HomeMy WebLinkAbout1581 Oak Ave; ; 69-563; Permit• f '"CITY OF CARLSP '0 BUILDING DEPARl ..:I 729-1 181 -Ext. 36 For A licant to Fill In Owner'sName l<l<ijARD VAu Du2E& Mail Address f 5 b\ {)AK. A.'{ E: • Contractor A-H· c;. HQ-1AE. / ll(~f., Ca Con tr. Address 42 4 7 f&f.K. {3,L VU ~~ iE"66 CA'-f· To Const. D To Add O To Alter D f Convert 10""'" To Move From------------------ Type of Const. -~£~RL:>UA"'1UJML.L-l!;" _________ _ Frame, Masonry, etc. To Be Used For _p.__.Al1.Lk\\ll.µ.\ ,,,,L'--"'(1---'J,e__.M_,_.__,,'-----:---,---- Kind of Foundation CO..l ( • No. of Stories, _ __. ___ _ Floor Spa co ( Sq. Ft. I __ 3__,'-'-J-'b_Cf_l --------- Garage Floor Space (Sq. Ft.) Attached _______ _ Detached-------- ~ ...... _ ~-. 2. 3> Legal Description 4~_;::..e!H..1<..1._.-J~1oe=:c....:___;;:::...;:;;;._ _____ _ Lot Block Subdivision _,2~II~,S0p1.S A()Q' P or Section Township Range No. of Existing Building _ _.Q._..c....b)...=._..E,.__ _______ _ Will this construction include any plumbing installation or alter- ation? Yes D No S--A~(;. ~c.\(£" I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION ANO STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT ANO AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY ANO STATE LAWS REGULATING BUILDING. CONST~UCTION LENDER INFORMATION (OVER) Applicaf ,l .. 1r BUILDING Permit Suilding Permit Fee / /J'~ St. Near ------------------- Set Back Front P.L. Side P.L. Rear P.L. Contractor City Bus. Lie. No. S7:~sfem ~;& Inspection Record Utility Company Notified -Date ------By. ____ _ Final If a check is iendered for pdyment for the above fee and the check is not honored when presented for payme~t. your building permit will be immediately revoked. City of Carlsbad Building Dept. Permit void if work is not commenced within 60 days of issuance. . PERMIT NO. ill-h3 =-TOTAL FEE $ 5~!!., CITY OF CARLSBAD Application ~~~CTRICAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT Permit 729-1181 -Ext. 36 For Applicant to Fill In Bui I~~ LB~ 12* *** * **).00 PERMIT FEES: Each Fee ti1k Item R ecpt. Sw. BUILDING ADDRESS: /5f! (Q/J j_J ~ . Lighting fixtures w ballast for each 10 $ 1.00 St. Near ' Elec. Ranges, Clothes Dryers, Water Heaters .50 l<cci~tL l)~--1,~.~ ~ OWNER: :lee. Space Heaters Dishwashers, Garbage ADDRESS: /}_I ~ _/ (/ • Disposers, Auto. Washers, Sta. Cooking Units .50 IOTORS: Per each motor H.P. (~ 0 to 1 $ .25 CITY· 1 to 2 $ .50 2 to 5 $ 1.00 TELEPHONE NO. 5 to 15 $ 1.50 State City Business 15 to 50 $ 2.50 License License 50 to 200 $ 5.00 "R-! k~ SIGNS: Group Zone By No. trans. Ea. $ 1.00 (l No. lamps over 50 ea. $ .50 Inspection Record: SERVICE: 0 to 150 AMPS $ 10.00 ~/LLClrl/f/ .. If For each additional 100 Amps. $ 2.00 Temp. Power Pole, 100 AMPS or LESS $ 3.00 ~~'4H~,11_~//ft.1u#L For Each add' I Meter, over one per service $ 3.00 (/ / ~ISC: I ! A . ,-,fJt) ' fl II d ft_./ /,t}(hlJA A CJ-- ) (J ),~) /~d.._,2 / Approvals Date By. SUPPLEMENTARY PERMIT FEE: S 2.00 Conduit $~ Temp. Power TOTAL: R. Wirina Fixtures S.D. G. & E. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY FINAL: WITH ALL CITY AND STATE LAWS REGULATING ELECTRICAL WIRING. I CERTIFY THAT I AM PROPERLY LIC£NSED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA OR THAT 0 AM THE CEG~W,ER OF THE Ad DESCRoaED RES>- DENTIAL PROPER . t &, ,,u2-;<.4 SIGNATURE d ,(,I,(~ A ~·.a~ .... ~ (}O.A ~ ... ,, ~ PERMITTEE: , -• "ff -n A /' 1 - {/ I ' INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET BUILDING DEPARTMEN'l' ·owner Is Name m !' ~ Kcid OILrl., "llu:aw Permit No·------------ Address /5?/ @tLL ~/lu....L . · Lot No. Contractor~·~~~ Lega 1 D_e_s_c_r_1_· p_t_i_o_n __________ _ Address --f ;i ¥7 2M-L. ~£__ Certificate of Occupancy _____ _ PLANNING DEPARTMENT Parking Spaces Provided ~ Required ,, y" Setbacks Zone .. REMARKS: ,,,. Date ~t!--t,11 Date Approval to Issue Permit '1 Approval for Occupancy ENGINEERI NG DEPARTMENT Sewer Connection I ---------- Driveway Locations __ ~r__:::.v~1~'S7-=-~-'------- Industrial Waste NA -----~.;....;..~------ Date ~-I Approval to Issu.e Permit __ f __ Yr __ Y_. __ App rova l for Occupa ncy _____ _ I h ave read the above information and agree to comply with the r equirements set forth. Signa ture ________ ~-----~