HomeMy WebLinkAbout1610 BUENA VISTA WAY; ; CBR2017-2481; Recycle{ Cicyof Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL GREEN BUILDING CODE STANDARDS MANDATORY MEASURES CERTIFICATION CHECKLIST Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov 8-51 . . This form, signed and completed, and all receipts for the recycled materials shall be submitted to the Building Inspector prior to Final Inspection. Site Development Mandatory 4.106.2 A plan is developed and implemented to manage storm water drainage during construction. (X) 4.106.3 The site shall be planned and developed to keep surface water away from buildings. (X) Construction plans shall indicate how site grading or a drainage system will manage all surface water flows. Energy Efficiency 4.201.1 Low-rise residential buildings shall meet or exceed the minimum standard design required by (X) the California Energy Standards. Water Efficiency and Conservation Indoor Water Use 4.303.1 Indoor water use shall be reduced by at least 20 percent using one of the following methods: ( X) 1. Water saving fixtures or flow restrictors shall be used. 7/01/2011 2. A 20 percent reduction in baseline water use shall be demonstrated. 4.303.2 When using the calculation method specified in Section 4.303.1, multiple showerheads shall not (X) exceed maximum flow rates. 7/01/2011 4.303.3 Plumbing fixtures (water closets and urinals) and fittings (faucets and shower heads) shall (X) comply with specified performance requirements. 7/01/2011 Outdoor Water Use 4.304.1 Automatic irrigation systems controllers installed at the time of final inspection shall be weather-(X) based. Enhanced Durability and Reduced Maintenance 4.406.1 Joints and openings. Annular spaces around pipes, electric cables, conduits or other openings in plates at exterior walls shall be protected against the passage of rodents by closing such openings (X) with cement mortar, concrete masonry or similar method acceptable to the enforcing agency. Construction Waste Management Plan 4.408.1 A minimum of 65 percent of the construction waste generated at the site is diverted to recycle or ( X) salvage. Recycled material receipts from approved recyclers must be attached to this form. 4.408.2 Where a local jurisdiction does not have a construction and demolition waste management (X) ordinance, construction waste management plan, per form B-59, shall be submitted for approval to the enforcino aoencv. Building Maintenance and Operation 4.410.1 An ooeration and maintenance manual shall be orovided to the buildino occuoant or owner. IX) Environmental Quality Fireplaces 4.503.1 Any installed gas fireplace shall be a direct-vent sealed-combustion type. Any installed woodstove or pellet stove shall comply with US EPA Phase II emission limits where applicable. ( X) Woodstoves, oellet stoves and fireolaces shall also comolv with annlicable local ordinances. B-51 Page 1 of.2 Rev. 5/17 Pollutant Control 4.504.1 Duct openings and other related air distribution component openings shall be covered during construction. (X) 4.504.2.1 Adhesive, sealants and caulks shall be compliant with voe and other toxic compound (X) limits. ( X) 4.504.2.2 Paints, stains and other coatings shall be compliant with voe limits. (X) 4.504.2.3 Aerosol paints and coatings shall be compliant with product weighted MIR limits for ROC and other toxic compounds. (X) 4.504.2.4 Documentation shall be provided to verify that compliant voe limit finish materials have been used. (X) 4.504.3 Carpet and carpet systems shall be compliant with voe limits. 4.504.4 50 percent of floor area receiving resilient flooring shall comply with VOC-emission limits (X) defined in the Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) Low-emitting Materials List or be certified under the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) FloorScore program. (X) 4.504.5 Particleboard, medium density fiberboard (MDF) and hardwood plywood used in interior finish svstems shall complv with low formaldehvde emission standards. Interior Moisture Control 4.505.2 Vapor retarder and capillary break is installed at slab on grade foundations. (X) 4.505.3 Moisture content of building materials used in wall and floor framing is checked before (X) enclosure. Indoor Air Quality and Exhaust 4.506.1 Exhaust fans which terminate outside the buildina are provided in everv bathroom. (X) Environmental Comfort 4.507.1 Whole house exhaust fans shall have insulated louvers or covers which close when the (X) fan is off. Covers or louvers shall have a minimum insulation value of R-4.2. 4.507.2 Duct systems are sized, designed, and equipment is selected using the following methods: (X) 1. Establish heat loss and heat gain values according to ACCA Manual J or equivalent. 2. Size duct systems according to ACCA 29-D (Manual D) or equivalent 3. Select heatina and caolina eauioment accordina to ACCA 36-S /Manual S) or eauivalent. Installer and Special Inspector Qualifications 702.1 HVAC system installers are trained and certified in the proper installation of HVAC ( X) systems. 702.2 Special inspectors employed by the owner must be qualified and able to demonstrate ( X) competence in the disci~ line thev are insoectina. I, as the professional responsible for this project, certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the mandatory items listed on this form have been incorporated into the project in order to comply with Title 24, Part 11 of the 2016 California Green Building Standards. All receipts for recycled materials have been attached to this form. Project Address: I bl o {b)r,,.Np, W;T"k WT, ~M'1M4 CA-"!~ Plan Check Number: cl3µ.'.2o17-:2-4t, ( Print Name: t,llt,J,}4r,;, (.... bff.--1-\MJ! Signed: w~ License Number: C, +'Ill 6 Date: 'f-.9•f1 B-51 Page 2 of 2 Rev. 5/17 (city of Carlsbad Owner: WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN B-59 Contractor: Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Permit#: Estimated Cost of Project: $ __ ;i~o_O~;_O_O~O ________ _ Type of Project: 18J New Construction D Remodel or T.I. gi Residential D Commercial D Demolition (check all that apply) D Other --------------------------------- Non-hazardous construction waste generated during the course of this project shall be recycled and/or salvaged for re-use at a minimum of 65% per CALGreen Sec. 5.408.1. Failure to comply may result in a penalty fee up to $1,000. For projects which consist of mainly equipment and/or racking, that have a combined weight of new construction disposal that does not exceed 2 lbs per square foot of building area affected by this permit, may be deemed to meet the 65% minimum requirement upon approval of Building Department. ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF COMPLIANCE: (If selected, do not complete Tables 1 & 2 below) D Construction waste shall not exceed 2 lbs. per sf. of area. All receipts shall be provided to the Building Official prior to final. (This option not applicable for most construction projects.) Square feet of construction area ________ X 2 lbs. -________ lbs.of allowable waste. 0 I plan on using a WASTE MANAGEMENT roll-off bin. All receipts shall be provided to the Building Official prior to final. Table 1-Estimated Waste (To be filled out prior to permit issuance -refer to example on Page 2.) MATERIALS lbs. of waste to be taken to lbs. of waste to be Waste Hauling Company or Re-Use Method LANDFILL RE-USED or RECYCLED Asphalt/ Concrete 0 1,500 Id~~ ~i6Pf-ff/VI Brick/ Masonry 0 0 Cardboard 0 'iOO Drywall 0 1,000 Landscape Debris 0 0 Lumber/ Wood 0 I, r;r;o Metals 0 "500 Mixed Waste 2-,roo 0 Trash / Garbae"e 700 0 ' / Other: TOTAL lbs: ?-r-JoO "i"IMO Estimated Percentage to be Re-Used or Recycled __ 6_~ ___ % vided herein, to the best of my knowledge, is true and correct. Contractor or Owner (signature} Date Official Use Only D Plan Approved D Plan Denied D Project Valuation Approved Reviewed/ Approved by: __________________ _ Page 1 of 2 REV.01-2017 Table 2 -Actual Waste (To be completed after construction.) MATERIALS lbs. of waste taken to lbs. of waste Waste Hauling Company or Re-Use Method LANDFILL RE-USED or RECYCLED (complete only if different than Table 1) Asphalt/ Concrete 0 ~c:,4-,; W&re ~~Nt Brick/ Masonry 0 0 Cardboard 0 ~( Drywall 0 /r-i,e,z Landscape Debris 0 Cl Lumber/ Wood 0 ~Ok, Metals 0 0~1 Mixed Waste '!,~i(-7 I 0 Trash I Garba6 e {(Z. 1<:i 0 ' 1...- Other: TOTAL lbs.: •ftC-10 C,te,tO Actual Percentage Re-Used or Recycled, _ ____::;__,"fc..:.:2::..:Z--=-_% Official Use Only , ~ 0 65% Goal Achieved/ v5% Goal Not Achieved O Alternative Compliance Achieved Penalty Paid $ _______ _ approved by: {/v\ {p£bk.s; EXAMPLE: Use the following example as a guide to completing this form. MATERIALS lbs. of waste to be taken to lbs. of waste to be LANDFILL RE-USED or RECYCLED J\sphal t / Corn.:rctc 0 3000 Brick/ Masonry 100 9S0 Cardboard 0 L"0 Drywall 0 50 Landscape Debris 0 l::>0 Lumber/ Wood 500 0 Metals 300 200 Mixed Waste i500 0 rrash I Garbage 300 0 Other: Pool c;l,(1/l,Lte 0 soo TOTAL lbs.: :J..r00 5,.370 Percentage to be Re-Used or Recycled 6 7 % Formula: Total Re used or Recycled X 100 = % Re-Used or Recycled (Total Combined Waste) Waste Hauling Company or Re-Use Method AE-C H~ullvco Co. WM / Re-lASeCI l'xlck?, Ovc-slte ,0 lsC Wn ullvco en. AlsC H~ullvco Co. Mulched E Re-used Ovvslte wast-e M~vc~oel'¾eV\,t WM / A J?oC Hil ullvcg WM WM tA.secl ns Crushed lsnse ovc-~Lte 5370 X 100 = 67% Re-Used or Recycled (2700 + 5370) Since 67% exceeds the minimum requirement of 65%, this plan complies. Page 2 of 2 WASTE MANAGEMENT DUMPSITE/LANDFILL Palomar Landfill (PAL) 5960 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92008 ' ' DATE OF SERVICE SVC TICKET# 11/8/2018 674951 11/13/2018 682776 11/21/2018 698358 11/27/2018 702997 12/13/2018 736279 12/18/2018 743396 1/15/2019 791262 1/24/2019 807687 1/29/2019 814238 2/27/2019 862080 3/5/2019 871460 3/11/2019 881811 3/13/2019 886475 4/29/2019 973724 5/6/2019 986519 5/16/2019 15755 7/3/2019 106063 7/11/2019 127274 7/16/2019 138560 8/1/2019 177637 8/6/2019 184379 8/14/2019 197946 8/23/2019 214206 Total Tons Total Tons Diverted Total Tons Landfilled Total Diversion GENERAL CONTRACTOR: PACIFIC LEGACY HOMES 1610 BUENA VISTA WAY CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 Construction & Recycling Services 5701 5. Eastern Ave., STE 300, Commerce, CA 90040 714-480-2317 (Direct) 866-459-3985 (Fax) C&D SORT & TRANSFER FACILITY EDCO CDI Recycling & Buy Back Center 224 s Las Posas Rd Acct: 150-70930 Sales Rep: Victoria Brown dispatch@empireconstruciton.com Prepared Date· 09/10/2019 San Marcos CA 92078 ' Total Tons RECY BIN SIZE MATERIAL TYPE Tons RCY RATE% FACILITY 3 Yard MIXED DEMO 0.25 0.21 82.00% EDCO SAN MARCOS (DEMO) -(EDC) 3 Yard MSW /Trash 0.25 0.00 0.00% Palomar Landfill (MSW Trash) -(PAL) 3 Yard MIXED DEMO 0.25 0.21 82.00% EDCO SAN MARCOS (DEMO) -(EDC) 3 Yard MIXED DEMO 0.25 0.21 82.00% EDCO SAN MARCOS (DEMO) -(EDC) 3 Yard MIXED DEMO 0.25 0.21 82.00% EDCO SAN MARCOS (DEMO) -(EDC) 3 Yard MIXED DEMO 0.25 0.21 82.00% EDCO SAN MARCOS (DEMO) -(EDC) 3 Yard MSW /Trash 0.25 0.00 0.00% Palomar Landfill (MSW Trash) -(PAL) 3 Yard MSW /Trash 0.25 0.00 0.00% Palomar Landfill (MSW Trash) -(PAL) 3 Yard MSW /Trash 0.25 0.00 0.00% Palomar Landfill (MSW Trash) -(PAL) 3 Yard MIXED DEMO 0.25 0.21 84.00% EDCO SAN MARCOS (DEMO) -(EDC) 3 Yard MIXED DEMO 0.25 0.21 84.00% EDCO SAN MARCOS (DEMO) -(EDC) 3 Yard MIXED DEMO 0.25 0.21 84.00% EDCO SAN MARCOS (DEMO) -(EDC) 3 Yard MIXED DEMO 0.25 0.21 84.00% EDCO SAN MARCOS (DEMO) -(EDC) 3 Yard MSW /Trash 0.25 0.00 0.00% Palomar Landfill (MSW Trash) -(PAL) 3 Yard MSW /Trash 0.25 0.00 0.00% Palomar Landfill (MSW Trash) -(PAL) 3 Yard MIXED DEMO 0.25 0.22 88.00% EDCO SAN MARCOS (DEMO) -(EDC) 3 Yard MIXED DEMO 0.25 0.22 88.00% EDCO SAN MARCOS (DEMO) -(EDC) 3 Yard MSW /Trash 0.25 0.00 0.00% Palomar Landfill (MSW Trash) -(PAL) 3 Yard MIXED DEMO 0.25 0.22 88.00% EDCO SAN MARCOS (DEMO) -(EDC) 3 Yard MIXED DEMO 0.25 0.22 88.00% EDCO SAN MARCOS (DEMO) -(EDC) 3 Yard MIXED DEMO 0.25 0.22 88.00% EDCO SAN MARCOS (DEMO) -(EDC) 3 Yard MIXED DEMO 0.25 0.22 88.00% EDCO SAN MARCOS (DEMO) -(EDC) 3 Yard MIXED DEMO 0.25 0.22 88.00% EDCO SAN MARCOS (DEMO) -(EDC) 5.75 3.41 2.35 59.22%