HomeMy WebLinkAbout1648 Cormorant Dr; ; CBR2017-1936; PermitPrint Date: 09/14/2017 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: 1648 Cormorant Dr B LDG-Resi den ti a I 2156500413 $0.00 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Residential Permit www.carlsbadca.gov Work Class: P/M/E Lot#: Reference#: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: Description: HOUSTON: REPLACE 50 GAL WATER HEATER Owner: Status: Applied: Issued: Finaled: Inspector: Contractor: Permit No: CBR2017-1936 Closed -Finaled 08/22/2017 08/22/2017 TRUST HANSON !RENE TRUST 09-16-13 1648 Cormorant Dr CALIFORNIA DELTA MECHANICAL INC CARLSBAD, CA 92011 PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees: $98.00 Total Payments To Date: $98.00 6056 E Baseline Rd, 155 Mesa, AZ 85206-4803 480-898-0007 Balance Due: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. $98.00 $0.00 AUG/18/2017/FR I 07 :33 AM FAX No. P. 002 THE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUJREO PRJOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE: QPLANmNG D EKGINEERJNG 0BUILD1NG OFIRE 0HEALTI1 D HAZMAT/APCD Ccicyrof Building Permit Application Plan Check No. ~p..aQ\ 1 .. \ '1 D 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 E&t. Value J _I < Ir. Carlsbad Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Plan Ck. Deposit ' email: building@carisbadca.gov www.carlsbadca,9ov Date IB-18·17 JOB ADDA£$$ 1648 Cormorant Dr SlllIT0/5PACE•/\JMU IAPN --- CT/PROJE(;l" • ILQT* ,<=•• , • OF UNln; I~ 6El)ROOMS t ""IMHUUM:> I TEHANl BUSINESS If.AME ,~,,o,n.HPE I OCC.<JROUP DESCRIPTION OF WORK: /m:ruae :squ;,n, Feet or Alr11cterf Arll8(9) replace 50 gal gas water heater like for like EXISTlNG USE I PROPOSED USE I GARAGE (SF) PATlOS (SI') I DECKS (SF) FIREPIJ>.CE 'AIR CONDITIONING I HHE SP~INKLERs Y.ES(J; No0 vESO NoO YESONoQ APPLICANT riAMI: AJ Diaz PROPERTY OWNER. NAME: Irene Houston ~oM.-CD11taot AOORESS ADDR6S5 6056 E Baseline Rd, Ste 155 1648 Cormorant Dr CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP Mesa AZ 85206 Carlsbad CA 92011 PHONE I FAX PHONE rAX 666·692·5273 866-692-5275 760-902-5596 EMAIL caoerrnits@deltarnechan ical. corr.-. EMAIL· PE.SIIIN PflOf'ES~IONAL CONTRACTOR BUS.. NAME: California Delta Mechanical ADDRESS ADDRESS 6056 E Baseline Rd, Ste 155 CllY STATE ZIP CITY SfATE ZIP Mesa AZ 85206 PHONE rAX PHONE: (AlC 480-898-00 O 7 480-898-0005 EMAIL EMAIL I ST .. TE LIC. # STATE: L/C-'I I ClA'lS rlY 81JS.. uc.1214281 811114 C36 . . . ·-··-------. . ------· .. . - -------' f WO R_KE RS ' __ co M PE NSATION .. .. --------------. --------------.. J Wori<ers' Compensallon Oecl!U"•Jfon: I /!ereby f}fflrm un~ WITlll'f'/ofparjluyooo of/he followfr,gdec/(1(6d0f!S: 0 I h>.v• and will m<lin!ain a cortificsto of con.,.ntto aelf.Jneu~ for YJO!i(e~· CO<l1!)C!n.a6on as provided by S•aion 3700 of the Labor Code, ror tho 1)61furmar.cu of the worfdor wh!ch this perm~ Is Issued. [Z] I have and wlll mo,lnt,ln wort«,~• compen~lon, ~ ~uJlld bv Section 3700 of Iha Labor Code. la tt,e performance Of the \#Orkior which If-is; permit is le...,d. My ~il(e,s' eoinpenGaijOO in...anco camar em! po Icy number are: lnsuranc:u Co. QBE Insurance Corp Poley No. QWC3000IU9 E,qiretbl Date 10-1-17 1]!§,sec#on nee((/1QI be completed ff 1/lQ permit Is forono hundnKI dollars ($100) or le'3. LJ Csrtilicate of ExBmption: J certify that in lhe pedormance of the worlt rorW!lk:h this pemitit.issued. I shall oo(amploy any person In 3!1Y manm so ao lo bilcome subj.er to the Wor'iers' Compe,,sa!iOo !..a<15 al Ca'ifomia. WARNING; Failure to 5eture worm' compensation cov..-49• I• w,la.wM, and shall •ubjoci an employ..-to crimlnal ~sJtla and civil fin•• up to on• hundred thouotnd doll1ro (& 100,0QIJ), in ~ddlUon tot!>O eott of C<I/\IPOf\iatiOo1, a~mi rovid for in Sactfon 3706 of the L•bQreod~ l~tott ilnd atrornoy', fee&, ,/!5 CONTRACTOR61GNATURE I hereby s/11,m 1/l&t I am exampt from Co(l(ISC(or'~ Ucense L8'Y fOf IM following roas,m: D 1, ss OY1ner attt,e prope,1y °' my emp!oyees VIII/I wages 3s thsir sole cofTl)90Safon. v~I do thewoil( and 1tle strucrul'e IS not intsndad orolhlrad for l<Bla (Sec. 7044, EIUSl~C$S Md Pro~i:ms Code: The Cornracllll'• Uoens<i Law does not apply lo an owner of property who txrllda or Improves 11!ereor,, ~ who does such worlt himaa!f or through hi& own emplOyees, provldod that stdl improvemenls are not Intended oroffQrgd !Or sale. If, ha,,ever, lt,e bur.di~ or Improvement Is sold ~Alll~one y~rof compl&lion. the arvn..--bullderwU h~,-e !he bufl!Qn Of~ lhathe did oot bt.ild or Improve tor !he purpose Cl $ll!O). D I, •• owner of !)le prop9f1Y, s.m e,<clJJ\vely contr$Cll119 ..tll 1~61ld coritrDro to oo~ tile proje<:( ~ 7044, !I~ and Proles&iona Code: The Conlrsctol'• LJcerue Law doe.I notapµly to an owner of orocor!y who builds or impro.,.. thereon. and=~ for such proj~ -.Ith oontra<:IOr(s) 11::snsed pun;uant to the Conlractor's Uoen,;e l.11\•,). D ! am exempt i.1der S.ctiOll ueiias6 and Prole~r\$ Code fotthis n,aa,n: 1, I oersonalJr 01&1 t,:, provide U.e m.y,r labor and mal9rials forconsln.ctlon or lhe proposed property improvement DY•• QNo 2 I (/1.rN I haWll not) sis,,sd an appl,;aliJn fur a buidng psnnil for l)ie proposeo l/lO!k. 3. I have contractsd wi!h Iha fol:OWif!,I per~m (frm) In provi:!a the propose(l COllstruction (ilcl.ld• n.me addrass I phone I ron(J'acljlrs' lcer,se ~umtie(): 4. I plan ID providll portions ol lhe worlt. but I haw hired the fo:kl'1'1ng per,on to coorcfnallB, s~arvi.s9 aid provide Iha major 'Mlr1( (lnc'llle nallWI I e,;tQres,;;/ pt1:ms /C011lroctora' lioenll!I number): 5. I w:11 provid• ;om; oftha work. but I h""" contr;clGd (hrad) the fol~~' lo provide the v.'llk indicatsd OIIC!ude n-/ ed<ress I Phooe/ (vw ofworl:): 0AGENT DAY!: AUG/18/2017/FRI 07:34 AM FAX No. P. 003 ~---.--.... ------·-------------,-.------.--· ~ • ------·--< -i COMPLETE THIS SEC1:10~ _ _!_0R~~~N-~_S_JDENTIAL !l _U_~~~ER.t,UTS ONL_!._____ . Is Iha appkant or fulurs btilcing occupant raqLirad lo aibmit e buslnesa pl111, ecurely h:,zaroous matlinals rsgislraion form or risk msnsgament eno prevenuon program undar Saclions 25500, 25533 or 25634 Of tilG P~-Tennert131.9'dOU~ $Ub$181'W:eAc,x,vntACl1 D Ye• D No 1• 1/\s applicant or Mura buildng occupant rsquirsd to obtain a pem,h from tile ,;lr PQ!lullon 00/IUOI Osll'dor irqua!ly man;gemanl die!rlct'? D Yes ONO I$ i\o~lltv to ~; COf\S~Cl20 ""l~ 1,000 teotOf l190llbll' boundary of a school Bila? Cl Yes O NQ IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, AFINAL CERTIFICA'TE OF OCCUPANCY "'-"Y NOT Bl: ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR. IS fllf;ETlNG THE REOUIREIIEHTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SEIWIC.!iS f\NO THl;AIR POLLUTION COITTROI.. DISTRICT, I oeitffythetl haw readlhe app!lcatkx! and ste!j!lt,aUhea.b~~Jnforrootlon iS OOf1'8<:hndlhatti1e itformetion mthe plans I, IICCUl8te. J egre,e tocon1pty,,;tt, all CilyonfUli!ncmand Slate ls."S ret~to boldfng CDnstrucdort I hereby au'!'OOZe mpresentawe of lh6 City ot Calst:Qd Ill e<r9rU~ 11s abc'II! men Coned properfy t,r ns,.ecliln Jllrposes. I ALSO AGREE ro SAV!; ~\!08,lNIFY ANO t<E8' HAAMLESS TIE CITY CF CAALS8AD AGANST ALL UPBIUTIES, JLJDG~s. COSTS.Ai'll EXJ'BISES WHICH MAY tl MN WAY ACCRLE AG.AJNsr SAID OTY IN CONSEOJ~CE OF IBE GRANJlNG OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: AA OSHA pennl is ~ b' excavations /Jllef Sf/ deep and dgmiillon or coni;b'ucli:Jn of stJvcwres Q\lljl° 3 slm1s in hei<Jht g(J)PATION: Evety penntt issued by the Building a!lclal lllderfl& J)f'O'Jl,ms cf Ira Cooe shall sxpie by Imitation and become nul and 'dj if 1M bu:lirg ..-v.m. tJJh:JlilEd by S\JCh pemit Is nol airrrnenced v.it/1i'1 180 day,:: 1'CJ'II sie d2IG of such poonltorlffMlxlil<lirg a v.tllk euijiorizl,d by61.dl l)el111tt is suspended a-abEllooned atanyt&naaflwthe 1"l/l<~ corrrnenredfura peoodol 100days (Soctm 106A.4 Uiw 0.Jildilg Code) . ..@S' APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE •. -. ~ -{ f) PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY REPORT (CBR2017-1936) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date. 08/22/2017 Owner: TRUST HANSON IRENE TRUST 09-16-13 Work Class: P/M/E Issue Date: 08/22/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#90-14 Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 03/13/2018 Address: 1648 Cormorant Dr IVR Number: 5867 Carlsbad, CA 92011-4004 Scheduled Actual Date Start Date Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Relnspection Complete 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 BLDG-25 Water 034029-2017 Failed Andy Krogh Reinspection Complete HeaterNents Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Noone home No BLDG-Fina I 034030-2017 Failed Andy Krogh Reins pection Complete Inspection Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Noone home No BLDG-Plumbing Final No BLDG-Mechanical Final No BLDG-Structural Final No BLDG-Electrical Final No 09/14/2017 09/14/2017 BLDG-25 Water 034570-2017 Passed Andy Krogh Complete HeaterNents BLDG-Final 034571-2017 Paned Andy Krogh Complete Inspection Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Plumbing Final Yes September 14, 2017 Page 1 of 1