HomeMy WebLinkAbout164 CHINQUAPIN AVE; ; CB153543; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 12-16-215 Residential Permit Permit No: CB153543 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address:164 CHINQUAPIN AV CBAD Permit Type:RESDNTL Sub Type: RAD Status:ISSUED Parcel No:2060131300 Lot #:0 Applied:10/20/2015 Valuation:$75,878.00 Constuction Type: 5B Entered By: RMA Occupancy Group:Reference #:Plan Approved: 12/16/2015 # Dwelling Units:0 Structure Type:Issued:12/16/2015 Bedrooms:0 Bathrooms:0 Inspect Area: Orig PC #:Plan Check #: Project Title:DAVIES RES-1,100 SF REMODEL 240 SF KITCHEN, CONVERT 40 SF RETREAT TO BATHRM, REMODEL 150 SF MASTER BEDRM, REPLACE ALL WINDOWS & DOORS Applicant:Owner: SAM WRIGHT JEFF DAVIES STE N 2911 STATE ST 245 TAMARACK AV CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD CA 92008 760 213-1460 Building Permit $520.74 Meter Size Add'I Building Permit Fee $0.00 Add! Red. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Plan Check $364.52 Meter Fee $0.00 Add'I Plan Check Fee $0.00 SDCWA Fee $0.00 Plan Check Discount $0.00 CFD Payoff Fee $0.00 Strong Motion Fee $9.86 PFF (3105540)$0.00 Park in Lieu Fee $0.00 PFF (4305540)$0.00 Park Fee $0.00 License Tax (3104193)$0.00 LFM Fee $0.00 License Tax (4304193)$0.00 Bridge Fee $0.00 Traffic Impact Fee (3105541)$0.00 Other Bridge Fee $0.00 Traffic Impact Fee (4305541)$0.00 BTD #2 Fee $0.00 Sidewalk Fee $0.00 BTD #3 Fee $0.00 PLUMBING TOTAL $123.00 Renewal Fee $0.00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $46.00 Add'I Renewal Fee $0.00 MECHANICAL TOTAL $84.95 Other Building Fee $0.00 Housing Impact Fee $0.00 HMP Fee $0.00 Housing InLieu Fee $0.00 Pot. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Housing Credit Fee $0.00 Meter Size Master Drainage Fee $0.00 Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Sewer Fee $0.00 Red. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Additional Fees $0.00 Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee $4.00 Fire Sprinkler Fees $0.00 Green Bldg Stands Plan Chk Fee $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $1,153.07 Total Fees:$1,153.07 Total Payments to Date:$1,153.07 Balance Due:$0.00 FINAL/APPRO/VAL Inspector:Date:17"--1 Clearance: NOTICE:Please take NOTICE that approval dyour project indudes the "Irrpcsitiorf dfees, decicaficre reservations, or other exactions hereafter colledively referred to as "fees/exactions."You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest impositiondthese fees/sections.If o.i protest them, you must fdlow the protest procedures set forth in avemment Cain. Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other redired information with the City Mareger far processing in anode Le with Carlsbad krknidpal Code Section 3.32.030.Failure to timelyfdlcw that prcedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTI-ER NOTIFIED thatyox HO to protest the spedfied fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and saner correction fees and capacity thangas, nor planting, zoning, grating or carer sir ilk application processing or service fees in correction withMs project.NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have cratiusivbeen Given a NOTICE simile. to this. or as to which the statutecf limitations has creviouslv otherwisesidled ............/— v THE FOkLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE:0 PLANNING 0 ENGINEERING 0 BUILDING 0 FIRE 0 HEALTH 0 HAZMATIAPCD s.,,,4„•_ (City of Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Check No. Est. Value 3/..0./'Sffli 3 Carlsbad Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 email: building@carlsbadca.gov Plan Ck. Deposit www.carlsbadca.gov e Date /044 )ii- HSWPPP Jop ADDRESSSUITEI/SPACEVUNIT APN I C.00 r".C.V-\%'44 C:;;)‘.)A.-pir.1 161-`siE...-.20 Go -013 -1 7 -00 CT/PROJECT #LOT #PHASE##OF UNITS #BEDROOMS #BATHROOMS TENANT BUSINESS NAME CONSTR. TYPE OCC. GROUP DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Include Square Feet of Affected Annals) 24 -c....5 .....€. --..v......7C e. e-...0-..,v0 -•ilz.1_. Ar C.7 ..e.,,.F.-•1-4 e.."...Vi•-r t-4 (kiae) AdiAbzi)i 5 .::.--....tr--:.V-4 vb.s re-...'03 irk--rt."%....e.‘-40.--* 4 • t.te............kJ „v....01/4.4 a C)co %k--s EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE GARAGE (SF)PATIOS (SF)DECKS (SF)FIREPLACE AIR CONDITIONING FIRE SPRINKLERS YESla NOD YES ONO [J YESEl NOD APPLICANT NAME.••••""PROP OWNER NA Moan. Contact -----AB-4 \rip -%1/4.7t.o4 r—ix..%%d %e....s. ADDRESS ADDRESS2-ci ‘‘crwrc.s -r -s'€.L..%2 4 --'T pt.-A A-4.14--il•--1 k.7.--... CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP ••••1.1.0-•••-5 (2:. r....=G. A •9 -Lc...)./2 ...j..(2, 0...-G io..9 Lou p--) PlizIE FAX PHai&FAX70'o •Z t 2-,•l4 -C.C)t UA Ch N aunort Pore/EMAIL EMAILtocz........r44.-r- %-4 Po-Lt 4 C.-CL. CI p O$7...1/4.....1.404el"---.C...0 tr.._,A C....-CAK-S‘901 D C...F\e‘ ?--0C) S/ DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX PHONE FAX EMAIL EMAIL STATE LIC.#STATE LIC.#CLASS CITY BUS. LIC.# (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior toits issuance, also requires theapplicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of theBusiness and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant fora permit subjects the applicant to acivil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500)). I WORKERS'COMPENSATION Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penally of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self•insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. •I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code. for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy " number are: Insurance Co.Policy No.Expiration Date 1 1 This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less. I El Certificate of Exemption:I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of L California.WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. AS CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE 0 AGENT DATE OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm thatlam exempt from Contractor's License Law for the following reason:0 I,as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). ,El I,as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). IDI am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1.I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement.Dyes ElNo 2.1 (have I have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3.I have contracted with the following rson (firm) to vide the proposed construction (include name address I phone / contractors' license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the ,butI have wing person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include nameI address Iphone /contractors' license number): 5.I will provide some of the wo ut I have co (hired)f owing persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone / type of work): t iiitSPROPERTY OWNE GNATURE )iAGENT DATE /6 I Z 3 ./ 5.-"--'.."'. COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR NON -RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act?0Yes 0 No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district?0 Yes 0 No Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site?0 Yes 0 No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lender's Name Lender's Address APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify thatIhave mad the application and state thatthe ahem informationIscorrect and thatthe infometion on the plans is accurate.Iagree to complyMtall CIVoidlnances and Stale laws 'elating to bulking consnuction. I hereby authorize representative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property ter inspection purposes.I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 50' deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building I under the 'ions ofthis Code shall expire by imitation and become null and yob if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit or if the bui 'or work au it is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced foraperiod of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). AKAPPLICANT'SSIGNATURE DATE /4.r z • 1 simommom Carlsbad 15-3543 •12/14/15 <<t4. SPECIAL INSPECTION Development Services Building Division Ner CITY OF AGREEMENT 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD B-45 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov In accordance with Chapter 17 of Bie California Building Code the following must be completed when work being performed requires special inspection, structural observation and construction material testing. 3rOjecl/PernlitC° P %5 •3 5 4-27 Project Address-I 447 4 C--*""4 Q''l'r '''4.l4"*.46"--. A.THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE PROPERTY OWNBUAUTHORIZED AGENT. Please check if you are Owner-Buider O. Of you checked as owner-builder you must also complete Section B of this agreement.) Name:(Please print)S %-ke. 0-0...../1:-.>"t.... .e...$ flIst)(MI.)(1-894 Mailing Address:2--4-'5 ---T."A `•-•%•4-.."`•A r••••••ir.--"".a''''6—••C-. IbtA"'r.i 9 2 0 4`) Zt:io Email-phone4i CO •7 to 2... •4 0 4 *7 1 am:Property Owner CIProperty Owner's Agent of Record OArchitect of Record LIEngineer of Record/ State of California Registration Number Expiration Date: AGREEMENT:I,the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, that I have read, understand, acknowledge and promise to comply with the City of Carlsbad requirements for special inspections, structural observations, co "n materials testi ,.-nd off-site fabrication of bulking components, as prescribed in the statement of special inspect on the approved .=..andr as by the California Buildi Code. Signature:/aVir Date:(5-.Mar B.CONTRACTOR'S STATEME " ••RESPONSIBILITY (07 CBC, Ch 17, Section 1706). This section must be completed by the contractor /builder/comer •I -r. Contractor's Company Name:Please check Wynn ere Omer-Snider 11 Name:(Please print) FIFM)(MI )(Last) Mailing Address: Email:Phone- State of California Contractor's License Number Expiration Date: •I acknowledge and, am aware, of special requirements contained in the statement of special inspections noted on the approved plans;•I acknowledge that control will be exercised to obtain conformance with the construction documents approved by the building official;•I will have in-place procedures for exercising control within our (the contractor's) organization, for the method and frequency of reporting and the distribution of the reports; and•I certify that I will have a qualified person within our (the contractor's) organization to exercise such control.•I vii provide a finalmoon/ letter in comoffance with CBC Section 1704.1.2 odor to requesting final insneotion. Signature:Date: 8-45 Page 1 of 1 Rev. 08/11 /(pq 0//04014F//1/I V /5 George Postulka Inspection Services PO Box 503 Poway, CA 92074 (858) 354-9918 SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT Project:Oct.s e( Address:/(4-(--/C A /i)itievai;)hive City:4e/-/%12(?(./ Permit Number:C /3/4-3 1-V 3 Plan File Number. TYPE OF OBSERVATIONS: Reinforcing Steel Reinforced Concrete Structural Masonry Field Welding Epoxy X Prestressed Concrete Shop Welding Bolting Fireproofing Number of Samples:Type: Materials/DesignMix/Psi:3C -7 54 /v,//VC&C X.1-'4c -Cir 2 car- ,E).-/,6 —/7 Date:30 Dpc REPORT .1 oh st.-1/4/.-.(7t-,4 e to"c 5/r // -re.'D S 19 5 If z7 a.7 d 3 x y _66 t/c (or I/ 0 )_g%/e..e ;6---(2.-- /) let t.4 //cit-5 /if/-f.c (/WI/ila.4/e- al /61 "#,A/Si /47_,//Iv ed.. i)rii 3 a Gt te Pt el b dl 7.2 d "714 dr44/eq.(tri 71; V e.-;/cedi./..:-.6r fo 71 c74 -. y r /t2 I5 /I dtc >i,a ;11 9/c -2 4;/1:f1 -..;.-/riti/v 54 rto WORK INSPECTED CONFORMS WITH APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED c'e)."i/9)9.90 TIME IN:0 7O O TIME OUT:. (Print)Certification # General Contractor:a c 4-lc- Address: Inspector's S'City: Phone: A Job Site Contact Signature Inspection List Permit#:CB153543 Type:RESDNTL RAD DAVIES RES-1,100 SF REMODEL 240 SF KITCHEN, CONVERT 40 SF RETRE Date Inspection Item Inspector Act Comments 10/12/2016 89 Final Combo PD AP 10/05/2016 89 Final Combo PY CO 03/30/2016 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PY AP 03/29/2016 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PY PA 03/18/2016 13 Shear Panels/HD's MC AP SEE CARD, NEED EPR TO SIGN OFF ON SHEAR WALL TYPE 5 FOR MISSING 3X STUDS. 03/14/2016 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall PY AP 03/09/2016 84 Rough Combo PY AP 12/18/2015 21 Underground/Under Floor PY AP 12/18/2015 23 Gas/Test/Repairs PY PA Thursday, October 27, 2016 Page 1 of 1 • 1 ....... /6/..1 cHm/Q uc.r/ -7n 0/ -3 6- q: Davies Residence -15225 9i.oF ESS JoA._ 9 - wle Sheet 1 of 1 3-28-16 e3-...\O T.90 %. .-Ni-4,-Partial of S-3 114m =11-0"'(,)c)Tr. S .0 0 `1 iLiten David Thomas, SE_ tt Exp.6 .41171 00 0'*...•40 . ; it .(Je 0‘- (c''0OF-CAI\'c iiLvi Mu/ ,. ,•I 1--\----."\-\--1-1-- 1 ' 1 - -0 7 CI . _ .- . 1.1evil . 14 . 11ICIOKAY TO REDUCE SHEAR kTO 'TYPE 2 IF SHEAR - WALL LENGTH IS EQUAL 4131 OR GREATER THAN 11'-9"4sio i - -.- •-iJeil- II --: •El rLI-----Ii 1 - EsGil Corporation In Tartnership with governmentforBudding Safety DATE:12/14/15 APPLICANT JURIS. JURISDICTION:Carlsbad PLAN REVIEWER FILE PLAN CHECK NO.:15-3543 SET:II PROJECT ADDRESS:164 Chinquapin Avenue PROJECT NAME:Remodel for Davies Residence F - 7 The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. [X]The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. ri The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ri The check list transmitted herewith is for your information.The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. ri The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ri The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: •EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. 1 - 7 EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted:Telephone Date contacted:(by:)Email: Mail Telephone Fax In Person Fl REMARKS:Complete special inspection form for items listed on S-2. By:Ray Fuller Enclosures: EsGil Corporation GA EJ MB PC (P)12/07/15 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 San Diego, California 92123 (858) 560-1468 Fax (858) 560-1576 IMMINI 1111 1111111111111111 EsGil Corporation In Partnership with Governmentfor4:sulfa-lag Safety DATE:10/30/15 0 APPLICANT URIS. 1 JURISDICTION:Carlsbad 0 PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE PLAN CHECK NO.:15-3543 SET:I PROJECT ADDRESS:164 Chinquapin Avenue PROJECT NAME:Remodel for Davies Residence pi The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. [7 The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. ri The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. Fl The check list transmitted herewith is for your information.The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. [X]The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Sam Wright 2911 State Street Suite N Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. IY1.EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted:Sam Wright Telephone #:(760) 213-1460 ate contacted:\0 1'664 (byVA-)- Mail telephone Fax In Person Email:wrighthaus@roadrunner.com ri REMARKS: By:Ray Fuller Enclosures: EsGil Corporation El GA El EJ 0 MB 0 PC 10/22/15 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 •San Diego, California 92123 •(858) 560-1468 •Fax (858) 560-1576 vikummerm Carlsbad 15-3543 10/30/15 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES PLAN CHECK NO.:15-3543 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS:164 Chinquapin Avenue FLOOR AREA:STORIES:Existing No Change Remodel 1100 HEIGHT:Existing No Change REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION:10/20/15 ESGIL CORPORATION: 10/22/15 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW PLAN REVIEWER:Ray Fuller COMPLETED:10/30/15 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the California version of the International Residential Code,International Building Code,Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code,National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation,noise attenuation and access for the disabled.This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department.You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments.Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Present California law mandates that construction comply with the 2013 edition of the California Code of Regulations (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes: 2012 IRC, 2012 IBC, 2012 UPC, 2012 UMC and 2011 NEC. The above regulations apply, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change.All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations.Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2012 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process.please note on this list (or a copy)where each correction item has been addressed. i.e.. plan sheet number. specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. Carlsbad 15-3543 10/30/15 1.Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list.Submit THREE sets of plans for residential projects.For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1.Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700.The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2.Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE:Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. 2.Verify final sets of architectural sheets will be signed by designer and that the structural sheets and any new calculations will be stamped and signed by engineer of record also. 3.The scope of work needs to be defined on cover sheet i.e. replacement of windows, new tankless water heater etc in addition to noting the sq footages. The permit application states 420 sq ft of remodel. The remodel sq footage appears to be much larger than that (1100 sq ft). Please clarify. 4.Please provide a existing floor plan that states use of rooms and shows existing appliances and features for example.For example where was laundry room before ,were stairs existing and if so are they being remodeled, where were the FAU's before, etc.Landing should reflect a habitable use due to size? 5.The energy calculations provided were not for this project but instead for a 483 sq ft addition on 1305 Buena Vista Way? 6.Please clearly indicate on the cover sheet of the plans whether the existing residence has a fire sprinkler system installed or not and or if proposing to be fire sprinklered.If existing structure is fire sprinklered then provide a note stating that any additions/alterations will also be provided with an automatic residential fire sprinkler system.Section R313.2. 7.Please clearly indicate on the cover sheet of the plans whether the existing house was built before or after 1994.For additions or improvements to a residence built before 1994 please add the following note on the cover sheet of the plans "All existing "noncompliant" fixtures (toilets that use more than 1.6 gallons of water per flush, urinals that use more than one gallon of water per flush, showerheads that have a flow capacity of more than 2.5 gallons of water per minute, and interior faucets that emit more than 2.2 gallons of water per minute) shall be replaced.Certification of compliance shall be given to the building inspector prior to final permit approval.California SB407 Carlsbad 15-3543 •10/30/15 8.The gas cook top should reflect u/g electric and detail and reference u/g gas line /sleeve/vent/access to exterior and if down draft then u/g exhaust ducts etc. Verify exhaust duct /access terminations will not adversely affect any shear walls/sill plates. Detail and reference under slab gas per City of Carlsbad's policy. STANDARD INSTALLATION SDIDZ FOR BELOW SLAB GAS PIPING 1.Gas piping and fittings shall be standard weight black ironpipe. 2.Sleeve and fittings shall be Schedule 40 PVC 3.Location and placement shall allow for ready removal. 4.Access panel shall be sized and located to allow ready removal of couplings and vertical pipe extension. 5.Two air pressure tests are required and shall be of 5 psi and hold for 15 minutes. A.After placement of sleeve and prior to encasement B.At time of final inspection with piping installed. 6.Sleeve shall be graded to vent to atmosphere. Access Panel Left/Right Seal at 14"x 14"min coupling penetration assembly (both ends) Screened vent iP in9 to atmosphere .n6 sleeve Threaded plug v...••.q.,••gm H• :81'ffusTagWo I I III11.111111111111.MINIMIMump.Finish grade mommiliti04 7:4= 9.An instantaneous water heater is shown on the plans.Please include a gas pipe sizing design (isometric or pipe layout) for all gas loads. The gas pipe sizing for a tank type water heater shall be based upon a minimum 200,000 Btu gas input . 10.Provide the following design requirements for all new gas water heaters installed to serve individual dwelling units: •A condensate drain installed no higher than 2" above the base of the heater that also allows for gravity drainage. •A 120 volt receptacle accessible to the heater installed within 3 feet. •Pressure relief must extend to the exterior. •Verify adequate combustion air is provided (unless mounted outdoors or noted on plans to be direct vented. Carlsbad 15-3543 •10/30/15 11.All hot water piping sized 3/4"or larger is required to be insulated as follows:1" pipe size or less: 1" thick insulation; larger pipe sizes require 1W thick insulation. Note:In addition, the %" size hot water pipe to the kitchen sink is required to be insulated.ES 150.00)2 12.The 48 x 120 window at stairwell appears to be new instead of replace as A2 is reflecting removing wall at this location.Verify glazing and remaining portion of wall will be able to resist out plane loading. 13.The plans are reflecting glass railings.Detail and reference on the plans the connections to show capability to resist a concentrated load of 200 pounds in any direction along the top rail. Table R301.5. Plans to reflect thickness of the glass railing and must be tempered. Detail and reference the glass guard to be supported on all four sides per Section 2407.If not providing a top rail then provide design calculations and details to show that glass railing can resist lateral forces per Section 1607.7.1 and must obtain Building Official approval per Section 2407.1.2 14.Detail and reference graspable handrail for stairs where glass railing occurs. 15.The FAU cannot be in placed in a laundry room (unless clearly noted to be direct vented) as dryer exhaust could cause back drafting of the FAU flue. Other option is specify it is to be installed in a sealed enclosure with a listed, gasketed, self-closing, and latchable door with a threshold with combustion high and low combustion air being provided form the exterior. 16.Show or note on plans that a 100 sq inches of make up air is required in laundry room (to make up of exhaust air being vented out by dryer) 17.Detail the dryer exhaust duct design from the dryer to the exterior with termination to be a minimum of 3 ft from any opening. The maximum length is 14 feet with a maximum of two 90-degree elbows. CMC Section 504.3. 18.Recheck plans for tempered window locations i.e. within 2 ft of interior/exterior doors, shower/tub areas, within 5 ft radius of tubs (unless 5 ft above) and stairwells if applicable. Any glazing adjacent to the landing at the bottom of a stairway, where the glazing is less than 36" above the landing and within 60" horizontally of the bottom tread. Section R308.4 See U windows at master bath as with 5 ft horizontal distance for example. 19.The elevations do not appear to match the plans. For example see window T at landing on A5 where per schedule this is to be 72x72 and shown on east elevation on A6 as a 72 x 60?Recheck all locations. 20.If applies (see item above):Where a window sill is more than 6' above the finished grade, the lowest part of the window shall be at least 24" above the finished floor of the room.Glazing between the floor and a height of 24" shall be fixed or have openings such that a 4" sphere cannot pass through. •Carlsbad 15-3543 •10/30/15 .21.Please recheck keynotes to verify they are correct.For example it appears proposing fireplace at master bedroom on A5 (keynote 37) but not shown.Is keynote 32 correct as referenced to interior master bath wall on A5? 22.If applies:Specify on the plans the following information for the fireplace(s) a) Manufacturer's name and model number, ICC approval number, or equal b) Show termination of direct vent for decorative gas fireplace or if wood burning show the height of the factory-built chimney above the roof and the horizontal clearances per listing approval.Chimneys shall extend at least 3' above the highest point where it passes through a roof and at least 2' higher than any portion of a building within a horizontal distance of 10 feet. c) If not decorative gas fireplace then note on the plans that approved spark arrestors shall be installed on all chimneys.CBC Section 2802.1 d)If not decorative gas fireplace then verify any decorative shrouds will not be installed at the termination of chimneys for factory-built fireplaces, except where such shrouds are listed and labeled for use with the specific system and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. 23.Please add the words self-latching (per current code)to proposed fire door between garage and dwelling.Section R302.5.1 24.Are doors 7 and 8 correct as noting height to be 120"?This would be full height and generally requires a frame opening at top to allow for hardware etc? 25.Residential ventilation requirements: •Kitchens require exhaust fans with a minimum 100 cfm ducted to the exterior. Detail compliance by including a complying exhaust fan or a ducted range hood to the exterior .Specify cfm and sone level. •Bathrooms require exhaust fans (minimum 50 cfm) to be ducted to the exterior.Specify cfm and sone level •All fans installed to meet all of the preceding requirements must be specified at a noise rating of a maximum 1 "Sone" (for the continuous use calculation) or 3 "Sone" (for the intermittent use calculation). 26.New bedroom on 1st floor to reflect smoke detector/carbon monoxide alarm directly outside of door and should identify outlet at right of cook top as being GFCI protected. 27.Could not locate required carbon monoxide alarms directly outside o bedrooms on the E2? 28.Specify on the plans that any existing smoke alarms that are more than 10 years old will be replaced.Section R314.3.2 Could not locate this note. 29.Plumbing note 11 on GNI should reflect 1.28 instead of 1.6. am mom •Carlsbad 15-3543 10/30/15 30.Please verify that all hold down locations reflect an appropriate detail i.e. from floor to floor, floor to beams, floor to rim joist where applicable.Verify overturning load path to continue to foundation or show in calculations that dead loads from floor framing can resist these loads.Please show how for example how resisting members i.e.post ,beams ,rim joist /joist are capable of resisting uplift forces .Overturning for line G on S5 to be based on 5 ft instead of 6 due to location of hold downs and recheck overturning load path thru floor below to foundation to verify continuous. •CITY of CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS 31.The maximum allowable soil bearing value used in any design must be 1000 psf unless a soils report is provided? 32.If special inspection is required, the designer shall complete the city's "Special Inspection Agreement". •Note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. •Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list.If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. •Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes ()No () • •The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Ray Fuller at Esgil Corporation.Thank you. ,. •Carlsbad 15 -3543 '10/30/15 ADevelopment Services;›SPECIAL INSPECTION Building DiVision '4'0 CITY OF AGREEMENT 1635 Faraday Avenue CAD L.SBAD B-45 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov In accordance with Chapter 17 of the California Building Code the folloWing must be completed when Work being performed requires special inspection, structural observation and construction material testing. 'roject/Permit:Project Address' A.THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER/AUTHORIZED AGENT. Please check if you are Owner-Builder O. (If you checked as owner-builder you must also complete Section B of this agreement.) Name:(Please print) (first)(M I )(Last) Mailing Address: Email.Phone. I am:LiProperty Owner CIProperty Owner's Agent of Record ClArchitect of Record ClEngineer of Record State of California Registration Number'Expiration Date: AGREEMENT:I,the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, that I have read, understand,acknowledge and promise to comply with the City of Carlsbad requirements for special inspections, structural observations, construction materials testing and off-site fabrication of building components, as prescribed in the statement of special inspections noted on the approved plans and, as required by the California Building Code. Signature.Date: B.CONTRACTOR'S STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY (07 CBC, Ch 17, Section 1706). This section must be completed by the contractor / builder / owner-builder. Contractor's Company Name:Please check if you are Owner-Builder 0 Name:(Please print) (First)(M I )(Last) Mailing Address: Email:Phone: State of California Contractor's License Number:Expiration Date: •I acknowledge and, am aware, of special requirements contained in the statement of special inspections noted on the approved plans;•I acknowledge that control will be exercised to obtain conformance with the construction documents approved by the building official;•I will have in-place procedures for exercising control within our (the contractor's) organization, for the method and frequency of reporting and the distribution of the reports; and •I certify that I will have a qualified person within our (the contractor's) organization to exercise such control. •I will provide a final report / letter in compliance with CBC Section 1704.1.2 prior to requesting final inspection. Signature:Date: 5-45 Page 1 of 1 Rev. OS/11 j. MEM •Carlsbad 15 -3543 10/30/15 [DO NOT PAY— THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION:Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.:15-3543 PREPARED BY: Ray Fuller DATE:10/30/15 BUILDING ADDRESS:164 Chinquapin Avenue BUILDING OCCUPANCY:R3 U TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION VB BUILDING AREA Valuation Reg.VALUE ($) PORTION (Sq. Ft.)Multiplier Mod. Remodel 1100 68.98 75,878 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 75,878 Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance Bldg.Permit Fee by Ordinance;$516.28 Plan Check Fee by Ordinance V $335.58 Type of Review:El Complete Review 0 Structural Only El Other0Repetitive FeeRepeats El Hourly Hr. @ * EsGil Fee $289.12 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvaiue.doc + PLANNING DIVISION Development Services <44° >0401 BUILDING PLAN CHECK Planning Division 11P,CITY OF APPROVAL 1635 Faraday Avenue CAR LSBAD P-29 (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.eov DATE:10/21/15 PROJECT NAME: INTERIOR REMODEL PROJECT ID: PLAN CHECK NO: CB153543 SET#:ADDRESS:164 CHINQUAPIN AV APN: This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the PLANNING Division. By: GINA RUIZ A Final Inspection by the PLANNING Division is required 0 Yes Z No You may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check APPROVAL has been sent to:WRIGHTHAUS@ROADRUNNER.COM For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: PLANNING ENGINEERING FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4610 760-602-2750 760-602-4665 Chris Sexton j Chris Glassen Greg Ryan 760-602-4624 760-602-2784 760-602-4663 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov Christdp_ber.Glassen@carlsbadca.gov Gregory.Ryan@carisbadca.gov Gina Ruiz ValRay Marshall Cindy Wong 760-602-4675 760-602-2741 760-602-4662 Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov ValRay.Marshall@carlsbadca.gov Cynthia.Wong@carlsbadca.gov Veronica Morones Linda Ontiveros Dominic Fieri 760-602-4619 760-602-2773 760-602-4664 Veronica.Morones@carlsbadca.gov Linda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov Dominic.Fieri@carisbadca.gov Remarks:INTERIOR REMODEL ONLY -NO EXPANSION PROPOSED • PLUMBING,Development Services ELECTRICAL,Building Division CITY OF MECHANICAL 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 CARLSBAD WORKSHEET B-18 Buildwww.carlsbadca.goving@carlsbadca.gov ,A1CProject Address:k (0.c 0-9.m '6.c-Permit No.:r 143ir Information provided below refers to work being done on the above mentioned pe it only. This form must be completed and returned to the Building Division before the permit can be issued. Building Dept. Fax: (760) 602-8558 Number of new or relocated fixtures, traps, or floor drains L New building sewer line?Yes No I/ U Number of new roof drains? M Install/alter water line?Lies B Number of new water heaters? Number of new, relocated or replaced gas outlets? N Number of new hose bibs?c=> G Residential Permits: E New/expanded service:Number of new amps: L Minor Remodel on/y.•Yes c/No E Commercial/Industrial: C Tenant Improvement: Number of existing amps involved in this project: T Number of new amps involved in this project: R New Construction:Amps per Panel: I Single Phase Number of new amperes C Three Phase Number of new amperes Three Phase 480 Number of new amperes M E Number of new furnaces, A/C, or heat pumps? C New or relocated duct work?Yes I/No H Number of new fireplaces? A Number of new exhaust fans? N Relocate/install vent?DES Number of new exhaust hoods? A Number of new boilers or compressors?Number of HP 40 L B-18 Page 1 of 1 Rev. 03/09