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1624 JAMES DR; ; CB140356; Permit
City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plumbing/Mechanical/Electrical (PME) Permit 02-13-2014 Permit No: CB140356 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Reference #: PC#: Project Title: Applicant: 1624 JAMES DR CBAD PME 1562111200 MOORE RES -REPLACE WATER HEATER, SAME LOCATION CALIFORNIA DELTA MECHANICAL STE 155 6056 E BASELINE RD MESA AZ 85206 480-898-0007/866-6925273 Plumbing Fees Electrical Fees Mechanical Fees Other PME Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Lot#: 0 Owner: Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 02/13/2014 SKS 02/13/2014 02/13/2014 MOORE REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 04-25-05 1624 JAMES DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 $33.00 $0.00 $0.00 $62.00 $95.00 Total Fees: $95.00 Total Payments To Date: $95.00 Balance Due: Inspector: Clearance: $0.00 NOT!CE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this pem,it was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor plannirig, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any h I . ~'PE JOB ADDRESS Building Permit Application 1-3J:. F :1,"::irjcJJ A 10 (arlsoad Ci~ 92GG8 Pn /"~;J-6C.2-211-;; F,;1,c 7'J1J-'JG2-T5:S3 ~mail build1ng·@carlsbadca ]O'I www.carlsbadca.gov i ~!JITE.f SPA.CE'1, 'JNIT4 ! Plan Check r------ : Est. Value ~'J'-L ~ .. -.-=., s de!,,-,,,·,·., · 1··· .-, II ·-----_!_ __ --------____ ) _·_-_-___ L. __ •_.,_,_'~[ ~_·J•_·_"_·_•-_:.,1_--_~_· _,_. _._,._I' 1, ---LMTT 13!JSINESS'MNiE DESCRIPTION OF WORK: /nclmlr: Square F•J•H of Affected Area/s) 1·1,,,r Replace 40 Gallon~elect water heater like for like same area No.~ : EXISTING USE I PROPOSED USE I ,,,.,c, ,::;,=; =>'1 f;c,::, '.:iC1 I"=" 3,, I ~!R':Pl__)1~E I ~,P ::J~ICITiC,'11/iG I c·R'.: 3f>Pl,'IKL2:HS : ' ,::·;□# >,c[ZJ f:CsOrio[Z] 1::sO,1c[ZJ I 'APPLICANT /•IA.ME (Primary C<Jnt.:icn John Santos .J.PPLICANT NAME (Secondary Contact! ------ :·,uG"i: -3.3 --..... LCRE-3.3 6056 E Baseline Rd 1·::n s-.~:-:: ;'.:;> ::T'! 3TAE =iP Mesa Az 85206 ' -?C1!A•aC : Fil/ ?c<OciE ' FA< 866-692-5273 866-692-5275 I i:VIAIr_ EMAiL PROPERTY OWNER NAME t1002~ CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME Calif Delta Mechanical i l)or•~l)S, --ACCi"'l:C3S ,'.\OC?!:3S l i.,;;i4 -f"_ -,r rL 6056 E Baseline Rd -:1:-'1 3-,:,~:: z:;, :.n S/,:1,;-::,: :':IP Ou-\s\:x>& ro. qg{XJ'{ Mesa Az 85206 PHCr·I:': 1;:v PHC,'1C: !;'",J.,( 7'4-0-7 J 't · l,ll"Oil. i 866-692-5273 866-692-5275 , C.:),lilll C:MAIL Johns@deltamechanical.com I I .J,RCH. 'JE3IGlit~ •JAME ', :\OORE)3 I'"·" C ~ )1.\7~ , .. ,:.c1 I :u,, I :1r1 :31.is _,c.~ 811114 C36 1214281 -' 1sec. 7')3::..:i 3usiness 3nd ::iroressIons ~ode: ,",ny S;ty Jr ·~::n.m,t'I nh:cn requ1r::s 3 ::iermit co •;onstruc'.. alter. 1morove, demolish JI reoair an·1 :,tr•Jcture. ;mar :o its issuance, :11so :eq1.1Ires tn,; applicant for sucn ::ierm1t :o file 3 s1gn-:d staiement that he ,5 1cansed ::iursuant to :he orov1s1ons Jf :he ,:ontractor'3 License L3w [Chapt;ir 3. :om mending mtn Section ?OC0 of 01v1s1on 3 Qf Che 3usines5 and .:irofessIons ·:oc:ei Jr :nat ne Is exemot '.herelrom, and :he ::iasIs (or Che atle"ed .;.,eriotton. ~ny 11olat1on Jf 3acll0n 7G3l.5 by 3ny appl1carH 'er:; permit sub1ec:s che 3:Jo,1cant w a ~1v1I ::ienart'J of not more '.han five hundred dollars ($500)). ====~' ',., Workers' Compensation Declaration I ."ereby 1ifir,'"'I under _;;~na1ty Jf ;ier1ur; or:e 'Ji :he 'rnlowmg jec!aralicns 0 I have Jnd "Nill maintain 3 cartificJte Jf :on sent '.o ;elf-,nsure 'or .vcrkeri ;;cm~ensaticn 1s Jrcv1ded J'/ 3ec:icn ;1:0 cf :he L.3t:cr :;;;ce. 'or :he :e:icrmarce ,1 :h'! 11or~ 'or 11nic:-1 this :en111 s ssued [Z] I have and will maintain workers' -:ompensation, as ·ec:uired JV 3ec:ion Ji':O Jf :he Lacer :;.Jde, 'or •re ;er'cr~mnce JJ 'he 110rk :or ·11h:c:-1 ·n1s ~erm11 ,s sst.ed '✓ly 11cr~er,· .;omcensat1on rsur3nce :arrier 3r::1 :c1iq nt.mter Jre: 'nsurance :;0 Twin c:ty Fir<? Protection ?:,lie/ )Jo 59WECEX594.0 E.wirJ!ion 'Jate 1)5123/i.t -;-0,s sec:Ion :1eea ,1ot '.:e ;::im~le'.ed .i ·he ;,;l'm1l s 'or Jne 1~ndred jollars ,3 '. CG) x ess D Certificate of !:::temotion: :ert1fy ·hat n '.he ~ertorrrarce 01 :he 11or'< for 11n1cn ·his :erm1t s .ssued 1 :;1;all not ➔rnpIcy any Jer;;cn n Jn'I T,anner :;o ls ·o ::ec:Jr::e oub1est •o •re 'N,:.r¼ers· :::vmcensation ~Jws Ji ·::a11ior~1a 'NARNING: FJilurn :o oecure .vorkers' compensation :ovenge is unlawful, and 3l1ail subject an employer :o criminal ;;enalt1es 1nd ,;ivil fines up to one hundred thousand jollars (& 100,000), in addition to the :ost 0f ~ompensalion, d yso~ided for in Section 3706 of the Labor :ode, interest Jnd lttorney's fees. ~ [~}.\.GENT -"'."l"'ri"if'r _;r,; J. •. ,;l'S •• / nereby 1ifirm (/'at,' ~m e~emot ,'rem ::crmactcr, :..·cense L.Jw .'or :he ic!/cwmg reason □ □ □ I as )wner Jf ·re Jrc~ert·1 Jf T'.y em~•v1➔es Nl!h .vJges JS :~e11 ,;oIe ;crn~er,sation. 11111 JC ·h;i Nork 1nd :he s1r~c:~r~ s ~01 nteraed x Jrfered 'or ;ale S➔c. /1)4.l 3L:;;ness and ~rofes:;,ons ::ce. T;e :::cni.nc:cr; L.canse _aw ~ces cot 3Coly :o 1n )'llr'::f Jt orocerty .vno Ju1lds Jr :rr.pro•1es te1ecn . .1nd 11ro Jces ;1.J;::i 11-:rk ~1mssd ~r ·hrm:gn 11s ;wn ar-:-:c1oyees prwaed ·rat ,11ch rrc10•1er:ients 3re "Ot ·nter.ce,J ;r :;'er➔l ·ur sale f. :owe·1er. :~e ~1,1lairg ::r .rrcrc,e~ar~: s sc1d //1t~i<' ire .iear :r :JmpIeticr. :he :.wrer-~u:ICer .~1•1 -,l'i'= :re :1,r•jen Jf Jr•J•,·rg ·hJt ·e :·d 70t ~'".Id x rrcr,•1e 'or -~a 01.;rcose ci ,aIei 3s Jwrer Jl :re :rccerty 3m ,xc:Ls:1e,y :~nt:actin•J Mth icanse,j :cntnc:crs :o ;::instri,c: ·he :-ro1ect -:Sec ~~·4.\ 3us1ness 3~a =>•01e5s1cns :,:de -;--.,e :-:n,nc:cn .. carsa 311 ~ces ",C! J~cI-1 ·o :in ~wrer .:;1 ~r0cer-:·1 Nro ~L;:cs :;r mcn,es "t"erecr Jr<J :Jr:ra,;:s ',Jr ;i..c~ :n;ec:s 1111h ::ntr2c:or1:;1 ica~sc•~ Jt.rJuaN ·o 't',e :~rt1Jc:or; ~-:ersa _Jwl 1 3r, ➔xer:-,cl ·"ncer :Jac:11,11 3JS r?SS 3nd ;:,,Jres:; ens :::~~e or his ~asc1 ; ;ersonaIly Jlan :o or:~Ice ·re 11a1cr 'acor Jr□ na1er•als :or .:;::nstr'JCtlOn )1 :tie ~l•J~o,;ad :r•JCer:y mcnver:;en! D', 2, 01-10 rave 1a~e ~al) ,Igre,:i 311 JCDl:cJ11c:-i 'er J '.:LilC:ng :erm11 'or :~e prJccsea .~cl-1 1J•1e :cr:rx:ed N'L~ ·ne ·c1low1r~ :er,;cn 'irr:;1 ·o 010•1:Ce :he Jrcccse'J :c11s:ruc:1cn •_:nc:L.Ce ~ar"e JdCr%o :;rcr-, :ortr3c'.cr, ,cer,;e ~umcen 1 1 Jldn :o Jr:'ide :cl,crs 11 ·!".e ,vcr~ :'L.C' 0a•.e ~:rc;a :t,e 'cllow1rg :;erc;,;r ·o :~cr-:irate _;~cer,,st! 1ra JD·1,c!t! :ra ·na1cr NCr<; ·nc!L.Ce .'Jrie :idc:re~,; :;rcre :~l'lr]C".O'~ ·:cerse '~.rrce'' · mil ~rO'lICe ;;crr~e Jf ·rs, ,vcr·,, :it..t 1Jve ::~1r::c:ed ~:rec\ ·he ioilcw1ng :e'.;,;ns :G :m,,,ce :ht! 1,,:r~ .r-,11cJted .Inc:L.ce 1ar--e Jdcres5 Jrore :yce if .~er~. ~ ?ROP~RTY JWNER SIGNAiURE [f]AGENT OAT=. ' /, 11.:,1,,.,11 .r·,.r,,r·• "'• ,,•: / r Jl'f • -'iz·w!r. ( ! :11 j -,.r;.: I ,: .• ~•JI I ,,,,, ',.:·· 7 7 0 »·,r:.,1~.,r" r•,1,_r; :w,.;_,_ ••r·~·:·.ir..,,-::-·1 . ..,r·;q t•,,,1r . .1·_·,, 1r;.,1r"1 ;r r. ( 7 /,• 7 ', T+-) ;,: 11·1 '(; ;,:; ; ;1";;/',', ,~,j .•,1:t·:1 ;r,r, ·•,➔i ;t ·:-i'" ,\i18f ·;,,~n,:]·ir/ ~1 l .-;~·,,,I ,,t~' :::J '] 'l,j F AN't 'JF rHE ANSWERS ARE v~s. A flfl1l.L C:E~TIFl',ATE ·'::F 'Jr:CIJPANGY M,~ ( >.jl)T :IE ISSUED 'J(IL.':3S T'-:E .l.pPI_ C,!.NT '-!AS ',1ET ·:R S :11E.:-:-1NG Tr'E REi:;IJIRE~,H~~TS 'JF THE GF;:ICE 0F i:MERGENCY SER'/ICES ,UID rHE .l.lR PGL!..UTICN ·:CNTROL DISTRIC"7" I ner~b/ ::tffirm 'hdl ·r.er,~ :s J ~cn·;;1ruct1c.n ·ending c:1q~nc:r icr Lerl(Jer, 1lc1me L:!nder':; A~dress I certify tnat I have read ':he Jpplication Jnd state tllat •he Jtove information is correct .i·•d tllc1t il1e ,nfoITT1allon ,111 :Ile plans is JCcurate, I ag~e to comply•t~th JII Ci~/ rm1inar.ces Jnd S!Jte ·aws relating to bu1ldini: ,;onstrue'jon. ! ·:i:;~c•,1 Jut,_;r::e :ecres1:r!c11:•1e ·JI ·re , :1r,1 ;1 ·=c1~sc:sd ·o -~rier ;~en t>o iw,~ ·:•e:,i:c;r·:;u cr~rnrt; 'er 11s~~,J~l,1·. :;ur.::c:e~ .lL](.J c.,~rE:: i·'_:, ~,-1., =· r ,CE.1,:rn:: ( ;ir1C• -1E.::? :·,'F,\IL;;.3'3 Tf-E :i, 1 '~F =:.FL~E,; U ,:G;i1~1.J"'." .ll_ l_,,'.lBiL,r:E-:;, JLU.)1iE:'I' J, ::::,SI) .~,11C ~1~E'.1SE'3 NhiC:-1 :,i1,:, I ~I,.'.~/( N-' ( ,c:::::i1..;E .l.Gc'-,NS'" :;.,c ·:::1 h ,' :n:c :LE:·1c:::. ·:::F--C'.E ·:p;r-1-:-hG :::F T'--!I'.) ~:::-:.·.1,IIT , :SrP -'n ::::3/-"t' c1;~1t .; ''c<:.l.1re,J 'er !hCTiaticns J•,er cc/y je"oo Jr:(! ~2rnol1t:on ~r :on~:n~c::cn ;i 3tn:c:ur::•; )'18r 1 ,:cr·es n nei,jl't. '::/F1F1~-:-U·1 =.1er; ~€ITT:! ~:l,e,j :;y ·1·e ~I. :.tfic:al :.~cer · .e :ro·,1s.crs ;i :,",,s :cce _;11<111 ~xc1re r,•1 1rn11u1:;:,n Jl'd c.ec:rre ~u:I ;nG ..-r:1c .; te :l.,b1·g 0r .vJ~ 3u1rcnzt:~ -;y ;uch ;:ern-11 > ·:ct -,0ir1~rc1 1.:1r..: A11r1n ::3Q,;;_;·15 'r'::ID ·he-;c,te Ji ~l,cn :::e:1~11 ;v:,~ Yr·-:-1,t ~ ;1,;;:er-~ed .Jr 11::ir.C'Xf:'1 JI 3ffj"irr'c jtler 'h<o .v;,1(, 3 ::n1:s1:c21 'cr :l :e~cj ~I 1~C-~a1~ 2t<:::cn 'CD .l t .r1:crm ~1,,1!r;i1;; =-::r;e: ~ APPLICAtlT'S SIGNATURE □ATE Inspection List Permit#: CB140356 Type: PME Date Inspection Item 07/30/2014 25 Water HeaterNents 07/30/2014 25 Water HeaterNents 07/30/2014 29 Final Plumbing Thursday, July 31, 2014 Inspector Act PY PY RI AP AP MOORE RES -REPLACE WATER HEATER, SAME LOCATION Comments 10-12 PLS Page 1 of 1