HomeMy WebLinkAbout1620 FARADAY AVE; ; CBC2019-0427; Permit(?ity of Carlsbad Commercial Permit Print Date: 12/20/2019 . Permit No: CBC2019-0427 Job Address: 1620 Faraday Ave Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial Work Class: Cogen Status: Closed - Finaled Parcel No: 2121302300 Lot #: Applied: 09/10/2019 Valuation: $80,800.00 Reference #: Issued: 09/25/2019 Occupancy Group: Construction Type: Permit Finaled: # Dwelling Units: Bathrooms: Inspector: MColl Bedrooms: Orig. Plan Check Final Plan Check #: Inspection: 12/20/2019 4:11:37P Project Title: Description: RQ CONSTRUCTION: 72.72 KW ROOF MOUNT PV SYSTEM, 202 MODS, NO UPGRADE Owner: Contractor: DPR CONSTRUCTION STELLAR SOLAR ELECTRIC 1620 Faraday Ave 265 Via Del Monte CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Oceanside, CA 92058-1223 760-603-8500 BUILDING PERMIT FEE ($2000+) $543.33 BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (BLDG) , $380.33 SB1473 GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE $4.00 STRONG MOTION-COMMERCIAL $22.62 Total Fees: $950.28 Total Payments To Date: $950.28 Balance Due: $0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. , You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY tà water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 1 760-602-2700 1 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov ITHE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE: DPLANNING DENGINEERING 0 BUILDING DFIRE 0 HEALTH DHAZIIATIAPCD I Building Permit Application Plan Check No. g • Est. Value Cit,r Of 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Carlsbad Plan Ck. Deposit email: building@carlsbadca.gov Date'?.- 16 - JII IswPPP I www.carlsbadca.gov JOB ADDRESS 1620 Faraday Avenue SUITE#/SPACE#/UNIT# APN 212 - 130 - 23 - 00 CT/PROJECT # LOT C PHASE # C BATHROOMS TENANT BUSINESS NAME CONSTR. TYPE CCC. GROUP 98 J#OFUNITS 1#13EDROOMS I RQ CONSTRUCTIONS V-B DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Include Square Feet of Affected Area(s) ROOF MOUNTED COMMERCIAL PV SOLAR. THE SYSTEM COMPRISED OF (202) SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES AND (1) SMA STP.62-US INVERTER. MODULES WILL BE BALLAST MOUNTED ORIENTED SOUTH AND INSTALLED ON EXISTING ROOF AND EXISTING STRUCTURE EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) DECKS (SF) FIREPLACE AIR CONDITIONING YES [3#. NC YES NO J IFIRESPRINKLERS YES NO[—] APPLICANT NAME HECTOR HOLGUIN PROPERTY OWNER NAME Primary BILLBROOKS Contact ADDRESS 264 VIA DEL MONTE ADDRESS 1620 Faraday Avenue CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP OCEANSIDE CA 92058 CARLSBAD CA 92008 PHONE FAX PHONE FAX 760-529-1978 760-631.7707 EMAIL HECTORH(STELLARSOLAR.NET EMAIL BBROOKScREQCONSTRUCTIONS.COM DESIGN PROFESSIONAL BRIAN GREMS CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME STELLAR SOLAR ADDRESS 264 VIA DEL MONTE ADDRESS 264 VIA DEL MONTE CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP OCEANSIDE CA 92058 OCEANSIDE CA 92058 PHONE FAX . PHONE FAX 760-529.1978 760.529.1978 EMAIL HECTORHSTELLARSOLAR.NET EMAIL HECTORHcSTELLARSOLAR.NET ISTATE LIC. C STATE LIC.0 CLASS 749095 I C.10 Cliv BUS. UC.# II000iS%- 01-A (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law jChapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500)). (?®t?O( Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affilm under penalty of peduly one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to selNnsure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit Is issued. / I have and will maintain workers'AJ In dormance on, as required byction 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit Is Issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Co. CYE'S 11\S Policy No. TMWCOl 8181 Expiration Date 8.29.2020 I section need not be completed lfthe one hund "rk ss. Certificate of Exemption: I certify th (hi imit is issued, I shall not employ any person In any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: FaIlure to secu compen nl I, and shall subject an employer to crimInal penalties and civil fines UP to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), in addition to the coat of compensation, d provided of e abor code, Interest and attorney's fees. £ CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE( - ,,,,,,,, MAGENT DATE I hereby affi,m that! am exempt from Conliactots Ucense Law for the following reason: 13 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure Is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply loan owner of property who builds or Improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. It, however, the building or improvement Is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or Improve for the purpose of sale). [J I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). [J I am exempt under Section ____________BusIness and Professions Code for this reason: 1.1 personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property Improvement. DYes [:]No 2.1(have /have not) signed an application bra building permit for the proposed work. 3.1 have contracted with the followIng person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name address/phone/contractors' license number): 4.1 plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (Include name/address/phone /contractors' license number): 5.1 will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work Indicated (Include name/address/phone/type of work): ..PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE []AGENT DATE }O i11 J[ ly Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505,25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? Yes No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? Yes No Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? I Yes No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. fI)® I)O I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lenders Name Lenders Address oai lcettlfgthatlhave read theapplicatlon and thattee above imb I onis nectand thatthe Information on the plans accurate. lagreeto mplywith all Cityoidlnanoss and State laws rallatinglDbulldlngconclructiofl. l hereby authortee representative of the C"f bad b enter utheatv III entiqn for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY MD KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OFCARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, AND EXPENSS W4H?VIAY fl WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHkM OSHA permit is required for ex MY deep or of structures over 3 stories ioheight EXPIRATION: Every permit issued bythe i under ft vis this alexpre Imitation and become null and void ff the building orrk authorized by such permit is not commenced withb 180 days from the date of such permit or U th bu i orworkautho bys perm is days ,&APPUCANTIS SIGNATURE DATE 400 STOP: THIS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the following ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final inspection. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (Commercial Projects Only) Fax (760) 602-8560, Email buildingCarIsbadca.aov or Mail the completed form to City of Carlsbad, Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. CO#: (Office Use Only) CONTACT NAME OCCUPANT NAME ADDRESS BUILDING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP Carlsbad CA PHONE FAX EMAIL OCCUPANT'S BUS. LIC. No. DEUVERY OPTIONS PICK UP: CONTACT (Listed above) OCCUPANT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) ASSOCIATED CB# MAIL TO: CONTACT (Listed above) OCCUPANT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) NO CHANGE IN USE / NO CONSTRUCTION MAIL/ FAX TO OTHER: CHANGE OF USE / NO CONSTRUCTION LAPPUCANT'S SIGNATURE DATE Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial Application Date: 09/10/2019 Owner: DPR CONSTRUCTION Work Class: Cogen Issue Date: 09/25/2019 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#85-24 UNIT#05 Status: Closed - Finaled Expiration bate: 06/15/2020 Address: 1620 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008-7313 lVR Number: 21608 Scheduled Actual Date Start Date Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection. Complete 1211612019 1211612019 BLDG-35 Solar 113858-2019 Partial Pass Michael Collins Reinspection incomplete Panel Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Partial, see card for pickup Yes BLDG-Final 113857.2019 Failed Michael Collins Reinspection Complete Inspection Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency See ca d for pick up No BLDG-Electrical Final No 1211812019 1211812019 BLDG-35 Solar 114153.2019 Passed Michael Collins Complete Panel • Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed" BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Building Deficiency Partial, see card for pickup Yes BLDG-Final 114154.2019 Partial Pass Michael Collins Reinspection Incomplete Inspection • Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed • BLDG-Building Deficiency See ca d for pick up No BLDG-Building Deficiency Need correct warning signage at inverter No BLDG-Electrical Final No 12/2012019 12/20I2019 BLDG-Final 114546.2019 Passed Michael Collins Complete Inspection Checklist Item • COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Need correct warning signage at inverter No BLDG-Building Deficiency Release emailed to SDGE Yes BLDG-Building Deficiency See ca d for pick up No BLDG-Electrical Final No BLDG-Electrical Final Yes December 20, 2019 ' - Page 1 of I DATE: Sept. 19, 2019 JURISDICTION: 1sbad-' EsGV - - il A SArEbuilttompany / jó APPLICANT JURIS. PLAN CHECK #.: CBC2019-0427 SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1620 Faraday Avenue PROJECT NAME: RQ Construction 62.5KW PV System The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. E The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficienôies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. LI The plans transmitted herewith have significant defi3ciencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. LI The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: EsGil staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed LI EsGil staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: ft A Telephone #: Date contacted: / (by71/) Email: Mail Telephone Fax In Person LI REMARKS: By: Morteza Beheshti, P.E. Enclosures: EsGil 9/12 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 [DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK #.: CBC2019-0427 PREPARED BY: Morteza Beheshti, P.E. DATE: Sept. 19, 2019 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1620 Faraday Avenue BUILDING OCCUPANCY: BUILDING PORTION AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code Icb IBY Ordinance I 1997 UBC Building Permit Fee v 1997 UBC Plan Check Fee Type of Review: 0 Complete Review 0 Structural Only Repetitive Fee Repeats * Based on hourly rate Other _ Hourly I 1.5IHrs.@;:III IIIIIIIL EsGil Fee $105.00 7.50 1 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 III Ru u U I" ' RAC U-BUILDER PROJECT REPORT U. uI VERSION: 1.0 PROJECT TITLE PROJECT ID CREATED RQC Building A7003COB Aug. 14, 2019, 3:40 p.m. NAME RQC Building Designed by chrisbaez ROOFMOUNT RM5 ADDRESS 1620 Faraday Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92008, USA - - Sunpower CITY. STATE Carlsbad, CA 202 - SPR-X22-360 MODULE Sunpower SPR-X22-360 3543 ft2 72.72 KW BILL OF MATERIALS LEGEND: U Base System Part U Accessory PART SUGGESTED UNIT PRICE TOTAL LIST PRICE NUMBER PART TYPE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY QUANTITY (USD) (USD) UserSupplied Ballast Block Ballast Block 511 511 0.00 0.00 310800 Ballast Bay RM5Bay 303' 303 26.73 8099.19 310810 Wind Dam RMS Wind Deflector 53 53 14.15 749.95 310861 Wind Dam Clip Kit, Wind Deflector Attachment 125 125 0.21 26.25 310822 End Clamp RM End Clamp 46-50mm 963 963 1.94 1868.22 310860 Nut Kit l/420 Clip On Nut SS18-8 1088 1088 0.32 348.16 BASE SYSTEM PRICE $11091.17 . ACCESSORIES PRICE $000 TOTAL PRICE $11091.11 $0153 PER WATT $0.000 PER WATT $0.153 PER WATT This design is to be evaluated to the product appropriate Unirac Code Compliant Installation Manual which references International Building Code 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018 and ASCE 7-05, ASCE 7-10, ASCE 7-16 and California Building Code 2010, 2016. The installation of products related to this design is subject to requirements in the above mentioned installation manual. QTY - 511 DETAILED PARTS DESCRIPTION Ballast Block UserSupplied Ballast Block Standard 4x8x16 inch cap blocks. Nationwide availability. Please confirm the weight of your ballast block as this will affect the total blocks required for your installation. Ballast Bay 310800 RM5 Bay Galvanized steel bay attaches to north and south module edges and provides ballast placement location. Wind Dam 310810 RM5 Wind Deflector Galvanized steel wind deflector/ fire shield. Wind Dam Clip 310861 Kit, Wind Deflector Attachment Stainless steel fender washer and Yé-20 stainless bolt. End Clamp 310822 RM End Clamp 46-50mm (1• Stainless steel end clamp (46-50mm) with Y4-20 stainless bolt. Nut 310860 Kit 1/420 Clip On Nut SS 18-8 Stainless steel clip-on 1/4-20 u-nut. 303 53 125 1088 ENGINEERING REPORT Plan review AVERAGE PSF 634 lbs/ft' TOTAL NUMBER OF MODULES 202 TOTAL KW 72.72 KW TOTAL AREA —4320 ft2 TOTAL WEIGHT ON ROOF 27398 lbs BAY WEIGHT 2764 lbs MODULE WEIGHT 8282 lbs BALLAST WEIGHT 16352 lbs MAX BAY LOAD (DEAD) 113 lbs Loads Used for Design BUILDING CODE ASCE 7-10 WIND SPEED 110mph GROUND SNOW LOAD 0 psf SEISMIC (SS) 1.22 ELEVATION 218 ft WIND EXPOSURE B Loads Determined by Zip 92008 CITY, STATE Carlsbad, CA WIND SPEED 110mph GROUND SNOW LOAD 0 psf Inspection PRODUCT ROOFMOUNT RMS MODULE MANUFACTURER SunpoWer MODEL SPR-X22-360 MODULE WATTS 360 watts MODULE LENGTH 61.30" MODULE WIDTH 41.20" MODULE THICKNESS 1.80" MODULE WEIGHT 41.00 lbs BALLAST BLOCK (CMU) WEIGHT 32.0 MAX BLOCKS PER BAY 2 BUILDING HEIGHT 25 ft ROOF TYPE Mineral Cap PARAPET HEIGHT - - > 1 Array Height (> 8 inches) Array 1 AVERAGE PSF 6.38 lbs/ft2 TOTAL NUMBER OF MODULES: 73 TOTAL NW: 26.28 KW TOTAL AREA: 1544 ft2 TOTAL WEIGHT ON ROOF: 9844 lbs BAY WEIGHT: 931 lbs MODULE WEIGHT: 2993 lbs BALLAST WEIGHT: 5920 lbs ROW SPACING: 7.5 in MINIMUM SEISMIC SEPARATION (UNATTACHED ARRAYS) * ARRAY TO ARRAY: 7 TO OBSTRUCTION OR PARAPET: 14 in TO ROOF EDGE (NO PARAPET): 21 in MAX ARRAY (SEISMIC) (FOR UNATTACHED ARRAYS) * NSROWS: 26 EW COLUMNS: 21 *In jurisdictions that follow SEAOC PV-1 methodology. Array 2 AVERAGE PSF 6.50 lbs/ft2 MINIMUM SEISMIC SEPARATION (UNATTACHED ARRAYS) * ARRAY TO ARRAY: 7 TOTAL NUMBER OF MODULES: 24 TO OBSTRUCTION OR PARAPET: 14 in TOTAL NW: 8.64 KW TO ROOF EDGE (NO PARAPET): 21 in TOTAL AREA: 534 ft2 MAX ARRAY (SEISMIC) (FOR UNATTACHED ARRAYS) * TOTAL WEIGHT ON ROOF: 3468 lbs NS ROWS: 25 BAY WEIGHT: 404 lbs EWCOLUMNS: 20 MODULE WEIGHT: 984 lbs *In jurisdictions that follow SEAOC PV-1 methodology. BALLAST WEIGHT: 2080 lbs ROW SPACING: 75 in Array 3 AVERAGE PSF 6.28 lbs/ft2 TOTAL NUMBER OF MODULES: 83 TOTAL ION: 29.88 KW TOTAL AREA: 1750 ft2 TOTAL WEIGHT ON ROOF: 10980 lbs BAY WEIGHT: 1049 lbs MODULE WEIGHT: 3403 lbs BALLAST WEIGHT: 6528 lbs ROW SPACING: 7.5 in MINIMUM SEISMIC SEPARATION (UNATTACHED ARRAYS) * ARRAY TO ARRAY: 7 TO OBSTRUCTION OR PARAPET: 14 in TO ROOF EDGE (NO PARAPET): 21 in MAX ARRAY (SEISMIC) (FOR UNATTACHED ARRAYS) * NS ROWS: 26 EWCOLUMNS: 21 *In jurisdictions that follow SEAOC PV-1 methodology. Array 4 AVERAGE PSF 6.31 lbs/ft2 TOTAL NUMBER OF MODULES: 22 TOTAL ION: 7.92 KW TOTAL AREA: 492 ft2 TOTAL WEIGHT ON ROOF: 3106 lbs BAY WEIGHT: 380 lbs MODULE WEIGHT: 902 lbs BALLAST WEIGHT: 1824 lbs ROW SPACING: 75 in MINIMUM SEISMIC SEPARATION (UNATTACHED ARRAYS) * ARRAY TO ARRAY: 7 TO OBSTRUCTION OR PARAPET: 14 in TO ROOF EDGE (NO PARAPET): 21 in MAX ARRAY (SEISMIC) (FOR UNATTACHED ARRAYS) * NSROWS: 25 EWCOLUMNS: 20 *In jurisdictions that follow SEAOC PV-1 methodology. RM5 U-BUILDER PRODUCT ASSUMPTIONS RMS - Ballasted Flat Roof Systems Limitations of Responsibility: It is the user's responsibility to ensure that inputs are correct for your specific project. Unirac is not the solar, electrical, or building engineer of record and is not responsible for the solar, electrical, or building design for this project. Building Assumptions Building and System Risk Category II Building Height g 60 ft. Roof Slope 2.4" (1/2:12) and <5.6" (1-3/16:12) Friction Tested Roofing Types: EDPM, PVC, TPO, and Mineral Cap S. Required Setback from Module Edge to Building Edge for Wind Tunnel: 3 ft (See Item 14) Surrounding Building Grade:. Level Wind Design: Basic Wind Speed Range is 110-170 mph (ASCE 7-10). Wind Exposure: B or C (ASCE 7-10). Occupancy/Risk Category II buildings and systems with a 25 year design life. Insertion of the project at-grade elevation can result in a reduction of wind pressure. If your project is in a special case study region or in an area where wind studies have been performed, please verify with your jurisdiction to ensure that elevation effects have not already been factored into the wind speed. If elevation effects have been included in your wind speed, please select 0 ft. Ground Snow Load (ASCE 7-10):0-60 psf. Results are based on uniform snow loading and do not consider unbalanced, drifting, and sliding conditions. Roof snow load reduction calculated per Section 7.3 of ASCE 7 with the following assumptions: Exposure factor = 0.9, Thermal factor = 1.2. RM5 Bay Weight: -7.2 lbs Module Gaps (EM) = 0.25 in Seismic: Installations must be in seismic site class A, B, C, or D as defined in ASCE 7-10. Ballast Calculations are based on ASCE 7-10 load combinations and product specific wind tunnel testing. Ballast Blocks: The installer is responsible for procuring the ballast blocks (Concrete Masonry Units - CMU) and verifying the required minimum weight needed for this design. CMU to comply with ASTM standard specification for concrete roof payers designation C1491 or C90 with an integral water repellant suitable for the climate it is placed. It is recommended that the blocks are inspected periodically for any signs of degradation. If degradation of the block is observed, the block should immediately be replaced. The CMU ballast block should have nominal dimensions of 4"x8"x16". The actual block dimensions are 3/8" less than nominal dimensions. Ballast blocks should have weight as specified for the project in the "Inspection" section of this report. Wind deflectors on the east and west edges of the array should overhang the east and west modules by six inches for Type I modules on the north rows only. Wind deflectors on the east and west edges of the array should overhang the east and west modules by six inches for Type II modules on the north row and east and west edge columns. Limitations of Responsibility: It is the users responsibility to ensure that inputs are correct for your specific project. Unirac is not the solar, electrical, or building engineer of record and is not responsible for the solar, electrical, or building design for this project. The system is certified to UL2703 when properly installed. See the installation guide for more detail. Ballast Blocks The installer is responsible for procuring the ballast blocks (Concrete Masonry Units - CMU) and verifying the required minimum weight needed for this design. CMU should comply with ASM standard specification for concrete roof payers designation (C1491 or C90 with an integral water repellant suitable for the climate it is placed. It is recommended that the blocks are inspected periodically for any signs of degradation. If degradation of the block is observed, the block should immediately be replaced. The CMU ballast block should have nominal dimensions of 4"x8"x16". The actual block dimensions are 3/8" less than the nominal dimensions. Ballast blocks should have a weight as specified for the project in the "Inspection" section of this report. Design Parameters Importance Factor: Array (Ip) = 1.0, Building (le) = 1.0 Site Class =D S = design seismic displacement of the array relative to the roof Minimum Separation: Array to Array = 0.5*5, Array to Roof Edge or Obstruction with Qualified Parapet = 1.0*S, Array to Roof Edge with Unqualified Parapet = 1.5*5 Ss = mapped MCER, 5 percent damped, spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods per ASCE 7-10 5D5 = design, 5 percent damped spectral acceleration parameter at short periods per ASCE 7-10 Coefficient of friction used for calculations per Unirac, Inc. Roof Mount Ballast Support Coefficient of Friction Testing report dated 7/13/2016. I - Properties 1. Bay Weight: -7.2 lbs 2. Wind Deflector Weight: -6.4 lbs 3. Module Gaps (E/W) = 0.25 in 4. Wind Deflectors: Wind deflectors on the east and west edges of the array should overhang the east and west modules by six inches for Type 1 modules on the north rows only. Wind deflectors on the east and west edges of the array should overhang the east and west modules by six inches for Type II modules. 5. Bays: North row bays overhang the module by -6.5 inches and south row bays overhang the module by -12.25 inches. Testing Coefficient of Friction Wind Tunnel UL 2703 Component Testing (Bay and Clamp) Setbacks For the wind tunnel recommendations in U-Builder to apply, the following setbacks should be observed/followed for U-Builder wind design: Modules should be placed a minimum of 3 feet from the edge of the building in any direction. If the array is located near an obstruction that is 3.5 feet wide and 3.5 feet high or larger, the nearest module of the array must be located a distance from the obstruction that is greater than or equal to the height of the obstruction. Installations within the setbacks listed above require site specific engineering.2 The setbacks above are for wind. High seismic areas, fire access isles, mechanical equipment, etc., may require larger setbacks than listed above for wind. Site Specific Engineering Conditions listed below are beyond the current capabilities of U-Builder. Site specific engineering is required. Wind designs for a project design life exceeding 25 years.1 Building assumptions and design parameters outside of U-Builder assumptions Attachments Risk Category Ill or IV projects (U-Builder can be adjusted for the correct wind, but not the seismic or snow design) S. Wind tunnel testing reduction factors are not permitted by the Authority Having jurisdiction (AHJ).3 6. Seismic designs that fall outside SEAOC PV1 -2012 recommendations (>3% roof slope, or AHJ's that require shake table testing or non- linear site-specific response history analysis) 7. Signed and sealed site-specific calculations, layouts, and drawings Notes: Pleasecontactinfo@unirac.com. Please contact EngineeringServices@unirac.com for more information. Please contact Theresa Allen with PZSE Structural Engineers at theresa@pzse.com. These items will require direct coordination with PZSE to complete the requested services. INSTALLATION AND DESIGN PLAN Array A f LEGEND Module (Roof Zones) Zone 1 f=I Zone 2 1 Zone 3 Array A I Array 1 1 2 --.3 -.4 5 _-_.6 .___.7 U 2 2 2 2 L_i I L_i 2 2 L_i 2 3 F2] I 2 i m 2j 21 41 Fil -F F F 't EE 5 EEjE M F21 6 E El- EEE M F2E E E F21 ED El El ED - ED- M 9 LEI1 El - El EKI - El. El 10 11 E rji 12 -.J E [TIE 13 F11 F 2 1 I 2 El 1111 14 El L!j 2 1 1 1 F2 F11 LEGEND Module with north wind deflector (for uplift) Module with south wind deflector (for fire requirements - type 2) Module with both deflector types Module with no deflectors Standard corner bay with CMU block count Supplemental bay with CMU block count NOTE Bays in the space above and below modules are supplemental bays. You can fit a maximum of 2 blocks in each bay. If the number of blocks in these bays is more than 2, you will need to add an additional supplemental bay. Layout Dimensions NS DIMENSION - 57.73 ft EWDIMENSION -35.76 It ROW MODULES MODULES WITH DEFLECTORS BAYS BALLAST BLOCKS (CMU) BALLAST WEIGHT 1 2 2 4 8 256 2 7 7 - 8 15 480 3 7 0 8 16 512 4 7 0 - 8 16 512 5 7. 0 8 16 512 6 7 0 8 13 416 7 7 0. 8 15 480 8 5 0 8 15 480 9 5 0 7 12 384 10 2 0 - 7 11 352 11 2 0 3 6 192 12 4 1 6 8 256 13 4 0 6 11 352 14 7 - 3 ' - 8 12 384 15 0 0 8 11 352 Array B LEGEND Module (Roof Zones) 1 Zone 1 =1 Zone 2 l Zone 3 Array B I Array 2 .__,1,__,2.____,3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .10 11 12 13 Ià.Ô.I le' UN•NUNUnUUUD•D F • U a fl flflN UU UUU naanauuaua LEGEND Module with north wind deflector Standard corner bay with (MU block count (for uplift) [] Module with south wind deflector Supplemental bay with CMU block count (for fire requirements. type 2) Module with both deflector types ] Module with no deflectors NOTE Bays in the space above and below modules are supplemental bays. You can fit a maximum of 2 blocks in each bay. If the number of blocks in these bays is more than 2, you will need to add an additional supplemental bay. Layout Dimensions NS DIMENSION - 13.09 ft EW DIMENSION - 66.41 ft ROW MODULES MODULES WITH DEFLECTORS BAYS BALLAST BLOCKS (CMU) BALLAST WEIGHT 1 2 2 3 6 192 2 13 11 14 19 608 3 9 0 14 21 672 4 0 0 10 19 608 Array C - LEGEND Module (Roof Zones) Zone 1 Zone 2 I Zone 3 Array C / Array 3 1 •2 B or Mr Pr or or Pr or or 5 —M —E] E]=F2] F21—FiT— 2 6 --lil F2 I—Fl]=F2]—F2 7 F-21 — F-2]—F-2~=F-2j=F-21=E1—F-,] EI=F2]—r 2]—F2]—F2]—F2]—F2 I M—F2]—F2j=F-2]=E1=F2 1=F21=DJ—F-21 LLr—ML 2 j = F2]•1 12 1 EE1 El-El-El 13 Is • I 12Elfl 16 LEGEND Module with north wind deflector • Standard corner bay with CMU block count (for uplift) ED Module with south wind deflector Supplemental bay with CMU block count (for fire requirements - type 2) Module with both deflector types Module with no deflectors NOTE Bays in the space above and below modules are supplemental bays. You can fit a maximum of 2 blocks in each bay. If the number of blocks in these bays is more than 2, you will need to add an additional supplemental bay. -- -- Layout Dimensions NS DIMENSION - 65.85 ft EW DIMENSION 40.87 ft ROW MODULES MODULES WITH DEFLECTORS BAYS BALLAST BLOCKS (CMU) BALLAST WEIGHT 1 2 2 4 8 256 2 2 0 4 .8 . - 256 3 8 8 9 17 . 544 4 8 0 9 17 544 5 8 0 9 16 512 6 8 0 - - 9 16 512 7 8 0 9 14 448 8 6 0 9 16 512 9 6 0 7 13 416 10 6 - 0 7 14 448 11 2 1 8 13 . 416 12 2 0 3 6 192 13 4 0 6 8 256 14 4 0 6 9 288 15 7 3 8 12 384 16 2 0 8 12 384 17 0 0 4 5 160 Array D 4 2 1 A 9 a 7 0 0 40 44 42 41 iiirnrnirnuiirn I 2 LEGEND Module (Roof Zones) I Zone 1 1=1' zone = Zone 3 Array D / Array 4 LEGEND Module with north wind deflector Standard corner bay with CMU block count (for uplift) J Module with south wind deflector Supplemental bay with CMU block count (for fire requirements - type 2) FED Module with both deflector types E7 Module with no deflectors NOTE. Bays in the space above and below modules are supplemental bays. You can fit a maximum of 2 blocks in each bay. If the number of blocks in these bays is more than 2, you will need to add an additional supplemental bay. Layout Dimensions NS DIMENSION - 9.03 ft EW DIMENSION - 66.41 ft ROW MODULES MODULES WITH DEFLECTORS BAYS BALLAST BLOCKS (CMU) BALLAST WEIGHT 1 13 13 14 18 576 _OSER Ii The SunPower Maxeon® Solar Cell Enables highest efficiency panels available 2 Unmatched reliability Patented solid metal foundation prevents breakage and corrosion Up to 60% More Lifetime Energy 120% C' 110% 100% 5 10 15 20 25 Years of Operation 5 10 IS 20 IS Years of Operation C' 98% 94% C' c 92% CL 88% 86% 2 82% 90*11 0 MIT 12% More Power in Year 25 Fundamentally Different. And Better. SUNPOWER 0 SunPower X-Series: X22-360-COM SunPower® Commercial DC Panel SunPower X-Series panels combine the top efficiency, durability and warranty available in the market today, resulting in more long-term energy and savings. 1,2 Maximum Power. Minimalist Design. 1 -I,.. Generates more power and savings per available space, making it easier ArArAr to meet your organizations goals. Highest Lifetime Energy and Savings Designed to deliver 60% more energy in the same space over 25 years in real-world conditions like partial shade and high temperatures. 2 Best Reliability, Best Warranty With more than 25 million panels deployed around the / world, SunPower technology is proven to last. That's why we stand behind our panel with the industry's best 25-year Combined Power and Product Warranty, including the highest Power Warranty in solar. W I croetouade S As Sustainable As Its Energy Ranked #1 in Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition 2015 Solar Scorecard 4 First solar panels to achieve Cradle to Cradle CertifiedTM Silver recognitions Contributes to more LEED categories than conventional panels 6 1046 mm [41.2 in] 4X 398 mm FRAME PROFILE [15.68 in] (A) 1559 mm [61.4 in) X-Series: X22-360-COM SunPower® Commercial DC Panel Flecuical SPR-x22-360-cOM SPR421-345-COM Nominal Power (Pnom)7 360W 345W Power Tolerance +5/0% +5/0% Panel Efficiency 22.1% 21.2% Rated Voltage (Vmpp) 59.1 V 57.3 V Rated Current (lmpp) 6.09 A 6.02 A Open-Circuit Voltage (Voc) 69.5 V 68.2 V Short-Circuit Current (lsc) 6.48 A 6.39 A Max. System Voltage 1000 V UL & 1000 V IEC Maximum Series Fuse 15A Power Temp Coef. -0.29%/DC Voltage Temp Coef. -167.4 mV / ° Current Temp Coef. 2.9 mA / ° Standard Tests 8 UL1 703 (Type 2 Fire Rating), IEC 61215, IEC 61730 Quality Management Certs ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 EHS Compliance RoHS, OHSAS 18001:2007, lead free, Recycle Scheme, REACH SVHC-1 63 Sustainability Cradle to Cradle CertifiedTM Silver. "Declare." listed. Ammonia Test IEC 62716 Desert Test 10.1109/PVSC.2013.6744437 Salt Spray Test IEC 61701 (maximum severity) PID Test i000V: IEC 62804, PVEL 600 hr duration Available Listings UL, TUV, MCS, FSEC, CEC 1 SunPower 360W compared to a Conventional Panel on same-sized arrays (260 W, 16% efficient, approx. 1.6 m2), 4% more energy per watt (based on PVSyst pan flies), 0.75%/yr slower degradation (Campeau, Z. et al. "SunPower Module Degradation Rate,' SunPower white paper, 2013). 2 Based on search of datasheet values from websices of top 10 manufacturers per IHS, as of January 2017. 3 #1 rank in °Fraunhofer PV Durability Initiative for Solar Modules: Part 3°. PVlech Power Magazine, 2015. Campeau. Z. et al. "SunPower Module Degradation Rate," SunPower white paper, 2013. 4 SunPower is rated #1 on Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition's Solar Scorecard. 5 Cradle to Cradle Certified is a multi-attribute certification program that assesses products and materials for safety to human and environmental health, design for future use cycles, and sustainable manufacturing. 6 X-Series and E-Series panels additionally contribute to LEED Materials and Resources credit categories. 7 Standard Test Conditions (1000 W/m2 irradiance, AM 1.5,25* Q. NREL calibration Standard: SOMS current, IACCS FF and Voltage. 8 Type 2 fire rating per UL1703:2013, Class C fire rating per U11703:2002. See wvsunpower.com/compariy for more reference information. For more details, see extended datasheet: www.sunpower.com/solar-resources Specifications included in this datasheet are subject to change without notice. 02018 SunPower Corporation. All rights reserved. SUNPOWER, the SUNPOWER logo and MEON are trademarks or registered trademarks of SunPower Corporation. Specifications Included in this datasheet are subject to change without notice. Temperature —40° F to +185° F (-40° C to +85° C) Impact Resistance 1 inch (25 mm) diameter hail at 52 mph (23 m/s) Appearance Class A Solar Cells 96 Monocrystalline Maxeon Gen Ill Tempeçed Glass High-transmission tempered anti-reflective Junction Box IP-65, MC4 compatible Weight 41 lbs (18.6 kg) Max. Load d Wind: 50 psf, 2400 Pa, 244 kg/ml front & back Snow: 112 psI, 5400 Pa, 550 kg/m2 front Frame Class 2 silver anodized; stacking pins Stacking Pins Long Side: 32 mm [1.3 in) Short Side: 22 mm [0.9 in] Please read the safety and installation guide. SUN POWER® 1-800-SUNPOWER 527981 Rev A/ LTR...US .4 SUNNY TtIPOWER CORE 1 33-US / 50-US / 62-US lRo .1 4! I______ UPTO6O%FASTER INSTALLATION FOR S COMMERCIAL PV SYSTEMS • A - 0 46 low I C ®Lus SunSp- Certified Fully integrated Increased power, flexibility Enhanced safety, reliability Smart monitoring, control, service Innovative design requires no • Multiple power ratings for small • Integrated SunSpec PLC signal • Advanced smart inverter grid support additional racking for rooftop to large scale commercial PV for module.tevel rapid shutdown capabilities installation installations compliance to 2017 NEC • Increased ROI with SMA ennexOS cross Integrated DC and AC disconnects • Six MPP trackers for flexible stringing • Next-gen DC AFCI arc-fault sector energy management platform and overvoltage protection and maximum power production protection certified to new • SMA Smart Connected proactive 0&M 12 direct string inputs for reduced • OptiTracTM Global Peak shade Standard UL 1699B Ed. 1 solution reduces time spent diagnosing and labor and material costs tolerant MPP tracking servicing in the field SUNNY TRI POWER COREl 33-US / 50-US / 62-US It stands on its own The Sunny Tripower COREl is theworld's first free-standing PV inverter for commercial rooftops, carports, ground mount and repowering legacy solar projects. Now with expanded features and new power classes, the COREl is the most versatile, cost- effective commercial solution available. From distribution to construction to operation, the Sunny Tripower COREl enables logistical, material, labor and service cost reductions, Integrated SunSpec PLC for rapid shutdown and enhanced DC AFCI arc-fault protection ensure compliance to the latest safety codes and standards. With Sunny Tripower COREl and SMA's ennexOS cross sector energy management platform, system integrators can deliver comprehensive commercial energy solutions for increased ROl. www.SMA.America.com I SMASensarModule MD.SENUS.40 ej Technical data Input (DC) Maximum array power Maximum system voltage Rated MPP voltage range MPPT operating voltage range Minimum DC voltage/start voltage MPP trackers/strings per MPP input Maximum operating input current/per MPP tracker Maximum short circuit current per MPPT / per string input Output (AC) AC nominal power Maximum apparent power Output phases/line connections Nominal AC voltage AC voltage range Maximum output current Rated grid Frequency Grid frequency/range Power factor at rated power/adjustable displacement Harmonics THD Efficiency CEC efficiency Protection and safety features Load rated DC disconnect Load rated AC disconnect Ground fault monitoring: Riso / Differential current DC AFCI arc-fault protection SunSpec PLC signal for rapid shutdown DC reverse polarity protection AC short circuit protection DC surge protection: Type 2 / Type 1+2 AC surge protection: Type 2 / Type 1+2 Protection class/overvoltage category (as per UL 840) General data Device dimensions (W/H/D) - Device weight Operating temperature range Storage temperature range Audible noise emissions (full powere lm and 25 °C) Internal consumption at night Topology Cooling concept Enclosure protection rating Maximum permissible relative humidity (non-condensing) Additional information Mounting DC connection AC connection LED indicators (Status/Fault/Communication) Network interfaces: Ethemet/WLAN/RS485 Data protocols: SMA Modbus/SunSpec Modbus/Webconnect Multifunction relay OptiTrac Global Peak (shade-tolerant MPP tracking) Integrated Plant Control/Q on Demand 24/7 Off-Grid capable/SMA Fuel Save Controller compatible SMA Smart Connected (proactive monitoring and service support) Certifications Certifications and approvals FCC compliance Grid interconnection standards Advanced grid support capabilities Warranty Standard Optional extensions O Optional features • Standard features - Not available Type designation Accessories [] SMA Data Manager M EDMM.US.tO Toll Free +1 8884 SMA USA www.SMA-Americo.com Sunny Tripower COREl 33-US Sunny Tripower COREl 50-US Sunny Tripower COREl 2-US 50000 Wp STC 75000 Wp SIC 93750 Wp STC - 1000V 330V 800 V 500 V...800V 550 V...800V 150V... 1000V - 150V/188V 6/2 120A/20A 30 A/ 30 A 33300W 50000W 62500W 33300 VA 53000 VA 66000 VA 3/3-(N)-PE 480 V/277 V WYE 244 V.305 V 40A 64A 80A 60 Hz 50 Hz. 60 Hz/.6 Hz...+6Hz 1/0.0 leading ... 0.0 logging <3% 97.5% 97.5% 97.5% 621 mm/733 mm/569 mm (24.4 in x 28.8 in x 22.4 in) 84k9 1185 lbs) -25 C...+60 IC 03 F...+140 F) -40 +70C (-40F...+158F) 65 dB (A) SW Tronsformerless OptiCool (forced convection, variable speed Ions) Type 4X, 3SX (as per UL SOE) 100% Free-standing with included mounting feet Amphenol UTX PV connectors Screw terminals -4 AWG to 4/0 AWG CU/AL (2 ports)/0/0 ./•/. S S .1. ./. UL 1741, UL 1699B Ed. I, UL 1998, CSA 22.2 107-1, PV Rapid Shutdown System Equipment FCC Part 15 Class A IEEE 1547, UL 1741 SA- CA Rule 21, HECO Rule 14H VHFRT, L/HVRT, Volt-VAr, Volt-Watt, Frequency-Watt, Ramp Rate Control, Fixed Power Factor 10 years 15/20 years STP 33-US41 SIP $0-US41 SIP 62-US41 [ .., i] Universal Mounting System AC Surge Protection Module 1(15 UMS_KIT-KIT AC_SPD_KITI-tO, AC_SPD_KIT2_T1T2 DC Surge Pre5eclisn Module Kit DC...SPD_KIT4-10, OC_SPD_KIT5_T1T2 SMA America,LLC -- :••:'.;,•.•' Certified rsMA__ 154-R-F SUNSPEC RAPID SHUTDOWN Th Cost-effective Simple to install via existing DC wires No additional components necessary, reducing balance of system costs Simple and robust Power line based communication compatible with SunSpec signal for rapid shutdown Shuts down PV module whenever SunSpec signal, is interrupted Safe and reliable SunSpec compliant rapid shutdown that fulfills: UL 1741 NEC 2014 NEC 2017 Reduced risk Technical support from SMA's #1 ranked service organization Simple, safe repair or replacement of proprietary snap- in cover—no cabling work TS4.R-F SUNSPEC RAPID SHUTDOWN Compliance made simple and economical The new TS4-R-F rapid shutdown solution is a cost-effective way to fulfill UL 1741, NEC 2014 and NEC 2017 requirements. It is compatible with the power line based SunSpec communication signal for rapid shutdown, making it simple to implement with robust functionality. Using the existing DC wires between the inverter and module-level electronics as a communication channel significantly reduces installation time and labor costs, since no additional communication equipment is needed. The TS4-R-F's compliance with the SunSpec open standard makes it the most flexible solution on the market, as it can be combined with multiple types of inverters. www.SMA.America.com Input Rated DC input power Maximum PV module open-circuit voltage @ STC Maximum input voltage Maximum current lsc Output Output power range Output voltage range Communication type Rapid shutdown compliant (NEC 2017690.12) Maximum system voltage Maximum series fuse rating Mechanical Operating temperature range Non-operating temperature range Coaling method Dimensions with cover Weight with cover Environmental rating Cabling Cabling type / Output cable length Cabling UV resistance —40°Cto+85°C (-40°Fte+185°F) —40°Cto+85°C (-40°Fto+185°F) Natural convection 152.5 mm x 108 mm x 25.3 mm 6109 1P68, NEMA 4X E Hi Z2Z2-K / 1.2 m (solar cable, certified to EN 50618) MC4 500 hr with UVB light between 300 and 400 nm at 65° C 0-475W 0- Voc SunSpec Rapid Shutdown Yes 1000V 15A 475W 75 V 90V 12A Technical data TS4R-F 478-00252-42 .2 Type designation SYSTEM DIAGRAM PV MODULE 1 I i...i 154-R-F it ------------------------- PV INVERTER Toll Free +1 888 4 SMA USA www.SMA-America.com TS4-R-F 478.00252-42 2 SUNNY PORTAL ['!i INTERNET H L] H ROUTER UTILITY GRID I st - DC - AC - Ethernet - - - Sunspec PLC 1! SMA America, LLC an -------- INSTALLATION GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS: PG TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT): PG GENERAL NOTES: TooLs & Specifications 1 Bonding & Grounding System Certification 10 Refer to construction drawings for project specific System Components 2 Bonding & Grounding System Certification 11 detaiLs. Construction drawings have precedence System Level Fire Code Compliance 3 Bonding & Grounding ELectrical Diagram 12 over these installation guideLines. Locate Array & Place Bays 4 Temporary Bonding Procedures 13 Place Ballast & South Modules 5 Installation Supplement Place Modules & Attach Clamps 6 BalLast Bay(s) Roof Attachment A BaLlast Bay Wind Deflectors 7 Microinverter InstaLL & Wire Mgmt. B Connect Grounding Lugs 8 MechanicaL Loading Compliance 9 REV20I8MAR06V2 Omni RM5 TOOLS & SPECIFICATIONS 'N No TECHNICAL DATA SHEET :PAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: LAYOUT ASSISTANCE TOOL: Material Types: 16G ASTMA653 GRSO Steel 6235 Galvanization Module Dimensions: RM5 Module Location: Spacing Equations (in Inches): Hardware: Stainless Steel Bonding and Grounding: UL2703 Listed Continuous Bonding Path. 7 1/21N SPACING I 111N SPACING SPACERS - OPTIONAL PERIMETER COLUMN SPACER 4 S COLUMN SPACER 4 I 0 SOUTH ROW SPACER 4 I r1 ROW SPACER 4 I MODULE ROW SPACING OPTIONS NORTH ROW SPACER 41 TOOLS REQUIRED OR RECOMMENDED FOR LAYOUT, ATTACHMENTS & INSTALLATION: Drill (Do Not Use An Impact Driver) 7/16" Socket Torque Wrench Tape Measure Chalk Reel Optional Spacers (See Diagram - Page Right) GENERAL HARDWARE: 1/4-20 X 2½" Hex Head Bolt- Module Clamps '/2O X 1" Hex Head Bolt - Wind Deflectors 14..20 Stainless Steel U-Nuts 14" Flat Washer 1 ½" O.D. SAFETY: ALL applicable OSHA safety guidelines should be observed when working on a PV installation job site. The installation and handling of PV solar modules, electrical installation and PV racking systems involves handling components with potentially sharp metal edges. RuLes regarding the use of gloves and other personal protective equipment should be observed. For 7.5 inter-row option: For 11 inter-row option: Module Length (ML) = 1 Perimeter Column Spacing = ML+(G/2)-32.04 Module Width (MW) = Interior Column Spacing = ML+G-21.36 Prefered module gap? South Row Spacing = (MW x 0.996) - 12.79 (MW x 0.996) - 12.79 (1/4- 1 is permissibLe) 4 Row Spacing = (MW x 0.996) - 12.79 (MW x 0.996) - 9.25 East/West Module Gap (G) = I5 North Row Spacing" (MW x 0.996) - 12.79 (MW x 0.996) - 18.46 0 00 0 0 0 uu: u RM5 : SYSTEM COMPONENTS ill TECHNICAL DATA SHEET: PACE BALLAST BAY: The Ballast Bay is constructed of a high strength Low alloy G235 Galvanized Steel. This system has modular design that allows for easy installation around roof obstructions and accommodates roof undulations. The Ballast Bays are designed to nest within each other to optimize shipping logistics. NOTE: Systems installed on PVC roofs require ballast bays with pre-installed Santoprene pads. CLAMP & HARDWARE: The ModuLe Clamp is made of StainLess Steel and can be used with module frame heights indicated on the clamp. The clamps are a portion of the UL2703 Listed system when installed according to this installation guide. A 14_20 stainless steel bolt and u-nut are the associated hardware for installing clamps. NOTE: U-Nuts come in packages separate from Clamp Kit. BALLAST BLOCK: The RM ballast bay can fit up to 2 standard 4"x8"x16" solid concrete cap blocks. Block weight can range from 26 - 38 lbs. and shaLl meet ASTM C1491 requirements for freeze thaw durability. Verify your block weights before using the Unirac U-BuiLder online design tooL WIND DEFLECTOR: 18G G180 steel wind deflector aids in ballast reduction and provides fire mitigation. A 1/4- 20 stainless steel bolt and fender washer (1.5' O.D) are associated hardware for wind deflectors. NOTE: U-Nuts come in packages separate from deflector hardware. OPTIONAL WIRE MANAGEMENT: Custom Unirac wire cLip along with mounting options for various off the shelf wire management clips. NOTE: ALL conduit and wire ways should be grounded & bonded per the (NEC) National Electric Code. OPTIONAL MICROINVERTER MOUNTING: Microinverter / Power optimizer bracket, see page B for additional instructions. Module Type System level Fire Rating Mitigation Type 1 Class A Prescriptive. See notes & IlLustration Below Type 2 Class A Prescriptive. See notes & IlLustration Below TYPE 1/ TYPE 2 CLASS A FIRE RATING MOUNTING ORIENTATION Unirac RM has achieved Class A system level fire performance for type 1 and type 2 module constructions. In order to maintain the fire rating for type 1 modules wind deflectors must be installed on the north edge of the array. Type 2 modules require wind deflectors to be installed on the north and south edges of the arrayand at all perimeter modules. NOTE: See page 7 for installation of wind deflectors. Please use the U-builder tool to optimize the usage of wind deflectors for fire mitigation. - Type I Requires fire mitigation on North Edge when there are no additional wind deflectors throughout the array - Type II Requires fire mitigation on all perimeter modules within array. . RM5 SYSTEM LEVEL FIRE CODE COMPLIANCE H No : INSTALLATION GUIDE-'I - PAGE SYSTEM LEVEL FIRE CLASSIFICATION: The system fire class rating is only valid when the installation is conducted in accordance with the assembly instructions contained in this manual over a fire resistant roof covering rated for the application. RM ROOFMOUNT has been classified to the system Level fire portion of UL1703. It has achieved Class A performance for Low sloped roofs when used in conjunction with type 1 and type 2 module constructions. Please see the specific conditions below for mounting details required to maintain the Class A fire rating. Minimum and maximum roof slopes are restricted through the system design and Layout rules. The fire classification rating is only valid on roof pitches less than 2:12 (slopes < 2 inches per foot, or 9.5 degrees). Refer to page right for proper installation of wind defiectors for required fire mitigation. NOTE: Type I or Type II information is generally Located on back of modules or through manufacturers documentation. Some building codes and fire codes require minimum clearances around such installations, and the installer should check local building code requirements for compliance. Unirac RM CONFORMS TO ULSTD27O3 EAST/WEST EDGES: Install wind deflectors in each row with 6" over- hang on east and west edges. This applies for any deflector installed on east and west edges throughout the array. TORQUE VALUE: 10FTLSS All Wind Deflector Hardware ('4.20 x linch bolt, '/4-20 u-nut & 1/41nch flat washer 1 1/2in O.D.) TYPE I: Install wind deflectors on North edge of array. ' . V'I'IiI•I. S • TYPE II: Install wind deflectors on all perimeter modules within array .::RM5 LOCATE ARRAY & PLACE BAYS II on : INSTALLATION GUIDE: PAGE SNAP SOUTH PERIMETER CHALK LINE, THEN EAST OR WEST PERIMETER CHALK LINE. As best practice, on south edge of array mark lines to locate the center of each bay. I I I 'p p I I p S p I SPACERS - OPTIONAL PERIMETER COLUMN SPACER 4 S COLUMN SPACER 4 • IL A SPACERS -OPTIONAL PERIMETER COLUMN SPACER 1 S COLUMN SPACER I ROW SPACER. I NORTH ROW SPACER 4 0 SOUTH ROW SPACER 4 X PLACE SOUTH PERIMETER BAYS FIRST. If slip sheets are required, place per manufacturers recommendations. NOTE: Custom spacers can be made to aid in the placement of bays on the roof. See page 1. PLACE ALL BAYS. 'E . RM5 PLACE BALLAST & SOUTH MODULES•u : INSTALLATION GUIDE-'I - PAGE PLACE ALL BALLAST: A maximum of two (2) ballast blocks can be placed in each ballast bay, typically pushed into .the retention feature on the north or south edge. The North perimeter requires ballast blocks to be pushed towards the southern edge of the ballast bay to accommodate wind deflectors. Site specific ballast calculations should be created for each individual project in accordance with the U-Builder design software. This system has been rated for the mechanical Load provisions of UL2703. In addition, it has been designed and tested to comply with the more rigorous requirements of SEAOC PV1, PV2 and ASCE 7. NORTH PERIMETER BALLAST CONFIGURATION Ballast needs to be pushed towards Southern edge of ballast bay TYPICAL _ BALLAST coNF:u:TIoN.(1) I I I I 5 NORTH I TYPICAL BALLAST I I CONFIGURATION WITH I SINGLE BALLAST TYPICAL SOUTHERN EDGE MODULE PLACEMENT: Each bay has two spacing options, select the appropriate tab according to Layout requirements. Place southern row of modules on bays. You may adjust second row of bays. Do not adjust southern most row of bays 1 IN. Maximum gap between modules 14 IN. Minimum gap between modules NOTE: Modules may be placed on bays without immediate installation of clamps NOTE: Modules shall be mounted in landscape orientation only. Omni RM5 MODULE PLACEMENT & ATTACH CLAMPS II •• .1 INSTALLATION GUIDE: PAGE EAST OR WEST EDGE MODULE PLACEMENT NOTE: Modules may be placed on bays without immediate installation of clamps. NOTE: Modules shall be mounted in Landscape orientation only. COMPLETE MODULE PLACEMENT 4 1/420x21/2N. 1 0 Stainless Steel Bolt & ( End Clamp 1/4-20 Stainless Steel U-Nut INSTALL U-NUT &. INSTALL CLAMPS NOTE: U-NUT - Single Use Only - Do not re-torque once fully seated NOTE: CLAMP AND BOLT - Single Use Only - Do not re-torque once fully seated TORQUE VALUE: 7FT-LBS MINIMUM to achieve UL2703 required clamp Load Module Frame Height Clamp installed with improper range for must fall within proper module height range stamped on clamp PhysicaL contact must be keep clamp firm against maintained onen 4— Apply Pressure here to module frame tabs as bolt is torqued No gap should be torquing own ic PROPER CLAMP INSTALLATION: Clamp is stamped for module frame height on each Leg Clamp should be firmly held against module frame while being torqued PROBLEM - CLAMP NOT SEATED AGAINST MODULE DURING TORQUING Clamp needs to-be held securely against the module frame during torquing for proper installation PROBLEM - NOT USING PROPER SIZE OF CLAMP FOR MODULE FRAME HEIGHT Double check the stamping on clamp to use the correct Leg of clamp for module frame height The module height shall fall within the range shown on the top of the clamp Excessive angle on clamp will inhibit required clamp Load on module Sol MEN RM5 BALLAST BAY WINDDEFLECTORS ii•• : -- INSTALLATION GUIDE - SUPPLEMENT: PAGE STEP I - U-NUTS: Install u-nuts on side flange STEP - 2 WIND DEFLECTOR: Position wind deflector in the slots provided in the bay STEP 3 - HARDWARE: Secure wind deflector with 1 ½" O.D. flat washer and 14..20 x 1" Bolt, as shown above TORQUE VALUE: lOFT-LBS INSTALL BALLAST BAY WIND DEFLECTORS ROTE: Wind deflectors overlap at splice TERMINAL TORQUE: Install conductor and torque to the following: 4-14 AWG: 35 in-Lbs GROUNDING NOTE: Can be installed on any Location with a 1.e .l. i.-... ;.,. .. CONNECT GROUNDING LUG 181 INSTALLATION GUIDE : PACE GROUNDING LUG MOUNTING DETAILS AS REQUIRED BY CODE & ENGINEER OF RECORD: The Ilsco Lug has a green colored set screw for grounding indication purposes. One lug is recommended per continuous array, not to exceed 150ft X 150ft. Unirac ROOFMOUNT is intended to be used with PV modules that have a system voltage less than or equal to that allowable by the National Electric Code (NEC). It is the installer's responsibility to check adherence to LocaL codes. NOTE: The installation must be conducted in accordance with the National Electric Code ANSI / NFPA 70. Ground Lug Bolt Size Torque Value ILsco Lug SGB-4 1/4-20 6.5 ft-Lbs (75 in-Lbs) ILsco Lug GBL-4 #10-32 2.9 ft-Lbs (35 in-Lbs) NOTE: In order to prevent corrosion induced by dissimilar metals, it is important to verify that the bare copper wire does not come into contact with aluminum or galvanized steel These materials must be kept separate. Although conformance with UL2703 was demonstrated without the use of oxide inhibitor material, it is recommended by ILsco to provide an optimized bonding solution for their Lay-in Lug. 'C C 0 Ch C I- a In 1• GROUNDING NOTE: ' Can be installed on any location with a 3 flat surface on the bay in order to ground the system. 01 08 2 ID 16. . 0 In cc TERMINALTORQUE: Install Conductor and torque to the following: - 4-6 AWG: 35 in-lbs. 8AWG: 25 in-Lbs son RM5 MECHANICAL LOADING COMPLIANCE'N•• : INSTALLATION GUIDE-'I - PAGE MECHANICAL LOAD TEST QUALIFICATION The Unirac RM system has been tested to the mechanical. Load provisions of UL2703 and covers the following basic parameter(s): Tested Loads: 25 psf up, 54 psf down Certification Loads: 16.7 psf up, 36 psf down, 5 psf down-sLope TESTED MODULE Module Manufacturer Model / Series Hyundai HIS-S325T1 ciin : BONDING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION & : un I RM5 GROUNDING •• I E I PAGE ELECTRICAL BONDING & GROUNDING TEST MODULES: This racking system maybe used to ground and/or mount a PV module complying with UL 1703 ontywhen the specific module has been evaluated for grounding and/or mounting in compliance with the included instructions. VERIFIED COMPATIBLE MODULES: Manufacture Module Model / Series Frame Height (MM) Ateo P18 & P19 35 Aleo 11 S18,519.559,& 579 50 AUOptronics PM Series 40 i Auxin AXN6M61OT,AXN6P61OT, AXN6M612T & AXN6P612T 40 BYD P6K Series 35 F Canadian Solar CSSA-M.CS6P-M, CS6X-P,CS6U-P, CS6U-M,CS6K-MS, CS6K-M, CS6V-M,CS6K-P,CS6P-P,CS3U-P, CS3U-MS, c33K-P, CS3K-MS & CS1K-MS 40 iCentrdsoLar America C-Series & E-Series 40 CertainTeed Cr2xxMxx-01 & CT2xxPxx-01 35 CertaunTeed TxxxMxx-01, TxxxPxx-01 & CTxxxMxx-02 40 ElSolar ETAC & ET Modules 40 Eco Solargy Orion 1000 & Apollo 1000 40 GCL GCL-P6 & GCL-M6 Series 35/40 Hansol - TD-AN3 40 Hanwha SotarOne HSL 60 & HSL 72 40 Heliene 36M,60M,60P, 72M & 72P Series 40 Hyundai Heavy Industries MG,TG, RG, & KG Series 35 LHyundai Heavy Industries TI & RI Series 50 :Hyundai Heavy Industries MI, R1, KI, & Ti Series 40 :ITEK iliT-HE & IT-SE Series 40 Japan Solar - JPS-60 & JPS-72 Series 35/40 JA Solar JAP6-60, JAM6-60 40 JA Solar JAP6-72, JAM6-72 45 Frame Manufacture Module Model! Series Height (MM) JAP6(k)-60-xxx/4BB, JAP60SYY-xxx/ZZ. JA Solar 35/40 JAM6(k)-60-xxç,'ZZ, JAM60SYY-xxx/ZZ JAP6(k)-72-xxx/4BB, JAP72SYV-xxx/ZZ, - JA Solar 35/40 JAM6(k)-72-xx,cfZZ, JAM72SVV-xxx/ZZ JKMxxxM,JKMxxxP, JKMxxxPP, Jinko 40 JKMSxxxPP & JKMSxxxP Kyocera KD-F Series 46 IG Electronics MONO X 35/46 MONO X 2, MONO X Plus, NeON, IG Electronics NeON2 Black, NeON 2 AC, NeON2 40 Bifacial LG Electronics NeON2 40/46 LG Electronics NeON R & NeON R Black 40 LONG LR6-60 & LR6-72 Series 40/45 Mission Solar Energy MSE MONO & MSE PERC 40 Mitsubishi MJE & MLE Series 46 Neo Solar Power Co. D6M Series 35 Phono Solar Tech. Standard Modules 40/45 V8HNxxxSA15 & SAMPanasonic 35 VBHNxxxKA01 & KA02 VBHNxxxSA17 & 5A18, Panasonic 40 VBHNxxxKA03 & KA04 Q.CeLls Q.PLUS/PEAK/PRO - L G4.x 35 Q.Cells B.LINE PLUS/PRO - L G4.x 35 Frame Manufacture I Module Model/ Series Height (MM) Q.Cells QPLUS L-G4.2frAA 35 Q.Cells Q.PRO L-G2 40/42 Q.PRO BFR G4x Q.PEAK G4.1/MAX, Q.PRO/Q.PLUS G4, Q.PEAK-G4.1/TAA, Q.PEAK BLK G4.1/IAA, Q.PLUS BFR G4.1 Q.Celts Q.PLUS BFR G4.1/TAA, 32 Q.PLUS BFR G4.1/MAX, B.LINE PLUS BFR G4.1, B.LINE PRO BFR G4.1, Q.PRO EC-G4.4 Q.PEAK BLK G4.1 & Q.PEAK G4.1 Q.PEAK DUO-G5, DUO BLK-G5 Q.PEAK-G3 & G3.1, Q.PEAK BLK G3 & G3.1, Q.Cells i 35 Q.PLUS BFR G3.1, Q. PLUS/PRO G3 REC PEAK &ECO 38 REC PeakEnergy72,TwinPeak 45 REC TwinPeak (2)(BLK)(2), N-Peak 38 REC TwinPeak2S(B)(XV) 30 Renesola 60 Cell Modules & Vitrus2 40 Seraphim SEG-6 &SRP-6 Series 40 Sharp ND-24CQCJ & ND-2SCQCS 46 Sharp ND-Q235E4 &ND-F4Q300 46 Sharp NU-SA 35 Sharp - Nh-SC 40 - ru :RM5 BONDING & CVCT1i PDTIrIPATIflhI•u: GROUNDING )I)ILIYI ULRIIFIWiI lull•• : INSTALLATION GUIDE: PAGE ELECTRICAL BONDING & GROUNDING TEST MODULES: This racking system maybe used to ground and/or mount a PV moduLe compLying with UL 1703 onLywhen the specific module has been evaluated for grounding and/or mounting in compliance with the included instructions. VERIFIED COMPATIBLE MODULES (CONTINUED): Manufacture Module Model / Series Frame Height (MM) SiLfab SLA-H/P & SLG-WP 38 SoLarTech STU HJT & STU PERC 42 SoLarWorLd Sunmodule Protect/PLus 33 Suniva Optimus Series 35/38 Suniva MV Series 40/46 Suntech STP -XXX- 35/40 Sun Edison/FLextronics F-Series / FLEX FXS 35/50 Sun EdisorVFLextronics R-Series / FLEX FXS 35/50 S-Energy SN72 & SN60 Series 40 SunPower X-Series 72 & E-Series 72 46 SunPower X-Series 96 & E-Series 96 46 SunPower P-Series 46 SunPower Sig Black 46 TaLesun TP572,TP596,TP654,TP660, TP672, Hipor, M, Smart 35/40 Trina PAOS.P005.DDOS 35 Trina PD14, PE14, 0014, DE14 40 Winaico WST & WSP Series 35/40 YingLi Panda 60 40 YingLi YGE U72 40 YingLi YGE 60 CeLL 40 Yingli YGE 60 CeLL Series 2 35 Yingli YGE 60 Series 2 40 Yingli YIN 60 40 Yingli YLM72 40 Please see the RMS UL2703 Test Report at Unirac.com to ensure the exact solar module selected is approved for use with RMS - FauLt Current Ground Path • Ground Lug • Grounding Clip & Bolt • Mm. 10 AWG Copper Wire Module Frame Module Bay w/ Grounding Clips BONDING&flfl'TDIPAI DIAGRAM•su: RM5 - GROUNDING LLLIi I RIWiL : INSTALLATION GUIDE : PAGE III III II RM 5 TEMPORARY BONDING PROCEDURES IIIus : INSTALLATION GUIDE: PAGE TEMPORARY GROUNDING & BONDING PROCEDURE: Periodic inspections should be conducted on the PV array to ensure there are not Loose components,Loóse fasteners or corrosion. If any of the above items are found, the affected components are to be immediately replaced. If a module must be removed or repLaced,a temporary bonding jumper must be used to ensure safety of the personnel and PV system. NOTE: Removing a PV module from a system is not considered to be routine maintenance. This type of activity should only be performed by .trained and qualified installers. NOTE: In order to prevent corrosion induced by dissimilar metals, it is important to verify that the bare copper wire does not come into contact with aluminum or galvanized steel. These materials must be kept separate. GB-4 GBL-4 _ IL APPROVED LUGS: ILsco lay-in Lug llsco - SGB-4, GBL-4 TERMINAL TORQUE: Install conductor and torque to the foLLowing: SGB-4: 4-14 AWG: 35in-lbs GBL-4: 4-6 AWG: 35 in-Lbs. 8AWG: 25 in-Lbs ATTACH LUGS: Use approved lug(s) to install on adjacent bays where the module is being removed. HERE IS ONE EXAMPLE OF A MODULE REMOVAL THAT WILL REQUIRE THE USE OF A BONDING JUMPER INSERT COPPER WIRE: Insert bare copper wire into each lug, providing a bonding jumper across the missing module location. REMOVE MODULE & REVERSE THE OPERATION AFTER MAINTENANCE IS COMPLETE Bonding jumper nt required here, due to integrated bonding/grounding path throughout module frames/ bays around this Location. NOTE: CLAMP AND BOLT - Single Use Only - Use new clamps after any module replacements or system maintenance. . RM 5 BALLAST BAY ROOF ATTACHMENT IAI No : -- INSTALLATION GUIDE - SUPPLEMENT: PAGE STEP I - POSITION ROOF ATTACHMENT: Position Roof Attachment under bay requiring attachment and install according to manufacturer installation instructions. NOTE: Center roof attachment under ballast bay as close as Possible. STEP 2 - PLACE UNISTRUT: Place Unistrut across bay with the anchor stud through a slot. NOTE: Metal base of attachment where stud is Located cannot exceed a height of 1/4" STEP 3 - SECURE UNISTRUT TO ROOF ATTACHMENT: Place 3/8" washer and 3/8-16 serrated flange nut on anchor stud, serrations facing down and tighten to 30 ft-Lb. TORQUE VALUE: 30FT-LBS -1 11 .Doll ID M c MICROINVERTER INSTALL & WIRE MGMT. LB ME :-- 1% III U SThLLl1O0 GUIDE - SUPLEi: PAGE PRE-INSTALL MICROINVERTERS: Install MLPE in a Location on the module that will not interfere with ballast bays or grounding tugs. To use trunk cable most efficientLy, install MLPE components in the same locations on all modules in the same row. TORQUE VALUE: 20FT-LBS ROUFMOUNT 00 :U NUEAC .. E D . 71m, L 10 5 DEGREE TILT OPTIMIZE ARRAY LAYOUT TWO ROW SPACING OPTIONS 5 DEGREE TILT -1.5 IN./11 IN. ROW SPACING SINGLE TOOL ASSEMBLY INTEGRATED BONDING SEAMLESS WIRE MANAGEMENT ENHANCED U-BUILDER DESIGN/ LAVOUTTOOL SEAMLESS HELIOSCOPE INTEGRATION CUSTOMIZED QUOTATION ASSISTANCE 3RD PARTY ENGINEERING DOCUMENTATION INDUSTRY BEST LEAD TIMES I ;7 p lo MAXIMIZE PROFITABILITY AT EVERY STEP &MIIIJf 00 :UN AC OPTIMIZE ARRAY LAYOUT MAXIMUM LAYOUT FLEXIBILITY WITH TWO ROW SPACING OPTIONS 5 Degree Tilt with 1.5 IN. /11 IN. Row Spacing Options G235 steel, double the corrosion protection of other racking products Place panel, then clamp for single person module installation Integrated bonding with single tool, hassle-free installation Simplified wiring with Unirac's RM wire management clips MLPE mount for microinverters and power optimizers Optional roof attachments to meet site specific requirements Ship up to 1 MW per truck with compact packaging nn )J B0DG&GR0UDI( 1u.i— I l I l M ll MECHANICAL LOADING SYSTEM liRE C1ASSlFlC ACCELERATE YOUR PROJECT AT EVERY STEP FOR MAXIMUM PROFITABILITY WORLD CLASS U-BUILDER FOR QUICK & EFFICIENT DESIGN / LAYOUT WITHIN MINUTES Seamless HelioScope IntegrationS Coogle Maps Platform . Row by Roe: Design with Ballast Distribution Maps. Site Specific Engineering Report- Multiple Arrays per Design - CAD File Do:aloads COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN & ENGINEERING SUPPORT A learn of lechnical Experts &Piotcssional Engeers Customize Pioiectszhilebilm Oes~nsto Maxiutie [neigy Output with toast Possible System Cost GUARANTEED PERMIT APPROVAL 012103 Certification Documents - Stamped rd Party P1 Lelbi Construction Draings AOl Outreach Program BEST LOGISTICS NETWORK - FASTEST DELIVERY IN THE COMMERCIAL PV RACKING INDUSTRY 1.-;oV!eek teal TIms rrcm Our Factuy And Immediate Deployment Through Our tiatien e Distribution Uet:amk. PRODUCT TRAINING WITH PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO MINIMIZE INSTALLATION LEARNING CURVE lritllti Cide s- L DLuos Tra the TrtrPrornr• Change Or&i Maruument - Pmoct Close Out Asitice UIRAC CUSTOMER SERVICE MEANS THE HHEST LEVEL OF PRODUCT SUPPORT IN THE RAIG INDUSTRY I II I I - I .375±.015 rt -i [9.53±.381 - I I .213 L .hI •Ij (5.41] TOLERANCES-UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED I DWG. NO. 2 Pt.. DEC. ±.015 TRUE C.L. *.015 3 PL DEC. ±.01O ANGLES ±1 I G0977 I51 1 OF 1 'T CORP. DRAWN BY:CLH 'SCALE: 3:1 DATE: 7/27/2007 1SIZE: A Cat #: GBL-4DB 0.218 ThRU GBL-4DBT E1276-.. CALE 1: 1 .190 [4.84] SCREW: E1276 CAT. NO.: MASS: .052 LBS. SURFACE AREA: 2.738 IN2 STUFFER SHT: FORM 12 MATERIAL:COPPER, X007309 PLATING: SEE CHART MARKING: Q GBL-4DB, 4-14, CU, DB CEII:ABM - 1/4-28 UNI - I \/.O4O MAX X45° OPENING MUST SLIP A 0.250 PIN .825 [20.96] fl4 .470 (11.94] .185±.005 [4.70±.131 II I 1.150 1 [29.21] PART NUMBER PLATING MARKING G0977A00B I BRIGHT DIP I GBL-4DB,4-14, I G0977A00T I EL-TIN I OGBL-4DBT,4-14, [HE INFORMATION CONTAINED WITHIN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROPRIETARY TO ILSCO AND MAY NOT BE DISCLOSED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT P71 structural ENGINEERS May 9, 2017 Unirac 1411 Broadway Boulevard NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102-1545 TEL: (505) 242- 6411 FAX: (505) 242-6512 Attn.: Engineering Department, Re: Engineering Certification for the Unirac RM5 Roof Mounted Ballasted Photovoltaic Panel Support System. The Unirac RM5 Roof Mounted Ballasted Photovoltaic Panel Support System is a proprietary framed ballasted assembly which supports Photovoltaic panels. The ballast frames hold the PV panels and are ballasted with concrete blocks as required for the wind loads. The wind uplift loads are resisted directly by the ballast. Lateral forces, both wind and seismic, are resisted by friction between the ballast and the roof surface. For wind forces, the system is designed for no lateral or vertical displacement of the array. For seismic forces, the system is designed per SEAOC PV -2012 requirements for lateral movement/displacement. The ballasting requirements are determined using the Unirac online "U-Builder RM5" Design Assistant tool. The Design Assistant covers a wide range of system configurations and loading and allows the user to customize the input to match the specific project conditions. We have reviewed the Unirac RM5 Roof Mounted Ballasted Photovoltaic Panel Support System, the RDWI wind tunnel test results and the Unirac ballasted system design methodology and have determined that the Unirac RM5 ballasted system design methodology is a rational approach and is in compliance with the structural requirements of the following Reference Documents: Codes: ASCE/SEI 7-05 and ASCE/SEI 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and other Structures International Building Code, 2009, 2012, & 2015 Editions California Building Code, 2010, 2013 & 2016 Editions Other: Aluminum Design Manual, 2010 & 2015 Edition RWDI Wind Pressure Study Report #1600097 SEAOC PV 1-2012 Report - Structural Seismic Requirements and Commentary for Rooftop Solar PV Arrays SEAOC PV2-20 12 Report - Wind Design for Low-Profile Solar Photovoltaic Arrays on Flat Roofs Terrapin Testing #TTS 16003-ASTM Gil 5 Coefficient of Friction Testing Report This letter certifies that the Unirac RM5 Roof Mounted Ballasted Photovoltaic Panel Support System and the Unirac online "U-Builder RM5" Design Assistant tool are in compliance with the above Reference Documents. If you have any questions on the above, do not hesitate to call. Prepared By: PZSE, Inc. - Structural Engineers Roseville, CA 5150 Sierra College Boulevard, Suite 150, Roseville, CA 95661 1 916.961.3960 F 916.961.3965 W www.pzse.com Experience I Integrity' I Empowerment --.- ,.-- SAN DIEGO REGIONAL I •OFFICE USE ONLY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RECORD ID #________________________________ PLAN CHECK OCCC" QUESTIONNAIRE BP DATE I. I Business Name Business Contact Telephone # Project Address City State Zip Code APN# Mailing Address City State Zip Code Plan File# Project Contact Applicant E-mail Telephone # The following questions represent the facility's activities, NOT the specific project description. - PART I: FIRE DEPARTMENT -HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: (not required for prolects within the City of San Diego): Indicate by circling the item, whether your business will use, process, or store any of the following hazardous materials. If any of the items are circled, applicant must contact the Fire Protection Agency with jurisdiction prior to plan submittal. Occupancy Rating: Facility's Square Footage (including proposed project): Explosive or Blasting Agents 5. Organic Peroxides 9. Water Reactives 13. Corrosives Compressed Gases 6. Oxidizers 10. Cryogenics 14. Other Health Hazards Flammable/Combustible Liquids 7. Pyrophorics 11. Highly Toxic or Toxic Materials 15. None of These. Flammable Solids 8. Unstable Reactives 12. Radioactives If the answer to any of the Diego, CA 92123. Call (858) 55-6706 prior to the issuance of a building permit. FEES ARE REQUIRED Project Completion Date: Expected Date of Occupancy: YES !9 (for new construction or remodeling projects) 0 Is your business listed on the reverse side of this form? (check all that apply). 0 13, Will your business dispose of Hazardous Substances or Medical Waste in any amount? 0 17 Will your business store or handle Hazardous Substances in quantities greater than or equal to 55 gallons, 500 pounds and/or 200 cubic feet? 0 ' Will your business store or handle carcinogens/reproductive toxins in any quantity? Will your business use an existing or install an underground storage tank? 0 ' Will your business store or handle Regulated Substances (CaIARP)? 0 / Will your business use or install a Hazardous Waste Tank System (Title 22, Article 10)? 0 (I Will your business store petroleum in tanks or containers at your facility with a total facility storage capacity equal to CaIARP Exempt Date Initials CalARP Required Date Initials CaIARP Complete Date Initials PART ill: SAN DIEGO COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT (APCD): Any YES* answer requires a stamp from APCD 10124 Old Grove Road, San Diego, CA 92131 aocdcompsdcountv.ca.aov (858) 586-2650). I*No stamp required if Qi Yes and Q3 Yes and Q4-Q6 No]. The following questions are intended to identify the majority of air pollution issues at the planning stage. Projects may require additional measures not identified by these questions. For comprehensive' requirements contact APCD. Residences are typically exempt, except - those with more than one building* on the property; single buildings with more than four dwelling units; townhomes; condos; mixed-commercial use; deliberate bums; residences forming part of a larger project. [Excludes garages & small outbuildings.] YES hi 0 I3 Will the project disturb 160 square feet or more of existing building materials? 0 IZI', Will any load supporting structural members be removed? Notification maybe required 10 working days prior to commencing demolition. 0 17 (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION I or 2 IS YES) Has an asbestos survey been performed by a Certified Asbestos Consultant or Site Surveillance Technician? 0 17 (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 3 IS YES) Based on the survey results, will the project disturb any asbestos containing material? Notification j may be required 10 working days prior to commencing asbestos removal. 0 IZJ Will the project or associated construction equipment emit air contaminanfr? SeeJhe reverse side of this form or APCD factsheet j (www.sdancd.orQ/info/facts/oermits.odf) for typical equippient requiring afi APCDjpermit. 0 EZI (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 5 IS YES) Will the projct or qsociatedlcorutio) equipment be located within 1.000 feet of a school Briefly describe business activities: project: I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge and be f tile es ons a he ei are true and corr Ct. /_i Name of Owner or Authorized Agent Sighftfe dflOwner or Autholit6d Agent Date FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY: FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: - BY: DATE: I I EXEMPT OR NO FURTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED RELEASED FOR BUILDING PERMIT BUT NOT FOR OCCUPANCY RELEASED FOR OCCUPANCY COUNTY-HMD APCD COUNTY-HMD APCD COUNTY-HMD - APCD A stamp in this box only exempts businesses trom compieting or upaatung a riazaraous matenais business man. utner permitting requirements may siiuu apply. HM-9171 (08/15) County of San Diego - DEH - Hazardous Materials Division LIST OF BUSINESSES WHICH REQUIRE REVIEW AND APPROVAL FROM THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION Check all that apply: AUTOMOTIVE Battery Manufacturing/Recycling Boat Yard Car Wash Dealership Maintenance/Painting Machine Shop Painting Radiator Shop Rental Yard Equipment Repair/Preventive Maintenance Spray Booth Transportation Services Wrecking/Recycling CHEMICAL HANDLING Agricultural supplier/distributor Chemical Manufacturer Chemical Supplier/Distributor Coatings/Adhesive Compressed Gas Supplier/Distributor Dry Cleaning Fiberglass/Resin Application Gas Station Industrial Laundry Laboratory Laboratory Supplier/Distributor Oil and Fuel Bulk Supply Pesticide Operator/Distributor CHEMICAL HANDLING OTHERS AND MISCELLANEOUS Photographic Processing 0 Asphalt Plant Pool Supplies/Maintenance 0 Biotechnology/Research Printing/Blue Printing 0 Chiropractic Office Road Coatings 0 Co-Generation Plant Swimming Pool 0 Dental Clinic/Office Toxic Gas Handler 0 Dialysis Center Toxic Gas Manufacturer 0 Emergency Generator 0 Frozen Food Processing Facility METAL WORKING 0 Hazardous Waste Hauler Anodizing 0 Hospital/Convalescent Home Chemical Milling/Etching 0 Laboratory/Biological Lab Finish-Coating/Painting 0 Medical Clinic/Office Flame Spraying 0 Nitrous Oxide (NO.) Control System Foundry 0 Pharmaceuticals Machine Shop-Drilling/Lathes/Mills 0 Public Utility Metal Plating 0 Refrigeration System Metal Prepping/Chemical Coating 0 Rock Quarry Precious Metal Recovery 0 Ship Repair/Construction Sand Blasting/Grinding 0 Telecommunications Cell Site Steel Fabricator 0 Veterinary Clinic/Hospital Wrought Iron Manufacturing 0 Wood/Furniture Manufacturing/Refinishing AEROSPACE ELECTRONICS Aerospace Industry 0 Electronic Assembly/Sub-Assembly Aircraft Maintenance 0 Electronic Components Manufacturing Aircraft Manufacturing 0 Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing NOTE: THE ABOVE LIST INCLUDES BUSINESSES, WHICH TYPICALLY USE, STORE, HANDLE, AND DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. ANY BUSINESS NOT INCLUDED ON THIS LIST, WHICH HANDLES, USES OR DISPOSES OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES MAY STILL REQUIRE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION (HMD) REVIEW OF BUSINESS PLANS. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (858) 505-6880. LIST OF AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT PERMIT CATEGORIES Businesses, which include any of the following operations or equipment, will require clearance from the Air Pollution Control District. CHEMICAL 47—Organic Gas Sterilizers 32— Acid Chemical Milling 33—Can & Coil Manufacturing 44—Evaporators, Dryers & Stills Processing Organic Materials 24— Dry Chemical Mixing & Detergent Spray Towers 35—Bulk Dry Chemicals Storage 55—Chrome Electroplating Tanks 27— Coating & Painting Plasma Arc & Ceramic Deposition Spray Booths Paint, Stain & Ink Mfg 27— Printing 27— Polyester Resin/Fiberglass Operations METALS 18— Metal Melting Devices 19— Oil Quenching & Salt Baths 32— Hot Dip Galvanizing 39—Precious Metals Refining ORGANIC COMPOUND MARKETING (GASOLINE. ETC) 25— Gasoline & Alcohol Bulk Plants & Terminals 25— Intermediate Refuelers 26— Gasoline & Alcohol Fuel Dispensing COMBUSTION 34—Piston Internal - Combustion Engines 13— Boilers & Heaters (1 million BTU/hr or larger) 14—Incinerators & Crematories Bum Out Ovens Core Ovens 20— Gas Turbines, and Turbine Test Cells & Stands 48— Landfill and/or Digester Gas Flares ROCK AND MINERAL Hot Asphalt Batch Plants Rock Drills Screening Operations Sand Rock & Aggregate Plants Concrete Batch, CTB, Concrete Mixers, Mixers & Silos 10— Brick Manufacturing OTHER 01 -Abrasive Blasting Equipment 03— Asphalt Roofing Kettles & Tankers 46— Reverse Osmosis Membrane Mfg 51 - Aqueous Waste Neutralization 11—Tire Buffers 17— Brake Debonders 23— Bulk Grain & Dry Chemical Transfer & Storage 45—Rubber Mixers 21 —Waste Disposal & Redamation Units 36— Grinding Booths & Rooms 40— Asphalt Pavement Heaters 43—Ceramic Slip Casting 41 - Perlite Processing 40— Cooling Towers - Registration Only 91 - Fumigation Operations 56— WWTP (1 million gal/day or larger) & Pump Station ELECTRONICS Automated Soldering 42— Electronic Component Mfg FOOD 12— Fish Canneries 12— Smoke Houses 50— Coffee Roasters 35—Bulk Flour & Powered Sugar Storage SOLVENT USE 28—Vapor & Cold Degreasing Solvent & Extract Driers 31 - Dry Cleaning NOTE: OTHER EQUIPMENT NOT LISTED HERE THAT IS CAPABLE OF EMITTING AIR CONTAMINANTS MAY REQUIRE AN AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT PERMIT. IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS, CONTACT THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT AT (858) 586-2600. HM-9171 (08/15) County of San Diego - DEH - Hazardous Materials Division PMK KSM 72.72 KWDCI 65.86 kW AC CEC SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Or P 9 Capstone Advisors Natural Alternatives U. International, Inc Blast MQIIUn IJIeCORE Fitness 10 0 4 'C. PROJECT DATA: I REVISION I DATE CODE INFORMATION: VICINITY MAP: F:. S LICENSE NUMBER 749095 C-b Am— C.) cum o.c C,) In I0 SciencII Research Laboratories Au1OerlOmiCS 9 çtadaY Ave 9 ZtoVauII City of Carlsbad 9 9 Thermo RQ CONSTRUCTION PV ARRAY 1620 FARADAY AVENUE Y Mltov 1620 Faraday Avenue 9 -Zone 5 BusinesS ParkEll Drug Enforcement Adm. Recrealional ctrec, Facility 9 ail 1 Q,sIg'I C,ir,Im,ni. GENERAL NOTES: GENERAL NOTES: SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED ON COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE. DESIGN COMPLYING WITH THE 2016 EDITION OF CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE, NEC, 2016 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, CITY OF CARLSBAD CONSOLIDATED FIRE CODE, AND ALL LOCAL ORDINANCES AND POLICIES. THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CBC SECTION 1609 TO WITHSTAND A MINIMUM 110 MPH WIND LOAD. THIS COMMERCIAL BUILDING IS STORIES TALL. SEE PV-2.3 FOR INFORMATION ON ROOF STRUCTURE. THIS SYSTEM WILL NOT BE INTERCONNECTED UNTIL APPROVAL FROM THE LOCAL JURISDICTION AND THE UTILITY IS OBTAINED. THIS SYSTEM IS AN UTILITY INTERACTIVE SYSTEM WITH NO STORAGE BATTERIES. THE SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATION SHALL NOT OBSTRUCT ANY PLUMBING, MECHANICAL OR BUILDING ROOF VENTS. IF THE EXISTING MAIN SERVICE PANEL DOES NOT HAVE VERIFIABLE GROUNDING ELECTRODE, IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INSTALL A SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING ELECTRODE. A LADDER SHALL BE IN PLACE FOR INSPECTION IN COMPLIANCE WITH CAL-OSHA REGULATIONS. PROPER ACCESS AND WORKING CLEARANCE WILL BE PROVIDED AS PER SECTION 110.26 CEC. TABLE OF CONTENTS: TABLE OF CONTENTS SHEET # DESCRIPTION T-1 TITLE SHEET PV-1 SITE MAP PV-2 ENLARGE PLAN PV-2.1 BALLAST PLAN PV-2.2 BALLAST PLAN PV-2.3 BUILDING SECTION I STRUCTURAL ROOF PLAN PV-2.4 ELECTRICAL ROOM DETAILS PV-3 ELECTRICAL LINE DIAGRAM PV-3.1 ELECTRICAL LINE DIAGRAM PV-3.2 STRING / GROUND PLAN PV-4 SIGNAGE PV-5 SIGNAGE PROJECT SCOPE: THE PROJECT ENTAILS THE INSTALLATION OF A 72.72 KWDC SYSTEM AT 1620 FARADAY AVENUE. THE SYSTEM WILL NOT BE PLACED INTO OPERATION UNTIL AUTHORIZED BY SDG&E. THE SYSTEM COMPRISED OF (202) SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES AND (1) SMA STP-62-US INVERTER. MODULES WILL BE BALLAST MOUNTED ORIENTED SOUTH AND INSTALLED ON EXISTING ROOF AND EXISTING STRUCTURE. SCOPE OF WORK: (202) SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES (1) SMA STP-62-US INVERTER (202) SMA T54-R-O OPTIMIZERS 72.72 kWDC /65.86 KWAC CEC SYSTEM SIZE THE PROJECT IS A DESIGN-BUILD SYSTEM BY SUNPOWER BY STELLAR SOLAR. OCEANSIDE, CA. ALL WORK AND MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THESE CODES AND ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL ORDINANCES. 2016 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2016 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE 2016 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE - 2016 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE TITLE 24 (ADA) CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE DOE APN: 212-130-23-0 CBC2019-0427 LEGAL DES( 1620 FARADAY AVE TR 12815 LO RQ CONSTRUCTION: 72.72 KW ROOF MOUNT PV SYSTEM, 202 MODS, NO UPGRADE CONSTRUC] ZONING DE 2121302300 9/1012019 (QI 03A1O_flA97 5 I _PL_. --------. _ ARRAY A (73) SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES MOUNTED ON UNIRAC RM5 ROOF SLOPE =5 AZIMUTH = 180 ARRAY B (24) SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES MOUNTED ON UNIRAC RM5 ROOF SLOPE =5 AZIMUTH = 180 FARADAY AVENUE LICENSE NUMBER 749095 C-10 1L REVISION I DATE ROOF ACCESS POINTS. TYPICAL OF 5. ARRAY C. (83) SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES MOUNTED ON UNIRAC RM5 ROOF SLOPE =5 AZIMUTH = 180 ARRAY D (22) SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES MOUNTED ON UNIRAC RM5 ROOF SLOPE =5 AZIMUTH = 180 ROOF ACCESS POINTS SHALL BE PROVIDED PER THE FOLLOWING (CRC R331.4.1, CBC 3111.4.1): LOCATED IN AREAS NOT REQUIRING PLACEMENT OF GROUND LADDERS OVER OPENINGS SUCH AS DOORS OR WINDOWS. LOCATED AT STRONG POINTS OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION IN LOCATIONS WHERE ACCESS POINT DOES NOT CONFLICT WITH OVERHEAD OBSTRUCTIONS SUCH AS TREE LIMBS, WIRES, OR SIGNS (III) 4p' 80, SITE MAP Scale: 1" = 40' NORTH CAL FIRE SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC GUIDELINES SECTION 2.0 (IFC 605.11.3) ACCESS, PATHWAYS, AND SMOKE VENTILATION STATES DESIGNATION OF RIDGE, HIP, AND VALLEY DOES NOT APPLY TO ROOFS WITH 2-IN-12 (10 DEGREES) OR LESS PITCH. ALL ROOF DIMENSIONS ARE MEASURED TO CENTERLINES DRAWN BY: H.H.H PROJECT NO. DATE: 914/2019 Pv-1 3 M5 BALLAST SYSTEM 3 CONCRETE BLOCKS. (U a) Oa 13 Iwo '('U V LICENSE NUMBER 749095 C-10 w > a- a w I- z 0 U- 0 ow co ZZc c10 a-c") Ocz rgC4 REVISION I DATE ® ENLARGED ROOF PLAN Scale: 1/16" = 1, NORTH NOTES: PANEL ASSEMBLY WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE EXISTING ROOF BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF A STRUCTURAL FRAME TO CONSIST OF UNIRAC RM5 BALLAST RVTFM SOLAR PANELS ATTACHED TO RAIL WITH MODULE MOUNTING CLIP AND 1/4" NUTS & DRAWN BY: H.H.H BOLTS PROJECT NO. ROOF PENETRATIONS WILL BE SECURE AND WEATHER TIGHT WITH RUBBERIZED DATE: 9/4/2019 ELASTOMAT SEALER AND FLASHING. SHEET ARRAY WEIGHT = REFER TO STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS. UL2703&UL467 PV-2 - . ...... ......- -. .- .. () ARRAY A BALLAST PLAN Scale: 1/V'= 1' ( ) MAPTI-1 CAL-FIRE WALKWAY ARRAY C BALLAST PLAN :1 Scale: 1/8" = V NORTH flAI r,nr SARA, I#%AIAJ 5) UNIRAC RM5 BALLAST SYSTEM IH (185) 32LB CONCRETE BLOCKS. 19) UNIRAC RM5 BALLAST SYSTEM H (204) 32LB CONCRETE BLOCKS. 'I (83) SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES 61.4" x 41.2" 41 LBS (73) SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES 61.4" x 41.2" 41 LBS 51 - (0 —e Qti c I LICENSE NUMBER 749095 C-b c.) oum CO U, So w IL 0 w I- z 0 U- 0 ow zcco 0 W C50 loo I- 0- z-q- 0u..U)C Ocz REVISION I DATE DRAWN BY: H.H.H PROJECT NO. DATE: 9/4/2019 SHEET PV-2. — 1: (41) W1TI TYP. CAL-FIRE WALKWAY . o CL c n E I 24) SUNPOWER LICENSE NUMBER (22-360-COM MODULES 749095 C-10 1.4" x 41.2" 41 LBS us E Cl) U, 0 0 T O 1 CIVI. PLAN ARRAY B BALLAST Scale: 1/8"m V NORTH w w I—z 0 U- 0. ow o z cc' Q8 I — <o)c -c - .- OLLQ)C%1 04 It Ocz Co IL REVISION I DATE - CAL-FIRE WALKWAY ARRAY D BALLAST PLAN () Scale: 1/8" = 1' NORTH (38) UNIRAC RM5 BALLAST SYSTEM WITH (57) 32LB CONCRETE BLOCKS. TYP. 4 PER BALLAST TRAY MAXIMUM. 503 TOTAL BLOCKS FOR ENTIRE SYSTEM. DRAWN BY: H.H.H PROJECT NO. DATE: 9/4/2019 SHEET PV2.2 LICENSE NUMBER 749095 C-iD 1L SUNPOWER SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES X22-360-COM MODULES ___ FIRSTlFLOOR5i SECOtiDf -_ •• III'—i. - _______________ U U ______ ____ I : : VA - ui• I - •1 I__I. iiuE,.:LvIm '----'i: —— - _Iwo 3( SS BOLT —A GROUNDING LUG DETAIL w 0 LU I— z 0 U- 0. ow co Q>c CS d in Ou..00C4 ('z cc REVISION I DATE DRAWN BY: H.H.H PROJECT NO. DATE: 9/4/2019 SHEET PV-2.4 ILSCO GBL-4DBT TIN-PLATED LAY-IN GROUNDING LUG Scale: N.T.S. SS STAR WASHER RAIL FRAME SS HEX NUT WITH TOOTH WASHER BUILDING SECTION Scale: 1/16 = 1' (E) PANEL 'HA' 100A (E) PANEL 'LA' IODA (E) PANEL 'ATSI' IOOA (N) IOOA 480/277V PV (E) 200A DISCONNECT DISCONNECT FOR PANEL 'ATSI' I15KVAI I XMFR 'r / .1 I 31 5" (N) 1-1/2" EMT - 8'-4" COIDUIT (E) 75KVA (E) 2000A MAIN SERVICE PANEL (2000A MCB). XMFR 3 PHASE, 4 WIRE, 480Y/277V WYE. 15' () ELECTRICAL ROOM DETAIL Scale: 3/8" =1' SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES NEMA 3R NEMA3R WITH SMA TS4-R OPTIMIZERS. J-BOX SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES WITH SMA TS4-R OPTIMIZERS #12t c—I I SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES NEMA 3R WITH SMA TS4-R OPTIMIZERS. inv It >(! #12 SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES WITH SMA TS4-R OPTIMIZERS. #12 #2 #1 LICENSE NUMBER 749095 C-10 NEMA3R J-BOX SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES N WITH SMA TS4-R OPTIMIZERS. j. #1 SMA DC COMBINATION HARNESS 2-TO-1 SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES NEMA 3R NEMA3R WITH SMA TS4-R OPTIMIZERS. LD(W J-BOX >_ø - Fr #13 SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES WITH SMA TS4-R OPTIMIZERS <c,JIIJ1J- #12 Q I_I I SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES WITH SMA TS4-R OPTIMIZERS. I #l2'. <0)1 SMA DC COMBINATION HARNESS 2-TO-1 SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES NEMA 3R WITH SMA TS4-R OPTIMIZERS. , J-BOX rx #12 Co ------- NEMA3R J-BOX NEMA3R J-BOX w 0 w I— z 0 U- 0. ow co C3 cn I— Ou3C'1 Oc 0 CM Qz cc I REVISION I DATE I SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES WITH SMA TS4-R OPTIMIZERS. NEMA3R J-BOX NEMA3R J-BOX NEMA3R J-BOX NEMA3R J-BOX SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES WITH SMA TS4-R OPTIMIZERS. >-ø .-.---- #12 #2 I #1 II ELECTRICAL LINE DIAGRAM Scale: N.T.S. SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES WITH SMA TS4-R OPTIMIZERS. 04 #12 #2 I #1 II L__?rJ SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES NEMA 3R I I SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES WITH SMA TS4-R OPTIMIZERS WITH SMA TS4-R OPTIMIZERS I I I I ( Q. <,IcJ1L _ f: 1JBOX H _ _ >- ol iL~2 _ #12 SMA DC COMBINATION HARNESS 2-TO-1 SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES NEMA 3R WITH SMA TS4-R OPTIMIZERS. J-BOX CO #12 #2 #1 _______ <0)1 ____ ____ SMA DC COMBINATION HARNESS 2-TO-1 SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES NEMA 3R WITH SMATS4-R OPTIMIZERS. iriv o4j-- >_c.I, #11 SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES WITH SMA TS4-R OPTIMIZERS. a C14 - >CD - #11 SMA DC COMBINATION HARNESS 2-TO-1 TAG DESCRIPTION CONDUIT SIZE/TYPE CONDUCTOR SIZE/TYPE LENGTH CONDUIT FILL I ARRAY TO J-BOX N/A USE-2 N/A N/A 2 J-BOX TO J-BOX liZ' E.M.T. (2) #10 THWN-2 (1) #8 EGC/GEC 15' 26% 3 J-BOX TO J-BOX 1/2" E.M.T. (4) #10 THWN-2 (1) #8 EGCIGEC 15' 26% DRAWN BY: H.H.H PROJECT NO. DATE: 9/4/2019 SHEET PV-3 EXISTING 2000A MAIN SERVICE PANEL (2000A MCB). 3 PHASE 4WIRE 480Y1277V WYE. GF PROTECTED. OPERATING CURRENT (IMP X # OF STRINGS) IMP # OF STRINGS TOTAL 6.09A 1 I 6.09A 6.09A 1 2 1 12.18A OPERATING VOLTAGE (WP X # OF MODULE PER STRINGS) VMP lOP MODULES PER STRINGS TOTAL 59.IV 9 531.9V 59.IV 10 591V 59.IV 11 650.IV 59.IV 12 709.2V 59.IV 13 768.3V OPERATING CIRCUIT VOLTAGE (VOC X # OF MODULE PER STRINGS X 1.1) VOC ICE MODULES PER STRINGS TOTAL 69.5V 9 1.1 688.IV 69.5V 10 1.1 764.5V 69.5V 11 1.1 840.9V 69.5V 12 1.1 917.4V 69.5V 13 1.1 993.8V SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (ISC X 1.25 X # OF STRINGS) ISC I # OF STRINGS I II TOTAL 6.48A I 1 I 1.25 18.11A 6.48A 2 1 1 1.25 116.2A ELECTRICAL NOTES: ALL PLAQUES AND SIGNAGE REQUIRED BY THE 2016 EDITION OF CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE AND THE SAN DIEGO AREA ELECTRICAL NEWSLETTER, WILL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED. ALTERNATE POWER SOURCE PLACARD SHALL BE PLASTIC WITH ENGRAVED LETTERING IN A CONTRASTING COLOR TO THE PLAQUE. THIS PLAQUE WILL BE ATTACHED BY POP RIVETS OR SCREWS OR OTHER APPROVED METHOD. IF EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT, IT SHALL BE UV RESISTANT. EXPOSED NON-CURRENT CARRYING METAL PARTS OF MODULE FRAMES, EQUIPMENT, AND CONDUCTOR ENCLOSURES SHALL BE GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 250.134 OR 250.136 (A) REGARDLESS OF VOLTAGE. IF THE EXISTING GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM CAN NOT BE VERIFIED OR IS ONLY METALLIC WATER PIPING, IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INSTALL A SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING ELECTRODE. ACCESS TO DC WIRING WILL BE RESTRICTED TO QUALIFIED PERSONAL ONLY. NEW BACK FED PV BREAKER SHALL BE POSITIONED AT OPPOSITE END OF MAIN BREAKER PER CEC ART. 690.64 (B)(7) BACK-FED CIRCUIT BREAKER SHALL COMPLY WITH CEC ART. 690.10 (E) AND 408.36 (D). PHOTOVOLTAIC DC CONDUCTORS ENTERING THE BUILDING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A METALLIC RACEWAY AND SHALL BE IDENTIFIED EVERY 10 FEET WITH MINIMUM 3/8 INCH• HIGH WHITE LETTERING ON RED BACKGROUND READING: "WARNING: PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE". ALL MODULES WILL BE GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CODE AND THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. SMA SUNNY TRIPOWER COREl 62-US. PROPOSED 62500 WATT INVERTER NEMA 3R WITH INTEGRATED DC & AC J-RflX DISCONNECT, I000VDC, NEMA 3R ARRAY A, STRING 1-3 ARRAY A, STRING 4-6 ARRAY B, STRING 1-2 ARRAY C, STRING 1-3 ARRAY C, STRING 4-6 ARRAY C, STRING 7 ARRAY D, STRING 1-2 GROUND FROM ARRAY A, B,C,&D ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (ARTICLE 690.53) I. OPERATING CURRENT 100 A 2. OPERATING VOLTAGE 480Y1277V 1. (12) STIRNGS OF 13 MODULES (3) STRINGS OF 11 MODULES (1) STRING OF 13 MODULES 2.(202) SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES SERVICE BUS AMPERE RATING: 2000A MAIN BREAKER AMPERE RATING: 2000A PV BACK-FED BREAKER AMPERE RATING: IOOA TAG DESCRIPTION CONDUIT SIZE/TYPE CONDUCTOR SIZE/TYPE LENGTH CONDUIT FILL J-BOX TO J-BOX 112" E.M.T. (4) #10 ThWN-2 15' 28% _2 J-BOXTOJ-BOX 1/2' E.M.T. (4) #10 ThWN-2 15' 28% _3 J-BOX TO J-BOX 1/2' E.M.T. (4) #10 THWN-2 15' 28% 4 J-BOX TO .1-BOX 112" E.M.T. (4) #10 THWN-2 15' 28% - J-BOXTOJ-BOX 1/2" E.M.T. (4)#10ThWN-2 15' 28% - J-BOX TO J-BOX 1/2" E.M.T. (4) #10 THWN-2 15' 28% 7 .1-BOX TO J-BOX 1/2" E.M.T. (4) #10 THWN-2 15' 28% - J-BOX TO INVERTER 1" E.M.T. (12)#10THWN-2 (1) 08 EGC/GEC 5' 34% - INVERTER TO DISCONNECT 1-1/4" E.M.T. (3) #2 THWN-2 1)#2 THWN (1) #8 EGC/GEC 120' 34% _10 DISCONNECT TO MAIN SERVICE PANEL 1-1/4" E.M.T. (3) #2 THWN-2 1)02 THWN- (1) #8 EGC/GEC 15' 34% _1 EXISTING HOME GROUNDING SYSTEM N/A (E) UFER OR GROUNDING ROD N/A N/A LINE DIAGRAM Scale: N.T.S. LICENSE NUMBER 749095 C-b w a w I- z 0 U- 0 ow zz CIO, >C,J C3 C-2 Z 00 OUU)C%J Uz I REVISION I DATE I DRAWN BY: H.H.H PROJECT NO. DATE: 9/4/2019 SHEET PV-3.1 LI U U N G ELECTRICAL ROOM AND PV - DISCONNECT. REFER TO DETAIL 3 ON SHEET PV-2.4. #8 G.E.C. WITH GROUND LUG PER ARRAY. (202) SUNPOWER X22-360-COM MODULES 61.4" x 41.2" 41 LBS #8 G.E.C. WITH GROUND LUG PER ARRAY. LICENSE NUMBER 749095 C-10 #8 G.E.C. (GROUNDING LUG REQUIRED PER ARRAY) SEE MANUFACTURERS SPECS. (TYPICAL PER ARRAY). III - SMA STP-62-US INVEF INSTALLED ON ROOF. MINIMUM CLERANCE I MANUFACTURER SPE 0Li10II 13 El II I I I I I I I () STRING/GROUND PLAN Scale: 1/1&'= 1 (I NORTH 72 ARRAY A (6) STRINGS OF (12) MODULES 22 ARRAY B (2) STRINGS OF (11) MODULES ARRAY C 83 (6) STRINGS OF (12) MODULES STRING OF (11) MODULES 22 ARRAY STRINGS OF (11) MODULES REVISION DATE DRAWN BY: H.H.H PROJECT NO. DATE: 91412019 SHEET PV-3.2 ATTACH TO MAIN ELECTRIC SERVICE MIN. 3/8" LETTERING RED BACKGROUND WITH WHITE CHARACTERS CAUTION POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN: - INVERTER LOCATION ON ROOF PV ARRAY ON -PV ARRAY ON ROOF I ROOF SERVICE POINT & UTILITY METERING (YOU ARE HERE) I = PV DISCONNECT IN xi I ELECTRICAL ROOM PV ARRAY ON PV ARRAY ON ROOF ROOF ATTACH TO DC DISCONNECT MIN. 1/4" LETTERING RED BACKGROUND WITH WHITE CHARACTERS INVERTER #1 PV POWER SOURCE MPPTI MPPT2 MPPT3 A B A B A B IMP: 6. IA 12. I8A IMP: 6. IA 12.18A IMP: 6. IA 6. IA VMP: 768.3 V 709.2V VMP: 709.2V 709.2V VMP: 709.2V 709.2V VOC: 993.8V 917.4V VOC: 917.4V 917.4V VOC: 917.4V 917.4V ISC: 8. IA I6.2A ISC: 8. IA I6.2A ISC: 8. IA 8. IA MPPT4 MPPT5 MPPT6 A B A B A B IMP: 6. IA I2.I8A IMP: 6. IA I2.18A IMP: 6. IA 12.I8A VMP: 709.2V 769.2V VMP: 700.2V 709.2V VMP: 650.1 V 650.1 V VOC: 917.4V 917.4V VOC: 917.4V 917.4V VOC: 840.9V 840.9V ISC: 8. IA I6.2A ISC: 8. IA I6.2A ISC: 8. IA I6.2A ALL PLAQUES TO BE: RED BACKGROUND WHITE LETTERING MINIMUM 3/8" LETTER HEIGHT ALL CAPITAL LETTERS ARIAL OR SIMILAR FONT, NON-BOLD REFLECTIVE, WEATHER RESISTANT MATERIAL SUITABLE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT. ATTACH TO ANY INTERNAL AND ATTACH TO ANY INTERNAL AND EXTERIOR CONDUIT WITH SOLAR CIRCUIT EXTERIOR CONDUIT WITH DC CIRCUIT CAUTION: SOLAR CIRCUIT CAUTION: DC CIRCUIT ATTACH TO AC DISCONNECT SWITCH 690.14(C)(2) PHOTOVOLTAIC AC DISCONNECT 690.12 PER 2016 CEC 690.56 9 (C) PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN LICENSE NUMBER 749095 C-`1 REVISION DAT DRAWN BY: H.H.H PROJECT NO. DATE: 9/4/2019 SHEET PV-4 ATTACH TO MAIN SERVICE PANEL MIN. 1/4" LETTERING RED BACKGROUND WITH WHITE CHARACTERS WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD LINE AND LOAD TERMINALS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN OPEN POSITION THIS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM IS ALSO SERVED BY A PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM. CAUTION: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM CONNECTED ATTACH TO INVERTER MIN. 3/8" LETTERING RED BACKGROUND WITH WHITE CHARACTERS CAUTION POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN: - INVERTER LOCATION ON ROOF (YOU ARE HERE) PV ARRAY ON , - PV ARRAY ON ROOF 1 ROOF SERVICE POINT & I -1 -zzTIi UTILITY METERING PV DISCONNECT IN xi xi ELECTRICAL ROOM PV ARRAY ON PV ARRAY ON ROOF ROOF LICENSE NUMBER 749095 C-b w 0 w I- z 0 u- 0 ow co zc' p.. W '-<a) 0-cv) '--(.0— OuCOC REVISION DA1 DRAWN BY: H.H.H PROJECT NO. DATE: 9/4/2019 SHEET ______ PV-5 ATTACH TO DC DISCONNECT MIN. 1/4" LETTERING RED BACKGROUND WITH WHITE CHARACTERS WARNING: ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD THE DC CONDUCTORS OF THIS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE UNGROUNDED AND MAY BE ENERGIZED