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1605 JAMES DR; ; 83-510; Permit
.,, z 0 ;= C "' .. .. u .. 0 .. i[ 0 u .. .. 0 .. 3 .. ii: .. z ~ z 0 s z .. .. ,. 0 u .,, "' .. "' "' 0 3 ![ O I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is 1n full force and ellect. Lie No ----Cl,m I heretly aft,m, lhat I am exempt lrom the Contrac tor's License Law lor the following mason 1sec 7031 S Business and Pro1ess1ons Code Any c,Ty or county wh,CT, re QU,res a perm,t to cons1ruct. alter, ,mprove. ctemol,sh. or reoa,r any structure pr,or to its ,ssuance also 'eQu,res !heap plrcant for such pe"llll 10 t,le a s,qned statement that he ,s licensed pursuant 10 the provosIons o1 the Contracmr's license Law (Chapte• 9 commenc,ng with Sernon 7000 ol D1v1s,on 3 of the Busrness and Proless1ons Gode; or \hal ,sex· empt the,efrom and lhe Ns1s for me allegM exemphon Any v1olat1on o1 Section 7031.5 by an applicant for a permI1 sub· 1ects !he applicant to a c,v,I penalty of not more than flve hun dred dollars ($500) I. as owner of the property or my employees with wages as Jhe,r sole compensation, will do the work. and the struc· ture ,snot intended or ot!ered 1or sale (Sec 7044. Business and Professions Gode The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner ol property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work hImseI1 or through his own employees. provided tMI such improvements are not intend ed or o!lered for safe If, however, the bu1ld1ng or improve- ment is sold within one year o1 completion, the owner-builder will have the burden ol proving that he did not build or im- prove for the purpose ol sale) '.J I, as owner of the property, am e~clusively contrac1mg with licensed contractors 10 construct the proiec1 (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or im- proves thereon, and wtio contracts for each proJects with a contractor(s) license pursuant lo the Contractor's License ~., □ As a homeowner I am improving my home. and the follow Ing conditions ex1s1 1 The work 1s being pertormea prior 10 sale 2 I have lived in my home ror twelve months prior to completion of th,s work I have no1 c1a1mea this exemp11on during the last three years D I am exempt under Sec. ______ , B & P C 1or this reason D I hereby affirm tha1 I ha~e a cert,t,cate o! consent to self-insure. or a ceni!,cale of Wor~er5 Compensa1,on ln'>u•ance, or a cert,hed copy !hereol (Sec 3800. Labor Code) POUCYNO COMPANY O Copy IS tiled w,th the city D Cert111ed copy 1!> hereby furn,shed CERTIFICATl OF EXE.MPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Th,s sec1,on neeCJ not be completed 11 the perm,, ,s tor one hundred dollars (SHlll or less) 0 I cert,ty that ,n 1he performance ol the won< tor which 1h!s permit 1s ,ssued. I shall not employ any person ,n any manner so as to become sub1ect lo 1he Won<e,s· Compensat,on Ulws ot Cai.torr11a NOTICE TO APPLICANT II. atte, makmJ !hIs Cert, !,cate o! E•emp11on. you should become sub1ect v, the Wor11.ers· Compensa11on prov,smns o! !he Lllt>or Code you mus1 lorth.,.,th comply w1\h su(h pm.-,s,on!, o, !h,s pe,m,1 shall be deemed •evoked D I he,eby affirm lhal there ,~ a con~lruct,on Iend1ng agency to, Jhe peno,m.1nce of the i,,or1< lur wrhcl'l 1h•s perm,t •s issued ,Se, 1091 C,,,o Code1 Lender 5 Name ___________ _ Lenders Add,es~ __________ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRE~S HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DE~ARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, Calltornia 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 NEARESTllROSS= CONTRACTOR -~ OESIGNEA ( •••·• -·--------~ "r~-,--------:-·-~··q _ > s . ,. , I QEStGf4E~·~ ~op~!\!~:-.. --:·-4,m.:;:-c .. -syx. _ ·; ~.!':. * ¥· y, 1. r·,·· -⇒-, CENSUS TRACl RES UNITS QTY.I PLUMBING PERMIT · ISSUE GRADING PERMIT ISSUED y O N 0 F/P FLR ELEV. vO NO REDEVELOPMENT AREA YO NO QTY.I MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE EACH FIXTURE TRAP I II ] INSTALL FURN DUCTS iJP TO 100,000 BTU EACH BUILDING SEWER I ~ I OVER 100 000 BTU EACH WATER HEATER AND/OR VENT I s01LER1COMPRESSOR uP TO 3 HP. ¾ NO STORIES TYPE CONST v~I EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS +-BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP 1 • EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 0 R MO RE METAL FIREPLACE 1 • eUsfNEss i..lCENSE # PERMIT NUMBER I CONTRACTOffSPHONE• I /o~[ 1 ' --I €;3-5/ C UOEMSENO. LICENSE# ~SIGN~'S IP~ONE ..... ace GP EDU OCCLOAD / FIRE SPA YO NO PLAN I.O. # BLDG USE CODE N)D, STANDARD PLAN # BUILDING SO F~TAGE l't/,. • . .,:; I-f-' ttt•1;1J:rr ~ ~. ,. Not Vc1lid Unless ~chine Cerrified SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER BUILDING PERMIT 01-00-00-8220 SIGN PERMIT 01-00-00-8221 PLAN CHECK07:45 /?-li.il'I~! -8222 ELECTRICAL 01-00-00-8223 ~oo M>TI-IA'-llrlll EACH INSTAL.. ALTER. REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT 1 ■ ,.,~~--~,.,,,.,~ 01-00-00·8224 EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST HOOD/DUCTS 1 • WATER SOFTNER ) ll ) RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE') r□TAL MTCHANfCAL TOTAL PLUMBING QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT· ISSUE _5,.cr' QTY./ SOLAR · ISSUE NEW CONST EA AMP.'SWT BK R COLLECTORS I PH J PH STORAGE TANKS EXIST BLOG EA AMPISWT.'BKR ROCK STORAGE 1 PH 3 PH PUMP REMODEL ·AL HR PER CIRCUIT --PLAN CHECK FEE TEMPPOLE ?OOAMPS OVER 200 AMPS TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 DAYSI TOIAL ELELTRICAl TOT Al SOLAR MOBILEHOME 01-00-00·8225 MOBILEHOME PARK INSP SOLAR ____fil_:_QO.:. STRONG ~OTION ____ 80·92-33-0519 --- FIRE SPRINKLERS 01-00·00-8227 PUBLIC FAClLlTIES FEE 32-00-00-8933 BRIDGE FEE SCHOOL FEE · DISTRICT Carlsbad 80-92-21-0519 Encinitas 80-92-22-0519 San Diegu1to 80-92-23-0519 San Marcos 80-92-24-0519 LICENSE TAX 01-00-00-8162 CREDIT DEPOSIT TOTAL FEES PAYABLE ai. ~ .-• • ½ "" --._ •' ✓---~-,_;---·-~+--- .,, Al(.:~IS AmllUIEl>..,.,~A-OY£R ~' -,----!)!I~ •', s-~•~'l"""--., ::;novEDs, il.J _ . '#lr-.i,Wli 1tll I7r ' £...±. DATE I f~t1,•6? ~ lL >-:, 0 0. E © f- l "O 0 (!) E ro _,,. 0. 0. «- I X C a: 0 "' "' © "' "' "' I ~ g ,; >- '" "' © " 0 a: ro ;; 0 §" © " C ro C u: ,:. C © © i5 0 0 © 0. "' C ~ re s: TYPE BUILDING FOUNDATION REINFORCED STEEL MASONRY GUNITE OR GROUT I ' I I FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME = SHEATHING D ROOF D SHl;AR FRAME EXTERIOR LATH INSULATION INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL PLUMBING SEWER AND BUCO DIPUCO ' I ' UNDERGROUND D WASTE D \fJATER TOP OUT D WASTE D WATER TUB AND SHOWER PAN GAS TEST -I D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WPITER ELECTRICAL I D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC , D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPO.B_ARY D BONDING D POOL 1 MECHANICAL D DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS VENTILATING SYSTEMS DATE INSPECTOR CALL FOR FINAL /NSPECTl()N WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HAV~BEEN APPROVED. FINAL I PLUMBING ELECTRICAL I MECHANICAL I GAS BUILDING I SPECIAL CONDITIONS I -l I FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTION SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PS! PRESTRESSED CONCRETE POST TENSIONED CONCRETE FIELD WELDING HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS SPECIAL MASONRY PILES CAISSONS - REQ IF I INSPECTOR'S CHECKED APPROVAL ~~-~,o INSPECTOR'S NOTES DATE \ .~ ,-, -~~ • 0:: u.J ::,: u.J SCHOOL FEES: SAN DIEGUITO. ______ _ CARLSBAD _______ _ FENCES/WALLS ___ --'--t---1----=::::.....a::--- TWO CAR GARAGE. ____ _:=------ DATE ------ ;: ~ COMMENTS: ---------------------------~ ~ REDEVELOPl!ENT APPROVAL REQUIRED:_-4/1)---"'-_4.....;... ____________ _ LANDSCAPE PLAN COMMENTS: ____ AJ_,_A-+---------------- ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIRED.:..: --~"""-""-""~:..,.,z...-=.... ______________ _ DATE: ---------- ***********************************.*********************************************** ENGINEERING LEGAL DESCRIPTION VERIFIED? ~-A.P.N. CHECKED?~ p. F .F • __ M:...+-M-'-1/-1,___ PARK IN LIEU --~M,0~~;...,:.._ _______ _ J;1/) ~µA R.O.\~: 'Ll"-I' IMPROVEMENTS: ___ L./.::.,,....v'LL!_/L..:.. _________ _ / I _______________ E.D.U: 0:: u..J ::,: u.J -u..J > .... u..J <C 0:: a SEWER: ~ LATERAL: __ ...c.~-C+--0..c..r,4-..;..______ DRIVEWAY: ---'-49~¼4'-"'---'------- GRADING PERMIT: ____ __,Aj~¼~L.'A..1. _______________ _ DRAINAGE: _ ___;M~0~~~----------------- 7 :1/(-1 EASEMENTS: ---.L~..,,c.....:..;,,,t--=-------ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: _______ _ OK TO ISSUE, ~ ~-_ DATE,_~~~.l,,J~!.:..¾~lf:1~------ * ENGINEERING ..1-Nl,ri,,,.CTION REQUIRED : __ ..1.#o:.....z:.!. ~-------------- DATE:\~ ~\. BUILDING DEPARll'lENT WILL MAKE ALL INSPECTIONS (DRIVEWAYS, CURB CUT, DRAINAGE, ETC.)