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1578 MARBRISA CIR; ; CB161617; Recycle
C.~RANl) l¼CIFIC R.ESC)RTS Time Away ... Time Together ... TO: City of Carlsbad, Building Inspector DATE 9/17/2018 1635 Faraday Ave. TRADE# Carlsbad, CA 92008 JOB NAME Mar Brisa Villa 61 ATTN: Paul Burnett LOCATION Carlsbad, CA Transmitted herewith: □ Approved D Submittal □ Approved as noted □ RF! □ Revise and resubmit □ AS! □ Missing info D Insurance certificate [g] For your files D Drawings REMARKS: Grand Pacific Carlsbad, L.P. -MarBrisa Villa 61 Closeout Documents -B-52 Green Standards Checklist -B-59 Waste Management & Recycling -Final Report of Special Inspections GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L.P. ------- 5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 200, Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Tel (760) 431-8500 • Fax (760) 431-4580 . ·(cicyof NONRESIDENTIAL GREEN Develol!_ment Services BUILDING CODE STANDARDS Building Division MANDATORY MEASURES 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CERTIFICATION CHECKLIST 760-602-2719 B-52 www.carlsbadca.gov This form, sJlned and completed, shall be submitted to the Bulldlnt Inspector prior to Rnal Inspection Site Development ' Mandatory 5.106.1 Storm water pollution prevention plan. For projects of one acre or less, develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that has been designed specific to its site, conforming to (X) the State Storm water NPDES Construction Permit or local ordinance, whichever is stricter, as is required for projects over one acre. The plan should cover prevention of soil loss by storm water run-off and/or wind erosion. of sedimentation and/or of dust/oarticulate matter air nnllution. 5.106.4 Bicycle parking and changing rooms. Comply with Sections and; or (X) meet local ordinance, whichever is stricter. Short-Term bicycle parking. If the project is expected to generate visitor traffic, provide permanently anchored bicycle racks within 200 feet of the visitor's entrance, readily visible to (X) passers-by, for 5 percent of visitor motorized vehicle parking capacity, with a minimum of one two- bike capacity rack. Long Tenn bicycle parking. For buildings with over 10 tenant-occupants, provide secure bicycle parking for 5 percent of tenant-occupied motorized vehicle parking capacity, with a minimum (X) of one space. Designated parking. Provide designated parking for any combination of low emitting, fuel-efficient and carpooVvan pool vehicles as shown in Table A5. (X) 5.106.8 Light pollution reduction. Comply with lighting power requirements in the California Energy Code and design interior lighting such that zero direct-beam illumination leaves the building (X) site. Meet or exceed exterior light levels and uniformity ratios for lighting zones 1-4 as defined in Chapter 1 O of the California Administrative Code, using the following strategies: 1. Shield all exterior luminaries or use cutoff luminaries (X) 2. Contain interior lighting within each source (X) 3. Allow no more than .01 horizontal foot candle 15ft. beyond the site (X) 4. Contain all exterior lighting within property boundaries Exception: See part 2, Chapter 12, Section 1205.6 for campus lighting requirements for parking (X) facilities and walkwavs. 5.106.10 Grading and paving. The site shall be planned and developed to keep surface water away from buildings. Construction plans shall indicate how site grading or drainage system will (X) manaae all surface water flows. Water Efficiency and Conservation Indoor Water Use 5.303.1 Meters. Separate meters shall be installed for the uses described in Sections 503.1.1 (X) through 503.1.3. 5303.1.1 Buildings in excess of 50,000 square feet. Separate sub-meters shall be installed as follows: (X) 1. For each individual leased, rented, or other tenant space within the building projected to consume more than 100 gal/day. 2. For spaces used for laundry or cleaners, restaurant or food service, medical or dental office, laboratorv or beautv salon or barber shoo oroiected to consume more than 100 oal/dav. I Recy. cled material receipts from approved recyclers must be attached to this form. ··-~------···---- B-52 Page 1 of 5 Rev. 04/11 < stringent. Exceptions: 1. Excavated soil and land-clearing debris 2. Alternate waste reduction methods, developed by working with local agencies if diversion or recycle facilities capable of compliance with this Item do not exist. 5.408.4 Excavated soil and land clearing debris. 100 percent of trees. Stumps, rocks ad associated vegetation and soils resumng primarily from land clearing shall be reused or rec""led. Building Maintenance and Operation 5.410.1 Recycling by occupants. Provide readily accessible areas that serve the entire building and are identified for the depositing, storage and collection of nonhazardous materials for recycling. 5.410.2 Commissioning. For new buildings 10,000 square feet and over, building commissioning for all building systems covered by T24, Part 6, process systems and renewable energy systems shall be included in the design and construction processes of the building project. Commissioning requirements shall include Items listed in Section 5.410.2. 5.410.2.1 Owner's Project Requirements (OPR). Documented before the design phase of the project begins the OPR shall include Items listed In Section 5.410.4. 5.410.2.2 Basis of Design (BOD). A written explanation of how the design of the building systems meets the OPR shall be completed at the design phase of the building project and updated periodically to cover the systems listed in Section 5.410.2.2. 5.410.2.3 Commissioning plan. A commissioning plan describing how the project will be commissioned shall be started during the design phase of the building project and shall include items listed in Section 5.410.2.3. 5.410.2.4 Functional performance testing shall demonstrate the correct installation and operation of each component, system and system-to-system interface in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. 5.410.2.5 Documentation and training. A Systems manual and systems operations training are required. 5.410.2.5.1 Systems manual. The systems manual shall be delivered to the building owner or representative and facilities operator and shall include the Items listed in Section 5.410.2.5.1. 5.410.2.5.2 Systems operations training. The training of the appropriate-maintenance staff for each equipment type and/or system shall include Items listed in Section 5.410.2.5.2. 5.410.2.6 Commissioning report. A complete report of commissioning process activities undertaken through the design, construction and reporting recommendations for post construction phases of the building project shall be completed and provided to the owner or representative. 5.410.4 Testing and adjusting. Testing and adjusting of systems shall be required for buildings less than 10,000 square feet. 5.410.4.2 Systems. Develop a written plan of procedures for testing and adjusting systems. Systems to be included for testing and adjusting shall include, as applicable to the project. the systems listed in Section 5.410.3.2. 5.410.4.3 Procedures. Perform testing and adjusting procedures in accordance with industry best practices and applicable national standards on each system. 5.410.4.3 HVAC balancing. Before a new space-conditioned system serving a building or space is operated for normal use, the system should be balanced in accordance with the procedures defined by national standards listed in Section 5.410.3.3.1. 5.410.4.4 Reporting. After completion of testing, adjusting and balancing, provide a final report of testing signed by the individual responsible for performing those services. maintenance instructions and copies of guaranties/warranties for each system prior to final inspection. 5.410.4.5 Operation and maintenance manual. Provide the building owner with detailed operating and maintenance manual 5.410.4.5.1 Inspection and reports. Include a copy of all inspection verifications and reports reauired bv the enforcina aaencv. B-52 Page 3of5 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) Rev. 04/11 Indoor Moisture and Radon Control 5.505.1 Indoor moisture control. Buildings shall meet or exceed the provisions of the California Bulldln Code Title 24 Part 2 Sections 1203 Ventilation Cha ter 14.1. Air quality and Exhaust 5.506.1 Outside air delivery. For mechanically or naturally ventilated spaces in buildings, meet the minimum requirements of Section 121 of the California Energy Code, CCR, Title 24, Part 6 and Chapter 4 of CCR, Title 8 or the applicable local code, whichever Is more stringent. 5.506.2 Carbon DIOXIDE (CO2) monitoring. For buildings equipped with demand control ventilation, CO2 sensors and ventilation controls shall be specified and installed in accordance with the re uirements of the latest edition of the California Ene Code Title 24 Part 6, Section 120.1. C 4 . Outdoor Air Quality 5.508.1 Ozone depletion and global warming reductions. Installations of HVAC, refrigeration and fire suppression equipment shall comply with Sections 5.508.1.1 and 5.508.1.2. 5.508.1 CFCs. Install HVAC and refrigeration equipment that does not contain CFCs. 5.508.1.2 Halons. Install fire suppression equipment that does not contain Halons. X (X) (X) As applicable (X) X I, as the professional responsible for this project, certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the mandatory items listed on this form have been incorporated into the project in order to comply with Title 24, Part 11 of the 2016 California Green Building Standards. All receipts for recycled materials have been attached to this form. Project Address: _1_5_7_8_M_A_R-B_R_IS_A_C_IR_C_LE ______ • 8-52 Page 5of 5 Rev. 5/17 (City of Carlsbad WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN 8~59 Development Services Bullding Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov For residential o itions and projects w/valuation greater than or equal to $75,000 and all Demo permits Owner: ~ lrf C:.-Lf? Contractor: ~ ~ ~ Job Address:/?$ ~ft c~Phone Number:~(rto_' ~0_'-f_~_\_--'6_'.::._C:0 ___ _ Permit#: ch! 616 Ir Estimated Cost of Project $ ~-~• ~ Type of Project: ~ew Construction D Remodel or T.I. □ Residential □ Commercial D Demolition (check all that apply) D Other ------------------------------ Non-hazardous construction waste generated during the course of this project shall be recycled and/or salvaged for re-use at a minimum of 50% per CALGreen Sec. 5.408.1. Failure to comply may result In a penalty fee up to $1,_000. For projects which consist of mainly equipment and/or racking, that have a combined weight of new construction disposal that does not exceed 2 lbs per square foot of building area affected by this permit, may be deemed to meet the 50% minimum requirement upon approval of Building Department. ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF COMPLIANCE: (If selected, do not complete Tables 1 & 2 below) . D Construction waste shall not exceed 2 lbs. per sf. of area. All receipts shall be provided to the Building Official prior to final. (This option not applicable for most construction projects.) Square feet of construction area. _______ X 2 lbs.= ________ lbs. of allowable waste. 6( I plan on using a WASTE MANAGEMENT roll-off bin. All receipts shall be provided to the Building Official prior to final. Table 1 -Estimated waste (To be filled out prior to permit issuance -refer to example on Page 2.) MATERIALS /I/', -. of waste to be taken t~ ,._._. --· .--:'aste to be Waste Hauling Company or Re-Use Method LANDFILL RE-USED or RECYCLED Asphalt/ Concrete ,C? ;;-2. Brick/ Masonry 0 ·~ cardboard I'/ 0 Drywall V 10 Landscape Debris (l) '3 Lumber/ Wood (/ ~ Metals 1./ '2. Mixed Waste 'o7 (;:;, Trash I Garba"e b .o Other: r.J I'..,/ TOTA~ -q-f7 tr~ Estimated Percentage to be Re-Used or Recycled_---'5"'----_3,"--__ % I certify that the Contractor or owner (si rein, t~st of my knowledge, Is true and correct. D&e&s/z<k Offlclal Use Only D Plan Approved D Plan Denied D Project Valuation Approved Reviewed/ Approved by:·--------------~-- Page 1of2 Table 2 -Actua I waste (To be completed after construction.) MATERIALS Asphalt/ Concrete Brick/ Masonry cardboard Drywall Landscape Debris Lumber/ Wood Metals Mixed Waste Trash Garba e other: TOTA . waste taken to LANDFILL (0). ?l- u;,. 0 0 Waste Hauling Company or Re-Use Method (complete only~ different than Table 1) Official Use Only D 50% Goal Achieved ~50% Goal_ Not Achieved D Alternative Compliance Achieved Penalty Paid $ ______ _ Reviewed/ Approved by:·--------~-------- EXAMP[E: Use the followingexampleas a guide to completing this form. MATERIALS lbs. of waste to be taken to lbs. of waste to be LANDFILL RE-USED o, RECYCLED Asphalt / Concrete 0 2000 Brick/ Masonry 1.00 450 Cardboard 0 • c" Drywall 0 50 Landscape Debris 0 120 Lumber/ Wood 500 0 Metals 300 200 Mixed Waste I 1500 0 Trash / Garbage 300 0 Other: Pool c;uvctte 0 '300 TOTAL lbs.: :Z-JOO 3,/JO Percentage to be Re-Used or Recycled 59 % Formula: Tota\ Re-used or Recvc\ed (Total Combined Waste) X 100 = % Re-Used or Recycled Waste Haultng ComP,any or Re-Ui.e Method ABC rte! ult" r, Co. WM / R.e-1,\Secl i",yLc~ ovc-stte "-BC wauLL .. ,. "0 • ABC H-CluLt"'n Co. MuLcviect c: R.e-usect ovc-stte Waste MC1vcC1MV1,1,tvct WM / A "8.C !-tel uLcl'\-Cl WM WM !,\Sect as CYusvied "lsase ovc-stte 3870 X 100 = 59% Re-Used or Recycled (2700 + 3870) Since 59% exceeds the minimum requirement of 50%, this plan complies. Page 2 of 2 ® WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT POBOX43530 PHOENIX, AZ 85080 (800) 596-7444 (866) 796-6951 FAX I Account Summary Descrl !Ion INVOICE Customer: Online WM ezPay ID: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Account Number: Due Date: Total Current Charges 5,119.93 Page 1 of 3 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 00010-52390-23004 07/01/2016 4606492-0274-0 350-0068367-027 4-3 Due Upon Receipt Total Amount Due 1 · --s,119.93 -7 Please pay tolal amount due. Thank you for your business. Previous Balance 12,548:i!3 -Total Credits and Adjustments 1,881.45- -a--Total Payments Received 10,667.38-= -Total Current Charges ... -·----5,119.93 = Total Amount Due 5,119.93 . . Total Amount Past Due 0.00 '!;,/01116 -l/ r.Sc--e-rv-:ic-e"'Pc--e-,ri-od7:"'M:-:O::-:N-:::T::cH:c-L Ycc-=C:-:HA7R=-G=E=-------------,I 5 ::; -O / I / b -(::, 0 · 1/c}.9 ,~2 « OD d. , lf !;; Descriplion Amounl ~'JS-0 I I/ ,'J -ID _R_ol~l-0=-ff'--~---,--,,,.,.----------------=5,,_1cc1ca9-",9;.,3~ Total Current Charges 5,119.93 :!51!:-OI I/ b -It} g3&.b-o 7;25""0_3 5,:59,0i:, If full payment of the invoiced amount Is not received within your contractual terms, you may be charged a monthly late charge of 2.5% of lhe unpaid amounl, with a minimum monthly charge of $5.00, or such late charge allowed under applicable law, regtdatlon or contract. Additionally, if your service is suspended for non-payment, you may be charged a resume charge to restart your service. For each returned check, a charge wlll be assessed on your next billing equal to the maximum amount permitted by applicable state law. 5fi3-o!II~->; Gf3 ·v/!lb -?1 ~J~.C)b ~{ofi~on~ { {l~d:~?. device to ~e (rf> account, pay your bill, and schedule a roll-off pickup, similar lo wm.com. More at wm.com/GoMobile. Current Due Over3 ~0~-+--O~ve"'r'-6=-0~-+-~O~v~•=r~9cc0'---+---O=-v.c.eccrc..c.c12"'0'---+--T.c.o=-t=•ccl.cDc.cu=e'----j 5,119.93 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,119.93 Please note your service rate has Increased for services covered on your current or next Invoice. Your new service rate may be based oo any number of factors, lnch.n:llng adjustments to cover increases in the Consumer Price Index (now lied to the Waler, Sewer, and Trash Collection CPI published by U.S. Bureau of Labor Slalfstics), increased costs of servicing your account, such as disposal costs, or other costs specitfc to the waste Industry, or for us to achieve acceptable operating margins. To the exlent required by your cuslomer service lerms, your consent to your new service rale wRI be effective upon your Invoice payment. ~-Payment Coupon Please detach and send with cbeclm...Dnl¥ (rw oash). Please send all olhsr cwmt1pandanae to your local :,itl/J. Your Account Number 350-0088367-0274~3 To pay this bill online and switch to paperless billing, go to IIIIASTB MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT PO BOX 43530 Invoice Date Your Invoice Number wm.com/paperless 1-====-~~--=-======--1 PHOENIX. AZ. 85080 07/01/2016 4606492-0274--0 (800) 596-7444 Due Date Total Due Amount Paid (866) 796·6951 FAX c__ ____ u_p_o_n_f'_ec_•_IP_t ____ _,[ LI ___ 5_,1_1_9._9_3 __ _,11'-----------' 027435 □0068367 □460649200 □□051199300000511993 1 0065415 01 Al 0.396 "AUl'O 19 0 7183 92008·733650-C01-P65480-ll '1111 'I' 1111111t1•11 111 11 I J IJ I Jh 111 tlJ 111 JI I l,l 1, I, 11"' 111111 I, GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 5900 PASTEUR CT STE 200 JENNY LEE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7336 1027"1060 THINK GREEN~ l•tl I• II, Ill I I• 111111" "I 'II 11•1 IIJ ti I' 1111 I I JI I, I ti 111 • hi 11111 8 COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT ~ PO BOX 641065 0 1 LOS ANGELES CA 90064-1066 "' * § Printed 011 ruytl1d paiur. Paae 2 of.3 Service Location: 350-68367 Grand Pacific Resort (Leed): 5500 Grand Pacific Dr: Carlsbad Ca 92008-4724 Date Ticket Description Quantity U/M Rate 06/03/16 753834 Delivery 1 O yd open lop 1.00 Villa 60 job #villa 60 Ticket Total 06/03/16 753835 40 Yd rolloff 1.00 Villa 60 job #villa 60 Disposal per ton 2.23 Ticket Total 06/07/16 754374 40 Yd rolloff 1.00 Actual tonnage Disposal per ton 1.27 Ticket Total 06/07/16 754375 40 Yd green/yard waste 1.00 West side phase 3 job #west side ph 3 Disposal per ton 10.05 Ticket Total 06/07/16 754376 40 Yd rolloff 1.00 Actual tonnage job #phase 3 Disposal per ton 4.66 Ticket Total 06/15/16 756803 10 Yd rolloff recycle 1.00 Trash villa 60 job #trash villa 60 Disposal per ton 15.50 If contaminated Ticket Total 06/15/16 756805 10 Yd rolloff recycle 1.00 Trash-villa 60 job #trash villa 60 Disposal per ton 11.26 If contaminated Ticket Total 06/22/16 758881 40 Yd rolloff 1.00 Villa 61 job #villa 61 Disposal per ton 4.78 Ticket Total 06/23/16 760388 40 Yd rolloff recycle 1.00 Phase 3 job #phase 3 Disposal per ton 5.43 TlcketT otal NOTICE: By sending your check, you are authorizing the Company to use information on your check to make a one-trme electronic debit to your account al the financial Institution Indicated on your check. This electronic debit will be ror the amount of your check and may occur as soon as the sarne day we receive your check. You agree, In order for us to service our account or to collect any amounts you may owe (for non-marketing or solicilatlon pt.Jrposes), we may contact you by telephone at any telephone number associated with your account, Including wireless telephone numbers, which could result in charges to you. We may also contact you by sending text messages, facsimile messages or e-mails, using any e-mail address you provide to use. Methods of contacl may include using pre-recorded/artificial voice messages and/or use of an automatic dlaling de'f'lce, as applicable. Please send all bankruptcy correspondence to 2626 W. Grandview Rd. Ste 160 Phoenix, AZ 85023. (This language is In compliance with 11 USC 342(c)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code.) Amount 55.09 55.09 214.08 100.39 314.47 214.08 57.17 271.25 214.08 452.45 666.53 214.08 209.79 423.87 214.08 697.81 911.89 214.08 506.92 721.00 214.08 215.19 429.27 214.08 244.45 458.53 -, - = '•-® WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT POBOX43530 PHOENIX, AZ 85080 Customer: Online WM ezPay ID: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Account Number: Due Date: Page 3 of 3 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 00010-52390-23004 07/01/2016 4606492-0274-0 350-0068367-027 4-3 Due Upon Receipt Service Location: 350-68367 GrandP_a_cific Resort (Leed): 5500 Grand Paclfic_!J.r.,f!!.rlsbad Ca 92008-4724 liCket -~ Date Descrlpllon 06/23116 760390 40 Yd rolloff Phase 3 job #phase 3 Disposal per ton Ticket Total 06/23/16 760391 10 Yd rolloff recycle Greenwaste phase 3 job #phase 3 Disposal per ton If contaminated Ticket Total 06/24116 760550 Delivery 1 O yd open top Phase 3 job #phase 3 Ticket Total 06/30116 M28550 Container usage charge daily Through 06/30/2016 Ticket Total -·- Total Current Charges I Credits and Adjustments_D_e_ta_i_l _______ _ 06/07/2016 Reverse late payment ro Total Credits and Adjustments Ements Received Detail ___ ·------------------·· Payment -thank you Total Payments Received THINK GREEN~ Quantity U/M Rale 1.00 5.40 1.00 1.30 1.00 1.00 ··-"·-•··· ··········"·"'·"-··----- Amount 214.08 243.10 457.18 214.08 58.52 272.60 55.09 55,09 83.16 63.16 5,119.93 1,881.45- 1,881.45- 10,667.38- 10,667.38- @ Printed on re,:yd1d paper. = = -- -- ·w_, • WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT E\<TE':'sED PO BOX 43530 PHOENIx. Az 85080 ~uG 1 i 2u1a (800) 596-7444 (866) 796-6951 FAX Account Summary Descri tion Previous Balance Total Credits and Adjustments Total Payments Received Total Current Charges Total Amount Due Total Amount Past Due Service Period: MONTHLY CHARGE Description Roll-Off Total Current Charges INVOICE 5,119.93 0.00 5,119.93- 1,186.87 1,186.87 0.00 Amount 1,186.87 1,186.87 Customer: Online WM ezPay ID: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Account Number: Due Date: Total Current Charges Page 1 of 2 GRAND PACIFIC RESORl 00010-52390-23001 08/01/201( 4606745-0274-· 350-0068367-027 4-c Due Upon Receip Total Amount Due 1,186.87 Please pay total amount due. Thank you for your business. ~::;:!.P/1/G;;:./p/• 9t,.S,J.,i'lft'.cT/F/;..;.""/Z)• 391. l/7 ~77,¢3/. 3;J, //:, If full payment of the invoiced amount is not received within your contractual terms, you may be charged a monthly late charge of 2.5% of the unpaid amount, with a minimum monthly charge of $5.00, or such late charge allowed under applicable law, regulation or contract Additionallv if your service is suspended for non-payment, yol ,i" -:; f;?'?j'j-(J I II b -~ your service. For each returned check, a charge 1 the maximum amount permitted by applicable stat 391 • (! 7 + Current Due Over 30 1,186.87 0 00 Over60 0.00 /: 7•?4 + ,,:;::J. 71 * Over 90 0.00 Use your iPhone or Android mobile device to manage your account, pay your bill, and schedule a roll-off pickup, similar to wm.com. More at wm.com/GoMobile. Over120 Total Due 0.00 1,186 87 Please note your service rate has increased for services covered on your current or next invoice. Your new service rate may be based on any number of f ctors, including adjustments lo cover increases in the Consumer Price Index (now tied to lhe Water, Sewer, and Trash Collection CPI published by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics), increased costs of servicing your account. such as disposal costs, or other costs specific to the waste industry, or for us to achieve acceptable operating margins. To the extent required by your customer service terms, your consent to your new service rate will be effective upon your invoice payment. ~. Payment Coupon I Your Account Number I To pay this bill online Please detach and send with checks only (no cash). I and switch to paperles! 350--0068367 --027 4-3 WASTE MANAGEMENT Please send all other r:;_an:e~,r;mm:J~ar:;_~ to your local site. billing, go to WASTE MANAGEMENT Invoice Date Your Invoice Number wm.com/paperless PO BOX 43530 11 PHOENIX, AZ 85080 08/01/2016 46067 45--027 4-1 (800} 596-7444 Due Date Total Due Amount Paid (866) 796-6951 FAX Upon Receipt I 1,186.87 11 02743500068367046067450000011868700000118687 2 0017703 01 AT 0. 396 "'AUTO T3 0 4215 92008-733650 -C01-P17720-11 ,,,,1,11,,,,111,, .. 1111,111, 1 Ill 11••1111, 111,1111,1,,11,111111111 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 5900 PASTEUR CT STE 200 JENNY LEE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7336 10274065 THINK GREEN~ 1, ,11,11,,,111,,111,,,,,,,,1111, ,111,1,,111,1,111,1,1,1,,1, 11,,11 COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT PO BOX 541065 LOS ANGELES CA 90054-1065 Printed on recycled paper. aae. 0 P 2 f 2 Service Location: 350-68367 Grand Pacific Resort (Leed): 5500 Grand Pacific Dr: Carlsbad Ca 92008-4724 Date Ticket Description Quantity U/M Rate 07/19/16 766560 40Ydro~S1/ 1.00 Villa 61 jo #villa 61 Disposal er ton 3.86 Ticket 07/19/16 766562 40 Yd rolloff 1.00 Phase 3 am please job #phase 3 Disposal per ton 3.29 Ticket Total 07/31/16 M29290 Container usage charge daily -~7 1.00 Through 07/31/2016 Ticket Total - Total Current Charges ...... ., ....... ~-... --· Payments Received Detail Payment -thank you Total Payments Received NOTICE: By sending your check, you are authorizing the Company to use information on your check to make a one-time electronic debit to your account at the financial institution indicated on your check. This electronic debit will be for the amount of your check and may occur as soon as the same day we receive your check. You agree, in order for us to service our account or to collect any amounts you may owe (for non-marketing or solicitation purposes), we may contact you by telephone at any telephone number associated with your account, including wireless telephone numbers, which could result in charges to you. We may also contact you by sending text messages, facsimile messages or e-mails, using any e-mail address you provide to use. Methods of contact may include using pre-recorded/artificial voice messages and/or use of an automatic dialing device, as applicable. Please send all bankruptcy correspondence to 2625 W. Grandview Rd. Ste 150 Phoenix, AZ 85023. (This language is in compliance with 11 use 342(c)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code.) Amount 217.20 174.27 391.47 217.20 148.54 365.74 429.66 429.66 1,186.87 5, 119.93- 5, 119.93- -= = = -= = = = - {.· \ I \_,. __ ® WASi'E MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT PO BOX 43530 PHOENIX, AZ 85080 (800) 596-7444 (866) 796-6951 FAX I Account Summary INVOICE SEP 1 2 2016 SY:_ Customer: Online WM ezPay ID: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Account Number: Due Date: Total Current Charges Page 1 of 2 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 00010-52390-23004 09/01/201€ 4606993-027 4-7 350-0068367-027 4-2 Due Upon Receipl Total Amount Due 1,814.70 Descrp_!ion Previou~s"B~a~l_a_n-ce------------~~~-----17,~1~8~6~.8~7~ Please pay total amount due. Thank you for your business. Total Credits and Adjustments 0.00 Total Payments Received )U' :c ·;,y, 1,186.87- Total Current Charges 1,814.70 Total Amount Due 1,814.70 Total Amount Past Due 0.00 I Service Period: ROLL OFF SERVICE I ~ -O/// b-t6 / Descnpt1on Amount 5J1!;;" -0 /I/~ -/ {) Roll-Off 1,814.70 , ;;:; -J /7) Total Current Charges 1,814.70 ~ ~J; -t::J /// I:? - If full payment of the 1nvo1ced amount Is not received wIthIn your contractual terms, you may be 0 3--t:J/ I IS-~ charged a monthly late charge of 2.5% of the unpaid amount, with a minimum monthly charge ?f $5.00, o~ su~h late charge allowed under applicable law, ~egulation or contract. Ad~itionally, 1--r':' "2 _ /l"J /// 6--_.:)::Z If your service ts suspended for non-payI · restart ::;;, "7 __;;:; V 11 C/ / your service. For each returned check, c ~ual to fS-S"'st} L/lf 1,g,3 367,(:,tf ,;2qG,~~ ;;JLf S-, 0] the maximum amount permitted by applic I Use your iPhone or Android mobile device to manage your account, pay your bill, and schedule a roll-off pickup, similar to wm.com. More at wm.com/GoMobile. Current Due Over 30 Over 60 Over 90 Over 120 Total Due c__ _ _:1,.o,B,.1_:4_:.7-=0 __ c___~0:c.0-c0-_ _ ___J __ ~0.00 0.00 0.00 1,814.70 WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT PO BOX 43530 PHOENIX, AZ 85080 (800) 596-7444 (866) 796-6951 FAX Payment Coupon Your Account Number Please detach and send with checks only (no cash). lS0-0068367-0274M3 Please send all other ~~;::.::'".::Y,::"::"'.::'"::c.::•'::s::ife::,. __ -=:=========; Invoice Date Your Invoice Number 09/01/2016 4606993-0274-7 Due Date Total Due Amount Paid Upon Receipt 1,814.70 02743500068367046069930000018147000000181470 0 To pay this bill online and switch to paperles~ billing, go to wm.com/paperless 0079905 01 ,"\TO 3% ··Auro TOO 7245 92008-733650-C01-P79q84-11 ,,1, ••• 1,11,1111•l•1l,,,11111 111l1l•1•1l•1'11••11111111•11 111••1• GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 10274070 l•111•11 •11111••11111••••1·1111•1lll1l1•1111'1lll,l1l1l,,l,11,,11 COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT 5900 PASTEUR CT STE 200 JENNY LEE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7336 THINK GREEN~ PO BOX 541065 LOS ANGELES CA 90054-1065 Printed on recyded paper. Pane 2 o/2 Service Lo'--'c'--'a'-'t'--'io"n":_3cc5cc0'--6-'-8"3'--'-67 Grand Pacific Resort (Leed): 5500 Grand Pacific Dr: Carlsbad Ca -'-9=-20'--0'-'8'--4--'-7'--'2=-4'-----~ Date Tlcket Description --~aritlty u;M --Rale Amdunt 08/15/16 773618 40 Yd rolloff 1.00 08/15/16 773620 08/15/16 773621 08/15/16 773622 08/30/16 778913 Actual tonnage job #phase 3 Disposal per ton Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff Actual tonnage job #phase 3 Disposal per ton Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle Green waste recycle job #phase 3 Disposal per ton If contaminated Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle Dirty concrete/trash Job #phase 3 Disposal per ton If contaminated Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff Villa 61 job #villa 61 Disposal per ton Ticket Total .79 1.00 3.16 1.00 .69 1.00 6.22 1.00 5.28 217.20 - 35.66 252.86 217.20 142.67 359.87 217.20 31.15 248.35 217.20 280.83 498.03 217.20 238.39 455.59 1--------------------------·---------------------------------- Total Current Charges ] Payments Received Detail ·---Payment -thank you Total Payments Received NOTICE: By sending your check, you are authorizing the Company to use information on your check to make a one-time electronic debit to your account at the financial institution indicated on your check. This electronic debit will be for the amount of your check and may occur as soon as the same day we receive your check. You agree, in order for us to service our account or to collect any amounts you may owe (for non-marketing or solicitation purposes), we may contact you by telephone at any telephone number associated with your account, including wireless telephone numbers, which could result in charges to you. We may also contact you by sending text messages, facsimile messages or e-mails, using any e-mail address you provide to use. Methods of contact may include using pre-recorded/artificial voice messages and/or use of an automatic dialing device, as applicable. Please send all bankruptcy correspondence to 2625 W. Grandview Rd. Ste 150 Phoenix, AZ 85023. (This language is in compliance with 11 USC 342(c)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code.) 1,814.70 1,186.87- 1, 186.87- 1,i?-' 1~l = = = = = = - -= ·w;\.'." t. INVOICE Customer: Online WM ezPay ID: Invoice Date: WA.STE MANAGEMENT _. ..,..-;r-•'\ ~-\-. WASTE MANAGEMENT ,.... f ... ;\i'\' \ \...!_ ~ I, PO BOX 43530 rl_ r \ f" '\\ \ ',: \ 11,.J' PHOENIX, AZ 85080::.,~ .. t '\l' ~ '\ -"""" .. c ,._ lT!= R ,:: ;l~voice Number: t-.:" ' •-· · ' -Account Number: Page 1 of, GRAND PACIFIC RESOR" 00010-52390-2300, 10/01/2011 4607221-027 4- 350-0068367-027 4- Due Upon Receif (800) 596-7444 0 ·v r: --:-: r :::: '.'. ~ f ;-::-,, OCT 2 Fi 7flf.?ue Date: (866) 796-6951 FAX I Account Summary Descri tion Previous Balance Total Credits and Adjustments Total Payments Received Total Current Charges Total Amount Due Total Amount Past Due -Y: 1,814.70 0.00 1,814.70- 492.22 492.22 0.00 I Service Period: ROLL OFF SERVICE I Total Current Charges Total Amount Due 492.22 492.22 Please pay total amount due. Thank you for your business. :;Dc::•.:;sc"'r'fip~ti.:;on-'---------------------------'A'c'~____. Roll-Off 49z.ll" ., c; Total Current Charges /41'2,22 :j} I/:).,;)• I d--- If full payment of the invoiced amount is not received within your contractual terms, you may be charged a monthly tate charge of 2.5% of the unpaid amount, with a minimum monthly charge of $5.00, or such late charge allowed under applicable law, regulation or contract. Additionally, if your service is suspended for non-payment, you may be charged a resume charge to restart your service. For each returned check, a charge will be assessed on your next billing equal to the maximum amount permitted by applicable state law. Current Due Over 30 Over 60 Over 90 492.22 0.00 0.00 0 00 51£° -o /1 I 6-0 I Use your iPhone or Android mobile device to manage your account, pay your bill, and schedule a roll-off pickup, similar to wm.com. More at wm.com/GoMobile. Over 120 Total Due 0.00 492.22 Payment Coupon Your Account Number To pay this bill online and switch to paperles billing, goto wm.com/paperless WASTE MANAGENIENT WASTE MANAGEMENT PO BOX 43530 Please detach and send with checks on/v (no cash). Please send all other oorre&ppnden:=:_::lo:.'.y:::o:::u'.::/o::c:::•/:::•:::ite::.. ---'==3=5=0-0=0=68=3=6=7=-0=2=7 4=•=3=:C: Your Invoice Number Invoice Date PHOENIX, AZ. 85080 10/01/2016 4607221-0274-2 (800) 596-7444 Due Date Total Due Amount Paid (866) 796-6951 FAX Upon Receipt 492.22 02743500068367046072210000004922200000049222 2 0017770 01 AT O 396 "AUTO TOO 7277 92008-733650-C01-Pl7787-ll 11111,111,11l1111l1lllll,,l,,111,1,,1,11111111lll111,l1ll11lllll1 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 5900 PASTEUR CT STE 200 JENNY LEE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7336 10274075 THINK GREEN~ l1111•11 •11111••11111111111111 111lll1l111111111 11•11l11••1•1111 11 COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT PO BOX 541065 LOS ANGELES CA 90054-1065 Printed on recyr:led paper. Paae.2 of 2 Service Location: 350--68367 Grand Pacific Resort (Leed): 5500 Grand Pacific Dr: Carlsbad Ca 92008-4724 . Da1e Ticket Description Quantity U/M Rate Amount 09106116 779047 40 Yd rolloff 1.00 217.20 Villa 61 .. Disposal per ton 1.66 74.94 Ticket Total 292.14 09112116 781456 Trip charge 1.00 74.88 Customer rescheduled Ticket Total 74.88 09115/16 783629 Delivery 10 yd open tap 1.00 55.90 Ticket Total 55.90 09/30/16 M30748 Container usage charge daily 1.00 l~o-Through 09/30/2016 Ticket Total Total Current Charges Payments Received Detail Payment -thank you Total Payments Received NOTICE: By sending your check, you are authorizing the Company to use information on your check to make a one-time electronic debit to your account at the financial institution indicated on your check. This electronic debit will be for the amount of your check and may occur as soon as the same day we receive your check. You agree, in order for us to service our account or to collect any amounts you may owe (for non-marketing or solicitation purposes), we may contact you by telephone at any telephone number associated with your account, including wireless telephone numbers, which could result in charges to you. We may also contact you by sending text messages, facsimile messages or e-mails, using any e-mail address you provide to use. Methods of contact may include using pre-recorded/artificial voice messages and/or use of an automatic dialing device, as applicable. Please send all bankruptcy correspondence to 2625 W. Grandview Rd. Ste 150 Phoenix, AZ 85023. IThioc. l:mmram~ io;: in r:nmnlianrP with 11 I l~r. '.l.47(rU?\ nf thP R:anltr11ntr11 r.,...,1.,, \ 69.30 492.22 1,814.70- 1,814.70- r- ·W:\ .. INVOICE Customer: Online WM ezPay ID: WASTE MANAGEMENT c ·n==.P.E.c WASTE MANAGEMENT · •• t,), ~--_......--.... --~· Invoice Date: Invoice Number: PO BOX 43530 "O" ; '! 7(11c l)c.v:c:e v c:!, Account Number: Page 1 of:; GRAND PACIFIC RESOR. 00010-52390-2300• 11/01/2011 4607461-0274-• 350-0068367-027 4-: PHOENIX, AZ 85080 " ' ' ' (800) 596-7444 (866) 796-6951 FAX I Account Summary Descri tion Previous Balance Total Credits and Adjustments Total Payments Received Total Current Charges Total Amount Due Total Amount Past Due [l NOV 9 -2016 u BY: ____ _ 492.22 69.30- 0.00 1,119.62 1,542.54 422.92 Due Date: Due Upon Receip Total Current Charges Total Amount Due 1,119.62 1,542.54 Please pay total amount due. Thank you for your business. I Service Period: ROLL OFF SERVICE I Description Amount cq~ t,///S--~&>/ Roll-Off 1,119.62 --T-o-ta_l_C_u,-,e-n_t_C_h_a,-g-es----------~1~,1~1~9.~62~ c;-fS-?tJ/116 ~h/ If full payment of the invoiced amount is not received within your contractual terms, you may be charged a monthly late charge of 2.5% of the unpaid amount, with a minimum monthly charge of $5.00, or such late charge allowed under applicable law, regulation or contract. Additionally, if your service is suspended for non-payment, you may be charged a resume charge to restart your service. For each returned check, a charge will be assessed on your next billing equal to the maximum amount permitted by applicable state law. Current Due 1,119.62 WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT PO BOX 43530 PHOENIX, AZ 85080 (BOO) 596-7444 Over30 422.92 Over 60 Over 90 0,00 0.00 Payment Coupon Please detach and send with cbtmks qo/v (no cash). Please send all other @rrewondence to your local site. Invoice Date 11101/2016 Due Date Total Due Use your iPhone or Android mobile device to manage your account, pay your bill, and schedule a roll-off pickup, similar to wm.com. More at wm.com/GoMobile. Over 120 Total Due 0.00 1,542.54 I Your Account Number 1 350-0068367 -0214-3 Your Invoice Number I I 4607461-0274-4 Amount Paid To pay this bill on line and switch to paperless billing, go to wm.corn/paperless (866) 796-6951 FAX ~----u_p_o_n_R_•c_e_ip_t ___ ~I ~--1_,_54_2_.5_4 __ ~1 I~--------~ M~ ~ 02743500068367046074610000011196200000154254 0 0073 362 01 AT 0. 396 •• AUTO Tl O 7306 92008-733650 -C01-P73435-l 1 •11•111111•••111•11 1•11•111l1l1ll1•111111ll•••l•l1ll1111111111••1 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 5900 PASTEUR CT STE 200 JENNY LEE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7336 10274080 THINK GREEN~ l•111•11•11111••11111••••1•1'11•1lll1l1•lll1l1lll,l1l1l,,l,11,,11 COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT PO BOX 541065 LOS ANGELES CA 90054-1065 Printed on recycled paper. p aae 2 f 2 0 Service Location: 350-68367 Grand Pacific Resort (Leed): 5500 Grand Pacific Dr: Carlsbad Ca 92008-4724 Date Ticket Description Quantity U/M Rate 10/03/16 788465 40 Yd rolloff 1.00 Villa 61 job #villa 61 Disposal per ton 3.97 Ticket Total 10/19/16 792899 40 Yd rolloff 1.00 Job #villa 61 Disposal per ton 3.92 Ticket Total 10/20/16 793203 Delivery 10 yd open top 1.00 Wood recycle job #villa 61 Ticket Total 10/21/16 794173 Delivery 25 yd open top 1.00 For drywall recycle job #villa 61 Ticket Total 10/21/16 794174 25 Yd roll off recycle 1.00 Metal recycle load Ticket Total Total Current Charges Credits and Adjustments Detail 10/24/2016 Credit r/o Total Credits and Adjustments NOTICE: By sending your check, you are authorizing the Company to use information on your check to make a one-time electronic debit to your account at the financial institution indicated on your check. This electronic debit will be for the amount of your check and may occur as soon as the same day we receive your check. You agree, in order for us to service our account or to collect any amounts you may owe (for non-marketing or solicitation purposes), we may contact you by telephone at any telephone number associated with your account, including wireless telephone numbers, which could result in charges to you. We may also contact you by sending text messages, facsimile messages or e-mails, using any e-mail address you provide to use. Methods of contact may include using pre-recorded/artificial voice messages and/or use of an automatic dialing device, as applicable. Please send all bankruptcy correspondence to 2625 W. Grandview Rd. Ste 150 Phoenix, AZ 85023. (This language is in compliance with 11 USC 342(c)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code.) Amount 217.20 179.24 396.44 217.20 176.98 394.18 55.90 55.90 55.90 55.90 217.20 217.20 1,119.62 69.30- 69.30- Page 1 of3 WASTE MANAGEMENT Custom~e: NNED0-52390-23004 ervice Pe . ROLL OFF SERVICE DEC 6 _ 2016 voiceD : 12/01/2016 ~ ECEIVEDustome. e: pJ · RAND PACIFIC RESORT \ voice Number: 4607718-0274-7 ... BY: .• . ···········. ·•·······• ···•·· ..... ·· .. ·. . .· .. . ····.· ~· ,,!ii Visit wm.com ,, ~:-\ Tosetcpyoo-crh prolie, s\Jncp for _,ess statements, manage yo.r accoUll:, view h:liday schedu~s, pay yoor invcice cr sct-edl.Je a pd<up Description 11:~!f'A~~j ~-i~ Due Upon Receipt tf fun p:iyrrat ci the hvoi:::ed arount is rot re:.:eived v.-fthin yoor co,tra:tual terms, yo..i rrey 1:e cl-etged a m:ntHy ate diarge of 2.5% of the urpac arroJnl, with a mnrrun rraitHy cl-arge of $5, a :such late c!iarg, albwed ...-der appk:able aw, reguatioa or cmtroct. $1,3~ + _ A~u;i;,,;nt~ ---~1 + I-c~rre_ni c~-~ge;-- 0.00 1,313.82 -------~ -- ···---·-------8 Total Due ..... ,, ______ ··-----·· , .. ,. •.•.. _ 1,313.82 10 Yd roll off recycle Metal recycle job ffvila 61 Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle Drywall recycle job •villa 61 Disl'.X)sal per ton demolition Ticket Total S75' ..-tJ///S.--6 ( 6f}J:: --1?//fb---6/ 800509 1.00 217.20 0.00 197.69 414.89 40 Yd rcJloff Trash load job *villa 61 Disposal per ton Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle Drywall recycle job tvma 61 Dis sal r ton demolition WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT PO BOX 43530 PHOENIX. t,;z 85080 (866) 796-6951 FAX 11/14/16 11/25/16 ~------------·--····---· 800513 803772 1.00 2.02 1.00 0274000105239023004046077180000013138200000131382 3 217.20 0.00 91.20 308.40 217.20 0.00 100.23 0049205 01 /1.T 0.396 .,AUTO n O 7636 ':12008-733650-C01•P4':1254-11 ll111lhll•11111lllnl•111h111h1h•ll•llll111111111111•111'1111 I027◄08S I 11 I I• I I, 11II I• 111 1111111111111Iii111h1Ill111111,11111, ,1, 11111 I COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 5800 PASTEUR CT STE 200 JENNY LEE CARLSBAD CA 92008•7336 THINK GREEN\' PO BOX 541066 LOS ANGELES CA 90054-1065 Customer ID: WASTE MANAGEMENT Customer Name: Service Period: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: 11/25/16 803872 Total Current Charges THINK GREEN:' Page 3 of 3 10-52390-23004 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT ROLL OFF SERVICE 12/01/2016 4607718-027 4-7 55.90 0.00 55.90 @ Prl11ted 011 recyded pa11er. WASTE MANAGEMENT Customer ID: Customer Name: Service Period; Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Page 1 of7 10-52390-23004 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT ROLL OFF SERVICE 02/01/2017 4608209-027 4-6 •111-~ Visit wm.com Due Upon Receipt $18,847.59 To setup yoo-crlinep-ofie, sgn 'I' fa-papeiless statemert.5, marage youracccn.nt view 1-oliday scheck.Jk!s, pay}OOrinvcic-e a-schedule a l)ckup Description Delivery 10 yd open top Job #sheraton a3 Ticket Total Delivery 10 yd open top Job #sheraton a3 Ticket Total Delivery 1 0 yd open top Job tJcsheraton a3 Ticket TotoJ Delivery 10 yd open top Job #sheraton a3 Ticket Total Delive 40 d open to WASTE MANAGIIJ;!MIENT WASTE MANAGEMENT PO BOX 43530 PHOENIX, Al. 85080 (800) 596-7444 (866) 796-6951 FAX W ful p,yrn,rrt of the nvciced arromt • mt recemd within yoor artractu~ te,ms, yoo m,y be chaiged a nmthly ate charge of 2.5% of ti-. urpal:l am:1Jrt, 'Mth a miimum rrarthly derge of $5, a 9JCh late cmrge albM,d uider "fl'-licao~ law, regulaticn c, =tract. Date 01/03/17 Tlck:et 813353 ~~~~'2:0 01/03/17 813354 € t(l\'ii tt.'o 'li '1 ol\$ \\\C· 01/03/17 813355 . l<,0" o <,>ac1\1c <,>a'la'o\e Gia\\ ou0\5 f>-CC 01/03/17 813356 01/03/17 813357 Quantity 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 □274 □□□1□5239 □23□□4 □46 □82□9 □□□□1884759 □0001884759 6 Amount 55.90 0.00 55.90 55.90 0.00 55.90 55.90 0.00 55.90 55.90 0.00 55.90 55.90 0059441 02 AB 0.400 HALJTO T6 0 7032 92006-733650--C01-PS9506·11 I'' I• 'I" II I I, I II I 1111 II 11' •11111111 I •I I "I I I•' I• II, I II' 11• •I' 111 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 10274095 I• 1 I I 111111 I II 1111 h 1111111111 I 11III111 •111111111 •11 I II, •1•111111 COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT 5900 PASTEUR CT STE 200 JENNY LEE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7336 THINK GREEN~ PO BOX S41066 LOS ANGELES CA 90054-1065 Prlntdon recycled paper. Automatic Payment Set up recurring payments with us at wm.com/myaccount. Pay Through Your flnanclal Institution Make a payment from your financial Institution using your customer 10. ~nd it to the P.O. Box on the remi\1¥Jce stub. One-Time Payment At your desk or on the go. use wm.com or our WM mobile app for a quick and easy payment. Pay by Phone Payable 24/7 by c.alfing 866-964-2729. Mall it Write it, stuff it. stamp It. mall !t. Envelope provided. Visit Wm.com You spoke, we listened. August 19 \NM, ....... -- $124.73 If P"1"""l i.,..,.lvf<I ,nu 08/1!1:1 ne.eo !NVOl'?f:.....,, --~~='--- • States the date payment is due to waste Management. Anything beyond that date may incur additional charges. Your Total Due is the total amount of current charges and any previous unpaid lxllances combined. Previous balance is the total due from your previous invoice. We subtract any Payments Recelved/AdJustmenb. and add your current Ch Mg es from this blllng cycle. to get a Total Due on this invoice. If you have not paid all or a portion of your previous balance, please pay the entire Total Due to avoid a late charge or service interruption. Service location details the total current charges of this invoice. Waste Management is pleased to announce our new invoice, which is designed to give you all of the important billing information you need in an easy-to-read format. Check out our Simple Guide to Your Invoice or watch a brief video on wm.com to learn more. ff :,iur seNlce tssuspefided for110n-payment.you mil)' bedJarged a Reiume ch.Jrgeto rest;irtyourservlce. f<lreach returned check, a c:harge wib be Msessed on your next ltwo\ce equal to the maximum amount perrnlued by applicable rtate law. ■ CHECK HERE TO CHA~GE CONTACT INFO ■ CHECK HERETO SIGN UP FOR AUTOMATIC PAYM'ENT List your new billing infonnation below. For a change of service address, please contact Waste Management. Address l Address 2 By enrolling in Automatic Payment, J authorize Waste Management to pay my invoice by electronically deducting money from my bank account. I can cancel authorization by notifying Waste Management at wm.com or by calling the customer service number listed on my invoice. Enrollment could take 1-2 billing cycles for Automatic Payment to take effect Continue to submit payment until page one of your invoice City reflects that your payment will be auto deducted. State Zip Email Address Email Date Date Valid Bank Account Holder Signature NOTIC~ By sending your check you are authort;:Jng the Company to ll5elnfonnatlononyourcheckto make a one--t1me electronic deblttoyouracoount at the fln1ncial lnstltutloo Indicated onyo11rcheck. The eJectlQnlc debt wll be for the ;m,cunt of your check and mil)' ocwr as M>on as the same day we rea!M your check. In order for us to service your account or to co~ MY amounts you mil)' owe(fot non-marketing or sollcll:atkm purposes), we may cootactyou by telephone at any telephone 11Umber that you provided lfi connection with your account, Jnd.Jdlng w1reless telephone numbefS, which could result: In charges to you. Methods ofcontactmaylnckidetext messages and tll;ing pre-recorded/artlf\cJal V-Olce mess~esand/oru~of an automaticdlaftng device, as appllc.ible. We m1:1y also contact you by eJT111ilW other methods as prowled ln our contract. Please send all bankruptcy correspondence to PO Box 43290, Phoenix, AZ 85080 (this langu,:1ge is In compliance with 11 use 342(c)(2) oFthe Bankruptcy Code) Customer ID: Customer Name: Service Period: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Description Date Ticket Job #sheraton a3 Ticket Total Delivery 40 yd open top 01/03/17 813358 Job fsheraton a3 Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle ~er,.., 01/04/17 814016 Disposal flat recycle ~ , Ticket Total Delivery 10 yd open top 01/04/17 814017 Job# lot 9 Ticket Total Delivery 40 yd open top 01/04/17 814019 Job -Mlot 9 Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle 01/04/17 814020 Job #sheraton a3 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle 01/04/17 814021 Job #sheraton a3 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle 01/04/17 814024 Job #sheraton a3 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recyde 01 /04/17 814026 Job tsheraton a3 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 1 O Yd rolloff recyde 01/04/17 814027 Job #sheraton a3 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 40 Yd green/yard waste 01/04/17 814028 Per ton green waste job #sheraton a3 Disposal per ton grn/ydw Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recyde 01/04/17 814032 Job tlot 9 Dlsposal flat recycle 111 Ticket Total 10 Yd rol!off recycle. 01/04/17 814033 Job #lot 9 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 1 0 Yd ro11off recycle ~C-r--' 01/04/17 815111 Disposal flat recycle t:v~ Ticket Tohll THINK GREEN~ Page 3 of7 10-52390-23004 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT ROLL OFF SERVICE 02/01/2017 4608209-0274-6 Quantity Amount 0.00 55.90 1.00 55.90 0.00 55.90 1.00 217.20 1.00 143.65 360.85 1.00 55.90 0.00 ,S;9Q., ,.,,,~;.,,~\:":l;' 1.00 55.90 0.00 15:$-~90 .. ,:-"'•-.,,,,.,;.- 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 360.85 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 360,85 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 360.85 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 360.85 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 360.85 1.00 217.20 0.00 8.96 373.18 590.38 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 ~,~9,t~S.:t,. 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 ~$Q";.!'~,: 1.00 217.20 1.00 143.65 360.85 @ Printed ijn rcryc/td pap1tr. Page 4 of? Desc:rlptlon Date Ticket Quantity Amount Trip no charge 01/09/17 814015 1.00 0,00 Weather conditions 0,00 Ticket Total 0,00 40 Yd rolloff 01/10/17 816192 1.00 217.20 Job #villa 61 0.00 Disposal per ton 6.34 286.25 Ticket Total .&'li:~J.ilS' Delivery 40 yd open top 01/13/17 817492 1.00 55.90 Job #villa 61 0.00 Ticket Total ~t~.?.:·:: 40 Yd1olloff recycle 01/17/17 817509 1.00 217.20 Job #villa 61 0,00 Disposal per ton 6.44 290.76 Ticket Total 1.A\l?·~~ Delivery 40 yd open top 1/18/17 818540 1.00 55.90 Ticket Total 55.90 beliVery 40 yd open top 01/18/17 818542 1.00 55.90 Ticket Total 55.90 De.livery 40 yd open top 01/18/17 818543 1.00 55.90 Ticket Total 55.90 ! Delivery 40 yd open top 01/18/17 818544 1.00 55,90 Ticket Total 55.90 ;i Delivery 40 yd open top 01/18/17 818546 1.00 55.90 ! ' Ticket Total 55.90 i ~ 40 Ydrolloff 01/18/17 818547 1.00 217.20 I Disposal per ton 6.15 277.67 ' Ticket Total 494.87 I ; 40 Yd rolloff 01/18/17 818548 1.00 217.20 [ Disposal per ton 3.69 166.60 Ticket Total 383.80 ~ tt· 25 Yd rolloff recycle 01 /18/17 818549 1.00 217.20 I Job #villa 61 0.00 I Disposal per ton demolition 162.19 I Ticket Total k~{9'3.9 Trip no charge 01/18/17 818552 1.00 0.00 I Ticket Total 0,00 f1 25 Yd rolloff recyde 01/19/17 818864 1.00 ! 217.20 lj liner Vb( 1.00 53.90 ~ Disposal per ton 125,99 ! Ticket Total 397.09 i Trip charge V&i 01 /21 /17 818553 1.00 74.88 ! Weather conditions 0.00 Ticket Total 74.88 I t Trip no charge 01/27/17 821582 1.00 0.00 if Ticket Total 0.00 ij I 10 Yd rolloff recycle 01/27/17 821583 1.00 217.20 ~ Job t sheraton ph3 0.00 I 1 Disposal flat recyde 1.00 143.65 i! Ticket Total 360.85 I 1 0 Yd rol!off recycle 01/27/17 821584 1.00 217.20 I Job # sheraton ph3 0.00 ~ Disposal flat recycle 1.00 143.65 R Ticket Total 360.85 ~ § 1 0 Yd rolloff re de 01/27/17 821585 1.00 217.20 ~ I Customer ID: Customer Name: Service Period: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Description Date Ticket Job * sheraton ph3 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle 01/27/17 821586 Job # sheraton ph3 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle 01/27/17 821587 Job # sheraton ph3 Disposal flat recycle ticket Total 1 0 Yd rolloff recycle 01/27/17 821588 Job• sheraton ph3 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 1 0 Yd rol!off recycle 01/27/17 821589 Job # sheraton ph3 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recyde 01/27/17 821590 Job ff sheraton ph3 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 10 Yd ro!loff recycle 01/27/17 821591 Job # sheraton ph3 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 1 O Yd rolloff recyde 01/27/17 821595 End of the day job # sh era ton ph3 Disposal flat recyde Ticket Total Trip no charge 01/27/17 821607 Job # sheraton ph3 Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recyde VM 01/28/17 821887 Disposal flat recyde Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle 01/28/17 821909 Job «'sheraton ph3 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total ~ 1 0 Yd rolloff recycle 01/28/17 821912 Job •sheraton ph3 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloffrecyde 01/28/17 821915 Job # sheraton ph3 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 1 D Yd rolloff rec de 01/28/17 821921 THINK GREEN~ Page 5 of7 10-52390-23004 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT ROLL OFF SERVICE 02/01/2017 4608209-0274-6 Quantity Amount 0,00 1.00 143.65 360.85 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 360.85 1.00 217.20 0,00 1.00 143.65 360,85 1.00 217.20 0,00 1,00 143.65 360.BS 1.00 217.20 0,00 1.00 143.65 360.85 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 360.85 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 360.85 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 360.85 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 217.20 143.65 360,85 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 360.85 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 360,85 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 360.85 1.00 217.20 @ Printed OU recydtd papu. Page 6 of7 Description Date Ticket Quantity Amount Job #sheraton ph3 0.00 Disposal flat recyde 1.00 143.65 Ticket Total 360.85 1 a Yd rolloff recycle 01/28/17 821922 1.00 217.20 Job Hsheraton ph3 0.00 Disposal flat recycle 1.00 143.65 Ticket Total 360.85 1 O Yd rol!off recycle 01/28/17 821924 1.00 217.20 Job #sheraton ph3 0.00 Disposal flat recycle 1.00 143.65 Ticket Total 360.85 10 Yd rolloff recyde 01/28/17 821925 1.00 217.20 Job #sheraton ph3 0.00 Dispos1.1I flat recycle 1.00 143.65 Ticket Total 360.85 1 O Yd rolloff recycle J{pti 01/28/17 821949 217.20 Disposal flat recycle 143.65 Ticket Total 360.85 i i Trip no charge 01/28/17 821981 1.00 0.00 I -Ticket Total 0.00 I Delivery 10 yd open top 01/30/17 821002 1.00 55.90 tt Job ifot 9 0,00 I Ticket Total iM~r: ! Delivery 1 0 yd open top 01/30/17 821003 1.00 55.90 I Job #lot 9 0.00 Ticket Total 1!~J!H:1 a,1 ' ! 40 Yd rolloff recycle V&1 01/30/17 822001 1.00 217.20 ! Drywall job #tak:etosa11marcos 0.00 i Disposal per ton demolition 636.93 I Ticket Total 854.13 i ' 1 O Yd rolloff recycle 01/31/17 822063 1.00 217.20 I I Job #sheraton ph3 0.00 I Disposal flat recycle 1.00 143.65 Ticket Total 3150.85 ~ i 10 Yd rolloff recycle 01/31/17 822064 1.00 217.20 I Job #sheraton ph3 0.00 ij Disposal flat recycle 1.00 143.65 i I, Ticket Total 360.85 I 1 0 Yd rolloff recycle 01/31/17 822065 1.00 217.20 Job #sheraton ph3 0.00 Disposal flat recyde 1.00 143.65 Ticket Total 360.85 Trip no charge 01/31/17 822067 1.00 0.00 Onsite rescheduled 0.00 Ticket Total 0.00 40 Yd rolloff 01/31/17 822068 1.00 217.20 Job #sheraton ph3 0.00 Disposal per ton 3.48 157.12 Ticket Total 374.32 40 Yd rolloff 01/31 /17 822069 1.00 217.20 And relocate job #marbrisa ph3 0.00 Disposal per ton 7.08 319.66 Ticket Total 536.86 N 8 40 Yd rolloff 01/31/17 822072 1.00 217.20 ~ Job #lot 9 0.00 ~ Disposal pe( ton 9.10 410.86 I Ticket Tobi e.2:s.os, , < ; § Customer ID: Customer Name: Service Period: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Description Date Ticket 40 Yd rolloff 01/31/17 822073 .bb #lot 9 Disposal per ton Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff 01/31/17 822075 Job #villa 61 Disposal per ton Ticket Total Total Currant Charges 594-01115-24 360.85 594-01115-29 3,608.50 594-01115-36 721.70 594-01116-24 775.08 594-01116-29 734.78 Total Co. 594 6,200.91 595-01115-10 5,412.75 595-01115-30 360.85 595-01115-61 2,499.42 595-01116-10 1,102.18 595-01116-30 775.07 595-01116-61 2,496.41 Total Co. 595 12,646.68 Total Invoice ·18,847.59 ~ THINK GREEN~ Quantity Page 7 of7 10-52390-23004 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT ROLL OFF SERVICE 02/01/2017 4608209-027 4-6 Amount 1.00 217.20 10.66 1.00 2.79 0.00 481.29 ·-~~-~•4.SJ !,,, 217.20 0.00 125.96 1"343.16 Printed on ruytltd poper. -@ WASTE MANAGEMENT Visit wm.com --..l _l~~J [~ Description Customer Service: (800) 596-7444 10 Yd rol!off recycle Job #sheraton ph3 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 40 Yd rolk>ff Job #lot 9 Disposal per ton Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff Job #lot 9 Customer ID: Customer Name: SeNice Period: Invoice Date: lnvoice Number: Due Upon Receipt If fuH payment of tre ilvdced amooit is rot received IMthin yoor C\TlractUa terms. yoo may ce crorged a rrrotlt,, ate crage of 25% of trE urµ,id am::urt. with a rmmum rra,tliy cm,ge of $5. er srii ate crorge al'o""'d ender appicable law. regulatiCfl er am.rt. Adjustments 02/01/17 Page 1 of6 10-52390-23004 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 02/01/17-02/28/17 03/01/2017 4608438-0274-1 $38,488.31 Fl/~/,.:f'/ ~3 lfllWdl. IJ/ /41-1_ ~33/J~~ '!!Hfl,J,,1 'f ti~? ( See Reverse for Important Messages 822458 822679 822680 1.00 1-00 1.00 1.00 5.20 1.00 otal Due Amount 217.20 0.00 143,65 .. ,.(),85 217.20 0.00 143.65 'li~il:.~S!i- 217.20 0.00 234.78 5!1~:.t,Er-' 217.20 0,00 ~ ·········•·····•··· ~-WASTE MANAGEMENT WA.STE MANAGEMENT PO BOX 43530 PHOENIX, Al 85080 (800} 596-7444 (866) 796-i5951 FAX ...... -·····--~--------~ 0274000105239023□□4 □46 □8438□0001964072□□□□3848831 9 00S8363 01 AB 0,400 MAVfO f9 0 7060 92000·733650-C01-P53921 ·1l ,,1i,1,,111,1111,,hl 11llhl1 111111h111111111111111111llll•l1111 GRANO PACIFIC RESORT 5900 PASTEUR CT STE 200 JENNY LEE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7336 1027409'1 THINK GREEN: l1lll111111lll1111h1111111111(11llhl11111111111•11l11••1•111111 COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT PO BOX 541065 LOS ANGELES CA 90054·1065 Pr111td 11n ri!!Yfkrl Jl"P~'· Page 2_ of 6 AutomlltlC Payment Set up recurricg payments with u~11t wm.com/myaccount. Visitwm.com Augu!>t 19 $124.73 0 SWt!!S the date payment •s due \0 Waste Milnagt>rnent. Anythin:1 l',ey-011d Hmt d,it(, rmi_y incur ,1ddit1r.;n,l! chanJes. 'lnor Total Due-•~ ttw to\,;I amount of L1JHN1t chilf(J!:'~ an(I ljflJ prevfeus rmJJ3id b,1bnces CCl11bined Pay Through Your Finandal Institution Make ;i p.'fyflumt horn your fin,mdal 1mlitut,rn1 u~•ng ,YOlif (U~tO!l'ti,f ID. Send It to tl1'" r.o. BoJ< on the remitt.:ince sttib. One-Time Payment At your d"sk ur OI'! the go. UH' wm,rnrri 01 our WM rnob1te app for .;i quid.'. and eosy p:3yme11t. Pay by Phone Payable 24/7 by calling 666-964-2 729. Mall It Wnt.,. it stuff •t. stamp it, ma:1 rt. Enve!op;,prov1ded You spoke, we listened. Waste Management is pleased to announce our· new invoice, which is designed to grve you all of the important billir1g information you need in an easy-to-read format. Check out our Simple Guide to Your Invoice or watch a brief video on wrn.com to learn more. ifp•)-Me«c-,~4.:i!,;, ~11, S U6,60 Prev,ous bJ!i.lnCt? •s 1.he tot.JI due ftom your prevlOtJS invoir.e. We ,uotra<.t 3ny Payment5 Received/Adjustments .;nd add ycur Curnmt Charges from th.as b!ll1ny cycle tc, gel <1 Total Due on Hu\ 1rivou:e If you hav(' nor paid ,,B or a portron "' your prnvicuo b..l;mcc, p1Nw pay the enwe Total Due to JvQjd;, l.itt' charqe or 5&vic:e ioterrupl1on, Servirn !O(:iit1an <lei.ails the tot:l! currrn! (hJr9es of thi~ ir!Voice, , .. ,, ........ ,.~ ·;, $124,11 ". • -··iii!.\,~!. .. If your ~ervileb i>IJSJ1€11dt-d foj OOJJ·P,1','ment, you may be charged ii Re.1ann:•(hiltge to 1est,11t your.~111\'ice. for ea,h returned .:hock a cha1g<.> wll! be ;is5est-<J OJI ','OUf next ITTVoice e<tua! to the maximum amount permit led by appfia:iblie state law. ■ Cl!l£K HERETO C HAN<,E CUN I AC f INFO ■ CHECK llH{E m SIGN !JP FOR AUfOMA nc PAY MFN r List your new billing information below. For a changi: or service By enrolling in Automalic Paymcnl, I authorize Waslc Management to pay my invoice address. plcnse contact Waste M1mngcmcnt. hy elcctronicnlly deducting money from my bank account I can cancel nuihorin:1tion Addres;:; I by notil)-'ing Waste M,mugeme111 "' win.com or by calling Lhc customer scrvkt· Addre:-.~ 2 uum~r li!-1tcd on my invoice, Enrollmt'.nt could Lake 1~2 billing cycles frll' Aulomalk City Pilym~nt tn take eflh.:L Conlinue to submit paynlt':nt until p;1gc one of your invoicl! reflects th~11 }Our paynk'.llt will bl-': auto dedui:ted. State Zip Email Addre~s ., ___ .,_._ L::rnnil Date -Dall'. ValiJ Bank ,\ccounl Holder Signalurc NOTICE: By ~,;ndinq yom du"<:k. yo11 ijft' <llllhmi:zinq tiff' Comp;rny toi,~ informatiOII OJI yoo, dieck to make a one-time ~lronic debit to your aunullt ;,t th!,. nuan<.ial ln!.titution mdlcated 0J1yom clle<:k rile t>k>t.l<onil. dcliil wiM l>i.• fm Ut11-amount of yom tluick and may 0<..wr ,is )oon ib ttioc-wuwd<1y w.: rc·n'ivi> your dt(s:k. In order for us to 5erv11:t:'yoor al(O\Jllt or to collect any amoimt:s you may OWt:' (fo, non·ma,keting or solk:ltatiofl porpo5es), we m~ ,;:m1\<1(.t you by teleµII-Ofll' ill. ,my telephone mMnbt'i· th;,t yoo pnwitk'li in '°r11w.•dion with your ¥f.Oont.. i11d1dln11 wirt>le5~ telephone 111Jmber.s, whkh could r=lt 1,1 '-l1<1r(le.s to you. Metht.d~ of ,;oll(ai:t may inc:Ldetext messages and osinq pre·recorded/mtif1dal voice Oll'SSa<}eS and/muse of an ,1ut<.1rmtil: di.111119 devke, as aµplt"J~. Wt>mJy al'lornnt:vt yot1 by l'mai\01 otttfl meth<><l~ .:,~ p10\lided ln our wn1,art Plea5e send all bankruptcy correspondence to PO Box 43290, Phoenix, AZ 85080 (lhis language is in compliance with 11 USC 342(c:)(2) or the Bankruptcy Code) g ~ ~ I ~ i 0 0 ® WASTE MANAGEMENT Description Dfaposaf"pei-f:on Ticket Total 10 Yd roUoff recyde Am please 8-1 Oam job #Jot 9 Disµosa1 flat recycle Ticket Total 25 Yd rolloff recycle Drywall recycle job #villa 61 Disposal per ton Ticket Tobi 40 Yd rolk>ff Job #lot 9 Disposal per ton Ticket Total Trip no charge After hours Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle Job #lot 9 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle Job #lot 9 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff Job #garden center liner Disposal per ton Ticket Total 1 0 Yd rolloff recycle Am please 7-9am job # lot 9 liner Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle Early am 7-9am job llot 9 Contaminated load charge Dlsposal per ton If contaminated Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff recycle Drywall job #vllla 61 liner Disposal per ton demolition Ticket Total Delivery 1 0 yd open top Villa 61 am please job #villa 61 Ticket Total DelivE:ry 1 0 yd open top Villa 61 am lease ·ob #villa 61 Customer ID: Customer Name: Service Period: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Date 02/02/17 02/02/17 02/02/17 02/02/17 02/02/17 02/02/17 02/03/17 02/03/17 02/03/17 02/03/17 02/07/17 02/07/17 ------_,,,, _______ THINK GREEN: Ticket 822454 822459 822681 822683 822905 822907 823127 823759 823760 823767 824053 824055 Page 3 of6 10-52390-23004 GRAND PACIFIC RESDRT 02/01/17-02/28/17 03/01/2017 4608438-027 4-1 Quantity Amount 9.65 435.69 ir!.I!.~~,, 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 nfllf;IIIJ;,. 1.00 217.20 0.00 212.20 -!IP 1.00 217.20 0.00 7.97 359.84 c~lJ,Q,!1, 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143:65 ,'3110,11!1: 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 ,311Q,~, 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 0.00 4.22 190.53 g~~H~~ 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 143.65 '''360;8S, 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 150.00 13.53 610.87 0.00 "~111,Q~ 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 0.00 557.57 Ila"~ 1.00 55.90 0.00 a.11!!!r 1.00 55.90 0.00 @ 1'1/fllqd "" 111rydtd paper; Page 4 of6 • Description Date Ticket Quantity Amount Ticket Total a,o 10 Yd rolloff recycle 02/09/17 824965 1.00 217.20 Job #lot 9 0.00 Disposal flat recycle 1.00 143.65 Ticket Total '.lll<l:8$. 10 Yd rolloff recycle 02/09/17 824986 1.00 217.20 Disposal flat recycle 1.00 143.6'.L Ticket Total ~~s-· Trip charge 02/10/17 825708 1.00 74.88 Overweight 0.00 Ticket Total -ZM!ll Delivery 1 0 yd open top 02/10/17 825732 1.00 55.90 Job #!ot 9 0.00 Ticket Total \'i~\tQ\ 40 Yd rolloff 02/10/17 825733 1.00 217.20 Job #lot 9 0.00 Disposal per ton 10.55 476.33 Ticket Total .,<;93,•$3 40 Yd rolloff 02/10/17 825734 1.00 217.20 Job #lot 9 0.00 Disposal per ton 14.44 651.96 Ticket Total £69,~8 10 Vd ro!toff recycle 02/1 0/17 825735 1.00 217.20 Job #villa 61 0.00 Disposal flat recycle 143.65 Ticket Total Rall!,,- Trip no charge 02/11/17 825785 1.00 0.00 Onsite rescheduled 0.00 Ticket Total 0.00 10 Yd rolloff recycle 02/11/17 825935 1.00 217.20 Job #villa 61 0.00 Disposal flat recycle -143.65 Ticket Total j~UJ 10 Yd rotloff recycle 02/11 /1 7 825936 1.00 217.20 Job #villa 61 0.00 Disposal flat recycle 143.65 Ticket Total -.,a,· 40 Yd rolloff 02/13/17 825786 1.00 217.20 Job #sheraton ph3 0.00 Disposal per ton 5,13 231.61 Ticket Total ':"48.111 10 Yd rolloff recycle 02/13/17 826042 1.00 217.20 Job #Jot 9 0.00 Disposal flat recycle 1.00 143.65 Ticket Total .,,360.AJ!I 10 Yd rolloffrecycle 02/13/17 826043 1.00 217.20 lot 9 job #lot 9 0.00 Disposal flat recycle 1.00 143.65 Ticket Total 0 36(1.85 Trip charge 02/13/1 7 826153 1.00 74.88 Overweight 0.00 Ticket Total ••i1;4'ilil,? 10 Yd roHoffrecyde 02/13/17 826210 1.00 217.20 ~ ;;; Disposal flat recycle 1.00 143.65 ij Ticket Total ,~fl1C8ll 10 Yd ro!loff rec de 02/14/17 826275 ·1,00 217.20 I ~ ~ \§ -"~ -·----·-- 11 0 ~ 8 ~ ~ i ~ = lli 8 ~ © WASTE MANAGEMENT Description Job #lot 9 Disposal flat recyde Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle Job #lot 9 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff ,t.5 Disposal per ton Ticket Total Relocate pt,.~ Relocate Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff Job -tsheraton ph3 Disposal per ton Ticket Total Delivery 10 yd open top Job #sheraton ph3 Ticket Total 1 0 Yd rolloff recycle First am job #lot 9 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle Job-#lot 9 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff Job #villa 61 Disposal per ton Ticket Total 40 Yd rol!off Job• lot 9 Disposal per ton Ticket Total Trip charge -pt.s Empty bin Tfcket Total 10 Yd rol!off recycle Job #sheraton ph3 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 10Ydrolloffrecycle ~!) Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle Job #vifla 61 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total Customer ID: Customer Name: SeJVice Period: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Date 02/14/17 02/14/17 02/14/17 02/15/17 02/15/17 02/15/17 02/15/17 02/15/17 02/1 5/17 02/16/17 02/1 6/17 02/16/17 02/17/17 THINK GREEN! Ticket 826276 826352 826355 826297 826412 826520 826521 826522 826558 826730 826731 826733 827665 Page 5 of6 10-52390-23004 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 02/01/17-02/28/17 03/01/2017 4608438-027 4-1 Quantity Amount 0,00 1.00 143.65 3~~· 1.00 217.20 0,00 1.00 143.65 ~·85 1.00 217.20 16.99 767,09 ilii:it:i9 1.00 62.30 0.00 62,30 1.00 217.20 0.00 8.84 399.12 '616.32 1,00 55.90 0.00 c,'iS,90 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 £~J!lil,8,~'-. 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 ,,,!r;!.IW 1.00 217.20 0.00 6.30 284.44 ~:~) 1.00 217.20 0.00 4.64 209.49 ·~-&,.69 1.00 74.88 0.00 J4,QQ 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 360,85 1.00 217.20 1.00 143.65 360.85 1.00 217.20 0.00 143.65 MO.SST ® frfoltd D/1 nrvd~<i p1,ptr. Page 6 of6 .. Description Date Ticket Quantity Amount Trip charge W,/ 02/17/17 827666 1.00 74.88 On.site reschedule 0.00 Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle 02/21/17 828295 1.00 217.20 Job #villa 61 0.00 Disposal flat recycle 143.65 Ticket Total -· Delivery 1 O yd open top 02/22/17 828491 1.00 55.90 Job *garden center 0.00 Ticket Total ·~,'!!)!, Trip charge ~ 02/22/17 828493 1.00 74.88 Safety hazard 0.00 Ticket Total ,!l!'i~it· Trip charge I 02/23/17 828806 1.00 74.88 On.site rescheduled 3 0.00 Ticket Total ,7488 Trip charge ~::; 02/23/17 828807 1.00 74.88 Onslte rescheduled 0.00 Ticket Total 74,88 Trip charge ~~ 02/23/1 7 828808 1.00 74.88 Onsite rescheduled 0.00 Ticket Total '<i<fl!l'B'.'i 40 Yd ro!loff ~~ 02/23/17 829691 1.00 217.20 Disposal per ton 8.30 374.74 Ticket Total 591':llll' 10 Yd roUoff recycle yl. '7 02/24/17 829688 1.00 217.20 Dispasa! flat recycle 1.00 143.65 Ticket Total 3!!0,8S 10 Yd rofloff recycle pli~ 02/24/17 829690 1.00 217.20 Drsposal flat recycle 1.00 143.65 Ticket Total 360,85 Trip charge u{1 02/24/17 829843 1.00 74.88 Onsite rescheduled 0.00 Tlcket Total >;:mmR'IIM Trip no charge 02/24/17 829875 1.00 0.00 Ticket Total 0.00 40 Yd rolloff IA1 02/25/17 829963 1.00 217.20 Disposal per ton 7.60 343.14 Tfeket Total :2~!1,.'S,ll''l Delivery no charge 02/27/17 829965 1.00 0.00 Return40y 0.00 Ticket Total 0.00 Total Current Charges 19.640.72 826352 KALEM 2/14/17 14:56 DNR PAL 40 YD ROLLO FF SHERATON PH 3 SHAWN 826355 KALEM 2/14/17 11:00 REL RELOCATE SHERATON PH 3 SHAWN 826730 KJMOR 2/16/17 7:47 TRP TRIP CHARGE SHERATON PH 3 SHAWN 826733 KJMOR 2/16/17 8:32 E/R MOO 10 YD ROLLOFF RECYCLE SHERATON PH 3 SHAWN 827666 KIRAM 2/17 /17 10:59 TRP TRIP CHARGE VILLA 61 MARK 828491 KJMOR 2/22/17 7 :46 DEL DELIVERY 10 YD OPEN TOP GARDEN CENTER SHAWN 828493 KJMOR 2/22/17 8:50 TRP TRIP CHARGE GARDEN CENTER SHAWN 828806 KRMED 2/23/17 15:41 TRP TRIP CHARGE SHERATON PH 3 SHAWN 828807 KAARG 2/23/17 11:16 TRP TRIP CHARGE SHERATON PH 3 SHAWN 828808 KAARG 2/23/17 9:30 TRP TRIP CHARGE GARDEN CENTER SHAWN 829691 KIRAM 2/23/17 16:11 E/R PAL 40 YD ROLLOFF GARDEN CENTER SHAWN 829688 KJMOR 2/24/17 7:55 E/R MOO 10 YD ROLLO FF RECYCLE SHERATON PH 3 SHAWN 829690 KJMOR 2/24/17 9:17 E/R MOO 10 YD ROLLOFF RECYCLE SHERATON PH 3 SHAWN 829843 KJMOR 2/24/17 12:38 TRP TRIP CHARGE LOT9 MARK 829963 KRDIA 2/25/17 13:04 FYN PAL 40 YD ROLLOFF LOT9 MARK Visit wm.com Description 40 Yd rolloff Job #villa 61 3tJ5---tJ// I b-?I Disposal per ton Ticket Total .3is:-0111S-{1o 10 Yd rolloff recycle G-f _r---tJ/I / 6 Job #garden center -fb Disposal per ton .57$: -0110-IO If contaminated Ticket Total ~5"-t)(f~-10 [~~--, f('~; Customer ID: Customer Name: Service Period: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Due Upon Receipt If fiJ payment of the iivoced amol.Jlt is rot receil.Ed wtrn: pir o.:ntra:tual terms, yoo may be crBrged a nmlh!Y ate chaige of 2 .5% of tre urpaid aroout, 'Mth a ninimum mc:rtHy cl-erge of $5, cr ~di late char~ albwed urder ~icable law, regulatioo a ca,tract. Date ~ 67,;J,O/,, 03/07/17 /; o<t/9-11 77??, JS-03/07/17 350-6> .2 ;;z..j, ?D 03/07/17 De/ive,y 10ydopen~'f t/-/(f &, Job•lot9 -t) ~ ,;i.5" 75&1.ru' Ticket Total Delivery 40 yd open ,f:g--tf f -(J / ( / S--.3b Job-tlot 9 tj-c)I// 6 -:30 WASTE MANAGEM~NT ~ POBOX43530 ca,£-o//lS- PHOENIX, AZ 85080 '-""' / / ' (800)596-7444 /_.-e J,/_t) 11.6-~ (866) 796-6951 FN<.7 7 7 ' V' I f}o ;;>. -lf lj If 03/07/17 Ticket 832277 832278 832346 832348 Page 1 of4 10-52390-23004 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 03/01/17-03/31 /17 04/01/2017 4608671-0274-7 · ........ , $28,816.17 Quantfty Amount 1.00 217.20 0.00 4.29 193.69 410.89 1.00 217.20 0.00 4.97 224.39 0.00 ~-~-';'"''•C-•••• ~ '-~ 4.4.1,5.9. -,- 1.00 55.90 ~%:&9,;" S: 90°"-• 1.00 55.90 0.00 □274 □□□1 □5239 □23 □□4 □46□8671 □□□□□917545 □□□□2881617 6 0062799 01 AB 0.400 °AUTO T4 0 7093 92008·733650 ·COl·f'62661-ll 11111111111111 II 1111 I I 1 •I 1111111 nl 11111111111111,11 111111111 I I 1• GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 5900 PASTEUR CT STE 200 JENNY LEE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7336 10274005 THINK GREEN~ I• 1 II• 11, 11 I II•' 11111' m I' 1111' 11 I h I 1 • 111111111, I I I I I,, 1,1 I II I I COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT PO BOX 541065 LOS ANGELES CA 90054·1065 Automatic Payment Set up recurring payments with us at wrncom/myacmunt. Pay Through Your financial Institution Make a payment from your financial Institution using your customer ID. Send it to the P.O. Box on the remittance stub. One.~Tlm• Payme.nt At your desk or on the go, use wm.com or our WM mobile appfN a quick and easy paymeflt:. Pay by Phone Payable 24/7 by camng 866-964-2729. Mail it Write it. stuff it, stamp it, mall iL Envelope provided. 0 States the date payment is due to Waste Mam1gemef"lt, Anything beyond that date may incur additional charges. Your Total Due ls the total amount of current charges and any previous unpaid balances combined. Previous balance Is-the total due from your previous illVo!ce. We subtract any Payments Received/Adjustments and add your current Cha1"9es from this bllliog cyde to get a Total Due oo thrs invoice. tf you have not paid all ora portion of your previous OOlance, please pay the entire Total Due to avoid a late charge or service interruption. Service location detaDs the tol:at current charges of this invoice. if)'OO!' SeNke Is suspended for noo-paylflf'JJt.you may be diar!}ed .i Resume charge to re51;artyour ~ervke. f(Jr elKh reiiirried"che(:k."aC!i.;rgE!"wli1"be·as~sedoiiJ0urnext·1nvo1ceeqsi lo.the· m;!Xillium ilffiOOnt Pernilti:ed°by applicable.st~l~w. ' ■ CHE(;!( HERE TO CHANGE CONTACTlNFO ■ --- CHECK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR AUTOMATlC PAY~1ENT - List your new billing information below. For a change of service By enrolling in Automatic Payment, I authorize Waste Management to pay my invoice address, please contact Waste Management. by electronically deducting money from my bank account. I can cancel authorization Address I by notifying Waste Management at wm.com or by calling the customer service Address 2 number listed on my invoice. Enrollment could take 1M2 billing cycles for Automatic Payment to take effect Continue to submit payment until page one of your City reflects that your payment will be auto deducted. State Zip Email Address Email Date Date Valid Bank Account Holder Signature NOTICI= By sendlngyourched;; you are authorizlng tk Compall}' toll5e fflom,atlon onyOUl'checkto make a one-time electronic debit to yooracmunt at the f11rancial illstitution indbted on your check. The e!edronk deblt will be for the amount of yt1ur check illld may =r as soon as the same day we recelve your ch«k In ofderforll5" to servlceyouracO'.lunt or tornllect ooy amllllntsyou ma_yowe {for noo-marketlng or sollcitatlon plJll)0$1S), we may cOillad you by telephone at any telephone number that you provided in connection withyourar:count, lndmllng wlrejgs leJephone number.i, whldi could r~ in c:harge:s to you. Metliods of contact mayindudetext messages and using pre-recorded/artificial voice messages and/or use of an auto ma lie dialing device, as applkable. We may ako cootact you by emaltocother methods il!I" provlcled ]pcurcontract. · Please send all bankruptcy correspondence to PO Box 43 290, Phoenix, AZ. 85080 (tllis language !s in compliance with 11 USC 342(c)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code) invoice Customer ID: Customer Name: Service Period: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Description Date Ticket Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff 03/08/17 832841 Job #villa 61 Disposal per ton Ticket Total Delivery 40 yd open top 03/09/17 833045 Job •lot 9 'Ticket Total 40 Yd green/yard waste 03/09/17 833046 Per ton green waste job Rbehind sheraton Disposal per ton grn/ydw Ticket Total 10 Yd rolloff recycle µ9 03/09/17 833954 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff 03/10/17 833794 Job #north villa 61 Disposal per ton Ticket Total 1 O Yd rolloff recycle 03/1 0/17 833958 Job •bt9 Disposal flat recycle .'ffcket T eta! 1 0 Yd rolloff recycle 03/13/17 834168 Job #lot 9 Disposal flat recyde Tlc~et Total Trip charge rt-~ 03/13/17 834171 Blocked Ticket Total 1 O Yd roUoff recycle 03/14/17 834169 Job .fsheraton ph3 Disposal flat recyde Ticket Total -~;-- 1 O Yd rolloff recycle 03/14/17 834443 Job •lot 9 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 40Yd rolloff 03/14/1 7 834489 Job #lot 9 Disposal per ton ~ Ticket Total 1 O Yd rolloff recycle 03/15/17 834814 1 0Yd trash job #phase 3 Disposal per ton If contaminated Ticket Total 40 Yd rcJl9ff 03/1 5/17 834815 Job #villa 61 Oi osal er too THINK GREEN~ Page 3 of4 10-52390-23004 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 03/01/17-03/31/17 04/01/2017 4608671-0274-7 Quantity Amount ~~;., 1.00 217.20 0.00 5.60 252.84 470.04 1.00 55.90 0.00 r~i'BJ 1.00 217.20 0.00 11.49 4 78.55 695,tS 1,00 217.20 1.00 143.65 ~~ 1.00 217.20 0.00 4.54 204.98 422.18 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 ~'fill,,! 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 ~l!\?;~,~e.r =·~-~-- 1.00 74.88 0.00 74.88 1.00 217.20 0,00 1.00 143.65 360.85 1.00 217.20 0,00 1.00 143.65 ~~'~' 1.00 217.20 0.00 8.48 382.87 l!!&e,~rn 1.00 217.20 0.00 .14 6.32 0.00 223.52 1.00 217.20 0.00 3.02 136.35 @ l'rl11c~d "" r,cyrkd paprr, Page4 of4 Description Date Ticket Quantity Amount I ; Ticket Total e 353.55 " ! 10 Yd rolloff recycle Ii 03/1 5/17 834969 1.00 217.20 I Job -flat 9 0.00 Disposal per ton 10.24 462.33 If contaminated 0.00 I Ticket Tohll ~;S~, ~.,-;,., I Delivery 1 O yd open top 03/1 6/17 835128 1,00 55.90 i Job #garden center 0.00 ! Ticket Total {~$t9Q.'.,<· 10 Yd rolloff recycle 03/17/17 835485 1.00 217.20 i Job •lot 9 0.00 Disposal per ton 5,72 258.25 If contaminated 0.00 I fTh:ket Total rz.ar,L,. 40 Yd rolklff 03/17/17 835486 1.00 217.20 ! Job #kit 9 0.00 I Disposol per ton 3.16 142.67 Ticket Total m?~;lJ?, i Relocate 03/17/17 835487 1.00 62.30 I Rel 40ydjob fsheraton 0.00 ' [lcket T~tal 6l;ai, I 40 Yd rolloff 03/21/17 836716 1.00 217.20 Job #sheraton ph3 0.00 ' Disposal per ton 1.70 76.75 I Ticket Total 293.95 ! 1 10 Yd rolloff recycle 03/2 2/17 836883 1.00 217.20 i Must be early am job #garden center 0.00 i Disposal flat recycle 1.00 143,65 ' ; Ticket Total ~"~'~R:~~.lf i 40 Yd rolloff 03/24/17 838030 1.00 217,20 Job t/ot 9 0.00 Disposal per ton 4.36 196.85 Ticket Total mt~irJ 40 Yd rolklff 03/24/17 838112 1.00 217.20 I 1St am please job #villa 61 0.00 ' ' Disposal per ton 4.39 198.20 I Ticket Total 415.40 40 Yd rolklff 03/29/17 839120 1.00 217.20 ~ Job -#garden center 0.00 ij Disposal per ton 3.91 176.53 i! Ticket Total f~J~3.aa.;;.~ ~ ~ Total Current Charges 9.175.45 I ' ! ' ® WASTE MANAGEMENT J/f;/,., '7tJ17,/5 ~ 1¥13-113/. a6 k?l-1-58;;;,.£;)._ !laJ··· .g.. · Jffltffi\mll• ··--. \'f, ;o•!i! -, . !,,,111 l,,.:,,c.._, •. "• ,. _ •• ,,_JI Customer ID: Customer Name: Service Period: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Visit wm.com Due Upon Receipt To setcp yo,x onile profie. sign up fa' paperless statements, marage your acOOUlt. "1ew lclday schediles. pay yoor invdce Cf scl'm.Jle a pickup ~, r -I Page 1 of 3 10-52390-23004 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 04/01/17-04/30/17 05/01/2017 4608928-027 4-1 $13,987.18 l...:.1:1 Customer Service: (800)596-7444 W ful payroo1I of the nvdced arrount is n,t receved within yoor caitractual terms, yoo may t:e crarged a ITl01tHy late charge of 2.5% of the urpad amoort. with a mnim.irn mcrthly dwge of $5, er 9JCTl late dwge alo--.w order awk>b~ law, regulatioo o- a:,,tra::t. See Reverse for I L P _____ , __ evious Balance . + Payments Total Due L 2s.s16.17 + Description Date Ticket l-.'.4;;0";;Yd';-°r';ol;:;loff;;;,_ _ __,,,-,,!<~~---~"/7r,S""~-('--~~t,o=4=/0=31=1~7 \--·;cs4""0=53=1-t-----=c-,=+-- Job •vnla 61 -tJ///{:,-b/ o?lf8-0bS- Quantlty 1,00 Oisposal per ton TlcketTotal ~,S" ..--CJ///~-/0 ?7~•hf 40 Yd rolloff Job #v/Ua 61 Disposal per ton Ticket Total 9jS'-?>(/f6-So ,;;iq;, tf/ $tf'f-l?///?, -;;¥J ~s;;il/, 40 Yd rolloff c;t:f: J.I /,' / /6 Job #sheraton ph3 .._,,.,,./ / _, C') I I -Jb ,;;q;, 'II Disposal per ton Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff LJeeo,,_b.::.•vi,,·lccl•_.,6-'-1 __________ "-·······-· .. ., .. __ WASTE MANAGIEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT PO BOX 43530 PHOENIX, AZ 85080 (800) 596-7444 (866) 796-6951 FAX Bi2~:1ttiffl1j Due Upon Receipt 1,99 04/03/17 840854 1.00 2.65 04/05/17 841187 1.00 7.36 04/05/17 841233 1.00 0274000105239023004046089280000048117300001398718 0 Amouht 217,20 0,00 89,84 307.04 217.20 0,00 119,64 336.84 217.20 0,00 332.30 '549,50 217,20 0,00 0067S25 01 AO 0,400 .. AUTO T6 0 7121 92008-733650-C01-P87612-11 'II, II' 111 lo 1111 • I h I nl lllh' nl '111 h I, II' I' II 11h 11'1111 • 11 •" !0274010 I• 111 •II, 11111 • ,11111•'" I' 1111, 11111 I 1 • 111, 1,111' '1 I 1' •'I, 11,,,, COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 5900 PASTEUR CT STE 200 JENNY LEE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7336 THINK GREEN: PO BOX 541065 LOS ANGELES CA 90054-1065 @ l'riMeJ vn Page 2 of 3 ;~~~~~ ill!i!i!ll!llil~iP■!~!r2~ ■il!~i!11~--rr1:~;1J11if1i!!~),~!~Jlk~~~-r···· . '~j~~,1: Automatic Payment Se\ up fN.IJITlrH) p,lyfO('PIS with t.e> ,)[ wm.,:om/rr,y&:i:oufl!. Pay Through Your Financial Institution Ma!.,e a payment from J'Our firuJrn:1?.! 111s.ti1ut1on using ya,ir CtJStO'Tlf:.'r !D. Send ll to th~ P,O. Box on 1hr r1;m11 t,,rKe Mob, One-Time Payment At your d+>~k or oo th,:, go, u"'!' wm.com or ,11.!r WM mobile epp for a quick und CilW puyrnrnt. Pay by Phone Pay.ible 24/7 byu1!11ttg 866-964•2729. Mail it Wri;,_, ,t, ~tvff ,1. ~lamp il, ma•I 1L [nvE?lope provided. V15itwm.com .,_,_, ......... __ ... ____ ..,._, .... _.,., ___ ........ -..• G • StJl('S: :h.:-d,tte p;>yml)tll 1$ dul) !O WMt•'t M.mag<!m~•nt. Anythmg b(•yvnd tlct d.\tE 111,'JY incur adr!rliooal charge$. Your Total Due i~ thr lotJJ JffiOUl)l of CUfflml cli.J(\jf:.'S ,;Ind ,Jfly prf'vious unp01d bnbnccs ,;ombmed. Pri,vwt1s balance 1s !.he total duefiom your p;evrou~ irM>K~. We subtr;x:t any Payments Recelv~/Adjustrmmts and add yotH Current Charges from thrs biltng r:ydc \o <r,'\ a Total Due on this invo,,;:c If you have ncl paid s:1!1 or a pOlticn of yoor prev,ous t\'llan(e. plca~r p,ily th'? ent,a• Total Due to iJvold il 1;:.te chJrge or 5ervKe interrvpticf' Servicll tcc111011 clt>ta1b ttw total rurmnl cher~s of I.his invoiu>. If your M!fVIU' l'> ~U!oJ>F.rirled for n<.>n-p.iyml'.'flt. you may be <:ha,qcd a Re:sunw ctiJrge to ~_start your 5ewkf'. for earl, r{'lurood d,.xk. a charge w!ff be assessed on yow ~ invoiQ-equal tD the ma~imurn ,1rnouflt rw.rmitted by ,1pplkable state bw ■ CHECK HERE 10CHANGECON!AC1 lNl'O ■ CHECK HERE 10 SIGN UP F(,)R AUTOMA CIC PA YMENf List your new billing infonnation below. For a change of service By cnn,lling in Automatic Payment, I authorize Waste Management Lo pay my invoice nddress. please contact W<lSle Management. by ck('lrooicaUy deducting money from my bank account. I can caned nulhorization Ad<lrcss I hy notifying \V}L's!C !'vlanagcmcn1 at wm.com or hy calling the customer service Add.res~ 2 number lisred on my invoici::. Enrollment could take 1-2 billing cycles for Autornalic City Payment to rnke effect Continue 10 submit puymcnt until page one or your reflects that your payment will be auto d..::ductcd. State Zip Email Address Email l)ute Dal.: Valid Bank Account lloldcr Sig1rntun: --·--~·-~-,, .. -.. -- NOTICE: tiy sending your dwd. yw ;irt> ;J.Jlho11;-iog the Company to useinfor1natilln on yoor ched: to makl' ii onca·tim,;,, clet:tromc dt-bil to yoorillc:OUnt at the fiflillKialim,tilution indicated 011 your check lhe oo;lronk debit wiH be for the amount of you1 th«:k and m:1y O((l!r il'i S-OOll a,; tlws.tmedJy we ,erellle your thffk. !norde-r ro,. m, to w1vice y-0ur acalll11t or to collect ,1ny amoonl.5 you may-OW(:' (for 111.m-ma,h,ti119 Of solKitl!tJCm pu1pm:e;), we may coot.ad you byte~p0011e at <111y tek-pllonr;-num~ that you provided k1 oJnnection wilti ym1r account, incbOuiq wireless lelephont>mimbe,s, whkh <ould re;u!t in d1,1rge~ tt'.l yw. N\cthods of contact maylod.ide text 111U:S~79('$ a11d 1~ing pre"1e,;:orded/altifid,1I voice me.sages aitd/ocuse c,f an alJlOtllilllC dialln9 d~. as ilf,plit::iible. Wt• may i!bo <011tad. you by em.1,lor otlwr methods n.~ prnvided in <lUf (OOlroct, Please send all bankruptcy correspondence to PO Box 4 3290, Phoenix, Al 85080 (thiS !angu.:,ge1Sin compliance w1lh 11 USC342(c)(2) of lhe Bankruplcy Code) invoic~ ® WASTE MANAGliiM!&NT Description Disposal per ton Ticket Total 40 Yd rol!off Job #lot 9 Disposal per ton Ticket Total 40 Yd roUoff Job #viUa 61 Disposal per ton Ticket Total Delivery For cardboard job #villa 61 Ticket Total 40 Yd ro!loff Am please job #villa 61 Disposal per ton Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff Actual tonnage job •sheraton ph3 Disposal per ton Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff Am service please job #villa 61 Disposal per ton Tlc:ketTobtl Delivery 1 0 yd open top Sheraton by pool job #lot 9 Ticket Total 40 Yd ro!loff Am service plsjob#villa 61 Disposal per ton Ticket Total 40 Yd rol!off recycle Job #villa 61 Ticket Total Total Current Charges Customer ID: Customer Name: Service Period: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Date Ticket 04/11/17 843106 04/11 /17 843170 04/12/17 843171 04/17/17 845034 04/21/17 846864 04/24/17 847088 04/25/17 847534 04/26/17 847797 04/28/17 848874 THINK GREEN: Page 3 of3 10-52390-23004 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 04/01/17-04/30/17 05/01/2017 4608928-027 4-1 Quantity 3.06 1.00 6.86 1.00 3.89 1.00 1.00 6.14 1.00 8.07 1.00 6.21 1.00 1.00 4.95 Amount 138.15 355.35 217.20 0.00 309.72 -ltl!•J 217.20 0.00 175.63 392.83 55.90 0.00 55.90 217.20 0.00 277.22 494.42 217.20 0.00 364.36 Se:l,56 217.20 0.00 280.38 497,58 55.90 0.00 217.20 0.00 223.49 440.69 217.20 0.00 217.20 4,811.73 PrfoteJ Wt Nryrl~d r:,opn WASTE MANAGEMENT Visit wm.com To setcp yo1.rnr/ne pro1ile, sign up tc,-p,perless statements, marage: yox accoLrt, 'lieM tdday -~ pay yoor i1voice or sct-ooJ• a pdaJp bescrlptlon Customer ID: Customer Name: Service Period: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Due Upon Receipt If ful pa)'TTl8lt of the iwoced am:llxt is rct: received oot-in yoor cmtract<Jal terms, yoo may be clelged a rraittlo/ late crage of 2.5% of the crpaid amoLrt, Mh a nwimum rrootHy d-srge ri $5, or such 0te crage abwed u-der appia,ble law, reg,Jation or ccrtract. Date Ticket 40 Yd rolloff !3Jtf-&//I -,;,.s-A ' 7,6 05/03/17 849798 Job #villa 61 Disposal per ton $lf lf-OII/ S--30 Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff ~t/-ofllo-3o Job 4'sheraton ph3 Disposal per ton s~r-tJIL/6 -6/ Ticket Total 10Ydrolloffrecyde stf~-Jtj8.,/{)-b / Job #lot 9 Disposal flat rec,Ycle Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff Job •lot 9 \NASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT PO BOX43530 PHOENIX, Af 85080 (800) 596-7444 (866) 796-6951 FAX 7d</. 70 :zo&J-"7,g 05/03/17 849840 t:113-R'J J,1./-->!J. t,v 05/04/17 850401 05/09/17 851795 Page 1 o/4 10-52390-23004 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT MAY 2017 06/01/2017 4609165-027 4-9 $6,788.53 Quantity Amount 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.63 73.59 290.79 1.00 217.20 0.00 9.48 428.02 !;~45;:t2·.,, 1.00 217.20 0.00 1.00 143.65 '360.~5 1.00 217.20 0.00 02740001052390230040460916500000678853000 □0678853 4 0059614 01 AB 0.400 -.•AUTO TO 07152 9200B-733650-C01-P59673-f1 I• 1111• 1111• I 11111M1 11111 I •11•11111111 I, l•JI 11 11 11 1111 I 11 1 I, I I' GRAND PACIFIC RESORT 6900 PASTEUR CT STE 200 JENNY LEE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7336 10274015 THINK GREEN? I• 1 I I 111111 I II 1111 h I'" 'I' 1111 • 11IhI1111111111" 1, I 11'' 1•11111 I COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT PO BOX541066 LOS ANGELES CA 90054-1065 J'rint•d' 11n ~cydl-d p11pe1. Automatic Payment Set up recurring payments with us at wm.com/myaccount. Pay Through Your Fln-1ndal Institution Make a payment from your financial institution using your customer 1D. Send it to the P.O. 00)( on the remittance stub. One-Time Payment At your desk or on the go, use wm.com or our WM mobile app for a quick and easy payment. Pay by Phona Payable 24n by callfig 866-964-2729. M.Ullt Write it, stuff it, stamp it, mail It. Envelope provided, Visitwm.com .. ......,... _ _,.,,.._ _.... __ _....... ----August 19 $124.73 lf-1U:rtUi.tdofw Oll/19:S no,.~o 0 Page 2 of 4' St-ates the date pciyment is due to waste Management. Anything beyond that date may inc\Jf additional charges. Your Total Due ls the total amourit of current charges and any previous unpaid balances combined. Previous balance is the total due from your previous invoice. We Sl.Jbtract any Payments Received/AclJustments and add your Current Charges from this bllllng cycle to get a Total Due on this invoice. If yoo have not paid all Of a port loo of your previous balance, plea,e p,1ythe entire Total Dua to avoid a late charge or service interruption.. Service locatioo details the total current charges of this invoice. If your 5er,ke is:mspended for nOJ1-payment, you may be charged a Resume chargetn restartyollr51'1Vlce. For each returned check a cha~wlll beauessed on your next Invoice-eq.ialto the mal<lllu111 amOl.lllt permitted by appllcilble5tate law. ■ - CIIECKHERE TO CHANGE GONTACTJNFO ■ ~ . CHECKl!ERE TO SIGN UP FOR AUTOMATIC PAYMENT - List your new billing infonnation below. For a change of service By enro11ing in Automatic Payment, I authorize Waste Management to pay my invoice address, please contact Waste Management Address I Address 2 by electronically deducting money from my bank account. I can cancel authorization by notifying Waste Management at wm.com or by calllllg the customer service number listed on my invoice. Enrollment coul<l. talce 1-2 billing cycles for Automatic Payment to take effect Continue to submit payment until page one of your invoice City reflects that your payment wiU be auto deducted. State Zip Email Address Email Date Date Valid Bank Account Holder Signature NOTICE: By sending your check. yoo are a1.1thori2lng the Company to use Information 011your c;hecktQ make a ooe-time electrordc;deblt tQ your;iccoulll at the &andal Institution indicated on your check. The election le debit:wm be for the amotmt of your check and 111i1Y ocCJf as soon u theSc1meday we receive your check In order for lli to ser>Aceyour account or to colll!d: :any amounts you may owe (for non~marketing Of solicltiltlon purposes), wv. mil)' contact you by telephone at any telepOOne number that ycu pmvkle:l In connection withyooraccoont, lncludlng wirels5 telephone number.;, which could re~t in chaigei. to you. Metnodsof cart.act may ind.Jdetextme.ffllges and using pl"e-recorded/artifidal\/Olce messages and/or use of an automatlc dialing device, as appfic:able. We mayako contact you by email or other methods as provided kr our coritract. Please send all bankruptcy correspondence to PO Box 43290, Phoenix, AZ 85080 (this language is in compliance with 11 USC342(c)(2} of the Bankruptcy Code) Customer ID: Customer Name: Service Period: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Description Date Ticket Disposal per ton Ticket Total Delivery 1 0 yd open top 05/10/17 852174 1 OYd or 17yd job -tt-lot 9 Ticket Total Delivery 10 yd open top 05/10/17 852177 1 OYd or 17yd job •lot 9 Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff 05/11/17 852441 Job #villa 61 Dlspo.sil! per ton Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff recycle 05/11/17 852442 Job #villa 61 Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff 05/1 2/17 853364 Job #lot 9 Disposal per ton Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff 05/16/17 854139 Job #villa 61 Disposal per ton Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff 05/17/17 854510 Job #sheraton ph3 Disposal per ton Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff 05/19/17 855536 Job I lot 9 Disposal per ton Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff' recycle ;ff~t 05/19/17 855681 Cardboard recycle job #villa 61 Ticket Total 40 Ydrol!off 05/23/17 855682 Job •~Ila 61 Disposal per ton Ticket Total Trip charge 05/23/17 855683 Empty bin Ticket Tot"I ~ Delivery 10 yd open top 05/23/17 856633 '" For concrete job #lot 9 Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff recycle 05/24/17 857006 Disposal per ton Ticket Tobi 40 Yd rolloff 05/24/17 857014 Job tsheraton 3 THINK GREEN~ Page 3 of4 10-52390-23004 GRAND PACIFIC RESORT MAY 2017 06/01/2017 4609165-0274-9 Quantity Amount 9.68 437,05 u,.;~~~.~5 :: 1.00 55.90 0.00 ::·:'i~-~-~p:Ji_ 1.00 55.90 0.00 (;,s.gQ 1.00 217.20 0.00 3.01 135.90 353.10 217.20 0.00 217.20 1.00 217.20 0.00 7.31 330.04 '''::·54·7.'24-.··. -.\-'- 1.00 217.20 0.00 233 105.19 322.39 1.00 217.20 0.00 5.88 265.48 g1™-~F~ 1.00 217.20 0.00 10.95 494.39 t?;'f1';59(~ 217.20 0,00 217.20 1,00 217.20 0.00 2.88 130.03 341,23 1.00 74.88 0.00 74.68 1.00 55.90 0,00 ,-ss:90 1.00 217.20 1.38 62.30 2.79.50 1.00 217.20 0.00 @ Prilltrd on reqded pciper. Description Disposal per ton· Ticket Total 1 0 Yd rolJoff recycle Job #lot 9 Disposal flat recycle Ticket Total 40 Yd rolloff Job tsheraton ph3 Disposal per ton Ticket Total Total Curreht Charges Date 05/30/17 05/31/17 Ticket Quantity 3.97 857966 1.00 1.00 858516 1.00 3.15 Page 4 of4 Amount 179.24 ll!.!f§;'j~:,, 217.20 0,00 143.65 !f51J;J?"M;" f 217.20 0.00 142.22 f]!~~~:,,2:· 6,788.53 Ori I< I· l.n, \J'I!)\'; ( )R \, "\\ ,! \. ·, 11 ', J \ ( 0()\;j'(JII I I! J;1: 's'-i !f .·,1,.11, 1;1; l '' ',<•!I, \\', Dll·LO 1\1\'! HIii I Ol \I\ ·, , ••. I :ri 1, -.;, I'' >1 ',111',·( "·':Ill·, '''._'I July 7, 2017 Grand Pacific Resorts · 5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 200 Carlsbad, California 92008 ' Attention: Mr. Houston Arnold (;eotechnical Engineering Construction Inspection l\i[atcrials Tcstini:?; En viron1nental MTGL Project No.: 1916N09 MTGL Log No. 17-545 Subject: FINAL VERIFIED REPORT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND MATERIALS TESTING-CITY OF CARLSBAD PERMIT NUMBER CB161617 Mar Brisa Resorts -Villa 61 1578 MarBrisa Circle Carlsbad, California 1 ; ";> ~; ·. . Dear Mr. Arnold: 1 . :,, \ 1, , , 1 ,., r ·.,. 1 .... , , li11.i ri,,-·' i,1· '·' t,!. ( ' • , I , ( ,. \ l '.; I ' ( H , l \'I\ J \ "\i 1 !· 111'1 I<.! /)1~.1• \ II Ii >"Hi -.; I'\ I Jlt l ,!) Pl:,I' 1 I' 11 '11, : To the best of my knowledge, work identified below performed by MTGL, Inc. for the subject project from July 7, 20 I 6 through October 4, 2016, requiring special inspection and materials testing were essentially in conformance with the approved plans, specifications, and applicable workmanship provisions of the 2016 California Building . Code as adopted by the City of Carlsbad. The following special inspection and testing services were provided during construction of the subject project. • Reinforcing steel placement inspection • Concrete placement inspection • High strength grout inspection • Concrete and high strength grout compression testing • Anchor bolts (Simpson Titen HD) inspection • Shop welding inspection • Field welding inspection • Field Ultrasonic Testing Our verification applies to conditions, in the subject areas, observed and/or tested by us as of the dates indicated in this report. Our firm is not responsible for work not observed by us or for any changes that may occur outside of our purview, or after our inspections. Our work is considered to be in accordance with the usual standards of the profession and local practice. Respectfully submitted, : MTGL,Inc. . ~ -< I J Sam E. Valdez, RCE 56226 Vice President I Chief Engineer