HomeMy WebLinkAbout1620 FARADAY AVE; ; PCR00020; Permitt/012083 City of Carlsbad 03/10/2000 Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCR00020 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: Project Title: Applicant: 1620 FARADAY AV CBAD PCR Lot#: O 2121302300 $0.00 CB983162 Construction Type: NEW DEFERRED SUBMIT-BAR JOIST SYST RENO CONSTRUCTION 8104 COMMERCIAL STREET LA MESA, CA 91942 619 462-7025 Total Fees: Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date: Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: Clearance: ISSUED 01/25/2000 RMA 03/10/2000 03/10/2000 $327.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this projecl NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previouslv been aiven a NOTICE similar to this, or as ta which the statute of limitations has oreviouslv otherwise exoired. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 02 327-00 '...'•' /• .J': ·.-:-:~·1· '. ,~eR'Mlf AP~UcAT101,r FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK No.f fJZflb(J'l(} EST. VAL. _________ _ Addrt~s (include,Bldg/~.~Jie~)· __ ·.'. · ·: ~~:· '" . ,. · · Bµsiness. Name (at this address) ' t '' 1:. '~ •.,/ ·,_; )1, l\ '' };t,1.• ,' . ,' I, :' • • •. Legal rjescripticn · ;., ·:~:•.: ('.;~-::: :~· ·:·~·:. · Lot Ne .. ·, ) Subdivision Naine(Nu'!!Per ::,·: ··:--"' \·: ./~! ,_:;,: .. : -: ... ,1~,,.,: .. '.,::··. ,.._tvt ... c!.-ZJ.WST. . Unit Ne. Phase No. Total # cf units Y-,:/c.6 OV/'-J /'/~ . Stete LI.cerise . , . .' .t. -~:, :, . · , .-.: , , · · . cense , _s ---------City Business License # _______ _ ::~:i;~:~j~;~~·;;,&::;;,\<d~~--~·~·:, J: .·, ··•· . c,y· stot~, r,,.,,,,. \'m~~-·msi7il6i!ifilili1.i~h'j~',l,•~~A\!fflll,,---~"8.'l!~~~.t,i)ll\\!'l'!!,i'l:l'.\,~~~,~::wro~m,ir:!;9J~il':.,;.tif,,.:,11fi''.e';i/:n•t:.!21:','''t:,:•~i:•::,[>.,,'•,A,'•,: ,,,,._,;•, ••:•:, '~~rW.t&l.J~~~Ml~\·~r,{~~u~~·-~~~~~'Ri!~~W~'\.'1:Ji'i'i~:l;l.~miJ}lµ,p~,9S~MliltJl!ii~hlt[¥r.!lli~~,}'~~lfr,"½.V~~-~1iit'.l"!:~1~cy~'¥~1-, ... ~H I' t,.' ~~ ••• ,_,...;. <• ~-.,_ • •• ~ ; Work~·ri/ Coml,eo~~tiorili:iecl~'fationr ·'f,lhere~v.-affirm-under ,p~alty of .. p·erjOtyiOffif of:the following declarations: ·:;o iii~\/ii1!1lld''1)vl\jt·;;j~i?it111Htcertiffcate'QfVcohs'qi\(to·selMnsu're for·.i.l!oift'ersl ·C_o)npelisatlcn as provided by Section 3700 of the Laber Cede, for the performance C:ot.the1woik·for .. whicli.ttiis;p~r,crilt.111·i11suel:J. ,.,.::.· .. i!i ;, . · .. · . . ,.',.: : . • .' . •0 j"h~ve and . .wili ~;intain' . .;,.~rker~' com1en~a.ticn, 11s· ri,quired by S~ctlon 3700 of th'! Labor Code, for the performance of the Werk for which this permit is . issued, My worker's coropensation· insurance .carrier and policy number are:· . ·. ;,.'. . .l~~ura~ce co'mpany · .. .. . . · ... :P!11l!?l t:,19.1 Expiration Date. _______ _ '(THIS iSECTION'IQEEO.'.NOT llfC.OMP(ETED'.IF,THE\!'~RMIT is jfo'R 'QNE'HUN~RED'.DOL~RS,[UOOJ OR LESS) ~-p, ~~~_TIFl~ATE Pf. ~~fMP,Ti~N: ~ t :certify ~hatin·t~~·perf~.m~a-~c?: cf;t~e w~rk -f~~-wh!ch-this permit is issued, I shall not employ a~y person in any manner so as ' tcl'beco.nie ·s!Jbje.ct ,to.,the .V~o*er,s' C_ompe11!1l!t1on L~WSJ!f c;a,Jfor_ma, · . . , .. "), ' ·' ~ ,-........ ~ ........... ,..: .... ..\ ,_,.,,,~~·· -~· .. -•• t, ·-... {, ...... -_,, ..... ~ ........ ~ « - ::WARNING:'. 'F.allilre'~o?'i'ecilre'..woi.ke1i': compenaa~Jo,g c,over4,aa ,fs uniilwful;• and shall· subject•an,employer to crimlnal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred :~t~ous,u:i~ ~qJl~r~ J$1~~\q,op),·1~.~~d!j!_~!l ~o)he_i:oat~f comi:imii111_tlo~;-da~_age~ .as ~rovided for.l_f!-,~_ectiA~,3706 of tha Labor code, Interest and attorney's fees. ~ " ..... ', . _ . . . . . ' DATE . ~l~N';\T.l/~~... . . . . ·, ·: .... · ·. . , I hereti lrm that 'I am exeinpt•fror\i,the Contractor's Licenil13 Law for the follcwi'rig reason: O· i,'as owrier'ofi~~e'p~o~ert,;,·o; ~y 11mii11>yees:w1th wa9as as t~e1r.so1e compensation, wm do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. i'l044,"Business··end, Professions -Code: The Contract0~·1!, License Law ·does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself :or ,t~i!l\J9tj,.IJ!~. q~q;~mp,lqyees,-pr.ovided th!!tsuchJmprcivements· _are .not intended er offered for sale, If, however, the building or Improvement is sold w!~hln 0nf.l-,Y,Bll!.,9n::ompl~}) .. ori.'.:tfi,!l.:owner-builder will hi1,ve the burden ·cf prpving th11t he did net build er Improve for the purpose cf sale).-· o kl!S,f'Wc~~rji:t~fMi!l~frf~'l¾.t~x~l~}lval~ P,~_ntractlQ.!i:y.,ith 1(~~Q_s~.1;f ~on~r~~ors to construct the project (Sec, 7044, Busi~ess an~ Professions Cod~: The Contr!'lc;toi's, L1c11nlie· ,t,ow1 ·'!lpe~:· rtot."app,iy, to/$11'.l O'!{n.e~ 'of l(ircperty whof&liilds or, Improves thereon, and contracts fer such pro1ects with connactor(sl licensed · pursua\"~ -to,t~ll~~ontr'~~tQ'~;~;~fceiisiLo:,.yl,:',/;; -~. ,·r" .. ;.-:: f:·~ C ,: :t·.\\.:,:., : , , ; :, . . . ,,/" . El 1,,l!l:'lrx1,1~f.i.t .~ng~\--S,ec,tiq,n"'_'." ' -. ' . : ai:;-slnl'.ISll;:ein,d Proflll!Sio~s. Code fqr. this reason: ;: .i.. fp11tscn11Jl'4plari,:to.-11r.0Vl#p.the:,l)l~jor,.t111l.or BO,d. 0 inati,ri~I; for COr,\Stu,1i;tiQn:.i>.f.th~ proposed prcperty·improvement. D YES ONO 1: 2. i/f1t'i~ve/tia~1r;n~il"sti1/fe'd .an¾i'p'plicatiori' fQr ii'P,lillding ~armlt for'th'e."p'roposei:l· work. 't :tihave ·c~nt~aci~J'~i~~,t~~ .. foll~wln~ ~~rs~~ :rtirhi)t~ ;rovlde t~~-~r~~os~d ~~nstruction (include name/ address / phone number/ contractors license number): ;. . . .. .~ ' . . . . . . ),' ' ., '. ' ' . . , • : : • ; '. ' , • • • • • • -~ , t ~ ~ ·' • • •• ' -~ > , i :· • ·, : , , 4., ! pl~~ ,to P!9Vide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person ,to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name I address / phone ' nliml:l'er /'contractors ilceilsiniumberi:· ' ' ,. . . ' . . :: ; ~ .... !l• -~ '· • -. 1 ',' • '.i , , • , t , ' 1 ... ,1,-. •')1 ' ·~ • f ,.. • , ~· • , ' , • t • ' 5. ,I .will provi!1e some .ofth!t",wo,·t[, Iii.it I hii111i i;J1ritt,a,cted i~ir.e,d) tli11 fol!1>wing pe~soris: to,'prO)lide the work Indicated (Include name / address / phone number / type · ofwOr~):, ~· ,, ·,·· · ·· ~ · ";~, ·· ~ · ·.:\,,. ~ ·, ~~· · · -·~· ··.:_· -~1 '1 { • .,,.,!,-\".,1:., :. ; •• ~: •• ,1,/••t~,~,: ·• _:; • ·, ' . ' ,-,,;', ~l ·,• I , ,' ~ ;· PROPERTY :OWNER:,s1GNAT.CJRE ., ... : •... • · '.. .... : , · ·, -~ ·, " .... · ·· · DATE ________ _ ·-.:~~~~~iti'lfi•1t*1fi~n11.ra'ii'!~iWFi~iii.~1~~n~aYnI1.-,.,a~i-1~JW:~,,w~r;~~m~~~.~Jtr.~,~;;~l~*111~~pter1'24?tc,i:;:-t~f-t~11~!:: ,,.~-. ~. , .... , ,~u,.. . .. , Jljf,I, ,. J..i.1 .... ,"\~1"'lf.f, .. "":'.P:I•.I\, ~~~~-,i{~'if!'.Ji.~!!!i!!l''i'.l.'4f(i..!.W!!.!~J!,~~=~1uil,\,~~-""'tfm,i;;o:w!ll:W,',.. . ..,"""~;!J:r.ls1";;)')J~.,,.lc.,,,..,,"ll,~, "'" .:;y,;:, ""'""''~'"'M' • ~., .... ,,, ., .. ,. ;~· !~ th'l.-: a11plj9ar:i.f +r futi,,re b_yili:ling,'. 11_c;.c~pant. required to submit a bu sines~ 0 pl11n, a~Otely 1ha,z11td6u~ materials registration form or risk management and prevention ·.: progrl!,!ll{:!111~er Sectio11s-i55Q51. 2~~33' or 25534 of the .Presley-Tanner Hazardous.Substance A~count Act? 0 YES O NO · Is th~:,;p~li~a~t ·o1r futl)ffi' buili:J/iig'o~ccupimt ~equfreil to obtain a· permit from'the air poll~ti~n control district er air quality management district? 0 YES O NO Is the!facility to ~e ~~~-str~ci'ed·~ithi~ "1,000 feet of.the outer boundary of'a'School site] 0 YES O NO IF ANY!OF THE ANSilvEf!S ARl:-YES!°;A' FINAL CERTiFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQ41REMENTS-OFJ'~~ ~F;fiCE QF .~'.!~E~G!:NC:Y SERVICE~ AND 1HE ~IR,Pc;>LLL!TION CONTROL DISTRICT. . ~ . r~f!F(~1wg1t?tit~-~~~:::7:~i:J;e~·1:;: :t .·····:,~.-~-b·· . l·here_by'affirm t~aitti'ti're·is;·a·consfrliction leriliing iii:Jl!ncy for'tfie perform~hce.of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(1) Civil Ccl'ae), ,-LEN0~1i;s,~AM~ <: :<:/\~·~ti: .. \.:.-,:·.'. f .. \:: ·,(/· ·:'. 1;: ! .. : . LENcl'eR;s:-ADDREss . -IA'!:'5llr&~".,.,1r~~~ ... ~111>,"l!M~l:ift.!~f.1\'~1r.:w,,i,11.,fa.1,::.Jr.,;~~ilrt?',1 .. 1i-'=-,1lr.-""J rm,;-~;;ra,-,-wru-,t-iit-,1"l'l'Jl-. -,,,..,-.,.-,.-ij_,-,,.--, -~-,,,,-.,,-,,.,,.-,;:,-,,.,~-,,.-... --.-:c·~-$-~-r·,-.. ,-... ,-"',-.... -.--F-,.,-r---. -... -. ,-,,-.-... , iR!f!m<f!i'ff_,.,._5Q.t,~t,3;J~!:!i~~'9t~l~~JJ~!i?,f~~~~~;(:iJ..~?·~l.¥~'tilYflt~-:.fi!f}~~l:~VA~\/~pg&1.:;;~~.e.,'tj}ili~a:,tt~~t~~Bra-:lf~~~l:"Y?~:.~~~~fu:,?:~{J,~,:,~i,:,_,.,i~~ ~<li;. -~ .;;!,: "'; '.t:1~. ,.:·~;. ~,.,_:~ .::_::t · ;iJ ... ~ert!fy:JtJat.i,tl~e.'.~,eadjbe;a~pJic~ti~~ and.stat~ that th~..;bo_~e.inforrn~tio~'li(co!~ect and that t~e Information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all l, City ~f~lp~nces, /!l!c,l,-~~~t!l .1~~~ ,rpJatmg to ,b.uljd19g1.qonstruct1on. l,_hereby,,autho.n~e representatives of the Cit~ of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned ,, propet"W for inspection purpose's. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, ._JUD~,!Vl~TS, ;osrs_AND ~?.<E~NSES)V!ilC!:I !W~'( !N ANY WAY ACC~UE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT, ;OSHA·: A,n OSHA perrl)it is required for excavations.~ver 5'0" deep and demolition ·or construction of structures ever 3 stories in height, '"-EXPIRATION: .Every parmit0!ssued by th(! Building Official ui:,der the provisions -~i this. Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or :.' work ,.~uthorized;bY s~ql)"p_errnii,is no~,commlinpe~_,~ithin ,;31?5 ,daysJr.o.ni t~e.date, qf sue_!) ·_permit _or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended , or·ab~.ndoned at_,any t1me:afw ttie work i OJTirl)en.ced ,f!)r a,,p!lriod of ays .ISecti!)n 106,4.4'Uniform Building Co~el . . :.;PPL;GANT.'S-~IG~A~u~e· ·.-'· , · "',_J · ,. -~ · · · ' · ·. · · · DATE :: . ,'·,'. ·.it:-'.··;,:~:?'.::;/>;•, ,,.:., · · 1~ftl~E;·File :',''·YEllOW; Applicant·,.,·PINK:-Finance _ __,:;. _ __: _ __,:;. _______ _ }~ ~ ,. t. . ~· •, , '· {, t,' t <· -~·-... •,.: ,. '.. EsGil Corpora~ion 'J.n Partnersfi.ip witli. (jovernment for 'Buifaing Safety DATE: FEB.29,2000 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-~162 (REV. # 2) PCR 00-20 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1620 FARADAY PROJECT NAME: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY SET: II D APPLICANT ~ D PC-ANREVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with ·the jurisdiction's building codes. i:gj The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. _ D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. . D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: [:g'] Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person [:g'] REMARKS: The truss package needs to be signed by the project engineer as well. ROOF TRUSS DRAWINGS & CALCULATIONS UNDER THIS PLAN CHANGE. By: Ali Sadre Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 2/18 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation 1n Partnersliip witli (jovernment for 'Bui(cling Safety DATE: FEB.03,2000 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-3162 (REV. # 2) PCR 00-20 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1620 FARADAY PROJECT NAME: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY SET: I D APPLICANT ~EVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ~ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. PLEASE SEE BELOW D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ~ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: BILL BECKEN 1610 FARADAY AVE., CARLSBAD, CA 92009 ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person ~ REMARKS: ROOF TRUSS DRAWINGS & CALCULATIONS UNDER THIS PLAN CHANGE. By: Ali-Sadre Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 1/27 trnsmtl.dot 9320ChesapeakeDrive,Suite208 + SanDiego,Califomia92123 + (619)560-1468 + .Fax(619)560-1576 ,. CARLSBAD 98-3162 (REV.# 2) PCR 00-20 FEB.03,2000 1. Please submit 3-sets of revised/ singed plans to the city for review. 2. Please include a copy of the approved set of plans for reference so the truss framing as proposed can be verified versus the approved plans. 3. The truss package must be reviewed & signed by the proj~ct engineer as well. 4. Please revise the note on the bottom of the truss schematics regarding the 1994 UBC instead of 1997 UBC. 5. Please revise all the calculations per 1997 UBC instead of the 1994 edition. 6. Please provide a schedule on truss plans indicating the size of all the joists & girders matching the calculations. 7. The revise package needs to be signed by the truss manufacturer engineer (with the same disclaimer as before); however, the contractor's stamp or signature is not necessary on plans or calculations. 8. Please note where each item was corrected on this list and return it at back- check. For questions call Ali Sadre with EsGil Corp. @ (858) 560-1468. ". CARLSBAD 98-3162 (REV. # 2) PCR 00-20 FEB.03,2000 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD (REV. # 2) PCR 00-20 PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-3162 PREPARED BY: Ali Sadre DATE: FEB.03,2000 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1620 FARADAY BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VN BUILDING PORTION BbJlbQl~JG Ag~,Cic VALUATION VALUE tth~1 MULTIPLIER ($) Truss package 3 HOURS 87.15/HR. 261.45 EsGil FEE Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 326.81 CITY FEE Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only IZ] Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ SEE ABOVE Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 ~alle,Y. ~ Joist, Inc. manufaclurers of joist and metal deck January 3, 2000 ••ubaldltnyof (775) 575-7337 Fax (775) 575-7222 P.O. Box 2170 255 Logan Road Logan Industrial Park Fernley, NV 89408 ENGINEERING REPORT COVER SHEET #Fl FOR FINAL CALCULATIONS FOR APPROVAL BY ENGINEER OF RECORD (N'a0 RE: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY, LOT 98, CARLSBAD, CA S'( ~------ VALLEY JOIST CONTRACT NO.: 9N01627 \(\\\R. 1, \) ?.,~~'u CUSTOMER: D.A. WHITACRE CONSTRUCTION 1 108 GREENFIELD DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92021-0931 //ATTENTION: DAVEKAPALA 'oi::~J c\ti o{ c~~~\;.?' . '6 \J \ \.S) \ PHONE: 619-444-4350 THIS ENGINEERING REPORT SIGNATURE PAGE SHEET NO. Fl OF I IS PROVIDED FOR JOIST AND JOIST GIRDER MARKS as shown on the calculation pages 1 through 80 and 1 through 23 and joist list sheets I through 5. THESE JOISTS ARE AS MARKED ON THE JOIST PLACEMENT PLANS. The work was prepared under the supervision of Valley Joist-west's KENT BICE, P.E. The bridging is to be in place and anchored as required by the SJI Specifications & Technical Digests. The joist designations and special loads were designed by the engineer-of-record, not by the joist manufacturer nor by RICHARD A. PHANEUF, P.E. MR. RICHARD A. PHANEUF, P. E. IS NOT THE engineer-of-record; Mr. Phaneuf is the steel joist component engineer whereby Mr. Phaneur s scope is limited to the steel joists. Mr. Phaneuf's scope does'not include the complete structure nor the coordination of the components within the structure as clarified by the May 1996 California Board of Registration Annual Report. THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL AFFIXED HERETO INDICATES THAT THE STEEL JOISTS WERE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STEEL JOIST INSTITUTE'S STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS TO SUPPORT THE LOADS furnished and approved by the owner's engineer of.record. THE SEAL IS NOT INTENDED TO CERTIFY OR IMPLY THAT THE BUILDING DOES OR DOES NOT CONFORM TO ANY NATIONAL, STA TE OR LOCAL BUILDING CODES. VALLEY JOIST IS A CERTIFIED, ACTIVE MEMBER OF THE STEEL JOIST INSTITUTE. THE STEEL ANGLE SHAPES AND ROUND BARS USED FOR THE CHORDS AND WEBS WAS 50-KSI MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH PER THE SJI SPECIFICATIONS. The joist material sizes were designed to carry the loads as shown on the calculations. Valley Joist's ICBO Number is FA-363. ~ Pr~P ~/J~c: · RICHARD A. PHANEUF, PE #24975 DIRECTOR of ENGINEERING VALLEY JOIST/ EBSCO INDUSTRIES, INC. · CACALC VJ 9N01627 CCI DARANN MCKEE-VJ-WEST KENT BICE, PE, V. JOIST 02/15/2000 15:48 8585508842 : . LoT : ' \q ~ . : i i fVl l2.-ti I I 1 V~i\T'. 'i =-1 (Vi EZ,,f-.( ' tA.,, i'' ~ O(?,-tt,, i I i tNT, Or l~~ )( Cf o VN1T -1 -, . i PAGE 02 2--t!-oO ~-c. JG.. k, ' l r~f ,~ ~ ,,_... (0 X - (vv,..> i . ! ! 0,, ~, ~~~ Pc:4! 'C¾ ( -vr r : O;: ~. ~~c; Ul}l, '14) ( 11~~ € Lr-"J;) ! . i j • ! I .$ t) .S · ~1-f f c::72-. ! V 8' '-°1 1 I ! • i ; . ·0 '(_x;J. l/' - )' )' 02/16/2000 15:48 8585608842 &ir~eP/ or4 ! 'tlci (l"'"-)-:o ~--)~ t>tP-P, ' ' I I '"=-b·7! - ' ! :?e-'~· f.....-~1:>~ TV \ I bo Gf2,-• ! ! : '. PAGE 03 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By. RA :.i.~~~ · · eya-sed i;;r'REVIEWED O REJECTt: /03/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Q REV!sE AND 1J FURNISH AS RESUBMIT CORRECTED /~ Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Corrections or commen-ts made on th? shp~ ;]'- drawings during this wvie"." do no! relieve c~f <J Comments: UBC 1994 . tractor from compliance with require~ents k . the drawinas and specifications. Ttu~ chec ~:"! Gl 2 -24G3N7.5/3.9 x 21' 6.500 Spe "tY for review of the general conformance w,1 i ;:;i i;,_,,.. i,m,m~«il t~fg~ and genera ...,,t-; deSl!gli .......... P . !Ili i,;en in the compliance with the inlorma ion 9 . . Parallel chord Girder End Length Tag 6.000 Opp 6.000 Depth 6.000 6.000 Slope TC cone loads: Load 8000 4100 3900 7500 3600 3900 KNIFE PLATE 8" RE Top chord panel spacing: Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 47.44" in Deep 24.000 22.739 19.500 697520 in Effective Depth in Clear Depth in-# Moment Total weight Loading combinations: SJI --o 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 Left TC axial load: 0.0 Right TC axial load: 0.0 Left end reactions: 8606 Right end reactions: 6894 MA 102000 contnct documents. The contractor ,s resp?~s1- • • r. f mi~g ;ind correta:irig alt quanuues Holes To Chord ~t0 ~· : 011-~['.~1Jd@~tai®~@k!l prop¥e:ch ..::....o:c...i:,::..--0::="--=-:::::g..-=:;.0 ~,m.,ns1~~ d. , ng 111s E O ' . a1;@@chni~es of ~1\strg__c!i~N)'eor ina., y E O ' t9 ®tO wor~with lhe)t ol al ot~I:: t,r,ad~s and • 1, • sate ard:l'-sat1sfac,.;,ry Spacing 5'8-3/4 0'0 0'0 8'0 0'0 0'0 7'9-3/4 Locati 5'8-3 5'8-3 pe1lorming all wor .. 111 a nma1,t·int ~ J.--?-~ 4.Qate U4 ;Su 4 HORW,!IZ T A:.~:-,_e_e=:_R.:.;-t;.;.N~G.::::::===- 5 I 8-3/~-_.1,~---~.t.:.J..LVC 13'8-3/4 US SJI 13'8-3/4 US Dead 13'8-3/4 US Live EP/#lL 68.750 93.750 4@ 17.19" Ep= 34.38" 1@ 35.94" 4@ 24.00" 1@ 17.19" Ep= 34.38" 4@ 23.44" 1@ 41.19" 1@ 48.00" 254.500 391.509 L/1341 1.000 14.852 in Design length in4 Ix NtUE 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 Live Defl in Chord gap in Centroid Dead Live EOUK 1.00 --0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.0 0.0 13.0 0.0 0.0 13.0 4322 4283 0 3378 3517 0 1938 0.00 L/ 677 0.187 # Minimum Shear in4 Minimum Ix SJI Defl in Camber City of CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPT. CitY, of CARLSBAD B ILDING DEPT. Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 Gl 2 -24G3N7.5/3.9 X 21' 6.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder To}2 Chord: 2-LL2-l/2x.212 A = 2.030 y = 0.703 Fy = 50000 Q = 0.967 Ix= 1. 219 Iy= 4.158 Rx = 0.775 Ry = 1.431 Rz 0.493 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 60903 Chord shear: V = 8606 p = 0 fv = 8118 fc = 0 f = 8118 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ~ ~ lbs ----1l2L_ in-# .J2§.L ---12§..L Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 24.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 15.19 9750 22002 0 30.8z 23608 388626 0.160 0.459 0.000 0.459 U-1 24. '.JO 9750 22002 0 27000 0.160 0.401 0.000 0.401 0.00 17.19 1101 19480 0 34.8z 25740 303445 0.018 0.373 0.000 0.373 U-2 24.00 1101 24358 0 30000 0.018 0.400 0.000 0 .400 3.58 ~ 17.19 0 24358 0 34.8z 25740 303445 0.000 0.466 0.000 0.466 U-3 24.00 0 24358 0 30000 0.000 0.400 0.000 0.400 0.00 17.19 0 24358 0 34.8z 25740 303445 0.000 0.466 0.000 0.466 U-4 24. co 0 29716 0 30000 0.000 0.488 0.000 0.488 1.50 ~ 24.00 0 29716 0 48.6z 23876 155626 0.000 0.613 0.000 0. 613 U-5 24.: 0 0 29716 0 30000 0.000 0.488 0.000 0.488 0. 72 24.00 0 29716 0 48.6z 23876 155626 0.000 0.613 0.000 0.613 U-6 24.00 0 30675 0 30000 0.000 0.504 0.000 0.504 1.12 24.00 0 30675 0 48.6z 23876 155626 0.000 0.633 0.000 0.633 U-7 24.00 0 30675 0 30000 0.000 0.504 0.000 0.504 0.70 24.00 0 30675 0 48.6z 23876 155626 0.000 0.633 0.000 0.633 U-8 24.00 0 30675 0 30000 0.000 0.504 0.000 0.504 1. 25 23.44 0 25825 0 47.5z 24041 163186 0.000 0.529 0.000 0.529 U-9 24. 00 0 25825 0 30000 0.000 0.424 0.000 0.424 0. 71 23.44 0 25825 0 47.5z 24041 163186 0.000 0.529 0.000 0.529 U-10 24.00 2929 25825 0 30000 0.048 0.424 0.000 0.424 1. 76 23.44 2929 17653 0 47.5z 24041 163186 0.048 0.362 0.000 0.362 U-11 24.: J 9750 19566 0 27000 0.160 0.357 0 000 0.357 0. 72 21.44 9750 19566 0 43.4z 22150 195055 0.160 0.435 0.000 0.435 U-12 24.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tag end top chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A= 2.03 Y = 0.70 Ix= 1.22 St= 1.73 Sb= 0.68 Type 11 E 11 O 1 1. 500 long. M-= 281 fb-= 414 Opp end top chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A= 2.03 Y = 0.70 Ix= 1.22 St= 1.73 Sb= 0.68 Type 11 E 11 O' 2. 000 long. M-= 367 fb-= 541 ( CAM/ {JjqJ]/bJ-J !U(ooo d-6 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 Gl 2 -24G3N7.5/3.9 x 21' 6.500 Parallel chord Girder Bot Chord: 2-L L2x2x.156 A = 1.199 Ix= 0.464 Iy= 1. 805 Special Crimped angle y 0.558 Fy = 50000 Rx = 0.622 Ry 1.227 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 35980 Chord shear: V = 8606 p = 12252 fv = 13791 fc = 10216 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __i!L_ __i!L_ ~ lbs in-# ---2&._ ___E.§_L_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.64 17.19 12252 0 0 43.5z 23880 195415 0. 341 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 25262 0 0 30000 0.702 • 0. 000 0.000 0.000 1.17 41.19 25262 0 0 104.lz 13600 34029 0.702 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 26540 0 0 30000 0.738 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.61 48.00 26540 0 0 121. 4z 10140 25055 0.738 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 27818 0 0 30000 0.773 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.61 47.44 27818 0 0 119. 9z 10382 25653 0.773 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 27818 0 0 30000 0.773 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.53 35.94 13606 0 0 90.9z 16263 44698 0.378 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.56 Q Rz f Vl.64 1/03/00 = 0.935 0.396 = 14707 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 Gl 2 24G3N7.5/3.9 X 21' 6.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Tensile Com2:ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slope ---1!!_ Member in2 _i!!_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length Topl'.Bottm uo -Ll T l 54.92 39.56 2-LL1-l/4x.109 0.521 0.387x 8606 14973 15637 0 3743 15637 . llx4. 6 7.1/ 5.6 Ul -Ll V l 37.08 28.50 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 0 390 1458 .llxO.l 3.0/ 2.8 U2 -Ll C l 0.00 22.74 l-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 2151 14402 8606 8606 8966 .14x2.0 3.5/ 3.0 U2 -L3 T 2 37.08 28.50 l-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 8606 10787 10781 0 2697 10781 .13x2.9 3.5/ 3.2 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 22.74 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 0 487 2291 .llx0.2 2.8/ 2.3 U4 -L3 C 2 37.08 28.50 1-L L2x2x.156 0.600 O. 396z 0 2697 17990 8606 10787 11771 .16x2.3 4.0/ 3.7 U4 -LS T 3 46.55 33.06 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1938 2817 7819 0 704 7819 . llxO. 9 3.6/ 3.4 us -LS V 3 0.00 22.74 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 0 594 2291 . llxO .2 2.8/ 2.3 U6 -LS C 3 46.55 33.06 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 704 9454 1938 2817 3800 . llxO. 9 3.8/ 3.6 U6 -L7 T 4 46.55 33.06 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1938 2817 7819 0 704 7819 . llxO. 9 3.6/ 3.4 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 22.74 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 0 614 2291 . llxO. 2 2.8/ 2.3 us -L7 C 4 46.55 33.06 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 704 9454 1938 2817 3800 .llx0.9 3.8/ 3.6 us -L9 C 5 45.87 32.66 1-L L2x2x.156 0.600 0. 396z 0 2475 17990 6894 9901 10677 .16x2.l 4. 3/ 4.1 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 22.74 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 0 516 2291 . llxO. 2 2.8/ 2.3 UlO -L9 T 5 45.87 32.66 l-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0. 296z 6894 9901 10781 0 24 75 10781 . l3x2. 7 3.8/ 3.6 UlO -Lll C 6 28.80 25.95 l-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 1967 14402 6894 7867 7952 .14xl. 9 3.6/ 3.2 Ull -Lll V 6 25.69 25.23 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 0 353 1861 . llxO .1 2.8/ 2.5 Ul2 -Lll T 6 54. 92 39.56 2-LLlxlx.109 0.412 0.307x 6894 11995 12367 0 2999 12367 .llx3. 7 7.2/ 5.7 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 G2 4 -40G5N7.5/3.9 x 39' 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder End Length De:Qth Slo12e Tag 6.000 6.000 Opp 6.000 6.000 TC cone loads: Load 7500 3600 3900 7500 3600 3900 7500 3600 3900 7500 3600 3900 KNFE PLATE 8" BE Top chord panel spacing: Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 60.00" 40.000 in Deep 38.575 in Effective Depth 35.000 in Clear Depth 2096250 in-# Moment Total weight Holes TO:Q Chord Ext BCX Holdback Pitch EPli:ElL y y S12acing 7'9-3/4 0'0 0'0 8'0 0'0 0'0 8'0 0'0 0'0 8'0 0'0 0'0 7'9-3/4 2@ 46.88" Ep= 60.00" 471.500 1622.357 L/ 870 1.000 23."149 E O' 2.000 2 E 0' 2.000 2 Location Point 7'9-3/4 U2 7'9-3/4 U2 7'9-3/4 U2 15'9-3/4 U4 15'9-3/4 U4 15'9-3/4 U4 23'9-3/4 U6 23'9-3/4 U6 23'9-3/4 U6 31' 9-_3 / 4 us 31'9-3/4 us 31'9-3/4 us 6@ 48.00" 1@ 81.75" in Design length in4 Ix Live Defl L/ 0' 1.750 0' 1.750 ~ SJI Dead Live SJI Dead Live SJI Dead Live SJI Dead Live 2@ 46.88" 2@ 96.00" 93.750 93.750 1@ 81.75" 3750 # Minimum Shear 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 453 SJI Defl in Chord gap 0.643 in Camber in Centroid Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/do Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments:· UBC 1994 G2 4 -40G5N7.5/3.9 x 39 1 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live EOU~ Wind --o 1.00 --o --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 15000 0 7200 7800 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 15000 0 7200 7800 0 0 Pounds Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 G2 4 -40G5N7.5/3.9 X 39 1 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder To2 Chord: 2-L L3x3x.227 A = 2.621 y = 0.834 Fy = 50000 Q = 0.922 Ix= 2.285 Iy= 6.949 Rx = 0.934 Ry 1.628 Rz = 0.594 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 78628 Chord shear: V = 15000 p = -13124 fv = 11013 fc = -5007 f = 11294 0 End fillers, 2 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ___l!!_ ___l!!_ ~ ~ in-# ....2§.i__ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 40.00 o o o 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 44.88 9750 32303 0 75.6z 16978 64638 0.124 0. 726 0.000 0. 726 U-1 40.00 9750 32303 o 27000 0.124 0.456 0.000 0.456 0.00 46.88 0 27025 0 78.9z 18294 59240 0.000 0.564 0.000 0.564 U-2 40.00 0 45010 o 30000 0.000 0.572 0.000 0.572 1. 37 48.00 0 45010 0 80.8z 17966 56496 0.000 0.956 0.000 0.956 U-3 40.00 0 45010 0 30000 0.000 0.572 0.000 0. 572 0.00 48.00 0 45010 0 80.8z 17966 56496 0.000 0.956 0.000 0.956 U-4 40.00 0 54342 0 30000 0.000 0. 691 0.000 0. 691 1.06 48.00 0 54342 0 51.4x 22548 56496 0.000 0.920 0.000 0.920 U-5 40.00 0 54342 0 30000 J.000 0.691 0.000 0.591 0.72 48.00 0 54342 0 51.4x 22548 56496 0.000 0.920 0.000 0.920 U-6 40.00 0 54342 0 30000 0.000 0.691 0.000 0. 691 1.06 48.00 o 45010 0 80.8z 17966 56496 0.000 0.956 0.000 0.956 U-7 40.00 0 45010 o 30000 0.000 0. 572 0.000 0 .572 0.70 48.00 0 45010 0 80.8z 17966 56496 0.000 0.956 0.000 0.956 U-8 40.00 0 45010 0 30000 0.000 0 .572 0.000 0.572 1. 37 46.88 0 27025 0 78.9z 18294 59240 0.000 0.564 0.000 0.564 U-9 40.00 9750 32303 0 27000 0.124 0 .456 0.000 0.456 0. 71 44.88 9750 32303 0 75.6z 16978 64638 0.124 0. 726 0.000 0. 726 U-10 40.00 0 0 o 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tag end top chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A= 2.62 Y = 0.83 Ix= 2.28 St= 2.74 Sb 1.05 Type 11 E 11 O 1 2. 000 long. M-= 367 fb-= 348 Opp end top chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A= 2.62 Y = 0.83 Ix= 2.28 St= 2.74 Sb= 1.05 Type 11 E11 o 1 2. 000 long. M-= 367 fb-= 348 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised Vl.64 1/03/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 G2 4 -40G5N7.5/3.9 x 39' 7.500 Parallel chord Girder Bot Chord: 2-L L2x2x.248 A= 1.861· Ix= 0.691 Iy= 2.905 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force Chord shear: V = 15000 P = 22553 2 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress Special Crimped angle Y = 0.591 Rx= 0.609 = 55830 Fy Ry= 50000 1.250 fv = 15121 fc = 12119 Euler Tens-Compression-Bending F'e Bend Interaction --2:!!.._ --2:!!.._ ---1..£§_ ---1..£§_ in-# -E§i_ ___E.§i__ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 D D D 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.32 81.75 35677 D D 209.0z 3420 8292 0.639 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 54342 D D 30000 0.973 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.13 96. OD 54342 0 D 157.6x 6013 6013 0.973 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 54342 0 0 30000 0.973 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.27 96. 00 54342 0 0 157.6x 6013 6013 0.973 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 54342 D D 30000 0.973 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .13 81.75 35677 0 0 209.0z 3420 8292 0.639 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.32 Q = 1. 000 Rz = 0.391 f = 16290 Valley: Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/2-0/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 G2 4 40G5N7.5/3.9 X 39 1 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Tensile Com:Qressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slope ___!!L_ Member in2 _i!L _l.!2L _l.!2L _l.!2L _l.!2L _l.!2L _l.!2L Length Topl'.'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.37 69.66 2-LL2x2x.187 1.426 0.617x 15000 27086 42782 0 6772 42782 .19x4.9 8.7/ 5.1 Ul -Ll V 1 18.79 40.75 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 541 1425 .llx0.2 3.3/ 2.6 U2 -Ll C 1 41.18 51. 26 2-L L2x2x.156 1.199 0.622x 0 4983 35980 15000 19931 21381 .16x4.3 7.4/ 4.7 U2 -L3 T 2 51. 21 61. 58 1-L L2x2x.125 0.484 0.398z 7500 11973 14531 0 2993 3015 .13x3.2 5.0/ 4.5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 38.58 l-LLlxlx.125 0.234 0 .196z 0 0 7031 0 900 900 .13x0.2 3.0/ 2.3 U4 -L3 C 2 51.21 61. 58 2-L L2x2x.125 0. 969 0.626x 0 2993 29063 7500 11973 13721 .13x3. 2 8.2/ 4. 9 U4 -LS T 3 51. 21 61. 58 1-LL1-3/4x.125 0.422 0.347z 3750 5986 12656 0 1497 1998 .13xl. 6 4.8/ 4.2 us -LS V 3 0.00 38.58 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0. 24 7z 0 0 7819 0 1087 1590 . llxO .3 3.3/ 2.5 U6 -LS T 4 51. 21 61. 58 l-LL1-3/4x.125 0.422 0.347z 3750 5986 12656 0 1497 1998 .13xl.6 4.8/ 4.2 U6 -L7 C 3 51. 21 61. 58 2-L L2x2x.125 0. 969 0.626x 0 2993 29063 7500 11973 13721 .13x3. 2 8.2/ 4.9 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 38.58 l-LLlxlx.125 0.234 0 .196z 0 0 7031 0 900 900 .13x0 2 3.0/ 2.3 us -L7 T 5 51. 21 61. 58 1-L L2x2x.125 0.484 0.398z 7500 11973 14531 0 2993 3015 .13x3.2 5.0/ 4.5 us -L9 C 4 41.18 51. 26 2-L L2x2x.156 1.199 0.622x 0 4983 35980 15000 19931 21381 .16x4.3 7.4/ 4.7 U9 -L9 V 5 18.79 40.75 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 541 1425 .llx0.2 3.3/ 2.6 UlO -L9 T 6 56.37 69.66 2-LL2x2x.187 1.426 0.617x 15000 27086 42782 0 6772 42782 .19x4.9 8.7/ 5.1 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 G3 2 -24G3N7.5/3.9 x 21' 6.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder End Length De12th Slo12e Tag 6.000 6.000 Opp 6.000 6.000 TC cone loads: Load 8000 4100 3900 7500 3600 3900 KNIFE PLATE 8" RE Top chord panel spacing: Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 47.44" in Deep 24.000 22.739 19.500 697520 in Effective Depth in Clear Depth in-# Moment Total weight Loading combinations: SJI --0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 Left TC axial load: 0.0 Right TC axial load: 0.0 Left end reactions: 8606 Right end reactions: 6894 Holes To12 Chord Ext BCX Holdback Pitch EP{[tlL E 0' 1.500 2 -0' 1.000 68.750 y E 0' 2.000 2 0' 1.750 93.750 s12acing Location Point ~ 5'8-3/4 0'0 0'0 8'0 0'0 0'0 7'9-3/4 4@ 17.19" Ep= 34.38" 1@ 35.94" 5'8-3/4 U4 5'8-3/4 U4 5'8-3/4 U4 13'8-3/4 us 13'8-3/4 us 13'8-3/4 us 4@ 24.00" 1@ 17.19" Ep= 34.38" SJI Dead Live SJI Dead Live 4@ 23.44" 1@ 41.19" 1@ 48.00" 254.500 391.509 L/1341 1.000 14.852 in Design length in4 Ix 1938 # Minimum Shear 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix L/ 677 SJI Defl NtUE 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 Live Defl in Chord gap in Centroid Dead Live EQUK 1.00 --0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.0 0.0 13.0 0.0 0.0 13.0 4322 4283 0 3378 3517 0 0.187 in Camber Wind --0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 -0.75 0.0 Kips 0.0 Kips 0 Pounds 0 Pounds Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 G3 2 -24G3N7.5/3.9 X 21 1 6.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder To:g Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A = 2.030 y = 0.703 Fy = 50000 Q = 0.967 Ix= 1. 219 Iy= 4.158 Rx = 0.775 Ry = 1. 431 Rz = 0.493 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 60903 Chord shear: V = 8606 p = 0 fv = 8118 fc = 0 f = 8118 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _____ig_ _____ig_ lbs ---1.!2L_ in-# ~ ---12&.. Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen u-o 24.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 15.19 9750 22002 0 30.8z 23608 388626 0.160 0.459 0.000 0.459 U-1 24.00 9750 22002 0 27000 0.160 0.401 0.000 0.401 0.00 17.19 1101 19480 0 34.8z 25740 303445 0.018 0.373 0.000 0.373 U-2 24.00 1101 24358 0 30000 0.018 0.400 0.000 0.400 3.58 17.19 0 24358 0 34.8z 25740 303445 0.000 0.466 0.000 0.466 U-3 24.00 0 24358 0 30000 0.000 0.400 0.000 0.400 0.00 17.19 0 24358 0 34.8z 25740 303445 0.000 0.466 0.000 0.466 U-4 24.00 0 29716 0 30000 0.000 0 .488 0.000 0.488 1.50 24.00 0 29716 0 48.6z 23876 155626 0.000 0.613 0.000 0.613 U-5 24.00 0 29716 0 30000 0.000 0.488 0.000 0.488 0.72 24.00 0 29716 0 48.6z 23876 155626 0.000 0.613 0.000 0. 613 U-6 24.00 0 30675 0 30000 0.000 0.504 0.000 0.504 1.12 24.00 0 30675 0 48.6z 23876 155626 0.000 0.633 0.000 0.633 U-7 24.00 0 30675 0 30000 0.000 0.504 0.000 0.504 0.70 24.00 0 30675 0 48.6z 23876 155626 0.000 0.633 0.000 0.633 U-8 24.00 0 30675 0 30000 0.000 0.504 0.000 0.504 1. 25 23.44 0 25825 0 47.5z 24041 163186 0.000 0.529 0.000 0.529 U-9 24.00 0 25825 0 30000 0.000 0.424 0.000 0.424 0. 71 23.44 0 25825 0 47.5z 24041 163186 0.000 0.529 0.000 0.529 U-10 24.00 2929 25825 0 30000 0.048 0.424 0.000 0.424 1. 76 23.44 2929 17653 0 47.5z 24041 163186 0.048 0.362 0.000 0.362 U-11 24.00 9750 19566 0 27000 0.160 0.357 0.000 0.357 0. 72 21. 44 9750 19566 0 43.4z 22150 195055 0.160 0.435 0.000 0. 435 U-12 24.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tag end top chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A= 2.03 Y = 0.70 Ix 1.22 St= 1.73 Sb= 0.68 Type "E" 0' 1.500 long. M-= 281 fb-= 414 Opp end top chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A= 2.03 Y = o·.7o Ix= 1.22 St= 1.73 Sb= 0.68 Type "E" o' 2. 000 long. M-= 367 fb-= 541 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: Project: Comment-s: DA WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 G3 2 -24G3N7.5/3.9 x 21' 6.500 Parallel chord Girder Bot Chord: 2-L L2x2x.156 A = 1.199 Ix= 0.464 Iy= 1.805 Special Crimped angle y = 0.558 Fy = 50000 Rx 0.622 Ry = 1.227 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 35980 Chord shear: V = 8606 p = 12252 fv = 13791 fc = 10216 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _____!!!_ _____!!!_ lbs lbs in-# --2§.L _fil_i_ Unity Axial ~ Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.64 17.19 12252 0 0 43.5z 23880 195415 0. 341 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 25262 0 0 30000 0.702 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.17 41.19 25262 0 0 104.lz 13600 34029 0.702 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 26540 0 0 30000 0.738 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.61 48.00 26540 0 0 121. 4z 10140 25055 0.738 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 27818 0 0 30000 0. 773 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.61 47.44 27818 0 0 119. 9z 10382 25653 0. 773 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 27818 0 0 30000 0. 773 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.53 35.94 13606 0 0 90.9z 16263 44698 0.378 0.000 0.000 0 000 L-11 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 a.coo 0.000 o.ooc 0.5G Q 0.935 Rz = 0.396 f = 14707 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 G3 2 24G3N7.5/3.9 X 21' 6.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Tensile ComQressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web SloQe _lg_ Member in2 __ig_ ---1:.!?.L ---1:.!?.L ---1:.!?.L ---1:.!?.L ---1:.!?.L ~ Length Tof!l'.Bottm uo -Ll T" l 54.92 39.56 2-LL1-l/4x.109 0.521 0.387x 8606 14973 15637 0 3743 15637 . llx4. 6 7.1/ 5.6 Ul -Ll V 1 37.08 28.50 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 0 390 1458 .llx0.1 3.0/ 2.8 U2 -Ll C 1 0.00 22.74 l-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 2151 14402 8606 8606 8966 .14x2.0 3.5/ 3.0 U2 -L3 T 2 37.08 28.50 l-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0. 296z 8606 10787 10781 0 2697 10781 .13x2.9 3.5/ 3.2 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 22.74 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 0 487 2291 .llx0.2 2.8/ 2.3 U4 -L3 C 2 37.08 28.50 1-L L2x2x.156 0.600 0. 396z 0 2697 17990 8606 10787 11771 .16x2.3 4.0/ 3.7 U4 -LS T 3 46.55 33.06 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1938 2817 7819 0 704 7819 .llx0.9 3.6/ 3.4 us -LS V 3 0.00 22.74 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 0 594 2291 . llxO. 2 2.8/ 2.3 U6 -LS C 3 46.55 33.06 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 704 9454 1938 2817 3800 .llx0.9 3.8/ 3.6 U6 -L7 T 4 46.55 33.06 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1938 2817 7819 0 704 7819 .llx0.9 3.6/ 3.4 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 22.74 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 0 614 2291 .llx0.2 2.8/ 2.3 u8 -L7 C 4 46.55 33.06 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 704 9454 1938 2817 3800 . llxO. 9 3.8/ 3.6 U8 -L9 C 5 45.87 32.66 1-L L2x2x.156 0.600 0.396z 0 2475 17990 6894 9901 10677 .16x2.l 4.3/ 4.1 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 22.74 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 0 516 2291 .llx0.2 2.8/ 2.3 UlO -L9 T 5 45.87 32.66 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0. 296z 6894 9901 10781 0 2475 10781 .13x2.7 3.8/ 3.6 UlO -Lll C 6 28.80 25.95 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0 .480 0.346z 0 1967 14402 6894 7867 7952 .14xl.9 3.6/ 3.2 Ull -Lll V 6 25.69 25.23 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0. 196z 0 0 6184 0 353 1861 .llxO.l 2.8/ 2.5 U12 -Lll T 6 54.92 39.56 2-LLlxlX.109 0.412 0.307x 6894 11995 12367 0 2999 12367 . llx3. 7 7.2/ 5.7 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 G4 1 -40G5Nl0.5/3.9 x 39 1 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder End Length De2th Slo2e Tag 6.000 6.000 Opp 6.000 6.000 TC cone loads: Load 10500 6600 3900 10500 6600 3900 10500 6600 3900 10500 6600 3900 KNIFE PLATE 8 II BE Top chord panel spacing: Bot chord panel spacing: 40.000 38.301 34.000 2934750 Ep= 60.00 11 in Deep in Effective Depth in Clear Depth in-# Moment Total weight Holes TO£ Chord Ext BCX Holdback Pitch EP{iJ:lL y y s2acing 7 1 9-3/4 0'0 0 1 0 8 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 8 1 0 0'0 0 1 0 8 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 7 1 9-3/4 2@ 46.88 11 Ep= 60.00 11 471.500 2219.784 L/1191 1.000 22.894 E 0' 2.000 2 0' 1.750 93.750 E QI 2.000 2 0' 1.750 93.750 Location Point ~ 7'9-3/4 U2 7'9-3/4 U2 7 1 9-3/4 U2 15'9-3/4 U4 15 1 9-3/4 U4 15 1 9-3/4 U4 23 1 9-3/4 U6 23'9-3/4 U6 23 1 9-3/4 U6 31 1 9-3/4 us 31 1 9-3/4 us 3·1 1 9-3/ 4 us 6@ 48.00 11 1@ 81.75 11 in Design length in4 Ix Live Defl in Chord gap in Centroid SJI Dead Live SJI Dead Live SJI Dead Live SJI Dead Live 2 @ 46. 88 II 2 @ 96. QQ II 1@ 81.75 11 5250 0.00 L/ 442 0.643 # Minimum Shear in4 Minimum Ix SJI Defl in Camber Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 G4 1 -40G5N10.5/3.9 x 39' 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live EQUK Wind --o l.00 --rr 0 --o 0 0 l.00 l.00 0 0 l.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 21000 0 13200 7800 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 21000 0 13200 7800 0 0 Pounds Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 G4 1 -40G5Nl0.5/3.9 X 39' 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder TOQ Chord: 2-L L3x3x.313 A = 3.560 y = 0.865 Fy 50000 Q = 1.000 Ix= 3.024 Iy= 9.659 Rx = 0.922 Ry = 1.647 Rz = 0.589 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 106802 Chord shear: V = 21000 p = -18505 fv = 11182 fc = -5198 f = 11480 0 End fillers, 2 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ____!.!}_ ____!.!}_ ~ lbs in-# ...J2§L_ _£§_i_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen u-o 40.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 44.88 9750 41551 0 76.2z 17790 62986 0.091 0.656 0.000 0.656 U-1 40.00 9750 41551 0 27000 0.091 0.432 0.000 0.432 0.00 46.88 0 34033 0 79.6z 19099 57726 0.000 0.501 0.000 0.501 U-2 40.00 0 63465 0 30000 0.000 0.594 0.000 0.594 1. 34 48.00 0 63465 0 81. 5z 18716 55052 0.000 0.952 0.000 0.952 U-3 40.00 0 63465 0 30000 0.000 0.594 0.000 0.594 0.00 48.00 0 63465 0 81.5z 18716 55052 0.000 0.952 0.000 0.952 U-4 40.00 0 76624 0 30000 0.000 0. 717 0.000 0.717 1. 04 48.00 0 76624 0 52. lx 24023 55052 0.000 0. 896 0.000 0. 896 U-5 40.00 0 76624 0 30000 o.~oo 0. 717 0.000 0. 717 '). 72 48.00 0 76624 0 52.lx 24023 55052 0.000 0.896 0.000 0. 896 U-6 40.00 0 76624 0 30000 0.000 0. 717 0.000 0. 717 1. 04 48.00 0 63465 0 81. 5z 18716 55052 0.000 0.952 0.000 0.952 U-7 40.00 0 63465 0 30000 0.000 0.594 0.000 0.594 0.70 48.00 0 63465 0 81.5z 18716 55052 0.000 0.952 0.000 0.952 U-8 40.00 0 63465 0 30000 0.000 0.594 0.000 0.594 1. 34 46.88 0 34033 0 79.6z 19099 57726 0.000 0.501 0.000 0.501 U-9 40.00 9750 41551 0 27000 0.091 0.432 0.000 0.432 0. 71 44.88 9750 41551 0 76.2z 17790 62986 0.091 0.656 0.000 0.656 U-10 40.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tag end top chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A= 3.56 Y = 0.87 Ix= 3.02 St= 3.49 Sb 1.42 Type "E" O' 2. 000 long. M-= 367 fb-= 259 Opp end top chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A= 3.56 Y = 0.87 Ix= 3.02 St= 3.49 Sb= 1. 42 Type 11 E 11 0' 2.000 long. M-= 367 fb-= 259 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 G4 1 -40G5Nl0.5/3.9 x 39' 7.500 Parallel chord Girder Bot Chord: 2-L L3x3x.227 A = 2.621 Ix= 2.285 Iy= 6.949 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force Chord shear: V = 21000 p = 31801 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress Special Crimped angle y = 0.834 Fy = 50000 Rx = 0.934 Ry = 1.628 = 78628 fv = 15419 fc = 12133 Euler Tens-Compression-Bending F'e Bend Interaction __l!!__ __l!!__ ~ ~ in-# ....E§l_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.06 81.75 50306 0 0 137.7z 7877 19477 0.640 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 76624 0 0 30000 0.975 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.14 96.00 76624 0 0 161.7z 5712 14124 0.975 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 76624 0 0 30000 0.975 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.52 96.00 76624 0 0 161.7z 5712 14124 0.975 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 76624 0 0 30000 0.975 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .14 81.75 50306 0 0 137.7z 7877 19477 0.640 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 06 Q Rz f Vl.64 1/03/00 = 0.922 0.594 = 16569 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 G4 1 40G5N10.5/3.9 X 39' 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Tensile Comi::ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slope _iQ_ Member in2 -2,,!l_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ___lQ§__ ~ Length Top{Bottm uo -Ll T 1 56.56 69.51 2-LL2x2x.176 1.346 0.619x 21000 38109 40381 0 9527 40381 .18x7.3 8.4/ 8.4 Ul -Ll V 1 18.92 40.49 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 681 1443 . llxO .2 3.3/ 3.4 U2 -Ll C 1 41.39 51.05 2-L L2x2x.216 1. 635 0. 613x 0 6997 49041 21000 27990 30014 .22x4.4 7.2/ 7.2 U2 -L3 T 2 51.41 61.41 1-LL2x2x.187 0. 713 0. 394z 10500 16835 21391 0 4209 4379 .19x3.0 5.0/ 5.6 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 38.30 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 1269 1613 . llxO .4 3.3/ 3.3 U4 -L3 C 2 51. 41 61.41 2-L L2x2x.156 1.199 0.622x 0 4209 35980 10500 16835 17638 .16x3.6 7.9/ 7.9 U4 -LS T 3 51. 41 61. 41 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 5250 8417 14402 0 2104 2272 .14x2.0 4.8/ 5.4 us -LS V 3 0.00 38.30 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 1532 1613 . llx0.5 3.3/ 3.3 U6 -LS T 4 51.41 61.41 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 5250 8417 14402 0 2104 2272 .14x2. 0 4.8/ 5.4 U6 -L7 C 3 51.41 61.41 2-L L2x2x.156 1.199 0.622x 0 4209 35980 10500 16835 17638 .16x3.6 7.9/ 7.9 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 38.30 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 O. 24 7z 0 0 7819 0 1269 1613 .llx0.4 3.3/ 3.3 us -L7 T 5 51.41 61.41 1-LL2x2x.187 0. 713 0.394z 10500 16835 21391 0 4209 4379 .19x3.0 5.0/ 5.6 us -L9 C 4 41. 39 51.05 2-L L2x2x.216 1.635 0.613x 0 6997 49041 21000 27990 30014 .22x4 .4 7.2/ 7.2 U9 -L9 V 5 18. 92 40 .49 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 681 1443 . llxO. 2 3.3/ 3.4 UlO -L9 T 6 56.56 69.51 2-LL2x2x.176 1. 346 0. 619x 21000 38109 40381 0 9527 40381 .18x7.3 8.4/ 8.4 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 GS 1 -40G5N8.15/3.9 x 39' 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder End Length DeQth SloJ2e Tag 6.000 6.000 Opp 6.000 6.000 TC cone loads: Load 8150 4250 3900 8150 4250 3900 8150 4250 3900 8150 4250 3900 KNIFE PLATE 8" BE Top chord panel spacing: Bot chord panel spacing: 40.000 38.454 34.500 2277925 Ep= 60.00" in Deep in Effective Depth in Clear Depth in-# Moment Total weight Holes TOJ2 Chord Ext BCX Holdback Pitch EPLttlL y y SJ2acing 7'9-3/4 0'0 0'0 8'0 0'0 0'0 8'0 0'0 0'0 8'0 0'0 0'0 7'9-3/4 2@ 46.88" Ep= 60.00" 471.500 1763.244 L/ 946 1.000 23.242 E 0' 2.000 2 0' 1.750 93.750 E 0' 2.000 2 0' 1.750 93.750 Location Point ~ 7'9-3/4 U2 7'9-3/4 U2 7'9-3/4 U2 15'9-3/4 U4 15'9-3/4 U4 15'9-3/4 U4 23'9-3/4 U6 23'9-3/4 U6 23'9-3/4 U6 31'9-3/4 us 31'9-3/4 U8 31'9-3/4 us 6@ 48.00" 1@ 81.75" in Design length in4 Ix Live Defl in Chord gap in Centroid SJI Dead Live SJI Dead Live SJI Dead Live SJI Dead Live 2@ 46.88" 2@ 96.00" 1@ 81.75" 4075 0.00 L/ 453 0.643 # Minimum Shear in4 Minimum Ix SJI Defl in Camber Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 G5 1 -40G5N8.15/3.9 x 39' 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live EQUK Wind --o 1.00 --o 0 ----a 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.0 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0. o. 0.0 0.0 13.0 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 16300 0 8500 7800 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 16300 0 8500 7800 0 0 Pounds Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 GS 1 -40G5N8.15/3.9 X 39' 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder TO:Q Chord: 2-LL3X3x.250 A = 2.875 y = 0.842 Fy = 50000 Q = 0.961 Ix= 2.488 Iy= 7.669 Rx = 0.930 Ry 1.633 Rz 0.592 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = '86250 Chord shear: V = 16300 p = -14306 fv = 10867 fc = -4976 f = 11148 0 End fillers, 2 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ----1l!._ ----1l!._ ~ lbs in-# --2&_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 40.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 44.88 9750 34335 0 75.8z 17411 64186 0.113 0.686 0.000 0.686 U-1 40.00 9750 34335 0 27000 0.113 0.442 0.000 0.442 0.00 46.88 0 28581 0 79.lz 18730 58825 0.000 0.531 0.000 0.531 U-2 40.00 0 49064 0 30000 0.000 0.569 0.000 0.569 1. 37 48.00 0 49064 0 81.0z 18376 56100 0.000 0.929 0.000 0. 929 U-3 40.00 0 49064 0 30000 0.000 0.569 0.000 0.569 0.00 48.00 0 49064 0 Bl.Oz 18376 56100 0.000 0.929 0.000 0.929 U-4 40.00 0 59237 0 30000 0.000 0.687 0.000 0.687 1. 06 48.00 0 59237 0 51. 6x 23303 56100 0.000 0.884 0.000 0.884 U-5 40.llU u 59237 J 30002 0 000 0.687 0.000 0.687 0.72 48.00 0 59237 0 51.6x 23308 56100 0.000 0.884 0.000 0. 884 U-6 40.00 0 59237 0 30000 0.000 0.687 0.000 0.687 1. 06 48.00 0 49064 0 81. Oz 18376 56100 0.000 0. 929 0.000 0. 929 U-7 40.00 0 49064 0 30000 0.000 0.569 0.000 0.569 0.70 48.00 0 49064 0 Bl.Oz 18376 56100 0.000 0.929 0.000 o.-929 U-8 40.00 0 49064 0 30000 0.000 0.569 0.000 0.569 1. 37 46.88 0 28581 0 79.lz 18730 58825 0.000 0.531 0.000 0.531 U-9 40.00 9750 34335 0 27000 0 .113 0.442 0.000 0.442 0. 71 44.88 9750 34335 0 75.8z 17411 64186 0 .113 0.686 0.000 0.686 U-10 40.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tag end top chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A= 2.88 Y = 0.84 Ix 2.49 St= 2.95 Sb 1.15 Type "E" O' 2. 000 long. M-= 367 fb-= 318 Opp end top chord extension: Reinforced with 2-LLV5x3.5x.5 Combined properties: A= 2.88 Y = 0.84 Ix= 2.49 St= 2.95 Sb= 1.15 Type "E" 0' 2.000 long. M-= 367 fb-= 318 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: Project: Comments: DA WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 GS 1 -40G5N8.15/3.9 x 39' 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Bot Chord: 2-LL2-1/2x.212 A = 2.030 y = 0.703 Fy = 50000 Ix= 1.219 Iy= 4.158 Rx = 0.775 Ry = 1. 431 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 60903 Chord shear: V = 16300 p = 24585 fv = 15377 fc = 12110 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _i!!_ _i!!_ lbs lbs in-# __E§_i_ __:e&_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.10 81. 75 38891 0 0 165.7z 5441 13413 0.639 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 59237 0 0 30000 0.973 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 96. 00 59237 0 0 194.6z 3945 9727 0.973 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 59237 0 0 30000 0.973 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.38 96.00 59237 0 0 194.6z 3945 9727 0.973 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 59237 0 0 30000 0.973 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 81.75 38891 0 0 165.7z 5441 13413 0.639 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.10 Q = 0.967 Rz = 0.493 f = 16527 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -G By RA Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: DA WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BI,,ACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 GS 1 40GSN8.15/3.9 X 39' 7.500 Special Crimped angle Parallel chord Girder Tensile Comeressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Sloee -2!!__ Member in2 _i!L. ---1£L ---1£L ---1£L ---1£L ---1£L ~ Length ToeLBottm uo -Ll T 1 56.46 69.59 2-LL1-3/4x.155 1. 037 0.541x 16300 29498 31109 0 7374 31109 .15x6.4 8.8/ 7.1 Ul -Ll V 1 18.85 40.63 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 572 1433 .llx0.2 3.3/ 3.2 U2 -Ll C 1 41. 27 51.16 2-L L2x2x.163 1.251 0.621x 0 5422 37526 16300 21688 22543 .16x4.5 7.4/ 6.1 U2 -L3 T 2 51. 30 61. 50 1-L L2x2x.143 0.552 0. 396z 8150 13035 16547 0 3259 3420 .14x3.1 5.0/ 5.2 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 38.45 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 981 1600 .llx0.3 3.3/ 3.0 U4 -L3 C 2 51. 30 61.50 2-L L2x2x.125 0. 969 0.626x 0 3259 29063 8150 13035 13740 .13x3.5 8.1/ 6.6 U4 -LS T 3 51. 30 61. 50 1-LL1-3/4x.125 0.422 0.347z 4075 6518 12656 0 1629 2003 .13xl. 8 4.8/ 5.0 us -LS V 3 0.00 38.45 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 1185 1600 .llx0.4 3.3/ 3.0 U6 -LS T 4 51.30 61.50 1-LL1-3/4x.125 0.422 0.347z 4075 6518 12656 0 1629 2003 .13xl. 8 4.8/ 5.0 U6 -L7 C 3 51. 30 61.50 2-L L2x2x.125 0. 969 0.626x 0 3259 29063 8150 13035 13740 .13x3.5 8.1/ 6.6 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 38 .45 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 981 1600 . llxO. 3 3.3/ 3.0 U8 -L7 T 5 51 30 61. 50 1-L L2x2x.143 0.552 O. 396z 8150 13035 16547 0 3259 3420 .14x3.l 5.0/ 5.2 U8 -L9 C 4 41. 27 51.16 2-L L2x2x.163 1. 251 0.62lx 0 5422 37526 16300 21688 22543 .16x4.5 7.4/ 6.1 U9 -L9 V 5 18.85 40.63 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 0 572 1433 .llx0.2 3.3/ 3.2 UlO -L9 T 6 56.46 69.59 2-LL1-3/4x.155 1.037 0.54lx 16300 29498 31109 0 7374 31109 .15x6.4 8.8/ 7.1 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Proje·ct: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGER Jl 6 -18K4 x 29' 4.375 Special Unknow· Parallel chord Shortspan REVIEWED 1 REJECTED REVISE ANO \{;I C;b~RNISH AS RESUBMIT '? / CORRECTED l / .) Corr~ctions ~r co'.-'lments made on fhe shop D drawm9s during this review do not relieve con- tractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. Tpic check is m-ityrtcif:l ilml:faillctitt~netaY®1'itormance wit'l the design concept of the project and general compliance with rhe information given in the End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.520 -0.520 Holes To Chord Ex -~on:ra~t .Q.QP~'.~ls'.I: .Jb.ecMY~ct~.IJ:f:lfaW~si-E -=-="-""---==-=-c'-'--'=== le or~., ,, "J#~@i.~hnrn-r1t'quarnn1es ='If-'-'-'-== and dimensions, se:.,cw1g fabricatioh processes 3 and techniques :,1 GO'lstruction; coordinating his 3 or her work wit:· that oi all othe; trades and Uniform SJI load 257 #/ft full length Uniform Live load 154 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 103 #/ft full length An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at a An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at SEE SLOPED SEAT DETAIL per!omung all wor•. i'1 a safe and satisfac,ory manner. Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 29.09 11 1 @ 27. 09 11 10 @ 24. 00 II 1 @ 1 @ 29. 09 JI Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 36. 00 JI 1 @ 44.19 11 4 @ 48. 00 II 1 @ Ep= 36. 00 II 27. 09 JI 44.19 11 18.000 in Deep 348.375 in Design length 931 # Minimum Shear 16.963 in Effective Depth 14.250 in Clear Depth 411380 in-# Moment ,, Total weight Loading combinations: Left TC axial load: ·Right TC axial load: Left end reactions: Right end reactions: SJI --o 0 1. oo 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 4723 4723 138.247 in4 Ix L/ 569 Live Defl 1.000 in 10.095 in NtUE 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 Dead 1.00 1.00 0 0 0.75 0. 75, 0.75 0.75 0.0 0.0 2493 2493 Chord gap Centroid Live EQUK --0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 '-0.75 0. 75 .: 0 0.75 0 0. 0 ,' 3. 5 0.0 2231 2231 3.5 0 0 Top bridging rows: 3 per SJI 5 if deck provjdes no lateral 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix L/ 341 SJI Defl 0.351 in Camber I ,. -. ,/ _, / RenoCon~g.JobNo.: 9'1018 ~ject: t..or 98 · Submittal No. oo z ~ S-300 ".T~e cnclQs.ed document(s) bas been reviewed by Reno Contracting Inc. for general conformance to the rcqujrementl . of the Contract Documents~ We did not discover any devja- tion from the Contract Documents, but our Subcontractor and / or Supplier remains fully respon~U>le for. compliance with all Contract Documents, for details and accuracy, for confirming and correcting all: quantities and dimensions. for ~hoice of fabrication proccsse$ anci tc~hniqu,es of construc- tion, for coordinating bis work with all other tr~cs, and for performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner." RENO CONTRACTING; INC. _ By: ~bA..,.-.1 ~b.A-W . Dato:. /z.,fzooo ~- ,/ / // ,/ BY .. f\ ,' I 1.vYED City of CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPT. // /' .,. ,. _; / / / / ,.,- _/. / ~·/· / / ,/·~ / ~~~·--!""I ... __ ._,.._."""...+~-«-~ ............... -..--..,.,,-.. -."; f ' l -. • ; t 1 ~ ; , . .; t l I ..... , -.'. ' ct C ·, j I ---:/ _. ~ "7 J-• ' l :.t J • t i / --. ~-'/ -::, • -' ~.l ' .: 'J:" ' / f, ~ ~ ... I(/~/ -~ ·-> -~ } ~> . :~ ;~ If ·Y.· ~ f • -i,.,..°"I: "("-l ... \_ .. /•' -~---~ Y• ' ' ,,,, : ' .-; :. -,, -. -~~--,_;. -.. i ~ I,• ... ~ • .,.J, ·,r ,I •:: , .. :: ".., :., -1• ~ -!O' ~· ... ·4 :·. -; • f: ;~ , ~,;;.: I! i w -!-:.~ ,."-lo J,-" !~ t ...t ••• .,, ..... ~ <:", !'. i ' '"" i ~-: J '.:'~ 1 1· ; , .. u : .. ~-l ~; { ! ' f. ,. l f l ' i tr ;:_; J ",l t ~ ... • ;; .. -,. ..,.~~~~~ .... ~~~ ....... ~~~ "'-· '!;. 1 '.? I ,).' ,i! , 'j .; f .,-. 'l fl_ t Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24'' c/c 12 11 STAGGERED Jl 6 -18K4 X 29' 4.375 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span To}2 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A = 1.103 y = 0.553 Fy = 50000 Q = 0.898 Bridg < 177" Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx = 0.624 Ry = 1.224 Rz = 0.396 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 Chord shear: V = 2952 p = -3513 fv = 5161 fc = -3185 f = 5401 0 End fillers, 2 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending ~ No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __.if!._ __.if!._ lbs ~ in-# .J@._ --.fil..L Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 27.09 2625 11316 1115 68.4z 17687 79113 0.205 0.580 0.065 0.645 ~ U-1 18.00 2625 11316 1692 27000 0. l!,2 0.380 0.211 0.591 0.00 27.09 0 9193 577 68. 4z 19652 79113 0.065 0.424 0.030 0.454 U-2 18.00 0 16885 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0.78 24.00 0 16885 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 U-3 18.00 0 16885 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0.00 24.00 0 16885 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 ( U-4 18 OL) 0 22410 0 30000 0.000 0 677 0.000 0.677 0.67 24.00 0 22410 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-5 18.00 0 22410 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0.677 0.00 24.00 0 22410 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-6 18.00 0 24251 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.67 ~ 24.00 0 24251 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.930 0.000 0.930 U-7 18.00 0 24251 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.00 24.00 0 24251 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.930 0.000 0.930 U-8 18.00 0 24251 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.67 24.00 0 22410 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-9 18.00 0 22410 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0.677 0.00 24.00 0 22410 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-10 18.00 0 22410 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0.677 0.67 24.00 0 16885 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 U-11 18.00 0 16885 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0.00 24.00 0 16885 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 U-12 18.00 0 16885 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0.78 27.09 0 9193 577 68.4z 19"652 79113 0.065 0.424 0.030 0 .454 U-13 18.00 2625 11316 1692 27000 0.152 0.380 0.211 0.591 0.00 27.09 2625 11316 1115 68.4z 17687 79113 0.205 0.580 0.065 o. 645 t'-l~ 1 ~ " 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 h Of) jJI ?/6)) Pr::( f/Oo?-o Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12" STAGGERED Jl 6 -18K4 X 29' 4.375 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = 0.844 y 0.484 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.251 Iy= 1. 068 Rx = 0.546 Ry = 1.125 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 Chord shear: V = 4336 p = 8691 fv = 9911 fc = 10301 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ~ __in__ ~ lbs in-# _£&_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.42 44.19 12742 0 0 127.4z 9199 22774 0.503 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 20108 0 0 ·30000 0.794 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 20108 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.794 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 23791 0 0 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 23791 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 23791 0 0 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 30 48.00 23791 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 23791 0 0 30000 0. 940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0:30 48.00 20108 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.794 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 20108 0 0 30000 0. 794 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 44.19 12742 0 0 127.4z 9199 22774 0.503 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.42 f Q Vl. 64 1/03/00 = 0.897 Rz = 0.347 = 11170 Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised I/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12 II STAGGERED Jl 6 18K4 X 29' 4.375 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Com:eressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slope ___1g_ Member ~ __i!L ____!£§__ ____!£§__ ____!£§__ ____!£§__ ~ ~ Length Top/'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 31.92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4336 9713 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.l Ul -Ll V 1 22.15 15.39 1-LLlxlx. 109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1579 1751 3983 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 U2 -Ll C 1 49. 96 22.15 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0. 315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2952 4589 5126 .llxl.4 3.2/ 3.4 U2 -L3 T 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3084 5343 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.2/ 3.5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1597 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U4 -L3 C 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2020 3500 3805 .llxl.l 3.2/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1920 3327 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 0 3.2/ 3.5 us -LS V 3 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 ·O 6184 1513 1625 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 U6 -LS C 3 54 75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 260 451 7819 1132 1961 3805 .llx0.6 3.2/ 3.5 U6 -L7 T 4 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 931 1613 7819 328 569 7819 .llx0.5 3.2/ 3.5 07 -L7 V 4 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1634 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 us -L7 T 5 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 931 1613 7819 328 569 7819 .llx0.5 3.2/ 3.5 08 -L9 C 4 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 260 451 7819 1132 1961 3805 . llxO. 15 3.2/ 3.5 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1513 1625 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 UlO -L9 T 6 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1920 3327 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. O 3 2/ 3.5 UlO -Lll C 5 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2020 3500 38C5 . llxl. 1 3.2/ 3 5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1597 4214 .llx0.5 2 3/ 2.0 012 -Lll T 7 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3084 5343 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.2/ 3.5 U12 -Ll3 C 6 49. 96 22.15 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0. 315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2952 4589 5126 .llxl.4 3.2/ 3.4 013 -Ll3 V 7 22 .15 15.39 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1579 1751 3983 . llxO. 5 2.2/ 2.1 Ul4 -L13 T 8 63.48 31. 92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4336 9713 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.l .,., l, Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 '' C/C 12 11 STAGGERED TJl 2 -18K4 x 29' 4.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.620 -0.620 Holes y Top Chord Ext Uniform SJI load 256 #/ft full length Uniform Live load 153 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 103 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE SLOPED SEAT DETAIL EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 29.12" Bot chord panel spacing: 'Ep= 36.00" 1@ 29.12" Ep= 36.00" 1@ 27.13" 1@ 44.25" 10@ 24.00" 4@ 48.00" 1@ 27.13" 1@ 44.25" 18.000 in Deep 348.500 in Design length 931 # Minimum Shear 16.963 ln Effective Depth 138.247 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix 14.250 in Clear Depth L/ 569 Live Defl L/ 341 SJI Defl 411411 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.351 in Camber Total weight 10.095 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live EQUK Wind --o 1.00 --o 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 o· 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial ioad: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4722 0 2493 2229 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4722 0 2493 2229 0 0 Pounds Top· bridging rows: 3 per SJI 5 if deck provides no lateral support. .. Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 - Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12 11 STAGGERED TJl 2 18K4 X 29' 4.500' Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span To:12 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A = 1.103 y = 0.553 Fy = 50000 Q 0.898 Bridg < 177 11 Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1. 652 Rx = 0.624 Ry 1. 224 Rz 0.396 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 Chord shear: V = 2951 p = -3522 fv = 5158 fc = -3193 f = 5400 0 End fillers, 2 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __in_ __in_ ~ ~ in-# ...,Eg_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen u-o 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 27.13 2625 11313 1117 68 .4z 17676 78931 0.205 0.580 0.066 0.646 U-1 18.00 2625 11313 1695 27000 0.152 0.380 0.212 0.592 0.00 27 .13 0 9191 578 68.4z 19640 78931 0.065 0.424 0.030 0.454 U-2 18.uO 0 16892 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0.78 24 00 0 16892 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0,000 0.736 U-3 18.00 0 16892 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0.00 24.00 0 16892 0 60. 6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 U-4 1s.~u 0 22413 0 30000 0.000 0 677 0.000 0.677 0.67 24.00 0 22413 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0. 977 0.000 0. 977 U-5 18.00 0 22413 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0.677 0.00 24.00 0 22413 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-6 18.00 0 24253 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.67 24.00 0 24253 0 38.Sx 23631 100824 0.000 0.930 0.000 0.930 U-7 18.00 0 24253 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.00 24.00 0 24253 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.930 0.000 0.930 U-8 18.00 0 24253 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.67 24.00 0 22413 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-9 18.00 0 22413 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0.677 0.00 24.00 0 22413 0 60. 6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 977 0.000 0.977 U-10 18.00 0 22413 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0.677 0.67 24.00 0 16892 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0. 736 0.000 0.736 U-11 18.00 0 16892 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0.00 24.00 0 16892 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 U-12 13.00 0 16892 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0 78 27,13 0 9191 578 68.4z 19640 78931 0.065 0.42..l 0.030 0. 454 U-13 18.00 2625 11313 1695 27000 0.152 0.380 0.212 0.592 J.00 27.13 2625 11313 1117 68.4z 17676 78931 0.205 0.580 0.066 0.646 U-14 1 :-. -. :i J 0 27000 'J 000 1.~00 :, 000 '.J ~or Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C TJl 2 -18K4 x 29' 4.500 type Paraliel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = Ix= 0.251 Iy= Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Chord shear: V = 4335 p = 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r _i!l_ _i!l_ ~ ~ in-# L-1 0.00 0 0 0 44.25 12751 0 0 127.6z L-3 0.00 20112 0 0 48.00 20112 0 0 138.4z L-5 0.00 23793 0 0 48.00 23793 0 0 138.4z L-7 0.00 23793 0 0 .J8.00 23793 0 0 138.4z L-9 0.00 23793 0 0 48.00 20112 0 0 138.4z L-11 0.00 20112 0 0 44.25 12751 0 0 127.6z L-13 0.00 0 0 0 12 11 STAGGERED Special Unknown construction 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy = 50000 1. 068 Rx = 0.546 Ry = 1.125 Force = 25313 8688 fv = 9908 fc = 10297 f Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending Stress F'e Bend Interaction ....E§.L_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.42 9173 22709 0.504 0.000 0 000 0.000 30000 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 7796 19300 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 7796 19300 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 7796 19300 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 7796 19300 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 9173 22709 0.504 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 . .\2 Q Vl. 64 1/03/00 0.897 Rz = 0.347 = 11166 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 II STAGGERED TJl 2 18K4 X 29 1 4.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile ComEressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick x Weld (in) Location Web SloEe _!!!._ Member in2 _.ill_ --112L --112L --112L --112L --112L --112L Length To121'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 31. 92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4335 9710 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.1 Ul -Ll V 1 22.06 15.38 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1579 1750 3985 . . llxO. 5 2.2/ 2.1 U2 -Ll C 1 50.05 22.19 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2951 4595 5117 . llxl. 4 3.2/ 3.4 U2 -L3 T 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3082 5340 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1597 4214 . llxO. 5 2. 3/ 2.0 U4 -L3 C 2 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2019 3498 3805 .llxl.l 3.2/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1919 3325 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. O 3.2/ 3.5 us -LS V 3 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1625 4214 . JlxO. 5 2 3/ 2.0 U6 -LS C 3 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 260 451 7819 1131 1960 3805 . llxO. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U6 -L7 T 4 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 931 1612 7819 328 569 7819 . llxO. 5 3.2/ 3.5 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O. 196z 0 0 6184 1513 1634 4214 . llx(l.5 2.3/ 2.0 us -L7 T 5 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 931 1612 7819 328 569 7819 .llx0.5 3 2/ 3.5 us -L9 C 4 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 260 451 7819 1131 1960 3805 .llx0.6 3.2/ 3.5 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1625 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 UlO -L9 T 6 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1919 3325 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 0 3.2/ 3.5 UlO -Lll C 5 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2019 3498 3805 .llxl.l 3.2/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1513 1597 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 Ul2 -Ll1 T 7 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3082 5340 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.6 3.2/ 3.5 Ul2 -Ll3 C 6 50.05 22.19 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2951 4595 5117 .llxl.4 3.2/ 3.4 Ul3 -L13 V 7 22.06 15.38 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1579 1750 3985 .llx0.5 2 2/ 2.1 U14 -L13 T 8 63.48 31. 92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4335 9710 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.l Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED J2 4 -18K288/160 x 19 1 3.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.620 -0.620 Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform Live load 160 #/ft full length Uniform SJI load 288 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 128 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE SLOPED SEAT DETAIL EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 22. 94 II Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 22.94 11 Ep= 36.00 11 1 @ 20. 94 11 1 @ 31. 88 11 6@ 24.00 11 2@ 48.00 11 1@ 20.94 11 1@ 31.88 11 Ep= 36. 00 II 18.000 in Deep 227.750 in Design length 683 # Minimum Shear 17.101 in Effective Depth 99.564 in4 Ix 0.00 in4 Minimum Ix 14.750 in Clear Depth L/1408 Live Defl L/ 782 SJI Defl 212548 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.150 in Camber Total weight 11.471 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live EQUK Wind --0 1.00 --o 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 3733 0 2215 1518 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 3733 0 2215 1518 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 1 per SJI 1 if deck provides no lateral support. . ,. Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED J2 4 -18K288/160 x 19' 3.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan TO:Q Chord: 2-L L2x2x.125 A = 0.969 y = 0.546 Fy = 50000 Bridg < 177 11 Ix= 0.380 Iy= 1.441 Rx = 0.626 Ry = 1. 219 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 29063 Chord shear: V = 2129 p = -980 fv = 4257 fc = -1012 f 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ___ig_ ___ig_ ~ ~ in-# ..E§i._ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20.94 2625 9251 778 52.7z 18503 133591 0.190 0.516 0.052 0.568 U-1 18.00 2625 9251 1074 27000 0.142 0.354 0.152 0.506 0.00 20.94 0 7498 0 52.7z 20559 133591 0.000 0.376 0.000 0.376 U-2 18.00 0 10429 0 30000 0.000 0.359 0.000 0.359 1.12 24.00 0 10429 0 60.4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.548 0.000 0.548 U-3 18.00 0 10429 0 30000 0.000 0.359 0.000 0.359 0.00 24.00 0 10429 0 60.4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.548 0.000 0. 548 U-4 18.00 0 12429 0 30000 0.000 0.428 0.000 0.428 0.67 24.00 0 12429 0 60.4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.654 0.000 0.654 U-5 18.00 0 12429 0 30000 0.000 0.428 0.000 0.428 0.00 24.00 0 12429 0 60 .4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.654 0.000 0.654 U-6 18.00 0 12429 0 30000 0.000 0.428 0.000 0.428 0.67 24.00 0 10429 0 60.4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.548 0.000 0.548 U-7 18.00 0 10429 0 30000 0.000 0.359 0.000 0.359 0.00 24.00 0 10429 0 60 .4z 19630 101673 0.000 0.548 0.000 0.548 U-8 18.00 0 10429 0 30000 0.000 0.359 0.000 0.359 1.12 20.94 0 7498 0 52.7z 20559 133591 0.000 0.376 0.000 0.376 U-9 18.00 2625 9251 1074 27000 0.142 0.354 0.152 0.506 0.00 20.94 2625 9251 778 52.7z 18503 133591 0.190 0.516 0.052 0.568 U-10 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q Vl.64 1/03/00 = 0.834 Rz = 0.398 = 4287 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12" STAGGERED J2 4 -18K288/160 x 19' 3.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-1/4x.109 A = 0.521 y = 0.353 Ix= 0.078 Iy= 0.457 Rx = 0.387 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 15637 Fy 50000 Ry = 0.936 Chord shear: V = 3332 p = 6626 fv = 12229 fc = 12711 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _ill,_ ~ lbs ~ in-# ....J2§i_ _E§i_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.64 31. 88 7460 0 0 129.3z 8934 22009 0.477 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 11877 0 0 30000 0.760 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.17 48.00 11877 0 0 194.7z 3940 9705 0.760 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 11877 0 0 30000 0.760 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.17 48.00 11877 0 0 194.7z 3940 9705 0.760 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 11877 0 0 30000 0.760 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.17 31. 88 7460 0 0 129.3z 8934 22009 0.477 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.64 Q = 0.978 Rz 0.247 f = 13782 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised Vl.64 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12" STAGGERED J2 4 18K288/160 x 19 1 3.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Tensile Com2ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location ~ Slo2e __.iJl_ Member _inL _j£_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length To2/'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.30 32.83 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 3332 7416 17406 0 0 19340 .22x0.9 Ul -Ll V 1 37.37 18.56 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1503 1928 3283 .llx0.6 2.4/ 1.8 U2 -Ll C 1 24.73 16.24 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2129 2343 4938 . llx0. 7 2.5/ 1. 9 U2 -L3 T 2 54.53 25.42 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2151 3706 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.1 3.2/ 2.6 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.75 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1576 1628 4114 . llx0. 5 2.3/ 1.5 U4 -L3 C 2 54.53 25.42 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 221 381 7819 1153 1987 3632 .llx0.6 3.2/ 2.6 U4 -LS T 3 54.53 25.42 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 788 1358 7819 267 459 7819 .llx0.4 3.2/ 2.6 us -LS V 3 0.00 14.75 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1576 1638 4114 .llx0.S 2 3/ 1. 5 U6 -LS T 4 54.53 25.42 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 788 1358 7819 267 459 7819 .llx0 4 3.2/ 2.6 U6 -L7 C 3 54.53 25.42 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 221 381 7819 1153 1987 3632 . llx0 6 3.2/ 2.6 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 14.75 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1576 1628 4114 .llx0.S 2.3/ 1.5 us -L7 T 5 54.53 25.42 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2151 3706 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. l 3.2/ 2.6 us -L9 C 4 24.73 16.24 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2129 2343 4938 . llx0. 7 2.5./ 1. 9 U9 -L9 V 5 37.37 18.56 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 Gi84 1503 1928 3283 . llx0. 6 2.4/ 1.8 Ul0 -L9 T 6 63.30 32.83 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 3332 7416 17406 0 0 19340 .22x0.9 • • Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED J3 10 -18K4 x 29'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.400 -0.400 Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform SJI load 246 #/ft full length Uniform Live load 144 #/ft.full length Uniform Dead load 102 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE SLOPED SEAT DETAIL EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 30.94 11 Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 30.94 11 Ep= 36.00" 1@ 28.94 11 1@ 47.87 11 10@ 24.00 11 4@ 48.00" 1@ 28.94" 1@ 47.87 11 Ep== 36.00 11 18.000 in Deep 355.750 in Design length 912 # Minimum Shear 16.963 in Effective Depth 138.247 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix 14.250 in Clear Depth L/ 569 Live Defl L/ 334 SJI Defl 413224 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.366 in Camber Total weight 10.095 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtU§ Dead Live EOUK Wind --o 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4646 0 2507 2139 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4646 0 2507 2139 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 3 per SJI 5 if deck provides no lateral support. . , Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12" STAGGERED J3 10 18K4 X 29 1 11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span TO:Q Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A = 1.103 y = 0.553 Fy = 50000 Q 0.898 Bridg < 177" Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx = 0.624 Ry = 1.224 Rz = 0.396 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 Chord shear: V = 2852 p = -4014 fv = 4986 fc = -3639 f = 5308 0 End fillers, 2 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __i!!_ __i!!_ _1!2§_ _1!2§_ in-# ---12.§l_ _12.&... Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 28.94 2625 11152 1212 73.0z 17042 69353 0.216 0.593 0.072 0.665 U-1 18.JO 2625 11152 1866 27000 0.160 0.374 0.233 0.608 0.00 28.94 0 9102 654 73.0z 18936 69353 0.074 0. 436 0.034 0.470 U-2 18.00 0 17264 0 30000 0.000 0.522 0.000 0.522 0.69 24.00 0 17264 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.753 0.000 0.753 U-3 18.00 0 17264 0 30000 0.000 0.522 0.000 0.522 0.00 24.00 0 17264 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.753 0.000 0.753 U-4 18.00 0 22586 0 30000 0.000 0.683 0.000 0.683 0.67 24.00 0 22586 0 60. 6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.985 0.000 0.985 U-5 18.00 0 22586 0 30000 0.000 0.683 0.000 0.683 0.00 24.00 0 22586 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.985 0.000 0.985 U-6 18.00 0 24360 0 30000 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 0.67 24.00 0 24360 0 38.Sx 23631 100824 0.000 0.934 0.000 0.934 U-7 18.00 0 24360 0 30000 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 0.00 24.00 0 24360 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.934 0.000 0.934 U-8 18.00 0 24360 0 30000 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 0.67 24.00 0 22586 0 60. 6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.985 0.000 0.985 U-9 18.00 0 22586 0 30000 0.000 0.683 0.000 0.683 0.00 24.00 0 22586 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.985 0.000 0.985 U-10 18.00 0 22586 0 30000 0.000 0.683 0.000 0.683 0.67 24.00 ·J 17264 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.753 0.000 0.753 U-11 13.JO 0 17264 0 30000 0.000 0.522 0.000 0 522 0 00 24.00 0 17264 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 753 0.000 0.753 U-12 12.-10 0 17264 0 30000 0.000 0.522 0.000 0.522 0.69 28.94 J 9102 654 73.0z 18936 69353 0.074 0 4 36 0.034 0 470 U-13 18. 00 2625 11152 1866 27000 0.160 0 374 0.233 0.608 0.00 28.94 2625 11152 1212 73.0z 17042 69353 0.216 0.593 0.072 0.665 U-14 ~S.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 .Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/2~/99 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12 '' STAGGERED J3 10 -18K4 X 29'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = 0.844 y :::: 0.484 Fy 50000 Ix= 0.251 Iy= 1.068 Rx :::: 0.546 Ry :::: 1.125 Allowable tensile stress :::: 30000 Force :::: 25313 Chord shear: V = 4254 p :::: 8527 fv = 9724 fc :::: 10106 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ___EL ___EL ~ ~ in-# ~ _.!2.&_ Unity Axial ~ Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.33 47.87 13273 0 0 138.0z 7837 19401 0.524 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 20369 0 0 30000 0.805 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.30 48.00 20369 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.805 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 o.~c 23916 0 0 30000 0.945 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.30 48.00 23916 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.945 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 a.co 23916 0 0 30000 0.945 0.000 0.000 0,000 0 30 48.00 23916 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.945 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0 ,, 23916 0 0 30000 0.945 0.000 0.000 G.000 0. 3,1 --48.00 20369 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.805 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 o.co 20369 0 0 30000 0.805 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 47.87 13273 0 0 138.0z 7837 19401 0.524 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.33 f Q Vl.64 1/03/00 = 0.897 Rz :::: 0.347 :::: 10958 . . . Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12" STAGGERED J3 10 18K4 X 29'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Comieressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Sloee ~ Member in2 --2:!L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length Toiei'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 31. 92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4254 9529 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl. O Ul -Ll V 1 16.62 14.87 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1593 1708 4089 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 U2 -Ll C 1 54.61 24.60 1-LL1-1/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 0 0 10781 2852 4924 5259 . 13xl. 3 3.5/ 3. 7 U2 -L3 T 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2984 5169 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.6 3.2/ 3.5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1578 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U4 -L3 C 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1952 3382 3805 . llxl.O 3.2/ 3. 5 U4 -LS T 3 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1865 3231 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.O 3.2/ 3.5 us -LS V 3 0.00 14 .25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1605 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U6 -LS C 3 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 262 455 7819 1103 1911 3805 . llxO. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U6 -L7 T 4 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 912 1579 7819 331 573 7819 .llx0.5 3.2/ 3.5 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 14. 25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1614 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 us -L7 T 5 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 912 1579 7819 331 573 7819 .llx0.5 3.2/ 3.5 us -L9 C 4 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 262 455 7819 1103 1911 3805 .llx0.6 3.2/ 3.5 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1605 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 UlO -L9 T 6 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1865 3231 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.O 3.2/ 3.5 UlO -Lll C 5 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1952 3382 3805 . llxl. O 3.2/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1578 4214 llx0.5 2.3/ 2 0 Ul2 -Lll T 7 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2984 5169 7819 0 0 7819 llxl.b 3.2/ 3.5 Ul2 -L13 C 6 54.61 24.60 1-LL1-1/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 0 0 10781 2852 4924 5259 .13xl.3 3.5/ 3.7 U13 -L13 V 7 16.62 14. 87 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1593 1708 4089 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 U14 -L13 T 8 63.48 31. 92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4254 9529 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. O Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED TJ3 2 -18K4 x 29'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.400 -0.400 Holes y y Top Chord Ext Uniform SJI load 246 #/ft full length Uniform Live load 144 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 102 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE SLOPED SEAT DETAIL Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 30.94 11 1 @ 28.94 11 10 @ 24.00 11 1 @ 1 @ 30.94 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 36.00 11 1 @ 47.87 11 4 @ 48.00 11 1 @ Ep= 36.00 11 EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 28. 94 11 47.87 11 18.000 in Deep 355.750 in Design length 912 # Minimum Shear 16.963 in Effective Depth 138.247 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix 14.250 in Clear Depth L/ 569 Live Defl L/ 334 SJI Defl 413224 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.366 in Camber Total weight 10.095 ln Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtU§ Dead Live EOUK Wind --0 1.00 --o 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4646 0 2507 2139 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4646 0 2507 2139 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 3 per SJI 5 if deck provides no lateral support. . ' Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01-627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12 II STAGGERED TJ3 2 18K4 X 29 1 11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span To12 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A = 1.103 y = 0.553 Fy = 50000 Q = 0.898 Bridg < 17711 Ix= 0 .. 429 Iy= 1.652 Rx = 0.624 Ry = 1.224 Rz = 0.396 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 Chord shear: V = 2852 p = -4014 fv = 4986 fc = -3639 f 5308 0 End fillers, 2 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ~ -2!!_ ~ ~ in-# ...ML_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity ~ U-0 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 28.94 2625 11152 1212 73.0z 17042 69353 0.216 0.593 0.072 0.665 U-1 18.00 2625 11152 1866 27000 0.160 0.374 0.233 0.608 0.00 28. 94 0 9102 654 73.0z 18936 69353 0.074 0.436 0.034 0.470 U-2 18.00 0 17264 0 30000 0.000 0.522 0.000 0.522 0.69 24.00 0 17264 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.753 0.000 0.753 U-3 18.00 0 17264 0 30000 0.000 0.522 0.000 0.522 0.00 24.00 0 17264 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.753 0.000 0.753 U-4 18.00 0 22586 0 30000 0.000 0.683 0.000 0.683 0.67 24.00 0 22586 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.985 0.000 0.985 U-5 18.00 0 22586 0 30000 0.000 0.683 0.000 0.683 0.00 24.00 0 22586 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.985 0.000 0.985 U-6 18.00 0 24360 0 30000 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 0.67 24.00 0 24360 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.934 0.000 0.934 U-7 18.00 0 24360 0 30000 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 0.00 24.00 0 24360 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.934 0.000 0.934 U-8 18.00 0 24360 0 30000 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 0.67 24.00 0 22586 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.985 0.000 0.985 U-9 18.00 0 22586 0 30000 0.000 0.683 0.000 0.683 0.00 24.00 0 22586 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.985 0.000 0.985 U-10 18.00 0 22586 0 30000 0.000 0.683 0.000 0.683 0.67 24. 1..1~ 0 17264 0 68.6z 20796 100824 0.000 U.753 0.000 0.753 U-11 18.00 0 17264 0 30000 0.000 0.522 0.000 0.522 0 0~ 24 oe 0 17264 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.753 0.000 0.753 U-12 18. Ocl 0 17264 0 30000 0.000 0.522 0.000 0 522 0. ";' 28 9~ 0 9102 654 73.0z 18936 69353 0.074 0.436 0.034 0.470 U-13 18.00 2625 11152 1866 27000 0.160 0.374 0.233 0.608 0.00 28.94 2625 11152 1212 73.0z 17042 69353 0.216 0.593 0.072 0.665 U-14 18.)0 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ' ) • l Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised-1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12 11 STAGGERED TJ3 2 -18K4 X 29'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Bot.Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A= 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy = 50000 Q = 0.897 Ix= 0.251 Iy= 1. 068 Rx = 0.546 Ry 1.125 Rz = 0.347 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 Chord shear: V = 4254 p = 8527 fv = 9724 fc = 10106 f = 10958 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _l.n...._ _!!!,_ _lJ2!L_ _lJ2!L_ in-# _Jl&_ _..E.§_L_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.33 47.87 13273 0 0 138.0z 7837 19401 0.524 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 20369 0 0 30000 0.805 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 20369 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.805 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 23916 0 0 30000 0.945 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 23916 0 0 :L38.4z 7796 19300 0.945 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 23916 0 0 30000 0.945 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 3:' 48.00 23916 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.945 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 23916 0 0 30000 0.945 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. J: 48.00 20369 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.805 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 20369 0 0 30000 0.805 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 47.87 13273 0 0 138. Oz 7837 19401 0.524 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.33 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED TJ3 2 18K4 X 29'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Com12ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slo12e ---1:!L Member in2 _i!L --1£§.._ --1£§.._ --1£§.._ --1£§.._ --1£§.._ ~ Length To12,:'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 31. 92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 . 4254 9529 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. O Ul -Ll V 1 16.62 14.87 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1593 1708 4089 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 U2 -Ll C 1 54.61 24.60 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0. 296z 0 0 10781 2852 4924 5259 .13xl.3 3.5/ 3.7 U2 -L3 T 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 O. 24 7z 2984 5169 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.6 3.2/ 3.5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196·z 0 0 6184 1492 1578 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U4 -L3 C 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1952 3382 3805 . llxl. o 3.2/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1865 3231 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.O 3.2/ 3.5 us -LS V 3 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0. 196z 0 0 6184 1492 1605 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U6 -LS C 3 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 262 455 7819 1103 1911 3805 . llxO. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U6 -L7 T 4 54 75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 912 1579 7819 331 573 7819 llx0.5 3.2/ 3.5 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1492 1614 4214 . llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 us -L7 T 5 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 912 1579 7819 331 573 7819 .llx0.5 3.2/ 3.5 us -L9 C 4 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 262 455 7819 1103 1911 3805 . llxO 6 3.2/ 3.5 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1492 1605 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 UlO -L9 T 6 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1865 3231 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.O 3.2/ 3.5 UlO -Lll C 5 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1952 3382 3805 . llxl. O 3 2/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0. !)() 14.25 1-LL1xlx.1C9 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1578 4214 .llx0.5 ::: . 3/ 2 :' Ul2 -Lll T 7 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2984 5169 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 6 3. :2 I 3 5 Ul2 -L13 C 6 54.61 24.60 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 0 0 10781 2852 4924 5259 .13xl. 3 3.5/ 3.7 U13 -L13 V 7 16.62 14.87 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1593 1708 4089 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 Ul4 -Ll3 T 8 63.48 31.92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4254 9529 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.O Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 c/c 12 11 STAGGERED TJ4 2 -18K4 x 29 1 10.375 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.400 -0.400 Holes y Top Chord Ext Uniform SJI load 248 #/ft full length Uniform Live load 146 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 102 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE SLOPED SEAT DETAIL Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 30.59 11 1 @ 28.59 11 10 @ 24. 00 II 1 @ 1 @ 30.59 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 36. 00 II 1 @ 47.19 11 4 @ 48. 00 II 1 @ Ep= 36. 00 II EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 28.59 11 47.19 11 18.000 in Deep 354.375 in Design length 915 # Minimum Shear 16.963 in Effective Depth 138.247 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix 14.250 in Clear Depth L/ 569 Live Defl L/ 335 SJI Defl 412880 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.363 in Camber Total weight 10·. 095 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live EQUK Wind --0 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4660 0 2505 2156 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4660 0 2505 2156 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 3 per SJI 5 if deck provides no lateral support. ' ' Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised Vl.64 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 II STAGGERED TJ4 2 -18K4 x 29 1 10.375 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Top Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A= 1.103 Y = 0.553 Bridg < 17711 Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx= 0.624 Allowable tensile stress= 30000 Force= 33093 Chord shear: V = 2870 P = -3923 fv = 5018 Fy = 50000 Ry = 1. 224 fc = -3557 O End fillers, 2 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint No. U-0 U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 Panel Tension Length Height Force __i.!:!___ __i.!:!___ ___!_Q§_ 28.59 28.59 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 28.59 28.59 18.00 0 18.00 18.00 18.00 lP.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18. 00 18.00 18.00 18.00 ; a. C>,l 2625 2625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2625 2625 •l Comp. Force ___!_Q§_ 0 Local Bend in-# 0 kl/r Allow Stress ~ 27000 Euler F'e ----12§.L Tens- Bend Unity 0.000 Compression-Bending Interaction Axial Bend Unity 0.000 0.000 0.000 .11182 1194 72.lz 17164 71030 0.214 0.591 0.071 0.661 11182 1834 27000 0.158 0.375 0.229 0.605 0.00 9119 640 72.lz 19071 71030 0.072 0.433 0.033 0.466 17195 0 30000 0.000 0.520 0 000 0.520 0.70 17195 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.750 0.000 0.750 17195 0 30000 0.000 0.520 0.000 0.520 0.00 17195 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.750 0.000 0.750 22553 0 30000 0.000 0.682 0.000 0.682 0.67 22553 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.983 0.000 0.983 22553 0 30000 0.000 0.682 0.000 0.682 0.00 22553 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.983 0.000 0.983 24340 0 30000 0.000 0.735 0.000 0.735 0.67 24340 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.934 0.000 0.934 24340 0 30000 0.000 0.735 0.000 0.735 0.00 24340 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.934 0.000 0.934 24340 0 30000 0.000 0.735 0.000 0.735 0.67 22553 O 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.983 0.000 0.983 22553 0 30000 0.000 0.682 0.000 0.682 0.00 22553 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.983 O 000 0.983 22553 0 30000 0.000 0.682 0.000 0.682 0.67 17195 17195 17195 0 60.6z 2J796 .100824 0.000 0.750 0.000 0.75C 0 30000 0.000 0.520 0.000 0.520 0.00 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.750 0.000 0.750 17195 0 30000 0.000 0.520 0.000 0.520 0.70 9119 640 72.lz 19071 71030 0.072 0.433 0.033 0.466 11182 1834 27000 0.158 0.375 0.229 0.605 0.00 11182 1194 72.lz 17164 71030 0.214 0.591 o 071 0.661 0 0 ~7000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 000 Q = 0.898 Rz 0.396 f = 5324 . , Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED TJ4 2 -18K4 x 29'10.375 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.251 Iy= 1. 068 Rx = 0.546 Ry = 1.125 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 Chord shear: V = 4269 p = 8557 fv = 9758 fc = 10141 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ~ ~ ~ ~ in-# __:e§i_ -----12§.L Unity Axial Bend Unity ~ L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.35 47.19 13176 0 0 136. lz 8067 19970 0.521 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 · 20321 0 0 30000 0.803 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 20321 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.803 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 23893 0 0 30000 0.944 0 000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 23893 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.944 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 23893 0 0 30000 0.944 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 23893 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.944 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 23893 0 0 30000 0.944 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 20321 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.803 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 20321 0 0 30000 0.803 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 47.19 13176 0 0 136.lz 8067 19970 0.521 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.35 Q = 0.897 Rz 0.347 f = 10997 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12" STAGGERED TJ4 2 18K4 X 29'10.375 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Comeressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Sloee -1:,!!__ Member in2 _i£_ ---1J2.§_ ---1J2.§_ ---1J2.§_ ---1J2.§_ ---1J2.§_ ---1J2.§_ Length ToQi'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 31. 92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4269 9563 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. O Ul -Ll V 1 17.68 14. 96 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1591 1715 4072 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 U2 -Ll C 1 53.81 24.13 l-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0. 296z 0 0 10781 2870 4861 5405 .13xl.3 3 4/ 3.7 U2 -L3 T 2 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3002 5201 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1496 1582 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 U4 -L3 C 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1964 3403 3805 . llxl.1 3.2/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1875 3248 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.0 3.2/ 3.5 us -LS V 3 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1496 1609 4214 . llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U6 -LS C 3 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 262 454 7819 1108 1920 3805 . llxO. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U6 -L7 T 4 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 915 1585 7819 330 572 7819 .llx0.5 3.2/ 3.5 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1496 1617 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 us -L7 T 5 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 915 1585 7819 330 572 7819 .llx0.5 3.2/ 3.5 us -L9 C 4 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 262 454 7819 ll08 1920 3805 .llx0.6 3.2/ 3.5 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1496 1609 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 uio -L9 T 6 54.75 24. 69 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1875 3248 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. O 3 2/ 3.5 UlO -Lll C 5 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1964 3403 3805 .llxl.l 3.2/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1496 1582 4214 .llx0.5 2 3/ 2. i; Ul2 -Lll T 7 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3002 5201 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U12 -Ll3 C 6 53.81 24.13 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 O. 296z 0 0 10781 2870 4861 5405 .13xl. 3 3.4/ 3.7 U13 -Ll3 V 7 17.68 14. 96 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1591 1715 4072 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 U14 -L13 T 8 63.48 31. 92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4269 9563 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. O ' " Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered lZ/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12" STAGGERED JS 4 -18K4 x 29' 9.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.400 -0.400 Holes Top Chord Ext E O' 1.500 Uniform SJI load 249 #/ft full length Uniform Live load 147 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 102 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE SLOPED SEAT DETAIL EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 Top chord pan~l spacing: 1@ 30.37 11 Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 30.37" Ep= 36.00" 1@ 28.38" 1@ 46.75" 10@ 24.00" 4@ 48.00" 1@ 28.38" 1@ 46.75" Ep= 36.00" 18.000 in Deep 353.500 in Design length 917 # Minimum Shear 16.963 in Effective Depth 138.247 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix 14.250 in Clear Depth L/ 569 Live Defl L/ 336 SJI Defl 412661 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.362 in Camber Total weight 10.095 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtU§ Dead Live EOUK Wind --0 1.00 --o 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4669 0 2503 2166 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4669 0 2503 2166 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 3 per SJI 5 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12 II STAGGERED JS 4 -18K4 X 29' 9.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span TO£ Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A = 1.103 y = 0.553 Fy = 5·0000 Q = 0.898 Bridg < 17711 Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx = 0.624 Ry 1.224 Rz = 0.396 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 Chord shear: V = 2882 p = -3865 fv = 5038 fc = -3504 f = 5334 0 End fillers, 2 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction --1!!___ --1!!___ ~ lbs in-# ---12§.i_ _E.&... Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 28.38 2625 11201 1183 71.6z 17241 72130 0.212 0.589 0.070 0.659 U-1 18.00 2625 11201 1813 27000 0.157 0.376 0.227 0.603 0.00 28.38 0 9130 631 71.6z 19157 72130 0.071 0.432 0.033 0.465 U-2 18.00 0 17150 0 30000 0.000 0.518 0.000 0.518 0. 71 24.00 0 17150 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.748 0.000 0.748 U-3 18.00 0 17150 0 30000 0.000 0.518 0.000 0.518 0.00 24.00 0 17150 0 60. 6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.748 0.000 0.748 U-4 18.00 0 22533 0 30000 0.000 0.681 0.000 0.681 0.67 24.00 0 22533 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.982 0.000 0.982 U-5 18.00 0 22533 0 30000 0.000 0.681 0.000 0.681 0.00 24.00 0 22533 . 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.982 0.000 0.982 U-6 18.00 0 24327 0 30000 0.000 0.735 0.000 0.735 0.67 24.00 0 24327 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.933 0.000 0.933 U-7 18.00 0 24327 0 30000 0.000 0.735 0.000 0.735 0.00 24.00 0 24327 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.933 0.000 0.933 U-8 18.00 0 24327 0 30000 0.000 0.735 0.000 0.735 0.67 24.00 0 22533 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.982 0.000 0.982 U-9 18.00 0 22533 0 30000 0.000 0.681 0.000 0.681 0.00 24.00 0 22533 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.982 0.000 0.982 U-10 18.00 0 22533 0 30000 0.000 0.681 0.000 0.681 0.67 24.0J 0 17150 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.748 0.000 0.748 U-11 18.00 0 17150 0 30000 0.000 0.518 0.000 0.518 0.00 24.00 0 17150 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.748 0.000 0.748 U-12 18.00 0 17150 0 30000 0.000 0.518 0.000 0.518 0. 71 28.38 0 9130 631 71. 6z 19157 72130 0. 071 0.432 0.033 0.465 U-13 18.00 2625 11201 1813 27000 0.157 0.376 0.227 0.603 0.00 28.38 2625 11201 1183 71.6z 17241 72130 0.212 0.589 0.070 0.659 "J-14 18.00 a I) 0 27000 0 000 0.000 0.000 1).000 Tag end top chord extension: Reinforced with 2-L2x2x.187 Combined properties: A= 1.10 Y = 0.55 Ix= 0.43 St= 0.78 Sb 0.30 Type 11 E 11 0' 1.500 long. M-= 127 fb-= 429 ' . Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12" STAGGERED J5 4 -18K4 x 29 1 9.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.251 Iy= 1. 068 Rx = 0.546 Ry = 1.125 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 Chord shear: V = 4279 p = 8576 fv = 9780 fc = 10164 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __.!!!__ __!!]_ ~ ~ in-# _:eg_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.Q0 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 46.75 13114 0 0 134.8z 8218 20346 0.518 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.J0 20290 0 0 30000 0.802 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 20290 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.802 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 23878 0 0 30000 0.943 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 23878 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.943 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 23878 0 0 30000 0.943 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 23878 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.943 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.)0 23878 0 0 30000 0.943 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 30 48.00 20290 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.802 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 20290 0 0 30000 0.802 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 46.75 13114 0 0 134.8z 8218 20346 0.518 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 Q = 0.897 Rz = 0.347 f = 11022 ' Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12 11 STAGGERED JS 4 18K4 X 29 1 9.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Com12ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slope ~ Member in2 _ln_ -1£§.._ -1£§.._ -1£§.._ -1£§.._ -1£§.._ -1£§.._ Length ToEl'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 31.92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4279 9584 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. 0 Ul -Ll V 1 18.35 15.01 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1589 1720 4060 . llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 U2 -Ll C 1 53.29 23.84 l-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 0 0 10781 2882 4821 5495 .13xl.3 3 4/ 3.6 U2 -L3 T 2 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3014 5221 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1498 1584 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 U4 -L3 C 2 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1972 3417 3805 . llxl. l 3.2/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1881 3260 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.O 3.2/ 3.5 us -LS V 3 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1498 1611 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U6 -LS C 3 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 262 453 7819 1112 1926 3805 .llx0.6 3.2/ 3.5 U6 -L7 T 4 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 917 1589 7819 330 572 7819 . llxO. 5 3.2/ 3.5 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1498 1620 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 us -L7 T 5 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 917 1589 7819 330 572 7819 . llxO. 5 3.2/ 3.5 us -L9 C 4 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 262 453 7819 1112 1926 3805 .llx0.6 3.2/ 3.5 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1498 1611 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 UlO -L9 T 6 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1881 3260 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. O 3.2/ 3.5 UlO -Lll C 5 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1972 3417 3805 . llxl. l 3.2/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1498 1584 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 Ul2 -Lll T 7 54. 75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3014 5221 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.6 3.2/ 3.5 Ul2 -Ll3 C 6 53.29 23.84 l-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 0 0 10781 2882 4821 5495 .13xl.3 3.4/ 3.6 Ul3 -L13 V 7 18.35 15.01 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1589 1720 4060 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 Ul4 -Ll3 T 8 63.48 31.92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4279 9584 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.O Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments:· UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED TJ6 1 -18K4 x 29'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.400 -0.400 Holes y y Top Chord Ext 246 #/ft full length 144 #/ft full length 102 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform SJI load Uniform Live load Uniform Dead load An additional SJI An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE Top Bot TC cone loads: Load Spacing Location Point ~ SLOPED SEAT chord panel 1 @ 1 @ chord panel Ep= 750 8'0 10'0 2000 11'11-3/4 DETAIL spacing: 1 @ 30.94 11 11.88 11 4 @ 24.00 11 28. 94 11 1 @ 30.94 11 spacing: Ep= 36.00 11 3 6. 00 II 8 1 0 U3A 18'0 U9 1 @ 28.94 11 1 @ 12.12 11 1 .@ 47.87 11 SJI, Dead SJI, Dead 1 @ 24. 00 II 1 @ ll.88 11 4 @ 48. 00 II 1 @ 3 @ 1 @ EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 12 .12 11 24.00 11 47.87 11 18.000 in Deep 355.750 in Design length 1255 # Minimum Shear 16.863 in Effective Depth 197.791 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix 14.000 in Clear Depth L/ 814 Live Defl L/ 312 SJI Defl 597070 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.366 in Camber Total weight 10.284 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live EQUK Wind --o 1.00 --o 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 5995 0 3856 2139 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 6047 0 3908 2139 0 0 Pounds TOD bridging rows: 3 per SJI 4 if deck provides no lateral support. ' ' Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12" STAGGERED TJ6 1 18K4 X 29 1·11. 750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span TOJ2 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.216 A = 1. 635 y 0.579 Fy = 50000 Q 1.000 Bridg < 180 II Ix= 0.615 Iy= 2.520 Rx = 0.613 Ry 1.242 Rz = 0.392 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 49041 Chord shear: V = 4201 p = -5948 fv = 4862 fc = -3638 f = 5191 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _!!l_ _!!l_ ~ ~ in-# --12.§i_ -12§..L Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen u-o 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 28.94 2625 13922 1219 73.7z 18212 67103 0.147 0.468 0. 047 0.515 U-1 18.00 2625 13922 1852 27000 0 .112 0.315 0.158 0.474 0 00 28.94 0 11196 633 73.7z 20235 67103 0.049 0.338 0.021 0.360 U-2 18.00 0 23916 0 30000 0.000 0.488 0.000 0.488 0.74 24.00 0 23916 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.650 0.000 0 650 J-3 18.00 0 23916 0 30000 0.000 0.488 0.000 0.488 0.00 12.12 0 23916 0 30.9z 27041 382208 0.000 0.541 0.000 0. 541 U-3A 18.00 0 24455 0 30000 0.000 0.499 0.000 0.499 0 67 11. 88 0 24455 0 30.3z 27121 398471 0.000 0.552 0.000 0.552 U-4 18.00 0 31513 0 30000 0.000 0.643 0.000 0.643 0. 72 24.00 0 31513 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.856 0.000 0.856 U-5 18.00 0 31513 0 30000 0.000 0.643 0.000 0.643 0.67 24.00 0 31513 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.856 0.000 0.856 U-6 18.00 0 35001 0 30000 0.000 0. 714 0.000 0. 714 0.70 24.00 0 35001 0 61. 2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.951 0.000 0.951 U-7 18.00 0 35001 0 30000 0.000 0. 714 0.000 0. 714 0.67 24.00 0 350.01 0 61. 2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.951 0.000 0.951 U-8 18.00 0 35001 0 30000 0.000 0. 714 0.000 0. 714 0. 71 12.12 0 34921 0 30.9z 27041 382208 0.000 0.790 0.000 0.790 U-9 18.00 0 34921 0 30000 0.000 0. 712 0.000 0. 712 0.67 11. 88 0 33513 0 30.3z 27121 3984 71 0.000 0.756 0.000 0.756 U-9A 18.00 0 33513 0 30000 0.000 0.683 0.000 0.683 0.00 24.00 0 33513 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.910 0.000 0.910 U-10 18.00 0 33513 0 30000 0.000 0.683 0.000 0.683 0. 72 24.00 0 24171 0 61. 2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.657 0.000 0.657 U-11 18.00 0 24171 0 30000 0.000 0.493 0.000 0.493 0.00 2-l.OO 0 24171 0 61. 2z 22519 97553 0.000 0 657 0.000 0.657 :J-12 16.00 0 24171 0 30000 0. Qt"\.:; 0.493 0.000 0.493 0. 72 ::.s. '.i-l 0 11298 653 73.7z 20235 671~3 0. ,)5..., J.3-i2 0. 02::. 0.363 U-13 18.00 2625 14028 1865 27000 0 .112 0.318 0.160 0.477 o.oo 28.94 2625 14028 1213 73.7z 18212 67103 0.147 0 .471 0.047 0.518 U-14 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 I > Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12" STAGGERED TJ6 1 -18K4 x 29'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-L L2x2x.156 A = 1.199 y = 0.558 Fy 50000 Ix= 0.464 Iy= 1.805 Rx = 0.622 Ry = 1.227 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 35980 Chord shear: V = 5603 p = 11297 fv = 8979 fc = 9419 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction -2.!1.__ -2.!1.__ ~ ~ in-# ~ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 47.87 17981 0 0 121. Oz 10193 25186 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 28430 0 0 30000 0.790 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.33 48.00 28430 0 0 121. 4z 10140 25055 0.790 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 33703 0 0 30000 0.937 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.37 48.00 33703 0 0 121. 4z 10140 25055 0. 937 · 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 35407 0 0 30000 0.984 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.37 48.00 35407 0 0 121. 4Z 10140 25055 0.984 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 35407 0 0 30000 0.984 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.40 48.00 29288 0 0 121. 4z 10140 25055 0. 814 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 29288 0 0 30000 0.814 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.31 47.87 18161 0 0 121.0z 10193 25186 0.505 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 36 Q = 0.935 Rz = 0.396 f = 10139 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03·/oo Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED TJ6 1 18K4 X 29 I 11. 750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Comeressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Sloee -1.!l._ Member in2 _i!L ---1.!2L ---1.!2L ---1.!2L ---1.!2L ---1.!2L ---1.!2L Length Toel'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.62 31. 51 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 5603 12610 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. 4 Ul -Ll V 1 16. 71 14 .62 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1593 1719 4140 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.3 U2 -Ll C 1 54.77 24.27 l-LL1-3/4x.125 0.422 0.347z 0 0 12656 4201 7281 7233 .13x2. O 3.7/ 4.4 U2 -L3 T 2 54.91 24.35 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4332 7536 7819 0 0 7819 . llx2 .3 3.2/ 3.8 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.00 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1370 1490 4263 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.3 U3A -L3 V 3 35. 72 17.24 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1996 2581 3584 . llxO. 8 2.4/ 2.7 U4 -L3 C 2 54.91 24.35 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2427 4221 5537 . llxl. 3 3.4/ 4.1 U4 -LS T 3 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2464 4285 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 3 3.2/ 3.9 us -LS V 4 0.00 14.00 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1650 4263 .11x0.5 2.3/ 2.3 U6 -LS C 3 54. 91 24.35 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1702 2960 3884 .1lx0. 9 3.2/ 3.9 U6 -L7 T 4 54. 91 24.35 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1345 2339 7819 0 0 7819 .llx0.7 3.2/ 3. 9 U7 -L7 V 5 0.00 14. 00 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1492· 1667 4263 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.3 us -L7 C 4 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 80 139 7819 1255 2184 3884 llx0.7 3.2/ 3 9 us -L9 T 5 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1255 2184 7819 585 1018 7819 .llx0.7 3.2/ 3.8 U9 -L9 V 6 35.15 17.12 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3246 4145 5397 .11xl. 3 2.6/ 2.9 U9A -L9 V 7 0.00 14. 00 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1368 1535 4263 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.3 UlO -L9 T 6 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3266 5681 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 8 3.2/ 3 8 UlO -Lll C 5 54.91 24.35 l-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 0 0 10781 3353 5833 6524 .13xl. 6 3 5/ 4.1 Ull -Lll V 8 0.00 14.00 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1613 4263 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.3 U12 -Lll T 7 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4385 7627 7819 0 0 7819 .llx2.4 3.2/ 3.9 U12 -Ll3 C 6 54.77 24.27 1-LL1-3/4x.143 0.480 0.346z 0 0 14402 4253 7373 8493 .l4xl.7 3.7/ 4 .4 U13 -Ll3 V 9 16. 71 14 .62 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1593 1720 4140 . llxO 5 2.2/ 2.3 Ul4 -L13 T 8 63.62 31. 51 1-AU -29/32 0. 645 0.226 5655 12728 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.4 . ' Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED J7 1 -18K4 x 29'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.400 -0.400 Holes Top Chord Ext 246 #/ft full length 144 #/ft full length 102 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform SJI load Uniform Live load Uniform Dead load An additional SJI An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. TC cone loads: Load Spacing Location Point ~ 400 l~:~ 8'0 U3A SJI, Dead 2000 ll'll-3 /4 18'0 U9 SJI, Dead SEE SLOPED SEAT DETAIL Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 30.94 11 1 @ 28.94 11 1 @ 24.00" 1 @ 1 @ 11. 88 11 4 @ 24. 00 11 1 @ 12. 12 11 1 @ 11. 88" 3 @ 1 @ 28.94" 1 @ 30. 94" Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 36. 00" 1 @ 47.87" 4 @ 48. 00 II 1 @ Ep= 36.00" EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 12 .12 11 24.00" 47.87" 18.000 in Deep 355.750 in Design length 1212 # Minimum Shear 16.863 in Effective Depth 197.791 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix 14.000 in Clear Depth L/ 814 Live Defl L/ 323 SJI Defl 582840 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.366 in Camber Total weight 10.284 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live EOUK Wind --0 1.00 --o 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 5737 0 3598 2139 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 5955 0 3816 2139 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 3 per SJI 4 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12'' STAGGERED J7 1 18K4 X 29'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span To12 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.216 A = 1. 635 y = 0.579 Fy = 50000 Q 1.000 Bridg < 180" Ix= 0.615 Iy= 2.520 Rx = 0.613 Ry = 1.242 Rz 0.392 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 49041 Chord shear: V = 3943 p = -5583 fv = 4564 fc = -3415 f = 4873 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __!Q_ ----1.!l_ ~ lbs in-# ~ -12§..L Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 28.94 2625 13403 1219 73.7z 18212 67103 0.147 0.450 0.047 0.497 U-1 18.00 2625 13403 1852 27000 0.112 0.304 0.158 0.462 0.00 28.94 0 10807 633 73.7z 20235 67103 07049 0.327 0.021 0.348 U-2 18.00 0 22665 0 30000 0.000 0.462 0.000 0.462 0.74 24.00 0 22665 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.616 0.000 0.616 U-3 18.00 0 22665 0 30000 0.000 0.462 0.000 0.462 0.00 12.12 0 22665 0 30.9z 27041 382208 0.000 0.513 0.000 0.513 U-3A 18.00 0 22953 0 30000 0.000 0.468 0.000 0.468 0.67 11. 88 0 22953 0 30.3z 27121 3984 71 0.000 0.518 0.000 0.518 U-4 18.00 0 30274 0 30000 0.000 0.617 0.000 0 .617 0. 72 24.00 0 30274 0 61. 2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.822 0.000 0.822 U-5 18.00 0 30274 0 30000 0.000 0.617 0.000 0.617 0 67 24.00 0 30274 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0. 822 0.000 0.822 U-6 18.00 0 34026 0 30000 0.000 0.694 0.000 0.694 0.70 24.00 0 34026 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0. 924 0.000 0.924 U-7 18.00 0 34026 0 30000 0.000 0.694 0.000 0.694 0.67 24.00 0 34026 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.924 0.000 0.924 U-8 18.00 0 34209 0 30000 0.000 0.698 0.000 0.698 0. 71 12.12 0 34209 0 30.9z 27041 382208 0.000 0.774 0.000 0.774 U-9 18.00 0 34209 0 30000 0.000 0.698 0.000 0.698 0.67 11. 88 0 32801 0 30.3z 27121 398471 0.000 0.740 0. 00'.l 0. 7.;: U-9A 18 00 0 32801 0 30000 0.000 0.669 0.000 0.669 0.00 24.00 0 32801 0 61. 2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.891 0.000 0.891 U-10 18.00 0 32801 0 30000 0.000 0.669 0.000 0.669 0. 72 24.00 0 23722 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.644 0.000 0.6,s.; U-11 18.00 0 23722 0 30000 0.000 0.484 0.000 0.484 0.00 24.00 0 23722 0 61. 2z 22519 97553 0.000 0 644 0.000 0.644 U-12 :. ~ >l 0 23722 0 300(10 0.000 0.484 0.000 0.48.; 0.73 28.94 0 11136 653 73.7z 20235 67103 0.050 0.337 0.022 0.3S:' U-13 18.00 2625 13841 1865 27000 0.112 0.314 0.160 0 473 0.00 28.94 2625 13841 1213 73.7z 18212 67103 0.147 0.465 0.047 0.512 U-14 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 I, r Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12" STAGGERED J7 1 -18K4 X 29 1 11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-L L2x2x.156 A = 1.199 y 0.558 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.464 Iy= 1.805 Rx = 0.622 Ry = 1. 227 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 35980 Chord shear: V = 5345 p = 10778 fv = 8566 fc = 8986 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ----2_!2_ ____i!!__ ~ ~ in-# ..12&._ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 ·o. ooo 0.000 0.36 47.87 17097 0 0 121.0z 10193 25186 0.475 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 27060 0 0 30000 0.752 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.33 48.00 27060 0 0 121. 4z 10140 25055 0.752 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 32596 0 0 30000 0.906 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.37 48.00 32596 0 0 121. 4z 10140 25055 0.906 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 34564 0 0 30000 0. 961 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.37 48.00 34564 0 0 121. 4z 10140 25055 0. 961 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 34564 0 0 30000 0. 961 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.40 48.00 28707 0 0 121. 4z 10140 25055 0.798 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 28707 0 0 30000 0.798 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.31 47.87 17844 0 0 121.0z 10193 25186 0. 496 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 f Q Vl.64 1/03/00 = 0.935 Rz = 0.396 = 9673 Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED J7 1 18K4 X 29'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Corn12ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slo12e ...2.!L Member in2 -1!1... ----1l2L ----11?.L ----11?.L ----11?.L ----11?.L ----11?.L Length ToJ2LBottrn uo -Ll T 1 63.62 31. 51 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 5345 12030 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.3 Ul -Ll V 1 16. 71 .14. 62 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1593 1717 4140 . llxO. 5 2.2/ 2.3 U2 -Ll C 1 54.77 24.27 1-LL1-3/4x.125 0.422 0.347z 0 0 12656 3943 6835 7233 .13xl. 8 3.7/ 4.4 U2 -L3 T 2 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4075 7088 7819 0 0 7819 .llx2.2 3.2/ 3.8 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14. 00 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1370 1484 4263 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.3 U3A -L3 V 3 35. 72 17.24 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1646 2142 3584 .llxO. 7 2.4/ 2.7 U4 -L3 C 2 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2519 4382 5537 .llxl.4 3.4/ 4.1 U4 -LS T 3 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2556 4446 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 4 3.2/ 3.9 us -LS V 4 0.00 14.00 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1643 4263 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.3 U6 -LS C 3 54. 91 24.35 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1794 3121 3884 . llxl. O 3.2/ 3.9 U6 -L7 T 4 54. 91 24.35 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1437 2500 7819 0 0 7819 .llx0.8 3.2/ 3.9 U7 -L7 V 5 0.00 14.00 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1662 4263 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.3 us -L7 C 4 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1212 2107 3884 .llx0.7 3.2/ 3.9 us -L9 T 5 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1212 2107 7819 492 857 7819 .llxO. 7 3.2/ 3.8 U9 -L9 V 6 35.15 17.12 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3246 4141 5397 . llxl. 3 2.6/ 2.9 U9A -L9 V 7 0.00 14.00 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1368 1532 4263 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.3 UlO -L9 T 6 54. 91 24.35 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3174 5520 7819 0 0 7819 llxl.7 3.2/ 3.8 UlO -Lll C 5 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 0.296z 0 0 10781 3261 5672 6524 .13xl. 5 3.5/ 4.1 Ull -Lll V 8 0.00 14.00 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0. 196z 0 0 6184 1492 1611 4263 .llx0.5 2 3/ 2.3 U12 -Lll T 7 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4293 7467 7819 0 0 7819 . llx2. 3 3.2/ 3.9 U12 -Ll3 C 6 54.77 24.27 l-LL1-3/4x.125 0.422 0.347z 0 0 12656 4161 7212 7233 .13xl.9 3.7/ 4.4 U13 -Ll3 V 9 16. 71 14 62 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1593 1719 4140 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.3 Ul4 -L13 T 8 63.62 31. 51 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 5563 12520 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. 4 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED JS 3 -18K4 x 29 1 11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.400 -0.400 Holes Top Chord Ext 246 #/ft full length 144 #/ft full length 102 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform SJI load Uniform Live load Uniform Dead load An additional SJI An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE Top Bot TC cone loads: Load Spacing Location Point ~ SLOPED SEAT chord panel 1 @ chord panel Ep= 18'0 2000 11 1 11-3/4 DETAIL spacing: 1 @ 30.94 11 11. 88 11 3 @ 24.00 11 spacing: Ep= 36.00 11 36.00 11 18'0 U9 SJI, Dead 1 @ 28. 94 11 6 @ 24. 00 11 1 @ 28. 94 11 1 @ 30. 94 11 1 @ 47. 87 11 4 @ 48.00 11 1 @ 1 @ EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 12 .12 11 47. 87 11 18.000 in Deep 355.750 in Design length 1162 # Minimum Shear 16.863 in Effective Depth 197.791 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix 14.000 in Clear Depth L/ 814 Live Defl L/ 338 SJI Defl 566577 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.366 in Camber Total weight 10.284 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUB Dead Live EQUK Wind --o 1.00 ------rr 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 5443 0 3304 2139 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 5849 0 3710 2139 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 3 per SJI 3 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12 II STAGGERED JS 3 -18K4 X 29 I 11. 750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span To12 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.216 A = 1.635 y 0.579 Fy = 50000 Q 1.000 Bridg < 180" Ix= 0.615 Iy= 2.520 Rx = 0.613 Ry 1.242 Rz 0.392 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 49041 Chord shear: V = 3649 p = -5166 fv = 4223 fc = -3160 f = 4509 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Hetght Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __in__ __in__ lbs lbs in-# ..J2g_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 28.94 2625 12809 1212 73.7z 18212 67103 0.147 0.430 0.046 0.476 U-1 18.00 2625 12809 1866 27000 0.112 0.290 0.160 0.452 0.00 28.94 0 10362 654 73.7z 20235 67103 0.050 0.313 0.022 0.335 U-2 18.00 0 21236 0 30000 0.000 0.433 0.000 0.433 0.73 24.00 0 21236 0 61. 2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.577 0.000 0.577 U-3 18.00 0 21236 0 30000 0.000 0.433 0.000 0.433 0.00 24.00 0 21236 0 61. 2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.577 0.000 0.577 U-4 :s 00 0 28858 0 30000 0.000 0.588 0.000 0.585 0. 71 24.00 0 28858 0 61. 2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.784 0.000 o. n.; U-5 18.00 0 28858 0 30000 0.000 0.588 0.000 0.588 0. 72 24.00 0 28858 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.784 0.000 0.78.; U-6 18.00 0 32911 0 30000 0.000 0. 671 0.000 0.67: 0.70 24.00 0 32911 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.894 0.000 0. 894 U-7 18.00 0 32911 0 30000 0.000 0.671 0.000 0.671 0.70 24.00 0 32911 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.894 0.000 0.894 U-8 18.00 0 33395 0 30000 0.000 0.681 0.000 0.681 0. 71 12.12 0 33395 0 30.9z 27041 382208 0.000 0.755 0.000 0.755 U-9 18.00 0 33395 0 30000 0.000 0.681 0.000 0.681 0. 71 11. 88 0 31987 0 30.3z 27121 398471 0.000 o. 721 0.000 0. 721 U-9A 18.00 0 31987 0 30000 0.000 0.652 0.000 0.652 0.67 24.00 0 31987 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.869 0.000 0.S6.? U-10 18.00 0 31987 0 30000 0.000 0.652 0.000 0.652 0. 72 24.00 0 23209 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.630 0.000 0. 62:· U-11 ~8.00 0 23209 0 30000 0.000 0.473 0.000 0.4'3 0. 72 24.00 0 23209 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.630 0.000 0.63: U-12 18.00 0 23209 0 30000 0.000 0.473 0.000 0.473 0,73 28.94 0 10976 653 73.7z 20235 67103 0.050 0.332 0.022 0.354 cl-13 : : . C -~!'J25 13628 1865 :nooo 0.112 0.309 0.160 0 . .;.: c 0.73 2~.94 202:, 13628 1213 73.7z 18~12 G7103 0.147 0.458 0.047 0.5:a U-14 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0:0 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED J8 3 -18K4 X 29'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-L L2x2x.156 A = 1.199 y = 0.558 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.464 Iy= 1.805 Rx = 0.622 Ry = 1.227 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 35980 Chord shear: V = 5051 p = 10184 fv = 8094 fc = 8492 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __i!!_ __i!!_ ~ lbs in-# ~ _E.§i__ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 47.87 16087 0 0 121. Oz 10193 25186 0.447 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 25493 0 0 30000 0.709 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.31 48.00 25493 0 0 121. 4z 10140 25055 0.709 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 31331 0 0 30000 0. 871 0 000 0.000 0.000 0.37 48.00 31331 0 0 121.4z 10140 25055 0.871 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 33599 0 0 30000 0.934 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.37 48.00 33599 0 0 121.4z 10140 25055 0.934 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 33599 0 0 30000 0.934 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.40 48.00 28044 0 0 121. 4Z 10140 25055 0.779 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 28044 0 0 30000 0.779 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.31 47.87 17481 0 0 121.0z 10193 25186 0.486 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 f Q Vl.64 1/03/00 = 0.935 Rz = 0.396 = 9140 Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered· 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12 11 STAGGERED JS 3 18K4 X 29'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Comf!ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slof!e _El_ Member in2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length TOf!l'.'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.62 31.51 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 5051 11368 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl. 2 Ul -Ll V 1 16. 71 14.62 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1593 1715 4140 . llxO. 5 2.2/ 2.3 U2 -Ll C 1 54.77 24.27 1-LL1-3/4x.125 0.422 0.347z 0 0 12656 3649 6325 7233 .13xl. 7 3.7/ 4.4 U2 -L3 T 2 54. 91 24.35 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3781 6576 7819 0 0 7819 .llx2.0 3.2/ 3.9 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.00 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1598 4263 . llx0.5 2.3/ 2.3 U4 -L3 C 2 54. 91 24.35 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2749 4782 5537 . llxl.5 3.5/ 4.1 U4 -LS T 3 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2662 4630 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 4 3.2/ 3.9 us -LS V 3 0.00 14.00 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1636 4263 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.3 U6 -LS C 3 54. 91 24.35 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1900 3305 3884 . llxl. 0 3.2/ 3.9 U6 -L7 T 4 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1543 2684 7819 0 0 7819 . llxO. 8 3.2/ 3.9 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 14.00 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1657 4263 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.3 us -L7 C 4 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1195 2079 3884 . llxO. 6 3.2/ 3.9 us -L9 T 5 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1162 2020 7819 387 673 7819 .llx0.6 3.2/ 3.8 U9 -L9 V 5 35.15 17.12 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3246 4137 5397 . llxl. 3 2.6/ 2.9 U9A -L9 V 6 0.00 14.00 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1368 1528 4263 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.3 UlO -L9 T 6 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3068 5336 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 6 3.2/ 3.8 UlO -Lll C 5 54.91 24.35 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3155 5488 5537 . llxl. 7 3.5/ 4.1 Ull -Lll V 7 0.00 14 .00 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1608 4263 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.3 Ul2 -Lll T 7 54. 91 24.35 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 4187 7283 7819 0 0 7819 .llx2.2 3.2/ 3.9 U12 -Ll3 C 6 54.77 24.27 1-LL1-3/4x.125 0.422 0.347z 0 0 12656 4055 7029 7233 . 13xl. 9 3.7/ 4.4 Ul3 -L13 V 8 16. 71 14.62 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1593 1718 4140 llxO. 5 2 2/ 2.3 Ul4 -Ll3 T 8 63.62 31. ~l 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 5457 12282 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.3 Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED TJB 1 -18K4 x 29'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.400 -0.400 Holes Top Chord Ext y y 246 #/ft full length 144 #/ft full length 102 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform SJI load Uniform Live load Uniform Dead load An additional SJI An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE Top Bot TC cone loads: Load Spacing Location Point ~ SLOPED SEAT chord panel 1 @ chord panel Ep= 18'0 2000 11'11-3/4 DETAIL spacing: 1 @ 30.94 11 ll.88 11 3 @ 24. 00 II spacing: Ep= 36.00 11 36. 00 II 18'0 U9 SJI, Dead 1 @ 28. 94 II 6 @ 24. 00 II 1 @ 28. 94 11 1 @ 30. 94 II 1 @ 47. 87 11 4 @ 48. 00 II 1 @ 1 @ EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 12 .12 11 47. 87 11 18.000 ln Deep 355.750 in Design length 1162 # Minimum Shear 16.863 in Effective Depth 197.791 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix 14.000 in Clear Depth L/ 814 Live Defl L/ 338 SJI Defl 566577 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.366 in Camber Total weight 10.284 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live EQUK Wind --o 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 5443 0 3304 2139 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 5849 0 3710 2139 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 3 per SJI 3 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC ·1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12 II STAGGERED TJ8 1 -18K4 X 29'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span To2 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.216 A = 1.635 y = 0.579 Fy 50000 Q 1. 000 Bridg < 180" IX= 0.615 Iy= 2.520 Rx 0.613 Ry = 1.242 Rz = 0.392 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 49041 Chord shear: V = 3649 p = -5166 fv = 4223 fc = -3160 f = 4509 0 End fillers, 0 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ____lrr_ ____lrr_ ~ lbs in-# _Q&_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 28.94 2625 12809 1212 73.7z 18212 67103 0 .147 0.430 0.046 0.476 U-1 18.00 2625 12809 1866 27000 0.112 0.290 0.160 0.450 0 00 28.94 0 10362 654 73.7z 20235 67103 0.050 0.313 0.022 0.335 U-2 18.00 0 21236 0 30000 0.000 0.433 0.000 0 .433 0.73 24.00 0 21236 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.577 0.000 0.577 U-3 18.00 0 21236 0 30000 0.000 0.433 0.000 0 .433 0.00 24.00 0 21236 0 61. 2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.577 0.000 0.577 U-4 18.00 0 28858 0 30000 0.000 0.588 0.000 0.588 0. 71 24.00 0 28858 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.784 0.000 0.784 U-5 18.00 0 28858 0 30000 0.000 0.588 0.000 0.588 0. 72 24.00 0 28858 0 61. 2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.784 0.000 0.784 U-6 18.00 0 32911 0 30000 0.000 0. 671 0.000 0.671 0.70 24.00 0 32911 0 61. 2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.894 0.000 0.894 U-7 18.00 0 32911 0 30000 0.000 0 .671 0.000 0.671 0.70 24.00 0 32911 0 61. 2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.894 0.000 0.894 U-8 18.00 0 33395 0 30000 0.000 0.681 0.000 0.681 0. 71 12.12 0 33395 0 30.9z 27041 382208 0.000 0.755 0.000 0.755 U-9 18 00 0 33395 0 30000 0.000 0.681 0.000 0.681 0. 71 11. 88 0 31987 0 30.3z 27121 3984 71 0.000 0. 721 0.000 0. 721 U-9A 18.00 0 31987 0 30000 0.000 0.652 0.000 0.652 0.67 24.00 0 31987 0 61.2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.869 0.000 0.869 U-10 18.00 0 31987 0 30000 0.000 0.652 0.000 0.652 0.72 24.00 0 23209 0 61. 2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.630 0.000 0.630 U-11 15.00 0 23209 0 30000 0.000 0.473 0.000 0.473 0. 72 24.00 0 23209 0 61. 2z 22519 97553 0.000 0.630 0.000 0.63U U-12 18.00 0 23209 0 30000 0.000 0.473 0.000 0.473 0.73 28.94 0 10976 653 73.7z 20235 67103 0.050 0.332 0.022 0.354 U-13 :,.oo 26~5 13628 1865 27000 0.112 0.309 0.160 0.468 0.73 28.94 2625 13628 1213 73.7z 18212 67103 0.147 0.458 0.047 0.504 U-14 :!.8.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0 000 0.000 0.000 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/2G/99 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED TJ8 1 -18K4 x 29 1 11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-L L2x2x.156 A = 1.199 y = 0.558 Fy 50000 Ix= 0.464 Iy= 1. 805 Rx = 0.622 Ry = 1.227 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 35980 Chord shear: V = 5051 p = 10184 fv = 8094 fc = 8492 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ---1:!L ---1:!L ~ lbs in-# ~ ___Eg_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 47.87 16087 0 0 121. Oz 10193 25186 0.447 0 000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 25493 0 0 30000 0.709 0.000 0.000 0.0~0 0.31 48.00 25493 0 0 121. 4z 10140 25055 0.709 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 31331 0 0 30000 0. 871 0.000 0 000 0.000 0.37 48.00 31331 0 0 121. 4Z 10140 25055 0.871 0.000 0.000 o.oco L-7 0.00 33599 0 0 30000 0.934 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.37 48.00 33599 0 0 121. 4z 10140 25055 0.934 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 33599 0 0 30000 0.934 0.000 0.000 O.OJO 0.40 48.00 28044 0 0 121.4z 10140 25055 0.779 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 28044 0 0 30000 0.779 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.31 47.87 17481 0 0 121.0z 10193 25186 0.486 0.000 0.000 0 000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.36 f Q Vl.64 1/03/00 = 0.935 Rz = 0.396 = 9140 . , Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job· #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12 11 STAGGERED TJS 1 18K4 X 29 1 11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Com~ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slope -2!L-Member in2 _ill_ ~ ~ ____lE§_ ~ ____lE§_ ____lE§_ Length TopfBottm uo -Ll T l 63.62 31. 51 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 5051 11368 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl.2 Ul -Ll V l 16. 7l 14. 62 l-LLlxlx.109 0 .206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1593 1715 4140 . llxO. 5 2.2/ 2.3 U2 -Ll C l 54.77 24.27 l-LL1-3/4x.125 0.422 0.347z 0 0 12656 3649 6325 7233 .13xl. 7 3.7/ 4.4 U2 -L3 T 2 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-l/4x.l09 0.261 0.247z 3781 6576 7819 0 0 7819 . llx2. O 3.2/ 3.9 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.00 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O. l96z 0 0 6184 1492 1598 4263 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.3 U4 -L3 C 2 54. 9l 24.35 l-LLl-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2749 4782 5537 .llxl.5 3.5/ 4.1 U4 -LS T 3 54.91 24.35 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2662 4630 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl.4 3.2/ 3.9 us -LS V 3 0.00 14. 00 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1492 1636 4263 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.3 U6 -LS C 3 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1900 3305 3884 . llxl. O 3.2/ 3.9 U6 -L7 T 4 54.91 24.35 1-LLl-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1543 2684 7819 0 0 7819 .llx0.8 3.2/ 3.9 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 14.00 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1492 1657 4263 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.3 U8 -L7 C 4 54.91 24.35 l-LLl-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 1195 2079 3884 . llxO. 6 3.2/ 3. 9 U8 -L9 T 5 54. 9l 24.35 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1162 2020 7819 387 673 7819 .llx0.6 3.2/ 3.8 U9 -L9 V 5 35.15 17.12 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 3246 4137 5397 . llxl. 3 2.6/ 2.9 U9A -L9 V 6 0.00 14.00 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0. l96z 0 0 6184 1368 1528 4263 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.3 UlO -L9 T 6 54.91 24.35 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3068 5336 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.5 3.2/ 3.8 UlO -Lll C 5 54. 91 24.35 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3155 5488 5537 . llXl. 7 3.5/ 4.1 Ull -Lll V 7 0.00 14.00 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1608 4263 .llx0.5 2 3/ 2.3 Ul2 -Lll T 7 54.91 24.35 l-LL1-l/4x.l09 0.261 0.247z 4187 7283 7819 0 0 7819 . llx2. 2 3.2/ 3.9 Ul2 -Ll3 C 6 54. 77 24.27 1-LL1-3/4x.l25 0.422 0.347z 0 0 12656 4055 7029 7233 .13xl. 9 3.7/ 4.4 Ul3 -Ll3 V 8 16. 71 14.62 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1593 1718 4140 . llxO. 5 2.2/ 2.3 Ul4 -Ll3 T 8 63.62 31. 51 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 5457 12282 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.3 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12" STAGGERED JlA 2 -18K4 x 29 1 4.250 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.470 -0.470 Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform SJI load 257 #/ft full length Uniform Live load 154 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 103 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Uniform Dead load 17 #/ft full length on the Bottom chord. Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE SLOPED SEAT DETAIL EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 29.06" Bot chord panel spacing: 1 @ 29. 06 II Ep= 36.00" 1 @ 27. 06 11 1@ 44.12" 10@ 24.00 11 4@ 48.00 11 1 @ 27. 06 II 1 @ 44 .12 II Ep= 36. 00 II 18.000 in Deep 348.250 in Design length 931 # Minimum Shear 16.957 in Effective Depth 148.307 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix 14.250 in Clear Depth L/ 610 Live Defl L/ 366 SJI Defl 432825 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.351 in Camber Total weight 9.556 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live EOUK Wind --0 1.00 --0 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4725 0 2739 2232 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4725 0 2739 2232 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 3 per SJI 6 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N0I627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 • Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comme;nts: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED JlA 2 18K4 X 29 1 4.250 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span To2 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A = 1.103 y = 0.553 Fy 50000 Q 0.898 Bridg < 177 11 Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1. 652 Rx = 0.624 Ry = 1.224 Rz = 0.396 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 Chord shear: V = 3169 p = -3762 fv = 5541 fc = -3410 f = 5797 0 End fillers, 6 Interior top chord fillers required. Jo-int Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ___i!!__ ___i!!__ ~ ~ in-# ..l?.§.L -12§.L Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 27.06 2625 l1817 1114 68.3z 17697 79296 0.205 0.605 0.066 0. 671 U-1 18.00 2625 11817 1689 27000 0.152 0.397 0.211 0.608 0.00 27.06 0 9533 576 68.3z 19664 79296 0.065 0.439 0.030 0.469 U-2 18.00 0 17767 0 30000 0.000 0.537 0.000 0.537 0.78 24.00 0 17767 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.774 0.000 0.774 U-3 18.00 0 17767 0 30000 0.000 0.537 0.000 0.537 0.00 24.00 0 17767 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0. 774 0.000 0.774 U-4 18.00 0 23586 0 30000 0.000 0. 713 0.000 0. 713 0.67 24.00 0 23586 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.905 0.000 0.905 U-5 18.00 0 23586 0 30000 0.000 0. 713 0.000 o. 713 0.72 24.00 0 23586 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.905 0.000 0.905 U-6 18.00 0 25525 0 30000 0.000 0. 771 0.000 o. 771 0.67 24.00 0 25525 0 38 .5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.979 0.000 0.979 U-7 18.00 0 25525 0 30000 0.000 0. 771 0.000 0. 771 0.70 24.00 0 25525 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.979 0.000 0.979 U-8 18.00 0 25525 0 30000 0.000 0. 771 0.000 0. 771 0 67 24.00 0 23586 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.905 0.000 0.905 U-9 18.00 0 23586 0 30000 0.000 o. 713 0.000 0. 713 0. 71 24.00 0 23586 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.905 0.000 0.905 U-10 18.00 0 23586 0 30000 0.000 0. 713 0.000 0. 713 0.67 24.00 0 17767 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.774 0.000 0.774 U-11 18.00 0 17767 0 30000 0.000 0.537 0.000 0.537 0. 72 24.00 0 17767 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0. 774 0.000 0.774 U-12 18.00 0 17767 0 30000 0.000 0.537 0.000 0.537 0.78 27.06 0 9533 576 68.3z 19664 79296 0.065 0.439 0.030 0.469 U-13 18.00 2625 11561 1689 27000 0.152 0.388 0.211 0.599 0 73 27.06 2625 11561 1114 68.3z 17697 79296 0.205 0. 592 0.066 0.658 U-14 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 I / Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C JlA 2 -18K4 x 29' 4.250 type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.143 A= Ix= 0.283 Iy= Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Chord shear: V = 4584 p = 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r __iQ_ __iQ_ ~ ~ in-# L-1 0.00 0 0 0 44.12 13402 0 345 127. 6z L-3 0.00 21161 0 0 48.00 21161 0 408 138.8z L-5 0.00 25040 0 0 48.00 25040 0 408 138.8z L-7 0.00 25040 0 0 48.00 25040 0 408 138.8z L-9 0.00 25040 0 0 48.00 21161 0 408 138.8z L-11 0.00 21161 0 0 44.12 13402 0 345 127.6z L-13 0.00 0 0 0 12" STAGGERED Special Unknown construction 0.960 y = 0.490 Fy = 50000 Q = 0.953 1. 225 Rx = 0.543 Ry = 1.130 Rz = 0.346 Force = 28803 9192 fv = 9160 fc = 9574 f = 10335 Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending Stress F'e Bend Interaction ...E.§.i_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.43 9167 22623 0.485 0.000 0.054 0.054 30000 0.735 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 7747 19118 0.758 0.000 0.063 0.063 30000 0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 7747 19118 0.893 0.000 0.063 0.063 30000 0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 7747 19118 0.893 0.000 0.063 0.063 30000 0.869 0.000 J.000 0.000 0.30 7747 19118 0.758 0.000 0.063 0.063 30000 0.735 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 9167 22623 0.485 0.000 0.054 0.054 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.43 Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12'' STAGGERED JlA 2 18K4 X 29' 4.250 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Com12ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slo12e ----1lL Member in2 _1:JL --1EL --1EL --1EL --1EL ~ --1EL Length To12l'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.49 31. 93 1-AU -29/32 0. 645 0.226 4584 10272 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.1 Ul -Ll V 1 22.25 15.40 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1579 1754 3981 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 U2 -Ll C 1 49.88 22.12 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3169 4919 5134 . llxl. 5 3.2/ 3.4 U2 -L3 T 2 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3301 5721 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.8 3.2/ 3.5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1602 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U4 -L3 C 2 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2171 3763 3804 . llxl.2 3.2/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2071 3590 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. l 3.2/ 3.5 us -LS V 3 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1631 4214 .llX0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U6 -LS C 3 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 178 309 7819 1214 2105 3804 .llx0.7 3.2/ 3.5 U6 -L7 T 4 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 931 1614 7819 246 426 7819 .llx0.5 3.2/ 3.5 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1641 4214 llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 us -L7 T 5 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 931 1614 7819 342 593 7819 .llx0.5 3.2/ 3.5 us -L9 C 4 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 274 476 7819 1132 1962 3804 llxO. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1631 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 UlO -L9 T 6 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1975 3423 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.1 3.2/ 3.5 UlO -Lll C 5 54.76 2-1.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2075 3596 3804 . llxl. l 3.2/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 :4.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0. 196z 0 0 6184 1513 1602 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 Ul2 -Lll T 7 54.76 2..; 70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3205 5554 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.7 3.2/ 3.5 U12 -Ll3 C 6 49.88 22.12 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0. 315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3073 4769 5134 . llxl.5 3.2/ 3. 4 . U13 -L13 V 7 22.25 15.40 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1579 1754 3981 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 U14 -L13 T 8 63.49 31.93 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4457 9986 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl.1 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03j00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12" STAGGERED J3A 2 -18K4 x 29 1 11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.400 -0.400 Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform SJI load 246 #/ft full length Uniform Live load 144 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 102 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Uniform Dead load 17 #/ft full length on the Bottom chord. Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE SLOPED SEAT DETAIL EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 30.94" Bot chord panel spacing: 1 @ 30. 94 11 Ep= 36.00" 1 @ 28. 94 II 1@ 47.87 11 10@ 24.00" 4@ 48.00 11 1@ 28.94" 1@ 47.87" Ep= 36.00" 18.000 in Deep 355.750 in Design length 912 # Minimum Shear 16.957 in Effective Depth 148.307 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix 14.250 in Clear Depth L/ 610 Live Defl L/ 358 SJI Defl 435635 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.366 in Camber Total weight 9.556 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtU§ Dead Live EOUK Wind --o 1.00 --o 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4646 0 2759 2139 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4646 0 2759 2139 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 3 per SJI 6 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED J3A 2 18K4 X 29 1 11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span To2 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A -1.103 y = 0.553 Fy = 50000 Q = 0.898 Bridg < 17711 Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx = 0.624 Ry = 1.224 Rz = 0.396 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 Chord shear: V = 3070 p = -4323 fv = 5367 fc = -3919 f :::: 5714 0 End fillers, 6 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _iQ_ _iQ_ ~ ~ in-# ...E§..L_ _E.§i_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 28.94 2625 11660 1212 73.0z 17042 69353 0.216 0.620 0.073 0.693 U-1 18.00 2625 11660 1866 27000 0.160 0.391 0.233 0.625 0.00 28.94 0 9449 654 73.0z 18936 69353 0.074 0.452 0.034 0.486 U-2 18.00 0 18208 0 30000 0.000 0.550 0.000 0.550 0.69 24.00 0 18208 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0. 794 0.000 0.794 U-3 18.00 0 18208 0 30000 0.000 0.550 0.000 0.550 0.00 24.00 0 18208 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.794 0.000 0.794 U-4 18.00 0 23820 0 30000 0.000 0.720 0.000 0.720 0.67 24.00 0 23820 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0. 914 0.000 0.914 U-5 18.00 0 23820 0 30000 0.000 0.720 0.000 0.720 0. 72 24.00 0 23820 0 38.5x 23631 1008.24 0.000 0. 914 0.000 0.914 U-6 18.00 0 25691 0 30000 0.000 0.776 0.000 0.776 0.67 24.00 0 25691 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.986 0.000 0.986 U-7 18.00 0 25691 0 30000 0.000 o. 776 0.000 0.776 0.70 24.00 0 25691 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.986 0.000 0.986 U-8 18.00 0 25691 0 30000 0.000 0.776 0.000 0.776 0.67 24.00 0 23820 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0. 914 0.000 0. 914 U-9 18.00 0 23820 0 30000 0.000 0.720 0.000 0.720 0. 71 24.00 0 23820 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.914 0.000 0. 914 U-10 18.00 0 23820 0 30000 0.000 0.720 0.000 0.720 0.67 24.00 0 18208 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.794 0.000 0.794 U-11 18.00 0 18208 0 30000 0.000 0.550 0.000 0.550 0. 72 24.00 0 18208 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.794 0.000 0.794 U-12 18.00 0 18208 0 30000 0.000 0.550 0.000 0.550 0.69 28.94 0 9449 654 73.0z 18936 69353 0.074 0.452 0 034 0.486 U-13 18.00 2625 11399 1866 27000 0.160 0.383 0.233 0.616 0.73 28.94 2625 11399 1212 73.0z 17042 69353 0.216 0.606 0.072 0.679 U-14 19 110 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12 11 STAGGERED J3A 2 -18K4 x 29'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.143 A = 0.960 y = 0.490 Fy 50000 Ix= 0.283 Iy= 1.225 Rx = 0.543 Ry = 1.130 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 28803 Chord shear: V = 4506 p = 9035 fv = 9003 fc = 9411 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Comp~ession-Bending No. Length Height. Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __iQ_ __iQ_ ~ lbs in-# ~ ___£g__ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.34 47.87 13998 0 406 138. 5z 7787 19218 0.509 0.000 0.063 0.063 L-3 0.00 21482 0 0 30000 0.746 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 21482 0 408 138. 8z 7747 19118 0.769 0.000 0.063 0.063 L-5 0.00 25223 0 0 30000 0.876 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 25223 0 408 138. 8z 7747 19118 0.899 0.000 0.063 0.063 L-7 0.00 25223 0 ·o 30000 0.876 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 ~S.00 25223 0 408 138.Sz 7747 19118 0.899 0.0:JO 0.063 0.063 L-9 0 00 25223 0 0 30000 0.876 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 21482 0 408 138.8z 7747 19118 0.769 0.000 0.063 0.063 L-11 0.00 21482 0 0 30000 0.746 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 47.87 13998 0 406 138.5z 7787 19218 0.509 0.000 0.063 0.063 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.34 Q = 0.953 Rz 0.346 f = 10159 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED J3A 2 18K4 X 29'11.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile CornJ::>ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web SloJ::>e _lg_ Member in2 _.i!L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length TOJ::>{'.Bottrn uo -Ll T l 63.49 31. 93 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4506 10096 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. l Ul -Ll V l 16.62 14.87 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0. l96z 0 0 6184 1593 1710 4089 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 U2 -Ll C 1 54.62 24.61 l-LLl-l/2x.l25 0.359 0. 296z 0 0 10781 3070 5302 5257 . 13xl 4 3.5/ 3. 7 U2 -L3 T 2 54. 76 24.70 l-LLl-l/4x.l09 0.261 0.247z 3202 5549 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.2/ 3.5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1583 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U4 -L3 C 2 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.l09 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2102 3643 3804 . llxl. 1 3.2/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 54.76 24.70 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2015 3492 7819 0 0 7819 . llXl. l 3.2/ 3.5 us -LS V 3 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1611 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 U6 -LS C 3 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 180 312 7819 1185 2054 3804 .llx0.6 3.2/ 3.5 U6 -L7 T 4 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 912 1580 7819 249 431 7819 . llxO .5 3.2/ 3.5 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O. 196z 0 0 6184 1492 1620 4214 . llxO 5 2.3/ 2 .'o us -L7 T 5 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 912 1580 7819 345 598 7819 .llx0.5 3.2/ 3.5 us -L9 C 4 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 277 479 7819 1103 1912 3804 . llxO. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1492 1611 4214 . 11X0.5 2.3/ 2.0 UlO -L9 T 6 54.76 24.70 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1919 3325 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. O 3.2/ 3.5 UlO -Lll C 5 54. 76 24.70 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2006 3476 3804 . llxl. l 3.2/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1492 1583 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 Ul2 -Lll T 7 54.76 24.70 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3105 5382 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.2/ 3.5 Ul2 -Ll3 C 6 54.62 24.61 l-LL1-l/2x.125 0.359 O. 296z 0 0 10781 2974 5136 5257 .13xl.4 3.5/ 3. 7 Ul3 -Ll3 V 7 16.62 14 .87 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1593 1710 4089 . llxO. 5 2.2/ 2.1 Ul4 -Ll3 T 8 63.49 31. 93 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4376 9805 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. l Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED JlB 4 -18K4 x 29' 4.250 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.400 -0.400 Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform SJI load 257 #/ft full length Uniform Live load 154 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 103 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform &d@VSJI+NtUp+Dead+Live+EQ loq.d O #/ft from 0.00 11 to 2.00 11 An-additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE SLOPED SEAT DETAIL EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 29. 06 11 Bot chord panel spacing: 1 @ 29. 06 11 Ep= 36. 00 11 1@ 27.06 11 1@ 44.12 11 10@ 24.00" 4@ 48.00" 1@ 27.06 11 1@ 44.12" Ep= 36.00 11 18.000 in Deep 348.250 in Design length 931 # Minimum Shear 16.963 in Effective Depth 138.247 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix 14.250 in Clear Depth L/ 569 Live Defl L/ 341 SJI Defl 411349 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.351 in Camber Total weight 10.095 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live EQUK Wind ---o 1.00 --0 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4725 0 2493 2232 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4725 0 2493 2232 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 3 per SJI 5 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED JlB 4 -18K4 X 29' 4.250 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span TOJ2 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A = 1.103 y = 0.553 Fy = 50000 Q = 0.898 Bridg < 177 11 IX= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx = 0.624 Ry 1.224 Rz = 0.396 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 Chord shear: V = 2954 p = -3505 fv = 5164 fc = -3177 f 5403 0 End fillers, 2 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __ig__ __ig__ ......lE..§_ ......lE..§_ in-# --12&_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 27.06 2625 11319 1114 68.3z 17697 79296 0.205 0.580 0.065 0.645 U-1 18.00 2625 11319 1689 27000 0.152 0.380 0.211 0.591 0.00 27.06 0 9194 576 68.3z 19664 79296 0.065 0.424 0.029 0.453 U-2 18.00 0 16878 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0.78 24.00 0 16878 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 U-3 18.00 0 16878 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0.00 24.00 0 16878 0 60. 6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 U-4 18.00 0 22407 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0. 677 0.67 24.00 0 22407 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-5 18.00 0 22407 0 30000 0.000 0. 677 0.000 0.677 0. 72 24.00 0 22407 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0. 977 0.000 0.977 U-6 18.00 0 24249 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.67 24.00 0 24249 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.930 0.000 0.930 U-7 18.00 0 24249 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.70 24.00 0 24249 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.930 0.000 0.930 U-8 18.00 0 24249 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.67 24.00 0 22407 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-9 18.00 0 22407 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0. 677 o. 71 24.00 0 22407 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0. 977 0.000 0.977 U-10 18.00 0 22407 0 30000 0.000 0. 677 0 000 0.677 0.67 24.00 0 16878 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 U-11 18 .. oo 0 16878 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0. 72 24.00 0 16878 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 U-12 18.00 0 16878 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0.78 27.06 0 9194 576 68.3z 19664 79296 0.065 0.424 0.029 0.453 U-13 18.00 2625 11319 1689 27000 0.152 0.380 0.211 0.591 0.73 27.06 2625 11319 1114 68.3z 17697 79296 0.205 0.580 0.065 0.645 U-14 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12 11 STAGGERED JlB 4 -18K4 x 29' 4.250 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.251 Iy= 1. 068 Rx = 0.546 Ry 1.125 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 Chord shear: V = 4338 p = 8694 fv = 9915 fc = 10304 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _!!!...._ _!!!...._ ~ ~ in-# ...B§.L_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.42 44.12 12732 0 0 127.2z 9225 22838 0.503 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 20103 0 0 30000 0.794 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 20103 0 0 138. 4z 7796 19300 0.794 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 23789 0 0 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 23789 0 0 13 8. 4 z 7796 19300 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 23789 0 0 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 23789 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 23789 0 0 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 20103 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.794 0 000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 20103 0 0 30000 0.794 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 44.12 12732 0 0 127.2z 9225 22838 0.503 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.42 f Q Vl.64 1/03/00 = 0.897 Rz = 0.347 = 11173 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12 11 STAGGERED JlB 4 18K4 X 29' 4.250 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Com12ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slo12e _ill_ Member in2 _in__ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length To12£'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 31. 92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4338 9716 17406 0 0 19340 .22x1.1 Ul -Ll V 1 22.24 15.40 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1579 1752 3981 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 U2 -Ll C 1 49.87 22.11 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2954 4584 5135 . llxl. 4 3.2/ 3.4 U2 -L3 T 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3086 5347 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.7 3.2/ 3.5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1513 1598 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 U4 -L3 C 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2021 3502 3805 .llxl.l 3.2/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1921 3329 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 0 3.2/ 3.5 us -LS V 3 0.00 14. 25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1513 1625 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U6 -LS C 3 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 260 451 7819 1132 1962 3805 . llxO. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U6 -L7 T 4 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 931 1613 7819 328 569 7819 . llxO. 5 3.2/ 3.5 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z· 0 0 6184 1513 1635 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 us -L7 T 5 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 931 1613 7819 328 569 7819 . llxO. 5 3.2/ 3.5 us -L9 C 4 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 260 451 7819 1132 1962 3805 . llxO. 6 3.2/ 3 5 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1625 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2 0 UlO -L9 T 6 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1921 3329 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.O 3.2/ 3.5 Ul.O -Lll C 5 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2021 3502 3aos . llxl. 1 3.2/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1598 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 Ul2 -Lll T 7 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3086 5347 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.2/ 3.5 Ul2 -L13 C 6 49. 87 22.11 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 O. 297z 0 0 9454 2954 4584 5135 . llxl. 4 3.2/ 3.4 U13 -L13 V 7 22.24 15.40 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184' 1579 1752 3981 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 014 -L13 T 8 63.48 31.92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4338 9716 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl.1 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: · UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12 '' STAGGERED J9 2 -18K4 x 29' 4.375 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4. 0·00 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.520 -0.520 Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform SJI load 257 #/ft full length Uniform Live load 154 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 103 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch Uniform Dead load 17 #/ft from 0.00" to 350.37" on the Bottom chord. An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE SLOPED SEAT DETAIL EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 ~op chord panel spacing: 1@ 29.09" Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 29.09" Ep= 36.00" 1@ 27.09" 1@ 44.19" 10@ 24.00" 4@ 48.00" 1@ 27.09" 1 @ 44 .19 II Ep= 36.00" 18.000 in Deep 348.375 in Design length 931 # Minimum Shear 16.957 in Effective Depth 148.307 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix 14.250 in Clear Depth L/ 610 Live Defl L/ 365 SJI Defl 432871 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.351 in Camber Total weight 9.556 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live EQUK Wind --o 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4723 0 2740 2231 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4723 0 2740 2231 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 3 per SJI 6 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12" STAGGERED J9 2 -18K4 X 29' 4.375 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span TOJ2 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A = 1.103 y = 0.553 Fy = 50000 Q 0.898 Bridg < 177 11 Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1. 652 Rx = 0.624 Ry 1.224 Rz 0.396 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force 33093 Chord shear: V = 3168 p = -3771 fv = 5538 fc = -3419 f = 5796 0 End fillers, 6 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ___lg___ ___lg___ lbs ~ in-# ....£g__ ____E§i_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 27.09 2625 11814 1115 68.4z 17687 79113 0.205 0.606 0.066 0. 671 U-1 18.00 2625 11814 1692 27000 0.152 0.397 0.211 0.608 0.00 27.09 0 9531 577 68.4z 19652 79113 0.065 0.440 0.030 0.469 U-2 18.00 0 17774 0 30000 0.000 0.537 0.000 0.537 0.78 24. oo· 0 17774 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.775 0.000 0.775 U-3 18.00 0 17774 0 30000 0.000 0.537 0.000 0.537 0.00 24.JO 0 17774 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.775 0.000 0.775 U-4 18.00 0 23590 0 30000 0.000 0. 713 0.000 0. 713 0.67 24.00 0 23590 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.905 0.000 0.905 U-5 18.00 0 23590 0 30000 0.000 0. 713 0.000 o. 713 0. 72 24.00 0 23590 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.905 0.000 0.905 U-6 18.00 0 25528 0 30000 0.000 0. 771 0.000 0. 771 0.67 24.00 0 25528 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.979 0.000 0.979 U-7 18.00 0 25528 0 30000 0.000 0. 771 0.000 0. 771 0.70 24.00 0 25528 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.979 0.000 0.979 U-8 18.00 0 25528 0 30000 0.000 o. 771 0.000 0. 771 0.67 24.00 0 23590 0 38 5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.905 0.000 0.905 U-9 18.00 0 23590 0 30000 0.000 0. 713 0.000 0. 713 0. 71 24.00 0 23590 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.905 0.000 0.905 U-10 18.00 0 23590 0 30000 0.000 0. 713 0.000 0. 713 0.67 2-<.00 0 17774 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.COO 0. 775 0.000 0.775 U-11 18.00 0 17774 0 30000 0.000 0.537 0.000 0.537 0. 72 24.00 0 17774 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 775 0.000 0. 775 U-12 18.00 0 17774 0 30000 0.000 0.537 0.000 0.537 0.78 27.09 0 9531 577 68.4z 19652 79113 0.065 0.440 0.030 0.469 U-13 18.00 2625 11559 1692 27000 0.152 0.388 0.211 0.599 0.73 27.09 2625 11559 1115 68.4z 17687 79113 0.205 0.592 0.066 0.658 U-14 18. in J 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED J9 2 -18K4 x 29' 4.375 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.143 A = 0.960 y 0.490 Fy 50000 Ix= 0.283 Iy= 1. 225 Rx = 0.543 Ry = 1.130 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 28803 Chord shear: V = 4583 p = 9189 fv = 9157 fc = 9571 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _.!!L _.!!L ~ ~ in-# --12.&_ -----12§..L Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.43 44.19 13412 0 346 127.8z 9l41 22559 0.486 0.000 0.054 0.054 L-3 0.00 21166 0 0 30000 0.735 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 21166 0 408 138.8z 7747 19118 0.758 0.000 0.063 0.063 L-5 0.00 25043 0 0 30000 0.869 0.000 0.000 0. o.oo 0.30 48.00 25043 0 408 138. 8z 7747 19118 0.893 0.000 0.063 0.063 L-7 0.00 25043 0 0 30000 0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 30 48.00 25043 0 408 138. 8z 7747 19118 0.893 0.000 0.063 0.063 L-9 0.00 25043 0 0 30000 0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 21166 0 408 138.8z 7747 19118 0.758 0.000 0.063 0.063 L-11 O.JO 21166 0 0 30000 0.735 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 44.19 13412 0 346 127.8z 9141 22559 0.486 0.000 0.054 0.054 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.43 f Q Vl.64 1/03/00 0.953 Rz = 0.346 = 10332 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12" STAGGERED J9 2 18K4 X 29 1 4.375 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Corn12ressive Weld Available Length Area R · Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slo12e __ill_ Member in2 --1£_ _lQ§_ _lQ§_ _lQ§_ _lQ§_ _lQ§_ _lQ§_ Length To12l'.Bottrn uo -Ll T 1 63.49 31. 93 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4583 10269 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. l Ul -Ll V 1 22.16 15.39 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1579 1753 3983 . llxO. 5 2.2/ 2.1 U2 -Ll C 1 49.97 22.16 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3168 4925 5125 .llxl.5 3.2/ 3.4 U2 -L3 T 2 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3300 5718 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 8 3.2/ 3.5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1602 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 U4 -L3 C 2 54.76 24.70 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2170 3761 3804 .llxl.2 3.2/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 2071 3588 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl .1 3.2/ 3.5 us -LS V 3 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1631 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U6 -LS C 3 54.76 24.70 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 178 309 7819 1214 2104 3804 .llx0.6 3.2/ 3.5 U6 -L7 T 4 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 931 1613 7819 246 426 7819 . llxO. 5 3.2/ 3.5 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1641 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 us -L7 T 5 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 931 1613 7819 342 593 7819 . llx0.5 3.2/ 3.5 U8 -L9 C 4 54.76 24.70 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 275 476 7819 1132 1961 3804 .llx0.6 3.2/ 3.5 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1631 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 UlO -L9 T 6 5-e. 76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1974 3421 7819 0 0 7819 llxl. l 3.2/ 3 5 UlO -Lll C 5 5~.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2074 3594 3804 . llxl. l 3.2/ 3. 5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1513 1602 4214 llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 Ul2 -Lll T 7 54.76 24.70 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3203 5551 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 7 3.2/ 3.5 Ul2 -Ll3 C 6 49.97 22.16 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 3071 4775 5125 . llxl. 5 3.2/ 3.4 Ul3 -Li3 V 7 22.16 15.39 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1579 1753 3983 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 Ul4 -Ll3 T 8 63.49 31.93 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4455 9983 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. l Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job-#9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 · 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED JlO 2 -18K4 x 29' 4.625 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.710 -0.710 Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform SJI load 256 #/ft full length Uniform Live load 153 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 103 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE SLOPED SEAT DETAIL Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 29.16 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep= 36.00 11 18.000 in Deep 16.963 in Effective Depth 14.250 in Clear Depth 411442 in-# Moment Total weight Loading combinations: SJI --0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 Left TC axial load: 0.0 Right TC axial load: 0.0 Left end reactions: 4721 Right end reactions: 4721 1@ 29.16 11 Ep= 36.00" 1@ 27.16 11 1@ 44.31 11 10@ 24.00 11 4@ 48.00" 1@ 27.16 11 1@ 44.31" 348.625 in Design length 930 # Minimum Shear 138.247 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix L/ 569 Live Defl L/ 340 SJI Defl 1.000 in Chord gap 0.352 in Camber 10.095 in Centroid NtUE Dead Live EOUK Wind 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips 0 2493 2227 0 0 Pounds 0 2493 2227 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 3 per SJI 5 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99-Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12 11 STAGGERED Jl0 2 18K4 X 29' 4.625 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span TOJ:2 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A = 1.103 y = 0.553 Fy = 50000 Q = 0.898 Bridg < 177" Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1. 652 Rx = 0.624 Ry = 1. 224 Rz = 0.396 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 Chord shear: V = 2949 p = -3531 fv = 5155 fc = -3201 f = 5398 0 End fillers, 2 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ____.!!!_ ~ ~ ~ in-# J@_ ___E§i_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 27.16 2625 11311 1118 68.5z 17665 78749 0.205 0.580 0.066 0.646 U-1 18.00 2625 11311 1698 27000 0.152 0.380 0.212 0.592 0.00 27.16 0 9190 580 68.5z 19628 78749 0.065 0.424 0.030 0.454 U-2 18.00 0 16898 0 30000 0.000 0.511 0.000 0.511 0.77 24.00 0 16898 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.737 0.000 0.737 U-3 18.00 0 16898 0 30000 0.000 0.511 0.000 0.511 0.00 24.00 0 16898 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.737 0.000 0.737 U-4 18 00 0 22416 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0.677 0.67 24.00 0 22416 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-5 18.00 0 22416 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0.677 0. 72 24.00 0 22416 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-6 18.00 0 24255 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.67 24.00 0 24255 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.930 0.000 0.930 U-7 18.00 0 24255 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.70 24.00 0 24255 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.930 0.000 0.930 U-8 18.00 0 24255 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.67 24.00 0 22416 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-9 18.00 0 22416 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0.677 0.71 24.00 0 22416 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-10 18.00 0 22416 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0. 677 0.67 24.00 0 16898 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0 737 0 C:JO 0.737 U-11 18.00 0 16898 0 30000 0.000 0.511 0.000 0. 511 0. 72 24 00 0 16898 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.737 0.000 0.737 U-12 18.00 0 16898 0 30000 0.000 0. 511 0.000 0. 511 0. 77 27.16 0 9190 580 68.5z 19628 78749 0.065 0.424 0.030 0.454 U-13 18.00 2625 11311 1698 27000 0.152 0.380 0.212 0. 592 0.73 27.16 2625 11311 1118 68.5z 17665 78749 0.205 0.580 0.066 0.646 U-14 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ( ~ t -.~ ... Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N0r627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED Jl0 2 -18K4 x 29' 4.625 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.251 Iy= 1.068 Rx = 0.546 Ry = 1.125 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 Chord shear: V = 4333 p = 8686 fv = 9905 fc = 10294 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ____!!1-. ____!!1-. ~ ~ in-# ___Qg_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.42 44.31 12760 0 0 127.8z 9147 22645 0.504 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 20117 0 0 30000 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 20117 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 23795 0 0 30000 0. 940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 30 48.00 23795 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 23795 0 0 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 23795 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0. 940 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0.00 23795 0 0 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 20117 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 20117 0 0 30000 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 44.31 12760 0 0 127. 8z 9147 22645 0.504 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0 00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.42 Q = 0.897 Rz = 0.347 f = 11162 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED Jl0 2 18K4 X 29' 4.625 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shorts pan Tensile Com12ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slo12e __in_ Member in2 __i,g_ ---1!::L ---1!::L ---1!::L ---1!::L ---1!::L ---1!::L Length ToQl'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 31. 92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4333 9707 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl.1 Ul -Ll V 1 21.97 15.37 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1580 1749 3987 .llx0.S 2.2/ 2.1 02 -Ll C 1 50.13 22.23 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2949 4600 5108 . llxl. 4 3.2/ 3.4 02 -L3 T 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3081 5337 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1512 1597 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U4 -L3 C 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2018 3496 3805 . llxl.1 3.2/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1918 3324 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.0 3.2/ 3.5 us -LS V 3 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1512 1624 4214 . llx0. 5 2.3/ 2.0 U6 -LS C 3 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 260 451 7819 1131 1959 3805 .llx0.6 3.2/ 3.5 06 -L7 T 4 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 930 1612 7819 328 569 7819 .llx0.5 3.2/ 3.5 07 -L7 V 4 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1512 1634 4214 . llx0. 5 2. 3/ 2.0 us -L7 T 5 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 930 1612 7819 328 569 7819 . llx0. 5 3.2/ 3.5 U8 -L9 C 4 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 260 451 7819 1131 1959 3805 .llx0.6 3.2/ 3.5 09 -L9 V 5 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1512 1624 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 010 -L9 T 6 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1918 3324 7819 0 0 7819 llxl.0 3.2/ 3.5 Ul0 -Lll C 5 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2018 3496 3805 . llxl .1 3.2/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 H.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1512 1597 4214 Ux0.5 2 3/ 2.0 U12 -Lll T 7 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3081 5337 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 6 3 2, 3.5 012 -L13 C 6 50.13 22.23 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2949 4600 5108 llxl. 4 3.2/ 3.4 Ul3 -L13 V 7 21.97 15.37 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1580 1749 3987 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1. Ul4 -L13 T 8 63.48 31.92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4333 9707 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl.1 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627.:: By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12" STAGGERED TJl0 2 -18K4 x 29' 4.875 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.890 -0.890 Holes Top Chord Ext y Uniform SJI load 256 #/ft full length Uniform Live load 153 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 103 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE SLOPED SEAT DETAIL EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 29.22 11 Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 29.22 11 Ep= 36.00 11 1@ 27.22 11 1@ 44.44 11 10@ 24.00 11 4@ 48.00 11 1@ 27.22 11 1@ 44.44" Ep= 36.00" 18.000 in Deep 348.875 in Design length 930 # Minimum Shear 16.963 in Effective Depth 138.247 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix 14.250 in Clear Depth L/ 569 Live Defl L/ 340 SJI Defl 411505 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.352 in Camber Total weight 10.095 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live EOUK Wind --o 1.00 --0 0 --0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4718 0 2494 2224 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4718 0 2494 2224 0 0 Pounds To:g bridging rows: 3 per SJI 5 if deck provides no lateral support. Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised l/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12" STAGGERED TJl0 2 -18K4 X 29 1 4.875 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span To:g Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A ::: 1.103 y ::: 0.553 Fy 50000 Q = 0.898 Bridg < 177" Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1. 652 Rx ::: 0.624 Ry ::: 1.224 Rz = 0.396 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 Chord shear: V ::: 2945 p = -3.549 fv = 5149 fc = -3217 f = 5394 0 End fillers, 2 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction __!!!_ __!!!_ ---1J2§_ ---1J2§_ in-# J2.tl_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 27.22 2625 11305 1122 68.7z 17644 78388 0.205 0.581 0.066 0.647 U-1 18.00 2625 11305 1704 27000 0.153 0.380 0. 213 0.592 0.00 27.22 0 9187 582 68.7z 19604 78388 0.065 0.425 0.030 0.455 U-2 18.00 0 16911 0 30000 0.000 0. 511 0.000 0.511 0.77 24.00 0 16911 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.737 0.000 0.737 U-3 18.00 0 16911 0 30000 0.000 0 .511 0.000 0. 511 0.00 24.00 0 16911 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.737 0.000 0.737 U-4 18.00 0 22422 0 30000 0.000 0.678 0.000 0.678 0.67 24.00 0 22422 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-5 18.00 0 22422 0 30000 0.000 0.678 0.000 0.678 0. 72 24.00 0 22422 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0. 977 U-6 18.00 0 24259 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.67 24.00 0 24259 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.931 0.000 0.931 U-7 18.00 0 24259 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.70 24.00 0 24259 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.931 0.000 0.931 U-8 18.00 0 24259 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.67 24.00 0 22422 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0. 977 0.000 0. 977 U-9 18.00 0 22422 0 30000 0.000 0.678 0.000 0. 678 0. 71 24.00 0 22422 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-10 18.00 0 22422 0 30000 0.000 0.678 0.000 0.678 0.67 24.00 16911 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0 000 0.737 0.000 0.737 U-11 18.00 0 16911 0 30000 0.000 0.511 0.000 0 .511 ()_ 72 24.00 0 16911 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.737 0.000 0.737 U-12 13.00 8 16911 0 30000 0.000 0. 511 0 000 0 511 0.77 27.22 0 9187 582 68.7z 19604 78388 0.065 0.425 0.030 0 -~55 U-13 18.00 2625 11305 1704 27000 0.153 0.380 0. 213 0.592 0.73 27.22 2625 11305 1122 68.7z 17644 78388 0.205 0.581 0.066 0.647 U-14 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C TJl0 2 -18K4 x 29' 4.875 type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord:· 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = Ix= 0.251 Iy= Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Chord shear: V = 4331 p = 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r ___i,g_ ___i,g_ lbs lbs in-# L-1 0.00 0 0 0 44.44 12778 0 0 128.lz L-3 0.00 20126 0 0 48.00 20126 0 0 138.4z L-5 0.00 23799 0 0 48.00 23799 0 0 138.4z L-7 0.00 23799 0 0 48.00 23799 0 0 138.4z L-9 0.00 23799 0 0 48.00 20126 0 0 138.4z L-11 0.00 20126 0 0 44.44 12778 0 0 128.lz L-13 0.00 0 0 0 12 11 STAGGERED Special Unknown construction 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy 50000 Q = 0.897 1.068 Rx = 0.546 Ry = 1.125 Rz = 0.347 Force = 25313 8680 fv = 9898 fc = 10287 f = 11155 Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending Stress F'e Bend Interaction ~ ____E§i_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 9096 22518 0.505 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 7796 19300 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 7796 19300 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 7796 19300 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 30 7796 19300 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 9096 22518 0.505 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12 II STAGGERED TJl0 2 18K4 X 29' 4.875 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile ComEressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web SloEe ---21!_ Member in2 -21L ~ ~ -1!2L ~ -1!2L -1!2L Length ToEiBottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 31. 92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4331 9700 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl.1 Ul -Ll V 1 21.79 15.35 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1580 1748 3991 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 U2 -Ll C 1 50.31 22.31 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2945 4612 5089 . llxl. 4 3.2/ 3.4 U2 -L3 T 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3077 5331 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1512 1596 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U4 -L3 C 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2015 3492 3805 . llxl. 1 3.2/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1916 3320 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 0 3.2/ 3.5 us -LS V 3 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1512 1624 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U6 -LS C 3 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 260 451 7819 1130 1957 3805 . llx0. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U6 -L7 T 4 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 930 1610 7819 328 569 7819 . llx0. 5 3.2/ 3.5 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1512 1633 4214 llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 us -L7 T 5 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 930 1610 7819 328 569 7819 . llx0. 5 3.2/ 3.5 us -L9 C 4 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 260 451 7819 1130 1957 3805 .llx0.6 3.2/ 3.5 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0. 196z 0 0 6184 1512 1624 4214 . llx0. 5 2.3/ 2.0 UlO -L9 T 6 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1916 3320 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 0 3.2/ 3.5 UlO -Lll C 5 5.;_75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2015 3492 3805 . llxl. l 3.2/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 14. 25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1512 1596 4214 llx0. 5 2 3/ 2.0 Ul2 -Lll T 7 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3077 5331 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.6 3.2/ 3.5 Ul2 -L13 C 6 50.31 22.31 1-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2945 4612 5089 . llxl. 4 3.2/ 3.4 U13 -Ll3 V 7 21.79 15.35 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1580 1748 3991 llx0. 5 2.2/ 2.1 U14 -Ll3 T 8 63.48 31. 92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4331 9700 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.1 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12" STAGGERED Jll 5 -18K4 x 29' 4.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.780 -0.780 Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform SJI load 256 #/ft full length Uniform Live load 153 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 103 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE SLOPED SEAT DETAIL EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 29.19 11 Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 29.19 11 Ep= 36.00 11 1@ 27.19 11 1@ 44.38 11 10@ 24.00 11 4@ 48.00 11 1@ 27.19" 1@ 44.38" Ep= 36.00" 18.000 in Deep 348.750 in Design length 930 # Minimum Shear 16.963 in Effective Depth 138.247 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix 14.250 in Clear Depth L/ 569 Live Defl L/ 340 SJI Defl 411474 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.352 in Camber Total weight 10.095 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtUE Dead Live EOUK Wind --o 1.00 --o 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4719 0 2494 2226 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4719 0 2494 2226 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 3 per SJI 5 if deck provides no lateral support. ,. Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12n STAGGERED Jll 5 18K4 X 29 1 4.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span To12 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A = 1.103 y = 0.553 Fy = 50000 Q 0.898 Bridg < 177 11 Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx = 0.624 Ry = 1.224 Rz = 0.396 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 Chord shear: V = 2947 p = -3540 fv = 5152 fc = -3209 f = 5396 0 End fillers, 2 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ____l!!....__ ____l!!....__ _!.!2§_ lbs in-# __EB___ ___E§_i_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 27.19 2625 11308 1120 68.6z 17654 78569 0.205 0.581 0.066 0.646 U-1 18 00 2625 11308 1701 27000 0.152 0.380 0.213 0 .592 0.00 27.19 0 9188 581 68.6z 19616 78569 0.065 0.425 0.030 0. 454 U-2 18.00 0 16905 0 30000 0.000 0. 511 0.000 0 .511 0.77 24.00 0 16905 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.737 0.000 0.737 U-3 18.00 0 16905 0 30000 0.000 0.511 0.000 0. 511 0.00 24.00 0 16905 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.737 0.000 0.737 U-4 18.00 0 22419 0 30000 0.000 0. 677 0.000 0.677 0.67 24.00 0 22419 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-5 18.00 0 22419 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0.677 0.72 24.00 0 22419 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-6 18.00 0 24257 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.67 24.00 0 24257 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.931 0.000 0.931 U-7 18.00 0 24257 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.70 24.00 0 24257 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.931 0.000 0.931 U-8 18.00 0 24257 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.67 24.00 0 22419 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-9 18.00 0 22419 0 30000 0.000 0. 677 0.000 0.677 0.71 24.00 0 22419 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-10 18.00 0 22419 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0. 677 0 67 24.00 0 16905 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.737 0.000 0.737 U-11 18.00 0 16905 0 30000 0.000 0 .511 0.000 0 .511 o. 72 24.00 0 16905 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.737 0.000 0.737 U-12 18.00 1) 16905 0 30000 0.000 0. 511 0.000 0. 511 o. Tl 27.19 0 9188 581 68 6z 19616 7:l569 0.065 0.425 0.030 0.454 U-13 18.00 2625 11308 1701 27000 0 152 0.380 0.213 0.592 0.73 27.19 2625 11308 1120 68.6z 17654 78569 0.205 0.581 0.066 0.646 U-14 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -By JB -Entered 12/20/99 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12 II STAGGERED Jll 5 -18K4 x 29 1 4.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy = 50000 Ix= 0.251 Iy= 1.068 Rx = 0.546 Ry = 1.125 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 25313 Chord shear: V = 4332 p = 8683 fv = 9902 fc = 10291 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction ____ill_ ____ill_ ~ lbs in-# .....E§i._ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen L-1 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 44.38 12769 0 0 128. Oz 9121 22582 0.504 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-3 0.00 20121 0 0 30000 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 20121 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-5 0.00 23797 0 0 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 23797 0 0 138. 4Z 7796 19300 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-7 0.00 23797 0 0 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 23797 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-9 0 00 23797 0 0 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 48.00 20121 0 0 138.4z 7796 19300 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-11 0.00 20121 0 0 30000 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 44.38 12769 0 0 128.0z 9121 22582 0.504 0.000 0.000 0.000 L-13 0.00 0 0 0 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.41 f Q Vl.64 1/03/00 = 0.897 Rz = 0.347 = 11159 Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12" STAGGERED Jll 5 18K4 X 29 1 4.750 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Com12ressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web Slo12e __l:!!_ Member in2 _.!!!_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length To12l'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63 .48 31. 92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4332 9703 17406 0 0 19340 .22xl.1 Ul -Ll V 1 21. 88 15.36 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1580 1748 3989 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 U2 -Ll C 1 50.22 22.27 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2947 4606 5098 .llxl.4 3.2/ 3.4 U2 -L3 T 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3079 5334 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.6 3.2/ 3 5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1512 1596 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U4 -L3 C 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2016 3494 3805 . llxl.1 3.2/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1917 3322 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.O 3.2/ 3.5 us -LS V 3 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1512 1624 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 U6 -LS C 3 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 260 451 7819 1130 1958 3805 . llxO. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U6 -L7 T 4 s-..75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 930 1611 7819 328 569 7819 .llx0.5 3 2/ 3.5 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1512 1633 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 us -L7 T 5 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 930 1611 7819 328 569 7819 . llxO. 5 3 2/ 3.5 us -L9 C 4 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 260 451 7819 1130 1958 3805 .llx0.6 3.2/ 3.5 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1512 1624 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 UlO -L9 T 6 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1917 3322 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 0 3.2/ 3.5 UlO -Lll C 5 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2016 3494 3805 .llxl 1 3.2/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 0.00 14.25 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1512 1596 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 Ul2 -Lll T 7 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3079 5334 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 6 3.2/ 3.5 Ul2 -L13 C 6 50.22 22.27 l-LL1-1/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2947 4606 5098 . llxl. 4 3.2/ 3.4 U13 -L13 V 7 21.88 15.36 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1580 1748 3989 .llxO 5 2.2/ 2.1 U14 -L13 T 8 63.48 31. 92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4332 9703 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl.1 r --· Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12" STAGGERED J12 3 -18K4 x 29' 4.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.650 -0.650 Holes Top Chord Ext Uniform SJI load 256 #/ft full length Uniform Live load 153 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 103 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE SLOPED SEAT DETAIL EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 Top chord panel spacing: 1@ 29.12" Bot chord panel spacing: 1@ 29.12" Ep= 36.00" 1@ 27.13" 1@ 44.25" 10@ 24.00" 4@ 48.00" 1@ 27.13" 1@ 44.25" Ep= 36.00" 18.000 in Deep 348.500 in Design length 931 # Minimum Shear. 16.963 in Effective Depth 138.247 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix 14.250 in Clear Depth L/ 569 Live Defl L/ 341 SJI Defl 411411 in-# Moment 1.000 in Chord gap 0.351 in Camber Total weight 10.095 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtU§ Dead Live EOUK Wind --0 1.00 --0 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4722 0 2493 2229 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4722 0 2493 2229 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 3 per SJI 5 if deck p:r;ovides no lateral support. r ,..A Valley Joist West Vl. 64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C 12" STAGGERED Jl2 3 -18K4 X 29' 4.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span To:i:2 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A = 1.103 y = 0.553 Fy 50000 Q 0.898 Bridg < 177" Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx = 0.624 Ry 1.224 Rz 0.396 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 Chord shear: V = 2951 p = -3522 fv = 5158 fc = -3193 f 5400 0 End fillers, 2 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _____!!!_ _____!!!_ ~ ~ in-# ___mu._ ___£B_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 27 .13 2625 11313 1117 68.4z 17676 78931 0.205 0.580 0.066 0.646 U-1 18.00 2625 11313 1695 27000 0.152 0.380 0.212 0.592 0.00 27 .13 0 9191 578 68 .4z 19640 78931 0.065 0.424 0.030 0.454 U-2 18.00 0 16892 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0.78 24.00 0 16892 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 U-3 18.00 0 16892 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0.00 24 00 0 16892 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 U-4 18.00 0 22413 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0.677 0.67 24.00 0 22413 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-5 18.00 0 22413 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0.677 0.72 24.00 0 22413 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-6 18.00 0 24253 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.67 24.00 0 24253 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.930 0.000 0.930 U-7 18.00 0 24253 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.70 24.00 0 24253 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.930 0.000 0.930 U-8 18.00 0 24253 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0. 733 0.67 24.00 0 22413 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-9 18.00 0 22413 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0. 677 0. 71 24.00 0 22413 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-10 18.00 0 22413 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0.677 0.67 24.00 0 16892 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 U-11 18.00 0 16892 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0. 72 24.00 0 16892 0 60.Gz 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 U-12 18.00 0 16892 0 30000 0.000 0 510 0.000 0.510 0.78 27 .13 0 9191 578 68.4z 19640 78931 0.065 0.424 0.030 0.454 U-13 18.00 2625 11313 1695 27000 0.152 0.380 0.212 0. 592 0.73 27.13 2625 11313 1117 68.4z 17676 78931 0.205 0.580 0.066 0.646 ~.:-14 --~ .-) 0 0 0 27i'))r) 0.000 D.)~1 0.000 0. 0 ~--0 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered-12/20/99 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C Jl2 3 -18K4 X 29' 4.500 type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = Ix= 0.251 Iy= Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Chord shear: V = 4335 p = 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r --2:.!!_ --2:.!!_ lbs lbs in-# L-1 0.00 0 0 0 44.25 12751 0 0 127. 6z L-3 0.00 20112 0 0 48.00 20112 0 0 138. 4z L-5 0.00 23793 0 0 48.00 23793 0 0 138.4z L-7 0.00 23793 0 0 48.00 23793 0 0 138. 4z L-9 0.00 23793 0 0 48.00 20112 0 0 138.4z L-11 0.00 20112 0 0 44.25 12751 0 0 127.6z L-13 0.00 0 0 0 12" STAGGERED Special Unknown construction 0.844 y 0.484 Fy 50000 1. 068 Rx = 0.546 Ry = 1.125 Force = 25313 8688 fv = 9908 fc = 10297 Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending Stress F'e Bend Interaction J?.@.L ___Eg_ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.42 9173 22709 0.504 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0. 795 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 7796 19300 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 7796 19300 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 ·7796 19300 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 7796 19300 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.795 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 9173 22709 0. 504 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 42 f Q Vl.64 1/03/00 = 0.897 Rz 0.347 = 11166 _ _. Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC-1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12 11 STAGGERED J12 3 18K4 X 29 1 4.500 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile Com1eressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web SloQe _jn_ Member in2 -2:!.L __Th§_ __Th§_ __Th§_ __Th§_ ~ ~ Length TOQ/'.Bottm uo -Ll T 1 63.48 31. 92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4335 9710 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl.1 Ul -Ll V 1 22.06 15.38 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1579 1750 3985 . llxO. 5 2.2/ 2.1 U2 -Ll C 1 50.05 22.19 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2951 4595 5117 . llxl. 4 3.2/ 3.4 U2 -L3 T 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3082 5340 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1597 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U4 -L3 C 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2019 3498 3805 . llxl .1 3.2/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1919 3325 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.O 3.2/ 3.5 us -LS V 3 0.00 14 .25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1625 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U6 -LS C 3 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 260 451 7819 1131 1960 3805 . llxO. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U6 -L7 T 4 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 931 1612 7819 328 569 7819 .llx0.5 3.2/ 3.5 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1634 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 us -L7 T 5 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 931 1612 7819 328 569 7819 .llx0.5 3.2/ 3.5 U8 -L9 C 4 s ... 75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x .109 0.261 0.247z 260 451 7819 1131 1960 3805 . llxO. 6 3.2/ 3.5 U9 -L9 V 5 ,·. 00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0. 196z 0 0 6184 1513 1625 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 UlO -L9 T 6 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1919 3325 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. o 3.2/ 3.5 UlO -Lll C 5 5.,. 75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2019 3498 3805 . llxl. 1 3.2/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 ,, . 00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1513 1597 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U12 -Lll T 7 5,l.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3082 5340 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.6 3. 2; 3.5 U12 -Ll3 C 6 50.05 22.19 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2951 4595 5117 .llxl.4 3.2/ 3.4 Ul3 -L13 V 7 22.06 15.38 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1579 1750 3985 . llxO. 5 2.2/ 2.1 Ul4 -Ll3 T 8 63.48 31.92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4335 9710 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. l Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/2~/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 11 C/C 12 11 STAGGERED TJ12 2 -18K4 x 29' 4.375 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Shortspan End Length Tag 4.000 Opp 4.000 Depth 3.000 3.000 Slope 0.580 -0.580 Holes y Top Chord Ext Uniform SJI load 257 #/ft full lepgth Uniform Live load 154 #/ft full length Uniform Dead load 103 #/ft full length BCX Holdback Pitch An additional SJI load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. An additional Dead load of 1000# may occur at any top chord panel point. SEE SLOPED SEAT DETAIL Top chord panel spacing: 1 @ 29. 09 II 1 @ 27.09 11 10 @ 24.00 11 1 @ 1 @ 29.09 11 Bot chord panel spacing: Ep== 36. 00 II 1 @ 44.19 11 4 @ 48. 00 II 1 @ Ep== 36. 00 II EP/#lL 36.000 36.000 27. 09 II 44 .19 11 18.000 in Deep 348.375 in Design length 931 # Minimum Shear 16.963 in Effective Depth 138.247 in4 Ix 100.64 in4 Minimum Ix 14.250 in Clear Depth L/ 569 Live Defl L/ 341 SJI Defl 411380 in-# Moment 1. 000 in Chord gap 0.351 in Camber Total weight 10.095 in Centroid Loading combinations: SJI NtU§ Dead Live EQUK Wind --0 1.00 --0 0 --o 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 0.75 0 0 0.75 0.75 0 -0.75 Left TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Right TC axial load: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 Kips Left end reactions: 4723 0 2493 2231 0 0 Pounds Right end reactions: 4723 0 2493 2231 0 0 Pounds Top bridging rows: 3 per SJI 5 if deck provides no lateral support. " __;,. ~ Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994· 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12" STAGGERED TJ12 2 18K4 X 29' 4.375 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span To}2 Chord: 2-L L2x2x.143 A = 1.103 y 0.553 Fy = 50000 Q 0.898 Bridg < 177" Ix= 0.429 Iy= 1.652 Rx = 0.624 Ry = 1.224 Rz = 0.396 Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Force = 33093 Chord shear: V = 2952 p = -3513 fv = 5161 fc = -3185 f = 5401 0 End fillers, 2 Interior top chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r Stress F'e Bend Interaction _!!!_ _!!!_ ~ ~ in-# ....l2§.L -2§.L Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen U-0 18.00 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 27.09 2625 11316 1115 68.4z 17687 79113 0.205 0.580 0.065 0.645 U-1 18.00 2625 11316 1692 27000 0.152 0.380 0. 211 0. 591 0. -)(\ 27.09 0 9193 577 68 .4z 19652 79113 0.065 0 .424 0.030 0 .454 U-2 18.00 0 16885 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 ,; 78 24.00 0 16885 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 U-3 18.00 0 16885 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0.00 24.00 0 16885 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 U-4 18.00 0 22410 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0.677 0.67 24.00 0 22410 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0. 977 0.000 0.977 U-5 18.00 0 22410 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0.677 0. 72 24.00 0 22410 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0. 977 0.000 0.977 U-6 18.00 0 24251 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.67 24.00 0 24251 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.930 0.000 0.930 U-7 18.00 0 24251 0 30000 0.000 0. 733 0.000 0.733 0.70 24.00 0 24251 0 38.5x 23631 100824 0.000 0.930 0.000 0.930 U-8 18.00 0 24251 0 30000 0.000 0.733 0.000 0.733 0.67 24.00 0 22410 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0.977 U-9 18.00 0 22410 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0. 677 0.71 24.00 0 22410 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.977 0.000 0. 977 U-10 18.00 0 22410 0 30000 0.000 0.677 0.000 0. 677 0.67 24.00 0 16885 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 U-11 18.00 0 16885 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0. 72 24.00 0 16885 0 60.6z 20796 100824 0.000 0.736 0.000 0.736 U-12 18.00 0 16885 0 30000 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.510 0.78 27.09 0 9193 577 68.4z 19652 79113 0.065 0.424 0.030 0.454 U-13 18.00 2625 11316 1692 27000 0.152 0.380 0 .211 0. 591 0. 73 27.09 2625 11316 1115 68.4z 17687 79113 0.205 0.580 0.065 0.645 U-14 18.~0 0 0 0 27000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Valley Joist West Job #9N01627 -By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised Customer: Project: Comments: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY THE BLACKMORE COMPANY UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24" C/C TJ12 2 -18K4 x 29 1 4.375 type Parallel chord Shortspan Bot Chord: 2-LL1-3/4x.125 A = Ix= 0.251 Iy= Allowable tensile stress = 30000 Chord shear: V = 4336 p = 0 Bottom chord fillers required. Joint Panel Tension Comp. Local No. Length Height Force Force Bend kl/r ---1£__ ---1£__ ~ ~ in-# L-1 0.00 0 0 0 44.19 12742 0 0 127.4z L-3 0.00 20108 0 0 48.00 20108 0 0 138.4z L-5 0.00 23791 0 0 48.00 23791 0 0 138.4z L-7 0 00 23791 0 0 48.00 23791 0 0 138.4z L-9 0.00 23791 0 0 48.00 20108 0 0 138.4z L-11 0.00 20108 0 0 44.19 12742 0 0 127.4z L-13 0.00 0 0 0 12" STAGGERED Special Unknown construction 0.844 y = 0.484 Fy = 50000 1.068 Rx = Q.546 Ry = 1.125 Force = 25313 8691 fv = 9911 fc = 10301 f Allow Euler Tens-Compression-Bending Stress F'e Bend Interaction ....2§i_ ~ Unity Axial Bend Unity Eccen 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.42 9199 22774 0.503 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.794 0.000 o. oo·o 0.000 0.30 7796 19300 0.794 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 7796 19300 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 7796 19300 0.940 0 000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.940 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 7796 19300 0.794 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0. 794 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.30 9199 22774 0.503 0.000 0.000 0.000 30000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.42 Q Vl.64 1/03/00 = 0.897 Rz 0.347 = 11170 ;- -c;'> Valley Joist West Vl.64 Job #9N01627 By JB Entered 12/20/99 Revised 1/03/00 Customer: D.A. WHITACRE COMPANY Project: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY Comments: UBC 1994 3X WOOD NAILER 24 II C/C 12'' STAGGERED TJ12 2 18K4 X 29' 4.375 Special Unknown construction type Parallel chord Short span Tensile ComEressive Weld Available Length Area R Shear Force Allow Shear Force Allow Thick X Weld (in) Location Web SloEe _i!L_ Member in2 _& ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Length ToEl'.'.Bottm uo -Ll T l 63.48 31. 92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4336 9713 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. l Ul -Ll V l 22.15 15.39 l-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1579 1751 3983 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 U2 -Ll C l 49.96 22.15 l-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2952 4589 5126 . llxl. 4 3.2/ 3.4 U2 -L3 T 2 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3084 5343 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.7 3.2/ 3. 5 U3 -L3 V 2 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1597 4214 . llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U4 -L3 C 2 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2020 3500 3805 .llxl.1 3.2/ 3.5 U4 -LS T 3 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1920 3327 7819 0 0 7819 . llxl. O 3.2/ 3.5 us -LS V 3 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1625 4214 . llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 U6 -LS C 3 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 260 451 7819 1132 1961 3805 .llx0.6 3.2/ 3.5 U6 -L7 T 4 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 931 1613 7819 328 569 7819 . llxO. 5 3.2/ 3.5 U7 -L7 V 4 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0 .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1634 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 U8 -L7 T 5 54.75 24.69 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 931 1613 7819 328 569 7819 .llx0.5 3.2/ 3.5 U8 -L9 C 4 54. 75 24.69 1-LL1-1/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 260 451 7819 1132 1961 3805 . llxO 6 3.2/ 3.5 U9 -L9 V 5 0.00 14.25 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 O .196z 0 0 6184 1513 1625 4214 llxO. 5 2.3/ 2.0 UlO -L9 T 6 54.75 24.59 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 1920 3327 7819 0 0 7819 .llxl.O 3.2/ 3.5 UlO -Lll C s 5~.75 24. 1;9 l-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 0 0 7819 2020 3500 3805 .llxl.l 3.2/ 3.5 Ull -Lll V 6 :J. JU 14.25 l-LLlxlx.lJ9 0. 206 0 .196z 0 (' 6184 1513 1597 4214 .llx0.5 2.3/ 2.0 Ul2 -Lll T 7 54.75 24.69 1-LL1-l/4x.109 0.261 0.247z 3084 5343 7819 0 u 7819 llxl 7 3.2/ 3.5 Ul2 -Ll3 C 6 49. 96 22.15 1-LL1-l/2x.109 0.315 0.297z 0 0 9454 2952 4589 5126 . llxl. 4 3.2/ 3.4 Ul3 -Ll3 V 7 22.15 15.39 1-LLlxlx.109 0.206 0.196z 0 0 6184 1579 1751 3983 .llx0.5 2.2/ 2.1 Ul4 -Ll3 T 8 63 .48 31. 92 1-AU -29/32 0.645 0.226 4336 9713 17406 0 0 19340 . 22xl. l .. "'"I (Q µ) w ODD 1-\01..bBACK ~ 7 ti OVERALL LENGTH TCXR TCXL BASE LENGTH ·-..... ----· ..,. .. ~ -. - (l) L 1M ,-r -r L DEF1. .. Ecr 1orl =-~" LC..fV'<\0e'R _ _F oR ~~lev. ~ 9 16" X 1" SLOTS, 3t GA. SR· ;: Joi sf ind~stries e.i B"l====~====~==~~==~==~~-':__ --__:._· .:...J . . ~~;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~-:. = =;:, ~ ---~ JI BDR i Df:~ LoAP t>E.~LEC-r totJ me. manufacturers of joist and metal deck (1) ~1:1v'1-0 -1~"' @, ~c e @ I 255 LOGAN ROAD PHONE (775) 575-7337 :B-O· r .,-.£, o.A.L. P.o. Box 2170 ADMIN. FAX (T75) 575-1222 FERNLEY, NEVADA 89408 ENG. FAX (775) 575-3626 ...,,.t~....,....)--.-/S;-o----.,-L -D-, -=-4-~ -e=------r.---:. c:--. -e.~I A·-o t=:r':6. QA,L ,- (2\-) A-1;/D1L 1...0it.. @.. -r,c. @ SHORT SPAN LIST /6'-() r,--r. £. 0, {L l, I _4-~-~ JOIST COUN-T -8-JOIS~ SUB~ TCX BL .,. TY~ EXTEND T.C. ANGLES ONLY ' TCX BL , I ~ .• TYPE "E'';:: TC ,& SEATS EXTENDED ~ CHECK BOX IF WOOD NAILERS ARE REQUIRED AT TOP CHORD. IF YES, -WOOD 1YPE: --3.L . -SCREW C/C:~ NOTE: # 14x2" SCREWS yNO DETAILING SEQUENCING QTY JOIST MARK BASE TCXL O.A.L. BDL BDR BCXL BCXR SL SR NOTES + -C C + -TYPE LENGTH -1----1--+----t~· --+---t-----ii------ -1'2. 1.9· .. 4¾--kr c.. JB}.(4-(24Dliw> J\ ,z9~4~_ ---2.c'i<-4~ .3_ 3_ ~-,~~----sLDr~stJJ5"i.1''i12.. .. -'2 ','.9 ,4~4 -~ --2 18tDl=(?AO/i~) I JC ilf 412-1 -{T--Tfi9 '4~ I I I 11 -I -I -113:J, I ( 0 ,&2.· 'n: -11_ t9 ·-4 ~ ~ 11.-_ A 11s1:. ~~/)l)t:::! ,Y2 _19~-J~+ _ -._L-=--L r=r~ 3 '"4 ---~ o .(o 2.-·, ~, ~ .. -~ 30~D -~ 10 J3 --'2_9:. I( 34 --;-~~: -11r-3o·-o -14 ~.'". 'L -rJ3 ---2..9'-I ~4 --H 1~'. +'2.IE~B~I~~, ~E-1\(.lc.l 1l l1&~4(e40/iw)l-rJ4= I 2q~~I03er -~7 I -/ 1·1-0~10$e:J i-·rn~~ r-~ I F-ITTI~T~\~~~-Tt..l i +1Jl~~B3BL~LI l I 1 ·1 I 4-1 tB~4(?.40AQ.S)I .ts I '29~9 1'2.I 111. /EI -7 I '251'-n~I I I :lJ_~_-I -It I -t t ;~ ~ --~%~-~[LI -1\. ·.o -~ 1.Ct:. )l ~---rg} -~ 3o·-o -~ ,zq: 11 3+ --~ -1* 3o '-o -~ ,Z q :. I z ---- -h-3o·-o -~ i_q·,. 1 3 -- -1'2. 2q'.,4i -~ ~-~-'2.9:. 4~ -- -\ 30·-o -!4 Q..... !6K4(2401ris) J3A 12_ct~Jt¾-I -I -I 1Pr'...f/¾-t --I-'i-e.)::t):~~-=-~~1;1~/~ ' "> , 4 /2 "a I '\ I / · I I I J · \ • •,-.. -'· ct.' ••• . , .:; .;.:i ·• -" :V. :. i ;. -I,_ 2-'1' ~-4 4 -A-I$ Ii 4c.-.... 'lic. 5 .J _j ! B 't '7 -1-4---2:7 ·-1-4-i --I-. ' -e; ~ 1 ·'. ~--~· :~: 0·~ ,. .: ::t,. "! -12:.., 2.-1 ~ idf.. -14 z_ 1tu+rl,1~112-& \ J'? z...i 1·4-3s -I -I 2..<=r ~4~ .Jr r__~ --: ~:i ~ J (tj~ .: --~;: :~_;'~2-~ i-"L - :.;?C. cw-S. @._ }'2.." E.12El:> ;;;.1'DE..S NET UPLIFT: YES D PSF __ PLF --U.N.O. JOIST SPA ___ PAINT SEQUENCE TAG·c~LORp ·p~tE;:;,DETAIL_ED,~-1::6~~~'." qq DIMS. GIVEN IN SLOPED PLANE WHERE REQUIRED ~ YES (TAG LOW UNO) GR£'/ LcT 98 ~ _ '::'-' _ · DATE;~ GJ;-IECK~m /!?:-:~ ;;_ '~. t---tr-----.--------------------1 DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH /CfC?4 U.B.C. SP~CIFICATION (YEAR) PROJECT: /? -P;1 ~-. -~ ~ETAILER'.;:" :. -~~.EEJ :.~· z'\.1 ·?. MINIMUM SEAT THICKNESS (FOR WELDS): '31Lo ~£ '/3t.,ACl:f./"1of{(;. '-oMPA~·yi: ~. s -:: :;;.~ ~ ) : ot .. § 1--~""-"---'----"-==-=~==-------'...::...::=...:..:,__ _____ ----1 TYP. T.C. AXIAL FORCE (UNO): :3#51<( DUE TO: WIND O LL O SEISMIC f8l CUSTOMER: . .: CRECKER:.. -·JOB ·NO:-'-~ I <,-, I J~~A;, ~o!c~~ ~~E -{RA~~R~fDLl~~~M_EN2,_ fl__ OR WELD UNO J8l. YES D. A . w I.\ lTA.CRE. ~c OM i?A N '-{ 46 9 NO I (Q '21 (c;') A~-r;, '1-. T PL..:" -@.' 13,C., --\O~ Cf.513' ...)t 6 ..:_.7 y--'-I, L/OOJJ)) 1 · 1- . Reno C6.ittacting, Job No.: ..,.9.;/_gJJ_ Project: _i:.a 'f J~ ie Submittal No. 00 2;:.,..$"700 "The enclosed document(s) bas been reviewed by Reno ·Contriicting Inc. for general conformance to the ~eqµi!ements of the Contract.Documents. We did not dis~ver:~ny devia- tion. from the Contl'.act Documents, but .our Subcontractor and /or Supplier remains fully respon~ible for compliance with all Contract Documents, for detaili.: ~nd accuracy, for ~.onfitll)ing .and correcting. all quantities and dhn~nsions; for ,(iboice of f~bi'i~ation ptocesses and techtiiques,of ,construe- . tion-, for coordinating his .work with all other trades, and fo( performing. bis work in a safe and satisfactory manner.~ ,RENO .CONTRACTING,, INC. ' ··Bv: ~·..,.vJt,.l .. c;.k.,w· . Dato:~o· • ~ epr _ w S , , , ~ ___ a HO, r.:1-:···3 i, o:~ 0-~ 0 -0 --a.,... I O'" ru't>....,::.i::i-oo=r::,:r....,..," . ~ s ~~~n~~::,3ro~ro~~o Jo ~-s~irJ·2,g~-g_fg-.... Q-s~.~ ·:!if ;--. a. 'l<.·,!2.:3 .. ll iii'!!!. Q Pi :,,.g U. -~o-'a>() :,,(O .... ~...,,cncr ~ <0 * j} ~ o g-£ ::, ~ 5· 9 o. ;:, ' OJ c -· ::, 0 · 0 -• <C 3 C II> ., ;-I = :!; (l) g =;' E :f o ro, "' o :::!. o ;;, , , "-'· ~·. ,:, ,,,. UJ :1 ::i -. ::i :€. ru o ::, ... ··< 'f O ::r ,:, ~, ,,,. (0 :., •0 0 ::, ·3 <O 0 (I ~-r I '\ ,_j :"'\: 5:--~ ,t'l ?2 :::, -. {~ -Q. "O _, 0 10 ~~oroc~i-~"'~~3 l ::o :r S g ~; §l • 3· 2,; (l) ] § '.: 3 .1 rrr . ~ . lll --"' '='· o. ;! -... <0 g_ o -11> !!I :Z ' ·01 lU ~ :) o O ::r ,ct) -a> < -~. Pl~~~D(l)~3e::l~&W. ~ . ~oB-~~ ~~~=~3 ...., -ru::roo'--~~.o-o· o.ru m . ::, co => -:t ns c:::-·o <0· O :., (D o a. ·•~ ~ a:; -C'J.· ··i ;:: !l? ::,. o. o !l''.o ::,-ro .. r.r ' '-· ' ?,\\ -' "' , ..... ~· 1-;:;: . ' . ~. @. ·g ~!, ~ o :~: ,0,) o -1 ~-~ g ...... r ... ,o,.~pro~,(():,-~-co-._ E'~, o· ~ ~., · 1... -· ,a. n, :c co m· m 0 ·a CJ. 0· "Tl ,.., . QC.,_, .. :Il :0, ~ :ozm' ~ ci>'. ~" 0 G · 0 i>! 0-::) ::::; u;· .:;:i o. 3 i'·· 3 m. :r r ~.-,f3 ~t t< ~ ~ :: ~ ,~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ -I :c m m:x,. o o(() • -,-l \ --· Pl -ro -:! ru ... ru ·-· :,- · __ ,s· ·----.• · l-1•.__: , . );. 0. 3· )1' ?. "O ·~ ~ r., ~ :;>, 0 0 I I' -~«:L,:.i, -...o = . ,: 0 ~ I ::i ,,.--r ::,-,--.,:::: . ..:.~:·'-.;=---~----. tn;_:!X .. ·; ~-.; m , ' ·~.; ~:--" , f.~ i :; '., .,, ,' ~ . .,,;~, i . e,'f ~~R l O 2000. C\t';/ oi CA~L&BAO e;\J\~0.\"1G pSP1. ~ ;' ·i ~; ,, " (J.,uH) 0.Jo£Jb HoLo.(JA<:.K =-7" OVERALL LENGTH -~ TCXL BASE LENGTH TCXR 'I II SL 9/16" X , .. SLOTS, 3f' GA. SR ~ e Y. WESTERN DIVISION L ___ _l 1 _ _ _ _J ~ Joist ~:j;i'~ BDL ,c ---~ \ /\ /\ 77.j~----J, BDR manufacturers of joist and m;tal deck TAG END r ~/ V \// ~ 255 LOGAN ROAD PHONE {775) 575-7337 c:::: = = ::::i P.O. BOX 2170 ADMIN. FAX {775) 575-7222 ~ BCXR FERNLEY, NEVADA 89408 ENG. FAX {775) 575-3626 1---------------I T C X BL TCX BL l l~ l l 1 El ~~~~5~~=~ pg7CHECK BOX IF WOOD SHORT SPAN LIST lYPE "A" lYPE "E" ~~'\~~s t~R~.E~~ 1~~K ---cc--=-= -WOOD TYPE: 3 X LSL I EXTEND T.C. ANGLES ONLY TC &: SEATS EXTENDED -SCREW C/C: Z4 "- /4 JOIST COUNT cf> JOIST SUBS NOTE: #14x2" SCREWS UNO DETAILING SEQUENCING QTY JOIST MARK BASE TCXL / TCXR / 0 A L BDL BDR BCXL BCXR SL SR NOTES +-CIC +-TYPE LENGTH /TYPE /TYPE · · · -12-z,L4:&_, ...,l4 7 l!,8K~('Z.<fo/12,.a) j/o z:=j'-4->s -/ -/ 2-9/-4-~ 3 ::S ----5L-,.c,_,p.f.S .7,-~,~ --1z. zc;'-4 34 --i.+ 2-. ;gK4{Z4.c/ri-s' n,f:, 2°!t-47s -I -I 2-<=t(..f-7.g, ---I )'4 ', ,,gc; = 12- -1z.. 2-·~;!-f ~ -~ < /JK<f(V(t(?/rJiJJ .J l! Z9(_4-3+ -/ -/ 2..9 ~41;-----/ . 78 : 12- -11-2,,7!..fJ4--'4 3 1&1<4r;,.,4o/1zi JJ'Z-2/7'-..4,,_ -I -I 2.:=1'-4 11.. ----,,~s-:., 2. -1z.-2'7!..4 34 -h. 2-/c!,1(_4'(Z~/12-8 ,.J/2 '2"7(_4i -/ -/ 2-"7''-4~ l • ---/ 34 ,~ #5:?,."-{Z- / / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L I I I ,r:::-r fl.£ w s <2 / z._ "'-S" rA6,,(i l;.€. <;t, S-IL>t:..S NET UPLIFT: YES O PSF __ PLF __ U.N.O. JOIST SPA___ PAINT !SEQUENCE O ITAG COLOR DATE DETAILED: Lo -Zh:.. 9 'i DIMS. GIVEN 1N SLOPED PLANE WHERE REQUIRED (Kl. YES (TAG LOW UNO) G flt:~ Lq, r 9' o DATE CHECKED: / 2---~ -,., t--.,,-,-.1 _-,--. --.-----,.-.---_-/--,~-----. DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH rr=r+ U.B.C. SPECIFICATION (YEAR) PROJECT: DETAILER SHEET .rt''-'-.Jo, srs ,-, . c. /.J..rl t..DAb -, o .... --3 1 .. ~ ) ) MINIMUM SEAT THICKNESS (FOR WELDS): If{:, f f.<£, 8 t-.lJ.CI,,!. .-0)2.l!,, C.0.-At,tl ,J 't' S 2,.. OF t---------------------1 TYP. T.C. AXIAL FORCE (UN0):.3.$K' DUE TO: WIND O LL O SEISMIC~ CUSTOMER: r CHECKER JOB NO. AXIAL FORCES ARE TRANSFERRED BY MOMENT 1t OR WELD UNO 81, YES J;:, • A . uJ uJ r A-e,..e, G &!J c:µJ O t d, 41 ·-._5·--·: ::~~--/ -~~-~~~~~:::-.,~· . -i JOB-.NUMBER: 9Nt>ll9'2...l LOCATION: SHEET: iA OF Jl I •' ;-,~-=:=~: :S.--«a:::¢il'~¢~~-:-,i ' xr8J; . Cf. Ul .. JL16" SIDEPLATES TAG END JOIST QTY. Sl.OPE MARK + B1 A1 . ... --·. -· ... -.· ... ·. ·./ :;:_._.... ··:; . . . JI 20 .l\-.4 ·s j \" 4 ---r J l (_p .t\-4 3 J1-4 .4 4-/'} .:) ~ . ..13)1 l'Z.,1 .4-.1.--"1~ ..\9)3P \. '2. ._J . ,.:_: .. • .,,.--~,-.,,.,.;;·_,:, ':_., ..... -:--1 :. .. j ••• I . ->~ .. ~~-C-~-~---..;,:.: ~-;~·:·~1 . . • . . ......... ··-· . ----::·•' -.. . -~ ! . ·rJ3 2. Ji 4 3 TJ(!] \ -r--~a \ •lk 1J4-I/_ 3 -4-4 -jS 4 ~4-6'z_ 3 ·:· TILTED BEARING (TAG END It. 1, LOW END) 8-2-99 . 2 '.\\-\ i / > r TAG t1G ~ / ~ RIGHT END #.. 1 ,a'l,st "'~ ~ ~; le END 1/..2 .. A l 82 l -~) ./ /' RIGHT ,,, ..,,,:'-' . ·.,,,,..,, ....... t..,_ ...... I\~,,, P1 <:( \ ,,,.,. V r-- Cf. Jois-r l B1. l . Cf.. . LEFT . x2[eY2 l , __, lk XI, YI, X2, Y2, DIMENSIONS TO BE CALCULATED . BY PERSON DOING SLOPED SEATS IN THE SHOP. JL16"· S/DEPLATES r, GA TO BE FURN/SHED BY SHOP ORDER WRITER RIGHT END END #1 . <MIWl. LINGm BAS[ LENGTH SI.OPE END #2 F1 £1 . P1 G GA X1 Y1 El+K K -B2 A2 F2 P2 G GA X2 Y2 -I\ ·.; ·I 3~ --1~~4~ r;_q, A I ~4 4-11 .3 1\·---~q-4--- 3~ \\ ;· I ti . .,., 312 \ II -. -l)(l ' }; i ·1q~4~ .4 A 3 (.I -·-~ !"4-tt ~ 4 I t1 / ' '\ / I t' i .... ~ l \\ t? ,{ . 3. \ I 38 ~-~ -lf3:ll'/3, A --I'< '(',. • .?f -I(,}~ { B 33 X .,, ,., Q1g /1 x. -...., -l)C)~ I I 1? j)() · 11i ': -~ :) ---~ -· .{._;:::., a/ ?J~ ·;?, ?}z / ,z_q:11t ,''()' 'f 6 21 3. I ·0. 32 I ' " . /1 \ -t "'A· of I \ ·c,-1. B ....-r-·4-" I .3~ I \ 2c,:101 ict:1a, 21B :3 ti 312 I .. \ ---•tr 4 :3a 1'1. --I. -\ ~q:..)I ;zq~q2 •t 4-2.7 3 .. --I \ ~ C - r~ ··.:_~::~: ·.f ::~-: /\ f.¥~~~:.~x~:::-.;;--=-~~-~:·-:.· .. ,. ·kl: ~:.· : ..... ~ t..:. ~ {::-,. }· ·-.-~ ·:' -,-_-·:.··. ·. ,-\:- ' ~ .: ;,. t-~:.:~?¥-~ ~:i:·--_.>.;,: .. ~---• :.~!:~ .. -.:. -·-.. --· (NP J-101-:D ~r I=_Af< ~1'w£€1'-l -OVERALL LENGTH --ro'P C)\()!2.°D ~ $AT ~ler. ~ TCXL BASE LENGTH TCXR x. 0 :P-," Fo/2 )L-1·-llFt 'PL.A,£ A= 1 ST JOIST SP N=NO. OF JOIST SPACES B=LAST JOIST SP HL I I HR Joist ind~stries ~ ~11 /13/1~" X 1 1/4" SLOTS, 5" GA.~U.N.O.)'\_ r~ inc. BDL ~~AG END_/~/\/\/\/\vnr===J~ BDR manufacturers of joist and metal deck 255 LOGAN ROAD PHONE (775) 5 75-7337 P.O. BOX 2170 ADMIN. FAX (775) 575-7222 FERNLEY, NEVADA 89408 ENG. FAX (775) 575-3626 GIRDER LIST ~ ~ _lQ_ GIRDER COUNT C,/16" (il HOLES TYP U.N.O. ~ DETAILING SEQUENCE QTY GIRDER MARK BASE A N B TCXL TCXR O.A.L. BDL BDR BCXL BCXR SL SR HL HR +-CIC +-TYPE LENGTH +7''l 11 ~ 234 -'4-~ D < ~l .€. 1l 246.3N '·5%."'"1 G \ 1.1~ c.clz. s·-el 6'-Q 7~91' 1112. 12. '2.1 '-/0 (o {.o I .. 1·34 -3~ --\'2. No AY-\f.iri--rr:z.r"-NS ~ £ Q M sc.1-lAN ~ 0 M @_ -r:&, A-oD~ D; fk. ~ /s--r AR r:-.--r: E / -~ 4D--D -4 ~®t t.t. 4-W)C:>SN 7·5Xq G12. '2>C\:.7 1'Z. 7 '.-9ll /) ..;::-1 s . J'") -? I;:: -'-' 1~9~ 2 t2 39~ I 111. (..o (o \~ ~ l~ '3¾ 9~ -',z_ -l,z_ +7 12 1J-2 ~ -~ ~ff)~¢.&~ '2 '2.4G':lN7'5½ . .,.ic G3 1..1.1.. 0 1'l. l5 1B~ e·-o 7:C\~ 111 1 '2 l .L lo w U) -\'' 1'~ -c-3~ --\'2. No A~IAL ...,.-('.,\~..:::,r-:=-(E.'Q ti\ ~C..1-\i\ N \ '::irv\ @.. -i-: £.. AD t> 1 (.. D,61l @., /"=>, P,P, F~c~ -~ A-6'-D -~ ~@~.~-Dt-JE. M&Sl-\1/).:)¾~ G4 '!)~:. 7 I~ 1·~9i\l 3 @ e,:o 7:q¼.I 2 '2. 39 :. II 1'l 0 (o ) 34-1¾-3~ ~~ -'~ -'-2 -~ 4C/-0 -!4, KNP)~{f>.~. Ot-1E.14D~sl'\B·1~~~s 39:..7\_ 1:9i\J ~ € .A'-0 7:q3a.l '2. '2.. ~9: /(''2 (o 0 ,¾. t34 °33A-'3 34-I -'z -'~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I -I I I NET UPLIFT: YES 0 PSF JOIST SPA PAINT ISL:~NC98 TAG COLOR DATE DETAILED: /0 -'!Lo .qq GRctY' DIMS. GIVEN IN SLOPED PLANE WHERE REQUIRED O YES (TAG LOW UNO) DATE CHECKED: J "2....--2-0-9 'j DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH J-994-U.8.C. SPECIFICATION (YEAR) PROJECT: DETAILER SHEET AXIAL FORCES ARE DUE TO: WIND O LL O SEISMIC g 1#£ ~1,Ar\L..t-1\0f.2£. l.,1MPAN'I s ".3 OF / J AXIAL FORCES ARE TRANSFERRED BY MOMENT It OR WELD UNO ~ CUSTOMER: CHECKER JOB NO. ALL b}~E~-S : 13.D ,~ --r:c. s~1:7Jv11c Ax1ALJ D.A. Wv.,-rAl'~E t...c-:irAPMv ~ 9Nol&21 -- ~le1. ~ 255 LOGAN ROAD BRIDGING & ACCESSORIES LIST P.O. BOX 2170 FERNLEY, NEVADA 89408 PHONE (775) 575-7337 Joi sf ind~str~s ~. ADMIN. FAX (775) 575-7222 inc. ENG. FAX (775) 575-3626 manufacturers of joist and metal deck NOTE: ALL QUANTITIES ARE LISTED AS PIECES I DIAGONAL BRIDGING DIAGONAL BRIDGING GIRDER KNEE BRACES QTY MK SIZE D1 D2 D3 SPACE TYPE QTY MK SIZE D1 D2 D3 SPACE TYPE QTY MK SIZE GIRDER JOIST JOIST BRG. DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 2--,, BRIDGING ANCHOR CLIPS QTY MK SIZE LENGTH BAC L 2" 2" 3 " X X16 o· -4" HORIZ. BRIDG. (UPLIFT INCLUSIVE) QTY MK SIZE LENGTH B1 L 1" 1" 7 X X 54" 20' -OIi B2 L1 1n 1 ,,, 7 4X4XG4" 20· -0" WOOD NAILER JOIST BRACES (INCLUDE JOIST TO BRACES BOLTS) 83 L11" 1 ,,, 7 2X2XG4" 20' -0" QTY MK SIZE LENGTH QTY MK SIZE LENGTH S4 L 20· -0" 18() JB1 L 1 311 1 311 1" 4 x 4 xa '2 '-'2. 85 L 20' -0" JB2 L1 311 1 311 1 II 4 X 4 Xa 86 L 20' -0" JB3 L1 311 1 311 1" 4 x 4 xa BOLTS W/ N&W JB4 L 1 311 1 311 1 II 4 x 4 xa QTY SIZE QTY SIZE 3» X 1 l" , ,, 1 1 " 8 2 X 2 5,1 1 1" 8 X 4 311 1 , .. 4 X 2 "ITX t~D "X" En 8tl:8 ~"X' ~t~ PAINT !SEQUENCE ITAG COLOR DATE DETAILED:. JQ-1.(p _qq : 3: 3; · 0: 30: ~;: 0: 3 GrR€Y Lor 98 · DATE CHECKED: PROJECT: DETAILER SHEET ~ ~I:;:3 ~ ,~,1 L ,~, ~ -rfi £ J3 l-AC k MOf<G. f:ot-A.PAN~ s 4 OF 1\ CUSTOMER: CHECKER JOB NO. lYPE 4 lYPE 5 lYPE 6 lYPE 7 D.A. 'v-J u lTAl..,~& {f1MPANY M C\NOJw1.l NOTE FOR "D3": USE "+" WHEN "D2" IS HIGHER THAN "D1" &: USE "-" WHEN "D2" IS LOWER THAN "D1" -. ,· 2" OR 2f 1 2 4 6 8 9 165'-0" 22'-6" 40'-0" 40'-0" 40'-0" 22'-6" TYP. JOIST BRACING ,6'-6" ~ 1:1" X 1 i"' X f' , : : 19 SPACES @ 8'-0" = 152'-0" I I 6'-6" I SEE PLAN FOR MK #-6'-4" (3'' SPRINKLER MAIN) 6' o" TYP. ALL JOIST, ALL I -I BAYS. _.._ ,3 ....._TYP. 07-__(_29' -0") r;:l;::=l==l=\=::J"'1~f===================::::;i \ 'b I 0 "' 11 "' ~ (J) --, - - 0 0 N ---, -, -, -, r 28'-0" ~TYP. \:!.1/ 4-,, J2 ~ -&-,18K4 (240/128) ~-4--> 18K288/160 I I • ' ' ' 16:-0:· 1 ~TYP. \:!Y ~~ f'-I N N N --0 -----0 -, -, -, -, -, -r &-, 18K4 (240/128) I rn __(_30'-0") G1• G2 24C3N7.5K/3.9K a el n'\. ' -el" ~ TYP. \_J1_..I G4 'r:;Ji!;-'r~ 'r:;Ji!;-'r¢ G2 ~ ==-+------------.... ~ a~..;..-...;; ..... _ ..... ___ ,_._ __ .,.;; __ a ---------------->--5-a _.,_40G5N7.5K/3.9K 40G5N7.5K/3.9K 40G5N7.5K/3.9K ./ 5 , Cr §I ~ I ~11 §I ~ 1·-~" ~ -TYP. TYP. S:J 20-18K4 (240/128) TYP. 'b 'b I I 0 0 0, n u >--<- 'b I 0 "' ~ - G3 "' -, 24G3N7.5K/3.9K • ~ f-- -, -, "' -, r --, r ---, 4-,, J3 m Y'. 40G5N7.5K/3.9K §I m ---, -, m st -~ --, __(_28'-0") ==============!=====!~~ W12x14 TYP. k II ~ ")f t, 8'-0" o.c. 3x WOOD NAILER SHOP 4-,, J3 "' --, -r G2 m "' 40G5N7.5K/3.9K §I 4--> JS st m CJ -, ----r --, --, --, -, --, r W16x26 W12x 14 TYP.-~ ~ I ~ 8'-0" o.c. a 0 Ol -, 'G1 24G3N7.5K/3.~K n <( n -, -, .G3 24G3N7 .5K/ 3.19K ·------ <( ---, --, TYP. k '{,,I INSTALLED TO T.C. WITH # 14x2" SCREWS @ 24" 1 .. 2 MOMENT STRAP NOT BY VALLEY ' 6'-4" (4" SPRINKLER MAIN) TYP. / / _ _.,/// ROOF JOIST FRAMING PLAN -~:::::::=: / -DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH 1994 U.8.C. NORTH -ALL WALL PANELS ARE 7 1 / 4" THICK U.N.O. -ALL ROOF JOIST: ADD'L 1.0K T.C. ADLOAD -ALL ROOF JOIST: 3.5K T.C. SEISMIC AXIAL LOAD -ALL ROOF GIRDERS: 13.0K T.C. SIESMIC AXIAL LOAD -ALL COLUMNS = TS6x6 -LIMIT TL DEFLECTION BETWEEN GRID LINES 4-6 AND 8-C TO 1 / 4" -CAMBE 01ST BETWEEN GRID LINE 4-6 AND B-C FOR EAD LOAD DEFLECTION -Fl SPRINKLER BRANCHLINES ARE CONSIDERED AS ART OF THE 1 .OK ADLOAD NOTED ABOVE r SEE PLAN FOR FIRE SPRINKLER MAIN LINES 1' WOOD 2" 7" H LDBACKS I 2" >-3-1-16-,.++-6-,.-< Ft TO J01ST L OF PANEL POINT MORE THAN 2" L OF POINT LOAD FIELD INSTALLED ANGLE BRACE, EACH SIDE NOT BY VALLEY-MINIMUM LEG THICKNESS ,',,". L OF PANEL POINT MORE THAN 't' L OF POINT LOAD lYPlfrAl JQM REINFORCEMENT AT CQNCENJ&JEQ LOADS WOOD NAILER ATTACHED TO JOIST BY VALLEY JOIST SUBPURLIN .. JOIST BRACING BY VALLEY JOIST L1lx1 lx! TYPICAL JOIST BRACING DETAIL GENERAL N01fES 1. PAINT: ONE SHOP cou_ GRE":. PRIMER MEETING PERFORw.NC£ REQUIREl.!ENTS'OF SSPC 15-681' 1YPE I OR FED. SPEC. TT -P-6:56. ----+-+--O.C. (12" STAG. SIDES) 1" 3x WOOD NAILER SHOP INSTALLED TO T.C. WITH # 14x2" SCREWS @ 24" O.C. (12" STAG. SIDES) 3x WOOD NAILER SHOP INSTALLED TO T.C. WITH #14x2" SCREWS @ 24" O.C. (12" STAG. SIDES) 1/4" 3x WOOD NAILER SHOP INSTALLED TO T.C. WITH #14x2" SCREWS @ 24" O.C. ( 12" STAG. SIDES) tf_f' x2" X 1 '-Q" NOT BY VALLEY 1/4" I 1 /4" 3x WOOD NAILER SHOP INSTALLED TO T.C. WITH # 14x2" SCREWS @ 24" O.C. (12" STAG. SIDES) 2. ALL J(){ST ANO JOIST GIRDERS ARE CAMBERED IN ACCORD,t,NCE WITH THE STEEL JOIST INSTmm: SPECIFICATIONS OF LATEST ADOPTION, U.N.O. llli. SUPPLIERS PLEASE BE AIMSED THAT' CAMBER MUST BE CONSIDERED WHEN DETAILING FJW,IIRG ADJACENT OR ATTACHING TO JOISTS. MOMENT STRAP NOT BY VALLEY 3.5K SEISMIC AXIAL TRANSFER THROUGH MOMENT STRAP SECTION 1 TRUSS BEARING II'. NOT BY VALLEY _J w z <( Q_ u Q_ REF. 2 & 6/SD4 (B-1 /-c-4cc-,. +;-3.,,-. -< TYP. MIN. WOOD BLOCKING NOT SHOWN 8" 13.0K SEISMIC . -·~·. MOMENT STRAP NOT BY VALLEY _, w z '[{_ u Q_ 2 3.5K SEISMIC AXIAL TRANSFER THROUGH MOMENT STRAP . ' , ,l '.) ' ... t SECTION REF. 1/SD5 TYP. EA. SIDE 114• ~ 7 /8"x3":x:1 '-4" KNIFE PLATE NOT BY VALLEY ' • WOOD BLOCKING NOT SHOWN 5" TYP. 1/4" 2 1/4" TYP. MOMENT STRAP NOT BY VALLEY _, w z '[{_ 3.5K SEISMIC AXIAL TRANSFER THROUGH MOMENT STRAP 2-3/4''¢ BOLTS @ 5 GAGE (NOT BY VALLEY) 6" 13.0K SEISMIC SECTION 3 REF. 5/SD5 1--::::J,------------'--IJ ''"'II 9l" @ GRID B ,. DO NOT WELD NO AXIAL TRANSFER MECHANISM SECTION 6 REF. 14/SD5 & 19/5D5 AXIAL TRANSFER BY KNIFE PLATE 1" -+lf--1-1'_' DO NOT WELD -TYP. COL. SEE PLAN SECTION 7 REF. 7 /SD5 TYP. Ml N. r.-3 ~ .. +r-~1.,--,._ " -·------· .. _ --·-·-·-··- 3.5K SEISMIC 1 /8" NOTE: AXIAL TRANSFER THROUGH MOMENT STRAP BOTTOM CHORD BRACES ARE FURNISHED AS REQUIRED BY MANUFACTURER DESIGN ONLY. SEE PLANS FOR "KB" MARK & LOC. lf REQUIRED. SECTION 4 FOR FIELD REF. 15/SD5 I ,! REVIEWED C REVISE AND RESUBMIT C REJECTED CJ FU~NISH AS CCRRECTEO RenoContnctlog,JobNo., 7'70U Project: LoT ~8 Sllbmittal No. 00 '2-'>Jcp "The enclosed document(•) has been rel'!ewed by Reno Contracting Inc. for general conformance to the requirement, LSEtract Documc:nts. We 4id not discover any dcvia• the Contract Documents, but our Subcontractor upplier remains fully responsible for compliance with all Contract Documents, for details and accuracy, for confirming and correcting all quantities and dimensions. for choice of fabrication processes and techniques of construe• tion, for coordinating bis work with all other trades, and for performing his work in a &1fc and satisfactory manner." RENO CONTRACTING, INC, By: 6 ~,~., S ~..£-, Dato: '/rs<) / toll() I TYP. MIN. 1 /ff' 1'' 3.5K SEISMIC 2-f' ¢ BOLTS @ 31" GAGE (BY VALLEY) GIRDER 3. VAll.EY JOIST DOES NOT SUPPLY ANY MISC. FRAMtNG F'OR FIELD ATTACHMENT TO JOISTS AND/OR GIRDERS. ONLY ITEMS SHOWN ON MATE~IAL LISTS ARE FURNISHED BY VAl.1.fY JOIST. 4. VALLEY JOIST MAKES NO SPECIAL DESIGN PROVIStONS FOR UPLIFT LOADS OR CONCEM'!RATEO LOADS, SUCH ,S MECHANICAL UNITS MOUNTED ON JOISTS, UNLESS SPECIFIC DIRECTIONS ARE GIVEN ON THE PLANS BY THE BUltDtNG 0€SlGNER. 5. DO NOT PLACE CONCENTRATED LOADS ON JOIST WITHOllT WRITTEN PERMISSION Of THE COGNIZANT ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER, EXTRA WEB MEMBERS AND F1ELD WELDING NOT 8Y VALLEY JOIST. 6. THIS ORA.WING IS FOR JOIST ANO JOIST GIRDERS WHICH 00 NOT CONFORM TO CERTAIN PARTS OF THE PROPOSED OSHA REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN 29 CfR PART 1926 -S4.FETY STANDAAOS FOR STEEL ERECTORS. PROPOSED RULE (63FR43451), ERECTOR NOTES AXIAL TRANSFER THROUGH MOMENT PLATE 1. THESE DRAWINGS TO 8£ USED ONLY FOR STEEl. JOIST AND JOIST GIROER ERECTION. ERECTION SHALL BE DONE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE TO THE STEEL JOIST INSTITUTE SPECIFICATIONS OF LATEST AOOPTION. SECTION 5 REF. 11 /SD5 ~"{ '!.~~~ ~~~' ~f>--0 f>-.'(I.V ~i.. ~C c,O -~,i O "'~ ~ <1,\..0 ~\) 1 /el 1" TYP. p,: 2. TO INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH lHE OSHA/SJ1 REQUIREMENTS, All BOLTED •)( ERECTION STABIUTY BRIDGING LINES MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE SI.ACKENING OF HOISTING LINES. {SEE OS"' SPEC. 29CFR-1926.751{o)2 ANO SJI SPECS.) 3. TAG ENO OF JOIST OR GIROER IS INDtCATEO 8V LOCATION OF THE PIECE MARK ON THE Pl.AN. 4. DO NOT /IPPLY CONSTRUCTION LOADS TO JOISTS UNTIL THEY ARE COMPLETELY ANCHORED ANO BRIDGED. 5. VAU.P( JOIST PROOUCTS SHALL NOT BE MODIFIED wrntOUT WRITTEN CONSENT, AS THIS VOIDS f,J,l'( PRODUCT WARRANTY (WRITTEN OR IMPLIED). »lf FlELO REPAIRS OR CHARGES SHAU. BE APPROVED 8V VALLEY JOIST PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF F1ELD WORK. 6. JOIST GIRDERS ARE DESIGNED TO· SUPPORT JOIS1S DIRECTLY OVER TOP CHORD PANEL POINTS (I.e •• WHERE VERTICAL OR OIAG. "EMBER JOINS THE TOP CHORD). IF THE JOIST IS PIACED WHERE THERE JS NOT A lRUSS TOP CHORD PANEL. POINT, THE JOB SUPERlNTENOENT OR OTHffi COGNIZANT AUTHORrrY SHOULD HALT JOIST ERECTION ANO 11.tMEOIAffiY NOTIFY VALLEY JOIST PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT Of" FlELD WORK. 7. JOIST AND JOIST GIRDERS UAY BE FABRICATED IN TWO OR MORE PIECES. WHEN THIS IS DONE. A BOLTED CONNECTION WILL BE PR<7Y'IOED TO JOIN THE PIECES TOGETHER PRIOR TO ERECTION. JO\ST PIECES Will. BE MATCH-t.CARKED ANO W.TEO PIECES MUST HAVE SAME IAATCH-MARK. 8. DO NOT WELD BOTTOM CHORD EXTENSIONS TO STAFJIUZER PLATES OR CUP ANGLES UN\£SS SPECIF1CALLY NOIDl ON THE ERECTION OR STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS ANO ONLY AFTER THE APPLICATION OF ALL OEAO LOADS UNLESS OTiiERWlSE NOTED. ERECTION HANDLING NOTES 1. CHECK QUANTITIES, MARK NVM'BERS ANO CONOmON OF JOISTS, JOIST GIRDERS AND ACC~IES UPON ARRIVAL ,Ht llAW.GE, SHORTAGES OR DISCREPANCIES MUST BE NOTED ON THE DEUVERY TICKET. VAL.LEY JOIST JS NOT UA.BlE FOR AfN SHORTAGES OR DAMAGE UNLESS NOIDl ON lHE llELJVER'( TICKET. HORIZONTAL BRIDGING 1YP -<c,'I @ TOP & BOTTOM CHORDS 2. WHEN UNLOAO\NG f!'/ CRANE, &WAYS HOOK CH>JNS OR SLINGS AT TOP OR BOTTOlA CHORD PANEL POINTS. NEVER HOOK TO WEB MEMBERS OR JERK WHILE LIFTING. "" 3, S!ORE JOISTS ON SKIOS TO KEEP OFF THE GROUND. CO'IER JOIS1S ~ n. 1,~UI> TO PROTECT THE PRIME COAT IF THEY ARE NOT ERECTED IMMEDIATELY. ~ 1,. V 4. ERECTION MUST BE OONE WITH PlANS NOmJ "FOR RELD USE." BRIDGING ANCHOR -MK# BAC X 2" 2" J" Q' 4 >-X X 16 X - MK# BAC BY VALLEY JOIST ANO EXECIJTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST SJI ANO OS"' <;~t'Q REQUIREMElfTS, REFERENCE ERECTION DRAWINGS FOR ORIENTATION ,-r-:il,\..'-' _,. OF JOIST ANO JOIST G1ROER TAGGEO ENOS AND AHf BOLTED ~ vr n,'2-'? \. ERECTION STABlU1Y BRIOG1NG REQUIREMElfTS. (;1\'j O ~\(', V 5. 00 NOT COMPLETELY WELD JOISTS TO BEARING SUPPOl<!S UNTIL 1Yp , \\\_\)\\-. PROPERLY ALIGNED. TACK Wl10 EACH END, SAME SlDE OF JOIST, · \3v AND CO"PLETE ALIGNMENT DURING INSTALLATION OF BRIOG1NG. WHEN JOISTS ARE COUPL.ETaY BRIDGED, COMPLETE THE ATTACHMENT TO THE BEARING SUPPORT. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ALIGN OR STRAIGHTEN JOISTS IN GROUPS AFTER INSTALLATION OF BRIOGINO OR PERMANENT ATTACHMENT TO BEAR1NG SUPPORT ~ BEEN MADE. THIS SECTION APPLIES TO JOIST AT SECOND FLOOR -LOT 103 ONLY (SEE SHT. J2 OF 2) TYPICAL HORIZ. BROG. TO WALL ICBO REPORT #FA-363 r (/) z 0 (/) > w O::'. '- r '- "O C 0 ..., [/) 0 -~ -0 [/) L (I) L ::J .-,:::;:,...~10 0 :=::::;:1'--,,1'5 <El z :5 Cl. (.!) z -~ ~ LL LL 0 0 ~ ~ ~ z 0 t5 ::, ~ t:; z 0 (.) L&J ~ (.) ~ -.. J: 1- [53: '.:2: 0 • t:i <( :::> • oO >-z <( Cl. ~ 0 u 8 w 6:J: it t- C 0 E w ~ 0 _J ~ 0 O::'. Q_ Q_ <t: .. 1- 0) 0) --.....,. ~ 0 --.....,. ~ ~ ~ L&J I--J: (.) Ck: <( (.!) z 5 ::, (/) z 0 (.) 8 J: 1-1-- I -u~ ~ (/) <( -z 0::: 0 LL -_J <( u .. 0 <( al (/) :z _J ~ 0::: 0 <( g u 'I w ~ 0 w (/) :::> 0 _J w LL - 0) 0) --.....,. 0 I") --.....,. N ~ (.!) z -~ ,,J L&J L&J z -(.!) z L&J (D ~ 0 O::'. (D w ;;.: (D (D :::::;; w u w 0 0 w Y'. Ow w 1-I 4'. uo 0) (J) 0) z l[) ~N I 0:: (/) w (D .. 0 >-1-(D u zO ~w 0:: ~ 00 ~