HomeMy WebLinkAbout1564 CORMORANT DR; ; CB931266; PermitBUILDING PERMIT 12/14/93 08 26 Page 1 of 1 Job Address: 1560 CORMORANT DR Suite Permit Type: CONDOMINIUMS Parcel No. 215-650-02-00 Lot#- 2 Valuation: 536,509 Construction Type- VN Permit No: Project No• Development No• CB931266 A9301785 ccupancy Group: R3/M1 Reference*: CT90-14 Status: ISSUED escription: 7792 SF + 1801 SF GAR 4 UNITS Applied: 08/23/93 : 1560-64-68-72 PC 93-1223 ALDEA BLDG 12 Apr/Issue. 12/14/93 Entered By DC Appl/Ownr: HORTON, D.R. 619 452-3700 10179 HUENNEKENS - SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 ' . '. •' ' ""• ,"' ' / ' .-•',> x. -•''sv *** Fees Required ***'.•'.. (' *** ..-/ < Fee,s Collected & Credits *** Fees: 37,046.44 '' . > ;.' : , - \ x -.1 A. \ Adjustments: ^ .-00 , Total Credits ft 00 Total Fees: 37, 04*6,. 44 > .To.tal Payments r'--\ 1,400.00 /'• '•'••/ j • Balance- Due: \ 35,646 44 Fee description / Units-" Fee/Unit Ext fee Data Building Permit ( =' ';":, ? '^ ; / Plan Check .V"' '! / . ;;; .,- Strong Motion Fee . ^ "".,, '' -"1 v jr:;.f :"::^ '..'.I 2i5i. oo '!*•'* ' * " d "' I/" "; '.V." 1 1398.00 •A .' ••••"• •'"..•''•' '•'/ 54.00 or manually enter M.F.F.1 '."-(''' > ' 9600V00- /'.-.-. / 9600.00 Enter "Y" to Autocalc P.F/F. > :9764. 00 Y or manually enter TIP" \ ; > / 1640. 00 ,, / 1640.00 Payoff Fee for CFD ,- \ > 11652.44 _, ' . • / 11652 44 * BUILDING TOTAL ; ^ .. " - Enter "Y" for Plumbing Issue Fee > .. ' 36259.44 ;\ ", . /' 20. oo Y Each Plumbing Fixture or Trap . > . 48 ,--' 7.00 336.00 Each Building Sewer ."/>•;' ; \ Each Install/Repair Water Line = > Each Water Heater and/or Vent > . Gas Piping System > Each Vacuum Breaker > * PLUMBING TOTAL Enter "Y" for Electric Issue Fee > 4 •;,-•>'•' 15.00 60.00 >•'" 7.00 28.00 4 7. 00 28. 00 4 7 . 00 28. 00 4 7.00 28 00 528. 00 10 00 Y Single Phase Per AMP > 400 .25 100.00 4 X 100 * ELECTRICAL TOTAL Enter 'Y' for Mechanical Issue Fee> Install Furn/Ducts/Heat Pumps > Each Install Fireplace > 110 00 15 00 Y 4 9 00 36.00 4 6. 50 26. 00 Each Install/Reloc Vent > 16 4.50 72.00 * MECHANICAL TOTAL Construct Housingf Y/N) ? > 149.00 Y FJriAI/APPROVAL INSP /L/ DATF sdwW CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr , Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161