HomeMy WebLinkAbout1579 Maritime Dr; ; CBR2017-1923; PermitPrint Date: 08/31/2017 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: 1579 Maritime Dr BLDG-Residential 2150714200 $0.00 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Residential Permit www.carlsbadca.gov Work Class: P/M/E Lot#: Reference#: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check #: Plan Check#: Description: MANCINI: REPALCE 40 GAL WATER HEATER Owner: Status: Applied: Issued: Finaled: Inspector: Contractor: Permit No: CBR2017-1923 Closed -Finaled 08/22/2017 08/22/2017 TRUST MANCINI FAMll Y TRUST 1579 Maritime Dr CALlFORNlA DELTA MECHANICAL INC CARISBAD, CA 92011 PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees: $98.00 Total Payments To Date: $98.00 6056 E Baseline Rd, 155 Mesa, AZ 85206-4803 480-898-0007 Balance Due: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project, NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. $98.00 $0.00 AUG/18/2017/FRI 11:40 AM FAX No. P. 002 THe FOLLOWING ApPR0VAL$ i;;.EQuu;:r:D PRIOR TO PERMIT ~SUANCE: 0PLANN{NQ D "NGIN•ORING 0 BUILDING □Fir«' □~<A,rn 0 HAZMATIAPCO Ccityof Building Permit Application Plan Check No. '.l&rtLOI 1-l'f 2~ 1635 Faraday Ave., Cal1sbad. CA 92008 Est. Value --~ 1.-, 1.. '¼. Carlsbad Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Plan Ck. Deposit. ' email; bui1ding@oar1sbadca.gov www.ct!!rlsbadca.gov Date XI ::J '.'l / J -, 18-19-17 JOBADDR:ESS 1579 Maritime Dr su1ra,;sPA:OEf/lJNJT,t I'" • . -- CT/P~JEGT# ,-" rPI-IA:'if# v""·· ... , 111-,,Ry,, .. ,.., I TE~T RUSIN~ ~I:; 'UQN5TR. n'Pt. l OC,.;, '"n"~' l)ESQRl~IQJ\I QF .---vRM.; fl'lcibdf! SQLJS,'l!I Flfoli!t of ~,;,:h!cl' Aroa(j;) replace 40 gal gas water heater like for like EXISTING US!;; I PROPOSSD USE I GARM,i;'. (S"1 PATIOS (SF) I D£CKS (SF) FIREPLACE I AIR CONDITIONING i I FIRE SPRINKLERS vesO, No□ vesONoO ve,;QNo[] APi'LICAl'ff NAM15 AJ Diaz PR:OPERTY OWNER NAME Carol Mancini p..,:.,11.~C .. ADOl=IESS ADrlRESS 6056 E Baseline Rd, Ste 155 1579 Maritime Dr CITY STAIE ZlP cnY STAT< ,,, Mesa AZ. 85206 Carlsbad CA 92011 PHQNE: I""' PHONE I FAX 866-692-5273 866-692-527 5 858-204-8589 EMAIL EMAIL capermits@deltamechanical.com pe$18111 P~~IONA.L CONl:RACTQR 111J$. NAME California Delta Mechanical ADDRESS ADDRESS 6056 E Baseline Rd, Ste 155 CITY STATE zie CrTY STATE ZlP Mesa AZ. 85206 PHONE I'"" PHONE ,F~ 480-898-0007 480-89&-000 5 EMNL EMAIL !STATE:UC. IF :!iTATE UC-# ,=C36 r~'"' u~1214281 811114 (Se9, 7031..5 B~1nlillS:; and PruN$$1'.ln$ Oochl;Any Citror CountYwhlch racrlllie!i a permit to cone.ti'uot.1:tlWr', improve, demolish or repair any_atruct.ure, prtoft,:i IU ISSU81"1Cll!ij ~lso requlr&& tne ap~re.an.tfOf $VCl'I S,8frr'l~i.Of11e a sign~ $l8ti,:r'n(lr'lt tl\:rt he ii; licem;1;1d purauantta ttle P.TOVlelol"l.!I afttie Con~t-or's U<:e~ L<JW fChapter"'9, commendlngwl~tl Section 7 00 of OM&ion 3 ofttte 811slr1$$~ anQ Prof~lons Gade} art,nst he Js e)(em_fl,t th(lcrqfn;,m, ~nd thei ba.sis for the alleged exemption. My v1o1at11:in or ~on 7031.5 by eny app1tcsn!1't:Jr e Permit !ILJb)E!~ ttu;i ;;apptic,mt ro a Qillll penalty of net mere ttisn flVEI hundred. dollars {~SOD}). -------~-----------. 'WORKERS COMP'El\rSATION . -------------------------- WerkeNI' Cempernsatfon Declaratlon: I hereby aflimlunderper,sl/Jtofpetjury one oftM IG~ ~~riffl/Jns: 0 I haw and .. 11 ma~in a i::4rtifle~~ of ~¢1'1$Mtt<i $Vlf-in~ure kirwcOOllb' compenBation aa pnl'lkl'ed bY $e,;:~on 3700 oftt'\8 L'llbor Cixfa, far tl,9 perfom1111c9 of\he w;i:r1c 1'0f whlc.h 1111s 1)!1(1"11it is i&..'iued. (Z] I heve and wll maintain work.ir1' compenution, SE 19C!Ured bv Section 3700 Of tile l.800( CO®, f()r thei partormanooof loo woril:forw!ich \hill permit b ISS\IIW, MYWOrkera' wmpeni;;BOOn iiaurance carrier and l)'.lUCi' numb8r ii~: lllSU@ni:::.i cc. QSC. 1nsuranc111 Corp PQl[cy ~-0WC3000S39 e;plrallOfl i;:,are 10-1,11 ~~c~on need not be C001)I$d ti IM! permit Is fa one h~ndred i;l('.M(II"$ ($100] otl8$1i, LJ Cirtifii;ffl ofExem1;1tlon; I C$rtffy that in ltW Pffl'rmancs af Iha work forwhlch th!£ permit I!! ta~d, t st\811 notE!Ol)IOY any pgrwn 11 any mannar oo 1111 to beOOm!;! lll.lble.Ol IQ \he Wofi(e~• ComP6n&stion Laws o! C;allfOml.i, WAlffllN(il! J-:,,111.J.re to !ltcure \¥ork,er"s' C(l•nsatioo covvraiJ& iii unlawful, and ,hall aubje,i:t an e111playe.r ta crtrni~illl l)O!laJti9,i; and civil line& up to one hundred lhall!l~d dOl1il.1'$ (&100,000h in addl!loo to the cast of campen&111an, d11 provided for [l'I Se 06 of 1h11 Labor rode,. int.em and attvmey'e /'i!es. _,g CONTRAC10R5[GNAT~ / hereby affirm /hat I am exempt lrom Contrad.or's Lic61™3 Law rat the folkN;lng reeoon: 0 I, as owner of the fIOperly a my ernployeea with wages 111 !hetr wl2 OJIJlle1"6atJon, wn 00 th8 \lll'l'Jr~ and lh9 s\ruciure is notln!&nded or offered lor !13111-{::iec, 7044, &lsrr18ss iind Proflls9ions Code: The Controotor"S- Lioon~e ur,t.'(!O(;S; r1otap0Iy to an owner Of Dl"Ol,"ler-\Y Who biJids or improve,s therson, ind 'l'lho doll!! BUch worl( hlmsell'or01rough his l'lwl'I smpkl}'B85, proovided the.tsudi mprovemen~ a""e-not In~ oroffeNd for s,1le. If, however, lhB buik:lil"\J orimprowmBnt iii wld wittin one year ofcom~tloo., trie OW!\E'r-00-l!dsr~ll-h.MI IIIE burtlen of plO'ling that he did no«: tx,Jli:, o~lmprovv fOr th8 pllrl)Cl51iJ of sale), D D I. !Ill owner of the property, am 8KCl1JiiY81)' rontracting with llcanBEld c:onlractor$ to oonstruct thQ projW. (500. 7044, Busine51; and Prnfasakma Code! "The COl'ltractor'.s l..i:iame law does 110! 11p!)ly man owner or PtWert'i Who biJl'ds orlrnprove~ l.rf;!reon, ati<I oontn1Wi f'Or svch Projects with conlraclol"{s) li.:aneed pureuant to r:hl! Conr.raCIDl's I.AAl'$8 Law), 1 am e;,cQ,fTipt oodrirs«:tloo ____ ,0uS!n9$:; <1nd Profli.ssions Codllil forthCB rasaoo: 1. I per~:m$11y plan tti provide \hi! major le.t,;lr IIJlQ malerlals IOrCOl'\$!:ruction ell' th; propaM!d proparty inprovamenr. 0Ye~ Do 2-l (ti ave I h,a,.re not) sl1r1ed an appl~tlon ror a t:i\11101~g J)Qrtflitfotth8 proposed work. 3. 1 h~e OOJ11J"8<.:led with the follQwlng peroon {'!:mi) to provi(k} th1:1 Pf'OP06llli conslrudion ~mi!l:!s n!llll! address I phone I 001\lfaotor.s' Ucer1ae: n~mber): 4. 1 piw, I!) provl(le pof111;Jn~ Of the work, ootl tl8'.'J4" tlirild tNl:folk,•Ning person kl coardinabl, .l!llpervlss and prowlde I.be maJor wor,-; (inciuckl r.ama I adffii, I phane I OOllfsDl,IJra' llce1131! nu:rnt"JQO: 6-1 w1I prowk.1e ~orne of the worlc, but r Mve too\tacte<I (hit&<:!) tl18 lblowi~ peracns ta provide thawark lnd~d Qnoll.Kle nMn$ I addf'QSs I phone ftypaof,wl)(): .J!! PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE □AGENT DATE: AUG/18/2017/FRI 11:41 AM FAX No, P. 003 Is th11 "'1Pli~antorfulw.1 blJildi~ o~CIJ~nt required lo 1111bmit e bLtBlnl!BII plan, ®utllly hazer<1ous Jl'J~(II$ re!ji;lratf0n bnn or n~k mo111:gement and prevenoon l'.ll'\Xlf'Ml under Sections 25505, 2S53$ oris534 Of the PreB1ay-Tanrier Hszatbus Substam::e AccountAcl.1 0 "(~ □ No Ii; the aPJ)llear'!! OI' Mure bu•(jrl!l' °'cu~MI required lo oblain a permit Imm tha alrpollutlon 1-ontror dlstiet,:,,; a1r(]u;;ilit, manii!J8rnent cisbict? 0 Yes O No I\: the fid~(y tn be oone~d w!~ 1,000 ~1 Qf~ Ql.rter boond~ry ol a i;chool i;t&? □ Yell Cl NQ If MN OF TIE ANSWERS ARI:: YES, A FINAL CERTIACATE Of OCCUPANCY IIAY NOT Bf 13SlJEO UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MeT OR. lS MEf..llNG THE REQUJREMOOS OF THI; Qi;ff:;~ OF EMER,!lENCY 81:R,VICfS JI.NO iHE AIR. POLLLmQ,-1 CONTROL DISTRICT. I m1lfy that I haw read 1h11 ~~mtionand steal thsttha abcMi lrli:,tt'natloo !$ oorract i!ll'ldtt'latttra inmnation ontheplara i&B~lf,. / ageeto roll'll'.l!Ywith ail Cit, oolilallC&B ;md Stete l8ws Jelllllngt> b.i~dingOOl5tndrnt I hereby dO{l2l! ~ oflll:l Oty of Carlsbad l!)enl8ri.µ:in th8ab0ve man1jonsd propert:fklrinsr;:ecoon p.if?)Ses, I ALSO AGRE!: TO SAVE, IMJEMNlfY AND l<EEP HARMLESS THE CITY a= CARLSBAD AGAINST AlLLIABILmES,JUOOMENTS. COSTS AND EXPENSES WHIC/i MAY IN ANY WAY ACC~EAGAINSJ' SO.ID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE CfTH~ GRANT'NG OfClHIS PERMIT. OSHA: hi OSHA permit is raqu~ forexca'il800ns over 5'0' deep rfld dsroo!kkri or coristJl.x;lµl of ~tru::tuiffE ovi;.-31:1~ il heij'll. EXPIRATION: ~ry ~rm~iasued by the &itdiig Oflcial uOOllrlhe proWb'ls offhlr; CodeEhall axpnl b'f .nitation 81\dbeoome nul and I/Old ftlle 001:lfng orw:irk~riu:d by sl!dt pemilG notctirrmerced W1.1hin 160days tom tie daeofsldl permit or if btJdl'lg orw::tk ait1c11izsd by .sl.d') peJ171li suspeflded oraba.ncloned atanytml aftBl'the ~ is cxmmenoed ~a ~rod of 180~ (Se:::oon 106.4A lnbm Bulldhg O::ld8). ,..@! APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DA.Tl= ~--f ~-\ Permit Type: Work Class: Status: Scheduled Date BLDG-Residential P/M/E Closed -Finaled Actual Start Date Inspection Type Application Date: 08/22/2017 Owner: TRUST MANCINI FAMILY TRUST Issue Date: 08/22/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#93-09A OCEAN BLUFF Expiration Date: 02/27/2018 Address: 1579 Maritime Dr Carlsbad, CA 92011-4033 IVR Number: 5840 Inspection No, Inspection Status Primary Inspector Re inspection Complete --------------------------------------- 08/31/2017 08/31/2017 August 31, 2017 BLDG-25 Water HeaterNents 033357-2017 BLDG-Final Inspection Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency 033358•2017 Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency BLOG-Plumbing Final BLOG-Mechanical Final BLDG-Structural Final BLOG-Electrical Final Passed COMMENTS Passed COMMENTS Chris Renfro Chris Renfro Passed Yes Passed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Complete Complete Page 1 of 1