HomeMy WebLinkAbout1648 Corte Orchidia; ; CBR2018-0570; PermitResidentral P'ernilt Print Date: 03/16/2018 ^^ityof Carlsbad Permit No: CBR2018-0570 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: Description: 1648 Corte Orchldia BLDG-Resldentlal 2159501200 $10,000.00 Work Oass: Lot#: Reference #: Construction Type: Bathrooms: . Grig. Plan Check #: Plan Check#: Cogen Status: Applied: Issued: Permit FInaled: Inspector: Final Inspection: Closed - FInaled 03/07/2018 03/07/2018 TFraz 3/16/2018 9:49:39AM BLAKE: FLUSH ROOF MOUNT SOLAR, 75KW, 2S MODS, 2S OPTIMIZERS, 1 INVERTER, NO UPGRADE, NO RMA Owner COOWNER BLAKE MICHAEL F JR AND DIANA R 1648 Corte Orchldia CARLSBAD, CA 92011 Contractor SOLAR SYMPHONY CONSTRUCTION INC 341 Engel St Escondldo, CA 92029-1710 760-300-4141 BUILDING PERMIT FEE ($2000+) BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (BLDG) SB1473 GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE STRONG MOTION-RESIDENTIAL $114.96 $80.47 $1.00 $1.30 Total Fees: $197.73 Total Payments To Date:$197.73 Balance Due:$0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project Includes the 'Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was Issued to protest Imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth In Govemment Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required Information with the Qty Manager for processing In accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their Imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees In connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92(K38-7314 I 760-602-2700 I 760-602-8560/ I www.carlsbadca.gov THE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERWT ISSUANCE □ PLANNING □ENGINEERING DbUILDINO DFIRE □ HEALTH GHAZMAT/APCD Ccityof Carlsbad Building Permit Appiicotion1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbiad, CA 92008 Ph: 760^2-2719 Fax:760-602-8558 email: bulldlng@car1sbadca.gov www.caiisbadca.gov Plan Check No. -(^570 EstValue QDC)^ Plan Ok. Depi Date DeposittM 8WPPP JOB ADDRESS 1648Corte Orchidia SUTE#/8PACC#/UNrr# 215 - 950 - 12 - 00 CT/PRQJECT#LOT#PHASE## OF UNITS #B£DROOMS # BATHROOMS TENANT BUMNCSl NAWE CONSTR.TYPE OCC. GROUP V-B R3 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Mods Sqtm Feet of Atfootod Ana(») Roof Mounted Solar PV (25) Modules, (25) Optimizers, and (1) Inverter for a (7.5)kw system No Panel Upgrade - No RMA EXISTVWUSC PROPOSED USE (5ARAQE (SF)PATIOS (SF)DECKS (SF)FIREPLACE AJR CONDfTlOf4]NG RRE SPRINKLERS YESr~>noQ yes) Ino I 1 YESl |N0| I APPUCANTNAAE PrtD»rv CofrtMt Tim Ryan PROPERTY OWNER NAME Mike Blake ADDRESS 341 N. Engel St ADDRESS 1648 Corte Orchidia CTTY Escondldo STATE CA ZIP 92029 CFTY Carlsbad state CA ZIP 92011 PHONE 760-707-7557 FAX PHONE FAX EMAIL tryan^solarsymphony.com EMAIL DESON PROFESSIONAL N/A CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME Solar Symphony ADDRESS ADDRESS 341 N. Engel St CTTY STATE ZIP CTTY Escondldo STATE CA ZIP 92029 PHONE FAX PHONE 760-707-7557 FAX EMAIL EMAIL trvan@solarsymphony.com STATE UC. #STATE UC.# 988146 CLASS B/C-46 CnYBLB.LJC.i (Sec. 703L5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or r^irapplicant for such permit to fie a signed statement that he Is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law —'Business and Professions Code) or mat he is exem^ therefrom, and the basis ^ the alleged exemption. Any viotatfon of Sectioncivil per^lty of not more than fh« hundred dolars (>500)). of the WORKERS' COMPENSATION Worten' Conipmiatlon Dsdaraflon: I hereby alBnn mtderpenalty ofpajiMY one efffie Mowing dedarabons. I have and wH maintain a uerUllcalB of cement to tetfiraure for workers' compensallon as provided by Seobon 3700 of ttie Labor Code, lor the petformancs of the work for which tHs permit Is Issued, t have and wlU maintain norkara' compmatlon, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for tn performance of the work lor which Ihb permit Is issued. My workers' compensalon iwiranra carrier and pobcyher arm kBurance Ca_ PolcyNo. O ^ CL y Bmkallon Data I ^/l ( I section need not be completed rf toe permB Is for one hundred dollars ($100) or lees.I Carttflcata of Examptlon; I caiffy Itiat r the performance of toe work for which tola permll la Issued, I ahal not employ any person n any mannar so as to bacons subject to toe Workers' Compensation Laws of Callfomla. WARNING: Faluie to secure workers' ccmpsnstfon ranpagVIs unlantU, and stnil sul^sct an smploysr to crknlnal penalties and civll fines up to ens hundrtd thousand doUan (&100.000), Inaddffion to the coat of camps nsation, damages as provtdad fgtln^^on 3706 of the Labor code, Intsreat and attorney's feet. CONTRACTOR SIQHATURE "^^JteEKT DATE Sh/(^ OWNER-BUILDER DECL A'-R A T I O N I hereby aHim that I am exemfb Iran Coiarador^Uceme Law for the kJowtfg reason: □ I, as owiar of toe property or my emptoyBes wth wages as took sola compensation, win do toe work and toe structure Is not blended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professlant Code: The Contractor'sLicense Law does net apply to an owner of property who buUs or Improves thereon, and wtn does such work himself or through his own employses, providad that such tmpnwements are not intended or oftored for sale. If, however, the txddlng or tmprovement Is sold within one year of compleficn, the CMnsr-bulder wl have the burden of proving toat he dU not bufid or improve for toe purpose of sale). □ I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracbng with licensed contractors to construct the pn^ect (Sec. 7044, Business and Prefssslcns Code: The Contractor's Ucsnse Law does not apply to an owner ofpmperty who bulds or Improves thereon, and contracts for such protects wlh contractor(s) Icensed pixsuent to the Contractor's License Law). I I I am exempt under Section Businees and Professions Code tor this reason; 1.1 persottolly plan to provide the major labor arrimetertals for construction of the proposed property ImprovsmsnL □Yes I iNo ZI (have / have not) signed an appllcaScn for a bulldtog pennit for toe proposed work. 3.1 have contracted wlh the fodiMfog person (Sim) fo provide ton proposed constnicSon (Include name address / phone / contrecfors' kense number): 4.1 plan to provide portoons of the work, but I have hked the fotlowlng person to coordnats, euperwse and provide the ma|er work (Include name / address / phone / contractors' ficanse number); 5.1 wl provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hkad) the following persons to provids the work Indcated (Include name / address I phone I type of work): Jt^PROPERTY OWNBf SIGNATURE □agent DATE Is he apptcant or future budding occupant reqidred to sutxnft a business plan, Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? ^ tiazardcra materials registraficn form or nak manegement and prevenflcn program under Sections 25505,2S33 or 25534 of he □ YesIs llie eppfcant or future buMng cco^jant reqtired to obtain a permit from tl» ak pdluBon ccrttd Jstrlct or a|r qualty management dbbld?tshefacltty to be crmstnictededhki 1,000 fe^ of he cuter boundary of a sclud site? —■ •IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FWAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UfJlESS THE APPUCANT HAS lET OR IS MEETING THE REQUREllBfTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMBIOENCY SERVICES AND TIC AIR POUJniOH CONTROL DISTRICT. □ Yes"^Nc □ Yes I heretiy afftmi that there Is a construction lentSng agency for the perftimianca of the work his permit Is Is^^ (Sec. 3097 (!) Civl Code). Lender's Address / fVLender's Name l(attfhrlliallhaveteadtlieappltMllonatiditaBtlBttlieaboveWDtin«tlonlscotiectaDdthatftebilaiiiat)uriQntlieplanslsaciaialB.lageetDtatnpV»*hallCltyottftiaticasandStatBlaHiielallngtobuBdlnaconitiiii!aoa I heretiy auhaize represertahe of the Oty of f^artstMd to errtor upon he atwue rriertaied ptoparV tor kepeclon ptrrposes. I ALSO AQRE TD SAVE, IfCaiM FY AND KK" HArarLESS TH E CITY CF CAFILS8ADAGAINST ALL LIAaLrnES,JUDGIrCNTS,COSTSANDEXP»ISESVVFICH MAY"OSHA: An OSHA pennt Is reqiiied for excavadons over 50 deep end demoVon gpdEXPIW)(>I: Ev^ perrnit Issued by he BuMng OfSdal under he provisioriaoFfo180 days fioin he (to of stjch perrnit or y he buiding or work auhorlzedJj^at^jpannll Is suspended or abandoned at any Srne after ha Yvork Is cornmericsd far a period (rf,180* ^CTaPPUCANT'S SIGNATURE lYWAYACCFiUE AGAINST SAD OTY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PHMT.uction of shjctuies over 3 stories to hsigitshal axptoe by Unlaton and become nul end void If he biiking or work authorized by such pemt Is not ctmmenced wfflito ^ ^ m4.4Llr*nnBuiUngOode). DATE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY APPLICANT CERTIFICATION COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY ••: i\> • I •.«...f ^ PenrttType: BLDG-Residentia] Work Class: Cogen Status: Closed - Finaled Application Date: 03/07/2018 Owner: Issue Date: 03/07/2018 Subdivision: Expiration Date: 09/12/2018 Address: IVR Number:9937 COOWNER BLAKE MICHAEL F JR AND DIANA R CARLSBAiD TCT#98-17 HADLEY PROPERTY 1648 Corte OrchldIa Carlsbad, CA 92011-4063 Scheduled Actual Date Start Date Type Inspection No.Inspection Status Primary Inspector Relnspectlon Complete 03/16^018 03AI5/2018 BLDG-36 SoUr Panel 061810-2018 Checklist Item BLDG-BuDdlng Deficiency BLDQ-Flnal Inspection 061811-2018 Checklist Item BLDG-BulldIng Deficiency BLDQ-Plumblng Final BLDG-Mochanlcal Final BLDG-Structural Rnal BllDG-Electrlcal Final Cancelled Tim Frazee COMMENTS Cancelled Tbn Frazee COMMENTS Relnspectlon Complete Passed No Relnspectlon Passed No No No No No Complete 0V16/2O18 03/16/2018 BLD6-36 Solar Panel 061912-2018 Checklist Item BUX3-F1nal Inspection BLDG-BuBdino Dofidsncy 061913-2018 Checklist Item BLDG-Sectrlcal Final Passed COMMENTS Tim Frazee Passed COMMENTS Tim Frazee Passed Yes Passed Yes Complete Complete March 16, 2018 Page 1 of 1