-# Seismic 0.040 21,282.9 0.0 0.040 25,596.6 Wind 0.031 in 18,706.1 in-# 0.0 in-# 0.031 in 21,652.0 in-# Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: SEISMIC 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : WIND 18.000 in Summary Wall Design OK 14.00ft clear height, 0.00ft parapet, 8.00in thick with #6 bars at 12.00in on center, d= 3.63in, fc = 3,000.0ps Using: USC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated I Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment: Mu 36,247.87 in-# Moment Capacity 88,548.32 in-# Mn '* Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent= 0.5 '* Rho Bal Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * fm Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Deflection 0.040 in Deflection Limit Seismic 88,548.32 in-# 36,247.87 in-# 26,081.99 in-# 0.04 in 4,235 : 1 0.0101 0.0128 45.80 psi 120.00 psi 1.120in Wind 86,331.02 in-# 32,313.17 in-# 21,829.49 in-# 0.03 in 5,484 : 1 0.0101 0.0128 45.80 psi 120.00 psi I l r J (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Job# 98240 Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope: New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 L [ Analysis Data E Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design Sgross Mer= S * Fr di 4~, 1-) t n =Es/ Ee Fr= 3,122,018.6 psi 9.29 273.86 psi 21.00 Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 128.000 in3 35,054.2 in-# 0.0214 Ht/ Thk Ratio Values for Mn Calculation ... As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFy]/Fy a: (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 fc b) C =a/ .85 !gross I cracked 1-eff (ACI methods only) Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn= As:eff Fy (d -a/2) I Additional Values Seismic 0.543 in 1.064 in 1.252 in 512.000 in4 36.23 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 98,387.02 in-# Loads used for analysis Wall Weight 96.667 psf Wall Wt* Wall Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Wall Wt* Parapet Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Service Applied Axial Load 3,720.00 #/ft Factored Loads Applied Axial Load Lateral Wall Weight Total Lateral Loads Service Wt@ Max Mom 676.67 #/ft Total Service Axial Loads 4,396.67 #/ft I ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1. 700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic= ST*: 1.100 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw 0.750 0.900 1.300 Wind 0.524 in 1.027 in 1.209 in 512.00 in4 35.48 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 95,923.35 in-# Seismic 5,208.00 947.33 6,155.33 Wind 4,327.20 #/ft 710.50 #/ft 5,037.70#/ft UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor USC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 J KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 I Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# 98240 Date: New Building Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design I General Information Description Line 3, Floor: At 5'-0" Leg Clear Height Parapet Height Thickness Bar Size 14.000 ft 0.000 ft 8.000 in 6 fc Fy Phi Width IW$:OW5&1 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone 4 60,000.0 psi Min Vert Steel % 0.0020 0.900 Min Horiz Steel % 0.0012 12.000 in Base Fixity 0 % Bar Spacing Bar Depth 12.000 in Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 3.625 in Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 150.0 LL & ST Together Max Defl. Ratio Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Using: USC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated I Loads l,.ateral Loads Wind Load Point Load ... height ... load type Lateral Load ... distance to top ... distance to bot ... load type I Wall Analysis 18.000 psf lbs ft Seismic 26.70 #/ft 10.000 ft ft Seismic Vertical Loads Uniform DL 1,140.00 #/ft Uniform LL 1,344.00 #/ft ... eccentricity 7.500 in Concentric DL 1,405.00 #/ft Concentric LL 1,236.00 #/ft Seismic "I" Magnifier 1.000 Wind "I" Magnifier 1.000 For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Basic Def! w/o P-Delta Basic M w/o P-Delta Moment Excess of Mer Max. P-Delta Deflection Max P-Delta Moment Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing Seismic 0.052 27,305.4 13,053.3 2.572 48,107.5 18.000 in 18.000 in Wind 0.037 in 22,075.6 in-# 1,449. 7 in-# 2.642 in 36,504.0 in-# Seismic Wind 0.048 0.031 in 25,394.0 18,706.1 in-# 0.0 0.0 in-# 0.048 0.031 in 31,606.8 22,944.5 in-# Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: SEISMIC 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: WIND 18.000 in Summary Wall Design OK 14.00ft clear height, 0.00ft parapet, 8.00in thick with #6 bars at 12.00in on center, d= 3.63in, re= 3,000.0ps Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated I Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment: Mu 48,107.55 in-# Moment Capacity 92,361.47 in-# Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent= 0.5 * Rho Bal Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * fm Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Deflection 0.048 in Deflection Limit 1.120 in Seismic 92,361.47 in-# 48,107.55 in-# 26,081.99 in-# 0.05 in 3,490 : 1 0.0101 0.0128 60.43 psi 120.00 psi Wind 89,561.42 in-# 36,503.96 in-# 21,829.49 in-# 0.03 in 5,484 : 1 0.0101 0.0128 60.43 psi 120 .. 00 psi J l (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Job# 98240 Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope: New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 I Analysis Data E Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design Sgross Mer= S * Fr 6li ij 4 3,'5' ' ' n =Es/ Ee Fr= 3,122,018.6 psi 9.29 273.86 psi 21.00 Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 128.000 in3 35,054.2 in-# 0.0214 Ht/ Thk Ratio Values for Mn Calculation ... As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFy]/Fy a : (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 fc b) C =a/ .85 lgross !cracked 1-eff (ACI methods only) Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn= As:eff Fy (d -a/2) l Additional Values Seismic 0.575 in 1.128 in 1.327 in 512.000 in4 37.57 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 102,623.86 in-# Loads used for analysis Wall Weight 96.667 psf Wall Wt* Wall Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Wall Wt* Parapet Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Service Applied Axial Load 5,125.00 #/ft Factored Loads Applied Axial Load Lateral Wall Weight Total Lateral Loads Service Wt@ Max Mom 676.67 #/ft Total Service Axial Loads 5,801.66 #/ft [ ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1. 700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic= ST*: 1.100 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw 0.750 0.900 1.300 Wind 0.551 in 1.081 in 1.272 in 512.00 in4 36.58 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 99,512.69 in-# Seismic 7,175.00 947.33 8,122.33 Wind 5,961.75 #/ft 710.50 #/ft 6,672.25 #/ft UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 l t KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Nodes ... Node Node Coordinates Label X y ft ft 1 0.000 0.000 2 0.000 14.000 3 0.000 30.000 4 31.000 0.000 5 31.000 14.000 6 31.000 30.000 7 15.500 14.000 8 15.500 30.000 Member ... Title : Lot 105 Job # : 98240 Dsgnr: Date: Description .... Braced Frame FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis vs.a.a. Node X Restraint Y Restraint Z Restraint Temf deg Fixed Fixed 0 0 0 Fixed Fixed 0 0 0 0 0 Member I Property Label Endpoint Nodes Member I End Releases J End Releases Length Label I Node JNode ft X y z X y z 1-2 Column 1 2 14.000 1-7 Brace 1 7 20.887 Free Free 2-3 Column 2 3 16.000 2-7 FloorBeam 2 7 15.500 Free 2-8 Brace 2 8 22.277 Free Free 3-8 RoofBeam 3 8 15.500 Free 4-5 Column 4 5 14.000 4-7 Brace 4 7 20.887 Free Free 5-6 Column 5 6 16.000 5-7 FloorBeam 5 7 15.500 Free 5-8 Brace 5 8 22.277 Free Free 6-8 RoofBeam 6 8 15.500 Free Member Stress Check Data ••• Member Unbraced Lengths Slenderness Factors AISC Bending & Stability Factors Label Lu:Z ft Lu:XY K:Z K:XY Cm Cb 1-2 14.000 14.000 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 1-7 20.887 20.887 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 2-3 16.000 16.000 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 2-7 15.500 15.500 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 2-8 22.277 22.277 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 3-8 15.500 15.500 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 4-5 14.000 14.000 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 4-7 20.887 20.887 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 5-6 16.000 16.000 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 5-7 15.500 15.500 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 5-8 22.277 22.277 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 6-8 15.500 15.500 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal Materials ... Member I Youngs I Density I Thermal I Yield Label ksi kcf in/100d ksi Default I 1.00 I 0.000 I 0.000000 I 1.00 Steel 29,000.00 0.490 0.000650 36.00 (c) 1988-97 ENERCALC C:\ENERCALC\LOT105_3.FFW V5.0.8 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Job # : 98240 Dsgnr: Date: Description .... Braced Frame FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis v5.o.a- Section Sections ... Prop Label Area Depth Tf lxx Material Group Tag Width Tw lyy Default Default 1.000 in2 0.000 in 0.000 in -1.00 in4 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.00 in4 P8std T Steel T 8.400 in2 8.625 in 0.000 in 72.50 in4 Column 0.000 in 0.322 in 0.00 in4 TS5x5x1/2 T Steel T 8.142 in2 5.000 in 0.500 in 25.52 in4 Brace 5.000 in 0.500 in 25.52 in4 W21x44 T Steel T 13.000 in2 20.660 in 0.450 in 843.00 in4 RoofBeam 6.500 in 0.350 in 20.70 in4 W27x84 T Steel T 24.800 in2 26.710 in 0.640 in 2,850.00 in4 FloorBeam 9.960 in 0.460 in 106.00 in4 Node Loads .... Concentrated Loads and Moments Load Case Factors Node Label X y Moment #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 2 -10.100k 1.000 2 -12.400k 1.000 2 -72.900k 1.000 3 -5.400k 1.000 3 -5.760k 1.000 3 -33.500k 1.000 Member Distributed Loads .... Member Load Magnitudes Load Extents Load Load Case Factors Label Start Finish Start Finish Direction #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 ft ft 2-7 -0.780 -0.472 k/ft 0.000 15.500 Global Y 1.000 2-7 -0.960 -0.580 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 3-8 -0.360 -0.282 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 3-8 -0.384 -0.300 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 5-7 -0.163 -0.472 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 5-7 -0.200 -0.580 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 6-8 -0.203 -0.282 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 6-8 -0.216 -0.300 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 Load Combinations ... Load Combination Stress Gravity Load Factors Load Combination Factors Description Increase X y #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 DL + LL 1.000 1.000 1.000 DL+ST 1.330 1.000 1.500 Node Displacements & Reactions Node Label I Load Combination I Node Displacements I Node Reactions X y z X y z in in Radians k k k-ft 1 DL + LL 0 0 -0.00001 11.20526 63.37608 1 DL+ST 0 0 0.00127 84.84988 127.19165 2 DL + LL -0.00141 -0.03672 0.00004 0 0 2 DL+ST -0.18910 -0.03491 0.00083 0 0 3 DL+ LL -0.01510 -0.04890 0.00009 0 0 3 DL+ ST -0.28346 -0.04092 0.00032 0 0 4 DL + LL 0 0 -0.00003 -11.20526 20.92242 4 DL+ST 0 0 0.00105 74.75013 -88.33315 5 DL + LL 0.00138 -0.00746 0.00004 0 0 5 DL+ST -0.15956 0.01438 0.00075 0 0 6 DL + LL -0.01510 -0.00952 0.00011 0 0 6 DL+ST -0.25866 0.01327 0.00040 0 0 7 DL + LL -0.00002 -0.02391 0.00017 0 0 7 DL+ST -0.15371 -0.01075 0.00017 0 0 8 DL + LL -0.01511 -0.03565 0.00018 0 0 8 DL+ST -0.25864 -0.03015 0.00018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (c) 1988-97 ENERCALC C:\ENERCALC\LOT105_3.FFW V5.0.8 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Member End Forces ... Member Label Load Combination 1-2 DL+ LL 1-2 DL+ST 1-7 DL + LL 1-7 DL+ST 2-3 DL + LL 2-3 DL+ST 2-7 DL+ LL 2-7 DL+ST 2-8 DL + LL 2-8 DL+ST 3-8 DL+ LL 3-8 DL+ ST 4-5 DL + LL 4-5 DL+ST 4-7 DL + LL 4-7 DL+ST 5-6 DL + LL 5-6 DL+ ST 5-7 DL + LL 5-7 DL+ST 5-8 DL + LL 5-8 DL+ ST 6-8 DL+LL 6-8 DL+ST Steel Stress Checks ... Member Load Combination Label 1-2 DL + LL 1-2 DL+ST 1-7 DL + LL 1-7 DL+ST 2-3 DL + LL 2-3 DL+ST 2-7 DL + LL 2-7 DL+ST 2-8 DL + LL 2-8 DL+ST 3-8 DL + LL 3-8 DL+ ST 4-5 DL + LL 4-5 DL+ST 4-7 DL + LL 4-7 DL+ST 5-6 DL + LL 5-6 DL+ST 5-7 DL + LL 5-7 DL+ST 5-8 DL + LL 5-8 DL+ST 6-8 DL + LL 6-8 DL+ST (c) 1988-97 ENERCALC Title : Lot 105 Job # : 98240 Dsgnr: Date: Description .... Braced Frame FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis vs.o.s- Node " I " End Forces Node " J " End Forces Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment k k ft-k k k ft-k 53.24928 0.00656 0 -53.24928 -0.00656 0.09187 50.61279 -0.06614 0 -50.61279 0.06614 -0.92593 15.10818 0 0 -15.10818 0 0 114.24799 0 0 -114.24799 0 0 15.45370 -0.00574 -0.09187 -15.45370 0.00574 0 7.62869 0.05787 0.92593 -7.62869 -0.05787 0 -5.39431 9.73996 0 5.39431 11.89804 -30.49942 -136.86423 4.35431 0 136.86423 5.34869 -13.87283 7.73504 0 0 -7.73504 0 0 39.72180 0 0 -39.72180 0 0 0.00574 4.29370 0 -0.00574 5.98280 -16.33389 -50.30787 2.22869 0 50.30787 2.74681 -5.57712 10.81040 0.00980 0 -10.81040 -0.00980 0.13726 -20.85775 -0.04522 0 20.85775 0.04522 -0.63308 15.08612 0 0 -15.08612 0 0 -100.66654 0 0 100.66654 0 0 2.61453 -0.00858 -0.13726 -2.61453 0.00858 0 1.41752 0.03957 0.63308 -1.41752 -0.03957 0 -5.37794 -2.62546 0 5.37794 -8.34079 30.49942 22.62441 -1.16648 0 -22.62441 -3.75477 13.87283 7.75562 0 0 -7.75562 0 0 -32.63776 0 0 32.63776 0 0 -0.00858 -2.61453 0 0.00858 -5.14322 16.33389 0.03957 -1.41752 0 -0.03957 -2.34123 5.57712 Overall @Left End 1/4 Span 1/2 Span 3/4 Span @Right En Shear Maximum 0.296 0.294 0.295 0.295 0.296 0.296 0.000 0.231 0.210 0.215 0.220 0.225 0.231 0.000 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.000 0.493 0.493 0.493 0.493 0.493 0.493 0.000 0.088 0.088 0.088 0.087 0.086 0.085 0.000 0.053 0.053 0.048 0.043 0.038 0.032 0.000 0.089 0.010 0.074 0.081 0.037 0.089 0.067 0.219 0.192 0.214 0.216 0.201 0.219 0.023 0.044 0.044 0.044 0.044 0.044 0.044 0.000 0.171 0.171 0.171 0.171 0.171 0.171 0.000 0.140 0.000 0.094 0.103 0.032 0.140 0.057 0.200 0.135 0.188 0.198 0.167 0.186 0.020 0.064 0.060 0.061 0.062 0.063 0.064 0.000 0.101 0.086 0.090 0.093 0.097 0.101 0.000 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.000 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.000 0.019 0.019 0.018 0.017 0.016 0.014 0.000 0.020 0.020 0.017 0.013 0.010 0.006 0.000 0.089 0.010 0.028 0.027 0.020 0.089 0.047 0.059 0.032 0.038 0.037 0.036 0.059 0.016 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.000 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.000 0.140 0.000 0.058 0.061 0.004 0.140 0.049 0.036 0.000 0.025 0.029 0.012 0.036 0.017 C:\ENERCALC\LOT105_3.FFW V5.0.8 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 ·--------------- Title : Lot 105 Job# : 98240 Dsgnr: Date: Description .... Braced Frame FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis vs.o.s-06 l Member Overall Envelope Summar Member Section Axial Shear Moment Deflection Maximum Label k k ft-k in Stress Ratio 1-2 Column 53.249 0.066 0.926 0.190 0.296 1-7 Brace 114.248 0.092 0.493 2-3 Column 15.454 0.058 0.926 0.096 0.088 2-7 FloorBeam 136.864 11.898 30.499 0.025 0.219 2-8 Brace 39.722 0.051 0.171 3-8 RoofBeam 50.308 5.983 16.334 0.027 0.200 4-5 Column 20.858 0.045 0.633 0.160 0.101 4-7 Brace 100.667 0.107 0.430 5-6 Column 2.615 0.040 0.633 0.100 0.020 5-7 FloorBeam 22.624 8.341 30.499 0.025 0.089 5-8 Brace 32.638 0.099 0.140 6-8 RoofBeam 0.040 5.143 16.334 0.043 0.140 -> Deflection values listed are the maximum of a sampling of 31 points across the member (c) 1988-97 ENERCALC C:\ENERCALC\LOT105_3.FFW V5.0.8 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Job# 98240 Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope : New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 Timber Ledger Design I General Information Description... Detail 3/S03 Ledger Width 3.500in Uniform Load ... Point Load ... Ledger Depth 5.500in Dead Load 75.00#/ft Dead Load 0.00lbs Ledger is Bolted to Concrete Live Load 100.00#/ft Live Load 0.00lbs Bolt Diameter 3/4" Spacing 0.00 ft Bolt Spacing 24.000in Horizontal Shear 390.78#/ft Offset 0.00in Load Duration Factors ... Live Load 1.250 Fb Allowable 1,000.0 psi Short Term 1.330 Fv Allowable 85.0 psi j Ledger Stresses l DL + LL DL+ ST DL +LL+ ST Maximum Moment 700.00 in-# 300.00 in-# 700.00 in-# Bending Stress 39.67 psi 17.00 psi 39.67 psi Stress Ratio 0.032 0.013 0.030 MaximumShear 252.47 lbs 108.20 lbs 252.47 lbs Shear Stress 13.12 psi 5.62 psi 13.12psi Stress Ratio 0.123 0.050 0.116 Summary Bending & Shear OK Stress Summary DL+ LL DL+ ST DL+LL+ST Max. Vertical Load 350.00 lbs 150.00 lbs 350.00 lbs Allow Vertical Load 1,137.50 lbs 1,210.30 lbs 1,210.30 lbs Max. Horizontal Load 0.00 lbs 781.56 lbs 781.56 lbs Allow Horizontal Load 1,787.50 lbs 1,901.90 lbs 1,901.90 lbs Angle of Resultant 90.0 degrees 10.9 degrees 24.1 degrees Diagonal Component 350.00 lbs 795.82 lbs 856.35 lbs Allow Diagonal Force 1,137.50 lbs 1,864.06 lbs 1,736.17 lbs Final Stress Ratio 0.308: 1.00 0.427: 1.00 0.493: 1.00 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Job# 98240 Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619} 485-6227 Scope : New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 Timber Ledger Design 7D J I General Information t Description... Detail 4/S03 Ledger Width 3.500in Uniform Load ... Point Load ... Ledger Depth 5.500in Dead Load 0.00#/ft Dead Load 0.00lbs Ledger is Bolted to Concrete Live Load 0.00#/ft Live Load 0.00lbs Bolt Diameter 3/4" Spacing 0.00ft Bolt Spacing 24.000in Horizontal Shear 176.73#/ft Offset 0.00in Load Duration Factors ... Live Load 1.250 Fb Allowable 1,000.0 psi Short Term 1.330 Fv Allowable 85.0 psi J Ledger Stresses I DL + LL DL+ ST DL +LL+ ST Maximum Moment o.oo in-# 0.00 in-# 0.00 in-# Bending Stress 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi Stress Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 MaximumShear 0.00 lbs 0.00 lbs 0.00 lbs Shear Stress 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi Stress Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 Summary Bending & Shear OK Stress Summary DL+ LL DL+ ST DL+LL+ST Max. Vertical Load 0.00 lbs 0.00 lbs 0.00 lbs Allow Vertical Load 1,137.50 lbs 1,210.30 lbs 1,210.30 lbs Max. Horizontal Load 0.00 lbs 353.46 lbs 353.46 lbs Allow Horizontal Load 1.787.50 lbs 1,901.90 lbs 1,901.90 lbs Angle of Resultant 90.0 degrees 0.0 degrees 0.0 degrees Diagonal Component 0.00 lbs 353.46 lbs 353.46 lbs Allow Diagonal Force 1, 137.50 lbs 1,901.90 lbs 1,901.90 lbs Final Stress Ratio 0.000: 1.00 0.186: 1.00 0.186 : 1.00 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Detail 1/SD4 Ledger Size: C10x15.3 Width =~.6 IN Depth= 10 IN 3 Sx = 13.5 IN Dead Load = 780 PLF Live Load = 960 PLF Horiz. Shear= 375.86 PLF Max. Moment = 9048 IN-LBS Bending Stress = 670 PSI Stress Ratio = 0.031 Detail 1/SD4 Ledger Size: L 5x3x1/2 Width=§JalN Depth= 5 IN Sx = 2.94 IN3 Dead Load= Live Load= Horiz. Shear = Max. Moment = Bending Stress = Stress Ratio = 325 PLF 400 PLF 726 PLF 4350 IN-LBS 1480 PSI 0.068 Project: Lot 105 -------------Job#: 98240 By: ----Date: Sept '98 PagelL LEDGERS Bolt Diameter =~~r Bolt Spacing = 24 IN # of Bolts= 2 Fb Allowable = 21.6 KSI Shear/Bolt Allow. = 3560 LBS Tension/Bolt Allow. = 2250 LBS Shear/Bolt M = 1740 LBS OK Shear/Bolt (H) = 376 LBS OK Tension/Bolt = 754 LBS OK Bolt Diameter =~IN Bolt Spacing = 24 IN # of Bolts= 1 Fb Allowable = 21.6 KSI Shear/Bolt Allow. = 3560 LBS Tension/Bolt Allow. = 2250 LBS Shear/Bolt (V) = 1450 LBS OK Shear/Bolt (H) = 1452 LBS OK Tension/Bolt = 363 LBS OK FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 lZ.oo F - I ' I I I j r ------- ------ ·-----I I I I £ ,.., Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 Revised: March '99 LATERAL ANALYSIS By: ------.11 /I / / I / I ---<9 I I I I I I l ., ' ' ' I I I I I i ' ' I I I I I I I ' I f -I ,. .. I I -' _, ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ..- = = = = = I I I I I I I I I I I I ' ' I I I I I I ' I -I ,. .. I ,., I I -I ' ' -' ~ ~ ~ ~ ' l ~ ----Page 12. FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 l ~ I I i ' I ~ r ~ ·-·-·-I ' I I I J ,..v ,..v Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 Revised: March '99 By: LATERAL ANALYSIS I I ' I I i ' I ' ' I -I ,.., ~ ~ = == I I ' I I I I ' I -I ' ~ ~ I I I L ~ --------71 I I ' I I ' ' I I I -I ' ~ ~ / /I / / I --~ I I I ' I I 4 ...-.-0------.::rj ------j = = = I I I I I I I I ' I I I I l I I I ' ' ~ ~ ~ l ----Page 73 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope : New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 [ General Information Description Floor Diaphragm 5 North-South Length Ease-West Length Nert-South Chord East-West Chord 82.00 ft 70.00 ft 82.00 ft 70.00 ft Boundary Loads Acting North & South # 1 6,578.00 #/ft from # 2 #/ft from # 3 #/ft from # 4 #/ft from Boundary Loads Acting East & West # 1 #/ft from # 2 #/ft from # 3 #/ft from # 4 #/ft from I Shear & Chord Forces Diaphragm Shears ... Total Shear Shear per Foot North 0.0lbs 0.00#/ft Diaphrgm Weight Seismic Factor Diaphragm is Blocked Blocking Direction 0.000ft 0.000ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000ft 0.000 ft South 0.0lbs 0.00#/ft to to to to to to to to 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft West 42, 132.1 lbs 513.81 #/ft Chord Forces ... @ 1/4 * Length @ 1/2 * Length @ 3/4 * Length 6,707.6Ibs 8,991.6Ibs 6,779.5Ibs Length / Width Ratio 1.171 0.00 psf 0.1830 North-South 0.0lbs 0.0lbs 0.0 lbs East 42, 132.1 lbs 513.81 #/ft Job# 98240 74 l l Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope : New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 I General Information Description Floor Diaphragm 6 North-South Length Ease-West Length Nert-South Chord East-West Chord 96.00 ft 78.50 ft 96.00 ft 78.50 ft Boundary Loads Acting North & South # 1 9,696.00 #/ft from #2 ~ft ~m # 3 #/ft from # 4 #/ft from Boundary Loads Acting East & West # 1 #/ft from # 2 #/ft from # 3 #/ft from # 4 #/ft from I Shear & Chord Forces Diaphragm Shears ... Total Shear Shear per Foot North 0.0lbs 0.00#/ft Diaphrgm Weight Seismic Factor Diaphragm is Blocked Blocking Direction 0.000 ft 0.000ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000ft 0.000 ft South 0.0lbs 0.00#/ft to to to to to to to to 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft West 69,643.9 lbs 725.46#/ft Chord Forces ... @ 1/4 * Length @ 1/2 * Length @ 3/4 * Length 10,620.71bs 14,237.1 lbs 10,734.61bs Length / Width Ratio 1.223 0.00 psf 0.1830 North-South 0.0lbs 0.0lbs 0.0lbs East 69,643.9 lbs 725.46 #/ft Job# 98240 75 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 105 Job# 98240 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 Dsgnr: Date: San Diego, California 92128 Description : Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Scope: New Building 7b I General Information Description Floor Diaphragm 68 North-South Length 96.00 ft Diaphrgm Weight 0.00 psf Ease-West Length 19.50 ft Seismic Factor 0.1830 Nert-South Chord 96.00 ft Diaphragm is Blocked East-West Chord 19.50 ft Blocking Direction North-South Boundary Loads Acting North & South l # 1 9,696.00 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft #2 #/ft from 0.000ft to 0.000 ft #3 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft Boundary Loads Acting East & West #1 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft #2 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft #3 #/ft from 0.000ft to 0.000 ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft I Sh~a~ & Chord Forces l Diaphragm Shears ... North South West East Total Shear 0.0lbs 0.0lbs 17,300.1Ibs 17,300.1 lbs Shear per Foot 0.00#/ft 0.00#/ft 180.21 #/ft 180.21 #/ft Chord Forces ... @ 1/4 * Length 655.4Ibs 0.0lbs @ 1/2 * Length 878.Slbs 0.0lbs @ 3/4 * Length 662.4 lbs 0.0lbs Length / Width Ratio 4.923 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope: New Building Fax: (619)485-6201 \ General Information Description Floor Diaphragm 10 North-South Length Ease-West Length Nort-South Chord East-West Chord 168.00 ft 48.00 ft 168.00 ft 48.00 ft Boundary Loads Acting North & South # 1 4,378.00 #/ft from # 2 9,999.00 #/ft from # 3 #/ft from # 4 #/ft from Boundary Loads Acting East & West # 1 #/ft from # 2 #/ft from # 3 #/ft from # 4 #/ft from I Shear & Chord For~es Diaphragm Shears ... Total Shear Shear per Foot North O.Olbs 0.00#/ft Diaphrgm Weight Seismic Factor Diaphragm is Blocked Blocking Direction 0.000 ft 0.000ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000ft 0.000 ft South O.Olbs 0.00#/ft to to to to to to to to 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft West 63, 143.81bs 375.86#/ft Chord Forces ... @ 1/4 * Length @ 1/2 * Length @ 3/4 * Length 3,364.61bs 4,510.3lbs 3,400.?lbs Length / Width Ratio 3.500 0.00 psf 0.1830 North-South O.Olbs O.Olbs 0.0 lbs East 63,143.8 lbs 375.86 #/ft Job# 98240 77 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope : New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 I General Information Description Floor Diaphragm 11 North-South Length Ease-West Length Nert-South Chord East-West Chord 140.00 ft 48.00 ft 140.00 ft 48.00 ft Boundary Loads Acting North & South # 1 1,129.00 #/ft from # 2 9,999.00 #/ft from # 3 #/ft from # 4 #/ft from Boundary Loads Acting East & West # 1 #/ft from # 2 #/ft from # 3 #/ft from # 4 #/ft from ! Shear & Chord Forces Diaphragm Shears ... Total Shear Shear per Foot North 0.0lbs 0.00#/ft Diaphrgm Weight Seismic Factor Diaphragm is Blocked Blocking Direction 0.000ft 0.000ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0,000 ft 0.000ft 0.000 ft South 0.0lbs 0.00#/ft to to to to to to to to 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft West 48,874.21bs 349.10#/ft Chord Forces ... @ 1/4 * Length @ 1/2 * Length @ 3/4 * Length 3,125.11bs 4, 189.21bs 3,158.61bs Length/ Width Ratio 2.917 0.00 psf 0.1830 North-South 0.0lbs 0.0lbs 0.0lbs East 48,874.2 lbs 349.10 #/ft Job# 98240 76 l FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 Revised: March '99 By: ----Page 1i. LATERAL ANALYSIS Ff!.A.Me. foo,::. lo,40 = ,zq ... I"?o[(1')(z.opJ-)+- (~)(1s~f)] ::: ~~.S-1<. h..oOIZ. ~D ~ .L'bi )(1,c[(151)(1c>~¢)+ (9>)(qs-(>'4f)]:: 72.1 k f I I ] 1= J 0---' l 1 = I I I I I I 1 ,--------@ ---® ~--------© ~------!--© ~--------© ~--------® d] _____ _ I ----0 I I I I I 1 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 Revised: March '99 LATERAL ANALYSIS By: ----Page 8b UJ17"-= (r~S+i-J(l'Srs+°)=-20'spQ.f w .,~ = (1~:S" 4 ') U (QrJ) =-2 I f,:, pQ + 3------~3-o------~---------~----6 N ~ ~ ( t%~.f-)(Cqs~i:-) = 10075 # Vl-) F'(oM Jro:JMt:Mr FeA-M.E t CJ1eDEi (1'S"s-~f)(t>Op•,J". "' 124-<9~ .# LL.5 W PL~ U2 ~ '7$"°p•J) ::-780 p~ .f- Wc.,.:= (1 ) ( eor~+-'),, Cf '70p.t f 5-6 2,-------2-7--------;IM:7-----'---5~-~----5 1-2 1-7 4-7 4-5 Project: Lot 105 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. ----------- 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Section 2211.8.2 BRACED MEMBERS Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 Revised: Mar '99 Brace Size= TS 7x7x1/2 A= 12.4 IN2 Maximum Axial Load =~KIPS r= 2.62 IN Maximum Length (/) = 22.3 FT fy= 46 KSI Rw= 6 K= 1 1) // r < 720 IF ·5 y 102.1 < 106.2 OK 2) fa < Fas P/A < (B)(F a) P/A < (1/{1 + [(K//r)/2Cc]})Fa 9.22 < 14.26 OK Section 2211.8.3 Psr = 342 KIPS 3(Rw/8)(Load) = 257 KIPS Design Connection to Resist: ... ! __ 2_5_7 _ _.!KIPS Fillet Weld Size =I 0.4375 llN By: ----Page.!Lof_ Gusset Plate Width= 14 IN Gusset Plate Thickness =rn IN Weld Capacity= 6.43125 KIPS/IN Fy= 36 KSI Req'd Length= 40.0 IN Capacity = 302 KIPS FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 Revised: Mar '99 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Roof Floor SHEARWALUDRAGCONNECTTONS Load from Load from Drag Location Diap. "a" Diap. "b" Length p If If ft p 8&3 177 170 112 D.5 & 3.2 270 391 40 A.7 & 3 391 174 48 Load from Load from Drag Location Diap. "a" Diap. "b" Length plf plf ft 8.1 & 3 376 349 93 D.5 & 3.2 726 514 40 A.7 & 3 726 180 48 Drag Force k 38.9 26.4 27.1 Drag Force k 67.4 49.6 43.5 Detail 14/S03 16/S03 18/S02 Detail 19/SD5 20/SD6 7/SD6 Detail 14/SD3 Bolt-to-Shear Tab Capacity= (7)(12.6 k) = 88.2 k Shear Tab-to-Embed Plate Capacity = (2)(21 ")(5.57 k/in) = 234 k Embed Plate-to-Embed Plate Capacity = (2)(21 ")(5.57 k/in) = 234 k Detail 16/S03 Embed Plate-to-A706 Bars Capacity= (1.33)(6)(.31 in2)(24000 psi)= 59.4 k A706 Bars-to-Concrete Capacity= (1.33)(6)(.31 in2)(24000 psi)= 59.4 k 59.4 k > 38.9k OK Bolt-to-Shear Tab Capacity= (5)(12.6 k) = 63.0 k Shear Tab-to-Embed Plate Capacity= (2)(15")(5.57 k/in) = 167 k Embed Plate-to-Embed Plate Capacity= (2)(15")(5.57 k/in) = 167 k Detail 18/S02 Embed Plate-to-A706 Bars Capacity= (1.33)(4)(.31 in2)(24000 psi) = 39.6 k A706 Bars-to-Concrete Capacity= (1.33)(4)(.31 in2)(24000 psi) = 39.6 k 39.6 k > 26.4k OK Bolt-to-Shear Tab Capacity= (6)(12.6 k) = 75.6 k Shear Tab-to-Embed Plate Capacity = (2)(18")(5.57 k/in) = 200 k Embed Plate-to-Tube Steel= (3)(8")(3.71 k/in) = 89 k Embed Plate-to-Angle Capacity= (3)(12")(3.71 k/in) = 133.6 k Angle-to-A706 Bars Capacity= (1.33)(3)(.44 in2)(24000 psi) = 42.1 k A706 Bars-to-Concrete Capacity= (1.33)(3)(.44 in2)(24000 psi) = 42.1 k 42.1 k > 27.1k OK By: ---Page Sz of_ FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 Revised: Mar '99 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Detail 19/SDS Detail 20/SD6 SHEARWALUDRAG CONNECTIONS, continued Top Chord-to-Strap Capacity = (.5 in)(7 in)(21.6 ksi) = 75.6 k Strap-to-Embed Plate Capacity = (.5 in)(7 in)(21.6 ksi) = 75.6 k Embed Plate-to-Shear Stud Capacity = (.5 in)(8 in)(21.6 ksi) = 86.4 k Shear Stud-to-Concrete Capacity= (16 ft)(4.3 k/ft) = 68.8 k 68.8 k > 67.4 k OK Bolt-to-Shear Tab Capacity = (5)(12.6 k) = 63.0 k Shear Tab-to-Embed Plate Capacity = (2)(15")(5.57 k/in) = 167 k Embed Plate-to-Embed Plate Capacity= (2)(24")(3.71 k/in) = 178 k Detail 7/SD6 Embed Plate-to-A706 Bars Capacity= (1.33)(6)(.44 in2)(24000 psi)= 84.3 k A706 Bars-to-Concrete Capacity= (1.33)(6)(.44 in2)(24000 psi) = 84.3 k 63.0 k > 49.6 k OK Bolt-to-Shear Tab Capacity = (6)(12.6 k) = 75.6 k Shear Tab-to-Embed Plate Capacity= (2)(18")(5.57 k/in) = 200 k Embed Plate-to-Tube Steel = (3)(8")(3. 71 k/in) = 89 k Embed Plate-to-Angle Capacity = (3)(12")(3. 71 k/in) = 133.6 k Angle-to-A706 Bars Capacity= (1.33)(3)(.44 in2)(24000 psi)= 42.1 k A706 Bars-to-Concrete Capacity = (1.33)(3)(.44 in2)(24000 psi) = 42.1 k 42.1 k > 27.1k OK 4 By: ---Page SS of_ Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 I General Information Description Stair Members Fy -Yield Stress 36.00 ksi Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope : New Building Multi-Span Steel Beam Load Duration Factor 1.00 All Spans Considered as Individual Beams I Span Information Span ft 18.00 5.00 4.50 Steel Shape MCI2XI0.6 MC12XI0,6 C4XS.4 End Fixity Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin !Loads Dead Load k/ft 0.10 0.45 0.17 Live Load k/ft 0.25 0.45 0.17 Point #1 DL k LL k @X ft I Results Mmax@Cntr k-ft 14.2 2.8 0.9 @X= ft 9.00 2.50 2.25 Max @ Left End k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 Max @ Right End k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 fb: Actual psi 18,422.4 3,655.2 5,364.9 Fb : Allowable psi 21,600.0 21,600.0 21,600.0 Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Reactions & Deflections Shear@ Left k 3.15 2.25 0.76 Shear @ Right k 3.15 2.25 0.76 Reactions ... DL@ Left k 0.90 1.12 0.38 LL@ Left k 2.25 1.12 0.38 Total@ Left k 3.15 2.25 0.76 DL@Right k 0.90 1.12 0.38 LL@ Right k 2.25 1.12 0.38 Total @ Right k 3.15 2.25 0.76 Max. Deflection in -0.515 -0.008 -0.028 @X= ft 9.00 2.50 2.25 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\cmp2.ecw ·········---~ Job# 98240 Date: I KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 I 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax:(619)485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Date: New Building Steel Column Base Plate I General Information Description Roof+ Floor + Storefront + Lateral (At Chevron Bracing) Axial Load 127.20 k X-X Axis Moment 0.00 k-ft Plate Height 34.000 in Plate Width 18.000 in Pier Height 96.000 in Pier Width 96.000 in fc 3,000.0 psi Fy 36.00 ksi LDF 1.330 Summary I Plate Design Min. Req'd Plate Thick Analysis Type 1.700 in 3 0.000 k Tension Force per Bolt Bearing Stress 207.84 psi Max Plate Capacity for Allow. Bearing 1,709.32k Steel Section Section Depth Section Width Flange Thick Web Thick Anchor Bolt Data Dist. from Plate Edge Bolt Count per Side Tension Capacity Bolt Area Allow Concrete Bearing Per ACI 10.15 Per AISC Jg P8std 8.625 in 8.625 in 0.322 in 0.322 in 3.000 in 4 2.790 k 0.442 in2 3,570.0 psi 2,793.0 psi Plate Analysis for Specified Thickness Plate Thickness 1. 7500 in Max Allow Plate Fb Actual fb 35,910.0 psi 33,897.7 psi Job# 98240 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC C:\ENERCALC\LOT105.ECW KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 FIROUZI Project: Lot 105 CONSULTING Job#: 98240 By: ENGINEERS, INC. Date: Sept '98 Page.:ll_ 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 PANEL DESIGN, continued Panel Designation: Line A.7, Floor: 2'-0" Leg Data Wall Height= 14 ft Wall Thickness = 11.25 in Parapet Height = 0 ft Distance to Rebar = 8.5 in Roof Framing Span = 10 ft Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Floor Framing Span = 7 ft Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Ledger Width = 3.5 in Roof Live Load = 16 psf Opening Width = 8 ft Floor Dead Load = 65 psf Opening Height = 10 ft Floor Live Load = 80 psf Leg Width= 2 ft Wall Dead Load = 136 psf Calculation e= 9.125 in Addt'I. Lateral = 81.6 psf Pol= 303 plf Vol= 1693 plf PLL = 360 plf VLL = 720 plf Panel Designation: Line 3, Floor: 4'-2" Leg Data Wall Height= 14 ft Wall Thickness = 8 in Parapet Height = 0 ft Distance to Rebar = 6.25 in Roof Framing Span = 48 ft Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Floor Framing Span = 24 ft Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Ledger Width = 3.5 in Roof Live Load = 16 psf Opening Width = 3.3 ft Floor Dead Load = 65 psf Opening Height = 7.2 ft Floor Live Load = 80 psf Leg Width= 4.2 ft Wall Dead Load = 97 psf Calculation e= 7.5 in Addt'I. Lateral = 11.4 psf Pol= 1140 plf Vol= 706 plf plL = 1344 plf VLL = 528 plf Panel Designation: Line 3, Floor: 5'-0" Leg Data Wall Height= 14 ft Wall Thickness = 8 in Parapet Height = 0 ft Distance to Rebar = 6.5 in Roof Framing Span = 48 ft Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Floor Framing Span = 24 ft Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Ledger Width = 3.5 in Roof Live Load = 16 psf Opening Width = 9.2 ft Floor Dead Load = 65 psf Opening Height = 10 ft Floor Live Load = 80 psf Leg Width= 5 ft Wall Dead Load = 97 psf Calculation e= 7.5 in Addt'I. Lateral = 26.7 psf Pol= 1140 plf Vol= 1405 plf pll = 1344 plf VLL = 1236 plf Firouzi Consulting Engineers Inc. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, 201 San Diego, California 92128 (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# 98240 Date: New Building Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 42-j I I General Information Description Line A.7, Floor: At 2'-0" Leg Clear Height Parapet Height Thickness Bar Size 14.000 ft 0.000 ft 11.250 in 6 fc Fy Phi Width 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone 4 60,000.0 psi Min Vert Steel% 0.0020 0.900 Min Horiz Steel % 0.0012 12.000 in Base Fixity 0 % Bar Spacing Bar Depth 12.000 in Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 8.500 in Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 150.0 LL & ST Together Max Def!. Ratio Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Using: USC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated I Loads Lateral Loads Wind Load Point Load ... height ... load type Lateral Load ... distance to top ... distance to bot ... load type I Wall Analysis 18.000 psf lbs ft Seismic 81.60 #/ft 10.000 ft ft Seismic Vertical Loads Uniform DL 360.00 #/ft Uniform LL 384.00 #/ft ... eccentricity 9.125 in Concentric DL 1,693.00 #/ft Concentric LL 720.00 #/ft Seismic "I" Magnifier 1.000 Wind "I" Magnifier 1.000 For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Basic Def! w/o P-Delta Basic M w/o P-Delta Moment Excess of Mer Max. P-Delta Deflection Max P-Delta Moment Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing Seismic 0.031 47,234.8 0.0 0.836 52,035.8 18.000 in 18.000 in Wind 0.008 in 11,285.1 in-# 0.0 in-# 0.859 in 14,991.2 in-# Seismic 0.024 35,457.8 0.0 0.024 40,059.4 Wind 0.006 in 9,230.8 in-# 0.0 in-# 0.006 in 13,577.9 in-# Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: SEISMIC 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: WIND 18.000 in Summary Wall Design OK 14.00ft clear height, 0.00ft parapet, 11.25in thick with #6 bars at 12.00in on center, d= 8.50in, fc = 3,000.0p Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated I Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment: Mu 52,035.80 in-# Moment Capacity 215,877.22 in-# Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent= 0.5 * Rho Bal Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * fm Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Deflection 0.024 in Deflection Limit 1.120 in Seismic 215,877.22 in-# 52,035.80 in-# 9,504.60 in-# 0.02 in 7,137 : 1 0.0043 0.0128 30.43 psi 120.00 psi Wind 210,959.01 in-# 14,991.20 in-# 7,916.85 in-# 0.01 in 27,013 : 1 0.0043 0.0128 30.43 psi 120.00 psi t ' l (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers Inc. Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Job# 98240 Date: 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, 201 San Diego, California 92128 Scope: New Building (619) 485-6227 I Analysis Data E Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design Sgross Mer= S * Fr 43 1 n =Es/ Ee Fr= 3,122,018.6 psi 9.29 273.86 psi 14.93 Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 253.125 in3 69,321.1 in-# 0.0214 Ht/ Thk Ratio Values for Mn Calculation ... As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFy]/Fy a: {AsFy + Pu)/{.85 fc b) C =a/ .85 lgross !cracked 1-eff {ACI methods only) Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn= As:eff Fy {d -a/2) I Additional Values Seismic 0.536 in 1.051 in 1.236 in 1,423.828 in4 270.19 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 239,863.58 in-# Loads used for analysis Wall Weight 135.937 psf Wall Wt* Wall Seismic Factor 40. 781 psf Wall Wt* Parapet Seismic Factor 40. 781 psf Service Applied Axial Load 3,157.00 #/ft Factored Loads Applied Axial Load Lateral Wall Weight Total Lateral Loads Service Wt @ Max Mom 951.56 #/ft Total Service Axial Loads 4,108.56 #/ft I ACI Factors {per ACI, applied internally to ent_ered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1. 700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 AC! 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic= ST*: 1.100 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw 0.750 0.900 1.300 Wind 0.516 in 1.012 in 1.190 in 1,423.83 in4 262.86 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 234,398.90 in-# Seismic 4,419.80 1,332.19 5,751.99 Wind 3,563.25 #/ft 999.14 #/ft 4,562.39 #/ft USC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor USC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 I l KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 I Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Driv~ #201 San ·Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# 98240 Date: New Building Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 43., 1 I General Information Description Line 3, Floor: At 4'-2" Leg Clear Height Parapet Height Thickness Bar Size fc Fy Phi Width 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 0.900 12.000 in Seismic Zone 4 Min Vert Steel% 0.0020 Min Horiz Steel% 0.0012 Base Fixity 0 % Bar Spacing Bar Depth 14.000 ft 0.000 ft 8.000 in 6 12.000 in 3.625 in 150.0 145.00 pcf Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 LL & ST Together Max Defl. Ratio Concrete Weight Using: USC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated I Loads Lateral Loads Wind Load Point Load ... height ... load type Lateral Load ... distance to top ... distance to bot ... load type I Wall Analysis 18.000 psf lbs ft Seismic 11.40 #/ft 7.200 ft ft Seismic Vertical Loads Uniform DL 1,140.00 #/ft Uniform LL 1,344.00 #/ft ... eccentricity 7.500 in Concentric DL 708.00 #/ft Concentric LL 528.00 #/ft Seismic "I" Magnifier 1.000 Wind "I" Magnifier 1.000 For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Basic Defl w/o P-Delta · Basic M w/o P-Delta Moment Excess of Mer Max. P-Delta Deflection Max P-Delta Moment Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing Seismic 0.040 20,659.9 1,193.6 2.557 36,247.9 18.000 in 18.000 in Wind 0.037 in 22,075.6 in-# 0.0 in-# 2.611 in 32,313.2 in-# Seismic 0.040 21,282.9 0.0 0.040 25,596.6 Wind 0.031 in 18,706.1 in-# 0.0 in-# 0.031 in 21,652.0 in-# Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : WIND 18.000 in 18.000 in Sqm_mary I Wall Design OK 14.00ft clear height, 0.00ft parapet, 8.00in thick with #6 bars at 12.00in on center, d= 3.63in, fc = 3,000.0ps Using: use Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment: Mu 36,247.87 in-# Moment Capacity 88,548.32 in-# Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent= 0.5 * Rho Bal Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * fm Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Deflection 0.040 in Deflection Limit 1.120 in Seismic 88,548.32 in-# 36,247.87 in-# 26,081.99 in-# 0.04 in 4,235 : 1 0.0101 0.0128 45.80 psi 120.00 psi Wind 86,331.02 in-# 32,313.17 in-# 21,829.49 in-# 0.03 in 5,484 : 1 0.0101 0.0128 45.80 psi 120.00 psi J l l (c} 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San 'Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Job# 98240 Date: Description : Scope: New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 I Analysis Data E Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design Sgross Mer= S * Fr n =Es/ Ee Fr= 3,122,018.6 psi 9.29 273.86 psi 21.00 Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 128.000 in3 35,054.2 in-# 0.0214 Ht/ Thk Ratio Values for Mn Calculation ... As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFy]/Fy a: (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 fc b) C =a/ .85 !gross !cracked 1-eff (ACI methods only) Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn= As:eff Fy (d -a/2) I Additional Values Loads used for analysis Wall Weight 96.667 psf Wall Wt* Wall Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Wall Wt* Parapet Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Service Applied Axial Load 3,720. oo #/ft Service Wt @ Max Mom 676.67 #/ft Total Service Axial Loads 4,396.67 #/ft Seismic 0.543 in 1.064 in 1.252 in 512.000 in4 36.23 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 98,387.02 in-# Factored Loads Applied Axial Load Lateral Wall Weight Total Lateral Loads I ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1. 700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic= ST* : 1.100 0.750 0.900 1.300 Wind 0.524 in 1.027 in 1.209 in 512.00 in4 35.48 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 95,923.35 in-# Seismic 5,208.00 947.33 6,155.33 Wind 4,327.20 #/ft 710.50 #/ft 5,037.70 #/ft UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 ' I (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San ·oiego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619)485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# 98240 Date: New Building Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 43.4 1 I \ General Information Description Line 3, Floor: At 5'-0" Leg Clear Height Parapet Height Thickness Bar Size fc Fy Phi Width 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 0.900 12.000 in Seismic Zone 4 Min Vert Steel % 0.0020 Min Horiz Steel % 0.0012 Base Fixity O % Bar Spacing Bar Depth 14.000 ft 0.000 ft 8.000 in 6 12.000 in 3.625 in 150.0 145.00 pcf Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 LL & ST Together Max Defl. Ratio Concrete Weight Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated I Loads Lateral Loads Wind Load Point Load ... height ... load type Lateral Load ... distance to top ... distance to bot ... load type I Wall Analysis 18.000 psf lbs ft Seismic 26.70 #/ft 10.000 ft ft Seismic Vertical Loads Uniform DL Uniform LL ... eccentricity Concentric DL Concentric LL Seismic "I" Magnifier Wind "I" Magnifier 1,140.00 #/ft 1,344.00 #/ft 7.500 in 1,405.00 #/ft 1,236.00 #/ft 1.000 1.000 For Factored Load Stresses For Seivice Load Deflections Basic Deft w/o P-Delta Basic M w/o P-Delta Moment Excess of Mer Max. P-Delta Deflection Max P-Delta Moment Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing Seismic 0.052 27,305.4 13,053.3 2.572 48,107.5 18.000 in 18.000 in Wind 0.037 in 22,075.6 in-# 1,449.7 in-# 2.642 in 36,504.0 in-# Seismic 0.048 25,394.0 0.0 0.048 31,606.8 Wind 0.031 in 18,706.1 in-# 0.0 in-# 0.031 in 22,944.5 in-# Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: SEISMIC 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: WIND 18.000 in Summary Wall Design OK 14.00ft clear height, 0.00ft parapet, 8.00in thick with #6 bars at 12.00in on center, d= 3.63in, fc = 3,000.0ps Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated I Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment: Mu 48,107.55 in-# Moment Capacity 92,361.47 in-# Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall Max Iterated Seivice Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Actual Reinforcing Percentage AlloVfable Max. Reinf. Percent= 0.5 * Rho Bal Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * fm Seivice Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Deflection 0.048 in Deflection Limit 1.120 in Seismic 92,361.47 in-# 48,107.55 in-# 26,081.99 in-# 0.05 in 3,490 : 1 0.0101 0.0128 60.43 psi 120.00 psi Wind 89,561.42 in-# 36,503.96 in-# 21,829.49 in-# 0.03 in 5,484 : 1 0.0101 0.0128 60.43 psi 120.00 psi J l (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San· Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 1 05 Dsgnr: Job# 98240 Date: Description : Scope: New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 I Analysis Data E Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design Sgross Mer= S * Fr n =Es/ Ee Fr= 3,122,018.6 psi 9.29 273.86 psi 21.00 Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 128.000 in3 35,054.2 in-# 0.0214 Ht / Thk Ratio Values for Mn Calculation ... As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFy]/Fy a: (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 fc b) C =a/ .85 !gross !cracked 1-eff (ACI methods only) Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn= As:eff Fy (d -a/2) I Additional Values Loads used for analysis Wall Weight 96.667 psf Wall Wt* Wall Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Wall Wt* Parapet Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Service Applied Axial Load 5,125.00 #/ft Service Wt @ Max Mom 676.67 #/ft Total Service Axial Loads 5,801.66 #/ft Seismic 0.575 in 1.128 in 1.327 in 512.000 in4 37.57 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 102,623.86 in-# Factored Loads Applied Axial Load Lateral Wall Weight Total Lateral Loads I ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic= ST*: 1.100 0.750 0.900 1.300 Wind 0.551 in 1.081 in 1.272 in 512.00 in4 36.58 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 99,512.69 in-# Seismic 7,175.00 947.33 8,122.33 Wind 5,961.75 #/ft 710.50 #/ft 6,672.25 #/ft UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 l (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzl Consulting Engineers, Inc. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Nodes ... Node Node Coordinates Label X y ft ft . 1 0.000 0.000 2 0.000 14.000 3 0.000 30.000 4 31.000 0.000 5 31.000 14.000 6 31.000 30.000 7 15.500 14.000 8 15.500 30.000 Member ... Title : Lot 105 Job # : 98240 Dsgnr: Date: Description .... Braced Frame FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis vs.o.s- Node X Restraint Y Restraint Z Restraint Temf deg Fixed Fixed 0 0 0 Fixed Fixed 0 0 0 0 0 Member Endpoint Nodes Member I End Releases J End Releases Property Label Length Label !Node JNode ft X y z X y z 1-2 Column 1 2 14.000 1-7 Brace 1 7 20.887 Free Free 2-3 Column 2 3 16.000 2-7 FloorBeam 2 7 15.500 Free 2-8 Brace 2 8 22.277 Free Free 3-8 RoofBeam 3 8 15.500 Free 4-5 Column 4 5 14.000 4-7 Brace 4 7 20.887 Free Free 5-6 Column 5 6 16.000 5-7 FloorBeam 5 7 15.500 Free 5-8 Brace 5 8 22.277 Free Free 6-8 RoofBeam 6 8 15.500 Free Member Stress Check Data ... Member Unbraced Lengths Slenderness Factors AISC Bending & Stability Factors Label Lu :Z ft Lu :XY K:Z K:XY Cm Cb 1-2 14.000 14.000 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 1-7 20.887 20.887 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 2-3 16.000 16.000 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 2-7 15.500 15.500 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 2-8 22.277 22.277 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 3-8 15.500 15.500 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 4-5 14.000 14.000 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 4-7 20.887 20.887 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 5-6 16:000 16.000 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 5-7 15.500 15.500 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 5-8 22.277 22.277 · 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 6-8 15.500 15.500 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal Materials ... Member Youngs I Density I Thermal I Yield Label ksl kcf in/100d ksi Default I 1.00 I 0.000 I 0.000000 I 1.00 Steel 29,000.00 0.490 0.000650 36.00 (c) 1988-97 ENERCALC C:\ENERCALC\LOT105_3.FFW V5.0.8 Firduzf'ijohsultfrig''l:nglneers, Inc. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619)485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Section Sections ... Prop Label Material Group Tag Default Default P8std T Steel Column TS5x5x1/2 T Steel Brace W21x44 T Steel RoofBeam W27x84 T Steel FloorBeam Node Loads .••• T T T T Title : Lot 105 Job# : 98240 Dsgnr: Date: Description .... Braced Frame FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis vs.o.s- Area Depth Tf lxx Width Tw lyy 1.000 in2 0.000 In 0.000 in 1.00 in4 -0.000 in 0.000 In 0.00 ln4 8.400 ln2 8.625 In 0.000 In 72.50 ln4 0.000 in 0.322 in 0.00 ln4 8.142 ln2 5.000 in 0.500 In 25.52 in4 5.000 in 0.500 in 25.52 in4 13.000 in2 20.660 in 0.450 in 843.00 in4 6.SOOin 0.350 in 20.70 in4 24.800 in2 26.710 In 0.640 in 2,850.00 in4 9.960 in 0.460 in 106.00 ln4 Concentrated Loads and Moments Load Case Factors Node Label X y Moment #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 2 -10.100k 1.000 2 -12.400k 1.000 2 -72.900k 1.000 3 -5.400k 1.000 3 -5.760k 1.000 3 -33.500k 1.000 Member Distributed Loads .... Member Load Magnitudes Load Extents Load Load Case Factors Label Start Finish Start Finish Direction #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 ft ft 2-7 -0.780 -0.472 k/ft 0.000 15.500 Global Y 1.000 2-7 -0.960 -0.580 k/ft 0.000 15.500 Globa!Y 1.000 3-8 -0.360 -0.282 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GiobalY 1.000 3-8 -0.384 -0.300 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 5-7 -0.163 -0.472 k/ft 0,000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 5-7 -0.200 -0.580 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 6-8 -0.203 -0.282 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GiobalY 1.000 6-8 -0.216 -0.300 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 Load Combinations ... Load Combination Stress Gravity Load Factors Load Combination Factors Description Increase X y #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 DL + LL 1.000 1.000 1.000 DL+ST 1.330 1.000 1.500 Node Displacements & Reactions Node Label I Load Combination I Node Displacements I Node Reactions X y z X y z in in Radians k k k-ft 1 DL+ LL 0 0 -0.00001 11.20526 63.37608 1 DL+ST 0 0 0.00127 84.84988 127.19165 2 DL + LL -0.00141 -0,03672 0.00004 0 0 2 DL+ST -0.18910 -0.03491 0.00083 0 0 3 DL+ LL -0.01510 -0.04890 0.00009 0 0 3 DL+ST -0.28346 -0.04092 0.00032 0 0 4 DL + LL 0 0 -0.00003 -11.20526 20.92242 4 DL+ST 0 0 0.00105 74.75013 -88.33315 5 DL + LL 0.00138 -0.00746 0.00004 0 0 5 DL+ST -0.15956 0.01438 0.00075 0 0 6 DL + LL -0.01510 -0.00952 0.00011 0 0 6 DL+ST -0.25866 0.01327 0,00040 0 0 7 DL+ LL -0.00002 -0.02391 0.00017 0 0 7 DL+ST -0.15371 -0.01075 0.00017 0 0 8 DL+ LL -0.01511 -0.03565 0.00018 0 0 8 DL+ST -0.25864 -0.03015 0.00018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (c) 1988-97 ENERCALC C:\ENERCALC\LOT105_3.FFW V5.0.8 Flrouzl Consulting Engineers, Inc. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619)485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Member End Forces ... Member Label Load Combination 1-2 DL + LL 1-2 DL+ST 1-1 DL+ LL 1-7 DL+ST 2-3 DL + LL 2-3 DL+ ST 2-7 DL+ LL 2-7 DL+ ST 2-8 DL + LL 2-8 DL+ST 3-8 DL + LL 3-8 DL+ST 4-5 DL + LL 4-5 DL+ST 4-7 DL + LL 4-7 DL+ST 5-6 DL+ LL 5-6 DL+ST 5-7 DL + LL 5-7 DL+ST 5-8 DL + LL 5-8 DL+ST 6-8 DL+ LL 6-8 DL+ST Steel Stress Checks ... Member Load Combination Label 1-2 DL+ LL 1-2 DL+ST 1-7 DL + LL 1-7 DL+ST 2-3 DL + LL 2-3 DL+ST 2-7 DL+ LL 2-7 DL+ST 2-8 DL + LL 2-8 DL+ST 3-8 DL+ LL 3-8 DL+ST 4-5 DL+ LL 4-5 DL+ST 4-7 DL + LL 4-7 DL+ ST 5-6 DL+ LL 5-6 DL+ST 5-7 DL+ LL 5-7 DL+ST 5-8 DL+ LL 5-8 DL+ST 6-8 DL+ LL 6-8 DL+ST (c) 1988-97 ENERCALC Title : Lot 105 Job# : 98240 Dsgnr: Date: Description .... Braced Frame FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis vs.a.a. Node " I " End Forces Node II J II End Forces Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment k k ft-k k k ft-k 53.24928 0.00656 0 -53.24928 -0.00656 0.09187 50.61279 -0.06614 0 -50.61279 0.06614 -0.92593 15.10818 0 0 -15.10818 0 0 114.24799 0 0 -114.24799 0 0 15.45370 -0.00574 -0.09187 -15.45370 0.00574 0 7.62869 0.05787 0.92593 -7.62869 -0.05787 0 -5.39431 9.73996 0 5.39431 11.89804 -30.49942 -136.86423 4.35431 0 136.86423 5.34869 -13.87283 7.73504 0 0 -7.73504 0 0 39.72180 0 0 -39.72180 0 0 0.00574 4.29370 0 -0.00574 5.98280 -16.33389 -50.30787 2.22869 0 50.30787 2.74681 -5.57712 10.81040 0.00980 0 -10.81040 -0.00980 0.13726 -20.85775 -0.04522 0 20.85775 0.04522 -0.63308 15.08612 0 0 -15.08612 0 0 -100.66654 0 0 100.66654 0 0 2.61453 -0.00858 -0.13726 -2.61453 0.00858 0 1.41752 0.03957 0.63308 -1.41752 -0.03957 0 -5.37794 -2.62546 0 5.37794 -8.34079 30.49942 22.62441 -1.16648 0 -22.62441 -3.75477 13.87283 7.75562 0 0 -7.75562 0 0 -32.63776 0 0 32.63776 0 0 -0.00858 -2.61453 0 0.00858 -5.14322 16.33389 0.03957 -1.41752 0 -0.03957 -2.34123 5.57712 Overall @Left End 1/4 Span 1/2 Span 3/4 Span @Right En Shear Maximum 0.296 0.294 0.295 0.295 0.296 0.296 0.000 0.231 0.210 0.215 0.220 0.225 0.231 0.000 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.000 0.493 0.493 0.493 0.493 0.493 0.493 0.000 0.088 0.088 0.088 0.087 0.086 0.085 0.000 0.053 0.053 0.048 0.043 0.038 0.032 0.000 0.089 0.010 0.074 0.081 0.037 0.089 0.067 0.219 0.192 0.214 0.216 0.201 0.219 0.023 0.044 0.044 0.044 0.044 0.044 0.044 0.000 0.171 0.171 0.171 0.171 0.171 0.171 0.000 0.140 0.000 0.094 0.103 0.032 0.140 0.057 0.200 0.135 0.188 0.198 0.167 0.186 0.020 0.064 0.060 0.061 0.062 0.063 0.064 0.000 0.101 0.086 0.090 0.093 0.097 0.101 0.000 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.000 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.000 0.019 0.019 0.018 0.017 0.016 0.014 0.000 0.020 0.020 0.017 0.013 0.010 0.006 0.000 0.089 0.010 0.028 0.027 0.020 0.089 0.047 0.059 0.032 0.038 0.037 0.036 0.059 0.016 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.000 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.060 0.140 0.000 0.058 0.061 0.004 0.140 0.049 0.036 0.000 0.025 0.029 0.012 0.036 0.017 C:\ENERCALC\LOT105_3.FFW V5.0.8 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Job# : 98240 Dsgnr: Date: Description .... Braced Frame FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis vs.o.a. Member Overall Envelope Summar Member Section Axial Shear Moment Deflection Label k k ft-k in 1-2 Column 53.249 0.066 0.926 0.190 1-7 Brace 114.248 0.092 2-3 Column 15.454 0.058 0.926 0.096 2-7 FloorBeam 136.864 11.898 30.499 0.025 2-8 Brace 39.722 0.051 3-8 RoofBeam 50.308 5.983 16.334 0.027 4-5 Column 20.858 0.045 0.633 0.160 4-7 Brace 100.667 0.107 5-6 Column 2.615 0.040 0.633 0.100 5-7 FioorBeam 22.624 8.341 30.499 0.025 5-8 Brace 32.638 0.099 6-8 RoofBeam 0.040 5.143 16.334 0.043 -> Deflection values listed are the maximum of a sampling of 31 points across the member (c) 1988-97 ENERCALC C:\ENERCALC\LOT105_3.FFW Maximum Stress Ratio 0.296 0.493 0.088 0.219 0.171 0.200 0.101 0.430 0.020 0.089 0.140 0.140 V5.0.8 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Job# 98240 Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope : New Building Fax: (619)485-6201 Timber Ledger Design I General Information Description... Detail 3/S03 Ledger Width 3.S00in Uniform Load ... Point Load ... Ledger Depth 5.500in Dead Load 75.00#/ft Dead Load 0.00lbs Ledger is Bolted to Concrete Live Load 100.00#/ft Live Load 0.00 lbs Bolt Diameter 3/4" Spacing 0.00ft Bolt Spacing 24.000in Horizontal Shear 390.78#/ft Offset 0.0Oin Load Duration Factors ... Live Load 1.250 Fb Allowable 1,000.0 psi Short Term 1.330 Fv Allowable 85.0 psi I Ledger Stresses r DL + LL DL+ ST DL +LL+ ST Maximum Moment 700.00 in-# 300.00 in-# 700.00 in-# Bending Stress 39.67 psi 17.00 psi 39.67 psi Stress Ratio 0.032 0.013 0.030 MaximumShear 252.47 lbs 108.20 lbs 252.47 lbs Shear Stress 13.12 psi 5.62 psi 13.12 psi Stress Ratio 0.123 0.050 0.116 Summary Bending & Shear OK Stress Summary DL+ LL DL+ ST DL+LL+ST Max. Vertical Load 350.00 lbs 150.00 lbs 350.00 lbs Allow Vertical Load 1,137.50 lbs 1,210.30 lbs 1,210.30 lbs Max. Horizontal Load 0.00 lbs 781.56 lbs 781.56 lbs Allow Horizontal Load 1,787.50 lbs 1,901.90 lbs 1,901.90 lbs Angle of Resultant 90.0 degrees 10.9 degrees 24.1 degrees Diagonal Component 350.00 lbs 795.82 lbs 856.35 lbs Allow Diagonal Force 1,137.50 lbs 1,864.06 lbs 1,736.17 lbs Final Stress Ratio 0.308: 1.00 0.427: 1.00 0.493: 1.00 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Job# 98240 Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San· Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope : New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 Timber Ledger Design I General Information Description... Detail 4/SD3 Ledger Width 3.500in Uniform Load ... Point Load ... Ledger Depth 5.500in Dead Load 0.00#/ft Dead Load 0.00 lbs Ledger is Bolted to Concrete Live Load 0.00#/ft Live Load 0.00lbs Bolt Diameter 3/4" Spacing 0.00ft Bolt Spacing 24.000in Horizontal Shear 176.73#/ft Offset 0.00in Load Duration Factors ... Live Load 1.250 Fb Allowable 1,000.0 psi Short Term 1.330 Fv Allowable 85.0 psi I Ledger Stresses I DL + LL DL+ ST DL +LL+ ST Maximum Moment 0.00·in-# 0.00 in-# 0.00 in-# Bending Stress 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi Stress Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 MaximumShear 0.00 lbs 0.00 lbs 0.00 lbs Shear Stress 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi Stress Ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000 Summary Bending & Shear OK Stress Summary DL+ LL DL+ ST DL+LL+ST Max. Vertical Load 0.00 lbs 0.00 lbs 0.00 lbs Allow Vertical Load 1,137.50 lbs 1,210.30 lbs 1,210.30 lbs Max. Horizontal Load 0.00 lbs 353.46 lbs 353.46 lbs Allow Horizontal Load 1,787.50 lbs 1,901.90 lbs 1,901.90 lbs Angle of Resultant 90.0 degrees 0.0 degrees 0.0 degrees Diagonal Component 0.00 lbs 353.46 lbs 353.46 lbs Allow Diagonal Force 1,137.50 lbs 1,901.90 lbs 1,901.90 lbs Final Stress Ratio 0.000: 1.00 0.186: 1.00 0.186 : 1.00 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Detail 1/SD4 Ledger Size: C10x15.3 Width =rn.6 IN Depth= 10 IN Sx = 13.5 IN3 Dead Load = 780 PLF Live Load = 960 PLF Horiz. Shear= 375.86 PLF Max. Moment = 9048 IN-LBS Bending Stress = 670 PSI Stress Ratio= 0.031 Detail 1/SD4 Ledger Size: L 5x3x1/2 Width=~IN Depth= 5 IN Sx = 2.94 IN3 Dead Load = 325 PLF ----Live Load = 400 PLF Horiz. Shear = 726 PLF Max. Moment = Bending Stress= Stress Ratio = 4350 1480 0.068 IN-LBS PSI Project: Lot 105 -------------Job#: 98240 By: ----Date: Sept '98 PagelL LEDGERS Bolt Diameter =t±j IN Bolt Spacing = 24 IN # of Bolts= 2 Fb Allowable = 21.6 KSI Shear/Bolt Allow. = 3560 LBS Tension/Bolt Allow. = 2250 LBS Shear/Bolt M = 1740 LBS OK Shear/Bolt (H) = 376 LBS OK Tension/Bolt = 754 LBS OK Bolt Diameter =rnlN Bolt Spacing = 24 IN # of Bolts= 1 Fb Allowable = 21.6 KSI Shear/Bolt Allow. = 3560 LBS Tension/Bolt Allow. = 2250 LBS Shear/Bolt (V) = 1450 LBS OK Shear/Bolt (H) = 1452 LBS OK Tension/Bolt = 363 LBS OK FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 12.<>o F = ~ I I I ' I J f I I __ .. ___ . ------ ------I I I ' I J ... ..... Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 Revised: March '99 By: LATERAL ANALYSIS I I ., ' I I I i ' I -I ~ ~ = === I I I I ' I I ' ' I -I ,. .. I I ~ ~ ·--------/1 / /I / / I --~ I I I I I ' ' I I I r I I ' I I ' I I I -I -· ' ' l ~ ~ ~ ~ -0------_...., . --·---J = = = I I I I I I I I ' ' I I I I ' ' I , .. I I -I -l ' l ~ ~ ----Page 12. FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 ? I .. * ------ ,, ._., ___ I I I ' I J r ------ ------ .,_.., ___ I ' I ' I I ~ ,... .... Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 Revised: March '99 By: LATERAL ANALYSIS I I ' I I I l ' I I ' ~ b = = I I ' I I ' ' I I ' ' I -I ' ' ~ ~ I I I I I ... ~ --------/1 I I ' ' I I ' ' I I I ... I ' ~ ~ /I / I / / I ---@ I I ' I I I I ~ --0------.-,,,1 ...,,. ...... --j = = = I ! I I ' ' I I I I I I I I I I l , ... I l ' 1 ~ ~ ----Page 73 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 105 Job# 98240 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 Dsgnr: Date: San-Diego, California 92128 Description : Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope: New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 I • &&IQl&LJm 74.J I General Information I Description Floor Diaphragm 5 North-South Length 82.00 ft Diaphrgm Weight 0.00 psf Ease-West Length 70.00 ft Seismic Factor 0.1830 Nort-South Chord 82.00 ft Diaphragm is Blocked East-West Chord 70.00 ft Blocking Direction North-South Boundary Loads Acting North & South I #1 6,578.00 #/ft from 0.000ft to 0.000 ft #2 #/ft from 0,000ft to 0.000 ft #3 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft Boundary Loads Acting East & West l #1 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft #2 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft #3 #/ft from 0.000ft to 0.000 ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft I Shear & Chord Forces Diaphragm Shears ... North South West East Total Shear 0.0lbs 0.0lbs 42,132.1 lbs 42,132.1 lbs Shear per Foot 0.00#/ft 0.00#/ft 513.81 #/ft 513.81 #/ft Chord Forces ... @ 1 /4 * Length 6,707.6Ibs 0.0lbs @ 1/2 * Length 8,991.6Ibs 0.0lbs @ 3/4 * Length 6,779.5 lbs 0.0lbs Length / Width Ratio 1.171 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 I A A Title: Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope : New Building Ci Job# 9824() Date: .ii] I.-G-e-n-er_a_l -ln_f_o_rm-at-io-n------------------------------~, Description Floor Diaphragm 6 North-South Length Ease-West Length Nort-South Chord East-West Chord 96.00 ft 78.50 ft 96.00 ft 78.50 ft Boundary Loads Acting North & South #1 9,696.00 #/ft from #2 #/ft from #3 #/ft from #4 #/ft from Boundary Loads Acting East & West #1 #/ft from #2 #/ft from #3 #/ft from #4 #/ft from I Shear & Chord Forces Diaphragm Shears ... North Total Shear O.Olbs Shear per Foot 0.00#/ft Chord Forces ... Diaphrgm Weight Seismic Factor Diaphragm is Blocked Blocking Direction 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft 0.000ft to 0.000 ft 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft 0.000ft to 0.000 ft 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft South West O.Olbs 69,643.91bs 0.00#/ft 725.46#/ft @ 1/4 * Length 10,620.71bs @ 1/2 * Length 14,237.1 lbs @ 3/4 * Length 10,734.61bs Length / Width Ratio 1.223 0.00 psf 0.1830 North-South East 69,643.9 lbs 725.46 #/ft O.Olbs O.Olbs O.Olbs Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope : New Building Fax: (619)485-6201 I General Information Description Floor Diaphragm 6B North-South Length Ease-West Length Nort-South Chord East-West Chord 96.00 ft 19.50ft 96.00 ft 19.50 ft Diaphrgm Weight Seismic Factor Diaphragm is Blocked Blocking Direction Boundary Loads Acting North & South #1 9,696.00 #/ft from 0.000 ft #2 #/ft from 0.000ft #3 #/ft from 0.000 ft #4 #/ft from 0,000 ft Boundary Loads Acting East & West # 1 #2 #3 #4 I Shear & Chord Forces Diaphragm Shears ... Total Shear Shear per Foot Chord Forces ... @ 1/4 * Length @ 1/2 * Length @ 3/4 * Length #/ft #/ft #/ft #/ft North O.Olbs 0.00#/ft Length / Width Ratio 4.923 from from from from 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000ft 0.000 ft South O.Olbs 655.4lbs 878.Slbs 662.4 lbs 0,00#/ft to to to to to to to to 0.000 ft 0,000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft West 17,300.1 lbs 180.21#/ft 0.00 psf 0.1830 North-South 0.0lbs O.Olbs 0.0 lbs East 17,300.1 lbs 180.21 #/ft Job# 98240 7&:, l Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope : New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 I General lnforma.tion Description Floor Diaphragm 10 North-South Length Ease-West Length Nert-South Chord East-West Chord 168.00 ft 48.00 ft 168.00 ft 48.00 ft Boundary Loads Acting North & South # 1 4,378.00 #/ft from #2 9,999.00 #/ft from #3 #/ft from #4 #/ft from Boundary Loads Acting East & West # 1 #2 #3 #4 l Shear & Chord For~~s Diaphragm Shears ... Total Shear Shear per Foot #!ft #/ft #/ft #/ft North 0.0lbs 0.00#/ft from from from from Diaphrgm Weight Seismic Factor Diaphragm is Blocked Blocking Direction 0.000 ft 0.000ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000ft 0.000 ft South 0.0lbs 0.00#/ft to to to to to to to to 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft West 63, 143.Blbs 375.86#/ft Chord Forces ... @ 1/4 * Length @ 1/2 * Length @ 3/4 * Length 3,364.6lbs 4,510.3lbs 3,400.?lbs Length/ Width Ratio 3.500 0.00 psf 0.1830 North-South 0.0lbs 0.0lbs 0.0lbs East 63,143.8 lbs 375.86 #/ft Job# 98240 77 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Scope : New Building I General Information Description Floor Diaphragm 11 North-South Length Ease-West Length Nert-South Chord East-West'Chord 140.00 ft 48.00 ft 140.00 ft 48.00 ft Boundary Loads Acting North & South # 1 1,129.00 #/ft from # 2 9,999.00 #/ft from # 3 #/ft from #4 ~ft ~m Boundary Loads Acting East & West # 1· #2 #3 #4 I Shear & Chord Forces Diaphragm Shears ... Total Shear Shear per Foot #/ft #/ft #/ft #/ft North 0.0lbs from from from from 0.00#/ft Diaphrgm Weight Seismic Factor Diaphragm is Blocked Blocking Direction 0.000ft 0.000ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000ft 0.000 ft South 0.0lbs 0.00#/ft to to to to to to to to 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft West 48,874.2/bs 349.10#/ft Chord Forces ..• @ 1/4 * Length @ 1 /2 * Length @ 3/4 * Length 3,125.1 lbs 4,189.2lbs 3,158.6 lbs Length/ Width Ratio 2.917 0.00 psf 0.1830 North-South 0.0lbs 0.0lbs 0.0lbs East 48,874.2 lbs 349.10 #/ft Job# 98240 7B l FIROUZI Project: Lot 105 CONSULTING Job#: 98240 By: ENGINEERS, INC. Date: Sept '98 Page .1J... 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 Revised: March '99 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 LATERAL ANALYSIS F~e. foo~ lo,40 :: , zq .... r;o[(1 1)(zopJ-) + ,-------@ (~)(tS'r,l)]: 3~.S-k ~ h..ot>t.. l-M-o .:. .ii; )(t3c[l151)(1o~A + l~)(qt;(n>~)]:: 72.1 k --® 1 I ~ I ~--------© t ~------l-® ; ~--------© ~ ] ~ ~--------® J I = ~ @---. J ______ = --0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 2-4'-c" 1 ,...,,. l ,. .... i 2.f'-0" 1 FIROUZI _CONSUL TING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 Revised: March '99 LATERAL ANAL YS/S By: ----Page 80 Wr,t,-= ( r;.s +-1-")( t sr~+J =-20; pP.+ Wi,.1., = (1~:s-4 J (l ~~?) = 21 <e, pe-F 3-------.3··0------""""8.------=---t>-8,--~----'96 2-3 -8 5-8 ( lS'S°'l>f-)({Qs-~/'.-) = 10075 F ()1-1 R.oM A-o:JM.f::H r FtAME t GtteDS (tf5"~+-)( ~Op-of = 124-C?~ # LL. J W PL~ (J?. tt '1S'p•J) ~ 78() p~ y V--'L1.'= (l ) ( tlDi's.\'.-) s. Cf~Op.l f . W17L:: (z~ ff-) Wu .. "' (Z,'5'H-) ( ~t> 2,-------2-7-------::1';7'------'----5-7•---'-----~ 1-2 1-7 4.7 4-5 I Project: Lot 105 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. -----------Job#: 98240 By: ----Date: Sept '98 Revised: Mar '99 Pageliof_ 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 BRACED MEMBERS Section 2211.8.2 Brace Size = TS 7x7x1/2 A= 12.4 IN2 Maximum Axial Load =~KIPS r= 2.62 IN Maximum Length (/) = 22.3 FT Fy= 46 KSI Rw= 6 K= 1 1) II r < 720 IF ·5 y 102.1 < 106.2 OK 2) fa < Fas P/A < (B)(F a) P/A < (1/{1 + [(K//r)/2Cc]})F8 9.22 < 14.26 OK Section 2211.8.3 PsT = 342 KIPS 3(Rw/8)(Load) = 257 KIPS Design Connection to Resist:!,__ __ 2_5_7 _ _.I KIPS Gusset Plate Thickness=~IN Gusset Plate Width= 14 IN Fy= 36 KSI Capacity= 302 KIPS Fillet Weld Size=! 0.4375 jlN Weld Capacity= 6.43125 KIPS/IN Req'd Length= 40.0 IN I Project: Lot 105 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. ----------Job#: 98240 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Date: Sept '98 Revised: Mar '99 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax {619) 485-6201 Roof Floor SHEARWALUDRAGCONNECTTONS Load from Load from Drag Location Diap. "a" Diap. "b" Length p If If ft p 8&3 17.7 170 112 D.5 & 3.2 270 391 40 A.7 & 3 391 174 48 Load from Load from Drag Location Diap. "a" Diap. "b" Length I If ft pf p B.1 & 3 376 349 93 D.5 & 3.2 726 514 40 A.7 & 3 726 180 48 Drag Force k 38.9 26.4 27.1 Drag Force k 67.4 49.6 43.5 Detail 14/SD3 16/SD3 18/SD2 Detail 19/SD5 20/SD6 7/SD6 Detail 14/SD3 Bolt-to-Shear Tab Capacity= (7)(12.6 k) = 88.2 k Shear Tab-to-Embed Plate Capacity= (2)(21 ")(5.57 k/in) = 234 k Embed Plate-to-Embed Plate Capacity = (2)(21 ")(5.57 k/in) = 234 k Detail 16/SD3 Embed Plate-to-A706 Bars Capacity= (1.33)(6)(.31 in2)(24000 psi) = 59.4 k A706 Bars-to-Concrete Capacity= (1.33)(6)(.31 in2)(24000 psi)= 59.4 k 59.4 k > 38.9k OK Bolt-to-Shear Tab Capacity= (5)(12.6 k) = 63.0 k Shear Tab-to-Embed Plate Capacity= (2)(15")(5.57 k/in) = 167 k Embed Plate-to-Embed Plate Capacity= (2)(15")(5.57 k/in) = 167 k Detail 18/SD2 Embed Plate-to-A706 Bars Capacity= (1.33)(4)(.31 in2)(24000 psi) = 39.6 k A706 Bars-to-Concrete Capacity= (1.33)(4)(.31 in2)(24000 psi) = 39.6 k 39.6 k > 26.4k OK Bolt-to-Shear Tab Capacity= (6)(12.6 k) = 75.6 k Shear Tab-to-Embed Plate Capacity= (2)(18")(5.57 k/in) = 200 k Embed Plate-to-Tube Steel= (3)(8")(3.71 k/in) = 89 k Embed Plate-to-Angle Capacity= (3)(12")(3.71 k/in) = 133.6 k Angle-to-A706 Bars Capacity= (1.33)(3)(.44 in2)(24000 psi) = 42.1 k A706 Bars-to-Concrete Capacity= (1.33)(3)(.44 in2)(24000 psi)= 42.1 k 42.1 k > 27.1k OK By: ---Page g-z.. of_ I Project: Lot 105 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. ----------Job#: 98240 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Date: Sept '98 Revised: Mar '99 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Detail 19/SDS Detail 20/SD6 SHEARWALUDRAG CONNECTIONS, continued Top Chord-to-Strap Capacity = (.5 in)(? in)(21.6 ksi) = 75.6 k Strap-to-Embed Plate Capacity= (.5 in)(? in)(21.6 ksi) = 75.6 k Embed Plate-to-Shear Stud Capacity = (.5 in)(8 in)(21.6 ksi) = 86.4 k Shear Stud-to-Concrete Capacity= (16 ft)(4.3 k/ft) = 68.8 k 68.8 k > 67.4 k OK Bolt-to-Shear Tab Capacity= (5)(12.6 k) = 63.0 k Shear Tab-to-Embed Plate Capacity= (2)(15")(5.57 k/in) = 167 k Embed Plate-to-Embed Plate Capacity= (2)(24")(3.71 k/in) = 178 k Detail 7/SD6 Embed Plate-to-A706 Bars Capacity= (1.33)(6)(.44 in2)(24000 psi) = 84.3 k A706 Bars-to-Concrete Capacity= (1.33)(6)(.44 in2)(24000 psi) = 84.3 k 63.0 k > 49.6 k OK Bolt-to-Shear Tab Capacity= (6)(12.6 k) = 75.6 k Shear Tab-to-Embed Plate Capacity = (2)(18")(5.57 k/in) = 200 k Embed Plate-to-Tube Steel= (3)(8")(3.71 k/in) = 89 k Embed Plate-to-Angle Capacity = (3)(12")(3. 71 k/in) = 133.6 k Angle-to-A706 Bars Capacity= (1.33)(3)(.44 in2)(24000 psi) = 42.1 k A706 Bars-to-Concrete Capacity= (1.33)(3)(.44 in2)(24000 psi) = 42.1 k 42.1 k > 27.1k OK By: ---Page i3 of_ I I Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San· Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 I General Information Description Stair Members Fy -Yield Stress 36.00 ksi Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope : New Building Multi-Span Steel Beam Load Duration Factor 1.00 All Spans Considered as Individual Beams I Span Information Span ft 18.00 5.00 4.50 Steel Shape MC12X10.6 MC12X10,6 C4XS.4 End Fixity Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin !Loads Dead Load k/ft 0.10 0.45 0.17 Live Load k/ft 0.25 0.45 0.17 Point #1 DL k LL k @X ft I Results Mmax@Cntr k-ft 14.2 2.8 0.9 @X= ft 9.00 2.50 2.25 Max@ Left End k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 Max @ Right End k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 fb: Actual psi 18,422.4 3,655.2 5,364.9 Fb : Allowable psi 21,600.0 21,600.0 21,600.0 Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Reactions & Deflections Shear@ Left k 3.15 2.25 0.76 Shear @ Right k 3.15 2.25 0.76 Reactions ... DL@ Left k 0.90 1.12 0.38 LL@ Left k 2.25 1.12 0.38 Total@ Left k 3.15 2.25 0.76 DL@Right k 0.90 1.12 0.38 LL@ Right k 2.25 1.12 0.38 Total @ Right k 3.15 2.25 0.76 Max. Deflection in -0.515 -0.008 -0.028 @X= ft 9.00 2.50 2.25 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\cmp2.ecw Job# 98240 Date: I KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 ,. -"' 5; Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc. a structural analysis and design company STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS PROJECT NAME: BLACKMORE LOT 105 DATE: SEPTMEBER 28, 1998 ENGINEER OF RECORD: FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS Design Loads Page 1 Design Values Page 2 -6 Vertical Design Page 7 -21 Foundation Design Page 22 -28 Tilt-up walls Page 29 -43 Lateral Design Page 44 -68 ~ , ~ ' ,,. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201, San Diego, CA 92128&' ~f a52:.:I FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 DESIGN LOADS Roof Beams & Purlins Above Office: Dead Load Roof Sub-Qurlins Dead Load Roof Members Live Load Floor Members Above Office: Dead Load Roofing Framing Plywood Insulation Ceiling Misc TOTAL Roofing Framing Plywood Insulation Misc TOTAL 0 -200 sq. ft 201 -600 sq. ft Over 600 sq. ft. Light Weight Concrete Framing Plywood Insulation Ceiling Misc TOTAL Partition Load Live Load Concentrated Load By: ---Page ..1.. 6.0 psf 3.5 1.5 0.5 2.0 1.5 15.0 psf 6.0 psf 1.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 11.0 psf 20 psf 16 psf 12 psf 32.0 psf 5.0 3.0 0.5 2.5 2.0 45.0 psf 20 psf 80 psf perusage ~ FIROUZI Project: Lot 105 CONSULTING Job#: 98240 By: ENGINEERS, INC. Date: Sept '98 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 DESIGN VALUES WOOD MEMBERS DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH 2" to 4" thick, 2" and wider No.1 Fb = 1000 psi Ft= 675 psi Fv = 95 psi Fe= 1450 psi No. 2 Fb = 875 psi Fe= 1300 psi 5" thick and larger No.1 B&S Fb = 1350 psi Fe= 625 psi No.1 P&T Fb = 1200 psi Fe= 1000 psi Grades Width Select Structural 2,3, and 4 No.1 and better 5 No.1, No.2, No.3 6 8 10 12 14 and wider Stud 2,3, and 4 5 and 6 GLULAM BEAMS 24F-V4 Bending: Axial: 24F-V8 Bending: Axial: Fe, .J.. = 625 psi Ft= 575 psi Fe, .J.. = 625 psi Ft= 675 psi Fe, .J.. = 625 psi Ft= 825 psi Fe, .J.. = 625 psi Size Factor, Cr Fb Thickness 2" & 3" 4" 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 Fb (T in T) = 2400 psi Fb (Tin C) = 1200 psi E = 1800000 psi Ft 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 1.1 1.0 E = 1700000 psi Fv = 95 psi E = 1600000 psi Fv = 85 psi E = 1600000 psi Fv = 85 psi E = 1600000 psi Fe 1.15 1.1 1.1 1.05 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.05 1.0 Fe, .J.. = 650 psi Fv = 165 psi F1 = 1150 psi Fe= 1650 psi E = 1600000 psi Fb (T in T) = 2400 psi Fb (T in C) = 2400 psi E = 1800000 psi F1 = 1100 psi Fe, .J.. = 650 psi Fv = 165 psi Fe= 1650 psi E = 1600000 psi Page .2... FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 DESIGN VALUES, continued SOIL Soils Report By: Geosoils, Inc. Job No.: W.O. 2473-A-SC By: Allowable Bearing Pressure = 2000 psf Allowable Passive Pressure = 225 pcf Minimum Footing Depth = 18 in. (continuous) Friction Coefficient= 0.35 STEEL = 24 in (isolated) Minimum Footing Width = 15 in. (continuous) = 24 in. (isolated) Expansion Potential = Medium Pipe Columns: ASTM A53 Grade B, Fy=35 ksi, Fu=60 ksi Tube Columns: ASTM A500 Grade B, Fy=46 ksi, Fu=58 ksi Other Shapes: ASTM A36, Fy=36 ksi CONCRETE Foundation, Slab, & Tilt-up Walls: CODE & PUBLICATIONS UBC 1994 Edition AISC, Ninth Edition PCI Design Handbook, Fourth Edition fc = 3000 psi Nelson Stud Welding Handbook for Non-Residential Construction Simpson Strong-Tie Connectors WOOD SHEARWALLS Shearwall Edge Fdn Bolt End Studs Sill Material Nailing (1 0d) (5/8" DIA.) (DFL) (PTDF) SW1 1/2" STR-1 6"O.C. 48"O.C. 2x6 2x6 SW2 1/2" STR-1 4"O.C. 36"O.C. 2x6 2x6 SW3 1/2" STR-1 3"O.C. 24"O.C. 3x6 3x6 SW4 1/2" STR-1 2"O.C. 12" O.C. 3x6 3x6 SW5* 1/2" STR-1 4"O.C. 6"O.C. 2x6 2x6 SW6* 1/2" STR-1 3"O.C. 6"O.C. 3x6 3x6 * denotes double-sided shearwall (plywood shall be staggered on each side) Top Plate Top of (DFL #2) Wall (A35) (2) 2x6 18" o.c. (2) 2x6 12"O.C. (2) 3x6 9"O.C. (2) 3x6 6"O.C. ·(2) 2x6 6"O.C. (2) 3x6 4"O.C. ----Page ..1. Shear #/ft 340 510 665 870 1020 1330 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 DESIGN VALUES, continued HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM 1/2" Thick Structural I rated plywood All edges supported (except at "e'? Nailed at: a) 2" O.C. EN & BN, FN at 12" O.C. (3x members req'd) b) 2 1/2" O.C. EN & BN, FN at 12" O.C. (3x members req'd) c) 4" O.C. EN & BN, FN at 12" O.C. d) 6" O.C. EN & BN, FN at 12" O.C. e) 6" O.C. EN & BN, FN at 12" O.C. 5/8" Thick Structural I rated plywood All edges supported (except at "e'? Nailed at: a) 2" O.C. EN & BN, FN at 12" O.C. (3x members req'd) b) 2 1/2" O.C. EN & BN, FN at 12" O.C. (3x members req'd) c) 4" O.C. EN & BN, FN at 12" O.C. d) 6" O.C. EN & BN, FN at 12" O.C. e) 6" O.C. EN & BN, FN at 12" O.C. CAPACITY OF HOLDDOWNS FOR CONCRETE TILT-UP PANELS Detail# 5/SD-1 A Cap. bar= (1.33)(0.442 in2)(24000 psi) Cap. weld= (2)(4")(1/4")(0.7)(0.3)(70,000 psi) B Cap.bar= (1.33)(0.601 in2)(24000 psi) Cap. weld= (2)(4")(1/4")(0.7)(0.3)(70,000 psi) C Cap.bar= (1.33)(0.786 in2)(24000 psi) Cap. weld= (2)(5.5")(1/4")(0.7)(0.3)(70,000 psi) D Cap.bar= (1.33)(1.0 in2)(24000 psi) Cap. weld= (2)(6")(1/4")(0.7)(0.3)(70,000 psi) E Cap.bar= (1.33)(1.23 in2)(24000 psi) Cap. weld= (2)(6.5")(1/4")(0.7)(0.3)(70,000 psi) Detail# 13/SD-1 C Cap.bar= (2)(1.33)(0.786 in2)(24000 psi) Cap. weld= (4)(5.5")(1 /4")(0. 7)(0.3)(70,000 psi) D Cap. bar= (2)(1.33)(1.0 in2)(24000 psi) Cap. weld= (4)(6")(1/4")(0.7)(0.3)(70,000 psi) E Cap. bar= (2)(1.33)(1.23 in2)(24000 psi) Cap. weld= (4)(6.5")(1/4")(0.7)(0.3)(70,000 psi) By: V = 820 #/ft V = 720 #/ft V = 425 #/ft V = 320 #/ft v=215#/ft V = 820 #/ft V = 720 #/ft V = 425 #/ft V = 320 #/ft v=215#/ft = 14,108 lbs = 29,400 lbs = 19,183 lbs = 29,400 lbs = 25,089 lbs = 40,425 lbs = 31,920 lbs = 44,100 lbs = 39,261 lbs = 47,775 lbs = 50,178 lbs = 80,850 lbs = 63,840 lbs = 88,200 lbs = 78,522 lbs = 95,550 lbs ---Page .A.. FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 DESIGN VALUES, continued CHORD CAPACITY Capacity= Area x f 5 x 1.33 Assumed weld size= 1/4" Capacity of 1/4" fillet weld = 371 O lbs Capacity of 3/8" fillet weld = 5570 lbs Capacity of 7/16" fillet weld= 6500 lbs 1-#6 2-#5 2-#6 2-#7 L5x3x1/2 C10x15.3 C10x20 Capacity= (.44)(24000)(1.33) = 14044 LBS Weld length required = (.44)(60000)(1.25) / ((2)(3710)) = 4.5 in Capacity = 2(.30)(24000)(1.33) = 19152 LBS Weld length required = (.30)(60000)(1.25) I ((2)(3710)) = 3.0 in Capacity = 2(.44)(24000)(1.33) = 28090 LBS Weld length required = (.44)(60000)(1.25) / ((2)(3710)) = 4.5 in Capacity = 2(.60)(24000)(1.33) = 38304 LBS Weld length required = (.60)(60000)(1.25) I ((2)(3710)) = 6.0 in Capacity= (3. 75)(24000)(1.33) = 119,700 LBS Splice plate capacity= (4 in)(.875 in)(24000)(1.33) = 111,720 LBS Splice weld capacity= (15 in)(5570 lbs) = 83,550 LBS Capacity= (4.49)(24000)(1.33) = 143,320 LBS Splice plate capacity = (8 in)(.625 in)(24000)(1.33) = 159,600 LBS Splice weld capacity= (27.5 in)(5570 lbs)= 153,175 LBS Capacity= (5.88)(24000)(1.33) = 187,689 LBS Splice plate capacity = (8 in)(.875 in)(24000)(1.33) = 223,440 LBS Splice weld capacity= (27.5 in)(6500 lbs)= 178,750 LBS CAPACITY OF 8" CONCRETE WALL Section 1911.1.1 Section 1911.10.3 Section 1911.10.4 Vu<~ Vn Vn= Vn+Vc Vu<~ CVn + Ve) Shear strength V n at any horizontal section for shear in plane of wall shall not be taken greater than: Vn < 10 (fc)°-5 hd < (10)(3000 psi)°-5(8")(12")(0.8) < 42065 #/ft For design for horizontal shear forces in plane of wall, d = I w By: ----Page_§_ FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 By: 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Section 1911.10.5 Section 1921.2.7 Section 1921.6.5.1 Section 1909.3 Section 1921.6.2.1 Section 1921.6.2.2 Section 1921.6.2.3 Unless a more detailed calculation is made, shear strength VO shall not be taken greater than: Ve= 2 (f e)0·5 hd = (2)(3000 psi)0·5(8")(12") = 10516 #/ft If Vu> ~Ve/ 2, shearwall reinforcing shall be per Section 1911.10.9 If Vu> ~Ve, the value of V5 =Avfyd I s2 For earthquake loading, the load factors shall be modified to: U = 1.4 (D + L + E) U = 0.9D + 1.4E The shear strength reduction factor~, shall be per Section 1909.3 Shear strength reduction factor ~, shall be 0. 85 for shear and torsion Minimum reinforcing ratio = 0. 0025 As= (0.0025)(8")(12") = 0.24 in2 (#5 at 14" o.c. each way minimum) Provide two curtains of reinforcement if the in-plane factored shear exceeds 2A cv (fc) 0·5 For one layer of reinforcing: Vallow.= (2)(8"/2 X 12")(3000 psi)0·5(0.8) = 4207 lb/ft When Vu in the plane of the wall exceeds Acv(fc) 0·5, horizontal reinforcement terminating at the edges of shear walls shall have a standard hook engaging the edge reinforcement. V = (8"/2 X 12")(3000 psi)0·5 = 2629 lb/ft allow. Special transverse reinforcement for shearwalls is not required if maximum extreme fiber stress< 0.2 r 0 Fu= (9)(10516 #/ft)(1'}2![(12")(8")2] = 123 psi 0.2 f e: 0.2 (3000 psi) = 600 psi > 123 psi OK, No boundary member required ----Page_§_ . FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Sub Purlins Above Office Span (ft) Joist Spacing (in) rb (psi) f v (psi) E (psi) Tributary area {ft2) w (lb/ ft) Reaction (lb) Moment (lb-ft) 8 24 1000 95 1.7E+06 16 70 280 560 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 ROOF FRAMING 8'-0" Span Allow Deft. I I xxx Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) Cr CF Co Allow Deft. (in) S req (in3) A req (in2) I req (in4) 240 15 20 1.15 1.3 1.25 0.40 3.60 3.54 9.49 Use 2x6 DFL #1 at 24" O.C. (Use 4x4 DFL #1 at Straps) Span (ft) ·10 Joist Spacing (in) 24 rb (psi) 1000 fv (psi) 95 E (psi) 1.7E+06 Tributary area (ft2) 20 w (lb/ ft) 70 Reaction (lb) 350 Moment (lb-ft) 875 1 O' -0" Span Allow Defl. I I xxx Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) Cr CF Co Allow Defl. (in) S req (in3) A req (in2) I req (in4) 240 15 20 1.15 1.3 1.25 0.50 5.62 4.42 18.53 Use 2x6 DFL #1 at 24" O.C. (Use 4x6 DFL #1 at Straps) Span (ft) Joist Spacing (in) rb (psi) fv (psi) E (psi) Allow Deft. I I xxx Tributary area (ft2) w (lb/ ft) Reaction (lb) Moment (lb-ft) 8'-0" Soan w/ Mechanical Unit 8 24 875 95 1.7E+06 240 16 86 342.5 685 Point Load (lbs) Dead Load {ps f) Live Load (psf) Cr CF Co Allow Deft. (in) S req (in3) A req (in2) I req (in4) Use 4x6 DFL #1 at 24" O.C. under mech. unit 500 15 20 1.15 1.3 1.25 0.40 5.03 4.33 11.60 By: ----Page "1 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Purlins RP-1) Span (ft) Spacing (ft) Trib Area (ft2) 48 8 384 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 ROOF FRAMING Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) WTL {lb/ ft) WLL (lb/ ft) CJr=I c=JL] 248 128 Use: 26K1 0 or 28LH07 open web steel joists RP-2) RP-3) Girders RG-1) RG-2) Joists RJ-1) Span (ft) Spacing (ft) Trib Area (ft2) 48 10 480 Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) WTL (lb/ ft) CJr=I c=JL] 310 WLL (lb / ft) 160 Use: 30K11 or 28LH07 open web steel joists Span (ft) Spacing (ft) Trib Area (ft2) 25 8 200 Use: 18K3 open web steel joists Span (ft) Trib Width (ft) Trib Area (ft2) Span (ft) Trib Width (ft) Trib Area (ft2) Span (ft) Trib Width (ft) Trib Area (ft2) 28 48 1344 28 36 1008 16 2 32 Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) WTL (lb/ ft) CJr=I ~ 280 WLL {lb / ft) 160 Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) WLL (lb/ ft) Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) WLL (lb/ ft) Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) WLL (lb/ ft) EE 2 720 576 EE 2 540 432 CJr=I C!LJ 30 24 By: ----,,,,- Page..6._ .. Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 I General. Information Description Roof Girders Fy -Yield Stress 36.00 ksi Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope : New Building Multi-Span Steel Beam Load Duration Factor 1.00 All Spans Considered as Individual Beams I Span Information Span ft 28.00 28.00 Steel Shape W24XSS W21X44 End Fixity Pin-Pin Pin-Pin I Loads Dead Load k/ft I 0.72 0.54 Live Load k/ft 0.58 0.43 Results Mmax@Cntr k-ft 127.0 95.3 @X= ft 14.00 14.00 Max @ Left End k-ft 0.0 0.0 Max@ Right End k-ft 0.0 0.0 fb: Actual psi 13,392.7 14,007.0 Fb : Allowable psi 21,298.8 20,832.9 Bending OK Bending OK Reactions & Deflections Shear@Left k 18.14 13.61 Shear @ Right k 18.14 13.61 Reactions ... DL@Left k 10.08 7.56 LL@ Left k 8.06 6.05 Total@ Left k 18.14 13.61 DL@Right k 10.08 7.56 LL@Right k 8.06 6.05 Total @ Right k 18.14 13.61 Max. Deflection in -0.461 -0.550 @X= ft 14.00 14.00 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw Job# 98240 Date: 4 • r I I KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope : New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 General Timber Beam I General Information Description RJ-1 Section Name Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type 2x12 1.500 in 11.250 in Sawn Center Span Left Cantilever 16.00 ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu Right Cantilever ft ..... Lu LL & ST Act Together Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density I Uniform Loads 1.250 Pin-Pin 34.000 pcf Uniform Loads Over Full Span Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL I Summary I DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH, No.2 Fb Allow 875.0 psi Fv Allow 95.0 psi Fe Allow 1,300.0 psi E 1,600.0 ksi 30.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL LL LL 24.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft Span= 16.00ft, Beam Width = 1.500in x Depth = 11.25in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.643 : 1 Maximum Moment Allowable 1.9 k-ft 2.9 k-ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 Allowable Max. Positive Mom Max. Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 703. 72 psi Fb 1,093.75 psi I Deflections Center Span ... Deflection ... Location ... Length/Def! 1.86 k-ft a 0.00k-ft a 8.000 ft 0.000 ft Shear: 0.00k-ft 0.00k-ft 2.88 fv 36.62 psi Fv 118.75 psi Dead Load -0.176 in 8.000 ft 1,091.1 Total Load -0.300 in 8.000 ft 639.48 Reactions ... Left DL Right DL Camber: 0.271< 0.27k Left Cantilever ... Deflection ... Length/Deft Right Cantilever ... Deflection ... Length/Def! @Left @Right @Left @Center @Right Max Max Dead Load 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Job# 98240 Beam Design OK 0.6 k 2.0 k 0.46k 0.46 k 0.000 in 0.264 in 0.000 in 0.46< 0.46k Total Load 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 • I ' (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Date: Description : Scope : New Building Job# 98240 ll General Timber Beam I I Stress Cales Bending Analysis Ck 31.019 Rb 1.000 @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Actual Stress : fv Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction I Query Values 0.000 Sxx Max Moment 1.86 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft @ Left Support 0.62 k 5.203 in2 118. 75 psi 0.46 k 0.46 k M, V, & D @ Specified Locations @ Center Span Location= 0.00 ft @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC 31.641 in3 Area 16.875 in2 Sxx Reg'd 20.36 in3 0.00 in3 0.00 in3 @ Right Support 0.62 k 5.203 in2 118.75 psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd Moment 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw Actual fb 1,093.75 psi 1,093.75 psi 1,093.75 psi 0.238 in 0.238 in Shear 0.46 k 0.00 k 0.00 k Deflection 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in r I KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 -----------Job#: 98240 By: ---Date: Sept '98 Pagejb ROOF FRAMING, continued Beams RB-1) RB-2) RB-3) RB-4) RB-5) RB-6) RB-7) RB-8) Span (ft) Trib Width {ft) Trib Area (ft2) Span (ft) Trib Width (ft) Trib Area (ft2) Span (ft) Trib Width (ft) Trib Area (ft2) Axial (kips) Span (ft) Trib Width (ft) Trib Area (ft2) Span (ft) Trib Width (ft) Glass Height (ft) Trib Area (ft2) Span (ft) Trib Width (ft) Glass Height (ft) Trib Area (ft2) Span (ft) Trib Width (ft) Glass Height (ft) Trib Area (ft2) Span (ft) Trib Width (ft) Glass Height (ft) Trib Area (ft2) 48 9 432 34 9 306 6 9 54 42 20 9 180 E 224 ffi 16 rn 437 EB 585.2 Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) BB 135 WLL (lb / ft) 144 Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) WLL (lb/ ft) Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) WLL (lb/ ft) Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) WLL (lb/ ft) Roof DL (psf) Roof LL (psf) Glass DL (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) BB 135 144 BB 135 180 BB 135 180 §§ 300 WLL (lb / ft) 128 Roof DL (psf) Roof LL (psf) Glass DL (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) WLL (lb/ ft) Roof DL (psf) Roof LL (psf) Glass DL (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) rn 195 0 §§ 465 WLL (lb / ft) 304 Roof DL (psf) Roof LL (psf) Glass DL (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) §§ 465 WLL (lb / ft) 304 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 105 Job# 98240 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 Dsgnr: Date: San Diego, California 92128 Description : Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope: New Building \".? Fax: (619) 485-6201 I Multi-Span Steel Beam I 11 =nn:i--=.z=: &'!-·: a 'iii ,I . ..,"-·-·-' ~-~-· ,.-".,~ ... , I General Information I Description Roof Beams ! Fy -Yield Stress 36.00 ksi Load Duration Factor 1.00 All Spans Considered as Individual Beams I Span Information I Span ft 48.00 34.00 6.00 20.00 28.00 16.00 23.00 30.80 Steel Shape W21X44 Wl8X35 Wl8X35 Wl8X35 Wl8X35 Wl4X22 Wl6X31 W21X44 End Fixity Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin !Loads I Dead Load k/ft I 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.30 0.20 0.47 0.47 Live Load k/ft 0.14 0.18 0.18 0.13 0.30 0.30 Results Mmax@Cntr k-ft 80.4 20.8 1.4 15.7 41.9 6.2 50.9 91.2 @X= ft 24.00 17.00 3.00 10.00 14.00 .8.00 11.50 15.40 Max @ Left End k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Max @ Right End k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 fb: Actual psi 11,815.5 4,310.1 293.6 3,262.4 8,688.0 2,585.1 12,920.0 13,408.9 Fb : Allowable psi 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Reactions & Deflections Shear@Left k 6.70 2.45 0.94 3.15 5.99 1.56 8.84 11.84 Shear @ Right k 6.70 2.45 0.94 3.15 5.99 1.56 8.84 11.84 Reactions ... DL@ Left k 3.24 2.45 0.40 1.35 4.20 1.56 5.35 7.16 LL@ Left k 3.46 0.00 0.54 1.80 1.79 0.00 3.50 4.68 Total@Left k 6.70 2.45 0.94 3.15 5.99 1.56 8.84 11.84 DL@Right k 3.24 2.45 0.40 1.35 4.20 1.56 5.35 7.16 LL@Right k 3.46 0.00 0.54 1.80 1.79 0.00 3.50 4.68 Total @ Right k 6.70 2.45 0.94 3.15 5.99 1.56 8.84 11.84 Max. Deflection in -1.363 -0.291 -0.001 -0.076 -0.398 -0.050 -0.445 -0.637 @X= ft 24.00 17.00 3.00 10.00 14.00 8.00 11.50 15.40 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 FIROUZI Project: Lot 105 CONSULTING Job#: 98240 By: ENGINEERS, INC. Date: Sept '98 PageH 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 FLOOR FRAMING ~ Floor Pur/ins FP-1) Span (ft) 24 Spacing (ft) EE Dead Load (psf) 65 Live Load (psf) WTL (lb/ ft) 1015 WLL (lb/ ft) 560 Use: Use 24LH steel bar joist FP-2) Span (ft) I 12 Spacing (ft) EE Dead Load (psf) 65 Live Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) 1015 WLL (lb/ ft) 560 Use: Use 20LH steel bar joist FP-3) Span (ft) 24 Spacing (ft) EE Dead Load (psf) 65 Live Load (psf) WTL (lb/ ft) 798 WLL (lb/ ft) 440 Use: Use 24LH steel bar joist Girders FG-1) Trib width (fl) rn Dead Load (psf) EE Trib Length (ft) 28 Live Load (psf) 0 # of Joist Spaces 4 Nodal Load (lbs) 19488 Use: 34G 4N 20.0K Joist Girder FG-2) Trib Width (ft) rn Dead Load (psf) EE Trib Length (ft) 33 Live Load (psf) 0 # of Joist Spaces 5 Nodal Load (lbs) 19140 Use: 34G SN 20.0K Joist Girder FG-3) Trib width (ft) ffi Dead Load (psf) EE Trib Length (ft) 36.5 Live Load (psf) 0 # of Joist Spaces 7 Nodal Load (lbs) 15878 Use: 34G 7N 20.0K Joist Girder FG-4) Span (ft) 13.25 Trib Width (ft) BB Dead Load (psf) 65 Live Load (psf) 0 WoL (lb/ ft} 1560 WLL (lb/ ft) 1920 Use: Wide Flange Beam Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 I General Information Description Floor Girders Fy -Yield Stress 36.00 ksi Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope : New Building Multi-Span Steel Beam Load Duration Factor 1.00 All Spans Considered as Individual Beams I Span Information Span ft 28.00 13.25 Steel Shape W27X84 Wl8X40 End Fixity Pin-Pin Pin-Pin !Loads Dead Load k/ft I 1.56 1.56 Live Load k/ft 1.92 1.92 Results Mmax@Cntr k-ft 341.0 76.4 @X= ft 14.00 6.62 Max @ Left End k-ft 0.0 0.0 Max @ Right End k-ft 0.0 0.0 fb: Actual psi 19,177.2 13,402.1 Fb : Allowable psi 23,760.0 23,760.0 Bending OK Bending OK Reactions & Deflections Shear@Left k 48.72 23.05 Shear @ Right k 48.72 23.05 Reactions ... DL@ Left k 21.84 10.33 LL@ Left k 26.88 12.72 Total@ Left k 48.72 23.05 DL@Right k 21.84 10.33 LL@Right k 26.88 12.72 Total @ Right k 48.72 23.05 Max. Deflection in -0.582 -0.136 @X= ft 14.00 6.62 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw Job# 98240 Date: \b • r I I KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 FLOOR FRAMING, continued Beams FB-1) Span (ft) FB-2) FB-3) FB-4) FB-5) FB-6) FB-7) FB-8) Joists Dead Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) Point Load (lb) Span (ft) Dead Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) Span (ft) Dead Load (psf) Glass Height (ft) WoL (lb/ ft) Span (ft) Dead Load (psf) Glass Height (ft) WoL (lb/ ft) Span (ft) Dead Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) Span (ft) Dead Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) Span (ft) Dead Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) Point Load (lb) Span (ft) Dead Load (psf) Glass Height (ft) WoL (lb/ ft) Point Load (lb) FJ-1) Span (ft) Dead Load (psf) WoL (lb/ ft) 24 65 325 8700 16.5 65 357.5 at 12' ffi 1080 ffi 820 10 65 390 14 45 270 16.5 45 225 1015 ffi 525 at 7' 6000 at 13' 6 45 60 Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) Glass DL (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) Glass DL (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) Glass DL (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) Point Load (lb) Trib Width (ft) Live Load (psf) WLL (lb/ ft) EE 400 BE1 440 §§ 960 rn 640 6 80 480 ~ 600 EiE 500 rn 500 9000 at 6.5' ~ 133 By: ----PageJ.b Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 105 Job# 98240 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 Dsgnr: Date: San Diego, California 92128 Description : Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope: New Building lt Fax: (619) 485-6201 I Multi-Span Steel Beam I I General Information I Description Floor Beams Fy -Yield Stress 36.00 ksi Load Duration Factor 1.00 All Spans Considered as Individual Beams I Span Information I Span ft 24.00 16.50 17.00 31.00 10.00 14.00 16.50 27.00 Steel Shape W21X44 W18X3S W18X3S W24XSS W14X26 W14X22 W16X31 W24XSS End Fixity Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pin jLoads I Dead Load k/ft 0.33 0.36 1.08 0.82 0.39 0.27 0.23 0.53 Live Load k/ft 0.40 0.44 0.96 0.64 0.48 0.60 0.50 0.50 Point #1 DL k 8.70 6.10 6.00 LL k @X ft 12.000 7.000 13.000 Point#2 DL k 9.00 LL k @X ft 6.500 Results Mmax@Cntr k-ft 104.4 27.2 73.7 175.4 10.9 21.3 48.6 164.0 @X= ft 12.00 8.25 8.50 15.50 5.00 7.00 7.04 12.96 Max @ Left End k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Max @ Right End k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 fb: Actual psi 15,351.6 5,625.1 15,264.8 18,493.7 3,704.6 8,830.2 12,354.2 17,292.8 Fb : Allowable psi 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Reactions & Deflections Shear@ Left k 13.05 6.58 17.34 22.63 4.35 6.09 9.49 23.78 Shear @ Right k 13.05 6.58 17.34 22.63 4.35 6.09 8.57 18.89 Reactions ... DL@Left k 8.25 2.95 9.18 12.71 1.95 1.89 5.37 17.03 LL@Left k 4.80 3.63 8.16 9.92 2.40 4.20 4.12 6.75 Total@ Left k 13.05 6.58 17.34 22.63 4.35 6.09 9.49 23.78 DL@ Right k 8.25 2.95 9.18 12.71 1.95 1.89 4.44 12.14 LL@Right k 4.80 3.63 8.16 9.92 2.40 4.20 4.12 6.75 Total @ Right k 13.05 6.58 17.34 22.63 4.35 6.09 8.57 18.89 Max. Deflection in -0.398 -0.089 -0.258 -0.781 -0.028 -0.130 -0.199 -0.534 @X= ft 12.00 8.25 8.50 15.50 5.00 7.00 8.03 13.14 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope : New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 General Timber Beam I General Information Description FJ-1 Section Name Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type 2x10 1.500 in 9.250 in Sawn Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever 6.00 ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu LL & ST Act Together Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density I Uniform Loads 1.000 Pin-Pin 34.000 pcf Uniform Loads Over Full Span Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL I Summary I DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH, No.2 Fb Allow 875.0 psi Fv Allow 95.0 psi Fe Allow 1,300.0 psi E 1,600.0 ksi 60.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL LL LL 133.30 #/ft #/ft #/ft Span=6.00ft, Beam Width= 1.500in x Depth= 9.25in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.516 : 1 Maximum Moment Allowable 0.9 k-ft 1.7 k-ft Maximum Shear * 1.5 Allowable Max. Positive Mom Max. Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 496.25 psi Fb 962.50 psi I Deflections Center Span ... Deflection ... Location ... Length/Def! 0.88 k-ft a 0.00 k-ft a 3.000 ft 0.000 ft Shear: 0.00k-ft 0.00k-ft 1.72 fv 47.43 psi Fv 95.00 psi Dead Load -0.012 in 3.000 ft 6,176.9 Total Load -0.036 in 3.000 ft 1,988.30 Reactions ... Left DL Right DL Camber: 0.19< 0.19 k Left Cantilever ... Deflection ... Length/Deft Right Cantilever ... Deflection ... Length/Def! @Left @Right @Left @Center @Right Max Max Dead Load 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Job# 98240 Beam Design OK 0.7 k 1.3 k 0.59k 0.59 k 0.000 in 0.017 in 0.000 in 0.59< 0.59k Total Load 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 \~ a r l l {c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 105 Job# 98240 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 Dsgnr: Date: San 'Diego, California 92128 Description : Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope: Fax: (619) 485-6201 New Building 1q I General Timber Beam • I Stress Cales I Bending Analysis Ck 34.680 Rb 0.000 Sxx 21.391 in3 Area 13.875 in2 Cf 1.100 Max Moment Sxx Reg'd Actual fb @Center 0.88 k-ft 11.03in3 962.50 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k-ft 0.00 in3 962.50 psi @ Right Support 0.00 k-ft 0.00 in3 962.50 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @ Right Support Design Shear 0.66 k 0.66 k Area Required 6.928 in2 6.928 in2 Actual Stress : fv 95.00 psi 95.00 psi Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction 0.59 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.302 in Max. Right Reaction 0.59 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.302 in I Query Values I M, V, & D@Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.59 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Column Size Height of Column (FT) Load (KIPS) Section Modulus (IN3) Area (IN2) Modulus of Elasticity (IN4) r (IN) Capacity of Column (LBS) I Rw I Maximum Deflection (IN) e (IN) Moment (IN-K) fb (KSI) fa (KSI) Kl/r Fb (KSI) F'e (KSI) Fa (KSI) I fa/F a+Cmf J[(1-f afF'e)Fb] Roof+ Floor TS 8x8x1/2 14 134 32.9 14.4 131 3.03 315 6 0.84 2.52 337.68 10.26 9.31 55.45 21.6 48.53 17.9 1.11 Project: _L_ot_1_0_5 __________ _ Job#: 982 By: ---------Date: Sept '98 Page:2f2 COLUMNS Roof+ Floor Floor Only W12x50 TS 6x6x1/2 14 14 51 98 13.9 16.8 14.7 10.4 56.3 50.5 1.96 2.21 216 194 6 6 0.84 0.84 2.52 2.52 128.52 246.96 9.25 14.70 3.47 9.42 85.71 76.02 21.6 21.6 20.31 25.82 14.6 15.79 < 1.7 OK 0.75 < 1.7 OK 1.67 < 1.7 OK I 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 / General Information Description Roof + Floor Axial Load 134.00 k X-X Axis Moment 0.00 k-ft Plate Height 16.000 in Plate Width 16.000 in Pier Height 60.000 in Pier Width 60.000 in fc 3,000.0 psi Fy 36.00 ksi LDF 1.000 Summary I Plate Design Min. Req'd Plate Thick Analysis Type 1.158 in 3 0.000 k Tension Force per Bolt Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Date: Description : Scope : New Building Steel Column Base Plate fit#-!#MW!lfl-1 b1 r *-· i$1Glj!' -ttttt-·Ek £-.~1 " 5 ~ Steel Section Section Depth Section Width Flange Thick Web Thick Anchor Bolt Data Dist. from Plate Edge Bolt Count per Side Tension Capacity Bolt Area Allow Concrete Bearing PerACI 10.15 Per AISC Jg TS8x8x1/2 8.000 in 8.000 in 0.500 in 0.500 in 1.500 in 2 2.790 k 0.442 in2 3,570.0 psi 2,100.0 psi Plate Analysis for Specified Thickness Job# 98240 ~, = _, h _,. \ 1 ' Bearing Stress 523.44 psi Plate Thickness 1.2500 in Max Plate Capacity for Allow. Bearing (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC 537.60k Max Allow Plate Fb Actual fb C:\ENERCALC\LOT105.ECW 27,000.0 psi 23, 155.2 psi KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 FOUNDATION DESIGN Continuous Footings Roof DL = Floor DL = Weight of Concrete = 15 65 145 Along Line 1 & 5 Wall Thickness = Wall Height= Roof Trib. Width = Floor Trib. Width = Along Line 3 Wall Thickness = Wall Height= Roof Trib. Width = Floor Trib. Width = Spread Footings Roof+ Floor Roof Trib. Area = Floor Trib. Area = Floor Only Trib. Area= PSF PSF PCF 8 31 24 12 11.25 30 48 24 1344 672 672 IN FT FT FT IN FT FT FT FT2 FT2 FT2 Roof LL= Floor LL= LL Reduction = WoL= WLL: WoL= WLL= PoL = PLL = PoL = PLL = By: _P_a_g_e_2.J-_ 20 80 75 4137 1080 6358 2160 63840 52416 43680 40320 PSF PSF % PLF PLF PLF PLF LBS LBS LBS LBS Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# 98240 Date: New Building I General Footing Analysis & Design I General Information Description Along Line 1 & 5 Allowable Soil Bearing Short Term Increase Base Pedistal Height Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Live & Short Term Combined fc Fy Concrete Weight I Loads Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load 2,000.0 psf 1.330 in 0.000 in 4 0.00 psf 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 145.00 pcf 4.137 k 1.080 k k a@ ~w?fit•:.•ea, Dimensions ... Width along X-X Axis Length along Y-Y Axis Footing Thickness Col Dim. Along X-X Axis Col Dim. Along Y-Y Axis Min Steel Rebar Cover ... ecc along X-X Axis ... ecc along Y-Y Axis 0.000 in 0.000 in --$5 ,_ .. 3.000 ft 1.000 ft 15.00 in 8.00in 12.00 in 0.0014 3.00in Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis Creates Rotation about X-X Axis Applied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Summary (pressures @ left & right) k-ft k-ft k-ft Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k k k (pressures @ top & bot) k-ft k-ft k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k k k Footing Design OK 3.00 ft X 1.00 ft Footing, 15.0 in Thick, w/8.00 x 12.00 in column o.o in high DL+LL DL+LL+ST Actual Allowable Max Soil Pressure 1,920.2 1,920.2 psf Max Mu/Phi 1.922 k-ft Allowable 2,000.0 2,660.0 psf Required Steel Area 0.202in2 "X' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 0.000 in Vu: 1-Way 2.480 93.113 psi "Y' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 0.000 in Vu: 2-Way 3.096 186.226 psi X-X Min. Stability Ratio 999.000 :1 1.500 :1 Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio 999.000:1 r ' (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: New Building General Footing Analysis & Design I Footing Design Shear Forces ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Two-Way Shear 3.10 2.96 1.51 psi One-Way Shears ... Vu/Phi @ Left 2.48 2.37 1.20 Vu/Phi @ Right 2.48 2.37 1.20 Vu/Phi@Top 0.00 0.00 0.00 Vu/Phi @ Bottom 0.00 0.00 0.00 Moments ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Mu/Phi @ Left 1.92 1.84 0.94 k-ft Mu/Phi @ Right 1.92 1.84 0.94 Mu/Phi@Top 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mu/Phi @ Bottom 0.00 0.00 0.00 I Soil Pressure Summary Service Load Soil Pressures Left Right DL+ LL 1,920.25 1,920.25 DL +LL+ ST 1,920.25 1,920.25 Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 2,796.35 2,796.35 ACI Eq. 9-2 2,688.35 2,688.35 ACI Eq. 9-3 1,404.22 1,404.22 I ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) as, .. +¥ . ...,,_._, -*4 , M -.JA • Vn * Phi 186.23 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi &L 13.3 psi 13.3 0.0 0.0 Top 1,920.25 1,920.25 2,796.35 2,688.35 1,404.22 Date: As Reg'd 0.20 in2 0.20 0.02 0.02 Bottom 1,920.25 psf 1,920.25 psf 2,796.35 psf 2,688.35 psf 1,404.22 psf Job# 98240 ;,*E _,, ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 1.400 1.400 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 0.900 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1. 700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic= ST*: 1.100 ' I t (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# 98240 Date: New Building General Footing Analysis & Design I General Information Description Along Line 3 Allowable Soil Bearing Short Term Increase Base Pedistal Height Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Live & Short Term Combined fc Fy Concrete Weight I Loads Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load 2,000.0 psf 1.330 in 0.000 in 4 0.00 psf 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 145.00 pcf 6.358 k 2.160 k k Dimensions ... Width along X-X Axis Length along Y-Y Axis Footing Thickness Col Dim. Along X-X Axis Col Dim. Along Y-Y Axis Min Steel Rebar Cover ... ecc along X-X Axis ... ecc along Y-Y Axis 0.000 in 0.000 in 5.000 ft 1.000 ft 15.00 in 11.25 in 12.00 in 0.0014 3.00in Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis Creates Rotation about X-X Axis Applied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Summary (pressures @ left & right) k-ft k-ft k-ft Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k k k (pressures @ top & bot) k-ft k-ft k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k k k Footing Design OK 5.00 ft x 1.00 ft Footing, 15.0 in Thick, w/11.25 x 12.00 in column 0.0 in high Max Soil Pressure Allowable "X' Ecc, of Resultant "Y' Ecc, of Resultant X-X Min. Stability Ratio Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio DL+LL 1,884.8 2,000.0 0.000 in 0.000 in 999.000:1 999.000:1 DL+LL+ST 1,884.8 psf 2,660.0 psf 0.000 in 0.000 in 1.500 :1 Actual Max Mu/Phi 5.764 k-ft Required Steel Area Vu: 1-Way 18.781 Vu : 2-Way 6.864 Allowable 0.202 in2 93.113 psi 186.226 psi ZS • r ' (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 .. Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Job# 98240 Date: Description : Scope: New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 General Footing Analysis & Design I Footing Design Shear Forces ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Two-Way Shear 6.86 6.51 3.12 psi One-Way Shears ... Vu/Phi @ Left 18.78 17.82 8.56 Vu/Phi @ Right 18.78 17.82 8.56 Vu/Phi @Top 0.00 0.00 0.00 Vu/Phi @ Bottom 0.00 0.00 0.00 Moments ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Mu/Phi @ Left 5.76 5.47 2.62 k-ft Mu/Phi @ Right 5.76 5.47 2.62 Mu/Phi@Top 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mu/Phi @ Bottom 0.00 0.00 0.00 I Soil Pressure Summary Service Load Soil Pressures Left Right DL+ LL 1,884.85 1,884.85 DL +LL+ ST 1,884.85 1,884.85 Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 2,768.39 2,768.39 ACI Eq. 9-2 2,638.79 2,638.79 ACI Eq. 9-3 1,307.56 1,307.56 J ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic= ST*: 1.100 ii Mfi-ati· -:I-.u:q G ~.x ,f,. Vn * Phi 186.23 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi B!L 40.0 psi 40.0 0.0 0.0 Top 1,884.85 1,884.85 2,768.39 2,638.79 1,307.56 0.750 1.400 1.400 As Reg'd 0.20 in2 0.20 0.02 0.02 Bottom 1,884.85 psf 1,884.85 psf 2,768.39 psf 2,638.79 psf 1,307.56 psf USC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor USC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor , • e_; I 1.400 0.900 I I t (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# 98240 Date: New Building Square ·Footing Design I General Information Description Roof + Floor Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Concrete Weight LL & ST Act Seperately Load Duration Factor Column Dimension I General Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 200/Fy As Req'd by Analysis Min. Reinf % to Req'd I Summary I 63.840 k 52.420 k 0.000 4 0.000 psf 145.00 pcf 1.330 8.00 in 20.375 in 0.0033 0.0009 in2 0.0014 % 8.50ft square x 24.0in thick with 7-#6 bars Max. Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure Max. Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure Mu / Phi : Actual Mn : Capacity 1,899.13 psf 2,000.00 psf 1, 173.60 psf 2,660.00 psf 24.51 k-ft 36.27 k-ft Footing Dimension Thickness # of Bars Bar Size Rebar Cover fc Fy Allowable Soil Bearing As to USE per foot of Width Total As Req'd Min Allow % Reinf Actual 1-Way Shear Allow. 1-Way Shear Actual 2-Way Shear Allowable 2-Way Shear Alternate Rebar Selections ... 8.500 ft 24.00 in 7 6 3.250 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 2,000.00 psf 0.342 in2 2.910 in2 0.0014 Footing OK 30.71 psi 109.54 psi 97.54 psi 219.09 psi 15 #4's 10 #5's 7 #6's 5 # 7's 4 # 8's 3 # 9's 3 # 10's r (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# 98240 Date: New Building Square Footing Design I General Information Description Floor Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Concrete Weight LL & ST Act Seperately Load Duration Factor Column Dimension I General Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 200/Fy As Req'd by Analysis Min. Reinf % to Req'd I Summary I 43.680 k 40.320 k 0.000 4 0.000 psf 145.00 pcf 1.330 6.00 in 17.438 in 0.0033 0.0009 in2 0.0014 % 7.00ft square x 21.0in thick with 7-#5 bars Max. Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure Max. Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure Mu / Phi : Actual Mn : Capacity 1,968.04 psf 2,000.00 psf 1,145.18 psf 2,660.00 psf 17.62 k-ft 26.56 k-ft 4 ?U&fff$ fS(L 4\ S it; ; -- Footing Dimension Thickness # of Bars Bar Size Rebar Cover fc Fy Allowable Soil Bearing As to USE per foot of Width Total As Req'd Min Allow % Reinf Actual 1-Way Shear Allow. 1-Way Shear Actual 2-Way Shear Allowable 2-Way Shear Alternate Rebar Selections ... -'f 7.000 ft 21.00 in 7 5 3.250 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 2,000.00 psf 0.293 in2 2.051 in2 0.0014 Footing OK 30.33 psi 109.54 psi 97.62 psi 219.09 psi 11 # 4's 7 # 5's 5 # 6's 4 # 7's 3 # 8's 3 # 9's 2 # 1 O's t ' (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 PANEL DESIGN Wind Load: C -e-1.19 Cq= 1.2 qs = 12.6 I= 1.0 Panel Data: Panel Designation: Exterior Panels, Roof: 4'-0" Leg Data Wall Height= 14.5 ft Wall Thickness = Parapet Height = 2.5 ft Distance to Rebar= Purlin Span= 48 ft Reveal Thickness = Ledger Width = 3.5 in Roof Dead Load = Opening Width = 20 ft Roof Live Load = Opening Height = 7 ft Wall Dead Load = Leg Width= 4 ft Calculation e= 7.5 in Addt'I. Lateral = PoL = 360 plf VoL= PLL = 384 plf VLL = Panel Designation: Exterior Panels, Floor: 4'-0" Leg Data Wall Height= 14 ft Wall Thickness = Parapet Height = 0 ft Distance to Rebar = Roof Framing Span = 48 ft Reveal Thickness = Floor Framing Span = 24 ft Roof Dead Load = Ledger Width = 3.5 in Roof Live Load = Opening Width = 20 ft Floor Dead Load = Opening Height = 10 ft Floor Live Load = Leg Width= 4 ft Wall Dead Load = Calculation e= 7.5 in Addt'I. Lateral = PoL = 1140 plf VoL= PLL = 1344 plf VLL= By: -P-a-ge-~...,,...,.. 18.0 psf 8 in 6.25 in 0.75 in 15 psf 16 psf 97 psf 44.2 psf 3317 plf 960 plf 8 in 6.25 in 0.75 in 15 psf 16 psf 65 psf 80 psf 97 psf 72.5 psf 3817 plf 3360 plf FIROUZI Project: Lot 105 CONSULTING Job#: 98240 By: ENGINEERS, INC. Date: Sept '98 Page~ 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 PANEL DESIGN, continued Panel Designation: Exterior Panels, Roof: No Openings Data Wall Height= 14.5 ft Wall Thickness = 8 in Parapet Height = 2.5 ft Distance to Rebar = 3.625 in Purlin Span = 48 ft Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Ledger Width = 3.5 in Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Opening Width = 0 ft Roof Live Load = 16 psf Opening Height = 0 ft Wall Dead Load = 97 psf Leg Width= 1 ft Calculation e= 7.5 in Addt'I. Lateral = 0.0 psf Pol= 360 plf Vol= 0 plf pll = 384 plf vll = 0 plf Panel Designation: Exterior Panels, Floor: No Openings Data Wall Height= 14 ft Wall Thickness = 8 in Parapet Height = 0 ft Distance to Rebar= 3.625 in Roof Framing Span = 48 ft Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Floor Framing Span = 24 ft Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Ledger Width = 3.5 in Roof Live Load = 16 psf Opening Width= 0 ft Floor Dead Load = 65 psf Opening Height= 0 ft Floor Live Load = 80 psf Leg Width= 1 ft Wall Dead Load = 97 psf Calculation e= 7.5 in Addt'I. Lateral = 0.0 psf Pol= 1140 plf Vol= 0 plf pll = 1344 plf vll= 0 plf Panel Designation: Line A.7, Roof: 2'-0" Leg Data Wall Height= 14.5 ft Wall Thickness = 8 in Parapet Height = 2.5 ft Distance to Rebar = 6.25 in Purlin Span= 10 ft Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Ledger Width = 3.5 in Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Opening Width = 11.5 ft Roof Live Load = 16 psf Opening Height = 11 ft . Wall Dead Load= 97 psf Leg Width= 2 ft Calculation e= 7.5 in Addt'I. Lateral = 50.9 psf Pol= 75 plf Vol= 1883 plf pll = 80 plf vll = 230 plf FIROUZI Project: Lot 105 CONSULTING Job#: 98240 By: ENGINEERS, INC. Date: Sept '98 Page ~l 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 PANEL DESIGN, continued ~ Panel Designation: Line A.7, Floor: 2'-0" Leg Data Wall Height= 14 ft Wall Thickness = 11.25 in Parapet Height = 0 ft Distance to Rebar= 8.5 in Roof Framing Span = 10 ft Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Floor Framing Span = 7 ft Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Ledger Width = 3.5 in Roof Live Load = 16 psf Opening Width = 8 ft Floor Dead Load = 65 psf Opening Height = 10 ft Floor Live Load = 80 psf Leg Width= 2 ft Wall Dead Load = 136 psf Calculation e= 9.125 in Addt'I. Lateral = 81.6 psf Pol= 303 plf Vol= 1693 plf pll = 360 plf vll = 720 plf Panel Designation: Line 3, Roof: 2'-6" Leg Data Wall Height= 16 ft Wall Thickness = 8 in Parapet Height = 0 ft Distance to Rebar= 6.25 in Purlin Span= 48 ft Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Ledger Width = 3.5 in Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Opening Width = 8 ft Roof Live Load = 16 psf Opening Height = 10 ft Wall Dead Load = 97 psf Leg Width= 2.5 ft Calculation e= 7.5 in Addt'I. Lateral = 28.3 psf Pol= 360 plf Vol= 1504 plf pll = 384 plf vll = 614 plf Panel Designation: Line 3, Floor: 2'-6" Leg Data Wall Height= 14 ft Wall Thickness = 8 in Parapet Height = 0 ft Distance to Rebar= 6.25 in Roof Framing Span = 48 ft Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in " Floor Framing Span = 24 ft Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Ledger Width = 3.5 in Roof Live Load = 16 psf Opening Width = 8 ft Floor Dead Load = 65 psf Opening Height = 10 ft Floor Live Load = 80 psf Leg Width= 2.5 ft Wall Dead Load = 97 psf Calculation e= 7.5 in Addt'I. Lateral= 46.4 psf Pol= 1140 plf Vol= 2443 plf pll = 1344 plf vll= 2150 plf I Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 1 05 Job# 98240 Dsgnr: Date: Description : Scope : New Building Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 584·&& w~scm~er·n· """-£"·· 4* -I General Information Description Exterior Panels, Roof: 4'-0" Leg Clear Height Parapet Height Thickness Bar Size Bar Spacing Bar Depth Max Deft. Ratio Concrete Weight j Loads Lateral Loads Wind Load Point Load ... height ... load type Lateral Load ... distance to top ... distance to bot ... load type I Wall Analysis 14.500 ft 2.500 ft 8.000 in 6 12.000 in 6.250 in 150.0 145.00 pcf 18.000 psf lbs ft. Seismic 44.20 #/ft 10.000 ft. 3.000 ft Seismic fc 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone 4 Fy 60,000.0 psi Min Vert Steel% 0.0020 Phi 0.900 Min Horiz Steel % 0.0012 Width 12.000 in Base Fixity O % Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 LL & ST Together Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Vertical Loads Uniform DL 360.00 #/ft. Uniform LL 384.00 #/ft. ... eccentricity 7.500 in Concentric DL 3,317.00 #/ft Concentric LL 960.00 #/ft Seismic "I" Magnifier 1.000 Wind "I" Magnifier 1.000 For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Basic Deft w/o P-Delta Basic M w/o P-Delta Moment Excess of Mer Max. P-Delta Deflection Max P-Delta Moment Seismic Wind 0.054 0.021 in 28,011.3 10,336.2 in-# 3,763.1 0.0 in-# 1.294 1.338 in 38,817.3 18,970.2 in-# Seismic Wind 0.042 0.017 in 21,448.1 8,392.7 in-# 0.0 0.0 in-# 0.042 0.017 in 28,365.8 15,162.5 in-# Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18.000 in 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: WIND 18.000 in Summary Wall Design OK 14.50ft clear height, 2.50ft parapet, 8.00in thick with #6 bars at 12.00in on center, d= 6.25in, fc = 3,000.0ps I Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment: Mu 44,834.48 in-# Moment Capacity 136,757.80 in-# Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent= 0.5 * Rho Bal Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * fm Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Deflection 0.081 in Deflection Limit 1.120 in Seismic 160,798.88 in-# 38,817.33 in-# 9,334.50 in-# 0.04 in 4,129:1 0.0059 0.0128 62.12 psi 120.00 psi Wind 156,150.81 in-# 18,970.20 in-# 7,367.62 in-# 0.02 in 10,208 : 1 0.0059 0.0128 62.12 psi 120.00 psi I ' ' (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Job# 98240 Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope: New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 I Analysis Data E Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design Sgross Mer= S * Fr ~ _t $ " ''{ - 128.000 in3 35,054.2 in-# n =Es/ Ee Fr= 3,122,018.6 psi 9.29 273.86 psi 21.75 Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 0.0214 Ht / Thk Ratio Values for Mn Calculation .•. As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFy]/Fy a: (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 fc b) C =a/ .85 lgross !cracked I-eff (ACI methods only) Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn= As:eff Fy (d -a/2) I Additional Values Loads used for analysis Wall Weight 96.667 psf Wall Wt* Wall Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Wall Wt* Parapet Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Service Applied Axial Load 5,021.00 #/ft Service Wt @ Max Mom 942.50 #/ft Total Service Axial Loads 5,963.50 #/ft Seismic 0.579 in 1.136in 1.336 in 512.000 in4 139.44 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 178,665.43 in-# Factored Loads Applied Axial Load Lateral Wall Weight Total Lateral Loads I ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic= ST*: 1.100 0.750 0.900 1.300 Wind 0.549 in 1.077 in 1.267 in 512.00 in4 134.84 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 173,500.90 in-# Seismic 7,029.40 1,319.50 8,348.90 Wind 5,574.45 #/ft 989.62 #/ft 6,564.07 #/ft USC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor USC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 ~ ,1 r I I (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Date: Description : Scope : New Building Job# 98240 ~ I Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design f§-5ii4i4@}@,s$ ''Jt"·'-fa9?§~1'C'~v,f §3f-A. ;" :j I General Information Description Exterior Panels, Floor: 4'-0" Leg Clear Height Parapet Height Thickness Bar Size fc Fy Phi Width 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 0.900 12.000 in Seismic Zone 4 Min Vert Steel% 0.0020 Min Horiz Steel % 0.0012 Base Fixity O % Bar Spacing Bar Depth 14.000 ft 0.000 ft 8.000 in 6 12.000 in 6.250 in 150.0 145.00 pcf Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 LL & ST Together Max Defl. Ratio Concrete Weight Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated I Loads Lateral Loads Wind Load Point Load ... height ... load type Lateral Load ... distance to top ... distance to bot ... load type I Wall Analysis 18.000 psf lbs ft Seismic 72.50 #/ft 10.000 ft ft Seismic Vertical Loads Uniform DL 1,140.00 #/ft Uniform LL 1,344.00 #/ft ... eccentricity 7.500 in Concentric DL 3,817.00 #/ft Concentric LL 3,360.00 #/ft Seismic "I" Magnifier 1.000 Wind "I" Magnifier 1.000 For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Basic Defl w/o P-Delta Basic M w/o P-Delta Moment Excess of Mer Max. P-Delta Deflection Max P-Delta Moment Seismic 0.080 42,890.4 25,142.9 1.196 60,197.1 Wind 0.037 in 22,075.6 in-# 0.0 in-# 1.243 in 33,852.1 in-# Seismic 0.068 35,951.8 12,401.6 0.152 47,455.9 Wind 0.031 in 18,706.1 in-# 0.0 in-# 0.031 in 27,470.8 in-# Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18.000 in 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: SEISMIC 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : WIND 18.000 in I Summary I Wall Design OK 14.00ft clear height, 0.00ft parapet, 8.00in thick with #6 bars at 12.00in on center, d= 6.25in, re= 3,000.0ps Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment: Mu 44,834.48 in-# Moment Capacity 136,757.80 in-# Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.5 * Rho Bal Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * fm Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Deflection 0.081 in Deflection Limit 1.120 in Seismic 176,034.47 in-# 60,197.12 in-# 26,081.99 in-# 0.15 in 1,108 : 1 0.0059 0.0128 107.68 psi 120.00 psi Wind 169,800.11 in-# 33,852.09 in-# 21,829.49 in-# 0.03 in 5,484 : 1 0.0059 0.0128 107.68 psi 120.00 psi t I l (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Job# 98240 Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope: New Building ~6 Fax: (619) 485-6201 I Analysis Data E Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design fl \-1.W _ f" -Ld Sgross Mer= S * Fr -d * t-9£ Seit/ 1 r n =Es/ Ee Fr= 3,122,018.6 psi 9.29 273.86 psi 21.00 Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 128.000 in3 35,054.2 in-# 0.0214 Ht/ Thk Ratio Values for Mn Calculation ... As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFy]/Fy a: (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 fc b) C =a/ .85 , lgross !cracked 1-eff (ACI methods only) Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn= As:eff Fy (d -a/2) I Additional Values Seismic 0.681 in 1.336 in 1.571 in 512.000 in4 154.03 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 195,593.85 in-# Loads used for analysis Wall Weight 96.667 psf Wall Wt* Wall Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Wall Wt* Parapet Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Service Applied Axial Load 9,661.00 #/ft Factored Loads Applied Axial Load Lateral Wall Weight Total Lateral Loads Service Wt@ Max Mom 676.67 #/ft Total Service Axial Loads 10,337.66 #/ft ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1. 700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic= ST*: 1.100 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw 0.750 0.900 1.300 Wind 0.639 in 1.252 in 1.473 in 512.00 in4 148.14 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 188,666.79 in-# Seismic 13,525.39 947.33 14,472.73 Wind 11,202.45 #/ft 710.50 #/ft 11,912.95 #/ft UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 I KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 ! Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# 98240 Date: New Building Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design I General Information Description Exterior Panels, Roof: No Openings Clear Height Parapet Height Thickness Bar Size fc Fy Phi Width #£ ·if J §· $-; ,. & t 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 0.900 12.000 in Seismic Zone 4 Min Vert Steel% 0.0020 Min Horiz Steel% 0.0012 Base Fixity O % Bar Spacing Bar Depth 14.500 ft 2.500 ft 8.000 in 6 12.000 in 3.625 in 150.0 145.00 pcf Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 LL & ST Together Max Defl. Ratio Concrete Weight Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated I Loads Lateral Loads Wind Load Point Load ... height .. .load type Lateral Load ... distance to top ... distance to bot ... load type I Wall Analysis 18.000 psf lbs ft Seismic Seismic #/ft ft ft Vertical Loads Uniform DL Uniform LL ... eccentricity Concentric DL Concentric LL Seismic "I" Magnifier Wind "I" Magnifier 360.00 #/ft 384.00 #/ft 7.500 in 1.000 1.000 #/ft #/ft For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Basic Defl w/o P-Delta Basic M w/o P-Delta Moment Excess of Mer Max. P-Delta Deflection Max P-Delta Moment Seismic 0.028 13,957.6 0.0 2.696 20,313.3 Wind 0.021 in 10,336.2 in-# 0.0 in-# 2.724 in 15,282.0 in-# Seismic 0.023 11,530.0 0.0 0.023 13,458.1 Wind 0.017 in 8,392.7 in-# 0.0 in-# 0.017 in 10,282.6 in-# Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18.000 in 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: SEISMIC 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: WIND 18.000 in I Summary I Wall Design OK 14.50ft clear height, 2.50ft parapet, 8.00in thick with #6 bars at 12.00in on center, d= 3.63in, fc = 3,000.0ps Using: USC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment: Mu 44,834.48 in-# Moment Capacity 136,757.80 in-# Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.5 * Rho Bal Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * fm Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Deflection 0.081 in Deflection Limit 1.120 in Seismic 80,871.50 in-# 20,313.29 in-# 9,334.50 in-# 0.02 in 7,443 : 1 0.0101 0.0128 17.57 psi 120.00 psi Wind 79,820.17 in-# 15,282.02 in-# 7,367.62 in-# 0.02 in 10,208 : 1 0.0101 0.0128 17.57 psi 120.00 psi I I (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Job# 98240 Date: Description : Scope: New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 I Analysis Data E Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design Sgross Mer= S * Fr n =Es/ Ee Fr= 3,122,018.6 psi 9.29 273.86 psi 21.75 Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 128.000 in3 35,054.2 in-# 0.0214 Ht / Thk Ratio Values for Mn Calculation ... As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFy]/Fy a: (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 fc b) C =a/ .85 lgross !cracked I-eff (ACI methods only) Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn= As:eff Fy (d -a/2) I Additional Values Loads used for analysis Wall Weight 96.667 psf Wall Wt* Wall Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Wall Wt* Parapet Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Service Applied Axial Load 7 44. 00 #/ft Service Wt @ Max Mom 942. 50 #/ft Total Service Axial Loads 1,686.50 #/ft Seismic 0.479 in 0.940 in 1.106 in 512.000 in4 33.67 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 89,857.22 in-# Factored Loads Applied Axial Load Lateral Wall Weight Total Lateral Loads I ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic= ST*: 1.100 0.750 0.900 1.300 Wind 0.471 in 0.923 in 1.086 in 512.00 in4 33.32 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 88,689.07 in-# Seismic 1,041.60 1,319.50 2,361.10 Wind 867.60 #/ft 989.62 #/ft 1,857.22 #/ft USC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor USC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 31 • ' ' J (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# 98240 Date: New Building Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design / General Information Description Exterior Panels, Floor: No Openings Clear Height Parapet Height Thickness Bar Size fc Fy Phi Width 42"9¥-~ 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 0.900 12.000 in ---+' • ( • ,'r ;{ - Seismic Zone 4 Min Vert Steel% 0.0020 Min Horiz Steel % 0.0012 Base Fixity O % Bar Spacing Bar Depth 14.000 ft 0.000 ft 8.000 in 6 12.000 in 3.625 in 150.0 145.00 pcf Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 LL & ST Together Max Defl. Ratio Concrete Weight Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated I Loads Lateral Loads Wind Load Point Load ... height ... load type Lateral Load ... distance to top ... distance to bot ... load type I Wall Analysis 18.000 psf lbs ft Seismic #/ft ft ft Seismic Vertical Loads Uniform DL Uniform LL ... eccentricity Concentric DL Concentric LL Seismic "I" Magnifier Wind "I" Magnifier 1,140.00 #/ft 1,344.00 #/ft 7.500 in 1.000 1.000 #/ft #/ft For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Basic Defl w/o P-Delta Basic M w/o P-Delta Moment Excess of Mer Max. P-Delta Deflection Max P-Delta Moment Seismic 0.035 18,670.3 0.0 2.539 29,541.9 Wind 0.037 in 22,075.6 in-# 0.0 in-# 2.579 in 28,846.9 in-# Seismic 0.037 20,383.6 0.0 0.037 23,176.4 Wind 0.031 in 18,706.1 in-# 0.0 in-# 0.031 in 20,602.6 in-# Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18.000 in 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: SEISMIC 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: WIND 18.000 in I Summary I Wall Design OK 14.00ft clear height, 0.00ft parapet, 8.00in thick with #6 bars at 12.00in on center, d= 3.63in, re= 3,000.0ps Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment: Mu 44,834.48 in-# Moment Capacity 136,757.80 in-# Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.5 * Rho Bal Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * fm Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Deflection 0.081 in Deflection Limit 1.120 in Seismic 85,099.74 in-# 29,541.86 in-# 26,081.99 in-# 0.04 in 4,600 : 1 0.0101 0.0128 32.92 psi 120.00 psi Wind 83,467.80 in-# 28,846.89 in-# 21,829.49 in-# 0.03 in 5,484 : 1 0.0101 0.0128 32.92 psi 120.00 psi I r (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 105 Osgnr: Job# 98240 Date: Description : Scope: New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 I Analysis Data E Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design Sgross Mer= S * Fr n =Es/ Ee Fr= 3,122,018.6 psi 9.29 273.86 psi 21.00 Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 128.000 in3 35,054.2 in-# 0.0214 Ht/ Thk Ratio Values for Mn Calculation ... As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFy]/Fy a: (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 fc b) C =a/ .85 lgross !cracked 1-eff (ACI methods only) Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn= As:eff Fy (d -a/2) I Additional Values Loads used for analysis Wall Weight 96.667 psf Wall Wt* Wall Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Wall Wt* Parapet Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Service Applied Axial Load 2,484.00 #/ft Service Wt @ Max Mom 676.67 #/ft Total Service Axial Loads 3,160.67 #/ft Seismic 0.514 in 1.007 in 1.185 in 512.000 in4 35.07 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 94,555.27 in-# Factored Loads Applied Axial Load Lateral Wall Weight Total Lateral Loads I ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1 .400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic= ST*: 1.100 0.750 0.900 1.300 Wind 0.500 in 0.981 in 1.154 in 512.00 in4 34.52 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 92,742.00 in-# Seismic 3,477.60 947.33 4,424.93 Wind 2,910.60 #/ft 710.50 #/ft 3,621.10#/ft USC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor USC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 • r I I (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 1 05 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# 98240 Date: New Building Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design I General Information Description Line A. 7, Roof: At 2'-0" Leg Clear Height Parapet Height Thickness Bar Size fc Fy Phi Width 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 0.900 12.000 in Seismic Zone 4 Min Vert Steel% 0.0020 Min Horiz Steel% 0.0012 Base Fixity O % Bar Spacing Bar Depth 14.500 ft 2.500 ft 8.000 in 6 12.000 in 6.250 in 150.0 145.00 pcf Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 LL & ST Together Max Deft. Ratio Concrete Weight Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated I Loads Lateral Loads Wind Load Point Load ... height .. .load type Lateral Load ... distance to top ... distance to bot ... load type I Wall Analysis 18.000 psf lbs ft Seismic 50.90 #/ft 11.000 ft ft Seismic Vertical Loads Uniform DL 75.00 #/ft Uniform LL 80.00 #/ft ... eccentricity 7.500 in Concentric DL 1,883.00 #/ft Concentric LL 230.00 #/ft Seismic "I" Magnifier 1.000 Wind "I" Magnifier 1.000 For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Basic Deft w/o P-Delta Basic M w/o P-Delta Moment Excess of Mer Max. P-Delta Deflection Max P-Delta Moment Seismic 0.063 32,354.5 3,169.9 1.308 38,224.1 Wind 0.015 in 7,485.4 in-# 0.0 in-# 1.338 in 12,090.6 in-# Seismic 0.046 23,398.4 0.0 0.046 27,116.6 Wind 0.012 in 5,921.2 in-# 0.0 in-# 0.012 in 9,644.7 in-# Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18.000 in 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: SEISMIC 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: WIND 18.000 in I Summary I Wall Design OK 14.50ft clear height, 2.50ft parapet, 8.00in thick with #6 bars at 12.00in on center, d= 6.25in, fc = 3,000.0ps Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment: Mu 44,834.48 in-# Moment Capacity 136,757.80 in-# Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu@ Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent= 0.5 * Rho Bal Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * fm Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Deflection 0.081 in Deflection Limit 1.120 in Seismic 150,644.41 in-# 38,224.14 in-# 3,150.00 in-# 0.05 in 3,823 : 1 0.0059 0.0128 33.44 psi 120.00 psi Wind 147,791.61 in-# 12,090.62 in-# 2,216.25 in-# 0.01 in 14,783 : 1 0.0059 0.0128 33.44 psi 120.00 psi 40 ' ' I I (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Job# 98240 Date: Description : Scope: New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 I Analysis Data E Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design Sgross Mer= S * Fr 128.000 in3 35,054.2 in-# n =Es/ Ee Fr= 3,122,018.6 psi 9.29 273.86 psi 21.75 Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 0.0214 Ht / Thk Ratio Values for Mn Calculation .•. As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFy]/Fy a: (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 fc b) C =a/ .85 !gross !cracked 1-eff (ACI methods only) Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn= As:eff Fy (d -a/2) I Additional Values Loads used for analysis Wall Weight 96.667 psf Wall Wt* Wall Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Wall Wt* Parapet Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Service Applied Axial Load 2,268.00 #/ft Service Wt @ Max Mom 942. 50 #/ft Total Service Axial Loads 3,210.50 #/ft Seismic 0.515 in 1.010 in 1.188 in 512.000 in4 129.27 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 167,382.68 in-# Factored Loads Applied Axial Load Lateral Wall Weight Total Lateral Loads I ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1. 700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic= ST*: 1.100 0.750 0.900 1.300 Wind 0.497 in 0.975 in 1.147 in 512.00 in4 126.33 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 164,212.90 in-# Seismic 3,175.20 1,319.50 4,494.70 Wind 2,451.15 #/ft 989.62 #/ft 3,440.77 #/ft UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 '-11 • r t t (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 I Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# 98240 Date: New Building Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design & ¥!-5 f -g 3 . I General Information Description Line A.7, Floor: At 2'-0" Leg Clear Height Parapet Height Thickness Bar Size Bar Spacing Bar Depth Max Deft. Ratio Concrete Weight I Loads Lateral Loads Wind Load Point Load ... height .. .load type Lateral Load ... distance to top ... distance to bot ... load type I Wall Analysis 14.000 ft 0.000 ft 8.000 in 6 12.000 in 8.500 in 150.0 145.00 pcf 18.000 psf lbs ft Seismic 81.60 #/ft 10.000 ft ft Seismic fc 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone 4 Fy 60,000.0 psi Min Vert Steel % 0.0020 Phi 0.900 Min Horiz Steel % 0.0012 Width 12.000 in Base Fixity O % Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 LL & ST Together Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Vertical Loads Uniform DL 360.00 #/ft Uniform LL 384.00 #/ft ... eccentricity 9.125 in Concentric DL 1,693.00 #/ft Concentric LL 720.00 #/ft Seismic "I" Magnifier 1.000 Wind "I" Magnifier 1.000 For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Basic Deft w/o P-Delta Basic M w/o P-Delta Moment Excess of Mer Max. P-Delta Deflection Max P-Delta Moment Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing Seismic Wind Seismic Wind 0.077 0.021 in 0.059 0.017 in 42,393.4 11,285.1 in-# 31,994.1 9,230.8 in-# 11,660.8 0.0 in-# 1,233.5 0.0 in-# 0.806 0.827 in 0.069 0.017 in 46,715.0 14,622.3 in-# 36,287.8 13,277.9 in-# 18.000 in 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd: SEISMIC 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : WIND 18.000 in Summary Wall Design OK 14.00ft clear height, 0.00ft parapet, 8.00in thick with #6 bars at 12.00in on center, d= 8.50in, fc = 3,000.0ps Using: USC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated I Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment: Mu 44,834.48 in-# Maximum Iterated Deflection 0.081 in Moment Capacity 136,757.80 in-# Deflection Limit Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall Seismic 206,441.22 in-# 1.120 in Wind 203,509.04 in-# Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent= 0.5 * Rho Bal Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * fm 46,715.01 in-# 9,504.60 in-# 0.07 in 2,427 : 1 0.0043 0.0128 39.93 psi 120.00 psi 14,622.28 in-# 7,916.85 in-# 0.02 in 9,714 : 1 0.0043 0.0128 39.93 psi 120.00 psi 42- ' t I I (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Job# 98240 Date: Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope: New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 I Analysis Data E Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design M Sgross Mer= S * Fr -: t::+iZa ,•: ,_ __ J r n =Es/ Ee Fr= 3,122,018.6 psi 9.29 273.86 psi 21.00 Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 128.000 in3 35,054.2 in-# 0.0214 Ht/ Thk Ratio Values for Mn Calculation .•. As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFy]/Fy a: (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 fc b) C =a/ .85 !gross !cracked 1-eff (ACI methods only) Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn= As:eff Fy (d -a/2) J Additional Values Seismic 0.529 in 1.038 in 1.221 in 512.000 in4 267.84 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 229,379.14 in-# Loads used for analysis Wall Weight 96.667 psf Wall Wt* Wall Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Wall Wt* Parapet Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Service Applied Axial Load 3,157.00 #/ft Factored Loads Applied Axial Load Lateral Wall Weight Total Lateral Loads Service Wt@ Max Mom 676.67 #/ft Total Service Axial Loads 3,833.67 #/ft J ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1. 700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic= ST*: 1.100 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw 0.750 0.900 1.300 Wind 0.511 in 1.002 in 1.179 in 512.00 in4 261.06 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 226,121.16 in-# Seismic 4,419.80 947.33 5,367.13 Wind 3,563.25 #/ft 710.50 #/ft 4,273.75 #/ft UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 r I KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Seismic Coefficient Z= I= 0.4 1.0 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 LATERAL ANAL YS/S C= Rw= 2.75 6 V = 0.183 x Weight Tributary Roof Dead Loads Roof DL = Wall DL= W ,_ r - DL of end wall = Tributary Floor Dead Loads 2nd Floor DL = Wall DL = W ,_ 2 - DL of end wall = Seismic Table Transverse Direction (15 psf)(96 ft) (97 psf)(9 ft)(2 walls) = = CW1 X 168') = 2(97 psf)(65 ft)(9 ft) = Total DL Trib. to Roof= (65 psf)(96 ft) = 2((97 psf)(8 ft) + (136 psf)(7 ft)) = (W3 X 168') = 2(65 ft)((97 psf)(8 ft) + (136 psf)(7 ft)) = Total DL Trib. to 2nd Floor= 1440 1746 3186 535.2 113.5 648.7 6240 3456 9696 1628.9 239.8 1868.7 Basic Shear, V = .183 X :l':(Wx} = 460.7 KIPS Story hx Wx Wxhx fx fxf Wx R 32 648.7 20760 196.0 0.302 2 15 1868.7 28031 264.7 0.142 1 0 2517.5 48790 460.7 Diaphragm Loads W1= (15 psf)(70 ft) + (97 psf)(9 ft) + (20 psf)(9 ft) = 2103 W2 = (15 psf)(96 ft) + (97 psf)(9 ft)(2 walls) = 3186 W3= (15 psf)(48 ft) + (97 psf)(9 ft) + (97 psf)(13 ft} = 2854 W4= (15 psf)(36 ft) + (97 psf)(13 ft) + (20 psf)(13 ft) = 2061 W5= (65 psf)(70 ft) + (97+20 psf)(8 ft)+(136+20 psf)(7 ft) = 6578 Ws= (65 psf)(96 ft) + 2((97 psf)(8 ft) + (136 psf)(7 ft)) = 9696 By: ----Page!i!/ PLF PLF KIPS KIPS KIPS PLF PLF KIPS KIPS Fpx / Wpx 0.302 0.183 plf plf plf plf plf plf FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone(619)485-6227,Fax(619)485-6201 Tributary Roof Dead Loads Roof DL = Wall DL= W ,_ r - DL of 2 end walls = Tributary Floor Dead Loads 2nd Floor DL = Wall DL= W ,_ 2 - DL of 2 end walls = Seismic Table Story R 2 1 Diaphragm Loads W7= Ws= Wg= W10 = Project: Lot 105 -----------Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 LATERAL ANALYSIS, continued Longitudinal Direction (15 psf)(168 ft) (97 psf)(9 ft)(2 walls) = = (W1 X 96') = (97 psf)(208 ft)(9 ft) = Total DL Trib. to Roof= (65 psf)(168 ft) = 2(97 psf)(8 ft) + (135 psf)(7 ft) = (W3 X 96') = ((97 psf)(8 ft) + (135 psf)(7 ft))(208 ft) = Total DL Trib. to 2nd Floor= 2520 1746 4266 409.5 181.6 591.1 10920 2497 13417 1288.0 358.0 1646.0 Basic Shear, V = .183 X "i.(WJ = 409.4 KIPS hx Wx Wxhx Fx Fxf Wx 30 591.1 17734 171.1 0.290 15 1646.0 24690 238.3 0.145 0 2237.1 42424 409.4 (15 psf)(168 ft) + (2walls)(97 psf)(9 ft) = 4266 (15 psf)(112 ft) + (97 psf)(9 ft) + (20 psf)(9 ft) = 2733 (15 psf)(16 ft) + (97 psf)(11 ft) + (20 psf)(11 ft) = 1527 (65 psf)(168 ft) + 2((97 psf)(8 ft) + (136 psf)(7 ft)) = 14376 By: ----,-,. Page J./5 PLF PLF KIPS KIPS KIPS PLF PLF KIPS KIPS Fpx /Wpx 0.290 0.183 plf plf plf plf W11 = (65 psf)(140 ft) + (97+20 psf)(8 ft)+(136+20 psf)(7 ft) = 11128 plf I I Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 I General Information Description Roof Diaphragm 1 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: New Building Horizontal Plywood Diaphragm North-South Length 82.00 ft Diaphrgm Weight Date: 0.00 psf Ease-West Length 70.00 ft Seismic Factor 0.3000 Nort-South Chord 82.00 ft Diaphragm is Blocked East-West Chord 70.00 ft Blocking Direction North-South Boundary Loads Acting North & South #1 2,103.00 #/ft from 0.000ft #2 #/ft from 0.000ft #3 #/ft from 0.000 ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft Boundary Loads Acting East & West #1 #/ft from 0.000 ft #2 #/ft from 0.000 ft #3 #/ft from 0.000ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft North & South Walls I Design Data & Nailing Requiremen Framing Thickness Grade in At North Wall 2x 1/2" Structural I 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I Center zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I At South Wall 2x 1/2" Structural I East & West Walls I Design Data & Nailing Requiremen Framing At West Wall 2x 2nd zone 2x 3rd zone 2x Center zone 2x 3rd zone 2x 2nd zone 2x At East Wall 2x I Shear & Chord Forces Diaphragm Shears ... Total Shear Shear per Foot Chord Forces ... @ 1/4 * Length @ 1/2 * Length @ 3/4 * Length Length /Width Ratio 1.171 Thickness in 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" North O.Olbs 0.00#/ft Grade Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I South O.Olbs 3,515.51bs 4,712.51bs 3,553.21bs 0.00#/ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft Nail Size Spacing in 10d 2,3,12 10d 2.5,3,12 10d 4,6,12 10d 6,6,12 10d 4,6,12 10d 2.5,3,12 10d 2,3,12 Nail Size Spacing 10d 10d 10d 10d 10d 10d 10d West 22,081.51bs 269.29#/ft in 2,3,12 2.5,3,12 4,6,12 6,6,12 4,6,12 2.5,3, 12 2,3,12 O.Olbs O.Olbs O.Olbs Shear Value #/ft 730.0 640.0 425.0 320.0 425.0 640.0 730.0 Shear Value #/ft 730.0 640.0 425.0 320.0 425.0 640.0 730.0 East 22,081.5 lbs 269.29 #/ft Job# 98240 • r I I Zone Distance ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Zone Distance ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 • I I Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: New Building Horizontal Plywood Diaphragm I General Information Description Roof Diaphragm 2 North-South Length 96.00 ft Diaphrgm Weight Date: 0.00 psf Ease-West Length 78.50 ft Seismic Factor 0.3000 Nert-South Chord 96.00 ft Diaphragm is Blocked East-West Chord 78.50 ft Blocking Direction North-South Boundary Loads Acting North & South #1 3,186.00 #/ft from 0.000ft to 0.000 ft #2 #/ft from 0.000ft to 0.000 ft #3 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft Boundary Loads Acting East & West #1 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft #2 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft #3 #/ft from 0.000ft to 0.000 ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft North & South Walls I Design Data & Nailing Requiremen Shear Framing Thickness Grade Nail Size Spacing Value in in #/ft At North Wall 2x 1/2" Structural I 10d 2,3,12 730.0 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 10d 2.5,3,12 640.0 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 10d 4,6,12 425.0 Center zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 10d 6,6,12 320.0 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 10d 4,6,12 425.0 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 10d 2.5,3,12 640.0 At South Wall 2x 1/2" Structural I 10d 2,3,12 730.0 East & West Walls I Design Data & Nailing Requiremen Shear Framing Thickness Grade Nail Size Spacing Value in in #/ft At West Wall 2x 1/2" Structural I 10d 2,3,12 730.0 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 10d 2.5,3,12 640.0 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 10d 4,6,12 425.0 Center zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 10d 6,6,12 320.0 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 10d 4,6,12 425.0 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 10d 2.5,3,12 640.0 At East Wall 2x 1/2" Structural I 10d 2,3,12 730.0 I Shear & Chord Forces Diaphragm Shears ... North South West East Total Shear O.Olbs O.Olbs 37,515.21bs 37,515.2 lbs Shear per Foot 0.00#/ft 0.00#/ft 390.78#/ft 390.78 #/ft Chord Forces ... @ 1/4 * Length 5,721.0lbs O.Olbs @ 1/2 * Length 7,669.1 lbs O.Olbs @ 3/4 * Length 5,782.4 lbs O.Olbs Length / Width Ratio 1.223 Job# 98240 t r r l Zone Distance ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Zone Distance ft 0.00 0.00 7.22 7.22 0.00 0.00 I (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 I I Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 1 05 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: New Building Horizontal Plywood Diaphragm I General Information Description Roof Diaphragm 3 North-South Length 48.00 ft Diaphrgm Weight Date: 0.00 psf Ease-West Length 19.50 ft Seismic Factor 0.3000 Nort-South Chord 48.00 ft Diaphragm is Blocked East-West Chord 19.50 ft Blocking Direction North-South Boundary Loads Acting North & South #1 2,854.00 #/ft from 0.000ft #2 #/ft from 0.000ft #3 #/ft from 0.000 ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft Boundary Loads Acting East & West #1 #/ft from 0.000 ft #2 #/ft from 0.000 ft #3 #/ft from 0.000ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft North & South Walls I Design Data & Nailing Requiremen Framing Thickness Grade in At North Wall 2x 1/2" Structural I 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I Center zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I At South Wall 2x 1/2" Structural I East & West Walls I Design Data & Nailing Requiremen Framing At West Wall 2x 2nd zone 2x 3rd zone 2x Center zone 2x 3rd zone 2x 2nd zone 2x At East Wall 2x j Shear & Chord Forces Diaphragm Shears ... Total Shear Shear per Foot Chord Forces ... @ 1/4 * Length @ 1/2 * Length @ 3/4 * Length Length / Width Ratio 2.462 Thickness in 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" North 0.0lbs 0.00#/ft Grade Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I South 0.0lbs 632.51bs 847.Slbs 639.3 lbs 0.00#/ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft Nail Size Spacing in 10d 2,3,12 10d 2.5,3, 12 10d 4,6,12 10d 6,6,12 10d 4,6,12 10d 2.5,3, 12 10d 2,3,12 Nail Size Spacing 10d 10d 10d 10d 10d 10d 10d West 8,348.0lbs 173.92#/ft in 2,3,12 2.5,3,12 4,6,12 6,6,12 4,6,12 2.5,3,12 2,3,12 0.0lbs 0.0lbs 0.0lbs Shear Value #/ft 730.0 640.0 425.0 320.0 425.0 640.0 730.0 Shear Value #/ft 730.0 640.0 425.0 320.0 425.0 640.0 730.0 East 8,348.0 lbs 173.92 #/ft Job# 98240 • I l ' Zone Distance ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Zone Distance ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 I I Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: New Building Horizontal Plywood Diaphragm I General Information Description Roof Diaphragm 4 North-South Length 36.00 ft Diaphrgm Weight Date: 0.00 psf Ease-West Length 16.00 ft Seismic Factor 0.3000 Nert-South Chord 36.00 ft Diaphragm is Blocked East-West Chord 16.00 ft Blocking Direction North-South Boundary Loads Acting North & South #1 2,061.00 #/ft from 0.000ft #2 #/ft from 0.000ft #3 #/ft from 0.000 ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft Boundary Loads Acting East & West #1 #/ft from 0.000 ft #2 #/ft from 0.000 ft #3 #/ft from 0.000ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft North & South Walls I Design Data & Nailing Requiremen Framing Thickness Grade in At North Wall 2x 1/2" Structural I 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I Center zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural I At South Wall 2x 1/2" Structural I East & West Walls I Design Data & Nailing Requiremen Framing At West Wall 2x 2nd zone 2x 3rd zone 2x Center zone 2x 3rd zone 2x 2nd zone 2x At East Wall 2x I Shear & Chord-Forces Diaphragm Shears ... Total Shear Shear per Foot Chord Forces ... @ 1/4 * Length @ 1/2 * Length @ 3/4 * Length Length / Width Ratio 2.250 Thickness in 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" North 0.0lbs 0.00#/ft Grade Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I South 0.0lbs 410.0lbs 549.61bs 414.41bs 0.00#/ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft Nail Size Spacing in 10d 2,3,12 10d 2.5,3,12 10d 4,6,12 10d 6,6,12 10d 4,6,12 10d 2.5,3,12 10d 2,3,12 Nail Size Spacing 10d 10d 10d 10d 10d 10d 10d West 4,946.41bs 137.40#/ft in 2,3, 12 2.5,3,12 4,6,12 6,6,12 4,6,12 2.5,3,12 2,3,12 0.0lbs 0.0lbs 0.0lbs Shear Value #/ft 730.0 640.0 425.0 320.0 425.0 640.0 730.0 Shear Value #/ft 730.0 640.0 425.0 320.0 425.0 640.0 730.0 East 4,946.4 lbs 137.40 #/ft Job# 98240 • l t I Zone Distance ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Zone Distance ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: New Building Horizontal Plywood Diaphragm I General Information Description Roof Diaphragm 7 Date: North-South Length 168.00 ft Diaphrgm Weight 0.00 psf Ease-West Length 48.00 ft Seismic Factor 0.2900 Nert-South Chord 168.00 ft Diaphragm is Blocked East-West Chord 48.00 ft Blocking Direction North-South Boundary Loads Acting North & South #1 4,266.00 #/ft from 0.000ft to 0.000 ft #2 #/ft from 0.000ft to 0.000 ft #3 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft Boundary Loads Acting East & West #1 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft #2 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft #3 #/ft from 0.000ft to 0.000 ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft I North & South Walls I Design Data & Nailing Requiremen Shear Framing Thickness Grade Nail Size Spacing Value in in #/ft At North Wall 2x 1/2" Structural 10d 2,3,12 655.0 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural 10d 2.5,3,12 575.0 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Structural 10d 4,6,12 385.0 Center zone 2x 1/2" Structural 10d 6,6,12 290.0 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Structural 10d 4,6,12 385.0 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural 10d 2.5,3,12 575.0 At South Wall 2x 1/2" Structural 10d 2,3,12 655.0 I East & West Walls I Design Data & Nailing Requiremen Shear Framing Thickness Grade Nail Size Spacing Value in in #/ft At West Wall 2x 1/2" Structural 10d 2,3,12 655.0 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural 10d 2.5,3, 12 575.0 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Structural 10d 4,6,12 385.0 Center zone 2x 1/2" Structural 10d 6,6,12 290.0 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Structural 10d 4,6,12 385.0 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural 10d 2.5,3,12 575.0 At East Wall 2x 1/2" Structural 10d 2,3,12 655.0 I Shear & Chord Forces Diaphragm Shears ... North South West East Total Shear 0.0lbs 0.0lbs 29,691.4Ibs 29,691.4 lbs Shear per Foot 0.00#/ft 0.00#/ft 176.73#/ft 176.73 #/ft Chord Forces ... @ 1 /4 * Length 1,582.1 lbs 0.0lbs @ 1 /2 * Length 2, 120.8Ibs 0.0lbs @ 3/4 * Length 1,599.1Ibs 0.0lbs Length / Width Ratio 3.500 Job# 98240 • • • • Zone Distance ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Zone Distance ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 I I Title : Lot 1 05 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Dsgnr: Date: Description : Scope : New Building Fax: (619) 485-6201 Horizontal Plywood Diaphragm I ~ _-Z~. ~i3,.J- I General Information Description Roof Diaphragm 8 North-South Length 112.00 ft Diaphrgm Weight 0.00 psf Ease-West Length 48.00 ft Seismic Factor 0.2900 Nort-South Chord 112.00 ft Diaphragm is Blocked East-West Chord 48.00 ft Blocking Direction North-South Boundary Loads Acting North & South #1 2,733.00 #/ft from 0.000ft #2 #/ft from 0.000ft #3 #/ft from 0.000 ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft Boundary Loads Acting East & West #1 #/ft from 0.000 ft #2 #/ft from 0.000 ft #3 #/ft from 0.000ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft North & South Walls I Design Data & Nailing Requiremen Framing Thickness Grade in At North Wall 2x 1/2" Structural 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Structural Center zone 2x 1/2" Structural 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Structural 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural At South Wall 2x 1/2" Structural East & West Walls I Design Data & Nailing Requiremen Framing At West Wall 2x 2nd zone 2x 3rd zone 2x Center zone 2x 3rd zone 2x 2nd zone 2x At East Wall 2x I Shear & Chord Forces Diaphragm Shears ... Total Shear Shear per Foot Chord Forces ... @ 1/4 * Length @ 1/2 * Length @ 3/4 * Length Length / Width Ratio 2.333 Thickness in 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" North 0.0lbs 0.00#/ft Grade Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural South 0.0lbs 1,520.31bs 2,038.0lbs 1,536.6 lbs 0.00#/ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft Nail Size Spacing in 10d 2,3,12 10d 2.5,3,12 10d 4,6,12 10d 6,6,12 10d 4,6,12 10d 2.5,3, 12 10d 2,3,12 Nail Size Spacing 10d 10d 10d 10d 10d 10d 10d West 19,021.71bs 169.84#/ft in 2,3,12 2.5,3,12 4,6,12 6,6,12 4,6,12 2.5,3,12 2,3,12 0.0lbs 0.0lbs 0.0lbs Shear Value #/ft 655.0 575.0 385.0 290.0 385.0 575.0 655.0 Shear Value #/ft 655.0 575.0 385.0 290.0 385.0 575.0 655.0 East 19,021.7 lbs 169.84 #/ft Job# 98240 €,/ ~: . -:;; t I t l Zone Distance ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Zone Distance ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 J (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 I I Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Dsgnr: Description : Scope: New Building Horizontal Plywood Diaphragm Date: I M 't &#-% I General Information Description Roof Diaphragm 9 North-South Length 16.00 ft Oiaphrgm Weight 0.00 psf Ease-West Length 36.00 ft Seismic Factor 0.2900 Nort-South Chord 16.00 ft Diaphragm is Blocked East-West Chord 36.00 ft Blocking Direction North-South Boundary Loads Acting North & South #1 1,527.00 #/ft from 0.000ft to 0.000 ft #2 #/ft from 0.000ft to 0.000 ft #3 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft Boundary Loads Acting East & West #1 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft #2 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft #3 #/ft from 0.000ft to 0.000 ft #4 #/ft from 0.000 ft to 0.000 ft North & South Walls I Design Data & Nailing Requiremen Shear Framing Thickness Grade Nail Size Spacing Value in in #/ft At North Wall 2x 1/2" Structural II 10d 2,3,12 655.0 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural II 10d 2.5,3,12 575.0 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Stru ctu ra I II 10d 4,6,12 385.0 Center zone 2x 1/2" Structural II 10d 6,6,12 290.0 3rd zone 2x 1/2" Structural II 10d 4,6, 12 385.0 2nd zone 2x 1/2" Structural II 10d 2.5,3,12 575.0 At South Wall 2x 1/2" Structural II 10d 2,3,12 655.0 East & West Walls I Design Data & Nailing Requiremen Shear Framing Thickness Grade Nail Size Spacing Value At West Wall 2x 2nd zone 2x 3rd zone 2x Center zone 2x 3rd zone 2x 2nd zone 2x At East Wall 2x I Shear & Chord Forces Diaphragm Shears ... Total Shear Shear per Foot Chord Forces ... @ 1/4 * Length @ 1/2 * Length @ 3/4 * Length Length I Width Ratio 2.250 in 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" North O.Olbs 0.00#/ft Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural South O.Olbs 3,344.?lbs 4,483.?lbs 3,380.6Ibs 0.00#/ft 10d 10d 10d 10d 10d 10d 10d West 7,970.9Ibs 498.18#/ft in 2,3,12 2.5,3, 12 4,6,12 6,6,12 4,6,12 2.5,3,12 2,3,12 O.Olbs O.Olbs O.Olbs #/ft 655.0 575.0 385.0 290.0 385.0 575.0 655.0 East 7,970.9 lbs 498.18 #/ft Job# 98240 ' t ': I :. ;., ' I r I I Zone Distance ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Zone Distance ft 0.00 4.18 7.63 7.63 4.18 0.00 I (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lot105.ecw KW-0602755, VS.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Project: Lot 66 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. ---------------Job#: 98220 Date: June '98 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 SUBDIAPHRAGM DESIGN WALL ANCHORAGE CROSS-TIES Along Line ... Cpwall Cp parapet Height of Wall (ft) Height of Parapet (ft) Thickness of Wall (in) Weight of Concrete (pct) Center one half increase 1 & 5, Roof 0.3 0.75 14.5 2.5 8 145 1.5 A& G, Roof 0.3 0.75 15 2 8 145 1.5 Force per foot (lbs) 392 363 Anchor Force at 8' O.C. (lbs) 3132 2900 Use -I S_e_e_P_u_r_li_n_D_e-si_g_n...,.j--N-o_t_U_se_d _ __, Anchor Force at 4' O.C. (lbs) 1566 1450 Usej -__ N_o_t_U_s_e_d ____ U-se-PA_2_3 __ At center one half of diaphragm: Force per foot 587 544 Anchor Force at 8' O.C. (lbs) 4698 4350 Use I See Purlin Design I Not Used Anchor Force at 4' O.C. (lbs) 2349 2175 Use I Not Used Use PA 23 Depth of Diaphragm (ft) 48 27 Width of Diaphragm (ft) 10 48 Diap. Ratio 0.2 1.8 Max. Diap. Ratio 4.0 4.0 Total Shear (lbs) 1958 8700 Shear per foot (pit) 41 322 Allowable Shear per foot (pit) I 320 320 Chord Force (lbs) 102 3867 Use OK See Roof Plan At center one half of diaphragm: Depth of Diaphragm (ft) I 48 40 Width of Diaphragm {ft) 10 48 Diap. Ratio 0.2 1.2 Max. Diap. Ratio 4.0 4.0 Total Shear (lbs) 2936 13050 Shear per foot (pit) 61 326 Allowable Shear per foot (pit) I 320 320 Chord Force {lbs) 153 3915 Use OK See Roof Plan By: --P-ag_e_-2,= FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 SHEARWALLS Panel Designation: Line D.5, Roof ---.:.......,,-------- Panel Thickness (t) =i--_1_1_.2_5_-ilN d= 12 Total Shearwall Length (L5) = 22 FT f -e-3000 Roof Seismic Load <Yrs)= 69800 LBS fy = 60000 Floor Seismic Load f.Yts) = o LBS ~= 0.85 ~Ve= ~2(fe)·5dt = 12570 PLF vd = 1.4f.Yrs+Vr5)/(0.8L5) = 5552 PLF < ~Ve, OK IN PSI PSI By: _P_a_g_e_~..,.. Panel Length (Lp) =1 22 IFFTT Height of Panel (Hp) =---1-6--_ Area of Horiz. Bars (Avh) =rn.31 IN2 Number of Layers (n) = 2 Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh) = 16 IN Horizontal Reinforcing: s2 = ~fyAvhnd/(vd-~Ve) = -54.1 IN Ph = Avhn/(tsh) = 0.0034 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (Aw) =I .... __ o_.3_1_ .......... PN2 Number of Layers (n) = .... I __ 2_ ...... Vertical Reinforcing: Pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(ph-.0025) = S1 = Awn/(tPv) = 16.515 Height of Lateral Force (Hrps, Hrps) = Framing Length (Lrp, lrp) = Height of Opening (Hp0) = Length of Opening (Lpo) = Framing Dead Load <:Nr, Wr) = ROOF 16 8 0 0 11 Panel Length Available for Shear (Lps) = .... I __ 2_2 _ __,IFT FLOOR 0 0 0 0 0 FT FT FT FT PSF 0.0033 OT= RM= UPL= f.YrsHrps + VrsHrps)Lpsfls = [(145)(t/12)(HpLp·LHpoLp0)Lp+L(.5)rLrpLpLp]/2 = (OT -.85RM)/Lp = 1116800 536998 30016 Check Section 1921.6.5: A9 = Pua= Pu= Vua = tLps/2 = .10Agfe = (OT +RM)/(.8Lp) = 1485 IN2 445500 LB 93965.8 LB< Pua, OK 22183 PLF > vd, OK Summary: -Use (2) #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & (2) #5 (V) at 14" O.C., MIN. -Use (1) #10 Bar for Holdown -No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line D.5, Floor & Roof Panel Thickness {t) = 11.25 IN d= 12 Total Shearwall Length (Ls)= 26.5 FT fc = 3000 Roof Seismic Load <Vrs) = 69800 LBS t = y 60000 Floor Seismic Load <Vts) = 84822 LBS ~= 0.85 1PVc = 1P2(f 0)· 5dt = 12570 PLF Vct = 1.40Jrs+Vts)/(0.8L5) = 10211 PLF < ~Ve, OK By: ---,- Page-25 IN PSI PSI Panel Length (Lp) =~ __ 2_6_.5_-IFFTT Height of Panel (Hp) = ,__ __ 3_0 _ __,_ Area of Horiz. Bars (Avh) =6§.31 IN2 Number of Layers (n) = 2 Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh) = 16 IN Horizontal Reinforcing: s2 = ~fyAvhnd/(Vct·~V0) = -160.8 IN Ph= Avhn/(tsh) = 0.0034 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (Aw) = .... I __ o_._31 _ ___.l'N2 Number of Layers (n) = .... I __ 2_ ...... Vertical Reinforcing: Pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(ph-.0025) = S1 = Awnl(tPv) = 17.518 Height of Lateral Force (Hrps, Hfps) = Framing Length (Lrp, lrp) = Height of Opening (Hpo) = Length of Opening (Lpo) = Framing Dead Load 0Nrr Wf) = -ROOF 30 8 0 0 11 Panel Length Available for Shear (Lps) = .... I __ 2_6_.5 _ ___.IFT FLOOR 14 8 0 0 45 FT FT FT FT PSF 0.0031 OT= RM= UPL= <VrsHrps + VtsHrps)LpsfLs = [(145)(t/12)(HpLp·tHpoLp0)Lp+ t(.5)rLrpLpLp]/2 = (OT -.85RM)/Lp = 3281508 1510584 75378 Check Section 1921.6.5: A9 = Pua= Pu= Vua = tLpsf2 = .10Agfc = (OT +RM)/(.8Lp) = 1788.75 IN2 536625 LB 226042 LB < Pua, OK 22183 PLF > Vct, OK Summary: -Use (2) #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & (2) #5 (V) at 14" O.C., MIN. -Use (2) #10 A706 Bars per Detail 13E/SD1 -No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line A.7, Roof ----''-------- Panel Thickness (t) = Total Shearwall Length (ls) = Roof Seismic Load 0/rs) = Floor Seismic Load 0/rs) = 11.25 13.8 76700 0 $2(f0)'6dt = IN FT LBS LBS 12570 1.40/rs+Vrs)/(0.8ls) = d= 12 f -c-3000 fy = 60000 $= 0.85 PLF 9726 PLF < $V0, OK By: ---.... Page~~ IN PSI PSI Panel Length (Lp) =1 Height of Panel (H,,) = 28 21 1:~ Area of Horiz. Bars (A.,) =rnlN2 Number of Layers (n) = 2 Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh) = 14 IN Horizontal Reinforcing: s2 = $fyAvhnd/(vd-$V0) = -133.4 IN Ph= Avhn/(tsh) = 0.0039 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (Aw) =I .... __ o_.3_1 _ ___.l'N2 Number of Layers (n) = .... I __ 2_ ..... Vertical Reinforcing: Pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(ph-.0025) = S1 = Awnl(tpy) = 14.669 Height of Lateral Force (Hrps, Hrps) = Framing Length (Lrp, Ltp) = Height of Opening (Hpo) = Length of Opening (Lpo) = Framing Dead Load 0Nr, Wr) = ROOF 19 4 11 21 11 Panel Length Available for Shear (Lps) =! .... __ 7_.5 _ ___,IFT FLOOR 0 0 0 0 0 OT= RM= UPL= 0/ rsHrps + VrsHfps) Lpsfls = [(145)(t/12)(HpLp-EHp0Lp0)Lp + E(.5)rLrpLpLp]/2 = (OT-.85RM)/Lp = FT FT FT FT PSF 1890 IN2 567000 LB 0.0038 792011 688040 7399 Check Section 1921.6.5: A9 = Pua= Pu= tLpsf2 = .10Agf0 = (OT+RM)/(.8Lp) = 66074 LB< Pua, OK Vua = 22183 PLF > vd, OK Summary: -Use (2) #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & (2) #5 (V) at 14" O.C., MIN. -Use (1) #6 Bar for Holdown -No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line A.7, Roof & Floor Panel Thickness (t) = 11.25 IN d= 12 Total Shearwall Length (L5) = 23 FT f = C 3000 Roof Seismic Load 0/rs) = 76700 LBS t -y-60000 Floor Seismic Load 0/rs) = 81500 LBS $= 0.85 12037 PLF < $V0 , OK By: ---.-Page Gr IN PSI PSI Panel Length (Lp) =~ __ 2_8_---ilFFTT Height of Panel (Hp) = .__ __ 3_5 _ ____._ Area of Horiz. Bars (Avh) =w.31 IN2 Number of Layers {n) = 2 Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh) = 14 IN Horizontal Reinforcing: s2 = Ph= $fyAvhnd/(Vct-$Vc) = Avhn/(tsh) = -711.5 IN 0.0039 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (Aw) = .... / __ 0._31 _ ____.jlN2 Number of Layers (n) =,_/ __ 2 _ __, Vertical Reinforcing: Pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(ph--0025) = S1 = Awn/(tpy) = 16.22 Height of Lateral Force (Hrps, Hrps) = Framing Length (Lrp, Lfp) = Height of Opening (Hp0) = Length of Opening (Lp0) = Framing Dead Load 0/Vri Wr) = ROOF 30 4 11 11 11 Panel Length Available for Shear (Lps) =I .... __ 1_7 _ ___,jFT FLOOR 14 4 11 9 45 FT FT FT FT PSF 0.0034 OT= RM= UPL= 0/rsHrps + VfsHrps)Lpsfls = [(145)(t/12)(HpLp-LHpaLp0)Lp + L(.5)rLrpLpLp]/2 = (OT -.85RM)/Lp = 2544087 1490279 45620 Check Section 1921.6.5: A9 = tLpsf2 = Pua= .10A9f 0 = Pu= (OT+RM)/(.8Lp) = 1890 IN2 567000 LB 180106 LB< Pua, OK 22183 PLF > Vct, OK Summary: -Use (2) #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & (2) #5 (V) at 14" o.c., MIN. -Use (2) #8 A706 Bars per Detail 13C/SD1 -No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS Project: Lot 105 FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGl~EERS, INC. ------------- 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line G, Roof -----'---------- Panel Thickness (t) = Total Shearwall Length (L5) = Roof Seismic Load 0/rs) = Floor Seismic Load 0/rs) = 8 9.2 32000 ~2(f c)·5dt = IN FT LBS LBS 8939 1.40/rs+Vr5)/(0.8L5) = d= 12 fc = 3000 fy = 60000 ~= 0.85 PLF 6087 PLF < ~Ve, OK IN PSI PSI By: _P_a_g_e_,~- Panel Length (Lp) =1 Height of Panel (Hp) = 25.2 17 ,~ Area of Horiz. Bars (Aw,) =EBIN' Number of Layers (n) = 1 Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh) = 14 IN -66.5 IN 0.0028 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (Aw) = ... I __ o_.3_1 _ ___,PN2 Number of Layers (n) = ..... I __ 1 _ _, Vertical Reinforcing: Pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(ph-.0025) = S1 = Awnl(tpv) = 14.119 Height of Lateral Force (Hrps, Hrps) = Framing Length (Lrp, Lrp) = Height of Opening (Hpo) = Length of Opening (Lpo) = Framing Dead Load 0Nr, Wr) = ROOF 16 4 7 16 11 Panel Length Available for Shear (Lps) = .... I __ 9_.2 __ jFT FLOOR 0 0 0 0 0 OT= RM= UPL= 0/rsHrps + VrsHrps)LpsfLs = [(145)(t/12)(HpLp·:EHp0Lp0)Lp+ :E(.5)rLrpLpLp]/2 = (OT -.85RM)/Lp = FT FT FT FT PSF 1209.6 IN2 362880 LB 0.0027 512000 392361 7083 Check Section 1921.6.5: A9 = Pua= Pu= tLps/2 = .10Agfc = (OT +RM)/(.8Lp) = 44859 LB < Pua, OK Vua = 15774 PLF > vd, OK Summary: -Use #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & #5 (V) at 14" O.C., MIN. -Use (1) #6 Bar for Holdown -No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line G, Roof & Floor Panel Thickness (t) = 8 IN d= 12 Total Shearwall Length (L5) = 13.9 FT fc = 3000 Roof Seismic Load 0/rs) = 32000 LBS f. -y-60000 Floor Seismic Load 01fs) = 16700 LBS ~= 0.85 6131 PLF < ~Ve, OK IN PSI PSI By: _P_a_g_e_'?_~ Panel Length (Lp) =1 25.2 IFFTT Height of Panel (Hp) =i----3-1--_ Area of Horiz. Bars (Avh) =rn.44 IN2 Number of Layers (n) = 1 Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh)= 12 IN Horizontal Reinforcing: s2 = Ph= ~fyAvhnd/(vd-~V0) = Avhn/(tsh) = -95.9 IN 0.0046 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (Aw) = .... l __ 0._44 ______ pN2 Number of Layers (n) =L,.l __ 1_....1 Vertical Reinforcing: Pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(ph-.0025) = s1 = Awnl(tPv) = 14.388 Height of Lateral Force (Hrps, Hfps) = Framing Length (Lrp, Lrp) = Height of Opening (Hpa) = Length of Opening (Lpa) = Framing Dead Load <YVr, Wr) = ROOF 30 4 7 16 11 Panel Length Available for Shear (Lps) = ..... I __ 1_3_.9 _ ____.IFT FLOOR 14 4 10 11.3 45 OT= RM= UPL= 0/rsHrps + VrsHfps)Lps/Ls = [(145)(t/12)(HpLp·LHpoLp0)Lp + L(.5)rLrpLpLp]/2 = (OT -.85RM)/Lp = FT FT FT FT PSF 0.0038 1193800 713014 23323 Check Section 1921.6.5: A9 = Pua= Pu= tLps/2 = .10A9f 0 = 1209.6 IN2 362880 LB (OT +RM)/(.8Lp) = 94584 LB< Pua, OK Vua = 15774 PLF > vd, OK Summary: -Use #6 (H) at 12" O.C. & #6 (V) at 12" O.C., MIN. -Use (1) #8 A706 Bar per Detail 5C/SD1 -No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line 3, Roof ------------ Panel Thickness (t) = 1--------1 11.25 IN d= 12 Total Shearwall Length (Ls)= 18.5 FT fe = 3000 1--------1 Roof Seismic Load 0/rs) = -------1 Floor Seismic Load 0/rs) = 70900 LBS fy = 60000 LBS ~= 0.85 ~Ve= ~2(f e)·5dt = 12570 PLF Vct = 1.40/rs+Vr5)/(0.8L5) = 6707 PLF < ~Ve, OK By: ----Page~ IN PSI PSI Panel Length (Lp) =~ __ 2_7_.5_---ilFFTT Height of Panel (Hp) = .... __ 2_1 _ ___,_ Area of Horiz. Bars (Avh) =g§.31 IN2 Number of Layers (n) = 2 Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh) = 14 IN Horizontal Reinforcing: s2 = Ph= ~fyAvhnd/(Vct-~Ve) = Avh n/ (tsh) = -64.7 IN 0.0039 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (Aw) = .... I __ o_._31 _ ___,l'N2 Number of Layers (n) = l.....__2 _ __, Vertical Reinforcing: Pv = .0025+ .5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(ph-.0025) = S1 = Awnl(tpv) = 14.707 Height of Lateral Force (Hrps, Hrps) = Framing Length (Lrp, Lrp) = Height of Opening (Hpo) = Length of Opening (Lpo) = Framing Dead Load 0Nrr Wr) = ROOF 16 48 10 9 11 Panel Length Available for Shear (Lps) = .... I __ 18_.5 _ ___,IFT FLOOR 0 0 0 0 0 FT FT FT FT PSF 0.0037 OT= RM= UPL= 0/rsHrps + VrsHrps)LpsfLs = [(145)(t/12)(HpLp-:EHpoLp0)Lp+ :E(.5)rLrpLpLp]/2 = (OT -.85RM)/Lp = 1134400 1011031 10001 Check Section 1921.6.5: A9 = Pua= Pu= Vua = tLpsf2 = .10A9fe= (OT +RM)/(.8Lp) = 1856.25 IN2 556875 LB 97520 LB< Pua, OK 22183 PLF > Vct, OK Summary: -(2) Use #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & (2) #5 (V) at 14" O.C., MIN. -Use (1) #6 Bar for holdown -No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 I Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line 3, Roof & Floor Panel Thickness (t) = 11.25 IN d= 12 Total Shearwall Length {Ls} = 23.83 FT fe = 3000 Roof Seismic Load <Yrs) = 70900 LBS f, = y 60000 Floor Seismic Load <Yrs) = 98200 LBS $= 0.85 $Ve= $2(f eY5dt = 12570 PLF vd = 1.40Jrs+Vrs)/(0.8L5) = 12418 PLF < $Ve, OK By: -----,-,- Page~ IN PSI PSI Panel Length (Lp) =1 31.83 IFFTT Height of Panel (Hp) =i---3-5--_ Area of Horiz. Bars (Avh) =~.31 IN2 Number of Layers (n) = 2 Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh) = 14 IN Horizontal Reinforcing: S2 = $fyAvhnd/(vd-$Ve) = -2495.3 IN Ph= Avhn/(tsh) = 0.0039 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (Aw) = .... I __ o_._31 _ __.l'N2 Number of Layers (n) =! ..... __ 2_ ..... Vertical Reinforcing: Pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp}(ph-.0025) = S1 = Awnl(tPv) = 15.72 Height of Lateral Force (Hrps, Hrps) = Framing Length (Lrp, Lrp) = Height of Opening (Hp0) = Length of Opening (Lp0) = Framing Dead Load 0Nr, Wr) = ROOF 30 48 10 9 11 Panel Length Available for Shear (Lps) =l ..... __ 2_3_.8_3 _ _.IFT FLOOR 14 48 10 9 45 FT FT FT FT PSF 0.0035 OT= RM= UPL= CvrsHrps + VrsHfps)LpsfLs = [(145)(t/12)(Hplp·:EHpoLp0)Lp + :E(.5)rLrpLplp]/2 = (OT -.85RM)/LP = 3501800 2701602 37871 Check Section 1921.6.5: A9 = Pua= Pu= Vua = tLps/2 = .10A9fe= (OT +RM)/(.8Lp) = 2148.53 IN2 644558 LB 243615 LB< Pua, OK 22183 PLF > vd, OK Summary: -Use (2) #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & (2) #5 (V) at 14" O.C., MIN. -Use (1) #10 A706 Bar per Detail 5E/SD1 -No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS • FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line 1, Roof -------------- Panel Thickness (t) = 8 IN -----d= 12 Total Shearwall Length (ls)= 16 FT f -c-3000 Roof Seismic Load 0/rs) = 33200 LBS fy = 60000 Floor Seismic Load 0/rs) = LBS ~= 0.85 3631 PLF < ~Ve, OK By: ----,--:::: PagefRJ- IN PSI PSI Panel Length (Lp) =1 2o IFFTT Height of Panel (Hp) = ...., __ 1_7 __ _ Area of Horiz. Bars (Avh) =rn.44 IN2 Number of Layers (n) = 1 Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh) = 14 IN Horizontal Reinforcing: s2 = Ph= ~fyAvhnd/(vd-~Vc) = Avhn/(tsh) = -50.7 IN 0.0039 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (Aw) =,....I __ 0_.4_4 _ __,jlN2 Number of Layers (n) =._I __ 1 _ _, Vertical Reinforcing: Pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(ph-.0025) = S1 = Awn/(tpv) = 14.951 Height of Lateral Force (Hrps, Hrps) = Framing Length (Lrp, Lrp) = Height of Opening (Hp0) = Length of Opening (Lp0) = Framing Dead Load <YVn Wr) = ROOF 16 48 7 12 11 Panel Length Available for Shear (Lps) =._I __ 8 __ ..... IFT FLOOR 0 0 0 0 0 OT= RM= UPL= 0/rsHrps + VrsHrps)LpsfLs = [(145)(t/12)(HpLp-LHpoLp0)Lp + L(.5)rLrpLpLp]/2 = (OT -.85RM)/Lp = FT FT FT FT PSF 960 IN2 288000 LB 0.0037 265600 300267 519 Check Section 1921.6.5: A9 = Pua= Pu= tLpsf2 = .10Agfc = (OT +RM)/(.8Lp) = 35367 LB< Pua, OK 15774 PLF > vd, OK Summary: -Use #6 (H) at 14" O.C. & #6 (V) at 12" O.C., MIN. -Use (1) #6 Bar for Holdown -No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS • FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line 1, Roof & Floor Panel Thickness (t) = 8 IN d= 12 Total Shearwall Length (L5) = 16 FT fc = 3000 Roof Seismic Load 0/rs) = 33200 LBS fy = 60000 Floor Seismic Load 0/rs) = 44800 LBS <I>= 0.85 <!>Ve= q,2(f 0)·5dt = 8939 PLF vd = 1.40/rs+Vrs)/(0.8L5) = 8531 PLF < q,V0, OK IN PSI PSI By: _P_a_g_e_,~,__ Panel Length (Lp) =1 20 ,~ Height of Panel (Hp) = 31 Area of Horiz. Bars (Avh) =~.44 IN2 Number of Layers (n) = 1 Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh)= 14 IN Horizontal Reinforcing: s2 = $fyAvhnd/(vd-q,V0) = -660.7 IN Ph = Avhn/(tsh) = 0.0039 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (Aw) = ... I __ o_._44 _ ___,PN2 Number of Layers (n) = ... l __ 1_ .... Vertical Reinforcing: Pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(ph-.0025) = S1 = Awnl(tPv) = 17.303 Height of Lateral Force (Hrps, Hfps) = Framing Length (Lrp, Lrp) = Height of Opening (Hp0) = Length of Opening (Lp0) = Framing Dead Load 0/Vn Wr) = ROOF 29.5 48 7 12 11 Panel Length Available for Shear (Lps) =._I __ 8 __ _.IFT FLOOR 14 24 10 12 45 OT= RM= UPL= 0/ rsHrps + VrsHrps)LpsfLs = [(145)(t/12)(HpLp·I:HpoLp0)Lp+ I:(.5)rLrpLpLp]/2 = (OT -.85RM)/Lp = FT FT FT FT PSF 960 IN2 288000 LB 0.0032 803300 562933 16240 Check Section 1921.6.5: A9 = Pua= Pu= tLps/2 = .10Agf0 = (OT +RM)/(.8Lp) = 85390 LB< Pua, OK Vua = 15774 PLF > vd, OK Summary: -Use #6 (H) at 14" O.C. & #6 (V) at 12" O.C., MIN. -Use (1) #7 A706 Bar per Detail 5B/SD1 -No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS ' FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 105 Job#: 98240 Date: Sept '98 By: -P-a-ge-~~9 SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line 5, Roof & Floor Panel Thickness (t) = 8 IN Total Shearwall Length (L5) = 48 FT Roof Seismic Load 0/rs) = 38664 LBS Floor Seismic Load 0/rs) = 58311 LBS Panel Length (Lp} =1 28 IFFTT Height of Panel (Hp) = .,..._ __ 3_1 __ _ Horizontal Reinforcing: s2 = Ph= ~fyAvhnd/(vct-~Vc) = Avhn/(tsh) = d= 12 IN fc = 3000 PSI fy = 60000 PSI ~= 0.85 3536 PLF < ~Ve, OK Area of Horiz. Bars (Avh) =rn.44 IN2 Number of Layers (n) = 1 Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh) = 14 IN -49.8 IN 0.0039 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (Aw) = I._ __ 0_.4_4 _ _,l'N2 Number of Layers (n) =._I __ 1 _ _, Vertical Reinforcing: Pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(ph-.0025) = S1 = Awnl(tpv) = 15.737 Height of Lateral Force (Hrps, Hrps) = Framing Length (Lrp, Lrp) = Height of Opening (Hpo) = Length of Opening (Lp0) = Framing Dead Load <Wr, Wr) = ROOF 29.5 48 7 20 11 Panel Length Available for Shear (Lps) =I ___ 8 __ ..... IFT FLOOR 14 24 7 20 45 OT= RM= UPL= 0/rsHrps + VrsHrps)LpsfLs = [(145)(t/12)(HpLp-:EHpoLp0)Lp+:E(.5)rLrpLpLp]/2 = (OT -.85RM)/Lp = FT FT FT FT PSF 0.0035 326157 1110928 -22076 Check Section 1921.6.5: A9 = Pua= Pu= tLp/2 = .10A9fc = (OT +RM)/(.8Lp} = 1344 IN2 403200 LB 64156 LB< Pua, OK 15774 PLF > Vct, OK Summary: -Use #6 (H) at 14" o.c. & #6 (V) at 12" o.c., MIN. -No holdowns required -No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS .. • Title : Lot 105 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Job # : 98240 Dsgnr: Date: Description .... Braced Frame Fax: (619) 485-6201 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis vs.o.s- Nodes ... Node Node Coordinates Node Label X y X Restraint Y Restraint Z Restraint Temf ft ft deg 1 0.000 0.000 Fixed Fixed 0 2 0.000 14.000 0 3 0.000 30.000 0 4 31.000 0.000 Fixed Fixed 0 5 31.000 14.000 0 6 31.000 30.000 0 7 15.500 14.000 0 8 15.500 30.000 0 Member ... Member Endpoint Nodes Member I End Releases J End Releases Label Property Label I Node JNode Length X y z X y z ft 1-2 Column 1 2 14.000 1-7 Brace 1 7 20.887 Free Free 2-3 Column 2 3 16.000 2-7 Floor Beam 2 7 15.500 Free 2-8 Brace 2 8 22.277 Free Free 3-8 RoofBeam 3 8 15.500 Free 4-5 Column 4 5 14.000 4-7 Brace 4 7 20.887 Free Free 5-6 Column 5 6 16.000 5-7 Floor Beam 5 7 15.500 Free 5-8 Brace 5 8 22.277 Free Free 6-8 RoofBeam 6 8 15.500 Free Member Stress Check Data ... Member Unbraced Lengths Slenderness Factors AISC Bending & Stability Factors Label Lu :Z ft Lu:XY K:Z K:XY Cm Cb 1-2 14.000 14.000 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 1-7 20.887 20.887 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 2-3 16.000 16.000 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 2-7 15.500 15.500 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 2-8 22.277 22.277 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 3-8 15.500 15.500 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 4-5 14.000 14.000 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 4-7 20.887 20.887 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 5-6 16.000 16.000 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 5-7 15.500 15.500 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 5-8 22.277 22.277 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 6-8 15.500 15.500 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal Materials ... Member I Youngs I Density I Thermal I Yield Label ksi kcf in/100d ksi Default I 1.00 I 0.000 I 0.000000 I 1.00 Steel 29,000.00 0.490 0.000650 36.00 (c) 1988-97 ENERCALC C:\ENERCALC\LOT105_3.FFW V5.0.8 J fl "I It Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Di_ego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Job # : 98240 Dsgnr: Date: Description .... Braced Frame FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis vs.o.s-Page 21 Section Sections ... Prop Label Material Area Depth Tf lxx Group Tag Width Tw lyy Default Default I 1.000 in2 0.000 in 0.000 in 1.00 in4 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.00 in4 TS5x5x1/2 T Steel T 8.142 in2 5.000 in 0.500 in 25.52 in4 Brace 5.000 in 0.500 in 25.52 in4 W14x68 T Steel T 20.000 in2 14.040 in 0.720 in 723.00 in4 Column 10.035 in 0.415 in 121.00 in4 W21x44 T Steel T 13.000 in2 20.660 in 0.450 in 843.00 in4 RoofBeam 6.500 in 0.350 in 20.70 in4 W24x55 T Steel T 16.200 in2 23.550 in 0.503 in 1,340.00 in4 FloorBeam 7.000 in 0.396 in 28.90 in4 Node Loads .... Concentrated Loads and Moments Load Case Factors Node Label X y Moment #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 2 -20.150k 1.000 2 -24.800k 1.000 2 72.900k 1.000 3 -4.650k 1.000 3 -4.960k 1.000 3 33.500k 1.000 5 -20.150k 1.000 5 -24.800k 1.000 6 -4.650k 1.000 6 -4.960k 1.000 Member Distributed Loads .... Member Load Magnitudes Load Extents Load Load Case Factors Label Start Finish Start Finish Direction #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 ft ft 2-7 -1.300 -1.300 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 2-7 -1.600 -1.600 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 3-8 -0.300 -0.300 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 3-8 -0.320 -0.320 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 5-7 -1.300 -1.300 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 5-7 -1.600 -1.600 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 6-8 -0.300 -0.300 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 6'-8 -0.320 -0.320 k/ft 0.000 15.500 GlobalY 1.000 Load Combinations ... Load Combination I Stress Gravity Load Factors Load Combination Factors Description Increase X y #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 DL+ LL I 1.000 1.000 1.000 DL+ST 1.330 1.000 1.500 (c) 1988-97 ENERCALC C:\ENERCALC\LOT105_3.FFW V5.0.8 1 " Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax· (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 105 Job # : 98240 Dsgnr: Date: Description .... Braced Frame 9:19AM, 28 SEP 98 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis VS.0.8-Page 3i Node Displacements & Reactions I Load Combination I Node Displacements I Node Reactions Node Label X y z X y z in in Radians k k k-ft 1 DL+ST 0 0 -0.00141 -66.38980 -48.41290 0 1 DL+ LL 0 0 0.00002 30.30856 109.12000 0 2 DL+ST 0.20412 -0.00312 -0.00083 0 0 0 2 DL+ LL -0.00224 -0.02368 0.00000 0 0 0 3 DL+ST 0.27708 -0.00518 -0.00016 0 0 0 3 DL+ LL -0.00001 -0.02810 -0.00002 0 0 0 4 DL+ST 0 0 -0.00109 -93.21020 147.61290 0 4 DL+ LL 0 0 -0.00002 -30.30856 109.12000 0 5 DL+ST 0.16344 -0.01851 -0.00073 0 0 0 5 DL+ LL 0.00224 -0.02368 -0.00000 0 0 0 6 DL+ST 0.25214 -0.02057 -0.00033 0 0 0 6 DL+ LL 0.00001 -0.02810 0.00002 0 0 0 7 DL+ST 0.15246 -0.02898 -0.00004 0 0 0 7 DL+ LL 0 -0.06462 0 0 0 0 8 DL+ST 0.25191 0.00214 -0.00004 0 0 0 8 DL+ LL 0 -0.03877 0 0 0 0 Member End Forces ... Member Node " I " End Forces Node " J " End Forces Label Load Combination Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment k k ft-k k k ft-k 1-2 DL+ST 10.76766 0.86846 0 -10.76766 -0.86846 12.15843 1-2 DL+ LL 81.76794 -0.02591 0 -81.76794 0.02591 -0.36280 1-7 DL+ST -88.29148 0 0 88.29148 0 0 1-7 DL+ LL 40.80654 0 0 -40.80654 0 0 2-3 DL+ST 6.22265 -0.75990 -12.15843 -6.22265 0.75990 0 2-3 DL+ LL 13.33534 0.02267 0.36280 -13.33534 -0.02267 0 2-7 DL+ST 130.47786 7.88530 0 -130.47786 12.26470 -33.94028 2-7 DL + LL -5.65218 17.59794 0 5.65218 27.35206 -75.59448 2-8 DL+ST -32.70535 0 0 32.70535 0 0 2-8 DL+ LL 8.19317 0 0 -8.19317 0 0 3-8 DL+ST 51.00990 1.57265 0 -51.00990 3.07735 -11.66136 3-8 DL+ LL -0.02267 3.72534 0 0.02267 5.88466 -16.73475 4-5 DL+ST 63.90295 0.53132 0 -63.90295 -0.53132 7.43851 4-5 DL+ LL 81.76794 0.02591 0 -81.76794 -0.02591 0.36280 4-7 DL+ST 124.88687 0 0 -124.88687 0 0 4-7 DL+ LL 40.80654 0 0 -40.80654 0 0 5-6 DL+ST 6.22265 -0.46491 -7.43851 -6.22265 0.46491 0 5-6 DL+ LL 13.33534 -0.02267 -0.36280 -13.33534 0.02267 0 5-7 DL+ST -27.72235 -7.88530 0 27.72235 -12.26470 33.94028 5-7 DL+ LL -5.65218 -17.59794 0 5.65218 -27.35206 75.59448 5-8 DL+ST 41.27448 0 0 -41.27448 0 0 5-8 DL+ LL 8.19317 0 0 -8.19317 0 0 6-8 DL+ST -0.46491 -1.57265 0 0.46491 -3.07735 11.66136 6-8 DL + LL -0.02267 -3.72534 0 0.02267 -5.88466 16.73475 (c) 1988-97 ENERCALC C:\ENERCALC\LOT105_3.FFW V5.0.8 , • Title : Lot 105 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Job # : 98240 Dsgnr: Date: Description .... Braced Frame Fax: (619) 485-6201 9:19AM, 28 SEP 98 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis V 5.0.8-Page 41 Steel Stress Checks ••• Member Load Combination Overall @Left End Label Maximum 1/4 Span 1/2 Span 3/4 Span @Right En Shear 1-2 DL+ST 0.068 0.019 0.031 0.043 0.055 0.068 0.008 1-2 DL+ LL 0.191 0.190 0.190 0.191 0.191 0.191 0.000 1-7 DL+ST 0.377 0.377 0.377 0.377 0.377 0.377 0.000 1-7 DL+ LL 0.234 0.234 0.234 0.234 0.234 0.234 0.000 2-3 DL+ST 0.060 0.060 0.048 0.036 0.024 0.011 0.007 2-3 DL+ LL 0.033 0.033 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.031 0.000 2-7 DL+ST 0.428 0.283 0.369 0.379 0.309 0.428 0.069 2-7 DL+ LL 0.454 0.016 0.280 0.309 0.102 0.454 0.204 2-8 DL+ST 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.000 2-8 DL+ LL 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.000 3-8 DL+ST 0.213 0.138 0.162 0.159 0.148 0.213 0.022 3-8 DL+ LL 0.143 0.000 0.082 0.090 0.024 0.143 0.057 4-5 DL+ST 0.142 0.112 0.119 0.126 0.134 0.142 0.005 4-5 DL+ LL 0.191 0.190 0.190 0.191 0.191 0.191 0.000 4-7 DL+ST 0.539 0.539 0.539 0.539 0.539 0.539 0.000 4-7 DL+ LL 0.234 0.234 0.234 0.234 0.234 0.234 0.000 5-6 DL+ST 0.041 0.041 0.034 0.026 0.019 0.011 0.004 5-6 DL+ LL 0.033 0.033 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.031 0.000 5-7 DL+ST 0.207 0.060 0.148 0.158 0.088 0.207 0.069 5-7 DL + LL 0.454 0.016 0.280 0.309 0.102 0.454 0.204 5-8 DL+ST 0.178 0.178 0.178 0.178 0.178 0.178 0.000 5-8 DL+ LL 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.000 6-8 DL+ST 0.076 0.001 0.026 0.023 0.009 0.076 0.022 6-8 DL+ LL 0.143 0.000 0.082 0.090 0.024 0.143 0.057 Member Overall Envelope Summar Member Section Axial Shear Moment Deflection Maximum Label k k ft-k in Stress Ratio 1-2 Column 81.768 0.868 12.158 0.206 0.191 1-7 Brace 88.291 0.120 0.377 2-3 Column 13.335 0.760 12.158 0.075 0.060 2-7 FloorBeam 130.478 27.352 75.594 0.037 0.454 2-8 Brace 32.705 0.030 0.140 3-8 RoofBeam 51.010 5.885 16.735 0.010 0.213 4-5 Column 81.768 0.531 7.439 0.164 0.191 4-7 Brace 124.887 0.078 0.539 5-6 Column 13.335 0.465 7.439 0.090 0.041 5-7 FloorBeam 27.722 27.352 75.594 0.037 0.454 5-8 Brace 41.274 0,075 0.178 6-8 RoofBeam 0.465 5.885 16.735 0.023 0.143 -> Deflection values listed are the maximum of a sampling of 31 points across the member (c) 1988-97 ENERCALC C:\ENERCALC\LOT105_3.FFW vs.a.a TRUSS CALCS IN REVISION(S) . s,41\r.&D s~"'/ f Geotechnical 0 ·Geologic O Environmental 5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 April 2, 1999 W.O. 2473-A-SC The Blackmore Company 12626 High Bluff Drive, Suite 440 San Diego, California 92130 Attention: Mr. Allen Blackmore Subject: Grading and Foundation Plan Review, Lot 105, Carlsbad Research Center, Carlsbad, California References: 1) "Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation, Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 105 Carlsbad, California," W.O. 2473-A-SC, dated August 20, 1998, by GeoSoils, Inc. Dear Sir: 2) "Foundation Plans, Notes and Details, Carlsbad Research Center-Lot 105," Sheets S-1 through S-3, sheets SD-1 and SD-2, dated March 12, 1999, by Firouzi Consulting Engineers. 3) "Grading Plans for Lot 105, Carlsbad Research Center, 1" = 30' scale," Sheet 1 and Sheet 2, undated, by San Dieguito Engineering. In accordance with your request, GeoSoils, Inc., (GSI) has reviewed the 30-scale Grading Plans and Grading Plan Notes (Sheets 1 and 2), prepared by San Dieguito Engineering (undated); and the Foundation Plans, Details and Notes (Sheets S-1 through S-3, SD-1 and SD-2) prepared by Firouzi Consulting Engineers. The. following comments and/or additional recommendations are based on our review of the referenced plans and a review ofour referenced geotechnical report. Grading Plans Based on our review of Sheet 1 and Sheet 2, it appears that the plans and notes have been derived in general accordance with recommendations provided by this office. Foundation Plans Based on our review it appears that the plans, notes and details have been derived in general a<?cordance with recommendations provided by this office. The opportunity to be of service is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions concerning this report or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact any of the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, GeoSoils, Inc. ~~ Robert G. Crisman Engineering Geologist, C The Blackmore Company Lot 105, CRC File:e:\wp7\2400\2473a.gaf GeoSoils, Ine. W.O. 2473-A-SC April 2, 1999 Page 2 ; l I ll -1· ,--· .~ .. l ·c, •• J' 'I . :.~ ... Jt ··$' FOR.: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY . 12626 HIGH BLUFF DRIVE, SUITE 440 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92130 . • Geotechnlcal • Geologic • Environmental , i' ' l I I I I· •• I I :I ;1 -. ,1 '.I I -I :1 • Geotechnical • Geologic • Environmental 5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 August 20, 1998 W.O. 2473-A-SC The Blackmore Company 12626 High Bluff Drive, Suite 440 San Diego, California 92130 Attention: Mr. Allen Blackmore Subject: Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation, Lot 105 of Carlsbad Research Center, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California. Dear Sir: In accordance with your request, GeoSoils, Inc. (GSI) has performed a preliminary geotechnical evaluation regarding proposed construction on Lot 105 within the Carlsbad Research Center. The purpose of our study was to provide a site specific evaluation of earth materials underlying the site and to provide preliminary recommendations for site preparation, earthwork construction, and foundation design/construction, based on our findings. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Based on our review of the available data (Appendix A), field exploration, laboratory testing, and geologic and engineering analysis, the proposed development appears to be feasible from a geotechnical viewpoint, provided the recommendations presented in the text of this report are properly incorporated into the design and construction of the project. The most significant elements of this study are summarized below: • • Due to the desiccated and relatively soft/loose condition of the soils within 1 to 2 feet of existing grade, within the proposed building footprint and parking/driveway areas, these materials should be removed, moisture conditioned to at least optimum moisture content, and recompacted and/or processed in place. If transition conditions (either cut fill and/or nonuniform expansion) are encountered,_ mitigation consisting of overexcavation of bedrock materials is recommended to a minimum depth of 5 feet below pad grade, within areas proposed for settlement- sensitive improvements. l I I I ' i I ' l I . I I I I I I . I I I l I I I I ,I I l ·I I I .• ' I • Soils with a medium expansion potential exist onsite. Soils with a high expansion potential also may be encountered during grading. • The site materials have a moderate sulfate exposure for corrosion to concrete. This should be further evaluated at the completion of grading, as should the potential for corrosion to exposed steel. • Subsurface and surface water are not anticipated to affect site development, provided that the recommendations contained in this report are incorporated into final design and construction and that prudent surface and subsurface drainage practices are incorporated into the construction plans. Perched groundwater conditions along fill/bedrock contacts and along zones of contrasting permeabilities should not be precluded from occurring in the future due to site irrigation, poor drainage conditions, or damaged utilities. . • The seismicity acceleration values provided herein should be considered during the design of the proposed development. • The geotechnical design parameters provided herein should be considered during project planning design and construction by the project structural engineer and/or architects. The opportunity ·to be of service is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions concerning this report or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact any of the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, GeoSoils, Inc. Engineering Geologist, SLE/RGC/DWS/JPF/mo The Blackmore Company File:e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge jJ4J David W. Skelly Civil Engineer, RC GeoSoils, Ine. W.O 2473-A-SC Page Two i Ii I I I • i I -1 I I I -1: I I I I i I I I ,I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE OF SERVICES ................................................... 1 SITE DESCRIPTION ................. · .................................... 1 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT .............................................. 1 FIELD EXPLORATION .................................................... 3 EARTH MATERIALS ...................................................... 3 Artificial Fill (Map Symbol -Af) ........................................ 3 Granitics (Map Symbol -Kgr) ......................................... 3 GEOLOGY AND GEOLOGIC HAZARDS ...................................... 3 FAULTING AND REGIONAL SEISMICITY ..................................... 4 Faulting .......................................................... 4 Se1sm1c1ty ........................................................ 4 Seismic Shaking Parameters ......................................... 6 GROUNDWATER ....... : ................................................ 6 LIQUEFACTION ......................................................... 6 LABORATORY TESTING .................................................. 7 Classification ...................................................... 7 Atterberg Limits .................................................... 7 Laboratory Standard ................................................ 7 Expansion Index Testing ............................................ 8 Shear Testing ..................................................... 8 Soluble Sulfates ................................................... 8 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS ......................................... 8 General .......................................................... 8 Earth Materials/Depth to Competent Bearing Materials .................... 9 Expansion Potential ................................................ 9 Corrosion Potential .................................. -.............. 1 o Subsurface and Surface Water ...................................... 1 o Regional Seismic Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 O EARTHWORK CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS ....................... 10 General ......................................................... 10 Site Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Removals (Unsuitable Surficial Materials) .............................. 11 Overexcavation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Fill Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Erosion Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 GeoSoils, lne. I , l ' I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I • • I FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................... 12 Recommendations for Concrete 1Tilt-up11 Structures ..................... 13 Design .......................................................... 13 Bearing Value .............................................. 13 Lateral Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Foundation Settlement -Structural Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 FLOOR SLAB DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS ............................... 15 Light Load Floor Slabs ............................................. 15 Heavy Load Floor Slabs ............................................ 15 Subgrade Preparation ............................................. 16 Moisture Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 CORROSION AND CONCRETE MIX ........................................ 16 RETAINING WALL RECOMMENDATIONS ................................... 17 General ......................................................... 17 Restrained Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Loading Dock Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Other Walls ............................................. : . . 18 Cantilevered Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Wall Backfill and Drainage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Retaining Wall Footing Transitions ................................... 22 PRELIMINARY PAVEMENT DESIGN ....................................... 22 PCC Pavement Joints ..................... · ......................... 24 Weakened Plane Joints ....................................... 24 Expansion Joints ............................................ 24 Contact Joints .............................................. 25 Slab Reinforcement ............................................... 25 FLATWORK AND ASSOCIATED IMPROVEMENTS ............................ 25 Tile Flooring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Gutters and Downspouts ........................................... 26 Exterior Slabs and Walkways ........................................ 26 ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS/DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA ................ 27 Additional Site Improvements ....................................... 27 Erosion and Sedimentation Control .................................. 27 Landscape Maintenance and Planting ................................ 28 Drainage ........................................................ 28 Footing Trench Excavation ......................................... 29 Trench Backfill ................................................... 29 The Blackmore Company File:e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, lne. Table of Contents Page ii I I I I I I I •• • :1 • I • • I ' \ ·I I ••• I PLAN REVIEW ......................................................... 30 LIMITATIONS .......................................................... 30 FIGURES: Figure 1 -Site Location Map ......................................... 2 Figure 2 -California Fault Map ........................................ 5 Figure 3 -Site Wall Drain Option A ................................... 19 Figure 4 -Site Wall Drain Option B ................................... 20 Figure 5 -Site Wall Drain Option C ................................... 21 ATTACHMENTS: Plate 1 -Geotechnical Map ................................. Rear of Text Appendix A -References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rear of Text Appendix B -Boring Logs .................................. Rear of Text Appendix C -Laboratory Test Results ......................... Rear of Text Appendix D -General Earthwork and Grading Guidelines ......... Rear of Text Appendix E -Pavement Grading Guidelines .................... Rear of Text The Blackmore Company File:e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Ine. Table of Contents Page iii 1·· ,- 1· I: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION LOT 105, CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER CARLSBAD, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of our services has included the following: 1. Review of readily available soils and geologic data (Appendix A). 2. Geologic site reconnaissance. 3. Subsurface exploration consisting of two hollow-ster:n-auger borings using a truck mounted drill rig. 4. Laboratory testing of representative soil samples collected during our subsurface exploration program. 5. Appropriate engineering and geologic analysis of data collected and preparation of this report. SITE DESCRIPTION The subject site consists of Lot 105 within Unit 5 of the Carlsbad Research Center development in Carlsbad, California. The site is bounded on the northwest by Faraday Avenue, on the southwest by Lot 104, and on the east by Lot 106 (see Site Location Map, Figure 1). Unit 5 of the Carlsbad Research Center was graded in 1992 through 1994 under the observation and testing services of Geotechnics Incorporated (Geotechnics Incorporated, 1994). Our review of the grading plans indicates that the subject site is a transition lot that is underlain by the bedrock materials and shallow fill soils. The lot consists of a relatively flat pad in the northwesterly portion of the lot and a hill in the southeasterly portion of the lot. Elevations on the site range from about 172 to 216 feet MSL. A south-facing, graded slope, up to 1 O feet in height, descends onsite at an inclination of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) to the northwest property line. Drainage is generally to the west, toward a debris basin in the west corner of the lot. The site is sparsely vegetated with weeds and a landscaped greenbelt adjacent the streets. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT It is our understanding that the proposed development would consist of finish grading for proposed industrial construction and associated driveway, parking, underground utility, and landscape improvements. It is also our understanding that the building will be a two- story structure, utilizing wood-frame, masonry-block, or concrete tilt-up construction with slab on-grade floors. Building loads are assumed to be typical for this type of relatively light construction. GeoSoils, lne. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EL I ,___ __ ..... ... , ... _ -.... I _/ ---- / J .., ,. .... ,. . . .,,..,, .............. __ .,, I ;2, ~XEft\.l;~ ..•••••••• \·········• .......... . \~ \\~·~g!_L_g \ ~--~-.JL \ I I / I I -I /'-r: .... , ' \--( ,____ ,.-..--, \ I. V 'J I \ ·, I \ \ I \ CA Ls··sAD \ \l JI ,-- ./" ~ I / / / __ ..r __ --.... .,.--' ,- I S££._3/ llJ.rllAllla 2 ~AIHf lll l ,, .... o~ £11Nl'il• ,\" ___ .,.,.-r--'-... ,----1-==-----· I I Base Map: The Thomas Guide, San Diego County Street Guide and Directory, 1998 Edition, by· Thomas Bros. Maps, page 1107 and 1127. 0 1/2 1 Scale Miles N Reproduced with permission granted by Thomu 8(os. Maps. This map is copyrighted by Thomas Bros. Maps. It is unlawful to copy or reproduce all or any part thereof, whether for personal use or resale, wltho~t permiasion. All rights reservttd. w.o. 2473-A-SC SITE LOCATION MAP Figure 1 I I I I I I I • • I •• I • I ' I •• I Typical cut and fill grading techniques are anticipated to construct the building pad to the desired graded configuration. Although grading plans for the project are not available at this time, we assume that finish grading will consist of grade changes not exceeding about 4 feet. FIELD EXPLORATION Field studies conducted during our evaluation of the property for this study consisted of geologic reconnaissance mapping, and drilling of two hollow-stem-auger exploratory borings, for evaluation of near-surface soil and geologic conditions. The borings were logged by a geologist from our firm, who collected representative samples for laboratory testing. The logs of the borings are presented in Appendix B. The locations of the borings are presented on Plate 1 . EARTH MATERIALS Earth materials encountered on the site consist of artificial fill and granitic bedrock . Artificial Fill (Map Symbol -A:O Artificial fill underlies the westerly portion of the site (see Plate 1), which is the proposed building pad area. The fill materials encountered onsite consist of various shades of brown, clayey sands and sandy clays. The fill materials generally were moist and soft in the upper 1 to 2 feet, and graded to very stiff/medium dense at about 2 feet. Fill materials ranging up to 13½ feet thick were encountered during our field study. However, our review of available data indicates that fill materials ranging up to about 18 feet in thickness were placed under the observation and testing services of Geotechnics Incorporated (1994). Granitics (Map Symbol -Kgr) Bedrock consisting of Cretaceous-age plutonic rocks (commonly called 11granitics11) was encountered in our borings underlying the easterly portion of the site at the surface and underlies existing fill materials at depth. These plutonic rocks are considered the crystalline basement rock of the region. The granitics encountered during our investigation generally were observed to be damp and dense. The expansion potential for granitic materials generally ranges from low to medium. GEOLOGY AND GEOLOGIC HAZARDS The subject property has been evaluated previously (Geotechnics Incorporated, 1994), and the previously described geologic and seismic conditions generally have not changed . The Blackmore Company Lot 105 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 3 Ii t ,- 1 I: i ' l I \ ·1t !' I ,- • I • .I I I \ I ' I . I I • Additional comments regarding site seismicity and secondary hazards are provided herein, as warranted. FAULTING AND REGIONAL SEJSMICITY Faulting The site is sit~ated in an area of active as well as potentially-active faults. Our review indicates that there are no known active faults crossing the site within the areas proposed for development (Weber, 1992), and the site is not within an Earthquake Fault Zone (Hart, 1997). . . There are a number of faults in the southern California area that are considered active and would have an effect on the site in the form of ground shaking, should they be the source of an earthquake. These include--but are not limited to--the San Andreas fault, the San Jacinto fault, the Elsinore fault, the Coronado Bank fault zone, and the Newport-Inglewood/Rose Canyon fault zone. The location of these and other major faults relative to the site are indicated on Figure 2. The possibility of ground acceleration or shaking at the site may be considered as approximately similar to the southern California region as a whole. Seismicity The acceleration-attenuation relations of Joyner and Boore (1982), Campbell and Borzorgnia (1994), and Sadigh and others (1989) have been incorporated into EQFAULT (Blake, 1996). For this study, peak horizontal ground accelerations anticipated at the site were determined based on the random mean plus 1 -sigma attenuation curves developed by Joyner and Boore (1982), Campbell and Borzorgnia (1994), and Sadigh and others (1987). These acceleration-attenuation relations have been incorporated in EQFAUL T, a computer program by Thomas F. Blake (1996), which performs deterministic seismic hazard analyses using up to 150 digitized California faults as earthquake sources. The program estimates the closest distance between each fault and a user-specified file. If a fault is found to be within a user-selected radius, the program estimates peak horizontal ground acceleration that may occur at the site from the "maximum credible" and "maximum probable" earthquakes on that fault. Site acceleration (g) is computed by any of the 14 user-selected acceleration-attenuation relations that are contained in EQFAULT. Based on the above, peak horizontal ground accelerations from a maximum credible event may be on the order of 0.49 g to 0.62 g, and a maximum probable event may be on the order of 0.28 g to 0.35 g . The Blackmore Company Lot i 05 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, lne. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 4 tl \ 11 I ,, . I I Ii , ! I I .,~ I I I I .I • I I • I \ ~ "'\ I SAN FRANCISCO SITE LOCATION ( + ): Latitude -33.1402 N Longitude -11 7 .2883 W Lot 105 CRC CALIFORNIA W.O. 2473-A-SC GeoSoils, Inc. 0 50 100 SCALE (Miles) Figure 2 l I 11 . l .11 I. ' l I ll j l I I •• • • I • \ I • I I I I Seismic Shaking Parameters Based on the site conditions, Chapter 16 of the Uniform Building Code (International Conference of Building Officials, 1997) and Peterson and others (1996), the following seismic parameters are provided. Seismic zone (per Figure 16-2*) 4 Soil Profile Type (per Table 16-J*) Ss, Sc, So** Joyner and Boore Subgrade Type Class A, B, C** Seismic Source Type (per Table 16-U*) B Distance to Seismic Source 6 mi. (10 km) Upper Bound Earthquake Mw6.9 * Figure and table references from Chapter 16 of the Uniform Building Code (1997). ** Multiple classifications due to varying earth material types in the upper 1 oo feet underlying the site . GROUNDWATER Subsurface water was not encountered within the property during field work performed in preparation of this report nor in any test excavations completed during the previous study (Geotechnics Incorporated, 1994). However, seepage may occur locally (due to heavy precipitation or irrigation) in areas where fill soils overlie silty or clayey soils. Such a condition would likely occur where more permeable materials oyerlie less permeable materials. Should such a condition occur, recommendations for mitigation would be provided during future grading . LIQUEFACTION Seismically-induced liquefaction is a phenomenon in which cyclic stresses, produced by earthquake-induced ground motion, create excess pore pressures in soils. The soils may thereby acquire a high degree of mobility, and lead to lateral movement, sliding, sand boils, consolidation and settlement of loose sediments, and other damaging deformations . This phenomenon occurs only below the water table; but after liquefaction has developed, it can propagate upward into overlying, non-saturated soil as excess pore water dissipates. Typically, liquefaction has a relatively low potential at depths greater than 45 feet and is virtually unknown below a depth of 60 feet. Liquefaction susceptibility is related to numerous factors and the following conditions should be present for liquefaction to occur: 1) sediments must be relatively young in age The Blackmore Company Lot 105 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. W.0 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 6 ' l It i 11 11 I Ji I 11 . I I \ I_ -I • •• I and not have developed a large amount of cementation; 2) sediments generally consist of medium to fine grained relatively cohesionless sands; 3) the sediments must have low relative density; 4) free groundwater must be present in the sediment; and 5) the site must experience a seismic event of a sufficient duration and magnitude, to induce straining of soil particles. Inasmuch as three or four of these five conditions do not have the potential to affect the site and the entire site is underlain by dense bedrock materials and compacted fill materials, our evaluation indicates that the potential for liquefaction and associated adverse effects within the site is very low, even with a future rise in groundwater levels. LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory tests were performed on representative samples of representative site earth materials in order to evaluate their physical characteristics. Test procedures used and results obtained are presented below. Classification Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soils Classification System. Tl:le soil classifications are shown on the boring logs in Appendix B. Atterberg Limits Atterberg limits testing was conducted on selected samples in general accordance with ASTM test method D-4318. Test results and classifications of the fine-grained materials per ASTM D-2487 are presented in Appendix C . Laboratory Standard The maximum density and optimum moisture content was determined for the major soil type encountered in the excavations. The laboratory standard used was ASTM D-1557. The moisture-density relationship obtained for this soil is shown below: 8-1 @0-4' CLAYEY SAND, Brown (Artificial Fill) The Blackmore Company Lot 1 05 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge 120.0 GeoSoils, Inc. 12.5 W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 7 . l 11 ' l I 11 . ) ·11 ' \ I ,. 11 . I I ll 11 It Ii •-I I •-• Expansion Index Testing Expansion index testing was pertormed on a representative soil sample, according to Standard No. 18-2 of the Uniform Building Code (1997). The test results are presented below as well as the expansion classification according to UBC (1997). 8-1 @ 0-4' Shear Testing CLAYEY SAND, Brown (Artificial Fill) 52 .: ''.-~XPANSiON .• . · .. .-;POTENTIAL· .. Medium Shear tests were pertormed in general accordance with ASTM test method D-3080 in a Direct Shear Machine of the strain control type. The shear test results are presented below: ~~:~~:~!~~~!~~ ~~·1i~~rt::~ I B-1 @ 0-4' 490 21 Soluble Sulfates A typical sample of the site materials was analyzed for soluble sulfate content. The results indicate 31 0 ppm. Based upon the soluble sulfate test results (USC range for moderate is 150 to 1,500 ppm soluble [SO4] in water), the site soils have a moderate sulfate exposure for corrosion to concrete. The laboratory test results for corrosivity testing are presented in Appendix C. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS General Based on our field exploration, laboratory testing and geotechnical engineering analysis, it is our opinion that the subject site appears suitable for the proposed industrial development from a geotechnical engineering and geologic viewpoint, provided that the recommendations presented in the following sections are incorporated into the design and The Blackmore Company Lot 105 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, lne. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Pages I -, • 1l I • I I . ! I I I I I I I I \ I I l I I I construction phases of site development. The primary geotechnical concerns with respect to the proposed development are: • Depth to competent bearing material, including cut/fill transitions. • Expansion potential of site soils. • Corrosion potential for exposed concrete and steel. • Subsurface water and potential for perched water. • Regional seismic activity. The recommendations presented herein consider these as well as other aspects of the site. The engineering analyses performed, concerning site preparation and the recommendations presented herein, have been completed using the information provided and obtained during our field work, as well as information provided to this office with regard to grading (Appendix A). In the event that any significant changes are made to proposed site development, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the recommendations of this report verified or modified in writing by this office. Foundation design parameters are considered preliminary until the foundation design, layout, and structural loads are provided to this office for review. Earth Materials/Depth to Competent Bearing Materials The existing non-uniform fill materials that exist within 1 to 2 feet of existing pad grade are generally loose/soft and/or do not meet the current industry minimum standard of 90 percent (or greater) relative compaction. Based on our limited subsurface evaluation and a review of Geotechnics Incorporated (1994), fill materials below this surficial layer appear to be relatively compact and suitable for their intended use. Recommendations for the treatment of existing fills are presented in the earthwork section of this report. If exposed during grading, additional evaluations may be performed as deemed appropriate. It is unlikely that bedrock materials will be encountered during site earthwork. However, if encountered, these materials are considered competent to support settlement-sensitive structures in their existing state. Should future plans indicate a cut/fill transition, recommendations for overexcavation to mitigate cut/fill transitions are presented in the earthwork section of this report, if they occur. Expansion Potential Our laboratory test results indicate that soils with a medium expansion potential underlie the site; however, our experience in th~ site area indicates soils with a high expansion potential also may exist onsite. This should be considered during project design. The Blackmore Company Lot 1 05 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Ine. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 9 I I I 11 1? 1} I I; I 1i 1:. I I: i I .. 1. • I • Foundation design and construction recommendations are provided herein for medium expansion potential. These recommendations should be considered preliminary and used for general project planning. Corrosion Potential Our laboratory test results indicate that the site materials have a moderate sulfate exposure for corrosion to concrete. Recommendations for concrete are presented herein. Subsurface and Surface Water Subsurface and surface water, as discussed previously, are not anticipated to affect site development, provided that the recommendations contained in this report are incorporated into final design and construction and that prudent surface and subsurface drainage practices are incorporated into the construction plans. Perched groundwater conditions along fill/bedrock contacts and along zones of contrasting permeabilities should not be precluded from occurring in the future due to site irrigation, poor drainage conditions, or damaged utilities. Should perched groundwater conditions develop, this office could assess the affected area(s) and provide the appropriate recommendations to mitigate the observed groundwater conditions. The groundwater conditions observed and opinions generated were those at the time of our investigation. Conditions may change with the introduction of irrigation, rainfall, or other factors that were not obvious at the time of our investigation. Regional Seismic Activity The seismicity acceleration values provided herein should be considered during the design of the proposed development. EARTHWORK CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS General All grading should conform to the guidelines presented in Appendix Chapter A33 of the Uniform Building Code (adopted and current edition), the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, and the Grading Guidelines presented in this report as Appendix D, except where specifically superseded in the text of this report. Prior to grading GSl's representative should be present at the preconstruction meeting to provide additional grading guidelines, if needed, and review the earthwork schedule. Earthwork beyond the limits of the surficial, remedial overexcavations or those indicated on the grading plan should be reviewed by the geologist and/or geotechnical consultant prior to and following these additional removals. The Blackmore Company Lot 105 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils,, lne. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 10 \ 11 , I 11 I I\ I I 1! During earthwork construction all site preparation and the general grading procedures of the contractor should be observed and the fill selectively tested by a representative(s) of GSI. If unusual or unexpected conditions are exposed in the field or if modifications are proposed to the rough grade or precise grading plan, they should be reviewed by this office and if warranted, modified and/or additional recommendations will be offered. All applicable requirements of local and national construction and general industry safety orders, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and the Construction Safety Act should be met. GSI does not consult in the area of safety engineering. Excavations into the granular material on this site may be unstable. Site Preparation Debris, vegetation, and other deleterious material should be removed from the improvement(s) area prior to the start of construction. Following ren:iovals, areas approved to receive additional fill should first be scarified in two perpendicular directions and moisture conditioned (at or above the soils optimum moisture content) to a depth of 12 inches and compacted to a minimum 90 percent relative compaction. Removals (Unsuitable Surficial Materials) Due to the desiccated and relatively soft/loose condition of near surface soils across the lot, removals should consist of fill soils within 1 to 2 feet of existing grades within the building footprint and parking/driveway areas. Once these materials are removed, the bottom of the excavations should be observed and tested. At that time, the removed existing earth materials may be re-used as fill, provided the materials are moisture conditioned at or above the soils optimum moisture and compacted in accordance with the recommendations of this report. When removals are completed, the exposed surface should be scarified in two perpendicular directions (cross ripped), moisture conditioned and recompacted prior to fill placement. Overexcavation Based on the overall depth of fill onsite, bedrock materials will not likely be encountered during grading. However, if a transition condition is created during grading, uniform structural support should be provided. Areas underlain by bedrock materials within 5 feet of proposed grade, should be overexcavated to provide a minimum 5-foot layer of compacted fill and at least 5 feet outside the limits of the outer-most foundation elements. The limits of any bedrock overexcavation should be determined once a grading plan for the site is made available. This 5-foot overexcavation is considered a minimum and within the limits of the building assumes a 2-foot footing embedment (from lowest adjacent soil grade). If embedments are greater than 2 feet, the overexcavation should be increased The Blackmore Company Lot 105 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 11 I I I ' l I ' l I' 1: , I I I I :1 I I I I I •• I I I to a minimum of 3 feet beyond the bottom of the footing and the lateral extent should be increased the same amount beyond the width of the footing. Exposed subgrades for cut ar_eas greater than 2 feet below existing grade should be 'well scarified (cross-ripped), moisture conditioned as necessary, and compacted to a minimum 90 percent relative compaction (ASTM test method D-1557). Fill Placement Subsequent to ground preparation, onsite soils may be placed in thin (±6 inch) lifts, cleaned of vegetation and debris, brought to a least optimum moisture content, and compacted to achieve a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent. Oversized cobbles and boulders (8 to 24 inches), generated as the result of the earthwork should be placed outside of the limits of the building in landscape areas or a pre-designated disposal area. If fill materials are imported to the site, the proposed import fill should be submitted to GSI, so laboratory testing can be performed to verify that the intended import material is compatible with onsite material. At least three business days of lead time should be allowed by builders or contractors for proposed import submittals. This lead time will allow for particle size analysis, specific gravity, relative compaction, expansion testing, and blended import/native characteristics as deemed necessary. Erosion Control Onsite soils materials have a moderate erosion potential. Use of hay bales, silt fences, and/or sandbags shourd be considered, as appropriate during construction. Temporary grades should be constructed to drain at a minimum of 1 to 2 percent to a suitable temporary or permanent outlet. Precise grades should be evaluated by the design civil engineer to reduce concentrated flows to less than 6 feet per second (Amimoto, 1981) and into lined or landscaped swales. Evaluation of cuts during grading will be necessary in order to identify any areas of loose or non-cohesive materials. Should any significant zones be encountered during earthwork construction, additional remedial grading may be recommended; however, only the remedial measures discussed herein are anticipated at this time. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS -In the event that the information concerning the proposed development plan is not correct or any changes in the design, location, or loading conditions of the proposed structure are made, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are for Lot 105 only and shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and conclusions of this report are modified or approved in writing by this office. The Blackmore Company Lot 105 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Ine. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 12 ' l 11 •• •• I I I. I'. I • •• • •• • The information and recommendations presented in this section are considered minimums and are not meant to supersede design(s) by the project structural engineer or civil engineer specializing in structural design. Upon request, GSI could provide additional consultation regarding soil parameters, as related to foundation design. They are considered preliminary recommendations for proposed construction, in consideration of our field investigation, laboratory testing, and engineering analysis. Recommendations for Concrete 11Tilt-up11 Structures For preliminary planning purposes, the following is presented. It is our understanding that the structure will be erected utilizing a tilt-up type of construction. We assume that column loads are not anticipated to exceed 100 kips for dead plus live loading conditions while wall loads are not expected to exceed 3 to 5 kips per lineal foot. The engineering analysis performed, concerning the foundation system and the recommendations offered below, have been prepared using these anticipated loads and assuming the recommended earthwork is performed. In the event that the information concerning the proposed development is not correct, or any changes in the design, location, or loading conditions of the proposed structure are made, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and conclusions of this report are modified or approved in writing by this office . Design Our review, field work, and laboratory testing indicates that onsite soils have a medium expansion potential. Preliminary recommendations for foundation design and construction are presented below. Final foundation recommendations should be provided at the conclusion of grading based on laboratory testing of fill materials exposed at finish grade. Bearing Value An allowable vertical bearing value of 2000 pounds per square foot (pst) should be used for design of continuous footings a minimum 15 inches wide and 18 inches deep (below lowest adjacent exterior grade) and for design of square footings 24 inches wide and 24 inches deep (below lowest adjacent grade, not including sand layer), bearing in properly compacted fill material. Per USC code, this value may be increased by 20 percent for each additional 12 inches in depth of embedment or width, to a maximum value of 2500 pounds per square foot. The above values may be increased by one-third when considering short duration seismic or wind loads. Exterior square footings should be tied back to the main foundation with a grade beam or tie beam as described in the 11construction11 section of this report. In addition, foundation depths and widths should be constructed per the USC guidelines . The Blackmore Company Lot '1 05 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, '1998 Page '13 I ' i 11 I ' I Ii ' I It 1i . I 1r ,. ••• I. I: I~. I I! I_ I I . r I . l I: Lateral Pressure Passive earth pressure of compacted fill may be computed as an equivalent fluid having a density of 225 pounds per cubic foot per foot of depth, to a maximum earth pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot. An allowable coefficient of friction between compacted fill soil and concrete of 0.35 may be used with the dead load forces. When combining passive pressure and frictional resistance, the passive pressure component should be reduced by one-third. All footings should maintain a minimum 7-foot horizontal setback from the base of the footing to any descending slope. This distance is measured from the footing face at the bearing elevation. Footings should maintain a minimum horizontal setback of H/3 (H = slope height) from the base of the footing to the descending slope face and no less than 7 feet nor need be greater than 40 feet. Footings adjacent to unlined drainage swales should be deepened to a minimum of 6 inches below the invert of the adjacent unlined swale. Footings for structures adjacent to retaining walls should be deepened so as to extend below a 1 :1 projection from the heel of the wall. Alternatively, walls may be designed to accommodate structural loads from buildings or appurtenances as described in the retaining wall section of this report . Due to anticipated disturbances in areas adjacent to landscaping, the upper 6 inches of passive pressure should be neglected if not confined by slabs or pavement. Construction All footings should be embedded a minimum 18 inches into properly compacted fill or bedrock. Foundation footings should be minimally reinforced with four No. 5 bars, two top and two bottom (in the cross-sections). Footings should be: a) tied with a grade beam or tie beams, or b) have continuous footings across large openings, (i.e., garages or entrances). All exterior isolated footings should be tied in at least two perpendicular directions by grade beams or tie beams to reduce the potential for lateral drift or differential distortion. The base of the grade beams should enter the adjoining footings at the same depth as the footings (i.e., in profile view). The grade beam steel should be continuous at the footing connection. Grade beams and footings should be minimally reinforced and sized per the structural engineers recommendations. Foundation Settlement -Structural Loads Provided that the recommendations contained in this report are incorporated into final design and construction phase of development, a majority (50 percent or more) of the anticipated foundation settlement is expected to occur during construction. Maximum settlement is not expected to exc~ed approximately¾ to 1 inch and should occur below the heaviest loaded columns. Differential settlement is not expected to exceed approximately ¼ to ½ inch between similar elements, in a 20:-foot span . The Blackmore Company Lot 105 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, lne. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 14 I I I I I . l I I •• I •• I I I I I ·1 . l I I • I FLOOR SLAB DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS Concrete slab-on-grade floor construction is anticipated. The following are presented as minimum design parameters for the slab, but they are in no way intended to supersede design by the structural engineer. Design parameters do not account for concentrated loads (e.g., fork lifts, other machinery, etc.) and/or the use of freezers or heating boxes. Light Load Floor Slabs The slabs in areas that will receive relatively light live loads (i.e., less than 50 psf) should be a minimum of 5 inches thick and be reinforced with No. 3 reinforcing bar on 18 inches centers in two horizontally perpendicular directions. Reinforcing should be properly supported to ensure placement near the vertical midpoint of the slab. 11Hooking11 of the reinforcement is not considered an acceptable method of positioning the steel. The recommended minimum compressive strength of concrete is 2,500 pounds per square inch (ASTM 520-C-2500). A minimum 4 inch layer of clean select sand should be provided beneath the concrete slab . The project structural engineer should consider the use of transverse and longitudinal control joints to help control slab cracking due to concrete shrinkage or expansion. Two of the best ways to control this movement are: 1) add a sufficient amount of reinforcing steel to increase the tensile strength of the slab; and 2) provide an adequate amount of control and/or expansion joints to accommodate anticipated concrete shrinkage and ex-pansion. Transverse and longitudinal crack control joints should be spaced no more than 12 feet on center and constructed to a minimum depth of T/4, where 11T11 equals the slab thickness in inches. Heavy Load Floor Slabs The project structural engineer should design the slabs in areas subject to high loads (machinery, forklifts, storage racks, etc. or above standard office loading). The Modulus of subgrade reaction (k-value) may be used in the design of the floor slab supporting· heavy truck traffic, fork lifts, machine foundations and heavy storage areas. A k-value (modulus of subgrade reaction) of 75 pounds per square inch per inch (pci) would be prudent to utilize for preliminary slab design. An A-value test and/or plate load test may be used to verify the k-value on near surface fill soils. Concrete slabs should be at least 5½ inches thick and reinforced with at least No. 3 reinforcing bars placed 18 inches on center in two directions. Selection of slab thickness compatibility with anticipated loads should be provided by the structural engineer. Heavily loaded concrete slabs should be underlain with a minimum of 4 inches of ¾-inch crushed rock (vibrated into place), or 4 inches of aggregate base materials (Class 2 aggregate base or equivalent) compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent. Transverse and longitudinal crack control joints should be spaced no more than 14 feet The Blackmore Company Lot 105 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 15 I . l 11 I ·1l ' l 11 ' ! I ' l 11 I I I I • • • ·1 ' I ! I I I on center and constructed to a minimum depth of T /4, where 11T11 equals the slab thickness in inches. The use of expansion joints in the slab should be considered. Concrete used in slab construction should be of minimum compressive strength 3250 pounds per square inch (ASTM 560-C-3250). Spacing of expansion or crack control joints should be modified based on the footprint of the area to be heavily loaded. These recommendations are meant as minimums. The project architect and/or structural engineer should review and verify that the minimum recommendations presented herein are considered adequate with respect to anticipated uses. Subgrade Preparation The subgrade material should be compacted to a minimum 90 percent of the maximum laboratory dry density. Prior to placement of concrete, the medium expansive subgrade soils should be presaturated to 18 inches below grade to 120 percent optimum moisture content and verified by our field representative prior to visqueen placement and prior to and within 72 hours of the concrete pour. Moisture Protection In areas where moisture condensation is undesirable (e.g., areas to hcJ.Ve moisture- sensitive floor coverings), a minimum 6-mil plastic membrane should be placed with all laps/openings sealed. The membrane should be sandwiched between two 2-inch (minimum) sand layers for a total of 4 inches of sand. These areas should be separate from areas not similarly protected. This separation could be provided with a concrete cut- off wall (minimum 6 inches thick) extending at least 18 inches into the subgrade soil, below the sand layer . CORROSION AND CONCRETE MIX GSI conducted preliminary sampling of near-surface materials for soluble sulfates on the subject site. Laboratory test results indicate that the site materials have a moderate potential for corrosion to concrete. The design criteria presented in Table 19-A-2 and 19-A- 3 of the UBC (1997 edition) should be followed. Based on the corrosion potential for exposed concrete, Type V conqrete is not required, and foundations may be constructed using Type II, IP (MS), or IS (MS) concrete. Upon completion of grading, additional testing of soils (including import materials) should be considered prior to the construction of utilities and foundations, with respect to corrosion to concrete and steel. Alternative methods and additional comments may be obtained from a qualified corrosion engineer. The Blackmore Company Lot 1 05 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, lne. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 16 l I . I I· . l I I II I ' l I ! I I ' ! I. I I I I I I I ·1 I I RETAINING WALL RECOMMENDATIONS General Th~ equivalent fluid pressure parameters provide for either the use of native or low expansive select granular backfill to be utilized behind the proposed walls. The low expansive granular backfill should be provided behind the wall at a 1: 1 (h:v) projection from the heel of the foundation system. Low expansive fill is Class 3 aggregate baserock or Class 2 permeable rock. Wall backfilling should be performed with relatively light equipment within the same 1 :1 projection (i.e., hand tampers, walk behind compactors). Highly expansive soils should not be used to backfill any proposed walls. During construction, materials should not be stockpiled behind nor in front of walls for a distance of 2H where H is the height of the wall. Foundation systems for any proposed retaining walls should be designed in accordance with the recommendations presented in the Foundation Design section of this report. Building walls, below grade, should be water-proofed or damp-proofed, depending on the degree of moisture protection desired. All walls should be properly designed in accordance with the recommendations presented below. Some movement of the walls constructed should be anticipated as soil strength parameters are mobilized. This movement could cause some cracking depending upon the materials used to construct the wall. To reduce the potential for wall cracking, walls should be internally grouted and reinforced with steel. To mitigate this effect, the use of vertical crack control joints and expansion joints, spaced at 20 feetor less along the walls should be employed. Vertical expansion control joints should be infilled with a flexible grout. Wall footings should be keyed or doweled across vertical expansion joints. Restrained Walls Loading Dock Wall It is recommended that loading dock walls be designed for restrained conditions (indicated below), where adjacent to the proposed site building. Loading dock walls should be designed to resist lateral earth pressure and any additional lateral pressures caused by surcharge loads on the anticipated adjoining slab surface. Approximately up to ½ of surcharge loads on the truck loading dock slab may be added as a uniform load in the back of the loading dock wall. However, the structural engineer or civil engineering specializing in structural design should review and evaluate the type of wall connection(s) and the condition of the wall (restrained or cantilever). The Blackmore Company Lot 105 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, lne. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 17 l I . I I l I I ' I :1 ' l ·1 ' l ·1 I • I . I I I I •• •• I I: I :1 • Other Walls Any retaining walls that will be restrained prior to placing and compacting backfill material or that have re-entrant or male corners, should be designed for an at-rest equivalent fluid pressures (EFP) of 65 pcf, plus any applicable surcharge loading. This restrained-wall, earth pressure value is for select backfill material only. For areas of male or re-entrant corners, the restrained wall design should extend a minimum distance of twice the height of the wall laterally from the corner. Building walls below grade or greater than 2 feet in height should be water-proofed or damp-proofed, depending on the degree of moisture protection desired. The wall should be drained as indicated in the following section. A seismic increment of 1 OH (uniform pressure) should be considered on walls. for level backfill, and 20H for sloping backfill of 2: 1, where H is defined as the height of retained material behind the wall. For structural footing loads within the 1 :1 zone of influence behind wall backfill, refer to the following section. Cantilevered Walls These recommendations are for cantilevered retaining walls up to 1 O feet high. Active earth pressure may be used for retaining wall design, provided the top of the wall· is not restrained from minor deflections. An empirical equivalent fluid pressure approach may be used to compute the horizontal pressure against the wall. Appropriate fluid unit weights are provided for specific slope gradients of the retained material. These do not include other superimposed loading conditions such as traffic, structures, seismic events, expansive soils, or adverse geologic conditions. _;;~;:;~~;::;-;;:::::::;:;::;;~:~~~i~E~f j~:{~i::~~~:;::;!;:;:;I;]~i)::;;'.'.!: .:::::;::;:~~~,~~~~~~T~~~i~:~~i.f.~~::f f.~::;::;:_:_:. I L;~~I~* I ~ I *To be increased by traffic, structural surcharge and seismic loading as needed. **Level walls are those where Qrades behind the wall are level for a distance of 2H . Wall Backfill and Drainage All retaining walls should be provided with an adequate backdrain and outlet system (a minimum two outlets per wall and no greater than 100 feet apart), to prevent buildup of hydrostatic pressures and be designed in accordance with min.imum standards presented herein. See site wall drain options (Figure 3, Figure 4, and Figure 5). Drain pipe should consist of 4-inch diameter perforated schedule 40 PVC pipe embedded in gravel. Gravel The Blackmore Company Lot 105 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 18 I I I I ' l I '_! I . l I . _l I I I l ·I I • . I I I •• ., I I ·I l I 1'vlcnufcctured drcinase Geocomposite drain ( Mira drain 5000 or equivalent ) Note: Filter fcbric wraps completely orounc perforcted pipe end behind core mcter:cl, core mcteric! wraos benedh bottom of plpe. 4" .die. min. oerforoted ----- pipe pieced .,.;ith holes down end sloped ct 1 -2% I to suitable outlet ! · 4" min, ,;ranulcr mctedcl J (class 2 permeable or 3/8-1" clecn crushed rec!< wrapped in a .. filter fabric) ~~If~. ~~n a a ., a / / IJ t:,. i I 1 I Cc:J crcin (c:.;t cff) 1 c" t;e!cw soil line ,._ __ Site re~sin1r.c 'Neil (st:-ucturcl cfesisr. by others) Pcver.:e:-:t section per - GSl reccmme:-:ccticns ; I I 0 I I Finishe~ lot surface ' - ' i> a '" l:> (J.:\. t:,. ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ I cj, t (J (J ' I (J.:\. v'~ .:\. c./ i> . C. t'> a / (J C. t I ., (J ~ ~ ~~ ., / 0 ! ....._ o I -1 ~ a / (J.:\. 1:,./ (J C. L Well footinc (c:esignec by others) I ! I ' SCHEMATIC OF SITE WALL DRAIN 1 . OPTION .A Figure S DATE ___ 8 __ /.:.98:::,..__1W. O. NO 2473-A-SC · Geotechnical • Geologic • Environmental ' l I ' l 11 I ' l 11 ' I I ' I I •• ·1 I I I ·1 I •• . I I •• •• • ~~ ~~ 1/~ \ 1 ~ IC,..,... .... ~ .. _,, t i C Crcin (c..1t ofn sci! lir.e 2 ~~ Wcterprccfins ~ 1 ! , : f ;.t. ,...,,._ • -;-: ,· ,----_ .... ~ ...... ~ ~if7i 1 2" thick (min.) drain rod< ----.... •.• . • .... -:~ --:::ice retcininc wcil ( 2 ) ·· ··.·.·:. :-,·: (structure! lesirn clcss permeable or ~. '?,... .. -::, other acceptable granular · · · • n· 17.·"'; by others) · materiel, 1 /8-1" clean ;:·. ·:.>/ ;,.•: · . . : .","~ .. , .. crushed rock wrapped in · •• • ·: •; -·7• ( , t le# •• ?.of. • , t I Pavement section per a filter fabric Mirafi 140 . •;:,::~ ·:. ··"':: or equivalent) .... ••·•·. •·• - t I • • I • • • GS! recomencations ~ ,':.,: .-· ,,_:·: -. I I t 1• ""-e• I •• • I . . ..._ . ~ e I t of. • I e • .... ;, , . ,· -. . . . , . -. , , 4-" dia. min. perforated pipe placed with holes cown end s!ooed at 1-2% ; ·. . ·: , • .. · .. . , ., . Finished lot surface •. : . · .. •. : "' ';• It ...,_ • I ·. to a suitcbie 'outlet . ·. . I ' ! 4" tvlin. J 4-" Min~ ~ h I ,:I ~;.', ', • '. , . 1• lo lo' fa f I a , I, .I , . , .I o ' ' f , , t • r .::1." M'" ' • 0 • ' j o • , • -.1 . , in. 1..~ f fo o• ,.1••• .. • .. o 'A ~ ·: 1 ~ f , o· • o • "' f • • • e.o.. t 0 o • J' • • o 0 o , • , • l o ~ o r .0· 4 b. o • • ~ • b.o A "" • ,. GI .,. QA. 0 • . .., . . .. O' f . 0 • I ~ \./c.ll Fco":ing (designed by ethers) _T -! I SCHEMATIC OF SITE WALL DRAIN OPTION 8 Figure 4 . OAT E _8 __ / __ 98 __ , w. 0. N0 ____ 2 __ 4...,7 __ 3_-A_-_s_c __ _ Geotechnical • Geologic • Environmental C' f"\ O \A Q n. / ") I") I I I . I I , I I ' ! I . I I ' l I I I I I I I I I I I I ·I I i; ---.....~~~ If finishec: surfcce is within 2 1/7/ /! 8" of too of fcotinq well drcins ~v /1 shell be. at 61 intervcls clone V-- the _le~c;t~ ?f the well_ ~rid J ~ /I lcc::cec cc n,e level ci t,1e,---~~--..., ,-1/1 \ -• I I I" " • I ,-C~:; I 1Clf r crcin '(,... .. , ...,::'. I __ ._ ..._.t I j be!cw scii lir.e bot~cm cour'-e cf bled< Tr.e ' •· · ::,'::_. ·,.:; ~V/17i crcins sncil be 4" in c:icrnete,. ::·· ; ··.: ·. -:\ l ,_..,__ •• ~·, :·,\·-'. ~, .. _. 1 Site re~c1n,r:c 'Neil : ,.._ .,, I•,• •,!_: I (struc:ural desic;n .. · ~: .':·,".,. - : ti _...,. •: I • : • I I I ) • .-~· t , . .-.:... !?Y ocners •••• ·:·.'·'~. _t,•. I • •.I •11 .;. • I • t ?:)>?~l 2<1." thick (min.) drcin rock~::::_:~\?.·;. @ . _ (:lass 2 pe:n;eable) or I~·: . : ·:,-1 ~~:1ement se~~i~n per o~her occepccole gronulcr / •· .. : , ·-•· •· i ! u::::1 recomencct1cr.s . . I . 1 /8 ·" 1 ' ' • • mccer:c, -r ciecn ··: . · •• : · i crushed roci< wrcooed in ';· · · : ..: •• : .. 1 1 .. c filter fabric (,'v1i~cfi 1 40 · .• '., · .' · · ; ~: ';.: 4. c:ic. pipe or e~uivclent) , •· . _ • , : 1/ ,/] •. • · ,-' _' :: . . I ~ Finished lot surface\ . · ........ , ! :, . • .' ·h .. , • : Tvi7""7""':~(-:.:::;:-nr:::-::s":-N:=::=~~=~ a • ''.: .. , •• • • • I/ , . I • \Jc.ll rcotinG <desigr.ed cy ctners) SCHEMATIC OF SITE WALL DRAIN. OPTION C Figure 5- DATE _ _,_8....,/9_8 __ w.o. NQ __ __,;2 __ 4 __ 7,_3 ..... -A .... -__ s __ c __ _ Geotechnical • Geologic • Environmental I I I I I ' l I . l I I; •• I I I ' I I l I l I_ I I I used in the backdrain systems should be a minimum of 3 cubic feet per lineal foot of %- to 1-inch clean crushed rock wrapped in filter fabric (Mirafi 140 or equivalent) and 12 inches thick behind the wall. Where the void to be fitted is constrained by lot lines or property boundaries, the use of panel drains (Mirafi 5000 or equivalent) may be considered with the approval of the project geotechnical engineer. The surface of the backfill should be sealed by pavement or the top 18 inches compacted to 90 percent relative compaction with native soil. Proper surface drainage should also be provided. Weeping of the walls in lieu of a backdrain is not recommended for walls greater than 2 feet in height. For walls 2 feet or less in height, weepholes should be no greater than 6 feet on center in the bottom coarse of block and above the landscape zone. A paved drainage channel (v-ditch or substitute), either concrete or asphaltic concrete, behind the top of the walls with sloping backfill should be considered to reduce the potential for surface water penetration. For level backfill, the grade should be sloped such that drainage is toward. a suitable outlet at 1 to 2 percent. Retaining Wall Footing Transitions Site walls are anticipated to be founded on footings designed in accordance with the recommendations in this report. Wall footings may transition from bedrock to gravelly fill to select fill. If this condition is present the civil designer may specify either: a) If transitions from rock fill to select fill transect the wall footing alignment at an angle of less than 45 degrees (plan view), then the designer should perform a minimum 2-foot overexcavation for a distance of two times the height of the wall and increase overexcavation until such transition is between 45 and 90 degrees to the wall alignment. b) Increase of the amount of reinforcing steel and wall detailing (i'.e., expansion joints or crack control joints) such that an angular distortion of 1 /360 for a distance of 2H (where H=wall height in feet) on either side of the transition may be accommodated. Expansion joints should be sealed with a flexible, non-shrink grout. c) Embed the footings entirely into a homogeneous fill. PRELIMINARY PAVEMENT DESIGN Pavement sections presented a_re based on the A-value data (to be verified by specific R- value testing at completion of grading) obtained throughout the project area, the anticipated design classification, information provided by the client, and the minimum requirements of the City of Carlsbad. For planning purposes, pavement sections consisting of asphaltic concrete over base and full depth Portland cement concrete pavement (PCCP) are provided. The Blackmore Company Lot 105 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge Ge0Soils,· 1nc. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 22 , I ·1 I I ' l I I ,I I I I I I I •• I I I Anticipated asphaltic concrete (AC) pavement sections are presented in the following: ParkinQ Stalls 4.5 16 4.0 Traffic Areas 5.0 16 4.0 <1lDenotes standard Caltrans Class 2 aggregate base® L78, SE ~22). <2lCity of Carlsbad minimum AC thickness is 4 inches. . ·=.I CLASS2 . .AGGREGATE .. . ;-... .. BASE ... · ... :.· . ...... : .·THICKNEss<1> :. ·: = .. · (inches) .. 4.0 6.0 <3>TI values have been assumed for planning purposes herein and should be confirmed by the design team during future plan development. Portland cement concrete pavement sections are presented below. 1::.::::,·.·:::.,.·::·::·:·.w::.:·:.···:··:::·:·.·:·.·:·:.·:=:·:·:·::·;:··:::...-:· .. ::::·:::·:::·:;·:.:.::::.;·;:·:::.-.:::·:·::,:·:·::::··::.N::::.::·::)tiot-id:Rgf.£:.~AV€Mal£°.>.···.:.·:·· .. :;····· .. _·-:::::;:".···.:·· ......... : .... ··::.:,······:::·.·,:.: ... ·::<.-.. ,::· .. ::,·: .. ··.·· .. :·:··::····.··-·-I "~;:I:JM~~:;:~ ~:i?;i::"•. :2~~~~S,~: ;:~.~~~;: :.~'.::!~!~E~··: ParkinQ Stalls 10 16 light 5.5 Parking Stalls 25 16 light 6.0 Parking Stalls 100 16 light 6.0 Traffic Lane 10 16 medium 6.5 Traffic Lane 25 16 medium 7.0 Traffic Lane 100 16 medium 7.0 Traffic Lane 300 16 medium 7.5 Traffic Lane 500 16 medium 7.5 Loading Dock 10 16 heavy 7.5 Loading Dock 25 16 heavy 8.0 Loading Dock 100 16 heavy 8.0 Loading Dock 300 16 heavy 8.5 The Blackmore Company W.O 2473-A-SC Lot 1 05 of Carlsbad Research Center August 20, 1998 File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge Page 23 GeoSoils, Inc. I I . l ,I I . l I . l I! I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I <,\ :·: .. ·n~ir.i ,~_:·.:/:i_:.-)/ _i:<;::/YA\,~iiA§~::=' .. )'·:·_·: · ·· · -AREA-':':,'\:,-.. ·::··::=·',: DAfLY.~l'-.TROCK i·_,-..:-;_::· :· .. _· .. :_··:::,:-:::{n:::::?:',:::::~: :::\;~w:: jti:~11 ; .:_, · Loading Dock 500 SUBGRADE):i;_-,:-·::·; ': .. ·. \. i-AXLE·: "R\vALiJe<'3> .·---: :·.· ·, .. ·. · ..... to Ao _ .. __ ,· .... -·, ··=·:·. · ·. :_ : cAri:G·o_Rv . "'(·· .. , : ., ·-. -...: .. -.: . 16 heavy RC;c;<1> ,TMICKNESS } '(iiic.~es) · ,. 8.5 <1>concrete shall be 560-C-3250 minimum. Assumes the construction of concrete shoulders. <2>ADTT values have been assumed for planning purposes herein and should be confirmed by the desiqn team durinq future plan development. The pavement sections presented above have been calculated based on a subgrade R-value of 16, modulus of rupture (MR) of 560 psi and the use of concrete shoulders (curb and gutter) at the edge of pavement. A load safety factor of 1.0 and 1.1 were applied to parking and traffic/loading areas, respectively. GSI does not recommend the use of an ADTT value of less than 25 for any pavement section, unless the ADTT significantly less than 25 is certified by a civil engineer specializing in traffic engineering. Design of truck loading docks should utilize guidelines provided for traffic lanes. The transition of the pavement from parking to traffic lanes should be made over a distance of 18 inqhes with crack control joints (weaken plane) or contact joints at the end of the transition. A minimum 4-inch layer of base rock in traffic and loading dock area should be com;idered to improve traffic lane performance. Base rock may consist of either ¾-inch crushed rock or Caltrans Class 2 aggregate base. Crushed rock may be compacted by vibratory methods. Aggregate base should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent. PCC Pavement Joints Weakened Plane Joints Transverse and longitudinal weakened plane joints may be constructed per Caltrans Standard specifications, Section 40-1.088 and 40-1.088(1). Transverse weakened plane joints should be spaced no farther than 15 feet apart and no closer than 5 feet. Longitudinal weakened plane joints should be spaced no farther than 20 feet apart, but not less than 5 feet. Joint layout may be determined per the applicable San Diego Regional Standard Drawings G-18 through G-21 (inclusive). Expansion Joints Transverse expansion joints should be constructed at 120 foot spacings in accordance with San Diego Regional Standard Drawing G-10. The Blackmore Company Lot 105 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 24 . I 11 11 ' l I I I I I ' I I I I l I I I I Contact Joints Transverse and longitudinal contact joints should be constructed in accordance with the contact joint detail shown on the San Diego Regional Standard Drawing G-1 O. Joint layout may be determined per the applicable San Diego Regional Standard Drawings G-18 through G-21 (inclusive). Within large parking areas, joint spacings should be no greater than 20 feet. Slab Reinforcement PCC Pavements for this project are designed as unreinforced and should perform adequately, assuming proper construction. If additional control of internal slab stresses (i.e., curing shrinkage, thermal expansion and contraction) is desired, then the use of 6- inch by 6-inch (6x6 -W1 .4 x W1 .4), welded-wire mesh (or equivalent) may be considered. Pavement grading recommendations are presented in Appendix E. Subgrade preparation and aggregate base preparation should be performed in accordance with those recommendations, and the minimum subgrade (upper 12 inches) and Class 2 aggregate base compaction should be 95 percent of the maximum dry density (ASTM D-1 557). If adverse .conditions (i.e., saturated ground, etc.) are encountered during preparation of subgrade, special construction methods may need to be employed. These recommendations should be considered preliminary. R-valtie testing and pavement design analysis should be performed upon completion of grading fe-r the lot. FLATWORK AND ASSOCIATED IMPROVEMENTS 1. Planters and walls should not be tied to building(s). 2. Driveways, sidewalks, and patios adjacent to the building(s) should be separated from the building(s) with thick expansion joint filler material. In addition, all sidewalks and driveways should be quartered and poured with expansion joints no farther apart than 8 feet for 4-inch slabs or 11 feet for 5½-inch slabs, respectively. To improve the performance of the driveway and/or sidewalks constructed on the expansive soils, consideration should be given to pre-saturation of the soils prior to placement of driveways and sidewalks to 120 percent of optimum moisture, for medium expansive soils. Consideration should additionally be given for the areas of the driveways and sidewalks adjacent to planters, lawns, and other landscape areas to have thickened edges, such that the edge is 4 to 6 inches thick and at least 6 inches below the adjacent landscaping zone (section). 3. Overhang structures should be structurally designed with continuous footings or grade beams tied in at least two directions. Footings that support overhang The Blackmore Company Lot 1 05 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 25 > l 11 11 I 11 I I I I I 'I. I I. ' I I. \ I :1 ' I I I structures should be embedded a minimum.of 18 inches from the lowest adjacent finished subgrade. 4. Any masonry landscape walls that are to be constructed throughout the property should be fully grouted and articulated in segments no more than 20 feet long. 5. Utilities should be enclosed within a closed vault or designed with flexible connections to accommodate differential settlement and expansive soil conditions. 6. Finish grade (Precise Grade Plan) on the lot should provide a minimum of 1 to 2 percent fall to the stre-et. It should be kept in mind that drainage reversals could occur if relatively flat yard drainage gradients are not maintained due to landscaping work, modifications to flatwork, or post-sale homeowner modifications. Tile Flooring Tile flooring can crack, reflecting cracks in the concrete slab below the tile. Therefore, the designer should consider additional steel reinforcement of concrete slabs on-grade where tile will be placed. The tile installer should consider installation methods that reduce possibl~ cracking of the tile such as slipsheets. Slipsheets or a vinyl crack isolation membrane {approved by the Tile Council of America/Ceramic Tile Institute) is recommended between tile and concrete slabs on grade. Gutters and Downspouts Consideration should be given to the installation of gutters and downspouts to collect roof water that may otherwise infiltrate the soils adjacent to the structures. The downspouts should be drained away from the foundation and collected in drainage swales or other approved non-erosive drainage systems designed by a registered civil engineer {specializing in drainage) to convey water away from the foundation. Gutters and downspouts are not a geotechnical requirement, however; provided positive drainage is maintained in accordance with the recommendations of the design civil engineer. Exterior Slabs and Walkways Exterior concrete slabs-on-grade (walkways, patios, etc.) should be constructed with a minimum 4-inch thick slab, and reinforced with steel rebar or welded wire mesh. The reinforcement should consist of No. 3 rebar placed at 18 inches on center in two horizontally perpendicular directions (long axis and short axis), or 6x6-W2.9xW2.9 welded wire mesh. It is important for the performance of the slab that the reinforcing be located near mid-slab thickness using chairs, supports, etc. Hooking is not an acceptable method of reinforcement placement, and is not recommended. The Blackmore Company Lot 1 05 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 26 . l I j I I ·. I 11 I '. I I I \ 1· . I I I: I_ I I •• •• I I I Distortions on the exterior slab-on-grade due to expansive soils and proximity to slopes may warrant additional mitigation. This may include crack control joints (4 to 6 feet spacing in horizontally perpendicular directions [long axis and short axis]), and expansion control joints at intervals 1 O feet or less. Other considerations for mitigation may include the use of thickened edges (see above) for slabs at the top of slopes, fiber mesh mixed into the concrete, or pre-saturation of subgrade soils to 120 percent of optimum moisture content, to a depth of 18 inches. Due to expansive soils, air conditioning (NC) units should be supported by slabs that are incorporated into the building foundation or constructed on a rigid slab With flexible couplings for plumbing and electrical lines. NC waste water lines should be drained to a suitable outlet (see previous section). Shrinkage cracks in concrete could become excessive if proper finishing and curing practices are not followed. Finishing and curing practices should be performed per the Portland Cement Association Guidelines. Mix design should incorporate rate of curing for climate and time of year, sulfate content of soils, corrosion potential of soils, and fertilizers used on site. ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS/DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA Additional Site Improvements If in the future, any additional improvements are pl~nned for the site, recommendations concerning the geological or geotechnical aspects of design and construction of said improvements could be provided upon request this includes but not limited to appurtenant structures. This office should be notified in advance of any additional fill placement, regrading of the site, or trench backfilling after rough grading has been completed. This includes any grading, utility trench, and retaining wall backfills. Erosion and Sedimentation Control The objective of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements are to reduce (or eliminate) discharge of non-stormwater runoff from construction sites. One of the best management practices (BM P's) to mitigate significant erosion from sites in the grading phase of construction is implementation of structural containment devices, including but not limited to sandbags, retention basins, hay bales, etc. BMP1s should be developed prior to the start of mass grading. As described in the General Permit, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) specific to the subject development is required, and should include an erosion control plan The Blackmore Company Lot 105 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 27 I; 1: I I I I I I I I I I. I I .I I I I I presenting best management practices (BMP1s) for runoff control. The erosion control plan should be exhibited on the grading plans. The SWPPP should be maintained until a post- construction management plan is in effect. These services would be provided by GSI upon request. Landscape Maintenance and Planting Water has been shown to weaken the inherent strength of soil, and slope stability is significantly reduced by overly wet conditions. Positive surface drainage away from graded slopes should be maintained and only the amount of irrigation necessary to sustain plant life should be provided for planted slopes. Over-watering should be avoided. Onsite soil materials should be maintained in a solid to semisolid state. Brushed native and graded slopes (constructed within and utilizing onsite materials) would be potentially erosive. Eroded debris may be minimized and surficial slope stability enhanced by establishing and maintaining a suitable vegetation cover soon after construction. Plants selected for landscaping should be light weight, deep rooted types that require little water and are capable of surviving the prevailing climate. Planting of large trees with potential for extensive root development should not be placed closer than 1 O feet from the perimeter of the foundation or the anticipated height of the mature tree, whichever is greater. It order to minimize erosion on the slope face, an erosion control fabric (i.e. jute matting) should be considered. From a geotechnical standpoint, leaching is not recommended for establishing landscaping. If the surface soils area processed for the purpose of adding amendments they should be recompacted to 90 percent minimum relative compaction. Moisture sensors, embedded into fill slopes, should be considered to reduce the potential of overwatering from automatic landscape watering systems. The use of certain fertilizers may affect the corrosion characteristics of soil. Review of the type and amount (pounds per acre) of the fertilizers by a corrosion specialist should be considered. Recommendations for exterior concrete flatwork design and construction can be provided upon request. If in the future, any additional improvements are planned for the site, recommendations concerning the geological or geotechnical aspects of design and construction of said improvements could be provided upon request. This office should be notified in advance of any additional fill placement, regrading of the site, or trench backfilling after rough grading has been completed. This includes any grading, utility trench, and retaining wall backfills. Drainage Positive site drainage should be maintained at all times. Drainage should not flow uncontrolled down any descending slope. Water should be directed away from foundations and not allowed to pond and/or seep into the ground. Pad drainage should The Blackmore Company Lot 105 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, lne. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, '1998 Page 28 •• I I I I 11 I I I I I I ,, I I I I I • be directed toward the street or other approved area. Landscaping should be graded to drain into the street, or other approved area. All surface water should be appropriately directed to areas designed for site drainage. Roof gutters and down spouts are recommended to control roof drainage. Down spouts should outlet a minimum of 5 feet from proposed structures or tightlined into a subsurface drainage system. We recommend that any proposed open bottom planters adjacent to proposed structures be eliminated for a minimum distance of 1 O feet. As an alternative, closed bottom type planters could be utilized. An outlet placed in the bottom of the planter, could be installed to direct drainage away from structures or any exterior concrete flatwork. Drainage behind top of walls should be accomplished along the length of the wall with a paved channel drainage v-ditch or substitute. Footing Trench Excavation All footing trench excavations should be observed and approved by a representative of this office prior to placing reinforcement. Footing trench spoil and any excess soils generated from utility trench excavations should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent, if not removed from the site. Trench Backfill All excavations should be observed by one of our representatives and conform to OSHA and local safety codes. Exterior trenches should not be excavated below a 1 : 1 projection from the bottom of any adjacent foundation system. If excavated, these trenches may undermine support for the foundation system potentially creating adverse conditions. 1. All utility trench backfill in slopes, structural areas and beneath hardscape features should be brought to near optimum moisture content and then compacted to obtain a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent of the laboratory standard. Observations, probing and, if deemed necessary, testing should be performed by a representative of this office to verify compactive efforts of the contractor. 2. ·soils generated from utility trench excavations should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent (ASTM D-1557) if not removed from the site. 3. Jetting of backfill is not recommended. 4. Bottoms of utility trenches should be sloped away from structures. The Blackmore Company Lot 105 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoil$, Inc. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, '1998 Page 29 I •• •• • ••• I I •• I :1 I . I I •• •• I I •• I PLAN REVIEW Final site development and foundation plans should be submitted to this office for review and comment, as the plans become available, for the purpose of minimizing any misunderstandings between the plans and recommendations presented herein. In addition, foundation excavations and any additional earthwork construction performed on the site should be observed and tested by this office. If conditions are found to differ substantially from those stated, appropriate recommendations would be offered at that time. LIMITATIONS The materials encountered on the project site and utilized in our laboratory study are believed representative of the area; however, soil and bedrock materials vary in character between excavations and natural outcrops or conditions exposed during site grading, construction, and our post-grading study. Site conditions may vary due to seasonal changes or other factors. GSI assumes no responsibility or liability for work, testing, or recommendations performed or provided by others. Inasmuch as our study is based upon the site materials observed, selective laboratory testing and engineering analysis, the conclusion and recommendations are professional opinions. These opinions have been derived in accordance with current standards of practice and no warranty is expressed or implied. Standards of practice are subject to change with time. GSI performed this study within the constraints of a budget. During the field exploration phase of our study, odors or stained or discolored soils were not observed onsite or in our borings or boring spoils. However, these observations were made during our preliminary geotechnical study and should in no way be used in lieu of an environmental assessment. If requested, a proposal for a phase I preliminary environmental assessment could be provided. The Blackmore Company Lot 105 of Carlsbad Research Center File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Ine. W.O 2473-A-SC August 20, 1998 Page 30 ·t B-1 s TD14' -- \ \ .\ Base Map: Grading Plans for Carlsbad Tract No. 85-24, Carlsbad . Research Center Unit 5, by Rick Engineering Company, 1-26-95. . I \ \~j ;'"t:i~ ' / ·a; L 4('2-.14': \.. \ Af Kgr _____ ..,,.-,, B-2 ~ TD15' LEGEND Artificial fill, placed u·nder the observation and testing of Geotechnics Incorporated (1994) Cretaceous granitics Apj)roximate location of geologic contact Approximate location and total depth of exploratory boring . '-~) ( ·---:J -;-7 G~~~~-LOS ANGELES CO. RIVERSIDE CO. ORANGE CO. SAN DIEGO CO. GEOTECHNICAL MAP Plate 1 w.o. 2473-A-SC DATE 8/98 SCALE 1·:so· . t -,: ' ---, -·. ---,:-_, -_; --. ' ' ·;_: . -_ _. -_ - 11 -·-.-------,_' -',:_ \ -1: --_ _.-:c --'·_ - I I I i ·1) - I I I • I -I I I I I ' \ 1: I I I l I I APPENDIX A REFERENCES .. . . . . . . -: _.;~;ti,. . . ,-. . -~ 1: 1: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix A REFERENCES Amimoto, Perry Y., 1981, Erosion and sediment control handbook: Division of Mines and Geology, Department of Conservation, May. Blake, Thomas F., 1997, EQFAULT computer program and users manual for the deterministic prediction of horizontal accelerations from digitized California faults. Campbell, K.W. and Bozorgnia, Y., 1994, Near-source attenuation of peak horizontal acceleration from worldwide accelrograms recorded from 1957 to 1993; Proceedings, Fifth U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, volume 111, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, pp 292-293. GeoSoils, Inc., undated, In-house, unpublished data. Geotechnics Incorporated, 1994, As-graded geotechnical report, Carlsbad Research Center, Unit 5, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 0017-001-01, April 29. Greensfelder, R. W., 1974, Maximum credible rock acceleration from earthquakes in California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Map Sheet 23. Hart, E.W., 1997, Fault-rupture hazard zones in California: California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 42. Housner, G. W., 1970, Strong ground motion in Earthquake Engineering, Robert Wiegel, ed., Prentice-Hall. International Conference of Building Officials, 1997, Uniform building code: Whittier, California, vol. 1, 2, and 3. Jennings, C.W., 1994, Fault activity map of California and adjacent areas: California Division of Mines and Geology, Map Sheet No. 6, scale 1 :750,000. Joyner, W. B., and Boore, D. M., 1988, Measurement characterization and prediction of strong ground motion, in -Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics II --recent advances in ground motion evaluation: American Society of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Special Publication no. 20, p. 43 to 102. __ , 1982, Prediction of earthquake response spectra, U.S. Geological Survey Open- File Report 82-977, 16 p. --, 1981, Peak horizontal acceleration and velocity from strong-motion records including records from the 1979 Imperial Valley, California, earthquake: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 71, no. 6, p. 2011-2038. · GeoSoils, Inc. I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sadigh, K., Egan, J., and Youngs, R., 1987, Predictive ground motion equations reported in Joyner, W.B., and Boore, D.M., 1988, 11Measurement, characterization, and prediction of strong ground motion", in Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics II, Recent Advances in Ground Motion Evaluation, Von Thun, J.L., ed.: American Society of Civil Engineers Geotechnical Special Publication No. 20, pp. 43-102. Sowers and Sowers, 1970, Unified soil classification system (After U. S. Waterways Experiment Station and ASTM 02487-667) in Introductory Soil Mechanics, New York. Weber, Harold F., 1982, Geologic map of the central-north coastal area of San Diego County, California, showing recent slope failures and pre-development landslides: United States Geologic Survey, Open-File Report 82-12. The Blackmore Company File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, lne. Appendix A Page 2 . \ . '. . ' . ·. I . -- -: ~ ~ • < • -• • -• • • ~ ~ .. I . . . . . ~ : . . .·. . . . I .... I: - i l;- 1 I I I _--• •• I I • I •• ' I I • APPENDIX B BORING LOGS . ·. · .... . ' . . ·:' ~ .. • • • ~ .. ~ > t~· -· .. \. I l 1· . \ I I :1 I I I I I I I I .. , I I I • I GeoSoils, Inc. PROJECT: BLACKMORE Lot 105 Sample "' +- :I + ... +-+-..., ... ,..., I "lJ ' -·c .... .c ti) flJ ti) 0 ::> u + :,t; ·-..0 3 (/) .a ll. a. -"lJ L 0 u e :»"' QI ::, C::, (/) :» L 0 Ill ::> +-al ::> (/) Cl SC 26 106.1 33 110.6 27 109.0 ,... X "' ...., X ...., C 0 flJ L +-::, l1l +-L ti) ::, +- 0 l1l I: (/) 17.6 12.5 11.1 BORING LOG W.O. 2473-A-SC BORING B-1 SHEET_1_0F 1 DATE EXCAVATED _____ 6_-_10_-_9_8 ___ _ SAMPLE METHOD: 140 lb hammer 30" drop Standard Penetration Test Undisturbed, Ring Sample f\i Water Seepage into hole Description of Material ARTIFICIAL FILL @ 0', CLAYEY SAND, brown, moist, loose. @ 2', as per 0', medium dense. @ 3', as per 2', scattered gravel. @ 5', CLAYEY SAND, brown to dark brown, moist, medium dense; scattered organics. -1-_..µ~"Jl.J.l.,~--l----+---+---1---1-, GRANITICS @ 13 1 /2', Breaks to gravel size fragments, red/gray, damp, 15 20 25 Lot 105 dense. Total Depth = 14' No groundwater encountered Backfilled 6-1 0-98 GeoSoils, Inc. PLATE B-1 \ ·I I I I I I I I I I I I ,, I ' I ' I I I ' ·1 GeoSoils, Inc. PROJECT: BLACKMORE Lot 105 Sample ,..., + :i: + '+-+ + '-" '+-,.., I -0 ' -,:<+- .c Ul ID Ul a :J u + "' ·-.a 3 en .a a. a. --0 !.. 0 u e :n"' ID ::l C ::l -en:» L 0 al :::>+ al :J Cl) Cl CL - -~ 19 113.7 ~ 10 SC 109.2 - 5 ~ 13 SM 105.5 - - - - 10 ~ 35 ML-108.8 CL - - - -fl 66 15 - - - - 20- - - - - 25- - - - - Lot 105 BORING LOG w.o. 2473-A-SC BORING B-2 SHEET_1_0F 1 - DATE EXCAVATED 6-1 0-98 ,.., SAMPLE METHOD: 140 lb hammer 30" drop X ,.., ..., X m ..., C Standard Penetration Test 0 ID ·-Ii\ Water Seepage into hole L + ::l 111 ~ Undisturbed, Ring Sample + L Ul ::l ·-+ ! a 111 Description of Material :t: Cl) I ARTIFICIAL FILL @ 0', SANDY CLAY, brown, moist, soft. @ 2', as per 0', very stiff. 11.3 12.8 ~ @ 3', CLAYEY SAND, brown, moist, loose; organics. . ,/ 15.9 ."":""',' @ 5', SILTY SAND, light brown, moist, medium dense. .:..---.· ':-':''. ·....:-:-·. ,";'.· ,..,-., .. -~-. ·0·. ... ,<..('"'",' .:..,...:..· ... 'y';'', ... 14.9 \, @ 10', CLAYEY SILT TO SILTY CLAY, gray to dark brown, \, moist, very stiff. " \, " "\, @ 12', CLAY, dark brown, moist, stiff; abundant organics. v GRANITICS @ 13 1 /2', Breaks to gravel size fragments, red/gray, damp, hard. I Total Depth = 15' No groundwater encountered Backfilled 6-10-98 GeoSoils, Inc. PLATE B-2 ' I •• I . ' I· I I I I I I· I I ,, ) I I • I * . ' ....... : APPENDIXC LABORATORY TEST RESULTS .· . •, ·:····.· .. · ·.· .. ·:::_/f!" ' ... . ' I • . l I I • • I I l I· I ' I· • I . I ., • :1 I . l -, I _ . --, 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507 ·-··-:-~:-=-··,: ~--,_; '. P.O. Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502 .. -,~;,.i:'f.':.i:,;,,.~ui.:f~, E.S. BABCOCK & SONS, INC . ,} ... 1 PH (909) 653-3351 FAX (909) 653-1662 -·r • ..iUl. i) 2 1998 rvironmental Laboratory Certification #1156 ESTABLISHED 1906 -------:.-.-. ~--2277 Client: GeoSoils, Inc. I -Page: 1 of 1 Lab No.: L42899-001 to 003 5741 Palmer Way Carlsbad,CA 92008 Date Reported: 06/30/98 Submitted By: UPS Client I.D.: soil-ag as listed Identification 13-_f-1, .@:/p~4FT:.-·.: ,._,'= .':·· ·_:· · WRK ORDR: 2473 Collected Ion Chrom. Date Time Water Extractable sulfate _p:i;,m_ RL: 310 5. Date analysis completed: (Water Extractable Sulfate:06/24/98) ND= None detected at RL (Reporting Limit). Results repoted in ppm e;,cpressed on air dired soil basis. cc: Date: 06/18/98 Time: 0835 : .. · .,. Plate C-1 _) I ' ' ,i- • I I I I I I I • I I •• I I 6 5 ~ H a.. 4 X L1J Cl z H >-I- H u H I-Ill 3 0· 0 0 i J 5 20 a. 10 0 0 : : I ' i ! I ! ! I ' I ! ! ' I ; I I I IML-CL I I I 10 20 EXPLORATION • 8-01 GeoSoi Is, :nc. I I ' ' : ' ! i ; i I I I I i I ! I I ! I ! I ' ! CH ' ' I ! I ' ' I i CL I I I//. I I I/ ·1 / ~ I/ ,/ ML ~ 30 40 50 60 70 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) DE?TH C ft) 0.0 LL ?L PI 39 15 23 ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS BLACKMORE i I i I I I MH I I I I 80 90 i ; I i ! i ! i ' i : I I 100 110 June 1998 W.O.: 2473-SC Plate: C-2 Plate C-2 ' \ I I • I I I . ' I ' I 1: I •• I I ,, I I I · , .· ·._ -·: -. r ~-.:,ri:~-.~ ., . : • . ·-.. -._ ... ;, :=-:' ... • • • ; ;N • APPENOIX D GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING GUIDELINES I I ,· l I I I, . \ I ••• I I I •• I \ I ~ I I I I I I GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING GUIDELINES General These guidelines present general procedures and requirements for earthwork and grading as shown on the. approved grading plans, including preparation of areas to filled, placement of fill, installation of subdrains and excavations. The recommendations contained in the geotechnical report are part of the earthwork and grading guidelines and would supersede the provisions contained hereafter in the case of conflict. Evaluations performed by the consultant during the course of grading may result in new recommendations which could supersede these guidelines or the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report. The contractor is responsible for the satisfactory completion of all earthwork in accordance with provisions of the project plans and specifications. The project soil engineer and engineering geologist (geotechnical consultant) or their representatives should provide observation and testing services, and geotechnical consultation during the duration of the project. EARTHWORK OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING Geotechnical Consultant Prior to the commencement of grading, a qualified geotechnical consultant (soil engineer and engineering geologist) should be employed for the purpose of observing earthwork procedures and testing the fills for conformance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report, the approved grading plans, and applicable grading codes and ordinances. The geotechnical consultant should provide testing and observation so that determination may be made that the work is being accomplished as specified. It is the responsibility of the contractor to assist the consultants and keep them apprised of anticipated work schedules and changes, so that they may schedule their personnel accordingly. All clean-outs, prepared ground to receive fill, key excavations, and subdrains should be observed and documented by the project engineering geologist and/or soil engineer prior to placing and fill. It is the contractors's responsibility to notify the engineering geologist and soil engineer when such areas are ready for observation. Laboratory and Field Tests Maximum dry density tests to determine the degree of compaction should be performed in accordance with American Standard Testing Materials test method ASTM designation D-1557-78. Random field compaction tests should be performed in accordance with test method ASTM designation D-1556-82, D-2937 or D-2922 and D-3017, at intervals of approximately 2 feet of fill height or every 100 cubic yards of fill placed. These criteria GeoSoils, Inc. I I I I I l \ ,I I I I I I I 1 ,, I ., I I: I I would vary depending on the soil conditions and the size of the project. The location and frequency of testing would be at the discretion of the geotechnical consultant. Contractor's Responsibility All clearing, site preparation, and earthwork performed on the project should be conducted by the contractor, with observation by geotechnical consultants and staged approval by the governing agencies, as applicable. It is the contractor's responsibility to prepare the ground surface to receive the fill, to the satisfaction of the soil engineer, and to place, spread, moisture condition, mix and compact the fill in accordance with the recommendations of the soil engineer. The contractor should also remove all major non- earth material considered unsatisfactory by the soil engineer. It is the sole responsibility of the contractor to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the earthwork in accordance with applicable grading guidelines, codes or agency ordinances, and approved grading plans. Sufficient watering apparatus and compaction equipment should be provided by the contractor with due consideration for the fill material, rate of placement,. and climatic conditions. If, in the opinion of the geotechnical consultant, unsatisfactory conditions such as questionable weather, excessive oversized rock, or deleterious material, insufficient support equipment, etc., are resulting in a quality of work that is not acceptable, the consultant will inform the contractor, and the contractor is expected to rectify the conditions, and if necessary, stop work until conditions are satisfactory. During construction, the contractor shall properly grade all surfaces to maintain good drainage and prevent ponding of water. The contractor shall take remedial measures to control surface water and to prevent erosion of graded areas until such time as permanent drainage and erosion control measures have been installed. SITE PREPARATION All major vegetation, including brush, trees, thick grasses, organic debris, and other deleterious material should be removed and disposed of off-site. These removals must be concluded prior to placing fill. Existing fill, soil, alluvium, colluvium, or rock materials determined by the soil engineer or engineering geologist as being unsuitable in-place should be removed prior to fill placement. Depending upon the soil conditions, these materials may be reused as compacted fills. Any materials incorporated as part of the compacted fills should be approved by the soil engineer. Any underground structures such as cesspools, cisterns, mining shafts, tunnels, septic tanks, wells, pipelines, or other structures not located prior to grading are to be removed or treated in a manner recommended by the soil engineer. Soft, dry, spongy, highly fractured, or otherwise unsuitable ground extending to such a depth that surface processing cannot adequately improve the condition should be over-excavated down to The Blackmore Company File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, lne. Appendix D Page 2 I I I I' I I I I I I I' I I I I I ,, I ,, firm ground and approved by the soil engineer before compaction and filling operations continue. Overexcavated and processed soils which have been properly mixed and moisture conditioned should be re-compacted to the minimum relative compaction as specified in these guidelines. Existing ground which is determined to be satisfactory for support of the fills should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches or as directed by the soil engineer. After the scarified ground is brought to optimum moisture content or greater and mixed, the materials should be compacted as specified herein. ff the scarified zone is grater that 6 inches in depth, it may be necessary to remove the excess and place the material in lifts restricted to about 6 inches in compacted thickness: Existing ground which is not satisfactory to support compacted fill should be over- excavated as required in the geotechnical report or by the on-site soils engineer and/or engineering geologist. Scarification, disc harrowing, or other acceptable form of mixing should continue until the soils are broken down and free of large lumps or clods, until the working surface is reasonably uniform and free from ruts, hollow, hummocks, or other uneven features which would inhibit compaction as described previously. Where fills are to be placed on ground with slopes steeper than 5:1 (horizontal to vertical), the ground should be stepped or benched. The lowest bench, which will act as.a key, should be a minimum of 15 feet wide and should be at least 2 feet deep into firm material, and approved by the soil engineer and/or engineering geologist. In fill over cut slope conditions, the recommended minimum wrdth of the lowest bench or key is also 15 feet . with the key founded on firm material, as designated by the Geotechnical Consultant. As a general rule, unless specifically recommended otherwise by the Soil Engineer, the minimum width of fill keys should be approximately equal to ½ the height of the slope. Standard benching is generally 4 feet (minimum) vertically, exposing firm, acceptable material. Benching may be used to remove unsuitable materials, although it is understood that the vertical height of the bench may exceed 4 feet. Pre-stripping may be considered for unsuitable materials in excess of 4 feet in thickness. All areas to receive fill, including processed areas, removal areas, and the toe of fill benches should be observed and approved by the soil engineer and/or engineering geologist prior to placement of fill. Fills may then be properly placed and compacted until design grades (elevations) are attained. COMPACTED FILLS Any earth materials imported or excavated on the property may be utilized in the fill provided that each material has been determined to be .suitable by the soil engineer. These materials should be free of roots, tree branches, other organic matter or other deleterious materials. All unsuitable materials should be removed from the fill as directed The Blackmore Company File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. Appendix D Page 3 ' I· I I 1l ' l I 11 I I I I I I I I 'I l ,,. 'I I I I by the soil engineer. Soils of poor gradation, undesirable expansion potential, or substandard strength characteristics may be designated by the consultant as unsuitable and may require blending with other soils to serve as a satisfactory fill material. Fill materials derived from benching operations should be dispersed throughout the fill area and blended with other bedrock derived material. Benching operations should not result in the benched material being placed only within a single equipment width away from the fill/bedrock contact. Oversized materials defined as rock or other irreducible materials with a maximum dimension greater than 12 inches should not be buried or placed in fills unless the location of materials and disposal methods are specifically approved by the soil engineer. Oversized material should be taken off-site or placed in accordance with recommendations of the soil engineer in areas designated as suitable for rock disposal. Oversized material should not be placed within 10 feet vertically of finish grade (elevation) or within 20 feet horizontally of slope faces. To facilitate future trenching, rock should not be placed within the range of foundation excavations, future utilities, or underground construction unless specifically approved by the soil engineer and/or the developers representative. If import material is required for grading, representative samples of the materials to be utilized as compacted fill should be analyzed in the laboratory by the soil engineer to determine its physical properties. If any material other .than that previously tested is encountered during grading, an appropriate analysis of this material should be conducted by the soil engineer as soon as possible. Approved fill material should be placed in areas prepared to receive fill in near horizontal layers that when compacted should not exceed 6 inches in thickness. The soil engineer may approve thick lifts if testing indicates the grading procedures are such that adequate compaction is being achieved with lifts of greater thickness. Each layer should be spread evenly and blended to attain uniformity of material and moisture suitable for compaction. Fill layers at a moisture content less than optimum should be watered and mixed, and wet fill layers should be aerated by scarification or should be blended with drier material. Moisture condition, blending, and mixing of the fill layer should continue until the fill materials have a uniform moisture content at or above optimum moisture. After each layer has been evenly spread, moisture conditioned and mixed, it should be uniformly compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum density as determined by ASTM test designation, D-1557-78, or as otherwise recommended by the soil engineer. Compaction equipment should be adequately sized and should be specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability to efficiently achieve the specified degree of compaction. The Blackmore Company File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. Appendix D Page4 I II I I I I I I I I I I 1.- 1 I I I I ,, Where tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill, or portion thereof, is below the required relative compaction, or improper moisture is in evidence, the particular layer or portion shall be re-worked until the required density and/or moisture content has been attained. No additional fill shall be placed in an area until the last placed lift of fill has been tested and found to meet the density and moisture requirements, and is approved by the soil engineer. Compaction of slopes should be accomplished by over-building a minimum of 3 feet horizontally, and subsequently trimming back to the design s!0pe configuration. Testing shall be performed as the fill is elevated to evaluate compaction as the fill core is being developed. Special efforts may be necessary to attain the specified compaction in the fill slope zone. Final slope shaping should be performed by trimming and removing loose materials with appropriate equipment. A final determination of fill slope compaction should be based on observation and/or testing of the finished slope face. Where compacted fill slopes are designed steeper than 2: 1 (horizontal to vertical), specific material types, a higher minimum relative compaction, and special grading procedures, may be recommended. If an alternative to over-building and cutting back the compacted fill slopes is selected, then special effort should be made to achieve the required compaction in the outer 1 o feet of each lift of fill by undertaking the following: 4. An extra piece of equipment consisting of a heavy short shanked sheepsfoot should be used to roll (horizontal) parallel to the slopes continuously as fill is placed. The sheepsfoot roller should also be used to roll perpendicular to the slopes, and extend out over the slope to provide adequate compaction to the face of the slope. 2. Loose fill should not be spilled out over the face of the slope as each lift is compacted. Any loose fill spilled over a previously completed slope face should be trimmed off or be subject to re-rolling. 3. Field compaction tests will be made in the outer (horizontal) 2 to 8 feet of the slope at appropriate vertical intervals, subsequent to COf111paction operations. 4. After completion of the slope, the slope face should be shaped with a small tractor and then re-rolled with a sheepsfoot to achieve compaction to near the slope face. Subsequent to testing to verify compaction, the slopes should be grid-rolled to achieve compaction to the slope face. Final testing should be used to confirm compaction after grid rolling. 5. Where testing indicates less than adequate compaction, the contractor will be responsible to rip, water, mix and re-compact the slope material as necessary to achieve compaction. Additional testing should be performed to verify compaction. The Blackmore Company File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. Appendix D Page 5 I ' :1, I I I ,, I I I I I I 1: I I I I I I 6. Erosion control and drainage devices should be designed by the project civil engineer in compliance with ordinances of the controlling governmental agencies, and/or in accordance with the recommendatfon of the soil engineer or engineering geologist. SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION Subdrains should be installed in approved ground in accordance with the approximate alignment and details indicated by the geotechnical consultant. Subdrain locations or materials should not be changed or modified without approval of the geotechnical consultant. The soil engineer and/or engineering geologist may recommend and direct changes in subdrain line, grade and drain material in the field, pending exposed conditions. The location of constructed subdrains should be recorded by the project civil engineer. EXCAVATIONS Excavations and cut slopes should be examined during grading by the engineering geologist. If directed by the engineering geologist, further excavations or overexcavation and re-filling of cut areas should be performed and/or remedial grading of cut slopes should be performed. When fill over cut slopes are to be graded, unless otherwise approved, the cut portion of the slope should be observed by the engineering geologist prior to placement of materials for construction of the fill portion of the slope. · The engineering geologist should observe all cut slopes and should be notified by the contractor when cut slopes are started. If, during the course of grading, unforeseen adverse or potential adverse geologic conditions are encountered, the engineering · geologist and soil engine.er should investigate, evaluate and make recommendations to treat these problems. The need for cut slope buttressing or stabilizing should be based on in-grading evaluation by the engineering geologist, whether anticipated or not. Unless otherwise specified in soil and geological reports, no cut slopes should be excavated higher or steeper than that allowed by the ordinances of controlling governmental agencies. Additionally, short-term stability of temporary cut slopes is the contractors responsibility. Erosion control and drainage devices should be designed by the project civil engineer and should be constructed in compliance with the ordinances of the controlling governmental agencies, and/or in accordance with the recommendations of the soil engineer or engineering geologist. The Blackmore Company File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, lne. Appendix D Page 6 r l I I ··- 1: ••• I ' ii ·1: • • :1 I •• • COMPLETION Observation, testing and consultation by the geotechnical consultant should be conducted during the grading operations in order to s~ate an opinion that all cut and filled areas are graded in accordance with the approved project specifications. After completion of grading and after the soil engineer and engineering geologist have finished their observations of the work, final reports should be submitted subject to review by the controlling governmental agencies. No further excavation or filling should be undertaken without prior notification of the soil engineer and/or engineering geologist. All finished cut and fill slopes should be protected from erosfon and/or be planted in accordance with the project specifications and/or as recommended by a landscape architect. Such protection and/or planning should be undertaken as soon as practical after completion of grading. JOB SAFETY General At GeoSoils, Inc. (GSI) getting the job done safely is of primary concern. The following is the company's safety considerations for use -by all employees on multi-employer construction sites. On ground personnel are at highest risk of injury and possible fatality on grading and construction projects. GSI recognizes that construction activities will vary on each site and that site safety is the prime responsibility of the contractor; however, everyone must be safety consciou~ and responsible at all times. To achieve our goal of avoiding accidents, cooperation between the client, the contractor and GSI personnel must be maintained. In an effort to minimize risks associated with geotechnical testing and observation, the following precaµtions are to be implemented for the safety of field personnel on grading and construction projects: Safety Meetings: GSI field personnel are directed to attend contractors regularly scheduled and documented safety meetings . Safety Vests: Safety _Flags: Safety vests are provided for and are to be worn by GSI personnel at all times when they are working in the field. Two safety flags are provided to GSI field technicians; one is to be affixed to the vehicle when on site, the other is to be placed atop the spoil pile on all test pits . The Blackmore Company File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge Appendix D Page? GeoSoils, Inc. I I I ! I I , I I I \ I I I I • I I I I I I I I I Flashing Lights: All vehicles stationary in the grading area shall use rotating or flashing amber beacon, or strobe lights, on the vehicle during all field testing. While operating a vehicle in the grading area, the emergency flasher on the vehicle shall be activated. In the event that the contractor's representative observes any of our personnel not following the above, we request that it be brought to the attention of our office. Test Pits Location, Orientation and Clearance The technician is responsible for selecting test pit locations. A primary concern should be the technicians's safety. Efforts will be made to coordinate locations with the grading contractors authorized representative, and to select locations following or behind the established traffic pattern, preferably outside of current traffic. The contractors authorized representative (dump man, operator, supervisor, grade checker, etc.) should direct excavation of the pit and safety during the test period. Of paramount concern should be the soil technicians safety and obtaining enough tests to represent the fill. Test pits should be excavated so that the spoil pile is placed away form oncoming traffic, whenever possible. The technician's vehicle is to be placed next to the test pit, opposite the spoil pile. This necessitates the fill be maintained in a driveable condition. Alternatively, the contractor may wish to park a piece of equipment in front of the test holes, particularly in small fill areas or those with limited access. A zone of non-encroachment should be established for all test pits. No grading equipment ~hould enter this zone during the testing procedure. The zone should extend approximately 50 feet outward from the center of the test pit. This zone is established for safety and to avoid excessive ground vibration which typically decreased test results. When taking slope tests the technician should park the vehicle directly above or below the test location. If this is not possible, a prominent flag should be placed at the top of the slope. The contractor's representative should effectively keep all equipment at a safe operation distance (e.g. 50 feet) away from the slope during this testing. The technician is directed to withdraw from the active portion of the fill as soon as possible following testing. The technician's vehicle should be parked at the perimeter of the fill in a highly visible location, well away from the equipment traffic pattern. The contractor should inform our personnel of all changes to haul roads, cut and fill areas or other factors that may affect site access and site safety. In the event that the technicians safety is jeopardized or compromised as a result of the contractors failure to comply with any of the above, the technician is required, by company policy, to immediately withdraw and notify his/her supervisor. The grading contractors representative will eventually be contacted in an effort to effect a solution. However, in the The Blackmore Company Fife: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. Appendix D Page 8 I I I I < l ·I • 1 ,I ' t I 'I I I < l ·I ' l I I ! ·I , I ·I •• . l ·I I I I I interim, no further testing will be performed until the situation is rectified. Any fill place can be considered unacceptable and subject to reprocessing, recompaction or removal. In the event that the soil technician does not comply with the above or other established safety guidelines, we request that the contractor brings this to his/her attention and notify this office. Effective communication and coordination between the contractors representative and the soils technician is strongly encouraged in order to implement the above safety plan . Trench and Vertical Excavation It is the contractor1s responsibility to provide safe access into trenches where compaction testing is needed. Our personnel are directed not to enter any excavation or vertical cut which 1) is 5 feet or deeper unless shored or laid back, 2) displays any evidence of instability, has any loose rock or other debris which could fall into the trench, or 3) displays any other evidence of any unsafe conditions regardless of depth. All trench excavations or vertical cuts in excess of 5 feet deep, which any person enters, should be shored or laid back. Trench access should be provided in accordance with CAL-OSHA and/or state and local standards. Our personnel are directed not to enter any trench by being lowered or 11riding down11 on the equipment. If the contractor fails to provide safe access to trenches for compaction testing, our company policy requires that the soi! technician withdraw and notify his/her supervisor. The contractors representative will eventually be contacted in an effort to effect a solution. All backfill not tested due to safety concerns or other reasons could be subject to reprocessing and/or removal. If GSI personnel become aware of anyone working beneath an unsafe trench wall or vertical excavation, we have a legal obligation to put the contractor and owner/developer on notice to immediately correct the situation. If corrective steps are not taken, GSI then has an obligation to notify CAL-OSHA and/or the proper authorities . The Blackmore Company File: e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. Appendix D Page 9 I I I ' l I . l I I f I I I :1 I ' I ' -I I I I I I . ! I I CANYON SUBDRAIN DETAIL TYPE A \,. PROPOSED COMPACTED FILL ' '\ I ',,~NATURAL GROUND SEE ALTERNATIVES TYPE 8 --------------------------------- ,. ,..._ PROPOSED COMPACTED Flll ................... _____ ....... -- SEE ALTERNATIVES NOTE: ALTERNATIVES, LOCATION ANO EXTENT OF SUBDRAINS SHOULD BE DETERMINED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER AND/OR ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST DURING GRADING. PLATE EG-1 I I CANYON SUBORAIN ALTERNATE DETAILS I I. ALTERNATE t PERFORATED PIPE AND FILTER MATERIAL A-1 -FILTER MATERIAL. . SJEVE StZE PERCENT PASSING 1 INCH , 100 ·3/4 INCH 90-::100 3/8 INCH 40-100 NO. 4 25-40. NO. 8 18-33 .NO. 30 :.5-15. ·No. 50 .0-7. NO. 200 0-3 ALTERNATE 2: PERFORATED PIPE, GRAVEL AND. FILTER FABRIC ~NIMUM OVERLAP 5• MINIMUM OVER~1>i A-2 _5· MINIMUM COVER PERFORATED PIPE: SEE ALTERNATE 1 GRAVEL: CLEAN 3/ 4 INC1 ROa< OR APPROVED SUBSTITUTE FILTER FABRIC: MIRAFI 11.0 OR APPROVED SUBSTITUTE -·· I I I I I I I I I I I. I I. 1. I PLATE EG-2 I ' l I • I , I ·I I l ·I ' l ·I I . l I ' l ·I I I l ·I . l ·I , I ·I I ·I I ' l ·I ·1 DETAIL FOR FILL SLOPE TOEING OUT ON FLAT ALLUVIA T·ED CANYON TOE OF SLOPE AS SHOWN ON GRADING PLAN C l OMPACTEO FILL ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE TO BE ~ RESTORED WITH COMPACTED FILL -L:C:L.:~.~.:H~U=A~ BACl<CU-0 VARIES. FOR DEEP REMOVALS, /....f.-0~ r BACKCUT ~~SHOULD BE MADE NO {-$'~ STEEPER ·THA~:1 OR AS NECESSAR/ 1~ ANTICIPATED ALLUVIAL REMOVAL FOR SAFETY ........_~,CONSIDERATIONS~ l ~ , DEPTH PER SOIL ENGINEER. ~,~ // ~~~OVJoEA i:;-Mm1MuM ;;oJEcTIONFRmi° r;i.-;; SLOPE AS SHOWN ON GRADING PLAN TO THE RECOMMENDED REMOVAL DEPTH. SLOPE HEIGHT, SITE CONDITIONS AND/OR LOCAL CONDITIONS COULD DICTATE FLATTER PROJECTIONS. REMOVAL ADJACENT TO EXISTING FILL ADJOINING CANYON FILL --------------------- PROPOSED ADDITIONAL COMPACTED FlLL COMPACTED FllL LIMITS LINl; \ , TEMPORARY COMPACTED Flll ).,FOR DRAINAGE ONLY __.. .------ 'I'' ~ Oaf ~d, Oaf / Qal (TO BE REMOVED) (EXISTING COMPAkCTED FILU "'2,, ~" rzwrr~~"'~l§lfl~\ i'f'l~~f/1'... LEGEND ~\ 1/ TO BE REMOVED BEFORE Oaf ARTIFICIAL Fill PLACING ADDITIONAL COMPACTED FILL Oal ALLUVIUM PLATE EG-3 ·--t-·--,111111------11111-.-.. ~ -------~ ... __ --·· -_: ------~ aL __ ..:: -. ...: -- -u r )> -1 rrt rn G) I +- TYPICAL STABILIZATION / BUTTRESS FILL DETAIL 15' TYPICAL OUTLETS TO BE SPACED AT 100' MAXIMUM INTERVALS, ANO SHALL EXTEND 12. BEYOND THE FACE OF SLOPE AT TIME OF. ROUGH GRADING COMPLETION. 14 ~1 15' MINIMUM BLANKET FILL IF RECOMMENDED BY THE SOIL ENGINEER 10'MINIMUM \\W/\\llh' ___ --- ,.-., \i( »A.~ ---1 -J." DIAMETER NON-PERFORATED OUTLET PIPE -I.* :: ANO BACKORAIN (SEE Al TERNA TIVES) rlt'"\ 3'MINIMUM KEY DEPTH . : . ·--t--· -----· ----------------~ ... __ --__ : ___ : ---------~ ---- TYPICAL STABILIZATION / BUTTRESS SUB-DRAIN DETAIL I.. MINIMUM r MINIMUM PIPE l.. MINIMUM 7J r )> -j rn m G) I U1 ,: ::, ,: z L N 2· MINIMUM FILTER MATERIAL: MINIMUM OF FIVE FP/LINEAR Ft OF PIPF OR FOUR FP/LINEAR Ft OF PIPE WHEN PLACED IN SQUARE CUT TRENCH. ALJERNATIVE IN !,IEU Of FILTER MATERIAL: GRAVEL MAY BE ENCASED IN APPROVED FILTER FABRIC. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE MIRAFI 140 OR EQUIVALENT. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE LAPPED A MINIMUM OF 12· ON ALL JOINTS. MINIMUM 4 • DIAMETER PIPE: ABS-ASTM D-2751, SOR 35 OR ASTM D-1527 SCHEDULE 40 PVC-ASTM D-3034. SPR 35 OR ASTM 0.-1785 SCHEDULE 40 WITH A CRUSHING STRENGTH OF 1,000 POUNDS MINIMUM, AND A MINIMUM OF 8 UNIFORMLY SPACED PERFORATIONS PER FOOT OF PIPE INSTALLED WITH PERFORATIONS OF BOTTOM OF PIPE. PROVIDE CAP AT ·UPSTREAM END OF PIPE. SLOPE AT 2 % TO OUTLET PIPE. OUTLET PIPE TO BE CONNECTED TO SUBDRAIN PIPE WITH TEE OR ELBOW. NOTE: 1. TRENCH FOR OUTLET PIPES TO BE BACKFILLED WITH ON-SITE SOIL. 2. BACK DRAINS AND LATERAL DRAINS SHALL BE LOCATED AT El.'.E.VATION OF EVERY BENCH ORAIN. FIRST DRAIN LOCA TEO AT ELEVATION JUST ABOVE LOWER LOT GRADE. AD.DITIONAL DRAINS MAY BE REQUIRED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE SOILS ENGINEER AND/OR ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST. FILTER MATERIAL SHALL BE OF THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATION OR AN APPROVED EQUIVALENT: SIEVE SIZE PERCENT PASSltiQ_ 1 INCH 100 3/ I. INCH 90-100 3/8 INCH 1.0-100 NO. 4 25-1.0 NO. 8 18'-3 3 NO. 30 5-15 NO. 50 0-7 NO. 200 0-3 GRAVEL SHALL BE OF THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATION OR AN APPROVED EQUIVALENT: SIEVE SIZE PERCENT PASSING 1 1 / 2 IN CH 1 0 o· NO. I. 50 NO. 200 8 SAND EQUIVALENT: MINIMUM OF 50 --:11111111--·-------\111111111--------...__ ------~ ---· --~ -~ --~ -~ FILL OVER NA TUR AL DETAIL SIDEHILL FILL COMPACTED FILL MAINTAIN MINIMUM rs· WIDTH TOE OF SLOPE AS SHOWN ON GRADING PLAN PROVIDE A 1:1 MINIMUM PROJECTION FROM DESIGN TOE OF SLOPE TO TOE OF KEY 0:-\>.fl-'E.R\t,_\.. u\>. oR u\\su,,Ji..~ ________, AS SHOWN ON AS BUILT . 1 ol'so11.. co1..1..11~ 1 • ~ NATURAL SLOPE TO BE RESTORED WITH I I y ~~~~€-~ ---~ .-::::-frY,1;\W// w·F-' J J J\ t i I I• 4' MINIMUM BENCH WIDTH MAY VARY I ~ --"1l1t1 ------1~MINIM~M NOTE: 1. WHERE THE NAlURAL SLOPE APPROACHES OR EXCEEDS THE 15' MINIMUM KEY WIDTH 2'X 3' MINIMUM KEY DEPTH DESIGN SLOPE RATIO, SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS WOULD BE PROVIDED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. -- 7J r )> -t rn 2' MINIMUM IN BEDROCK OR APPROVED MATERIAL. 2. THE NEED FOR ANO DISPOSITION OF DRAINS WOULD BE DETERMINED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER BASED UPON EXPOSED CONDITIONS. m G) l 0) --:lllill-tlill-----\--· ----------· ---~ ----_: __ : --~ -_: ---_: ---- FILL OVER CUT DETAIL CllT/FH.L CONTACT 1. AS SHOWN ON GRADING PLAN MAINTAIN MINIMUM 15' FILL SECTION FROM BACKCUT TO FACE OF FINISH SLOPE ----------- 2. AS SHOWN ON AS BUILT H ORIGINAL TOPOGRAPHY //\~ BEDROCK OR APPROVED MATERIAL 7J r )> -l rn rn G) I '-1 LOWEST BENCH WIDTH 15'MINIMUM OR H/2 COMPACTED FILL "" NOTE: THE CUT PORTION OF THE SLOPE SHOULD BE EXCAVATED AND EVALUATED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER AND/OR ENGINEER-ING GEOLOGIST PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTING THE FILL PORTION. --, .. ...: 11!1111---, .. -:-----·-·---· ---_: -------~ --= --. .._. ----- -u a )> -t rn m G) I 00 STABILIZATION FILL FOR UNSTABLE MATERIAL H1 EXPOSED IN PORTION OF CUT -SLOPE MATERIAL NATURAL SLOPE REMOVE: UNSTABLE MATEijlAL ~ l. -. ····· ~ ' ·...,-; I 1~· ~';,lh'-' I IIJbl''lcl-' }JRADE I ••• ,Ct UNWEATHERED. BEDROCK OR APPROVED MATERIAL "V7lz =..-....~, __._J' MINIMUM TILTED BACK ,, \~//\\'\;, . ''/ .. ", ..... I IF RECOMMENDED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER AND/OR ENGINEERING .,.. w~ ..,. ~ GEOLOGIST, THE REMAINING CUT PORTION OF THE SLOPE MAY ~' 1 ·-',•, ,_,.. W1 --t/ -REQUIRE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT WITH COMPACTED FILL. NOTE: 1. SUBORAINS ARE NOT REQUIRED UNLESS SPECIFIED ·BY SOILS ENGINEER AND/OR ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST, 2. ·w· SHALL BE EQUIPMENT WIDTH (15'1 FOR SLOPE HEIGHTS LESS THAN 25 FEET. FOR SLOPES GREATER· THAN 25 FEET ·w· SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE PROJECT SOILS ENGINEER AND /OR ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST. AT NO TIME SHALL ·w· BE LESS THAN H/2. -· .. : __ { ___ ,___ 111111-: ___ --..: ------•...:: .. _ -_: -_: -_: -...:: -------__ _. l) s: --1 rn rn G) I <D SKIN FILL OF NATURAL GROUND 15' MINIMUM TO BE MAINTAINED FROM PROPOSED FINISH SLOPE FACE TO BACKCUT - ~ ~ , ,,,-~ ,l3' MINIMUM KEY DEPTH TH ~-1//.\ W);'SXJ/J., ,»,., A' ' ORIGINAL SLOPE ~ NOTE: 1. THE NEED AND DISPOSITION OF DRAINS WILL BE DETERMINED! BY THE SOILS ENGINEER AND/OR ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST BASED ON FIELD CONDITIONS. 2. PAD OVEREXCAVATION ANO RECOMPACTION SHOULD BE PERFORMED IF DETERMINED TO BE NECESSARY BY THE SOILS ENGINEER AN.DIOR ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST. ---·--·-----; _____ : ..... -----~ --= -_: ·-_: -_: MIii-: -_: -_: ------- DAYLIGHT CUT LOT DETAIL RECONSTRUCT COMPACTED FILL.SLOPE AT 2:1 OR FLATTER ~ ___,, ~ L) r )> -j rn m G) I __a. 0 !MAY INCREASE OR DECREASE PAD AREAL OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT --- REPLACEMENT FILL AVOID AND/OR CLEAN UP SPILLAGE OF MATERIALS ON THE NATURAL SLOPE / / NOTE: 1. SUBDRAIN AND KEY WIDTH REQUIREMENTS WILL BE DETERMINED BASED ON EXPOSED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AND THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN. 2. PAD OVER EXCAVATION AND RECOMPACTION SHOULD ·aE PERFORMED IF DETERMINED NECESSARY BY THE SOILS ENGINEER ANO/OR THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST. I I I I I I I I I I 1· ·-• I I I I • I TRANSI-TION LOT DETAIL CUT LOT (MATERIAL TYPE TRANSITION) ---- PAO GRADE COMPACTED FILL CUT-FILL LOT (DAYLIGHT TRANSIT10N) NOTE: * DEEPER OVER EXCAVATION MA 'f BE RECOMMENDED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER ANO/OR ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST IN STEEP CUT-FILL TRANSITION AREAS . PLATE EG-11' I I I I I I i ,1 I I I I ; I •• I •• I I I I OVERSIZE ROCK DISPOSAL VIEWS ARE DIAGRAM MA TIC ONLY. ROO< SHOULD NOT TOUCH ANO VOIDS SHOULD BE COMPLETELY FILLED IN. Vlc'I/ NORMAL TO SLOPE FACE PROPOSED FlNISH GRADE 10' MINIMUM ( EJ co co a, co co H 1~t-UMU~~l ( 8) O:::l co C;J::::> co 00 C) (Fl co eo VIEW PARALLEL TO SLOPE FACE PROPOSED FlNISH GRACE 3' MINIMUM CJ dc:t:CX:):::10:c:. 'J::JMINIMUM9 NOTE: (A) ONE EQUIPMENT WIDTH OR A MINIMUM OF 15 FEET. c,cco::, CF} {B') HEIGHT ANO WIDTH MAY VARY DEPENDING ON ROCK SIZE ANO TYPE OF EQUIPMENT USED. LENGTH OF WINDROW SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN 1 oo· MAXIMUM. (S co (Cl IF APPROVED BY 'THE SOILS ENGINEER ANO/OR ENGINEERNG GEOLOGIST t. .·. WINDROWS MAY· BE PLACED DIRECTLY ON COMPETENT MATERIALS OR BEDROCK PROVIDED ADEQUATE SPACE IS AVAILABLE FOR COMPACTION • [D) ORIENTATION OF WINDROWS MAY VARY BUT SHALL BE AS RECOMMENDED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER AND/OR ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST. STAGGERING OF WINDROWS IS NOT NECESSARY UNLESS RECOMMENDED. (El CLEAR AREA FOR UTILITY TRENCHES .. FOUNDATIONS ANO SWIMMING POOLS. 1F) VOIDS IN WINDROW SHALL BE FILLED BY FLOODING GRANULAR SOIL INTO PLACE. GRANULAR SOIL SHALL BE ANY SOIL WHICH HAS A UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFlCATION SYSTEM (USC 29-1) DESIGNATIOt:I OF SM. SP, SW, GP, OR GW. ALL ALL OVER ANO AROUND ROCK WINDROW SHALL 81; COMPACTED TO 90% RELATIVE "COMPACTION. (Gl AFTER FlLL BETWEEN WINDROWS IS PLACED AND COMPACTED WITH THE LIFT OF FlLL COVERING WINDROW, WINDROW SHAL~ BE PROOF ROLLED WITH A D-9 DOZER OR EQUIVALENT. (HI OVERSIZED ROCK IS DEANED AS LARGER THAN 12: ANO LESS THAN 4 FEET IN SIZE •. PLATE EG-12 I l I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I i ·I • I •• ROCK DISPOSAL PITS FILL \,.IFTS COMPACi:ED OVER r-~O~K~·~: ~~~~E~T _)_ __ _ I I COMPACTED FILL GRANULAR MAT-ER IA L LARGE RO(!!( SIZE OF EXCAVATlON TO BE COMMENSURATE WITH ROCK SIZE. NOTE: 1. LARGE ROCK IS DEFINED AS ROCK LARGER THAN 4 FEET IN MAXIMUM SIZE. 2. PIT IS EXCAVATED INTO COMPACTED FJLL TO A DEPTH EQUAL TO 1/2 OF ROCK S1ZE. 3. GRANULAR SOIL SHOULD BE PUSHED INTO PIT ANO DENSIFIED BY FLOODING. USE A SHEEPSFOOT AROUND ROCK TO AID IN COMPACTION. 4. A MINIMUM OF 4 FEET OF REGULAR COMPACTED FILL SHOULD OVERLIE EACH PIT. 5. PITS SHOULD BE SEPARATED BY AT LEAST 15 FEET HORIZONTALLY. 6. PITS SHOULD NOT BE PLACED WITHIN 20 FEET OF ANY FILL SLOPE. 7. PITS SHOULD ONLY BE USED IN DEEP FJLL AREAS. I I I I I I I I .·, PLATE EG-13 I l 1r I I I I I. I I I I I I • I. I I I I SETTLEMENT PLATE AND RJSER DETAIL 2·x 2·x 1/4" STEEL PLATE STANDARD 3/4" PIPE NIPPLE WELDED TO TOP OF PLATE. ~---4---3;4· X 5' GALVANIZED PIPE, STANDARD PIPE THREADS TOP ANO BOTTOM. EXTENSIONS THREADED ON BOTH ENDS AND ADDED IN 5' INCREMENTS. 3 INCH SCHEDULE' 40 PVC PIPE SLEEVE, ADD IN 5' INCREMENTS WITH GLUE JOINTS. FINAL GRADE I 5' / / NOTE: / / I I I I -l...y,, -,-\.- : MAINTAIN 5' CLEARANCE OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT. -'-\,-MECHANICALLY HANO COMPACT IN 2' VERTICAL -,--"\I" LIFTS OR ALTERNATIVE SUITABLE TO AND . I ~-~in•-----' ACCEPTED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. I s· I I I I / s· I I I MECHANICALLY HAND COMPACT THE INITIAL 5' VERTICAL WITHIN A 5' RADIUS OF PLATE BASE . . . . ' ' ' ' ' :, : : • •• • •• • .-. • • •• ·• ·.' • •• BOTTOM OF CLEANOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROVIDE A MINIM.UM 1' BEDDING OF COMPACTED SAND 1. LOCATIONS OF SETTLEMENT PLATES SHOULD BE CLEARLY MARKED AND READILY VISIBLE {RED FLAGGED) TO EQUIPMENT OPERATORS. 2. CONTRACTOR SHOULD MAINTAIN CLEARANCE OF A 5' RADIUS OF PLATE BASE ANO WITHIN 5' (VERTICAL) FOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT. FlLL WITHIN CLEARANCE AREA SHOULD BE HANO COMPACTED TO PROJECT SPECtFICATIONS OR COMPACTED BY ALTERNATIVE APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. 3. AFTER S'(VERTICALl OF FILL IS IN PLACE, CONTRACTOR SHOU LO MAINTAIN A 5' RADIUS EQUIPMENT CLEARANCE FROM RISER. 4. PLACE ANO MECHANICALLY HAND COMPACT INITIAL 2' OF FILL PRIOR TO ESTABLISHING THE INITIAL REAPING. 5. IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO THE SETTLEMENT PLATE OR EXTENSION RESULTING FROM EQUIPMENT OPERATING WITHIN THE SPECIFlED CLEARANCE AREA, CONTRACTOR SHOULD IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE SOILS ENGINEER ANO SHOULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR RESTORING THE SETTLEMENT PLATES TO WORKING ORDER. 6. AN ALTERNATE DESIGN AND METHOD OF INSTALLATION MAY BE PROVIDED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE SOILS ENGINEER. PLATE EG-14 I . l I TYPICAL SURFACE SETTLEMENT MONUMENT l I I . l I I • I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I FlNISH GRADE ----~ 3ta· DIAMETER X 6" LENGTH CARRIAGE BOLT OR EQUIVALENT • DIAMETER X 3 1/2' LENGTH HOLE ..---+-CONCRETE BACKFILL PLATE EG-15 I I I I I I I • • • I I \ I ! I I • I I I TEST PIT SAFETY DIAGRAM 50 F=T SPOIL P1LE: SJDE VIEW ( NOT TO SCALE ) 100 FEET - ,_ UJ I.I.I u. 0 "' 50 F:.::T I I ......... .-........... .-.. :.•:.·.~t:,Y-:4 :t ··::•;:-;:.-::\:~... I I j .:::::·::::::::::::::·:::·::·.-~: .. :\Y-f-: -~::.-·. _··:.::.~:-.·:-:·.·.:·.~~~,::}\ J~ _ __:.._.:,.__:_ _ ___, , / 8 FLAG APPROXJMA TE CE?fTER u. CF TEST PIT ~ { NOT TO SCALE ) .· . .. PLATE EG-16 I I I • I ' \ I I I I •• I ' I I I I I I I I OVERSIZE ROCK DISPOSAL VIEW NORMAL TO SLOPE FACE PROPOSED FINISH GP.ADE O::::l to· MINH•1U: (El ca co ~ 15' MINIMUM IA) (8) co ~ cQ 0 (G) Co c:::::c c::::i co cD coiFl ViEW PARALLEL TO SLOPE FACE PROPOSED FINISH GRADE 10'MINIMUM (EJ 15• MINIMUM ~., ,-c::J 15• MINIMUM 3• MINIMUM '/ ~ {Gl c::::i:::::t::: BEDROCK OR APPROVED MA TE RIAL NOTE: {Al ONE EQUIPMENT WIDTH OR A MINIMUM OF 15 FEET. (Bl HEIGHT ANO WIDTH MAY VARY DEPENDING ON ROCK SIZE ANO TYPE OF EQUIPMENT. LENGTH OF WINDROW SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN 100' MAXIMUM. (Cl IF APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER ANO/OR ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST, WINDROWS MAY BE PLACED DIRECTLY ON COMPETENT MATERIAL OR BEDROCK PROVIDED ADEOUA TE SPACE IS AVAILABLE FOR COMPACTION, (OJ ORIENTATION OF WINDROWS MAY VARY BUT SHOULD SE AS RECOMMENDED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER ANO/OR ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST. STAGGERING OF WINDROWS IS NOT NECESSARY UNLESS RECOMMENDED. (EJ CLEAR AREA FOR UTILITY TRENCHES, FOUNDATIONS ANO SWIMMING POOLS. IF} ALL FILL OVER ANO AROUND ROCK WINDROW SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 90 % RELATIVE COMPACTION OR AS RECOMMENDED. (G) AFTER FILL BETWEEN WINDROWS IS PLACED ANO COMPACTED WITH THE LIFT OF FILL COVERING WINDROW, WINDROW SHOULD BE PROOF ROLLED WITH A 0-9 DOZER OR EQUIVALENT. VIEWS ARE OIAGRAMMA TIC ONLY. ROO< SHOULD NOT TOUCH ANO VOIDS SHOULD BE COMPLETELY FILLED IN. PLATE RD-1 , . I I I ' \ I I , I 1· I, I I I I! •• I II I \ ·I I I I I ROCK DISPOSAL PfTS VIEWS ARE OIAGRAMMA TIC ONLY. ROC< SHOULD NOT TOUCH AND VOIDS SHOULD 8E COMPLETELY FILLED IN. FllL LIFTS COMPACTED OVER ROCK AFTER EMBEDMENT r---------1 I GRANULAR MATi::RIAL I r---------, 1 r COMPACTED FlLL I I I I SIZE OF EXCAVATION TO BE COMMENSURATE WITH ROCK SIZE ROCK DISPOSAL LAYERS I I I I 1 GRANULAR SOIL TO FlLL VOIDS.~ FCOMPACTEO ALL OENSIFJED BY FLOODING ,.., A-----~.---. LAYER ONE ROCK HIGH o;ao-02ot ---. ----------------- Io· MINIMUM OR BELOW LOWEST ur1u ---------------~ 20· PROPOSED FINISH GRADE PROFILE ALONG LA YER .·. FILL SLOPE ICLEAR ZONE 20' MINIMUM LAYER ONE ROCK HIGH PLATE RD-2 I " . • • •• . l I I I I.·. I I •• • •• I -1 • I ·I •• I I I APPENDIX E PAVEMENT GRADING GUIDELINES ' ... ?' . ·:~ :i·;;}::·-.~ .. . .. ' : . ;,,.. . . . : ~ .. •• -I ,, I I I I I I. . I I •• I I •• I I ! I I I I APPENDIX E Pavement Grading Recommendations General All section changes should be properly transitioned. If adverse conditions are encountered during the preparation of subgrade materials, special construction methods may need to be employed. Subgrade Within street and parking areas, all surficial deposits of loose soil material should be removed and recompacted as recommended. After the loose soils are removed, the bottom is to be scarified to a depth of 6 inches, moisture conditioned as necessary and compacted to 95 percent of maximum laboratory density, as determined by ASTM test designation D-1557. Deleterious material, excessively wet or dry pockets, concentrated zones of oversized rock fragments, and any other unsuitable materials encountered during grading should be removed . The compacted fill material should then be brought to the elevation of the proposed subgrade for .:the pavement. The subgrade should be proof-rolled in order to ensure a uniformly firm and unyielding surface. All grading and fill placement should be observed by the project soil engineer and/or his representative. Base/Sub base Compaction tests are required for the recommended base/subbase section. Minimum relative compaction required will be 95 percent of the maximum laboratory density as determined by ASTM Test Designation D-1557. Base/subbase aggregate should be in accordance to the "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction11 (green book) current edition. Paving Prime coat may be omitted if all of the following conditions are met: 1. The asphalt pavement layer is placed within two weeks of completion of base and/or subbase course. 2. Traffic is not routed over completed base before paving. GeoSoils, Ine. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Construction is completed during the dry season of May through October. 4. The base is free of dirt and debris. If construction is performed during the wet season of November through April, prime coat may be omitted if no rain occurs between completion of base course and paving and the time between completion of base and paving is reduced to three days, provided the base is free of dirt and debris. Where prime coat has been omitted and rain occurs, traffic is routed over base course, or paving is delayed, measures shall be taken to restore base course, subbase course, and subgrade to conditions that will meet specifications as directed by the soil engineer. Drainage Positive drainage should be provided for all surface water to drain towards the area swale, curb and gutter, or to an approved drainage channel. Positive site drainage should be maintained at all times. Water should not be allowed to pond or seep into the ground. If planters or landscaping are adjacent to paved areas, measures should be taken to minimize the potential for water to enter the pavement section. The Blackmore Company File:e:\wp7\2400\2473a.pge GeoSoils, Inc. Appendix E Page2 NON-RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE: Non-Residential Land Owner, please read this option carefuly and be ue you throughly understand the options before sigring. The option you choose will affect 'Pl" payment cl the developed Special Tax assessed on your property. This option is available only at the time of the first bulclng permit issuance. Property owner signature is reqLired before a bUllding permit will be issued. Your signature is confirming the accuracy of all parcel and ownership information shown. , fl acjqylw St311cvl +Ji 1l 1Dt la5 11u0 w q(@ Name of OWner Telephone 11)~ lfJIO -\ ~~ ~ E~"~ ~>'' Address Project Address 1 A.:iL 1<000 ~ ft -CA qw1ot Carlsbad CA 9200 City State Zip Code City State Zip Code -· '-\ '2,_ .. \3,u" ~(l ·ll>~ Assessor's Parcel Number, or APN and Lot Number if. not yet subdivided. BLilding Permit Number As-cited by Ordinance No. NS-155 and adopted by the City Cc>t..!nal of the City ~f Carlsbad; California, the City _, -is aulhorized to levy a special Tax in Commll'lity Facilities district No. 1. All non-,residential property, upon the issuance of the first buking permit, shall have the option to (1 )-pay 1he SPECIAL, DEVELOPMENT TAX ONE- TII\E or (2) assume the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX-DEVELOPED PROPERTY for a period not to exceed twenty- five (25) years. Please indicate your choice by initialing the appropriate line below: . OPTION (1): I elect to pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT:TAX ONE-1)..~ now, as a one-time payment Amount of One-Time Special Tax: $ 5 o 1 <--l 4 '! . Owner's Initials ____ _ OPTION (2): I elect to pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT-TAX ANNUALLY for a reriod not to exceed twenty-fia~ears-Ma>eimum Annual Special Tax: $ s I Q:,) --Owner Initials • · I DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE UNDERSIGNED IS THE PROPERTY OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND THAT I UNDERSTAND AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS AS STATED ABOVE. . I-Jo.co PrintN Date The City of Carlsbad has not independently verified the information shown above. Therefore, we accept no responsibility as to the -accuracy or completeness-of this information. NON-RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE City of Carlsbad I =i 1 • iG• •h·M •J§ ·IU iii ,140 I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FEES OR OTHER MITIGATION This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project Name: Building Permit Plan Check Number: Project Address: A.P.N.: Project Applicant· (Owner(s) Name(s)) Project Description: Building Type: Residential Second Dwelling Unit: Res. Additions: Comerc./ Ind.: City Certification of · Applicant's information: \f.. Carlsbad Unified School District --1-· 801 Pine Ave. Carlsbad CA 92009 (729-9291) Encinitas Union School District · 101 South Ranch Santa Fe Rd Encinitas, CA 92024 (944-4300) Number of New Dwelling Units Square Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling Square Feet of Living Area in SOU Net Square Feet New Area Square Feet Floor Area Date: SCHOOL DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD San Marcos Unified School District 215 Mata Way San Marcos, CA 92069 (736-2200) San Dieguito Union High School District 710 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491) Certification of Applicant /Owners. The person executing this declaration ("Owner'') certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/ developer of the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign on behalf of the Owner. Signature: Date: 2075 Las Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (760) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 438-0894 Revised 3-18-99 * SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION {To be completed by the school district(s)) *************************************************************************************************** THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. . SCHOOL DISTRICT: , The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building permits for this project. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL TITLE NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT DATE PHONE NUMBER Revised 3-18-99 Carlsbad Unified School Distrlet 801 Fiw::! :~.Galm:; Carlsbad, Csl(fornia 92008 . -l?S~ frc,f'q_c::f OVlj -Av sW; -/-,1/f v;:; c9S-4-3f ¢ {/3)91°57( ' ~/1/Cf ct Jo ls7r~r, Cf-7 1 Ft~~ e-u/ 5a/6 1-?" :3:!frud · Cvf Q.. ;,J ct_d C ~ s-'4 ; (s ~cc~ 3/p/q<J Dhj 0 /f)Ute.s )tw:tM1oi tf,;~,1-~~ 1 ~vBU!LOING I t.11,L PLANNING . r / ~ -ENGINEERING ' -01 r y9,g = FIRE APPRtFoRM· ~ -f?// Ce,_ --.£ HEAL TH DEPT L ---HAZ MAT I AIR ~~;;.R ---. . OTHER SEWER TER ---BLOG GRADING LET '(( /L{(1q,,, Ul(i d/1,P .rp !2f'//L ,;(-~ '· ti ¼d ~ ~W,-~ ~'4J---l • .. . -M -"'-. ..-.. ·. .. , ~ 10 FROM , · ~ • APPLICANT APPLICANT ~ ~ 11 . 1.' ,L[,J,,j IBM~ I I f ·l I i I /../ f ~-~--~ • lt= ~ =~~~6~~~R , j J 4 I J /J ··-··-·-"""--!-+-----_-_-SCHOOL FORM . -•..•.•..• ) CFO FORM ···-· . ----j:--P !: & M WORKSHEET · · BLOG FEE$ <;;OMBLETJ: ~ lr.l . r. !:· n y 8/t(/11 [;;fl1 (s ~-k__; A'\ --t:·C <>cl ~ i r1 p( ()}/> v . · 11/'(u-~i>~ ~P14~ 5'£~~t o~-:JZI' 0( 2-~s o;r Sl?J Cz/c5 Ii &p/ C<-iyff ~ Ceo/ /2B-t-/i__ \J.l.'<'lqA_ M'i'vtc.A;v,t St...,1P~ 5~~ s~.l 'N C.,l'T'f tic / 'l2ouT6D dHE;-;;;-T 'fl' d-~11., v-/ ~'{ix,sY"T<t ~1'0- 1'll <\ l l\'I OT'! fil ~ Mt\~$ D'E;SI':..., \ t.-(1:.t ( <t" 0-<-);U(L. P"'--e) i e~ .................. ~ ... -_,..,,k... - ~ , __ ------· ------ Q. (~c.._ ' ,i"f \ . , J City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 11-02-2001 Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCR01256 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: 1555 FARADAY AV CBAD PCR Parcel No: Lot#: 105 . Valuation: $0.00 Construction Type: NEW Reference #: Project Title: DEFERRED SUBMITTAL-GLAZING Applicant: RENO CONTRACTING 8104 COMMERCIAL STREET LA MESA, CA. 91944 Total Fees: $240.00 Plan Check Revision Fee Additional Fees Owner: Total Payments To Date: Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: ISSUED 10/18/2001 RMA 11/01/2001 11/02/2001 $0.00 Issued: Inspect Area: 3578 11/02/01 0002 01. 02 Balance Due: $240.00 $0.00 CGP 240-00 $240.00 FINAL APPROVAL Inspector: Date: Clearance: _____ _ NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have oreviouslv been aiven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has oreviouslv otherwise exoired. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT APPLICATION ~ C{Jf '/ CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING ~EP,RTMENT PLAN CHECK NO.~tf/ 25 &, EST. VAL. _________ _ 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Ck. Deposit ---------,;a..,+--,-- VaHdated By , ~ Date /() [tj3/u,[ Ad ress (include Bldg/Suite #) Business Name (at this address) 2 en 7 .. l'r -t..p Legal Descripti~ Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units Assessor's Parcel # Existing Use Proposed Use #of Stories # of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms Name Address City State/Zip @I~~~~r~1~·ri ]!:f:!'cp6.tiif.oii'iI:~;;oF4:1i;D?:f'o}i¢~n~~~-g'i}';'.1t]i~¥7r.W<:~;,Q£4den'tlw:&:~i;~f ;~'.::-J::)'iE;·::"i i~:;: 2:":::,;,: '.·-C:.::·:·. /,: :: ·:--· ~.:: ' ·12,,,.-<, c.,....,,4',@1 ....... j l-'ts-V (l'-::-"t-'Z14-t__ 7i::to..::. s ,+.u(~.e_i~ Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# ~4~; ·, iP.Fl0PER<tvif:iwNER>-:-· ~ e A~ra~ IT;~:?,:c.~.&',tIDr.c.\t1:i:tr.:rc.tJ.Mll:ttNYW:.ir~;,; }.;: 'S:J::"'~·.-::. (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$5001). Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License # _________ _ License Class _________ _ City Business License # _______ _ Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License # _________ _ 1(1~ ,.:. WO~F.6-~.'.J;;,or.,~lN$'A'flOl'f-,.~.. ·:-.. . . " ,. , ·: · ... ~-:: . . . .:...-. . ... '/ ,· ,.;;' -.. Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: D I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. D · I have and wlll maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company____________________ Policy No.____________ Expiration Date _______ _ {THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) OR LESS) D CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars {$100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE______________________________ DATE _________ _ Q'.;; .. _~j::iwNtR,;~µ,1J:;_1;I~:ij/'i:;ii_cliA!l.ATl.R.!ili.:>-· ;,t.:. " . .. , :\"'.~11:£l:·.-!::'·:~,:.,:;;::;--;'.' '. :..-,, ·. .· .::_ :,: · ·· ·: . · I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: D I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). D I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for ·such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). D I am exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. D YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted _with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license number): _____________________________________________ _ 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name/ address / phone number/ type of work): _____________________________________________________ _ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE _____________________ _ :ciciM~~ijtE:'.ff:ii~.;~ij~j;rpt-LJF(fa'.·fl<lffaiig$/P.GMfJA1';[01~~NJ_:iP:e.a[lf1r$:·.q:~11;y; ~2;;'.?flj• ~ .. .-:.,.·_-·a,._.·_?/ . ._;''. :_:_::1\t~\:·- 1s the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? D YES D NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? D YES D NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? D YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. [&:iD.1~Q,l'f~T:R9C:J:IQrN~t;.NQJ.~~tt\¢gN,qy, .· ·· I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME _____________ _ f~;;_, :~«Af8!;JQAt,IJ;.:c.1;1J;f,lf!Q~J,Q~· .,. :'.\ · i I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Cit\' of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued b building Offic· un e he provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not comma e ithin 18 clays from e date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced lo rio of 180 da (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). ! / APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ----.,....sc----P\:--"----------------DATE lo LI 1/t;/ I 7 YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance ~-I EsGil Corporation 1.n Partnersliip Witli (jovemment for 'Buifaing Safet!f DATE: 10/30/01 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-521 rev3(PCR01256) PROJECT ADDRESS: 1555 Faraday PROJECT NAME: Blackmore Lot 105 Glazing SET:I &~NT m 0 PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. [:gj The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified in the attached list are resolved. and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: David Yao Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 10/22 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 99-521 rev3(PCR01256) 10/30/01 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad rev3(PCR01256) PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-521 PREPARED BY: David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS: 1555 Faraday BUILDING OCCUPANCY: BUILDING AREA Valuation PORTION ( Sq. Ft.) Multiplier qlazinq calculation & details Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance , ...,. , Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review: D Complete Review D Other DATE: 10/30/01 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Reg. VALUE Mod. . D Structural Only D Repetitive Fee =:=3 Repeats El Hourly 21 Hours * * Based on hourly rate Comments: Esgil Plan Review Fee ($) $240.ool $1s2.ooj Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc • • • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ BLACKMORE LOT 105 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA VISION SY5TEM5, ING. STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR CURTAIN Y'lALL SYSTEM ~'o Exception Taken ct t.tako Corroci!~3 r,u,~ ~ejected O Rovise~~oER 1, 2001 0 Submit Specified Item Checking is only for general confirmation \;it~ Q:, ~s?:;J Concept of the Project and general compliance tilth iii', informa!ion gi~en in the Contract Documents. Any t!:tiO;J sho\~~ 1s_ subiect to the requirements of plans a~ spec1frcatmns. Contractor Is responsiblo for quantitl~; dimensions which shall be confirmed and correlated ct (IQ Job site; fabrication processes and techniquos c.1 construction; coordination of his work wim ti1at of all ~'-:1 trades, and the satisfactory performanco of ~.is r::ia:· -· f I OCl O 12001 ~~:;,/Jr to/ts/o J 1401 North Central._Expressway • Suite 380 • Richardson, Texas 7508f, cJ3 ft D 5 ½) Phone: (972) 644-0640·• Fax: (972) 644-4204.Email:decincus@aol.com ,f CAo-1 as ( • • • \ • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 ~ Riehardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS 2 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS 3 DESIGN CRITERIA 4 SILICONE ANALYSIS 5 HORIZONTAL ANALYSIS 6 MULLION ANALYSES 1 MISC. ANCHOR ANAL Y5E5 8 SECTION PROPERTIES '1 MISC. REFERENCES By: _Jtz,w Malerfal: IA- ' ' PAGE 2 3 4 1 8 10 30 42 46 Pog• / of 5"°"'3 • • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas_ ·75080 • Phone· (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS 1. The design wind pressures and seismic ·loads utilized in this submittal are in accordance with the 1Cf91 Uniform Building Gode and the 1CfCf8 California Building Gode. . - 2. Glass setting bloc.ks are assumed to be located at 1/8 points of span or 6" from the center line of mullion, whichever is larger. 9. Aluminum mullion and horizontal extrusions have been designed utilizing allowable ~tresses for 6069-T6 .alloy and temper. See Material Specifications included within this calculation package for other specified items. 4. The concrete compressive strength utilized in the anchor anc:1lyses is assumed to be 9000 psi (Normal Y'leight). 5. The structural integrity of the structural steel to which the window system is to be attached has not been analyzed with in this package. Verification of the adequacy of these members is the responsibility of the appropriate party. 6. The conditions investigated in this package represent_ the most critic.al within the system. All other items included within the scope of this package are considered to have less critical loading conditions and are said to be "01< by comparison" to those analyzed . 1. This calculation package represents our interpretation of the intent of' the design plans and specifications. Design Engineering and consulting, Inc.. (DEG) is not responsible for the coordination and verification of dimensions, quantities, or installation and coordination with other trades. Should as built conditions differ from those originally provided within the calculations and drawings, Vision systems must bring them to the attention of DEG, so that these deviations can be verified for their structural integrity. e I Dale: /O/t/~, I Material: 1 PaQ• -z. o, • • • ., DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas· 7_5080 • ·Phone· (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS ALUMINUM: EXTRUSIONS STEEL: OPEN SHAPES, ANC,HOR C,LIPS (ANGLES, C,HANNELS, ETC,.) ASTM-:-A36 FASTENERS: THROUGH-SOL TS DRIL-FLEX CONC-RETE ANC,HORS C,AD-PLA TED FINISH PER QQ-416E, TYPE II, C-LASS I AND MUST MEET REQUIREMENTS Of SAE J-42'1, GRADE 5 DRIL-FLEX BY ELCO INDUSTRIES ~ITH STALGUARD FINISH (NO SUBSTITUTES) HILT! IQ'ilf<BOLT H V'«=DGE ANC-HORS (SUBSTITUTIONS TO BE VERIFIED BY DEC-, INC,.) • I Date: lo/ l /o, I By: J(Uv I Material: {._,,,f S [i--?'2 • • • -, DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 ~IND LOAD: DESIGN CRITERIA BLACl<MORE 105 CAf<.L.5BAD, CALIFORNIA PER. 19c:rT UBC/19'18 CALIFORNIA BUIL..DING CODE, BASED ON 10 MPH ~IND SPEED, EXPOSURE C, AND IMPORTANCE FACTOR., I= 1.00: TYPICAL.. ZONE: 19 PSF CORNER. ZONE: 24 PSF SEISMIC, LOAD: PER. 1Gfc:rT UBC,/19'18 C,AL..IFOR.NIA BUIL..DING CODE, BASED ON ZONE 4, I = 1.00: DEAD LOAD: DEFLECTION: STRESSES: Fp = 0.59 * ~p FOR. BODY OF THE CONNECTION Fp = 1.60 * ~p FOR. ELEMENTS OF CONNECTION 1/4" THICK GL..ASS: MISC. AL..UMINUM: DEFL..ECTION NOR.MAL..: FRAMING MEMBERS: 3.25 PSF 2.00 PSF L../115 OR.¾", ~HICHEYER. IS LESS, FOR. SPANS UP TO 13'-6" L..1240+ ¼" FOR. SPANS OYER. 13'-6" DEFLECTION AT JAMBS IS NOT TO EXCEED THE DYNAMIC, MOVEMENT CAPACITY OF THE SEAL.ANT DEFL..ECTION IN-Pl...ANE: 1/8" FOR. HOR.IZONT AL..S UNDER. DEAD LOAD. 25% OF GL..ASS BITE FOR. AL..L OTHER. MEMBERS THE AL..LO~l-E STRESSES FOR. FRAMING MEMBERS ARE INC,R.EASf;:D BY 1/3 ~EN CAUSED BY ~IND OR. SEISMIC, LOAD ACTING ALONE.OR. IN COMBINATION ~ITH OTHER. LOADS. . • IOcfe: lo/t/or ] • • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd• Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 ~INDLOADS PER 1GJGJi U.B.C,. Y'ilNDSPEED, V := 10·mph EXPOSURE "C," BUILDING HEIGHT = 92 ft Gl.s := 12.6-psf (TABLE 16-F) C. e := 1.246 (TABLE 16-6) C.Gl.typ := 1·2 (TABLE 16-H) c.cicnr := 1.S lw := 1.0 (TABLE 16-1<) Y'ilNDLOAD, p := C.e·C.cityp·'l.s·I w P := C.e·C.cicnr·cis·lw P = 18.8 ·psf P = 29.5 -psf * USE 1<::f psf TYPICAL ZONE 24 psf CORNER ZONE • (DaN: /o /1/0 I I Sy. J ri--,AJ -I ~ • • • ) DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd• Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 1~ 1Clcrr UBG SEISMIC, REQUIREMENTS BLAC~MORE105--GARLSBAO,GA EACH ELEMENT OR. COMPONENT AND ITS CONNECTIONS TO THE STRUC-17.JR.E SHALL BE DESIGNED TO RESIST A TOTAL LATERAL SEISMIC FOR.CE, Fp, AS PROVIDED BY-THE a CI h Fp= P O P (1+32-)WP RP hr FOLLOJ."IING USC, Cf1 FOR.MULA (32-2) COEFFICIENT VALUES: ap = 1.0 Rp = 3.0 for body of connection Rp = 1.0 for fasteners Ga = 0.40*Na = 0.40 Z =0.40 Soil Type= Sc, Na= 1.00 Ip= 1.00 Max hx = hr (Section 1633A2.4.2, items 4 4 5) (Section 1633A2.4.2, item 4) (Section 1633A2.4.2, item 5) (Table 16A-Q) (zone 4, Table 16A-IJ (Section 162c::JA3) (Table 16A-S) (Table 16A-I<) DUE TO THE CONTINUITY OF THE CUR.TAINY'!ALL SYSTEM AND A SERIES OF LATER.AL LOAD RESISTING ANCHORS, APPLIED SEISMIC LOADING GAN BE MODEi-ED AS A UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOAD PROPORTIONATE TO THE MASS DISTRIBUTION OVER. THE HEIGHT OF THE El-EMENT. ' THEREFORE, THE COMPUTED MAGNITUDE Of THE SEISMIC, LOAD GAN BE GOHPARED TO T+IE J."IINDLOAD PRESSURE TO DETERMINE THE GOVERNING NOR.HAL DESIGN LOAD FOR ANCHORING COMPONENTS. IN-PLANE REQUIREMENTS MUST BE INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATED UTILIZING THE COMPUTED SEISMIC REQUIREMENTS AND CONTINUITY DEVELOPED BY THE APPLICABLE El-EMENT. FOR-BODY OF THE CONNECTION F p = (1.0 • 0.40 • 1.00) 13.0 • (1 + 3) ~ = 0.53 ~ ·FOR.FASTENERS Fp = (1.0 • 0.40 • 1.00) I 1.0 • (1 + 3) ~ = 1.60 ~ -I~ ,~ ot • • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 srLIGONE ANALYSIS TYPIC.AL SILICONE JOINT @ STRUCTURALLY GLAZED MULLION ( 48.062· in) MAXIMUM UNIFORM LOAD, w := 24·p~r· 2 AL.LO~. STRESS ON SILICONE, cr silicone := 20·psi w REQUIRED BEAD Y'ilDTH, b := --- a._ silicone ** 1/ 4" MINIMUM BEAD Y'ilDTH REQUIRED b = 0.2·in lbr w = 4.01 ·- in • I Date: to/' /01 'By: j(l/11/ I Malerlol: . ~lvzyrJ',§ of • • • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING HORIZONTAL ANALYSIS TYPICAL HORIZONTAL WINDLOAD = 24.0 PSF HORIZONTAL DESCRIPTION : W45-MO6-U MATERIAL : 6063-T6 ALUMINUM SECTION PROPERTIES : IXX = 2.113 INCH'4 SXX = 0.964 INCH'3 AREA= 1.090 INCH·2 LENGTH = 48.062 INCHES IYY = SYY = RYY = 0. 333 INCH' 4 0.231 INCH"3 0. 553 INCHES SETTING BLOCK= 6.008 INCHES (1/8 POINTS) DEADLOAD ANALYSIS GLASS SIZE = 80.125 INCHES X 48.062 INCHES GLASS AREA = 26.743 FT'2 GLASS WEIGHT= 3.25 PSF P =AREA* WEIGHT/2 = 43 U MAX DEFLECTION= Pa/24EI*[3L'2 -4a'2J MAX DEFLECTION= 0.022 INCHES<= 0.125 INCHES ** DEFLECTION 0,K, ** MAX MOMENT= P *a= 258 INCH-# fby = MMAX/SYY = 258 / 0.231 = 1.118 KSI b/t = 3.500 in. / 0.062 in. = 56.452 [SPECIFICATION 16I Fby = 8.503 KSI > 1.118 KSI ** MEMBER STRESS 0,K, ** JOHN WILLIAMS, PE 10-1-2001 VISION SYSTEMS t"7 BLACKMORE 105 1) • • • • ., DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING HORIZONTAL ANALYSIS TYPICAL HORIZONTAL WINDLOAD ANALYSIS Kl = 0.50 WINDLOAD = 24.0 PSF K2 = 0. 50 DMAX COEFFICIENT= 60.0 MMAX COEFFICfENT = 6. 00 DMAX COEFFICIENT= 60.0 MMAX COEFFICIENT= 6.00 AREA l = 4.010 FT'2 AREA i = 4.010 FT'2 Wl = AREAl * 24.0 PSF = 96 I . W2 = AREA2 * 24.0 PSF = 961 HORIZONTAL END REACTION= (Wl + W2)/2 = 96# MAX DEFLECTION= Wl*L'3/ 60.0 EI+ W2*L'3/ 60.0 EI MAX DEFLECTION= 0.017 INCHES --IL/2851I •• DEFLECTION O.K, •• MAX MOMENT= Wl*L/ 6.00 t W2*1/ 6.00 MAX MOMENT= 1542 INCH-# fbx = MMAX/SXX = 1542 / 0.964 = 1.600 KSI Lb/ry = 48.062 in. / 0.553 in. = 86.91 [SPECIFICATION 11] Fbx = 10.355 KSI * 4/3 = 13.807 KSI > 1,599 KSI ** MEMBER STRESS O.K. ** STRESS INTERACTION fbx/Fbx + fby/Fby <= 1.00 *4/3 0.286 <= 1.333 ** INTERACTION O.K. •• JOHN WILLIAMS, PE 10-1-2001 VISION SYSTEMS BLACKMORE 105 • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING MULLION SUMMARY WITH REINFORCING MULLION@ ELEV. J/E-3 --LOW ROOF MULLION DESCRIPTION : (2)W45-M16 MATERIAL: 6063-T6 ALUMINUM SECTION PROPERTIES : rxx = sxx = AREA= 2. 406 INCH" 4 1. 282 INCH"3 1. 268 INCH" 2 IYY = SYY = RYY = WINDLOAD = 24.0 PSF 0.258 INCH"4 0.204 INCH"3 0, 902 INCHES e REINFORCING DESCRIPTION : (1) STEEL BAR 31 X 1/4 1 STEEL SPECIFICATION: ASTM-A36 REINFORCING SECTION PROPERTIES : IXX = 0.562 INCH"4 SXX = 0.375 INCH"3 IXX assembly= 2.406 INCH"4 + 0.562 INCH"4 * 2.9 = 4.036 INCH"4 WINDLOAD ANALYSIS DEFLECTION SUMMARY : MAX DEFLECTION= 0.664 INCHES --[L/253J ** DEFLECTION O.K. ** STRESS SUMMARY: MAX NEGATIVE MOMENT= 24327 INCH-LBS UNBRACED LENGTH LB = 81.125 INCHES (2)W45-M16 fbx = MMAX/SXX * IXXalum./IXXassem = 11.313 KSI Lb/ry = 81.125 in. / 0.902 in. = 89.94 [SPECIFICATION 11] Fbx = 10.134 KSI * 4/3 = 13.511 KSI > 11.313 KSI e •• MEMBER STRESS O.K. •• (1) STEEL BAR 31 X 1/4 1 • fbx = MMAX/SX2 * IXXstl. * 2.9/IXXassemb = 26.198 KSI Fbx = 0.6 *FY* 4/3 = 28.8 KSI ** MJn{BHR STRESS O.K. ** JOHN WILLIAMS, PE 10-1-2001 VISION SYSTEMS /D BLACKMORE 105 • • • > ., DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING MULLION SUMMARY WITH REINFORCING MULLION@ ELEV. J/E-3 ·· LOW ROOF MULLION DESCRIPTION : (2)W45-M16 MATERIAL : 6063-T6 ALUMINUM SECTION PROPERTIES : IXX = 2.406 INCH"4 SXX = 1.282 INCH'J AREA= 1.268 INCH"2 IYY = SYY = RYY = WINDLOAD = 24.0 PSF 0.258 INCH"4 0.204 INCH"3 0.902 INCHES REINFORCING DES CR I PT ION : ( I l STEEL BAR 3' X. 1/ 4 • STEEL SPECIFICATION : ASTM-A36 REINFORCING SECTION PROPERTIES : IXX = 0.562 INCH"4 SXX = 0.375 INCH"3 rxx assembly= 2.406 INCH"4 + 0.562 INCH"4 * 2.9 = 4.036 INCH"4 MAX POSITIVE MOMENT= 1406 INCH-LBS UNBRACED LENGTH LB = 81.125 INCHES (2)W45-M16 fbx = MMAX/SXX * IXXalum./IXXassem = 0.654 KSI Lb/ry = 81.125 in. / 0.902 in. = 89.94 [SPECIFICATION llj Fox.= 10.134 KSI * 4/l = 13.513 KSI > 0.&54 KSI . •• MHMBHR STRESS O.K. •• ( 1 l STEEL BAR 3 1 X ll4 1 fbx = MMAX/SX2 * IXXstl. * 2.9/IXXassemb = 1.514 KSI Fbx = 0.6 *FY* 4/3 = 28.8 KSI •• MEMBER STRESS O.K. •• JOHN WILLIAMS, PH 10-1-2001 VISION SYSTEMS I/ BLACKMORE IO 5 t, • • • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd• Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas_·"n,080 • Phone· (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 MULLION@ ELEY. J/E-3@ LO~ ROOF (CORNER ~L = 24 PSF) <j:\englneerlng\projec:.~\vl!!lon !!y!!tem!!\Dl21c:.t-more105'\mull1.cbl BEAM RESULTS: MAXIMUM SPAN DEFLECTION: MAXIMUM CANTILEVER DEFL: -0.6643 in (SPAN 1) 0 . .2811 in (SPAN 4) MAXIMUM NEGATIVE MOMENT (1): -.243.21 In-lb (SPAN .2) MAXIMUM POSITIVE MOMENT (1): 14066 in-lb (SPAN 1) MAXIMUM NEGATIVE MOMENT (.2): -8636 in-lb (SPAN 4) MEMBER INFORMATION: SPAN L (in). I (ln4) S (in9) E (psi) 1 145.63 4.036 1.282 1.00E+01 2 11.56 4.036 1.282 1.00E+01 3 168.00 4.036 1.282 1.00E+Oi 4 46.44 2.406 1.282 1.00E+01 LOAD INFORMATION: SPAN 1-"la (lb/In) ~ (lb/in) Dist. nnJ Ft. Ld. (lb) 1 8.010 8.010 145.63 2 8.010 8.010 · 11.56 3 8.010 8.010 168.00 4 8.010 8.010 46.44 JOINTS FREE TO DISPLACE: FREE JOINTS -2 5 oat•: /o/J/oi By: J(tu) Material: h0b3 -'Th Loe.. (in) ...... u Pog• /'b of • • • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 SUPPORT REACTIONS: JOINT 1 s 4 Date: t-o It IO / REACilON5 415 lb 1551 lb '151 lb By: ~(21)) Material: P1:lg• /) of • • • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas -75080 • Phone· (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 SPAN NO. 1 LOc-atlon 0.00L 0.10L 0.20L 0.90L O.~OL 0.50L 0.60L 0."10L o.eoL O.<!OL 1.00L Shear(lb) 4;5 s5e 241 125 e, -1oe -.225 --:l42 -45e, -Si5 -6<!:2 Moment(ln-lb) 0 6065 10490 190cie, 14066 19996 10<!0'1 6100 <154 -6511 -151"!4 Deflec-tlon(ln) 0.00 -0.2S -0.4:l -0.se -0.66 -Oh6 -0.60 -o.4e, -0.:l:l -0.1; -0.04 stress(psl) 0 4i:l1 e1se, 10211 10'i72 1040:l esoe S:26"1 144 -51:29 -12:l:20 SPAN NO. 2 LOc-atlon O.OOL 0.10L 0.20L 0.SOL -0.40L 0.50L 0.60L 0.101.. 0.OOL 0.<101.. 1.001.. Shear(lb) -b"l.2 -101 -110 -11"1 -1.2"1 -1:ie -141 -151 -11!,6 -TIS -164 Moment(ln-lb) -15i"!4 -1bSCJC! -1i41S -1e241 -1<!01"1 -1"!"12b -:20165 -21654 -22594 -294.25 -24:l.21 Deflec-tlon(ln) -0.04 -0.09 -0.09 -0.02 -0.02 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 stress(psl) -12920 -12"!4e -19564 -142.2"1 -14e,e,.2 -1554:l -1b21:l -16e"l1 -1;s;e, -1e.212 -1e<!i6 SPAN NO. 3 LOc-atlon 0.001.. 0.101.. 0.201.. O.SO!,, 0.401.. 0.501.. 0.601.. O.iOL o.e,01.. O.<!Ob 1.00L Shear(lb) 166 692 4"11 96:l 2.2e, <!:l -41 -1i6 -910 -445 -Si"I Moment(ln-lb) -24:lZT -1:2564 -910:l 411e "!Oie 11;;e, 12.216 10:J<!4 6912 -92 -eb:le, Deflec-tlon(ln) 0.00 -0.0b -0.21 -0.:l"I -0.S:l -Oh2 -0.b.2 -0.54 -0.:l<! -0.1"1 0.00 5tress(psl) -1eci1b -<1e1e, -2420 9212 ;oe,1 <111~; <152<! e1oe 4<129 -25 -bi:li SPAN NO. 4 Loc-atlon 0.001.. 0.1QL. 0 . .20L O.SOL 0.40!., O.SO!,, 0.60L O.iOL o.eQL O.<IOL 1.00L Shear(lb) :li2 :l:lS 2cie ::260 22:l 1e6 14"1 112 14 Si 0 Moment(ln-lb) -eY.J6 -b"l<!S -55.21 -4::292 -910"1 -215<! -1:le2 -iii -S4S -e,I!, 0 Deflec-tlon(in) 0.00 0.04 o.oe 0.1.2 0.15 0.11 0 . .20 0.2.2 0.24 0.::26 0.2"1 stress(psl) -6i9i -5451 -4911 -9901 -.2425 -1664 -101e -606 -26"1 -bi 0 Date: ) 0 / [ / o I By: J1vw Material: Page lt.f of • • • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING MULLION SUMMARY WITH REINFORCING MULLION@ ELEV. J/E-3 --HIGH ROOF WINDLOAD = 24.0 PSF MULLION DESCRIPTION : (2)W45-M16 MATERIAL : 6063-T6 ALUMINUM SECTION PROPERTIES : IXX = 2.406 INCH"4 IYY = 0.258 INCH"4 SXX = 1.282 INCH"3 SYY = 0.204 INCH"3 AREA= 1.268 INCH"2 RYY = 0.902 INCHES REINFORCING DESCRIPTION: (2) STEEL BARS 31 X 1/4 1 STEEL SPECIFICATION : ASTM-A36 REINFORCING SECTION PROPERTIES : IXX = 1.125 INCH.4 SXX = ·o. 750 INCH" 3 IXX assembly= 2.406 INCH"4 + 1.125 INCH"4 * 2.9 = 5.668 INCH"4 MAX POSITIVE MOMENT= 20637 INCH-LBS UNBRACED LENGTH LB = 81.125 INCHES (2)W45-M16 fbx = MMAX/SXX * IXXalum./IXXassem = 6.833 KSI Lb/ry = 81.125 in. / 0.902 in. = 89.94 [SPECIFICATION 11] Fbx = 10 .134 KSI * 4/3 = 13 .513 KSI > 6.833 KSI ** MEMBER STRESS O.K. •• (2) STEEL BARS 31 X 1/4' fbx = MMAX/SX2 * IXXstl. * 2.9/IXXassemb = 15.837 KSI Fbx = 0.6 *FY* 4/3 = 28.8 KSI •• MEMBER STRESS O.K. ** JOHN WILLIAMS, PE 10-1-2001 VISION SYSTEMS BLACKMORE 105 IS' • • • • .... DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING MULLION SUMMARY WITH REINFORCING MULLION@ ELEV. J/E-3 --HIGH ROOF MULLION DESCRIPTION : (2)W45-M16 MATERIAL: 6063-T6 ALUMINUM WINDLOAD = 24.0 PSF SECTION PROPERTIES : IXX = sxx : AREA= 2.406 INCH'4 1.282 INCH'3 1.268 INCH'2 IYY = SYY = RYY = 0, 258 INCH' 4 0.204 INCH'3 0. 902 INCHES REINFORCING DESCRIPTION: (2) STEEL BARS 3' X 1/4' STEEL SPECIFICATION : ASTM-A36 REINFORCING SECTION PROPERTIES : IXX = 1.125 INCH'4 SXX = 0.750 INCH'3 IXX assembly= 2.406 INCH'4 t 1.125 INCH'4 * 2.9 = 5.668 INCH'4 WINDLOAD ANALYSIS DEFLECTION SUMMARY : MAX DEFLECTION= 1.09 INCHES·· [L/240 + 1/4' = 1.04 INCHES] u SAY DEFLECTION IS O.K. ** STRESS SUMMARY: MAX NEGATIVE MOMENT= 30121 INCH-LBS UNBRACED LENGTH LB = 81.125 INCHES {2)W45·M16 fbx = MMAX/SXX * IXXalum./IXXassem = 9.973 KSI Lb/ry = 81.125 in. / 0.9oi in. = 89.94 !SPECIFICATION 11] Fbx = 10.134 KSI * 4/3 = 13.513 KSI > 9.973 KSI •• MEMBER STRESS O.K. •• (2) STEEL BARS 31 X 1/4' fbx = MMAX/SX2 * IXXstl. * 2.9/IXXassemb = 23.115 KSI Fbx = 0 :6 * FY * 4/3 = 28. 8 KSl •• MEMBER STRESS O.K. •• JOHN WILLIAMS, PE 10-1-2001 VISION SYSTEMS / 1_ BLACKMORE 105 fo • • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd• Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 MULLION @ ELEV. J/E-9 @ HIGH ROOF (CORNER i"!L = 24 P5F) g:\englneerlng\projects\vlslon systems\blacl::moret05\mult1a.cbl BEAM RE5UL.. T5: MAXIMUM 5PAN DEFLECTION: MAXIMUM CANTILEVER .DEFL: -1.0C!0't in (5PAN 3) 0.5325 in (SPAN S) MAXIMUM NEGATIVE MOMENT (1): -30121 in-lb (SPAN 2) MAXIMUM POSITIVE MOMENT (1): 20631 fn-lb (SPAN 3) MAXIMUM. NEGATIVE MOMENT (2): -25'11 in-lb (SPAN 4) MAXIMUM POSITIVE MOMENT (2): 84iC! in-lb (SPAN 4) MEMBER INFORMATION: SPAN L (in) I (in4) 5 (in3) E (psi) 1 145.63 5.668 1.282 1.00E+Oi 2 11.56 5.668 1.282 1.00E+Oi 3 168.00 5.668 1.282 1.00E+Oi 4 21.00 2.406 1.282 1.00E+Oi 5 .25.44 .2.406 1 . .28.2 1.00E+Oi LOAD INFORMATION: 5PAN ~ (lblln) ~ (lblln) Dist. (in) pt_ Ld. (lb) 1 8.010 8.010 145.63 .2 8.010 8.010 11.56 3 8.010 8.010 168.00 4 8.010 8.010 ·21.00 5 8.010 8.010 25.44 JOINTS FREE TO D15PLACE: FREE .JOINT5 -.2 4 6 Loe. (in) ~ -0 ... 00 \\ • 1-/'0/1/01 .,~ 1~ 17 at • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas. 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 SUPPORT REACTIONS: • • .JOINT 1 5 5 e 'oat.; j 0/1/01 REACTIONS 45Blb 1124 lb B15 lb .,~ bObJ-1/.p 1~ ;r • • • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd• Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 SPAN NO. 1 Location 0.00L 0.10L 0.20L 0.90L 0.40L O.SOL O.bOL O.iOL O.E>OL O."IOL Shear(lb) 49e :l:21 205 e,e, -:2"1 -145 -262 -:li"I -4"!5 -61:Z Moment(ln-n,) 0 55:;ie, c:es; 114e,; 11"11"1 10E:rS:2 if>e6 :I02:2 -:1:141 -1140:2 Deflectlon(lnJ 0.00 -0.1:1 -0.;2:I -0.:IO -0.:1:1 -0.:1:2 -0.71 -o.1e -0.0"! -0.01 9tress(psl) 0 4:11:2 i2"1"1 e,qe,o . "l:2"11 E>:IO"l 5"1"16 2957 -:2E:r06 -e,e,"14 SPAN NO. 2 Location 0.00L 0.10L 0.20L O.:IOL 0.40L O.SOL O.bOL O.iOL O.E>OL 0."IOL 1.00L Shear(lb) -12"1 -79e -i4i -756 -76E:r -,75 -764 -7"6 -60:5 -81:z -8:21 Moment(ln-lb) -;21162 -22010 -22808 -2:li:17 -:24E:r17 -:25508 • -2640"! -273.21 -.28:244 -2"1177 -:I0121 Deflectlon(lnJ 0.09 0.0:1 0.0·:1 0.0:2 0.0.2 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 9tress(pslJ -16507 -1,1er8 -1,e:18 -18516 -1"120.2 -1"18"17 -20E:r00 -21911 -220:11 -2.275"1 -2:14'iS SPAN NO. :3 Location O.OOL 0.10L 0.20L 0.90L 0.40L O.SOL O.bOL 0.70L O.E>OL 0."IOb 1.00L Shear(lbJ <!09' ;e,e 693 4"1"1' 364 2:30 "IS -:l'i -1,4 -:IO'i -443 Moment(ln-lbJ -:I0121 -1e,oe,e, -4915 51'i7 1244E> 17498 201E:re 20697 1E>e45 147"6 -· E>4i"I Deflectlon(lnJ 0.00 -0.15 -0.:li -Oh.2 -a.es -1.01 -1.0"1 -1.0i -0."15 -0.7:1 -0.44 9tress(pslJ -.2:14"15 -1.254"1 -9:166 4054 'i710 1:IE:r09 15'92 1e,oqe, 14i00 115:1"1 6614 SPAN NO. 4 Lo!!atlon O.OOL 0.10L 0.20L 0.:IOL 0.40L O.SOL 0.bOL O.iOL o.eoL 0."IOL 1.00L 9hear(lb) -443 -460 -4TI -4"14 -510 -s::rr -s44 -561 -SW -5'i4 -611 Moment(ln-lb) 647"1 7591 E:r548 552"1 4475 9986 2:261 1101 --"IS -19.25 -.25"11 Deftectlon(lnJ -0.44 -0.40 -0.:16 -0.:12 -o.:n -0.29 -0.18 -0.14 -0.0"1 -0.05 0.00 9tres5(psfJ E:rE:r14 58,S s1oe, 4:11:I :14"11 2641 1764 E>S"I -14 -10:14 -2021 SPAN NO. 5 Location 0.00L 0.10L 0.20L O.:IOL 0.40L O.SOL O.bOL 0.10L O.E>OL 0."IOL 1.00L Shear(lb) .204 1e,9 1E:r3 143 122 10:Z 82 61 41 20 0 Moment(ln-lb) -25"11 -20"1"1 -1erse -1270 -"!:1:1 -64-E> --415 -29:1 -104 -::U:, 0 Deflectlon(ln) 0.00 0.05 0.11 0.16 0.2:2 o.:n 0.92 0.97 0.49 o.4e, 0.53 9tress(psl) -:2021 -16:11 -1:2"!4 -"IC!O -7.28 -sos -929 -182 -81 -20 0 ,~ 10/,/01 ol • • ., DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING MULLION SUMMARY LOWER SINGLE SPAN MULLION@ DOOR JAMB MULLION DESCRfPTfON : W60-Ml2 MATERIAL : 6063-T6 ALUMINUM SECTION PROPERTIES : rxx = SXX = AREA= 3.996 INCH"4 1.478 INCH"3 1.114 INCH"2 WINDLOAD ANALYSIS DEFLECTION SUMMARY: IYY = SYY = RYY = MAX DEFLECTION= 0.652 INCHES --[L/183f tt DEFLECTION O.K, u STRESS SUMMARY: MAX NEGATIVE MOMENT= 17614 INCH-LBS UNBRACED LENGTH LB = 81.125 INCHES WINDLOAD = 24.0 PSF O. 755 INCH"4 0.755 INCH"3 0. 823 INCHES fbx = MMAX/SXX = 17614 / 1,478 = 11.917 KSI Lb/ry = 81.125 in. / 0.823 in. = 98.57 [SPECIFICATION 11] Fbx = 8.954 KSI * 4/l = ll.-93i KSL > 11.917 KSI •• MEMBER STRESS O.K. tt • MAX POSITIVE MOMENT= 17614 INCH-LBS UNBRACED LENGTH LB = 81.125 INCHES fbx = MMAX/SXX = 17614 / 1.478 = 11.917 KSI Lb/ry = 81,125 in, / 0.823 in. = 98.57 [SPECIFICATION 11] Fbx = a.954 K~I * 4/l = 11.938. KSL > Ll.917. KS.r tt MEMBER STRESS O.K, ** • ,JOHN WILLIAMS, PE 10-1-2001 VISION SYSTEMS ,., .... I BLACKMORE 105 (.,,A..) , I • • • • .... DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd• Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 LO~R 51N6LE SPAN TUBE MULLION@ DOOR .JAMB OF ELEY. K/E-6 g:\engrneerfng\projeets'wfslon systems\blac.l-more105\Jnulf9a.c.bl SEAM RESUL. TS: MAXIMUM SPAN DEFLECTION: -0.6516 in (SPAN 1) MAXIMUM POSITIVE MOMENT (1): 11614 in-lb (SPAN 1) MEMBER INFORMATION: SPAN L (in) I (ln4) 11<1.19 9.CJCJ6 1.418 L.OAD INFORMATION: SPAN Y'la (lb/In) ~(lb/in). Dist. (in) Cf.Cf:30 SUPPORT REACTIONS: .JOINT 1 2 REACTIONS 5Cf1 lb 5Cf1 lb 11CJ.13 -I~ E (psi) 1.00E+Oi Ft. Ld. (lb) ~ IV) V'-~ I\ Loe.. (in) ~ ~ ~ 0 N· '-' r -r- \) ~ • • • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 SPAN NO. 1 LO!:,atlon O.OOL 0.10L 0.20L 0.:30L 0.40L O.SOL 0.60L O.iOL o.80L 0."!0L 1.00L Shear(lt:,) SCJ1 4-S :155 zn 118 0 -118 -:25, -:355 -4i:3 -5"!1 Moment(ln-ft:,) 0 ~1 11.2"73 14i"!b 16"!10 11614 16"!10 141% 11.2"73 6:341 0 Del'lectlon(lnJ 0.00 -0.20 -0.:3"! -0.53 -0.62 . -0.65 -0.62 -0.S:3 -0.:3"! -0.20 0.00 9tress(pslJ 0 42"!0 1621 10011 11441 11"!18 11441 10011 ib2i 42"!0 0 10al9: to/1/01 I Sr. • • • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING MULLION SUMMARY LOWER SINGLE SPAN MULLION MULLION DESCRIPTION : (2)W60-M16 MATERIAL : 6063-T6 ALUMINUM WINDLOAD = 24.0 PSF SECTION PROPERTIES : IXX = 5.662 INCH.4 SXX = 2.150 INCH'3 AREA= 1.524 INCH.2 WINDLOAD ANALYSIS DEFLECTION SUMMARY: IYY = SYY = RYY = MAX DEFLECTION= 0.378 INCHES --[L/315] •• DEFLECTION O.K. •• STRESS SUMMARY: MAX NEGATIVE MOMENT= 14492 INCH-LBS UNBRACED LENGTH LB = 81.125 INCHES 0. 290 INCH'4 0.218 INCH'3 0. 872 INCHES fbx = MMAX/SXX = 14492 / 2.150 = 6.740 KSI Lb/ry = 81.125 in. / 0.872 in. = 93.03 [SPECIFICATION 11] Fhx = 9.909 KSI * 4/3 = 13.211 KSI > 6.740 KSI •• MEMBER STRESS 0,K, •• MAX POSITIVE MOMENT= 14492 INCH-LBS UNBRACED LENGTH LB = 81.125 INCHES fbx = MMAX/SXX = 14492 / 2.150 = 6.740 KSI Lb/ry = 81.125 in. / 0.872 in. = 93.03 [SPECIFICATION 11] Fbx = 9.909 KSI * 4/3 = 13.211 KSI > 6.740 KSI ** MIDIBER STRESS 0,K, ** JOHN WILLIAMS, PE 10-1-2001 VISION SYSTEMS BLACKMORE 105 Z,3 • • • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 LOYiER SINGLE 5PAN EXPANSION MULLION@ ELEV. K/E-6 g:\englneerlng\project,s\vl!>lon !>y,stem,s\blaGkmore105\mull3.cbl SEAM RESULTS: MAXIMUM SPAN DEFLECTION: -0.9i84 in (SPAN 1) MAXIMUM POSITIVE MOMENT (1): 14492 in-lb (SPAN 1Y MEMBER INFORMATION: SPAN L (in) 119.19 5.662 LOAD INFORMATION: SPAN ~ (lb/In) ~ (lb/in) 8.110 8.110 SUPPORT REACTIONS: .JOINT 1 2 I Date: to I 1 / o , REACTIONS 481 lb 481 lb 2.150 Dist. (in) 119.19 .,~ E (psi) 1.00E+01 Pt. Ld. (lb) Loe.. (in) ot • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~·- 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 SPAN NO. 1 Loeat.Jon O.OOL 0.10L O . .:ZOL 0.:30L 0.40L O.SOL 0.60L 0.70L o.eoL O.qoL 1.00L Shear(lbJ 46i seq 2'12 1"15 q; 0 ..q; -1"15" -2"!2 -seq -467 Moment(ln-lbJ 0 5217 "2iS 12174 1S'l1S 144"2 1S'l1S 1.2174 "OiS 5217 0 Defleetlon(lnJ 0.00 -0.1.2 -0.22 -0.91 -o.se. -o.se -o.se. -0.51 -0.22 -0.1.2 0.00 strese(p.:;1) 0 2427 4914 Sbe>.:Z l:>471 e,741 6471 566.2 4514 2427 0 • • • l0rn toft/01 lar. JAW -I~ • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING MULLION SUMMARY WITH REINFORCING UPPER MULLION@ ELEV. K/E-6 MULLION DESCRIPTION : (2)W60-Ml6 MATERIAL : 6063-T6 ALUMINUM WINDLOAD = 24.0 PSF SECTION.PROPERTIES : IXX = sxx = AREA= 5.662 INCH"4 2.150 INCH"3 1.524 INCH"2 IYY = SYY = RYY = 0.290 INCH"4 0.218 INCH"J 0.872 INCHES REINFORCING DESCRIPTION : (2)4 1/2 1 X 1/4 1 & (2)3 1/2 1 X 1/4 1 BARS STEEL SPECIFICATION: ASTM-A36 REINFORCING SECTION PROPERTIES : rxx = 5.583 INCH"4 SXX = 2.708 INCH"3 IXX assembly= 5,662 INCH"4 + 5.583 INCH"4 * 2.9 = 21.853 INCH"4 WINDLOAD ANALYSIS DEFLECTION SUMMARY : MAX DEFLECTION= 1.124 INCHES --[L/240 + 1/4 1 = 1.165 INCHESJ ** DEFLECTION IS O,K, ** STRESS SUMMARY: MAX NEGATIVE MOMENT= 751 INCH-LBS UNBRACED LENGTH LB = 81.125 INCHES (2)W60-M16 fbx = MMAX/SXX * IXXalum./IXXassem = 0.091 KSI Lb/ry = 81.125 in. / 0.872 in. = 93,03 [SPECIFICATION 11] Fbx = 9.909 KSI * 4/3 = 13,211 KSI > 0.090 KSI e •• MEMBER STRESS O,K, •• • (214 1/21 X 1/4 1 & (2)3 1/2 1 X 1/4 1 BARS fbx = MMAX/SX2 * IXXstl. * 2.9/IXXassemb = 0.205 KSI Fbx = 0.6 *FY* 4/3 = 28.8 KSI •• MEMBER STRESS O,K. •• JOHN WILLIAMS, PE 10-1-2001 VISION SYSTEMS 2 / BLACKMORE 105 :.re::, • • • > DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING MULLION SUMMARY WITH REINFORCING UPPER MULLION@ ELEV. K/E-6 MULLION DESCRIPTION : (2)W60·M16 MATERIAL : 6063·T6 ALUMINUM SECTION PROPERTIES : WINDLOAD = 24.0 PSF rxx = 5.662 INCW4 IYY = 0.290 INCW4 SXX = 2.150 INCH'3 SYY = 0.218.INCH"3 AREA= 1.524 INCH'2 RYY = 0.872 INCHES REINFORCING DESCRIPTION: (2)4 1/2' X 1/4' & (2)3 1/2 1 X 1/41 BARS STEEL SPECIFICATION: ASTM·A36 REINFORCING SECTION PROPERTIES : rxx = 5.583 INCH"4 SXX = 2.708 INCH'3 IXX assembly= 5.662 INCH'4 + 5.583 INCH"4 * 2.9 = 21.853 INCH"4 MAX POSITIVE MOMENT= 48913 INCH-LBS UNBRACED LENGTH LB = 81.125 INCHES (2)W60·Ml6 fbx = MMAX/SXX * IXXalum./IXXassem = 5.895 KSI Lb/ry = 81,125 in. / 0.872 in. = 93.03 [SPECIFICATION 11] Fbx = 9.909 KSI * ~/l = ll.111 KSI > ~.a94 &SI tt MEMBER STRESS O.K, ** (214 1/2' X 1/4' & (213 1/2' X 1/4' BARS fbx = MMAX/SX2 * IXXstl. * 2.9/IXXassemb = 13.382 KSI Fbx = 0.6 * FY t 4/3: 28.8 KSI tt MEMBER STRESS O.K. •• JOHN WILLIAMS, PE 10·1·2001 VISION SYSTEMS _., 7 BLACKMORE 105 t, • • • ., DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd• Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 UPPER MULLION @ ELEY. K/E-6 g:\englneerlng\projects\vlslon systems\blackmore105\mull2.cbl SEAM RESULTS: MAXIMUM SPAN DEFLECTION: MAXIMUM C.AN-TILEVER DEFL: -1.1236 in (SPAN 2) o.~00 in (SPAN 1) MAXIMUM NEGATIVE MOMENT (1): -151 In-lb (SPAN 1) MAXIMUM NEGATIVE MOMENT (2): -151 in-lb (SPAN 2) MAXIMUM POSITIVE MOMENT (2): 48'113 in-lb (SPAN 2) MEMBER INFORMATION: SPAN L (in) I Cin4J s <in" J E (psi) 1 13.56 5.662 2.150 1.00E+0i 2 21'1.6'1 21.852 2.150 1.00E+0i LOAD INFORMATION: -rr I I I ~ 1---· ('. ......... ~ ~I SPAN ~ (lb/in) ~ (lb/in) Dist. (In) Ft. Lei. (lb) ~ I _ __.,,~:.:....,.,!..!L-_--'-"'-'-="'-'-'-~--=Lo=c.=._,_('-'-!Lln) ~. I -~ I 1 8.110 8.110 2 8.110 8.110 JOINTS FREE TO DISPLACE: FR.EE .JOINTS -1 SUPPORT REACTIONS: .JOINT 2 3 REACTIONS 1012 lb 8Cf41b 13.56 21'1.6'1 .,~ ·l I I 11 11 11 11 -Ir -?- r ' I\ • • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd• Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 SPAN NO. 1 L.oc;atlon O.OOL 0.10L 0.20L 0.SOL 0.40L 0.SOL 0.60L 0.10L 0.80L O.'IOL 1.00L Sl'Jear(lb) 0 -11 -22 -:3:3 --44 -55 -66 -,0 -0.:r -100 -111 Moment(ln-Jb) 0 -a -~ -68 -120 -1ae, -211 -:31:>8 -461 -(;O<! -151 Deflect!on(ln) 0..22 0.20 0.18 0.15 0.1:3 0.11 0.0'1 O.Oi 0.04 0.02 0.00 strese(psl) 0 -:3 -14 -:31 -56 -0, -126 -111 -224 -26:3 -:W'I SPAN NO. 2 L.ocal:!on O.OOL 0.10L 0.20L 0.SOL 0.40L O.SOL 0.60L O.iOL o.60L 0."IOL 1.00L Shear(lt:IJ "!01 121 542 962 169 9 -lie> -956 -5:35 -TIS -8"14 Moment(ln-lbJ -151 11066 ~"14:3 40616 41:>866 4£'>"11:3 • 4,016 411TT :31:3"14 1ib6"1 0 Deffectlon(lnJ 0.00 -0.:35 -0.6, -0.'11 -1.0i -1.12 -1.0i -0."11 -0.bi -0.55 0.00 strese(psJJ -:34"1 ,c:ee 14:3"12 1"!012 21i"l8 ::r:z,50 2186.!} 1"1152 14602 8218 0 ,~ I Pao- cl DESIGN e ENGINEERING • • & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd• Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 TYP. HEAD ANCHOR @ STUD ELEV. l</E-6 DETAIL: 5/D-i LOAD: MAX. ~ = 5c:t1 · lbf ~IGHT CONTROLLED BY THE ANGHOR, V'ip = ( 5 ·25·Pst)·(5c:t1·1bf) = 12c:t ·lbf 24-psf USE 600 lbf SL @ ANGHOR BODY = ( 0.53) · ( 12'1· lbf) = 68 · lbf SL@ FASTENER= ( 1.60) · ( 12'1· lbf) = 206 · lbf l0a1e: /o/t/01 I .. I ,t--J s;s· METAL STUDS {BY Oil-iERS)~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L--------::::...-::,; ...... -+-~--_,-. W-45-MO W-45-1.105 lar, Jruv -I~ El.CO ORIL Fl.EX FASTENER {AF 8-+6 I ICBO #4780) 1/4'-14 x 2" LONG W/ 1/2" DtA x 1" LONG ALUM Sl£EVE (PROVIDE 1/JAMB AND 2/MULUON) AT UNITS GREATER iHAN 96" WIDE PROVIDE 1 1/2" LONG SOLTS W/ (1) ROUND HOLE , NEAR COITER Of' UNrT · 16 GA I.IIN METAL· STUD TRACK (BY Oil-iERS) f'OR ANCHORAGE Of' CURTAIN WAU. (TYP) • • • DESIGN ENGINEERL"iG & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 Y'{L := 600· lbf' SLBody := 68-lbf' SL Fastener := 2 06· lbf' C-HEC.I< (2) 1/4" DIA. DR.IL-FLEX 5CREY'{S YV 1/2" 0.0. SLEEVE ALLOY'{. SHE.AR = 116· lbf' ALLOY'{. BE.ARING ON ALUM= (24·ksi)-(0.5·in)·(0.125·in) = 1500 •lbf' APPLIED SHEAR = \ Y'{L -= 300-lbf' 2 \ . C.HEC.1< BENDING ON DR.IL-FLEX SC.REY'{ 4 ALUM. SLEEVE ',, Foy_oc.rew = (o.15)-('12·k=>IJ·(:) = "12000 ·psi Fox_sleeve = (15-ksi)·(:) = 20000-psi root dia. Sscrew := ~-(0.188-in/3 32 S I 1t·[ (0.5·in)4 -(0.266·in)4 ] s eeve := --"-----------'- 32·(0.S·in) T(')I 1:: Y'{L-(0.5-in + 0.25-in) 1o.o.42 . roy = ---------= vv ·PSI (2)-(Sscrew + Ssleeve) METAL STUD (BY OTHERS) MUST BE REVI~ SY APPROPRIATE PAR1Y TO RESIST THE LOAD APPLIED Sse,rew = 0.0001·in9 Ssleeve = 0.0113 · in 9 < 20000-psi > IC<n: 10/,/0, IPooe ~I I • • • ., DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd• Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 SILLANGHOR ELEV. K/E-6 DTL. 6/D-1 ~L := 600· lbf DL = ( 11Cf.125 ·in)· ( 48· in)· ( 9.25· psf + 2.0· psf) = 208 · lbf CONTROLLED BY SHIMS ~16HT CONTROLLED BY ANC,HOR = 2. ( 208· lbr) = 104 · lbf 2 . SL(BODY) = ( 0.59 )· ( 104· lbf) = 55 · lbf SL Body := 55· lbf SL(FASTENER) = ( 1.6 )· ( 104· lbf) = 166 · lbf SL Fastener := 166· lbf .J<------s··--------,r <J W50-M02.-F • ¼$' M :n KW!K BOlT H (~' °" • 3 ~ ----tt---...-1.0NG POI ICBO IER-41127) W/ 2' MIN ~ BEDMENT (PRCMDE 1 [.W,B IJ<D 2,'lruUJOII) -z.." r::A-'):1 v~ oF r-,u...,_) UNfl'S CREATER TIWl 95' MOE PRCM0E 3/4' LONC SOLTS W/ (1) ROUND H0u: N£AA Com:R OF UNIT LI ' . '\ 0 1 cuRTAJN<wALL SILL <J e I 0<119: / 0 It / Of ; • • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd• Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 C.HEC.I< (2) 9/8" DIA. HIL Tl l<Y'{fl< BOLTS wl(MIN.) 2" EMBED @ 6" o.c. A55LJME 3000 P51 CONCRETE, N.Y'ff. ALLOY'( SHEAR = 915· lbf (PER IGBO REPORT 4261) APPLIED SHEAR (Y'!L) = Y'!L = 900 ·. lbf 2 APPLIED SHEPR (SL) = ( SL Fa:tener) = 83 · lbf O .K. Y'!L · ( 0.5· in) APPLIED BENDING = 2 ------= 28c::r79 ·psi ( . )3 1t 0.315-in ·-32 ALLO~. BENDING= 0.15·41000-psi· 4 = 41000 ·psi 0.1<. 9 APPLIED BEARING = Y'{L 2 -------= 12903-psi 0.062· in·0.315· in ALLO~. BEARING(6069-TG) = 24000· psi .,~ 01 • • • -DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd• Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 DL ANGHOR @ 2ND FLR BEAM ELEY. l</E-6 DTL. 1/D-8 ~ = 1012-lbf ~ := 1012 · lbf DL(GLASS 4 ALUM) = (48·in)·(233.25·in)·?·25·psf = 408·1bf -. 2 144-~ DL(STL BARS = ft2 ( ( 2)· ( 4.5· in)· ( 0.25· in) + ( 2)· (3.5· in)· ( 0.25· in))· ( 220· in)· (4'10· lbf) = 25'.> I in 2 ft3 144·- ft2 TOTAL DL := 65·8· lbf ~IGHT CONTROLLED BY ANGHOR = DUE TO SEISMIC, LOADING SL(BODY) = ( 0.53) · ( DL) = 34'1 · lbf ( 5 -25· psf)· < 1012· lbf) = 221 · lbf 24·psf SLsody := 34'1· lbf SL(FASTENER) = ( 1.60 )· (DL) = 1053 · lbf SL Fastener := 1053-lbf t7t. ~t...;· tY.l.f'iC'/'f ~~~~ q.J ~. c:;,oe cF H,UL;L, ~( t ~v~ rs, 0~ N, V> T f., e-~ ,e; "'C'"I) ~v t..o,to /r:r'(J!.,1 ~. . • • • DE s· I G N ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd• Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 CHI< (1) 1/2" DIA. GR. 5 THRU BOLT @ MULLION ALLOY'4. SHEAR = 3580 · lbf ALLOV't BEAR.ING (6069-T6) = 0.125·in·(0.500·in)·(24·ksi) = 1500 ·lbf APPLIED SHEAR. = JY'lL-2 + DL 2 · G) = 604 · /bf CHI< 4" x 4" x 1/4" STEEL ANGLE @ BOTH SIDES OF MULL. fb = 0.60· 36-ksi = 21600 · psi max. ( SL Body)· ( 1 · in) _ (1.os-in3 )-<2J -1169 · psi f (DL)·(1·in) 21 ~~ . -bX_DL = -:----,----= 7.;.., 'p5 I ( 1.05· in3 )-< 2) CHI< Y'4ELD OF ANGLE TO BEAM FLANGE Y'4L lbf Fz(Y'4L) = ----= 84 · - (2)·(6-in) in AW= 6-in y 2 S 4 S. 2 X = -= In 3 fx (SL) = SL Fastener = 116 . lbf (2)·(3·in) in Sy= (3)·(4) = 12 in2 1, /l 3 2 ..Jw = 9 + 9·9·4 = 2c:i ins 6 > I Oote: / o / I /o I _,~ I Page ot • • • ., = DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 SL fastener·< 2 · in J lbf fby (SL) = -------= 88 · - (2J-(12-in2 ) in fbx (DL) = ftor(x) = ftor(z) = DL· (1· in) = 461 _ lbf (2)-(5-in2 ) in ( SL Fastener)-(;. in>-( :3.~-in) _ (2c:=t-in 3 )-(2J - 191 . lbf in (5 ) ( . ) (4.0· in) . L fastener · 1 · in · ----,------~-2____:_ = 254 . lbf (2ct-in3 )-(2) in fr (DL + SL) = J< 116 + 1'11 )2 + 2542 + ( 88 + 461 )2 = ,ob~f In ALL0~. SHEAR (~LD) = 0.701-(70·ksi)-(0.3)·(0.25·in) = 3712 _ lbf in (STEEL)= 0.4· (36-ksi )· ( 0.25· in) = 3600 · lbf 0.1<. in --·--. ----· -- • IDaN: .)01,10, lsr-.J(Ur) _ ,~ • • • • aDESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone· (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 TYPICAL INTER.MEDIA TE ~L ANCHOR @ FLRS ELEV. J/E-4 DTL. 2/D-8 Y'iL = 1i24·1bf ~L := 1000· lbf r"IEIGHT CONTROLLED BY ANCHOR = DUE TO SEISMIC, LOADING ( 5 ·25· psf)· ( 1i24· lbf) = 3ii · lbf 24-psf SL(BODY) = ( 0.53) · ( 3TI · lbf) = 200 · lbf . SLsody := 200· lbf SL(FASTENER.) = ( 1.60 )· (3ii· lbf) = 603 · lbf SL Fastener := 603· lbf f . I -'--"',-f.l!H-&f,--..c::;,-1\_f, 1--= ~I/ ''t ,vv~ t 1------r--r-----r---, ¾' ,;/ -51L :,_. 'f',t 't")t( //'f .. q-J laA-, C$ "'~ Of" HIJl.,t-, w I 9/i<. \;(_ ,z; ~, eo, Malerlcl: Pago '5J of • • • • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 ~ Richardson, Texas 75080 • ·Phone· (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 Date: CHI< (1) 1/2" DIA. GR. 5 THR.U SOLT @ MULLION ALLOY'i. SHEAR= 9580· lbf ALLOY'l BEARING (6069-Tb) = 0.125-in-(0.500-in)-(24-ksi) = 1500 ·lbf APPLIED SHEAR = Y'iL = ~oo · lbr 0 2 7 ____JS,_ CHI< 4" x 4" x 1/4" STEEL ANGLE @ BOTH SIDES OF MULL. Fi, = 0.60· 96· ksi = 21600 · psi max. (SLsody)·(Cl·inJ . ---:----'--:,----= 857 · ps I ( 1.05 · in9 ). ( 2) CHI< Y'iELD OF ANGLE TO SEAM FLANGE fz(Y'il) = Y'iL = 150 . lbf ( 2 ) · ( 6 · in ) in Aw= 9-in fx (SL)= SL Fastener 101 _ lbf 9 2 = ( 2)· (9· in) in Jw = 1.5 + 9· 1.5·4 19 in9 = 6 ( ) ( . ) c-5· in) ftor(x) = SL Fastener · '1· in · 2 157 _ lbf = (1s-in3 )-<2J · in /,o/t/o By: j~J Moterl9I: PaQ• r;, of • DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas --75080 • Phone· (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 ftor(x) = ( SL Fastener)· ( "I· rn) · ( 4.~· in) lb!' ----:----:------= 411·- (19-in;:3)·(2) in RESULTANT Of ~LD SHEAR IS 01< BY INSPECTION • • e I Date: / / -LOU.LOI I Material: • • • '• =DESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSULTING J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas· .75080 • Phone· (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 MOMENT SPLICE ELEV. J/E-4 DTL. 5/D-8 MAX. MOMENT= 21162· in-!bf' MAX. SHEAR = 12q · lbf' V := 12<:l· lbf' 1---7 + Tl I [ t + ~ N + @) 1,'-t~cf Pfl.\\.,-~ ~' '{JL;(rl!! + t I L--_J ~ - f By: -.Jrvw IMolerlol: US[lff) 1 Pog• (fo o, • • • '> DESIGN ENGINEE.RJNG & CONSULTlNG J~ 2071 N. Collins Blvd • Suite 100 • Richardson, Texas 75080 • Phone (972) 644-0640 • Fax (972) 644-4204 C.HI< 1/4" DIA. DR.IL-FLEX 5C.R.EY'6 AL.LOY'!. SHEAR = 116· lbf · (:) = 1035 · lbf ALLOV'I. BEAR.ING (6063-Tb) = 0.125· in·( 0.250-in)· ( 24·k5i )· (:) = 1000 · It APPLIED SHEAR.(1) = APPLIED SHEAR(.2) = SHEAR (TOTAL)= ___ M ___ = 156 · lbf ( 2) · ( 2 ) · ( 1 · in ) · 1· in + 4· in V·-----= 130 ·lbf ( 2) · ( 2) · ( 1 ·in) V1 + V2 = · 886 · lbf 0.1<. C.HI< STEEL PLATES 1/4" X 3" @ BOTH SIDES OF MULL. Fb = 0.60·36·k5i· (:) = 28000 ·p5i M + V·(1-in) ---=--------=--1c:'i5'i8 ·psi ( 2 >· [ (3 . in )2. 0.3:5· in] V1 .= 156-lbf V2 := 130· lbf V := 886·1bf • I Date: /r:;/;/01 I By: J (J/JA} I Malerfal: I ~g· 41 o, ., • SECTION FF<.OFERTIE5 W45-M06-U IVIAJOR AXIS lxx 2.113 IN 4 Sxx(max) 0.'!'!6 IN 3 Sxx(min) 0.'164 IN 3 Rxx l.3C!3 IN IVIINOR AXIS I~~ 0.333 IN 4 S~~(max) 0.5'11 IN 3 s~~(min) 0.231 IN 3 R~~ 0.553 IN • Area I.0C!0 IN 2 Perim. 24.223 IN V'leight 1.281 LBS/FT y • 1.44 2.00 • • SECTION FROFERTIES M45-M16 MAJOR AXIS lxx 1.203 IN 4 Sxx(max) 0.114 IN 5 Sxx(min) 0.641 IN? Rxx 1.311 IN MINOR AXIS • I~~ 0.12Cf IN 4 s~~(max) 0.306 IN 3 s~~(min) 0.102 IN 3 R~~ 0.451 IN Area 0.634 IN 2 Perim. 16h10 IN I I V'<eight 0.146 LBS/FT o:) ~ y ~ r X X 1.() I re) • ' ,. ~_l._27--11-1---~-1--0 .42 • • SECTION-FROFERTIE5 M60-M16 MAJOR AXl5 lxx 2.831 IN 4 Sxx(max) 1.1&5 IN 3 Sxx(min) 1.015 IN 3 Rxx l.'121 IN MINOR AXl5 • " I~~ 0.145 IN 4 s~~(max) 0.403 IN 3 s~~(min) 0.10'1 IN 3 R~~ 0.43& IN Area 0.1&2 IN 2 Perim. IC!.&83 IN y ~eight 0.8'11 LBS/FT X--!==1,,;ar-t-it--X y • 1 i--_1._33_-i--i----0.36 • .... • SECTION FROFERTIES M60-M12 MAJOR AXl5 lxx 3.CfCf 0 IN 4 Sxx(max) 1h51 IN 3 Sxx(min) 1.418 IN 3 Rxx 1.8'14 IN MINOF<. AXl5 • ,~~ 0.155 IN 4 s~~(max) 0.150 IN 3 s~~(min) 0.155 IN 3 R~~ 0.823 IN Area 1.114 IN 2 · Perim. 15.235 IN ~eight 1.310 LBS/FT y x---1="1,;,,J---x y • 1.00 1.00 2.00· • • • • • ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. A subsidiary corporation of the International Conference of -Building Officials EVALUATION REPORT Copyright© 1992 ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. Filing Category: FASTENERS-Screws (066) DRIL·FLEX STRUCTURAL FASTENERS ELCO INDUSTRIES, INC. CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION 5110 FALCON ROAD POST OFFICE BOX 7009 ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS 61125 I. Subject Dril-Flex Structural Fasteners. 11. Description: A. General: Dril-Flex Structural Fasteners are steel screws having a dual heat treatment and coating consisting of electro- plated zinc. Fasteners are available as a self-tapping metal screw for instal- lation in predrilled holes and a self-drilling/self-tapping metal screw. The lead threads of both screw types and the drill point of the self-drilling/ self-tapping fasteners are heat treated to a high hardness for thread form- ing and drilling. The balance of the fastener shank is the load-bearing area of the fastener and is treated to a lower hardness complying with SAE J429 Grade 5 and ASTM A 449, Type 1. The No. 12 and 1/4-inch-diameter fasteners have a 0.415 and 0.500- inch-diameter hex washer head, respectively, and are available in various lengths. Allowable loads for the fasteners are as shown in Table No. I. The allowable values are for a single shear connection consisting of two mem- bers with the material type and thickness of each member noted in the table. Minimum fastener spacing and edge distances must comply with Table No. II. B. Installation: 1. Self-tapping Fasteners: Self-tapping fasteners must be installed in predrilled holes having the diameter specified in Table No. I. Toe fasteners must be installed with a screw gun with a depth sensitive or torque-limiting nose piece. Installed fasteners shall protrude through the attached members with the high-hardness lead threads beyond the at- tached members • Report No. 4780 April, 1992 2. Self-drilling/Self-tapping Fasteners: Self-drilling/self-tapping fas- teners are installed without predrilling holes in the receiving member of the connection. The drilling function of the fastener must be completed prior to the lead threads of the fastener engaging the metal. This is normal- ly accomplished by predrilling a clearance hole in the component being fastene_d to the receiving member. Clearance holes shall be 15/64 and 17/64 inch in diameter for No. 12 gauge and 1/4-inch-diameter fasteners, respec· tively. Fasteners must be installed with a 1,800 to 2,500 rpm screw gun incorpo·rating a depth sensitive or torque-limiting nose piece. Installed fasteners shall protrude through the attached members with the high· hardness drill point and lead threads beyond the attached members. C. Identification: Fastener heads are marked with the manufacturer's logo within a raised circle. Each box of fasteners has a label bearing the company name, fastener type and description including load bearing area. See Rgure No. 1. Ill. Evidence Submitted: Report of shear and tension tests and descrip- tive information. Findings IV. Findings: That the Dril-Flex Structural Fasteners described in this report comply with the 1991 Uniform Building Code, subject to the fol- lowing conditions: 1. Fasteners are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and this report. 2. Allowable shear and tension values comply with Table No. I. 3. Minimum spacing, edge distance and end distances comply with Table No. II. 4. The capacity of the connections must be investigated in accor- dance wi1h accepted design criteria for fastener bearing on con- necting members and for fastener pull-through. This report is subject to re-e.xamination in two years. Evaluation reports of ICBO Evaluation Senice, Inc., are issued solely to provide infomuztion to cia.ss A members of ICBO, uti1Wng the code upon which the report is based. Evaluation nports ant not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attribuus not specifically ~sednora.s an endorsement or recommen• dation for use of the subject report. This report is based upon independent Usts or other Uchnical dala submiJted by the applii:ant. The /CBO E valuaJion Service, Inc., technical staff has revi~wed the test resulls andlorotltl!rdata, but dou not possess testfaciliti.es to make an independent verifzcaJion. There is no warranty by /CBO Evaluation Senice, Inc., express or implied, as to an:, "Finding" or other maJter in. the.report or as to any product covert:d by the report. This disclaimer includes, buJ is not timiud to, merchantability. t../k, Page1 of2 • Page 2 of 2 Repo~ No. 4780 TABLE NO. I-ALLOWABLE PULL·OUT AND SHEAR FOR VARIOUS ORIL·FLEX FASTENERS1 PULL-OUT (Pounds) SHEAR (Pounds) Sleel (Inches) Aluminum (Inches) MAXIMUM . ,. ., . DRILL Aluminum Aluminum SCREW SCREW POINT CAP.' 12 lo 1/1 to 1/, 'i• Sleel to TYPE SIZE STYLE (Inches) Gauo.,., ,,, ,,,, ,,. ., .. .,. ,,, .,. Aluminum Aluminum /,.Steel Self-<lrill 12-14 3 .175 460 620 ----210 -335 475 - 1/4-14 3 .210 480 740 !015 ---240 -405 590 635 t'4.20 4 .375 500 765 1045 1215 1275 -230 700 395 570 670 Self-tap5 1/4-14 --505 440 665 935 1020 1185 275 785 405 590 635 (.201) (.278) (.228) (.228) (.228) (.228) (.201 (.205) (.204) (.204) (.204) 1Steel members shall confonn to ASTM A 36. Aluminum members shall be 6063-TS aluminum alloy. 21ne maximum drill capacity is the maximum metal thickness the fastener can self drill and self tap • • 3Base metal thickness of No. 12 gauge steel is 0.102 inches. • • 4Clearance holes arc not drilled in the 1/4-inch-thick steel. The members to be connected must be clamped together during fastener installation. 5-fhe number shown in parenthesis is the diameter of the required predrilled hole in inches. COMPANY NAME (Elco Industries, Inc.) FASTENER SIZE/DIAMETER No.I2 1/4 inch TABLE NO. II-MINIMUM FASTENER SPACING AND EDGE DISTANCES FASTENED MINIMUM SPACING MATERIAL (Inches) Steel 11ft6 Aluminum 9ft6 Steel 3/4 Aluminum 5/s . 1/4-20 by 11/2 inch HWH No. 4 ~ Drilling Capability .210 inch-.375 inch ~ Inspect by noting raised circle around "flag• logo on top of head. Maximum Load-bearing Area To insure proper performance, only the load-bearing area can-be engaged in the material being lasteried. FIGURE NO. 1-TYPICAL LABEL MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE (Inches) J/s 71t6 3/s lh_ 1/, Sleet'-' lo 12 •11, Steel Gaooe to /, Steel Steel ---- 715 660 -- F-3392·1 I \ . .,.., f \..._,.' (, • • • ., ICBO Evaluation Serv-ice, Inc. 5360 WORKMAN MILL ROAD • WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601-2299 A subsidiary corporation of the International Conference of Building Officials EVALUATION REPORT Copyright© 1998 ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. ER-4627 Reissued July 1, 1998 Filing Category: FASTENERS-Concrete and Masonry Anchors (066) KWIK BOLT-II AND POST NUT KWIK BOLT-II CONCRETE ANCHORS HILT!, INC .. 5400 SOUTH 122ND EAST AVENUE TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74146 1.0 SUBJECT Kwik Bolt-II and Post Nut Kwik Bolt-II Concrete Anchors. 2.0 DESCRIPTION 2.1 Kwik Bolt-II: Kwik Bolt-II (KB-II) concrete anchors consist of a stud, wedge, nut and washer. The stud is manufactured from a car- bon or stainless steel material. The carbon steel Kwik Bolt-II stud is made from AISI 1038 or AISI 1144 materials. The wedges are made of AISI 1010 steel, except that KB-II %-by-12, KB-II 1-by-6, KB-II 1-by-9 and KB-II 1-by-12 an- chors have AISI 304 (stainless steel) wedges. All carbon steel components are zinc-plated. Each component of the stain- less steel Kwik Bolt-II anchor is made from either AISI 304 or AISI 316 material. · The stud consists of a high-strength steel rod threaded at the upper end. The tapered mandrel has an increasing diam- eter toward the anchor base, and is enclosed by a three-sec- tion wedge which freely moves around the mandrel. In the vertical direction, the wedge movement is restrained by the mandrel taper at the bottom and by a collar at the top of the mandrel. When subjected to torque, the wedge is forced against the wall of the predrilled hole to provide the anchor- age. Allowable tension and shear values in normal-weight concrete are shown in Tables 3 and 4 for the carbon steel and stainless steel anchors, respectively. Allowable tension and shear values for lightweight concrete are shown in Table 5. The anchors are illustrated in Figure 1. 2.2 Post Nut Kwik Bolt-II: Post Nut Kwik Bolt-II concrete anchors consist of a carbon (AISI 1144) or stainless (Type 304) steel stud and post nut. The threaded end of the stud is fabricated to accept a threaded post nut with an outside diameter equal to the nomi- nal diameter of the stud. The post nut has a countersunk- head configuration. Allowable tension and shear values for carbon and stainless anchors in 3,000 psi (20. 7 MP a) normal- weight concrete are shown in Table 7. The anchors are illus- trated in Figure 2. 2.3 Installation: 2.3.1 Kwik Bolt-II: Holes are drilled into the concrete using carbide-tipped masonry drill bits complying with ANSI 8212.15-1994. The drill bit diameter must be the same as that of the anchors. The drilled holes must exceed the depth of an- chor embedment by at least two anchor diameters, to permit overdriving of anchors and to provide a dust-free area. The anchor must be hammered into the predrilled hole until at least six threads are below the surface. The nut must be tight- ened against the washer until the torque values specified in Table 1 are attained. Minimum embedment depths, edge dis- tance and spacing requirements are set forth in Tables 1 and 2. 2.3.2 Post Nut Kwik Bolt-II: Holes are drilled into the con- crete using carbide-tipped masonry drill bits complying with ANSI B212.15-1994. The drill bit diameter must be the same as that of the anchors. The drilled holes must exceed the depth of anchor embedment by approximately two anchor di- ameters, to permit overdriving and to provide a dust-free area. The anchor is tapped into the hole until the post-nut head touches the material to be fastened. The post nut is then loosened by two complete turns and the anchor is again tapped until the post nut is again in contact with fastened ma- terial. The post nut is then hand-tightened with a screwdriver. Minimum embedment depths, edge distance and spacing re- quirements are set forth in Tables 1 and 2. 2.4 Special Inspection: Where special inspection is required, compliance with Sec- tion 1701 .5 of the code is necessary. The special inspector must be on the jobsite continuously during anchor installation to verify anchor type, anchor dimensions, concrete type, con- crete compressive strength, predrilled holEJ) dimensions, an- chor spacing, edge distances, slab thickness, anchor embed- ment and tightening torque. 2.5 Design: 2.5.1 General: Allowable shear and tension loads are as set forth in Tables 3, 4, 5 and 7. 2.5.2 Combined Loading for Kwik Bolt-II Anchors in Nor- mal-weight Concrete: Allowable loads for Kwik Bolt-II an- chors subjected to combined shear and tension loads in nor- mal-weight concrete noted in Tables 3 and 4 are determined by the following equation: · (P5/f't)513 + ( 11s / Vr)513 S 1 where: P5 = applied tension load. f't = allowable tension load. Vs = applied shear load. V, = allowable shear load. 2.6 Identification: The anchors are identified in the field by dimensional charac- teristics and packaging. The packaging label indicates the manufacturer's name and address and the size and type of anchor. A length identification code letter is stamped on the threaded end of the bolt. See the length identification system in Table 6. Evaluation rt1porls ofICBO Evaluaiion St1rvict1, Inc., art1 issut1dsolely to provide informaiian to Class A members oflCBO, utilizing the code upon which the rt1porl is based. Evaluation reports art not to bt construed as rtprtstnting <Usthttics or any other aJtribuus not specifically addressed nor as an endorsement or recommen- dation for use of the subject report. This report is baseti upon.imkpentknt tests or other ttchnical data submitted by the applicant. The ICBO Evalllation Service, Inc., technical staff has revil!wed the test resu/Jz and/or other data, but doe1 not po1sess ust facili&s to 1111Jke an indepetuknt verification. There is no warranty by ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc., trpress II r/ or implkd, as to any "Finding" or othtr matttr in the report or as to any product covertd by the rq,ort. This disclaimer includes, but is not limited to, merchantability. '"to Page 1 of 4 Page 2, of 4 ER-4627 • 3.0 EVIDENCE SUBMIJ'TED 4.6 Allowable tension and shear values for Kwik Bolt-II anchors in normal-weight concrete noted in Tables 3 and 4 may be increased 331/3 percent for short- term loading due to wind or seismic forces. Use of the Kwik Bolt-II anchor in lightweight concrete, and use of the Post Nut Kwik Bolt-II anchor in resisting wind and seismic forces, are beyond the scope of this report. • • • Data in accordance with the ICBO ES Acceptance Criteria for Expansion Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elements (AC01), dated September 1997. 4.0 FINDINGS That the Kwik Bolt-II and Post Nut Kwik Bolt-II concrete anchors described in this report comply with the 1997 · Uniform Building CodeM, subject to the following conditions: 4.1 Installation dimensions and installation torques are as noted in Tables 1 and 2. 4.2 Allowable tension and shear values are as noted in Tables 3, 4, 5 and 7. 4.3 Calculations justifying that.the applied loads com- ply with this report are submitted to the building of- ficial for approval: · 4.4 Special inspection is provided as set forth in Sec- tion 2.4 of this report. 4.5 Anchors are limited to installation in uncracked concrete, which is concrete subjected to tensile stresses not exceeding 170 psi (483 kPa) as in- duced by external loads, deformations and.interior exposures. 4. 7 Use of the anchors in resisting vibratory or shock loads, such as those present in supports for recip- rocating engines or crane loads, is beyond the scope of this report. 4.8 Anch_ors are limited to nonfire-resistive construc- tion. 4.9 Use of the carbon steel anchors is limited to dry, in- terior locations. Use of the stainless steel anchors is permitted in exterior-exposure or damp environ- ments. 4.10 Anchors are manufactured by Hilti, Inc., at 5400 South 122nd East Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma, with quality control inspections by Underwriters Labo- ratories Inc. (AA-637). This report is subject to re-examination in two years. TABLE 1-INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS ANCHOR SIZE SETTING DETAILS 1/4 Inch 318 Inch 112 Inch S/8 Inch 3/4 Inch Drill bit size= anchor diameter (inches) l/4 J/8 l/2 sis 3'4 Depth of embedment (minimum/standard) (inches) 111s I 2 t3/s I 21'2 21'4 I 311z 2314 I 4 31t4 I 43t4 Wedge clearance hole (inches) s,l6 1,(6 9116 ll/16 13/[6 Anchor length (min./max.) (inches) 1114 I 4112 21/s I 7 2114 I 7 3112 I 10 4112 I 12 Thread length stdJe,c;tra thread length (inches) 3t4 I 3 3ts I 4 itt4 I 4 i 11i I 4112 1112 I 4112 Installation:Torque Stainless steel 4 20 30 75 150 guide valuesl Carbon steel: Min. embedment 4 20 30 75 150 (ft. lb.) Carbon steel: Std. embedment 7 25 45 95 225 Min. base material thickness (inches) 3 or l.3 x embedment depth, whichever is greater For SI: I inch= 25.4 mm, l !bf= 4._45 N. I Installation torques are applicable for all anchor installations unless noted otherwise in this report. TABLE 2-ANCHOR SPACING AND EDGE DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS, NORMAL-WEIGHT CONCRETE1,2,3,4,s,5,7 DESCRIPTION 1/4 Inch Embedment: minimum/standard (inches) 11/s 2 Ser Spacing required to obtain maximum working load (inches) 2¼ 4 Smin Minimum allowable spacing between anchors (inches) l 1/s 2 Mer Edge distance required to 33/s 33/s obtain maximum working Shear 13/4 load (inches) Tension Mmin Minimum allowable edge Shear [3/4 distance (inches) Tension l 1/s For SI: l inch= 25.4 mm, l !bf= 4.45 N. l Data in this table and the footnotes apply to all anchors covered in this report. 2When using Mmin for a load that is shear. reduce the allowable load by 50 percent. 3When using Mmbt for a load that is tension, reduce the allowable load by 20 percent. 3 13/4 2 l/8 lnch 15/g 2t1i 31/4 5 15/s 2t1i 47/s 2112 47/s 33/4 211-, 2t1i [5/g 2112 4For S and M of anchors with actual embedments between the listed embedments, use linear interpolation. ANCHOR SIZE 1/2 Inch 5/8 lnch 3/4 Inch 21/4 31/2 23'4 4 31/4 43/4 41'2 7 51/2 8 61'2 91'2 21'4 31/2 23/4 4 31/4 43/4 r,3/4 63/4 gl/4 gl/4 93/4 93/4- 33/s 51/4 41/g 6 47/s 71/s 33/s 33/s 4t/s 41/s 47/s 47/s 21/4 3l/2 23/4 4 31/4 43/4 Sfor Sand M of anchors with embedments greater than the deepest embedment listed in this table. use-the value for the deepest embedment listed. 6When using Smi,.. reduce the allowable tension load by 30 percent. • 7When using Smin, reduce the allowable shear load by 30 percent 1 Inch 1 4112 I 6 l tis 6 I 12 2114 I 4112 200 200 325 1 lnch 41/2 ,6 9 12 41/2 6 131/2 131/, &J/4 9 r,3/4 (,J/4 4l/2 6 • • • • Page 3 of 4 ., TABLE 3--CARBON STEEL KWIK BOLT-fl ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR VALUES (In pounds), NORMAL-WEIGHT CONCRETE1.2 ,. •• 2,000 pal ,. •• 3,000 pol ,.. •4,000 pal Ttlllion Tension Tlflllon ANCHOR ANCHOR WJ1I, Without DtAIIETER DEPTH nnchl nnchul Sp.lnap. Sp.lnap. Shur 1 l/s3 245 120 400 l/4 2 525 265 400 3_¾ 625 315 400 -~ 500 250 925 60 21/2 1,125 565 1,100 4¼ 1,190 595 1,100 21/43 860 430 1,810 lfi 31/2 1,750 875 1,840 6 1,950 975 1,840 23/43 1,425 710 2,875 S/g 4 2,180 1,125 3,125 7 3,000 1,500 3,125 31/43 1,850 925 3,875 3/4 43'4 2,750 1,375 4,225 8 3,750 1,875 4,225 41'23 2,930 1,465 6,625 1 6 3,990 1,995 8,625 9 6,040 3,020 8,625 For SI: I inch= 25.4 mm, 1 psi= 6.9 kPa, 1 lb.= 4.45 N. 1 See Table 2 footnotes. With Without With Sp. lnlp. Sp. lnlp. Sh11r Sp.lnsp. 300 150 400 350 550 280 400 590 625 315 400 625 605 300 c-975--., 710 1,210 605 1,100 1,290 1,235 615 1,l00 1,285 96b 480 1,840 1,065 2,000 1,000 1,840 2,250 2,165 1,080 1,840 2,375 1,685 845 2,875 1,950 2,670 1,335 3,125 3,090 3,250 1,625 3,125 3,500 2,175 1,090 3,875 2,500 3,625 1,940 4,225 4,500 4,625 2,315 4,225 5,500 3,650 1,825 7,125 4,375 5i310 2,655 8,625 6,625 7,050 3,525 8,625 8,055 2Allowable loads may 1;,e increased by 331/3 percent for short-term loading due to wind or seismic forces. 3 Anchors installed at this embedment depth shall not be used to resist shear due to wind or seismic forces. WlthoUI Sp. lnlp. 175 295 315 355 645 640 530 1,125 1,190 975 1,545 1,750 1,250 2,250 2,750 2,190 3,315 4,025 ,. , • 6,000 psi Ttn.ion With Without Sh11r Sp.lnlp. Sp. lnlp. Shtsr 400 430 215 400 400 625 315 400 400 625 315 400 1,025 800 400 1,025 1,100 1,450 725 1,100 1,100 1,450 725 1,100 1,840 1,625 815 1,840 1,840 2,625 1,315 1,840 1,840 2,625 1,315 1,840' 2,875 2,500 1,250 2,875 3,125 3,925 1,465 3,125 3,125 3,925 1,965 3,125 3,875 3,000 1,500 3,875 4,225 5,060 2,530 4,225 4,225 5,925 2,965 4,225 7,625 4,360 2,180 8,625 8,625 7,875 · 3,940 8,625 8,625 10,000 5,000 8,625 TABLE 4-STAINLESS STEEL KWIK BOLT-II ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR VALUES (in pounds), NORMAL-WEIGHT CONCRETE1,2 r,,• •2,000 pal r,,' = 3,000 pal r,,' = 4,000 psi Tension Tension Tension ANCHOR ANCHOR WHh DIAMETER DEPTH Without Onchl Onchesl Sp. ln1p. Sp.lnsp. Sheu 1 l/g3 170 85 525 l/4 2 425 210 550 3% 520 260 550 1s,83 400 200 825 3/s 21/2 875 440 1,250 41/4 1,000 500 1,250 21/43 800 400 1,700 l/2 31/2 1,250 625 2,085 6 1,375 690 2,085 23/43 1,020 510 2,625 sis 4 1,730 865 3,125 7 2,250 1,125 3,125 31/43 1,450 725 2,700 3/4 43/4 2,350 1,175 4,225 8 2,750 1,375 4,500 41'23 2,300 1,150 5,700 I 6 3,740 1,870 7,000 9 5,250 2,625 7,000 For SI: 1 inch= 25.4 mm, l psi= 6.9 kPa, l lb.= 4.45 N. I See Table 2 footnotes. With Without With Sp, ln1p. Sp.ln1p Shur Sp. ln1p. 230 115 540 245 500 250 550 500 520 260 550 520 460 230 950 515 1,025 515 1,250 1,175 1,145 625 1,250 1,350 1,000 500 1,740 1,200 1,625 815 2,085 2,000 1,765 880 2,085 2,150 1,250 625 2,875 1,475 2,220 1,110 3,125 2,715 2,825 1,415 3,125 3,425 1,825 915 3,100 2,200 2,990 1,525 4,365 3,625 3,500 1,815 4,500 4,250 2,850 1,425 6,350 3,400 4,930 2,465 7,000 6,120 7,075 3,750 7,000 8,800 2Allowable loads may be increased by 331/3 percent for short-term loading due to wind or seismic forces. 3 Anchors installed at this embedment depth shall not be used to resist shear due to wind or seismic forces . Without Sp. lnsp. 120 250 260 260 590 675 600 1,000 1,075 735 1,355 1,715 1,100 1,815 2,125 1,700 3,060 4,400 I,,' ~6,000 psJ Tension With Without Sheer Sp. lnsp. Sp. !nap. Shear 550 350 175 550 550 520 260 550 550 520 260 550 1,075 625 315 1,150 1,250 1,350 675 1,250 1,250 1,350 675 1,250 1,775 1,250 625 2,085 2,085 2,250 1,125 2,085 2,085 2,550' 1,275 2,085 3,125 1,800 900 3,125 3,125 3,000 1,500 3,125 3,125 3,425 1,715 3,125 3,500 2,450 1,225 4,500 4,500 4,375 2,190 4,500 4,500 4,800 2,400 4,500 7,000 4,500 2,250 7,000 7,000 6,875 3,440 7,000 7,000 8,800 4,400 7,000 • • • • Page4of 4 ER-4627 ., TABLE 5--KWIK BOLT-II CARBON STEEL ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR IN LIGHTWEIGHT, EXPANDED SHALE-AGGREGATE CONCRETE1.2.3 TENSION (lb.) WITH TENSION (lb.) TENSION (lb.) WITH TENSION (lb.) SPECIAL WITHOUT SPECIAL SPECIAL WITHOUT SPECIAL EMBEDMENT INSPECTIONS INSPECTION4 INSPECTIONS SHEAR (pounds) INSPECTJON4 ANCHOR SIZE DEPTH TORQUE ,~· "' 2,000 psi (Inch) (Inches) (!!.-lb.) fc' :! 2,000 psi fc' • 4,000 psi l/4 I 1/s 4 400 210 105 360 180 2 5 400 300 150 450 225 3/g l~/s 15 755 380 190 625 310 2112 15 1,100 630 315 975 485 1'2 21/4 25 1,370 685 340 1,100 550 31/2 30 1,840 1;000 500 1,600 800 sis 2¼ 65 2,480 1,110 555 1,575 785 4 75 3,125 1,650 825 2,300 1,150 .. 3/4 31/4 135 3,170 1,545 770 2,200 1,100 43/4 150 4,135 2,200 1,100 3,250 1,625 For SI: l inch= 25.4 mm, l !bf= 4.45 N, l ft.-lb. = 1.3558 N · m, 1 psi= 6.9 kPa. _ IToe tabulated tension and shear values are for anchors installed in lightweight expanded shale-aggregate concrete having the indicated compressive strength at the time of installation. Concrete aggregate must comply with ASTM C 330-85 and ASTM C 332-83. · 2Use of the anchors in resisting wind or seismic forces in lightweight concrete is beyond the scope o( this report. 3Spacing and edge distances noted in Table 2 must be increased by 331/3 percent 4Toese tension values are only applicable when the anchors are installed without special inspection as set forth in Section 1701 of the code . 5Toese tension values are only applicable when the anchors are installed with special inspection as set forth in Section 1701 of the code. TABLE &-LENGTH IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM STAMP Otl ANCHOR A e C D e F G H I J K L M N 0 p Q R s T u Length From 11'2 2 211i 3 3112 4 41'2 s 51/2 6 61/2 7 711z 8 gl'2 9 91'2 10 II 12 13 of anchor Upto 2 211i 3 Jl/2 4 41/2 5 51'2 6 61'2 7 71/2 8 81'2 9 91/2 10 11 12 13 14 (in~es) but not including V w X y 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 TABLE 7-POST NUT KB-II ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR VALUES (pounds), NORMAL-WEIGHT CONCRETE1,2 fc' • 3,000 psi MINIMUM Tension ANCHOR EMBEDMENT DEPTH WHh Special lnspectlon3 Without Special lnapectlon4 DIAMETER (lnchea)/MATERIAL (Inches) Shear 1/ 4 carbon steel 11/g 310 155 330 l/4 stainless steel 11/s 305 155 470 3/ s carbon steel 1s1s 605 300 700 3/s stainless steel 15/g 460 230 1,250 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 !bf= 4.45 N. 1 The tabulated tension or shear values are for anchors installed in stone-.aggregate concrete having the indicated compressive strength at the time of installation. 2Use of the anchors in resisting wind or seismic forces is beyond the scope of this report. 3Toese tension values are only applicable when the anchors are installed with special inspection as set forth in Section 1701 of the code. 4These tension values are only applicable when the anchors are installed without special inspection as set forth in Section 1701 of the code. (IJJ-N<it H<5 Ir ccx.NTERSLN< POST rm AtOo=l WG•h•r }-Th~=-Reduca,I 01-t•r Tapp•r•d ThrHQS INrwir• I Area -=- ~ Anchor S.d7 Count.rSlllllt S.lt Tripi• S.g1N11fe,I Pest lat Expansion Sleeve ·-·~,-{ Tripi• S.,..nttd IV'lf Expansion Slun z 18 18 · FfGURE 1 FIGURE2 ~ • ) • t • t • .... . 19. FASTENER LOAD TABLES 8. Unified Coarse Threads TABLE 5 '·, ·· · : . ··:. · .:; .:,. ;.;;_;,:,:;;.:,:,,~,.:,:.:;:,.: ·:_-:: :.:,,:,_.:.,.;.,;r-:,:,;;,:,;::::,: .. :,, .:. ::·:·;;,:/,:·/',:,t,.:;=<··,. ;.-· ·:,('/::/,;:.~ a_;;,;,~;;~'t;~;';!~sr'::~~~=t-·:;,,,;.:;,,.,:·:, •. ::·:· ~r~,; .. f;,:,.::,;;;; ... ;.:,::,.,:,: .. ; ..... ;::·::t=. :=.-~.:.,.:': ·::,:-: :·:··:<·· :=.:":../~.'··,.:::J:,;\ t/ :.=:..,.-:··: D Minimum Material ThlckneH to Nomlnal Nomlnal A(S) A(R) Allowable Allowable ShNr BNrlng (Pounds) Equal Tensile Capacity of Fastener Thread Thraad Tensile Streu Thraad Tension Di11meter &· Diameter Area Root.Area (Pound•) Single Double 1/8" St. Thread/Inch (Inch} (Sq. In.) (Sq. In.} (Pound•) (Pounds) A36 #6-32 0.1380 0.0091 0.0078 269 133 267 1201 #8-32 0.1640 0.0140 0.0124 414 212 424 1427 #10-24 0.1900 0,0175 0.0152 518 260 520 1653 #12-24 0.2160 0.0242 0.0214 716 366 731 1879 1/4-20 0.2500 0,0318 0.0280 941 479 957 2175 5/16-18 0.3125 0.0524 0.0469 1551 802 1603 2719 3/8-16 0.3750 o.on5 0.0699 2294 1195 2389 3262 7/16-14 0.4375 0.1063 0.0961 3146 1642 3285 3806 1/2-13 0.5000 0.1419 0.1292 4200 2208 4416 4350 9/16-12 0.5625 0.1819 0.1664 5384 2844 5687 ·4894 5/8-11 0.6250 0.3068 0.2071 6136 3068 6136 5437 3/4-10 0.7500 0.4418 0.3091 8836 4418 8836 6525 7/8·9 0.8750 0.6013 0.4286 12026 6013 12026 7612 1-8 1 .0000 0.7854 0.5630 15708 7854 ••. 15708 8700 .;·:: ·. ·.-:···:/>· ......... · : ·_":::···.,· .. :':·-.=:: ?<-' .=.:i·:.· .. ··.;~: .. ~~·~.(:tr~~·:/:::~?;?or Diameters up thru 9/16': . · Fu (Min. Ultimate Tensile·Stre!)gth) . · · .. t· · ?4,000 psi·.: ....• , ... 60,000 ~t:--·.: ) F1 · (Allowable:Tensile Stress) :: •.. · .... :. ,: · . .: :·:.29,60<>°psl\:\ ':,'}20;000.ps1~.':._,. A(A) • 0.7854(0 -12:9 . Fv (Allowable Shear Stress)··.·· . .·· ... 17,090 psi>) · ••• :-.10,9,00 psi*\ . ·-:.·.-.. : '.·_.··:·t:·.::;,?,:°.': .: :-... :·/ ... ·. . : . :·· .. · ·:i·=::;.;·.:·:::··:)\~,;::};~i:i:;i: A(S) • 0.7854(0 -o.9;43 j TABLE 6 1/8" Al. 6063-TS 276 328 380 432 500 625 750 875 1000 1125 1250 1500 1750 2000 (In.) 1/8' Al. 6063-T6 A36 6063-TS 6063-T6 414 0.101 0.211 0.154 492 0.128 0.280 0.202 570 0.136 0.286 0.209 64a 0.159 0.344 0.248 750 0.180 0.385 0.279 938 0.225 0.492 0.354 1125 0.268 0.637 0.425 1313 0.311 0.740 0.494 1500 0.357 0.860 0.571 1688 0.399 0.965 0.640 1875 0.411 0.985 0.655 2250 0.484 1.170 0,766 2625 0.555 1.348 0.892 3000 0.627 1.526 1.010 F1 • 0.40F• Allowable tension • 0.40F. [A(S)} F • 0.40 F V .('j V Allowable sh&ar (Single) -~F.[A(R)} ./3 .. :,, .. ···--·=-;::.:.::.-::··.::.· •. __ .... :..:· · . : . .-.-..-::; : .... ::-:= .... i:-. ·:~~::~~\~~';i\':f i~r::i~~;:~;_··~·{;;;: .. .-:Y.\::-.:_:::_: i?<::·:·;:::=::-:/k ·:-?:·.:,.·::::=.: ..:.:·1./::···:.r: :/ftt=t?.=.:,-.:::-:::<-=::::::,\:;:::;.. .. r _: :,:·: .·· ·····-:·::::.::·::.:: ... •, D Minimum Material Thickness to Nomlnal Nominal A(S) A(R) Allowable Allowable Sh8llr Bearing (Pound") Equal Tensile C11pacity of Fastener Thread Thread Tensile Stress Thread Tension Diameter & Diameter Area Root Area (Pounds} Single Double 1/8" St. Thread/Inch (Inch) (Sq. In.} (Sq. In.} (Pounds) (Pounds} A36 #6-32 0,1380 0.0091 0.0078 437 216 432 1201 #8·32 0.1640 0.0140 0.0124 672 344 687 1427 #10-24 0.1900 0.0175 0.0152 840 421 842 1653 #12·24 0.2160 0.0242 0.0214 1162 593 1186 1879 1/4·20 0.2500 0.0318 0.0280 1526 776 1552 2175 5/16·18 0.3125 0.0524 0.0469 2515 1300 2599 2719 3/8-16 0.3750 0.0775 0.0699 3720 1937 3874 3262 7/16-14 0.4375 0.1063 0.0961 5102 2663 5326 3806 1/2-13 0.5000 0.1419 0.1292 6811 3580 7161 4350 9/16-12 0.5625 0.1819 0.1664 8731 4611 9223 4894 5/8-11 0.6250 0.3068 0.2071 12149 6259 12517 5437 3/4·10 0.7500 0.4418 0.3091 17495 9013 18025 6525 7/8-9 0,8750 0.6013 0.4286 23811 12267 24533 7612 1-8 1.0000 0.7854 0.5630 31102 16022 32044 8700 Fu ;~ij/~t:::~:·;~L::_,~::::/'.~:::::::::,_·.::t::i::~:··_;·.-<:::zt For Diameters up thru 9/16': F1 (Allowable Tensile ~tress}'.·.: .• :. · .• ,..,._,;\_-._.: .. .\. 48,000 psi _3i600·ps\;..·>· A(A) = 0.7854(0 -12:9f Fv (AIIQwable-Shear.Str~) .. ·_-_.: :::_·,._. ..... ·: 27,713 p~ _. .. 20,400.-psit·i J · .:_:::::::\.\:\= .. :-:<-··._::-:.;_(:.;.-/i,:;:-·/::_:·::: .. >·-·:·· ·_:,'.: (.t'.,:\i_:;::;:;);;1:i=(l·!i'.I!:i:;~t:!i:t A(S}. 0.7854(0 _ 0.9:43r For Diameters 5/8' and over: A(S} = 0.7858D2• 1/8' Al. 6063-TS 276 328 380 432 500 625 750 875 1000 1125 1250 1500 1750 2000 (In.) 1/8" Al. 6063-T6 A36 6063-T6 414 0.144 0.231 492 0.188 0.308 570 0.195 0.313 648 0.232 0.377 750 0.261 0.422 938 0.330 0.539 1<125 0.396 0.651 1313 0.460' 0.756 1500 0.532 0.878 1688 0.596 ..,. 0.986 1875 0.732 1.220 2250 0.867 1.452 2625 0.998 1.674 3000 1.129 1.894 F1 • 0.40F. Allowable tension • 0.40F • [A(S}) F. 0.40 F V -~ u ADowable shear (Single) -o.40 F.[A(A)l ./3 *For fasteners 5/8" diameter and greater, values, formulas and procedures used are taken from the AISC, "Manual of Stael Construction: 9th Edition. (See page #24 for additionaJ notes.) 25 • • •• • .... { I l TABLE 5-Properti.es of Weid Treated ps Line OuLl°inc of Wc'ldcd Joint bowlc!th c!•dcplh Bend int (:.boul horn.ant:>.! :>.xia x•xl :J,: ,._]. __ %' S...: ·~ (in.2.) · -;:_· dJ in.3 I :J i. U ""'TT : l---====::.!..-----1--.----------------1------·-------.:. xf;4~ .S... ----------+------------------------· ·-----CH7 :,----t d ' 1 -----------------------------·--------·----- :'f.;:~..,,. I' . . a rr;-;" > : L c 1if:..r, c12.(.{b id) o {2.b f <il bo.llam ----------+---------------'--·------··---.--- ., -....... : ·.;r. . v s..., • J • . R--1 . 2.bd + c1l. "·.· b7J.d :. "7"-if c12.1z.c -1 c!J .l {b +d4 bott;,m· • I ••• J • (b+2d).l -c12.(b ~c1,2. w. I 2. {b + 2. d J -tap 1-----------+------...;..--------+----------------. 1-,--; 1·a.T·· .x -d, •... : . . . J. . • bd +~ . 3. . ;·· ::=-rr~1 -_ , . .1..:· d c!l.(2.b+d) • 3 (b 1" c!J bottom J.., • (b + d) 3 b Jw. (b-1,Zc!Jl _ &2(b+dJ2 11. (b + 2.:11 •· ~· p,,2_J _J_ • ~ tap --------------------------------------------- .:· ....•. ~-0 ~ ,.-· .. ·. .: ·, •.• -,,;,--· <f. ~·::: • H.,-2/6+-al . j_ '."= .:~· ~---{be! 4c12 -lbd2. + c1l :.:,.: .. l • . _l,b + l d :.-, . ·. ::: ·:.. .. top -bo"ttam· --~-;· ., ___ cfl (-. o + d) + 22.." "' .••. o(b -t-d) a ·ib ·-·· • .. .. ;--r . x--x d .. ~-.. . .J.' '.. :· . ; 1------~-----+----'-------------::-1---~-----------b .... .. -.. ... : ~ .. ,±1 -. ...... -. . s.,, i d' .. 'Z.b.l + (, bdl. ... C: l J..,, . z. bd . -1--• I . (.l -. I, . . • . . .. -.. ·:: ... / 1--. • ,. , . • ARCHITECT SMITH CONSUL TING ARCHITECTS 12220 EL CAMINO REAL, SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 TEL (858) 793-4 777 FAX (858) 793-4787 VISION SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS BLACKMORE LOT 105 1555 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 GENERAL CONTRACTOR RENO CONTRACTING 1450 FRAZEE ROAD SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 TEL (619) 220-0224 FAX (619) 220-0229 p'{ ~.~ .... icD _,,,.- 0 i~\)\ \\\)\l \} !.l ._..,-c··r'~') ' -. i'---<...._\ .. :~ ', --r -.~t o\ 0 -. n~"< ' · c\ ·, \'' ·,;:;,,G v 'O\j\\ .... ...., \"• City of Carlsbad Permit # CB990521 r.JNo~'Mft 0MahCGl'Altllmflllllll l.£'kejectn O Revise and Rmllllt D SubmitSpeclfiad n. Cl!minglsontyfor generaJconflnnation w1111119ntal Concept of the Project and general compliallce with tile Information given in the Contract DocumenlL Any lctiolt sbown is subject to the requirements of "* 1111 . specifications. Contractor is responsible for QUntitie,;, climensillns whk:11 sllall be confirmed 11111 cmrefatlld at 1111 Job site; fabrication processes mt tecbniQHS If construction; coordination d Ills WOik witll tllat tf al ala tradel, and the salisfactolJ performance of bil-. . ~ 11!P:.~/t¢;1 GLAZING CONTRACTOR VISION SYSTEMS, INC. 1895 GILLESPIE WAY EL CAJON, CA 92020 TEL (619) 258-7300 FAX (619) 562-2630 5 !;;: ~ 12 :?; b w a 0: a. g' Cl) ti) t :e 1-o-(.) ~ ~ ::, ~ ~ J.lj C-< -s; ~ oii (I) 0::: ~ er o. o ra ""-..J • 'i" ,,-<( J 18 Cl) 0::: 0 §" ::, ci e ~ I-~~ c.. (.)-ii= 0 w~f ...... !::~, Cl) :c !3 f8 (.) ,0 "' ~ o:::;* ,_;a <( ~ "' 0 gl ~ ~I I~ ~ w :$ "' ::, z 0 z 0: ~ w 0 I-~ ~ w 9>-;;!z0 1D w < (.) z cr:O ~Z(.) 0 ~ ~ ::i: < ID •• B LL ~ ~ ~ <:lJO:<< ID_) 1.0 <C O er: T""" o en o ~ ~ wlE 0 ~ in Ii z ~,~ > :z: ~ ~ I 8 I • •• I • t GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALUM1t,MJ '//INDO'// '//ALL FRAMING TO BE SERIES "'//46' (2" BY 4 1/2' OFFSET GLAZED) OR SERIES "'//60" (2" BY 6" OFFSET GLAZED} MANUFACTURED BY VISION SYSTEMS, INC. OF EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA. 2. ALUMINUM AND GlASS STOREFRONT DOORS TO BE "NARRO'// STILE" (2 1 /2" SITELINE), OR MEDIUM STILE ( 4" SITELINE) OFFSET HUNG, MANUFACTURED BY VISION SYSTEMS, INC. OF EL CAJON, cALIFORNIA. 3. ALUMINUM EXTRUSIONS TO BE 6063-T6 ALLOY, AND SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM 8221. 4. ALUMINUM SHEET SHALL BE 6D52-H32 ALLOY, AND SHALL CONFORM TO ASlM 8209, 5. ROLLED STEEL SHAPES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A-36. STEEL TUBE SHAPES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A-5008. 6, ALL STEEL SHALL BE PAINTED '//ITH A RED OXIDE PRIMER. 7. ALL INTERNAL ASSEMBLY AND JOINERY SEALS SHALL BE DO'// CORNING 791 SILICONE SEALANT (STANDARD COLOR AS SELECTED BY VISION SYSTEMS}. ALL EXTERIOR PERIMETER SEALANT SHALL BE DO'// CORNING 795 SILICONE SEALANT (STANDARD COLOR AS SELECTED BY THE ARCHITECT}. ALL STRUCTURAL SEALANT SHALL BE DO'// CORNING 795 OR 995 SILICONE SEALANT (COLOR TO BE BLACK). ALL INTERIOR PERIMETER SEALANT SHALL BE PECORA AC-20+ ACRYLIC LATEX SEALANT (STANDARD COLOR As SELECTED BY THE ARCHITECT}. 8. ALL BACKER RODS SHALL BE "SOF-ROD". 9. EXPOSED ALUMINUM SURFACES SHALL RECEIVE A THERMALLY SET, SPRAY APPLIED ORGANIC COATING CONSISTING OF 70% KYNAR RESIN CONFORMING TO MMA 2605 (COLOR TO MATCH "SILVER GRAY" UC50968 AT THE '//INDoW WALL. AND "BRIGHT SILVER" UC65028 AT THE PANELS}. PAINT SPECIFICATIONS TO BE DETERMINED. 10. TYPlcAL FASTENERS SHALL BE eARBON STEEL WITH A ZINC PLATING. WHERE NOTED AS •ss• FASTENERS SHALL BE 300 SERIES NON-MAGNETIC STAINLESS STEEL WHERE NOTED As "DRIL-FLEX" FASTENERS SHALL BE CARBON STEEL WITH A STALGARD FINISH. 11. ALL PO'//DER ACTUATED FASTENERS SHALL BE HILTI DOME-HEAD NAIL PER ICBO #2388, ALL EXPANSION TYPE FASTENERS SHALL BE HILTI K\'(IK BOLT-II PER ICBO #4627. ALL SELF-DRILLING FASTENERS SHALL BE ELCO DRIL-FLEX PER ICBO #4780. 12. ALL SHIMS SHALL BE HIGH IMPACT POLYSTYRENE. 13. THE PRE-SET BACKER GLAZING GASKET AND THE PUSH-IN '//EDGE GLAZING GASKET SHALL BE DENSE EPDM. SEE GASKET SCHEDULE FOR PART NUMBERS. 14. ALL GLAZING TAPES SHALL BE SILICONE COMPATIBLE NORTON THERMAlsOND SERIES V2100, 15. ALL SETTING BLOCKS AND JAMB ANTI-WALK BLOCKS SHALL BE DENSE EPDM AND SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C864. 16. ALL SETTING BLOCKS SHALL BE LOCATED AT 1/8th POINTS AND SHALL BE SET IN SILICONE SEALANT TO MINIMIZE SHIFTING. MINIMUM SETTING BLOCK LENGTH IS 4". 17. ALL FIELD WELDS, '//HICH ARE IDENTIFIED ON THESE PLANS '//ITH THE 1 SYMBOL, SHALL RECEIVE SPECIAL INSPECTION. 18. ALL GlASS SHALL BE 1/4" MINIMUM THICKNESS. SEE GlASS SCHEDULE FOR DESCRIPTIONS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • PLAN REVIEW NOTES: 1. ALL STRUCTURE AND SUPPORTS BY OTHERS MUST BE ADEQUATELY DESIGNED, FABRICATED AND INSTALLED TO SUPPORT ALL LOADS IMPARTED BY THE GLAZING AND/OR PANEL SYSTEMS SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. METAL STUD FRAMING RECEIVING ANCHORAGE FROM THE GLAZING AND/OR PANEL SYSTEMS MUST BE 16 GAUGE MINIMUM. 2, CONFIRM ALL OPENING SIZES ARE CORRECT AND GUARANTEED TO ± 1 / 4 • SO MATERIALS CAN BE ORDERED AND RELEASED FOR FABRICATION. 3, THE GLAZING AND/OR PANEL SYSTEMS SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE PROPRIETARY BASED ON THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF VISION SYSTEMS, INC .. AND CANNOT BE USED OR COPIED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF VISION SYSTEMS, INC. 4. WHILE ALL BEST EFFORTS HAVE BEEN MADE TO ACCURATELY REPRESENT PROJECT CONDITIONS, VISION SYSTEMS, INC. IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE USE OF, OR RELIANCE UPON, THESE DRAWINGS BY OTHERS. SUCH USE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. DOOR HARDWARE: STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS: DLO DAY LITE OPENING DO DOOR OPENING FD FRAME DIMENSION FH FLAT HEAD FOS FACE OF STUD GYP BD GYPSUM BOARD HWH HEX WASHER HEAD NTS NOT TO SCALE oc ON CENTER ~ ANCHOR POINT rr_ OD PH PLTD sMs ss STS T TOH s Door Number Frame 7Drawm, 101 K/E-6 !ems !ems Door Number Frame/ Orawi 103 D/E-1 F1iilsh ---.;;; 626 626 626 626 OPENING DIMENSION PAN HEAD PLATED SHEET METAL SCREW STAINLESS STEEL SELF TAPPING SCREW TEMPERED TOP OF HORIZONTAL WORKING POINT GLASS SCHEDULE: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/4" IS-208 (INTERPANE STERLING SILVER VARI-TRAN ON GREEN H.S.} REFLECTIVE VISION GLASS 1/4" IS-208 (INTERPANE STERLING SILVER VARI-TRAN ON GREEN H.S.} REFLECTIVE SPANDREL GLASS W/ POLYESTER OPACIFIER 1/4" SOLEX ANNEALED VISION GLASS 1/4" ITB-230 (INTERPANE TITANIUM BLUE VARI-TRAN ON GREEN H.S.} REFLECTIVE SPANDREL GLASS W/ POLYESTER OPACIFIER 1/4" IS-230 (INTERPANE STERLING SILVER VARI-TRAN ON GREEN H.S.) REFLECTIVE VISION GLASS 1/2" CLEAR VISION GLASS "T" FULLY TEMPERED SAFETY GLASS GLAZING GASKET SCHEDULE: 2· x 4 1 ;2· (W45) & 2" x 6" (W60) SYSTEMS ~ '//EDGE GASKET: HORIZ SETTING BLOCK: VS-2342E (EPDM 70) JZI VS-1294E (EPDM) 1/2" X 1/4" W? BACKUP GASKET: VS-5965E (EPDM 60) ~ SILL SETTING BLOCK: [} SILICONE BACKUP GASKET: VS-1356E (EPDM) 1/2" X 3/4" VS-6023'// (SCR900 70) ~ DEEP POCKET EDGE BLOCK: VS-1340E (EPDM) x 1 /2" ~ SHALLOW POCKET EDGE BLOCK: TR-0477E (EPDM) x 6" DRAWING INDEX: GLAZING SYSTEM C-1 COVER SHEET GN-1 GENERAL NOTES K-1 FIRST FLOOR KEY PLAN K-2 SECOND FLOOR KEY PLAN E-1 ELEVATIONS E-2 ELEVATIONS E-3 ELEVATIONS E-4 ELEVATIONS E-5 ELEVATIONS E-6 ELEVATIONS D-1 DETAILS D-2 DETAILS D-3 DETAILS D-4 DETAILS D-5 DETAILS D-6 DETAILS D-7 DETAILS D-8 DETAILS D-9 DETAILS PANEL SYSTEM P-100 CANOPY PLAN P-101 CANOPY REFLECTED CEILING PLAN P-102 PARAPET PLAN AND REFLECTED CEILING PLAN D-100 DETAILS D-101 DETAILS D-102 DETAILS D-103 DETAILS D-104 DETAILS D-105 DETAILS D-106 DETAILS D-107 DETAILS D-108 DETAILS D-109 DETAILS D-110 DETAILS D-111 DETAILS D-112 DETAILS D-113 DETAILS D-114 DETAILS SHEETS INCLUDED IN DEFERRED APPROVAL SET C-1 COVER SHEET GN-1 GENERAL NOTES K-1 FIRST FLOOR KEY PLAN K-2 SECOND FLOOR KEY PLAN E-3 ELEVATIONS E-4 ELEVATIONS E-5 ELEVATIONS E-6 ELEVATIONS D-1 DETAILS D-2 DETAILS D-4 DETAILS D-5 DETAILS D-6 DETAILS D-7 DETAILS D-8 DETAILS D-9 DETAILS @ VISION SYSTEMS, INC. 2001 Cl) ffi ~ ~ Cl) ~ 0 ..... ~ ~ z 0 ~ ::; a: 0 LL ~ b w ..., 0 a: 0.. 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SEEJ/E-5 2·-----,!',¥---34"----¥,l'------ 0 .. ,;,·tn ,~·t" '~r~·r,· (11 ,,, g 0 z ,( Si?,~~ ,.,..g.'<Jt.e.ffe/1 A· VARIES (168" IAIN -189" >JA)(:)------------,,1' ;g I REVISION "--......_ "--"\. I BY I DATE I PROJECT INFORMATION .: & 1/ERTICALDl~EN~OliS f -CNB 10/6/2001 BLACKMORELOT105 I VISION SYSTEMS m l> L,. \ CARLSBAD, CA .I:,. ~ L,. ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS • ~ -~ 6 =, ,.. · , . .,. I """' ,.,,., ' '"' ""'"' 11"· a ""' _, ""' b,. DRAWN: RJH I CHECKED: ffi (619) 258-7300, FAX (619) 562-2630, m.vtslonsystems.org < en 5 z ~ ;:: sn z p i:'5 ~ • C) c-, -I i.. t-,:) m I (J1 • • ,i<--------------------------------372" 010-------------------------------,i' 3/B"-i<------------------------------371 5/8' FD------------------------------,1' ><-----------·145 5/a" MuwoN------------,l'------------------:22a· Muwol,)------------------,r '"TM"t" 'fo"i' ';roo ,;,·t" 'fo"----P" wr~·r,· . "'"' . """' • SEE J/E-_4_ ,___MATCH -LINE I II l ~EE J/E-4 " .. ..,-.,.__., cp y y y 0 II ~ ~ ;u ,,, 0 C ;o ,,, 0 ~ & )> 6 ~ 6 ;;; 6 6._ 1~-'\ >I '< I • II ~ II ll'S:::>:JI -f OJ 5 "l -I -t OJ 5 "l -I -t 5 "l I i1"' II ',.J ' !! ' !! 1~11 L !! 1~11 -t 11--1 I_, II -'"·"' -I --·--- -I OJ 5 "l -t 5 "l II -I ,~ls(' "'-'--ll -t -II -· II .:::: Ii, II It~ ~II :: ll l~'Z11 ~ l101 0 0 ~ ~ 5 I 17 OJ 0 "' "" ''~ ~~~~~ 0 ~lo, !!l a:: C/1 a:: REVISION \tRTICAL lllVEN~OliS BY DATE PROJECT INFORMATION ctiB 10/6/2001 BLACKMORE LOT 105 CARLSBAD, CA SCALE: 1/2" = 1'·0" I DATE: 08/15/01 DRAWN: RJH I CHECKED: ' VISION SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS 1895 GILLESPIE WAY, EL CAJON, CAUFOR~IA 92020 m (619) 25B-7300. FAx (619) 562-2630, Yt"lr/t.vtslonsystems.org • 6Jo-swa1s.<suo1st,1·ffl '0£9Z'-Z99 (619) XV.:! '00£L-89Z' (619) 131 oZ'oZ'6 v1N1.10.:1nv:i 'Narv:i u '>.v~ 31dS3llis 9ss1 s.1::>nao~d 1wn.1:,3.11H::>~'v' :a3>103HO Hr!:! :NMV!:10 io,si,so :31va .o-.i = .. ,n :31110s 110 '0118S71:lllO v v v v (0 ~ 0 I <( w -SW31.SAS NO/SIA 90 ( .107 3t!OV'l>IOV78 B}f.) Sf{05N]~IQ 7V:,[H3,\ w I . s 1-, ~ 1-, , ,, ... "Y NOllVV'l!:10:INI .l03rOtld 3.1110 AS NOISl/13!:I J<---------------.e~·-------------------,,l<-----------.a91----------_-J, ., L, :L.v .. ,L.~, u-±:+---¥--~~,IL-. .. , .,--··'" u-±-$J ., ,t/r·-,if"---------------OJ .t/l rri·----------------"'-.z/l tz-,iL------aJ ,ell sii--------J<-;c---------------<'10 .z/i vrz .z/l rz o ,ozi.--------¥ ;<--------------------------.8££--------------------------D. l,1<-1,------------d/J. ONIO~OJN13~ 13315 .vii rrz·------------Y ~ p -II II -I-"' II .,_ I C EP 21),-II ------II II --E~ ,... E~ ~ @--'i"l--7 r --@ r h C ,... ~ E ~ ,... E ~ ,... EID 0 ,... 0 0 E !) .... ~ 'y - II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II@-II .,.';" 7 II C II II :: II II . II @-ih II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 0 II II II II u n II II II II II II II !! TT II II II "' -, C <'° "'6 "' _, C "' o, I C il: 0 I- I- I- I- I- 0 0 I- 0 0 I-I- E~ -EID @-~~}-7 r -@ r "@--7 II "'6 II II -II II I- II EID II II ~ I I II II -!! 0 I- I- II EP II II II 0 0 0 II 0 II II -II II 0 I-0 I- E p • • z 0 t; w (/) Cl w er: 5 0 w er: :::. 0 1-" c::J re C'N C· ::::::::::::::j / / -=== __ ,,// ~\ I I C• :::::::::::::j I 0 0 "' 0 ,!,; ui :a w I-(/J >-(/J z 0 cii > © • • • • <J ti <J <J LI LI . <J LI s LI LI <J L\ LI ------;---coNCRETE PANEL (BY OTHERS) 1" 2·---- <J. \ · I / I I HILT! SHOT FASTENER (#X-AL-H52P8 ICBO #2388) 3/16" DIA x 2" LONG W/ 1/2" DIA x 1" LONG ALUM SLEEVE (PROVIDE 1/JAMB AND 2/MULUON) AT UNITS GREATER THAN 95• WIDE PROVIDE 1 1/2" LONG SOLTS W/ (1) ROUND HOLE NEAR CENTER OF UNIT 0 t f """'-11111"11"' ,~-"" 11 OCATING DIM t LOCATING DI i 1/8"!,l'----4 1/2" . ~1/8" ,r----2 1/2" ---4 4 3/4"--------;r~ .062" ALUM PARAPET BOND BREAKER TAPE 11[% 0 WINDOW HEAD 0 PARAPET SPLICE 0 0 l tro~ .3i'_-:::, J, I ~1 r i I .fr "" gcg; ~c~EClE'--i---,----i--, LI <J· ~ <J LI <J LI W46-Mo1 0 HORIZONTAL W46-M02-F ---1le+I-OMIT THE SHEAR CUP AT DETAIL 2A (FOR THE UNmZED CURTAIN '/{ALL SYSTEM) ~---tll---------HILTI SHOT FASTENER (IX-AL-H52P8 I II SHAPED SHIM AS REQUIRED ICBO 12388) 3/16" DIA x 2" LONG '/{/ 1/2" DIA x 1" LONG ALUM SLEEVE (PROVIDE 1/JAMB AND 2/MULUON) AT UNITS GREATER THAN 96" WIDE PROVIDE 1 1/2" LONG SOLTS W/ (1) ROUND HOLE NEAR CENTER OF UNIT ----, ------------------ LI "') '/{HERE OCCURS (BY OTHERS) <J ] "'-\__CONCRETE SLAB OR THICKER PANEL l/\ 2• f----CONCRETE PANEL WHERE OCCURS 1 I (BY OTHERS) <J 0 WINDOW SILL DOW CORNING 795 SILICONE NORTON GLAZING TAPE 1/4" X 1/2" 0 0 t ,,--..,. 9 1/4" .062" ALUM PARAPET CAP PAINTED TO MATCH c'/{ ~ ~t~·?~ ... ~~~: """,,_·,_ ·:t.'!:~·-·.,r\~::.:~-:·-:·::·<: 1~:<..::·.~"· -~:-..... ::.; .--------. ~ "' :::, +-J,1~ 0 ,p=! i W4s-Mo7 NORTON GLAZING TAPE 1/4" X 1/2" , 1 aa• ALUM SHEET PAINTED TO MATCH CURTAIN WALL rr=============;i' METAL STUDS (BY OTHERS) ,--+---NOMINAL CLEAR SPACE BETWEEN GLAZING SYSTEM AND METAL STUD SYSTEM l 4 1;2·--!. l 3 5/8" l 'l 'I 'I l tro~ Ji.-:, I ~ I ~1 r i 0 HEAD/PARAPET '/14s-Mo7 0 HORIZONTAL "· ~ ~1 .:: .. ~-~ ~ I I ~ 0 'i W45-Mo1 0 ~ L'.J ,r,.:1 3 3/4"·------hr+- LI ' <J b ,,--;-t-----t;ILTI KVIIK BOLT II (3/8" DIA x 3" LONG PER ICBO #ER-4627) W/ 1 5/8" MIN EMBEDMENT (PROVIDE 1 / JAMB AND 2/MULUON) LI CURTAIN"i/ALL SILL AT UNITS GREATER THAN 96" WIDE PROVIDE 1 1/8" LONG SOLTS W/ (1) ROUND HOLE NEAR CENTER OF UNIT CONCRETE SLAB (BY OTHERS) <J LI LI LI <J <J @ VISION SYSTEMS, INC. 2001 z Q !;i: ::. a: 0 LL ;a; I-(.) w 6 a: D.. Cl) ffi ~ ~ Cl) !s' en .i ... 0 .! 01:1 ~ ::::, :;i g ~ C::i; i: of~ O::~a c. u ra "' ..J~t~ <"' u o,' ::,de ~ ... ~~ ---o-0 w~~ t-ll\,_. ..... -:I I Cl) :C<5~ 0 LO<-. ~ o::!f _,, <( ~ j;! s; IO z 0 a: 0 b LL ::; ...J c3 w a: ci 0 ::;; ca "' ~ (.) ::i a: <( a, (.) ~ ~ 0 i:i WI~ I-w <( :r: 0 (.) w N ci5 ...J a, ...J ::::, z LL (.) iii z ...J ~ c3 a: CJ) Cl I!! 8 <( '::! 0 ~ >-i a, ~ z,~ 0 <) f!2 ~ Gi f; a: ~ :a,; I ~1<11<11<11<1 PROJECT # A0113 D-1 l ·• Fri Oct 12 08: 47: 19 2001 DEC, Inc. R Stewart 0 n C :0 2 z ! ~ m 0 II n C :0 ~ z ~ r ~ m a ]! .. ! _.,.. <l Li. A: <l <l A <l C:, 6· DY\, N ~/:II/ . ~/: j § : I <l -" C:, <;\ ~ -l . C:, <l A I I I (! I I I~! I I I •If I I ~· F. I I ~~O ~9 I I I ~*I~ ._ I; I I I i~ L7/B"J ,,;2·--.1l ~ 17/8" 1' 4 1/2" t ~~ltr ~I ('I ,. I ~: <;;J ·<\ <l -~ ~ > ,, t -. <;;J ·\,,Y <l<;;J <l _<;;J \ <l \ \ <;;J @-----.-. -·-·· -.. __ <l· <;;J :S (/) \~O -,..~Ell 0 ' <l z () --:::.;--~ '~ ~ ~\C\':-•W' ;:: <;;J fl> z p § I . REVISION BY DATE COOROINAll' W/ SlRUCl\JRAL CALCULATIONS CNB 10/5/2001 BLACKMORE LOT 105 C ;16 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA I ::16 I\.) c., I A SCALE: FULL SIZE DRAWN: CNB ~ I i~ ~~ Oj J £a E i1 g., ,ll ~p z~ i~ PROJECT INFORMATION I DATE: I CHECKED: <J 0 3; z ~ ~ m 0 ;c C i= 6 z 0 ;c C ,... C 0 z 0 II~ r C 0 z ll II 08/15/01 L\ ~ <J <J L'.l fr I i ,., <J ~ 111-;,. ':le: 2" ;i ,J L\ <J I~~ :~~ ii~ i!i~ L'.l L\ <J I/B"i'J<------4 1/2"_____.,.J_l/8" .)l. _________ 4 J/4"--------1~ j j .L ,-( l j j ~½= ~ R I 2 I I I ~ 2 n~~--I -r+- 0 I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I W45-Ml2 I~ i!!• Z&,o ii ~~ 7 J 7 N ~ J I 1: 11111 :1 !~ i!!• iii'-: R~ I 7 N J I II 11111 11 I VISION SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS 1895 GlllESPIE WAY, EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92020 I j w I -~ TEL (619) 258-7300, FAX {619) 562-2630, www.visionsyslems.org .t; • <I LI s 0 • • <I ~ <I LI <I LI LI <I ' ,1 ii -----t---coNCRE'fE PANEL (BY OTHERS) 1" 2"------,r 1<1 · \ . I / I I HILT! SHOT FASTENER (#X-AL-H52P8 L'.) ICBC #2388) 3/16" DIA x 2" LONG '/(/ 1/2" DIA x 1" LONG ALUM SLEEVE (PROVIDE 1/JA>.fB AND 2/MUWON) AT UNITS GREATER THAN 96" '/(IDE PROVIDE 1 1/2" LONG SOLTS '/(/ (1) ROUND HOLE NEAR CENTER OF UNIT ~ 0 0 I ~---4 1/2" x 1 3/4" ALUM TUBE ~ L~ it-=1 3/4"---J d1/8" _ 41/2" 'I 118 " ~~-4. 3/4" 0 DOOR HEAD l ~ tt= ~ 0 0 I f;j ® L~ NORTON GLAZING TAPE 1/4" X 1/2" 1 1/4" X 1 1/4" X 1/8" ALUM ANGLE x CONTINUOUS (BED IN SILICONE) ® 4 1/2" X 2' X 1/8" ALUM TUBE 1 1/4" X 1 1/4" X 1/8" ALUM ANGLE SHEAR CLIP x 4• LONG it-=1 3/4"---J d1/8" _ 41/2" 'I 118 " (----4 3/4" 0 DOOR HEAD/TRANSOM ~ PEMKO 2748 ALUM THRESHOLD (SE'f IN SILICONE) LI <l' ,F-------------s·------------Y l ::,; i5 g ::,; i5 1 1 J~ /FIN FLOOR ~...,~! '//60 M12 11 _} __________ _ 0 FALSE HORIZONTAL 113/4"1 DNS-005 t, ~ ? ; 0 ' 0 ;; ~ I ~ <l ZI I\ 0 THRESHOLD @ VISION SYSTEMS, INC. 2001 z 0 ~ ::;; cc 0 LL a!: t; w 6 cc Q. - ~ is ;;; (ii cc Cl) ffi ~ ~ Cl) ==: 0 ci> s: It) ~ b ..J w cc 0 ::;; "' 0 :s m < z cc 0 LL :::; < 0 ci < m (/) ..J cc < 0 e' ti) ~ I-0 s (.)l:11 ::::, ~ .§ C-< ~ oz~ o::~~ 0. <3 g .., ..J . ';I <eJ:s 0:: <.> ~ ::::, Iii* I->'" i (.)~"-w w !::~, :c l5 f8 (.)~<'I ~co'ci" <C -e ~ ~ ~ 0 WI~ I-w < :,: 0 0 w !:,! Cl) ..J m ..J :::, z LL 0 ,ij :z ..J ~ < 0 cc Cl) 0 <ll<ll<ll<ll<l PRCU:CT # A0113 D-4 ... :.; +-' c... ro 3: ·:li2 U1 cc u c:: ...... u· LU Cl c::, c::, ("\J c::, '<;I" ~ '<;I" co c::, ("\J ..... ...., u ~o ...... '-LL .µ, "-*' Ll <J ' Ll <J Ll <J ,d 4 <J S!LL CAN &LOW AT G DETAIL 1A ONLY :::,. <J Ll ,d W60-"'20 W/ J;a· • 4 112· &: 1/4• x 3• STEEl BAR REINFORONG <J Ll /4 L\. <J Ll ,d / I 1/J Ill ~~NE~E AT OETAIL 1A ONLY -- b }112·} 2-~IX.0- ,,_1/2",1'----f'O>- $ ~ . Ll :rcCONCRETE PANEL (B'I' OTHERS) 0 CURTAIN WALL JAMB g <J N0RTOH ClAZING TAPE 1;4• • J/e· J 1/2" x J 1/2" x 1/8" ALUII ANCl£ x CONTINUOUS ATTACH TO W45-1116 W/ #10 FliSMS AT 18" O.C. NOl!TON GLAZING TAPE 1/4" • 112· ---------------------~ J_. l .~; ,l ,,,,, --IX.O 1 1 ---FO 0 CORNER MULLION 12 1/8"1 STACCf:R£0) J/15 I). -·-...__ 1/4" x J 1/2" STEEL BAR wru>EO TO 1/4" x 4 1/2" STEEL BAR RENFORONG i1~.J, -=;---.,it I ~,- I -+ JS e .. OC 0111 1' LOCOI 0 MULLION = $ NORTON GI.RING TAPE 5/15• x J/8· 1;1;~~tl /SIU. CAN 13€1.0W AT DETAIL JA ONI. Y 1/4" x J 1/2• STEEL BAR~ WEUlED TO 1/4" x 4 1/2" STEEL BAR RElNFORCING NOTCH 1\J8E AAOIJND HOO ANO SIU. CANS AT DETAIL JA 2• 1t 2· • 1 /8• ALUM TUB€ PAINTED TO IIATCH ATTACH TO CSO-PON W/ #10 fHSIIS AT 18" 0.C. i)~-LL -=.---,rt I ;- ' I I -oc 01111---.1'---LOC 01111--- -t--2·-,j, 0 MULLION = J 1/2° X J 1/2" X 1/8• ALUII ANCl£ , CONTINUOUS ATTACH TO W45-1116 W/ #10 f'HSIIS AT 18" O.C. I -+ _,,....---t-.1sa• ALUII PANEL PAINTED TO IIATCH CURTAIN WAI.I. d ~ j: e 8 ':.. ~ ------------------------------------~ -~J_,. ,l ':__j_,.,, -----ro-----¥ 0 CORNER MULLION SU CAN 8ElOW AT DETAIL 4A ONLY <J Ll' ,d ',1 Ll ¥11 1.· g r llrNl .. II I <J ,d ~~!~~y llt~ \ II 1-.. -. -Ll I -~+··=i.~ 0 CURTAIN WALL JAMB 121/8"1 Ll <J _J1~-L _ _,_ I ANEl..- -..oc DIM r LOC OIi- n MULLION u= <J Ll ·<?,d 4 <J ,d <J Ll . Ll . <J @ VISION SYSTEMS, INC. 2001 Cl) (f) f ~ I-0 .s CJ N ~ 0 "' W =>~-~ C,, -~ ~ 0~: ,,,. 0:: ~ a" ~,I a..~~ -...._-.J z":;:: ,,.. <!o'° '" a::~§' VJ ::::)"'e ~ I-,:~ c.... u~c.. 0 W~g~ I-,,,,,., ...... -~i IA :C G '° V.,J (.).,., N ~ o::~§' :::i <! : ~ I I I I I 11 a: 0 u. ~ s z .., I a: ~ ~ ~la ~ zll 0 " ?:!1 ~ > ;a w " a: ~ .,. ::1 "' ft ~ ~ ;;i 0 c:i w "' ~ ill ,<( J: Cl 0 w t:l (J) :j I CD :::, z u. 0 ~Ii (J) 0 <Ell<ll<ll<ll<l PROJECT I A0113 D-5 • • • • 1 2·1 N :i I 0 £ ~ 2· x 2· x 1/8" ALUM lUBE PAINTED TO MATCH , ATTACH TO CSO-PON WI N #10 FHsMs AT 10· o.c. _LAsl_J)r·LLLASs- 1 , I ----1.oc DIM 1v LOC 0,1..---- L 2·----L 4 'I 0 MULLION 1 2·1 N :i I 0 £ i1i-L --GLAs~ i GLAs,'>-- OC DIM i' LOC DIM 0 MULLION ~ ~ ! N =r 0 £ ------- -OLO_J_2,_J_DLO- 0 MULLION SEE W FOR MORE INFO ~ 0 HORIZONTAL I I I I I L _______ I '45-M03 s• x 2• ALuM lUBE S' ~ U) :i ! ' ' ' ' ' wso-,~{Moo STRUClURAL SILICONE-----+f-- 1 112• X 1 112• X 118" ALUM ANGLE (MOO) x CONT ATTACH TO W45-M16 '/II 610 x 112• PHSMS AT 18" O.C, + EACH HORIZ ' ' ', (MITER AND SEAL SILL , CAN AT DETAIL 3A ' ' ' ' ' s· x s" 'l' 1/8" ALuM ANGLE x G,,ONTINUOUS ATTACH TO l'/45-M16 WI #10 FHSMs Al'-!8" o.c, ' ' ' NORTON GLAZING TAPE,', 114" X 112" \ ', ' ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---J -,~i,. J '<fa" ,~, 'I" ----FD-----,!' ----OID-----,1' 0 CORNER MULLION I -+ ~ J 12 Q lo 5- @ VISION SYSTEMS, INC. 2001 z 0 ~ ::;; IC f2 ~ t3 w --, (/) ~ ~ ~ (/) ==: 0 .... (/) s e' en ;;; I-0 .! (.) ~ !!.!, ::l ~ g C-< i 0 % ;a= 0::: ~ ~ D.. ~ Iii .J.;i;-~ ~~~ -< 10 u- :J cj ~ I-,.: i (.) $c"' W!!!g- !::: ~ ::? ::c l'.5 :8 (.) :g 0-I 0::: a)~ <(~:§. l!l ~ gj 0 WI~ I-w <( ::r: 0 0 O· IC D. w I-<( 0 >-m It) 0 b ...J w IC 0 ::;; "' 0 :s m 8 ~ ~ ~ I I ~ -~ I <( z IC w 0 LL ::; <( N en ...J m ...J 0 ::::, z ci LL 0 <( m CD ...J IC <( ,ij z ...J ~ 1§ IC 0 CD 0 <Ell<ll<ll<ll<l PROJECT # A0113 D-6 • • • [ ALUM PANEL SYSTEM SEE SEPARATE SHOP DRA\'IINGS $ % tr ! l ti= "' ,~ r-- 1 1 3I4"-----Y----------"" METAL STUDS BY OTHERS--..,£. ____ _.J, I J'---------r"--I I [16 GA MIN METAL STUD TRACK 3• : (BY OTHERS} FOR ANCHORAGE I I OF CURTAIN \'{ALL HEAD : I I L_ -----------I 'I: I, _________ J \'160-Mo1 I I Ii 11111 ii ~N~iof~~ ELCO DRIL FLEX FASTENER (AF 890 ICBO #4780} 114"-20 x 2 112" LONG WI 112· DIA x 1 314" LONG ALUM SLEEVE (PROVIDE 3IJAMB AND 6IMULLION} AT UNITS GREATER THAN 96" \'IIDE PROVIDE 1 112" LONG SOLTS \'II (1) ROUND HOLE NEAR CENTER OF UNIT ,i<----------6"--------- 0 CURTAIN WALL HEAD " x 2· x 1 /8" ALUM TUBE PAINTED TO l,IATCH ATTAcH TO \'110-008-U \'II #10 FHsMs AT 18" o.c. '---------l-1--0MIT THE SHEAR CLIP AT 0 HORIZONTAL \'16o-Mo6-U W60-Mo1 0 HORIZONTAL DETAIL 2A (FOR THE UNmZED CURTAIN \'{ALL SYSTEM} 1 tr ~ 'l 'k ~ ] s ;:; • .040" THICK END ~ CAP SILICONE TO -TOP I!< BOTTOM OF TUBE EXTENSION ALUM PANEL SYSTEM SEE SEPARATE SHOP DRA\'IINGS g tr ! 1 \'160-Mo1 \'16o-Mo6-u ------------------7 I I I I I I I I I I ,l,.-----3 618" METAL STUDS (BY OTHERS)--,( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L _______ j 1 ! i ! I f W45-Mo3 \'145-MD4 _l'/_45-MOS ;r-----------6"------------;/ \'{60-Mo2-F 0 HORIZONTAL ELCO DRIL FLEX FASTENER (AF 846 ICBC #4780) 114"-14 x 2" LONG \'II 112" DIA x 1" LONG ALUM SLEEVE (PROVIDE 1IJAIJB AND 2/MUWON) AT UNITS GREATER THAN 96" \'IIDE PROVIDE 1 112" LONG SOLTS \'II (1) ROUND HOLE NEAR CENTER OF UNIT 0 HORIZONTAL tr BAFFLE MATERIAL AT EACH \'IEEP ---------tt--HILTI K\'{IK BOLT II (3/8" DIA x 3" LONG PER "' _\'f_60-Mo1 ~ JC 4 111 4'-J ,040• THICK END LJ 1 CAP SILICONE TO • TUBE EXTENSION 4 1/2" 1~ 4 112 L1 x1 L1 ' <] I 0 CURTAIN°'\1/ALL SILL ICBO #ER-4627) \'I/ 1 618" MIN EMBEDMENT (PROVIDE 1IJAIJB AND 2IMUWON} AT UNITS GREATER THAN 96" \'IIDE PROVIDE 1 1/8" LONG SLOTS \'II (1) ROUND HOLE NEAR CENTER OF UNIT <] L1 L} (~YN~~~E~i)~ L1 <] @ VISION SYSTEMS, INC. 2001 z 0 ~ ::;; [C f2 ~ b w -, ~ a. Cl) ffi ~ ~ Cl) :c: 0 ...... ~ :s It) ~ b ...J w [C 0 ::;; ,.: 0 :s m 8 <:!. ~ - ~ ~ F -:s 'I~ 0 " !Q ~ ~ ~ I;; ~ ~ I < z [C f2 :::; < 0 ci < m en ...J [C < 0 e' Cl') ;;i I-0 .! (.) ~ !2. => ~ j C-<~ o~~ 0:::E~ 0.~~ ..J . ~ <Cl~ o::~~ :::> iii ~ I->-.:; (.)~"' ww t: ~ ~ :::c <5 :g (.) <O ~ 0:: m-;;;-<C ~ e ~ ~ iii 0 i::i '"I~ 1-, w < :,: Cl U w !:,! en ...J m ...J ::::, z u. 0 iii z ...J ~ < 0 [C en Cl ~l<1/<ll<ll<l PRMCT # A0113 D-7 • • • ,. -f .... •-. --11 1;2· FACE OF CONCRETE (BY OTHERS) D/8"---.!---6"-----------,i<-----------4 5/8" FACE OF CURTAIN WAU. 11111 I I CENTERLINE OF STEEL BEAM BY OTHERS ~ 9 MuLLI J/\MB t-11/2" r °' I I I I I 1/2"-13 x 4" LONG HH MACHINE BOLT (GRADE 5) WI NYLOCK NUT, NYLON & TEFLON WAsHERS N-_118• NYLON SHIM I I I I I I I I I I I HOLE IN STEEL CLIP L ~ I ' : I 9/16" DIA ROUND 4• x 4• x 1/4" STEEL ANGLE ANCHOR CLIP x 9" LONG (FIELD VERIFY LENGTH) STEEL BEAM (BY OTHERS)-----0 MULLION ANCHOR -f " FACE OF CONCRETE (BY OTHERS) 9 "fi•·--------,1<--------------7 5/8" ,= ~ "~'"...,. '"" ' -.... "'~'"" ~ 9 MULLI J/\MB 1 1/4" °' ~ 0 MULLION ANCHOR 1/2"-13 x 4• LONG HH MACHINE BOLT (GRADE 5) WI NYLOCK NUT, NYLON I & TEFLON WAsHERS ~1l8"NYLON I SHIM/SLIP PAD I I I I ' I 9l16" x 2· VERTICAL : SLOT IN STEEL CLIP I I 4• x 4• x 1/4" STEEL ANGLE ANCHOR CLIP x 1 o• LONG (FIELD VERIFY LENGTH) 1/4 - 0 MULLION SPLICE - 1 1 318" x 3" STEEL BAR x 18" LONG ATTACHED TO MULLION W/ (8) 1/4"-14 x 1" HWH ELCO DRIL FLEX FASTENERS 3/8" x 2 1/2" STEEL BAR x 18" LONG ATTACHED TO MULLION W/ (8) 1/4"-14 x 1" H'/{H ELCO DRIL FLEX FASTENERS i l 0 3 ::, z 0 3 :S t 0 MULLION SPLICE r-------, I II . lir-;,,. ,r-;,,. I { I~ ~ I I I I I I I :@ @ I ---- \.. 'l:-, sIM 318" x 3" STEEL BAR 'I , 188" ALUM SHEET PAINTED TO MATCH CURTAIN WALL I I I I I I I :@ I L _______ J \.. ~-----1-1/4"-14 x 1" ELCO DRIL FLEX (AF 816) :.. 0 MULLION SPLICE HALF SIZE @ VISION SYSTEMS, INC. 2001 Cl) ffi ~ ~ Cl) <: 0 ..... Cl) s _I ~ ~ 0 ~ 1;; i l zlj 0 <3 ci5 :c! > ~ W 0 cc ! :;., i § ~ C/J :;i I-0 j () !:I g!, :J :;! :g g~~ o::ei D. ~ i;f ..J -~ ~ ~:;;I -< IQ u~ :J r.:l* I-><i ()~i.; W!!!g- !:: ~ ~ :c l3 :g () :g <'I 0::: 00'oi'" <C -e I I ~ c:i w ,.: 0 w :c 0 m z 0 z ~ a: lo <EJJ<JJ<JJ<ll<l PROJECT I A0113 D-8 • • • FACE OF CONCRETE (BY OTHERS) J<..------ltl+i---------+--------11 1/2"------------4--------------,-,r I ~--- ,M ---~ I s· 1/2"-11x 4• LONG HH MACHINE BOLT (GRADE 5) W/ NYL CK NUT, NYLON & TEFLO WASHERS 4" x 4"~x 1/4" STEEL ANGLE ANCHOR CLIP x g• LONG (FIELD V RIFY LENGTH) 1/8" NYLON SHIM/SUP PAD 0 MULLION ANCHOR I 5/8" I I I I I I I I I I CENTE ,Yi I BEAM R(LINE OF STEEL__/ I 11 I BY OTHERS) I I I' I I I I I I I' ! I -------- CENTERLINE OF STEEL~1' BEAM (BY OTHERS) I 1' 3l8" x 2 1/2" x 5• ALUM I I TAP PLATE ATTACHED TO JAIAB I , W/ (4) #12-14 x 1· FH I I ELCO DRIL FLEX FASTENERS I : , 4• x 4• x 114" STEEL ANGLE ANCHOR CLIP x g• LONG (FIELD VERIFY LENGTH) 112"-13 x 1 112" LONG MACHINE BOLT (GRADE 5) WI NYLON & TEFLON WASHERS 0 JAMB ANCHOR ----------- FACE OF CONCRETE (BY OTHERS) /-'('--<"--<""--<"-...... : ! -L-~~-L~~-----i1 I ,r--------+Hflt-----+-------------13• I 7/8" ,, 11111 14 1;2·---------+-----------7 5/8"--;----------,,r 112"-13 x 4" LONG HH MACHINE BOLT (GRADE 5) WI NYLOCK NUT, NYLON & TEFLON WASHERS ' I I I' [ 4• x 4• x 114" STEEL ANGLE : I ANCHOR CLIP x 10" LONG I (FIELD VERIFY LENGTH) I ' ' : ' ,, ,---1 / / -------------------------------------L~! CENTERLINE OF STEEL BEAM (BY OTHERS) -------------11 I' : I I' : I I' : I 1r· r---w: ! : ---t----------------------t--===========~~1 I 118" NYLON SHIM/SUP PAD ~--- A ---~ 0 MULLION ANCHOR 3l8" x 2 1 /2" x 5• ALUM TAP PLATE ATTACHED TO JAMB WI (4) #12-14 x 1 • FH ELCO DRIL FLEX FASTENERS -+-'-+----------\ --------------- ---~, \_4• x 4" x 114" STEEL ANGLE ANCHOR CLIP x 10" LONG (FIELO VERIFY LENGTH) 1/2"-13 x 1 112" LONG MACHINE BOLT (GRADE 5) ~~tm~N & TEFLON 0 JAMB ANCHOR ' ,--,-r,7-r----1 I '--<---<-....<..---'../ : i ---- I' I -,~ =-;f27 2 }t)tf i ! ~ 2001 111 I I ---- @ VISION SYSTEMS, INC. 2001 Cl) g' en .i I-0 .! (.) ~ ~ ::::, ~ .§ ffi ~ C-< ~ O z~ e~ 0::: ::I • D. c5 :'J ...J • 'i' ~ ~ ~1,l -< "' <.>~ Cl) ::::, ci ! ~ I-~~ c.., o~ 0 W!e!~ ...... !::~ .. Cl) :c l:5 :g __ om; "' 0::: ~ '1o _. < -gl ~\lltvW' z 0 ~ ! ~ hl ~ a. ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 f-!!, 0 ..J ..J < w () ls d' ::. ca " en () ..J :j ~ ID 0 wl8 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~Ii ~ a5 0 ci w wlB f-w < :c 0 () w N w ..J ID ..J ::, z Ll. () iii I ..J 13 a: en 0 ~l<lJ<ll<lJ<ll PRO.!:CT # A0113 D-9 f ' ltJ/if/c; ._·\;;;.,_ ~ ~ /YuL. w/J'f~~ (YyA ~ I I [' [ ot (l---fJ:---JJP l ~ {!) to Ld.a',L, // /1J./or-r5S u-u() IJ I \ PCR01256 1555 FARADAY AV CBAD DEFERRED SUBMITTAL -GLAZING PCR Lot#: 105 RENO CONTRACTING \ \ •• I ~ SEE MORE REVISIONS SCANNED SEPARATELY