HomeMy WebLinkAbout1581 MARBRISA CIR; ; CO150057; Certificate of Occupancy07-16-2015 Permit Type: Bldg Address: Parcel No: CityofCarlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Certificate of Occupancy Cert of Ojcc#:COI50057 COFO Related Bldg Permit*: CB142413 1581 MARBRISA GR CBAD 2111311300 Occupant Name: GRAND PACIFIC VILLA 66 Contact Name: DIANE PROULX Building Owner: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD L P 5900 PASTEUR CT #200 CARLSBADCA 92008 Description of Use: TIMESHARE Issue Date: 07/16/2015 Plione#: Phone#: 760-827-4121 Phone#: I certify that this building or portion complies with the Caiifornia Building Code for the group and division of occupancy and the use forwhich the proposed occupancy is classified. The above information is true and correct, and I make this statement under penalty of perjury. Signature of Building Official Date FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Date Routed Use Zone Inspected B; inspected By Inspected By Occupancy Group: R-2 Date (f'3o-l-^ Date Date Construction Type: 5B Approved Approved Approved Disapproved, Disapproved Disapproved. Comments: lO'MPLETE^THIS SCCTION F* .RESIOENTIAl. BUIIDIM6 P 1 R Ml T S ONIY Is the afipllcant or fuhire biikf ng oocupant requliBd b sutmdt a business plan, acutely hazanjous maledds fegistraUon form or lisk irtanagement and preventian program under SecUons 2S505,25S33 or 25534 o( the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Sulstafioe Account Act? Yes No Is tha applicant or futtn txlUng occupant required to otitain a pennit from the air potkiUon contral dsntct or air quaSty management district? Yes No Is Ihe faciity to be constructed wihin 1.000feet of the outer boundary Ola school site? Yes No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSJEO UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERQENCY SERVICES ANO THE AIR POUUTION CONTRa DISTRICT, COMSTRUCTION LCNDIMG A6ENCV I hereby affinn that there is a construction lending agency for the perfonnance of he worit this pmnil is i^ued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lender's Name Lenrtei's Address APPLICANT CESTmCATlOW I oerti^ that I have lead ths applliation and laalB that the alwva Inlbiiratk^ Iheretjy authorize refXBsentative of the Oty of Carisbad toenter upon Ihe abown^ AGAWSr Aa UABIUTIES, JUIXSMBfTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCI« AGAINST SAD CITY IN CCJISEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PEf?MIT. OSHA An OSHA pennit is lequired fcy excavations over 5Xf deep and denwi^ EXPIRATION: Every pennit issued by the Buldng Official under thepiovisionsofMs Code shat expira tty knltattn and beoome nul and void if ttie buttg or vtoilt authorized bf aich pemiit is not commenced y#iin 1 ao days liom Ihe da^ of such peimil or if the buiding or wotk atdhorized by such pei^^ viS'APPUCAMT'S SIGNATURE DATE Id STOP: THiS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the following ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy wili be requested at final inspection. Fax (760) 602-6560, Email buildinc|g>garlsfaadca.QOV or MaH the compleled fom to City of Carlsbad, Building Division 163S Faraday Avenue, Caiisbad, Califomia 92008. C0#: (Offloe Ma OnM CONTACTNAME Diane Proulx 6cfeu<»AHtNAMi Grand Pacific / MarBrisa Resort ADDRESS 5900 Pasteur Court Ste. 200 BUILDING ADDRESS 1581 MarBrisa Circle CITY STATE ZIP Carlsbad CA 9200s cmr STATE ap Cadsbad CA 92008 PHONE 760-827-4121 FAX EMAIL d p ro u 1 x@g preso rts, com OCCUPANT'S BUS. uc. No. DEUVERY OPTKN^ PICK UP: CONTACT {Listed above) OtXUPMIT (Usted above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) MAILTO: CONTACT (Listed abow) OCCUPANT (Usted above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) MAIL/FAX TO OTHER: ASSOCIATED CB# ^ ' ^ ^^^^ NO CHANGE IN USE/NO CONSTRUCTION CHANGE OF USE / NO CONSTRWHON 'y\V^ ASSOCIATED CB# ^ ' ^ ^^^^ NO CHANGE IN USE/NO CONSTRUCTION CHANGE OF USE / NO CONSTRWHON 'y\V^ >«f APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE Vt* t> 7/15/15