HomeMy WebLinkAbout1610 BUENA VISTA WAY; ; CBR2020-2438; PermitPrint Date: 10/15/2020 Permit No: CBR2020-2438 Building Permit Finaled Residential Permit Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel #: Valuation: Occupancy Group: 1610 BUENA VISTA WAY, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BLDG-Residential 1561426000 $0.00 Work Class: Lot #: Project #: P/M/E Status: Applied: Issued: 09/29/2020 09/29/2020 Finaled Close Out: #of Dwelling Units: Track #: Plan #: Closed - Finaled TKers Plan Check #: Project Title: Inspector:Orig. Plan Check #:Bathrooms: Description:ANDRE: CHNAGE OUT CONDENSER (E-REVIEW) Final Inspection:10/15/2020 Bedrooms:Construction Type: Property Owner: DEREK ANDRE 1610 BUENA VISTA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Contractor: OAK ISLAND HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING INC 1250 PACIFIC OAKS PL, # STE 103 ESCONDIDO, CA 92029-2908(760) 839-8383 AMOUNTFEE PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL PERMIT $175.00 Total Fees:$175.00 Total Payments To Date:$175.00 Balance Due:$0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 ï 760-602-2700 ï 760-602-8560 f ï www.carlsbadca.gov Building Division Page 1 of 1 {"Cityof Carlsbad cbr2020-2438(:_ City of Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-1 Plan Check -------- Est. Value -------- PC Deposit -------- Date -------- JobAddrcss llt>I Q BiA e-¥1 /?,. Vj ',:@ Way Sulto:. ___ APN: _______ _ CT/Projcct#: _______________ LOt#:. ___ _ Fire Sprinklers: yes/no Ai<Condition;oi: yes/no Electricall'andU~: BRIEF D£50llPTION OF WORK: ... G:"h~a"-n-'-''#Yr=--'o'--'u'-"-'-t___,G>o=-'-=d=,e-n==-,..:ii?c=-.... ().,.Y].,_,.,,{ iJ----yes/no 0 Addition/New:_ LivingSF, ___ O<!dtSF, ___ Patio SF, Gor;,gc SF is this to create ;:in Accessory Owcllins Unit? Yes / No New Fireplace? Yes/ No1 if yes how many? _ 0 R~model: ____ SF of affected are~ Is the area a conve.rsion or cha nee of use? Yes/ No 0 Pool/Spa: ____ SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features? __________ _ □ Sobt-: ___ KW, _ Modules,Mounted:Roof/Ground, TIit Yes/No, RMA:Y.s/No,S.tte,y: YM/No P>n<el Upgrade: Yes/ No CI Rcroof: ______________________________ _ G( Plumbiog/Mcd\ankal/Electrlcal Only: _____________________ _ u Other: _____________________________ _ DESIGN PROF~ONAL CONTRACTOR BUSINESS :::.:-. ---. ------~0?-Esd~ttf, Z~t ~ t ics cttv: ______ St:ite.: ___ up: ___ Gty: 6$(,e)y),:;I ,d O St:>to: CA, Zip: CJ2 0,29 Phontr. Phone: ]1()0 -~3'i• g_3g,3 Email: Em oil: infO(poa~ i ~l,qMoc. C{)M Architect State License: $tote License: 7 45 ':/:00 6us. Ucense: Bl.O SI 2127 /0 (Sec. 103,l.S 8'.lslness •no rrotesslotl, C:oelt: Nfy City Of County wlll(ti (eQiuifK, Ot!rMil LO ~t.ruct,. ~,. irl!lfll"OVt, (l,efftOIISII or rtpeif Wly struttlft,, prior tO /ti ~ ~,eo...-.~ lhc :ippiaN f• ,i,ic11 pormt cotllt .i se"lk!Staleffleftlt U\1ll '-c/Jhe 15 htcrls«I ~t tothit s,,~ ufdlc Cont=r', l~Sit Uw P.,11'1.t'I' 9,o:,m~wlth Semon ?0000, ~ 3-of the Ou~ MCI ~COcle) Olttlat~ 1' ltllffllPI IMn-l'rOn:1, •nd the~ fot tN" ~~ ~ 11#1'/wiobt.ofto/Sec;DOIII 1'0lLS..,.-,~fo, ::i pcrmli ::UC,OCU-.C•~io.i~~ofnotni,o,-c t"-k-~dobo1~ 1635 rorod.>y Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-27~ fox: 76().602-SSSS 8-1 Pago 1 of2 Rev. 06/18 ( OPTION A): Jil!QllKERS'COMPENSAlJON OECLAI\_ATIO!!; I l'>Co1by c,ffi,m (lflde, peMl(Y of pc,jmy Q!!:€ of the fol!owlng dccloro£ioris. n I havt' ;ind will JAAllltol1n;a (~tilio,)tl!'(II (On>d•t lo )di inw,i: ((If wo1~1s' (on!pc•n,;;atl(l11 puwl~ by$N:ti(lf'l )7()()(11 the l:'.lbOt lmk:, fa, thepl!rfo,mMWl'OI tlw> wod: \<14'11th tl'II\ pi!lll'lltl$ ISM0 n <,e/llflPtt of €11CMfMIOt'I; t c~tlly u,:,t in the p{'fform,11-,c ,:_ of the; wo,t f0t v.tll(tl l,tllt pcrM~ rs ij~(S, I ili31 not ~mploy ;,ny pi:non in :,ny m.:iot1ntr $0 ~ to be <O~ Wol>jC(l 10 Ille •-O•b'l1~• (flml)f'n:'. .. ,11,m l,,w,, 11( ( .,!ifo,nit,, WARNING! Flillwo 10:i:<!,O\l<(I WO,~ COmp,(l11S/1tlon (01/'tt;\('!e Is unl,owf\.11, (lftd $tlOI J~j«t ;,nemi,l'oy('C' to (nfnln:if ociultlcs ,;,nd ~ ftru1s up to S 100,000.00, .ti Ocl<Jritiof'I tfloe to the cou: of <Of'IIOCtU.a11o..., d~~ .k\ proviot'd for iR Se<.1.ion )706 of the l;,bot Code, lntwASt :.,ct,;,ttort,ey'S f~.$- CONTRAC10R SIGNATURE: -t:52_,i)\,<.!<'~;,,;:;.4-__________ [..;;<,ENT DATE:_ 9j'J-11~ ( OPTION 8 ): Q.\@.!Ef\:BUllOER DECLARAT!QN: I hetel)y ,,{firm :ho( J om excmpl /,om Cot1tramu's License Lew for chc /ollowi/'19 1e(1son: 0 I. ;!$(1~rof ltlP. p,Op<!t'lyO! nrym,fllny,"C'$ wh,h ,•r,;1&,(i, il►tt-.e:.-:,c.)te (OIROi:I\SlltiOn, -willdo thl! WO!\ilnd IM" \OU(IUt(' is notirit,:,1idc',1-0r olf,:,1;(JIO, s:ik: rs« 7044, 8u\ln,e$,<,;Jl'l(tPf(l(('SS°'(ll\S(O<le: llllE'(Ofltl:t(to(►lii.en::c t:iwdae. no! ;,,~pt(ll>MI O'A'Ret QI p1ope1ty...t1otu;ih,b Or imp1uy~ !hell.'011, and ~cklf"!\ ~1/dl 'N(lfl( 1'11,ns,elf (l( th,ouchl1i} OWfl o:tf!Pkl'l,:I.'$, PfO\'icfcd th:it ~h impf(WffllMt$ :i,,en<X iflle(l()'""" o, Olleted rw :,,,ile. If, /11)' ... '(:\~I. 11te butldmgo1 ln'lpf(l\/t,n~t l$ SOI¢! witnir'I 011c v,!4111 of t0fllpl-~tiot,, theowna b111l&-rw1!1h;ivr tll(' 111.wdtr'IQf il'0"4'1i: that ho:did not build or imcrO'VCfof thr. l)'"Jtposeof$.,le). n 1, :i~aw~,<'Jf~ P,QJ'l@<W, .,o'l'l ~(luSiv~•, toc,tra,:-tinr. 'IMh 6e:crncd r.onmrt~ tocon.<tt,rurt ti\(' p,oje(t(Sh, 704<1,0lni11e~ ar,d 1>,af~S1on:(,ode: lh<' Cllt'ltt;,no.'< ·~~" l ....... (IO@-$ncl'I """'" 10 IJl'IO\Yf'CI ol 111ope,r.v \llho builcr.or lmpto--<es tll(',(t'Q<'I, ,'!o\(:l((lfl\t3(h fol ~IKh l)fOjctts wltl'l 0001tr.1rto,(s) ·~~S('(I pv,:w.111,t to 1he Cc11tr;,rn1t':. lifi:MC t.:rwt. Cl I :im (:~11'1)1 ul'lder SCC.tlOr'I ______ Bu~,._.-, ,1md P, ,,.~ .. ~,Ion> CIJ<lt for U'lii; rQSQtl! 1 1 i1Cf$<1~»,p~n toprOYilk! thcrn:s)or b:tto, ¥10 m;UCfi~t; 101 <Ofl:A/\fC,lion orti.co,ot1«.1:d p,oeiertv l!'l\fl1~11t n Ye~ (1110 1.. l(luv-c-/h;t'llf'l'lllC) ~tl!Pd :t!l;rpi>&e:i,tiQ(l (()( <I bil•ikli11r, in.'frllit ft11 u,e p1UpcY..c!'CI \<iOfk. l,. I J'lilve (Or'ltn(ltdwM tile fOlt,wi11r.p,:1::oi1 (firm) to l)t'ovldcthc-propo$('d <O<'IW\l(tiOti (ill(li.,~ ttam-:4'tld'rc,.:,/ C1hone/ c,on1r:1cta1!/llrrn~,..r111mbtrl-: '1 I plan to 111U¥'\de 001liom of thewo1k, bvt I l!~veh11M thif> fo11w,,,wie re,'Wr'l 1.0 (OO,tfifiai,.,, wuerviie and p1cl'li6::1hc m:ijo1 work (t'lrA.olle 11:i,me / ¥J<,,-eu/ otivo1e / \-Onlt.,Hoo' r,c:,:11:.er111mbt:rt; :;.. 1...,•lllpuwidc::Ctl\cof;-.r.wo,-1(, bu1 I~ (Ot1i:,~net1 (hi,@-<I) N fulltl'..-in!: peatc1~ topuwidc the work.-id:it:nrd(lrlflUC!t?n.une / ~(f()',ess/ l)llO!\€-,'typ,.-ol' w111k): OWNER SIGNATURE: _________________ LJAGENT DATE: _____ _ CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCV,)J: ANY..; I heit,:17(aff.-m tha1 there r;;, (onm11ct1an k-ncll11t:ttf"'l(y$Qo' 1hli-~fQr"r11.-.te of the wo11t thil. ix:rmil i:;i:m,'Cd (SN. 3()!)1 (l) o.41 CG(i('f leltdu',; ~: ________ ____ tc/'iCle,r'$ A6c:ll'~s.:, __ _ ONlY COMPlETE THE FOLLOWING SECTION F_OR NON-RESIOENTIAl BUILDING PERMITS ONlY: 1:.1tw: :ipph1:in1 or fvt1.m:-bu,1(1ln£0¢"(,1,11),iflt •e<ivlr@d tu submit .t bu~inei.~plan, ~utc~h:i:;i1dl,lU$ m;itC1b ls ree;1Str1110n tutm 01 liSlttn3'11a1;1..-m"'1 ¥1dc11:11~-ntian l)l'Q.l:(;lM 111'1<let S<'<lkl•~ z~. 2$Sll ()I Z5~.)(I of;h¢$'ft~cY l;lMe,"H..lt:SfOOWS11bstMCC AC<Ounl N.t? O Y~~ 0 Ho I<: 11M' J11Plll11,,1 (H (\lti.,r1rtiu:s.:i:nc oc~up.!M ro..'(t11ircd t(l ot:ll!llti :t l)(!IMII i,om lhl'l :th nolutlan<OlllfOl<llv.rkt 0 ( :ii, <l~litym:in:i~efflC'f'tt d1$t1iut n Yf'_~ n m> lr;ll,,e f.:,cl!lty IQ be (¢o'IS,t11,0(t~dWllhin 1,000 reetofthe OUU!r bo11nd;iryof ;I $fhnol)il('? 0 Y<b O 110 If A#'fOf lH(ANSWtltSAl'lf Y'ES,A FINAL <:ERTIFlCATE OF OC(,VPANCY MAY HOl Uf ISSVCO UNU!SS THE APPLK:.ANT HAS MEl Oft 1$ MEEt•ic; lHI; REQUIREMENTS Of THE OfFIC{ Of (Mfft,G(N(V SCIMCCSAKO THE AIR POU.UTION COMTitOl 01$TR,KT. APPllCANT CERTIAC/\TIOIII: I fcrtifv I.hat I t,,;wc,,:-~ tlw-appHr:111011 :il'l(l si~tl? 111,,ttl\e ilOOw in.lu1t11J1io11 i:1<01re<t and tha: 1hc,.,form:itie<\(lf'ltM, l)Qt'l$iS.iot<i.,r.,!o:.. l.t1;:1e1: tocumplvwith :ill Oly Qrd!fl;l r'l((>S :mdSU1e i)WS r('l.lthtre to buildint:<OlllArucdon, I ho>rC'tly auUtorl,,• •t'O•~fll.<WIM.' ol ll°le c.;..y or ( :,~:,cl tO e,,,te, \IPOr'I the :it,ov,., ~ proptrty for lnW('(IJ,Ol"I J111roo-;es, 1 AlSU AGNfll: T(}SA\/(, WlO[MIIIA' lr.110 Klf.P HAM1lt$$ me (nY Of OiRl.58AO I\GJ\lliSl All IIA81UTICS, JUilGMfN't\ ((:sl'SAflD flCC'fll${$ V~.:'.1 I J..1AY m Ntv W,W ALCU AG.\lr6' SAIi) (J'JY 1/f COllS(('l,tlf'NC'f ()f THI; CIWIT!NG ()I nus PUtMI f.-OSHA: AA 0:il-lA. pc:rmlt k fl'C!llltt(I (o,r e:•~~ti(lll$ °""' 5,'(I d',e,;,s:, :Snd dcmohion (If (Ol'l:/tl'IIUIOO of~l.dUIM u~ 1 $l,)(ol?S, ill fi1eit,t•t (}(1'1f¾\'t0 11: tvcry pmnlt 1~~11<>11 by~ lluildillf: Qfr,c~l v,........, lhli: £!1ti~ore of lhis <.ode :;hall (')!~re tr,• 1m~11nn and be«imr? t1111! ~11~ .. Oi(J ii the l.luild'lf\!! « l'l(lfl: a11thori:i:d b(~rh pNmlt I; Mt oonw.,er<«I wlthiA lSO d.r•I) lrum :lt-e d::ti: of ~h permit « ifthr. b1111:!1ng or wnrk .:r111h(I,,~ I;)-( w,:1, °"' rrit ~ ~m!cd Of at\lr.clonl:d :rt ur}f tun,: ~1ttrt11ewoit.iS<Or'f1!\"len(o:dfo1 a 1)1.'l'Kld u( 180dv~!Si:1.t1:1n UX,.4.: Urd¢rm&rlo;lf'etoele~ APPLICANT SIGNATURE: -~>'-'f-"'--=-:c..,;,,c-------------OATE:_ qJ"J~ 2.CJ2-0 1635 raraday Ave t,;1rlsb-.ld, CA 92008 1>h: 7GO-ti02w2719 Fax: 760--602w8SS8 (mail: 8uilding@carlsbadca.gov H1 Psge2of 2 Rev. 00/18 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2020-2438) BLDG-Residential 09/29/2020Application Date:Permit Type:Owner:DEREK ANDRE P/M/E 09/29/2020Work Class:Issue Date:Subdivision: 04/13/2021Expiration Date:Status: IVR Number: 29032 Closed - Finaled 1610 BUENA VISTA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Address: Scheduled Date Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection InspectionActual Start Date 10/15/2020 10/15/2020 BLDG-43 Air Cond./Furnace Set 141004-2020 Passed Tim Kersch Complete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Final Inspection 141005-2020 Passed Tim Kersch Complete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-Plumbing Final No BLDG-Mechanical Final No BLDG-Structural Final No BLDG-Electrical Final Yes Thursday, October 15, 2020 Page 1 of 1 {cityof Carlsbad