HomeMy WebLinkAbout1655 BUENA VISTA WAY; ; 85-334; PermitDECLARATIONS CONTRACTOR LENDER WORKER'S COMPENSATION OWNERIBUILDER 71 I 1,- 1- -_ . c v) rn W ? 0 7 V = -4 V m z 0 z < Po -0 W m v) v) I P a 0 7 % -0 !z 0 D z -4 -4 0 z I- I- - z z n s - 5 6 4 z z -4 z v) I D 0 rn W D n F D z 0 0 rn P L D -I 0 z u, -I IT IO m I White ~ Inspector Green - (1) Finance (2) Data Process, Yellow - Assessor Pink - Applicani Gold - Temporary File .L n l- n 3 If rn m X -I z D r 3 I n n v . n i ri n n ! z 5 z 3 < -I n U r rn rn n 0 v, rn n 5 0 m 2 n 4 rn z 73 0 n D n < - - i i ~ , I - I c ll 'i L p1 g 9' !J r ," 1 t--C ll I -A++-- 1 I I c . Address City I ZIP I Tel. %a# LIC S Classif Lic. No. 20MPLETE FOR PLAN CHECK ONLY Fu/< r-7- /z I LEGAL DESCRIPTION PLAN ID NO. a, r DESIGNER ADDRESS F ~~ MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT 01 -00-00-8806 * PLAN CHECK FEE ci VALUATION I' 7.764 DEMOLITION HOUSE MOVING PARKS AND RECREATION FEE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE SCHOOL FEE. DISTRICT *", Carlsbad Encinitas San Marcos- CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY San Diego 1 I 11 I rl I 1 I TOTALFEE 0 I1 'WARNING: PLAN CHECK FEES. WHERE NO ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE APPLICANT IN 180 DAYS AND NO BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. ARE FORFEITED TO THE CITY. COMMENTS: L ".. White - Applicant Yellow - File Pink - (1) Finance (2) Data Process Gold - Assessor I I FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION A@ PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 85-334 PROJECT NAME: 6% ADDRESS 1655 Buena Vista u PROJECT NO.: UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: TYPE OF UNIT: SFD NUMBER OF UNITS: 1 CONTACT PERSON: Msdina CONTACT TELEPHONE: 72g-6 710 INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED ___ DISAPPROVED - INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED ___ DISAPPROVED - INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ___ * ....... .. . , . . -. . ... . . . . . . . .. . .- . . . . . . .. ... . ... . ...~...~ ~~ -_.._ c COMMENTS: ** 'i Rev. 1/86 WHITE Suspense GREEN: Engineering CANARY Utilities PINK Planning GOLD Flre t~ .- *d FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 85-334 DATE: 12-1 7- 8 6 PROJECT NAME: AD DRESS: 1655 Buena Vista PROJECT NO.: UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: TYPE OF UNIT: SFD NUMBER OF UNITS: 1 CONTACT PERSON: Medina b CONTACT TELEPHONE: 729-6 S -. INSPECTED DATE 4. BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED &?&rnZ- P&-L€L 5 ICs- tu- / // + COMMENTS: !fj t Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspense GREEN@ngineering CANARY: Utllitles PINK Planning GOLD Fire 7 0 APPROVED PLANS SHALL BE ON JOB SITE . ,-'?/ /w& (71' BUILDING @ y'& P 7- 1, 0 FOUNDATION 0 MASONRY fid //$& pd& ~ic//.I,c.c; STEEL /flN 7b 0 GROUT-GUNITE 0 FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME SHEATHING 0 INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL 2 -26 mmj, ELECTRICAL 0 TEMPORARY SERVICE 0 POOL BONDING 0 UPPER GROUND 0 ELECTRIC SERVICE (y-'/WO./. 0 G.F.I. 0 SMOKE DETECTOR 0 PLENUM AND DUCTS COMBUSTION AIR 0 CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS 0 SOLAR 0 GRADING 0 POOL 0 PATIO SIGN OTHER CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING INSPECTbON DEPARTMENT Note: Fjnal Inspection Required . PHONE - 438-5525 - a=.-*--- YPP34Sc ?.a&--- A-ls-wu&- r*ra*~ (L acrc-m m,-rm-m-* DATE : 6/i/&S APPLICAN T ISDI~ CHrZLS BRO CHECKER JURISDICTION: nFILE COPY PLAN CHECK NO: 85-33+ -= a UPS il DESIGNER PROJECT NAME: T-0 ME'DlU9 O D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of tHe check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff ilia advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone # ENCL : L CORPORATION I 'I I .-e. puE;s Pleas. mako all cornetions on tho original traclnqs and submit two now sots of prints. AM any orlqlnal plan sots that MY hrm boon returnod to you by tho jurisdiction. TO fACi11tAt0 r.ehockLnp. pleaar ldontifyr nor: to oach cfrclod 1t.r. the shoot Of the plans upon uhfch each eorrectlon On this sheet has boon ud. and rocurtl thhte check shoot ritb tho rev1a.d plana. Indlcate on plans tho naao of thr 109.1 anor and Iun of pornon responslblo Cor the preparation 31 tho plans. Src. JOlfb) J a 0 CITY PUN COPY CHECKER COPY subaft fully diwnaloned plot plan drawn ot all exlstlng and proposod struetuns on tho lot. Identify proporty Ifnos .nd show loc diMnSLOn8 .nd a11 oas~nts. Shor location oC a11 cut or fill slopor and approxhte Clnlah floor olovattoru ~11 ~~rnora. S.C. lOZ(bl7. rndicato distaneo Cra nntor-llno of ruo& or alloy to proporry line and dlrunca fra curh to proprty 11~. Soc. 302tb17 plans, rpocillcaelons and calnrlatfoni dull onqlnoor or archit-. (California Bus+?oss d Profossrons CodoJ to scale shoring Location sire, and US0 for A11 OtSWXUra. And 8hW ~1OV.thIlS aC P / br 11gn.d by ClliCOCnl. StAt. liC8llS.6 ?KRF PRC%XTIOI than 3 rnt to proporry I~MS aha11 bo on-hour fire-rated construction, parapeta when tho building floor aru .XCHds 1,000 -re feoc on any floor. (Table S-A Soc. 1709(a) . projoctioas, including .aver. uy not Utmd -10 th~ 12 inches into tho 3 foot rotb~ck from the pmporty lino. Se. 1710 md haw M oponfaqs, and rhrll hAVO 30 inch including OAVOS.S~A~I bo ollc hour fire-r4aistive eonstnmfon. he~q timbor or of non-coabustible material if choy project into the 1' setback aroa fra the proporty Uno. S.C. 1710 Show location of PQmnently vired rioka dcccctor. Sac. 1210 Ono Wabitrble rooma. othrr than kitchens, sh.11 eontala at hast 70 square feet of floor wca. Sec. 1207lb) at least 1/10 or tho floor area and A riniaw of 10 rquare fooe por See. 1207taJ. Appoara to k deflcient in lrUt contain a ainhum of 150 squ~ro d window area must # P~OV~~O wehanlcml vontilstion C.p.ble of providlnq five alr chanqoa per hour ln bathrooms. wetor closet cwpartunrs, Iaundry rooms and slsllar roou if roquired rlndae are not providod. Soc. 110SIaJ ehall bo Ioas than 7'0' in any dlaonalon. kc. 1207(eJ cooma is A mininu or VC'. s~c. qpia~ Jd No habitable room, ocher than a k1Cch.n. )#. Shor that eolting h~ltht for habiubl# shall satisfy the following: . Provide handrail for stairvays over 30' high vhen serving a single dvelling. Title 24. Sac. T2S-22(b) Shov ceiling neight tor laundry rooms. hallvays, corridors, and bathrOOmS 1s a minimum of 7'0'. Sac. 1207(a) Provide 30' clear vidth for vater closet compartments and 24' clearance in front of vater closet. Sac. 1711tb) No cooking room shall be used for sleeping pUrQOSeS. unless complying as an efficiency living *anit. Sec. 1208 Specify safety glazing for glazing in hazardous locations such as glass doors. qlazing adjacent to such doors and glazing adjacent to valking surfaces. Sac. 5406 Glazing in shower and tub enclosures (including vindwa) shakl be tempered, laninated or approved plastic. Sec. 1711 (f)(q) Sleeping rooms shall have a vindov or exterior door for emergency exit. height shall not exceed 44" above the floor. The vindov must have an openable area of at least 5.7 square feet vith the minimum openable vidth 20' and the minimum openable height 24". Sec. 1204 Eaves and cornices my not project into a required yard more than 2 inches for each foot of yard vidth if required windovs open into the yard. Sec. l206(d) A mezzanine is an intermediate floor and my not have a floor area exceeding 33 1/3 gazecnt of the total floor,area in the room elw, and the mezzanine floor must have a clear height Gf 7 feet, above and belov,and muat have 65% of the long side open to the room below. The loft you show does not comply as a mezzanine floor and is, by Building Coda definition, a story Sill D. EXITS. STAIRWAYS. AND RAILINGS . Floors above the second story shall have not less than 2 exits. Sec. 3302(a) Required exit doorways shall be not ly ' than 36' in vidth and not less than 6 -8. in height. and shall be capable of Opning at leaat 90 degree?. See. 3303(e) / f Provide 36' high protective railing Cor porches, balconiea, and open sides of landings. Maximum opening beeveen railings shall be leas than 9'. Sac. 1716 Shov how guardrail =onneetion details are adequate to support 20 pounds per lineal foot at a right angle to :he top rail. Table 23-8 Provide stairway and landing details. Sec. 33OS(b) L (c) a. Uaximum rise 8" and minimum run is 9'. b. Miniawn head rooa ia 6'-6'. e. Minimum vidth Ls 30'. b. Handrail shall be 30' to 34. above the noaing of treads. See. 3305Cj) Handrail projectinq from a Val1 shall have a space not leas than 1 1/2' betveen P the vall and the handrail. The hand grip portion of handrail shall be not less than 1 1/4' nor amre than 2" in cross-sectiona1,dinension. Sec. 330SCj) (see attached) . Every stairway landing shall have a dimension. measured in the direction of travel, at least equal to the stairvay vidth. Sac. 330S(g) A door may open over a stairway landing provided the door, in any position, does not reduce the clear area of the landing, in the direction of stairway travel, to less than one-half the required vidth of the stairway. Sec. 330S(g) A door may open inward at the top step of a stairway provided the top step is not more than 7 1/2' lower than the floor level. See. 3303(i)2 Provide details of vindinq stairvay. a. Minimum tread is 6 inches at any point and minimum 9 inches at a point i2 inchea from the side of the stairvay. b. Maximum rise is 9 inches. c. Minimum vidth is 30 inches. Sac. 3305(d) Provide spiral stairvay details: A. Minimum run is 7 1/2 inches at a point Crom where the tread is the narrowest. b. Maximum rise is 9 1/2 inchea. E. Minimum headroom is 6 feet 6 inches. (sea attached) Sac. 330S(f) (so8 attached) Sprial stairways my not be used for required exits vhen the area served is greater than Spiral stairways must have a clear valking space of 26 inches betwern the column and handrail. Sac. 3305(f) Provide t.C.B.0. Reasearch Report and Zruaber for metal stairway, or submit plans and calculations and approved fabricator regiatered vith the Building Department or note that the stairvay fabrication shall be done under spocial inspection per the approved fabrication plana. Sac. 306(a)48 and Sec. 306(f) In buildings over 2 stories in height, provide 3/4 hour fire-rated assemblies for all oponings in the exterior vall below or within 10 feet horizontally of an exterior stair- vay. An exit balcony with 2 separated stairways is exapt. Sec. 3305 Exterior stairways shall not profut into the 3 foot setback from the property 1in.S. See. 330S[n) 400 sq. rt. sac. 3305(ri I I Shw L 3/8' solid core self-elorins door for openings between garage and dvelling. Sec. 503(dl a room used for sleeping purwses. Sic. 1104 rrquire self-closing doors and stationary windows. See. 1214 over garage opening, lateral cross bracing at plate line and method of bracing garage front. Chapter 23 NOTE: Minimum plywood diaphragm ratio is 3 1/2 to 1 or 2'8'. Table 24-1 may sving in either direction provided the difference in floor elevation beeween the dwelling and garage does not exceed 7 1/2 inches and provided thd door is not used as the primary means of egress from the. building. . If the difference in fIoor elevation exceeds the walls and soffits of the ~nclosed aseable space under interior stairs shall be groeecced en the enclosed side as :equircd for one-hour tire-resistive construction. See. 3305(m) Minuurn construction specifications shall be -de a part ot the approved plans. (See attached) 3. Garages arc not permitted to open into 4. Openiaqs between carport and residence Show garage framing section, sire of header .i 1. RCIOPING Roof pitch is not adequate Cor roof type specified. Specify minimum pitch of Specify roof material and application. Specify I.C.S.0. approval number for roof materials not covered in UBC. drainage or design water. Sec. 3207lal 6. Doors between dvellings and attached garages .. . Shw roof drains and overflovs. See. 3207fal . Provide skylight details to show compliance 7 1/2 inches. or if the door is used as with Sections 3401 and 5207 or provide ICBO the primary means of egress from the building, approva 1 number. additional steps or landing must be provided in accordance with stairway requirements, and the door must not swing over the depressed level. (see 3303(i12 and 3305 (gl. water heater, or any other device which may generate a flame or spark. shall be installed behind raised platform(s1 Provide plastic root panel details to shov caapliance with Section S206 or provide ICBO number. prior to framing platform. . Shw attic ventilation. Ufnfjlum vent area is 1/150 ot attic area or 1/300 of attice area if at Least Sot of the required vent is at least 3 feet above ceiling joists. See. 3205(c) rOUNOATION REPUIREKEKPS Note on plans that'A soils engineer shall evaluate any UnantiCipdted uncompacted fill or expansive soil or other soil problems disclosed during construction". Sec.306(a112. Submit soils classification determination by d licensed engineer or architect .based on observation, tests. brings, or excavations, and containing commnts on the degree of expansiveness, eompressibiIity and bearing value. See. 2905 Note on the plan the soils classiffcation. whether or not the soil is expansive, and note the allowable bearing value. See. 2905 The foundation plan does not comply vith the soil report recommendation for this pro ject 8. Provide 18' raised platforms for any ?AU, 9. Note that continuous fire vall protection . Shw veneer support and connections comply vith See. 3002, 4.5,6. and See. 25161a) regarding ties and V9 wire in horizontal . Show height and construction details oC Provide notes on the foundation plan listfng thm soils report reeomendrtionr for foundations. slab and building pad preparation. ote on the foundation plan that "Prior to the Contractor requesting a Building Departsent foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the Building Official in writing that: L. the building pad vaa prepared fn accor- 2. the utility trenches have been properly 3. the foundation excavations. Corning 1. Show floor and roof connections to masonry walls. Connection shall resist 200 pounds por lineal foot or the actual design load, uhichever is greater. See. 2310 . Provide ma'terial specifications for mortar, ' grout. masonry and reinforcing steel. dance with che soils report: backfilled and compacted. and: and reinforcement comply vith the soils report and approved plan.' I" Sec. 2403 4. Note that special inspection of the msonry will be required for .C.ra9e requires one-hour fire protection -of walls and ceilings mn to the dwelling. 1.All elements supporting floor above garage to have one-hour fire-resistive protection on the garage side. See. S03. Beams and 1- posts, not vithin the wall or cailinq con- struction. must comply with UBC. Table 43-A. or be minimum 6' dimension beam and minimum Table 5-0 Sec.S03(b< 1, Provide spread footings for concentrated loads designed for 1,000 Ps? soil bearing or per bearing value as determined by an engineer or architect. Chapter 29 J (I' by 8' post. Show height of all foundation Show height of retained earth walls. Chapter 23 walls. Chapter 23 on all foundation Show distance of foundation to edge of cut or fill slopes and show steepnass and heights of cuts and fills. Chapter 29 Note on plans that wod shall be 6' above finish grade. Sec. 2417(c) 7. Note on plans that surface water will drain away from building and show drainage pattern and koy elevations. Sec. 2905(f) Dimension foundation per Table 29A. TABLE NO. 29-A-FOUNDATIONS FOR STUD BEARING WALLS-MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS WYBLR Of STORICS -- I e TWICKMLSS Of fOUMOAIIOM WALL Otrm m f OUMOAll ON 8LLOW MAWRAL SURfACL Of CROUWD An0 rlN1sn UAOC (1-1 m- Show foundation sills to be pressure treated, or equal. See. 2517(c) 3. Show foundation bolt size and spacing. See. 2907(e) Spocify sizo. ICE0 number and manufacturer of power driven pins. Show edge and end distance and spacing. See,. 306(f) Show size, imbedmont and location of hold down anchors on foundation plan. See. 2312(f) Note on plan that hold down anchors must be tied in place prior to foundation inspection. Soc. 2312(f) Show adequate footings under all shoar walls. See. 2311te) Show stepped footings for slopos steeper than 1:lO. See. 2907(c) Shw minimum 18' clearance from grade to bottom of Cloor joists and minimum 12" clearance to bottom of girders. Sec. 2517 Shw pier size, spacing and depth into undisturbed soil. Table 29-A Show minimum under floor accoss of 18'x 24. Soc. 2517 Show minimum under floor ventilation equal to 1 1/2 sq. tt. for each 25 lineal feet of extorior foundation vith openings as C~ose to corners as practicable to provide cross ventilation on at least two approximate- ly opposite sides. Sec. 2517 4- I. PRNIING I I Shw all joists, rafters, beams. and posts 2' to 4' thick to be No. 2 Grade Douglas Fir-Larch or better. All posts and beams SO and thicker shall be No. 1 Grade Douglas ?ir-l.rch or better. (Table 25-A-1) Show wall bracing. Every exterior yood #* stud wall and main cross partition shall be braced at each end and at least every 2S feet of length with 1x4 diagonal let-in brace or equivalent. See. 2518(9)5 Note cross bridqinq or blocking. Floor joists arid rafters nore than 12' in depth and spanning more than 8 feet shall be supported lateralli. by bridging at interrais not exceeding 8 feet. Sec. 2506igI Show blocking at ends and at supports of floor joists. and for rafters at exterior walls. Sec. 2506(g) Shw solid blocking at ridgo lino rnd at exterior walls on t-llssed roofs. Sec. 2506(g) Show double joists. Floor joists shall be doubled under bearing partitions running parallel with the joists. Sec. 2518(d) 5 Shw rafter ties. Rafter tfas shall be spaced not more than 4 :e+t on center where rafters and ceiling joists are not parallel. See. 2518(h) Show rafter purlin braces to be.not Less than 45 de rees to the horizontal. Sac. 2518(2) Show 1/2' minirum clearance between top plate ot interior partitions and Sottom chord of trusses. (To ensure loading will be as designed.) Show double top plate vith minimum 48. 1- Sec. 2518(g)4 - Show nailing will be in compliance with Table 25-P. Provide fire stops between stories, beemeen top story and roof space, at ceilings and floor levels in interior and exterior walls. in mansard roof or eyebrow so no concealed or furred space is greater than 10' horizontally or vertically, between stair stringers at top and bottom and between studs along and in line with stair run adjoining stud walls and partitions, at perimeter of sliding door pockets, becween chimney and vood Erame using metal or incombustibles €or the fire stop and at other places that could afford passage of flame. Sac. 25171f) Show stud size and spscinq. .Maximum allow- able stud heights: 2"xl'b 16' is 14'; 3"~4'~2~x6'~ 16"o.c. is 20'. Scc. 2518(g)2 Note an A.I.T.C. Certificate of Compliance for glued laminated vood membcrs shall be given to the Building Inspector prior to erec-ion. Soc. 306(f) Detail all post to beam and post to footing connections. Sec. 2517(cI 4 Specify nail size and spacinq for all shear walls, floor and roof diaphraqms. Indicate required blocking. Haintain maximum diaphragm dimension rat&os. (Tables I,J,Kl. Show 3'x4' or 2.~6' studs in first story of three story building. Sec. 2518(fI Provide truss details and truss calculations. Provide roof framing plan. Sec. 302f.17 Provide framing sections through i Section 307fa) 7 Specify a11 header sizes for opening over 4' wide. See. 2518tg) 7 Prooido calculaeiona for Section 302(aJ 7 In areaa subject to water splash and in exterior locations. wood columns and posts shall bo supported by piers projecting at lease 2' above tho finished grade and shall bear on a metal base plat. or created yood unloss the columns or posts are foun- dation grade redwood or cedar. Sec. 2517(cl4 .* -. ... 1. Show 1oeation.of attic access with minhun sire 22' x IO . Sec. 320s Show draft separation :or attic areas in excess of 3.000 sq.ft. Sac. 1205 dropped ceilings and :loor above ln excess of 1,000 sq.ft. Sac. 2517 fication index. Table 2s-J ridge as a aeam. Sec. 2518 (hl Wood shear walls shall not be used to masonry in buildings over one story in height. Sec. 2S16(bl 9. Gypsum lath and plaster, gypsum rheathing board and qypsum wallboard shall not be used in vertical diaphragms to resist forces imposed by masonry or concrete 45. Show draft separation for space between Specify plywood grade and panel When roof pitch is less than 3:12, desipn indenci- lrS resist horizontal forces contributd by J / construction. Table 47-1 2)d. Show access to the attic or under floor furnace to be !inhum 10 inches by 10 inches. Sec. 108 i 709 CPIC 2/ Note that passageway to :he attic furnace shall be unobstructed and have continuous solid floorrnp not less ehan 24 inches wide. Sac 708 UMC #. Show permanent electrical outlet and lighting fixture controlled by a switch for the attic furnace. Sec. 708 UHC . Show details to comply with Section '109 for furnace under the floor, Saction 708 tor attic furnace, or Section 710 for roof or outside furnace. Note on plan, gas vents and non-combustible piping passing through three floors or less shall be effectively draft st~ppd at each floor or ceiling. UBC Sac. 1706(a)6 It. ELECTXICAL (National Electrical Code1 All wiring shall camply with the National Electrical Code. Note on the plan the amperage of electrical service. framing shall be solid blocking. Sec.2518(g16 - If the electrical installation is more than 200 amperes. show panel location and provide single line diagram and height shall be 3 inch by 4 inch or 2 inches by 6 inches when supporting 2 stories. load calculations inc 1 uding : Sec. 2518(g)6 a. Wiring meehod employed. b. Sizes of all conducrors, switches, . Show plyvood sheathing over exposed eaves, circuit br+akers, fuses, and conduits. or other wearher exposed areas, is exterior c. Approximate length of service feeders. grade. Sac. 7517(g) 3 Shw a weep screed at the foundation plate d. Provide plot plan showing services, all panel locations, circuit arrangesent stuccoed. Sic. 4706t.l and load distribution on panel busses. e. Provide typical panel sctredule(s1. Duellings raqlire m.inimun 100 amp service. Show location of all electrical receptacles. Electrical receptacle locations and/or spacing is not adequate in luarz . At least one receptacle shall be installed Ridges, hips, and valleys shall be at other than laundry outlets. Art. 210-25(b) least one size larger than supported Arc. 210-26(a) and CFI'S in garage, baths rafters. Sec. 2518th) 3 Provide metal straps across ridge beam and outdoors. NEC Art. 210-8fal. and rafters. If cripple wall studs are less than 14', Cripple wall studs exceeding 4 feet in @* line on all exterior stud walls to be LOW Mpse irsaryz: Specify an approved flashing for exterior openings and parapet walls. Sac. 3208 Show corridor width to be minimum 36'. Sec. 3304lb) II outdoors, in basements and attached garages, fl. Show minimum dwelling lighting (NEC . Note 'UFER' ground to be provided (NECI. Art. 150-81 J. racHA HICAL All hating, ventilatinq, and cooling systems and armliances shall comolv with the Uniform -_ Xochabical Code. Show theq%cation and& all heating an cooling appliances or systems. Show source of combustion air for furnace will comply with Chaper 6, U.M.C. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintain- inu a room temoerature of 70' F. at 3 - 1. PUIMBINC (Onifom Plumbinq Codel, All plumbing shall comply with the Unifna Plumbing Code. #. Show water heater size. type and #. Show method of providing combustion air location on plans. to fuel burning water heater. Sec. 1307 feit above the' floor in all habitable rooms. Show basis tor compliance. UBC installed in bath or bedroom or in a closet sec. 1211 opening into bath or bedroom. Sec. 1309 Show minimum 30' deep unobstructed working space in front of furnace. Fuel combustion water heater shall aoe be Provide adequate barrier eo protect water heater from vehicle damage. Sac. In0 Note on plans,clearances to be per manufac- turers listing. See. 704 UMC Furnace shall not be lnstalled under any stairway. Sec. 704 UMC lurnace rhal1 not be installed in any bedroom, bathroom. closet, or in contined space with access only through such room, unless specified as direct vent appliance. enclosed furnace or electric heatiaq appliance Sec. 704 UMC Show IC90 approval for prefab fireplace and provide apQtOVed installation instructions at job rite. Show T and P valve on water heater and show route of discharge line to exterior Sac. 1007(e) Provide dryer vent to outside. CHC Sec. 1903 Note on che plan that hose bibbs and lawn snrinkler sYstems shall have aaorovrd and have a ainimum floor area of 900 sq.in. .W[Sf ;NSUU?ZCN (WpL-1 and !toor. Zartino assamokras JCnL*V* J Sound ‘ransarssron 5:a.s !lX! rJcLnq Ln .H~:s 01 %I riocaut*s and an hWC~ tniulac,on C:ASS I C:CI racrnp on flour. cmrlbnq or 30 II~+~ialas. Show now ponocrrcton OL a*rmLr*. tor prprnq. al.c,=rui dmras. CK.s.d w.UltUOs. aotfica. or nrcanq v.nthlacLn9* or .-Use JUC,~ mall br ~oa1.d. 1in.d- 0; LnauLatd co munuin r.qurr.d sa~nd cransmsasaon tacrng. TICh 2s p-rdo insu~acton Ln vrlla ad corl~~ eo STC of $0 qua90 ~lvin9. by rnrdent Ttclo 2s. L*Bm ~UIVATXtJNr ?luw Red (Calif. Main. Cod.) kur offoctivo Juno 16, 1983 and roquiro that tho doarpn satiafy on. of tho alterrutivm m lau also roquirar thaC my ~ndarory cmnsurvation itma bo a8tisfi.d. 3hw ~.~~~!s juetox :omon lparwl raLLs Titla 25 if qaraqo UH LS no= eonc=lLed Now Stat. IUndatod Requlationm 0n.rOy mckaq.~ (SO0 Jt+.Chd pAChg.8. IS in ?OM . Copios of tho Roaidantial Lnerqy Consorvacion Manual may k obtained frmr Publicationr Unit. California Ihorqy Caission. 1111 AVO. =-SO. S.cramonto. California 9S82S. (Tal. (910 920-6211)). California Building Officials also mainuin a tol.pkon. ‘hotline. becueon 1O:OO A.M. and Moon and ita0 PA. to 4x00 o.n. at 0161 4SC-3813. Sha on eho titlo shoot of the plana. tho rltornativo onerqy package thrc -a so1.ct.d i.8. A. 8, C, I, I, 3, 4. or AS 163 to skav eolplianco, .ad provide calculationa and othor &car JWrOPriate to that ul.cud packago- Tho roaponsiblo doaigner ahould & J stataent. on tho Elan titlo shut. .Tho dosign submitted substantially owforms to tho Enorgy nqulatioas for Rosidontial Buildings’. Shw tho ‘R- valuo Cor tho -11s and ailing and r01ac.d a?-. Nota that tho insulation urd shall Comply uith California Quality Sund~rd.. skt8 the insulation inaullar shall port J signed eertifiuto, in J conapiciow placo in tho building, Cmting the inaulation complios with Titla 24. Chaptor 243 and Titlo 20, Chaptor 2, Subchaptor 4. Articlo 3. Noto doors and windam. including skylights. botueen condiciond and non-eaaditionod Noto on tho framing plan that wathor- SCripprnq, caulking or soalanta muac bo usod to limit filtration in tho buildinq onvolopo at en8 folloring locarlour C.tarror joiner around windas And door Cramor: botuoen wdl solo plator ud floors. and ktwen exhtsror wall p.nois; ponocrationa In walta. nilinga. and floors tor plunbrng, tleetricity. and gas lines; openings in attic floors; and 411 ocher oponinps in tho buildinq onve I ope. Yocr that doors and windows to be cortifid and 1~eol.d as complying uith t?m UIor9Y Regulations. Yoto fan. orhaustang air to have brck SPaCO ShJll bo fully ruthorstrippod. 1 Not. Jt tho .xtOtlOr rat1 fA?.plaCO .rir*ptaeo CZhJvo minimum aax sqwro inches of oucardo air: eo hava qlaas Or mC.1 door covoring tho entiro opmniag Of tho f?rmbox; to have tipht-fitting dJrprr With readily JCCOSSlble control and should not havo a eontrnwua burning pilot light’. Noto ducts shall CMply with ChJptOr 10, 1976 UHC and shall bo tightly r.41.d uith mastic or tapo. Noto at tho wator hoacor location ‘weor heater to have urap ol R-12 oxtonal inaulation’. Noto. uhoro near hootor ir in uncarditiaad space. tho first civo rne or outlot pipo to hava A-3 wrap. Noto all circulating hot water pip.. in uncondirionod spacos shall br insulatd. Noto that all gas tirod hoatinq and cooling applianc8s. showors and faucota shall comply with tho enorgy .Zfficirny SCJndardS. penoral lighting shall havo an efficimacy of not less than 2S lwns por net i.0. tloraacont. Noto chat hoating or cooling syatas thomostat uith awehaniu uhich can k manually progrJ8Md to automatically aot back tho thomoatst sot pinta lor at loast tw period8 uichin 24 hour.. Shw the sisa. typo and loe8tion of tho spec. hoarinq (or cooling) symtr and provido anergy alculationa if ehe WCpuC. Sha mkm ad -1 for W .d I- hutor arm a Stat. Aiac. :s , 2/ Shw, JC hth and kitehon. that Cha (OIIC@pC h0.C pWpS) Shall haV0 aUrautiC OuCdOOS pool8 Y&tn :08abl CUOl h*.C.t8 NqU- pOo1 eo*.?S J8 UL1 18 0Cll.r aaranq dW1C.8 *uW a. CLI. ClOCSSr #CZ- 72O-LIOI nrs US bawzntex Soc. 2517(e) and building wall:. shawr tilo. Soc. l707(a) Specify Lath and plaster to eocaply with Chaptor 47, UBC. Two 3/4’ copper pipor must bo inst8llod Cram water hoaxer location to convenient location of futuro solar panels (City Ord.1 3f Provide sleevef (roof jacks) in roof for tw future 3/4 copgor pipes to wnvenient location of fumro solar panols (City Ord.) Noto :bat solar wattr piping is to be insulatod in araar ebat are not Seated or cooled. (City 0rd.l . Show a minimum 2‘ air space and flashing #. Specify material to be used undor G!o . 0 BUAlding plana aro subatantially corroec Jnd CaplOCO. (3 Building plans wuld be substantially corroce and comploto ia minor coccoc%~ona are uda at countor. BY * &to: i G Building plans roquire mayor corroetiona .nd caploto plan rochock, by plan chock onqinoor. AS toquarod. . BY: T, w oat. I 6\ t$3ft35‘ \ Table 7. Alternative Component Packages, Climate Zone 7 -~ Building Measure INSULATION R-VALUE MINIMUM Ceiling Wall "Heavy" Wall1 "Light Mass" Wall2 Slab Floor Perimeter Raised Floor AZTIC~ GLAZING Maximum U-value Maximum Total Area X Maximum Total Nonsouth Hinimum Total South At& X Area X SHADING COEFFICIENT South-facing Glazing West-facing Glazing North-f acing Glazing East-facing Glazing TBEBMIII. MASS EQUIVALENT X Slab Floor Exposed7r8 INFILTRATION CONTROL Continuous Barrier Electrical Outlet Plate Gaskets Air-To-Air Beat Exchanger SPACE HEATING SYSTEM Gas Furnace Seasonal Efficiency X Beat Pump ACOP Electric Resistance1 SPACE COOLING SYSTEM A/C or Heat Pump SEER WATER HEATING SYSTEM Gas, Heat Pump or Solar Solar with Gas Backup with Any Backup - A - 19 11 2 .! 4.( NR 11 NR 1.1 NR 9. 1 6.4 NR NR NR !n 50 m lR IJR 4IN 2.5 IO EQ - B - 30 11 2 .! 3 .! 7 11 NR . 61 14 NA NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR MIN 2 05 NO KEQ - C - 19 11 2.1 3 .! NR 11 NR 1.1 14 NA NR NR NR !m NR YR lR !m lR 3IH 2.5 10 w Package Designation - D - 30 11 NA NA NR NA mc . 65 20 NA NR NR .36 NR NR 25 m m !lR all 2 S vo kEQ - E - 30 11 NA NA NA 19 REC -65 20 NA NR NR .36 NR NR 5 NR NB NR MN 2.5 !IO EQ - 1 - 30 11 2 .! NA NR NR RE( -61 20 NR NR NR NR NR NR 25 NR NR NR MIH 2 05 NO w - 2 - 19 11 2 .! NA NR NR NR 1.: 24 NR NR NR NR NR NR 25 NR NR NR MI8 2.5 NO REQ - 3 - 30 11 2 .I NA NR 19 REC .65 20 NR NR NR NR NR NR 20 NR NR NR flN 2.5 YO UQ - 4 - 19 11 2.! NA NR 19 NR 1.1 24 NR NR NR NR NR NR 15 NR NR NR KIN 2.5 NO WQ - 5 - 30 11 2 .! NA 7 11 NR .6! NR a.r 5.1 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR YES WQ - 6 - 19 11 2.5 NA NR 11 NR -65 NR 9.6 6.4 NR NR NR NR 50 NR NR NR YES REQ Table 17. Notes for Tables 1 through 16, Page 1 of 4 LEGEND: NR=Not required, N/A - Not applicable, REQ - Required, MIN = Hiniaur efficiencies required by Section 2-5306 of the regulation. NO = Heating system type not allowed, YES = Heating system type allowed. 4" brick Climate Slab exposed block denei ty , Concrete block 90 pcf Zone Floor X one side grouted 4" 6" 15 21 18 17 20 28 24 22 7 25 35 30 28 -- 3. 7. 8. Concrete block 140 pcf block density, solid grouted 4" 6" 14 13 18 18 23 22 Whenever an attic is required, it must cover at least three-quarters (314) of the ceiling area over conditioned space and be vented. In alternative component packages which require thermal mass (other than Package A), the specified percentage of mass must be directly exposed to the Conditioned space. to the conditioned space. To determine the floor area, count only the first floor in conditioned areas. Uncarpeted first floor areas, such as linoleum or tiled entry ways, kitchens, bathrooms, and utility closets may all be counted towards this requirement. To detennine the floor area directly exposed Thermal PBSS required for Packages E,1,2,3 and 4 must be either equivalent to a slab floor covering one-fourth (25 percent) of the floor area with a thickness of at least 2 inches and a volumetric heat capacity of 28 Btu/ft3 OF (see below for surface area of materials examples) or provide the minimum total mass capacity listed in Table 17 of Appendix A (use the Point System to calculate the mass for other materials). I ! , Prepwt VALUATXON AND PLAN CHECK FEE BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION MULTIPLIER A/& /87 2 @. - %? = 992/& 0 Bldg. Dept. 0 Esgil VALUE /=a.aa_@-,w- K SE = /08,576 BUILDING ADDRESS APPLICAN T/CON TAC T Zim P~ZDKO BUILDING OCCUPANCY E:? DESIGNER PHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR PHONE /&77 &kW@ hSW k/W PH6NE NO. 72767/2 Air Conditioninn Commercial Res ident ial Res. or Corn. Fire Sprinklers Total Value :: I I @ (a @ .. .:: i ... .. Fee Adjusted To Reflect OEnergy Regulations (Fee x 1.1) OHandicapped Regulations (Fee x 1.065) Building Permit Fee $ z Plan Check Fee $ $ COMMENTS; ::. Prepwr VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE Q Bldg. Dept. 0 Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. 85-33-r BUILDING ADDRESS /L77 & &W&S#k//W APPLI CAN T/C ON TAC T 7h ~4'31 NO PH~NE NO. 727&7/2 BUILDING OCCUPANCY DESTGNER PHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V/A/ CONTRACTOR PHONE Total Value Building Permit fee S J &LOO Plan Check Fee $ A/ t/tP'Ttb / Tf? $-%Oar0 8/4/82 EPo-%- w RESIDENTIAL VALUATION CHART EFFECTIVE 7/1/84 APT. HOUSES b ATTACHED SFD X 42.00 GARAGE X 13.00 CARPORT x 9.00 COVERED PORCH x 5.00 c COVERED PATIO X 5.00 BALCONIES/STAIRS/MCKS ,f/bI(w ‘3’kOq X 8.00 $.e RETAINING WALLS x 10.00 POOLS x 21.00 SPAS ( GUN ITE) VALUATION $4 100.00 SPAS (PLASTIC/FACTORY MADE AIR CONDITIONING . X 2.40 MOBILE OR MODULAR ON S.F. LOT .. - TOTAL VALUATION q97 9zJ - PLAN CHECK FEE J7755k -- &/-A A /q5qp2 \- *+POL ICY IT IS OUR POLICY TO CHARGE A BLANKET PEMT FEE OF .@& *$vEF. BBO FOR A FACTORY MADE PLASTIC SPA. THIS FEE COVERS ALL M)RK INCLUDING PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC. THE VALUATION WILL BE $2,050.00. THIS PERMIT FEE APPLIES TO AN IN-THE-6ROUflD PERMANENTLY INSTALLED, HOE PLASTIC SPA NOT TO EXCEED 400 GALLONS IN CAPACITY. IS AN APPLIANCE AND DOES NOT REQUIRE A PERMIT. FACTORY THE PLUG-IN TYPE SPA , L - P LA" I NG : TYPE OF STRUCTURE Xffl ZONE: SCHOOL FEES: SAN DIEGUITO ENC IN I TAS CARLS BAD 7 SAN MARCOS % COVERAGE REQUIRED SETBACKS .- si ?-- 0 ' REDEVELOPllENT EPROVAL REQUIRED: -0 q-' WM a= -- -- !-J LANDSCAPE PLAN COMMENTS:~ /' ... --- 1 d c I --- A.P.N. CHECKED?- GRADING PERMIT: v) L c u W Q: 2 ou a PUBLIC b!ORKS INSPECTOR: FINAL OK: DATE: IF THIS ITEM IS NOT CHECKED, BUILDING DEPARTllENT MILL MAKE' ALL INSPECTIONS * (DRIVEWAYS, CURB CUT, DRAINAGE, ETC.) DIEGO LAND USE I 1 .____ - --- I 7- &is rm forn for a %inor" @&g '&ject is to be cmpleted ad signd by the Regittored Civil Engineer (01 kchitact) who Ius boon doaigartd 011 the Wing Plan ud Pmit u the Enginoer who will furnish the urrp.ction report for *ark urtharizd by b grading permit bsud by the Omputmat of Planning ad Land Use. 5he intent of the formnt is to pmvido *bfom8tion to the Dment of Planning ad lami Use u to grding complirnce with the appnrved Grading Plan and Permit. configuration 01.quurtity of cut d/or fill areas, it is dorstood that yax response will not normally be based on an acnul lad narey 01 dotaild artbwork quantity calculations. that tho D.prrrcneat is p.rticularly concsrnd whore there are possible infractions with respect to over- steapaad slopes, -ts of roquird setb.~fU, uaco~p.ctd fills placed, or where the quantity of fill placd differs subsuntially fmr th.t dorizd. .The Deputnmt of Planning and [raf Use require¶ that a11 fills authorized by a Grding Permit be compactad to a nini.lm of 00% of wimm density with tho exception fh.t rmt more than 12" of uncolrpoctd and untested fills may bo dispersed over the land parcel. The need to compact all fills that are beyond the present limits of the present propwad consauction b to iasaue th.t eature propsad construction of roam additions or sv-ng pools or sirilv stmccfufes will not require that cnrc-ted fills bo removed 01 rccompacted, OT that extensive formdation work be installed. n Where tho questions below rder to location, It should be noted. however, I - Conrpacrion rqxms will not be zcceptrd CMPATIBILITY VT- GRADING PUY AND pup! A. 1. 2. 5. 4. S. 6. 8. 1. 2. 3. C. 1. 2. 3. 4. j. 6. Did the toe of fill or the top of cut appear to ant the prescribed property line setback Uero the finished fill slops equal to OT lass than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical? If the fill orrtsrial uu obtained by cuts on tho site, wae the cuts &e in the proper location ud,to the pmper slope approxim8toly as shoun on the approved grading plan? Were brow ditches consrructed approxinutely u shom on the grading plan? (1.5' for fill; 3.0' for cuts)? LOCATIObt AND AwouHf OF CMPACTION TESfs bve you rttachod a sketch and dats shhawing the location and rolative elevation for all compaction torts? .- WU a compacrion test made so that there is at 1-t on0 tart in each 2' thick Lem of compacted anterial? As indicated by inspections. Obs.NIti01U ud Capaction test results, vas rhe fill. excluding %!e top 1.0'. c-td to at lout 90% of mu- dry density? QuALITY OF FILL C(wPACXI0N OPERATTON Wu the area to receive fill properly prepared in terms of brush removal, benching, wettxng, removal of rumcoopacted fill or debris and related items? WU a11 detrimentally expansivu soil placed in the fill at 3' or sore below finish grade? Have you attached a copy of your cwe showing the relarionship benccn optinum soisture content and maximu density? i bas all aterial wed as fill fearrh, rocks, gravel) smaller than 12" in si:e? A RP-4 -\re all areas of the fiil %table for supporz of stwrures? &re a11 existi:! pding mdinanc!? fills on '..?e size rccompacted :n accora.~ncc vir? che provisions of :!IC Yes- Yo- Yes- YO- Yes- 30- D. rsTxTISTICAL DATA 1. Dates the grading work was performed: Jv# E. /I /?8C 2. Dates your representative was on site and der of hours on site for each date, and name of representative: E. AS-WILT DATA 1. If the fill .placment was not in accordance with the approved grading plan, did you notify the pnmittae to obtain approval for deviation from the plan before proceeding with additional fill placanent? If the approved wing plan does not reflect the actual location, depth and type of fill, have you submitted for review aad approval an as-built plan? Yes- k- 2. Yes- go- i hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the information provided in this certification -. is true to the but of my knowledge and belief. - n n - -- 0. 1. 2. E. 1. STATISICU, DATA, J Datu rho gpadG;lp wrt YU pdorwd: JUNE/. 9 .8C- Dater yau rqmesentative yu on site and mdwr of hours on site for each date, d name of represen 2. FIELD DENSITY TEST SAND CONE: tlETHOD / Sand Cone Apparatus No. ' Date of Test Jc/A/E 1. /?#(test Number Pethod of Compaction r * Test Location 477 &$ AI4 k(.//Jk.r/ AY Type of Conogctor Area Represented An. c4 4 /E Number of Passes flaterial C4.NDYL rjAq Layer Designatih 7~p z,? 2.F 7 Thickness z FEE7 VOLUME .OF TEST HOLE: I. ldeiqht of Apparatus filled with sand 2. Weight of Apparatus and remaining sand 3. Weight of sand in hole1 plate, &cone. 4. Weight of sand in cone & plate (Calibration b. Bulk Density of Sand :"'' 7. Volume of fast Hole _' 5. Idsight of sand in hole -- -- -I - -- data c* .3. WET DENSITY: - *.. 8. bIETGHT OF MOIST SOIL- fro8 test hole 9. Weight of Tare 10. Net Weight of moist Soil I&. Wet Density Iten Item 3u X b2.4 I'IOISTURE CONTENT AND DRY DENSITY: 12. Ideight of wet sample plus tare 13. Weight of dry sample plus tare 114. Weight of water in sample 15. Tare Number and Weight Number Lb. Weight of dry soil Item 14 17. Moisture Content 3rb P8. Dry Density COMPACTION DATA: 19. Maximum Dry Density from Proctor test 20. Optimum Moisture Content from Proctor Test 1212. Specified minimum percent Compaction RFMARKS : % 5 37 U8.3 z me: . N/ED/N4. Sample Identification: te: Jun/&- - 8 /9R$ Sheet No. / - 3 COMPACTION : it. of flortar lb~. I 933 d 93321 9.336 I I I I I -* I I I I I I I 1 I I h T I I 1 k -. .. .. L \ 1- - ,- \ ', '< \ / / CITY OF CARLSBAD n Attachments: Reply Requested: RtPLY: Date: Signature: .- 1. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO I- - / b. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES Division of Environmental Hzal th Prateczion (ORG. 6013) NORTH COUNTY "PRMRY" CEMWL COUNTY 5201 Ruffin Kd., Suite C SSR Diego, CA 92123 -- SAN MARCOS 7- KEARNEY MESA - 565-5173 334 Via Vera "'ca rut San Marcos, CA 92069 APPLICATION FOR LAND USE PROJECTS rn EAST couF1m EL CAJON - 579-3699 250 E. Main Si., US Box 15 El Cajon, CA 92020 SANITARIAN: hiCcQ d(c I 6, CODE PROJECT FEE 4 29 E I 3 429E14 4Z3Ei7 429E18 429E99 429E99/R99 429299 (ACCT. 0800) WELL T;E;IMIT PPRCXATI0,Y TEST (Individual Only) LAYOUT (N?Wj Re-exxi nati m ( Layout } CERTIFICATE OF COP;?LIAEKE ON SEPTIC SYSTEM EN!NDAR'! P.C&STbXNT i3N SEPTIC SYSTEM FARCEL MAP 3N SE?TIC SYSTEM (2 LOTS) !44?ORjillINOR USE PERI-II? MISCELLANEOUS DEVEiOPL1EKT PRCJEtTS (office on?y) CONSULTATION FEE (S4S.OS per hour)(+ hr. Min.) XE%X C9PY CHARGE (.I& per sheet) ADDIIIO3AL SUSDIYISIGN CEPOSIT p?us Forrn Each Lot Over 2 5 23.0Q s s - --------------------______l___l_________---"------------------------------------------------ DEPOSIT If??$ TRUST FUND -I- SUBDIVISION OH SEPTIC TAM (Tentative Hap) Dzposit - 9 z ,008.00 PLEASE READ AND SIGN: Monies received for subdivisions are placed 'n s. trust fund and are withdrawn annually to rxclver processing costs. Ucon project conpletion, the final Health Dept. staff costs will be computed and the remaining funds refunded io the oroject tional deposit may be rewired. owner. However, if at Lny *- ~~me the staf? ccstr exceed the twst fynd dcposit, an add?- If this occws, the owner will be notiT'ied by mil. DATE : S IGPMTURE : TITLE: DHSzEHP-780 (7/55) c i --- 2 i FIRST RA TE SERVICE AT A FAIR PRICE 1362 i 02 COPIEg c/a TA ALTA POLICY SCHEDULE A Amount of Insurance ~9~000.00 Charge %PI& 25 Date a@ Polity NOVEMBER 1% 1982 at 0:OO a.m. Order No. 13-02-OO90242 . hu of fnd: HOME SAVING8 OF AMERSCA, A FEDERAL 8AVlNQS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION0 A CORPORATION FIRST RATE SERVICE ATA FAIR PRICE 13-02-0090242 DEED OF TRUST +or tho original amount shown below, 8nd any other rmounbs payable undor the toms ther8of. Original Amount: S33r000.00 Sori~s/Inrtrumont NO.: 82-330694 Trustor: CONSTANTINO -1NA d.8 A SINOtE MAN. Bme+iciary: HOME SAVINOS OF AMERICA8 A FEDERAL 8AVINQ91 AM) LOAN Dated: OCTOBER 19, 1982 ROCOrdOdr OfPiCI.1 Rocords: WVEHBER $3, 1982 TFUS~~O: 8ERRANO RECONVEYANCE COWANY0 A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION ASSOCIATION, A CORPORATION Tho land to+errmd to heroin is siturtod in the Slrato 09 CALIFORNIA I and is doscribed as #allows: County Of 8AN DIEOO 0 City of CARCSBAD THAT PORTION OF TRACT 121 OF CARLEIBAD LAND88 IN ME CITY OF C~L~ADI IN THE COVNTY OF 84N DIEWa STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDINQ lW W THEW NO. lbblr FILED IN THE OFFICE OF CMJNTY RECORD€R OF 8AN OIEQO COUNTY8 MARCH 1, 1915, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOW: BEBINNINQ AT A POINT IN THE CUUTER LINe OF VALLEY STREET8 DISTANT THEREON NORTH 34 DEOREES 33 MINUTES EST 531.19 FEET FROM THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF SAID CENTER LINE W VALLEY STREET AND THE NORTHEASTERLY PROLONOATION OF THE SOWTHEA8TERLY LINE OF 8AID TRACT 1218 SAID POINT WIFE BY DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 339, PAOE 436 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS1 THENCE ALONO IEKKITHEA8TERLY LINE OF SAID MERRITT LAND, SWTH 33 DEGREES 27 BEINQ THE 8WTHEASTERLY CORNER OF LAND CONWYED TO 40" 3. HERRITT AND PIINWTES WEST 193.4 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEOINNINQ; THENCE NORTH 23 CARLSBAD LANDS; THENCE ALONQ SAID LAST HENTIONEO LINE 89 DEOREES DEGREES 04 MIffUTES WEST 237.6 FEET TO THE NWOTH BWINDARY LINE OF 03 HINUTrS WE8Tt A DISTANCE OF 324.W FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF THE LAND CONVEYED BY SOUTH COAST LAND CoMeANYi A CORPORATIONt TO OCEAN8IDE MUTUAL WATER COHPANYI A CORPORATIUNI BY DEED DATED AUWSIT 29, 1922, AND RECORDED IN BOOK 8998 PAGE 286 OF DEEDS; THENCE SWTli 23 DEGREES 04 hINtlTES EAST AcosyO THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE LAND CONVEYED TO =ID OCEANSIDE MUAL WATER COWANY, A DISTANCE OF 434.38 FEET TO A POINTi THENCE NORTH 33 DEGREES 27 MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE OF 298.6 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEOINNINQ. ASSEM'8 PARCEL "lBER : 156-200-13 PAOE 2 SCHEDULE B PART I XTm: 1.00 TAXES# a lien8 not get dum and payable. ITEW: 2.00 AN USEWENT FOR ROAD PURPOSES OVER THE NMZTHEAS7ERLY THIRTY (30) FEET OF SAID LAND AS DISCLOSED BY DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 21 1928 IN BOOK 1314 PAQE 489 OF DEEDS. ITEH: 3.00 EASEMENT, and incidontr therefor Recorded, 04Vicirl Records: OCTOBER 21 1928 Book/Reel: 1514 Page/Image: 409 Purpose: WATER PIPE LINE APfeets: A STRIP OF LAND FIFTEEN (13) FEET IN WIDTH AND LYINB 1MC.fEDfATELY SOUTH OF AND ADJACENT TO AND PARALLEL WITH AND NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LAND. FIFTEEN (13) FEET DISTANT FROMaAT RIGHT ANGLES, THE MOST ITER: 4.00 AN EASEMENT AND RIQHT OF WAY FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES OVER AND ACRWS ROAD SURVEY NO. 981 KNOWN AS (BUENA VISTA AVE.) ACCORDING TO flM ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR, AND A8 ORANTED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO BY DEED RECCRDED SEPTEMBER 23, 1948 awK 2937 PACE 93 OFFICIAL RECORDS. SAID INSTRUMENT ALSO GRANTS THE PRIVILEQE AND RICaHT TO EXTEND AND MAINTAIN DRASNAGE STRUCTWRES AND EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT SCOP€8 BEYOND THE LIMITS OF SAID RIGHT OF HAY WHERE REQUIRED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF. -_ - - @ . ,.. FIRST RATE SERVICE AT A FAIR PRICE i3-oa-Oowma ITEM: 5.00 EASEtIENTr and incidents thoroto8 Oranted to: SAN DIE60 QAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, A CORPORATION Recorded, 099icfrl Rocorbs: dUNJE 20, 1960 Series/Instruaent No.: 12S340 Purposo: A LINE OF POLES WITH WIRES WSPEMIED THEREON AT THE TRANSHXS8ION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY FOR AU PURPOSES FOR WfCH IT MAY BE VSED TOQETHER WSTH 7Hf RIM OF: IMOREF58 THEREFORM TO AND ALUNQ SAID LINE A99.CtS: THE SWrrHEASTERLY 6.0 FEET OF THE SAID LAND. SCHEDULE B PART If **NONE*** N I -7 t Rll a (\I 'J I / THOMAS ENGINEERS 260 Crest Street, Suite "E" ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92025 (619) 480-6501 ........... ..................... ............................................................................................ ...... ........................................................................... ..... .. ... ...... .......................... ............................................................... I ...... ............ ... ............ .. ........ ......... , ....................................................................... ................................................. .............................................................. " ................................................................................ ......... ......... .. ..................................................... ". .............................................................. .. .......................... " ........................................................................................................... * ......................... < .......... ... JOB SHEET NO / OF 2 CALCULATED BY DATE /a -/-e5 DATE /,--+YKED BY THOMAS ENGINEERS 260 Crest Stceet, Suite "E" ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92025 (619) 480-6501 SHEETN0.A OF 2 CALCULATED BY DATE /fl -/-05 CHECKED BY DATE V lsbad Unified School District 801 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008 729-9291 “Excellence In Education” c September 35, 1985 BOARD OF TRUSTEES JAMES McCORMlCK President JOHN J. MAMAUX Vice President Mr . C1 arence Schl ehuber , Chairperson , .’and Members of the Planning Commission City of Carl sbad 1200 Elm Avenue JULIANNE L NYCAARD Clerk JOE ANGEL Carlsbad, CA 92008 Member J. EDWARD SWITZER, JR. Member DISTRICT ADMl N ISTRATION JAMES M. STARK Interim Superintendent SUSAN-HARUMI BENTLEY Instructional Services DAVID WM. BATES, SR. Employee Relations ICC. DUNLAP Facilities/Services .. .. Attn: Mr. Martin Orenyak, Building and Planning Director Reference: C. Medina Gentlemen: Our District has reviewed the proposed development of one single family dwelling located at 1677 Buena Vista Way and has evaluated the impact of that project on the facilities of this District. \ The Governing Board wishes to advise the city officials and residents of Carlsbad that, as residential units are added to the community, it is likely that many classes in the District will become crowded, resulting in possible impairment to the educational and transportational services offered to the students. It is also likely that school schedules may have to be changed, resulting in an increase. , in the year-round program, or double-sessions, or both. However, the District is able to assure you that school physical facilities will be available concurrent with need for this development as it is presently proposed. - h Sincerely, James Stark Deputy Superintendent Distinguished School Board Award 1984, United States Department of Education ~ARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 0 CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL VALLEY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL RECEIPT NO. 09418 DATE d s% FOR USE OF SCHOOL FAClLlTlES/RENTALS USE OF SCHOOL BUS $ TELEPHONE COMMISSIONS $ DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY $ INSURANCE CLAIMS .$ DAMAGED OR LOST BOOKS SALE OF SURPLUS INCOME @ ABATEMENT 0 $ REIMBURSEMENTS $ (EMPLOY EESl - CEIVED CASH CHARGE TO ACCOUNT NO. - (ss97 - RECEIVED BY ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNER: An "owner-builder" building permit has been applied for in your name and bearing your No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. signature. Please complete and return this information in the envelope provided at your earliest opportuni ty to avoid unnecessary delay in processing and i ssui ng your bui 1 di ng permi t. building permit will be issued until this verification is received. I personally plan to provide the major labor the proposed property improvement (yes or no) for construction of the application for a building permit. I (have/have not) - signed I have contracted with the following person Address city (firm) to provide the proposed construction. Phone Contractors License No. I plan to provide portions of the work, but coordinate, supervise and provide the major Address - P / I have hired the following person to work. Phone Contractors License No.' I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indlcated: Name Address Phone Type of Work n Signed: Property Owner Social Security Number gJ? - 96, 29 EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WILL BE INSTRUCTED TO OBTAIN A CITY OF CARLSBAD BUSINESS LICENSE AND FURNISH A CERTIFICATE OF WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. Initials