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1600 FARADAY AVE; ; CB960757; Permit
r .,. ~ o 8 I u ,:, .J:~ b 1 2 : 4 6 B lJ I L D I N G Pag,2 1 of 1 ,.J<-•b Address: 1600 FARA[lAY AV Permit Type: INDUSTRIAL BUILDING Parcel N0: 212-13O-25-OO V~luation: 2,620,044 P E R M I T Suite: Permit No: CB96075/ Project No: A9601043 Development No: F05u5u:i..2 89JJ. {}8/05./96 t}001 01 Lot#: 1 uu G-pr-,.,1•_{-1 ... , ~,., Constructi(,n Type: Iff{{fi7-~;:: Occupancy Group: B Reference#: CT85-24 Status: ISSUED Description: 60,233 SF-TILT-UP,8520 WH : 37684 MAN & R&D 14029 OFFICE Enter 'Y' for Mechanical Issue Install Furn/Ducts/Heat Pumps Each Exhaust Fan Other. A MECHAIIJICAL TOTAL Fee> > > > Applic:,•d: 04/23/'36 Apr/Issue: 08/05/96 Entered By: R:tviA 447-2439 4000 ,50 35 9,00 5 6.50 22.00 35.00 7,00 7.00 7.00 399.00 10,00 200U,00 2010.00 15.00 315.00 32.50 22.00 385.00 y y BOILERS EJ~/1,L APPROVAL ~ ~~-DATE~/~ CLEARANCE ____ ~ __ , CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palrnas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 tiff faf301l PERMIT APPUCATION City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 1. PERMIT 'IYPE From List 1 (see back) give code of Permit-Type: ___________ _ For Residential Projects Only: From List 2 (see back) give 7206 04/23/96 C001 01 C-PRi'~T Code of Structure-Type: ___________________ _ Net Loss/Gain of Dwelling Units __________________ _ 2. PROJECf INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Address l7ooo Nearest Cross Street p~l:'.) 11-y ~ildmg or Suite No. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot No. subd1V1s1on Na~e/Number UmtNo. Phase No. ... i -C/M'.,l>.i/l/:J -'C'lt -f!S-2 s £'.' /ef' p u $.11/lv/ ~~ .,,, ffe?t7-e-,< 4,J;;t£,,!;Ho1.,s::e_ • F STORIES /Cf, tJ');.f '] # OF BEDROOMS 4'-fL-2~'( 4. ~T OCON nlACIOR s111zi£NT FOR J6~?IT6-mR D OWNEWAY ~rn.f.~6R 0~~£ -:--:c,/lf'-.;J./ f-z._.. NAME (last name first) Sm,+h )C(.nrc,tk-ADDRESS L.1:3~ i-(J. 6iracl(t:.y cu;e,. e CITY El (!4-"Ou STATE t4. ZIP CODE '12020 DAY TELEPHONE q4:'7-.2-4Bq NAME (lastnamefirst) C,1'.(} u'mi./-·(cf ADDRESS 415 LJ, '13ya_{Ji}~~{ Q\.,(. C 6 _ ~rJ&~)t)Jl7 STATE l4 ~ ZIP CODE q 21)2,() DAY TELEPHONE 4'0--1, tj 24- NAME(lastnam:first) }l-etmann Con$--~DRE?S 4,S LV, ~rt:tdk-y ave - CITY e I fAJov STATE LA . ZIP CODE 0, 2-0UJ DAY TELEPHONE 440 ~ 7 4 2-l.f STATE LlC. # .37 q /YkENSE CLASS .-5 mi 'lne+c., re. CITY STATE et\ . ZIP CODE ww C1531'$" Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby afhrm that I have a cernhcate of consent to self-msure 1ssy~d by the D1r~tor of Industnal Relations, or a certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance by an admitted insurer, or an exact copy or duplicate thereof certified by the Director of the insurer thereof filed with the Building Inspection Department (Section 3800, Lab. C). INSURANCE COMPANY /4,iu Jj½,47,1Ct IRATION DATE }()Re .:..·/&f t:f L not emp oy any person m any manner SIGNATURE DATE 8. oWNAA-BOMER DECLARATION Owner-Builder Deciarauon: I hereby afhrm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the foilowmg reason: D I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or in:iproves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). D D I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's Llcense Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's Llcense Law). I am exempt under Section _______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: ...... (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to cpnstruct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (C apter 9, commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the b is the alleged exef9ption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit y subjects the lica t to a civil alty of t r a,,_r}fe Jtunjfred dollars ($500]). I~ SIGNATURE ~===:!!.!.~ uv,,.....,uU-_,,. DATE Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES D NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 YES D NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 YES D NO IF ANY OF nm ANSWERS ARE YFS, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ll?SlJED AFl'ERJULY 1, 1989 UNLESS nm APPUCANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING nm REQUIREMENTS OF nm OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND nm AIR POILUTION OONTROL DISrRICT. 9. CONSnWCnON LENDING AGENCY I hereby afhrm that there 1s a construction lendmg agency for the pedormance of the work for which this permit 1s issued (Sec 3097(1) C1VIl Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS 10. APP11CAN1 CRR1'Intxl10N 1 certify that 1 have read the application and state that the above mtormanon 1s correct. I agree to comply with all City ordmances and State Jaws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I A.ISO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS nm CfIY OF CARISBAD AGAINST AIL UAB~, JUDGMENTS, OOSfS AND EXPENSF.S WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY AWUJE AGAINST SAID CfIY IN OONSEQUENCE OF nm GRANTING OF TIIIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. Expiration. Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 365 ays from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abando, ed at any ti\I)e after e wor · o menced for a period of 180 days (Section 303(d) Uniform Buil!g i::;aje)t'.::l / A APPLlCANT'S SIGNATURE DATE:-+--·-~-=--: /Lf" S E W E R P E R M I T 08/05/96 12:42 Page 1 of 1 Job Address: 1600 FARADAY AV Permit Type: SEWER -OFFICE/WAREHOUSE Parcel No: 212-130-25-00 Description: 60,233 SF-TILT-UP,8,520 WHS, Suite: 31,771 MAN, 5,913 R & D, 14,029 OFFICE Permitee: KEN SMITH ARCHITECHT 435 W BRADLEY AV, STEC EL CAJON CA 92020 447-2439 CITY OF CARLSBAD oas a 2% Permit No: SE96UO~S Bldg Planck#: CB960757 81:.U. 08/05/96 000.1 0.1 cc Status: Applied: Apr/Issue: Expired: Prepared By: ISSUED 07/23/96 03/0!:,./96 MAM 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 tr: Cite CITY OF CARLSBAD -•, , · · INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB960757 FOR 02/pt'/97 DESCRIPTION: 60,233 SF-TILT-UP,8520 WH ,t.,6 37684 MAN & R&D 14029 OFFICE-INVITROGEN INSPECTOR AREA TP PLANCK# CB960757 OCC GRP B TYPE: INDUST STE: CONSTR. TYPE IIIN LOT: 100 JOB ADDRESS: 1600 FARADAY AV APPLICANT: KEN SMITH ARCHITECHT CONTRACTOR: PHONE: 447-2439 OWNER: REMARKS: BJN/MARK/520-1409 SPECIAL INSTRUCT: PHONE: d PHONE: INSPECTOR --://is<---------- TOTAL TIME: --RELATED PERMITS--PERMIT# TYPE STATUS SE960085 swow ISSUED AS960069 ASC ISSUED FS970002 FIXSYS ISSUED WM970001 WMETER ISSUED CB961864 MISC ISSUED CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS 19 ST Final Structural 29 PL Final Plumbing 39 EL Final Electrical 49 ME Final Mechanical --------------------------------------------------------- t£ + ***** INSPECTION HISTORY***** DATE 021897 021497 021397 021297 020697 020697 020697 013197 013197 013197 012797 012797 012797 012797 012797 012797 012797 012097 011597 011597 011597 010397 DESCRIPTION Compliance Investigation Final Combo Final Combo Final Combo Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Const. service/Agricultural Const. Service/Agricultural Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Interior Lath/Drywall ACT INSP PI TP PA TP PI TP CO TP AP TP AP TP AP TP AP TP AP TP AP TP AP TP AP TP AP TP PI TP PI TP PI TP PA TP NR TP AP TP AP TP AP TP PA TP COMMENTS FINAL REVIEW SEE INSP NOTES ATTACHED PRE-WALK CONT T-BAR GRID N/INCL CLN RMS CEIL LITES NO/INCL CLN RMS DUCTS N/INCL CLN RMS T-BAR GRID ASMB AREA CEIL LITES ASMB AREA DUCTS ASMB AREA T-BAR GRID 2ND FLR CEIL LITES 2ND FLR DUCTS 2ND FLR T-BAR GRID 1ST FLR CEIL LITES DUCTS 1ST FLR MAIN & SUB PNLS 2ND FLR T-BAR GRID CEIL LITES 2ND FLR DUCTS 2ND FLR CITY OF CARLSBAD r, ~ . .. INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB960757 FOR 02/27/97 DESCRIPTION: 60,233 SF-TILT-UP,8520 WH 37684 MAN & R&D 14029 OFFICE-INVITROGEN INSPECTOR AREA TP PLANCK# CB960757 OCC GRP B TYPE: INDUST JOB ADDRESS: 1600 FARADAY AV STE: CONSTR. TYPE IIIN LOT: 100 ***** INSPECTION HISTORY***** DATE 010397 010397 123096 123096 123096 122696 122696 122696 122396 122096 122096 122096 122096 121996 121996 121996 121696 121096 120496 112596 112596 111496 102996 102996 102996 102596 102596 092796 092696 092596 091396 091196 091196 091096 090996 082296 082196 082096 081396 081296 080796 080796 080696 080696 080696 DESCRIPTION Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough Electric Interior Lath/Drywall Rough Electric Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Interior Lath/Drywall Rough Electric Rough Combo Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough/Top out Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough Electric Rough/Topout Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough Electric Rough Combo Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough/Ducts/Dampers Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Gas/Test/Repairs Ftg/Foundation/Piers Roof/Reroof Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Ftg/Foundation/Piers Roof/Reroof Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Shear Panels/HD's Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Stee~/Bolting/Welding Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Underground/Under Floor Underground/Under Floor Underground/Under Floor Underground/Conduit-Wiring Ftg/Foundation/Piers Underground/Conduit-Wiring Underground/Under Floor ACT INSP AP TP AP TP PA TP PA TP PA TP PA TP PA TP PA TP CO TP PA TP PI TP PA TP AP TP NR TP AP TP AP TP CO TP PI TP PI TP PI TP PI TP PI TP AP TP AP TP AP TP PI TP PI TP AP TP AP TP NR TP AP TP AP TP AP TP PI TP AP TP AP TP AP TP AP TP AP TP AP TP PA TP AP TP PA TP PA TP NR TP COMMENTS WALLS,ENTRY SOFFIT,2ND FLR SO WALLS NOT COMP WALLS,SOFFITS,SKYLITE DROPS· ND WATER TEST R.R. EXHAUST DUCTS WALLS FULL HT WLLS N/INCL PLUM ARCH FULL HT WALLS CO-MEZ WALLS,HIGH WALLS HIGH WALLS PART QUESTIONS ON DUCTS DISC.FLR PLN REV 24 HR TEST START POUR STRIP MEZZANINE FLOOR SHTNG NOT COMPLETE NOT COMPLETE SITE PNLS@ TRK DOCK MONUMENT SIGN WALL PNLS PNLS 5-21,24,36,37 PNLS TW 1-4 PNLS (WELD PLATES MISSING) PNLS (SEE CARD) SLAB COMPLETE SLAB LINE 2-6 SLAB LINE 7-11 U/G A/B REC PLUMB A/B WATER TEST/ND U/G A/B UFFER EXT,G.B. & PIERS FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DEP.T: BUILDING ENGINEERING FIRE PLANNING U/M WATER PLAN CHECK#: CB960757 PERMIT#: CB960757 PROJECT NAME: 60,233 SF-TILT-UP,8520 37684 MAN & R&D 14029 ADDRESS: 1600 FARADAY AV CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: MARK/PG 970-3976 SEWER DIST: CA WATER DIST: CA INSPECTED (J,o'7> BY: /. r,'P.' INSPECTED BY: INSPECTED BY: COMMENTS: DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: Z..•/tf-77 APPROVED L DISAPPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING FIRE PLANNING U/M WATER PLAN CHECK#: CB960757 PERMIT#: CB960757 PROJECT NAME: 60,233 SF-TILT-UP,8520 WH 37684 MAN & R&D 14029 OFFICE-INVITROGEN ADDRESS: 16()'0 FARADAY AV LOT# 100 CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: MW/MARK/PG 970-3976 SEWER DIST: CA WATER DIST: CA ~~~PECTjll2,.b ~ INSPECTED BY: INSPECTED BY: COMMENTS: DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: /~/17 APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED DATE: 02/14/97 PERMIT TYPE: INDUST ij~(C[E~~~~ ~ FEB 1 8 1997 ~ By / DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING FIRE i!'_LANNING. U/M WATER .LAN CHECK#: CB960757 DATE: 02/14/97 PERMIT#: CB960757 PERMIT TYPE: INDUST PROJECT NAME: :-60,233 SF-TILT-UP,8520 WH 1..37684 MAN & R&D 14029 OFFICE-INVITR9,GEN , ADDRESS: 1600 FARADAY AV CONTACT .. PERSON/PHONE#: MARK/PG 970-3976 SEWER DIST: CA WATER DIST: CA INSPECTE~::-!~ BY: C11~ INSPECTED BY: INSPECTED BY: COMMENTS: • DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: rf2/P;}q1 Lot# 100 APPROVED V"' APPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DEFT: BUILDING ENGINEERING FIRE PLANNING U/M WATER PLAN CHECK#: CB960757 DATE: 02/14/97 PERMIT#: CB960757 PERMIT TYPE: INDUST PROJECT NAME: 60,233 SF-TILT-UP,8520 WH 37684 MAN & R&D 14029 OFFICE-INVITROGEN ADDRESS: 1600 FARADAY AV Lot# 10 D m @ ~ fl P/J fl~~ CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: MARK/PG 970-3976 SEWER DIST: CA WATER DIST: CA ~l81997 !it1,. !-,,/' ~-1!/JIIIOlfit}~~~J== ,;tt:;;..---1...---=~-----;___~---0 -~..~ECTED: Z• /2 --17 APPROVED / DISAPPROVED J INSPECTED BY: COMMENTS: INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: I) JiJi..._____ -ot ~-DK APPROVED DISAPPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION ' DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK#: CB960757 PERMIT#: CB960757 FIRE PROJECT NAME: 60,233 SF-TILT-UP,8520 37684 MAN & R&D 14029 ADDRESS: 1600 FARADAY AV PLANNING U/M \~WATER DATE: 02/14/97 PERMIT TYPE: INDUST WH OFFICEfINVITR~GEN°~}·_-,.. ____ . ' I Lo~#--fT0-0~:_-_ . CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: MARK/PG 970-3976 FEB I 4 ·-.~- SEWER DIST: CA WATER DIST: CA INSPECTED BY: INSPECTED BY: INSPECTED BY: COMMENTS: DATE INSPECTED: 2-lf'-'1 7 DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: APPROVED U DISAPPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED MONTANA 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 REPORT OF CYLINDER TESTS Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. 2ors Li'.-'1S PAL:M{:is CARLSBAD, CA 92009 CLIENT: l--!P1M10.iNN CONSTl:;;:ucr I ON PROJECT NO. 2943-·25 PROJECT NA'"!:~=-:rn:rr.rT1:;;:c~'.:le-l·~"' PROJECT ADDR. C(..:1RL.SBAD BP/OSA NO. 96··-757 PLAN FILE NO. SET f.8E,7 AGE DATE NOMINAL ACTUAL AREA LOAD STRENGTH TYPE OF LAB NUMBER (DAYS) (:; 7 B 14 C •7-r1_:\ ,i...i...) SPECIFIED STRENGTH-=3.{j~()_(iJPSI LOCATION PP1NEL :t.J:9 Sr0p :l ·=-~ . -~ 8(?.p :;~E, Oct 10 CASTBY DE CONCRETE SUPPLIER MIX NO. :3!_5!5P ESCONDIDO READY MIX TYPE OF CEMENT TICKET NO. 204 705 WATER ADDED AT SITE AUTHORIZED BY SLUMP .::j. ,. !5 IN REMARKS DISTRIBUTION (r..-·1 •• ....J •• MIXING TIME 60 MIN HAMANN CONSTRUCTION KEN SMITH ARCHITECTURE R2H El\lt:3 :c NEEF.: I NG SIZE 6X12 (~X :l :7~ E..X12 (SQ. IN.) (LBS) (PSI) FRACTURE L:f.t" i::f.f, E:E:000 3c)·::.1~~ :28 n z:lE, 104000 3{;!_:.5i:f :7:: 8 u 1=-1-E, 1152~50 -. 4 ()'i::j:·~-1 ON ,-:iF .... -1 ···, ,' :. -~' It t:, t:.' p 11 .:::. DATE RECEIVED 96. Gep .. 1 ~:l AIR UNIT WEIGHT CONCRETE TEMP AMBIENT TEMP ADMIXTURES Respectfully Submitted, % PCF ~7 E.1 o F 78 o F .CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. SUPERIOR READY MIX COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: OcoNFORMS DOES NOT CONFORM D 96.0ct. l l I -_J MONTANA 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 REPORT OF CYLINDER TESTS Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: {619) 735-8979 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. :207~.5 LAS Pr::iLMAS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 CLIENT: HAMANN CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NO. :2943-2;:i PROJECT NAMl:; ___ J-NV1 TR(U:3F.,,J'j PROJECT ADDR. ci0,r.;;:L.EH:l{1D BP/OSA NO. 9!::,··· 7::57 PLAN FILE NO. SET 6868 AGE DATE NOMINAL ACTUAL AREA LOAD STRENGTH TYPE OF LAB NUMBER (DAYS) P, -, S)E~ i:::t 19 I B 14 S\=P :;2{; C .-,r, .r::.c:, Oct 10 SPECIFIED STRENGTHc:-~-t:H:fE~ PSI CASTBY DE LOCATION PANEL 20 CONCRETE SUPPLIER MIX NO. 35!:.:iP ESCONDIDO READY MIX TYPE OF CEMENT TICKET NO. :2046B7 WATER ADDED AT SITE AUTHORIZED BY SLUMP 5. ()IN REMARKS DISTRIBUTION ( 5 ) MIXING TIME ~37 MIN HAMANN CONSTRUCTION KEN SMITH ARCHITECTURE f;;:2H ENG I NEEFs: I NG SIZE 6X12 E1X 1:;2 6X12 ON CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. SUPERIOR READY MIX (SQ. IN.) (LBS) (PSI) FRACTURE 28ui::~E.1 78000 :2:1i::t-t) 28 u i:t{; ':387~50 :34f;':;I :28 n i:.i-E., 113000 {~~~(\\ \ -... ~, ... ':. _':.,) DATE RECEIVED ':36 .. Gep.13 AIR UNIT WEIGHT CONCRETE TEMP AMBIENT TEMP ADMIXTURES Respectfully Submitted, COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: % PCF 7E.,OF 680F DcoNFORMS DOES NOT CONFORM D 9C. Oct .. l :l. MONTANA 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714} 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 REPORT OF CYLINDER TESTS Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 . Fax: (619) 735-8979 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. :2075 LP1S PALMAS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 CLIENT: HP1MANN CONSTF.:UCT I ON PROJECT NO. 2943·-··25 PROJECT NAME,:_ I NY 1 T i:,:JJtiEtt{ PROJECT ADDR. c,:::iRLSBf°'.'1D BP/OSA NO. 96--7!.57 PLAN FILE NO. SET f.869 LAB NUMBER AGE (DAYS) DATE NOMINAL ACTUAL AREA LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH TYPE OF C SPECIFIED STRENGTH\_ -~00(?) PSI LOCATION PANEL *l=:21 Sep 1'::J Oct 10 CASTBY DE CONCRETE SUPPLIER MIX NO. 1 !.575P TICKET NO. 2046 Tl WATER ADDED AT SITE AUTHORIZED BY ESCO~IDIDO READY MIX TYPE OF CEMENT MIXING TIME SLUMP 4.3 IN REMARKS DISTRIBUTION ( !5 ) HAMANN CONSTRUCTION KEN SMITH ARCHITECTURE E,(l MIN SIZE (SQ. IN.) (PSI) FRACTURE 6X12 6X1:2 6X12 10B2!.50 :3t3(J3 1 .-, ,:::• .-·, r,-(-. , ,•I ~ •I (-,-('"'fl · .r::.~_.::.,.:.1 -1 L ''".t1:..t ,_i ~-~ f ON 0::--if:, C·op, 'I·::• -• -II , .. )I::;, , IS •• .i.,, AIR UNIT WEIGHT CONCRETE TEMP AMBIENT TEMP ADMIXTURES DATE RECEIVED 1:::JE, II Sep JI l3 % PCF 7:;;:: o F F.::2H ENG I NEEl-7:: I NG Respectfully Submitted, CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. SUPERIOR READY MIX COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: DcoNFORMS DOES NOT CONFORM 0 96. De t .. 1. 1. MONTANA 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 REF~RT OF CYLINDER TESTS Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. 207!5 LP,S PALM1~S CARLSBAD, CA 92009 CLIENT: !·-!{~MANN CONST!:;;:ucr I ON PROJECT NO. 29,s1<3--2~5 PROJECT NAME: cLJ'l\L];.JJfJ)};::i€!rl PROJECT ADDR. CPii?l .... :38(.::lD BP/OSA NO. 96··-757 PLAN FILE NO. SET 6'::J31 LAB NUMBER AGE (DAYS) DATE NOMINAL ACTUAL AREA LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH TYPE OF SIZE (SQ. IN.) (PSI) FRACTURE ?:1 "7 Sep ~7::~.:1 I )3 ;:8 D,:t; 14 C 28 Oct 14 HD 28 O,:t; 14 SPECIFIED STRENGTH-~}()!)() 1PSI CAST BY DD LOCATION PANEL :JiZ3 CONCRETE SUPPLIER SUPER I OF:: I:;;:EADY MIX MIX NO. 15"/;:iP TICKET NO. 20483~5 WATER ADDED AT SITE AUTHORIZED BY SLUMP 5. () IN REMARKS DISTRIBUTION ( 5 ) TYPE OF CEMENT MIXING TIME H10.1t'f(-iNN CONSTPUCT I DN KEN SMITH ARCHITECTURE 1:;;:2H ENG I NE:J::1:;;: I NG 40 MIN 6X12 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPE~:TION DEPT. SUPERIOR READY MIX 28.4E, 110000 o.oo DATE RECEIVED 96.Sep.17 AIR UNIT WEIGHT CONCRETE TEMP AMBIENT TEMP ADMIXTURES PO Z Z Respectfully Submitted, % PCF 76 ° F COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: L~: DOES NOT CONFORM D MONTANA 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 REPORT OF CYLINDER TESTS Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. 207;'5 LAS P1'..:1LM(-:iS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 CLIENT: l·-!AMt:iNN CONSTRUCT I ON PROJECT NO. :-;::*34-~; .... ,:~:!:.i PROJECT NAMEdNV IJF~Dm:?r"lj PROJECT ADDR. C{2ji:;;:LS81C)D BP/OSA NO. ':36-7!.57 PLAN FILE NO. AGE (DAYS) DATE NOMINAL ACTUAL AREA LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH TYPE OF LAB NUMBER SIZE (SQ. IN.) (PSI) FRACTURE Sep 2:3 l-, :., Oct: 14 C Oct :1.4 HD Oct 14 SPECIFIED STRENGTH .. · ;7:i:QQ.Q .. 'i PSI CAST BY DD LOCATION PANEL CONCRETE SUPPLIER SUPEf.,: I DR F-:'.EADY MIX MIX NO. 1 !.575P TYPE OF CEMENT TICKET NO. 2048!:i7 WATER ADDED AT SITE AUTHORIZED BY SLUMP '.5 • 0 IN REMARKS DISTRIBUTION f'C::' ·; •• ._,I,: MIXING TIME HAMANN CONSTRUCTION KEN SMITH ARCHITECTURE 1:~:21-l ENG I NEEi? I NG 45 MIN t.;x 1 :2 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. SUPERIOR READY MIX 90500 31 t:10 :1.:1.9000 41:3:1. 0.00 DATE RECEIVED 95.Sep.17 AIR UNIT WEIGHT CONCRETE TEMP AMBIENT TEMP ADMIXTURES PO 7.. 7.. Respectfully Submitted, % PCF 85 o F Bl OF ~~~ LJ\18~ COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: ci.FORMS DOES NOT CONFORM D t,i1 I I MONTANA 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 REPORT OF CYLINDER TESTS Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: {619) 735-8979 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. 20T5 L(.18 PALMPiS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 PRQJECT NO. 2-::J4:?.;-.. 2~5 PROJECT NAME:--;t l\f:V I-TROG':ii~\ CLIENT: 1-t~Mf::iNN CONSTRUCT I ON SET 7004 LAB NUMBER 10i C HD AGE (DAYS) 28 DATE f::;f.7)p :2:3 Oct 14 Oct 14 Oct 14 BP/OSA NO. PLAN FILE NO. NOMINAL ACTUAL AREA SIZE (SQ. IN.) E..X12 28 .. 45 6X12 () n ()(j ,:3{:, ..... 757 LOAD (LBS) 86500 116!.500 STRENGTH TYPE OF (PSI) FRACTURE SPECIFIED STRENGTH _;"';,:f(:J'(:fB" PSI CAST BY DD ON 96. Sep. 16 DATE RECEIVED f ... -_'"'::"..:"-:.-~ LOCATION pf'.::iNEL 'ff4 CONCRETE SUPPLIER SUPER I 01? !?EADY MIX MIX NO. l. 57!5P TICKET NO. 204887 WATER ADDED AT SITE AUTHORIZED BY SLUMP 4. () IN REMARKS DISTRIBUTION ( 5 ) TYPE OF CEMENT MIXING TIME HAMANN CONSTRUCTION KEN SMITH ARCHITECTURE R2H ENG I NEER I NC=.i .::Vi} MIN CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. SUPEF.:IOF-='. t's'.EADY MIX AIR UNIT WEIGHT CONCRETE TEMP AMBIENT TEMP ADMIXTURES PO Z 2'. Respectfully Submitted, COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: % PCF ~NFORMS DOES NOT CONFORM D ':1E.,.Oct. 14 C ,• 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLAN~N) FORW~JN~ .REPORT NO. PLAN FILE NO. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIA'g!-D (T.e: REPORd ~ . TP'.6. I / ~. J~?../1.~TII 7 7 ~) I REMARKS. INCLUDING MEETINGS: f TESTS REQUIRED DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: TIME START: TIME FINISH: 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) (N) PG / OF I PER~%~ I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and / or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. Signature J}Jr k~ Print Name Date of Report du,1"".___. Certification Number Rev: 5/95 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. t · Fax: (714) 632-2974 FIELD REPORT 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 COVERING WORK FOR AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) /,.) E;t,/)/~I',,· IJV.J-~, iON APPROVED PLANS~(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) (N) ARCHITECT k t:)"5 ~ As,~Oc. ~ FOR WEEK ENDING q IPRJ.Na.2 q -2.rJ-96 . 43-02S- ENGINEER I< ::> J-/ C/Vv-1-V&ifR./.v~ REPORT NO. PG I OF ) CONTRACTOR µ_ l'.a PLAN FILE NO. I PERMIT N0.9 7 ,4-~,et-µ# ~ 6-.S-7 SUB·CONTRACTO:s: ~D,~ C:0:,v,sr .. tveu:,;,-;-1.J PROJECT NAMX /'-.JV 17 ,eo&e;N INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT SAM6 I boo F p-,PA ~ A"-15,. C1+121,.St1;J.r0 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USE°Jlr?:~ A 7c6 /<P::l?A-ll. A~b .,,_ -~-·--:.:!, P ~ L/~U...J N~21 I % ti '6'-1 ~..dW. I , . , , l:?:.7!-'Tlf EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: 2a A C t!:,'erintH? v->G-?,,oBl-S ~l?/iE-CHAvc.2... L acte-r o-v-reco,evo, ~~ / , trµcou-,1 flllt:. W"f.:LIJc:::(t_'f_. Ma&.g..;z B1c.-'10/210-2'7c> 1'91-?aj H,1-t.~ 8ter8i>--e_ zm'/J._2,e-:a:_ ~ ITEMS OBSERVED (DETAIL NOS,): • 7,-D~,I.S 9tlDOAJ 5-~. Oe'TAJ,, I ON 5-9~ ~l::,Vl:(lAl-;v~,s-~I.S-~.5-8'.7 ~ p ~ ~~ t. ~t A3!:~ .. LOCATION OF WORK: R . ,')NE-:t.. fl) .SlAil t,. .PAN,i!:t,, '70 ~-hi\;(, ~1~ O"-' ,fr_/A-,,,b / / ~ L tO ...i .... c:, ,c,_ /4,..,s. :S Not-1 l-ro l I"' o"-' Lt A--~ ~ ~ F=n=>~ VAie1~~ Frzo~ ~1~ ~&J 3'('t.j l 0,. REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: ;/1, _U 6 .:z::. =:;:: 12£/?o~ 7V 'ATll<. t,,..,n'U -~A-J.AV oµ;;r oBsz:::ll.vz:.o'T-'-fiE-t<JiE-U))IV,, •I If f't OF ~ 7'.:> 2~ X'.2,'i')C,% ~.Jo.r2 ~ 7Z:;, ~~~ a,,,/Jb::T,a,t,J ,c,L_ 71--16:_ ~1 .... t,,., /?~; p R "~ '.221 P2~ P24 ~fo:'2-yft'!; P&4j&s;, :::r J4l,SD· ~BY-(2~ THE Wj!:'W)Ni, o,:: ~ l< z; "' J-11( e~ R>..e. PA-Nl9t.. 70 &Sl,A-B 6;>~.IP'-6 ~ ~ ~.;,v{t-PA,,V.GLS; Pl61' A 4 p 2 s; P26,-P33i ft; P~etf¾ P1_s;P1'1;t k--b.:-L{?I/VV 4:v1e~ APrzfiA~TO ~P.:..Y l,A.J t)rl flPPue;,r:1131..-~ C,o,t,.,,7"~1 ,DOG..VJl-l,!/;;v'T"S, SAMPLES TAKEN f'..-}c,r,6 WEATHER: O~r 7c -+ o-TESTS REQUIRED /v/A DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: . -I _,,,, I , -6 I II I TIME START: b:3o""" TIME FINISH: 3,'"3 0 f'.M r:7}//4 w Jlj( H/ AUTHORIZED BY , 7'K:' -, ... ' I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and / or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. f/4~!! X/ 9 I 2S 1199b :51'179 Signature Date of Report Certification Number {1;a,t,w ,,.S CHJ/JU~ Print Name Rev: 5/95 - 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A • Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc . FIELD REPORT 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 COVERING WORK FOR AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) {N) f;.._JtLO/µ{r J/V'i P;:..,:,-Jo;.., APPROVED PLAN~N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) (N) ARCHITECT }(D_<i ANO FOR WEEK ENDING q I PRJ. NO. As.Joe_ -25?-~6 29 "13-oRJS" ENGINEER R ~ J-f /5vcr1tVf:;6{l//vV REPORT NO. PG I OF I CONTRACTOR HAM-.µµ t::,o,..,s,. PLAN FILE NO. I PERMIT NO.o/ 6-7 S'7 SUB-CONTRACTOR 5~ D,eoo PROJECT NAME Ce;.i-sr.. W ~N>-/-::r:AJV IT~O&-~ INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT s;;:\:M~ f-:Jboo ~AZJi;_ CAifZL-5=== - REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS): 'I A7o6 R~lJ~.~b A,...,~T~/AK,oµ.,,, /v)<2} I ~?1--r-II, %.:,; . kf"/., ---,-,,~ EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: C 60P12= LHAV8'2.. Koii_&(2.:, Po,v7/:C.0P-Vo1Lp,.;u;,1.,.,v e,e:r-1 Abt> l,...,lez-t?e:/ZS. 14-n..c_ l&t.~t:;/1.S. 1'1,1e_~~ /1..Jtt:. .t-/o ~t:) -270~),.M ;u.6/2 iJ~ BL~ :2.SO iJ.(J 2a~23._DA:r-1fP.5 ~, ITEMS OBSERVED (DETAIL NOS.): ' • • 1 " [:>erA,1.s 17 4 1q. &2~ 5H~ s-i &B-,.,Y...A/.. N'-'?Z;J; suhf'.cr s-6.,. 5-~ 5-~~D-erA,l 3 ~S#e:i:.,.,,-S-Jo'° LOCATION of WORK: A _A,,.,.1'!:-1-'70 .Si.A-($. 14/VP ,#~ 7t;, ~/µ(/ t:-oµ,¼1f'e7'/~. Fot1,-r1A6 ~.,~ f!._~r , r I f?.3 l P32 1 P33,P37P~,PI./O. PS.Ph, P?.rk .~BO, p,,l~ p, 3-~ {J-IQ(lt>~Fi,a_ ~P.iJtPi-ro REMARKS, ~CLUDING MEhlNGS: 7 / 1 r r ' ' r ' :::Z tedb/l"n!P -;=c:. HA£), 1&.IIU l-/4M,t!!!_µ..v ~r: ::Z:: cBS-ct?:v~ THe ~,/,U. OF t':.ow,v;;ga-,/0,,1(.,_5 "-l.5'7'"6-a ABoV~ ~$,/~ ..,.C-..C.,A ,v....J ,!~ f?i!::ILA?/t~ i3Y' c,...,6,..p~ 1-ISTIE/) A-BoV.2:r uS,IVd-/vf..,:J?;-~1~ l_lS~ A.Bove. 7 HE t--Jote.K. X OBSb(.V&:) AP~rt=> ttr)M/~~t,..;rn,f ~ /PL.lo:/-EU C,,_0,11.,,, d;4Ci Oo,:;..~~ ~ SAMPLES TAKEN ~OAJO WEATHER: 0 TESTS REQUIRED fv J A Dv2WZCJA:5r ~-'?o= DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: 1 UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI /CO.ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: c,z t' /J /'1 /1/1 ~ ~ E , , , I ." I// /.I f TIME START: 7;c::x:::t"M TIME FINISH: 3:3of;,\ AUTHORIZED BY: ///~~ . I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and / or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. SI'-} 79 Signature ch' A--/Z..t.!:?5 5<:Hv -"'"1 "4,,--1 Date of Report Certification Number Print Name Rev: 5/95 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 ARCHITECT ENGINEER CONTRACTOR SUB-CONTRACTOR INSPECTION ADDRESS -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLAN~ FOR WEEK ENDING REPORT NO. PLAN FILE NO. PROJECT NAME REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS): EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: /) I. '7 c/4. la6t,4i3i?S ,Coll(?, rHJf>1/2 / <?-D m ~Al IT~BSERVli,fl:,(DETAIL NOS.): 'II, tt./?C~p-16 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS~) sAMPLEs rAKEN 5ee-Herre. /l& ve:: DEFICIENCIES CLEARED:Q.) LJ. -r/6~{{ TESTS REQUIRED J,-JiJ;J '149 7 J', / /t()t--.[) iC //t7: ._.,,.,. :; • UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: TIME START: TIME FINISH: AUTHORIZED BY: I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and / or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. <l I /0 /199(0 ~U- Print Name Date of Report Certification Number <o\oo\ ltJ80 Rev: 5/95 If MONTANA 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 REPORT OF CYLINDER T~STS Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. 20T.:5 u::is Pr-1U··1{,:is CARLSBAD, CA 92009 CLIENT: l-i{-1MANN CONfn-1::::ucT I ON OCT O i 1993 ENGINEERING DEPARi rvit-"-!T PROJECT NO. 2'::J4::J-···2;:i PROJECT NAME: IMidTiti~fr-' PROJECT ADDR. cr:,f.::U3BP1D BP/OSA NO. ·~jb--/::.:,I PLAN FILE NO. SET t:it:s1::.-.. / AGE DATE NOMINAL ACTUAL AREA LOAD STRENGTH LAB NUMBER (DAYS) A "7 J p -· 14 C ~~8 SPECIFIED STRENGTH ~])]:~-!} PSI LOCATION p(.~NEI... :J:r-9 Sep 19 Si::e1:1 :;~t':, Oct 10 CASTBY DE CONCRETE SUPPLIER ESCONDIDO F:'.EP1DY MIX MIX NO. a5!:3P TYPE OF CEMENT TICKET NO. 204705 WATER ADDED AT SITE AUTHORIZED BY SLUMP 4. ;SIN REMARKS DISTRIBUTION ( 4 ) MIXING TIME E.,()MIN SIZE sx1::;;: {::.,.A . .l.2 E,X 1:;;: ON HAMANN CONSTRUCTION KEN SMITH ARCHITECTURE p··;·l-1 FM1:; IJ\IFEP I 1'-11:; c::'i TY-~ cif . Ci~Rt~f.1EfP1D···· PLD(:i u J NSPE::CTI ON DEPT. (SQ. IN.) (LBS) (PSI) 28ui::j.f; t38(){)() 3()'~}2 :28 u ,::j.1:.:t 104000 :~. ;;:s n i::~E, DATE RECEIVED AIR UNIT WEIGHT CONCRETE TEMP AMBIENT TEMP ADMIXTURES Respectfully Submitted, % PCF "7EJ OF :7~3 o F TYPE OF FRACTURE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: DcoNFORMs DOES NOT CONFORM D .. , _, MONTANA 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 REPORT OF CYLINDER TESTS Testing & Geotechnlcal, Inc. 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. :2 () ·7 ~5 l_ f:1!:'3 f' f~l-t·l)f."~:3 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 CLIENT: I HAMANN CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NO. :2'.94:3--25 PROJECT NA~E.:: :t ri(tt::W;.;~J PROJECT ADDR. Ci=';RLSBAD BP/OSA NO. '::if.-·-7:57 PLAN FILE NO. SET 6868 LAB NUMBER AGE (DAYS) DATE NOMINAL ACTUAL AREA LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH TYPE OF .... , I )3 :l4 C :?8 SPECIFIED STRENGTH . ,· ~~Oj~~ PSI LOCATION PANEL 20 Sep 1.::; Oct 10 CAST BY DE CONCRETE SUPPLIER MIX NO. '.J!.'.:i5P ESCONDIDO READY MIX TYPE OF CEMENT TICKET NO. 204E.f37 WATER ADDED AT SITE AUTHORIZED BY SLUMP ~-:i" 0 IN REMARKS DISTRIBUTION (4) MIXING TIME HAMANN CONSTRUCTION KEN SMITH ARCHITECTURE •··,-, MIN ..::.• l SIZE (SQ. IN.) ON AIR UNIT WEIGHT CONCRETE TEMP AMBIENT TEMP ADMIXTURES (PSI) FRACTURE DATE RECEIVED % PCF 7"Et ° F Sfi O F !?2H ENG I NEEf;;: I NG Respectfully Submitted, CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: OcoNFORMS DOES NOT CONFORM D -MONTANA 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 REPORT OF CYLINDER TESTS Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. ~Xi'J::; LAS Pf-1Ll"!Af3 CARLSBAD~ CA ~2009 CLIENT: H{-1MANN COl',!STl~:ucr I ON PROJECT NO. 294;:7;--·2;:.i PROJECT NAMEr:·-:.r.JJV I ·nri:JGE-p;j PROJECT ADDR. Cf21F::LSBP1D BP/OSA NO. '::JG--7:57 PLAN FILE NO. SET E,8E/:1 AGE DATE NOMINAL ACTUAL AREA LOAD STRENGTH LAB NUMBER (DAYS) A 7,7 Sep 1 ,:,J ,-, t::, 14 Sep :;~6 C ;:8 Oci; 1.() SPECIFIED STRENGTH .&liJ_(.l(~) PSI -=,-,-.....::::i CAST BY DE LOCATION pf:iNEL :i:r-21 CONCRETE SUPPLIER MIX NO. 15T5P TICKET NO. 204t,77 WATER ADDED AT SITE AUTHORIZED BY ESCONDIDO READY MIX TYPE OF CEMENT MIXING TIME SLUMP REMARKS DISTRIBUTION ( 4 ) HAMANN crniSTRUCTIDN KEN SMITH ARCHITECTURE \50 MIN SIZE E:X12 l'7.,X 1 :2 E,X:t.;:: (SQ. IN.) (LBS) (PSI) 28::::.1,E:, 92000 ~3~7::::::;:2: ~2 8 a i::j. f:., 1 <)t3:;;~~:S() _:;~~im :;: t3 u i::f. E: AIR UNIT WEIGHT CONCRETE TEMP AMBIENT TEMP ADMIXTURES -~-..... -~ DATE RECEIVED % PCF R2H ENG I NEEi~: I NG Respectfully Submitted, CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. TYPE OF FRACTURE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: DcoNFORMS DOES NOT CONFORM D MONTANA 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 REPORT OF CYLINDER TESTS Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. :207!5 l...(-1S PAL.MAS CARLSBAD, CA 9:2009 CLIENT: 1-fr:)MANN CONSTF,:UCT I !JN PROJECT NO. 2943-·25 PROJECT NAME: IN\.,' I TF::OCiEN PROJECT ADDR. CARLSBAD BP/OSA NO. 9(;-7!5'/ PLAN FILE NO. SET 7004 AGE NOMINAL ACTUAL AREA LOAD STRENGTH DATE LAB NUMBER (DAYS) SIZE (SQ. IN.) (LBS) (PSI) A 7 Sep :~:3 6X1.2 :7~ f3 " i:.1. E.r EiE15t)<) {'/W~:[J ~·:· ·:--1-.. "J B 28 Oct 14 6X12 ~"2 fj a ,:~. fr C 2t3 Oct 14 6X1:2 :2:8" 4.5 HD :28 l],:t 14 0.00 SPECIFIED STRENGTH G7J9~@ PSI CAST BY DD ON '36 • Sep • 1 6 DATE RECEIVED LOCATION F'ANEL ~*4 CONCRETE SUPPLIER SUPEF:: I OR F::EP1DY MIX MIX NO. 157!.SP TICKET NO. 2048[)7 WATER ADDED AT SITE AUTHORIZED BY SLUMP 4. () IN REMARKS DISTRIBUTION ( 4 ) TYPE OF CEMENT MIXING TIME HAMANN CONSTRUCTION KEN SMITH ARCHITECTURE 4'::l MIN AIR UNIT WEIGHT CONCRETE TEMP AMBIENT TEMP ADMIXTURES PO Z Z R::;;:H ENG I NEEi:;;: I NG Respectfully Submitted, CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. % PCF 85 Of f3::2 ° F TYPE OF FRACTURE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: DcoNFORMs DOES NOT CONFORM D MONTANA 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 REPORT OF CYLINDER TESTS Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: {619) 735-8979 PROJECT NO. 2':~43--2!.:.i CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. 2075 LPtS PALM(..:1f3 PROJECT NAME: IN\) I TROGEN CARLSBAD 1 CA 92009 CLIENT: HAMANN CONSTF.:UCT I ON SET E,·:;.13::? AGE NOMINAL LAB NUMBER (DAYS) DATE SIZE ~::1 I' Sep -~:··-:> d,_._, E,X1:i7:: B :;~g Oct 14 (;X 1 ~'2 r· -· ~7::8 Oct 14 6X1:2 HD ~-,,...., .,::.1.::> Oct :L4 SPECIFIED STRENGTH ~QQQJ PSI CASTBY rm LOCATION Pt:1NEL CONCRETE SUPPLIER SUPER I Of,,: READY MI X MIX NO. 1 ~575P TYPE OF CEMENT TICKET NO. 204857 WATER ADDED AT SITE AUTHORIZED BY MIXING TIME 4E, MIN SLUMP ~5. 0 IN REMARKS DISTRIBUTION ( 4 ) HAMANN CONSTRUCTION KEN SMITH ARCHITECTURE l~::2H ENG I NEEF;.: I N(:i PROJECT ADDR. CAf~:LBBAD BP/OSA NO. 9(:,-·-T::57 PLAN FILE NO. ACTUAL AREA LOAD STRENGTH TYPE OF (SQ. IN.) (LBS) (PSI) FRACTURE 28u::.1E, 13 i) !:_!j () () P189J . 2B.46 :28.46 0.00 ON '36.Sep,.16 DATE RECEIVED '36. Sep. 17 AIR UNIT WEIGHT CONCRETE TEMP AMBIENT TEMP ADMIXTURES POZ'. Z'. Respectfully Submitted, % PCF 8E., ° F ~31 ° F CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: DcoNFORMS DOES NOT CONFORM D MONTANA 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 REPORT OF CYLINDER TESTS Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 PROJECT NO. ;~,;)-=-1<:}-~'2~; CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. 207\5 LAS P(.%LMA~-3 PRoJEcT NAME: I NV I r1:;;:0GEN CARLSBADr CA 92009 CLIENT: 1-lr.'.':iMi~NN CONSTF,:UCT :CON SET 6El6'3 AGE NOMINAL LAB NUMBER (DAYS) DATE SIZE {.:) 7 Sep 19 6X12 B 14 S(·?P 26 6X12 r· -· 2B Oct 1.0 6X :l 2 SPECIFIED STRENGTH \, .. ~3!)02) PSI CAST BY DE LOCATION pr.:)NEL =1*2 :t ESCONDIDO READY MIX CONCRETE SUPPLIER MIX NO. 157!5P TICKET NO. 2046 Tl WATER ADDED AT SITE AUTHORIZED BY TYPE OF CEMENT MIXING TIME GO MIN SLUMP REMARKS DISTRIBUTION ( 4) HAMANN CONSTRUCTION KEN SMITH ARCHITECTURE PROJECT ADDR. Ci~)F.:l .. SBAD BP/OSA NO. PLAN FILE NO. ACTUAL AREA (SQ. IN.) 28.46 2B.46 2f~11 i:.i,5 ON 9G.Sep. l2 AIR UNIT WEIGHT CONCRETE TEMP AMBIENT TEMP ADMIXTURES 96--7:57 LOAD STRENGTH (LBS) (PSI) 92000 ~ -- DATE RECEIVED % TYPE OF FRACTURE 1=;.:2H ENG I NEEi:;.: I Ni:3 Respectfully Submitted, CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: DcoNFORMs DOES NOT CONFORM D 1:':.tf. II SE-~ p ti :2~() I j I MONTANA 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 REPORT OF CYLINDER TESTS Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. 207t3 Lf-18 Pi'.:%LMt'.:%S CARLSBAD, CA 92009 CLIENT: H{-1Mf-1NN CONSTf•'.UCT I ON PROJECT NO. :,';"~13t::f.3-~-;;:5 PROJECT NAME: I NV I T!?OGEN PROJECT ADDR. CAf.,:LSB?°:iD BP/OSA NO. 96--7~57 PLAN FILE NO. SET 6867 AGE NOMINAL ACTUAL AREA LOAD STRENGTH DATE LAB NUMBER (DAYS) C::l ...., SE~p 1'3 I B 14 Sep 26 C 28 Oct 10 SPECIFIED STRENGTH ~:IB"i:f(V PSI CASTBV DE LOCATION PhNEL =IJ':;i CONCRETE SUPPLIER ESCONDIDO !;,:EADY MIX MIX NO. ~35!'5P TICKET NO. 204705 WATER ADDED AT SITE AUTHORIZED BY SLUMP 4 .5 IN REMARKS DISTRIBUTION ( 4 ) TYPE OF CEMENT MIXING TIME HAMANN CONSTRUCTION KEN SMITH ARCHITECTURE 60 MIN SIZE GX12 fE,~( :l :::~ 6X12 (SQ. IN.) 28 "t:.1-1S 28.46 :;~t";j n ,:.1,6 ON '36.Sep.12 AIR UNIT WEIGHT CONCRETE TEMP AMBIENT TEMP ADMIXTURES (LBS) (PSI) 88000 ~·~ ·-"\.,, _.,,.,,, .. ,r: •• DATE RECEIVED % PCF 76 o F "'7i'"i / ,:-;, 0 F 1:;;:21-1 ENG I NEEF.: I NG Respectfully Submitted, CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSP~CTION DEPT. TYPE OF FRACTURE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: DcoNFORMS DOES NOT CONFORM D 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A_ Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLAN~) FOR WEEK ENDING REPORT NO. PLAN FILE NO. PROJECT NAME REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS)· EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: A /{'),,/,"\ "+=.J!S ... UU tj,;S, Tlf/2S 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS~N) PRJ. NO. 943-6ZS PG / REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: · J2r?1Nrm?C,//-.J~ ST,'ffr;l l,Qrrs \/fit.IA€.() Gg_ $1z:_1£.,GIZAD( LAp;lcx.tlTIONS cf! WEATHER: &(/l?A.cl'/s 1 /J J O /- DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: TIME START: / 2 ~ ff'[) . TIME FINISH; . Q 1, 3 0 SAMPLES IAKEN TESTS REQUIRED AUTHORIZED BY: I hereby certify_thaU have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and/ or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. 9 I /3 /199~ Date of Report Certification Number Rev. 5/95 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. Fax: (714) 632-2974 FIELD REPORT COVERING )19RK FOR /"EINFoR.c'Eb AVAILABLE: SOIL REPOR~) APPROVED PLANS ~) ARCHITECT f(. D. 5. FOR WEEK ENDING C1 / -/ ENGINEER REPORT NO. PLAN FILE NO. PROJECT NAME ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAi:. EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: -:;:? -~ !?co oa s:nrR:s, ITEMS OBSERVED (DET S.): tf'f/,[,Cty/((7µ DEFICIENCIES CLEARED· TIME START: TIME FINISH: SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED AUTHORIZED BY: 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, Califorlia 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPEC~) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING PG I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and/ or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. 9 I 9 /199/2:J Date of Report Certification Number Rev: 5/95 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 COVERING WORK FOR R. covc.RE.1'!~ ARCHITECT K. P. 5. ENGINEER R.2.1-/ CONTRACTOR Hl/1'1Atl/J SUB-CONTRACTOR At'1ER l C.A/1.1 INSPECTION ADDRESS REBAR -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS .00. (N) FOR WEEK ENDING c,-1 '-I .-er 6 REPORT NO. L--A PLAN FILE NO. PROJECT NAME INV/1'ROG-f:.N ADDRESS OF PROJECT 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) (N) IPR~N?r3 -()2.s PG OF !PERMIT NO. <;6-757 1600 FARAD~ Y AVE Cl)RL~ lSAI> --Slf ;'-tf= REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS): "1--;J7bb R. s-re 6 L , VAtcloUS S/2£ A &15" 60 G-RI> E,Vf.$EbS ' i-Pl-A-TES EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: ROD f3UST£R.5 5"' ITEMS OBSERVED (DETAIL NOS.): [5_£LAIS Pf=C.1/DN op P,1;V'EL..S I .., 2. I PEI?. feEFote:r ?L1/;6 't-t!JSPE<.i PANBLS 2 '{ s"-37 LOCATION OF WORK: . ., 7 / 1...-r_ VP f>AA/cL S I -2 I 't--2. '-f 1 3it.J7 REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: 9,/ctbb W/£'1C.£P1.<D # ~ F'ER. S,10-// ~EP~teT 0£FIC.JEwclE5 C. L E.IJREP I .4 ;-SkEWSf) f, DG-E_S Al~, IN c.o l~RE.C.T f>6SlrtON @ PANEL. 1:17 s" CH-'flls..S /I/OT <:..t/At,/G-~D T._0 3. S'' Y £. T PAAIEL t:lzf Al c F-/:> .5 'JI. s-PER S./o ·If PI/AIEL5 5b ... 3:Z MI .5$/ N' CA 6-t;: -rt €.5 -t" ilc.5"" l..()MG-w c:.AG-c STEEL f?. oDBVST £RS, M-4DE A WARE cowcR c'iE PJ..A<::c Mf,v1" lNSPECTbR VE~l~Y CORR£ c T 16 A.15 PRlDR Tb Paul? C.L./3.llf? SAMPLES [AKEN - WEATHER: '?0°sf TESTS REQUIRED --. DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES. MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: /I A II ,.., A I TIME START: t "2.: 3.o PA TIME FINISH: 3:'15 f AUTHORIZED BY:////$/ l 1/4 ~ I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and / or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. l...t/ C/ I /( /199 G::, I C.l~O CO/t/C. &l.f'ffc.. Date of Report Certification Number Print Name Rev: 5/95 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 ARCHITECT ENGINEER CONTRACTOR SUB-CONTRACTOR INSPfC;ION AODREss....,, \~CC) h, -MONTANA "'Testinl;I & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: APPROVED PLAN REPORT NO. PLAN FILE NO. PROJECT NAME I. ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS): EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: LOCATION OF WORK: ::t T, \ 0(\ REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS:, 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS (Y) (N) · 31~ f\\\ elf it; '-C~f\.c..( €3 wes.s,e. c \Eb, R~-·:r.os ~~e& A\---,_E> ~ ¼o e ;;~e. "-'t 0 f3 3oL5f '° $ 0 f Ct::,N'.,., Q.,e;\;:iZ \, D ~cd\ e., \s ~'°-s -a \ l:t/-1 I s) ~ / J 7 7 L w I) L f.J 2, LL<J3 and L-4) t./ .. sAMPLes 1AKEN 3 se¼ 6> F 3 WEATHER: c/eq I(' 8a1vo TESTSREOUIRED l-7&-e I \·l'{cb'f I \-.,2.8~G..7' TIME START: Print Name TIME FINISH: u AUTHORIZED BY: I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and / or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. o/ 'Lex /199 b Date of Report Certification Number Rev: 5/95 MONTANA 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 REPORT OF CYLINDER TESTS Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. 2075 L1:.)S P{iL.Mf-:iS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 PROJECT NO. 2':':-143·····2::'i PROJECT NAME: I h!',) I TFi(J(:iE:J,.j PROJECT ADDR. CPt!?L..SBP1D BP/OSA NO. 9C·····7!.::i7 PLAN FILE NO. SET b.,:~4;=, LAB NUMBER AGE (DAYS) DATE NOMINAL ACTUAL AREA LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH TYPE OF A j-, .:::, HC 28 SPECIFIED STRENGTH __;3(2!?~} PSI LOCATION D BEThlEEN 38.A· CAST BY Mi····! CONCRETE SUPPLIER SUPEf.:'. I OF:: f.,:E~1DY MIX MIX NO. ~;}!.::i!5-"F1 TICKET NO. 203372 WATER ADDED AT SITE AUTHORIZED BY SLUMP 4.81N REMARKS DISTRIBUTION ( 4 ) TYPE OF CEMENT MIXING TIME ~AMANN CONSTRUCTION KEN SMITH ARCHITECTURE 50MIN SIZE (SQ. IN.) GX12 0.00 AIR UNIT WEIGHT CONCRETE TEMP AMBIENT TEMP ADMIXTURES (PSI) FRACTURE DATE RECEIVED % PCF i38 ° F f:!() ° F 1:.:2H ENG I NEER I NG Respectfully Submitted, CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. LJ\fi.t COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: DOES NOT CONFORM D 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 COVERING WORK FOR SUB-CONTRACTOR ---INSPECTION ADDRESS i:-,.wo-· -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS prtfl) FOR WEEK ENDING REPORT NO. PLAN FILE NO. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USED (Tl;l,T REPORTS): 11 0 hi #, -L) {¥-c.c--t . j_ YI)~ 0 f f..!..l.,~1f ,3.5$/ ,FflOM SuptA/ofL EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED:<.J -,-· _,_ t--/N1 s i,oc-.s J J t/,'.8RA ro A. 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS (Y) APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) (N) PG ITEMS OBSERVED (DETAIL NOS.):s r, -, r'<M'-Foor:,"-&-/A:::tour: AN.!> CQNC.B~ re. :!>mtN G.1:H.S A-r PAArt"e,,/All WEATHER: foo 0 n, DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: I UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: .TIME.START:) toa:' TIM~ FINISH: /3 M SAMPLES "IAKEN TESTS REQUIRED / .Ser or CoMfB ~ S.s/ot'? · I hereby certify· that I_ have observed the work liste_d above and thatit complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and / or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. r , r:z.. /199£ Date of Report Certification Number •• Rev: 5/95 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. Fax: (714) 632-2974 FIELD REPORT 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS~) APPROVED PLAN~(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING FOR WEEK ENDING PRJ. NO. B-10-re;; 0..943-025 ENGINEER REPORT NO. ( PG I OF / CONTRACTOR a PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT N9 0 _ p 6 SUB-CONTRACTOR h PROJECT NAME 1 ~ ~ . / /rvVITf<_o e-N INSPECTION AOORESS \)G:p3~--::44,-'f)-,-i4--_, ADDRESS OF PROJECT ,::::7 ~ -._)/Ip/£_ REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS): /! Lte111f:t-/r 1/2?£ 7Z 7 EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: . I !/I MA·m£. ,. 3 t>1W FltMARKS. INCL~bll~tl MEETING0>N't'~ B~ fo uue. H,5 -/. s ro l , Col1,,1-1.J ,").s : ;;, WEATHER: (Y//}£lj 6y,zi.{J.f+si-_ ~T~ ) DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: TIME START: /..§L~/5. , z,,..-::, --:it ~ 355/ 7 AUTHORIZED BY. I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and/ or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. z I. 8 /1991.; Signature Date of Report Certification Number j}y&,_![t.~ ,. 7)(/ <W£ ra; Print Name Rev: 5/95 ' Ji.. . .,, 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. Fax: (714) 632-2974 FIELD REPORT 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 COVERING WORK FOR AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT. (N) SPECS N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) (N) ARCHITECT PRJ.Na94~-C)~ ENGINEER REP0RTN0. / PG I OF l CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT N96 .-- 75 __ 7 SUB-CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME:;:,;(} t/ / 'r£ L?6 ~ ADDRESS OF PROJECT ~ McA-DA--'r ,A-rJ'"- REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS): &/£'4-P,/: t;o ~ ~ EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: ITEMS ~D (DETAIL NOS.): DEFICIENCJe?iLEARED: UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: AUTHORIZED BY: I hereby certify th t I have observed the work listed abo e and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and / or t approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. g" I t, /199 p Date of Report Certification Number Rev: 5/95 MONTANA 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 REPORT OF CYLINDER TESTS Testing & Geotechnical,.lnc. 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619} 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. 2075 u:)s PALMAS PROJECT NO. 2'343--2~; PROJECT NAMB;I\IV I Tl:;;:Gi::iEN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 CLIENTHi;MANN CONSTF.:UCT I ON s~;~::;:;3 AGE DATE NOMINAL LAB NUMBER (DAYS) SIZE A -, I t1ug 1.5 E..X12 B 28 Sep 0::5 GX12 1-· -· 28 Sep 05 E..XL'2 HD .-,,·-.. ,w.,,::, Sep 05 SPECIFIED STRENGTH 3(J.Qf.h PSI -=~-=,~-... :J CAST B'([)D LOCATIOl'·f"OOT I NG @ 10 CONCRETE SUPPLIER SUPEF:: I OR READY MIX. MIX NO. TYPE OF CEMENT TICKET N~() 1045 MIXING TIME 4 7 WATER ADDED AT SITE5 GPiLLONS AUTHORIZED BY CONn?ACTOF.'. SLUMP 4. 5 IN REMARKS DISTRIBUTION ( 4 ) HAMANN CONSTRUCTION KEN SMITH ARCHITECTURE F:::2:1-1 ENC:i I NEEF.: I NG MIN CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. PROJECT ADDli:1~F::LSBf.)D BP/OSA NO. 96-757 PLAN FILE NO. ACTUAL AREA LOAD (SQ. IN.) (LBS) STRENGTH TYPE OF (PSI) FRACTURE 28. 45 9!:;!:;i:-,n ·~g3:~ 2fj a i!.lE, 28. 46 0~00 ON'3E,. AL!fl• 08 DATE RECEIVED '::lb. Aug. 12 AIR UNIT WEIGHT CONCRETE TEMP AMBIENT TEMP ADMIXTURES Respectfully Submitted, COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: t""\·-; ('.) / % PCF OF OF DcoNFORMS DOES NOT CONFORM D 9f..,. hur:1 .. 1. 5 MONTANA 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 REPORT OF CYLINDER TESTS Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 . CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. 207!5 LP1S P!=4LMAS PROJECT NO. 2':343--25 PROJECT NAMEJ NV I TROGEN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 CLIENT:HAMP,NN CON/3TRUCT I ON SET6222 AGE DATE LAB NUMBER (DAYS) A ...., ,~ug 15 I )3 28 81-ep (6 C 2B Sep 05 HD 28 Sep 05 NOMINAL SIZE E,X12 6X12 6X12 PROJECT ADDR;:AF::LSB{tD BP/OSA NO. 96···757 PLAN FILE NO. ACTUAL AREA LOAD STRENGTH (SQ. IN.) (LBS) (PSI) 28.46 66000 -----~ { ·-::,r-:,1 q ~'l :;~8 u 1~1-E1 :"28 u r:.1-6 o. 00 TYPE OF FRACTURE SPECIFIED STRENGTH-~3(H)(~ PSI CAST BYDD ON ':36.Aug.08 DATE RECEIVED '::16 • Aug • 12 LOCATION 1 (-fil J FOOT :C NG CONCRETE SUPPLIER SUPEF:'. I OR F::EPIDY MIX MIX NO. 15 TYPE OF CEMENT TICKET No301028 MIXING TIME 5'::J MIN WATER ADDED AT SITE 5 GALLONS AUTHORIZED BY CONTF::ACTOR SLUMP 5. 0 IN REMARKS DISTRIBUTION ( 4 ) HAMANN CONSTRUCTION KEN SMITH ARCHITECTURE 1:;;:2H ENt3 I NEER I NG CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG. INSPECTION DEPT. AIR UNIT WEIGHT CONCRETE TEMP AMBIENT TEMP ADMIXTURES Respectfully Submitted, COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: % PCF 86 Of DcoNFORMS DOES NOT CONFORM D I I __ J 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT REPORT NO. PLAN FILE NO. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL ITEMS 9,LJSERVED (.,l'ETAIL NOS.)//4__g,( _ :?:::::>~ I cl2-e_ ~ a:z:..g I 7 7 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) (N) PRJ.~?~J-oZ.S- PG ( OF I PERMIT NO. 7 ·p-'· > REMARKS,, INCLUDING MEETINGS: DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: , TIME START: TIME FINISH: £ ~ SAMPLES !AKEN TESTS REQUIRED AUTHORIZED BY: I hereby certify that 1·tiave observed the work listed abo"i.1e and that ii complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and/ or the approved plan~. specifications and applicable sections of the building co.de, unless otherwise noted. -<1 I 2-.5L;199' Signature Date of Report Certification Number 0J~~ Print Name c.::_; Rev: 5/95 29.92_1;__,_laf~lma, ~µjte A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. Fax: (714) 632-2974 FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLAN~ (N) FOR WEEK ENDING REPORT NO. C) • , ', PLAN FILE Nb: SUB-CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS): A· · t:t; .. ..?i, c·ug_, G-701€ i;;.L;;.cne,-.p,.;;-~. ~-7/r>// r 7 &1:RG.'1(-r# P$l.. T' ~ ND CErtt.S 4114rL .+OLE EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: /1-Tt_Ll!/I. ($--r 6.. '31}./+. OT~$~ L LOCATION OF WORK: I B.,t>oE tl-11;.c,;s TD .~IJ·rn :::r .....,,,008 Rancheros,,.Drive, Suite--E- San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) ~ PRJ. NO. 21 t:.{ ?--C) - PG I OF ::2_ REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: O/J.&.1':rf3 TI ocJ..SE6!Ve CDl'J.tJ£critvJ bJ2.LOt.J~ DE R~~c ;l('D'f ~{.£T.E4i l,jELOfp., FKoM. ..Sl:Tl\ lJE;L..OLW:: l)rJ) Nr;r lf.At1·~ CE81'4 ;J\J f!J"6'.$£f'cti2 kw,> -\10) TJi-J=-Y Weol.O l>'E .Sie:lJ T ov:r; ,·1t£4-12 PJ.A-TIE~ w\2R E' IP QE W&'.L. O 1W {j;(t. ?-$-.JI @ /1:-7-3 ,y/.f) .F -I~~:> WEATHER-: UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: _TIME START:"7.c9b ;fM TIME FINISH: 2, •, £../5"1"/"\ AUTHORIZED BY: I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations. and/ or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. ID I / /1996 Date of Report eJ o(I Certification Number r- Rev: 5/95 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Sign ture Y.fL 1/2z;:, Print Name -~0-'WTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT CONTINUED /t:'J, 2 /199? Date of Report San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 632-2974 2992 E. La Palm_~; Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS~ (N) FOR WEEK ENDING 10-l~-<, REPORT NO. {S)D ;z... PLAN FILE NO. PROJECl' NAME , I I1vtl ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS): . . · :4-.16-5[12£.L tf-7Dll2 i=L~CTltOD"E,S ? rn·u1PMENT/MANPOWER USED: 888 Rancheros Drive.,,..Suite E - San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) ~ :J A':lJLEB,.:tRA.IL(?LA:Zf.;B, :z..st;>1 I J=-Ll~CTB.DO<-" 11-crt:J?c>>< ..2 CE1t.r WEL.L)E,xs; I ¼ ITEMS OBSERVED (DETAIL NOS.): ,, ?o.rsr 6-fR..b& TO ~!Au. CodJM&?a:r~J/s. 1:-:l-~-1 ::J, ?bxs-.-7b w,tu. coN.,1,;e1+0AL J§u;:-11;. Xal$'.C ,o :::1QX.-$1 C-:tt\.OiH? Cc,JJ bl~> 1 ~-~-f.?+-.2..)-$-J? LffDE~ JD t:1;8,pl'EB, Co,,JAJ1:r:.rnAl 9,-.S~l::s LOCATION OF WORK: 1 f'.opc:' $-4 '3 ::rr, (-U-~ t+NO· 1 l ""(...-Th H 'T'C) 7,-S--t-·-r I) µ. REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS\ ,<'ti E bl i;:LOi; R oer:oeAtzM OA!!4I t:t: ll UT JO ..M kil-xJlG-S A~RT V'E_C thJ'rrL '7'..' :3 0 A.A XN$"PE.tT~D tJE4ll,> tu-o,::: PC,1;urouS: l>k'( /,'T D,5'-3 A-NP E-1,'2.S: &,t;.~I WGI..P A:10,s--::s Wi;'i·'T'" RGQV'ti G;> PGVDY'.4.£ Of Tc:.P ft)g:rr:c;f OE (.Jei ()· Ma ,t,:;e;3:-oz trN0 1,,/,;w@. 1=--1;::acSJ117ll- lt~v:ti?:G".C UY tiPZi£6--MD ReJ£L,p:J:.Ajfr-/>'v£ rD LktC E>r=-£-:1,).s.-;;o:J, .Tars.r JJB-JJT,JJ6-- l·-hlt2 <-YA:~-n~t)@ (?.Cot~ CDrJ~6:T..f~tJ fJ-3 VPD,lj t>tfSER.vCJJl.r Jl±r--S p,1,Su>Vii246'0 rn.&:, TIME START: /. • :>· ,4 /"\ TIME FINISH: 3 ;!) &)f='/1 AUTHORIZED BY: I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and/ or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. It) I / 1199, Signature ,/)L {(£(& Print Name , .•. ,~~\\ Certification Number ' Rev: 5/95 - _2_992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 MONTANA -888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E Testing & Geoteeflnical~-Inc.~~· San Marcos, California 92069 Fax: (714) 632-2974 FIELD REPORT Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 COVERING WORK FOR AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (!!J APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) . REPORT NO·. PLAN FILE ND. INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT 6oD ~A ~ Me REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS.A- -.?& 1.T'/2.IEL. LF-ZDt.R , ' ;;L.g.mot'G $ - EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: .2.SD$;-2. .M .T le,/...(; ,e. r.i.MLID. .JdJ!t!. l ,; L ~ '-11f6(2.S-t-1-csr a-,s,t. . ~ c€~r WFL,IJSfJ. ,. ~ 7 'ITEMS OBSERVED (DETAIL NOS.): ';;rc,1: S.T "iQ ~2Ct~S-r i...::oz.O~ t"l'! .,J,.J~c..1:LW ~ lz-S,-1:l;:=2,~~-is'.,, l'.:.-1'.e,_~::-g 7.l). 6.:I.i..JJ.s~ C.eN.A/Afni)(~ Gi-S'.-\7 LOCATION OF WORK: J\Ob!= !,,,el/£1-t:rllXa LW££ H.·. 6-~g I REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: r?.1:1 A--ND 0,Er AT ktt'.B.~ t 'i.',s'bA.M-Cc\d·,1tat::D s..e1> u-G 1"b <,El.£ SIJ.,4-A( C DAICE,;f...v~ I 13'.~·{2 iJ erli:e& A-.:r.;:lS rm.t.Cz A::Z:: C QL.VM.Ai CJ.P!.. AE/Jt).iXIElJ Tl:.&1"11U?,A/T .A-...s ffffC-'k- ttr~d. ~712/£1/t;;J]) 1.(0£-rc'P awr!!.5cmJ~ -£._ LJ,f-~ r .,tJFtJl:/1~ 7/1,,lr .traz:s. IJEAIC ~M l:~/t'"JAI ' ~!Iii /Jt:Iot:, 1"b t.JE/.IJJ.-;.u~ _A-#4 tu/)_ A)IYf' 11.~()J'll~ ~AJ,61/r r.,.C. ll:i:/~£7/:6/i'.:n;I ~fl_~ IJEL.0~M6-.t'\ kl:tl: . !v I~ tl:A/2 -re. g ~ t<t e -s 1-=-c., ~ lJ. i2 l2 11-·To Pc~ f'El<..r=D(V'-V+JiL£ t:i,\J1.x' CA.fr:::: ' W 8-0tZR. f!D8, 812 Mk.3! M@ OP 0.kY'. SAMPLES !AKEN WEATHER: ,,,.,,.,,._, c~Vfr.l.',·Ll,.-n/J,!1.P ,/IJt.P ,h,J,'. CiJkP..n C/.J;:. L/2 ;)--,::::.,-,, :j1 Al: .1JJ1S REQUIRED ·: M DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: . UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES. MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: Mgs.t&(& r 1' -ftATE@ /.)._ J'; lJ FL. tJ IJEFEcr->@ a ->'-:ZMil ;;:;_ I, z.S- ~ ,, TIME START: 7,c)D A-;Yt TIME FINISH: '::J•4_<;"/J"'I AUTHORIZED BY: n _If// 7/ifA , , I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and/ or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. ft) I f /1996 Date of Report Certification Number Print Name Rev: 5/95 ' ' 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANSO! (N) FOR WEEK ENDING ,e-~..q REPORT NO. PLAN FILE NO. PROJECT NAME :" /JI :Z,v'J/J"TR 0 ADDRESS OF PROJECT .s ,1:/ll(E. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS): J ~ /r-36 -7o g, -::: 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS (Y)~ APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y)cru) PRJ. NO. 2'=i. :S-c 2.. -:::..- PG OF PERMIT NO. 96 7.S EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: \Jl'fU 6€. l'i-b:tl $lkE:'2-2sD,. 1. &LL 'G~ \s'Dl3Ci¥r: .:22.:S: .+u. tJ~t../)Jcg.j. / I L:J.~,J J.,.M-25" ITEMS OBSERVED (DETAIL NOS.): ;J"e>U"r:o? Jl>1!$,"l I~ Cot.IN ECO: DN,> 12-:-S-.. lJ~ 2 s::-~ ·-J. 31 (,.-T(l)?IJ 10 6-J-,RJ2~ co f\w Fem:>,~~ <}:.s-r}~~&-i'TAAB8:'n> dM-b Cl>Mci.c;rn,JJ;:i l~-S::{ $ LOCATION OF ORK: Rcoc;: LPffl-6-ll.xt> LTJv'r,5. e,{y.1w{) IL Pi:l, 25-5-l> A-r'TLl Gtf. fL.A-'fe.,~/1 uLr> rAJst:/:l.TED t>tJ ot.J·iE ~.1)p aF p~/1 TfVl-JJ...cEf:..R fLA:,r;, lcJJ.b WEt o sr:z.e. 1Nc.R ,~A-~~il l'D .A-rtAT1v 4/' uc Lo SAMPLES IAKEN WEATHER: TIME START: ?..(/(/,I/ii AUTHORIZED BY: I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and/ or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. //) I /0 11996 11::.1.fl) :/66 R<:/- Signature J/,,tt J/7~( Date of Report certification Number Print Name =--Rev· 5/95 ' ,, ... .,... 2992-,..~a.J~.a.lm.a.~-8.uite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS ~(N) FOR WEEK ENDING \0-\3·-'t REPORT NO. DD s:- PLAN FILE NO. PROJECT NAME ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL --= 888~Ranc~Dr.ive, .Suite E -~ San Marcos, California 92069 SPECS (Y) Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) Ill) MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS): . A-r:? b .st:e ~ L... 12-761 g Et-~(}JE S. -AJ.' e • .;2,., b ?b-p-7 l'f-2 l..$Ll) I ITEMS OBSERVED (DETAIL NOS.): I -/ ~1::~T :n srprs't 6::ocAff:t.~ c:o"ttJscr~c,tJs 12,s-I:?r:2S--$-('J_ ca:t?.h:'e ·ra ~..1)1..t1e:. r I 9-.S.-~ fu)O A-.Alo A-/11 i:=rt..J-.12//., eu-re Jl:.T i,J~r L?Ntl A.NO f;,)r-Lf> feB, DernL/'1?1=<:e:IY'-GO tfElllrr/,,:!.. /4f'PB,cJAL Fat! 11±1:.,t ,-:=::rx: .. ~]Al&,-r' PL4Tlf t..»H ,rAl .. irA-L/..G,IJ @lf-3 C~l'LGT.l)fd- 'T/.JTS, cC/IMJGCrt'l\AI SAMPLES TAKEN WEATHER: .. ·-•• -s.. DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: M3--.-4..t:.1-VG-:, 1 ,, fLAt>Z @ H<J UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: .tJ~L O p,-; FF:et,z t@... 0,i-Y> A-Ala F-l. 2::5 TIME START: ·: t)c) ,A I"\ TIME FINISH: .::,, c?i:'.) H'1, AUTHORIZED BY: I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and/ or the approv d plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. It> I II /199 b Signature Date of Report Certification Number Print Name · Rev: 5/95 NOVE1\1BBR S, 1996 -MONTANA 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 HAMANN CONSTRUCTION 475 West Bradley Avenue Project No: 2943-025 Log No: 6-2278 El Cajon, CA 92020 ATTN: Mr. James Graves RE: SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF THE WORK REQUIRING SPECIAL IisTSPECTION. PEP..F-ORI\'IED lJNDER PEID>,!.IIT NO. 96-757 RE: INVITROGEN W6QC[FjifaoWI)nve, Carlsbad, CA ATTN: Mr Graves: ' To the best of my knowledge~ all of the work requiring special inspection, testing, and construction .obser:vation,for,.thefStl;1.!cture constructed under the subject permit is essentially in coniorn1a.i,ce vii.th th~ approved .pl~s, specifications and the applicable workma.tJ.ship provisions of the Uniform Building Code. · · · -.·· The types and dates of special Inspections are listed below: SITE STRUCTURAL STEEL September 24-26, 30, 1996 REINFORCED CONCRETE August 6, 8, 12, 1996 September 9, 11-13, 16, 1996 October 7-11, 14-18, 21-25, 28-29, 1996 Ifyeu"shoukl have any questions concerning this report, please contact me. R2H ENGINEERING INC. MEMBER -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. NOVEMBER 5, 1996 HAMANN CONSTRUCTION 475 West Bradley Avenue El Cajon, CA 92020 ATTN: Mr. James Graves RE: JNVITROGEN 1600 Faraday Drive, Carlsbad, CA. Testing ofBo1t Assemblies-771 Dear Mr. Graves: 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 888 Rancheros Dr., Suite E San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 Project No: 2943-025 Log No: 6-2278 Our site steel Inspector sampled ASTM A325 bolt assemblies. These samples were returned to the laboratory for preparation and testing. For test results see below: ROCKWELL HARDNESS A325 A563 F436 BOLTS NUT WASHERS 5/8" X 2" C31 B92 C41 C31 B90 C41 SPEC: C25-34 78B-38C C38-45 TENSILE LOAD BREAK AT 49,631 50,628 40,100 MIN" The bolts and nuts were proofload tested and all achieved the required value. All samples were tested for hardness and achieved required values. If you should have any questions concerning this report, please contact me. Respectfully submitted, DISTRIBUTION: CITY OF CARLSBAD R2H ENGINEERING INC. KENNETHD. S:MITH & ASSOCIATES MEMBER 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 COVERING WORK FOR ENGINEER MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS6\) (N\ REPORT NO. .e'l l PLAN FILE NO. ADDRESS OF PROJECT I REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO F!ELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USED (TEST RERORTS): 4 . JJA<20 > 1= -?lr-2 /--3& sreG.L ~J?5LO 7 EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS (Y) APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y)(!'j)) PG l OF PERMIT NO. 9b 7s ~J:r,(16. IL Jll.,;i_ ?_ I L r.-v >·,v /J tJa a&:;i/ L!.t1&.11:,e t. L wt_ OL. ,J s. It-2 ~---o .+PL j,J ;:l. .OL.:-~~ I / LL. A/--2 ,..:::;; 4T/fl~ /.-'c-~.JJ1--,e<:: ITEMS OBSERVED (DETAIL NOS.): " .2.. C~ t:..IE4t2L9<.S. ::::s:-o:rsr ,3A:~ ~; i> A),,; €<:.,.f.Ibdl.J .ls-~-l ~ ' [)CA-(.;,... 1 ·r1/;::-/~ /6 ~-S~/y }: 6tgoe.c_ --re_ C:IJL {:#1,ll c~ d:f' L'7--.S·-O LOCATION OF WORK: :JP.r.1T co;i}J;sc.rw.v-< c.Rxe JJ. ... 101c1l/ Ur.t> ,;;,~rc 11, IJ1f/ft-1,.:.r-4:~'13-G./1..1::.tl c":s-~ .ffi:,t·~ -6J.h>~/Z. -rY>. ~CL ,-1~1£ C'A-1" !:i..-f REMARKS. INCLUDING MEETINGS: · g_r;c EX1/~i}. ~O('s_ D(~ 1,£,d)_;r .,J),,:_; 6/l.'-cD~.tJ AE.t.Y2/i:r. LJ)-:2<..1-1·t:. SAMPLES IAKEN WEATHER: 1...-·~t,; it-; ,='111 IA c,f.!.../,/'f" 1,.//J/. ,/' r,J.,jt gp,:t:./4':?V ,. ~L.'l(f/lJn~f TESTS REQUIRED DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: r /"'\ < 1 / ,_ \ /7; UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: U' I 0 \ ~ II .. . -.. ·-. . ~ . -. I I -TIME START: ? "C(l) /ri'i . TIME FINISH: J • _:ro t,!M AUTHORIZED BY: rl~/-fflt1(J;,t:j .. " I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and/ or the.approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted . .,,,,,,, ~~~~ 10 -:;; g ' -K~ </6" '2RV 'V . I "'-/199 ?,-. .. , Signature Date of Report Cert1!1cahon Number !,{t1. I/ZC,1t s. Print Name Rev. 5/95 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 COVERING WORK FOR AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) ~ APPROVED PLANS lj)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) @j. FOR WEEK ENDING "l- REPORT NO. b t PG OF PLAN FILE NO. SUB-CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME ·:r -EA/ INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT /6 OD P, f? -~ REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS)A . :..'? D, .c".2.r~EL ' . /IIR--::zo 2-E-7t'l'-7 VF-(.£7 i../f£E EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: I Lr.Alc.o!,,.d 5A-?co. ' I LI ..1//c oLA( 1J/;Lfl411/ /1~1..JEte. &e.· it/E'!P,C-i(!.5 I L Al-2 ./ I L.,,l/-:Z:5 . 1,,./:[:;(L: ;;:1;5Jf'G.;(_j / .2_ C~/?T IJ £ M:.sze ~ ITEMS OBSERVED (DETAIL 1Jos.): . ::SDT S 'l BA-£'. C 0.11/IVL::c.. ZT tJ4/ ,t_ 5'~~l~s 6-XllJ2.F A. --re:. CD~ t//1// e."dl' 1-l.-cS -L-3. , v;,,.rru>r--JJ JJ ,2 IL n= c· ()t:: .9. v /)! n:At.:T AfA.IJ"CL¼. ( . P.tCJ'i;., 11P JJl)~/C LOCATION OF WORK: , ~YC:C5., AA& CO/J;J FCT«c.iJ/ ,> 6-gTf) B-C:m g (....:X.8 () 2/e n C '-'L. i.J.,"'tJi/ cte d-7.-.S-t:1--~2 i c;.-r.&,-»_~g_ J?~ ~ ,;_ <@ ;5.p 12.:()_ pp,. M:I_/J_--~-p__4.,,1,1',:,· REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: -rxc~-u~ Wn,tJ< W/f:.) -P i==-12.PM,i'-tt=i) ON A:iL ' l<1=QUTA.t='2 Lr.,f.:Til).11/.5. · ere r;: -i2~ k)or~~ Id"&::~ ce:i.,:11,ei.,r=-rtSO 7v -r;~ A,C~r !),r-./f?r KLV'l)t..Jl-t'/2.~F ALL L) (J_;e ts.· J's J../l)IJ .f' &J,"/IP/d-z:,c-£) ,4.yt/) A,,-,~=-P~it.S (:Ik'w 1.,1r-t). Ctt.A-&~ A-/'£,f,!_tU'lE/2. .:& r' L=;v/{.-Z'AJE-t,g:/2. , A/t;fri9 r#A-J ti-l)tt) Z=-& P'-a77is»1 6211-W ,-.z4cc, l,'4//<.'5' ,;,6zh ~ ---5'-~ '· 4 ~-4,---t:2SC L;.r-.p >J...: @ 6 ft.H15 13-GfB t§ €cg. $:a:) it/; /Jr,, /!£4v:;;RFl2 /ER, AJtn; 2 I-.r--/<./ SAMPLES IAKEN WEATHER: ~,..,&-frrRT1.'r· c"IJL'dPt"'fe~''"N""--tr.-~.r/A ...L.,r .. ·-r~~.,J;1,;JV TESTS REQUIRED DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: r UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: / f \ /" 0.\, Q ?// ; I ,, ., , I TIME START: 7_."('1'.).J+-/v'I.-. TIME FINISH:/ : LJ ._~f /'1 I AUTHORIZED BY: 77//~/ -f " (f;-f ~ , y / vv·""" . I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and/ or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. ~,#~ 10 I 25' /199 6:_ +..,..C~'7" .i.. -Vit2er---.. Signature Date of Report Cert1f1cat1on Number Print Name Rev: 5/95 --! I ..._ _..:-:,___. J 6 1'-:' .:'."! :.:) DATE: ____ ------..... : __ ..;;,_ ___ _ 'I'Jl\ifE: ____ l_-_t_i_, .... _. __ ~_-_,_._\ ________ _ LOC.~TIQN: __ .,-._.;A...._ . ..-1,...,,,;;.l:..:··..,:;..:..,.;...;.;-'_r,;.;,~;..·;.;./_-' ... -_·_~---____ •• -_.1-_, __ --:=:"_.-,,.. ___ ,_r;..~...;·:._· _. 1_' -~--------------- OJECT t--,_\ '··.J I ->:-7 .r--; --;:::·\. \ PR -: __ .._:....;;...__..:..1 ...... -. ..:;;_·,___;;...-.-...:..--=--.:...···;.:..·------------------ PURPOSE: __________________________ _ 'IEE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: I, 2, I C?~~..:...::.·-f;.C U!t:Jf'yS.,-;-!(;.r·~i ,: -:=-~\..O''. :.... .Jc,,_.,,-,-/~\r):-:Jb8""'Z.. ,D 62l.,·.ufr1AJ, (f'.r,_, ~t-/"-t.:~--:-,.,., r-: \,{/g_.jP.l) _ $1 r,/)0'-:;,() i'-..l Hv.J 4-\.:l J..\,-:+-r1:L-E=;,."Z. le...., Cclv'Mt;), ~1""< ,-.. ·', -:::.·v, (_/ . ..,.· .... ~,.,.--... ~ ,1 ~1 I'),-., , o ,/) .--A_;,,· !, 1 '')',~ -:-o \-;;1,::,~ ·,-z.. ,_, r,...,,(...,, ·?, , . ~---:--.;:::-'. """!""' ';_,-\_,\_,>,," ,.,/ = "(""~•,_..~ ..J j .-c I ~...__ .,,,,,... c,,1.1.,, . .,,,, ,-J . ' CONSTRUCTION REVIEW .d: J I' / R;H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Strud:Ur.11 Engineers Job No. cq&v'L L- By: l -sv1; rirJ ~ 1::996 ::: ,W. R;zH Engineering, Inc. PROJECT lNY ITr.¼J4'EJ 15:11 6196738418 R2H ENGINEERING PAGE 01 sy _ _,L,=-i..-,~---SUBJECT ______________ _ JOB NO. 4l--o'JJ2 DATE 10 ,-1_.(-~& SHEET e,L,-j OF --- :.: _''. .:: .·: ·:·>; · . .-:<: L: ·"'(" i-,i. + . \ .... ;. i . .' ..... ; ... : . . ; ,,.. : .. . : . •. : ··: . !·. :-.: . ,:, . .' ... : .. . : . ", ' I, •' -,, ,I • ,,., • • ,I " -' ~ : : --~ ; i .... . . ., . ~ ,' . :. ' ' ' ~ . : ..... :. · ... , .... , .... .... , ·.··. ' ... ;. '. .. ,. . : t-·· ,. ' .... ' ~ . . .. ,• .... . • .. j.) .. ' ' . . ; .... ~--.. L: ' . . : . : .. : .: . ~;, . ' ' . ~ ' ·· ... :' .... .. :··.!.·.·r·;--.. _ .... -.: .. =_·:: ,• ... . : . . ' ...... ~ . .'. , : • I ; .· .... ;.,. ' . 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Metallurgical Test Report ~(jtA}.it,{, /7. '1· ~ 5'~ tJ -GcNEVA rat COMPNf'i C5ITfES Al.LSMaTWG. MElINl MO UANlfACTINli PftOCESSEE OOWRIIED Ii M till ~ -ltQ. JOI, CCNTtACT N:>. P.O. DA.tE I MCHA!E 0AOH NO. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT 1HE 5ae41 PROOUCT 9EICRIBED HEREIN UAt ~ ; oe:ttEVA erEEL SHff'fERS NO. I Mill oaoEF. NO. TALLY NO. HANUFACTUREO, SAHPLED, TEST· i3 . .. P. o. eo>c 2soo BP47?320 06-15-96 . £Q26!3~ BP4?732D EO AND/OR :HBP£CTED IN ~ 5 PROVO, LTAH 846()3 -SSY879~2 ACCORDANCE UITH THE SPEC:F'I• -ll ~ F CATION AND FULrlLLS REQU!RE• s f PR:HARY STEEL INC, PRIMARY 8TEEL INC. HE.NTS IN BUCH RESPECTS, :>< 0 OBA OAR\ STEEL CO, OBA OARY srEEL co, s ~ ~ H <"E~c'\~ ~'~i~ P 0 BOX 160'7 SPUR t ?22? I p t' .. LONG BEACH CA 90801-160; DOMINGUEZ -:A l O ~ CORPORATE IIR£CTOR, QUAL:T"(: ·, DA'II 06-,}?9,j 'T· PL•TE ASTM A3o-94 AN~ ASHE aA-36 19'i>5 ElXTION 19tr.i ADD£HDA w ·:-rrvYt:D: T DltE JY~ 1 t :P ..,,.._ AND ASTH A'709-94A GRADE 36 Ha!'ITERIAt..S. AND HANUFA::TURIHG 109* USA , • P.ACKING SI.IP# l - 01 MILL CERTIFIED T/J ~NALYSIS 2 T/R TO GARY HETAL8 CO, INC,~~ CUST P01t. -r; GAQY STEEL CO, ATTN BDi TRIPP ~400 E OOHINOUEZ ST, LaNO BEACH CA ~ 90801 IIOESHIPPEQ I ,,. 4< '1'M MA.T!llAL,OESCltl'TION QUAN. --·-l!S"' 011 PIECE \'18.DPf. : 11NSU ITL aot«IA110N .. ... Dl • WBGHT lti:tT ' Of tj •_HO, ~fl.Wf. UMGt"~ TilY ~--·--· "\ .. 1>£NfflY ltR.t 1Hr Hr 1116. .... -Ol 1,3750-11 90,0000• 48:> .0000• 3 ~390?~ 19206, J 1. :anso• 41.6 71,4 128,0 ~ ~ 1,sooo• 41.5 11,9 130,0 •1t•ENO OF DATA••• ; .. i "!,: ... > IO ' " I Q ... ' N , N µ .... ! I 0 'Vf1 ' IO .... -' ' E : .. Q i .... .. .. , IO 0 HEAJNO. l'PE C MN p s 5! QJ ,.. CR WD SM AL N V II 11 01 co CA ~ 1B20~9 rtEAt 123 11)3 P06 009 19" 01 ~1 b1 004 ~39 Ci()6 i>03 : I = 'GEH~A ei-itE ... ; co ~Pt-\NY ·ce:1 TIF ~ES ~t..L 6HFL TI~G ,: HE i-TI M~ A ~OH ~'-UF ~CTlJ R~N8 P~OC l::~SE ~, OCCJRR::.D IN THE USA, ' IC> •••E~D 0 I=' DA r· iA-'. C ' j ... : : ... : ' : : : Cl:) : C) : : : : I : i .. 019:aoe t~•.';1;..':t.l !',JsiTi~~J ~ l~i ~c:.rr~ ti"tt ::."li~: ;· ..... ~· .. :_·. t·---· -r~::-i~::~ f "!..L!-'!;:i:;. -::;~~1,c,\t., ,•'Yi !'e!) I INF. 0~ Co;C,rAAL P<.ftltfl~ 01 '-- ,1~ '\ . ·, J:~ .•i . . ··! .. '~ . . "f. ":"::· I .. i~ , 'I ~ ·L~ ···fil~ '.i·\-;, dA YOU STEEL CORPORATION MATERIAL CERT!!-. ~ATION REPORT RIVER ROAD P. 0. BOX 5000 LA PLACE, LOUISIANA 70069-1156 Telephone (504) 652-4900 JOHANNES$2N TRADING P~O. L~(:X Z200'3 LOS ANCELtS, CA 90022 JOH~NNESStN TRADING L.A. JUNCT!ON RR 6 i ·i I :s ANO t ~~ I B t. \l O . C \ 'l 'i ()F ,;C:Mr'l£R CE , CA · TESTED IN ASTM AG INVOICE NO. B.S:1-F96,2:0S9 02 PRODUCT FLATS DATE 00/ l 0/~6 ACCORDANCE WITH HEAT NO. 1 0$<)9 l 7'l) P<.:s Cust J-2400 ~0001 PG:83997 GRADE A],~ ·-94 " , -- CHEMICAL ANALYSIS C . 1 1 O Mn . 79 p .012 s . 033 Si . 1 '7 Cu . 77 Ni , t 4 C: . 12 Mo . -OE:6 Cb V B Al Sn .026 L~r;g·~ h i:.;Q' 0" MECHANICAL PROPERTIES TEST 1 YIELD STRENGTH -PSI 4$;: ~2(r TENS! LE STRENGTH -PSI ~,B 1 >v40 % 40.~ ELONGATION GAUGE LENGTH -8 BEND TEST DIAMETER RESULTS SPECIMEN AREA -SO. IN. - REDUCTION OF AREA% IMPACT STRENGTH FT/LBS. SEVERITY INTERNAL CLEANLINESS / Cu!i't om!i-r Gr&dti· & Sp~H::,;:: ASTMA3&./ASME:-::J\36 ~7 ~ j- SIZE f 6 X i/Z X 1 Ci .:~:1 TEST 2 TEST 3 43 / \ 30 (:,~ I {)19 0 30,0 ~ . FREQUENCY RATING HARDENABILITY JOMINY TEST RESULTS. GRAIN SIZE ROCKWELL C HARDNESS DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END IN 1/16th INCH INCREMENTS 13 .., 14 ,l 3 15 4 16 !:, 18 6 20 7 22 I 8 24, 9 26 10 28 11 30 12 32 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE MATERIAL TEST RESULTS PRESENTED HERE ARE FROM THE REPORTED HEAT AND ARE CORRECT. ALL TESTS WERE PERFORM£ IN ACCORDANCE TO THE SPECIFICATIONS REPORTED ABOVE. /•, t l .S·t ~~ l i. s r:: l vet r-i <;.: F1..,rr1.~C If lllll" 1 t ,p,:l; lh-:tnuf' ,;1i::·t iJY"'~d, proC:~$~1f:'ci: and tHHd tn sh~ U . .S. A. With Ut h'f·•~tor-y 'C~$Ul t&,SIG•N:: !s fM;;·om ITl~~e~y 4~ !n 'tbe pNces DONNY C. ;~ · Q. A. CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER NOTARIZED UPON REQUEST: ·SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED TO BEFORE ME IN AND FOR ST. JOHN PARISH ON THIS _________ DAY ____ , 19_ DIRECT ANY QUESTIONS OR NECESSARY CLARIFICATIONS CONCERNING THIS REP( TO THE SALES DEPARTMENT. . 1-800-535· 7692 ( USA) , FORM BSC·9R !NOTARY PUBLIC) /' ·,\__~\:\ ,:) ,r ts NORTH STAR STEEL IOWA Heat# 1-72383 P.O. Box 749 Corner of Greens Road & Highway 38 Size 4 X 1/2 Wilton, Iowa 52778 CERTIFIED TEST REPORT Grade Ml020/A36 Roll Date 03-22-96 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS C MN p s SI cu NI CR MO SN CB V 0.20 -0.535 0.014 0.03 0.18 0.229 0.08 0.09 0.02 0.008 0.00110.004 AL JOMINY END-QUENCH HARDENABILITY RESULT$ (HRc) J1 I J2 I J3 I J4 JS J6 J7 J8 Jg I J10 I J11 I J12 -------- J13 J14 J15 J16 J18 J20 .1 J22 J24 J26 J28 J30 J32 I PHYSICAL TEST REPORT I SPECIMEN YIELD YIELD TENSILE TENSIL GAUGE AREA (in') KIPS K.S.I. KIPS K.S.I. LENTH (In) % ELONG BEND % R.A. 1. 966 47.7 70.0 8.0 30.0 OK 1.970 46.7 69.5 8.0 30.0 \ OK Grain Size: ____________________ Cleanliness: ___________________ _ Macro Etch: Specification: __________________ Results: _________________ _ Impact Test Temp (F) ft.Jib. % Shear* %LE.* *By Specification or request only · 100-% Melted and manufactured in the United States of America. This material has been produced and tested ir: accordance with the requirements of PO# app[cable spec,fications unless otherwise listed below. We hereby certify that the above test resulls are representative of those contained in the records of the company. Arr( mod,lication 10 this cenrtication as provided by Nonh Star Steel Iowa wilhoul the express ASTM written consent of Nonn Star Steel Iowa negates the validity of this test report. North Star Steel Iowa is not responsible for the inability of this material to meet speolic AS ME apphcat1ons. Mar-ch 22, 1996 mso,>• =~ "" ~ p-3q1ilo A36-94 SA36-94 SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED TO BEFORE ME THIS ___ DAY _________ _ THIS CERTIFICATE IS NOTARIZED ONLY WhEN REQUESTED. NSSI-CTR-2/96-iii . I ~ . . . ·.. I . I . ,· "·:::._'•. ' '·.·. ' ' - £~riiAc1F1c STEEL ·AND METAL ·.:coR PO RATION ... • ..... , ... ;4 SOLD TO ,;,1 .st; ··r ,·.-;.,• ·-~~·· .: :· . . -· ' :·• . ···:·. ! ~ ...... l. : .. " .. --. ·-:~:-~ .. ~;:: ~--~_:,::~:· :~·.: .. ··.;.:f,:t. NEt 30. DAYS .. -. : .. ,.,, ...... ,;.,~.:r. -.. ~ '-J. :f'.: -:-..; =~ ··01½%·PEA'MONTHCHARGED· ... ·. ::'-91:J'.PASl:,O~iACCOUlrr.~ :<;p {; ;,.:.;:::::: p~~Ai;f.'.~-~~Y.~-tJ'.t,;,,·r,,,: .. - .. :·-: ··.·:,lil~lit1~lii!t!I~· _)i£:~i . . ' :_ .. ~: ,, ....... --, • • , ; 1~1;,: , . :·-. •, ~ .· ...... ~_. -.. • • 0 c" '-,:~~-::~•' ·.:. . -~ r~:,tt{: :-·:;~·-·.;·•I'-:··· ,: . ~; :',. \'l]ik:1:;J. · ... -..::~:~ rJ ... ~1.1: :-: .' --~-;- = ··~ ·-;\?\ ~·· -·· ·. :· · .... 3P.!=CIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ... _ .·: _ _. _,: ;.·: --_::·.fffi,J, ·,~:'.ff~tl IECEIV~~;BYX ~ ~d {# -, .••.•• ·;p::r~)%~~T;:;x~~it . ·. " ' HE LIMITED WARRANTIESA~ER TE~NS AS STAT.€0'.0N THE REVERSE SIDE OF THiS::OOCUMENT-APPLY:.--'S LAIMS FOR SHORT AGES, DAMAGED OR UNSA TlSFACTORY MERCHANDISE MUST BE MADE WITHIN 10 DAYS FROM DATE OF RECEIPT fN ORDER TO RECEIVE :>NSIDERATION -FOR CREDIT. MERCHANDISE SHIPPED DIRECT FROM MILL OR FACTORY IS SlJR.IFr.T TO A<=STOr.1<1Nr; r.HAAr.F~ A~ A~c,ec,c,r.:n ov "" 1 CUSTOM ER COPY lP tt~:·?···-=-.::%tf y · .. '.>"~ .. --.::/ )l~/-~ 8/~_Eu: :;:{?9~1,.,: .. _ .. '7!f7r ·I ·':j . i-OGMH6 MON 11: 26 AM DUKE_PACIFIC_INC FAX NO. 909 627 2142 P. 1 FACSIMILE COVER LETTER 139S0 MONTE VISTA AVE. o CHINO, CA 91710-5535 I 5>E.P DE.TA~ TD r.)o,s If all pages are not received, please call (909) 591-0191 immediately. ' -G-cT-2-~-96 MON 11: 26 AM SENT BY:BRIGHAM CITY DUKE_PACIFIC_INC :10-17-96: 3=51PM ·-nfl/12'? PROJfCT: INVITROGEN · LOCATION: CARLSBAD, CA Vulcraft f=He No. 70-6-506 Sheet 1 Of 1 10/15/98 FAX NO. 909 627 2142 P. 2 8017235423~ 908 627 2142;# 2/ 2 A DMslon of Nucor Corporation P.O. 8ox637 Brigham Cit)', UT 14302 (801) 734-9-133 Fax: (801) 723--5423 REPAIR FOR DAMAGED JOIST WEBS. \ 2"'0FWELO EACH END ~----....11:--...- 0F EAClt 1 /8" COLD sTAAIGHTEN ean-MARK NO. J 19 lNl;;B ANQU: AND ADD AN OLES see DETAIL# 1. IMPORTANT: INSPECT WELDS ON WEBS TO CHORD ANGLES ANO REPAJRNS INSTRUCTED BY INSPECYION FIRM IF AAY CAMAGE OR CRACKS ARE FOUN0. A-A 2 • 2"X 2"X 1/8" PLACE ANGL.ES AND 'h'ELDS THE SAME ON 80TH SIDES OJ= JOIST. ANGLE DETAIL# 1 ADD ANGLES TO BENT CRIMP WEB ANGLES • { 4 PIECES TOTAL) NOTES: All members 10F this repair have been sized 1.J$1ng Fy = SO ksr material and welds using E70:XX elewodes, ISJ!ess noted otherNl$e, Vulcrafl: is not responsible ror field repair workmanship. Therefore, it Is requred that d06e supervision or !his work, as Well aa ci.-eful inspeeton and verification of this repair must be made. VVhen making ftlis tepair ttis iol1t tnyst be free from any loadi'l9. W~ 1s not Hable for ..-iy delays or costs inCUTed wtth thilll modifiea!lon. CONTACT VULCRAFT: 1. lfrepaiR can't be made In accordance to these det:ail3. 2. If field conditions are not in accordance to those shown In these details. 3. If there are any questions W1th regard to 1hese details. UNIFORM STRAIGHT BILL OF LADINu , OR1G1HA1. NOT NEGOTIABLE <> _ -"' RECEIVED, subject to the classifications and tariffs In effect on the data of the issue of this BIii of Lr the property deocnbO< n apparent good orde(, -as noted (~ .-.:I condilion ct contents of packages unkncwml, mam,d, cons,gned, and destined ated belcw, wtich sa,d company i OATE/,T.IME l '" ,., , (the WOid COfl'C)8l1Y be,. .ntood thlt>ui;ta,t thia oontract 81 mori,g ""f peraca ex caporation in possession of the property ~ the cootract) agrees to ca,,, .-rts usual place of delivery at saxJ , (J •• ,__ ,5 ··• ' , 7 <'.:) deolmation, ~ on its own rooo 0< rts """ water i..,.. Olhotw,se to -to -carrier on the roota to said deo1mabon. It IS muuaJy agreed, as to each carrier of all or any of saxJ property owr all ~t~:iw..~ =~~~ ~~: ~,i't.!~.~~.,."'= :'.:00 --:rby~ .:=ed~ ~hi:= to ai the cordltk,os 06 t 1 :~ fitj 1908tOOtOO*OO SlfE+ 24 0/S FROM: BROWN-STRAUSS STEEL UF:I.1 EN'f ! 10-·17--96 ~ONfANA UAREHOUSE' 14~70 JURUPA ~ srAm.r-rE .(LAS 'FL.ORES Mirr,·.s~B.t.: ... ,. ·s i.'2 •. ':,H L o 10819 S. KOONTZ 6 SANTA FE Sf'RINOSv )1·~1-·,'.· )2~1 . ..; .. }:'· • .• ,.,. < ·I:·. .. -. •• "i=t1,1--· ; : ",',:1.· _ ":_·._ r:t, · ::,;.: ... 1,. : .·.; .. , ·. • • • ' ~ • I • • '1:" • i'. . : ·. :· ~ :e. :: ..;1:,-.._~:-:.i""' ';.1-. .. : :::.·: ··::.. ,.: C:~. . -l Cf'i ,. -.... :~-.. l ~._: '~-. -I-· p ·90670· ., ... • ·: •.... ~-..1 ·: ..... ~~. T b ':,;.-. BILL-OF-LADING: ?Tl'IF:LITE ::··: .. . ·.: -,· .. _.,.=:~~~~t~ 10t319 S. KOONT:t";)". ·sANTA FE SPRlNSS Cf'\ -· .. ' .~ . :::. :1·;:\_.:.-· :: .. :~ r;:_· ~~-/'.:;';_~::?.:'?/:(_:_;··~:.-· '·'.:;:··· ,. MTR'S ·.·. ;-SENT WITI-( ' '.-5. -~ : •• ; -i_h; 1 .... ··irr· ·-t1-.:.ir"'.1',. ~JJ •• • ·=-~·-:, . ;{: :~_:;(:!.t~~: '2.:-._ · ·•. •' 1· .. ,.~:(.',,, .. ,: "'~: ;:-,c:;· ::c -,:-.. :, SECTION 7 INVOKED ATTENTION DRIVER • ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL US AT: ( 9 0 '7 ) ·t. -... 1,1,...,r._:.,,.::.-.r--"'~-~ .. .... ' • -· , ... ~ n..;~1 -·· ,-:.~. ..: •! .. ~ p.er-1. ~-• '~-. ,. BROWN-STRAUSS . STEEL -~ (Signatu-e of constQnor.) TRUc&··J:_.:..: __ _ . ··- , .. ·v ~-. ; . :. •:,·•., ,:· ; • • • • ' ,•,"•M}' If charges are to be prepaid write or stamp here, "To t:,e Prepaid:" PREPAID 11;32AM 24-79908-392Q8 :•: i. ........ · i 6,960.0 "1"·.·. _-... --·-c.. .. ··-:· ·::~-. -~~: .. : .. 12090 .·o ... : : ."::F:--... , .;_ .. : ..... , . .-.--;-~;·:·. . ·.:~· \1~.::~~-~ -=~:·:-::,;~~;.:_,~·: l --.1. : .. :::r! \ .. ~;.:-:+.,' • I ,, ;I"!.•~~'.' 0 -•1 •' :· ~ • 0 I. ~ _.y:: . .:,;:.~:1· !'JML. 0~1-1-=:;. :;.,,, :_;, ·:I.·.· , .. :~~;~ .. :-:::;J .;~~ :• ~~ :.-.:.\\ -:: ... :·,,_,J! · ..... ,. :·· REC-HRS. MAX-LIFT., UNLOAD ·~,; Cl 1/:;T OMl:::R SI Gt!AT URE:: 1 LAST PAGE Aaellt _______________ Par ___ _ Permanent postoffice address of shipper, 20400 East 26th Ave. Aurora, Co. 80011 % t) - - 2 8/19/96 281117 253298 1108 90416 NUCOR-YAMATO STEEL CO. P.O. BOX 1228 • BLYTHEVILLE, AR 72316 ~ BRUUH SlRAUSS-FDMTAHA I 14970 JURUPA SP SPUR P STIHS 3075 T FDHTAHA, CA o'--_______________ __, i BROIIH STRAUSS STEEL CO. L 20400 EAST 26TH AUE. D 80011-0000 CERTIFIED MILL TEST h 100% MELTED AND MANUFACTURED . All beams produced by Nucor-Yamato Steel i and rolled to a fully killed and fine grain practiL ~ GRADE: ASTH A572GRS0-94A ASHE SA-36 E ~RADE: ASTH A36-94;A709-94A G36/50 c GRADE: CSA G40.21-44U I F I C A T I 0 N r AURORA, CD 01-----------------------~ s'----------------- MECHANICAL PROPERTIES CHEMICAL PROPERTIES YIELD TENSILE ELO~G CHARPY IMPACT ITEM ITEM HEAT# STRENGTI1 STRENGTH lEMP IMPACT ENERGY -QTY C Mn p s Si Cu Ni Cr Mo V Nb • DESCRIPTION ENG PSI PSI % •F Ff ·LBS MET MPa MPa % ·c JOULES 1 UK21 -57.0 3 76926 S3000 66000 29 .06 . 80 .02 .03 .18 . 36 .H .08 .03 .02 .005 115' 55000 71000 26 Pcn=i US30 x 85.0 365 '155 29 H.716 n 379 '190 26 A ,-x ) ELONGATION BASED ON 8.00 INCH GAUGE LENGTH CARBON EQUIVALENT (CE)= C + Mn/6 +(Cr+ Mo+ V)/5 +(Ni+ Cu)/1E I hereby certify that the contents of this report are accurate and correct. All test results and operations performed by this material manufacturer are in compliance with the requirements of the material specifications, and when designated by the purchaser, meet the applicable specifications. QUALITY ASSURANCE CUSTOMER COPY STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTY OF MISSISSIPPI SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS ____ Dayof ______ _ C...~tffl-K~ffi~y PUBLIC lAV f'f'\UlAIC'C,tr,., ..-v.-.,.-.J<l(XXXl(XXX)Cl(l{l(l(l(l(l{ { . - DATE INVOICE NO . . BILL OF LADING 'CUSTOMER NO.'.· CUSTOMER P.O. s 8/29/96 283486 254764 1108 90161 NUCOR-YAMATO STEEL CO. P.O. BOX 1228 • BLYTHEVILLE, AR 72316 s H BROUN STRAUSS-FOHTAHA 1 14970 JURUPA SP SPUR p STIHS 3075 6 FllHTAHA, CA 92335-0000 2 0 BRDMH STRAUSS STEEL en. 6 20400 EAST 261H AVE. 6 AURORA, CO 80011-0000 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES YIELD TENSILE EWNG CHARPY IMPACT rTEM rrEM HEAili STRENGTH STRENGTH TEMP IMPACT ENERGY DESCRIPTION QTY C # -FT-LBS EHG PSI PSI % "F MET MPa MPa % ·c JOULES 1 IW30 -116. 0 1 85005 48000 63000 30 .05 55' 47000 63000 31 M760 x173.0 331 434 30 16. 764 H /---324 434 31 ~ : ' i 2 M030 -116.0 85006 i 48000 64000 29 .07 60' ,· ---v.-48000 64000 30 ll760 x173.0 331 441 29 18.288 ti 331 441 jo 3 U030 -124.0 2 85004 48000 64000 30 .07 60' 46000 63000 30 U760 x185.0 331 441 30 18.288 H 317 434 30 4 U030 -132.0 1 73195 49000 64000 29 .06 60' 50000 64000 28 M760 x196.0 338 441 29 18.288 ti 345 441 28 5 M030 -173.0 1 78297 52000 67000 29 .05 60' 55000 69000 28 ll760 x257.0 359 462 29 18.288 H 379 476 28 6 M033 -118.0 1 8•1705. 48000 65000 31 .06 32' -47000 65000 30· M840 x176.0 331 448 31 9. 754 ti 324 448 30 7 M033 -118.0 1 84731 46000 61000 32 .04 37' _45000 60000 33 M840 x176.0 317 421 32 11. 278 11 310 414 B --E E2 Mn p . 72 . 01 . 80 . 02 . 80 .02 .77 . 01 .98 .02 . 75 . 02 . 74 . 01 s CERTIFIED MILL TEST R\. 100% MELTED AND MANUFACTURED h All beams produced by Nucor-Yamato Steel c., and rolled to a fully killed and fine grain practic, P CRADE: ASTn A36-94 ASnE SA-36 ~ GRADE: ASTH A709-94A CR36 I F I C A T I 0 N s'--------------- CHEMICAL PROPERTIES s Si Cu Ni Cr Mo V Nb .02 . 21 . 39 .09 .08 . 02 . 01 . 011 Pc . 02 .25 . 37 . 09 . 09 .02 .01 . 00 Pc .02 .24 . 36 .08 .10 .02 .01 . 00 Pc . 02 .22 . 33 .11 .08 .02 .01 . 0( Pt .03 .20 . 39 .12 .12 . 03 . 03 . o, p .02 .15 . 34 .12 .09 . 02 . 01 . 0 p -~ .02 .14 . 32 .10 .07 . 02 . 01 • 0 p ELONGATION BASED ON 8.00 INCH GAUGE LENGTH CARBON EQUIVALENT (CE) -C + Mn/6 +(Cr+ Mo+ V)/5 +(Ni+ C I hereby certify that the contents of this report are accurate and correct. All test results and operations performed by this material manufacturer-are in compliance with the requirements of the material specifications, and when designated by the purchaser, meet the applicable specifications. QUALITY ASSURANCE CUSTOMER COPY STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTY OF MISSISSIPPI SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS ___ Day of ______ _ C) 11" lo,._. W'lllfu ~ KXXX)(JOO(~~~y PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRIO*KXXXXXXXXXXXXx__ . ' ' i \ : ..... i ....... nowell steel and supply co., inc. 107 46 SPRINGDALE AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 90670-3834 (310) 944-0371 • CA (800) 287-2412 FAX: (310) 946-3125 SOLD TO: 1 2 4 STARLITE WELDING 10819 S KOONTZ AVE STA 1 FE SPRINGS CA 90670--11409 i'/ 1.00 PCS 0.00 I ,. 1.00 PCS :'' l•f, ', i14" •• ,. : '!' ,,, •• I ' J : ~ SHIP TO:. STARLITE WELDING 10819 S KOONTZ AVE STA FE SPRINGS CA 90670 69.000 END ORDER REcio BY, ~AZ(~;i,/_/ __ 7 7 PHONE: 310/944-9768 \ (} ~ :::;_ GJ;Nl!a\/A STEEL \~ Metallur,ical Test Report Nt)tJJGtt /. ~ · a 555 GENEVA STEEL COMP.ANY CERTIFIES ALL SMELTING. MELTING AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES OCCURRED IN THE U.S.A. ··@_ :;i., JOB, CONTRACT NO. P.O. DATI: I PURCHASE ORDER NO. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE 07/18/96 2555 PRODUCT DESCRIBED HEREIN WAS V GENEVA STEEL 0SHll!l!ERS NO. I MILL ORDER NO. rTALLY NO. MANUFACTURED, SAMPLED, TEST-E N P.O. BOX 2500 9P03364A 08-19-96 EB27405 GP03364A ED AND/OR INSPECTED IN D PROVO, UTAH 84603 'fflilCI.E MP951001 ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIF!-0 IDfNTTTY R CATION AND FULFILLS REQUIRE- s NOWELL STEEL & SUPPLY CO INC NOWELL STEEL~ SUPPLY CO INC MENTS IN SUCH RESPECTS. 0 10746 SPRINGDALE AVE C/0 KEEP ON TRUCKING s l H (C) ~--r-D SANTA FE SPRINGS CA 90670-3834 SP SPUR :1=3041 I " (._~,"-!\ ~.~'1..r.-O~ T FONTANA CA 0 T. CORPORATE DIRECTOR, QUALITt_S 0 DATI: 0§-19-96 · . 'EC. PLATE ASTM A36-94 AND ASME SA-36 1995 EDITION 1995 ADDENDA- ~r : & ,. ·SP. MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING, 100¾ USA :, 01 M;tLL CERTIFIED T /R ITEM MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TI:ST OR PIECE YIELD PT .. TI:NSILE STR. ELONGATION% % RED. . QUAN· WEIGHT HEAT NO. Of BENO NO. . d~'t:n'ii1i-i oitVr:~· LENGTH TITY IDENTITY KS.I KSI IN 8" IN 2" AREA 48 1.5000 11 96.'0000 11 360.0000" 6 as212=1: 1B3369 1,500011 42,3 73,2 27,0 1,5000" 42,8 73.7 29,0 57 l/ 2.5000 11 96.0000" 240.0000" 5 81675:t (' k°13?6.,.,.,' 2.5000" 40,3 70.8 30.0 .... ..,, ) 1,7500" 40,1 70.5 30.0 \ ***END OF DATA,*** - ~ - I - ' HEAT NO. TYPE C MN p s SI cu NI CR MO SN Al N V B Tl CB co CA 182652 HEAT :21 f06 008 013 20 :03 01 o-=> 004 P41 004 003 . -183369 HEAl :23 1=05 007 010 :21 -01 :01 :02 k>04 -039 :004 ~03 'GENEVA ISTEE -co MPANY CE! TIF IES ALL SMEL rT"ING ,: ME ~TI NG A ND M ANUF ~CTU R:ING P,ROC ESSE s: ace URRED IN THE USA,' ***END 0 FDA TiA** * . : : : : : : : : : : : .. -019308 ,-._ ~ :.<-2-. ::.--· ... L. :¢i :· €i 1:,.: . -:·~. •· --· ;-: ~ --·:· i:. : L,,.,·-:-, ==~ '{ \":: ~ -:.;.. .. ::..:..--:-·-:-.::.~, _1,-..:f :F ;.:;=.::11,1..:..-, cf,AGE 01 2992 E. L~?alme,. Sulla A ~ Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax:(714)632-2974 COVERING WORK FOR -MONTANA -Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) ,APPROVED PLANS.!!} (N) PLAN FILE NO. PROJECT NAME / 'T' ,vV.z:n ADDRESS OF PROJECT kJV\ l=- REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL 888 Rancheros Mive, Suite E--- San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS (Y)i!!/) APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) (10 -~- MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS): A--3h s'T'1-; EL_, JE-70\.R lc.-1...~uD/2$-.> ~ NB--20 ::z...,.1=-7 LG-7 EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: I 11ZLL.el<, nrtr :.ro A f)[]='.s .i"L,. L&n.t GA r~A::n RLf-!zG:t?. .2-;-a7 I fo1 .. tu..1~ ,q_ c~u-7;;. A-a.c 1,.J FLO&< . .a. L ,1/ -2 S-IJ.['Af EEEtJ.Mr . 3 CE/tt I/£~ ITEMS OBSERVED (DETAIL NOS.): -"7 1 orrr:·1:0 'Thill k-UDE:12. ccrJ.vtfc-rs tz-s-a, trr,u1ge n 6-.JJeac-i< eoAltlEcTS c;-r-1.:,, ~~r TD J.JAJ.l,.18-&-13 I 3"<Sl;S:1: BA:&.. ~b,d,1)1,;:c,7"0,fil. .&-S-/s LOCATION OF WORK: ' RnoE LFt/E.L kl l 6-B.[l) J..,rJJE s REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: ALL l<Nl'S:t= fJ.A-Tt=: IJ:ELP'.t'~ rce. l-':l .. s"--rs ft-NlJ TtA:NS:.ECSA Pl. It-Ts t..\.G'L /)T'J/t,,.. .Pf=/e. t:??..S::..S-n. 1±.U. g e E'N Cc)/'(lfL ET£ Q A-Iv I) 1:.S Jcc,f:i?'.D+Jf2 E < ·AL_t :rm:~T TD tJ.UL. loJ[!JE~IJ> /S-.5~13 UAl/r-J..usn Bi:;;E,J ·c{.).M/l.F;'[~j) ,41>.0 A<ce:er@ J:tJ~T& L 4»D UJ;LQrNk:-f).P ¼11.-s~:rs:r: G'.'A:~ dA:-< STMD~JJ ~-.s;,-,3 . SAMPLES iAKEN WEATHER: TIME START: 7. z, O""'"' TIME FINISH: :s· a P/1 AUTHORIZED BY: I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and / or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. Certification Number · Print Name · Rev: 5/95 2992.E.~La Palma, SuiteA Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 -MONTANA Testing & Geotechniclil, Inc·. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS~) FOR WEEK ENDING t D-~D - REPORT NO. DC> PLAN FILE NO. PROJECT NAMT ADDRESS OF PROjECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL 888 Rancherns Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax:(619)735-8979 SPECS (Y) APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) ('-lP MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS~ / 1:r-.2ro. 6U G L c:-::::b, e pt,,b...CT"l(.l)~i;:s:_, &R-zc,~ ;;.., zrr=-2 I UEl-u 10:r:tG EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: I Art l ,,;.,e_ BI& 3D A D TES.. ,-L 7 l MXLi-,r=-,e TR A:J?LQ=-LA:~Et<. .:2S6 ITEMS OBSERVED (DETAIL NOS.): I 0tt1; -c~nl: WGf.D ~kn~ IJ\/"2,A:LL !r:Al() wW IA:-S-''IJ JtfkfA-LL tt-AJP IJ£LJJ c.-¥ ~/ ;J?,:rsr t!qe, C-§NMG4Tt>A> ?-5--13, ~o.:r~t /rifJ>tf:A. pRAlG le& llfllt.BA:Fr ()B,Ald:tA/c,,., LOCATION OF WORK: 1 ,1/ VE-Li> fl, .+ra~ Ui: 4-11[,o 13-G €oop,,!a ::re:µ.,-a:.,,;.g~ 6:f:.:uJ 1-1---ln,S-f?oor-· REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: @ s~tcA1"'-C:.0,\)1,k;.T'E,() LEE ~,JA-JJ A-T R.2.l:::) g;J (1::6--4-veo.s.. 'fD G-Kcoi/£ t,.i~L.C, WEATHER: DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: ' UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: f:;./Q-,, 1Jr-:Cl.£C]"""!;. A:) 19:.C~ A;I/J) /-I.ZS" SAMPLES lAKEN TESTS REQUIRED . II TIME START: / ~OD ,4-;v\ TIME FINISH: 2.... c..., S" fl"\ AUTHORIZED BY: ~ (// d 7~ /)~ --, , ' ,_,, I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and / or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. Signature "' Date of Report Cert1f1cation Number Rev: 5/95 2992 E. La PaJma, Suite. A Anaheim, ca1Uornia 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 COVERING WORK FOR -- -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANSdf) (N) REPORTNO. f;)O ~ PLAN FILE NO. PROJECT NAME REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTSA JC, STEEL 7 Al/1-:20& E-ZlT-2 LJ'E.) .CJ EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: las Ra11cheros D~ive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS (Y) (tJ1 APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y)<©) PRJ. NO. 2.. .s-0.2S PG l OF f -.. -. l,,J.;:Je:J::5 I All'[/..LEJe L?T{r .JOA fJt:G~r-L, , ILI.u..DL.A/ U EL. /JAN /lo~&( A-& ;,./£L.Jli:J(S,_ L L/l.l,.2S /JU~ r-G,15,cJJE.,<, I 1.. L.N-22 J.l,X,/P.£ r= L=,ELJ e;e ITEMS OBSERVED (DETAIL NOS.): ~'-'~ I ~at l!JG..O tLJ.:r:~ t:'~.-'te~ G'fT.l'JAI i-S-l'I A.NO '),.S-14 'rr;v~t;,J, _.UJl'I tJ-i::-1 .... h.~1 JOT.!>'T l'A~ rn• .. ,: ·~ ~ ,8-G. le-t:-.L/</JEA C:&:" .4:r 71:'.:I CA.JO .P.L. L~ Ji,1/;;! ,l'I 13-.S-l.:a LOCATION OF WORK: ., 1..16:£.. f2 f.J. -M' e. ll-~ A-.rJ ~ 0-~ A.A~l""-\D J,t1, .. -rmr:. 2 ,M. (p/J§J.~ ~ 6--3 TC (y_ -S,. -::-ltlV~ li-S' rlJ /1.-<J.. &~.SlfAZ Z:-/J C !JJ. uAtV 11-Z-t:f -("",.. -f REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: -, . ·-,, .. ' SAMPLES lAKEN WEATHER: ... lr'e,~ OJt.':°A.Cd:s,r .M,M.t,~t, TESTS REQUIRED DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: uaa ({_~ r:: B:,.-'t ~ @ f)_ !, 5 -:I 41.t~ /-'-l-2.:S:. A -· , ./ I -.,. I ,,,, ,, TIME START: 7.,.1)~""" TIME FINISH: _g /oo ~A AUTHORIZED BY: 7Jll~rl /ti///~ I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigatitn r:commendations,1 Lo,' u and I or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. /!) I fb /199,C Date of Report Certification Number Rev: 5/95 2992.E. La PalmJ, ~ulte A Anaheim, Californhi 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 COVERING WORK FOR -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT REPORT NO. PLAN FILE NO. ADDRESS OF PROJECT ..s.A-frt. £ 0REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS): . A:3b ~fifiL I • . I LAl-2 Z t.lml.E F«-rJG.e.s. _ITEMS OBSERVED (DETAI NOS.): · / N ..J. -~ J ~ REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax:(619)735-8979 SPECS (Y) 0.E@I,<. Uof.lK ::n, .• ~ ... 1.11 en Joi s::c -r~,.ct A::<; REPDtTt=D DtJ IO-li.f-j" M U.AJN.frf'R(jr'=:I) pi;:ti.,-L LA.\:< Ci;tJT our_ A.!> WM~.\'C. \JA--.i . .STA:grGO; QwPl-g,qo "N·\:,4-T WE2J? A.CC-1,Ue.tl Ot/:C 'otv f)GYZL eeOLO NVC i?E A'.Ifd'T ·"1\-=-£(;2" aJJ [rt.m+ -S+Dl=S oe d-&>:l~ .A/DIT°l?Z/=IP Sil~ 1'EdRtulrA:JJI) R.or>EUI:-FDl!eMAAl~,c f'<i;El'Lf:111~ ,sv~.(l)-n;w114it/CP/?/>eas:EP -r.o t.1&µ h'H-Ftf£ .~i:Bl e: 1z2,:;,;_,r}1J Avt-LG., .s.ru:€ -rM< ::z:~ 4-Cll.1Mit-1E-?Aler' w~vu.2 ~ A:·r o&.1.;,J &:st. WEATHER: DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: SAMPLES IAKEN TESTS REQUIRED UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: W ,;,() PEFJ~c 1 ;S 0 . .,S:,. :? A-AID t~J. '::2 S:- Print Name TIME FINISH: 2, • . , f't.1, AUTHORIZED BY: I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and / or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. //) I /7 /199 6. Date of Report Certification Number Rev: 5/95 --tlONTAftA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. · 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 FIELD REPORT CONTINUED San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 632-2974 PROJECT NA~A/ PT7' 7/!?t'-;: -,,, ADDRESS OF PROJE'J.ScD ,rA ·"' A ,'\,fa," A-Iii~ c.tl-RI l'O~/l PRJN'.2_q~ -'-b;LS-I PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT N'9 6 7 :,;_7 I REPO;T N0.6)~1!.. PG ·"? OF--:::> /,.Jrrfl .:.r~,-cr /11,A .,hl>--.-6 rt.h?l=-£1 I' v'tJL r £7/4=-r I~ -r UA-.i. ,/J., .n -·' ·-L IC./ L) 7-• . ,/JC ,,;:,tr./ L,t/ .f ( .:1:,,1l1•11A l'lr.:-eT .,I.µ/) T~.1-T :2 II/Jr:: /J,::-l .I:') J,/,4-.. /i~_,,,,.,,,-,J!}$:.F.J AN t9Al.C --~r.P,r: O,l? T#C' ...... ~---· -~ w eLP ~ VAPl)~ /Jf P All) T ~ Et:"Lr-cr T//_TC . , T .J1rt:A 77).,,;.r .A"-A CJ/'7't:.CJ} ---·r.A L?.,£ St;:",;4/T c>vr,. "12''1 ,I .4 ,,c,P ;.-:4.R L/.4.. l CD /Ill./> LC. r L-A A-Ii/ n ,-:Y l>2£r '£.AJA-.T .A-///.:::/) ,· .. ,.· -. •-: .. ' -///#~ /0, 17 /199_b._ :Jell.() ~£' $~ ' Si~.!fllfe-· Date of Report Certification N ~er · ~92.Ua ~alma....S,pite A _ Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax:(714)632-2974 COVERING WORK FOR -MONTANA Testing & Geotechn'ical, Inc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS(!) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING lo ... REPORTNO. a, PLAN FILE NO • . REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL 888 Rciji~r-i.ve,:-Stttte E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS (Y} (l(}l APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) ( .MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS0) A f 1 / A /, r:r.-:lb .sf:6.~L1 ~',f_-.202., G-7/7;--/r tef /vR,,.-2.,J l £-7/T-// t.JFL-4 LOCATION OF WORK: .6-l.. f¼>,::1 C-to r:2a 0 '0 o --s-tto a ~ ~· G-1t:c o 6--II TTJr V gr Sr.1J6 7 /) -s: r?2 7 REMARKS. INCLUDING MEETINGS: . J}i'&Ret1:t> WfiJ.I/E£ ;;Re111. .£i<:J:'d r11.,,1-r AIA--211 M4..$ &>&r A:aGe:(A;.?Le . II' 0AI A #l.4Yr..H'0", :['#1.¢Jt'.;/;£(,.S. AUTll'£A-L 7l? & Atlf> Vt>I/L/) J/L>TPE .4«07:Fp £(/J /4,I( &:rarA-L, ~v'E"/4 M1 PM LI..J:-t>.t..JI ,GL.Gcr~c. ,5',.0E<.5, WEATHER: "--/I SAMPLES TAKEN ~ y I~~ 2 ~ v-2 ~ H-.>B .. ,4---.3 :.zs- UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: IME START: 7,..' 0 {)Ar. TIME FINISH: ;2 ~ ·gs;-,-A AUTHORIZED BY: Print Name I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and / or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. /() I I~ /199 6 Date of Report olo\l Rev: 5/95 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 . SUB-CONTRACTOR _c ..... "? INSPECTION ADDRESS ~e6~ -~- -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnica1,·fnc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS O (N) REPORTNO. {SJ PLAN FILE NO . ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL 88~ Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS (Y)(!j} APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) (ID MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS):A f · _ -3>-&.TFt-=:L . N'A..,...2...02-l::--7 l'T-7 , WEL O LJit..l;_ EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER ·usED: I MT;.. 1 \,,.S~ (l J:J:-c 13 c A,t .2. 2 S:--~ I ITEMS OBSERVED (DETAIL NOS.): J°;,lCST Gll:dl CD.<.1ltlecr+aAIS. g_s~,~ ,· UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: TIME FINISH: 2_ · ._,_ .~f'.,., SAMPLES "!AKEN TESTS REQUIRED AUTHORIZED BY: I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and/ or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. /() I ,:Z j /199 6 Date of Report Certification Number Print Name Rev: 5/95 .;.• 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 COVERING WORK FOR -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANSd!) (N) PLAN FILE NO. ADDRESS Of PROJECT _{ /Vt/;' REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAli. 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San M·arcos, California 92069 · ·.·.? Tel: (619) 735-5060 ·' Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS (Y)<f!D APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) PRJ. NO. MATERIALS USED (TEST REPDRTS):A ': I • _ :.?/4"-5'TEIGL, L'!!!._g_ <2.tY2. E-7IE1; ,Al,e.-:?.a::? c-21-r-~,, ,1iJ,,,Q-..2,3''">_ EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: • I /1fl1,1:::g 7R;J.I.L l?L l)BJE/l. 2$""L') ·-it.. Tf/(01.. A/ t,,lEJ.L)Ali/ f't>w'C:1?., Z /J-ttlt'(JJ.,;,/ Slt-2..s"',0 , . I ,~.·. _3··v~-LU' LOCATION Of WORK: ?:~ BA-"-(DAlNi;-cr-leeiS. t;.&:t.Q. lr·$.5"m :! !,,[(::\..,--,s.1:.01:,.t..1!,RPEll ,l> CtJL.tl.1'1# CA-Ps &J21?PG-:~~?r- WEATHER: DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: SAMPLES '!AKEN TESTS REQUIRED UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING Rfl / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: TIME START: 7 'C, ;"),A-#\ TIME FINISH: • ' sf /Vl AUTHORIZED BY: Print Name I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and/ or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. ID I 2 2, /199 6 Date of Report Certification Number Rev: 5/95 -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 FIELD REPORT CONTINUED San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 632-2974 PROJECT NAME'f' .,;f/j/"',t:"17Po t,.-G Af ADDRESS OF PROJEC)'.b6 D ~RA...,,,~V A-t/£ r A"21 c-.:>.4n PRJ NO?Ci.l../_? -D ") ;5"" I PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT NOo/ k, 7 S-? I REPORT NO. C> /2. PG ~ OF? ·-r {/(rP1)/r-PON 5 /'M •17 Al "'i' .IA,!,~ F ""-1?'i='I:) f. 1-,4-_s fa\ c·, PEl-2 J'\{).A. LJ:r:.Ait._ f)l/,~~/2 111 tEP -~ Kr/>..! u .--, rJ·r ..Ii J.--rJJ.,,J., JJF<T rnAJ.v~rr.CDN JRJ11J c'.'.,{)J U~AI hJ /I-? MJ~?..,j["'.,1t.J:,11 r / /.:.h~~:-J .#Jro· #!)T N..A..J/1..~ ..5.Z>.l rJJ C't>.AJ-r~ / &). /r/'\J ,-~- /.~JJ·TH l/A--< -n,,; rt THEY Wo /jj_ L) TA-kt:--rA-tetE e,r-z-r-- ~~~a Lo ,22 /19~ fa?o <:/GoRJY 'Si nature Date of Report Gertificalion Number 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 COVERING WORK FOR -= -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS c!) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING D-7-qG, REPORT NO. D l PLAN FILE NO. PROJECT NAME r ADDRESS bF PROJECT . .S. µtr:; REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS (Y) APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) (11%) MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS): . ,hL7 pJ.,frG ~ i.GS:.S: A-ab ..sJi.~EL Nl?..-.2Dz. K-?lr-7 N.i(:f?t>:I E-7/z;:&> NR-.2./Jc--7[EI/ , 7 LJl;Ll) kJ;;;:t.eE EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: IL T»(e:L di JJ!f1--tu.t1A>1/e;e ·-2.. L r..uc.oLJt/ .ad:-25 OS. .. ! CEer: JJB4-e < ITEMS OBSERVED (6ETAIL NOS.): · :,-ors:r flA-{<, cb~tJ1;z:;..mitJ'> a-s-13 uepF& :re CDLJl,"'N c.1ce 1.:1-.s;-a. 1>EA.1vr m t'AMas , 7 LOd'ATION OF wom<: 1't-.I~T fJ/fA Ct>tJiff<.·rJ:® > W:£1) 4,. ~I Tl>'/ /loo;.~ (.,.~ 11? <q Mid ~+t> k::?t=$(,. LTG?-Nt TD REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: ·0.]l::eP.vr-0 t.)·r;L,i'Jl;.t: 8S..<£f}MJJ'M<.-·to W~D R~.tr.4;:, l R.~J.IEA £JFL1'{;"J! p1-4-.,-1k JJ,H WEATHER: i>no, ,,,.-u::·,n ..Yr.J.1~1-,1,-~., fL4.1 4.~..-X:~ ,il,";,r,AI DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: 'UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: SAMPLES lAKEN TESTS REQUIRED 0 - II, n If TIME sTART: 7 'C>r_,')ft'/"1 TIME F1N1sH: 3; 00 fJ.l'A AurnoR12ED sv: '71i,.,Y f J/£{r ,'/X -.;-· I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation re;ommendation/ --~ andjor the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. ID I ,2::J /199 6 Signature rv Date of Report Certification Number Rev: 5/95 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 COVERING WORK FOR s· lJt... ,ueA ARCHITECT 1- r-.... J) -MONTANA -Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (VJ (N) G-APPROVED PLANS @(N) FOR WEEK ENDING l ~-2 7-.z.(, REPORT NO. C, . PLAN FILE NO. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL 0ITEMS OBSERVED (DETAIL NOS.): 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS (Y) APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) (~ PRJ. NO. C.(. J"-D .:2..~- PG f OF PERMIT NO. '1b 7-> $kW VFLPi;ir:--PI'cK r/t t..il;l?k I :S l>'fs:r:: GAL t:ONNl:'cr;n:utl..S ~-c:..; ~ 6,Ut2r:..e V-2 c4i-,JJMJ./ c:.:ie S i.J·"'.5-13., /)~,4.t., LJ; Ali£ rs l(r,$-/~ LOCATION OF WORK: P.Jblof l.fl)t:K-t1F-2'ZA-.Nul~ LGfliM.. .{Ji=.t;L1 -:s;,J¼r coulJa:m;.'-1/;, ?¢:o h° '77t>S 1:/00/:'; 6-.Dtp~ ro c.DU¼,1' UP<; t::,..-zt:J? , ~<..,-+-?-LrA'G (.)G°£Ac.,,,f'..,.... C,.-r-l.TO /;::;-1,.z;:;. ...... 'Tc i£.:S-leo-o~ .REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: ' ~.E 17> e,AJJ Etl. FAlfi"iEO C,A)U( o,Jf S.T;)2 DF Bi;Afa'l ClJLJLD Ltr;: w·eLP6.0 ffe1: ·TI> 095£r [)~ . I :1~0e01 srA>cG WI=L Q .rs 1=\JLL L£rJ&Tt./-De;: f=Mi?;;J> T'lfIS. CIM/MEcr.IbAI 1./DLILLJ (Co/qz-\ SAMPLES lAKEN WEATHER: TESTS REQUIRED 'tJEFICIENCIES CLEARED: w t;L p D fiPIEcr/. @ D. s -:s A-lv D 1::?-l 2 .:;; ;uNCDRRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: JIME START:!: " .,4M TIME FINISH: 2: · ~ f3/'1 AUTHORIZED BY: I hereby certify that I have observed the work listed above and that it complies with the soil investigation recommendations, and/ or the a proved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. /0 I ::Z(./ /199, ignature Date of Report 1/iL drc:K, Print Na~e .-Rev: 5/95 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Sign iure f/dL ;/IC./.tS Prinl Name -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT CONTINUED PLAN FILE NO. I Di 2'-/ 119~ Dale of Reporl San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619} 632-2974 Cerlificalion Number 2992 E. La Palma, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 COVERING WORK FOR -MONTANA Testing & Geotechnical, Inc. FIELD REPORT AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS @>(~) FOR WEEK ENDING ·o- REPORT NO. b l PLAN FILE NO. ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/ MTG SOIL MANUAL MATERIALS USED (TEST REPORTS): 888 Rancheros Drive, Suite E San Marcos, California 92069 Tel: (619) 735-5060 Fax: (619) 735-8979 SPECS (Y) (,e APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS (Y) (l!l) .:)-02.s- OF A-3C.. £7,e~L , Ai/<.-2. c 2 £-7'/7=-7 LJ,G'L_L:> L~:Z~ ~ 7 EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: l I.. 'C-iit'aLA/ UGL./2/41/ ,,/tltJ.t.J.G.12 ':'""" / L £.A.R'r.1LA/ ~-4 -2.~ A.IC~ J,/GL~.e=,es: -I l . .Al~:Z ~ ' L-L/,/-:2.s-/:.~·Fr-E/2~S ·-7 C.1=&.I.. LJ ~ L /.U!:4 ~ ITEMS OBSERVED (DETAIL NOS.): ::,-orri 1'3.Bil Cb Al t1. Ed.I:.~A i.S. i~~r3, {;::-f'~<Or::-A... IQ CDLil~M C,1::P~ is._-..S.-1.'1,, LOCATION OF WORK: _)'.;:.1$1 ~ A-f_, C~(J). !-J 1.::c.,.7."D)_ ~ Col"'(]. E:7.Tof!1. 7:t.J:' ~R·t:Q ~ Gcr6- REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: •• i.,- SAMPLES '!AKEN WEATHER: ~Oat i'/tltrt...'(_,c~l!jt'A!l_~Al'rvfl'~IIMII:.1...12 Afr~R..JJI.Dc.i J TESTS REQUIRED DEFICIENCIES CLEARED: UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES, MISSING RFI / CO, ADDITIONAL TESTS REQUIRED: /J /} . _// --. ..... /, I I ,..,. TIME FINISY:~99-- . ) AUTHORIZED BY: or //ft-¾//;-I lei /JJ4i... TIME START:., -Ot} A/11 I hereby certify that I have observed the ~isterf:hn11P """ ·· ~ -v, v"" ' :. ~u,11plies with the soil investigation recommendations, and / or the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building code, unless otherwise noted. /0 I 2>1199l, Date of Report Certification Number Print Name Rev: 5/95 - _J ,. HAMANN CONSTRUCTION === General Contracting & Development 475 W. BRADLEY AVENUE, EL CAJON, CALIF. 92020 PHONE; 619-440-7424 FAX; 619-440-8914 February 12, 1997 City Of Carlsbad Tim Phillips 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad, calif. 92009 438-1161, Fax 438-0894 Re: Invitrogen 1600 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, Calif. Dear Tim, This letter is to confirm that the Main Electrical Service and related equipment was install as per the Manufacturers and U.L. requirments. Sincerely, DATE: July 30, 1996 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-757 EsGil Corporation Professiona{ PCan !R.$.view 'Engineers SET:IV PROJECT ADDRESS: 1600 Faraday Avenue a FILE PROJECT NAME: Office, Manufacturing, Warehouse (INVITROGEN) a FIRE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's *********** codes. • The rest of the paper work transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. PLEASE SEE REMARKS BELOW. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: • Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: ) Telephone#: • REMARKS: 1. The ar tect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted t the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. 2. Applicant car ied the approved set of plans to the city today. July 30. 1996. By: Abe Doliente Enclosures: Esgil Corporation 0 GA O CM O EJ O GP O PC 7 /30/96 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 DATE: July 26, 1996 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-757 EsGil Corporation Professiona{ P{an !l{eview 'Engineers SET: III PROJECT ADDRESS: 1600 Faraday Avenue ~~NT D FIRE D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE PROJECT NAME: Office, Manufacturing, Warehouse (INVITROGEN) D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's *********** codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's ********** codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. • The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. • The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Kenneth D. Smith & Associates 435 W. Bradley Avenue, Suite C, El Cajon, CA 92020 • Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: ) Telephone #: D REMARKS: By: Abe Doliente Enclosures: Esgil Corporation • GA DCM • EJ D GP D PC 7/19/96 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 . J.,1 I !1 'I Carlsbad 96-757 III July 26, 1996 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1600 Faraday Avenue DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 7/19/96 REVIEWED BY: Abe Doliente FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-757 SET: III DATE RECHECK COMPLETED: July 26, 1996 This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may hav_e other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints to: ESGIL CORPORATION. B. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. C. The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews. The original correction number has been given for your reference. In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items. D. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? OYes ONo Carlsbad 96-757 III July 26, 1996 2. All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed. Business and Professions Code. 7. When special inspection is required, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. Please review Section 106.3.5. + ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW + 1993 NEC + JURISDICTION: Carlsbad DATE: 5/2/96 Recheck DATE:6/18/96 Recheck DATE:7/26/96 + PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 96-757 Ill + PLAN REVIEWER: Chuck Mendenhall Recheck REVIEWER: Eric Jensen 13. In all occupancies where the exit system serves 100 or more occupants, provide a minimum of 1 foot-candle of emergency illumination at the floor level and specify a second source of power for the emergency illumination (battery or generator). UBC 1012.2 & NEC 700-16. CIRCUITING TO COMPLY WITH NEC 700. THE CIRCUITING SHALL BE ENTIRELY SEPARATE FROM THE "NORMAL" SOURCE OF POWER. THIS IS NOT SHOWN ON THE FLOORPLANS. 14.Clearly identify on the plans the location(s) where flammable or explosive chemicals will be used or handled. These areas must comply with the requirements of NEC Article 500 thru 503. NOT ADDRESSED. I CANNOT READ THE NOTE ON THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE. BE SPECIFIC ON THE NOTE; WHAT CLASSIFICATION AND DIVISION IS THAT ROOM? FURTHER. IS THERE A LIQUID METHANOL TANK AS DESCRIBED ON PAGE 21 OF THE TVA REPORT? IF SO, SHOW LOCATION OF THE TANK AND IDENTIFY HAZARDOUS ELECTRICAL CLASSIFICATIONS AND LOCATIONS ADJACENT TO THE TANK AND SUPPLYING THE TANK OR PUMPS WITH POWER. Note: If you have any questions regarding this electrical plan review list please contact the plan reviewer listed above at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list ( or a copy) ·where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. .• ·....:I Carlsbad 96-757 III July 26, 1996 + PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS + JURISDICTION: Carlsbad + PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 96-757 + PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek DATE: 7/26/96 SET: III • MECHANICAL (1994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 26. Sheet M1 and M4 do not match for the exhaust ventilation for Restrooms# 131 & # 134 and Shower Rooms# 132 & # 133. Sheet M1 shows two 110 CFM exhaust fan # 3's, one in each of the two restrooms. Sheet M4 shows four exhaust openings in the ceilings of Restrooms# 131 & # 134 and Shower Rooms # 132 & # 133, rated at 70 CFM each. Please correct. • ENERGY CONSERVATION 35. The new revised PERF-1 part 2 of 3 form is not imprinted on the plans. Only the LTG-1 form from the new revised energy computer run is on sheet A9. Note: If you have any questions regarding this plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Abe Doliente at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. DATE: June 24, 1996 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-757 EsGil Corporation Professiona{ Pfan !Rg.view 'Engineers SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: 1600 Faraday Avenue ~l~T ~ ft/Ris__/ o FIRE D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE PROJECT NAME: Office. Manufacturing, Warehouse (INVITROGEN) D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's *********** codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's ********** codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. • The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. • The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Kenneth D. Smith & Associates 435 W. Bradley Avenue, Suite C, El Cajon, CA 92020 • Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: ) Telephone #: D REMARKS: By: _ Abe Doliente Enclosures: Esgil Corporation • GA O CM • EJ O GP O PC 6/12/96 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 96-757 II June 24, 1996 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1600 Faraday Avenue DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 6/12/96 REVIEWED BY: Abe Doliente FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-757 SET: II DATE RECHECK COMPLETED: June 24, 1996 This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints to: ESGIL CORPORATION. B. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. C. The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews. The original correction number has been given for your reference. In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items . . D. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? OYes ONo Carlsbad 96-757 II June 24, 1996 2. All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed. Business and Professions Code. 7. When special inspection is required, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. Please review Section 106.3.5. + ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW + 1993 NEC + JURISDICTION: Carlsbad DATE: 5/2/96 Recheck DATE:6/18/96 + PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 96-757 I + PLAN REVIEWER: Chuck Mendenhall Recheck REVIEWER: Eric Jensen MOST OF THE CORRECTIONS WERE NOT COMPLETED FOR THIS PLAN CHECK. PLEASE REVIEW COMMENTS AND RESUBMIT. PLAN EDITION THAT WAS CHECKED WAS DELTA 1, DATED 6-10-96. 10. Show or note on the plans the method used to limit fault currents to 10,000 amps on branch circuits. Provide the manufacturers fuse characteristics for the Gould AHBY 3,000 amp main fuse. Will this fuse limit the let thru to 10,000 amps or less? I COULD NOT FIND THE MANUFACTURERS FUSE CHARACTERISTICS IN RESUBMITTAL. NOTE THAT MAIN FUSE HAS INCREASED TO 4,000 AMPERES. 11. Provide GFI protected receptacle(s) within 25 feet of HVAC equipment. NEC 210-8(b)2 & 210-63 GFI PROTECTION IS STILL NOT SPECIFIED. 12. Show on the plans the location of the main service equipment LOCATION IS OUTSIDE? 13. In all occupancies where the exit system serves 100 or more occupants, provide a minimum of 1 foot-candle of emergency illumination at the floor level and specify a second source of power for the emergency illumination (battery or generator). UBC 1012.2 & NEC 700-16. CIRCUITING TO COMPLY WITH NEC 700. 14. Clearly identify on the plans the location(s) where flammable or explosive chemicals will be used or handled. These areas must comply with the requirements of NEC Article 500 thru 503. NOT ADDRESSED. Carlsbad 96-757 II June 24, 1996 15. What is the significance of Electrical Specification Note #7 on sheet E-8. The sections referenced do not seem to apply to this project. NOT ADDRESSED. 16. Note on the plans that a sign will be posted at the main service equipment indicating the location and type of standby power. NEC 700-8(a) NOT ADDRESSED. 6/18/96 -I highly recommend that the electrical designer review highly loaded panelboards for excess voltage drop. The NEC does not regulate excess voltage drop; this is merely a recommendation and not a plan check correction item. Note: If you have any questions regarding this electrical plan review list please contact the plan reviewer listed above at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list ( or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. + PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS + JURISDICTION: Carlsbad + PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 96-575 + PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek DATE: 6/20/96 SET: II 17. Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the licensed designer. Sheets P2B, and M2 are not signed. • PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 24. Detail shower drains 48 inches minimum from threshold at entry into the shower stall for wheel chair access, or detail curbs at entry to the shower stall. UPC Section 410.3. Correct detail 5, on sheet A3. • MECHANICAL (1994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 26. Provide mechanical ventilation in all rooms as per UBC, Section 1402.2.1. Plans do not show ventilation systems for the Shower Rooms # 132 and # 133. Please correct. 28. The Sash Hood systems are not shown on the mechanical plans. In Groups B, F, M, and S Occupancies, or portions thereof, where Class I, II, of Ill-A liquids are used (in any amount), mechanical exhaust shall be provided sufficient to produce six air changes per hour. Such mechanical exhaust shall be taken from a point at or near the floor. UBC, Section 1207.5 l 1 '' 'f I . 4 ' .. ! ' Carlsbad 96-757 II June 24, 1996 29. The Sash Hood systems are not shown on the mechanical plans. Detail exhaust ventilation system compliance with UMC Chapters 5 & 6. a) Detail the exhaust outlet clearances as per UMC, Section 609.10. b) Detail ducts conveying explosives or flammable vapors, fumes or dusts shall extend directly to the exterior of the building without entering other spaces. U_MC, Section 505.1. c) Detail minimum duct conveying velocities as per UMC, Section 505.4 and Table 5-A. d) Detail duct support as per UMC, Section 609.6. e) Detail fire protection as per UMC, Section 609.7. f) Detail clearances from combustibles as per UMC, Section 609.8. g) Detail protection from physical damage as per UMC, Section 609.9. 30. Provide complete plans, details and calculations for the proposed hood, exhaust ducts and exhaust fans. Clearly show what is exhausted through each system. • ENERGY CONSERVATION 31. Only one type of lighting fixture is shown on the L TG-2 form (page 7 of 28) for the actual lighting power. The plans show ·at least 7 types of light fixtures. Please correct. · 32. Provide automatic shut-off controls for lighting as per Title 24, Part 6, Section 131 (d). 33. Show the daylit areas and correct the switching for the required daylit area lighting controls for lighting in daylit areas. Title 24, Part 6, Section 131 (c). 34. Detail required exterior lighting controls. "Exterior lighting controlled from a lighting panel within the building shall be controlled by a directional photocell or astronomical time switch that automatically turns off exterior lighting when daylight is available." 35. The corrected, completed and signed ENV-1, L TG-1, and MECH-1 forms must be imprinted on the plans. • Note: If you have any questions regarding this plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (619) 560..,1468. To speed the review process, . note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. Carlsbad 96-757 II June 24, 1996 • ADDITIONAL 36. Complete and recheck all the callouts and cross references to the details. Refer to sheets A5 (Plan for stairway should be referred to 2/Al-1), A6 (Personnel door on Elevation 3 should be referred to 11/AD1, A7 (Equipment platform should be referred to 12/AD2). 44. Revise column schedule on sheet S-2 of the plans to show column C-1 as TS 5 X 5 X 3/16 with base plate of 14" X 14" X 1" as called out on sheets 62 and 68 of the structural calculations. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Abe Doliente at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. DATE: May 9, 1996 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-757 EsGil Corporation Professiona{ PCan !l(eview 'Engineers SET:I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1600 Faraday Avenue D FIRE D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE PROJECT NAME: Office, Manufacturing, Warehouse (INVITROGEN) . D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's*********** codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's ********** codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. • The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. • The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Kenneth D. Smith & Associates 435 W. Bradley Avenue, Suite C, El Cajon, CA 92020 • Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: ) • REMARKS: Please see revised valuation. By: Abe Doliente Esgil Corporation • GA • CM O GP O PC 4/25/96 Telephone#: Enclosures: trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 96-757 May 9, 1996 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-757 OCCUPANCY: B/F-1/S-l TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: 111-N ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: 72,000 SF SPRINKLERS?: Yes REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: May 9, 1996 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): JURISDICTION: Carlsbad USE: Office, Manufacturing Warehou·se ACTUAL AREA: Office -14,029 SF Mfg/R & D -37,684 SF Whse -8,520 SF STORIES: 2 HEIGHT: OCCUPANTLOAD: 348 DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 4/25/96 PLAN REVIEWER: Abe Doliente This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 1994 UBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. LIST NO. 22, GENERAL COMMERCIAL WITHOUT ENERGY OR POLICY SUPPLEMENTS (1994 UBC) comforw.dot Carlsbad 96-757 May 9, 1996 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, (619) 560-1468 or to the jurisdiction's building department. 2. All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed. Business and Professions Code. 3. Corridors serving 30 or more occupants shall have walls and ceilings of one-hour construction. Show compliance of the corridor between the lunch room and the toilets. 4. One-hour fire-rated corridors shall have interior door openings protected by tight- fitting smoke and draft control assemblies rated 20 minutes, except openings in interior walls of exterior exit balconies. Doors shall be maintained self-closing or be automatic closing by action of a smoke detector per Section 713.2. Doors shall be gasketed to provide a smoke and draft seal where the door meets the stop on sides and top. Section 1005.8.1. 5. Provide a complete architectural section of the corridor showing all fire-resistive materials and details of construction for all floor, walls, roof and all penetrations. Section 1005.7. 6. On the cover sheet of the plans, specify any items requiring special inspection, in a format similar to that shown below. • REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS In addition to the regular inspections, the following checked items will also require Special Inspection in accordance with Sec. 1701 of the Uniform Building Code. ITEM SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSPECTION STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2500 PSI FIELD WELDING HIGH-STRENGTH BOLTS DESIGNER-SPECIFIED OTHER REQUIRED? X X X X REMARKS Carlsbad 96-757 May 9, 1996 7. When special inspection is required, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. Please review Section 106.3.5. 8. On the cover sheet of the plans, specify any items that will have a deferred submittal (erection drawings for the roof joists, floor joists and the joist girders). Additionally, provide the following note on the plans, per Sec. "Submittal documents for deferred submittal items shall be submitted to the architect or engineer of record, who shall review them and forward them to the building official with a notation indicating that the deferred submittal documents have been reviewed and that they have been found to be in general conformance with the design of the building. The deferred submittal items shall NOT be installed until their design and submittal documents have been approved by the building official." • TITLE 24 DISABLED ACCESS 9. Provide note and details on the plans to show compliance with the enclosed Disabled Access Review List. Disabled access requirements may be more restrictive than the UBC. + ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW + 1993 NEC + JURISDICTION: Carlsbad + PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 96-757 I + PLAN REVIEWER: Chuck Mendenhall DA TE: 5/2/96 10. Show or note on the plans the method used to limit fault currents to 10,000 amps on branch circuits. Provide the manufacturers fuse characteristics for the Gould AHBY 3,000 amp main fuse. Will this fuse limit the let thru to 10,000 amps or less? 11. Provide GFI protected receptacle(s) within 25 feet of HVAC equipment. NEC 210-8(b)2 & 210-63 12. Show o the plans the location of the main service equipment Carlsbad 96-757 May 9, 1996 13. In all occupancies where the exit system serves 100 or more occupants, provide a minimum of 1 foot-candle of emergency illumination at the floor level and specify a second source of power for the emergency illumination (battery or generator). UBC 1012.2 & NEC 700-16. 14. Clearly identify on the plans the location(s) where flammable or explosive chemicals will be used or handled. These areas must comply with the requirements of NEC Article 500 thru 503. 15. What is the significance of Electrical Specification Note #7 on sheet E-8. The sections referenced do not seem to apply to this project. 16. Note on the plans that a sign will be posted at the main service equipment indicating the location and type of standby power. NEC 700-8(a) Note: If you have any questions regarding this electrical plan review list please contact the plan reviewer listed above at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list ( or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. • + PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS + JURISDICTION: Carlsbad + PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 96-757 + PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek DATE: 5/6/96 SET: I 17. Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the licensed designer. Sheets P2B, and M2 are not signed. • PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 18. Provide the cut sheets for the proposed Boiler. 19. Correct the total gas demand for the medium pressure gas system for the future and proposed gas demands. 20. The low pressure gas table on sheet P2A of the plans does not match the UPC, Table 12-3 values. The proposed gas main is undersized. Please correct. Carlsbad 96-757 May 9, 1996 21. The combination waste and vent system vents must connect the drain line downstream of the upper fixture traps. Not upstream of the upper plumbing fixtures, as shown on the plans. The plans show dirty arm vents. Please correct sheets P2A and P3. 22. Correct the fixture units for the waste for sinks to show minimum of 2 fixture units. Not the one fixture unit each used in the waste design. The 4 inch main building drain and building sewer are undersized. UPC, Tables 7-3 and 7-5. 23. Show 1/4 inch per 12 inch slope on drain and waste lines. UPC Section 708.0 24. Detail shower drains 48 inches minimum from threshold at entry into the shower stall for wheel chair access, or detail curbs at entry to the shower stall. UPC Section 410.3 25. Show main roof drainage sizing and overflow roof drainage sizing as per UBC, Section 1506, and UPC, Appendix 'D'. • MECHANICAL (1994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 26. Provide mechanical ventilation in all rooms as per U BC, Section 1202.2.1. Plans do not show ventilation systems for the Hazardous Materials Room # 128, & Shower Rooms # 133 and # 134. Please correct. 27. Detail disposal of main condensate drainage from air conditioning units. UMC, Section 310 To the tailpiece of lavatories is OK. To the tailpiece of sink is not allowed. Please correct sheet M3. 28. In Groups B, F, M, and S Occupancies, or portions thereof, where Class I, II, of Ill-A liquids are used (in any amount), mechanical exhaust shall be provided sufficient to produce six air changes per hour. Such mechanical exhaust shall be taken from a point at or near the floor. UBC, Section 1207.5 29. Detail exhaust ventilation system compliance with UMC Chapters 5 & 6. a) Detail the exhaust outlet clearances as per UMC, Section 609.10. b) Detail ducts conveying explosives or flammable vapors, fumes or dusts shall extend directly to the exterior of the building without entering other spaces. UMC, Section 505.1. c) Detail minimum duct conveying velocities as per UMC, Section 505.4 and Table 5-A. d) Detail duct support as per UMC, Section 609.6. e) Detail fire protection as per UMC, Section 609.7. f) Detail clearances from combustibles as per UMC, Section 609.8. I !, l -~· ' Carlsbad 96-757 May 9, 1996 g) Detail protection from physical damage as per UMC, Section 609.9. 30. Provide complete plans, details and calculations for the proposed hood, exhaust ducts and exhaust fans. Clearly show what is exhausted ·through each system. • ENERGY CONSERVATION 31. Only one type of lighting fixture is shown on the L TG-2 form (page 7 of 28) for the actual lighting power. The plans show at least 7 types of light fixtures. Please correct. 32. Provide automatic shut-off controls for lighting as per Title 24, Part 6, Section 131(d). 33. Show the daylit areas and correct the switching for the required daylit area lighting controls for lighting in daylit areas. Title 24, Part 6, Section 131(c). 34. Detail required exterior lighting controls. "Exterior lighting controlled from a lighting panel within the building shall be controlled by a directional photocell or astronomical time switch that automatically turns off exterior lighting when daylight is available." 35. . The corrected, completed and signed ENV-1, LTG-1, and MECH-1 forms must be imprinted on the plans. Note: If you have any questions regarding this plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. • ADDITIONAL 36. Complete and recheck all the callouts and cross references to the details. Refer to sheets AS, A6, A7, Al-1, S-3 and S-4. 37. Clearly specify the subpurlins as 2 X 4 DFL # 1 and better typical UNO as called out on sheet 4 of the structural calculations. Refer to sheet S-4 of the plans and also the lumber notes on sheet S-1 of the plans for joists and rafters. 38. Show J-3 (20 K 232/144) as called out on sheet 5 of the structural calculations. Refer to the bar joist schedule on sheet S-4 of the plans. 39. Recheck the loading for G-6. Portions of this beam has a tributary widtli of 46 ft. Refer to sheet 7 of the structural calculations and on sheet S-4 of the plans. Carlsbad 96-757 May 9, 1996 40. FB2 is shown on two locations. one along grid line 2 and the other one is located to the right of grid line 2 between H & J. It seems like the latter one is FB instead. Refer to sheet S-3 of the plans. 41. Provide structural calculations for beams FB 26, FB 27, FB 28, FB 29, FB 30, FB 30A and FB 31. 42. Show FB 34 (W 12 X 14) and FB 35A (W12 X 14) as called out on sheet 22 of the structural calculations. 43. Show FB 37 (W12 X 19) and FB 39 (W12 X 14) as called out on sheet 23 of the structural calculations. 44. Revise column schedule on sheet S-2 of the plans to show column C-1 as TS 5 X 5 X 3/16 with base plate of 14" X 14" X 1" as called out on sheets 62 and 68 of the structural calculations. 45. Structural calculations for the columns show 22 different columns. Clearly cross reference these with the column schedule and foundation plans. 46. Show the required additional vertical reinforcements for the different piers of panels at grid lines A, 8, D and 1 as called out on sheets 112, 119, 126 and 138 of the structural calculations. Refer to sheets S-6, S-7 and S-8 of the plans. 47. Show the required footings and reinforcements along grid lines 1, H.5, 10, 7 and F as called out on sheets 168, 169, 170, 176 and 195 of the structural calculations. Refer to sheet S-2 of the plans. 48. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 49. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: D Yes D No 50. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Abe Doliente at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad 96-757 May 9, 1996 DEPARTMENT OF STATE ARCHITECT NON RESIDENTIAL TITLE 24 DISABLED ACCESS REQUIREMENTS The following disabled access items are taken from the 1995 edition of California Building Code, Title 24. Per Section 101.17 .11, all publicly and privately funded public accommodations and commercial facilities shall be accessible to persons with disabilities as follows: (1) Any building, structure, facility, complex, or improved area, or portions thereof, which are used by the general public. (2) Any sanitary facilities which are made available for the public, clients, or employees in such accommodations or facilities. (3) Any curb or sidewalk intended for public use that is constructed with private funds. NOTE: All Figures and Tables referenced in this checklist are printed in the California Building Code, Title 24. • DISABLED ACCESS PARKING SPACES 1. Revise site plan to show compliance with the required number of accessible parking spaces for new facilities, Per Table 118-7 the minimum number of spaces is six. a) 1 for each 25 spaces up to 100 total spaces. b) 1 additional space for each 50 spaces for between 101 and 200 total spaces. 2. Revise site plan to show that the accessible spaces are located, per Section 11298.1 as follows: a) On the shortest possible route to an accessible entrance, when serving a particular building. b) Spaces are to be dispersed and located closest to accessible entrances where buildings have r:nultiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking (i.e. strip centers). 3. Show on the site plan that accessible space(s) are to be located such that disabled persons are not required to wheel, or·walk, behind parked cars other than their own, per Section 11298.4.3. 4. Show that a bumper or curb is to be provided, and located at each space, to prevent encroachment of cars into the required width of walkways, per Section 11298.4.3. Carlsbad 96-757 May 9, 1996 • FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES 5. Show that all factory and warehouse areas are made accessible, per Section 11078.1 and 11078.2, at the following locations as follows: _a) Major or principal floor areas of factories. b) Miscellaneous warehousing areas on floor nearest grade and those areas on other floors that are otherwise provided access by level entry, ramp or elevator. c) All office areas and sanitary facilities serving these areas. Carlsbad 96-757 May 9, 1996 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Abe Doliente BUILDING ADDRESS: 1600 Faraday Avenue BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B/F-1/S-1 BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA (ft.2) Office 14,029 SF Manufacturing/ R & D 37,684 SF Warehouse/Storage 8,520 SF Air Conditioning 60,233 Fire Sprinklers 60,233 TOTAL VALUE PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-757 DATE: May 9, 1996 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: 111-N VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER ($) 60.00 841,740 33.00 1,243,572 26.00 221,520 3.50 210,816 1.70 102,396 2,620,044 • 1994 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 6,781.50 • 1994 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 4,407.98 Type of Review: • Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 3,526.38 Comments: Fire Services Review: D FireAlarm D Complete Review D Other: Esgil Fire Services Review Fee: Comments: ------------------ 0 Suppression System $ Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 EsGil Corporation Professiona{ PCan ~view 'Engineers DATE: September 17, 1996 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-757 Rev NQ. 1 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1600 Faraday Avenue PROJECT NAME: Invitrogen Roof Framing SET: I 0 APPLICANT ~ O.FIRE D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE • The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's ********** codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: • Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: ) Telephone #: D REMARKS: By: Abe Doliente Enclosures: Esgil Corporation 0 GA O CM 0 EJ O PC 9/3/96 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 J City of Carlsbad M #i h· 1 i 044 Ii h· i •24 ·ki; I; ,t§ U I BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE: 5-]-'96:,_ ~~PLANCHECK NO. CB 96 C, ?57 BUILDING ADDRESS: /IA 00 _ -~ ~ PROJECT DESCRIPT!ON:Q,{,,u ,:;; ;;;., ~ ~ AssEssoR's PARCEL NUMBER: .:;_, .a -.t 3a -a.s EST. v ALUE aJ <:ft::J~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. D A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements: DENIAL Pleas~se the attached report of deficiencies marked with . Make necessary corrections to plans or speci ications for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and_{~i!lc~i~s-. _,,,,,, ! tot isofi eforre~ew.~~ '1R---t..l'~~~ 1-9-~". 7n-222~Date:.:r'7/1~ By: __________ Date: ___ _ ATTACHMENTS ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON D Dedication Application D Dedication Checklist D Improvement Application D Improvement Checklist D Future Improvement Agreement D Grading Permit Application D Grading Submittal Checklist D Right of Way Permit Application D Right of Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet D Sewer Fee Information Sheet NAM~7Y/~ City of Carlsbad ADDRESS: 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad. CA 92009 PHONE : (619) 438-1161, Ext. f,3 (S" A-4 P:\DOCSICHKLSTIBP0001.FRM REY 04/30/96 2075 Las Palmas Dr.• Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (619) 438-1161 • FAX (619) 438-0894 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE PLAN 1 sW 2ndv' 3rdv' liZ] D D 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: D D A. North Arrow D. Property Lines Easements B. Existing & Proposed Structures E. Easements C. Existing Street Improvements F. Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets 2. Show on site plan: (IY\_~ f ~ (Y Drainage Patterns @ Existing Topography B. Existing & Proposed Slopes 3. Include note: "Surface water to be directed away from the building foundation at a 2% gradient for no less than 5' or 2/3 the distance to the property line (whichever is less)." [Per 1985 UBC 2907(d)5]. On graded sites, the top of any exterior foundation shall extend above the elevation of the street gutter at point of discharge or the inlet of an approved drainage device a minimum of 12 inches plus two percent• (per 1990 UBC 2907(d)5.). 4. Include on title sheet A. Site address B. Assessor's Parcel Number C. Legal Description For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: Total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION P:\00CS\CHKI.Sl\BP0001.FRM Page 1 of 4 REV 04/30/96 1 st:V 2ndV D D D D D D D D D BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE 3rdV 5. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No. __________________________ _ Conditions were complied with by: ______ _ Date: -------- DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 6. Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ _______ -pursuant to Code · Section 18.40.030. Dedication required as follows: __________________ _ Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8-1 /2" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process. Provide the completed application form and the requirements on the checklist at the time of resubmittal. Dedication completed by _____________ _ Date: ----- IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 7a. All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $ -pursuant to Code Section 18.40.040. Public improvements required as follows: ______________ _ Please have a registered Civil Engineer prepare appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist for a separate plancheck process through the Engineering Department. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvements requirements. Provide the completed application form and the requirements on the checklist at the time of resubmittal. Improvement Plans signed by: ___________ _ Date: --- P:\DOCS\CHKLSnBP0001.FRM Page 2 of 4 REV 04/30/96 1 stv' 2ndv' 3rdv' DD D BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 7b. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to code Section 1 S.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $ _________ so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Future public improvements required as follows: ___________ _ Improvement Plans signed by=-------~----Date: ----- D D D 7c. Enclosed please find your Future Improvement Agreement. Please return signed and notarized Agreement to the Engineering Department. Future Improvement Agreement completed by: ____________ _ Date: _______ _ D D D 7d. No Public Improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective improvements found adjacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy. D D D GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11.06.030 of the Municipal Code. · Sa. Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities (cut, fill import, export). D D D Sc. No Grading Permit required. P:\DOCS\CHKLS1\BP0001.FAM Page 3 of 4 REV 04/30/96 1 stv' 2ndv' 3rdv' DD D BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 9. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, trees, driveways, tieing into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. Right-of-Way permit required for ________________ _ A separate Right-of-Way permit issued by the Engineering Department is required for the following: ______________________ _ 10. A SEWER PERMIT is required concurrent with the building permit issuance. The fee is noted in the fees section on the following page. 11. INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT is required. Applicant must complete Industrial Waste Permit Application Form and submit for City approval prior to issuance of a Permit. Industrial waste permit accepted by: _______ Date: ___ _ P:\OOCS\CHKL.Sl\BP0001.FRM Page 4 of 4 REV 04/30/96 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING-REVIE·W SECTION FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET D Estimate based on unconfirmed information from applicant. D Calculation based on building plancheck plan submittal. Address: 16oa ~ Bldg. Permit No. CA 9 6 CJ 7 5 7 Prepared by: J1J/J ~ Checked by: _____ Date: ______ _ EDU CALCULATJW,S: List types and square footages for all uses. l7f .J. 1it>6 7. 7q O'"tt=i'c.e. J4JOJi "/ /4,0;J..'!f , Cjo c)..4 Types of Use: A e.' D SJ f I 3 Sq. Ft./Units: 5qt .3 a{ ~ ,:uot> D EDU's:. ______ _ m4r1~-feccf-~/1 71 / .:3/, 1il/st-f ,5,COO 3 WQ.re.ho11se ~, 0 ,:).0 &91 S,;1.0;:z'-f,,s;JotaJ EDU's: ___ ..,_/-=7 .... 0 _0_..;.. __ ADT CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. DI, ;f).J>/ o f-.Ptc..-e., o:.P.P1c.-e I 41 O ~ 'i 14 OJ...&/ -a{ d.'7/coO 4-i f\ i O Types of Use: 1\ ~-() 5,q1 3 Sq. Ft./Units: ef, 713 fil ~@OD ADT's: l .J..] f'Y\4. n li k.c.'"t YY\4.tlu.~ C -t J ,, 7 7 / 31, 11 / l2(' i'ltJO 6 4-5 Wu r-e.A.il"s ~ , . • ,. c,, .c: "O r; 1 Total ADT's 4 q g' vuq_ r-LI\.OU~Jl 01 ,.; f7' <!,S~C> fZ s;foob ._ .......... _._.;._ __ FEES REQUIRED: PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE REQUIRED O YES O NO (See Building Department for amount) WITHIN CFO: (]fES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee, D NO reduced Traffic Impact Fee) ~AK-IN-LIEU FEE PARK AREA: __ _ . FEE/UNIT:. ___ _ ~RAFFIC IMPACT FEE ADT's/UNITS: 41_ f ~IDGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE ADT's/UNITS:. ___ _ [i:J0ACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE SQ.FT.: (aO ,~3 3 ~EWER FEE PERMIT No. __ _ X NO. UNITS:. __ _ X FEE/ADT: d ~ X FEE/ADT:. ___ _ ZONE: 5 X FEE/SQ.FT.: ' .f Q X FEE/EDU: fJ?Q(p EDU's: J ],. (2 3, BENEFIT AREA: f= -----DRAINAGE BASIN: St3 EDU's: } J • 03 ~RAINAGE FEES PLDA __ _ ACRES: ____ _ ~~WER LATERAL ($2,500 DEPOSIT) (0~WATER FEE EDU's: / t • 03 X FEE/EDU: 5(] Cf HIGH ___ /LOW __ _ X FEE/AC: __ _ X FEE/EDU: d4-4d) =$ -er- =$ o= =$ ,30) 75~ =$ l 4:) q ~ei =$ rr =$ -0- TOTAL OF ABOVE FEES*:$ / ;;2_/) lo 4& *NOTE: Thia calculation aheet la NOT a complete llat of all fe .. which may be due. Dedications and Improvements may also be required with Building Permits. Rf;V 01 /04/95 CITY OF CARLSBAD GRADING INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR PARTIAL SITE RELEASE PROJECT INSPECTOR: TPH,-,.ves.s-v DATE: ~~ I '1 l99& 7 PROJECT ID (fi?,t/S-O .z:NVz-rR.rn:;-~,v GRADING PERMIT NO. 96 o~3 2- LOTS REQUESTED FOR RELEASE: LoT /00 o/S C. £. C. #:5 N/A = NOT APPLICABLE ../ = COMPLETE O = Incomplete or unacceptable 1st / ,,/ v v v v v /ltfa ,/ v D 2nd. 1. Site access to requested lots adequate and logically grouped 2. Site erosion control measures adequate. 3. Overall site adequate for health, safety and welfare of public. 4. Letter of request for partial release submitted 5. 8½11 x 11" site plan showing requested lots submitted. 6. Compaction report from soils engineer submitted. 7. Engineer of work certification of work done and pad elevations. 8. Geologic engineer's letter if unusual geologic or subsurface conditions exist. 9. Project conditions of approval checked for conflicts 10. Can water service be installed prior to bringing building combustibles on site. Partial release of grading for the above stated lots is approved for the purpose of bujlding permit issuance. Issuance of building permits is still subject to all normal City requirements required pursuant to the building permit process. Partial release of the site is denied for the following reasons: 7-l.i'-16 Date Project Engineer Date II \LIURAI{ Y\LNU\Wl'I >,.-i A I INSl'l·.CT\l'Ol{M~'\l'AKl'Sl"ll: .FRM .": ... ~ Tim Fennessey HAMANN CONSTRUCTION --c====== General Contracting & Development======::-- uc #373142 475 W. BRADLEY AVENUE• EL CAJON, CALIF. 92020 PHONE: 619/440-7424 EXTENDED: 619/286-1515 FAX: 619/440-8914 July 18, 1996 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPT. 207 5 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 RE: LOT 100 / 1600 Faraday Avenue/ Permit No. GP 960013 Dear Tim, As an owner of the above mentioned project, I request at this time that the rough grading be released so that we may obtain a building permit and continue on with the construction of our building as scheduled. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, """ '\ " ~ V ~ ~ ;:) u -..J) 0-- ' '° N ' .::r Q) * Q) 1ij 1ij Cl Cl Cl (5 >,. >, >, .0 .0 .0 .... C\I C') 'II: 'II: 'II: .!<: .!<: .!<: C) C) C) Q) Q) Q) .r. .r. .r. (.) (.) (.) C: C: C: <II <II <II a: a: a: ~D D ~EJ D PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CB C/6-1f 7 Address /{i60 £0iru..J~11 ~ . Planner · David Rick (Name) Phone (619) 438-1161 ext. 4328 APN: _.....,) ....... 1.2,.__·_\.;..;..3_0_· i_, __________________ _ Type of Project and Use: __._J\,&--=~='t,J-=---'e=="'-'-'/J__,~ .... 1 1J*--_____________ _ Zone: {/VI Facilities Management Zone:._---=5"----- CFD /{in)out) # ___ J_. ______ _ . '1?rcle (If property in, complete SPECIAL TAX.CALCULATION WORKSHEET provided by Building Department) Legend ~ Item Complete (g Item Incomplete -Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES NO. _L' TYPE __ _ DATE OF COMPLETION: _______ _ Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of-Approval-----,------------------- Discretionary Action Re_quired: YES NO /rvPE __ _ APPROVAWRESO.NO. ______ DATE _____ _ PROJECT NO. ____ _ OTHER RELATED CASES: _______________________ _ Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval_· ____________________ _ Q(' D D California Coastal .Commission Permit Required: YES NO/ DATE OF APPROVAL: _____ _ San Diego Coast District, 3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 521-8036 Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval _____________________ _ /o r /o 0 ' ' ; . ~~D · ·-ci'o o IJ IJ ·o lnclusionary Housing Fe~ requirecl: YES __ NO / (Effective date ·of lnclusior,~ry Hous.ing Ordinance -May 21, 1993) . .I .Site. Plan:. . r 1. Provic:te a fully dimensioned site pl~n drawn: to scale. Shc;,w: North arrow, property . line~, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets,. existing street improvements, right-of-w~y widt,h, d_imensic?ned setbacks and existing topographical lines. · ·. · · ·· · · 2. Provide· legal description of property; and assessor's parcel nl!mber. Zoning: 1. Se~bc:i.cks: 2. 3. 4. Front: Int. Side: . Stre$t Siqe: Rear:· Lot Coverage: Height: Parking: Requir~d. _ ____,;;;;'3_0_··1 ...... __ Shown __ 3_0_. '_. __ _ Req· uired 101 Shown ID' ·t" .. ,,..---------,,-.,.,.....--------------. Required. .µ4 · Shown _Mir ____ . __ _ Req~ited ~ . Shown __ -_. ___ _ Required Requirea ~db MX. Shown _t7. ___ '. 2_1' __ . 3iJ 'f'/'A'{.. Shown _s_o_' __ _ Spaces Requited. ________ Shown _____ _ Guest Spaces Required Shown -----,---------------- fMpt~...,w ev>.-U-!'·!'( . Additiona:i Comments ~e.. if:~_s._t, f•1c/0sv1 .~ .. h,~1 :.do~J 11.,, t c: .. 41/J;li' • .,.·.J1.. c.i o/ ~ -$'-h,,J~rJJ (S¢.E: o,/1,,.cN:J._ .Sfi6Jw.l)~ ?leaLL f('.t,ra.. G\ f.'fg plq., ,,,x-1 d.:r,_+,;i;J.,.;:. Al ' . + ',/) li-D· . .l: .. L ' ' ·J.. . ' j;f' II ' . ·~ I' I ~ "' • . )· . "< 50) \~ .. I'<. , ; IS vu{. 'D·I \\~· . _t,'i:..Q._ I ?V"':0 . 119.\1,(&,\n:..... S'Q <>A. '.I".':':: 'i) c.1 \ , K:\ADMIN\COUNTER\PLANCK.fllM . . ' 1-17-96 City of Carlsbad 96036 Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check Date of Report: Wednesday, August 7, 1996 Reviewed by: M,;:t Ar Contact Name Address City, State Ken Smith 435 W. Bradley Av El Cajon CA 92020 Bldg. Dept. No. _96_-_7_5-'--7 ___ _ Job Name lnvitrogen/Lot 100 Planning No. Job Address _1_6_00_Fa_ra_d_a~y _____________ _ Ste. or Bldg. No. ____ _ ~ Approved -The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. D Disapproved -Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st. __ _ 2nd __ _ 3rd. __ _ Other Agency ID CFD Job# _ ___:_96.:.....:0;....:c3__c_6 __ File# ___ _ 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121 :City of Carlsbad 96036 Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check f Date of Report: Monday, July 15, 1996 Reviewed by: tJv:t. ~ Contact Name Address City, State Ken Smith 435 W. Bradley Av El Cajon CA 92020 Bldg. Dept. No. _96_-_7_5_7 ___ _ Job Name lnvitrogen/Lot 100 Planning No. Job Address _1_6_oo_F_a_ra_d_a_y _____________ _ Ste. or Bldg. No. ____ _ 181 Approved -The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. D Disapproved -Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office -for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st'----2nd __ _ 3rd __ _ Other Agency ID CFDJob# __ 96_0_3_6 __ File# ___ _ 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121 t ·~city of Carlsbad 96036 Fi re Department Bureau of Prevention General Comments: Date of Report: Monday, July 15, 1996 Contact Name Address City, State Ken Smith 435 W. Bradley Av El Cajon CA 92020 • Bldg. Dept. No. _9_6-_7_57_~--Planning No. _____ _ Job Name lnvitrogen/Lot 100 Job Address 1600 Faraday ____ ..:;.._ ____________ _ Ste. or Bldg. No. ____ _ Approval based on implementing .45/3000 sprinkler density overall,revised hydrant locations,looping and recommendations as proscribed by the technical report. Please send specification sheets on safety cabinets and specifications on any lab hoods to show air exchanges required to relieve sprinkler requirement in ductwork. 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121 "City of -Carlsbad 96036 Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check Date of Report: Monday, May 6, 1996 Reviewed by: ~ ~id=- Contact Name Address Ken Smith 435 W. Bradley Av El Cajon CA 92020 City, State 1~ Bldg. Dept. No. #-_-_7_57 ___ _ Job Name lnvitrogen/Lot 1 oo Planning No. Job Address 1600 Faraday ----~---------,---------Ste. or Bldg. No. ____ _ D Approved -The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. ~ Disapproved -Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards: Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st'-----2nd, __ _ 3rd. __ _ Other Agency ID CFD Job# __ 96-------'0'----"-3----'-6 __ File# ___ _ 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121 , City of Carlsbad . Fire Department General Comments: Date of Report: Monday, May 6, 1996 Contact Name Address City, State Ken Smith 435 W. Bradley Av El Cajon CA 92020 96036 • Bureau of Prevention Bldg. Dept. No. _9_7-_7_57 ___ _ Planning No. _____ _ Job Name lnvitrogen/Lot 1 oo Job Address 1600 Faraday --------''--------------Ste. or Bldg. No. ____ _ Have we recieved final hydrant submittal for this site? 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121 • Requirements Category: Buildin~ Plan Check 96036 Deficiency Item: Pending 11 Knox Box Knox Box required when access to or within a structure or an area is unduly difficult because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life saving or fire-fighting purposes. The Fire Dept. will determine the location for the key box and provide an authorized order form. Deficiency Item: Pending 14 Provide Technical Report To determine the acceptability of technologies, processes, products, facilities, materials and uses attending the design, operation or use of a building or premises subject'to the inspection of the department, the chief is authorized to require the owner or the person in possession or control of the building or premises to provide, without charge to the jurisdiction, a technical opinion and report. The opinion and report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer, specialist, laboratory or fire-safety specialty organization acceptable to the chief and the owner and shall analyze the fire-safety properties of the design, operation or use of the building or premises and the facilities and appurtances situated thereon, to recommend necessary changes. Deficiency Item: Pending 16 A/S Design Sprinkler system design shall be in accordance with standards set forth by the National Fire Protection Association and UBC Standards 38-1 and 38-2. Permits are required prior to installation. Plans, specifications and calculations shall be certified by a licensed fire protection engineer or other person deemed competent by the Chief, and submitted in the name of a licensed sprinkler contractor. Warehouse buildings for which no specific use, occupant, product, activity or storage array has been identified, shall be protecte·d by sprinkler system designed to deliver water at the rate of .45 gallons per square foot, throughout a 3000 square foot design area. Deficiency Item: Pending 29 High Piled Combustible Storage Storage in closely packed piles shall not exceed 15 feet in height, 12 feet on pallets or in racks and 6 feet for tires, plastics and some flammable liquids. If high piled stock piling is to be done, submit a complete storage plan and description of the commodities to be stored. Show compliance with Article 81 of the Uniform Fire Code. Page 2 05/06/96 ~---...--:-------·-------~----------- , ' '. -. ~·.,,. ,_ . . . • INVITROGEN SUBJECT: SHEET NO: ', BASIS OF DESIGN ••••••••.••••..•.•.•••...••• D ••• 1 ROOF & FLOOR FRAMING •••••.•........... ~ ...•. 3 COLUMNS & COLUMN FOOTINGS ..•............• 61 LATERAL, DIAPHRAGMS, CHORDS, LEDGERS ...•. 71 WALL TIES, SUBDIAPHRAGMS, DRAG ••...••...•• 84 WALLS OUT OF PLANE ...•..•................... 93 WALLS IN PLANE • . . . • . . . • • . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 143 FOOTINGS .••••....•...•.••... " ....•••......... 167 fv'}ISC... MEZc-flOOR Bl3A/1. -------- ME2Z-FlooR Cot.Ul1N Ke( PLAN ----- STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS 2 60 70 83 92 -142 -· 166 -200 z. o I 202 RiH ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Court, Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92127 (619) 673-8416 . · (619) 673-8418 FAX Job No. C96-022 By:'IWP/GSMJPC Check By: Date:.5/96 R2H Engineering, Inc. JOB NQ __ <9i_· :6_-_0_2_2 __ PROJECT /Nf/1 TROqEN DATE __ 5_-_'9~b __ _ BY _______ _ SUBJECT 8EESfo/'15E ro pLAN CJ-1££/<ER SHEET_---+------_oF_L_ J , I • _ ------.--______ -. _ •-_ •• ___ --~--_____ • __ • ___ •--___ ·-• _____ • ---···-___ _ ! f ! ; : ; • ; ; ' ' I , ' ' ,---·· -ry~/Jr fl'-·-·------~----··----· --- f t ..J-.c;;rJ .. i • • ; ~ . ! ;_....,_J -------------·---------·------··--.. ------------! ' : ll ~I ! '"7_.~./ -~-': __ '1 ~-_f -~:-:___·:,_ :-,·--· -I ·----·----·----~------------------·-: . : _,_ ... ' ~ r--J-. ' --------'--'-': . ' -·------·-------···---------· -------·----. ----·--. -· --· . ·--____ , . 1 '. : : I ; : . i : : ; '. ! l ; ; : i 1 --------------------------------------------- ! l , ~6.1 I ~; :-S3Y-G£; 1 , ,--_-----~=-::~-==·~=-=--=---=-=--=-~~=-~-..:. ~-~~-~--~ ~=-..:.:--~-~-=-=--==~·-= _;__[J i j I l / i I , i ' l I i 1 !---'-!-, ·-·-----·----------------·-·-·-----------·-·»·-------i : ! I ! i ; < + : : l t ! ; I i ! 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AXIAL LOAD J-1 30 I< z16/1zB b-({, k. .J-:2 24-)( -z.16/128 b. q, l<.. .J-6 2-9/( z3Z//{t.<I-6. q,ic. .J-4 30/< -z1°/16° 7.tjJ(._ .J-5 -z,o /,< .zt:Jo/;eo 4tJ.tk .J-6 90~ -z.70/;6 0 ~9.,/k J-i "30/<. 21-6/;z.8 f/.(f. z_ll .J-E> zo/c z3z/;q,<f ~o.sk .J~ 30/( 2-lb/ /28 ./ b._ff1' J-/0 =30/< z1&/1zB 26.Jk.. ...... -· -:r-If · 3o/<.. -z/6/128 b. 7"- .JOI ST NOTI=S: I. '"' ..... TOTAL 1-0AD / 1-IVE 1-0AO VAl-lJE=, 6-IYEN IN.I.BS. PER LINEAL. FOOi. 'TC' AXIAL l-OAD5 <:i-1\/I:N IN l<IP5. "\ S. 'TC.' AXI.Al-LOAD :DENOTI:S SEISMIC. LOAD IN TOP CHORD. 4. 'TC' AXIAL LOAD MA.,.. el:: EITHl:R C.O~ION OR TENSION. S. 'TC' AXIAL. LOAI:> ACT$ AT SA=!:: OF $!-!OE AT .l"tAU.. ~NS- 1..0CATIONS • .JOIST DESIGN SHAU. ACCOUNT FOR ADDED MOMENT CUE TO ECCENTRJCIT'T". 6. 5£:E DETAILS FOR AU. L.OA1' TRAN:..i -R GONFl6URATION5. i. SI:::: 'S1'E:l.. JOISTS 4 JOIST 61~' NOTI:5 ON Sr-ET S-1. e. ADD LOAD OF 250 LS5. AT AN'r" PANa. POINT - SHAU. 61: !~ORATED INTO 6AR .JOIST l-OAOING- AT AU. 6AR JOISTS. Cf. AU. JOISTS SHALL HAVE A 5EAT DEPT'H OF 9" U.N.O. IO. EXAMPl..E OF SAR JOIST CALL-at.IT IS AS FOU.Oi.-lS, .JOIST DE:PTH ----TOTAL LOAD ININC-HES ~ / , 26 K .216 I 1.22' JOIST SERIES_./ \__l..lVE: LOAD T'l'F'e -·-·--· .•. -------··-·-· .. - ·-· .. ---------- ---··-·-----------, ... ___ -----... -------, .. ----------------- ~ R2H Engineering, Inc. , ™ PROJECT ::CY' -J \ S JO,B NO.CC\ 0-0).,2.. DATE -3> -) l -q b ([""· BY T:b) Q SUBJECT f\e-z;~ Txc-:""'N,,~5 SHEET :z... '-OF- -------------( _·_t=.f.5 33_ -~ : __ .S _P.A~ __ :7"_ l O -A = \-l. ,.,,_ 'h =-o.~ ( r-U~ -JSO) -=-J--\ A ·-----·----· .. ---·---I t=== 5-~-----~--~-5? h~ .. ==-. -_ b. A= l..\. f<e r~, 7r· P,~ \use A V p_)( \~ ~ .. ·--n :::: .. 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''o.c, [A-Pb\-!5'-~5) _l\/). JOB NO.C.C\b C ::::Z... 2- DATE "$-7 .... q b SHEET /I~ OF-- --.. 1 - --~ -. . . ---.. -. 1· --•·¥ ·-·-. :--: -,. -.... . ...... : ~ ·------r ~ ----- -1 ·-. .. I" --_.._ .. 81 I . I, b_75* __ _ L R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT z:f.n "1 ; \-- JOB No.C.C\6o.::-Z..2... DATE 3-T-C\I:, BY_-4-4:\:--=~c.....:.-.____,P __ SUBJECT \.hl:2 L)L\-d'. -P\c:--,..)\ e_ SHEET f 11 OF- I - 3 P~e."'(" ~ Dl-,=: {_\s *A;~)'---~ A../3)~ (5 'i AA/:i.J :: 66~ ~ k:>1> \. t? ~ -~ 9"\ * "\ * .::io J s ::: :2-1.s-o 7 =tt-. ~~~~ ::;J2_~ -.3l,C\A.J ;.; A.:/~ ::: 37,b f J~ -· -~s~ ~5 A-, \';2-, I\ c,,.c; (P..-t>DJ);.. 2-~5) L'1 J , r-S::·, , _________ _ \ ... --\ A -M -e, t;--s P, c-r- r '-,·· ' / -__ I -, r I "-I ; --I<~~'-./ I ',., I , -·· '-, I.". I ; .. r_ -, . -I ·-. - 'f-i , . . I . . µ • •• ---:1 ··. ::-:-~ . L. -' --I . ·. ,. .. .· . . -. -, I ·., ,_ IC ., . --. ---I .'--. - I· ' -: · I" . ---.-. .--. : I·---<~-- 1 • -, r . ---.. ,., -. ~ .. ----~--• --- . _'· -. 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( \3 P=,,l= *-51:,J:i._ * B/6.J_·+. l ,3_ 'f'S r ""'66/~ ) .::: '8.s-o '*1-/ Ft ""t>t>'"\:... bL t:=-~c~--Co-c..c,, ~~e t>,r \J~, L I -. I l :. •'/ I ~J ,'.i)D'\.-P\..-= q.,f ~ e * C!\ '/ b': ·1 1 , :z._e, ::\\:-/ f"l (~ ! f'.·11 _; ~h-I )~)' r ~, ~t)D'L.. S~e, Vf'Q·~~ .... ff> .. ,--. J ~-;Y~~~-""Y }r..t:Jr::i' \.... ~e.~-=: --~ lC\A") i ·8/6: 37\G \'Q~ , 1 ....-.~ 1 • "/ ·,--.,. 1 ~t>t:>''-Se~ P~,-=--,3 (. CV() t 5 ~ss;·~:: l"3A.~ r C\ t fo R // ne-t \J:SE.. -:1:a\ .s; A-, 1-u '\ o~c, (_\J) ~\ i:-, f. lAro' J... 3 -ff5) £l. P,e-x- I s' J I R~c~_-J_. b\--l \3 ')\ Sb/:::...* A.js::) ~ l ,~-*. Sl,f~-:::, bt;G ~ PrbD'l... ~\.-..,., 9A 'k A.~ C\) S--6. 7 7 ~ A-bt:h ... 2;}C.·\~ = , ~ lC\..l\~ ~ 4/ 5_ -=--.. A,A\b p~ _k ~t::h_ ~e \:;.-p"'., \ = I 3· (__q A. J _ * ·.t.\. i ~ ,S-J S-'= ]C\ --M:: ,j·· . fo~ 5' .P~c::;;,··.v5-~ :~ *-~--,.._""' -\~d-.0 .c ~. Qf_) · hY. ft.\ r\ {faro\_ a --t}5)_ ·· t' \Je\\ 35' --- ---. -. - - - R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT :t.n \) : ~ SUBJECT };h_\\ S -a c'S... c:-\.-?\:-. ""-e__ \.-\""-C-· ~ Cc·rA, ~ l~l :S--e--",~ ~e~ xr '--~""'-e \l ~ r~-1 '-r ~ ......... , ~ k ..... l~l I \ '-'::--6-'-~I t '---., .. 1:--..1 )A ' ~ ~ ' ?,.5 JOB NO. C C\b -o.)..).., DATE S-6-q6 SHEET / 3 g OF-- ·- ~~-ci-.;.. L''='P.:,~ '* 4tof)...*-6/~.5'::J + l1::;,rss:. 'ic4.9/;J.. ¾. -s,'>5/l":i..'JCS.s':)).;--(1-sps~ '*' .:i--e;)._~-= Cf\5,Jil 'rr ~\::>~k. t>L:::(1A.-f5¥--*15 ~ 6/~.s-) +La.-"*-~* -S,;3,j(;;._-1.3.5))::. 3 1A.o{ ~Jr-r , ,k\'.'t:>1 _ ~,f:.. == e,, 3, c__c\i-\) _¼(G-\, ,61) 13 .,;; _ ro 2-r.a~ 1~ Te> ::i..'-', i\--Dt>l-.x~s P""~ l-..~ ..... i('74:) ~ J,67"k 1 = ~~o ¾ k\ 10,s ' US.. .t'!:-*~ J...-, ) 0 11 C .C , (,.?i -#5 A-DD \L J J::.., f, '1:-~ ~.s' P,e.r ~i-~ = (. rs PSf *..di/a/~* I ,b7 /7:.::;; J..6~~ * 4.<af,.) =4·80~ri !\_DP ).:t,1-= L 9A i\: 2:L *.-\ ~ 7 /3) : :\ 1 I 52-¼/ -p-( ~:'.Pb~~--~e\~--~--~"3 L C\A~ _*:_~_\6i)'~: :" _ J~ pi~_ --+!------------~ .. ·------·-·----------- \Js rt-,~DD)... . -2. -1Ya '\?:,/\ RS -~.r ... :r..~ _E, \ -~r-1\. "D- _____ _.,_ ----- l_ ·-----~-=--------=-------· -----. ------·---.. ---· ----·· -----·----------~-------- --~----· "'{ ---·---.-------~:---r-_______ ,.._ __ _ R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I.Nl//7ROG&'V ( BY _______ SUBJECT ____ ~/~1E=~=g"'---=-_~FR.=~~t~l?/2~W.~~'------- ~ ~=--~--~---:~ -_--tJ '-=-_ _-__ -~ 0 .,z /. ,J.-· · = I o 6 ~ - /6l ~ --L --~ ~~=-= ·--~---. ;i,:r~~:=~0.-166 :*--:io~ ~?ji -·2.·2q .e-t-: -_ -· -W IZ x /ZJ. CA= 4.i6. ly= o.7t3 .s .. /4.1) . ·-:F,:;\,..-= . /6. =-3.8.t lc.51--4./6 -rbo .ft!C. • ---3~-gs .. + -/. B<f· --/ iv, '1 Zf.6 _2__4, = O,_zo f.&<f·-· . . ---'-----= 0.63 zJ.6-. . - .----·-----· _ .. ' --------------- <-i. 3J .c_/_ 3,J_ JOB NO. C296 -022. DATE 5--£}6 SHEET zo/ OF-- ' ' --·-. ----. ---------~----------------. -----------·-· -----· ------------------------- j ' , ! ' -----------·------~----------·-------~----------------------_,.. -. . -' R2H Ehgineeri.ng, Inc. JOBNO. ·c96-0Z."2- PROJECT----'/,:..:...'/1/:...;..V...;,_/.;._TR---'0_~.;.;;;;5 ..... ) _____ _ DATE . 5-16 -iv _______ suBJECT_---1.M:.:..:..=:E.:::.Z::'Z..:..-..t...BP..:::;;..;~;.:,.1<..:.....,;c:;;...:o.=t;..a.._...;...:.....i..---:.-------f l<EY ?UW SHEET z.oZ QF __ L . ··-.. ---·--+-f'\ri\······---~---:· Is-\ r r.1.., . -----------\U\:;l-·-----.. ---· -v \... !_I ·:. ~ ~~==1~·· 11~ __ :·~.-.:~.~.·.~.~:·:.1·-..... . . . . ) ~ ... -.. :··-® . . . -t -~ I I l j \ I. \. ® 0 -I ... -1 I 1.· 0 <::==? .. · . i i - ~~:tl,.::..-.1.!::::. ··=···=:~.=·~=·-=-=· :::::::· =··:::::;1;:i__· .!..I, ____ ,Lil·. ___ __.!, ___ _!.,_:...__--!-----0-·: . .-c,$. j :; ~ . 11 l. c.d I I J r., .-, . .. C/b. ., .czo .., I A I ; : -e •I~ A ·-- I l . • ••• . . . . J --.., ___ ........ ·--· -·-· -· : ..... . . -. -------. .. --.. ---· -. . . ..,,. ..... ----·--.------'=------=- I i -V .. · ... · .. ·. ·-·'-· ---t---f--t+-----,-..,....--~~~::'l1-·-----r-':-te,--, -·- .. ___ . _ .. , ·.·._· ~ R~o; col. (7tpl j il:l u ---. ------ -1--~====*~· b··~-~-··~· -~-·==:=;~~===1-1-....;..--e_~==a:-~r=:=:=9..-!.!/ Nore; WoRJ< 7}/1..S 1(8( PLAtl IIJl7J-( CAlC ~ 62 c.4- 7!-'_RL). s1-rr.: .~7. - ® -.. -------· ... -·-·------·------. ·.· .--·-_·-··-=-:.~,..,,..:--~ -·....,,...·.-.,...,..,..~-....... -=-= .• =-=:. ,...,.,.· •• ~~· .·.,,-. -_---·. ,...--,----·· _·--,-.· ·_--,-,----,.,----~-----@ ······ .. ~-·~·! ·l • -• -· ----·----i --·· -----·-·· ----·- p,. t. L· INVITROGEN SUBJECT: SHEET-NO: BASIS OF DESIGN ..........•...................•• 1 ROOF & FLOOR FRAMING ........................ 3 COLUMNS & COLUMN FOOTINGS ................ 61 LATERAL, DIAPHRAGMS, CHORDS, LEDGERS ..... 71 WALL TIES, SUBDIAPHRAGMS, DRAG ............ 84 WALLS OUT OF PLANE .......... -· ............... 93 WALLS IN PLANE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 143 FOOTINGS .......•............................. 167 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS 2. 60 70 83 92 -142 -166 -200 R:zH ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Court, Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92127 (619) 673-8416 (619) 673-8418 FAX Job No. C96-022 By:1WP/GSM/PC CheckBy: Date: 3/96 lf [pD 7S7 I \ \ tL ..... __ _ R.H Ei."'lfGINEERING, INC. BASIS OF DESIGN s.::ope of Services Established Y N Project Scheduling Y N Authorizing Jurisdiction'-___ C_A_R_L ... .s __ B.4;:;;...,.JJ _________ _ Governing Code(s) ____ .;..U ... 13_C.~-__.q_4 _________ _ Structure Data: Descriprion: ___ .,.1,,.;,/_L.;..T_-_v .. f_· ___________ _ •Qccupancy: _______ '"Type of Construction:, _____ _ E;a,:rior Wall Mac.:rial: ___ e,.o_N_c._. __________ _ Site Plan: _____________________ _ Grading Plan:. ____________________ _ Project Name !NV/TRO$SN Project No. C'96-oz z... Date __ 3_4 ___ 6 ___ _ Project Engineer ____________ _ •Seismic Zone: ____ 4...,. ______________ _ •Importance Factor: __ ...;,...--------------- •Wtnd Exposurc: ____ c,.._. -,-.,....----,,,--------- Structure Plan Area: 4-S, 771... SF Total Floor Arca:(Bldg. Only): b o, $90 $,'IF Overall Bldg!'.S_tructurc Heights:._......,,.a:3-;,o,..' _________ _ Mezzanine ~ Area:....,,.,,..-....... 1..,l_&_/_7__.5 .... F_-_______ _ Elevator Y (1V Stairs(!) N Typc: _ ___.1 .. 11 .... o_o.J> ________ _ Special Conditions:. _____________________________________________ _ Soil Repon By: qEOTECf/i/!CS Cont<:nt: (Check ic.:ms included in repon) Foundation Type: C-0f/VF:N'Tir:Jlf/.)l Expansive Soils: V Mr:EVlll/1 Adjacent Loads/Slopes: __ ,.... _____________ _ Settlement: ./ Liquefaction: ___________________ _ Cur/Fill Line Within Strucrure: __ ..;.v __________ _ ReponNo. OZ7?:,-oo2.-Do Date: /Z-30-'JS. Test Boring Plot Plan: ____ v ____________ _ *Soil Classifi.cation: ______ S.._/-1 ______________ _ Water Table Elevation: _____ -_________ _ Active Prcssure: ____ ...... .3,___.t"' __ ?-_!S __ 'f. __________ _ Passive Pressure: _________________ _ Building or Tank Wall Pressure: ____________ _ *Design Bearing Capacity: ______________ _ Special Conditions: _____________________________________________ _ Roof Construction: 'BAR Jo/H -PA Nell ZE:R Roofing Material: __________________ _ '"Roof Loads: 20 psf (subject to reduction-see design memo) Mechanical Equipment: Weights: _____________________ _ Location: _____________________ _ Supp on: _____________________ _ Special Conditions: __________________ _ •~ps Drawings: (Check those that apply) __ Prefab roof truss or I-Joist _Glulaminated Timber __ Strucrural Steel _ Misc. Metal (Where parts are shop welded) __ Fire Sprinkler System _Storefront System/Skylites __Anchor Bolt Layout _V_ tiRe ~•inforcing Steel .Y_Concrcte Mix __ Other ______________________ _ •s ow on contract drawings Floor Construction: __ W,__o_<iJJ...;...· ____________ _ Floor Loads: (Provide load mapping as required) _______ _ Concentrated Loads: ________________ _ Special Conditions:. _________________ _ •~ecial Inspections: (Check those that apply) _Concrete Placement and Strength J:'.::.Bolts in Concrete/Masonry ...::=::::Reinforcing Steel Placement _\/Welding: Field~ Shop __ _H.S. Bolts _Masonry, Prisms Required Y N _Piling/Caissons Shotcrete 7 Drilled in Anchors __ Oilier _____________________ _ IU!l!J'll I ~ R2H Engineering, Inc. JOB NO. C.'Jb-ozz. ~ PROJECT __ -1..ILJN~V.~/n~R~O=#~'El'l~--'---------DATE __ 3_-_t:;_6 ___ _ r}Y _______ SUBJECT _________________ _ SHEET __ z __ of __ MATERL.\LS, GRADES AND STRENGTH Following is used in all cases unless ~ifically noted otherwise on the plans. ROUGH FRA.½E: Studs, plates and blocking DFL Standard or Better Joists, Rafters and Headers • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • No. 2 Beams, Stringers and Posts ( 4 • & larger in width) • • • • . . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • No. 1 Glu Lam Beams: Submit AITC Certificate of Compliance . • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • 24F-V4 Simple Span 24F-V8 Cantilevered Span Use common wire nails for all designed conditions and UBC Table 25-Q (Nailing Schedule) in other cases •. All framing anchors are by Simpson Strong Tie. (Equivalency approval, if requested, based on ICBO Research Reports) Vertical (shear wall) and horizontal wood diaphragm sheathing: AP A Rated CDX Structural I CONCRETE BLOCK MASONRY: Hollow Core ASTM C90 Grade N-1, Medium Weight Mortar Types fm= 1800 UBC Std 24-20, 2403 (c) Grout Types fc = 2000 UBC 2403 (d) Design Strength fm= 1500 (solid grout) UBC 2405 (c) CONCRETE: (J) ;~':~t~~de Strength (psi) 2000 Max Aggregate Size Slump Tilt-up Walls Drilled Piers Supported Slabs } Beams & Columns Concrete on Deck Water Structure 3000 3000 2500 4000 3000 4000 1½" 4• l" 3• 'h" 4• l½" 4• ¾" 4• ½" 4• ¾" 4• REINFORCING STEEL: STEEL: ASThi A615 Gr40 No S and smaller Gr 60 No 6 and larger (Use Gr 60 for all tilt-up panel steel except base dowels) ASThi A 706 Gr 60 All welded rebar Welding of rebar to conform to A. W.S. #D 1,4-79, submit certificate of carbon equivalent and weld procedure prior to any welding of rebar. Special inspection required for all field welding, Submit certificate of compliance for all shop welding or provide specia:1-~~on. .. ·. · Unfinished·.Bolts High Strength °Bolts Pipe Column-. Structural·.Tube Shapes, Plates & Bars ASTM A307 ASTM A325 ASTM A53, Type E or S, Grade B ASTM A?OO, Grade B ASTMA36 Fy=3Sksi Fy=46ksi Fy=36ksi t~: COLD FORMED STEEL: Studs andjoists Tracks and Runners Galvanize per ASTM .A446 Grade A ASTM A446 Grade A ASTM A525 FY= 40KSI FY= 33 KSI R 2H Engineering, Inc. JOB NO. C-96 -o z-z.:. PROJECT ___ --'-/~N_Yi_l_m_o_4_s_w _______ _ DATE __ .3_-_1-6 ___ _ A SUBJECT 1{00 r LOAt==="~ · f{ )Y-----3 SHEET---OF-- ~;i,-lL:l. ,:;;-.... w~ i -• I ½:::>us P.., ;z:...1 :.J , " • , • ,. ?~ l ,J;::::__ ~ . ; Ml~~ --z_ --z t,.iS l ... I ,3.o &.-z ~ F'"'='F ·: r::::::;> t... '3. i'»'lEi:"2 ~ l~ ~i= zc, ~p. i...L. ·. tk A-cr::;;11--z F--;.~ ~'-;::: w~ , I~ [7.o:, ~ ~1- e r,'[ =l::::!2-u~.;-::: 1--S-t ~F. r:;:, L IZF'"=-':-. L.L -. -. -. -... ---·-------. -. ----. ' ---... . . ·---. ··---------··-----··-·. ---. --·---·----- R2H Engi.neering, Inc. JOB NO .. Mt -o Z<- PROJEcr __ __.;.l._'ll_r:_rm_.o_q_Cl'I ________ DATE '3-96 ({;,y ______ SUBJECT ______________ SHEET Cf: OF_ -s.A-Nf' .. E q.,L.G-l)~r , ~r;,..J: s'-oll 1::7 t,.... -~ p~ :+: 2. L. L--~t? F='f * 2 ... ---·-----...... - . -· -..... -.. -· -· ... . . . --· . -----· ---------.. ... .... R2H Engi.neeri.ng, Inc. JOB NO. c9(-o:z.-z.: PROJECT /All// Tl<Ot;ef DATE __ 3-_q._~--- (r~y _______ SUBJECT ~~ f?U~utJ~ · SHEET ~ QF __ . _.:,----------------------------, I I t.J . ~ * t .J, k * k } l f &t t f k f j. * f f f f f f k f f l, I °DI AL1-= L/440 ,s'-d' ~PAC/Ht; , 4-B' 5171/1 . I #/. -Pl= // p~~x 8 = ~g I 8 ii'-/. LL = I b P5J:-x 8 -= I z. 1 DL = LA .. = -Z,/ ~ ~ II PSF ;1-81 = ~e-#1 /8Psl-P81 = /(r.,rt ¥1-1 :2-3 2. .,,./, /01 SfACl#c, 4-tf-11 q;g 1 I Spk/ VL = l!pS{-;(fO' =-' //o~ LL :: /{,pST-;L.101 = ft,o "/&1 z 70 ~ Dl. = I/ ?JfXlr:,1 = J/o :If/, L <.. = ;sp.1;;-x;._,' = 1 go ,v-,( 2...'90 #/, :YI ~ 4s' 5J7A/'I ~ 3ok. '2.16/12-9 -a-2. ~ .!ff/ SpAtl---3>-Z<fk 216/12-8 (_pvet. /<f~Ft) $ ~ (. :;y R2H Engi.neering, Inc. JOB NO. 09t'-c;:;,z_'l..- PROJECT LNV/TRO~cN DATE 3,q,t SUBJECT SHEET 6 OF-- BAR JOIST SCHEDULE MAR.I::: SAR .JOIST DESiGNATION T'OP CHORD (TC.) AXIAL LOAD J-1 30 I< z1t/1zB I b-(f I(_ ...!-:2 I 24.k. z16/;z8 &.~k ..!-3 /Lf./( -zsz.//{tCf I 6. q k. I _, .......... 30/( 2-7°/16° 7.1 J(_ ..J-S "Z,Q J< z9o/f g 0 4q_r:,~ ..!-~ 301< "'2-70/;60 $Cf,/k J-i 3oi<.. 216/1-z-8 4(f. z_k J-o zo /(. Z3Z/;q.<f 3o.3k. ..!..<:f 30/c 2-IC/ 128 /b/f~ J-/0 30/< zJt/1z8 z&.Jk :J-1/ 3o/<. -z/6/ / z8 b -.k -/ -JOIS I NOTI:S, I. TOTAJ.. l..OAD / L.IVE L.OAO VALI..!1::5 61\/eN IN LS:,_ PER LINEAL FOOT'. ::2. 'TC' AXIAL L.OADS <$-IV?;N IN !<IP$. a. 4. 5. 6. i. E>. "i. Ia. 'TC' AXIAi.. LOAD O'.ENOTES Sl::l5M1C L:.OAO IN TOP CHORD. 'TC' AXIAJ.. LOAD HA"T"' SE EITH~ CC~ION OR TI:NSION. 'TC' AXIAL LOAD ACTS AT BP'IS:e Of' SHOe AT }'{AU.. SeARJN:S- 1..0CATIONS. JOIST DE:Slc$N $HALL. ACCOUNT FOR ADDED MOMENT z::::tlE TO ECCEN.TRJCIT'T". =Ee DETAILS FOR ALL LOAD TRANSF'l::R GONFl~TION5. SE::: 'STE:l.. JOISTS i JOIST Gl~' NOTES ON 51-feT S-1. ADD LOAD OF .:ZSO LSS. AT AN'!" PP.tNEl.. POINT · ::HAU. 6f: l~ORATI;D INTO 6AR JOIST J..OADI~ AT ALL. BAR .JOISTS. ALL JOISTS $HALL HAVE A 51:AT DePTrf Of' 9" U.N.O. EXAl-"IPL.E OF SAR JOIST GALL-GUT IS AS FOL.L.alfiS: JOIST"Da""TI-+ IN INCHES ~ /----TOTAL. LOAD 26 K 216 / 12.e> JOIST SERIES__/ \__L.IYE LOAD T!"F'e --·--------- ·--· -. ---·-----·-- ------······-·--· ----------· --- --··-·-------- R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT __ ~/N~V~/_TR_o~~~~~3/ _________ _ P-sy _______ SUBJECT ___ __,_B-'--'--o~0 r'--~,S~/RD-'--~-'--------\. ~ JOB NO. C. 96-o:z.1.. DATE 3-96 SHEET~-__,__7 __ 0F-- L G-.z.. g-3 7"R18. W1.01H = ':J<?-1 _____ (_ __ g1-o1 · ) :ro1S1 sp Ac.IN~ . ~~' I ~ Ill.= /3}'.f"F.x. ;;,'f' X f1 _ 3,f>3t LL -=:; I~ l' $1-x ;; ({., 1 X 6 1 -3, 2 & Cf # 6, f?oo # >PAN= z Cf 1 "'}'8. WI.DiJ-1 -3 9/ I I I " ( 9 -o ) J"oJsr SPAC/#9, "I)/_= /3 ?f";X 3{f )I.. 9 _ 3,S-3~ "if -7, ]..G,((tt {,, 8ofJ r L.(... -/-:2-f SJ, X. 3 C/.-1 X. g I I Tlc/8. WIJJ1J{ = 4-Cf- I. II (. S-o ) J"oJS1 SPACI~, -:if !ll-= 13P~ x 4-<f ;t.. 8 -4,S7b I SPAN= _413· (. g/-011 ) -:J'0/.51 .5pACING;, L<-= /2PSJ X 4-(f, x B _ 4-, 2.7..-(f, ~ 81'fsoo # TR.tB. W!J7TI-I -= Ll-(f, 1 TJl -/5 P>F .:;1. 4-(f .x 8 _ 4, ~7{,1t L..L -JZ ?.fl-',.( 44 X. B _4;21.Cf, g goo-:# ' ---· ·-· --·- g -:S ·---WI= . ·so' fALI,_ -.. Tl< • w1.1JTl1 == 461 -·-~ -. . Io/:' . /1J ~, ri -----.. C 91--;') -:ro1.sr· "5?ACllii:, Vl = /3 ?.Jf x 4h x '7 r LL -IZ?Sfx 4(;, A 1 ,-o' 3' I S'pAJ.I = ::;, JR/E,. WIJ7JJI = !:> ( flo'' ) J"O/S1 S?AC,/.,116 , J)L = /3p$f ~ 3 t. X. f LL = I Z lSf ':,L .') £, . A 1 53'87...~ -' _ 4;q6€r ;o, 31j;o# -4; ,_ /-Z. 1f -3.gge-:tt 8, /oo :ff USE. -44 9 b J.I Jo. q)< $ R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT //f..t_/fl<O q €N F:sv SUBJECT Boor eilRDE:R 71?l8. WI.JJJJ1 = 4/,t' · · · -· · $-0'1 ) J"oJS1 S :4CI.M . . ----· ---· . . L f', ~ . "JJl=/3?JrX4/,S x 8 LL=:: ;-,. ?Sr x 4--J.S X 8 s---~ 6-/0 -·-· . -- ~PAN= 4$'-d' Tl?JS. WI.JJ7J-I -57,/ ( e}-d') -:[o)Si SPACINq I 1)/.,. = ;3 r.n:-x sz. .x 8 t.t., = } 2 fS-J-)I... $2. X. 8 J, t/ I SPAN-= 40-o T'lc!P. WJI11H = 4'8 ( g/-o'' ) J"o1s1 spACl/14, Vl -= ;3 ps;: x <!B ;<. B '-<-= /2PSJ X 1B X fl I SPAIJ = :;z.~ ( gl. d' ) :J"OJ.ST 5pAClllc,, TR.re. WIJ7TI-!-= 4@ 1 IJl -I 3 -PST-x (f (3 ..x ~ LL. -JZ '17.51-'Y. <lg X. B I -·----G, ;;;;. -1 I----"<:-r?M == -.. ii . -· . . . --Tl<IJJ. V//.J)TJJ =-4 ~ .• ....;_..i..-..:... _ ... -n . q ____ _ 11 -----·-. ( 91_-:::1~ ) :To/.ST 5r'ACIHc, 7 PL= /3 ?.ff x. 'f g ':I f 9-· spAN= C LL -/Z ?Sf .x Cf-8 .Al i7?$. WIJ77J.I = ) :ro1sr S,PAC,/;116 , :X,L ~ J3?SF ;( LL= /Z 'f$f -,1. X JOB NO. c9(-o7.-1- DATE 3-96 SHEET -8 OF-- -4; 3/b "'It -3,9,gq,"I/ B,3or:,# -s,4o0# -q...,q'j2, -if" Jo, Lfc;o ilf -!s,{;,/t,~ -.!5; /g c(:lf" /o, ??oc '1" q N $ P:v· R2H Engi.neerin~ Inc. JOB.NO. C._tz__(-o-z,t.. PROJECT I /'IV I Tl<D ~ '6'/1 DATE 3-t:Jb pc...-SUBJECT SHEET '7 OF __ JOIST GIRDER SCH EDU LE-- KARK BAR JOIST DESl<SNATION TOP CHORD (TC) AXIAL LOAD g -/ Z'(-9 4N 6. gli!. sok <$-Z. 3b q 3N 6. 8 [I:. t;-01<- 6,-3 3t 9 s-N B. g k. z8.~1c. ~-~ 4Cf q b/v g_gl,(. 29.s'< <:$-S 4Cf 9 6N /o.~Jt. 36. t k. 6-6 4r 61 Gf/ 8./ ~ 28.J;/( ~-7 I 4oq 5"/v 8.3!!. 3 b.51< q-8 C/,(f G, b )/ /0. (f..l!.. 36. !;;;/(_ 6-C/ 32.q S-N 9,{,k. 3z31c Gi-10 3Z~ :, N 9.1, k 3g1c.. t!J • t/ 4<f CJ 6/1 /o_gk. 3(31<. GIRDER NOTES: !. 'TC' AX!AL LOADS GIVEN IN KIPS. 2. 'TC' .AXIAL LOAD DENOTES 5:::15M!C LOAD IN TOP CHORD. 6. 'TC' AXIAL LOAD MAY 6E El"iHE:R COMPRESSION OR "ii=NSION. 4. SEE DETAILS FOR ALL LOAD TRANSrER CONFIGURATIONS.· 5. 5i::E 'STEEL .JOISTS ~ .JOIST GIRDERS' N01i:::S ON 5l-i._,_ 1 5-1. · 6. ADD LOAD OF 1,000 LES. AT ANY PANEL POINT SHALL BE . INCORPORATED INTO GIRDER LOADING AT ALL 6AR .JOIST GIRDERS. ,_ ALL GIRI:Tt:RS SHALL HAVE A 56A.T DEPTH OF 0 11 U.N.O. _ .... ·. L R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT =l="i\ \J ,'~ JOB NO. CC\f -C-:?-"2.. DATE 3-l)'-q6 SHEET / 0 OF-- -:::i..s l~SF Dec--c\ l-oc--eJ K>--f \-, Le c:--d l-~~e. l-.oM = -;L..C> PS~ 'Bo PS'i= - /A..c-..'1-\::,e_?-\-h :::= _ ';2p I/ = ~ 0o~-;;. ),33 ~'45 -: Wpl~ w~\,.. = ),3~ *~ := ro 1·pJ.P. Jb7fPµ. \ 0 •I .5$ -:C. "4 -:Z...~ f-'2.) J.., )l 110,C. 14 '' ss 1:. 4::i..L:\ r<e> A-, Y.6 ''c:, .. c l 6" .S:5 :i:.. ~ 2-.~ F-to A-, 16 I/ OtC, rl . d 1 e ss :c. .Q '2... .!\ Fe A, , b c tc rr ( ··~~ ·i;__]) ssl 424 FLOOR SPAN LOAD TABLE Allowable Uniform Load In Pounds per Lineal foot --~!~!!• !'!! L_ __ I 9 1,z I 10 1-' ~ I u I 14 __ 16 ___ ,_ 18 ----20 22 24 21 Sl'All(fl) Tl.' U~UO Tl,' u\~ Tl.' U~~O T.I.' L~~~ Tl.' 04~0 'U.' L~~;o H.' 1·;~;0 H.' 1~4·:o IL.' 11100 II.' 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Oth•wtu111nu Uw11r,11 WJr-. liJ U\1,kJ ,-a Um. K s ... ~ .. o,, ... C:A V!i41J' /Ulle.U llUlit t11 CA. toll luw UUU llh1 O)tl '"\ 4) . . r·) CD & :< ~ ~ t,j ;:t °3. (/) "U ;:t C :n ~ CD 0 ~ L. L. ;:t. m m () () ~ --l --l ..... ~ \ fl (/) 0 L. I )> 0 m --l OJ m m z "4 I 0 ::_ ~'4 ·I~ O' 0 I 6· ,, J) I <i' ~ t \,_...- R2H Engineering, Inc. --\\__ PROJECT 4--:n \J \ .-3;:. JOB No.CC\ 6 ° 2-)_ DATE 3,-7-9 6 SHEET /2... OF-- F\cc-~ 0 <!, \S -\-, vs. r.z Al.'--~ .t---J 3 60 Dec-,A l ec-...6'-S Ph--"<' \-, . Loc--cZ.s ~s--ps~ -)_O f'<S~ c... '750 f'S~ v~C A-yf\'ie.::;, '*o fl\e'M ..S v ~(o{~ \'<'--o) t-no~c --\nc...~ 150 O R~ ,(A-\so) A-=:-~~ec-.. o\ ~\co(" ..S"ffo'<~d--'pi l'\e°fY\ M-:: ~ed.\)c-\\~ I~ o/o C\.°'-,€--.._) Y:::. fC\\e,_.. cQ,_ \""eo.\Jc:...-\\e" ~\le'.\ -\o 0,0<o L 40 o/o J:,.. \.J..t:> RL ;:z.,3,\ (_1 .\--0/1.-) b-= ~ \.... 'f'e, P-1 o ~ ],,..~en.. <;. \Jy,c"-~et--'c..j Hc:"t-(\ I L ::::. V\',.,\.--\..,'4e kc-6 pe, Q. 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I ·J::~.J::s:.·.=-=._~_S_P.A~. =-. 17 .· A = 170 ~ =-o.lfb ( 170 -iso) -== .. f\ A. _·__=;::_,--~----·. 1~=~·;.!\ )·::: A~ -l:: l7'5F:*IC\:::;i.:;zfo /4) t-t,,q·8)< IL\ __ ---~-'Dl-_ .. l .. .1 0._ . . 5 . _3 __ T p I n ·--'),-'°"t---=-ti __ .i_ :,.. o;-.' . -::: · "beo . ~ l D, C\3 k.-r 6' 6' =~-:.-·-~-~~~~,-::~, -~· -l-t-. E,.,... ____ -:__.'1,.,.\ ----- --,-~---~~,;C\""--~---L·-·,ti5Y · ·· y7,M·---··-·--· -___ ·· -. I_.; n,· · 6 ... · _ ?t;: ·-_-·_ -____ -·_· -· - ·--~-~:::-~L6J:=·:g_:~=--~-~----.~~~ ---~ -5~-. ~ ~~ ~-"' "'- ---o---· ,-c;-··"Z_r-K . --. --. . ' .. ... ___ D4-~-...I.. .. -!v:?. ......... ____ . ... . _ ... . .. . --f\ ·-·-c::::::. -·1 A·:.-"'· . -· -. -. - ___ L-3.,. "'"l ----•-.:12 :C.~ --···-··/\--r·-··-· · ·1·7 1: · / ~/,,.., -;_11 5.7 ---~C\.\. --=---·. ·-·. \)_ .;;,c,<../ -. :-.~:& .. :: .. ~=-S-Lt\3.~.k-F1" f b,· L: ----~ -·-··=· ..., · i7·8-·t:-·· -r-. · r P-. ::i... · · ---· .\ -· . 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I.\ A -. . -~::: o~o~ (_ µ; A -l S-o) = ~\A. -- ·-------------···---. ~ R2H Engineering, Inc. , ™ PROJECT . :( '.b ,2 , \-- JOB NO. ( ~ b ..: 0-42.__ DATE 3,... '25.--q 6 SHEET /B OF-(.(:, BY t'\-Jv' SUBJECT ,Me :z;~ Txr----r-,""'-'":S) ---------. --·· --... -. -· ----\-\-----= 7 --3-~ -·-~ A:. 5"':; bo Ii ---vv. oi-. -.. \ ~ ? ---1>. -r-1..-·-= ····T -1~":":-----,~--c-o --:::.· t.,..... £D ··---··W-_\-____ ---· 1 2...,1.. .. __ i\ ___ o~ _. .. L-. 0 p t ---------ow, ----• ------------· --• -·· • ~:---A-'=--t,,5r--=1<-=fT __ ··----·-· _-_________ . ·-... --:--g~-=-··1; 5'"3---)?~------. -·· --·-_ . -. . . -· . _::_-=__g.=::-: -~G~ ~.:=-.K::.:::~=-==-~:-~--~ .. -· ·--~--.... ·. ----1\--(_--:::.--1·3 1..,.. -··----· -··· .. . ---t...l.. \_ _-: __ tT .. -· .>-~-.. -. ···At'-\[-~_:;·~ .-: .. ~ \i_) 30 ·-== · ~ =-0,lfb ( ~J\... -}SO) -=- ~ tt ~V\\ fE> )..0 w' AS fl AS CA""'\\Tf. I {, S ft--'"r'\_ -:::. ) "\ 1 ::=-'( f\-:: ~;.::. 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DATE 3-ll:9:6 SHEET ~.s OF-- }7~0 . .~..;..,.;.-· .,,_;./, · l · \ \ \ , \I \->x I I 15 •f6 }<-ff /~ Ab16.1-,;:.. (667-.,.._5) -,:;; )( '9-5171 ~-r r,~ l=Z 1 } 71\0 +-'J ~ --( ~ t x.) -t-( 667 * x) ~ x/';1..., c ,c-s• @ -R, ~(5 \-X) \-( 667 4:5'::J * (_f·ty_) -\-( J 740 "*-x) :* t ~1--r-o \o1 ,r ~ J\'<"<'-c-.-/.. :: -4.blh.;.i;' * (_5,17) Y067*.5J '*.()..$'li: .. TT) ;-(.JJA-0 *-,71) * 117/-:z_ J'\.'N'-,o..-x -= -IS'..G~O'_ K -ri' J~'f 6, 77 'F"'\' f·'<'o~ .R, u~ ~ A_ W ,.,___ ~ \4 f~\l -=-z;o \-.:--FT tu~ C R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 1 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length Left Cantilever 24.00 ft = 0.00 ft Right Cantilever 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = 0.17 k/ft = 0.05 k/ft = 0.00 ft 24.00 ft Date: 03/08/96 Page: ::iG STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w12x14 Section Depth = 11.91 in lxx Web Thickness 0.200 in lyy Section Width 3.97 in Sxx Flange Thickness = 0.225 in Syy 88.60 in4 2.36 in4 14.88 in3 1.19 in3 4.615 in 0.753 in Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 4.16 in2 r:xx 14.12 # r:yy = 0.95 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY--------------------- USING w12x14, Max Stress Ratio = 57 .22%, Min Defl. Ratio = 423.41 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS Maximums ..• Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment = 16.9 29.5 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST .••.• Stress 13.60 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 2.81 34.30 k ..... Stress 1.18 14.40 ksi Moments •• M + @ Center = 16.9 13.0 16.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.680 M-@ Center 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : % max= 0.572 @ Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : %max= 0.082 @ Right = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 550.35 Shears ..• @ Left = 2.81 2.16 2.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Deft Ratio = 423.41 @ Right 2.81 2.16 2.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection •• @ Center -0.680 -0.523 -0.680 -0.523 0.000: Q.QOQ in @ Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00Q-0-.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 2.81 2.16 2.81 2.16 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right 2.81 2.16 2.81 2.16 0.00 0.00 k \ V 4.48 (c) 1 983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 (f'\ . ::: ~:.:. .. -::,;, L R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 2 BEAM DATA----- Center Span Length = 24.33 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Llve Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1.00 Beam End Fixity Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End Pin:Pin 0.99 k/ft = 1.22 k/ft = 0.00 ft = 24.33 ft Date: 03/14/96 Page: "J./ STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w21x50 Section Depth = 20.83 in lxx 984.00 in4 Web Thickness = 0.380 in lyy = 24.90 in4 Section Width = 6.53 in Sxx 94.48 in3 Flange Thickness = 0.535 in Syy = 7.63 in3 Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 14.70 in2 r:xx = 8.182 in = 49.91 # r:yy = 1.301 in = 1.60 in APPLIED LOADS------------------ Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY--------------------- USING w21x50, Max Stress Ratio = 89.19%, Min Defl. Ratio = 468.65 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------- Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment 166.8 187.1 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress = 21.19 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear 27.43 113.98 k ..... Stress = 3.47 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center 166.8 76.9 166.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.623 M-@ Center 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : %max= 0.892 @ Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : %max= 0.241 @ Right = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Def! Ratio = 1016.20 Shears ..• @ Left = 27.43 12.65 27.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 468.65 @ Right = 27.43 12.65 27.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center -0.623 -0.287 -0.623 -0.287 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 27.43 12.65 27.43 12.65 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right 27.43 12.65 27.43 12.65 0.00 0.00 k V 4.4B (cl 1 983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 ~ l) R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 3 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length 27.00 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 . Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End 0.99 k/ft 1.13 k/ft 0.00 ft 27.00 ft Date: 03/07 /96 Page: :z_/3 STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w24x55 Section Depth 23.57 in lxx = 1350.00 in4 Web Thickness 0.395 in lyy 29.10 in4 Section Width 7.01 in Sxx = 114.55 in3 Flange Thickness 0.505 in Syy 8.31 in3 Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 16.20 in2 r:xx = 9.129 in 55.00 # r:yy = 1.340 in = 1 .68 in APPLIED LOADS-------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY-------------------- USING w24x55, Max Stress Ratio = 87 .26%, Min Defl. Ratio = 488.42 Maximums ... Actual Allowable Moment 197.9 226.8 k-ft ..... Stress 20.73 23.76 ksi Shear 29.32 134.07 k ..... Stress = 3.15 14.40 ksi Deflection = -0.663 fb I Fb : %max= 0.873 fv I Fv : %max= 0.219 Min. DL Defl Ratio = 1015.16 Min. TL Defl Ratio = 488.42 V 4.4B (c) 1 983-95 ENERCALC TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------ Placed for Max Moments .. M + @ Center 197 .9 M-@ Center @ Left @ Right Shears... @ Left @ Right Deflection.. @ Center @ Left @ Right at 0.00 ft Reactions @ Left Reactions @ Right 29.32 29.32 -0.663 0.000 = 0.000 = = 29.32 29.32 DL Only 95.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.11 14.11 -0.319 0.000 0.000 0.000 14.11 14.11 Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows LL LL+ST LL LL+ST @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants 197.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 29.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 29.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 k -0.663 -0.319 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 29.32 14.11 0.00 0.00 k 29.32 14.11 0.00 0.00 k R2H ENGINEERING, K»'060291 vJ R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 4 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length = 22.00 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load = 0.99 k/ft Live Load 1.29 k/ft Distance To Start = 0.00 ft Distance To End 22.00 ft Date: 03/07/96 Page: :J..q STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w21x44 Section Depth 20.66 in lxx 843.00 in4 Web Thickness 0.350 in lyy 20.70 in4 Section Width 6.50 in Sxx = 81.61 in3 Flange Thickness = 0.450 in Syy 6.37 in3 Section Area Section Weight rT, y 13.00 in2 r:xx 8.053 in = 44.14 # r:yy = 1.262 in 1.57 in APPLIED LOADS-------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY USING w21x44, Max Stress Ratio = 86.83%, Min Defl. Ratio = 528.01 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment 140.3 161.6 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress = 20.63 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear 25.51 104.13 k ..... Stress = 3.53 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center = 140.3 62.6 140.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.500 M-@ Center = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb I Fb : %max= 0.868 @ Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : %max= 0.245 @ Right 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 1184.10 Shears ... @ Left 25.51 11.38 25.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 528.01 @ Right 25.51 11.38 25.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center = -0.500 -0.223 -0.500 -0.223 0.000 0.000 in @ Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 25.51 11.38 25.51 11.38 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right = 25.51 11.38 25.51 11.38 0.00 0.00 k V 4.4B (cl 1 983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 @~ R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 5 BEAMDATA---- Center Span Length 24.33 ft Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Right Cantilever 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End 0.90 k/ft = 1.17 k/ft 0.00 ft 24.33 ft Date: 03/07 /96 Page: 3o STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w21x44 Section Depth 20.66 in lxx 843.00 in4 Web Thickness 0.350 in lyy 20.70 in4 Section Width = 6.50 in Sxx = 81.61 in3 Flange Thickness = 0 .. 450 in Syy 6.37 in3 Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 13.00 in2 r:xx = 8.053 in 44.14 # r:yy = 1.262 in = 1.57 in APPLIED LOADS-------------------- Uniforrn Loads--------------------- SUMMARY--------------------- USING w21x44, Max Stress Ratio = 96.72%, Min Defl. Ratio = 428.63 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------- Maximums ... Actuaf Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment = 156.3 161.6 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress 22.98 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear 25.69 104.13 k ..... Stress 3.55 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center 156.3 69.9 156.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.681 M-@ Center = -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : %max= 0.967 @ Left 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : % max = 0.247 @ Right 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 958.90 Shears ... @ Left = 25.69 11.49 25.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 428.63 @ Right = 25.69 11.49 25.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center = -0.681 -0.304 -0.681 -0.304 0.000 0.000 in @ Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 25.69 11.49 25.69 11.49 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right 25.69 11.49 25.69 11.49 0.00 0.00 k V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 t[J: R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 6 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length 27 .00 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever 0.00 ft Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End Pin:Pin 0.90 k/ft 1.09 k/ft 0.00 ft 27.00 ft Date: 03/08/96 Page: 3 / STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w24x55 Section Depth 23.57 in lxx Web Thickness 0.395 in lyy Section Width 7.01 in Sxx Flange Thickness 0.505 in Syy 1350.00 in4 29.10in4 = 114.55 in3 8.31 in3 9.129 in 1.340 in Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 16.20 in2 r:xx 55.00 # r:yy = 1.68 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY--------------------- USING w24x55, Max Stress Ratio = 82.08%, Min Defl. Ratio = 519.26 Maximums ... Actual Allowable Moment 186.2 226.8 k-ft .... .Stress = 19.50 23.76 ksi Shear 27.58 134.07 k ..... Stress 2.96 14.40 ksi Deflection = -0.624 fb / Fb : %max= 0.821 fv / Fv : %max= 0.206 Min. DL Defl Ratio = 1110.82 Min. TL Defl Ratio = 519.26 V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------- Placed for Max Moments .. M + @ Center 186.2 M-@ Center @ Left = @ Right Shears... @ Left 27 .58 @ Right = 27 .58 Deflection.. @ Center -0.624 @ Left 0.000 @ Right 0.000 at 0.00 ft = Reactions @ Left 27 .58 Reactions @ Right 27 .58 DL Only 87.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.89 12.89 -0.292 0.000 0.000 0.000 12.89 12.89 Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows LL LL+ST LL LL+ST @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants 186.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 27.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 27.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 k -0.624 -0.292 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 27.58 12.89 0.00 0.00 k 27.58 12.89 0.00 0.00 k R2H ENGINEERING, K\Y060291 (:}: R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 7 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length Left Cantilever = 26.67 ft 0.00 ft Right Cantilever 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = = = = Pin:Pin 0.90 k/ft 1.10 k/ft 0.00 ft 26.67 ft Date: 03/08/96 Page: 32- STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w24x55 Section Depth 23.57 in lxx 1350.00 in4 Web Thickness 0.395 in lyy = 29.10 in4 Section Width = 7.01 in Sxx = 114.55 in3 Flange Thickness = 0.505 in Syy 8.31 in3 Section Area Section Weight rT, y 16.20 in2 r:xx 9.129 in 55.00 # r:yy = 1.340 in = 1.68 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY-------------------- USING w24x55, Max Stress Ratio = 80.71 %, Min Defl. Ratio = 534.58 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------ Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment 183.1 226.8 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress = 19.18 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear 27.46 134.07 k ..... Stress 2.95 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center = 183.1 84.9 183.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.599 M-@ Center -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : %max= 0.807 @ Left = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : %max= 0.205 @ Right 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 1152.57 Shears ..• @ Left 27.46 12.73 27.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 534.58 @ Right 27.46 12.73 27.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .• @ Center = -0.599 -0.278 -0.599 -0.278 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 27.46 12.73 27.46 12.73 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right 27.46 12.73 27.46 12.73 0.00 0.00 k V 4.4B (c) 1 983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 @C R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127, STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 8 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length 21.50 ft Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End 0.72 k/ft = 1.08 k/ft = 0.00 ft 21.50 ft Date: 03/08/96 Page: :S'3 STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w18x35 Section Depth 17.70 in lxx = 510.00 in4 Web Thickness = 0.300 in lyy 15.30 in4 Section Width = 6.00 in Sxx 57.63 in3 Flange Thickness 0.425 in Syy = 5.10 in3 Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 10.30 in2 r:xx = 7.037 in = 34.97 # r:yy = 1.219 in 1.49 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Uniform Loads-------------------- SUMMARY--------------------- USING w18x35, Max Stress Ratio = 92.97%, Min Deft. Ratio = 432.31 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------ Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment = 106.1 114.1 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress = 22.09 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 19.74 76.46 k ..... Stress 3.72 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center = 106.1 43.6 106.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.597 M-@ Center = -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb/Fb: %max= 0.930 @ Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : % max = 0.258 @ Right = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 1051.31 Shears ... @ Left 19.74 8.12 19.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Def! Ratio = 432.31 @ Right = 19.74 8.12 19.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center -0.597 -0.245 -0.597 -0.245 0.000 0.000 in @Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 19.74 8.12 19.74 8.12 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right 19.74 8.12 19.74 8.12 0.00 0.00 k V4.4B (cl 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 ts~ R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 9 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length = 29.50 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Dead Load Live Load Distance To Load Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End Pin:Pin 9.32 k 13.42 k = 8.00 ft 0.27 k/ft = 0.47 k/ft 0.00 ft 29.50 ft AISC Section Section Depth Web Thickness Section Width Flange Thickness Section Area = Section Weight rT, y = Date: 03/08/96 STEEL SECTION DATA w24x55 23.57 in lxx 0.395 in lyy 7.01 in Sxx 0.505 in Syy 16.20 in2 r:xx 55.00 # r:yy 1.68 in Page: 3!/ 1350.00 in4 29.10in4 114.55 in3 8.31 in3 = 9.129 in 1.340 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Concentrated Loads-------------------- Uniform Loads-------------------- SUMMARY--------------------- USING w24x55, Max Stress Ratio = 88.63%, Min Deft. Ratio = 476.19 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------ Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment = 201.0 226.8 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress 21.06 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear 28.31 134.07 k ..... Stress 3.04 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center = 201.0 82.3 201.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.743 M-@ Center = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : %max= 0.886 @ Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv I Fv : %max= 0.211 @ Right 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Deft Ratio = 1163.90 Shears ... @ Left 28.31 11.59 28.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Def! Ratio = 476.19 @ Right = 17.91 7.32 17.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center -0.743 -0.304 -0.743 -0.304 0.000 0.000 in @ Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 28.31 11.59 28.31 11 .59 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right = 17.91 7.32 17.91 7.32 0.00 0.00 k V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KV,,060291 c~ L R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 10 BEAM DATA----- Center Span Length = 39.00 ft Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Right Cantilever 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1.00 Beam End Fixity Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End Pin:Pin 0.45 k/ft = 0.65 k/ft 0.00 ft 39.00 ft Date: 03/08/96 Page: 35" STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w24x68 Section Depth 23.73 in lxx = 1830.00 in4 Web Thickness = 0.415 in lyy = 70.40 in4 Section Width 8.97 in Sxx 154.24 in3 Flange Thickness = 0.585 in Syy 15.71 in3 Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 20.10 in2 r:xx = 9.542 in 68.25 # r:yy = 1.871 in = 2.26 in APPLIED LOADS------------------ Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY-------------------- USING w24x68, Max Stress Ratio = 72.61 %, Min Defl. Ratio = 409.14 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment 221.7 305.4 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress = 17.25 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear 22.74 141.81 k ..... Stress 2.31 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center = 221.7 98.5 221.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -1.144 M-@ Center = -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : %max= 0.726 @ Left = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : % max= 0.160 @ Right 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 920.72 Shears ... @ Left = 22.74 10.11 22.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 409.14 @ Right 22.74 10.11 22.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center = -1.144 -0.508 -1 .144 -0.508 0.000 0.000 in @Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 22.74 10.11 22.74 10.11 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right = 22.74 10.11 22.74 10.11 0.00 0.00 k V 4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 ~ \) ~ L R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 11 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length 9.00 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End 0.46 k/ft 0.40 k/ft 0.00 ft 9.00 ft Date: 03/08/96 Page: ;;Jb STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w12x14 Section Depth 11.91 in lxx = 88.60 in4 Web Thickness = 0.200 in lyy 2.36 in4 Section Width 3.97 in Sxx = 14.88 in3 Flange Thickness 0.225 in Syy = 1.19 in3 Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 4.16 in2 r:xx 4.615 in = 14.12 # r:yy = 0.753 in 0.95 in APPLIED LOADS-------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY-------------------- USING w12x14, Max Stress Ratio = 29.87%, Min Defl. Ratio = 2162.88 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------ Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment = 8.8 29.5 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress = 7.10 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 3.91 34.30 k ..... Stress 1.64 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center 8.8 4.7 8.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.050 M-@ Center 0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : %max= 0.299 @ Left = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv/Fv: %max= 0.114 @ Right 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 4007.06 Shears ... @ Left 3.91 2.11 3.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 2162.88 @ Right = 3.91 2.11 3.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center = -0.050 -0.027 -0.050 -0.027 0.000 0.000 in @ Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 3.91 2.11 3.91 2.11 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right 3.91 2.11 3.91 2.11 0.00 0.00 k V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 921 27 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 12 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length 17 .00 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1.00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin AISC Section Section Depth Web Thickness Section Width Flange Thickness Section Area Section Weight rT, y Date: 03/08/96 Page: 3/ STEEL SECTION DATA w18x35 17.70 in lxx 510.00 in4 0.300 in lyy 15.30 in4 6.00 in Sxx 57.63 in3 0.425 in Syy 5.10 in3 10.30 in2 r:xx 7.037 in 34.97 # r:yy = 1.219in 1.49 in APPLIED LOADS-------------------- Concentrated Loads-------------------- Dead Load Live Load Distance To Load = 7.90 k 11.84 k 8.50 ft Uniform Loads--------------------- Dead Load Distance To Start Distance To End = 0.23 k/ft 0.00 ft 17.00 ft Trapezoidal Loads-------------------- Dead Load@ Left = 0.18 k/ft, @ Right 0.00 k/ft Live Load @ Left = 0.32 k/ft, @ Right = 0.00 k/ft Start Location = 0.00 ft, End Location = 8.50 ft Dead Load @ Left = 0.18 k/ft, @ Right = 0.00 k/ft Live Load @ Left = 0.32 k/ft, @ Right = 0.00 k/ft Start Location = 8.50 ft, End Location = 17 .00 ft SUMMARY--------------------- USING w18x35, Max Stress Ratio= 89.77%, Min Defl. Ratio= 677.21 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------- Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment = 102.4 114.1 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress = 21.33 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 14.58 76.46 k ..... Stress 2.75 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center = 102.4 46.3 102.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.301 M-@ Center 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb I Fb : %max= 0.898 @ Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : % max= 0.191 @ Right = 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 1464.26 Shears ... @ Left 14.58 7.08 14.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 677.21 @ Right 13.88 6.82 13.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center -0.301 -0.139 -0.301 -0.139 0.000 0.000 in @ Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 14.58 7.08 14.58 7.08 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right 13.88 6.82 13.88 6.82 0.00 0.00 k V 4.4B (c) 1 983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 ei L R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 13 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length 17 .00 ft Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Right Cantilever 0.00 ft Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy 36 ksi Load Duration Factor 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Load Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = = 6.98 k 10.93 k 6.00 ft 0.68 k/ft 0.80 k/ft 0.00 ft 17.00 ft AISC Section Section Depth = Web Thickness Section Width Flange Thickness = Section Area Section Weight rT, y = Date: 03/14/96 STEEL SECTION DAT A w24x55 23.57 in lxx 0.395 in lyy 7.01 in Sxx 0.505 in Syy 16.20 in2 r:xx 55.00 # r:yy 1.68 in Page: 3g 1350.00 in4 29.10 in4 114.55 in3 8.31 in3 9.129 in 1.340 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Concentrated Loads-------------------- Uniform Loads SUMMARY USING w24x55, Max Stress Ratio = 52.90%, Min Defl. Ratio = 1403.83 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------ Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment = 120.0 226.8 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress 12.57 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear 24.62 134.07 k ..... Stress 2.64 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center = 120.0 51.3 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.145 M-@ Center = -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft· fb / Fb : % max= 0.529 @ Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : %max= 0.184 @ Right = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 3231.55 Shears ... @Left 24.62 10.75 24.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 1403.83 @ Right = 19.35 8.69 19.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center -0.145 -0.063 -0.145 -0.063 0.000 0.000 in @ Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 24.62 10.75 24.62 10.75 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right 19.35 8.69 19.35 8.69 0.00 0.00 k V 4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KIJY060291 ([J ' ' ~/ R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 14 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length = 17 .00 ft Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 Beam End Fixity DeaciLoad Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End Pin:Pin = 0.68 k/ft = 0.80 k/ft = 0.00 ft = 17.00 ft AISC Section Section Depth Web Thickness Section Width Date: 03/08/96 STEEL SECTION DATA w16x26 15.69 in lxx 0.250 in lyy 5.50 in Sxx Page: J1 301.00 in4 9.59 in4 38.37 in3 Flange Thickness = 0.345 in Syy = 3.49 in3 Section Area Section Weight rT, y 7.68 in2 26.08 # = 1.36 in r:xx r:yy 6.260 in 1.117 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY------------------- USING w16x26, Max Stress Ratio = 71.52%, Min Defl. Ratio = 630.03 Maximums ... Actual Allowable Moment = 54.3 76.0 k-ft ..... Stress = 16.99 23.76 ksi Shear 12.78 56.48 k ..... Stress = 3.26 14.40 ksi Deflection = -0.324 fb / Fb : %max= 0.715 fv / Fv : %max= 0.226 Min. DL Defl Ratio = 1345.89 Min. TL Defl Ratio = 630.03 V 4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------ Placed for Max Moments .. M + @ Center = 54.3 M-@ Center @ Left @ Right Shears... @ Left @ Right Deflection.. @ Center @ Left @ Right at 0.00 ft Reactions @ Left Reactions @ Right 12.78 = 12.78 = -0.324 0.000 = 0.000 = 12.78 = 12.78 DL Only 25.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.98 5.98 -0.152 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.98 5.98 Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows LL LL+ST LL LL+ST @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants 54.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 12.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 12.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 k -0.324 -0.152 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 12.78 5.98 0.00 0.00 k 12.78 5.98 0.00 0.00 k R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 ~ L R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 15 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length 10.00 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End 0.68 k/ft 0.80 k/ft 0.00 ft = 10.00ft Date: 03/08/96 Page:,4-0 STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w12x14 Section Depth = 11.91 in lxx Web Thickness 0.200 in lyy Section Width = 3.97 in Sxx Flange Thickness = 0.225 in Syy 88.60 in4 2.36 in4 14.88 in3 1.19 in3 4.615 in 0.753 in Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 4.16 in2 r:xx 14.12 # r:yy = 0.95 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY--------------------- USING w12x14, Max Stress Ratio= 63.31%, Min Defl. Ratio= 918.41 Maximums ... Actual Allowable Moment 18.7 29.5 k-ft ..... Stress 15.04 23.76 ksi Shear 7.46 34.30 k ..... Stress 3.13 14.40 ksi Deflection = -0.131 fb / Fb : %max= 0.633 fv / Fv : %max= 0.218 Min. DL Defl Ratio = 1979.97 Min. TL Defl Ratio = 918.41 V 4.4B (c) 1 983-95 ENERCALC TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------- Placed for Max Moments .. M+ @ Center = 18.7 M-@ Center @ Left @ Right Shears... @ Left @ Right Deflection.. @ Center @ Left @ Right at 0.00 ft Reactions @ Left Reactions @ Right 7.46 = 7.46 = -0.131 = 0.000 0.000 = = 7.46 7.46 DL Only 8.7 -0.0 0.0 0.0 3.46 3.46 -0.061 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.46 3.46 Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows LL LL+ST LL LL+ST @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants 18.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 7.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 7.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 k -0.131 -0.061 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 7.46 3.46 0.00 0.00 k 7.46 3.46 0.00 0.00 k R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 (:J:= R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 16 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length Left Cantilever 21.00 ft 0.00 ft Right Cantilever 0.00 ft Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1.00 Beam End Fixity Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End Pin:Pin = 0.68 k/ft 0.88 k/ft 0.00 ft 21.00 ft Date: 03/08/96 Page: 4-( STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w18x35 Section Depth = 17.70 in lxx = 510.00 in4 Web Thickness = 0.300 in lyy 15.30 in4 Section Width = 6.00 in Sxx 57.63 in3 Flange Thickness 0.425 in Syy = 5.10 in3 Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 10.30 in2 r:xx 7.037 in 34.97 # r:yy = 1.219 in = 1.49 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY--------------------- USING w18x35, Max Stress Ratio = 77 .01 %, Min Defl. Ratio = 534.37 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------- Maximums ..• Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment 87.9 114.1 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress = 18.30 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 16.74 76.46 k ..... Stress = 3.15 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center = 87.9 39.2 87.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.472 M-@ Center -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : % max= 0.770 @ Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : % max = 0.219 @ Right = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 1198.03 Shears ... @ Left 16.74 7.47 16.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 534.37 @ Right 16.74 7.47 16.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .• @ Center = -0.472 -0.210 -0.472 -0.210 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 16.74 7.47 16.74 7.47 0.00 0.00 }< Reactions @ Right 16.74 7.47 16.74 7.47 0.00 0;99 k V 4.48 (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEl;:~IN!:3, KW060291 A. ~-;:i 8 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 17 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length Left Cantilever 17.00 ft 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = 36 ksi Load Duration Factor 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End 0.60 k/ft = 1.03 k/ft 0.00 ft 17.00 ft Date: 03/08/96 Page: {f,2.. STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w12x26 Section Depth 12.22 in lxx 204.00 in4 Web Thickness 0.230 in lyy 17.30 in4 Section Width 6.49 in Sxx = 33.39 in3 Flange Thickness 0.380 in Syy 5.33 in3 Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 7.65 in2 r:xx 5.164 in 25.97 # r:yy = 1.504 in = 1.72 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY--------------------- USING w12x26, Max Stress Ratio = 90.38%, Min Def!. Ratio = 388.30 Maximums ... Actual Allowable Moment 59.7 66.1 k-ft ..... Stress = 21.47 23.76 ksi Shear = 14.06 40.47 k ..... Stress = 5.00 14.40 ksi Deflection = -0.525 fb / Fb : %max= 0.904 fv / Fv : %max= 0.347 Min. DL Defl Ratio = 1025.97 Min. TL Defl Ratio = 388.30 V 4.4B (c) 1 983-95 ENERCALC TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------ Moments .. M + @ Center = M-@ Center = @ Left @ Right Shears... @ Left @ Right = Deflection.. @ Center @ Left @ Right at 0.00 ft Reactions @ Left = Reactions @ Right >. Placed for Max 59.7 14.06 14.06 -0.525 0.000 0.000 14.06 14.06 DL Only 22.6 -0.0 0.0 0.0 5.32 5.32 -0.199 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.32 5.32 Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows LL LL+ST LL LL+ST @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants 59.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 !c-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 14.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 14.05·· 0.00 0.00 0.00 k -0.525 -0.199 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 14.06 5.32 0.00 0.00 k 14.06 5.32 0.00 0.00 k R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 e l ', ~-/ R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 18 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length Left Cantilever 17.00 ft 0.00 ft Right Cantilever 0.00 ft Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load 3.64 k Live Load 6.47 k Distance To Load 6.50 ft Dead Load 0.06 k/ft Live Load 0.11 k/ft Distance To Start = 0.00 ft Distance To End = 17.00 ft Date: 03/08/96 Page: <?Cf STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w14x22 Section Depth 13.74in lxx = 199.00 in4 Web Thickness 0.230 in Iyy = 7.00 in4 Section Width 5.00 in Sxx 28.97 in3 Flange Thickness 0.335 in Syy = 2.80 in3 Section Area = 6.49 in2 r:xx = 5.537 in Section Weight 22.04 # r:yy = 1.039 in rT, y = 1.25 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Concentrated Loads-------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY USING w14x22, Max Stress Ratio = 81.79%, Min Def!. Ratio = 584.96 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment = 46.9 57.4 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress 19.43 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 7.84 45.51 k ..... Stress 2.48 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center 46.9 17.4 46.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.349 M-@ Center = -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft. fb / Fb : % max= 0.818 @ Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : % max = 0.172 @ Right = 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Def! Ratio = 1566.68 Shears ... @ Left = 7.84 2.95 7.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Def! Ratio = 584.96 @ Right = 5.46 2.09 5.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center -0.349 -0.130 -0.349 -0.130 0.000 0.000 in @ Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 7.84 2.95 7.84 2.95 0.00 O.OOk'" Reactions @ Right = 5.46 2.09 5.46 2.09 0.00 0.00·k· V 4.48 (c) 1 983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 (r) R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 19 BEAM DATA----- Center Span Length 1 2.00 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever 3.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy 36 ksi Load Duration Factor 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Load Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End 1.26 k = 1.26 k 15.00 ft 0.06 k/ft 0.11 k/ft 0.00 ft 12.00 ft Date: 03/1 2/96 Page: (,ts' STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w12x14 Section Depth 11.91 in lxx = 88.60 in4 Web Thickness 0.200 in lyy 2.36 in4 Section Width = 3.97 in Sxx = 14.88 in3 Flange Thickness = 0.225 in Syy 1.19in3 Section Area = 4.16 in2 r:xx 4.615 in Section Weight 14.12 # r:yy = 0.753 in rT, y = 0.95 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Concentrated Loads-------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY-------------------- USING w12x14, Max Stress Ratio = 28.41 %, Min Defl. Ratio = 973.50 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------ Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment 8.4 29.5 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress 6.75 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear 3.05 34.30 k ..... Stress 1.28 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center = 8.4 0.1 1 .5 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection 0.074 M-@ Center = -4.1 -4.1 0.0 -8.4 0.0 k-ft- fb / Fb : %max= 0.284 @ Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : %max= 0.089 @ Right -4.1 -4.1 0.0 -8.4 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 2333.25 Shears ... @ Left = 0.74 0.10 0.74 0.00 0.25 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 973.50 @ Right = 3.05 1.48 1.48 0.00 3.05 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center = 0.039 0.013 -0.009 0.013 0.039 0.013 in @ Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.074 -0.031 -0.015 -0.031 -0.074 -0.031 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 0.74 0.10 0.74 0.10 -0.25 0.10 k Reactions @ Right = 4.84 2.27 2.91 2.27 4.20 2.27 k V4.4B (cl 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 (& w C R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 19 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length 1 2.00 ft Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Right Cantilever 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term fy 36~ Load Duration Factor 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = 0.06 k/ft = 0.11 k/ft = 0.00 ft = 12.00 ft Date: 03/08/96 Page:q(, STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w12x14 Section Depth 11.91 in lxx Web Thickness = 0.200 in lyy Section Width 3.97 in Sxx Flange Thickness = 0.225 in Syy 88.60 in4 2.36 in4 14.88 in3 1.19 in3 4.615 in 0.753 in Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 4.16 in2 r:xx = 14.12 # r:yy 0.95 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY-------------------- USING w12x14, Max Stress Ratio = 11.01 %, Min Defl. Ratio = 4402.76 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------ Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment 3.2 29.5 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress 2.62 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear 1.08 34.30 k ..... Stress = 0.45 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center 3.2 1.3 3.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.033 M-@ Center -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : %max= 0.110 @ Left = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 i<-ft fv / Fv : % max = 0.032 @ Right = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 10698.84 Shears ... @ Left = 1.08 0.44 1.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 4402.76 @ Right = 1.08 0.44 1.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .• @ Center -0.033 -0.013 -0.033 -0.013 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 1.08 0.44 1.08 0.44 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right 1.08 0.44 1.08 0.44 0.00 0.00 k V 4.48 (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 tIJ R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 20, 14 FT span due to FB19 cant. BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length = 14.00 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End 0.06 k/ft 0.11 k/ft 0.00 ft 14.00 ft Date: 03/1 2/96 Page:q 7 STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w12x14 Section Depth 11.91 in lxx Web Thickness = 0.200 in lyy Section Width = 3.97 in Sxx Flange Thickness = 0.225 in Syy 88.60 in4 2.36 in4 14.88 in3 1.19 in3 4.615 in 0.753 in Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 4.16 in2 r:xx 14.12 # r:yy = 0.95 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY-------------------- USING w12x14, Max Stress Ratio= 14.98%, Min Defl. Ratio= 2772.59 Maximums ... Actual Allowable Moment 4.4 29.5 k-ft ..... Stress = 3.56 23.76 ksi Shear 1.26 34.30 k ..... Stress = 0.53 14.40 ksi Deflection = -0.061 fb / Fb : %max= 0.150 fv / Fv : %max= 0.037 Min. DL Defl Ratio = 6737.46 Min. TL Defl Ratio = 2772.59 V 4.4B (c) 1 983-95 ENERCALC TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------ Moments .. M + @ Center = M-@ Center = @ Left = @ Right Shears... @ Left @ Right = Deflection.. @ Center @ Left = @ Right at 0.00 ft Reactions @ Left Reactions @ Right = Placed for Max 4.4 1.26 1.26 -0.061 0.000 0.000 1.26 1.26 DL Only 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.52 0.52 -0.025 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.52 0.52 Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows LL LL+ST LL LL+ST @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants 4.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 1.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 1.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 k -0.061 -0.025 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 1.26 0.52 0.00 0.00 k 1.26 0.52 0.00 0.00 k R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 ~: L R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting· Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 20 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length = 17 .00 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever 0.00 ft Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = 0.06 k/ft = 0.11 k/ft 0.00 ft 17.00 ft Date: 03/1 2/96 Page:4,8 STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w12x14 Section Depth 11.91 in lxx Web Thickness = 0.200 in lyy Section Width 3.97 in Sxx Flange Thickness = 0.225 in Syy 88.60 in4 2.36 in4 14.88 in3 1.19 in3 4.615 in 0.753 in Section Area Section Weight rT, y 4.16 in2 r:xx 14.12 # r:yy = 0.95 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY--------------------- USING w12x14, Max Stress Ratio = 22.09%, Min Defl. Ratio = 1548.54 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------ Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment 6.5 29.5 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress 5.25 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear U53 34.30 k ..... Stress 0.64 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center = 6.5 2.7 6.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.132 M-@ Center = -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : %max= 0.221 @ Left = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : % max = 0.045 @ Right 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 3762.99 Shears ... @ Left 1.53 0.63 1.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 k · Min. TL Deft Ratio = 1548.54 @ Right = 1.53 0.63 1 .53 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center -0.132 -0.054 -0.132 -0.054 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 1.53 0.63 1.53 0.63 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right 1.53 0.63 1.53 0.63 ~-QP 0.00 k V 4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 ,~ ~ .:~ .;:.:.,,;, " '\ ~ R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 22 BEAMDATA---- Center Span Length = 32.00 ft Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = 36 ksi Load Duration Factor 1.00 Beam End Fixity Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = = = Pin:Pin 1.01 k/ft 1.08 k/ft 0.00 ft 32.00 ft AISC Section Section Depth = Web Thickness = Section Width Date: 03/1 2/96 STEEL SECTION DATA w24x68 23.73 in lxx 0.415 in lyy 8.97 in Sxx Page: 4-t:J 1830.00 in4 70.40 in4 154.24 in3 Flange Thickness = 0.585 in Syy = 15.71 in3 Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 20.10 in2 r:xx = 9.542 in = 68.25 # r:yy = 1.871 in 2.26 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY-------------------- USING w24x68, Max Stress Ratio = 90.59%, Min Defl. Ratio = 399.67 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------ Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment = 276.6 305.4 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress 21.52 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear 34.58 141.81 k ..... Stress 3.51 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center 276.6 138.4 276.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.961 M-@ Center 0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 i<-ft fb / Fb : % max = 0.906 @ Left = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : %max= 0.244 @ Right 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 798.89 Shears ... @ Left = 34.58 17.30 34.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 399.67 @ Right 34.58 17.30 34.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center -0.961 -0.481 -0.961 -0.481 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 34.58 17.30 34.58 17.30 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right 34.58 17.30 34.58 17.30 0.00 0.00 k V 4.48 (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 20 BEAMDATA---- Center Span Length 17 .00 ft Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = 36 ksi Load Duration Factor 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End 0.06 k/ft = 0.11 k/ft = 0.00 ft 17.00 ft Date: 03/1 2/96 Page:1/,8 STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w12x14 Section Depth 11 .91 in lxx Web Thickness 0.200 in lyy Section Width 3.97 in Sxx Flange Thickness = 0.225 in Syy 88.60 in4 2.36 in4 14.88 in3 1.19 in3 4.615 in 0.753 in Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 4.16 in2 r:xx = 14.12 # r:yy = 0.95 in APPLIED LOADS-------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY-------------------- USING w12x14, Max Stress Ratio = 22.09%, Min Defl. Ratio = 1548.54 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment 6.5 29.5 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress 5.25 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = U53 34.30 k ..... Stress 0.64 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center = 6.5 2.7 6.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.132 M-@ Center = -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : %max= 0.221 @ Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv/Fv: %max= 0.045 @ Right 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 3762.99 Shears ... @ Left = 1.53 0.63 1.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 1548.54 @ Right 1.53 0.63 1.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center = -0.132 -0.054 -0.132 -0.054 0.000 0.000 in @ Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 1.53 0.63 1.53 0.63 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right 1.53 0.63 1.53 0.63 ~-QP 0.00 k V 4.4B {c) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 tw= R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DES.IGN FB 22 BEAM DATA----- Center Span Length Left Cantilever 32.00 ft = 0.00 ft Right Cantilever 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = 36 ksi Load Duration Factor 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End Pin:Pin 1.01 k/ft 1.08 k/ft = 0.00 ft = 32.00 ft Date: 03/12/96 STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w24x68 Section Depth 23.73 in lxx Web Thickness 0.415 in lyy Section Width 8.97 in Sxx Page: 4J 1830.00 in4 70.40 in4 = 154.24 in3 Flange Thickness 0.585 in Syy 15.71 in3 Section Area Section Weight rT, y 20.10 in2 r:xx = 9.542 in = 68.25 # r:yy = 1.871 in 2.26 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY USING w24x68, Max Stress Ratio = 90.59%, Min Defl. Ratio = 399.67 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS Maximums .•. Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment 276.6 305.4 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST .•... Stress 21.52 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 34.58 141.81 k ..... Stress = 3.51 14.40 ksi Moments .• M + @ Center = 276.6 138.4 276.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.961 M-@ Center 0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : %max= 0.906 @Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : % max = 0.244 @ Right 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 798.89 Shears ..• @ Left 34.58 17.30 34.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 399.67 @ Right = 34.58 17.30 34.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection •. @ Center -0.961 -0.481 -0.961 -0.481 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 34.58 17.30 34.58 17.30 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right 34.58 17.30 34.58 17.30 0.00 0.00 k V 4.4B (c) 1 983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KY'/060291 ([) t_- R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 23 BEAM DATA----- Center Span Length = 22.00 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = 36 ksi Load Duration Factor 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End 0.49 k/ft 0.74 k/ft = 0.00 ft = 22.00 ft AISC Section Section Depth = Web Thickness = Section Width = Date: 03/08/96 STEEL SECTION DATA w18x35 17.70 in lxx 0.300 in lyy 6.00 in Sxx Page:~o 510.00 in4 15.30 in4 57.63 in3 Flange Thickness 0.425 in Syy = 5.10 in3 Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 10.30 in2 = 34.97 # = 1.49 in r:xx r:yy 7.037 in 1.219 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY USING w18x35, Max Stress Ratio = 66.75%, Min Defl. Ratio = 588.43 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment 76.2 114.1 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress = 15.86 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear 13.85 76.46 k ..... Stress = 2.61 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center = 76.2 31.6 76.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.449 M-@ Center -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb I Fb : %max= 0.668 @ Left = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : %max= 0.181 @ Right 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 1416.55 Shears ... @ Left 13.85 5.75 13.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 588.43 @ Right 13.85 5.75 13.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center = -0.449 -0.186 -0.449 -0.186 0.000 0.000 in @ Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 13.85 5.75 13.85 5.75 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right = 13.85 5.75 13.85 5.75 0.00 0.00 k V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 24 and 25 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length = 1 2.00 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy 36 ksi Load Duration Factor 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End 0.49 k/ft = 0.87 k/ft = 0.00 ft 12.00 ft Date: 03/08/96 Page:.S/ STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w12x14 Section Depth = 11 .91 in lxx Web Thickness = 0.200 in lyy Section Width = 3.97 in Sxx Flange Thickness = 0.225 in Syy 88.60 in4 2.36 in4 14.88 in3 1.19 in3 4.615 in 0.753 in Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 4.16 in2 r:xx = 14.12 # r:yy = 0.95 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY-------------------- USING w12x14, Max Stress Ratio = 83.66%, Min Defl. Ratio = 579.24 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS Maximums .•. Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment 24.6 29.5 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST •.... Stress = 19.88 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear 8.21 34.30 k ..... Stress = 3.45 14.40 ksi Moments .• M + @ Center = 24.6 9.0 24.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.249 M-@ Center = -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : %max= 0.837 @ Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 i<-ft fv/Fv: %max= 0.239 @ Right o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 1579.38 Shears ... @ Left = 8.21 3.01 8.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 579.24 @ Right 8.21 3.01 8.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center -0.249 -0.091 -0.249 -0.091 0.000 0.000 in @ Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 8.21 3.01 8.21 3.01 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right 8.21 3.01 8.21 3.01 0.00 0.00 k V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, K¥J060291 @ C. @C- R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 32 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length Left Cantilever 24.00 ft = 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Llve Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Distance To Load Dead Load Distance To Start Distance To End 4.68 k 9.00 ft 0.14 k/ft 0.00 ft 24.00 ft Date: 03/11 /96 Page:!;;2 STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w14x22 Section Depth = 13.74 in lxx = 199.00 in4 Web Thickness = 0.230 in lyy 7.00 in4 Section Width 5.00 in Sxx = 28.97 in3 Flange Thickness 0.335 in Syy 2.80 in3 Section Area = 6.49 in2 r:xx 5.537 in Section Weight 22.04 # r:yy = 1.039 in rT, y 1.25 in APPLIED LOADS-------------------- Concentrated Loads------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY-------------------- USING w14x22, Max Stress Ratio= 64.41%, Min Defl. Ratio= 501.27 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------ Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment = 36.9 57.4 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress 15.30 23'.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear 4.82 45.51 k ..... Stress 1.52 14.40 ksi Moments .. M+ @ Center = 36.9 36.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.575 M-@ Center = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb I Fb : % max = 0.644 @ Left = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft· fv / Fv : % max = 0.106 @ Right 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 501.27 Shears ... @ Left = 4.82 4.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 501.27 @ Right 3.65 3.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center = -0.575 -0.575 0.000 -0.575 0.000 0.000 in @ Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 4.82 4.82 0.00 4.82 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right = 3.65 3.65 0.00 3.65 0.00 0.00 k V 4.4B (c) 1 983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 ~ t;-::y (I C R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 33 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length Left Cantilever = 10.00ft 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt, is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Dead Load Live Load Distance To Load Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = = = Pin:Pin 3.97 k 5.28 k 8.00 ft 0.20 k/ft 0.45 k/ft 0.00 ft 10.00 ft AISC Section Section Depth Web Thickness Section Width Flange Thickness Section Area Section Weight rT, y Date: 03/11 /96 STEEL SECTION DATA w12x14 11.91 in lxx 0.200 in lyy 3.97 in Sxx 0.225 in Syy 4.16 in2 r:xx 14.12 # r:yy 0.95 in Page: 63 88.60 in4 2.36 in4 = 14.88 in3 1.19 in3 4.615 in 0.753 in APPLIED LOADS-------------------- Concentrated Loads-------------------- Uniform Loads-------------------- SUMMARY USING w12x14, Max Stress Ratio = 68.41 %, Min Def!. Ratio = 903.46 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment = 20.2 29.5 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress 16.26 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear 10.74 34.30 k ..... Stress 4.51 14.40 ksi Moments .. M+ @ Center 20.2 8.1 20.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.133 M-@ Center -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft. fb / Fb : %max= 0.684 @ Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : %max= 0.313 @ Right = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 2353.43 Shears ... @ Left = 5.19 1.88 5.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Def! Ratio = 903.46 @ Right = 10.74 4.26 10.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center = -0.133 -0.051 -0.133 -0.051 0.000 0.000 in @ Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 5.19 1.88 5.19 1.88 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right = 10.74 4.26 10.74 4.26 0.00 0.00 k V 4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 {J: R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 34 BEAM DATA----- Center Span Length 6.00 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = 36 ksi Load Duration Factor 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = = = Pin:Pin 0.99 k/ft 1.76 k/ft 0.00 ft 6.00 ft Date: 03/11 /96 Page: !54 STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w12x14 Section Depth 11.91 in lxx Web Thickness = 0.200 in lyy Section Width 3.97 in Sxx Flange Thickness 0.225 in Syy 88.60 in4 2.36 in4 14.88 in3 1.19 in3 4.615 in 0.753 in Section Area Section Weight rT, y 4.16 in2 r:xx 14.12 # r:yy 0.95 in APPLIED LOADS-------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY USING w12x14, Max Stress Ratio = 42.22%, Min Defl. Ratio = 2295.25 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment 12.4 29.5 k-ft Placed DL · LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress 10.03 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear 8.29 34.30 k ..... Stress 3.48 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center 12.4 4.5 12.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.031 M-@ Center = -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 !<-ft fb / Fb : %max= 0.422 @ Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : %max= 0.242 @ Right 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 6318.30 Shears ... @ Left = 8.29 3.01 8.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 2295.25 @ Right 8.29 3.01 8.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center = -0.031 -0.011 -0.031 -0.011 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 8.29 3.01 8.29 3.01 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right 8.29 3.01 8.29 3.01 0.00 0.00 k V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 35 BEAM DATA----- Center Span Length = 12.00 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy 36 ksi Load Duration Factor 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End Pin:Pin 0.99 k/ft = 0.11 k/ft = 0.00 ft = 12.00 ft AISC Section Section Depth = Web Thickness = Section Width = Flange Thickness = Section Area Section Weight rT, y = Date: 03/13/96 STEEL SECTION DATA w12x14 11.91 in lxx 0.200 in lyy 3.97 in Sxx 0.225 in Syy 4.16 in2 r:xx 14.12 # r:yy 0.95 in Page: .5$ 88.60 in4 2.36 in4 14.88 in3 1.19 in3 4.615 in 0.753 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- . Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY-------------------- USING w12x14, Max Stress Ratio = 67 .83%, Min Defl. Ratio = 714.38 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------ Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment 20.0 29.5 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress = 16.12 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear 6.66 34.30 k ..... Stress = 2.80 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center = 20.0 18.1 20.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.202 M-@ Center -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb/Fb: %max= 0.678 @ Left = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : %max= 0.194 @ Right 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 789.79 Shears ... @ Left 6.66 6.02 6.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 714.38 @ Right = 6.66 6.02 6.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center = -0.202 -0.182 -0.202 -0.182 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ,0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 6.66 6.02 6.66 6.02 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right = 6.66 6.02 6.66 6.02 0.00 0.00 k -~ V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060-291 ~~ ::;,;,.;/ R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 36 BEAM DATA----- Center Span Length = 30.00 ft Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Ltve Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = 0.68 k/ft 0.80 k/ft 0.00 ft 30.00 ft Date: 03/13/96 Page: 5b STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w21x50 Section Depth = 20.83 in lxx Web Thickness = 0.380 in lyy Section Width = 6.53 in Sxx Flange Thickness = 0.535 in Syy 984.00 in4 24.90 in4 94.48 in3 7.63 in3 8.182 in 1.301 in Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 14.70 in2 r:xx = 49.91 # r:yy 1.60 in APPLIED LOADS-------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY--------------------- USING w21x50, Max Stress Ratio = 91.53%, Min Def!. Ratio = 370.38 Maximums ... Actual Allowable Moment = 171.2 187 .1 k-ft ..... Stress 21.75 23.76 ksi Shear = 22.83 113.98 k ..... Stress 2.88 14.40 ksi Deflection = -0.972 fb / Fb : %max= 0.915 fv / Fv : %max= 0.200 Min. DL Def! Ratio = 776.53 Min. TL Defl Ratio = 370.38 V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------ Moments .. M + @ Center M-@ Center = @ Left @ Right = Shears... @ Left = @ Right Deflection.. @ Center @ Left @ Right = at 0.00 ft Reactions @ Left Reactions @ Right Placed for Max 171.2 22.83 22.83 -0.972 0.000 0.000 22.83 22.83 DL Only 81.7 -0.0 0.0 0.0 10.89 10.89 -0.464 0.000 0.000 0.000 10.89 10.89 Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows LL LL+ST LL LL+ST @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants 171.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 22.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 22.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 k -0.972 -0.464 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 22.83 10.89 0.00 0.00 k 22.83 10.89 0.00 0.00 k R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 IJ L R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 39 BEAM DATA----- Center Span Length 16.00 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy 36 ksi Load Duration Factor 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End 0.20 k/ft = 0.11 k/ft 0.00 ft = 16.00 ft Date: 03/13/96 Page:f5g STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w12x14 Section Depth 11.91 in lxx Web Thickness 0.200 in lyy Section Width = 3.97 in Sxx Flange :rhickness 0.225 in Syy 88.60 in4 2.36 in4 14.88 in3 1.19 in3 4.615 in 0.753 in Section Area Section Weight rT, y 4.16 in2 r:xx = 14.12 # r:yy 0.95 in APPLIED LOADS-------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY--------------------- USING w12x14, Max Stress Ratio = 34.34%, Min Def!. Ratio = 1058.34 TABULAR-SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------ Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment 10.1 29.5 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST .•... Stress 8.16 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 2.53 34.30 k ..... Stress = 1.06 14.40 ksi Moments •. M + @ Center 10.1 6.7 10.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection =-0.181 M-@ Center = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : %max= 0.343 @ Left = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : %max= 0.074 @ Right = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Def! Ratio = 1592.23 Shears ..• @ Left 2.53 1.68 2.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Def! Ratio = 1058.34 @ Right = 2.53 1 .68 2.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center = -0.181 -0.121 -0.181 -0.121 0.000 0.000 in @ Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 2.53 1.68 2.53 1.68 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right 2.53 1.68 2.53 1.68 0.00 0.00 k V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 ([} L-· R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 40 BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length = 1 2.00 ft Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 ,00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End 0.68 k/ft 0.96 k/ft = 0.00 ft 12.00 ft Date: 03/13/96 Page:.5'9 STEEL SECTION DATA AISC Section w12x19 Section Depth 12.16 in lxx 130.00 in4 Web Thickness 0.235 in lyy = 3.76 in4 Section Width 4.01 in Sxx 21.38 in3 Flange Thickness = 0.350 in Syy = 1.88 in3 Section Area Section Weight rT, y 5.57 in2 = 18.91 # = 1.00 in r:xx r:yy 4.831 in 0.822 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY--------------------- USING w12x19, Max Stress Ratio = 70.36%, Min Defl. Ratio = 703.13 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------- Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment 29.8 42.3 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress = 16.72 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 9.93 41.15 k ..... Stress = 3.47 14.40 ksi Moments •• M + @ Center 29.8 12.5 29.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.205 M-@ Center = -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : %max= 0.704 @ Left 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : %max= 0.241 @ Right = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio = 1674.47 Shears •.. @ Left 9.93 4.17 9.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio = 703.13 @ Right 9.93 4.17 9.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center -0.205 -0.086 -0.205 -0.086 0.000 0.000 in @ Left 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 in Reactions @ Left 9.93 4.17 9.93 4.17 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right 9.93 4.17 9.93 4.17 0.00 0.00 k V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 L R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 STEEL BEAM DESIGN FB 41 BEAM DATA----- Center Span Length 25.00 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = 36 ksi Load Duration Factor = 1 .00 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin AISC Section Section Depth Web Thickness Section Width Flange Thickness = Section Area Section Weight = rT, y = Date: 03/13/96 Page: 6 O STEEL SECTION DATA w24x55 23.57 in lxx 1350.00 in4 0.395 in lyy = 29.10in4 7.01 in Sxx 114.55 in3 0.505 in Syy = 8.31 in3 16.20 in2 r:xx 9.129 in 55.00 # r:yy = 1.340 in 1.68 in APPLIED LOADS------------------- Concentrated Loads-------------------- Dead Load Distance To Load Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = 3.85 k 3.00 ft 1.04 k/ft 1.21 k/ft 0.00 ft 25.00 ft Uniform Loads--------------------- SUMMARY--------------------- USING w24x55, Max Stress Ratio = 81.93%, Min Defl. Ratio = 558.90 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS------- Maximums... Actual Moment = 185.8 ..... Stress 19.47 Shear 32.19 ..... Stress 3.46 Deflection = -0.537 fb / Fb : % max = fv / Fv : % max = Min. DL Defl Ratio = Min. TL Defl Ratio = Allowable 226.8 k-ft 23.76 ksi 134.07 k 14.40 ksi Moments .. M + @ Center M-@ Center 0.819 @ Left 0.240 @ Right 1135.26 Shears... @ Left 558.90 @ Right Deflection.. @ Center @ Left @ Right at 0.00 ft Reactions @ Left Reactions @ Right V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC = = = = Placed for Max 185.8 32.19 29.26 -0.537 0.000 0.000 32.19 29.26 DL Only 91.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.01 14.09 -0.264 0.000 0.000 0.000 17.01 14.09 Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows LL LL+ST LL LL+ST @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants 185.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 32.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 29.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 k -0.537 -0.264 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 32.19 17.01 0.00 0.00 k 29.26 14.09 0.00 0.00 k R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R2H Engineering, Inc. JOB NO. c9(f-ozz.__. PROJECT //t/V/TRO q"e;V DATE 3--96 r--BY SUBJECT Co L , <Ir· ------ SHEET 6/ OF-- " Roof-CoL, /-IT= Z'J~ Roor I?l -/ 3 ?Sr X ( 4,1:/x So) -:: 3/, Zoo -# · 'R_oof-LL I z f!r x ( 4 g' x !so) =-z~ 'Bbo # 6 -tp- 0,000 ! ----. ·--· ----· --,--~ -----· --·------· ----------. ----------'" -----------. --------' --------- $_ R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT 1Y\ ,1 ~ j,_. fJ=0: BY :th)P SUBJECT ,r/\ e ~ Ce-\ ~ F-lb- Jos No_LC:\.6 o:::i..2 DATE 3-l\-9,o SHEET ____b-2.._ OF_ \ ,t P4.\ c.0-1--uMJ<.\ l.\ 't~ A-?15... 1 ?---, :~\\ovJc--~\e ~~\ \3,5 -::: :z. ,oeo ~ ~ Ce\, c1- ~ \ ~ (_ )...,_ ,:::,-::; 2-7,s,e-\--z-r .. t.\:5~ 5s,03 )< --rs. S-X.5'1-.. 3/J,6 l Ce,\ C--s p '=-A 7 \ 4_$ r' \ (\_ I 7 t\_ ~ \ ,·o -:; 4~,. \ C\ I I \ \ p-:::. ~ \S'\ T")..,,et \-?--.1,~"'$-== 3~10.S- I~ -\ x. J\ "'3/),6 . .. ---·---. -,---------ti---' 1~ o'f...5"1--s/11:, ' f-TC,.-@J I \ ~ U~tz_ \°& i ),,::-.t ::::.. l!.,0 1s,~ c.ee A. '/,A,'/-. 3/ I b !. <=\ 'r.;- 5 X5 .X 3/l6 6~ ~ ! ~. -i.z 1 ~ s LI b v ;z.. ~ R2H Engineering, Inc. w. ---''\ PROJECT k7A.)), ~ ~ SUBJECT f-1\ e i!: i!::::-Co\ I £ r, &-~··:·} BY t:bJ }! , , , L r...o\ .. cb . p::::: I 6 • 7 k +--. l A; t \ T" ) ... .'Z,\ $3, -!r..;, 6 7 r , ,.s oxs-x 3/10 F-,rr 8J Co\ C-7 .. Y ~ \~1.\ ~ 7,.76ci-J L l -:::_ /"')..~(:\$ ' P-= ~, "-\ -lr_ l 1.0'tS -;:::. 6 ~ £\ ~ -rs .t\.)l~ 'J.... 3//6 TSL\X.~ X -SJ 1 i:, 'FT6-[I] P= )..~_,74.-lr l\i~J\., 3.l)_,?.'8 _ TS S-XS-X.. '/ 4 p:: b)., \ b 't< ~---~ ... . -. Cc.,p = -s'";:2._ ).< ---+-1,-----1--------il--- . -. _· : ~-:~ ~-~~ .:: ... -_ r=-\ G--~ --+1----------111- ( r:i::>\ CJ\ ~-- f__7 /'10\--)\)es:-\ ave.. \C> ~ed. __ Cc;,'('C._\ JOB No.C..96 o~-::Z... DATE O -L\ -C:\-6 SHEET 63 OF_ ~:-. $_ R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT__._:t::~'C\~\lcJ..~-4\:-________ _ BY :J:"b,/? SUBJECT f 1\ C: ~. ' Cm\, (ol Cf2- P-:::: \ 3 I ~5 -\-. 30, \0 + ~, ~, -::: S:2-.. \ \ b JOB NO. C ~\ b O :'2--:2... DATE 3-\} _q-6 SHEET ttf.. OF- · ,s. s-:>1s-x3 /It:::. Cc--~ -=-5'a \.:-r o:-__, & I -=-s, n ' Cc\ C\-Z, ·· c~\ c..-\4 (0\ C.IS- ,s .?\)I-~)(_ 3 /I{;. r··n;--AJ p";::: -;i.:z., .l.\ +-;i.::z.._, A; ~ A A:'~ C©\ C--\ b p:::::-1 b."'\ _-\-C\ 1-S. ~ ;t....5, 7 ~\ C-l7 ~ =-Sir9 1 I :i.. . p ==-C\,3 _t-C\i.3 -:-l'15,b ___ 111-r_s_'"1:_Y..._Pt-_X_3 _/ ,_b_1-"-' )~"' s,o51 nv [2] 6:,\ C--l 0 _ ... p~ 10174' .,.--_t\-156 '::. ,\ \' i i __ ________j ~ R2H Engineering, Inc. ~ PROJECT_c=_l..::'-'?r-,,,~~--\.-~-'t~--------- £:: .. BY _ __,_\N_:__:;_."_._p __ SUBJECT l\e:rc:: C.o\u'fY\'('-2 Co::p:\:. .'( f:~:. 'I;::,;:., r..- P-::: ZA,€3 t ~,s.5' -:::-.:Z6,6g' \=:> .ttX~ X ~/ I b le _(P\ c2..:2- P==:-.. 3,,__\, 9 ~, -s. gs-+ I \o-:::. L.\-7, c \-< r . - .l JOB No.CC\6 o~'::2.. DATE '"5-j'3-9:6 SHEET ~S OF- L R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT ::t:Y\ '\l ~ ~, Pb1--~ e< * t3.f6-~ ~.?Is'/)--==-A, AC\0 ~" s; 565<#:--- P~\_ '=-"3 *) b ~ ~ ~ ~ tc,/ / ":J-:::. 3, 1 0 7).... :#-/ 1 ""Gz,\ ~/::-..\S )co..d,. ~Y-C>--rr\ T~ pu-c\~-i'5, ~o l-oo.c\ FDl--;:: ;;; ~ :;2...<\C\6 -==-A I C\C))... * \,, , rt / 1\.,11 k P 1-\... = )-¼ io1 ).__ -= ~ J .L\-'\ ·' I JOB No.Cc\6 -02--2.. DATE _3--) ::z.._-C\<6 SHEET £6 OF-- )5'K 'to o.ccovY'+ \lo, 6--\o...s& F Ton-\-C-..> \Je\\- Cc\ V""CY\ n F'C'o"Y-<'"'\ nee~ -\-a f-,\e.c==Z:-l-e'\lc.\ f_,, "':=. ).....C\ -\)._\5"°':=-\b . .S -0$e.. }"JI I /,. US ,19-_ ,S G)<S )!-Y 1: ~~ = 'bo \~, ~...Q:::: 17 1 k_\-.. kc-c\. 6.~e -\c Co°V'C Uc\, Ccr-e. Ce\ Q -:=. '56 11 ~;:;. ~:i.. = 7106C\ P-1 4 IN -\-==-1 -50 f c>f-* 7 • o b':l ::: 1 • o 6 r< 1 r Se,~ :::. °' l\ ~ l ,ob y,,.--fJ. t--::: o A~ ~__e~ -== 0 /'l\,e=c:~ r\oo~ \...cc-<::\ '"e""' r(3 \ ~ ~1...-/ I 15 )...--1 P1--1-:::. \"3 ,S -76~\ ·pD~'-::: · n,s-·· + £'3.u ~ ·7---0; :;o . pi..:\... ~ 1,:S ,5 ;-b ,I /t -:: lC\ 1 bL\. 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SUBJECTCc\ \ ,'r'\"-.\"'-i$c--.:'.:>E GE..- L J:=or -rs AX4.. pt-34~ p . .,'5Q "=="7 ~f::: 3A;-})~ACl-11 :.. .,2.k -1/ 1( tr ::: 4, 't ¼ / • ~ 4 ) )., -:::: • 7?- t(:)r TS SXS P=-~;)< .· ~e-)..5 ~36 _l?SE-J).._ ~ X 1~1 1' l ,, Tl-\k- \J/ 4 -3/4; ¢ ASss i L\-~1 ~ -=1 s::f :::::. b!. J 11 '2..== d> ~:2..... 1=. • b -br -::;. b ,C) * /_ ' 5-:z_.. ) '/:z._ -::;. IO 9. .t\ :t. 'r\ \:;: • 7-5 -;t-3b Ostz_ J ~,. x ft\-'' Y. l ,, ,--ri }< \ -W/ ~ -"S/4. <j A/iS$ 4c-i, Cb.11 ~ ~"Tb P~\>c.-A"'r" 11\. tz:~ -P~1SS}< -· _ . _.{.4l~ SQ. "o/ ~f>-=-<b5) lA:'.a-:: ~ ).t~ b .,6 . ip~ 3r9 */ · t:13 · ··),½__ = oS3~ .. _: .. \,__, .2.5" "JE;-3, JOB NO.C--~\ 6 0 ~ ~ DATE 3-\\ _q-6 SHEET b/5 OF_ 11-,'bl5):::5(0 [~ 11 -, i lct,) ~sro :>-- L ~ R2H Engineering, Inc. ' .w. PROJECT *-"'i'-. \) , ~ BY :S:"\--.J p SUBJECT t\ er;~ Co\ B~ Sc):>,, .__, ,r \ i l' roo,\ 1-46- I « ( rf '' 3 -o 'f..._ 3 -o x ;:z..~ Tl-\¥ w I 4 -~s-1!> A-?--.s lzc. \-h'-J A--'\ 5o~rr) "oe \J\; * )..._J.\. * 36 ::::-1 • :z...\ f.l'.- ,, 4 -c:!t-5 A-s :::. J , A--\ p_ 1 I 4-1-011 'f.-~"-011 ~ M 1 ~-Tl-\k w / b -~s-l~i'=> 0\, wA-y At oo-\·'\-Cm Q. oo\t\, t )...~ -it A.<o ~ I 10 I o'' c, -tt-s ~ = I '?5b tt-'' 5'-o'' ,<..5t-ou )(. ~ I\ TH)-.:- W / 7-i¾:-s-f:::>A-% t£A-'NAi A--"\ fSo ½crm , 00\~ -,\-~4: >k bO ~ ;;z.., 0).,.. i:I-11 7-4*--5 A-?== A.\17 1:1" 6 ~c II X 6 1-c'1 i--. ).__J.\ '\ TH k- W / g -*5 /:iA WA~ JV, fbo 'TIOM 7 1-c/{ K -/-0 11 ~ M 1 \ 'fl-\ k"" N :)o -#s-~>r\2-$ r;..A--W~y A-, ~c-;-to]-1\ -. ----. I C:0\ t\--k A~ ~'a-\ -=-A\~;;,... P-11 ' - lo-~s hs::::. ~1\0 u'' .. . "; ·-~ . --.. -.. -·' ......:: ~- JOB NO. C..9. 60.).~ DATE ~-l)-9,6 SHEET 6'z OF-- . -·----~ $ ~ ~ ,/y f · J R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT SUBJECT t ,3, p-$i=* 40 i...Z:1~~ {fB I I{ VI Tl(OG; r?";/ ~ 50.-/z. - .Jo.-. !;o/z £-:30,00<:>-# J ,., -~----_,_ I I I I I I t 1--.,r-H.-..,~ l I I J I I I I t I I I I .NE':..SO S'it'CS" S-:.ALL EE INS'i,\LLSJ }.S f)Sl~.FR·S ~c:.-~ I I • _.... ___ I 05122-047 -, I .1 , , , , , , ,, ·~ 1-l I~ 8 JOB NO. C ~t?-e:, 22. DATE 3-'9b SHEET zo QF __ 22. I . . . . L R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I r-J V 1:ra,C:i-sJ BY_______ SUBJECT 1-AIEl'?Al-'?11"'6!~,t._r--'I .,, ~ ~ \/{ I<) £351_ JOB NO.~e,,~q_tp ___ _ DATE ~ -'9l, SHEET-7++-/-0F-- r,. \-IL -t. Y. ...., --> 2:. L- R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I l~y,~sJ BY c:?. SUBJECT ~ -~6 ~l--- . . . lJ,.&..L-U;, '. ~°1 ~ -'7~ { ~ 4/i +--~) * ~ J Al.,i-~ :~, 1 S,.?;, -;:: J _:""'~ ~ '~T':'.F *-:I~~~ . :z-~'P p<-F' -~f-.)£;; lJJ : · .. - JOB NO. C96-OZ?.... DATE ==3,-9~ SHEET 72-OF-- t,,/;4l..t.-? :· -01'7 (p 1 • .:t:. ;:;. / -z a, 3-'Z -:;ti: /;r:-'1'. ~ooF : ~,-:c,$~ z.g +-::: ~-,5.0 #/p, e::;, -A,-r 1~7E!~1o-e: &JI/<!,, WALi .. ~i:A 4r?O: 1':b-t~ Z~,z.-X,.,l'b? = 2-Z'3.o#'-ff7" :::Zot-l'E {zl (.,.JA 1-1..-~ t reoo r.:: -z -~~* 12be> ~otJt?jJ;/ VA-LL~ • 1200-P ~~~~ ~ ss ~Ne fEl . -~W,,ll~L~ !_ ... ---. ·· --·-aof)r ·:-~,at!.)(,-1 ·--·--. ___ _ ,.... . _ ~-I O . - . -. G, t -, .(p ( . . . .. t)_· :ti=/ -. . . . . . -I &. := '7 7 °1 . -z ... F:-r . ,Z &> I , µ . -.. . . --·. . . ----·--· ---- ' ' ------. -------·· --·--·------------- '-· .@:>r ([o'- @) ...... ~ (!;1.- {§>r-.. ·: @_c··_ @r- @J-. (:1) r-. {§) ·-_- /() .... (.Y ---- R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT pJy1~-s:J V= ~-s-'~ V::;:::; :Sl,7~ v_: -s t-i ''" V;::: ~-Gt i-e. :~ V;;:. ~-"I' IC. V. == I (, .c, I< -_y::: lc,-C,"'- . v ~ IG1,:;, {C, V,;::; lt...•3i,:. 1J.,. ~d-~-/ lbS := 1J= "3.f,,/ ,s~-::: 1): ':Z';::>1-, / ,s-s '= ~== ~-"1/-zos :::: . ,v ';-~-1/~ = ,v ~ \t,.-=-!/ ltb~ ';:' //};;:: l~.rf/ !~? - ,1.) -::. I~ ~"?/1-s--z....:=: 1/ :=: It,~"?/ 1 -s-z = 1 Z-Z, CJ ~FT I 7"~ • "2-'f+-fr, t 7~ ·"Z--¥r;:::--r 14-'~,b */P-r 1-4-~-(;p "Tp'p-r .::i -z , ~ T'?' ;=:'"j q 'Z. •-:;, ~t' F-r 1 ·0 '7, ~~t'r,- 1 t', .-Z-:~n ' JOB NO. C.t16-oz:1.,,,, DATE ,?z-~ C- SHEET 7) OF-- fJ:T ..--m ix!. Irr 00 ~ (%!_ C%l ra flil- ·_=_-UI\.IE(!) ~@ 1-::: !?_~~!/~~+,-: l~--.$:-4 1~ . _ -·--1 --~-~---:. A~-r-=-· 1S.~~1.1f~4:::. 14-2, 1,,J-z:. -, . ·1-~7 A--roea . ~-J .... --. . --- Ir ~'tr=~-'7,:P. ---~~ ... . . _-,4 ~ .. ~-- ,/\ .· R2H Engineering, Inc. JOB NO. CtJ6 -oz.2- PROJECT ____ L~N=Vl~TR...!....!...:CO~~~S=W.._ ______ _ DATE __ 3_-_16 __ _ (\ BY __ --=--p_c.. ___ SUBJECT __ ___,L=A:u.TER.=~c.,__:L=------'-/'1=c.=Z=3=--=.'-------SHEET 7C/ OF-- t=--0-:-~:::,.,.;;· L ® I l 64' ' ,. 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A~E : -A ~'~ = ~c;~(J?O = 1 inZ A ~i;;:st;, = (l21/.z.",Z.,1/,z.x¾f-) .-. 1..14 > J.P~ ~ll--. wu.i:;, r~~ r=-<~:lo = 1:.-,z.~ ; -~~ ,~ e,~ -- -1-~~ ')( 36-IL..~ 0.4 · -· 1..1 x 1.1 = 2-1. 1 ~ (w'~f-f'-,J9 ~~ l.vAb) ~70XX. El.Ec.~E.C:, : v.3 "7cJ -== ··z:_1~/ih2 _ t,?.+ x .3u' = . 14-.-4 . . . . ·L,... -z.1.7 -= 4 .. ~,1 ·.c:: 41/,i.• 14-4-):.::7.f1-.&-1e:, , . - : :·_--~·:: ~ E?p,.f--. l IJ,f;,&.c:, :Hi=:~_ { __ k~FuH. . ~+F-Obf. -------· · tu L 12,y,z.,.. ~y~ ~ !14-4 11 veL ~ ~ -~10-xx , ,,~--:-~-~---t 1 L-Z.½,. -Z>'z.,. Y+ . fY~11 .•• · 1 -1 ~l-: ------i e, -···t.2.Y-2-JC z..½ ". -3/e--17'' ·-----~----------it 4 L 2½ "'. 2.1/i ,. o/e, · .. ;,Yi' . -.. . -.. . .. ---·-··---·----. ' . . . --------·--~ ------··· ------- .. ---·---.-: ·_ .. : ·. . R2H Engineering, Inc. JOB NO. C..<:Jtf-oZ-i.. PROJECT ___ ~IN~vl_T/<.'--O&_e/'I ________ _ DATE __ 3_--'?,~6 ___ _ {;,v _______ SUBJECT __ ~r~l:::.......:::Ji~o~/.J~T_...:....T0_~T7~l~7~~~p--'-G~:n'i=?--_~~w-o____,_) __ SHEET 83 OF __ _j2Jt...z=.::,,, ,p "TILT ~e:.L i::7L .:=:-~ ! _ *" · zo /"'2 ~ I ~ /, ""<:-.::::. 33 3 '41 . LL= /oO <·z.oy'-:.~ 1"'/l"Z--:= 'lt 330 :µ- r ~ -= l. 663 -:ft , . . f'tl:: i.~+*1 ~ =-Z-7-S-.4<.,,J ~*' ::.-, 1 '=' 1/-z.. ~I-~*" \4, Cc,.. =--"""> T=-I 4--+ ~ ~t¥! 4 _., '7 2 -s-T i-I +.-4-C<-{ ! ,,s--C:V-s,.\ ~ :;z. 7 t""" I l ~<.,;t"a-~l-:"-..JI=::.. ~ ~-z_ 1 ~~~? ~ -z ~ ~ 1 ~ ...+ ~ +--z S--'Z Q.. -+ ,$~ --e. =-"'Z-_-, s;- ~E: L ~~>" ~x-.:,.,-4-{l-'-VJ W/ ~/-d..'' ..P ,c... :& e... 1 ~·',:::, _ c::. . . . . ---·-. . . --·· $ R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I NVJ-r'l'!"oGe-J BY _ __;;:C:,,,:_f<:__,_ ___ SUBJECT-=U~i>..='=\;..=-_:r:LL,,,,,,~~---------- 115: fii?~ '7G!'~·2.--¾-.+;: 'Z-~'Z-~< -f/ !l--bc 'f'A-1 ~"""e 4-g, ~,c.. r"'"'""-::: ~-2-&1< ' -. --· ·---·----· ,__ _________ --·---------------· . JOB NO.------ DATE ~ ·9~ SHEET ~(f OF-- R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I Jvr-r~ JOB NO.------ DATE ~:4Ca SHEET S.! OF-- ' Lb --------------I I -~~--~JA.~--~·~~t~~~iVI ( 4~1 _":e>A-'-t) .J ~~tp :r(7~C-Z-7'6-4-~k~-1-o: za, _,s-1 ------~ --~---~~--~ -: .:.-. ~ :~·.: --~~--:. -( 4 ;. ~f . b,t..'-i ~ J -~~ -~~l-~~~-t~?~6rl'.,'/:.0)(7~~,~X--l~/z.~1 ::: ~o~FT ~ 640 ~ I I MAX . ~~'P-IAf~~-,i~ ~G, I"? i z t::?-c-~ R2H Engineering, Inc. JOB NO. e-q6-~-z..1- PROJECT __ __:/:...:..N~'V.:....:..1!....!.T~.::..::::0...::,6}=:(3/'{;.__. _____ _ DATE J ~6 tFf,y _____ SUBJECT ____________ _ SHEET Y1 {, OF- I I .------ ALL :if e. E. L S!4P..LL <bE.. H.A.)( Al..U'wAe:::u, V'·J.11:71.:7~ -1e,qA -,c 1·· :::?T~e · _ASfH At46' f't -6o r~, 1,AU-. = A~ c.CP) r, = [( 4-.'t.:>) .oi1~ .CR{60) = s. ~€, i-; ~y G'3~ -W-LJ~ l0_9_A ___ :,<_4_'1_w_1D_E_:,c._f_,Z._'\;J~-- ~f~,Af' e o'· o" C. '-w/ Iv'~ ~AIL-=:, l?A .. E..JO -~c.£. 1AGLE.. :;££ ~EXf ~Wf. NAILl~[r LA'(o!JT 'A ft'~ ~-1/2,''WIOE. fUIZ...Url. o)L f~U<Sb ~~D LAYOU1 1 ~ 1 fO~ 3Yz." \.VICE. rurz.L1~ c~ 1g,U~?. JOB NO.-----$. R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT _____________ _ DATE _____ _ ~Y------SUBJECT LAYOLlf A I I I ~~pu~J .-l-I ,~t..e:,~ I I -1 1 I I I ft.fe.L.l~J I I I 4 -. ...Ll.. -=-.-. -~. ~-.-.-... ·---, 11':!U½ SHEET 8J OF- . ;··( ~·1 I .i(' I ··. I I I I I 1 I I I I I --. . . . .··-. -Ll._ . . ..•.. ·.....,._...;...• -:--. "-+-,-- · .... -·· 11 - I I I 1/l I ,--:-v. I "-0' I I ~,,Hi'i,.; l -----··· $ R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT ________________ _ JOB NO.------ OATE ______ _ /Jy __ SUBJECT ________________ _ SHEET 5?8 OF-- A-, p~;::.1-1 f'-1--=:,. : t?112s:., "":;, .,,__ To ,,6,i"~ W,A,..U-, 1 E':> ., ~u ~ - M I ~ c:7"'1 ==.. p ! S.::;..-E: J A-1 k-r:z:. 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PATTEF.N 111=..e .JOIST PEFI Pl.»1-----ll I JIL 1 $ R2H Engi.neering, Inc. PROJEcT __ ~/...:....:'N_Vi;....;1/Tl..:....~-0...:..-~e!I _______ _ JOB NO. C~t-oi.1.- DATE __ 3 __ -9,_t __ _ ~y ______ _ SUBJECT~ ~.::,t"1'" FV!ZLtN -A I 4t i ~~ SHEET 81 OF-- ------------~ ----------,, ' . ,, ' ,, ' ,, ' / A ' .JOIST PER i / .JOIST GIRO=~~ ..Jll.. IL- . A<:.,-n.1 A..L 1-oAt::=> :: 1 • ~ ~ e:T ""::> M l C- C,0 tJ tJ e,Af~I ""r-{ ~ • _!4 11 c:p ~~e -;-AU-:::: -~ ::+-':;.<'.., * n; ~ • .,;-7+ .x-1 -°? ~ ¥ Z bA-12~ -::... 11 -~ ~ -IC-:z11 =7 14,c. ::::: {%) -( ¾) x eJ. 1.x 70 . .x.. 4 x.-z..'' _ I 3. 1c.. r 4 S10t::J R2H Engi.neering, Inc. JOB NO. c..q{-,n.:t/ ~y __ _ PROJECT ___ ___,_.//tl:..:...;...,t(~Tl<._0~__,_etl _______ _ DATE __ 3~_G __ _ SUBJECT ________________ _ SHEET 'fo OF-- 6J,1-z.---2...-::::, ~1 1.JA.. 1 ;,_t ·,.JC., ~'-1 w ":=> -r-.o .::::=""11 az,.;::>=-r~ ~l< '~. ; Ce:,' 'P.,A'7'1-\ . . ll ~;; <2--I _4-;; ·4. -'Z~ :,{-1-??-::::-z. ,.q I~...,. I~ 0-G. . 0. g,t •If_ -y AJ L f""-it....J,::::, -ro "F?i.-~ 0 &. 'LJ / -z za ~ -=--. t,..J • $:: >-,t 1 ~ -,1-d"L..,,:::>"1C--. ~ 1C., ~rz.. J l:::,,1,-.'-j s ( 56 :F-r') 4• TOT~ r-lM-f __ ;.__ 'iB.O \ l.SNGiH HIN. 5 t/2" •. 1,' ttl.N~I ._· ---e--C:-f',QWS 8 .N. c::=-::151:i,:::=:=:, j ?;; ~ NOTE: P!l"E s.EEVE SHALL. 6E DESlGEO Fa:l A ea. T I.CAO OF 2.S<. R2H Engineering, Inc. JOB NO.-C.-'9'""'"~---0 -2:z-. __ PROJECT ___ _!...!,,//1/~~~/~rn=o~~=~~r/ _______ _ DATE_--=3_-~1_6 __ _ ~y _______ _ SUBJECT _______________ _ SHEET 9! OF-- I +-~41 ~-~'a> o-:s:.. ~~ IN 2::-,~7,-.J ~ = ~.$,;,;..+...-1,z-s-~ 1-~7$. _ z,oo::... "o/r=, )' o_&s 1 ~""" w-==-..... r-= ,-,;, <::::: 1..:::.=-<- . _s'. I t.....:;,;<....o -T:.,,. i:;-,-,... t-.O:... = o .. fJ __ -,..·.;..¾~·":> = M-:::. -/ •. 7. *-~-">"~ 4,..2!:: · l<•1r./ 1-7 .. '< v-=-/.T K. STE.':'.. .JJISTS 'Jru?;: :::ffi "';,. ........ ,.....,...~....u.. 05210-00SA R2H Engineering, Inc. JOB NO. --'C."--'9-'-t_-_o_2-_2-__ PROJECT /J,lt//tl<Oqgd DATE __ 3_--9_t __ _ ~;y ______ _ s u BJ ECT ~.., llZ r.::'t=~ "T?7 co L.. w / ~~' L c::,... SHEET '92-OF-- CN & COl"IPRES510N/ PERO 38Jt.. ~ tJ O ~ 1-r'1 •,. K iJ IF~ r-~ -r A-1...(....-:.. •" ~""3u ~ ~75-i'f-':3 ~ 1 .... ? ~ = ~4, ~ 1". ··· __ -_- LJ€1-r:::> _..., T,-...L.L. :::: . °! -z.~ ~ -4-* 7 ~ -Z?• r::>c::--s* 1.-,:3, = Lo c; ·"? ~ . --· ----·-··-----·------·· ·-----' ... --· --.... _______________ -·· ····--· - R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT JN\)1Tf266--~/J JOB NO. CC/0-022 DATE--=3~/~.G-L-<h~6'--- p=-sv 6SM SUBJECT vJA-lt,~ -au, oF PiANE. SHEET qz OF-- L. . 7YPICA:i-f!w~~ W11J\O -~. -r;.-,..for:!)(l..€::. C.. 7t? MPH p:; Ce.Go o; J.~ -== , .?..:;; (t/zJ 12,e, (!,OJ-:. ·1e.e, f£F ~,t!Shl IC-: --· i?oNE: .4 _\]::_ ~,c..~Ci/i-::: , 4 Cl,0),7~ Wp ·-:._ .0;3 vJp M11J fE:1~Fov2cfMl?tv'T -~. • 002~ t f Kl"f'(.,, -= 7 '!~,,--t t,J2,\ ~ 7, <;; -,") r--=-ro ::J Mu_ (::}, r~ '' . ~M0 /¼;:r ViA'"1 =-, coU (G,-ii) 1'2-.-=-• 2,0· •t-i';/Pf I j::I. s-e.. I es 11 A,;;. ".::. . -zos--~ , '2.o ok. .t\T-=-?C-~' !2cof-IP c..:; TiP LCr;;t,... Pr'rNf:L -t 3 1 PAfl,frPf::.1 ~ "(13 p~r;-"')-=-$"2-,_to Irr l-1 #Jf::. -" ! T(f l CAl,· f Jtt.Jr: l- , -,, r H"". zs -G , .. -f c. /M,,{ff£T f2.00r (),I.,_:--. J3{Jsr (~fz_)' .._ ~1 i !lo/PT e..----7 ,, t 7't.f STL ,- C R 2 H Engineering, Inc. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct., Ste 300 San Diego, Ca. 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN Typical panels along lines 1,3,6,8, 10, 11 WALL DATA Wall Height VERTICAL LOADS = 26.50 ft Uniform Dead Load Parapet Height = 3.00 ft Uniform Live Load Thickness 7.50 in ..... Ecc. Rebar Size # 5 Rebar Spacing 10.00 in Concentric Dead Load Wall: ZICp 0.300 Concentric Live Load = Parapet: ZICp 0.300 lnvitrogen Job no. C96022 Date: 03/07 /95 Page: 94 LATERAL LOADS 52.0 # Point Lateral Load 0.0 # 0.0 # ..• Height from Base 0.00 ft 7.00 in (this is a Seismic Load) Uniform Lateral Load 0.0 plf 0.0 # ... distance to Bottom 0.00 ft 0.0 # .•. distance to Top 0.00 ft (this is a Seismic Load) Min. Allow Defl Ratio Fixity % Used @ Base Seismic Zone =150.000 Concrete Weight = 145.00 pcf Wind Load 18.60 psf 0.0 4 MATERIAL DATA SUMMARY------------- f'c 3000 psi Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ••. Exact, Non-lterated------ Fy = 60000 psi Phi 0.90 M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Min. Vert Steel% = 0.0020 Applied: Mu@ Mid-Height Min. Horiz Steel % = 0.0012 Mu @ Top of Wall = Max. Vertical Spacing 18.00 in Allow Axial Stress = Max. Horizontal = 18.00 in Actual Axial Stress = 'd' : Depth To Steel 3.38 in Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal .e.0128 Wall Weight 90.62 psf Maximum Service Deflection = Effective Strip Width = 1 2.00 in Ht/Service Deft Ratio = Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic 65596.2 in-# 59618.8 in-# 2565.0 in-# 120.0 psi 16.9 psi 0.0092 0.359 in 886 :1 Wind 64352.5 in-# 39953.0 in-# 1662.8 in-# 120.0 psi 16.9 psi 0.0092 0.154 in 2071 :1 Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at = 18.0 in 18.0 in FACTORED LOAD STRESSES SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS--- Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST = .... Seismic = ST ACI 9-2 Group Factor = ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact = ACI 9-3 Short Term = USC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Factor-= USC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Factor-= V 4.48 (c) 1 983-95 ENERCALC 1.40 1.70 1.70 1.10 0.75 0.90 1.30 1.40 0.90 Seismic Wind Seismic 0.313 in Wind 0.195 in 39321.2 in-# 24531.6 in-# 59618.8 in-# 39953.0 in-# 9.509 in 9.633 in 59618.8 in-# 39953.0 in-# Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta = Basic Moment w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment 0.224 in 28086.6 in-# 31318.8 in-# 0.359 in 31318.8 in-# 0.154 in 19272.6 in-# 22504.8 in-# 0.154 in 22504.8 in-# ANALYSIS VALUES---------- E :57,000*(f'c· .5) 3122019 psi n : 29,000/Ec = 9.29 Fr: 5 * (f'c· .5) = 273.86 psi Ht / Thk Ratio 42.40 As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) ] / Fy = 'a' = (As*Fy + Pu) /(.85*f'c*12) = 'c' = 'a' / .85 = Moment of Inertia Modification Factor I-gross I-cracked = I-effective (ACI) = Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor Mn = As(eff) * Fy * ( d-· a/2 ) = S-gross Mer = S * Fr Rho balanced Seismic 0.408 in2 0,799 in 0.940 in 1.00 421.9 in4 25.9 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 72885 in-# = 112.5 in3 30809.4 in-# = Wind 0.399 in2 0.782 in 0.920 in 0.0214 1.00 421.9 in4 25.5 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 71503 in-# (continued on next page •••. ) R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 u R 2 H Engineering, Inc. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct., Ste 300 San Diego, Ca. 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN Typical panels along lines 1,3,6,8, 10, 11 ( ••••• continued) Design Method: Exact 1994 UBC 1914.0 • -I -•• I .J.JVY9 '-.uv't'I /UJ..JVJY /UJ..JVJY V4.48 (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC lnvitrogen Job no. C96022 Date: 03/07 /95 · · RoofDL = 51 lb8 ." I RoofLL = o lbs ·, RoofEcc=7in --t 0 0 ..-;. 0 It) '° N \, Thick =7.50 in Usin'g':""' 5 (I, 10.00 in f'c =· 3000 psi ........ _:::.: . 'Fy = 60000 psi Seismic Zone= 4 Seismic Factor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in Page: '9,k- R2H ENGINEE-RtNG, KW08Q291 R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT_~l~N~V~l~J120~G=G:~~v-) ________ _ ~~BY C-Sf1A SUBJECT \JJ(1:l.,,L--G\JT of e(Arf\} V ,Nl:2 I JOB NO. C9 <od'2..""L, DATE 3/5/9,6 SHEET j'6 OF __ L ,41 ~ I f:;Q__ I f2oor p.1..-.._ PtWd .. --D, t,... :. i ,A(f/:'42-kt. r.), /,.. ~ er f[.ft2.. ~ I'S f s-r--( 4 0 ... 52 l'o ffr 4'4.p,sF (4)8/.q.·. rD-1'tJ/FT q 4 y,c:.i:-{_, ~) -ze. -z 1b/rr ,:;. (4-").:r4-= 112..tc:.,1b/,cr A-1 If' VP ~f P,1--, ::. I') fSf.. (4):. !( 2 lb/ff A°D'{)P:tD C, L--:. ["14 fJ~ (~i)g '2 /4 , ·-I a-o::, ,}7 /Fr ACJD'E.\G 1-kTP::Vk!., -~flt(;•. , 3 ( "'141 g' /(, -:. 37.C:, I~ )fr AvJOP,JJ utr£;111rl P1'1NT-::. ,'3 (4')2(cz4¼ , J~o,"'!'1'o 11' vP ~ ' ,p 1rvL w ,-Tt-+ -G-tlU) f:f'(... {....('J'F<'O ' ~r(v) ~ Jfd(J z l.-~pttf ~~' # f-{ V )c~_ /8 rr 2 /...,/r-f.ff/L > \?f~ G\Ri)t:VL -(),L {2.µr010'1..J"" l"3.psF(*3~"t>/z../4-'=--3/ZC> 10 /F-r ~:... J,{° OJ .Mo f.,-1µ ~j0v ... rtL. ~<l..1 t7 =-, "3 (q4) 4 / 4 ? . 2?, '2-. f't) Irr 1\:-IJi)r;.Q .Lr\'lr-1Jtt"1''-POIJIJT,, _ , ~(14)4.l4->i4--:. //'2, 8' ,,,,,PT 11 1 v,P rn ' .P,WL-w ,r" c-1 ~OE:.rz.. UrA•n t G1K'.OE:1<. D~L. '2E::ftCf1{711J :;.. 1-::spsi:-( 2..4) (40/z"? +. 3~l'o :. '=/,3 k / cf, I -=-I ~s,6 1'1;/Fr e----/.s'' f>,,{)(JF:if) iJ(..-:. 94 (S-').(?)/t;;, -/tJZ:,2,16/rr_-, A()OBV.::, ~ri-4-'-5tri..1p-: . 3(q 4) s1/ i, .,, 07. e, Y-f f'r V Pit-i/2..-~' ~006<.D t.:mevJ/r'L /b11vT: .3(q4) 4(B)/G ·-1se'J.'1o/rr 1/ vf --re ,_. -~ ca';,~~ '\-1' e ··ose.. ~~~ . -------~ -~(v")e.J' ,1 "2-:U\1f;sl, .5 ~,t ~~: ·~·-.~/, ':;.:, ... ;,,-;.: L R 2 H Engineering, Inc. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct., -Ste 300 San Diego, Ca. 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 41 wall along line 1 WALL DATA VERTICAL LOADS Uniform Dead Load = Uniform Live Load = ..... Ecc. = Wall Height = 26. 50 ft Parapet Height = 3. 00 ft Thickness -7. 50 in Invitrogen Job no. C96022 Date: 03/07/95 LATERAL LOADS 52. 0 # Point Lateral Load = 112. 8 # -0. 0 # ... Height from Base = 11. 00 ft 7. 00 in (this is a Seismic Load) Uniform Lateral Load = 28.2 ~lf -Concentric Dead Load = 752.0 # -... distance to Bottom = 21. 50 t Rebar Size # 5 Rebar Spacing = 18. 00 in Concentric Live Load = 0. 0 # ... distance to Top = 29.50 ft (this is a Seismic Load) Concrete Weight = 145. 00 pcf Wind Load = 18.60psf. Wall: ZICp = 0.300 Parapet: ZICp = 0.300 Min. Allow Defl Ratio = 150.000 Fixity % Used @ Base = 0. O Seismic Zone = 4 MATERIAL DATA SUMMARY----------- f 1 c = 3000 psi Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated---- Fy = 60000 psi Seismic Wind Phi = O. 90 M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity = 70077 .1 in-# 66668. o in-# Min. Vert Steel% = 0.0020 Applied: Mu@ Mid-Height = 67808.0 in-# 36865.8 in-# Min. Horiz Steel % = 0.0012 Mu@ Top of Wall = 4696.9 in-# 1662.8 in-# Max. Vertical Spacing = 18.00 in Allow Axial Stress = 120.0 psi· 120.0 psi Max. Horizontal = 18.00 in Actual Axial Stress = 25.3 psi 25.3 psi 1d1 : Depth To Steel = 5.25 in Max. As%: 0.6 * RhoBal 8.0128 0.0033 0.0033 Wall Weight = 90. 62 ~sf Maximum Service Deflection = 1. 358 in o .154 in Effective Strip Width = 12.00 1n Ht/Service Defl Ratio = 234 :1 2071 :1 Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at = 18. O in 18. O in FACTORED LOAD STRESSES SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST = .... Seismic = ST = ACI 9-2 Group Factor = ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact = ACI 9-3 Short Term = UBC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Fact~r UBC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Fact~r V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC = = = = = 1. 40 1. 70 1. 70 1.10 0.75 0.90 1.30 1.40 0.90 Seismic Wind Seismic Wind 0.408 in 0.195 in Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta = 0.291 in 0.154 in 52177.7 in-# 24531.6 in-# Basic Moment w/o P-Delta = 37269.8 in-# 19272.6 in-# 67808.0 in-# 36865.8 in-# Moment in Excess of Mer = 42028.8 in-# 24099.1 in-# 4.952 in 5.160 in Max. Iterated Deflection= 1.358 in 0.154 in · 67808.0 in-# 36865.8 in-# Max. Iterated Moment = 42028.8 in-# 24099.1 in-# ANALYSIS VALUES ---------- E :57,000*(f 1c·.5) = 3122019 psi s-gross n : 29,000/Ec = 9.29 Mer= S * Fr Fr: 5 * (f 1c·.5) = 273.86 psi Rho balanced Ht / Thk Ratio = 42. 40 Seismic As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) l / Fy= 0.260 in2 'a' = (As*Fy + Pu) /(.85*f'c*12) = 0.509 in 'c'= 'a' / .85 = 0.599 in Moment of Inertia Modification Fact@r 1.00 I-gross = 421. 9 in4 I-cracked = 53.lin4 I-effective (ACI) = 0.0 in4 Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor = 0.90 Mn = As (eff) * Fy * ( d -a/2 ) = 77863 in-# = 112. 5 in3 = 30809 .4 in-# -0.0214 Wind O. 24 7 in2 0.483in 0.569 in 1.00 421. 9 in4 50.9in4 0. 0 in4 0.90 74076 in-# (continued on next page .... ) R2H ENGINEERING, _Ki/060291 ~ ~:.-__:;, R 2 H Engineering, Inc. Consulting Structiiral Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct., -Ste 300 San Diego, Ca. 92127 Invitrogen Job no. C96022 Date: 03/07/95 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 41 wall along line 1 ( ..... continued) . --·· 1 ··:oon Dutgn Method: Exect 1994 UBC 1914.0 a, o:i , ....,...,,...,, .. N fjl I V.JJV n I..._,....,...,, ... 1vn 9 .. ~ OJ ·-., I "-'VTl _.,, .; ... 2 ., ..J .., " .., .., <t ---J ~ r Added Point Seis ic Loed = 112.79 lbs ~-.uvn re=~;~ I --·· I .a.JVfY V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC ::: !!? ,-.: N ::: ::: a, ,-.: a, "' N o:i II "' • ·s .., "' ., ~ ·.; er., · Axial DL = 7511 bs .. ·+·Axia_l L_L,'!' 0 .1.bs _::·· .. :: ..... . ···:::.,- R1i"ofD·l,;, 51 lbs ·:I Roof LL.,; o l_bs ... .. l' Roof fee= 7 in ~-- 0 C ,,; 0 "' .,; N Thick =7.50 in Using:.,,, 5 qi. 18.00 in f'c = 3000 psi fy = 60000 psi Seismic Zone= 4 Seismic factor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in Page: 9g R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 L- R 2 H Engineering, Inc. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct., ~Ste 300 San Diego, Ca. 92127 Invitrogen Job no. C96022 Date: 03/07/95 Page: 9? TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 6' wall along line 1 WALL DATA VERTICAL LOADS LATERAL LOADS Wall Height = 26. 50 ft Parapet Height = 3. 00 ft Thickness -7. 50 in Uniform Dead Load = 52. 0 # Point Lateral Load = 15 0. 4 # Uniform Live Load = 0. 0 # ... Height from Base = 11.00ft ..... Ecc. = 7. 00 in (this is a Seismic Load) Rebar Size # 5 Rebar Spacing = 16. 00 in Wall: ZICp = 0.300 Parapet: ZICp = 0.300 Min. Allow Defl Ratio = 150. 000 Fixity % Used@ Base = 0.0 Seismic Zone = 4 Uniform Lateral Load = 37.6~lf Concentric Dead Load = 1003. 0 # ... distance to Bottom = 21.50 t Concentric Live Load = 0. 0 # ... distance to Top = 29.50ft (this is a Seismic Load) Concrete Weight = 145.00 pcf Wind Load = 18. 60 psf MATERIAL DATA SUMMARY----------- f' c = 3000 psi Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated---- Fy = 60000 psi Seismic Wind Phi = O. 90 M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity = 78136. 3 in-# 74399. 8 in-# Min. Vert Steel% = 0.0020 Applied: Mu@ Mid-Height = 74254.5 in-# 38487.0 in-# Min. Horiz Steel% = 0.0012 Mu@ Top of Wall = 5407.5 in-# 1662.8 in-# Max. Vertical Spacing = 18. 00 in Allow Axial Stress = 120. O psi -120. O psi Max. Horizontal = 18.00in Actual Axial Stress = 28.lpsi 28.lpsi 'd' : Depth To Steel = 5.25 in Max. As%: 0.6 * RhoBal 9.0128 0.0037 0.0037 Wall Weight = 90. 62 ~sf Maximum Service Deflection = 1. 509 in O .154 in Effective Strip Width = 12.00 in Ht/Service Defl Ratio = 211 :1 2071 :1 Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at = 18. O in 18. 0 in FACTORED LOAD STRESSES SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST = . , , , Seismic = ST = ACI 9-2 Group Factor = ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact = ACI 9-3 Short Term = UBC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Fact~r UBC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Fact~r V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC = = = = = 1. 40 1. 70 1. 70 1.10 0.75 0.90 1.30 1. 40 0.90 Seismic Wind Seismic Wind 0.439 in 0.195 in Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta = 0.314 in 0.154 in 56661.4 in-# 24531.6 in-# Basic Moment w/o P-Delta = 40472.4 in-# 19272.6 in-# 74254. 5 in-# 38487. O in-# Moment in Excess of Mer = 45727. 7 in-# 24631. 2 in-# 5. 055 in 5. 258 in Max. Iterated Deflection = 1. 509 in O .154 in · 74254.5 in-# 38487.0 in-# Max. Iterated Moment = 45727. 7 in-# 24631.2 in-# ANALYSIS VALUES ---------- E :57,000*(f 1c· .5) = 3122019 psi S-gross n: 29,000/Ec = 9.29 Mer= S * Fr Fr: 5 * (f'c'.5) = 273.86 psi Rho balanced Ht / Thk Ratio = 42. 40 Seismic As (eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) I / Fy= O .291 in2 'a'= (As*Fy+Pu) /(.85*f'c*12) = 0.572in 'c'= 'a' / .85 = 0.672 in Moment of Inertia Modification Fact@r 1.00 I-gross = 421. 9 in4 I-cracked = 58. o in4 I-effective (ACI) = 0.0 in4 Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor = 0.90 Mn = As(eff) * Fy * ( d -a/2 ) = 86818 in-# = 112. 5 in3 = 30809 .4 in-# -0.0214 Wind O. 277 in2 0.543 in 0.638 in 1.00 421. 9 in4 55. 7 in4 O. O in4 0.90 82666 in-# (continued on next page .... ) R2H ENGINEERING, _KW060291 @ . . R 2 H Engineering, Inc. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct., -Ste 300 San Diego, Ca. 92127 Invitrogen Job no. C96022 Date: 03/07/95 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 61 wall along line 1 ( .•... continued) , ··s:,'dn .... 0e$lgn Method: Exact 1994 uac 1914.0 a, r 0 ~ L "' r.: ,,, ri 0 -~ 9 e (IC) .. ---t ~ ~· Added Point Seismic Load= 150.39 lb$ ·:;; ·a:, V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC 0:, ,-: N 11 " "§ ., ·:;; u:, Axial DL = 1002 lbs ~ Axial .L.L = 0 1.bs Roof DL = 51 Iba I RoofLL = o lbs "t RoofEcc = 7 in --t-0 0 ,.; 0 "' ,ti N Thiel: =7.50 in Using: 4 5 @-16.00 in f'c = 3000 psi F~ = 60000 psi Seismic Zone = 4 Sehmic Factor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in Page: /oo R2H ENGINEERING, _KW060291 fry i .. R 2 H Engineering, Inc. Consulting Structural Engj.neers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct., -Ste 300 San Diego, Ca. 92127 Invitrogen Job no. C96022 Date: 03/07/95 Page: [()I TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 4 ft. wall along line 1 with girder reaction WALL DATA VERTICAL LOADS LATERAL LOADS Wall Height = 26.50ft Parapet Height = 3. 00 ft Thickness -7. 50 in Uniform Dead Load = 3120.0 # Point Lateral Load = 112. 8 # Uniform Live Load = 0.0# ... Height from Base = 11. 00 ft ..... Ecc. = 1. 50 in (this is a Seismic Load) Rebar Size # 5 Rebar Spacing = 16. 00 in Wall: ZICp = 0.300 Parapet: ZICp = 0.300 Min. Allow Defl Ratio = 150.000 Fixity % Used @ Base = O. O Seismic Zone = 4 Uniform Lateral Load = 28,2flf Concentric Dead Load = 752.0 # ... distance to Bottom = 21.50 t Concentric Live Load = 0. 0 # ... distance to Top = 29 .so ft {this is a Seismic Load) Concrete Weight = 145.00pcf Wind Load = 18.60psf MATERIAL DATA SUMMARY----------- f I c = 3000 psi Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated---- Fy = 60000 psi Seismic Wind Phi = 0.90 M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity = 94513.5 in-# 86802.5 in-# Min. Vert Steel % = 0.0020 Applied: Mu @ Mid-Height = 94215.2 in-# 58374.2 in-# Min. Horiz Steel % = 0.0012 Mu@ Top of Wall = 10739.3 in-# 6194.6 in-# Max. Vertical Spacing = 18.00 in Allow Axial Stress = 120.0 psi 120.0 psi Max. Horizontal = 18.00 in Actual Axial Stress = 59.4 psi 59.4 psi 1d1 : Depth To Steel = 5.25 in Max. As%: 0.6 * RhoBal 8.0128 0.0037 0.0037 Wall Weight = 90. 62 psf Maximum Service Deflection = 1. 561 in O. 411 in Effective Strip Width = 12 .00 in Ht/Service Defl Ratio = 204 :1 775 :1 Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at = 18. O in 18. O in FACTORED LOAD STRESSES SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS Basic Def!. w/o P-Delta Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST = .... Seismic = ST = ACI 9-2 Group Factor = ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact = ACI 9-3 Short Term = UBC 2625(c]4 "1.4" Fact~r UBC 2625(c]4 "0.9" Fact~r V4.4B (c] 1983-95 ENERCALC = = = = = 1.40 1. 70 1. 70 1.10 0.75 0.90 1.30 1. 40 0.90 Seismic Wind Seismic Wind 0.437 in 0.217 in Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta = 0.312 in 0.174 in 54905.9 in-# 26830.2 in-# Basic Moment w/o P-Delta = 39218.5 in-# 21472.7 in-# 94215.2 in-# 58374.2 in-# Moment in Excess of Mer = 50489.1 in-# 32785.3 in-# 5.270in 5.627in Max. Iterated Deflection= 1.561in 0.4llin · 94215.2 in-# 58374.2 in-# Max. Iterated Moment = 50489.1 in-# 32785.3 in-# ANALYSIS VALUES --------- E :57,000*(f 1c· .5] = 3122019 psi S-gross n : 29,000/Ec = 9.29 Mer= S * Fr Fr: 5 * (f 1c'.5) = 273.86psi Rho balanced Ht / Thk Ratio = 42. 40 Seismic As(eff] = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) l / Fy= 0.357 in2 1 a 1 = (As*Fy + Pu) / (.85*f I c*12] = O. 700 in 1c1= 1a1 / .85 = 0.824 in Moment of Inertia Modification Facter 1.00 I-gross = 421. 9 in4 I-cracked = 67. 2 in4 I-effective (ACI] = 0.0 in4 Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor = 0.90 Mn = As (eff) * Fy * ( d -a/2 ) = 105015 in-# = 112. 5 in3 = 30809.4 in-# -Wind 0.326 in2 0.639 in 0.752in 1 Jo 421. 9 in4 63. O in4 0. O in4 0.90 0.0214 96447 in-# . (continued on next page ••.. ] R2H ENGINEERING, ~W060291 R 2 H Engineering, Inc. . Consulting Structural Engtneers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct., -Ste 300 San Diego, Ca. 92127 Invitrogen Job no. C96022 Date: 03/07/95 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 4 ft. wall along line 1 with girder reaction ( ..... continued) $ u~~rt I- Des1 gn Method: Exact 1994 UBC 1914.0 , u.uvn ! -~'= !! , ··J.Jvr, ,uTvn ---> ~ r Added Point Seismic Load= 112.79 lbs 0 C! 'g·· .., .., <C V4.4B (c} 1983-95 ENERCALC ···Axial DL = 751 lbs _ .J~xial L~?:~.lb_s. :.· ·._ ... Ro.of DL = 3119 ili:s . 1::::1~:~,'r: " : 0 ,.; 0 "' .,; N Thiel: •7.50 in Using:"' 5 <i'..16.00 i~. f'c = 3000 psi Fy = 60000 p~i . Seismic Zone= 4 . Sei~mlc Factor •0.300. Eff. Width= 12 in ... Page: [02- R2H ENGINEERING, _Kli060291 R 2 H Engineering, Inc. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct., -Ste 300 San Diego, Ca. 92127 Invitrogen Job no. C96022 Date: 03/07/95 Page: (v3 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 6 ft. wall on line 1 with girder reaction grid G WALL DATA VERTICAL LOADS LATERAL LOADS Uniform Dead Load = 1550.0# Point Lateral Load = 150.4# Uniform Live Load = 0.0# ... Height from Base = 11. 00 ft ..... Bee. = 1.50 in (this is a Seismic Load) Wall Height = 26.50 ft Parapet Height = 3. 00 ft Thickness -7. 50 in Uniform Lateral Load = 37 .6 ~lf Concentric Dead Load = 1003.0 # ... distance to Bottom = 21.50 t Concentric Live Load = 0. 0 # ... distance to Top = 29.50ft (this is a Seismic Load) Concrete Weight = 145. 00 pcf Wind Load = 18.60psf Rebar Size # 5 Rebar Spacing = 16. 00 in Wall: ZICp = 0.300 Parapet: ZICp = 0.300 Min. Allow Defl Ratio = 150.000 Fixity% Used@ Base = 0.0 Seismic Zone = 4 MATERIAL DATA SUMMARY----------- f' c = 3000 psi Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated---- Fy = 60000 psi Seismic Wind Phi = O. 90 M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity = 86902. 2 in-# 81027. 2 in-# Min. Vert Steel % = 0.0020 Applied: Mu@ Mid-Height = 86668.2 in-# 48646.2 in-# Min. Horiz Steel% = 0.0012 Mu@ Top of Wall = 8152.9 in-# 3721.9 in-# Max. Vertical Spacing = 18.00 in Allow Axial Stress = 120.0 psi 120.0 psi Max. Horizontal = 18.00 in Actual Axial Stress = 44. 7 psi 44. 7 psi 1d' : Depth To Steel = 5.25 in Max. As%: 0.6 * RhoBal 8.0128 0.0037 0.0037 Wall Weight = 90. 62 ~sf Maximum Service Deflection = 1. 640 in O .163 in Effective Strip Width = 12. 00 1n Ht/Service Defl Ratio = 194 : 1 1952 : 1 Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at = 18. O in 18. O in FACTORED LOAD STRESSES SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST = .... Seismic = ST = ACI 9-2 Group Factor = ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact = ACI 9-3 Short Term = UBC 2625(c)4 °1.4° Fact~r UBC 2625(c)4 °0.9° Fact~r V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC = = = = = 1.40 1. 70 1. 70 1.10 0.75 0.90 1. 30 1.40 0.90 Seismic Wind Seismic Wind 0.452 in 0.205 in Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta = 0.323 in 0.163 in 57832.7 in-# 25561.1 in-# Basic Moment w/o P-Delta = 41309.0 in-# 20253.1 in-# 86668.2 in-# 48646.2 in-# Moment in Excess of Mer = 49720.5 in-# 28787.5 in-# 5 .169 in 5. 461 in Max. Iterated Deflection = 1. 640 in O .163 in 86668.2 in-# 48646.2 in-# Max. Iterated Moment = 49720.5 in-# 28787.5 in-# ANALYSIS VALUES ---------- E :57,000*(f'c'.5) = 3122019psi S-gross n: 29,000/Ec = 9.29 Mer= S * Fr Fr: 5 * (f 1c· .5) = 273.86 psi Rho balanced Ht / Thk Ratio = 42. 40 Seismic As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) ] / Fy= 0.326 in2 'a' = (As*Fy + Pu) /(.85*f'c*12) = 0.640 in 1c1= 1a1 / .85 = 0.753 in Moment of Inertia Modification Fact~r 1.00 I-gross = 421. 9 in4 I-cracked = 63. O in4 I-effective (ACI) = 0.0 in4 Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor = 0.90 Mn = As (eff) * Fy * ( d -a/2 ) = 96558 in-# = 112.5 in3 = 30809.4 in-# -Wind 0.303in2 0.594in 0.699 in 0.0214 1.00 421.9 in4 59.7 in4 O. O in4 0.90 90030 in-# (continued on next page •... ) R2H ENGINEERING, ·KW060291 ~-~-------------··------ R 2 H Engineering, Inc. Consulting Structural Eng_ineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct., -Ste 300 San Diego, Ca. 92127 Invitrogen Job no. C96022 Date: 03/07/95 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 6 ft. wall on line 1 with girder reaction grid G ( ..... continued) I --·. 7 c,.a,v,:, .... I~...,-... ,:vvn . -··. Design Method: Exect 1994 UBC 1914.0 I JJ,JV1"t -~ ! ""'~~:: r--: r ~I~ I J.JV n 9 E 00 .. . -I-·· ---t ~ ,tv\~ed Point Seis ic I · Load= 150.39 lb$ 0 ----q , 1 ~vn ,l:v,. . -, -·· -. ·;; 0:, .; '-!! ,, ... 1l -0 -0 -<t V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC ·· Axial DL c: 1002.lb_~ .. ..... . ... · :j/~?I ,~\~ _0.:1?'.:::.. ..::· '::>\::.:i::,., . Roof DL = 1549 lb3 J Roof LL = 0 lbs ·• Roof Ecc;, 1 in_ ... . --t C) C) ,.; C) "' '° N ..... ... . Thick =7.5Q in Using:,. 5 @-16.00 in f'c = 3000 psi Fy = 60000 p$i Seismic Zone = 4 Seismic Factor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in Page: /ot!- R2H ENGINEERING, ·KW060291 R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT INV/TQQ6-f1',} r ·sy_.c:::_G.::;___cJ.,__M+-, ---SUBJECT \JJ,UI., a\JT cf PtlrNE: /,AIJt. J} JOB NO. Cq{,02. '2.... OATE __ 3__c/r-'--'-A-'-'r,~_ SHEET /o:S OF __ ':J' fW~ t.. ; 6/f<.()f;fZ-f<~CT/OAJ = /3 psr-( qB) :r,Y-z-~ I s;G 1< ~o tD Pierz..~ J,f{z_(J,.r,G) "-4sSk/4 ~ -I I 38 Jb /tr MO(il01J1r1.,, vJ i.. --qLJ psr C.1s.s-1J ~ J ~ "2 I 8, fb/,c,r e:. o _ 14 _ l\~$11 (ITIJ/>r/... l-lrTb,f1\L. n-~1V:.. • '3 (q4) G/4 ._ 42, ~ lb /p;-,o-p e--=-/..S I s'lz. I ,, Vfr2fturL tL S"" E2 / 2 11 -z. l.J\-181 s ~ ?:;' f,t,-IEct-,-_,--c,ruO G ', · · t11~e.-<-6'1fS G--1~0~ t2McT1ow::. 1::ipsr(4C.')56/z../~1 ·-4<1~~·b/,,,.. e-:-/ . .s 11 ·· .: ~ M() r110>Jlr t.,.-fJ L :;.. 9 4 p.r,::: ( 9 i') 14,75)'3 , --4 , C>o '0 Irr 0~1,..v1 Afl~ Af3c>JF-Alz.. o,..,c,tJG,(.-£.P AVJ'O!'f(crJN,. J-f(ft;,,url.-s-ri2-1p~ ,3(q4-JGJ1/3 ,-= 84,r_.l'!J/Fr ic-P /1.~1 ·3·1 P,tJJH A.'D.J1t-a,VT -ro u't!tD 1;: L..., Nf::. 1 I~//. c Tl.J &1fZ-01:;fl. f2£-A-C11cN ~ I '.3> p.cf ( 4 4-1-2!)/7... ( •o/z..) /s, ~ 3 t:/'t:m Jb Irr- AM 1 HCSf\1 JtL t:l/...::. C/4psF('8'JJA,73/"3'~ "3C,.q7 1"0/rr ON/.-'-1 N4:i-A-lil3a1/fi h/i... ~IJ.SfC~I~ A'()01T(GNl'rl-t,,~,rr.,. ~TR.,J(}• .~(q . .i')e/3:. 7.siZ. t.c./rr '7oP z.l.~1 Ai{) I . P~"V'-,e\ \.)\c\-\,h {r\....--J..<?y ~ec--c ~ .._,O'f\. -37~~~)f-r ADt,~l- A-t:>th--- bL ~ 31 >-0 ~fr-t L.o...:\-~c-\.\ ~\ -f;'!, ,§' *IH -- Ve"l'':l..".:..cc-..\ ~5 C\.\-S,5 11 011Ci -~,J~; =7 9-.#5 ~.f\ .. • 6,5 :fccst 3°C:"-""'-~ ~T 6,-:~lD. f Top }C\.,5' ~C'--\\ .:-1.\, =-~6-,o r, , ~~-;;..fe~ 1~t =-~.o' · - P-c,c,~ DL; (1~ i='SF ~ 8j-;..._¾.A6/b5fr(l'!..'-¼.8/~=gfj-f(-ji-, }.-b~_\_ Pk -:::. . ~ 4 f:5'f * ~,~'-/t;.~ .l~ }\~\.. / b.5' ·==-J 1,::Z.37 -tt:{rT A-?b\J-1-a.\-\ S'"\i?1rf> -=-~3, (C\A) .j:-A.o'/ 6,5"~ I°\,5.p~ ,t it .. J· ,--I.~-,---.---:>+-----.. ~ ·._--. f .. . fl .°' I . 0~-'~ . 6, -·-----.. '----~---- ~ --- R -2 H Engineering, Inc. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct., -Ste 300 San Diego, Ca. 92127 Invitrogen Job no. C96022 Date: 03/07/95 Page: fob TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 4 ft panel at knockout, line 11 WALL DATA ilall Height Parapet Height Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing ilall: ZICp Parapet: ZICp Min. Allow Defl Ratio Fixity% Used@ Base Seismic Zone = 26.50ft = 3. 00 ft = 7. 50 in # 5 = 12.00in = 0.300 = 0 .300 = 150.000 = 0. 0 = 4 VERTICAL LOADS Uniform Dead Load = Uniform Live Load = ..... Ecc. = Concentric Dead Load = Concentric Live Load = Concrete Weight = LATERAL LOADS 1138.0# Point Lateral Load = 0. 0 # 0. 0 # ... Height from Base = 0. 00 ft 1.50 in (this is a Seismic Load) Uniform Lateral Load = 42 .3 ~lf 2186.0# ... distance to Bottom = 14. 00 t 0. 0 # ... distance to Top = 29.50ft (this is a Seismic Load) 145. 00 pcf Wind Load = 18.60 psf MATERIAL DATA SUMMARY----------- f I c = 3000 psi Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated---- Fy = 60000 psi Seismic Wind Phi = 0.90 M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity = 110190.4 in-# 103466.5 in-# Min. Vert Steel % = 0.0020 Applied: Mu @ Mid-Height = 105004.3 in-# 54146.6 in-# Min.HorizSteel% = 0.0012 Mu@TopofWall = 7643.lin-# 3073.0in-# Max. Vertical Spacing = 18.00 in Allow Axial Stress = 120.0 psi· 120.0 psi Max. Horizontal = 18. 00 in Actual Axial Stress = 53 .3 psi 53. 3 psi 1d1 : Depth To Steel = 5.25 in Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal 8.0128 0.0049 0.0049 Wall Weight = 90. 62 ~sf Maximum Service Deflection = 1. 823 in O. 200 in Effective Strip Width = 12.00 1n Ht/Service Defl Ratio = 174 :1 1588 :1 Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at = 18. O in 18. O in FACTORED LOAD STRESSES SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST = .... Seismic= ST = ACI 9-2 Group Factor = ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact = ACI 9-3 Short Term = UBC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Fact~r UBC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Fact~r V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC Seismic Wind Seismic Wind 0.534 in 0.202 in Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta = 0.382 in 0.160 in 68916.6 in-# 25236.6 in-# Basic Moment w/o P-Delta = 49226.1 in-# 19944.1 in-# = = = 105004.3 in-# 54146.6 in-# Moment in Excess of Mer = 59134.7 in-# 30113.0 in-# = 5.481in 5.740in Max. Iterated Deflection= 1.823in 0.200in · = 105004.3 in-# 54146.6 in-# Max. Iterated Moment = 59134. 7 in-# 30113.0 in-# 1.40 1. 70 1. 70 1.10 0.75 0.90 1. 30 1.40 0.90 ANALYSIS VALUES --------- E: 57,000 * (f I c·. 5) = 3122019psi S-gross n : 29,000/Ec = 9.29 Mer= S * Fr Fr: 5 * (f 1c· .5) = 273.86 psi Rho balanced Ht / Thk Ratio = 42. 40 Seismic As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) ] / Fy= 0.422 in2 1a1 = (As*Fy + Pu) /(.85*f 1c*l2) = 0.827 in 1c1= 1a1 / .85 = 0.973 in Moment of Inertia Modification Fact@r 1.00 I-gross = 421. 9 in4 I-cracked = 75.4 in4 I-effective (ACI) = 0.0 in4 Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor = 0.90 Mn = As(eff) * Fy * ( d -a/2 ) = 122434 in-# = 112.5 in3 = 30809.4 in-# -Wind 0.394in2 0. 772 in 0.909 in 0. 0214 1.00 421.9 in4 72.0 in4 O. O in4 0.90 114963 in-# ( continued on next page .... ) R2H ENGINEERING, XW060291 R 2 H Engineering, Inc. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct., -Ste 300 San Diego, Ca. 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 4 ft panel at knockout, line 11 ( ..... continued) / UJJVl'Y I ~"j.JVV'f 11:1:i::,t,n /UJVrt , ~:t:t~n , v,._,,v,w !~~~!? ...,,..., -... ~u~~n I HJ.Jvn I V.#t.J'!JlfY f u:i:,~n I ->JV'" f ~tHrn V4.4B (cl 1983-95 ENERCALC ~ ~ a:, ,...: a, "' .N ~ II • .,,, ··C: ~ ... .. ·o 0 v 0 "' .,; "' Invitrogen Job no. C96022 Date: 03/07/95 Thick a7.5Cfin· . u,ing: # 5@ 12.oo.1n··· · f'c = 3000.psi Fy = 60000 psi Seismic Zorie ~ 4 .. Seiiinic Factor·;;o,300 · Eff. Width= 12 in ··::. .. Page: /0 7 R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 GINEERING, INC. ing Structural Engineers W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 go, CA 92127 JP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN jamb, line 11 WALL DATA ht leight e acing ZICp w Defl Ratio Jsed@ Base :one VERTICAL LOADS 26.25 ft Uniform Dead Load = 2.75 ft Uniform Live Load 7.50 in ..... Ecc. # 5 = 5.50 in Concentric Dead Load 0.300 Concentric Live Load 0.300 =150.000 Concrete Weight 0.0 = 4 MATERIAL DATA 3738.0 # 0.0 # 1.50 in 3120.0 # 0.0 # lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/06/96 LATERAL LOADS Point Lateral Load ... Height from Base = (this is a Seismic Load) Uniform Lateral Load = ... distance to Bottom ... distance to Top = (this is a Seismic Load) 145.00 pcf Wind Load Page: /08 0.0 # 0.00 ft 63.5 plf 10.50 ft 30.00 ft 18.60 psf SUMMARY-------------- = 3000 psi 60000 psi 0.90 Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ••• Exact, Non-lterated------ Steel% z Steel% = 0.0025 = 0.0025 tical Spacing = 16.53 in izontal 16.53 in h To Steel 5.25 in M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Height Mu @ Top of Wall Allow Axial Stress Actual Axial Stress Max. As%: 0.6 * RhoBal ,f),0128 ~ht 90.62 psf Maximum Service Deflection Ht/Service Defl Ratio Strip Width 12.00 in 1ort Term Loads Combined •arapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at FACTORED LOAD STRESSES Seismic Wind Seismic 206564.7 in-# 177337 .0 in-# 17077 .8 in-# 120.0 psi 92.2 psi 0.0107 2.023 in 156 :1 16.5 in Wind 197178.1 in-# 85435.9 in-# 6963.4 in-# 120.0 psi 92.2 psi 0.0107 0.529 in 596 :1 16.5 in SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS---- Seismic fl. w/o P-Delta = , w/o P-Delta m Excess of Mer = 0.776 in 0.215 in 102690.9 in-# 26974.3 in-# 177337.0 in-# 85435.9 in-# Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Moment w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer 0.555 in 73350.6 in-# 90591.6 in-# 2.023 in 90591.6 in-# Wind 0.173 in 21673.8 in-# 39066.0 in-# 0.529 in 39066.0 in-# ated Deflection = 6.476 in 6.717 in Max. Iterated Deflection = ated Moment 177337 .O in-# 85435.9 in-# Max. Iterated Moment OAD FACTORS USED ANALYSIS VALUES----------- & 9-2 DL 1.40 E :57,000*(f'c· .5) 3122019 psi S-gross 112.5 in3 & 9-2 LL = 1.70 n : 29,000/Ep 9.29 Mer= S * Fr 30809.4 in-# & 9-2 ST 1.70 Fr: 5 * (f'c· .5) 273.86 psi Rho balanced 0.0214 1ic = ST 1.10 Ht / Thk Ratio = 42.00 Seismic Wind Group Factor = 0.75 As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) J / Fy 0.870 in2 0.822 in2 Dead Load Fact = 0.90 'a' = (As*Fy + Pu) /(.85"f'c*12) 1.706 in 1.611 in Short Term 1.30 'c'= 'a' I .85 = 2.007 in 1.895 in '5(c)4 "1.4" Factor-= 1.40 Moment of Inertia Modification Factor 1.00 1.00 '5(c)4 "0.9" Factor-= 0.90 I-gross 421.9 in4 421.9 in4 I-cracked 117.3 in4 113.1 in4 I-effective (ACI) 0.0 in4 0.0 in4 Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor 0.90 0.90 Mn= As(eff) * Fy * ( d -a/2 ) = 229516 in-# 219087 in-# (continued on next page •.•• ) ·) 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 Page: ( o<j UNG, KW060291 (u: R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 6.5 FT jamb, line 11 WALL DATA VERTICAL LOADS Wall Height = 26.00 ft Uniform Dead Load = Parapet Height = 3.00 ft Uniform Live Load Thickness 7.50 in ..... Ecc. = Rebar Size # 5 Rebar Spacing 16.00 in Concentric Dead Load Wall: ZICp = 0.300 Concentric Live Load Parapet: ZICp = 0.300 88.0 # 0.0 # 5.50 in 1237.0 # 0.0 # lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/06/96 LATERAL LOADS Point Lateral Load •.. Height from Base (this is a Seismic Load) Uniform Lateral Load ... distance to Bottom ... distance to Top (this is a Seismic Load) Page: / /O 0.0 # 0.00 ft 19.5 plf 9.00 ft 29.00 ft Min. Allow Defl Ratio =150.000 Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Wind Load = 18.60 psf Fixity % Used @ Base = 0.0 Seismic Zone = 4 MATERIAL DATA f'c Fy Phi Min. Vert Steel % 3000 psi 60000 psi 0.90 = 0.0025 Min. Horiz Steel % = 0.0025 Max. Vertical Spacing = 16.53 in Max. Horizontal 16.53 in 'd' : Depth To Steel = 5.25 in SUMMARY-------------- Using: USC Sec. 1914.0 method ••• Deflections are lterated----- M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Height Mu @ Top of Wall Allow Axial Stress Actual Axial Stress Seismic 79592.6 in-# 72096.9 in-# 4207.2 in-# Wall Weight = 90.62 psf Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal ,El.0128 Maximum Service Deflection Ht/Service Defl Ratio 120.0 psi 30.8 psi 0.0037 1.502 in 208 :1 Wind 75499.1 in-# 24201.3 in·# 1788.8 in-# 120.0 psi 30.8 psi 0.0037 0.146 in 2140 :1 Effective Strip Width = 12.00 in Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at = 16.5 in 16.5 in FACTORED LOAD STRESSES SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS---- Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST .... Seismic = ST = ACI 9-2 Group Factor = ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact = ACI 9-3 Short Term = USC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Factor= USC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Factor= V 4.48 (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC 1.40 1.70 1.70 1.10 0.75 0.90 1.30 1.40 0.90 Seismic Seismic 1.930 in Wind 0.181 in 58310.5 in-# 23660.8 in-# 72096.9 in-# 24201.3 in-# 3.565 in 0.186 in Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Moment w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection 0.315in 41650.4 in-# 45784.3 in-# 1.502 in 45784.3 in-# Wind 0.143 in 18600.2 in-# 19004.6 in-# 0.146 in 19004.6 in-# 72096.9 in-# 24201.3 in-# Max. Iterated Moment = ANALYSIS VALUES------------ E :57,000*(f'c'.5) 3122019 psi n : 29,000/Ec 9.29 Fr: 5 " (f'c • .5) 273.86 psi Ht / Thk Ratio 41 .60 As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) ] / Fy 'a' = (As"Fy + Pu) /(.85*f'c*12) 'c' = 'a' I .85 Moment of Inertia Modification Factor I-gross I-cracked = I-effective (ACI) = Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor Mn = As(eff) • Fy * ( d -a/2 ) S-gross Mer = S * Fr Rho balanced Seismic 0.297 in2 0.583 in 0.686 in 1 .00 421.9 in4 58.8 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 88436 in-# 112.5 in3 = 30809.4 in-# = 0.0214 Wind 0.281 in2 0.551 in 0.648 in 1.00 421.9 in4 56.4 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 83888 in-# (continued on next page .... ) R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 6.5 FT jamb, line 1 1 ( ••••• continued) De$!gn Method: 1994 UBC 1914.0 w/ Iterated Deflection* V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC 0 0 ci "' 0 0 t ;!: ~ c:,; II 'O " 0 ... " -~ ·;; er., !: ~ i.: "' !: " -~ ·;; er., lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/06/96 Axial DL = 1236 lbs + Axial LL= O lbs Roof DL = 87 lbs I Roof LL= o lbs T RoofEcc = 5 in ---t C) C) r<i 0 0 ..; "' Thick =7.50 in Using:-# 5 ~ 16.00 in f'c = 3000 psi F',J = 60000 psi Seismic Zone= 4 Sefamic Factor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in Page: // / R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R 2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT :r=nv ~ ~ BY 'tvv? SUBJECT \_.6\\~ 0'--'~-o"\--J?k, ~ e__ \ 4 P,c,r Rec~ \:> L -==: (r:s * )-4..Sfa-t A.)~~* (.J~ * ~4.sJ~ J =-l\4..C\ #- A-Po\. Dl.--=-94 ~.!\ ~ \1j 4. -J ,o ~4-~ k'c!? \. ~\S :::: ~ ?:,(_ 0.. A.) 'k, 4/ A :::: .2. "B, :i.., P..Pb'L se0:, ~~:: • 3[_9l\) *L\ *' 3-5'~ ~~ 10:s' '( \)S. ~ ~S" ~\ )).., o .. c \ l~or:>'l-s--4=\6'_) C 'l ) 'µ..~ S 1 P,c:< -r ( .7/ ( .... I ~· . ' l -A'- hec't--\'.)1--(.1"5 4: ) .. A,5);;_ ¾t\/5"') Jrl )3-,): ~A.,5').,_':'J:::: 417,=l=- fotPp\. PL :::-C\. J\ * '\ ~ '?-0 { S : \ I 5o .t\; :i\:- ~Pt,~ Se,~ i::. ~ b {___qA.) * ~ / S--= ~,b p £9, l)S~ {:1:-5' ~, lb ,t('.).,C, ( ,&-\::>D).. 5-#-6") CV) 12-r. £,' pz e-c {, JOBNO~C\bc:;:;,_2__ DATE s-7 ... q b SHEET /I~ OF-- I -- .-I . ~ .. -I - -I - 1 • • .• .. g' I ?--cc\-~ '--~ t , ~ '¾-?...~,5'/ .,_ -x:-ra J 6::; + c ,3 i ~.tt6; ~ ~ -b 75 * ~'\3b ~l-\'>.L ~ C\_L\-~-8 ·*-~o/ ·b --.h507~ A-b~::/l--s;e,c. = ., 3 LC\L\~ *.-~/6 = 37,6 pP~ · \05~--t\--5'-k 1::i-:1'0.c, . l~Pb'\.-_ 7-~) . [") -~\ f; l- L R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 4 ft Jamb, Line A WALL DATA VERTICAL LOADS Wall Height 25.25 ft Uniform Dead Load Parapet Height 3.75 ft Uniform Live Load = Thickness 7.50 in ..... Ecc. Rebar Size # 5 Rebar Spacing 12.00 in Concentric Dead Load Wall: ZICp = 0.300 Concentric Live Load = Parapet: ZICp = 0.300 449.0 # 0.0 # 5.50 in 1034.0 # 0.0 # lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/07 /96 LATERAL LOADS Point Lateral Load ... Height from Base = (this is a Seismic Load} Uniform Lateral Load ... distance to Bottom = ... distance to Top = (this is a Seismic Load) Page: /13 395.0 # 10.50 ft 28.2 pit 21.50 ft 29.00 ft Min. Allow Defl Ratio =150.000 Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Wind Load 18.60 psf Fixity % Used@ Base = 0.0 Seismic Zone = 4 MATERIAL DATA SUMMARY f'c 3000 psi Using: USC Sec. 1914.0 method ••. Exact, Non-lterated------ Fy 60000 psi Phi = 0.90 M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Min. Vert Steel % = 0.0025 Applied: Mu @ Mid-Height Min. Horiz Steel % = 0.0025 Mu @ Top of Wall Max. Vertical Spacing 16.53 in Allow Axial Stress Max. Horizontal 16.53 in Actual Axial Stress 'd' : Depth To Steel 5.25 in Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal .e.0128 Wall Weight = 90.62 psf Maximum Service Deflection Effective Strip Width 12.00 in Ht/Service Defl Ratio Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic 99897 .9 in-# 95614.5 in-# 9999.9 in-# 120.0 psi 33.0 psi 0.0049 1.866 in 162 :1 Wind 95670.3 in-# 38584.7 in-# 4593.9 in-# 120.0 psi 33.0 psi 0.0049 0.133 in 2278 :1 Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at = 16.5 in 16.5 in FACTORED LOAD STRESSES SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS---- Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta = Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer = Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST .... Seismic = ST ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact ACI 9-3 Short Term = USC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Factor-= USC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Factor-= V4.4B (c} 1983-95 ENERCALC 1.40 1.70 1.70 1.10 0.75 0.90 1.30 1.40 0.90 Seismic Wind Seismic 0.499 in 0.167 in 75985.4 in-# 22975.7 in-# 95614.5 in-# 38584.7 in-# 4.850 in 5.010 in 95614.5 in-# 38584.7 in-# Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Moment w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment 0.356 in 54275.3 in-# 60115.2 in-# 1.866 in 60115.2 in-# Wind 0.133 in 18238.0 in-# 24231 .4 in-# . 0.133 in 24231 .4 in-# ANALYSIS VALUES----------- E :57,000*(f'c· .5) n : 29,000/Ec Fr: 5 * (f'c· .5) Ht / Thk Ratio = 3122019 psi 9.29 273.86 psi 40.40 As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy}) / Fy = 'a' = (As*Fy + Pu} /(.85*f'c*12) 'c' = 'a' I .85 Moment of Inertia Modification Factor = ~ro~ = I-cracked I-effective (ACI) = Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor = Mn = As(eff) * Fy * ( d -a/2 ) S-gross Mer = S * Fr Rho balanced Seismic 0.379 in2 0.744 in 0.875 in 1.00 421.9 in4 70.1 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 110998 in-# 112.5 in3 = 30809.4 in-# 0.0214 Wind 0.362 in2 0.710 in 0.835 in 1.00 421.9 in4 67.9 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 106300 in-# (continued on next page •••• } R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 L R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 4 ft Jamb, Line A WALL DATA Wall Height Parapet Height Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Wall: ZICp Parapet: ZICp 25.25 ft = 3.75 ft = 7.50 in # 5 12.00 in = 0.300 VERTICAL LOADS Uniform Dead Load Uniform Live Load ..... Ecc. Concentric Dead Load Concentric Live Load = 449.0 # 0.0 # 5.50 in 1034.0 # 0.0 # lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/07 /96 LATERAL LOADS Point Lateral Load ... Height from Base (this is a Seismic Load) Uniform Lateral Load ... distance to Bottom ... distance to Top (this is a Seismic Load) Page: / / J 395.0 # 10.50 ft 28.2 pit 21.50 ft 29.00 ft Min. Allow Defl Ratio Fixity % Used @ Base Seismic Zone 0.300 =150.000 Concrete Weight = 145.00 pcf Wind Load = 18.60 psf 0.0 4 MATERIAL DATA SUMMARY-------------- f'c 3000 psi Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-lterated------ Fy 60000 psi Phi = 0.90 M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Min. Vert Steel% = 0.0025 Applied: Mu@ Mid-Height Min. Horiz Steel % = 0.0025 Mu @ Top of Wall Max. Vertical Spacing 16.53 in Allow Axial Stress Max. Horizontal 16.53 in Actual Axial Stress 'd' : Depth To Steel = 5.25 in Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal ,e.0128 Wall Weight 90.62 psf Maximum Service Deflection Effective Strip Width 12.00 in Ht/Service Defl Ratio Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at FACTORED LOAD STRESSES Seismic 99897 .9 in-# 95614.5 in-# 9999.9 in-# 120.0 psi 33.0 psi 0.0049 1.866 in 162 :1 16.5 in Wind 95670.3 in-# 38584.7 in-# 4593.9 in-# 120.0 psi 33.0 psi 0.0049 0.133 in 2278 :1 16.5 in SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS----- Seismic Basic Def!. w/o P-Delta Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment Seismic 0.499 in Wind 0.167 in 75985.4 in-# 22975.7 in-# 95614.5 in-# 38584.7 in-# 4.850 in 5.010 in 95614.5 in-# 38584.7 in-# Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Moment w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment 0.356 in 54275.3 in-# 60115.2 in-# 1.866 in 60115.2 in-# Wind 0.133 in 18238.0 in-# 24231 .4 in-# 0.133 in 24231 .4 in-# LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST .... Seismic = ST = ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact = ACI 9-3 Short Term UBC 2625(c)4 "1 .4" Factor-= UBC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Factor-= V4.48 (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC 1.40 1.70 1.70 1.10 0.75 0.90 1.30 1.40 0.90 ANALYSIS VALUES------------ E :57,000*(f'c· .5) n : 29,000/Ec Fr: 5 * (f'c· .5) Ht / Thk Ratio = = = 3122019 psi 9.29 273.86 psi 40.40 As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) l / Fy 'a' = (As*Fy + Pu) /(.85*f'c*12) 'c' = 'a' I .85 Moment of Inertia Modification Factor = I-gross I-cracked I-effective (ACI) = Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor Mn = As(eff) * Fy * ( d·-a/2) S-gross Mer= S * Fr Rho balanced Seismic 0.379 in2 0.744 in 0.875 in 1.00 421.9 in4 70.1 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 110998 in-# = 112.5 in3 30809.4 in-# 0.0214 Wind 0.362 in2 0.710 in 0.835 in 1.00 421.9 in4 67.9 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 106300 in-# {continued on next page .... ) R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting· Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 4 ft Jamb, Line A ( ••••• continued) --De$ign Metho<l: Exact 1994 UBC 1914.0 r 0 II'> ci t V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC a, .,; N or ii "' E ,..; -~ '" 0, ., ... ~ ;;; Added Point Seislliic Load = 394.99 1 bs "' ...J '0 ., '0 ,::, ""' a, II'> .,; II '0 C: i lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/07 /96 Axial DL = 1033 lbs + Axial LL• 0 lbs Roof DL = 448 tbs I Roof LL= o tbs T Roof Ecc = 5 in ' "' I" ,,; "' N ,,; N Thick =7.50 in Using:.,. 5@ 12.00 in f'c = 3000 psi Fy = 60000 psi Seismic Zone = 4 Seismic Factor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in Page: / /(/. R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 0 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 5 ft Jamb, Line A { •••.. continued) 0e$ign Method: Exact 1994UBC 1914.0 V 4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC 0 0 0 N 0 0 L a, ,-: N II <> '§ ., ·:;; "' lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/07/96 llxial DL = 1503 lb:s + flxial LL s 0 lbs Roof DL = 416 lb:s I Roof LL = o 1 b:s T Roof Ecc = 5 in ' "' I'-,.; "' N in N Thick =7.50 in Using:# 5 <ii' 16.00 in f"c = 3000 p:si Fy = 60000 p:si Seismic Zone= 4 Seismic Factor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in Page: /lb R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 6 ft Jamb, Line A WALL DATA Wall Height Parapet Height Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Wall: ZICp Parapet: ZICp = 25.25 ft 3.75 ft 7.50 in # 5 12.00 in 0.300 0.300 VERTICAL LOADS Uniform Dead Load Uniform Live Load = ..... Ecc. Concentric Dead Load = Concentric Live Load 675.0 # 0.0 # 5.50 in 2507.0 # 0.0 # lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/07 /96 LATERAL LOADS Point Lateral Load ... Height from Base (this is a Seismic Load) Uniform Lateral Load .•• distance to Bottom = ... distance to Top (this is a Seismic Load) Page:/ I J 0.0 # 0.00 ft 37.6 plf 9.00 ft 29.00 ft Min. Allow Defl Ratio Fixity % Used @ Base =150.000 0.0 Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Wind Load 18.60 psf Seismic Zone = 4 MATERIAL DAT A SUMMARY-------------- f' C = 3000 psi Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method •.• Exact, Non-Iterated------ Fy 60000 psi Phi 0.90 M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Seismic 109461.7 in-# 105429.8 in-# 12850.5 in-# 120.0 psi 51.8 psi 0.0049 1.782 in 170 :1 Wind 102913.3 in-# 49092.4 in-# 5899.1 in-# 120.0 psi 51.8 psi 0.0049 0.138 in 2189 :1 Min. Vert Steel% = 0.0025 Applied: Mu@ Mid-Height Min. Horiz Steel % = 0.0025 Mu @ Top of Wall Max. Vertical Spacing 16.53 in Allow Axial Stress Max. Horizontal = 16.53 in Actual Axial Stress 'd' : Depth To Steel = 5.25 in Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal ae.0128 Wall Weight 90.62 psf Maximum Service Deflection Effective Strip Width = 12.00 in Ht/Service Defl Ratio Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at = 16.5 in 16.5 in FACTORED LOAD STRESSES SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS----- Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta = Basic Mu w/o P-Delta = Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection = Max. Iterated Moment LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST .... Seismic = ST ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact = ACI 9-3 Short Term USC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Factor= USC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Factor= V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC 1.40 1.70 1.70 1.10 0.75 0.90 1.30 1.40 0.90 Seismic Wind 0.517 in 0.173 in 73081.6 in-# 23629.9 in-# 105429.8 in-# 49092.4 in-# 4.967 in 5.198 in 105429.8 in-# 49092.4 in-# Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Moment w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment Seismic 0.369 in 52201.2 in-# 61578.4 in-# 1.782 in 61578.4 in-# Wind 0.138 in 18873.9 in-# 28284.8 in-# . 0.138 in 28284.8 in-# ANALYSIS VALUES------------ E :57,000*(f'c· .5) = 3122019 psi S-gross = 112.5 in3 n: 29,000/Ec 9.29 Mer = S * Fr 30809.4 in-# Fr: 5 * (f'c· .5) 273.86 psi Rho balanced 0.0214 Ht / Thk Ratio 40.40 Seismic Wind As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) ] / Fy 0.419 in2 0.392 in2 'a'= (As*Fy + Pu)/(.85*f'c*12) = 0.821 in 0.768 in 'c'= 'a'/ .85 0.966 in 0.903 in Moment of Inertia Modification Factor 1.00 1.00 I-gross 421.9 in4 421.9 in4 I-cracked = 75.0 in4 71.7 in4 I-effective (ACI) 0.0 in4 0.0 in4 Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor = 0.90 0.90 Mn= As(eff) * Fy * ( d--a/2) 121624 in-# 114348 in-# {continued on next page .•.• ) R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 6 ft Jamb, Line A ( •..•. continued) Design Method: Exact 1994 UBC 1914.0 V 4.48 (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC 0 Q ci N 0 0 t ::: "' u, .,..; "' II "O "' 0 ...J (> ·e ., ·.; <fJ ., ... .:; ., ...J ::: a:, ,..; N ::: lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/07 /96 Axial DL = 2506 lbs + Axial LL= O lbs Roof DL = 674 lbs I Roof LL = o 1 bs 'f' Roof Ecc = 5 in -,. u, r-,,; u, N .,; N Thick =7.50 in U~ing:,. 5 qi, 12.00 in f'c = 3000 psi fg = 60000 psi Sai smi c Zone = 4 Seismic factor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in Page://8 R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 I, ~. '1,.;' R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT *b ~ ~ \- BY __ ::\_")....)~·-· P~-SUBJECT \,.b~::;, Ov\--d--~b:'S\ Q · , 3 Pte-c ~ Pl-:== (_ri ¼A.:~)')._~'\/!>)~ (\3 -i A..4/~ = 66?> 1f ~b\. t:>l-. ::. 9l\ * ~ * :J.O J 3 :::: :i.,so 7 ::\t- i-,~ \-~\;> -.30qt\~ ~ '\/ ~.::: 37,1, f J.Q.- t)S?!L ~e, }<;-, \';1..1 \ c'-e, (P...t:>t:/~ ~ -1:\-5) (_\J) , f£.-.f, , _________ _ \ ' .... , A. · P,-e, e.-s P,cr 3' r, 1 Reot bi--;;:. L\3 * A.A:}7-j( A./A.3 ~ (_ \"3 ~AA.J~:::y= 572..~ M:)b"\... b~ =-C\A.. * A. j; 7-b/A: -\ 't,"cO~ fa<--Pt:>'l--Se ,s -= ~ ~ ( C\ A.~ * A/ J\· -;i... -6, ~ - t/ P,e-r r\CO ~ t:;)\_ :: ( \ :> )\ ~~ j '2-f to/i>)-\-(_ [3 ¼: ft.'\/ )...°'j:::: f..-~t:>\_ .Di---9A ~ ~t ¾ ~f.b = ~,s-or~ A-b~tL .. Se\S.~=-.. 3 LC\J\ \ 1--~/6 ~ 57.& pl-P-= ... \.95')t.. •. ·s-}r-'\ \).:10.c \ l.~bD\ L 7:_; t=\ 5" ') L \J J t:-\ f,. .. ... $1 .. - JOB NO. C~6o.::z..:?.... DATE 3-T-C\.I:, SHEET 11 '1 OF- ~, -· -. b.l' A I R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 3 ft Jamb, Line B WALL DATA Wall Height Parapet Height Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Wall: ZICp Parapet: ZICp # = VERTICAL LOADS 25.25 ft Uniform Dead Load 3.75 ft Uniform Live Load 7.50 in ..... Ecc. 5 12.00 in Concentric Dead Load 0.300 Concentric Live Load = 0.300 668.0 # 0.0 # 5.50 in 2507.0 # 0.0 # lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/07 /96 LATERAL LOADS Point Lateral Load ... Height from Base (this is a Seismic Load) Uniform Lateral Load ... distance to Bottom •.. distance to Top (this is a Seismic Load) Page: /z-0 0.0 # 0.00 ft 37.6 plf 9.00 ft 29.00 ft Min. Allow Defl Ratio Fixity % Used @ Base =150.000 = 0.0 4 Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Wind Load 18.60 psf Seismic Zone MATERIAL DATA SUMMARY------------- f'c 3000 psi Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method .•. Exact, Non-lterated------ Fy = 60000 psi Seismic Phi = 0.90 M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Min. Vert Steel % = 0.0025 Applied: Mu @ Mid-Height Min. Horiz Steel % = 0.0025 Mu @ Top of Wall 109422.6 in-# 105350.0 in-# 12796.6 in-# Wind 102883.6 in-# 49030.4 in-# 5858.7 in-# 120.0 psi 51.8 psi 0.0049 0.138 in 2192 :1 Max. Vertical Spacing = 16.53 in Allow Axial Stress Max. Horizontal = 16.53 in Actual Axial Stress 'd' : Depth To Steel 5.25 in Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal ee.0128 Wall Weight = 90.62 psf Maximum Service Deflection Effective Strip Width = 12.00 in Ht/Service Defl Ratio Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at 120.0 psi 51.8 psi 0.0049 1.780 in 170 :1 16.5 in 16.5 in FACTORED LOAD STRESSES SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS---- Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST .... Seismic = ST ACI 9-2 Group Factor = AC! 9-3 Dead Load Fact ACI 9-3 Short Term = USC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Factor-= USC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Factor-= V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC Seismic Wind 0.516 in 0.173 in 73052.5 in-# 23608.9 in-# Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Moment w/o P-Delta Seismic = 105350.0 in-# 49030.4 in-# Moment in Excess of Mer = 0.369 in 52180.4 in-# 61544.2 in-# 1.780 in 61544.2 in-# Wind 0.138 in 18853.9 in-# 28251.4 in-# 0.138 in 28251.4 in-# 4.967 in 5.197 in Max. Iterated Deflection = 105350.0 in-# 49030.4 in-# Max. Iterated Moment ANALYSIS VALUES------------ 1.40 E :57,000*(f'c· .5) 3122019 psi $-gross 112.5 in3 1.70 n : 29,000/Ec = 9.29 Mer = S * Fr 30809.4 in-# 1.70 Fr: 5 * (f'c· .5) 273.86 psi Rho balanced 0.0214 1.10 Ht / Thk Ratio 40.40 Seismic Wind 0.75 As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) ] / Fy 0.419 in2 0.392 in2 0.90 'a' = (As*Fy + Pu) /(.85*f'c*12) 0.821 in 0.768 in 1.30 'c'= 'a' I .85 = 0.966 in 0.903 in 1.40 Moment of Inertia Modification Factor 1.00 1.00 0.90 I-gross = 421.9 in4 421.9 in4 I-cracked = 75.0 in4 71.7 in4 I-effective (ACI) 0.0 in4 0.0 in4 Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor 0.90 0.90 Mn= As(eff) * Fy * ( d • a/2 ) 121581 in-# 114315 in-# (continued on next page •••• ) R2H ENGINEERING, KV'/060291 A ~:7 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 3 ft Jamb, Line B ( ..... continued) Design Method: Exact 1994 UBC 1914.0 V 4.4B {c) 1983-95 ENERCALC 0 0 ci N 0 0 L ... .. 0 _, u ·s ., ·.; en -;; '-~ ., ...J ... " ..., ..., -<I: ::: ~ r-= N ::: "' r-= N ::: "' IO ,xi u ..., C 3: lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/07 /96 Axial DL = 2506 lbs + Axial LL= 0 lbs Roof DL = 667 lbs I RoofLL = o lbs t RoofEcc = 5 in -r-lO ,... ,.; IO N .,; "' Thick =7.50 in Using:# 5 <i' 12.00 in f'c = 3000 psi Fy = 60000 psi Seismic Zone= 4 Seismic Fsctor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in Page: /Z./ R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 4 ft Jamb, Line B WALL DATA VERTICAL LOADS Wall Height = 25.25 ft Uniform Dead Load Parapet Height 3.75 ft Uniform Live Load Thickness = 7 .50 in ..... Ecc. Rebar Size # 5 Rebar Spacing 14.00 in Concentric Dead Load = Wall: ZICp = 0.300 Concentric Live Load = Parapet: ZICp 0.300 572.0 # 0.0 # 5.50 in 1880.0 # 0.0 # lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/07 /96 LATERAL LOADS Point Lateral Load ... Height from Base (this is a Seismic Load) Uniform Lateral Load ... distance to Bottom ... distance to Top (this is a Seismic Load) Page: /'Z--Z... 0.0 # 0.00 ft 28.2 plf 9.00 ft 29.00 ft Min. Allow Defl Ratio =150.000 Concrete Weight = 145.00 pcf Wind Load 18.60 psf Fixity % Used @ Base = 0.0 Seismic Zone = · 4 MATERIAL DAT A SUMMARY-------------- f'c Fy Phi = 3000 psi 60000 psi 0.90 Using: USC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-lterated------ Min. Vert Steel % Min. Horiz Steel % = 0.0025 = 0.0025 M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Height Mu @ Top of Wall Max. Vertical Spacing 16.53 in Allow Axial Stress Max. Horizontal 16.53 in Actual Axial Stress 'd' : Depth To Steel = 5.25 in Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal cE>.0128 Wall Weight 90.62 psf Maximum Service Deflection Effective Strip Width = 12.00 in Ht/Service Defl Ratio Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic 94598.3 in-# 90035.0 in-# 10947.0 in-# 120.0 psi 43.7 psi 0.0042 1.583 in 191 :1 Wind 88930.5 in-# 44068.1 in-# 5304.3 in-# 120.0 psi 43.7 psi 0.0042 0.136 in 2229 :1 Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at = 16.5 in 16.5 in FACTORED LOAD STRESSES SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS---- Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer = Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment = LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST .... Seismic = ST ACI 9-2 Group Factor = ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact ACI 9-3 Short Term = USC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Factor-= USC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Factor-= V 4.4B (c) 1 983-95 ENERCALC 1.40 1.70 1.70 1.10 0.75 0.90 1.30 1.40 0.90 Seismic Wind Seismic Wind 0.452 in 0.170 in 63708.0 in-# 23330.9 in-# 90035.0 in-# 44068.1 in-# 4.785 in 5.018 in 90035.0 in-# 44068.1 in-# Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Moment w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment 0.323 in 45505.7 in-# 53443.7 in-# 1.583 in 53443.7 in-# 0.136 in 18579.4 in-# 26527 .0 in-# 0.136 in 26527 .0 in-# ANALYSIS VALUES---------- E :57,000*(f'c·.5) = 3122019 psi n : 29,000/Ec 9.29 Fr: 5 * (f'c· .5) 273.86 psi Ht / Thk Ratio 40.40 As(eff) = I Pu:tot + (As*Fy) I/ Fy 'a' = (As*Fy + Pu) /(.85*f'c*12) 'c' = 'a' I .85 Moment of Inertia Modification Factor = I-gross I-cracked I-effective (ACI) Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor Mn = As(eff) * Fy * ( d -a/2 ) = S-gross Mer = S * Fr Rho balanced Seismic 0.358 in2 0.701 in 0.825 in 1.00 421.9 in4 67.3 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 105109 in-# = 112.5 in3 30809.4 in-# = Wind 0.335 in2 0.656 in 0.772 in 0.0214 1.00 421.9 in4 64.2 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 98812 in-# (continued on next page .... ) R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 , L' , R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting· Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 4 ft Jamb, Line B ( ..... continued) De*i gn Method: Exact 1994 UBC 1914.0 'O ., 0 ...I Cl t) 0 -~ Q "' ·.; (J) !: a, ,..: "' II t) -~ ·.; (J) 0 0 (J\ L V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC ;!:: lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/07 /96 /\xial DL = 1879 lb3 + /\xial LL~ 0 lb3 Roof DL = 571 lb3 I Roof LL = o lb$ T RoofEcc = 5 in -r "' r--,.; "' "' lri "' Thick =7.50 in Using:"' 5 <!1-14.00 in f"c = 3000 psi Fy = 60000 psi Seismic Zone = 4 Sei3mic Factor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in Page: /23 R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/07 /96 Page: /Z{/,- TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 6 ft Jamb, Line B WALL DATA Wall Height Parapet Height Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Wall: ZICp Parapet: ZICp Min. Allow Defl Ratio Fixity % Used @ Base Seismic Zone 25.25 ft = 3.75 ft 7.50 in # 5 12.00 in = 0.300 0.300 =150.000 0.0 4 MATERIAL DATA f'c Fy Phi Min. Vert Steel % Min. Horiz Steel % = 3000 psi = 60000 psi 0.90 = 0.0025 = 0.0025 Max. Vertical Spacing = 16.53 in Max. Horizontal 16.53 in 'd' : Depth To Steel = 5.25 in Wall Weight = 90.62 psf Effective Strip Width 12.00 in Live & Short Term Loads Combined VERTICAL LOADS LATERAL LOADS Uniform Dead Load 668.0 # Point Lateral Load = 0.0 # Uniform Live Load = 0.0 # ... Height from Base 0.00 ft ..... Ecc. = 5.50 in (this is a Seismic L~ad) Uniform Lateral Load = 37.6 pit Concentric Dead Load = 2507.0 # ... distance to Bottom = 9.00 ft Concentric Live Load = 0.0 # ... distance to Top 29.00 ft (this is a Seismic Load) Concrete Weight = 145.00 pcf Wind Load = 18.60 psf SUMMARY-------------- Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ••• Exact, Non-Iterated------ M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu@ Mid-Height Mu @ Top of Wall Allow Axial Stress Actual Axial Stress Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal ,El,0128 Maximum Service Deflection Ht/Service Defl Ratio Seismic 109422.6 in-# 105350.0 in-# 12796.6 in-# 120.0 psi 51.8 psi 0.0049 1.780 in 170 :1 Wind 102883.6 in·# 49030.4 in-# 5858.7 in-# 120.0 psi 51.8 psi 0.0049 0.138 in 2192 :1 Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at = 16.5 in 16.5 in FACTORED LOAD STRESSES SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS---- Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta = Basic Mu w/o P-Delta = Moment in Excess of Mer = Max. Iterated Deflection = Max. Iterated Moment = LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.40 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL = 1.70 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.70 •.•• Seismic = ST 1.10 ACI 9-2 Group Factor = 0.75 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact = 0.90 ACI 9-3 Short Term = 1.30 UBC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Factor-= 1.40 UBC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Factor-= 0.90 V4.4B {cl 1983-95 ENERCALC Seismic Wind 0.516in 0.173in 73052.5 in-# 23608.9 in-# 105350.0 in-# 49030.4 in-# 4.967 in 5.197 in 105350.0 in-# 49030.4 in-# Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Moment w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer = Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment = Seismic 0.369 in 52180.4 in-# 61544.2 in-# 1.780 in 61544.2 in-# Wind 0.138 in 18853.9 in-# 28251.4 in-# 0.138 in 28251.4 in·# ANALYSIS VALUES------------ E :57,000*(f'c' .5) = 3122019 psi n: 29,000/Ec = 9.29 Fr: 5 * (f'c' .5) 273.86 psi Ht / Thk Ratio = 40.40 As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + {As*Fy) 1 / Fy 'a'= {As*Fy + Pu) /(.85*f'c*12) = 'c'= 'a' I .85 Moment of Inertia Modification Factor = I-gross I-cracked I-effective (ACI) = Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor = Mn= As(eff) * Fy * ( d -a/2) = $-gross Mer = S * Fr Rho balanced Seismic 0.419 in2 0.821 in 0.966 in 1.00 421.9 in4 75.0 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 121581 in-# = 112.5 in3 30809.4 in-# 0.0214 Wind 0.392 in2 0.768 in 0.903 in 1.00 421.9 in4 71.7 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 114315 in-# {continued on next page .... ) R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 Ao. ~:3 e . R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 6 ft Jamb, Line B ( ••••• continued) Design Method: EX8Ct 1994 UBC 1914.0 "' u, .,.,: "' II ... ., 0 _, 0 u 0 ·s d ., N ·.; Cl> ., ~ ., ., ,.,: _, ,:, N ., II ,:, ,:, u ... 'i ·.; Cl> 0 0 (J\ L V4.4B (cl 1983-95 ENERCALC ,:, "' ~ lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/07 /96 Axial DL = 2506 lbs + Axial LL= 0 lbs Roof DL = 667 lbs J Roof LL = o I bs T Roof Ecc = 5 in i u, ,... IQ u, N tti N Thiel: =7.50 in Using:,. 5 Ii" 12.00 in f'c = 3000 psi Fg = 60000 psi Seismic Zone= 4 Seismic Factor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in Page: /Z!:: R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 ~ R 2H Engineering, Inc. ™ PROJECT :r;:Y\"\) ;\-' JOB NO. CA(?C )__2._ DATE b _. 7-C\6 r". BY :::'s:V'f? SUBJECT \JC\_\\ 'C?1 .. A--e~ -f:''c-...'f\C. '{ -·· SHEET (Z& OF-- Pu~\~"'\'\.. ===-'?0---~ o~ S6 1 ·6' P,e< P--cc~ .. D\... -=--. (\3 P?f * 56/i... ll G/6). + L \3 \'St -t,.66/4 ) = €so ~ft ~t,t;/ \.-bL · -t-'c;"""-~c... ~~e. · \;) tr \J~, 1.7: , .I· · ,·. I · · I. :,. "/ _,-~i ,...'\)""''' p\..-= -~A :lS_'k_ c.-.'Jb'= ·l 1f:2..,9,_~}?:'-.,. :.[t,/l ,,,, ,·.-·>/ f":-------. i&-t);,~ s ~t:, 7 \J?Qtf.~ -/ l I ff:';_·\---~~-~ ~~°"~~:~ J.,s,r:,. \._ ::,e.'5-"" • ';, l °'"' J -,. ,g / 6 : SU, l' ~ I I /, ' I, r, ' I ~ P...i>D \_ Sz-'5> Pl-\, -;-. , .5 l':VD t 5 t 35) {, = I '3"'-~ 4' I ~I foR // ne'f' \J:SEE.. .}.\ 5 A-, 1~ '' o ~c \ L\J) I ., •• I t . I ,.__ . /T"· : \ ... ,·._::_I .• · /., ::--..::- Y,----1 ! · \ \ (.~f,/ ~ ..f-~ } J>.-"t ?:--, F. l.Aro' l-ti-~5) I I ' s I '1 J 5"1 P,e.r R~~~ b\-= l \3 ~ 5bf~ * .t:\./~;'() -\-{ ,--s * S-6/~ ~ b5b ~ /:>r-bb1\... C>\...:C-'7.l\ "k;-A;--k:;C\)S-= b77-=* 1\-bt:h-Sc.-,~ =-, :3. lC\~J ~ 4./ 5 =' ·:z.:Ad~ pi-P- J-~x:::i1·L Se\;;. P"'~\ = ,. 3 (9.J.\J *.A,\; 3-.S"JS-= 7°'. .-;::\:: j---+-----------1+-' -· R,~-5' P~ ct-vs.e:: · -~ ,-._~ . \~ '·': 0 ,e _ ti.) ~~--~\ f\ (faro\.. ~ -tf-5) _ t' s' ·. -. \ ' ·. ~- -.. __ R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 6 ft Jamb, Line D WALL DATA VERTICAL LOADS Wall Height 25.25 ft Uniform Dead Load = Parapet Height 3.75 ft Uniform Live Load = Thickness 7.50 in ..... Ecc. Rebar Size # 5 Rebar Spacing = 18.00 in Concentric Dead Load = Wall: ZICp 0.300 Concentric Live Load Parapet: ZICp = 0.300 850.0 # 0.0 # 5.50 in 1128.0 # 0.0 # lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/07 /96 LATERAL LOADS Point Lateral Load ... Height from Base (this is a Seismic Load) Uniform Lateral Load ... distance to Bottom = ... distance to Top (this is a Seismic Load) Page: / z.7 132.0 # 10.75 ft 37.6 plf 21.50 ft 29.00 ft Min. Allow Defl Ratio =150.000 Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Wind Load 18.60 psf Fixity % Used @ Base 0.0 Seismic Zone = ·4 MATERIAL DATA SUMMARY f' C = 3000 psi Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method •.. Exact, Non-lterated------ Fy 60000 psi Phi = 0.90 M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Min. Vert Steel% = 0.0025 Applied: Mu@ Mid-Height Min. Horiz Steel % = 0.0025 Mu @ Top of Wall Max. Vertical Spacing 16.53 in Allow Axial Stress Max. Horizontal 16.53 in Actual Axial Stress 'd' : Depth To Steel 5.25 in Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal ,e,0128 Wall Weight = 90.62 psf Maximum Service Deflection Effective Strip Width = 12.00 in Ht/Service Defl Ratio Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at FACTORED LOAD STRESSES Seismic Wind Seismic 77116.7 in-# 72617.1 in-# 14198.0 in-# 120.0 psi 38.5 psi 0.0033 1.192 in 254 :1 16.5 in Wind 71984.5 in-# 41726.0 in-# . 6909.7 in-# 120.0 psi 38.5 psi 0.0033 0.143in 2125 :1 16.5 in SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS---- Seismic Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Mu w/o P-Delta = Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection = 0.357 in 0.177 in 50693.3 in-# 24155.4 in-# 72617.1 in-# 41726.0 in-# 4.577 in 4.840 in Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Moment w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection 0.255 in 36209.5 in-# 43102.0 in-# 1.192 in 43102.0 in-# Wind 0.143 in 19374.4 in-# 26356.5 in-# 0.143 in 26356.5 in-# Max. Iterated Moment 72617 .1 in-# 41726.0 in-# Max. Iterated Moment = LOAD FACTORS USED ANALYSIS VALUES------------ ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.40 E :57,000*(f'c· .5) = 3122019 psi $-gross 112.5 in3 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL = 1 .70 n: 29,000/Ec 9.29 Mer = S * Fr 30809.4 in-# · ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.70 Fr: 5 * (f'c· .5) 273.86 psi Rho balanced 0.0214 .... Seismic = ST 1.10 Ht / Thk Ratio 40.40 Seismic Wind ACI 9-2 Group Factor = 0.75 As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) ] / Fy 0.287 in2 0.267 in2 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact 0.90 'a' = (As*Fy + Pu) /(.85*f'c*12) 0.564 in 0.524 in ACI 9-3 Short Term = 1.30 'c'= 'a'/ .85 0.663 in 0.616 in UBC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Factor-= 1.40 Moment of Inertia Modification Factor = 1.00 1.00 UBC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Factor-= 0.90 I-gross = 421.9 in4 421.9 in4 I-cracked 57.3 in4 54.2 in4 I-effective (ACI) 0.0 in4 0.0 in4 Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor 0.90 0.90 Mn= As(eff) * Fy * ( d -a/2 ) 85685 in-# 79983 in-# (continued on next page ••.• ) V4.4B (cl 1983-95 ENERCALC R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 6 ft Jamb, Line D ( ..... continued) ... Design Method: Exact 1994 UBC 1_!14.0 Ill r II) r-0 L 0 ___.._ "l ~,-. ,;; Added Point Seismic Load= 131.99 lbs ,...: "' V4.48 (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC II <.) ·s ., ·;:; er., lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/07 /96 Axial DL = 1127 lbs + Axial LL= 0 lbs Roof DL = 849 I bs I Roof LL = o I bs 'f RoofEcc =Sin -r "' r-,..; "' "' .,; "' Thick =7.50 in Using:# 5 ct> 18.00 in f'c = 3000 psi Fy = 60000 psi Seismic Zone= 4 Seismic Factor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in Page: / 2.6 R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/07 /96 Page: /2-7 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 5 ft Jamb, Line D WALL DATA Wall Height Parapet Height Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Wall: ZICp Parapet: ZICp = # = 25.25 ft 3.75 ft 7.50 in 5 18.00 in 0.300 0.300 Min. Allow Defl Ratio Fixity % Used @ Base Seismic Zone =150.000 MATERIAL DATA 0.0 4 f' C = 3000 psi Fy = 60000 psi VERTICAL LOADS LATERAL LOADS Uniform Dead Load 656.0 # Point Lateral Load = 79.0 # Uniform Live Load 0.0 # ... Height from Base 10.75 ft ..... Ecc. 5.50 in (this is a Seismic Load) Uniform Lateral Load = 22.6 plf Concentric Dead Load 677.0 # ... distance to Bottom = 21.50 ft Concentric Live Load 0.0 # ... distance to Top = 29.00 ft (this is a Seismic Load) Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Wind Load = 18.60 psf SUMMARY-------------- Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated------ Phi 0.90 M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Seismic 73296.1 in-# 62492.1 in-# 10932.3 in-# Wind 69097 .2 in-# 37643.3 in-# 5789.4 in-# 120.0 psi 31.3 psi 0.0033 0.138 in 2196 :1 Min. Vert Steel% = 0.0025 Applied: Mu@ Mid-Height Min. Horiz Steel % = 0.0025 Mu @ Top of Wall Max. Vertical Spacing = 16.53 in Allow Axial Stress Max. Horizontal 16.53 in Actual Axial Stress 'd' : Depth To Steel 5.25 in Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal ae.0128 Wall Weight 90.62 psf Maximum Service Deflection Effective Strip Width 1 2.00 in Ht/Service Defl Ratio Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at FACTORED LOAD STRESSES Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta = Seismic 0.319 in Wind 0.172 in 120.0 psi 31.3 psi 0.0033 0.801 in 378 :1 16.5 in 16.5 in SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS----- Seismic 0.228 in Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer = Max. Iterated Deflection = Max. Iterated Moment = 44718.5 in-# 23573.4 in-# 62492.1 in-# 37643.3 in-# 4.533 in 4.757 in 62492.1 in-# 37643.3 in-# Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Moment w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment 31 941 .8 in-# 37595.7 in-# 0.801 in 37595.7 in-# Wind 0.138 in 18819.6 in-# 24500.8 in-# 0.138 in 24500.8 in-# LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL = 1.40 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.70 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.70 .... Seismic = ST = 1.10 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.75 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact = 0.90 ACI 9-3 Short Term 1.30 USC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Factor-= 1.40 UBC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Factor-= 0.90 V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC ANALYSIS VALUES------------ E :57,000*(f'c· .5) 3122019 psi S-gross n : 29,000/Ec = 9.29 Mer = S * Fr Fr: 5 * (f'c· .5) 273.86 psi Rho balanced Ht / Thk Ratio = 40.40 Seismic As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) ] / Fy 0.272 in2 'a' = (As*Fy + Pu) /(.85*f'c*12) = 0.534 in 'c' = 'a' / .85 Moment of Inertia Modification Factor = I-gross I-cracked I-effective (ACI) Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor Mn = As(eff) * Fy * ( d -a/2 ) 0.628 in 1.00 421.9 in4 55.0 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 81440 in-# 112.5 in3 30809.4 in-# 0.0214 Wind 0.256 in2 0.502 in 0.590 in 1.00 421.9 in4 52.4 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 76775 in-# (continued on ne·xt page .... ) R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers .11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 5 ft Jamb, Line D ( ••.•• continued) .... DO$i gn Method: Exact 1994 UBC 1914.0 "' r If) r-ci l If) <Si "' or jl ; "! E "' r-., ·;:; (/) .; ... .:e .;; Added Point Seismic Load = 7B. 99 lbs ., ... ~ .., .., <C V4.4B (cl 1983-95 ENERCALC lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/07 /96 /\xial DL = 676 lbs + /\xial LL= 0 lbs Roof DL = 655 lb$ I Roof LL= 0 lb$ 'f Roof Ecc = 5 in -r If) r-,.-; If) "' .,; Thick =7.50 in Using:-" 5"' 18.00 in f'c = 3000 psi Fy = 60000 psi Seismic Zone= 4 Seismic factor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in Page:/ 30 R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 _$ R2H Engineering:nc._ PROJECT .J-:-h "'1 ,.\--, .)BY TWP SUBJECT ~\\s -Ov\ 0~ y:::,\C--...'0.<=-. :.Vo. \\_::.:.bJXL ~-~ _ --· ··n'.),:::,· -~~---:i ~-~----·--L , ,i r . · -o u · d) '<' e . I 1.1 ... ··-----'-"""~ . . . A, }<~)-:;" -~ -·--·1 -----.-. 11·- .. . ··--. : --· A...:;;· id 110 ,CI . -... -__ "'lF\ . ,fo,,. i. Li) __ _ . . . . (~) . '¢, F,, I 5 JOB No.C:.5--\G-0)...'2. DATE S-b~C\b SHEET {"3/ OF-- ~ ,AJ\I I fu'<"' 5"' Pu<"\\'X'\ I e -:=-515'" 7' \__ .. _·?-co~: .. ~.L.:.:=: {rs.r's~ )\ 4'o/:z. ,\;. 6/7) -\ ( \ ~ '*-A.<o):,_) .::::: .578\ ~J rT . J\o~~L-\5.l=::: .. C\ A-.p~~ ~ \ 7 . ~ 6/7 -= 1 ,~ 7o-q:J.--/ r-r- AD\'Jl 1-~('.:~5, .:: «> ~(.'\A) ~ b/ 7 ===-2-5 p.Pt . ll ~ 5 ),.., )"b O \C, l\J) -~ ~ TiP A,~·~~\:;,. "(_;r.s,. ~~--e>\J~ ·1 '\--... <o """~\s) ~~cc\: : i:)\... -·.,,.;·o s 'p,;.~ "* 4-~} 2. *~ )4) 1-( \ !, ~~r~ =-b:i..-\ *I 'fT .fo.-C>~~ c· P ~ ~-~--:~~4 ~ ~ \ ~-.s 1 * -6.. / ~ = 1 1 ~ o :s. ~/ rT ~:9t;i°"L ~'"$. ~-• ~ (_ C!\A°:J #t A/ A__ ~ AC\ -~Ji . I\ -tr~ A, )~ o ~c, ·. l~) .e, f, R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 5 ft jamb, Line J WALL DATA Wall Height Parapet Height Thickness R~bar Size Rebar Spacing Wall: ZICp Parapet: ZICp VERTICAL LQADS = 24.00 ft Uniform Dead Load = 5.00 ft Uniform Live Load 7.50 in ..•.. Ecc. # 5 18.00 in 0.300 0.300 Concentric Dead Load Concentric Live Load 687.0 # 0.0 # 5.50 in 1918.0# 0.0 # lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/06/96 LATERAL LOADS Point Lateral Load ... Height from Base = (this is a Seismic Load) Uniform Lateral Load •.. distance to Bottom = ... distance to Top = (this is a Seismic Load) Page: /32 0.0 # 0.00 ft 34.0 plf 12.00 ft 29.00 ft Min. Allow Defl Ratio Fixity % Used @ Base Seismic Zone =150.000 0.0 Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Wind Load 18.60 psf 4 MATERIAL DAT A SUMMARY-------------- f'c 3000 psi Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ••• Exact, Non-Iterated------ Fy = 60000 psi Phi 0.90 M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Min. Vert Steel % = 0.0025 Applied: Mu @ Mid-Height Min. Horiz Steel % = 0.0025 Mu @ Top of Wall Max. Vertical Spacing 16.53 in Allow Axial Stress Max. Horizontal 16.53 in Actual Axial Stress 'd' : Depth To Steel 5.25 in Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal ,E>.0128 Wall Weight 90.62 psf Maximum Service Deflection Effective Strip Width 12.00 in Ht/Service Defl Ratio Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at Seismic 81140.1 in-# 74631.5 in-# 18139.3 in-# 120.0 psi 46.1 psi 0.0033 1.080 in 267 :1 = 16.5 in Wind 75030.1 in-# 40057 .4 in-# 7524.7 in-# 120.0 psi 46.1 psi 0.0033 0.109 in 2636 :1 16.5 in FACTORED LOAD STRESSES SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS---- Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST = •.•. Seismic = ST ACI 9-2 Group Factor = ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact ACI 9-3 Short Term USC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Factor-= USC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Factor-= V4.48 (cl 1983-95 ENERCALC = = 1.40 1.70 1.70 1.10 0.75 0.90 1.30 1.40 0.90 Seismic Wind 0.321 in 0.136 in Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta = 50617.7 in-# 20694.8 in-# Basic Moment w/o P-Delta = 7 4631 .5 in-# 40057 .4 in-# Moment in Excess of Mer = 4.178 in 4.448 in Max. Iterated Deflection 74631.5 in-# 40057.4 in-# Max. Iterated Moment = ANALYSIS VALUES E :57,000*(f'c· .5) 3122019 psi $-gross n : 29,000/Ec = 9.29 Mer = S * Fr Fr: 5 * (f'c· .5) 273.86 psi Rho balanced Ht / Thk Ratio = 38.40 Seismic As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) J / Fy 0.303 in2 'a' = (As*Fy + Pu) /(.85*f'c*12) = 0.595 in 'c'= 'a'/ .85 0.700 in Moment of Inertia Modification Factor 1.00 I-gross 421.9 in4 I-cracked = 59.7 in4 I-effective (ACI) = 0.0 in4 Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor 0.90 Seismic 0.229 in 36155.5 in-# 44007 .5 in-# 1.080 in 44007 .5 in-# Wind Wind 0.109 in 16564.6 in-# 24524.2 in-# 0.109 in 24524.2 in-# 112.5 in3 30809.4 in-# 0.0214 0.279 in2 0.547 in 0.644 in 1.00 421.9 in4 56.1 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 Mn= As(eff) * Fy * ( d -a/2 l = 90156 in-# 83367 in-# (continued on next page .... ) R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers .11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 5 ft jamb, Line J ( ..... continued) De$ign Method: Exect 1994 UBC 1914.0 V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC r: ,,.; "' II 0 0 ,..: 0 Q "' t .; ... ~ ., _, "0 ., "0 -0 <C OJ ,..: N lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/06/96 Axial DL = 1917 lbs + Axial LL£ 0 lbs Roof DL = 686 lbs I Roof LL= o lbs T Roof Ecc = 5 in -r 0 0 u:i 0 0 st N Thick =7.50 in Using:# 5 <I' 18.00 in f'c = 3000 psi Fy = 60000 psi Seismic Zone= 4 Seismic Factor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in ----~---~ Page: / 33 R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 ) R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers .11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 7 ft jamb, Line J WALL DATA Wall Height Parapet Height Thickness R~bar Size Rebar Spacing Wall: ZICp Parapet: ZICp # 24.00 ft 5.00 ft 7.50 in 5 18.00 in = 0.300 = 0.300 VERTICAL L~ADS Uniform Dead Load Uniform Live Load = ..... Eco. = Concentric Dead Load = Concentric Live Load 579.0 # 0.0 # 5.50 in 1370.0 # 0.0 # lnvitrogen Tilt-Up 096022 Date: 03/06/96 LATERAL LOADS Point Lateral Load = ... Height from Base (this is a Seismic Load) Uniform Lateral Load ... distance to Bottom ... distance to Top (this is a Seismic Load) Page: / 3</- 0.0 # 0.00 ft 25.0 plf 12.00 ft 29.00 ft Min. Allow Defl Ratio Fixity % Used @ Base Seismic Zone =150.000 = 0.0 4 Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Wind Load 18.60 psf MATERIAL DAT A SUMMARY--------------- f'c 3000 psi Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-lterated------ Fy 60000 psi Phi 0.90 M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Min. Vert Steel% = 0.0025 Applied: Mu@ Mid-Height Min. Horiz Steel % = 0.0025 Mu @ Top of Wall Max. Vertical Spacing = 16.53 in Allow Axial Stress Max. Horizontal = 16.53 in Actual Axial Stress 'd' : Depth To Steel 5.25 in Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal .e.0128 Wall Weight = 90.62 psf Maximum Service Deflection Effective Strip Width = 12.00 in Ht/Service Defl Ratio Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic 77279.9 in-# 65382. 7 in-# 15417.7 in-# 120.0 psi 38.8 psi 0.0033 0.788 in 366 :1 Wind 72108.0 in-# 36415.1 in-# 6901.0 in-# 120.0 psi 38.8 psi 0.0033 0.107 in 2694 :1 Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at = 16.5 in 16.5 in FACTORED LOAD STRESSES SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS----- Basic Def!. w/o P-Delta Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST .... Seismic = ST ACI 9-2 Group Factor = ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact ACI 9-3 Short Term UBC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Factor= UBC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Factor= V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC 1.40 1.70 1.70 1.10 0.75 0.90 1.30 1.40 0.90 Seismic Wind Seismic 0.289 in 0.133 in 45301.0 in-# 20383.0 in-# 65382.7 in-# 36415.1 in-# Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Moment w /o P-Delta 0.207 in 32357.9 in-# Wind 0.107 in 16267.6 in-# 22967 .7 in-# 0.107 in 22967.7 in-# Moment in Excess of Mer = 39015.1 in-# 4.137 in 4.375 in Max. Iterated Deflection = 0.788 in 65382.7 in-# 36415.1 in-# Max. Iterated Moment 39015.1 in-# ANALYSIS VALUES------------ E :57,000*(f'c".5) 3122019 psi n : 29,000/Ec 9.29 Fr: 5 * (f'c" .5) 273.86 psi Ht/ Thk Ratio 38.40 As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy)] / Fy = 'a' = (As*Fy + Pu) /(.85*f'c*12) 'c' = 'a' / .85 Moment of Inertia Modification Factor I-gross = I-cracked I-effective (ACI) Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor = Mn = As(eff) * Fy * ( d -a/2 ) $-gross Mer = S * Fr Rho balanced Seismic 0.288 in2 0.565 in 0.665 in 1.00 421.9 in4 57.4 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 85867 in-# = 112.5 in3 = 30809.4 in-# = 0.0214 Wind 0.268 in2 0.525 in 0.618 in 1.00 421.9 in4 54.3 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 80120 in-# (continued on next page .... } R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 --..._ ) R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers .11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 7 ft jamb, Line J ( ..... continued) De$i gn Method: Exect 1994 UBC 1914.0 V4.4B (cl 1983-95 ENERCALC 0 0 "' l • -0 C i lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/06/96 Axiel DL = 1369 lbs ~ Axial LL= 0 lbs Roof DL = 578 lbs I Roof LL= o lbt T Roof Ecc = 5 in -r 0 0 ,,; 0 0 -,i N Thick =7.50 in Using:"' 5 <i' 18.00 in f'c = 3000 psi F~ = 60000 psi Seismic Zone= 4 Seismic Factor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in Page:/ 3~ R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 A -:~ :Y R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11 545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 4 ft knock-out jamb, Line J WALL DATA VERTICAL LOADS Wall Height = 24.00 ft Uniform Dead Load = Parapet Height = 5.00 ft Uniform Live Load = Thickness = 7.50 in ..... Ecc. = Rebar Size # 5 Rebar Spacing = 18.00 in Concentric Dead Load Wall: ZICp 0.300 Concentric Live Load Parapet: ZICp = 0.300 624.0 # 0.0 # 5.50 in 1363.0 # 0.0 # lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/06/96 LATERAL LOADS Point Lateral Load = ... Height from Base = (this is a Seismic Load) Uniform Lateral Load ... distance to Bottom = ... distance to Top = (this is a Seismic Load) Page: /3,6 0.0 # 0.00 ft 29.0 plf 9.00 ft 29.00 ft Min. Allow Defl Ratio =150.000 Concrete Weight = 145.00 pcf Wind Load = 18.60 psf Fixity % Used @ Base = 0.0 Seismic Zone = ·4 MATERIAL DATA SUMMARY f' C = 3000 psi Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-lterated------ Fy = 60000 psi Phi 0.90 M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Min. Vert Steel % = 0.0025 Applied: Mu @ Mid-Height Min. Horiz Steel % = 0.0025 Mu @ Top of Wall Max. Vertical Spacing 16.53 in Allow Axial Stress Max. Horizontal = 16.53 in Actual Axial Stress 'd' : Depth To Steel = 5.25 in Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal '4l.0128 Wall Weight 90.62 psf Maximum Service Deflection Effective Strip Width = 12.00 in Ht/Service Def! Ratio Live & Short Term Loads Combined Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at FACTORED LOAD STRESSES Seismic Wind Seismic 77504.2 in-# 75146.9 in-# 1 6604.2 in-# 120.0 psi 39.2 psi 0.0033 1.261 in 228 :1 16.5 in Wind 72277 .6 in-# 36735.6 in-# 7160.8 in-# 120.0 psi 39.2 psi 0.0033 0.108in 2670 :1 16.5 in SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS----- Seismic Basic Def!. w/o P-Delta Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment 0.348 in 0.135 in Basic Def!. w/o P-Delta 0.248 in Wind 0.108in 16391.4 in-# 23164.4 in-# 0.108 in 231 64.4 in-# LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL = ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST .... Seismic = ST = ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact ACI 9-3 Short Term UBC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Factor-= UBC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Factor-= V 4.4B (cl 1 983-95 ENERCALC 1.40 1.70 1.70 1.10 0.75 0.90 1.30 1.40 0.90 54736.8 in-# 20512.9 in-# 75146.9 in-# 36735.6 in-# Basic Moment w/o P-Delta = 39097 .7 in-# 4.139 in 4.380 in Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection 45859.9 in-# 1.261 in 45859.9 in-# 75146.9 in-# 36735.6 in-# Max. Iterated Moment = ANALYSIS VALUES------------ E :57,000*(f'c· .5) 3122019 psi n : 29,000/Ec = 9.29 Fr: 5 * (f'c· .5) 273.86 psi Ht / Thk Ratio 38.40 As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) ] / Fy = 'a' = (As*Fy + Pu) /(.85 *f'c* 12) 'c'= 'a'/ .85 = Moment of Inertia Modification Factor = I-gross I-cracked I-effective (ACI) Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor Mn = As(eff) * Fy * ( d -a/2 ) S-gross Mer = S * Fr Rho balanced Seismic 0.289 in2 0.567 in 0.667 in 1.00 421.9 in4 57.6 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 86116 in-# 112.5 in3 30809.4 in-# 0.0214 Wind 0.268 in2 0.526 in 0.619 in 1.00 421.9 in4 54.4 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 80308 in-# (continued on next page .... ) R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 t '. '-5' R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 4 ft knock-out jamb, Line J ( ..••• continued) Design Method: Exact 1994 UBC 1914.0 V 4.4B (cl 1983-95 ENERCALC 0 0 ci N 0 0 l := "' "' ·a:i N 11 ..,, ., <> ...I <> ·e ., ·.; (1' .; !l ., ...I "t:I ., .,,, "" "" := (0 ,..: N := "" Ill a:i "t:I C i lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/06/96 Axial DL = 1362 lbs ~ Axial LL= 0 lbs Roof DL = 623 lbs I Roof LL = 0 lbs T Roof Ecc = 5 in -r 0 0 ,,; 0 0 sf N Thick =7.50 in Using:"' 5 ~ 18.00 in f'c = 3000 psi F~ = 60000 psi Seismic Zone= 4 Sefami c Factor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in Page:/ 37 R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 ~ R2H Engineering, Inc. ™ PROJECT :t.Y:\\.) ~ ~ JOB NO.C C\6 -o).. )., DATE S -6,q6 f?:~BY IN~ SUBJECT }:-b-_\\s-O c..,~ c\.-?'c---.Yl-e.. SHEET / 3 g OF __ "-. i L ' I ~I ~ ~ r~-1 ~ '-.,, ~ k. ... !;, ~ 6 '-"~ \..__ i'--. I 'I' '--' -. I'--I -- )A' ~ - t I :Sb P-ee\:...q_-(\=,ps.~ '* o.to/)...>id:,/3,s':) + (13.F-~-'lt.4:9/::,...~ -s,-s.3/l-;;..~.sJ) +-(13ps~ ~"te/:...~-== Cf\5,3 ff p.t:,t)\_ DL ::.( 9.-'\"f~ l)l t.5' ~ 6/~, 5" J -t l Ci.-'\ 'fa-:,_-;i_-,\; !, ,;3,j 0--'1..3.5)) :: > I A.O{ it--/ r-1 ,!.,-'\=)t,'"\. Se,~ == ~ s LC\.L\) -t(G-\ \ \67) / .3 .5" -:=:-b 2-r£S'/ IA. '-ro AC\' t,_Dt,1-.:::,e~:S P"'I'~ Lca.J ~ , ~(c-14.~ ~ h67-*" 7 = 3~0¾ k, ·I0,5 ' l)s::,. tz:_. ;¼:-~ ~, ) C," C .. c I . --· C:5-#o A-oo'L) 1::., f, "l:-1.\. ~.s' P,e.-r .. ~~ bL =·t rs fSt *'\SJ~* I 1b7 ,~~ 3tl\!,?5¥ * 49/,-_) =4·f¼'*I f\.DP\.b1.-=-LC\4t2:l-j--\·b7/3) :: ·\,152..¼-Jr--r ~t:t,'~-~¢\:~--~---~~ ~ C\.~) * 1\6!f ~ ~ _ lb pi~ _ .\J~-~--~Do)_·_~-~5 'gf\.R_S -~--r .. :r:..~ -°E..\ :SAJ-1\'b. _____ _,,_ --·-' ----' ~ . ~ ~# u R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 3.5 ft jamb, Line J { ••••• continued) De:si gn Method: Exact 1994 UBC t 914.0 r 0 U) 0 t V4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC ri . .,, ., " ...J 0 -~ 9 E II) ., --·co Added Point Seismic Load = 329. 99 tbs,' 0 "' t (J) lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/06/96 Axi~t DL = 3400 lbs ~ Axial LL= O lbs Roof 0L = 995 I bs I Roof LL = O l b:s T Roof Ecc = 5 in ' 0 0 lri 0 0 "' "' Thick =7.50 in Using:.,. 5 @> 10.00 in f'c = 3000 psi Fy = 60000 psi Seismic Zone = 4 Seismic Factor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in Page: /4,o R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/06/96 Page: / 37 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 3.5 ft jamb, Line J WALL DATA Wall Height = 24.00 ft · Parapet Height 5.00 ft Thickness 7.50 in Rebar Size # 5 Rebar Spacing = 10.00 in Wall: ZICp = 0.300 Parapet: ZICp = 0.300 Min. Allow Defl Ratio =150.000 Fixity % Used @ Base Seismic Zone = 0.0 4 MATERIAL DATA f'c Fy Phi Min. Vert Steel % Min. Horiz Steel % 3000 psi 60000 psi = 0.90 = 0.0025 = 0.0025 Max. Vertical Spacing 16.53 in Max. Horizontal 1 6.53 in 'd' : Depth To Steel 5.25 in Wall Weight 90.62 psf Effective Strip Width 12.00 in Live & Short Term Loads Combined VERTICAL LOADS LATERAL LOADS Uniform Dead Load 996.0 # Point Lateral Load 330.0 # Uniform Live Load 0.0 # ... Height from Base 10.50 ft ••... Ecc. 5.50 in (this is a Seismic Load) Uniform Lateral Load 62.0 plf Concentric Dead Load 3401.0 # •.. distance to Bottom 14.00 ft Concentric Live Load = 0.0 # .•• distance to Top 29.00 ft (this is a Seismic Load) Concrete Weight = 145.00 pcf Wind Load 18.60 psf SUMMARY-------------- Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ••• Exact, Non-Iterated------ M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Height Mu @ Top of Wall Allow Axial Stress Actual Axial Stress Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal :fJ.0128 Maximum Service Deflection Ht/Service Defl Ratio Seismic 130940.0 in-# 122023.3 in-# 26398.6 in-# . 120.0 psi 66.0 psi 0.0059 1.712in 168 :1 Wind 122929.4 in-# 52384.6 in-# 9309.1 in-# 120.0 psi 66.0 psi 0.0059 0.116in 2484 :1 Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at 16.5 in 16.5 in FACTORED LOAD STRESSES SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS----- Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta = Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer = Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST = .... Seismic = ST ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact = ACI 9-3 Short Term UBC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Factor= UBC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Factor= V 4.4B (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC 1.40 1.70 1.70 1.10 0.75 0.90 1.30 1.40 0.90 Seismic Wind 0.524 in 0.143 in 83059.9 in-# 21598.2 in-# 122023.3 in-# 52384.6 in-# 4.727 in 4.940 in 122023.3 in-# 52384.6 in-# Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta = Basic Moment w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer = Max. Iterated Deflection = Max. Iterated Moment = Seismic 0.374 in 59328.5 in-# 70598.1 in-# 1.712in 70598.1 in-# Wind 0.116 in 17442.4 in-# 28824.4 in-# 0.116 in 28824.4 in-# ANALYSIS VALUES------------ E :57,000*(f'c" .5) 3122019 psi S-gross 112.5 in3 n: 29,000/Ec = 9.29 Mer = S * Fr 30809.4 in-# Fr: 5 * (f'c" .5) = 273.86 psi Rho balanced 0.0214 Ht / Thk Ratio 38.40 Seismic Wind As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) ] / Fy 0.511 in2 0.476 in2 'a' = (As*Fy + Pu) /(.85*f'c* 12) = 1.001 in 0.933 in 'c'= 'a'/ .85 1.178 in 1.098 in Moment of Inertia Modification Factor = 1.00 1.00 I-gross = 421.9 in4 421.9 in4 I-cracked = 85.2 in4 81.5 in4 I-effective (ACI) 0.0 in4 0.0 in4 Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor 0.90 0.90 Mn= As(eff) * Fy * ( d -a/2 ) = 145489 in-# 136588 in-# (continued on next page •••• ) R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/06/96 Page: /4-/ TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 3 ft jamb, Line J, at line 1 WALL DATA Wall Height Parapet Height Thickness Rebar Size = 24.00 ft = 5.00 ft = 7.50 in # 5 Rebar Spacing 12.00 in Wall: ZICp 0.300 Parapet: ZICp 0.300 Min. Allow Defl Ratio =150.000 Fixity % Used @ Base = p.o Seismic Zone = 4 MATERIAL DATA f'c Fy Phi Min. Vert Steel % Min. Horiz Steel % = 3000 psi = 60000 psi 0.90 0.0025 = 0.0025 Max. Vertical Spacing 16.53 in Max. Horizontal = 16.53 in 'd' : Depth To Steel = 5.25 in Wall Weight = 90.62 psf Effective Strip Width = 1 2.00 in Live & Short Term Loads Combined VERTICAL LOADS LATERAL LOADS Uniform Dead Load 486.0 # Point Lateral Load 0.0 # Uniform Live Load 0.0 # ... Height from Base = 0.00 ft ..... Ecc. = 5.50 in (this is a Seismic Load) Uniform Lateral Load 16.0 plf Concentric Dead Load = 1152.0 # ... distance to Bottom = 22.00 ft Concentric Live Load 0.0 # .•• distance to Top = 29.00 ft (this is a Seismic Load) Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Wind Load = 18.60 psf SUMMARY-------------- Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ••• Exact, Non-lterated------ M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Height Mu @ Top of Wall Allow Axial Stress Actual Axial Stress Max. As %: 0.6 * RhoBal ,e.0128 Maximum Service Deflection Ht/Service Defl Ratio Seismic 101098.3 in-# 50059.8 in-# 12811.6 in-# 120.0 psi 35.3 psi 0.0049 0.141 in 2050 :1 Wind 96577.7 in-# 35294.8 in-# 6363.9 in-# 120.0 psi 35.3 psi 0.0049 0.105 in 2746 :1 Seismic Parapet Wt Used Space bars @ base of parapet at 16.5 in 16.5 in FACTORED LOAD STRESSES SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTIONS----- Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Mu w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated Deflection Max. Iterated Moment LOAD FACTORS USED ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST •... Seismic = ST ACI 9-2 Group Factor = ACI 9-3 Dead Load Fact ACI 9-3 Short Term = USC 2625(c)4 "1.4" Factor-= UBC 2625(c)4 "0.9" Factor-= V 4.48 (cl 1 983-95 ENERCALC 1.40 1.70 1.70 1.10 0.75 0.90 1.30 1.40 0.90 Seismic Wind 0.197 in 0.131 in 30534.4 in-# 20114.4 in-# 50059.8 in-# 35294.8 in-# 4.395 in 4.548 in 50059.8 in-# 35294.8 in-# Basic Defl. w/o P-Delta Basic Moment w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Mer Max. Iterated DeflectioQ Max. Iterated Moment Seismic 0.141 in 21810.3 in-# 27903.5 in-# 0.141 in 27903.5 in-# Wind 0.105in 16011.9 in-# 22114.8 in-# 0.105in 22114.8 in-# ANALYSIS VALUES------------ E :57 ,000 * (f' c • .5) 3122019 psi S-gross n : 29,000/Ec = 9.29 Mer = S * Fr Fr: 5 * (f'c· .5) = 273.86 psi Rho balanced Ht / Thk Ratio 38.40 Seismic As(eff) = [ Pu:tot + (As*Fy) J / Fy = 0.384 in2 'a'= (As"Fy + Pu)/(.85*f'c*12) = 0.753in 'c' = 'a' / .85 0.886 in Moment of Inertia Modification Factor 1 .00 I-gross I-cracked I-effective (ACI) Phi : Capacity Reduction Factor Mn = As(eff) * Fy " ( d -a/2 ) 421.9 in4 70.7 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 112331 in-# 112.5 in3 30809.4 in-# 0.0214 Wind 0.366 in2 0.717 in 0.843 in 1.00 421.9 in4 68.3 in4 0.0 in4 0.90 107309 in-# (continued on next page •••• ) R2H ENGINEERING, KW060291 u R2H ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 11545 W. Bernardo Ct. Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92127 TILT-UP CONCRETE WALL PANEL STRIP DESIGN 3 ft jamb, Line J, at line 1 ( .•••• continued) ... De:sign Method: Ex~ct 1994 UBC 1914.0 ~ V4.4B (cl 1983-95 ENERCALC tri r i ~ Q -~1 (D c E ,...: ~ .!? N Q Q N N . ., (fJ -;; ... !l ., ...J .., ., .., ..., -<t ~ (D ,...: N " ·e ., ·;; (fJ ~ a. It) o:i • .., "' 3: lnvitrogen Tilt-Up c96022 Date: 03/06/96 Axial DL = 1151 lbs ~ Axial LL= 0 lbs Roof DL = 485 lbs I Roof LL = o 1 b:s T RoofEcc = 5 in ' Q Q tri Q 0 ~ N Thick =7.50 in Using:"' 5 ia> 12.00 in f'c = 3000 psi Fy = 60000 psi Seismic Zone= 4 Seismic Factor =0.300 Eff. Width= 12 in Page: /!/-7-- R2H ENG1NfERING, KW060291 P2> SIM f~ .• -·., .: .... - R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I tv Vl1f20Gtk) f2ooF-12:WrC11~J -::. ze, '2,..-k Mt?~ 2'. : IZJ2;1t C-TIOI.J -:.. -Zt:> I<. P~tJ~L-6/, V 1/-:.. VgtVp+ V,n I K PI ,?..'/ .z:i(-va,-i.')+ 10,3 + ,'2.., (ze,')-:; p2---,'2')_ ·p3. -·=· ;--n· ·p4 . ~ -,_rcq Pt\NE:t.,. /p11=:fZ-;:2.. r Pl/A. ,SS-1 I \ /8 .\.'2-7 I c.... ... .ss/ l / 0 -,s:r1 I £ 1,27 I r:-. .~.q P4 7,~ 7,6 11 II <!:lo V }... p,r;,12. V '"-~J ,"'!.b 4 ~-4 ,,o C,. J?..S- ,'.;)0 4 5,4 ,'JO 4 7,5' ,?b ~ 17,4 ,;iO 4 7,) I ,O ZCJ 20,4 O•M 1 "'-1F-r L.. ~41 2,0 I\ 30 \\ '30 ~3, 20 Vu..=-1,4 v>, 1<.. d) ~C-J k 7,C:> '24,l I?,.) 3~. '2- 7,(; Z4,I /0,5" Z-4, I . -i..4,4 3 "/ "2.. 10,) '24,, 2:~,, /20,7 J -. - JOB NO __ C_'fi----'b(::)'------2._"'2-__ DATE_'3~/1-'-'-1)__..,,q6 __ _ SHEET / {f-3 OF-- P,L, ~ f?.M:. .~tJ,i... C,,/'2-J T1.1- s-~. I 7/S -,, 7/J ,, 71.> ~~A 47/. l-\-o12)e Dt,WpL.~ $j\.)1,0_$ tl:se ]0 'I 14-4~3z. "2.. -*tie/" 3 i:L qe3-z.. z.. 1::1c 4 ez4.. ~ #. 4 e.../C, ,, 4 t!..4e24 "'2... ii. 4e.3'2-4 R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT l tJV1Tl2~6-f-.Af f··Bv (,Sd\ SUBJECT / AJ p <.,kNf::: CN)h,L. '(JP.~/&A/ -L--1 I..£ / JOB NO. C '960'2-~ DATE '3 /t2ll6 . SHEET /{fi OF_ ., ~: \:;,.,..,· p~c... fZ-1&,0rrtl : . _vJA-t-l,-'. "Vd--2:;_~5 .,, 0.11 e- ~1P1. _·_ h/J.--.rr/:;o ·-.. ~o Ac-;. ,ro7 Ae...--.. ,J() I . A;_::.:· .w I . . /<p-; .srl Rr, /,27 Aw,,_~,._ --, G 7 -; (o I 4-_j__( '-. -,I or+ +~ Io/'> 2 ,5';1 H-/,'27 2.1....Sr/;1' .... , -=-J.-:.1 e =--' ,,,_ ...l-: ~-e> .7G .:s Pl t:... 1,-::31 -- P,w-~ --r-tPS. P 4 : h/J.--Z-Cf.¾0 :. /. 48 I /,:1 rvf-·1 PA-tJ~ L f<.. I" V = 12-/4,z__ ~ I ,'7'13 -. 2·7 Pt. ,7{3 ____ . ,7,7 p3 P4 17b'J .-:. - ,Sitt .. -Z,'363 · · • I 'l7 _ . ·----... _!. . - ,! gi -~= 1::.u?.I A .B . . . ·- ---I -• I ZC/,.5 I . '2-0, R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT / JJVl7f20G-GAJ ~=:Bv 6r'M P:s2 SUBJECT l"1 ()Wr-Nf-Wlr/4-'tJF?S/(JV ·v (11.ei-,_ -:. Z2, 2,K" Pl'rfV~L. V~ 1112-tVtttl~ .t}....1-. -~"33.?.-t //,:J-t_'Z'25-: ~c;,e,1c. . l\~~y~E: ___ ~-hJZ-.-.: ·-z.4,?S-1 -h --.. . ,. ----I p /t.5' J 07 /Yl J l,(.,{-r /287 h..,.-:.. /'2,.J'I p~.i&L.: /pr~J2.. t!:>/l) \j ---v~ , C<._ Vv-_,_f,4 v~ Lp,;;rz.. _P3-z//4. ,2.q jJ ... 'fl _ -• ,e.1 ---·_s- "f"G .. ~1~-~q . U,"'2.. -~ • t/-1... --- Jc .1..9 11.AI I~. f ~ /0 ,7.-1 11,'3'7 2-7, I < /£ ,42 ze.oG __ 3q,3 G Ip__ .. ,2.Cf )1,J7 7-7: I ~ ---.. -· i .> ' ' ------·-·-·---~·-· -·-.,, .. -___ ,,.., ----------··-~-~-·-._., ¢VG 3(). -z.. 3,.-z.... 30,-z.._ 30,"Z. --;C.. "2.. :)O,'Z ~ JOB NO. C9b0Z "2... DATE J /17./,::zt, SHEET ( {fS OF __ /2/f/,. ,tz.{"-OLC'--/1,, J ©9 y...., I(. J "3t", 7 tto121-a- -l:)s-e1a ~ I " II JI fr,se/6 11 1'14@./2.-J- 4-4411 tt..4e./'Z, I/ .STU05 4 ~ 4- R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I tJVI 1f2.oG-f;A) ~BY G-51'~ ~ ~ SUBJECT I IJ PL:AfJE. WA-1.£... iJF:!krrJ - . Pear:-'f.GltC([CJtJ ~ I 6, 1-1 3~.t/-:. 17,~k -M~. ~~--·14, / I<.. Pto\l~~ V';-Vei l4-1 Vm ; K. OTM, Ff."( L 0,\... 12M= ,gr /Jt.(L-/2) p3c:, ~ 47,e-1-11 •. '1+14,J-:: 73,B 14 7$" PA-N~!.. : !Zlt,1'011'-f ..... : A : h /cl : ?.½.~ : z. :s R. ,d · ------Fi,:. 173 2.. .. B !. h /cJ-. '·½a,, .: ·. 41 _ . -12-l=-o -=-7. 6?9 ~~ ?ti::!>/ f!<J*l.,./ftGl2. (:2. . 'lo V Lp,~ V~ P~o/A . , 4-31 ,0% ~ 4,1 . I 6 7, C.<!C{ I '::i45 ,e,i .~r.1 z:4,3'3 ~~."2. 4,74 \/,.._-../,4 Vs 1 k <t>vc.. t-fa,t..J~ .s;7 18,). ¼!se/e q7.~ ;oq, z... ~re1~ . ) ·--· - JOB NO. Ct:/0CJZ-"2-.. DATE 3 /Jl/?6 SHEET /Ub QF __ ;tD TIA_ 1 k Av·-'¼ ' ,CJ ('4krt j 7/,f' I ;3 z. :2-= (JolA)'f::1,.S S'rvfJ$ . t:l-41!!-32 ,, tl-4,e.J'<.'' 14 R2H Engineering, Inc. · PROJECT I Iv VI y(lbCrGlJ f'·Bv fr5M SUBJECT l/J Pi-it,.JE: Wfrv<-O'f:SlifN -L.-11\/E(i) ~ (-. tz.t::Ac::fl~ == 3 /,; + '3>0, Cf ..._ 12, 2. G", k PMJeL-" ·vs.-=-Vci.tVP 1 k ~TM) ~.Fr 1-I FT DL. 2M:=-;,'q 2/111/.2. p Z..7 1',2,c;f J).O =-73,IP /(,,'J,3 24-J} ~,3 C.~C>k PMJ~/P1f:i2.. . --R.~-:--.~1o·v· --vs vlJ...---1.4 ·,1s -L1,s.t.1 Fr .. />Ve--1 ·u. #oil-~ Pti/A ·-· -.~4,~ ... ; i6 .. i4,7 "'U?_,~ ~ __ ::,o, 'Z-. : ti:s~, & ,, JOB NO. Cf' t]'Z7- DATE 3/11 /fb SHEET t4:7 OF-- J-\-0 Tl.A.., k A11,_ 1":/.9[f#O) ~" I q 3 11/ ... / 2-7 V o ci'w f;J: S' : " -~TUVJ~ .. iJc t~/6 11 3 ./13 .. ·::i, z,-;s __ ·.t:~o'.:. se.q ~;..~·-·· IP'3> Go e'.4 ~~ Je/~F-.F, ~e.e'' 17- L . p1~ie-\3 Sit~. tz.\:::'INF~. Vv--d>Vc -..._ 02.~ .-~·$, .4 ·-1 4.1 ~ St4!J ~-• B~ (. ~i,j~ ~ (.g(~,~::: 7/J-s e/C:::," 14.)."'- ' ' • , I ~ .. -----·---·---~ . .,..,.... ... _ ... ___ . ________ -·--~--·------·----------. -···-···-·------,------)_ ---· --·--- ----. ------·----- ' ____________ ,. __ --------------·---·------·-------------------..--------- -____ .. __ R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT lNIJITf?OG-EA/ (:1 BY l'.!SN) SUBJECT I Al Plutt-A~ \Mh-<..-J/Jf?:.: 11.rN JOB NO. Ct::,C, 02-2. DATE 3 / q /qc. SHEET /</-e OF-- ------------------------------------, Pz.'7: ~Wtr1.(..: ~/J~~~--v~,:33'-l.'Z. \ ~~LIP:_ YI /J. ... _ q,!'fiA,33 ;. 6,-Sq • I --. "-JJ_ q,s) , be.Dfl.(l. _. __ A 1 . . 10--: . 1 r ~ VJ I:::,.,:_ w-,tt-<-:::. / , () 7 2. I::) " .5171,j () --, I It J 12',.,.k':. C). 7qe,. --------g .---h /J·-.:· Cf.S-1 · --~;0 . ---.... ·---··-_ --·--.f.ll,"J~.. 4 ~Fl3 =-3,7..) 3 A,o-oq ····--· --------------~-------·-~-. h". . I I . . .. ,46 .. . . e§f2!!.: .._. -!I • (J'OC(.. -:-l!> • :z -, --.,. ---···2·--.-l4/+~"2At.11-_ /,I t::::."tetr I, D'7 .... _ ... _. . i._ .. lo . -Rpi.; :" --1/i, 1'&··:. o,-817 - .. ----·-------·---··-----·--------·-·· .. --···-------· ,. ····--. . .. . . . _} . ,··· .. ~ -----, ·--·--·---~--.----·---·---' - I z4.'J:J> • .,, -.----:;;.__----,-Z9 .. {1 '?3 1 11,3'.!.1 L R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT J "1\/11Js06:£:W SUBJECT IN P\JttJE Wlrl-L--OE:~/(s-A,) -f.,,./1.Jf/~~ \....__.../ -~f?doF (Z-(?ACTfo'--1 ~ 'J /.7 + 'ZO, ~ -~ S-2-, ~ '< JOB NO. C9602 "2.- DATE 3/11 /4~ SHEET /?l:'7 OF-- -pffj~c.· -· v-::. \/(2.:; Vp J k OTM I l-e•Fr 1.-J Pr, 0, '-RM• ,e~oL ('·/·i-) Ti,,.-~(;( - ,-+D A'(... '~(,o) Z.s;fljJ,,__ 4--Jl: -p-2..4-· ~Z,'2..-fto,.3-::·(.';2,~ 14'3I Jr 5r,,,3 -:sre, /"!.~ ~ur,'je: : hr"'-2-4 :r-' -h,o-.._ I '1-?~ 1 ~~~~-~Ci-4 oTM ~-.-q RM) > k -----·-----· .. ---...... e, l... --·· " -. . . . p,z-4_ 6,2..f _ __ ~2.s: __ -· Js' 114. -. ¢1fc.-:: .iasc-;:HJ.~w c1~;~(~1r) t.--:· 7~1s 1"'f Pr , ----,. ...... _,_,.. ··-~-· --~ ---. ~------~--· ,., -.. _.., --· ~ ' ' ' ) -------v--..--"• ~---------. ------~------·-·--~-- i,..t,1' 0 R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I tJ VI TR.OCr-f=-N SUBJECT I~ P v#rtJE. WAl,L-'()~~J&tJ J2c,of tzGltcr-iON-=-ZO,~k t-}C ~p C!\l'"I> PAtv(: I.. 0/o V \/-:.. Vf<,.-1: Vp , K. 01M i 1,e • Fr ·L; fr p J(., , 'Z. I • 'l.l (-zo,1'')+ L5, f--1tt.e 34:3 ~-~ 4.~ ()17 ,"2.-1 ,-z.l (-zo,?)+ 1~:2:: 1'1,s .3.3 0 30 4,'3 p,e ti Cf ,1q (-zc,~fi+ _13,q ~ o,e _ 30,8 "i$"" -·-~ 3,C\ Pt Cf ,oq ,oq (-zo·:?'),:9, 1-:. ·,1.~ -. 1&1r Jq,s 1.6 pzo ,10 .i c20,r)-t 10 ,q --13,·o. -Z-/C:, -Z2,S' . 'i--,1 3iO ·-PZ-1 ·,2..0 ;1. c-za,?Y-t i1 ,:~ ~-1e.4 3-Z..S- 4, I M~uvYlE: k(?.,·-zr,,s-r hp,._ / ,4,?~' O,L 64,~ e:3,2- 7",0 ~z.q ft/, C, '7e,/ JOB NO. C960~'"2- DATE ~'JI/ /9(? SHEET I ~o OF-- £M-= , er DL l '17-} ·,v... /dt'/b I~~ I e-t>e "136 ~c l67'f ---- ~OU• NC,. ;rt£:.. roP -ovr -~ p /71 Ot)l,,vf fZ8-()t-7 s I IJ A U-/'r"4 1 Nar,tt,,,,st; ot: 1." " ~c, .. , ii-YE=-<:.A1..:v£,,k'f7 riN g ~ WE!:J=SS:Jrfl'1, {JN.)fl.-/~ !=I'-R r.;"'V Lf'1~12-Vs,K \/.,._:./,4 I/~, k ,$" ,:_ "' / l-\otit~ Qowl=f,-S '=T\J\O) tll~ '30,f" 1.:t,e 2-?,7 164 l:i:~(2 )~ -tl..4e..3z 4 P Pn ~c, 1q,5' 2,7.3 Jet t I 4 Pt7/A -10'1 ,07 4 I. 4 ~.o 2.4.} 1/ I I~ 'l.,~ "13 I 4-/6.1 ZS,'.:, e4.s ,, 4 t')1e/A S-,'3~ ,43 ,-,,?S: J(o.~ -z-3.'2.. /rfi.) JI 4 /8 ,-1-JZ-,_07 4 1,3 l' ~ '2-l}, l_ ,1 p1Cl/A l,'Zo~ . ;74 G,( 6,S" __ ti, q 3!/,'2 /I i.. /B ,4:n. ,~. -ti ,-r--3,0 4,1--z4,) Ir P-zo/A 4:9G ,7k 1'2,(° q,r;_, 13A 7S-,4 II '2.. /[5 1,,5:; I '2.C, (o 3,4 ·--4-~ :j~, '2.. ,, -I P"-l /A 4,oqJ, ,7e, i1J' ,4~~t _ '2ti, i.-~q.4 t I 3 --. IB ,, l?,4 --I z,. "2.-s_ 4, r S,7 311,7... 1/ -·· ........ -.. , ...... __.._ --·---- --· --- l -----. L R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I tvV/Tf2o&~IJ JOB NO. c.q~2,. -i_ DATE 3/elftz SUBJECT I IJ {) L/WJE: VJhl{.., '{)F::J:/(]A) l---r NE. I I SHEET / 5;/ OF--' D,97 J?e-=-I, f24- 1% r lf/Jf; t..-r 1 7 ' so .... ,~ f Jt(l/f L. I , Ztf,5 )( '.?O h/4l,. _zq~to .,_ o. 9 8' R.. PO ::-I ,;fq I ~at.ifO Pl7 l'Z.. r·---I I A : floP-0v-r : 14 ~ I I ~I 14 I b.WA'¾,-·'. "Id .,_iq,½o ·-t>.1r;: b.c-~--o,e:,7 I::::. s,t1P: h/41:::. 14/~d ·-o.47 ~~1P ·. 6, 1.rl R po~ L4ci l Sl>t.,11'7 ~coerz. ·: ~/41 CA")-.. 14/4-= --~ .~ l'<p ~-C>,I C3? ·-. h fd ( !3); I a.-/1+ '"-·7, ·o f;::.p-:.. 2, $'" b..w1,c1,,1,. ,.,, iJW'r'A--t;.q-p..1f-t A co~tl--PcP•O'..IT' ... _ _ __ . ___ __ . G 7 -, IS' I + , '3? 2-~ , ~Yl I ~fn--:: 1/,Bq t -:. I, I Z. .. __ -. P#\"1~ L-p I f? : -. ·-·-----·-··------..,...----,..-- ~,;;~~f-"-/di Zttf/::31!' -: c),qg, -~ .. ----~~'-'k'-1..._ 0,.€,7. t..En-i~J :-~Id:: --Jo/~'-·::-:· c,.::.J. -~-•~ ~--~-~1r ·=--o, 113 ~Cdl(L; : A: A/41 r ,o/i?:?s---6,J~ 12~--S:-:J._8-1 ~ n Id--tc/ 4-:. -z.. s, f2r.B -.. 01 4:)'2- -£-=--S, '82.. I ·~ccs'/1.,rf,· ·-1/s,ni.--c,~·17z -··· -- --.'.,.___ 'i!L __ 1_,. --A ---:--,,..,a·-·:_ ------!,~~-._-_-. ~~::A ---xg,;· -.....,,,c.,Jl:z..-:. 125--~,:::>2, -· .. 1-~/Ji,..• (),_':'_[_ __ j_ ____ ·------•• (3 'k -, A-hn ~/ r ----,· ~ ·t..:1~2-• /~-:. )7,})~ 0,4.., /Zr-1r-:... 6,C/:J,Cf _ --·17,7fl .3:ZS''~'' 11 "'-~-:.~· B""/4--_ 2,..() --·---f4::t,-:... c>,?t 4-.. ----------~ -. ---·-- -·-' . S-,_. -~ -- Z.Cf.> I ,_:_~·~z::_. . 'htJS ·.;.... ·,::1 -· -.. .. ---·-·· '3 C!>t. -• .. ... ---7,-~s-3 ··-· --------.-----··-····· ·-~TST: ~o~;(o7_;:. ~l}y~--=,r5'1.+·:;-.1+-: 17°,z_' · .. -?',75 ----:-_ -·-_----~.. ·_·,·-=-:~ --~ ~ _ ... --~-12-f-,~;~=f.,3:) _____ ~---~--~---~~---~-~------~---.. --~--~ -~---_:--~---~·-:.-.~ ,· ·_ R 2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT /NV1Tf2-oG-~N, r~:sv 6-SM SUBJECT I f\J PLhJS Wltt.L-'IJ~l&AJ -l-JNf:..)) ~A~£-.\, .P l 9 ~ !:::....,_~; }\/Jc 2q.½3s·· L'Z-~ I D.sif!.tP : I\~-. 1o/:z::J,S" · ~, 4:3 b..~r<.r.t: A ~/cl._ I0/4s·-J, 'S"" ~ A (!..'J,lrv., -I. I 76 l:::.c..~1/l./p ~-1. J(i:; I R. ~ A-·-1. 2tJ1 . J.2-FB ·-, 432.. ·:z_12-:. /,~4/ · /:::;C¢{?.92, ~ 1/;, c,41-=-6 .r,,"c>q .I::.::. l. \?B-&1U,I -1-·, ,o'"( ': .1, C,zc,, /Q.. Pl9":: 1/r, &?.~ -= 0, GJS: · fJ f\tJi::; L p 2() ,' h.wttu-: h/d -. zq,Yzz,.( -. /, 3 / 1 . f.::,c ..,1'c!Ar·· J. Z Cf 2 J::js-rriiP'. t\fcl.,_ 7 ·½-z.s-. C!J,'31 1 b,,_srt1.1f·· ,J/3 ~"'etZa : A :1 "fol-:. 7 '1/i,s::: o, ro , f<-FA---1,9', (3 I 'ri Id~ 7S/1o ·-I, 2S-I f<fe,'= ,. ?S-3 £ 'f2.-:. ~-. 7 J 3, ~~-2r;.,. ~ I/<;,. 712. ~ C), I "'11 1::::.-ro-r; 1;-zqz_. ,-,3, +·. ,'lq ~ 1, 32e l2p2b~ '/J.~-ze "-. C),7n _ l::,IJJ/r!,\., i b.smif: A.caerz..' h/d -:. -2."'ISJz..r --0 :'f \ -I i\/J--& /22.::---()'ZS-I A , h /J--e/,1.r-... 6, ,o . @, , h Id ~ 2/4-·-I. (p f:::.c.v~-,S-74 b,;R,,P -~--' D@I . RF A~ 4 ,c,93 _ f2.F~ -. 7 . I 2.4 ·----. ·· £ f2-:. -~. Z17 . A ~o-{Lvz..=-·vs-.21?.,, ·6,11i7-.... ~.-err~ ,574-,oel+ .1q2.." o.~J3S ~p2.1-:.. 'IG~--/,4C, '2.!{,f I 1.f'. It.' JOB NO. C.9~ <2 2-2.. DATE 3 /a/cn; SHEET / ~,2. OF-- -1' 13· R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT_-!-LIN--=--><-V'-'IT...:.....@o---"""--'G-=--=EL-',A.L..} _______ _ JOB NO. cqc;;oz.?- DATE ~/r:ts!z6 ..r:::, BY G-SM ,-=,:,_. SUBJECT / Iv P {d(Nf. ~u... iD Ec..S / &tJ -t-1 A,JE. JI SHEET / 53 OF __ (!;} L L-1 NE. "JI P~Ji;;..·L. Piro C Cv'v T : p /rN'G-L. I , ~ . ·--, -""10 V I JZ/~12.- J, S'zA ,, -z. I Pl? I, ~n I. -• 2 I Pl&~_-·-1 ,°'3'.T3.-.--~--•I~ . _f' ).9 _~---· • I ~ l.5-. -:~: I 6 9 lz."c?. ~ :~-= I ? ~~---= -= -. / D P2-l . ___ 1; 4~ :-~-.. _. 'ZD -~-=-7, 17C, PMJ0L. f7 PaF _"olir· ~() ~;f;II)· PA1J;-t... · [<... . "'10 v, fZ/4.,e... Pl0-l,Q4 • 'ZZ- p17 I • I "2.-I /b" ()16 /,'YJ'3 ~z..o PlCf D,b/5 d;1 P-zo 1?53. . -• I I pz_ I ),~ ,,21 . ~ ,._ C. I %DS°'" ) -----·····--.. --------------··---------~----~--------·--,~------· -~*· ___________ ,,_ ________ _ L R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I NVIT~'IJ ~f ~-·,u-A-~c~ ~-. q, I k fMJ~ 1,· -,% V V: V12t Vp ~-k p2z, ,§'4 I ;-4-( ":!')+ 12,5:: I?, 4 4,"I fzq . ;4e:. , ~t-,1;i')+ Jo,7=-14.,q_ . -4. "2. . . }t5;$\Jv0:i=.. J'\ r,,--~~,; . hc.G-. ~ / 4,7!'' P~i.:i;/pie::f2-R.~ . .-:.01~V -~Le~~-Vs. P2e/i., .. _-,S$"' .. -~-~-~~J .. ·. _A -~ . _1,7... / e ~.1)1 ·--. q3 .... __ 7-o: ·· · 1t..'2- 1 C. '3.'S ,..«"·t -;-z.o :· -~A-. ID g,1 l,T7 1'ft G, I e:.. S,i ,e1 .'33 5 . ()2.tf I A I a, - I c... I 0. 4,S"S'J , s~, 4, 933- .~~, , tt I ,01 ,q l I c) q 14 4 14 4 .. ' . I "3 ,(. /, '3 l'3. (p I.~ Yv----1.4Vs,k 1•7 7-Z, 7 4,1 /1.S- e.o 1q,o 1.e 11,6 ,.~ JOB NO. C<?b02-'2- DATE 3 /u/q~ SHEET / ~(f OF-- 0,1-, JZM~,05""'(02)½ c,,e,4-q30 s-e.G ~.S di 1/c..) (,( ltof2la, CouJa.t ~,ui[)S 2-4./ tl s-e ,e *-4 e3 -i. I 17.04 4 z.4. I '?,C.,, '2-'Z.. :30, 'Z-'2.. 8-4,f" 3 '2...4. J ~4.s '3 2-4, I --------~--_,-+ ____ + ___ • -· -----··-------·· ·--·· --· --· ·- -----· .. ' . --~-~--------·---------------··-----------------------.. -------------, ' ----__ . -_,_. ______ ----·-·---·-.. ______ --·---·-· .. --------------·- R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT J i\l \[ITl<CG-E:N JOB NO.------ DATE 3 f,}1e, G'SJ.Bv G.SM ~-.. SUBJECT J tJ Pl-M.Jf Wrtt..L ()f::S./W LIIJf:: JI-SHEET I U OF-- f'-2.~ '. .b,v,/rv.., ~ h/J-. zq,5/2-z,.,.. O,Cf-Z-, l:::.,::.vlf"',·-o . .f8'7 ~2/ I ---,..------:__. _____ 2-'1.J_ ~--pt.1P1 '. 1\/J--q/2-z..-/ C),'2.g I f:::.'S.TU!.IPI ! O,CYj-:!. ~~iU2-: ),.) C.. 1 1-\/~--'1/~p 2. 25" £p-A; c.. ~ 0 ,$'5) B, h/c1,. (:Yzo 1 -= O,Llf' 12.rc,-:. ~.13q C) > h/J-. qi~ .. I.s-· I· . JZ FD <-, •• 'Z, . ,> h/J.:. Cf/5'_--:.·/,B., 12F-E-.,: 0,0-1,__ ~1"07~ ~, S"S?-, oq3, 4-1 .. · · -, 6'?'3 f ....L.-,551-+ c:1::;q · _ • 5!1-11.7;~.eq E -:a C>,qo'3 -'I' g' &' ~/ s' Re2-ia .... 1/11).:t. -:.. l1 I 07 I 2~ 2er,.s' -zq: t.wfttA-• h/d ·. -zq,.s/4, -/,.1'3 b.c.wJ'r«,·· C>, 'i/0 b,~~1P '. h./c!~ Cf/zc O 6, ~S 6.sruf ~ 6, /22 /).<-M.(/.... : Al C. / h/j ._ '1/i "I ./ ~ '(;, 4 f<F-A1 C, ._ '1 ,siag e, o, h/J-. '3/-4-. z.-z.s-{2.,=. rz.,o-=-c,._ss-1 bT&!"-:. e>A/.Co-2(0.1z--z..');-6i:~s~-4-,.SS')-z.. ~ /,Grc,z.. l<et.ei·-I /1.0~·'2-:. 6.C/42.... PA~L-. I<. tJ JD V,:. Q/4 f2- P2..B J, /67 o.~4 p2q 01'!4-"2-0,4G. '2...04q ,-.. L R2H Engineering, Inc. JOB NO. C 9(,az.:2. PROJECT l tJIJtT(l()6f/.J DATE :> /11 /f6 SUBJECT /tJ • flKNE Vvtrvl-'{)f.f J(;f.J -~ l..lN~' SHEET / !5°b OF-- ~f-(2~W"-/67,4t'l. I-;. 11,,{~ V'(\~ ~c,qn-J ~ 9.k TO P3 l o-tJC.,1-f p~t,... '7~ V V-=-Ve.--t-Vp +Vr.1 I I,<.. mM, K.f"', L;Fr D,{_' et-'\ ,. /8f PL-( ... /z) ~z:z .. • I L ,I I (1/C>,f)tto.1 ~ '2'2..~ 4G-3 -zo ~s.s A72--1-Z,'<7 P2.J ,.\ I .i I (11~.5)ffo, l ~ 2-"?.t\ 4~3 u:, ~s-.s 4, '2. IZ..•t p e.s 1'1-'l,. _,~"?,-(1)&,~ t i'.{'3_::. ~S'. '\ S-2.4 2/ n.4 '7S'"4 ,ZS, ... - f 2.l, . .. . .\~ . _--.J'I C11r,.t,+.-,-i,, = "34,e .. 730 30 61,7 esq • ,. I • P~I '\ q --·..::Itt (l)~,.fJ.tJ-I, 3-f .eo: _ -41.4 6D'l '3'l-. <.:,(,7 031 -z:i,I P33 '\q d~ (11G..~;+_-·j\,3 f'27,2.-~ GO,~ I 071 '3.'l--(, I, 7 ,a3q -7..-Z,I AuVM{.:;. h~-.. 2.4,.s-'1 , hrf!=-1'2.,.(~ ht:!,-=-J,4,'1.f 1 ~ ()TM, PmE-t-/p,i:.1-i_ P2'2- /2..-. 'o/ di Vs V1.t.:. /. 4 t/-, L. P11=i:z,.. ¢\Jc..," l-\o12)6-I OovJ'-1.. 10 Po-.Je SJ_t1P fl'Z.;:. f?.t;/ A /B I c. Pz6'/ A le. /c,,. P-:!.I/A /Z;; I c. /0 IE. ·: - 2-z.q -Z.2.,'f I 5{1 I 2.0 7,70 1,-z.7 .4, ,g.-za ,01 .~~ 1'2,84 I 2..?fj • "\ ~-4,.S-"2... /,'2-7 I ~1· 2,),23 ,~H ~i~_- • ~ ,'Z-•{: 1,i,'7 . I {2.. I 91. I 2-1 'ta9 I 2q_ 1,-Z..J ,42 "i '6S:- q, ,q 14,qJ q, c.,q /2., b )?,4 IF -: -~---.. -. it_q_~_ -I z.~~--~-. 12.; ()_ - 9/7. 14_.6 ''Z..q_ .4.1-:.·~ -· 3'2.,\ ::n,1 /0,c'/ z.r.(J) 1e:o ~.3 '2..C(,7 17.,7 4 1'3,G, ·_ 5 1q,~ G 1'3,k ~ /f,,8 -s-- 2-4.~ ~ J(,,,$, -~ l'3; r;; Jq.~ ~--- r. (. ·--.. f> 3.3L.i-.:~~-_ Le:=~~-- / C. ~-= .. __ /_Js·-- ,2-q_:_ 1~7--·-/'?,-, -C, -.!'". 1 ..:c=~--~ __ --=~ -~---· .-----. -I '21. -.:._~ ~ 4 z--::-·=- _ _,_ __ -. ·-· . --·----- 17,G._. _Vt,,__ f _____ _ 2~:.~ .. 3s, 7 __ ~ C.- \,,~·-· -. z.4.-'~-.. ·_<_--·- 120.7 t±se/"9 ~4e-.31- /'20, 7 II z.+. I -lo\..4~14 ::n,,z... l¼--4<2-)" 30,'2 .... ; I I I i:a. I ~4e3'2- '3~,"2. ~4~1-Z. 24. l ~ 4e lh 30, 1--"*4e.'2-4 '3~.2 '?'!--4e/&,. 3C', '2. ~4e. 2.4 '319. 'l-i:l--4e../" ;),, 1-I I .. ")c?, '2. 13:: 4 el" .30.1-~oz.2:-4 ')~.-i-: il-'le../'-··- "3,0,"2. ~4e't4 --· · '30, ').. -t..4e11.· _· ___ 3C,,'l. 'i\-4e-9 '30,-,.... ~ '\el'2. t --- .. 'f-A.1_1.J _.sT~-. o_oi:_r_(c.7r) ,~-=:-, zoit~·, ,#-r¢ ]e, ~· -~-=~~-- D6w~f-y;:, (kiiJ~ -s.ta._iP ! . ·_\f!M.::. ,s(:1..J~rsrr~~1/t,+ ·_-:_~4.,ll ·l<: _S-~A:~N(r .... 'Jltlk/v; °ID'-'!1..-~.:. 5::- r '2. 4 3 I 4 2 2 3· '2. 3 4 .3 -z. 3· 2. 4 ~ 4- - L R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT /NV/Tf20~/v JOB NO. C'J(aO'2-Z... DATE 3/:z/-16 SUBJECT /IJ·-Pl-ME. wAlL. '()f;S/bJ L1>JE: B SHEET I :S:7 OF-- p.zs·: A"""'-': h/~-Z"f,~ 31 .,_ .q~ I 1::::. ~ vrfr1,4,-. C}, C, '2-8 ~S'f(ll(' I h/.J:. 9h1--0,Z."f I l:::. ... s1it.1f •• CJ.oq7 bcof2.(2.; A~ h,ft-. C//4---Z,2, f2.i=-1r ·-o.rr/ 151_ h/t,)-. er/~-.. /, r l<A3 --/,2-, c.: h/t),_ '1/~·-/,g -1?1=-~ ... c;,~q ~/2..--'2,711 b~ll--;. 1 /z, ?II .::= ·o. y; q b,,;. "!. e>:<o2a -o, oco.;. ~ u q = c,, .,,, J<p25-:. 1(,q-,, /.{// -'Z.G, : b~f'rl-\.-: h/J .. zqsho~ o,96 1 ~c..~~ c,.~7 ~sr,up : 'r-./J._ '1/30 ·-C),'3, 1 l::::.s-ra,;Q·. 0,/0/ ~t:.o,u1.-: A'. h/d-=-~/2, ·-:3,6 1 l<..Fr-6,Z.76 16 1• h/).._ erk--1.s-, f2.Fo-. 1.2.7 C ~ h/J-. 'f/4--: 2.2..~ J 12-Fe. = o,551 2; 12. ":. 2 • C>Clo/ · h..C6-t2-ri. "-1/z, oqq ·· C>,"'i 7C:, D..TtiT ... •.~7-,/Oj + ,.q7C:, •• ./,04~ · RP2.~-:::. r/t,D4S"-;. O, qs7 ~"'*~1. ·: h /ct-=-zer:r/2-z... 0 c>, q z I D.c. ',1/,.;__i:,. .,_ D,SB 1 ~..st'11i>: ~(cl--cr/yz-. 6,2 e 1 . l:::.c..,;1p·· o,e:,q3 .b.ue'.L-:_ A ~ _h/J-=-l!:fJs-._ I,~ ,--· _ ./2.. r-1r-.. o, eq -=-ieF.'- ·-13.'.. ~/d:. q/ro._ 1_.~, _ .. f<.frP. /.?.., --·-·· -· -··----· · -------·-· -· :z .... --3.os ··--·------· -t::..~ -~ I /::i. ._;.:: 0,~Z. ·-·--· --vi,__. _ F: ,o__. _ ... S __ _ _ .. _ .. __ b-;;.-:.:, 9z:3,--,0113+~(.~)4 /.-z.,=-·0 ;~+ 2(,~<t"5-t1,z.7_:..__ - -I, 0-57 R p3 ,·:.-.J/,,on::-... 6, ':f ':!.'-···--~--. i-=~~~~~~:::::::::::::::=======~===c..-· ·---.. ftt-NG:1.--_ '2.-~r;/?; V, ~/~-~--- ·pzs--·: 1,Ti I · ~-, z--z... ·---~-~ · -· PZ4 . _6,qS"7 ~ \ ~ • 11' .. I I . , I I ... , 11 31 1 ,.> I C. ~' ------==!:3:;.;;0;...' _____ zqs' R2H Engineering, Inc. Jos No. c.rtoz-z... PROJECT I tJVrTrM6~A) DATE 3 /11/9, F·sv_~u=sL-rt..\--\ -----"-susJECT 11v e~ wA-1.-1 ... YJG1;1ertJ -1-1N£ CI) SHEET / S-0 OF-- -~i:-!2f1c-TI 01'-) ~ /22,3K tJO pop ovT \-to F1.1J~ L 151'{) V \J-:_ V~-t-Vrl \.<... OTM, tc,Pr L..J Fr O.L, gM =-,es' 0.1. ( '-/2) 'Tl.A.-*, '< A!;,.,. , ;.0') P< O,lf , 1s(rai,'3Jt /f".e::: 34, I Cp7'2.. ,e.~ P0 o.n. 1r, (ITT,3)t _12, I= '2-7,e, 54~ 14,7 -P? 0 ,I(" ."i~Cr2:a.~'2'1+ 1r,3-:. 13.C, G,~~ 18.::, P? 6 ,0?0 . . , 07b (i,2-z. ;,)+ /(), "I : ~, 2.. . 364 q. 'Z ·-... ~q \\ I\ p,·o \\ \\ Pi! \\ 1, Pi Z. \ I I\ p 1'3 \' \\ Pit! a ,11 , \ I (122,-::.,Jf 1:3 ,I = Pl( 0,023 12.~ ,o-i~( i'2?.,~J.f (E.,7 ~ "2-, e f,,12-1'T7'1\ k!:N"ME:. h"-:.. 24' , Tv.--:-( /.4OTfY\-11 (Ct11) 2o_.).. \\ .. 2tJ,2 I\ '2.D,'2. I\ 10.1.. I\ U),2, \,\ 2~.0 S/7 9 ,$'" I~~ heG--;. / 4,7~1 32-~-4 1175 3/,$" 7/.~ q~e '32 . .5'" g3,4 II~ ~4 ~.,.~ (p_/0 JI II I\ II ,, I\ II II I\ JI II I\ ,, I' II jC,, 7f° ?1,"1 s/o Jo J~.f ,~~ ,~-,8L ;:) Pf\NPL-01v·V V-=-vuvj·~ k . \t-lTTl-l 6T'tYl /~-I<. Pol ovT<; CP,C?" Pe) L p( P.G e1 Pt p~ ~ID Pt l p12 -pr?. p14 fl.5 ,10 -z.'2-+-Jr.~ :£ '3?, e-· 17, I+ fJ, \ ~-30,i.. 76I .~04 1i,3+1'.3,~'-31,f:· ~4c, 7, s--+er.:.,;. ,~.Ji§:: .. ·_ '3 n (, JZ. 31,s '3Z) l-4 .. IS,"\+ 1'3-1-:.._'2.CJ •. O ~=-~= t;7£:: __ ·_ /fu.7r' . 1. 4-:r io;--;·.:: 10; I ~ ~--· ... J ~ .. -10 G-~4 ?/,C:, 74.'3 s"O.~ R,.V\I\ 117.f° 9.t6 /OZ~ ~18 .f/0 ,ss - /(:,,() '7· 7 -· /I.A. :i-2.0 J'Z-.1. As · J-1;-·~ ~ vs&. 1-»--~ R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I NVITRO&E~ JOB NO. C.t:/C, 022.. DATE ':3,/11/1t:. SUBJECT W n1r1Jc Wtru .. 1./JES/tlJ-/...--JAIE :J: SHEET / S:1 OF-- f,:srz. Ttti=-H-orz ,-s-. £T~f-1.-'IJE.S J&J.J IJSE. 71t£. 1h P _,o u, W 111toor pc,A:,1.fi$ , \).SE, WOf2:C-T CK.£ Fol2. P~Nf=:lS W lil-l PA~t:jp,~12-R. 0 /oV L Vs, K.. v~-;../,4V~ K P5"1/A. · Jo,7e_7 .'{~ z.-z,'2~ !)~,q so,3 /_-f:>_ ,c;1:'7 .o~ '3,~ Z,3 ~."2- p~/j .. ~ ;-e; - P?/ A.. ,MO pop / B, ·_ O'-l PoP P7/ A our / 0 NO f0/A {)OP N-r IB Pl4/A I -:>Z'J. .. • 11 ~ 2. ~\G. :_;eq .1~.s , BCf .· -. , l.'i.. . . 5:"_ ,.1~q . e@ M.)· ,3-i.q , ID ~ z.,i:tlG , qo 15'.S- '~'1 ,Z-/ ~ 3,'3'2.\ I 7.4. ) ) . .~2'1 ,'3Z. c- l 714 I (j,E3 7 , Gl7 .t)~ 3,5 6',1~ I 11-,~:7s /. 0 /() 3,3 2~,q 4:D"·- zq.~ 2-8,'7 4:2. I c..o SA \J.4 4,/c 37,") .(,C. 41,4 4,.S- 4o, 1- S"/1 '2-"?.4 7.~ /{&.,O ~\le-~-2L0.?N~ ~.?r(,2). e i.:.. ~-eoo3jf k-lF'f _· MIN -~oii,·i:., , Ol>?-5" (1~C:..?s•. ,2.03 1 -If.fie [e'' --------¥ ' t . ,• . ..,_.. fZE::,hOV/;,,J.(J S'o t,.()TNN ~yL IIWUS. PcP Ov7Z, ¢Ve::., le He1212: 'OOJJ,;1..s / t}c, 3 ~.re I to -4-4e 3, Z- '"2-/, I ::30, 'Z. ~7,s //7. 7 -:W,'2.- "1'3.) 30.z. GG.4 30,2- 41.,""2... '2. I • I 101. / Go.,'.3 11 . I I I I ¼l-tte.Z.4- 1:1-4 e.J ~ "'-4e..2-4- -l±. 4e..32- S7U0$ 7 I s -z... {. - R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT JI\/VJTROG-E:.N _s : bv.1r~: 1\/A--,zq·-'/2-i.----C,t'f?., ~ S'JYllf .' h /J.--7 ·51':3'2.-.. 0,7-3 .ti!MtZ-: A '. h/cl.-7 ·.S-/z.r.zr -·,~o f3: h/d_-_ ?,s/4,_r---i, 14 t:::::.~ = 1/1i. 101 --'68'? . b~T --, SB1-, o?4 ~ ,e:,if < ~··e:."t:5 1 'J<.. p_r---I /,t,,;I :. / • ~ ~-4 .. p_e, : b V1\'¾.. ! h (tA -:. ·u ·1/i 1,.f --61 °l 4 . b.s1Q.\i' ~ hfvf--l4/ zis--o,44 Gcmz-ri '. A "/ti-, 14/s---Z,© ~ h/J--14/14-,r-c>,q, ~~ ~ I /'2-,q45'·-6,34 b., W*C,t, ':,. C). ~/ ~d'fYC-IP:. , 07 4 fZrA-·-J0.767 i2f!3 -:. ~, IR 1'7 -~ t2---I I, 404 . ~G-WM,-\. :. 0 I & 14 ~e ~rttP .,_ 0,) C,6 ef-fr-~ o ,3 z.q Rr-t ·-2, &JC:. ~12.:. Z,14.S- b.-,rs-r-=-C, I 0 l 4 -0 I Ir,& -f I 3"f--:. O, 7 g,g- /2p~ -=--1 /.1i~ -~ I , ze,q p:...7 ~ ,-JO ,pc,p l9\JT .t;;,w,r;IA.,. .; h le).:... ,zci.s I zz.,;.... o. 9 I b.s-rrt\P --C//?1'Z-,C-D1'Z.B . ~Coflr'l . '.. A / h/J-: t;rfsr-:. J. e 13, h0(._ q/l"i,.f'-... 0,~C, 6.c~fl'f<-:-1/?,"J.--1 " D,) ~ I b,tr[ = _ ,$14 -,o'l :s.+ ,-i3J ~ _p_,_eo., -i-_ . ,:Z:p-j"•-::.. l /. (g.1-Z. -: /,. c; 's,' -· . . . . . . . . I:::. e. vfirl-v-:. o S? 4· D..~p~ o,oqz. J2FA----o,eq fcF-a '-e,, u,q fJZ.-... 7 · ~s1 -7 '. Pop-0\JT · ~ ---~-· -----·· -- h/J.;. 14/3-zs~·.c:;--1_-:3, -_--~STR'P:,. Q,t1,1 -· A , : "-/J-.. -~'3/t":._~B .... _ .. Ri:-,t:.. 0,32.~~----· -~ B , _h/ct.:.. 1~(Jt;?"~:.-'?:..Cf o ·fZ.Fe .J. -1-,116---·_ = ·~ -.f':::..~rt.;: 1/3.,-4s---. o,36e', ... ~-r-< ... O, 57 4-(!),/(,I+ c, ;·-j,c;f-:. CJ..•72. J R.p_? ·_ '!-. I/, -n .. [ "' I~;;~:! .. _ . __ .Jopwr_ _ ______ . _____ .. ~ {2 --~. ""2 is-' - JOB NO. C1GC>22- DATE "3 /q/16 SHEET /6~ OF-- :32., ,-----------~-I A ~I A B 1r,-z r-'J,7.f' 3,!:' :i1.r' \~ I (S 1---'T { I H'. 8 1' I . I I -1'1,f 1$' .. J5i5' I l'Z.. I R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT / N vrnzc,GE::IJ f':: BY G-$M L h; J.--zq s /-z4----I , 2 5 n lo{--qi ?Jt ·-", :..e A 1 "IJ--qJ~--/, 6 11, -h/41--c,/11 ,. C>,B'l- bcittvt.:.. ¼:-z,l: 0,7-37 - I::,,(!.. w.,...,.,,-;_ I I / / '3 A .s,ru:p -=-6 , } 3~ 1<Hr __ . ~ ,e, Cf ~Fi!> ·-3., :32 .. J -£12--: 4,-z..ll /::::m;,r-:. J, 113-,.13~ +,'2.:37"' .J,'2-14- f<.r,ie "'. 1/2,-ii.f:--o.t324 _g ', PoP ovT ..D.~1-.qp: hfJ.,_ '4/2.4---o.~8 bCofl(2..: AJ A/J.--14/s---t.~- &, h/d-.. 14/ 7 -=· 2,D be<rllt'--~ 1/1, 04-3 ~ o. q~cy 12-F-lr: --C>, 3 2'1 ~B:: 0,714 zfZ-·-;, 043 ~rC>T'=-I, 113 -·, -Z.5"2-+ , Cf,S'Cf ~ /, 8?... l<fe, ::,. '/1. a--z_. --D. S-~~ foP IQ .,_,.. ---• -• ----• • > •• Rr,s ~ -~-1/ ~A 4-? --o ,'2. s-·:;;--_~: b, '" JOB NO. C "t~ OZ.~ DATE 3/9/t[b SHEET {~I OF- . 11-I r-----l I l I 1-1'' r· 6 · I ! I 11 7/ I ,,_. A X ,rr B 16",7S' ,~ I I . ...-------.-zq,f'_ --- (i, I . J (2' R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I N\J /Tf<.QG-~V BY G5C".'I t--Jo PoP DVT ?k!J~L-R. o/o V; ~lz:iz- p5 ,.,&4 .Is . Pro 1,u;q. "''2.. P7 l,G>.3 I IS'" nr. ,614 -.-.. ,0"7b. - ~~ ,S'24. , 07{c ·- PIO -,'374 ~---. r P1 Y ,G24 PI-Z.. .~'24 p11, ,g,z.4 Flt\--1.1$3 • I \ firs ,'2.53 I 02.3 <i:R--£ lO,t:fJ~ pep o-vrs , rvc.i.v~ll) 'PMJ'fi:.<-R "10 V; 11/~12- P s ··_ pe,···· --· f7. Pe {4. p1b Pil _· P\J-.. p13 .. pr4···-. ·: l,C.C.4 J,'2.~q I, 3g7 ,S44 • ,e_ ... ... • f4 ·• ...... . ols .. , 6C, L . .. - prs·~ ·. . , 253 -----~ . · , 02:B .· _·-_-:. =--=: _ -:-..£f2--:. ere~-.-=-. ··=-=-=-~ ~-~-~--=: ~ -- . . . } .... - JOB NO. C'1C:.OZ7- DATE 5 /c1 /rl, SHEET I t;,'1--OF--i ----------------~----------~ .--··--·--·----~-----------··--·-----···-· ·-·--------------------· L. R2H Engineering, Inc. JOB NO. CC/00Z-'2.. r·· BY Gsti\, "< PAN'f-'- Pl-P3 p 4- ps ?~ P7 f8-Pl3 914 Pl~ P/(p Pt7 ~,e PICf PZO (;;: p.21 ri-z-P?..3 pz.4: PZ-~ pu, P27 P-2-0 ·P2.'f f36 - -p3r_=:- . P3t __ _ "{)33_· __ :.t P:?-4·:--_- L p::,_r = . A~:-~ - PROJECT PJVl1f20G f::#J DATE 3 /Jo /q~ suBJECT Jt0, £L/l:N~ W:kLL '{Jf-~/w I P~10G:-{.. w~/ftHTS SHEET I {,J OF-- Vpl\1b(.., K /0,3, SJ10 s:r-, "'1 9 iq,~---=:__ :. eG,4 /6, J Jt:S 7G I --~ __ 7/,(p 1:z, I e,e7_ __ -·-__ e.1,4-IS-,3 /t),1 6iC. -= ~ s~.a 7(, Z.. 7 /,G, • I '3. I l <,,,7 I~.::!: . ,r. Z-- 13,q C/,7 /6,1 ?.e6 3C. S:- t!fffD <o 4-, (p es.s""". eaq .$'~3 1&>34 . - e~I ~qo 4~7. 77/ _ 74-1 G-'JZ-·-- 726 _ GZ~ _ -· 63."2-- 7G,O -n.., SC('" 76,) 14-,3 S{".~ /0, I .sG,.'3, /"b.3 72-4 /j,Z ~q., ,i.7 G0,'3> .. \.l.o ~~.4 ... ll.~ ~e.tb 10.7_ wEIC.\:\T C Po?ovr ~) ~e[3 ___ =~~-.. iof'fJ---··--_- ~5':,'2--·-. i; t:'1 -~=~. ~ i,1 ~~-~:- 11,1 - -~\.J_~:~---_·: .. :~--- (, f (., ---·---. _fl,3~:-·.·=-·-- 0.sc,,·· ----. G,(,'7 ___ --lli.3~::::. ___ _ 11if0=-=~:-_ re. e --·-· 3;4 ··_ ·--· - 2~>--=-~-~ 2-?, l _..::.._ 4, 1 :··=·; . _ . .: ..... I OJ 6_~--=. 9 4 ;-=,_~-~-n. ~: _ ~i :. ~---·: :,_urgi.-1o1J-_ · Wlr'l:.'w ~: P ~~ c )'2.,3 ~---·---·---· -• ---·---·----· '" ~-. -----·-----~····--· - ----·-··---. --. ··---· ----·-. --~ -. -------·----· --~ R2H Engineering, Inc. JOB NO. Cfh02-7- PROJECT INVJW,aG-GN ~BY GSM SUBJECT IN p l-M-1E. wA:-u.. (JE.Jl(;-A) -/NI. -· --:-\ DATE 3 /; 1/1 C /../i,Q I SHEET / fu 4, OF-- L ~f-~Cflo-,,J:; /~,3 + ze.~ ~ 44.s-1< -M~~'l-~'tr-cf,iJN.; 34:, I ~ PPrN!al, ·_v=-_v~+VptVM; k -A --~44,f ~-i7.4f ·34,1 = C/G · OiM) ~•Fr L J F-r 17?0 46 PA~~~-.½ J K----~v~,_-k_-"d)_\/,;_} '-<. __ J.fofl.l~ ____ :· 00\JJ'GIS O,L, q4,q ·--A·_-·_::qc.· :··134,4~:-:z41,~--)tie.Jen-· -~4<!../C. ]Z/vl -_ I 0S-'() t.. ('. ½') /to/3 --------------------....-------..... -· ---~-------·-· ---·-·-··---------~- -,----·-----------------~ ·---------------- ---·--··-----·----------,_ -------· -------------------------·-----·- ----. ·--------··-··-------------------------·--·-----~-------·---·- Tl,(..; k ·'2.-, ,:~:: L R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT / IV Vt T(.2.0(;-r;;;-_.1') JOB NO. C 9'&?02-Z- DATE 3 /J3/f6 SUBJECT hJ-P 1.,MA~ \}./Id--<-'IJG-Sl(;-1.) -l1JTM/d'll 1ctl\L.f SHEET / {;;t° OF-- L..t t,..if:: 7 L.::. 2.0 I I h :. 12.. (", \JJT-,. 7..0 ( 12.,5:") 5?.t' psF--: ZJ. Cf ,-k Vr-.1e3 (21,'1)-:. 4,o< L:;. zo I h-:. /'2. .f" I L--i I.ii:: F-, S ., ,_. /... :. z.r;/ . h-=-rz ,{' WT-=--ZC. (,z,r; 87.5virF -= 2 e. 4 I< Vf--,/e3(2e;4)-. ~,2.K' .. H'D fJ>.N~L:-\(-:. Vm-+ Vp -J k., · OTM 1_1t-,F-r _ ,_ . 0 t...-fc-M:.. • e·~ f..oi:) l-/i_ __ T~J-K As~ 'X,,(~" -, t-11J~, '2..,s-+ 4.o :=:. e,,~ .s~ ·_ 2.t> 2-1.q LS' LI NE. F -z. 7.,(,, +4 .o ~ Zt..C, 309 '2.C> '2-/,q I BC:. 14.~ 1-JJ,..~ /..1rv~r:.:::-3~.'2tS-,"l-~-'f3,4 s·to z.G -zs,,4 3/4 /6,3 I -it-C. hM.,_ /1..~1·· hce,..-... 4,ZS-' PAN~L. V":, V1,,1.. = /. 'f Vs 1 K L-ct Ve..; k Ho121 ~ Oowi=t...S l..-11;fi, -, 1c s-:. q·, 1 2..0 IU, I :il:rt2 /(., -tl:4e)~ /.,./A;ti; f 2c..c. 3 7, -z_ z.o I 2r. / L.\t.Jlc.. ~-~ 4 3.4 (;tJ,8 2-~ /(,,Z,7 d>Ve-:. ,85'"6") ~ zo·o-,<-, ( i) 1zC.e)L-=-~ -ZS'? J.c/FT p ..... ,""-:. , Oen~ (7} 1'2--=-• '2-1 w/f'T ~ -f.f.5: e./G '' -···-------------------------·--. -·--·----- V j $ R2H Engineering, Inc. JOB NO. C-9r5-oz2 PROJECT INV/ Tl?Of!l. EN DATE 3-f/ (-?==-Bv SUBJECT S.!:LEAR WAlL -LINE @ SHEET L6b OF-- ·-.SHEAR WAll. @ LINE@ /I 7 17/k . JJJAcc. FA-lfel. --z SHEAR. = 35. tk· -f-O.,lfl3X ( gs f.Sr---J.. 201 .x JZ. S°") = 3'9. 5k... v= 3;;5 = ;..qs /<1 I Pn = _......;o.:..:,_•.:;_3:.._l -::: 0, 002 S" 7-XIS I/?,= Ac.v · (z.r;;., + fn £) ~i-, = o. oo-:z.S" -(7><Jz) · ( 2 v'~ooo + <7.002.rxcfoJ oo,0 -2 J go} :fir/ ' I ~ 14,. == _.;._r} ..:.~..___ /. <r o. 6,>( Z/. B c:J /2 1/. '> /.<f ::: 7.3y., / · / ~=-/.(t.x;.9e · ·_· (;:HE.Cl<. OV~"l<..7V/tll/N6 ·= 2. 8 "-1 <J.K - fc.. I ) A~Q t,,-/ . 3s-,:{;x .1z.s ··_+ {/).(:)BS~ zo' x lz.s-1 x:o. 1e1, x 6.z".Y = ·'r'71 R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT /J.Jl/1]{2oCbN ~ BY C-SM -' ,, SU BJ ECT I Iv -hlrNf::. WAf L-(J ff I (ftJ JOB NO. cqG02---z... DATE 3 /11/qt SHEET / b J QF_ (L. II / .J.::: s-1• : I I I ~i::: c.:,.o, 000 ~ ..2.J -:: 1-t: II 4·n;;> r-1-&iak ~UN ~M2ri;:,J:;.> L.ei-l6t-r-H--'7.Pe ~ Go. 4 11 ..I ~SI< -:s ( ..Rd.-.1..e.) ~( 11:-$,. 1 )~ c:::,.S ~...z II ( ~f'A41Jl"'T '> ~") :::::-4:,.S~'\ 5,,~J.6r,. J~~ J =: i;..11 ~ l... eApA.c::.1-r"IC:S ~~~ DI~~ ~~1J(;,y ~ -4t-4 e "?--Z11 t!) .. C--..-ii~= (.-z~.~;~G=J~i:.s..; ..,.:.,6'-*" l½-z_-!of¼.4 =-'-~~ ~ff. I ~~k::~ 4?l-!-~1Ct'-6-~~J.!6-ti1+ ( K/F",.-) l,'77 1o/F", ,Z .. ()(.Q ~,o, --f_ll G:J,17 • • • t .•' --. -. -----· -···---~ ·-. -· ---· ... -----~-. __ ,._ ()3 R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT J /\) \I/Tf2.0G-£;f0 SUBJECT foe.TtN(c '{)f:<;/(,J..} -/,-JNE. ~r-:-t::l.L ~ , 044 K/Pr-Mf.Z-~ -IO t.--:. 4~ps~ (16 0-:., 4f"1ff" L,L---,001,c./~r i.-1.---... %'6-psr:--(10')--1r::c;G,c-/p,- L-itv~H 0.1--:. 1s-.,1t(40/2,'):: 1z.4gk. J..-,L..-_ /4,4 (q0/4oJ--I /,.rz.l< 0, L.--: 14,q.r( 4¾-a)., -. 7, Z-k '-· L. ::. /'3, e;, (4%-o>, G --(.,. & -i-~ A-Ssume.. Cfor0 L-1NE.. µ &traor;.ri ~.o Tc ?\ 1 p1f::(2. f<,SIU-l'(IE... r-FFf-cnv.f. 'fz=,T1f,J(r-\_,.J!:vTt--!-_ -z..+2..+4-:... 0 1 C1rt'O~,,,.c. w-,ttJ/Fr:.. . (r'2,4'a-l JJ.s2-J. (,q') ~ -zn 1,c/rr ----- 9' /....o'ft,0/Pr::. -Z...,7+, 044+ ,M3-t ?.77.l+..4.r-t,S-+-J.'2--=-1r, o~i< -,4 I C\-ff-"."U g -' c:-·i[;-1/JIJ<.r -/...ff,t,IJ /r-r ·-?.,. 'lt./pr V-=-( ca -;. 1-) e/4 -=-z·?:~ k: V v... .._ J,4 C-z.7.51 --38.f '-<- ·(f;v~--. 1i3(' (-z')~'2cVo co.:-t (4~'1-::. 74,./ 1c > 111.J-. L< Ok M-:.. c :a,o -r. '2.\ <e 1---;.. J~. 3 K, h /1,- M lA.. ·-IA (3t,i'-, --.§D,8~,Pr-:;. (;tYf k.,t/\J A.s-:.. e,~q ..,,_ -:::. , s~ , .. ct ·-· ,-5.'';;' 1 ~ , 4-1 A.1 --, .s-, .... ,'1Cc=)(?o,:,l-,2r) .~::(2..../.'e I fM,,.;·-/,'J') ( ,$";./ Im'\~ ., 009_77 /20:J I ,._-p-)1 . _ _ I P.w""-f?-,co,4 (~e')~,J 1-=-13 '-' m1/.~,-:. JOB NO. C:4(.02--2.. DATE 3 /;z,/q{; SHEET rbB OF--' P3 w101r1:-:-A!o 11_· __ -_ . .. As-=-3 ~ !!=r".T~~ .. _ · ·--·.(-1L-_ -::_·2~ ps,.,_ _ R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT_~l~~~IV~l~•~'f'!oG-:-=-=---c.'=~/Je...=..... ________ _ SUBJECT fo-DT1 NG-{) '= !: /G-AJ l-/NE I p I : A.~SVVYII::.. 7~io 0~ t...1 rJE. 6-CrtfZ.0/5.VZ ~t) Crt)G.S ro G / Ptf;rt.. ~s:~u\ll'\l2:. F-=-FFearvE fm::>TtNC-w,ont::. G:it2...·t'2---=-/() 1 6-l~Gil-Urf>w/p,-"' (7, -z.+a,,~-Z.. J • ..,~.._ J.D..<"ie/pr- /D L-<i?tVJ/pr-:: /.o~-t-. 044 .+,oe--1--z..773t l 4S-t,e+,1-= G.JC>t,Clr-r s, ::i·1:::-__ e,, I ./ -= '3., o ~ v~s 3 '-o 11 ~711vC-r . / 2. lt:-sP . C/--tG~ 'o ' o ,Pr;;;,.J,J1 NC- ~ /Fi:_ (i,· [ ~/Fr y:;_ (G, l -.,· ~·\ e /4---=-z~,8 ·i.c- \/ v---Z<?,6 {L4) '"--z_q, I K lPV e.--:.. ~£", I;,, k > VIA-. t_ CtJt.,C-Tkt..<Jf-f 5"1-l 6-'r'v"- M-=-(4>, I -! '1) g1-c-::. z.7,7 ,,...,,=,- ,---z... /'f\\,\_ --r,LJ (z7,?) .._ :3-6,9 ~.~-=---4G~ ~.,~ JOB NO. cqC,02 L DATE "3' lrz, )9tz SHEET (6 9 OF_ A-r.'-4C.G. -::: ,-43 o.--,4~fwc,J ~ o,47-1 As--,4J ,C({~c)( 2Ci/J/-,'2:f) ,CZS:(i') '3(.a P'2 ~ P 4-: urPrO Irr~ . 1., 773 f ·O 44 :r. 0e 1-, 4 S.-t-, ·e -,. . 7 g;---4 • q o _ __ s ,~t->::.: .1·-1;( =-2--:v:_:~ ___ 0_.s:.E; :. · -:z.._~-'~_,=c,o;--,~c,. _ f-:... , ao ,_ ~ L '--z..4)'3oi<):'~ /3.1 -:_· .. ".'3 --~~ ~,ttz.5 ·$-_-#S-'i-t 8 L p I 0.PPTtt --2-1-o '' W 10Trf-:... 3 '-6 I!/ As -::... 2 --tt s-.,-.a--13 .f'c_ ..,_ Zceo f~ 1"" p2., P4- osio-r1-1 ~ --z. '-o ': -~----_ \N t i'.lfi}-:... ~!..(,!! - A s ~-. ?--it r::.t.J-13 _ .. -{, r,_-.;. '2~ ~--;,- R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT_~l~~v~,T~~~0~G-=~~tJ~--------- r-.. BY Ge;. M ' SUBJECT fb-c,y,r..J(r ()8:/&N 0 L-~ f ?,r p.s,.::-( -zo) lz-~---Z/, 7 t< Vp--,1'2,J.(z.1.-1;--4 t< 1/m,:, 3S.~k Pi; 01,:. 4rpsr(zo') ~4/"l---/o.g k . :ct\f::C-<.c: ..<t:t~tl::_ -.:1-: _ft,.fx_Utl-F-- . ~f-Z,tl-( 4') ·-'1, Gt-1/--/1, F-1Zr wT ·-I, 6 &&/fr_'. -~ ~ if,. -c C., I -f.61~ :-t '3.:r"(.i'v;,-. J~."'>,; 1/....,-. 1,'l ('JG .. 'f; ::: ~S -. I dVt-:.. 1.1~:(;rzro :4sC~7.d-) -~ l~~.$4..<· > Vt.<. I I?\ 1..-( ?..,(~"I-N\-_ { '°' -'·'CJJ' + , s-· -z.~ ;~) -: -z_. 3 "U'! 4 ( q ,1--/ r-i, .., ~. Fr--:.. I \4..--:::. J_ J\ ·., ) • ro ~ v r=-. 0()070 c1.3~ --, a-o, ,S---ti:. ) Olrfl S f3'tJ , 3 -tJ;. ..r f3Ats 73p }. JOB NO. cq~ OZ 7- DATE 3 lj;;}?(; SHEET I 7<J OF-- I L,~£ 1-1-.S- kJEfll-l .:. ~~o ti WIOTH:;;. 1~C>'1 fyrE=,v( IN 6 1 f, .S/',Qf A.!: -rof·-3-4 _f'° A;, GI'.!,-:.. s-:tl.S- ~ ~ ._ ';)(!Jl')OfJl 11!:J.~ ~~) u SOIL PRESSURE OF FOOTING PROJECT: INVITROGEN, C90022 LOCATION: LINE H.5 INPUTS CONC WT = 0.15 (KLF) FTG WTH = 4.CO (FT) "b" FTG DPTH = 2.CO (FT) FTG LEN = 26.CO (FT) ALL BRG = 2.CO (K/FT-'2) VERTICAL LOADS Moment Abt ctr line due to DL Input Mom. arm from ctr of wall length Positive Arm is to right of ctr line Positive DL points down MR= DL * ARM DL 21.00 10.80 a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co 32.7 ARM 3.CO -7.CO a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co O.CO a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co DLMOMENT 65.70 -75.60 a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co -9.9 SHEET: 17 / BY: TWP JOB No.: OUTPUTS FTGWT= 31.20 (KIPS) LATERAL FORCES Moment Abt Ctr line due to Seis Input Mom. arm from top of ftng Positive Arm is above top of footing Positive Horz V points to the right MOT = Horz V * (ARM + FTG DPTH) HorzV Ann SEISMIC MOMENT RESULTS 35.60 4.CO a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co 0.00 0.00 0.00 a.co 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 139.60 12.50 6.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 a.co 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 516.20 33.CO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 a.co 0.00 0.00 549.20 TOTAL DL V = 63.00 (KIPS) TOTAL SEIS MOM= 549.20 (K-FT) TOTAL DL MOM= -9.00 (K-FT) e = 8.44 Rt of Ctr L/3 = 8.67 a= 4.56 SEISMIC Qallow = 2.66 (KSF) a > L/3 Qmax = NA (KSF) a > L/3 Qmin = NA (KSF) a < L/3 Q = 2.34 (KSF) SEISMIC LOADS IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION Horz V Ann SEISMIC MOMENT RESULTS -35.60 12.50 -516.20 TOTAL DL V = 63.00 (KIPS) -4.00 6.25 -33.CO TOTAL SEIS MOM= -549.20 (K-FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DL MOM= -9.00 (K-FT) o.oo o.oo a.co e = 8.75 Lft of Ctr 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3 = 8.67 a.co a.co a.co a= 4.25 o.oo a.co a.co SEISMIC Qallow = 2.66 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 a > L/3 Qmax = NA (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 a > L/3 Qmin = NA (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 a < L/3 Q = 2.51 (KSF) a.co a.co a.co 0.00 0.00 0.00 a.co o.oo a.co o.oo o.oo a.co 0.00 0.00 o,oo USE FOOTING DIMS. o.oo a.co o.oo WIDTH 4.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEPTH 2.CO (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 LENGTH 26.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -39.60 -549.20 O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I I.JV IT(l()6fN JOB NO. Cf 602-"2- DATE .3 /JJ/q{; r-:BY_-=Cr:.....::S=-.:./-'-'---Y\ __ SUBJECT fot;T1rJG-il~S/(;1J 1---JNf ;'C SHEET 177-OF-- ' ,{)I..-~ I I psi::-C "2--') ~"' I u~ /.,:..Irr t-L-:;. -zo ~;;. l -z.4 ') -=-, 'I e 1,e.#r PANE:--\-vJL -94 'fSr:= (2..qS') ·-"2.,??3 ~frr /\S5vmE _ '2..X 2.-PrCr ()t,. .._ "2--{1;)t..f'O ·-, e, k:.-/;;--r o-tt..·-,u4+z,773+,c. + :tte·-4, 12-1(;/rr- 1 ~ ... _-z.. 1e:s t -- -~l~P-::-:. .. 4 ,rz./i-:. ~-"GI Sir11 Z-/ Ok 1--r-P .sTf-J;.L-=-·· ,001 4 (z+\z+-= , eo~ / ._ -:z.~ . /,;, J <::1-tf;;Cf.<: /-z..' 0PG1.'!/11V(r ! J~z4-3-::ns---~,r/z-:: 20,::3J V-=-4.,-z_ (i'L} -, ~ C1-i.-)-:: ,Z/. / /.< -z._ 7,.-- . VIA--=--/, 4 C 2. 1, )) -=-2-q. ~ '<- c!> V c.-.. 2.C.0?)~~ z.o,&'J>(z4J ~ :27,(,k > VIA-,•, C(JNC .. r,r!/FJ' StiMrfL- ft.-E=XU f2 t M :. 4, l'l. (1'2)-..._ -, ~ (1"2..)1-:. 4 2, "2.. k:i Pr /'1---;'2- Mv-.--/, 4 (A2,?..) = -f"'J, I Jc, fr -710 {/Cl IM ~';. Mu.-· 4 f'-1 (J~a/0 Cl O I 1 As -:: 7 /6 , (,C, ,q~d;(zo,'!>I-.~;"' a = , C.0(<oo .. ') :. , 'f 7 • ,. usE:. Ar~ ,r;~ NJ..,_ , 'i3S{-i:.) 2-1 f ,.. • ~ ~ . .,, , oo , 4 vse:... /. 3-::. c; oo, 4)-=-. oo I e 'Z..4(20.~l) - Asr~,;.., o-01,s(2-4)Zo,.JI ..._ t '677 IN/i-j I: "'3-:tt..s T<d-'B n'\-T 6 1+ o~N11J6-S, Cf?TH ·-'Z-!..o 1 1 ·w1 1'.'1lf--2-, '.;_o_l I :T't P ~fl.-:~ ·_2 -:~ FT +-.B _ AvJO I -_1±-s_~·o-P£µ1MJ5 J ',_ ~ 2cet, prf' R2H Engineering, Inc. Gll?CE:fZS PROJECT I kl IT~G £ N SUBJECT fo-bTtNfr: t/J~~fvA} fZoo~ 0.L !' /I p.rr-(4,)-:. ,041 t.:/Fr 1-1,...,_ 20/St:-C4):: , oe W../Fr LINE. 1-1 01,..-_ I :3 ps~ (401') so/z,: L. 1,..--:. , -z. ps~(46J~/-i.:: IS-.~ k I 4 ,4-l.: L11JE. I I JOB NO. ct/~ C)Z, '- DATE s/12-Lr, SHEET / 7> OF-- _, . t,11,,¢;, '~ )'3fJ'F-(4'-/) ~~ -. o. L. --I 4.qf'I<. - ' - 1-1... ,,,_ J'Z-ps;:, ( 4~ )P/-,__-:. 11,ek - l.-ltiJE:. E O,L.-,. 13 'pr,;. ( 3i; 1; 53/-z.-: I J.,k ,_ 1..-t.. ~ 11. p.ri:. (:::~ 1) r¾"" ftJ,S < {)MJ!; l D,L.-:. ~-n3 "'!ff P1, Ass:ufllf:. so}~ oF L1N1=.\-\ G-11<-'0&vL ~s ro 4'p1E!Z.. p '2.-) fl'~\J v1'1 e: -E:f-Ff--CfrVE: WI UT\~ --tj +-'2-+ '2-~ f2 1 ){;(...\-14,4-,, / , -: J/f "'!Fr "2--/~- ~ S'l~f' :. I, '1 + '2, 7/ .3 +, 044-+, 69 t t1. _ 7... e· V ,;.~ ·3 I w,~r;. fo!:mrt/vl. Z-~f- 1\SS.\Jv'f\f:;. 7flo OF, 1,/tvf;. G-C-1f2-0G-V'l. .. G-or=:$ ro 4 I P11:f2- l><SSUWll::. €--fFEcr,vE. vv, •Dnt-:. 4 t-2--12-=-,e ,.. · 6--1(2.ILJr;;.rL. Ot-L-/p, -=e'l,qr~t;,e~ ,7S'·-;2_,7·, l</P, ' ! ,1,.~ ~ '044-i, 66 + Z,'/ ·; "'2-,72 ~+. q '::. 3. t.4 vs~ -:;?1/4 vJIGOF-f'=1-1,v(,.. ·"2--V:!: F- A:SSl)vnF.:, 7 ~io aF-/.,/ N/; f. C-1 ~10r;v2. Go€:·':,, Te> S: 1 ()JG:e.._ A:~uv"r'I!:: r;Fn:c:r-tvG:-Vvl!OTH -$'-t-'2-t'2--r_ 9 1 tl('-ilGfl Dtl../pr--(11.7+/(),0) CP>)--J,qlc/FT q ,_, s1'i-G_:==· · ~o-4-4+,oto+ 1,q+-z,713-+-A ----z.. ' O -H---, o 4 'I' t, o ~ + '2,--,? 3 -:: -z.. q "'-/pr .. _ ()'2:fTI+ ·:;_ .,._ 1-0 _ tf. _ :·, ---.' ~~ . _,_ /fQ.. ,_ . --. -r" .. , -,, ---------WI-On , __ :2---. -0 _________ .. A£:-:.. -2-:--I!_~ -t+.S -·.:.~ :.~~: . - .J''...·<··~ps?:· :"~~~·---_. ~:-~ R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I NV fT(lo G f2N JOB NO. cq,02., 2..._ DATE 3 hz./q6 r-,, BY {-,SN\ SUBJECT fcoT7NG-1/)ES:/&'N -LJIJE; /J SHEET / 7 ({, OF-- Lo-kt.l ~,,--... .0444 ,orz;-t Z,") +-z.,,?3.J. ,97f"'" ""'-G.~ tL/F, V-=-c. ,e, (q_) -. Cf?((q_) ::: 2Si3 l.----.-----.---~.C. "'-/Fr "' -l .j .J tll----q------1~1 '-Iv---.. ,. 4 C-2:;.-5') ... :-.s"",4\4 d'.>\lc.-. 2-Dz-~) '1-2.crco ·:..:r tio,'] 1'; ~ c.tJ; 7-·1< -:> Vi.--tJ(,;(. I/ ~.& (q )-i.. -,q7('('3-J"I-~ 3·9 ,.,c., ,=;-7 n-,-'),-- /. 4 c gg :, --s:s. '2-~" ~ t;:,:se ve:: • 'IV M"'--- At --&-,"38;> =-is-q HJ?, 4 =-,_stj C&:)) ~ ,54 ~ As--. ,,f'1 /1/.,_ ,'f((,,o)(Jo.JJ -A) I • Cc,/~(-z.; 3'1 I .p,. /9 . · · tvo lrlJilW 13MZJ' .. ....,, .. ,p .>T~f: 1...-"-1 00 [ 4 c.-~9) lA --I. 3 IJi 3> I-:.. 4-: 3 Btkf! s v:s E $-1t-~ T-,l-$ t~ ~:,.;,; p,z, I '• I h ' oP&fJI tv(r '-OA'fJ/ff-=-,044,00-1-/,ctf-'?,713+,q ~ S,)k:./ff V-=-s-. 7 (1r.oJ --~ 1 c ,ro') __ 1, e, 1~ '2..---i.. -- vl,<.'-/,4 (3a.~f)·-s-3.2;,k - ¢\/c.-:. -z.c, ei-;\~ z_o.'3,t {y;,)-:. 55:.0 k > Vv.... of/4. "/VI'!.. s-;, (1t.Yl. -, q (ft;,)-..-:: /0'2,~ k'.Pr J-Z..,,-l 1.---- tit\,/,·-ft4 t/t>Z.4--)-:. J43_4k:,.,C,,--~ 1'720&,cilU ~ ..._ J ,-zo ~ __ 1, ~ 1 . _ .a-=-/,GI ( r,;,cJ : J, 51 =., As ~ · /,t;, 31" ,..,__ . ,1 (&o ;(:z.or;-t -, .,') --· --, <z,:r(z) 3G · --- --~ > --- f-:: l.'3'3(/,C?;)/ {-:":'\.-=-,<'.loa. r,,,.,iv 1/~P::, 'Zo,~/) p "Z-/ -.4 -a._'5 ~(JG(} . ) .J-6 ---'--------1 R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT IN VntzO&.f-r-..,J V~BY &SM SUBJECT 1-oQTIW(,.. {)(;;~/(;A} -t-lN£ JJ ~ -· -..=.....c-'-~-- P17 /'2-I fbf) 0\/T W*D /p-r-.. 1.ct+-z.,'?~f ,o 44-t ,05+,q" ;;:,71,c./f=r v-.. _ $",) (1--W _ I C/ frz) --"2. 8, ~ k ,_ -z-- Vv-:.. L 4 (-2s,e.i; =-tl",'3. k .tl>vc..:..:~_$""5' b ~ -~>~ _v~-_-'-c.e-tvc. .. ~£5.J stt.~JZ- ... M -~-·. _ J ~. 7-, q J IZ-~ ·::. _ .~?. (e> le, Pr ~ -_ /'"2-- JV\.~= 1. 4 (i:J,r,,,··y;,. oo,c; k; F-,-=-qG e _IL•J~ JOB NO. C 9 &:>0 z. '2- DATE ':1 /rz,/9~ SHEET /7S OF-- ·As-.. 90e ~ 1 q ,N~ . cl-:. 1qfw.1"i. ..... , es I A.s ~ , <:? ~ 1.;"'- 1q(~:(20:;;:1-.,4') I 1f8f(2)3b Pl7 IJ J .., "'l ( tt'\ / -ao I~ As--=-,CJO/&, Czt:1.-:JJ--....'3G --/, le/? ,,,,..,,v ... _ ,..,..., I I 1/Zo,~t C:ic') -I r J -------___ .._ ________ :----··------... -~ ·-· _..__,_ ... --··-~---,_,_ ------·-----·----------- f~:- ~-:-~;/ R2H Engineering, Inc. JOB NO. U/6CYZ-7- PROJECT_-.!.../~~~V~IT~f20=G~~~,J-=-----------DATE ~ /rz.Ltt.b PZ-4 : SUBJECT (cc;·r, NG-()f,t'/ G-fJ 12COf Ot.-, 11 fIF-{r') ·-,o.ri:;-"'lrr u-,. -zo fsr:-t.s-') -.10-0 ~Irr fANfC... : l()t..,-:. 2..?7 3 i.,;;.frr A:~surYlt. ~ 'oF ,~~I?c:riw {'-t:YtrrtM.,-IS -f::FfFC'Ttl/E IIJ {U-S/5,IINC,-Uf'W f'T, o"1v'1 MP/..-\-1 P~tNT Lo,A,;() · JD W*'V\.. Gt"v0 u~1~r,1-,u-vf1.-1 F1. p~ ~ , OS~Vu,,2) · .. , 9 I~ ct'-2.:.Bf.:-~ (.q ')-.. /O,J'2-'.c/fr V-;.. G,:zc.(13) + f (t1.oc.;t'1'-./,(,3(,?.J-:::. e4Ak. Vv...-=-t .4 C 24-4) -= I \ 2$. '"2--t.< cL .. '3~ -5 -,37s--11-,,,. --'?:,2...1,-1v l,,-JlvrE:..10 SHEET /7b OF- 13,~~ I ~fe-i ,z.s1c: I V 'Ir I JJ.q;t (\)\} C ':. 2C.e;) '-J]cr~ '3 '2,) ( 48) ; I 4 ~. $"' k '> t(\ =-( (;,ZG-l ,S) I~'-+ J... (4.o0 I~ ( Z~) 13 VI,... • : Co-NC-. tlr'<.Ef SHM~ -:. ~o s--,c. €,c,, Pr 'Z-~ 3 MIA.-:.. I, 4 (C;or.C.:.)-= B4 7, e ~, Fr Cr£; --JO I I~ '--•'AJ R.v-. -=-~ t ,k ::. 1 0 11 '7" '\-= . 2 2 q ps ;" 1 f ;.. , o-o 4 ~ fJ l:::S /c;.tJ ct-11r12-T b lJI 1262.1),Cf As~ ,OD4 ( 4€) 32.t I ~ (p • ./~ /iv/.7 -:: 1c -l:l.«a, 8A:12S -_, q -\JS~ 4-ti. 6 l'i=>f {}lrflS w,ilm~ ~4,~0'' _.:_~ _4 '\3. '. £'XTbN'.SI~ F;A: :G1-TD ..... As '30T ~ 9 --i-~ As tor--~..; -ti-B +',__.._ ~.fs::r__, - J. EE {_1 SOIL PRESSURE OF FOOTING PROJECT: INVITROGEN, C9E022 LOCATION: P24 INPUTS CONC WT = 0.15 (KLF) FTG WTH = 4.00 (FT) "b" FTG DPTH = 3.00 (FT) FTG LEN = 42.50 (FT) ALL BRG = 2.00 (K/FTh2) VERTICAL LOADS Moment Abt ctr line due to DL Input Mom. arm from ctr of wall length Positive Arm is to right of ctr line Positive DL points down MR= DL * ARM DL ARM DLMOMENT 0.91 0.00 0.00 56.30 0.00 0.00 13.50 -8.25 -111.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.71 -111.375 OUTPUTS SHEET: ) 17 BY: TWP JOB No.: FTGWT= 76.50 (KIPS) LATERAL FORCES Moment Abt Ctr line due to Seis Input Mom. arm from top of ftng Positive Arm is above top of footing Positive Herz V points to the right MOT = Herz V * (ARM + FTG DPTH) HorzV Arm SEISMIC MOMENT 52.20 24.50 1435.50 TOTAL DL V= 10.30 14.75 182.83 TOTAL SEIS MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DL MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 62.50 1618.33 SEISMIC LOADS IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION Horzv Arm SEISMIC MOMENT -52.20 24.50 -1435.50 TOTAL DL V= -10.30 14.75 -182.83 TOTAL SEIS MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DL MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3 Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RESULTS 147.21 (KIPS) 1618.33 (K-FT) -111.38 (K-FT) 10.24 Rt of Ctr 14.17 11.01 2.66 (KSF) NA (KSF) NA (KSF) 2.23 (KSF) RESULTS 147.21 (KIPS) -1618.33 (K-FT) -111.38 (K-FT) 11.75 Lft of Ctr 14.17 9.50 2.66 (KSF) NA (KSF) NA (KSF) 2.58 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 o,oo USE FOOTING DIMS. 0.00 0.00 0.00 WIDTH 4.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEPTH 3.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 LENGTH 42.50 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -62.50 -1618.33 O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I N\.J IT(?OG-EN JOB NO. C</b02.7- DATE 3 /11/q6 C-:-sv G~M 't. SUBJECT f-oDTI I.JG-t/Jt:S/{z Al LJAJE:. B SHEET / ,Z f3 OF-- t:~ ··;::•:.>' L P:2-z. -P 23 : T<-ooF O, L.. -:: 11 psp-(-14 t) : 1.f f ,b /fr L.L .,_ Z.Op.s::..(t41)"-Z'o6 1~/Fr ~ 0.1... = 94 fsF{Zq,s)-=-"Z-,7?-:!> ~Irr VP-.,. rz.. 2> t< Vp·=--10, 11e <2. ,z.4.~' vP <2.. 14.')S'' u.P P-l l---,J S-4~ 'Z,112. 4 1--Z 6 " 3., '2i:>? 1,,,&..jp,- ~ ·$'1~~ ,, "3,'ZD7 : I, c;,. ,.s,....,,_ 2. / -z- P 2.7-pz.3 O~flJ.+,:. 2~'' 1 1--)'Y' wr~T!f-:.. .:3 '-o 11 'Z-1 c)1.JE:(2-ft,1VC5 Ar-2-fi_r-T .J. 13 .f ~ ; ,~ p..s i, ~ SP!Zf?AO !'l-t1) \l.£c.' ~,4 1 /:..crN(,-~'17 we,.. 1 . s' X z/ As ::.. 1001 4 i:;G')-z~ ~ I I 'Z.f/,-:;;1 ~ ,.<:/ -tL ~ BM.J ()Zs-P2.C. r2roF o.L, -:: 11 psF-(-z. '2. 1) ~ ,-z.4 2. ~/,=-r L.r... ---z_o C z_.i:) ·-• 4 4 k./F, pl'(Nc,.L D,L..-:. -z..,77~k../r1 D-tL;-.. '2,77'.:>+,:Z.4'2-+,44--. J,4_r~ lc::/Pr . G-112,0G(l. 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"3, 1~0 I 1 -- -,. --. -c.· . .. _'}. OVl:::,IZ H-_kll J .. ljs? _ 2~ ~ S _7~B y -= ~ ·-[~:.:~-psi' -....... (a (__ SOIL PRESSURE OF FOOTING PROJECT: INVITROGEN, C90022 LOCATION: P22,P23 INPUTS CONC WT= 0.15 (KLF) FTG WTH = 3.00 (FT) "b" FTG DPTH = 2.00 (FT) FTG LEN = 44.00 (FT) ALL BRG = 2.00 (K/FT"2) VERTICAL LOADS Moment Abt ctr line due to DL Input Mom. arm from ctr of wall length Positive Arm is to right of ctr line Positive DL points down MR= DL * ARM DL ARM DLMOMENT 55.46 10.00 554.60 55.46 -10.00 -554.60 58.54 10.00 585.40 58.54 -10.00 -585.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 228 0 OUTPUTS SHEET: 179 BY: TVI/P JOB No.: FTGWT= 39.60 (KIPS) LATERAL FORCES Moment Abt Ctr line due to Seis Input Mom. arm from top of ftng Positive Arm is above top of footing Positive Horz V points to the right MOT = Horz V * (ARM + FTG DPTH) HorzV Ann SEISMIC MOMENT 12.80 24.50 339.20 TOTAL DL V= 10.10 14.75 169.18 TOTAL SEIS MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DL MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 22.90 508.38 SEISMIC LOADS IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION HorzV Arm SEISMIC MOMENT -12.80 24.50 -339.20 TOTAL DL V= -10.10 14.75 -169.18 TOTAL SEIS MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DL MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RESULTS 267.60 (KIPS) 508.38 (K-FT) 0.00 (K-FT) 1.90 Rt of Ctr 14.67 20.10 2.66 (KSF) 2.55 (KSF) 1.50 (KSF) NA (KSF) RESULTS 267.60 (KIPS) · -508.38 (K-FT) 0.00 (K-FT) 1 .90 Lft of Ctr 14.67 20.10 2.66 (KSF) 2.55 (KSF) 1.50 (KSF) NA (KSF) 0.00 0.00 o,oo USE FOOTING DIMS. 0.00 0.00 0.00 WIDTH 3.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEPTH 2.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 LENGTH 44.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -22.90 -508.38 O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. SOIL PRESSURE OF FOOTING PROJECT: INVITROGEN, C90022 SHEET: l &lo r-:1 LOCATION: P25,P26 BY: TWP , JOB No.: INPUTS OUTPUTS CONCWT= 0.15 (KLF) FTGWTH= 3.00 (FT) "b" FTG DPTH = 2.00 (FT) FTG LEN= 65.00 (FT) ALLBRG= 2.00 (K/FTA2) FTGWT= 58.50 (KIPS) VERTICAL LOADS LATERAL FORCES Moment Abt ctr line due to DL Moment Abt Ctr line due to Seis Input Mom. arm from ctr of wall length Input Mom. arm from top of ftng Positive Arm is to right of ctr line Positive Arm is above top of footing Positive DL points down Positive Horz V points to the right MR= DL * ARM MOT = Horz V * (ARM + FTG DPTH) DL ARM DLMOMENT HorzV Arm SEISMIC MOMENT RESULTS 14.80 0.00 0.00 47.70 24.50 1264.05 TOTAL DL V= 220.70 (KIPS) 5.30 30.50 161.65 26.00 16.70 486.20 TOT AL SEIS MOM = 1750.25 (K-FT) 72.40 -14.90 -1078.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DL MOM= 177.18 (K-FT) 69.70 15.70 1094.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 8. 73 Rt of Ctr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 21.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 23.TT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 2.66 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 2.04 (KSF) O.K. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = 0.22 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3Q= NA (KSF) O.K. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 tl) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 162.2 177.18 I 73.10 1750.25 SEISMIC LOADS IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION Horzv Arm SEISMIC MOMENT RESULTS -47.70 24.50 -1264.05 TOTAL DL V= 220.70 (KIPS) -26.00 16.70 -486.20 TOTAL SEIS MOM= -1750.25 (K-FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DL MOM= 177.18 (K-FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 7.13 Lft of Ctr 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 21.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 25.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 2.66 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 1.88 (KSF) O.K 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = 0.39 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3Q= NA (KSF) O.K 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o)oo USE FOOTING DIMS. 0.00 0.00 0.00 WIDTH 3.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEPTH 2.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 LENGTH 65.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (__.--73.70 -1750.25 (~::~. • . . '!•:,.,,' L p 2.. 7 ·,, R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I Nv'JTF20GE-N SUBJECT fooTt NG--'()ES/GN (tt~ck S'H!SO"<i2- 1?)·.,_ -,;'(2Az. ·l,e.sf).; q,{;B-,,,:.ln V-=-_-cc:73.-1:s:;µ,_+-{_ C-z..'lr') 10 .,_ 61,tt.< Vv---/,4(~4--/J -.:.. eq, 7 k ~v ~ --143,S'k. > Vv--O(,e; ¢VC: ~ /..I NE. /0 ~us M:. (&,7-:>-J.'f5\J61-+ J_ L2 . .,f'"J¼ (,~-:z..-::: '3 q~"'-~ '2-. 3 Mv..-=-/, 4-( :3 ff)-;... 4 8J k -:. ~7q3, K, ,,J i2v-=--~ . = $"793'-= :: I'?> 0 p.s i' 'od1..$ 48 (~'2.1)711 L--11JE:. e p,.,,,_,.v--/,33(,o-t>i.-i) ,.._ , oo ~ , As --,oo'J ( 48) ~z. I ~ .q.se, 1AJ-z... -1±.--IJAiZ.S-=-_4.rl,/,?q -. ~-1:1:-S, BOT 3 ... H:-f3 ~p . ·-.. --· .... Jo' I JOB NO.------ DATE 3 /;2/<16 SHEET_[B_}_ OF-- Cf.=!Jirn -::.. ') ~ 11 k.11'0TI.J·-4 1-6'1 JO 1 €'x7GMLCMI) As 6o-r ·-(o .. st 8 As 1op--'3. -~8 .['{ -;_:;?CXO f J' J \ ,[ , , ,,. ·-<) L=- SOIL PRESSURE OF FOOTING PROJECT: INVITROGEN, C90022 LOCATION: P27 INPUTS CONC WT= 0.15 (KLF) FTG WTH = 4.00 (FT) "b" FTG DPTH = 3.00 (FT) FTG LEN = 44.40 (FT) ALL BRG = 2.00 (K/FT-'2) VERTICAL LOADS Moment Abt ctr line due to DL Input Mom. arm from ctr of wall length Positive Arm is to right of ctr line Positive DL points down MR= DL * ARM DL ARM DLMOMENT 5.30 12.20 64.66 13.50 -12.20 -164.70 60.30 0.40 24.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 79.1 -75.92 SHEET: / $2--- BY: TWP JOB No.: OUTPUTS FTGWT= 79.92 (KIPS) LATERAL FORCES Moment Abt Ctr line due to Seis Input Mom. arm from top of ftng Positive Arm is above top of footing Positive Horz V points to the right MOT = Horz V * (ARM + FTG DPTH) HorzV Arm SEISMIC MOMENT 62.60 23.50 1658.90 TOTAL DL V= 11.00 15.90 207.90 TOTAL SEIS MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DL MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 73.60 1866.80 SEISMIC LOADS IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION HorzV Arm SEISMIC MOMENT -62.60 23.50 -1658.90 TOTAL DL V= -11.00 15.90 -207.90 TOTAL SEIS MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DL MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3 Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RESULTS 159.02 (KIPS) 1866.80 (K-FT) -75.92 (K-FT) 11.26 Rt of Ctr 14.80 10.94 2.66 (KSF) NA (KSF) NA (KSF) 2.42 (KSF) RESULTS 159.02 (KIPS) -1866.80 (K-FT) -75.92 (K-FT) 12.22 Lft of Ctr 14.80 9.98 2.66 (KSF) NA (KSF) NA (KSF) 2.65 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0,00 USE FOOTING DIMS. 0.00 0.00 0.00 WIDTH 4.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEPTH 3.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 LENGTH 44.40 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -73.60 -1866.80 O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT lAIVITf2CG:EAJ ~BY 6:~M SUBJECT ~11JJ(r ID ~/6-N L--1NE A JOB NO. Cq{,02.'Z. DATE 3 /r2-/t/6 SHEET / g; OF-- l_ f) 2B I f2...Cf l?a:,f 0.t.. : \I f!(.-( ?.4h,,) ·-, l 1 '2...-l.<-/n-- L.t... ·-7.0fSt: (7.-4/~ ',2-4 1,:./ff l'-\i;;<e2. 0.-tL.. = '3,.~I< 10 -\4 1 Pll=l'f-. p '2-"1 :: , Vl'3 "'/PT' ~~ P,t..-. 2,77?/'.e/Fr ~ ~ ,~£::. --, 131.+, 2.4+ ,-z.43+ 2, .,,3.-t ,c., ,. / .1Y -z._. f'cz,'111.,(..-= 2..)0 ... I I l \?,2-t ·1 J -'I ' -,, J-z..i;l< 68A • l~b 1 ,. I w, ! C, /,...,,., --, CT0 /4-( -Z..4J11f' --, ~ t;,3/ --"'3-11-:;-us£.. Z-1:1:-s-T,;f-!$ i I c~a< e' isP&"'wG- v-:.. 2...1t-s~ C.z.1; ..... 1~11r '- V-:. 4 Ce/1 =-1r;;k. "2--k Vv-=-I, 4 (10; -:. 'Z--z.,1 (\)Ve--=-J. 7 v-zm::n 20;1, 1 (2-4) --- M-=-4-(g,f:"· =-~ !.3 i;c_, Pr 1'2- M\,l ~ /,4 (-2 .. c.1)-~ z.q,qtc.'A/ -= As .. _ '3 rq -::. I '3 '3, /Iv.,_ I ,1{0')(20.?,1-. -0 ~S:-9 k,_11J Q-::. t'3J.·(~)_ ':. I .fq I ~s-t:i;Vt • > I 1 As ... _, 3.J 01,,c i)EPrl-\ -:. 7, l_o I I _f:,l.}10Tfl-,-~ -2--1-:0 ". ' · -/.Jo _-o vt=.t-1-t~;_ ·-.A-s --_ .. 2..-:--fl:.r :i-v--B --~~~ '2dc:::o.psi1 1--_.;__ ____ !....__--J . -----~ -. --------------------- SOIL PRESSURE OF FOOTING PROJECT: INVITROGEN, C96022 SHEET: l~~ ~~ LOCATION: P28,P29' BY: TWP ~ / JOB No.: INPUTS OUTPUTS CONCWT= 0.15 (KLF) FTGWTH= 2.00 (FT) "b" FTG DPTH = 2.00 (FT) FTG LEN= 58.00 (FT) ALLBRG= 2.00 (K/FP2) FTGWT= 34.80 (KIPS) VERTICAL LOADS LATERAL FORCES Moment Abt ctr line due to DL Moment Abt Ctr line due to Seis Input Mom. arm from ctr of wall length Input Mom. arm from top of ftng Positive Arm is to right of ctr line Positive Arm is above top of footing Positive DL points down Positive Herz V points to the right MR= DL * ARM MOT = Herz V * (ARM + FTG DPTH) DL ARM DLMOMENT HorzV Ann SEISMIC MOMENT RESULTS 7.66 0.00 0.00 9.10 23.50 232.05 TOTAL DL V= 169.46 (KIPS) 68.40. -14.00 -957.60 12.50 16.60 232.50 TOTAL SEIS MOM= 667.85 (K-FT) 58.60 17.20 1007.92 10.70 17.00 203.30 TOTAL DL MOM= 50.32 (K-FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 4.24 Rt of Ctr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 19.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 24.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 2.66 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 2.10 (KSF) O.K 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = 0.82 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3Q= NA (KSF) O.K 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t,, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 :.7 ~~-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 134.66 50.32 132.30 667.85 SEISMIC LOADS IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION HorzV Ann SEISMIC MOMENT RESULTS -9.10 23.50 -232.05 TOTAL DL V= 169.46 (KIPS) -12.50 16.60 -232.50 TOTAL SEIS MOM= -667.85 (K-FT) -10.70 17.00 -203.30 TOTAL DL MOM= 50.32 (K-FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 3.64 Lft of Ctr 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 19.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 25.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 2.66 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 2.01 (KSF) O.K 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = 0.91 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3Q= NA (KSF) O.K 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ci,oo USE FOOTING DIMS. 0.00 0.00 0.00 WIDTH 2.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEPTH 2.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 LENGTH 58.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L~--32.30 -667.85 R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I Iv V /TR.O G-8-~ f,sv C,SN\ () 30 ~ SUBJECT F~TffJ{r lJES/6A) -l-1 NE:. ~ _tz-A-n o err JZ.DGfL ~ f11o'M P z., ~.s (} . .c;;,;,, G-1 /Q:{)Ei2. OL. ~ 5, '3 fl( ( 1~/,z,)--7,67 k f'Jf::Crl-EC,-n-1,;,1.~ tJ.L. SMA-t-L-- Ctl!<ct< .Stt~11(L +. l'MWIG/V, ~ i-:. Z.4 l (4) ·-q,~,f ~/fr V"=--_(7.0~: .. :1.~")t'-+ 2:·re .lti}~ ... -~1.~k '?... . -. --- VIA,-:. q;q_.D(IA)~.:.. ~Z$k. -· __ -: (/)VG.":. J43Sk > \/u. .::', C)K. pz.4 ~s forLJr/e.. J'I\ ,,_ (7,0C. -I ,s')c(Z. + ...!.. Czs-i) q ( 3/:J ~ ; -z. 7 S" 1,,:., F-t ~ ~ - 1"\t.<,..._ /<4 (-z.?f).._ 3cz4,qk-iff:. 41'Jq K•llt.l 12-~ 4&-Jel k :: I 64 ps,... p-... • 0-01 <e frur\V\ .<!\0fa2, 1:t, q A~n.1f\J -.l,;:i (,ov1f$)~ 6z,t)-'3. e,4 1w-z.. \ .. ·· 1· .. JOBNO. C96C>LL DATE 3 /n_/1& SHEET ;es OF __ q' P30 OEPit-1 .:::.. 3 1-0 11 Wl'()flt-:.. ~,:_6 ,r I Cf I f=:x_7f;l,S/tf'lf,] As~--~-:1!-e. A! ]))r, ::i-46 .f \ .. --J(J7J?) ps 1 ,r:= c·· SOIL PRESSURE OF FOOTING PROJECT: INVITROGEN, C90022 LOCATION: P30 INPUTS CONCWT= FTGWTH = FTG DPTH = FTG LEN= ALLBRG= 0.15 {KLF) 4.00 (FT) "b" 3.00 {FT) 42.40 (FT) 2.00 (K/FTA2) VERTICAL LOADS Moment Abt ctr line due to DL Input Mom. arm from ctr of wall length Positive Arm is to right of ctr line Positive DL points down MR= DL * ARM DL ARM DLMOMENT 7.07 -12.20 -86.25 13.50 12.20 164.70 65.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 85.77 78.446 OUTPUTS SHEET: / B-6 I BY: TWP JOB No.: FTGWT= 76.32 (KIPS) LATERAL FORCES Moment Abt Ctr line due to Seis Input Mom. arm from top of ftng Positive Arm is above top of footing Positive Horz V points to the right MOT = Horz V * (ARM + FTG DPTH) HorzV Arm SEISMIC MOMENT 47.80 23.50 1266.70 TOTAL DL V= 11.90 14.75 211.23 TOTAL SEIS MOM= 14.10 12.50 218.55 TOTAL DL MOM = 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3 Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 73.80 1696.48 SEISMIC LOADS IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION HorzV Arm SEISMIC MOMENT -47.80 23.50 -1266.70 TOTAL DL V= -11.90 14.75 -211.23 TOTAL SEIS MOM= -14.10 12.50 -218.55 TOTAL DL MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3 Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RESULTS 162.09 {KIPS) 1696.48 (K-FT) 78.45 (K-FT) 10.95 Rt of Ctr 14.13 10.25 2.66 (KSF) NA (KSF) NA (KSF) 2.64 (KSF) RESULTS 162.09 (KIPS) -1696.48 (K-FT) 78.45 (K-FT) 9.98 Lft of Ctr 14.13 11.22 2.66 (KSF) NA (KSF) NA {KSF) 2.41 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0100 USE FOOTING DIMS. 0.00 0.00 0.00 WIDTH 4.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEPTH 3.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 LENGTH 42.40 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -73.80 -1696.48 O.K. O.K. O.K O.K. R2H Engineering, Inc. JOB NO. CqC.,o 2-z.. PROJECT I NVII@M::.N DATE 3 /12_/q{, r··sv 6-S.M SUBJECT fu:,T1Nu-'DG:.r/G-1\J, l.-lNE. i B SHEET /@7 OF-- L P31 -~oof ~ DI....,_ JlfSF(?Z-1)"' ;"'2..4~1,.,/p, U -.. /7 pSF l z··/),. • 14--"/Fr Gl\tCE:i2-'0\...-:. l'3 p.sF-( z1,2n 44 /i...) a~h-=--1./ k /.,r..--:.-J 7.. flSF(. 24 .iJ·+ 4"r" ,/4..J '3 2/-:. -:. G ,, k Po11v-r t'l~i:~ OL~-·4.rf~i{-a.d 1) -z..:Z.A .z 1.1·1< An.':_ , 'JO"I ~/ft t;,.1.,-_ ~-Y6i:-(w> zyi.. '-/7,t; K h-i':.. '.«c.:.I« ~L ~ 01.--:. . i.T>'.3 k!./ff _ JPer I z'¼'' 1;( I , 1f'1- -Z'2,I~ _.=;r,·~k ' 8'"' "" ~ p I(,.{' 12.s•Pf"M J.< I ) ', I C,.1/2.DGVZ. O+L--:o '(7, I.+-(,,(.,} / s+ 2..-r-... ':. I .rl-lt:-1,i-r-() 1 t'IEKZ-+ 4.(0 /.E,C,-S 71-J~UtH r="Tlf'J(., ~£:,y.JnJ) ~ ~l~E-:. !,f"2..+2.773f,;,c1t,S:::~f.z..4"2-l-,::l4+,q -= ·3 .. ":>' SIM -:,.~1 Pr:2.--i2A-z.{:nJ ~ ?,"7.ifl< c. o' Pc;..-. 7, Jk e, lb' L z.. A.s-m,N·-,0014 (&16)2.4·-/. "J '''¼,; G-:l:t-5' 3-~r-r+6. C.t\fCl.c ~, o,P~Jft"(r V .. _ 7.n ( i) / -, . 2 Ci"; ,,_ -z.r. 3 I( /"2---,_. V~--1.t1C-2s,3"")~ 3S-,JJK ch v .. -.. ,8s-b 1 ~...,~ tis C2o.:;. 1; ; qo. ro 1c > V v... _,_ cert.Jc.. rkkE-s SHhA-rz. M: 7,D (e')'l--1.1... (rs"')-.,.-:: 33..S Jc,~, I -,_. I 1.-- 'J'I\ \A...,_ I , 4 ( :::1~·6) .., ti?_.'.> ~, t:-r:: 5G? I<. PJ C{ --, S'3 { r;.o) :, , Z.C:, ·~sti")4B A..s ::. S'G 7 _ , $"3 JH'1.. 1 .q (r;,e) (2c.',31-,n - . ) P~I ()f./OTH '; z. ~ /I \.,VI 'OTH-;; .If ,_C> t I I I ovi::t21-/At£S A.s~ 3-i!s-,~B . :. _ ,f 1._:. 3~ps? -·- --------- A \ _: {@= L-, SOIL PRESSURE OF FOOTING PROJECT: INVITROGEN, C90022 LOCATION: P31 INPUTS CONC WT= 0.15 (KLF) FTG WTH = 4.00 (FT) "b" FTG DPTH = 2.00 (FT) FTG LEN = 33.00 (FT) ALL BRG = 2.00 (K/FT"2) VERTICAL LOADS Moment Abt ctr line due to DL Input Mom. arm from ctr of wall length Positive Arm is to right of ctr line Positive DL points down MR= DL * ARM DL ARM DLMOMENT 7.74 0.00 0.00 7.10 -16.00 -113.60 61.70 0.00 0.00 15.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 92.04 -113.6 SHEET: / 8?-3 BY: TWP JOB No.: OUTPUTS FTGWT= 39.60 (KIPS) LATERAL FORCES Moment Abt Ctr line due to Seis Input Mom. arm from top of ftng Positive Arm is above top of footing Positive Herz V points to the right MOT = Herz V * (ARM + FTG DPTH) Horzv Arm SEISMIC MOMENT 22.10 24.50 585.65 TOTAL DL V= 11.30 16.50 209.05 TOTAL SEIS MOM= 8.00 12.50 116.00 TOTAL DL MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3 Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 41.40 910.70 SEISMIC LOADS IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION Horzv Arm SEISMIC MOMENT -22.10 24.50 -585.65 TOTAL DL V= -11.30 16.50 -209.05 TOTAL SEIS MOM= -8.00 12.50 -116.00 TOTAL DL MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3 Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RESULTS 131.64 (KIPS) 910. 70 (K-FT) -113.60 (K-FT) 6.06 Rt of Ctr 11.00 10.44 2.66 (KSF) NA (KSF) NA (KSF) 2.10 (KSF) RESULTS 131.64 (KIPS) -910. 70 (K-FT) -113.60 (K-FT) 7. 78 Lft of Ctr 11.00 8.72 2.66 (KSF) NA (KSF) NA (KSF) 2.52 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 CJiOO USE FOOTING DIMS. 0.00 0.00 0.00 WIDTH 4.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEPTH 2.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 LENGTH 33.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -41.40 -910.70 O.K O.K. O.K. O.K. R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT_~IN~V~l__,_Tl?-(XbS=i,,.,e=-.===-.,A'--"J'---------- ('-·-sv 65M SUBJECT fat?Tt/lf(r OES/GtJ -l-1A1f ~ 1gq;,f £)1.,.. ~ JI f.t~ (4'):..,044(,e./Fr M~« ,QI...:. 4S-f5t:--{Jq/~'-.4-zet.ftr '3>'2' Co -44-f • +--z,~) --I Si/ I< e. C>' i=--'Z.,Gf'( '31 ·-8'"•04 k/Pr CH-~c.k .ntbt-""'/I_-:--tfVkJ'{'t1f:J\./T \/-:.-(_7,07--, qJ(4-j + 1/-z (1,0'0 /() ~ 2'f,, k ·, I · ( ,.., • k Vv--:. /, 4 ?.1,-o/ --41-"'r f"l-:.. 0,0'l -, q')~ 1.--..,.. J. ( 1.0-i:)3:= (4') ~ "Z;.. ... :, -= 54-4 ~· ~, I JJ.:U' "fl\..._-... /,4 Cs4-4)"'-7~. -z-ve.,?r,_ q1qec.,u g,....:.. 9)4k-:.. <P6fSI/ f-:. ,O()J-Z.. fiw-Mt 'l)r;S!0J C~- ' '1 ( '20,J i)1·'3G Pr,wJ-:.. J,'33 (, co,~ -:.. . DO I~ As-:. ~cm,.r (3G) 20,'3/ ~ J. /") /IJ.,_/,'3/ :.. A--Id:-$'" G:,-rT6'M f2.=F t-'--:., 044 (zo,fi.1) '",08~11-T f'/IG,:e:t-t...1.-.. , 42e C l0/4/)--c, 70 1c::/rr izsr"ff!.., (..?/rt) /ff --Z. 77 3 + , o e+; .7'-:+, i)-ze f 1044-+. '1 -:: 5, 0 '1/;:--r I/ ? ··-~ ~ ,q G:-:::t. '2-.f. J-1\ = (5"-.'=t) s1--: et.q ~. Fr l,._ Mv.. ·-/, q-(:z.t>{)-:. '30,' l<,H-:; 3~7 JC,llv 12,,..-:. '.3G2 -i.-:.. '27 ~s i' us_£.. TE:,wl P ST~L ,q{.7G)2d,'}/ ---r --. -·· JOB NO. cq~azz_ DATE 3 /rz.,/46 SHEET / €?'J OF-- "9 I I . ~nt-~ 2-'-t'J 'J VI 1 !OTih :/-0 f r -4 1 cxTw.ttO'tvS · As &>r:.--..!1..:-IJ:._s- As Y!Sr1"::--.'.7-'::.~.r ·f I -c 'JCR!',o /JI/' -------------·--------_______________ ,. __ ~------------· --------------·--------------------------------- (;]! (J SOIL PRESSURE OF FOOTING PROJECT: INVITROGEN, C96022 LOCATION: P32 INPUTS CONC WT = 0.15 (KLF) FTG WTH = 3.00 (FT) "b" FTG DPTH = 2.00 (FT) FTG LEN = 40.00 (FT) ALL BRG = 2.00 (K/FT-'2) VERTICAL LOADS Moment Abt ctr line due to DL Input Mom. arm from ctr of wall length Positive Arm is to right of ctr line Positive DL points down MR= DL * ARM DL ARM DLMOMENT 15.10 0.00 0.00 61.70 0.00 0.00 13.50 16.00 216.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.3 216 OUTPUTS SHEET: / 9'0 BY: TWP JOB No.: FTGWT= 36.00 (KIPS) LATERAL FORCES Moment Abt Ctr line due to Seis Input Mom: arm from top of ftng Positive Arm is above top of footing Positive Horz V points to the right MOT = Horz V * (ARM + FTG DPTH) Horzv Arm SEISMIC MOMENT 33.20 24.75 888.10 TOTAL DL V= 11.30 16.50 200.05 TOT AL SEIS MOM = 22.30 12.50 323.35 TOTAL DL MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 a.co SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 a.co 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3Q= RESULTS 126.30 (KIPS) 1420.50 (K-FT) 216.00 (K-FT) 12.96 Rt of Ctr 13.33 7.04 2.66 (KSF) NA (KSF) O.K. NA (KSF) 3.99 (KSF) No Good 0.00 0.00 0.00 'fJ A fot ,-..r U1\'/) Af)'{J1.,GI.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 0.00 O'.)tAI tJ I (jf,.JL,v/ -A?iPt-ff: (' T6 0.00 0.00 0.00 1J·Pf-.1F-1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 66.80 1420.50 SEISMIC LOADS IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION HorzV Arm SEISMIC MOMENT RESULTS -33.20 24.75 -888.10 TOTAL DL V= 126.30 (KIPS) -11.30 16.50 -200.05 TOTAL SEIS MOM= -1420.50 (K-FT) -22.30 12.50 -323.35 TOTAL DL MOM= 216.00 (K-FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 9.54 Lft of Ctr 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 13.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 10.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 2.66 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= NA (KSF) O.K. 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = NA (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3Q= 2.68 (KSF) No Good 0.00 0.00 0.00 -z., & &-/2. ?G -::: /. o I ()k 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d,oo USE FOOTING DIMS. 0.00 0.00 0.00 WIDTH 3.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEPTH 2.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 LENGTH 40.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -66.80 -1420.50 R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT I NVITRcG-E:N r-~BY G:~M p s3 SUBJECT FcoT1NG-,fJ<cS.lvN 1-JNE g JOB NO. C'fhOZ-"2.. DATE 3}1z/:Jt,, SHEET ( q/ OF- r:: ~;~ ' ~- ?cot=-D, I.. ! J) psi:-( So/z.~ ·-• '3o S lc/.&r- L-. 1.. -,. I ~ p; t Cr~ I?.) ~ ..4413 ~/F='r Mi:-n P,t.-:. 4~e..i:: ( z.J;;:;-. , '3'/e "'-/n- L,t.---a. %'0 p.i:i= _(Z3,/2.) ~ , q ~ &t:./fr M~ ~i, OJ.., ._ 4 > psF=-( I i/01-z.f t. ~ 7-, ~] ~ _ /..,I..•. €;-0 fSf-( /Cf/i:) I¾. ':. 4' $'~ k -PkN&I.. ,:i.1... ~ 7,"TJ'3r.e/Fr M\'.v wi £. PT L-ttf'rei o, rr. o ,JE:::'e.. 1. S"' -t-~ '+ 2. '"' e, r-1 G1Ret!Yil-Ott--.. C -z.n+ 4,si'J/«:.,S-:-: , S>4 r.:.;,c,- I '25"' ---')""' 'ZZ. I k 1---') ll,'>k' Z?-'2-~~ ~1.1k f' 11cs' ,~.~le.)"\ /'lf ::i ~1'2:1:;..::. d34+.'.lC8-J,~t,.(f8-l-,q2+2,??J+,9 = 3,4 1 .ffr'1 "3.~, 2. l,,<S; P.,..-:. z.n icG.. 16.1 L- PIZ..~ q,(3Gk e o' P-;. z..s-~ i.c.s:::L4 ') • 10.7.4 '-<(?r l p...,_ 2,J c. ~s ?-(4'):.. q, 4C. ""IF--T v~ "'l,4f,Ci) + 1,"d(,._"J -,.-i <-z.l == 17.3 k • 7-v v---=-/. tJ. (17. '3)-_ Z. 1, z.. it>\Jce: 2..C:zs--;'1'"~,zz, 49(2oi,;;,I)~ e,o,f?. > v~ )',t'\:. Cf,4C. (z.>,._+ ~(~)½fa) -1,?..(-z..)'-,_ ~ -'- ~ t?.G tt:., ,:;-.,- J\I\C<.-:. /,.+(O,C:,J-:... Z.4.&~,r=-r--=-'2,Jf:!'_1,,:-,JtJ 12v-.._ "JV\ v.. -:. ?..q.rk - <i!bd~ ,!7(4BJZO·'.!>l.,_- n psi' 'f~--x;--,.'3'3 (,0003') .. , crro4 ,· F,u,-d1. VJ/;J'/f?AJ Clf,rrq- l)S:f TbtiP ~rv....Pc... As -;_ , 00 I 4 ·c 4 B)'24 -- OE'P'.TI-\--:.. 2--1-·o " , A '-D /I W 11C1l\·-"1 _ 7,.-' OV~!2th\1vC, S I As ... _ -~---ft:.-5 T.i8 --·--- ----f \_ ~ -~--psi'_ -___ :_~ _, -----• •·• ~--~----~--w•~·--------·---•·--·-•-··---·-~---··--·----·•·----~, t1;: L SOIL PRESSURE OF FOOTING PROJECT: INVITROGEN, C96022 LOCATION: P33 INPUTS CONCWT= FTGWTH= FTG DPTH = FTG LEN= ALLBRG= 0.15 (KLF) 4.00 (FT) "b" 2.00 (FT) 36.00 (FT) 2.00 (K/FTA2) VERTICAL LOADS Moment Abt ctr line due to DL Input Mom. arm from ctr of wall length Positive Arm is to right of ctr line Positive DL points down MR= DL * ARM DL ARM DLMOMENT 9.86 0.00 0.00 2.57 -16.00 -41.12 78.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.73 -41.12 SHEET: /q-z_ BY: TWP JOB No.: OUTPUTS FTGWT= 43.20 (KIPS) LATERAL FORCES Moment Abt Ctr line due to Seis Input Mom. arm from top of ftng Positive Arm is above top of footing Positive Horz V points to the right MOT = Horz V * (ARM + FTG DPTH) HorzV Arm SEISMIC MOMENT 22.10-25.00 596.70 TOTAL DL V= 11.30 16.50 209.05 T.OTAL SEIS MOM= 27.20 12.50 394.40 TOTAL DL MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L./3 = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L./3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L./3 Qmin = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L./3 Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 60.60 1200.15 SEISMIC LOADS IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION Horzv Arm SEISMIC MOMENT -22.10 25.00 -596.70 TOTAL DL V= -11.30 16.50 -209.05 TOTAL SEIS MOM= -27.20 12.50 -394.40 TOTAL DL MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L./3= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L./3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L./3 Qmin = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L./3 Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RESULTS 133.93 (KIPS) 1200.15 (K-FT) -41.12 (K-FT) 8.65 Rt of Ctr 12.00 9.35, 2.66 (KSF) NA (KSF) NA (KSF) 2.39 (KSF) RESULTS 133.93 (KIPS) -1200.15 (K-FT) -41.12 (K-FT) 9.27 Lft of Ctr 12.00 8.73 2.66 (KSF) NA (KSF) NA (KSF) 2.56 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 QOO USE FOOTING DIMS. 0.00 0.00 · 0!00 WIDTH 4.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEPTH 2.00 (FT) 0.00 a.co 0.00 LENGTH 36.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -60.60 -1200.15 O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT IN If /T{2()(.rf~:-f.j JOB NO. C 9&02-2- DATE 3/J3/9(; • f'··sv GsM SUBJECT moTIN(r '{)f-s/er/J -/}.JI. Wkt..v UNb 3 SHEET / q) OF-- ~ '. tD L--=-I l fSF (e,) -. O p-g te1p,- L f...-,. ~OfSF--(e) ·-./6 ft:/,.c-r Mei;"t : ct..-~ 4S-p.!F ( "ZA/7,,) ·-, !'4 ~/f1· _1..t..-~_. ~;sr-(?.4-fi_')-: • q~ ~/f-1" Po1t-.1T t..cM-{Jt '. [2o-DF ~. O.L-:. • 11 psf Ce")")-:3/2_-: IAtk· . j.J,1,..L~ '2.0fsi:=-(a}~J/t.·· 'Z,8>,f-k_ ~-Ol.-·. JI psi; (1:3).U/-z..-. l.o-1 k· 5 t-t--:: 2c1psF-(<gJ-z.~/'2....,_ 1.,a4'< M~";;-e l'J. l'Jl.-·-tl.S"p!F-(Z4fz..)20/z"' .s-;fk /J 1.-1.--_ to pSF-C'Z4l') 7.!:1/z __ : 1.e, K ~ 0,/..-:.. 4<;-f~F-(f)2o/l. --,qk $ !..I..·-·· 80 p.sF-( ... )'20/'2,..--/,(pk PR.-i-y-11-. (, O'ofis ~, (4)AD ~ '3, 7, 7 k ~P-;-:. I, 4s'-l $".4 -=-G.~(K l-?:'"' ~ Ps .,_ /.Of-! ,_q ~ /.q/ k (:,._.; 0-. 4(2.c'2-pr1·~ 10.1ak1PT Ct\'F-Ct<-rMi:;.t,1L ,o..,,,l ft..exUtzG. A-T Mc.e. o I=-IA/1rt,-'- V-:.. (1,CA-,. '2..) "S '-+ 'It.(, ,z.-1)3 ::. zc.. '-k '{ v.,.,., /. 4 C zc..~1--3 7. z. '< d>Vc.-=-· ~S"'{z.J~ 3crz:.-v -r.a·cw.JI) ;._ 9o,,z k~ V~ ~K M.~ (q,r.4 .... /,?.)?,1.-+ .~(.e4)~(3)-z;..~ '10.s--1c.,Pr -z... 3 Mv..·-/.4 (40,1')--~.,1e,f-r ~-:... _$'"(;, 7'Y.11.,J ; :.s" 6 _pj i' .q (46) 20,'J.l't, A-..::· ~OO?B·~·(4e_")70:~, ~ <~::.~·,N'l-· \ff~-:· 3::-.l:t_~---,~E I p,._~-- tPs ,L. 40, · .!, 'i.P,.; -z.s.-zr-1 ___,,. '¥4,~ V14 3' ... 3 , ___ ... lr----'-------__.._-r, -ceiOTI\ ~ 2; -~ '~- IJJl 'llTt-t ~ ~ 1-:f)' 1 ".3 '. f='XTEbfV$/(!"1/S .. . ___ .,_ -· r··--·---· . .. . . ... I\_;--::. . ·_3 -it-J'.".f-q-t -... -, • "M?J() . s i' .. .(' e,, --·--_p -. . ....... ---···· •···· ···-----··-----· .. --------·-··---···----------··-'•• ---------·-· &::;-r.,.., ~-. ·~;:;~ SOIL PRESSURE OF FOOTING PROJECT: INVITROGEN, C96022 LOCATION: PA INTERIOR 1..-(JJt. ? INPUTS CONC WT= 0.15 (KLF) FTG WTH = 4.00 (FT) "b" FTG DPTH = 2.00 (FT) FTG LEN = 46.00 (FT) ALL BRG = 2.00 (K/FT-'2) VERTICAL LOADS Moment Abt ctr line due to DL Input Mom. arm from ctr of wall length Positive Arm is to right of ctr line Positive DL points down MR= DL * ARM DL ARM DLMOMENT 37.70 0.00 0.00 94.90 0.00 0.00 6.85 20.00 137.00 1.91 -20.00 -38.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 141.36 98.8 SHEET: / q<,t BY: 1WP JOB No.: OUTPUTS FTGWT= 55.20 (KIPS) LATERAL FORCES Moment Abt Ctr line due to Seis Input Mom. arm from top of ftng Positive Arm is above top of footing Positive Horz V points to the right MOT= Herz V * (ARM + FTG DPTH) HorzV Arm SEISMIC MOMENT 44.50 25.25 1212.63 TOTAL DL V= 17.40 12.63 254.56 TOTAL SEIS MOM= 34.10 12.50 494.45 TOTAL DL MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L./3 = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L./3 Qmin = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 96.oo 1961.64 SEISMIC LOADS IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION Horzv Arm SEISMIC MOMENT -44.50 25.25 -1212.63 TOTAL DLV= -17.40 12.63 -254.56 TOTAL SEIS MOM= -34.10 12.50 -494.45 TOTAL DL MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3 Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 RESULTS 196.56 (KIPS) 1961.64 (K-FT) 98.80 (K-FT) 10.48 Rt of Ctr 15.33. 12.52 2.66 (KSF) NA (KSF) NA (KSF) 2.62 (KSF) RESULTS 196.56 (KIPS) -1961.64 (K-FT) 98.80 (K-FT) 9.48 Lft of Ctr 15.33 13.52 2.66 (KSF) NA (KSF) NA (KSF) 2.42 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 Oi(X) USE FOOTING DIMS. 0.00 0.00 0.00 WIDTH 4.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEPTH 2.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 LENGTH 46.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -96.00 -1961.64 O.K O.K. O.K. O.K. R2H Engineering, Inc. JOB NO. C 9G<J27-- PROJECT / 10\J ITf'06ftJ DATE ~ //3/tJ[t, r···sY C.sM SUBJECT 'Foz::>TI A& '{)'fer'/& Al -J 1Jll(t/0(2 Wlrtl$ SHEET ( qS OF-- LP"'c lf"' 1,,, ,v,:;;._ 7 '-~ -zo I I h --J 7..'{ I M1:o2'-e 01-~ <1.re-0=-(.,_1,f/z.J .,_, 4~11e.far 1..-1.--:... top1~(-z_J.f(i:) ._ , ee, &&-/;:,r 1'2,S"' -:, l(;.0 p,,;_ 01,-, I 464 {2-/j,_') •, ~• l k 1' I I., L --, $3~ ( 7.1/-1-J ~ 'f' 0 k_ ~I'll-a._ • 4'84 Go>"' __ ti.<,, 8'".< p...,_Q 1-1,•, I <,;(,('20} ._ /11 z__/< y-_ (1,:+i -,q{,f)) '3 ,-1/7.. ,(.E, j'3 ! /'Z.'I '<-Vv-·-J, 1 (12.ci)~ /B,/ k. ~V,.--,G5("2-)\}J~ ~,;J('z4J--4r. ,flc > .Vi... Ok t'\ ·-( 4-41-, r4 J ?> 1/~ -+ , -s-(,a} 1/:d~') ---~ zo w,f · !vi~-:... /. 4 {7~) --27. '! k ,;-r f2-.._ --Zi,1'?1?1 _ -z. psi' • ·, \;s~ f M,"' ·, , 6V I 4 .1 Cz4)?o,:;r uw~ f- PML DJ...-: .<!lS"prF-("20,'2()3 ½.-=-14,(k Pl"\~ L-L--60-ps:F-(--zo.2?P1h-:: -z.r.r1c PMf2._ -ot._--1.nsi:: (10,f'; 2 1/v-4,r, ~ PM12,. 1.-1..---t2'0fsi:.-( 10,s-)?-'/-z.-:. ff. ,;i-1<' 'b-:: z,G ~sF--(z,.r--') ~ c..r ~;r-r fr& t,.1T "-2-,f fa) ISO -, 7 f" ,,,,_/ t=-T c.,zl + 4.o'-<vp · '2f,ql< { ti' 0 I 0&,PTI+ -:.. '2-~-c, I I ww;n/ --Z 1..o '' A.s :. Z-:t!i-r,1-13 -(~ :.~CO~f.J>'- -ii I \/-:. (5",, _ ,7_/) 4 + . .r-( ),4)4 ·-·u,,-z._t.( ~ 1,4 s-., v"---/,4 (?a,'2,) --2-9,3~ dNc_ --,t.;B.({-2.)~ O::,cn:,--o ZO,'J/(3(})_ =-s-c;,,7 k "> V'i.... (Jk 'J'I\-:. cs,i-,?r)4-z:.+ ,,;--_(1.,,.):Z,.:(4')'1...._ .'i'?..,_')1,c,Pr-. '--.. 3 . --.. - t--'\...._ --/_. 4 C 4"2. ~) ·-:··~,. 'i-k,;;-r ~ 7·10_ ~Irv_~-_:· ____ . ------- 12-'-'-~ ,101,;:. _ ~-"-.. &4 p.sl f"",--..;:.._.1/§_·'/{,_oc,_1l)-.~ joof11-'1 (?.o')Zo,'J/. _ .. __ _ __ As'". ,00144-Ci.6)_2~),9/ :.;_,e,g_,iJ1:-/.-ii :=-3.-::-#_,r-BA-ilf P~--r CJD! 4 -(1-4-)JO ~-:}.<mB-/4.,--:-~:~=4-_:ii-~s--Bifi-S · ··· \ I-I 1v/E... F o~nf :-2.-!.o '' Wl\?Tlt-:. 2, ~ 11 -t'.1 1.Exr w1 2-~-E As rop --=-2 ::. -#-S-lJlrr!J A.J OOT-:.. . ':) -t\ S-~,p,z.J -{ 1 1, ~ 3~ f11" ,f?-:':,: -;;::. ..... / l. SOIL PRESSURE OF FOOTING PROJECT: INVITROGEN, C96022 LOCATION: LINE 7 INT INPUTS CONC WT= 0.15 (KLF) FTG WTH = 2.00 (FD "b" FTG DPTH = 2.00 (FT) FTG LEN = 25.00 (FT) ALL BRG = 2.00 (K/FP2) VERTICAL LOADS Moment Abt ctr line due to DL Input Mom. arm from ctr of wall length Positive Arm is to right of ctr line Positive DL points down MR= DL * ARM DL ARM DLMOMENT 9.68 -0.50 -4.84 21.90 -0.50 -10.95 5.10 9.50 48.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.68 32.66 OUTPUTS SHEET: 146 BY: TWP JOB No.: FTGWT= 15.00 (KIPS) LATERAL FORCES Moment Abt Ctr line due to Seis Input Mom. arm from top of ftng Positive Arm is above top of footing Positive Horz V points to the right MOT= Herz V * (ARM + FTG DPTH) HorzV Ann SEISMIC MOMENT 16.60 12.50 240.70 TOTAL DL V= 4.00 6.25 33.00 TOTAL SEIS MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DL MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3 Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 20.60 273.70 SEISMIC LOADS IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION HorzV Ann SEISMIC MOMENT -16.60 12.50 -240.70 TOTAL DL V= -4.00 6.25 -33.00 TOTAL SEIS MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DL MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3 Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RESULTS 51.68 (KIPS) 273. 70 (K-FT) 32.66 (K-FD 5.93 Rt of Ctr 8.33 6.57' 2.66 (KSF) NA (KSF) NA (KSF) 2.62 (KSF) RESULTS 51.68 (KIPS) -273. 70 (K-FD 32.66 (K-FD 4.66 Lft of Ctr 8.33 7.84 2.66 (KSF) NA (KSF) NA (KSF) 2.20 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 USE FOOTING DIMS. 0.00 0.00 d.oo WIDTH 2.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEPTH 2.00 (FD 0.00 0.00 0.00 LENGTH 25.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -20.60 -273.70 O.K O.K. O.K. O.K. SOIL PRESSURE OF FOOTING PROJECT: INVITROGEN, C96022 SHEET: ! q_7 ' r· LOCATION: LINE F INT BY: TWP JOB No.: INPUTS OUTPUTS CONCWT= 0.15 (KLF) FTGWTH = 2.50 (FT) "b" FTG DPTH = 2.00 (FT) FTG LEN= 26.00 (FT) ALL BRG = 2.00 (K/FT-'2) FTGWT= 19.50 (KIPS) VERTICAL LOADS LATERAL FORCES Moment Abt ctr line due to DL Moment Abt Ctr line due to Seis Input Mom. arm from ctr of wall length Input Mom. arm from top of ftng Positive Arm is to right of ctr line Positive Arm is above top of footing Positive DL points down Positive Horz V points to the right MR= DL * ARM MOT = Horz V * (ARM + FTG DPTH) DL ARM DLMOMENT HorzV Arm SEISMIC MOMENT RESULTS 14.10 -9.00 -126.90 22.60· 12.50 327.70 TOTAL DL V= 60.46 (KIPS) 21.90 1.00 21.90 4.00 6.25 33.00 TOT AL SEIS MOM = 360. 70 (K-FT) 4.96 11.00 54.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DL MOM= -50.44 (K-FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 5.13 Rt of Ctr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 8.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 7.87. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 2.66 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= NA (KSF) O.K 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = NA (KSF) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3Q= 2.05 (KSF) O.K. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 tirJ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.96 -50.44 I 26.60 360.70 SEISMIC LOADS IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION HorzV Arm SEISMIC MOMENT RESULTS -22.60 12.50 .::,21.10 TOTAL DL V= 60.46 (KIPS) -4.00 6.25 .::,3.00 TOTAL SEIS MOM= .::,oo_ 70 (K-FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DL MOM= -50.44 (K-FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 6.80 Lft of Ctr 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 8.67 0.00 a.co a.co a= 6.20 a.co a.co a.co SEISMIC Qallow = 2.66 (KSF) a.co a.co a.co a> L/3 Qmax= NA (KSF) O.K. a.co a.co a.co a> L/3 Qmin = NA (KSF) a.co a.co 0.00 a<L/3 Q= 2.60 (KSF) O.K. 0.00 a.co a.co a.co 0.00 0.00 a.co a.co a.co a.co a.co 0.00 a.co a.co a.co USE FOOTING DIMS. a.co a.co OiCO WIDTH 2.50 (FT) a.co 0.00 a.co DEPTH 2.CO (FT) a.co a.co a.co LENGTH 26.CO (FT) a.co 0.00 a.co a.co a.co a.co ; \._ -26.60 -360.70 R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT / N \/ I T/2()u-GN SUBJECT foc:,TltvG-'()f:Slt--/J -I NTG-afotl l..if/rt,l{ Pj)-. ,::iq(-z.<B.Jt')·-llk q-=-3 {z.s ~F) ~ ?s· ~1r-r- ct-1i;-d..:'. ~~~ML -d-·Pt,~ivr'l6 ··1r, F-A~ oF-Wlri-l-~ 'foo71N(r __ l.<Jr:_~ ___ 3(7.)IJ?J .--:., "f /,t./H" __ v.;. (5',4-,q)s--F-z;1··c$')~ z?,g_~ ~ . VIA.-:. 1.4 (z7,0-,F-.-·va.q1< __ . ¢1/e-. ,e:,-{?\\}° .... :;cn:=:rc:, (zo:·-;,') 3b --r;e.11<. > VIA,. o"< M:: Cs-,4-,qJ~-i.._,_ .r(2.,')z,s(s-;~~ 73.e~·r;r 2.... M\.\.,;.. J, 4-(J-:;,a'J·-103,3 ',;(,~-=-1239tc.,tJ· 12-..,..-=-Jvqk. . -:. q3,. ps-, f---, oo 1 ~ I 1 (3C,)20,'J/7,;- As -::. t. 'Y:: ( ,CJ-Of C:.) C 3C.) 20,'1 t ·-1, s-&J '"'1/. 3 1 .,_ ~ -i:1: S-GGT '2...-tl:-_r-,0 . -------··----------------·· --------.,-.... JOB NO. C q-C, 02-2.. DATE ".:>lj3/qt SHEET / q 8 OF-- ,. .S,'f--,.., Qi;p,-tr :. ? ~C> I I WI 071-t •. :;; 1-0 If ~'~. ~MT As~--2.--e:.s. As Go-r:.. ~-1p.s -ft ':-~ ~ f s ;- ---r -. .. '!-~ t' :-~~-= l SOIL PRESSURE OF FOOTING PROJECT: INVITROGEN, C96022 LOCATION: LINE F.5 INT INPUTS CONC WT= 0.15 (KLF) FTG WTH = 3.00 (FT) "b" FTG DPTH = 2.00 (FT) FTG LEN = 31.00 (FT) ALL BRG = 2.00 (K/FT'-2) VERTICAL LOADS Moment Abt ctr line due to DL Input Mom. arm from ctr of wall length Positive Arm is to right of ctr line Positive DL points down MR= DL * ARM DL ARM DLMOMENT 11.00 10.50 115.50 28.40 -2.50 -71.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.4 44.5 OUTPUTS SHEET: /'f,f BY: TWP JOB No.: FTGWT= 27.90 (KIPS) LATERAL FORCES Moment Abt Ctr line due to Seis Input Mom. arm from top of ftng Positive Arm is above top of footing Positive Horz V points to the right MOT = Horz V * (ARM + FTG DPTH) Horzv Arm SEISMIC MOMENT 38.20 12.50 553.90 TOTAL DL V= 5.20 6.25 42.00 TOTAL SEIS MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DL MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3 Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 43.40 596.80 SEISMIC LOADS IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION HorzV Arm SEISMIC MOMENT -38.20 12.50 -553.00 TOTAL DL V= -5.20 6.25 -42.90 TOTAL SEIS MOM= 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DL MOM = 0.00 0.00 0.00 e= 0.00 0.00 0.00 L/3= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a= 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC Qallow = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmax= 0.00 0.00 0.00 a> L/3 Qmin = 0.00 0.00 0.00 a<L/3 Q= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RESULTS 67.30 (KIPS) 596.80 (K-FT) 44.50 (K-FT) 9.53 Rt of Ctr 10.33 5.97 2.66 (KSF) NA (KSF) NA (KSF) 2.50 (KSF) RESULTS 67.30 (KIPS) -596.80 (K-FT) 44.50 (K-FT) 8.21 Lft of Ctr 10.33 7.29 2.66 (KSF) NA (KSF) NA (KSF) 2.05 (KSF) 0.00 0.00 qoo USE FOOTING DIMS. 0.00 0.00 0.00 WIDTH 3.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEPTH 2.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 LENGTH 31.00 (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -43.40 -596.80 O.K O.K. O.K O.K. R2H Engineering, Inc. PROJECT ::fn \J , ~ r BY t:}-2£'. SUBJEC"fCC>"\\4, )00.\\ Ptc.-._, Scned .__, \ f 'j...'.:l-.l\:11.. ·r--6 :2. -o Co"-\\ Tl-\~ \v j 2....-~.s \~ 5 ' ,, ~-o Cc-,\4 ..,.. -:z.A . I\ 'F-7 -n-\~ W) ~ -.µ.· "S ' ,Cr( \3. - )...'-6 ,r Co'((4-_ )(. 2.A.'.\ ,·}.\ ~ 'f-,8 VJ} ~-*~ ,t ts 3 1._c I( C.c~.\: X ::.?-.£\ t. ,\-\-'\.(; F-~ \.._)) ')... -t\--5 \~ ~ -~ I 1-6 '( C..0'<'-~ 'J... ~.t\ 1( ··n.\-k r-,c>. "JI 2---*-~ 'T~ 3 \ ,, Ce:'0.-\ X ~;\ \\ \}\ ~ F-1\ .L\-C . w/-s-~ ,zts / - A;\ \I -o Cc"t"\~ X 36 1(. Tl-\'k::-w} h---*·g T~5 t'--1)--. 3~ 11 Co"~ y.._ )-.,>'J \\ ,Hk -o F-,:s w} .l\--~-5' T~l:'.:> - I \l 36' 11-\h;-"l -0 C©'\\.~ X 'f-1~ '0} .b -'¼J.-8 1~ t3. ·• ..._ . . . . ~ .. -. . - \ '< -sl'' 1l"k-·-·. -. 4 -o Cc-,.__1t-)( w/ 4-#~ 10-P },.-l-\C . -f-1'5 6-~-'2::' fbcc,-\-. . -- ---. .. .. -- L --. -. -· . ---. -. JOB NO. CC\ 66.2...Z- DATE 3'"' 13-9.6__ SHEET -z,,<70 OF-- f'c -:.:. :5e0c, p~ t' r 1c. :::. ..!.cco-ps1' r 1c -,$CCO f5? F\e-=3(f:x::O'f'S~ F::_::::-~ ps.P ..... - P'c... =~ ~1 ·- . --- .,, 0$-12-96 SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERI-AL ******************** *** VULCRAFT *** ** UTAH DIV** ********** JOB: INVITROGEN LOC: CARLSBAD. CA MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. MARK QTY DESIGNATION OA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH J23 4 20K232/144 23'·113/8" 1/2" J24A 1 20K232/144 23'·10 5/8" J24 1 20K232/144 23' · 11 3/8" 1/2" J25 4 20K232/144 27' · 11 3/8" 1/2" J26 1 20K232/144 23' ·2 1/8" 1/2" *** BASE PLATE SLOTS *** MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION J23 J24A 9 1 5/8" J24 J25 J26 2" 23'·10 7/8" 23' ·10 5/8" 23'-10 7/8" 27'-10 7/8" 22' ·11 5/8" BC LEFT COLOR CODE PIECE COUNT 11 LIST NO. 1 PAGE NO. 1/2 PAINT GRAY BC RGHT BD LEFT BD RGHT BC Lyy DISTANCE 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" ADD. TC AXIAL LD 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 13:36:12 FILE NO. J.P-5-506 REFER TO DRWG Jl OF 1 SLOPE PITCH TYPE EDL EDR .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 NET UPLIFT I REQ *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** MARK J23 J24A J24 J25 LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS J26 GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED CRIMPED JOIST KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" 0.C. (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26·JUL·96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER .5 .9 .9 .5 .5 MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE TRANS AX THRU SEAT RE MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE TRANS AX THRU SEAT RE MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE TRANS AX THRU SEAT RE MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE TRANS AX THRU SEAT RE SKEW RE 40 NS AXIAL LOAD @ RE = 0. OK KEEP CLEAR @ 14' -3 1/2" SEE DETAIL A/Jl RELEASED., q>CA 91,-s?) COo/£0757 08-12-96 *** VULCRAFT *** ** UTAH DIV** HAHHHA SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERIAL JOB: INVITROGEN LOC: CARLSBAD, CA MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITlON IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. COLOR CODE PIECE COUNT 1 13:36:12 LIST NO. 1 FILE NO. PAGE NO. 2/2 70-5-506 PAINT REFER TO DRWG GRAY Jl OF 1 SLOPE PITCH TYPE MARK QTY DESIGNATION OA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH BC LEFT BC RGHT BD LEFT BD RGHT EDL EDR J27 1 20K232/144 13'·11 3/8" 1/2" *** BASE PLATE SLOTS *** MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION J27 13'-10 7/8" BC Lyy DISTANCE 3" 3" ADD. TC AXIAL LD 6.4 .375 NET UPLIFT I REQ *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** MARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS J27 .5 TIE PLATE @ RE HOLD NAILER 0'·10" RE GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED CRIMPED JOIST KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" O.C. (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER RELEASED BY 08-12-96 SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERIAL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *** VULCRAFT *** ** UTAH DIV** AAAAAAHAA JOB: INVITROGEN LOC: CARLSBAD, CA MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. MARK QTY DESIGNATION QA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH BC LEFT J39 1 20K290/180 27'-11 3/8" 1/2" 27'-10 7/8" J56 1 20K232/144 11'·11 3/8" ll'-113/8" *** BASE PLATE SLOTS *** MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION J39 J56 9 2 1/4" COLOR CODE PIECE COUNT 2 LIST NO. 2 PAGE NO. 1/1 PAINT GRAY 13:36:28 FILE NO. 70-5-506 REFER TO DRWG Jl OF 1 SLOPE PITCH TYPE BC RGHT BO LEFT BO RGHT EDL EDR 3" 2 1/2" BC Lyy DISTANCE 3" 3" ADD. TC AXIAL LO 49.6 30.3 .375 .375 NET UPLIFT I REQ *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** MARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS J39 J56 GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED CRIMPED JOIST KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" O.C. (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER .5 .5 RELEASED BY MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE #14x2" SCREWS@ 3" QC TIE PLATE @ BE HOLD NAILER 0'-10" BE MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE #14x2" SCREWS@ 3" QC TIE PLATE @ BE HOLD NAILER 0'-10" BE 08-12-96 SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERIAL 13:36:36 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA JOB: INVITROGEN COLOR CODE LIST NO. 3 FILE NO. *** VULCRAFT *** PAGE NO. 1/1 70-5-506 ** UTAH DIV** LOC: CARLSBAD, CA AAAAAAHAA PIECE COUNT PAINT REFER TO DRWG MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 54 GRAY Jl OF 1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. SLOPE PITCH TYPE MARK QTY DESIGNATION OA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH BC LEFT BC RGHT BD LEFT BD RGHT EDL EDR Jl 7 30K216/128 47' -11 1/2" 1/2" 47' ·11" 3" 3" .375 J2 17 30K216/128 47' ·11 1/2" 1/2" 47' ·11" 3" 3" .375 J3 3 30K216/128 47'-10 3/4" 47'·10 3/4" 3" 3" .375 J4 9 30K216/128 47'-11 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 47' ·10 3/4" 3" 3" .375 JS 15 30K216/128 47' ·11 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 47'·10 3/4" 3" 3" .375 J6 3 30K216/128 47'-10 1/4" 47' ·10 1/4" 3" 3" .375 *** BASE PLATE SLOTS *** BC Lyy ADD. TC NET MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION DISTANCE AXIAL LD UPLIFT I REQ Jl 6.4 J2 6.4 J3 9 1 5/8" 6.4 J4 6.4 JS 6.4 J6 9 1 5/8" 9 1 5/8" 6.4 *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** MARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS Jl J2 J3 J4 JS J6 GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" O.C. (UNO) CRIMPED JOIST TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AIJGUST/96 SHOP ORDER .5 MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" TRANS AX THRU SEAT .9 MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" TRANS AX THRU SEAT .9 MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" TRANS AX THRU SEAT .5 .9 .9 RELEASED BY RE RE RE RE RE RE 08-12-96 SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERIAL JOB: INVITROGEN *** VULCRAFT *** ** UTAH DIV** ********** LOC: CARLSBAD, CA MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. MARK QTY DESIGNATION QA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT J7 5 30K216/128 43' -11 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" JB 11 30K216/128 43'-11 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" J9 1 30K216/128 43' -10 1/4" JlO 1 30K216/128 55' -10 7/8" Jll 1 30K216/128 55' -11 5/8" 1/2" J12 1 30K216/128 55' -11 5/8" 1/2" *** BASE PLATE SLOTS *** MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION J7 JS J9 9 1 5/8" 9 1 5/8" JlO 9 1 5/8" Jll Jl2 BASE LENGTH BC LEFT 43'-10 3/4" 43' -10 3/4" 43'-10 1/4" 55' -10 7/8" 55' -11 1/8" 55'-111/8" COLOR CODE PIECE COUNT 20 LIST NO. 4 PAGE NO. 1/1 PAINT GRAY BC RGHT BD LEFT BO RGHT 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" BC Lyy ADD. TC DISTANCE AXIAL LO 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 13:36:43 FILE NO. 70-5-506 REFER TO DRWG Jl OF 1 SLOPE PITCH TYPE EDL EDR .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 NET UPLIFT I REQ *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** MARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS J7 JS J9 JlO Jll J12 GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED CRIMPED JOIST KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) #=14x2" SCREWS AT 12" O.C. (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER .5 .9 .9 .9 HIN WOOD LEN 14'0" TRANS AX THRU SEAT .9 MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" TRANS AX THRU SEAT .5 MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" TRANS AX THRU SEAT RELEASED BY RE RE RE RE RE RE 08-12-96 ******************** *** VULCRAFT *** ** UTAH DIV** AUUAUAA SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERIAL JOB: INVITROGEN LOC: CARLSBAD. CA MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. COLOR CODE PIECE COUNT 4 13:36:50 LIST NO. 5 FILE NO. PAGE NO. 1/2 70-5-506 PAINT REFER TO DRWG GRAY Jl OF 1 SLOPE PITCH TYPE MARK QTY DESIGNATION QA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH BC LEFT BC RGHT BD LEFT BD RGHT EDL EDR Jl3 1 301<216/128 47'-0 1/8" J14 1 301<216/128 43'-6 3/4" Jl5 1 30K216/128 39'-11 1/8" Jl6 1 301<216/128 35'-0 3/4" *** BASE PLATE SLOTS 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" *** MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION Jl3 J14 J15 9 1 5/8" Jl6 1· 46' -10 5/8" 3" 3" .375 1" 43' -5 1/4" 3" 3" .375 11/2" 39'-9 5/8" 3" 3" .375 1 1/2" 34'-10 3/4" 3" 3" .375 BC Lyy ADO. TC NET DISTANCE AXIAL LD UPLIFT I REQ 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS } *** MARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS Jl3 J14 J15 J16 GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED CRIMPED JOIST KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" O.C. (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER .9 SKEW RE 20 NS AXIAL LOAD@ RE= 0.0K .9 SKEW RE 25 NS AXIAL LOAD@ RE= O.OK .9 SKEW RE 35 NS AXIAL LOAD@ RE= O.OK .9 SKEW RE 35 NS AXIAL LOAD@ RE= O.OK KEEP CLEAR @ 14' -3 1/2" SEE DETAIL A/Jl RELEASED BY 08-12-96 SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERIAL *** VULCRAFT *·k* ** UTAH DIV** AAAAAAAAAA JOB: INVITROGEN LOC: CARLSBAD, CA MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. MARK QTY DESIGNATION QA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH J17 1 301<216/128 29'·8 7/8" 1/2" 2" 29' -6 3/8" Jl8 2 30K216/128 43'·7 3/4" 1/2" 43' .7 1/4" *** BASE PLATE SLOTS *** MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION Jl7 Jl8 BC LEFT COLOR CODE PIECE COUNT 3 LIST NO. 5 PAGE NO. 2/2 PAINT GRAY BC RGHT BO LEFT BO RGHT BC Lyy DISTANCE 3" 3" 3" 3" ADD. TC AXIAL LO 6.4 6.4 13:36:50 FILE NO. 70-5-506 REFER TO DRWG Jl OF 1 SLOPE PITCH TYPE EDL EDR .375 .375 NET UPLIFT I REQ *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** MARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS Jl7 Jl8 GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED CRIMPED JOIST KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" O.C. (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER .5 .5 RELEASED BY SKEW RE 40 NS AXIAL LOAD@ RE= O.OK KEEP CLEAR@ 14'·3 1/2" SEE DETAIL A/Jl MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE TRANS AX THRU SEAT RE KEEP CLEAR @ 28' ·3 1/2" SEE DETAIL A/Jl 08-12-96 SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERIAL ******************** *** VULCRAFT *** ** UTAH DIV** ********** JOB: INVITROGEN LOC: CARLSBAD, CA MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. MARK QTY DESIGNATION OA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH Jl9 2 30K216/128 43'-7 3/4" 1/2" J20 1 30K216/128 43'-11 3/4" 1/2" J21 3 30K216/128 43'-11 3/4" 1/2" J22 1 30K216/128 43'-11" 1/2" *** BASE PLATE SLOTS *** MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION J19 J20 J21 J22 9 1 5/8" 1/2" 1/2" 43' -7 1/4" 43' -10 3/4" 43' -10 3/4" 43' -10 1/2" BC LEFT COLOR CODE PIECE COUNT 7 LIST NO. 6 PAGE NO. 1/2 PAINT GRAY BC RGHT BO LEFT BO RGHT BC Lyy DISTANCE 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" ADD. TC AXIAL LO 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 13:37:04 FILE NO. 70-5-506 REFER TO DRWG Jl OF 1 SLOPE PITCH TYPE EDL EDR .375 .375 .375 .375 NET UPLIFT I REQ *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** MARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS J19 J20 J21 J22 GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED CRIMPED JOIST KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" O.C. (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER .9 .5 .9 .9 RELEASED BY HIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE TRANS AX THRU SEAT RE KEEP CLEAR @ 28' -3 1/2" SEE DETAIL A/Jl 08-12-96 SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERIAL ******************** *** VULCRAFT *** ** UTAH DIV** ttAAAAAAAA JOB: INVITROGEN LOC: CARLSBAD, CA MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. MARK QTY DESIGNATION OA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH J28 1 30K270/160 43'-7" 43' -7" J29 1 30K270/160 43'-10 1/4" 43' -10 1/4" *** BASE PLATE SLOTS *** MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION J28 9 1 5/8" J29 9 1 5/8" 9 1 5/8" BC LEFT 13:37:04 COLOR CODE LIST NO. 6 FILE NO. PAGE NO. 2/2 70-5-506 PIECE COUNT PAINT REFER TO DRWG 2 GRAY Jl OF 1 SLOPE PITCH TYPE BC RGHT BO LEFT BO RGHT EDL EDR BC Lyy DISTANCE 3" 3" 3" 3" ADD. TC AXIAL LO 7.9 7.9 .375 .375 NET UPLIFT I REQ *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** MARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS J28 J29 GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED CRIMPED JOIST KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" O.C. (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER .5 .5 RELEASED BY MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE TRANS AX THRU SEAT RE KEEP CLEAR@ 18'·2 3/4" SEE DETAIL A/ Jl 08-12-96 SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERIAL ******************** *** VULCRAFT *** ** UTAH DIV** JOB: INVITROGEN LOC: CARLSBAD. CA MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION rs FAR OR NEAR SIDE. MARK QTY DESIGNATION OA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT J30 1 30K270/160 43' .7 3/4" 1/2" J31 1 30K270/160 43' ·11 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" J32 1 30K270/160 47'-10 1/4" J33 1 30K270/160 47'-10 3/4" J34 1 30K270/160 47' · 11 1/2" 1/2" J35 1 30K270/160 47'·11 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" *** BASE PLATE SLOTS *** MARK HCL LOCATION . HCR LOCATION J30 J31 J32 9 1 5/8" 9 1 5/8" J33 9 1 5/8" J34 J35 BASE LENGTH BC LEFT 43' .7 1/4" 43' ·10 3/4" 47'-101/4" 47' ·10 3/4" 47·.11· 47' -10 3/4" COLOR CODE PIECE COUNT 6 LIST NO. 7 PAGE NO. 1/1 PAINT GRAY BC RGHT BD LEFT BD RGHT 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" BC Lyy ADD. TC DISTANCE AXIAL LD 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 13:37:13 FILE NO. 70-5-506 REFER TO DRWG Jl OF 1 SLOPE PITCH TYPE EDL EDR .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 NET UPLIFT I REQ *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** MARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS J30 J31 J32 J33 J34 J35 GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" O.C. (UNO) CRIMPED JOIST TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER .5 MIN WOOD LEN 14' O" RE TRANS AX THRU SEAT RE .9 .9 HOLD NAILER 0'·10" BE .9 MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE TRANS AX THRU SEAT RE .5 MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE TRANS AX THRU SEAT RE .9 RELEASED BY 08-12-96 ******************** SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERIAL JOB: INVITROGEN *** VULCRAFT *** ** UTAH DIV** *-AAAAAJ..J..Jdc LOC: CARLSBAD, CA MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. MARK QTY DESIGNATION QA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH J36 1 24K216/128 43'-7 3/4" 1/2" 43' -7 1/4" J37 2 24K216/128 43'·7 3/4" 1/2" 43' -7 1/4" J38 1 24K216/128 43'·11" 1/2" 43'-101/2" *** BASE PLATE SLOTS *** MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION J36 J37 J38 9 1 5/8" BC LEFT COLOR CODE PIECE COUNT 4 LIST NO. 8 PAGE NO. 1/2 PAINT GRAY BC RGHT BD LEFT BD RGHT BC Lyy DISTANCE 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" ADD. TC AXIAL LD 6.4 6.4 6.4 13:37:20 FILE NO. 70-5-506 REFER TO DRWG Jl OF 1 SLOPE PITCH TYPE EDL EDR .375 .375 .375 NET UPLIFT I REQ *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** MARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS J36 J37 J38 GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED CRIMPED JOIST KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR.PLATE (UNO) #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" O.C. (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER .5 .9 .9 RELEASED BY MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE TRANS AX THRU SEAT RE KEEP CLEAR@ 12'·3 1/2" SEE DETAIL A/Jl MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE TRANS AX THRU SEAT RE KEEP CLEAR@ 12' -3 1/2" SEE DETAIL A/Jl KEEP CLEAR@ 12'·2 3/4" SEE DETAIL A/Jl 08-12-96 ******************** *** VULCRAFT *** ** UTAH DIV** ********** SHORT SPAN JOIST SILL OF MATERIAL JOB: INVITROGEN LOC: CARLSBAD, CA HIR = HORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. COLOR CODE PIECE COUNT 2 13:37:20 LIST NO. 8 FILE NO. PAGE NO. 2/2 70-5-506 PAINT REFER TO DRWG GRAY Jl OF 1 SLOPE PITCH TYPE HARK QTY DESIGNATION 0A LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH BC LEFT BC RGHT BD LEFT BD RGHT EDL EDR J40 1 301<270/160 43'-11 3/4" 1/2" J41 1 301<270/160 47·.11 3/4" 1/2" *** BASE PLATE SLOTS *** HARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION J40 J41 1/2" 43' -10 3/4" 1/2" 47'-10 3/4" BC Lyy DISTANCE 3" 3" 3" 3" ADD. TC AXIAL LD 45.1 45.1 .375 .375 NET UPLIFT I REQ *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** HARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS J40 J41 GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED CRIMPED JOIST KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" O.C. (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER .9 .9 RELEASED BY #14x2" SCREWS@ 3" QC TIE PLATE @ BE HOLD NAILER 0'-10" BE #14x2" SCREWS@ 3" OC TIE PLATE @ BE HOLD NAILER 0'-10" BE 08·12-96 SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERIAL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *** VULCRAFT *** ** UTAH DIV** i<AAAAHHA JOB: INVITROGEN LOC: CARLSBAD, CA MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. MARK QTY DESIGNATION QA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH BC LEFT J42 1 30K270/160 47'-10 1/4" 47' ·10 1/4" J43 1 30K270/160 43'-10 1/4" 43' ·10 1/4" J44 1 30K270/160 47'·111/2" 1/2" 47' •ll" *** BASE PLATE SLOTS *** MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION J42 9 1 5/B" 9 1 5/B" J43 9 1 5/8" 9 1 5/8" J44 COLOR CODE PIECE COUNT 3 LIST NO. 9 PAGE NO. 1/1 PAINT GRAY 13:37:33 FILE NO. 70-5-506 REFER TO DRWG Jl OF 1 SLOPE PITCH TYPE BC RGHT BD LEFT BD RGHT EDL EDR BC Lyy DISTANCE 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" ADD. TC AXIAL LD 45.1 45.1 15.4 .375 .375 .375 NET UPLIFT I REQ *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** MARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS J42 .9 #14x2" SCREWS@ 3" QC TIE PLATE @ BE HOLD NAILER 0'·10" BE J43 .9 #14x2" SCREWS@ 3" OC TIE PLATE @ BE HOLD NAILER 0'·10" BE J44 .9 MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE #14x2" SCREWS@ 3" QC TIE PLATE @ LE HOLD NAILER 0'·10" LE TRANS AX THRU SEAT RE GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED CRIMPED JOIST KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" O.C. (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER RELEASED BY 08-12-96 **AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *** VULCRAFT *** ** UTAH DIV** ·HAAAAAAAA SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERIAL JOB: INVITROGEN LOC: CARLSBAD. CA MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 COLOR CODE PIECE COUNT 2 LIST NO. 10 PAGE NO. 1/2 PAINT GRAY 13:37:42 FILE NO. 70-5-506 REFER TO DRWG Jl OF 1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. SLOPE PITCH TYPE MARK QTY DESIGNATION OA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH BC LEFT BC RGHT BD LEFT BD RGHT EDL EDR J45 1 301<270/160 47'·10 3/4" J46 1 301<216/128 47'-111/2" 1/2" *** BASE PLATE SLOTS *** MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION J45 9 1 5/8" J46 47'-10 3/4" 47'-11" BC Lyy DISTANCE 3" 3" 3" 3" ADD. TC AXIAL LO 15.4 11.6 .375 .375 NET UPLIFT I REQ *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM SASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** MARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS J45 J46 GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED CRIMPED JOIST KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" 0.C. (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER .5 .5 RELEASED BY MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE #14x2" SCREWS@ 3" OC TIE PLATE @ LE HOLD NAILER 0'-10" LE TRANS AX THRU SEAT RE MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE #14x2" SCREWS@ 3" QC TIE PLATE @ LE HOLD NAILER 0'-10" LE TRANS AX THRU SEAT RE 08-12-96 ****AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *** VULCRAFT *** ** UTAH DIV** *HAAAAAAA SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERIAL JOB: INVITROGEN LOC: CARLSBAD. CA MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. COLOR CODE PIECE COUNT 1 13:37:42 LIST NO. 10 FILE NO. PAGE NO. 2/2 70-5-506 PAINT REFER TO DRWG GRAY Jl OF 1 SLOPE PITCH TYPE MARK QTY DESIGNATION QA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH BC LEFT BC RGHT BO LEFT BO RGHT EDL EDR J47 1 30K216/128 47' -11 1/2" 1/2" *** BASE PLATE SLOTS *** MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION J47 47'-11" BC Lyy DISTANCE 3" 3" ADD. TC AXIAL LO 11.6 .375 NET UPLIFT I REQ *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** MARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS J47 GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" O.C. (UNO) CRIMPED JOIST TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER .9 RELEASED BY MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE #14x2" SCREWS@ 3" OC TIE PLATE @ LE HOLD NAILER 0'-10" LE TRANS AX THRU SEAT RE 08-12-96 SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERIAL ~AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA JOB: INVITROGEN *** VULCRAFT *** ** UTAH DIV** LOC: CARLSBAD, CA AAAAHHH MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. MARK QTY DESIGNATION OA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH BC LEFT J48 2 30K216/128 47' -11 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 47'-10 3/4" J49 1 30K216/128 43'-ll 3/4" 1/2" 43' -11 1/4" J50 1 30K216/128 43' -11 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 43' -10 3/4" *** BASE PLATE SLOTS *** MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION J48 J49 9 2 1/4" J50 COLOR CODE LIST NO. 11 PAGE NO. 1/1 PIECE COUNT PAINT 4 GRAY BC RGHT BD LEFT BO RGHT BC Lyy DISTANCE 3" 3" 3" 3" 2 1/2" 3" ADD. TC AXIAL LD 33.7 3-3.7 33.7 13:37:56 FILE NO. 70-5-506 REFER TO DRWG Jl OF 1 SLOPE PITCH TYPE EDL EDR .375 .375 .375 NET UPLIFT I REQ *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** MARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS J48 .9 #14x2" SCREWS@ 3" QC TIE PLATE @ BE HOLD NAILER 0'·10" BE J49 .9 #14x2" SCREWS @ 3" OC TIE PLATE @ BE HOLD NAILER 0'-10" BE JSO .9 #14x2" SCREWS@ 3" QC TIE PLATE @ BE HOLD NAILER 0'-10" BE GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED CRIMPED JOIST KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" O.C. (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER RELEASED BY 08-12-96 *kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERIAL JOB: INVITROGEN *** VULCRAFT *** ** UTAH DIV** ********** LOC: CARLSBAD, CA MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. MARK QTY DESIGNATION QA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH J51 1 30K216/128 43'-7 3/4" 1/2" J52 1 30K270/160 43'-7" *** MARK HCL J51 J52 9 BASE LOCATION 1 5/8" PLATE SLOTS *** HCR LOCATION 43' -7 1/4" 43' -7" BC LEFT COLOR CODE PIECE COUNT 2 LIST NO. 12 PAGE NO. 1/2 PAINT GRAY BC RGHT BO LEFT BO RGHT BC Lyy DISTANCE 3" 3" 3" 3" ADD. TC AXIAL LO 44.2 59.1 13:38:04 FILE NO. 70-5-506 REFER TO DRWG Jl OF 1 SLOPE PITCH TYPE EDL EDR .375 .375 NET UPLIFT I REQ *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** MARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS J51 J52 GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" O.C. (UNO) CRIMPED JOIST TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER .9 .5 RELEASED BY MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE #14x2" SCREWS@ 3" QC TIE PLATE @ BE HOLD NAILER 0'·10" BE KEEP CLEAR@ 12'-3 1/2" SEE DETAIL A/Jl MIN WOOD LEN 14' O" RE #14x2" SCREWS@ 3" QC TIE PLATE @ BE HOLD NAILER 0'-10" BE 08-12-96 *** VULCRAFT *** ** UTAH DIV** AAAAAAAAAA SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERIAL JOB: INVITROGEN LOC: CARLSBAD, CA MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. COLOR CODE PIECE COUNT 1 LIST NO. 12 PAGE NO. 2/2 13:38:04 FILE NO. 70-5-506 PAINT REFER TO DRWG GRAY Jl OF 1 SLOPE PITCH TYPE MARK QTY DESIGNATION OA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH BC LEFT BC RGHT BO LEFT BO RGHT EDL EDR J53 1 301<216/128 48'-l 1/4" 1/2" *** BASE PLATE SLOTS *** MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION J53 7 1/2" 47·.5 1/4" BC Lyy DISTANCE 3" 3 1/4" .375 ADD. TC AXIAL LO 16.4 NET UPLIFT I REQ *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** MARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS J53 GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED CRIMPED JOIST KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" O.C. (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER .5 RELEASED BY #14x2" SCREWS@ 3" OC TIE PLATE @ BE HOLD NAILER 0'-10" BE 08·12·96 •••••••••••••••••••• SHORT SPAN JOIST BILL OF MATERIAL JOB: INVITROGEN *** VULCRAFT *** ** UTAH DIV** ••uuuu LOG: CARLSBAD, CA MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. MARK QTY DESIGNATION OA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH BC LEFT J54 1 30K216/128 23'-111/8" 5" J55 1 30K216/128 33'-5 1/2" 1/2" *** BASE PLATE SLOTS *** MARK HCL J54 J55 LOCATION HCR LOCATION 23' -6 1/8" 4 1/2" 33'·0 1/2" COLOR CODE PIECE COUNT 2 LIST NO. 13 PAGE NO. 1/1 PAINT GRAY 13:38:16 FILE NO . 70·5·506 REFER TO DRWG Jl OF 1 SLOPE PITCH TYPE BC RGHT BO LEFT BD RGHT EDL EDR 3 1/8" BC Lyy DISTANCE 3" 3" .375 2 7/8" .375 ADD. TC AXIAL LO 6.7 26.1 NET UPLIFT I REQ *** CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END.OR RIGHT (TX) { ALL LOADS IN KIPS}*** MARK LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD REMARKS J54 J55 GENERAL NOTES 2 1/2" WOOD NAILER ATTACHED KEEP BRG SEAT CLR 1/2" DIA ROD 2/Jl #14x2" SCREWS AT 12" O.C. (UNO) CRIMPED JOIST TRANS AX LOAD THRU ROD OR PLATE (UNO) DRAWN BY CHP 26·JUL·96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER .5 .9 RELEASED BY MIN WOOD LEN 14'0" RE TIE PLATE @ LE HOLD NAILER 0'-10" LE TRANS AX THRU SEAT RE #14x2" SCREWS@ 3" OC TIE PLATE @ BE HOLD NAILER 0'·10" BE 08-12-96 GIRDER BILL OF MATERIAL 13:38:36 *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA**** JOB: INVITROGEN COLOR CODE LIST NO. 14 FILE NO. *** VULCRAFT *** PAGE NO. 1/1 70-5-506 ** UTAH DIV ** LDC: CARLSBAD. CA ********** PIECE COUNT PAINT REFER TO DRWG MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 5 GRAY Jl OF 1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. SLOPE PITCH TYPE MARK QTY DESIGNATION OA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGITT BASE LENGTH BC LEFT BC RGITT BO LEFT BO RGITT EDL EDR Gl 1 44G6Nl0.8K 50'-51/4" 2" so· -3 114· 7" 5 1/8" 6" 6" G2 1 44G6Nl0.8K 49' -11 1/2" 2" 2" 49' -7 1/2" 5 1/8" 5 1/8" 6" 6" G3 2 44G6Nll.2K 47' -11 1/2" 2" 2" 47' -7 1/2" 5 1/8" 5 1/8" 6" 6" G4 1 32G3Nl0.0K 23' -11 1/2" 2" 2" 23' -7 1/2" 5 1/8" 4 1/4" 6" 6" ** BASE PLATE SLOTS ** ** TOP CHORD HOLES ** FIXED MOMENT LATERAL MOMENT BC Lyy ADD. TC NET MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION LEFT RGITT LEFT RGITT DISTANCE AXIAL LO UPLIFT I REQ ~~==z=====- Gl 8 6 1/8" 3A 1 3/8" 50 G2 8 6 1/8" 8 6 1/8" 3A 1 3/8" 3A 1 3/8" 50 G3 8 6 1/8" 8 6 1/8" 3A 1 3/8" 3A 1 3/8" 50 G4 8 6 1/8" 3A 1 3/8" 38 CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END TCX LOADS· TL OR TR { ALL LOADS IN KIPS} MARK A-DIM B-DIM JST SPCNG LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD SP REMARKS Gl 8' -5 1/2" 9' -9 3/4" 8' -0" .4 40'·5 1/2" 1 KNIFE PLATE RE 0'-10" 5. 6K AX THRU SEAT LE 2.SK AX THRU SEAT RE G2 7' -9 3/4" 9' ·9 3/4" 8' -0" .4 15' -9 3/4" .4 23' -9 3/4" 1 KNIFE PLATE BE 0'-10" 2.SK AX THRU SEAT BE G3 7' -9 3/4" 7'-93/4" 8' -o· 1 KNIFE PLATE BE 0'-10" 2.SK AX THRU SEAT BE G4 7' -9 3/4" 7' -9 3/4" 8' ·O" 1 KNIFE PLATE BE O' -10" 5.6K AX THRU SEAT RE 2.SK AX THRU SEAT LE GENERAL NOTES DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER RELEASED BY 08-12-96 GIRDER BILL OF MATERIAL 13:38:46 ******************** JOB: INVITROGEN COLOR CODE LIST NO. 15 FILE NO. *** VULCRAFT *** PAGE NO. 1/1 70-5-506 ** UTAH DIV ** LOC: CARLSBAD, CA ********** PIECE COUNT PAINT REFER TO DRWG MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 4 GRAY Jl OF 1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. SLOPE PITCH TYPE MARK QTY DESIGNATION QA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH BC LEFT BC RGHT BD LEFT BO RGHT EDL EDR GS 1 32G3Nl0.0K 23'-111/2" 2" 2" 23'-7 1/2" 4 1/4" 5 1/8" 6" 6" G6 1 32G5N10.0K 40' -5 1/4" 2" 40' .3 1/4" 5 1/8" 7" 6" 6" G7 1 40G5N8.7K 40' -5 1/4" 2" 40' -3 1/4" 5 1/8" 7" 6" 6" GB 1 44G6Nl0.8K 47' -11 1/2" 2" 2" 47' -7 1/2" 5 1/8" 5 1/8" 6" 6" ** BASE PLATE SLOTS ** ** TOP CHORD HOLES ** FIXED MOMENT LATERAL MOMENT BC Lyy ADD. TC NET MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION HCL LOCATION H'cR LOCATION LEFT RGHT LEFT RGHT DISTANCE AXIAL LD UPLIFT I REQ ~~===z:a::::a~ GS 8 6 1/8" 3A 1 3/8" 38 G6 8 6 1/8" 3A 1 3/8" 38 G7 8 6 1/8" 3A 1 3/8" 36.5 GB 8 6 1/8" 8 6 1/8" 3A 1 3/8" 3A 1 3/8" 36.5 CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END TCX LOADS· TL OR TR { ALL LOADS IN KIPS} MARK A·DIH B-DIM JST SPCNG LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD SP REMARKS GS 7' -9 3/4" 7' -9 3/4" 8' -o· 1 KNIFE PLATE BE 0'-10" 5.6K AX THRU SEAT LE 2. SK AX THRU SEAT RE G6 7' .9 3/4" 8'-5 1/2" a· -o· . 1 KNIFE PLATE LE O' -10" 5.6K AX THRU SEAT RE 2.SK AX THRU SEAT LE G7 7' ·9 3/4" 8' -s 112· 8' -o· 1 KNIFE PLATE LE 0'·10" 5.6K AX THRU SEAT RE 2.SK AX THRU SEAT LE GB 7·.9 3/4" 7'·9 3/4" a· -o· 1 KNIFE PLATE BE 0'-10" 2.SK AX THRU SEAT BE GENERAL NOTES DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER RELEASED BY 08·12-96 GIRDER BILL OF MATERIAL 13:38:56 *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA JOB: INVITROGEN COLOR CODE-LIST NO. 16 FILE NO. *** VULCRAFT *** PAGE NO. 1/1 70-5-506 ** UTAH DIV** LOC: CARLSBAD, CA AkkkkkkAAk PIECE COUNT PAINT REFER TO DRWG MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 6 GRAY Jl OF 1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. SLOPE PITCH TYPE MARK QTY DESIGNATION OA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH BC LEFT BC RGHT BO LEFT BD RGHT EDL EDR G9 2 44G6Nl0.8K 47' -11 1/2" 2" 2" 47' · 7 1/2" 5 1/8" 5 1/8" 6" 6" GlO 1 44G6Nl0.4K 49' ·11 1/2" 2" 2" 49' .7 1/2" 5 1/8" 5 1/8·" 6" 6" Gll 1 44G6Nl0.4K 50'-5 1/4" 2" so· -3 114· 7" 5 1/8" 6" 6" G12 1 44G6N10.8K 49' ·11 1/2" 2" 2" 49' .7 1/2" 5 1/8" 5 1/8" 6" 6" G13 1 44G6N8.1K 50'·5 1/4". 2" 50' -3 1/4" 7" 5 1/8" 6" 6" ** BASE PLATE SLOTS ** ** TOP CHORD HOLES ** FIXED MOMENT LATERAL MOMENT BC Lyy ADD. TC NET MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION LEFT RGHT LEFT RGHT DISTANCE AXIAL LD UPLIFT I REQ ~-==--~~ G9 8 6 1/8" 8 6 1/8" 3A 1 3/8" 3A 1 3/8" 36.5 GlO 8 6 1/8" 8 6 1/8" 3A 1 3/8" 3A 1 3/8" 36.5 Gll 8 6 1/8" 3A 1 3/8" 36.5 G12 8 6 1/8" 8 6 1/8" 3A 1 3/8" 3A 1 3/8" 36.5 G13 8 6 1/8" 3A 1 3/8" 28.5 CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END TCX LOADS· TL OR TR { ALL LOADS IN KIPS} MARK A-DIM 8-0IM JST SPCNG LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC· ADLOAD SP REMARKS G9 7' -9 3/4" 7' -9 3/4" 8' -o· 1 KNIFE PLATE BE O' ·10" 2.5K AX THRU SEAT BE GlO 7' .9 3/4" 9'-93/4" 8' -0" .4 31'-9 3/4" .4 39•.9 3/4" 1 KNIFE PLATE BE O' -10" 2.SK AX THRU SEAT BE Gll 0· -s 112· 9' -9 3/4" 0· -o· .4 24' -5 1/2" .4 32' .5 1/2" 1 KNIFE PLATE RE 0'·10" .4 40' .5 1/2" 5.6K AX THRU SEAT LE 2.5K AX THRU SEAT RE Gl2 7' .9 3/4" 9' -9 3/4" 0· -o· 1 KNIFE PLATE BE 0'·10" 2.SK AX THRU SEAT BE Gl3 8' .5 112· 9' ·9 3/4" 8' ·O" .4 24' .5 1/2" .4 32' .5 1/2" 1 KNIFE PLATE RE 0'·10" .4 40' .5 1/2" 5. 6K AX THRU SEAT LE 2.SK AX THRU SEAT RE GENERAL NOTES DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER RELEASED BY 08-12-96 GIRDER BILL OF MATERIAL 13:39:07 ******************** JOB: INVITROGEN COLOR CODE LIST NO. 17 FILE NO. *** VULCRAFT *** PAGE NO. 1/1 70-5-506 ** UTAH DIV** LOC: CARLSBAD, CA AAAAAAAAAA PIECE COUNT PAINT REFER TO DRW6 MIR= MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED. V 2.1 4 GRAY Jl OF 1 FOR N PREFIX TO HOLE OR SLOT CONDITION IS FAR OR NEAR SIDE. SLOPE PITCH TYPE MARK QTY DESIGNATION OA LENGTH TCX LEFT TCX RGHT BASE LENGTH BC LEFT BC RGHT SD LEFT BO RGHT EDL EDR G14 1 44G6N9.2K 47' -11 1/2" 2" 2" 47' -7 1/2" 5 1/8" 5 1/8" 6" 6" GlS 1 36GSN9.2K 40' -4 1/4" 2" 7" 39·.7 1/4" 5 1/8" 9 7/8" 6" 6" G16 1 24G4N6.8K 31'-7 1/2" 2" 5 1/2" 31' -0" 5 1/8" 1/2" 6" 6" G17 1 36G3N6.8K 23'-7 1/2" 5 1/2" 2" 23' -0" 1/2" 5 1/8" 6" 6" ** BASE PLATE SLOTS ** ** TOP CHORD HOLES ** FIXED MOMENT LATERAL MOMENT BC Lyy ADD. TC NET MARK HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION HCL LOCATION HCR LOCATION LEFT RGHT LEFT RGHT DISTANCE AXIAL LO UPLIFT I REQ ====i=====s===- G14 8 6 1/8" 8 6 1/8" 3A 1 3/8" 3A 1 3/8" 28.5 GlS 8 6 1/8" 8 11. 3A 1 3/8" 3A 2 7/8" 28.5 3A 6 1/8" G16 8 6 1/8" 3A 1 3/8" 50 G17 8 6 1/8" 3A 1 3/8" so· CONCENTRATED LOADS LOCATED FROM BASE LENGTH FROM LEFT END TCX LOADS· TL OR TR { ALL LOADS IN KIPS} MARK A·DIM B·DIM JST SPCN6 LOAD LOCATION BC LOAD LOCATION BC ADLOAD SP REMARKS 614 7' -9 3/4" 7'-93/4" 8' -0" 1 KNIFE PLATE BE O' -10" 2.SK AX THRU SEAT BE 615 7' -9 3/4" 7' .g 1/2" 8' -o· 1 KNIFE PLATE LE O' -10" 2.SK AX THRU SEAT BE 616 7·.9 3/4" 7' ·2 1/4" 8' -o· .4 7' .g 3/4" 1 KNIFE PLATE LE O' ·10" 5.6K AX THRU SEAT RE 2.SK AX THRU SEAT LE TIE PLATE@ RE 617 7'-2 1/4" 7' ·9 3/4" 8' -0" 1 KNIFE PLATE RE O' -10" 5.6K AX THRU SEAT LE 2.SK AX THRU SEAT RE TIE PLATE @ LE GENERAL NOTES DRAWN BY CHP 26-JUL-96 CHECKED BY NEDD AUGUST/96 SHOP ORDER RELEASED BY •183 ~ULCRAFT,? Bf?ZiJGZ/t/6 / ACCESSOllZES imwz:ao,a, M.DII~ IIUIHolN CllY. UTAH M30a COLOR COOE L.IST NO. FILE NO. NDt---lE l2,E~t:, BILL OF MATERIAL l!a ! !f l!A A A -,.j i J L J .. l L t l L I, A OETAIL -A DETAIL -8 DETAIL -C 71 A ,. A 41 ~-1 ~ ~ L rr: DETAIL -F OETAIL -G DETAIL -H MARK QTY CESCRIPTION L A B C G )( 1 14 L -z_.x: Z.x . I'::> 7 xz_ B Jo )("5 Z.Z.(.::, L.:z.)(. Z)(. I 3 7 UBI 1 LJB-Z.. 3 LJB3 . z. -UB4 l UBS IZ. . __ x __ SCI.TS __ x __ SCI.TS __ l'UTS __ l'UTS __ wASH:RS __ WASt-SlS SI-IT I OF I PAINT B tr =-tt C!J~ f.F- l .. DET I.. ~ DETAIL -D y A 't A t.. l ~;;: l L l " ,, DETAIL -N FFllH TO TCP BCJTrCH CF CF ~ H8e6I #1 !112 :,. A zo1<:. Pt..112.UN. Z4K. Plje:LI~ 30~ P0!2'.-UN Z.4C=r 30t. 32.4 30K. 3~--r 30K 4oG 30K- 444 301<:. 8.£V !::.. l .. REFER TO CAWS _j 1 Of-I L ,: DETAIL -E WEUlED SPACE CFI Ba.TEI --X --SCI.TS __ wrs __ wAst£AS SHOP OPDER __ _ R89SEDBY __ _ I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I ·1 ·1 ~ Geotechnics /.........._~Inc o rp orated December 30, 1995 Hamann Construction 475 West Bradley Avenue El Cajon, California 92020 Attention: Mr. Paul Joseph SUBJECT: REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 100 Proposed lnvitrogen Building Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: Principals: Anthony F. Belfast Michael P. lmbriglio W. Lee Vanderhurst Project No. 0273-002-00 Doc. #5-0629 The following report presents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of our geotechnical investigation of the subject site. It is our understanding that the development is to consist of the construction of a single commercial structure with surrounding parking. The subject site has been previously graded and is presently vacant. In general, our findings indicate that the subject site is underlain by Santiago Formation and fill materials that are considered suitable to support the proposed structure, providing that the recommended site preparation is performed. There were no unusual or special conditions apparent in our investigation which would preclude the construction as planned. 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of our investigation was to evaluate the existing geotechnical conditions at the site as they relate to the proposed improvements, and to make recommendations regarding site preparation and grading, design of the proposed foundations, retaining walls, and slabs, and the construction of pavements. The recommendations contained herein are based on a surface reconnaissance, subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, and professional experience in the general site area. Design values may include presumptive parameters based on professional judgement. Our scope of work was limited to: P.O. Box 26500-224 • San Diego California • 92196 Phone (619) 536-1000 • Fax (619) 536-8311 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hamann Construction December 30, 1995 Project No. 0273-002-00 Doc. #5-0629 Page 2 2.0 1.1 Review of available geotechnical documents related to the site. 1.2 A visual reconnaissance and subsurface exploration of the site including the drilling of four exploratory borings. Bulk and disturbed samples were collected for laboratory testing. 1.3 Laboratory testing of selected samples collected during the subsurface exploration. Testing was intended to assist in characterizing soil properties and assessing pertinent engineering properties. 1.4 Development of recommendations for site preparation, earthwork construction, foundation design, on-grade slabs, and earth retaining structures, and pavements. 1.5 Assessment of general seismic conditions and geologic hazards affecting the area, and their likely impact on the project. 1.6 Preparation of this report. SITE DESCRIPTION The site consists of a roughly rectangular lot, which averages approximately 51 0 feet in width and 640 feet in length. The site is located northwest of Faraday Avenue in the Carlsbad Research Center in Carlsbad, California as shown in the Site Location Map, Figure 1. Elevations of the existing building pad are between approximately 170 and 182 feet above sea level. The eastern half of the lot consists of an approximately 100 foot high natural slope with a 1 0 to 50 foot high 2: 1 (horizontal:vertical) cut slope along the toe. Portions of the cut slope were reconstructed with stabilization fills and backdrains during rough grading of the site. At the time of this investigation, off-site grading was underway along the northern edge of the subject site. Lot 99 of the Carlsbad Research Center is east of the subject site, as is Faraday Avenue. Undeveloped parcels exist along the western edge of the site. Lot 101 of CRC is to the south. Drainage is directed by sheet flow to the south. Minor erosion of the building pad area is evident along the southeast edge of the lot, leading to a desilting basin in the southeast corner of the site. The property is currently vacant, with vegetation consisting of scattered light weeds and partially landscaped slopes. The approximate layout of the site is shown in the Site Plan, Figure 2. Geotechnics Incorporated - .. ----------- ' "-------"--,____ AGU~ J H£DIONOA ~ .. ]~:./" - -~~e__ ~I~ \---._____// ----- 0 .25 .5 bA~za-A-#.c..;:A 0 .5 Geotechnics Incorporated 1.0 1._ ;:::;[i.:-. / / _ _,. \ \ \ \ ' / ' / ...__.,. / .75 I :x: g ~ --, ..... ________ L ,,,/ ------/ -------- '--_ ....... /" -----------1-• -- 1.0 j Mil.es Kilometers ?1 SITE LOCATION MAP lnvitrogen Building, Lot 100 Hamann Construction ------ Mt g -~--' - ~ <:l, 1,\.y_u ___ _ ,,,,,.----/ l, ,, ADAPTED FROM THE 1995 THOMAS BROTHERS GUIDE PROJECT NO. 0273-002-00 DOCUMENT NO. 5-0629 FIGURE 1 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hamann Construction December 30, 1995 3.0 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Project No. 0273-002-00 Doc. #5-0629 Page 3 We understand that the proposed construction will include of a single story office building in the northeast area of the lot with surrounding parking. The preliminary site plan indicates that only minor grading is planned, consisting of cuts and fills of less than two feet. The proposed site layout is shown in the Site Plan, Figure 2. We assume that lot boundaries will changed since the planned parking area in the northeast corner of the site is shown on Lot 9Q rather than the subject site. 4.0 GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The Carlsbad Research Center is located within the coastal plain section of the Peninsular Range Geomorphic Province, anc;I consists of Mesozoic volcanic rock and sedimentary claystone, with overlying Cenozoic sedimentary sandstone rocks. Our subsurface investigation indicates that the subject site is underlain primarily by Eocene age Santiago Formation and compacted fill. Prior to mass grading 9f the site, the building area of the lot was underlain by deep alluvium and topsoil. Grading· operations included the removal and compaction of this material. Several transitions from cut to fill remain on-site, as shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. Some of the fill placed on the site was derived from nearby cuts into the Santiago formation material, as well as the Santiago Metavolcanics. A maximum of approximately 35 feet of fill was placed on the lot during the grading operations. Prior to placing fill, a subdrain was constructed in the invert of the canyon that traversed the site. The approximate locations of the borings made for our investigation are shown in Figure 2. Logs of the explorations are given in Appendix B. A description of the specific units encountered during our investigation follows. 4.1 Santiago Formation The Santiago Formation was encountered in the Borings 1 through 3 at depths ranging from about 15 feet in Boring 1 to at the surface in Boring 3. Refusal on rock fragments in Boring 8-4 prohibited verification of depth to formation at that location. However, the referenced geotechnical report indicates that fill depth at the location of Boring 8-4 should be approximately 30 feet. Santiago Formation materials typically consist of interbedded sandstones and claystones that are thickly bedded. The predominant sedimentary deposit observed in all of the borings was a light yellow-brown to white silty sandstone (SM) that is fine to medium grained, dry to moist, and very dense (ASTM D2487). This material is Geotechnics Incoq>omted ~, ' ·------------------- ~ ·-------. . I Geotechnics Incorporated , . • • ··_7 , .' , -1 ... ___ : 1/' ~ £J ~-.. _ / ___ /;; ____ -· • --------· SITE PLAN lnvitrogen Building, Lot 100 Hamann Construction .... (/) z 0 )> 0 r :c m Ill O> 0 "Tl m m I I ,-. I --f --f m 0 0 "1J 0 "Tl 0 --f m G) 0 >< ~ "1J "1J 0 5 "1J G) :c ::0 ::0 -< )> )> "1J --f :c 0 -< ::0 -< (lJ 0 :::a z G) PROJECT NO. 0273-002-00 DOCUMENT NO. 5-0629 FIGURE 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hamann Construction December 30, 1995 Project No. 0273-002-00 Doc. #5-0629 Page 4 non-plastic. An olive-gray claystone (CL) bed was also observed in Boring 8-1. This material is moist, dense, and has a low plasticity. 4.2 Fill Fill was encountered during our subsurface exploration in Borings 8-1, 8-2 and 8-4 to a maximum depth of 17 feet, immediately overlying the Santiago Formation. The referenced grading plans have been reproduced in the Site Plan, Figure 2. The grading plans show the approximate existing graded topography along with the approximate pre-graded natural topography. The depth of fill can be approximated by subtracting the natural elevation from the existing elevation, and then adding from 10 to 15 feet for cleanout of the alluvium and topsoil. The fill was derived from the Santiago Formation, as well as the Santiago Metavolcanics. Fill materials varied based on their source. The predominant fill on site varied from a clayey gravel with sand (GC), to a clayey sand with gravel (SC). The matrix material was generally fine to course grained clayey sand with a medium plasticity. The fill was generally red brown in color, moist, and medium dense. The fill contained considerable amounts of hard, angular, metavolcanic cobbles of up to 3 inches or more in diameter, which were apparently derived from the Santiago Metavolcanics found on Lots 102 through 107. · In addition, the fill contained blocky chunks of fat claystone (CH) of up to one inch in diameter, which were apparently derived from the claystone beds within the Santiago Formation. 4.3 Groundwater No seepage or groundwater was observed in our investigation. Changes in rainfall or site drainage could produce seepage or locally perched groundwater conditions within the soil or bedrock underlying the site. It should be recognized that excessive irrigation on the project site could also cause perched groundwater conditions to develop at some future date. This typically occurs at underlying contacts with less permeable materials, such as the interface that exists between the fill and the underlying formational material. Since the prediction of the location of such conditions is not possible, they are typically mitigated if and when they occur. Geotcchnics Incoq>0mtcd I -1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hamann Construction December 30, 1995 5.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS AND SEISMICITY 5.1 Geologic Hazards Project No. 0273-002-00 Doc. #5-0629 Page 5 The immediate subject site is not located within an area previously known for geologic hazards, nor was evidence of past soil failures or faulting noted in our investigation. Liquefaction of the underlying soils is not considered a hazard due to the lack of shallow groundwater and the relatively high density of the Santiago Formation materials. 5.2 Seismicity and Faulting The subject site is located approximately 5.0 miles northeast of the projected offshore trace of the Rose Canyon fault zone. This fault zone is classified as· active, and capable of generating a magnitude 6.4 earthquake (maximum probable event). The estimated peak site ground acceleration for such an event is 0.42g. Design of structures should comply with the requirements of the governing jurisdictions, building codes and standard practices of the Association of Structural Engineers of California. Ground-breaking due to active faulting is considered to have a low potential, due to the distance from known, active fault traces. Gcotcchnics Incorpomtcd I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hamann Construction December 30, 1995 Project No. 0273-002-00 Doc. #5-0629 Page 6 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 6. 1 General Discussion No geotechnical conditions were apparent during the investigation which would preclude construction of the proposed structure·s as planned. However, some geotechnical constraints exist which require special design consideration in order to decrease the likelihood of distress to the proposed structures. • • • The on-site soils include both medium dense fill, and dense to very dense sandstone. The proposed building layout places the structure over both sandstone and fill materials. Transitions from sandstone to fill below foundations and slabs are not recommended due to the different settlement characteristics of the materials, and the resulting potential for differential movements. Consequently, we are recommending removal and compaction of the sandstone beneath the building area in order to provide more uniform settlement characteristics. The on-site fill soils are moderately expansive. The use of the expansive soil at slab subgrade creates the risk slab movement. We are providing special recommendations to help minimize heave potential. The site contains deep fill. It has our experience that even well documented compacted fills may undergo hydrocompression on the order of 0.1 to 0.2 percent of the fill height. This may result in differential settlements across the length of the proposed structure. If moderate differential settlement is tolerable for the proposed structure, then conventional shallow foundations may be used. However, if the risk associated with moderate settlement is deemed unacceptable, then other options should be employed such as the use of deep foundations. The remainder of this report presents recommendations in detail. These recommendations are based on empirical and analytical methods typical of the standard of practice in southern California. If these recommendations appear not to cover any specific feature of the project, please contact our office for additions or revisions to the recommendations. Geotechnics lncoq>ornted I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hamann Construction -December 30, 1995 6.2 Site Preparation Project No. 0273-002-00 Doc. #5-0629 Page 7 6.2.1 General: Clearing of the existing site should include the removal of any pipes, vegetation, or general debris. Any deleterious material, including construction debris, rocks over 6 inches in greatest dimension, or soil containing vegetation should not be used in site fills, and should be disposed of off-site. The minimum site preparation should consist of scarification., moisture conditioning, and recompaction of the upper 12 inches of soil. 6.2.2 Debris Basin: A temporary debris basin was installed during rough grading of the subject site in the southeast corner of the lot. Soft sediments have accumulated within the basin since initial construction. All soft sediments within the basin should be removed to a depth where competent fill material is encountered. The entire excavation should then be brought up to finish surface grade with compacted fill as discussed in Section 6.4. In the event that the existing storm drain pipes within the debris basin are to be abandoned, they should be removed and their excavations backfilled with compacted fill in accordance with Section 6.4. 6.2.3 Building Areas: In the building area, including at least five feet outside the structural perimeters, all forrnational material should be removed to a depth of five feet below planned subgrade and stockpiled. The stockpiled soil should then be replaced as a compacted fill in accordance with one of the recommendations discussed below. The over-excavation envelope should be accurately staked prior to commencement of the excavation operations. The bottom of the excavation should be observed by the geotechnical consultant to confirm that conditions are as anticipated. These recommendations should be considered subject to revision based on field conditions observed by the geotechnical consultant. In order to decrease differential heave due to the moderately expansive nature of the on-site fill soil, the following alternatives are recommended. They are given in order of increasing risk. a. Replace the soil within three feet of the building pad subgrade with non-expansive material. This should include the area within five feet of the building perimeter. This may consist of imported nonexpansive soil, or Geotechnics Incorporated I I I I I ·1 I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I Hamann Construction December 30, 1995 b. Project No. 0273-002-00 Doc. #5-0629 Page 8 lime-treated, on-site clay. Lime treatment generally requires from 3 to 6 percent hydrated lime uniformly mixed in the soil. The actual percentage required should be based on laboratory testing of the on-site clays. Place the stockpiled soil within the upper three feet of building pad subgrade at a moisture content that is at least five percentage points above optimum moisture based on ASTM D1557. Because of the benefit of decreased expansion potential, the minimum compaction considered necessary is 87 percent of ASTM D1557 maximum density. · 6.2.4 Asphalt Concrete Parking and Drives: The soil within the upper one foot of pavement subgrade should be compacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction based on ASTM D1557. 6.3 Excavation and Grading Observation Foundation excavations and site grading excavations should be observed by Geotechnics Incorporated. During grading, Geotechnics Incorporated should provide observation and testing services continuously. Such observations are considered essential to identify field conditions that differ from those anticipated by the preliminary investigation, to adjust designs to actual field conditions, and to determine that the grading is accomplished in general accordance with the recommendations of this report. Recommendations present~d in this report are contingent upon Geotechnics Incorporated performing such services. Our personnel should perform sufficient testing of fill during grading to support our professional opinion as to compliance with compaction recommendations. 6.4 Fill Compaction All fill and backfill to be placed in association with site development should be accom- plished at slightly over optimum moisture conditions and using equipment that is capable of producing a uniformly compacted product. The minimum relative compaction recommended for fill is 90 percent of maximum density based on ASTM D1557, except as modified in previous paragraphs. Sufficient observation and testing should be performed by Geotechnics Incorporated so that an opinion can be rendered as to the compaction achieved. Geotechnics Incorporated I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hamann Construction December 30, 1995 Project No. 0273-002-00 Doc. #5-0629 Page 9 Imported fill sources, if needed, should be observed prior to hauling onto the site to determine the suitability for use. Representative samples of imported materials and on site soils should be tested by the geotechnical consultant in order to evaluate their appropriate engineering properties for the planned use. During grading operations, soil types other than those analyzed in' the geotechnical reports may be encountered by the contractor. The geotechnical consultant should be notified to evaluate the suitability of these soils for use as fill and as finish grade soils. 6.5 Surface Drainage Foundation· and slab performance depends greatly on how well the runoff waters drain from the site. This is true both during construction and over the entire life of the structure. The ground surface around structures should be graded so that water flows rapidly away from the structures without ponding. The surface gradient needed to achieve this depends on the prevailing landscape. In general, we recommend that pavement and lawn areas within five feet of buildings slope away at gradients of at least two percent. Densely vegetated areas should have minimum gradients of at least five percent away from buildings in the first five feet. Densely vegetated areas are considered those in which the planting type and spacing is such that the flow of water is impeded. Planters should be built so that water from them will not seep into the foundation, slab, or pavement areas. Roof drainage should be channeled by pipe to storm drains, or discharge at least 5 feet from building lines. Site irrigation should be limited to the minimum necessary to sustain landscaping plants. Should excessive irrigation, surface water intrusion, water line breaks, or unusually high rainfall occur, saturated zones or "perched" groundwater may develop in the underlying soils. 6.6 Foundation Recommendations Because of the potential for differential movements due to the moderately expansive nature of the on-site soil, we recommend that the planned structures be constructed on a deepened and reinforced footing and slab system. However, if the building area is capped with non-expansive import or lime-treated, a more conventional foundation system can be utilized. The design of such systems may be based upon the following soil parameters. Geotcchnics IncoqJOmted I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hamann Construction December 30, 1995 Project No. 0273-002-00 Doc. #5-0629 Page 10 6.6.1 Foundations on Recompacted, On-Site Soil Allowable Soil Bearing: Modulus of Subgrade Reaction: Minimum Footing Width: Minimum Footing Depth: Minimum Reinforcement: Lateral Resistance: 2,000 lbs/ft2 (allow a one-third increase for short- term wind or seismic loads) 150 kips/ft2 12inches 24 inches below lowest adjacent soil grade Two no. 4 bars at both top and bottom in continuous footings. Lateral loads against structures may be resisted by friction between the bottoms of footings or slabs and the supporting soil. A coefficient of friction of 0.2 is recommended. In addition, a passive pressure of 250 lbs/ft3 is recommended for the portion of vertical foundation members embedded into compacted fill. 6.6.2 Foundations on Lime-Treated Subgrade or Non-Expansive Cap Allowable Soil Bearing: Modulus of Subgrade Reaction: Minimum Footing Width: Minimum Footing Depth: Minimum Reinforcement: Lateral Resistance: 2,500 lbs/ft2 (allow a one-third increase for short- term wind or seismic loads) 250 kips/ft2 12 inches 18 inches below lowest adjacent soil grade Two no.4 bars at both top and bottom in continuous footings. Lateral loads against structures may be resisted by friction between the bottoms of footings or slabs and the supporting soil. A coefficient of friction of 0.3 is recommended. Alternatively, a passive pressure of 350 lbs/ft3 is recommended for the portion of vertical foundation members embedded into compacted fill. If friction and passive pressure are combined, the passive pressure value should be reduced by one- third. Geotechnics Incorporated I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hamann Construction December 30, 1995 6.6.3 Settlement Project No. 0273-002-00 Doc. #5-0629 Page 11 Settlement resulting from the bearing loads recommended for the shallow foundations is not expected to exceed one inch and three-fourths of an inch, respectively, for total and differential settlements across the length of the structure. However, it has our experience that compacted fills will experience hydrocompression settlement due to long-term infiltration of rain or irrigation water into the fill. This will likely result in a differential settlement of approximately one- quarter of an inch to three-quarters of an inch across the length of the proposed structure due to self weight of the fill. If this differential settlement is tolerable for the proposed structure, then conventional shallow foundations may be used. However, if the risk associated with moderate settlement is deemed unacceptable, then other options should be employed such as the use of deep foundations. This condition should be reviewed by the project structural engineer. If this is found to be unacceptable, please contact Geotechnics Incorporated for additional recommendations. 6. 7 On-Grade Slabs 6.7.1 Interior Slabs on Recompacted/Moisture Conditioned, On-Site Soil Building slabs should be supported by compacted fill prepared as recommended under site preparation. Slabs should be designed for the anticipated loading. If an elastic design is used, a modulus of subgrade reaction of 150 kips/ft3 should be suitable. As a minimum, slabs should be at least 6 inches in thickness and be reinforced with at least #3 bars on 18 inch centers, each way. 6.7.2 Interior Slabs on Lime-Treated Soil or Non-Expansive Cap Building slabs should be supported by compacted fill prepared as recommended under site preparation. Slabs should be designed for the anticipated loading. If an elastic design is used, a modulus of subgrade reaction of 250 kips/ft3 should be suitable. As a minimum, slabs should be at least 5½ inches in thickness and be reinforced with at least #3 bars on 24 inch centers, each way. Geotechnics Incorporated I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hamann Construction December 30, 1995 Project No. 0273-002-00 Doc. #5-0629 Page 12 6.7.3 Moisture Protection for Slabs: Concrete slabs constructed on soil ultimately cause the moisture content to rise in the underlying soil. This results from continued capillary rise and the termination of normal evapotranspiration. Because normal concrete· is permeable, the moisture will eventually penetrate the slab unless some protection is provided. To decrease the likelihood of problems related to damp slabs, suitable moisture protection measures should be used where moisture sensitive floor coverings or other factors warrant. A commonly used moisture protection consists of about four inches of' clean sand covered by 'visqueen' plastic sheeting. In addition, two inches of sand are placed over the plastic to decrease concrete curing problems associated with placing concrete directly on an impermeable membrane. However, it has been our experience that such systems will transmit from approximately 6 to 12 pounds of moisture per 1000 square feet per day. This may be excessive for some applications. If more protection is needed, we recommend that the slab be underlain by at least 6-inches of minus 3/4-inch crushed rock, with no plastic membrane. In addition, it is recommended that a low water-cement ratio (0.5 maximum) be used for concrete, and that the slab be moist-cured for at least five days in accordance with methods recommended by the American Concrete Institute. On-site quality control should be used to confirm the design conditions. 6. 7.4 Exterior Slabs If exterior improvements such as slabs and sidewalks are constructed on the highly expansive site soils, some movement and cracking should be expected. Reinforcement and control joints will reduce the cracking and movement potential. As a minimal recommendation, slabs should be at least 5 inches thick and should be reinforced with at least #3 rebars on 24 inch centers, each way (or alternatively 6" x 6"-W2.9 x W2.9 WWF). Crack control joints should be placed on at least 10 foot centers, each way. Differential movement between buildings and exterior slabs, or between sidewalks and curbs may be decreased by dowelling the slab into the foundation or curb. Gcotcchnics Incorporated I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hamann Construction December 30, 1995 6.8 Expansive Soils Project No. 0273-002-00 Doc. #5-0629 Page 13 The soils observed during our investigation ranged from low plasticity clayey and silty sands (SC-SM) to lean sandy clays (CL). Laboratory testing of representative samples indicates that the site soils have a moderate expansion potential, based on Uniform Building Code criteria. Figure C-2 in the appendix summarizes the expansion test results. 6. 9 Reactive Soils Because of the likelihood that the sulfate content of the on-site soil or groundwater is sufficient to react adversely with normal cement, we recommend that Type 11 cement be used in all concrete which will be in contact with soil. 6.1 0 Earth Retaining Structures Backfilling retaining wall with highly expansive soil can increase lateral pressures well beyond normal active or at-rest pressures. We recommend that retaining walls be backfilled with soil having and expansive index of 50 or less. The backfill area should include the zone defined by a 1 :1 sloping plane, back from the base of the wall. Cantilever retaining walls should be designed for an active earth pressure approximated by an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 lbs/ft3• The active pressure should be used for walls free to yield at the top at least 0.1 percent of the wall height. For walls restrained so that such movement is not permitted, an equivalent fluid pressure of 55 lbs/ft3 should be used, based on at-rest soil conditions with level backfill. The above pressures do not consider any surcharge loads or hydrostatic pressures. If these are applicable, they will increase the lateral pressures on the wall and we should be contacted for additional recommendations. Walls should contain an adequate subdrain to eliminate any hydrostatic forces. Retaining wall backfill should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction, based on ASTM D1557. Backfill should not be placed until walls have achieved adequate structural strength. Heavy compaction equipment which could cause distress to walls should not be used. Gcotechnics Incorporated I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hamann Construction December 30, 1995 6.11 Pavements Project No. 0273-002-00 Doc. #5-0629 Page 14 Two traffic types are assumed: areas of light traffic and passenger car parking (Traffic Index = 4.5), and access drives and truck routes (Traffic Index = 6.0). The project civil engineer should review these values to determine if they are appropriate. Laboratory R- Value tests conducted on a representative sample of the on-site soils indicated that an R- Value of 5 should be used for pavement design. Based on the assumed Traffic Index, and the R-Value determined in the laboratory, the following pavement sections are recommended in accordance with the CAL TRANS design method. DESIGN SECTION TRAFFIC INDEX ASPHALT CONCRETE AGGREGATE BASE 4.5 3 inches 8inches 6.0 4 inches 12 inches Concentrated truck traffic areas, such as trash truck aprons, should consist of six inches of Portland cement concrete over native subgrade. Concrete should be reinforced with at least number 4 bars on 24-inch centers, each way. The upper 12 inches of the pavement subgrade should be scarified, brought to about optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 95% of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557. Aggregate base should conform to Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, crushed aggregate base, crushed miscellaneous base, or processed miscellaneous base. 7.0 LIMITATIONS OF INVESTIGATION This investigation was performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geotechnical consultants practicing in this or similar localities. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional opinions included in this report. The samples taken and used for testing and the observations made are believed representative of the project site; however, soil and geologic conditions can vary significantly between borings. As in most projects, conditions ·revealed by excavation may be at Geotechnics lncoq)oratcd I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hamann Construction December 30, 1995 Project No. 0273-002-00 Doc. #5-0629 Page 15 variance with preliminary findings. If this occurs, the changed conditions must be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant and additional recommendations made, if warranted. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the necessary design consultants for the project and incorporated into the plans, and the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractors carry out such recommenda- tions in the field. The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the condition of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether due to natural processes or the work of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards of practice may occur from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years. *** GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED Matthew A. Fagan Staff Engineer Anthony F. Belfast, P.E. 40333 Principal Engineer W. Lee Vanderhurst, C.E.G.1125 Project Geologist Geotcchnics Inco1voratcd I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A REFERENCES American Society for Testing and Materials (1992). Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 4, Construction, Volume 04.08 Soil and Rock; Dimension Stone; Geosynthetics, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1296 p. Anderson, J. G. , Rockwell, T. K., Agnew, D. C. (1989). Past and Possible Future Earthquakes of Significance to the San Diego Region, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 5, No. 2. pp 299-335. Bowles, J. E. (1982). Foundation Analysis and Design, 3rd ed.: New York, McGraw Hill, 816 p. California Division of Mines and Geology (1975). Recommended Gu_ide/ines for Determining the Maximum Credible and the Maximum Probable Earthquakes, California Division of Mines and Geology Notes, Number 43. California Division of Mines and Geology (1982). Recent Slope Failures, Ancient Landslides, and Related Geology of the North-Central Coastal Area, San Diego County, California, California Division of Mines and Geology, Open File Report 82-12 LA. International Conference of Building Officials (1991). Uniform Building Code (with California Amendments) Title 23. Geotechnics Incorporated (1994). As-Graded Geotechnica/ Report, Unit 5, Carlsbad Research Center,Carlsbad, California, Project No. 0017-001-01, April 29, 1994. Geotechnics Incorporated (1995). Proposal For Geotechnica/ Services, Geotechnical Investigation for Commercial Construction, Carlsbad Research Center, Lot 100, Carlsbad, California, Proposal No. 5-159, November 16, 1995. Jennings, C. W. (1975). Fault Map of California, California Division of Mines and Geology, California, Geologic Data Map Series. Kennedy, M. P., and Peterson, G. L. (1975). Geology of San Diego Metropolitan Area, California: California Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin 200, 56 p. San Diego Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. (1984). As Graded Geotechnica/ Report, Carlsbad Research Center, Phase II and Ill, Carlsbad Tract No. 81-10, Carlsbad California, Job No. SD1162-10, September 10, 1984. Trieman, J. A. (1984). The Rose Canyon Fault Zone --A Review and Analysis, California Division of Mines and Geology unpublished report, 106 p. Wesnousky, S. G: (1986). Earthquakes, Quaternary Faults, and Seismic Hazard in California: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 91, no. 812, p. 12587-12631. Gcotcchnics lt1co11)omtcd I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B FIELD EXPLORATION Field exploration consisted of a visual reconnaissance of the site, and the drilling of four exploratory borings with a truck-mounted, hollow stem, continuous flight drill rig on December 8, 1995. The borings were 8 inches in diameter, and were drilled to a maximum depth of 21½ feet. The approximate locations of the borings are shown on Figure 2. Logs describing the subsurface conditions encountered are presented on the following Figures B-1 through 8-4. Samples were collected using a Standard Penetration Test sampler (2-inch outside diameter). The drive weight was a 140-pound, down-hole hammer with a free fall of .30 inches. For each sample, the number of blows needed to drive the sampler 6, 12, and 1'8 inches was recorded. The number of blows needed to drive the final 12 inches is shown on the attached logs under "blows per ft." Bulk samples were also obtained from auger cuttings at selected intervals. Boring locations were established in the field by pacing and by estimation using the plans provided. The locations shown should not be considered more accu_rate than is implied by the method of measurement used. The lines designating the interface between soil units on the test pit logs are determined by interpolation and are therefore approximations. The transition between the materials may be abrupt or gradual. Further, soil conditions at locati_ons between the borings may be substantially different from those at the specific locations explored. It should be recognized that the passage of time can result in changes in the soil conditions reported in our logs. Geo techni cs In co 11>0 mted I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Logged by MAF Method of Drilling: j::' w w !:!::. :c I-0.. w Q 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ..,: u. a! w 0.. ~ g OJ 28 33 34 w w u::-..J ..J Cl. Cl. (.) :!E :!E e:. <( <( >-(/) (/) I-w :i iii ~ z 0::: :::, w 0 OJ C "#-w a! :::, I-(/) 0 ::!::: LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO.1 8 INCH HOLLOW STEM FLIGHT AUGER Date: 11/8/95 Elevation: F.S.G. DESCRIPTION ayey san , me o coarse graine , me 1um pas 1c1 y, re rown, moist, medium dense (this represents the matrix material). Contains hard angular meta-volcanic cobbles to 3 inches in diameter Contains blocky chunks of fat claystone (CH) to 1 inch in diameter. Contains considerable plant debris. Clayey gravel with sand (GC), fine to coarse grained sand, medium plasticity, red brown, dry to moist, dense. Same. TOTAL DEPTH= 21½ FEET NO WATER NO CAVING BACKFILLED 12/8/95 orange LAB TESTS GRADATION HYDROMETER EXPANSION PROJECT NO. 0273-002-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE: B-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Logged by MAF Method of Drilling: ~ i-= w w iL:" u. -I -I (.) 0::: 0. 0. w w ::: ::: e:. ~ 0. ct ct ~ ::i:: ~ II) II) I-w ~ en 0. g i:! -I z w 0::: :) w C IXI C IXI C 2 27 3 4 ';f!. w 0::: ::> I-II) 0 ::: LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 2 8 INCH HOLLOW STEM FLIGHT AUGER DESCRIPTION Date: 11/8/95 Elevation: F.S.G. LAB TESTS EXPANSION R-VALUE 5 ........ .... nr ........................ Cfayey"gravel with sand (GC}, fineto'coarse'grained sand,' medium 'plasticity, .................. .. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 22 86 (11") red brown, moist, medium dense. Contains plant fragments. TOTAL DEPTH= 21 FEET NO WATER NO CAVING BACKFILLED 12/8/95 PROJECT NO. 0273-002-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE: B-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 3 Logged by MAF Method of Drilling: 8 INCH HOLLOW STEM FLIGHT AUGER Date: 11/8/95 Elevation: F.S.G. ~ Ii: w .J ~ 0. w w ::i:: !:!:,. 0. <( :c ~ en !i: w ~ w ~ C m C 1 2 73 3 4 w U:-.J (.) 0. ::i:: e:. <( >-en I- :i en z => w al C ~ 0 w ~ => I-en 0 ::i:: DESCRIPTION ~NTIA .;, r-uK"""-TIOl\17Tsal: SIity sandstone (SM),-fine to medium grained, non-plastic, light gray, moist, very dense. LAB TESTS 5 · " Same. light brown.... ....... · ......... .......... .. ......................................................................... . 6 7 8 9 10 11 74 12 TOTAL DEPTH= 11 FEET NO WATER 13 NO CAVING BACKFILLED 12/8/95 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 PROJECT NO. 0273-002-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE: 8-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Logged by MAF Method of Drilling: iii' t-= w w CL LI. ..J ..J (.) 0:: C. C. w w :ii: :ii: e:. !!:. C. c:( c:( ~ ::c ~ en en Ii: w ~ iii ~ ..J z w 0:: ::, w C al C al C 1 2 I 21 3 4 ::;:::(.:.: LlJi 5 17 6 ?ft. w 0:: ::, M' en 0 ::i: LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 4 8 INCH HOLLOW STEM FLIGHT AUGER DESCRIPTION ETLL: c;Iayey sand (Sc;T, fine to coarse grained, low plasticTfy, brown, moist, medium dense (this represents the matrix material). Contains hard angular meta-volcanic cobbles to 3 inches in diameter Contains blocky chunks of fat claystone (CH) to 1 inch in diameter. Contains some plant material. Date: 11/8/95 Elevation: F.S.G. LAB TESTS SULFATE 7 ................................................. cfayey·sand (SC);ffne·lo coarse grained,.low·plasticity, 'red brown, ...................................... . 8 moist, very dense. Contains less gravel. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 521 PROJECT NO. 0273-002-00 TOTAL DEPTH= 17 FEET REFUSAL@ 17 FEET NO WATER NO CAVING BACKFILLED 12/8/95 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE: 8-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX C LABORATORY TESTING Selected representative samples of soils encountered were tested using test methods of the Ameri_can Society for Testing and Materials, or other generally accepted standards. A brief description of the tests performed follows: Classification: Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Visual classification was supplemented by laboratory testing of selected samples and clas- sification in accordance with ASTM D2487. The soil classifications are shown on the Boring Logs. Particle Size Analysis: Particle size analyses were performed in accordance with ASTM D422. The grain size distribution was used to determine presumptive strength parameters used to develop foundation design criteria. The results are given in Figure C-1. Expansion Index: The expansion potential of selected soils was characterized by using the test method ASTM D 4829. Figure C-2 provides the results of the tests. Sulfate Content: To assess their potential for reactivity with concrete, a representative sample was tested for content of water-soluble sulfate minerals using CAL TRANS method 417 (Part I). The results are listed in Figure C-2. R-Value: An R-Value test was performed on representative pavement area materials in accordance with ASTM D 2844-89. The results are listed in Figure C-2. Gcotcchnics Inco1vomtcd ------------------- 100 1 _1 r !!... "" "=!/.All "''"'" ff, 90 80 -~70 ~ ,E' 60 ~ Q) C: U: 50 -C: Q) ~ 40 Q) a. 30 20 10 0 -r--__ ----~;-.... 100 10 COARSE FINE GRAVEL SAMPLE EXPLORATION NUMBER: B1 SAMPLE LOCATION: 1'-4' a Geotechnics Incorporated un ,1£1"' .ucin .uc:n cff1nn -:---s-~ -i-..._ I'--_ 'r,.... f'.-.. I'-. ~ "\ \ \ [\ I ! 1 Grain Size in Millimeterso.1 COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SC DESCRIPTION: CLAYEY SAND WITH GRAVEL PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS AND ATTERBERG LIMITS ,~~n -I',., ---"~'11........_ SILT AND CLAY Hvdrometer I I I I I I I I ---s I I ..... -- ~r-- I 1 I i I I 0.01 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT: PLASTICITY INDEX: PROJECT NO. 0273-002-00 - 0 10 20 30 .c C: ·a 401 <ll 50 l!l ~ 60~ @ 8 <ll 70 - 80 90 100 0.001 DOC. # 5-0629 FIGURE C-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -1 I R-VAUE TEST RESULTS (ASTM D 2844) SAMPLE R-VALUE B2@ 1' -4' I 5 SULFATE TEST RESULTS (CALTRANS 417) SAMPLE I SULFATE CONTENT I B4@ 2' -3½' I < 200 P.P.M. EXPANSION TEST RESULTS (ASTM D 4829) SAMPLE I EXPANSION INDEX B1 @ 1' -4' 59 B2@ 1' -4' 82 I UBC TABLE NO. 29-C, CLASSIFICATION OF EXPANSIVE SOIL EXPANSION INDEX 0-20 21-50 51-90 91-130 Above 130 Geotechnics Incorporated POTENTIAL EXPANSION Very low Low Medium High Verv hioh Laboratory Test Results lnvitrogen Building, Lot 100 Hamann Construction Project No. 0273-002-00 Document No. 5-0629 Figure C-2 ... TITLE 24 REPORT FOR: Invitrogen Carlsbad, CA PROJECT DESIGNER: Kenneth D. Smith Architect & Assoc. Inc. 435 W. Bradley Ave., Suite C El Cajon, CA 92020 (619)444-2182 REPORT PREPARED BY: Steve Balderrama, CEPE Haynal & Co., Inc. 425 West Fifth Street Escondido, CA 92025 (619) 743-5408 Job Number: Date: 2/12/1997 The COMPLY computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized this compliance report. This program has approval and is authorize the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residenti 1 and Nonresidential Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by Gabel Dodd Associates (510) 428-0803. Table Of Contents for Title 24 Report Cover Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Nonresidential Performance Title 24 Forms ........................... 3 Form ENV-3 Construction Assemblies .................................. 22 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 1 of 3) Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 Project Name: Invitrogen Address: Carlsbad, CA Designer: Kenneth D. Smith Architect & Assoc. Inc. Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE PERF-1 page 3 of 27 Runcode: 2875-575427520 jDate: 2/12/1997 , _______ _ !Building Permit No , _____ _ !Checked by/ Date I !COMPLY 24 User 2875 This Certificate of Compliance lists the Building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6, of the State Building Code. This certificate applies only to a Building using the performance compliance approach. The Principal Designers hereby certify that the proposed building design represented in the construction documents and modelled for this permit application are consistent with all other forms and worksheets, specifi- cations, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building as designed meets the energy efficiency requirements of the State Building Code, Title 24, Part 6, Chapter 1. 1. I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed as a civil engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer or architect. 2. I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor preparing documents for work that I have contracted to perform. 3. I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section ____ of the Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and for the following reason: ______________ _ SCOPE OF COMPLIANCE (Designers should circle applicable paragraph numbers) ENVELOPE -Required Forms: ENV-1, ENV-2 Location of Mandatory Principal Designer Kenneth D. Smith Architect & Assoc. In~c:Z~~~~~~;,=::::.._---L'-jL--0~-/-..L-:- (619)444-2182 LIGHTING - Principal Designer Hamann Construction (619)440-7424 Required Location on Plans 6) 2 3 (Circle) 1 G) 3 (Circle) MECHANICAL -Required Forms: MECH-1, MECH-2, MECH-3, MECH-4 Principal Designer Slayton Mechanical (619) 449-1272 Location of Mandato on Plans 1 2 3 (Circle) '\. PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 2 of 3) Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 PERF-1 page 4 of 27 Runcode: 2875-575427520 Project Name: Invitrogen !Date: 2/12/1997 I Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. !COMPLY 24 User 2875 ANNUAL SOURCE ENERGY USE SUMMARY (KBtu/sqft-yr) Energy Component ------------------------ Space Heating Space Cooling Indoor Fans Heat Rejection Pumps Domestic Hot Water Lighting Receptacle Process TOTALS GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area: Average Ceiling Height: Glass Area/ Wall Area: Average Glazing U-Value: Front Orientation: Number of Stories: Number of Zones: Number of Occupancies: 48668 10.4 0.27 1.19 0 deg (N) 2 28 7 Standard Proposed Compliance Design Design Margin -------------------------- 2.38 3.09 -0.72 25.94 17.98 7.96 19.31 11.67 7.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.82 40.11 3. 71 19.31 19.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -------------------------- 110.76 92.17 18.60 Compliance Method: COMPLY 24 v5.00 Location: Carlsbad Climate Zone: 7 ZONE INFORMATION Floor Display Inst Tailored Process Tailored Area Perim. LPD Lighting Loads Vent. Zone Name (sqft) (ft) (w/sf) (watts) (w/sf) (y/n) ----------------------------------------------------------------- HP-1/2/3/4/7 5873 0 1. 71 0 0 N HP-5 -Office 182 0 1. 78 0 0 N HP-5 -Conference 130 0 0.83 0 0 N HP-6 -Clean 119 992 0 1. 31 0 0 N HP-8 -Dish 118 1120 0 1. 54 0 0 N HP-9 -Ferm 117 1184 0 1.37 0 0 N HP-10 -T.C. Room 113 1056 0 1.33 0 0 N HP-11 -Office 201 1280 0 0.84 0 0 N HP-12 -Manufacturing 2559 0 1.18 0 0 N HP-13 -Office 201 1408 0 1.30 0 0 N HP-13 -Restrooms 312 0 2.54 0 0 N HP-14 -Reception 101 576 0 3.47 0 0 N HP-14 -Corridor/RR 788 0 1.10 0 0 N HP-15 -Reception 101 752 0 1. 01 0 0 N HP-16 -Manufacturing 1094 0 1.48 0 0 N HP-16 -Office 127 210 0 1. 03 0 0 N HP-17/18/19/26-32 17087 0 1.47 0 0 N HP-20 -T.C. Room 109 930 0 1.39 0 0 N HP-21 -Office 220 1585 0 0.55 0 0 N HP-23 -Office 202 1745 0 0.93 0 0 N HP-24 -Office 202 1453 0 0.74 0 0 N HP-25 -Manufacturing 630 0 1.37 0 0 N ...,_ HP-35 -Office 204-207 1077 0 1.20 0 0 N '<' HP-36 -Office 203 360 0 1.20 0 0 N HP-37 -Office 201 1616 0 0.87 0 0 N HP-38 -Lunch 112 1373 0 1.18 0 0 N HP-39 -Office 144 1296 0 1. 58 0 0 N Warehouse 8644 0 0.00 0 0 N PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 3 of 3) Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. PERF-1 page 5 of 27 Runcode: 2875-575427520 jDate: 2/12/1997 I jCOMPLY 24 User 2875 The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation is accurate and complete. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Steve Balderrama, CEPE (619) 743-5408 ~i1Ui-9f•/'0IL ,elf,_~ 2 (Signature) (Date) EXCEPTIONAL CONDITIONS COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. HP-6 -Clean 119 Occupancy type of Precision Industrial has been selected HP-8 -Dish 118 Occupancy type of Precision Industrial has been selected HP-9 -Ferm 117 Occupancy type of Precision Industrial has been selected HP-10 -T.C. Room 113 Occupancy type of Precision Industrial has been selected BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF EXCEPTIONAL FEATURES JUSTIFICATION: The exceptional features listed in this performance approach application have specifically been reviewed. Adequate written justification and documentation for their use have been provided by the applicant. authorized signature or stamp CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Envelope Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. Const OPAQUE SURFACES Assembly Name Type Location/Comments R-11 Demising Wall(MTL) R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) Carpeted Slab On Grade 6" Concrete Wall Hollow Metal Door Roll-Up Door FENESTRATION Frame Orient Panes Type -------- Front (N) 1 Metal Left (E) 1 Metal Left (E) 1 Metal Left (SE) 1 Metal Left (SE) 1 Metal Back (S) 1 Metal Right (W) 1 Metal Right (W) 1 Metal Metal Wood None None None None Exterior Shade OH ----------------------- None N None N None N None N None N None N None N None N ENV-1 page 6 of 27 Runcode: 2875-575427520 jDate: 2/12/1997 I jCOMPLY 24 User 2875 Glazing Type Note to Field ----------------------- 1/4" Solarcool -.42 SC 1/4" Solarcool -.42 SC 1/4" Solarcool -.42 SC 1/4" Solarcool -.42 SC 1/4" Solarcool -.42 SC 1/4" Solarcool -.42 SC 1/4" Solarcool -.42 SC 1/411 Solarcool -.42 SC CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Lighting Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. INSTALLED LIGHTING SCHEDULE No of Name Lamp Type Lamps ------------------ D Fluorescent 3 F HID 1 I Fluorescent 2 L Incandescent 1 M Incandescent 1 N Fluorescent 3 MANDATORY AUTOMATIC CONTROLS Control Watts/ Lamp ------ 34 400 34 100 150 34 Ballast Type ---------- Standard Standard Standard n/a n/a Standard LTG-1 page 7 of 27 Runcode: 2875-575427520 !Date: 2/12/1997 I !COMPLY 24 User 2875 Ballasts/ No of Note to Luminaire Fixt. Field ---------------- 1.5 484 1. 0 7 1.0 20 n/a 5 n/a 10 1. 5 68 Note to Control Location ID Control Type Zone Controlled Field CONTROLS FOR CREDIT Control Control Location ID Control Type Note to Zone Controlled Field CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Mechanical (part 1 of 7) MECH-1 page 8 of 27 Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 Runcode: 2875-575427520 Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. SYSTEM FEATURES Zone Name Time Control HP-1/2/3/4/7 s Setback Control None #of Isolation Zones n/a HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type Outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Zone Name Time Control Setback Control #of Isolation Zones HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type Outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Code Tables Time Control S:Prog Switch O:Occ Sensor M:Man Timer Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B A No Economizer 881 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A060 DX HP-6 s ----None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Const:ant Temp Constant Temp B ----A ----No Economizer 149 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A048 DX Ventilation B:Air Balance C:OA Cert. M:OA Measure D:Demand Cont N:Natural jDate: 2/12/1997 I jCOMPLY 24 User 2875 HP-5 s None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B A No Economizer 92 Heat Pump Rheem RQKA-A024 DX HP-8 s ----None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B ----A ----No Economizer 168 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A036 DX OA Damper A:Auto G:Gravity Note to Field CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Mechanical (part 2 of 7) MECH-l page 9 of 27 Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 Runcode: 2875-575427520 Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. SYSTEM FEATURES Zone Name HP-9 Time Control S ----Setback Control None #of Isolation Zones n/a HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type Outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B A No Economizer 178 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A060 DX Zone Name HP-ll Time Control S ----Setback Control None #of Isolation Zones n/a HP Thermostat Yes Electric Heat 0.0 KW Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type Outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Code Tables Time Control S:Prog Switch O:Occ Sensor M:Man Timer Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B ---- A No Economizer 192 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A042 DX Ventilation B:Air Balance C:OA Cert. M:OA Measure D:Demand Cont N:Natural !Date: 2/12/1997 I !COMPLY 24 User 2875 HP-10 s None n/a Yes 0. 0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B A No Economizer 158 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A042 DX HP-12 s None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B ---- A No Economizer 384 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A060 DX OA Damper A:Auto G:Gravity Note to Field ' ' CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Mechanical (part 3 of 7) MECH-1 page 10 of 27 Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 Runcode: 2875-575427520 Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. SYSTEM FEATURES Zone Name Time Control Setback Controi #of Isolation Zones HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type Outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Zone Name Time Control HP-13 s ----None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B ----A ----No Economizer 258 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A060 DX HP-15 s Setback Control None #of Isolation Zones n/a HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type Outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Code Tables Time Control S:Prog Switch O:Occ Sensor M:Man Timer Yes 0. 0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B ---- A No Economizer 113 Heat Pump Rheem RQKA-A030 DX Ventilation B:Air Balance C:OA Cert. M:OA Measure D:Demand Cont N:Natural !Date: 2/12/1997 I !COMPLY 24 User 2875 HP-14 s ----None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B ----A ----No Economizer 205 Heat Pump Rheem RQKA-A024 DX HP-16 s None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B A No Economizer 196 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A048 DX OA Damper A:Auto G:Gravity Note to Field CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Mechanical (part 4 of 7) MECH-1 page 11 of 27 Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 Runcode: 2875-575427520 Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. SYSTEM FEATURES Zone Name HP-17/18/19/26-32 Time Control s ----Setback Control None #of Isolation Zones n/a HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type Outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Zone Name Time Control Setback Control #of Isolation Zones HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type Outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Code Tables Time Control S:Prog Switch O:Occ Sensor M:Man Timer Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B A No Economizer 2563 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A060 DX HP-21 s ----None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B ----A ----No Economizer 238 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A048 DX Ventilation B:Air Balance C:OA Cert. M:OA Measure D:Demand Cont N:Natural !Date: 2/12/1997 I !COMPLY 24 User 2875 HP-20 s None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B A No Economizer 140 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A036 DX HP-23 s ----None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B ----A ----No Economizer 262 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A060 DX OA Damper A:Auto G:Gravity Note to Field I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Mechanical (part 5 of 7) Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 MECH-1 page 12 of 27 Runcode: 2875-575427520 Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. SYSTEM FEATURES Zone Name HP-24 Time Control S ----Setback Control None #of Isolation Zones n/a HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type Outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Zone Name Time Control Setback Control #of Isolation Zones HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type Outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Code Tables Time Control S:Prog Switch O:Occ Sensor M:Man Timer Yes 0. 0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B A No Economizer 218 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A042 DX HP-35 s ----None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B ---- A No Economizer 162 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A048 DX Ventilation B:Air Balance C:OA Cert. M:OA Measure D:Demand Cont N:Natural !Date: 2/12/1997 I !COMPLY 24 User 2875 HP-25 s None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B A No Economizer 95 Heat Pump Rheem RQKA-A024 DX HP-36 s None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B A No Economizer 54 Heat Pump Rheem RQKA-A018 DX OA Damper A:Auto G:Gravity Note to Field <.. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Mechanical (part 6 of 7) MECH-1 page 13 of 27 Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 Runcode: 2875-575427520 Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. SYSTEM FEATURES Zone Name Time Control Setback Control #of Isolation Zones HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type Outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model HP-37 s ----None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B ---- A ----No Economizer 242 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A060 DX Zone Name HP-39 Time Control S ----Setback Control None #of Isolation Zones n/a HP Thermostat Yes Electric Heat 0.0 KW Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type Outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Code Tables Time Control S:Prog Switch O:Occ Sensor M:Man Timer Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp B ---- A No Economizer 194 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A042 DX Ventilation B:Air Balance C:OA Cert. M:OA Measure D:Demand Cont N:Natural HP-38 s ----None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant n/a n/a Constant Constant B ----A ---- JDate: 2/12/1997 I JCOMPLY 24 User 2875 Volume Temp Temp Note to Field No Economizer 687 Heat Pump Rheem RJKA-A060 DX OA Damper A:Auto G:Gravity CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Mechanical (part 7 of 7) MECH-1 page 14 of 27 Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 Runcode: 2875-575427520 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: Invitrogen JDate: 2/12/1997 I Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. JCOMPLY 24 User 2875 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUCT INSULATION System Name Type Duct Location Duct Tape Insul Note to Allowed R-Val Field -------------------------------------------------------- Rheem RJKA-A060 Rheem RQKA-A024 Rheem RJKA-A048 Rheem RJKA-A036 Rheem RJKA-A060 Rheem RJKA-A042 Rheem RJKA-A042 Rheem RJKA-A060 Rheem RJKA-A060 Rheem RQKA-A024 Rheem RQKA-A030 Rheem RJKA-A048 Rheem RJKA-A060 Rheem RJKA-A036 Rheem RJKA-A048 Rheem RJKA-A060 Rheem RJKA-A042 Rheem RQKA-A024 Rheem RJKA-A048 Rheem RQKA-A018 Rheem RJKA-A060 Rheem RJKA-A060 Rheem RJKA-A042 Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic Heating Ducts in Attic Cooling Ducts in Attic PIPE INSULATION Insul System Name Pipe Type Required ------------------------------------------ y / N y / N y / N y / N y / N y / N y / N y / N y / N y / N y / N y I N y / N y I N y I N y I N y I N y / N y I N y IN y IN y / N y I N y I N y I N y / N y I N y / N y / N y / N y IN y / N y / N y / N y / N y / N y / N y I N y / N y IN y / N y / N y / N y / N y / N y / N 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 Note to Field Domestic Hot Water y I N NOTES TO FIELD -For Building Department Use Only '-' ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY -Performance (part 1 of 3)ENV-2 page 15 of 27 Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 Runcode: 2875-575427520 Project Name: Invitrogen JDate: 2/12/1997 I Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. JCOMPLY 24 User 2875 GENERAL INFORMATION BY ZONE Flr Floor Display Zone Name Occupancy No Area Volume Perim. ---------------------------------------------------------- HP-1/2/3/4/7 Office 1 5873 52857 0 HP-5 -Office Office 2 182 1638 0 HP-5 -Conference Convention/Conference 2 130 1170 0 HP-6 -Clean 119 Precision Industrial 1 992 8928 0 HP-8 -Dish 118 Precision Industrial 1 1120 10080 0 HP-9 -Ferm 117 Precision Industrial 1 1184 10656 0 HP-10 -T.C. Room 113 Precision Industrial 1 1056 9504 0 HP-11 -Office 201 Office 2 1280 11520 0 HP-12 -Manufacturing Industrial Work 1 2559 30708 0 HP-13 -Office 201 Office 2 1408 12672 0 HP-13 -Restrooms Corridor/Restroom 2 312 2808 0 HP-14 -Reception 101 Lobby (Office) 1 576 5184 0 HP-14 -Corridor/RR Corridor/Restroom 1 788 7092 0 HP-15 -Reception 101 Lobby (Office) 1 752 6768 0 HP-16 -Manufacturing Industrial Work 1 1094 13128 0 HP-16 -Office 127 Office 1 210 1890 0 HP-17/18/19/26-32 Industrial Work 1 17087 205044 0 HP-20 -T.C. Room 109 Industrial Work 1 930 11160 0 HP-21 -Office 220 Office 2 1585 14265 0 HP-23 -Office 202 Office 2 1745 15705 0 HP-24 -Office 202 Office 2 1453 13077 0 HP-25 -Manufacturing Industrial Work 1 630 7560 0 HP-35 -Office 204-207 Office 2 1077 9693 0 HP-36 -Office 203 Office 2 360 3240 0 HP-37 -Office 201 Office 2 1616 14544 0 HP-38 -Lunch 112 Dining Area 1 1373 12357 0 HP-39 -Office 144 Office 1 1296 11664 0 Warehouse Unconditioned 1 8644 69152 0 Total 57312 '-( ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY -Performance (part 2 of 3)ENV-2 page 16 of 27 Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 Runcode: 2875-575427520 Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. !Date: 2/12/1997 I !COMPLY 24 User 2875 OPAQUE SURFACES Act Solar Type Area U-Val Azm Tilt Gains Form 3 Reference Location/Comments Wall 428 0.752 0 Wall 1199 0.752 90 Wall 535 0.752 180 Wall 425 0.192 Int Roof 3945 0.043 o Slb 5873 0.134 0 Wall Wall Roof Wall Roof Wall Roof Slb 45 0.752 90 108 0.752 180 182 0.043 0 36 0.752 180 130 0.043 0 312 0.192 Int 992 0.043 0 992 0.134 Roof 1120 0.043 Slb 1120 0.134 Roof 1184 0.043 Slb 1184 0.134 Slb 1056 0.134 0 0 0 0 0 0 Roof 1280 0.043 O Roof 2559 0.043 0 Slb 2559 0.134 0 Roof 1408 0.043 o Roof Slb Slb Wall Slb Wall Roof Slb Wall Roof Slb 312 0.043 576 0.134 788 0.134 0 0 0 249 0.752 135 752 0.134 0 513 0.192 Int 1094 0.043 0 1094 0.134 0 538 0.192 Int 210 0.043 0 210 0.134 0 Wall 288 0.752 180 Wall 2196 0.752 270 Wall 336 0.192 Int Roof17087 0.043 O Slb 17087 0.134 0 Roof 930 0.043 0 Slb 930 0.134 0 Wall 117 0.752 90 Wall 45 0.752 180 Roof 1585 0.043 O Roof 1745 0.043 O Roof 1453 0.043 O Wall 216 0.752 270 Wall Roof Slb Wall 636 0.192 Int 630 0.043 0 630 0.134 0 279 0.752 180 90 90 90 90 22 180 Yes Yes Yes No Yes No 90 Yes 90 Yes 22 Yes 90 Yes 22 Yes 90 No 22 Yes 180 No 22 Yes 180 No 22 Yes 180 No 180 No 22 Yes 22 Yes 180 No 22 Yes 22 Yes 180 No 180 No 90 Yes 180 No 90 No 22 Yes 180 No 90 No 22 Yes 180 No 90 Yes 90 Yes 90 No 22 Yes 180 No 22 Yes 180 No 90 Yes 90 Yes 22 Yes 22 Yes 22 Yes 90 Yes 90 No 22 Yes 180 No 90 Yes 6 11 Concrete Wall 6" Concrete Wall 6" Concrete Wall R-11 Demising Wall(MTL) R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) Carpeted Slab On Grade 6 11 Concrete Wall HP-1/2/3/4/7 HP-1/2/3/4/7 HP-1/2/3/4/7 HP-1/2/3/4/7 HP-1/2/3/4/7 HP-1/2/3/4/7 HP-5 -Office 6" Concrete Wall HP-5 -Office R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) HP-5 -Office 611 Concrete Wall R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) R-11 Demising Wall(MTL) R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) Carpeted Slab On Grade R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) HP-5 -Conference HP-5 -Conference HP-6 -Clean 119 HP-6 -Clean 119 HP-6 -Clean 119 HP-8 -Dish 118 Carpeted Slab On Grade HP-8 -Dish 118 R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) HP-9 -Ferm 117 Carpeted Slab On Grade HP-9 -Ferm 117 Carpeted Slab On Grade HP-10 -T.C. Room 113 R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) HP-11 -Office 201 R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) HP-12 -Manufacturing Carpeted Slab On Grade HP-12 -Manufacturing R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) HP-13 -Office 201 R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) HP-13 -Restrooms Carpeted Slab On Grade HP-14 -Reception 101 Carpeted Slab On Grade HP-14 -Corridor/RR 6" Concrete Wall Carpeted Slab On Grade R-11 Demising Wall(MTL) R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) Carpeted Slab On Grade R-11 Demising Wall(MTL) R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) HP-15 -Reception 101 HP-15 -Reception 101 HP-16 -Manufacturing HP-16 -Manufacturing HP-16 -Manufacturing HP-16 -Office 127 HP-16 -Office 127 Carpeted Slab On Grade HP-16 -Office 127 6" Concrete Wall HP-17/18/19/26-32 6 11 Concrete Wall HP-17/18/19/26-32 R-11 Demising Wall(MTL) HP-17/18/19/26-32 R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) HP-17/18/19/26-32 Carpeted Slab On Grade HP-17/18/19/26-32 R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) HP-20 -T.C. Room 109 Carpeted Slab On Grade HP-20 -T.C. Room 109 6" Concrete Wall HP-21 -Office 220 6" Concrete Wall HP-21 -Office 220 R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) HP-21 -Office 220 R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) HP-23 -Office 202 R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) HP-24 -Office 202 6" Concrete Wall HP-25 -Manufacturing R-11 Demising Wall(MTL) HP-25 -Manufacturing R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) HP-25 -Manufacturing Carpeted Slab On Grade HP-25 -Manufacturing 6" Concrete Wall HP-35 -Office 204-207 Roof 1077 0.043 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) HP-35 -Office 204-207 ~ ., Wall 54 0.752 90 90 Yes 6" Concrete Wall HP-36 -Office 203 Wall 72 0.752 180 90 Yes 6" Concrete Wall HP-36 -Office 203 Roof 360 0.043 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) HP-36 -Office 203 Wall 198 0.752 90 90 Yes 6" Concrete Wall HP-37 -Office 201 Roof 1616 0.043 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) HP-37 -Office 201 Wall 153 0.752 90 90 Yes 6" Concrete Wall HP-38 -Lunch 112 Wall 81 0.752 180 90 Yes 6" Concrete Wall HP-38 -Lunch 112 Slb 1373 0.134 0 180 No Carpeted Slab On Grade HP-38 -Lunch 112 Slb 1296 0.134 0 180 No Carpeted Slab On Grade HP-39 -Office 144 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY -Performance (part 3 of 3)ENV-2 page 17 of 27 Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 Runcode: 2875-575427520 Project Name: Invitrogen jDate: 2/12/1997 I Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. jCOMPLY 24 User 2875 FENESTRATION SURFACES SC Act Glass # Type Area Frame Div U-Val Azm Tilt Only Location/Comments 1 Wdw Front 2 Wdw Left 3 Wdw Left 4 Wdw Left 5 Wdw Back 6 Wdw Left 7 Wdw Back 8 Wdw Back 9 Wdw Back 10 Wdw Left 11 Wdw Left 12 Wdw Left 13 Wdw Right 14 Wdw Right 15 Wdw Right 16 Wdw Left 17 Wdw Back 18 Wdw Left 19 Wdw Back 20 Wdw Left 21 Wdw Left 22 Wdw Left 23 Wdw Left (N) 72.0 Metal No {E) 576.0 Metal No (E) 42.0 Metal No {E) 21.0 Metal No (S) 144.0 Metal No {E) 72.0 Metal No {S) 72.0 Metal No (S) 36.0 Metal No (S) 36.0 Metal No (SE)432.0 Metal No (SE) 40.0 Metal No (SE) 42.0 Metal No {W) 360.0 Metal No (W) 42.0 Metal No (W) 42.0 Metal No (SE)504.0 Metal No {S) 360.0 Metal No (SE) 99.0 Metal No {S) 72.0 Metal No (E) 144.0 Metal No (E) 72.0 Metal No (E) 42.0 Metal No (E) 21.0 Metal No 1.19 0 1.19 90 1.19 90 1. 23 90 1.19 180 1.19 90 1.19 180 1.19 180 1.19 180 1.19 135 1.19 135 1.23 135 1.19 270 1.19 270 1.23 270 1.19 135 1.19 180 1.19 135 1.19 180 1.19 90 1.19 90 1.19 90 1. 23 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 0.42 HP-1/2/3/4/7 0.42 HP-1/2/3/4/7 0.42 HP-1/2/3/4/7 0.42 HP-1/2/3/4/7 0.42 HP-1/2/3/4/7 0.42 HP-5 -Office 0.42 HP-5 -Office 0.42 HP-5 -Office 0.42 HP-5 -Conference 0.42 HP-15 -Reception 101 0.42 HP-15 -Reception 101 0.42 HP-15 -Reception 101 0.42 HP-17/18/19/26-32 0.42 HP-17/18/19/26-32 0.42 HP-17/18/19/26-32 0.42 HP-21 -Office 220 0.42 HP-35 -Office 204-207 0.42 HP-36 -Office 203 0.42 HP-36 -Office 203 0.42 HP-37 -Office 201 0.42 HP-38 -Lunch 112 0.42 HP-38 -Lunch 112 0.42 HP-38 -Lunch 112 OVERHANGS/SIDE FINS --Window-- # Type Ht Wd -----overhang------ Len Ht LExt RExt ---Left Fin--- Dist Len Ht ---Right Fin-- Dist Len Ht LIGHTING COMPLIANCE SUMMARY -Performance Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 LTG-2 page 18 of 27 Runcode: 2875-575427520 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. ACTUAL LIGHTING POWER Name Description No of Lumin !Date: 2/12/1997 I !COMPLY 24 User 2875 Watts Total per Default Watts ------------------------------------------------ D 48 11 T-12 Low Watt /3 Lamp (Tandem) 484 108.0 y 52272 --F 400w Metal Halide 7 461.0 y 3227 --I 48" T-12 Low Watt /2 Lamp 20 72.0 y 1440 --L 100w Recessed Incandescent 5 100.0 y 500 --M 150w Recessed Incandescent 10 150.0 y 1500 N 48" T-12 Low Watt /3 Lamp --(Tandem) 68 108.0 y -- SubTotal Less Control Credits (LTG-3) Total Proposed Watts 7344 66283 0 66283 * If not CEC Default value, please provide supporting documentation. MODELLED LIGHTING POWER BY ZONE Modelled Floor LPD Total Tailored Zone Name Occupancy Area (w/sf) (watts) (watts) ----------------------------------------------------------------- HP-1/2/3/4/7 Office 5873 1. 710 10044 0 HP-5 -Office Office 182 1. 780 324 0 HP-5 -Conference Convention/Conference 130 0.831 108 0 HP-6 -Clean 119 Precision Industrial 992 1.306 1296 0 HP-8 -Dish 118 Precision Industrial 1120 1.543 1728 0 HP-9 -Ferm 117 Precision Industrial 1184 1.368 1620 0 HP-10 -T.C. Room 113 Precision Industrial 1056 1.330 1404 0 HP-11 -Office 201 Office 1280 0.844 1080 0 HP-12 -Manufacturing Industrial Work 2559 1.182 3024 0 HP-13 -Office 201 Office 1408 1.304 1836 0 HP-13 -Restrooms Corridor/Restroom 312 2.538 792 0 HP-14 -Reception 101 Lobby (Office) 576 3.472 2000 0 HP-14 -Corridor/RR Corridor/Restroom 788 1.096 864 0 HP-15 -Reception 101 Lobby (Office) 752 1.005 756 0 HP-16 -Manufacturing Industrial Work 1094 1.481 1620 0 HP-16 -Office 127 Office 210 1. 029 216 0 HP-17/18/19/26-32 Industrial Work 17087 1.466 25043 0 HP-20 -T.C. Room 109 Industrial Work 930 1.394 1296 0 HP-21 -Office 220 Office 1585 0.545 864 0 HP-23 -Office 202 Office 1745 0.928 1620 0 HP-24 -Office 202 Office 1453 0.743 1080 0 HP-25 -Manufacturing Industrial Work 630 1.371 864 0 HP-35 -Office 204-207 Office 1077 1.203 1296 0 HP-36 -Office 203 Office 360 1.200 432 0 HP-37 -Office 201 Office 1616 0.869 1404 0 HP-38 -Lunch 112 Dining Area 1373 1.180 1620 0 HP-39 -Office 144 Office 1296 1.583 2052 0 -------------------- TOTALS 48668 1.362 66283 0 * Note: Tailored Allotment requires supporting documentation on form LTG-4. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ZONING SUMMARY -Performance Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. SYSTEM/ZONING SUMMARY System/Zones Served Central/Zonal System MECH-2 page 19 of 27 Runcode: 2875-575427520 !Date: 2/12/1997 I !COMPLY 24 User 2875 System Type No Sys HP-1/2/3/4/7 Rheem RJKA-A060 Packaged Heat Pump 5 HP-1/2/3/4/7 Warehouse HP-5 HP-5 -Office HP-5 -Conference HP-6 HP-6 -Clean 119 HP-8 HP-8 -Dish 118 HP-9 HP-9 -Ferm 117 HP-10 HP-10 -T.C. Room 113 HP-11 HP-11 -Office 201 HP-12 HP-12 -Manufacturing HP-13 HP-13 -Office 201 HP-13 -Restrooms HP-14 HP-14 -Reception 101 HP-14 -Corridor/RR HP-15 HP-15 -Reception 101 HP-16 HP-16 -Manufacturing HP-16 -Office 127 HP-17/18/19/26-32 HP-17/18/19/26-32 HP-20 HP-20 -T.C. Room 109 HP-21 HP-21 -Office 220 Rheem RQKA-A024 Packaged Heat Pump 1 Rheem RJKA-A048 Packaged Heat Pump 1 Rheem RJKA-A036 Packaged Heat Pump 1 Rheem RJKA-A060 Packaged Heat Pump 1 Rheem RJKA-A042 Packaged Heat Pump 1 Rheem RJKA-A042 Packaged Heat Pump 1 Rheem RJKA-A060 Packaged Heat Pump 1 Rheem RJKA-A060 Packaged Heat Pump 1 Rheem RQKA-A024 Packaged Heat Pump 1 Rheem RQKA-A030 Packaged Heat Pump 1 Rheem RJKA-A048 Packaged Heat Pump 1 Rheem RJKA-A060 Packaged Heat Pumpl0 Rheem RJKA-A036 Packaged Heat Pump 1 Rheem RJKA-A048 Packaged Heat Pump 1 HP-23 Rheem RJKA-A060 Packaged Heat Pump 1 HP-23 -Office 202 HP-24 Rheem RJKA-A042 Packaged Heat Pump 1 HP-24 -Office 202 HP-25 Rheem RQKA-A024 Packaged Heat Pump 1 HP-25 -Manufacturing HP-35 Rheem RJKA-A048 Packaged Heat Pump 1 HP-35 -Office 204-207 HP-36 Rheem RQKA-A018 Packaged Heat Pump 1 HP-36 -Office 203 HP-37 Rheem RJKA-A060 Packaged Heat Pump 1 HP-37 -Office 201 HP-38 Rheem RJKA-A060 Packaged Heat Pump 1 HP-38 -Lunch 112 HP-39 Rheem RJKA-A042 Packaged Heat Pump 1 HP-39 -Office 144 " MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY -Performance Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. CENTRAL SYSTEM SUMMARY Sys No System Name System Type -------------------------------------- 1 Rheem RQKA-A018 Packaged Heat Pu 2 Rheem RQKA-A024 Packaged Heat Pu 3 Rheem RQKA-A030 Packaged Heat Pu 4 Rheem RJKA-A036 Packaged Heat Pu 5 Rheem RJKA-A042 Packaged Heat Pu 6 Rheem RJKA-A048 Packaged Heat Pu No Sys 1 3 1 2 4 4 7 Rheem RJKA-A060 Packaged Heat Pu21 CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS MECH-3 page 20 of 27 Runcode: 2875-575427520 !Date: 2/12/1997 I !COMPLY 24 User 2875 Economizer Type --------------------------- No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer Sys -------Heating ----------------------------------Cooling ----------- No Type Output Aux KW EFF Type Output Sensible EER SEER ----------------------------------------------- 1 Heat Pump 17200 0.0 6.80 DX 17400 12500 9.50 10.00 2 Heat Pump 23000 0.0 6.80 DX 22600 16500 9.05 10.00 3 Heat Pump 29000 0.0 6.80 DX 29000 19000 9.05 10.00 4 Heat Pump 36000 0.0 7.20 DX 36000 26703 11. 00 12.10 5 Heat Pump 42000 0.0 7.20 DX 40000 30268 10.65 12.10 6 Heat Pump 48000 0.0 7.20 DX 48000 35442 10.80 12.10 7 Heat Pump 60000 0.0 7.20 DX 60000 44074 10.50 12.10 CENTRAL FAN SUMMARY ------------Supply Fan -----------Return Fan Sys Mtr Drv Mtr Drv No Fan Type Motor Location CFM BHP Eff Eff CFM BHP Eff Eff ------------------------------------------ 1 Constant Volume Draw-Through 2 Constant Volume Draw-Through 3 Constant Volume Draw-Through 4 Constant Volume Draw-Through 5 Constant Volume Draw-Through 6 Constant Volume Draw-Through 7 Constant Volume Draw-Through ZONAL FAN SUMMARY Zone Name No CFM None 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 2000 Zonal Fan Mtr BHP Eff 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.31 0.39 Drv Eff 49 100 None 55 100 None 60 100 None 60 100 None 64 100 None 64 100 None 66 100 None -------Exhaust Fan Mtr No CFM BHP Eff Drv Eff MECHANICAL VENTILATION -Performance Run Initiation Time: 10:30:24 Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. VENTILATION SUMMARY BY ZONE Zone Name HP-1/2/3/4/7 HP-5 -Office HP-5 -Conference, HP-6 -Clean 119 HP-8 -Dish 118 HP-9 -Ferm 117 T Occupancy Office Office Convention/Con Precision Indu Precision Indu Precision Indu Precision Indu Office Industrial Wor Office Corridor/Restr Lobby (Office) Corridor/Res tr Lobby (Office) Industrial Wor Office Floor Area 5873 182 130 992 1120 1184 1056 1280 2559 1408 312 576 788 752 1094 210 HP-10 -T.C. Room 113 HP-11 -Office 201 HP-12 -Manufacturing HP-13 -Office 201 HP-13 -Restrooms HP-14 -Reception 101 HP-14 -Corridor/RR HP-15 -Reception 101 HP-16 -Manufacturing HP-16 -Office 127 HP-17/18/19/26-32 HP-20 -T.C. Room 109 HP-21 -Office 220 HP-23 -Office 202 HP-24 -Office 202 HP-25 -Manufacturing HP-35 -Office 204-207 HP-36 -Office 203 HP-37 -Office 201 HP-38 -Lunch 112 HP-39 -Office 144 Industrial Wor 17087 Industrial Wor 930 Office Office Office Industrial Wor Office Office Office Dining Area Office 1585 1745 1453 630 1077 360 1616 1373 1296 MECH-4 page 21 of 27 Runcode: 2875-575427520 !Date: 2/12/1997 I !COMPLY 24 User 2875 sqft /Occ CFM Dsg /Occ CFM 130 15.0 678 130 15.0 21 15 15.0 130 100 15.0 149 100 15.0 168 100 15.0 178 100 15.0 158 130 15.0 148 130 15.0 295 130 15.0 162 130 15.0 36 70 15.0 123 130 15.0 91 70 15.0 161 130 15.0 126 130 15.0 24 130 15.0 1972 130 15.0 107 130 15.0 183 130 15.0 201 130 15.0 168 130 15.0 73 130 15.0 124 130 15.0 42 130 15.0 186 15 15.0 1373 130 15.0 150 Min CFM 881 27 65 149 168 178 158 192 384 211 47 86 118 113 164 32 2563 140 238 262 218 95 162 54 242 687 194 TOTALS 7227 7826 Tran sfer CFM 203 6 0 0 44 89 49 11 27 38 7 591 32 55 60 50 22 37 12 56 45 WARNING -Total Design Mechanical Ventilation is less than Minimum Required Tailored OA (T=*) requires supporting documentation on MECH-5, Tailored Ventilation and Process Loads Worksheet • PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Sketch of Construction Assembly ASSEMBLY U-VALUE Construction Components Outside Air Film 1. Gypsum or Plaster Board 2. Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-11 3. Gypsum or Plaster Board 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film ENV-3 page 22 of 27 jDate: 2/12/1997 I jCOMPLY 24 User 2875 Assembly Name: R-11 Demising Wall(MTL) Assembly Type: Wall Assembly Tilt: 90 deg (Vertical) Framing Material: Metal Framing Spacing: II 0.C. Framing Percent: 15.0 % Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Smooth Plaster, Metal Th R-Value Fr (in) Cavity 0.17 0.500 0.45 * 3.500 11.00 0.500 0.45 Frame 0.17 0.45 11. 00 0.45 0.68 Unadjusted R-Values 0.68 12.75 0.00 Weight: Heat Capacity: 4.3 lb/sqft 1.11 TOTAL U-VALUE = 0.192 TOTAL R-VALUE = 5.20 • PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Sketch of Construction Assembly ASSEMBLY U-VALUE Construction Components Outside Air Film 1. Roofing, Built-Up 2. Membrane, Vapor-Permeable Felt 3. Plywood 4. Air Space 5. Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-19 6. Acoustical Tile, Interior Finish 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film ENV-3 page 23 of 27 !Date: 2/12/1997 I !COMPLY 24 User 2875 Assembly Name: R-19 Roof(R-19 on Tile) Assembly Type: Roof Assembly Tilt: 22 deg (Tilted Up) Framing Material: Wood Framing Spacing: II 0.C. Framing Percent: 10.0 % Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles Th R-Value Fr (in) Cavity Frame 0.17 0.17 0.375 0.33 0.33 0.010 0.06 0.06 0.500 0.62 0.62 * 6.000 0.80 5.94 6.000 19.00 19.00 0.500 1.43 1.43 0.61 Unadjusted R-Values 23.02 0.61 28.16 ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING (1 /23.02) X (0.90) + (1 /28.16) X (0.10) Weight: Heat Capacity: 6.3 lb/sqft 2.13 0.043 TOTAL U-VALUE 0.043 TOTAL R-VALUE = 23.45 • PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Sketch of Construction Assembly ASSEMBLY U-VALUE Construction Components Outside Air Film 1. Earth 2. Concrete, 140 lb, 3. Flooring, Carpet 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film Not Dried and Fibrous Pad ENV-3 page 24 of 27 !Date: 2/12/1997 I !COMPLY 24 User 2875 Assembly Name: Carpeted Slab On Grade Assembly Type: Floor Assembly Tilt: 180 deg (Horizontal Floor) Framing Material: None Framing Spacing: 11 O.C. Framing Percent: 0.0 % Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles Th R-Value Fr (in) Cavity Frame 0.17 0.17 24.000 4.00 4.00 3.500 0.28 0.28 0.250 2.08 2.08 0.92 Unadjusted R-Values 0.92 7.45 7.45 ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING (1 / 7.45) X (1.00) + (1 / 7.45) X (0.00) Weight: Heat Capacity: 210.9 lb/sqft 42.19 0.134 TOTAL U-VALUE = 0.134 TOTAL R-VALUE 7.45 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV-3 page 25 of 27 !Date: 2/12/1997 Project Name: Invitrogen I Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. !COMPLY 24 User 2875 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Assembly Name: 6 11 Concrete Wall I Assembly Type: Wall I I Assembly Tilt: 61 deg (Tilted Up) I I Framing Material: None I I Framing Spacing: "O.C. I I Framing Percent: o.o % I · I Absorptivity: 0. 70 Sketch of Construction Assembly Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles ASSEMBLY U-VALUE Construction Components Outside Air Film 1. Concrete, 140 lb, Not Dried 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film Th Fr (in) 6.000 R-Value Cavity 0.17 0.48 0.68 Frame 0.17 0.48 0.68 Unadjusted R-Values 1.33 1.33 ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING (1 / 1.33) X (1.00) + (1 / 1.33) X (0.00) Weight: Heat Capacity: 70.0 lb/sqft 14.00 0.752 TOTAL U-VALUE 0.752 ===== TOTAL R-VALUE 1.33 ===== \) PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Sketch of Construction Assembly ASSEMBLY U-VALUE Construction Components Outside Air Film 1. Steel 2. Air Space 3. Steel 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING ENV-3 page 26 of 27 !Date: 2/12/1997 I !COMPLY 24 User 2875 Assembly Name: Hollow Metal Door Assembly Type: Door Assembly Tilt: 90 deg (Vertical) Framing Material: None Framing Spacing : " O . c . Framing Percent: 0.0 % Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Smooth Plaster, Metal Th R-Value Fr (in) Cavity 0.001 1.750 0.001 Unadjusted R-Values 0.17 0.00 0.87 0.00 0.68 1. 72 Frame 0.17 0.00 0.87 0.00 0.68 1. 72 (1 / 1. 72) X (1. 00) + (1 / 1. 72) X (0. 00) 0.581 Weight: Heat Capacity: 0.1 lb/sgft 0.01 TOTAL U-VALUE = 0.581 TOTAL R-VALUE 1.72 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY Project Name: Invitrogen Documentation: Haynal & Co., Inc. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Sketch of Construction Assembly ASSEMBLY U-VALUE Construction Components Outside Air Film 1. Steel 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING ENV-3 page 27 of 27 !Date: 2/12/1997 I !COMPLY 24 User 2875 Assembly Name: Roll-Up Door Assembly Type: Door Assembly Tilt: 90 deg (Vertical) Framing Material: None Framing Spacing: 11 O.C. Framing Percent: 0.0 % Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Smooth Plaster, Metal Th R-Value Fr (in) Cavity 0.001 Unadjusted R-Values 0.17 0.00 0.68 0.85 Frame 0.17 0.00 0.68 0.85 (1 / 0.85) X (1.00) + (1 / 0.85) X (0.00) 1.176 Weight: Heat Capacity: o.o lb/sgft 0.00 TOTAL U-VALUE = 1.176 TOTAL R-VALUE 0.85 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS v ENVELOPE MANDATORY MEASURES {NONRESIDENTIAL) 1. Exterior manufactured doors, windows, and fenestration products shall meet the infiltration and U-value certification requirements of Section 116{a). 2. Site-construced doors, skylights, and windows shall be caulked and weather-stripped per Section 116{b). 3. All joints and openings which are potential sources of air leakage shall be caulked, gasketed, weather-stripped or otherwise sealed to limit infiltration and exfiltration per Section 117. 4. Certified insulation materials per Section 118{a). 5. Urea Formaldehyde foam insulation installed per Section 118{b). 6. Insulation installed to meet flame spread and smoke density requirements per Section 118(c). LIGHTING MANDATORY MEASURES 1. Each enclosed area shall have independent controls (per Section 131(a) and exceptions). 2. Lighting shall be uniformly reducible by one half in areas which are greater than 100 sf, exceed 1.2 watts/sf, and have more than one luminaire (per Section 131{b) and exceptions; exceptions include lights in corridors). 3. Daylit areas larger than 250 sf shall be separately controlled and uniformly reducible by one half (per Section 131(c) and exceptions). 4. Separately metered spaces 5,000 sf or greater shall have automatic shutoff controls (per Section 131(d) and exceptions). 5. Display lighting shall be separately switched on circuits that are 20 amps or less (per Section 131(e), no exceptions). 6. Exterior lighting controlled from a lighting panel within the building shall be automatically controlled (per Section 131(f) and exceptions). 7. Pairs of one-lamp and three-lamp fluorescent luminaires shall be tandem-wired where reasonable (per Section 132 and exceptions). SERVICE WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 1. Temperature controls and recirculating pump controls shall meet the requirements of Section 113(a) & (b). 2. Flow rates and temperature controls for public lavatories shall meet the requirements of Section 113{b)3. 3. Unfired service water heater storage tanks and backup tanks for solar water heating shall comply with.Section 113{b)4. MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING MANDATORY MEASURES Equipment and Systems Efficiency 1. HV AC and service water heating equipment shall meet Appliance Efficiency Regulations, per Sections 111 and 112. 2. Piping, except those conveying fluids at temperatures between 60 and 105 degrees F, or within HV AC equipment, shall be insulated in accordance with Section 123. , 3. Air handling duct systems shall be sealed in accordance with the SMACNA HV AC Ducts Construction Standards, Metal and Flexible, 1985, per Section 124(a) and (b). Ducts shall be installed and insulated as provided in UMC, Chapter 10. 4. Pilot lights shall not be installed for natural gas central furnaces, and pool and spa heaters, per Section 115. Ventilation 1. Every space in a building shall be designed to have outdoor air ventilation according to Section 121(a), (b) and (e). 2. Operation and control of outdoor air shall meet the time-of-occupancy and pre-occupancy re_quirements of Section 121(c). 3. When a return plenum is used to distribute outdoor air to a covered HV AC unit, the ducted discharge shall be in accordance with Section 121(d). 4. Systems shall meet the completion and balancing requirements of Section 121(f). Controls 1. Each space conditioning zone shall be controlled by an individual thermostatic control that responds to temperature within the zone. Heating shall be adjustable down to 55 degrees or lower, and cooling shall be adjustable' up to 85 degrees or higher. The control shall provide a dead-band of 5 degrees between heating and cooling. Section 122(a) and (b). 2. Heat pumps with supplementary electric resistance heaters shall have controls per Section 112{b). 3, Each space conditioning system shall be installed with an automatic time switch, able to shut off operation during off-hours of up to four hours, per Section 122(e)1. 4. Thermostat setup and setback controls are required if the summer design dry bulb temperature is more than 99 degrees F, or if the winter design temperature is less than 33 degrees, per Section 122(e)2, and its exceptions. 5. Outdoor air supply and exhaust equipment shall be installed with dampers that automatically close during periods of non-use for the areas served by the equipment, per Section 122(f). 6. Each space conditioning system serving multiple zones with a combined conditioned floor area more than 25,000 square feet shall be designed, installed, and controlled to serve isolation areas, per Section 122(g). , ,, , ... A FIRE DESIGN GROUP CO. TOMES, YAN RickLEy & AssociATES 26 June 1996 · Mr. Martin Aguilera CITY OF CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT 2560 orion way Carlsbad, CA 91978-1746 vox: · 619.931.2139 fax: 619.929.0256 eng: 619~438.2722 Dear Insp~ctor Aguilera: 1 Background San Diego, CA Dearborn, Ml Atlanta, GA This report was paid for by Hamann construction. They were instructed by Carlsbad Fire Department-(CFD) to obtain professional consultation regarding fire safety design for the proposed INVITROGEN · building. Hamann ·construction chose Tomes, Van Rickley & Associates (!t'VA). to provide consultation services •. 'This report was created by !t'VA. The contact at Hamann Construction appears below: Building Location INVITROGEN Lot 100, Tract No 85-24 Map Number·l2815. 1600 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA contact: Mr. Ted DeFrank vox: 619.597.6201 fax: 619.597.6201 Builder Hamann construction contact: Mr. Paul Giese 475 w •. Bradley Avenue El Cajon, CA 92020 vox: 619.440.7424 fax: 619.440.8914 A summary of fi~e protection features relevant to INVITROGEN construction are: Hamann wil~ loop underw~ter mains to 4 p;ivately-paid hydrants·' INVITROGEN, is mixed use·: Business ·and Factory: Division 1 The loading dock sprinkler denslty i_s proposed as 0.38 gpm/ft2 /2,500 ft2 The business area sprinkler density is proposed as 0.13 gpm/ft2/2,509 ft2 The manufacturing sprinkler density is proposed as 0.18 gpm/ft2/2,500 ft2 No class IV commodities will be stored. above 12 ft · · This _report is t~e third submittal to C~lsb~d Fire Department. The report attempts to sµbstantiate business operations within the new INVITROGEN building subject to fire' safety fe'atures that provide for reasonable and prudent safety of persons and property w~thin said structure.· The report also attempts t~ conform to the 1994 uniform Fire · c1\en9ineer\nandie90\doc\hmnann2b.doc 30 June 1996 "' ,,., 1 8265-A VlckERs STREET~ SAN DiEqo, CA 92111 • TEL (619) 576-6466 ~ FAX (619) 576-6465 :CNVJ:'l'ROGEN makes bacteria for biological. researchers·. The market for their product can be likened to .. the .market 'for dry cake ~-. Ba,k1;1rs ·~oU:ld .make a. cake from scratch, 'l:;lut to save time and achieve their overali goal quicker bakers can choose to conveµientl:y incorpora~e pre-mixed dry ca:k4;l mix •.. This. analogy is. similar for biol,ogical re_searc~ers· . re.garding ·bacterial cultur~s •. ·.:cNV:C'l'R9GEN provides-a 'dry. cake mix• for biclogiC?al . res.~archers e : . • • I • •' • \_ • ' , ' ' ' ' , , .. ·'· 2 • a. · . su'ilc:ling ,Sxposur.es · . . ~ ... . ,', i ~ . . ' . ,: .... •: . . ... _, ·... ..,, . \ ·. The p:1:oposed·: :CNV:C'l'R~EN building has·:: -· :· ·. ' . ' . ~ ' . ~ ~ .... '. ·. ·rio· expo~-~~-es ~ithi~ 40 fee~· of -it/·e~er~or walls , theire are buildings_, to. the east· and· west . · -. 0 f,ire ,endurance r~ting of exterior ·bew:;:irig'.walls. are at. least 2-hour · co~struction and ·w:a_ll·. opeJ:?,ings a;-e· _at least 3/4-ho'l,li· Thee~ f~-~t~~es comply with' '19~4. UBC. for the.--~on~;~uction type~2 . 2.b. _Building construction The ·bu.ilding is-:. concrete, tilt;_up const~ction confprming t9 Type ~J;:C.:,N_ SJ?,ecificatic:ms3 building footprint will· coyer about· 4 8 ~ ~ O 9 ;ft2 • the top· of 'the roof deck .is. about· 2~ above ,.tlie :finished flo9r • O .there' is a two-story mezz'azµ.ne office, at~'the buiiding•s south end • at· the 'nQrt~ ,e_nd, .a .storage area .,will abut the .ioading dock · -.· iri:' bet~een buildin,g north and south ends' are manufacturing_._areas · ~h~· ~n~e~l~r fj,;~-~~~~~d ,~·~;Pa:r~~;~Iis --~ro~ ·-t~e · 1994 ·u~~:·. !r~le-.-_3-B are: ; 1-~o~-;·-b:e~~~e-n bi~i~~ --~~-~.~---~~ ~Lthe~ -~-~~;~g~---o~--~~ufa~turing areas:; . . · no rating between manuf·acturing and storage·· areas. : 1 -, . · • · • • ' • • •• :, • l • ••• .-: _ • : ••• : • • • • • • -• • ' • ' •• "· .. ~ . " . . -' . ,,. . ., ..... ' . . •, •. ·. . . • . . ~ , . \ . "'. -.· '• . ... ,' .. " .., ... 2. c ~ Building occupa,ncy · · · · · · The ·,.1:994 . ~BC. 'me~h6d ·.for' d~~~rmip.!~g: :9~CU~;~; --~i~~~s~-. l~·: j~dged ba~:~, ~~~n :~xamination ·: of activities ~haltered within:_~hebµildi:nci~.' ':INVI'l'RQGE~· ha,1;1_, a· _variety'·qf -act~vit.ies making . the occu,p.~ncy_ c;~:assificat~on mix~d-use _-. .' Th~-. fol~pwiµ,g .occupanci~s W~l:i,;_ p~ - • • • • ..-• '. t •' I ~ • • •, • : f • • ' • • ~' ' ,, ': ' • • • •-. ., • '' ! • • • ' .. :· . ". . , .-. ~-'/'. ; .. ' .. ' ',,, : ~ .·. .. ':-: . ',-:·,,:._:/., . . ' ,. . . ·: ~ '•., '. ,, ·',· · . 2 .-' .~. .. . . . ' . --.... ~ ...... ~--' '': -: ' .. ·, ,•. \',, .... . ,. : ' • I -~ • ·'Ii: ., -.Y, ·,' t(\_ ! ~. ' . ' . . . : , .,. .. ..... ; .. she_l teired. within the -~ui~di~g =-· ·· ~ Manufacturing -(F-1.)4: • : . ovens,·:· environmental chambers, chemicals. and ~'a~suring _·_equipm~nt ··t~ .. . support b_~c::terial celi and . virus growth _c~ambers. . . . . .. . .•,· ( . , ' . ·-·· ·. . ·. ~u~iness·· .. (B.)5_· ·, · · • : • · · · .. ., _. :,; . . . . , : record. storage';: _eating are~, off ic~s, -r~search labo;atori~·s; . :-. .'_: . ,-_ . . \. _-_ :-: ~~~ -.ma~~~a~t~~-n~--po~~io~_-.. of\,e ... ~~opose~ ;INVITR~~N-buii~ing. ~~ ·t~~--;~~~-oc'~~pan~~ ... -- . .-. ' J:t cou~d .-i;~-· argue~ _succ·essfully ·the· _laboratory 'areas--that 'are-··being_. classified as .. : .. .' manu:f actilring--are indeed Business occupancy because : these -labora,tory. areas . st~ongly. · . · .. resemble research. laborato~ies·~-,, The, decision ito not judge. tl?,ese' .areas. 'as: 'Business . ,: occupancy' is _based ~pen ~e· perce~ved·.hazard; in this 'instance perforIQance-based ~ir~ : . . . ',. ~ .. protection'· calls. f(?r . greater . fire protection "than, the. prescriptiy~~ba~ed. fire ''. ':··:. pro_tection~_. . ;_ :: ,.-.. · __ .,..: ,· ----. :,\ :/· > '/ ·: ·. . . ·-', .. , ·. ·,' .. _' , : .' ·_,." .. · '-._ ; · .. _. . ,,· ·-:··:. ;_·_ . .'· :-•.'. ··, ._..· .. ·.· ·The· business :~c~p~~/i~ _-mi~imal and incide~tal -to the labo~at~cy/man~fa~turi~g :·areas· : .. ·of·_~h~:h~ilding~_-: ·-:.··_._.-_.· .. , .. _ _; __ ·:. ·-.·.· .. ' .. ,· ,.·_· · . .-:.:> :.·:._.·,·._. >_·:·: --.:-_· ;:·:· _·. _ '.;._-.. ., . .. .:-~ ... \ . . ., . . ' . . .· . . \.::: .~.;. .. · .. .... 2 ~ d • Building _ Exit ·R~quirf!lllents ·. · .. . ' ' .-. .-: ,·. . . ,' . -· --.. The ·.building exit· r~quirepients pres'cribed-by. the '1994 UBC are determined from the . . · .. occupancy class if icat·ion and footprint· of· the building. . . The following pre·scripti_ons , . apply to the. 48_, 1?00 ft2 building ·that will shelter: about 120' people: • • '.l .-••• 1 • • ..., occupant.·load ·factor· is 200 ft2/person-.. · ·Building design population is 250 ' . . (Building_footprint/Occupant load factor) · minimum number of exits is 2 . : -. .·· . . . ,_ . --· .·. -·· · .. • minimum width ot exitway d~o~ (not' e~it_· ac~e·ss) .·is· 36 inches -· · · ~nimlµIl height_ of ~ach door·. is 8 O inches · ·. . . · _._ · · · ·· . ; maximum"travel distance ·to an:exit-is 200 ft ... ··.· .. -'• . . . ' . . . ,,. . . ,., . ,•. '-. . :. _._, •. \"' \ I-. ;-' •-I • • ' '. ~, • : • : • :-·.··.-2·.e. ·:" F1;ei;gh~i.~-g. w~tie;···~o~ ~t~~d~ipe '.an·d. Ii~:S~ ,str~am-:. · : .. . . . . . . . -·. ..... .. ' . . . -, . .. . :· . . . -. ... . ..., . :\ -·-. -. . . • :, .• " -i". .. ·' ," . . ':..-·· . . • : -' ·. . • .-. • . ._ . ·.~ -.. -. ·. ,: :;., • '... : . - .··.:,>:.·'Based· upon·.the._occupa,n~y' and ~~o-t;print.~f t~e building: . ·:: .·:·: _, . _.'-;··:· ... '"I ·--' •.·· ·~ •• : : .. : ·.-~-:, ·_ •• 1. '• _;, ,,_· -·,.. • ~ • -, . .-··.' ·. . .'--,.~ • . s~and~ip~s. #e:_ i'.i~t •'required6. ·._,' . -inte"ri9r. __ ho'se" stations are not ~equ;i\;~d7 .. '; .I • ' .. : ._ :·: •. · • , . •.. : . : . . :·. -.: , ... . -.:-· ' ·. · .. ~-... -... \ ., .. ' ... ...... ·,,, ... ' ' . -.... -..... _ >" ' ·.• ·-~ .. ( : ,'~-~-.: ·. ... · .. :-,. ·, .• .. ... . ,_ -·. ': .-., .... ',· . ·. . . .. '. '· . ,. .. '' .. • ' ~ (' :' , 1 • ' •• . . ,-;·, .... •.:·I••> -.-.·. )'" . ·' -. .: ' ·~· ., : · .. ,-··--~.' .. ,.. . ,,.· ', -. ·, . . / . . ~ ~... . . _· ·-_: __ : ... ~> · 3. ·:' ... --·~ F-i~1~,~~~~~i~1~· :~~~1 s~~ifi~~ti~~s.'·,;··\.-;·-··-:\:·~·-:_.'. .. , __ _.~;' :._-. --~,..·-·_ • ~ { :-: •• ~ ~-1 '·' ·-1 ' ': '• . . . . ' ~--: . . '.' ; -, '·. . . .':· _: - . . _,' . · ',' .·· '• ·' . ' ·-. • .. ·: .. ·: .... :· ... ,. ,,, ." . ',! ·: . ·• -:--·. ' .... . . . . ... • ! .• ·.-' • . :. '., ,: : '· _,... . •,,_ .. :-.•. ••• l :-• • • ·, •• • ,', • • ·-• • ' • • , : ••• ·~ ,( . . : -~ ..... \ ... .. , . . . __ ... _ ., .. . ·--~-·_ . ' .. , .. · ... -: '.' .. -. ::_-)_·;·.'):;. ·,._> ·.· ._ ... . . . -. . .... , / l •• ,-·"!. ~ .,.,. . ': ...... . .. . •. ~:· · .. .: •• ~ ._· --:1 .. ·,, .. • ,b : .. \. I••" ... . .· ~ . '; . -·· .. ·.-.·, •: , . 3., -.:· -·-;: · < ,. •:· .. ; . ' , ' ,.··:· _; ·. \ '. ~ ... .~ . . . , ... , , .. · .··,-. : '··" . .-.··._:_-\;)~/--·: ·:':;·,·. :· .. • __ ,'_ ... :·_·,,: :,;.:~'·:',1 .. ,..'.' .... ·-.---: ,: ·_:,.,.·· .. ~,,· ..... · .. ~---·-"/,:"'. : •:'.:,.,.·,·-:.· I . ~-.. , ... :. ,.' "' .. ~ '• • .': • ... ~ _ . _ ~ ·-.. ..-.:·_·:·:_ ~;._.,~ .. :-;,.:~n.i;.: ,1,·· • ', •• " •• -1,, •• ' ·: •••• •• • , --. ·. ,•. . • • • ~· -. • • . '·: . ! : • : • > ' . ·, ' . ' . -~ :_ .. '· . ~ ,· :., ' ,,, ,_., .. ' .-., ' • • r -Ii ,---.--, -\: .,~ .• ,'" The p;r.i.Ina~ . :flammab~~/c.~mbu~tibl~ fuels in. tbe :CW:t~R~EN bu;i.l~ing fl'amin.$le liq11ids Group· A Pi~stics: · ... ·, 3-.a.-·, -'.·· ... are: .. . . .. ' .. There are a· ·v~i$ty··~~ fh,II!IIlabi~ ·ch~cals' ~~e-cl "by :tNVITiiOG~~ to' ·manipulate' growth ·.of bacteria_._ · .',Fo:z::· ins.tance ~ethani:)l ·. ":turii's. o~;, :·one gene Wi-thin. a specific bacteria. .To .. take advw,itage, of this, it .is--proposed. to· dr~p 99% methaµol into ·t~e ·fermento:i;s. ·via .a · c::lpseq. piping· system·.'· -originating·_:. frc;>m · an outdoor · storage tank. The :ultimate . _ concentration of methanol -~· .. the _ferine~tor· .l:;irine woulq be-less than 20%; · PUre ~ethanol: ·· ;n the piping system, ·._though,· is. a Cla'ss I.~A liqu'id0• Me>st of the other flanunab+e '·liquids are dispensed·from·containers·-less than· l ,Liter in size. · . . . ' ' ~ . . ' ' ·-· . ., E'.l~aple . . i~~e~tory l.i,.qui~Ei fo~~d-. ~.i,. thin. 'the· . cu;re~t·:. INV:CTROGE;N .. :bui],ding 0 are ··recorded. -in. Appenciix. c .-· · ·· at one p~rticular j •• •', · ·_3.b. Group A pliJ.s~ics ; l • ~ • i • • • • • , • There· -~e· 4;..,tnch t~il J?Ol-yethyie:ge bottles high stored on woven wirE/ shelving. ' ·nonexpanded •. . . . . : •cartoned •fre~fl()w~rig . ' -· 1, ,. • c;>'l;,her G~oup A fuels_ i~clude:" ~ • • • I , · · polyethylene btibble-wrap, · _ • : ·.o packing. 'peanuts~ i . ·--... • "petri di~hes . . .. •, : . ' · .. • : .'.~·disposable 1:i'lastic _ ~et ch~mistry·'iools. -: : . . ·.• pl,astic shrouded 'machines' . . 4. ,. '.-. niass scales ; . ·, .. :· . '. . • . I • • . •· _ _ c9mputer_ te019-na~s, · ·. · · .". · · cerit;-if~ges, ,: : .-· ·' ~ . . ":f~rment.i.ng ch~e;-s._ ,.:· ·, . chroI!la;t:o,graph~ . ·: ;' . _. -cc:>µipute;-s · '. ,. · .. ' : .. .video display tetjninals . . ... • !1 ~ ,; • ·.: • . . . : .. '; .. ,. • • • '~ •' • ' ' • I } •: • ' • ' _;·· ••• t· .:::... .,... >• . · onif~u,1(Fire· Code·. Specifit:at.:L°ons "':. . ·.-· . l' • •• ,, . •. .,.,, . '' . ·, ,; · .. . •., -~1\ongino~r\·is~n,~i~go\d~\~~~;~~ · 30 Juno 19~~-. , ._ ·"' ·::-. . , :·· ... · .. · ,. ;. . ; :. . . .... ' '. ,, . =.·. ~ ,, .. ' . ~ ' \ . ', ~ ' .. ', ,' ,) , .. · .... · ... ,, .· . . . ~ . . ' ~· ~ -; . , •• l, ,,' . :' ··~ ' ,' . 1, "':;·. '·.-··. :,-/··----;~ ':. •, . , .. ,, .. ;' ·.·· ·: _.: ~ ~ .:\. . ' ' I" '' "{, ··, ·, . · ....... . ••• j . ... ., •. '· ,. ' . ' ··,· . -,~ . . ' ' ' . . .. ~.,' '~ , , ... ' . . . ,--; : .. "-. 4 unifo:rm Fire c~e Specific~tions. \ .· 4 .a. . Flammable. Liqui.dt!! ·· .. . . . . . . . ~.. . .. • : • • •• ~:-....... J • •• •• •• •• •• •• · :-· _ ,.' . 4 .a .i. .ouant:Lty ' r,_. •• •,. '•, I <: •, ~>._.. ., .. ,, • •1 ..... . :··< -· .. A.''limi~~d ;qu~t:ity _of fi:~~1'a ·_ liquids a.re ~llowe~· ·within a'oy one control: volume :. · .' -.. ·' bef°ore that. control. volume must ·_be protected ·with addition fire safety features9 •. . _: :-: 'l'hese_ ·exempt ~antities, apj;>ear · in App_en~ix ·B. ·The ~antities· i~ Appendix B-' are .. · · ·_. · increased·· 100% for. automatic· sprinkJ,er ··protection throµghout· the building· •. 'l'he -~ i_ , .. ; quantities.·in .Appendix B may be _incl:'eased another 100%' if th~ flammable/combustible _-. · .--... liquids.'a~e kept within· approved storage cabinets. . . .. ,• ,· . •, .. : ·-;_• .4'.a~i£~-·_ . st~ra.~f. -~~~gh~ .. >.::, \ ·. •. ·, . ' ..... : ' .. -.-'. ', :-·:, : .. \ .. , . ,. ·:-"'a ' .. . . . . ~ . . ... . .. __ ----_ ·The· height-:t~at fiammabi~ ~c1 ~~~s~ib-ie · i::tqw._ds ~ay be sta'red when· insid~ a -bui;tding· .·.:. _. is _limited10 •. 'l'hese limita~ions are reco~ded ·in· Appendix. C. . .:.:-. . . . ·. ·_ a· ...•. . ·. ·.. . ... .. . ' , ,-.· ... ·· ··:. :.-~ : .. ~·','·,::· . .'·_:... . ' .· .·. .. · .. : -,, ___ : ·--., • ·, '. • • { • -• • • -· • t •• l '. • • • ••• ·-' •• • •• •• ( -: •• ' • • • •• ' ·4;a~:i.ii. :·.·sprinkler Density for Manufacturing Area with flammable.Liquids . . . . . . . . ' .. . : . .. : .. ·-·._ ., . . i-' _'·.~ · ~~:i:ir~ooEN ·w'ill not u~e·.~flammable:·li~id~ ... -in: ~~ntities ex~-~~didg· -the 'ex~pt amoudt · .. · ,.wi.th;n any one c~ntrol_area. The ·spaces·W'~th flammable liquids may then be. sprinklered to den~ities appropriate to th~ underlaying·occupancy: manufacturing~· 'l'he largest . haz8:X'd in the manufacturing· ,area. is. th~ daily . op~ration of_ wet' labora,tory' chemistry. 'l'~e manufacturing are~ is covered by a suspended, panel: ceiling hanging 10 feet above· the -·floor. 'l'he area is judged.to resemble a·chemical operations plant per 1991 UBC · . Standard 9-1, Appendix A-1- •. The manufacturing area should be reasonably and ·.. .·._ -·p~~d,.ently ·pr~tected with:.-· · · . _ .. , · .·. · f -· • • • .:.::: : -:·, • ,, • • • • ' • • . _: -. ·.·. -: -· '. Occupancy. ci~ssifi~ation11 of storage;· ar~a=··_. O:rdinacy ~~~ard: Group-.'2 .... . .. -. . . . density/area·_requii;:ement~:·. o·.1a _gpinift2 over. most re"mote.2,500 ft2 .-' .. . . ··:· .· '. ... ,-.'.' ~ota1·· hose stream demand will be. 2so· gpm13 _.'.-. '. . ' . -_ ,' . . ..... .. · . ·-.' . __ :· <"th_eir. is no·: specifica:tion·_ fp~ -1:nside hose:.·str~amsff. . ·, .·, · .·-.-i.,: · :.·· · .-: ... _·~-water flow duration will be: 60 minutes if .monitored1s -·· : .:., : . .---·. '': "-''.. ·. _:·. maxim:um .·spri~ler 'spacirig16_)s·_130 ft2 _.: .. ·.-.• ': . · ... ·, . :: ·_ . ·- -.· ·-:\ ·' . · .. ·.: .•. there:. is no_· specif~catio~ for sprinkler· tempe:z::atu:te ·rating_.'· .. . .' ·.: :-· ·_·: .... _ ··._·. · :. maximum ·area coveJ;"ed by one .. sprinkler riser17,. is.-52~-0Q0 ·ft2 . · .. . .·~,.·,:· . .,:·· ~--:-~~--·-.. _/:.· .. ~-·,·:·-.-·-.·:· ·.· . , ._: -~·-:~:··. ·, :, -~-·.: . .,, '·:, . _ ....... ... • •• • • '~-' ~. • •• ·• : "• "7 ., •• • :-; • , I~ '. •, "• • l ,· • .. . . . . . . --:., .. :· .. ~ \: , ... .r: , . ...... . . . ~-; .. ; . . . . ~ ·, .. : .' - '. ' ~ .. -. --._-( >.·· .. 4. -~ a ~iv._ · ~ · clos-~d-sys~:-. £0;·:deli~~;i~:;: m~-ti~oi··: t-~. !~do~)}l~ia·t~r~e~ ·. · ·:' ... ' .. . ) ~ . ~ .. . . . . : . -. ·. . ,. ) . . -. ' ·. _. .. • ,,:-• • • r' · • .-.•-,'•t,_ < -:: • > .~ fy•'•, Ml., ,• ,· ' ; •", ~·-• • • • •• • \ ' 0 • ;. Appendix 'G. presents_ some design features ,for· delivery of'._methaiiol-via indoor piping. : .. ~·,.,.. ',,·::.~_~·,"·' ~~-..• ,. -:-.~~ • .-··'•: .;• "•~.· •-, I' -:.~·:· ,,.·,~ ,,.,• :--,·::.·,. ---~·--.:",.-., .. _, ·:·; _ _-_~·-,: .:-:,:·:-·_:_:;-..... :..:=./ .. ·:--··;\;,_::-... --: .. :··,'.:·-." .. _ _\:· :-.:. __ :_:.-·,_.·--.· · .. -·- ' ' • -: •, ' • • --•• '... • .' •• • ~: • -• • • • • • • •• •, ., ~-' • • • l • ' •• • ' ·.. • • • • , • )"J '• ' '. ~-• : ' •• :·' .:-• --• "! , : ' . -.. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . -~ : ' . . .. ~--., . •. . --:-. . . ' .,. . . ': . -. ': .. , . . . ,_. . . . '~ :• : . -: :. : '; I : ',• o :, ' ,,_. • ' • • •?, ,• 30·,'1une 1996.-- ,. .. I • ' • . ,. • ' ' ~, • ' : ,,. -~·, .. _.. _-' '• • l -• ' ·,· '· _. · 'i . ·; . c1\~ngine~~\a~diego\doc\h~n2b.doc .... ' . : ~ ~ ·-·· .· ·. ·',· .. -. ;_· .. '' •• -: • .: •• -.-:-.-. : ' .• :, • ~ • ,I •• -., . - :, ' .-,J. -• • :· ' -.· ••• ••• ' • ·:, :_ 1. • -.. • •• "I,•• ', • .. , .. ,:.-. > .. ·.· ....... . . ' .-; .-· .. '. -: -.. :-· .. ... . -~-. ·,. _· ~-, __ ·:·. ·.-,:·.>:;. -~~--·:; .· .... _:"_ ·_ ... -~----<-> ~-_:. ,·, ., ; ·.--:-::; ·> ..... --:--.-.' .. '-:. . .... ·, -·,, '··_. · ... . , .. ,, ',' ·'.: . ... .. ··,. ' ·":_ .. :·":_·. .. . ··:,: . . : ' . . _,. : • • r•' • '. ·· .. '·· :· .. - .• •. . ~ . :_· .-. '"':, :·· .. .. ~-: .· .. ., ·.:~":"' --~=-. ' .· -.· . ~ .• ·, • ,_. • ,,' ' . . • ' : • • • ~ ' "' I. • • • • :.: .:·. --· ' • • -• • ' : '> ··,.. ~ "_; •• _: •• _. • • • i • -.. ., : .. ,.. .--.. .. :···: ·.-;-; '. -..... · .. : ·;' ~, •• .". : • ..,: r •• • ' I ' , , • ,, -~ • .. ' . ' ' -: _ .. · .. -. ~-. , ... ·, \ -·--', . ". ·'_ .. ~ -' -;-, ), .. .. . ' ... I_. I, ; I• .. •• :~ \ , •• ' < ' • .· ~..,~-.·' :-•: 4 .b. Group A Plas,tic:s 4 .b~i.. Quant.ttr ·. storage~. ~se and _dispensing of. Group A p:l;astics in the :~qfacttiri~g area is· in~ident.al to:'the use·. c;,f this .area •. · storage;· use· ar.id. ·dispensing of Group A plastics·· in the , loading. dock area is judged tq be ... freef1owirig18 • _because of the large quantity of small I • ; .. polyethyl<:ine c;:ontai.ners tha.t will . fall· o~t of burning stc;>rage, ·boxes. ~roup A plastics that· ·are fr_ee~lowing m~y ·b~--~ategoriz~d a~ ·crass IV1·9; · · . . : . . . . 4_ .b.i,4,_ •. storage ileight . · .--, ,, . ,• . ' . ',•.' . The ~pri~l~r standard applicable is ·trac' ~tand4rd. 9-1 ( i991). '. Restrictions on. the ._· stora:ge:.ot ci~as .Iv:commodit~ are:-· . . ·,· ... ai:sl~ ~idths· .·are i~ _:i~-mi~im~20 . , ,_.:aisles.;.wj,.ll be. -provided to ·a-11)::equired exits21; ._ . .. stor~ge may be sta9~ea up to--but ~ot higher. than--12 'feet22 • ' ., ., • • I • • ~ • ~ • 4 .b.i.ii _· _.s~rin_.~let-.:DensJ.t; for -Cl;,_~s If(_ commodity.· ~he loading dock··~e~ .6o~tain~ ·soip~'.' pl~~ti9 ~t~ck that.·is :considered 'freeflowing• . bei;:1;1use ·the maj'ority of. ~hi!;i stock ,i!;i .bound i~. smal,l plastj,.c . containers that will fall out-of the box-when. a'.hole is burn,eci·in it; The cii:>JDµlodity .i.s therefore consideired Group IV material stacked t_o 12 feet~ · .. ;Because this s:torag~ area is incident~l ~o the main·-use, of the ·building: ~ufacturing, the sprinkler density· is determined from 1994 UBC stand~rd·9-l. · . .' Occupan,cy ·.~lal;isificati~n2~ of storage area: Extra .'l:Ja'zard, Group 2 ... di,ms . .t:ty /area r'equireme~t24 : ~ 0 .·3 8 gp~/.ft2 over. most :c:emote 2, s 0 0 ft2 . ·, ··total· hose. stream demand will be soo. gpm25 · · ·. · · . .-.. ;· · their-is ~Q specification. fo:z;-inside hoE!e streams2~ · ; : ... ·: water flow duratio~ wili .b!3 90 minutes _if monitored27 · •.·maximum· spritikler 1:1pacing28· 'i1;1 lQO · ft2 . . . . . • there is no·. specificatitin for· sprinkler tempera-t.ure· rating· • ·maximum area·cov;~red_ by-one.:spr:ii:ikl:e:r riser29 ,is 40,QOO -ft2. • • • • • • '• • • • '. : : • , ' • > • ., • , J • " r • ·-. • :, ••• : • ?_ ' ' •• -•• • ·' . . -~ ' . · .. 4 .c •. s~}sd.~~s_s·_ ~££i(:~ ·Are~ :o/.the .. B~ildl~g ' • • ,• •• ,, ' •• f • ,•) . • : N -The. office ar~a w.ill have combustibi~-mate:tial of: a quantity and ~onfiguration t4a:t ·cEµl overwhelm-Light Hazard sprinkier· density .·('388 Appendix I). · . · . . . . · . . -. . ' " -· : .. ' ., .. Ocicup~cy 'classifi6~tion30 of. ·busi~i~s ~,ea::' Ordi~~-Hazard, Gro~p l ··_:._·.: '._-:. density/area· r.eqµi:remeµt:3~:-·o .•. l~ gp:m/;t2 c;iver· most remot.e 2,500 ;t2 ·t'c,tal· hq!3e ·stream demand wiil be 2$·0 gp:in32 . _ · : .. ·: · · •• ·. _: ·:. . their..-is nci specification for' inside hose; streain)333 ... . 'water flow' duration \iili' be 60 .. minutes if monitored3~·. . mrutimum sprinkler. ~pacing~5 'is .13.0 f~2 •.. ' ' . .. . ·.~ . , . . ~ . ' : ' -' ' ', ... , . ca \ongineer\11~diog0\doc\h~J1.2b.cloa ·30 Juno 1_996 ·. · · . '· -4._'. ·:-. : ~-: ; I • < ', I,'., 'I f· ' . .!II,.. ' ... ~ .... ~' : 6. ·.-.. l.' . .. ,. . :· ... · .. ·_,•' .,, ., ·' ... ,:.- ·, :· ·'1 . .,. . . . ~ -l . ,~ ~' .; '. -. ',· : ~ . • ~ r, . . ... ~·there-is no s·;~ci1i~ation: for .sprinkier' temperatur·~ '~ating =··. · .. ';·. maximum _·area covered by ·~ne sprinkler riser36 'is 52,000. ft2. . ' . }-. :" . -: -·.: -'. . ,, . . . . . . . . . ' ~ ; 4 ~ d ~: ·Building 'smoke. ~ents . and Dr~:ft. ~r.i;t~ins -Requiz:emen~s 0 ::. • V T O ,·· < ' •• :, .. : -· • .' ... • O . 'l'h~r~ ·.i~_-· ~~--;e~i~~ent:_ f.o~' sinok~ ~e~t~ ,and·. ~~i-t --~urt~i~-b~~d~-. ·: ·'l'his. is· because · : . there.: are" no: areas:. classified as. higli-pilec:f'_ storage·. ·. 'l'here:fore per 1994 UFC: . -. . . . . . . -. . . . -· . . . ~. . . . . . . . . . .. . ' ' ' :. . . . · s~~~e· · ~e~ts' .. ~e ·, not -~~qu-ired <_: \~ ..:_ _ _.: · · ;-_ · · · ·, :;_ < · . drc1.ft ·curtains ~e. no~ :c:equired_· :' - .. ·. ;: . ,\, '.' . ' .:. ,. \ ; . . : :-·- '· r ~. r:· . . \ ·' : . -~. ,_ .. - . ·. , .· ":.' ...... ··;.--:., ~ ... : .. -:. .. · .) . . .. 5 . ;-·\/ Performan.ce'."'Based · ;ir~ .-Prott!ction Ana~:rsis · .. -.· .° .... :_. · . . , .·whii~--p~~s~~i~ti~~-~ c~~~s · ~e · e~~-d~~~~-:~~~-:~o~t --~~i~n·;--~~~u~~~e,. so~eti~es · ~~~Y, ~e · overly precautiolis and expens,i.v'e. ·.·Performance-based fire protection see~ to el~nate · the ·extra ' material, .. maintenance. 'and c;ost of fir~. protection . while maintaining reasonable and prudent fire ·.saf~ty ·for persons· and· property~ A performance-based . . analysis ·will examine a~ worl:ilt. c·ase fire,-a most~p;robable case. fire,· and.-a second worse.:case-fire' are ·examined. J • •• • • :-__ ~ . . -. . . . 5 .a.· worst-c~se Fire: .· Loading Dock Fire with commc;,dity to 12 :feet. . ... . . . . ' ' -· -. . 'l'he·· w~;st-~as~ f~re is. j~dged t~ be :pla~tic .material· ~to~ed in the loa~ing dock area. These areas .traditional~y have poor ·housekeeping,· an~ the vertical-wall geometry is .a chall,enging· fire for sprinklers.-· If at the time· of .the· fire, large amounts of 'non- freeflo~ing• Grpup·A plastics were stored.to heights of· 12 feet, the sprinkler density .of -0 •. 3/2~500'may not'be.suff.i.cient to control the fire~' .. : .... ' . . ' . . '"" . ... . - Because the .ins't~lied· :~pr.i.~ler. ~yst~m-w~J.l, -~~ye a .'de~sity. of O. 4~~3, 00~: th~s. worst-· ·case fire·should be appropriately protected~ .1991 UBC, Standa.rd.9-i recommendation for . incidental. Group A _plastics. st~red. to.: ·12 fea't with 18_: foot' ~ailing is: _· .. -. . . ·. >. ·._, _-.EB~~37 . :(~~~ -~~-~-tl6~-4-~:~:.':t~·i.;: > · ·.. · .. :·.:.-, -:' . :~-~_.:.·.· · ··r.: .. ,·· · . : . : .. ·. . . . ·. . :· ·:·, 0.38/3'00038·->·< .. : :···. . . . .. .. ·.,-·.:._:~-._.. •J • • • , .: • • -' ' •• •• • • -• • • J -• -·' • ' •• • •• • •• •••• •> .~ .• : • • ' ./ • (. . . .. .. , -\ . . .: .. ~ ' . ' . . . . . '. ._ ... .·_, .... .. ' •,:, ' . ~ . -.. . ,. ; -~· -.... -. ~ .. : ~· ... •· ·.·· . --.} Thia occupancy should be: proteqted with. OB-·l protection 41. 5 .c. Second Woi:i,;t-c:ase Fire Scena.r;J.o: ··:· ,M~thanol-P.ipe-Leak fire • • i· • i' -f • • ' A le~ of liquid methanol in .inside by this f'ire is not great.relative danger· of someone w~+kihg into the the · hwnari' eye •. pipe c::ah to other fim:nea. re~µlt in~ pool fire. The fue;Ls ~u;1d . i:s _perhaps not as 1-leth~nQl flames. a,re.all but darige;t ·posed great:· as the invia±b1e. to .· ·.· Methanol is .. a: class I-,A liquid.· sprinl~l~r pr.otectic:>n for th~a class . ·of. fl·-~le. li~id$ at low storage heights· .is42·: · · "· · ,-..... -, : 0.3 gpmift2 · ov~r .t~e most remote'.3,0~0 ft2 ' . > ' ~ :--.. ... :·, .. •., ' . ·. /· •' .· .-. '. ·~ -,. . . . t .,..·.' .-~· ,1 • ~ . •,.. · .. ' ( '.1 ·,-,,·, ... , .... Qi \~ngineer.\eandiego \d.oc\h~~-·doc 30 Ju~o 1996 .8 . c..· \ ·. ~. '{. .. . ..... . ,·· ;, ., .. ':, I _J ' ' .. ~ ... :.._, .. . .... -6 · Endnotes -1. 1994 ·uFC' Sectio~ -i'ooJ.1.2 .. All~wance: f~r NFPA Standard 13.-· • r l •. • -• ' • • :~: ·. i9~4 UBC .. ;able· s~~i-·-Ex~erior ·\v~ii. ~nd -~peni~g·-_Pr-~te.cti.on_· • • • • • ' ·, • ', ,/ "• • • .(• • • • ~ • I• • • • • • • • • • • ,. ,': : • •• • ... ~ • .• • ' • • • -. • . 3. · 1994 UBC, Table. 6.;..A, Types_ of Constructi'o_n--Fire-Resistive· · ·. ·. ·· Construction _. · --:_ ._ ·.' . -· . · · · ..... · · -: ·-· · · · :_ :· . -.... : .. · .. . -~ . :_. ,_: , . : :: : .. : .... ·."; _.-. . ·-.. _. -~-. . . ..... _4. _1994 · UBC, · section _306; Requ~r.ements fol;' Gr_oup· F Occupancies . ~ . . . . . ' . \. : : '.. . ' .• • • • " •• •. _. • ·,, .. · • •· • ._ . • I · .. · -. ·. 5. 1994 p-BC,_ S_ectio~·-· 3Q4 .1, · Group-B _Occupancies . -• ... '6." 1·9·94_u~c,· __ :T~ble·'.9~~-;-·_-~t~---~,·:'~~~~~~ip~ R~quireme~ts, anci"._· . · · · · ' . _. 1994 UFC; Table -7902.5-F, Automatic. Sprinkler· Protection--for._ . -_-t~qui~s, : f_~_~tnote :·: :i; ., .:. <:-. · -. , . · .-.. --· · · _ _. ·;·, · -· r - •••• •• • ' •• t ' . . . · ·7. Ibid-~ . ·:.-. > .. , -: . . . : _: . . . : . ". ~ .--: ·· , . ' :. · · .. , . . ' . ~ • • '' ·•• J ' • • .,, ·:_· .. a.· .. 1994 ·UFC,-.-Tabte··,901.1-A, cias.si:ci~atibn· ot'' Fl~abl~ .and .. Co~usti:bl'='. · Liqu'ids · _ .. _ _ . -.. ·. . . -. ..9~ -1994. UFc·, Table 7.903~2-B,. Exempt Quantities of Flammable Liquids _---~o. 199·4-uF6;·-·T~~i~ -7~02.S.-:-c·, -M~hn~-;t-~~ag~:Heig~t f~~--Liquids' . . . . . 11. 1994 UBC, Standard 9-1, Table .1- Oc_cupancy Class~f ication . . ·. · -· · . . 12.· 1994--{?BC, Standard 9..:.~_,· F~gur~ 5-2_.:3, OH-2. ' . . .. ', . . ·. 13.· "1991°--uac,'; Standard.. 9.;..1~·-Table· 5--2~":3'. Hos~ Stream Demand . . ·· .. ' . . . . · 14.-· 1991 .. UBC,· 'standard 9~1;· Table.'s"7'·2~'3"~-Hose Stre~ Demand,. and .. :··--., ·: 1994 UFc,· Section·-10.01.9,·-Special Hazards·· ... __ ·-, ·, .·: . : ' . . . . . ·. .• . . . . " : ~ .. ; . \ ·: ': '. -. .. ' . . . ',, : . ·15. 19-91 _·u~c, Standard 9~1; .T~ble ~-5"".'.2~-3~---; Wate~--supply Durati~n . __ . · -. ,· · 16 ~-·1991·-~~~>--~t~ri~~;~·: g~f,-:·~~l~' _4_~2~·2:~:-.. --~~j_m~----~~i:~n:-~~~--s~~~i-ng,.' . . . . . " . ~. . ·-.. . . ... . ' . . . . ' . . •• •·. • • • I ._ • •, •" •. ,·. • • •• ·, .,-.:_~-(.' ·.:. • -_._ ··.,:' ,,:• .-• • .•.\ · 17. 1991·UBc,· Standard 9~1, Section:,4-2.1, .Protection·Area· ·· · · ----> . .. Limita_~~~':ls .. .-. ·._.. ·... _, __ . ,. . _ .. _ ·_·_--_,_·-~-·: · _ \ .. · ·. · , .. · . . .... -:. '. . ' ( \, . . , . ' ~: . .. . . . :·. , ·: . · -<:: 1a-.-· 1994'· u·Fc,·. Stand·a~d ai_.:.-1·, _De:fi~itio~s i: pp 2-655; -· .. _-',. :._ . ·/ · ----<:· l~--·.19.94 :ri;ri~<s~a~d~r~·.:~·1..:1~: ~ig~~~--··;~:l~t->\,~~i~~o~----;;ee· · -·.:.·~--~ -: .. : --,·~ ···: .. ·· ;.:_: ... :'' ·-·:: .:~--.. .· .. :· ..... : ~-... _. ... ·. ·:.~-··.1.: , ... ,· ... _' · .. , .. · .. · ... = ...... · .•• ~ _ .. -• ... ~.;. · __ ·_' · ... · ·.-:·: ,::_ ·· .. 20.·-_-1994 · UBC,. Table _1_0-:-A, :.No·~ -20/ _M~nt_-Egress Reg~ /,_Manuf~ ·Areas ·-.:· ·-.· . . . . .-. .· . . .· '. . . .,·. ' . . :• ,_.,_: • • • •' .--•, _-,. \.' • •, ,• .· : "::.:• :_ •, ._',•:• \ ' ,,'•I :':.,': , ·_-'. •; • •' :·, . . -~~--~bid_ •. ;-_ ... ' .... -·.·. : ·,·, .. ' . _: .' _:· ·:,.· ·, .. , _. , ··_-, ·. c1\en9.·i~~~r\e~die 0 ~o~d~\~~~2~.-~:--· 3~-~u~~-~?:6:~-_'.···_·.· ·:.i, ·-:;· ;):·.:· -_: ·:: ,_-· .-: .. ·._ ·· . •. . ., '. . .. •' .'. ·. . . ' \ : . . ._: ' : .. . .'-. . . . . . : -· . . . . . : ... ~ .... . . . . . ' . . \ -·. ' ' .. · --: ,:·. :-._--,:·: .. --... _... •: ... · .. ·. '. .. ..: · .. -_. "g_· .'. ·_-.-., --,_'. ...... __ ·.-. ~:.--.. · . . . _.., .· ',,: •.'\ ' .. : ··. :-J, ,•. ' . ' . . . ,. . .:. ·-. ·-.. "' . .. , . : . . .. . . . . ,: ; . ·'. ... ·, . . . ' . • ! •• M • • 0 •• o • 0 : ..... · .. ___ :.·. ·_., · ... ,-. -·:·:-.. _· .... ,_---~-~. "~\. ' ' .. '• ... ' .. ; '., _. I •' • • .' • • _1 .~ ', '"',,· f i. .-·: ~ _: .• ~-• . ': .. . ,·.· :-·. .. .. ,tt , • ., • -. . ' ·, . '. . . . -., . . . . . . . · .... : . . ' ,: . ' . . -~ . ', -·. :· -.... :.~:·· , . . -.. -.. • •,: C ·. ' . \ ~ -. .. , ... .., . . " .; ~ .. . z-,,.. ~. '• . ',t ' . -.... .. •. ,• • I • . ' . ' . ' . .·· ': i . ' 23. 1994,,UBC, Occupancy . . stan~ard. 9-1, ·secti~n 1.;.l., $·cope Sta~~ard ·-9~1.; Ta~le .. f.;.4·. 7 ~-4· •. 2. Classifica:tion .. . . . · .. .... . . . . . : . . . . 24 •.. 1994 ·u~c, Sti;indar~' 9-i ,. · F.;gure. 5-2 .• ;3, · -QH-2. · ·. is-. 199i~. UBC, .Standard 9.,.3., Table.:5-~2.3.:··Hi:>se Stream pemand. : ", • • • • • : • , •• , ~ • • • •• • ~t , • .. • ' • • • • , • . r • . . .. :26 •.. 19.91 .. tJBC·, ·. st:,~9-ard·. -9--1, Tabl~ :.5-2: 3 •. ·Hose Str·eam Demand,. an¢[ · · 1994 UFC:, Section .. 1001. 9·, Speqiai Haz~rds · · ' · 27. 19:91 U~~/ ·sta~d~;-d 9~:1;·-··;~b{~:-$-~-. ~-_. '--~~~~r Su~pi; -D~ra,tion ·2.a~ 1°991 UBc,·\j~~nda~d 9~i, --~~l~ 4.~~-~2: ..... ~~x~wil-~prin~le~ Spacing : ig .: . :19·9~, u~~,:''.~f-~~d:a_rd ·~-.1/ ~e-cti~n<4-2.;·i,···p~~tect~on .'~~a. · --Limitations· . ·. . · · · · · · .. · . . . 30. ·)1,994. UBC, Stapc;lard 9;,..1·,. T~ble 1-4. 7. 4. 2 ~-·. · . Occupancy·-Cla.s13ificatio~ . . . · • ', • • ' •• . • . ' _:... " • : .. • • ',f' ,, ·.' :· ,: • ' ,• .. 31. 199,4 t;JBC, .Standard 9--1,--Figqre 5-2.3, OH.~-2~ . ~ . ~ . . . . . . . •. ' ' ~ . : 32~ l~9i UBC, ·sta,ndar·d ·9~1, i~ble·· 5-2.3. Hose Stream Demand 33. 1991 UBC, Stand~rd 9-·i,:-Table -~-;-2.3.·. ~o~e Stream Demand, and 1994· UFC, Sec;:t.:i,.o~ 1001.9·, .Special Haz~rds . . . 34-. 1991 .. tJBC, ·stcindard 9~1.~. Table 5~2 !.3. Water Supply Duration 3.5. i'99]; :trac, Sta.nd~rd 9-1,. T~ie. 4:-2. :,L M~imum ·sprinkle'~ Spacing , 3 6 • . -~ 9 91 .:UB~ ,· . St~~dard . 9·:.1, .. s·ecti.·9~ 4 ~2 · .: i ~ -~ro~ection ~~a . . , . . . . ' . 't t' .. • . .· , . . . .. ' . : ··LJ.nu. a ions_. ·. . ._ _. ·.: ·:. .. . · .. · .. ,. : : ·. . , . · 37.:.°1991.UBc,·.standard 9~i·, W~ble··l-4~7.4;2, .OccU:pancy:_·, ,. · , . Classification, Group A ·Pia-sties·. · · · . ., · . '• ,_ < • ' • • ,-~ ," > • •; : • • • • :• • • Al •: • ' • : " ". ': • ' • • ~ • 38 ~ · 199:1 :UBC, Standard .. 9_:..1,. Figure·-5.'..:2· •. 3·· Area/Density· Curves . . . . ~·: ~ ·. . . . . ' ·. 39. 19:9I UBC:,,. St·;ndard 9_;,l:~ _App~:ndix A-1-4. 7 .-2·. l •.. OH-1 Occupancies. . -. . . ·( ... ' ' . . .. , ' . , . . ~ . . . ~ ~ . : · .. -. . . . . .. ', -.40~ 1991 :'QBCr-Stan,dard 9 . ..:1, -;F;i.gu~_e -5·'.':'2•~•-.-·-: Area/~ensity curve •... 41 • -~ad:ri~y_~ow~~~:~ . _. ~ ~ , ,,-~ t~~~stiqn o~· 1F~~~ittir·~ .·· i~. d:Et~c~ . · .. ·.. . .. Envir.ormients, ~,·Feder~;!; ·Fire.· Forum,; NlST ,· · .. :-. . · ... : , .. Gaith~rsburg ;-MD~ June: i.995.·. :--. :_ _·: . · -" :···· .', .... . . ·.:· ·"'. . ·. ..,., . . ·. ' ,t ·., - .. ' < -·· : -."-...... . .. ,, . c1\e~g~n~!t;~~~d~e~o~~oc\h~;b:~daa' : jo'. ,;unc~-· J:~9~ .' : .. · . : :' · · ' .·, .. • •, I ; ~ • • ' ' _,, < • ' ! • ' ,_'' .: \ -• _,_,_ '' ·_,·· :_.,·_ ·.··:.-'::.·· .... i .·.to,·:·.·_:···.· .. : ., . ,.· . . . . ~ . ·, ·' . . . . ' t,. • -.... . ''. . :· . ~ . ' t . , '. ~ . . . . 'I• ·,. I ', \• •,. ,,1,, ,.,_ .... ·\, ,• : ,,. ' . . : ; . . ~ . 'l •• '~,'. : . . . : . " . ,- . -· ;· :_ .' .. : ,(~, ,~ '" . , vrC.-~ ·'. ,·:- 1, • •. ,. . ' .-: . '· . :. ! . . ~· ~ ;. . ...,. . ._ . ' ' _., '· ... . ,, ... ··-~ .. 42.-" 1991 UFC, Table 7902.5-F,-Automatic Spr~nkler .Protection for-. ~iguiqs .. ·-··.· •,.' ... r • ..,_ • ,~ ,•, "1.; . _,_ '"_:, ' ',;. I'.·' .-.... .. ' ·. c1\engin·eer\11andieg0\doc\hlllll!llltl2b.doc. : ' -'. ') ,· -.,. . ' . \ ', '. ··: ,-t. ·- 30 June 1996. . •,. ,:· -~ ·' ..... . ,. ,,,•· ... -·,,. ,. ... ~. ~- 11 : . .,~ •• I ... .,• I f I ! ' 7 Appendix.A Glo~sari- ACGIB building . ' gpm .. · . ' . ~ . . . . · American Conference qf.Governmental Indust~ial Hygienists :_ "any ~~~~cture·--~~ed o;-i~tencieq f_o~ ·use ~s a shelter or ·occupanc;t -; .... ·: . ' . . . : gall:o~s · p~r minute -. . hazardous· ma.teria~.. . . . _.. :.._._ . . ' . . . ' . . . . · .· A_.hazardous· ·Jllaterial. is defined-by the UB~ as either a physical or,' ' · -<" health. hazard. -A physical hazard .(section 217) may be a. coiµbustip'.1-e· LDso ·:. ' PEL psig $TEL ' . . , ,. . : ·'' . .... ~ . liquid, ··compressed gas,· cryogenic, etc., etc., etc. -However, a . ·. ·. · combustible ·'liquid m~y not necessarily be· a physical hazard •. · For . ',"instance,··. ball-and-joint, . grease' . is, a. combustible ; liquid per .. .'definitio:Q., "b\lt.· i'.t: is difficult,. to ignite and more .diff.icult to · Inl:1intairi ignite~.· This is espe~iallyJ:rUe when the grease .is stored · per ·code.·with a#. apprgpriate. sprinkier protection. A he~lth hazard ·. (Sectio~-· 209), , is a commodity .. that. through scientificaily statistic;:al · ~thods · -in at· leas~ one· ·study-, has proven to ~egrade the . _··health 'of expo1:1ed 1:1,upjects through. ei;ther : chronic acute expdsure •. ·The cocie· ~dmits. that ...... the evaluation of ·a hazard is a strongly . subjec'tive ·process o !01 . -.. ~ .,._ . , -· · 'LethAl pose where at 50%-of exposed populations dies P~rmi.ssibl~ exposure limit: · . · poundBtorc~· per S9Uare ~nch, ga~e _ ' . Short· term. exposure limit·· . . . . ·.·.Threshold iiJll~~i~g. ~aluei .,· ·, I '•-} • • ,·· ... .~ : .,. • ... I" : ' -...... \ . . ' ·.), ... -~ .. . ,_ ; ~ ~. -,' ..... ' .. _ .. · .. ;, .. ' ·-._ ··.·. ·:·. '' : ,. . . '·- -.,,. ...... '. ·~ •' ;,1• ' : ·.· .... -.' : . ··., ': _; •• ·' ' ?, '• . ' .: ". ,. .. , •, _ . . . . 1 -. ··._ .. : : .. ,, .. 4 • :-•••• _, .1:: ... 1.~94 UEC, -Appendi~ V:I~A:, -Section 3 ~i •. • • • ~ • • • .... : : • ' • \ ·1 ,, • • •• • • ·~.' . .'' ·. ci\e~gineer\ahndiego\doc\hlllllllnn2b.doc · 30· June 1996 ' . . -. ,. ... '• ·. · ...... - •' ...... • •• • 'J . · ... . ·.t .:, . • t'• .· ':,. .. . · .. '. ' ' ., -, . ·•. . . . ,' . ' ' ·'·· . .. ,. ·.· ·. 'i2 . ,·, . ··., j •• , ... • .. .,;_~ .. •: . . _., .. . ~ ·' . .:• . ·i,. ·t j ,, j I ' i 8 Appendix B --Exempt Quantities.of Flammable Liquids ,. ·.' CLASS ' OF LIQUID I-A 1-B · 1-C II III TABLE 7902.3-A-OUTDOOR LIQUID STORAGE IN CONTAINERS AND PORTABLE TANKS. (See Sectlo~_s 79_02.3.3.1 and 7902~3.3.2) .. CONTAINER STORAGE-MAXIMUM PER PORTABLE TANK STORAGE-MAXIMUM . MINIMUM DISTANCE TO PILE PER PILE Quant11y1,2 Quan111y1,2 · MINIMUM DISTANCE. PROPERTY LINE OF Height Height BETWEEN PILES OR PROPERTY THAT CAN (gallons) . ' (leel) (gallons) (feel) RACKS (feel) BE BUILT UPON3, 4 (feel) x3.785forL x 304.8 for mm x3.785forL x 304.8 for mm 1,100 : 10 . ,, 2,200 7 s ·so 2,200 12 ., 4,400 14'. s . ' 50 ' 4400. · 12 ·. 8,800 · 14 5 ·so .. 8:800· '. ,. ., 12 17,600 14 s 25 22,000 ' 18 44,000 14 s 10 MINIMUM DISTANCE TO STREET, ALLEY OR A PUBLIC WAY4 (feel) 10 . 10 '. 10 5 :5 • . 1For mixed class storage, see Section 7902.3.3.1. . . . . 2for slorage in nicks, the quantity limits per pile do not apply, but the rack arrangement shall be limited io a maximum of so feei (15 240 mm) in length and two rows or . 9 feet (30 480 mm) in depth. · . -, . · '-. . · . . · · · · 31f protection by a public fire department or private fire brigade capable of providing cooling water streams is not available, the distance shall be doubled. -4W1ien the total quantity stored does not exceed 50 ~rcent of the maximum allowed per pile, the distances are allowed to be reduced 50 percent, but not less than 3 feet · · (914.4mm) •. _ · ·. . . ·. · . . . . , · ·. . . · .. I • I\) . ...., w -. -·' ;_' .· ~ .. \ ~·1\onginoor\Hndi~go\doc\h~b.doc 30 Juno 1996 . . . . ~ . . . ,··.· 13. ' ... _ .. .-~-·' i 9 Appendix C -~' Storage Heights-,of Fla.JDIJW)le and Combustible Liquid 1994 UFC 'Table 7902.S-~ r,, ··: ',, .. , ~ .. ~. ,'. 1' ·' ., i I 19941,JNIFORM FIRE CODE ' .. .. ' ,,, UNSpRJNK!.l:R,ED_AREA (!NI): SPRIN~REO ~REA (!NI) '. ' ' ·~,' .TYPE OF LIQUID .. . x 304.0 for mm Flamm_able'liquic!s: ! . ; · . Class I-A, . , , 4 4 :, ' . Class IsB, ·4 ,. 8, : -· Class I-C 4 8 Combustible licjuids: . Class·II , ·6 8 Class III-A--: .: 8, i2 Class III-B . 8 ' ; 12 .. 1Irt-rack protection shall be m accord_ance .with Tobie 7902.5-H, 7902.5-1 or 7902.5-1.-. . . . ,. .. -', - • ... '· I ' .. ' ) ' : .. ,,· 1, ··., .· ... -.· . j. '\ . ,, ,, ... ., .. ., . ~ . .,, ' . ~ , 'c1\~ngineer\aandiego\doc:\h~b~d~c 30 Jun~ 199,6 ' . . '14: .•; ,. ... ' -~ . . . . •1' - 7902.5-C ,, SPRINKLERED1 WITii, IN-RACK PROTECTION' (IHI) , : 4 12' 12 12 16 20 \; ··-__ ... 1-275 i , . l', ',i ,, ,.· ... , . •,: J 10 Appendix D --Flammable and Comhustible·Liquids within IHVITROGEN durin One Invento IJ.quids_ Butanol Chloroform CCl B 1, 2 dic:hloro•than• ce1cc1,u · ethanol CB CHOU !ormamide CHOlllla . iaobutanol CB cece CHOR bopropanol_ ce,CB,CBOB methanol· CHOR n,n-dimethyl formamide BCON(CB1)1 Total Ga••• C,B, .. -~ . ,) Clasa ·x-A (Gal) .50 tt1 Clasa I-B .. (Gal) 6.00 Claaa I-B (Gal) · c1\engineer\aan~ego\doc\hamann2b.doc : . . .. ,: :~ -~ Clasa I-C· {Gal) 30 June 1996 Clasa II· (Gal) 1.2!1· 1.75 . , Claaa II {Gal) 15 . Clasa III-A (Gal) Clasa III-B (Gal) 2.25 Claaa III-8 . (Gal) ._ .. ,_ ;::·~:;;,::;;:~~:·:::~:.:::::::::: 'i 11-: AppancUx E --Sprinkl~r De.naity · of Flammable: Liquids,. 'l'he .:folldwing sprinkler ~en!!litie~ -f~;t" flammable, liqti.i,.ds are provided for· compari~on purposes·. · · If cia,s~· _I-:-A · l.i,.~ids-exceed ·the ~xempt_'_ amount·,· tp.en they would need :the following protection: · . -0~3 gpm/ft2 ~ver _most r($ote 3,ooo· ft2: or larg,eist control-area above density assumes,high-temperature. sprinkle;-links . abo:ve density assume~·contai:ners <. s gallons;.· :. '. 'l'he UFC'requires 'the follo~i~g .for 'clas~ 'II liquid pr~tectioµ . . . ~ . , , . . . . ' . \ , ., . ~ . ... . . : ···0.3 ,gp~/ft2 -~yer most,·,r~ote 3,000 'ft2 or iarg~st .control-area43 :·· '·-the' above'density assume~ high~temper~ture spr,inkler links :-.-.. ·' ~. •· ~,~e above ':density .asstlllll;!S_. ,Cc;>litainers < 5 'gallons,' . .. -· · ' Not~; ·:·· . -. , - • control a~ea separation. must by l:..hou:r fire.:..resistiVE! '·_ maximum · 4 control ar.eas w~th per buildi~g. Footnote 43 f!·. ·1994 UFC, ·Table 7902 "5~:Jr, ~ut;omatic Sprj_n_kler. Protection. , .. , . . ~ . . . . . .. ~ .. . ' ,· . . ' ~--: ,,: . . . ,.'• ; . ·' . ... ' ' ~ ' , . ., . .. ·· ... ' ' ... : , . ...... ; ,• . ·' ~ . . ' . ; ··, .. · : \ .. . . ~. ·:. ," . . : ,.,.·,.· ~-··r ·_ .. · ,: __ ._·:._,,·.:_. .. .,, c·a \en~i~~or\aandiego \doc\hamann2b~doc ·./·:. 30 ·June 1996 · ' ....... ... ~-. . . :•. ..... , ' -:. . -··~-. ~ . . ', 16 ·. . .: .. ,,• .' ~ ... ,' . ~. ~ : . ' .. ''.' ,' ·'. J-• ·.· . .,·· •·' .'' . ~.' ' ..· , .. . ,_ ·12 Appendix F --Hydrant.Placement Plan Map 30 Juno 1996 17 \ , .. \ ·~: . ' -~· .. .· ' ' . -... _ ' -- .·,,·: .. _. ': .~ .. : .... '. ~. , , r I I I I I I '· , , ..... , -,, -: ... : :.;-. :,_ •, . . ~ : •, ',• •,'. : .. : ' ·. ~. .. ·. •,,' •,\,, ... ' ' i .. \· . '• ' ... ; .;· ·.,· ~·, I r :· ·' .:•. ' ' :· ,• ' , ' •', '.':<<· ,: .. ... . . ,: _ .. ,•::,!.:,, .. 13 Appendix· G --·_ Fire Protection Features for Delivery of Liquid Methanol. outdoor storage Tanku_ • maximum tank size ~or·outside location_is 2,200 gallons · maximum height of out~oor _storage for methanol is 7 ·feet · minimum distance to property line is 22~5 feet if <-500 gallon tank ' ·warning label to· indicate ._ invisible flames I 45 · warning. label. to i?dicate 'fire hazard• 46· _ . · ! method 0~ remoi_ely 'closing a shut-off valve from tank is ·needed. · · ·. control .of positive displacement pump will su~fic~ _ • manual shut-off should be located close as possible to tank47 J:ndoor Pipe Run .• stainiess steel~ nickel-alloy, lined-steel pipe reta:ins p~oduc~ pu~ity48 . ; 'warning labels indicating ._ invisible flames I cg . · ·warning label~ . indicating .. fire hazard• 50-· · piping shoul~ be·uniformly painted and labelled at discharge NOTE: This is ·only a_partial list. ·Footnote 44. 19~4-UFC, Table _7902.3-A, Outdoor Liquid Storage in Containers 45 1_994 UFC, Section 7901.9 Labeling and Signs 46. 'Ibid. 47·19~4 UFC, Section 7902.1.12.1.-3. Valves for-tank connections 4_8. Flammable· Liquid Operatio:ns, Factory Mutual Data Sheet. 7-32, -_July_ 1993, pp 19. I' 49 1994 ·uFC·, Section 7901.9 Label~ng and Signs . : ' .SQ 1994 UFC,· Section 7901.9 Labeling and Signs- (. •••• 1 .· . ,, ·-,··· ... .' .:·,.· , . c:_\engin·e~r\sandiego~doc\hamann2b.doc 30 June 1996 . . ) . •' '• I • • ~, ' I( t 14 ~ppendix H --B~B~D~~B Off~Qe Den~ity of Ordinary' Hazard i I, I , ·• While the durrent WFPA Standard 13 indiqates th~~ Light' Hazard -~prinkler de~sity is s~ti~factory for _.office .occupancy it ~as come to my attent,ion that this dens~ty· is in fact.·±n.adequate ,for .. modern oftice· ·etivironments. · W,i.th moduiar walls with .combustible f~ric;· plas~ic::· computE!r .casE!s,' pla~tj,c VDT's, ref~rence books, printers, -printe·r· paper· and memor~ilia--th~ ftiel.lo~d and c~partmentation created by tjle·modular walls· create a· ~i~e.:~haza.F~ CaJ;>able._'t>.~.' Qverwhe+m!ng the Light .a·a~~d sprinkler ,density. ·.'l'h~a has' been. :documented with meaa'l,lrement;s ·frolll' f.ull-scale. fire·, testa2• · For these. reasohEI, · I· ,recommend. ordinary· Hazard,' Gi;oup .1 sprinkler· density for: all modern offiqe· areas.,. ·. -. . ·-: . . -. :-. . . ~-;. . . . ., . . •, . ' . . ~· .. •. , .... ···,. ' . " .. - ... ' ' . : ~ . ~·. ': ' ' ' _: .. ,., ·.'. :: ·, ! '1' ... ·' .. ., ,.., I ~. • ,•. • ', ... ' ... ,,. . . · .. . .. ,,•, ' .: ' '.'' .,. i' •. -. • ' . , .... > ' ''\ . : ;· .. ' ' ''' ,, "' :;,' · .... ... ~ . • • l • -: : ._ : .· ... r . . . . .. 'I.'· 1• • ' • --.. -,.-,----,-. -.. -, -.. -.------.. -. ---. _. -·:·::' .::-, . ' .-·· .''' '. ' . ' . ·. ' . . '' ·' ' ' , ' •, ·. '' ,1, .~ ~-'.'}la:tirzyk~wsk'i/-' o'.; ~·:·.~Fuiiisbaie'·· .Fj_fe:·, Te~ts c;;f.,..Office :·· \ Environments;.': NISTIR .. report,. Na1;. ·.:rnst. ··. of: Stand .• : and. Tech.,:.: .. Ga.ithe:tsbu·rg,--.Mif ~0899,:-1995 •. ·. ·. · · ·_. . ·: _· . ,-· .. · ·, ·_-', '. ·:· •• ~: ... :~ • • ·:.· ,J •• .. • • •• l -_.. • • • :-~:· .. • • · ca \engina0r\aandie9o\d.oc\h~b;doa · . 30 Jun~ 1996 · · '· · · .' '· · . :· .... ~ . ' . . .:. .. , . . ..... •, .... ·. . ~ ·--.. ' . ' . . -~ . ·. -... : .. __ .. · ··.: · .. ·.·:':·· .. ·ig:·.<: ,r: ~ ·, •• ? ,._ ·, ·"··· .. · (• ._.;" .... r ~. · ..... ··'·· ' ' : . ~ ... -:;· .. ·': · ·: ' . . ,. -~· ·. ·,.·. ' ' ....... . , ···.·. • •• ·1 • I :•• . ·, .. :' -1 • 1" : • •,; . . . . ~ . .... '· .. " . 15 Appe°:dix I Code Citations ca\engineer\nandiego\doc\hamann2b.doc 30 June 1996 · - . / 20:_ *"'"' ' (;)~:-?) t•f· ~t( --"'" ' ~ \<< ic, e, s:rANDARD 81-1 1994 UNIFORM FIRE CODE ' " . 6-3 High -Expansion Foam (see-Section 5-2). ~! I Chapter 7 Fire Protection· -Plastics and Rubber 7-1* (;e:neral. (See Append~ B.) 7-1.1* · Group A plastics shall be protected as indicated by Figure 7-1.1, Decision Tree. The decision tree shall be fol- lowed to determine the protection in each specific situa- tion. I e~ceptign: Chapter 8 (Large Drop $prinklers) and Chapter 9 (ES_FR sprinklers) provide acceptaole alternative ~thods of pro- tectzo_n. · , . -. ' : ' . 7-1.2* Factors affe!-'.:ting protection requiremc::nts such as closed/open array, dearanc(! between storage and sprin~ klers, stable/uostable piles, and two-point demands shall be .. applicable only to storage of Group A plastics. Th!! factors •· coritai~ed 'in 7-2.1,, A-7-2.1, and.Appendix B ,shalJ be given serious considefatiqn /prior to giving the final protection requirements. Th_~s decision trt!e shal, also be used to determine protection for comi:p.odtties that are not wholly Groµp A plastics bµt contain such quantities and arrange- ments of the same that they are deemed more hazardous tqafl Class IV co.mniodities. 7-1,3 Grnup B plastics arid free-flowing Grqup A plastics· shall_ be pr?tected in the same manner as a Class IV com- inodity. Storages 12 ft (3.7 m) or less in height shall be prott:cted in a.ccordance witl}NFPA-13 for Ordinary Ha.z- ard_ Group 3. 7-1.4 Group C plastics shall be protected: in the same manner as a Class III commoqity. Storages 12 ft (3.7 m) or less in height shall be protecteµ in accordance with NFP A 13 for,Ordinary Hazard Group 2. 7-2 Water Supplies. 7-2. 1 * The design of the sprinkler system _shall be ba.sed on the condi_tions--that will routinely or periodical_Iy ex:ist in _ a building creating the greatest water,demand. These con-_ ditions include: (a) pile height, (b) clearance, (c) pile s~bil- ity, ai::id (d) array. 7-2.2 Design areas and densities for 20-ft. (6.1-m) high storage with betwe,en, 1 ½-ft (0:5 m) to 4½ ft 0.4 m) clear- -an<_:e.Jhall_ be selett~d!or_ the appropriate storage configu- 1994 UNIFORM FIRE CODE !-: CJ 0.. 51] a: CJ C, -., 2 ••ti I -~ -.. ::!' 0:, u L@ ·c ·~ 0.. X ii :..... c,;, ... , ~ ~- <IJ -~ <H 0.. ' :::> ~ ' -C,.,' ' C w ,C Z, -~ X w_ .. la u w ...I co I~ L w ~ ...I ~ co ·~ <( " t; ' I!? z 6, :::> ·-!,I- C w CJ), w-~~· c w z 0 I'-a:, ~ 'ii c r,i w • CJ) ~ ·O r,. 0.. ! X ::, w .5!1 u. 1, C -W N z c-i 0 r.:. !-a; a: .. <( 6,, CJ ii: ·o <( -0 ..e ...I N ~ ~ -" z ' :::> I!? ::, . : . ~-iZ g w .;.J co ~ z :::> u r,i ~ " I!? ::,, C,, ii: '.ii w ~ ...I N co r.:. ":(, a, I'-· .. CJ) ·::, C, ii: W.~ ...I N co • <( ~ ... " CJ) I!? z ::, :::> .5!1 u. w,~-...1 ~ co " <( .... CJ) I!? ::, ,5!1, ,u. i = .:l ,., ·2 f:l ... ,.:; ..:. I:: fo i.: STANDARD,81-1 · :;<i: -» :i °' .~-;:: o::s .,c: O• -·"' -.... cc u ~-o es ta] ·3. ~ .?; -Cl'.ll ·-::,""" Ct1 Cl'.ll C' 0 -0 ui a, -~-~ c:--~ <-o .!2 o e o.~ .-::: C: Q.) ::, u -g .!2.?; e 8. 0 ;;;, ~ 0 )< u "° C: " " .gf t ·;:; -s· a, ·-0 -~J:l ~ute! o-="""'~ c:g 0 o-" ~ ~ .g e:::!:! .c: ~.?;-~-0::s -ca-c· :;-a e-~ "O .!! u, ''"" ,C §,.g.~ .; ,@ ., -a-bl) C: 0:, -0' -~ E ·;;; ca u ~ ·--0 C i::' N -oe-s ::scui:.s O o, O ·o c:·.C: e .. :i: e ·-" e e "" . ., 'E·J:l 8_:g] a_j'Oo, > f-< ;:· .c: c:·-5 .... :~ • E-',, 0:, ii> . ~~~-g,......s; ..:S '-'~ ~ e: -~ u e-a, --~.s ~ "O bl) c::: rl) ~ .so ,cu ~::, .SC':! ,15-g ~-g ·E ~ g ~ '2"' .,eo:if! ·-ca a:;::,·"" -5. ,0, -0 .,, ~ " rn,;~ .._. ;y~ -0"0 ~ '=-""~ ~· ; 2; ·s' ~· e · "'-0 C: 0.'V -~~ a ·o ~=:~ u -0.---" o_ U) eot:"7 ~ ~-~ .s s~ e .-4, .c t: CIJ,~ u .._,,-ca a, -·-·~ -5 tf.t;: $'i ,0' ·-" f-< ,....._ '° .c: .c:· c: e· o. ~ :!: ; .!2.;, < -~a .a~e~ :§"~~--::c:::e -o.,~c:;~o a, 'tj C -::S a,.;.., C -0 'OJ ·;:: u -~ 'C ·.u ~: ~-ij :-;,-C e 13 -o ·; c ., 8 e e ];l~:e; ~;;; 0 0:, ·-0 .. .c: ~ 8 '-~ ·::: B· - i...c::UQ.)U'?)~ .. ~·en~ -o '5 ~B •• ...~ OJ ... --.... -Cll --= "O' ~ rC 0.. .c: Ct1 ~ ', "-.;.,~ ,, . u -..... ~ -~ "e 0 ,, .s O' • -0. ,, 7 ~ :g~N ev~~ ...... , f""'-., STANDARD81-1 "#" . { 1994 UNIFORM FIRE CODE 1-1.3.3 Unpackaged bulk materials such as grain, coal, or similar commodities. 1-1.3.4 Inside or outside storage of commodities covered by other NFPA standards except where specifically men- tioned herein, e.g., pyroxylin plastics. 1-1.3.5 Storage on racks.:-. 1-1.4 Nothing in this standard is intended to restrict new technologies or alternate arrangements providing the level of safety prescribed by the standard is not lowered. 1-2 Definitions. Unless expressly stated elsewhere, for the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply: Array. Closed Array. A storage arrangement where air movement through the pile is restricted because of 6 in. (152 mm) or less vertical flues. Open Array.• A storage arrangement where air movement through the pile is enhanced because of vertical flues larger than 6 in. ·(152 mm). · Available Height for Storage.• The maximum height at which commodities can be .stored above the floor and still maintain adequate clearance from structural members and the required clearance below sprinklers. Bin Box Storage. · Storage in 5-sided wood, metal, or cardboard boxes with open face on the aisles. Boxes are self-supporting or supported by a structure so designed that little or no horizontal or vertical space ~xists around boxes. Cle~rance. · The distance from the top of storage to the ceiling sprinkler deflectors. Commodity. Combinations of products, packing mate- rial, and container. · Compartmented.• The rigid separation of the prod- ucts in a container by dividers that form a stable unit under fire conditions. Container (shipping, master, or outer container).• A receptacle strong enough, by reason of material, design, and construction, to be shipped safely. without further oackal!'ine:. 1994 UNIFORM FIRE CODE Early Suppression Fast Response (ESFR) Sprinklers. A listed ESFR sprinkler _is a thermosensitive device designed to react at a predetermined temperature by auto- matically releasing a stream of water and distributing it in a specified pattern and quantity over a designated area so as to provide early suppression of a fire when installed on the appropriate sprinkler piping. Encapsulated. A method of packing consisting of a plastic sheet completely enclosing the sides and top of a pallet load containing a combustible ·commodity or com-bustible packages. · · · NOTE: Banding, i.e., stretch wrapping, ar~und the sides only of a pallet load is not considered to be encapsu!._1ted. Expanded (foamed or cellular) Plastics. Those plas- tics, the density of which is reduced by the presence of numerous small cavities (cells), interconnecting or not, dis- persed throughout t~~ir mass. Exposed Group A Plastic Commodities. Those plastics not in packaging or coverings that will absorb water· or otherwise appreciably retard the burning hazard of the commodity (paper wrapped and/or encapsulated should be considered exposed). · , .. , ' . ... STANDARD81-1 Free-flowing Plastic Materials. Tho~e plastics that will -~-----fall out of their containers in a· fire condition, fill flue spaces, and create a smothering effect on the fire. Exam- ple: Powder, pellets, flakes, or random packed small objects [razor blade dispensers, 1-2 oz (28-57 g) bottles, etc.]. Large Drop Sprinkler. A listed large drop sprinkler is characterized, by a K factor between I 1.0 and I 1.5, and proven ability to meet prescribed penetration, cooling, and distribution criteria prescribed in the large drop sprinkler examination requirements. The deflector/discharge char- acteristics of the large drop sprinkler generate large drops of such size and velocity as to enable effective penetration of the high-velocity fire plume . Noncombustible. Commodities, packaging, or storage aids that will not ignite, burn, or liberate flammable gases when heated to a temperature of l,380°F (749°C) for 5min. Packaging. Commodity wrapping, cushioning, or con-tainer. Palletized Storage. Storage of commodities on pallets or other storage aids that form horizontal spaces between tiers of storage. · · · Pilr .c:,~1 ... ;1;~< .. * ' . , . ")" . ,'•· ,, - outdoor, storage 'i'ank5~' • . . . _ . ~ . '.-maximum tarik size for outside ··1ocation of methanol tank is 2;200 gallons:··? ~-maximum height 'of outdoor sto~age' for.meth~rioi is '7 fe~t · ·miriiirium 'distance t:o property line 22 .• 5: feet if '< than. 500 gaiions, is s'toreq. · min~um·· distance to a-street/pubH,c way is s .. ft if <: .1, 109 gallons is stored • pr.otec~ · froµi. traffic-with boll·ards of 4-inch di_ameter _and .. concrete .. filled52. • • bollards· ·shali ·be sunk 3 ·feet and ·extend. 3 fee·t ·above ground level .·· .: : , . · ~oilard's s~ai1 '-be. spacstl· no :more thah· ·4 . ieet ap~t · ... : . -~ :: .. ·~ ·. · ··-bollu:d,s ~ha1;1: be ·spaced .no· less -~nan 5 fa.et· from· tarik . . liquid d~_livery 'can not ·us~ ·gra~ity feed · · . . · ., · .. ·. · · . : positive displacement,pumps_will'l}:ave me~niil of divE!rting·overpressure ·• prevention, Of Static. eiectr;i.ca;L' discharge· is. ~ecessary53 ' :-· · · . ' . • around the storage t~nk-regu.ir~s c:J,~ss :r,. Pivisi'on :r· or. ·J;:r electrical. gear54 - press·-g.re/vacuum venting' devices with .. ·fl~e· ~restor needed.55 ' ... :-, . ~ m.inimum .distance·. of· tarik from· bui.ldi~g .is 5 :feet56 ; · · · . · • . : walls. ·:up to 1. 0. ,feet . on either sidt;t of. tank ·sh~ll be 2-h9u:i;-fire resis:t~Ct;t57 . . . . . ' steel '.tank 'support~--have i-l}our fire .re~'.istance·· if' 'tan~ > ' 1 ft . above ground58'' . ' • spill containment to. hold total° ·tahk contl;lnts. and 25-year ;·. 24-hour rainfall,59 . ' ' :· · • \tfal:ning · labels indicating 'i_nvisible flames·;. ar,.d ... fi:re haz·ard' shall be posted60 · · methoci of remotely, clqsing a shut-off valve from . tank· i·s-needed · · · control. of positive displacement pump :will · suffice . t .... .., . • ·manual 'shut. off valve should be located as close a·s possible to ta.nk6~ • • ' • ' •• ' • • • _-. : , • • • • • , r '• ' .• ) • : :tndoor Pipe Run . . , . . . ' stainl~ss a.teal, nickel::-alloy,. 1ined · .. s1:;eel, 'p,i.pe. 1;:o retaip. high product purl ty62 · seamless copper or brass-is recommended for. sprinklered areas • piping should. en1;:e~ building ~ove · grade level . · · · . · ·_iriterio:i;-pipe·should .b~ run·overhead or in ~renche~ . · inter.io:c.-.pipe r:isers shoul~ .b~ protec')::ed (betwe.en steel flanges>. . . mpst jqints should be.welded; with some fiang~d'joints tp provide for disa~sembly • . provide .flexible hose .:Cle>nnections 'lriher~ equipment. vibrates and/or moves .. met~OdS" for-·l_eak·d~tecti,oii shall be _e~ployed·,. . . , · warning lab~ls·indicating 'invi~ible·flam~s· and ,'fire hazard• shall be posted63 ' • -pipip.g ,sh9uld .be. uniforin;Ly: painted·: and -h~VE:l si·gns, at p.c;,int'(.s) , of diepe:C.-Sl;lm~p.t' . • :. : .. • .. { • • .. ' ' • ' • • .... • • • 'f • • • ",;. • • ~ J' ' • • ~ • • • ·, • ' ': • .. "< . ' footnote . · · . · . • •t \,. . ; ·, · ....... ·.' .... , . ~-, : ',,' ' • .. ' I ~ ' , •, 1 • •, ' ',,f , • •I 51.:·Ui9.4.' UFC; Tabl~ .. 7902~3~A,: O~tdoor 'Liqti.id: Stor.a~ie· in· Containers .. ,. • • • •.," •r ' • ' • • •; •, ,1 w ' '•, ,,: • ',I ' . . 52.··1994_ UFC~· St~nd~rd··a·oq-1.9-.3~ ·veh.icular···p~otection for Materials ·-'. ' · .. · .. ~ ·.-': ._·:. ·. ·. ,.· :·. -· . · ·, . ·, · Haza;r~ous .', ::,., ' ·: . '·· ... -:· ... · .---_.: ', :.:-:_. .. ·: '_.·.~ ... _·:_'. '' .. ' ' . 53·.· l99·4 UFC, Section '790~. 1·. 4·. 1,. Filling· of· Clas's :1:-A liquid 54. f99,f .~FC/S~~fi.6~ -7~0i~4.1~--Eieci;;i~~l:·.' ,-. . .· ' . ' ' • • • o • .,_ ~·._ ' • I • • 55 •. 1994 ,uirc, ·:.~~6tib~i' J90?.:·i~i9:~9~3,' Class·· .. :t ·.tanks.·· .· •,t •• , ,·.. • ' f .• ·1 56. l~l94'. UFC, Tabie ·.79.02·~·2·~A; 'Liq~id·s·:-i~'.-'r~n:k~·-,at-.·~· 2 :-5:·· psig .· : c1·\~n~i~~~r\aan~eg~\~~c~h~b:~C!~· , ~/~~ne· 199_ii . , _-, .. :.· .. · ... ; :, . . .: .' .. , . . --~-· . • ' ~ • • • • ' • ) -~ ... ' ,: I'\ • ;· • ', •• ' ·, • • : ' ' .. ··1 .• . ·. ·' . ~ . \•: . '' . . : • .1···. ...... ,. • • ~ • o • • • I • = . -'. . . ·. · .. .. · :,_ = '. .. 2·1,· :.: . ., "I•' '• '• . ' ' '. . . ,'\' ' ' . ' ., . .' ,.·· · . . . "' ... : .. '·-,· . ....... ·,,, f • ... ,, I • ; ,, .· . ' ' .. . • . . . , ... ..· : . ' ' . ' . : •• l. ~ . 1' .,,., -i,.:,-.~ ' 57. 1994 UFC,· Section 7902.3.3:storage adjacent to buildings 58 •. 1994 UFC, Section 79~2~1._13 •. 4. _.Fire prC!tection of steel supports 59.· 1994 UFC, -Section:·7902.3.4. Spill control 60. 1994 UF~, _Section 7901.9 Labeling and Signs 61. 1994 UFC, Section 7902·."1_.12.l.3. · Valves for tank connections 62. Flmabla' Liquid ·operations, ·Factory Mutual Data Sheet 7-32, _ ·_ ·. J~l,y 1993, pp l_~. 63. 1994 UFC,_ Section :7901.9 Labeling and Signs -.:. . . • r ':. .. . . . cs\engineer\eandiego\doc\hamann2b.doc . 30 June 1996 .. ' ---·-. ·• ~ ... . ~ ... _ . .• • .. ._ ~ ~· -- NON-RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE: Non-Residential Land c;>wner. please read this option carefully and be sure you throughly understand the options before signing. The option you choose will affect your payment of the developed Special Tax assessed on your property. This option is available only at the time of the first blilding permit issuance. Property owry,er signature is required before a building permit 'hill be issued. Your signature is confirming the accuracy~ all parcel and ownership information shown. Carl.sbar! l?,e,qearch Ctr., L. P. 619-440-7424 Name of Owner Telephone 475 W. Bradley Ave. Address 1G,oo £~~0.c..¥ Project Address El Cajon Ca 92020 . Carlsbad CA 92008 City State Zip Code City State Zip Code Assessor's Parcel Number, or APN and l.ot Number if not yet subdivided. c..,~ qc -J 6:"] Building Permit Number ka cited by Ordinance No. NS-155 and adopted by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, the City is authorized to levy a special Tax in Community Facilities district No. 1. All non-residential property, upon the issuance of the first bulding permit, shall have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ONE- TIME or (2) assume the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX-DEVELOPED PROPERTY for a period not to exceed twenty- five (25) years. Please indicate your choice by initialing the appropriate line below: OPTION (1): I elect to pay the SPECIAL DEVJ:LOPMENT TAX ONE-TIM..[ r,,ow~s a one-lime payment Amount{[.f One-1ime Special True: $ \1.Co, ~s-\ , ll'""i' _ Owner's Initials .S, . · . OPTION (2): I elect to pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ANNUALLY for a period not to exceed twenty-five (25) years. Maximum Annual Special Tax: $ ________ . Owner Initial~ ------ I DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PE;NAL 1Y OF F'ERJURY THAT THE UNDERSIGNED IS THE PROPERTY OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND THAT I UNDERSTAND AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE PRQVISIONS AS STATE OVE. Title Jeffrey C. Hamann 8/1/96 Print Name Date ihe City of Carlsbad has not independently verified the information shown above. Therefore, we accept no responsibility a::1 to the accuracy or completeness of this information_ NON-RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE 90 'd CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Cl1Y OF CARLSBAD Plan Check No. Cf (c-14'1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMFNT 2075 LAS PALMAS DR., CARLSBAD, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 This form shall be used to determine the amount of school fees for a project and to verify that the project applicant has complied with the school fee requirements. No building permits for the projects shall be issued until the certification is signed by the appropriate school district and returned to the City of Carlsbad Building Department. SCHOOL DISTRICT: i. Carlsbad Unified ----... 801 Pine Avenue Carlsbad CA 92009 (434:0661) Encinitas Union 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd. Encinitas CA 92024 (944-4300) San Marcos Unified 1290 West San Marcos Blvd. San Mprcos CA 92024 {744-4776) __ San Dieguito Union High School 710 Encinitas Boulevard Encinitas CA 92024 (753-6491) Project Applicant: --="=~=---=----S_,fv'..:.........;,._-\-__ "'-___ · __________ APN: "2l'2.. -t3o -?.Cee Project Address: \(g G-t> f An..A.DA ~ fr..>cL. RESIDENTIAL: SQ. FT. of living area _____ number of dwelling units _____ _ SQ. FT. of covered area ____ -SQ. FT. of gar~ge area ______ _ ~~=~R~A~~L: s~~~---· Date~------ FEE CERTIFICATION / {To be completed by the School District) _L_ Applicant has complied ~ith fee requirement under Government Code 53080 Project is subject to an existing fee agreement -- --Project is exempt from Government Code 53080 Final Map approval and construction started before September 1, 19$6. --(other school fees p~id) Other ___________________________ _ sq. ft.@ i ------3-0--+--- sq. ft.@ ---------,7r---- l PO'd P68088P 'ON XV3 3G WWOO GV8Sl~VO 30 AlIO sv:SI OHl 96-l0-DOV I ~ . . . ·. ; I. I • . AF'R-1 7-'36 L·~ED 15:0'3 61'3 5'37 6201 APR-17-96 ~~~ 14:53 INVITROGEN CORP FAX NO. 619 597 6201 P. 03 . . ~ ' . -f '. ' ! r :·; ,' ·-. ;. :i I .• I •• ~ . , .. I -": !-. i ;• ; . . ' > .'.-' ' :~ j\ • ·, ·.: : ,. ,. :i~~;~~~~-"::::;==::::!::::===:==!;=::':::::_::;::_=·~--=---=-• -~-.·.-~ ~.-.. -:--·~-~c·-;::,;··=··~-J:;-· ~· =.:;====~" ~-" ,;~ ~ ,..,,._~~ ~ t ( .:,. ·-~ ·---~ -~~-: . .q'"':--... i--,_~ ~----=-c.-= •• ·-·-· : "1'~ ' -••• .,. • • ..-; ••• ·,·· .' ~ : \. ~ ~-~ ·-: .. -+~-.1 --~ -Jo..~'--:!"" :·:. ,:,:. Hig~ ,Pile Stoc~.:.r~tento1 y ·.·: .':-~\ :·t , ~-?"1t"lr .. ~;:J.~-----~-...... · .· • ., . . . ..1o..:.1.-_.._~·~--:::::::.=:J-:::.::· ==::::i ~t.lf:f.S:~on!aining. pfac;tiCS Stored ?Ver 6 feet hlgh. ~iff~J~ ~erosol J toducts. List alfoth~t:£ 'p/o~·~cts J-;2 fc~ct high. List all tlammab1c and combustible _hqui<:fs over 1 , ontai.n~r high. . · ·._ . '· >. List all .(HO<: stqrcd over ~!~;J;tj;j,iu·/-r;qe/J :. ---·------:~-Pho, eN,o;::-~/t/~Sct~f;"":!;/t.&\~-?-?.- .i ~ft~~? -13_ .s§k~ e-fl,4t, (/ cdJ e,y ! i¥~ ·. . :; :-,[.:~T~J-C _ ~ -Company ----· Address: ----------·-_,.. 9-~ ·---------~---· .... ,._. Ceil :1g Height: \ -(~ .. -~;i;;; Design Density: , _ _._'. /t Spri kler Head Temp. --:;_:~-.:,_r_,,_ ___ -__ Plan File N ·-------- -·r~::-·..-:::---:-----~ -. . : .. J .. i:-. ---{I ~ f 0)ta_ge of storage including t½jsfes and 15 feet o_tj'all si~e.s; ,. .. ; . · :: ·._.. , .-.-.· Existing Sp --.. - Total squnr: ~·"~~ . ~1-mLVINO. ENCAPS-': : ~~GE. PAJ1ETS CARTONS. AISLn SOIJD · ULA1l-::O · · HEIGHT OR BAGS-·.--.w'irini PRooucrs . . NON SOI..ID ;·. RACKS amr:.R :·:. . . _' i~-t; _,.__,/t?,...."!J,___Tt~r:t-,-fl-L-S~-.So~-.kb ·-_____ . __,_,.-J-l_,_,_7_' -_fh_/ _____ r1,_~ __ if ~J}o_1_-~--i, ~ ~ ,t: . . ~.1, . ..:.;:..·=---------~----~----'----"---J..C..,:.._~--.......:.----1----..;..' .. t ·. ·;'·· -/11ci1ii: -· --.. ._. .':, .... · ·-:-·-:-7:"'-::--··-II ____ .,.. __ i,_-~ "·..:.------~-----.....,_ __ ......, ---=~ . •;/1 · ~ ·' -;•-f-.~:~.:-~:--------------:-_;,: .. _-__ }::-~_-~_:_· ... ,,_ ---:;-- t_f,.:.:..,.--.·---------:i-----... -------'--:-"l',....,..---ff-----¼--~------. ~: . --- J~:~~--~-------------~-.:...:-... !-.2:_ ____ fi' ________ --'-. !J..,:j -___ i :.---~ -:_. I • :'• ·.:~ '• - --------·---..:-~ ·-". . ·-~;-----~--...... --------~~~:..:.. -:~.; _ .......... i··--i, J . ' .. . ''< . ,.__. ··' '• -, ' , ' • ' I ._ •••• •,....__ ___ ll ---;---..r . .-.-~-~----t-----. . --·--·--~--t---·-------:-. -:;_. ___ ,.,,_ : -------~-r :~ -~-~--} ,. ·, . . \~ --~-+--.. -=.. ... ,., .... _..:.~ ~---_______:__ -.· ·-{ .-··--·--------~-------·-+--+--c--·---ti -·~--... .;. _________ ..,., -" ... ...:: ... ...,..,_ _________________ ,._ _____ ...., __ _,_, __ . -~-•,--~------~ ---~;..-~--ii .... •, -·--' , 'I ~ ~~¥-~f-----------------1- . --- This i;fon 11' Any devhitt I hereby Ct:.; ... . ·--- Signature<.) " Fire Protec{ A. Comm,, ------·-?-B. Sprin1-:1;,. >-·--------._, C. Fig: ---------"; D. Cuf\l~s .,. ___ i B. Sprinkle .._._._._ By: t --<' ·, ·.=-: ~ • ·"l AF'F.'-1 7-96 i,JED 15:09 619 597 6201 F'.02 FAX NO. 619 597 6201 P. 03 ~ : . , : : i i ( ·. I . ·. ~ '·' ..... ·· ~ ~ ;2___ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0-_,..________ ~ " 0-r f (\ ~ t ~ (' -t .--. }- ' .o --\-) D ~I -~ I I I. f •I' 1 z .. ~ :x>· t ·. '~ '.. ·-,:t "-""-' I ' ~ ' ' : . 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AJJi_t:.::trner.t:c.:: r,:otal f,:::,e::Jt :. ;L.!_ ;,,\•,:'>; J)tv.:: ~ ;: t:,, \.10 H> cl~ccnption 11»>·-t"· ,£',,.,,,,-.,~ E:ct f,,,, Dst'• -----------------------' --' -------' ' ~--.. :\--" --' -_ ~;;-: · --" ----------------- ['ldn C'h~cl: ,:,evi "ion r" ,, ·' ' . 4 % ''"' ' ,;\ 06. "" 7 \ '~, ,_ ~ \ I .:I ,' l , ',.., ,- J , / ,. \ . V ' ,/ --· _/FINAL APPROVAL INSP .. =---™--DATE __ _ CLEARANCE ==~---- CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 Df\TE: January 19, 1997 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad . ; ~ EsGil Corporation Professional Pfan ~view 'Engineers PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-757 Rev No. 2 SET: III PROJECT ADDRESS: 1600 Faraday Avenue D APPLICANT D JURIS. D FIRE D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE PROJECT NAME: Office, Manufacturing, Warehouse (INVITROGEN) •. The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's uuuuu codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. , The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: ) Telephone#: cg} REMARKS: Hand ca_rried back to the City by Paul Giese. OK'ed by Mike Peterson. By: Abe Doliente Esgil Corporation D GA D CM D EJ D PC Enclosures: 2/19/97 login trnsmtLdot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation Professionaf Pfan. ~view 'E.ngineers DATE: February 6, 1997 JURISDICTION: C~rlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-757 Rev No. 2 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1600 Faraday Avenue SET:11 D APPLICANT r-:i? JORIS. ~ . D PLAN REV ER D FILE PROJECT NAME: Office, Manufacturing, Warehouse (INVITROGEN) D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's ****,.,.,.,.*** codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's ***,.,.,.,.*** codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. • The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. • The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Kenneth D. Smith & Associates 435 W. Bradley Avenue, Suite C, El Cajon, CA 92020 • Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the ·applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed .. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Abe Doliente Enclosures: Esgil Corporation 0 GA 0 CM D EJ 0 PC 1/30/97 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fa-x: (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 96-757 Rev No. 2 II February 6, 1997 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1600 Faraday Avenue DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 1/30/97 REVIEWED BY: Abe Doliente FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-757 Rev No. 2 SET: II DATE RECHECK COMPLETED: February 6, 1997 This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints to: ESGIL CORPORATION. 8. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. C. The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews. The original correction number has been given for your reference. In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items. D. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? DYes DNo Carlsbad 96-757 Rev No. 2 II February 6, 1997 4. Final sets of plans must be signed and sealed/stamped by the California licensed architect or engineer. Please include the license expiration date and the date the plans are signed. + PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS + PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek • PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 6. Please revise the plumbing plans to match the revised floor plans on sheet A4. See revised Boiler Room# 130 and wall between Unimproved Space# 144 and R & D # 135 (move vent). Also, sink relocated in Maintenance Shop # 103. • ENERGY CONSERVATION 8. Provide complete energy designs for the proposed changes in envelope, lighting, and mechanical systems. Provide the completed revised L TG forms showing energy compliance. 10. The corrected, completed and signed revised L TG-1 forms must be imprinted on the plans. Note: If you have any questions regarding this plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. EsGil Corporation Professionaf Plan !l{_eview 'Engineers DATE: December 31, 1996 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-757 Rev No. 2 . PROJECT ADDRESS: 1600 Faraday Avenue SET:I D~CANT o@!i) D FIRE D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE . PROJECT NAME: Office, Manufacturing, Warehouse (INVITROGEN) D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's l<kl<kl<kkl<J..l<k codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's J..kl<l<kl<kl<l<k codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. • The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. • The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Kenneth D. Smith & Associates 435 W. Bradley Avenue, Suite C, El Cajon, CA 92020 • Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: D REMARKS: By: Abe Doliente Esgil Corporation (by: • GA D CM D EJ D PC ) Telephone #: Enclosures: 12/19/96 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 96-757 Rev No. 2 December 31, 1996 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1600 Faraday Avenue DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 12/19/96 REVIEWED BY: Abe Doliente FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-757 Rev No. 2 DATE REVIEW COMPLETED: December 31, 1996 This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints to: ESGIL CORPORATION. 2. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. 3. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? D Yes D No 4. Final sets of plans must be signed and sealed/stamped by the California licensed architect or engineer. Please include the license expiration date and the date the plans are signed. 5. Please see the following corrections for plumbing, mechanical and energy corrections: Carlsbad 96-757 Rev No. 2 December 31, 1996 + PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS + JlJRISDICTION: Carlsbad DATE: 12/31/96 + PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 96-757 Rev.(PCR96-82) SET: I + PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek • PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 6. Please revise the plumbing plans to match the revised floor plans on sheet A4. See revised Boiler Room # 130 and wall between Unimproved Space# 144 and R & D # 135 (move vent). Also,. sink relocated in Maintenance Shop # 103. • MECHANICAL (1994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 7. Sheet M4, Reflected Ceiling Plan, does not match revised sheet A4. Please correct. • ENERGY CONSERVATION 8. Provide complete energy designs for the proposed changes in envelope, lighting, and mechanical systems. Provide the completed ENV-, L TG-, and MECH-forms showing energy compliance. 9. On the plans clearly show the wall and roof insulation locations, thickness, and R- values, as per the energy design. Show the required insulation between the conditioned and non-conditioned spaces. 10. The corrected, completed and signed ENV-1, LTG-1, and MECH-1 forms must be imprinted on the plans. 11. Complete energy plan check will be done when complete corrected energy designs are provided. Note: If you have any questions regarding this plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. 12. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Abe Doliente at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. ' .. Carlsbad 96-757 Rev No. 2 December 31, 1996 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 9·6-757 Rev No. 2 PREPARED BY: Abe Doliente DATE: December 31, 1996 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1600 Faraday Avenue BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B/F-1/S-l TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: 111-N BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER ($) REVISION NO. 2 TO THE APPROVED SET OF PLANS Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ • 1991 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 435. 75 Type of Review: • Complete Review D Structural Only • Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 348.60 Comments: Hourly, 4 hours@ 87.15 X 1.25 = $ 435.75 Esgil Fire Services Review Fee: $ Comments: Sheet of macvalue.doc 5196 City of Carlsbad 96036 Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check Date of Report: Friday, December 20, 1996 Reviewed by: h,. Ao' A Contact Name Ken Smith Address 435 W. Bradley Av City, State El Cajon CA 92020 Bldg. Dept. No. PCR96-082 Planning No. Job Name lnvitrogen/Lot 100 Job Address _1_6_00_Fa_ra_d_a~y _____________ _ Ste. or Bldg. No. ____ _ ~ Approved -The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. D Disapproved -Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st. __ _ 2nd. __ _ 3rd __ _ Other Agency ID CFO Job# __ 96_0_3_6 __ File# ___ _ 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121