HomeMy WebLinkAbout1591 MARBRISA CIR; ; CO130002; Certificate of Occupancy01-10-2013 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Certificate of Occupancy Cert of Occ#:COI30002 Permit Type: COFO Related Bldg Permit*: CB120070 Bldg Address: 5411 COLUMBUS CR CBAD Parcel No: 2111310700 Issue Date: Occupant Name: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD LP Contact Name: DIANE PROULX Building Owner: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD L P Phone#: DIANE PROULX 5900 PASTEUR CT#200 CARLSBADCA 92008 Description of Use: GRAND PACIFIC RESORT: VILLA 68 Phone#: Phone#: 760-827-4121 I certify that this building or portion complies with the California Building Code for the group and division of occupancy and the use forwhich the proposed occupancy is classified. The above information is true and correct, and I make this statement under penalty of perjury. Signature of Building Official Date Routed Use Zone Inspected Inspected By Inspected By FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Occupancy Group: Date A/^ -/3 Date Date Construction Type: 5B Approved Approved Approved Disapproved Disapproved Disapproved Comments: COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINC PERMITS ONLY b he appfcant or Uffs buitcbis ax^»rA required to sulmtt a business Pi«sley.TannerHaz»dousSttbsi^nce Account Yes No l$Uw3pptantorMufat)ulkfi)go(mjpantre(Hiiedloobtainapemii Yes No Is Swfactty lobe constracted wM 1,000 (Mt of dw oiler bwndaiyo) a sc^ Yes No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS APPUCANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUKEMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POUlfUCW CONTRa DISTiaCT. CONSTRUCTION LENOING AGENCY I heieby affirm tttat tt»re Is a constmcion tending agency fbr the perfwmanca of Ihe work this perniit Is issued (Sec. 3097 (f) Civil Code). Lender's Nam L»ider's Addres APPLICANT CERTIFICATION l(«rt%thatlhaveiead1tie^)|)liea8on ami State thattiieiriiovel^^ I her^ auihorize lepiesentalive (tftie Qty of ACyWSTAaUABIUnB, JUDGMENTS, CCKIS AW EXPE^eES VVHICH liWW OSHA; An OSHA pemA is reqund iorexcavgians over St)'deep and de^ BCPIWION: Eveiy petrnit issued Iiy tie BitfngOCWal under Siepiov^ IBOdayslnmtiedMofsuchpemAoriftiebuftftigorwxfcautiorizedby^ ^APPUCANT'S SIGNATURE DATE STOP: THIS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the following ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final Inspection. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (Commercial Projects Only (760) 602.8560, Email www.buildlno@carteba(fea.oov or Mail the coitiplettd form to City of Carlsbad, Bulding Divite 1635 FaradayAvenue. Carisbad. CallftHnia 9^. C0#: (Offlee Uie OnM CO 130005 CONTACTNAME Diane Proulx/Grand Pacific Resorts OCCUPAKTNAME Grand Pacific Carlsbad LP WDRESS 5900 Pasteur Court Ste. 200 BUILDING ADDRESS 5411 Columbus Circle cmr STATE ZIP Carlsbad OA 92008 CITY STATE ZIP Carlsbad CA 92008 PHONE 760-8274121 FAX 760-8284239 EMAIL dproulx@gpresorts.cont OCCUPANTS BUS. UC. NO. QMAILTO OB |7] FAX TO: CONTACT (Usted above) flMAIlTO OH QpAXTOif I Q BUSINESS ADDRESS [j| CONTRACTOR (Listed on page 1 of application.) 1 1 ASSOCIATED CB# 120070 1 1 NO CHANGE IN USE/ NO CONSTRUCTION 1 1 CHANOE OF USE / NO CONSTRUCTION .efAPPUCANT'S SIGNATURE DATE 1/8/2013