HomeMy WebLinkAbout1635 FARADAY AVE; ; CB992152; PermitCity of Carlsbad Plumbing Permit Permit No:CB992152 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 438-3101 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Reference #: Project Title: 1635 FARADAY AV CBAD PLUM 2121303100 Lot #: 0 Construction Type: NEW UNDERGROUND PLUMBING ONLY Status: ISSUED Applied: 06/09/1999 Entered By: RMA Plan Approved: 06/09/l 999 Issued: 06/09/1999 Inspect Area: Applicant: LUSARDI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1570 LINDA VISTA DRIVE SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 619-744-3133 Total Fees: $35.00 / ” Plumbing Issue Fee Fixture or Trap Building Sewer Roof Drain Install/Repair Water Line Water Heater and/or Vent Gas Piping System Vacuum Breaker Other Plumbing Fees Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee PLAZALLC ;PERTY MANAGEMENT 0626 06/05-/w 0001 01 02 C-PRffT 35.00 ce Due: $35.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $35.00 FINAL APPROVAL t nspector:& Date: 46 Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE IBat apprwal of your prc+cl includes lhe ‘ImpasiW of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter mllectively refermc to as ‘fe&?xadkms.’ Yw have 90 days from the date his perch was issued to protest imposition cd these feeslexadkms. If you protest Wm. you must follow tie protest prcedures set fodh in Government Code Secdon 66020(a), and file the pmt.& and any odw required information wah the City Manager for paxeasing in accordance with Cadsbad Munidpal Code ?&a~ 3.32030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside. v&i, OT annul Iheir imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your light to protest the specKed feeslexactans DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer mnnection fees and capactiy change% “0~ planning, zoning, grading orotbersimilar applicatkx passing or service fees in mnnectioo with this pro&t. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any feeslexacfions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to whid tie statute of limtitions has previously otherwise expired. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Pabnas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 PERMIT APPLICATION A CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO@ 9sni 2- EST. VAL. Plan Ck. Deposit Validated By /’ I , I&-- Date /r, /</QQ’ ” Name Address city SfatdZip Telephone I .,.,.,.,..... i .(, ,,,.,, (.,.,. j i / ., ,.,,.,/ ,“,ii .i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i;“iis--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~,~,r~~~~~,i’i’l:jii:;::iiii”,i~~~‘~j~,~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~, ,sec. 7031.5 B”Si”BJS B”d Pmfessions Code: Any city or county Which requires a permit to conrtruct. alter. imprw., demolirh or repair any *tr”ct”re. priqr to ifs iSS”B”CB. a150 requires fh8 applicant for such permit to file a Signed statement that he is liCe”.ed p”rs”a”t to ttla pm”isio”* Of the Contractor’* License Law ,mapter 9. commending Wifh section 7000 Of Division 3 Of the B”si”ess and P,Ot*SSiO”S Cc@ 0, that he i* exempt therefrom. and the basis for the allegsd e~enwfion. Anv violation of Section 7031.5 by any arxlicant for a wrmit *ubiecf* the applicant to * civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars 1950011. N&dSARai Con*Rue+:;.d /slo A:..d.+ ~;st.+ RR S.-b c%Mr?oyl. C& q;o‘y 7fsa-WV-3133 Address city StateRip Telephone II state b.ehse * 20 72 8, License Class city Businers l.icenre x taerigner Piarm Address city StatdZip Telephone stat. License x s;;,~iiii~~rpeasr;:onM~~~~*~~~~~~~:~~~;~,~ :,,i::,.;,;;;;;;;::_i i:ii:::::::::::_;iji:::i:i i:“:;:,i:;l;,i’i:-i’ili:‘.;,i,;;”iixriii;ii’il:iii;-i’ini:’i~~ ,z::{.,:r:;::~.~ ;*fi!l ::::;~i;i;:,iiiii::::~‘~~:l~‘~:i:~~:~~~~~~~~ ,,,. i .,.,. / ,.,.,.,.. ,,,.,.,,., j .,., i .,.,, ,.,, ,,,.,. .,,,, .ii ,,,,: .,:,, ,,,( ,,,, ,.,(,(,,, ,(, .,I .;,. i ;,, ;,, Worksrs’ COmpe”*afio” Ddarafio”: I hereby affirm “n&r penalty Of perj”,” one Of the ‘olloWing declarations: 0 I have B”d Will maintain a Ceniticate Of COnsmt to self-insure 6, WOrk*d compenration BE proi.ided b” section 3700 Of the Labor code, ‘0, the performance 0‘ the Work ‘0, Which this permit is issued. PO I hWB an.3 Will maintain Worked compensation, *s req”iled b” section 3700 Of the Labor Code, tar the wformance Of tile work ‘or Which this permit is Issued. My worker’s CornpenS ion i”S”ra”Ce carrier and policy number are: I”.W.“CB Company -, .4. ~~e%Qd t &. POI~CY NO. c+L ~6700~, Expiration clamp I/t3 r/j,0 0 rrH,S SECTlON NEED NOT BE Cmw.ETED IF THE PERMrr IS FOR ONE H”NDRED DOLLARS ,*100, OR LESS, 0 CERTIFICATTE OF EXEMPTION: I Certify that in the performance Of the work for Which m* permit is issue4 I Shall no* employ a”” per*o” in any manner $0 as to become subject to the Workers’ COmpenSatio” Laws Of California. WARN,NO: Fail”,* to **ewe workers’ compan*ation co”wags is unlawful. and shall S”bjw3 an empb”*r to C‘irnh.l psnaHi*s and CiYil fines up to one hundred thousand ddan 19 m*t Of companratim. dmlag** as provide.9 ‘or in s*ction 3706 0‘ the Labor coda, ,nt*re*t and attorney’* h*r. SlGNATlJRE DATE 6 -949 ; ,, :j (,(i ,,,:,;,:,i ,,,, :i ,i:;,::,, ;:: ;, ,s : yxi:i-“; ;, : !‘I : ;,::i(:ii< i::;::‘)y$;iif*; :/I, I hereby affirm that I am exwnpt from fhB Contractor’* License Law for the following reason: 0 I, as m.vner 0‘ the property or my .mp,oyees with wages as their SOI0 compenration. Will do the work an.5 the Str”ct”re is not intended or mered for sale mc. 7044. B”si”es* and Profes*ionr Code: The CO”fraCt.l’* Lice”% Law does “Of apply to a” owner Of property Who builds 0, improYe* thereon. and who doas such work himself or thlO”gh Ilk own smployser, providsd fhP ruch inlprOYelne”f. we not intended or offered ‘.a, J.18. If, howevsr, the building or impr.Yme”t is Sdd within one year Of completion. the owner-builder Will have the burden Of proving that h8 did not build or im!Jrwe to, the p”lpose Of sale,. 0 I, as owner Of the propert”, anl BxclusiYely contracting Wifh licen*sd CO”tlaCfOrs to conetruct the projen e.sc. 7044. Burinerr and Profersiom Code: The tootractor’o License Law doer not apply 03 an owner .a‘ property Who b”ildS or impro”eS tIlerem, an* COntractS for SUCh projlects Wifh contractor,s~ licensed pursuant to the Co”tractor’P License Law). 0 I am exempt under SeCtion BUSinesS B”d ProfeSSionS code ‘0, this r*a*c.n: 1. I per*o”ally plan to provide the mjor labor and m.feri.l* for construction Otthe propned property imprOYme”t. 0 YES ON0 2. I ,h.YB , have “OfI signed an applicatio” ‘W a building permn ‘N ttm proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person hnl to provide the proposed construction Iinclude name I address I phone number I contractors IicensB numberl: 1. the applicant or future building OCC”pa”t required to sutmit a b”siners plan. acutely hazardous materials registration ‘orin 0, risk managemsnf B”d prevention proggram ““de, SeCtionS 25505, 25533 01 25534 Of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous SUbStame ACCmm Ad 0 YES 0 NO 1s the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain * permit from the air pollmion contrbl district or air quality management district? 0 YES 0 NO 1. the facility to be CO”*tr”Ctd within 1,000 feet Of the 0”ter boundar” Of a school site, 0 YES 0 NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FlNAL CERTIRCATE OF OCC”PANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETlNG THE REcl”lREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR WU”TlON CONTROL DISTRICT. .L,.,,,., ,,, ,, I CBRi‘” that I hsve read fhtt llpplimtio” B”d state that fhe abwe information is correct and that the intormation on the plans is accwate. I agree to comply With a,, city ordinances and state I.W. relating to building constr”ction. I hereby authorize repre*B”fafiVBS 0‘ fh8 citv Of Carlrbad to enter upon the *bo”e mentioned property ‘W i”spectio” pu,poses. I ALSO AGREE TO SAYE. INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE ClTY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL UAB,UT,ES, JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY A,CCR”E AGAlNST SAID Crr” IN CONSE[1”ENCE OF THE GRANTINO OF THlS PERMIT. OS”& An OSHA permit i* required ‘or BXC.Y.fiO”S over 5’0” deep and demolition or conrtruCfion Of Stl”Ct”leP OYW 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under fh* provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such pe,mit is not commenced within 365 days tram ela date Of such permit or if the building or work authorired by such perrle is suspended or abandoned at any time atter f period Of 180 days ,saction 106.4.4 Uniform 2J Building Cdd. WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance City of Carlsbad Inspection Request For: 6121199 Permit# CB992152 Title: UNDERGROUND PLUMBING ONLY Description: Inspector Assignment: TP Type: PLUM Sub Type: Job Address: 1635 FARADAY AV Suite: Lot 0 Location: APPLICANT LUSARDI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Owner: FARADAY BUSINESS PLAZA L L C Remarks: Phone: 7609189995 Inspector: L Total Time: CD Description 11 FtglFoundationlPiers Requested By: BRUCE Entered By: CHRISTINE Act Comments & s-af$P!PLLo* Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments 6/17/99 21 Underground/Under Floor PA TP NOT INCL FLAT VENT AREA, ND A/B REV.