HomeMy WebLinkAbout1586 MARBRISA CIR; ; CO150056; Certificate of Occupancy07-16-2015 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Certificate of Occupancy Cert of Occ#:C0150056 Permit Type: COFO Related Bldg Permit*: CB133192 Bldg Address: 1586 MARBRISA CR CBAD Parcel No: 2111311100 Occupant Name: GRAND PACIFIC VILLA 59 Contact Name: DIANE PROULX COFY Issue Date: 07/16/2015 Phone#: Phone#: 760-827-4121 Building Owner: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD L P 5900 PASTEUR CT #200 CARLSBADCA 92008 Description of Use:TIMESHARE Phone#: I certify that this building or portion complies with the California Building Code for the group and division of occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy is classified. The above information is true and correct, and I make this statement under penalty of perjury. Signature of Building Offici Date FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Date Routed Use Zone Inspected Bj Inspected By. Inspected By Occupancy Group: R-2 Datey-^^-^-^ Date. Date Construction Type: 5B Approved K Approved Approved Disapproved. Disapproved Disapproved. Comments: COMPliTI THIS »lCT|i ;IDCNTIAI. BUIIDIMG PERMITS Ol Is tie applicsnt or future biilding occupant requiisd lo stMt a business plan, acutely hazanlous materials registration ferm risk management and prevention prograrn undw Sectkins 2550S, 25533 cr 2S534 o( Ihe Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? Ves No Is the applicant or future txikfing occupant nequired to obtain a pennit Horn the air pollution control district or air quaNty management district? Yes No IsthefadBtylobeconstTuctedMithintOOOfeetoftheouterboufldaryofasclioolsits? Yes No IF AMY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YfS, A HNAL CERTIFKATE OF OCCUPANCY BAY NOT BE I^EO UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR 18 MEETINO THE REQUIREIHENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL OiSTRICT. eowsTimcTroM tiNoii I hereby affltm tiat there Is a construction lending agency fcr the performance of the wotk this perniit is issued (Sec, 3037 Civil Code). LetKlar's Name Lender's Address Affile A NT ClRTiriCATIOI loerti^thatl have ie«llhe applcation ami siBts that theabowliitbnnafan Is conectand th^ I heretiy autiotize i«piesentaM the City o< Caiisbad ID enter upon he AGAINST Aa UA8MJfriES. JlCGMEhTrS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAWST SAD CfTY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTWG OF THS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA peiitl Is lequNd eiwavatos over SV deep and defnoGtion or ctmsM EXPIRATION: E\e(y peirnit Issued the BlMng Official underptovisions of 180 davs front 9ie dete of such pemt or if the buiUing or vKiik authorized tiy suc^ >eS"APPUCANT'S SIGNATURE DATE id STOP: THIS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the followng ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at finai inspection. Fax (760) 602^^60, Email j / or Mall ihe completed fomt to City of Cartebad, Built^ Divisicm 1635 Faraday Avenue. Carlsbad, CalHbma 9200S. OCCUPANT NAME COf: (Offlos Use Only) COflTACTNAME Diane Proulx Grand Pacific / MarBrisa Resort ADDRESS 5900 Pasteur Court Ste, 200 BUILDINQ ADDRESS 1586 MarBrisa Circie cirr Carlsbad STATE CA ZIP 92008 CITY Carlsbad STATE CA ~2iP~ PHONE 760^827-4121 FAX EMAIL dproulx@gpresorts.com OCCUPANT'S BUS. UC. No. DEUVERY OPTIONS PICKUP: CONTACT (Listed above) OCCUPANT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pft 1) MAILTD: CONTACT (Listed a txme) (XCUPANT (Listed alMve) CONTRACTOR (On Pg.1) MAIL/ FAX TO OTHER: ASSOCIATED CB#-133192 NO CHANGE IN USE / NO CONSTRUCTION CHANGE OF USE / NO CONSTRUCTION jtSMVUCMft'S SIGNATURE DATE 7/15/15