HomeMy WebLinkAbout1652 FAIRLEAD AVE; ; CB161916; Permit05-17-2016 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plumbing/Mechanical/Electrical (PME) Permit Permit No:CB161916 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Reference #: PC #: Project Title: 1652 FAIRLEAD AV CBAD PME Lot#: CONRAD: INSTALL A/C & COIL Status: Applied: Entered By; Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 05/17/2016 SLE 05/17/2016 05/17/2016 Applicant: ASI HASTINGS STE 200 4870 VIEWRIDGEAV SAN DIEGO CA 92123 619-590-9300 Owner: CONRAD RANDY 1652 F/MRLEAD AVE CARLSBAD CA Plumbing Fees Electrical Fees Mechanical Fees Other PME Fees $0.00 $0.00 $163.00 $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $163.00 Total Fees;$163.00 Total Payments To Date:$163.00 Balcince Due:$0.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date:Clearance: NOTICE FteasetateNaTlCEItiatappft*Blofvaxpre|adindude8thBlnTpo6itlorroffee8,decicaliofB,resen^^icn3,orc)theraadion3herBBflercolleclivBly nBfefTBdtDasTiBesTaicactlons." You Ixiw 90 dE^fram the date ttispefnItweslaBued to protest IrrpcBlticrcf these fsesTaactlons. If jcu protest therr\yDumjst faicw the pretest procedLiee set forth In Gc^e^■TTB^t Cede Sectkri 66020(8). and fSe the protest and any ether requinBd snforrnaBcn Wth tlie City ^bnager for prooessing In acoordanoeWthCartetadNWcipal Code Section 3.3Z030. FailLre to tmslyfollcwthatprocedLiBVMll tier aryaiDeequert legal acBcn to attack, PEvleMi set aside, void, d* Emi ttieir Irrpositlon. You are hereby RJRTl-et NCfllHHDttiat yaj-right to protest the spedtled feesieKacfione DOES NOT/\PR-Y to weter and sewer connection fees and capacity chariges,rCTpiarTtng,ztririg, gracing or other sirrilarEppiicationprDceaGing or service fees in oorrectionwth this prcJecL NORDCESTT/VPRYtoariy fee3'etacSorBofvvhich\ojharvetreMousivt]eend\^aNCmCE8inilartothl3.ora3towhkhthefitntiifBrflirrit3tlon3lresiTOitou5lvdhervtfagg<ijr9d. THE following APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERHITISSUANCE: □PLANNING □ENQWEERING □bUIOWG GFIRE □ HEALTH □HAZUAT/APCD «3» CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, OA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax:760-602-8558 email: building@car1sbadca.gov www.cai1sbadca.gov Plan Check Cq ( Est Value Plan Ck. Deposit D^Y5-n-;u SWPPP JOB ADDRESS 1652 FAIRLEAD AVE CARLSBAD 92011 Cr/PROJECT i nSTT"PHASE# |«OfUNtTS |#B£DfiOOMS suTEi/spAcEf/UNrr* » BATHROOMS TENANT BUSIIC3S NAME CONSTR-TVPE OCtfllWUF DESCRIPTKJN OF WORK: laeloile Sqaan Feat ol A/tacted Ana(») INSTALL AC AND COIL FIREPLACE YES[~>. N0| I EXKTINQ USE PROPOSED USE OARAGE (SF)PATIOS (SF)DECKS (SF)AIR CONDmONINQYES □noQ RRE SPRINKLERS YES I |no| I APPUCAfTT NAME Prtnenr Contact JERMAINE MAEWEATHER PROPERTY OWNER NAME RANDY CONRAD ADDRESS 3645 RUFFIN ROAD #330-335 ADDRESS 1652 FAIRLEAD AVE CARLSBAD 92011 CITY san diego STATE ZIP ca 92123 CITY CARLSBAD STATE CA ZIP PHONE 619-590-9337 FAX PHONE FAX EMAIL JERMAINE@WEGREENINC.COM EMAIL DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME asl bastings ADDRESS ADDRESS 4670 viewridge ave CITY STATE ZIP CITY san diego STATE ZIP ca 92131 PHONE FAX PHONE 619-590-9337 FAX EMAIL EMAIL 513115 c20 CUYBUS-UC.# 1200804 (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Profssslons Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construcL alter, Improve, demolish or riapplicant for such permft to fDe a signed statement that he Is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law I'Business and Profeasiona Code) or mat he Is exemrtmerefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section ictvli penalty of not more than flve hundred dollars ($500)). :h Of repair any structure, pnor to Its Issuance, also requiresLaw (Chapter 9, commendlng^wtm Section 7000 of Divisionbon 7031.5 by any applloantTor a permit subjects ma applli 3 me13 of the3 applicant to a WORKERS' COMPENSATIO.N Workert'Compensation DacStraSon-.lhmtvafBrmunierpenaiyolpeijuryonBofBtefolloitingdeclsiaSons: I have and wflmaintilnicertfficite of consent to telf'Jnture lor wcfkers'compensation as pmvided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for SieperioiTnanca of the work for which this permit Is Issued. lhairaandwllmalntilnwo(kart'compsnsatlon,3siBqulredbvSec8cn3700oftheLaborCode, for the perfcmiance of the woik for which this perrriit is Issued. My workers'ccmpensallcntnsijance canter and polcy number are; kiturance Co._CYPRESS HSURANCE COMPANY . PoDcyNa.ASWCe05204 Expiration Dale _9rtC016 I section need not be compMed If the permit li for cue hundred dcDais ($100) or lees.I Certtflcsts of Exemption: I certify that In the peifcimsnce of the work for which this pernil ts Issued, I ihaO not employ any person In any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensatton Laws ofCalfomla. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensatton coverdU Is unJswful, ind shall aubject an employerto criminal penafdss and cMI fines up to one hundred thousand dolari (&100,00d). In addition to the cost of compensation, damagea as provided for In S*ctlcre37D&dnnsT15br code. Interest and attorney's fees. je^ CONTRACTOR SH3NATURE V [7] AGENT DATE O W N E R - B U I L O E R DECLARATION 1 hereby oflTn fhaf / am enerTipf Horn Confrador's Ucenss Law kr tfie reason.' I, as owner of fie property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, wll do the work and the stnxlure Is not Intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's LIcanse Law does not apply to an owTtor of proparty who brfVls or Inpeves thereon, and who does such work hlmsel( cr through his own employees, provtdod that such Improvemerits are not jnlanded or cfferad forsale. If, however, the buSdIng or Improvement is sold wShin one year of comptetlcn, the cwnerrtxiOdenril have the burden of preving that he dkl not buld or Improve for the purpose of sale). □ □I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting wfihBcensed contractors to constrect the preject (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Coda: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner ofproperty who builds or knproves thereon, and contracts kx such projects with contractor<s) Icensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). I I I am exempt under Sectior.1 _Buslnes3 and Profasstons Code for this reaaon:.1 personally pier to provide the major labor and matartals for constructVai of tha proposed property Improvement I lYes □no 2.1 (have / have noQ signed an applcation for a buUng permit for the proposed work. 3.1 have contracted wfth the following person (Ilrm) to provide fie proposed constiuctlor (toduda name address / phone /contrackxs' license number): 4.1 plan to provlda portlcins of the work, bull have htred the following person to coorrflnate, supervise and provide the maior work (induda name/address/phone/contractors'license ntinber): 5.1 vfll provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the fotoyrfng persons to provide the work torScated (Include name/address/phone/type of work): PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE □agent DATE Is the apptcant or future bulldog occupart required to sutxnft a buslnes: plan, acutely hazoxlous material raglstratkm tomi or risk managemein and prewflSon program under Sectons 25505,25533 or 2S534 of the Preslay-Tannef Hazardous SutJitanceAccourt Act? Is ffre applcart or future buDdkig occupant reqiined to obtain a permit from the at' polution control dktrtct or air qualty management dstrtct? ^ OYes UNO □ Yes ONo □ Yes □ NoIs fire facfity to be consSucted within i.tXX) feet of the outer boundary of a school site? IF ANY OF TfC ANSWERS ARE YE8, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPUCAHT HAS IIET OR IS UEETINQ THE REQUIREUENTS OF-niE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby afflrrn that there Is a construction lending agency for the performance of 9ie worit this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 (I) Ch/i Code). Lender's AtkkessLender's Name IcertVthatl have read die application and state thatthe abousbrforrnation Is collect and that the Infonnation on the plans Is accurata. lagreetocomp^ with alCtlyortlnatices and State laws lElallnj to buMngconstnjcdon. I hensby autMlze representalve of Bie lay of Cadsbad to enter upon the alMVB mettoied ptcpetty fcr Inspection puiposes I ALSO AJGl^ TO SA\^, fflDaWFY AND Kffi'HAfM£SS THE CfTY OF CAR^BAD AGA^IST Aa UAHLmES, vUDGMBfTS, COSTS AND EXPBISES VVHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE A3A1NST SAD COY IN COft^QLIBICE OF THE GRAJVT^G OF THIS PBMT. OSHA: An OSHA permit Is leqiiEd tor excavations over 90'deep and demofidcin or construction of structuiBS ever 3 stories in heightEXFIRATIOft Ev^ permi Isaied by the BulfoQ Oliciai irder Ihe pttwislons of Sfo Code shall expie by Imlafcn and becorne nul and veto if tie buMng or wotir autoorized tv sixJi penrt Is not conmenced Wlhin180 days from the of such pamit or If tie buSdiig or vwk autwrized by such pemt Is^ >erAPPLICANrS8IGNATTJRE , I Is suspended or abandtabandoned at any brie after the wortls commenced tor a period of 180 days (Sedbn 106.4.4 Unlfonn Bidding Code). DATE Inspection List Permit#: CB161916 Type: PME CONRAD: INSTALL A/C & COIL Inspection Itempate 06/22/2016 43 AirCohd/Fumace Set 06/22/2016 43 AirCond/Fumace Set 06/22/2016 49 Final Mechanical 06/22/2016 49 Final Mechanical Inspector Act Rl PB PB AP RI AP Comments GO #1089/AM PLEASE GC#1089/AM PLEASE Wednesday, June 22, 2016^Page 1 of 1