HomeMy WebLinkAbout1675 FARADAY AVE; ; CB970548; Permit10/14/97 13:52 Page 1 of 1 B U I L D I N G P E R M I T Permit No: CB970548 Project No: A9700717 Development No: Suite: IMPROVEMENT Lot#: Job Address: 1675 FARADAY AV Permit Type: INDUSTRIAL TENANT Parcel No: 212-130-33-00 Valuation: 1,189,578 Occupancy Group: Description: 45,753 : 15,586 Reference#: Con~Uf-OYf41!7 ':6cf0l.e61 II<ffJ stcetPRMt ISfi3fmnOO Applied: 03/11/97 SF TENANT IMPROVEMENT SF OFFICE/ 30,167 SF MANUFACTURE Apr/Issue: 10/14/97 Entered By: RMA Appl/Ownr: MONTELLO, TERRY 4715 60TH ST SAN DIEGO CA Fees Required 92115 --· *** 619 229-0642 Fee~,Collected & Credi ts *** --" ----------------------------· --------------------------------------------Fees: Adjustments: Total Fees: / 25,74~.oo _ ,, , /, ,OQ-,. ,"\\, 25,?46.0Q,_ , /,.,..-.. ' , /'\: , "'·, ',, -Total· Credi't.s: Total, .-?lyme_11t~; -l3ala'!:iok ·oue :\ .00 2,548.00 23,198.00 -..' ' , / ,,r , \ Fee description 1 ' , / , -~" _ Urti ts,. ·-Eee)'Un'i t Ext fee Data ____________________ ;..,__+ ~._~ -·-,, ----., ,,v~~t--."'~-~-·,. ____ \, "...:;:-_;,,1~J---~.------------------ Building Permit --_ ·-,_,_.,.·; 3920.00 Plan Check ,.; :·,-,::,,2-:;..-_,~}--, \ 2548. 00 Strong Motion Fee , ·,. \ .,, '{' -250,00 or manually enter L i_cens e Tax ·.ci,. / ¾): ,.'...;)~.:ts . 5!.,_~ --~:!J , 7 3 7 5 . 0 0 Enter Traffic Impact Fee -/\! i >" ~'~-! 9194f ;,q.t;hv: 1, 9944. 00 * BUILDING TOTAL . · r,· ', ·">-1) , \ ':) j _: 240 37. 00 Enter II Y" for Plumbing Issue" _fe~~·(' }r-'.; r-,;~.<' / 2 0. 00 Y Each Plumbing Fixture or Trap 1 '--), ·t · ,·-~->_.--53 ;' 7. 00.' 371. 00 Each Water Heater anct/or :Vent_ > (,; -2/ 7,q.o 14.00 Gas Piping System 1f:),~:;~~:.',T:::D ,./~, :_·,~ , 7 100 14. 00 Each Vacuum Breaker -_. -:: : ->, :, f\\ -.( 7. 00 21. 00 * PLUMBING TOTAL (. --:"-~ / 440. 00 Enter "Y" for Electric Is~ue·· i._,e--~ ---·-·,\ ·:;_ 10. oo Y Remodel/Alter Per AMP .} <· ·_'\4000 .25 1000,00 * ELECTRICAL TOTAL ._ 1010.00 Enter 'Y' for Mechanical Issue Fee> 15.00 Y Install Furn/Ducts/Heat Pumps > 22 9.00 198.00 Each Exhaust Fan > 7 6.50 45.50 * MECHANICAL TOTAL 259.00 CITY OF CARLSBAD l=-~1--f.1._ Sf ~OVAL r,,,q//Wkm-DATE# 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 / c_, )C # LJ 5 a.otj V PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 Business Name (at this address) Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Assessor's Parcel(;}_ \ 'd-_ \ 3 O _ 3 3 Existing Use Proposed Use r:~~~e""" -ecm. , < : 0 d ,!l •. -·EJ:!T:rx_ q_vy-=f // {) _7 Name A dress [~ .. : ~ ®NIM¢T-Q!L-;P.91'Jf P~NYJl!~.M!;:. ·-' · • . .. , .. __ · . · -, · ·. Name State License# _________ _ Designer Name State License # _________ _ [s; .. -' wo..RKeRS'::t}oMfEMA:troN · __ 't ___ .. ___ . + -~ . ·· ... ,"-· ,.... · · ---· ··.::-:::~:::· ..... Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: D I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. D I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company____________________ Policy No •. ____________ Expiration Date _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100) OR LESS) D CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attormiy's fees. SIGNATURE'-------------------------------DATE _________ _ [i .... :::QW,rJJ;R;,,al/!L.P.ElfIDtQ);'1~Vi::'JJPJ1,C:.:.. .. ...... : ~-~·.:· .. ·.· __ I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: D I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for, the purpose of sale). D I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contractlf!<?fsu;91},, ilio!~c~s,wtiti,.:9_2ntr~~tor(sl::·m::ensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). D I am exempt l!nder Section ______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. D YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted, with the following person (firm), to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license number): _____________________________________________ _ 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number I type of work): _______________________________________________________ _ DATE ________ _ Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES D NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? D YES D NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? D YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR' IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. rs-~~~QN~TilY9ll,Q~eNmflG:~4.§gffcy,~/:'·~~~=-~==-=-~-~~-~YA~,,,~ , ,, N,_ , ___ ~· ,w~ -~-~~ --~, "' ~------• -~-A~ ,,,:, I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil-Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS ________________________ _ ~-i~;;~ePM.QANT~&P.13TJft<U~fl'lQtL>.w, , .. ; . .,_."~-.-, ___ ... ,. A, ) ,...,, S ', -, ' , ' , <,,, ·:----,,, I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not comm d within 365 d s fr he date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any·time after the work is ys (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). .,0 • J l · 9~ APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ----r----,r-t_.,..--~~~~-----------DATE --"',-·~-d-+---,l--1---+--1---t--1--- PINK: Finance S E W E R P E R M I T 10/14/97 13:51 Pa<;:re 1 of 1 Permit No: SE970057 Bldg Planck#: CB970548 Job Address: 1675 FARADAY AV Permit Type: SEWER -OFFICE/WAREHOUSE Parcel No: 212-130-33-00 Suite: 0209 10/14/97 0001 01 02 C-PRMT 28853n00 Description: THE IRIS GROUP 30,167 S.F. WAREHOUSE TO OFFICE ONLY Permitee: MONTELLO, TERRY 4715 60TH ST 619 229-0642 Status: ISSUED Applied: 04/15/97 Apr/Issue: 10/14/97 Expired: Prepared By: MAM SAN DIEGO CA 92115 *** Fees Required *** F'ees Collected & Credi ts *** ----------------------------, -(/ , -~'" Fees: 28,853.-00 1 --,, Adjustments: , , . OQ; ,, \, · -'/ Totai Credi'ts: . 00 Total Fees: 28,8'53,00-. _'._, T~tcil;P:aym~nt};,: .oo B:.a.i&n,ce; ·0,4:e \ 28,853. oo Fee description . :--:. •Uh.its, · ;'F,'e:e/Urti t Ext fee Data -------------------_: ~~---'L ~ ,·-----,_, ·,:::'f'7: :...·' _____ \.:_>~---. ___ '------------------- Enter Office Square Footage' ,) ._ ...... 3,0;1.67 · \ ·;, ,: 16. 76 <Enter CREDIT EDUs) ,,:<"·,, -=>. · :· .. , .:' .. :.:;;.:-e_:".'~z( -6. 0 3 Total EDUs ... ,. .,-' · · ... 10. 73 Sewer Fee , , , · <' :J-, .-J: ., 19421. 00 Enter Sewer EDUs a:nd :$enefit Are,a.· >. ':,,-·; 19--rt(";-J:· \ ,, 94:32.00 F * SEWER TOTAL 1-~ , . ,,Tjj.'_-\ :}J __ ' .~_\:'·,::~-~_-,//_/ 28853.00 \, :;1/~ t _,.;r ' ,.),. 7 :_ ' \.'\ • f / ,r '. '' ', : ,.,-_; "-, \ )Nco::;;>('H1/.._ r:o FiNAL APfif:OVAL -) D -, . '""'=----i\TE __ _ CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERMIT# CB970548 CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST FOR 03/16/98 IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION: 45,753. SF TENANT 15,586 SF OFFICE / 30,167 SF MANUFACTURE INSPECTOR AREA TP PLANCK# CB970548 OCC GRP TYPE: ITI JOB ADDRESS: APPLICANT: 1675 FARADAY AV MONTELLO, TERRY CONTRACTOR: OWNER: REMARKS: C/ SPECIAL INSTRUCT: TOTAL TIME: --RELATED PERMITS--PERMIT# CB962041 SE960138 AS970045 FS970019 FAD97033 SE970057 WM970035 CB972342 SE970186 CB973796 FA980002 FAD98005 CB980150 TYPE INDUST SWCI ASC FIXSYS FADD swow WMETER ITI swow ITI FALARM FADD ITI STE: CONSTR. TYPE IIIN LOT: PHONE: 619 229-0642 PHONE: ~ PHONE: INSPECTOR STATUS ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS 19 ST Final Structural /J£_ 29 PL Final Plumbing 39 EL Final Electrical 49 ME Final Mechanical t -------~---------- ------------------ -------~---------- ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS 030598 Final Combo co TP SEE CORR LIST ATTCH 022498 Rough/Ducts/Dampers PA TP EQUPT@ ROOF ND RE=LOC VENT 022498 Rough/Ducts/Dampers AP TP PLMNS, DUCTS 2ND FLR CEIL 022398 Rough/Ducts/Dampers NR TP NO SUPR ON SITE 021898 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding AP TP T-BAR GRID COMP 021898 Rough Electric AP TP CEIL LITES 021898 Rough/Ducts/Dampers AP TP DUCTS, PLMNS 021898 Rough/Ducts/Dampers PA TP PLMNS@ OPEN AREAS 1&2 FLR 012898 Rough Electric AP TP MAIN & SUB PNLS 012398 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding AP TP T-BAR CEIL@ RM210,213,214,11 012398 Rough Electric AP TP 012398 Rough/Ducts/Dampers AP TP 012398 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding PA TP LOBBY SOFFITS 012398 Rough Electric PA TP LOBBY SOFFITS CEIL LITES 03/13/98 DATE 03/05/98 03/05/98 02/24/98 02/24/98 02/24/98 02/23/98 02/23/98 02/18/98 02/18/98 02/18/98 02/18/98 02/18/98 01/28/98 01/28/98 01/23/98 01/23/98 01/23/98 01/23/98 01/23/98 01/23/98 01/23/98 01/08/98 01/08/98 01/08/98 01/08/98 12/31/97 12/31/97 12/31/97 12/31/97 12/22/97 12/22/97 12/22/97 12/12/97 12/12/97 12/12/97 12/12/97 12/12/97 12/06/97 12/06/97 12/06/97 12/04/97 12/04/97 12/04/97 12/04/97 12/04/97 12/04/97 12/01/97 12/01/97 12/01/97 12/01/97 12/01/97 12/01/97 12/01/97 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT# CB970548 INSPECTION TYPE Final Combo Final Combo Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough/Ducts/Dampers Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough Combo Rough Electric Rough Electric Ftg/Foundation/Piers Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel Frame/Steel/Bolting/We! Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel Rough Electric Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough Combo Frame/Steel/Bolting/We! Interior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Rough Electric Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel Interior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Frame/Steel/Bolting/We! Rough Electric Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough/Ducts/Dampers Interior Lath/Drywall Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Interior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Rough Electric Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough/Ducts/Dampers Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wal Frame/Steel/Bolting/We! Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel Interior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Rough Electric INSP ACT RI RI TP CO RI RI TP PA TP AP RI RI TP NR TP AP TP AP TP AP TP PA RI RI RI RI TP AP TP NR RI RI TP AP TP PA TP AP TP PA TP AP TP AP TP NR TP AP RI RI TP AP RI RI TP AP TP AP RI RI RI RI TP AP TP AP RI RI TP AP RI RI TP AP TP PI TP AP TP PI RI RI TP PI RI RI TP PI RI RI TP PI RI RI TP AP TP AP RI RI TP AP TP AP RI RI HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE ••. COMMENTS B/MARK/619-520-1409 SEE CORR LIST ATTCH C/MARK/619/520-1409 EQUPT@ ROOF ND RE=LOC VENT PLMNS, DUCTS 2ND FLR CEIL C/MARK/619/520-1409 NO SUPR ON SITE T-BAR GRID COMP CEIL LITES DUCTS, PLMNS PLMNS@ OPEN AREAS 1&2 FLR C/MARK/619/5209-1409 C/MARK/619/520-1409 MAIN & SUB PNLS G.B. @ WHSE C/MARK/619/520-1409 T-BAR T-BAR CEIL@ RM210,213,214,116 LOBBY SOFFITS LOBBY SOFFITS CEIL LITES LOBBY/RM 202 2ND FLR DUCTS@ LOBBY/RM 202 2ND FLR C/520-1409 COMP C/MARK/619/520-1409 COMP COMP C/MARK/619/520-1409 C/MARK/619/520-1409 2ND FLR RAD SOFF 2ND FLR RAD SOFFIT C/MARK/619/520-1409 CEIL LITES@ 2ND FLR RAD SOFFI C/MARK/619/520-1409 DUCTS@ 2ND FLR RAD SOFFIT UFFER GRN FOR ADDED SERVICE C/MARK/619/520-1409 C/MARK/619/520-1409 C/MARK/619/520-1409 C/619/520-1409 1ST FLR COMPLETE 2ND FLR REST, & G.L. 5-6 J-N C/619/520-1409 1ST FLR COMPLETE WALLS 2ND FLR REST RM AREA C/619/520-1409 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB970548 FOR 03/16/98 DESCRIPTION: 45,753 SF TENANT IMPROVEMENT 15,586 SF OFFICE/ 30,167 SF MANUFACTURE INSPECTOR AREA TP PLANCK# CB970548 CCC GRP TYPE: ITI JOB ADDRESS: 1675 FARADAY AV STE: CONSTR. TYPE IIIN LOT: ***** INSPECTION HISTORY***** DATE 012398 010898 010898 010898 123197 123197 123197 122297 121297 121297 121297 120697 120697 120697 120497 120497 120497 120197 120197 120197 120197 120197 120197 111997 111997 111897 111497 111397 111397 111397 111097 111097 111097 103097 103097 103097 103097 103097 102097 101697 DESCRIPTION Ftg/Foundation/Piers Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Interior Lath/Drywall Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough Electric Interior Lath/Drywall Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough Electric Interior Lath/Drywall Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough Electric Interior Lath/Drywall Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough Electric Rough Electric Interior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Interior Lath/Drywall Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Interior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Rough Electric Interior Lath/Drywall Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough/Topout Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough Electric Rough Electric Rough/Topout Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough/Ducts/Dampers Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding ACT NR AP NR AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP PI PI PI PI PI AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP PI AP AP PA PI AP co AP AP AP AP AP co co PA INSP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP COMMENTS G.B. @ WHSE LOBBY/RM 202 2ND FLR DUCTS@ LOBBY/RM 202 2ND FLR COMP COMP COMP 2ND FLR RAD SOFF CEIL LITES@ 2ND FLR RAD SOFF DUCTS@ 2ND FLR RAD SOFFIT 2ND FLR RAD SOFFIT UFFER GRN FOR ADDED SERVICE WALLS/PART CEIL 1ST FLR WALLS REST,& G.L. 5-6 J-N 1ST FLR COMPLETE WALLS 2ND FLR REST RM AREA 1ST FLR COMPLETE 2ND FLR REST, & G.L. 5-6 J-N 1ST FLR LOBBY, REST RM NOT COMP KIT 135,RESTRM #131,133,HAL13 WALLS@ BRK RM 1ST LAYER 2HR WALLS QUESTION 2ND FLR 2ND FLR 1ST FLR@ HARD LIDS WALLS 1ST FLR N/INCL LOBBY CEIL@ 1ST FLR REST RMS 1ST FLR 1ST FLR N/INCL LOBBY AREA EXHAUST FANS N/CONNECTED HIGH WALLS W/O ELECT & PLUMB 07/01/98 DATE 03/16/98 03/05/98 03/05/98 02/24/98 02/24/98 02/24/98 02/23/98 02/23/98 02/18/98 02/18/98 02/18/98 02/18/98 02/18/98 02/18/98 01/28/98 01/28/98 01/23/98 01/23/98 01/23/98 01/23/98 01/23/98 01/23/98 01/23/98 01/08/98 01/08/98 01/08/98 01/08/98 01/08/98 12/31/97 12/31/97 12/31/97 12/31/97 12/22/97 12/22/97 12/12/97 12/12/97 12/12/97 12/06/97 12/06/97 12/06/97 12/04/97 12/04/97 12/04/97 12/01/97 12/01/97 12/01/97 12/01/97 12/01/97 12/01/97 11/19/97 11/19/97 11/18/97 11/14/97 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT# CB970548 INSPECTION TYPE INSP ACT COMMENTS Final Combo RI Final Combo RI Final Combo TP Rough/Ducts/Dampers RI Rough/Ducts/Dampers TP Rough/Ducts/Dampers TP Rough/Ducts/Dampers RI Rough/Ducts/Dampers TP Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wal TP Rough/Topout TP Rough Electric TP Rough/Ducts/Dampers TP Rough/Ducts/Dampers TP Rough Combo RI Rough Electric RI Rough Electric TP Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel RI Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel TP Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wal TP Rough Electric TP Rough Electric TP Rough/Ducts/Dampers TP Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wal TP Rough/Topout TP Rough Electric TP Rough/Ducts/Dampers TP Rough Combo RI Frame/S-teel/Bolting/Wel TP Interior Lath/Drywall RI Interior Lath/Drywall TP Rough Electric TP Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel TP Interior Lath/Drywall TP Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel TP Rough Electric TP Rough/Ducts/Dampers TP Interior Lath/Drywall _ TP Rough Electric TP Rough/Ducts/Dampers TP Interior Lath/Drywall TP Rough Electric TP Rough/Ducts/Dampers TP Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel TP Frame/Steel/Bolting/We! TP Interior Lath/Drywall TP Interior Lath/Drywall TP Rough Electric TP Rough Electric TP Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel TP Interior Lath/Drywall TP Interior Lath/Drywall TP Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel TP RI C/ RI B/MARK/619-520-1409 CO SEE CORR LIST ATTCH RI C/MARK/619/520-1409 PA EQUPT@ ROOF ND RE=LOC VENT AP PLMNS, DUCTS 2ND FLR CEIL RI C/MARK/619/520-1409 NR NO SUPR ON SITE AP T-BAR GRID COMP WC AP CEIL LITES AP DUCTS, PLMNS PA PLMNS@ OPEN AREAS 1&2 FLR RI C/MARK/619/5209-1409 RI C/MARK/619/520-1409 AP MAIN & SUB PNLS NR G.B. @ WHSE RI C/MARK/619/520-1409 T-BAR AP T-BAR CEIL@ RM210,213,214,116 PA LOBBY SOFFITS AP PA LOBBY SOFFITS CEIL LITES AP AP LOBBY/RM 202 2ND FLR WC NR AP DUCTS@ LOBBY/RM 202 2ND FLR RI C/520-1409 AP COMP RI C/MARK/619/520-1409 AP COMP AP COMP WC AP 2ND FLR RAD SOFF AP 2ND FLR RAD SOFFIT AP CEIL LITES@ 2ND FLR RAD SOFFI AP DUCTS@ 2ND FLR RAD SOFFIT PI AP OFFER GRN FOR ADDED SERVICE PI PI PI PI AP 1ST FLR COMPLETE AP 2ND FLR REST, & G.L. 5-6 J-N AP 1ST FLR COMPLETE AP WALLS 2ND FLR REST RM AREA AP WALLS/PART CEIL 1ST FLR AP WALLS REST,& G.L. 5-6 J-N AP LOBBY, REST RM AP 1ST FLR PI NOT COMP WC HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE •.. 07/01/98 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT# CB970548 DATE INSPECTION TYPE INSP ACT COMMENTS 11/14/97 Interior Lath/Drywall TP AP KIT 135,RESTRM #131,133,HAL132 11/14/97 Rough Electric TP WC 11/14/97 Rough/Ducts/Dampers TP WC 11/13/97 Interior Lath/Drywall TP PA 1ST LAYER 2HR WALLS 11/13/97 Rough Electric TP AP WALLS@ BRK RM 11/13/97 Rough/Ducts/Dampers TP PI QUESTION 11/10/97 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel TP co 2ND FLR 11/10/97 Rough/Topout TP AP 2ND FLR 11/10/97 Rough Electric TP WC 11/10/97 Rough/Ducts/Dampers TP AP 1ST FLR@ HARD LIDS 10/30/97 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel TP AP 1ST FLR N/INCL LOBBY AREA 10/30/97 Rough/Topout TP AP 1ST FLR 10/30/97 Rough Electric TP AP 'WALLS 1ST FLR N/INCL LOBBY 10/30/97 Rough Electric TP AP CEIL@ 1ST FLR REST RMS 10/30/97 Rough/Ducts/Dampers TP co EXHAUST FANS N/CONNECTED 10/20/97 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel TP co 10/20/97 Rough Electric TP WC 10/20/97 Rough/Ducts/Dampers TP WC 10/16/97 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel TP PA HIGH WALLS W/O ELECT & PLUMB HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE .•• A FAX FROM 475 w. Bradley Avenue, cl Cajon, CA 92020 Phone: 619/440-7424 Extended: 619/286-1515 FAX: 619/440•8914 ATTENTION: ann ./:::... ·coMPANY NAME:. ___ .,;;:;~~-¥-j/ __________ _ 'rtv:. i~UM6i=R: (___), _______ __,_ ______ _ FROM: 7~~ DATE: !a/JjtJJ _ TIME:. ___ _ NUMBER OF~ AGES (i11ctudingca~ersheet) _1.,__. __ lf transmiss;on is incomplete cail: (6i9) 440-7424. • • I ---------------~--------------·-~ ·-·· -----------~------· ------------· ... ,_ ... ,_, . -·--·-- ---------------------·-·--·--·---· G33e:I Ott 0c:9r l66r-l0-1Jo .. . SCHIAMEA ENGINEERING COAPCJFIATION Odober2.1997 Mr. Glenn Adamek ESGfL Corporation 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 San Ciwgo, Califomia 92123 Re: Iris Group Tenant Improvement 1675 Faraday Avenue Car1sbad, CA Plan Cheek No. 97-548 SEC P.-oject No. 2097104-000 Dear Glen: Schirmer Engineering Corporation (SEC) has reviewed the proposed mechanical ventilation system for the work s1ations to be located \llilhin Scanning Room 128 of the abovHufarenced facility. The purpon of this review was to determine if the dilution ventilation -proposed iS equivalent to the requirements of California Building Code (CBC) Sedion 1207.S. Which requites a mit\imum of 8 air changes per hour at ar near floar le"el. This f9POrt -prasants the findings of our review. Scanning Room 126 O.Criptietn IRIS use.s computer seaMing and enhanced graphics to produce post cards. As part of the process 1hey wilr utilize VARN (Class II -flammable liquid) to dean the phOfOQtapNC film. Scanning R~ 126 is a sepnte mom appmximatety 973 square foet ln &ize with an approximate ceiing height al 21 feet. Within this room VARN will be dispen$Gd from 1.1 Jiter squeeze bottles at four work stations located on one larg& tabla. Tha squaaze bottles are ·Sf)ill proor contamen; wttn small dispenser tipa far use in applyinQ the liquid direct to gauze wipes. The moiStened wtpe5 will then be used to dean the film befon, it is loaded onm the press. The tabfe, upon which the work stations are srtuated, is 120 inchu by 60 inches in siZe. Tha table is partitioned into tour equal quadrant&, eiidl have a \¥Orking surface area of 1800 square inches (see attached woJ1t station sketci\). A contatl'lmant lip will be provided to contain the futl quantity of liquid from one container on the W0f'k station tap. Mechanical System Analysis The mechanical ventilation $y&tem proposed far Scanning ftoorn 128 c:ansist5 or a 500 crm exhaust fan located at the roof of the building. A duct system will run from the fan dimcUy FirB Prot.saion EngtHr!J~rmq • D:,de Consulr,ing ,.. Loss Control • Security Systern Design C::0"d CT33cl 01::1 0C:::9i: l66i:-l0-1JO ·. down to e.uc;h work stiltion. Dud 5i2:e will be 12 inches. The duct inlet will be located approxitnatejy 6 inches from ii. 'lll'Ork station wooong surface. CBC Section 1207.5 requires that in areas where Class I. II. or m~A JiquktS are 1Jsecl, medlanieal exhaust shall b8 provided sufficient to produce six air changes par hgur, Tha mechanical AJChaust shalt be taken at or near floor level. The intent Of tt'tit requirement is to provide dilution ventilation such that the amount Of Vapor$ liberated from the flalrunable ct combustible liquids would not be sufficient to cause an expl01ion ar fira. Since most flammable or combunbla liquids are heavier tnar, air, th8 requirement to locate exhaust inlet$ at or near floor kwel is intended to direct exhaust ventilation to the moat likely area of vapor accwttutation. Ignitable mixturas of flammable liquids occur when the c:oneentralion of vapors within the air ara within a definite percentage range. c:ommonty referred to as the flammable (explosive} range. The tower limit of the range it known as the lOwar flammability limit (LFL). The upper limit is known as the upper flammability limit f UFL). Explosions can take plaCe an)rWhere within this ftammable range, nowever explosions of flanvnSble vapor-air mbcluras n.ur ttle loVter or upper limits of the flammable range are less intense than those occurring in tha intermediate concantrations. An efl'active metl'\Od to prevent deftagration or ignition of vapors is the use of dilution ventifation. ff sufficient dlUtion ts provided such that 1he area in questiOn is maintained belOw the LFL for the respective material. deftagratiOn or ignition will not occur. National F"na Protection Association Standard 68 (NFPA 68), Detlag,atian Prevention, proviae.s design guidelines for lhi5 method. NFPA 88 requiJeS that the environment be mainlained at or below 25 percent Of 1he LFL. The ventilation rate needed to maims.in a constant concentla1ian at a uniform generation rats is derived by $1Srting with a fundamental material balance and BS*lffling no contamimtnl in the air supply. In other words the Rate of AccumulatiOn -= R.ate of GeneratiOn • Rate Of Removal. The concentration of gas or vapor at a steady state wn be exp1essed by the rna1etial balance equatiOl'I:, Q=GIC Where~ Q = Effective flow rate G "= Generation rate C = Acceptable c:oneentratiOn 1 1~1.1$kial Ventilation, Arnenc:an Conferenc;e of Governmental tndustriat ~nists CT33c:l 01:l rc:9r l661-l0-1Jo •. Modifying this equation to yield air quantities to dilute below the LFL. a::: £@3) (,SP GR liquid) 100 (ER> CSE) (MW liquid) CL.FL) (B) Where: Q = Rate of air required to maintain an atmosi,here below the LFL {dm} SP GR Liquid = Specific gravity of the liQuid ER ;: Liquid evaporation rate (pints/min) SF = Safety Faclor (f o maintain the ait 25% below the LFL, SF = 4) MW= Molecular weight of the liquid e = Cons18nt whk:h takes into account the fact ttaat tne LFL of a solvent mixture decraases at evaluated temperatute.s.. B s 1 for temperatures up to 250"'F. AH of the above variatlle$. with the exception of the evaporation rate. can be determined flVffl ttle material tharacleri5tics. To simulate th& evaporation of VARN wtirch could occur upon the spHf of a 1. 10 firBr container. experimentaf testing was. conducted. A metal pan approximately 25 inches by 36 inches {900 square inches) was tilled wtlh 5SO miUiliters of VARN. Since the pan has 50% at the surface area of a work station quadrant (1800 square inches), this amount wiU provide eQUMllent liquid depth. thereby more accurately simulating 1he evaporation predicted from a JUI WOrk1 spill. The air temperature during 1he experiment was maintained at 78,,8QOF, During tha period of 35 minutes. approximately 380 milliliters of VARN evaporated (11.14 miRiliters per mimlle). This equates to 0.0235 pints per mir,ute. This evaporation rate is conSidered canservativa based upon the air temperature (78-SOC>F) which was much higher man that expected within the facility (72°F). In addition, the potential for a spill of the entire contents of a 1.10 litar squeeze bottle is very unlikely since rhe containers are spill proof. Using this evap()ration rate end th• rnsterial balance equation. 26 cfm of dilution ventilation is required at each quadrant of the wort station to maintain 111& work statian ernrimnment at or below 25 percent of the LFL (see altilched diti.,tion ventilatiOn calcUlations). Each ~nt of ertd1 work station will ba provided with 125 cfm of dilution ventilation. In addition, the duct face velodty ,iwithin each qua«ant or the work stations will be excess of 100 feet per minute~ which is tne minimum face velocity ~,ect tor fume hoods (National Fire ProtectiOn Association Standard~. F11& Pmtlldion for LabonllOl'iiN USinQ ~s). P,0"d G33cl Otl Tc:9T l66T-l0-1JO In conclusion, the proposed med'lanical ventilation system should provide adequate dilution ventilation sudl 1hat a flammable/explosiVe 3lll10sphere should not occur during noamal operations. Theretore. the proposed meehanical system exceeds the requirements cf CBC Section 1207.5. Sincerely, SCHIRMER ENGINEERING CORPORATION fk_((l.<9-&. Garner A. PalenSke. P.E. Engineering Manager GAP/kc S0'd G:33el Ot:f cc:9T l66T-l0-1JO ._ Dilution V!!f)t!lati9.0.Calculations Givan· evaporation rate of 0.0235 pints per minute $pedfic gravtty of VARN • 0.83 MOlecJJlar weight of VAFtN ; 120 Using Material Balance l;qlJ.alion~2 a = 403 L0.83> ,100) eo,0235>4 {120) (1) {1) =26cfm 2 See report for definition of variables. 90°d 033~ OtJ cc:9T l66T-l0-1JO l0'd 71::1101 ' . . .,. 0 SCAL..£ · ..,., . .._ .. .-.. . ... ' •' ·. ·. . . ~ COHSTR\JCTIQN L vVI~ I I '\V -b ... .,,,_ t • 11 ,. I I I (4) DUCT OUAO~NTS . ·DOWN·: 10· 6 ... Aav TABLE TOP' ·w1tH ; -1 / 4··, .WIRE. MESH. SC_REEN LJ l Al, K.8. !Yl . . a I _: ., · .. € • • • I ,. •• • I .1 •••• 1__;~----:--. -:--. _._ tXHAUS'f .DUCT._ .·. ·_· .. ·fAN -p~-·,;too~ •' . . : I 7 .... r,;,.~:-·· .,4 ", .. _ l-.: ,! :'' _,., _. . . : . . . .. -.-· ~SECURE·. QUC:t"W_C TO :-wo-RK STATIC .. _ .. _'. \'·' •''\ . _:.\. . I, • '1,,. '" : . • ;,· ~ • I• : ... _ .. I I -I . :. ' . ·:. , .. . . . ".• .. ·. · .. . . ·. ; -... . '. _. .... : .. :· :·-'· WORK ,·STATI . ·. · · ·, ·:-:-/ · .. · .. :-·.:.:·_· ... :(.BV· o;HE~~ I • • .• • . · .. _ .. :···.--;_: ~ .. ·-_.-: _:,··_ .-,. .. ,_. -~J:-·:·_: . . ~ .' ' .. . :· .. -.· .4 ·_:..-., • • . _ ..... SCAN ROOM---· EXHAU·ST o·ETAfL . ; .... . . .... ,. ,. -·, '. -.... ' . ·.· ... '· I. : ...... -., •" ., ; • • : .. . :-:_ · .. '' . . . : : .. ·_... : : . ~ ·, l0'd a33c:J 01::1 cc:91 l661-l0-1)O DATE: October 8, 1997 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-548 EsGil Corporation Professionaf Pum !R._eview 'F.ngineers SET: IV PROJECT ADDRESS: 1675 Faraday Avenue PROJECT NAME: T. I. Office/Manufacturing for The Iris Group ~NT ~ 0 PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE • The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: • Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed . . D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Abe Doliente Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA 0 CM D EJ D PC 10/7/97 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 DATE: August 20, 1997 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-548 EsGil Corporation Professiona[ Pfan !J?.!.view 'E11jJitteers SET: III PROJECT ADDRESS: 1675 Faraday Avenue PROJECT NAME: T. I. -Office/Manufacturing for The Iris Group D APPLICANT itJ JURIS. D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. • The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. • The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Terry Montello 4715 60th Street, San Diego, CA 92115 • Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Abe Doliente Enclosures: I Esgil Corporation a GA DCM D EJ D PC 8/13/97 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 ' Carlsbad 97-548 III August 20, 1997 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1675 Faraday Avenue DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 8/13/97 REVIEWED BY: Abe Doliente FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-548 SET: III DATE RECHECK COMPLETED: August 20, 199? This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does· not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints to: ESGIL CORPORATION. B. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. C. The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews. The original correction number has been given for your reference. In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items. D. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? DYes ONo • --· ~----....... _ .... -_.... ·--~---.-,.-~--. ..-:-... --_ ........ -.. · .. --~. -.r~.-.. - .. - Carlsbad 97-548 III August 20, 1997 2. Check final sets of plans for signatures. 6. Please see the following corrections for plumbing, mechanical and energy. + PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS + JURISDICTION: Carlsbad + PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 97-548 + PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek DATE: 8/20/97 SET: ill 1. Correct the exhaust ventilation for the Scanning Room # 126 to show, "where Class I, II, or Ill-A liquids are used (in any amount), mechanical exhaust shall be provided sufficient to produce six air changes per hour. Such mechanical exhaust shall be taken from a point at or near the floor." UBC, Section 1207.5 The exhaust fan # 3 does not provide 6 air changes per hour in the room, and is not taken from near the floor. If fume hoods are provide at each work station where the VWM by VARN Products Co. is limited to being used and provide 6 air changes per hour at each hood. this will meet the requirement. The plans do not show the fume hoods. (Provide plans and details of the fume hoods at the work stations.) Note: If you have any questions regarding this plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list ( or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. DATE: May 16, 1997 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-548 EsGil Corporation Professionaf Pfun !l{eview 'E.ngineers SET:II PROJECT ADDRESS: 1675 Faraday Avenue ~ANT ~ 0 PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE PROJECT NAME: T. I. -Office/Manufacturing for The Iris Group D The plans transmitted herewith have been-corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's*********** codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's ***U***I<* codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. · ·o The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. • The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. • The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Terry Montello 4715 60th Street, San Diego, CA 92115 • Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Abe Doliente Enclosures: Esgil Corporation 0 GA DCM • EJ D PC 5/8/97 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 97-548 II May 16, 1997 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1675 Faraday Avenue DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 5/8/97 REVIEWED BY: Abe Doliente FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-548 SET: II DATE RECHECK COMPLETED: May 16, 1997 This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and Ofdinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints to: ESGIL CORPORATION. 8. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. C. The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews. The original correction number has been given for your reference. In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items. D. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? DYes DNo I ' Carlsbad 97-548 II May 16, 1997 2. Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation, even though there are no structural changes. Business and Professions Code. Check final sets of plans for signatures. 3. 6. Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans that this -project shall comply with Title 24 and 1994 UBC, UMC and UPC and 1993 NEC. Please see the following corrections for electrical, plumbing, mechanical and energy at the end of this list. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Abe Doliente at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. + PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS + PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 97-548 SET: II + PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek/Eric Jensen 1. · Provide data on proposed hazardous material to be stored and used. UBC, Section 307 and UFC. a) Clearly show types of hazardous material, provide the Material Safety Data Sheets. b) Clearly show the amounts of each type of hazardous material to be stored and in use. c) Clearly show where in the buildings each type of hazardous material is being stored or used. d) For fumes or vapors that are heavier than air, exhaust shall be taken from a point within 12 inches of the floor. UFC, section 8003.18.2-5. Clearly note on the plans that no hazardous materials, including Class I, II, or Ill-A liquids, will be used at this facility or clearly show the required air/changes/hour where required. 2. Detail disposal sites of main condensate drainage from air conditioning units. UMC Section 310. Condensate disposal areas are not shown on the plans. DATE: March 22, 1997 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-548 EsGil Corporation Professional Pfan !Rf.view 'Engineers SET:I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1675 Faraday Avenue DAP~T CC!}URIS . 0 .PLAN REVIEWER D FILE PROJECT NAME: T. I. -Office/ Manufacturing for The Iris Group D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's *********** codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's ********** codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. · . \ ~ \ -~ D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. • The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corpor~tion until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. • The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Terry Montello 4715 60th Street, San Diego, CA 92115 • Esgil Corporation staff did. not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Abe Doliente Enclosures: Esgil Corporation • GA DCM • EJ D PC 3/13/97 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fa-x (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 97-548 March 22, 1997 PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-548 OCCUPANCY: B/S-1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST TENANT IMPROVEMENTS JURISDICTION: Carlsbad . USE: Office/Manufacturing TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: 111-N ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: Existing ACTUAL AREA: 45,753 SF (T. I. only) STORIES: 2 SPRINKLERS?: Yes REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: March 22, 1997 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): HEIGHT: no change OCCUPANTLOAD: -307 DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 3/13/97 PLAN REVIEWER: Abe Doliente This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 1994 UBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. LIST NO. 40, TENANT IMPROVEMENTS WITHOUT SPECIFIC ENERGY DATA OR POLICY SUPPLEMENTS (1994UBC) tiforw.dot Carlsbad 97-548 March 22, 1997 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92009, (619) 438-1161. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (619) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. 2. Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation, even though there are no structural changes. Business and Professions Code. 3. Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans that this project shall comply with Title 24 and 1994 UBC, UMC and UPC and 1993 NEC. 4. The tenant space and new and/or existing facilities serving the remodeled area must be accessible to and functional for the physically disabled. See the attached correction sheet. Title 24, Part 2. • MISCELLANEOUS 5. Sheet A8.2 of the plans is not included in the submittal. 6. Please see the following corrections for electrical, plumbing, mechanical and energy at the end of this list. 7. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. .,_ 8. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Carlsbad 97-548 March 22, 1997 Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes D No D The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Abe Doliente at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. DEPARTMENT OF STATE ARCHITECT NON RESIDENTIAL TITLE 24 DISABLED ACCESS REQUIREMENTS • GENERAL ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS • SIGNAGE 1. Where permanent identification is provided for rooms and spaces, raised letters shall also be provided and shall be accompanied by Braille. Section 11178.5. 2. Provide a note on the plans stating that the signage requirements of Section 11178.5 will be satisfied. + ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW + 1993 NEC + PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 97-548 + PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen 3. Commercial bathroom convenience receptacles are required to be GFCI protected.-(Not consistent throughout the plan) 4. Specify on the prints the receptacle and switch outlet heights (to comply with CEC 210-7(g) & 380-B(c)). 5. The City of Carlsbad does not allow the use of armored cable (ac/bx). Please specify the type of wiring method that will be used at this facility. 6. Rebar is not an acceptable grounding electrode for commercial applications in the City of Carlsbad. Please sp~cify what all the acceptable grounding electrodes will be. 7. Include all of the required exitway illumination on the floorplans. It is shown on the first floor, none on the second floor, and none in the warehouse/production areas. Carlsbad 97-548 March 22, 1997 8. Complete mechanical plans are provided in the mechanical sheets, yet nothing shows on the electrical? 9. This permit is for the tenant improvement. Provide panel schedules with complete electrical plans. If the production area is not covered by this permit, clearly note on the electrical plans that this permit does not include any equipment installation in the manufacturing, scanning, or future expansion areas of the shell building. 10. Include the fire alarm circuiting on the floorplans, panel schedule. Note: If you have any questions regarding this electrical plan review list please contact the plan reviewer listed above at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list ( or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. + PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS + PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 97-548 SET: I + PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek 1. Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the licensed designer. 2. Provide data on proposed hazardous material to be stored and used. USC, Section 307 and UFC. a) Clearly show types of hazardous material, provide the Material Safety Data Sheets. b) Clearly show the amounts of each type of hazardous material to be stored and in use. c) Clearly show where in the buildings each type of hazardous material is being stored or used. d) For fumes or vapors that are heavier than air, exhaust shall be taken from a point within 12 inches of the floor. UFC, section 8003.18.2-5 . • Carlsbad 97-548 March 22, 1997 • PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 3. Correct the water line sizing calculation table to show both flush tank and flush valve fixtures like the following: The water lines to the urinals are undersized, as per UPC Appendix A For 6 psig per 100 feet maximum allowable pressure drop, the maximum demands for each pipe size are as follows: Pipe Size GPM ft/sec FU tank 0 1/2" 4 4 5 0 3/4" 7 5 9 0 1" 14 5 20 0 1-1/4" 28 6 47 0 1-1/2" 43 7 95 0 2" 80 8 280 0 2-1/2" 135 8 555 FU FV 0 2 3 11 33 150 452 4. Show that water heater is adequately braced to resist seismic forces. Provide two straps. One strap at top 1 /3 of the tank and one strap at bottom 1 /3 of the tank. UPC, Section 510.0. • MECHANICAL (1994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 5. Show the location of the required access ladder to roof mounted HVAC equipment. UMC, Section 321.8 6. In Groups 8, F, M, and S Occupancies, or portions thereof, where Class I, II, or lll-A liquids are used (in any amount), mechanical exhaust shall be provided sufficient to produce six air changes per hour. Such mechanical exhaust shall be taken from a point at or near the floor. USC, Section 1207.5 7. Detail disposal sites of main condensate drainage from air conditioning units. ~ UMC Section 310. • ENERGY CONSERVATION 8. Provide plans, calculations and worksheets to show compliance with current energy standards. Provide the corrected and completed L TG-2 forms showing The install lighting level and corrected allowed lighting level. 9. Provide the corrected and completed L TG-2 forms showing the install lighting level. Carlsbad 97-548 March 22, 1997 10. Correct the L TG-2 form to show the correct Occupancies. The allowed lighting level is incorrect. The corridors, restrooms, and support areas are not shown on the L TG-2 form (Occupancy). The Lunch Room is dining occupancy, not Convention/Conference. 11. Provide calculations and show on the plans the Process Loads used in the energy design. See the PERF-1 part 3 of 3 and MECH-5 forms. 12. Provide automatic shut-off controls for lighting as per Title 24, Part 6, Section 131(d). 13. Show bi-level lighting controls as per Title 24, Part 6, Section 131 (b). 14. Show the daylit areas and required daylit area lighting controls for lighting in daylit areas. Title 24, Part 6, Section 131 (c). 15. The corrected, completed and signed PERF-1, ENV-1, LTG-1, and MECH-1 forms matching the energy design package must be imprinted on the plans. Note: If you have any questions regarding this plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list ( or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. Carlsbad 97-548 March 22, 1997 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-548 PREPARED BY: Abe Doliente DATE: March 22, 1997 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1675 Faraday Avenue BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B/S-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: 111-N BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER ($) Office 15,586 SF 26.00 ManufacturinQ 30,167 SF 26.00 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 1,189,578 • 1991 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 3,919.50 • 1991 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 2,547.68 Type of Review: • Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly. . '- D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 2,038.14 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 ft_,, ·1 l City of Carlsbad M ¥i h· 1 i 04§ Ai ;g. I •l§ •ki 4 I; ,t§ h I BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE: 4-;s-~2 ;:::::J__ PLANCHECKNo.: cs 97as~Y BUILDING ADDRESS: /6 ~S° ~----~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: j :/45j;d7v~-fi~' 77; ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBE~ ---------EST. ¼tiGii: ~ ___ _ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must .be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result jn suspension of permit to build: A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to · construction of the following improvements: Please se~th . attached report of deficiencies marked with Make necessary corrections to plans or specifj ation for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. By: --------Date: By: --------Date: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT: ,"ZJ)_~ ·oate:l!}/;//,? ATTACHMENTS Dedication Application Dedication Checklist Improvement Application Improvement Checklist Future Improvement Agreement Grading Permit Application Grading Submittal Checklist Right-of-Way Permit Application Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet ·sewer Fee Information Sheet \\Laspalmas\sys\l.lBRARYIENGIWORD\DOCSICHKLST\Buildlng P/ancheck Ck/st BP0001 Form MM doc ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON Name: Michele Masterson City of Carlsbad Address: 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 Phone: (619) 438-1161, ext. 4315 A-4 R••-12126'92075 Las Palmas Dr.• Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (619) 438-1161 • FAX (619) 438-0894 V~°' ~ ~o a 3RD.t Q a BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE PLAN 1. A. 8. C. 2. A. 8. 3. A. 8. C. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North Arrow D. Property Lines Existing · & Proposed. Structures E. Easements Existing Street Improvements F.· Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets G. Driveway widths Show on site plan: Drainage Patterns 1. Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course. 2. ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building." Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography Include ori title sheet: Site address Assessor's Parcel Number Legal Description For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE Q 5. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No .. _______________________ _ a 6. All conditions are in compliance. Date: __________ _ \\Lespelmes\sys\LIBRARYIENGIWORO\OOCS\CHKLSnBuilding Plancheck Cklsl BP0001 Form MM.doc Rev. 12/26/96 1sr,1 Cl a Cl a a BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 7. Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ _____ _, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. Dedication required as follows: ________________ _ Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 ½" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process. Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person. Applications will not be accept by mail or fax. Dedication completed by:____________ Date: ____ _ ·-IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 8a. All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $ ______ _, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. Public improvements required as follows: _____________ _ Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements. A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process. The completed application form and the requirements on the checklist must be submitted in person. Applications by mail or fax are not accepted. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit. Improvement Plans signed by: _________ _ Date: ____ _ 8b. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $ _______ so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit. Future public improvements required as follows: \\Laspalmas\sys\LIBRARYIENGIWORDIDOCSICHKLST\Bulldlng Plancheck Cklst BP0001 Form MM.doc Rev. 12/26/96 ' "' Cl Cl Cl Cl CJ CJ CJ ~o Cl BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST Sc. Enclosed please find your Future Improvement Agreement. Please return . agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department. Future Improvement Agreement completed by: Date: 8d. No Public Improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective improvements found adjacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11.06.030 of the Municipal Code. 9a. Inadequate information available .on Site Plan to make a determination on grading -requirements. Include accurate grading quantities (cut, fill import, export). 9b. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached. NOTE: The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Grading Inspector sign off by: Date: 9c. Graded Pad Certification required. (Note: Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required.) 9d. No Grading Permit required. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 10. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tieing into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. Right-of-Way permit required for: \\l.aspalmas\sys\l.lBRARY\ENGIWORD\DOCS\CHKLST\Building Plancheck Cklst BP0001 Fonm MM.doc Rev. 12/26/96 4 a a a a a BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 11. A SEWER PERMIT is required concurrent with the building permit issuance. The fee is noted in the fees section on the following page. 12. INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT is required. Applicant must complete Industrial Waste Permit Application Form and submit for City approval prior to issuance of a Permit. Industrial Waste permit accepted by: Date: 13. NPDES PERMIT Complies with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas. Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occu~st. ·- 14. e(Required fees are attached a No fees required 15. Additional Comments: \\Laspalmas\sys\LIBRARY\ENG\WORD\DOCS\CHKLST\Bullding Plancheck Cklsl BP0001 Fonm MM.doc Rev. 12126/96 5 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET D Estimate based on unconfirmed information from applicant. ';( Calc~lation based on building plancheck plan submittal. Address: ./lo 7 5 ~+,~ Bldg. Permit No.C.6 C/ 7004-8 Prepared by:fY>fJ.n\_ Date: ;IL 5./q7 Checked by: ____ Date; , 301./fo? -:-/8CO .:: //o. 7 fa EDU CAL~~ ":Yfses and square footages for all uses. 3 01 / b 7 ~ 5iCCD : zlo. 0.3? Types of Use: ~ ' Sq. Ft./Units3a, I b 1/:i EDU's: l (') °' 7 3 ,3Dt/ {p 7 b 03 ADT ~~5!£Pes and square footages for all use:;~~)) ~ -L. I S I). Types of Use: ,-1-Lt....1. , Sq. Ft./Units: 301/67J,<L /l'>~-r·s. 4-5 ;l_ FEES REQUIRED: WITHIN CFD: ~(no bridge & thoroughfare fee, reduced Traffic Impact Fee) ONO ~K-IN-LIEU FEE PARK AREA: -0 FEE/UNIT: X NO. UNITS: =$ ~RAFFIC IMPACT FEE ADT's/UNITS: 4-5 ;)._ X FEE/ADT: d_ d--=$ q_l g_# ~IDGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE l 0-ADT's/UNITS: X FEE/ADT: =$ ~AGILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE ZONE: -8 /4 UNIT/SQ.FT.: X FEE/SQ.FT./UNIT: =$ SEWER FEE PERMIT No. ____ _ EDU's: /0., J ?:> X FEE/EDU: }~ L 0 =$ l ~\ 4-;l./ , BENEFIT AREA: _j::--__ _ DRAINAGE BASIN: s-6 EDU's: /0;,] ~ ~RAINAGE FEES PLDA ___ _ ACRES: _____ _ ~EWER LATERAL ($2,500) X FEE/EDU: 8] J =$ q)4 3 J_ HIGH /LOW c:J X FEE/AC: =$ =$ .-fJ- TOTAL OF ABOVE FEES*:$ 3 ?f J 7q7 *NOTE: This calculation sheet is NOT a complete list of all fees which may be due. Dedications and Improvements may also be required with Building Permits. P:IDOCS\MISFORMSIFEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET REV 01/28/97 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ I M ~ .l!l .Sl "' "' 0 Cl J _) ~ ~ >->-.c .c ;;;; N .. ,,, ~ 0 Q) Q) .c: .t: u CJ C: C: "' "' c::: ii: .Sl Ill Cl >-.c ~ ~ Q) .t: PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Che" No. CB '11->°-ffe Planner uJ Ly,vfb, APN: 2.-{'2., -!'30 --'3 '!-, Address /6 '1 > FitMDA-V Phone (619) 438-11 61, ~tension l-ls ?.J / i-{Ln; -1; fl.dv,. (?. lo T (0 6 Type of Project and Use: .....r_l.:_N...;./J=IA-=-~;_I!,...._ ________________ _ Zone: CPI/\ Facilities Management Zone: __ r ___________ --,- CFrvlin!hut) # 7 ~ One (If property in, complete SPECIAL TAX CALCULATION WORKSHEET provided by Building Department.) Legend ~ ~Item Complete '(g)tem Incomplete -Needs your action E:(' D D Environmental Review Required: YES __ NO I!:{__ TYPE ___ _ DATE OF COMPLETION: ______ _ Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which requir:e 13ction. Conditions of Approval Discretionary Action Required: YES NO K TYPE __ _ APPROVAL/RESO, NO . .....,---...... ,--..... -''...,..·---=-DA:VE ___ _ -...! ,.;\. \ •• , .' -. ~ \ ,_ ~. -: PROJECT NO. _______ _ r ' i.. OTHER RELATED CASES: __________________ _ Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES NO.Q(__ If NO, proceed with checklist; if YES, proceed below. Determine status (Exempt or Coastal Permit Required): If Exempt, proceed with -checklist; if Coastal Permit required, hold building permit until Coastal Permit issued. · Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? YES NO If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. I , I I lnclusionary f:loQ$ing Fee required: .. YES __ . . NO _K_ (Effective date of lnclLJsibnc~w Housing Ordiri;rnce -May 21, l993.) ' . ' ' ~ - S. DI . \ . -". . \ ' .. It~ 1r;.:.ctn•;· -·. ·,_ .\ •;. . •. , r: -Provide a fully dimensional site plan drairt·to; scaI·e. Show:. North arrow, prpperty lines; easeli'l.ents;, e)(isting and pro1fos'ed stn.:ictures, Stre-et$, eX(Stlllg ~-D · stre~t improv~rnents, right.;.of:-yv\ay·,,wid:th, dimensional setback$ and existing topographiic.al. ·Iines .. 2, Provide l·egal. de$cription of property and assessor's parceJ number. ~ \'J. ~,·.-_.zoning: :~ · O'· D · : 1 , Setbacks: . ..A.n.JO/L-Front: . / N·~... b Int. Side_: . 1.-~~f~Street Stde .. 711~~-Rear: ·.~· ~:: ~:~g~:~et~e: ~D-D 4-.· Parking: Required. ~· Shown Required Shown Reqqired Shown Reqt,Jired. .. Shown ·Required Shown R'eqliired Shown Spaces; .Requirec;I .. · z--s. fti Shown 2--s e,. Shown . . ' OK ro ·,ssue AND ENTERE~ AP~RoVAL INTO ·COMPUTER JJ?,uL DATE (Q·f41 -. City of Carlsbad 97069 Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check Date of Report: Monday, March 24, 1997 ~A~ Reviewed by: ___ / 'k-=.---'-"--',,___-17---,:+ ib/L)(/1, 16,d~ Contact Name Terry Montello Address 4715 60Th Street City, State San Diego CA 92115 Bldg. Dept. No. CB97-548 Planning No. Job Name The Iris Group/fl Job Address _1_6-'---75_F_a_ra_d_ay..__ ____________ _ Ste. or Bldg. No. ____ _ ~ Approved -The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. D Disapproved -Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st'-----2nd __ _ 3rd. __ _ Other Agency ID CFD Job# __ 97_0_6_9 __ File# ___ _ 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • {619) 931-2121 Structural Calculations for The Iris Group Stairs Client: Hyndman & Hyndman Project No.: 97033 Contents Stringers ................................................................................................................................... 1 Existing Framing ..................................................................................................................... 2 Treads/IIandrails ...................................................................................................................... 3 Lateral ...................................................................................................................................... 4 BY DATE PROJECT PAGE OF $T;iC\)'(L 1,..0Av,::; ~ \/+1 PL..-1-\'·-ra 1 f-Er-'\OS L..l .-\ 1 • ' • ~, I I /-\i'-i // \"'-·'-'i · L.. \ 5 'f L.-F ;,.O fL.,p·· .. ___ J.rA t C:?.. ~---\ . . L.:=. --z....4' -.o . . ,-~ "1 .. :::. ?.;. 1 -o (,() 0 ::::. -, 1 ( :,o P s r-) -t-4 s -Pu~ ·::.. 1 z, s ? L.,f 12.. o -:::: , , <a, lv\-r-=-~1,~ 1-=r-r.... l.Jt-~~·(t<DOPSF) -· 300 -Pur R1..--= ~,(.p ~---· 4? 5 f't. .. t=-'{<.., -=-s, 2.2.. S (l..er:l'()::.. 13, & JJ\J" L--JM 1 --r-1..-, L, Y..?1==-·F""~,101'\L ro '-( 01--70 -o ,.,.-e, ', 5(i ~')( 1..4-)4 (17<-5) .I -~Q~ :: .:r~q-( 2, 9 1 0 0 o ':(-49) ~ I 0 { 1 N + ·-· -!-----------····- USS:. -c. l '"} .,, ....,, ';:l,/-;.... ' I~ i..., X...a.-r-r" ... .,., r.? ~ 4-f' l 76 -..--. ,. ... --·-. S \A \ \c.. 4:-t 'Z. ) ~ ': _.., ___ .._......,...,._,,.. ...... XL 9 -=-(), 95~ --3, 0 ~ p,_l::::: \'2. I..:;. j_,. 6 Rr--:. "Z., 15" I -i-,----·----------·---------C. j (_ y::. c...'D I 7 S :::. Z.. \ , 5 . I-~ I 1...·1 ---...... _ .. _____ ........ _, .-,.,. .... :.I} ,::.J.. ---::r ~ -1 ~ :> Q cl i!J ,/) -r;J. .. ·-- BY PROJECT NO. ':?17·"'~"1.. f· J-'..I. PAGE OF '?..'/?.," yt1;;.G1, v,/T, c..DHC, OVE;..(l 11/~'' ______ fAJ_~~-'3 1.C~t:J.) __ -1-:_~1-+ __ :;._t5s e1..,i::_ ___ _ ' t,,,J 1, :;-_ ~1 \ l OJ) :::-;,OD ro~\,G,t,.~ ... -~-. .'f\., :......'3? L_lt! ... ----- 5, 2-l,, .a:..5~ Pu=-7· V' R\'Q--=-Co, 13 ,n\ -,,.., s: --I'-,. -I-. --:-. . c;.. L .- 'fZ \ 1" ~ l'o,(o -' -? 7 1 _ 1' L/-1-"':> • ...,, ~,-~,-~ -_.,,-r 5' 11- R <- L-441 -0 33,0 PS:":!" flj I 'f' -·v..t.. -·---------------- k k k k. k k--k..._q \u1 (,, 4, , T , . r f2. z. R1.'0 =4-,07 12-1..t-::;. _7 I '1 ?. '(2.. 7... , -=-I '2. , 0 A -l c::.-I' ,j --"'-'2. 9 t....:.t,.. -I -1\..P .-;;:, ,; - I • ---,-•-·• •. L..":::..\3-0 (,2. \ 9 .::_ 3 I 9 :5' {2.\1-::.\1 101\~ tZ 2..o :::., '2 I~ (2.. z..-1~ ~ ei , si. \<. __ M.,,,_ =-:;;-1o , _ + rT -~ 6-i-t--:., 0 I '2..11 -1-('?) ":>9 0~ - --------·-·----------------·-- B _;_ --1-,, u ' ,1 J1 ;;.. . -·"' . ,J.···p -Cl} BY PROJECT NO . . 9]0"°}~ PAGE . '2... OF --------·----------·-. - $T,4itl... T~O~ _j;a\..i t ~1 . 1 . _ G~'.t. _ yl.," ':! 1.,0 f-,--=-.5, (£)¥-- CrL r< 2.-0 11 <:""- 0 - /Yh-~ \ B A-P-r--c. 5 ~a~~ 9 ·-~- I ... • I f Cl"l. 'I-20: .:7[_ r-=,01:s& MAi...1,,o'v,/ ':, s r-b -·o , 1-z..s (, t? )(1o v) ':. 1-, 1 1 J'-/ .. 1<··-,f o, 1 o ~-- -\?1.,..'=' -,:l;, ( I c..) ~ 6. -_..;_...;.._----0 ()? 4.'I O \( -4eE.\ -%(2.<-1 1000)(,015<.o') ' ·-·-··-+-·-·· .. =--~-~--... I u SE. 'IL\ I .q-; -.>'··-·-·i~"=~---,.-----··t=--~ V') S iJ P PC 12.:1 ' H/~,N 'O 'fZA 11-e, K.. 6. !?GE -~-___ ,._ ...... ~ \ f ---·----......... , .... .._., ---~,._. ..,.. .. - /Y,-::: Gq0('111 } =. \~6'.71N~\_6 .'/\ 5 -= \ 7.." (: I ?; 75) Y~-=-0, 0 7 . _.. --. MJ.~ =, 07 (,c.o)(;., ~ :-1519 LI/ ··LC: .. -----M~•••_,,--. ------·-••• - .. USE:-L+. )(. 4.. 1c~/u,;.:: __ u1 .. --··'-CO}\ITjJ\Jv'C'VS L-,. ;:;J. r i ~--~ BY -----o·-o ;;,·· -.,l..."f,-. ;::-_ I I;;;;, DATE -~h 7 PROJECT NO . ..: 0,2-;" 9J03~. PAGE OF .. ,. S YA tr<. ~ _l_~ ,_l-Af~l--__ J::f'.,6,q=.s ,'· ~ -P = ~ t C-p v,/ 'f ~ o 1 4 ( \ , o X o :1 s) 'v-J ~ -= o , 3 vJ f -----112.1----·· ,z:4j . --··· --t~l;!. w -=-[-:;o"(-3,·r,.; 4-sc-1 il O I -s··=A-f-y[.F ___ ··-· . . J c=--_ · · "'L 1 1 ~I '1 ::::L~::t 0.1-.:::. 6 \ [ I M =-\o. ++ PT-\.'. M'I::: '2.. ,9 ~-n-\c:: '.J'i... ----. --... -. -. --·. --------·-----... S'f.=2.9,& S'f-=:.. IS-,?... (' -::. \ 0 I tt4-( 11.' ') '2, 9 ~i.L1.'1 =-4 2.3 ~ ., '\,.:. I s-,.._ ""t-b 1.. 9 I G, '"t° / .s-I 2.. I I t;,. 1_.; ~\; - F¼7 =-.,CP (4-&)(1. ~})::. 3~17 \'<.5. 1 __ . _a~. CK . ( l ?... Y '?..0 11 M X = -f ,'? _f', :--Ir; t:l\.. J\A '\ .., F'i" K. '<\'-j ,_;, .... -, .. . -------··· --· •----- ...,.._ . -· <:;!_ ~ VJ BY ·cJ-c;·- 04/ J7 PROJECT NO. q7.Q3_~ PAGE 4- OF > TITLE 24 REPORT FOR: The Iris Group Carlsbad, California PROJECT DESIGNER: Hyndman & Hyndman 2611 South Highway 101, Suite 201 Cardiff, California 92007 (619)634-2595 REPORT PREPARED BY: Lee Sautereau North Arrow Design 4444 w. Pt. Loma Bl., Suite 71 San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 223-1018 Job Number: 40731 Date: 4/16/1997 The COMPLY 24 computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program has approval and is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by Gabel Dodd Associates (510) 428-0803. 97-~ire Table Of Contents for Title 24 Report Cover Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Nonresidential Performance Title 24 Forms 3 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 1 of 3) PERF-1 page 3 of 17 Run Initiation Time: 21:44:30 Runcode: 4331-579841408 Project Name: The Iris Group Address: Carlsbad, California Designer: Hyndman & Hyndman Documentation: North Arrow Design STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE Date: 4/16/1997 Building Permit No Checked by/ Date COMPLY 24 User 4331 This Certificate of Compliance lists the Building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6, of the state Building Code. This certificate applies only to a Building using the performance compliance approach. The Principal Designers hereby certify that the proposed building design represented in the construction documents and modelled for this permit application are consistent with all other forms and worksheets, specifi- cations, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building as designed meets the energy efficiency requirements of the State Building Code, Title 24, Part 6, Chapter 1. 1. I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed as a civil engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer or architect. 2. I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor preparing documents for work that I have contracted to perform. 3. I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section ____ of the _______ _ Code to sign this documen~ as the person responsible for its preparation; and for the following reason: ______________ _ SCOPE OF COMPLIANCE ENVELOPE - Principal Designer Hyndman & Hyndman (619)634-2595 LIGHTING - Principal Designer MECHANICAL - Principal Designer Brian Cox Mechanical (&I~) '7-tl ·· If 2'? (Designers should circle applicable paragraph numbers) Required Forms: ENV-1, ENV-2 Location of Mandatory Measures on Plans ~9-~,,, Ei"'f~ Q) 2 3 Required Location Required Forms: Location of Ma (Signatur~ (Dat; (Circle) LTG-2 MECH-3, MECH-4 lans 1 ~ 3 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 2 of 3) PERF-1 page 4 of 17 Run Initiation Time: 21:44:30 Runcode: 4331-579841408 Project Name: The Iris Group Documentation: North Arrow Design Date: 4/16/1997 COMPLY 24 User 4331 ANNUAL SOURCE ENERGY USE SUMMARY (KBtu/sqft-yr) Energy Component Space Heating Space Cooling Indoor Fans Heat Rejection Pumps Domestic Hot Water Lighting Receptacle Process TOTALS GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area: Average Ceiling Height: Glass Area/ Wall Area: Average Glazing U-Value: Front Orientation: 180 deg Number of Stories: Number of Zones: Number of Occupancies: 55263 15.8 0.23 1.19 (S) 1 29 4 Standard Proposed Compliance Design Design Margin --------------------------2.44 2.22 0.22 38.52 45.00 -6.48 45.05 38.39 6.66 o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.95 3.95 0.01 51.10 44.17 6.93 21.99 21.99 o.oo 63.63 63.63 0.00 --------------------------226.69 219.35 7.33 Compliance Method: COMPLY 24 v5.00 Location: Carlsbad Climate Zone: 7 SERVICE WATER HEATING System Type: System Efficiency: Pipe Insulation: Gas Fired 0.53 0 ZONE INFORMATION Floor Display Inst Tailored Process Tailored Area Perim. LPD Lighting Loads Vent. Zone Name (sqft) (ft) (w/sf) (watts) (w/sf) (y/n) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Office 104-107 656 0 o.oo 0 3 N Conference 102 512 0 0.00 0 0 N Lobby 101 2095 0 o.oo 0 0 N Conference 108 504 0 0.00 0 0 N Open Office 121 (Ext) 1008 0 0.00 0 3 N Open Office 127 (Ext) 840 0 o.oo 0 3 N Open Office 127 (Ext) 960 0 0.00 0 3 N Lunch 136 2068 0 0.00 0 0 N Scanning 126/128 1860 0 0.00 0 3 N Open Office 127 (Int) 4130 0 o.oo 0 3 N Open Office 121 (Int) 4558 0 0.00 0 3 N Bindery 125 6580 0 o.oo 0 1 N Printing 125 6580 0 0.00 0 17 N Open Office 202 1070 0 o.oo 0 3 N Office 203/204 600 0 0.00 0 3 N Office 205-207 912 0 o.oo 0 3 N Office 219-221 624 0 o.oo 0 3 N Open Office 208/218 3758 0 0.00 0 3 N Open Office 222 1660 0 0.00 0 3 N Future Exp 130 (U/Mezz) 4400 0 o.oo 0 0 N Future Exp 130 7200 0 0.00 0 0 N Future Exp 129 3196 0 o.oo 0 0 N Future Exp 122 6644 0 o.oo 0 0 N Alternate Exp 223-1 1472 0 0.00 0 0 N Alternate Exp 223-2 512 0 0.00 0 0 N Alternate Exp 223-3 864 0 0.00 0 0 N Alternate Exp 223-4 6640 0 o.oo 0 0 N M/W/J, Computerlll-120 2000 0 0.00 0 3 N Conf 210-216 2800 0 0.00 0 3 N PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 3 of 3) PERF-1 page 5 of 17 Run Initiation Time: 21:44:30 Runcode: 4331-579841408 -------------------------------·-------------------------------------------Project Name: The Iris Group Documentation: North Arrow Design Date: 4/16/1997 COMPLY 24 User 4331 The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation is accurate and complete. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Lee Sautereau (619) 223-1018 EXCEPTIONAL CONDITIONS COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. Single Reflective Shading Coefficient Value Entered= 0.350 Office 104-107 3.25 w/sf Process Load has been Input (See MECH-5) Open Office 121 (Ext) 3.25 w/sf Process Load has been Input (See MECH-5) Open Office 127 (Ext) 3.25 w/sf Process Load has been Input (See MECH-5) Open Office 127 (Ext) 3.25 w/sf Process Load has been Input (See MECH-5) Scanning 126/128 Occupancy type of Precision Industrial has been selected Scanning 126/128 3.25 w/sf Process Load has been Input (See MECH-5) Open Office 127 (Int) 3.25 w/sf Process Load has been Input (See MECH-5) Open Office 121 (Int) _3.25 w/sf Process Load has been Input (See MECH-5) Bindery 125 Occupancy type of Precision Industrial has been selected Bindery 125 1.00 w/sf Process Load has been Input (See MECH-5) Printing 125 occupancy type of Precision Industrial has been selected Printing 125 17.00 w/sf Process Load has been Input (See MECH-5) Open Office 202 3.25 w/sf Process Load has been Input (See MECH-5) Office 203/204 3.25 w/sf Process Load has been Input (See MECH-5) Office 205-207 3.25 w/sf Process Load has been·Input (See MECH-5) Office 219-221 3.25 w/sf Process Load has been Input (See MECH-5) Open Office 208/218 3.25 w/sf Process Load has been Input (See MECH-5) Open Office 222 3.25 w/sf Process Load has been Input (See MECH-5) M/W/J, Computerlll-120 3.25 w/sf Process Load has been Input (See MECH-5) Conf 210-216 3.25 w/sf Process Load has been Input (See MECH-5) BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF EXCEPTIONAL FEATURES JUSTIFICATION: The exceptional features listed in this performance approach application have specifically been reviewed. Adequate written justification and documentation for their use have been provided by the applicant. authorized signature or stamp CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Envelope Run Initiation Time: 21:44:30 Project Name: The Iris Group Documentation: North Arrow Design Const OPAQUE SURFACES Assembly Name Type Location/Comments R-11 Metal Stud Wall R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) R-11 Floor(F.11.2x6.16) Exposed Slab on Grade 8 11 Concrete Wall FENESTRATION Frame Orient Panes Type ------------------ Back (NE) 1 Metal Right (SE) 1 Metal Front (S) 1 Metal Front (SW) 1 Metal Left (W) 1 Metal Left (NW) 1 Metal Skylight 2 Metal Skylight 2 Metal Metal Wood Wood None None Exterior Shade OH -----------------------None N None N None N None N None N None N None N None N ENV-1 page 6 of 17 Runcode: 4331-579841408 Date: 4/16/1997 COMPLY 24 User 4331 Glazing Type Note to Field -----------------------Single Reflective Single Reflective Single Reflective Single Reflective Single Reflective Single Reflective Skylight Double Clear Default(R) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Lighting Run Initiation Time: 21:44:30 Project Name: The Iris Group Documentation: North Arrow Design INSTALLED LIGHTING SCHEDULE LTG-1 page 7 of 17 Runcode: 4331-579841408 Date: 4/16/1997 COMPLY 24 User 4331 Name Lamp Type No of Lamps Watts/ Lamp Ballast Type Ballasts/ No of Luminaire Fixt. Note to Field MANDATORY AUTOMATIC CONTROLS Control Control Location ID Control Type CON~ROLS FOR CREDIT Control Control Location ID Control Type Zone Controlled Zone Controlled Note to Field Note to Field -------------------------------------------------------------------! CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Mechanical (part 1 of 3) MECH-1 page 8 of 17 Run Initiation Time: 21:44:30 Runcode: 4331-579841408 Project Name: The Iris Group Documentation: North Arrow Design SYSTEM FEATURES Zone Name Time Control setback Control #of Isolation Zones HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Zone Name Time Control Setback Control #of Isolation Zones HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Code Tables Time Control S:Prog Switch O:Occ Sensor M:Man Timer HP-9,10,ll,&4X > None --8- Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp •f? No Economizer 2970 Heat Pump TRANE WCD240B300E DX HP-3,4,7,13,18 s None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp ~ No Economizer 1034 Heat Pump TRANE WCD075C300E DX Ventilation B:Air Balance C:OA Cert. M:OA Measure D:Demand Cont Date: 4/16/1997 COMPLY 24 User 4331 HP-2,12,14,21,&3X ~ None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp :t No Economizer 865 Heat Pump TRANE WCD048C300E DX HP-5,22,&lX $ None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant n/a n/a Constant +t Volume Temp Temp No Economizer 785 Heat Pump TRANE WCD090C300E DX OA Damper A:Auto G:Gravity Note to Field CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Mechanical (part 2 of 3) MECH-1 page 9 of 17 Run Initiation Time: 21:44:30 Runcode: 4331-579841408 Project Name: The Iris Group Documentation: North Arrow Design SYSTEM FEATURES Zone Name Time Control Setback Control #of Isolation Zones HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type Outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Zone Name Time Control Setback Control #of Isolation Zones HP Thermostat Electric Heat Fan Control , VAV Min Position Simul. Heat/Cool Heat Supply Reset Cool Supply Reset Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type outdoor Air CFM Heat Equip Type Make & Model No. Cool Equip Type Make and Model Code Tables Time Control S:Prog Switch O:Occ Sensor M:Man Timer HP-1&6 s None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Co~tant Temp b No Economizer 1348 Heat Pump TRANE WCD120B300E DX HP-16,17,19,&20 C! 2 None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant Volume n/a n/a Constant Temp Constant Temp ·t-? No Economizer 1043 Heat Pump TRANE WCD060C300E DX Ventilation B:Air Balance C:OA Cert. M:OA Measure D:Demand Cont Date: 4/16/1997 COMPLY 24 User 4331 HP-8&15 45 None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant n/a n/a Constant +t Volume Temp Temp No Economizer 1247 Heat Pump TRANE WCD150B300E DX HP-2X ~ None n/a Yes 0.0 KW Constant n/a n/a Constant coBtant b Volume Temp Temp No Economizer 77 Heat Pump TRANE WCD036C300E DX OA Damper A:Auto G:Gravity Note to Field CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Mechanical (part 3 of 3) MECH-1 page 10 of 17 Run Initiation Time: 21:44:30 Runcode: 4331-579841408 Project Name: The Iris Group Documentation: North Arrow Design Date: 4/16/1997 COMPLY 24 User 4331 DUCT INSULATION Duct Tape Insul Note to System Name Type Duct Location Allowed R-Val Field -------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANE WCD240B300E Heating Ducts in Conditioned y o.o Cooling Ducts in Conditioned y o.o TRANE WCD048C300E Heating Ducts in Conditioned y o.o Cooling Ducts in Conditioned y 0.0 TRANE WCD075C300E Heating Ducts in Conditioned y o.o Cooling Ducts in Conditioned y o.o TRANE WCD090C300E Heating Ducts in Conditioned y o.o Cooling Ducts in Conditioned y o.o TRANE WCD120B300E Heating Ducts in Conditioned y o.o Cooling Ducts in Conditioned y o.o TRANE WCD150B300E Heating Ducts in Conditioned y o.o Cooling Ducts in Conditioned y o.o TRANE WCD060C300E Heating Ducts in conditioned y o.o Cooling Ducts in Conditioned y o.o TRANE WCD036C300E Heating Ducts in Conditioned y o.o Cooling Ducts in Conditioned y o.o PIPE INSULATION Insul Note to System Name Pipe Type Required Field ------------------------------------------------- Domestic Hot Water y / N NOTES TO FIELD -For Building Department Use Only ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY -Performance (part 1 of 3)ENV-2 page 11 of 17 Run Initiation Time: 21:44:30 Runcode: 4331-579841408 Project Name: The Iris Group Documentation: North Arrow Design GENERAL INFORMATION BY ZONE Zone Name Occupancy ---------------------------------------------Office 104-107 Office Conference 102 Convention/Conference Lobby 101 Lobby (Office) Conference 108 Convention/Conference Open Office 121 (Ext) Office Open Office 127 (Ext) Office Open Office 127 (Ext) Office Lunch 136 Convention/Conference Scanning 126/128 Precision Industrial Open Office 127 (Int) Office Open Office 121 (Int) Office Bindery 125 Precision Industrial Printing 125 Precision Industrial Open Office 202 Office Office 203/204 Office Office 205-207 Office Office 219-221 Office Open Office 208/218 Office Open Office 222 Office Future Exp 130 (U/Mezz) Unconditioned Future Exp 130 Unconditioned Future Exp 129 Unconditioned Future Exp 122 Unconditioned Alternate Exp 223-1 Office Alternate Exp 223-2 Office Alternate Exp 223-3 Office Alternate Exp 223-4 Office M/W/J, Computerlll-120 Office Conf 210-216 Office Total Flr No 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Date: 4/16/1997 COMPLY 24 User 4331 Floor Display Area Volume Perim. ------------------ 656 5904 0 512 4608 0 2095 52375 0 504 4536 0 1008 12096 0 840 10080 0 960 11520 0 2068 24816 0 1860 46500 0 4130 49560 0 4558 54696 0 6580 164500 0 6580 164500 0 1070 10165 0 600 5700 0 912 8664 0 624 5928 0 3758 45096 0 1660 19920 0 4400 52800 0 7200 180000 0 3196 79900 0 6644 166100 0 1472 17664 0 512 6144 0 864 10368 0 6640 79680 0 2000 24000 0 2800 33600 0 ----- 76703 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY -Performance (part 2 of 3)ENV-2 page 12 of 17 Run Initiation Time: 21:44:30 Runcode: 4331-579841408 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------. Project Name: The Iris Group Date: 4/16/1997 Documentation: North Arrow Design COMPLY 24 User 4331 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPAQUE SURFACES Act Solar Type Area U-Val Azm Tilt Gains Form 3 Reference Location/Comments -----------------------------------------------------Wall 1570 0.671 45 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Bindery 125 Wall 2350 0.189 Int 90 No R-11 Metal stud Wall Bindery 125 Roof 6452 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Bindery 125 Slb 6580 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab On Grade Bindery 125 Wall 1570 0.671 45 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Printing 125 Wall 2350 0.189 Int 90 No R-11 Metal Stud Wall Printing 125 Roof 6452 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Printing 125 Slb 6580 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab On Grade Printing 125 Wall 345 0.671 315 90 Yes 811 Concrete Wall Future Exp 130 (U/Mezz) Slb 4400 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab On Grade Future Exp 130 (U/Mezz) Wall 1616 0.671 315 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Future Exp 130 Roof 7136 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Future Exp 130 Slb 7200 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab On Grade Future Exp 130 Wall 850 0.671 45 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Future Exp 129 Wall 2086 0.671 315 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Future Exp 129 Roof 3068 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Future Exp 129 Slb 3196 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab On Grade Future Exp 129 Wall 4680 0.671 45 90 Yes 811 Concrete Wall Future Exp 122 Wall 1050 0.671 135 90 Yes 811 Concrete Wall Future Exp 122 Roof 6516 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Future Exp 122 Slb 6644 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab On Grade Future Exp 122 Wall 456 0.671 135 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Alternate Exp 223-4 Wall 1248 0.671 225 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Alternate Exp 223-4 Wall 588 0.671 315 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Alternate Exp 223-4 Wall 1056 0.189 Int 90 No R-11 Metal stud Wall Alternate Exp 2~3-4 Roof 6640 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Alternate Exp 223-4 Flr 4400 0.092 Int 180 No R-11 Floor(F.ll.2x6.16) Alternate Exp 223-4 Wall 144 0.671 225 90 Yes 8" Concrete Wall Confere:pce 108 Slb 512 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab On·Grade Conference 108 Wall 336 0.671 45 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Office 203/204 Roof 600 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Office 203/204 Wall 180 0.671 180 90 Yes 8" Concrete Wall Office 219-221 Wall 96 0.671 225 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Office 219-221 Roof 624 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Office 219-221 Wall 468 0.671 135 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Alternate Exp 223-3 Wall 168 0.671 225 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Alternate Exp 223-3 Roof 864 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Alternate Exp 223-3 Wall 1128 0.189 Int 90 No R-11 Metal Stud Wall M/W/J, Computerlll-120 Slb 6558 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab On Grade M/W/J, Computerlll-120 Wall 228 0.671 225 90 Yes 8" Concrete Wall Open Office 121 (Ext) Wall 30 0.671 270 90 Yes 811 Concrete Wall Open Office 121 (Ext) Slb 1008 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab on Grade Open Office 121 (Ext) Wall 204 0.671 180 90 Yes 8" Concrete Wall Open Office 127 (Ext) Wall 48 0.671 225 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Open Office 127 (Ext) Flr 192 0.092 Int 180 No R-11 Floor(F.ll.2x6.16) Open Office 127 (Ext) Slb 840 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab On Grade Open Office 127 (Ext) Wall 840 0.189 Int 90 No R-11 Metal Stud Wall Open Office 127 (Int) Roof 620 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Open Office 127 (Int) Flr 1158 0.092 Int 180 No R-11 Floor(F.11.2x6.16) Open Office 127 (Int) Slb 4130 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab On Grade Open Office 127 (Int) Wall 420 0.671 225 90 Yes 8" Concrete Wall Office 205-207 Wall 60 0.671 270 90 Yes 8" Concrete Wall Office 205-207 Roof 912 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Office 205-207 Wall 84 0.671 135 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Open Office 127 (Ext) Wall 600 0.671 225 90 Yes 8" Concrete Wall Open Office 127 (Ext) Wall 264 0.189 Int 90 No R-11 Metal Stud Wall Open Office 127 (Ext) Flr 960 0.092 Int 180 No R-11 Floor(F.11.2x6.16) Open Office 127 (Ext) Slb 960 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab On Grade Open Office 127 (Ext) Wall 174 0.671 135 90 Yes 8" Concrete Wall Alternate Exp 223-1 Wall 672 0.671 225 90 Yes 811 Concrete Wall Alternate Exp 223-1 Roof 1472 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Alternate Exp 223-1 Wall 840 0.189 Int 90 No R-11 Metal Stud Wall Conf 210-216 Roof 2672 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Conf 210-216 Wall 78 0.671 135 90 Yes 8" Concrete Wall Lobby 101 Wall 300 0.189 Int 90 No R-11 Metal Stud Wall Lobby 101 Roof 1935 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Lobby 101 Slb 2095 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab on Grade Lobby 101 Wall 96 0.671 135 90 Yes 8" Concrete Wall Lunch 136 Wall 426 0.671 225 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Lunch 136 Wall 201 0.671 315 90 Yes 8" Concrete Wall Lunch 136 Wall 864 0.189 Int 90 No R-11 Metal stud Wall Lunch 136 Slb 2068 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab On Grade Lunch 136 Slb 6558 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab On Grade Open Office 121 (Int) Roof 3758 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Open Office 208/218 Wall 48 0.671 45 90 Yes 811 Concrete Wall Office 104-107 Wall 294 0.671 135 90 Yes 8" Concrete Wall Office 104-107 Wall 144 0.671 225 90 Yes 8" Concrete Wall Office 104-107 Slb 656 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab on Grade Office 104-107 Wall 15 0.671 45 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Conference 102 Wall 240 0.189 Int 90 No R-11 Metal Stud Wall Conference 102 Slb 512 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab On Grade Conference 102 Wall 1250 0.189 Int 90 No R-11 Metal stud Wall Scanning 126/128 Roof 1860 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Scanning 126/128 Slb 1860 0.186 0 180 No Exposed Slab on Grade Scanning 126/128 Wall 120 0.671 45 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Open Office 202 Wall 348 0.671 135 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Open Office 202 Wall 144 0.671 225 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Open Office 202 Wall 384 0.189 Int 90 No R-11 Metal stud Wall , Open Office 202 Roof 1070 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Open Office 202 Roof 1660 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Open Office 222 Wall 192 0.671 135 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Alternate Exp 223-2 Wall 168 0.671 225 90 Yes 8 11 Concrete Wall Alternate Exp 223-2 Roof 512 0.050 0 22 Yes R-19 Roof (R.19.2x8.16) Alternate Exp 223-2 ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY -Performance (part 3 of 3)ENV-2 page 13 of 17 Run Initiation Time: 21:44:30 Runcode: 4331-579841408 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Name: The Iris Group Date: 4/16/1997 Documentation: North Arrow Design COMPLY 24 User 4331 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FENESTRATION SURFACES SC Act Glass # Type Area Frame Div U-Val Azm Tilt Only Location/Comments ------------------------------------------------------1 Wdw Back (NE)180.0 Metal No 1.19 45 90 0.35 Bindery 125 2 Sky Back (N) 128.0 Metal No 0.68 0 0 0.60 Bindery 125 3 Wdw Back (NE)180.0 Metal No 1.19 45 90 0.35 Printing 125 4 Sky Back (N) 128.0 Metal No 0.68 0 0 0.60 Printing 125 5 Wdw Left (NW)135.0 Metal No 1.19 315 90 0.35 Future Exp 130 (U/Mezz) 6 Wdw Left (NW)312.0 Metal No 1.19 315 90 0.35 Future Exp 130 7 Wdw Left (NW) 72.0 Metal No 1.19 315 90 0.35 Future Exp 130 8 Sky Back (N) 64.0 Metal No 0.68 0 0 0.60 Future Exp 130 9 Wdw Left (NW)264.0 Metal No 1.19 315 90 0.35 Future Exp 129 10 Sky Back (N) 128.0 Metal No 0.68 0 0 0.60 Future Exp 129 11 Wdw Back (NE)312.0 Metal No 1.19 45 90 0.35 Future Exp 122 12 Wdw Back (NE)288.0 Metal No 1.19 45 90 0.35 Future Exp 122 13 Wdw Right (SE)240.0 Metal No 1.19 135 90 0.35 Future Exp 122 14 Wdw Right (SE)360.0 Metal No 1.19 135 90 0.35 Future Exp 122 15 Sky Back (N) 128.0 Metal No 0.68 0 0 0.60 Future Exp 122 16 Wdw Right (SE)240.0 Metal No 1.19 135 90 0.35 Alternate Exp 223-4 17 Wdw Front (SW)480.0 Metal No 1.19 225 90 0.35 Alternate Exp 223-4 18 Wdw Left (NW)180.0 Metal No 1.19 315 90 0.35 Alternate Exp 223-4 19 Wdw Front (SW)432.0 Metal No 1.19 225 90 0.35 Conference 108 20 Wdw Back (NE)336.0 Metal No 1.19 45 90 0.35 Office 203/204 21 Wdw Front (S) 180.0 Metal No 1.19 180 90 0.35 Office 219-221 22 Wdw Front (SW) 96.0 Metal No 1.19 225 90 0.35 Office 219-221 23 Wdw Right (SE)180.0 Metal No 1.19 135 90 0.35 Alternate Exp 223-3 24 Wdw Front (SW) 24.0 Metal No 1.19 225 90 0.35 Alternate Exp 223-3 25 Wdw Front (SW)684.0 Metal No 1.19 225 90 0.35 Open Office 121 (Ext) 26 Wdw Left (W) 90.0 Metal No 1.19 270 90 0.35 Open Office 121 (Ext) 27 Wdw Front (S) 324.0 Metal No 1 1.19 180 90 0.35 Open Office 127 (Ext) 28 Wdw Front (SW)144.0 Metal No 1.19 225 90 0.35 Open Office 127 (Ext) 29 Wdw Front (SW)420.0 Metal No 1.19 225 90 0.35 Office 205-207 30 Wdw Left (W) 60.0 Metal No 1.19 270 90 0.35 Office 205-207 31 Wdw Right (SE) 36.0 Metal No 1.19 135 90 0.35 Open Office 127 (Ext) 32 Wdw Front (SW)432.0 Metal No 1.19 225 90 0.35 Open Office 127 (Ext) 33 Wdw Right (SE)114.0 Metal No 1.19 135 90 0.35 Alternate Exp 223-1 34 Wdw Front (SW)264.0 Metal No 1.19 225 90 0.35 Alternate Exp 223-1 35 Sky Back (N) 128.0 Metal No 0.80 0 0 0.88 Conf 210-216 36 Wdw Right (SE)572.0 Metal No 1.19 135 90 0.35 Lobby 101 37 Sky Back (N) 160.0 Metal No 0.68 0 0 0.60 Lobby 101 38 Wdw Right (SE)288.0 Metal No 1.19 135 90 0.35 Lunch 136 39 Wdw Front (SW)270.0 Metal No 1.J,9 225 90 0.35 Lunch 136 40 Wdw Left (NW)l35.0 Metal No 1.19 315 90 0.35 Lunch 136 41 Wdw Back (NE)144.0 Metal No 1.19 45 90 0.35 Office 104-107 42 Wdw Right (SE)198.0 Metal No 1.19 135 90 0.35 Office 104-107 43 Wdw Back (NE) 45.0 Metal No 1.19 45 90 0.35 Conference 102 44 Wdw Back (NE)120.0 Metal No 1.19 45 90 0.35 Open Office 202 45 Wdw Right (SE)132.0 Metal No 1.19 135 90 0.35 Open Office 202 46 Wdw Right (SE)192.0 Metal No 1.19 135 90 0.35 Alternate Exp 223-2 47 Wdw Front (SW) 24.0 Metal No 1.19 225 90 0.35 Alternate Exp 223-2 OVERHANGS/SIDE FINS --Window-------overhang---------Left Fin------Right Fin-- # Type Ht Wd Len Ht LExt RExt Dist Len Ht Dist Len Ht LIGHTING COMPLIANCE SUMMARY -Performance Run Initiation Time: 21:44:30 Project Name: The Iris Group Documentation: North Arrow Design ACTUAL LIGHTING POWER LTG-2 page 14 of 17 Runcode: 4331-579841408 Date: 4/16/1997 COMPLY 24 User 4331 No of Watts Total Name Description Lumin per Default Watts * If not CEC Default value, please provide supporting documentation. MODELLED LIGHTING POWER BY ZONE Modelled Floor LPD Total Tailored Zone Name Occupancy Area (w/sf) (watts) (watts) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Office 104-107 Office 656 1.500 984 0 Conference 102 Convention/Conference 512 1.500 768 0 Lobby 101 -Lobby (Office) 2095 1.500 3143 0 Conference 108 Convention/Conference 504 1.500 756 0 Open Office 121 (Ext) Office 1008 1.500 1512 0 Open Office 127 (Ext) Office 840 1.500 1260 0 Open Office 127 (Ext) Office 960 1.500 1440 0 Lunch 136 Convention/Conference 2068 1.500 3102 0 Scanning 126/128 Precision Industrial 1860 1.500 2790 0 Open Office 127 (Int) Office 4130 1.500 6195 0 Open Office 121 (Int) Office 4558 1.500 6837 0 Bindery 125 Precision Industrial 6580 1.500 9870 0 Printing 125 Precision Industrial 6580 1.500 9870 0 Open Office 202 Office 1070 1.500 1605 0 Office 203/204 Office 600 1.500 900 0 Office 205-207 Office 912 1.500 1368 0 Office 219-221 Office 624 1.500 936 0 Open Office 208/218 Office 3758 1.500 5637 0 Open Office 222 Office 1660 1.500 2490 0 Alternate Exp 223-1 Office 1472 1.500 2208 0 Alternate Exp 223-2 Office 512 1.500 768 0 Alternate Exp 223-3 Office 864 1.500 1296 0 Alternate Exp 223-4 Office 6640 1.500 9960 0 M/W/J, Computerlll-120 Office 2000 1.500 3000 0 Conf 210-216 Office 2800 1.500 4200 0 ------------------------- TOTALS 55263 1.500 82895 0 * Note: Tailored Allotment requires supporting documentation on form LTG-4. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ZONING SUMMARY -Performance Run Initiation Time: 21:44:30 Project Name: The Iris Group Documentation: North Arrow Design SYSTEM/ZONING SUMMARY System/Zones Served Central/Zonal system MECH-2 page 15 of 17 Runcode: 4331~579841408 Date: 4/16/1997 COMPLY 24 User 4331 System Type No Sys HP-9,10,ll,&4X TRANE WCD240B300E Packaged Heat Pump 4 Bindery 125 Printing 125 Future Exp 130 (U/Mezz) Future Exp 130 Future Exp 129 Future Exp 122 Alternate Exp 223-4 HP-2,12,14,21,&3X TRANE WCD048C300E Packaged Heat Pump 5 Conference 108 Office 203/204 Office 219-221 Alternate Exp 223-3 M/W/J, Computerlll-120 HP-3,4,7,13,18 Open Office 121 (Ext) Open Office 127 (Ext) Open Office 127 (Int) Office 205-207 HP-5,22,&lX Open Office 127 (Ext) Alternate Exp 223-1 Conf 210-216 HP-1&6 Lobby 101 Lunch 136 HP-8&15 Open Office 121 (Int) Open Office 208/218 HP-16,17,19,&20 Office 104-107 Conference 102 Scanning 126/128 Open Office 202 Open Office 222 HP-2X Alternate Exp 223-2 TRANE WCD075C300E Packaged Heat Pump 5 TRANE WCD090C300E Packaged Heat Pump 3 TRANE WCD120B300E Packaged Heat Pump 2 TRANE WCD150B300E Packaged Heat Pump 2 TRANE WCD060C300E Packaged Heat Pump 4 TRANE WCD036C300E Packaged Heat Pump 1 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY -Performance Run Initiation Time: 21:44:30 Project Name: The Iris Group Documentation: North Arrow Design CENTRAL SYSTEM SUMMARY Sys No System Name System Type --------------------------------------1 TRANE WCD036C300E Packaged Heat Pu 2 TRANE WCD048C300E Packaged Heat Pu 3 TRANE WCD060C300E Packaged Heat Pu 4 TRANE WCD075C300E Packaged Heat Pu 5 TRANE WCD090C300E Packaged Heat Pu 6 TRANE WCD120B300E Packaged Heat Pu 7 TRANE WCD150B300E Packaged Heat Pu 8 TRANE WCD240B300E Packaged Heat Pu CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS No Sys 1 5 4 5 3 2 2 4 MECH-3 page 16 of 17 Runcode: 4331-579841408 Date: 4/16/1997 COMPLY 24 User 4331 Economizer Type ---------------------------No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer Sys -------Heating----------------------------------Cooling -----------No Type Output Aux KW EFF Type output Sensible EER SEER --------------------------------------------------------- 1 Heat Pump 36000 o.o 6.80 DX 37900 26900 8.90 10.50 2 Heat Pump 47000 o.o 7.00 DX 46300 33100 8.90 10.50 3 Heat Pump 58000 o.o 7.00 DX 60300 41800 8.60 10.50 4 Heat Pump 71000 o.o 6.60 DX 68500 47100 8.90 n/a 5 Heat Pump 86000 0.0 6.60 DX 86500 63600 8.90 n/a 6 Heat Pump 119000 o.o 6.60 DX 117100 79800 9.20 n/a 7 Heat Pump 136000 0.0 6.60 DX 146800 105500 9.10 n/a 8 Heat Pump 236000 o.o 6.60 DX 227300 163600 8.60 n/a CENTRAL FAN SUMMARY------------Supply Fan-----------Return Fan Sys Mtr Drv Mtr Drv No Fan Type Motor Location CFM BHP Eff Eff CFM BHf' Eff Eff --------------------------------------------------- 1 Constant Volume Draw-Through 1200 0.25 64 100 None 2 Constant Volume Draw-Through 1600 0.75 72 100 None 3 Constant Volume Draw-Through 2000 1.00 79 100 None 4 Constant Volume Draw-Through 2500 1.85 80 100 None 5 Constant Volume Draw-Through 3000 1.57 80 97 None 6 Constant Volume Draw-Through 4000 2.00 80 97 None 7 Constant Volume Draw-Through 5000 2.03 80 97 None 8 Constant Volume Draw-Through 8000 5.00 82 97 None ZONAL FAN SUMMARY ---------Zonal Fan ------------Exhaust Fan ----- Mtr Drv Mtr Drv Zone Name No CFM BHP Eff Eff No CFM BHP Eff Eff --------------------------------------------- None BOILER SUMMARY AFUE /Rec Rated Stdby Volume System Name System Type Eff Input Loss EF (gals) ------------------------------------------------------- Std Gas 50 gal or Less DomesticHW 0.780 40000 0.040 0.529 50 MECHANICAL VENTILATION -Performance Run Initiation Time: 21:44:30 Project Name: The Iris Group Documentation: North Arrow Design VENTILATION SUMMARY BY ZONE Zone Name Office 104-107 Conference 102 Lobby 101 Conference 108 Open Office 121 (Ext) Open Office 127 (Ext) Open Office 127 (Ext) Lunch 136 Scanning 126/128 Open Office 127 (Int) Open Office 121 (Int) Bindery 125 Printing 125 Open Office 202 Office 203/204 Office 205-207 Office 219-221 Open Office 208/218 Open Office 222 Alternate Exp 223-1 Alternate Exp 223-2 Alternate Exp 223-3 Alternate Exp 223-4 M/W/J, Computerlll-120 Conf 210-216 T Occupancy Office Convention/Con Lobby (Office) Convention/Con Office Office Office Convention/Con Precision Indu Office Office Precision Indu Precision Indu Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Floor Area 656 512 2095 504 1008 840 960 2068 1860 4130 4558 6580 6580 1070 600 912 624 3758 1660 1472 512 864 6640 2000 2800 sqft /Occ 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 MECH-4 page 17 of 17 Runcode: 4331-579841408 Date: 4/16/1997 COMPLY 24 User 4331 CFM Dsg /Occ CFM 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 30 23 94 23 45 38 43 93 84 186 205 296 296 48 27 41 28 169 75 66 23 39 299 90 126 Min CFM 98 256 314 252 151 126 144 1034 279 620 684 987 987 161 90 137 94 564 249 221 77 130 996 300 420 Tran sfer CFM 69 233 220 229 106 88 101 941 195 433 478 691 691 112 63 96 65 394 174 154 54 91 697 210 294 TOTALS 2489 9369 WARNING -Total Design Mechanical Ventilation is less than Minimum Required Tailored OA (T=*) requires supporting documentation on MECH-5J Tailored Ventilation and Process Loads Worksheet PRODUCT NAME: VWM PRODUCT CODE: 02006 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET HMIS CODES: H F 2 2 R p 0 B ------------------SECTION I MANUFACTURER IDENTIFICATION --------------------------------------~--,---------- ILLINOIS 60101 MANUFACTURER'S NAME: VARN PRODUCTS ADDRESS: 905 SOUTH WESTWOOD, ADDISON, EMERGENCY PHONE: (800) 424-9300 DATE REVISED : 10-16-92 . INFORMATION PHONE: (800) 336-8276 NAME OF PREPARER: VARN PRODUCTS CO. REASON REVISED: UPDATE; SUPERSEDES ALL PREVIOUS REVISIONS. --------------------SECTION II HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/SARA III INFORMATION ------------------ OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS CAS NUMBER OSHA PEL ACGIB TLV OTHER VAPOR PRESSURE WEIGHT mm Hg@ TEMP PERCENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ •PETROLEUM NAPHTHA PETROLEUM NAPHTHA 64742-95-6 N/E 64742-48-9 100 ppm N/E 100 ppm 50 ppm 0.9 68F 2.9 68F * Indicates toxic chemical(s) subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 of Title III and of 40 CFR 372. PRODUCT CONTAINS 13.51 1,2,4-TRIMETIIYLBENZENE CAS# 95-63-6, 1.61 XYLENE CAS# 1330-20-7, 1.0\ CUMENE CAS# 98-82-8 BY WEIGHT WHICH ARE COMPONENTS OF PETROLEUM NAPHTHA CAS# 64742-95-6. ALL INGREDIENTS LISTED IN THE EPA TSCA INVENTORY. 52 45 ============== SECTION III PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS ============= BOILING RANGE: 315 to 338 Deg F VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER THAN AIR MATERIAL V.O.C.: 6.74 LB/GL ( SOLUBILITY IN WATER: EMULSIBLE SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H2O=l): 0.8 EVAPORATION RATE: SLOWER THAN ETHER 807 G/L) APPEARANCE AND ODOR: CLEAR LIQUID -MILD PETROLEUM ODOR ================ SECTION IV FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA ==------======= FLASH POINT: 104 Deg F FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR BY VOLUME- METHOD USED: TAG CC LOWER: 1.0% UPPER: EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: FOAM, ALCOHOL FOAM, CO2, DRY CHEMICAL SPECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES 6.5% AS IN ANY FIRE, WEAR SEµ'-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS (MSHA/NIOSB APPROVED) AND FULL PROTECTIVE GEAR. WATER MAY NOT BE EFFECTIVE TO EXTINGUISH FIRE. USE WATER SPRAY TO COOL FIRE EXPOSED CONTAINERS AND TO PROTECT PERSONNEL. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS TREAT AS PETROLEUM FIRE. 02006 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ------------------------------------------------ STABILITY: STABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID AVOID EXCESS BEAT AND SOURCES OF IGNITION. SECTION V INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID) AVOID MIXING WITH STRONG OXIDIZING MATERIALS. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION OR BYPRODUCTS BURNING WILL PRODUCE OXIDES OF CARBON AND DENSE SMOKE, REACTIVITY DATA HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: WILL NOT OCCUR ------------------------------------------SECTION VI HEALTH HAZARD DATA INHALATION HEALTH RISKS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE PAGE 2 OF 3 ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- BREATHING HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF VAPORS WILL CAUSE IRRITATION OF THE NOSE AND THROAT AND CAUSE SIGNS OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DEPRESSION suca AS HEADACHE, DROWSINESS AND DIZZINESS. SKIN AND EYE CONTACT HEALTH RISKS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE SKIN AND EYE CONTACT MAY PRODUCE MODERATE IRRITATION. SKIN ABSORPTION HEALTH RISKS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE A SINGLE, PROLONGED EXPOSURE IS NOT LIKELY TO RESULT IN THE MATERIAL BEING ABSORBED THROUGH THE SKIN IN HARMFUL AMOUNTS. INGESTION HEALTH RISKS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE INGESTION MAY PRODUCE GASTRO-INTESTINAL IRRITATION, AND POSSIBLE DAMAGE TO VITAL ORGANS. FOLLOW FIRST AID PROCEDURES, HEALTH HAZARDS (ACUTE AND CHRONIC) REPEATED OR ABUSIVE BREATHING OF CONCENTRATED VAPORS MAY EFFECT PULMONARY, CARDIOVASCULAR AND CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AND CAUSE LIVER AND KIDNEY EFFECTS. REPEATED SKIN CONTACT WILL DRY OUT AND CRACK SKIN. ASPIRATION HAZARD IF SWALLOWED; ASPIRATION OF MATERIAL INTO THE LUNGS CAN CAUSE CHEMICAL PNEUMONITIS. CARCINOGENICITY: NTP? NO IARC MONOGRAPHS? NO OSHA REGULATED? NO THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS NO KNOWN CARCINOGENS. MEDICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE SKIN CONTACT MAY AGGRAVATE PRE-EXISTING DERMATITIS. INHALATION MAY AGGRAVATE PRE-EXISTING ASTHMA-LIKE CONDITIONS. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYES: ROLD EYELID OPEN AND FLUSH WITH WATER FOR 15 MINUTES. CONTACT A PHYSICIAN IF IRRITATION PERSISTS, SKIN: WASH WITH SOAP AND WATER. INGESTION: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. SEEK MEDIC1).L ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. INHALATION: MOVE TO FRESH AIR, GIVE OXYGEN IF BREATHING IS LABORED, 02006 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PAGE 3 OF 3 =========== SECTION VII PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE ============ STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED ELIMINATE ALL IGNITION SOURCES. SPILLS SHOULD BE DIKED AND KEPT FROM ENTERING THE SEWER. SOAK UP WITH ABSORBENT OR TRANSFER LIQUID INTO A CLOSED CONTAINER FOR LATER DISPOSAL. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD IF THIS PRODUCT, AS SUPPLIED, BECOMES A WASTE IT IS REGULATED BY RCRA AS IGNITABLE WASTE, EPA I.D. fDOOl. SUITABLE METHODS OF DISPOSAL INCLUDE RECLAMATION AND FUEL BLENDING. CONTACT A LICENSED HAZARDOUS WASTE HAULER FOR MORE INFORMATION. PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING CONTAINERS SHOULD BE GROUNDED BEFORE TRANSFERRING PRODUCT. STORE IN THE ORIGINAL CLOSED CONTAINER AWAY FROM SUNLIGHT, EXCESS BEAT, AND SOURCES OF IGNITION. AVOID SKIN CONTACT. AVOID BREATHING VAPORS. OTHER PRECAUTIONS WHEN TRANSFERRING OR USING THIS PRODUCT, WEAR PROPER PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. CONTAINS NO CHEMICALS FOUND ON THE CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 LIST. PROPER SHIPPING NAME: COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID N.o.s. (NAPHTHA), UN NUMBER: NA1993, PACKING GROUP: III PRODUCT IS CLASSED AS AN OSHA CLASS II COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID. ------------------------------------------SECTION VIII CONTROL MEASURES RESPIRATORY PROTECTION -------------------------------------------- THE USE OF RESPIRATORY PROTECTION IS ADVISED WHEN CONCENTRATIONS EXCEED THE ESTABLISHED EXPOSURE LIMITS IN SECTION II. DEPENDING ON THE AIRBORNE CONCENTRATION, USE A RESPIRATOR WITH APPROPRIATE ORGANIC VAPOR CARTRIDGES (NIOSH APPROVED). VENTILATION IF CURRENT VENTILATION PRACTICES ARE NOT ADEQUATE TO MAINTAIN AIRBORNE CONCENTRATIONS BELOW THE ESTABLISHED LIMITS IN SECTION II, ADDITIONAL GENERAL VENTILATION OR LOCAL EXHAUST SYSTEM IS REQUIRED. PROTECTIVE GLOVES USE SOLVENT RESISTANT GLOVES SUCH AS NITRILE OR BUTYL RUBBER. EYE PROTECTION SAFETY GLASSES WITH SIDE SHIELDS. OTHER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING OR EQUIPMENT NOT NECESSARY. WORK/HYGIENIC PRACTICES WASH WITH SOAP AND WATER AFTER PRODUCT CONTACT WITH SKIN. ========================= SECTION IX DISCLAIMER ---------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE INFORMATION ON THIS MSDS IS BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE AS OF THE DATE SHOWN IN SECTION I. SINCE THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT IS NOT IN THE CONTROL OF VARN, IT IS THE USER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE WHAT CONSTITUTES SAFE USAGE FQR A PARTICULAR PRODUCT. THIS FORM MAY BE REPRODUCED IN QUANTITIES NECESSARY TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS. VARN PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. Corporate Headquarters. 175 Route 208, Oakland, N.J. 07436 Tc-I ,2011 \\ .. \(t<ioO f:a,. 1.:01 t ,\ .. iu,~ <.:ahk \'ARSPROO OAKlA~DBERC1FNCO, SJ TclC'X 1,\0,422 ~ HATERIAL SAFETY DATA SIEET PRODUCT NAHE: VWM USE I BI.AflKET & ROLLER WASH DOT SHIPPING NAHE: COHPOUJ..1), CLEANING LIQUID N.o.s. HAZARDOUS HATERIALS IDENTIFICATION SYSTEH: {HHIS) DOT CODE: IMO CODE: NA 1993 CLASS 3.3 HEALTH: 2 FLAH!-'-1illILITY: 2 REACTIVITY: 0 PERSOHAL PROTECTION: 0 • Minimal • Slight 2 -Moderate 3 • Severe 4 ~ Extreme A• Glasses B • Glasses and Gloves SECTION II -PREPARATIOll INFORHATION B Jim Watson-Government Regulatory Affairs Chemist-Varn Products Company, Inc. Telephone Number (31~) 543-8600 Date Of Preparaticn, April 1, 1939 SECTION III -HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT CAS # OSHA ACGIH HAh"F. PERCENT 1. Stoddard Solvent 2. Aromatic Petrolewn Distillates [8052-41-3] [64742-95-6] All ingredients appear e>n the EPA '!'SCA Inventory. PEL TLV 100 100 100 SECTIO}l IV -ENVIRONMENTAL DAT/\ A. SAM TITLE III IHFORHATIO REC. __ .. <50% 100 <50% INGREDIENT # •1-EHS RQ •2-EHS TPO •3-SECTION 313 '4·311/312 CATEGORIES Product {Wholei ---------P-3 #2 Cont.ainc: Xylene { :n.) Cumene (l'I;) Tr1methylbenzene(25%) --- COl COl COJ 1000 5000 'FOOTNOTES: ' 1. REPORTABLE QUAJITITY OF EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, SECTION 302 ' 2. THRESHOLD PLANNING QUANTITY, EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, SECTION 302 • 3. TOXIC CHEMICAL, SECTION 313 • 4. HAZARD CATEGORY FOR SARA SECTION 311/312 REPORTING e. c. D. HEALTH H-1 • IHHEDIATE {ACUTE) HAZARD; H-2 • DELAYED (CHRONIC) HAZARD PHYSICAL P-3 • FIRE HAZARD; P-4 • SUDDEN RELEASE OF PRESSURE HAZARD; P-5 • REACTIVE HAZARD CERCLA INFORMATION -EPA -Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act. Under EPA-CERCLA (Superfund) releases to air, land, or water may be reportable to the National Response Center, 800-424-8802 (Circumstances surrounding the material, quantity, threat to environment and clean-up determine reportability). R.Q. • 100 pounds spilled for petroleum distillates. RCRA INFORHATION -L'lmER EPA -RCRA (40 CFR 261. 21): If this product becomes waste material, it would be classified as spent non-halogenated solvent. EPA Waste ID# F003 . OTHER REPORTING IHFORHATION: 813 grams per liter (6.68 pounds per gallon) volatile organic compounds, California Rule 1130. This product is photo-chemically reactive, California Rule 102. No Y.nown ingredients foWld on California List-Preposition 65. PRODUCT NAME: VWM WASH PAGE 2 VARN PRODUCTS COMPANY SECTION V -PHYSICAL DATA 1. STATE: Liquid 3. ODOR THRESHOLD: 18 ppm 5. VAPOR PRESSURE@ 21°c (HHHg): 2.9 7. EVAPORATION RATE (BUTYL ACETATE•l): 9. FREEZING POINT: -30°C <-10°F 11. SOL\J!3ILITY IN WATER: Emulsifies SECTION VI 1. CONDITIONS OF FLAHHABILITY: 2. ODOR: Hild 4. SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 0.83 6. VAPOR DENSITY (AIR•l): 0.34 8. BOILING POINT(Initial): 10. pH: Neutral FIRE OR_EXPLOSION HAZARDS 4.3 160°c 320oY This product is combustible. Do not use in areas of high heat, sparks, or open flames. Vapor is heavier than air and may collect in low spaces. Keep container closed when not in use, 2. HEANS OF EXTINCTION, Use a dry, chemical, foam or carbon dioxide fire extinguisher. 3. FLASH POINT: 41°c 10soY 4 • UPPER FLAHHABILITY LllUT, 7.0% 5. LOWER FLAHHABILITY LIMIT: 0.8% 6. AUTO-IGNITION TEMPERATURE: 303oc 577°F 7, HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: Oxide of Carbon SECTION VII -REACTIVITY DATA 1. CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE PRODUCT IS CHEHIC~.LLY UNSTABLE: This product is stable under all normal conditions of use. 2. INCOMPATIBILITY OF OTHER CHEMICALS: Avoid contact with strong oxidizing materials. 3. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Not applicable. SECTION VII -TOXICOLOGICAL PROPERTIES 1. ROUTE OF ENTRY: The primary route of entry is inhalation. 2. ACUTE EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE: If liquid is splashed into eyes, it will cause strong irritation and burning. Inhalation can produce respiratory irritation, weakness, and nausea. Ingestion of petroleum distillates can produce pulmonary edema, gastro-irritation, damage to vital organs, coma, and death. 3. CHRONIC EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE: Repeated and abusive inhalation of petroleum distillate vapors can produce pulmonary, cardiovascularl. and central nervous system effects. Repeated skin contact w 11 dry and crack skin. 4. THE THRESHOLD LruIT VALUE (TIN) : The TLV for this product is 100 ppm based on toxicological data of individual ingredients and other products of similar constitution. --------------------------------------------------- PRODUCT Nl\ME: VWH WASH PAGE 3 SECTION VII -TOXICOLOGICAL PROPERTIES (Continued) 5. IRRITANCY TO SKIN: VARN PRODUCTS COHPANY Petroleum distillates will remove natural moisture and cause drying and cracking. 6. SENSITIZATION: No ingredients in this product are known to cause a sensitizing effect. 7. CARCINOGENICITY: No ingredients are considered to be carcinogenic. 8. REPRODUCTIVE TOXICITY: This product has not been shown to be a reproductive hazard. 9. TERRATOGENICITY: This product has not been shown to produce birth defects. 10. HUTAGENICITY: This product has not been shown to cause damage to chromosomes. 11. SYNERGISTIC PRODUCTS: There is no data available. SECTION XI -PREVENTIVE HEASURES 1. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 1 Wear gloves and glasses to protect skin and eyes. 2. ENGillEERING CONTROL.5: . Insure adequate ventilation so that vapor concentration is maintained below the threshold limit value. 3. IN CASE OF LEAK OR SPIIJ..: Soak up small spills on absorbent and shovel into non-hazardous refuse. Use soap and water to clean residue. Dike large spills and keep product from entering the sewer. Turn off all nearby sources of ignition. Keep unauthorized personnel away from area. Call the local fire department. Soak up on non-reactive absorbent material. Clean up crew should wear rubber boots and use rubber shovel. Place material in a covered container for later disposal. 4. WASTE DISPOSAL: Give waste material to an authorized hazardous waste hauler. 5. HANDLING PROCEDURES: Empty containers may contain flammable vapors or hazardous residues. Follow regt!lations for empty container disposal. Ground containers when transferring product. · 6. STORAGE REQUIREHENTS: Store in cool, dry area away from sunlight and high heat sources. SECTION X -FIRST AID MEASURES 1. EYES: Hold ere lids open and rinse with water for five minutes. Contact a physic an if irritation persists. 2. SKIN: Was~ -~in with soap and water. PRODUCT NAHE: VWH WASH PAGE 4 VARN PRODUCTS COMPANY SECTION X -FIRST AID 1-!EASURES (Continued) 3. INGESTION: Keep victim calm. Administer oxygen if breathing is difficult. not induce vomiting. Seek medical attention immediately; 4. INHALATION: Do Hove victim to fresh air. Apply artificial respiration if breathing has stopped. 5. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN If product is ingested use best judgement. Petroleum distillates can cause liver and kidney damage, but may produce chemical pneurnonitis if introduced into lungs. The options expressed herein are those of qualified experts within Varn Products Company, Inc., and its suppliers. We helieve that the information contained herein is current as of the date of this Material Safety Data Sheet. Since the use of this information and these opinions and the conditions of use of the product are not within the control of Varn Products Company, Inc., it is the user's obligation to determine the conditions of safe use of the product. Federal law requires persons receiving the Material Safety Data sheet to study it carefully, become aware of the 'hazards, if any, of the product involved. In the interest of safety you should (1) notify your employees, agents, and CJntractors of the information on this sheet, (2) furnish a copy to each of your customers for the product, and (3) request your customers to inform their employees and customers as well. THIS FORM HAY BE REPRODUCED IDCAIJ..Y. ""';·,--"t~tR-07-97 FRI 10:05 Hazardous Materials CITY OF CARLSBAD COMM DE FAX NO. 4380894 SAN DIE.GO REG!ONAL ... HAZARDOUS MATERIALS QUESTIONNAIRE C Management Division 1 Susiness Name Conteet Porso ... n P. 02 r,1,.;•• • ·~ ~ :..... ~ •Pl1Jia··-l:IIITY U UI 111111 ~IW~ ,\?:,\-\\O'l:J M:in,ng Addrto11 City State Plcn Frll!I u;, '? ?"' C.o?,.1'"€. Oe.1... A,e:,·~-So 11--o C.At4-$bAP J c_ A. s, te Address City St&t& Zip PART l: FiRE OEPARiMENT. HAZARQOUS MAieRlAL.S MANAGEMENT OIVISl,.ON,:_occuPANCY CI.ASSIFICATION !naicat~ by c,,cliflQ thi, Jti,m, whsthor vour business wilt IJS&, oroc&S!l. or store 1,ny of U\b tonow1ng ha:tardou!I muerials. If ,my 9/ the i:ems e,e -:;,rciad. applicant must ,:ontaet the Fire Protection Ag..,ney with ju~isdietion prier to plan submitto!, l\!b"T-<St~N.ltr=lcA~ l. ;xpl9,1vc w a10,1in., A,.;icnta 4, Flommoblc S<.11ids 2. Cemp,0;~111<:1 04~U S, Ot,;oni~ Por9xi,;io,:i ~;;iammecie or Combu~tibll'I Wquids El. Oxieinr.11 1. Pyrophoric, ~ Cryo;aniM 8, Un.stable Aoactive-• ®Highly Toxic or To:r;ic Mator,afs 9. Waur AeMtive, 12. R~ioacti·,os 13. CtJrrosiv&S 1 -.. O:risr Health Hazards PA~T II: COIJNTY OF SAN CIEC;O H;A~ TH Q;F'AflTMENT · HAZMlOOUS MATERIALS MANACiEMFNT OIVlSlON: :::::NTiNGENCY PLAN Rl:VfEW; OFFICE VSE ONL' :/ tM a.-,i;wcr to any of the que1;1tions i11 yos, 11pplic:ant must col'ltact th!I County of Son Diogo Hazardous Matorisls Management Oivi~iori, ~ 255 lmp6ti~l Av6nuc, 3rd ~Joor. San Cio'ilQ, CA 921 S6·52a1. T!1l!1phono 1a19) 338-22.22 prior to o,o issuance or a D RMP? Exompt ct.:iloirig permit. t!EES MA y se REQUIRED Yes i.o 2.CJ 3.CJ No/ rn,.,,,Is your business listed on the re\lerH aide of thi1 form? ~Will your l)uuinus di11poiro of Hazardous Subataneu or Medical W111t11 in .eny amount? [E) Will your businisss store or handle 1-!ourdor.Js SubstancM in quentities ·equal to or gro:itor than 55 gallons, ____,,...,, S00 pounds, .200 cubic f&11t or carcinog11nt1/roi::,rix!vctive toxiM in My qu11ntity? 4. CJ [!LWill your busine~s use en niining or in11t"'1I i,n underground ttoreo~ tank.? S. c:J c:::0" Will vour busiMss store or handle Acutely Hazardous Materiala? P~RT Ill; SAN DIEGO COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL QISTRICI O~u, lnitiaii O RM?P A.equiraq Oat11 lnitiels 0 RMPI' Completer Date Initials !f the answer to any of tha ciuutiont it yu, aoi,!ieant must conta.:t tho Air Polluticn Ccnttcl Oiitrict, 91 $0 Chc~opcoko Drive, Sen Oie~o, CA 92123 T elcphono (619) $94-3~07 prior to tho iUV-IIMO of ti building permit. YES NO 1. c:::J ~ill the int11ndltd occupant intiUIII or uu •nv of th~ i,qui~nt Jist&d on th6 Ll•tin.g of Ai, Pollution Control District PcN'nit Catogorio:,, on th~ ~v,,rH $ide of thi11 form? · 2. r:::J C!:J (ANSW!;i:l ONLY IF QUESTION 1 IS YES.) Will the subjoc;:t facility be located within 1,000 te!lt of tho outer boundary of a school (K throi.:gi' 12) 11$ li1nod in t~ currant Oiroetory of School l!I~ Ccimmunitv CoHogo Oi•tricts, published by the $11n Oii:,gc County Offie• of Edueatiott anc ?M r;urrcnt Californi11 Privato School Oiroetory, compiled in acoord,mco with provi~ont of Education Code Section 33190? amt:'y deseru:,~ natur!I at tho 1nt..,Mod butinoos a~rn',llty: \)E:StG:if\l Rtc..M analty of patjury that to tha hast of my ltnew!Adg.--*M bl!llitif lhe responaes med-11 herein ar• t11.1, O .. not write below this lina Oeto: ?,,:-?.L.,:4] FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPA~C'Y Cl..ASSll-!CATION:, __ ...J.f:;.==5:::;.........:t>..,.::;. __________________ ~----- 6Y: ____________________________________ O,w:: _____ ~----------- E:XaMPr AAOM Pl:P,.\4JT 'IEQU111EMOJTS COUNTY•iiMMO ~vir=t.tl ~e.ilib. Serv~ Dl-!S HM,91il (6.'9Zl APCO ,l,X,P,cVEO ~R 8Ulf..OING PE,!MIT 8:JT NOT OCCIJ/>AACY COUNTY•HMMO APCO APPROVED FOR OCCUPMCY COl,J~TY·HMMO APCD C~ofSmD~ ~~~~,..11rl'l~v-~