HomeMy WebLinkAbout1675 FISHERMAN DR; ; CB050586; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 12-01-2005 Residential Permit Permit No: CB050586 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: 1675 FISHERMAN DR CBAD Permit Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Status: Parcel No: 215081 0900 Lot #: 9 Applied: Valuation: $384,552.00 Construction Type: VN CT00-22 Entered By: Occupancy Group: 05/18/2005 Reference #: # Dwelling Units: 1 Structure Type: SFD Issued: Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3.5 Inspect Area: Project Title: LA SUVERA PLAN 4 Orig PC#: 3990 SF LIVING, 704 SF GARAGE, 72 SF PORCH Plan Check#: Applicant: CALCO WEST FINANCIAL INC. 310 VIA VERA CRUZ 92078 510-6419 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park in Lieu Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee Other Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee $1,424.36 $0.00 $925.83 $0.00 $0.00 $38.46 $2,436.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,780.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $60.00 $2,999.00 D5/8 $0.00 $0.00 Owner: CRAFTSMAN CARLSBAD I LL C 1195 LINDA VISTA DR #G SAN MARCOS CA 92078 Meter Size Add'I Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWAFee CFD Payoff Fee PFF (3105540) PFF (4305540) License Tax (3104193) License Tax (4304193) Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) Sidewalk Fee PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Housing Impact Fee Housing lnlieu Fee Housing Credit Fee Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES ISSUED 12/30/2004 SB Plan Approved: 05/1812005 PS PC04-152 $0.00 $160.00 $2,461.00 $2,550.12 $6,998.85 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $660.00 $0.00 $0.00 $238.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,278.00 $0.00 $36,009.62 Total Fees: $36,009.62 Total Payments To Date: $36,009.62 Balance Due: $0.00 Inspector: Date: Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, edications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow lhe protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any RECP:IV en, ol C1rt1b1d ~ ; Flnal B1lldln1 1ns11cdon ..... ,,.. ' JUL 1 7 2006 Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite Fire ( 11\ 01(" \f'U,11 \I) E',Gl'.\I Fltl\(, .l'\l<f \IE'ff ( \ &I :ll\ I~ IO'\ --~ Plan Check #: Permit#: Project Name: Address: Contact Person: Sewer Dist: Inspected CB050586 LA SUVERA PLAN 4 3990 SF LIVING, 704 SF GARAGE, 72 SF PORCH 1675 FISHERMAN DR Phone: CA Water Dist: CA Date By: /).ll. Inspected: 7)/,( Inspected Date By: Inspected: Inspected Date By: Inspected: Date: 07/14/2006 Permit Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Lot: 9 Approved: (___ Disapproved: __ Approved: Disapproved:_~ Approved: Disapproved: __ Comments: _______________________________ _ July 25, 2006 TO: FROM: Mike Burzinski, fax: (760) 510-6712 Bob Wojcik, Deputy City Engineer Christine Wauschek, Building Department Pete Dreibelbis, Senior Building Inspector Gary Goodman, Construction Inspector Pat Kelley, Building and Code Inspector Michele Masterson, Management Analyst Bridget Desmarais, Senior Office Specialist Michael Elliott, Landscape Architect Consultant to the City of Carlsbad REFERENCE : 2"d Landscape Inspection PROJECT: La Suvera Project Number: CDP04-l 6 Drawing Number: 427-21 Lot 9-1675 Fisherman Drive -CB050586 Lot 11 -1683 Fisherman Drive -CB050588 The following items were noted as deficient and in need of correction: Lot 9 -1675 Fisherman Drive -CB050586 A request for inspection was not received from the City; however when arriving on site, the contractor requested that this lot be inspected. I. Provide irrigation to the front yard tree per plan requirements. 2. Completed. 3. Existing grades shown to remain were modified outside the rear yard fence within sections A-2 and A-3. The contractor is directed to provide irrigation and planting in all graded areas and to provide fire suppression measures in all native slope areas per the Landscape Manual as follows: (It is recommended that the contractor obtain a landscape architect to provide planting plans insuring that appropriate low fuel plants are used.) Section B-3 -Measured horizontally 20' outward from the outlying edge of Section B-2. The outer edge of B-3 shall extend horizontally to a point at least 60' from structures. a. Completed. b. Completed. c. Trees and larger tree form shrubs (e.g. Oaks, sumac, Toyon) which are being retained shall be pruned to provide clearance equal to three times the height of the surrounding under-story plant material or 6', whichever is higher. Dead and excessively twiggy growth shall also be removed. Debris and trimmings produced by thinning shall be removed from the site or shall be converted to mulch by a chipping machine and evenly dispersed over the area to a maximum depth of 4". La Suvera -Lots 9 & 11 Final Landscape Inspection July 25, 2006 Page 2 : Lot 11 -1683 Fisherman Drive CB 050588 I. Provide irrigation to the front yard tree per plan requirements. 2. Completed. 3. Completed. 4. Completed. 5. Completed. 6. Completed. 7. Completed. 8. Completed. 9. Completed. Existing grades shown to remain were modified outside the rear yard fence within sections A-2 and A-3. The contractor is directed to provide irrigation and planting in all graded areas. Install Myoporum parvifolium from flats at a maximum spacing of 18" between the retaining wall and top of slope area where bare dirt exists. Provide irrigation to this area. I 0. Install lateral line at fence below grade. City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 07/25/2006 Permit# CB050586 Inspector Assignment: PS --- Title: LA SUVERA PLAN 4 Description: 3990 SF LIVING, 704 SF GARAGE, 72 SF PORCH Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Job Address: Suite: Location: 1675 FISHERMAN DR Lot 9 APPLICANT CALCO WEST FINANCIAL INC. Owner: CRAFTSMAN CARLSBAD I L L C Remarks: Total Time: CD Description Comment 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical ---------------- Comments/Notices/Hold Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# lns12ection Histo[Y Date Description Act lnsp Comments 07/24/2006 89 Final Combo CA RB Phone: 7606447665 Inspector: L Requested By: GLEN Entered By: CHRISTINE 07/21/2006 89 Final Combo CA PC RESH TO MON 07/20/2006 89 Final Combo CA RB 03/20/2006 39 Final Electrical PA PC EMR 12/14/2005 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test AP PS 12/13/2005 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test NR PS 12/06/2005 16 Insulation AP PS 12/02/2005 84 Rough Combo AP PS 11/30/2005 84 Rough Combo co PS RE FEE DUE 11/29/2005 84 Rough Combo co PS 11/28/2005 84 Rough Combo CA BN RE-SCH FOR 11-29. 10/31/2005 13 Shear PanelsfHD's AP PS 10/31/2005 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall WC PS - I m . . . City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request . For: 11/30/2005 . Permit# CB050586 Inspector Assignment: PS --- Title: LA SUVERA PLAN 4 Description: 3990 SF LIVING, 704 SF GARAGE, 72 SF PORCH Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Job Address: 1675 FISHERMAN DR Suite: Lot 9 Location: APPLICANT CALCO WEST FINANCIAL INC. Owner: CRAFTSMAN CARLSBAD I L L C Remarks: Total Time: CD 14 Description Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 24 Rough/Topout 34 Rough Electric 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers Comments/Notices/Hold Associated PCRs/CVs lns11ection Histoi:y Date Description Act 11/29/2005 84 Rough Combo co 11/28/2005 84 Rough Combo CA 10/31/2005 13 Shear Panels/HD's AP 10/31/2005 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall WC 10/28/2005 1 B Exterior Lath/Drywall NS 08/26/2005 15 Roof/Reroof AP 06/17/2005 81 Underground Combo AP 05/24/2005 21 Underground/Under Floor AP 05/24/2005 22 Sewer/Water Service AP lnsp PS BN PS PS PS PY PS PS PS Comments Phone: 7606447665 Inspector: Requested By: GLEN Entered By: CHRISTINE RE-SCH FOR 11-29. ROLLED Tuesday, June 14, 2005 02:49 PM Terry Metzker 760-434-1458 June 14, 2005 Ron Prentice Horowitz Taylor Kushkaki Structural Engineers, Inc. 14288 Danielson Street Suite200 Poway, CA 92064 Re: Anchor Bolt Spacer for T J&.Shear Panels Dear Sir: Questions have arisen regarding the use of hairpins with anchor bolts used to attach T J®-Shear Panels to the foundation. This letter addresses those questions. Recent changes have been made to ICC Evaluation Service Report ESR-1281 issued April 1, 2004. There exist two dOcUments; one was revised June 1, 2004, the other was revised February, 2005. Figure 6 in both revisions shows a hairpin which is U$ed to resist breakout forces in the concrete. Figure 11 in the February, 2005, revision shows a new anchor bolt spacer. When used, the anchor bolt spacer remains in the foundation as reinforcement against the breakout foroes. Consequently, where the anchor bolt s,pacer is used the hairpins are not required: where the ha;rp;ns are used the anchor bolt spacer is not required. In the February, 2005, revision this is evident in the differences between Figure 4 and Figure 9. Similar differences exist between Figure 5 and Figure 10. Regardless of which assembly is used the bolt/reinforcement assembly may be attached to the formwork with and supported by either tile old template or the new bolt collar. These comments are provided to clarify the concrete anchorage details in ESR-1281. This engineer is nol giving Instruction contrary to either the engin-of record or the approved plans. This engineer is not acting as engineer of record, but rather assisting with the design of Trus Joist"' products. These comments apply only to Trus Joist"' products. T J®-Shear Panels are covered by ICC ES ESR-1281 and LA RR #25513. Please call if you have questions. Cordiall~i .t Terry K. Metzker, P.E. CA PE #C053457 Cc: Jay Love I Trus Joist File ca.... 5523 adoc Southwo.sl R911ion • 300 (orlsbmd Village Drive, #216 .& Corlsbod, (alifornio 92008 • Phone 760.434.3374 4 Fox 760.434.3371 Page 1 of 1 p.02 PREFERRED CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS, INC. 4888 RONSON COURT "G" SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 TELEPHONE (858) 576-9110 CERTIFIED INSPECTOR'S WEEKLY REPORT JOB NO. COVERING WORK PERFORMED WHICH REQUIRED APPROVAL. BY THE SPECIAL. INSPECTOR OF D REINFORCED CONCRETE D PAE-STRESSED CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY 80UACE a: MFOR. DESCRIBE MAT\. (MIX DESIGN, RE-BAR GRADE 6 MFOR .• WELO-ROO. ETC.) D STAUCT. STEEL ASSEM8l y D REINFORCED GYPSUM D DEEP FOUNDATION ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR D JPAAY-APPl,f:9FIREPA~!tf.l ~ OTHER r ~'E-7 t'_;f-0 PUN FILE NUMBER INSPEC· TION~ E LOCATIOH OF WORK INSPECTED. TEST SAMl'l£S TAKEN. WORK REJECTED, JOI PROBLEMS. PROGRESS. REMARKS. ETC. ~-TICNAIOVl'-IOIMATl~l'\M:IDOlll_l'I_D:..-.iEII.TYl'lllll!NT.NO'I.OITHTS-UITAKl!H;ITIIUCT. ,CNIICTICNI (Ml.DI MADI. H.T. ICUI TOIIIOUIDl "4lc:KID: ITC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plan~ specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin· ion or project control. PREFERRED CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS, INC • .(888 RONSON COURT "G" SI\N DIE(i.0, CA 92111 TELEPHONE (858) 576-9110 CERTIFIED INSPECTOR'S WEEKLY REPORT JOB NO. COVERING WORK PERFORMED WHICH REQUIRED APPROVAL BY THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF D REN'ORCEO CONCRETE D STRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBl y D SPRAY-APPLIED FIREPROOFING D PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE D REINFORCED GYPSUM D OTHER ---------0 REINFORCED MASONRY O DEEP FOUNDATION J08AOORESS r 1 .!i!£/!.J1?AAI JJJ!. PUN FILE NUMBER OWNER OR PROJE7 T NAME /" 'fl'" d.4 LA _J /Ii ARCHITECT CONSTR. MATt.. (TYPE. GRADE. ETC.) DESIGN STRENG™ SOURCE Of' MFOR. DESCRIBE MATi. (MIX DESIGN, RE·BAR GRADE & MFOR., WELO.ROO, ETC.) GENERAL CONTRACTOR LOCATION OF WORK INSPECTED. TEST SAMPLES TAKEN. WORK REJECTED, J08 PR08LEMS, PAOGRESS. REMARKS. ETC. INCWDII -T'ION MO\/T-10, MATIMll. l'lM:ID Ofl -Pe-eD: ---T'tl'f I lllfHT. NO'S. 0, TI!IT S~I TAKfH; ITIU:T. C-nc..(WILo.MAOl,H.T.ICll.ffTOIIOUIDICHICIIID;ITI:. 'trf2,' L 119 - NSPECTOA Cfllllft'OIIITWll, ____ ........,"""""CL.J"--'L..a:..~~~~-- SIQNATUAE_-::.,..._':""P"-::':7""'~r-'~.,..__.'-:----#::~...,.-t79'Fr,"--=-'f~ IMTE IIBNED..a I I NON:AU....,...'90M'l_,.. _..,_y CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plam specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin· ion or project control. 08/69/2005 03 54 PM PlANN1NG E:,,iG1NEERINC SURVEYING IRV1NE LOS Ar-.·GELES RIVERSIDE SAN DIEGO DAVE H1\MM,\R LEX \\/ILLIMAN ALISA VIALPAr,,,ioo DAN SMITH RAY MARTIN 10179 Huennt""ken\St. S.inD1c~o,CA 9:!121 l83S! 338-4)00 PH ,:as111 s.511.1,n4 F x www Huns,1k~rSD.com Hunsaker & Associates -San Diego, Inc. 858 558 1414 2/2 HUNSAKER &ASSOCIATES S A N D I ~ G 0, l N C. June 9, 2005 City of Carlsbad Engineering Department 16:95 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 Re: Building Form Setback Certification Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church of Carlsbad (La Suvera) Carlsbad Tract CDP 04-16 Drawing No. 427-2A Lots 5 through 10 Dear City Inspector: Please be advised the building foundation forms are in conformance with the precise grading plans as to horizontal and vertical location. The building setbacks were measured in relation to the property lines and were found to be in conformance with the approved precise grading plans for this property. Sincerely, Daniel P. Smith L.S. 6854 Hunsaker & Associates San Diego, Inc.