HomeMy WebLinkAbout1635 FARADAY AVE; ; CB990128; PermitCity of Carlsbad 01/12/1999 Miscellaneous Permit Permit No:CB990128 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 438-3101 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: Project Title: 1635 FARADAY AV CBAD MISC Subtype: OTHER 2121303100 Lot #: 0 $0.00 U/G PLUMBING 8. FOUNDATION status: ISSUED Applied: 01/12/1999 Entered By: MDP Plan Approved: 01/12/1999 Issued: 01/12/1999 Inspect Area: Applicant: LUSARDI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1570 LINDAVISTA DRIVE 619-744-3133 RTY MANAGEMENT Total Fees: Miscelaneous Fee #I Miscelaneous Fee #2 TOTAL PERMIT FEES Inspector: ,& lIr= Clearance: NOTICE: Pleasekke NOTICE that approval of your project includes the ‘Impmition” of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter mllectively referred to as ‘feeslexactbos.’ You have 90 days horn the date mis perml was issued ta protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest Wm. you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any oLher required information will the City Manager for prassing in accordance with Cadsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review. set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right lo pmtes.tlbe specifiid fees/exMbns DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes. mn planning. zoning. grading or other similar applicatin pmzssing or Service fees in mnnecbon with vlis project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any feeslexadons of which you have prwiwsly been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which tie statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 PERMIT APPL;;ATlON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO. CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 436-1161 EST. VAL. Plan Ck. Deposit Validated By /66 Legal oucriptbn Lot NO. .slwA.i*im Nsma/Nmbw ““it NO. Flmw NO. Total x 0‘ “nit* As*.tlwb P.,d t Exininp U” LL/c fx4m.A;~ A0 Kfrs J/LO 1 b GAnOC Fmposd lJ*a Description Of Work so. FT. loi stories I Of Bdmmnr ” Of B.tlwOOM if*“~“ce, ,I*0 r~q”i,,s me .pplic.m ‘0, Ndl permn w RI, I signsd smtsmml Ihat ha * “censd P”“YMt m lhm prwi‘iON Of tlw Comrmtor’r License Lwd Icbpta, 3. comm*“dinp vmh E.OctiO” ,000 0‘ Divilion 3 of th Buri”ms md FTok,,iom Cd., 0, that lm I9 axmlpt *e*m. mnd th* basis tar ma au*ped ex*mption. Any violatim 0‘ s*Rion 7031.6 by my .pp4ism to, *.pmnil wlqms m. .p+iis.nt to * Civil p.n.w 0‘ nm more mm tiva h”“dmd doll.r* 1KmOll. Lws&b: c3n.t /570 &:,do I/.&e DR S&J al*ae~* cc? PAG4 x a-744.3133 Nmla Addrem CiN statamp Tslaphons x State lkem* w -29 R 7 Lk4nla cl.” cllqstinusLie9N,x~2s$ao Deripnw Nmn AddI”. citv stmtemp T.l.ph.ms stata LICmu. x *Jj~;~*@o~~~ Worksrs’ Compamn(on D,cI,mtm: I kemb” ,H,ml ““d., pm.ny 0‘ peti mm 0‘ the ‘okwing dK*rmtims: 0 I have and will maintain I ctntlficat~ of conant to r&insum fof workus’ cwnpms~tIon 8s prwidad by Saclion 3700 d the Labw Code, fsr fha prfcmnmea 0‘ tile work tm Which tilia pennIt i* I*wld. 0 I hwe md Will m.int.in wmtm somp.naatio”, 8s ,eq”kd b” ssctisn 3700 0‘ the Labor code, tar tlla wr(ormmce Of tlla Wcsk ‘0, which this wrmit is issued. My worbr’* EOnlpuu,tiO” insunnce umu md pdiC” “urnbar .n: I”*YrmE~ Cmlrm” Pdicv NO. ExPimio” Dr* ,THlS EECtmN NEED WC.7 BE CcMPl.Etm F WE PERMIT Is FOR ONE NUNDRED wuAK!t I,wo1 OR LESS, 0 CEwrlRcATE OF EKEMFtmN: I cutny ma in th, p&wm.“ca 0, nm Work ‘01 which mi pnit i* NWd. I SMl not .rntiO” my penon in ,ny mmn.r .o .s 10 bexnn *ubjen to tha Wwken’ Compensation Lmn of California. WARNINO: Fadkwa to .- wabm’ eclmmmh-wc-. and*dluqwxns4llpbwm--ndoMI(iru.~toau- thwund ddars ,,100.000,, I” ddlllon 10 elm WR of ~.~-“~-101in-57Wo(~-c*.~nn~-“‘r1~. 51 ,$ I IlWdJ” .ffiml el.f I .I” exmlpt mm ma contmnw“ l.icen*e l.aw ‘W ttw ‘otlowi”p rm.on: 0 I, as Own+, 0‘ th pmp.rly 0, my employm wkh w.gr a* their 101, clnnpm~. w,,, do the work .“d the nnlR”n I* not ime”ded or onan* ‘or “I. IEm. 7044. Bu*inen and Pmfesakms Co& The CcmrmWs Limnn Law do0 rem a* to an ovnw 0, pfopnty who builda m improwa Rumon, l d who don *uch work him*elf or through hi* 0~03 mployem pwidd tit such impmvmum me not immdad 01 offand tar sda. If, howww. th* buildinp or im-maw ia rokJ Withi” OM war 0‘ compmion. m* Owner.bulldU v/M l?we ma twdn of pmvinp mm he did not build n bnlproye ‘DC ths purposa 0‘ $81e,. 0 1, .s 0wn.r 0‘ tile proParty. .m ~~msiwl” sanminp with Hcwnsed cmlw.eton 10 connnln ma proim I3.C. 7044. Blmi”.” .“d RofdOM codw Th. Comnctor’s Licenr~ Law dwa not .r.pl” to ,n ownw 0‘ pr0pu-w Wiw builds M impm”U nmrwn, md cmtnsu ,a ,uch proims with wnt”ctol,d ,,Unsd Wrs”.rn to me Co”tr.cml’* Licenn L.W. 0 I .m sxsmpt Y”dU Euzl,0” Blminwa .“d pmf~dma cod. tn mm -: 1. I ~ec*onallv pIan to provida 679 maior &or and Murib tw eanawuaian d the prcmmd pmpnty impwanart. 0 YES ON0 2. I ,h.Ye I Il.“. not, signad .n l ppllcmllm ‘W l bviMinp wmln ‘or tlm pmpamd work. 3. I ill”. m”tnnmd With me ‘dlowing person Iwm, to pmida the proposd EDnmUR im hxlude mm* I ddms~ I pkau number I ~ont~ctcfs licmn numbul: IS idlo .PPliCmn or ‘UtYrn building ,Jrxup,m nquind to wb* , b”si”n# plan, WItely huudow m,terids I,@mim twm m ritt m,n,gmlent ,“d ptwmtion pr0gr.m ul7d.r Section* 26606. 35633 0,25634 Of me Pr”l~“-Tann.r Huwdour SubR.ncr ACcwnt MF 0 em NO .- I* the applkml or futwa buildinp wxumm mquirsd to obnln a pmndt from thm sir pofltion control dlmkt or air quamy mmugwnem distrim) 0 YES 0 NO 16 th. ‘.dlW to be consmlnd With,” 1 ,Lwo tan of th wmr bou-dary cd, Kkool Sk,, 0 YES 0 NO IF AN” OF THE ANSWEKS ARE “ES, A FINAL -CA= OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISWED VWLESS THE APPUCANT NAS MET OR IS MEE,,WO TNE REOWREMENTS OF WE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY IER”KX.5 ANO ,NE AIR WL‘“tWN CONTROL DISTRICT. ~&YJ,g@g ~~~~~~~~i~:,~~~~~~~~ I.. *.* I hwaby affirm that thm i* 8 connrYEtion lending ~prtcv for *a wformmc~ of tlm work fw which this permit is issued (Sec. 308711l Civil Codal. LENDER’S NAME LENDER’S ADDRESS I cmtitv thst 1 Iwe mad tha atication and state tin tha abw* infommion h mmm and that the infmmion on the plmr ia *CCU~~III. 1 agree to smnply with aI City ordinmcas and Stm Iws rdrinp to building ccnmucfion. I heraby mthotie r*pfesmtativar of th W of C*d*d to enter upon the above mentioned LvoPmt” for irl+mctiO” p”,pos~,. I ALSO AmEE TO SAVE. INDEMNIFY AND KEEP NARMLESS THE CnY OF CARLSMD AGAINST ALL uAE4L,T,ES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AN0 EXFENSES wn,cn MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRVE AWINS, mm CITV IN CONSEWENCE OF ,“E CK4NT,N~ IJF T”,S pErwIT. OSNA: A” OSHA prmit is ,.Quind tc.r .xc,“~tiD”l over SW- dnp and *smo,tion w ulnmuclion 0‘ RNctumJ ov., 3 norie* in height. EXPIRATION: EWOw mrnlit iuud by ** Buildinp Offichl under +h pmvbbra of this Co* dull mipira by limhnim and besonm null and void it the buildinp or from the data Of such -k or H ths bulldin or wak ationred by *uch permit is ~u*pd*d 180 daya Wctia 108.44 Uniform Building Codal. DATE /- F.2 -9 . I City of Carlsbad Inspection Request For: 2/4/99 Permit# CB990128 Inspector Assignment: TP Title: UIG PLUMBING 8 FOUNDATION DescriDtion: Type: MlSC Sub Type: OTHER Job Address: 1635 FARADAY AV Suite: Lot 0 Location: 4PPLICANT : LUSARDI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Owner: FARADAY BUSINESS PLAZA L L C Remarks: Total Time: Requested By: BRICE Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description Act Comments t) JI /;r f #& M TdM5. /ul &./A/ Inspection History Date Description Act insp Comments 1/22/99 12 Steei/Bond Beam 1/21/99 12 SteeVBond Beam NR TP 1/21/99 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring AP TP CONF RM IST FLR 1/18/99 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP TP CONTFTNSEEPLNS 1/18/99 12Sleel/Bond Beam AP TP 1/15/99 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP TP CONT FTN 8 G.B. SEE PLN 1/15/99 21 Underground/Under Floor AP TP 1/14/99 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP TP CONT FTN, G.B. AS MARKED 1/14/99 12 SteeVBond Beam AP TP 1/14/99 21 UndergroundIUnder Floor CO TP BROKENPIPE 1/13/99 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP TP INTPIERFTNS PA TP SOG(1/2) FINAL REPORT FOR SPECIAL INSPECTION AND MATERIAL TESTING November 22. 1999 PSI Project # 059-80127-67 Building Official City of Carlsbad Building Inspection Dept 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, California 92009-4859 SUBJECT: SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF WORK REQUIRING SPECIAL INSPECTION AND MATERIAL TESTING PERMITNO.: 99-128 PROJECT ADDRESS: Faraday Business Plaza 1635 Faraday ,' Carlsbad, California I declare under penalty of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge, all the work requiring special inspection, material sampling and testing under the subject permit is in confomunce with the approved plans, the inspection and observation program and other construction documents, and the applicable workmanship provisions of the Uniform Building Codc. Executed on this 22"' day of November, 1999. Comments: PSI'S Scope of Services included the following: Concrete Special Inspection TESTING LABORATORY OR SPECIAL INSPECTION AGENCY: 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Ste E Professional Service Industries, Inc. SanDiego, CA 92121 Professional Service Industries, inc. * 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E * San Diego, CA 92121 * Phone 6191455-0544 * Fax 6191455-1 170 CLIENT: PROJECT: Gentlemen: Red Crow Properties 1947 Cantino Vida Roble Carlsbad, CA 92008 Aitn: Bill Shirley Faraday Business Plaza Faraday & Halley Drive Carlsbad, Carifornia Permit 3-128 DATE: January 22,1999 PROJECT: 059-80127 Enclosed are the inspection reports for the week($ ending: January 17, 1999 Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call our office at any time. Sincerely, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. Disirict Manager cc: I - City of Carlsbad I - Lusardi Construction 1 Bruce Smits Professional Service Industries, Inc. 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E * San Diego, CA 92121 * Phone 6191455-0544 * Fax 6191455-1170 Build On PageLof- - Engineedng Consulting Testing INSPECTION REPORT &pfkS I PROJECT (Name) (Address) ark&, CP. - Crn1J.h f)w,/b,,Q, REPORTNO. 0s - -12-7- -2 Architect Building Permit No. - R Plan File No. Engineer Contractor Other a7 moz) Fa-. Govt. Contract No. l-/&?-rn/ 0 OSA or OSHPD # INSPECTION -0SHPD -0SA -Specialty -Mechanical -Electrical e _Masonry -Strufl Steel -Prestress Conc -Pile Driving -Fireproofing -Waterprwfing "Nan-Destructive -Soils Technician "Batch Piant -Bolt Pull-Out MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SPECTION CHECKLIST /Concrete Cylinders &I- Rinf.: Rebar - Pian a specs ow -Cement "ortar Samples -Grout Samples -Masonry Prisms -Masonry Block "Fireproofing -Units (block or brick) "Asphalt Concrete -Roofing "Reinf. Steel "Steel "L Bolts "Tendon (PT Strands) "Other -Other "Other ~ Rinf.: W.W.F. - Clearances mi.: Tendons - Positions - Sizes - - Conc.: Mix #/psi __ - Mortar: Typdpsi - Mortar Batching __ - Units: Block - Electrode Storage - - Units: Brick - Torque Applied ~ - Steel __ - H.S. Bolts - - Metal Decking - Laps uture Contlnulty PSI Grout: Mix #/psi $Consolidation* Electrodes Fireproofing __ - Other - Corrective action required- - - Corrections completed- CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, ail of the reported work, unless othemise noted, substantially complies wiih approved PbS ion or project control. specifications and applicable sections of codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- INSPECTOR NAME CERT. NO.- INSPECTOR SIGNATU DATE t-75-77. PsI-~-900-170i21 / I Information Build On Pagelof- Engineering Consulting *sting INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT (Name) &si- PhL (Address)&dml &?/635 DATE /--/+". &ish ,, W. REPORT NO. +/ Architect Building Permit No. Engineer 'imu7-i f@?&%h Govt. Contract No. / Contractor Other - / Plan File No. / /JBPE3?* OSA or OSHPD # I INSPECTION -0SHPD -0SA -Specialty -Mechanical -Electrical zz%? -Masonly -Prestress Conc -Pile Driving -Fireproofing -Waterproofing -Nan-Destructive -Soils Technician -Batch Plant -Bolt Pull-out -stNCt Steel QN INSPECTION CHECKLIST MATERIAL DESCRIPTION kan g Specs OH Rinl.: Rebar "Cement -Mortar Samples "Grout Samples -Masonry Prisms -Masonry Block -Fireproofing "Units (block or brick) -Asphalt Concrete -Roofing "Reinf. Steel "Steel -H.S. Bolts -Tendon (PT Strands) -Other -Other -Other __ - Rinf.: W.W.F. - Clearances - Positions - Sizes - Laps - F ture Continuity #/psi __ __ -Cone.: Mix #/psi - Corrective action required- - Other __ - Fireproofing __ - Electrodes __ - Metal Decking __ - H.S. Bolts __ - Steel __ - Toque Applied - Units: Brick __ - Electrode Storage - Units: Block __ - Mortar Balching - Moltar: Typdpsi __ - / Consolidation-&&&- A" - Grout: Mix #/psi - - Corrections completed International Conference of Building Offidals CERTIFIED SPECIAL INSPECTOR Cadas R Hernandez Prestressed Concrete 1997 UBC a ASTM Standards I The individual named hereon is CERTIFIED In tile Category conference of Building OfflClalS mternational CARLOS RAMIREZ HERNANDEZ CERTIFIED SPECIAL INSPECTOR SPRAY-APPLIED FIREPROOFING 1994 EDITION - UNIFORM BUILDIN CODE , NO.0850809-89 The individual named hereon is CERTIFIED in the category shown. having been So certified Pursuant to SuccBsSfuI EXplratiOn date: completion oft NO. 75578 I 2 AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE ., i Tbis is to ceerU$ (*SI CARLOS R HERNANDEZ 622129458 Eammn: D.lllerr Datc: Dcecober 10,1994 International Bpilec Dcasbcrl999 Conference of Building Officials 1 CERTIFIED SPECIAL INSPECTOR Carlos R. Hernandez . d. k.&- . c, ”. ~ . 0 1997 Unlfonn Building Code ~ ~~. Structunl Masonry The individual named hereon Is CERTIFIED in the CategOry shown, having bee completion of me Expiration date: M ., NO. 0850809-84 ICBO cenification dU Applicable experience should be verified by local iurirdiaionr.