HomeMy WebLinkAbout1664 DOCENA RD; ; CB983344; Permit04-07-2000 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No Valuation Occupancy Group Project Title City of Carlsbad Building Permit Permit No CB983344 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 1664 DOCENA RD CBAD SFD Sub Type 2159101100 Lot# 114 $288,93800 Construction Type VN Reference # CT92-03 SFD 3343 SF.GAR 644 SF.PLAN 2 PHASE 4-SERENATA-BREHM COMPANIES Status Applied Entered By Appr/lssued Inspect Area Applicant BREHM COMPANIES 2835 CAMINO DEL RIO SOUTH #2 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 619293-7090 Owner BREHM AVIARA ISSUED 08/21/1998 JM 11/16/1998 PD Total Fees $14,91964 Total Payments To Date $14,91964 Balance Due $000 Description Fee * ELECTRICAL TOTAL * MECHANICAL TOTAL * PLUMBING TOTAL BLDG PLAN CHECK BUILDING PMTS Enter Additional Reclaim PUBLIC FACILITIE R 1 TIME SP TX STRNG MOTION TRAFFIC IMPACT 60 00 91 50 217 00 776 68 1,282 58 2,400 00 5,258 67 4,254 32 28 89 550 00 Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions" You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired FROM SERBWW FfK S-JD 25 2EE8 88- 13HH :P2 City of Carlsbad^ 20JS Lu Palm.* Drue, CsrMwd Cafiferau 92009 INSPECTION RECORD JOBADD3K5S: INSPECTION RECORD CARD WITH APPROVED PUNS MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB CAU PRIOR TO 2:00 PAL FOR NEXT WORKDAY INSPECTION BUILDING INSPECTION: (760) 438-3101 fcK<5C- fal iOTKOATTE //Y uigoccuPAfcCY \ SES DOCBNA RD CEA3 SFCi 3313 SF.OWR 6« SF PUWI 2 APPROVED TO SFD T;pe of Inspection 8liJL£»KC FOLfiKOATiCX' RBSFORCEO STEEL MASOKsfiY O GBOl'T D WALL DRAINS Dite f fff &ft•W'fy " a j J_t *\ TSIT PANELS j j POURST3SFS QOLUVN FOOTINGS SUSFRAMf O FLOOR D CBLiXG ROOF SHEATHING EXT SHEAR PANELS JRAV.E INSULATION EXTERIOR LATH INTERIOR LA^H 4 DRYWAiL //- 1 . <tf//-f W /t'fi- 99 ft' W • v f 7 f /I/X/ " / ' ^~J FINAL j S* PLUMBIC £SSEWtRAK'08L/CO ^^UCO ^ L!ND£RC2OUND jyK'ASTE 8TWA731 TOP OUT O WASTE U WATER TUB AND SHOWER PAN OCAS TEST D CAS PIPING D WATER HEATER OSOIAK WATER FINAL atcnvcAL n ELtCTSlC UNDERGROUND JTiTreS ROUGH ELECTRIC WAILS ROUGH ELECTRIC CEILING Q ELECTRIC SERV.CE O TEM=OPARY a BONDING n POOL FINAL 1 M£CHA.\VCrti UNOERCStQUMD OUTIS & PIPING D DUCT & PIEM.D REF PIPl.xG HEAT -AJR COXO SYSTEMS VtNTIlATIKG SYSTEMS RNAL CAU fOK fl^AL IHSnCTlOlv WVfcV MtAfTKOfK HNAl Sign When AppyopnsM tfs $ *"/*' _-^----'" 7z-rt. ff /i . /- /PO /) M/\ fr^y^'/'s B*t'f\y, /.f t" i t _^^-*^ "">J7/"5^^C f s-f\ft ^) J^ ^ • f\' ff f i f\. .. ff ff(f- y 1 rr h •1 >\V ( /*7£/T£iW$/<8OVv BuiidsngCS^K-anspeCUOiK) -)38-31|}i !<^- frf 'ft> (•ire OcsKrtmefil S5*-2«2i « Planning DepJrtmenl 438-1161 *f • f (JO &>Sm«:.-:.T3 Dcat. (!«ip«d«B$ 438-3891 ^hjO/tjO 8iuW.'Kg Isjpecfors ;7m-4p!n! < j*JiSO J ( ^ CMWD -13B-2722E»'.71i5 itoln^tloiu 4J8-«91 n^/^» ' ( /]-1 1 ' \ iiytimtNtirr // , \4\ •C5Z/^fltt^/ 3... —«/ f~ 27-00 0f>T'f0+' UJ6f<,&- tr tOVff) -^^- — » r REV 9/98 SEE SACK f OR SPECIAL NOTES City of Carlsbad Final Building Inspection APR-6 Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite Fire Plan Check # Permit # U- CB983344 Project Name SFD 3343 SF.GAR 644 SF.PLAN 2 PJJASE 4-SERENATA-BREHM COMPANIES Date Permit Type Sub Type 4/5/2000 SFD Address Y 1666 D Contact Person ^ " Sewer Dist CA Inspected By & G>oo«ii~.«v Inspected Bv Inspected Bv Comments c^,^ vv f^\\s e c*-w « OCENARD Lot 114 | Phone i Water Dist CA Date ; Inspected *f /? foo Approved Disapproved Date Inspected Approved Disapproved i Date Inspected Approved Disapproved ! -v -f /w ^*^^^>^^^-^_*4«^ ^ -P •'r City of Carlsbad Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD Plan Check* Permit* CB983344 Project Name SFD 3343 SF.GAR 644 SF.PLAN 2 PHASE 4-SERENATA-BREHM COMPANIES Date 4/5/2000 Permit Type SFD Sub Type Address 1666DOCENARD Lot 114 Contact Person Phone Sewer Dist CA Water Dist CA lnspectea^X->*r-N Bv ( \\W Inspected Bv Inspected Bv Date *._ v \ Inspected**!; \ \ Approved Date Inspected Approved Date Inspected Approved Disapproved /\* \ Disapproved Disapproved Comments City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 4/24/2000 Permit# CB983344 Title SFD 3343 SF,GAR 644 SF.PLAN 2 Description PHASE 4-SERENATA-BREHM COMPANIES Inspector Assignment PD 1664 DOCENARD Lot 114 Type SFD Sub Type Job Address Suite Location APPLICANT BREHM COMPANIES Owner Remarks Phone 760930898 Inspector^ Total Time Requested By ANDY CD 19 29 39 49 Entered By ROBIN I Description Act Comments Final Structural rhf IIIFinal Plumbma / /Final Electrical / : Final Merhqnical i Associated PCRs Inspection History Date 2/17/2000 2/1/2000 1/27/2000 12/21/1999 12/20/1999 12/16/1999 11/4/1999 11/2/1999 9/14/1999 9/3/1999 9/3/1999 9/1/1999 Description 39 Final Electrical 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test 84 Rough Combo 16 Insulation 16 Insulation 84 Rough Combo 83 Roof Sheathing/Ext Shear 83 Roof Sheathing/Ext Shear 1 1 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 21 Underground/Under Floor 22 Sewer/Water Service 21 Underground/Under Floor Act NR AP AP AP NR AP AP NS AP AP AP NR Insp PD PD PD PD PD PD PD RB PD RB RB DM Comments OPTION CORRECTIONS COMPLETED OWNER TO CALL WATER DISTRICT no,™» 1HB"U"B ftpr 07 2000 03.53flM PI ,,.T. City of Carlsbad O i'i«I d i 10 ,c»'.: Ii> <^ i>, February 15 2000 To whom It iruy con««m, This loiter is to iiifonn you of a change of address At the owners request, the Cily of Carlsbad has approved the Jollowng address change. 16^6 Dotwa Rd HAS BEEN CHANGED TO KD If you t*vc acy qud'tioiis, please feel free to call me at f7(50j d02-2?l5 Pacific Bell, Chamber of Comrnerce, SDG&F, l"i Post Ofllor, Carlsbad Posuaaster. County Tax 01*15 Aiimaaswator Daniel's CablE-'teiM Niis^EflorvTathrKdogies, SANDAO, Rsgiiirrttf Votere, CarisbjiJ W«h.r Dcp£rtm«o:, CaJstad Police Depanwcnt, Carlsbad OJS Dcpanmcot, Carlsbad Planning Depaltr-^eiit, raifebaO Fai»rwc l?epsrtm«W, Csrlshad hr« Department SA.NO(S, Hrothws Maps. Mr &. Mrs Bishop 1636 FSfaday Avenuo • Carlsbdd. CA 32008-73^1 * (76O5 6O5»-?70^3 • PAX (760) 602 8560 Post-if Fax Note 7671 T°CVM Phone it i( 00 Paxt SANr \I.II-OK\I \i>: THE B^EHM^ COMPANIES April 19, 1999 Pat Kelley CITY OF CARLSBAD Public Works - Engineering 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009- 1576 RE Tract 92-3 - Aviara Phase III Brehm Phase 4 & 5 - Serenata Building Permit Numbers - See Attached Dear Mr Kelley The above referenced building permits are approaching the first six-month inspection requirement and we would like to request a six months extension of time This request became necessary as a result of the following issues 1 The lawsuit that was filed by the Aviara Master Association against Brehm, et al and was just recently settled by the panties 2 Delays in our obtaining the required deannexations approval for Aviara Phase III The request is to be heard at the May 5, 1999 Planning Commission hearing 3 Due to the above two items, we have not been able to obtain the required Department of Real Estate Public Report approvals needed to close our homes in the first three phases of the project 4 Our existing lender agreements specify that only a certain number of homes can be under construction at any one time Should you require additional information to complete this request, don't hesitate to call me at (619) 404- 9782 direct dial Very truly yours, THE BREHM COMPANIES Klaus Mendenhall Aviara Project Manager Attachments 0-I 0. _ O1Q. 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