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1658 FAIRLEAD AVE; ; CB160970; Permit
03-11-2016 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plumbing/Mechanical/Electrical (PME) Permit Permit No: CB160970 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Reference #: PC #: Project Title: 1658 FAIRLEAD AV CBAD PME emoeeGeetr Lot #: SISCO RES- INSTALL A/C & COIL Status: Applied: Entered By; Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 03/11/2016 I LSM 03/11/2016 03/11/2016 /Applicant: ASI HASTINGS STE 200 4870 VIEWRIDGEAV SAN DIEGO CA 92123 619-590-9300 Owner SISCO STUART L/SUNDMACHER DEBORAH S 1658 FAIRLE/VD AV CARSLBAD CA 92011 Plumbing Fees Electrical Fees Mechanical Fees Other PME Fees $0.00 $0.00 $163.00 $0,00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $163.00 Total Fees:$163.00 Total Payments To Date:$163.00 Balance Due:$0.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date: ^''7/^^/^—Clearance: NOnCE FteEsetateNCmCE thai appowi of your prqedindudas the 1nT»6itkTfcff^decfcaliais.nBeenffldcrB,cy other eoadkyBhereefteroteliveiyreferod to as lee^aactions." Vtu have 90 dE^fnorn the date fllspenritvvBS IssuBd to protest brpoeition of thasefBes^epacSans. Ifyojprcfestthemycumjst fdlow the proteat pnxettres set fcrth In Govomiert Code Section 66020(8), and file the protest and any otoer neqdned InfarrPBtion viith the City Manager tor prooes^m to acDondanoe with CfirisbadMjnIdpal Code Section 332030 raiuBtotlrneiyfoiiavthatprooediiBwltMrarysUsequertiegBlacBontoallack, rwtew; set aside, wdd, or arnJ thetrinpoatlon. You are hereby RJRTT-ER NOTRHO that yor ii£ft to protest the spedfled feesfepactlons DOBS NOT/\PR.Y to water and swwr oornsction fees and oapacfty diarges, nor plarrlnazarina gracing drcttiersinilarEpplcsfionproceesing or sefWs fees in connection with ttisproJeoL NCR tXESH" APPLY to any feestecacllonsofwHchvouha^Dre^toustvbeenciwmaNCmCEstollartothiaorastowiichthestatitecffciilqlMitthgsErgiiaBlvdhetyvBegtcired, THE FOLLQWWG APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERHtT ISSUANCE: □pLAHNWQ QENGINEERmG □BUILDING DFIRE □ HEALTH □ HAZMAT/APCD ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Pemiit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, OA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax:760-602-8558 email: building@carl3badca.gov www.car1sbadca.gov Plan Check No. {(^Q ^-?0 EsL Value Plan Ck. Deposit Date SWPPP JOB ADDRESS 1658 FAIRLEAD AVE CARLSBAD 92011 nSTF"TOEO |#6FUNtrS |rf6L6R06iJS SU rTE#/S P AC£#/UN fT*APN oSATHfiMiUS lltNANtbOsw^NAAtE t I CONSTR.TYPE j OCC. GROUP DESCRlPnON OF WORK: IncUtde Square Feet of AfTecM Ana(B) INSTALL AC AND COIL AIR CONDITIONING YES □noQ EXKTINQ USE PROPOSED USE GARAGE (SF)PATIOS (SF)DECKS (SFl RREPLACE yes|~|a no| I RRE SPRINKLERS YES I |N0| I APPU CANT NAME PrtnatvCcntact JERMAINE MAEWEATHER PROPERTY OWNER NAME LARRY SISCO ADDRESS 4540 KEARNY VILLA RD #213 ADDRESS 1658 FAIRLEAD AVE crrY san diego STATE ZIP ca 92123 CfTY CARLSBAD STATE CA ZIP 92011 PHONE 619-590-9337 FAX PHONE FAX EMAIL JERMAINE^.WEGREENINC.COM EMAIL DESIGN PROFESSlONAi.CONTRACTOR BUS. NAAAE asl hastlnqs ADDRESS ADDRESS 4870 viewridge ave aiY STATE ZIP CITY san diego STATE ZIP ca 92131 PHONE FAX PHONE 619-590-9337 EMAIL EMAIL 513115 c20 CfTY BUS. UC.# 1200804 (Sec, 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any Oty or CJounty which requires a permit to construct alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, pnor to its issuance, also requires theapplicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapters, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of theBusiness and Professions Code} or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031,5 by any applicanrfor a permit subjects the applicant to aCfvil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500}). WQIIKBSES" S®(S]l?GG3Si!i'D'0®C) Woftere" Compinsatlon Dedarallon: //le/Biy rtBm untterpe/iaSy one of (he fcftjwinfl dscteBSwic I have and wlBmalntiln a certHtcate of consent to self-lmure for woritere'compensation as provided by Soclon 3700 of the Labor Code, for the porfonnanceot the wort for which this pennlt Is Issuad. I have and will maintain worksiB' compensation, ^ required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the perfomiance of the vnrt for wtdch this pemilt Is Issued. My worters' compensation insijrance canter and policy number are: Insurence Co CYPITESS INSURANCE COMPANY PoCcyNo. ASWC6fl5204 Expiration DateBsection need not be compteted Y the pennlt for one hundred doOars (tlOO) or less.Certlllcate of Exemption: I cartlty that In the porfonnance of^ wort for wtilch this pennlt Is Issued, I shaS not employ any person In any mannar so aa to become Kjb)8ct to the Wortrars' CompensaSon Laws of Cakfomla. WARNING: FallUTB to secure worttere' compeniaon coverage Is unlawful, and shall lublsct an employsf to criminal psnaltiesendclvtlflnesuptoons hundred thousand doHars (&1l)0,000). InBddltlan to the cost of compensstlon, damages as provided nrljfG^opJTordfttw Labor code. Interest and attorney's fees. jS$ contractor SIGNATURE [3 AGENT DATE ®S(3Q,faQ;ai?n®C9 / herehy afflrro fftaf / am axsnpf horn Confrectorb License Law fer fhe Hjftrwfrrs reason.' □ I, as owner of the property or my employees vYlh wages as their sole compensation, wUI do the wort and the structure Is not intended or olTeted for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Prolesslons Coda: The Contractor'sIjcense Law does not apply to an ormer of property iMro buiWs or Improves thereon, and wtio does such wort himself or through hb own employees, provided that such Improvements are not Intended or offered for sale. If, however, the bulldingorlmpfDvememlssoltl within one year of completion, the owner-bulUer will have the burden of proving that he did not build or imptove lor ttapuposa of sale). □ I, as owner of the property, am exdushrely contracting with Bcensed corrtractors to construct the pn^ (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner ofproperty who buJds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projacts wBh contractor(s) tensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). I I I am exempt undar Seclton Bustoess and Prolesslons Code for this reason:1.1 personally plan to provide the major labor aid materials for constnxrtlon of the proposed property ImprovemenL □Yes Ofo Z I (have I have not) signed an appbcatlon for a buSdIng permit for the proposed worit. 3.1 have contracted wifli the following person (llmi) to provide the proposad construction (Include name address / phone / contractDrs' tense number), 4.1 plan to provide portions of the worlr, but I have hlrsd the foSowIng person to coonhnate, supervise and provide the major wort (bidude name / address / phone / contractors' license number): 5.1 uA provide some of the wort, but I have contracted ]hlred) the following persons to proMde the wort Indlcatod (Include name/address/phone/type of work): ^CTpROPERTY OWNER SIGNATtmE Qagent DATE '^-\v 'U .^eOCPg'&B'irB gCOQS 81i(g'i?a(DGD P©B GO®ia°IB1180Bllg)'i?0^& (DQP0Q.g)D13Q PBtBgJQga ©GSai? b the applkant or future Wldlng occupart reqiired to subml a business plan, acutely hazartma materiab rastettlon fcm Of rtsk manaflemant and prevenbon proyani under Ssctlons 26505,26533 Of 25534 Sie Preslay-Tanner Hazardous SutBtance Account Act? nVes ONo Is the applcant or futuebuBiIng occupant reqiired to obtain a permit Itan the air pollution control dlsbtct or air qualtymansjementdlstrtct? DYes ONo tsthefaJttYtobeconstiucledwtthln I.OOOfeetoftheouterbotiidafyofaschDoletlo? OYes ONo IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CaniFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAY NOT BE ISSUED UH£88 THE APPLICANT HAS ICT OR IS HEETINQ THE REQUREMENT8 OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AR POLUniON CONTROL DISTRICT. (g®GD8'iy(BiD(ggo®Ki (kBGDSoiaa raQStaey . n I hereby afflnti that there Is a taxistnjctlon lending agency fix the perfomtarKe of the work this pemit Is Issued (Sec. 3097 (i) CIvS Code). Lender's Name Lender's Address laPBBOe^CS'ir' (g@B'i7OP0igra'if'O®ia I cerMiyth atl Intw lead the appllcallon and ilalBlliatthe show liduiNiatlunlsconect andtliatthe bdbnnatlon on the plant It accualB. I agree to compVvrilli all OlyoninancBi and state bearelaflng to buildingconstnidlon. I hereby BUfratZB lepresentatlvB (X the CJy or Carisbad to enter upon the alMVB ntendcined property for Inspeclon purposes. I ALSO AGFK TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY (DF CAflLSBAD AGARST ALL UAaLTTIES, JUDGMENia COSTS AND EXPBISES WHCH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CRY IN CONSEQUBICE OF THE GRANTING OF THS FtRMIT. OSHA; An OSHA pemil Is reqiirBd for excavalons over 5D'deep and demoflSon or constnidlon of strucUes over 3 storlee In helgttEXPRATION: Ev^ pennft Issued by the Buldkig OBcial under flie provisions of Ihb Cede shall expire by ImltBtlcn and beconB nii and void If the buldbig or work auSiortzed by sijch pennlt b not comrnenced wifiln 180 days torn the of such pennk or I Ib buldteg or work authofbed by such pemrt b suspended or dtarxtoned at any time after the wxk b Gommenced for a period of 180 days (Secflon 11)6.4/IJnifonn BuOdkig Code). yefAPPUCANT-SSKNATURE A DATE % -v Inspection List Permit#: CB160970 Type: PME SISCO RES- INSTALL A/C & COIL Date Inspection Item 04/21/2016 43 04/21/2016 43 04/21/2016 49 04/21/2016 49 AirCond/Fumace Set AirCond/Fumace Set Final Mechanical Final Mechanical Inspector Act Ri PB PB AP RI AP Comments GO 9632 GO 9632 Friday, April 22, 2016 Page 1 of 1