HomeMy WebLinkAbout1661 AMANTE CT; ; CB101564; Permit10-12-2010 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plumbing Permit Permit No: CB101564 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Reference #: PC#: Project Title: 1661 AMANTECTCBAD PLUM 2159003300 Lot#: 0 Construction Type: NEW OGREN RES REPLACE WTR HTR Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 08/23/2010 KG 08/23/2010 08/23/2010 Applicant: CALIFORNIA DELTA MECHANICAL SUITE # 27 12440 OAK KNOLL RD 92064 866-898-0008 Owner: OGREN KENNETH J&JESSICA A 1661 AMANTECT CARLSBAD CA 92011 Plumbing Issue Fee Fixture or Trap Building Sewer Roof Drain Install/Repair Water Line Water Heater and/or Vent Gas Piping System Vacuum Breaker Other Plumbing Fees Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Additional Fees 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $27.00 Total Fees:$27.00 Total Payments To Date:$27.00 Balance Due:$0.00 Inspector: FINAL ARPR Date: // 1 Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE/iat approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. City of Carlsbad 1635 Faradpy Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 7BO 602'2717 / 373.8/27J9 Fa*: 760 605-fl!>58 Building Permit Application llOTH 1661Arnantect liwSO ] inclvH'i tmitti mil b' Waettt *r»if»l Man Check No) tfetvahm PlanCh._D»po«it_ oat.TO'2HO" Replace existing like for alike water heater UMNO WE CONTACT NAME fffDMlMIItAMRApptfMiHI PHoMiKUiE lawAe* <tfi California delta Mechanical *T58MW> '8052 E. Baseline road suite # 155 CitV" MATE ' " ZIP ' "'Mesa AZ 85206 TOONS' [FAX ' ' "" "" " 480-898-0007 | 1480-218^5645 SWill "callfornla@deltaniechanlcal.corr) PROPERTY OWNED NAME Jessica Ogren TSSm - - "• — -~ - ' ~ 1661 Amante ct. ctfT '" '" """ Carlsbad PHON6 " 76Q-93M677 WMIl weS/bli'iB-geR IWMI * AIWSL*! - mm " KIPCA 92011PAX [j'tATEIIC « mmvffT APPLICANT 1" AiilMiu CITY PHONE ' EMAIL BHHS(SF) [FlMPUci |AIHd6k6IYlONING HRESPRNKLfRS YttQ woO vesDNoD «SDN<O "* Gallna Pavlova 6052 E. Baseline road suite # 155 " •" "STATS zi"p "Mesa AZ 65206 — •"•"""- - TF)J' 480^98-0007 | 1-858-410.1499 galiapavlovabg@yahoo,com CON™.™.™.**,. California Delta Ifechwical ADHRlSS CITY PHONE EMAIL STATS LlC* 6052 E. Baseline road suite # 155 "J°"1"'UI" 'STATE 2IP ™ "'Mesa AZ 85206 FAY" ~ ~ ~"480-898-0007 """""" SlvSiS cirV8U5"uc3"""" 811114 e-36 1214281 L&J hwe wd will Haitian»wrifflul. of eoniutt le ttlMnun (91 w»erj' camisswatioii« provided by 9«ton 3700 of Kit l«t»r (M*, iw »• ptitMmmM oi«» woit foi wti» IMI ptmn« IMUM IZJI liwi MM w«l nwlnrarn worinn* wmwiraMllon. as ramrod by SSctbn 3700 of (tin Labor CWto, for I-* PSffomw« « Ui« mrk lw *Wcri IMi oermil IS ttuid, My WW uffi|ianuliM WUfflrxs earritr «M policy nufiiMirjm indwanccno PdDryNo )?** Bxpirallon Oste „ ., MWMIM , JjmicMiiion n«irf n»t Nt tomMlai) Hil^ ixifhl * iw cw hundred domm ($100) 01 less (3 C*i*««»t*«f Exttnpflon: t eeHlly M Ir Ids pmtmmssol «H vw* Ifr wh«l\ |hi« «mii| i« i«u»i). I |UI| nol (ffiplpy my pemm in any mwinar u ai lo b*M«i« «uh|«a to ll» Worked Ccmoensallen Lows of Cillfomia. WARWNOi fMliprt to invra irarkan' wmD»M«tk» tmtt»» tt iml«wf|il. ind ihill iub|>U ir eitiBloyW to ertnUMI ptAllllw md ehril din up to «<« ItuMrM Kewud nlun (ilOll.OM), <n 1 Mfltpwnatloft, itomigM u pravldtd torln^fwjto^STie of thi LlBor esdl, InttfHt IM Monieyi f«M. I tW/dbt' »W'"i M I M DJlHMpI /rom Mwlnri Ictmd (.»# «V (fl» faWd} iWW ""I I - at ownm of |fi« (ircpclK «f "V impb»mi5 * wW » IWf !«H Ml«(iwu»lioii, win fla |k» *o(k mat |h« ijiiucium ta ml IntoniM or Mima W tM (Stc 7JM. ft»in«M «d Pffltessioiw Codt: Tin OitraOx's U«nse l nw <te nal applj IQ at ovmtr of ivopefty who MUt « mpOvM Ihtfton, aim «no (IMS nWi worn nlmielf or Ihmigh his own employs, proyidtd IhiH wen Imprcremenls are nol hlefrM 41- «»(««« fef tiiMi, II. hnmrar. lh» bmlding or Impfowmcni Ir, ixilil wllhta ane year ot cwrpteHon, DM ownw-bgMm will have lha burdsn of (irOviiig (Ml h» <B nol buiW of impmve IOT the wfxwt ot !»!«) ' « «v»w of 1N» prapmy. »n tidi/»lm!y mn)me|lng wlHi Itemed iwilrsdota ID conslnict Itio project (Sec. 7M4. OutlntM ontf Proftuiont Code: TU Gwilfaelors LkWIW U»* dose nol apply to an owrtw ol ptWifWy who Mfo 01 Improvw llioreon, unit wl'iKlr fn fflidi pnfudi w» comwloftti) "MIIBI! (iinywi lo tfij CwilrjtRf » Lieen »s LJ*). [J t l(>crsoM%o»ilaiwv*li!»rf^lsta^raiBrt>telc(MMl(iirllwolilw»ro[»^pro^^ QVea 5 I (hatB / Iravi; not) ^ayt yi appMhit (or 8 tyiMng pemtl tor tfia pmpmad work. 3. 1 hme conU»st(i1 w«h *« telUnHij (w«o« (dim) tooro\«« IM pwpoaorf consliuqllon (indude name S 4. 1 iilan u |ttovid« fwdioni ni tim morii. hut I rmvo hired itte bfowing pnMn lo ccerdliMte. sufnivld Hid piovids Iha major work (Indude MTO ^ sMrera / ph6w / conhwtm' ilctnie nuiMw ): 9 IWl^OvWSWmnniwworKrujllhoraronlracta^^ DATE^PROPERTY OWNERSIONAtUffi 3A31S OlOZ. 'Jl' K T t ? N 1 I) 1° N T I A L B II I I, D I »Ito fWlteiBt u tame Ming WWM rtUdW to submit i hurintanty. Mutely Kutatm maoWs resMralbn l«™ «r «* fflmagnimt end iwvonKm aiosfim undor S«*«ia 256M, JMTO « 85SM rf lh« 'retley-Tannt'ti»««iteui Sutislwoc Accnml Acl' DV8S LU" •—. _>ii ta ^ififtjnt a <iiinrii iniiMag nmupini i««iii«ii In twain a permit tan the air fmlbi«yi «n!roldit(/iiii» °JUut*lit> manaaCTiB)! tfttufl? |_Jrie UNQ F AHyirTO ANiWRSAffi wssITim'MRTIFKME WFOKUWUKTII AY MOT BfSww uirass THB AWUCAIIT HAB MET OR * merino THE RsouMEMtma OF THE OFFICE OF 'MIIGraerMUVICaAHPnWAIRWlLUtWNTOOTIKMieTRlCt. /V G £ N C V nmty affirm ihai th«m ti i coimiiuetlan 1«nclr« flg«ncy for <w perfonrenci of the wertt this psrmll Is luued (Sec. 3097 (i) CMI Code). Lwder'iAddmi P P I- I C A N T C K »f T ) I I C A T I O N VGAINST AU WBIUfieS, ^ olC^^ COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANV IWY ACCBU6 AaWNOTSWCtTYNMNSEOUENCEOFTHEeRAMTINGWTHIBPfftMIT. n<t*rno^ p(»iis^i<lhh ol«i)»(WTi*™llihobti9»aiyw6<kKi^^ I 'd 3A31S 0102 City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 01/06/2011 Permit* CB101564 Title: OGREN RES REPLACE WTR HTR Description: Inspector Assignment: 1661 AMANTE CT Lot: Type: PLUM Sub Type: Job Address: Suite: Location: OWNER OGREN KENNETH J&JESSICA A Owner: OGREN KENNETH J&JESSICA A Remarks: Phone: 7609131677 Inspector: Total Time:Requested By: JESSICA OGREN Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description 25 Water Heater/Vents Act Comments Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs/SWPPPs Original PC# Inspection History Date Description Act Insp Comments POLICYHOLDER COPY STAT6 FUND P.O. BOX 420807, SAM FRANCISCO,CA 94142-0807 CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE fMTF: 07 01 2010 GROUP; POLICY NUMBER: 1B3782S-2010 CERTIFICATE ID: 2O3 CERTIFICATE EXPIRES; 07-01 -2011 07-Ot-2010/07-01-2Q11 T)>i« IP to .'./vltiy Hint WR two issufld a valid Workers' Compensation insuranca policy |ri a form approved by the Calif or .'wi liv.:im);irc. Commission™1 lo thfi nmploynr namftrt bfllow for Uio policy period indicated. !im; poUi-y :•. iioi r.nhjnnt in n;in^R)latinn hy thn Fund oxc.flpt upon 3O days advance writton notice to the \!Mc< will nlso (|ivfi you 3f) (inyr, ;idt/ance notice shouM thfe policy (id cancelled prior lo its normal sxpirat-ion. Iliis ftfli'tifiMtft o° insiirancfi is not an insurance policy and does not arrwnd, extend or niter the coverags afforded liy thn policy listfid horntn. IMot\/vlthstsnding any reauirement, term or condition of any nontract or other document with rospRct to i.'«hicli this certificate of insurance may hfl issusri or to which it may pertain, the insurance* adoi-rlnd by (hn policy dfmfflinnd hornin fe siihjpnt to all the twins, cxeliisions, and conditions, of such .policy. neprennntativo V..J Interim Presidsnt and CEO FMPUIYFR'S LIABILITY I..XMIT INCLUDING DEFENSE COSTS: $1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE. EMrmRSEMF.NT ."10OO TODOR KITCHUUKOV P, S T ~ EXCLUDED. HWDORREMPMT #206S ENTITLED CERTIFICATE HOLDERS' NOTICE EFFECTIVE 07-01-2005 IS ATTACHF.D ID AND FORMS A PART DF THIS POUCY. CALIFORNIA BELTA MECHANICAL, XNC ROSR I; RASELINf: ftn STE t55 MESA A7 H52QK [P1P.SD] PRINTED : OB-23-20tO