HomeMy WebLinkAbout1581 OAK AVE; ; CB921131; Permit- S Si 5.' 4 55 -• • .5 5 -S 5. S •S . 55 - - Si • 5. 5. -S • 1 • 55.' r fj A - B.0 I L.D1 N G- P ER MI T Permit No: CB921131. 03/12/93 15:16 . - Project. No: A9202325 Page' 1 of 1 Development No Job Address 1581 OAK AV Suite Permit-Type: RESIDENTAL ADD/ALT 1475 03/12/93 000101 02 Parcel No: 156-212-03-00 - Lot#: CPRMT 45700 Valuation: 41,118 Construction Type: VN 5 •. - '- Occupancy Group: R3 ,. Referenc#: • - Status: ISSUED Description: 462 SF ADDITION - • Applied: 10/21/92 : . S - Apr/Issüe 03/12/93 Entered By: DC Appl/Ownr:CASTILLO,, CRAIG-, 619.7293827 1581 OAK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 9200 - 'Collcted&Cred---- -- Fees /6/ 3 00 -. Adjusthents:.- \O0 >-' TOi. t-s: .00 - Total Fees 60/ 236.00 Balancv, e: 457.00 Fee description.-bVP i ;Ext fee Data Bulldir~g Permit .0 363. 00 PlaA 'Check 0 236. 00 ----- _BU ----- Enter "_Y" for- Plumb Lng. IS8 e ~O% 00 EachInstallYRepair ~CQRPO TED PLUMBING'-TOTAI 55.00' Enter 1" for Electric Is&7 10 00 '1 Enter Y for Remodel 10._00 Y * ELECTRICAL TOTAL - 20.00 . Enter 'Y' for Mechanical Iss -Feeb 'So '•• i5.00.y * MECHANICAL TOTAL - -- 0 15. 00 vd S 1_ .• .5. • .5 - - S ••• •. S S •_5 •• •S4 • - -- - S -. - -' - - - - S • Si • S • •_1_ CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009(619) 438-1161 ...- . . S - - - . S -. -: . - • 5 55 5 55 S : -- - ;S-•_St_ • 5_ - - S 5 - * S -. • • S - -5 S • S - •• .S._•' S - ,5 S • S P APPLICATION City of Carlsbad Building Department - 2075 Las Palmas Dr, CarLsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 1. PERMIT TYPE A - U Commercial U New Building U Tenant Improvement B - 0 Industrial 0 New Building 0 Tenant Improvement C - 0 Residential 0 Apartment 0 Condo Single Family Dwelling Addition/A1teration Duplex 0 Demolition 0 Relocation 0 Mobile Home 0 Electrical D Plumbing Mechanical 0 Pool 0 Spa 0 Retaining Wall 0 Solar 0 Other__________ PLAN CHECK NO. qA — // / EST.VAL PLAN cx DEPOSIT.... - B 16 VALID. BY bet DATE / a/2//9 9800 10/21/92 0001 01 02 236.00 2. PROJECT' INFORMATION 1 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Address It Building or Suite No. Nearest Cross Street H167WAND pi' LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot No. subdivision Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. flA -1 (Z2-,, CARb LAWS MM' I CHECK BELOW IF SUBMrrIEu: 02 Energy Calcs 02 Structural Calcs 02 Soils Report 0 1 Addressed Envelope ASSESSOR'S PARCEL EXISTING uSE PtiPricen flee DESCRIPTION OF WORK SQ. Ff. 44-69Z 51r Mi. # OF STORIES NAME A-1 ADDRESS f'.C'. I?Øc 4-3 CITY o STATE O JJTh q ZIP CODE , DAY TLEPHONE,( .-72rn52J1/ APPLRiANT NAME 0 CTAA1i(JR U AGENI' IUKUUNIKALAUR U OVNER ADDRESS KAUrN1 Foft UWNER CITY STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE PROPERTY OWNER NAME c4fa ft1L1 7 ADDRESS (( c1 AV CITY C,b.L,p4h STATE ZIP CODE q7_OOp DAY TELEPHONE -72-IT - 3&2 7 (DNT11k1tTt NAME rESTATE j/ ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE STATE LIC. # LICENSE CLASS CITY BUSINESS LIC. # DESiGNER NAME fZ#y ,4$442_.i ADDRESS p o)ç CITY 1Z!4lL ZIP CODEI DAY TELEPHONE '.2ATE LTC. #7. 2OSS o Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby all irm that I have a certificate of consent to sell-insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations, or'a certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance by an admitted insurer, or an exact copy or duplicate thereof certified by the Director of the insurer thereof filed with the Building Inspection Department (Section 3800, Lab. Q. INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY NO. EXPIRATION DATE Certificate of Exemption: I certily that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. SIGNATURE DATE 8. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Owner-Builder Declaration: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 1 am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason: (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]). SIGNATURE DATE Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? DYEs ONO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? DYES 0N0 Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? DYES ONO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED AFTER JULY 1, 1989 UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING ThE REQUIREMENTS OF ThE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND ThE AIR POLLUTION 00N111OL DIS11LICF. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec 3097(1) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS APPLICANT CER11FICATION I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARlSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF ThIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. Expiration. Every permit issu4by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized )iy/such permi,R not commeced within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended oya andoned afany time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 303(d) Uniform Building Code). APPLICANTS SIGNATURE . ' WIf - DATE: 10 - PINK: Fmance 4 - - - -- . • -- . - : • - -, - . -: - / $1- - •' - ' . .--• 4. . .- - : SEWEf. PE'RM -T t 05/21/93 1341 Permit No SE930031 Page _1 of 1 - / Bldg PlanCk#: CB921131 Job'.,A4ddres 1581 OAK AV Permit Type SEWER - RESIDENTIAL 2448 05/21/93 0001 01 02 Parcel'No 156-212-03-00 Q< C-P* 1610.00 T Description: 462 SF ADDITION Status: ISSUED -' Applied: 05/21/93 • - -, •• Apr/Issue: 05/21/93. .Permitee: CASTILLO, CRAIG • 61.9 729-3827 Expired; 158t- OAK AVENUE - - Prepared By: JD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 *** -Fes Required *** Fe Collected & Credits --------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Fees: 1,610. Adjustinents: .,O,O di .00 1,610.00 .,Enter Sewer EDUs d, it Are 161o.o6 -WER TOTAL NONE 4 INCORPORATED 1952 1; CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB921131 FOR 11/12/93 INSPECTOR AREA PD DESCRIPTION 462 SF ADDITION PLANCK# CB921131 0CC GRP R3 TYPE: PAD CONSTR.-TYPE VN JOBADDRESS: 1581 OAK AV - STE: LOT: APPLICANT: CASTILLO, CRAIG PHONE: 619 729-3827 CONTRACTOR: PHONE: OWNER: PHONE: REMARKS: RS/ INSPECTOR SPECIAL INSTRUCT: DID NOT INDICATE WHAT KIND OF INSPEC TOTAL TIME: --RELATED PERMITS-- PERNIT# TYPE STATUS SE93.0031 SWRSD ISSUED 0 - CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT 'COMMENTS 14 ST Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding.-. ***** INSPECTION HISTORY.****** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS 080593 "Final-Combo CO PD 061893 Sewer/Water Service AP PD 061693 Interior Lath/Drywall AP PD 061593 Interior Lath/Drywall CO PD 060893 Rough Combo AP PD 052693 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding NS PD ND PLAN REVISION 051393 Exterior Lath/Drywall AP PD 950693 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding CO PD 05.0693 Rough/Topout ' CO PD , 050693 Rough Electric ' CO PD -. 050393 Rough Electric ' -. CO PD 050,393 Rough/Topout AP PD 041693 Roof/Reroof - - ' AP PY ND REVISED PLAN APPROVED 041693 Shear Panels/HD's AP PY 041493 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding NR PY NO ONE AVAILABLE AT SITE 040293 Roof/Reroof - 0 - AP PY AT-REAR ADD. ONLY 031993 Grout 0 - . AP- PY ND-ACCESS AT FRONT SECTION 031893 Ftg/Foundat.ion/Piers CO PD INOT READY 4 031693 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PD / 0 ' - 2 .. - - *- - _. 9z - /13 / _ - iov PLAN NO:, - pi READ Plan -chck is lited to technicl eqireents contained in the Unifom Building Code, Uniform JURISDICTION 'CiTYCARLSBAD ' Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating,,energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped The plan check is based on TO: _______- '' . regulations enforced by the 'Build - ing Inspection Department..You may have other corrections based - __. °- laws and ordinances by the-Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments Present California law m.ndates that residential , . ENCLOSURES: -. construction comply with Title 24 and the following model codes .. • - • 1991 C (eff. 8/14/92) . . 0 ______-• ___* 1991 ,UPC (eff. 8/14/92) -.. . 1990 NEC (eff 7/1/91) PROJECT -ADDRESS: /S/04k_140t. 1991 UMC (eff. 8/14/92) The above regulations apply to residential construction, regardless of the code editions FLOOR AREA: _______•_.. , adopted by ordinance. The circled items listed need clarification, odification or change All items have to be HEI \ 1 satisfid before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec REMARKS:• . '303(c), 1991 Uniform Building Code, the, approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any 0 •. . - I••_) - : state, county or citylaw. 3, •0 - •• . - • - . •••••• - . - - - - - .To speed Up the* recheck process, note on this list (or a copy where each correction item has been PLAN CORRECTION ir . addressed i.e., plan.sheet. specification. etc.- Be - Iz OF CARIMAb . i sure tot eñclóse the marked up list when you submit Sfl.E FAMILY AND PLM(* DMUMMS the revised plans. i Date plans received by jurisdiction I ,- S ,. .5 - S -- - S •• -5 . * 0• , S S p . . . - ,, S 'S -. .5• ... - 5* _ -- Date initial plan check completed: - 4 . 5 - - - SL By Ajplicant contact person - Telephone 7l-82-2L NOTE PAGE NUMHERS,ARK NOT IN siziCE AS PAGES.RAVINO ND ITH16 NMI= CORRECTIONS WREE List No 2, Carlsbad Single Family Dwelling and Duplex With All Supplements (1991 UBC) - -- - . p-. S0 * •S •' . -- 0S • / •• ' • S - • - -\ ''4 - -ç - - -, •55•0 - -'- - - .. - . - "O' -• -. _0• , - -- •• * *•• S S - .• t • - -, * -' - - - - - - • - S S - -- -.. 0 ' - • - . 5 5 5 * .- :-, - '5' 5 IS -. , - . . '• I - .-' - I " PLANS , 10. Thow"o'the title sheet all- structures, pools, - walls', etc included under this tapplication i. Please make all corrections on the original Any portion of the project, shown on the site tracings 'and' submit two new sets of prints, to: , plan thatiis not included with. the-building . ; ' • permit .application filed should be clearly identified as "not included " - " 11.. -Cle.arlyshow'if the lower level is abasement o'r a'. st'ory, based 'on the definitions in 2. -Please 'make •all corrections on the original ' Sections 403-,and 420; 'Plot the finish ,,grade - * tracings and submit 'two,new sets of prints, to: - - (as defined) on the elevations and dimension •.. ' " ' the distance 'to the floor above, for story The jurisdiction's building department determination -3. Indicate on the Title Sheet' of the plans, the 12.' On the dover sheet of the plans, specify any name of the legal owner, and, name of person items ',rOquiring special' inspection, in a responsibl for the preparation of the plans. formit similar to that shown belowor sticky Section 302(a)7 ' .' back '- 4. All sheets of pins ,,mjst'be' signed by the " REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS person responsible for their prepa.ration ' In. addition" to. the regular' inspections, the (California Business and Prof ess ions, Code'). • following checked items will also require ,' '. .' S .. .',,'': . Special Inspection in accordance with Sec. 306 5. Plans,' specifications and calcuiatiohs shall be , of the Uniform Building Code. •. signed by the California. state' licensed ' . .,. . • \•' '. engineer, or architect' responsible for 'their, ' .,' ,; ITEM REQ. IF.,REMARKS preparationy for plans deviating from -. '. - •- . . .. ' c6nventiona1wood frame construction. Specify "- ' - ',. SOILS COMPLIANCE .' -. ',expiratin date.'of license.. (California .. ,PRIOR TO : , " •. Business and Professions Code) FOUNDATION INSP., 6. •Specify:on the-Titl Sheet of the plans' the • 'STRUCTURAL CONCRETE gross floor, 'area of each element of this. . ' 0V'2500 PSI project including dwelling, garage, carport, ' , ' . . ' '• .•, patio, deck and balcony Section 302(d) PRESTRESS ST.. 7.11 Provide a, statement on 'the Title Sheet of the "FIELD .WELDING - plans that ,this project shall comply with Title , "• . ' ' ' . . " " -' , 24 and 1991 UBC, UI-IC and .UPC and' 1990 'NEC. ,. •' , HIGH STRGTh BOLTS"'' ' •' 8. ' Submit fully dimensioned plot plan "drawn to, . 'EXPANSION ANCHORS scale showing location, 'size,, and use of all- existing and 'proposed structures - o1i the lot. SPECIAL MASONRY, ' Identify property lines 'and 'show lot dimensions -' 5 . - " - ' and all easements.' Show location of all, cut or., . -SPRAYED ON FIRE 'fill slopes. Show finish, floor 'elevations and •, , ' PROOFING - , '.. , ' •, .. ' show elevations .of- adja'cent' finish 'grade. . ' • '• '' ', ' . ' ShOw drainage patterns with, minimum- slopes. ' ,' - PILES/CAISSONS. ' ' - - - • ' •, * 'Section 302(d). - .,' '. ' '• ' '•t • -" . * ;.- ' ' - - - S ,, -' • DESIGN-SPECIFI . ••• ' I;. , 9.' Indicate distance from property _'lines - to -' ,• " '.. - -. • proposed construction Section 302(d) OT} ,' •.",,,,,'.. -4k '' ' ' YE PR=OW 13'Exterior wall; closer than 3 feet to property lines shall' bèoneh6urrated construction and have no openings. Tab1e5A. - 5 -, ,, ' - * - .' ,_',, ' • 'S -- - -• ",.--• 4 ":1 '-•. - • ' ' ' • • .* S ' .' ':- I' • s" - ' - " !, . , _, •5 ,*. ' ''.._ -'; , '''v' ':'- •: - 8/5I92 ' ' , • ' ' " 5. ''• ,, ' ' - ,', 2 J I - I •k * ., '1 -• ' -. -' '5' ,5_•''- ' - - - ' '-I I _5 '- ' ' S - '• , • * -S -: • • S Exterior walls closer than 3 feet to a property.line shall have 30 inch parapets when the floor. area per floor exceeds 1,000 square feet. See Section 1110 for:possible exception. Projections, inc1iding eaves, may not extend more than 12 inches into the 3 foot setback from the property line. Section 504(b). Eaves over required windows -shall be not less than 30 inches from the side and rear property lines. Section 504(a). Projections., including eaves, shall be one-hour fire-resLitive construction, heavy'timber or of noncombustible material if they project into - the 3' setback area from the, property line. Section 1711. Plastic'skylights shall not be installed within that portion of a roof located within a - distance, to property line where openings, in- exterior walls are prohibited. or required to.be protected. Section 5207 (a)7 7.. - Show locations of permanently wired smoke detectorwith battery backup: - Inside each bedroom. Centrally located in corridor or area giving access to sleeping rooms. C. On each story. d. In the basement, if part of the dwelling unit. e. When sleeping rooms are upstairs, at the upper level in close proximity to the - stair. f. In rooms adjacent to , hallways serving bedrooms, when 'such rooms have a ceiling height 24 inches or more above the ceiling height in the hallway. 1. N : Detectors shall sound an alarm audible all sleeping areas of the unit. Section fr 1210. ) When- the valuation of a room addition or repair exceeds $1,000, or when sleeping- rooms are created, smoke detectors shall be provided at existing bedrooms per item 19 above. Section 1210. (AL RIDXIIAL K?zJucrI1IS 21. Habitable rooms, other than kitchens, shall contain at least 70 square feet of floor area. At least one room shall have not less than 120 .square- feet, of floor area. Section 1207. (b). 'Sleeping rooms shall have a window or exterior - . door for emergency exit. Sill height shall not exceed 44" above the floor. The window must have an openable area of at least 5.7 square feet with the minimum openable width 20" and the minimum' openable height 24". Section 1204. 24. 'Basements in dwelling units shall comly with the 'above (even if not designated as sleeping rooms). Section 1204. 25.' 'Window area must be at least 1/10 of the floor area and a minimum 4 of 10 square (feet per Section.1,20.5 (b).. Appears to be deficient in 26. Openable window' area in habitable rooms must be 1/20 of .the fidor area and a minimum of 5 square feet. ' In bathrooms, laundry rooms and similar rooms 1/20 of area is 'required and minimum is 1.5 sq. ft. Section 1205 (c). .27. At least 1/2 of the coon wall must be open and have an opening not less than 25 sq. ft. nor one tenth of the floor area of the interior room if light and ventilation is being supplied from an adjacent room. Section 1205 (a). Required windows shall not open into 'a roofed porch unless the ceiling height is at least 7 'feet, the longer side is at least 65% open, and the porch abuts 'a street, yard or court. .Section 1205 (a). Provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing five air changes per hour in bathrooms, water closet' compartments, laundry rooms and similar rooms if required, openable windows are not provided. Section 1205 (c). Note that the discharge point'for exhaust air will be at least 3 feet from any opening into the building.. Section 1205(c). Ductless fans cannot be used' in bathrooms if a tub or shower is present. Section 1205(c). Show that ceiling height for habitable rooms is a minimum of 7'6". Section 1207 (a). Show ceiling height for laundry rooms, hallways,, corridors, and bathrooms is a minimum of 710". Section 1207 (a). Dimension on the plans '30" clear width for watercloset compartments and 24" clearance in front of water closet. Section 511 (a). 22. No habitable' room, other than a kitchen, shall be less than 11 0" in any dimension. Section 1207 (c). ' ' • ' ' • •. - • 34. çj cc ¼L-Q 1'1e4 4 Lo.' (r5ec1 Lsd,7 • • ' - - ' '' '' ' •' 5/22 /92 ' ' • • :.• , • . • 49 Provide spiral stairway details, per Section 61 Provide skylight details to show. compliance 3306 (f) with Sections 3601 and 5207 or provide I.C.B.0.' approval' number. a Minimum run is 7 1/2 inches measured at a point 12 inches from where the treads are 62 Plastic skylights must be separated from each - the narrowest. -. .' other by at least 4 feet, unless they are over the same room and their combined area does not b Maximum rise is 9 1/2 inches Maximum exceed 100 square feet (or 200 square feet if clear openink between risers is 6 inches .' V the plastic is a "CCI" material). - Section 5207 (a) 6 c Minimum headroom is .6 feet 8 inches S - 63 Shówattic ventilation. Minimum vent area is d The tread must provide a clear walking 1, 1/150 of attic area or 1/300 of attic area if area measuring at least 26 inches from the at least 50% of the required vent is at least outer edge of the supporting column to the 3 feet above eave vents or cornice vents inner edge of the handrail Show required area and area provided Section 3205 (c) 50 Spiral stair.a'.s may not be used for required exits' when the area' served is greater than 600 -. " CONCRETE AND MASONRY sq. ft Section 3306'(f).... - . 64. -Provide fireplace construction-details or note 51. Provide I.C.B.0.' Research, Report and number for construction to be per attached fireplace metal stairway; or submit plans and standard drawing Chapter 37 calculations and approved fabricator registered withthe building department or note that the 65 Show anchored veneer support and connections stairway fabrication plans shall be submitted attached to wood in Seismic Zones 3 and 4, to and approved by' the building official prior , comply with Section 3006 (d)l and Section 2515 - to installation.(a) Show, ties, #9 '.ire in horizontal joints, etc 52 Exterior stairways shall not project into the 3 foot setback from the property lines Section 66 Show height and construction details of all 3306 (ci). .. ' ' concrete and masonry walls. Chapters 24 and 26. - U 53. The walls and soffits of the enclosed usable 'space under interior stairs shall be protected 67 Show floor and roof connections to masonry and on the enclosed' side as required for one-hour concrete walls. Connection shall resist 200 fire-resistive construction. Section 3306 (1). •- pounds per lineal foot or the actual design load, whichever is greater. Cross grain 54 Within units, show that corridors have a tension or bending in wood ledgers is not minimum width of Winches. Section 3305 (b). permitted. . . Section 2310.- - ,OFD 68 Show a minimum 2" air space and flashing roof slope between planter and building walls 2516 (c) 7.. Roof . Section slope is not'Sadequate for roof type specified. g55Specify Table 32-B, D and E.' GARAAJ CARS Specify roof material and application.. ' , . . 69. Garage requires one-hour fire protection on the Chapter 32. , garage side of walls and ceiling common to the dwelling Table 5-B, Section 503 (d) 58 Specify I C B 0 or U L approval number for roof • materials not covered iii, U.B.C., e.g., 70. - All elements supporting.' floor above garage, tile, etc Section 107 including walls supporting floor joists, must have one-hour fire-resistive protection on the 59 Specify minimum 1/4 inch per foot roof slope garage side Section 503 (b) for drainage or design to support accumulated water::,Section 3207 (a) and Section 2305 (f) 71 Show a self-closing door, either 1-3/8" solid core or a listed 20-minute assembly, for 60. 'Show roof drains and overflows.' Section 3207. -' openings between garage and,, dwelling. Section 503 (d) 5/22/92 5 '5 1 Garages are not permitted to open., into 4,room . 81. Provide a letter from the soils engineer used for sleeping purposes. Section 1104. .. confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and An occupancy ,separation is not required between , that it has been determined that the carport and residence, provided the carport is ., recommendations in the soils 'report are open on two or more sides and has no enclosed properly incorporated into the •construction uses above. Section 501'(a') Exception' 3. documents (when required by the soil report)., , 74. Show garage framing section, size of header , 'Show height ,of all foundation walls. Chapter 1. over garage opening, lateral cross bracing at ' \"..d' 23. plate line, method bracing garage''front and ('\ holddowns if required. Chapter 23. , , ' J 3. Show height 'of retained earth on all foundation walls. Chapter 23. NOTE: Maximum shear panel height-to-width ratio'is 3 1/2 to l,for plywood. Table 25-I. , 86.' If cut' Or fill slopes exist, show distance , - , . , , , ' ' from foundation to edge of cut or fill slopes. 75: Doors may open into . the garage. only if the and 'show steepness and heights of cuts and floor or landing in, the garage' is not more than ' fills. one inch lower than the door threshold. , . ' Chapter 29. Section 3304(i)."' ', : ' ' ' .• ,, ' 85. Note on, plans that wood shall be .6" um minim 76. Prov,ide an' 18" ' raised platform for any FAU, ' , above finish grade. Section 2907 (a). water, heater, 'or other 'device in the garage which may generate a flame or. spark. ', UMC 86. NOte on plans that surface water will drain Section 508, ,UPC Section 1310 (a). , ' , ,away from building and show drainage pattern and key elevations'.. Section 2905 (f). - 'FOUNDATION RJJJcj!PTS - 87. Dimension foundation per U.BC. Table 29A: 77: Per soils report; note, on the'plan the soils classification, "whether or not the soil is • Floors ' ' Footing . 'expansive' and the allowable' bearing value. '. Supported* Stenwall Width Depth Thickness . Section 2905 (c). 1 ' ' 6" ' 12" " 12" 6 ' 78. The foindation plan does not comply with the . ' 2 , 8" 15" 18" 7" 'soils report recommendations for this project. " ' 3. 10" 18" 24" , 8" Please' review the 'report and', modify design, ' notes and details as required to show . 'Foundations may support a roof in addition to the compliance: __' ' , floors. ,Whera only, a ,roof is supported, use foundation for one, floor. ' S • , . , ." 88.' Show foundation'sills to be pressure treated, 79. Provide notes on the foundation plan listing ' or equal. Section 2516 (c) 3. !' the 'soils report recommendation for foundations, slab and building pad preparation. 89. Show foundation bolt size and spacing. S Section 2997 (f). '80.. The soils engineer recommended that he/she. ' .'' . ' review the foundation excavations. Note on 90. Specify size, I.C.B.0. number and manufacturer * the foundation plan that "Prior to the ' of power driven- pins and expansion anchors. 'contractor requesting a Building Department , Show .'edge, end distances and spac1ng foundation inspection, the soils engineer ' - .. Section 302 (d). shall advise the building official in writing - - • ' ,. that: ' ' .' ' ' ' . ' , ' 91. If required, show' size;'embedment and location ,t • ' , • S , , . . . of hold down 'anchors on foundation plan. The building pad was prepared in ' ' Section 302 (d). -• ' S ' accordance with the soils report, 92. 'If hold downs are required, note on plan that , The utility trenches' have been properly ' ' hold down 'anchdrs must be' tied in place prior backfilled and compacted, and ,. , , , to foundation inspection. Section 305 (e) 1. L3. ' The foundation' excavations' comply with' , 93. Show adequate 'fâotings under al1.earing walls the intent of the soils report" and shear walls Section 2907 (b) ' • '' . 5/22/92 ', • .•.. ' ' , ' ' .•' ' ' * • 6 5 55 •' ' S ' ,, ' - -a" 4 Show on the plans stepped footings for slop's . 106.. AJ 4 . Show double top plate with minimum 48" lap steeper than 1:10. Section 2907 (c) splice Section 2517 (g)-2.- Show minimum 18" clèarance from grade to Show nailing will be-in compliance with Table. bottom of floor joists and minimum 12" 25-Q clearance to bottom of girders Section 2516 (c) 2. - . Show or note fire blocks at the following locations per Section 2516 (f): 96 Show pier, size, spacing and depth into undisturbed soil Table 29-A a In concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions, including furred spaces' at 97 Show minimum underfloor access of 18".x 24". , * the ceiling and floor levels and' at 10 Section 2516 (c)2 foot intervals both vertical 'and . •. horizontal; Show mirn.mum underfloor ventilation equal to 1 .. sq ft for each 150 sq ft of underfloor b At all interonnections between concealed area. Openings shall be as close to corners as . vertical and horizontal' spaêes such as practicable and shall provide cross ventilation occur at soffits, drop ceilings and cove on at least two approximately opposite sides. ceilings; Section.2516 (c).6. ., . - '' , ' , . . / c In concealed spaces between stair FR.AiffNG stringers at the top and bottom of the 2 run and between studs along and inline 99 Show .all bracing Every exterior wood stud With the run of stairs if the walls under wall and main cross-stud partition shall be the stairs are unfinished, braced at each end at least every 25 feet of 'length- with 1 x 4' diagonal let-in braces or d. In openings around vents, pipes, ducts, equivalent. Section 2517 (g) 3, Table 25-V chimneys, fireplaces and similar openings -. which afford a passage for fire at 100 In 2-story buildings, shear panels at the ceiling and floor levels, with first story (at least 48 inched" in' width) ' ', . 'V , noncombustible-materials; and . "shall be 'located at each end or as near. thereto as .possible and .cowprise at least 25 e. At openings between attic spaces and 'percent of the linear length of the wall, or chimney chases for factory-built provide design Section 2517(g)3, Table 25-V 'V chimneys 101 Note cross bridging or blocking Floor joists 109 In duplexes, draft stops shall be provided in and rafters 12" or more in depth shall be floor-ceiling assemblies and attics in line supported laterally by bridging at intervals with walls* separating units and separating not exceeding 8 feet,, unless both edges are units from coon areas. Section 2'516(f)4. held inline Sec. 2506 (h). . . ' .' . . V , 110 Show stud size and spacing Ma.ximum allowable 102 Show blocking at ends and at supports of floor stud heights: Bearing '.all 2 x4 and 2 x 6 joists, rafters and trusses at exterior walls max 10', Non-bearing 2 x 4 max 14', 2 x 6 Section 2517 (d) 3, 2517 (h) 7 max 'V20' Table 25-R-3 103 Bearing partitions, perpendicular to joists, 111 Studs supporting two floors, a roof and shall not be offset from supporting girders, ceiling must be 3 x 4 or 2 x 6 at 16" 0..c. beams, walls or partitions, more than the depth Table 25-R-3 of the joist Section 2517 (d)'5. .112. Note on A.I.T.C. Certificate of ,Compliance for ' .. . . . . . . 's 104 Show rafter ties Rafter ties shall be spaced glued laminated wood members shall be given to not more than 4 feet on center and, be just - the building inspector prior to installation. above the ceiling joists, where rafters and Section 2505 ceiling joists are not parallel Section 2517 / (h) 5 113 Detail all post-to-beam and post-to-footing ' connections and reference the detail to the 105 Show rafter purlin braces to be not less than plan..Section 2516 (m) 45 degrees to the horizontal Section 2517 (h) 6 114 Detail shear transfer connections, including ' roof and floor' diaphragms, to, shear walls. Section 2513 5/22/92 7 4 V. - .•- -. 1. 4 - 4' 115 Specify nail size and spacing, for all shear Show location of attic access with a minimum walls,, floor and roof diaphragms. Indicate size of 2211x301I, unless the maximum vertical required blocking. Maintain maximum diaphragm , headroom height in the attic is less than 3061. dimension. ratios. [Tables 25 I, '3, -K and Access 'must be provided to each separated - " Section 4714 (d)]_ attic area, shall be located in a hallway or other readily' accessible location and 30" 116. Provide truss details and truss calculations headroom clearance is required above the for this project. Specify truss identification opening. Section 3205(a). numbers on the plans. '. " - 128. Show location of attic access with minimum 117. Show 1/2" minimum clearance between top plate ' size 22" x 30". SectIon 3205. of interior partitions and bottom chord of , trusses (To ensure loading ..ill be as 129 tetail truss layout for 30" x 30" attic designed). '. - -, acc'ess, if required for equipment in the attic, and detail '30" x 30" clearance through roof framing plan and floor framing truss webs W Provide plan. Section 302 (d).. - ' 130. Specify plywood and/or particle board 119 Provide framing sections through - thickness,' grade and panel span rating.' CO'h ' Table 25-S. : ' 131. Show plywood sheathing overexposed eaves, or other weather exposed areas, is "bonded with Section 302 (d). - exterior glue." Plywood used for exterior ' ' wall covering shill be the exterior type. 120.'Specify all-header sizes for opening over 4' Section 2516 (i), 2516(g)3. 'wide. Section 2517 (g).5. 132. When roof pitch 'is less than 3:12, design 121. Provide calculations 'for main vertical and, .ridge as beam. Section 2517 (h). horizontal framing members, and post footings. - '• ' Section 302 (b).' : 133. - Ridges, hips, and valleys shall' be at least' -. . one size larger than supported rafters. 122. Provide 'calculations for lateral loads, shear - Section 2517 (Ii) 3. - panels, shear transfer and related. Section ' - '. •' ', 302 (b) 134 In open beam construction, provide strap ties * - ' across the beams ,at the ridge support. 123. In Seismic Zones 3 and 4,' the allowable shear! , '-Section 2501 (b). .all values for drywall in Table 47-I must be reduced 50 percent when considering'earthquake - 135. If foundation cripple wall studs are less loads. ' This does not apply to wind loads. , than 14" high, framing shall be solid '• Footnote 1. '. ' - ,• blocking, or sheathed with plywood. Section '2517 (g) 4. ' 124. Show on the plans all structural requirements •• , ' ' developed' in the structural calculations. 136. 'Cripple wall studs exceeding 4 feet in height Se'ction 302 (d). (See comments below or at " - shall be' 3 inch by 4, inch or '2 inches by 6 ' : end.) , ' , ' inches when supporting 2 stories. Section 2517 (g) 4. ' 125. Columns ;and posts located on concrete or masonry floors 6r decks exposed to the weather 137. Note on the plans that "all weather-exposed or to water splash or in basements and which ' surfaces -shall have a weather-resistive support permanent :structures' shall be ' barrier to protect the interior wall covering supported by concrete piers or metal pedestals , ' ' and that exterior openings shall be flashed in projecting 'above floors unless approved' wood ', ' ' such a manner as to make, them weatherproof". of natural resistance to decay or 'treated wood ' Section 1708. is used. Section 2516 (c) 4. ' ' '' ' ' ' MANICAL (uw]Yo1 MANICAL DE) , 126., Individual concrete or masonry piers shall - project at least 8 inches above exposed ground All, heating, ventilating, and cooling systems and "unless the col.s or. posts which they support appliances shall comply with the Uniform Mechanical are of approved, wood of natural- resistance to Code. decay or treated wood is used Section 2516 (c) 4 5/22/92 8 138 Show the size, location and type of all 151..Provide dryer vent to outside UMC, Section heating and cooling appliances or ,systems.. ' 1903. 139 Every dwelling unit shall be provided with - 1N1CAL (xAflouL EIg.tRIcAI. CX)OE) heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 70 degrees F. at 3 feet All wiring shall comply. -with the National above the floor in all habitable rooms Show Electrical Code basis for compliance.' JBC, Sec. 1212. . . 152. Show on the plan the amperage of the Note on the plans 'that the FAU ' closet or, . electrical service, the location of the' alcove must be 12 inches wider. than the . servic 'panel . and the location 'of any sub- furnace or furnaces being installed. ,UMC , f\panels. 1f service is over 200, amps, submit Section 704 A syfgle line diagram, panel schedule and load (.Y(alculations. Show' minimum 30" deep unobstructed working space in front of furnace. Section 505; UMC. . 3. Show on the plan that receptacle outlets comply' with 1990 NEC Art. 210-52(a), which.' 142 Furnace shall not be installed in any bedroom, reads as fo1lo.s bathroom or in a clâset or confined space with, access only through such room unless specified In every kitchen, dining room, parlor, as direct vent appliance, enclosed furnace or , library, den, sunroom, bedroom, recreation electric heating appliance . room, or similar rooms or area of dwelling Section 704 ,UMC. units, receptacle outlets shall be installed -; - so that no point 'along- the floor line in 'any 143. Show source of combustion air to furnace, per ', wall space ,is, more, than 6 feet, measured Chapter 6, UMC. , ' . ' ', ' ' horizontally, from an outlet in that space, including any wall space 2 feet or more in 144 Show access to the attics containing equipment width and the wall space occupied by fixed to be minimum 30 inches by 30 inches The panels in exterior walls, but excluding opening may be 22 inches by 30 inches if the sliding panels in exterior walls '-The .all equipment can be removed through such opening. space f forded by fixed room, dividers', such as Section 708 UMC. free-tanding bar-type counters, shall be included in the 6-foot measurement 145 Note that passageway to the attic furnace 5fldJ.i O UfluO.rUceu and nave CQflL].flUUU solid flooring not less than 24 inches wide, not more than 20 feet in length through' the attic. Section 708 UMC - 146. Show permanent electrical outlet and lighting fixture controlled by a switch . for :furnace, located 'in attic or underfloor space. Section 708&7O9UMC. Show details to comply with Section 709' for furnace under the' 'floor, or-Section. 710 for -roof or outside.furnace. Show I.C.B.0. approval number for prefab - fireplace. Show height of chimney above roof per I.C.B.0. approval or Table 37-Bc 149.. . Note on the plans that approved spark arrestors shall be installed on all chimneys. Section 3703(h) 150 Note on plan Gas vents and non-combustible piping, in walls, passing through three floors or less shall be effectively draft stopped at each floor or ceiling. UBC,Section 1706 (c). (IL PP-r TL) 8/5/92 - 4' . ,. ',.. -S. , . S 185. Show on the Title Sheet on the plans,' the information' required by the attached Developmèntàl Services Sheet.112383. 186 'All new residential buildings,' including If you have any questions regarding these additions, ,require a soils report. -Please plan check items, please contact__________________ 'copies. submit, two Exception:. - If a room . . addition is' limited to one story and 1000 sq. . IU ft. in area, then a soils report' is, not . required. Esgil Corporation will advise the . . City to place their soils notice onthe ,stamp . . . • . . - . plans.. - .i , . . '.'. . '. .. If you have. any , questions.' regarding City Building permit procedures, please 187. Heavy timber framing, minimum 6" x 10" beams . contact Caiter Darnell at the City. of Carlsbad, ' and minimum 8" x 8" post, for the 'structural 2075 Las Palmas Dr., telephone 619/438-1161. beam. and column supporting the fire separation . -between. the garage and living area above, is . Thank you.i ., . . '. - acceptable if shown on the plans. a(City ' policy).' . ' . . . . . -. ,ncosures: 188.' All structures require a Class B roof covering, - • ' ' • ,. .' : , ' except room' additions. ' , If a room addition ' ' ' • covers all of the existing building ('2nd story addition), then, the above exception 'doesn't ' '''-. ' . • apply. ''- :' ,.', City Ordinance 9792 •requires' -two parking . S..' . . . , . 3 spaces/unit. with c'learrarea of 20'x20'. i.e. no . - . • -. washing machines, etc. Show'compliance. Only. tank-type water, closets that use 4 an average of -' 1.6 'gallons ,of water per flush or less, and urinals and associated flushometer, " valves, that use an average 'of '1 gallon of- , water--per flush or less shall be installed in )new. construction. 'These provisions shall- ' . '- apply to existing buildings only when toilets are being replaced 'in existing bathroomsor installed in new bathrooms. MISCELLANJS Please see additional corrections, or remarks', ' ' " . -' ' . • ' on the following page. To speed up the recheck process, note on this "' '''_'_ C list (or a copy) where each correction item his' been addressed,' i.e., plan sheet, note or . .' _' _-_•_"_. detail number, calculation page, etc. . C'S . . -. -'' __a • 4 . Please indicate here if any ,changes have been . made to the. plans that are not a result of '' _'_•'_• corrections' from this list.' If there are •, • - . . . ' . other changes, please briefly describe them , -_•._•_'_'_- and where they are located in the plans. • - ' •' -. '. • •, - ' ' " Have changes 'been made' to the plans nt ,. •... . - . - ' resulting 'from this correction list? Please check. , . , . ' • . . ' Yes. -' No i\ce. cc cp AJ 8/11/92 13 - I ' •. -' • , • 'a ',_, .•_'; '' -.' -' , • ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . , '• ' . . . ' - ' a •,,'. . ' --S. I' ' '-Date*_ Jurisdict1on ('ARISBAD - Prepared by, D Bldj. Dept. VALUATION AND PLJSN CHECK EE 0 Esgil PLAN CHECK NO t(3( BUILDING ADDS APPLICANT/CONTACT PHONE HO f It A %I Pt J - I - TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION f tj CONTRACTOR PHONE____________ BUILDING PORTION BUILDING ARk VALUATION VALUE ULTIPLIER. H - ii U 8 - — - ________ _____ __________ - • :-14 - - •••- . :-:I _______ I- Air Conditioning-, ________________ •• - : - Commercial • - —. •@• • - - — Resident.al Res. or comm. • - - Fire Sorinklers H - : : • - - - • - • • uty. Of . .CàrI:sbà'C,~,d • I ..... ..... -. • ••• - BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE 2 XT 92 PLANCHECK NOcB92-HI -S 'S BUILDING ADDRESS I8I O/k VF PROJECT DESCRIPTION IES MIf ASSESSOR's PARCEL NUMBER I QA 2-3 EST VALUE - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL The item you have submitted for review has been Please see the attached report of deficiencies approved The approval is based on plans marked with 0 Make necessary corrections to information and/or specifications provided in your plans or, specifications for compliance with .. submittal; therefore any changes to these items• app!icble codesind standards. Submit corrected after this date, including field modifications, must plans and/or specifications to this office for review be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in - - suspension of permit to build - * - By: Date By Date BY: Date:'_____ S.. . 5'. ... .. ( S . . .. q . BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE PLAN - 15W 2ndv' 3rd1 0 0 1 Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale Show North Arrow •.' .D. Property Lines.Easements . Existing & Proposed. Structures E. Easements . •. C Existing Street Improvements F Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets ELI' 0 0 2 Show on site plan A Drainage Patterns C.' Existing Topography .B Existing ,& Proposed Slopes . . 0 0 0 3. Show on section drawing or include ante stating that there is a minimum of 6" difference between the finished floor and the finished grade elevation adjacent to the structure. - . .. - .•. . . 5; . S . ii 0 0 4 Include note "Surface water to be directed away from the building foundation at a 2% S . gradient for no less than 5' or 2/3 the distance to the.property line (whichever is less)." [Per 1,985 UBC 2907(d)5] On graded sites, th:top of any exterior foundation shall extend above the elevation of the .street gutter at point of discharge or the inlet of an approved drainage device amiñimum of 12 inChes plus.two percent" (per. 1990 UBC 2907(d)5.)., 121" 0 0 5 Include on title sheet A Site address B Assessor's Parcel Number C Legal Description For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include Total S building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer, permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc) previously, approved EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION - - - S. S •0• . P \docs\chkIstbpOOO1 #M Page 1 of 4 REV 6/5/92 - . .: . . . •-. .• . S BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST i.L/M DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE 1Stv1 2nd../ 3rd,/ D 0 0 6 Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No Conditions were complied with by: Date t.4/4 DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 12 0 0 7 Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $______________ pursuant to Code Section 18.40.030. Dedication required as follows Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process Provide the completed application form and the requirements on the checklist at the time of resubmittal Dedication completed by ______________________________ Date I IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 0 0 0 8a All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $ -pursuant to Code Section 18.40.040. Public improvements required as follows Please have a registered Civil Engineer prepare appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist for a separate plancheck process through the Engineering Department. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of permit Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvements requirements Provide the completed application form and the requirements on the checklist at the time of resubmittal Improvement Plans signed by Date P \docs\chklst\bp000l frm Page 2 of 4 REV 6/5/92 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1 sW 2fldv' 3rd/ L ' El El El Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant, deed on the property and processing 'fee of $ so we may 'prepare the necessary Futureimprovernent Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building Permit. - Future public improvements required as follows:, O 0 0 Enclosed please find your Future Improvement Agreement. Pléasé return signed and notarized Agreement to the Engineering Department Future Improvement Agreement completed by • Date: :. El 0 No Public Improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective' improvements found, adjacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS -' The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11 .06.030' of the Municipal Code. ' . -• -.- ' El El 0 9a: Inadequate information, available on Site Plan.to make a determination on grading • requirements. "Include accurate grading quantities (cut, fill import, export). El -El 0- 9b. Grading Permit required. A sepaate gadirig plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be Submitted together with the completed application form attached. 'NOTE: The Grading Permit must be issued and'rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit '' - Grading Inspector, sign off by: • • • :. • Date: -. '- • - - El El 9c No Grading Permit required BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST P:\doc9\chk1st\bp0001.frrn -• . Page 3 of 4 ' • • ••- ' REV 6/5/92 • PARK AREA -FEE/UNIT: 0 2 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE ADTs FEE/ADT Cl 3 BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE ADT's FEE/ADT 0 4 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE ZONE: FEE/EDU 0 -5 ..PUBLIC FACILITiES FEE O 6 SEWER FEES PERMIT No EDU's FEE/EDU BENEFIT AREA FEE O 7 SEWER LATERAL REQUIRED (2,500 DEPOSIT) REMARKS - P \docs\chklsl\bp000l frm REV 6/5/92 PLANNING CI-[EQ(LIST Plan Check No Z -ii ) Address I - Planner DAVID RICK Phone 438-1161 ext. 4328 (Name) 4 APN:- t- e -°'J - . •- . - - - 'Type ofProject and, Use '5. o.&'c . Zone - I Facilities Management. Zone :.i . Legend S •. . . _*,,•. . . Item Complete r6 Z (V . It Incomplete Nee . ds your action S S 1, 2, 3 Number in circle indicates plancheck number where deficiency was identified . Ell 0 C3 Ennmental Review S N E Required: ' • DATE OF CpMPLE-rtON,: . '--- • - g ';• . - 4 ( . Cornphan with conditions of approval If notstate conditions which require action . . 'Conditions.' of Approval Dtiona Action Rend S - NO r - APPROVAL/RESO. NO. DATE: <PROJECT NO -' bTHER RLATED CASES: . . - .. Compliance with conditions of approval If not, 'state conditions which require action . Conditions of Approval California Cal Comnuo nut Rnd YE NO • DATE OF APPROVAL:,' •, . * .•, .San Diego Coast Distnét; 3111 Canuno Del Rio Noith, Suite 200, San Diego CA. 92108-1725 (619) 521-8036 • Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state' conditions which.require action. Conditions of Approval . -• . • .. , - Landscape Plan Requid S NO 2 See attached subrruttal requirements for landscape 1ans - Site P1an / 0 r7 0 - 1.' Provide a fully dimnsiohèd site lañ" drawn, to scale'.. Show: North' arrow, proerty lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, - - -streets, ë,&ting street improvements,. right-of-way width 'and dimensioned setbacks 0 0 0 2 Show on Site Plan Finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines'; ex.istingand proposed slopes and driveway. •' - O 0 0 3 Provide legal descnption of property. 0 0 0 4 Provide assessor's parcel number. :. - - -- - ••• - * • - Zoning - ,1.Setback:..- ..•. •'- -4- Front Required Shown 93 Int. Side Required '7' Shown (O' r..• Street Side:- - . Required - Shownç A - Rear: - - Required, - 113. Shown El'6 0 EJ1i' 2 Lot coverage Required Shown 3 Height Required 3O Shownf<.Y 0 4 Parking Spaces Required 29-Sho - . Guest Spaces Required:. • - Sho - - - r I- •*Ø P - - •• 000 Additiona1Cornziients" - - ' . '-- - - . -• •.• .. . . .- - - - • - - -' -- '- -- ,---t - - - - - •• •-. -1 • - - - - - - . - - -• - --*. ,- i__ ----'i •:- • -. .- -- . •- .4 . * OK TO ISSUE AND thERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER DATE______ - • ' - • - - PLNCK.FRM - r , CA1tI1 .B U I- L.D.I N G PE:RM .1 T ... PCR No,. PCR93020 : 06/07/93 14.:52 Project No A9202325 Page 10f 1. ..:.A .. ' ' 'q 'Develorneht Nov Job Address 1581 OAK AV Suite Permit Type:. PLAN CHECK REVISION Parcel No.: 156-212-03-00. - Lot#: 2646 06/07/93 0001 01 02 Valuati'on: -0 . - C-PRIIT 109'00 Construction Type: VN ' -•,. . . . ?'Occupancy Group: R3: .. Ref erence#:.92-1131, Stais: ISSUED .Dèscription: CHANGEABEAMIBEDROOM . • Applied: 05/28/93 Apr/Issue: 062.07/93 . Entered .By: DC Appl/Ownr DAVIS, MICHAEL 619,,436-8038 - '. 1581 OAK AVENUE . • . , CARLSBAD, CA 920,0 T *** Fees Required ** e Col cted & Credits ---------- --- ------oo Adjustments t (\00 To 00 -Tot'a1,Fees: 1 . ' - T 4 1' P ZIP, : .00 - ,. • , ' :, Balan ë, e:". . 109.00 !I T9j ,C t 109.00 INCORPORATED 1952. * : - - . - CITY OF- CARLSBAD - - 2075 Las -Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 . • .. A - • .