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1644 BRADY CIR; ; CB102231; Permit
11-29-2010 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: Applicant: REC SOLAR STE 200 775 FIEROLN SAN LUIS OBISPO 858 675-6527 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Residential Permit Permit No: CB102231 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 1644 BRADY CRCBAD RESDNTL Sub Type: 2054400200 Lot #: $8,000.00 Construction Type: Reference #: 0 Structure Type: 0 Bathrooms: RAMOS: 20 PANEL ROOF MOUNT PV RAD 0 NEW Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: Orig PC#: Plan Check # ISSUED 11/22/2010 JMA 11/29/2010 11/29/2010 CA 93401 Owner: RAMOS JOSEPH L 1644 BRADY CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 Building Permit Add'l Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'l Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park in Lieu Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee Other Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'l Renewal Fee Other Building Fee HMP Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'l Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee $99.61 Meter Size $0.00 Add'l Reel. Water Con. Fee $64.75 Meter Fee $0.00 SDCWA Fee $0.00 CFD Payoff Fee $1.00 PFF (3105540) $0.00 PFF (4305540) $0.00 License Tax (3104193) , $0.00 License Tax (4304193) $0.00 Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) $0.00 Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) $0.o6 : Sidewalk Fee • $0.00 PLUMBING TOTAL $0.00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL ;:$Q.OO MECHANICAL TOTAL $0.0p Housing Impact Fee $0:M: Housing InLieu Fee $0.00 Housing Credit Fee Master Drainage Fee $0.00 Sewer Fee $0.00 Additional Fees $1.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $166.36 Total Fees:$ 166.36 Total Paym ents To Date:$166.36 Balance Due:$0.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date: ^• tin*Clearance:w U NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions o( which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-602-2717 / 2718 / 2719 Fax 760-602-8558 www.carlsbadca.gov Plan Check No. £~£>j 0 "2-2-3 / Est. Value Plan Ck. Deposit Pate JOB ADDRESS 9t SUITE#/SPACE#/UNIT# CT/PROJECT #PHASE # # OF UNITS # BEDROOMS # BATHROOMS TENANT BUSINESS NAME CONSTR. TYPE OCC. GROUP DESCRlPJIflHOF WORK: Include Square Feet of Affected Area(s) EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE (SF)PATIOS (SF)DECKS (SF)FIREPLACE YES|~|# N0| 1 AIR CONDITIONING RRE SPRINKLERS YES| |NO| | CONTACT NAME (If Different Font Applicant) ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL CONTRACTOR BUS. NAM ADDRESSIt4-t-t ""* CITY.STATE ZIP EMAIL c: 6 . ARCH/DESIGNER NAMES ADDRESS CITY BUS. LIC.# (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires theappjicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter a, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of theBusiness and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to acivil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars {$500}). Workers' Compensation Declaration: / hereby affirm under penalty ofpeijury one of the following declarations: LJ ! have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. EJ I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance earner and policy number are: Insurance Co '^--MvVZ-.lC-.tA AfrVX»Q>O C/> £~ PolicvNo. U^<— 9r?g^ 35" V<? V- ExDiralion Date £/- I <~( f pis section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($1 00) or less. I I Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secu»-wai|<ers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&1 00,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, diunages&s provided for In Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. .^CONTRACTOR SIGNAT DATE I hereby afHim that I am exempt from Contactor's License Law for the following reason: |~~| I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). I I I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). I I I am exempt under Section..Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1.1 personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. l"~lYes f JNo 2.1 (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3.1 have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name address / phone / contractors' license number): 4.1 plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone / contractors' license number): 5.1 wilt provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name /address / phone / type of work): ^PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE QAGENT DATE Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a businessipjan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505,25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? | |Yes I iNo Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or alnjuality management district? I JYes I I No Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? I lyes I JNo IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lender's Name Lender's Address I certify thatl have read ttie application and state thatthe above information Is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances andState laws relaflngtobuildingconstniction. AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 30 deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. • EXPIRATION: Every permit issued taOte-BuildinaOffidal urrierttjapipvisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such pefcjit or if the buikfig or workfauthoriz&i by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). JSS APPLICANT'S SIGNATUl DATE //—>( O City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For. 12/14/2010 Permit* CB102231 Title: RAMOS: 20 PANEL ROOF MOUNT PV Description: Inspector Assignment: Type:RESDNTL Sub Type: RAD Job Address: 1644 BRADY CR Suite: Lot: 0 Location: OWNER RAMOS JOSEPH L Owner: RAMOS JOSEPH L Remarks: Phone: 6196999046 Inspector: Total Time: CD Description 34 Rough Electric 39 Final Electrical Act Comments SYSTEM. Requested By: JOE Entered By: CHRISTINE Date Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs/SWPPPs Original PC# CV060576 CLOSED O- DEBRIS IN ROW; Inspection History Description Act Insp Comments PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB102231 DATE 11/22/10 ADDRESS 1644 BRADY CR RESIDENTIAL ADDITION- MINOR (< 17,000.00) RETAINING WALL VILLAGE FAIRE POOL/SPA TENANT IMPROVEMENT COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING OTHER SOLAR PANELS PLANNER GINA ENGINEER DATE 11/22/10 DATE 0 H:\ADMIN\COUNTER/PLANNINC/ENGINEERING APPROVALS 775 Flero Larte'Sufe 200 San Luis Obispo CA 93401 September /, 201.0 RE; Authorized Employee - Dan Fonseca To Whom It May Concern; This letter authorizes Dan Fonseca to sign his name-on behalf of REC Solar, Inc. f REC"}, (CA CSLB O1Q Lie #750184) in regards to signatory required for applying for building permits, any signatures required for obtaining a city business license, or any other signatures necessary for REC to obtain a building permit. If you have any questions in relation to this matter, please contact REC's corporate- headquarters at (.805) 528-9705, This Authorization shall expire six (6) months from, the date of this letter. Jesse Elliott Manager, Construction Quality and Safety Responsible Managing Employee,. CSLBC-10 Lie, No. 750184 Savings for today. Energy forever.. www.recsolar.com * 888.OK.SOLAR • 805.528.9701 (fax) State, of California County of San Luis Obispo California Jurat with. Affiant Statement Subscribed and sworn to (or affitmed) before me on this 'O day of September, 2010,, by Jesse Elliott, proved, to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the, person who appeared before toe. -ROCBHIE WARD - Commission # 1777892 I Notary Public - California | San. Luis Qbispo County -: My COTSTJ. Expires Nov 4,20] 1 t .^ff^ Signature. Rochelle Ward, Notary PoMic Ptee Noran: Ssaf .• Check a License - Contractors State License Board Page 1 of 1 Of Contractor's License Detail - License # 750184 DISCLAIMER: A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license database. Before relying on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations. -» CSLB complaint disclosure is restricted by law (B&P 7124.6) If this entity is subject to public complaint disclosure, a link for complaint disclosure will appear below. Click on the link or button to obtain complaint and/or legal action information. ••» Per B&ELZQZULZ , only construction related civil judgments reported to the CSLB are disclosed. •*> Arbitrations are not listed unless the contractor fails to comply with the terms of the arbitration. ••» Due to workload, there may be relevant information that has not yet been entered onto the Board's license database. License Number 750184 Extract Date: 11/23/2010 ' ~ "" RECSOLARliNC" ~ : 775 FIERO LANE SUITE 200 Business Information SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 _ _ _Business_Phone Nymber:(805)_52&:97p5 __ ___ Entity: __c5r£9S*!2n. - _ JssjueJJatel IZIZZZ^L-PM^IlSiLZI.!'--!! ,~I II " :^^reDate______ 06/30/201_2 ____^^ License status This license is current and active. All information below should be reviewed. jWdJtiona[Status; ; CLASS DESCRIPTION Classifications:ciq _ ELECIBE.AL . CONTRACTOR'S BOND This license filed Contractor's Bond number 0471764 in the amount of $12,500 with the bonding company mLPMALAMEBJCANj2A^ Effective Date: 05/16/2008 ContracM's.MQ(!J.D.a.HJ.s.{ory. Bonding: BOND OF QUALIFYING INDIVIDUAL 1. This license filed Bond of Qualifying Individual number 0533586 for ELLIOTT JESSE DANIEL in the amount of $12,500 with the bonding company INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY. Effective Date: 07/12/2010 _ _ ^Q£sj3o£idjngjjjstciy This license has workers compensation insurance with the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY Policy Number:WC938235402 Workers' Compensation:Effective Date: 04/01/2010 Expire Date: 04/01/2011 _ _______ Workej£jC£mpensatio£JjistoT^ __ _ _ _ ________ Personnel listed on this license (current or disassociated) are listed on other licenses. CQnd.itions..of.yse | .Privacy...Ps.!i.Qy. Copyright © 2010 State of California https://www2.cslb. ca.gov/OnlineServices/CheckLicenseII/LicenseDetail. aspx?LicNum=7... 11/23/2010 §2 s co85 •n > II? 3 II } !?* I z z ngineeringI ET n E. 3 Q DoneDoDoScr B-- 2 a $ 0 y 0 D 5 n m m DO ^ 5^ > n avo 5 m ISJ 2 Zo p n8mm >_) ^^ ^C o ^ H I-1 03 P 0 • Ooen c p ISJ OO c •z 0 HTm ISJooin "Z.mp ^>"Z.o o73 i — i (D en nmen TJm c n U>oin 00 THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH THENJ OO X] C 3 > 03 HH I—oHH•z CD noDm ^^n1 D0 Hen XI ROOF STRUCTURE: 2X4 WOOD TRUSSES© NJ 4^ 0 p 01 RUN CONDUIT THROUGH EAVE/ATTIC TC>I-H £•z.m in CONNECT SYSTEM TO MAIN PANEL VIA P<n HHH 03 73m 7sm73 j>INVERTER LOCATED ON OPPOSITE SIDEOTl 1 |— T| § 2 Z ^m mq73 9 j> "Z.m " u CONCRETE TILE CURVED, TWO STORIESTJ HHCDIT en ^^STEM. SYSTEM WEIGHT: 3 LB/FT^2NJ SOLAR MODULES MOUNTED FLUSH TO R0OTl Cen 73mn eno •JO ^> Ez1— H C Z 73 ^7sI-H CD 7sD 235GX-LFB MODULES, INSTALLED BY RE0 en O £73 n xjin 0 § M-4.7 KW SOLAR SYSTEM (1) FRONIUS US>J^ HH CD TJr~ tnw t U1 biNJ 0 z.<m/j m ^° fsjo ^0Om > zo men nm ..-* 73 6NJ Wo NJNJ O NJ OO 73 O O^O U o H*inoo > 73 1 TJ HO I O M f*m > ni33 Onz O79 m ^ S ?o >s O2 CftJ2 (A HmZ Mz 3 2 H O ~Q ^oU)ELECTRIg D P "5 ^o ISJ %73 ir~ D P TJ. ^0 en Hm TJ Z TJ > Qm D (0n M 0z H OB m O•nnoz m SONV^J WARNING - Electric Shock Hazard, No user serviceable parts inside ,*» Contact authorized servicer for assistance WARNING - Dual Power Sources Second source is photovoltaic system LABEL PLACEMENT AC DISCONNECT, COMBINER BOX, INVERTER SONV^I California Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors - Depart... Page 1 of 1 Department Affairs BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS j Licensee Name: I - • •• •"• • j License Type: {License Number: [License Status: I Expiration Date: {Address: JGity: Estate: ^777777.. .County: (Actions: WHITE NATHANIEL BRIAN STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 4818 CLEAR Definition September 30, 2012 684 CLARION CT SAN LUIS OBISPO CA 93401 SAN LUIS OBISPO No Public Record Action(s) This information is updated Monday through Friday -Last updated: SEP- 30-2010 Disclaimer All information provided by the Department of Consumer Affairs on this web page, and on its other web pages and internet sites, is made available to provide immediate access for the convenience of interested persons. While the Department believes the information to be reliable, human or mechanical error remains a possibility, as does delay in the posting or updating of information. Therefore, the Department makes no guarantee as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, currency, or correct sequencing of the information. Neither the Department, nor any of the sources of the information, shall be responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the use or results obtained from the use of this information. Other specific cautionary notices may be included on other web pages maintained by the Department. All access to and use of this web page and any other web page or internet site of the Department is governed by the Disclaimers and Conditions for Access and Use as set forth at CaJifomjaJD^^ Information. mm Central Coast: 684 Clarion Court San Utis Obispo, California 93401 805.547.2000 800.617.2235 fax Southern California: 1276 E. Colorado Blvd, Suite 201 Pasadena, California 91106 626.793.7438 626.793.7439 fax STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS PREPARED FOR; SYSTEM: REC Solar Racking System Series 100 DESIGNER OF RECORD: Renewable Energy Concepts Inc. (REC Solar) 775 Fiero Lane, Suite 200 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 PROJECT ENGINEERS: Matthew Gilliss, LEEDAP Nathan B. White, S.E., LEED AP Valid Through December 31, 2010 Subject to Annual Review & Reissuance Job No. 7456 January 28, 2010 Central Coast Southern California 684 Clarion Court San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805)547.2000 (805)547.2001 fax (800)579.3881 1276 E. Colorado Blvd. Suite 201 Pasadena, CA 91106 (626)793.7438 (626)793.7439 fax CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC REC Solar Racking System Series 100 Date: January 26, 2010 To: Greg McPheeters REC Solar From: Matthew Gilliss Taylor & Syfan Consulting Engineers Project: REC Solar Racking System Series 100 T&S3ob No.: 7456 Subject: Summary Letter for Series 100 INTRODUCTION This Project Summary Letter is in reference to the Structural Calculation Packet for the REC Solar Racking System Series 100, dated December 2009. The calculations have been performed in accordance with the 2007 California Building Code (CBC), the governing structural code in California, which is based on the 2006 International Building Code (IBC). Several factors contained within this code govern the overall design of the racking system. The racking system has been designed to withstand code-prescribed forces due to the racking system's own weight, the weight of the solar panels, snow loads, and wind forces. RAIL SPANS In terms of variable conditions for the racking system, the main rails which support the solar panels (referred to as the "standard rails") have an adjustable length, which is the distance between their attachments to the roof (called standoffs). For the purpose of the calculation packet, that length was taken to be 8'-0", 6'-0", 4'-0", or 2'-0". Due to the many variables that are required to be taken into account during a wind analysis, we have determined multiple cases that we feel are the most common. These cases are based upon several factors which include building height, pitch of the panels, wind exposure region, wind speed, snow loads, and topographic factors. REC Solar Racking System Series 100 Page 1 Central Coast Southern California 684 Clarion Court San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805)547.2000 (805)547.2001 fax (800)579.3881 1276 E. Colorado Blvd. Suite 201 Pasadena, CA 91106 (626)793.7438 (626)793.7439 fax CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC REC Solar Racking System Series 100 SITE-SPECIFIC ANALYSIS We have determined that the rails are able to span a maximum of 8'-0" for many of the common cases, but that there are certain cases which will require shorter spans and/or a location-sensitive analysis to be performed on a case-by-case basis. A site-specific analysis may be required if it is found that the location of the solar panel install corresponds to any of the following criteria: . • The total pitch of the solar panel (solar panel pitch & roof pitch) is greater than 60 degrees above the horizontal. • A topographic factor applies to the location. Topographic factors apply, for general purposes, when the structure is on a hill, mesa or bluff, or is adjacent to a large body of water. For complete descriptions of topographic factors, please refer to ASCE 7-05 Section 6.5.7. • The roof of the structure that the solar panels will be installed on is greater than 50 ft. above grade. • A combination of loads and/or site conditions applies that is not addressed in the attached rail span charts. If one of more of these factors applies to the project location, please contact Taylor & Syfan, and we will be able to analyze the site conditions and recommend a standoff spacing for. each specific site. RAIL TESTING Due to the possibility of structural failure of the rails due to their non-symmetrical shape, testing was conducted per the standards set forth by the 2006 IBC Section 1714: Preconstruction Load Tests. The results of this testing procedure were used in comparison with the calculated values to help establish the maximum load allowed by the rails. The full procedure and results of these tests can be found in this packet. RACKING CONNECTIONS TO THE EXISTING ROOF Also contained within the calculation packet are calculations for the connection of the rails to the roof framing. Using the sizes provided by REC, we have calculated the maximum forces REC Solar Racking System Series 100 Page 2 Central Coast Southern California 684 Garion Court San Uais Obispo, CA 93401 (805)547.2000 (805)547.2001 fax (800)579.3881 1276 E. Colorado Blvd. Suite 201 Pasadena, CA 91106 (626)793.7438 (626)793.7439 fax COHSUITIBG ENGINEERS. IIIC REC Solar Racking System Series 100 that will be resisted based on the withdrawal value of the lag screws, and the strength of the aluminum components which are involved in transferring these forces from the rail to the roof framing. These components consist of the L-foot (REC Drawing ATCH-D01), the Standoff (ATCH-D02), the Hybrid (ATCH-D05), and the Hanger Bolt (ATCH-D06 - which is discussed below). All (4) options are acceptable under the parameters shown in RECs plans. The results from our analysis have been integrated into the summary charts. SUMMARY CHARTS AND TOPGRAPHIC FACTORS The attached pages of this summary contain what we feel are some of the most common building configurations with varying wind speeds. These charts can be used as a quick reference for looking up maximum rail span lengths based on the building and site conditions, but it must be noted that for any building where a topographic factor is to be applied (e.g. hills, mesas, seashore) the rail span lengths given may exceed what is allowed for the given site condition. A registered structural engineer should evaluate the exact topographic conditions for this specific site prior to construction. UNIVERSAL END CLAMP REC Solar has also developed a "Universal End Clamp" which is used to connect individual solar panels to the rails (see REC Solar's drawing WUEC INSTALL"). These have been developed and tested by REC Solar, and they are adequate to resist the maximum uplift and shear forces generated by code prescribed wind forces when installed as specified. The testing results may be submitted upon request. HANGER BOLT OPTION The Hanger Bolt consists of a 3/8" diameter bolt that is used in place of the typical standoff connection to connect the racking components to the existing roof framing. Because the connection between the hanger bolt and the racking consists of a clamp that relies on friction, extensive testing has been done and a factor of safety over 4 has been applied to the ultimate loads that the assembly safely carried. With the factor of safety, the hanger bolt was able to resist the same loads required of the other standoff options. Please see REC Solar Racking System Series 100 Page3 Central Coast Southern California 684 Clarion Court San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805)547.2000 (805)547.2001 fax (800)579.3881 1276 E. Colorado Blvd. Suite 201 Pasadena, CA 91106 (626)793.7438 (626)793.7439 fax REC Solar Racking System Series 100 REC Solar's plans for limits on the bolt parameters, including minimum required installation torque. The testing results may be submitted upon request, EXISTING BUILDING LIMITATIONS This summary letter discusses the structural adequacy of the solar racking system itself only and does not investigate or validate the adequacy of the structure that the racking system is being placed upon. It does not address the ability of the existing roofing or roof framing to support the new loads imposed upon them by the new system nor does it address the new localized forces between the roofing and the roof framing that may be imposed by the new standoff connections. It also does not address the additional lateral forces that will be imposed upon the building due to the seismic mass the new system adds to the existing roof. These various building-specific issues need to be evaluated by the appropriate registered professional(s) prior to the addition of the photovoltaic and racking systems. Taylor & Syfan may be consulted for building-specific structural evaluation. Taylor and Syfan assumes that systems are installed to the specifications presented here and using good structural judgment by the installer. Additionally, as an optional service, we recommend the performance of structural observations of the installation, as a best practice service, by Taylor & Syfan. Please note that all sizes, material specifications, and weights have been provided by REC Solar. All waterproofing, roofing, and drainage issues are the responsibility of REC Solar. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments. Thank you. Sincerely, Matthew B. Gilliss Project Engineer Taylor & Syfan Consulting Engineers REC Solar Racking System Series 100 Page 4 KD200-60 Series Cutting Edge Technology As a pioneer with 35 years in solar, Kyocera demonstrates leadership in the development of solar energy products. Kyocera's Kaizen Philosophy, commitment to continuous improvement, is shown by repeatedly achieving world record cell efficiencies. Quality Built in • UV stabilized, aesthetically pleasing black anodized frame • Supported by major mounting structure manufacturers • Easily accessible grounding points on all four corners for fast installation • Proven junction box technology with PV wire to work with transformerless inverters • Quality locking piug-in connectors to provide safe & quick connections UL Listing US QIGU.E173074 NEC 2008 Compliant UL 1703, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified and Registered Class C _Also available; r •QUALIFIED FOR "BUY AMERICAN;Manufactured In San Diego, Caiifornia New Process improvements • All solar cells are fabricated with a new proprietary etching and coating.process which translates into a 'smoother' appearance while maintaining the same gridline and bus-bar design. • All modules have added crossbars on the back side of the module for greater support and stability in harsh conditions, including high wind and snow load regions. Reliable « Superior built-in quality « Proven superior field performance • Tight power tolerance Warranty • Kyocera standard 25 year power output warranty and 5 year workmanship warranty applies in USA « Extended warranties available per project requirements • Kyocera standard 25 year power output warranty and 5 year workmanship warranty applies outside of USA • Refer to Kyocera warranty policy for details SOLAR by KYOCERA ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 230 29.8 7,72 36.9 235 29.8 7.89 36.9 240 29.8 8.06 36.9 8,59 +5A3 +S/-3 +5A3 * Also available with zero tolerance (+5/-0 watts) Series Fuse Rating 15A Maximum DC System Voltage (UL} 600 V NEC 2008 Compliant /jT\ |1B^ UL 1703 Listed >^ ^•"Registered tolSO9001-2000 Kyocera reserves the right to modify these specifications without notice. All specification at 25°C. cell temperature. 1.5 AM and 1000W/ml w V A V A 4530 165 26.8 6.18 33.7 6.77 45,0 169 26.8 6.31 33.7 6.92 45^) 172 26,7 6.45 33.7 6.95 °C W V A V A Pn« vc 1* Operating Temp -1.04 -0.133 Q.QQ502 -40-90 -1X37 -0.133 0.00513 -40-90 -1.10 -0.133 0.00515 -40-90 w/°c v/°c AA; °c Weight: 46.3lbs (21.0kg) l,8ln 46mm \ \ _ J O; MOUNTING HOLES • DRA1NASE HOLES 4 SROUNDINa HOLS AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR QIGU.E 173074 - Photovoltaic Modules and Panels Page 1 of 2 OMLIME CEBTtFieAT.OMS DIBEQTORY QIGU.E173074 Photovoltaic Modules and Panels Page Bottom Photovoltaic Modules and Panels See General Information for Photovoltaic Modules and Panels KYOCERA CORP E173074 6 TAKEDA TOBADONO-CHO FUSHIMI-KU KYOTO, 612-8501 JAPAN Trademark and/or Tradename: "KYOCERA Corporation" Ballasted PV Module mounting system. Model "MyGen Skyline". Building integrated Photovoltaic Modules with Framing system, Model (a)SR2100 A. Photovoltaic modules, Models KC35, KC40, KC40RE, KC50, KC50RE, KC60, KC70, KC80, KC80-01, KC88CGS, KC110-1, KC120-1, KC60-1SH, KC50-1SH, KC40-1SH, KC12Q-3B, KC120G, KC120M, KC125G, KC125GT, KC125GLT, KC125R, KC130GT, KC130GLT, KC130TM, KC158G, KC158R, KC167G, KC167GT, KC167R, KC167GLT, KC170GT, KC170GLT, KC175GT, KC175GLT, KC187G, KC190GT, KC190GLT, KC200GT, KC200GLT, KC88CGS, KC40T, KC50T, KC55T, KC65T, KC85T, KC85TS, KC125TM, KD130GX-LP, KD132GX-LP, KD133GX-LP, KD135GX-LP, KD18QGX-LP, KD182GX-LP, KD183GX-LP, KD185GX-LP, KD200GX-LP, KD203GX-LP, KD205GX-LP, KD208GX-LP, KD210GX-LP, KD130GX-L, KD132GX-L, KD133GX-L, KD135GX-L, KD180GX-L, KD182GX-L, KD183GX-L, KD185GX-L, KD200GX-L, KD203GX-L, KD205GX-L, KD208GX-L, KD210GX-L, KD130GX-VP, KD132GX-VP, KD133GX-VP, KD135GX-VP, KD180GX-VP, KD182GX-VP, KD183GX-VP, KD185GX-VP, KD200GX-VP, KD203GX-VP, KD205GX-VP, KD208GX-VP, KD210GX-VP, KD130GX-V, KD132GX-V, KD133GX-V, KD135GX-V, KD180GX-V, KD182GX-V, KD183GX-V, KD185GX- V, KD200GX-V, KD203GX-V, KD205GX-V, KD208GX-V, KD210GX-V, KD130GX-LPU, KD135GX-LPU, KD180GX-LPU, KD205GX-LPU, KD210GX-LPU, KD130GX-LU, KD135GX-LU, KD180GX-LU, KD205GX-LU, KD210GX-LU, KD130GX-VU, KD135GX-VU, KD180GX-VU, KD205GX-VU, KD210GX-VU, KD130GX-VPU, KD135GX-VPU, KD180GX-VPU, KD205GX-VPU, KD210GX-VPU, KD185GX-VPU, KD185GX-LPU, KD185GX-VU, KD185GX-LU, KD215GX-LPU, KD215GX-LU, KD215GX-VPU, KD215GX-VU, KD200GX-LPU, KD200GX-LU, KD200GX-VPU, KD200GX-VU, KD195GX-LPU, KD195GX- LU, KD195GX-VPU, KD195GX-VU, KD136B-LPU, KD136B-LU, KD134B-LPU, KD134B-LU, KD132B-LPU, KD132B-LU, KD131B-LPU, KD131B-LU, KD126B-LPU, KD126B-LU, KD181B-LPU, KD181B-LU, KD179B-LPU, KD179B-LU, KD177B-LPU, KD177B-LU, KD175B-LPU, KD175B-LU, KD168B- LPU, KD168B-LU, KD204B-LPU, KD204B-LU, KD201B-LPU, KD201B-LU, KD199B-LPU, KD199B-LU, KD197B-LPU, KD197B-LU, KD189B-LPU, KD189B-LU, KD225GX-LB, KD225GX-LPB, KD230GX-LB, KD230GX-LPB, KD235GX-LB, KD235GX-LPB, KD130GX-LFB, KD135GX-LFB, KD140GX- LFB, KD175GX-LFB, KD180GX-LFB, KD185GX-LFB, KD190GX-LFB, KD200GX-LFB, KD205GX-LFB, KD210GX-LFB, KD215GX-LFB, KD220GX-LFB, KD225GX-LFB, KD230GX-LFB, KD235GX-LFB, KD240GX-LFB, KD130GX-LFBS, KD135GX-LFBS, KD140GX-LFBS, KD175GX-LFBS, KD180GX-LFBS, KD185GX-LFBS, KD190GX-LFBS, KD200GX-LFBS, KD205GX-LFBS, KD210GX-LFBS, KD215GX-LFBS, KD130GX-LFU, KD135GX-LFU, KD140GX-LFU, KD175GX-LFU, KD180GX-LFU, KD185GX-LFU, KD190GX-LFU, KD200GX-LFU, KD205GX-LFU, KD210GX-LFU, KD215GX-LFU. Models KD13SSX-XX, KD133SX-XX, KD132SX-XX, and KD130SX-XX, where "XX" = either MPU or UPU or MU or UU. Models KD95SX-XX, KD90SX-XX, KD85SX-XX, KD80SE-XX, KD75SE-XX, KD70SE-XX, KD70SX-XX, KD65SX-XX, KD60SX-XX, KD55SE-XX, KD55SX- XX, KD50SX-XX, KD45SX-XX, and KD40SX-XX, where "XX" = either MP or UP or M or U. Model KD50SE-XX, where "XX" = either MP or UP or M or U or MAP or UAP or MA or UA. Photovoltaic Module with Framing system, Model Samurai. (a) - This product is also Listed as a Prepared Roof Covering Material (TFWZ). See the Roofing Materials and Systems Directory. Last Updated on 2010-06-29 Questions? Print this page Notice of Disclaimer Page Top Copyright © 2010 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® http://database.ul.com/cgi-Mn/XYV/template/LISEXT/lFRAME/showpag... 11/15/2010 Q1G U .E173 074 - Photovoltaic Modules and Panels Page 2 of 2 The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Follow-Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Listed and covered under UL's Fotlow-Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product. UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Designs and/or Listings (files) must be presented in their entirety and in a non-misleading manner, without any manipuiation of the data (or drawings). 2. The statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from Underwriters Laboratories Inc." must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format: "Copyright © 2010 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.®" An independent organization working for a safer world with integrity, precision and knowledge. http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/lFRAME/showpag... 11/15/2010 Fronius IG Plus PV Inverter The first complete solution. Reliable. Proven, Smart, An outstanding addition to the family: The next generation Fronius IG Plus inverter builds on a successful model with multiple enhancements, including maximum power harvest, a built-in six circuit string combiner, integrated, Sockabie DC Disconnect, significantly improved efficiency, and unbeatable reliability. New, larger power stages expand the proven Fronius IG family from 2 to 12 kW in a single inverter. POWERING YOUR FUTURE INPUT DATA Froriius IG Plus Recommended PV-Power (Wp) 3.0-1 UNI 2500-3450 3-8-1 «m 3200-4400 5-°-1 urn 4250-5750 «-°-1 UN. 5100-6900 7-5-1 UM 6350-8600 10-0-1 UM 8500-11500 «-*-1 UM 9700-13100 «-«-3 «,.,„ 9700-13100 12-0-3 wr,OT 10200-13800 MPPT-Voltage Range 230... 500V Max. Input Voltage (at 1000 W/mz 14°F (-10°C) in open circuit operation)600V Nominal Input Current Max. usable Input Current 8.3 A 14.0 A 10.5 A 17,8 A 13.8 A 23.4 A 16.6 A 28.1 A 20.7 A 35.1 A 27.6 A 46.7 A 31. 4 A . 53. 3 A 31.4 A 53.3 A 33.1 A 56.1 A Admissible conductor size (DC)No. 14 - 6 AWG OUTPUT DATA Fronius IG Plus Nominal output power (Pflcnom) Max. continuous output power 104°F (400C) 208 V / 240 V / 277 V Nominal AC output voltage Operating AC voltage range 208 V (default) 240 V 277V Nominal output current 208 V 240V 277V Max. output current 208 V 240V 277V 3.0-1 UM | 3.8-1 UM 3000 W 3000 W 3800 W 3800 W 5-0-1 u» 5000 W 5000 W 6-0-1 UM 6000 W 6000 W "'I ™, 7500 W 7500 W 10.0-1 UN, 9995 W 9995 W 11-4-1 u», 11400 W 11400W 208 V / 240 V / 277 V 11-4-3 D.,,3 11400 W 11400 W 208 V 7 240 V 12.0-3 ^^ 12000 W 12000 W 277V 183-229 V (-127 +10 %) 211 - 264V (-12 / +10 %) 244-305 V (-127 +10 %) 14.4 A 12.5 A 10.8 A 16.4 A 14.2 A 12.3 A 18.3 A 15. 8A 13.7 A 18.5 A 14.4 A 15.6 A 24.0 A 20.8 A 18.1 A 27.3 A 23.7 A 20.5 A 28.8 A 25.0 A 21.7 A 32.8 A 28.4 A 24.6 A 36.1 A 31.3 A 27.1 A 37.0 A 35.5 A 30.7 A 48.1 A 41.7 A 36.1 A 54.6 A 47.4 A 40.9 A 54.8 A 47.5 A 41.2 A 55. 5 A 54.0 A 46.7 A 31.6 A* 27.4 A* n.a. 32.0 A* 31. 2 A* n.a. n.a. n.a. 14.4 A* n.a. n.a. 16.4 A* Admissible conductor size (AC) Max. continuous utility back feed current Nominal output frequency Operating frequency range Total harmonic distortion No. 14 - 4 AWG 0 A 60 Hz 59.3 - 60.5 Hz <3 % Power factor 1 GENERAL DATA Fronius IG Plus 3.0-1 „„, 3.8-1 „„,i 5.0-1 UM, 6.0-1 um 7.5-1 UM j 10.0-1 uw | 11.4-1 UMI | 11.4-3 D.,ta | 12.0-3 „,,„ Max. Efficiency 96.2 % CEC Efficiency 208 V 240V 277V 95.0 % 95.5 % 95.5 % 95.0 % 95.5 % 95.5 % 95.5 % 95.5 % 96.0 % 95.5 % 96.0 % 96.0 % 95.0 % 95.5 % 96.0 % 95.0 % 95.5 % 96.0 % 95.5 % 96.0 % 96.0 % 95.5 % 96.0 % n.a. n.a. n.a. 96.0 % Consumption in standby (night)< 1 W Consumption during operation 8 W 15 W 22 W Cooling Controlled forced ventilation, variable fan speed Enclosure Type NEMA3R Unit Dimensions (W x H x D) Inverter Weight Wiring Compartment Weight 17.1 X 24.8x9.6 in. 31 Ibs. (14kg) 24 Ibs. (11 kg) 17.1 x 36.4x9.6 in. 57 Ibs. (26 kg) 26 Ibs. (12 kg) 17.1 x 48.1 x 9.6 in. 82 Ibs. (37 kg) 26 ibs. (12 kg) Admissible ambient operating temperature -4 ... 122°F(-20... +50°C) Compliance UL 1741-2005, IEEE 1547-2003, IEEE 1547.1, ANSI/IEEE C62.41, FCC Part 15 A& B, NEC Article 690, C22. 2 No. 107.1-01 (Sept. 2001) INPUT DATA Froniya IG Plus ! 3.0-1 3.8-1,5.0-1,6.0-1,7.5-1,10.0-1,11,4-1,11.4-3,12.0-3, Ground fault protection DC reverse polarity protection Internal GFDI (Ground Fault Detector/Interrupter); in accordance with UL 1741-2005 and NEC Art. 690 Internal diode Islanding protection Internal; in accordance with UL 1741-2005, IEEE 1547-2003 and NEC Over temperature Output power derating 7 active cooling * per Phase Fronius USA LLC Solar Electronic Division 10421 Citation Drive, Suite 1100, Brighton, Michigan, 48116 E-Mail: pv-us@fronius.com www.fronius-usa.com Fronius IG Plus 5.0-1 Input data Recommended PV power 4250 - 5750 Wp MPPT-voltage range 230 - 500 V DC Max. input voltage (at 1000 W/m2 /14 °F in open circuit operation) Nominal input voltage Nominal input current Maximum usable input current Max. array short circuit current 600 V DC 390V 13.8 A 23.4 A 29 A Output data Nominal output power (Pnom) Pnomat+122°F(50°C) Maximum continuous output power Nominal AC output voltage Operating AC voltage range default Adjustment range for voltage Voltage trip limit accuracy Voltage clearing times Nominal output current Number of phases Maximum output current Maximum continuous utility backfeed Synchronization in-rush current * 208 V / 240 at 208 V at 240 V at 277 V at 208 V at 240 V at 277 V at 208V at 240 V at 277 V at 208 V at 240 V at 277 V current * Maximum output fault current / duration Nominal output frequency Operating frequency range Adjustment range for frequency 5000 W 5000 W 5000 W V/ 277V (-12 7+10%) 183 -229V 211 -264V 244 - 305 V 105 -248V 121 -287V 140 -324V 1 % of naminal value 0.01 6 -4.25s 24.0 A AC 20.8 A AC 18.1 A AC 1 27.3 A 23.7 A 20.5 A OA OA 273 A 772 MS 60 Hz 59.3 - 60.5 Hz 57.0 - 60.48 Hz 145 Fronius IG Plus 5.0-1 (continued) Frequency trip limit accuracy 0.05 Hz Frequency clearing times 0.016-300s Total harmonic distortion Power factor * assured by electrical design of the inverter. General data Maximum efficiency 96.2 % CEC efficiency at 208 V at 240 V at 277 V 95.5 % .95.5 % 96.0 % Consumption in standby (night)W Consumption during operation 15 W Cooling controlled forced ventilation Protection type NEMA 3R Unit dimensions (w x h x d)36.46x17.09x9.61 in. 926 x 434 x 244 mm Inverter weight Wiring compartment weight 57 Ibs. 4kg 24 bs. 11 kg Shipping dimensions (w x h x d)42.72x20.28x14.02 in. 1085x515x356 mm Shipping weight 90 Ibs. 41kg Admissible ambient temperature (with 95% rel. humidity) -4°F-+122°F -20 °C - +50 °C Admissible storage temperature (with 95% rel. humidity) -4°F-+140°F -20 °C - +60 °C Protection devices Ground fault protection internal GFDI (Ground Fault Detector/Interrupter) Islanding protection internal DC reverse polarity protection internal diode Over temperature output power derating / active cooling 146 Certificate of Compliance Certificate: 2065918 Project: 2097497 Issued to: Fronius International GmbH Guenter Fronius Strasse 1 Wels-Thalheim, 4600 Austria Attention: Mr. Josef Feichtrager Master Contract: 203213 Date Issued: 2008/11/14 The products listed below are eligible to bear the CSA Mark shown with adjacent indicator 'US' Issued by:Rob Hempstock, AScT. Authorized by: Lindsay Clark, Product Group Manager PRODUCTS CLASS 531189 - POWER SUPPLIES - Distributed Generation - Power Systems Equipment - Certified to U.S. Standards Utility Interactive Inverter, Models Fronius IG Plus 3.0-1 UNI, Fronius IG Plus 3.8-1 UNI, SunPower SPR-3300f, SunPower SPR-4000f, Fronius IG Plus 5.0-1 UNI, Fronius IG Plus 6.0-1 UNI, Fronius IG Plus 7.5-1 UNI, SunPower SPR-6500f, SunPower SPR-8000f, Fronius IGPlus 10.0-1 UNI, Fronius IG Plus 11.4-1 UNI, and Fronius IG Plus 12.0-3 WYE277, Fronius IG Plus 11.4-3 Delta and SunPower SPR-12000f, permanently connected. For details related to rating, size, configuration* etc., reference should be made to the CSA Certification Record or me Descriptive Report or Attachment 1, The "US' indicator adjacent to the CSA Mark signifies that the product has been evaluated to the applicable ANSI/UL Standards, for use in the U.S.. This 'US' indicator includes products eligible to bear the TOOL1 indicator. NRTL, i.e. National Recognized Testing Laboratory, is a designation granted by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to laboratories which have been recognized to perform certification to U.S. Standards. PQO 507 Rev. 2004-06-30 Certificate: 2065918 Project: 2097497 Master Contract: 203213 Date Issued: 2008/11/14 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS *UL Std. No. 1741-First Edition - Inverter, Converters, Controllers and Interconnection System Equipment for Use With Distributed Energy Resources (Including revisions through and including November 7,2005) *Note: Conformity to UL Std. No. 1741-First Edition (Including revisions through and including November 7,2005) includes compliance with applicable requirements of IEEE 1547 and IEEE 1547.1 POP 507 Rev. 2004-06-30 Relevant Standards and Directives Relevant Stan- - UL1741-2005 - FCC Part 15 A&B dardsand - IEEE 1547-2003 - NEC Article 690 Directives - IEEE 1547.1 - C22. 2 No. 107.1-01 - ANSI/IEEE C62.41 (September 2001) Grid Failure The standard measurement and safety procedures integrated into the Fronius IG Plus ensure that the power feed is immediately interrupted in the event of a grid failure (shut-off by the utility or damage to lines). 160 Tigo Energy" Module Maximizer™- ES T/go energy Tigo Energy® Module Maximizer™-ES (MM-ES) For residential, commercial and utility scale photovoltaic solar arrays, the Tigo Energy* Maximizer™ system optimizes the power output of each module (solar panel); delivers module- level data for operational management and performance monitoring; and provides the ability to deactivate the high voltage DC bus for safer installation, maintenance or fire fighting. Tigo Energy Module Maximizers are key components of the system which reside at each module (one per solar module). The Module Maximizer provides data acquisition, communication to the Tigo Energy* Maximizer™ Management Unit, and energy harvesting control. The very smalt electronics footprint has been designed to minimize cost and maximize reliability. Tigo Energy Maximizer MM-ES is ideal for the European market and retrofit around the world. The Tigo Energy output optimization starts with dynamic module balancing - a Module Maximizer (patented) attached to each module manages the energy harvest and sends information to the Maximizer Management Unit for reporting and control. The Tigo Energy Serial Module Maximizer (MM-ES) connects in a series topology. MM-ES maintains best-in-class system conversion efficiencies. The Tigo Energy Module Maximizer includes a unique technology (patented) which greatly enhances the safety of a PV solar installation. As part of the Tigo Energy Maximizer system, this function can be activated with a safety button or via a remote management console. The system can be installed, maintained or approached by fire personnel without the exposure to voltage levels typically in excess of 400 volts. The Tigo Energy Module Maximizer is packaged in a IMEMA3R enclosure (water and weather resistant), conforms to UL and IEEE safety standards. There are Module Maximizer options to fit any PV module, crystalline silicon or thin-film, regardless of output voltage or nominal power rating, »JA*, GREEN BUSINESS BAV AREA 'igo Energy® Module Maximizer™- ES ^l^i1^;*JP^^ Ask your PV Solar distribution partner for the Tigo Energy Module Maximizer pre- installed on many of their most popular framed solar panels for simple on-site system installation for your new or existing PV system, Also watch for modules that include the Ttgo Energy technology fully integrated into the junction-box - available soon from leading PV module manufacturers, lodule Maximizer-ES Technical Specifications MM-ES60 MM-ES110 MM-ES170 aximum power aximum input DC voltage (Voc) ^commended Vmp range * aximum continuous current (Imp) aximum input current (Isc) /mp = Voltage at maximum power aximum output power aximum continuous current ominal Voltage/range perating temperature range ooling iclosure environmental rating - , 300W 60V 24-53V 7.5A 8.5A = Maximum i 30QW 7.5A 300W 110V 49-89V . 4.7A 5A power voltage 300W 4.7A variable variable 300W . 170V 90-1 40V 2.6A 3A 300W 2.6A variable -30"C +70°C Natural IP-65, Convection NEMA3R , '• ompliance anel connector js connector per UU 741 IEEE 1547.1 FCC part 15, class B EN 61000 NEC 2008 compliant MC4 compatible (for retrofit) MC3 connectors NEC 2008 compliant 40AMP 'tngxiiniz&ttbe power-otttpujt of individual modules ; , ] attpeak-pefjormgnoe tjirougbotitdts lifetime ** fntrodaceran unprecedented'Jev^l of safety loo* energy Tigo Energy, Inc. P: +1.408.364.0150 | F: +1.408.364,0160 170 Knowles Drive, Los Qatos, CA 95032 U.S.A. www.tigoenergy.com contact@tigoenergy.com CSA INTERNATIONAL Certificate of Compliance Certificate: 2207478 Project: 2207478 Issued to: Tigo Energy Inc 170 Knowles Dr Los Gates, CA 95032 USA Attention: Mr. Pushpinder Sawanni Master Contract: 247725 Bate Issued:2009/09/22- The products listed below are eligible to bear the CSA Mark shown with adjacent indicators (Cf and 'US'for Canada and US or with adjacent indicator 'US" for US only or without either indicator for Canada only. /, ASoT. Issued by: Rob Hempstock, AScT. PRODUCTS CLASS 5311 09 - POWER SUPPLIES - Distributed Generation Power Systems Equipment CLASS 5311 89 - POWER SUPPLIES - Distributed Generation - Power Systems Equipment - Certified to U.S. Standards Module Maximizer-EP (MM-EP) and Module Maximizer-ES (MM-ES). For details related to rating, size, configuration, etc., reference should be made to the CSA certification record or descriptive report. 1. Certified for electrical safety only. 2. The above models are certified as components to be used in conjunction with a certified/listed PV solar array and utility interactive inverter, where the suitability is to be determined in the end application. APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 0-M91 - General Requirements - Canadian Electrical Code - Part II CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 107.1-01 - General Use Power Supplies UL Std No. 1741 -First Edition - Inverters, Converters, Controllers and Interconnection System Equipment for Use With Distributed Energy Resources (Including Revisions through and including November 7,2005) IT. 2009-09-01 I 30-WATT INTERCHANGEABLE PLUG SERIES PSC30R Adapter Series Meets CEC and EISA Requirements CN136 • Limited Power Source « Level IV Efficiency Compliance • Class 31 Double Insulated • Class B EMI • Peripherals « Gaming Machines • Point of Sale Equipment • Network Equipment « cUL/UL * TUV « SAA ISlIiiii^ • Length: 100mm (3.9in) • Width: 63mm (2.5in) CE C-Tick Height: 36mm (1.4in) Weight: 260g (9oz) Model PSC30R-120 PSC30R-180 PSC30R-240 DC Output Voltage 12V 18V 24V Load Min. OA OA OA Max. 2.50A 1.67 A 1.25 A Ripple (1) P-P (max) 120mV 180mV 240mV Regulation (2) Line ±1% ±1% ±1% Load ±5% ±5% ±5% Efficiency Level © ® ® Note: (1) Measured with by-pass capacitors O.lu£710uf at output connector terminal. (2) At no load to Ml load, 1.8 meter (6ft) DC cord, measured at the plug. Interchangeable clips sold separately. Phihong reserves the right to make changes without further notice. Please consult Phihong USA and visit www.phihong.com for the most up-to-date specifications. INPUT: AC Input Voltage Rating iOOto240VAC AC Input Voltage Range 90 to 264V AC AC Input Frequency 47 to 63 Hz Input Current 1A(RMS) max. @ 120VAC O.SA(RMS) max. @ 240VAC Leakage Current 0.25mA max. Inrush Current (cold) <30A for 120VAC at max. load <60A for 240VAC at max. load (Cold start @ ambient 25°C) Input Power Saving 0.5W maximum at No Load OUTPUT: Efficiency > 80.6% average efficiency Hold-up Time 16mS min. @ 120VAC and max. load Over Current Protection Output equipped with short circuit protection - auto restart Over Voltage Protection >120% By zener clamping Short Circuit Protection Output can be shorted without damage ENVIRONMENTAL: Temperature Operation 0 to +40°C Non-operation -25 to +85°C Humidity Operation 20 to 90% Emissions FCC Class B EN55022 Class B Dielectric Withstand (Hi-pot) Test Primary to Secondary: 3000VAC Imin. 10mA DC Output Connector 2.1x5.5mm Center Positive Standard Mating Connector Kycon KLD-0202-A or equivalent AC Input Clips (sold separately) US:RPA Europe: RPE UK:RPK Australia: RPS -10&0 —(3JM) m ,I«U» faff) •lar Tigo • energy To: Mike Brown, REC Solar From: John Dorsey, Tigo Energy Inc. Subject: Maximizer Management Unit (MMU), Gateway, and Underwriter's Laboratories ELV levels Mike, The reason the MMU and Gateway have not been through an Underwriter's Laboratories (UL) formal evaluation is that the MMU and Gateway operate on Extra Low Voltage (ELV) from a UL Listed power adapter; Phihong, model PSC30R-240, with an output of 24V dc, 1.25 A. The definition of ELV is as follows: ELV CIRCUIT. SECONDARY CIRCUIT with voltages between any two conductors of the circuit, and between any one such conductor and earth, not exceeding 42.4 V peak, or 60 V d.c., under normal operating conditions, which is separated from HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE by BASIC INSULATION, and which neither meets all of the requirments for an SELV CIRCUIT nor meets all of the requirements for a LIMITED CURRENT CIRCUIT. Based on the output of the Phihong power supply and the definition above, there has not been a need for UL evaluation. However, we are having another product evaluated by UL and they are treating that product along with the MMU and the Gateway as a system and the three will be approved as a system. Let us know if you have any questions on the above. Thanks, John Dorsey Senior Compliance Engineer Tigo Energy inc. 408-364-0150 Tigs Enorgy, lite, ! 170 Knowfes Drive, Los Gates, California USA 85032 } P: +1.406.364.0150 I F:+1.408.364.0160 | www.tlg<Mn8rgy,cani Tigo Energy* Maxirnlzet™ Management Unit sa^^^Tigo energy Tigo Energy« Maximizer™ Management Unit (MMU) GREEN BUSINESS BAY AREA For residential, commercial and utility scale PV arrays, the Tigo Energy* Maximizer™ System optimizes power output per each module (solar panel); delivers module-level data for operational management and performance monitoring; and provides the ability to deactivate the high voltage DC bus for safer installation, maintenance or fire fighting. The Tigo Energy Maximizer Management Unit (MMU) communicates between the Module Maximizers and the Inverter, controls processes in real time and sends data to a remote server in order to allow multiple users to observe and interact with the monitoring system. Each Tigo Energy Maximizer system (patented) includes one MMU per project, with the option of a second unit for system redundancy. The MMU has a manual user interface and LCD display housed in a NEMA3 enclosure for onsite programming. The MMU mounts near the inverter and communicates with each PV module in the system, provides management and control functions for the module Maximizers, and serves as a gateway to the Data Center. The Maximizer Management Unit is pre-conflgured with CAT-5 Ethernet access and can ship with optional wi-fi or cellular communication modules. The MMU can be used as a qualifying inverter and overall system performance monitoring interface for legacy installations. The MMU includes the Tigo Energy® PV-SAFE™ button - a unique onsite safety feature located on the front of the Maximizer Management Unit With one push of the red button, an onsite operator or emergency personnel can deactivate the entire array for maintenance or emergency purposes (patented). PV-Safe enables each module to be electrically removed from the high voltage DC cabling limiting the voltage exposure to the open-circuit voltage (Voc) of a single module. As part of the Tigo Energy system, this function can be. activated with the safety button or via a remote, management console. The system can be installed, maintained or approached by fire personnel without the exposure to voltage levels typically in excess of 400 volts. Tigo Energy, )nc» J 170 Knowles Drive , CA 95032 USA +1,403.364,01SO; I R Vf.408.364.Q160" | D Energy^ Maximizer™ Management Unit /* ^t*v ^S'&IWji^^^ Secure remote access to the MMU via the Tigo Energy MaxiManager software applications is available through any internet-enabled computer, with views available for system owners, installers, power plant operators and emergency services personnel. Simple, easy-to-understand graphics allow for quick analysis of the real-time output and historical performance of each system, and the ability "to view and remedy system faults, error codes or alerts. Ask your PV Distribution partner for the Tigo Energy Maximizer Management Unit -for your new or existing PV Systems. Maximizer Management Unit Technical Specifications Single MMU supports up to 1000 Module Maximizers Ethernet Wireless Cellular modem Dimensions (LXWXH) 245 x 150 x 80 mm Weight . 1000gm 0*to +70° C North America Canada uce ' - EMI/EMC FCC PART 15 CLASS B; UL 60950 ICES-003 CLASS-B Tigo energy Tigo Energy, Inc. P: +1,408.364.0150 | F: +1.408.364.0160 170 Knowles Drive, Los Qatos, CA 95032 U.S.A. www.tigoenergy.com contact@tigoenergy.com oS I Guidelnfo - Power Supplies, InformationTechnology Equipmen... ht!p://database.td.com/cgi-biiJ/XYV/teiif»late/LISEXT/lFRAME/show. ONLINE GgRTIPICflTIQHS PUftiEETORY QQGQ.Guidelnfo Power Supplies, Information Technology Equipment Including Electrical Business Equipment View Listings Page Bottom [Power Supplies] Power Supplies, Information Technology Equipment Including Electrical Business Equipment See General Information for Power Supplies GENERAL This category covers power supplies rated 600 V or less, intended for use with Information technology equipment (ITE) including electrical business equipment. End-use products that employ these types of power supplies are covered under Information Technology Equipment Including Electrical Business Equipment (JMSfl). These power supplies are stand-alone units that deliver power to ITE via external interconnecting means. This category also covers modular accessory power supplies. Such power supplies are types that are intended for field installation within persona! computers, similar ITE, including telephone equipment. These modular power supplies are also provided with installation instructions relative to safe installation. All power-supply types covered under this category are marked with input and output ratings that include the voltage and intended maximum load rating in amperes. When power supplies intended for use with a detachable power-supply cord are not provided with such s cord, a cord suitable for connection of the equipment to the branch circuit is to be separately provided. The investigation of a product covered under this category does not include the effects It may have on the system or equipment to which it is connected. REBUILT PRODUCTS This category also covers power supplies that are rebuilt by the original manufacturer or another party having the necessary facilities, technical knowledge and manufacturing skills. Rebuilt power supplies are rebuilt to the extent necessary by disassembly and reassembly using new or reconditioned parts. Rebuilt power supplies are subject to the same requirements as new power supplies. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additional Information, see Power Supplies 02QMD and Electrical Equipment for Use in Ordinary Locations (AALZ). REQUIREMENTS The basic standard used to investigate products in this category is ANSI/UL 60950-1. "Information Technology Equipment - Safety - Part 1: General Requirements." All low-voltage outputs (maximum 42 A V peak or 60 V dc) are safety extra-low^voltage (SELV) as defined In ANSI/UL 60950-1. An output marked "UPS" has been determined to have an output level at or below the limited power-source level specified in ANSI/UL 60950-1. as it relates to the requirements for equipment supplied by the output. An output marked "Class 2" has additionally been investigated to ANSI/UL 1310. "Class 2 Power Units." UL MARK - , The Listing Mark of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. on the product Is the only method provided by ULto Identify products manufactured under its Listing and Follow-Up Service. The Listing Mark for these products Includes the UL symbol (as Illustrated In the Introduction of this Directory) together with the word "LISTED," a control number, and the category identifier "Information Technology Equipment Power Supply" (or "I.T.E. Power Supply") or "QQGQ Power Supply." For accessories, the Listing Mark is applied to modular accessory power supplies on an external surface that will be enclosed within the end-use product. The category identifier for accessories includes the word "Accessory." For rebuilt products the word "Rebuilt," "Remanufactured" or "Reconditioned" precedes the product name. #*****»**********#******» UL, in performing its functions in accordance with Its objectives, does not assume or undertake to discharge any responsibility of the manufacturer or any other party. UL shall not incur any obligation or liability for any toss, expense or damages, Including incidental or consequential damages, arising out of or in connection with the use, Interpretation of, or reliance upon this Guide Information. 5/24/2010 12:27 PM Jmd-eltttb - Power Supplies, Information Technology Equipmen... ht^://database,id.corn/cgi-bin/XYV/template/IISEXT/lFRAME/show. Last Updated on 2007-04-16 Questions? Print this baae Notice of Disclaimer Paoe TOD Copyright (E> 2010 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Follow-Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Usted and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service. Always took for the Mark on the product. UL permits the reproduction of the material contained In the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Designs and/or Listings (files) must be presented in their entirety and In a non-misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from Underwriters Laboratories Inc." must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must Include a copyright notice in the following format: "Copyright © 2010 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.®" An Independent organization worKing for a safer w.orld with integrity, precision and knowledge. 5/24/2010 12:27 EM K127643 - Power Supplies, Information Technology Equipment... http://database.uI.corn/cgi-bin/XYV/terjaplate/IJSEXT/lFRAME/sho'w... OHLI ME CERTI FICftTIONS DIRECTORY ; ; QQGQ.E127643 Power Supplies, Information Technology Equipment Including Electrical Business Equipment Page Bottom Power Supplies, information Technology Equipment Including Electrical Business Equipment See General Information for Power Supplies. Information Technology Equipment Including Electrical Business Equipment PHIHONG TECHNOLOGY CO LTD El 27 64 3 568 FU XING 3RD RD GUISHAN SHIANG TAOYUAN HSIEN, 33383 TAIWAN AC adaptors, Model(s) 6630027-03 00, 6630027-03 01, 6630031-03 00, AC-E4, PLA03A-030, PLA03A-050, PLA03A-090, PLA03A-120, PLA05A, PLA05A-050, PLA05A-090, PSA03A-052, PSA03A-060YYY, PSM4963B, W08-0989 AC Power Adapter, Model(s) POE21U-lATzzzzzz(*), POE21W-lATzzzzzz(*), POE31U-lATzzzzzz(*)r PO£31W-lATzzzzzz(*), POE31W- 240zzzzzz(*), POE31W-480zzzzzz(*), POE31W-S60zzzzzz(*), PSA120U-xxxyyyyyy(~) AC POWER ADAPTER, Model(s) PSAA18U-090, PSAA18U-120, PSAA18U-150, PSAA18U-240 AC Power Adapter, Model(s) PSAA60M-yyy(a3), PSAA60W-yyy(a3) AC power adaptors, Model(s) POE16U-480yyyy (y), POE20U-560(G), POE31U-240zzzzzz(*), POE31U-240Gzzzzzz(*), POE31U- 480zzzzzz(*),POE31U-480Gzzzzzz(*), POE31U-560zzzzzz(*), POE31U-S60Gzzzzzz(*), POE7Sg-lUP-N-R, POE75U-1UP-YYVY, POE75U- 560YYYY, POE80U-560YYYY, PSA16U-480yyyyy, PSA20U-560(G), PSAA05A-050, PSC60M-120, PSC60M-240, PSC60W-120, PSC60W-240,PSM36U-24Q(Y)(Y)(Y) AC power supplies, Model(s) PSM08A-052 AC Power Supply, Model(s) PSM7558A Adapter, Model(s) PSM04A-050QR1M Adapters, Model(s) PLA02R-060 Adaptors, Model(s) PU01A-030YYY(s), PLA01A-050YYY(s), PLA01A-090YYY(s), PLA01A-120YYY(s), PLA02A-030YYY(s), PU02A-050YYY(s), PLA02A-090YYY(s), PLAQ2A-120YYY(s) Battery chargers, Model(s) BC-20, BC-200, BCM6720A, CE-8C21, CH-201, CH-201A, K5000, KSC-35, LC-E4, LC-E5, MH-50, NC-EKC01, NC-NKC05, PSC02W-108(Y)(Y)(Y), UP-P01CH Battrey Charger, Model(s) LC-ESE Car chargers, Model(s) CLM03D-050 Desktop adaptors, Model(s) PSA48U-240 Direct plug in adapters, Model(s) PSC05R-050CP Direct plug In adaptors, Model(s) 3001995-0001, CNR4000, K4500, PLM4474B, PSA04A-060(Y)(Y)(Y), PSA04Y-XXX(Y)(Y)(d), PSA05A- XXX(Y) (Y)(a), PSA05R-XXX(Y)(Y)(Y)(c), PSA05W- XXX(Y)(Y)(a), PSA09R-050(Y)(Y)(Y), PSA10A-XXX(Y)(Y)(Y)(b), PSA10R-XXX(Y)(Y)(c), PSA11R- 240(MOT), PSAllR-XXX(Y)(Y)(Y)(e) Direct plug In adaptors, Model(s) PSC05R-050(CR}, PSC05R-050(S), PSC05R-OSOLT(V), PSC05R.-XXXYYY, PSCOSR-ZZZYYY, 190215-000, PSC05R-050CP PH, PSC05R-XXX(Y)(Y)(Y)(f), PSC05R-XXX(Y)(Y)(Y)(g), PSC10(X)-050(E)(Y)(Y)(Y), PSC10(X)-05p(Y)(Y)(Y), PSCIO-OSOS(ER), PSC10A-(X)(X)(X)(Y), PSC10A-050S (EP), PSC10A-050S (ER), PSC10A-050S(EP, PSCIOA-XXX(Y), PSC15A-(X)(X)(X}(Y), PSC15A-050(SP), PSC15A-OSOS(TI), PSC15A-120S(MOT)(aa), PSC15A-XXX(Y), PSG10A-(X)(X)(X)(Y), PSG10A-XXX(Y)(h), PSG15A-(X)(X)(X)(Y), PSG15A-120(Y), PSG15A-120Y, PSG15A-XXX(Y)(h), PSM05A-050(Y)(Y)(Y), PSM09W-120, PSM12072, PSM18-120(X), PSM4250A, PSM4452A, PSM4604(X), PSM4604A, PSM4604B, PSM4604C, PSM4604M, PSM4716A, PSM4716C, PSM4835C, PSM4940D, PSM5049A, PSM5063A, PSM5112A, PSM6197B, PSM8038A, SM12R-120YYY, SPN44S2A, SPN4604(X), SPN4604A Direct plug-in power adapters, Model(s) PSM6257A Power adaptors, Model(s) 99426, BR24464YYY, HEA-66-117, M122A, M122B, M159A, PHM4123B, PLM4011A, PLS-35-150UR, PSA-30U-033, PSA-30U-XXX(k), PSA-65U-150(Y)(Y), PSA15-201, PSA15W-050(Y)(Y)(Y), PSA15W-090(Y)(Y)(Y), PSA15W-120(Y)(Y)(Y), P.SA15W-120SG(Y) mm, PSA15W-150(Y)(Y)(Y), PSA15W-180(Y)(Y)(Y), PSA15W-180MF(Y)(Y)(Y), PSA15W-240(Y)(Y)(Y), PSA18U-120(EF), PSA18U-120(NE), PSA18U-120(PE), PSA18U-120(PI), PSA18U-480(JM), PSA18U-480(JMC), PSA18U-XXX(Y)(Y)(I), PSA25LA, PSA30U-301S, PSA30U-303D, f3 5/24/2010 12:27 PM I.K127643 - Power Supplies, Information Technology Equipment.;. fattp://database.id.com/cgi-bin/XYV/ten^late/IISEXT/lFRAME/show... PSA31U-XXX(I), PSA40U-120, PSA40U-240, PSA40W-400, PSA45U-201(Y)(Y), PSA45W-XXX(Y)(Y)(Y)(n), PSA50U-120(EF), PSA50U-120(Y)(Y), PSA52, PSA52KK, PSA53, PSA54U-201(Y)(Y)(Y), PSA57KK, PSA60U-120(Y)(Y), PSA60W-XXX (Y)(Y)(Y)(n), PSA60WVADJ-(Y)(Y)(Y), PSA65U-1(Z), PSA65U-1(Z)(Z)(Y)(Y), PSA65U-105(Y)(Y)(Y), PSA65U-180(Y)(Y), PSA65U-2(Z), PSA65U-2(Z)(Z)(Y)(Y), PSA65U-301(Y)(Y), PSA65U-302(Y)(Y), PSM-09062RU, PSM-09841RU, PSM09841A, PSM09841AU, PSM15U-050> PSMlSU-OSOA, PSM15U-050AS, PSM15U-050N, PSM15U-120E, PSMlSU-XXX(h), PSM25W-240, PSM4278X(m), PSM4490A, PSM4577A, PSM4578(X), SA9-V24160AC, SPN4226(X), SPN4278A, SPN4278C, SPN4278D, SPN4278X(m), SPN4380A, SPN4490A, SPN4570(X), SPN4577A, SPN4578(X), STLN4123B Power supplies, Model(s) PLM02A-036(A), PSA-46-201, PSA-46-301, PSA-46-303, PSA-46-304 Power supply, Model(s) PSM05A-050YYYYY(r) Power supply adapters, Model(s) PLM05A-050(Y)(Y)(Y), PSAlSR-XXXyyy (q), PSA2iR-XXX(Y)(Y)(Y)(e), PSC03R-050YYY, PSM04A-050yyy, PSM05R-050YYY, PSM05R-060(Y)(Y)(Y), PSM05R-XXX(Y)(Y)(Y), PSMOSR-XXXQ(o), PSMOSR-XXXQC(o), PSM06A-052yyy Switching Power Adapter, Model(s) 1128, 6630043-0300, 6630043-0311, 6630054-0300, 6630054-0311, PSA15A-295(MOT), PSA15R- 240(MOT), PSA15R-295(MOT), PSM03R-050Pyy (yyy), PSM04R-050yyy (I), PSM04R-050CHVV1, PSM04R-Q50CHW1(M), PSM06A-050yyy (al), PSM18U-480YYYYYY (f3) Switching power adapters, Model(s) PS5202A, PSAOSR-OSOyyy, PSAlBA-XXXyyy (q), PSA15R-240(MOT), PSA18R-120P, PSA21R- 180(PAZ1)-R, PSA80U-120YYYYY(S), PSAA15W-120(IF), PSAA15W-XXX &, PSM04A-050RIMC, PSM08R-OSOyyy(C), PSM5037C, PSM5185B, PSM5202B, RSA15R-480yyy(Y) Switching Power Adaptor, Model(s) PSM04A-050RIM(NY)yyyyy (f2) Switching power adaptors, Model(s) 190215-0000, BCM6710A, PSC10W-033yyy, PSC11A-050(Y)(Y)(Y), PSCllR-series, PSC15W-050yyy, PSC15W-120yy, PSM03R-055P(Y)(Y), PSM07A-033yyy,PSMllA-050(Y)(Y)(Y), PSMllR-series, PSM24Wrl60yyy(p), PSM28U-201(Y)(Y)(Y), PSM5037B, PSM5091A, PSM5185A, PSM5202A, PSM5230A, PSM5236A, PSM60U-480KP, TRFOOOi58, TRF00062 Switching power supplies, Model(s) PLA08A-090, PLA12R-120, POE30U-560(G)-S-R, POE480U-XX-YY, PSA-124, PSA-20R series, PSA-242, PSA12A-120, PSA150U-240, PSAA05R-050, PSB05A-050, PSB05R-050, PSB05R-050Q, PSC18E-120, PSC18E-150, PSC18A-120, PSC18W-120, PSC20R-rXXx(fl), PSC24W-120YYYY(s), PSC24W-240YYYYfsy PSC^^x^ffj^Y. PSC30U-050. PSC30U-120, PSC30U-120(PA)-R, PSC30U-240, PSC30U-480, PSC60U-480KP, PSI45W-560(MOT), PSM02R-tf55(Y)(Y)(Y), PSM04A-050yyy CDIrect Plug In), PSM05R-050QH, PSM125U-601MG, PSM156U-240, PSM15W-120yyy(p), PSM4652A, PSM483SA, PSM4835B, PSM4843A, PSM4940G, PSMS035A Switching power supplies (direct plug-In), Model(s) PLA08R-090 Switching Power Supply, Model(s) 6630089-0300 Switching power supply, Model(s) AC-3U Switching Power Supply, Model(s) AC-4LJ Switching power supply, Model(s) ANC Switching Power Supply, Model(s) POE61U-560yyyyy and POE61W-560yyyyy(^), PSA05F-050YYY (Y), PSA12R-120, PSA24A-120, PSA42W-050, PSA42W-090, PSA42W-120, PSA42W-1SO, PSA42W-180, PSA42W-240, PSA42W-480, PSM10R-050YYY(a2), PSAA20R- xxxyyyyyy, PSAA20A-xxxyyyyyy (zl), PSAC05R-050YYY (a2), PSAC30U-XXXYYY (a%), PSAI03A-050YYY, PSAI01A-050YYY(s), PSAI05A-050YYY (a2), PSCl2A-xxxyyyyyy, PSC12R-xxxyyyyyV (z2), PSC12U-120, PSC18U-480, PSC30U-090, PSG30U-120Vyyyyyy, PSC30U-240Vyyyyyy, PSC30U-480Vyyyyyy (al), PSC75U-xxxyyyyyy (t), PSM01R-075 Switching Power Supply, Model(s) PSM12R-120yyyyyy, PSM09R-120yyyyyy, PSM12A-120yyyyyy, PSM09A-120yyyyyy, PSM12R-145yyyyyy, PSMl2A-i45yyyyyy (#), PSM25R-560yyyyyy (yl) Switching power supply, Model(s) PSM30U-240Fyyyyyy # Switching Power Supply, Model(s) PSM36W-120TW Switching Power Supply (Direct Plug-In), Model(s) AC-P5VX @, PSAI05R-050Q, PSAI05R-050QC VEHICLE BATTERY ADAPTORS, Model(s) CLA05D-050A Model(s) PSA05F-050YYY # - y can be any character or blank & - where XXX=050, 120, 180, 240, 480 (!)-y = 0-9, A-Z or blank (a%) - XXX = 050, 120, 240, 560, Y = 0-9 A to Z or blank (a) - Where XXX represents a number 033-150. (al) - where y may be 0-9, a-z, or blank. (a2) - where Y=0-9, A-Z or blank. (a3) - yyy= 400 to 560 (as") - Additionally evaluated to UL1492. (b) - Where XXX represents a number 033, 050-240. (c) - Where XXX represents a number 033-240. (d) - Where XXX represents a number 050-075. (e) - Where XXX represents a number 033, 050-270. (EF) - EF stands for Efficient. ^ 5/24/2010 12:27 PM E127643 - Power Supplies, Information Technology Equipment... (f) - Where XXX represents a number 045-060. (fl) - where "xxx" can be 120,180 or 24 (f2) - Where y=0-9, a-z, A-Z or blank. (g) - Where XXX represents a number 040-044. (h) - Where XXX represents a number 050-240. " (I) - Where XXX represents a number 033, 050, 090,120,150,180, 240 or 480. (k) - Where XXX represents a number 050-260. (I) - Where XXX represents a number 050-480. (m) - Where X represents a letter E-2. (n) - Where XXX represents a number 110-260. (o) - Where XXX represents 050-060 (p) - Where yyy represents 0-9, A-Z or blank. (q) - where XXX can be 050, 060, 075, 090, 095,120, 150, 240, 480, y can be any alphanumeric character or blank, (r) - Where Y can be any alphanumeric number, letter character or blank (s) - Where Y is any alphanumeric character or blank, (t) - Where xxx can be 480-560, and the y can be any character or blank (X) - Where X represents any letter A-Z. (Y) - Where Y represents any alphanumeric character or blank. (yl) - y can be any character or blank (yyy) - where y can be any alphanumeric character or balnk (Z) - Where 2 represents a number 0-9. (zl) - Where xxx = 100-140, 220-280 or 480-560; y can be any character or blank (z2) - (xxx may be 050, 599, 060, 080-100 or 101-140; y may be any character or blank) (A) - where y = any character, letter, number or blank (~) - xxx= 120, 240, or 480; y=any alphanumeric character or blank) *-where z can be any character, letter, number or blank. @ - (X=0-9,A-Z or blank). f3 - Where Y can be any character or blank series - Where series may be 050-140 Last Undated on 2010-05-24 Questions? Print this oaoe Nptice of Disclaimer Paoe TOP Copyright fi> 2010 Underwriters Laboratories The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Follow-Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Listed and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product. UL permits the reproduction of the material contained In the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Designs and/or Listings (flies) must be presented in their entirety and in a non-misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from Underwriters Laboratories Inc." must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must Include a copyright notice in the following format: "Copyright © 2010 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.®" An independent o r Q a n i 2 at i o ri working for a safer world with i n't e o r I ty, p r e c i s i p n and knowledge, 5/24/2010 12:27 Pfc >-**•-*«,,,-*&&'•gF^r^ Introducing Solar Panel Installation dentification labels Tyco Electronics Tyco Electronics Our commitment Your advantage. Tyco Electronics introduces label solutions for Solar Panel Installation per the National Electric Code (NEC) specification. Labels; are manufactured using ultraviolet (UV) resistant ink, permanent acrylic adhesive and base material designed to withstand environmental elements. A laminate is added to further add protection against prolonged UV exposure. Renewable Energy: Solar - DC Switches, Combiner Boxes Wind - DC Switches- Service Temperature: -51°C to 93.3°C (-60°F to 200°F) Tyco Electronics: TTDS-168 ASTM D 3652 ASTM D 3330 ASTM D 2979 ASTM D 1000 ASTM D 3759 MIL202G, Method 215 ASTM D3424 Method ASTM G85 Annex 5 ASTM 81531 Ir' Panel Installation 'identification Ordering Description Label Dimensions (WX H) Qty per Roll CL3803-OOO 2 part construction CL.3804-000 CL3805-000 CL3806-000 2 part construction Top Label 4.12" X 0.75" 4.12" 4.12" Top Label 4.12" X 0.75" Bottom Label 4.12" X 2.06" X 0.75" X 0.75" Bottom label 4.12" X 3.00" 1000 1000 1000 1000 '82 Disconnect - * DO WOT TC P/N: CL3803-OOO WA.»MlltC5-€teclfrt- Shack Hyxar P/N: CL3805-OOO S*-co?»a sewrc* -is p DC Disconnect Solar Pane! installation Identification labels I Tyco Electronics Tyco Electronics Corporation Harrisburg, PA tycoelectronics.com Copyright 2007 By Tyco Electronics Corporation 1-T773449-6-5K-MS/FP 01/08 TE Logo and Tyco Electronics are trademarks. BUHNDY* Products Grounding Mechanical »EGKA ill! FoiiHopper J Listed for direct burial applications in br concrete. Qne-ptece forged body an Insures mechanical integrity "in an uerground environment Supplied with a stslless steel headless screw. K DiA. \ h B Catalog Number GKA8C i GKA4C-2 Cable Range #10SOL-#88TR. #14 SOL- #4 SIR. 0 .31 .46 C .38 .54 H .58 .71 L__jL_#10 - 32 5/1 6- 24 K .21 .28 L I .81 1.13 t, ToteassambtedwtmTMH322staintessste8iharc!wareklt Z. To be assembled With TMH 323 stainless steel hardware kit. Ordered separately. »EKPB Forjflopper UL46 crete BURJI copF pr< (Listed for direct burial in earth .or oon- i UL 486 listed. This exclusive bY® design accommodates #10 - #4 I where continuous conductor runs are tote. 6 IMSTMlEDPOamOH CONDUCTOR SUBSUNDER CLIP Catalog Number KPBfc$1 Range; «o-«cu Stud Hole #10' 1. To be. assembles! with TMH322 stainless steel hardware kit PE CL50-1 GOiPER LAY-IN QSKLUG™l Foropper Trial high .ensu UL4I crete lay-It . ci •in QIKLUG™ is manufactured-from ength pure electrolytic copper to naximurn strength and conductivity. " ited 'for direct burial In aarth or con- > open-faced design allows for fast jt the conductor without the need for br breaking. .Stainless Steel Sc?ew •Catalog Number CL50-1 CUO-1TO* Wire Range Copper _jmtsi_ «4-«CU Stud Hole Jio #10 . "-TM Version is tin plated. Commonlir used for. solar panelgrounding. -1.1-3 ±.01 [29]-.19 ±,02 .38 ±.01 [10] .22 DIA.- [6] 1/4-28 ,47 ±.0212] j- ,15±.01 Throflhout the catalog you will notice blue highlighted Items, These are the most frequently ordered BURNDY® Products, USs 1l|®Q-346-41T5 ' ' www^burndy.com Canada; 1-800-387-6487 LJJ ^Iiu w Q Z LJJ LO > OCL u_ c/) m O ZTOZO-88T TT020-88T