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160 JUNIPER AVE; ; CB111738; Permit
4 m/ CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-602-2717/2718/2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 www carlsbadca gov Plan Check No. 6£> t\ l'7'^2 Est. Value S^Q. (gOgT Plan Ck. Deposit / ^ S<f. yQ Date sljol II SWPP JOB ADDRESS SUITE)I/SPACE#/UNIT# 2o4 - 131. CT/PROJECT# # OF UNITS # BEDROOMS # BATHROOMS TENANT BUSINESS NAME CONSTR TYPE OCC GROUP DESCRIPTION OF WORK, (nc/ude Square Feet of Affected iArea(s) MCAM ^9X2> ^QR- u\fi EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) DECKS (SF) FIREPLACE YES • # NO • AIR CONDITIONING YES • NOD FIRE SPRINKLERS YES • NO • CONTACT NAIVIE (n Different Fom Applicant) APPLICANT NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE FAX PHONE EMAIL PROPERTY OWNER NAME . CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME 3. nnivii: IK- . ADDRESS ADDRESS r Box ]iM CITY STATE 3P ^ ^ZCCf& CITY ZIP „ PHONE PHONE 760 72.5 Q78f EMAIL ir a ^ t ri I r/Tv RI it ARCH/DESIGNER NAIVIE & ADDRESS J [1 ur^ tt (Sec 70315 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a pernnit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of nol more than five hundred dollars ($500)) Workers' Compensation Declaration / hereby affm under penalty ol perjury one ol Ihe lollowing declarations • I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued , Policy No . Expiration Date 3bon ID! f4 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the perfomiance of the work for whicfi this permit is issued My workers' compensaton insurance camer and policy number are Insurance Co This section need nol be completed if Ihe permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less Certificate of Exemption' I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, 1 shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California WARNING- Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer (o criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), in addition to the co$t of compensation, t^anjagf^ as p^vided ^r lyS^ection 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees ^ CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE •AGENT DATE LL I hereby affinn thai I am exempt from Contractor's Ucense Law fir the follbwing reason • I, as ovmer of the properly or my employees with wages asVheir sde compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Conlractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who biMs4r improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If, however, ihe building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving thai he did not build or improve for Ihe purpose of sale) • I, as ovmer of the properly, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the projecl (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contraclor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) • I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally pian to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement • Yes • No 2 I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3 I have contracted with the following person (fim) to provide the proposed construction (include name address / phone / contractors' license number) 4 1 plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone / contractors' license number) 5 I will provide some of the work, bul I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone / type of work) veTpROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE •AGENT DATE Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous matenals registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505,25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Acf • Yes • No Is the applicant or future building occupant required lo obtain a permit from the air pollution conlrol distncl or air qualify management dislricP • Yes • No Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the ouier boundary of a school site'' • Yes DNo IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS KET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec 3097 (i) Civil Code) Lender's Name Lender's Address m •&:,f)^0-, Z;4 I certify that I have read the application and state thatthe above information is conect and that the mfonnation on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City oidinances and State laws relatingto building constniction. I hereby authonze representative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspecton purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA pemiit is required for excavations over 5'0' deep and demolition or constmction of stmctures over 3 stones in height EXPIFWTION Every pemnit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or woik authorized by such permit is no! commenced within 180 days from the date of such pemnit or if the buildjig or wj[i( authonzed by such pemiit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a penod of 180 days (Section 106 4 4 Uniform Building Code) ^€5"APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE 8/tt./| 11 05-29-2012 Job Address: Permit Type Parcel No: Valuation. Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms. Project Title- Applicant: B A WORTHING City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Residential Permit Permit No: CB111738 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 160 JUNIPER AVCBAD RESDNTL Sub Type' SFD 2042320600 Lot #: 0 $380,608.00 Constuction Type- 5B Reference #. 1 Structure Type- SFD 3 Bathrooms- 3 5 Ong PC # GUGLIEMO RES-BUILD NEW 2,924SF LIVING, 799 SF GAR, 750 SF DECKS (2) ON VACANT LOT Status. ISSUED Applied: 08/10/2011 Entered By. LSM Plan Approved- 05/29/2012 Issued. 05/29/2012 Inspect Area: Plan Check #. Owner: GUGLIELMO LIVING TRUST 02-26-96 P 0 BOX 1041 92018 760 729 3965 1011 W PLACITAQUIETA GREEN VALLEY AZ 85622 Building Permit $1,668.77 Meter Size FSI Add'l Building Permit Fee $0.00 Add'l Reel. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Plan Check $1,084.70 Meter Fee $403.00 Add'l Plan Check Fee $0 00 SDCWA Fee $4,492.00 Plan Check Discount $0.00 CFD Payoff Fee $0.00 Strong Motion Fee $38 06 PFF (3105540) $6,927 07 Park in Lieu Fee $0.00 PFF (4305540) $6,394.21 Park Fee $0 00 License Tax (3104193) $0.00 LFM Fee $0.00 License Tax (4304193) $0 00 Bndge Fee $0 00 Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) $2,750 00 Other Bridge Fee $0.00 Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) $0 00 BTD #2 Fee $0.00 Sidewalk Fee $0 00 BTD #3 Fee $0.00 PLUMBING TOTAL $203.00 Renewal Fee $0.00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $60 00 Add'l Renewal Fee $0 00 MECHANICAL TOTAL $72 00 Other Building Fee $0.00 Housing Impact Fee $2,925 00 HMP Fee $0 00 Housing InLieu Fee $0 00 Pot. Water Con Fee $3,549.00 Housing Credit Fee $0 00 Meter Size FSI Master Drainage Fee $683.46 Add'l Pot. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Sewer Fee $1,096 00 Reel Water Con. Fee $0.00 Additional Fees $0 00 Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee $12 00 Fire Spnnkler Fees $0.00 Green Bldg Stands Plan Chk Fee $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $32,358 27 Total Fees- $32,358 27 Total Payments to Date. $32,358 27 Balance Due: $0.00 Inspector .4^t^ INAL APPROVAL Date: ^-^/v/ Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your proiect includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, resen/ations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as lees/exactions" You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this protect NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previousiv otherwise expired 05-29-2012 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Permit Permit No:SW110322 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No. Reference # CB# Project Title: Pnority 160 JUNIPER AVCBAD SWPPP 2042320600 CB111738 Lot# GUGLIELMO RES- BUILD NEW 2,924 LIV, 799 SF GARAGE, 750 SF DECKS i L 2) Applicant. WORTHING INC, B A SUITE #201 690 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92008 760-729-3965 Emergency Contact CHRIS MEIER Status Applied- Entered By- Issued: Inspect Area. Tier. ISSUED 08/10/2011 LSM 05/29/2012 1 Owner- GUGLIELMO LIVING TRUST 02-26-96 1011 W PLACITAQUIETA GREEN VALLEY AZ 85622 760 419 0706 SWPPP Plan Check SWPPP Inspections Additional Fees $45.00 $54 00 $0 00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $99.00 Total Fees-$99.00 Total Payments To Date. $99 00 Balance Due: $0.00 FINAL APPROVAL DATE2-7Y-r f CLEARAftjCE. Si6NATURE< Inspection List Permit#: CB111738 Type: RESDNTL SFD Date Inspection Item Inspector Act 02/21/2014 89 Final Combo PB AP 02/18/2014 19 Final Structural - Rl 02/18/2014 29 Final Plumbing PB AP 02/18/2014 39 Final Electrical PB AP 12/30/2013 21 Underground/Under Floor PB AP 12/30/2013 23 Gas/Test/Repairs PB AP 09/19/2013 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PB AP 09/19/2013 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall PB AP 09/18/2013 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PB NR 09/11/2013 16 Insulation PB AP 09/05/2013 84 Rough Combo PB AP 09/03/2013 84 Rough Combo PB CO 08/09/2013 13 Shear Panels/HD's PB AP 08/09/2013 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall PB WC 06/26/2013 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin PB PA 05/17/2013 15 Roof/Reroof PB AP 05/17/2013 83 Roof Sheathing/Ext Shear PB WC 05/16/2013 83 Roof Sheathing/Ext Shear PB NR 04/17/2013 33 Service Change/Upgrade PB CO 03/05/2013 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin PB PA 03/01/2013 21 Underground/Under Floor PB AP 02/20/2013 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PB AP 02/14/2013 66 Grout PB AP 02/07/2013 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PB AP 01/29/2013 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PB PA 01/24/2013 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PB PA 12/31/2012 66 Grout PB AP 12/24/2012 66 Grout MC AP 12/21/2012 66 Grout PB PA 12/12/2012 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PB PA 11/28/2012 21 Underground/Under Floor PB AP 11/27/2012 21 Underground/Under Floor PB CA 11/01/2012 21 Underground/Under Floor PB PA GUGLIEMO RES-BUILD NEW 2,924SF LIVING, 799 SF GAR, 796 SF DECKS (2) O Comments GUGLIEMO RES GC 0160 PER PB, 12/21/12 Monday, February 24, 2014 Page 1 of 1 Development Services SPECIAL INSPECTION """^^^i^Ii^S;^^ ^ CITY OF AGREEMENT leaS Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca gov CARLS! In accordance with Chapter 17 ofthe California Building Code the following must be completed when work being performed requires special Inspection, structural observation and construction material testing. Project/Permit- -I7^fe Project Address: < JuN^(p^ Av^ A. THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER/AUTHORIZED AGENT. Please check if you are Owner-Builder • (If you checked as owner-builder you must also complete Section B of this agreement) Name (Pieasepnnt). ^oo\2i; ^• iA)o\r<l^i 4~ </bh W0f¥\\ 2\^^0, Cjpy^ Phnn^.-l(0(l1Z^ 2^(4/2? lam OProperty Owner (^Property Owner's Agent of Record QArchitect of Record aEngmeer of Record State of California Registration Numbec Expiration Date (First) (M1) (Last) Mailing Address. EmaiL AGREEMENT I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, that I have read, understand, acknowledge and promise to comply with the City of Carlsbad requirements for special inspections, structural observations, construction materials testing and off-site fabrication of building components, as prescnbed in the statement of special inspections noted on the aoproved plans and, as required by the California Building Code Signature, B. CONTRACTOR'S STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBTUTY (07 CBC, Ch 17, Section 1706j. This section must be completed by the contractor / builder / owner-builder Contractor's Company Name.__ Please check if you are Ovmer-Builder • Name (Please pnnt) _ (First) (Ml) (Last) Mailing Address _ Email B A l/irg)fxHA\f^ t/^C, g tj AW?Q . a')W\ Phr^n. 7(^0 2lPi ^^^9 State of California Contractor's License Number:. Expiration Date 2 -31-13 • I acknowledge and, am aware, of special requirements contained in the statement of special inspections noted on the approved plans, • I acknowledge that control will be exercised to obtain conformance with the construction documents approved by the building official, • I will have in-place procedures for exercising control within our (the contractor's) organization, for the method and frequency of reporting and the distribution of the reports; and • I certify that I will have a qualified person within our (the contractor's) organization to exercise such control • / w/7/ provide a final report / letter in compliance with CBC Section 1704.1.2 prior to requesting final inspection. Signature^ 4^i^Jl^l^/2— Dale ^2^h' B-45 Page 1 of 1 Rev 08/11 RECORD COPY EAST COUNTY SOIL CONSULTATION AND ENGINEERING, INC. 0925 HARTLEY ROAD SUITE I SANTEE CALIFORNIA 92071 619 258-7901 fax 619 258-7902 B. A. Wortliing, Inc, P.O. Box 1041 Carlsbad, California 92018 November 27, 2012 Project No. 11-1106E7(2) Attention: Mr. Brooks A. Worthing Subject: Foundation Excavation Obser\'ation Proposed Single-Family Residence (Guglielmo Residence) Juniper Avenue, APN 204-232-06 Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 References: 1. "Foundation Plan and Details Review, Proposed Single-Family Residence (Guglielmo Residence), Juniper Avenue, APN 204-232-06, Carlsbad. California 92008", Project No. 11-1106E7(2), Prepared by East County Soil Consultation and Engineering, Inc., Dated November 4, 2011. 2. "Limited Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Single-Family Residence (Guglielmo Residence). Juniper Avenue, APN 204-232-06, Carlsbad, California 92008", Project No. !1-1106E7(2), Prepared by East County Soil Consultation and Engineering, Inc., Dated June 17,2011. Dear Mr. Worthing: In accordance with your request, we have observed the basement wall foundation excavations for the proposed single-family residence at the subject site. The footings have been excavated to the proper depth and width into competent bearing soils and are in compliance with the approved building plans. Foundation excavations, soil expansion characteristics and soil bearing capacity are in accordance with the referenced geotechnical report (Reference No. 2). In addition, utility trenches within the slab area have been properly backfilled and compacted. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully submitted. Mamadou Saliou RCE 54071, GE 2704 MSDVmd City of Carlsbad DEC 1 8 2012 BUILDING DIVISION RtCORD COPY EAST COUNTY SOIL CONSULTATION AND ENGINEERING, INC. 10925 HARTLEY ROAD SUITE I SANTEE CALIFORNIA 92071 619 258-7901 Fax 619 258-7902 B. A. Worthing, Inc. P.O. Box 1041 Carlsbad, Califomia 92018 October 25, 2012 Project No. 11-1106E7(2) [\lO ^\is\'42^ Subject: Utility Trench Backfdl Proposed Single-Family Residence (Guglielmo Residence) Juniper Avenue, APN 204-232-06 Carlsbad, California 92008 Reference: "Limited Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Single-Family Residence (Guglielmo Residence), Juniper Avenue, APN 204-232-06, Carlsbad, Califomia 92008", Project No. 11-1106E7(2), Prepared by East County Soil Consultation and Engineering, Inc., Dated June 17, 2011. Dear Mr. Worthing: This is .to present the results of field density tests performed on the backfill of the utility trenches within the right-of-way of Juniper Avenue at the subject site. In accordance with your request, in-place field density tests were performed in accordance with ASTM D1556 (Sand Cone Method) and ASTM D2937 (Drive Cylinder Method). Backfill was conducted between September 24 and October 9, 2012 under the observation and testing of a representitive of East County Soil Consultation & Engineering Inc. The results of the field density tests are presented on Page T-1 under "Table of Test Results". The laboratory determinations of the maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the different materials are set forth on Page L-l under "Laboratory Test Results". On-site and imported materials were moisture conditioned and compacted to the minimum required of 90 and 95 percent relative compaction. Compaction was achieved with the use of a sheepsfoot roller and a hand whacker. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Pages T-1 and L-l are attached. Respectfully Submitted- ^^.Q^^iilO^ C'^yofCar/sbad DEC 1 8 2012 BUILDING DIVISION Mamadou Saliou Diallo, RCE 54071, GE 2704 MSD/md B.A. WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO. 11-1106E7(2) PAGE T-1 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS ASTM D1556 & ASTM D2937 MAXIMUM DEPTH FIELD DRY DRY TEST SOIL OF FILL MOISTURE DENSITY DENSITY PERCENT NO. TYPE IN FEET %DRY WT. P.C.F. P.C.F COMPACTION LOCATION ASTM 1 1 2 4.9 123.7 130.0 95 Sewer D1556 2 1 1 6.1 121.3 130.0 93 Sewer D2937 3 1 1.5 7.5 118.7 130.0 91 P&C 4 1 1.5 7.8 116.7 130.0 90 H2O 5 1 FSG 7.8 110.2 130.0 85, See 6 P&C D1556 6 1 FSG 9.0 123.4 130.0 95, Retest 5 P&C CC CC 7 1 2 7.9 119.1 130.0 92 Sewer D2937 8 1 4 8.4 119.5 130.0 92 Sewer cc C( 9 1 FSG 11.2 122.1 130.0 95 Sewer D1556 10 1 FSG 7.3 126.0 130.0 97 H2O CC CC 11 1 FSG 7.1 125.2 130.0 96 G&E CC CC 12 2 AB 4.7 144.3 145.0 99 P&C cc cc 13 2 AB 4.7 139.7 145.0 96 Sewer cc cc 14 2 AB 5.3 139.4 145.0 96 H2O cc cc 15 2 AB 5.5 141.9 145.0 98 G&E cc cc Sewer = Sewer Trench P&C =Phone & Cable Trench H2O = Water Line Trench G & E = Gas & Electric Trench FSG = Finished Subgrade AB = Aggregate Base B.A. WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO. I14I06E7(2) PAGE L-l LABORATORY TEST RESULTS RESULTS OF MAXIMUM DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE The maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the fill materials as determined by ASTM D1557, Procedures A and B which use 25 blows of a 10-pound slide hammer falling from a height of 18 inches on each of 5 equal layers in a 4-inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot compaction cylinder and Procedure C which uses 56 blows of a 10-pound slide hammer falling from a height of 18 inches on each of 5 equal layers in a 6-inch diameter 1/13.3 cubic foot compaction cylinder are presented as follows: SOIL TYPE/ PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY LB/ CU. FT. OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT % DRY WT. 1/A DARK BROWN SILTY SAND 130.0 8.6 2/C AGGREGATE BASE (IMPORT) 145.0 6.0 EsGil Corporation In (PartnersHip -witH government for (BuiCcCing Safety DATE: 11/16/2011 • APPLICANT •<JURIS JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLANCHECKNO.: 11-1738 SET. II PROJECT ADDRESS: 160 JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NAME: SFR FOR GUGLIELMO I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. ^ The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. I I The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: 1X1 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. I I Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Email: Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person 'C)/r\'k\(^ ^ REMARK^^ ^^^lease transfer the clouded redlineon sheet 2 to all City sets prior to issuing the pem\{(m Please have the applicant complete the Special Inspection Agreement (included) prior to issuing the permit.^) NOTE: Fire sprinkler plans must be reviewed/approved by EsGil (or other 3"^ party review) staflrbefore a permit can be issued, d) AHpstieetspf-plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation. (California Budm»s^\tProfessions Code. 5536.1). I By: Ali Sadre (by AG) \^ I^Q^^^ Enclosures: EsGil Corporation • GA • EJ • PC 11/10/2011 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In PartnersHip -witH government for (BuiCcCing Safety DATE: AUG. 17, 2011 •APPLICANT "ETJURIS JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLANCHECKNO.: 11-1738 SET I PROJECT ADDRESS: 160 JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NAME: SFR FOR GUGLIELMO I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ^ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. AI The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: B.A. WORTHING INC. P.O. BOX 1041, CB, CA 92018 I I Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. IXI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: BROOKS Telephone #: 760-729-3965 Date contacted:^/1 7 (byj^nAf Email: Fax #: 760-729-0784 ^at\ \/ Telephone!/^ Fax in Person bc^v^Oor-V^N-^j • REMARKS: evjcvW-.C-- By: Ali Sadre Enclosures: EsGil Corporation • GA • EJ • PC 8/15 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 CARLSBAD 11-1738 AUG. 17, 2011 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES PLANCHECKNO.: 11-1738 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PROJECT ADDRESS: 160 JUNIPER AVENUE FLOOR AREA: LIVING = 2,924 GARAGE = 799; DECKS = 750 STORIES: TWO + MEZZ OVER BASEMENT HEIGHT: 30' REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 8/10 DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 8/15 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: AUG. 17,2011 PLAN REVIEWER: Ali Sadre FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the International Residential Code, International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Present California law mandates that construction comply with the 2010 edition ofthe California Code of Regulations (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes: 2009 IRC, 2009 IBC, 2009 UPC, 2009 UMC and 2008 NEC. The above regulations apply, regardless ofthe code editions adopted by ordinance. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2009 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copv) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e.. plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when vou submit the revised plans. CARLSBAD 11-1738 AUG. 17, 2011 PLANS 1. The following note should be given with each correction list' Please nnake all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways. 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bnng one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete 2. A reminder that the revised plans need to be stamped and signed by the Ca state licensed engineer or architect responsible for their preparation, along with revised structural calculations (if any). (Ca Business and Professions Code). . FIRE PROTECTION 3. An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one- and two-family dwellings (not required for additions if the existing dwelling doesn't already have a sprinkler system). Please clearly note this on plans. Sec. R313.2. 4. In dwelling units within which fuel-burning appliances are installed (and in dwelling units having attached garages), show the locations of permanently wired carbon monoxide alarms with battery backup, per Section R315: a) Outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. b) On each story, including basement & Mezzanine • NOTE When more than one carbon monoxide alarm is required to be installed, the alarm devices shall be interconnected such that the actuation of one alarm will activate all the alarms . GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5. Sleeping rooms shall have a window or exterior door for emergency escape. Section R310. See Master Bedroom on Sheet # 2: a) Windows must have an openable area of at least 5.7 square feet (5 0 sq ft for grade-floor openings), with the minimum openable width 20" and the minimum openable height 24" b) The sill height shall not exceed 44" above the floor c) The emergency door or window shall be openable from the inside to provide a full, clear opening without the use of any keys or tools. d) For egress openings at window wells, refer to Section R310 2 for requirements 6. Please show how the upper most level meets the mezzanine requirements on Sheet # 2 of plans. CARLSBAD 11-1738 AUG. 17, 2011 7. Glazing in the following locations should be shown on the plans as safety glazing material in accordance with Section R308.4 (see exceptions): a) Glazing adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24" arc of either vertical edge of doors in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60" above the walking surface Exceptions. i) Glazing in walls on the latch side of and perpendicular to the plane of the door in a closed position li) Glazing that is adjacent to the fixed panel of patio doors b) Glazing in individual fixed or operable panels that meet all of the following conditions- I) Exposed area of an individual pane is greater than 9 sq ft, and II) Exposed bottom edge is less than 18" above the floor, and' III) Exposed top edge is greater than 36" above the floor, and IV) One or more walking surfaces are within 36" honzontally of the plane of the glazing. c) Glazing adjacent to stairways, landings and ramps within 36" horizontally of a walking surface when the exposed surface of the glass is less than 60" above the plane of the adjacent walking surface This applies to the windows on Sht # 2 in the entry around stairs d) Glazing in walls enclosing stairway landings or within 60" horizontally of the bottom tread of stairways where the bottom edge of the glass is less than 60" above the nose of the tread • STAIRWAYS AND RAILINGS 8. Open risers are only permitted if the opening between treads does not permit the passage of a 4" diameter sphere. Section R311.7.4.3. 9. Provide details of winding stairway complying with Section R311.7.4.2: a) Mm tread is 6" at any point 8. mm 10" at a point 12" from where the treads are narrowest 10. A nosing (between and 1-%") shall be provided on stairways with solid risers. Exception: No nosing is required if the tread depth is at least 11". Section R311.7.4.3. • ROOFING 11. Show the required ventilation for attics (or enclosed rafter spaces formed where ceilings are applied directly to the underside of roof rafters). The minimum vent area is 1/150 of attic area. Section R806.2. 12. Note on the plans: "Attic ventilation openings shall be covered with corrosion- resistant metal mesh with 1/8" minimum to V2 maximum openings. Section R806.1. • GARAGE 13. Show a self-closing door, either 1-3/8" solid core or a listed 20 minute assembly, for openings between garage and dwelling. Section R302.5.1. 14. Provide an 18" raised platform for any FAU, water heater, or other device in the garage which may generate a flame or spark. CPC Section 508.14. 15. Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated by not less than 5/8" Type X gypsum board. Section R302.6. 16. Kitchen windows are left out on the right elevation plans on Sheet # 3. CARLSBAD 11-1738 AUG. 17, 2011 • STRUCTURAL 17. Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that: a) The building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report, b) The utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and c) The foundation excavations, the soils expansive characteristics and bearing capacity conform to the soils report" 18. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents. 19. Show minimum underfloor access of 16" x 24". Section R408 4. 20. Show minimum underfloor ventilation equal to 1 sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. of underfloor area. One such opening shall be within 3' of each corner ofthe building. Section R408.1. 21. Specify nail size and spacing for the floor and roof diaphragms on the plans. Table R602.3(1). Specify plywood and/or particle board thickness, grade and panel span rating. Table R503.2.1(1) 22. Provide the following note on the plans: "The contractor responsible for the construction of the seismic-force-resisting system shall submit a written Statement of Responsibility to the building official prior to the commencement of work on the system." CBC Section 1709. 23. If special inspection is required, the designer shall complete the city's "Special Inspection Agreement". Please see attached. 24. Please note where detail E/5 is cross referenced on plans. 25. Please revise the 4" slab to 5" slab on Sheet # 5 as noted near grid point 3-A. Inked-in change as noted on plans is not acceptable. 26. Where is detail 8/S4 as referenced on Sheet # 6, near grid point F-3? 27. Please specify where details 2, 3, 5 & 6/S-4 are cross referenced on plans. 28. Please note where details 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 13, 14 & 16/S-3 are cross referenced on plans. 29. Please indicate where details 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 & 12/S-2 are cross referenced on plans. 30. FB-13 & 14 are labeled as RB-13 & 14 on Sheet # 6. CARLSBAD 11-1738 AUG. 17, 2011 31. Please provide calculations for all the floor beams as per Sheet # 5. 32. Where is shear wall type # 1, as per calculations, on gridline # 1, at the roof level? As presented, the lateral elements designation, length and locations do not match the calculations. Please see the next item as well. 33. Please provide a schematic in the calculations showing the designation and location of all the beams, joists size and spacing so the plans can be verified against the calculations. As submitted, many beams are missing on the framing plans; for others, the spans & sizes do not match the calculations. Too many to itemize. [Similarly, provide such schematic for the lateral elements as well as CMU walls]. • MECHANICAL 34. Specify on the plans the following information for the fireplace(s): a) Manufacturer's name and model number, ICC approval number, or equal. b) Show the height of the factory-built chimney above the roof and the horizontal clearances per listing approval. Chimneys shall extend at least |' above the highest point where it passes through a roof and at least 2' higher than any portion of a building within a horizontal distance of 10 feet CMC Section 802 5 2 1 c) Note on the plans that approved spark arresters shall be installed on all chimneys. CBC Section 2802 1 d) Decorative shrouds shall not be installed at the termination of chimneys for factory-built fireplaces, except where such shrouds are listed and labeled for use with the specific system and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. Section R1004 3 . ELECTRICAL 35. Include on the plans the following specifications for electrical devices installed in dwellings: CEC Article 210 & 406: a) Tamper resistant receptacles for all locations described in 210.52 (i.e., all receptacles) b) Weather resistant type for receptacles installed in damp or wet locations (outside) c) Arc-fault protection for all outlets (not just receptacles) located in rooms described in NEC 210.12(B): Family, living, bedrooms, dining, halls, etc. 36. Per CEC Article 210.11(C)3, note on the plans that bathroom circuiting shall be either: a) A 20 ampere circuit dedicated to each bathroom, or b) At least one 20 ampere circuit supplying only bathroom receptacle outlets. • PLUMBING 37. An instantaneous water heater is shown on the plans. Please include a gas pipe sizing design (isometric or pipe layout) for all gas loads. 38. Provide a note on the plans: The control valves in bathtubs, whirlpool bathtubs, showers and tub-shower combinations must be pressure balanced or thermostatic mixing valves. CPC Section 414.5 and 418.0. CARLSBAD 11-1738 AUG. 17, 2011 • GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS The California Building Standards Commission (BSC) has adopted the Green Building Standards Code which became effective January 1, 2011 and must be enforced by the local building official. The following mandatory requirements for residential construction must be included on your plans. CGC 101.3 39. Note on the site plan that the site shall be planned and developed to keep surface water away from buildings. Plans shall be provided and approved by the City Engineer that show site grading and provide for storm water retention and drainage during construction. BMP's that are currently enforced by the city engineer must be implemented prior to initial inspection by the building department. CGC 4.106 3. 40 Note on plans that a min. of 50% of construction waste is to be recycled. CGC 4.408.1. 41 Note on the plans that the builder is to provide an operation manual (containing information for maintaining appliances, etc.) for the owner at the time of final inspection. CGC 4.410.1. 42. Note on the plans that during construction, ends of duct openings are to be sealed, and mechanical equipment is to be covered. CGC 4.504.1. 43. Show on the plans that the gas fireplace(s) shall be direct vent. Woodstove or pellet stoves must be US EPA Phase II rated appliances. CGC 4.503.1. 44 Note on the plans that VOC's must comply with the limitations listed in Section 4.504 3 and Tables 4.504.1, 4.504.2, 4.504.3 and 4.504.5 for. Adhesives, Paints and Coatings, Carpet and Composition Wood Products. CGC 4.504.2. 45. Note on the plans that interior moisture control at slab on grade floors shall be provided by the soil engineer responsible for the project soil report per CGC Section 5.505.2.1, item 3 If a soil engineer has not prepared a soil report for this project, the following is required. A 4" thick base of /4" or larger clean aggregate shall be provided with a vapor barrier in direct contact with concrete, with a concrete mix design which will address bleeding, shnnkage and curling shall be used. 46. Note on the plans that bathroom fans shall be Energy Star rated, vented directly to the outside and controlled by a humidistat. CGC 4.506.1. 47. Note on the plans that if provided, whole house exhaust fans shall have insulated covers or louvers which close when the fan is off The covers or louvers shall have minimum R4.2 insulation. CGC 5.507.1. 48. Note on the plans that heating and AC shall be sized and selected by ACCA Manual J or ASHRAE handbook or equivalent. The duct sizing shall be sized in accordance with one of the ACCA methods listed in CGC Section 4.507.2 49. Note on the plans that pnor to final approval of the building the licensed contractor, architect or engineer in responsible charge of the overall construction must complete and sign the Green Building Standards Certification form and given to the building department official to be filed with the approved plans Water Efficiency and Conservation Standards listed below became effective 7/01/2011 CARLSBAD 11-1738 AUG. 17, 2011 50. Provide calculations prepared by a licensed engineer that will show water consumption reduction of 20% below the baseline water consumption listed in Table 4.303 1. In lieu of providing the calculations, imprint on the plans the attached Table 4.303.2 listing fixtures that meet the 20% reduction CGC 4.303.1 TABLE 4.303.2 FIXTURE FLOW RATES FIXTURE TYPE FLOW RATE MAXIMUM FLOW RATE AT > 20 % REDUCTION Showerheads 2.5 gpm @ 80 psi 2 gpm @ 80 psi Lavatory faucets, residential 2.2 gpm @ 60 psi 1.5 gpm @ 60 psi^ Kitchen faucets 2.2 gpm @ 60 psi 1.8 gpm @ 60 psi Gravity tank-typewater closets 1.6 gallons/flush 1.28 gallons/flush' Flushometer tankwater closets 1.6 gallons/flush 1.28 gallons/flush' Flushometer valvewater closets 1.6 gallons/flush 1.28 gallons/flush' Electromechanical hydraulic water closets 1.6 gallons/flush 1.28 gallons/flush' 51. 52 1. Includes single and dual flush water closets with an effective flush of 1.28 gallons or less. Single flush toilets—The effective flush volume shall not exceed 1.28 gallons (4.8 liters). The effective flush volume is the average flush volume when tested in accordance with ASME A112.19.233.2. Dual flush toilets—The effective flush volume shall not exceed 1.28 gallons (4.8 liters). The effective flush volume is defmed as the composite, average flush volume of two reduced flushes and one full flush. Flush volumes will be tested in accordance with ASME Al 12.19.2 and ASME A112.19.14. 2. Lavatory faucets shall not have a flow rate less than 0.8 gpm at 20 psi. Note on the plans that when a shower is provided with multiple shower heads, the sum of flow to all the heads shall not exceed the 20% reduced limit, or the shower shall be designed so that only one head is on at a time. CGC 4.303.2 Note on plans that landscape Irrigation water use shall have weather based controllers. CGC 4.304 1. • ENERGY CONSERVATION 53. Show on the plans compliance with the residential energy lighting requirements (Mandatory requirement): a) In the kitchen at least one-half of the wattage rating of the fixtures must be high efficacy with non-high efficacy fixtures switched separately. Note Approximately % of the fixtures will be required to be of the high efficacy vanety. b) In bathrooms, garages, laundn/ rooms, and utility rooms all fixtures must be high efficacy style or be controlled by a vacancy sensor. c) All other rooms require any installed fixtures to be high efficacy or be controlled by a vacancy sensor or dimmer (Closets under 70 square feet are exempt) CARLSBAD 11-1738 AUG. 17, 2011 d) Outdoor lighting fixtures that are attached to a building are required to be high efficacy or controlled by a combination photo-control/motion sensor. Note Generally a high efficacy style affixture is fluorescent, complete with electronic ballasts. Regular incandescent, quartz halogen and halogen MR lamps do not comply. 54. Residential ventilation requirements: • Kitchens require exhaust fans (either intermittent/100 cfm or continuous/5 air changes/hour), ducted to the exterior. Detail compliance by including a complying exhaust fan or a ducted range hood to the extenor. Note CFM and noise rating ("Sone") must be specified on plans • Bathrooms require exhaust fans (minimum 50 cfm) to be ducted to the exterior Note CFM and noise rating ("Sone") must be specified on the plans A bathroom is defined "as a room with a bathtub, shower, or spa or some similar source of moisture". • Residential bathroom exhaust fans shall be energy star rated and shall be control by a humidistat capable of an adjustment between 50 and 80% humidity CalGreen 4 506 1. Exception' Control by a humidistat is not required if the bathroom exhaust fan is also the dwelling whole house ventilation • Mechanical whole house ventilation must be provided. Include the following information Fan sizing (cfm), "Sone" specification, and the duct sizing and length Note. The information must match or exceed the design found on CF-6R-MECH energy forms • All fans installed to meet the preceding requirements must be specified at a noise rating of a maximum 1 "Sone" (for the continuous use calculation) or 3 "Sone" (for the intermittent use calculation) . ADDITIONAL 55. All new buildings that will use recycled water for irrigation require the following note on the plan check list: "The City of Carlsbad requires the installation of a "bypass tee and associated ball valves" be installed above grade on the main water supply line before it enters the building. Please include the location and specifications for this fitting on the plumbing plans. (The City Engineer has a detail available, Standard drawing W35)." 56. The use of an automatic or self regenerating water softener unit is limited by the City plumbing adoptive ordinance. Please review this ordinance and revise the water softener design, if required. 57. For R-3's, fire sprinkler plans must be included with the original plan submittal. The sprinkler plans must be reviewe staff before a permit can be issued. The sprinkler plans must be reviewed/approved by EsGil (or other 3'^'^ party review) 58. All piping for present or future solar water heating must be insulated when in areas that are not heated or cooled by mechanical means. (City Policy). • MISCELLANEOUS 59. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. CARLSBAD 11-1738 AUG. 17, 2011 60. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes • No • 61. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Ali Sadre at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. CARLSBAD 11-1738 AUG. 17, 2011 [DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLANCHECKNO.: 11-1738 PREPARED BY: Ali Sadre DATE: AUG. 17, 2011 BUILDING ADDRESS: 160 JUNIPER AVENUE BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R3/U TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-B/SPR. BUILDING PORTION AREA ( Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) LIVING AREA 2924 GARAGE 799 DECKS 750 Air Conditioning Fire Spnnklers TOTAL VALUE 380,608 Jurisdiction Code CB By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan CheckFee bv^Orchnance Type of Review I? Complete Review $1,668.77 $1,084.70 n Structural Only r~• Repetitive Fee ~~fg Repeats r other p Hourly EsGil Fee Mr. @ $934.51 Comments: Please add one hour for Green Buildinq Code Check = $86. Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc + 2t ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST E-36 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www carlsbadca gov ENGINEERING Plan Check for CB 11-1738 Review # 2 Date' 11/28/11 Project Address. 160 JUNIPER AVE APN 204-232-06 Project Description NEW SFD 2924 SF LIVING 750 SF DECK, 799 SF GARAGE Valuation 380,508 ENGINEERING Contact Kathleen Lawrence Phone. 760-602-2741 Email, kathleen.lawrence@carlsbadca.gov Fax 760-602-1052 •-'^22^/- lJ^^4±± X . Please make the necessary Any outstanding issues will be marked with corrections to the plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specification to the Building division for resubmittal to the Engineering Division. Items that conform to permit requirements are marked with L/j ATTACHMENTS: I I Engineering Application Storm Water Form Right-of-Way Application/lnfo Sheet Reference Documents f • : ; OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; - ENGINEERiriJG AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT BY: DATE REMARKS '(l]idK:6K.^f/V^ ^fO^ir S/Cf22^ Notification of Engineering APPROVAL has been sent toj via on E-36 Page 1 of 6 REV 4/30/11 0611-1738 Review # 2 1. SITE PLAN Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show I / f North arrow ' 2.^ Existing & proposed structures _ 2 Existing street improvements 2LJ Property lines (show all dimensions) Easements _ Right-of-way width & adjacent streets r— / 1 Driveway widths I _/ j Existing or proposed sewer lateral -_. ±_ Existing or proposed water service r — - Submit on signed approved plans DWG No Show on site plan: • j/J Drainage patterns I / I Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course [~~|ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building". / \ Existing & proposed slopes and topography Size, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service(s) that serves the project Each unit requires a separate service, however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception '\ Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed dnveways, per standards Include on title sheet: rz] / Site address 272 Assessor's parcel number [VJ Legal descnption/lot number 22221 commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufactunng, warehouse, office, etc) previously approved I ] Show all existing use of SF and new proposed use of SF. Example: Tenant improvement for 3500 SF of warehouse to 3500 SF of office. Lot/Map No. LOT 6 BLK 2 Subdivision/Tract 1777 Reference No(s) E-36 Page 2 of 6 REV 4/30/10 CB 11-1738 Review # 2 2. DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE CDP 11-11 PC RESO 6809 I I Project does not comply with the following engineenng conditions of approval for project no PLEASE SEE COMIVIENTS #10 Agreements are ready for pick up at the Engineering Counter. 1. Hold Harmless Drainage, 2. Lighting Annexation, and 3. Local Improvement District Agreement. 3. DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS N/A 60" ROW EXISTING I Dedication for all street nghts-of-way adjacent to the building site and any storm dram or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ 20.000 00 , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18 40 030 For single family residence, easement dedication will be completed by the City of Carlsbad, cost $605.00. i Dedication required as follows 4. IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 7^ All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $100,000 00, pursuant to Cadsbad Municipal Code Section 18 40 040 Public improvements required as follows. LJ [Z] Construction of the public Improvements must be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40 Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $ 441,00 so we may prepare the necessary Neighborhood Improvement Agreement This agreement must be signed, notanzed and approved by the city pnor to issuance of a building permit Future public improvements required as follows E-36 Page 3 of 6 CB 11-1738 Review # 2 5. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that require a grading permit are found in Section 15.16 of the Municipal Code MINOR GRADING PERMIT REQUIRED CONDITION NO, 20 PC RESO 6809 SUBMIT A MINOR GRADING PLAN SEE COMMENTS #10 AND ATTACHED RELINES Z] LX llnadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on grading requirements Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill, import, export and remedial) This information must be included on the plans. If no grading is proposed write: "NO GRADING" Grading Permit required. NOTE The qrading permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained pnorto issuance of a building permit. rZ3 Graded Pad Certification required (Note Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required ) All required documentation must be provided to your Engineenng Construction Inspector. The inspector will then provide the engineenng counter with a release forthe building permit [I No grading permit required. rZl Minor Grading Permit required See attached marked-up submittal checklist for project- specific requirements 6. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS A RIGHT OF WAY (ROW) PERMIT WILL BE REQUIRED FORTHE WORK IN THE CITY RIGHT OF WAY 1 RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in city nght-of-way and/or private work adjacent to the public nght-of-way Types of work include, but are not limited to street improvements, tree tnmming, driveway construction, tying into public storm dram, sewer and water utilities I Right-of-way permit required for E-36 Page 4 of 6 REV 6/30/10 CB 11-1738 Review # 2 RETURN COMPLETED AND SIGNED STORM WATER FORMS 7. STORM WATER Construction Compliance [ X~| I I Project Threat Assessment Form complete Enclosed Project Threat Assessment Form incomplete. Requires Tier 1 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Please complete attached form and return (SW 11-322 ) ^1 11 LH] Requires Tier 2 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Requires submittal of Tier 2 SWPPP, payment of processing fee and review by city. Post-Development (SUSMP) Compliance ~1 Storm Water Standards Questionnaire complete Storm Water Standards Questionnaire incomplete Please make the corrections, re-sign the questionnaire and resubmit with next submittal Project IS subject to Standard Storm Water Requirements. See city Standard Urban Storm Water Management Plan (SUSMP) for reference. http //www carlsbadca qov/business/buildinq/Documents/EnqStandsw-stds-vol4-ch2 pdf • I Project needs to incorporate low impact development strategies throughout in one or more of the following ways Rainwater harvesting (rain barrels or cistern) Vegetated Roof 2/1 Bio-retentions cell/ram garden IJ/} Pervious pavement/pavers [/J Flow-through planter/vegetated or rock drip line 123 Vegetated swales or rock infiltration swales [_] Downspouts disconnect and discharge over landscape I I Other E-36 Page 5 of 6 REV 4/30/10 CB 11-1738 Review # 2 WATER METER REVIEW Domestic (potable) Use Where a residential unit is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system, the minimum meter size shall be a 1" meter. NOTE, the connection fee, SDCWA system capacity charge and the water treatment capacity charge will be based on the size of the meter necessary to meet the water use requirements. For residential units the minimum size meter shall be 5/8", except where the residential unit is larger than 3,500 square feet or on a lot larger than one quarter (1/4) acre where the meter size shall be 9. FEES f/l Required fees have been entered in building permit. [ / } Drainage fee applicable Added square feet Added square footage in last two years'? Permit No. Permit No Project built after 1980 Impervious surface > 50% Impact unconstructed facility 1 Fire sprinklers required [7]yes Upgrade Q yes No fees required LJ yes 122"° • yes nno [Jyes Lino • yes Dno • no (is addition over 150' from center line) •no 10. Additional Comments Please add to minor grading site plan: 1. Finished floor elevation and spot elevations on lot. 2. Show Water and Sewer main in Juniper (map attached). 3. Will there be a sump pump at driveway, please provide details, especially of discharge to street. 4. Provide breakdown of 300 cy's, cut, fill, import, export. 5. Label all height of walls/planters (TW/BW), correct City ROW for Juniper, ROW 30'. 6. Add water service per City Standard W-3A, sewer lateral per S-7. 7. Add driveway per City Standard GS-12 and SDRSD G-14B, trenching per City Standard GS-25. 8. A minor grading permit is required per condition no. 20, PC Reso 6809, a grading permit application is attached. Please complete and return. Estimated fees are $1,049.50 based on 300 cy's. E-36 Page 6 of 6 REV 4/30/10 Fee Calculation Worksheet ENGINEERING DIVISION Prepared by: Kathleen Lawrence Date: 08/16/11 GEO DATA: LFMZ: / B&T: Address: 160 JUNIPER Bldg. Permit #: CB 11-1738 Fees Update by: Date: Fees Update by: Date: EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: NEW SFD Sq.Ft./Units 2924 EDU's 1 Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units EDU's Types of Use: Sq,Ft/Units EDU's Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units EDU's ADT CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: NEW SFD Sq.Ft./Units 2924 ADT's 10 Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units ADTs Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units ADT's Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units ADT's FEES REQUIRED: Within CFD: DYES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1, reduces Traffic Impact Fee) 0NO 1. PARK-IN-LIEU FEE:nNW QUADRANT iJNE QUADRANT DSE QUADARANT QSW QUADRANT ADT'S/UNITS: X FEE/ADT: =$ N/A 2,TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE: ADT'S/UNITS: 1 X FEE/ADT: $2,703 =$ 2,703 3. BRIDGE & THOROUGHFARE FEE: • DIST #1 Ll DIST.#2 • DIST,#3 ADTS/UNITS: X FEE/ADT: =$ 4. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE ZONE: 1 ADT'S/UNITS: X FEE/SQ.FT./UNIT: =$ N/A 5. SEWER FEE EDU's 1 X FEE/EDU: 1096 =$ 1,096 BENEFIT AREA: EDU's X FEE/EDU: =$ 6. DRAINAGE FEES PLDA: •JHIGH [TIMED UM •JLOW ACRES: .18 X FEE/AC: 3797 =$ 683.46 7. POTABLE WATER FEES: UNITS CODE CONN. FEE METER FEE SDCWA FEE TOTAL 1" FS 3549 403 4592 2 B.A. WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/ JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO. II-II06E7(2) Clearing and Grubbing All areas to be graded or to receive fill and/or structures should be cleared of vegetation. Vegetation and the debris fi-om the clearing operation should be properly disposed of off-site. The area should be thoroughly inspected for any possible buried objects, which need to be rerouted or removed prior to the inception of, or during grading. All holes, trenches, or pockets left by the removal of these objects should be properly backfilled with compacted fill materials as recommended in the Method and Criteria of Compaction section of this report. Structural Improvement of Soils Information obtained fi-om our field and laboratory analysis indicates that loose topsoil covers the building pad to a depth of approximately 18 inches below existing grade. These surficial soils are susceptible to settlement upon loading. Based upon the soil characteristics, we recommend the following: * All topsoil and other loose natural soils should be completely removed from areas, which are planned to receive compacted fills and/or structural improvements. The bottom of the removal area should expose competent materials as approved by ECSC&E geotechnical representative. . Prior to the placement of new fill, the bottom of the removal area should be scarified a minimum depth of 6 inches, moisture-conditioned •within 2 percent above the optimum moisture content, and then recompacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (ASTM D1557 test method). * Overexcavation should be completed for the structural building pads to a minimum depth of 3 feet below fmish pad grades. The limit of the required areas of overexcavation should be extended a minimum of 5 feet laterally beyond the perimeter footing (building footprint). * Soils utilized as fill should be moisture-conditioned and recompacted in conformance with the following Method and Criteria of Compaction section of this report. The depth and extent of any overexcavation and recompaction should be evaluated in the field by a representative of ECSC&E. * An altemative to the overexcavation and recompaction of subgrade is to extend the footings to the dense terrace deposits. Foimdation excavations should be observed by a representative of this firm to verify competent bearing soils. Transitions Between Cut and Fill The proposed structure is anticipated to be founded in either properly compacted fill or dense terrace deposits. Cut to fill transitions below the proposed structure should be completely eliminated during the earthwork construction as required in the previous section. 1 ^S:'^ 4d Internet ^i44 Q4h9 IHI 0 which modifies or termmates said notice upon a showing of good cause by the Developer or successor in mterest Engineering; Note- Unless specifically stated in the condition, all of the following conditions, upon the approval of this proposed development, must be met pnor to approval of a buildmg permit General 15 Prprfb hauling dirt or construction materials to or from any proposed construction site within this project, developer shall apply for and obtain approval from, the city engineer for the,proposed haul route This project is approved upon the express condition that building permits will not be issued for the development of the subject property, unless the district engineer has determined that adequate water and sewer facilities are available at the time of permit issuance and will continue to be available until time of occupancy Fees/Agreements Developer shall cause property owner to execute and submit to the city engmeer for recordation the city's standard form Drainage Hold Harmless Agreement nor to approval of any grading or building permits for this project, developer shall cause owner to give written consent to the city engineer for the annexation of the area shown within the boundaries of the site plan into the existing^'Clty of Carlsbad Mreet Lighting and Landscapmg District No 1 and/or to the formation or annexation into an additional Street Lighting and Landscaping District Said wntten consent shall be on a form provided by the city engineer Prior to issuance of building permits, or grading permit, whichever occurs first, developer shall cause owner to execute, for recordation, a city standard Local Improvement District Agreement to pay fair share contributions for undergrounding of all existing overhead utilities and installation of street lights, as needed, along the subdivision frontage, should a future district be formed ased upon a review of the proposed grading and the grading quantities shown on the site plan, a grading Dermit for minor grading is required for this project. Developer shall prepare and submit a minor grading plan as part ot the building plan check submittal package Developer shall submit technical studies/reports, as applicable, for city engineer review, and shall pay a minor grading plan review fee per the city's latest fee schedule. Developer shall apply for and obtain a minor grading permit from the city engineer VVv' Developer shall pay all applicable gradmg permit fees per the city's latest tee schedule and shall post security per City Code requirements PC RESO NO 6809 -6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7i 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Developer shall comply with the city's Stormwater Regulations, latest version, and shall implement best management practices at all times Best management practices include but are not limited to pollution control practices or devices, erosion control to prevent silt runoff during construction, general housekeeping practices, pollution prevention and educational practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices or devices to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to stormwater, receiving water or stormwater conveyance system to the maximum extent practicable Developer shall ify prospective owners and tenants of the above requirements Developer shall complete and submit to the city engineer a Project Threat Assessment Form (PTAF) pursuant to City Engineenng Standards Concurrent with the PTAF, developer shall also submit the appropriate Tier level Storm Water Compliance form and appropriate Tier level Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as determined by the completed PTAF all to the satisfaction of the city engineer Developer shall pay all applicable SWPPP plan review and inspection fees per the city's latest fee schedule Developer shall incorporate measures with this project to comply with Standard Stormwater Requirements per the city's Standard Urban Stormwater Management Plan (SUSMP) These measures include, but are not limited to 1) reducing the use of new impervious surfaces (eg., paving), 2) designing drainage from impervious surfaces to discharge over pervious areas (e g turf, landscape areas), 3) and designing trash enclosures to avoid contact with storm runoff, all to the satisfaction of the city engineer. Developer shall design all proposed public improvements including but not limited to (sewer laterals, driveways, water services/meters, curb drains, etc) as shown on the site plan Developer shall apply for and obtain a right-of-way permit prior to performing work in the city right-of-way Utilities Developer shall meet with the fire marshal to determine if fire protection measures (fire flows, firejiydrant locations, building sprinklers) are required to serve the project. Fire hydrjuttSTif proposed, shall be considered public improvements and shall be served by ibiic water mains to the satisfaction of the district engineer. Prior to issuance of building permits, developer shall pay all fees, deposits, and charges for connection to public facilities Code Reminders: Note The project is subject to all applicable provisions of local ordinances, including but not limited to the following code requirements 28 Developer shall pay traffic impact and sewer impact fees based on Section 18 42 and Section 13 10 of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code, respectively The Average Daily Tnps (ADT) and floor area contained in the staff report and shown on the site plan are for planning purposes only PC RESO NO 6809 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all applicable sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances in effect at time of building permit issuance, except as otherwise specifically provided herein. 30 Premise identification (addresses) shall be provided consistent with Carlsbad Mimicipal Code Section 18 04 320 31 Pnor to the issuance of a building permit. Developer shall pay a Pubiic Facility fee as required by Council Policy No 17. NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to for convenience as "fees/exactions " You have 90 days from date of final approval to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedure set forth in Govemment Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32.030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity charges, nor plarming, zoning, grading, or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project, NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired PC RESO NO. 6809 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on October 5, 2011, by the following vote, to wit 2 AYES Chairperson L'Heureux, Commissioners Arnold, Black, Nygaard, Scully, Schumacher and Siekmann NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN. STE^HEN^^^rfAP'' L'H^REUX, Chairperson 13 CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST 14 15 16 17 DON NEU ' ^ Planning Director 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PC RESO NO 6809 -9- 24 '•:<.: CITY OF BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST E-36 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www carlsbadca gov ENGINEERING Plan Check for CB 11-1738 Review # 3^ Date 11/28/11 Project Address 160 JUNIPER AVE APN 204-232-06 Project Description NEW SFD 2924 SF LIVING 750 SF DECK, 799 SF GARAGE Valuation 380,608 ENGINEERING Contact Kathleen Lawrence Phone 760-602-2741 Email kathleen.lawrence@carlsbadca.gov Fax 760-602-1052 US';/ Any outstanding issues will be marked withI /K I. Please make the necessary corrections to the plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specification to the Building division for resubmittal to the Engineering Division. f.«:.' Items that conform to permit requirements are marked with [j^^ ATTACHMENTS. Engineering Application Storm Water Form Right-of-Way Application/lnfo Sheet [ Reference Documents OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' , ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATIOrii TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT BY- . : REMARKS DATE 4 1-2 i Notification of Engineermg APPROVAL has been sent to via on E-36 Page 1 of 6 REV 4/30/11 CB 11-1738 Review # 2 1. SITEPLAN Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale Show /D & /J Nortti arrow LZJ Existing & proposed structures //..} Existing street improvements C5ZI Property lines (show all dimensions) Easements CIZII Right-of-way width & adjacent streets _/ Driveway widths ' / Existing or proposed sewer lateral ' ' Existing or proposed water service Submit on signed approved plans DWG No Show on site plan- Drainage patterns • • 4, [/J Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course [^221^'^'^ THE FOLLOWING NOTE "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building" 223 Exjsling & proposed slopes and topography Q^Size, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service{s) that serves the project Each unit requires a separate service, however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception I I Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed dnveways, per standards Include on title sheet C3 / Site address 27 ] Assessor's parcel number 223 Legal descnption/lot number I I For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufactunng, warehouse, office, etc) previously approved Show all existing use of SF and new proposed use of SF Example Tenant improvement for 3500 SF of warehouse to 3500 SF of office Lot/Map No LOT 6 BLK 2 Subdivision/T ract 1777 Reference No(s) E-36 Page 2 of 6 REV 4/30/10 CB 11-1738 Review # 2 2. DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE CDP 11-11 PC RESO 6809 X Ll/j Project does not comply with the following engineenng conditions of approval for project no PLEASE SEE COMIVIENTS #10 Agreements are ready for pick up at the Engineering Counter 1 Hold Harmless Drainage, 2 Lighting Annexation, and 3 bui.dl lni|jio>ieri'ii!!i'it Dutfiet Agreement 3. DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS N/A 60' ROW EXISTING Dedication for all street rights-of-way adjacent to the building site and any storm dram or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ 20,000 00 , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18 40 030 For single family residence, easement dedication will be completed by the City of Carlsbad, cost $605 00 I I Dedication required as follows 4. IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS "/"] All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $100,000 00, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18 40 040 Public improvements required as follows Construction of the public improvements must be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18 40 Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee nf $ 441 nn so we may prepare the necessary Neighborhood Improvement Agreement This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the city prior to issuance of a building permit Future public improvements required as follows E-35 Page 3 of 6 CB 11-1738 Review # 2 5. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that require a grading permit are found in Section 15 16 of the Municipal Code MINOR GRADING PERMIT REQUIRED CONDITION NO 20 PC RESO 6809 SUBMIT A MINOR GRADING PLAN SEE COMIVIENTS #10 AND ATTACHED RELINES 6l2 X jinadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on grading requirements Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill, import, export and remedial) This information must be included on the plans If no grading is proposed write. "NO GRADING" I I Grading Permit required NOTE The grading permit must be issued and rough gradinq approval obtained pnor to issuance of a building permit I Graded Pad Certification required (Note Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required ) All required documentation must be provided to your Engineering Construction Inspector The inspector will then provide the engineenng counter with a release forthe building permit No grading permit required Minor Grading Permit required See attached marked-up submittal checklist for project- specific requirements 6. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS A RIGHT OF WAY (ROW) PERMIT WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THE WORK IN THE CITY RIGHT OF WAY 1 RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in city nght-of-way and/or pnvate work adjacent to the public nght-of-way Types of work include, but are not limited to street improvements, tree tnmming, dnveway construction, tying into public storm dram, sewer and water utilities ! Right-of-way permit required for E-36 Page 4 of 6 REV 6/30/10 CB 11-1738 Review # 2 7. STORM WATER Construction Compliance RETURN COMPLETED AND SIGNED STORM WATER FORMS I I L J aHK 2\y'^^oieci Threat Assessment Form complete Enclosed Project Threat Assessment Form incomplete [^f'Pequires Tier 1 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Please complete attached form and return (SW 11-322 ) 223 Requires Tier 2 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Requires submittal of Tier 2 SWPPP, payment of processing fee and review by city Post-Development (SUSMP) Compliance Q/C^XJ Ij/fstorm Water Standards Questionnaire complete Storm Water Standards Questionnaire incomplete Please make the corrections, re-sign the questionnaire and resubmit with next submittal 3^ Project IS subject to Standard Storm Water Requirements See city Standard Urban Storm Water Management Plan (SUSMP) for reference http //vwvw carlsbadca qov/business/building/Documents/EnqStandsw-stds-vol4-ch2 pdf _7j Project needs to incorporate low impact development strategies throughout in one or more of the following ways Rainwater harvesting (ram barrels or cistern) 23 Vegetated Roof LZ] Bio-retentions cell/ram garden (71 Pervious pavement/pavers [/] Flow-through planter/vegetated or rock drip line L -Zl Vegetated swales or rock infiltration swales [ZU Downspouts disconnect and discharge over landscape • Other E-36 Page 5 of 6 REV 4/30/10 CB 11-1738 Review # 2 WATER METER REVIEW Domestic (potable) Use • • Where a residential unit is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system, the minimum meter size shall be a 1" meter NOTE the connection fee, SDCWA system capacity charge and the water treatment capacity charge will be based on the size of the meter necessary to meet the water use requirements For residential units the minimum size meter shall be 5/8", except where the residential unit is larger than 3,500 square feet or on a lot larger than one quarter (1/4) acre where the meter size shall be 4/ 9. FEES LJ / • Required fees have been entered in building permit Drainage fee applicable Added square feet Added square footage in last two years'? Permit No Permit No Project built after 1980 Impervious surface > 50% Impact unconstructed facility Fire spnnklers required 1 Upgrade No fees required • yes Dno • yes Qyes • yes • no • no • no L^Uyes L J no (IS addition over 150' from center line) • yes LJno 10. Additional Comments Please add to minor grading site plan K^mished floor elevation and spot elevations on lot Show Water and Sewer mam in Jumper (map attached) W<r Will there be a sump pump at driveway, please provide details, especially of discharge to street ^-"f^Provide breakdown of 300 cy's cut, fill import, export U-<r Label all height of walls/planters (TW/BW), correct City ROW for Juniper, ROW 30' Add water sen/ice per City Standard W-3A, sewer lateral per S-7 '"'f^dd driveway per City Standard GS-12 and SDRSD G-14B, trenching per City Standard GS-25 \y^k minor grading permit is required per condition no 20, PC Reso 6809, a grading permit application is attached Please complete and return Estimated fees are $1,049,50 based on 300 cy's E-36 Page 6 of 6 REV 4/30/10 CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www carlsbadca gov To address post-development pollutants that may be generated from development projects, the City requires that new development and significant redevelopment priority projects incorporate Permanent Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMP's) into the project design per the City's Standard Urban Stormwater Management Plan (SUSMP) To view the SUSMP, refer to the Engineenng Standards (Volume 4, Chapter 2) at www carlsbadca qov/standards Initially this questionnaire must be completed by the applicant in advance of submitting for a development application (subdivision, discretionary permits and/or construction permits) The results of the questionnaire determine the level of storm water standards that must be applied to a proposed development or redevelopment project Depending on the outcome, your project will either be subject to 'Standard Stormwater Requirements' or be subject to additional cntena called 'Pnonty Development Project Requirements' Many aspects of project site design are dependent upon the storm water standards applied to a project Your responses to the questionnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project conditions and impacts City staff has responsibility for making the final assessment after submission of the development application If staff determines that the questionnaire was incorrectly filled out and is subject to more stnngent storm water standards than initially assessed by you, this will result in the return ofthe development application as incomplete In this case, please make the changes to the questionnaire and resubmit to the City If you are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help in determining how to respond to one or more of the questions, please seek assistance from Land Development Engineenng staff A separate completed and signed questionnaire must be submitted for each new development application submission Only one completed and signed questionnaire is required when multiple development applications for the same project are submitted concurrently In addition to this questionnaire, you must also complete, sign and submit a Project Threat Assessment Form with construction permits for the project Please start by completing Section 1 and follow the instructions When completed, sign the form at the end and submit this with your application to the city SECTliDN!! m»im.i 14 .V. ^V.'^ 'NEllDEtiE61i!MMTSi-4 ^ '2/42 '-''•''' ' 4*^ • Does your project meet one or more of the following criteria YES NO 1 Housina subdivisions of 10 or more dwellina units Examples sinale family homes, multi-familv homes, condominium and apartments 2 Commercial - areater than 1-acre Anv development other than heavy industrv or residential Examples hospitals, laboratones and other medical facilities, educational institutions, recreational facilities, municipal facilities, commercial nursenes, multi-apartment buildings, car wash facilities, mini-malls and other business complexes, shopping malls, hotels, office buildings, public warehouses, automotive dealerships, airfields, and other light industnal facilities 3 Heavv Industrial / Industry- areater than 1 acre Examples manufactunna plants, food processinq plants, metal working facilities, pnnting plants, and fleet storage areas (bus, truck, etc ) X 4 Automotive repair shop A facility cateqonzed in any one of Standard Industnal Classification (SIC) codes 5013, 5014, 5541, 7532-7534, and 7536-7539 X 5 Restaurants Any facility that sells prepared foods and dnnks for consumption, including stationary lunch counters and refreshment stands selling prepared foods and dnnks for immediate consumption (SIG code 5812), where the land area for development is greater than 5,000 square feet Restaurants where land development is less than 5,000 square feet shall meet all SUSMP requirements except for structural treatment BMP and numenc sizing cntena requirements and hydromodification requirements X E-34 Page 1 of 3 REV 1/14/11 STORM WATER Development Services Land Development Engineering STANDARDS Development Services Land Development Engineering CITY OF QUESTIONNAIRE 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD E-34 760-602-2750 E-34 www carlsbadca gov 6 Hillside develooment Anv development that creates more than 5,000 sauare feet of impervious surface and is located in an area with known erosive soil conditions, where the development will grade on any natural slope that is twenty-five percent (25%) or greater X 7 Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA)^ All development located within or directly adiacent^ to or discharaina directly^ to an ESA (where discharges from the development or redevelopment will enter receiving waters within the ESA), which either creates 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface on a proposed project site or increases the area of imperviousness of a proposed project site 10% or more of its naturally occurring condition / 8 Parkina lot Area of 5,000 square feet or more, or with 15 or more parkinq spaces, and potentially exposed to urban runoff X 9 Streets, roads, hiahwavs. and freeways Any paved surface that is 5,000 square feet or qreater used for the transportation of automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles Xr 10 Retail Gasoline Outlets Servina more than 100 vehicles per dav and areater than 5,000 square feet 11 Coastal Development Zone Anv proiect located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) creates more than 2500 square feet of impervious surface or (2) increases impervious surface on property by more than 10% K 12 More than 1-acre of disturbance Proiect results in the disturbance of 1-acre or more of land and is considered a Pollutant-generating Development Project" X 1 Environmentally Sensitive Areas include but are not limited to all Clean Water Act Section 303(d) impaired water bodies, areas designated as Areas of Special Biological Significance by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments), water bodies designated with the RARE beneficial use by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments), areas designated as preserves or their equivalent under the Multi Species Conservation Program within the Cities and County of San Diego, and any other equivalent environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the Copermittees 2 "Directly adjacent" means situated within 200 feet ofthe Environmentally Sensitive Area 3 "Discharging directly to" means outflow from a drainage conveyance system that is composed entirely of flows from the subject development or redevelopment site, and not commingled with flow from adjacent lands 4 Pollutant-generating Development Projects are those projects that generate pollutants at levels greater than background levels In general, these include all projects that contnbute to an exceedance to an impaired water body or which create new impervious surfaces greater than 5000 square feet and/or introduce new landscaping areas that require routine use of fertilizers and pesticides In most cases linear pathway projects that are for infrequent vehicle use, such as emergency or maintenance access, or for pedestnan or bicycle use, are not considered Pollutant-generating Development Projects if they are built with pervious surfaces or if they sheet flow to surrounding pervious surfaces INSTRUCTIONS Section 1 Results If you answered YES to ANY of the questions above, your project is subject to Pnonty Development Project requirements Skip Section 2 and please proceed to Section 3 Check the "meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements" box in Section 3 Additional storm water requirements will apply per the SUSMP If you answered NO to ALL of the questions above, then please proceed to Section 2 and follow the instructions E-34 Page 2 of 3 REV 1/14/11 STORM WATER Development Services Land Development Engineering CITY OF STANDARDS Development Services Land Development Engineering CITY OF QUESTIONNAIRE 1635 Faraday Avenue LSBAD E-34 760-602-2750 www carlsbadca gov INSTRUCTIONS. Complete the questions below regarding your project YES NO 1 Project results in the disturbance of 1-acre or more of land and is considered a Pollutant-generating Development Project *"? X INSTRUCTIONS If you answered NO, please proceed to question 2 If you answered YES, then you ARE a significant redevelopment and you ARE subject to PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements Please check the "meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements" box in Section 3 below 2 Is the project redeveloping an existing priority project type'? (Pnonty projects are defined in Section 1) INSTRUCTIONS If you answered YES, please proceed to question 3 If you answered NO, then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and your project is subject to STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS Please check the "does not meet PDP requirements" box in Section 3 below 3 Is the work limited to trenching and resurfacing associated with utility work, resurfacing and reconfigunng surface parking lots and existing roadways, new sidewalk, bike lane on existing road and/or routine maintenance of damaged pavement such as pothole repair"? Resurfacing/reconfigunng parking lots is where the work does not expose underlying soil dunng construction INSTRUCTIONS If you answered NO, then proceed to question 4 If you answered YES, then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and your project is subject to STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS Please check the "does not meet PDP requirements" box in Section 3 below 4 Will your redevelopment project create, replace, or add at least 5,000 square feet of impervious surfaces on existing developed property or will your project be located within 200 feet ofthe Pacific Ocean and (1) create 2500 square feet or more of impervious surface or (2) increases impervious surface on the property by more than 10%'? Replacement of existing impervious surfaces includes any activity that is not part of routine maintenance where impervious matenal(s) are removed, exposing underlying soil dunng construction INSTRUCTIONS If you answered YES, you ARE a significant redevelopment, and you ARE subject to PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements Please check the "meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements" box in Section 3 below Review SUSMP to find out if SUSMP requirements apply to your project envelope or the entire project site If you answered NO, then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and your project is subject to STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS Please check the "does not meet PDP requirements" box in Section 3 below *for definition see Footnote 4 on page 2 • My project meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (PDP) requirements and must comply with additional stormwater cntena per the SUSMP and I understand I must prepare a Storm VVater Management Plan for submittal at time of application I understand flow control (hydromodification) requirements may apply to my project Refer to SUSMP for details My project does not meet PDP requirements and must only comply with STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS per the SUSMP As part of these requirements, I will incorporate low impact development strategies throughout my proiect Applicant Information and Signature Box This Box for City Use Only Address {(po Zmkar Av^ Assessor's Parcel Number(s) ' Applicant Name VJ > Applicant Title Applicant Signature i 1 Date City Concurrence By YES Date Project ID E-34 Page 3 of 3 REV 1/14/11 CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER COMPLIANCE FORM TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP E-29 Development Services Land Oeveiopment Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www carlsbadca gov STORM WATER COMPUANCE CERTIFICATE My project is not in a category of penntt types exempt from the Constmction SWPPP requirements My project is not located inside or within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area with a significant potential for contnbuting pollutants to neaiby receiving waters by way of storm water mnoff or non-storm water discharge(s) My project does not require a grading plan pursuant to the Carlsbad Grading Ordinance (Chapter 15 16 ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code) <^ My project will not result in 2,500 square feet or mote of soils disturtiance including any associated constmcbon staging, stockpiling, pavement removal, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas that meets one or more of the additional foltowing cntena • located within 200 fe^ of an environmentally sensitive area or ttw Pacific Ocean, and/or, • disturbed area is located on a sktpe with a grade at or exceeding 5 honzontal to 1 vertical, and/or • disturt>ed area is located along or within 30 feet of a stoim drain inlet, an open drainage channel or watercourse, and/or « construction will be initiated dunng the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season (Oct 1 through Apnl 30) I CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THAT AU OF THE ABOVE CHECKED STATEMENTS fiJRE TRUE AND CORRECT I AM SUBMITTING FOR CITY APPROVAL A TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FIEQUIREMENTS OF CITY STANDARDS I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I MUST (1) IMPLEMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE TO MINIMIZE THE MOBILIZATION OF POLLUTANTS SUCH AS SEDIMENT AND TO MINIMIZE THE EXPOSURE OF STORM WATER TO CONSTRUCTION RELATED POLLUTANTS. AND. (2) ADHERE TO. AND AT ALL TIMES. COMPLY WITH THIS CITY APPROVED TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION WORK IS COMPLETE AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OWNER(S)/OWNER*S AGENT NAME (PRINT; OWNER(S)/OWNER'S AGENT NAME (SIGNATURE) DATE II STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES 1 ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE TO FACILITATE RAPID INSTALLATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS WHEN RAIN IS EMINENT 2 THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL EROStON CONTROL DEVICES TO WORKING OFIDER TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CfTY ENGINEER AFTER EACH RUN-OFF PRODUCING RAINFALL 3 THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY ENGINEERING OR BUILDING INSPECTOR DUE TO UNCOMPLETED GRADING OPERATIONS OR UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MAY AFUSE 4 ALL FIEMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHAU BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHEN THE FIVE (5) DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FORTY PERCENT (40%) SILT AND OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH RAINFALL 5 ALL GRAVEL BAGS SHALL BE BURLAP TYPE WITH 3/4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREGATE 6 ADEQUATE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND PEFilMETER PROTECTION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED ANO MAINTAINED SPECIAL NOTES PBWegTINF9R¥AT1«?N Site Address /fg O J^^^L^eij^ Assessor's Parcel Numt>er Project ID . Constmction Permrt No ^<y^ ll ^ Estimated Constmction Start Date Project Duration Months Emergency Contact Name 24 hour Phone 7^ ^-l^^ 07(^ Perceived Threat to Storm Water Quality Medium I I Low If medium box is checked, must attach a site plan sheet showing proposed work area and tocaimn ol proposed structural BMPs For City Use Only CITYOF STAND BAD Ri SWPPP Approved By Date e-29 Page 1 of 3 REV 4/30/10 Lnstnidton^: Begin by reviewing the list of constmction activities and checking the box to the left of anv activitv that win om.r ri..™,n .h- ^ ^^.TST^!^^ from the list k>cated atong the top of fhe fdmt. Then place an X In the box at the p^^ere KK^^h^ .^J^^ P"* "'o^ best Checked off and fbr each of the selected BMPs selected from the list. For Example - If the proiert indudes site a^^a!^ rtf,f^^X^^^ ^"^^ °° t^is fbr each activity that was «ie list for something that applies such as -StabfliMd Constmction Ingress/EgrB^uni^erSCSn^FoTo^^o ^ '° °f Access Across DirT -n^enSJT To team more about what each BMP description means, you may wish to review the BMP Reference Handout nrenamri tn accio onniir«nt, i» —. „ measures. The reference also explains the Califomia Stomiwater Quality Association (CASQA)7esignation and^^ to appT^e >SriS^r^e?^?M?to? Management Practice E-29 Page 2 of 3 REV 4/30/10 CO fl) cc a a a CO ro CO OL Q. Q. • • Kl • • • • PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No CB11-1738 Address 160 Jumper Avenue Planner Chns Garcia Phone (760) 602- 4622 APN 204-232-06-00 Type of Project & Use Single Family Home Net Project Density 7 DU/AC Zoning R-3 / BAOZ General Plan R-H Facilities Management Zone 1 CFD (m/out) #_Date of participation N/A Remaining net dev acres N/A (For non-residential development Type of land used created by this permit) Circle One Legend- I3 Item Complete • Item Incomplete - Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES • NO 13 TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION Exempt. 8/16/2011 Compliance with conditions of approval If not, state conditions which require action Conditions of Approval Discretionary Action Required- YES |E1 NO • TYPE Coastal Development Permit APPROVAL/RESO NO 6809 DATE 10/5/2011 PROJECT NO CDP 11-11 OTHER RELATED CASES Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action Conditions of Approval Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES M NO O CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES O NO M If California Coastal Commission Authority Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92108-4402, (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt) Habitat Management Plan Data Entry Completed? YES • NO • If property has Habitat Type identified in Table 11 of HMP, complete HMP Permit application and assess fees in Permits Plus (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, HMP Fees, Enter Acres of Habitat Type impacted/taken, UPDATEi) Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES ^ NO D (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993 ) Data Entry Completed? YES |3 NO • (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar. Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE') • 13 • Housing Tracking Form (form P-20) completed: YES |3 NO • N/A • Rev 6/11 Site Plan: Kl 13 • Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale Show North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes) Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines • 1 Applicability YES • NO I3 • 2 Project complies YES 13 NOO • M • Zoning- 1 Setbacks Front Intenor Side Street Side Rear Top of slope Required 15 Shown 15 Shown 5 Shown N/A Shown 50 Required N/A Shown N/A Required 5 Required N/A Required 10 2 Accessory structure setbacks Front Intenor Side Street Side Rear Structure separation Required N/A Shown N/A Required N/A Shown N/A Required N/A Shown N/A Required N/A Shown N/A Required N/A Shown N/A • • • 3 Lot Coverage 4 Height Required 60% Shown 37 2% Required 30 Shown 30 5 Parking Spaces Required 2 covered Shown 2 covered in garage (breakdown by uses for commercial and industnal projects required) Residential Guest Spaces Required 1 Shown 1 • 13 • Additional Comments CDP 11-11 approved 10-5-2011 OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER DATE 2^/i3 (,/-> Rev 6/11 LA COSTA ENQlNEERlNGi 2226 FARADAY AVENUE CARISBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 TEl 760-931-0290 FAX438-52SI maflt_mDnt9omerv®vahoo com Civil • STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL- PETROliUM STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS PROJECT ENGINEER DATE REV DATE GUGLIELMO RESIDENCE 160 JUNIPER STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 MARTELLB MONTGOMERY RCE 50344 EXP 6-30-13 JULY 30, 2011 SEPTEMBER 2L 2011 DESIGN LOADS 2009 IBC, 2010 CBC Roof (Pitched) 18 psf DL 20 psf LL 38 psf TL Floor 10 psfDL 40 psf LL 50 psf TL Deck 10 psfDL 60 psf LL 70 psf TL Exterior Wall 15 psfDL Seismic Properties Seismic Design Category D Occupancy II 1= 1 R= 6 5 Ss 1339 Si 0 753 Site Class D Fa 1 Fv 15 SDS 0 892 SDI 0 502 Wind Properties Exposure B Method 1 1=1 0 3-s Gust Wind Speed 85 mph Pmin=10 psf A=10 c6///7i 2005 NDS MATERIAL SIZE - STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH (DF, DF-L) BEAMS & STRINGERS-#1 POSTS & TIMBERS- LIGHT FRMING RAFTERS. #1 J0ISTS-#1/#2 STUDS-#2 E= 1 6E-h06 psi E= 1 6E-I-06 psi E= 1 6E-I-06 1 6E-H06 psi E= 1 4E-i-06psi 170 psi fv= 170 psi fv= 180 180 psi fv= 180 psi fc= 925 psi fc= 1000 psi fc= 1500 1350 psi fc= 850 psi fl= 625 psi fl= 625 psi fj.= 625 625 psi f^= 625 psi ft= 675 psi ft= 825 psi f.= 675 575 psi f.= 450 psi fb= 1350 psi fb= 1200 psi fb= 1000 900 psi fb= 700 psi 2X MEMBERS 4X MEMBERS 6X MEMBERS 2x4 4x4 6x4 A = 53 in^ A = 123 in^ A-193 in^ S = 3 1 in^ 8 = 7 1 in^ 8 = 11 2 in^' 1 = 54 in^ 1 = 125 in" 1 = 197 in" 2x6 4x6 6x6 A = 83 in^ A = 193 in^ A = 30 3 in^ S = 76 8 = 176 in^ 8 = 27 7 in^ 1 = 20 8 in" 1 = 48 5 in" 1 = 76 3 in" 2x8 4x8 6x8 A = 109 in^ A = 25 4 in^ A = 39 9 in^ S = 13 1 in^ S = 30 7 in^ 8 = 48 2 in^ 1 = 47 6 in" 1 = 111 1 in" 1 = 174 7 in" 2x10 in^ 4x10 6x10 A-139 in^ A = 32 4 in^ A = 50 9 in^ S = 21 4 in" 8 = 49 9 in^ 8 = 78 4 in^ 1 = 98 9 1 = 230 8 in" 1 = 362 7 in" 2x12 in^ 4x12 6x12 A = 169 in^ A = 39 4 in^ A = 61 9 in^ S = 31 6 in" 8 = 73 8 in^ 8 = 116 in^ 1 = 178 1 = 415 3 in" 1 = 652 6 in" 2x14 4x14 6x14 A = 199 in^ A-46 4 in^ A = 72 9 in^ S-43 9 in^ 8 = 102 4 in^ 8 = 160 9 in^ 1 = 290 8 in" 1 = 678 5 in" 1 = 1066 2 in" 4x16 6x16 A = 53 4 in^ A = 83 9 in^ 8 = 135 7 in^ 8 = 2132 in^ 1 = 1034 in" 1 = 1625 5 in" STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS VERTTCAT. MEZZANINE ROOF & 2^ ROOF: TRUSSES TRUSSES DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED BY OTHERS MEZZANINE FLOOR: FLOOR/DECK JOISTS L= 13ft -H 2.5ft Cant. RR=[WILI /2-1-W2L2(LI-HL2/2)-HP(LI-I-L2)]/LI = RL=WILI-)-W2L2H-P-RH= 406 lb Wi = 67 lb/ft W2= 93 lb/ft P= 37 lb Li= 13 ft U= 25 ft 734 Ib Cr= 1 15 Deck Rail V(-)atRR=RL-WiLi= 465 Ib V(-i-) at RR=RL-WiLi-t-RR= 270 Ib Vmax= 465 Ib M^ax=Li/2(RL-V(-))= 383 ft-lb Joists to step 1" and be ripped at 1/4"/ft: TRY. 1 3/4x9 1/2 1.9E LVL 1 9EH-06 Mod Va= Mod Ma= Mod 1= 1= ^TL(end)- 89 6 in^ 0 04 in Check defl. @ mid-span: 1/(ATL/L)- 1560 >240? ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 026 in 1/(AUL/L)= 2339 >480? ADL=ATL-ALL 0 013 in 2826 Ib 4566 Ib-ft 89 6 in" YES YES OK OK ATL(mid)= 1/(ATL/L)= ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL 0 25 in 617 >240? 017 in 925 >480? 0 08 in YES YES USE 1 3/4x9 1/2 1.9E LVL at16"oc. Step 1" at Deck and rip 1/47ft to slope. 2^" ROOF BEAMS: RB-1: L= 8.5 ft V=wL/2= 1186 lb w= 279 lb/ft M=wL^/8= 2520 ft-lb TRY... 31/2x9 1/2 2.0E PSL Va= 6430 ib Ma= 13055 ft-lb 1= 250 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 066 in 1/(ATL/L)= 1556 >240? YES ALL=LL(ATL)ATL= 0 027 in 1/(ALL/L)= 3776 >360? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 039 in USE 31/2x9 1/2 2 OE PSL RB-2: L= 4 ft V=wL/2= 1026 lb AR=1 5(V)/f,= w= 513 lb/ft M=wL^/8= 1026 ft-lb SR=M/(fb*CF)= TRY 4x12 SR=M/(fb*CF)= 1= 415 3 in" ALL=LL(ATL)ArL= 0 002 in ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 004 in 1/(ALL/L)= 20509 >360? 1/(ATL/L)= 10794 >240? YES ADL=ATL-AUL= 0 002 in 10 9 in' USE 4x12 MEZZANINE FLOOR BEAMS: FB-1: L= 8.5 ft RR=[(WI)(LI)' + (P)(Li) + (W2)(L2)(U+L2/2)]/(Li+L2)= RL=(WI)(LI) -1- P + (W2)(L2) - RR= Wi = 488 lb/ft WDL= 10 W2= 341 lb/ft WLL= 40 WAVG= 393 lb/ft WTL= 50 P= 0 Ib 3 ft L2= 55 ft 1527 Ib 1812 lb Vmax— 1812 Ib Mmax= 3419 Ib-ft E= 2 0E-H06 psi TRY... 3 1/2x11 7/8 2.0E PSL Va= 8035 Ib OK Ma-19900 Ib-ft OK 1= 490 in" WATL= 0 05 in PATL= 0 00 in ATL= 0 05 in 1/(ATL/L)= 2166 >360? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 04 in 1/(ALL/L)= 2708 >480? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 01 in USE 3 1/2x11 7/8 2.0E PSL FB.2: See next sheet MEZZANINE ROOF HEADERS; HEADER L= w= 114 ft lb/ft V=wL/2= 342 Ib AR=1 5(V)/fv= 2 85 in^ M=wL^/8= 513 ft-lb SR=M/(fb*CF)= 5 5 in^ TRY. . 1= ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 1/(ATL/L)= 4x6 48 5 in" 0 043 in 1681 >240'? ALL=LL(ATL)^L= 0 023 1/(ALL/L)= 3193 YES ADL=ATL-ALL= Q 020 in >360? in YES USE 4x6 HEADER L= w= 209 ft V=wL/2= 314 lb AR=1 5(V)/fv= 2 61 in^ lb/ft M=WL^/8= 235 ft-lb 8R=M/(fb*CF)= 2 5 in^ TRY.. U ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 1/(ATL/L)= 4x4 12 5 in" 0 019 in 1890 >240? YES ALL=LL(ATL)^L= 0 010 in 1/(ALL/L)- 3591 >360? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 009 in USE 4x4 LA COSTA ENGINEERING 2226 FARADAV AVE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA 92008 TEL 760 931-0290 FAX 438-5251 marty_montgoniery@vahoo com CIVIL • STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL- PETROLEUM CLIENT_ JOB CALCULATED BY_ CHECKED BV SCALE DATE. DATE_ SHEET NO_ -OF. 1 • ! 2 1 •1 O WU f4 1 c I >» 1 1 2. !^ n < i —. — ... L ~ i' i" z Y 4-I > 2 =;\ / - T\ ! 1 ! S' i 1 \ ^ -t 1 /I 1 -T C' (}'-\i ( 4 '4 --4 1 1 X ?)/ I JO • 1 - 4 21 \| -1 r' - ( '\ 1003 — -( 2^ 1 i -X I'M ^ 5 c4\ i 2 \^ o I • l\oi V c ft (•^.^ nV 2 1 ll f-'i4'' Ye ^6 >y X S{> - [%4' i -< ^ r> (.k ^2 X\ (\\ 3 m { \ * \ c /k X-" ; X 4L - 0 ' V 2 " •f S'2 A M - B S4^ X 5 V 2 4 24-R/\ 4 ^ b\^' X} > i/ 5 5 Xi ^ -2 f\i ^^ t \ V . tfi-A-(( 24 2 04 I i4 „ " 1 / 'Z4 > 4-0 f Oi. /r * '-I 0 X' U_/l o'h >\ L u,— ),4 1 -t4^ C i ll ^ . -V G 6T c X/ (1 7'' Z.Ot 7 F: /u \ 2^ ROOF HEADERS; HEADER (LOFT) L= 4 ft V=wL/2= 400 lb AR=1 5(V)/fv= 3 53 in^ w= 200 lb/ft M=wL^/8= 400 ft-lb 8R=M/(fb*CF)-36 in^ TRY... 6x6 8R=M/(fb*CF)- 1= 76 3 in" ALL=LL(ATL)/rL= 0 005 in ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 009 in 1/(ALL/L)= 9665 >360'? YES 1/(ATL/L)= 5087 >240'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 004 in USE 6x6 HEADER (LOFT) L= 6 ft V=wL/2= 1113 lb AR=1 5(V)/fv= 9 82 in^ w= 371 lb/ft M=wL^/8= 1670 ft-lb SR=M/(fb*CFP 148 in^ TRY . 6x6 1= 76 3 in" ALL=LL(ATL)/rL= 0 047 in ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 089 in 1/(ALL/L)= 1544 >360'? YES 1/(ATL/L)= 812 >240'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 042 in USE 6x6 HEADER (OFFICE) L= 2 ft V=wL/2= 152 lb AR=1 5(V)/f,= 1 34 in^ w= 152 lb/ft M=wL^/8= 76 ft-lb 8R-M/(fb*CF)= 07 in^ TRY... 6x4 1= 197 in" ALL=LL(ATL)/rL= 0 001 in ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 002 in 1/(ALL/L)= 26267 >360'? YES 1/(ATL/L)= 13825 >240'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 001 in USE 6x4 HEADER (OFFICE) L= 8 ft V=wL/2= 724 lb AR=1 5(V)/fv= 6 03 i2 w= 181 lb/ft M=wL^/8= 1448 ft-lb 8R=M/(fb*CF)= 15 4 in^ TRY... 4x10 1= 230 8 in" ALL=LL(ATL)ATL= 0 024 in ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 045 in 1/(ALL/L)= 4038 >3607 YES 1/(ATL/L)= 2125 >2407 YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 021 in USE 4x 10 HEADER (OFFICE) L= Sft RR=[PLI+W(LI+L2)'/2]/(LI+L2)= RL=P+W(LI-I-L2)-RR= 1717 lb w= 133 lb/ft p= 1354 lb 1 ft L2= 7 ft 701 lb GIRDER E= 1 6E-1-06 psi 1717 2/, Vmax-RL- M„ax=PLiL2/(Li+L2)+W(LuL2,'/& TRY.. 4x10 lb ATL= 1/(ATL/L)- ALL=LL(ATL)^L= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= 2249 ft-lb 230 0 047 2064 >240'? 0 031 3095 >360'? 0 016 YES YES AR=1 5(V)/fv= SR=M/(fb*CF)= USE 4x10 14 3 in^ 30 0 in^ OK OK HEADER (BATH2) L= 4 ft V=wL/2= 646 Ib AR=1 5(V)/fv= 5 38 in^ w= 323 lb/ft M=WL^/8= 646 ft-lb SR=M/(fb*CF)= 69 in^ TRY 4x6 1= 48 5 in" ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0013 in ATL=5WL"/(384EI)=: 0 024 in 1/(ALL/L)= 3804 >360'? YES 1/(ATL/L)= 2002 >240'? YES ADL-ATL-ALL= 0 011 in USE 4x6 HEADER (BATH2) L= 25 ft V=wL/2= 404 lb AR=1 5(V)/fv= 3 36 in^ w= 323 lb/ft M=wL^/8= 252 ft-lb SR=M/(fb*CF)= 27 in^ TRY... 4x4 SR=M/(fb*CF)= 1= 125 in" ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 007 in ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0014 in 1/(ALL/L)= 4016 >360? YES 1/(ATL/L)= 2114 >240'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL-0 007 in USE 4x4 HEADER (BDRM2) L= Sft w= 323 lb/ft p= 1354 lb GIRDER Li= 1 75 ft L2= 6 25 ft E= 1 6E-H06 psi RR=[PLI+W(LI+L2)'/2]/(LI+L2)- RL=P-HW(LI-I-L2)-RR= 2350 lb 1588 Ib Vmax=RL-2350 lb M,nax=PLiL2/(Li-i-L2)+w(Li^L2,78= 4435 ft-lb AR=1 5(V)/f,= SR=M/(fb*CF)= 19 6 in'' 47 3 in^ OK OK TRY.. 4x10 ATL= 1/(ATU/L)= Aa=LL(ATL)n-L= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= 231 0 113 852 >240'? 0 075 1279 >360'? 0 038 YES YES USE 4x10 HEADER (LAUNDRY) L= 3ft w= 209 lb/ft p= 4705 Ib GIRDER Li= 1 25 ft L2= 1 75 ft E= 1 6E-H06 psi RR=[PLI+W(U+L2)72]/(LI+L2)= RL=P-HW(LI-HL2)-RR= 3058 Ib 2274 Ib Vmax=RL-3058 lb Mmax=PLiL2/(Li-HL2)-hw(LuL2)78= 3666 ft-lb TRY... 4x12 1= 231 0013 ATL= 1/(ATL/L)= ALL=LL(ATL)ATL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= 2783 >240'? 0 009 YES 4175 0 004 >360'? YES AR=1 5(V)/f,= 8R=M/(fb*CF)= USE 4x12 25 5 in'' 39 1 in^ OK OK 1^^ ROOF: RAFTERS CONVENTIONAL FRAMING L= w= 8, 7, 4, 2 ft lb/ft CD= Cr= 1 25 L= w= 76 ft lb/ft CD= Cr= 1 V=wL/2= 304 0 Ib AR=1 5(V)/f,= 2 53 in^ OK M=wL^/8= 608 0 ft-lb SR=M/(fb-CD.C,)= 65 in^ OK TRY... 2x6 1= 20 8 in" 1/(ATL/L)= 456 >180'' YES ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0210 in ALL=LL(ATL)ATL= 0 111 in 1/(ALL/L)= 867 >240'? YES CEILING JOISTS ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 100 in USE 2x6 at 24 o.c. CEILING JOISTS ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 100 in L= w= 8, 7, 4, 2 ft lb/ft CD= Cr= 1 25 L= w= 30 ft lb/ft CD= Cr= 1 V=wL/2= M=wL^/8= TRY.. 1= ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 120 0 lb 240 0 ft-lb AR=1 5(V)/f,= 8R=M/(fb-CD.Cr)= 1 00 in" 2 6 in^ 2x6 20 8 in^ 0 083 in 1/(ATL/L)= 1156 >180'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 055 in 1/(ALL/L)= 1733 >240'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 028 in OK OK USE 2x6 at 24 o.c. HIPS USE 2x8 HIPS LEDGER Perpendicular to Load P = (8 ft/2)(38 psf)(2' o c )= 304 lb V = (304 lb)(l 33' studs)/2= 202 lb M = (304 lb)(l 33')/4= 101 ft-lb Wood Member Connection Try 2 X 8 AR = 1 7 in^ < 10 9 in SR Try (3)- 16d nails per stud 1 3 in^ < 13 1 in^ OK OK Per NDS Table 1 IN P allow =141 Ib/nail (3 nails)(141 Ib/nail) = 423 lb > 202 lb OK USE 2x6 DF#1 LEDGER. FASTEN TO STUDS SPACED @ 16" O.C. w/ (2) - 16d NAILS, LEDGER-STUD. JO 2^^ FLOOR: FLOOR JOISTS L= w= 19 67 ft lb/ft V=wL/2= 636 5 lb M=wL^/8= 3023 4 ft-lb TRY... El= ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 11 7/8 TJI 360 419 in" 0 469 in Cr= 1 15 Va= 1080 Ib OK Ma= 6180 Ib-ft OK 1/(ATL/L)= 486 <360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/rL= 0 375 in 1/(ALL/L)= 608 <480'7 YES ADL=ATL-ALL 0 094 in USE 11 7/8 TJI 360 at16oc. FLOOR JOISTS L= w= V=wL/2= M=wL^/8= TRY .. El- ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 14.5 67 ft lb/ft 485 8 lb 1760 8 ft-lb 11 7/8 TJ1110 238 in" 0 280 in Cr= 1 15 Va= 885 Ib OK Ma= 3015 Ib-ft OK 1/(ATL/L)= 621 <360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 224 in 1/(ALL/L)= 777 <480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL 0 056 in USE 11 7/8 TJ1110 at 16 o.c. FLOOR JOISTS L= w= V=wL/2= M=WL^/8= TRY... El= ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 6.5, 5, 3 67 ft lb/ft 217 8 Ib ft- 353 8 lb 11 7/8 TJI 110 238 in" 0 011 in Cr= 1 15 Va= 885 lb OK Ma= 3015 Ib-ft OK 1/(ATL/L)= 6899 <360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 009 in 1/(ALL/L)= 8623 <480'' YES ADL=ATL-ALL 0 002 in USE 11 7/8 TJ1110 at 16 o.c. ll DECK JOISTS L= w= 93 TRY. 1= ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 2x12 120 4 0 044 ft lb/ft V=wU2= 372 0 lb ft- M=wL^/8= 744 0 lb in in Cr= 115 AR=1 5(V)/fv= SR=M/(fb.C,)= 3 10 in' 8 6 in' Joists to be ripped at 1/4"/ft- @ End Mod Ar= 133 @ Mid Mod Sr= 24 4 in^ @ Mid Mod 1= 120 4 in" 1/(ATL/L)= 2158 <360'' YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 038 in 1/(ALL/L)= 2517 <4807 YES ADL=ATL-ALL 0 006 in OK OK USE 2x12 at 16 o.c. Rip joists at W/ft. 2'^'^ FLOOR BEAMS FB-3 L= 7.5 ft V=wL/2= 563 lb w= 150 lb/ft M=wL^/8= 1055 ft-lb TRY.. 3 1/2x11 7/8 2 OE PSL Va= 8035 lb Ma= 1= 19900 490 ft-lb in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)- 1/(ATL/L)= 0 011 8259 in >360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)^L= 1/(ALL/L)= 0 004 21735 in >480'' YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 007 in USE 3 1/2x11 7/8 2 OE PSL FB-4 L= 14.5ft r vv 1 1 1 i i i t 1 L, 2 RR=[PU+W(LI+L2)'/2]/(U+L2)= RL=P-(-W(LI-HL2)-RR= 3745 Ib 455 lb/ft p= 563 Ib 3 ft L2= 11 5 ft 3415 Ib Vmax-RL-3745 lb Mmax=PLlL2/(Li-HL2)-HW(LuL2)78= 13298 lb FB-3 TRY... 5 1/4x11 7/82.0E PSL Va= 12055 Ib 1= 735 in" Ma= 29855 Ib-ft ATL= 0 299 in E= 2 OE+06 1/(ATL/L)= 582 >360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 194 in 1/(ALL/L)= 898 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 105 in USE 5 1/4x117/8 2.0EPSL OK OK FB-5 L= 5.5ft Vmax=RL= RR=[PLI -I-W(LI+L2f/2]/{U +L2)= RL=P-i-w(Li-t-L2)-RR= 2933 Ib w= 76 lb/ft p= 3745 lb 1 5 ft L2= 4 ft 1230 Ib 2933 Ib Mmax=PLiL2/(Li-hL2)-fw(LuL2)78= 4373 ft-lb FB-4 E= 1 6E-I-06 psi AR=1 5(V)/f,= SR=M/(fb*CFP 24 4 in'' 58 3 in^ OK OK TRY... 4x12 1= ATL= 1/(ATL/L)= ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 009 415 0 027 2472 >240'? 0 018 3709 >360'? YES YES USE 4x12 FB-6 L= 14.5ft Wi = 529 lb/ft WDL= 179 PDL= 18 W2= 430 lb/ft WLL= 251 PLL= 20 WAVG= 450 lb/ft WTL= 430 PIL-38 P= 2280 Ib FB-3, HDR ABV 3 ft L2= 11 5 ft RR=[(WI)(LI)^ + (P)(Li) -1- (W2)(L2)(LI+L2/2)]/(U+L2) = RL=(WI)(LI) + P+(W2)(L2)-RR= 3620 Ib 5192 lb Vmax— 5192 lb Mmax= 15237 Ib-ft E= 2 0E-f06 psi TRY... 51/4x11 7/8 2.0E PSL Va= 12055 Ib OK Ma= 29855 Ib-ft OK 1= 735 in" WATL= 0 30 in PATL= 0 17 in ATL= 0 48 in 1/(ATL/L)= 366 >360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/rL= 0 27 in 1/(Aa/L)= 650 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 21 in USE 5 1/4x11 7/8 2.0E PSL FB-7 L= 13.5ft 450 lb/ft WDL= 420 PDL= 18 W2= 830 lb/ft WLL= 410 PLL= 20 WAVG= 675 lb/ft WTL= 830 PTL= 38 P-1113 lb HDR ABV Li= 55 ft L2-8 ft RR=[(WI)(LI)' + (P)(Li) + (w2)(L2)(U+L2/2)]/(Li+L2) RL=(WI)(LI) + P + (W2)(L2)- RR= Vmax= 5630 lb 19096 Ib-ft 2 OE-i-06 psi Mmax= E= 5630 lb 4598 Ib TRY. 5 1/4x11 7/8 2.0E PSL Va= 12055 lb OK Ma= 29855 Ib-ft OK 1= 735 in" WATL= 0 34 in PATL= 0 07 in ATL= 0 41 in 1/(ATL/L)= 395 >360'? YES ALL-LL(ATL)ATL= 0 20 in 1/(ALL/L)= 791 >480'7 YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 21 in USE 5 1/4x11 7/8 2.0E PSL FB-8 L= 14.5ft Wi = 139 lb/ft WDL= 227 PDL= 18 W2= 349 lb/ft WLL= 122 PLL= 20 WAVG= 263 lb/ft WTL= 349 PTL= 38 P= 11580 lb FB-7, GIRDERS ABV Li= 55 ft L2= 8 ft RR=[(WI)(LI)' + (P)(LI) + (W2)(L2)(U-HL2/2)]/(LI+L2) RL=(WI)(LI) + P + (W2)(L2)-RR= 6838 lb 8298 Ib Vmax— 8298 Ib Mmax= 43538 Ib-ft E= 2 OEH-06 psi TRY... f2)-5 1/4x 11 7/8 2.0E PSL Va= 24110 Ib OK Ma= 59710 Ib-ft OK 1= 1470 in" WATL= 0 07 in PATL= 0 35 ATL= 0 42 in 1/(ATL/L)= 390 >360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/rL= 0 21 in 1/(ALL/L)= 783 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 21 in USE (2)-5 1/4x11 7/8 2.0E PSL THRU-BOLT %" DIA. M.B. BEAM - BEAM 12"o.c. 1^ FB-9 L= 15.5ft Wi = 957 lb/ft WDL= 387 PDL= 18 W2= 581 lb/ft WLL= 570 PLL= 20 WAVG= 763 lb/ft WTL= 957 PTL= 38 p= 1663 Ib 75 ft L2= 8 ft RR=[(WI)(LI)' + (P)(LI) + (W2)(L2)(Li+L2/2)]/(Li-fL2)= RL-(WI)(LI) P + (W2)(L2) - RR= 5990 Ib 7499 lb Vmax— 7499 Ib Mmax= 29325 Ib-ft E= 2 OE-i-06 psi TRY .. 7x 11 7/8 2.0E PSL Va= 16070 Ib OK Ma= 39805 Ib-ft OK 1= 975 in" WATL= 0 51 in PATL= Oil in ATL= 0 62 in 1/(ATL/L)= 299 >2407 YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 36 in 1/(ALL/L)= 513 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 26 in USE 7x11 7/8 2 OE PSL FB-10 L= 9.5ft w= 137 lb/ft WDL= 77 PDL= 5443 P1= 12097 lb WLL= 60 PLL= 6654 2 ft WTL= 137 PTL= 12097 L2= 75 ft RR=[PL1•^w(L1-l•L2)72]/(L1+L2)= 3197 lb RL=Pi-hw(Li+L2)-RR- 10261 Ib Vmax=RL= 10261 Ib Mmax=PiLiL2/(Li+L2)+P2LiL2/(Li-)-L2)-Hw(Li^L2)'/8= 20646 ft-lb TRY... 5 1/4x11 1/4 2 OE PSL Va= 11420 lb 1= 625 in" Ma= 26955 ft-lb ATL= 0 186 in E= 2 OE-i-06 psi 1/(ATL/L)= 613 >360'' YES ALL-LL(ATL)/TL= 0 121 in 1/(ALL/L)= 945 >480'' YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 065 in USE 5 1/4x11 1/4 2.0E PSL OK OK FB-11 L=11.5ft RR=[PILI + P2L3-HW(LI + L2)'/2]/(LI + L2)= RL=PI-HP2-)-W(LIH-L2)-RR= Vmax=RL= 1633 Ib Mmax=PlLiL2/(Li-hL2)-HP2LiL2/(Li+L2)-HW(LuL2)'/8= 1633 Ib 4017 ft-lb w= 178 lb/ft WDL= 58 P1= 412 Ib P2= 412 WLL= 120 4 ft L3= 2 WTL= 178 L2= 75 ft L4= 95 PDL= 172 PLL= 240 1238 Ib PTL-412 TRY... 3 1/2 x 11 7/8 2 OE PSL Va= 8035 lb OK E= 2 OE+06 psi Ma= 19900 ft-lb OK 1= 490 in" WATL= 0 07 in PATL= 0 03 in ATL= 0 10 in 1/(ATL/L)= 1408 >360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 06 in 1/(ALL/L)= 2168 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 03 m USE 3 1/2x11 7/82.0E PSL FB-12 L= 8.5ft >— 1 1 >— ^1 RR=[P^-t-w(^-^L2)*(L1+L2)/2]/(L1+L^)= RL=P-I-W(LI-I-L2)-RR= 11962 Ib w= 503 lb/ft p= 11930 Ib FB-11, FB-2/RB-2 ABV 1 5 ft WDL= 123 PDL= 18 L2= 7 ft WLL= 380 PLL= 20 WTL= 503 PTL= 38 4243 lb Vmax=RL= 11962 lb Mmax=PLiL2/(Li-HL2)-Hw(LuL2)78= 19280 ft-lb TRY. 7X16 2.0E PSL Va= 21655 Ib 1= 2390 in" Ma= 69905 Ib-ft WATL= 0 01 in PATL= 0 02 in 2 OE-i-06 psi ATL= 0 03 in 1/(ATL/L)= 8253 >240'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 02 in 1/(ALL/L)= 5326 >360'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 01 in USE 7X16 2.0EPSL OK OK FB-13 L= w= 10 153 ft V=wL/2= 765 Ib lb/ft M=wL^/8= 1913 ft-lb TRY... 3 1/2X11 7/8 2.0E PSL Va= 8035 lb Ma= 19900 ft-lb 1= 490 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 035 in 1/(ATL/L)= 3416 >360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)ATL= 0 023 in 1/(ALL/L)= 5227 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 012 in USE 3 1/2x117/8 2.0EPSL FB-14 L= 10ft RR=[PLI-HW(LI+L2)72]/(LI-I-L2)= RL=P-I-W(LI-I-L2)-RR= w= 179 lb/ft WDL= 10 p= 765 lb FB-13 WLL= 40 3 ft WTL= 50 L2= 7 ft 1125 lb 1431 lb V„ =RL= Mmax=PLiL2/(Li-fL2)-HW(Li,L2)78= 1431 lb 3844 ft-lb TRY . 3 1/2x11 7/82.0E PSL 1= ATL= 1/(ATL/L)= AUL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= 490 in^ 0 062 in 1947 >360'' 0 049 in 2433 >480'? 0 012 in YES YES USE Va= Ma= E= 8035 19900 2 0E-H06 lb Ib-ft 3 1/2x11 7/8 2.0E PSL OK OK FB-15 L= ISft RR=[PILI + P2L3+W(LI+L2)'/2]/(LI + L2)= RL=PI-I-P2-I-W(LI-I-L2)-RR= Vmax=RL= 2501 Ib Mmax=PlLlL2/(Ll-l-L2)+P2UL2/(Li-t-L2)+W(Li^l.2) L2^8= 2501 Ib 9575 ft-lb TRY.. 5 1/4x11 7/8 2 OE PSL w= 150 lb/ft WDL= 10 P1= 1125 Ib P2= 765 WLL= 40 4 ft L3= 11 5 WTL= 50 L2= 14 ft L4= 65 PDL= 225 PLL= 900 2089 Ib PTL= 1125 Va= 12055 Ib OK E= 2 OE-i-06 psi Ma-29855 ft-lb OK 735 in" WATL= 0 24 in PATL-0 17 in ATL= 0 41 in 1/(ATL/L)= 526 >360'' YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 33 in 1/(ALL/L)= 657 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 08 in USE 5 1/4x11 7/8 2.0E PSL FB-16 RR=[PLI+W(LI+L2)72]/(LI+L2)= RL=P-I-W(LIH-L2)-RR= 1884 Vmax=RL= 1884 w= 200 lb/ft p= 152 Ib LVL HEADOFF WDL= 10 Li= 8 ft WLL= 40 L2= 10 ft WTL= 50 Ib Ib 1868 Ib Mmax=PLiL2/(Li-i-L2)-Hw(LuL2)78= 8776 ft-lb TRY. 5 1/4x11 7/8 2 OE PSL Va= 12055 Ib 1= 735 in" Ma= 29855 Ib-ft ATL= 0 342 in E= 2 0E-H06 1/(ATL/L)= 631 >360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 274 in 1/(ALL/L)= 789 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 068 in USE 5 1/4x11 7/8 2.0E PSL OK OK FB-17 L= 13ft Distr. Load w/ Multiple Point Loads RR=[PILI + P2L3+W(U-HL2)'/2]/(LI-HL2)= RL=PI+P2+W(LI-I-L2)-RR= Vmax=RL= 3311 lb Mmax=PlLiL2/(Li+L2)+P2LiL2/(U + L2)+W(Li,L2)'/8= 3311 Ib 11118 ft-lb 162 lb/ft WDL= 10 Pl = 2501 Ib P2= 1868 WLL= 40 Li= 5 ft L3= 8 WTL= 50 L2= 8 ft L4= 5 PDL= 500 PLL= 2001 3164 Ib PTL= 2501 TRY... 5 1/4x11 7/8 2 OE PSL Va= 12055 Ib OK E= 2 OE+06 psi Ma= 29855 ft-lb OK 1-735 in" WATL= 0 07 in PATL-0 21 in ATL= 0 28 in 1/(ATL/L)= 554 >360'? YES ALL-LL(ATL)/TL= 0 23 in 1/(ALL/L)= 693 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 06 in USE 51/4x11 7/8 2 OE FB-18 L= 4ft Distr. Load w/ Multiple Point Loads RR=[PI LI + P2L3+W(LI +L2)72]/(LI + L2)= RL=PI+P2+W(LI-I-L2)-RR= 20 w= 33 lb/ft WDL= 10 P1= 2089 Ib P2= 1884 WLL= 40 Li= 05 ft L3= 35 WTL= 50 U= 35 ft L4= 05 PDL= 418 PLL= 1671 1976 Ib PTL= 2089 2129 Ib Vmax=RL-2129 Ib Mmax=Pl Li UiU +L2)+P2Li L^U +L 2)+W(LU L2)'/8= 980 ft-lb TRY . 31/2x11 7/8 2.0E PSL Va= 8035 Ib OK E= 2 OE-i-06 psi Ma= 19900 ft-lb OK 1= 490 in" WATL= 0 00 in PATL= 0 00 in ATL= 0 00 in 1/(ATL/L)= 24220 >360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 00 in 1/(ALL/L)= 30279 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 00 in USE 31/2x11 7/82.0E PSL FB-19 L= w= 16 322 ft V=WL/2= 2576 Ib lb/ft M=wL^/8= 10304 ft-lb TRY... 7x9 1/2 2.0E PSL Va= 12855 Ib Ma= 26115 ft-lb 1= 500 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 475 in 1/(ATL/L)= 404 >360'? YES ALL-LL(ATL)/TL= 0 310 in 1/(ALL/L)-619 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 164 in USE 7x9 1/2 2.0E PSL 1\ FB-20 CASE 1 L= lift -I- 10ft Cant. L, i —4.—\ Wi = 526 0 lb/ft WDL= 286 lb/ft W2= 88 0 lb/ft WLL= 240 lb/ft Pl = 2576 Ib WTL= 526 lb/ft Li= 11 0 ft PDL= 889 lb L2= 100 ft PLL= 1687 lb P2= 7499 lb PTL= 2576 lb L3= 130 ft L4= 80 ft RR=[wiLi'/2+W2L2(U-hL2/2)-fPi(Li+L2)]/Li+P2(L3)]/Li = RL=WILI-)-W2L2-I-PI-I-P2-RR= V(-) at RR= -6998 lb V(-i-)atRR= 10955 lb 17953 -1212 lb Ib Vmax= 10955 lb OK Mmax=Li/2(RL-V(-))= -45158 ft-lb OK TRY... 1= ATL(m-span)= wATL(end)= ATL(end)= 1/(ATL/L)= >240'? ALL=LL(ATL(end))^L= 1/(ALL/L)= >360'? ADL=ATL(end)-ALL= 7X18 2.0E PSL 2866 0 0 03 -0 01 0 58 416 YES 0 38 in 950 YES 0 20 in in (Modified I at Step) in in PATL(end)= in (Step 1" and Rip to slope after L3= 13') E = 2 0E-H06 I = 3400 0 OK 0 58 in psi in" USE 7X18 2 0EPSL CASE 2 L= 14.5ft Wi = 351 lb/ft WDL= 328 lb/ft W2= 828 lb/ft WLL= 500 lb/ft WAVG= 669 lb/ft WTL= 828 lb/ft Pl = 8409 Ib PDL= 4373 Ib Li= 4 ft PLL-4036 Ib L2= 8 ft PTL= 8409 Ib RR=[(WI)(LI)' + (P)(Li) + (w2)(L2)(L1-^L2/2)]/(^-^L2)= RL=(WI)(LI) + P + (W2)(L2) - RR= 7453 lb 8984 Ib '2^ Vmax— 8984 lb Mmax= 33128 ft-lb E= 2 0E-H06 psi TRY... 7x 14 2 0E PSL Va= 18945 Ib OK Ma= 54325 Ib-ft OK 1= 1600 in" WATL= 0 10 in PATL= 0 16 in ATL= 0 26 in 1/(ATL/L)= 552 >240'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 14 in 1/(ALL/L)= 1048 >480'' YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 12 in USE 7x 14 2.0E PSL 2^^* FLOOR HEADERS; HEADER (ADJ TO ENTRY STAIR) L= 1.5 482 ft lb/ft TRY... 4x6 1= 48 5 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= O 001 in 1/(ATL/L)= 25441 >360'? V=wL/2= M=wL^/8= YES 362 lb AR=1 5(V)/fv= 3 01 in' 136 ft-lb SR=M/(fb*CF)= 1 8 in^ ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 000 in 1/(ALL/L)= 48339 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 000 in USE 4x6 HEADER (ENTRY) L= w= 3 5, 3 114 ft V=WL/2= 200 lb AR=1 5(V)/fv= 1 66 in' lb/ft M=WL'/8= 175 ft-lb SR=M/(fb*CF)= 1 9 in^ TRY... 4x6 1= 48 5 in" ATL=5V\/L"/(384EI)= O 005 in 1/(ATL/L)= 8467 >240'7 YES ALL=LL(ATL)^L= 0 003 in 1/(ALL/L)= 16088 >360'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 002 in USE 4x6 -2^ HEADER (FRONT PORCH) L= w= 114 ft lb/ft TRY . 6x6 1= 76 3 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= O 005 in 1/(ATL/L)= 8924 >240'? V=wL/2= M=w2/8= YES 228 lb 228 ft-lb ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= AR=1 5(V)/f,= 2 01 SR=M/(fb*CF)= 2 0 0 003 in 16956 >360'? YES 0 003 in in in USE 6x6 HEADER (MBDRM RETREAT) L= w= 75 209 ft lb/ft V=WL/2= 784 Ib AR=1 5(V)/fv= 6 53 in^ M=WL'/8= 1470 ft-lb SR=M/(fb*CF)= 15 7 in^ TRY... 4x8 1= ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 1/(ATL/L)= 1111 in^ 0 084 in 1075 >240'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 044 in 1/(ALL/L)= 2043 >360'? ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 040 in YES USE 4x8 HEADER rMBDRM) L= w= ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 1/(ATL/L)= 2.5 599 TRY.. 4x4 ft lb/ft 12 5 in^ 0 026 in 1140 >360'^ V=WL/2= M=w2/8= YES 749 lb 468 ft-lb ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= AR=1 5(V)/fv=: 6 24 in^ SR=M/(fb*CF)- 6 2 in^ 0 014 2165 0 012 in >480'? in YES USE 4x4 HEADER TMBATH) L= w= TRY... 1= 4, 3 599 ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 1/(ATL/L)= ft lb/ft 4x6 48 5 in" 0 044 in 1080 >360'' V=WL/2= M=WL%= YES 1198 lb 1198 ft-lb AR=1 5(V)/fv- 9 98 in^ SR=M/(fb*CF)= 16 0 in^ ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 023 in 1/(ALL/L)= 2051 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 021 in USE 4x6 HEADER (MBATH) L= w= 2.5 238 ft lb/ft TRY . 4x4 1= 12 5 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= OOIO in 1/(ATL/L)= 2868 >3607 V=WL/2= M=wL^/8= YES 298 lb 186 ft-lb ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= AOL=ATL-ALL= AR=1 5(V)/f„= 2 48 in^ SR=M/(fb*CF)= 2 5 in' 0 006 in 5450 >480'? YES 0 005 in USE 4x4 HEADER (FAMILY) L= w= TRY... I- ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 1/(ATL/L)= 623 ft lb/ft 4x12 415 3 in" 0 086 in 1111 >360'? V=wL/2=: M=wL^/8= YES 2492 Ib 4984 ft-lb AuL=LL(ATL)ArL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= AR=1 5(V)/fv= 20 77 in' SR=M/(fb*CF)= 66 5 in' 0 045 m 2111 >480'? YES 0 041 in USE 4x12 HEADER (FAMILY) L= w= 349 ft lb/ft TRY... 4x6 k 48 5 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= Q 002 in 1/(ATL/L)= 14823 >360? V=WL/2= M=wL^/8= YES 349 Ib AR=1 5(V)/f„= 2 91 in' 175 ft-lb SR=M/(fb*CF)= 2 3 in' ALL=LL(ATL)^L= 0 001 in 1/(ALL/L)= 28164 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 001 in USE 4x6 HEADER (FAMILY) L= 2ft w= P= L2= RR=[PLI+W/(LI+L2)'/2]/(LI+L2)= RL=P-I-W(LI-I-L2)-RR= 1878 lb Vmax=RL= 1878 Ib 349 3058 Mn =PLIL2/(LI+L2)-HW(LUL2)78- 1704 ft-lb lb/ft Ib ft ft 1878 Ib HDR ABV E= 1 6E-I-06 psi AR=1 5(V)/f„= SR=M/(fb*CF)= 15 7 22 7 in in OK OK TRY... 4x10 1= ATL= 1/(ATL/L)= ALL=LL(ATL)ATL- 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= 230 8 0 003 8807 >240'? YES 0 002 12721 >360'? YES 0 001 USE 4x10 HEADER (FAMILY/ DUMBWAITER) L= w= 25 521 ft lb/ft TRY. 4x8 1= 1111 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)- 0 003 in 1/(ATL/L)= 11646 >360'? V=WL/2= M=WL'/8= 651 lb 407 ft-lb AR=1 5(V)/f,= SR=M/(fb*CF)= 5 43 54 in in ALL=LL(ATL)/rL= 0 001 in 1/(ALL/L)= 22127 >480'? YES YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 001 in USE 4x8 HEADER (KITCHEN) RR=[PLI+W(LI+L2)'/2]/(LI+L2)= RL=P-i-w(Li-f.L2)-RR= 1303 lb w= 524 lb/ft p= 1186 lb 02 ft L2= 1 ft 512 lb RB-1 E= 1 6E-I-06 psi Vmax=RL= 1303 Ib Mmax=PLiL2/(Li+L2)+w(Li^L2)'/8= 292 ft-lb AR=1 5(V)/f,= SR=M/(fb*CF)= 10 9 in'' 3 9 in' OK OK TRY... 4x4 1= ATL= 1/(ATL/I-)= ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 001 125 0 003 5468 >240'' 0 002 7899 >360'? YES YES USE 4x4 "bo HEADER (KITCHEN) L= w= 1 2 524 TRY... 4x4 1= 12 5 ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= O 001 1/(ATL/L)= 11780 ft lb/ft in in >360'? V=WL/2= M=WL'/8= YES 314 Ib 94 ft-lb ALL=LL(ATL)ATL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= AR=1 5(V)/fv= 2 62 in' SR=M/(fb*CF)= 1 3 in' 0 001 22382 0 001 in >480'7 in YES USE 4x4 SUBFLOOR: FLOOR JOISTS L= w= V=WL/2= M=WL^/8= ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 19.5 67 ft lb/ft 653 lb 3185 ft-lb TRY... 11 7/8 TJI 360 El= 419 in' 0 520 in Cr= 1 15 Va= 1080 lb OK Ma= 6180 Ib-ft OK 1/(ATL/L)= 450 <360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 446 in 1/(ALL/L)= 525 <480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL 0 074 in USE 11 7/8 TJI 360 at 16 o.c FLOOR JOISTS L= w= V=wL/2= M=wL^/8= TRY.. El= ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 16 67 ft lb/ft 536 0 lb 2144 0 ft-lb 11 7/8 TJI 230 310 0 319 in in Cr= 1 15 Va= 1035 lb Ma= 4015 Ib-ft 1/(ATL/L)= 602 <360'' ALL=LL(ATL)/rL= 0 273 in 1/(ALL/L)- 703 <480'? ADL=ATL-ALL 0 046 in OK OK YES YES USE 11 7/8 TJI 230 at 16 o.c. FLOOR JOISTS L= w= V=wL/2= 14.5, 14 ft 67 lb/ft Cr= 1 15 485 8 lb 1760 8 ft-lb M=wL78= TRY... 11 7/8 TJ1110 Va= 885 lb OK Ma= 3015 Ib-ft OK El-238 in 4 1/(ATL/L)= 621 <360'? YES ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 280 in ALL=LL(ATL)ATL= 0 240 in 1/(ALL/L)= 725 <480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL 0 040 in FLOOR JOISTS L= 12.5, 9, 7 ft w= 67 lb/ft Cr= 1 15 V=wL/2= 418 8 lb Va= 885 Ib OK M=WL'/8=: 1308 6 ft-lb Ma= 3015 Ib-ft OK TRY... 11 7/8 TJ1110 El= 238 in 4 1/(ATL/L)= 970 <360'? YES ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 155 in ALL=LL(ATL)ArL= 0 133 in 1/(ALL/L)= 1132 <480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL 0 022 in USE 11 7/8 TJ1110 at 16 o.c USE 117/8TJI110 at 16 o.c. DECK JOISTS L= 15ft -H 3.5ft Cant. Wi = W2= P= Li= U= RR=[W/I LI '/2-hW2L2(Li -hL2/2)-i-P(Li+V/)\IV^= RL=WILI-I-W2L2-HP-RR= 651 Ib V(-) at RR=RL-WILI= 744 Ib V(-f) at RR=RL-WILI-I-RR= 363 Ib Vmax= 744 Ib Mmax=Li/2(RL-V(-))= 699 ft-lb 93 93 37 15 35 1107 lb/ft lb/ft Ib ft ft Ib Cr= Deck Rail 1 15 E= 1 9E-H06 Joists to step 1" and be ripped at 1/4"/ft: TRY... 2x12 1= 70 2 A TL(end)-0 19 Check defl. @ mid-span: ATL(mid)= 0 45 1/(ATL/L)= 404 ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 38 1/(ALL/L)= 471 ADL=ATL-ALL 0 06 in in in >240'? in >480'? in 1/(ATL/L)= ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= Mod Ar= Mod Sr= Mod lr= 447 >240'? 0 161 in 521 >480'? ADL=ATL-ALL 0 027 in Mod lr= YES NO at nght support at nght support at nght support 12 4 Ib 17 Ib-ft 70 2 in" YES YES 125 in at mid-span USE 2x12 at 16" o.c. Step at Deck and rip 1/4"/ft to slope. DECK JOISTS L= 10ft + 2ft Cant. • L, '• '•—L,^ Wi = W2= P= Li= L2= RR=[WILI^/2+W2L2(LI-I-L2/2)-HP(LI+L2)]/LI= RL=WILI-I-W2L2+P-RR= 439 Ib V(-) at RR=RL-WILI= 491 Ib V(-I-) at RR=RL-WILI-I-RR= 223 Ib Vmax= 491 Ib Mmax=Ll/2(RL-V(-))= 260 ft-lb Joists to step 1" and be ripped at 1/4"/ft- TRY... 1= ATL(end)= 2x12 83 7 0 02 in in Check defl. @ mid-span- ATL(mid)= 0 1 0 1/(ATL/L)= 1262 ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 08 1/(ALL/L)= 1473 ADL=ATL-ALL 0 01 in >240'> in >480'' in 1/(ATL/L)= AUL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)- ADL=ATL-ALL YES YES 93 93 37 10 714 E= lb/ft lb/ft Ib ft ft Ib 1 9E+06 Cr= Deck Rail Mod Ar= Mod Sr= Mod lr= 2190 0 019 2555 0 003 Mod lr= >240'? in >480'? in 19 1 83 7 YES YES 1 15 13 1 Ib at right support Ib-ft m" at right support at nght support 115 9 in" at mid-span USE 2x12 at 16" o.c Step 1" at Deck and rip 1/4"/ft to slope 22^ DECK JOSTS L= w= V=WL/2= M=wL^/8= TRY . 1= 67 ft lb/ft 134 0 Ib ft- 134 0 Ib 2x12 178 in' ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= O 001 in Cr= 1 15 AR=1 5(V)/fv= 1 12 in^ SR=M/(fb.C,): 1 6 in'' 1/(ATL/L)= 35423 <360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)^L= 0 001 in 1/(ALL/L)= 41327 <480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL 0 000 in USE 2x12 at 16 o.c. SUB-FLOOR BEAMS FB-21 Distr. Load w/ Multiple Point Loads RR=[PI Li P2L3-fw(Li+L2)'/2]/( Li+L2)= RL=PI+P2+W(LI-I-L2)-RR= Vmax=RL= 3675 lb Mmax=Pl Ll L2/(Li +L2)+P2LI L2/(LI-HL2)+W(LUL2)'/8= 3675 lb 8314 ft-lb w= 205 lb/ft WDL= 91 P1= 1230 Ib P2= 2933 WLL= 114 3 ft L3= 85 WTL= 205 L2= 11 5 ft L4= 6 PDL= 978 PLL= 1955 3460 lb PTL= 2933 TRY.. 3 1/2x11 7/8 2 OE PSL Va= 8035 Ib OK E= 2 OE-i-06 psi Ma= 19900 ft-lb OK 1= 490 in" WATL= 0 21 in PATL= 0 37 in ATL= 0 58 in 1/(ATL/L)= 302 >240^ YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 36 in 1/(ALL/L)= 481 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 22 in USE 3 1/2x11 7/8 2.0E PSL FB-22 L= 12.5 ft V=wL/2= 4988 Ib AR=1 5(V)/f,= w= 798 lb/ft M=wL'/8= 15586 ft-lb SR=M/(fb*CF)- TRY... 6x12 1= 652 6 in" ALL-LL(ATL)^L= 0 221 in ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 420 in 1/(ALL/L)= 679 >480'? 1/(ATL/L)= 357 >240'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 199 in FB-23 L= 9 ft V=wL/2= 1485 lb w= 330 lb/ft M=WL'/8= 3341 ft-lb TRY... 3 1/2x11 7/8 2.0E PSL Va= 8035 Ib Ma= 19900 ft-lb 1= 490 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 050 in 1/(ATL/L)= 2173 >360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 028 in 1/(ALL/L)= 3897 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 022 in USE 3 1/2x11 7/8 2 OE PSL FB-24 L= 11.5 ft V=WL/2= 2007 Ib w= 349 lb/ft M=wL^/8= 5769 ft-lb 44 01 in' USE 6x12 TRY 3 1/2 x 11 7/8 2 OE PSL Va= 8035 lb Ma= 19900 ft-lb 1= 490 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 140 in 1/(ATL/L)= 985 >360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)ArL= 0 056 in 1/(ALL/L)-2455 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 084 in USE 3 1/2x11 7/8 2.0E PSL FB-25 L= w= 117 ft lb/ft V=wL/2= M=wL^/8= 234 234 lb ft-lb TRY . 31/2X11 7/8 2.0E PSL Va= 8035 Ib Ma= 19900 ft-lb 1= 490 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 001 in 1/(ATL/L)= 69801 >360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 001 in 1/(ALL/L)= 87251 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= OOOO in USE 31/2X11 7/8 2.0E PSL FB-26 L= 16ft -I- 4ft Cant. RL=WI LIH-W2L2H-PI-I-P2-RR= V(-t-) at RL= V(-) at RR=RL-WILI= V(+) at RR=RL-WILIH-RR= Wi = 5180 lb/ft WDL== 192 lb/ft W2= 501 0 lb/ft WLL= 326 lb/ft Pl = 2007 Ib WTL= 518 lb/ft Li= 160 ft PDL= 1204 Ib L2= 40 ft PLL= 803 Ib P2= 3311 Ib PTL= 2007 Ib L3= 25 ft L4= 135 ft 3)]/LI -9425 6185 Ib Ib Vmax— Mmax=Li/2(RL-V(-))= 6185 -5414 4011 6185 16253 Ib lb lb Ib ft-lb TRY... 5 1/4 X 16 2.0E PSL OK OK (Step 1" and Rip to slope after L2= 16') 1= A TL{m-span)— wATL(end)= ATL(end)= 1/(ATL/L)= >240'? ALL=LL(ATL(end))/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= >360'? ADL=ATL(end)-ALL= 1476 0 in" (Modified I at Step) 0 25 in 2 OE-i-06 1790 0 in psi 4 -0 15 -0 02 976 YES -0 04 3370 YES 0 02 in in in in PA TL(end)-0 13 in OK USE 5 1/4 X 16 2 OE PSL 3^ FB-27 CASE 1: Distributed Load w/ Multiple Point Loads at Left Span: L= 21.5ft USE Load Comb. #2:1.2D + 1.6L Wi = 576 lb/ft WiDL= 187 lb/ft W2= 1880 lb/ft W1LL= 220 lb/ft WAVG= 1304 lb/ft W1TL= 407 lb/ft Pl = 23748 Ib W2DL= 401 lb/ft Li-95 ft W2LL= 874 lb/ft L2= 12 ft W2TL= 1275 lb/ft P2= 2113 Ib PlDL= 6414 Ib L3= 14 ft PlLL= 10032 Ib L4= 75 ft PlTL= 16446 Ib P2DL= 657 Ib P2LL= 828 lb P2TL= 1485 Ib RR=[(WI)(LI)' + (P)(Li) + (w2)(L2)(Li-hL2/2)]/(Li+L2)= RL=(W,)(U)-f P-1-(W2)(L2)-RR= 29342 24551 Ib Ib TrvW14x53 Fy= 50 ksi I = 541 in" S= 77 8 in' A= 15 6 in^ d = 13-7/8 in tw= 3/8 in T = 10-7/8 in Check h/t„ = 26 8 < 53 95, SHEAR Table 3-2 Use (pJVp= 155 k 155k >29 3k Vu= 29342 Ib M,= 207239 ft-lb FLEXURE Table 3-2 Use 99bMp= 327 k-ft 327k-ft >207 2k-ft Cv = 1 0 Lp = 6 78 ft > 1 33 ft joist spacing Compact OK Lp = 6 78 ft > 1 33 ft joist spacing Compact OK DEFLECTION E = 2 9E-H07 psi 1 = 541 in" WATL= 0 40 in PATL= 0 57 in ATL= 0 97 in •33 1/(ATL/L)= \LL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= 267 >240'? 0 62 in 416 >360'? 0 35 in YES YES CASE 2: Distributed Load at Right Span: USE Load Comb #2. 1.2D -i- 1.6L L= 12.5 ft w= 646 lb/ft WiDL= 85 lb/ft WlLL= 340 lb/ft WiTL= 425 lb/ft Vu= wL/2= 2/, 4038 Ib MU=WL78= 12617 ft-lb Try W14 x53 above SHEAR Table 3-2 Use 93vVp= 155k 155k >4 0k FLEXURE Lp = 6 78 ft > 1 33 ft joist spacing Compact Table 3-2 Use 9?bMp= 327 k-ft 327k-ft >12.6k-ft OK Lp = 6 78 ft > 1 33 ft joist spacing Compact DEFLECTION OK ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 023 in 1/(ATL/L)= 6632 >240'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/rL= 0 018 in 1/(ALL/L)= 8290 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 005 in USE W14X53, 50 KSI STEEL BEAM. F.W. 5/8"THRD STUDS @ 36" o c. AT TOP OF BEAM FOR ATTACHMENT OF 2x WOOD PLATE. F.W. TO TOP OF 6"cp STD. STEEL PIPE w/ V4 BEAD, E70 ROD TO AT CENTER CONNECTION. F.W TO TOP OF STEEL PLATE EMBED AT LEFT AND RIGHT ENDS w/1/4" BEAD, L=4" (x2). 3^ FB-28 L= 6ft -I- 4ft Cant. RR=[P(LI-I-L2)+W(LI+L2)*(LI-HL2)/2]/LI- RL=W(LI-I-L2)-I-P-RR= Vmax=RR-wL2-P= Mmax=RL'/2W= TRY... Va= Ma= 1= ATL(end)= 1/(ATL/L)= >240'' ALL=LL(ATL(end))^L= 1/(ALL/L)= >360'? ADL=ATL(end)-ALL= 691 Ib 2501 Ib 448 ft-lb 5 1/4X117/8 2.0E PSL 12055 29855 735 lb ft-lb _4 OK OK in 0 078 in 1223 YES 0 062 in 775 YES 0 017 in w= 532 lb/ft WDL= 112 lb/ft p= 294 lb WLL= 420 lb/ft 6 ft WTL= 532 lb/ft L2-4 ft PDL= 294 Ib PLL= 0 Ib 4923 Ib PTL= 294 Ib 2 OE-i-06 psi USE 5 1/4x11 7/8 2 OE PSL FB-29 L= lS.5ft Distributed Load w/ Multiple Point Loads Use Load Comb #2: 1.2D + 1.6L 144 lb/ft WIDL= 13 lb/ft W2= 986 lb/ft WiLL= 80 lb/ft WAVG= 622 lb/ft WlTL= 93 lb/ft P1= 46015 Ib W2DL= 235 lb/ft 8 ft W2LL= 440 lb/ft L2= 10 5 ft W2TL= 675 lb/ft PlDL= 11574 Ib PlLL-20079 Ib PlTL= 31653 Ib RR=[(WI)(LI)' + (P)(Li) + (w2)(L2)(Li+L2/2)]/(U-fL2)= RL=(wi)(Li)-fP + (w2)(L2)-RR= Vu = 29958 Ib Mu = 235052 ft-lb 27562 Ib 29958 Ib TrvW14x53 Fy= 50 ksi I = 541 in" S= 77 8 in' A= 15 6 in' d = 13-7/8 in tw= 3/8 in T = 10-7/8 in Check h/t„ = 26 8 < 53 95, SHEAR Table 3-2 Use (/JvVp= 155k 155k >29 9k FLEXURE Table 3-2 Use V9bMp= 327 k-ft 327k-ft > 235.1 k-ft C^ = 1 0 Lp = 6 78 ft > 1 33 ft joist spacing Compact OK Lp = 6 78 ft > 1 33 ft joist spacing Compact OK DEFLECTION E = 2 9E-1-07 psi 1 = 541 in" WATL= 0 10 in PATL ATL= 0 75 in 1/(ATL/L)= 296 >240'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 48 in 1/(ALL/L)= 466 >360'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL-0 27 in 0 64 in W14X53, 50 KSI STEEL BEAM F.W. 5/8"THRD. STUDS @ 36" o c. AT TOP OF BEAM FOR ATTACHMENT OF 2x WOOD PLATE F.W TO TOP OF STEEL PLATE EMBED AT LEFT AND RIGHT ENDS w/ V4" BEAD, E70 ROD, L=4" (x2). SUB-FLOOR HEADER (FLOOR ACCESS) L= w= 1043 ft lb/ft V=wL/2= M=wL^/8= 1565 1173 Ib ft-lb TRY... 3 1/2X11 7/8 2.0E PSL Va= 8035 lb Ma= 19900 ft-lb 1= 490 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 002 in 1/(ATL/L)= 18560 >360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 001 in 1/(ALL/L)= 33961 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 001 in USE 3 1/2x11 7/8 2.0E PSL 5(o SUB-FLOOR HEADER (STAIR HEAD-OUT) L= w= 242 ft V=wL/2= lb/ft M=wL^/8= TRY... 31/2x11 7/8 2 OE PSL Va= 8035 lb Ma= 19900 ft-lb 1= 490 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 001 in 1/(ATL/L)= 33747 >360'> YES ALL=LL(ATL)/rL= 0 001 in 1/(ALL/L)= 42183 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= OOOO in 484 484 lb ft-lb USE 3 1/2x11 7/8 2 OE PSL SUB-FLOOR HEADER (STAIR SUPPORT) L= w= TRY... 1= ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 1/(ATL/L)= 300 ft V=wL/2= lb/ft M=wL'/8= 4x 12 415 3 in" 0 003 in 18458 >360'? YES 600 lb 600 ft-lb ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= AR=1 5(V)/fv= 5 00 in' SR=M/(fb*CF)= 8 0 in' 0 002 in 23072 >480'? YES 0 001 in USE 4x12 SUB-FLOOR CANT LEDGER L= 3.5ft Cant. Wi= 221 lb/ft W2= 93 lb/ft P= 37 Ib Li= 15 ft L2= 35 ft RL=WILI-I-W2L2-)-P-RR= 1611 Ib V(-) at RR=RL-WILI= 1704 Ib V(H-) at RR=RL-WILI-HRR= 363 Ib Vmax— 1704 lb RR=[WiL//2+W2L2(Li-HL2/2)-fP(Li-fL2)]/Li= 2067 Ib E= 1 9E-H06 Cr= 1 15 Deck Rail Mmax=Li/2(RL-V(-))= 699 ft-lb AR=1 5(V)/fv= 14 2 in^ SR=M/(fb-CD-C,)= 8 11 in' 3-7 Joists to step 1" and be ripped at 1/4"/ft: TRY... 4x12 1= 123 0 in" ATL(end)= 0 23 in Mod Ar= Mod Sr= Mod lr= 26 3 32 8 Ib Ib-ft 1/(ATL/L)= 371 >2407 ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 194 in 1/(ALL/L)= 433 >360'? ADL=ATL-ALL 0 032 in 123 in* YES at right support at nght support at nght support YES USE 4x12 P.T. LEDGER Step 1" at Deck and rip 1/4"/ft to slope Use 5/S" a.b @ 32" o.c. w/ (4)- 5/8" ab. at Right end into foundation wall. Embed all a.b.'s 6". GARAGE STEEL COLUMN L= 9ft K= 1 0 KL = 1 0(9) = 9ft Pu = 33, 380 lb (FB-27, Case 1 & 2) From LRFD Table 4-1 (6" Std Steel Pipe) (pcPn = 146 k = 146000 lb > Pu OK USE 6" STD. STEEL PIPE COLUMN, L= 9ft. F.W. w/ W BEAD, E70 ROD TO 12" SQ. x WTHICK A36 STEEL BASE PLATE. USE (4)- W x 9"L a.b. THRU (4)- 5/8" DIA. HOLES IN BASE PLATE AND EXTEND INTO SPREAD FOOTING BELOW. 5" TH. GARAGE SLAB TO ENCASE BASE PLATE AND BOLT CONNECTIONS. 2.0E PARALLAM® PSL ALLOWABLE DESIGN STRESSES (100% LOAD DURATION) G = 125,000 psi E = 2 0 X 10' psi Fb = 2900 psiO) Fa = 650 psi(2)(3) Fell = 2900 psi Fv = 290 psi Flexural stress Compression perpendicular to grain parallel to wide face of strands Compression parallel to grain Horizontal shear perpendicular (1) For 12-inch depth For others, multiply by [-j-]""' (2) F^j^ shall not be increased for duration of load (3) 750 psi for all Eastern Species Parallam® PSL and thick Western Species Parallam® PSL ALLOWABLE DESIGN PROPERTIES (IOO% LOAD DURATION) 1%" 2.0E Parallam® PSL DESIGN PROPERTY DEPTH DESIGN PROPERTY W r/i" 11%" 11%" 14" MOMENT (ft Ibs) 6,210 6,530 8,985 9,950 13,58 SHEAR (Ibs ) 3,130 3,215 3,805 4,020 4,735 MOMENT OF INERTIA (in'') 115 125 210 245 400 WEIGHT (Ibs /lin ft ) 51 52 62 6 5 77 31/2" 2.0E PARALLAM® PSL DESIGN PROPERTY DEPTH DESIGN PROPERTY m" m" 111/4" 11%" 14" 16" 18" MOMENT (ft Ibs) 12,415 13 055 17,970 19,900 27,160 34,955 43,665 SHEAR (Ibs) 6,260 6,430 7,615 8,035 9,475 10,825 12,180 MOMENT OF INERTIA (m^) 230 250 415 490 800 1,195 1,700 WEIGHT (Ibs/lin ft) 101 104 123 130 153 175 197 7" 2.0E PARALLAM® PSL DESIGN PROPERTY DEPTH DESIGN PROPERTY m" 9%" 1174" 11%" 14" 16" 18" MOMENT (ft Ibs) 24,830 26,115 35,940 39,805 54,325 69,905 87,325 SHEAR (Ibs) 12,520 12,855 15,225 16,070 18,945 21,655 24,360 MOMENT OF INERTIA (in<) 460 500 §30 975 1,600 2,390 3,400 WEIGHT (Ibs/lin ft) 20 2 20 8 24 6 26 0 30 6 35 0 39 4 21V16" 2.0E PARALLAM® PSL DESIGN PROPERTY DEPTH DESIGN PROPERTY W 9V2" UVA" 11%" 14" 16" 18" MOMENT (ft lbs ) 9,535 10,025 13,800 15,280 20,855 26,840 33,530 SHEAR (Ibs) 4,805 4,935 5,845 6,170 7,275 8,315 9,350 MOMENT OF INERTIA (ini) 175 190 320 375 615 915 1,305 WEIGHT (Ibs /hn ft ) 78 80 9 5 100 11 8 134 151 51/4" 2.0E PARALLAM® PSL DESIGN PROPERTY DEPTH DESIGN PROPERTY 9V4" m" 111/4" 11%" 14" 16" 18" MOMENT (ft Ibs) 18,625 19,585 26,955 29,855 40,740 52,430 65,495 SHEAR (Ibs) 9,390 9,645 11,420. 12,055 14,210 16,240 18,270 MOMENT OF INERTIA (in") 345 375 625 735 1,200 1,790 2,550 WEIGHT (Ibs /lin ft ) 152 156 18 5 195 23 0 26 3 29 5 GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS FOR NON-TREATED PARALLAM® PSL • Lateral support is required at all beanng points and along compression edge at intervals of 24" on-center or closer • Parallam® PSL beams are made without camber, therefore, in addition to com- plying with the deflection limits of the applicable building code, other consider- ations, such as long term deflection under sustained loads (including creep), ponding (positive drainage is essential) and aesthetics, must be evaluated • Roof members shall either be sloped for drainage or designed to account for load and deflection as specified in the applicable building code • Reductions applied in accordance with 1994 UBC 1606, 1996 NBC 1606 and 1994 SBC 1604 for floor live load, 1994 UBC 1606, 1996 NBC 1607 and 1994 SBC 1604 for roof live load in non-snow (125%) conditions • 3V4" members may be two pieces of I%" or a single width beam 5V4" members may be three pieces 1%", one piece 1%" with one piece 31/2", or a single 5V4" width beam 7" members may be two pieces PA" around one piece 3V2" , two pieces V-/2", or a single 7" width beam See pages 16 and 17 for multiple member beam connections 13/4" L9E MICROLLAM® LVL ESR - ALLOWABLE DESIGN PROPERTIES (100% LOAD DURATION) DESIGN PROPERTY DEPTH DESIGN PROPERTY 5'/2" 7%" 9V4" 9'/2" IIV4" 11%" 14" 16" 18" MOMENT (ft Ibs) 2,125 3,555 5,600 5,885 8,070 8,925 12,130 15,555 19,375 SHEAR (Ibs ) 1,830 2,410 3,075 3,160 3,740 3 950 4,655 5,320 5 985 MOMENT OF INERTIA (m^) 24 56 115 125 208 244 400 597 851 WEIGHT (Ibs/lin ft) 28 3 7 4 7 4 8 5 7 60 71 8 1 9 1 L9E MICROLLAM® LVL ALLOWABLE DESIGN STRESSES (100% LOAD DURATION) Shear modulus of elasticity G = 1 18,750 psi Modulus of elasticity E Flexural stress F(, = Compression perpendicular to grain parallel to glue line F^j_ = 1 9x 10' ps 2600 ps/') 750 psi'^) 2310 psi Compression parallel to grain Fji Honzontal shear perpendicular to glue line F„ = 285 psi For 12-inch depth For others, multiply by |_ d J Fjx sFisll f^ot be increased for duration of load GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS FOR MICROLLAM® LVL • Lateral support is required at all beanng poinb and along compression edge at intervals of 24" on-center or closer • Beanng lengths are based on Microllam® LVL's beanng stress of 750 psi • Microllam® LVL beams are made without camber, therefore, in addition to complying with the deflection limits ofthe applicable building code, other considerations, such as long term deflection under sustained loads (including creep), ponding (positive drainage is essential) and aesthetics, must be evaluated • Roof members shall either be sloped for drainage or designed to account for load and deflection as specified in the applicable building code » Tables on pages 4-7 include reductions applied in accordance with 1994 UBC 1606, 1997 NBC 1606 and 1994 SBC 1604 for floor live load, 1994 UBC 1606, 1997 NBC 1607 and 1994 SBC 1604 for roof live load m non-snow (125%) conditions • 3y2° members are two pieces of iy4" Microllam® LVL SVA" members are three pieces of iy4" Microllam® LVL • 1%" X 16" and iy4" x 18" beams are to be used in multiple member units only See page / 7 for multiple member beam connections / 9E ^esogm} Pmpes-tms^ Mateffml W®agMs^ amd Mb-Slte Safety Design Properties (100% Load Duration) Basic Properties Reaction Properties Maximum 13/4" SVz" Intermediate TJI® Joist Resistive Joist Only IVlaximum End Reaction (Ibs) Weight Momentl^l El X106 Vertical Reaction NO Web With Web (Ibs/ft) (ft-lbs) (in 2-lbs) Shear (Ibs) (Ibs) Stiffeners Stiffeners 110 23 2,380 140 1,220 885" 1,935 NA 210 26 2,860 167 1,330 980 2,145 l\l A 230 27 3,175 183 1,330 1,035 2,410 NA 110 /5 3,015 238 l';560 885 f,935 2,295 210 28 3,620 283 1,655 980 2,145 2,505 230 30 4,015 310 1,655 1,035 2,410 2,765 360 30 6,180 419 1,705 1,080 2,460 2,815 560 40 9,500 636 2,050 1,265 3,000 3,475 110 28 3,565 351 T,86C) 885 1,935 2";295 210 31 4,280 415 1,945 980 2,145 2,505 230 33 4,755 454 1,945 1,035 2,410 2,765 360 33 7,335 612 1,955 1,080 2,460 2,815 560 42 11,275 926 2,390 1,265 3,000 3,475 210 33 4,895 566 2,190 980 2,145 '2,505' 230 35 5,440 618 2,190 1,035 2,410 2,765 360 35 8,405 830 2,190 1,080 2,460 2,815 560 45 12,925 1,252 2,710 1,265 3,000 3,475 rrus Joist ' U/® Joist Specifier's Guide 2025 » January 2004 Material Weights (Include TJI® weights m dead load calculations-see Design Properties table at left for joist weights) Floor Panels 40 14" 16" (1) Caution Do not increase loist moment design properties by a repetitive member use factor Generai Notes • Design reaction includes all loads on the joist Design shear is computed at the face of supports including all loads on the span(s) Allowable shear may sometimes be increased at interior supports m accordance with pending ICC ESR-1153 and these increases are reflected in span tables • The following formulas approximate the uniform load deflection of A (inches) Tfl® joists are intended for dry-use applications For TJI® 110, 210, 230, and 360 Joists 22 5 wL" 2 67 wL^ El dx105 For TJI® 560 Joists 22 5 wL" 2 29 wL2 —+ El dx105 w = uniform load in pounds per linear foot L = span in feet d = out-to-out depth of the joist in inches El = value from table above Southern Pine W plywood 1 7 psf Yd' plywood 2 0 psf Vi" plywood 2 5 psf IVs" plywood 3 8 psf W OSB 1 8 psf VB" OSB 2 2 psf 3/4" OSB 2 7 psf OSB 3 1 psf IW'OSB 4 1 psf Based on Southern pine - 40 pcf for plywood, 44 pet for OSB Roofing Asphalt shingles 2 5 psf Wood shingles 2 0 psf Clay tlie 9 0 to 14 Opsf Slate (3/8" thick) 15 Opsf Roll or Batt Insulation (1" thick) Rock wool 0 2 psf Glass wool 0 1 psf Floor Finishes _ Hardwood (nominal 1") 4 0 psf Sheet vinyl 0 5 psf Carpet and pad 1 0 osf 3/4" ceramic or quarry tile 10 Opsf Concrete Regular (1") 12 Opsf Lightweight (1 ) 8 0 to 10 Opsf Gypsum concrete (3/4") 6 5 psf Ceilings Acoustical fiber tile 1 0 psf W gypsum board 2 2 psf 3/4" gypsum board 2 8 psf Plaster (1" thick) 8 0 psf DO NOT allow workers to walk on joists until braced INJURY MAY RESULT DO NOT stack building materials on unsheathed joists Slack only over beams or walls 54 „- v.-A.;':..x'-v •.^%\r^2tTrix' !Xt3^i^X/'\-. ^;^^r^/ t?. /4f /i'Hi-^s 4'^'S^'yA2' WARDING ^^''^ concern for proper bracing during construction can MnTCO. result in serious accidents Under normal conditions if the NU I to: following guidelines are observed, accidents will be avoided 1 All blocking, hangers, nm boards, and nm joists at the end supports of the TJI® joists must be completely installed and properly nailed 2 Lateral strength, like a braced end wall or an existing deck, must be estab- lished at the ends of the bay This can also be accomplished by a temporary or permanent deck (sheathing) fastened to the first 4 feet of joists at the end of the bay 3 Safety bracing lines of 1x4 (minimum) must be nailed to a braced end wall or sheathed area as in note 2 and to each joist Without this bracing, buckling sideways or rollover is highly probable under light construction loads—like a worker or one layer of unnailed sheathing 4 Sheathing must be totally attached to each TJI® joist before additional loads can be placed on the system 5 Ends of cantilevers require safety bracing on both the top and bottom flanges 6 The flanges must remain straight within a tolerance of Vz' from true alignment 41 Posts Example Post Design for 4 x 4 of Length 10' For Douglas Fir-Larch per NDS 2005, E=l 6x10* psi (for 2-4" wide) Fc=1350 psi (for 2-4" wide) L=10' d=3 5", h=3 5" Ke=l LJd= Ke*L/d=l*10'(12 mJ&)/3 5"=34 3 IfLe/d<ll,thenF',=Fe If 1 \<LJd<K, then F\=F,[l-l/3(LJd)/¥i))*] If K<L^d<50, then F'e=0 3E/(L^df 1/2 K=0 671(E/Fe) =0 671(1 6xlO*psi/1350 psi)"^ =23 1 23 K34 3<50, F'e=0 3(1 6xl0^psi)/34 3^08 3 psi P3=F'c(d)(h)=408 psi(3 5")^=5002 lb Allowable Load (Ib) Length Cross-section (in x in) L(ft) 4x4 4x6 4x8 6x4 6x6 2 16538 25988 34256 25988 30250 3 16538 25988 34256 25988 30250 4 15853 24911 32838 25988 30250 5 14866 23360 30793 25988 30250 6 13071 20539 27075 25094 29679 7 10208 16042 21146 24332 29193 8 7813 12282 16190 23164 28447 9 6175 9704 12792 21465 27361 10 5002 7860 10361 19094 25847 11 4134 6496 8563 16042 23804 12 3474 5459 7195 13479 21120 13 2960 4651 6131 11485 18049 14 2552 4010 5286 9903 15562 15 2223 3494 4605 8627 13556 16 1954 3070 4047 7582 11915 17 1731 2720 3585 6716 10554 18 1544 2426 3198 5991 9414 19 1386 2177 2870 5377 8449 20 1251 1965 2590 4853 7626 21 1134 1782 2350 4401 6917 22 1033 1624 2141 4010 6302 ILA COSTA EKGINEERING 1950 KELLOGG AVE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA 92008 TEL 760 931 0290 FAX 438 5251 EMAIL lcen8r@connectnet com CIVIL • STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL- PETROLEUM 4U 4D\'4r'4 ^ \20 \Z0 fr 1" r 2. LA6\ tSours mJSlOiO f^\cQl4 V \ / %4 •(>(lOf<!fLno^ '. fA- (na'\X,X^ z-^z^f-r SX (H^l^M -yfix • /\^\2.iiXX n.tiA^V 3.iiu^ "OSS' 'X^^'^nSwiL!' pobT (2. c.'-'CJ'o.c. v-^/ Foundations An. Code Minimums Soil bearing pressure (Ps) 2000 psf New Continuous Footing w= Story= 1638 lb/ft 2 +Loft Width B=(w/Ps)^'^= 0 905 ft = 109 in B= D= 15 18 As=pbd= 0 41 \2 Try (2)-#4 0 40 in^ 0 41 \2 USE 15 W X 18 D continuous footing, 2000 psi w/ (2) - #4 Top & Bottom Check Point Load on New 2-Storv Continuous Footing 4 in 44 in B= 15 in Pa=W*B*Ps= 9167 Ib 18 in Pm«,= 1084 < 9167 Ib OK Check Point Load on New 2-Storv Stem Wall Footing 84 in 24 in B= 15 in Pa=W*B*Ps= 17500 lb 18 in P„,ax= 11962 < 17500 Ib OK 4-3 Spread Footmgs B=(w/Ps) 1/2 As=pbd PAD# P Footing Size As(in^) Reinforcement 1 24551 42 W X 18 D 1 13 (6)-#4 E W 2 29958 48 W X 18 D 1 30 (7)-#4 E W 3 37079 52 W X 18 D 1 40 (7)-#4 E W Concrete Slab USE 5" thick, 2500 psi concrete w/ #3 at 16" o c centered at mid-slab height 4^ Foundations: CHECK POINT LOAD ON CMU WALL: Try W14x53 atop 12"W x 5"D x V2 thick steel base plate FOR MASONRY DESIGN, USE ASD From FB-27, Strength load of 24, 5511b factors to ASD load of 16979 lb Ai = (12)(5)= 60 in^ A2 = (12-i-2)(5+2)= 98 in^ Abr = AiV(A2/Ai) = 76 7 in^ GOVERNS Abr = 2Ai = 120 \x2 fbr = P/Abr = 16979 lb/76 7 \T2= 221 psi Fbr = 0 25f = (0 25)(1500 psi) = 375 psi > fbr OK Find axial loads at rmd-height of wall and combine with out-of plane retaining wall loads H/2 = 8 67 ft/2 = 4 33 ft leff = 12 in H- (4 33 ft)(12 in/ft) = 64 in Self-wt of wall (78 lb/sf)(4 33 ft) = 338 lb/ft Beam reaction (16979 lb)(12 in/ft)/(64 in) = 3184 lb/ft Tot axial dead load at mid-height of wall (338-(-(0 36)(3184) = 1487 lb/ft Tot axial live load at mid-height of wall (0 64)(3184) = 2035 lb/ft CHECK AXIAL/FLEXURAL LOADS ON CMU PILASTER: Try 16" sq Pilaster Design FOR MASONRY DESIGN, USE ASD LOADS From FB-29 Strength load of 29,958 lb factors to ASD axial load of 20560 lb From Line 2 Sub-floor load ASD seismic load of 2157 lb/2 = 1079 lb P = 20560 lb = 20 6 k V = 1079 lb = 1 08 k Check for flexural tension assuming 'uncracked' section An = (15 625'f = 244 in^ Sn = (15.625'f/6 = 636 in^ 45' fa = (20560 lb)/244 in^= 84 psi fb = (1079 lb)(8 67 ft)(12 in/ft)/l 4(636 in^^= 126 psi Since fa < fb, flexural tension exists, must now assume a 'cracked' section Check column stress considering only axial component T = t/i\2X=il5 625")/(12)^^^= 4 51 H/r = 8 67 ft(12)/4 51 = 23 1 < 99 YES, therefore Fa = 0 25f n,[l-((H/r)/140)^] = 0 25(1500)[l-(23 1/140)^] = 364 psi > 84 psi OK Use Altemate load combination for ASD with 1/3 increase (#5 D -i- L -i- E/1 4) Fb = l/3f n.(4/3) = (1500/3)(4/3) = 667 psi Fs = 24000(4/3) = 32000 psi Design Column as single reinforced member (ignore compression steel) Try (4)- #5 (Note 2 bars in tensile area) n= Es/Em = (29000000)/(900)(1500) = 21 5 b= 15 63 in d= 12 in Ast = (2)(0 31 ix/) = 0 62 ir/ p = 2(0 62)/(15 63)(12)= 0 0066 np = (21 5)(0 0066) = 0 142 P/bd = (20560 lb)/(15 63 in)(12 in) = 110 psi h/d= 15 63/12= 1 303 Fs/n = 32000/21 5 = 1488 psi Calculate M^ based on the masonry compressive stress Neutral axis eq kd = {[(np - (P/bd)/Fb)^ + 2np]^^^ - [np-(P/bd)/Fb] }d kd= {[(0 142 -(110/667))^-I-2(0 142)]^'^-[(0 142)-(110/667)]} 12 kd = 0 638d 0 < k < 1 0 OK Ma/bd^ = Fb[k(h/4d - k/6) - np(l - h/2d) + (np/k)(l - h/2d)] Ma/bd^ = 667[0 638(1 303/4 - 0 638/6) - 0 142(1 - 1 303/2) + (0 142/0 638)(1 - 1 303/2)] Ma/bd^= 112psi 45 a. Calculate Ma based on the steel tensile stress kd = {[(np -h (nP/Fsbd)]^ + 2[np + {nFfFM)]X - [np + (nP/Fsbd)]d kd= {[0 142-I-(110/1488)]^-I-2[0 142 + (110/1488)]}^^^ - [0 142-i-(110/1488)]d kd = 0 476d 0 < k <10 OK Ma/bd^ = (P/bd)[(h/2d - k/3)] -t- [np(Fs/n)(l - k/3)] Ma/bd^ = (110)[(1 303/2 - 0 476/3)] -h [0 142(1488)(1 - 0 476/3)] Ma/bd^ = 232 psi Masonry compressive stress Governs Ma = (112 psi)(15 63)(12)Vl2 = 21007 ft-lb Mr = (1079 lb)(8 67 ft)/l 4 = 6682 ft-lb 21007 > 6682 ft-lb OK Check Slenderness t^„= 15 63 in > 8 in OK H/t = 8 67 ft(12)/15 63 in = 6 66 < 25 OK Check if Column can resist Shear demand f, = V/bd = (1079 lb)/l 4(15 63)(12) = 4 1 psi Fv = Vf'm = V(1500) = 38 7 psi > 4 1 psi No shear reinforcement required Check min longitudinal reinforcement requirements Try (4)- #5 Asc/A„ = (4)(0 31)/(15 63)^ = 0 0051 0 0051 > 0 0025 OK 0 0051 < 0 04 OK Check spacing for #3 honz ties 16db = 16(0 625) = 10" 48dt = 48(0 375)= 18" tmin — 1 6 USE 16" SQ. CMU PILASTER, FULLY GROUTED W (4)- #5 VERT. BARS AND #3 TIES AT 10" o.c. MIN. SPACING. 4^^ •ST€^^' Solid Grout Special Insp 8 " Masonry w/ #5 @ Ifi Lateral Restraint 228 6 # 8 " Masonry w/ #5 @ 1 Sliding Restraint 1383 3# use AIS #5@1fe in @Toe o:>c s/e,"A.i.T^io L 2'-10" 1'-6" 1'-6" 3'-0" 3" 5'-10" 1'-6" 8'-8" LA COSTA ENGINEERING IVdartell B A/lontgomery, P E 2226 Fataday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760)931-0290 email marty_nnontgomery®yahoo com Title Garage Basement Wall Job# 2011026 Dsgnr MBM Description 8'-8" Garage Basement Wall Page 4*7 Date JUL 12,2011 This Wall in File c \program files\rp9\guglielmo residence i Retain Pro 9 © 1989 - 2011 Ver 9 24 8165 Registration # RP-1182635 RP9 24 Licensed to La Costa Engineering Restrained Retaining Wall Design Code- CBC 2010 Criteria Retained Height = 5 83 ft Wall height above soil = 2 84 ft Total Wall Height = 8 67 ft Top Support Height = 8 67 ft Slope Behind Wal = 0 00 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 0 00 in Water height over heel = 0 0 ft Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 2,000 0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure Toe Active Pressure Passive Pressure Soil Density FootingllSoil Frictior Soil height to ignore for passive pressure 60 0 psf/ft 35 0 psf/ft 250 0 psf/ft 120 00 pcf 0 350 0 00 in Thumbnail Surcharge Loads Surcharge Over Heel = 0 0 psf »>Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 62 5 psf Used for Sliding & Overturning Uniform Lateral Load Applied to Stem Adjacent Footing Load Axial Load Applied to Stem Axial Dead Load = 521 0 Ibs Axial Live Load = 295 0 Ibs Axial Load Eccentncity = 0 0 in Lateral Load = Height to Top = Height to Botton' = The above lateral load has been increased by a factor of Wind on Exposed Stem = Earth Pressure Seismic Load | Soil Density Multiplier ^ Stem Weight Seismic Load I Fp / Wp Weight Multiplier 0 0#/ft 0 00 ft 0 00 ft 1 00 0 0 psf 0 200 g OOOO g Adjacent Footing Load = 0 0 Ibs Footing Width = 0 00 ft Eccentricity = 0 00 in Wall to Ftg CL Dist = 0 00 ft Footing Type Line Load Base Above/Below Soil _ ^ at Back of Wall " " " " Poisson's Ratio = 0 300 Added seismic per unit area = 0 0 psf Added seismic per unit area = 0 0 psf Design Summary jl Masonr^tem^onst^^ Total Bearing Load resultant ecc Soil Pressure @ Toe = Soil Pressure @ Heel Allowable = Soil Pressure Less Than ACI Factored @ Toe ACI Factored @ Heel Footing Shear @ Toe Footing Shear @ Heel Allowable Reaction at Top = Reaction at Bottom 2,844 Ibs 4 47 in 948 psf OK 948 psf OK 2,000 psf Allowable 301 psf 2,053 psf 3 2 psi OK 3 1 psi OK 75 0 psi 228 6 lbs 1,383 3 Ibs Sliding Calcs Slab Resists All Sliding i Lateral Sliding Force = 1,383 3 Ibs Load Factors Building Code Dead Load Live Load Earth, H Wind, W Seismic, E CBC 2010 1 200 1 600 1 600 1 600 1 000 1,500 psi 24,000 psi Thickness = 8 00 in fm Wall Weight = 78 0 psf Fs Stem IS FREE to rotate at top of footing Block Type = Medium Weight Design Method = ASD Solid Grouted @ Top Support Short Term Factor Equiv Solid Thick n Ratio (Es/Em) 1 000 7 600 in 21 481 Mmax Between Top & Base @ Base of Wall Stem OK 8 67 ft # 5 16 00 in Center 3 75 in Design Height Above Ftc = Rebar Size Rebar Spacing = Rebar Placed at Rebar Depth 'd' = Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa = 0 000 Moment Actua = 0 0 ft-# Moment Allowable = 1,136 9 ft-# Shear Force @ this height = 228 6 Ibs Shear Actual = 4 65 psi Shear Allowable = 38 73 psi Rebar Lap Required = 25 00 m Hooked embedment into footing Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe # 5 @ 18 00 in -or- Heel None Spec'd -or- Key No key defined -or- Stem OK 3 06 ft # 5 16 00 in Center 3 75in stem OK 0 00 ft # 5 16 00 in Center 3 75 in 0 941 1,069 7 ft-# 1,136 9 ft-# 25 00 in OOOO 0 0ft-# 1,136 9ft-# 791 1 Ibs 16 11 psi 38 73 psi 1050 m Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr No key defined Retain Pro Software © 2009 HBA PuDteaf'ons lnc All Riqhts Pesei^ed Licensed to La Cost? Engineering Cdrisbad CA 92008 WW"/ RetainPro com LA COSTA ENGINEERING IVlartell B ^Montgomery, P E 2226 Fa'raday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760)931-0290 email marty_montgomery@yahoo com Title Garage Basement Wall Job# 2011026 Dsgnr MBM Description 8'-8" Garage Basement Wall Page 4b Date JUL 12,2011 This Wall in File c \program files\rp9\guglielmo residence i Retain Pro 9 © 1989 - 2011 Ver 9 24 8165 Registration # RP-1182635 RP9 24 Licensed to La Costa Engineering Restrained Retaining Wall Design Code CBC 2010 Footing Strengths & Dimensions _1 I Footing Design Results Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Width Footing Thickness Key Width Key Depth Key Distance from Toe 1 50 ft 1 50 3 00 18 00 in 0 00 in 0 00 in 0 00 ft Factored Pressure = Mu' Upward = Mu' Downward = Mu Design = Actual 1-Way Shear = Allow 1 -Way Shear = Toe 301 667 416 251 3 18 75 00 'eel 2,053 psf 747 ft-# 385 ft-# -361 ft-# 3 14 psi 75 00 psi f'c = 2,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Footing Concrete Density = 150 00 pcf Mm As% = 0 0018 Cover @ Top = 2 00 in @ Btm = 3 00 in Summary of Forces on Footing Slab RESISTS sliding, stem is PINNED at footing Forces acting on footing soil pressure (taking moments about front of footing to find eccentricity) Surcharge Over Heel Ibs ft ft-# Axial Dead Load on Stem = 816 Olbs 1 83 ft 1,496 0ft-# Soil Over Toe Ibs ft ft-# Adjacent Footing Load Ibs ft ft-# Surcharge Over Toe 93 8 Ibs 0 75 ft 70 3ft-# Stem Weight 676 3 Ibs 1 83 ft 1,239 8ft-# Soil Over Heel 583 Olbs 2 58 ft 1,506 1 ft-# Footing Weight 675 Olbs 1 50 ft 1,012 5ft-# Total Vertical Force 2,844 Olbs Moment = 5,324 7ft-# Net Mom at Stem/Ftg Interface = -1,058 7 ft-# Allow Mom @ Stem/Ftg Interface = 1,136 9 ft-# Allow Mom Exceeds Applied Mom Yes Therefore Uniform Soil Pressure = 948 0 psf DESIGNER NOTES Retain Pro Software d 2009 HBA Publications Inc Ail Riqtits Reasa'ed Licensed to La Costa Engineering Cdrisbad CA 92008 wvAV RetanPro com 4^ -rW- 8 in Mas w/ #4 @ 32 in o/c Solid Grout 6" 4" 11" 1'-3" IIACOSTA ENGINEERING Martell B Montgomery, P E 2226 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 931-0290 email marty_montgomery@yahoo com Title Guglielmo Residence Job* 20111036 Dsgnr Description 2'-0" CMU Stem Wall MBM Page 50 Date SEP 21,2011 This Wall in File C \Program Files\RP9\guglielmo resideno Retain Pro 9 ©1989-2011 Ver 9 24 8167 Registration* RP-1182635 RP9 24 Licensed to La Costa Engineering Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Code IBC 2006 Criteria Retained Height = 1 50 ft Wall height above soil = 0 50 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0 00 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 6 00 in Water height over heel = 0 0 ft Soil Data Surcharge Loads Surcharge Over Heel = 0 0 psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 0 0 psf Used for Sliding & Overturning Axial Load Applied to Stem Axial Dead Load 595 0 Ibs Axial Live Load 1,043 0 Ibs Axial Load Eccentncity = 0 0 in Design Summary | Wall Stability Ratios Overturning Sliding Total Bearing Load resultant ecc Soil Pressure Soil Pressure Allowable Toe Heel Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe ACI Factored @ Heel Allow Soil Bearing = 2,000 0 psf j Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure 35 0 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure 35 0 psf/ft ' Passive Pressure 250 0 psf/ft i Soil Density, Heel = 120 00 pcf Soil Density, Toe = 120 00 pcf I FootingllSoil Friction 0 350 1 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 12 00 in Thumbnail ll [^atera^oa^AppMedJ^ten^^J [Adjacent Footing Load 6 57 OK 8 68 OK 2,141 Ibs 0 16 in 1,822 psf OK 1,603 psf OK 2,000 psf 2,728 psf 2,401 psf 4 3 psi OK 2 5 psi OK 75 0 psi Footing Shear @ Toe Footing Shear @ Heel Allowable = Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component NOT Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 87 5 Ibs less 100% Passive Force = - 375 0 Ibs less 100% Fnction Force = - 384 2 Ibs Added Force Req'd = 0 0 lbs OK for 1 5 1 Stability = 0 0 Ibs OK Lateral Load = 0 0 #/ft Height to Top = 0 00 ft Height to Bottom = 0 00 ft The above lateral load has been increased 1 00 by a factor of Wind on Exposed Stem = 0 0 psf Adjacent Footing Load Footing Width Eccentricity Wall to Ftg CL Dist Footing Type Base Above/Below Soil at Back of Wall Poisson's Ratio 0 0 Ibs 0 00 ft 0 00 in 0 00 ft Line Load 0 Oft 0 300 Stem Construction | Top Stem Design Height Above Ftc ft = Wall Material Above "Ht" Thickness = Rebar Size = Rebar Spacing = Rebar Placed at = Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa Total Force @ Section Ibs = Moment Actual ft-# = Moment Allowable Shear Actual psi = Shear Allowable psi = Wall Weight Rebar Depth 'd' in = LAP SPLICE IF ABOVE in = LAP SPLICE IF BELOW in = HOOK EMBED INTO FTG in = Stem OK 0 00 Masonry 8 00 # 4 32 00 Edge 0 138 35 0 190 612 1 06 194 78 0 5 25 24 00 6 00 Masonry Data - f'm Fs Solid Grouting psi = 1,500 psi = 20,000 Yes Load Factors — Building Code Dead Load Live Load Earth, H Wind, W Seismic, E IBC 2006 1 200 1 600 1 600 1 600 1 000 Modular Ratio 'n' Short Term Factor Equiv Solid Thick Masonry Block Type Masonry Design Method Concrete Data f'c Fy 21 48 1 000 in = 7 60 = Medium Weight = ASD Half-Stress option used psi = psi = Retain Pro Software © 2009 HBA Publications Inc All Riqhts Rase'ved Licensed to La Costa Engineenng Cansbad CA 92008 ivww RetainPro com LA COST'A ENGINEERING Martell B. Wlontgomery, P E 2226 Fa'raday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760)931-0290 email marty_montgomery@yahoo com Title Guglielmo Residence Job* 20111036 Dsgnr MBM Description 2'-0" CMU Stem Wall Page 5^ Date SEP 21,2011 This Wall in File C \Program Files\RP9\guglielmo resideno Retain Pro 9 © 1989 - 2011 Ver 9 24 8167 Registration* RP-1182635 RP9 24 Licensed to La Costa Engineering Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Code IBC 2006 Footing Dimensions & Strengths j | Footing Design Results | Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Width Footing Thickness = Key Width Key Depth Key Distance from Toe = f'c = 2,500 psi Fy Footing Concrete Density = Min As% Cover @ Top 2 00 < 0 33 ft 0 92 1 25 18 00 in 0 00 in 0 00 in 0 00 ft 60,000 psi 150 00 pcf 0 0018 Btm = 3 00 in Factored Pressure Mu' Upward Mu' Downward Mu Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Heel Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key No key defined Toe 2,728 331 49 282 4 31 75 00 None Spec'd None Spec'd None Spec'd Heel 2,401 psf 215 ft-# 50 ft-* -165 ft-* 2 54 psi 75 00 psi Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments Item OVERTURNING Force Distance Moment Ibs ft ft-* Heel Active Pressure = Surcharge over Heel = Toe Active Pressure Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = 157 5 -70 0 1 00 0 67 157 5 -46 7 Total 87 5 OTM 1108 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 6 57 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 2,140 7 Ibs Force RESISTING . Distance Moment Ibs ft ft-# Soil Over Heel 45 6 1 12 51 2 Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = 595 0 0 66 394 7 * Axial Live Load on Stem = 1,043 0 0 66 691 9 Soil Over Toe 198 0 17 33 Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight{s) 156 0 0 66 103 5 Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weight = 281 3 0 63 175 8 Key Weight = Vert Component = Total = 1,097 7 Ibs R M = 728 4 ' Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturning resistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation DESIGNER NOTES Retain Pro Software © 2009 HBA Publications All Rights Reserved Licensed to La Costa Engineenng Carisoad CA 92008 wjvw RetainPro com 5^ Lateral Calculations Wind Roof slope= Ps=^IPs30 3 712 A= 1= 1 0 A= 1= 1 0 Ps30= Zone A= 14 1 B= -4 9 C= 94 D= -2 8 For a conservative approach, use Zone A on ALL walls and Zone D on ALL roofs A D 14 1 -2 8 Wind Distribution P™=10psf Upper Roof Level Mezzanine Roof Wps=(2 5')(0)+(7'/2)14 1= 49 lb/ft Wpm,n={2 5'-!- 772)10= 60 lb/ft 2nd Roof Level Upper Roof Wp3=(3')(0)+ (872)14 1= 56 lb/ft Wpm,n=(3'-i- 872)10= 70 lb/ft Mezzanine Floor Wps=(772+1'-Hl672)14 1= 176 lb/ft Wpm,n=(772+1'-Hl 672)10= 125 lb/ft 2nd Storv Level Floor Wps=(872-Fl'+972)14 1= 134 lb/ft Wpm,n=(872-Hl'-H972)10= 95 lb/ft Lower Roof Wps=(4')(0)-F(972)14 1= 63 lb/ft Wpm,n=(4'+ 972)10= 85 lb/ft Upper Deck - Front Wps=(3 5' -Hi' H- 972)14 1 = 127 lb/ft Wpr,i,n=(3 5 -H1'+ 972)10= 90 lb/ft Lower Roof Wps=(2 5')(0)-i-(1272)14 1= 85 lb/ft Wp^,n=(2 5'+ 1272)10= 85 lb/ft 1st Storv Level Sub-Floor - Garaqe Front Wps=(1272+ r+872) 14 1= 155 lb/ft Wpm,n=(1272+ 1'+872)10= 110 lb/ft Sub-Floor - Entrv Wps=(1672+ 1' + 872)14 1= 183 lb/ft Lower Deck - Front Wps=(3 5' +1' + 872)14 1= 120 lb/ft Wpm,n=(1672+ 1' + 872)10= 130 lb/ft Wpm,p=(3 5 +1'+ 872)10= 85 lb/ft 53 Seismic Ss= 1 338 Si= 0 502 Site Class D Fa= 1 1 5 R= 65 1= 1 0 Floors 2 (2 5 for Cant Column Systems) SMS—FaSs— 1 338 SMI=FVSI= 0 753 SDS=2/3SMS= 0 892 SDI=2/3SMI= 0 502 SDC D SIMPLIFIED DESIGN PROCEDURE (ASCE 7 12.14) E=Eh+Ev (For load comb 5&6ASD) E=Eh-Ev (For load comb 8 ASD) E, =QE=V Ev=0 2SDSD= 0 for E acting in plane of diaphragm/base shear Seismic Base Shear (per ASCE 12 14 8.1) V=FSDSW/R F= 1 1 R= 6 5 (2 5 for Cant Column Systems) V= 0.151 W (V= 0 393 W for Cant. Column Systems) Vertical Distribution (per ASCE 12 14 8.2) F, =FSDS/R*W, F= 0 151 w. 5t Project Name = 160 Juniper St, Carlsbaci, CA 92008 Conterminous 48 States 2003 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Latitude = 33 15027 Longitude = -117 34635 Spectral Response Accelerations Ss and SI Ss and SI = Mapped Spectral Acceleration Values Site Class B - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.0 Data are based on a 0 01 deg gnd spacing Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1 338 (Ss, Site Class B) 1.0 0 502 (SI, Site Class B) Conterminous 48 States 2003 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Latitude = 33 15027 Longitude = -117 34635 Spectral Response Accelerations SMs and SMI SMs = Fa X Ss and SMI = Fv x SI Site Class D - Fa = 1 0 ,Fv = 1 5 Penod Sa (sec) (g) 0 2 1 338 (SMs, Site Class D) 1 0 0 753 (SM1, Site Class D) Conterminous 48 States 2003 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Latitude = 33 15027 Longitude = -117 34635 Design Spectral Response Accelerations SDs and SDI SDs = 2/3 X SMs and SDI = 2/3 x SMI Site Class D - Fa = 1 0 ,Fv = 1 5 Penod Sa (sec) (g) 0 2 0 892 (SDs, Site Class D) 1.0 0 502 (SD1, Site Class D) 55 MEZZANINE FRAME KEY MAP 2ND FLOOR FRAMING KEY MAP HFX-24X9 HARDY J FRAME 1ST FLOOR FRAMING kEY MAP I AJ "-2 2J 2^ X 21 FOUNDATION KEY MAP Seismic Distribution DLroof= 18 psf DLf|oor/decl<= 10 PSf DL„allext= 15 psf DLcmuwair 78 psf Lines 1.2 LOWER ROO l-line~ HwalF SUB-FLOOR l-line— HwalP LOWER DECK L|ine~ HwalP 24 5 12 25 12 35 Line 2 MEZZANINE ROOF l-line~ HwalP MEZZANINE FLOOR l-line— HwalF 16 UPPER ROOF l-line~ HwalP 175 2ND FLOOR l-line~ HwalP 26 5 ft WR=(24 5')18= ft w„= 2(1272)15= Wi= 0151(441+180)= ft WF= (25') 10= ft w„= 2[(12'/2)15+(8'/2)78]= Wi= 0 151(250+804)= ft WF= (12') 10= ft w„= (3 5')15 + 2(8'/2)78 = Wi= 0 151(120+677)= ft WR= (9') 18= ft Ww= 2(7'/2)15= W2= 0 151(162+105)= ft WF= (9') 10= ft Ww= 2(7'/2+16'/2)15= W2= 0151(90+345)= ft WF=(17 5')18= ft Ww= 2(8'/2)15= W2= 0151(315+120)= ft WF=(34 5')10= ft w„= 2(8'/2+972)15= W2= 0151(345+255)= 441 lb/ft 180 lb/ft 94 lb/ft 250 lb/ft 804 lb/ft 159 lb/ft 120 lb/ft 677 lb/ft 120 lb/ft 162 lb/ft 105 lb/ft 40 lb/ft 90 lb/ft 345 lb/ft 66 lb/ft 315 lb/ft 120 lb/ft 66 lb/ft 265 lb/ft 255 lb/ft 78 lb/ft SEISMIC GOVERNS WIND GOVERNS WIND GOVERNS WIND GOVERNS WIND GOVERNS WIND GOVERNS WIND GOVERNS 5^ Line 2 UPPER DECK l-line~ HwalP _ SUB-FLOOR L|ine~ HwalP _ LOWER DECK l-line~ HwalP Line 2.8 MEZZANINE ROOF L|ine— HwalP Lines 2ND FLOOR Lime— HwalP 35 25 12 35 ft ft WF= (21') 10= Ww= [3 5' +2(9'/2)]15= W2= 0 151(80+188)= WF= (25')10= Ww= 2[(9'/2)15+(8'/2)78> W2= 0 151(370+759)= WF= (12') 10= Ww= (3 5')15 + 2(8'/2)78 = Wi= 0 151(120+677)= WR= (9') 18= Ww= 2(7'/2)15= W2= 0 151(162+105)= 80 lb/ft 188 lb/ft 40 lb/ft 250 lb/ft 759 lb/ft 152 lb/ft 120 lb/ft 677 lb/ft 120 lb/ft 162 lb/ft 105 lb/ft 40 lb/ft WIND GOVERNS WIND GOVERNS WIND GOVERNS WIND GOVERNS Load transfer to Lines 2 and 5 thirough upper roof diaphragm 34 5 Line 5 UPPER ROOF Line— HwalP _ 2ND FLOOR Line— HwalP Lines 5. 6 LOWER ROOF l-line— HwalP 34 5 34 5 22 WF= (34 5') 10= Ww= 2(8'/2+972)15= W2= 0 151(345+255)= Wn= (34 5') 18= Ww= 2(8'/2)15= W4= 0 151(621+120)= WF= (34 5') 10= Ww= 2(8'/2+972)15= W4= 0 151(345+255)= WR= (22') 18= w„= 2(9'/2)15= W5= 0 151(396+135)= 345 lb/ft 255 lb/ft 91 lb/ft 621 lb/ft 120 lb/ft 112 lb/ft 345 lb/ft 255 lb/ft 91 lb/ft 396 lb/ft 135 lb/ft 80 lb/ft WIND GOVERNS SEISMIC GOVERNS WIND GOVERNS WIND GOVERNS Line A UPPER ROOF l-line^ HwalP 2ND FLOOR l-line— HwalP LOWER ROO l-line— HwalP UPPER DECK Line— H, waii- Line C 2ND FLOOR l-line— HwalP LOWER ROOF L|ine— H, 'wall- LOWER ROOF Lime— HwalP Line D LOWER ROO Ling— HwalP 15 15 29 16 35 45 15 12 15 WR= (I5')18= Ww= 2(8'/2)15= WA= 0151(270+120)= WF= (15')10= Ww= 2(8'/2+ 9'/2)15= WA= 0 151(150+255)= WR= (29')18= Ww= 2(9'/2)15= W5= 0151(522+135)= WF= (16') 10= Ww= [3 5' +2(9'/2)]15= W2= 0 151(160+188)= WR= (45')18= Ww= 2(8'/2)15= W4= 0 151(621+120)= 270 lb/ft 120 lb/ft 59 lb/ft 150 lb/ft 255 lb/ft 61 lb/ft 522 lb/ft 135 lb/ft 99 lb/ft 160 lb/ft 188 lb/ft 52 lb/ft 810 lb/ft 120 lb/ft 140 lb/ft WIND GOVERNS WIND GOVERNS SEISMIC GOVERNS WIND GOVERNS SEISMIC GOVERNS Load transfer to Lines A and C through 2nd floor diaphragm WF= (45') 18= Ww= 2(8'/2+9'/2)15= Wc= 0151(400+255)= WR= (15')18= Ww= 2(9'/2)15= W5= 0 151(270+135)= WR= (4') 18= Ww= 2(12'/2)15= WF= 0151(72+180)= WR= (15') 18= Ww= 2(9'/2)15= W5= 0151(270+135)= 810 lb/ft 255 lb/ft 161 lb/ft 270 lb/ft 135 lb/ft 61 lb/ft 72 lb/ft 180 lb/ft 38 lb/ft 270 lb/ft 135 lb/ft 61 lb/ft SEISMIC GOVERNS WIND GOVERNS SEISMIC GOVERNS WIND GOVERNS Line E MEZZAN l-line— HwalP Line F MEZZAN Line= HwalP NE ROOF 21 WFI=(21')18= 378 lb/ft Ww= 2(7'/2)15= 105 lb/ft WE= 0 151 (378+105)= 73 lb/ft Transfers to Lines B and F through upper roof diaphragm NE ROOF 21 MEZZANINE FLOOR l-line— H, wair 21 16 UPPER ROOF l-line^ H„ 'wair 24 2ND FLOOR Lline^ Hwall- 24 LOWER ROOF L|ine— Hwall-12 WR= (21')18= Ww= 2(7'/2)15= WE= 0 151(378+105)= WF= (21') 10= w„= 2(7'/2+16'/2)15= Wo= 0 151(210+345)= WF= (24') 18= w„= 2(8'/2)15= W2= 0151(432+120)= WF= (24') 10= Ww= 2(8'/2+9'/2)15= WE= 0 151(310+255)= WR= (4') 18= w,,= 2(12'/2)15= WF= 0 151(72+180)= 378 lb/ft 105 lb/ft 73 lb/ft 210 lb/ft 345 lb/ft 84 lb/ft 432 lb/ft 120 lb/ft 83 lb/ft 240 lb/ft 255 lb/ft 75 lb/ft 72 lb/ft 180 lb/ft 38 lb/ft SEISMIC GOVERNS SEISMIC GOVERNS WIND GOVERNS SEISMIC GOVERNS WIND GOVERNS SEISMIC GOVERNS Diaphragm/Shear Loads (Use load comb. #5 for seismic loads) Ri LR= 0 7(94 lb/ft)(4'/2)= 132 Ib 5 lb/ft Ri SF=(183 lb/ft)(4'/2)= 366 Ib Vl SF= 15 lb/ft Ri LD=(120 lb/ft)(4'/2)= 240 Ib 27 lb/ft R2MR= (60 ib/ft)(21'/2)= 630 Ib ^2 MR= 70 lb/ft R2MF/uR= [(176 lb/ft)(30'/2')(9'/26 5')+(70 lb/ft)(30'/2)(17 5'/26 5')]= 1590 Ib V2 MF/UR-60 lb/ft R2 2F/UD= [(134 lb/ft){(26'/2)(6 5'/34 5')+(8 5'Cant )(20'/34 5')} +(127 lb/ft)(26'/2)(8'/34 5')+0 7(94 lb/ft)(4'/2)(26 5'/34 5')]= 1371 Ib V2 2F/UD-40 lb/ft R2LR= 0 7(94 lb/ft) (4'/2)= 132 Ib V2 LR= 5 lb/ft R2SF/LD= [(155 lb/ft)(25 5'/2)+(183 lb/ft)(4'/2)](25'/37') + (120 lb/ft(29 5'/2)(12'/37') V2 SF/LD= 630 R2 8MR= (60 lb/ft)(21'/2)= R3 2F= 134 lb/ft[(19 5'/2)+(25 5'/2)(14 5'/34 5')]= 2157 V^ 2 8MR- 58 lb/ft 18 lb/ft 2025 lb R5 UR= 0 7(112 lb/ft)(45'/2)= 1764 Ib R5 2F= (134 lb/ft)(19 5'/2)= 1307 Ib R5 LR= (85 lb/ft)(15'/2)= 638 Ib Re LR= (85 lb/ft)(15'/2)= 638 Ib 280 Ib V3 2F-59 lb/ft V5 UR= 51 lb/ft V5 2F= 38 lb/ft V5LR= 29 lb/ft V6LR= 29 lb/ft VAUR= 19 lb/ft RAUR= (70 lb/ft)(8'/2)= RA2F/UD= [(134 lb/ft)(15'/31')+(127 lb/ft)(16'/31')+0 7(99 lb/ft)](14 5'/2)= VA 2F/UD-1448 502 RALR= 0 7(99 lb/ft)(14 5'/2)= RBUR= 0 7(140 lb/ft)[(26 5'/2)+(8'/2)(15'/45')]= Ib *** VALR= 1429 V, B UR- 32 lb/ft 33 lb/ft 32 lb/ft Rc2F/LR= 0 7(161 lb/ft)[(14 5'/2)+(20'/2)(28'/45')] + 0 7(38 lb/ft)(24 5'/2)= 1844 Ib Vc 2F/LR= 38 lb/ft Rc LR= (85 lb/ft)(22'/2)= 935 Ib VQ LR= 62 lb/ft RDLR= (85 lb/ft) (7 5'/2)= 319 Ib VD LR= 21 lb/ft REMR=0 7(73 lb/ft)(9'/2)= 230 Ib ** VEMR= 11 lb/ft RFMR=0 7(73 lb/ft)(9'/2)= 230 Ib VFMR= 11 lb/ft RFMF/UR= {(176 lb/ft)(9'/26 5')+(134 lb/ft)(17 5'/26 5')}(26 5'/2)(21'/45') + (134 lb/ft)(26 5'/2)(24'/45') lb VF MF/UR= 1864 RF2F/LR= (134 lb/ft)[(20'/2)(24'/45') + 0 7(38 lb/ft)(24 5'/2)= 1041 lib V F 2F/LR- 41 lb/ft 37 lb/ft (2i Mezzanine Roof Shear Distribution Distnbute Mezzanine Roof Shear Load at Line 2 8 thru roof diaphragm to Shear Lines 2 & 5 Add'l Load on Line 2 R2 UR= ' Add'l Load on Line 5 R5 UR= (630 lb)(24'/45')= (630 lb)(21'/45')= 336 294 Distribute Mezzanine Roof Shear Load at Line E thru roof diaphragm to Shear Lines B & F ** Add'l Load on Line B RB UR-(230 lb)(9'/26 5')= 78 Ib ** Add'l Load on Line F RF UR= (230 lb)(17 5'/26 5')= 152 Ib Distnbute Upper Roof Shear Load at Line B thru 2nd floor diaphragm to Shear Lines A & C Add'l Load on Line A RA2F= Add'l Load on Line C RC2F= (78+1429 lb)(6 5'/14 5')= (78+1429 lb)(8'/14 5')= 676 831 Drag Loads: Upper Roof Line3 5(Sim to 2)' (60 lb/ft)(26 5ft)= 1590 Ib MST 37 Strap Line B (32 lb/ft)(15ft)= 480 Ib MST 37 Strap 2nd Floor Line 2 (40+5 lb/ft)(13ft)= 585 Ib MST 37 Strap Line 3 (59 lb/ft)(14 5ft)= 520 Ib MST 37 Strap Line 5 (38+29 lb/ft)(14 5ft)= 856 Ib MST 37 Strap Line A (32+33 lb/ft)(16ft)= 1040 Ib MST 37 Strap Line C (38+62 lb/ft)(12 5ft)= 1250 Ib MST 72 Strap (Needed to traverse dist Line C (38+62 lb/ft)(22 ft)= 2200 Ib MST 37 Strap Line F (37 lb/ft) (4 ft)= 148 Ib ST 6224 Strap SHEAR WALLS: Use Load Comb #8 2 4 1 ASCE 7-05 (0 6D-0 14SDSD) = 0 48D Distnbution LINE Fir W# H' W#H' 1 132 21 2772 G 366 8 2928 G 240 8 1920 1 WALLS: Uplift at 1st Floor( 2 ft exist wall) ^l-s w — 2 ft OTM= RM= UPLIFT^ 1584 ft-lb 51 ft-lb 0 48[(4'/2+1')(18)(2')'/2 767 lb Tot O T M = 7620 ft-lb 1 Fir v= 66 lb/ft Use Type |HFX24x1^Wall USE 1-1/8" cpHD THRU RAISED FLOOR EMBED 14" INTO CMU STEM WALL FOOTING G Fir v= 53 lb/ft Use CMU | 8" [Wall Uplift at Gar Floor( 14 ft mm wall) ^l-s w — 14 ft OTM= 7620 ft-lb RM= 11826 ft-lb 0 48[(4'/2+ 1')(18)+(4'/2)(10)+ UPLIFT= 0 Ib (12')(15)](14')2/2 NO UPLIFT AT FOUNDATION CMU WALL SUFFICIENT TO RESIST LOAD LINE Distnbution WALLS: Uplift at Mezzanine( 1 5 ft exist wain Fir W# H' W#H' ^l-sw — 1 5 ft Mezz 630 33 20790 0TM= 4410 ft-lb 2 1926 27 52002 RM= 29 ft-lb 0 48[(4'/2+1 ')(18)(1 5')^/2 1 132 21 2772 UPLIFT= 2921 Ib 1 1371 18 24678 G 2157 8 17256 Tot 0 T M = 117498 ft-lb Mezz v= 420 lb/ft Use Type |HFX18x7E |Wall USE 1-1/8" V? H U UN UPHbK hLUUH ANU EXTEND THRU SHEAR WALL TO FB-20 BELOW Uplift at 2nd Floor( 26 5 ft mm wall) ^l-s w — 26 5 ft OTM= RM= UPLIFT 24228 ft-lb 44042 ft-lb -748 Ib 0 48[(4'/2+ 1 ')(18)+(21 '/2)(10)+ 2 Fir v= 146 lb/ft Use Type | 2 (7)(15)](26 5')72 ]waii |N6 UPLIFT U5E M5T 48 FLOOR - FB-20 PSL Perforated Shear Wall Design- (2)- 4' sq windows in a senes 17 5' NET (LINE 2 @ UPPER ROOF) WALL UNIT SHEAR = 2556/26 5' = 96 lb/ft PIER UNIT SHEAR = 2556/17 5' = 146 lb/ft EFFECTIVE h/w= 473'= 1 33 1 OK DRAG FORCE = 9'(146-96) = 450 Ib USE CS16 STRAP (Lm,n=4') =1704 Ib 1 Fir V I See Steel Cantilever Column Calcs | G Fir V I See Steel Cantilever Column Calcs j LINE 2.8 WALLS: Distnbution Fir W# H' W#H' Mezz 630 7 4410 Tot O T M = 4410 ft-lb 1 Fir v= 70 lb/ft Uplift at 2nd Floor( 9 ft mm wall) 21-3 w -9 ft OTM= 4410 ft-lb RM= 1039 ft-lb 0 48[(4'/2+1')(18)](9')^/2 UPLIFT= 375 Ib Use Type | 1 jWall USE MST 48 FLOOR-FLOOR AND FLOOR TO FB-2 GLB BELOW Distnbution LINE Fir W# H' W#H' 1 2025 9 18225 Tot O T M = 18225 ft-lb 1 Fir v= 253 lb/ft Use (2)- [ WALLS: Uplift at 2nd Floor( 4 ft mm wall) TL -^•-s w — 8 ft OTM= RM= UPLIFT= 9113 ft-lb 371 ft-lb 0 48[(19 5'/2)(10)](4')^/2 2185 lb HFX32X9 Wall Ui5E 7/8" ^ H C) THRU RAISFC) FLOOR, EMBED 11" INTO CMU STEM WALL FOOTING LINE WALLS: Distnbution Fir W# H' W#H' 2 2058 18 37044 1 1307 9 11763 1 638 9 5742 Tot O T M = 54549 ft-lb 2 Fir v= 229 lb/ft Use Type 1 Fir v= 445 lb/ft Use Type | 3 |Wall Uplift at 2nd Floor( 45 ft exist wall) ^Lsw — 9 ft OTM= 8232 ft-lb RM= 736 ft-lb 0 48[(15'/2+1')(18)(4 5')^/2 UPLIFT= 1666 Ib Wall USE MST 48 FLOOR-FLOOR, FLOOR TO FB-6 Uplift at 1st Floor( 45 ft mm wall) ^l-s w — 9 ft OTM= 27275 ft-lb RM= 1782 ft-lb 0 48[(15'/2 +1')(18)+(19 5'/2)(10)+ UPLIFT= 5665 Ib (8)(15)(10)](4 5')2/2 USE HDU8W/SSTB28 w/CNW INTO CMU STEM WALL (X\ LINE WALLS: Distnbution Fir W# H' W#H' 2 638 9 5742 Uplift at 2nd Floor( 16 ft mm wall) Tot 0 T M = 5742 ft-lb Sl-s w — 16 ft OTM= 5742 ft-lb RM= 4926 ft-lb 0 48[(772+ 1')(18)](16')^/2 UPLIFT= 51 lb Negligible Load 2 Fir v= 40 lb/ft Use Type 1 10 "]Wall USE HDU2W/SSTB16 w/CNW INTO CMU STEM WALL LINE A: Distnbution Uplift at 2nd Floorf 55 ft exist wall) Fir W# H' W#H' w — 55 ft 2 280 18 5040 OTM= 2240 ft-lb 1 2124 9 19116 RM= 614 ft-lb 0 48[(7 5'/2+r)(18)(5 5')^/2 1 502 9 4518 Tot O T M = 28674 ft-lb UPLIFT= 296 Ib 2 Fir v= 51 lb/ft Use Type | 1 ]Wall USE MST 48 FLOOR-FLOOR j TRY (8)-HILTI KWIK-PRO SELF-DRILLING TAPPING SCREWS S-MD 10-16x3/4 HWH #3 PERESR-2196 n= 8 P= 405 Ib ASD nP= 3240 Ib 3240 Ib > 296 Ib USE (8)-HILTI KWIK-PRO SELF-DRILLING TAPPING SCREWS S-MD 10-16x3/4 HWH #3 ESR 2196, MST 48 TO HFX POST Uplift at 1st Floor( 2 ft mm wall) w — 8 ft OTM= 7169 ft-lb RM= 34 ft-lb 0 48[(2'/2 +1 ')(18)(2')^/2 UPLIFT= 3567 Ib 1 Fir v= 363 lb/ft Use (4)- [ HFX24X9 Wall USE i-i/8" 99 H b THRU WmiT) FLOOk, EMBED 14" INTO CMU STEM WALL FOOTING UNE B WALLS: Distnbution Fir W# H' W#H' 2 1507 8 12056 Uplift at 2nd Floor( 8 ft mm wall) Tot OTM= 12056 ft-lb ^l-s w — 8 ft OTM= 12056 ft-lb RM= 2736 ft-lb 0 48[(18'/2+ 1 ')(18)](8')^/2 UPLIFT= 1165 1b 1 Fir v= 188 lb/ft Use Type | 1 |Wall |USE MST 48 FLOOR- FB-7, 8 BELOw" LINE 0 WALLS: Distnbution Fir W# H' W#H' 1 2675 9 24075 1 935 9 8415 Tot O T M = 32490 ft-lb Uohftat 1st Floor( 7 ft mm wall) ^l-s w — 22 ft OTM= 10338 ft-lb RM= 378 ft-lb 0 48[(6 5'/2)(10)(7')^/2 UPLIFT= 1423 Ib 1 Fir v= 164 lb/ft Use Type | 1 |Wall USE HDU2 w/ SSTB16 w/CNW INTO CMU STEM WALL USE MST48 FLOOR-FB-23 BELOW LINE D WALLS: Distnbution Fir W# H' W#H' 1 319 9 2871 Uplift at 2nd Floor( 5 5 ft mm wall) Tot OT M = 2871 ft-lb ^l-s w — 55 ft OTM= RM= UPLIFT= 2871 ft-lb 323 ft-lb 0 48[(3'/2+ 1 ')(18)](5 5')^/2 463 Ib 2 Fir v= 58 lb/ft Use Type | 10 [Wall USE HDU2 W/SSTB16 w/CNW INTO CMU STEM WALL LINE WALLS: Distnbution Fir W# H' W#H' Mezz 230 7 1610 Tot OT M= 1610 ft-lb 1 Fir v= 26 lb/ft Uplift at 2nd Floor( SLg w = OTM= RM= UPLIFT= ft ft mm wall) 1610 ft-lb 1905 ft-lb 0 48[(9'/2+ 1 ')(18)](9')^/2 0 Ib Use Type | 10 |Wall m UPLIFT USE MST 48 FLOOR FB-2 GLB BELOW LINE Distribution Fir W# H' W#H' Mezz 230 24 5520 2 2016 18 36288 1 1041 9 9369 Tot OT Mezz v= M= 51177 ft-lb 12 lb/ft Use Type] 2 Fir v= 80 lb/ft WALLS: Uplift at Mezzanine 20 ft exist wall) 2Lgw — 20 ft OTM= RM= UPLIFT= Stucco 1610 ft-lb 9407 ft-lb 0 48[(9'/2+1 ')(18)(20')^/2 -390 Ib Use Type \ 10 |Wall [NO UPLIFT USE MS r 48 FLOOR - F'LOOR | Uplift at 2nd Floorf 28 ft mm wall) TL - ^•-s w — 28 ft OTM= RM= UPLIFT= 19348 ft-lb 39298 ft-lb 0 48[(9'/2+ 1 ')(18)+(1 33'/2)(10)+ 0 lb (7')(15)](28')^/2 Use Type | 10 [Wall |NO UPLIFT USE MS I 48 FLOOR - l-L00ti "| Uplift at 1st Floorf 25 ft mm wall) „ — 25 ft OTM= RM= UPLIFT= 51177 ft-lb 49145 ft-lb 0 48[(9'/2+ 1 ')(18)+(1 33'/2)(10)+ 81 Ib (7'+8')(15)](25')^/2 1 Fir v= 131 lb/ft Use Type \ 10 jWall Perforated Shear Wall Design: 21 5' NET (LINE F @ FLOOR) WALL UNIT SHEAR = 3287/25' = 131 lb/ft PIER UNIT SHEAR = 3287/21 5' = 153 lb/ft DRAG FORCE = 1 2'(153-131) = 26 Ib NEGLIGIBLE UPLIFT USE HDU2 W/SSTB16 w/CNW INTO CMU STEM WALL (3)-1 2' sq windows in a senes EFFECTIVE h/w= 1 2'/2'= 0 6 1 OK USE CSI 6 STRAP (Lm,n=4') =1704 Ib 20 ENTRY/ GARAGE FRONT STEEL CANTILEVER COLUMN PER TABLE 12 2-1 R=2 5 n=i 25 Cd=2 5 LINE 2: STEEL DESIGN Load Comb #5, ASD No overturning at 2nd floor shear wall Therefore add Mezzanine Roof, Floor and Upper Roof Shear Loads into 2nd floor loads at top of steel columns Modify Loads for R=2 5 for Cant Column Systems by factor (6 5/2 5) R2 2F/UD/LR = 4059(6 5)/ (2 5)2 Poles = 5277 Ib R2 SF/LD = 2157(6 5)/ (2 5)2 Poles = 2804 Ib TRY HSS 12x12x1/2- fb (psi)= 46000 E (psi)= 2 90E+07 I (in^)= 457 S (in^)= 76 2 r (in)= 4 68 SR= y*KoA= 54 26 in' < As= V*hcoi'/(3EI)= 2 35 in As(maxperSEAOC) = 0 01h= 2 58 in> 12 8-15 (5x=Cc|As/l= 5 89 in 12 12-1 Amax=0 025h(;oi= 6 45 in > (Note. HSS 14 X 6 X 5/8 IS EQUIVALENT) hcol 2F/UD/LR= 21.5 ft hcol SF/LD = 8.5 ft 76 2 in OK 2 35 in 5 89 in OK OK GRADE BEAM FOUNDATION DESIGN PER 122 52 FROM 12 4 32 LOAD COMB #5 QQE CK OVERTURNING Mcalc=V*hco| Mcaic= 137290 ft-lb Mu=n*Mcaic/0 7 (STRENGTH LEVEL) Mu= 245160 ft-lb Mu <= cp Mn 245160 ft-lb USE HSS 12 X 12 X 1/2" COLUMNS F.W 1/4"x12"SQ A36 STEEL CAP PLATE TO TOP OF HSS COLUMN w/ 1/4" BEAD, E70 ROD. F.W. ECCO BEAM SADDLES TO TOP OF HSS COL. CAP w/3/16" BEAD, E70 ROD, TO SUPPORT FB-20 F.W. 18"SQ X 1/2" A36 STEEL BASE PLATE TO BOT. OF HSS COL w/ 3/8" BEAD, E70 ROD. FASTEN TO PAD FOOTING WITH (4) -3/4"D x 9"L A B. THRU (4) -7/8" HOLES IN BASE PLATE. PAD FOOTING TO BE MIN 42"SQ. x 12"D w/ (6)- #4 E.W. ENCASE w/ 24"W x 32"D GRADE BEAM 3000 PSI, w/ (4)- #6 TOP & BOT., w/ #3 HOOPS @ 4" o.c. - EXTEND 30" EA SIDE OF HSS COL 246607 OK (see grade beam design sht) 11 Gradebeam Desiqn 60 ksi V = 3000 psi |3i = 0 85 (p = 09 Pbal = (31*0 85*fc'/fy)(87000/(87000+fy)) = 0 0214 Pmax = 0 75*Pt,a| = 0 0160 Pmm — 0 0018 Trv 24" X 32" Gradebeam: Width b = 24 m effective depth d = total depth - 3" = 32 in Select Flexural Reinforcement: steel reinforcement (2) - #4 (3) - #4 (2) - #5 (3) - #5 (4) - #6 04 06 0 62 0 93 1 76 P = Ag,/b*d = 0 0005 0 0008 0 0008 0 0012 0 0023 check ACI requirements p^m - P - Pmax ok Use pmm Use pmm Use pmm ok w = p*fy/fc' = 0 0104 0 0156 0 0161 0 0242 0 0458 R = (jO*fc'*(1-0 59*aj) = 31 46 48 72 134 a = Agt*fy/(0 85*fc'*b) = 0 392 0 588 0 608 0 912 1 725 Mn(caic'ci) = Ag,*f/(d-a/2) = 63608 95118 98258 146680 274008 cpMn = 57247 85606 88432 132012 246607 Mu = 245160 Ib-ft (from Cant Column Calc) Mu < <pMn ? Try (3) - #5: 246607 Ib-ft > 245160 Ib-ft OK Check Shear Reinforcement: Vu = Pu = 13059 Ib (Factored Loads of FB-20, CASE 2) Where Mu and Vu occur simultaneously: Vc = [1 9V(fc') + 2500pwVud/MJbwd = 81214 Ib 1132 1 Check If Vud/My > 1 0 0 14 No, OK q)Vn = cpVc = 60911 Ib cpVc/2 = 30455 Ib in Is Vu < <pVc/2 YES, no additional shear reinforcement is req'd Detailing Req'ts for Grade Beam to qualify the Cant Column for W=2.5 under Special Reinforced Concrete Moment Frames: Use #3 stirrups throughout flexure lenath of the gradebeam d/4= 8 in 8d|= 4 in ACI 11 5 5 1 24x hoop bar dia = 9 in ACI 7 10 2 12 in 12 in 1) locate first hoop 2" from column face 2) provide hoops m regions equal to twice the member depth on both sides of section where flexural yielding is likely to occur Use 24"W X 32"D Grade Beam, 3000 psi cone, w/ min. (4)- #6 long bars top & bot Place #3 hoops at 4 in. o.c on each side of Cant. Column and extend 30". Locate first hoop 2" from column face 11 Seismic Load Effects on Beams including Overstrength Facto Oo= 3 SDS= 0 892 Basic Combinations for /> 12 4 3 2 #5 (1 0 + 0 14SDs)D + 07noQE =102D + 2 1QE #6 (1 0 + 0 105SDs)D + 0525noQE + 0 75L =0.99 D + 1.58QE+0.75 L Load Comb #5 governs for significantly high seismic loads Load Comb #6 governs for significantly high live loads and lesser seismic loads (FB-2) Evaluate FB-2- L = 25ft #6. Wavg= 0 99(293 lb/ft DL)= 290 lb/ft Wavg= 0 75(239 lb/ft LL)= 179 lb/ft WavgTL= (290+179)= 469 lb/ft Pi= 0 99(788 Ib DL)= 780 Ib Pi= 0 75(875 Ib LL)= 656 Ib P, ^L= (780+656)= 1436 Ib P2= 0 99(305 Ib DL)= 302 Ib P2= 0 75(1222 Ib LL)= 9171b P2TL= (302+917)= 1219 Ib P3= 0 99(697 Ib DL)= 690 Ib P3= 0 75(489 Ib LL)= 367 Ib P3TL- (690+367)= 1057 Ib QE = 375 lb uplift/downforce from Line 2 8 @ 4 5' from nght end 1 58QE= 593 1b V= (469 lb/ft)(25'/2)+(1436 lb)(8 5'/25')+(1219 lb)(12 5'/25')+(1057+593 lb)(20 5'/25')= 8313 Ib (7124 Ib) M= (469 lb/ft)(25')^/8+( 1436 lb)(8 5')(16 5')/25'+(1219 lb)(25')/4+(1057+593 lb)(20 5')(4 5')/25'=58404 Ib-ft TRY... 6 3/4'' X IB" 24F-V4 WS GLB: fv = 1 5(8313 lb)/(121 5 in^)= 103 psi F'v = (165 psi)(1)(1) = 165 psi fb = (58404 lb)(12)/(364 5 in^)= 1923 psi F'b = (2400 psi)(0 96)(1) = 2304 psi 165 psi > 103 psi OK 2304 psi > 1923 psi OK |USE SPEC'D 6 3/4" x 18" 24F-V4 WS GLB j -73 Evaluate FB-6- L = 14.5ft #5: Wavg= 1 02(187 lb/ft DL)= 191 lb/ft P= 1 02(512 Ib DL)= 522 Ib @ 3' from nght end QE= 1666 Ib uplift/downforce from Line 5 shear wall @ 2' and @ 6 5' from nght end 2 1QE= 34991b V= (191 lb/ft)(14 5'/2) + (522 lb)(11 5'/14 5') + (3499 lb)(12 5'/14 5')= 4815 Ib (Seismic force @ 2' from nght end governs) M= (191 lb/ft)(14 5')^/8+(522 lb)(11 5')(3')/14 5'+(3499 lb)(6 5')(8')/14 5'= 18810 Ib-ft (Seismic force @ 6 5' from nght end governs) TRY... 5 1/4x11 7/8 2 OE PSL: Va= 12055 Ib Ma= 29855 Ib-ft OK OK |USE SPEC'D 5 1/4x11 7/8 2 OE PSL~] Evaluate FB-7: L = 13.5ft #5: Wi= 1 02(225 lb/ft DL)= 229 lb/ft W2= 1 02(420 lb/ft DL)= 439 lb/ft P= 1 02(527 Ib DL)= 538 Ib @ 5 5' from left end QE = 1165 Ib uplift/downforce from Line B shear wall @ 5 5' from left end 2 1QE= 24471b Wi = 229 lb/ft W2= 439 lb/ft Wavg= 353 lb/ft Pl = 2985 Ib Li= 55 ft L2= 8 ft E= 2 OE+06 psi RR=[(W,)(L,)^ + (P)(L,) + (w2)(L2)(Li+L2/2)]/(Li+L2)= RL=(WI)(LI) + P + (W2)(L2)-RR= 3944 Ib 3812 Ib VfTiax— Mmax= 3944 Ib 17505 Ib-ft (DL + Seismic Force) TRY. 5 1/4x11 7/8 2.0E PSL" Va= Ma= 12055 Ib 29855 Ib-ft OK OK |USE SPEC'D 5 1/4x11 7/8 2.0EPSirn 7^ Evaluate FB-8. L = 14.5ft #5: Wi= 1 02(225 lb/ft DL)= 229 lb/ft W2= 1 02(227 lb/ft DL)= 232 lb/ft P= 1 02(2818 Ib DL) + (3944 Ib FB-7)= 6819 Ib @ 6 5' from left end QE = 1165 Ib uplift/downforce from Line B shear wall @ 6 5' from left end 2 1QE= 24471b Wi = 77 lb/ft W2= 232 lb/ft Wavg= 163 lb/ft Pl = 9265 Ib Li = 65 ft L2= 8 ft RR=[(WI)(LI)' + (P)(L,) + (w2)(L2)(Li+L2/2)]/(Li+L2)= RL=(WI)(LI) + P + (W2)(L2)-RR= V^ax= 6012 Ib Mn,a.= 37452 Ib-ft E= 2 OE+06 psi 5609 Ib 6012 Ib (DL + Seismic Force) Va= Ma= TRY . (2)-5 1/4x11 7/8 2.0E PSL: [USE SPEC'D (2)- 5 1/4x11 7/8 2.0E PSL 24110 lb 59710 Ib-ft OK OK 75 Evaluate FB-20. (CASE 2): L = 12ft #5- Wi= 1 02(206 lb/ft DL)= 210 lb/ft W2= 1 02(328 lb/ft DL)= 335 lb/ft P= 1 02(4373lb DL)= 4460 Ib @ 4' from left end QE= 2921 Ib uplift/downforce from Line 2 shear wall @ 1 5' from nght end 2 1QE= 61341b Wi = 210 lb/ft W2= 335 lb/ft Wavg= 293 lb/ft Pl = 4460 lb P2= 6134 Ib Li= 4 ft L3= 105 ft L2= 8 ft L4= 1 5 ft RR=[(W,)(L,)2 + (P)(Li) + (w2)(L2)(Li+L2/2)]/(Li+L2)= RL=(WI)(LI) + P + (W2)(L2)-RR= E= 2 OE+06 psi 8781 Ib 5333 Ib Vmax— Mmax= 8781 Ib 19655 Ib-ft Va= Ma= TRY... (2)-5 1/4 X 11 7/8 2.0E PSL: |USE SPEC'D 5 1/4x14 2.0E PSL | 14210 Ib 40740 Ib-ft OK OK Evaluate FB-23- L = 9ft #5: Wavg= 1 02(146 lb/ft DL)= 149 lb/ft OE = 1423 Ib uplift/downforce from Line C shear wall @ 2' from nght end 2 1QE= 29881b V= (149 lb/ft)(9'/2) + (2988 lb)(7'/9')= 2995 Ib M= (149 lb/ft)(9')^/8 + (2988 lb)(7')(2')/9'= 6157 Ib-ft TRY... 3 1/2x11 7/8 2.0E PSL-Va= Ma= 8035 Ib 19900 Ib-ft OK OK jUSE SPEC'D 31/2x11 7/8 2 OE PSlTH LA COSTA 2226 FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 TEL 760-931-0290 FAX 438-5251 marty_montgon)ery@yahoo com CIVIL • STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL- PETROLEUM 7fo DIAPHRAGM SPECS- ROOF USE 1/2" CDX 24/0 PLYWOOD NAIL 8d @6"oc EDGE, 12" o c FIELD, UNBLOCKED FLOOR USE 5/8" CDX 32/16 PLYWOOD NAIL lOd @ 6" o c. EDGE, 12" o c FIELD, UNBLOCKED. CONSTRUCTION CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS 1) ALL HANGARS, STRAPS, HOLD DOWNS - SIMPSON 2) ALL CONCRETE 2000 PSI @ 28 DAYS 3) ALL NAILING PER CBC TABLE 2304 9 1 4) FASTEN A-35 @ * o c ABOVE ALL SHEAR WALLS @ BLOCKPLATE, RAFTER/JOIST - PLATE LOCATIONS, OTHERWISE FASTEN @ 48" o c 5) ALL LUMBER DF-L, BEAMS AND POSTS SHALL BE GRADE #1 6) TJI'S, PARALLAMS AND MICROLLAMS - TRUSJOIST MCMILLAN 7) ALL SHEAR WALLS @ 1 AND 2^° FLOORS TO HAVE MIN 4X4 @ EACH END * - PER SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE SHEAR SCHEDULE /\ UlALU NAILINO FOUNDATION SHEAR TRANSf=ER ^A^ aui IIIALL SMEAR VALUE WALL MATERIAL NAIL PANEL EDOE INTER SPACE V'j"4'xl0" MIN. AB SPAC'G MIN. BOTTOM PLATE NAILING NAILS AND BLOCKS A-35 SPACING TJI BL<'G TO PLATES MICRO LtAM RIM JST/BLK'G UJ/ SIMPSON CLIPS SJUI. UJALL 1 2be> 3/a" CDX OR OSB PLYUP ** 8d b" 12" 32" olc Ifed « 10" o/c Ifed « fe" o/c Ife" Ifed a 6" olc ASS • Ife" o/c 1 2 350 3/e" CDX OR OSB PLYVUD ** Sd 4" 12" 24" o/c Ifed • 10" o/c Ifed • 4" o/c 12" |6d • 6" o/c A35 • 12" o/c 2 *3 430 3/e" CDX OR OSB PLYUJD, 3 X SILL *• Sd 3" 12" 24" olc 3/8"xfe' LAGS 16" o/c fPREDRILL; Ifed • 4" olc 8" Ifed • fe" o/c STAGGERED A55 • S" o/c *3 *4 £>40 3/e" CDX OR OSB PLYUP, 3 X SILL ** Bd 2" 12" 12" o/c 3/8"xfe' LAGS 12" o/c ^PREDRILL; Ifed • 4" o/c 8" Ifed « fe" o/c STAGGERED A35 • 8" o/c *4 *b n0 1/2" CDX OR OSB PLYUJD, 3 X SILL **• I0d 2" 12" S" o/c 3/8"xfe' LAGS 9" olc CPREDRILL; Ifed « 4" o/c fe" Ifed • fe" o/c STAGGEF^D A35 « 6" o/c *h *e> 810 1/2" PLYUO, STRUC 1 3 X SILL *** I0d 2" 12" 8" o/c 3/8"xfe' LAGS 8" olc CPREDRILL; Ifed « 4" o/c fe" Ifed • 6" o/c STAGGERED A35 e fe" o/c *ih \<z> 100 1/e" STUCCO UJ/ PAPER BKD. LATH 1/4" RIW?INQ MIN; 11 GA 1-1/2" 1/16" HEAD fe" fe" 48" o/c Ifed • 10" olc Ifed • 8" o/c 24" I6d a 6" o/c A$5 • 24" o/e SHEAR SCHEDULE NOTES * FRAMING AT ADJOINING PANEL EDGES SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 3x OR UJIDER AND NAILS SHALL BE STAGGERED ** USE 8dr2V3'x013r' COMMON, 2Wj"x0ll3 GALV BOX; **• USE l0d('3"x0.l4S" COMMON, 3"x0l28" GALV BOX; A. USE CDX, CC, OR 6BD U)/ EXT GLUE IN LIEU OF STRUCTURAL PVOIXXO n€SE VALUES ARE FOR DOXa. FIR OTHER LUMBER SPECIES MAT RE6JUIRE CHANGES (USE OF OSB OR SIMILAR PRODUCTS INSTAUED PER IJCC APPROVAL IS ADEQUATE; B PROVIDE 2x BLOCKING AT HORlZONtAL PLTUOOD PANEL JOINTS C UHCRE PLTIUOOD IS APPLIED ON BOTH FACES OF lUAU AND NAIL SPACING IS LESS THAN fe" olc PAICL JOINTS SHALL BE OFFSET TO FALL ON DIFFERENT FRAMING MEMBERS OR FRAMING SHALL BE 3x UIIDER ^OR 2-2x; AND NAILS STAGGERED ON EACH SIDE D UWERE NAILS ABE SPACED AT 2" o/c, 1HEY SHALL BE STAGGERED AND 3x OR lUIDER ^OR 2-2x; FRAt14G MEMKRS SHALL BE USED AT ADJOINING PANEL EDGES E USE l'j"»xl0" SILL BOLTS Cl" MIN. EMBED INTO CONCRETE; AT fe'-0" OC. SPACING IN ALL BEARING UJALLS FOR STRUCTURES TUlO STORIES OR LESS (A'-O" OC SPACING REcaUlf^D FOR THI^E-STORY STRUCTUl^SA IN SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D E, F, lUCRE AUOUJABLE SHEAR VALUES EXCEED 360 PLF IN UJOOD STRUCTURAL SHEAR UIALLS, AND ALL FRAMING hEMBERS RECEIVING EDQE NAILING FROM ABUrrm PA^B.S SHALL HOT BE LESS THAN A SINGLE 3" NOMINAL MEMBER. INS^ARUm.S UWERE THE TOTAL lUAU DESIQN SHEAR DCeb NOT EXCEED fe00 PLF, A SINGLE 2" NOMINAL SIU PUTE IS PERMITTED IF ANCHORED BY TUJO TIMES ne NUMBER CF BaTS REOUIRED BY DESIGN. WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL JOINT AND SILL PLATE NAILING SHALL BE STAGi^RED IN ALL CASES N SEISMIC DESIQN CATEGORY D, E, F, THE FOLLOWING SHALL APPLY A THE MINIMUM NOMINAL ANCHOR BOLTS DIA SHALL BE %" NOTE THAT THIS UJILL i^QUII^ A MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM THE ENDS OF THE SILL PLATES TO BE 4-3/8" CAND A MAX. OF 12";. B. PLATE UIASHERS CMINIMUM SIZE OF 3"x3"x0229" SHALL BE USED ON EACH ANCHOR BOLT THE HOLE N THE PLATE UJASHER l|S PERMITTED TO BE DIAGONALLY SLOTTED UJITH A UJIDTH CF UP TO 3/lfe" LARGER THAN THE BOLT DIA. AND A SLOT LENGTH NOT TO EXCEED I PROVIDED A ST/I«>©ARD CUT UJASHER IS PLACED BETUEEN THE PLATE UJASHER AND THE NUT NO POUER DRIVEN PINS SHALL BE USED IN LIEU OF ANCHOR BOLTS AT THE B'DOE. CP SLAB -4 SERVICE Most Widely Accepted and Trusted ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-2196 ''^ Reissued October 1,2011 This report is subject to renewal in two years www icc-es orq | (800)423-6587 | (562)699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Cotde Council® DIVISION 05 00 00—METALS Section 05 05 23—Metal Fastenings DIVISION 06 00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES Section 06 05 23—Wood, Plastic, and Composite Fastenings DIVISION 09 00 00—FINISHES Section 09 29 10—Gypsum Board Accessories REPORT HOLDER HILTI, INC 5400 SOUTH 122ND EAST AVENUE TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74146 (800) 879-8000 www us hilti com HNATechnicalServicestSjhiIti com EVALUATION SUBJECT HILTl SELF-DRILLING SCREWS 1 0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes • 2009 International Building Code® (2009 IBC) • 2009 Intemational Residential Code® (IRC) • 2006 Intemational Building Code® (2006 IBC)* *Codes indicated with an asterisk are addressed in Section 80 Property evaluated Structural 2 0 USES The Hilti Self-dnlling Screws are used to connect cold-formed steel members together and to connect gypsum wall board, cement board, wood or other building materials to cold-formed steel The screws are used in engineered connections of cold-formed steel and connections prescnbed by the code for cold-formed steel framing and for sheathing to steel connections 3 0 DESCRIPTION 3 1 General The Hilti Self-dnlling Screws are self-dnlling tapping screws, case-hardened from carbon steel conforming to ASTM A 510, Grade 1018 to 1022 Table 1 provides screw designations, sizes and descriptions of head styles, point styles, dnllmg ranges and coatings Screws are supplied in boxes of individual screws, or in collated plastic stnps See Figures 1 through 7 for depictions of the screws described in Sections 3 2 through 3 8, respectively 3 2 HWH and HHWH Screws The #8, #10, #12 and V4-inch HWH and HHWH screws comply with ASTM C 1513 and SAE J78 and have Hex Washer or High Hex Washer head styles, respectively The V4-inch HWH screws have a larger diameter than #14 screws complying with ASTM B18 6 4, and may be used where genenc #14 self-dnlling tapping screws are specified The screws have an electroplated zinc coating complying with the minimum corrosion resistance requirements of ASTM F 1941, or a propnetary coating, as indicated in Table 1 3 3 PPH Screws The #8 and #10 PPH screws comply with ASTM C 1513 and SAE J78 and have a Phillips Pan head style The screws have an electroplated zinc coating complying with the minimum corrosion resistance requirements of ASTM F 1941 3 4 PPFH SD Framer Screws The #7 PPFH SD Framer screws comply with the matenal and performance requirements of ASTM C 1513 The dimensions of the screws comply with the manufacturer's quality documentation The screws have a Phillips Pan Framing head style and have an electroplated zinc coating complying with EN/ISO 4042 ASF or a propnetary black phosphated coating, as indicated in Table 1 3 5 PBH SD Drywall Screws The #6 PBH SD and #8 PBH SD screws comply with ASTM C 954 The screws have a Phillips Bugle head style and have an electroplated zinc coating complying with EN/ISO 4042 ASF or a propnetary black phosphated coating, as indicated in Table 1 3 6 PWH SD CMT BD Drywall Screws The #8 PWH SD CMT BD screws comply with ASTM C 954 The screws have a Phillips Wafer head style and have a propnetary coating 3 7 PPCH SD Framer Screws The #10 PPCH SD Framer screws comply with ASTM C 1513 The screws have a Phillips Pancake head style and an electroplated zinc coating complying with the minimum corrosion resistance requirements of ASTM F 1941 ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use There is no -warranty by ICC Evaluation Service LLC, express or implied as to any finding or other matter in this report or as to any product covered by the report Copynght ©2011 Page 1 of 8 t:SR-2196 I Most Widely Accepted and Tmsted Page 2 of 8 3 8 PFTH SD Framer Screws t ' The #10 PFTH SD Framer screws comply with ASTM C 1513 The screws have a Phillips Flat Truss head style and an electroplated zinc coating complying with the minimum corrosion resistance requirements of ASTM F 1941 3 9 Cold-formed Steel Cold-formed steel matenal must comply with Section A2 of AISI S100 4 0 DESiGN AND INSTALLATION 4 1 Design 411 General- Screw thread length and point style must be selected on the basis of thickness of the fastened matenal and thickness ofthe supporting steel, respectively, in accordance with the manufacturer's published installation instructions 4 1 2 Prescriptive Design The Hilti HWH and HHWH screws, PPH screws, PPCH SD Framer screws and PFTH SD Framer screws descnbed in Sections S 2, 3 S, S 7 and 3 8, respectively, are recognized for use where ASTM C 151S screws of the same size are prescnbed in AISI Standards referenced in IBC Section 2210 The Hilti PBH SD screws and PWH SD CMT BD screws descnbed in Sections 3 4 and 3 5, respectively, are recognized for use in fastening gypsum board to cold-formed steel framing 0 033 inch to 0 112 inch (0 8 to 2 8 mm) thick, m accordance with IBC Section 2506 and IRC Section R702 3 6 They are also recognized for use in attaching gypsum board sheathing to cold-formed steel framing as prescnbed in Section C2 2 3 of AISI S 213, which is referenced in IBC Section 2210 6 4 1 3 Engineered Design The Hilti HWH and HHWH screws, PPH screws, PPCH SD Framer screws and PFTH SD Framer screws descnbed m Sections 3 2, 3 3, 3 7 and 3 8, respectively, are recognized for use in engineered connections of cold-formed steel light-framed construction Design of the connections must comply with Section E4 of AISI SlOO, using the nominal and allowable fastener tension and shear strengths for the screws, shown in Table 5 Allowable connection strengths for use in Allowable Strength Design (ASD) for pull-out, pull-over, and shear (beanng) capacity for common sheet steel thicknesses are provided in Tables 2, 3 and 4, respectively, based upon calculations in accordance with AISI S100 Instructions on how to calculate connection design strengths for use in Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) are found in the footnotes of these tables For connections subject to tension, the least of the allowable pull-out, pullover, and tension fastener strength of screws found in Tables 2, 3, and 5, respectively, must be used for design For connections subject to shear, the lesser of the allowable shear (beanng) and fastener strength found in Tables 4 and 5, respectively, must be used for design Connections subject to combined tension and shear loading must be designed in accordance with Section E4 5 of AISI S 100 The values in Tables 2, 3 and 4 are based on a minimum spacing between the centers of fasteners of three times the diameter of the screw, and a minimum distance from the center of a fastener to the edge of any connected part of 1 5 times the diameter of the screw When the distance to the end of the connected part is parallel to the line of the applied force, the allowable connection shear strength determined in accordance with Section E4 3 2 of Appendix A of AISI SlOO must be considered 4 2 Installation Installation of the Hilti Self-dnlling Screws must be in accordance with the manufacturer's published installation instructions and this report The manufacturer's published installation instructions must be available at the jobsite at all times during installation The screws must be installed perpendicular to the work surface using a vanable speed screw dnving tool set to not exceed 2,500 rpm The screw must penetrate through the supporting steel with a minimum of three threads protruding past the back side of the supporting steel 5 0 CONDITIONS OF USE The Hilti Self-dnlling Screws descnbed in this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1 0 of this report, subject to the following conditions 5 1 Fasteners must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's published installation instructions and this report If there is a conflict between the manufacturer's published installation instructions and this report, this report governs 5 2 The allowable loads specified in Section 4 1 are not to be increased when the fasteners are used to resist wind or seismic forces 5 3 The utilization of the nominal strength values contained in this evaluation report, for the design of cold-formed steel diaphragms, is outside the scope of this report Diaphragms constructed using the Hilti self-dnlling screws must be recognized in a current ICC-ES evaluation report based upon the ICC-ES Acceptance Cntena for Steel Deck Roof and Floor Systems (AC43) 5 4 Drawings and calculations verifying compliance with this report and the applicable code must be submitted to the code official for approval The drawings and calculations are to be prepared by a registered design professional when required by the statutes of the junsdiction in which the project is to be constructed 5 5 The rust-inhibitive (corrosion-resistant) coating on the screws must be suitable for the intended use, as determined by the registered design professional 6 0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Cntena for Tapping Screw Fasteners (AC118), dated June 2010 7 0 IDENTIFICATION Hilti Self-dnlling Screws are marked with an "H" on the top of the heads, as shown in Figures 1 through 7 Packages of Hilti Self-dnlling Screws are labeled with the report holder's name (Hilti, Inc), the fastener type and size, and the evaluation report number (ESR-2196) 8 0 OTHER CODES 8 1 Scope In addition to the codes listed in Section 1 0, the products descnbed in this report were evaluated for compliance with the requirements of the 2006 International Building Code® (2006 IBC) Tbe products comply with the 2006 IBC as noted below 8 2 Uses See Section 2 0 ESR-2196 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 7 of 8 TABLE 4—ALLOWABLE SHEAR (BEARING) CAPACITY OF SCREW CONNECTIONS OF COLD-FORMED STEEL, Ib ' Steel Fu = 45 ksi Applied Factor of Safety, £2 = 30 Screw Nommal Diameter (m) Design thickness of member in Design thickness of member not in contact with the screw head (in ) Designation Nommal Diameter (m) contact with screw head, (in) 0 036 0 048 0 060 0 075 0 090 0 105 0 135 0 036 174 239 239 239 239 239 239 0 048 174 268 319 319 319 319 319 0 060 174 268 373 400 400 400 400 #8-18 0 164 0 075 174 268 373 497 497 497 497 0 090 174 268 373 497 597 597 597 0 105 174 268 373 497 597 697 697 0 135 174 268 373 497 597 697 897 0 036 188 277 277 277 277 277 277 0 048 188 289 370 370 370 370 370 #10-12 0 060 188 289 403 463 463 463 463 #10-16 0 190 0 075 0 090 188 188 289 289 403 403 563 563 577 693 577 693 577 693 0 105 188 289 403 563 693 807 807 0 135 188 289 403 563 693 807 1040 0 036 200 309 315 315 315 315 315 0 048 200 308 420 420 420 420 420 #12-14 0 060 200 308 430 523 523 523 523 #12-24 0216 0 075 0 090 200 200 308 308 430 430 600 600 657 787 657 787 657 787 0 105 200 308 430 600 787 920 920 0 135 200 308 430 600 787 920 1180 0 036 215 340 363 363 363 363 363 0 048 215 331 467 487 487 487 487 0 060 215 331 463 607 607 607 607 V4-I4 0 250 0 075 215 331 463 647 760 760 760 0 090 215 331 463 647 850 910 910 0 105 215 331 463 647 850 1060 1060 0 135 215 331 463 647 850 1060 1370 For SI 1 inch = 25 4 mm, 1 Ibf = 4 4 N 1 ksi = 6 89 MPa ^The lower of the allowable shear (beanng) and the allowable fastener shear strength found in Tables 4 and 5, respectively must be used for desrgn ^ANSI/ASME standard screw diameters were used in the calculations and are listed in the tables ^The allowable beanng capacity for other member thicknesses can be determined by interpolating within the table "To calculate LRFD values, multiply values in table by the ASD safety factor of 3 0 and multiply again with the LRFD 0 factor of 0 5 ^For Fu s 65 ksi steel, multiply values by 1 44 ESR.2196 I Most Widely Accepted and Tmsted Page 8 of 8 ' t « TABLE 5—FASTENER STRENGTH OF SCREW SCREW DESIGNATION DIAMETER (IN) NOMINAL FASTENER STRENGTH DETERMINED BY TESTING ALLOWABLE FASTENER STRENGTH* SCREW DESIGNATION DIAMETER (IN) Tension, Pts (Ib) Shear, Pss (Ib) Tension (Pts/C!)' (Ib) Shear (Pss/n)" (Ib) #6-20 0 138 1000 890 335 295 #7-18 0 151 1000 890 335 295 #8-18 0 164 1000 1170 335 390 #10-12 0 190 2170 1645 720 550 #10-16 0 190 1370 1215 455 405 #12-14 0216 2325 1880 775 625 #12-24 0216 3900 2285 1300 760 V4-I4 0 250 4580 2440 1525 815 For SI 1 inch = 25 4 mm, 1 Ibf = 4 4 N, 1 ksi = 6 89 MPa Vor tension connections, the lower ofthe allowable pull-out, pullover, and tension fastener strength of screw found in Tables 2, 3, and 5, respectively must be used for design ^For shear connections, the lower of the allowable shear (beanng) and the allowable fastener shear strength found in Tables 4 and 5, respectively must be used for design ^See Sections 4 1 3 and 8 4 1 3, as applicable, for fastener spacing and end distance requirements "To calculate LRFD values, multiply the nominal fastener strengths by the LRFD O factor of 0 5 "I FIGURE 1—HEX WASHER HEAD (HWH) AND HIGH HEX WASHER HEAD (HHWH) SCREW FIGURE 2—PHILLIPS PAN HEAD (PPH) SCREW FIGURE 3—PHILLIPS PAN FRAMING HEAD (PPFH) SCREW FIGURE 4—PHILLIPS BUGLE HEAD (PBH) SCREW FIGURE 5—PHILLIPS WAFER HEAD (PWH) SCREW FIGURE 6—PHILLIPS PANCAKE HEAD (PPCH) SCREW FIGURE 7—PHILLIPS FLAT TRUSS HEAD (PFTH) SCREW ICC EVALUATION SERVICE ICC-ES Evaluation Report Most Widely Accepted and Trusted ESR-2089* Reissued September 1, 2010 This report is subject to renewal in two years %1 WWW icc-es orq | (800)423-6587 | (562)699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council DIVISION 05 00 00—METALS Section 05 40 00—Cold Formed Metal Framing DIVISION 06 00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES Section 06 12 19—Shear Wall Panels REPORT HOLDER HARDY FRAMES, INC 789 SOUTH VICTORIA AVENUE, SUITE 200 VENTURA, CALIFORNIA 93003-5418 (805) 477-0793 wvyw hardvframe com david lopplSmii com EVALUATION SUBJECT Hardy Frame® PANEL, Hardy Frame® BRACE FRAME, Hardy Frame® POST, Hardy Frame® BEARING PLATE, AND Hardy Frame® SADDLE 1 0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes • 2009 International Building Code® (2009 IBC) • 2009 International Residential Code® (2009 IRC) • 2006 International Building Code® (2006 IBC) • 2006 International Residential Code® (2006 IRC) • 2003 International Building Code® (2003 IBC) • 2003 International Residential Code® (2003 IRC) Property evaluated Structural 2 0 USES Hardy Frame® Panel, Hardy Frame® Brace Frame, Hardy Frame® Post, Hardy Frame® Beanng Plate, and Hardy Frame® Saddle are steel components intended to resist vertical (gravity) loads and horizontal in-plane or out-of- plane wind or earthquake loads in wood-framed or cold- formed steel-framed construction The panels, frames and components are an alternative type of construction to conventional wood frame and cold-formed steel frame construction, permitted in Chapters 22 and 23 of the IBC and Chapter 6 of the IRC Installations include concrete or masonry foundations, raised or upper wood floors, and portal frames The Hardy Frame Panels and Brace Frames may be used under the IRC when either an engineered design is provided in accordance with Section R301 1 3 of the IRC or installation complies with Section 4 3 of this report 3 0 DESCRIPTION 3 1 Hardy Frame Frame Panel and Hardy Frame Brace 3 11 General The Hardy Frame Panel and Hardy Frame® Brace Frame are prefabncated vertical and lateral force-resisfing products for use in wood and cold-formed steel light-frame construction Both product types are designed to resist in-plane and out-of-plane lateral wind or earthquake loading while supporting vertical gravity loads The Hardy Frame Panel is a one-piece, cold-formed steel (c-fs), C-shaped panel that is enclosed at the top and bottom with c-fs channels as descnbed in the quality documentation The Hardy Frame® Panel in Balloon Wall applications consists of two Panels in a continuous one piece, shop-welded assembly at the top to bottom channel interface The Hardy Frame Brace Frame is a rectangular c-fs frame with a single diagonal member and c-fs vertical studs spaced at 16 inches (406 mm) on center as descnbed in the quality documentation 3 1 2 Hardy Frame® Panel and Brace Frame HFX and HFX/S Series The Hardy Frame® HFX senes is intended for single or multi-story wood frame construction with net heights that are equal to standard wood stud height, except for the 9 inch (229 mm) Panel width, which is 1V2 inch (38 mm) greater than a standard wood stud height The HFX senes may be installed over concrete, or masonry foundations, raised wood floors, wood, or steel beams, and may be stacked up to two stones when the lower story is placed on a ngid base, such as a concrete foundation The 9 inch (229 mm) Panel widths and Panels in Balloon Wall applications are limited to installation over concrete foundations, masonry foundations or steel beams The HFX/S senes is intended for use in c-fs framing with net heights that corresponds to standard steel stud heights HFX/S installations are provided for first floor conditions only over a ngid base, such as a concrete foundation Model numbers, dimensions, and structural design information for both senes are provided in Tables 1 0-1 IA through 4 0, and Figure 1 provides product illustrations 3 2 Hardy Frame® Post 3 21 General The Hardy Frame® Post is prefabricated for use in wood or c-fs frame buildings The Hardy Frame® Post IS a 3V2-inch-by-3V4-inch (89 mm by 82 mm) c-fs tube that IS enclosed at the top and bottom with c-fs channels as descnbed in the quality documentation, and is designed to resist and transfer both axial tension and compression loads 'Revised Apnl 2011 ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service. LLC express or imphed as lo any finding or other matter m this report, or as to any product covered by the report Copynght ©2011 Page 1 of 58 ESR-2089 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 58 £.3 \3S2 Hardy Frame Post HFP Series and Hardy Frame® Post HFP/S Series The Hardy Frame® Post HFP senes is intended for wood-framed construction with net heights that corresponds to standard wood stud heights The Hardy Frame Post HFP/S senes is intended for use with c-fs framing with net heights that correspond to standard c-fs stud heights Model numbers, dimensions, and structural design information for the HFP and HFP/S senes are provided in Table 5 1, while Figure 1 provides product illustrations 3 3 Hardy Frame® Bearing Plate The Hardy Frame® Beanng Plate is a flat steel plate that is designed and constructed to increase the beanng area in contact with wood surfaces The beanng plate may be used above or below Hardy Frame® Panels The beanng plates are 3V2 inches (89 mm) wide and 18, 24, or 30 inches (457, 610, or 762 mm) long, with slots and holes for fasteners Model numbers and illustrations for the beanng plate are provided in Figure 1 3 4 Screws 3 4 1 Wood Screws Wood screws are for wood-to-wood or steel-to-wood connections Uses are with the Hardy Frame® Panel, Brace Frame, Beanng Plate or Saddle as indicated in this report Screws must be USP WS Senes (ESR-2761) or equivalent Screw dimensions, design, and installation requirements must be as indicated in Table 1 of this report 3 4 2 Self-drilling Tapping Screws The screws used for connecting the Hardy Frame® panels and brace frames to c-fs collector elements must have a minimum tensile strength {Pts) value of 4,000 pounds (17 792 N) and minimum shear strength (Pss) of 2,000 pounds (8896 N) when tested in accordance with AISI TS-4, and must comply with the ICC-ES Acceptance Cntena for Self- dnlling Tapping Screws (AC118) as evidenced by a current ICC-ES evaluation report 3 5 Hardy Frame® Bolt Brace The Hardy Frame® BoW Brace is a c-fs strap that installs at the embed end of Panel hold-down anchors to prevent independent rod sway dunng the concrete pour Bolt Braces are provided with the same hold-down centertine spacing as the corresponding Panel with which they are installed 3 6 Hardy Frame® Saddle The Hardy Frame® Saddle is a splice connector designed and constructed to transfer axial compression and tension loads Applications for the saddle include, but are not limited to, wood top plates, engineered floor and roof truss members, headers, beams, studs, and posts Hardy Frame® Saddles consist of a one-piece c-fs channel with a 3 71-inch-wide (94 mm) web, and 1V2- and 3-inch-wide (38 and 76 mm) flanges The saddles are available in lengths of 24 inches and 36 inches (610 mm and 914 mm), with additional details as descnbed in the quality documentation Slots are provided in the web of the Hardy Frame® Saddle to allow for field separation into two L-shapes that may be used for splicing members wider than 3V2 inches (88 9 mm), or whenever separation may be desirable Sizes and structural design information for the Saddle are provided in Tables 6 1 and 6 2 of this report Figure 1 and Figure 2 provide product illustrations 3 7 Materials 3 7 1 Hardy Frame® Panels, Brace Frames, and Posts All Hardy Frame® Panels, Brace Frames, and Posts are formed from 97-mil-thick (2 5 mm) (No 12 gage) carbon steel complying with either ASTM A 653, Designation SS, Grade 50, or ASTM A 1003, Designation SS, Grade 50, steel with a minimum G60 galvanized coating designation 3 7 2 Steel Base Plates All flat steel plates used in the Hardy Frame® Panels, Brace Frames, and Posts are ^/4-inch-thick (19 mm) carbon steel complying with ASTM A 36 3 7 3 Panel Stiffeners All side stiffeners used on Hardy Frame® Panels are minimum 0 2242-inch-thick (5 7 mm) [No 4 gage] carbon steel complying with ASTM A 36 3 7 4 Hold-down Anchors and Rods High Strength or Standard Hold-down anchors must be used For use with the tables of this report, the High Strength hold-down anchors must comply with ASTM F 1554, Grade 105, or ASTM A 193, Grade B7, or ASTM A 354, Grade BD Standard hold-down anchors must comply with ASTM F 1554, Grade 36 may be used as indicated in the design tables of this report For Braced Wall panel substitutions ASTM F 1554 Grade 36 hold-down anchors may be used without substantiating calculations Nuts must be heavy hex type and comply with ASTM A 194 Grade 2H Coupling nuts must comply with the proof stresses and engagement lengths in ASTM A 194 and IFI 128 The hardened circular washers must comply with ASTM F 436 The plate washers must comply with ASTM A 36 or better The washer sizes must comply with the 13'*^ edition of AISC Steel Construction Manual, Part 14, Table 14-2 3 7 5 Hardy Frame® Bolt Brace The Hardy Frame® Bolt Brace is formed from S7-mil-thick (2 5 mm) No 12 gage carbon steel complying with ASTM A 653 (or ASTM A 1003), Designation SS, Grade 50 Steel with a minimum G60 galvanized coating designation 3 7 6 Non-shrink Grout Required for double-nut installations, non-shnnk grout must comply with ASTM C 1107-05 and have a minimum specified compressive strength of 5,000 psi (34 4 MPa) at 28 days The grout must be prepared m accordance with the manufacturer's instructions Figure 2 provides illustrations of grout placement 3 7 7 Hardy Frame® Bearing Plate The Hardy Frame® Beanng Plate is a %-inch-thick (19 mm), hot-rolled, flat steel plate complying with ASTM A 36 3 7 8 Hardy Frame® Saddle Saddles are formed frohi 68-mil-thick (No 14 gage) (1 73 mm) carbon steel complying with either ASTM A 653, Designation SS, Grade 50, or ASTM A 1003, Designation SS, Grade 50, steel, with a minimum G60 galvanized coating designation 4 0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 41 Design 411 General The allowable values descnbed in this report for Hardy Frame® Panels and Brace Frames are reported at Allowable Stress Design (ASD) level and do not include a one-third stress increase for short-term loading The allowable in-plane shear values, in-plane drifts, allowable axial compression capacities, and allowable uplift due to overturning values for both wind and seismic loads are presented in Tables 1 1A to 3 1A of this report Structural capacities and dnft values shown in these tables include evaluation of beanng stresses on the supporting base matenals for the conditions descnbed in the tables of this report and do not require further evaluation by the building design professional The allowable out-of plane loads are presented in Table 4 0 of this Report For balloon wall applications, out-of plane loads must be resisted by separate wall elements that are designed and detailed by the building design professional ESR-2089 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted J—-—— Page 22 of 58 TABLE 1 2k—Hardy Frame® INSTALLATION - ON RAISED FLOORS' ^ (Continued) 64 Seismic Wind Model Number Net Height H(m) HD Bolt Dia (in) and Grade^ Allowable Axial Load' Allowable In-Plane Shear (lbs) Drift atV' (in) Uplift atV"^ (lbs) Allowable In-Plane Shear V' (lbs) Drift atV' (in) Uplift atV" (lbs) 18" Wide Panels (Continued) 1,000 1,960 0 509 16,190 2,335 0 646 19,380 iVa" STD 3,500 1,895 0 509 14,300 2,050 0 565 15,610 HFX-18x10 II6V4 6,500 1,530 0 407 9,610 1,530 0 407 9,610 HFX-18x10 II6V4 1,000 1,955 0 509 16,145 2,330 0 646 19,330 iVs" HS 3,500 1,890 0 509 14,260 2,050 0 567 15,610 6,500 1,530 0 408 9,610 1,530 0 408 9,610 1,000 1,780 0 561 16,240 2,115 0 712 19,375 1 '/a" STD 3,500 1,720 0 561 14,345 1,855 0 623 15,610 HFX-18x11 I28V4 6,500 1,390 0 447 9,610 1,390 0 449 9,610 HFX-18x11 I28V4 1,000 1,780 0 561 16,225 2,120 0 712 19,420 IVB" HS 3,500 1,720 0 561 14,330 1,855 0 622 15,610 6,500 1,390 0 448 9,610 1,390 0 448 9,610 1,000 1,635 0 614 16,295 1,945 0 779 19,505 1 VB" STD 3,500 1,580 0 614 14,400 1,695 0 676 15,610 HFX-18X12 I40V4 6,500 1,270 0 487 9,610 1,270 0 487 9,610 HFX-18X12 I40V4 1,000 1,630 0614 16,270 1,945 0 779 19,475 1 Vs" HS 3,500 1,580 0614 14,375 1,695 0 677 15,610 6,500 1,270 0 488 9,610 1,270 0 488 9,610 1,000 1,510 0 666 16,360 1,800 0 846 19,580 1 Vs" STD 3,500 1,460 0 666 14,465 1,565 0 730 15,610 HFX-18x13 152V4 6,500 1,170 0 525 9,610 1,170 0 525 9,610 HFX-18x13 152V4 1,000 1,510 0 666 16,320 1,795 0 846 19,540 iVs" HS 3,500 1,460 0 666 14,425 1,565 0 732 15,610 6,500 1,170 0 527 9,610 1,170 0 527 9,610 24" Wide Panels 1,000 3,830 0 236 14,700 5,105 0 343 19,770 1 Vs" STD 3,500 3,830 0 243 13,395 4,385 0 292 15,610 HFX-24X78 78 6,500 3,270 0210 9,610 3,270 0210 9,610 HFX-24X78 78 1,000 5,070 0 341 19,620 5,315 0 363 20,610 iVs" HS 3,500 4,385 0 293 15,610 4,385 0 293 15,610 6,500 3,270 0 211 9,610 3,270 0211 9,610 1,000 3,420 0 292 15,555 4,495 0 425 20,610 1 Vs" STD 3,500 3,420 0 307 14,250 3,710 0 343 15,610 HFX-24x8 92V4 6,500 2,765 0 246 9,610 2,765 0 247 9,610 HFX-24x8 92V4 1,000 4,315 0 404 19,770 4,495 0 426 20,610 iVs" HS 3,500 3,710 0 344 15,610 3,710 0 344 15,610 6,500 2,765 0 247 9,610 2,765 0 248 9,610 1,000 3,140 0 346 16,160 3,980 0 477 20,610 1 Vs" STD 3,500 3,140 0 362 14,850 3,285 0 385 15,610 HFX-24x9 1 r\A^ 1 6,500 2,450 0 277 9,610 2,450 0 277 9,610 HFX-24x9 1/4 1,000 3,835 0 456 19,855 3,980 0 478 20,610 iVs" HS 3,500 3,285 0 386 15,610 3,285 0 386 15,610 6,500 2,450 0 278 9,610 2,450 0 278 9,610 1,000 2,900 0 400 16,655 3,565 0 529 20,610 1 Vs" STD 3,500 2,900 0418 15,350 2,945 0 427 15,610 HFX-24X10 ^ -f / 6,500 2,195 0 307 9,610 2,195 0 307 9,610 HFX-24X10 110/4 1,000 3,450 0 509 19,910 3,565 0 531 20,610 iVa" HS 3,500 2,945 0 429 15,610 2,945 0 429 15,610 6,500 2,195 0 309 9,610 2,195 0 308 9,610 ESR-2089 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 23 of 58 TABLE 1 2k—Hardy Frame® INSTALLATION - ON RAISED FLOORS' ' (Continued) HD Bolt Net Dia (in) Allowable Model Height and Axial Number H(in) Grade' Load' Seismic Allowable In-Plane Shear V' (lbs) Dnft atV' (in) Uplift atV"' (lbs) 24" Wide Panels (Contmued) 1,000 iVs" STD 3,500 HFX-24X11 I28V4 6,500 HFX-24X11 I28V4 1,000 iVe" HS 3,500 6,500 1,000 1 Vs" STD 3,500 HFX-24X12 I40V4 6,500 HFX-24X12 I40V4 1,000 1 Vs" HS 3,500 6,500 1,000 iVs" STD 3,500 HFX-24X13 I52V4 6,500 HFX-24X13 I52V4 1,000 iVs" HS 3,500 6,500 2,695 0 455 17,090 2,670 0 469 15,610 1,990 0 337 9,610 3,150 0 561 20,070 2,670 0 468 15,610 1,990 0 337 9,610 2,515 0 509 17,450 2,440 0 510 15,610 1,820 0 367 9,610 2,890 0 614 20,130 2,440 0 510 15,610 1,820 0 367 9,610 2,360 0 566 17,785 2,250 0 553 15,610 1,675 0 397 9,610 2,670 0 666 20,180 2,250 0 552 15,610 1,675 0 397 9,610 32" Wide Brace Frames Wind Allowable In-Plane Drift Uplift Shear atV' atv" (lbs) (in) (lbs) 3,235 0 580 20,610 2,670 0 468 15,610 1,990 0 337 9,610 3,235 0 581 20,610 2,670 0 469 15,610 1,990 0 337 9,610 2,955 0 633 20,610 2,440 0 511 15,610 1,820 0 367 9,610 2,955 0 633 20,610 2,440 0 511 15,610 1,820 0 367 9,610 2,725 0 684 20,610 2,250 0 552 15,610 1,675 0 397 9,610 2,725 0 684 20,610 2,250 0 552 15,610 1,675 0 397 9,610 HFX-32X8 92V4 Vs" STD 1,000 2,135 0 310 8,040 2,135 0 310 8,040 HFX-32X8 92V4 Vs" STD 3,500 1,470 0 229 5,540 1,470 0 229 5,540 HFX-32X8 92V4 Vs" STD 6,500 675 0 139 2,540 675 0 139 2,540 HFX-32X8 92V4 Vs" HS 1,000 2,135 0 310 8,040 2,135 0310 8,040 HFX-32X8 92V4 Vs" HS 3,500 1,470 0 229 5,540 1,470 0 229 5,540 HFX-32X8 92V4 Vs" HS 6,500 675 0 139 2,540 675 0 139 2,540 HFX-32X9 IO4V4 Vs" STD 1,000 1,890 0 365 8,040 1,890 0 365 8,040 HFX-32X9 IO4V4 Vs" STD 3,500 1,300 0 269 5,540 1,300 0 269 5,540 HFX-32X9 IO4V4 Vs" STD 6,500 595 0 162 2,540 595 0 162 2,540 HFX-32X9 IO4V4 Vs" HS 1,000 1,890 0 365 8,040 1,890 0 365 8,040 HFX-32X9 IO4V4 Vs" HS 3,500 1,300 0 269 5,540 1,300 0 269 5,540 HFX-32X9 IO4V4 Vs" HS 6,500 595 0 162 2,540 595 0 162 2,540 HFX-32x10 II6V4 Vs" STD 1,000 1,695 0 425 8,040 1,695 0 425 8,040 HFX-32x10 II6V4 Vs" STD 3,500 1,170 0 312 5,540 1,170 0 312 5,540 HFX-32x10 II6V4 Vs" STD 6,500 535 0 186 2,540 535 0 186 2,540 HFX-32x10 II6V4 Vs" HS 1,000 1,695 0 425 8,040 1,695 0 425 8,040 HFX-32x10 II6V4 Vs" HS 3,500 1,170 0312 5,540 1,170 0 312 5,540 HFX-32x10 II6V4 Vs" HS 6,500 535 0 186 2,540 535 0 186 2,540 HFX-32x11 I28V4 Vs" STD 1,000 1,535 0 488 8,040 1,535 0 488 8,040 HFX-32x11 I28V4 Vs" STD 3,500 1,060 0 358 5,540 1,060 0 358 5,540 HFX-32x11 I28V4 Vs" STD 6,500 485 0211 2,540 485 0 212 2,540 HFX-32x11 I28V4 Vs" HS 1,000 1,535 0 488 8,040 1,535 0 488 8,040 HFX-32x11 I28V4 Vs" HS 3,500 1,060 0 358 5,540 1,060 0 358 5,540 HFX-32x11 I28V4 Vs" HS 6,500 485 0 212 2,540 485 0 212 2,540 HFX-32X12 I40V4 Vs" STD 1,000 1,405 0 556 8,040 1,405 0 556 8,040 HFX-32X12 I40V4 Vs" STD 3,500 970 0 406 5,540 970 0 407 5,540 HFX-32X12 I40V4 6,500 445 0 238 2,540 445 0 238 2,540 HFX-32X12 I40V4 1,000 1,405 0 556 8,040 1,405 0 556 8,040 HFX-32X12 I40V4 Vs" HS 3,500 970 0 406 5,540 970 0 406 5,540 HFX-32X12 I40V4 6,500 445 0 238 2,540 445 0 238 2,540 ESR-2g89 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 25 of 58 ( No^es *) TABLE 1 2A (Continued) ^The additional vertical axial loads are concurrent with the allowable in-plane shear load For panels the axial load must be applied withm the middle V3 of the panel width or be uniformly distributed across the entire panel width For Brace Frame the axial load is acting along the centerline of the end post "The Uplift values listed are due to overturning and assume no resisting axial load To determine the anchor tension load in panels at design shear values and including the effect of axial loads, the tension load equals uplift minus P/2, where P is the axial load on the panel For Brace Frames the anchor tension load equals the tabulated uplift minus P where P is the allowable axial compression load on the end post ^Allowable shear and dnft values may be linearly interpolated for intermediate height or axial loads ^STD indicates bolts complying with ASTM F 1554 Grade 36 HS indicates bolts complying with a high strength steel specification as set forth in Section 3 7 4 of this report TABLE 1 3A—Hardy Frame® INSTALLATION - ON UPPER FLOORS' HD Bolt Net Dia (in) Allowable Model Height and Axial Number H(in) Grade' Load' Seismic Allowable In-Plane Shear V' (lbs) Dnft atV" (in) Uplift atV" (lbs) 12" Wide Panels 18" Wide Panels 1,000 lVs"STD 3,500 HFX-18x78 78 6,500 HFX-18x78 78 1,000 iVs" HS 3,500 6,500 1,000 iVs" STD 3,500 HFX-18X8 92V4 6,500 HFX-18X8 92V4 1,000 iVs" HS 3,500 6,500 2,665 0 341 14,725 2,605 0 341 13,040 2,285 0 307 9,610 2,665 0 341 14,715 2,600 0 341 13,035 2,285 0 307 9,610 2,275 0 404 14,875 2,215 0 404 13,145 1,930 0 360 9,610 2,270 0 404 14,835 2,215 0 404 13,120 1,930 0 361 9,610 Wind Allowable In-Plane Drift Uplift Shear V atV" atV (lbs) (in) (lbs) HFX-12x78 78 iVs" STD 1,000 1,245 0 341 10,940 1,590 0 433 14,075 HFX-12x78 78 iVs" STD 3,500 1,210 0 341 9,350 1,550 0 433 12,485 HFX-12x78 78 iVs" STD 6,500 1,165 0 341 7,440 1,400 0 405 9,610 HFX-12x78 78 1 Vs" HS 1,000 1,245 0 341 10,930 1,585 0 433 14,055 HFX-12x78 78 1 Vs" HS 3,500 1,210 0 341 9,340 1,550 0 433 12,460 HFX-12x78 78 1 Vs" HS 6,500 1,165 0 341 7,425 1,400 0 406 9,610 HFX-12x8 92V4 iVe" STD 1,000 1,065 0 404 11,060 1,355 0 512 14,205 HFX-12x8 92V4 iVe" STD 3,500 1,035 0 404 9,460 1,325 0 512 12,610 HFX-12x8 92V4 iVe" STD 6,500 995 0 404 7,545 1,185 0 475 9,610 HFX-12x8 92V4 iVs" HS 1,000 1,060 0 404 11,030 1,355 0512 14,180 HFX-12x8 92V4 iVs" HS 3,500 1,030 0 404 9,435 1,320 0 512 12,585 HFX-12x8 92V4 iVs" HS 6,500 990 0 404 7,520 1,185 0 476 9,610 HFX-12x9 IO4V4 1 Vs" STD 1,000 950 0 456 11,135 1,205 0 579 14,305 HFX-12x9 IO4V4 1 Vs" STD 3,500 920 0 456 9,535 1,180 0 579 12,705 HFX-12x9 IO4V4 1 Vs" STD 6,500 885 0 456 7,615 1,050 0 533 9,610 HFX-12x9 IO4V4 iVs" HS 1,000 945 0 456 11,105 1,205 0 579 14,275 HFX-12x9 IO4V4 iVs" HS 3,500 920 0 456 9,505 1,175 0 579 12,675 HFX-12x9 IO4V4 iVs" HS 6,500 885 0 456 7,590 1,050 0 534 9,610 HFX-12x10 II6V4 lVs" STD 1,000 855 0 509 11,195 1,090 0 646 14,390 HFX-12x10 II6V4 lVs" STD 3,500 830 0 508 9,595 1,065 0 646 12,790 HFX-12x10 II6V4 lVs" STD 6,500 800 0 509 7,675 940 0 592 9,610 HFX-12x10 II6V4 iVs" HS 1,000 855 0 509 11,170 1,085 0 646 14,360 HFX-12x10 II6V4 iVs" HS 3,500 830 0 508 9,570 1,060 0 646 12,760 HFX-12x10 II6V4 iVs" HS 6,500 795 0 509 7,650 940 0 593 9,610 3,225 0 433 17,920 3,050 0 421 15,610 2,285 0 306 9,610 3,220 0 433 17,890 3,050 0 421 15,610 2,285 0 307 9,610 2,740 0 512 18,030 2,580 0 493 15,610 1,930 0 360 9,610 2,735 0 512 17,980 2,580 0 495 15,610 1,930 0 361 9,610 7'-8" GUGLIELMO 3/12 1 5/12 PITCH 2x4 TOP CHORD CARLSBAD 12' OVERHANG TILE ROOF WIND EXP C WIND SPEED gOmph REGULAR END BLOCK t NORTH COUNTY TRUSS ASSUMES NO x RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRUSSES CUT OR INSTALLED IMPROPERLY * BACKCHARGES ARE NOT ACCEPTED x TYDE QTY Description 14 RAFTER/END JACK SECOND FLOOR 4B50959 4850960 4850951 4850962 IIIIIIIII North County (Don) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC 2X4 DF n BC 2x4 DF »2 WEBS 2x4 OF STAND TC UTERAL SUPPORT <= 12'0C UON BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"DC UON 9 05 02 CORNER GIRDER SETBACK 6 03 00 FROM EHO WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1 25 (Non Rep) TC UNIf LL( BC liNIF LL( 94 3)tOL( 0 0 +DL( LOADING 66 0)= ISO 3 PLF 23 6 = 23 6 PLF 0' - 0'- 0 0- 0 0" CBC2010/IBC2aO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4*fR;GDF/Cq=1 00 1 2=( 12) 17 2 S=( 428) 1401 5 3=( 0) 145 2-3=i 1437) 449 5 6=( 441) 1403 3 6=( 1408) 441 3 4=( 44) 28 OVERHANGS 17 0* BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOfl 10PSF LIVE LOAD TOP AND BOTTOM CHOBD LIVE LOADS ACT NON CONCURRENTLY Connector plate prefix designators C,CN,C16,CN18 (or no prefix) = CoupuTrus, kl,ll20HS,ll18HS,M16 = HiTek MT series Inc BEARING LOCATIONS 0' 0 0' 6' 7 0 9" 5 r MAX VERT REACTIONS 168/ 372V 94/ 402V 59/ 222V MAX HORZ REACTIONS 48/ 16H 0/ OH 48/ 18H BRG SIZE 3 50' 3 50- 3 50" REQUIRED BRG AREA SQ IN (SPECIES) ' 0 60 DF ( 625 0 64 OF 625 0 36 DF 625 VJ it 6-00-06 3-04-12 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS LL=L/240, TL=L/tSO MAX LL DEFL = 0 007" 9 1' 5 0" Allowed = MAX TL DEFL = 0 007' » -V 5 0' Allowed = MAX LL OEFL = 0 09r § 5' 10 8 Allovied = MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0 110' « 5' 10 8" Allowed = 0 142" 0 189' 0 442 0 590' MAX HORIZ LL OEFL = 0 016' g MAX HORIZ TL DEFL = 0 017' ? 7 0- 7 0- 2 18 = Design conforms to «ain windforce-resisting system and components and cladding criteria Wind 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=8 4,BC0L=3 0, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat 2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1 6 IMax CSr. TCP.39 BC.0.44 Web.0.241 • 1 06 12 IPROVIDE FULL BEARING.JtS 2.4.61 5-10-10 3-05-08 1-05 9-05-02 JOB NAME GUGLIELMO Truss AC DES. BY BS DATE 5/27/2011 SEQ.- 4850959 TRANS ID 312025 Scale 0 5659 WARNIMGS 1 aiiilder and erection contracior should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences 2 2x4 compression web bracing musl be Installed wtier? shown + 3 All lateral force restsling elements such as temporary and permanent stability bracing tiiusi be designed by designer of complete structure CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such braang 4 No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and faslenei^ are complete and at no time should any loads gieater than design loads be applied to any component 5 CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibilily tor the labncation handling shipment and installation of components 6 This design is furnished subjecl to the limitations set forth by TPWVTCA in BCSI copies ol which wiO be fumished upon request. CompuTrus, Inc Software? 6 1(1L)-Z GENERAL NOTES, unless othciwise noted 1 This truss design Is adequate forthe design parameters shown Review and approval is Ihe responsibility of the building designer not lhe truss designer or truss engineer 2 Design assumes Ihe top and bottom chords lo be laterally braced at 2 0 c and at 10 o c respectively unless tjraced throughout their leiiglh by continuous shealhing such as plywood sfieathingfTC) and/or drywall(BC) 3 2x Impact bndging or lateral bracing required where shown + * 4 Installation ol Iruss is the responsibility ofthe respective contractor 5 Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non corrosive environment and are lor dry condition of use 6 DeSQn assumes lull bearing at el supporls shown Shtm or wedge if r^ecessafy 7 Design assumes adequate drainage is provided fl Plates ShaH be locoled on both faces of truss and placed so thair center lines coiiicido with joint center lines e Digits Indicate size of plate In inches 10 For basic connector plate design values see ESR 2529 {ComrjuTrus) ond/orESR 1311 ESR-1988 (MiTek) North County (Don) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC 2x4 DF //1SBTB BC 2x4 DF #2 TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'0C UON BC LATERAL SUPPORT <:= 12-OC UON OVERHANGS 12 0 0 0" Connector plate prefix designators C,CN,C18,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MlTek MI series a Q 4 TRUSS SPAN 9' 1 7 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1 25 SPACED 24 0 0 C LOADING LL( 20 0]*0L{ 14 0| ON TOP CHORD = 34 0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 5 0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 39 0 PSF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON CONCURRENTLY 9-01-12 CaC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 41VR/GDF/Cq=1 00 1- 2=( 12) 16 2-4=( 62) 22 2- 3=( 83) 38 BEARING LOCATIONS 0' 0 0" 9' 0 0' 9' 1 7- MAX VERT REACTIONS 41; 437V 34/ 276V 0/ 132V MAX HORZ REACTIONS 59/ 20H 01 OH -59/ 20H BRG SIZE 3 50' 3 50 3 SO- REQUIRED BRG AREA SQ IN (SPECIES) 0 70 OF ( 625) 0 44 DF 625) 0 21 DF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS LL=L/240, TL=L/I80 MAX LL DEFL = 0 002- 9 1' 0 0" Allowed = MAX TL OEFL = 0 002- 9 V 0 0' Allowed = MAX TC PANEL LL OEFL = 0 319" ? 4' 11 8- Allowed = MAX TC PANEL TL OEFL = 0 580' § 5' 0 0' Allowed = 0 100- 0 133" 0 478- 0 717" IIAX HORIZ MAX HORIZ LL OEFL •• TL DEFL •' 0 001- S 0 001- (1 0 0- 0 0- 3 00 c 12 Design conforms to main windforce-reslsting system and components and cladding criteria Wind SO mph, h=ISn, TCDL=8 4,BCDL=3 0, ASCE 7 05, Enclosed, Cat 2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1 6 [Max CSI. TCP.85 BC.Q.Sa Web.O.OQl 12 • 1 50 1-00 iPflOVIOE FULL BEAflltiG.Jts 2.3.4i 9-01-12 JOB HAME GUGLIELMO Truss. AJ DJ DK DES BY BS DATE 5/27/2011 SEQ.• 4850960 TRANS ID' 312025 Scale 0 5847 WARMINGS 1 Builder and erection conlraclor stiould be advised of all General Nates and Warnings before conslnjclion commences 2 2x4 compression web Bracing must be instaPed where shown 3 All lalctat lorce resisting elsmenVs such as lomporary and patmanent slabilrty bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure CompuTrus assumes no rcsponsibilrty lOr such bracing 4 t^o load stiould be applied lo any component until atter all bracing and fasteners are complete and al no Ume should any loads greater than design loads be apptted to any component 5 CompuTrus tias no conlrol over and assumes no responsibilily for the fabncation handling shipment and installation ot components 6 This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPi/WTCA m BCSI copies of which will be fumished upon request CompuTrus, lnc Software? 6 1(1L)-Z GENERAL NOTES unless otherwise noted 1 This truss design Is adequate for the design parameters stiown Review and approval ts the responsibility of the buiJding designer not the truss designer or truss engineer Z Design assumes (he top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2oc and at 10 oc respectively unlcss braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood she alh trig (TO) and/or drywall(BC} 3 2x Impad bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + *• A Installation ot truss ts the responsibility of the respective contractor 5 Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non-corrosive environment and are for dry condihon of use 6 Design assumes full beanng at all supports shown Shim or wedge iJ necessary 7 Design assumes adequate drainage is provided 8 Plates shall be localed on botti laces ot truss snd placed so their center lines coincide with joint center lines 9 Digits indicate size of plate in inches 10 For basic connector plate design values see ESR 2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR 1311 ESR 1988 (MiTek) Illltl IIIIIIIII North County (Don) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC 2X4 DF K BC 2x4 DF *2 WEBS 2X4 DF STAND TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 OC UON BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12-OC UON OVERHANGS 12 0' 0 0- Connector plate prefix designators C,CN,C18,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, H,M20HS,I*16HS,M16 = MlTeh MT series Inc TRUSS SPAN IS' 3 5" LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1 25 SPACED 24 0 0 C LOADING LL( 20 0)+DL( 14 0) ON TOP CHORD = 34 0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 5 0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 39 0 PSF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON CONCURRENTLY BEARING LOCATIONS 0' 0 0- 18' 3 5- CBC2010/IBC2009 1 2=( )2j 2 3=( 3455) 3 4=( 2647 4 5= 2647 5 6= 3459 MAX MEMBER FORCES 2-7=( 748) 7 6=(-786) 3324 3329 MAX VERT REACTIONS 38/ 765V -28/ 713V VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS MAX LL DEFL = 0 002" S 1 MAX TL DEFL = 0 002" ? 1 MAX LL OEFL = -0 315- ^ 9 MAX TL CREEP DEFL = 0 732' S 9 4*R/G0F/Cq=1 OO 3 7=( 757) 215 7 4= 170) 1022 7 5=(-765) 253 MAX HORZ REACTIONS 57/ 52H -57/ 52H BRG SIZE 3 50 3 50 REQUIRED BRG AREA SQ IN (SPECIES) 1 26 OF ( 625 1 14 OF 625) LL=L/240, TL=L/180 0 0' Allowed = 0 0 Allowed = - 1 7' Allowed ~ 1 7- Allowed = 0 100-0 133 0 885- 1 181- 9-01-12 UAX HORIZ LL DEFL = 0 125- U 18' MAX HORIZ TL DEFL = 0 234' 9 18' 0 0- 0 0- 9-01-12 5-05-06 3-08-06 3-08-06 5-05-06 Design conforms to main windforce resisting system and components and cladding criteria Wind 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=8 4,BCDL=3 0, ASCE 7 05, Enclosed, Cat 2, Exp C, MIVFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1 6 ~^ iHax CSI. TC.n.63 BC.n.33 Weh.0.421 T V7 3 00 I M-4x5 1 3 00 1-00 9-01-12 9-0M2 18-03-08 JOB NAME GUGLIELMO Truss AS DES BY BS DATE 5/27/2011 SEQ,: 4850961 TRANS ID. 312025 Scale 0 3885 WARMINGS 1 Builder and erection contracior should be advised of all General Notes and vt^mings before construction commences 2 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown 5 All lateral iorce resattng elamants sucti as lempoiary ard permanent stability bracing must bt designed by designer of comptete structure CompuTrus assumes no responsibility lor such bracing 4 No load should tie applied lo any component until afler all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater lhan destgn loads be applied to any corr^ionent 5 CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility tor the fabrication handling shipment and mstallalion of components 6 This design is furnished sub/eci to the Iimilalions set forth by TPIWTCA (fl BCSI copies ot which will tie furnished upon request CompuTrus, lnc Software? 6 1(1L)-E GENERAL NOTES unless otherwise noted 1 This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown Review and approval is the responsibility o( Ihe building designer not Ihe truss designer or truss engineer 2 Design assumes the top and bottom chonJs to be laterally braced at Z 0 c and at 10 o c respectively unless braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathmgCTC) and/or drywall{BC) 3 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown *• 4 Installation ol truss is the responsibility ofthe respective contractor 5 Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non CDITOSIVC environment and are for dry condition of use 6 Design assumes full beanng at all supporls shown Shim or wedge if necessary 7 Destgn assumes adequate drainage is provided Q Plates shall be localed on both laces ot truss and placed so their center lines coincide with joint center fines 8 Digits indicate size of plate in Inches 10 For basic connector plate design values see ESR 2529 (CompuTrus) and/orESR 1311 ESR 1988 (MiTek) North County (Don) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC 2x4 DF 12 BC 2x4 DF 9UBTR WEBS 2x4 DF STAND, 2X6 DF K A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 OC UON BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12-OC UON OVERHANGS 12 0 0 0' Connector plate prefix designators C,CN,C18,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,H18HS,M16 = MlTek HT series 18 03 08 TERMINAL HIP SETBACK 9 01 12 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1 25 (Non-Rep) TC UNIF LLI BC UNIF LL 40 0)tDL( 0 0)*DL( LOADING 28 0)= 68 0 PLF 27 9) = TC CONC LL( 27 9 PLF 993 3)tDL( 695 3)= 1688 7 LBS @ 0 0 0 0 3 5- V 3 5- V CBC2010/IBC2009 1 2=( 12) 2 3= 9772 680 3 4= 9632 600 4 5=1 9632) 600 5 6=( 9776) 686 MAX MEMBER FORCES 16 2 7= -664) 9470 7 6= 670 9474 4W1/GDF/Cq=1 OO 3 7=( 186) 416 7 4= 26) 2600 7 5=( 154) 454 BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON CONCURRENTLY ( 2 ) conplete trusses required Join together 2 ply with 3-x 131 DIA GUN nails staggered at 9- oc throughout 2x4 top chords, 9 oc throughout 2x4 bottom chords, 9- oc throughout webs BEARING LOCATIONS 0'- 0 0" 18' 3 5 MAX VERT REACTIONS 53/ 1792V -43/ 1721V MAX HORZ REACTIONS 57/ 52H 57/ 52H BRG SIZE 3 50- 3 50 REQUIRED BRG AREA SQ IN (SPECIES) 2 87 OF ( 625) 2 75 DF ( 625) 1 9-01-12 9-01-12 5-05-06 3-08 06 3-08-06 5-05-06 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS LL=L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL OEFL = 0 OOV 9 -1'- 0 0' Allowed = 0 100- MAX TL DEFL = 0 001- 9 1'- 0 0 Allowed = 0 133- MAX LL DEFL = 0 45r 9 9' 17" Allowed = 0 885- MAX TL CREEP DEFL = 1 038- 9 9' 17- Allowed = 1 181 MAX HORIZ LL DEFL = 0 171- 9 18' 0 0- MAX HORIZ TL DEFL = 0 319- 9 18' 0 0" Design conforms to main windforce-resisting system and components and cladding criteria Wind 90 mph, h=15ft, TC0L=8 4,BC0L=3 0, ASCE 7 05, Enclosed, Cat 2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1 6 1" iMnx CSI. TC.n.aa RC.n.fl4 Web.0.171 12 3 00 I M-1 5x3 It .1688.70# 12 M-5x5 I 3 00 y 1-00 9-0M2 9-01-12 18-03-08 JOB NAME GUGLIELMO Truss. ASH DES BY BS DATE 5/27/2011 SEQ.: 4850962 TRANS ID 312025 Scale 0 3885 WARNINGS 1 Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences 2 2x4 compression web braang musl be installed where shown + 3 All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent stabflrty bracing must be destg;\ed by desigrtei ol complele slrucluro CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing 4 No load should be applied to any component until alter alt bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater lhan design loads be applied to any component 5 CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication handling shipment and installation of components 6 This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPI/WTCA m BCSt copies of which wiU be furnished upon request CompuTrus, Inc Software 7 6 1(1 L)-E GENERAL NOTES unless otherwise noted 1 This truss design ts adequate for the design parameters shown Review and approval Is the responsibilrty ofthe building designer nol the truss designer or truss engineer 2 Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2 oc and at 10 oc respectively unless braced tt^royghout Iheir length by continuous sheathing such as plywood shealhingOTC) and/or dryw8!l(BC) 3 2x Impact bndging or lateral biaang required where shown + 4 Installation of truss Is the responsibility of Ihe respective conlraclor 5 Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non corrosive environment and are for dry condition of use 6 Design assumes full beanng at all supports shown Shim or wedge if necessary 7 Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided B Plates shall be located on both faces of truss and placed so their center lines coincide with joint center lines 9 Digrts indicate size ol plate in inches 10 For basic connector plate design values see ESR 2529 (CompuTnjs) and/or ESR 1311 ESR 1988 (MlTe^i) CnmpuTrus. Inc:. Custom Software Engineenng Manufacturing sr Vr DETAIL FOR CONVENTION/y-LY FRAMED VALLEY FILL VALLEY JACKS - SPACED 24-o c CLEAR SPAN NOTTO EXCEED a'-O" FOR SIZE ANO GRADE SEE END JACK CHART OR RAFTER SPAN TABLE UNDER APPROPRIATE C S I LOADING VALLEY PADS - 1x6 OR 2-2x4 s JACKPOSTS - 2x4'3 TO BE PLACED UNDER VALLEY JACKS AT NO MORE THAN 8'-0"oc AND NAILED TO JACK PURLINS JACK PURLINS - 2x4x4'-0- SPANNING OVER THREE TRUSSES UNDERNEATH AND PARALLEL TO VALLEY JACKS TO VVHICH THE JACK P OST SUPPORTS ARE NAILED RIDGE BOARD - MINIMUM2x6 NO 2 HEM-FIR RIDGEPOST - 2x4's TO BE PLACED UNDER RIDGE BOARD AT NO MORE THAW 5'-0'oc AND NAILED TO RIDGE PURLIN RIDGEPURLIN - 2x4 WHOSE LENGTH IS 1/2 THE VALLEY WIDTH ATTHE POINT INDICATED BY A RIDGE POST RIDGE BOARD NAILING PER IBC/IRC 2009 1 FILE NO CALIF FILL DETAIL DATE 01/20/08 REF 26,15-1 DES SC IBC 2009 /CBC 2010 SEQ 3151509 TRUSS AT 24- 0 o A I North County (Don) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC 2X4 DF #UBTR, 2x4 DF SS T2 BC 2x6 OF SS WEBS 2x4 OF STAND TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 OC UOH BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12-OC UON Connector plate prefix designators C,CN,Ct8,CN18 (or no prefix! = CompoTrus, In B,M20HS,MI8HS,U16 = HiTek MT series 27 00 00 GIRDER SUPPORTING 15 04-00 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1 25 (Non Rep) TC UNIF LL( BC UNIF LL 40 0)tDL( 129 5jtDL( LOADING 28 0)= 68 0 PLF 136 7)= 266 I PLF 0 0 TO 0 0- TO 0 0- V 0 0- V 2=( 14706) 3=( 12598 4=( 9910 5=( 9910) 6=( 13294 CBC2O10/IBC20O9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/G0F/Cq=1 00 486 418 328 328 446 1 8=( 466) 14210 8- 3 10: 10 It 11 12= -466 14130 398 11995 ADDL BC CONC LL+DL= 625 0 LBS S 19' 422) •510 12614 15220 2=( 2) 1O00 9=( 2066 80 3=( 40 18S2 tO=(-2842 104 4=i 126 4550 6 T=(-15854) 532 12 7=( 510) 15322 10 5=1-3568 132 5 11 = 62 2412 •it BOTTOU CHDRD CHECKED FOR lOPSF LIVE LOAD TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON CONCURRENTLY ( 2 ) complete trusses required Join together 2 ply with 3 x 131 DIA GUN nails staggered at 9- oc throughout 2x4 top chords, 9- oc throughout 2x6 bottom chords, 9' oc throughout webs BEARING LOCATIONS 0' 0 0- 27' 0 0" MAX VERT REACTIONS 154/ 4687V 165/ 4960V MAX HORZ REACTIONS 72/ 72H 72/ 72H BRG SIZE 3 50- 3 so- li 6=( 2508) 96 6 12=( 12) 1278 REQUIRED BRG AREA SQ IN (SPECIES) 7 50 DF ( 625) 7 94 DF 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS LL=L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL OEFL = -0 433" 9 13' 6 0- Alloweti = 1 321" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0 972" 9 13'- 6 0" Allowed = 1 76r LOAD AS GIVEN NOTE Truss not syranetrical Orientation as shown MAX HORIZ MAX HORIZ LL DEFL TL OEFL 0 082' 0 150- 26'- 26' Design conforms to main windforce resisting system and components and cladding criteria Wind 90 mph, h=15ft, TC0L=8 4,BC0L=3 0, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat 2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1 6 13-06 M 3x8 5-08 M-1 5x4 to IK-2 5x5 M-6X8 CN18-5.5X13 6(S) n M-3x6 12 M-1.5X4 M 3x8 -4-i625# 3-09 04 4-00-12 y- 4-00-12 3 09-04 5-08 12-00 15-00 27-00 J08 NAME GUGLIELMO Truss BG DES BY BS DATE 5/27/2011 SEQ. 4850963 TRANS ID 312025 Scale 0 3406 Builder and erecllon conlraclor should be advised of all General Noles and Warnings before construction commences 2x4 compression web bracing must be inslaOed where shown + All laleral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent stability bracing must be designed by designer of completts structure CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasleners are complete and al no time should any loads greater than design loads be atiplled to any colT\poneI^t CoitipuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for tlie fabrication handling shipment and Installation of components This design Is lurnshed subject lo the timllatlons set lorlti by TPIA/I/TCA in SCSI copies of which wlO be furnlsned upon request CompuTrus, Inc Software 7 6 1 (1 L)-E GENERAL NOTES unless otherwise noted 1 This Iruss design is adequate for the design parameters shown Review and approval is Ihe responsibility of Ihe building designer not the truss dos^ner or truss engineer 2 Design assumes ttie lop and bottom chords to be laterally braced al 2 0 c and at 10 o c respectively unless braced throughout then' length by continuous shealhing such as plywood sheathlngO"C) and/or drywaU(BC) 3 2x Impact bridgiitg or lateral bracing required w^^ete shown + • 4 Installation of Inrss is the responsibility ofthe respective contractor 5 Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non coirosive environment and are for dry condttlon of use S Design assumes full beanng at all supports shown Shim of wedge if necessaiy 7 Design assumes adequate drainage is provided 8 Plates shall be localed on both laces of tmss and placed so their center lines coincide with joint center lines e Digits indicate stzo of plale In Inches 10 For tiBsic connector plale design values sec ESR 2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR 1311 ESR 1958 (MiTek) North County (Don) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC 2x4 DF SUBTR BC 2x4 DF #2 WEBS 2x4 DF STAND TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'0C UON BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'0C UON OVERHANGS 12 0' 0 0- Connector plate prefix designators C,CN,CI8,CNH (cr no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MlTek MT series TRUSS SPAN 15' 1 0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1 25 SPACED 24 0- 0 C LOADING LL( 20 0)+OL( 14 0) ON TOP CHORD = 34 0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 5 0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 39 0 PSF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON CONCURRENTLY 7-08 BEARING LOCATIONS 0'- 0 0- 15' 1 0 CBC2O10/18C2QO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4W/G0F/Cq=l 00 1 2=( -12) 16 2 5=( 243) 1075 5 3=(0) 266 2 3= 1176) 277 5 4=( 243) 1075 3 4=(-1178) 277 UAX VERT REACTIONS 35/ 660V 23/ sesv MAX HORZ REACTIONS 50/ 45H 50/ 45H BRG SIZE 3 50 3 50 REOUIRED BRG AREA SQ IN (SPECIES) 1 06 DF ( 625 0 94 DF 625 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS LL=L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL DEFL = 0 002" 9 1' 0 0 Alloived = MAX TL DEFL = -0 002" ? 1' 0 0" Allowed = MAX LL DEFL = 0 044' S 7'- 8 0" Allowed = MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0 104' |l 7' 8 0" Allowed = 0 100 0 133- 0 725' 0 967' UAX HORIZ LL DEFL = 0 012' S 14' IIAX HORIZ TL DEFL = 0 022' S 14' 9 5" 9 5' 7-05 Design contoriss to nam windforce resisting systen and components and cladding criteria Vlind 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=8 4,BCDL=3 0, ASCE 7 05, Enclosed, Cat 2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1 6 12 3 00 I 12 3 00 Max CSI. TCP 91 BC.O.SO Web.0.111 i XT M-4x5 1^4 > ^ 7-08 7-05 1-00 15-01 JOB NAME GUGLIELMO Truss. CTB DES BY BS DATE 5/27/2011 SEQ • 4850964 TRANS ID. 312025 Scale 0 4955 WARNrNGS 1 Builder and efedion conlractor stiould be advised of all General Notes and Wafnings before construction commences 2 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown + 3 All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and pern^anenl stabitrty bracing must be designed liy designer of complete slruclure CompuTrus assumes no responslbtlily for such bracii>g 4 No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasloners are complele and at no time should any loads greater liian design loads be applmd to any component 5 CompuTois has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabncation handling shipment and installation of components 6 Tills design is fumished subject to lhe limilalions set torth by TPtAAfTCA in BCSI copies of which will t>e furnished upon request CompuTrus, Inc Software 7 6 1(1L) E GENERAL fJOTES, unless otherwise noted \ Thts Iruss design is adequate for the design parameters shown Review and approval is tha responsibility ofthe building designer not the Iruss designer or truss engineer 2 Design assumes lhe top and bottom chords lo be laterally braced at 2 o c and at 10 o c respectively unless Draced throughout Iheir length by conlinuous sheatliing such as plywood shealhingfTC) and/or drywal!(BC) 3 2x Impact btidging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4 Installation of Iruss is the responsibility ot the respective contracior 5 Design assumes tmsses are lo be used in a rton corrosive environment and are for dry condrtion'of ose 6 Design assumes lull bearing at ad supports shown Shim or wedge i! necessary 7 Design assumes adequate drainage is provided 8 Plaies shall be located on both faces of truss and placed so Iheir cenler lines coincide with joint center lines 9 Digits Indicate size ol plate In inches J 0 Pot basic connaclor plale design values see ESR 2529 (CompuTnjs) and/orESR 1311 ESR 1988 (MiTek) IIIIII Itiilllil North County (Don) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC 2x4 DF tZ BC 2x4 DF #2 WEBS 2x4 DF STAND TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 OC UON BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'0C UON 15 04 00 TERMINAL HIP SETBACK LOAD DURATION INCREASE = TC UNIF LL( BC UNIF LLj 40 0)tDL( 0 0)tDL( LOADING 28 0)= 68 0 PLF 24 2 = 24 2 PLF OO FROM END WALL CBC2010/I8C2009 (Non Rep) 1- 2=( -12 16 2- 3= 3976 226 3 4=( 3665 170 0'- 0 0" TO 15'- 4 0' V 4-5= 3665 170 0' 0 0- TO IS' 4 0' V 5- 6= 3976 226 6- 7= 12 16 OVERHANGS 12 0' 12 0' Connector plate prefix designators C|CN,C18,Cl)18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = UiTsk UT series TC COIIC LL( 681 5)-tOL( 477 0)= 1158 5 LBS S BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOfl 10PSF LIVE LOAD TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON CONCURRENTLY BEARING LOCATIONS 0' 0 0" 15' 4 0' UAX VERT REACTIONS 47/ 1354V -47/ 1354V UAX MEMBER FORCES 2 8=( 214) 3799 8 6= 214) 3799 MAX HORZ REACTIONS 50/ SOU 50/ SOU BRG SIZE 3 50' 3 50 4W/G0F/Cq=1 00 3 8=( 284) 192 8 4= 0) 440 8 5=1 284) 192 REQUIRED BRG AREA SQ IN (SPECIES) 2 17 DF ( 625 2 17 DF ( 625) \ it /r ° VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS LLO240 , TL=L/1B0 MAX LL DEFL = 0 002' 1 ' 0 0" Allowed = 0 1O0" MAX TL OEFL = 0 002 ( r 0 0" AUowed = 0 133' MAX LL DEFL = 0 160' f 7' 8 0' Allowed -0 738' TL CREEP DEFL = 0 378 f 7' - 8 0' Allowed = 0 983' MAX LL DEFL = 0 002' f 16' - 4 0' Allowed = 0 100" MAX TL DEFL = 0 002' i 16' 4 0' Allowed = 0 133' MAX HORIZ LL OEFL = 0 042' 15' 0 5" 7-08 7-08 4-03-10 3-04-06 3-04-06 4-03-10 12 3 00 1 M-1X3 ,1158 50# MAX HORIZ TL DEFL = 0 08O" ? 15' 0 5" Design conforms to main windforce resisting system and components and cladding criteria Wind 90 mph, h=l5ft, TCDL=^8 4,BCOL=3 0, ASCE 7 05, Enclosed, Cat 2. Exp C, kWFflS, interior zone, load duration factor=1 6 iMax CSI. TCP.51 HC.n.96 Web.0.181 12 1 3 00 M-4X5 M-1X3 >—^ 7-08 7-08 1-00 15-04 1-00 JOB NAME GUGLIELMO Truss CTH DES BY BS DATE 5/27/2011 SEQ. 4850965 TRANS ID. 312025 Scale 0 4103 WARNINGS 1 Builder and erection contractor should be advised of atl General Notes and Warnings before construction commences 2 2x4 compression web braang must be installed where shown '^ 3 All lateral forco resisting elements such as temporary and permanent stability bracing must be designed by designer of complele structure CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing 4 No load should be applied to any component until atter all bracing and fasteners are connplete and al no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component 5 CompuTnjs tias no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication handling shipment and installation ot components 6 This design Is furflished subject to Ihe limitations set forlh by TPIAVTCA in BCSI copies of which will be furnished upon request CompuTrus, lnc Software 7 6 1(1L)-E GENERAL NOTES, unless Otherwise noted 1 Ttils Iruss design ts adequate tor the design parameters shown Review and approval Is Ihe responsibility ofthe building designer not the Iruss designer or tmss engineer 2 Design assumes the top and bottom chords lo be lalerafly braced at 2 0 c and at 10 o c respectively unless braced ihiouglioul their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathingfTC) and/or drywall(BC) 3 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + 4 tnslallallon of truss is the responsibilily oftho lespeclive contracior 5 Design assumes trusses aie to be used in a non corrosive environment and are for dry condition of use 6 Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown Shim or wedge if necessary 7 Design assumes adequate drainage is provided B Plaies shall be located on both faces ot truss and placed so Iheir cenler lines coincide wilh joint center lines g Digits indicate size of plate m inches 1D For basic connector plale design values see ESR 2529 (CompuTrus) and/orESR 1311 ESR 1938 (MiTek) North County (Don) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC 2x4 DF »2 BC 2x4 DF »2 WEBS 2x4 OF STAND TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'0C UON BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'0C UON OVERHANGS 12 0 0 0' Connector plate prefix designators C,CN,C18,CN16 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,H16 = MlTek MT series 15 01 00 STUB TERMINAL HIP SETBACK 7 08 00 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE 1 25 (Hon-Rep) TC UNIF LL( 40 0)tDL( BC UNIF LLj 0 0)tDL( LOADING 28 0)= 68 0 PLF 24 2)= 24 2 PLF 0 0' TO 0 0' TO 15'- 15'- CBC2010/IBC2009 1 2=( 12) 2 3= 3897 3 4 = 3581) 4 5= 3581 5 6=( 3786 224 MAX MEMBER FOBCES 16 2 7=( 215| 3723 228 7 6=( 211) 3599 172 172 4WR/GDF/Cq=1 00 3 7=( 289) 191 7 4=1 0 414 7 5=( 160) 224 TC CONC LL( 681 5)tDL( 477 0)= 1158 5 LBS » 7'- BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR lOPSF LIVE LOAD TOP ANO BOTTOM CHOBD LIVE LOADS ACT NON CONCURRENTLY BEARING LOCATIONS 0' 0 0' 15' 1 0- MAX VERT REACTIONS 47/ 1336V 37/ 1284V MAX HORZ REACTIONS 50/ 45H 50/ 45H BRG SIZE 3 50" 3 SO- REQUIRED BRG AREA SO IN (SPECIES) 2 14 DF ( 625 2 05 DF ( 625) \ Q -a VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS MAX LL DEFL = 0 002' S 1 MAX TL DEFL = 0 002' S 1' MAX LL DEFL = 0 148' 9 7' MAX TL CHEEP DEFL = -0 350' S 7' LL=L/240, TL=L/180 0 0' Allowed = 0 0 Allowed = 8 0' Allowed = - 8 0' Allowed = 0 100' 0 133' 0 725" 0 967' MAX HORIZ LL DEFL MAX HORIZ TL DEFL 0 040' e 14'- 0 076" 9 14' 9 5' 9 5" 7-08 7-05 Design conforms to main windforce resisting systen and components and cladding criteria Wind 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=8 4,BCOL=3 0, ASCE 7 05, Enclosed, Cat 2, Exp G, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1 6 max CSI. TC.0.50 SCO.96 Web.O.lTl 4-03-10 3-C4-06 12 3 00 I ^1158 50# 3-04-06 4-00-10 12 1 3 00 7-08 7-05 1-00 15-01 JOB NAME GUGLIELMO Truss: CTI DES BY BS DATE 5/27/2011 SEQ,: 4850966 TRANS ID. 312025 Scale 0 4205 WARMINGS 1 Builder and erection contractor should be advised at all General Notes and Warnings before constnjction commences 2 2x4 compression web bracing musl be Installed where shown * 3 All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent slabitlly bracing musl be designed by designer of complele structure CompuTnjs assumes no responsibility for such bracing 4 No load should be applied lo any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and al no lime should any loads greater than design toads be applied lo any component 5 CompuTrus has no conlrol over and assumes no responsibility far tht fabncation handling shipment and inslallallon of components 6 This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIAAH'CA in BCSI copies of which will be fumished upon request CompuTrus, lnc Software 7 6 1(1L)-E GENERAL NOTES unless otherwise noted 1 This truss design is adequate for Ihe design parameters shown Review and approval is the responsibility ofthe building designer not the truss designer or truss engineer 2 Design assumes the top and boiiom chords to be laterallv braced at 2 oc and at 10 oc respectively unless braced throughout their length by continuous shealhing such as plywood sheathingfTC} and/or drywall{BC) 3 2x Impact bndging or lateral bracing required where shown + * 4 Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respecfive contractor 5 Design assumes trusses are lo bo used In a non corrosive environment and are for dry condition of use 6 Design assumes full bearing al all supports shown Shim or wedge If necessary 7 Design assumes adequate drainage is provided 6 Plates shall be located on both faces ot tnjss and placed so their center lines coincide wilh joint center Imas 9 Digits indicate size of plale in inches 10 For basic conneclor plate design values see ESR 2529 (CompuTrus) and/orESR 1311 ESR 1988 (N^iTek) North County (Don) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC 2X4 OF 12 BC 2x4 DF #2 TC UTERAL SUPPORT <= 12'0C UON BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'0C UON Connector plate prefix designators C,CN,C18,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M1BHS,M16 = MlTek MT series 5 08 14 CORNER GIRDER SETBACK 4 00 11 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1 25 (Non Rep) CBC2010/IBC2009 Q KT LOADING TC UNIF LL( 57 4)+DL( 40 2)= 97 6 PLF 0' BC UNIF LL( 0 0)H-OL( 14 3)= 14 3 PLF 0' BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON CONCURRENTLY 5 07-02 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4m/GDF/Cq=1 00 1 2=(-12) 17 2 4=( 35) 13 2 3= 16) 31 0 0 0 0" BEARING LOCATIONS 0' 0 0' 5' 7 1' 5' 8 9' MAX VERT REACTIONS -122/ 224V 84/ 176V 0/ 81V MAX HORZ REACTIONS 35/ 12H 0/ OH 35/ 12H BRG SIZE 3 50' 3 50' 3 50' REOUIRED BRG AREA SQ IN (SPECIES) 0 3S OF ( 625) 0 28 DF 625 0 13 DF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS LL=L/240, TL=L/I80 MAX LL DEFL = 0 007' 9 -1' 5 0 Allowed = MAX TL DEFL = 0 007' g 1'- 5 0' Allowed = MAX TC PANEL LL OEFL = 0 054 @ 3'- 1 7' Allowed = MAX TC PANEL TL DEFL = 0 057' 5 3' 17' Allowed = 0 142' 0 189 0 234' 0 351' 0-01-12 1-{ 2 18 ' 12 MAX HORIZ MAX HORIZ LL OEFL = 0 000" TL DEFL = 0 000- 5'- 5'- 7 r 7 1" Design conforms to main windforce resisting system and components and cladding criteria Wind 90 itph, h=15ft, TCDL=8 4|BCDL=3 0, ASCE 7 Enclosed, Cat 2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1 6 05, iMax CSI. TCP.37 BCD.21 Web.O.OQl 12 • 1 06 1-05 5-08-14 JOB NAME GUGLIELMO Truss DC DD DES BY BS DATE 5/27/2011 SEO. 4850957 TRANS ID 312025 Scale 0 7336 WARMIMGS 1 Builder and erection contractor stiould be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences 2 2x4 compression web bracing must be mstalled where shown + 3 All laleral force resislmg elemenis such as temporary and permanent slabiMy bracing ntust tie designed by designer of complete structure CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such biacing 4 No load stiould be applied to any con^poncnt until alter all bracing and fasteners are complete and al no time sttould any loads greater ttiati design toads be applied to any component 5 CompuTnjs has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication handling shipment and Installotion ot components B This design is turnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIAVTCA in BCSI copies of which will be fuiiiished upon request CompuTrus, Inc Software 7 6 1(1L)-Z GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted 1 This truss design IS adequate for the design parameters shown Review and appravat is the responsibility ot ttte building designer not ttie truss designer or truss engineer 2 Design assumes the top and bottom chonis to be laterally braced at 2 o c and al 10 o c respectively unless biBced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheethiiigCTC) and/or diywal!(BC) 3 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required whore shown + + 4 InstallBlion ol Iruss is the responsibihty of Ihe respective contracior 5 Des^h assumes trusses are to bo used In a non corrosive environment and are for "dry condition of use 6 Design assumes full bearing al all supports shown Shim or wedge if necessary 7 Design assumes adequate drainage is provided 6 Plaies shall be localed on both faces of Iruss and placed so their center lines coincide with jolnl center lines 9 Digits Indicate slza of plate in inches 10 Por basic connector plate design values see ESR 2529 (CompuTnjs) and/orESR 1311 ESR 1988 {f/lTek) North County (Don) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC 2x4 DF #2 BC 2x4 DF »2 nm 2X4 DF STAND TC UTERAL SUPPORT <= 12'0C UON BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 OC UON OVERHANGS 12 0' Connector plate prefix designators C,CN,C18,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MlTek MT series Inc TRUSS SPAN 9' 0 0 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = I 25 SPACED 24 O' 0 C LOADING LL( 20 0)tOLI 14 0) ON TOP CHORD = 34 0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD ' 5 0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 39 0 PSF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON CONCURRENTLY BEARING LOCATIONS 0' 0 0' 9' 0 0' CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/G0F/Cq=1 00 1 2=( 12) 16 2 6=(-369) 1110 6 3=( 65) 331 2 3= 1177 401 6 4=(-369j 1110 3 4= 1177 401 4 5= 12 16 IIAX VERT REACTIONS 32/ 419V 32/ 419V MAX HOBZ REACTIONS 34/ 34H 34/ 34H BRS SIZE 3 50" 3 50" REQUIRED BRG AREA SQ IN (SPECIES) 0 67 DF ( 625 0 67 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS LL=L/240, TL=L/180 IIAX LL DEFL = 0 002' e 1' 0 0 Ailowed = 0 100' MX TL DEFL -0 002' 13 1'-0 0' Allowed 0 133 MAX LL DEFL = 0 058' g 4' 6 0' Allowed 0 421" MAX TL CREEP DEFL -0 119' 9 4' 6 0" Allowed ; 0 561' MAX LL DEFL 0 002' e 10' 0 0" Allowed = 0 100' MAX TL DEFL = 0 002 ? 10'-0 0" Allowed = 0 133" I -I 4-06 4-06 MAX HORIZ MAX HOflIZ LL DEFL TL OEFL -0 023" 0 038" 8 5" 8 5' 12 3.001 13.00 Design conforms to main windforce-resisting system and components and cladding criteria Wind 90 Bph, h=15ft, TCDL=8 4,BCDL=3 0, ASCE 7 05, Enclosed, Cat 2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1 6 IMax CSI. TCP.30 BCD.26 Weh.0.13l 1-00 > ^ 4-06 4-06 1-00 9-00 1-00 4 > 1-00 JOB NAME GUGLIELMO Truss: DS DES BY BS DATE 5/27/2011 SEQ.. 4850968 TRANS ID- 312025 Scale 0 5692 WARNINGS 1 Builder and erection contractor should be advised ot all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences 2 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown * 3 All lateral foire resisting elements such as temporary and pennanent stability bracing musl be designed by designer of complete structure CompuTrus assumes ro respons/biWy tor sudi bracing 4 No load should be applied to any component until afler all bracing and fasteners are compiete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component 5 CompuTrus has no conlrol over and assumes no responsibility tor lha fabrication handling shipment and installation of components 6 This design is fumished subject lo the limitations set fodh by TPl/WTGA in BCSI copies of which will be furnished upon request CompuTrus, Inc Software 7 6 1(1L)-E GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted 1 This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown Review and approval is the responsibility of tha building designer rot the truss designer or truss engineer 2 Design assumes the top and bottonn chords to be laterally braced at 2 o c and at 10 o c respeclively unless braced throughout their length by continuous shealhing such as plywood shealtiingfTC) and/or dfywall(BC) 3 2x finpacf bridging or faferaf brsctng required where shown * + 4 Installation of truss is tfie responsibility ofthe respective contractor 5 Design assumes trusses are lo be used in a non corrosive environment and are for dry condition of use 5 Design assumes full btaririo at all supports shown Shim or wedge if necessary 7 Design assumes adequate drainage is provided 8 Plates shaB be localed on both faces of iruss and placed so Iheir center lines comcide with joint cenler lines 9 Digits indicate size of plale in incties 10 For basic connector plale design values see ESR 2529 (CompuTms) and/or ESR-ni1 ESR 1988 (MiTelt) North County (Don) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC 2x4 DF 112 BC 2X4 DF #2 «EflS 2x6 DF 12 TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 OC UON BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'0C UON OVERHANGS 12 0' 12 0' Connector plate prefix designators C,CN,C18,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,H16 = MlTek MT series 9 00 00 TERMINAL HIP SETBACK 4 06 00 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1 25 (Non Rep) TC UNIF LL( BC UNIF LL 40 0)tDL( 0 OjtOLj LOADING 23 0)= 68 0 PLF 16 2)= 16 2 PLF 0 0" TO 0 0" TO 9'- CBC2010/IBC2O09 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4yVR/GDF/Cq=l 00 1 2=( -12) 15 2 6-( 142) 2416 6 3=(0) 666 2 3=( 2519) 149 6 4=i 142 2416 3 4= 2519 149 4 5= -12 16 TC CONC LL( 210 0)*-DL( 147 0)= 357 0 LBS 9 4'- 6 0" BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON CONCURRENTLY BEARING LOCATIONS 0'- 0 0' 9'- 0 0' MAX VERT REACTIONS 39/ 626V 39/ 626V MAX HORZ REACTIONS 34/ 34H 34/ 34H SRG SIZE 3 50' 3 50' REQUIRED BRG AREA SO IN (SPECIES) 1 00 OF ( 625 1 00 DF ( 625) 1 -J VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS LL=L/240, TL=L/180 Alloweti = Allowed = AUowed = AUowed = Allowed = Allowed = MAX LL OEFL = 0 002 » 1'-0 0" MAX TL DEFL = 0 002' 9 1 '-0 0 MAX LL OEFL = 0 111' 9 4'-6 0' MAX TL CREEP OEFL 0 257' 9 4'-6 0" MAX LL DEFL = 0 002' ? 10'-0 0" MAX TL DEFL = 0 002' e 10'-0 0' 100" 133 421' 561 ' 100' 133" 4-06 4-06 MAX HORIZ LL DEFL = 0 043" ? MAX HORIZ TL DEFL = 0 082" ? 8 5' 8 5' 12 3 00 I 12 I 357# 3 3 00 ff Design conforms to main windforce-resisting system and components and cladding criteria 90 uph, h=15ft, TCDL=8 4,BCDL=3 0, ASCE 7 05, Enclosed, Cat 2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1 6 iMax CSI. TCP.42 BCD.51 Web.0.09l '1 50 1 50"= 1-00 > ^- 4-06 4-06 1-00 -4 J- 1-00 9-00 1-00 JOB NAME GUGLIELMO Truss" DSH DSI DES BY' BS DATE 5/27/2011 SEQ.' 4850969 TRANS ID: 312025 Scale 0 5692 WARNINGS 1 Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General I^Jotes and Warnings before construction commences 2 2x4 compression web brectng must be installed where shown 3 Ali lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent Stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete slruclure CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing 4 No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complele and al no lime should any loads grealertfian design loads be applied lo any component 5 CompuTius tias no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabncation handling shipment and installation of components 6 This design is fumished subject lo (he limitations sel lodli by TPI/WTCA in BCSI copies of which will be furnished upon request CompuTrus, Inc Software 7 6 1(1L)-E GENERAL NOTES unless otherwise noted 1 This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown Review snd approval is Ihe responsibility of the buiiding designer not the Iruss designer or truss engineer 2 Design assumes the top and bottom chords lo be laloraily braced si 2 oc and alio oc respectively unless biaced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood shealhing{TC) and/or drywall(BC) 3 2x Impact bddging or lateral bracing required where shown * 4 Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor 5 Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non corrosive environment and are for dry condition" of use 6 Design assumes full beanng at ali supports shown Shim or wedge if necessary 7 Design assumes adequate drainage is provided 8 Plates shall be located on botti faces of truss and placed so Ihcir center lines coincide with joint centeriines Q Digits indicate size of plale in inches 10 For basic connector plale design values sec ESR 2529 (CompuTrus) and/orESR 1311 ESR 1988 (MiTelt) CampuTrus lnc RAFTER SPAN CHARTS - 2006 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1 25 SPACING = 24 OC. Custom Software Engineering Manufactunng END VERTICAL MAY BE OMITTED IF TOP CHORD IS ADEQUATELYSUPPORTED I NT /VJD LUMBER GR,«OES NOTE CONNECTOR PLATES SIZED FOR HANDLING ONLY AND MAYBE REPLACED WITH EQUAL FASTENER DEFLECTION CRITERIA (MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE) SLOPE < 4 12 = U240 LVELOAD SLOPE >= 4 12 = U180 LIVE LOAD IF DL >= 5 LL (ALL SLOPES) = L/180 TOTAL LOAD CEILING JOIST = U240 LIVE LOAD FILE Rafter/EndJack Chart NO DATE 07/01/09 REF 25-1 RAFTER SLOPE <=4/12 RAFTER SLOPE >= 4-7/12 RAFTER SLOPE >= 7-12/12 TCLL (PSF) 20 20 16 16 16 16 TC DL (PSF) 8 15 7 14 7 14 TOTAL (PSF) 28 35 23 30 23 30 SIZE GRADE SPECIE 2x4 SS DF 9-7-8 9-2-0 10-0-8 9-4-8 9-4-0 8-8-8 2x4 #1&BTR DF 9-5-8 8-9-0 9-10-8 9-2-8 9-2-0 8-7-0 2x4 #1 DF 9-1-8 8-2-8 9-8-8 8-9-0 8-11-8 8-5-0 2x4 #2 DF 8-7-0 7-8-0 9-4-0 8-3-0 8-10-8 8-2-0 2x4 CONST DF 7-6-0 6-9-0 8-2-8 7-3-0 8-2-0 7-2-0 2x4 STUD DF 6-6-0 5-10-0 7-2-0 6-3-8 7-1-0 6-3-0 2x4 STAND DF 5-7-8 5-1-0 6-2-8 5-4-8 6-2-0 5-5-0 2x4 SS HF 9-1-8 8-8-8 9-6-0 8-10-8 8-10-8 8-3-0 2x4 #1&BTR HF 8-11-0 6-4-8 9-4-0 8-8-8 8-8-0 8-1-0 2x4 #1 HF 8-11-0 8-0-0 9-4-0 8-6-8 8-8-0 8-1-0 2x4 #2 HF 8-5-0 7-7-0 8-11-0 8-1-8 8-3-8 7-9-0 2x4 CONST HF 7^-8 6-7-8 8-1-8 7-2-0 8-0-8 7-1-0 2x4 STUD HF 6-6-8 5-10-0 7-1-8 6-3-8 7-0-8 6-2-8 2x4 STAND HF 5-8-0 5-1-0 6-2-8 5-5-8 6-1-6 5-5-8 2x4 2400F MSR 9-9-8 9^-0 10-2-8 9-6-0 9-6-0 8-10-8 2x4 2100F MSR 9-5-8 9-0-0 9-10-8 9-2-8 9-2-0 8-7-0 2x4 1950F MSR 9-3-8 8-10-8 9-8-8 9-0-8 9-0-8 8-5-0 2x4 1800F MSR 9-1-8 8-8-8 9-6-0 8-10-8 8-10-8 8-3-0 2x4 1650F MSR 8-11-0 8-6-8 9-4-0 8-8-8 8-8-0 B-1-0 2x4 1450F MSR 8-6-8 8-0-8 8-11-0 8-4-0 8-3-8 7-9-0 2x6 SS DF 14-8-8 14-0-0 15^-0 14-3-8 14-3-8 13-3-8 2x6 #1&BTR DF 14-2-0 12-8-8 16-1-0 13-7-8 14-0-8 13-0-8 2x6 #1 DF 13-3-0 11-10-0 14-5-8 12-8-8 13-10-0 12-7-8 2x6 #2 DF 12-4-8 11-1-8 13-6-8 11-11-0 13-6-0 11-10-0 2x6 STUD DF 9-7-0 8-7-8 10-6-8 9-3-8 10-5-8 9-2-8 2x6 SS HF 13-11-0 13-3-0 14-6-0 13-6-0 13-6-0 12-7-0 2x6 #1&BTR HF 13-6-0 12-2-0 14-2-8 13-0-8 13-2-8 12-3-8 2x6 #1 HF 12-11-0 11-6-8 14-1-8 12-5-0 13-2-8 12-3-8 2x6 #2 HF ^Z-2-8 10-11-0 13-4-0 11-9-0 12-7-8 11-7-8 2x6 STUD HF 9-7-0 8-7-0 10-6-0 9-3-0 10-5-0 9-2-0 2x6 2400F MSR 14-11-0 14-2-8 15-7-0 14-6-0 14-7-0 13-6-0 2x6 2100F MSR 14-5-8 13-9-0 15-1-0 14-0-8 14-0-8 13-0-8 2x6 1950F MSR 14-2-0 13-6-0 14-9-8 13-9-8 13-10-0 12-9-8 2x6 1800F MSR 13-11-0 13-3-0 14-6-0 13-6-0 13-6-0 12-7-0 2x6 1650F MSR 13-7-8 12-11-8 14-2-8 13-3-0 13-2-8 12-3-8 2x6 1450F MSR 13-0-0 12-4-8 13-7-0 12-8-0 12-7-8 11-9-0 EAST COUNTY SOIL CONSULTATION AND ENGINEERING, INC. 10925 HARTLEY ROAD SUITE I SANTEE CALIFORNIA 92071 619 258-7901 fax 619 258-7902 B A Worthing, Inc PO Box 1041 Carlsbad, California 92018 November 4, 2011 Project No 11-1106E7(2) Attention Mr Brooks A Worthing Subject Foundation Plan and Details Review Proposed Single-Family Residence (Guglielmo Residence) Juniper Avenue, APN 204-232-06 Carlsbad, California 92008 Reference "Limited Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Single-Family Residence (Guglielmo Residence), Juniper Avenue, APN 204-232-06, Carlsbad, California 92008", Project No 11-1106E7(2), Prepared by East County Soil Consultation and Engineering, Inc , Dated June 17,2011 Dear Mr Worthing In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the foundation plan and details prepared by Brooks Design of Carlsbad, California for the proposed single-family residence at the subject site The foundation plan and details were found to be in substantial conformance with the recommendations provided in the referenced geotechnical report Our firm should observe the foundation excavations for proper size and embedment into competent bearing soils If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office Respectfully Mamadou Saliou Diallo, P E RCE 54071, GE 2704 MSD\md EAST COUNTY SOIL CONSULTATION AND ENGINEERING, INC. 10925 HARTLEY ROAD, SUITE "I" SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 (619) 258-7901 Fax 258-7902 B A Worthing, Inc June 17, 2011 PO Box 1041 Project No 11-1106E7(2) Carlsbad, California 92018 Subject Limited Geotechnical Investigation Proposed Single-Family Residence (Guglielmo Residence) Juniper Avenue, APN 204-232-06 Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr Worthing In accordance with your request, we have performed a limited geotechnical investigation at the subject site to discuss the geotechnical aspects of the project and provide recommendations for the proposed development Our investigation has found that the proposed building pad is underlain by an 18-mch layer of topsoil and dense terrace deposits to the explored depth of 12 feet It is our opinion that the development of the proposed residence is geotechnically feasible provided the recommendations herein are implemented in the design and construction Should you have any questions with regard to the contents of this report, please do not hesitate to contact our office Respectfully submitted, Mamadou Saliou Diallo, P E RCE 54071, GE 2704 MSD\md BA WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO II-II06E7(2) TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 SCOPE OF SERVICES 3 SITE DESCRIPTION AND PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 3 FIELD INVESTIGATION AND LABORATORY TESTING . 4 GEOLOGY . ... 4 Geologic Setting 4 Site Stratigraphy 4 SEISMICITY . 5 Regional Seismicity 5 Seismic Analysis 5 2010 CBC Seismic Design Criteria . 5 Geologic Hazard Assessment 6 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION 6 Compressible Soils 7 Expansive Soils 7 Groundwater 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . 7 GRADING AND EARTHWORK 7 Clearing and Grubbing 8 Structural Improvement of Soils . . , 8 Transitions Between Cut and Fill 8 Method and Cntena of Compaction 9 Erosion Control 9 Standard Grading Guidelines 9 FOUNDATIONS AND SLABS 9 SETTLEMENT 10 PRESATURATION OF SLAB SUBGRADE 10 RETAINING WALLS 10 TEMPORARY SLOPES \ \ TRENCH BACKFILL 11 DRAINAGE 11 FOUNDATION PLAN REVIEW 12 LIMITATIONS OF INVESTIGATION 12 ADDITIONAL SERVICES 13 PLATES Plate 1- Location of Exploratoty Boreholes Plate 2 - Summary Sheet (Exploration Borehole Logs) Plate 3 - USCS Soil Classification Chart PAGE L-l, LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 15 REFERENCES 16 BA WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO 1I-1106E7(2) INTRODUCTION This IS to present the findings and conclusions of a limited geotechnical investigation for a proposed two-story, single-family residence over a basement garage to be located on the north side of Jumper Avenue, m the City of Carlsbad, California The objectives of the investigation were to evaluate the existmg soils conditions and provide recommendations for the proposed development SCOPE OF SERVICES The following services were provided during this investigation O Site reconnaissance and review of published geologic, seismological and geotechnical reports and maps pertinent to the project area O Subsurface exploration consisting of three (3) boreholes within the limits of the proposed area of development The boreholes were logged by our Staff Geologist O Collection of representative soil samples at selected depths The obtained samples were sealed in moisture-resistant containers and transported to the laboratory for subsequent analysis O Laboratory testing of samples representative of the types of soils encountered during the field investigation O Geologic and engineenng analysis of the field and laboratory data, which provided the basis for our conclusions and recommendations O Production of this report, which summanzes the results of the above analysis and presents our findings and recommendations for the proposed development SITE DESCRIPTION AND PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The subject site is a rectangular-shaped residential lot located on the north side of Juniper Avenue, m the City of Carlsbad, California The property, which encompasses an area of approximately 6,300 square feet, is vacant and relatively level with general drainage to the southwest Vegetation consisted of trees and grass Site boundaries include Juniper Avenue to the south and residential parcels to the remaining directions The architectural drawings prepared by Brooks Design of Carlsbad, California indicate that the proposed construction will include a 2-story single-family residence over a basement garage The structure will be wood-framed and founded on continuous footings with raised-wood and slab-on- grade floors BA WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO 11-1I06E7(2) FIELD INVESTIGATION AND LABORATORY TESTING On June 1, 2011, three (3) boreholes were excavated to a maximum depth of approximately 12 feet below existing grade with a hand auger The approximate locations of the boreholes are shown on the attached Plate No 1, entitled "Location of Exploratory Boreholes" A continuous log ofthe soils encountered was recorded at the time of excavation and is shown on Plate No 2 entitled "Summary Sheet" The soils were visually and texturally classified according to the filed identification procedures set forth on Plate No 3 entitled "USCS Soil Classification" Following the field exploration, laboratory testing was performed to evaluate the pertinent engineermg properties of the foundation materials The laboratory-testing program mcluded moisture and density, maximum dry density and optimum moisture content, particle size analysis and expansion index tests These tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM standards and other accepted methods Page L-l and Plate No 2 provide a summary of the laboratory test results GEOLOGY Geologic Setting The subject site is located within the southem portion of what is known as the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province of California The geologic map pertaimng to the area indicates that the site is underlain by Pleistocene manne terrace deposits (Qt) Site Stratigraphy The subsurface descriptions provided are interpreted from conditions exposed dunng the field investigation and/or inferred from the geologic literature Detailed descnptions of the subsurface matenals encountered dunng the field investigation are presented on the exploration logs provided on Plate No 2 The following paragraphs provide general descnptions of the encountered soil types Topsoil Topsoil IS the surficial soil material that mantles the ground, usually containing roots and other organic matenals, which supports vegetation Topsoil was observed in all boreholes with a thickness of approximately 18 inches It consisted of dark brown, silty sand that was damp to moist, loose and porous in consistency with some organics (roots and rootlets) Marine Terrace Deposits f Qt) Manne terrace deposits were observed below the topsoil layer They generally consisted of reddish brown, silty sand that was moist and medium dense to dense in consistency BA WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO II-II06E7(2) SEISMICITY Regional Seismicity Generally, Seismicity within California can be attributed to the regional tectonic movement taking place along the San Andreas Fault Zone, which includes the San Andreas Fault and most parallel and subparallel faults within the state The portion of southem California where the subject site is located is considered seismically active Seismic hazards are attnbuted to groundshaking from earthquake events along nearby or more distant Quatemary faults The primary factors in evaluating the effect an earthquake has on a site are the magnitude of the event, the distance from the epicenter to the site and the near surface soil profile According to the Fault-Rupture Hazard Zones Act of 1994 (revised Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zones Act), quatemary faults have been classified as "active" faults, which show apparent surface mpture during the last 11,000 years (i e , Holocene time) "Potentially-active" faults are those fauUs with evidence of displacing Quatemary sediments between 11,000 to 16,000 years old Seismic Analysis Based on our evaluation, the closest known "active" fault is the Rose Canyon Fault located approximately 4 4 miles (7 falometers) to the west The Rose Canyon Fault is the design fault of the project due to the predicted credible fault magnitude and ground acceleration The Seismicity of the site was evaluated utilizing deterministic methods (Eqseach/ Eqfault ver 3 0, Blake, 2008) for active Quatemary faults withm the regional vicinity The site may be subjected to a Maximum Probable Earthquake of 6 9 Magnitude along the Rose Canyon fault, with a conesponding Peak Ground Acceleration of 0 47g The maximum Probable Earthquake is defined as the maximum earthquake that is considered likely to occur within a 100-year time period The effective ground acceleration at the site is associated with the part of significant ground motion, which contains repetitive strong-energy shaking, and which may produce stmctural deformation As such, the effective or "free field" ground acceleration is refened to as the Repeatable High Ground Acceleration (RHGA) It has been determined by Ploessel and Slosson (1974) that the RHGA is approximately equal to 65 percent of the Peak Ground Acceleration for earthquakes occurring withm 20 miles of a site Based on the above, the calculated Credible RHGA at the site is 0 30g 2010 CBC Seismic Design Criteria A review of the active fault maps pertaining to the site indicates the existence of the Rose Canyon Fault Zone approximately 7 km to the west Ground shaking from this fault or one of the major active faults in the region is the most likely happening to affect the site With respect to this hazard, the site is comparable to others in the general area The proposed residential structure should be designed in accordance with seismic design requirements of the 2010 Califomia Building Code or the Stmctural Engineers Association of California using the following seismic design parameters BA WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO 1I-1I06E7(2) PARAMETER VALUE 2010 CBC REFERENCE Site Class D Table 1613 5 2 Mapped Spectral Acceleration For Short Penods, Ss 1 339 Figure 1613 5(3) Mapped Spectral Acceleration For a 1-Second Period, Si 0 502 Figure 1613 5(4) Site Coefficient, Fa 1 0 Table 1613 5 3(1) Site Coefficient, Fv 1 5 Table 1613 5 3(2) Geologic Hazard Assessment Ground Rupture Ground mpture due to active faulting is not considered likely due to the absence of known fault traces within the vicinity of the project, however, this possibility cannot be completely mled out The unlikely hazard of ground mpture should not preclude consideration of "flexible" design for on-site utility lines and connections Liquefaction Liquefaction involves the substantial loss of shear strength in saturated soils, usually sandy soils with a loose consistency when subjected to earthquake shaking Based on the absence of shallow groundwater and consistency of the underlying tenace deposits, it is our opinion that the potential for liquefaction is low Landsliding There is no indication that landslides or unstable slope conditions exist on or adjacent to the project site There are no obvious geologic hazards related to landsliding to the proposed development or adjacent properties Tsunamis and Seiches The site is not subject to inundation by tsunamis due to its elevation The site is also not subject to seiches (waves in confined bodies of water) GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Based on our investigation and evaluation of the collected information, we conclude that the proposed constmction is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint provided the recommendations provided herein will be properly implemented dunng stmctural development In order to provide a unifonn support for the proposed stmcture, footings should be excavated into properly compacted fill soils or extended to the dense tenace deposits The new foundations may consist of reinforced continuous and/ or spread footmgs with the proposed raised-wood and slab-on- BA WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO II-1I06E7(2) grade floors Recommendations and cntena for foundation design are provided in the Foundation and Slab recommendations section of this report Compressible Soils Our field observations and testing indicate low compressibility within the tenace deposits, which underlie the site However, loose topsoil was typically encountered to a depth of approximately 18 inches below surface grades These soils are compressible Due to the potential for soil compression upon loading, remedial grading of these loose soils, including overexcavation and recompaction will be required unless footings are extended to the dense tenace deposits Following implementation of the earthwork recommendations presented herein, the potential for soil compression resulting from the new development has been estimated to be low The low-settlement assessment assumes a well-planned and maintained site drainage system Recommendations regarding mitigation by earthwork constmction are presented in the Grading and Earthwork recommendations section of this report Expansive Soils An expansion index test was performed on a representative sample of the formational soils to determine volumetric change characteristics with change in moisture content An expansion index of 0 was obtained which indicates a very low expansion potential for the foundation soils Groundwater Static groundwater was not encountered to the depths of the boreholes The subject site is located at an elevation of approximately 50 feet above Mean Sea Level We do not expect groundwater to affect the proposed constmction Recommendations to prevent or mitigate the effects of poor surface drainage are presented in the Drainage section of this report CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following conclusions and recommendations are based upon the analysis of the data and information obtained from our soil investigation This includes site reconnaissance, field investigation, laboratory testing and our general knowledge of the soils native to the site The site is suitable for the proposed residential development provided the recommendations set forth are implemented during construction GRADING AND EARTHWORK Based upon the proposed constmction and the information obtained during the field invesfigation, we anticipate that the proposed stmcture will be founded on contmuous and/ or spread footings, which are supported by properly compacted fill or dense sandstone of the Tenace Deposits Formation The following grading and earthwork recommendations are based upon the limited geotechnical investigation performed, and should be verified dunng constmction by our field representative BA WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO I1-1I06E7(2) Clearing and Grubbing All areas to be graded or to receive fill and/or stmctures should be cleared of vegetation Vegetation and the debns from the cleanng operation should be properly disposed of off-site The area should be thoroughly inspected for any possible buned objects, which need to be rerouted or removed prior to the inception of, or dunng grading All holes, trenches, or pockets left by the removal of these objects should be properly backfilled with compacted fill materials as recommended in the Method and Criteria of Compaction section of this report Structural Improvement of Soils Information obtained from our field and laboratory analysis indicates that loose topsoil covers the buildmg pad to a depth of approximately 18 inches below existing grade These surficial soils are susceptible to settlement upon loading Based upon the soil characteristics, we recommend the following * All topsoil and other loose natural soils should be completely removed from areas, which are planned to receive compacted fills and/or stmctural improvements The bottom ofthe removal area should expose competent materials as approved by ECSC&E geotechnical representative Prior to the placement of new fill, the bottom of the removal area should be scarified a mimmum depth of 6 inches, moisture-conditioned within 2 percent above the optimum moisture content, and then recompacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (ASTM D1557 test method) * Overexcavation should be completed for the stmctural building pads to a minimum depth of 3 feet below finish pad grades The limit of the required areas of overexcavation should be extended a minimum of 5 feet laterally beyond the perimeter footing (building footprint) * Soils utilized as fill should be moisture-conditioned and recompacted in conformance with the following Method and Cnteria of Compaction section of this report The depth and extent of any overexcavation and recompaction should be evaluated in the field by a representative of ECSC&E * An alternative to the overexcavation and recompaction of subgrade is to extend the footings to the dense tenace deposits Foundation excavations should be observed by a representative of this firm to verify competent bearing soils Transitions Between Cut and Fill The proposed stmcture is anticipated to be founded in either properly compacted fill or dense tenace deposits Cut to fill transitions below the proposed stmcture should be completely eliminated dunng the earthwork constmction as required in the previous section BA WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO 1I-1I06E7(2) Method and Criteria of Compaction Compacted fills should consist of approved soil matenal, free of trash debns, roots, vegetation or other deletenous materials Fill soils should be compacted by suitable compaction equipment in uniform loose lifts of 6 to 8 inches Unless otherwise specified, all soils subjected to recompaction should be moisture-conditioned within 2 percent over the optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction per ASTM test method Dl 557 The on-site granular and non-expansive soils, after being processed to delete the aforementioned deleterious materials, may be used for recompaction purposes Should any importation of fill be planned, the intended import source(s) should be evaluated and approved by ECSCE prior to delivery to the site Care should be taken to ensure that these soils are not detrimentally expansive Erosion Control Due to the granular characteristics of the on-site soils, areas of recent grading or exposed ground may be subject to erosion Dunng constmction, surface water should be controlled via berms, gravel/ sandbags, silt fences, straw wattles, siltation basins, positive surface grades or other method to avoid damage to the finish work or adjoimng properties All site entrances and exits must have coarse gravel or steel shaker plates to minimize offsite sediment tracking Best Management Practices (BMPs) must be used to protect storm drains and minimize pollution The contractor should take measures to prevent erosion of graded areas until such time as permanent drainage and erosion control measures have been installed After completion of grading, all excavated surfaces should exhibit positive drainage and eliminate areas where water might pond Standard Grading Guidelines Grading and earthwork should be conducted m accordance with the standard-of-practice methods for this local, the guidelines of the cunent edition of the Uniform Building Code, and the requirements of the junsdictional agency Where the information provided in the geotechnical report differs from the Standard Grading Guidelines, the requirements outlined in the report shall govem FOUNDATIONS AND SLABS a Continuous and spread footmgs are suitable for use and should extend to a minimum depth of 24 inches below the lowest adjacent grade for the proposed two-story stmcture over a basement garage An embedment depth of 18 inches will be required for the non-basement portion of the building Continuous footings should be at least 18 and 15 inches in width respectively and reinforced with four #4 steel bars, two bars placed near the top of the footings and the other two bars placed near the bottom of the foofings Isolated or spread footings should have a minimum width of 24 inches Their reinforcement should consist of a minimum of #4 bars spaced 12 inches on center (each way) and placed horizontally near the bottom The minimum reinforcement recommended is based on geotechnical considerations and is not intended to supercede the structural engineer requirements BA WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO ll-n06E7(2) h. The garage floor slab should be a minimum 5 inches thick Reinforcement should consist of #3 bars placed at 16 inches on center each way within the middle third of the slab by supporting the steel on chairs or concrete blocks "dobies" The slab should be underlain by 2 inches of clean sand over a 10-mil visqueen moisture banier The effect of concrete shrinkage will result in cracks in virtually all-concrete slabs To reduce the extent of shnnkage, the concrete should be placed at a maximum of 4-inch slump The minimum steel recommended is not intended to prevent shrinkage cracks c. Where moisture sensitive floor coverings are anticipated over the slab, the 10-mil plastic moisture barrier should be underlain by a capillary break at least 2 inches thick, consisting of coarse sand, gravel or crushed rock not exceeding 3/4 inch in size with no more than 5 percent passing the #200 sieve d. An allowable soil bearing value of 2,000 pounds per square foot may be used for the design of continuous and spread footings at least 12 inches wide and founded a minimum of 12 inches into the dense tenace deposits as set forth in the 2010 Califomia Building Code, Table 1804 2 This value may be increased by 400 psf for each additional foot of depth or width to a maximum value of 4,000 lb/ft2 e. Lateral resistance to horizontal movement may be provided by the soil passive pressure and the fnction of concrete to soil An allowable passive pressure of 250 pounds per square foot per foot of depth may be used A coefficient of friction of 0 35 is recommended The soils passive pressure as well as the bearing value may be increased by 1/3 for wind and seismic loading SETTLEMENT Settlement of compacted fill soils is normal and should be anficipated Because of the type and minor thickness of the fill soils anticipated under the proposed footings and the light building loads, total and differential settlements should be withm acceptable limits PRESATURATION OF SLAB SUBGRADE Because of the granular characteristics of the existing soils, presoaking of the subgrade pnor to concrete pour is not required However, subgrade soils in areas receiving concrete should be watered prior to concrete placement to mitigate any drying shrinkage, which may occur followmg site grading RETAINING WALLS Canfilevered retaining walls should be designed for an "active" lateral earth pressure of 35 psf/ft (35 pcf EFP) for approved granular backfill and level backfill conditions Where cantilevered walls support 2 I (hor vert) sloping backfill, the equivalent active fluid pressure should be increased to 45pcf Canfilever walls subject to uniform surcharge loads should be designed for an additional unifonn lateral pressure equal to one-third (1/3) the anticipated surcharge pressure 10 BA WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO II-II06E7(2) Restrained walls such as basement walls should be designed utilizing an "at-rest" earth pressure of 60 psf ft (60 pcf EFP) for approved granular and level backfill Restrained walls subject to uniform surcharge loads should be designed for an additional uniform lateral pressure equal to one-half (1/2) the anticipated surcharge Retaimng walls that are to be located near the top of slopes should be designed to allow a minimum daylight distance of 7 feet laterally from the outside edge of the footing to the slope face Soil design criteria, such as bearing capacity, passive earth pressure and sliding resistance as recommended under the Foundation and Slab Recommendations section, may be incorporated into the retaining wall design Footings should be reinforced as recommended by the stmctural engineer and appropnate back drainage provided to avoid excessive hydrostatic wall pressures As a minimum we recommend a fabnc-wrapped cmshed rock and perforated pipe system At least 2 cubic feet per linear foot of free- drainage cmshed rock should be provided The remaining wall backfill should consist of approved granular material This fill material should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent as determined by ASTM D-1557 test method Flooding or jetting of backfill should not be permitted Granular backfill should be capped with 18 inches (minimum) of relatively impervious fill to seal the backfill and prevent saturation It should be noted that the use of heavy compaction equipment in close proximity to retaining structures can result m wall pressures exceeding design values and conesponding wall movement greater than that associated with active or at-rest conditions In this regard, the contractor should take appropriate precautions during the backfill placement TEMPORARY SLOPES For the excavation of foundations and utility trenches, temporary vertical cuts to a maximum height of 4 feet may be constmcted in fill or natural soil Any temporary cuts beyond the above height constraints should be shored or further laid back following a 1 1 (horizontal to vertical) slope ratio OSHA guidelines for trench excavation safety should be implemented dunng constmction TRENCH BACKFILL Excavations for utility lines, which extend under structural areas should be properly backfilled and compacted Utilities should be bedded and backfilled with clean sand or approved granular soil to a depth of at least one foot over the pipe This backfill should be uniformly watered and compacted to a firm condition for pipe support The remainder of the backfill should be on-site soils or non-expansive imported soils, which should be placed in thin lifts, moisture-conditioned and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction DRAINAGE Adequate measures should be undertaken to properly finish grade the site after the structure and other improvements are in place, such that the drainage water within the site and adjacent 11 BA WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/ JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO II-1I06E7(2) properties is directed away from the foundations, footings, floor slabs and the tops of slopes via rain gutters, downspouts, surface swales and subsurface drains towards the natural drainage for this area A minimum gradient of 1 percent is recommended in hardscape areas For earth areas, a minimum gradient of 5 percent away from the structure for a distance of at least 5 feet should be provided Earth swales should have a mimmum gradient of 2 percent Drainage should be directed to approved drainage facilities. Proper surface and subsurface drainage will be required to minimize the potential of water seeking the level of the beanng soils under the foundations, footings and floor slabs, which may otherwise resuh in undermining and differential settlement of the structure and other improvements FOUNDATION PLAN REVIEW Our firm should review the foundation plans dunng the design phase to assure conformance with the intent of this report During constmction, foundation excavations should be observed by our representative prior to the placement of forms, reinforcement or concrete for conformance with the plans and specifications LIMITATIONS OF INVESTIGATION Our investigation was performed using the skill and degree of care ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable soils engineers and geologists practicing in this or similar localities No other wananty, expressed or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional advice included m this report This report is prepared for the sole use of our client and may not be assigned to others without the wntten consent of the client and ECSC&E, Inc The samples collected and used for testing, and the observations made, are believed representative of site conditions, however, soil and geologic conditions can vary significantly between exploration trenches, boreholes and surface exposures As in most major projects, conditions revealed by constmction excavations may vary with preliminary findings If this occurs, the changed conditions must be evaluated by a representative of ECSC&E and designs adjusted as required or altemate designs recommended This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention ofthe project architect and engineer Appropnate recommendations should be incorporated into the stmctural plans The necessary steps should be taken to see that the contractor and subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field The findings of this report are valid as of this present date However, changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether they are due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties In addition, changes m applicable or appropnate standards may occur from legislation or the broadening of knowledge Accordmgly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside of our control Therefore, this report is subject to review and should be updated after a penod of two years 12 BA WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO ll-II06E7(2) ADDITIONAL SERVICES The review of plans and specifications, field observations and testing under our direction are integral parts of the recommendations made in this report If East County Soil Consultation and Engineering, Inc IS not retained for these services, the client agrees to assume our responsibility for any potential claims that may arise during constmction Observation and testing are addttional services, which are provided by our firm, and should be budgeted within the cost of development Plates No 1 through 3, Page L-l and References are parts of this report 13 1 EAST COUNTY SOIL CONSULTATION & ENGINEERING, INC 1 10925 HARTLEY RD SUITE 1. SANTEE CA 92071 1 (619)258-7901 Fax (619) 238-7902 gj. h/2/m//y2' /^2^2/^^Mlo/\/^A///^A2e//c/i2 /2i:i^r/2A/r^/^ B2/h:?/effZPA/ S^//'^//^^^ /2i:i^r/2A/r^/^ B2/h:?/effZPA/ S^//'^//^^^ BA. WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/ JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO I1-1106E7(2) DEPTH Surface 1.5' 2.0' 6.0' PLATE NO. 2 SUMMARY SHEET BOREHOLE NO. 1 SOIL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL dark brown, damp to moist, loose, porous, silty sand with rootlets TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qt) reddish brown, moist, medium dense to dense, silty sand cc cc CC CC CC CC bottom of borehole, no caving, no groundwater borehole backfilled 6/1/11 Y M 115.2 5 4 DEPTH Surface 1.5' 4 0' 6.0' 7.0- BOREHOLE NO. 2 SOIL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL dark brown, damp to moist, loose, porous, silty sand with rootlets TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qt) reddish brown, moist, medium dense to dense, silty sand bottom of borehole, no caving, no groundwater borehole backfilled 6/1/11 Y M 112.7 57 5.8 DEPTH Surface 1.5' 10 0' 12.0' BOREHOLE NO. 3 SOIL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL dark brown, damp to moist, loose, porous, silty sand with rootlets TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qt) reddish brown, moist, medium dense to dense, silty sand a cc cc ce bottom of borehole, no caving, no groundwater borehole backfilled 6/1/11 Y M 7.6 Y = DRY DENSITY IN PCF M = MOISTURE CONTENT IN % 14 BA WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO 1I-II06E7(2) PAGE L-l LABORATORY TEST RESULTS MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT (ASTM D1557) The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of the fill materials as determined by ASTM D1557, Procedures A and B which use 25 blows of a 10-pound slide hammer falling from a height of 18 inches on each of 5 equal layers in a 4-inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot compaction cylinder and Procedure C which uses 56 blows of a 10-pound slide hammer falling from a height of 18 inches on each of 5 equal layers in a 6-inch diameter 1/13 3 cubic foot compaction cylinder are presented as follows SOIL TYPE/ PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY (PCF) OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT (%) LOCATION 1/A REDDISH BROWN SILTY SAND 121 0 BH-1 (g2 0' EXPANSION INDEX TEST (ASTM D4829) INITIAL MOISTURE CONTENTfyo) SATURATED MOISTURE CONTENTCyo) INITIAL DRY DENSITY EXPANSION (PCF) INDEX LOCATION 9 0 16 8 113 3 0 PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS (ASTM D422) BH-1 @2 0' U S Standard > Sieve Size ' ' Percent Passing BH-1 @ 2 0' Terrace Deposits Percent Passing BH-2 6 0' Terrace Deposits Percent Passing "BH-3 @ 10 0' Terrace Deposits 1" 1/2" --- 3/8" -_ _ #4 -- #8 --_ #16 100 100 100 #30 87 89 91 #50 37 38 39 #100 16 17 16 #200 11 12 10 USCS SP-SM SP-SM SP-SM 15 MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOL DESCRIPTION GW WELL GRADED GRAVELS OR GRAVEL- SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES GRAVELS (MORE THAN 'A GP POORLY GRADED GRAVELS OR GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES COARSE GRAINED SOILS (MORE THAN OF SOIL > NO 200 SIEVE SIZE) Ur C^UAKob FRACTION >N0 4 SIEVE SIZE) GM SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND-SILT MIXTURES COARSE GRAINED SOILS (MORE THAN OF SOIL > NO 200 SIEVE SIZE) Ur C^UAKob FRACTION >N0 4 SIEVE SIZE) GC CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY MIXTURES COARSE GRAINED SOILS (MORE THAN OF SOIL > NO 200 SIEVE SIZE) SANDS (MORE THAN OF COARSE FRACTION < NO 4 SIEVE SIZE) SW WELL GRADED SANDS OR GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES COARSE GRAINED SOILS (MORE THAN OF SOIL > NO 200 SIEVE SIZE) SANDS (MORE THAN OF COARSE FRACTION < NO 4 SIEVE SIZE) SP POORLY GRADED SANDS OR GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES COARSE GRAINED SOILS (MORE THAN OF SOIL > NO 200 SIEVE SIZE) SANDS (MORE THAN OF COARSE FRACTION < NO 4 SIEVE SIZE) SM SILTY SANDS, SILT-SAND MIXTURES COARSE GRAINED SOILS (MORE THAN OF SOIL > NO 200 SIEVE SIZE) SANDS (MORE THAN OF COARSE FRACTION < NO 4 SIEVE SIZE) SC CLAYEY SANDS, SAND-CLAY MIXTURES FINE GRAINED SOILS (MORE THAN OF SOIL < NO 200 SIEVE SIZE) SILTS & CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT <50 ML INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY FINE GRAINED SOILS (MORE THAN OF SOIL < NO 200 SIEVE SIZE) SILTS & CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT <50 CL INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS FINE GRAINED SOILS (MORE THAN OF SOIL < NO 200 SIEVE SIZE) SILTS & CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT <50 OL ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY FINE GRAINED SOILS (MORE THAN OF SOIL < NO 200 SIEVE SIZE) SILTS & CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT >50 MH INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR DLATOMACEOUS FINE SANDY OR SILTY SOILS ELASTIC SILTS FINE GRAINED SOILS (MORE THAN OF SOIL < NO 200 SIEVE SIZE) SILTS & CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT >50 CH INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS FINE GRAINED SOILS (MORE THAN OF SOIL < NO 200 SIEVE SIZE) SILTS & CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT >50 OH ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS, ORGANIC SILTS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Pt PEAT AND OTHER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS CLASSIFICATION CHART (UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM) CLASSIFlC\TION RANGE OF GRAIN SIZES US STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IN SIEVE SIZE MILLIMETERS BOULDERS Above 12 Inches Above 305 COBBLES 12 Inches To 3 Inches 305 To 76 2 GRAVEL 3 Inches to No 4 76 2 to 4 76 Coarse 3 Inches to V. Inch 76 2 to 19 1 Fine Inch to No 4 19 I to 4 76 SAND No 4 to No 200 4 76 to 0 074 Coarse No 4 to No 10 4 76 to 2 00 Medium No 10 to No 40 2 00 to 0 420 Fine No 40 to No 200 0 420 to 0 074 SILT AND CLAY Below No 200 Below 0 074 GRAIN SIZE CHART -y /I -y /I nt" fi-ni ILL :o EluOT su «f U I'M /» inl It UL IS taO n\* 9 0 3 ILL SI / .A nt" fi-ni ILL :o EluOT su «f U I'M /» inl It UL IS taO n\* 9 0 3 ILL SI •A- / y 1 A-o'2\ MH I OH 1 1 1 10 It IQ M 'O ID to '0 IC )a 1.1QUI0 LlMt- (LLI PLASTICITY CHART EAST COUNTY SOIL CONSULTATION AND ENGINEERING, INC. 10925 HARTLEY ROAD, SUITE "I" SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 U.S.C.S. SOIL CLASSIFICATION B.A. WORTHING/ GUGLIELMO/ JUNIPER PROJECT NO. 11-1106E7(2) PLATE NO. 3 JUNE 17, 2011 BA WORTHING/GUGLIELMO/JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NO I1-1106E7(2) REFERENCES 1 "Limited Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Single-Family Residence and Detached Garage, 150 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008", Project No 11-1106E7, Prepared by East County Soil Consultation and Engineering, Inc , Dated June 15,2011 2 ' Limited Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Single-Family Residence, 1215 Oak Avenue (Parcel 2), Carlsbad, California 92008", Project No 11-1106F5, Prepared by East County Soil Consultation and Engineering, Inc , Dated April 18, 2011 "2010 California Building Code, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, Volume 2 of 2", Published by International Code Council 4 "Limited Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Residential Additions, 3920 Highland Drive, City of Carlsbad, California", Project No 10-1106G6, Prepared by East County Soil Consultation and Engineenng, Inc , Dated October 6, 2010 5 "Eqfault/ Eqsearch, Version 3 0", by Blake, T F , 2000, Updated 2008 6 "Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering Design and Construction", by Robert W Day, 1999 7 "1997 Uniform Building Code. Volume 2, Structural Engineering Design Provisions", Published by International Conference of Building Officials 8 "Maps of Known Active Fault Near-Source Zones in California and Adjacent Portions of Nevada to be used with the 1997 Uniform Building Code", Published by International Conference of Building Officials 9 "Geologic Maps of the Northwestern Part of San Diego County, California", Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, by Siang S Tan and Michael P Kennedy, 1996 10 "Bearing Capacity of Soils Technical Engineering and Design Guides as Adapted from the US Army Corps of Engineers, No 7", Published by ASCE Press, 1994 11 "Foundations and Earth Structures, Design Manual 7 2", by Department of Navy Naval Facilities Engineering Command, May 1982, Revalidated by Change 1 September 1986 12 "Ground Motions and Soil Liquefaction dunng Earthquakes", by H B Seed and 1 M Idriss, 1982 16 City of Carisbad Permit No.: Bddress«: VALUATION WORKSHEET Building Division ^^m^ceim2^Wd>M2 A2:Am22m^^mmi ' ' ^JfSjrf"^ 2i^^^t^%/s I ' "^f '^::':JMultiplierit'iv^^ SFD and Duplexes 2924 $110 17 $322,137 08 Residential Additions $131 73 $0 00 Remodels / Lofts $57 48 $0 00 Apartments & Multi-family $98 20 $0 00 Garages/Sunrooms/Solariums 799 $28 74 $22,963 26 Patio/Porch/Carport $9 58 $0 00 Enclosed Patio $15 51 $0 00 Decks/Balconies/Stairs 750 $15 57 $11,677 50 Retaining Walls, concrete,masonry $19 16 $0 00 Pools/Spas-Gunite $40 72 $0 00 Tl/Stores, Offices $37 12 $0 00 Tl/Medicai, restaurant, H occupancies $50 30 $0 00 Photovoltaic Systems/ # of panels $400 00 $0 00 Fire Sprinkler System 3723 $3 11 $11,578 53 Air Conditioning - commercial $5 03 $0 00 Air Conditioning - residential 2924 $4 19 $12,251 56 Fireplace/ concrete, masonry $3,855 98 $0 00 Fireplace/ prefabricated Metal $2,621 34 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 TOTAL $380,607 93 Valuation: Comm/Res (C/R): $380,608 C Building Fee Plan Check Fee Strong Motion Fee Green Bldg Stand Fee License Tax/PFF License Tax/PFF (in CFD) $1,668.77 $1,084 70 $80 00 $12 00 $13,321 28 $6,927.06 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL WORKSHEET B-18 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www carlsbadca gov Project Address: Permit No.: information provided below refers to worb being done on the above mentioned permrt only This form must be completed and returned to the Building Division before the permit can be issued. Building Dept Fax (760) 602-8558 Number of new or relocated fixtures, traps, or floor drains If^ New building sewer line"' Ves ^ No Number of new roof drams' Install/alter water line? Number of new water heaters'? I Number of new, relocated or replaced gas outlets' Number of new hose bibs' ^ Upgrade existing panel' Ves No From ^Amps to ^Amps Number of new panels or subpanels' 1 Single Phase Number of new amperes "ZCO Three Phase Number of new amperes Three Phase 480 Number of new amperes Remodel (relocate existing outlets/switches or add outlets/switches)' Ves No >< Number of new fumaces, A/C, or heat pumps' Z- New or relocated duct work' Ves ^ No Number of new fireplaces' 1 Number of new exhaust fans' ^ Relocate/install vent' Number of new exhaust hoods? ( Number of new boilers or compressors' Number of HP B-18 Page 1 of 1 Rev 03/09 Holdoms & Tension Ties ma Holdown This product is preferable to similar connectors because ol aj easier installation, b) higher loads, c) lower installed cost, or a combination of these features • •** HDD Holdowns are pre-deflected during the manufacturing process, virtually eliminating deflection under load due to matenal stretch They use Simpson Strong-Tie® Strong-Drive® screws (SDS) which install easily and provide reduced fastener slip Using SDS screws results in a greater net section, when compared to bolts, as no material is removed The HDU series of holdowns are designed to replace previous versions of the product such as PHD's as well as bolted holdowns The HDU2, 4 and 5 are direct replacements for the PHD2, 5 and 6, respectively For more information on holdown options, contact Simpson StrongTie SPECIAL FEATURES • Pre-deflected body virtually eliminates deflection due to material stretch • Uses SDS screws which install easily, reduce fastener slip, and provide a greater net sechon area of the post compared to bolts ' SDS screws are supplied with the holdowns to ensure proper fasteners are used • Mo stud bolts to countersink at openings IVIATERIAL See table FINISH Galvanized INSTALLATION • Use all specified fasteners See General Notes • For use in vertical and horizontal applications • No additional washer required • To tie multiple 2x members together, the Designer must determine the fasteners required to join the members to act as one unit without splitting the wood See page 20 for SDS values • See SB and SSTB Anchor Bolts on pages 27-29 for anchorage options • SDS screws install best with a low speed high torque drill with a %" hex head driver • Refer to technical bulletin T-AI\ICHORSPEC for post-installed anchorage solutions (see page 191 for details) CODES See page 12 for Code Reference Key Chart Pilot Holes for Manufacturing Purposes (Fastener notrequireaX /2 HDU US Patent i\ 6 112 495 k. For holdowns, per ASTIVI test standards, anchor bolt nut should be finger-fight plus Vs to V2 turn with a hand wrench, with consideration given to possible future wood shrinkage Care should be taken to not over-torque the nut Impact wrenches should not be used Vertical Wood Member Thickness 81 Threaded / u Rod ' - - Studs/Post Floor . Jolsl > Post —< size hy Designer i I" 2 2x Blocking Preservative treated barrier may be required •ik Typical HDU Tie Between Floors Horizontal HDU Offset installation (Plan View) i ll !i !' 2^ - Hanger not shown Vertical HDU Installation See footnote 7 Model No Ga Dimensions (in) Fasteners Minimum Wood Allowable Tension Loads (Ibs ) (160)' Model No Ga W H B SO Anchor Bolt Dia (in) SDS Screws Member Thickness' (in) DF/SP SPF/HF Deflection at Allowable Load^' On) HDU2-SDS2 5 ^ 14 ' 3 2w2 ' 31/4 ' ' 1% % 6-SDS y4"x2y2" 3 SOTS' 2215 ~ 0 088 HDU4-SDS2 5 14 3 101=/16 31/4 1=/l6 1% % 10-SDS y4"x2y2' 3 4565 3285 0114 HDU5-SDS2 5 14 _ 3 133/16 31/4 1^16 _ 1% %_ i4-SDsy4'x2y2" 3 5645 4065 0115 3 5980 4305 0 084 HDU8-SDS2 5 10 3 16% 31/2 1 8 1'/2 % 20-SDS y4"x2y2" 3V 6970 5020 ^ 0116 4y2 7870 5665 0113 HDU11-SDS2 5 10 3 221/4 31/2 1% r/z 1 30-SDS y4"x2y2" 5y2 9535 6865 0137 HDU11-SDS2 5 10 3 221/4 31/2 1% r/z 1 30-SDS y4"x2y2" 7y4 11175 8045 0137 HDU14-SDS2 5 7 3 25'yi6 3y2 1^16 1^16 1 36-SDS VA x2y?" 7y4 14390' 10360 0177 HDU14-SDS2 5 7 3 25'yi6 3y2 1^16 1^16 1 36-SDS VA x2y?" 5y2'' 14925'= 10745 0177 Code Rel 16, L24, F5 Allowable loads have been increased for earthquake or wind load durations with no further increase allowed, reduce where other load durations govern The Designer must specify anchor bolt type, length and embedment See SB and SSTB Anchor Bolts (pages 27-29) Refer to technical bulletin T-AI\ICHORSPEC for retrofit anchor solutions (see page 191 lor details) Structural composite lumber columns have sides that show either the wide face or the edges of the lumber strands/veneers Values in the tables reflect installation into the wide face See technical bulletin T-SCLCOLUMI\l for values on the narrow face (edge) (see page 191 for details) Post design by Specifier Allowable load values are based on a minimum wood member thickness in the direction of the fastener penetration Posts may consist of multiple 2x members provided they are designed to act as one unit independently of the holdown fasteners Holdowns shall be installed centered along the width of the attached post 5 Tension values are valid for holdowns flush or raised off of sill plate 6 Deflection at Highest Allowable Tension Load includes fastener slip, holdown elongation and anchor bolt elongation (L = 6") Additional elongation of anchor bolts shall be accounted tor by the Designer when holdowns are raised higher than 6" 7 Tabulated loads may be doubled when the HDU is installed on opposite sides of the wood member provided either the post is large enough to prevent opposing holdown screw interference or the holdowns are offset to eliminate screw interferences 8 Noted HDU14 allowable loads are based on a SVz wide post (6x6 mm) All other loads are based on 3V2' wide post minimum 9 Requires heavy hex anchor nut to achieve tabulated loads (supplied with holdown) PHP . Predellecled Holdown The PHD Series of pre-deflected holdowns are being replaced by HDU holdowns For specifications that call for a PHD, contact Simpson Strong-Tie for equivalent HDU models See above for details on the HDU series of pre-deflected holdowns 37 I I Contrefe Connectors & Anchors Anchor Bolts SIMPSON The SSTB IS designed for maximum performance as an anchor bolt for holdowns and Strong-Wall® shearwalls Extensive SSTB testing has been done to determine the design load capacity at a common application, the garage stem wall Design loads are based on a series of five tests, with a three-times reduchon factor SSTB14 is a %" diameter anchor bolt designed and tested specifically for shallow foundation installations SPECIAL FEATURES • Rolled threads for higher tensile capacity • Offset angle reduces side-bursting, provides more concrete cover • Stamped embedment line aids installation • Configuration results m minimum rebar interference MATERIAL ASTIVI A36 FINISH None May be ordered HDG, contact Simpson Strong-Tie INSTALLATION • SSTB is used for monolithic and two-pour installations • Nuts and washers are not supplied with the SSTB, mstall standard nuts, couplers and/or washers as required On HDG SSTB anchors, chase the threads to use standard nuts or couplers or use overlapped products in accordance with ASTIVI A563 (Simpson NUT%-OST, NUTVa-OST, CNW%-%QST, CNWVB-VBOST) REINFORCED CONCRETE FOUNDATION • Install SSTB before the concrete pour using AnchorMates® (see page 26) Install the SSTB per plan view detail shown on page 29 Install one #4 rebar 3" to 5" (may be foundation rebar not post-tension cable) from the top of the foundation • The SSTB does not need to be tied to the rebar • Minimum concrete compression strength is 2500 psi Unless noted otherwise, no special inspection is required for foundation concrete when the structural design is based on concrete no greater than 2500 psi (IBC Section 1704 4) • Unless otherwise noted, do NOT install where (a) a honzontal cold loint exists within the embedment depth between the slab and foundation wall or footing beneath, unless provisions are made to transfer the load, or the slab is designed to resist the load imposed by the anchor, or (b) slabs are poured over concrete block foundation walls REINFORCED CONCRETE BLOCK • Before concrete pour, install diagonally at approx 45° m the cell per plan view detail shown on page 27 • Horizontal #4 rebar (minimum 56' long centered about the anchor bolt)—approximately one rebar 12" from the top and two rebars approximately 28" from the top Vertical #4 rebar (minimum 24" long) mstall with maximum 24" o c spacing • Grout all cells with minimum 2000 psi concrete Vibrate the grout per the IBC, Section 2104 1 CODES See page 12 for Code Reference Key Chart 5V2 V/2 T Lmtmdment I mi (fop ol t nntietei U S PalenI 5 317 850 Identification on the bolt 16 ) head showing ' embedment angle and model SSTB16L (others sinvlai see footnote -6 below) SSTB16 (others similar see footnote iJ below) See page 27 for additional installation details r 5' Mm /454' Mm \ SSTB14, W- I'lHC SSlH.imn' ilt.tiiDint iiiiimici Hij'lii ilioii \/ Mm 1(11 (III ',',111 1(11 lull l,ihli IOKI Mm Loi all' ,i|)|)iox 45' iiom Willi 5" Mm T «-1%"Min Corner Installation Continuous Stemwall •.-1%" Mm End Wall (l\lote 4) TYPICAL PLAN VIEWS OF REBAR INSTALLATION SELECTION GUIDE (Per Anchor Bolt Diameter) These products are available with additional corrosion p(o(ec(io(i Additional products on this page may also be available with this option diet A with Simpson Strong-Tie for details Model No 2-*, 3x', 2-2%' Sill Plates^ Model No Mono Pour Two Pour ~HDU2,HD2A, LTT19, LTT20B, LTTI31 SSTB16' SSTB20 HTT16 SSTB16 SSTB20 HDU4, HD5» SSTB20 SSTB24 HTT22^ HDC5/22, HDC5/4, HDU5«, HDS SSTB24 SSTB24'^ HDU8, HDQ8,HDC10/22', HDC10/4', HD7, HDO' SSTB28 SSTB34 1 SSTBL models are recommended for HDU HDQ8, and HD holdowns on 2-2x and 3x sill plates Where SSTB14 s are specified for these products, use SSTB16L 2 No cold joint within embedment depth unless provisions are made to transfer the load 3 The design engineer may specify an alternate anchorage system provided the anchor diameter is the same 4 Increase the embedment depth 2y2" to accommodate the HDC standoff block 5 Where noted the allowable load for this application is limited to 4600 lbs which is less than the published loads for these holdowns 6 Where noted the allowable load for single pour is limited to 5175 lbs which is less than the published loads for these holdowns 7 SSTB14 can be used for this application with a 9' stemwall width 8 Where noted SSTB20 may be used on V/^\ 2" and 3" (post) wood member thicknesses See catalog page 41 lor (post) wooi memtier thickness info 9 Where noted SSTB28 may be used on 3" (post) wood member thickness Stem-Mm Embed (le) Allowable Tension Load^' Model' No wall Width (W) Dia Length Mm Embed (le) Concrete' l'c = 2500 psi Concrete" 8" CMU Block Concrete 8" CMU Block End Code Rei ISJ SSTB14 9 % '~ 16 11 3835" — — F24,170" SSTB16 6 % 17%(SSTB16L = 19%) 12ye 4420 4780 1850 SSTB20 6 % 21%(SSTB20L = 24%) 16% 4600 4780 1850 O SSTB24 6 % 25%(SSTB24L = 28y8)_ 205/8 5175 4780 1850 IL2", L6, F24 D-SSTB28 8 VB 29% (SSTB28L = 32'/a)_ 24% 10100 6385 4815 IL2", L6, F24 O SSTB34 8 VB 34% 28% 10100 6385 4815 Ub SSTB36 8 VB 36% 28% 10100 6385 4815 1 Loads may not be increased for short-term loading Loads apply to earthquake and wind loading 2 Minimum anchor center-to-center spacing is 2le for anchors acting in tension at the same time for full load 3 The SSTB was tested in a stem wall with a minimum amount ol conciete cover 4 Use full table load when installed 24" from the end or installed in a comer condition (see illustrations) When used 5" from the end of a concrete foundation (see end wall graphic above), the maximum allowable load IS 9045 Ibs lor SSTB28, 9585 Ibs tor SSTB34 and 36 bolts and table loads tor ail other models (these loads are not Code listed - contact Simpson Strong-Tie for test data) 5 HDU and HTT minimum end distance is 4% 6 Order the SSTBL models (ex SSTB24L) for longer thread length (16L = 5y2' 20L = 6y2 24L = 6", 28L = eyz") SSTBL and SSTB loads are the same Mot available on SSTB14 7 SSTB34has4y2 of thread and SSTB36 has 6y2 These two models are not available in SSTBL versions 8 Use 90% of the table load for 2000 psi concrete 9 Allowable load for SSTB14 is 5020 Ibs when f c = 3000 psi 10 Minimum end distance required to achieve table loads is le 11 Testing to new ICC-ES acceptance cntena to be completed m 2009 Reference wwwstrongtie com for latest loads and information ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD CERTIFICATION OF SCHOOL FEES PAID B-34 Development Services Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www carlsbadca gov This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropnate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit The City will not issue any building permit without a compieted school fee form Project Name Building Permit Plan Check Number Project Address APN Project Applicant (Owner Name) Project Descnption Building Type Residential GUGLIELMO RESIDENCE CB111738 160 JUNIPER AV 204-232-06-00 PAUL & SANDRA GUGLIELMO NEW SFD 1 NEW DWELLING UNIT(S) 2,924 Square Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling Second Dwelling Unit Square Feet of Living Area in SDU Residential Additions- Net Square Feet New Area Commercial/industnal Net Square Feet New Area Date 11/18/2011 SCHOOL DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ^ Carlsbad Unified School Distnct 6225 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92009 (760-331-5000) • Vista Unified School District 1234 Arcadia Dnve Vista CA 92083 (760-726-2170) 1 1 San IVlarcos Unified School Distnct 255 PlO Pico Ave Ste 100 San Marcos, CA 92069 (760-290-2619) Contact Nancy Dolce (By Appt Only) 1 1 Encinitas Union School Distnct 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd Encmitas, CA 92024 (760-944-4300 X1166) 1 1 San Dieguito Union High School Distnct-By Appointment Only 710 Encmitas Blvd Encmitas, CA 92024 (760-753-6491) Certification of Applicant/Owners The person executing this declaration ("Owner") certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/developer of the above descnbed project(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authorced to sign on behalf of the Owner Signature Date B-34 Page 1 of 2 Rev 03/09 SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district(s)) THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District The City may issue building permits for this project SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL TITLE NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT DATE PHONE NUMBER CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 6225 a CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 B-34 Page 2 of 2 Rev 03/09 CB111738 160 JUNIPER AV GUGLIEMO RES-BUILD NEW_2,924SF >^/^^ ^J2] ^^(V^ 5\^^u^ M/^i^fi^ 2K)\(>- (/yl- -l^'f^'^ '> Approved BUILDING (A PLANNING ^ • • CV Date ENGINEERING FIRE Expedite? Y APCD Health Forms/Fees W2- By i[i.L^C(.A\ Sent Rec'd Due? By Encina Fire HazHealthAPCD PE&M School QJPT Sewer Stormwater Special Insp I'll^ I I \\\-\J2\ \ \ 3 'it J V. CFD Y C(N_ LandUse Density ImpArea FY Annex Y N Y N Y N y N Y N Y N Y N y N Factor Comments Building Date Date Date I 2!2221 tMi , ^ Engineering •g-/o//( I 1 I I I (vf j. Weed? . ]o>\ V)2Cfl2 f>Ay to/ ^ ~f^22. lone Done a'6one • Done • Done 08-08-2013 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Check Revision Permit No PCR13078 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No Valuation Reference # PC# Project Title 160 JUNIPER AV CBAD PCR 2042320600 Lot # $0 00 Construction Type CB1:11738 0 NEW GUGLIELMO RES-REVISIONS TO INCLUDE INCREASE IN DECK SIZE TO 138 SF/ADD Status Applied Entered By Plan Approved Issued Inspect Area ISSUED 05/23/2013 LSM 08/08/2013 08/08/2013 Applicant WORTHING INC, B A STEG 640 GRAND AV CARLSBAD CA 92008 760-729-3965 Owner GUGLIELMO LIVING TRUST 02-26-96 1011 W PLACITA QUIETA GREEN VALLEY AZ 85622 Plan Check Revision Fee Fire Expedited Plan Review Additional Fees $322 50 $0 00 $0 00 Total Fees $322 50 Total Payments To Date $322 50 Balance Due $0 00 Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions" You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHERINOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or sen/ice fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired ^sj^ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK REVISION APPLICATION B-15 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www carlsbadca gov Plan Check Revision No. Project Address I^i^(^\p&/ ficV'e .Original Plan Check No Date 3/:g-a/l^ Contact _ Email If Ph 1U>01^3^C>^ Fax 7<^o-7^^-078^ Contact Address. City_ General Scope of Work ryjo/aiv^e- Ij^^g^lc 1 CDf;t4^ aiO Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. 1 • Elements revised Plans ^ Calculations • Soils • Energy • Other. 1 2. Describe revisions in detail 1 rh (In «^ 3. List page(s) where each revision is shown 4. List revised sheets that replace existing sheets 2^4^<21^ ^. ^ —^ - — - - — — - — * ' J o M \ a fa n ' U (1 (J^ n (f 5. Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? [^^f'es 6, Does this revision add ANY new floor area(s)? D Yes I^^^No T, Does this revision affect any fire related issues? • Yes 8. Is this a corriplete set? /f^Yes if5tNo ^Signature] • No 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 VPfc 760-602-2719 Fax 760-602-8558 Email building@carlsbadca gov vwvw carlsbadca gov EsGil Corporation /n (PartnersHtp wttfi government for (BuiCding Safety DATE 08/08/2013 a^APRL-ICANT O JURIS ^ JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad •"PL-Alsi REVIEWER • FILE PLANCHECKNO ll-1738(PCR13-078) SET IV PROJECT ADDRESS 160 JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NAME Revision FOR GUGLIELMO XI The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when rhinor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck j I I The check list transmitted herewith in remarks below is for your information The plans are being held atiEsgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck I I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to fonward to the applicant contact person I I The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to ^ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed I I Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Telephone # Date contacted (by ) Fax # Mail Telephone Fax In Person n REMARKS By Aaron Goodman Enclosures EsGll Corporation • GA • EJ • PC 08/08/2013 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Cahfomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 RESPONSE I OWNER CHANGES GUGLIELMO RESIDENCE ! GARAGE LEVEL 1 Reduce the number of 1 '-4"X1 '-4" windows from (3) to (2) 1^"^ FLOOR LEVEL 1 Add pantry m kitchen area 2 Reduce the number of 1 '-11"X1kitchen windows from (3) to (1) 3 Add window pop-out to living room area 4. Change waterproof deck at rear to a trex type deck, relocate stair 5 Add (2) 2'-6"x4'-0" casement windows to m bed room 6. Change m bed retreat 7'-6"x5'-0" bay window to a 4'-ll"x2'-0" fixed 7 Add fire feature to southwest deck area 8. Replace 12'-0"x8'-0" ext French door, to a 16'-0"x8'-0" ext French pocket door. 2nd FLOOR LEVEL 1. Add (2) 1 '-4"xl '-4" temp windows to stairs leading to mezzanine 2 Add (1) 3'-0"x3'-3" temp at landing of stairs leading to mezzanine. 3 Reduce the laundry/powder window from 3'-0"x2'-0" to a 2'-0"x2'-4". 4. Remove chimney chase and add a 2'-0"x2'-4" window to bed 2. 5 Reduce the bed 2 window from 8'-0"x4'-0" to a 8'-0"x3'-6" 6 Reduce the bath 2 window from 2'-6"x3'-0" to a 2'-6"xl '-6" 7 Move rear deck 8 '-0" to the east 8 Reduce office ext French door from 8'-0"x6'-8" to a 3'-0"x6'-8" 9 Add a 2'-6"x4'-'0" window to rear elevation of office 10. Replace (1) 8'-0"x4'-0" window with (2) 2'-0"xl'-6" windows in office 11 Add (2) 2020 skylights MEZZANINE LEVEL 1 Increase the size of the (3) windows on the southem portion of the west elevation to3'-0"x4'-0" 2 Add (1) 3 '-0"x3 '-6" window to the west elevation 3. Add (1) 5'-0"x3-6" window to the north elevation RECEIVED JUN 2 4 2013 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISION EsGil Corporation In (PartnersHip with Qovemment for (ButCding Safety DATE 07/02/2013 • APPLICANT ^ JURIS JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLANCHECKNO ll-1738(PCR13-078) SET II PROJECT ADDRESS 160 JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NAME Revision FOR GUGLIELMO I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the junsdiction's codes I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the junsdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck ^ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the junsdiction to forward to the applicant contact person XI The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to B A WORTHING INC RO BOX 1041, CB, CA 92018 vtmail baworthinginc@vahoo com, I I Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted BROOKS Telephone # 760-729-3965 Date contacted (by Fax # 760-729-0784 ^'^JWail Telephone ">^Fax In Person • REMARKS By Aaron Goodman Enclosures EsGll Corporation • GA • EJ • PC 06/25/2013 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 City of Carlsbad 1 l-1738(PCR13-078) 07/02/2013 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO 11-1738(PCR13- 078) PROJECT ADDRESS 160 JUNIPER AVENUE DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY DATE REVIEW COMPLETED ESGIL CORPORATION 06/25/2013 07/02/2013 REVIEWED BY Aaron Goodman FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electncal Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review IS based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineenng Department or other departments The following items listed need clanfication, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations The approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law • To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this lisf? • Yes • No City of Carlsbad 11- 1738(PCR13-078) 07/02/2013 I The following note should be given with each correction list Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list Submit FOUR new compiete sets of plans for commercial/industnal projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1 Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carisbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineenng and Fire Departments 2 Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carisbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineenng and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete 2 Provide a detailed explanation for the purpose of this revision Identify in a response in an 8 V2 X 11 format exactly what has change on each sheet of the plans, and where on each sheet of the plans that the change can be found Additional information or explanation of the proposed changes may be required to complete the review 3 Provide an updated scope of work on sheet 1 to reflect the added deck and porch areas 4 Provide an updated site plans to show the new area of the rear deck, front porch, the pop-out on the front and nght side and the revised deck area on the left side 5 Provide revised energy compliance forms that reflect all revisions 6 Provide revised sheet 5 foundation plans and plans for the retaining wall at the porch area sealed and signed by the engineer There may be additional corrections with the subsequent submittal for all structural changes. 7 Provide the listing for the new Heat-N-Glo fireplace to show that it is approved for and extenor installation 8 First floor number 7 on your list says, "Add fire feature " Please explain what your talking about 9 Provide revised calculations for the header at the proposed 16 foot French pocket door Provide revised lateral calculations for the foundation and first floor level All plans and calculations shall be sealed and signed by the engineer 10 Second floor level, items 1 and 2 please have your engineer comment on, and/or provide revised lateral calculations to show that the new windows do not adversely effect the shear wall at gndline F II Provide details and calculations for the full height walls at the deck of the office on the second floor 12 A note at gndline 2 8 and F says "to bot of (FB-20)" Please explain, correct City of Carlsbad 1 l-1738(PCR13-078) 07/02/2013 13 This review includes a review of only those items listed in the response sheet received by the City of Carlsbad 6/24/2013. Expect additional corrections with the subsequent submittal. 14 To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i e , plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc 15 Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please bnefly descnbe them and where they are located in the plans Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction lisf? Please indicate Yes • No • The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Aaron Goodman at Esgil Corporation Thank you July 29, 2013 To Chns Meier From David McKlnley Subject Title 24 Energy Compliance for Guglielmo Residence, With Revised Windows Per your request, I rechecked all window sizes, based on the latest design, and modified the energy calculations accordingly Then, after receiving additional window changes, another recalc was performed The result was that all previous features were maintained, except that duct insulation must be R6 0. (The pnor version called for R4 2 duct insulation ) Here are the features required for Title 24 compliance for the subject project 1 Windows and glass doors throughout the house are dual pane, vinyl or wood framed with good quality Low-e glass U-value = 0 35 or less Solar Heat Gam Coefficient = 0 34 or less Many low-e windows on the market meet this performance, but not all 2 Numerous overhangs found on the plans were modeled to achieve compliance 3 Extenor walls are insulated with R-13 4 Roofing is insulated with R-30 5 Raised floonng is insulated with R-19. 6 A new standard efficiency forced air unit is installed AFUE = 80% minimum 7. Air conditioning is optional 8 New ducting must have minimum R6.0 insulation 9. One or more gas tankless water heaters are required Efficiency/energy factor= 0 80 or higher 10 Continuous ventilation requirement is 52 cfm Please sign all copies of the CF-1 R form Please incorporate into the design all the mandatory measures listed on the MF-1 R form that apply to the new or modified portions and systems, including the lighting standards Sincerely, David McKinley President Efficient Energy Co. David J. McKinley, P.E. 608 Hilo Way, Vista, CA 92081 M. (619) 857-3172 Office/fax(760) 414-9622 Mechanical Engineer #M27436, Chemical Engineer #CH4251 EsGil Corporation In iPartnersHtp wttfi government for (ButCdtng Safety DATE 08/07/2013 • APPLICANT ja'JURIS JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLANCHECKNO ll-1738(PCR13-078) SET III PROJECT ADDRESS 160 JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NAME Revision FOR GUGLIELMO I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the junsdiction's codes I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the junsdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck XI The check list transmitted herewith in remarks below is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the junsdiction to forward to the applicant contact person X The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to B A WORTHING INC P O BOX 1041, CB, CA 92018 Email baworthinqinc@vahoo com, I I Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed IX Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted BROOKS Telephone # 760-729-3965 Date contacted (by Fax # 760-729-0784 v^Mail Telephone '^ax In Person XI REMARKS Provide the listing for the new Heat-N-Glo fireplace to show that it is approved for and exterior installation By Aaron Goodman Enclosures EsGll Corporation • GA • EJ • PC 07/31/2013 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In (Partners fitp wttfi government for (ButCdtng Safety DATE 05/31/2013 a^APPLICANT •^JURIS^ JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad •"PCAN-REVIEWER • FILE PLANCHECKNO ll-1738(PCR13-078) SET I PROJECT ADDRESS 160 JUNIPER AVENUE PROJECT NAME Revision FOR GUGLIELMO I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the junsdiction's codes I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the junsdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck X The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the junsdiction to forward to the applicant contact person X The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to B A WORTHING INC PO BOX 1041, CB, CA 92018 I I Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed IX Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted BROOKS Telephone # 760-729-3965 Date contacted sh(l\^ (by Kru ) Email 6AiA/op.n-).4Ci^JC^^ax # 760-729-0784 t Mail ^ Telephone Fax In Person AHoo CoM • REMARKS By Aaron Goodman Enclosures EsGll Corporation • GA • EJ • PC 05/28/2013 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 City of Carlsbad 11- 1738(PCR13-078) 05/31/2013 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO 11-1738(PCR13- 078) PROJECT ADDRESS 160 JUNIPER AVENUE DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY DATE REVIEW COMPLETED ESGIL CORPORATION 05/28/2013 05/31/2013 REVIEWED BY Aaron Goodman FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electncal Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review IS based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineenng Department or other departments The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations The approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law • To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please bnefly descnbe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this list? • Yes • No City of Carlsbad ll-1738(PCR13-078) 05/31/2013 THE SUBMITTAL FOR THIS REVISION IS INCOMPLETE. PLEASE EXPECT ADDITIONAL CORRECTIONS ONCE A COMPLETE SUBMITTAL IS REVIEWED. 1 The following note should be given with each correction list Please make ali corrections, as requested in the correction list Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industnal projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1 Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineenng and Fire Departments 2 Bnng one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Dnve, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineenng and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineenng and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete 2 Provide a detailed explanation for the purpose of this revision Identify in a response in an 8 >2 X 11 format exactly what has change on each sheet of the plans, and where on each sheet of the plans that the change can be found Additional information or explanation of the proposed changes may be required to complete the review 3 To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i e , plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc 4 Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please bnefly descnbe them and where they are located in the plans Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction lisf? Please indicate Yes • No • The junsdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Dnve, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Aaron Goodman at Esgil Corporation Thank you City of Carlsbad 1 l-1738(PCR13-078) 05/31/2013 ^DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad PLANCHECKNO ll-1738(PCR13-078) PREPARED BY Aaron Goodman DATE 05/31/2013 BUILDING ADDRESS 160 JUNIPER AVENUE Set I BUILDING OCCUPANCY R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V-B Sprinklered BUILDING PORTION AREA (Sq Ft) Valuation Multiplier Reg Mod VALUE ($) Revision Air Conditioning Fire Spnnklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance Bldg Permit Fee by Ordinance • Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review • Repetitive Fee ^ Repeats • Complete Review • Other Hourly EsGil Fee $322.50 • Structural Only $86 00 Hrs $258 00 Based on hourly rate Comments Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc + ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION BUILDING PLAN CHECK APPROVAL P-29 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www carUbadcs gov DATE: 7/31/13 PROJECT NAME: Guglielmo Home PROJECTID: CDPll-ll(A) PLAN CHECK NO: PCR 13-078 SET#: n/a ADDRESS: 160 Juniper Ave APN: 204-232-06-00 This plan check review Is complete and has been APPROVED by the Plannmg Division. By: Chris Garcia A Final Inspection by the Planning Division is required • Yes ^ No Vou may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. Q This plan check review Is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or Incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check APPROVAL has been sent to: Brooks Worthing For questions or clanfications on the attached checklist please contact the followmg reviewer as marked PLANNING 760-602-4610 ENGINEERING 760-602-2750 FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4665 . 1 1 Chris Sexton 760-602-4624 Chris Sexton@carlsbadca gov 1 1 Kathleen Lawrence 760-602-2741 Kathleen Lawrence@carlsbadca gov 1 1 Greg Ryan 760-602-4663 Grefiorv Rvan@carlsbadca gov 1 Gina Ruiz 760-602-4675 Gma Ruiz@carlsbadca fiov 1 1 Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Lmda Ontiveros@carlsbadca fiov Q Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 Cynthia Wong@carlsbadca gov X Chris Garcia 760-602-4622 Chris Garcia@carlsbadca gov • 1 1 Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dommic Fieri@carlsbadca gov Remarks: The proposed changes are minor and remain consistent with approved CDP ll-ll(A). ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION BUILDING PLAN CHECK APPROVAL P-29 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www rarkbadra eov DATE: 5/24/13 PROJECT NAIVIE: Guglielmo Home PROJECT ID: CDP ll-ll(A) PLAN CHECK NO: PCR 13-078 SET#: n/a ADDRESS: 160 Juniper Ave APN: 204-232-06-00 Q This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the Planning Division. By: Chris Garcia A Final Inspection by the Planning Division Is required • Yes |^ No You may also have corrections from one or more ofthe divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. ^ This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check APPROVAL has been sent to: For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked PLANNING 760-602-4610 ENGINEERING 760-602-2750 FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4665 I 1 Chris Sexton 760-602-4624 Chris Sexton@carlsbadca gov 1 1 Kathleen Lawrence 760-602-2741 Kathleen Lawrence@carlsbadca fiov 1 Greg Ryan 760-602-4663 Gregory Ryan@carlsbadca gov 1 Gma RUIZ 760-602-4675 Gma Ruiz@carlsbadca fiov 1 1 Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Lmda Ontiveros@carlsbadca gov Q Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 Cvnthia Wong@carlsbadca gov X Chris Garcia 760-602-4622 Chris Garcia@carlsbadca fiov • 1 1 Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dommic Fieri@carlsbadca gov Remarks: Consistent with approved CDP ll-ll(A). Window size and location changes OK. Deck size and location changes OK. TV/Media nook not permitted in side yard setback. Piease remove this feature from the pians. COSTA 2226 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 TEL 760-931-02 90 FAX 438-5231 inaity_mantgameiv9val«>a com CIVIL • STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL" PtTROlEUM Vu STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS PROJECT GUGLIELMO RESIDENCE 160 JUNIPER STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ENGINEER MARTELLB MONTGOMERY RCE 50344 EXP 6-30-13 DATE JULY 30, 2011 REV DATE SEPTEMBER 21, 2011 REV DATE JANUARY 28, 2013 (Rev to 2nd fir deck, 2nd fir Headers, shear walls) REV DATE MARCH 20, 2013 (Rev to FB-17, Mezz header, Mezz shear wall) r 6 DESIGN LOADS 2009 IBC, 2010 CBC Roof (Pitched) 18 psf DL 20 psf LL 38 psf TL Floor 10 psf DL 40 psf LL 50 psf TL Deck 10 psf DL 60 psf LL 70 psf TL Exterior Wall 15 psf DL Seismic Properties Seismic Design Category D Occupancy II 1= 1 R= 65 Ss 1339 Si 0 753 Site Class Fa 1 Fv 15 SDS 0 892 SDI 0 502 Wind Properties Exposure B Method 1 1=1 0 3-s Gust Wind Speed 85 mph Pmm=10 psf X=10 VERTICAL REVISED STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FB-26- L= 16ft + 4ft Cant. '- L Wi = 518 0 lb/ft WDU= 192 Ib/ft W2= 501 0 ib/ft WLL= 326 Ib/ft Pl = 2007 Ib WTL= 518 ib/ft Li= 160 ft PDL= 1204 Ib L2= 40 ft PLL= 803 Ib P2= 3311 Ib PTL= 2007 Ib L3= 25 ft L4= 135 ft RR=[WILI^/2+W2L2(LI+L2/2)+PI(LI + L2)]/LI + P2(L3)]/LI = RL=WILI+W2L2 + PI + P2-RR= V(+) at RL= V(-) at RR=RL-WILI = V(+) at RR=RL-WILI+RR= M„ax=Li/2(RL-V(-))= 6185 -5414 4011 6185 16253 lb lb lb Ib ft-lb OK OK 9425 6185 Ib ib TRY (2)-5 1/4x11 7/8 2 OE PSL 1= 1250 0 in ^TL{m-span)~ 0 31 in wATL(end)= -0 17 in ATL(end)= -0 03 in 1/(ATL/L)= 826 >240'? YES ALL=LL(ATL(end))/TL= -0 05 in 1/(ALL/L)= 2854 >360'? YES ADL=ATL(end)-ALL= 0 02 in PA' TL(end)- OK (Step 1" and Rip to slope after L2= 16') E = I = 2 OE+06 1470 0 0 15 in USE (2)-51/4x11 7/8 2.0EPSL psi F.W MODIFIED HWU OR ECCO TO FB-27 DESIGN PROPERTIES 2.0E PARALLAM® PSL ALLOWABLE DESIGN STRESSES (100% LOAD DURATION) Shear modulus of elasticity Modulus of elasticity Flexural stress Compression perpendicular to grain parallel to wide face of strands Compression parallel to grain Horizontal shear perpendicular to wide face of strands G = 125,000 psi E = 2 0x lOi'psi F|, = 2900 psif) 650 psi«W 2900 psi 290 psi (1) For 12-inch depth For others, multiply by [-^J"'" (2) F^ shall not be increased for duration of load (3) 750 psi for all Eastern Species Parallam® PSL and 1%" thick Western Species Parallam® PSL ALLOWABLE DESIGN PROPERTIES (IOO% LOAD DURATION) 1%" 2.0E Parallam® PSL ilfDESI&rvliPROPERTYJw ^ 'f'^m'/m^milSf'^^A ilfDESI&rvliPROPERTYJw ^ k . . !m M22 6,210 6,530 8,985 9,950 13,58 3,130 3,215 3,805 4,020 4,735 tk<!>mM^pfmm'\kmr)L 115 125 210 245 400 51 52 62 65 77 SVz" 2.0E PARALLAM® PSL If'" '/§riS* 12,415 13,055 17,970 19,900 27,160 34,955 43,665 6,260 6,430 7,615 8,035 9,475 10,825 12,180 230 250 415 490 800 1,195 1,700 ''loV 104 123 130 153 175 197 7" 2.0E PARALUM® PSL mm 24,830 26,115 35,940 39,805 54,325 69,905 87,325 12,520 12,855 15,225 16,070 18,945 21,655 24,360 ' 460 500 §30 975 1,600 2,390 3,400 WEIG-HTs(lbs /ling I ) 20 2 20 8 24 6 26 0 30 6 35 0 39 4 2^ Vie" 2.0E PARALLAM® PSL K DESIGNiPROPERWl** K DESIGNiPROPERWl** ip 9,535 10,025 13,800 15,280 20,855 26,840 33,530 4,805 4,935 5,845 6,170 7,275 8,315 9,350 M©MErp?OBINERTia(in'')J 175-190 320 375 615 915 1,305 78 80 95 100 118 134 15 1 5y4" 2.0E PARALLAM® PSL fefMDE$tGr#Rl)RERTM/1.i DERTH fefMDE$tGr#Rl)RERTM/1.i •'j:rm m »l m 18,625 19,585 26,955 29,855 40,740 52,430 65,495 9,390 9,645 11,420 12,055 14,210 16,240 18,270 -MOMENiriOFJNERIIA'iin"), 345 375 625 735 1,200 1,790 2,550 «WJLGHi|lblMf^?Si 152 156 185 195 23 0 26 3 29 5 GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS FOR NON-TREATED PARALLAM® PSL • Lateral support is required at all beanng points and along compression edge at intervals of 24" on-center or closer • Parallam® PSL beams are made without camber, therefore, in addition to com- plying with the deflection limits ofthe applicable building code, other consider- ations, such as long term deflection under sustained loads (including creep), ponding (positive drainage is essential) and aesthetics, must be evaluated • Roof members shall either be sloped for drainage or designed to account for load and deflection as specified in the applicable building code • Reductions applied in Accordance with 1994 UBC 1606, 1996 NBC 1606 and 1994 SBC 1604 for floor live load, 1994 UBC 1606, 1996 NBC 1607 and 1994 SBC 1604 for roof live load in non-snow (125%) conditions • 3Vz" members may be two pieces of 1%" or a single SVa" width beam 5V4" members may be three pieces 1%", one piece 1%" with one piece 3V'2", or a single 5%" width beam 7" members may be hvo pieces 1%" around one piece V/z" , two pieces 3V2", or a single 7" width beam See /pages / 6 and 17 for multiple member beam connections DECK JOISTS BETWEEN GRID LINES 5 & 6 L= w= V=wL/2= M=wL^/8= 11.5 93 ft Ib/ft 534 8 Ib 1537 4 ft-lb TRY . 2x10 1= 98 9 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= O 231 in Cr= 1 15 AR=1 5(V)/f,= SR=M/(fb.C,)= 4 46 in^ 17 8 in^ 1/(ATL/L)= 597 OeO"? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 198 in 1/(ALL/L)= 696 <480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL 0 033 in USE 2x10 at16oc. NEWFB-30 (DECK) L= w= 11 512 ft Ib/ft V=wL/2= M=wL^/8= 2816 7744 TRY 5 1/4 X 9 1/4 2 OE PSL Va= 9390 lb 18625 ft-lb 1= 345 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 244 in 1/(ATL/L)= 540 >360'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 179 in 1/(ALL/L)= 737 >480'' YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 065 in Ib ft-lb USE 5 1/4x9 1/4 2 OE PSL NEW FB-31 (DECK) L= 14.5 ft RR=[(WI)(LI)' + (P)(Li) + (w2)(L2)(Li+L2/2)]/(Li+L2)= RL=(WI)(LI) + P + (W2)(L2) - RR= 3582 Ib 10983 ft-lb E= 2 OE+06 psi Vmax"- Mmax= Wi = 76 Ib/ft WDL= 131 ib/ft W2= 251 Ib/ft WLL= 120 Ib/ft WAVG= 215 Ib/ft WTL= 251 Ib/ft Pl = 2816 Ib PDL= 750 Ib Li= 3 ft PLL= 2066 Ib L2= 11 5 ft PTL= 2816 Ib 2348 3582 Ib Ib TRY 1= WATL= ATL= 1/(ATL/L)= ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= 7 X 9 1/4 2 OE PSL 12520 lb 24830 Ib-ft 460 in" 0 23 in 0 57 in 306 >2407 0 36 in 487 >480'? 0 21 in PATL= YES YES OK OK 0 34 in USE 7x9 1/4 20E PSL FB-17 L= 15.5 ft 1 > 1 2 J RR=[PI LI +P2L3+W(LI +L2)72]/(LI + L2)= RL=PI + P2+W(Li +L2)-RR= V„ax=RL= 3944 lb Mmax=PiLiL2/(Li+L2)+P2LiL2/(Li+L2)+w(Li.L2)'/8= 3944 Ib 12580 ft-lb w= 162 lb/ft WDL= 10 P1= 2501 Ib P2= 1868 WLL= 40 4 25 ft L3= 8 25 WTL= 50 L2= 11 25 ft L4= 7 25 PDL= 500 PLL= 2001 2936 lb PTL= 2501 TRY. 51/4X 14 2 OE PSL Va= 14210 Ib OK E= 2 OE+06 psi Ma= 40740 ft-lb OK 1= 1200 in" WATL= 0 09 in PATL= 0 19 in ATL= 0 28 in 1/(ATL/L)= 665 >360'' YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 22 in 1/(ALL/L)= 831 >480'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 06 in USE 51/4x14 2 0E PSL USE 4x6 POST, USE HUCQ612- x 3 Ya" SDS SCREWS TO POST FACE. MEZZANINE ROOF HEADERS HEADER L= w= 209 ft V=wL/2= Ib/ft M=wL^/8= 314 lb 235 ft-lb AR=1 5(V)/fv= 2 61 in^ SR=M/(fb*CF)= 2 5 in^ TRY 4_x4 1= 12 5 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 019 in 1/(ATL/L)= 1890 >240'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 010 in 3591 >360'? YES 0 009 in USE 4x4 2^ FLOOR HEADERS HEADER (BDRM 2) L= 6^ ft w= I 190 I lb/ft TRY 4x6 1= 48 5 in" ATL=5WL"/(384E1)= Q 071 in 1/(ATL/L)= 1008 >240'? V=wL/2= M=wL^/8= YES 570 Ib 855 ft-lb ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= AR=1 5(V)/fv= 4 75 in^ SR=M/(fb*CF)= 91 in^ 0 038 in 1916 >360'? YES 0 034 in USE 4x6 HEADER rSTAIR) 209 L= w= TRY.. 4x4 1= ft Ib/ft 12 5 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 019 in 1/(ATL/L)= 1890 >240'? V=wL/2= M=wL^/8= YES 314 lb 235 ft-lb ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= AR=1 5(V)/fv= 2 61 in^ SR=M/(fb*CF)= 2 5 in^ 0 010 in 3591 >360'? YES 0 009 in USE 4x4 HEADER (STAIR) L= 1.33 327 ft lb/ft w= TRY. 4xA 1= 12 5 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= Q 001 in 1/(ATL/L)= 13865 >240'? V=wL/2= 217 lb M=w2/8= YES 72 ft-lb ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= AR=1 5(V)/fv= 1 81 in^ SR=M/(fb*CF)= 0 8 in^ 0 001 in 26344 >360'? YES 0 001 in USE 4x4 HEADER (LOFT) L= w= TRY 371 6x6 ft lb/ft 1= 76 3 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= 0 001 in 1/(ATL/L)= 21937 >240'? V=wL/2= 371 lb M=wL^/8= 186 ft-lb ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= YES ADL=ATL-ALL= AR=1 5(V)/fv= 3 27 in^ SR=M/(fb*CF)= 1 6 in^ 0 001 in 41681 >360'7 YES 0 001 in USE 6x6 HEADER (OFFICE) L= w= 190 ft lb/ft V=wL/2= M=wL^/8= 190 lb 95 ft-lb AR=1 5(V)/fv= 1 58 in^ SR=M/(fb*CF)= 1 0 in^ TRY 4xA 1= 12 5 in" ATL=5WL"/(384E1)= Q 003 in 1/(ATL/L)= 7018 >240'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 002 in 13333 >360'? YES 0 002 in USE 4x4 HEADER (OFFICE) L= w= 323 ft Ib/ft V=wL/2= M=wL^/8= 485 lb 363 ft-lb AR=1 5(V)/f^= 4 04 in^ SR=M/(fb*CF)= 3 9 in^ TRY 4x4 1= 12 5 in" ATL=5WL"/(384EI)= Q 029 in 1/(ATL/L)= 1223 >240'? YES ALL=LL(ATL)/TL= 0 015 in 1/(ALL/L)= 2324 >360'? YES ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 014 in USE 4x4 8 HEADER (OFFICE) F w 1 1 R L L 2 RR=[PLI+W(LI+L2)'/2]/(LI+L2)= RL=P+W(LI+L2)-RR= 1402 Ib w= 143 ib/ft p= 1425 lb 05 ft L2= 25 ft 452 lb GIRDER TRUSS ABV E= 1 6E+06 psi Vmax-RL-1402 lb Mmax=PLiL2/(Li+L2)+w(Li.L2)/8= 755 ft-lb AR=1 5(V)/fv= SR=M/(fb*CF)= 11 7 10 1 in in= OK OK TRY 4x6 1= ATL= 1/(ATL/L)= ALU=LL(ATL)/TL= 1/(ALL/L)= ADL=ATL-ALL= 0 003 48 5 0 011 3403 >240'? 0 007 4916 >360'> YES YES USE 4x6 LATERAL SHEAR WALLS LINE 5 WALLS: Remove 4'-6", Type 1 shear wall between gnd lines B and C and relocate as a 5'-0", Type 1 shear wall between gnd lines A and B Strap to FB-6 beam with MST 48 FB-6 already evaluated for seismic loading with greater loads from previous location of shear wall above and is sufficient to resist the new required loads LINE F WALLS: Three new window penetrations m balloon firame, 28'-0", Type 10 stucco shear wall require reanalysis Two of the window widths are 16" and will fit withm the stud framing The other is a 3'W X 5'H window After analysis, the 28'-0", Type 10 stucco shear wall is sufficient to resist the required loads There is still no uplift on the wall at each Use "shear transfer detail" 12/S6 for new window penetration areas m stucco shear wall See revised shear wall calc below LINE F WALLS: Distribution Uplift at Mezzanine( 20 ft exist wall) Fir W# H' W#H' 21-sw ~ 20 ft Mezz 230 24 5520 OTM= 1610 ft-lb 2 2016 18 36288 RM= 9407 ft-lb 0 48[(9'/2+r)(18)(20')^/2 1 1041 9 9369 UPLIFT= -390 lb Tot 0 T M = 51177 ft-lb Stucco Mezz V 12 Ib/ft Use Type 10 Wall NO UPLIFT USE MST 48 FLOOR - FLOOR 2Flrv= 100 lb/ft Use Type 10 Uohft at 2nd Floor( 28 28 ft OTM= 19348 ft-lb RM= 39298 ft-lb UPLIFT= 0 lb 0 48[(972+ Wall NO UPLIFT USE MST 48 FLOOR - FLOOR Perforated Shear Wall Design 22 3' NET (LINE F @ FLOOR) WALL UNIT SHEAR = 2246/28' = 84 lb/ft PIER UNIT SHEAR = 2246/22 3" = 100 lb/ft DRAG FORCE = 3'(100-80) = 61 lb EFFECTIVE h/w= 573'= 1 67 1 OK USE CSI 6 STRAP (Lm,n=4') =1704 Ib 1 Fir v= 131 Ib/ft Use Type 10 Uoliftatlst Floor( 25 ft min wall) ^l-s w ~ 25 ft OTM= 51177 ft-lb 0 48[(972+ RM= 49145 ft-lb r)(18)+(1 3372)(10)+ UPL1FT= 81 Ib (7'+8')(15)](25')^/2 Wall NEGLIGIBLE UPLIFT USE HDU2 w/SSTBI 6 w/CNW INTO CMU STEM WALL Perforated Shear Wall Design 21 5' NET (LINE F @ FLOOR) WALL UNIT SHEAR = 3287/25' = 131 lb/ft PIER UNIT SHEAR = 3287/21 5' = 153 ib/ft DRAG FORCE = 1 2'(153-131) = 26 Ib (3)-1 2' sq windows in a senes EFFECTIVE h/w= 1 2'/2'= 0 6 1 OK USE CSI 6 STRAP (Lm,n=4') =1704 Ib |0 LINE E WALLS: An additional new window penetration along Lme E, Mezzanine level, reduces the ongmal 8' long shear wall to a 5'-6" long shear wall After analysis, the 5'-6", Type 1 shear wall is sufficient to resist the required loads The uplift is a negligible load of 162 lb and does not impact FB-2, glu-lam beam upon which it bears See revised shear wall calc below LINE WALLS: Distnbution Fir W# H' W#H' Mezz 230 7 1610 Uohft at 2nd Floor( 55 ft mm wall) Tot 0 T M = 1610 ft-lb SLsw ~ 55 ft OTM= RM= UPLIFT= 1610 ft-lb 719 ft-lb 0 48[(9'/2+1')(18)](5 5')^/2 162 lb 1 Fir v= 42 Ib/ft Use Type 1 Wall USE MST 48 FLOOR FB-2 GLB BELOW SHEAR SCHEDULE i;^y 2e>\e> CALF. BLDG. CODE (\m/2e>]v /\ WALL NAILING FOUNDATION SHEAR TRANSFER /\ UJALL SMEAR VALUE tUALL MATCRIAL hJAIL 'pms.L EDQE INTER SPACE W*y.\e>" MIN. AB SPAC'G MIN. BOTTOM PLATE NAILING NAILS AND BLOCKS A-35 SPACINQ TJI BLK'Q TO PLATES MICRO L/M RIM JST/BLK'G UJ/ SIMPSON CLIPS sm UJALL 1 3/S" CDX OR OSB PLYUJD ** 8d fe" 12" 32" <5/e Ifed « 10" o/e Ifed « fe" o/e Ife" Ifed • fe" o/e A35 • Ife" o/e 1 2 3&0 3/©" CDX OR OSB PLYUJD ** 8d 4" 12" 24" o/e Ifed • 10" o/e Ifed • 4" o/e 12" Ifed • fe" o/e A35 • 12" o/c 2 *3 430 3/8" CDX OR OSB PLYUJD, 3 X SILL •* 8d 3" 12" 24" o/e 3/8"xfe' LAGS Ife" o/e CPREDRILL; Ifed « 4" o/e 8" Ifed • fe" o/e STAGGETOD A3& • 8" o/c *3 *4 6-419 3/8" CDX OR OSB PLYUJD, 3 X SILL ** 8d 2" 12" 12" o/c 3/8"xfe' LAOS 12" o/e CPI^DRILL; Ifed • 4" o/e 8" Ifed • fe" o/e STAGGERED A35 • 8" o/c *4 *b 1/2" CDX OR OSB PLYUJD, 3 X SILL *** 10d 2" 12" 8" o/e 3/8"xfe' LAGS 9" o/e CPREDRILL; Ifed « 4" o/e fe" Ifed « fe" o/e STAGGERED A35 « fe" o/c *& *e> 1/2" PLYUJD, STRUC 1 3 X SILL *** 12>d 2" 12" 8" o/e 3/8"xfe' LAGS 8" o/e CPREDRILL; Ifed « 4" o/e fe" Ifed • fe" o/e STAGGERED A^ e fe" o/c *6 180 T/8" STUCCO UJ/ PAPER B<D. LATH 1/4" l=UW?INQ MIN; 11 QA 1-1/2" 1/16" HEAD e." 6" 48" o/o Ifed • 10" o/e Ifed « 8" o/e 24" Ifed • fe" O/e A35 • 24" o/e 10 SHEAR SCHEDULE NOTES • FRAMING AT ADJOINING PANEL EDGES SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 3x OR UJIDER AND NAILS SHALL BE STAGQEI^D »» USE 8df2V'j"x0.13r' COMMON, 2l'j"x0ll3 GALV BOX; *** USE I0df3"x0l48" COMMON, 3"x0l28" GALV. BOX; A USEC35><,(X,OR6BD lU/Exr GLUE INUBJC^STBJC1UBALi=LTUI0^ THESE VALUES ^ FOR DOU& FIR OTl«R LUMKR SPECIES MAY BEOIIBE OWNGES fUSE OF OSB OR SIMILAR PRODUCTS INSTAUED FER \CC. APPROVAL IS ADEQUATE; B PROVIDE 2x BLOCaONS AT HORIZONTAL PLYWOOD PANEL JOINTS C. WHERE PLTTUOOD IS APPLIED ON BOTH FACES OF WALL AND NAIL SPACING IS LESS THAN fe" olc PAfCL JOINTS SHALL BE OFFSET TO FALL ON DIFreRENT FRAMING MEMBERS OR FRAMING SHAU K 3x OR WIDER (OR 2-7>0 AND NAILS STAGGERED ON EACH SIDE D. WHERE NAILS AfS. SPACED AT 2" o/c, TI«Y SHALL BE STAGGERED AND 3x OR mm (OR 2-2x) FRAMNG MEMKRS SHAU BE USED AT ADJOINING PANEL ED(XS E. USE H^"*xl0" SILL BOLTS H" MIN. EMBED INTO tyMCf^TB) AT fe'-0" OC SPACING IN ALL BEARING UJALLS FOR STRUCTURES TUJO STORIES OR LESS f4'-0" OC SPACING INQUIRED FOR THI^-STORY STRUCTURES;. IN SEISMIC DESIQN CATEGORY D E, F, W1«RE AUOWABLE SHEAR VALUES EXC^D 350 PLF IN WOOD STRUCTURAL SHEAR WAU6, AND AU FRAMING MEMBERS RECEIVING ED^ NAILING FROM ABUTTING PANELS SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN A SINGLE 3" NOMINAL MEMKR IN SHEAR WAUS WHERE THE TOTAL WAU DESI»I SHEAR DOES NOT EXCEED 600 PLF, A SINGLE 2" NOMINAL SIU PLATE IS PESIITTED IF ANCHORED BY TWO Tlf^S WE NIMBER OF BOLTS REQUIRED BY DESkai WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL JOINT AND SILL PLATE NAILING SHAU BE STAGGERED IN AU CA^S N SEISMIC DESIQN CATEGORY D, E F, THE FOUOWING SHALL APPLY A THE MINIMUM NOMINAL ANCHOR BOLTS DIA SHALL BE NOTE THAT THIS UJILL REQUIRE A MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM THE ENDS OF THE SILL PLATES TO BE 4-3/8" rAND A MAX. OF 12";. B. PLATE UJASHERS ^MINIMUM SIZE OF 3"x3"x0.229" SHALL BE U^D ON EACH ANCHOR BOLT. THE HOLE IN THE PLATE UJASHER IS FERMITTCD TO BE DIAGONALLY SLOTTED UJITH A UJIDTH OF UP TO 3/lfe" LARGER TH^ THE BOLT DIA ANP A SLOT LENQTH NOT TO EXCEED I PROVIDED A STANDARD CUT UJASHER IS PLACED BETUEEN THE PLATE UJASHER AND THE NUT C NO POUJER DRIVEN PINS SHALL BE USED IN LIEU OF ANCHOR BOLTS AT THE EDC^ OF SLAB PCR13078 160 JUNIPER AV GUGLIELMO RES-REVISIONS TO ^ ^ p:^-Vl^^ Si-^-^'t^ I'cyyo; -7/p-)|3 e^'^ C^c^^ ~TTt-^iC*/ ,/ /v^ap. i7///^ /JT2af sw •ISSUED •cv Approved BUILDING PLANNING ENGINEERING FIRE Expedite? Y N AFS Checked by HazMat APCD Health Forms/Fees Sent Reed Due? Encina Fire HazHealthAPCD PE&M School Sewer Stormwater Special Inspection CFD Y N LandUse By Density ImpArea FY Annex Factor PFF N Comments Date Date Date Date Building Planning Engineering Fire S/^^l[2> Need? • Done • Done • Done • Done • Done • Done