HomeMy WebLinkAbout1635 FARADAY AVE; ; PCR99142; PermitCity of Carlsbad 06/28/l 999 Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCR99142 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 438-3101 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: Project Title: 1635 FARADAY AV CBAD PCR Status: PENDING 2121303100 Lot #: 0 Applied: 06/10/1999 $0.00 Construction Type: NEW Entered By: DT CB984150 Plan Approved: Issued: CITY OF CARLSBAD BLDG Inspect Area: CURTAINWALL SYSTEM DEFFERED SUBMITTAL Applicant: SMITH CONSULTING ARCHITECTS STE 200 12220 EL CAMINO REAL SAN DIEGO CA 92121 6196734777 Total Fees: $218.00 :e Due: $218.00 Plan Check Revision Fee FINAL APPROVAL Inspector: Date: Clearance: NOTICE: Please lake NOTICE mat approval of your project includes the ‘Impasibbn” of fees, dedkations, reservelions, or other exactions hereafler collectively referred to es ‘feeslexati~ns.’ You have 90 days from the date mis permlwas issued to protest impoeition of these feeslexatiwns. If you protest deem, you must follow the protest procedures set follh in Government Code Seclion 66020(a), and Rle the protest and any atier required infonation with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Cadsbad Municipal Code Secbon 3.32030. Failure to timely follow that pmcedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specifed feeslexactans DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer mnnection fees and cap&y changes, nor planning, zoning, gading or other similar application prccessiq or service fees in connection with vlis project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been qiven a NOTICE similar to this, or es to which me statute of limiiations has previously otherwise expired. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 6-09-1999 5:17PM FROM SMITH-CONSULTING-CUT 6197934787 P. 2 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT APPLICATION f v”‘- , -. .- CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Paimas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 4381161 PLAN CHECK NO. c 142 EST. VAL. Plen Ck. Deposit Validated By Date Tot., I cd “nits I Of smhrooM 2,,, ‘O&T,q& &a$op&(w&**:~,*j+, ,: :Y’: ;; ‘F: :,?,,:,I :,,, ‘y,.‘,’ ” ‘:,‘.; “,’ ‘i” ““’ ,,., ~;:‘,,;;‘:.‘,,: :,,,: ,,,~~ ,,,, ,, ,,, :.~,., ,,:, Name P&hose *,8twzRip T.Wr.0.. I mx * 3:‘3iwucA /G%w 8 Nmm :*,,, ‘:PROPOrrY~O~: ‘: ‘, ‘z ,., ‘Y,,, ,.,,: ::” i:,,:; ‘:_‘E,;,:i’:,; :,:,:t ,:,Q,,,,::, ,,,:.:.I::::., ‘:.:. :,:.: ‘;,,~,,i:_j:j ;,,~:‘“:~:,~:~.,, ~:, ,: .,,, 1’ RWfJY &I,. fuc4, UC; &cx .wrfL.GY , M7 G9PJhud vmrn&P. &I$ b%. 76M3~7QZ *Ina IIdd,.rs WY Sm*Rib Telec.ho.d * ,~, mml\hbR .:cowpamN~m~~,,,~,~: ‘L.‘:,’ ,; ,~ ,:::: :;;,+” ,,,,., ‘; :,::,,‘_~‘:::I,~‘~:,:~.,‘,:::‘,,., ‘_/;,:,;:,f~‘.,: 5: .,:_::.,:.;: ‘;,~, ,.,< ,~, .‘,., ,ssc. 7031.5 B”d”sss and Pro‘assimls Cods: Any city 01 Co”nty d7.h mldms s pm* m CanYtNci. mer. Imp0”~. Mmoli*h w *ep”ir a.77 sVuti”w% Glbr 10 m i.,“.“oe, 1180 rewka the epp4lcam (01 tucn fxrmit to me 1 doned smemennt ths ns IS liCens4 purruant to th. plOYbi.ms a, tlla co”tl.ctor’s uamss Law ,Ch*ptel 9, cmmaodinp with section 7ooo or Division 3 d thl BYaa3. *nd Rdassiors cow 01 en b ia wmnpt thaeka. md Ihe md* ‘01 the mGed srem.,ion. An” violation Of ?.e.tion 7031.5 b” a armliF*“t tar a L-CI Smw / wmit rubjam the awlimnt *o a Civil PenmY sl noI ltwrs mm we h”mmd dOllU, w50011. 0,%&7/tl/c7/02 &7, I ho .!-ltit% fif%h v/r., sfhdfl&%OS, q?O6? .760-74?+93~ Nsme ‘207 a$7 “:::::, me A t 0 CRY stanmp Tapion* * city (ILSI~SS licewe * LcrJs UL7W6 MGff I 7&c IS Dalignrr Name Address city SUtClZiP Telwhons smw LiCanlrS # ::s: ‘~‘~byLi~mwoOHpgtmmoir’ : ,:: ‘~, ~~,’ ,,:. .,,.,,.,,,, ~:,~, ,,,:. ,: ,,,,, ~8, ,~ ~,, ,~ WOI**~ c0mpewti~1 wwwn: t hwdI mm und0f oh+ 01 w*u~V O& Of me tdi0ei.~ *dmti01g: 0 I hW(1 Md Will rn.i”wl . cmllieme 0, ccatrm 10 *Mh‘“n for utia’ c~“pmNwn II wwidd bv bwlim 37M) of the Laba Code. ,w the pnrornmnm 0, th* work ‘or Whwl tnit P*,mlt II itt”ed Q SU&W~~TRD cJlTt-1 O&lbh’lRL @Z./W?,7 &Z’L(C&JI& I Ilaw .0d Will mainmin wmkws .wmpmsatiion. .* reqrilrd t.” Sectlo” WOO (If th* lam cw*, for tiw mfc.rm~nLm Of tb Work (01 which this pmli, ,I IhU(ld. My WwkdS cvmp*nUt,on inrursnee carrm rnd PDliS” NlrnDW are: Iw”,mce CornDam, POllCY NO. earnion DIW ,THIS SECTION NEED NOT Be EOMILrnb H THE PmMIT 15 mm lwc n”NonCo MILLraW 11100, OR LCSSI 0 CERTIFICWE OF caMPllcw: 1 cmifv mat in the P.rfwn.“S. Of me work toI Wuhlch thla pmnlt * irruod. I ,MI nm ~mplo” my person I” my mmner SO aI m Lwaarne Wb@x tea elm Worknr’ Comc.ms.tion Laws 0‘ cdiiornie. WARNINO: Falm 10 ~~ Vc.rhm’ ec.lll~*lml COY~sse 1. u*aww. end SW allwet n 9mve” b aknhd vmdlha and ddl +&ma ‘p 1e ena llml&d thmmd doom (3 100.000~. k aMma, w th9 CM d wmm-n. dlmww ” - ta in s.cIion 3706 et the labor Mdt. +Mmn md OnoN”‘. fens. IlCNATURl DATE ,.‘, ovmEn;8”~~* ~E~~*~ :,‘,; .~,,, ~,, ~,. ; :, ,,,, “, I hereb” dfh elat I rm srsmpt flml tlw CcmlractW’S ucenrm Law to, *he ‘c4l0bhg IemPm: IJ 8, as OW”W Of the propmy 07 my employee 4th wsgsr aa the!r WI. 00mlms.lhm, will do the Work .“d m ,vwt”Ie is not intended 0, c&led ‘or .a,. ,ssc. ,044, Burinem and Pm‘e,enl cobc: Ihe Comrrcror’, L,cm”S, LIW does noI WI” *a an own” 0, pmpwty *ho btilas *, imcfwes nlmwm. and who dO*l ,ucn work nimm 0, t!wOu#l his own smpl~es. mvi*d that such impmwm.m IM nm Imenetd 01 Of‘WM lo,,,,., ,,, twwsver, IhO t”Amg of impwrrnn, * SOId within one Yew 0‘ cc.mplnion, m* OW”erh4dCI WlU he”* the bWd@” d pro”@ mat !M CM mat build c+ imprwe for the purpo,e 0, *a*,. 0 I. 8) ow”*l a? ,I(* WOPWW, ml erclurively contnetinp with hen.aL3 vmwscton to cmtirK( the aojmn 66s 7044. Bualneaa Md Pm‘tsn(on~ coda: The centlxtw’s l.it*n%e ,a** dorr “01 IDDly to an owner d DrOpmy VAW wld, 0, imwo”~ rlweon. .“d cwnmctr for such wojncts With connscton*, Ilcenwd w,w,“t -0 the CO”tm.tw’1 Lii(mse bbv,. 0 I am ,xompt “ndsr S~otim manau, and Pr.afe&.“l cod* to1 w* rmson: 1. I ou*owdl~ plan to provide the maim Mm and mat*tW tit cer5uudon 07 thm propowd c4omw imprwmm. 0 YES ON0 2. I mwe , OIW nw sig”d m applicalio” k.1 a building permit ,a the propcrod wett. 3. I have cmaacrad Wkh the mowing Wrmn ,tiwlo 10 Wovid, th rdObmsnd cc.xtNctiO” ,hdu* name, adhe%, Dhm, mmllmr , cmlmanl ,ica,e wnbn: 4. I Dlan 10 provide portions 0, the *rock, Ouf ( haYe hlrod vhe lolowIng curon 70 coordin~ta. rupefvire *M pIovid* 111* major wwk (include name I addme I p?-ans Mnelll i contraczofs lens. ““rnbs,L 5, 1 Will prwide some Of the wee, but I h*“e SD”“.E,.d ,hirsd~ the following paron* to provian *ho Wk indiim*d hlC,“d~ n,m., WJd,.,, , pason, number, type Of WOlZ,! PROPERT” OWNER SGNAWRI DATE cokRm~.wls SEO,mr:muNOKRES48VIUU auM*Io ‘PlswJw ,,~, ‘ariW ::z::l::;.:,~,, I.:,:, ::‘#:,;;,;, ,:~ ,:.,., ~,:,,.z,‘:., ~. .‘,, ,,: ,:, L6ND6KS NAME LENDER’S ADDRESS 9.: “, ,&*p&& cR(IHwTiw:;: L;‘, ::, ,,,:C;, ,::.:,:b ‘; ,’ ,I ,‘,.:,: ,..,,,,,.., ,:,;::,I:,:,.~F ..:!‘,,.I,’ X;,‘. ‘1 1:: ‘:,I),, :::I i:‘z’I:j; ‘X.::i,i ,:,::,‘,:,I:.!: .,,‘-.,,:: ,-,: EsGil Corporation ln Tartnership with ~ovcmmcntfor ‘Building Safety DATE: June 23,1999 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-4150-PCR99142 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1635 Faraday Ave. SET: I Cl APPLICANT E2E”lEWER 0 FILE PROJECT NAME: FARDAY BUSINESS PLAZA Curtain Walls 0 The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction’s building codes. [XI The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction’s building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. 0 The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. 0 The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. q The applicants copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. 0 The applicant’s copy of the check list has been sent to: q Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. 0 Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: 1 Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person q REMARKS: Applicant shall provide a “Special Inspection Program” for the Hilti shot pins installatio and for Field Welding to the Building Official. By: Sergio Azuela Esgil Corporation 0 GA 0 MB 0 EJ 0 PC Enclosures: 6/14 tmsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 l San Diego, California 92123 l (858) 560-1468 l Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 98-4150-PCR99142 June 23, 1999 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Sergio Azuela DATE: June 23, 1999 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1635 Faraday Ave. Curtain Walls BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B, F-l & S-l PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-4150-PCR99142 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VN 0 199 UBC Building Permit Fee q Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 335.19 0 199 UBC Plan Check Fee q Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 217.88 Type of Review: q Complete Review 0 Structural Only q Hourly 0 Repetitive Fee Applicable Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 174.30 Comments: 2 hrs @ $ 87.15/hr. = $ 174.30 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 : ,, .+ r JTL DESIGN & ENGINEERING Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 Tel: (714) 545-8470 ,. 2035 1 Irvine Ave. Suite #2 Fa: (714) 545-8446 Cover sheet of 14 . STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS - Icp- FOR PROJECT: en - At Faraday Business Plaza b PROJECT NO: 99-A03 1 . ,+ PROJECT ADDRESS: 1635 Fmdav Ave. .. Carlasbad, California 92008 CLIENT ADDRESS: DATE: Vision Systems, INC. March 6 . 1999 Rev’d on March 3 1,1999 Rev’d on May 10,1999 JTL DESIGN & ENGINEERING Date: March 6.1999 20351 Irvine Ave. Suite #2 Job NO: %A031 santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 Tel: (714) 545-8470 Fax: (714) 545-8446 BY Sheet No: Rev’don May 19, 1999 Faraday Business Plaza DESIGN CRITERb$ Design wind pressure P.. (Ce )( Cq X Qs) ( I ) Per following factors: (1). 1994 UBC (2). Basic wind speed : 70 MPH (3). Qs ( stagnation pressure) = 12.6 psf (4). Cq =(pressure coefficient) per table 16 H 1994 UBC (5). Ce = (exposure factor) pertable 16 G 1994 UBC * I I, Design seismic load Fp = (Z) (I)(Cp)(Wp) MATERIAL (1). ALU”. 6063-T6 &LOY Bending Fb about strong axis = 15 psi aboutweakaxis= 20 psi Shear Fv = 6.5 psi Bearing Fp i =24 psi All above values are based on 1994 UBC and 1982 Specification for Alum. Structures By The Aluminum Association (2). STEEL ASTM A36 BEIma -_ (1). 1/4 gIass 3.25 psf alluminum 1.75 psf total weight 5 Psf DEFLECTION CRITERIA (1). wIND shall be less than’U175 (2). DEAD LOAD shall be less than U360 DESIGN NOTES : The capacity of the building structure to support the dead and wind loads ffom the curtainwall shall be evaluated and verified by the project engineer of the building. JTL DESIGN & ENGINEERING Date: March 6.1999 20351 Irvine Ave. Suite #2 Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 Tel: (714) 545-8470 Fax: (714) 545-8446 Job NO: %"A031 BY Sheet No: 2 PL Faraday Business Plaza .. \ .I994 UBC 70 MPH EXPOSUE " c " H- 40' MAX P=CexCqx QsxI Typicalzone =( I.31)( 1.3)(12.6)( 1)=21.5psf Comerzone = (1.31)(1.5)( 12.6)( 1)=25psf .. k,.,?; .~ USE 21.5 PSF AS DESIGN wIM> LOAQ mm COMBINATION DL only 5 psf DL+== 5+20=25psf -= 21.5 psf ( HORIZINTAL AT TYPICAL ZONE ) 25 psf (HORIZONTAL AT CORNER ZONE ) SEISMIC LOAD FACTOR = ZI (Cp) = 0.3 ~TL DESIGN & ENGINEERING 20351 Irvine Ave. Suite #2 Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 Tel: (714) 545-8470 Fax: (714) 545-8446 Date: mcb 6.1999 Job NO: %A031 BY PL Sheet NO: . 3 Faraday Business Plaza .. - - "_ ~ ~ I -31 .:""""""""""""""""I JTL DESIGN & ENGINEERING Date: March 6.1999 20351 Irvine Ave. Suite #2 Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 Tel: (714) 545-8470 Fax: (714) 545-8446 Sheet No: 4 Job NO: 99-A031 BY PL Faraday Business Plaza 1 .VERTICAL MULLION DESIGN p Per detail 5/ 0-1) at elevations A,B,C,D,E,F&G \' Design wind load 21.5 psqtypical zone) "LLION LENGTH = 10'4" Uniformly loaded w = 4.4 (21.5) = 95 plf M=95(10)(10)/8= 1188 Ib.4 .~ Try mullion W40-012-MSR I = 1.07 in+4 Sx = 0.68 in +3 fb= 1.2(12)/0.68 =21.2 ksi greaterthan15ksi NG 43 Deflection= WSXlOl (12) 384( lOOOOOOO)( 1.07) =2 =U60 greaterthanL! 175 NG Sunaest adding steel reinforcing inside of mullion USE MULLIONS OF W40-Ol l-MSR WITH STEEL REINFORCING BARS 3"x1/4" FULL HEIGHT TWO PER MULLION Total Ix =1.07+2.9(2)(0.5625) 4.33 in+4 Final deflection = 2(1.07)/4.33 = 0.5 in = U240 OK fb= 21.2(1.07)/4.33 = 5.3 ksi OK /' JTL DESIGN & ENGINEERING 20351 Irvine Ave. Suite #2 hta Ana Heights, CA 92707 Tel: (714) 545-8470 Fax: (714) 545-8446 Sheet No: Date: March 6.1999 Job NO: 99-A031 BY PL Faraday Business Plaza TYPE2 VER- Per detail 8/ 0-1) at elevations A,B,C,D& F Design wind load 21.5 psqtypical zone) MULLION LENGTH = 10'4'' Uniformly loaded w = 3.3 01.5) = 71 plf M = 71 (10)(10) / 8 = 888 Ib&l T1ymullionW40-011-MSR I= 2.136 in+4 Sx=l.l4in+3 .. ~ fb= 0.9( 12)/1.14 =9.5 ksi lessthan 15ksiOK 43 Deflection= [55X71MlO) (12) 384(10000000)(2.136) = 0.75 = U160 greater than L / 175 NG west addinn steel reinforcing inside of mullion USE MULLIONS OF W40-Ol l-MSR WITH ONE STEEL REINFORCING BAR 3x114 FULL HEIGHT Total Ix 4.136 +2.9(0.56) =3.76 in+4 Final deflection = 0.75(2.136)/3.76 = 0.43 in = U279 OK fb= 9.5(2.136)/3.76 = 5.4 ksi OK JTL DESIGN & ENGINEERING Date: March 6.1999 20351 Irvine Ave. Suite #2 lob NO: 99-A031 Santa Apa Heights, CA 92707 BY PL Tel: (714) 545-8470 Fax: (714) 545-8446 Sheet No: b A /l\ Wd on -31, 1999 Faraday Business Plaza - Per detail I/ @-7) at elevations W(E-4) Design wind load 21.5 psf(typica1 zone) MULLION LENGTH -330'4" ped 28'4'' Uniformly loaded w = 1.4 (2 1.5) = 3 1 plf M=31 (9.33)(9.33)/8=338'lb~-ft Try mullion B9904-3 (mod.) I = 6 in+4 Sx = 1.71 in +3 fb= .34(12)/1.71(1.33) =2.4 ksi lessthan15ksi OK 43 Deflection= (5M31M9.33) (12) 384(10000000)(6) =0.1=U1120 lessthanL1175 OK mest adding iamb anchors at 113 points USE B9904-3 MULLIONS WITHOUT STEEL .* JTL DESIGN & ENGINEERING 20351 Irvine Ave. Suite #2 Smta Ana Heights, CA 92707 Tel: (714) 545-8470 Fax: (714) 545-8446 Date: March 16.1999 Bv PL lob NO: 99-A031 Sheet No: 7 Faraday Business Plaza TypE 4 VERTICAL MULLIONS Per detail I/ @-5) at elevations N/@-5) Design wind load 21.5 psf (typical zone) MULLION LENGTH = 15'4" two span6 with cantilever , !. Uniformly loaded w = 3.5 (21.5) = 76 plf M = 7.04 kips-in from sheet-# Try mullion two B9904-3 I = 2x 6 in+4 Sx = 2~1.71 in +3 fb= 7.04/(2)(1.71) =2.1 ksi lessthan 15 ksi OK Deflection= 0.06 =L/1866 lessthanL/ 175 OK USE MULLIONS OF TWO B9904-3 (MOD.) JTL DESIGN & ENGINEERING 20351 Inine Ave. Suite #2 Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 Tel: (714) 545-8470 Fax: (714) 545-8446 .. Date: March 16.1999 Bv PL Job NO: %A031 Fhday Bubiness Plaza .. ., - . . .. .. ELASTIC MODULUS (KSI) = 1.000D+04 MOMENT OF INERTIA (INCHBS**4) = 1.200D+01 . . . . . .- ,-. LEFT' OVERHANG SPAN-1 SPAN-2 RIGHT OVERHANG SPAN LENGTHS (FEET) : .000D+00 9.330D+00 ,p .500D+00 1.700D+00 UNIFORM LOADS (KIPS/FOOT) : .000D+00 7.4003)-02 7.400D-02 7.400D-02 k..+ NUMBER OF CONCENTRATED LOADS = 0 R~A~ION COMPONENTS (KIPS) .& SUPPORT MOMENTS (KIP-INCHES) """"""~"""""""~""~"""---""----------- RA = 2.823D-01 RE = 6.812D-01 MA= .000D+00 MB = -7.1)41D+00 . MC = -1.283D+00 .. RC = i.857~-01 INTERIOR MOMENTS (KIP-INCHBS) & LOCATION (0 OF SPAN':LENGTH FROM LEFT SUPPORT) SPAN-1 : 6.463D+00 KIP-INCHES 40.89 % OF SPAN FROM SUPPORT A SPAN-2: , -9.9253)-01 KIP-INCHES 82.02 % OF SPAN FROM SUPPORT B ) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""- OVERHANO & SPAN-DEFLECTIONS (INCHES) C OF SPAN LENGTH LEFT OVERHANG """""""""~""""""""~ .- .- . .oo 10.00 .0000D+00 .0000D+00 20.00 . .0000D+00 40.00 30.00 .0000D+00 .0000D+00 50.00, 60.00 .0000D+00 .0000D+00 0. 70.09 80.00 .0000D+00 ' 90 .oo .0000D+00 .0000D+00 100.00 .0000p+00 .0000D+00 SPAN-1 -2.0869D-02 -3.8907D-02 -5.2024D-02 -5.8937D-02 -5.9169D-02 -5.3053D-02 -4.1727D-02 -2.7139D-02 -1.2043D-02 ' -1.0133D-37 SPAN-2 3.6047D-03 5.8313D-03 6.9727D-03 7.2781D-03 6.95283)-03 6.1587D-03 5.01393)-03 3.5926D-03 1.9257D-03 2.2985D-18 .0000D+00 RIGHT OVERHANG -8.0293D-04 -1.6420D-03 -2.5096D-03 -3.3990D-03 -4.3046D-03 -5.22UD-03 -6.1454D-03 -7.0734D-03 -8.0033D-03 -8.9337D-03 .0000D+00 JTL DESIGN & ENGINEERING Date: March 16.1999 20351 Irvine Ave. Suite #2 Job NO: 99-A031 Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 BY PL Tel: (714) 545-8470 EX (714) 545-8446 Sheet No: 9 rev’d onMarch.31, 1999 Faraday Business Plaza TYPE 5 VERTICAL. MULLIONS Per d&l li @-5) atelevations N/(E-6) Design wind load 25 psf ( discontinuity with corn wind) MULLION LENGTH = 33.4” two spans with cantilever Uniformly loaded w = 333.5) = 88 plf M = 84.5 kips-in from sheet”i0 Try mullion two B9904-3 Ix = 21.13 in+4 Sx = 6 in +3 m25- ‘ 0.833’ .. fb= 84.5/(6)(1.33) = 10.6 ksi less than 15 ksi OK Deflection (mu.)= 2.48 in. at 16.3’ from point A 1 ~ 27.17’ =U131 gr*erthanL/175 and 1 in. NG I req’d = (2.48)(21.13)/1.86= 28.2 in+4 I req’d =(2.48)(21.13)/(1)=52.4 in+4 USE MULLIONS OF TWO B9904-3 (MOD3 WITH ONE REINFORCING STEEL 6‘X1/2”x28’ long the deflection will be 1.1 in. f total = 21.13 +(2.9)(9) = 47.23 in +4 ‘ Add reinforcing steel 6”x1/2” bar x 28’long Deflection = (2.48)(21.13)/47.23 = 1.1 in.=L/296 L with %,, dia. Teks @ every A Ra horiz. mullion Reactions Ra=936 lbs Rb=3293 lbs Rc= - 366 lbs. JTL DESIGN gi ENGINEERING 20351 Irvine Ave. Suite #2 Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 Tsl: (714) 545-8470 P~x: (714) 545-8446 Date. March 16.1 999 Job NO: %-A031 BY Sh&N0:10 PL 31.1999 I Faraday Business Plea TYPE 5 VERTICAL MULLIONS Per detail 1/@-5) at elevation N/(e-6) ** . .- - . . . .~ .." ." ~ ~" ** ** ** .. *? ** ** type 5 mullions at curved wall area - ....................................................................... . .. ELASTIC MODULUS (KSI) = 1.000D+04 MOMENT OF INERTIA (INCHES**4) = 2.113D+01 LEBT OWRHA€'?6 I' SPAN- 1 . .,, .s,s~~-a RIGHT OVERHANG SPAN LENGTHS (FEET) : . OOOD+OO 2.717D+01' .&250D+00 8.330D-01 UNIFORM LOADS (KIPS/FOOT) : .000D+00 8.800D-02 8.800D-02 8.800D-02 NUMBER OF CONCENTRATED LOADS = 0 -c FSACTION COMPONENTS (KIPS) & SUPPORT MOMENTS (KIP-INCHES) RA = 9.361D-01 RE = 3.293D+00 RC = -1.391D+00 """"""""""""."""""""""."""""""- MA- .OOOD+OO '.?4B = -8.45.6Dt01 MC = -3.664D-01 ... . INTERIOR MOMENTS (KIP-INCHES) & LOCATION (% OF SPAN LENGTH FROM LEFT SUPPORT) ........................................... SPAN-1 : 5.975D+01 KIP-INCHES 39.15 % OF SPAN FROM SUPPORT A SPAN-2 : 1.457D+02 " KIP-INCHES 491.41 % OF SPAN FROM SUPPORT B OVERHANG & SPAN DEFLECTIONS (INCHES) """"~"~"""""""""""" % OF SPAN LENGTH LEET OVERHANG ., SPAN-1 .oo '.0000D+00 .0000D+00 10.00 20.00 .0000D+00 .0000D+00 -9.0110D-01 -1.6715D+00 30.00 .0000D+00 -2..2166D+OO 40.00 .0000D+00 50.00 .O.OOOD+OO -2.4807D+00 60.00 .0000D+00 70.00 .0000D+00 -2.1404D+00 80.00 -1.6210D+00 90.00 -2.4477~+00 .0000D+00 -9.9088D-01 .0000D+00 -3.9061D-01 .0000D+00 -7.1956D-16 loo. ao SPAN-2 2.87803)-02 4.8292D-02 5.9653D-02 6.3959D-02 6-.2281D-02 4 .5143D-.0.2 5.5668D-02 3.1710D-02 -3.6683D.-17. 1.6344D-02 .0000D+00 RIGHT OVERHANG .0000D+00 -3.2388D-03 -6.4790D-03 -.9.7203D-03 -1.2963D-02 -1.6205D-02 -1.9449D-02 -2.2692D-02 -2.5936D-02 -2.9179D-02 -3.2423D-02 .” JTL DESIGN & ENGINEERING Date: 20351 Irvine Ave. Suite #2 Job NO: %A031 Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 BY PL Tel: (714) 545-8470 Fax: (714) 545-8446 Sheet No: 11 Wd on May 10,1999 Faraday Business Center .. VERTICAL WION ANCHOR DESIGN TYPE 1 ANCHORS PERDETAIL 1KD-10) FOR WIND LOAD ANCHORS Horizontal reaction Rb = 2675 Ibs see sheet 10 BOLT #1 (with double clips one at each side of mullion) : .v. Shear force Fh d675 Ibs USE three #14 drilflex @ 2 ‘‘ OC per clio. Allowable shear= 3(0.585)(2)=3510 ok Allowable bearing =. 2(3)(24000)(0.25)(0.125) 4500 ok Both are greater than 2675 Ibs ” Mh = 2.675(1) = 2.675 Ibs-in S req’d =2.675/21.6”0.13 in+3 (4 holes are to slotted vertically) USE TWO L 3 X 3 X 114 X 12” LONG ANGLE rn BY OTHERS 1% JTL DESIGN & ENGINEERING 20351 Irvine Ave. Suite #2 Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 Tel: (714) 545-8470 Fax: (714) 545-8446 Date: March 16.1999 Job NO: 99-A031 Bv PL Sieet No: 1z Wd on March 31, 1999 Faraday Business Center . TYPE 2 SILL ANCHORS PER DEAIL 4/06] At elevation N/W) Horizontal reaction &= 789 Ibs (sheet €0) , Check the sill can M = 789 (0.1) = 79 Ibs-in 2 t req'd = 0.079 <6Xl) 20(1281.33) : .... . m I t= 0.04 .in / cc 4-1/4" USE SILL CAN OF 0.1 THK FASTENED VERT. MULLION ~. .~ I TO SILL CAN 1' ' BOLT # 1 Horizontal shear = 789 Ibs ,,., , 4-1/4" (MIN.) BOLT # 1 a, 6 " OC , NE AT EACH SIDE OF ALSO, USE ONE %" DIA. HILT1 KWIK BOLT I1 AT MID. SPAN OF TWO ADJACENT MULLIONS WITH 4-1/4 " MIN. EMBEDMENT LOCATED JTL DESIGN & ENGINEERING Date: March 16. 1999 20351 Me Ave. Suite #2 Job NO: %-A031 Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 BY PL Tel: (714) 545-8470 Fax: (714) 545-8446 Sheet No: 13 rev’d on March 3 1,1999 Faraday Business Center TYPE 3 ANCHORS PER DETAIL MD-9) FOR WIND LOAD ANCHORS Horizontal reaction Rc = 993 Ibs see sheet 10 mullion Bolt #2 BOLT #I Shear force Fh=993 Ibs k.?,’ USE three 1/4 DIA. DRILFLEX @. 2 OC , Allowable shear = 10(0.049)(3) = 1.47 kips ok “ Allowable bearing = 3(24)(0.25)(0.125) =2.25 kips ok Both are greater than 0.993 kips CHECK CLIP (double clips .one at each side of mullion) Mh = 993(1)(0.5) = 497 Ibs-in ANGLES with slotted holes One at each side of mullion -- L8x3x1/4xlZ”long t req’d = 0.18 in Bolt #1 USE TWO L 8 X 3 X 1/4 X 4” LONG ANGLES bolted to structural wood beam which is designed by others (required slotted holes at clips) klQLTA2 USE 2 -1/2” DM. LAG BOLTS 4-1/21’ min. embedment 4 total per anchor